:i i i N •C o ^erei .iiiii- % . ■ '■ .. - — ^ ocon Shot Fifed by flne o< Six Con- j;“ , vIoU' He Liberated In Break cw for FreedOhi Pits End fo the .,nr, f SWYeB SArS THAT HE .. e' k -MADE PLANS TO SHOOT m r-. - . ■•■■■■■. nl'M . Befid S lfohs / '' toTrace ^ Somoo ' of ^ . tu t Hade tte Jafi BTeak 8t« Poifltble ' . «bfc ‘'.om xnriB Boc^c A lt. 0Pi-^'Ctt» p«J /• aunilittr’f M r ma found tfttoy 'bypcii«wBirt!ofe*4'b«aJWPcl>.. ^ ^ . ______ , _ . ycJr " L in L H .ROOkf A»it^ (A^'^a Iniit rieatie o r Tom BlftUBlitflr, notorlodi bandil, with a reeord of awriy * fC'tn «« of htoAn /or. frMdom from .•oDtliWi't- “ "** en Md Irfl lo U* JtiVV In tlie &»Hm coontjr htlU #t tbe JianJi rf-hM of lhe cwvmU he Hbomteil, ««• f% ^ co'rdinix to the ntory on.whfrh BficrW I Crtwe's poMW^arly to^»y ! 'e w r eenrfh h r flJjiusJ'tor> U i . i^dr. .. The 'wcrp awnltlng ilfly%ht to ^ itort *n the tnUl from' tho point trhore R'nuehtpr aad hJ« fopinanlon*' donpd (hcfr bulljf-r/Wcn au^moh'/s ^ ^esterOay, and fled iBle tl'c Vowls. • ~ A .. . iBU&ii«<i~toSbwt. : ,;R e , J . 0. ITownrd. wlio nurreiiaeTcd wU\»'" ^ five dtlim '.of the sevcn'wHo nepcpti'd! » flinnp^iiw'i* ottti of fittdow, toW offl-1 «ials Iip nhot 8lnu('h.ter In' the liBcIc and I \ .tiiitl. 'ntefdrd to ihoot' hto from tfxr, • V Inmn'ctit' thp partjr. i ^ o Ihftlr Meapc., ( I* ■nw aoJo.JIowjuiJ « 7# bB Ipft W t ^ mor l^rlBon, boaring' tbc. u u e -itBtoment, (]>e 'ittatiUl not be- found early today, . , I'P^I ^ Beaido th«i tddy .of,;«*ngiitfr, ae-MiiH pordlna to-Howard’s.itDry, lajri* dyhK trei • neire. Manned sutborltiqrp^Jenlon^jrhp^wtw jal*h-[jorl . 'fot j“ “ ' ^ V K rto l'fi^ fc v •' ' I" . . \*il»6n wihorlUM .:i?aa/;wflro rn-'. i denvorlns to-trace'.the Kiiirrp of lho V^W , vrWeh ttavq SlouKhti-r tlio rhaiiec' ,Hc. to cfA'et hlf «i*«hour dsmJnaUon of gcri the nenlteotiaiy, ■dlrtrm gnirdi. lo«k ,vrr tlip warden and' hli family into t)in ,;ov denth'cell, aeeufre plvlllap. ftttlrc and «uc An nutomobilo for the ewapo ivna offe? tin •jvpednra fo'.ari eondcti who.wi*hcd to nnd . feo , / ,, . ------- - , „n BU.XiaBXBa’8 DBATE B£OA£LS . ’B L A .m a pr jBsas JAMSS BT. J08EPE, Mo^’yPHThi ehootin^ g of tho tandlj BlanghUr by.Howwd. th? f^j. avx to wfiom eiaoBhtor.lad, given a • chanca for liberty., paralloli aonowhftt tho dktb ot Jem Jmn, the aouth' - wcat'abelt known outlaw.' Jitmet; how- m OTer, wft4 ahot by s.rolfltWa and old III friendi T»hli# Hownrd,’U ia underatood, |U ' w«*. not a'formor aiMcbto of fllaugh-| ,, "ter. .'.■■• !• With thfl gradnal letttlcring of the , Jmt» b'ey»:t«a thtough rclcntlcM uo- tlritiei of piolloo and lUte nuthorltiea, Dl Jem James t«tlrod to hli home.ot St. - Joaeph, whari# for a tlmo ha'remnined ■'• undinturbpd-. i ' . Bob ilord,.cooaln ot Jem aed one o t the tand moat Intimate with tho feared . Jaador, wm porauaded by tho authori- ly- •tloa, It il laid, to ahoot down, tho baa-; tnt . , , ... .. ., ■ ----------------------- - i lie ' (CoaUauud on fage J ocr) , 'cd ‘M lifle ' i n in iT i; ____ U. ' ' fo ^ John OlATk, .B ri^ b •flobject, « ^ Grazed from front Sorvioe, pj ricked Up Korfe , fo " ‘ f b( John-Witjon Clatk. S8’'ir«m of Jii H native of Beotland, m u Ihla morning A taken l( Shit Lak? where arranFO* a went* will bo finally mail? for hi* de- at . portatloB. The prliooer is mentally uiij gi I balnnr-’J, wcording to foicral aathor : e« Itiei. . " M* Claf.V. who haa hct>n a m iarat -of Jl Twin f'niU county ninro last aotnmpr, e: haa bcpn staying with leljillve* In ILc «i Three Creek cnnntry. II.i waa a wl- t 'dler >n the Canadian orwy nnd gnve r long »orv/ce»in tho world war J«fo:c - » tvi* .wind gnvo .way under tbo strain. ,0 He wturarri to Cbnada following dii- charge from t Britlih hoipltal, ll then bolng a*nm ri th*t hi*-mentol-poUo j had been reatored. Latef ho 'TWKJa p hll W to OregoB -when it became n rv f ruarr to e«nnilt hbi to aa aiyluil). Ja . tone war Claik.cii»I>ed froa ths javR’ j tfll ho/ipital nnd aome time nfter ihow. ^ .. ed op at lhe.home of the Threa Crcfl-t ^ Sctftllvp*. For «m o time ho oppeared ■tatlapal and reJiablff, but a-offw r*- . latise come and the attontlon of nn- Wfl* «H ed to the condition, b f ,ionie tlmo federal ageaU traolstH Clark and Bn" «P •*>* QUfit with tho anahiptlcn thal the fugitive had pwv i edilflto Canadian territory.. HU prov ; enerio the Three Creek eouhtw-wM-l revealed to tho fe ^ e ^ people,throBBh the;T«t»st scatal-M l^. - D isji yWalfstreet Again )j .Will Give Bonmes I] Jlt Christmas Tmie r- Preparations ior EoUdajr.Bea' T 8on Indicate Beoover; from . L Deprewlon'. NEW ~ Wall Klreel ia gradually rccQve,rine from tlid gencn.l ocono.nlc di'preuioa pf thP' (uift tw«i ypara and ligiii polat to 'n liljcral dii«- «ni tributiixi of bonuioji sad ^ratuitipi ni ChrUtmau..' , ; DurltiK.thoi>OTm.])crlod ot the worldi car, holldiy gift* f ( tiDM; .ijTeXeWROrianiM ftW welinsKpa; . wrro fin n veiy geneivoa.ieale. The-«i>J I » ^ n ^ lu TOany. liitta-.froov £.*; to S3;' frfr'cent or ovca^more of jenrly sni-• In the year now ending mnny bnnbui j aliMHhocd .the dlrtr/butinn of (hiMi*/ boiujci,' evidently on the theory th a t'o ^ , J lv lrg cpadltJona to mnny ^MPntlaJfl) ®P* [itiad beconie leas o&rrout ’ i I Thb .'Offering* of! the New York ' ; 8 t« k w lianRc and almiUr ln»tUntlo.w^ f Ciko the form of Chrlitmaii boxes, tu which ■memlietf mal^o fixed coatrllii- ' tiona. Tl! nddition, 'there aie im- proraptu eelclinitJoni on Jhe’cxchttnRoe,' cjI when jH-rnonal (^Ifti are diataibute<l, f offii b.v n fjModo SaatA d io a . ' i fyft Tlie I'roilucc Exchange of repent; |,oui ypara lius held «)obratloni of thia aort 1 mainly for tho rWldTcn of Hio'^njr. ;^i,ll ,• In the aggreijilo, Wnll ^treet'a bppc-''uiev , factlont, even, ,k theae. trftnalto*y mal . times, arc likely to run iato hundredi orin of Ihoufandi of dollan. li^jj iM iiIirii 1! y c c m i ■[Reports Say De S/alera Will B e 'J , J Succeeded by Griffith Upon ff" i ' Ratification , ( LONDOiV, <ff>~DJ*r“teboa to the | « morning newspapera,generally confiim 3^®*' [, H-e v1.‘w p rn ^u ily pulillil.ed thnt t'jo , jinlit la the Dail Eireann cablnot is not j.'ilkely t(. prevent nBMBBO of tbe peaeo g treaty bj the soutfirrn Irish rarllamout n[ ,jr;«ltlwogh -rlewS •differ. «lii!thw <h6 nja' rf i.[jorItv' m its favor will be lnrgo nr I'jBmalt'.’ • |-' . D*'Valor» May Eeilgn.- If the Dim fiireftnn rnUfit» ths 0 ,atrccmcrrt, Bampn de Vnlrra. “ tho aew J q * iHe-iinr.t" OR one Qolfnut newspaper do- If acrilHM him, will., arfording-to sonic ' k 'vrrsloiu,' resign ni hrnd of thp Dnll ' governmpnt, and .Arthur OrfffiUr will d nucpced him. Should tlii^ ormr, Au»' ' ‘y » tin Stflck, mMnlee ot ho/ric n!la]ri, fa, 0 and'. Churlcs Durgcn, iiiluistiT -lor ftfnse, will, ll l»- llinHjfV follow bl* . ^cxniapic,, ns they hnvi' stiiijiortni Mi n„, ngninst the treaty. “® . - Craig la Londoj,.' alii '? BIt, Jtuflen Ciaig, lUslM'junnlM, roH- tin '9 fcrred with Prime Mini.tcr Llovd ,bu Oeorgo ycaterday, and'tlicU eouvctsa- 1 « tlon wai to bf rraumed today. Jov - ... ' '{i„ slilllftraoillK s J; •a, Dfamond Hardware Employes Si' Bttspocts are Men who I Eobbod. Storo Hero “f cd I’icturcK of Iwo men, nrrenlcd recent- ri- ly. In Sail liBko oa inspecla In lhe Din- jj a. I mond Hardware company burgln^-, aont to -ilie w by Utnh tiuthotlUM, have remit- ,cd itl the deflaile idenlificniion of the th , wen na part of a quarUst which aponl . J tomo tlrao in fhe /ocal a{orc the oven- m 1lag bcforo the robbery. Idrntificntion u, .. ‘ba* boea potiUvely by W; H. Stanley ' ij'n n d William Ulllor, elerlca in the atoro, « III nnd partlnlly by 9, K. Hunt, manager. ^ Mr. Hunt, wlll leavo tomorrow evening for Salt U ke. to complete hla Ideatlfi- it. t TUp non. U .U aald, nppwred in, the " niftmond Ifardwiire- aWro inhorlly bo- fotc C o’eloek-on the eve of the to1>- lory. Oao of (hom preaeated s floeh- K,- light for tho replacing of lhb bnttocr. Ilg A survey of thia initrtuaeat developed ^0- a i o f e e t l n i t a n c c h a a U m f t a d U r . H o a t le. attempted to repair it. Having an on- " llif gagement at G o’clock Mr. Hunt turn- or : ed tbo job over to tho clcrka who fia- {(ihed lho work. Tbe clerka ipcat aomo ?’ •of time in convenallon with,tha men, and cr, tip re a ednfldcDcc that'tbo pfcturoa *" IU Mat tore nre thoae ot thtit imlanuira. „ wl- Tho pletore* wen sent to Sheriff Sher- t ‘ve Rum. - . ° lln. 'gables lim O U N ^m T OP " lil- OAmiBZBB'S BNQAOBKENT i»«n NEW yoaK , t^ ro rm e r Governor , Prancla Dnrtoa P riao n of tho Philip. * '“ ’d plaea; who ia now la Spain, cabled / frienda here today announcing the on* _ •*® gagemeat of hla daogbter, Vlrglala t Bandolph HarrSioa, to Chriatian Oroij, .„ et Chicago. Tbe/ will be ajarrled nl irfd Wge^lm, %«dn, next-yw . ^ SOAKOmAVIAOT A.'WABDBD . NOBEL PBAOB PIOZB or 1921 , 0HB18TIANIA, Norway, y P ) - T h 6 *] tjio Nobel pcaee prlrt for IM l; It w u of- t fUially anhoanceii today, h u betn dl* f iroi- vldcd cMally between. Ejalaar 1 'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh Luge; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I {{n(er-parllan«aury aolea. OCIATBD P m S S NEWi iB Z . ,-VTO T ^. BKT places A IliltIH m m m m mEiiiKE Appeal for Sym^tlietid Walk- p outs Antonti Other Employes of Racking Housk while Of; ficlatej W ork for S eltieilient HUNDREDS O FN #M EN ARE QIVE^MPLOYMENT Spokeamen for "Siriert a poses Bnbmlssioti of SUfer- eucea to "Any Pair Fom of J' Arbitration." '' CHICAGO, </P) — Ppderal nnd atalo officittU vrero working today in j»n of- fort to aottle the strike of packing house workers,. which hni' eauiod J wppk of disorder in livestock ccatm , whllo Chlcngo pa<‘kers announced ^that j Uiey were opomtlnR nt "nearly nor. turI" ot4 nnion icadw wero cndtnv- oring to extend Ihe strike by nppccl- ing for a. ayrapWhctk wnlkoul by othijr t, trndea ia the alock>wds. Jteporta that ,| SOOO Imported workers had boon liroug.it into thp ‘Chicago yards were ,j ilcnied by llu- "hig five” packera. . Take Stand Agalnat Dlaordar., i, Btrl!«o IpncliTs here aro uring utmoat (, effor‘ji in prevent further dlsordcre. Au a, I appeal for a sympathetle strike of dth- ler wnljn mpn Tflllvin'the planta wrn* »• „ sued ty union leaders of tho local -im- n ipn of the striking meat cutteta. • • j, I . Corneliua J. Hayes, prtaldont of tho ^ union, pruiMd'd suhmlaalop of the dlf- i, fentnei-/« “ to nny fair foVin of nrlillrn- f, tion." ^ w N nr Zien rind'W oik. Hun-lrcds of new empl^rca wero aall io bavo been lilred by.-tbe saekcra hero yeiterday, aad plant officials dcclartd oMttttlor.fc were on a “ pearly normni V basil. IWlttSMEll-- ■HBpEM Joseph Florry Oomes-Up with Jar of Fmit when Ordered by Officers When Joseph Worry emerged from a - form houic collar ncar^ tho augnr fac- 'lury. iin ordera of depuUea from tho Bhcrlff’«%fflce, ho boro with him a quiirt cnn of frulL Florry aald ho waa hungry ond nooded the eoraeatiblca to allay tho gnawing panga. Ho ia held in the county jall to asaner cbargo of .burglary. Florry wna w oitod lul.B lgl\t fol- I lowlag an urgoat requcit for help fron^ , 'Ihc head of the farm hnuaohbld. Tho latter advised Bherlff..:8hnrmAa that a prowler hnd oblained aecosl to hia col- lar nad woa’being held prlaoser under ' tho atoop door. There waa prompt apooio to tbc eoll. i ' Later the nuno farmer notified llii-l ahcJlff thnl a man lmd »)ccn aeon ly- I ing In lho graw at tho aide of lho road, evidently beat upon UlgUwny ToUbcry,) ur the looting of n’houso nftor IlghlKi' wure out fur tho nighu Tho fonntir hailed tbo follow, wbo anjio nnd atari- • od to run. A gunahot.in tbo geoeral I ' diroction of lho fleeing fugitivo ii aald 1 to hnvp made him fico atill faater.'' TIio maa held under arreat oxplainn ’ tlmt he, with aevon otheraj ntrlved-frtjm t u fnr easlom atnto yeateKiay, aad had * been without food for a period mueh ' .lunger than aature pcnnita. - CHARSES^TfEMPTS AT i j BRIB^ERY TO STILLMAN; . Defense OonsBel la Katettont'Dlvotco, Agmlnaf '■ pouoiikeep ^ i S ' n . y „ , W5 - ^ Charges that agcnta for-Jamca'A. Bt’ll- . man. Now York baakor, httempli-d to corrupt and bribe ' proipoctlvo wlti ncascs in tho Inal of Ms divorep^<ill *■ ngftlMt Ura. Anne. U. Btlllmaa, wetn “■ made iiv defense counaol in a hearing bcforo Pujrcme . Court J w t U o M'iV-' arHdiwei, ®. Tho chargea m ro made by John F. *• L’roniian of Yoakora, |r.blof of Mrs. f Btillmiin’B eounacl, in Applying fnr a commlaslon to tako'teatunony at >lon- trpftl, where he,aald, the allcRntioni pp would be aupported by 35 witncaso-i. , Arkcd b> Outcrbridga Hor»ey of cour. tcl fot Ur. etlllaia, to namo tho agenln P' chirgttl with, -atteapllng to suhotn » Catyidlns, Mr. Brenaas aald- he could “• reentioa but two «l tbla timo, Francis l<* Ujolo and J. Albert LaTgrtainb, bolh w> of tbe province of Qucliec at - WAU j 8TBEBT BZPZiOSION SOSPSOT IB BCLBA8BD OMAILA, Neb.,' Up)—Miko Btlno, ai wr«t!cr andfl^tol elerk, nrreatod on he Thuraday nt((lit u & auapect in tonn«>- )f- lion with tbo Wall atreet exploalon, il. Bcptomber Jdj 1020, « u teleftted ftam al- the eity J»U todiy-.oa hla own recog as nicaneo t^ter the department of jua Jie tice notified the police that ho wns nol wanted by federal, authorities. . ySPApm W.TWIN PA M ffi iT U ^A Y , DEOBMBBB JOi-iOsi.’ '"- ' L0W6IVES FOllRPOWERy ON PMFK Proposed Treaty Between United f and Japan Supplants Anplo-Japa for Acceptance of American .Pn Provides for Joint Conference ii W.\HI[lXGTOi\. D. C.,'yp). — 111,.. l’™|'o»od ircrit)- bctwi-cn 1 tlip l-aitcil Hlatcay Great Itritnln.'Jii/mu' «nd ;*tanef; whlrh W to-snpplani th(.i \ Afii,'o.lapnnpsc nlllanpo anil tiavc tfici » way for tho oecqitanco of thc'Awyrl- ' I fnn jirojHiiMjj, for naval’rrdui-tioo wa», foniMllv Inll) bpforp the nrms'ponfiT- ‘•iii-i' tnilny by Bauator Lod(;t‘. i j it IS h len.ycar agrcompiit in wMrh' i four 'intlnns bind thomselvpii to rcipiTtl I Ihi-ir i-xisdtijf righta lu liiKufar p o im -' h ri*n» nnd dtimlnlons in the l*ncifle a'’-! | t in Uio ra»i' ot dlspiitei whieh eaanut' iH? by dlpWmney' ajjri-ed lo ai \ Joint ccnferenco among thpinsclves. '■ i All,- ono of the pnrtles may will..' t draw ou J2 monlbi notlre nftcr th,> rx- ( prratiiKi i,{ tbe ton yeara. 1 Teraia Agreed Upon. I Bi-Jinliir J»dgp prrwoted lhe trenty r , to lhi- rnnfprcnce- In ' tb j followinc . t stnlcmoiit: • ^ ; “I bp Inscnalble, Indi'pd, » j , did not fn'I drfjily gratified by tbc op- j portunity wlilciv-fca* come to n« lo tiy t befftTf tl,n rotiference n draft of a tripty Jhe of vMeh bavo lia'h agrt-cd ii]K»n by four of tho great jKtu'- i era of thi« cartli iii-ujgard to tbi' M- i • nniW 0/ the I’odfic wlileh lliev eou-! - j trol, eitbi'r ns poaseaslons or doiniii.j ( Iona.. I will begin by reading to ll.pj , roDfcrcupc the treaty.- which is both! 1 brief and aiinpJs nnd which I am aoro » i • full of meanintf and importanc*- to th.> i world’a jicve. • • -i. i , , Text of T m ty. 'The United Blatea. of Amcr- ! f len, the Brielnb empire, Franee nnJ [ J a p a .1. 'W ith a vleir Jp the preserva- tion o fth o general peaeo and tho Inaintennnro of IhbSr rigbte in re- 1 lation to tholr inaular poateation* -K«d--lmla*-*>wlaJ<aa;-U-«»-t»<-..lr- ( , gimis of. tfic Pacific-'ocean,- " - 'Have determined to conclude ; n trMty to Ifii* Btfeet w d bare an- .. iwtntcd ns their plenlpoteatlanri; “ 'Tbc president of tbo Uftltcd 1 Btati's of Aniericn; : “ ‘Hla Majeily, the king of the f’nited f<lngJom of Great Britain • ttftil Ireland of the Britlali domyj- '• io«i I'o/ond thr aear, 'wnrwfor ot • " India. An] -for lho dominion of Can- 0 ad'a— ^ For the rommonwpttllh of Ana a' (ralln— 0 For the dominion of New Zen- a a Jnnd- t Tor Indla-w. L ‘•The presidoot of the I’renph L ' ropublic. ' >> *===BSS===a=sr==s=a==*a===^==; ‘POWERS VDIC : OF FAITH \ J.{ Plenary Session of Arms Conferei li' to Rodtflesolutloh Giraranteeir 1! lie as First Order'of Business al --------- . ‘■I, WABHINGTON-, D. C., M>) - Tho i fourth, plenary actslon of the arms “" confprfnce-opened promptly at clevpn I ni,o’cloek with a statcmoat-byBocrelnrv »« IfughM that '‘liiofC aatlafactoty prog- :h reus Iw been made by tho committi'-i of the .whole on tho Far Eaatern ques- tions." 4 } Al 1:10 tho conference adJournM N ; uitliout having given attention lo lhi- 'ijnr»tlon of naval ratio. . I . Ohlna Oonsidered rirft. ; ‘'Tlie -Ilrst .lubject conaiaertd'Tiraa China," aold Bocretary Hughes.. <‘ In . tbe ;oar«e ol the general RioAt importnnt deetarntlons were mnd" , cn belwlf of Uie powcra rcptcsenltfd, Mprfwlnc. tbfjr iolentjona wJlb;n.. apict to. the sovereignly, indenenijnneit and admioUtratlvc lategrity of China- nnd also to obser%-6 as among them, selves, the'principles of fair nnd enuni opporiunHy." , Bocretary HuRhei added lhat the' y “ Koot four point*’’ »-onstl(afBif in truth, a fhartcr enntalnlng an Insur- jwpp to China from acl* in derogation of her T^ghta'to Inlrgrity, nnd aUo ft lilntllng agreement fop.future guldnnce of the puwete." ■ ,ir! m nte* OhIaaV AiMiit, nU Mr. llMRhPi aald nlao tbe.Bool « « • jrn Uitlon waa an inaurance that aa bit- uUl twccn potfeta, tfiere jwould be cireful icis obiemnce of the prfinlplo of free and »lh cpporloaltv aed ttat nou« wonld sccnrc special advaatagea or privilege* al tho eipcnae of the rlghU of other*. All tbat waa nccesaary, he nddod, wns ED to hava the formal aaseat of the cun. ino, frnnce and he'Invited Chlna’a aaienl. ^ Tbo Chinese aeeepted'the Invitation and the reiolution waa approved nawi. ion, Boualy. - . . , - ; s ■am . Tbo cf>r>aJllee rajoluUon'ef Novem* ■OK- ber K», declaring in principle for abo- not ^ tertitotl^'righti In ' ~^(6olK d'«^PairH ^ALlS-f^mTt, NE paneseA S TEXT W 's f iAGREEiMENT P ; jt O ation || Id States, Great Britain, France Api apajiese Alliance and Paves Way t •Proposals on Naval Reduction; t e in Case of Disputes. I i Jnpan* emperor of L£| “ 'IVAw hgyhf,' eommnkRted I thoir full powrra, found 1n'Roori I and duo form, have 'njircod as fol- I Iwa*. ' . . I P l ^ a Bapert of BigBU -• e , ' "ho high contractmg piiriie* I agree na between thouiselvea to rc 1 . spei't tbelr rIghU in n-latldn to 1 tticir iiisulftr,...:IHrtscKsiimi and in- * I su'nr dnuiinlons in the V'egloits of f Die Paclfle on'an. . " 'If there should dwelop be- . Ang 1 twe-;n any cf the high pontraetlng with ; liartfrs a fontrovorsy arising out of poop any I'atlfW «ucatlon and InvoWinn . apOk I Ihelr Mid riffJiJ* w iW i/• nof MtJj, ^fjai ( facliirily settled by diplomacy and a n( la likely to ftffect the liarmonioua rer\- nccuM now happily subilsting bp.’ whie twccu them they Minli Invite the btfea high fontraellng jwrtJci to u }oiot Tl eonferenpe lo wbieh the whole sub- tal^s ject wlll bn referred for runsldcra - eept lion lind nulmtmeiit. . reau " 'ABTlCLE 2: , Jarg “ ‘If tho aald rights arc threat- uto : eaed l<y the aggrMaive action of tion: Any tlhcr powet, tho high eontr«t- i j - lng. parties aliall commuaifhte with , B< I ono anotbor Xolly and frankly in Uelo, order to arrivtf n t an Lndffnlaad- ’had I lng as to tlio moat efficient meas- land I ures to bo taken, jointly and len-' pt** j nratoiy, to moot tho exlgenelEs of 'toae ' tho puUeaSat altuatlnn. ! OoBtijit]^ Tta Ytm . . lab 1 " 'AETICliE 3. nwj '' 'Tbla agreeniont ahall remain in reU forco ftr ton years from the time «tl it ahall uko offoet and after the .IJap osplration'of aald period it ahall- hna continue,to bo In force aubjeet to ‘Ui I Jh o right of any of the. bleb ron- Sla •^■''traeting •'77ettles” tir'lw m hW --lr^-T — upon J8 wontha'notico. , . , J . “ 'ABTICLB4. ~ngr - “ ‘ThU agi'eomofll-ahall be rail- Pri fled as soon as poatlbl& in accord* , 8 anco wfth tho eoaatltutionnl moth- lao ..oda of tho high eOBtmctlng parlle<i- tioi aud abalj take offeet on tip de P0» poiit, ,(rf. ratlfleollona'which shnll > tako plaeo at Wasliington, and ’ "g thoroupon tbe agrcejneat between the Qreat Btltaln nad-Jai^a'n wblcb was the eoDfluded a t VoaHen na July 1.1, 1011, shall tormlnate.*' : ' If Bubjoct to Tap Agre«i£tot, "Tfio signing of thla treaty," srld^ "* Senator Lodgo continuing, “ is on the' '. part of the LToited Stntea aubjeet lol tho making of a convention with Japau| <0(m(inu(!d on P a ^ fbS?) ^jge [CE PLEDGE WITH CHINAS _ i fui '.sni jrence Gives Unanimous Approval ;eing Inteprity of Orjental Hepub^ ™ SS ffiiriiiF i BUSiSSiNDDIfl^^ S Oharlea M: EiQ Snconmbs to jJ Pnonmonia in Dotrolt After V niOMs of 10 Day« ' Tclegtttms received by Twin -IWU „ . relatives tell of tho deatii yeiterday la ® Detroit of Chnrlea H. Hill, formerly a 1 ^ business maa of this city. - Ho U aur* vlved by fiia wifo and four ehildren, ^ ; ond a brother. Wilbur 0. Hill of Twin r i'nllj. Burial will beln Detroit. Death il, ^:reaulte»l from pneononla aflor an lll*li noaa of 10 daya. . ^ Charlea^l. Hilt waa one of tho plo- « . ncer aettlera in Twin Palis coming hero ... In 1W4. With Stuart E. Taylor he cs* i “ tablUhcd ono of tho firat realty aad laaurance firm* In'tya'cU y, that eon* cern being known »a Hill ft TaylPr. » ^ He remained connected with tbla |}ua* ^ " loeu a littlo woro thaa eight' vcrtP. | moving from here tfl Bolie where he r remained aboot two yeatf. Another j - year'was apeat In Twin Falla beforo ^ ■Mr. Hill moved his family to Detroit a bl!* little ffloro than foOr years alneo.' 1 inil rOBMBB m E S T BBNTSKOBD "Jd ' rOB ATTACK tIPOK QirJ[, c Ke» LBMAR8,. Ia., - Jlev., Falh« , >nr. w « 4 o , former pricat at Akron, i ifns fonvieted of aaaaultlng 15-ycar-old j «n . Ethel Cray, with inteat to commit rape ] snt. wAa todaj:.aenicneod to an nndetcrmia- lon term in tbo f^irt Madlton priai-n. wl. Mellon-for a now trial wa*'denied. s Comiael for IVther Wreeo will appeal cm* to the ■I^wa «upr«no conrt,' ) ! in IDAao WBA.trak. ' .1 ^ JViaight Mi fifladiy rain riortb:' ' ■ -I fair MinUi portloti.., ■ I # •J 'j'.-.'; • , iPiipi: iim iiT Ipproval of fhe Proposed Quadmple Understandinl) . Is Expressed by Leaders of All, Deleoatlons... .EAOSJB-&CCEPTANCE ' OF HHV^UT SCHEME •aves Wiay Toward Settlement ot- Ohlaeae Qaestions and ^ Harks Signal Achievement '■ of Oonference ^ WABBINOTON,~D. C.. C/P).rT.-Tl»-'-: agW apanw e alliaacf. I,mg PBg>ir,|«l • rlth. apprebcnalon by the American eople, ]*aaaed into hlstorj- today when pokcamen of both TintSona . .a t: the rma conference aerep^d la Ita ateai now four powCT-agj«m«t far nrr . •r\-atlon of peiwe In th i Pacific. to •hleh ^ho United-Sfatea tod F/sai-e (jeamo i*rtiea. TbU action,J with fulfillment of -do- il^a to follow, pavc^HHo way to ap,. BPtance of tbo Ameriran propoaala tot gduciloti of naval annoraonU, ond in . irgo meaaure Is oxp«t»il to contrib. . to-io KlUenest. of ib s ChSseao <)ve«: iona. I .. Pl*d*M rwftclv AidherBioe. ^ n o . Vivianl. head df-lho French elegatloa,. declared (he confererce ad ’‘tuliy and ontiroly aucceeded" ! nd that IVancc'adhered to the pact' , meaied-.l/ Spoator-lodgi without' . oaerrotlon. . M ltur VI, Bulfour, ehlef ,ol the 'Brit- lh .dnlegatea, ; -naaisrted tho now. a r . w gw enl would benefit InltetnatioRal flta^IoniWpa;-He rcftrretf te.-tii* ahrtr/ »tion b y tho new .treaty of tlio Anrio- lapanoao alUsneo and M ld;ther» BPv<rr. iad _i«ou anr intent that It ahould Intercrt* of.„ th f U8itn.t, Japttn 'a gratification. over ,tAo aew m c e w u t w as, vnUod, •la ; •. ^uhl |>y t*rinco,Tokugawa., , Senator Bcbanaer, hoad of;,tba 1^1- ' loo. dolemtlon, beapoko the latlafAc- iion of Wa gevemrocnt over-tho foor- l*ower Bgm uionl..' ;. • , M la.atcr Szo ot' Vblaa eznfw«*d ‘great a«tUfactlon’4 at Oto -work-t'ft the.eoaferenee and.gratification ovor' the now tjcaty. ' nEEiiriiQiiii nnjriiK Senate Com m ittee' ApiffOTiBS ' Bill to Provide for Hator- • «yin. 10,47.. ^ ;• jWABHIKOTON. D. C., (/PKAgrw- aenl was, reached lodny by- the aeniw flMWi. Mmmlllfcr on'rt<' bill tor the funding of Um foreign.ilpbl inlo.u’ill- gnlloflu vililf^v would inMiire' Jiu'jjklci than Juno lc, lW,.nn<j tbo intereat un . which would b'« al tlio'rale .of « per, Pent |k‘r, nnnum, to lio- paid' acmi- nnnunlly. ' ; ' , .Till li/moiittvo agreedthe bowa ' provision for a cdmmifiloh of five to eooouet tho funding hegotlatloin'>ith Jho.accrotflry of the .trcaaury as chair- iinftn, but Inaerted a prevision that tho (otlloi four membora would-bo mbf«ft to cottflrmatlon by lUo aenMe. the a«Db«» wwld ho appointei by the Vrealdwt; /Die houao bill--prorfldeil; th*tall ahoold bo cablnot offkory. • WITHDRAWS AS C O U N si MRS. OBENCHAIN ' (tolcago A ttm ey Axbmew Swmiiie* ef 0oaaKtloa -wftb Le> jlanlM Unidar Om . . . : CHTCAOO; VPJ - CharW Etbaleln* Chicago attorney, today'announced hn had wttfadrswn, from the defenae ol Mra.* Madalynne Obenehain, under In-' diclmeut at Loa Angalei io connection ' with Ihc murder of J. Bolton Keanedy; - KXCASAaVAK fOLtCSUSK . I gfliLED 07 STBBBT IlOHTINa MANAG17A, N iearagu,,^,— Pear' • paliccnca Vere .Hflod and one wonndM • while fcrcaWng ijp"a,;atreet'fight;hire . • • laat night between seVeral AnerleiB » marine* and a party of elrtUana. Two . , r marinea were wonnded. TheAmerican* » were off doty at the time; ., , , io Wa woman Aootrrnnn)' •DP UDBSBUITO BDSKL-^d- WE8T, UNION, la., .«V-A .wrtht' :» cf B6VBul^ly^mnt^^h^^*V ^.W■ <t}a• ' r aftemona byl-Wie tfUiy/.U th* 1^ ' or , Mr^^Effie A*hb.u^-chatge4%rith'^: d aiofdv .of fiec'‘kitiliaB<r, at.'Maysari.'.*' I. .woiwi SHU) na.ionD m 7 ^ , W as& V ^r a uiyea-wfild ‘ . iw iw i, >«% fowd ,t64M 'B « ‘ ^ufe'ioip^

iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

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Page 1: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

:i i i N• C o ^ e r e i

. i i i i i -

% . ■'■ .. - — ^ ocon

S h o t F i f e d b y f l n e o< S i x C o n - j ; “

, v I o U ' H e L i b e r a t e d I n B r e a k c w

for F r e e d O h i P i t s E n d fo t h e .,nr,

f SW Y eB S A rS THAT HE . . e ' k -MADE PLANS TO SHOOT mr - . - . ■•■■■■■. nl'M

. B e f id S l f o h s

/ ' ' to T ra c e Somoo ' of ^. t u t Hade t t e J a f i B T e a k 8 t «

Poifltble ' . ’ «bfc‘'.omx n r i B B o c ^ c A l t . 0Pi-^ 'C tt» p « J

/• a u n i l i t t r ’f M r m a found tf ttoy'b y p c ii« w B ir t !o fe * 4 'b « a J W P c l> ..

^ ^ . ______ , _ . ■ ycJr

" L i n L H .R O O kf A»it^ (A ^'^a Iniit r ieatie o r Tom BlftUBlitflr, notorlodi “ bandil, w ith a reeord o f a w r iy * fC'tn « « of htoAn /or. frM dom from .•oDtliWi't- “ "** en M d Irfl lo U* JtiVVIn tlie &»Hm coontjr htlU # t tbe JianJi r f-h M of lh e cw vm U he Hbomteil, ««• f%

^ co'rdinix to the ntory on.w hfrh BficrW I C r tw e 's poM W ^arly to^»y !

'e w r eenrfh hr flJjiusJ'tor> U i. i^ d r . . .

T h e 'wcrp awnltlng ilfly% ht to i to r t *n th e tnU l from' tho point trhore R 'nuehtpr aad hJ« fopinanlon*' donpd (hcfr bulljf-r/W cn a u ^m o h '/s ^^esterOay, and fled iBle tl 'c Vowls. • ~

A . . . iB U & ii«<i~ toSbw t. : , ; R e” , J . 0 . ITownrd. wlio nurreiiaeTcd w U\»'"

f ive d t l im '.o f th e sevcn'wHo nepcpti'd! » flinnp^iiw'i* ottti of f ittd o w , toW o ffl-1

■ «ials Iip nhot 8lnu('h.ter In' the liBcIc and I \ .tiiitl. 'n te fd rd to ih o o t ' h to from tfx r,• V Inmn'ctit' thp partjr. i ^ o Ihftlr Meapc. , ( I*

■nw aoJo.JIow juiJ « 7# bB Ipft W t ^ mor l^ r lB o n , boaring' tbc . u u e -itBtoment, (]>e 'i t ta tiU l no t be- found early today, . , I'P^I ^ Beaido th«i td d y .o f,;«*ng iitfr , ae-MiiH

pordlna to -H ow ard ’s.itDry, lajri* dyhK trei • n e ire . M an n ed su tb o r ltiq rp ^ Je n lo n ^ jrh p ^ w tw ja l* h -[jo r l . 'f o t ‘ j “ “

' ^ V K r t o l ' f i ^ f c v •' ' I". . \*il»6n w ih o r lU M .:i? a a /;w f lro rn - '. i

• denvorlns to - tr a c e '. th e Kiiirrp o f lho V ^W , vrWeh ttavq SlouKhti-r tlio rhaiiec ' ,Hc. to cfA 'et h lf «i*«hour dsmJnaUon o f gcri the nen lteo tiaiy , ■dlrtrm g n ird i. lo«k ,v rr tlip warden and ' h li fam ily into t)in ,;ov d e n th 'c e ll , aeeufre plvlllap. ftttlrc and «uc An nutomobilo fo r the ewapo ivna offe? tin

•jvpednra fo '.a ri e o n d c ti who.wi*hcd to nnd . feo

, / ,, . -------- , „ nB U .X iaB X B a’8 D B A T E B£OA£LS

. ’B L A .m a p r j B s a s JA M SS BT. J 0 8 E P E , M o^’y P H T h i ehootin^ g

o f tho ta n d l j BlanghUr by.H ow wd. th ? f j. avx to wfiom e iao B h to r.lad , given a

• chanca f o r liberty., paralloli aonowhftt tho dktb ot Jem Jm n, the aouth ' -

• w cat'a b e l t known outlaw.' Jitmet; how- m OTer, wft4 ahot b y s.rolfltW a and old III friendi T»hli# H ownrd,’ U ia underatood, | U ' w«*. not a 'fo rm o r a iM cb to of fllaugh-| , ,

" t e r . .'.■ ■• ■ !•W ith thfl g radnal letttlcring of the ,

J m t » b 'e y » : t« a thtough rclcntlcM uo- t l r i t ie i o f piolloo and lU te nuthorltiea, D l J e m Jam es t« tlrod to h li home.ot S t. -

• Joaeph, whari# fo r a tlmo ha 'rem nined ■ '•undinturbpd-. i '. Bob ilord,.cooaln ot Jem aed one o t the ta n d moat In tim ate with tho feared

. Jaador, w m porauaded b y tho authori- ly- •tloa, I t i l la id , to ahoot down, tho baa-; tnt. , , . . . . . ., ■ --------------- -------- - i lie

' (CoaUauud on f a g e J ocr) , 'c d

‘M l i f l e ' i n i n i T i ;

• ____ U. ' ' fo

^ J o h n O lA T k, . B r i ^ b • f lo b je c t , « ^ G r a z e d f r o m f r o n t S o r v io e , pj

r i c k e d U p K orfe , fo■ • " ‘ • f b(

John-W itjon C la tk . S8’'ir«m o f Jii H native of Beotland, m u Ihla morning A taken l( S h it L ak? where arranFO* a went* w ill bo finally mail? fo r hi* de- at

. portatloB. The p rliooe r is mentally u iij gi I balnnr-’J, w co rd ing to fo icra l aa tho r : e«

Itiei. . " M*Claf.V. who haa hct>n a m i a r a t -of Jl

Tw in f'niU county ninro last aotnmpr, e: haa bcpn s tay ing w ith leljillve* In ILc «i Three Creek cnnntry. II.i waa a wl- t 'dler >n the Canadian orwy nnd gnve r long »orv/ce»in th o world w ar J« fo :c -

» tvi* .wind gnvo .w ay under tbo stra in . ,0 H e w tu ra rri to Cbnada following dii- charge from t B ritlih hoipltal, l l then bolng a * n m r i th * t hi*-m entol-poU o j had been reatored. L a te f ho 'TW KJa p h ll W to OregoB -when i t became n r v f r u a r r to e « n n ilt h b i to a a aiyluil). J a . to n e w ar Claik.cii»I>ed f ro a th s javR’ j tfll ho/ipital nnd aome tim e n fter ihow.

. . ed op a t lhe .hom e of the Threa Crcfl-t Sctftllvp*. F o r « m o tim e ho oppeared ■tatlapal and reJiablff, bu t a -o ffw r*- . latise come and the a ttontlon of nn-

Wfl* « H e d to the condition, b f ,ionie tlmo federal ageaU traolstH Clark and B n " «P •*>* QUfit with tho anah ip tlcn th a l th e fug itive had p w v i e d ilf lto Canadian te rrito ry .. HU p ro v ; e n e r i o th e T hree Creek eouh tw -w M -l revealed to tho f e ^ e ^ people,throBBh th e ;T « t» st s c a t a l - M l ^ . -

D i s j iyWalfstreet Again ■ )j

.Will Give Bonmes I] J lt Christmas Tmie r-

Preparations ior EoUdajr.Bea' T 8on Indicate Beoover; from . L


N E W ~ Wall Klreel iagradually rccQve,rine from tlid gencn.l ocono.nlc di'preuioa p f th P ' (uift tw«i ypara and lig iii polat to 'n liljcral dii«- « n i tributiixi of bonuioji sa d ^ ra tu itip i ni C hrU tm au.. ' , ; •

DurltiK.thoi>OTm.])crlod o t th e w orldi c a r , ho lld iy gift* f (tiDM; .ijTeXeWROrianiM f tW w elinsK pa; . w rro fin n v e iy geneivoa .iea le . The-«i>J I » ^ n ^ lu TOany. liitta-.froov £.*; to S3;' f r f r 'c e n t or ovca^more of je n r ly sn i- •

I n th e y e a r now ending mnny bnnbui j aliMHhocd .th e dlrtr/bu tinn o f (hiMi*/ b o iu jc i, ' evidently on the theory t h a t 'o ^ ,

J l v l r g cpadltJona to mnny ^MPntlaJfl) ®P* [itiad beconie leas o&rrout ’ iI T hb .'Offering* of! the New York ' ; 8 t « k w lia n R c and almiUr ln»tUntlo.w^ f

Ciko th e form of Chrlitmaii boxes, tu w hich ■ memlietf mal^o fixed coatrllii- ' tiona. Tl! nddition, 'th e re a ie im- proraptu eelclinitJoni on Jhe’ cxchttnRoe,' cjI w hen jH-rnonal (^Ifti are diataibute<l, f offii

b.v n fjModo SaatA d io a . ' i fyft Tlie I'roilucc Exchange of repen t; |,oui

ypara lius held « )ob ra tlon i of thia aort 1 m ainly fo r tho rWldTcn of H io '^ n jr . ;^ i,l l ,• In th e aggreijilo, Wnll ^ tree t 'a bppc-''uiev , fac tlo n t, even, , k th e ae . trftnalto*y mal . tim es, a rc likely to run ia to hundred i orin

of Ihoufandi o f dollan. li^ jj

iM iiIirii 1!y c c m i■[Reports Say De S/alera Will B e 'J , J Succeeded by Griffith Upon ff" i ' Ratification, ( LONDOiV, <ff>~DJ*r“teboa to the | « morning newspapera,generally confiim 3 ®*' [, H-e v1.‘w p r n ^ u i l y pulillil.ed th n t t'jo , j in l it la th e Dail Eireann cablnot is not j . 'i lk e ly t(. p revent nBMBBO o f tbe peaeo g trea ty b j the soutfirrn Irish rarllam ou t n [ ,jr;«ltlw ogh -rlew S •differ. «lii!thw <h6 n ja ' r f i.[ jo rItv ' m its favor will be lnrgo nr I'jB m alt'.’• |-' . D *'V alor» May Eeilgn.-

• I f th e D im fiireftnn rnU fit» th s 0 , atrccm crrt, Bampn de Vnlrra. “ tho aew J q* iH e-iinr.t" OR one Qolfnut newspaper do-If acrilHM him, w ill., a rfo rd in g -to sonic ' k 'v r r s lo iu , ' resign n i hrnd of thp Dnll '

governm pnt, and .A rthur O rfffiUr will d nucpced him. Should tlii^ o rm r, Au»' ' ‘y » tin Stflck, mMnlee ot ho/ric n!la]ri, fa, 0 and'. Churlcs Durgcn, iiiluistiT -lor

ftfnse, w ill, l l l»- llinHjfV follow bl*. cxniapic,, ns they hnvi' stiiijiortni M i n„,

ngninst the treaty.“® . - Craig la Londoj,.' ‘ alii '? BIt, Jtuflen C iaig , lU slM 'junnlM , roH- tin '9 fcrred w ith Prime M ini.tcr L lovd ,bu

Oeorgo ycaterday, and 'tlicU eouvctsa- 1 « tlon w a i to b f rraumed today. Jov

■ - . . . • ' '{i„

slilllftraoillK sJ ;•a, Dfamond Hardware Employes Si'

Bttspocts are Men who I Eobbod. Storo Hero “f

cd I’icturcK o f Iwo men, nrrenlcd recent- ri- ly. In S a il liBko oa inspecla In lhe Din- j j a . I mond H ardw are company burgln^-, aont to - i l i e w by U tnh tiuthotlUM, have rem it-

,c d itl th e d e fla ile idenlificniion o f th e th , w en na p a r t of a quarUst which aponl .J tomo tlrao in fhe /ocal a{orc the oven- m 1 la g bcforo th e robbery. Id rn tificn tion u ,

. . ‘ ba* b o ea potiU vely by W; H . S tan ley ' i j 'n n d W illiam U lllor, elerlca in the atoro, « III nnd p a rtln lly by 9 , K . H unt, m anager. ^

M r. H unt, w lll leavo tomorrow evening fo r S a lt U k e . to complete hla Ideatlfi-

it . t ■TUp n o n . U .U aald, nppw red in , th e "

n iftm ond Ifardw iire- aWro inhorlly bo- fo tc C o ’e loek-on the eve of th e to1>- lo ry . O ao o f (hom preaeated s floeh-

K,- lig h t fo r tho replacing of lhb bn ttocr.Ilg A survey o f th ia in itrtuaeat developed^0- a io f e e t ln i ta n c c h a a U m f ta d U r .H o a t le . attem pted to repair i t . H aving an on- " llif gagem ent a t G o ’clock Mr. H unt turn- or : ed tbo jo b over to tho clcrka who fia-

{ (ihed lh o w ork. Tbe clerka ip c at aomo ?’•of tim e in convenallon w ith ,tha men, and c r, t i p r e a ednfldcDcc t h a t 't b o pfcturoa *"IU M at t o r e nre thoae o t t h t i t im lanuira. „ wl- Tho p le to re* wen sent to S h e r if f Sher- t ‘ve Rum. - . °

lln. ' g a b l e s l i m O U N ^ m T O P " lil- O A m iB Z B B 'S BNQAOBKENT i»«n N EW y o a K , t ^ r o r m e r Governor ,

Prancla D nrtoa P r i a o n of tho Philip . * ' “’d plaea; who ia now la Spain, cabled /

frienda he re today announcing the on* _ •*® gagem eat o f hla daogbter, V lrglala t

Bandolph H arrSioa, to Chriatian O ro ij, .„ et Chicago. Tbe/ will be a jarrled n l

irfd W ge^lm , % «dn, n e x t - y w . ^

SO A K O m A V IA O T A.'WABDBD . N O B E L PBAOB PIO ZB o r 1921 , 0H B 18T IA N IA , Norway, y P ) -T h 6 *]

tjio N obel pcaee p r lr t fo r IM l; I t w u of- t fU ially anhoanceii today, h u b e tn dl* f

iroi- vldcd cM ally between. E ja la a r 1'K U -inR , prem ier o f Sweden, aad G hriatiao i iggh L u g e ; o f Norway, a ec rc tuy of, tfae I

{ { n (e r-parllan«au ry aolea. • ’


iB Z. , - V T O T ^ . BKT

p la c e s AIliltIHm m m m

m EiiiKEA p p e a l f o r S y m ^ t l i e t i d W a l k - p

o u t s A n to n t i O t h e r E m p lo y e s

o f R a c k i n g Housk w h i l e O f ;

f ic l a te j W o r k f o r S e l t i e i l i e n t

H U N D R E D S O F N # M E N

A R E Q I V E ^ M P L O Y M E N T

Spokeamen for "S ir ie r t a

poses Bnbmlssioti of SUfer- eucea to "Any Pair F o m of J' Arbitration." ' '

CHICAGO, </P) — Ppderal nnd a talo officittU vrero working today in j»n of- fo rt to aottle the str ike o f pack ing house w orke rs ,. which h n i' eauiod J wppk o f disorder in livestock c c a tm , whllo Chlcngo pa<‘kers announced th a t j Uiey were opomtlnR n t " n e a r ly nor. tu r I " o t4 nnion ic a d w wero cndtnv- o ring to extend Ihe str ike by nppccl- ing fo r a. ayrapW hctk w nlkoul by othijr t, trndea ia th e alock>wds. Jteporta t h a t , | SOOO Imported workers had boon liroug.it into thp ‘Chicago ya rd s were ,j ilcnied by llu- " h ig f iv e ” packera.

. T ake Stand Agalnat Dlaordar., i, Btrl!«o IpncliTs here aro uring utm oat (,

e ffor‘ji in prevent fu rther dlsordcre. Au a, I appeal fo r a sympathetle s tr ik e o f dth- le r w nljn mpn Tflllvin'the p lanta wrn* » • „ sued t y union leaders o f tho local -im- n ipn of the strik ing m eat cu tteta. • • j,

I . Corneliua J . Hayes, p rtaldont o f th o ^ union, pruiMd'd suhmlaalop o f th e d lf- i, fentnei-/« “ to nny fa ir foVin of nrlillrn - f, t io n ." w

N n r Zien r in d 'W o ik .Hun-lrcds of new empl^rca wero a a ll

io bavo been lilred by.-tbe saekcra hero ye iterday , aad p lant officials dcclartd oMttttlor.fc were on a “ pearly normni V basil.

IW lttSMEll--■ H B p E M

Joseph Florry Oomes-Up with J a r of Fm it when Ordered

by Officers

W hen Joseph W orry emerged from a - form houic collar ncar^ tho augnr fac-

'lu ry . iin ordera o f depuUea from tho Bhcrlff’«% fflce, ho boro w ith him a quiirt cnn o f frulL F lo rry aald ho waa hungry ond nooded the eoraeatiblca to allay tho gnawing panga. Ho ia held in th e county ja ll to a san e r cbargo of

.burglary.Florry wna w o i to d lu l .B lg l \ t fol-

I low lag an urgoat requcit fo r help fron^ , 'Ihc head o f the farm hnuaohbld. Tho la tte r advised Bherlff..:8hnrmAa th a t a prow ler hnd oblained aecosl to hia col­la r nad woa’being held p rlaoser under

' tho atoop door. There waa prompt apooio to tb c eoll. ’ i

' L a te r the nuno farm er notified llii-l ahcJlff th n l a man lmd »)ccn aeon ly-

I ing In lho g raw a t tho aide o f lho road, evidently b eat upon UlgUwny ToUbcry,) ur the looting of n’ houso n fto r IlghlKi' wure ou t fu r tho nighu Tho fonntir hailed tbo follow, wbo an jio nnd atari-

• od to run. A gunahot.in tbo geoeral I ' diroction of lho fleeing fugitivo i i aald 1 to hnvp made him fico a till f a a te r . ''

TIio m aa held under a rrea t oxplainn ’ tlm t he, w ith aevon otheraj ntrlved-frtjm t u fn r easlom atnto yeateKiay, a ad had* been w ithou t food for a period mueh ' .lunger than a a tu re pcnnita. -

C H A R S E S ^ T f E M P T S A T i j B R IB ^E R Y T O S T I L L M A N ;

. Defense OonsBel l a K a te tton t 'D lvo tco ,


'■ p o u o i i k e e p ^ i S ' n . y „ , W5 -^ Charges th a t agcnta for-Jam ca 'A . B t’ll- . man. Now York baakor, httempli-d to

corrupt and bribe ' proipoctlvo wlti ncascs in tho I n a l o f Ms divorep^<ill

*■ ngftlMt U ra. Anne. U . Btlllmaa, wetn “■ made iiv defense counaol in a hearing

bcforo Pujrcm e . Court Jw tU o M'iV-' arHdiwei,

®. Tho chargea m ro made by John F. *• L’roniian of Yoakora, |r.blof o f Mrs. f Btillm iin’B eounacl, in Applying fnr a

commlaslon to tako 'teatunony a t >lon- trpftl, where h e ,a a ld , the allcRntioni

pp would b e aupported by 35 witncaso-i. , Arkcd b> O utcrbridga Hor»ey of cour.

tc l fo t U r . e t l l l a i a , to namo tho agenln P ' c h irg t tl w ith , -a tte a p lln g to suhotn » C a ty id ln s, M r. B renaas aald- he could “ • reentioa b u t two « l tbla timo, Francis l<* U jo lo and J . A lbert L aT grtainb, bolh w> o f tbe province o f Qucliec a t -


OMAILA, N eb .,' Up)—Miko Btlno, a i w r« t !c r a n d f l^ to l elerk, nrreatod on h e Thuraday nt((lit u & auapect in tonn«>- )f- lion w ith tbo Wall atreet exploalon, i l . Bcptomber Jd j 1020, « u teleftted ftam al- th e e ity J»U tod iy-.oa hla own recog a s nicaneo t^ te r th e departm ent o f jua Jie tice notified th e police tha t ho wns nol

w anted by federal, authorities. .

y S P A p m W .T W IN PA

M ff iiT U ^ A Y , DEOBMBBB JOi-iOsi.’'" - '


Proposed T reaty Between United f and Japan Supplants Anplo-Japa for Acceptance of American .Pn Provides for Joint Conference ii

W .\HI[lXGTOi\. D. C .,'yp ). — 111,..l ’™|'o»od ircrit)- bctwi-cn 1

tlip l-aitcil Hlatcay G reat Itritn ln .'Jii/m u '«nd ;*tanef; w hlrh W to -snpp lan i th(.i \Afii,'o.lapnnpsc nlllanpo anil tiavc tfic i » way for tho oecqitanco o f thc 'A w yrl- ' I fnn jirojHiiMjj, for n a v a l’ rrdui-tioo wa», foniMllv Inll) bpforp the nrm s'ponfiT-‘•iii-i' tnilny by Bauator Lod(;t‘. i j

i t IS h len.ycar agrcompiit in w M rh ' ifour 'intlnns bind thomselvpii to rc ip iT tl IIhi-ir i-xisdtijf righta lu liiKufar p o im - ' hri*n» nnd dtimlnlons in the l*ncifle a '’-! | t in Uio ra»i' ot dlspiitei whieh eaanut'iH? by dlpWmney' ajjri-ed lo a i \Joint ccnferenco among thpinsclves. '■ i

All,- ono of the pnrtles m ay w ill .. ' tdraw ou J2 monlbi no tlre n ftc r th,> rx- (prratiiKi i,{ tbe ton yeara. 1

Teraia A greed Upon. IBi-Jinliir J»dgp p rrw o te d lh e trenty r

, to lhi- rnnfprcnce- In ' t b j followinc . tstnlcmoiit: • ^

; “ I bp Inscnalble, Indi'pd, » j ,did not fn'I d rfjily g ra tified by tbc op- jportunity wlilciv-fca* come to n « lo t iy t befftTf tl,n rotiference n d ra f t of a

■ tr ip ty Jhe o f vMeh bavo lia'h agrt-cd ii]K»n by four o f tho g rea t jKtu'- i era o f thi« cartli iii-u jgard to tbi' M- i

• nniW 0/ the I’odfic w lileh lliev eou-! - j trol, eitbi'r ns poaseaslons o r doiniii.j ( Iona.. I will begin b y reading to ll.p j , roDfcrcupc the treaty.- w hich is bo th! 1

■ b rie f and aiinpJs nnd w hich I am aoro » i• fu ll o f meanintf and importanc*- to th.> i

w orld’a jic v e . • • -i. i ,, Text of T m ty .‘ 'T he United Blatea. of Amcr- !f len, the Brielnb empire, F ranee nnJ [ Ja p a .1. •

'W ith a v leir Jp th e preserva­tion o f th o general peaeo and tho Inaintennnro of IhbSr rigbte in re- 1 lation to tholr inaular poateation*

■ -K « d --lm la * -* > w laJ< a a ;-U -« » -t» < -..lr-

( , gimis of. tfic Pacific-'ocean,- " - 'H ave determined to conclude

; n trMty to Ifii* Btfeet w d b a re an- .. iw tntcd ns their p len lpo tea tlan ri;“ 'T bc president o f tbo Uftltcd

1 Btati's o f Aniericn; :“ ‘ Hla M ajeily , the k ing of the ’

f’n ited f<lngJom o f G reat B rita in • ttftil Ireland o f the Britlali domyj- '• io« i I 'o /ond th r aear, 'w nrwfor o t

• " India.A n] -for lho dominion of Can-

0 ad'a—^ F o r the rommonwpttllh of Ana a ' (ralln—0 F o r the dominion of New Zen- a a J n n d -t T or Indla-w. L

‘•The presidoot of the I’renph L' ropublic. ' •>> * = = = B S S = = = a = s r= = s= a = = * a = = = ^ = = ;

‘POWERS VDIC : OF FAITH \J.{ Plenary Session of Arms Conferei l i ' to Rodtflesolutloh Giraranteeir 1! lie as F irst O rder'o f Businessal --------- .‘■I, WABHINGTON-, D. C., M>) - Tho i

fou rth , p lenary actslon o f th e arms “" confprfnce-opened prom ptly a t clevpn I n i ,o ’cloek w ith a sta tcm oat-byB ocre ln rv »« IfughM th a t ' ‘ liiofC aa tla fac to ty prog- :h reus I w been made by tho committi'-i

o f the .whole on tho F a r E aa te rn ques­tio n s ." 4

} Al 1:10 th o conference adJournM

N; uitliout having given a tten tion lo lhi- 'ijnr»tlon of naval ratio . .I . Ohlna Oonsidered r i r f t . ;

‘ 'T lie -Ilrst .lub ject conaiaertd'Tiraa C hina," aold Bocretary Hughes.. <‘ In

. tbe ;oar«e o l th e generalRioAt im portnnt deetarntlons w ere mnd"

, cn belwlf of Uie powcra rcptcsenltfd, M prfw lnc . tb f jr iolen tjona w J lb ;n .. ap ict to. the sovereignly, indenenijnneit and adm ioU tratlvc la te g r ity o f C h ina- nnd also to obser%-6 as am ong them , selves, the 'p rinc ip les o f fa ir nnd enuni opporiunH y." ,

Bocretary HuRhei added lh a t th e ' y “ Koot fou r point*’’ »-onstl(afBif in

■ tru th , a fhartc r enntalnlng an Insur-■ jwpp to China from acl* in derogation

of her T^ghta'to In lrg rity , nnd aUo ft lilntllng agreement fop .fu tu re guldnnce of the puw ete." ■ ■

,ir! m n te * O hIaaV AiM iit, • nU Mr. llMRhPi aald nlao tb e .B o o l « « • jrn Uitlon waa an inaurance th a t aa bit- uUl tw ccn potfeta, tfiere jwould b e c ire fu l icis o b ie m n c e of the prfinlplo o f free and »lh cpporloaltv a ed t t a t nou« wonld

sccnrc special advaatagea or privilege* a l tho eipcnae of th e rlghU o f other*. All tb a t waa nccesaary, he nddod, wns

ED to hava the formal aaseat o f th e c u n . ino, f rn n c e and he 'In v ite d Chlna’a aaienl. ^ Tbo Chinese aeeep ted 'the Invitation

and the reiolution waa approved n a w i . ion, Boualy. - . . , • - ; • s ■am . T bo cf>r>aJllee rajo luU on 'ef Novem* ■OK- ber K», declaring in principle fo r abo- not ^ te r t i to t l ^ 'r ig h t i In

' ~ ^ ( 6 o l K d ' « ^ P a i r H

^ A L l S - f ^ m T t ,

N Ep a n e s e AS TEXT W 'sf iAGREEiMENT P;j t Oation| |Id S tates , G rea t B ritain , France Api apajiese Alliance an d Paves Way ■ t•Proposals on Naval Reduction; te in Case of D isp u te s . Ii Jnpan* emperor o f L £ |

“ 'IVAw hgyhf,' eommnkRted I thoir full pow rra, found 1n'R oori I and duo form, have 'njircod as fol- I Iwa*. ' . .I P l ^ a B a p e r t of B igBU -• e , ' " h o h igh con tractm g piiriie*I agree na between thouiselvea to r c 1 . spei't tb e lr rIghU in n-latldn to1 tticir iiisulftr,...:IHrtscKsiimi and in- *I su 'nr dnuiinlons in the V'egloits of f Die Paclfle on 'an .. " ' I f there should dw elop be- . Ang1 twe-;n any c f th e high pontraetlng with; lia rtfrs a fon trovorsy arising out o f poop

any I 'atlfW «ucatlon and InvoWinn . apOkI Ihelr M id riffJiJ* w iW i / • nof M tJj, ^fjai( facliirily se ttled by diplomacy and a n(

la likely to f tffect the liarmonioua rer\-nccuM now happily subilsting bp.’ whie

• twccu them they Minli Invite the btfeahigh fo n trae lln g jw rtJc i to u }oiot ■ Tleonferenpe lo w bieh the whole sub- tal^s jec t wlll bn referred for runsldcra - eep tlion lind nu lm tm eiit. . reau

" 'A B T lC L E 2 : , Jarg“ ‘ I f th o aald r ig h ts a rc threa t- u to :

eaed l<y the aggrM aive action of tion:Any t lh c r powet, tho high e o n tr« t- i

j - lng . parties aliall com m uaifhte w ith , B<I ono anotbor Xolly and frank ly in Uelo,■ o rder to arrivtf n t an Lndffnlaad- ’had I lng a s to tlio moat effic ien t meas- land I ures to bo ta k en , jo in t ly and l e n - ' pt** j nratoiy, to moot th o exlgenelEs o f 'toae ' tho puU eaSat a ltuatlnn. !

O oBtijit]^ T ta Y t m . . lab1 " 'A E T IC liE 3 . nw j

' ' 'T b la agreeniont ahall remain in reUforco f t r ton years from the time « t lit ahall u k o o ffoe t and a fte r the . I J a po sp lra tio n 'o f aa ld period it ahall- hna con tinue,to bo In fo rce aubjeet to ‘Ui

I J h o rig h t o f any of the . bleb ron- Sla■ •^■''traeting •'77ettles” t ir 'lw m h W -- lr^ -T —

upon J 8 w o n th a 'n o tic o . , . , J . “ 'A B T IC L B 4 . ~ n g r

- “ ‘ ThU agi'eomofll-ahall be rail- P ri f led a s soon as poatlbl& in accord* , 8 anco w fth tho eoaatltu tionnl moth- lao

..oda of tho high eOBtmctlng parlle<i- tio i aud abalj ta k e o ffe e t on t i p de P0» poiit, ,(rf. r a tl fle o llo n a 'w h ic h shnll > tako plaeo a t W asliington, and ’ " g thoroupon tb e agrcejneat between the Q reat B tlta ln nad-Jai^a'n wblcb was th e eoDfluded a t VoaHen n a Ju ly 1.1,1011, shall to rm lna te .* ' : ' I f

Bubjoct to T a p A gre«i£tot," T fio signing o f th la t r e a ty , " srld^ " *

Senator Lodgo continuing, “ is on th e ' '. p a rt o f the LToited S tn tea aubjeet lo l tho m aking of a convention w ith Ja p au |

■ <0(m(inu(!d on P a ^ fb S ? ) ^ j g e



jrence Gives Unanimous Approval ;eing Inteprity o f Orjental Hepub^ ™SS

f f i i r i i i F iBUSiSSiNDDIfl ^• ■ S

Oharlea M : E iQ S n c o n m b s to jJ Pnonmonia in Dotrolt After V

niOMs of 10 Day« '

Tclegtttms received by T w in -IWU „ . relatives tell o f th o deatii y e ite rd a y la ®

Detroit of Chnrlea H . H ill, formerly a 1 business m aa o f th is c ity . - Ho U aur*

vlved by fiia w ifo a n d fou r ehildren,^ ; ond a brother. W ilbur 0 . H ill o f Twin r

i 'n llj . Burial will b e l n D etro it. D eath il, ^ :re a u l te » l from pneo n o n la a flo r an l ll* li

noaa of 10 daya. . ^C h a r lea ^ l . H ilt w aa one of th o plo- «

. ncer aettlera in T w in P a lis coming hero . . . In 1W4. W ith S tu a r t E . T ay lor h e cs* i

“ tablUhcd ono of tho f ir a t rea lty aad laaurance firm* I n 'ty a 'c U y , th a t eon* cern being know n »a H ill ft TaylPr. »

^ H e remained connected w ith tbla |}ua* " loeu a li t t lo w oro th a a e ig h t ' vcrtP. |

moving from here tfl Bolie where he r — remained aboot two ye a tf . Another j

- y e a r 'w a s apeat In T w in Falla beforo ■Mr. H ill moved h is fam ily to D etroit a

bl!* l i t t le ffloro than foOr ye a rs alneo.' 1

inil rO B M BB m E S T BBNTSKOBD "Jd ' r O B A TTACK tIPO K Q irJ[, c Ke» LBMAR8,. Ia., - Jlev., F a lh « , >nr. w « 4 o , form er p rica t a t A kron, i ifns fonvieted of aaaaultlng 15-ycar-old j «n . Ethel C ray , with in te a t to commit rape ] snt. wAa todaj:.aenicneod to an nndetcrmia- lon term in tbo f^ irt M adlton priai-n. • w l. M e llo n - fo r a now t r ia l w a* 'den ied .

s Comiael fo r IV ther W reeo will appeal cm* to th e ■I^wa «upr«no c o n rt, ' )

! in ‘ I D A a o W B A .t r a k . ' .1^ JViaight M i f if lad iy ra in riortb:' ' ■

- I fa ir MinUi p o r tlo ti .. , ■

I #• J ■'j'.-.'; • ,

iP iip i:

i i m i i TIpproval o f fh e Proposed

Quadmple Understandinl) . Is Expressed by Leaders of All, D eleoatlons...


•aves Wiay Toward Settlement ot- Ohlaeae Qaestions and H arks Signal Achievement '■ of Oonference ^

WABBINOTON,~D. C.. C/P).rT.-Tl»-'-: a g W a p a n w e a llia ac f. I,mg PBg>ir,|«l • rlth . apprebcnalon by the American eople, ]*aaaed in to hlstorj- today when pokcamen o f both TintSona . . a t : th e rma conference a e re p ^ d la Ita a te a i

now four p o w C T -ag j« m « t f a r n r r . •r\-atlon o f peiwe In t h i P a c ific . to •hleh ^ho U n ite d -S fa te a t o d F/sai-e (jeamo i* rtiea .TbU action,J w ith fulfillm ent o f -do-

il^a to follow, pavc^HHo w ay to ap,. BPtance o f tbo A m eriran propoaala tot gduciloti o f naval annoraonU, ond in . irgo meaaure Is oxp« t» il to contrib. . to - io K lU en e s t. o f i b s ChSseao <)ve«: iona. I

.. Pl*d*M rw ftclv AidherBioe.^ n o . V ivianl. head d f - lh o French

elegatloa,. declared (he confererce ad ’‘tuliy and ontiroly aucceeded" ! nd th a t IV ancc 'adhered to the p a c t ' , meaied-.l/ S p o a to r - lo d g i w ithout' . oaerrotlon. .

M l t u r VI, B ulfour, eh lef ,o l the 'B rit- lh .dnlegatea, ; -naaisrted th o now. a r . w g w e n l w ould b e n e fit InltetnatioRal flta^IoniW pa;-H e r c f tr re tf te.-tii* a h rtr / » tio n b y tho new .trea ty o f tlio Anrio- lapanoao alU sneo a n d M ld ;th e r» BPv<rr.iad _i«ou a n r in te n t th a t I t ahould

In tercrt* of.„ t h f U8itn.t,

Japttn 'a g ra ti f ic a t io n . ov e r ,tAo aew m c e w u t w a s , vnU od, • l a ; •. uhl |>y t*rinco,Tokugaw a.,, Senator Bcbanaer, hoad of;,tba 1^1- ' lo o . dolem tlon, beapoko th e latlafAc- iion o f Wa gevem rocnt o ve r-tho foor- l*ower B g m u io n l.. ' ;. • , ’

M la .a tcr Szo ot' Vblaa eznfw«*d ‘g rea t a«tU factlon’4 a t Oto -work-t'f t

the .eoa fe renee a n d .g ra tif ica tio n ovor' the now tjc a ty . '

nEEiiriiQiiiin n j r i i K

Senate Committee' ApiffOTiBS ' Bill to Provide for H ato r- •

« y in . 10,47.. ;•

jWABHIKOTON. D . C., ( /P K A g rw - a e n l was, reached lodny by- the aeniw flM W i. M mm lllfcr o n 'r t< ' b ill tor the funding of Um fo re ign .ilpb l in lo .u ’ill- gnlloflu vililf^v would inMiire' Jiu 'jjk lc i than Juno lc , lW ,.nn< j tbo intereat un . which would b'« a l t l i o 'r a le .of « per, • Pent |k‘r, nnnum, to lio- paid ' acmi- nnnunlly. ' ; ' ,

.T ill li/moiittvo a g r e e d t h e bowa ' provision for a cdmmifiloh o f five to eooouet tho funding heg o tla tlo in '> ith Jho.accrotflry o f the .trcaaury as chair- iinftn, b u t Inaerted a prevision th a t tho (otlloi fo u r membora w ould-bo m bf«ft to cottflrm atlon by lUo aenMe. th e a « D b « » w w ld ho appointei by the V realdw t; /Die houao bill--p rorflde il; t h * t a l l ahoold bo cablnot o ffkory. •


(tolcago A t t m e y A x b m e w Sw m iiie* e f 0 o a a K tlo a -wftb Le> j la n lM

U n id a r Om . . . :

CHTCAOO; VPJ - C harW Etbaleln*■ Chicago a ttorney, today 'announced hn h a d wttfadrswn, from th e defenae ol Mra.* M adalynne O benehain, under In - ' d iclm eut a t Loa A ngalei io connection

' w ith Ihc murder o f J . Bolton K eanedy; -

■ K X CASAaVAK fO L tC S U S K . ‘I g f l iLE D 0 7 STBBBT I lO H T IN a• MANAG17A, N i e a r a g u , , ^ , — P ear'• pa liccnca Vere .Hflod and one wonndM• w hile fcrcaWng i jp " a ,;a tre e t 'f ig h t;h ire . •• laa t n igh t betw een seVeral A nerle iB» marine* and a p a rty of elrtUana. Two . , r m arinea were wonnded. T heA m erican*» were o ff do ty a t th e tim e; ., , ,

i o Wa w o m a n A o o t r r n n n ) ' ’•D P U D B S B U IT O B D S K L -^d-

W E 8 T , U NION, la ., .«V-A .wrtht':» c f B 6 V B u l^ ly ^ m n t^ ^ h ^ ^ * V .W■ <t}a• ' r a ftem ona byl-Wie tfUiy/.U th * 1^ ' o r ,

M r^^E ffie A * h b .u ^ - c h a tg e 4 % r i th '^ : d a io f d v .of fiec '‘kitiliaB<r, a t.'M aysari.'.* '

I. .w o iw i SHU) n a . i o n D m

7 ^ , W a s & V ^ r a u iyea-w fild ‘. iw iw i, >«% f o w d ,t64M 'B « ‘

^ u f e ' i o i p ^

Page 2: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

m i l lpmifiGPLisiiisjsuiiB ritish N ew spapers Give High

P ra ise to W ork Thus F a r Ac- . com plished by the W ashifigr

: ton Conference. W m a X , m - T I w w „ k H nr f , r j

accbmrllKlied by tlir. \V'’iuhinKtoR ran* ' ferenra, r ip c e ia l^ tlio ngreement for d j foor-j'wwcr. trea ty n» n m ljiU tute for . tho AnKlo-.TttponcAO nlllnnro, Is Mglily pralsed .iu . the rdltoruil colninnii of tliis niornin(;’ii newipiipcni. Tho oilUorinli . dive unrM ervfu ' prnliie to I’n-nidi-nl-

. .nariltn jr nad Socro tary 'nush i’i for the pa rts thoy havo played. '

Th’p Mornin); Po*t-<lMi'ribrii'thp fnnr - power nRreeraent on "Incim pulnbly'thi- *

j^riati'x t achievement in ronntruetlvo rop aliktc*jna»BMp c.f our t5m e," anil mlJii: tbo

“ fThe p reiiden t ha«_ earned^ tho c v >nw tccro,a*.il r.eipcct o f the Hvillzed world, w l' in tiu it Jio has chosen iritli adm lrobb ebiirnjje to a ttem p t a conrso' <jhJ*h Q f troiiK ht .fniliiro (o hJ» preJece«Mr.^'

■ Thn Piilly ToU'srnpli hclfeve* tlm t th e •inadrupto allAnec, i f . opproved, will osta lilish .in tho I’aciflc Mnictlilnjjis thu naturo o f thc,M onroo doctrin?. .

A fte r loudlnjT the initintlvo tn k c j hv Prciiiilent Ilardlnf; snd Mr.' JIughei the Tolc^^raph royB! j;

“ TIicto hftvp i)tcn ftm fw m rtii br* foro. bn t n e v e r‘ ono hold under nurh “ ' *1 favombJe ansnice*, and for tliht no t w )

' onlv the prcfident and h ii collen(Wc» bo .de*crvR g ratefu l thanks,, b^ t a lui tho i,u ] g rea t iTMi» o f A m erlcon 'poople."


TOKIO, (JPt I’roposoJ abrogatTnn o f tho AnelO'jopAnuo allLinco in fa%'jr o f 00 {igrcemont ainoni; tlio United ,, ,

. .Rtntca, O roat Britain , Ja p an and <<■ F ran fo , promltea to ralao Jopon ’s in-

trrDatiniinl atandlnir higher than evnr,in th o opinion o r high Jopancte offi- .> claJo. W hat Jap an Io«t through nn nbrogarlon o f hor alllanco w ith {Ire-tt n r B rita in , the ' would re jo in throogh n t rreati-m of-such nn entente, they bo- U evc.' . . .

- IT ie -n cw plhn w a* 'eoula ined in n propos.Sl from G reat Brltnln, which reaehed the^ foreigil“ offiL'o ten dny* 1 ago. T his wan folloivcd shortly by the U nited S tatea recommcnd.ition for tho

'In e lu s lo j o f P rance . A i undorrtood here , I t b U d i tho iJgBatory power* to wi'* rfipcct>«aeh o th e r’* poateulons In thc

, r« H fic . bu t does not refor to Chl-ia “ 'i-j . n o r Ind ia . fcn t

Men >n pablie life, who*o rommento j. a re p rin ted in tbo flewrpnpem ihow a 'I'*'*

cenoral erithiulnsm for tho propoaed cn- bor t«n te , no t o i a now achocao, ou t a/i a ^ Tl

■ eontlnuanro o f tho present valoablo ol- lUnee. T hor give tho Imoresslon th a t ^'iH th e y believo thero is a poaolblHty o f "oW- realltlo ff Preaidont Jla rd lng ’* "aaaocla.

, tion' o f na tions’ * in which Japan would jfr(]■ (cmnln one o f tho g rea t power*. ' ' j yI 'O E U B B A IB SEKVIOB OHIBF

' • r ■ a iT B N BAWAZZAN 00M M A N 3 \vW ASUINOTON, D. a , (^>) — M ajnr tlon

Charl.-!s T . U enohor was or^Jored Prld4v eorpirelioved. from command o f tho f irs t iii- tcovisi9n. Comp D ix i.N . J ., and ou lT ned ivhrfto ro m n an d of tb e U aw tl itn dU Isloa. onnoTho general who recently w ai re li tre d tiont

• n» .chief o f tho a rm y A ir aervlco n i« ahi* o n n ioquest w as assigned to Camp brcO'I)lx bu t on acconnt o f u lavb o f a V p ro fsenco 'dld n o t actually talc* up the com- om inifind. , ■ by


Looks Like a Subu

• I f ,noy of your doubting friond* te lj; coastyou th a t tho s to ry aboat Jottxli l« in |; whaliswollowQd by a whole Is fi, “ foirj- juicy''to r? ;, '' juat .show them 'this plctur.V a hiiliLook for ih r answer a t tho mouth of b f ' fcth l t humpback wjintb. cnlight o ff Hyu- in bequot W haling , sta tion , on- tlio w ri t p a rt ^


;S ilK ^ H E S E (' i ■ L A R R Y S E M O N ' S


.. “ T H E . P A L L G U Y '^TWO PA S T BIOT

C O M IN G M O N D A Y -Ten P art Pr(

■■ 'TWOV.,

UriB.'LflnriidtrPreBldeatoit'tlis l l .' . OoDgressiooal Clab of ' 11 r- V, .WaBhington. ' .

' Oo”

I Mr*. Irvino L. Lvnroot, wife o f th o ropubllean aenator from W iaconsin,'Is

• tbo ptosldcnl oC lUo CongMsslonal club,!, moinbershlp of,w hieh Is lim ited to tbo I, wlvon of iHiijntorB'and congrcasmon. H I


' -_____t 8«rie* o f £ a l i« b Ibtcrpreteid' u Zndl* -

catlpn o f P s ipoae to OUffip U i on I • . <; d a y Tboronglifaro

SK W -YOIIK. W>}-Wat(T, tbo moat ’ de ipU H •liquid rrfrcuhmi’nt in B r o u l- |, t in t nviyV restaurant* n n d . r a |ia rc tv w ill: the a bo Uio only avnltablr U lnmlant f o r j ' ’ '" ’ h igh jink* nlong the onrr giy- thorough- •

faro on Nuw Yoar'* I'vc. if pruhibiti<-n djat ■ agent* havo the ir wny. T hr frcqueii'-y J hIvc

, n i th whfch fi-dk'ral officials havi‘ r t- - |o f t ‘ rtoitly Icen putrouizing several o f t l i r 'c o i) ‘ mont popular retorts hnn been in tc r 'n .r la [ preti'd d* a fiiroruimrr of a tight Hd ^ o r

(in thb c ity '* blgj>(‘*t night. j■ ' ‘Tlieio mills uiriiii th a t B roadw ay,' <%c■ purhajia fo r th r f l n t time in ita r a r r r r l' will soo n dry now vear'* e v r . 'i nnn, J o f tho agent* declared.

; r e h e a r ’in g IS g r a n t e d IN g r a in r a t e CASES

. • ■ _____ ' wO rder fo r Bednetloo to B em tln l a Bf> of t

fee t pendla* Outcom o.of ZBanirr......... *ivo O om jnluloa............................................<‘nm

........... . ......W A aniN G TO N , 1>. C.. yp) - T hJ ll'-t

, rni'rnnd prtition for rchearlni; of ‘h jp ^ n fi w rs lrrn grnin rato r a te i Jn which m cmb av rraqc 10 1-2 p r r eent reduelion r r- «od cently vrmi'grantrd wos allowed by theiiito rita to commerce commiaslon F ri- f ‘’pt ilftv* to go to hearing s ta rting Brconi- "bebor 14. ‘ ' ' gnv,

T lin 'o rde r fo r t'hc rate reduction ef- I'oU fec tive December 10, In th r mrantim ewill r<.>mhin in e ffec t th r commiaxion OOZ M id.'

• ---------------------------- ' w

Farmer^ Council Asks 2 Wheat Price Guarantee,

\ v A s i : iN d io ! f , I). c „ a p ) - L « W ii - '**!;tion to revive thp United S tates g ra n corporation w ith a government guarnn- tco of probably »2.B0 - a bushel, fo r 7 “’’ w h ra t will he naked o f eongrea*. i t wni nnnouiim l today l.y the Pnrm em ’ Xo- tionnl I ounril. '''f®'

" T h e atanA ird U{ounce loaf o f b re a d ," «ay» tho nnnounfoment. “ rnn ' ’‘®* p rofltnbly bo iold fo r .1 conts If farm- or* got a buahel fo r the ir w heat. ^ by pn-vrn ting profiteering brtw c>n ™ th r w hrat fnrm er and the consumer o f . w hoat p r o d u o t i" . . ' | J « '

. aeoa,

ibway Entrance . C

' ° i ’0]

g n nralh

tlrstw mIW .'

ffraab c tt.

coast of tho Vancouver islands.: Thlt w hale will yield about Ibdtl poumU of ™ ju icy ttcaka ,'S 5 barro li o f oil, ono at.d ft hn lf ton* o£ bone, and about two toiA kind o f ' fc rtill te r . Now th a t ' whalo uirat « r« l 1 in being eztrnslveiy uncd for fooil np th e h p a r t - j f Ibo anim al I* wasted. , Arkar

i p i f f l l•RTH W f H C E = =


TOPICS C l Y . . . “ m a n 7 w g m a n ,; Prodtiotldn, Starring: Oorotby Pliii


nmissMEiiT;p A n n n

Miobael Thomett Enters New Order Instltoteii a i .the

State Jlniversity

U N IV BBSITy OP IDAHO,. Moicow, (Special)—Tw o fa c u lt/ members, threo unlveralty graduates, and 1 0 atbdrtats hold urm bcrahlp In Alpha U u DoIt«. a new honorary law fra te rn ity , whieb ts tak ing Its placo on tbe caupu* and is officioily recognised by thc .facu lty .0 . P . Coekerlll, dean of tho •chool of law , and D r. A. E . KviiAB, professor of law, iiro tbo faculty m em bers^ 'and A.J . p r ie s t o f Boiee, Ralph B. Bfesbeara, Nampa, and Charles D u>lln|,' Boisj, mombon of tho d a ss o f 102], a rc th e '

• law gmduatos;> honored w ith mombor- lah lp . U ndergraduate membora nro:I Hobert W. Oarver, Walla W alla, W ash.:

Coxier C. Culp, Coour d ’Alene} Lnur- enco £ . H uff, Moscot^; M ichael n o m - c ir , T i 'ln Falta; John A. Carver. Prea ' to n ; H oward Breahenr*, Caldw ell;. Alio Goff, Walla W alla; Jo e l P H eit, J r ., . B oue; Morris R. Kline, PlAlnsficId, N. Jt and A rthur ti-’ Querlo, 8pa.k&iio, Wo*L


Ind ica tto n i' P o io t te A ppointm ent o l . O om aarce S e e re tar; on Oolorado

S lT er Board..11.—

UIVKRBIDE, Cal., (fl>) ~ H erbert Hoov-*r, »eeretary o f commerce, will lie appointed chairman of t h e in te n tu tr ,

1 Colorado iW er tomJnls^5on l l w u <n- I d in te d in. reliable advicea recclvcd hy ‘ : t h r League o f tho Southw est In 'eo ii- I iv i'nU on.hrre. cI -This, appointment, delegate* .to thc p convention bellrvr, provides fo r Immo- t

; diato detrrm inntiou o f ft comprrhcn- ; nlvii pirtn fo r development o f rttou rrea of the Colorado river in th e ir e n tirrt> . CongroiM haa bien aaked fo r an onpru- ^ I-rlatlon of $100,000 to -ra rry on tVo w ork of th r commlralon, It wn« atated.


O ovem m ent Imposes T rad# B a n lc r „ B u t Doe# N ot In terfere w ith *

■ T n d ln g .

WAjJHLVGTO.V, D. C. (;P H R «ncw rl Ji of th r Qomian rxport ouibargo r ff r t - tivo iJocember 15, wna reported to t!ic . commerco dc])artnient Prldav by Com- ,-...... A tthrhc H erring a t Berlin, Tli« -f'Jiut of rpmmodltlc* o tfec trd Mr.- Hrr- r;ng w id , wa* too long to cablc. Tho cmbnrgo, ho said, is merely nominttl and fo r tho purpose of exercising moro *' I'ffoetlvo export prieo coutrol and cx- copt fo r raw materials, partlculnK y ®

•when of forpign origin, the German '^govrrnmrnt doe* Dot contemplntb w itli' ■ holding export licenaer.


WASniNOTC.V, D. C.. lfl>h-8tnjni-* * colloclors and dealers hereafter will boable to buy atampa for th 'tir collecticn.n Mdircct from the poatoffico doportm cot ^in Wanblngton., Postmoatcr Genoral tiH ays jssuod |an order todny fo r th r ncstablUhm cnt of a itnm p agency in jh o 0departm ent to meet thc tong unfilled tldcma.'d o f collector* to bo able to buv Qstamp*, particularly npeeiai Issue* frr- »oucntly not obtainable, in poitoffiilea, -illrect frora thc departm ent. Cash or ^money orders wero laid down a* in- “vlolable conditions of sole. °


OP IT A L IA N TOWNS TO FIE L D S A ROMK, {/p\ — Serious odrthquako

abock* havo been reportod throughout thiil ppok from the region o f L ake B0I-sena, CO milr* northw eat of here. T tn •,ground in *c>vrml villages ihow s largu _ fiasurcs, nnd moat o f the inhnbitan isaro camping in thc firld*. .N'o deatha 2iiavo lirrn ri'nnrlcil. ■ ®

— ,, _______ , eiMade a i i l u Sure, P;

.Kb enteriirlRlng com paor In tb e ^Sudan hnd decided to lay a railw ay "Into the w lldi, aod m any b lacks w e r t ^employed lo 'lU constnjctlon. "]

One day tho telegraph c lerk a t tb e “j nearest clTlllied apot rcceWed a tele*gram from tbe negro foreman o f tb e ^railway c o n s tn c to rs : “W bltv boas ,dead. Shall I bury h i m r f '

“Yes." wired back the c lerk. "B o t „ llrst make aore th a t h e Is «JoIte dead, w m M o4 ano ther w hit* boea to n o r - r*w."

A few boars la te r onotber ttf»> gram came frOm th e fo rem an : ‘'B o ried boas. U ade to re b e w u qn lte dead.H it him on tbe baad w ith a aboraL".

.Real RallQlon.. 'There ia no antbem like a boppy

iu |h , and no pm yer so e li^ u en t aa « lad act. T be rea l rCTcrcnco h cot- red by no am w t. Ttie m a a w ho tends he helping hand to need I» d e ro n t-^ ^rkansaw Thom as Cat.

NEW 'SHOW TODAY ’rices— Adults 25 and 30c



EVIEW' ' , .5 OF THE DAYM , M A R R I A G E ” ,P h ilH jm • ••


Mrs:BardirigPurchas ^ J K o u m i e i f -


\ .Mrs. lla rd in g a t . t h o W alter Bcod s< ' Hu!(pllal, W ashington, w hero aho por- di I chaapi a num ber of tr in k e ts a t th e an- n

nuni Chrlslm ai salo m ade by wounded

: E N D S m R T E R C E N T U R Y '

; A S G O T H A M P O L I C E M A N { .v

; Patrolman WHO Q n it M odlcal Bcboolto WaUc B e«t Ooea on B etlxed Zdst

w ith BxoeUast B «conl '

NBW VO EK ,Cff)—T ^ ^ ^ ty - t tv c y c a n ago Blchard B e n n in g h ra . Fordham j,

graduate, c a t abort a . poat g raduate » coarao in surgery to bccome a police- si

■ man because, ho »ald, h e 'd " ra th e r rl walk a b eat than bo tho w orld ’* groat- est aurgcon ." H e w a* on tho retired g| lis t today w ith oDo of th e beat rceords (] In New York polico h istory.

A student of. crim inology, Bennlng- hnm, who woa made a so rgean t o f do- tbctlvca, wa* credited w ith hav ing ob- U isfid the co tifeu lo n i o f m any u lm - ~ InaU through k ind tro a tm e n t

Ho loved hi* job so woH th a t h« « ■fought, he said , againK prom otion, fo r ■< bo d idn ’t w an t to bo ta k en o ff the di b eat. • ' •

' ' AsslBUnt T rade Com missioner Jnil* a n m QUIesple, who h u Jnst'com plet- t i a Tlslt to Egypt, Syria. PalesUoe, and Smyrna, s ta tea th a t th e gOTem*

. m n t o t Pale stine ,has pro jec ted an en* ^ largem ent of th e porta o t Ja ffa and ^ H aifa, tbo ercctton o f a la rge wa­terpow er p lan t anffldent to m eet tbe needa of a ll Palestine, tb e Irrigation of tb e Jn ila n railey . and the con8 t^]^ _ tlon of' a raiJroad' from tbe Boa of Galilee directly east to connect w ith Ute Bagdad railw ay. H ow ever, I t Is probable th a t only the port Im prore- g j menta a t Jaffa wlll see accomplish- *_ m ents in the n e a r future. Thin proj- ect Is being nrged by th e o range grow- era and shln>cn! of Jaffa.—Sclentm c j Amerlcaa. , '

Use fe r Surplua W aU r S u p p ly ..H ating a w nter supply fat- c icced* ; «

ing the requirem ent n f Its present population, th e uuihoritle* of the smsIl town of Port A lbcm l. B. O . de- dd ed to u tlllee thin surp lus fo r g e n -',., , eraUng elpctrlcity for ligh ting p m - , ‘ poec*. Thc wiurco of tho w ater s n p - |i , i . ply Is n ctTCk w re n miles distnnt.* ,, w ith a hond <>f CIO feet, and a llow ing ' fo r fricjinn and nil' losw * In trana -, miMlon. ilicrc wns an effcctK-e head 1 — a t tbe powri' house of 3JS3 fee t, v h l ^ ' m o t ordinnry ra te s o f eflldency m a d e j O available a forea o f .120 h o m powar. being all tb a t v u reqn ired to g e n c^ ’ ~ a te enough cn ircq t fo r llgb tlog tb e ~ town for snme tim e to coom.—P opular j2 | Uecbanlcs U a g a iln ^ j ^




LOUIE & LYDA : I fComedy, Singing, D o o d n f =

Tbey o& n't Be B e a t ’ Q

■ DOLPH MILLS =Novelty Ono-Strlng VloUatot

-P H O T O P L A Y S -

“ T h eA .ad M arriage” HOannel M yars a t H er Beat—T ou ' s sO eitalnly W ill Enjoy Thla P lc ta ra '


‘.‘C a ll o f T h e B lo o d ” g .ro a ta r ln g A rt A co rd .aa d H is ’= '

• W onderfpl H orse 5


, - ^ O M O IG MONDAX— S

" B o m M f I j j i l t t i 'L a w ' ’ j i „


Trinkets Made Vy IF d Soldiers•' ' ' '■ ; •

tin ' atrB M iB M :

' agi


- Ua




............. . •I soldier*. Tho plioto 'shows tho preai- ace ■ d e n t’s w ife looking ovor somo oblects dei - mado b y 'L ien te n an t n . £ . Trammelh . .


I ..Viclst d « c e . H ow ever,'H id InUrvalli •. of Leisure, and Took A dvanU ga ' ' I

I of All of Them . Dm

' Violet G race drcased to go shopping. .L as t of a ll she powde^^d h e r noae-' ‘ J :

‘ Sbe w ent Orst to a certa in store, fo r v ..,' It wos having a sole, b u t' sbe didn 't i.-p,! sec a bargain In tbc wiiole s to re ,-so ' z• ahe le ft . She paused n moment a t th e ski• ribbon countcr nnd powdered h e r nose, E

Sbe stopped o t th e blouse shop. She Bat I simply had lo have a blouse soon. B n t 131, ‘ they had nothing.t]int appealed ta h e r ,

BO a fte r pow dering h e r nose sbe w eat *Tr out. j 1

She visited ,ye boby 'shoppe to see If do* she could nnd a litUe g if t fo r C am ille 's ; the baby, bu t everything w as *0 Yrigbtfnily , blai

, expensive th a t *he decided to m ake '■ the something to . give. She powdered be r 11T Doae a t tb e doorway. T hera w u m ch , t o » a good m irro r there. - doc

Feeling w eary, she had a a ip o f 'a p p chocolate a n d som»w aferB .r 71ie>di«c-;terl o la te w u - no t very hot ond t h e ' ww w bipped^cream looked ronasy. Bbo r ^ .- te s t solved she woufd go aomewbera e l s e , rlbb oext tim e. T hose te a ahop* d e te r l- ' the orated so a f te r they had eatabllshed fom a repatntfon. She powdered he r nose 1 before leaving- t l » ia b le . I —

I t W u e a r ly ' ttf go home,- ao ’sbe M thought sbe mlRht a s w d l aea a tore. She w aa disappointed In It, how-

. ever, ar^d obe w ent ou t before I t w u a ltogether finished. Sbe powdered h e r ’ oose again In th e re s t room.

Sbe boarded a a tre e t c a r fo r home.Sho wished she d id n o t have to w alk tw o blocks w ben ahe g o t off, b n t the ra w u no help (o r i t 8ba 'powdU«d tie i

. nose and alighted.* ' II T be a ften ooQ w as orer.—E ath e tlM

Negleir, In Jndge. ’

A Conundrum. I' T tith e r ," ta id a li t t le boy thoni^ t* > I fally , u h a w atched h la pa ren t col* lect his no tes and a m n g e the slides fo r a parish enterta inm ent, "w hy la I t tb a t w hen, yon spend y o u r holiday in tbe Uoly land yon a lw ays g lre t lan tern lecturo nn i t l I o n never Ao when you hnve been to P nrls I"—Lob* don Morning P o s t | g i


I The Best State i5

g appreciates the fac.tlS are'the best in the la= that ajipreciation iis makes for their prote§ ice.1 ■ The bahliing laws ols ■ made with a view tos most liberal bankinfg the maximum safety,i These laws form th(= state-chartered’instilB ous policies and wide5

I Twin Fall I & Trust C(I ' : , ... T W I N 'F A L L S ,

1 “ M e f i l b e r b l f e d e r a l RSS • ' •■ ■=■ .3



A lk OoTKnm iBt t< i 'B JU M B u , ' n r ' • O onitn ie tlon and '• •

. . . . . ; , l h k 3 W ^ ‘,

.BDIiLOTj' : ( e p « 5 ) . - / l a ' T m n t m eeting 'o f; th e ,b o B z i b{ d l i m o n v t Burioy Irriga tion d ia trie t a rcaoliitloii woa adopted aclcing .tbo . federa l gov- ' e rnm jn t fo r fivo y e a r s ' eztenalon i<f tim e in whieb ^ m eet pledges for. con­atruetion nad bperatlon CTpcnae* m w duo.- ' . .

Thero are Aow s tand ing on the books of t£o T7nitcd S ta te s reclam ation .serv- ^ lee- iincnlleeted conatn ic tlon c h a r m V against 50,000 a c r c s .c f tbo .Bonthside pumping u n it o f the M ioldolta project; tho j o in 'o f »53,7»*.85. TU * amount w as'O us Dcccmbcr 1, 1920; a n d . the sum of W7,123.70 duo Doecmber 1.1021 .. F o r m aintenance the sum uncol- lec tcd 'oL d duo M arch 1. lOSO, was ♦3,{173/)7, and tho sum of-$135,S30.IW ^ duo M arch 1, lt>2l. and tb o .fu r th e r • opo^otion and m aintenance c ^ g e s j a the-sum of 1120,123.7!) will bo duo-'pn U areh 1, 1022. ' . '


Som -of tai3,0O0' A ltaadjr PU ead v l t b ^ B otTow er»»Ia AH 1600,000 L o tn i i l .

,• I A ro A pprorod - " f. niTRLRY (Special) - f i i n c o ' l t a . c r - inuiisntion ^ r l y In N ovonber, thjj- Southrrn Idaho Livestock Loon avo- elation hos npprovcd loaas approxlm at- ^ ing $600;000. O f tb is am oont <313.000 has been ploced w ith livestock men, aceording to J , W. Cunnlnghoo.tj?rc‘d- dent o f tho sM ociation. ' - ’

REAL ESTATE TRANSFEfISrszn lsh sd b r tb a T w ^ p a lls 'T l tla a a A

A b i t m t O onpaay . ^

Dce-l- Goorgo IL Stoddard to F . W.Browu «f000, NW SB 14-10-17.-

Deed: Wm. H . Stoddard to F . W.Brown 115,000, BW BE 14-10il7,

Dotfd: B uh l Im provem ent Corp. to M fi6 d i« a il» B Jia o o , lo t . ir, and Qlock IP | lots 11 and 12, bloek IvBstuinn's H rs t A dd., BtiM.

Doed: H . £ . Stevens to J- J- Glodow- ikl »8H0a, SE NB 12a0-H .

Deed} E. a WllUam* to Twin F^Ils Elaak and T rust Co., I I , lo t 17, blotk 131, Twin H aU s. •

T r u i - Blue* 'and th* "Blu* Rtbbon.* 0Tbe eipresa lon tru e bloe is handed __

lown from the Scotch Cove&antera of he Seventeenth cen tury , wbo dioaa )lue ns, tb e lr emblem tn opposltloa ta . / i e royal red. T h e COTennDtfera wara M ) group bound t r a seHea o f corenants T ':» uphold tb e P resbysterlan form s a a ^ J loctrlnes o f faith . T hus t n e b l u e 'w a ^ Ipplled orlglnslly u> a loyal P^eab^«rlan . T be bloe ribbon, alw aya tb a 'eword of tiie wln'< tr In a m ce n r cco* est, o r ig in a te in tb e o se o f a bloa Ibbon a s ’tbo dlstiugnlablng badge of he Kiilgbt* of the vlarter. an order Onnded by Edw ard I il .


Nibley-Channel j' L i n a S B O O H F tX T ^ .


in the Union |t that its citizens §land—and shows s .in the law s-It W

tection and serv- 1

of our state are g , 'to affording the i * ng service, with , ^;y.\ ■ , ffl ,he basis'of this !■ ' titiition’s gener-!e service. • S

’ = S

B a n k - 1

/ o m p a n y I fS , I D A H O M " ' i

Reserve System" 1

tjramniiiijgim ,

Page 3: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

* F i s W n j S c h o o n e r H e jd a l E n s s - ,

. n e d a W a s O n e . o f F o r e lo n

V e s s e l s E n B a a e d in G u ri R u n -

' n in g ; S t a t e m e n l S a y s /

• MEXU-O, ( / P ) ~ h o Amcriean filh- Uiff w hocner Mabel, j o w belnrf hold h»

J h p ' UoxVofl authoritle» n t E n u n n b ," W a forelija offiee Rt»‘c*■ m rn t iM nv n t a cttrrlcr o f « n t r a b n r i

annn. -Tho tharj:*- m t nl»o rnn.lo sa , thp HtitfitK'nt th n t otlior I'oatii f i r ln j th e S tatea f la« wen- cnpajtod In TUB Tunnlnir. .Tho utatPinimt folIowM •'

% QootM Ooimilate.. ‘ ■Thu» Mexlcaa connulBio n t 0 m

DIoro. oa Derembcr reportodth n t th l fiihlnir M'booncra Mnbel i^ il Yukon had loft fo r Mexjcao w a tm irilho-it flihinjr pcrraiti or roninlnr y

■ elcarane# p ip c n . *n.vln(f publlrly th a t ■ thoy w rrr.tro lng to San ncmnlmo and

— Sati U nrtin , Txiwcr Cnllfwtnln. /o r . th c A pnrrtoio o f f lihh fr. Thcv Rtntcd they J woro no t A lspoitd' to tiav thc corti'- k "ponding harbor fee"' hu t tha t they bad ^ armo:! thetniclve* with r lf lc i and. a

larjrc number o f pnrtrWecii In onler tc protec t thrmnelvex nfralnitt the flohln^t pntrol boot Terate. Tlile eonduet hu t been' follDweil bv’ other boat* and, I'C-

• nideii.'It Ir KURnlrlonrd th a t'w h lle fi<h- in* thny cnrried pontraba-id artna.

“ On rei'em ber 7 to Hume flan DjeRO ronaul rrportod tbn t'.th e nrhooaer M«* > v bel hn.l been eaptiirctl in Moxicnn wn- „ tc rs beenuae of the Inrk of n flih lng perw lt and coniuVir ficaninpc paper* non and. tv u boini! detained n t Kniennda l r mar

—^«D B e(iu ro « « o f Inatrurtlonn from thc ___^ p r o p e r authoritiea..

U«lng BnorjeU c MMWwa. M/I ' " A a contraband flib ing la gpncrillv

fo llow ed-by vatinns A n^ncan W t* , which devote thomielvca In nn alarm*Ing m.inuer to elnndcRtlne fl» h ln j b 7 M exican w ateri, tho proper an tliorillei a re uilnt? enetjrellr .mcawrcR to pro-

%v6n t the a b a « » wlilch, have hitherto been com m uted 'in vnrloiiR forma. ” » « r

The foreiCT offlfc 'a Rtalcmi’nt Ir lb r la i tlM t o lfle ial m entlon 'o f the Mabei In- la rj aident. which It It known hna b i'm to 'l tho subject -withlii thc Jant few dav i ' T.

. o f BcvcrnI inqulriea by OcorRc T. 8 nm* m-cr merlin, American ebarj?! d ’affnlrc* com h e re . . , , 'r ■ bual

A . Flubinp o f f the Ixiwer California varl itoaat in rarried on under concculopj, a< Hml veined oporatlng In .Ibcto w at«ni. rfnl it I* naiiU euitom arily arm the ir ,e re«< hc>-i A protection - a^aloat . otAor rW

' 'c h oon rrf. _ 1. ownI ' • ‘ miR

To Chureb by A lrplanet. • ' |J1»- ^ “A re you ready for church. Jo b o t" , J''

“AlraoBl, Mnry, bu t Vm afraW tb e• ilr .w ill .b e ..ta tb e r,r jJ .m :lL .th iL m o rp *

ln r.” . , jutiT h a t n a y , be the jcnu ra l. trend of /,

any eariy Baodny oiomlDS coDvcrM* the tIOD be tveen husband and Wife if Inn Ohnplaln A. J . FoU t c f F o r t Crockcll, thn

A Q ih e s to n OaWcston. T ew a , »'nt^ w n tlnuc f h ls flctitltlcs. F o r to,Cbap-

lain Foltx belongs the nnlquo dlatlDC* ' tlon bf having held the ,flr« t religious

- lorvlee wWcb thc en tire congregaUoa •f a tow n a t tk d e d by th e a id o f air- planes. im;

T h e eflngKentlon w blch helped.flU Itvn 0 ^-ObQplaln Poltz's .clmrcb on nalvcston put

Island took offlD th e ir ftirploncs from tiiri e illng ton neld. H ouston. T exas. Twcn* cy machines, containing 80 men each. ^ tra re lcd tho distnnce o f 38 mile* In about 20 minutes, attended, tbe serv* lees, and flew bock to Blllnctoo field

^ ignin -witboot mishap. in• ■» the

Exeala Q m c e . i*’’A young Greek, whoeo home Is In

A thens, w as a vlaitor to the eap)toI, and iifie r tnaking tlio rounds of tbo d ltfu rea l Bpartm<;ntR nnd vUwlng tho bcautJc!. o f the nnve be snid hc had

^ seen o il thc flncBt ImlldliiK* In hls na*V t lv e ‘country, liut none of them could

eomparo with .Kentucky'H cnpUol for beau ty and eleRanco of conatnictlnn.— ^ F rank fo rt S ta te Joum ni. 1 .

- , , . M

t Jud Tunklna. ?Ju d T unklns snys on optim ist I s n t q ,

.*ocnplcte unless he Is u cbeerfol a t ' Ua w ork u bo Ii In coaverw tlon. j,,

Bassla's Bepresontativo io iGenaany fr

" m

' a

f ' K r » i ? tw « f c .y |I ' Nleolni Ivrottlnaky, who hai*Vbon~ne- ^ l^ r o d ite d to thb Ocrman RcpubHe or,

diplom atic repreaentativo o f the KuR- «lan SocInlUHc • Kedcrotlon, o r ’8fivi,'t

,. Hrpublic.

. ■ . ■: T

I ■

I f ' *"



) • -^V ' J,• ' Wnltc Hoytc, ' ‘k id " pitchor o f thcJ Now Y p ik YanVooar And ono of tbo « ; horoea of tho reeont world Bories/is tu y ',' n a rry In February. Miss D oro thy 'P yle, atui


« T lim nre ro mnny won.lvrfiil things' bolnir dono cyory dny thn t when n mnnj any* l;o hna. a aolutlon o f very , v<*n-

Hccrct I'Olure, with ro»ic |>>!ciillar nu'tnl la it, which puta nrw lifo Into a b;i(- Lsu■ tepr, t lE t . .o u l .j f -U n people nrc rca.\v. jg j 1 to 'b e liev e TiTm w ithout'q iiratloh . ' v j f I ' W fl.w hole achemo of l)iii:»ry (loplnj; j.* aeem* >0 plnudblc ,tli.i* doT.onx n f '» cnuipaiilfk have liccn l*'<l. In ‘ tn ft in

buRlncRJ ' ninnufacturinR “ ilo|(i',-»" o f j 1 7 » .variou.i aort*. 'I, aopif of theni' bnttory n i">li''in i»iirej '• ti’nlly liifrnilPM nud thv wnml th a t enn I —* he 'jn id nbqut'Hhi'm U tlm t tL»y do nO| h “I gTO'l-'Csc’n il thnt they ri'li.'v , ihoVii.- n

uwiicf llf five Or aix dollnr^ which In: ' r miglit iiivp»t in Ktia, tlrcR. :>!l, lii, ►on.r- S thing rlRc m ore-' necdfnl 'l i ' th,* ear. H

» T lirrr a re nthcrx (h n t'd o lu't .itil Vnrm H by tftkiuB nptlve niHterifll nw n)''fri.n i « the bn ttery platen nml by hitrudiiolng g

'■ -forci|{a Rub«tnnrr»-into ttir l>atii*ry i*0 ' Ij iutron. ' ■ S

< A R'I. reault o f :n rernnt checkup >11 I- th f aubjeet of bnltcry duiu't, thp .W ii f Inni S torn i» Diittcry rnmpniiy rxind ; thn t nll.Jiincvra of Htiinilnrd wcil knuivii I, b n ttc rieriirc nscfcd ujioii tlic fu rl t ’lat

the only « iti«fnrtory Ix ittrry H liltu ii ^ la diluted pure aiilpliurli' u rid of Mi-:

propcr..,dcnjilty, K mplio'ia. «lioii)<l ln' pinccd on Ihe word .“ {rnro" fot auv

“ fo re i|;i auhRtnncea nru lintilc to catiur '* tK iublr.in the hattory. Tlicw in nofh- I

itiK, u y theoc inanufjivturura, th a t » ill ‘II Itvmti'Vv* ujwu thl' jmre MitHtlon ilitil >»D put Intl) thc bn ttery hy ihc ninnufrir-; v D turura nnd tliclr nuthoriVi'iI acrvii-i-ata .1 l. tiona. , . '1 Tlic and »ub»tnwf» of tlu ' bnt- J tery b u ild m ' advice Ih thn t thc wav , to koi'p n battery in rnndition .ia lo <. r put water iu ot regulnr iiitervnla nnu >

keep \\ rlJURrd when nrrCMuiy. nnd tn roinruiiicr thnt " d o p " — w hnlrver there maj bc in it—can never take tho ■ ■.• |il(icii oi'pr(i|K!r a ttention. :

' ; . . .-----■ ! t' ' . May Get T rtsau re From Ocean. ; &I A «hl|i'rt trcnsuro b u H c d 'fo r 18D I [j , yearn haa now. It ts thought, been lo -1. rf . rated. Anywny, the Kust Indin com* t U I, pany’B nlilii flmav^nbr. w blrll foun*i )} . dCTCtl off tliv m « of I’owlnlnnd. South a ; Africa. In 1783, wltb $&(57:!.a'>0 In spe- H

cle, nuniiTims gold and n'lver Ingots. H and prccloua fitoncs. Including nn al* o o s t priceless parccl^of rn iero lds.on board, bnx now been loruled. The ,

J • Groavenor KiilUnn nj-ndlcntc hns boon• orpitilM d and nucrey work Is nlrendy

proceeding. The eonaulting engineer in tbe operntlon eonllnnfl ibe report

' th a t the ubip, whlrb Is said to Ho In ; - from 18 to 2T> fert of w nter nnly, Is j Intact from ke<'l to deek. A «^foo t , I tunnel from ahore to ahip Is proposed.A Inrgc alivcr Spanish coin benrlng

. a w ^m dnto tba t Jippearfl to bc 1722,

. B llgbier allver coin w hld i nppennt to '■ he Indian nnd u nmnll gold piece on• w h irl! 'nn Imnge mny be fo trly dls- ,|,

cemc<l hnve been obtained from per* ^j, sons living on the 1‘ondolan.l .coast, ,,1, ftnd nre tielleved tn hnve m m e from j,)]

. the cunken.OrosvcDor. rc— ----------------Hf

U natlafled.U ao i> matle o t d u it nnd Is general* f

l r <mt for. more.—Boston T ra n sc rip t


Id Morry



. ' (ll


) - ;■

Brooklyn. Tf. Y., girl, is to b« th s bride. [ a ^ wfce U k io w i t l l OTer eom* ftry aa tno .“ Brooklyn schoolboy*', m a t hia b ride to-bo.aix yearn ago, whllo a j, atudont a t .Eraamus n ig h Scbool. .

- ' ■ — i- IAnn!# u u r l s . ■

Aiinli* l^iurle wan th e o ldest o t th a c tb rw dnuyliierti o f S ir B obert Lanrf* of Miixweliun, In the county o f Kirk* cudhrighu Kcotlnnd. Jn ,1700 abe I 8 i^ rli-<l JaiHCB ForgUBon. o f^C m lgdarroch ,, and she was tho m o the r o f M to a n d er Ferguson, tbo bero o f D um a’; sonc, r i b s W hlatle." T he song o f "Annio Lsiirie" was w ritten by WlUtnm D o o r las of Finland. In tho s tew ard ry (rf Klrkcndbrifiht. bcro o f th e song “ W p Ufl W as W anton W ag." ' ' ;

117-Year.OlTflM B etters Oanal ! Zone Swimming EecordaI • :I

'I.Mia« Floronco M atte r, who ia today

, rcRting her tired muaeles n f tc r an all- nighl awlm In tlio B alboa Pool and b"p '

I lug tha t her g rea t am bition to a«im the EngliRh Channel w ill bc rriili'.cii.

' When she finished n n ine-hour awim In Ihe Vool aho hhd covered ninu nml oue-

' ciiihlh m ild , and i t m arked tb r roui- I plotion of ft task novor before iicctnn- I jillMicd by nny ono o f thb la thm us. Only

Ri'vrntccn yoars old nnd a Rrndu;itu r>{ Hftlbon High, School, Mia* M ntlcr lins fiurpnaicd nil provioua recorda nl the Balboa Fool and cnjaya th e dU tlucllon of hnving stayed in ; t h c vralcr innt:er

.. IhanrOny other porson a t tho Jiool.


All look nllke to u i wben i t cornea to \-ulcanixlng.' SinooUi tread , or , m>n-»W(ls, or. fnl,ric or cord .tlri's cnn all bo e ffec tive ly repaired and nnito ovor l>y our vnlcnniz- cTv L et 11* provp thla to you and Rave y o u ,a lot o f tire money.

; GEM STATE VULC. CO.1S5 S n » M ,* T » W u i


OF FANCY PRICESrrosldont 'o t Katiomfl loague 0

Sajrs Groh'HoOonfloU Doal is Alarming ' * ;

NKW YOIIK. m — Trflinln" ■« ho,.’ -! fnr “ Mindlot” I'fiKcball iilavpw. n rtln , till' fn^'piation o f n af)ccl/>,l cirrnit Ihr do'i 'lopm cnt o f. “ future, lacflt*’' ; i_, mny mou h r nmong th e poai'ibllltle* nf ' I'aseb.iN. They hnve bci'n angi’c 'lc il , K' nuiinr lengup niagnntea na menn« of ►filvln;; the problem o f c«:npinit fron-

. “ frrn<i-d f in n n ce " In Imi-ebnll nm! “ “ lire e tiip ftrd lo he dlReuRsnl af Mi.i iinnuil wcetlngii o f th e Nationnl nrd .\mrri,'nn league* here nex t wwk;-— [,

Th.‘ reccnl purehaae of Hcinie Ornh. ' .liuimy O'Connell nnd o the r plnyerR nt i*® fnnpy \iTicp» In nlann lng th e cIhU owi> ' r r i -vho, fared w ith ' a non-draftiu i Hi’ri'PiiieuI with th e minora, eannot v e **’ .1 R'diitioti, IH tlilN dlreetlQn.

- • .Icilm a ; lleydlcT. p rn sldenf'ftf. Sw'l ,.\nttniiii! leaeue. ra id : j e

“ Th<? mnjor Icngue rnnnot rnutlnm-;) l( pnv exorbitant auma for mlnur

i'Irvpt*. fo i »t»oner or Inter, ti^e vcry rivalry am ong the cluba wHI me.m finan ru l diaaatcr ,to orjpinited ba*"-, ‘ /■e'l. . ;P«

“ i\ Italn lnp wlitu)' w iW . th r m an-j** agpiiipnt o f aeveral fo rm er'h 'lg le a iu r up Rtar* i-ouhl dn w ondcn with a elnR" f*f tbi hrljilil, ambitlouf enndidiitea rrho wen- be i-flKer to play on th e b ig eircuUa. W t c thc closc of rIx o r-c igh t monlh* of in -'w i

' tenaive train ing p layers ^ ’Ould be nvaM |i||( I nblo who, in nioat caae* would he n i „ ! fa r nSvnnplHl in tb c aclenee of profpx'j

aional bRRebnll n* th e avcrngo -m in 'ii. lenguer under the old d rafting lyateni.

■*_'T'io Ruggcated m inor league fi- ~ cniirpd bv the majora hn* tbe advnuc- age of poRRiblo revenue In that n frtir c ln« (if bnicball would be played. '


But What Prohibition C fncsrs T bough l; Waa s ‘'S till" W u R««lly Oom*. ■

thing Q uiU D lffsren t |

a u t e and federal p rohibition ofllcera ,, were silent concerning a reeent e jti« ri* '

«nce. when they sw ooped down on the shack o t John Finn o f Sherhoume mountain lo rnld " ‘lin t wna auppos^ i

I to be a 'g lun t atlll. ' IFinn, a Rufwlan. wn* nowhere to be .

seen, h u t 'u t the r t n r 'o f h ls c leariogi waa a rough, conical stono m nicture, about six feet bigb. Itn chinks tilled w ith cloy. Under It crockled a log

• flrt5, while from It* to p iMued sm okt 'a n d steam.

One Rtlll-hunter p ried open t b e , small Iron door, th ru s t □ band in io ; tlio steam -niled in to rio r and em itted <

‘. i s 'b rU kI'. ' V V *" ' ‘ i “A Inlgl" he cried. “A bumnn Inlgl j

lA ndU ’ft a l i v c r A• From the doorwny em erged fimt the ! foot, next tbe ’‘Inlg." nnd tben b o d y ' o f Jnhb Finn, clnd only In th e muddy , mantle of Innocence..

"W hnt y‘ doln’7"'woH (Ired a t blm. ■•Tokin' n bntb." he . nnawered In •

broken Rngllab.Flon explnined he hod bu ilt himself

a Itiiaxlan bnth, obta ining tbe steam by le tting cold w nter d rip bn heated stones.—HuUand (V t> IM spntdi, In •hn Nnw Tork W orid.

Bxpertanced.A New T ork rarety ' company says

tbat husbands aro m ore honest than bachelors. T hey 'ro learned th e futility of lying nnd try ing to g e t sw ay w ith It.

cT l

1 T he F o rd car can a re m ore th a n 3,000

[j ... four to one to the ni >• would n o t be 80 i f tJ

superiority in aerviee ll. and m aintenance; t l

c a ^ to u n d e rs ta n i s . body can sa fe ^ ^

doubles th e value of J and economical m et« . W e h ave th e full lintI' W e assure you the ^or , P a rts . , V

^ WESTI S f i i /

- P I


) r 1 : i n g f { e w s ’

Harvard'Graduate,Scores Syatem of ,i.

Letter Qualifying ncOutHb, oI U ow Y o rk , O ritlolieB '

Plan of Last Uoment Use .. i ()f Playera /

! CAMBHIDOK. .Mm C. (/P) — Crilieir Nc tln u l'>r' eihlom o f rualitng foothi>ll ip 'a.vrm on to tUc gtWWon In thc do* ''l a g moment* o f p la y m Ihr Ilvin 'arl- Yalo gnme ns 'a mrana of tjunlifying them for the varalty Id le r , Jame* F. Curtia, o f Now York, a Knrvaril*grud- ua lc nad form er naRlRtant M'eretary <if the trcnaurA’, rceotnnicndH nomo other method of bittur m rtT d .

[ ' “ I’u rin if mo to auggcRt.” he wrote, ' “ th a t Twc return to the feeling pro- dominant I n the old du.»i, whon’ Iho *•“

.r a p u lu and th e . roach were nnxiouR to aco w ltb how fo w playera, rathor P” thna with how many, n gnme eould bc L —

.w on,” ___I ' '— -------- . TI Ego Oano« <]nM P opular In Europt. ean: The egg duiico. now coiiflned chiefly *to Spain, nmong the people o f Valen*‘ d a . wna s ciice popular dlterslon In Knglnud. Snitlaiid . U ullund end otber

; p a rts o f /Jurotw. A nu irtt« r o f eggs 1 were artuHRed In a y tvK rlbed form ^ 'upon the daiii'lng floor, and among , |« them n hllnd-folded dnncer m ov.ifd 'u beat h f lulslit. m music, tiie object ^ tc liig to execute nn In trira te danctf- ^ w llhout brvnklng the Tho inuslc, “

lllkn Ihe arniiigcm eni of the eggs, al*10 wus prexcriliH .

1 • ■ ----------- ^ T |I RBAD T IIB C L A 88IFI5D ADB. L -


N e x t t o

C a r f o r ]what is better than mali like it just arrived from

Cocnfe out Xmas mon painted car that your f new.

We are always pleas?! , bn what is best to preser and the elem.ents; ;

We are prepared to re niture in any stain of 'i

, cially prepared to do yc in any of the frosted


Cutting Aut(P H 0 1 ^ E V 4 8


can well be called th e ^'pieoples car, 100,000 of them in daily operation. : nearest follower in th e m otor car f th e F ord car had n o t for suctecn ice , in durability, an d in th e low a ; th is would not b e so i f the Ford i , so simple in coM tniction th a t any ^ v e . it. I t is w ery b o d y ’s nec« of tim e, and is th e quick, convenie aethod of transportation. W e sol line, Touring Car, R unabout, Coup : b est possible in repair work w ith tJ

TERN AUTO CO.4 2 2(1(1 Avenue North ^

P H O N E 1 2 9 c r l

DECEMBEttlO.lk '

(C ity i/: i t* n ta iB v iH n e )V . ■/.» i v• •••

No. ISO'___D epart 7>nNo. ___D epart 6:10 p. m.

.W asthoiiad- No. 8 3 \..-~ _ _ .— D e ^ l iW .p . a . •No. 185.— i.— , D epart 4 i « p. m. ..


Southbound No. 33P — . D epart 1:<5 p. a .

' K o rtb b o u d ' .No, 340 ------------^ A rr ite 5sM p. b . .

mailmasb-otNo. IflO a t 7 f n i . .No. 85 a t 1:W p. m.'No. 153 a t 4:10 p. m.No. 84 a t 6:30 p. m.

' Rogerson branch a t 1:06 p. a .

Tho foregoing tnall makeop Is op* e ra tlre and effeetive eader ord lnarr condltloD', I t A g reat an o o o t'o f mail ahonld be d ropped.at abont th e reg* ttlar eloaing tm e i t would be iapoi*' siblo to (Uapatch- tke mall o a the proclie hour.'

The N n ts l» tead by th e permnnenl -• a rc in g elaues.

TWIN fAUS-DOlSC STAOEL M T tn iT w in FiDls' t t 8 ft. a . (lacai tton*)} i ^ t * -p. a . tto

coBflMtite w ith H a 19 goioi v sA , a \ U s p t U a B e a a . Olvint OM hoar fo r d ln sa t bsfors the t f ' r l r a l o f 10. gotsg w w t Fara s t a i . as raOzoad. • • V ' . v. '


a N e w

X m a s - ^ -jking the old one look im the factory? rning with a newly, friends will think ia

i?d to confer with you erve the car from ru s t ,

refinish your old fiif- p color and are espe- your wicker furniture 1 effects or t o ig h t

:o Paint Go..317-319 MAIN W. ::



ar,” because.there n. T hatis.afM U t . ar industiy . This . n y e a rs p r o v o ii ts cost for operation '

rd car was n o t so' , nybody and every- cessity becausc it lient, comfortable, solicit y o u r.o rd e r., upe, Sedan, T ru c k ., the genuine Ford •

Page 4: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

i l i i ® I'S:■ 1 ■ ■ (Oontlflwa from P »£e .Ona) ,a „ jg

eoneernlBir tho ita tua ' o f tho ialand o i !'> Ya p «n<1 w hat aro tonactl tbo raandntoi In 1.Uland* In th e ’Pfleifle ocean, aortli tjf .•the cgu«ltor,,U)o ncgotifitloD* In rcRntd tn u : to 'w u r e t i 'n r e aliliOBt eoflcludcj, o n a , trw'a l to to tho rotcrvatlopii w ith rc iiv e t B i t. to, wli4t nrp t f r m c d 'th e ’iiinndntod bl* woi

n o d t ln tlio Pnrlfir nri«»i, xoiith o f lho w M uator. ■ . na l

" I t bhould a lto Iio nhsctvcd th a t tho o m ;. fontrovoMle# to .w h ic h ' tho propoied deali tr c a tv tefora do not fiithraro qucstloi-k andwhlctii according lo jirlncliilc* o f in- not

‘ 't i-m ational law h e -c id u ii 'v rly witliin wothe doaicitip jurU ilirtlon of tho roiiwr- • ‘T '

‘ tlvo,.po>Yer*.~ roos TI\o confcrcncc will porrpive thn t I

spoke cor^cetly wlicu I r e f m c d lo Ilio In*t rm * . o f tho trea ty ns almrle- To put _ quo.i t in n few word* Ujo tr e a ty provM o W

: th a t tht. • four: aifmatory powpw w ill M 1PRTCO o» lu lw tro IhctnBt-lvcn to tcspit 1«m

• th e ir ;n iu1ar poiwMiIona'nml dominloni the in tho r();ioa of tbo I’a rlf lc and th a t .w it i f any rontroVcriy ahould nrlao a)i to peal aueh tlg h is all the hiRh eootrlaetiiiR tbe parUca ahali bo invited to a jo in t con- tho fereneo looklnK to tho ndjin tm ent uf hJgl aueh controvcray. "H i

K o ProTiflon fo r Porco. ■ ; ' '• 'T h e y ngreo to (ako almilnr a c tio n [

in tlio oaio of a|{jtrc<'"Ion h y .a n y I ...pnt powor uiwn tljfw .ln iiu lar poMeaiioni o r 'L . , ’ ilominlon*. Tlio aRrcenient la to romaln „ , In forcn fo r te n yoara ond a f te r ratifi-

•MtloB tinder e/i« can*t«tufJonaJ nietJi-• oda o f tho hlRh eontrartinR pnrtlea the

..e x ia tin ir ORTCcmcnt betweon G re a t ,« ri- ,ta in and Japan whieh w ra coneludod

■ ’ « t London-Oli Ju ly 13, 1011. ahnll t t r - *7 , .■'minnte. A nd-that I i a ll. 'E iach algniyr

' i i ’bound to' re ip o e t-th a r igh ta ;of. thoi* . ,/• , othora ond boforo ta k in g aetion in ony , m ntro .'cr»y to conautt w ith. thom. . T hero ii no proviiloa, fo r thn . uao of J" fnreo lo carry out any o f tho torma n f tho tiirrcenent and no m ilita ry or . • naval annetlon Inrka anyw here -in tho • .

' .'liaeX iyiund or under c o v c r ; o f .th e io . 't , , /- . j< 'fliii,oiid diroct clausen.

Aima a t PtoTalUns W ar ..“ T 'lo .Burcrt w ay-to p reven t w nr In .

to remove eauaei n f wnr over n g ren t ■ •orca o f tho qlohe’a aDrfnee hy rctinnro i ! ' : upon tlic ROOd faith hnd hnneat intei.- ,tlon« of tht! na tioni w liv 'li, ulmi flm . * ■treaty, aolving all dlf/ordncea through th e procpMCs o f diplonwtcy a n d 'jo in t

. t'onaidorotlon and coneltlatlon. Mo 'clniiht Wl a h a ll'h ea r I t aaitl that'U >-i 'r e rlo n to. w h ie h 'ih ii ogreem ent opplic i • j jo i« ono niont unlikely lo I 'i t th to j-, M.^oufl dltpu les and Iherefore nn ngreo- -

'n ic n t ;« . ' thla chnracter I i 'o f lit tle eon.’ n ^ j , , ‘arqueneea.' n iito ry unhappily hfa „ ahown th a t ihoro la. no com er of tlw ««th |.-90 rtiTwt# or w \til\ielcn* thn t it ia no t eapaW o-of g iving canac for D»lJe

. r o n t r o v m y 'o r c v e ii'fo r wnr hetween bring , tho" 'lribM - a n d 'th e Tifttton* o f man- year.

kind . B a t the Wanda of th e P acinc, receli . a lth o u g h ' remote f ro m ’ il 'e <lwe11iR^ any (

p 'aeeii t-f the mnw of liiinia’j ity 'n re fnr . {j / ^ m vbtuGlciii. Tho ifil'tndii o f llio .m i. , W n th w o eU n i- Paeiflc extend ov^r a q T

vnct apace In th a t grant > ocean. They : roaeh fw m tho-M imrtfeiai «m tht? e a it ' ' tf> tho Philippine* on thi* WMtj from

, tho A leu tian .Ii(andi on the norlli nenr- P’oc® I r to- tho A ntarrtic eircic on th e aoulh. JInabi

'.T h e y - a r o f tir more nmnvrou* thnn li 'l .'cnerally rea liaod .' I d» no t kpOiv w h at th e 'to ta l nomber ia. hu t T om in- d .., fonried (ia to th e Philippinea and i t ap- ^

r-peflrt th a t th ia croup atone. contn(nf , over 3100 iilanda, o f whli^h ICOO havo

: nnmea. Wo have probnhly himrd ’>f - th e rem ark of Robert I.i)Ui* fltevenaon the w

whon on leav ing one nf tho P a rif ie i«I> b u b fiTiA%, hn w u uV cd bow ho w m golitg tpp lli to SJmon. He replied th n t ho ihoald prorh

- li’Kt TO* ou t and tu rn to the le ft . -Thtuo ti'.inda hrej' cotntuiraltvoly upflnklng, u>' . .m denao th a t wo might de«r<bo them In _ j , th e worda of Drowning oa tho ‘aprln- k 'ed ialet. lily on illy tha*. ti'o rlaoo tho *>**”

IHatlagnlabM by OlUtfp. '* 'A .id y e t the region th rongh whieh 'TTi

thoy nre a c a t te i ^ {a lo vaat, th n t tho wrao lalet. o f Oreeeo and the A egean aoa ao cparkt fam oia in ..h istory nnd poetry , could - in

' r n i i l r lio loat therein and ron tinuo on- noticed oxeept by w andering aeamon or a tttiy ndventutcra. T hey ta n g o ( ro u , Aimtrnlln, eontinenlnl in m agnitude, to ^ , atolla where there ore do dw ellers hu t the liiiilder* of tlie eoral rrofa o r l/mely •• roek* m arking the penk *>f monntnlnii itand.whieh r i ' f iip .fr»m the oeenn 'a floor --------througli milea nf wnler before they toueh thv nlr. AllhnuRh fo the weat­om and th e eattern .w nrld nliVc, m on _ nf tho Ulandfi on the aoiithweatern Pn- ■ eJfic f-re little known, there itl l l Hng. I era nhout thero the diarm no compelling 1 and 10 fn ifinating , which nn undweov- orod eountry haa for the ronn of mt-n who sre wearj- of main tn v e lle d road* . « nnd tho tram pled highway* o f trade I hnd eommeree which rover the aurfacc K o f th e ptitient earth. I

. Bomance Btill Llogera. ^" U p o n the*e Ixlandi iti ll ahlnei the

dram.i c f romanee In the ,f lo r id of Melville and the wrillnjr* of Hobnrl Louia. Plovenion, lo whom th e M>'.ith M as iravo both jv grave nnd a monu­m ent Imiirrlahahln aa hix own fan e . n u t , th '‘ Paelfic Inlnnd* nro m uch mo/o than flli". T hey possess eertnln qnnli- tioa other than natural beniity and r<J- m astJe charm, which to mnny mindl faro more enticing. The la rger .onee aro rleh In many waya, fertile io tha gift* o f soil and cllmnfe, and In olhcir forma e f rii-hcs dealred by men, which

• oxten-Ii'd from llie un to ld 'm inera l re- noureei uf Auntrnlln' lo Hie pearl* which nre brought from the depths of . / the oeenii. There arn ommu; them nil 1 g rea t rrcnx of ftirent ond of p lain f i t ■

. for the support and jirm pctify o f elvl- ^ U u d mnn. In n word they Imve .i a vcrj* g reat innterinl vnliio, Inrgely un- • '* dovebjied, and w l^ro thii' condition

■exl*ta th e desire* of men will en ter onJ eonfllrting humnn .leiircs have throughout recorded hia(6r>- been brecdorj oS.wnr. Thua. itar tho waatea of thb Po tifle 'D ctaa w ith oil tho crond- ln g i ib n d a , except on tho odgca of th-<' rontlnenta, hnvt; not been the icef.fi

m m

o f tho g rcal w w i, and nol many y e a n y im vo-pouod lineo '-tbrco g reat nationf iDiit t^elr w4il«hlpi to Samoa becttuio I tnoro waa a dUputo in regard to. th'Mf ’ , d Ja tan t. Ijlands. . TJierofore. )«■ n g w - • ■ inoB t'am ong th e 'n a t io n s ' rontrolfing « « y theao iiianda haa n v r ty aerloua Impor-, taneo to. th e p« ico 'o f the, world.- . . Tyn

••Wo nuOc# tb e e m n n w n t.b e r f l W J In H U J-tre ity o f • tiT to J *» “ KW •* j

, ^ 0. Ml. th M immanae . r if lo a by tn u tln # tb e preaervallen of I t t " “ P trv ia u iu ty t o t b a -g o o ^ a i th o f th e . , * ' \ aatlona rei^ifonalble for i i - Tba . BJtAV world .baa j u t p a a n d througb '*'» I ' war tbo Tery memory o f which I -oK n a k i i na shudder. W e a ll believe ; H’aug deep in our b e u U tb o t tb la bldeoUi to by deatractlon o f Uf«, tb la lo |f « r l r i ; Curie' and lu in w blcb «tUl M aet u . m a a t. ' oil ff not be perm itted t« come a«&ln if 'begin wo con p re re a t I t I f tba n a tio n U k n

. 01 tbe e m b $n a tlll In tha lanez- j on fll motit receeeee o f tb e lr conadotH- ja t Ok na«B planning o r dream ing o f com- | lo g .u n n a ad longing fo r • 'con-. ; duasta, ao trea tlaa o f partition ahd - ; „ “ *

■ no alliance c*n «U y tbam j -hut if.M I f i m ^ bop«. th e world baa ' ° I ta tiied » W gW ful VTOOB,ftott the aw fnl experiencoa.of tba g rea t “ 1"**'

.w a r o f 19M, tban our sarest ap- " " peal l a order to p re re a t wara I n . ' ' tb e fu ttire 'm ust b e to tbe bearta. - the rympatbles, tb e reaaon and tb e . higher ImpnUea of mankind. " . "j"Hu.-li'an 'appcfll »ye make lothiy Ny *

th l i iigreemeiit nniioig four great n:i- W '* ' lion*. Wn rely uj'tut thoir gobii foitli to carry nul I'lie term s of thi« mstr.i- “ "J*' iiient,'know ing thn l Iiy ‘i'o doiug tK vw iir prevent w ar »|^iould roiitniverslcH P"' uv'er nrlin omong IliVtii. If this ip if it • priivnlls nnd rules, we I'liii h n v f ito liil- t«r n u j ip o i f l l tn th e f«ItU of uutltm*.' (*"'* K For ono J devoutlv believe tho spirit f f * the H'.irtd IK B ucirthat cun tn i* t to the K»<>.1 fa ith nnd the liigh purpose* y h lrli Ihe trenty I hnve laid before y'i;i “ “gto einhodien and 'enshrjnen. Agreeme’il..(if th il k in d 1 know hnve oflen ..........made l-tforo, nnly lo fnil. Itut tlief'* ' |j,, Imt hoiin n fn r.reaehlng ehnngc In ti!.‘ {he fi ineutnl condition of men nnd women „ everywhere. Thui which reiilly rdunt^i ^er th I* tl.iii';ntontion n f lhe nntions who j,|^ j j j'naki- thu ngreeiiieiit. In .th is -h u u r uf i trliil 'and dnrkness whirii .hns followed tile Witr with flerniniiy the *|iirit i>f office; Ulll w irlil In nu loMuer Uie snme. If \Vt)ttV filte r iijion this ngreem enl,'w hlelj res*!' j j j j ], un 'y upon the-w iil nnil hi.nor of tln se . i>ho slyn II, we nJ leiitt m-’ke-tli'y gr.’fl' '. ex|n>riiiieiit, nnd ii|ijieiil to the men rir.d ' - iviiriien of the nntion In help ux snslniii mj^ 11 III .p i t i t fn.1 In ln . l l . , " .

' rang tJapaneae'.Shrlnea.

' U ore thuii lU.Otxi Jnpnncsc reBldenl* (KXI. of Tokyo called n t ihc ahrlae o( KbI- count n . god of woalUi, oq the ouU klrts of factui Oaako, be ftirb 'noon on tho Jopaneao deed, New Year'a dny. T hey knocked fin uo r« the walla o f th e «h rlm w ltb wooden credit Dolleta and c(i;ii?<i upon tho god .to ta](en brlog them: rleJicK during the coming y <]q year. All thi* guild o f Jopan probobly tn r t. recelTO raon> lion iicu Ja n u a ry 10 tban any o the r doy of the year, th a t being lhe .flret aptxlol god'a day of tbo csi- g^fj e n d jf. Kbtiu ta * :ry -p o p u la r la the Oanka illHtrlct, th e r i r h Induatrial aee- ,g ]{ ' | tlon .o£ thc^oiiU re. Id Tokyo, aUbougb | ^ {, be haa a e rrm l 8hrinffl, ,tb e Jo p a n i» e | place more faith Id th e pow er .of Oiori- l ^ JInshn to hring them fortnne. ■

W h ia lb r re w a f a r F la t D w allan. j Stufflge room in . ih c baacment br

woodshed o f th e backyard gardener oiini, l i generally a t a premlpro, and te mini- ntKicI mUe Uie ato rage apace required for , tbe w heelbarrow a collapsible barrow jion ti baa been designed. T b e w heel o { ^ a gtgr. app llanw Is rtm oT able. Blngeg a re « s s x provided for th e folding o f tiie baodle- b a rt, legs nnd fn in t agtOoat tbe bol- . tom. T h e . u n it can then be eaally carried -about o r a torcd In a amftH in'aee.—Popular' M echnnica U ofailne . ^ j |

--------------- :-------- • J J ,; Valuabla Influenee. . LO

'T lia l rclallvU y theo ry b u doDe aonio giKiil In tho w orld, anyhow." ra- p * cparkcd Fartner Covitoaael.

“Io whot w a)7" . ••Tfon know Sl Slm lln I t ono of these

fellera th a t tbinkH ho knowa It all.Doc Einste in haa a t least made him j atand up before and adm it tlierv ■ la -aome tb iu i i i t d o m t ^Dde^ itond.*' ~ ' " H H

l o n l d n ’t Yoi B e In B o o th ’

We are oiferir from $8.50 t(


$5.00andBOOTH MERCAf

“Anollicf Pachijc Fi

TOM SL A U G H t6R;;P |E i v V■' • (O on^H ed '-ifom Pago O nt) L

il’f f o r the p rom ise -o f 'Im m un ity ; oad W\ h e • la rgoT ow arda o f fe re d .; ,’W hllOiin i ^ o r e o t l r ie n a ^ oeaTeria- - Q

Ion .w ith -tbo outlaw leader, IVjrd J io t r « iU 'I n 'th o ba«k, a t tb o 'la t te r waa tsndlDg on a chair to ad jast a p ietnre , laigiDg on the w all. . . .

Id lU O H T E B 'S ESOAPADBB DT nw O Z IJ ^ O M A A B S 2£0A LSiBl>

•OKLAHOMA CITY. Okln. yp>—Tom , -<i I'oughter. niin* Curley Stnno, roferri.-d fn n by IiIf Oklnhoma actiimintnnfos m '35, lurley, wa* a pioneer in Uie Ucaldton il flei'l,- and spent *omo, tbno o t the ond ■eginning o f - th e .g r e a t oll rn ib thcr*K fl d iliier. accordini; tn Ioform atlon ' .j n fllo In the crim inal court of oppcoln t Oklahomo City. . ,

Snn-ln w ith ^ w l c h . l ( b & . ’ . goi Hla Oklahoma history cci't’cVr moatly Dpi

bout liagtow n, one nf th i linoni c ert- 11.: r i o f tho original Ileoldton field in 1 ’a rte r county. Hhi firat recorded es-. cor apndu .K ns a ijunrrei with tho owner pri r a M iidwlrh slauii in Ragtown. r Ilo fig Ild hlrf rom i’iinliiUH, tho ito ry has it , 64 rero o-il o f em|iloynient, and tboy eon I rnrJo.l w ith, lhe snndwlch man lo d ig pri

‘‘ alu*h” hole for him. When they rlo; ind finished, dn' argum ent about tho Ma i»y,ensued, nnil tlit? Kvndwleh m an won 5S rtirned to leave tow n.. He did, but n;it ( n tll lh a t n lghl, when hi* stand wn* in 'l i f t e d " and nil Ilagtown wa* Invited a t0 pn rtiii |)a te In a feast “ on” Curley, j

Bevoral s to r ie s . nro . told , o f ho'wlaughter le ft Ihe IIeal(lton field, tho pgr no given m o ll credence being th a t o f nw ho tnok nn nutomobilo, drovo It } >'ort W orth nnd told n garilge'pro- , riejo r thoro to writo to tho owner a t , :agtown nnd let him know where his ulomohlio wa*.

a iT «8 O apton Slip. ' Clie wnh rop tured un hi* wav baek io whl

:ie field In nnother nutomoblle, w jth 0 Ii md nf liquor, I'iMuling w ith tho offi- I sr th a t ho wns tired, ho t would iirovo C ill Id e o tl tr w hen..Ihey. returned tu — ort W orti^ he wiis ullowed to curl Dp C n t h o 'r e a r .v a t o f the cnr whllo the ed. fflcer droye hnek. Iteaehing F o il j foTtli, Ihc oflircT foninl his ptl»Hn‘ T ad lo ft hhn. ' • ’ ■

-------— -------------- frip

iM land'a Egg Induitry . jo jNlnuly inlllloti doxcn e n < w «w « • t « i

ortetl fnun Irelnnd la st year. Prices angi.ll hlRli, and 'th e value of tbe rude WOK cKtlinutetl a t .o v e r t70,OQO,>(XI. T ills fxcvcda Uie value of Uie ouiitry'fl vxiHiris o f any single manu- acturctl a r ll r lc : th e catUe trade. In- leed. Is U>e unly one whicb con, abow lore Iroposlni Ugures. U ocb of the re d lt fo r th e ImproTenwnt U iat baa aken p lace in Ire laad 'a poultry trade1 d a * to Uie departm ent o f agrlcul* ura. D qrlng tb e la a t 20 years Ita In- tn c to r a have t a u ^ t th e farm ers and I r t s e r s ' w ives th a t, g l r ^ tb e neccs* a ry cara and a «en tloa ,' fowls ar* mong th e g re& tm aaseta. As th ^ re* ■ n l t 'o f aclenUflc trea tm ent, Uie b ra .« a becom e a ve ritab le egg-laying n a * ’ blnp. Oomportd w im lOM. th a nan>. '. i r of blrda In Ire land t o d a r h k * - l n t ' « a a e d by 83 p c r 'c e h t; y e t during tbe am e pc rio d -th e num ber o f egga.ex­torted from Ire land baa Increased byirell over 100 p e r cent. T hat, w e ' hink, Is Indisputable p r tu f ib a t tbe otKlem ben la o t leaa t tw ice u rain*,blD 08 h e r anceator of 10 years ogo.— ilnn ttm l t'om lly .H erald-.and Weekly Itar,

FIRE!!!w itb H I-H B A T ,'U tab ’a best coal I t COSTS NO MOBB and I A 8T8


W e a re agenta fo r tb e fanoos . P e a ^ k Bock Springs eooL

•!— PHOMB 83------

■ ■ n Ve b r o t h e r sTba Ooal T a rd o f Q uality and

Serrlce ^

on Like to ll’s Shoes ?’ing values to $ 1 5 .0 0 ’r ■ '; ■

d$7.fl0wriiECo.from Bootli's"

T ^ d » L y A l ^ & r f c o l ‘_ s \

W H E A T P R iq E S . 'D H O P ,T O ;

G E N E R A L L Y i O W E R . t E V E l , J j «

O mCAOO,; W )-W liea l:bpenB d 8-8< 'i t«e lo w e rto .l -8 e highw o n ', thq'•-Chleago ,S board-of trado toda^'wIU i a a . e a ^ oq- pan dcrl«no. ' F Ira r pricea wero # l ; l l .W .f p r higl DetcmbCT, $1.14 5-8 to ' l-8o fo r M U n f t and ll.OS 1-2 to 1 .03.84. for, Ju ly . • .-V', . , " Tbo f ir s t ha lf hoor sa w a .M th a e k o f >

from 6-8 to a ccnt, Uio la rgw ldeellno jJ ' doveloplng in Ju ly . - Soma boying or- f 'v dor's eamo bnt on th la b reak a ad a f t b o f? f , and o f tho hour there had Ix ica a snb* alnnUol recoverV., . . j ;

T tid c eontlnued l l ^ t thesoasloo. Only Oae deeided n ^ n r a was retsorded andCjhat failed to of/so.t the gonoraily lower areraga. T bo'tJoio waa • D ttc ii .b o .JU O S4-,. M«y l l . H M t i 11.14 1-2 and J f ly $1.03 M to ll.O a 8-J.

Im proved' donand helped tho^l” ” ’ corn nil n fter a b e h v y openiag in w hich.,"?®' p rice i wcro 1-4 to l-2o lower. P i n t ^ figures wero 48c for Deoembbr, M to" ' ” 84 l-4c for Moy and 55 1-2 fo r Ju ly . . ' “ f.

The cioie waa fa ir ly steady w ith * “ prices only •»8l»*ly bolow yeaterdayf/i elose. D cconbcr finished 48 to 48-l-8e:May r.3 7-8 to Me. a ad Ju ly M 3.8 to nr. i-2c. -•

Onls wcro dull and moved ilugg lih ly in the wnko o f com. December, opened a t 32 .'!-8 and. M ay a t 38 8-8c. ,,. *>•«*

Proviaiona woro unusually dull and - = : onlv a few transactions w ere reeorded enriv. 'M ay liird s ta rted unehanged ot *9.cr. then loiit 2 1-2 ^ n t s .

O ash.<)notatloa«'CHICAGO, yP)—W heat—No. 2 hnrd

»1.14 3-4 to 1.15; No. 3 hard ♦1.08.Corn No. 2 mixed 40e; No. S whito

iO l-2c.' O ts No. 2 whllo 3S 3-4 to 30o; No. 3 while 38 3-4 10 J4i3-4e.; -i ■:-•./ vJl'l*-

Itye No. 2 84 3--1 to 87c.Darley 30 to COc. ' ; ' 'Clovcr seed ♦12.50 lo 18.50.

Chicago Produce. - CUICAOO, ( fl> -B u lte r — Unchang­

ed.Eggs - .Uiisottled; receipts -»,13.1

puses; f irs ts W to ,54c ; ordinary f ir s ts '<» lo 48cj mlieclloneous 50 to 53c; ro: frlgerator f irs ts 38 to 40c.

Poultry — AUvo lo»rer; fowls 14 lo J2c;~ sprlnifs 20e; tnrkeys 37c; 'robe-' ters ISe. ■

O ir •WC

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' . . T H J




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g e !L io o rrr & M m u T osacco C a

j ' ' ' ‘ ^OiBiia'XiTSstbek* ' ' . o o n t OMAHA* Neb.,-{ff) . - H o g s - Ee-

eeipts a « y « 5 highorjb d l t Ught butehei* ♦I5.M to fl.78; bu ilt ®<>W o f ^ M ♦5.80 to--B.7B|-top ♦6J5 . ’ - f a in i

W t l c — Becelpta 'iSO, .Oomparcd * U b we«k a g a i. B te f^ to a ta .u ^ e v o n ,W t o 60e low ffi-ahe-stoek' s te a d r to 50o low erj bnlla steady; voals 25 to COe; atoekers a ad jfiedera 25« bighor, '

,Sheep — E etelpta ,000: m arket com- pared w ith week ago': L ^ b s . ^ l to 1.221 , ! ' h igherj y o t tU a n and; khip 26 to S O o l« -^ .‘ h igher; feed ing lim bs 60e higher.

! , \ . f lW d f o U tW te e k OHIOAIH),' U ^ ' S t t l o — Beceipts

S,900; compared w ith week, ago: Mor- NE k e t u n e v e n : 'b M ato tin iteady to 25o elos^ higher} 'f t v ahe-stock ’ m o s tly : s teady: b id; low grides , w ^ j cannera o a i cu tters |0 7 i SSe low«r| bulls,aW ady to low er;:Teal l - ^ ’s ealveii about aUfidy; stockera and;fced- tory ora atrong to 2Ss higher.. D o g a - " E cio ip ti 0,000; m oitly 25c ‘ h i ^ e r . t h a n IVlda^'li' averagoj liglit ligh ts up .to ♦7J5J-,hulk ITO to 200 “ ’P* r>0u n d .8v e j ^ ^ 7 '.li» 't0 '7J5} holdover „ ' Ibcral; ahlppora look aboot 8,000;-plgs

SSohlgher.'^ •■ Sheop — Reeelpta 7,000; •roeeipts to- J- day noa tly packera d lree t; eompared ° wIUi wcok ago; f a t latoba oroun^ ♦I higher; fnt, ahw p and ycariloga GO to 75c hlghor;-foeaer Jambs 85« bighor. I t I

K ew T o A Stock U o rk H teddei N EW , YOBK, < ff> -8 lM ka wore hca-

l t a n t ’i(t th o .o u ts e t' of loday’a ch lof inH 1, trading, bu t soon itreilgtbeoed on a „ broadening demand for coppers, otjuip-


R e m o t J e l i t i g a n


B A f e B E L. ; ------ .136 SHOSHONE

p r d s

t T B I A T S t U a b o i ,

T H K W A Y O to tU B k . '

K t £ P * V ( ^ l H Q j l » ;

THK O T O B « * n l|« .

I B R O t W ^ n n k i ;

AHD'nlwi s ' l i i M r e r l l * '

W I X H E R ^ 'a k p t c M

T H A T t t b a a d e d m

•MANY O P n» flad.

T H A T TA ST E tflk B te

ONE O P t t o b b ty . '



A N D IT se e a a . .. . / t - '.m i,

UPON LONQ te lac tlM k


C O M ESCLO SEtobelBfr

TH E LO NQ.sought. ^

HIQ H EST a b O D .'-

OF COURSE th a t U a'I.


AND PO LISH to w bieh. .v A• f ■' r

WE A R E accnatomad. . V.

BUT n ra a monUiM, ' ■

ikSYOU’L L .ag reo lfy o a . *IU ST PU T i t Into good. *?•


■SON, VOU'LL ho n a a l « . i ; '^ | • J ' J 'B

)N FOUR fla t tirs* . > tfXfiald« • » . M n , t b

P YOU d o n t b n n r . i » o o t i ,* * * V ' ' tb * fiO'

^ND W RAP yonrself a n d J k* • • —a h d 1

rH E O ^ L Y t ^ t l * , tab ien c

rHA T SA T Is’f IE S .* . S S t t


s t e r f i iC IGARETTES

e a ti aad oils. i '^ V n ^ I & V i& rlrah le A e to rs of. t h B ^ a 11 ' ; ^ iijoyaat * ne ;o f f e r e i ^ -exchaages,. re flee tU g W .tT boptfn l. ^ n ro p ttia .conditions.Uss;iD li^d lhg.fliar«a;w er« aztended Dm 'l ' tO '3:’polnta.'i V o to m sblpidnga j i id -abm aropf i r tc la s a i f i f d ^ s to ^ a s -/W jU AS robbers, tobaccos aind food,spe* ^ aiUes n s e l ! tq ' 2 M lats.- .Bails- w ers 0 only representa tiro Issu es -to ia g , eordlog only nomlaal'-’diangoa. Tbo ~ u in g waa strosg!. Bo]es approxliaat* :-460,000 sharps, : Bonda.-worir f a ir ly J g tivo b u t ehonges-in '.lead ing lasnsa ^ _ sro no,acra^f. "

. . . l i h s r t r . B ^ ' ;NEW YOBK-lOW — I ib a r ty 'b o n d a osed: 3 J -2 ’» i'a .W M ■d ; sccond 4 's . <06,78; f l r e t 4; M 'a '7,24: second i 1-1 'a ♦ 9S .82 ;'ih lrd 4 r 8 407.52: fourlh 4 W ’a ♦ 9 7 i0 j V ie -® ry 3 3-4*1 flO O ;,V ietory '4 3 -4 > ♦ lO O .^

' ' ' FotatoM :OHICAGO,- yP) — Potatoea — Bo- Ipta 38 cars; to ta l V. a ahlEmonta 7; m arket atoady. W lacooiln a a ^ o d >uod W hites 41.05 to .L 7S ;.U lnneso ta c.ked and %alk B ound.W hltoa 11.00

1.70; Michigan aa'ched ^ usaeta ♦ S ; ^ aho sacked Burols 11.75 to U 5 , . -

Child’s A ct t la wise to lake odvoDtoge tha idency In ^rbuog, children to w an t to Ite ontl.rtmw', ’ Olve them a pe o d l J let them draw oround th e ir b lock i - nrbunil u heavy old cup. T b e y l l M iij m lng how' to hnndle 'a -penclL '

To OrdeIi „©

KPRICES- ; ' , u , , Aad'AlteringiTTAiiOBa;' ' , J

T H E tA D IE S -»» T A IL O R .lEiSODTH------

— " " ... . . . . 4 ^

J . |


o ,

'■ !'r ®

■'HKY . S r t i l f " — o o tb l in / !« !, t b ^ delicacy o f a rom a a ad r t i , even "body." I t tock fines t rarle tJea o f T urk isli Domestic tobaccos .to d a . 11 • d th e h ighest « r d n o t i ^ ' ending th e a . Y es, th e Cbcis*

. ; D.

Page 5: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

S H l i E I O ' ^ p p f p ;

Chinn, w u ithffo p rrt in tc d f o r f o m i l |

; IA 'w at^ofujlpliiuT M sfrom .U ioK altiry .

. folIflw cd-w W opM on o fitlii 'H « o t m o - • • - ' Jutiorti. ' fiem lBryvH utcho* I iicb pro-

fowled to deal lT «b;(rtbof rra(ilUM^

'i ln K H .'i; '" rc liitc a lo C hlD (V >tm ltorlpl-• ■ 'U y’ a n l ftdm lnU lnitive in tc R rily ./ Aa . tlio f l r r t m ln 'dlr’e (o f the ^ o t tw nln-

• ' tioM ) ai)ppled fu lly covercd lh a t mnt- ; •' f t r , .ilte W t a l t t M procCBded to deal ' ‘ ‘ W :4 ''rp « lp l in iU ncw , ip re la l matter*,

in tlio ri>p1IeatioojJf_.lH» principle.. " I n the eOur«B,ot. the Ronernl dlu- e u silo n ,'O i'cw .h a a bcon’ jiTcnentpd on

. b'ehftlf o f C blna. 0 wrlc* of prflpoeS- I ■ 'tloD i/''ho ''« a ld , •

’ “ T he f i f th o f thcie deal-w ilh n u t - \ , ” lnp :)im llatlonii on China'* juri»(Iicltni- . I>1 pj'ijccdurfc'l .. " I

' P^ormance, IMr. H ushei rccltcd lh a t tlte f i r t t I

Ijueition then dealt with waa tb a t -of Irx tm tm l lo rm rr iR h U o n d - lh a t a fte r • f

• ■ a full '.(IHtcilMion tho r a r E aitern eom- j. I '• 'ih ittre t> y adopted the rtaolulien wh'ch' he t f ad. . >

i.;-U '. AKain CU na was to participate In . k f o n ^ : approval o f tho eoinmittco'a ac- •

r . tion . SDil she did so, m aking the ne> |t coptnnee unammofi*.

; ^8£^feb»y'irufrfici»t?Jd.no(,prc«cn{'ffc(* .• 'rrkolulloji relaltivo to f o r e i ^ po<it- o ffifM in China. I t i t umlc.ralood rli«f da to u f the ; withdraw al has no t b e e i n flnaH y 'fixed- ' l • -j

In (jtiick BUCCMiiion, Ih o . resolution relative to China's nculrfflJty. and pro-

; , bibllin;( futurls irc e tic i 'in conflict w ith• ^ l l i e R o o t resolutions wore unanlmouily

-arm fflvcd. ; —■— --------Qnltfli B tdio^BM olutlon. .

. 'rtV< ri'solutloir o f D ccrm ber 7 re- , ('Qrmni; » d ;o fsc ilitic i in Ohinn nlso was om lllod from B ccrdnry lliijjhes'report, l i e saiil (hc discufslons were . .]iroreoi\lnff. M. A fler Ih? fonferencp had adopted ■

llinse resolutions o ^ cc d upon l>y tliD J R F a r IbsUiiIa eoiuniiltce, Mr. Ilu^hoicontinued: ■

■'I n a y add th a t dlwukslon o f th i ■ijursliou rcla tin i; lo, China are still in I

' IiiosTCM and it hoped, a t least," I ^ m av lie' nllowcd pornonalJy io cxpre«llio hope th a t thone reiolulions a lrc v ly . Me

. adopled ,nnd the consideration of o th i i <olo®tnaUoTB'Uiat nio bcfotn Ibp committee ^ Rri

• may lad to an approprb to aRrcomenl honioin which lho powora represented may Klmlpnrtleiphtc nad lo which other poweis cd am ay have tho opportunity to a d h ere ." 'vh id

Spoecb i & t e ' A pproT il . ‘ »»'puiSecre tary Boghcs then pre»enled •

Senator Lodgo to: tijo eonferenee.- ThP ro tracted a p p ln te - m e le d SonaWr thilh

Lodgo w hen ho^_nh>SG » ' ‘pre«ont ■ tho Mrs.fo ar power IrSnty and dellvop hla nd- when

.d re u . • givci . T h ereafter the speech ropeatodly wa* tho « in te rm p ted ty .npp lau ie and whon Sen-, uaryn tor oLdgo finlahed, tho galleries again orateJoined in a wave of hand eiapping. of U

incluD lflirm M in Mathotft. Mrs.

A a a o passed tbrough a r a n i v.UIage l(cn. In EDglnnd poshing ■ w heelbarrow .fttll !•« “* of u o d . T h is (and be wa< se ltlo f a t « nickel a bag, telli'Dg peoplft tb a t It

..WM 0 e u r t Ily kiUer.. > P arcboslng > bag, a a lr a t old dam e ^ asked him how It ahonld be nsed. '

"F lra t ca tcb a Oy," ezda lm ed the vesdor, n h e n tickle It under the chin w w ltb a ilra w , and w ben It opens Its m onth th row a handfnl o f (bis fam oos fly poison down Its th ro at and tbe n> »ooa su it will be th a t the dy in s tan tlr ptogi chokes nnd dies.” od ii

"W bat,” exclaimed th e old lady, and i "w hile I w as doing th a t I coold have whle

■saoashed i t nnder my foot six tim es a po, o rer." /• *»enc

- ^ e s .” replied the sand m an nncon* cem ed ly ; l h a t is a good method, too."

----------------------------- o t UWon F im i i f Two O p o ru . . '

T be H an* CbrlsUan A ndersen i • th e o n s lc w orld died tbe other day In ? G ermany. H e w as E ngelbert Ham-, p e ^ n c k . a .w rlte r o f fairy operas tha t b a re found a pernm nent place In th e m a I h e a r ts o l rnuBlc lOTers. . 'B is o p e ^ Idn,

. "H senM l and O retcl" a ^ •'Koenigs- Mari kinder,” prodnced In this cnuntry for. Zora the flrat tim e IQ 2009 aod 1010, reapec- W iie llte ly , won th e Amcriean pnblle for. try , tho O ennan com poiw . A lthongh i * <» U re d .* long and.flttlTO life dero tw l « » “ to th e ebmposltlon and teaching of mnalc,' haVIiig In lh a t Urae produced

' many tanslcal worka of orcbealral. op. e ta lle a s d m ls t t l l a n m s characler. H , is fo r b is tw b .fairy operas ihnt liu' Is BSMl'wldely k|D.bitii and.mn-<t il!.- \r ^» t ' ; ^ i n b « r e i —a n s i B (’li- ! lo m

■ hiisit! i i f in

1' • T hs filngU T rsek . . • T te ;p ro n tee r was being show n o re r

a n £oglIah museum ooe day ^ y one L j of lli» dlreetor*.- Tbey cam e to th e „ room w horo th e siullcd b irds w ere esr- hlbltcd. “Nbw. these slulTcd birds." jg t j , said thc d irector, "are among th e On* Q,ont

< e it apcclmens In tho country. Thoy're w onh th o u u n d a ond thousands o f Thi poonda." "Yfru don 't say so l” u l d th e tnro proH(ecr, studying tho eases: “w bat .oiot i e re they s tu f f ^ wilh, ihcal"

W here Plaflues S U r t . 'T here nre fou r epidemic centers o t

uuhonlc plague—th a i '. I s , locnlitios j u d j w hpro tbc diseniw la ohvfljfl p resen t iion, tn d from w hich accd mny bo derived critic for an . ex tensive outbreak In- o lhe r whicl ports o f lho world. Ono o f theae epl- Ml»i» derulc cen ien i Is lu Mesopotamia, two Imolc

* sro In the rcfifona of the Hlmaltfyas and Ibe fou rth la located lo Uganda. ®“ Africa. -T he flght agnlnsi plague Is 1;,^^. 'n e c c s sa rl ly a Osht flgalnat r a ts and tholr tenants.' tlio fleas. • ' Udoi

21 . cludiO ally .Thouaht, •

■■By (be w ork one koow i th e .work* a . T . i iu in ." - ‘S>o 'U Fontaine. . , ]> Irs .

I ' ■

■Belgi^ P t^ e sa to ie BriI

: K J | w

I f . r l l v i

fc C ' f / S .

f 3

Prlnccii Mario Jose, of B<)lglum, who soon will bo bho of tbo brldeamalds a t lho when wedding of P rinecu M aty, wbleh will Liiac(

Momberr o f the W ayside club «!nlor-‘ Mrs. la lned tlicirJiusbnnds ami chlldron n t Barg ft gJttU I'OK i'arly ' last tvc iv lng .a t tiio horao of Mr. and Mrn. I.,. J . M iller on j | , Kimborly road. Q am csnnd music foM i- cd amusement for (ho ovoning, u fic - »rhich- u 'frcshm enls woro sen 'cd to ^ J aliout i;o guei(s. ^

hosl(Tho.Muslcal departm ent of the Twcn- ,upii!

th ilh Ccntury club met a l tbo.homo o f ^^re M rs.'W . A. I’nlriek F ridoy-nflcrnoon

I when n program of unusuni merit waa Coug g iv e n .. Mr*.-. F ranlt Ellis, cliainnan of

' tbo departm ent, prciidcd. During Jan - ! unry tho club Willifeivo A program of .' oratorio raustc, and glvo tlio rem alndor ■' .p ,

of the elnb“y ^ - f c ' t l » lir ir i^ a lio n -o * an I ta l ian opera. Y cjlo rduy 's.p togram . included, solos by Mrs. I. H. M asters, .{ ,• Mrs. Earl 8 lu rd lraB t,'M r« ,iy w in Step- ,,, " J ken, Mrs. Irene Zabol, Mrs. FVnnk El- V ,* , lia and Mrs* W. A-. I’atrick ; Mrs. K. W. Pum ko gave n violin solo and M rs D. . . Lovy a roadibg- Rcfreahmerits were aorved by tbo ho ilcu , ai'a lited by Mrs.Ellia. Sixteen mombers were present . and Mrs. Swoenoy waa lho gncst o f tho club.

Mombera of (bo Kimberly Road cluli m et a t tho homo o f Wrs. H nrry Alexan- der on Maplo avenno W ednesday afte r- | j j j noon’ and enjoyed n apcclal Chriatmaa ptogram . Mr*. W . W. WallMO nppear- od in tho 'gu iso o f Mrs. S a n ia Claus ^ and presented cnch member w ith a bag Rofr, whieh contained bomo-mado candy and cts, i a popcorn ball, m ade'by Mrs.,,'Wpllnco, y y ,. h e n c lf . Lntor thb Lostois scrvod'appc- t it in g rofreabnonta. p g p

Camp H ro Oirla o f W endut Circle m et a t tho horao of Ml»» Jerom a K ritan e k

' la s t oveiilng and enjoyed an evening of .I lively Ramca, w ilh twelve boya who wcro Ruesls o f tho club. Hupp*r « served by lho hoilcxs closed tbo even­ing. Tl'niuj a ttending were M illlront Kobs, Caro.Thompson, I la I ’caira, Joro- ^Ofi m a K rivanek, V era Wynn, L olita Stop- o f th Idn, Dorothy fioborta, T^orolhy Bmith, ti. co M arian Johnson, Margrierlto Johnson,Zora S hunlcff, Mildred K cam s, E lain ' ‘” ot W licmnn, John Robertson, Charlea Oen- try , Donald Lens, Roaieli Po tter , U w - P """ lft QriRR*, L&wreaco Trousdale, Clydo ‘“‘'’k Bosa, Clinton Evans, Dnlo C. Cogawol), }"® ‘ D eforest S hnrtlo ff Holman Gi*y. No'.- " 'soa-Lnuben|>cim and Kenneth K riva-

J ______ . • o f th

; ^A m eeting o f.th o Blue Lakes Boute- vnrd club waa hold a t the homo bf Mr*. « • Goorgo 'Sm ith Priday aftom oon, with 10 mombets p resent. Following A abort business m eeling,'ihe members gave the n f lc rn o o n ‘lo-ronU ng ^nUls which are (f,,,,, to be given to Ibo Salvation Arm y for dJitribu tlon . A speeinl m eeting will bo hold aex t week to nrrango tho do- to ils o f tb s Christinas p a rty wbieb will bo given during holiony week. Tlio y y M isses M ary and 'M argaret Sm ith a s ­sisted the ir mother in serving r e f r ^ - — m onts lo tho gueata. | h

Tho dcpartmonl of d^ama and lilt-ra- D tnro flf the T'vcnllplh Century club .mot a t tho home of Mr*. 11. J . W eaver on Bhi)ih(%no w cit yesli'rd-jy nflcrnoon and rom pleted 'tho review of lho.bb»li: “ M ain b lr c e t” which hns nccnpied th e (illcntlon o f tho rlub fo r tbo past fiiw meotlnga. Mrs. ChrUtina K im kcly con- dueled tho review nnd led tho dliei's- cion, and Mrs. Weaver eontrlbu lcJ u crltlcU m Of, the drnmatic iiroducliou * «vh!ch ha i been adapted from thc boiiV. I MlBs ' A iberta E^Tnonds a jiU led tlio lio s tcu . in se h 'in g refreihmentA.

Surprising Mrs. Buln Sawyer on tho event o f her blrthdoy, seven women \\ n io t . i t h e r homo yeiterdny to ^pond th-j a fternoon a t bridgu. L ator ve ry do- ri llelous rofreihm onts woro served in- ^ eluding n benutiful pink nnd whlto. birthday cako. Tlio cueits wero U rs .i A. W. I lu ile d , Mrs. IL 0. Dickerson,> (rs .-J.-:f an) Joh&stOn, U ;s . E . E . K nll, m

iridesnuM'at Wedding I

- '

tho thc

' I’of c'tu dc( till'


/ J \ i &

w ln "1i>;) >1111



fiss I IIUIa jf l iimiLi fi,', » a a p a ^ — w i g w l l»-,.

■ " ■ ' . ' I'll toon take place a t W cstm iaslor A bbey, Jm Then tho ' I’rineeas m arries 'Viscount tifi Uiacellei, rich young peer o f E ngland. C.

• illl.............. - “T— ---------.If

■ r* , T

A a n V M k m M l F W

Mri. W. II. S tanley and M rs. II. P- Barger. yo

Mrs. M. L. Uooso of tbo Bcod a p a r t ' pil ments was hoate.ss la s t ovenlng a t a *b doligbtfuliy planned bridge pa rty . The priio -for high scor/i w as won b y Mr*, wt r . A. Bced, and a fto r tlto gamo tho fo: hostess aerved a delicious two eourso an supii^r a t tho small tables. Tho guests sti wore Mesdames W illct Hanco, Sr., J . at [I. Wise, T. A. Becd, W. 0 . BJiroiit, J . F ; pd Cougblin, E rnest \ ^ i l e , I 'ronk Bald- of flfin, II. C...PickcrHD, W . T. L itv in , C. wj fttcvcna and Dula Sawyer- ' Lo

vPlcMont V jjw jh u re h was th e :« ? n e Ju of a rTeosant contmunlty ga 'tbo ring lasl evening, .the ocentlon boiog tbo annual phickcn' plo d ln n c r^ r v o d by tbo .La- _ _ d ie t ' Aid society o r th e - th u rch . Among Ihc Twin Falls people' In nltondaaeo ivere Mr .and Mrs. V ernlo Morgnn, M r. „ nnd Mrs. Fred l lc r i t , K r- and Mrs. H enion and M its Ilcnson, M ri and M rs. » ' Prnnk Johnson, M iss Irm a Johnston, und J lr . and Mrn. E. Blggor. -

gT M B B H T .YTho Ladles’ Pioneer club o f Klui- j

)orly mei a t the home ol Mrs. S. D. n . U orritt on Tlinriilsy wbon plans wori! . aid fo r BBsliting w ith tho miinlcijm' .'hrlslmai^ tree. FoUowing tlio buslnci^ neoting, Mr*. 8 . II. P roc to r bad chajge )f an intoresting Christm as prognun. ide Flofrnhmonts were served by tbo lifiirt. do- !ss‘, aw lfted by Mrs. H orry W llionlSnd for Urs. 0 . 0 . Zuck. te a


Legion and AnxUlaxy o m c U la Seek' to Bst P ^ p le fitra lgb t on F U ss

fo r fflir lt l TTiM Ball.

Ofiiciiils of the Amoricnn Legion and if the American' Legion Ai'xlUnry wish .1. eoTittt nn em n co u s impression e^n- :crning their dnnec n t lho L nvcring I’u- .ilion nn December 10. Whilo forv’ml nyllations hnvO been issued U 'Ik not )lnnn?d lo haVe the p a rty tnko on nn.v- hing of a formal na tu re Insofar as :he utllro of tho guerts Is conrerncd.It is intended by the commKtce in 'hnrge, to conduct tho rlaoec siiiii!;ir 0 thu one given by tho logion in April if this y rar , when uniforms, drcs.i siilis, ilvlUan tio th ts and dresses o f vnrionH klnda wcro worn. In the words of Eommnnder Lantcrbach, “ The g i in l i ihould wear tho best tlicv have, but t l l i<nt 10 much tho clothes Ihnt nro Torn ns whether, everyone hns n goi'il ;liiic ." ’

Gamin and dolla n t Clns Bunk stcre. “ «d7.


Biilck anil Dodse OwnaisWhen .You Think

S E R V I C ETWak ■

“ SLIM and BILL"Lyons & Helm

BUIOK and DODOE . I Motor Service

Wo Gusraliteo to be the B eil Is • the C ity. Wo nro wivii

The Oem Stato Vtilc.j.Oo..' i z e i n d Avo. w es t P '

• P H 0 N g6 58 . , ;

; IE f i l m W ou-

T e s t im o n y in W a l t o n a n d E l i t o o i• O aaeB A b o u t C o m p te t e d ------- i>«*v

O o a r t H e a s A rg :n m e n tB '

'■ '■ ■ o'- l o ' tIjitp. lodnV the WnUon nnd Ell'-i Robl

Mllllnerv' cnmnony dnmR(,'o rnscs n-ill f.imr pass in t i i jh r hnnas of tbo ju ty for n j i jo o viTdii-t. Thc he arin g 'h n i occupied nil was the jia»; week, H bls morning most of ing the H'N5inu was devoted lo nrgument» n fl before the rou rl,-th o ju ry being n- inio: ctuili'il. One wltnesa wna Ip ft for the lion! defcnKe when court was enllod n fler neet Hic'noiin rcri'jis, vis

This morning's argum ents wero p rc - jo f i "cnted liy .ludge'.T. li.'B othw ell fo r l^ e Jnrv defenne. nnd .wexiv diroctcd again st e-'r- i) j.a ta in ciimmHnlrfttlnns snbm itted- *>y arre rounsel for the plaintiff*. P a r t o f the letters wcro allowed to rcmam n i tctli- mony, nbnut an equal number belux ordered eipunged from th'! records. ,

The defense, for ita side, has submit- “ "* ted ornl testimony by ilx w llnew w, iiiustly lu ehuw (hnt broakn in the r i ty -^acti wnler niiiin system Occurred n t vnrloua Indu poinis throtiKhoiil towu a t Ihu limo o( pleti Hie hre;ik which i^ aljeged lo havo da|ii- Who n^vd ’.Vn’lo n ’s , p iopctty . ' Tho t « ‘ .- («» ' iniiiiy huh alio, been introdueod by the jilnintiffi to-prove th a t c ity a i i th i 'r i l le s ',- i. "how.'.l dlserlminntion in fnvor of otli- cr rliiimsnts in sc ttluR ien t 'o f ebili.'i for diimune. To K oto, » reslaurnn l C mnn; K. HIsbee, a pholograph.'r: •, A I’liiil l.’aloae, Oeorgo II. Sm ith, J . W. Ihnl I-'cdiiiii .Tnd .Mr. nnd Mrs. W alton h3''i>|ogHl' «ivcn IcMlmnny for tlK‘ defense.: 'In lfu r li iiddlliim t<i these witnesses n Inrg-’ | j _ .„ uumlu'T of U U m In leslliiwiny b » * e '^ , l»-cn Introduced by (lie defendant •. * <oiin»el, Messrf. Turner K. Hnekiii.in i"™.'; Imil ilimier C. Mills. [ to ll

The ti fy 's cnso Is being defended by (.'ity Attorney Tnylor Cummins .ni.'l Judge .1 f(. ISnthwell, th;it of the p'nin w tif f Iiv Turner K. Hackmnn and Hom>-r * C. Millt, Borne npw evl.b-iice has been iiilrndiiccd for Ibe pla intiffs, bu t m oit " * • ’ of 11 rc|itesi'n(s n diiplication b f ' ilie (i-stinvuny adduced a t tlio fonner b r a r - l n s Ing. The elty Is m id to hnve o b ta ined ."(UIC iin]iorl(int depu4itlon>t. in supjiyrvi ii( its vnre, ' .

■,'high s c h o o l n o t e s •The entire' building had n flro dr^ll ’

.veslerday morning. Pollowing a large 1 cx|ilosi(in Ihe flro bell rang and tbo pu-| pils vncnted (ho building. Tbla took | nbout two minutes. |

TIic first meoting of tho Radio clubi was held ln s l, evening. I’Jana weroi formulated for the tlub orgnniin tion ' and, also about ac<iulriBg a se t of In­struments. A committee waa appointed a r th i s timo to look into the m a tte r of purchaM. Tho committee Is composed- o f Riisser H uited, W alter .W eaver, Ed­ward Wallers, Elm er Van Oilder and Lealcr Montcb. '■ W ork is progressing nlcelv on lho

PJoj’. .'.'AU.-of-a:fladdca ^ ‘‘RW^' wiiich wUl be given tlils month.

.« — ' • 'f

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL |Misa Kleoaor H aln and Miss Qroco

Tohlll hnvo been taken members of the ir civic.classea over to tho conrt house Ihia week to a lfond a court henr-Inic: ■ ,

Beautiful booka for children a t Clos Book lioro.—ndv.

Charity Box.A ch o rilj box in tb e a t t ic Is ft good

idea. 'P n t 'I n 'I t a ll u f tlio o>utgrown clothes and then whun a call la mad*. , for m d ) m aterial yours I t a lread y col* t e c t ^ ■ ^ ' •

nEwl,^■ ■ ■ IIII II— . t j

The Epworth LeaguePreeent!

T h e Q a o i n t 'J r e W ' E n g - l a n d C o m e d y D r a m a


—Direction of— • •HOWARD B . B iS m -



ACT ' I - ^ o Old Ilomostead.ACT I I-T b o -C o n s ta b lo 's Of- .

fice. •ACT I I I - K i lc h e n of tho-O ld

Homcslead. ,' ACT lV -« am o a s A ct I I .

n O K E I S , {

" 3 5 c 7 5 0 c r . inrnT.nRTnr UH BBB 1 2 -2 & :

iNDAUEC. 1 9 .


bN E’-DEreNDANt 'A D i t s ' M fllGUILT OF'.BtlQTLEGGING^ linUl

O u to H eld to DIfltrict o o u t b n t o in i'! ', . . panlon W uita to S tand T rial |

On arralgnmonl in tlu) probate court' TotJl ysstcrday aftctncoH FtoyA pkii-V-’i j rd guilry to illegnl'possesiion of r a n - - ’ traband’ liquor, and wur: or<Icred held! ' lo 'tho distric t rou rt fo r tria l. W. II.! Itoblion w as. arraigned .on n s in i lh r ' Thli ■.hargo, ‘denied gu ilt and Is held until went i

U_ furnlslied ns bond. . Kobinioii 1 Hco c was soritcncfd during yesterday morti-. Drowr ing wlll't three others, to pay ISOO ns Inok ( I flno fur giiinlilin)!. Cnslo niid R'lb-.; H'i'> >' inson were arrested followinc revcln- resign' lions xciuUln^j (t«iu loventlgauonn ton -; ■ Vor nccted w ith Ihe John Jn rv ls 'ease. Jnr- t» the via. w .n found unconscious by the Mcv as it Df n .ro o d leading to hla bomo noar (hcri: Jnrvls. Ho- hna ndmUted having beeir will I i |j.a ,gam b ling game with n lj'th e men is rcl: Brrcllcd. ' 'day In

»— I niclpsE nallsh Needle tnduitry . ; lho di

EiiCllsli iicedloH wi-i-f itPfi made t t , Shei Uiiig Crvftildn. D xf-ird-lilrc, und n f t^ ^ ' '' '‘“fS* M rd a t RciMlti-li. .'iliiic ibelr manu- « racture w as still \t* iHc mnln o 'hom e ; Indualry. dlfrorciii 'itiL-fM l«tng con^ liletcd In the tD iiiigiv of Ibe w nrkera,, j who" won* geni-rall.v women.- Tlien. .T he came m nchlncry: tornines Averc made -som etim es IiiM—In Ibe needle irsd a do""" u In every b ihe r Industry.

O rewsoms Chineso SuDBrstltloa , A Itollef exists amonu m e Clilnfse. T . j " ’ Ibnl If a fa the r o r niotlier l« seri*,JUHly 111;- the iiiosi »‘lTeetlve wny of •urlng Ihem Is for cno y f tb e lr cbll- ln ‘u l b ciil a liny \i\cc4 o f flcah out rf.h ls own nrm or leg and adm inister )roth mnde of lho flMh In question a the sufl’ering pnrenr.

I f 'th eB u t Only T hsn . , the ta

Most women halo flattety—when [hey h e s r I t applied to o the r w o ae o r> The Boitott-Transcript. . - . Book_


We have a complete assortmen ohandiao.

The qoestion of the little 'gifts Bomp of the greater ones can V among the many artioles ji^e now :

■ Xm'ss S t a t i o h e ^ " '. p i ;Xmas Ssals \ ' - ' .

Z m a t Booklets . -• J Xm ss c a rd s > ^Im a a B ells- ^

Xmaa Tree Decorations, E tc. '*' T .P A T r m R f lO Q D R ~ Plot

~ • - --V jsa o lc tffe a e t a - ' •<'' , V aB ttyO aM s .. ■

H and -Bags, B^Us - M U ltsiy Brusb BeU .

.P ic tu re rn u n e s , 'B tc . ■_____________ _______ !__________ Com

FOUNTAIN PENS ,. W ato a aB , Oonklln, iParker :

W th l and A lW ih t PsncUt• Auu

IngarsoU W atches t tm i«a . 11.76 to 111.50 ,. : X b

Rogerson HotelPHONE 16

OOME AOAIK— 0. T ^ T A L L S , :

____ • . ’ s . ' _ _ ' J .

With Salads ‘Show FUke* are just the th salads. To make sandwic! W ith soups and bouillons, so many wsys you csn usi

•p. C a fsmlly, you ll wtn on hand.

t Buy them from yonr groccrl

' P. C B. PANAMA CREAMS- Aa«fb4tP.CB.ptodBtt ■

■\ A (bocattti tm rad crM« m l- .. ^ ' *■)<&, A p«s* ttw li*. I I

V w im w ua rM, I

P a d f io C o a s t B jsco lt C o . ‘" ll

■ H i i it n n i l E l i

rmor .-Ohief -Depiaty ' Sheriff Froai&es:Ri^dXaw.En* - '

■ . forcement',' ; .' '

'hla m orning a now order o f tbings it in to c ffec t in eonncclion'w ltb-po- > dcp h rtaen li opcrtitioaa. B oa J< )wn, formorly chief dcpaty shorlff, k over tho position of chief of p>

succeeding John M. Bcek, who hits igned. . T■<ir lljo Immcdlalc p m e n t , RtcBtdlng the now chief, the foreo w ill rem ala i( has been. Two mon will- patrol rity du ring the day sh ift and three

1 tram p bcnta a t nlgbt. M r. Beek retained nn thc force In chargo of a

beat. R igid cnforocmont of all ms* Ipnl laws w ill be tho watchword ct

departm ent, Chiof Brown doctares. iheriff E . R. Sherman .hna lakoti irge o f desk work n t h li offlco, and I l>e aflslsted In t l t r l t a l woik by Miss imie.llcrriftinn.

’ Bad CnouQh fS I t W aa iie liiiliy MHH slu ing In hls jio-cartI Jneli-'viiH .svbcttUng him np and iii-lhi} sldifHulk. Some men pua»-..naked blm If' Ibe bnby was bla

tner.' ’ Jnek looked a l him a u<v nl. anil tb n t »n |d : •‘Sure : ffoo ijtdn't cnlcli uie n MTangaaw uiid.”

^ . • Menditio.^ectridnn 'B sticky black tape is ex* lent fo r m ending h r ta k s In plj>cs o r vis. I f Ihe weak spot Is (.n. a pipe, ip Uie t&p« around it lightly, Icar* fl gvncrous amonot on each slda.

tben> U 0 crack In the bow), n m ' t'apt* a lnns tho cmek.

lie new and popular books a t O w )k_sto re .^ idT . ^ '


;ent o f 'the following mer-' ■

ts a t Zm as time and oven ' he satisfactorily decided.

w have on display,

P m U N IVOBT GOODSPow der a a d Balre Boxe^ . ,

Boap Boxe% Oomhfl, Mixron,E a i t B n d ie s , H a lt B«celT«n,

Jew el Boxes, Olotb Bnubes^- - .X a a p Shades, X rays,. <

-Ictnre'•Pram ea.Parfnm aB ottlM ^ ‘

a ad O the t, Articles.

ForAune a a d ToilM Bet^ T hsrm o i Bottles,

lonplete L ine' UcDonalda,. Osa- « b u r y and Baylor Chocolatea,

1*8 to a Pound 3ox*& . , -

kUto Strop, G illette, Bnder, B re t, ready and Gem SafM y Basor&Xfflta O g a n , 10 to S6 in Box.

II Phapaey161 ... ’ :-GAIN AOAIK 1, IDAHO .

^ H b EEj!Iw b !B8 '

e thing to serve w ith a il U nds (riches for lunches snd supperiN' ns, 0! course. In fsct. thero sre use this dainty member 0! the arant to keep a generous supply

x r ln redpsdU geso r/« in //y t/n s . '

. .D on'f a ik /o r e r s e i r r s ' •. ^-u y SNOW FUKBS

-----1----- . ____ _

Page 6: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

I " , , , ......... - ' l ; . . . ■ "

B t WIN,v FALL& ; d a il y -

n V , T«:ln Fnlla N»wt:PuMlihlnK Co... . ( ^ U b ilnhwi.ltOO

H BOV a : iu ja d .............. ............J tn»N C. iiAitVBY ■•■■■,.................................

^ 1 1 BntiTM] AS ■mitid' cIa m iiu U m utter April ^ W .^ i tn f r i c n lit T’Tin Idnlio. uniler tin* A

H j ' . 8U0BCRIPTI0N RATESOBP )<iir .................... ..........................................

fnoiitha .................................................................1 f mtnilliii ................................................................

^ ■ K } 'in o n th ......................................................... .H MicimicK o F A f t f ^H ;'T lie Anaodiilpil i'r.'i'K Ih f»cluilve'ly snt III■ t« r wvuhllcalliin o( oil m-w* dlapatcliim orft<J(l

etticrwlM rrcilltrU In mia (ciptr.'unt] uImH I pul>linlutl livrHii. All rlRliiK of republloiilnn ^ ■ 1 pfttclli-i) lirrrin i>rr n lx o 'n x ’n't-il.

' Nil mi>oii«llilili)’ I" uMumcil lor tlm c»rp liuinuKcrliiin i<li<n»i;ni|>t'K ov iitlior coiiirlbtile

H , tlrli'* «iibmi<le<l fi>r iiiil<1li'nilnn will i» uieit■ 'tJlMTi'tlun of llic i-'lliiT iinrl nn inunUMrlpt n B l ‘‘"J*’" ' uccoiiij>ank.l li>’ m-cc-wuiry poatn8P._H i ~T»ms S«Wii Ik tt m’wu'lx'r <if tlm Audll llun ^ 1 ' tiona. rrom whom fiill Information nn to c

bo tililiilnijil U|inn niipllrallmi. JiotalUHl Inf

B ■ KASTKKN IIHl’UKSKNTATIVKui-urKi* 1). Duvlil Co., inc., 171 Madlaon A\

A. It. K<-aiiir. l l l l lliir>funl liullilliiK, chlunciI■ NO T IM E TO BB CBOIOT

H : . A friend uf TIiv K en s Iioi luggc ito J an t H j 00 the folloirinff quota tion from Hmornan: H i / ‘Do not refuse tho omploTmant^ whieh tl H , you for tho onu moro nm b itiou i,” .H ' Ilo tbinka tho ndvUo appUcnUo to tho pi H { 'j in w hlrh, be viys, aooic youn^ chopi oro < H I th e ir Joba nml in u doing aro roduecil to i< H I . . I t th a t ia n fncl, tbougb sono piax dlspul B Bm crson 'a ndvice l i no t to bo th ru st u ld o . B ) iofi A nietU nK wortb whilo, oven if i t la ni B ' l i in i te ly b e tte r thnn to do nolhloK. I t woulc B to tw iit tbia liiouRbt in to a doetrino tb n t 1 H i nmbttions. B u t tbero orb Ilo o s whe H I o f choice Is lim ited A ni^lt would bo a eont<n H I fa th e r who ratbor t h u oeeejit ao unploasm H pe rm it h li fam ily to a tarve. O r i t woald be H t maJi who not-boinf; osaigned to play righ t

: olevcn, would refuto lo play lo ft end.. . . Thcri* probnhly nru not o g rea t mnny n i

j ; m cnt bcrnuao they a re 'fastid ious about tho ' w illing to do, bu t'ovon I f thoro should be ..-be 0 reprehensible Idler nnd unw orthy of i


' Tho b ig Job uf helping the fam ine victim beioff ab ly hand led Tbo sta tem en t o f Wni

! d iree lo r o f tbo Amuricaa relief odmlnlatrAll '■how s tb a l u bn lf million people a rc nonr t i t >7 Ja n u ary tha num ber will be 1 ^ 0 ,Olw

only fiO rent* n month for enrh child.; How auHli'iiniicc cau be provided for ao los a p rice wblcli would acarcely jiurchnae. n sl m nny IIU Amerienn nu inu rnn t la ,u pu t’zio w ^)o, Intercut Inc tu havo exiil’iilni'd. The chi m&kcs it a ll th^ marc'ImperntivQ th a t tho

'.•hnH |{u nn.utiljl tho ncrewiliy reuses. Tho :


mand'in Excess of Produ Substantial, Improvemeti

■ ous EconQ.mist Declares,

’ ; . . , KOOEK w . BJ)By Spccial Arrangemont with Bab0o

' Wellosifly Hills, Ua

(A ll Higlits a tr lc tly Koson'ed) - Tin . WKLIiES'LEY U IL L 8 , M a is .-D la - i <’'> cussing fundam enta l con d itio n s, o f j our lend ing inJustrlo s Boger'W .'D ob­son m nkcs th o foWowing Btalomoat. 1 “ D nrin s tho coming y e a r I foresee a fu rth e r im provem ent lo the fo rt- unes o f tho coppor io d u s trr . I t i i Ihoroughly Jlquidntod, hnving soff- orotl a prolonged, depression and i s V

a tlll opcroUng a t a vory low p w ; centoge of cniioclty. Only throe or fou r o f lho imptstlanv copper pro- J” , ducers a te now pa>-iDg dividends. '*®'. HeoTy stoeks, poor domnnd had vory low prieo# arc Jointly responsible for thoso condiUons. C onstructive forces 1 a re a t w ork, however, which will j tiflnff about a substan tia l im iirovc, m ent. • • .i

“ The picsv&t <lcmatnl w U lfh.ls v i- * ceeding tho ra to o f productlou hy ap-

' proxifaiately 50,000,000 iiounda a """] m onth should absorb the cr<'-'>ter part o f our prcsont oxccm stock of ro ’ "

; i ln e d copiK'r, estimaU'd in the nc'igb- .borhood o f Wfl.OW.lKH) pmiM.i-i durin'.- *

. th e courso o f tho nex t Hcven montha.I T h is ttccompliaUcd, thu copjict Indus- , .;• t r y w ill be in a position to rcsuuie .

'a Bomblance nonnni production in ,■ A ugust. 1022. 7 'I . Expla ins E xporta Drop. J,I “ iJorm jilly t io copiier industries o f ^

th is country producc fiO por c o n t,o f th e w o rld 's to ta l ou tpu t o f refined ' cotn; copper. Before the w ar h a lf of th is outb boma production w as exported to p a rt

I E nglnnd, O onnnny, IVonco, H olland • to a and I tn ly as our principal cnstooera . o f o O f Into yours Ja p an lias boen talcing of II consldcrablo quantities. A lthongh Eu- ngal: rope continues to s e e d t>nr eopiwr 1010 th o adverse oxchango ra tea and gen- hail crnl sborlage o f pureliasiog power tion m ake It prac tically Impossible fo r therr them to boy . Because o f tbcao fac- 21, to rs th e to ta ! exports o f coppcr in year

,1020 to a ll countries am ounted to cove b u t 70 p e r re n t o f tho ponndngo ship- f e d , ped tlu ring 1013. Plxjiorls th is year .bffii

• to 'd n te nro running nbout 10 per long c ea t under la s t y e a r ’s^ ; ■ bo b

" T h o prico' o f copper is 'n o w a t . aronod 14 cen ts eom pared w ith a low impr o f I I 7-8 ceuts (luring the lo st year. Tho

• ' •

(T iic i tm p u U o i ■ Co- ' , I t b inerediblo to b(

. t . . a b ? u a -w ^ .u j i i i.......... . . Treaaurer. ttwnlh will provide fw

A pril.>, IHIK..Ill I. • S .tllll Aol of Miiroli 3. ' ' •

IS:S J ' More Tn....................11.05,

........... ............ i.t> t

5 HtKfls" ' * I ^entlilPd lo itio UH i f \

orodltfiJ to .II, or noi | V — t inlso tbo . locnl n<-wn j • . y r J - — ^

cation of.special dl"- . .

n c»rp llf uiiaillcIlM '/Wirlbuletl iiuiitor. Ar* y iV) uieit or not lit !"'• ^ v v / ltript wlll be reiumt<iIBI".I iiuri'ftu of CIrculn. A D V M T n i i, ,0 circulation tnny ! t u j ' t t u n i . v iiHi Informntion sup- •“ 7

Mnyor Coumus,...................... I fortuno,

m o of savlnga tion Ave.. Naw to rk ;

I TOO, have hadf --------------------- - •‘■J thinga we;aOIOT And hoped they i

happened, thod an editorial basod ' I f I should pu t mj

I «ro I r j l n j to pick , | | „ „J to idlonoss. ' tTenli'd lsp u to 'it, certainly I I 'v e P

tslde. A fter all. do. Ami fo u rT lm ? . 'II Is no t idoal, ia in- No, sir—falo lwould bo a mistako ■ . . . t b . t u i . < o . w t o

I when tho Intltude i beusbt on in fe r:contomptihlo so r t o f ' m eant; -

'!“ “ » t t*“ ' . " “i4 'lid be a poor sports- • j j \ f io ,i. Jq three right e n d ^ o n the j " briny tear.

I T USED to listen ,ny men oul o f em- ] I th e ir 'p le M t tho work th o y a re j Concerning contrild be one, lie would „ ‘ ' “ *» ,-

Kut I have quit s r ,o f sympathy. as woll:

. If I held stoek In


.icUms in Kussia In L l l f t a "t w n lto r L . Brown, ®Iatralion In R uss ia ,' ^ j p JK tg now ‘being fed a n d ' . ,4,00« I t Is conllng

so lo n g a p e r io d iit I - ^e. n single menl .n ;

Itlo which it wnuld i I,eautiful thnhe chrnpnes!! uf it | but tho profcuor'ii


. . Sl 0*1

and Continuance of De- oduction Rate Makes for »» ment in Situation, Fam-,•es, it

(rtni----- — ------ • ioilr


a b B o n ’s S t a t i s t i c a l O r g a n iz a t i o n , ti , U a s e a c i iu B e t t B °Pr

I Tin- pn-JH'nt p rice is a till low compar- O l j ed wltb tho nverage o f 1012, for iu- I sinnri-, which w as 10 cents.I " T a k in g thcsc.-ond .otber /actors i into uonsldcratiaa lho d m a n l la this ; rountry should Increase dur_ing tho

cominy year. 1 • Jielievfi -lin t th e . copper in d u ilrv ,., h)u Jc"'n Itfl w orst day t, and a fte r n >

• try has seen its worsti days, and after , slow jirores!) of.'im pruyem cnt dur I dnrlng. ihi< nex t ten or t'welvo montbs I wlll be a s a wholo in a very much w

h e lle r eondiiioh. I do not hesitato U to forecast h ighc r’price* for coppi'r. B Tho lim ilation of nrniaments if adopt- |i ed, hy tho confcrunco now meeting H in W ashington will, In m y 'op ln lqn , tt be u biilliab ro tber thnn n -bearish R fac tor in the oullook for the stocks N

'o f tbe riippiT compiiulca. Only u vory u smnll piTcenlstre of tbc tiitnl con- H numplion of rq ipo r in tb is rountry Is jl uHcd in thi> m nking of nnna. On the, ! dther baud, tbe restoration o f more ■ iinrnml dindilionR nmong our forolgn ' eustiuners nnd arr Increnae in good f; trill nnd m utual confidcnci’’ by the [j nntions o f tho world, eannot fa it to ! ndd R Htimoliis to intcrnntlonalitrado . nnd furnish an D utlct fo r all tbo i basic eommoditien which we export- |- ed in thil pro-war ilny's.

O ffe r Spoculatora Opporum tty ' !; “ The stocks of the lending coppor r

' companies averaged nround d.*! a t tbo |j outbreak of tho w or. In th e ' latter p a rt o f 1010 they had shot npward

’ to A high average of 72, an iacrcaso h o f ovor 100 |>er ccnt. The. Koctiaa. ( o f 1017 ond 1018 b rough t‘them down 1 ngaln to a p rice o f 38 In Janu«rv, < 1010. L ato r In the samo yea'r tbev { hail risen agal;i to G2. The liqulilii- | \ tion th a t began in Ja n u ary ’ mad«' them comn ate.idily down to 'a of i’ 21, reached, th e last wcok of that j; y ew . So f a r tb ls year they havo re- covercd to an nverage o f 30. I still f e d , however, th a t the copper stocks Tbc •offer a splendid opportunity for a Italia long sw ing speeulntlon and should New ' bo held fo r fu rther advances. unvel

. ’“ The. Bonsonol trend eo.ntinuci. to ingtoi improvtf Rrheral hu»lneii» ronillllons. tende Tho Babsonthort Index for this week Sfatci

; T\yiN, FALLS D ^L '

LY- NEWS - I )Wn \ t _so, |^ ;tj^ l i i t ; t^ie. p < « ^ t a ; e » /A « lU i 'g ^ i! < 4 t ' 'j i e ^ j u t f ^ l ' i e s V t t e r , #tloB to -e a i 'i t 'in ile a d ’o'f p jnatiiig I t. ■ ' to beUovo th a t- r te ’A a?ric»B peejlo wiU l ^ t t ? , ^ ( d r e a f t u r e irben S o 'u n ts s"

e fo o i fo r Ih e n . ' ’

Truth Than Poetry -

■"X W ll e o N i i / - ^ i^ I UP' I

[T O B E S I H I N V E a m G iB r a B. K I8 E S '

um ., of DettoU, m r th IJO,OOO,OOO, •' m e, report oays, to Jils h i v b g had. ‘ Igs to invest n t the right tim e. j

I bad afflbltions; I ’vo bought w hon 'w e;a low, | ley m ig h t go higher—th a t ’s never , thongh.it ray c uo lnge-iii Slandord Oil,' m y |

'd fin d some reason for stopping ' |


to lim e I 'v o managed, tbrougb .e u and soni, ' -------------- -tile monoy, meant fo r my fu tu ro ,

Ve p n t zny earnings in ‘ ‘g ilt edg- ' |o itnto , , J

ies taken losses. Bnd Judgm entf ir . t .1 ;

[ old P en tB ^ l'v u ia was paying i lx . |t ' - Jifo rm atioa th a t doubtless wa« voU

I sad old s to iy t I ' l l not ropoot i t ]

threo bank failures. F^euso th is ,

' !sten gravoly when praachers'iaadD . .lew . i m trlbu tlons; I gave, and fo lt- o t

s it soeh giv ing—perhaps I t ’s ju s l |

k In heaven th e y ’d s ta r t a;boom \J

- _____________J ’

T P S f f l i - i■ i:

I — I!__ ™ ~ ' I ‘' I

3 U M E A N D BEA U TIFU L o'professors says Zulu womon ore I than tho women of th is eountry ; sor’* announcement doesn’t se ttle " It a m a tte r of. personal opinion.>lnk Airedale dogs prc pri'tty .

.............. ’ ■ li

shows our preseot position S p e r 'te n t b e tter thnn last week., Ooncral bus- ~ JncM now stands l l per cen t beloiv norniol.” ' ' »

Unready Money. ii Mr. M reliiliieli-'-I lell .vmi »ve enn 'i l(

t f l too iiiiii.|i iimne.v In tlu-' Imnk, I" Money inlkx." HIh \Vlfi>-"Vo*. " inuney ln lk ^ litit yoiirH w-i-nix lo bnvenn (niiii-illnieni In lit* KiMi-eh.” *'

No Shock Abkortier.iiuny n innii ;.Tlii-a pn-lty huil full

(nini IH-In;; llir>iwn on bis nwn re> h^ilrfi'*-^(JitriiH inn Mncnxinc. , , tl

' " ~ T --------.,'M^jSrn Problems No..5. , • '*

lln« ' tliici II fiil 'iiiiii illsmlt# Jn at^ •* npper b e r th ) • - ^

Statue of Dahie Presentt

I P S' r r /

H i

.v r_r-l"-^ ia illl-|ll I1IM..1C

Tbe statuo of D onto A lighieri, the . motfllian poet, g if t o f Carlo B a rw t ti, o f shi>cw Vork, to tho Ameriean peoplo, w as unnvcllcd by Colonel S h irtU l, l a Wttah- Congton, w ith dodicatlos.ferem onios nt- pnondcd by tho Prosident of tho U nited sliiItates, Uie I ta liao n n b a m d o r nnd am


" i H E S i. B r C H A R L E S G L E N

. , R e c t o r / C b u r c h ^

. ; \ O T A ^ B O r a O D '

• 'Ephetlans ' fi: 1 3 ;, “ W herefore, l ik e onto yon tbo 'w holo a ra o r el ■

\. In t h i ^ nnd subsequent verses, ti

Paul spcalts about tbo neetiiu l^ of. tbe Is Christian having on, tho whole a ra o r of Qod.: H e lalU us " t o a U a d ; w ith onr loins g i r t ‘ about w ith 'th e t n t h ; w lih 0 the b reastp la te o f 'righteottsness; w ith w bnr fee t aho'd w ith tho gospel of,penM ; t] h a rin g the shield o f fa ith , tho helmet w of salvallon, ond tho aword o f- Itho bi s p i r i t ” ' Tho Apostle use# the . nnnor $( o f.tb e Boman soldier o f h is day as an h< ill'ustrotlon of how the C hristiaa ooght i> to bo'onAed in his fig lit w ith thow o/ld. w

S t. pAul wns a naturaJ-bom flgh teri w bad he traiaed bbnaolf as a profos- hi slonal soldier, he would probably .hai'u di bocom o'a distinguished g e n era l.th a t a hi Coesor would have been proud to havo a t tho bead of his troops. H e was a ct g roat man of action ; fu ll of.em otlonnl b energy. He was n tont-m aker by trad-), It bu t a very extraord inary ono; ho was di on intcUcctual man, n' keen student e f w

. the Inw, nud u ua loug m an rollglciuly, ni bh’onging, as he said, to tho “ itric tl'il, t l sect o f the Pharisees.” hi

81. Paul was sueh n «ood soldier thn t w hn. ftit's willing to face evory !)'jnish- n |

■■ Uiifin' iind evrry h a rd sb lp -jliko tho f irn tl who stood waste-deep in th e m u l e f u

. t6i- fn ’nrfies over in f ra n c o In i»hi late n a r. He says o f h im self th a t h,* n a i a< ofton in “ wvoriness and painfulnrss, m in hunger ond th irs t,. In fasting), In dt eold and nakedness." W hatever else miyy bo said o f 8 t . Pau l, theru -Ih no vi question that ho hod a ll tho qualities di o t a great soldier. to

That Is probably tbe roaaon wby the fo Apostlo mnde ao oiueh use o f m llltnty ly language. • ' wi

'H e was oot a m ilita ry m an. bul ha so . was wiac' eooiigb in h is ow n day aud bi . gcnc'rolion to know w h at would' liilp* mi

pon to,o aoldlor In b a ttle w ith a b ti.v t- tb p la to 'bu t wllh no bolmot, o r w ith bci- ov m et but wilh no b reastp la te. bo

Wo have all rcad m any ta les of tbc vl ' thrilling exploits o f th e a v ia to rs in the lit

lalc whr. B ut wo nro a p t to th ink only kl o f tbe spectacular ac ts o f f ly ing and so bombing. Wo acarcoly roiilltc th a t fo r in, every man who fought In the a ir, there h^ w ers a doteo or moro *.ncn on tbo mi ground, many of them expert mechan- d ics, who»o only business i t w as to look nc a fte r tbc.neroplaao and see th a t ovoo^ co pnrl of the machine, down lo t h e ^ n t l - uf eat detail, was In po rfeet order. . vS d nc important wns thii) du ty th a t tho me- ov clinnlc might bo cnlled upon n t any nc timo to fly with tho a v ia to r nnd share gr the risk of f lyiug and lho g rea ter risk wi u f hattle. Knowing ib is tho mechnnic mi cuuld not bo. too.carefol to seo th a t tbe sn ninchinc was aa fau ltless ‘ns he rould go make it.

Tho M ister Himself, was the only mi one who was ever fu lly pTOloeted w llh lli the wholo nrmor of GoiL M ost of its Is llke^to th ib k th a f h i h a v e sO oe'K Jrt wl of nrmor in 'dur conlost w ith the world ,gr —w ilh nil l u wickedness, and sordid- in; ness,'und.rccklcssncss—b u t wo a ro a p t go all tho wbllo to bo w eakening our or- cn mor in somo rcspect. wi

Wo ftto np t to eaal aside quite wUl- mt ingly a t tlm fS '-n t other tim es Ihought- idi Iftnsly— Ibis or thnt sourco of strength, ou linil >iut gunrd nx w e.sliuiild the vul- (if nerable points in our cham ctcr. , mt

I t is the weak, p laces in our chariir- ua tcr—no m atter how sm all and unim- to

Op and Im.Impitrtunlty may lm D u'r tivln

hmtlier. as an cxchniiRi- rem arks, hut the two have not tb f snme chnmcler* I s tlo . Op .nover haDgs‘nround Insist- log" the* wny Im docs.—Boston Troli* “ •CTlpi. f J

. tb

RBAD TH E C L A S a in E D AD8,, “

ited to American People p''

p T S i i9 S I

t e g " m S H H R I H pe

S h S t in . B U /

! Pr thi flp: till mi Is i n p

• I J oi 'the attl qu( llfl pri;

. sn tm any other 'p rom inent people. Pboto noi shows tho stotne o f Danio a fte r i t w u bls' unveiled, w llh tho two children of to Coloai:! BhcrUl, m ilitary n'Sdo- t o ' lho ant p residen t,' who unveiled the statue, s tanding d irertly la fron t o f the non- ti'mcnt. ‘ ■ . 'li


E N M B A I R D . M . A ; ; / . Isf

) A ^ a j n c ’i v E p w c o p a ^ V

; po r^nV WB m ay th in k th e m ~ l i t t we i , e a n f n l OMot.", ,O f -cb n n d '„ th e r# -a re tlm ei in our

lives w hen i r e fee l and know tb a l wo l io n e ts . O od'a arm or—when wo Kom

;• to s tand In H ik ho ly presence folly fer- ' th e m ooen l, a ad H is groee =a Is filling o n r h e a r ts and minds. i f , 8ometlaes'-W d have sueh a feeling ns r wts eome itito H if tem ple and irpn lilp .» O r i f m ay be a t eome preelous moment ' a whon we a re walkl&g or drivlfitf oul in >*I th e country , th a t a nddon'insplrA U oo tbI wells up in o o r hoarta—when there is th0 no th ing to d iv e rt, onr thoughts Ood tb. r eeems »o' near and H e f i l l s 'w w ith the t t » holiest - t h o u g b lM o w I ean aee m y m t d u ty e lca tly ; I w a n t only to serve ( h i ,t, I- w ith n il m y m ight. I f only ' I can al.1 w oyt /eo i Ood to bo a s neor to n o as• he is r ig h t now— I d o n 't w an t lho sor- , J did o r the frivolous things tb drive ,» him awny from m y presence. •’ I f only these in sp iring moments were “» eonsU nt and continuous in o a r lives!I D ut w c p down from tho m ountahi o f wi') insp ira tion Into tho valleys, of bum- tuA drum, presale, overy-day things. .A nd na‘ wo b e p n to y iold to tho common, i f wlI no t the gross, th ings. ,Wo' conform to ri<<) lho w orli- Wo fo rgo t the jo y th a t wo ch

hod in th e fu ll preseneo of Ood, n«d ]t wo y ie ld to th e tanp tn tlons th a t "hro Nb* nppoaling a ll tlio tlmo n l t to the best vr,. 1 th a t .Is in us, b u t to th e w orst tha t U in

) 8ombono h o f aaid : “ Thourfita make ^ > actions; aellons mako hab its; habits

make eham eter, and charactcr makesd e s tin y ." ------ Uo

Said W illiam Jam es , tho greot H«r- “ “vord philosopher: “ The hell to be on- baidurod hercaftor,’. b f -which theology poilolls, is no w orse than th e hell wo mako thifor onrsolves In th is world by habitual- bliIy fashioning, c a r ch&raeters thow rong frt] wny. Could th e young b u l rea lite how sotfn they vrill become mere w alking bundles o f h a b its , they . would give moro heed to tho lr conduct whllo In tbo p lastic s ta te . Wo nre spinning ourown fates, gtjod-or evil, and never to pbo undone. E very smallest (troke o f ■vlrtuo or o t vice leaves Its nover-io- Bllttlo scar. Tho drunken Bip Von Win- gkio, lu Je ffe rso n 's play, oxcuscs-bim- Bself /o r every fresh dereliction by say- Bing, <I w on’t count tbls lim o.' Well, a||hi- m ay no t e o u n f i t , and a kind heaven gmay not count I t ; bu t I t Is being count- ■ed none the less. Down among his ' Incr\'e colls and fibre# tbo molecufes ore . Icounting it, reg is tering and storing i t ■u p - tn bo used again st him Whr;i Iho I t noxt tem ptntion comos. N otbliig wo over do is,' In s tr ic t scientific llt c ro n '' gneas, wiped ou t. O f courso, tlils has its gguud side, ns well u's Its bad sldo. As fflwe bccomo porm anent dm nknrds by so 9m any separate d rinks, so wo become Bjsain ts by so m any separate acts o f Egoodnoas." ■

T bat Is ju s l w h at 61. Paul must havo ■m eant wbun lie urged tb a t wu pu t-oh Ithe b reastp la te o f righteousness. I t Iis tho th ing tbc littio boy. had in mind ■when ho salil t h a t ‘ono o T th e means o f ■

.grace is to do good, i t means p i^ l lc - Ilog goodness overy day so much th a t Igoodness go ts to bo p a rt uf us. >0f Icourso It bec6mos an' nrm uri overy dny ‘I Iwe SCO du ty c lenror; we see tho tru th Hmore ]>lnlnly; ovll Ijeeomes more reput- ' l l j sive to us moro nnd moro os wo tr a in . . 19ournelvc^ In v irtue . Wc grow to love I(Ind so much, nnd enjoy Uis serviee so Imuch, and (lo f ills us w ith , sueh spirit- Iual streng th , Ihut- i t bccomcs a habit ■ lo resist Uto th ings th o t aro wrong. - I

Shun W hite Oolf Show. ___ . jP “Can’t keep you r oyo oo the balH " f l

osket! tho golf Instructo r of h lf.pop ll. {^' “I (ron easily uo ilenitand why you fnll to do ao. You have on white shoca. U nder o n llna ry cIrcumBtanecs ^ tbepc Is n o 're aso n why a normal p e r Yoi son Rhould ever fa ll to keep h is o r h e r L eyo on th e hnll w hile on lh e links, A F .b righ t color on Uie c r a s s 'n e a r lhe ployer o r quick movcmcQt by a by* j slander o re th e only tw b reasons why a plnycr should e v e r 'loee h is eye.' g

“W lilte'B hocfi a rc very dlstniclliK . ecoi I Tlicy nro gcncm lly b rig h te r than Jno f I ball Itse lf nod n re often the cause of qoi, I an export fnlllD* to keep , his eyo on 'j , , , 1 the boll. Som e men play splendidly 1 for a- long s tre tch n t n tlmo and then q j I one dhy they RUddenly g f t off the ir i game. In m any Instances th is Is duo [ fo th e f a c t th n t they hnve p u t on i ,,’p a lr df w h ile Bhoes." .I- '■ ----------------------------- Ital’ X .R ay i In Factory. . • in

Tho nex t developmnnt. of the uses ger, o f radiography will bc th e qppllcntlon tro< of X -nyfl to Industrial purposes. Ex- tro< perlm ents w hich hnve been In progress p rivately fo r some tim e pnst point to w onderful posalbilitlea In tho near fu- ' tnre. w hen every g r e a t ' factory find foundry will hnvc Itn own mdlogrn* ^ phpr nnd lahom tory . T here Is do reason why tho X-my«. lilthcrto ooly ttsod for medicnl nnd surglenl w ork, should not be o tillxed In dotectlng flaws In. say. nn Ingot o f mefnl o r Mock o f ccnereie. P rogress In tlils tllrtjcilon only nwnlts the prefee tlnp o f Kufllclently powerful nppn'm ltis. T he Importnnco of th is to the m o tn lh ird si nnd m nnafnctnrer JOUi m ust be obvlnuft, nnd research work Is only h indered by th e nbseneo of the n tc c m r y -fonds to ptfisce^jta w hat a re neeeswtrily, very ,costiy experim ents..

• wer

. W hat th# Jap an ese Read. - .' So fn r aa populnr IniercBls of the Japanese a re Indicated by the books they rend, i t w ould nppear tliat their a ttention* Is given largely to gocIiiJ qucstloas. According to n reccn t clfis- slflcallon of th e books ond magaxlnes ‘ printed In the em pire, those upon this anbjecl. IncludlnR labo r conditions, eco- •*” nomlcs. p o lit ic a l, science, sociology, p®? history" and law , n re a -c lo so second |5,*' to w orks o f action , general literatu re and a rt.—FfoiD th e A ge., ’ .

port, — r ' marl

l iK ^ n .T H B D A Jl-Y -V E W ^ ' . - . J i a d

. J .•

lY, DECEMBER 10,1921

^ T Sn g n

«M dM U4 kr KUMui 0«u*U *r (M Bar' ««*Ua a t AJMrlea.)

ROOSEVELrSBIRTHDAV.- .•. T he b irthday of Theodore.HooBeTdt U observed by boy scouti . lbrou*h<)Ut . ; the coontry a t tl>c losUgatloo of the n a tional oouncll who feel tb a t ^the la te Colonel ipeclfloally t tp re sen te d pertiaps b e tter than o n j Afflerican o f recent ycari those cuall- ties o t stu rdy manhood, d e an , high vUloned, loyal, virile, which they »ke to em phasize and keep bcfpra icouta M a U vlag ideal. T here was i parUcu- lariy close relation between Eooaevelt and boy acouts inaamuch a i bo waa v iu ily In terested In tho moTemcnt and waa a t th e t i n e of bis death eald to hAT«i been considering' becoming ft national lender o f tbe orgnoUation b> w hich h e wa» a lre ad y an honorary Tlce-presldcflt and beld the title of. chief acout d tU e n .

L as t ye a r , under th e leadership of N adonal Scout Coiamlsaloner Beard, b o j acoBta b t New Yorii and t ld n l ty m ade a '.m e m o t la ) . pllgHmoge to iio o sere lt 'a g rs re , a a e re a t repeated th is y e a r on en_eveo larger acale. Io o lhe r p a r ts o f th'e country the celebra* tlon took th e form of treo planting, moss p a trio tic meetiaga, fattier and son bannueta, e t t . a ll devoted to tbo p u ^ pose o f keeping a live the memory o f . the g rea t American who playod so big a p a r t In o u r oatlonal life and whoae sp ir it s till fgoei 'm arching on" tfflOOg us.

» C 0U T 6 AS FIR E FldH T E rtS .


iToungsters A re .T ralnad'in Some Cities, U nderaelng Same Drill Prebationary | FIram sn Are Qlvsnl ^


Sa’id D abbus who served a s-C h ief icout of S y ria and Is now a student I t the M aasachusetts Institu te o f Tech- . jology .waa one p f th e youug men.w ho i insw ered tlie reecn t call,, fo r scout ' endera Issued b y \h e Boston council.Qe will a c t aa - scoutm aster fo r u ffoup of Sy rian bo y s.' Anotlwr .valu- ible add ition to th e ncoDtmaater ranks h a i th e ap p ea l gained w a t Joaeph A. [Jingooe. o rgnn lw r o f the Sops of Italy, the la rg eet Italian organisation ^ n th e coun try . Mr. Langone will letTre ns a acoutm oster of hla otrn Toop. and ' aupenlBe other Italian Toops in th o city.


T roops In . ranny places have boim ^ naking contrlbutlonh to the "Scout vmradOA In Pueblo who lost so leavlly and ac ted so heroically In the l|M ster w hich overcome tiie d ty last TOtocr.'* O range (H. 3.) s c o o u a re imong those who have beco .help log hls w ork and riK cntly n little chop y lot more thnn nine years old—too " 'oung to b e a xcout bn t brim fu ll of cont sp ir it—stopped Scoutm aster rarrles of tb a t d ty and presented him rlth th ree petuiles which he sa id bC’ ranted added ■ t^the -fun i'H he sconts rere co llecting fo f Pueblo boys.


W ashlngtoo scouU .bad the honor of lylnj; th e f lrat m arker ‘D . a L" for be o e v a i r ro u te from BalUsg &eid 9 DaytoQ, 0 . , nnd plans a re be tof lade a t th e request o f th e federal t l r enrlce fo r d if ln l te , co-operation of oy scouta w ith thet service. Some of | le w ork w hich It l i CMtemplated hiT-^ .1rg acoota d o ' will, consist o f helping I rlatortr m ak ing forced laodlngs, r e i a ' , o rtiog a d v e r se 'w e a th e r , condltioni. I ^ larklog a irw a y s.' g o tr d b g (danea u d e d 'o r b ro k c n .in l |t t 't lf { )a ll8 t. j

. . -■’j , . . ■

Page 7: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

t D a i lyAdvertisement

* COUU) UUGH AT tWDUORDSV U Itlr* to U a AnB#r#«, i n d 9wn*

‘ d t i z tn i ; E «U btlih fd .M lnIatur«• C ity W ito Th*!** Autofc • _

O ne w ay to a»oId hl«l» iw t« bM• boen dlK O Tend > 7 a b o a t tliree hoo-

d r td to a rl» tt from tl>e E « t . M d • • c o n o r ao o t L os A ngeleoot, t a r s th« L os A o je lw E xp r« a ..5 1 iH m e th o d la: LlTlog lo th e ir m d tb r tt fs .

T here is a rcjp jlar colony of men. women and ch ild ren , who h a ro turned cars Into a p a r tm w u b a parking coo*

. 0 c en lo n Jo st m t o f Llncolo park on ' A lham bra boalevard.

H ere tb e m o to ris ti h a re ' th e ir ma* ^ c a a m i n ^ In ro v e llko «trocle, hn re c lo tbeaJilnw a trong, cook atovca H t np and', oro IStIdr aa comfortably,It Is aafe to], nay, a s many pcrBona who pay IlOO a m onth o r so for accommiv

« 4atlona In a partm on t hoasea. {' \U o n y have e q u lp p ed 'lh e lr cara aOj

I th a t’they need only to poll d ovn tMbj fron t seat, d rop th e side curta ins and |

; yol) (htrm w lfes u p in th e ir blankets to I he na aaug n s 'o n y person in a .h o te l.j . bedroom. O the rs ho re pitchcd ten ta , and o h : sleeplnj; on a ^ y cots. j

A T he new o rd er;w as a torted by tour-:lets arriv ing In Loa Angelea from the E a a t Tho g ro re of eucalyptua t r ^ looked good to persona who bi^d so re­cently croaned th e d w r t . so they stopped .thera on th e ed^e of tow n and

m a d o the « m p th e ir horae. Seeing _ bow codvenlently th e visitors avoided

W high ren ts , n n n y residen ts of Los An­geles took up the cam p sa a pen n an e n t' a d d rm . In due llm o th c OciUed a ta tea • government took cognltanre o f then!

. ; t t d gave th e a m ro l free delivery. ^

i m MEMORANDA, OF IT A l l, Vounfl M arried Man A ltogsthar Too!

. M atta r^ f-F ac t fo r tha Ordinary.:__ '.l.ovlnB Brida. '

■■ I I• lo o n g U r. M arsh w as a devoted hus- |

. band, bu t both ahM nt-mlnded tn d m at- ; ter^»f-fact T herefore, M rs. M arsh h a d , ,

A tr la ls 'th a t'see m e d to h e r real ones. , ^ . ’‘Richard, proo a rc going away," ahe ,

aa!d. h e r eyes filled w ith tears, on tho ] iaorohig when U r. M arfh s ta rted fo r t

V New York, to be gone 48 houra. 1 \ T e a . I aeem to be^ my dear." ad- ' I B itted Mr. M arsh. .( “100 w in th ink o f m e while yoo are

• 0 gonei" ahe bess« l-“C eru tn ly 1 wlll. I wll\ bear l t ' l n <

. j D l n d . " - ^ - ; _________ _— — ^.-1 .And nothing could h a re been iaore

obliging than h is tone la saying th is . ^"And yoa w ill b f l . r ^ , w ry w re fu l

o f yourself, so ttin g on and off ’ the . tf ltln a ,-an d -ab o u t yon r meals, Jl!ch-.,i

# t 'rd T '...-,. , “I w in c ertan iy w e th a t a ll those .

m attera a re a ttended tb a t the proper | tim e," nnd U r. M arsh ,‘'h aatlly sc rlb -. bllng a noto in regurd to an linportaat < bnalnetH /m atler he had alm ost forgot- ‘ ten , p ta n td .a lovlnjj a m to w d Ms’'

• Wife. . , •. ..* 1 have m em orsnda for a ll these < U lnga yoo*re mentioned, m y dear." h e ] said In 0 colm. reasso rlog tone. j may be iicrfectly ensy about them a l l " 1 —Philadelphia Ledger. , 1

. ------------------------- 1

* T rav tl In C antral SraxIL Ij ^ Travelers* s to rie s n f a tu c k s by 1

sp iders "a foot In’ 'diameter” a re ro- I la te^ In a le tte r from central B ra ilL '^ L as t January th reo ex-offlcers sot o a t 1

' . from E ngland fo r tho A m atoa, nnii t they have w ritten to a W end telling

' , o f amaxlng ezperlcncea. The p a h y ' hnd l>eiin ottacke*! hy tribca o f In -:

^ diana, h o t gnna saved the travelers. ® They also h a d loccltlng encoontera

w ith d lf fc ren r klnda o f snakes, an - , Imala. and s p ld e ^ F o r a time In t

I thc Bwnrop o f the’ forest they hod to ’ | live on monkeys, a a ’th e ir food waa 1

r wflshwl flway. T hey o re now living f f w ltb a trlbo o f Ind ians who bavc nor- I P e r sc<m a w hite nmn. Ono o f tho <

porty has been mode n "medicine •mon.’: and vUlta h ls potlcn ls w earing beads and a necklet of leeth^ T he. na tives w ear no clothing, only neck­lets. ankleto and rings throogh the noac.

» ■ • _ z - 'H R . MOTOWST

Bomody th a t h a rd ito tU ng thtM etfld n o n io g i b r u i n g XTj O K tho high te s t uaaoUno. ^

J C H ir s o ir AV TO s a l e s 0 0 .

* NOW MA’s a o m o t o m a k e it

MA. 3X> '* 0“l iw e t o 'c lo c k 9^ I HOm cl W ?

I . . ' ^ i M |

■ N L k ' •. ; M U

N e wn t s _ u n d e y t h i s 1


»oin« O F SALB.

Donlel 'M . Norton, Ineonpolest, by I S tnart H. Taylor, his guaidlao, . I

h fti • . P la in tif f,:hoo- Tl, i><* ■• Clydo A. n ia lr, Aano B lair, h it wife;» th e C l,arid n . Rathmaan, Mrs. Charles.- J la : U. .lUthmann, hU wlfo; Pau l Ocrln,{r

and Mri. Paul Q enng, hls wife, |' men, D efendantim ed I’ndrr onii by virtue of on Order o f | coQ. I^nlf lilll Doeree of F oredoiure, i iiu td

u on ou l of the D in trle t Conrt o f tlio Elev- enth .lu 'liH al' D litr lc t, of tfao S tate of Idnlio, in and for the County of Twin j Kalli, iluted tho lOlh day of. Novcm- 1 her, 1021, in tho above en titled actlon.l

0' ®* wherein Daniel M. Norton, incomiw-, nbly. ten t, hy S tuart H . Taylor, hU guard-' wlio ian, tbe above named p la in tiff, ol> amiv tained n decree a ira in tt Clydo A. lUalr.

Anne Hlnlr. hlu wlfo; Cbarlet H. lU tli' 1 , ao U 'l- Cbarlet II. Itath- .

lU h-niann, hU w ife; . Paul Gerlng and ' 1 Mr*. J‘aul Qerlng. bis w ife, defendants, 1 ,“ ^ o n tlio -lC th day of November, 1D2I,

, which said deeree won, on ibo Ifltli da ' ®‘® '-lof November, lOUl. reeorded In Judg- en ta I m ent Book Seven ' of said D istrict

- t Court, a t pago'lO S, I oni commanded - our- to ta il a ll th a t ccrtain lot, plepo or 3 th e parcel of ktnd aituated in the County

liiit o f Twin Falln, S ta ts o f Idabo, ann ) re- btuDdeil and described aa 'follows, to- they 1j n j Thd e a it «no-balf (E 1-2) o f t h r |

ftoulhweit quarter (BW W ); the 1 , . , ron theait quarter o f tho northwont ■

• nunrter (BE J-4 NW 1-4); and 1 northw est.quarte.- (NW 1 4 ) of the 1 nortbcost quarter (N B 1-4); all In 1

M et .8»<H<.» -T w cntyflvB (£5), fTown- , heni ahip Fourteen (14) south, Bange «

Sevrntcdn (17) east o f BolM Me- 1 ridlan, containing 100 ne|M , more . 1

>• I o r Irrs, togother w ith tbo tene- t m ontsrhercd itan ien ts and appurte- 1

I n a n m thereto belongini; or In any ( T oo! wise rpi>ertaining. \f Public notlee Is iiereuy given, tha! t

on tho H th day c f December, lOSl. ) n t th e h o u r 'o f 2 o ’clock p. m. (Jd o « - « ta in tiine) o f said day a t the cnst < fro n t d o e r-o f tho Courthouse of the County of Twin Fallr, S late o f Idaho.I w ill in obedience to saM order o f sale l

*• a n d 'd ee ro e o f fo re d o iu re ,' sen the *he above doscnbod property lo la tlify ( th e ]>iaintlf/'e decree w ith In terest thereon, . fo r togv tijc r 'w itb all costa th o t bave ac­

crued c r may aceruo to th o . hlghet: i id - bidder for eaah, law ful money of the I

U oited fitatesi Datod tb is 17lh .lav of November.

" • 1021.E . B. SHERMAK,

t i n ; Sheriff.JJJy RUN J . HKOWN, Deputy. - (

S ? KOTIOB O P S H B M IT -S SA IB 6 r ' “ '7 E BA L . BBTATE U O T E S B IB O U . ,z _ . {

•m ilo , ' I 'l i in in t , j

10S« John F. Honk nnd baxvey B .'T ate , )per. D cfentianti.t ib - . By virtuo of on elocution Issued out Innt o f the D ittr ie t Court of tho Eleventh ,

J iid ic iarD lstrle t o f th e"8 ta te .o f Maho, v i'- .in and for the County of Twin Palls,

da ted tbe 10th day of November, 1925. wherein 0 . W hlto. pla intiff, reeovercil judgm ent against John F. Hank anil H arvey E . J a to , defendants, on the

Y o t I2 lh doy of November, 1021, fo r the ilL" sum ot •1C27.53 and tho further

.tu rn of 1.11.30,.corta aiid dlsburtemeat*, j I together with In terest thereon a t tbo j ra te o f 7 per een t per annum from tbe c

. 'a a id 12th day of’ November, 1021, I 1 . *>7 hove levied um d aU the righ t, tit le . In. (

ro< .|« rcst and claim of said defendanti. •] a rlL 'Jo h n F . H ank aad H a r re r E. T ate, In o a t nnd to the following detenbed real cv ( nmi ta te , to-wit:llnff Lols Forty -ilx ( « ) , Forty-seven .

.(47). «"<! Forty-eight (48), In * niock Three (3), of Bluo U k e s ^

, “ * i Addition to thb C ity of Tw in FbHb. J f™- S ta te of Idaho. • )

Public notlee is hereby (^ivcn, th a t I i ^ °* lw ill on the ISth day o f Dvee'mbcr, IO21L

! Io n t ' th e bour of 2 o 'eloek p. m. (M oun-IJ I to ’ ta in time) o f said doy n t tho cast fron t • I w as door o f tho C^nrthouso of tho Count) , dog of Twin Falls, S tato o f Idnho, roll a t 30V- I’ul’llfl- nuction tO' tho hlKhest bidderlho im n II .........I ......... J

Cine ^

Standard Parts . \BEABINOS AXLES j


— ' Kor every n a k e of car. A higher j^ standard o f service—a lower stand- J^ nrd o f prices. L _ ^

JOHNSON AUTO SALES CO. ,A Btheiited TU nkaa'lM ftifbntor

• I I'


. i t t T J u r rrfe )IS4V p . . - ~

1 I m / S tAr s ! )

2 I 1^' p p

' S E a B W R ..............1

....:T W iN :F & i^ b S i^

T.3 C lahead^ One Cei

EE B y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r 1

^ t h e s e p e o i J l e w h a t y o i

by s a l e o r , r e n t , t h e : p o s i t :

I ff ,-V .i— .— ■ —

,„ .* fo r cosn, law ful m o n e ; 'o f the Unite . B la te s -a ir th e r igh t. tfUe, In torest an. i' ,!e la im of th e defendaaU above named ' ”* 'lo f. In and to the above described rca

'e s ta te , o r to much thereof as may lw ‘S'* I necessary to satisfy p l t b t i f f 's Jud-f

r ten t w ith a ll coita th s t have accnic. 01 m ay aetrtie .

D ated this 17th day of. Novcmbi-r

, E. B. SHEBMAN,- Bhcriff.

P ' B y DEN J . DliOWN, Deputy,

Db NOTIOE' OF W ABBANT CALL.»ir. A n 1020’ w arrants - o f ladopcBd.nlth. St-bool D istrict, No. 1 ,'np to No. 18J0<Ith- and a ll 1021 w arran tt up to Ne. 2l!0(md wiU bo p a id 'o n prcsentaoon t.i t- iIts. I rc a iu rtr . In terest w in cm s® on th i-;21, n a rra iits December IB, l02L ,!a.' JA M ES FITZOBBALD,lg- Treasurer Independent Schoolle t Dli tr lc t, Uo. 1. . nd>v

or NO TICE O P A N NU A L'M BBTD .G O f tty STOCKEOLDBBB O F SALUON nil BIV E B OANAL 0 0 ^ LTD.to- Notico 1* hereby g ivC n-that tlin 'nn- Dual m eeting of stoikholdera o f -tl.e '■ 80I1110U K ivrr Canal Company, L td , I will III! held n t tbo offirc o f the eom

pnnv in Ilo lliitc r, Twin Falls Coiinty, 1 Idaho,’nn th r Hth day of January . 102J, ' n l 1 o ’«io.-k I', m., for tho. purpose vf I elertiiiR dlrectonr and tm nsactlng nny

mid .»li otlier i>uslncs» tlmV may ptoiv ' c rly i-ome Inifore the ' meeting, iu lu d .

ing th e apiiroval a n d -ra t ifica tio n ol ’ . Iho prorti'dlTipi o f 'lh o board and lho• hc‘j i o f the officers’ of the fompOLy

sinro Ihu lant annual meeting, and^ccn. erally foi llic pur|>oso of conaidcrin): lho' a ffa irs o f tho company and taklM^

la! onv. action «>om{>otant fo r the stoo:- 31i bnidiiri lo toku w ith ri'ipe'’l tho ij:o IP- a t an niinual meeting of the stockhoVl- »st ers. •he B r order o f 'tb e Ronrd of DIrcctorx. !io. D ated Ihir Oth day' of DocemlK'". lie 1021. • , • .he 0 . M. HALL, President.I'y OEO. R a ilO V E ll, e rc itU ry .>n, —te- CloMified advertising is lho. chesp !»: cst th ing you ran buy—measored by he Ih f p ro fits U m s^ bring-you,


(Fiirnishoil by-Twin Falls Flour Mills)- W heat. No. 1, cwt. ........................« ’ 0n Pnjdnea.

I'o tntoe*. IW rats tw t. ......B u tte r fa t -------------------------------- ..IP

/ . Ranch liu ttcr ____ __________ .30Eggc ------------------ -------....------ -------- 30

LlTSftock.(F'uTiiishcd by Independent Meat

, 1. C attle — Cows 3@4c; steers 4 l-2 r; , venl. 0(5.7r.V; Ili.({s-I*rlm e, G@7c l-2r., , Bhcop—M utlon, 4c; lambs, 5f.■'j I’oiiUry— Hens, 12c; fryers 10c.

H O irSB W U B ’S OUIDB. he (Botall Prices.)ier F m ita a ad Vegetables,

Apples, bu______ _________| [email protected]'os, c w t ........ - .... ..........•l.fi.tSquaib, pcr lb. ______ _____

• Cabbage, per l b . __ j .'__ ’-.______ .OSI"' C»iuliflower,.lb.................. ’._10@ ljS.M !c

T urn lpr, per l b . _______________ .MC arrots, per i b . '___________________

” • Onions, per. lb. — ---------- .05Pro rls ien s and Btft^les.

F lour, 4S-Jb. • s a c k _______•1.2.'!®1.4.’5Sugar, -b tet, 100 lbs. __________ ♦7..',0Sugar, cano, 10t> lbs. ■■ ’ ■ ■■ ■ 8.00Cream Cheese ------- -------- ------

I Brick C h e e s e ............................. ...... '.10ni Beans _____ .................................... .Ofl

Bread - _____________ .............................PK utter (creamery)

K B utter (Tunch) ____________ 30(a’35-;% E g ^ (m ncb) de*. --------------- --- ’ ..'.Oler V u t a

^ r k e y a ' _____ ___-u______ ___ i .40accse ......- ------ -------------------- --------3D

• Duck* ........................ ................................ Ma ic k 'in s .... .............. :______ .:tl)H ens __________________________ .'3Bacon --- ----------------......S.*; @33cBacon, s l i c e d ............ ................. ............ 40H am ............ — ___ ______2.')(JM.VHnm, sliccd __;..... ........40@Ifik

f Pork chops ___________ ___20^30c- M u tto n 'c h o p s ______ ________ '2 0 ^ 0 e

Pork ronst 20@30e Pork stiuwigo _____ .20

Steak—Sirlo in ,' 30c; T-bone. :iOc;‘ round, 30c; chuck, 20c.

B e e f -P o t-w o a t , 20c; neck, 17 l-'-’c;I plate, l i e ; b risket, lOh

■ , J

.Y. n e w s ; TWIN fa lls

L s s i f i ei n t per word pe:r out of every five homes in oil have to sell, trade or ex ition ypu want, or the help

FOR SALE - REAL ESTATE»''>1 P O a SALB-^BungoIew house, d ty real w ater, tlo(e in, »1000 cash, >500 p a -

h ” uniiii'm; 11 barguin. . 80 oeres trade f r ‘J'f- 80 a rrcs near Tw in Palls o r Filer;..w in ' ^>c<l|puy lialnnre in carh; niu*t bn o gond

iclfPity. 20 acrcs V trade Io r c ity bi-r, projH'rfy; muW have some c»sh; a b i r

Hiiin; cinsc in, paved road. SO ncroi; n I’dUl) one, |1S0 per acre; d b n 't uvcr-

f- ti'ok' th is bargain. B oberu B m ltj Co.

_ FOU QU1Ck ' b A L I> ^ 4 0 ~ ictc-. o f : lund: hi)ih sta te of cultivation, n rnr

I , Ilolliater; $.'10 to I8.T, per ncro. 0 . A. J J BalL-e and Bon, HolUrtcr. Idaho.

AM OFFERING lOnie well Improved farms on Norlhsldo neor Jerom e u t very low prices and good terms, tbls >1 a rhinci- to ge t A real bargain, will

. ('(insldnr 'good paper or live stocl(« os 'V , |ia rt iwynicnt If Intcrened. Owner,

li-Q . l>ox 1»13. Tw in FalU, Idaho.o r ------------------- ---------- -— ——

BUICK roadster and wmo enrh as firat paym ent on five or lO-ocro tm>'t, doao in; give complule^laxtlculnrs in f irs t le tte r. O wnert o n l^ Addreik

{'j*-' “ H unter. Uox 785, City.'-

un> i 'O l t’ sA L E — lieol. good* NortbsTde >'y eightv, (IIO , good Mil. good term s. L r. *2J, Dwlgt.t, Twin Palls.

m y iX)R HALE—I'lVB room moden- op. heusc, w ith sleeping porch. I‘i8 Jpf; II,}■ fcrson. Uood terms.

Ibo ' f'OR BALE— A ttraetivo four • rw n. „ bungiiow, low prlcej very easy to m n ;

acccpt auto firs t payment. G. A . To-in c '..■J, ,__________ ■

1"« r a n 8 A J .E -A teni b«n«In ln _ m ll. ‘*1*' improved north aido fa rm .' Dr. D wight.

ll'l- " f o b S A L E -F J v o acres, 1-2 mile cost, 1-4 rallo soutb W uhlngton school.

'■ Team to trade fo r a Ford car. L . B. S junon .

. TOB SALE O F T B A D E -T w ^room plastered and kaltomlnod boose, two big elosolt, f^ont aad back sleeping

np porch; lawn, barn and two o itr a lo ts ; a 'jy snap. Pbono 123 or coll o l 111. E ast


~ 7 FORRENT _'W K IfE.NT—T w V 'fu rn lshc j'hoH ro -

' keeping rooms. C37 Third ave. W. '.

" ,'J , ‘r o i r i iK N T - P o r i .U b ta liooKkecp-' in ? rooDii. I’boDD O01M. 310 Bixth

W B K E N T - F r .n l W ra o m , f u n .# . ' h ealed ; ccntleman preferred. 311 Tlil.-d

•^0 avc. *V.

■ " r o 'B i ^ T - P ^ r n l s h c d homo in E aU I Lawn. Phono I018J. . .. '

’ FO B RENT—Pum irhod room, grouJd . Door, modern, housekeeping. 602 Maiii

N o tllu .

FO B )lE N T-rA n olcctric h raU J room, cheap, in modeni home, to larly only. Call IMO.

~ F O B B E N T -'lV ont room, lar^o ,fL enough for tw o; bath, fiiroaee heat;

, moala; (0.60 pcr week. One block from J ’’ high sohool. Phone 3B2R.

P 6 B R E N T -F ro n t 'foom. dew> in j' • '« d e c tr lc le af^ 'te lep h o n e , bath adjoin. •('3 ing . Corner T hird and Second north.

156 T hird avc. No. Phone 823..05 — ■ • •______________

PO R B E N T -O arage. 627 M ain

F O R RENT—Oood room for one or •.K two parties; ladiea preferred. 344

Beeond ave. No. Phone

•'»' FO R R E N T -FoiB ishcd 'light'houM * keep ing roomr. Phone 444W.

I MONEY TO LOAN"^B M ^U JA N iT ^nd 'B T n iW

,40 dw tllinir loans. A rthur L Sw Ib.

'5S MONEY T<i L 0A N -W « bave r«»- ■;,Q private iDOfiet no head foi iMmoau oij aiortgagi* loans |rriira '>^ ijin its •'

S ' TOTRADEirk .TO EX CBA N O E foot acres w ilb lOr bungalow faoore a n lg o o d .ap ro v « aen l» lOc 1 m ile ou t fo r 10 to 'SO-arres., Llovd lOe C raren Co, 123 Main S ..20 ------------------------------ — -----------------k-; TO TBADE—Two aeret, well Im pror

ed; good land. I-A oiile off gravel roaa .’c: To trad e for a aa ll realdfBce. Lloy<'

C rareo Co. 123 M a b a re . E.



3d A der insertion, andin Twin Falls receive The exchange, about^our room lip-you need — ONE CENT

TE FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS I:lty I'O R SALB—A lO-iacb framo blcyi’Jop a f o r ia vcry sm all boy; has a New De- <f r parturo coaster lirako; new U rot ami i»ill' Troxcl seat. Inquin* u t 100 Bevenib (Dod avc. No.. Phono OIS. ’ ]

.1 . FOR SALE—Fow Christmns turkeys;- also 30'ne fr i is . I'hono 611R2. (

.FO R BALE OB T R A D li^M y equity | ‘ in dectrlc Hgh't p lan t n n d ’etorage b it- ,., flf te ry tinalness loeated in southi'astern •

N orth D akota; w rite fo r Informntion. d l \ h, W. Carlistc. Owinner. N. D. j

FO .t R A L B -F irs t clftM apples; De- p ~ lle io u t.. A rk o n su Blacks, W inter Da- 1

nanos, Grimes G ddeh and Jonathans, g Fo r pneet, call 537B4. , ,*

' ‘H FO B eALE?~Dres80d bagt.- Geo. A . '? as Bradley. . . .

ier, --------- L,FO B B A L E - If you w onl a good, big *'

— fo t geoie fo r Chriitmos or New Y ear's ,," phono C1CJ2. “

i.-t, - 'in FO£t BALD—N etted Oem pota toei: .

e-ii, a lio tomo ihosta. Phone 575U .I. ' !■,- .«

FO B S A L B -P n re -b re d W hite L eg -T Ide born coekerelr, heavy lay ing s tra in ; 1! - lir. year. o)d Plym outh Rock hena; olso

spring cbickens, Pbono 537B4.

FOB SA L B -B edroom set, d ining * room set, p layer piano, U s jc ttie rang.;.; * A ll In f irs t c la is condition. 230 Sev-!,, en th 'avo . E . , ,' jy

p*’ FOB SALB—Columbia phonograph ~ ‘ ' a t a bargain. Phone 1585. . .' |

7 , FO B S A L B - A 1 1-3 R . P . gaaoli'n<)| j j^ 's n g ia e ^ w it t ^ ^ t l a e b m e n t j nenriy 'A

i ' , ' rO E . E A I iK - N .l l r f Oem p o t « t « . . i ' f t a » » 5J1B8. __________ __________T ' . B

FO B S A L B - ^ e oval glass ebiar.; •~ d e se t t l 5 ; ons b n ffe t l i d : one rou id p ^ tab le, 48-ln., |2 0 : a ll aa good a i new .iP J J poll Phone 18, H ansen, \ 8

’• ® S A Y - P r o a p t ly dellrered any place In d ty . Phene 8JaW . 3. E . Bow. '

— POB S A L B -B iey d e . Inquire 2-lj,*’ , B l l t h « o .N . ■ -

- FO B BALB OB T B A D B -F it tl -lass - ' Ford sedaa. .440 Beeond.s«e. B. ' ^

[fh FO B BALB O B T B A D B -20 be ld “t « eholes horses.- H . A. W illiams. Ede.:. i '

. -------- J ;i.-d F 0 B ‘8ALB—100 slde-Ugnt glass fo r ,

conpes and sedans. - M oon 's shop.

a n r FOB SALE Fine e a tin g apples.. " C . grade J o n a th a u and Qrimes Golden,

- r iTwo rbllce wost, 1 1-4 soutb. P a t W ynn. . Phono 617B3.

.’ f o b “ 8 a l e ~ io o w b a iw d a i , ~all ^. , sites, pricei reasonable; beadllghta a ad i^

window glaia. Pbone 0, Moon’s Shop, “ near postoffice. ••

FOB S A L E -B le y d e t, u le y e le t, Urea - X end accetsoriei. W em er’a B epolr'Shop, ^

224 Second it . E . -

7 HELPWANTED . 'in. '^ W E PAY"«fl.OO^ w e e k i j ^ T s T h ^ > th . spare t in e selling hb iiery guaran teed ^

w ear foui months; fall line ready ; pro-— w ar pricer; froc sainplce to workiu;; I lin a ^ t t ; . experience unnccessar/. Per- ^

fectw ear Hosiery, U yb)-, P i t ,________^

e r ~SELL OUR M E N ’S TAJLORBD TO ' >44 measure 110,00 and t£3.ti0 ss ita tn d

overcoats direc t to w earer; the ie tw o tow priccs mako numerous sales and

, b ig commisainna c e r ta in . '. Commlsslont _ paid daily. B pccbl propotltim i to m '‘n ,

w riting im m cdia tdy . ' Styl'o-Ccnlcr Tig. Co, <HncinnaU, 0 . j

POSITION WANTED^ „ -•»• * W A N T M — HouMwork. BiB'ViftR , ■. ave. W.’ , , '. • - j

— WANTED—W ork on rand i by men . nm) wife. 504 M ain nve. 6o. jf

“ W A N T E D -W ork by th e hour; ntso I laundry to do a t home. Phono 820W.

y*' ., W AN TED ^Position bv c jperionced ateno,jraphBr’ E . M. 7.1il Seventh nv- enno ca»t. ' ,

JT ------------ 3u W hat is useless to you may bo. vain- Jp aIiIo tu others — advertise i t in the .

d tss lfled cobimni.

r Q . S T OXJFF BCopyright, 1621, by N evsp t;

~ W M

,PECm BER10,192l

d WQRTH i t le News, daily. . Tell all ms for rent, houserfor : r per word — Phone ^

> roR S A L E -_ m O M q B IL E SI! ~1020 B O IC k s i x —Fivfiljiassengcri• owner w ilh 'sa i^ flee th is car fe r $720 I easb on aceouat sickness; b a i cord tires I a ad 'lols of ex tras. Pbone 1283M. SOI

Reed Apta.

V FOR KALB—A nothe r Ford a t a bar­gain ; O '/erland 00, «23S; 54 Wili)-s-

' Knigbt &.pasiengcr, »400. Taylor Ante >' Sccond 'avd ; No.

il ' toB ^ ^ ''^ 7‘'8TEP*' t^^lia-. der Orlndor.. 147 & co nd ave. N.

. | i m B A L E -1020 B uick light e,' r ^• p d n te d and in fin e eendiUoni (106IH:• Dodge touring, refo in tod , 1 4 ^ ; ’ F o r ^" good tire s and m n s good, 1160; Bs»

itooring ear, 1010 model, looka )lko new^ ‘.f800. B a rre tt A nto Sales O a

I 'ro H HALE OR T B A D E -fitu d e b ak a Iroadtter in 'e x tr a good condition; wlQ ncfepi Ford in trad e Phone"86BW. :’

. WASTED-.MISCELLANEOUS^:W A N T E D ~T o‘ ' J ^ * ' ‘’ piayer plaaoj

will pay caab; price miwt b e j i r i t ’ -T h o n i 410W.

' W A N T E D -A ll ,» »cn p loy ,d l lb o r m : to make Ibe L abor Hal)..{beir hsadi 'q u a rtc ri. Free light and Iieal. Opdi

. a t 'a ll times. ‘ :

•| ..W A N T E D -H orseti good, cheap p u . .in re ; Iwo miles w est, 1 1 -4 teD th .'P atjW ynu. I'hone'.dKBS.- ,. . .


Anto Bepair Bhop. Third and ShosboneI Bo. P hon f 0?, ' ■ .. ..

.i„ . B A N 'a PLACE, Bar U h n lim i &>. ’ Beeond band d o th e a botight and sold.’;

:! "S E W IN a M A O H I N E S - ^ n te d , ; : ^ - 1 paired a n d -to ld ..Ott- B M y-payB enti. .iPbpno ]205u ' W hite. Bewing M adiia*

Store. a re . > • '

, T p O N T m a E T D a n ’s place.

DBE8SU A EIN G . l i r a . £U a O ta e ro s ,, Phone 688W. r

’ ' LOST ‘' L 0 3 1 ^ o i d penknife , Bhrtoe em- . bledo en tid e , p ^ . o f gold w atcb ..chaip , a ttached. Please fa tv e a t News o t f i i ^

j .Clisalfied a tlvertisiiig is the cheaj^. e st thing you d m b a y -m c a iu rc d : by-.

'I tb o pr.'/i ts i t m ay b r ia g you.

i| BIliKSliCM i' o l a s s .

1; W O T W W ’S S E i l ^ w i f l ^ ^,‘n e t v e rk , U e o a ’s ihbp . Phone 6;

. SHOE BEPAIBIIIO ,• P A l J i B ' l S r a ^ ^ ^ W A m o ' Shop. 138 Bhoshoae W est Shosa , repaired w blle you w ait.

TEAKBraa i a R o a B i ~ 'm m m d S S S i .. P h m t m , ,

' IB O O K -aA D L O O ^ H .o m >71 oi Truck serrlce. ' 1S4 SK oad areait*

: aorth . ,) ^

• , p r o f e j j i o n a l

; ' ' AOOOOHTABT 'A odoU K TA N T D . 'A . • Salmon,^

• Shothtne S t So. Phoae.-OM. >

I ^ ATTOBNBYB*I ____ .

JO B N W . O B A E A M -U w y e r . B sak *Truat Bonding. Phoae,M 5-B-

A 8H EB B . 'w n i0 N ~ L a w y e » :

) B O ^ d M H iB - B o y d BfllidingT” .

eW BBLBT 6 SW BBLBT — A tto ra e n 1 a t law. Practic# in a ll eonrta T w b• Falls,.Idaho.

■ J . H . W ISE—LawTsr, Folly o rn n ise d collsellott departm est. dZfieea-r-

. Rooms 0 and 7. over Tw in Falla Baak Trust Co.. T w ia Falls . Jd th o . .

' B IU A H B Rip tp tr F e ttn ro .8 « m c i, too .

I jnB(!5HLri,V| . - Twflt D y i* to£R J!y :

'TbBATH^ A io w t

' i

Page 8: iB Z M f f i NEInewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...'KU-inR, premier of Sweden, aad Ghriatiao i iggh L u g e; of Norway, aecrctuy of, tfae I { {n(er-parllan«aury

m B t ' ~ ‘‘'I

i i i m E i iE i K H T , :

H |(s W ill Coniiluct Special Cere- S u r ■ m onies in Conneotion w ith - . D r . New Edifice E

. .K lnimrntr.rltUAlliitip rnromoniprm ark till- 'uyinR o f tlip f'TMPnitono of ■'tlic, nrw E lk« ' lrmp1p, forncr o f boc- oml nvenup nnrtb nnd 8!io»hont> ntrcel.Tl.« ccm nonlca wlll h f held ,nex t ™ T hiirnlnV aflcrnoon bcRlnninB a l threa ""> “

‘ ' S J. ■ ■ HoUblB Oomln«. .• Wliii.* nil ccrptnbnlcs to.mpetod wHIi ,„o,iuc

witli. tnnmctilotm p v c n l ' vrill bo in clinrKt* of officers o f Twiu W l» lodge |,...pro Ko. 11K3 n l loflst onc ouU ide-m ctnbar {p„ of pramlticnpo in the fro tc m it j’ will bc , prcKpnt. T h il I* C. L. fllcw arl, dlftrU-l Urnml «xallf(l ,rul«r. wbo In cxpcrtedIji'rc- from HoUe for lli i i nrcaiiion. , oCTicul

. To <’e liviT nddfpM. in j ,conni-etion w ll l / tb e obKiTvanccN M. J. S btcIi' v, fo n n fr Mnlo *enalor nnd o WrominciiT member o f the ittcnl Elk#’ lodifp; lin*. Wt'n chosen. ■ Mr. Stew arl . ■ wl l rcp rftcn t th e g rand lodBO o f tiio _ Utillcd S ta te i and w ill nUn d o liv e ta n ”tuldreiH rjipronrjftto to the ccromoolal. .......C rrtoin record* .and momcdtoc* bnve ' “ Wccn iinthDred to bo p la ted ,in tho cryp t " ‘ o f lh.> fo rnonlono , n n r ih e r o bo Mslnd fo r tlic informnlion 9f p o ito r it f whoa thu building abaU havo isrvod il< dn- . Tlic alRnoiI purpoBO nnd ahaU be to maktf ncbooi plnce le r ^ newer a tructurc more luit* fourjiib ed ln lh>’ need* of tho fa tn ro comrfnu- luform lly - , . , nnd cn

■ "So I n i t l t to LarsQ O lu s. iii tb ii• In t-nnncclion w ith th« cornonitore K‘'l

CfrciiinniM tho lodgo will iiold a ipo- farm* : cial iCMion in lodge r itua l in tbo jir«s«- on vncl cn l m celinp roomi, wlien n elaa* of lakt'n alxiut 20 eandidbiei will bo roceived and re: in to 'lh ti frnterDal order. A banquet un nve w ill.b i’ iiTved dnrinif the ovcninif. over n

fA iiiiifr S. . puiDByim E

• , ______■ ■ . ■C o u n t r y a n d F l a g « r o H o n o r e d T g u ”

i n S o o i t a t i o n a n d € 6 n g a t ^ fn ifn , P a r iB h S o h o o l i f .cw t

. .1 . : bead oi'.ru |> .li . «f a -E d w n rd '* |mri»h *qbi.d of,*']’®'-' v ritiT dn y ftflerfionn cnvi' Uielr f^rU thicken tiuMIp proiirani iln ro Ih r in»lUution‘ of l>' ncei lho i-ilii'nt!nnnl doportnii'iit lit Heplrm uvcrog( her. 'T h e procTftnii'cnnoixfi'd o f »bptt ity . pB irintir rM ltnllon* and . »i)tfrfisi'. nf Averi v fir.vd 'i'iiliirc. eon>-luded -!>y fiim m iiritr would j

.•inpiiijt o f “ A m erien.” - ■ - IW a «rflrtiy p » n t* 'jrn v e Hplendlir ex- ainount

oniplirirnflnnii’ ii f ' publii' pt'rformhnct-i, about' ■ ’m p Ii lii 'ltfi'c»prcinlly .con^'ratiilatod by over on J h o fli-v. Renii Si K eyrer, iirmlnr, n t tU orcliard *^(ii)r.l'j«ir,n o f tbo pm craiii .-B rsiilc s 'tlu ) would fiiffi'M In 'rbnrjtP o f tb r w-bool, n n d 'l 'ie nnlmal, pnilor.jtliOKc prPKccit wprc Ir'athpr Ar* si* hb j rpRui ntill' Clmripii Mncauley. '; Fntlowini; i i ' th p prppram :'• I Oiniiol n c a W nihrneton......_____

__________________ Catherine Cooocy «“ My F la ir”......_._-....EuRcnc Sm ith, Edw ord T harp “ “ “'*A Youne rn lri6 t" ..P rhnclB Bu^haniin■‘ How Almiit I t f ? ______W orrell“ TliP Si'htiolhouio n n d 't lie F la g ” .. . •*'

...........________.Jo o Pnppo onA m i'rirau 'K ym n._ .^ ...irn rry , Ilaxol, J r . T h e n“ The F irs t FlftR” ._____ M nric B n u lo r t “ thoShort Rkitcb of W M bington’a L ife.... cipccial

. — --------------- ^^..Jolin, M acauley a re wor" O ld Iroiiiidc#” __.._Cnrl M alberg koU /“ The Amerienn F taR ” -------------------nbout I

_______ ___ _____ Qeraldino .£ichm ond a s thou* '> ty ^ u l lv p L and” ___i/y o n i 'S m ith fo r mor“ My Country 'Tin o f T I i c o t l m t nii;

....... ....... .!___ - ........... ....... Clnaa Song i«B on 'I *'■ ■ l!io cxti'


ralno wFrod P. Johnion w as electcd noblo

irrand of Tw in Fans lodRo, Indcpcndonl O rdor o f Odd llvilow i, n t a meoting of Ihe ordor Thnrsday ovening. O lher of- fieors wore d ccted as followa: W. J .Oloigow, tic o grand; U . C. A lcjandor,

.record ing n eercta rr; F . P. Jcnning*. KTOCcric finaneinl loc re ta ry ; C. 0 . Brockntcdt, tr ca ia re r; W. a M allory, trustop fo r 'three year term . A. D. Gate* i* the rO' 't ir in g sob le g ra tis “______ try to t

A T IB N B EX UBSBLY U E E T lM aD r. E . L . W hite, C. .H. Stiniion and i?

L . H . H iekllog wore among the Twiii |;FalIa people who a ttended tho m eeting ' held a t K im berly to hear the report of tho M othodlat convention recen tly 'h rld • a t D etro it which traa a ttended by tho I Rev. J . E B aker o t Pocatello from th ia Idia triet. E ot. Mr. B akor o ffered U a -----------repo rt to tbe d la tr ic t a t zneetinga held Fnnori a t variooa cooronlont pointa. bcrgrr, r... . ........ ...... ..................................... . gpnbcrg*'

K EBK Q EL BBIKOB SUIT. Henvpr. Suit fo r judgm ent haa Lpcn filed in

th o local eourt a g a ln il Fred JohAioa ^ ' by C. If. K rengel, tho nmount involvn-1 '“T , b e in g ^ 4 0 .4 .1 . The a rtion h ‘base-l " ' ' ' ‘‘"•o” upon r.Iieged failu re to perform ecr- , , ta in p a r t i ‘ of a leaM obllgntion. prln- ‘.'i" ripalJy pledgoi pertn in inc to the r -- J , ’ In m o f property a t the Ipm p term ex- plratlon. V . -f................. lUnew w

ABBS COIJET JTTDOMBira.• his bodil

A promi*aoT> note fo r WOO is iu- dceeaied volvcd in n (lu lric t-'co u rl action for Beta l*i, luilgnicnl tiled bo re-ycstorday by Al- soeicly « be ri Xel>on ngainst. 0 . K. D avli, II. F. oblainab Cowling and olhcri. nho n m

* ' ' . In.v. H i•ATIBNTZON, H TOBANB8. eampui I

W hy no t hay yoar w ife th a t '^ h l t f l and hnv Bolftry Bowing i r « h lB e , tiia t aho b u ^ r been vn titing -ao long f t r a ChrUtmw p m o d t: , Paym enti if ' deairtd. .SoreB itv lM to. chooge froB . WWt«^W*rioff ‘ • ^ Machino Btore.: ^ o n e 1S05,'SSI M ala (Sirmtr ave. K.—adv. ! ran d ie v

; ( j „ ,£}|,a.B E A D .T i r c ; ;O L A ^ I E D A M . - » 4 r .

l i f iM lpfflCMEi

■ l i i l lSurvey Made by School Fa -Discloses Only ,Two Cov

Eai-m in Filer District—} to Consume, Hay and Grai' DY EAIIL WOOLEIDOE | . . . . .

'A jr ic u ltu n iM U iielo t { AWThe timo bo# nearly nrrived when on U l l l

m y farm th a l hopes to moot coini)oti-, p lion and y e t operate n l a profit th e C l.rieci for l u crop* nru nn. im porlunt U raotor to bo rockoncd witJi. Tlie by-

>y'ptoducts o ften dotcrminu tho pro fit in ir Iou. Tbo uso o f l>y-product» of the rarm and fcod lot in Ibo futuro must inve moro coniiilcrnlion from tho Am- irican fa rm en thnn over before. Alj. • , igricullural producU cxccpt tboiw mur- (Oted through iivcsfock arc-now aelling enlen'c :ar below tho ciftt of production, On «hargi> .bo baai* of pre*cnt pricca fo r grain nud t i ,(, j , ivcitoelc, grnin sold through cnltlo and, log. wiif net produeera 25 lo.lOO per 'ont more thim if ,tb o grain wcro w Id hroogh thp .devato r. Thon Ihero l i Hkoo be addilioulil gnin o f from C to, 10 per (,y Uq :cnt resulting from mnlDtaininf; and u’lio cl: nerensing IhT-fW ^llly o f Uio w il. w l. T

O lanes iUke Burvey tli« Ia>The agricultu'ral cloasc* 'o f tho bigli .

chool linve,'during the past fow wooki, , oiirpilcd ami aum m ariw d coniidbrnblo' * . . uformntion rulalivo to the livestock md crop acreages on lhc.vnrioua farm* . il tbi* vicin ity , o m r 'i t wn* hojicd lo :el information coycriug nearly ull -the arm* in a *qunro extending four mile* i,.n 'esch sido of Filer. Tbi* wouid have nken a g reat dcnl of tinic, howaror,,nd roiults wuro fifinlly completed for n average number o f farm s extending J U W i ' ver ail nrca o f e ight mlloi on each; g g Ido of town. ' . .

H iity flvo farm* w ith n to ta l acrc-‘ • ,go of 6,a00 acre* wore coniiidofcd,| inking nn average norengo iif nbnut 03 aeroa for cach farm . All of these ' <rma aro irrlgalcd . On all of thum bbrp.waa found to b p 'th u following imbera of livp;lo..k nml ncros of vnH-

pEight^huiidrod nnd 'n lnelcon nero* of Ifaifn, 3,138 acre* of w iicnt, 80 acres f -.cuin, (15 nao # o f ’orcliard ,'nnd 300 .cad of a ll *ort* o f cnttle , 1,378 head- f ehoep, -115 head of liog* nfid 0,080 liicken*.' T!iv«- figurea aro very near- •. ” “ i'J' ,• neeurale nnd ahow* n fa irly near verage for nil the farn ia 'o f the vicin- "

’A vernglng. f o r . lb .- . roniniuniW . il ‘ .,/} ‘“J rould moan th a t each farm coniiats of 05 aercfr-ot land w ith,jrt)oot, h o lt th is ‘“ Rj* mount in whoat. Each fan a -a ljo Jiaa bout 13 1-2 acres of a lfa lfa , a Jlttlo ' ' « • « ver ono aero o f corn, and ono aero <)f rcbard. ..For tho Uvc*toclc, each placo ” ould bavo two m ilk cow*, ooe beof ilraal, ^ w e n t/tw o shoop, a littlo. over X hbg», and sovonty-eiffht chlckena. “

O oir'Shcrtaffo Kirted .Figuring n lilllo fu rtho r, i t m o a u lated o loro Is only ono cow to r pvei7 twenty- by her ru and'ono-half acres o t land. Thoro Worthy

nUo ono sheep fo r ovory four acres The ' land (largo bands of iheep wero not lona; 1 msidured), uno bog for every sixteen o llli^ te -roa of lnnd, nnd lesa thnn one clilek- forw ari \ for every aoro o f land. Potter,Theio figures shonld m ean somothing I tho farmor in th is eom mnnlty and -~ -- ipecially a t n tJmo wbon farm crops i . 7 2 -e worth liltle or no th ing on tho mar- . r ot. A few farm ors a rc wondering ' jout buying-m ilk cow* nnd-it/lo o k a I though th is .w ould bo a fino th ing - . ir more farm cri to do. I t is cortain mt nny fnrm comm unity th a t apeclal- ““J j , “ es on ono o t ^wo fa rm on terpriies nt IP expenie o f nil o thers w ill nol long mtlnuc* to be a prosperous commu- V ity. Mnny atato* have, and n fe w . u now, going broko from fry ing lo llao wbent nlone. Tho early stock'- r . (•. on have foiyid oul tb a t livestock i,u,lncM one would not^golvo-lhe problem, nnd rta in it ia lh a l.a 'g o o d m any faru iers pnlla* In gbt UUU', nrp wondering if lliiy a ro ' .1 tho righ t trnek. Tbo anying' tb a l Week-op lickon and egg money pay for tho j j . D. ocerica, b u l hog mo.ney goca inlo tho Tw in Ki ink, In a m ajority of enacs', to accuni- . The 1 ate, il n nearly correct one, Tho waa » k rmer nnd tbo community lh a t goes on Mr. i fnrm to bblld a homo and does a o t Kimbcrl r lo mako a fortuno in ono c r tw o day. ara from somo onc or tw o onterpriies Thomi usually tho fnrm cr and community nmong I

nt remain* in the buslBcas aod iharfli day. tholr nmounl of prosperity. C. A.

________ _ evenloj■ ■ . ■ ■ Twin I'U

y U N E B A L S I past fnr__________________ 1 to hU i.

Pnnornl fcrv irra for Leninr Loniior' t ” rgpr, fon of Mr. nn.l Mrs. D. 0 . Lon- nbcrgor o f ila ipiti.n , who died in nvpr, HiTPml.or .1. will l>r conducl"d ‘ T'.’’ “ im tbp 'D cW ut m ortuary rhapcl a t .1 lock on Sunday oftcfnoon, w ilh ll p vicp* in c l|irire o f the P rfaby lo rlm 71,. riiatora from Hazelton nnd nolUMor j]ui, „ j[ | i tr . Ixtngpnborgpr gradualod from .1 Twin I'nll* high w hool, clnaa of i„„,' 18. Ho wa>: in hla last yonr nl the {, ,iv.>raity o f Colorndo whicb hp hn* ended fo r 'Ih p past four ycara. l li i ieat waa o f ihn rt duration, he iag iil Month t nino days', a n d hi* molher wna a t wUi i ; bodsido for tho laal four day*. Th.- Bn^kior reaicd waa a mpmhOr of thp Tau ifond** ta 1*1, national honorary acholaalip ^ ■icly and onc of thn hlgbp^t dcgrcen ,»ininable ,by. nn ongineer. He m * ■ -n ,, 1 ,0 n mrml^cr o f tbe O rder.o f Do M p -lr« ii. m, •. Hp haa been .nrom lucnl on tho npui,throH sbont hfa eolleaguo eour*c aftom ooi1 hna-hcon oippcially nctivo th u yenr i,.,i ,]m». tbo rublienllon o f llip school magn-

•• • . Tho ai

CHBI6 IM A B m a S t .3iri*tnuis prcicn l* ,' conked foodj^ -jf- id ie v Tupaday. Poecmber n . Bap. Clawlfi

•Bungalow^ -A uspircs B. Y. P . U . cat' tUnfi i f . -■ th e p re r t

•y3Ew s»^yw iw .PA iaiS

l i i r alEilElll.,l i i i T i i i ;:— ' ‘ - V ' . ‘ , ■ ■ ente

Farming Department lows on the Average —Must Add, Livestock it*i rain for Profit '

■s'loiutriim S sraffiiTmniBiES

• to n ':nnter Followa Federal S tatute tion. in Hnnting Duck, bnt the

■ State Steps In .— if*'. I

In tbe probato court', thi* m orning, thnl dge 0 . P . Ihivall prcnliiing, L. BJtcei m Ip. (en 'd n plea o f g u iliy iii tho s ln lo ’a a rp ' of illcgnl bunting nf wild ducki. le 'dofeudnnt wns aasewcd i-osta uf w m r 0 cni!o nnd wn* rt-lcaaed n ftor pay-' poail> this amouiil.Skoon wna urroainl rJirly thla weoki jjj

U qm ty Oanio Wunl-'n FitMlnimon*! mi'a* 10 I'finrges abooling ilncka n fto r "nn-L|i,p

The dcfendnni nnld ho unilcntlnit4, jfn ri ; law to perm it ahiKitiiig of m igra(-;g„n , f bl.’Ja oneOinlf hour n ftor auneot,/ Th d In (bla Iio wna found to lie aup-fjiih,,) rted by tho federni Htntutr. T I 'o I ijti ,] lie Inw, howevor. I* in ronflii-t w ilh! inyn e fed ira i law in thla ronafp tT T V • front rmor requiring , “ aliontlngf puraulnj}.\,nii'<

k ill in g " to ceajii' a t anii»et. T hpiyou ! ito kiw. il wn* »lio»ii in r “«rt, ru:9s|i,„ ,)K n ting cjw ratlona in Mnbu regardlean^ouf, eonflicl w llh the fodi-tnl atatulpa. ji.in ,;


-------- iT h rn« y o n L eea 80 to 17 A g alm t Com- bl&atlQ&'of Sa rcrlo i Tsamwork and '

S te llar IndlTidnsl PU ying ! " ”<> J I rlupii

nofnru n crowd lhat taxed the eupn- "J’*'"' y 'o f th e h ijh Hchoiil " g y m ," th C i" ' '" ' ' lio r high school bnskelbnli tenm took 3 Kimborly eighth graders down the ,0 last evening l.v the senro of 30 to? • • , iTPan

It wna the flra l real tcat the junior!!',“ 'p" Is bavo encountered. ' i l l ' )'Superior tenm wotk and 'lh o all-*.una p l .v in s o t h a n k rc mniu factora In tho KInitM-rly, j v s ’ d e fe a t .- ' I 7 ,,;\ largo crowd of rootoni cnmo fnnn ]> n d ^ b o r in g c ity , nnd tho ju n lo n , th was thero 100 per c o n l . ,A fU r tho gamo tho jun ior cooking *1 Ber\’ed * a ‘luncheon for tho meci- i.uvci ra o t the two toama. E . P . Nafxlgor, [,nna0 refereed tho conteat, nnd Ouach ■Ward o f K lm bcrly wero induced to in „ r |f , rtako of tho bnnquot.. which they I icIoBily ncccpteff. Hlimr d is t K atherine C ^ ey , wlio I* coach- Hnrrl ; tho junior boya, I* to h'o congralu- o ’S'o od on the . w onderful ahowing. mado tIk her protcgo*.-.-Thdr tenm work wns Cnrrii

( th y o f ,a high school aqnad. .W nlli rhe line-up of tho junior team fol- Willu r»: V ictor Galloway, .center; F rank iSweni lo^lCt' fo rw ard ; F rank M cM n*tcr*,piart; ira rd ; Clyde R oia, guard; R uue lllE iige tie r, guard. • Dnko,

. t ' fonl ......... .....■") vord.

, ' P e r j o i i . a . l J m ,' the C

“ " --------- ' lo w . '

’. .1. Woodi ia iil I’orntolUi on ; }'■ in cu mission. =I r . nnd Mra. C. W. C lilf uf Itnprrt •e biminpa* vi«itor* I'Vidiiv.Ira. E. J . f tlnoy of Ivimborly w:.. 11 in Fulls abo]l|^■r yuator lny. .(isa .Gladys Muore visili-d in Twii Is Irom Kimborly yoslcrday.1. C. Ilydu of Klmbcrly Irnnam 'lcl Ineaa in Twin {■'iilla vo*li'rdnv. luy Wndo of H anien waa ii ' Twin la l.ii*incs^ v l 'i lo r last ovpning.Iiaa Mnrinn Ilnrnra is apending llio ik-opd Ju'l!ii|K-rt w ith bor pnrenh .[. D. ilcC lrnry of I>ocnt«llo waa -j in Kull* liUBineait caller yoaterday,'he Kov. J . K. 'B aker o f Pocnli'llo1 :i viallor In Twin Fnll« yesterday.Ir. aiid Mra. OeraW W iiltnilton jt nberly were in Tw in Falla yealor'

'homiir O 'B rien of H niciton i-n i mg the Twin Fnlla v iiito rs y p s tc f

. A. Kulh rclurned to Rupert laat nia.( flficr aponding tbo week' in n i'uHt on buslneas. , • '•. K. Atkinson, in Tw in Fall* fo r the ; fnrtnlght on ju rj- d u ty ; r ttiirnod lia lomo in Kimberly la st evenin;(.Ir. ml Mrs. F . Lee Johnson, M ri.Hnow, Mr. nnd Mrs. J , L. Bilverj,Gforge Decker spent ,yc*^erdav in

n Kalli f r o m -M u r ta a g b . .............

A N 770I7K0EUEI)T&

!ic next m eeling of the S ta r Social will be D eecm ber 10 o t the home

drj.-M cR oberl*. Thi* w ill c o r r n t i mprr»»ion th a t tho regular m eeting I ext Monday instead o t the apovo

onthly luoeheoa o t th e P . A . Bi bo bold a t th e home o f L . L.

:kinridge.on te v e a tb a v eaas north iday a t 1 o 'cloek.

. iN B o n r n r a s B s n o K . 'le board o t dsroetorr o f -th a Twin I h ighw ay distriet-- is in n g u l i r dy its s io n ; t^day . U p to a id - moon no th ing o f * spccial 's a tu re dw cloped fo r a tten tio n . .

10 new i& m lngtoa po itab le typo >r, w ith s ta ad a rd ' keyboard is sew a le a t Olos Book atore<-~«dT.' '

an ifled odrerU aisir is th e eheap thin? yon e u b a r —a t a n r e d by ' profito I t tn« 7 b r i« f V H

l i i s E i f f l ' Ta p P F II lE B iS i

iO.aer# in Momberahip Conteat , Play rioats to 'Winnerfl a t 0 ‘ ac

Ploasant P a r t y and ;

Troop,, No. -I, IhA older Boy Scoulai ' n tertained, Mrs^ Caw ond'i i‘iroU ''’o f y i Idor C m p F |ro .g Irlt;nL iho -B ua in ffJ* ^bm in’a clubrooma laat tvoning. tl'O h is hav ing won nn ■ attcn'dnilw, .fO'i- tat whieb rnn fbo flrat three wooka i>» Chvy roTcmbor. JaugThe; onU'rtnlnmPiit s la r lrd w ith 11

vc’y (Gime folUnvcii l.y the ainp'ng f hmnoroua nnd populnr siinga. th o J ® Iris snii;r thpir rnmpflro aong and Uip oye-rcpliod wifh one o f , Uiplr blab m •booi nnlhoma. , n f P,M nny of tlio boy* bolng ready fnr

10 first spoilt ,1'xaniination, Viil* >n 'J’i'pk, whn roiidurta the' cxnminn- » - 'ona .in Imnking. gnvo. b rie f Inatnio . nnn in hnw to otipn nornimls, nnd lai’

X uap of, and mctho'dB o f oxeoutlngi , form-' o f fhopkl., draft*,-dopoa- "! *'* a. otr. Ho nwnrpd the boya nnd girN »

inl th r linnka wore v r r r much 'intor- ,, liod In thim ovpn though tboir .Ip- sale* inlchl nn t lm largo, iia th r baPtd. J;” '" ! la lkod thnt thoy wcro lhe onoi whn prp lik i'ly , to bo. th r iondow ^ the ' • » .

- leftTJioji Ull' boy* demonilr.-tio'l loy aiannl with flnj>* to each o llirr

tho niiiintnina and .ram pa hy s?hdin" ' „ 1‘a ^ i i '- from onp groirn o h 'g irU (o .jT IP ntbi-r n rrna ' tho imll. B c rnn rl h® "' rnrtvn.O acnr Floyd and Wilson Jack- !. J, ■n ahonod'tJip s ro atiis t aklll in iH i.Tho iipxl dom onalratlon ponaialrd in nnin,' on Ib rre l.ny* luch inbcN u* injju, Tlila IpHow hna n lmd compound fm--- ^ fic r iro nf (lio loff 'o g nnd la rovemi mil.* ^ om u iinp nn d 'm ed lp o l aid. W hni| . r)ii'/l'.^oii do w ilh in*t the m alerla li: 2 ei IU hiivi' af h n n d f” “ This fellow b l j j j) idly miPiM'd nnd iinoonirioua. OpI hiiii! f l , „ it n f tlilir jilfloo nt oneo ond Tpvive' n i:J ’ “ Thla fpllowV righ t arm ' Is irlly onl Ijplinv th e elbow, nnd l a ' i r i ' v j , mgor of lilppdlug tn denth. Act f in l .n ti, hp Ih fn r frpm medical .aid and fh in * .fa lh i’

e . t io t ajiccinl m alcrihlr n t hnnd.-'ij,,„j,j., irpo tparii* w prf aonl oiil lo b rl-j; cao vIolIniK in nnd ahnwpd n gomi. ■yj, nl o f ^kill in mopling H t omorgen.-ii'., , , , ,1.., d adnpling broom handle*, handkrr- 5pfa. pr-rkct kn ives nnd o the r h a n d r ! ih itorli 'l to Iholr iiaoN. TbMr nffomnfa.,n',il;i>iii n il...... n good drn l o f amni'i'-I>Ct. • I w -A Vlri'inin rooi wna noxf in o f l '- r , ' , llnwod b r dnneini: and Holioion. l-ol i>ani nnd cnko whioh »omo o f ‘h o L u ^ v v ’n iM.thora hnd fonlrihn tpd . M r r . | ^ „ y D. Alvord. Mra. A. a M artyn, M ra .: '^ * * ’ .!.• Wonvor nnd Mra. n . K. Doia,;! j w

tod hoi>fpii«p«. ond mnny pnro.nlal,, ™ lif)lh,bo.\-s nnd girla dropi>Pd lu d i i r ' i . I ' *

I' t u ovening.Tl.i- t ir l f 'w b o woVo llm gno.tn wor.-: f T ! ! irotliv Iz-nr, Ilolcn-'Orove, Annn Mp- !w.^ llcrMlpo Wood. . Elpnnor K cofrr, iLTiafn Place. Thplma H partfie ld . .Tenn ,,, , linl. Ilolon Vnrnpv. EHen Tiindon, V I '* ' ivorna Adnma, Kdgrirdn Rhurllif.', ?*" " ma Yochem, N ona Yoehem, Mildred , linoa. Donnii W ynn. Dorothy S:in, “ tri* W ynn, Lucille W vnn, Angolo . ■I'kwllli, ' Pnyp 'H ertr.. ChnrloUo cnra, Porotliy .Ncel.v. ('Vnneoa Ball, ir.el ;^>b. H nrrloll Hnrria, Hnrrlolt ypil Mtid'-Florcnco . Hiel:ford. . aix wi Tlip in lo rla in in g boya wcrc: 'iJn>ih fl'O tl rriirnn. Dnvp Humpbrov. Edward allerK, W nller -W enver. Wlllnrd Itlmm, Oforgp W inaler. Arihur rendaon, Yerniin* M urray, Bcmari) hnyini arlyn , W llinn Jnckson, N ew dI Hahn, igcne ■ O iffin . O scar Ployd, Georg? ket, ■* iko, Joe DcL«, Edwnrd Duke, Clif- one.rd Biee, Fjirl Bickford, -David Al-.............rd. H ni

• ■ — --------- - ', S a lt 1IHIY YOl/Il Christina’s vreannl* a l wook 5 ChrM m as M arket. R nntlit Hunga- wife, r. Tneaday, December l.'lth'. Aii*plce. Lako. Y. P . U .-a d v . V • , Twin


- F O R

Saturday,to Saturday

Your Greatesf Shoes at Righ family along a

S h o e s JUNHEARD OF V4

■ t 3 9 NO. SHOSl

I N o b l u f f —

■ ' • • : -

: , D E C | ! M B E R ; l O ; i ^ l > ;

. l o c a l P i r o v i j i o i oratli

' T o 'O iig p a —M li. Minnie A y o tte ‘lo f t , h is m o rn ln g ^ o r 6 a le n i ,Qro.

Oo 't o o i i £ f o m I * - ^ u ; Ai F . Poory ' H lo d i i r a , D ..M arquardsi}n le ft la s t .ev* n ln g .fo r N liand ,'C al. ' ' , “***'"

, V ik ta tio iw 'W .- a ' H opain, of P o ta - £ o f ll ello, is h « o for a vl*!t w ith h is son J . b thi J. Hopson of. tho H er A nns. jon , I

;' ■ ■' • bo wV M U D s a g h te ^ ^ M rik J u lU rc n lo y o t t io n i

Jhvycnnc,'W yo.,1* hero to vi*lt her t h e b laughter, M rs. E rnest Cochran.

' PreVDdta from Bolw —Mrs. E ro e it 'K lcr- aephe

tea is horo ttom Boise, to a tten d ,tho BUey, uDorul o f Lcniar L o ngenbcr^ r. go to

- bore I■Vlsiti from P o c a teU o -0 . C. Oaaklll the p;

f Pocatello B iicntiho past tw o days in tb c ‘I ’win Fnlls w llh E. 'V. Shlploy.

, • .» ' Chi B e tu m H o m * -M rs . A . B. Colwell churc

nd daugbtor are homo tnm a s ix m ary recks’ v is it a t Mrs. Colwell’s old bom» o f tbin M aryville, Mo, D .'S .

• ‘ toclcaTo V iait P a r p i t* — Miss A ibcrtlau direct

!onrad and Oeorgo Conrad le ft lost c r- arid Jning fo r a v b i t with tbc lr porcn ta in portri!an Diego, Cul. y . . grlms

• - — , aol*, 1J*aY 06 on B n jiaas» -C . P . Ooodwin about

:{i la s t ovening fo r Balt Xmko and carts,>enver w hero ho will remnin for n m o childrcoks on bu idnns. durin{

■ ■ - c la i* 'OowUngi E e tu m -M r . and M r i IL 6. progra

owHng nro bomo from* Illinois whero age. boy accompauicd the tkid^ o t Mr.ow liiig 'a fa th e r fo r Interm ent. |_ £ Q

E atom a H em e^M r*. E . 0 . M enra pf .T ikum, Idaho, ba* returned to her hotuL* 'ricr siH'Udiue n fow weeka in IIollls- ' . ___r w ltb her .brolhi-r, J . W. Morrla.

E e tu m from V lalt—M r. and M rs. A, •. Dobbs nnd cbildrcn have returnedrvin D enver wheru they hnvo spen t tlio o f (he:i*t month w ith Mre. D obbs' parunti. Thnrw

V isits P a th e r- P n lr ip k Brannin wpnt I B urlcy»laat ovoning to b c .w ith h i, ilhi’r,' lU M . Bruonin who Is oonrt rc- ' irti-r w ith Judge William linbcock.

• • — cri»tp V isits B lstei^M I** Edna Aoppll hna p l““»

rrived frnm Chlcngo to be w ilh her ® sli'V, .Mta. C. B. Cllft, n®w a pnticnt t 1 the Twill Falls counly gonorni hoa- lUil, ■- ■ - Mrs. J

- , I Blowo!M othor ^ n n u — Un. P rank G olt M rclurned to her bomo In pu rley af- ■r apending n fo ttn igh l w ilh h e r lUghtor, M r i J . Tenckinck of Tw in « « « tills. a a » ac

' ___ om eo.r re n i S i l t W. K«j.i»r, fo r10 paaf two day* In Tw In-Fali* , re- e s ta a s triiod home la st cVening. Mr. N aylor ■proaont*'the In terests o f the Stud?- ^ iker com pan/. i f

V lalt* fils t« r-M fM A lito E lliion of inclnuall l s ’hcre fo r a visit 'vrith he r ; ( t o o Nter, M rs. U . '8 . .■Collier'near Tw in llli, and uzpccta to remain u n til a f . ^ 0 3 r the holiday #ca*on. • ' " Gormai

— — cal l 20 On V o a tio B —A. M. Smith,. tieJcet — :ent fo r the 0 . a L ., Is u k ln g a va- H IO tion from tbo du ties o f his offieo to r fiood h t weeks and on>cets to spend pnrt of 0 tim e w ith rd a tlv c s in Michigaii. p i ^

S u y w N lt« , o l L o . S i f t '- rn g d e s .'le 'In Tw in P a ils on n, sccond lying tt lp th is sonson. M r.N Iesftbnye rm horses fo r .th o L ol Angelea mar*It, w hich he saya Is always a stoady

- ______ r tEuiha& d -E « tam »-A ,' Jacobsen o f ' ^ ,it L ake who waa summoned hero a ^ lek ago by tho serious illness o f hla ife, ro turncd lask ovoning' to . S alt iko. Mrs. Jacobsca who had como to : . r in F a ils to v is it friends w as taken


/, Decembe y, Dec. 24th,s t Opportunity to buj fht M ces. Bring the : and SAVE BIG.



■ ■ . I T ’ S A R E A L

= = = = = = ^ ^ J,‘rta.'.ho'.jJlUl -tha"diyr 4 ' ftlvol where iil^e iubm ltled te..Bn otif lUon. H e r ' eoiidition is . a6w pro? uaeed to b e ^ U s f a j to ry , , • 'j

O n 'B a d - K l i i i lo a - ^ a r le s N e e ly 'ie tt"ifo v en ln g for .Florence, Coloi, in |3 , ' jnso to. a tdcgram onnouseing th}, a th a t th a t plaeB p f the v lfo o f h i t ' uther O tis Neely. Ho expects to U ' sent about ai'w eek. . jifor B*attliU tloa—J .- P a n l , Thofflil^;'^ r tbo past two aonU is a law stodeiiV tho o ffie6 ;o f,A tto rtcy A sher B .J, le ft la s t evening fo r BolAi w here

wiil present himsolf fo r exa'mlnn:- n by tlie 's ta te board fo r od.^isslon to ' jb a r . ■ ■ ' . t

Pr«im . f ta ia ln g Bhip ' ^ John B lley , ( phew o t the M Isses'B td la and Ett&r ley, n a iv c d yeilcrday ftom San .Die* ' to spend a furlough w itb rela tives

rc imd In Joromo ' Mr, Blley baa fo r.* p ast year been in train ing oa board , « ‘!Coglan” ,

Dhlldren f i t a ^ Pagetttfc—W ith . th e / urch crowded to capacity , the p d - ' .ry dopartm ont o f the Banday achools, tbo f i r s t and seeoad w ards o f th e L .S. chureb, .gnvo an In teresting hia- leal {iagcant la s t eV enlng'uador th e ' ecU on o f M rs.' O hristlaa K irkm an, i M rs. Pearl Bwonson. The.'pageaqU rtraycd th e journey o f the early pUr , ms o f tho cburch from NaOvoo, lU Iv ' / 1, to th e G reat B alt Lake, A n a o g a f l '' j }Ut th e room w ero ,podels of ■ts,,wagons and anknals.w hicb t^Ki;.-' ^ IdrcQ havo been' engaged in n a k in g i ring the past year in Ihoir regulw- I* w ork. Those p a rtle lp t tln g in tb ia ' gram wcro from liv e to, H years


propriation Is Voted fo r O b a e ra n e e ■ . n d for Giving o f G ift« to F a tia ita

iTembors of^lho Womctv^e A nxlliary ® (he American Legion, a t a m eetliig .. iruday evening,, authorized th e ap- p rlatlon o t a su b s ta a ti^ sum os a trlb u tjo n 'to w ard Chrislmaa obK rv- :C a t the public health service hos- ■ ll a t..B olse, a n d . decided to*''Co-op* tp wilh'; lh e ’ I>gioff pfi*t bcre 1 iu ' A DS to r-m ak ing g if ts to ^ormor serv- O

n e n o f this e om annity who ore r pa tlen ta a t tho B olsa-institu tion , itosscs w sro M rs. P . W . M cBoberts,I. E. J. O strander and M rs. P . H . woll , . .

'est.% D istilled W ater Is du m ie alljr « ^ H-W l, th e purest w a tw know n to - 1 nee. A -d e lig h tfu l d rinking ^ t e r « M n o ffl i^ to tu e in yotar bon o o r

ee. P rom pt deU rerr. .Two pho n n .. 99fL .X lncoln Prodvc«'Co<—adv,

Q laaalfied «0 L A r a . ^ B OLAS8IFIOATZON1

0 3 T / B raA 'y E D o r" q t o i^ n - ' a n a n ^ iiw .d o g ^ J l is t a .pup.. F inder

aO N B ''tO U R OBDBK to 307W fo r j f1 hgmo ffftje fru it,cake . ; . , .

DB flA L S vrrum ltiire : one four- c tjipostty. liv ing rooiji sc t; ono t-piecf Dialiogaoy dining se t; Mu­le rn n g ep llb ra ry tab le : four othor lehold noccsiltlos; a real bargain .U . nobiion, 031 T hird Wezt. g .. ........................................... ................ .

I D A H O 0L 3B A N E B B A m ) ' D Y E R S

OBAfi. B . BO W O Z iinX k 0 0 .•phoaa S16.W

r is a Sboibosa s t w an •T raneli O r r OlaanlBi f i

B a p a m n g - P y a in g _______ ^

I m i -« O f lT

Br 10th , , 9 p. m,ly Goodle whole •

5 6 . 9 5 ,i S E R V E d y

' ' :V :- , ■]' ■ e l

. . S A L E I I