IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A

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  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    physics and the phenomenology of

    HiTc superconductors.

    Patrick Lee


    Based on lectures given at MIT with T. Senthil. Ithank Senthil for the use of some of his material.

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    1. Strong correlation physics: interaction betweene ec rons om na es e r ne c energy. o nsu a or

    and its doping. HiTc as an example. (Early sections in Lee,, , , ,

    Physics, 71,012501(2008))

    . .

    Thermodynamic measurements: specific heat, spin susceptibility.

    , , - .

    thermo-power, thermal conductivity.


    AC conductivity, optical, microwave and IR, time domain spectroscopy.



    Tunneling and STM.

    . ome eory an a scuss on o pseu o-gap p ys cs.

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    Corner sharing octahedrals.



    eg dz2, dx2-y2 z2

    t2g dxy,dyz,dzx


    C O l l l d l

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    CuO plane: strongly-correlated electron

    One hole per site: should be a metal according to band theory.

    Mott insulator.

    Hopping matrix element tin a tight binding model

    Undoped CuOUndoped CuO22plane:plane:

    nvo v ng u or a .

    Hubbard model:ott nsu ator ue toott nsu ator ue to

    ee-- -- ee-- interactioninteraction

    Virtual ho in inducesVirtual ho in induces

    Add on site repulsion Uto represent screened

    AF exchange J=4tAF exchange J=4t22/U/U.

    Mott insulator if U>>4t

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    .should be a conductor in the absence of strong disorder.

    The surprise is that it becomes a superconductor!

    Undoped CuOUndoped CuO22plane:plane: CuOCuO22plane with doped holes:plane with doped holes:ott nsu ator ue toott nsu ator ue to

    ee-- -- ee-- interactioninteraction

    Virtual ho in inducesVirtual ho in induces

    LaLa3+3+ SrSr2+2+: La: La22--xxSrSrxxCuOCuO44

    AF exchange J=4tAF exchange J=4t22/U/U

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    Mott insulator

    Charge transfer insulator.

    Electron picture Hole picture

    Ogata and Fukuyama, Rep. Progress in Physics, 71, 036501 (2008)

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    By fitting the spin wave dispersionmeasure y neutron scatter ng. a soneeds a small ring exchange term.)


    Spin flip breaks 6 bonds,

    arges nown amongtransition metal oxide, except

    for the Cu-O chain compound


    where J=220meV.

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    Doping a charge transfer insulator: The Zhang-Rice singlet

    Due to AF exchangebetween Cu and O, the

    sin let s mmetric orbitalgains a large energy, oforder 6 eV. This singlet

    effective hopping t givenby:

    S mmetric orbital -centered on Cu.

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    What is unique about the cuprates?

    Pure CuO2 plane Single band Hubbard model, or its strong, - .

    opeholes t

    t 1) low dimension

    = Com etition: i jnn

    large J= 135 meVt favors delocalization of electrons

    avors or er ng o oca ze sp ns3) quantum spin S =1/2 (NNN hopping t may explain asymmetry

    Between electron and hole doping )

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A



    1. Well defined quasi-particles exist provided 1/

  • 8/4/2019 IAS 0911 PAL Seminars Slides A


    ARPES An le Resolved

    Photoemission Spectroscopy)