IBIS Users' Guide

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IBIS Users' Guide

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Page 3: IBIS Users' Guide - interactivebrokers.com › download › ibisNew.pdfoutstanding option contracts. Low Option Open Interest P/C Ratio Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest


Table of Contents Navigation Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Log In To IBIS ............................................................................................................................................ 1

The Classic Workspace ............................................................................................................................. 2

Add Windows ............................................................................................................................................. 4

Group Windows ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Drag and Snap Windows ........................................................................................................................... 6

Tools and Windows ....................................................................................................................................... 7

The Anchor Window .................................................................................................................................. 7

Calendars .................................................................................................................................................. 8

Fundamentals ............................................................................................................................................ 9

OptionTrader ........................................................................................................................................... 10

Market Data ................................................................................................................................................. 11

The Watchlist ........................................................................................................................................... 11

Time & Sales ........................................................................................................................................... 12

The Quote Details Window ...................................................................................................................... 13

News ........................................................................................................................................................... 15

Newswire - General News ....................................................................................................................... 15

Newswire - Single Company News ......................................................................................................... 16

Newswire - Multi Company News ............................................................................................................ 17

Market Scanners ......................................................................................................................................... 19

Create a Market Scanner ........................................................................................................................ 19

Market Scanner Types ............................................................................................................................ 21

Charts & Alerts ............................................................................................................................................ 27

Charts ...................................................................................................................................................... 27

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Thumbnail Charts .................................................................................................................................... 28

Alerts ........................................................................................................................................................ 30

Index ............................................................................................................................................................ 31

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Navigation Overview

Log In To IBIS

To log in to IBIS

1. From the Login menu on the IBIS website, select Launch IBIS.

2. Enter your username and password and click Login.

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IBIS Users' Guide


The Classic Workspace The Interactive Brokers Information System (IBIS) is a collection of data-driven windows arranged in a customizable workspace that you can design to meet your data objectives. The Classic Workspace, which includes news, charts and basic market data, provides the perfect starting point. The Classic workspace comprises:

· The Anchor window (1) · The Quote Details window (5)

· The Watchlist (2) · General News (6)

· Thumbnail Charts (3) · Company-Specific News (7)

· Charts (4)

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Navigation Overview


You can also add windows to your workspace using the New Window drop down list. Add:

· Fundamentals

· Time & Sales

· Alerts

· Calendars (available with subscription to Reuters StreetEvents Calendars)

· OptionTrader

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IBIS Users' Guide


Add Windows Add windows to the IBIS workspace using the New Window pick list, accessible from the button on the Anchor window..

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Navigation Overview


Group Windows

Assign windows to a "group" to link ticker actions. Add a window to a group by selecting a colored block from the group drop down list at the top of all eligible windows.

All windows with the same color are part of the same group. When you change the ticker on one of the group's "Source" windows, all destination windows in the group reflect the change.

Any window that can be part of a group will display the blocks. A window can be part of only one group at a time. When you log out of the Information System all groups are saved, but If you close a window, its group affiliation is erased.

Windows that allow grouping fall into one of three categories:

Source - this is a controlling window and can only SEND instructions.

Destination - this is a receiving window, and can only RECEIVE instructions from a window with Source privileges.

Source/Destination - this is a multi-tasking window which can both SEND instructions to and RECEIVE instructions from other windows in the group.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Drag and Snap Windows The IBIS workspace is designed with a drag and snap technology that allows you to easily move and align windows. Once your workspace is connected, grab the title bar of any window to move the entire workspace around your desktop. To drag a single window, hold down the Shift key while you drag.

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Tools and Windows

The Anchor Window The Anchor Window is the control center of the IBIS. Grab and drag the title bar to move the entire workspace. Use the buttons to add windows and tools, and use the menus to configure, exit and choose a new workspace.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Calendars Subscribe to Reuters Fundamentals to gain access to our suite of economic calendars.

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Tools and Windows


Fundamentals Company fundamentals shows relevant fundamental data per underlying. Add the subscription-based Wall Street Horizon data for added depth and detail.

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IBIS Users' Guide


OptionTrader All of the information you need for trading options on a single screen. Access the daily Options Brief from the Analytics menu.

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Market Data

The Watchlist The Watchlist window contains multiple columns to hold tickers. Each ticker shows the symbol, last price and change since the last trade. Colored tick dots indicate whether the value has increased (green) or decreased (red).

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IBIS Users' Guide


Time & Sales Time & Sales windows can be grouped or left on their own. To add a Time & Sales window, use the New Window drop down list.

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Market Data


The Quote Details Window The Quote Details window provides quick-glance data on a specific underlying.

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Newswire - General News View realtime streaming general news that you can filter by subject. The General News window cannot be part of a windows group.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Newswire - Single Company News Displays realtime streaming news for the selected underlying.

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Newswire - Multi Company News Displays streaming real time news for a group of companies that you specify.

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Market Scanners

Create a Market Scanner The Market Scanners provide a quick scan of relevant markets and return the top contracts based on the instrument, parameter and filtering criteria you define. In addition, you can transmit orders directly from a scanner page.

To create a Market Scanner page

· From the New Window dropdown select Market Scanner.

A new Market Scanner page is created.

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IBIS Users' Guide


To define scan criteria

1. Select an instrument type from the Instrument list. Note that the scan title changes with each selection to reflect the criterion you select.


2. Choose the location/exchange whose data will be included in the market scan. The valid locations change in response to the instrument you selected in Step 1.

Instruments are defined by region. “Global” scanners can scan an instrument across global markets.

3. Use the Filter fields to narrow the contracts that will be returned in your query by characteristic. For example, you may only want to see the Top% US Stock Gainers within a certain P/E range, or with a capitalization above 2,000,000. 4. Choose a Scanner parameter, such as Top% Gainers, Hot Contracts by Price or Top Option Implied Volatility in the Parameter field. 5. Click Search to return the top contracts that meet your search criteria. Data is updated every 60 seconds.

Note: Most scans return the top 50 contracts by default. You can specify the maximum number of returns using the Max results field.

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Market Scanners


Market Scanner Types Available market scans change based on the Instrument/Location criteria you select.

Realtime scan results depend on live market data received from your market data subscriptions. In cases where delayed data is available, the scan will use this data with a shaded background to indicate that the data is not live.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Market Scanner Parameters

Parameter Description

Top% Gainers Contracts whose last trade price shows the highest percent increase from the previous night's closing price.

Top% Losers Contracts whose last trade price shows the lowest percent increase from the previous night's closing price.

Most Active Contracts with the highest trading volume today, in terms of shares.

Not Open Contracts that have not traded today.

Most Active($) Contracts with the highest trading volume in terms of dollar amount.

Most Active (Avg$) Contracts with the highest average trading volume in terms of dollar amount. The volume is averaged over the past 90 days.

Halted Contracts for which trading has been halted.

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Market Scanners


Hot Contracts by Price Contracts where:

(lastTradePrice-prevClose)/avgDailyChange is highest in absolute value (positive or negative).

The avgDailyChange is defined as an exponential moving average of the contract's (dailyClose-dailyOpen)

Hot Contracts by Volume Contracts where:

today'sVolume/avgDailyVolume is highest.

avgDailyVolume is a 30-day exponential moving average of the contract's daily volume.

Top Trade Count The top trade count during the day.

High Dividend Yield Returns the top 750 US stocks with the highest dividend per share yield.

Top Trade Rate Contracts with the highest number of trades in the past 60 seconds (regardless of the sizes of those trades). Displays the trades/minute field.

Top Price Range The largest difference between today's high and low, or yesterday's close if outside of today's range.

Hot by Price Range The largest price range (from Top Price Range calculation) over the volatility.

Top Volume Rate The top volume rate per minute.

Top % Gainers Since Open Shows contracts with the highest percent price INCREASE between the last trade and opening prices.

Top % Losers Since Open Shows contracts with the highest percent price DECREASE between the last trade and opening prices.

Top Close-to-Open % Gainers

Shows contracts with the highest percent price INCREASE between the previous close and today's opening prices.

Top Close-to-Open % Losers

Shows contracts with the highest percent price DECREASE between the previous close and today's opening prices.

Highest Option Imp Vol* Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the highest vega-weighted implied volatility of near-the-money options with an expiration date in the next two months.

Lowest Option Imp Vol* Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the lowest vega-weighted implied volatility of near-the-money options with an expiration date in the next two months.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Top Option Imp Vol % Gainers*

Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the largest percent gain between current implied volatility and yesterday's closing value of the 15 minute average of implied volatility.

Top Option Imp Vol % Losers*

Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the largest percent loss between current implied volatility and yesterday's closing value of the 15 minute average of implied volatility.

High Option Imp Vol Over Historical*

Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the largest divergence between implied and historical volatilities.

Low Option Imp Vol Over Historical*

Shows the top underlying contracts (stocks or indices) with the smallest divergence between implied and historical volatilities.

Most Active by Opt Volume Displays the most active contracts sorted descending by options volume.

Most Active by Opt Open Interest

Returns the top 50 underlying contracts with the (highest number of outstanding call contracts) + (highest number of outstanding put contracts)

High Opt Volume P/C Ratio Put option volumes are divided by call option volumes and the top underlying symbols with the highest ratios are displayed.

Low Opt Volume P/C Ratio Put option volumes are divided by call option volumes and the top underlying symbols with the lowest ratios are displayed.

High Option Open Interest P/C Ratio

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest put/call ratio of outstanding option contracts.

Low Option Open Interest P/C Ratio

Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest put/call ratio of outstanding option contracts.

Hot by Option Volume Shows the top underlying contracts for highest options volume over a 10-day average.

13-Week High The highest price for the past 13 weeks.

13-Week Low The lowest price for the past 13 weeks.

26-Week High The highest price for the past 26 weeks.

26-Week Low The lowest price for the past 26 weeks.

52-Week High The highest price for the past 52 weeks.

52-Week Low The lowest price for the past 52 weeks.

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Market Scanners


High Growth Rate (Reuters) Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest Earnings Per Share growth rate. Note that a new field, Growth Rate, is inserted after the Description field to display the EPS per contract.

Low Growth Rate (Reuters) Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest Earnings Per Share growth rate. Note that a new field, Growth Rate, is inserted after the Description field to display the EPS per contract.

High P/E Ratio (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest Price to Earnings ratio. Note that a new field, P/E Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the P/E ratio per contract.

Low P/E Ratio (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest Price to Earnings ratio. Note that a new field, P/E Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the P/E ratio per contract.

High Quick Ratio (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest "Quick" ratio. Note that a new field, Quick Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the Quick Ratio per contract.

Low Quick Ratio (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest "Quick" ratio. Note that a new field, Quick Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the Quick Ratio per contract.

High Dividend Yield (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest dividend per share yield. Note that a new field, Div Per Share, is inserted after the Description field to display the per share dividend yield per contract.

Low Dividend Yield (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest dividend per share yield. Note that a new field, Div Per Share, is inserted after the Description field to display the per share dividend yield per contract.

High Return on Equity (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest return on equity. Note that a new field, Return on Equity, is inserted after the Description field to display the return on equity per contract.

Low Return on Equity (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest return on equity. Note that a new field, Return on Equity, is inserted after the Description field to display the return on equity per contract.

High Price/Book Ratio (Reuters)

Returns the top 50 contracts with the highest price to book value per share ratio. Note that a new field, Price/Book Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the return on equity per contract.

Low Price/Book Ratio


Returns the top 50 contracts with the lowest price to book value per share ratio. Note that a new field, Price/Book Ratio, is inserted after the Description field to display the return on equity per contract.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Market Statistics Let's you see exchange-specific statistics for:

• Advancing, declining and unchanged issues

• Up, down, unchanged and total volumes

• TRIN and TICK indicators

To use, select Market Statistics from the Instruments list, then select an exchange from the Location dropdown.

High Synth Bid Rev Yield Highlights the highest synthetic EFP interest rates available. These rates are computed by taking the price differential between the SSF and the underlying stock and netting dividends to calculate an annualized synthetic implied interest rate over the period of the SSF. The High rates may present an investment opportunity.

Low Synth Bid Rev Yield Highlights the lowest synthetic EFP interest rates available. These rates are computed by taking the price differential between the SSF and the underlying stock and netting dividends to calculate an annualized synthetic implied interest rate over the period of the SSF. The Low rates may present a borrowing opportunity.

Relevant EFPs This tool scans the US market and returns all Exchange for Physicals relevant to your portfolio, based on the stock and SSF positions you currently hold. For more information on using EFPs to reduce your trading cost, see the Relevant EFPs user guide topic.

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Charts & Alerts

Charts Our interactive charts are customizable and support studies and trendlines.

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IBIS Users' Guide


Thumbnail Charts Thumbnails are small floating charts that provide at-a-glance tracking. You can open multiple thumbnail charts for different underlyings, or to show different time periods and intervals.

To add a thumbnail chart

1. From the Watchlist or other window, select the underlying for which you want to open a thumbnail. 2. Use the right click menu and expand the selection using the Disabled Items arrow at the bottom of the menu. 3. Select Thumbnail Chart.

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Charts & Alerts


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Alerts Define a price alert with two clicks.

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Add windows ...................................................... 5

Alerts ................................................................ 36

Anchor window ................................................... 9


Calendar ........................................................... 10

Chart ........................................................... 33, 34

Commentary ..................................................... 14


Delayed data .................................................... 27

Drag and snap .................................................... 7


Grouping............................................................. 6


Log in .................................................................. 1


Market scanners ............................................... 25


News .................................................... 21, 22, 23


Options brief ..................................................... 14

OptionTrader .................................................... 14


Quote details .................................................... 19


Scan types ....................................................... 27


Thumbnail chart ............................................... 34

Time & Sales .................................................... 18


Watchlist .......................................................... 17

Workspace ......................................................... 2