Ian is a smart kid that love candy very much. He loves to eat all kind of candy, he likes sour candy, spicy candy, weird candy and of course sweet candy. He likes to eat butter candy too, he said that “it wasn’t good, it wasn’t good to make me satisfied”. He is a very smart kid that like to solve a puzzle. He has a lot of friend, in his school, near his house , internet, and many more, but he has one special friend called Jack. Jack is Ian classmate, his neighbor, and his best friend. Summer vacation is near and this summer Ian and jack wants to go to Jack’s grandpa’s house. They want to spend this summer in jack’s grandpa’s house. In the way to home Jack told Ian about a story that his grandpa told him when he was still very-very young, a story about a candy island. Ian seems very interested to the story, because he likes candy so much. Jack told Ian that everyone hasn’t found the island till now, and now everyone believe that the island that every one dream to go to it’s only a myth, a fairy Tail to make kid happy. Ian believe about the story that Jack told him, and intend to find it this summer, Jack laugh at Ian, Jack said “ HAHAHA are you day dreaming? It’s very impossible for us! For 2 fourteen years old kid to find it, even the best treasure hunter hasn’t found it. ” I still believe in that story and will try my best to find it, he said in his mind . In home Ian get changed and lay down at his bedroom thinking about the island. “how if i can find the island?” , “how if i can prove to everyone that the island is real?” , “ but, how if i can’t find that island?”. There was so many question came into ian’s mind, he very intrested to the island, he wanted to find it, but he afraid that he can’t find the island. Ian became confuse and decided to sleep.

Ian Adventure - Search Foir the Candy Island- Part1 Sugarcane Forest

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Page 1: Ian Adventure - Search Foir the Candy Island- Part1 Sugarcane Forest

Ian is a smart kid that love candy very much. He loves to eat all kind of candy, he likes sour

candy, spicy candy, weird candy and of course sweet candy. He likes to eat butter candy too, he said

that “it wasn’t good, it wasn’t good to make me satisfied”. He is a very smart kid that like to solve a

puzzle. He has a lot of friend, in his school, near his house , internet, and many more, but he has one

special friend called Jack. Jack is Ian classmate, his neighbor, and his best friend.

Summer vacation is near and this summer Ian and jack wants to go to Jack’s grandpa’s

house. They want to spend this summer in jack’s grandpa’s house. In the way to home Jack told Ian

about a story that his grandpa told him when he was still very-very young, a story about a candy

island. Ian seems very interested to the story, because he likes candy so much. Jack told Ian that

everyone hasn’t found the island till now, and now everyone believe that the island that every one

dream to go to it’s only a myth, a fairy Tail to make kid happy. Ian believe about the story that Jack

told him, and intend to find it this summer, Jack laugh at Ian, Jack said “ HAHAHA are you day

dreaming? It’s very impossible for us! For 2 fourteen years old kid to find it, even the best treasure

hunter hasn’t found it. ” I still believe in that story and will try my best to find it, he said in his mind .

In home Ian get changed and lay down at his bedroom thinking about the island. “how if i

can find the island?” , “how if i can prove to everyone that the island is real?” , “ but, how if i can’t

find that island?”. There was so many question came into ian’s mind, he very intrested to the island,

he wanted to find it, but he afraid that he can’t find the island. Ian became confuse and decided to


In the next day Ian went to jack house.They talked about what will they do in Jack’s

Grandpa’s House. Ian suggested that they will search for the Candy Island. Jack stay for a while and

think, this time he wasn’t laughing. Jack finally make his decision, he said that he will help Ian. Ian

very happy.

In the next morning ian packed all of his stuff he needs for the summer. After they finished,

Ian asked her mom about the candy island. His mom said one day her father told her about an island

that full of candy, everything made by candy, the villagers all making candy, there is a giant candy

castle in there, and everything you eat there is healthy so don’t be afraid of diabetic or toothache.

Ian’s mom said “ I believe in that story when i was a child, i intended to find the island but i can’t, i’m

loosing all of my hope and i decided to not believing into that story and focused on study, from that i

start eating healthy food and became a vegetarian.” Ian asked her mom how did she search for the

island? Her mom answered that there was a wiseman in the village that know something about the


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WAY TO OPEN IT” her mom was shock when the wiseman screamed like that. So Ian’s mom thought

that is was really secret island, she think that the wiseman actually know about the island but didn’t

want to tell the truth and keeeping the secret. After having a chit-chat with his mom, ian became

more confused and more excited to find about the island.

In the next day Ian and Jack went to the train station in 10 o,clock in the morning. They will

use a train as their transportation to go to Jack’s Grandpa’s house. From their town, Pallet city to

Eterna town it tooks about 4 to 5 hours by train. Ian brought a bagpack full with all his main stuff and

he bought another bag for his clothes. When the train finally arrive, Ian and Jack say good bye to

their mom and got in the train.

Ian and Jack are in the room 025. There is an old man sitting in front of them looking out of

the window. Jack start a conversation with the oldman.

Jack: “Good morning sir”

Oldman: “Good morning young boy”

Jack: “where would you like to go, sir?”

Oldman: “I want to go to my love grave in eterna city, she died 2 months ago”

Jack: “Ow, so sorry to hear that”

Oldman: “ where are you two ambitious boys want to go to?”

Jack: “ we are going to go to my grandpa’s house, sir”

Ian: “we want to search for the Candy Island, sir”

Oldman: “ow, Candy island you said?”

Ian : “Yes ,sir. The Island that all people want to go to”

Oldman : “ Ow.. i’m actually know how to find it”

Ian: “ really?? How to get there ,sir?”

Oldman: “hohoho, you two are still young, you still have so many times to find it out, i won’t

tell you for now maybe sometimes when the time is right i will tell you”

Ian: “but can you tell us any clue?”

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Oldman: “well let me think of it... hmm.. the clue is flavour.. you need all flavour”

Jack: “ hmm.. i don’t understand till i have a lot of clue..”

They didn’t relize that they already discuss and talked about the island for almost 4 hour.

Finally the train stop at their destination, Eterna Town.

They got off the train and Jack’s Grandpa already there waiting for Jack. Then They got into

the car. In the car Ian and jack weren’t talking about the candy land again they were sleeping

because they’re to tired.

Grandpa’ house is a classic house, the house is about 3 kilometers from the train station. it

is in the small village, there’s a park near the house. Grandpa only live with grandma. Grandma is a

very kind person, she made Jack and ian some cookies. After eat some cookies, grandpa came and sit

together with them. And then Ian asked about the story of Candy island.Grandpa started telling the

story about Candy island. Grandpa said “ some where in this world there is an island called candy

island, a legendary island made of candy. Candy island have all of candy you want. Candy can grow

like a fruit in the tree in this magnificent island. They said that this island has a giant castle made of

candy that the king live there and will let you live there in some special room. You can eat candy

forever in the island ignoring the bad side of candy that can make you have tootache, sick, diabetes,

etc. The candy in the island is healthy and there some kind of sugar that can heal all of disease in this

candy. But no one can get there, the path to the island is mysterious. No one everfind out how to get

there. Some of them want to find the island cause of the treasured hidden in the island, some of

them want to have pride by finding the island, some of them want the sugar that can heal all kind of

disease, some of them want a live time stock of candy, some of them just want to have fun. But all of

them hasn’t found the island yet. When i was a kid many people believe in this story and everyone

intend to find the island, but now everyone seems to think that this story is fake, this story is only a

fairy tail made for a kid. But i still believe that some day there will be a man that can find the island.”

Jack and Ian more excited and make a plan that they gonna find more clue tomorrow.

In the next morning they went to the market and asking people there if they know any single

clue about the island. But after 1 hour and thirty minutes asking people, they haven’t got any clue.

They were very thirsty and decidede to go to the market and decided to buy some drink. The seller

ask the kids why they looked very tired. “We were searching for clue” said Ian, “A clue?” The seller

asked for details, “Yeah, we were searching a clue to find a way to the candy island” Said Ian. The

seller was laughing all of a sudden “You were searching for a clue? Hahaha” asked the seller , Ian

answered “Don’t make fun of us, we will find it!” the seller stop laughing and apologize. And then

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the seller told them his secret. He told the kid’s that when he was a kid he was searching for the

island too like them, and he found a key to his succes, but he decided to stop because his mom

asked him to took school seriously and stop searched for a stupid island. The kid start asking about

the secret, so the seller told them that if they want to find the island, they need to find the gate, he

told them that the island is not in this world, it is impossible for such an island like that to be in the

planet earth. Ian asked the seller where the gate are? The seller smiled and ansered “ you have a

long time to find it kids, i already give you a clue that you were searching before, I am actually had

found the gate, but i don’t know how to open it. What i’m trying to say it’s that the island is not just

a fairy tail, it is a real deal!”

Jack and Ian start to think about the clue that they got from the man in the train and the

seller. So he made a coclusion that the way to get to the island is they must find the gate, and the

way to open it is to find 5 flavoured of some food. Ian guessed that the food must be a sugar based

food because it is a key to get to a candy island so it must be sugar based or 80% of it is to find 5

different candies flavour. But they still didn’t know about the kind ofccandy? Does it requiere a

special candy or just a normal candy? That is the question for them to answer and think about for

the rest of the day.

Next day they decide to go to the candy store in Eterna town and want to ask for a clue.

When they arrived at the shop there was an oldman inside that was the one who own the store. Jack

Came to the oldman and asked him:

Jack:”Good morning Mr. George”

Mr.George: “Good morning. OH hello there Jack! How are you doing?”

Jack: “good, i’d like you to meet my friend, he is a candy lover”

Ian : “good morning sir, nice to meet you”

Mr.George: “good morning young man. So what are you want to do here, would you like to

buy some of my delicious candy?”

Jack: “Not really, i want to ask you something”

Mr.George: “what is it?”

Jack : “did you know any of island candy”

Mr.George: “hohoho, i know about it”

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Ian: “Did you know how can we get there?”

Mr.George: “ i don’t know about that but i remembered that last year someone told me that

he had been going to the forest of a sugarcane forest, and ppk some of them.”

Jack: “ really? Grandpa didn’t tell us about that”

Mr.George: “Your grandpa is an oldma which is a forgetful person”

Jack: “so were is the entrance to the forest?”

Mr.George : “hmm... i think that he said that he went to the forest and he faint out and end

up waking up in the sugarcane forest”

Ian: “wow.. that’s kind of fun, let’s go to the forest tommorow Jack”

They were talking a bit longer to Mr.George, and thank him and went home. Before go to sleep they

have ask Grandpa to have permision to go to Eerna Forest tomorrow. Grandpa said that he will

accompany them to the wood. So Grandpa allow them to go to the wood but they must bring their

main stuff and some clothes. Grandpa seems to know what will happen in the wood. Have Jack’s

Grandpa’s permission they feel more energetic, and cannot wait for tommorow. They really want to

find the Island.

The next morning they went to the forest with Grandpa. In the enterance of the forest their

grandpa went home and left the kid. After his grandpa left them, they continue to walk to the forest.

They walk along the woods to the deep mountain. They didn’t realize that the sun almost fall and

the night came. After the night came, the forest became horrifyinh silent, and foggy. The fog became

more deeper, deeper, and deeper until they can’t see any thing. Suddenly they feel dizzy , their head

spinning and then they felt to the ground.

When thay woke up thefog still deep, but slowly the fog diseapearing and they sae a huge

mountain across a river, but something strange about the mountain. There weren’t any normal

forest. Jack remembered what the candy seller told him before. That someone sleep in the deep fog

and woke up in the forest of sugar cane. Then they decided to go to the mountain.

But there’s trouble on getting to that mountain. The river is very deep and the colour it’s not

ordinary blue, it’s kind of like greenish blue. Ian thought that the river was poisonous, later Jack

realised that the green is not the colour of the river, but it’s the colour of crocodiles that swimming

in the river, there was so many of them.

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Ian look for the surrounding, but there weren’t any boat to cross the river. And it’s too

dangerous to swim in the river. Suddenly a mysterious man come out of nowhere. He stood up

beside Jack silently. At first the two boys didn’t realised that a man was beside them, but then Jack

realised there were a man beside them.

The mysterious man wearing a straw hat and holding a wooden axe. Something carved on

the axe “geronimo” maybe it’s the mysterious man’s name. Then he said “what are you doing

here?”. Ian ask “ who are you”. The man didn’t answered the question nad asked the same thing. Ian

answered that he want to find the candy island. The man smile and said “this is a wrong place to

search for that kind of fairy tales.” Then Jack asked “so, what is this place, and i feel something

strange about that mountain, what is that?”. The mysterious smile again and replied “ This is my

land, my place. And that mountain is mine, i’m the one that protect that mountain.” Ian asked

“protect the mountain? Why did you protect that mountain? Is there something special about that

mountain?”. The mysterrious man pick his straw hat and look at the two boys, and then he replied “I

won’t tell you the secret about that mountain, ans you better go home now before the sky become

dark and the mist go deeper. Jack replied that they don’t know where they are, how did they got to

there, and how to go home. The man replied that they can stay between two big tree near the river

until night came and the mist got deeper. Jack and Ian become so confused and ask so many

question about the place they were in, but the mysterious man didn’t answered and walking to a

farm. Ian want to follow the mysterious man ,but Jack hold Ian hand and said that maybe they

should follow the mysterious man’s advice.

Ian and Jack Sat between two big tree nearby. After taking so long time, they relised that the

crocodiles didn’t come up to the land and stayed at the same place. Luckyly they sat between two

big apple tree, so they climbed the tree and picked few apples to eat. When they eat the apple, they

relised something different about the apple. The apple somewhat taste like caramel, Ian loved it so

much, so he climbed the tree again and picked many of the apple. When he tried to reach an apple,

he slipped and fall to the ground.

After hit the ground hard Ian become unconcious. In deep inside his mid, he transvered into

so many different places. He found treasured , meet so many people, feeliong happy , and of course

he dream that he go to the candy island, but suddenly his dream turn into nightmare. There’s an

earthquake, all candy burn out and that place turn into a hell until a huge amount of water come

and sweep all thing. The tsunami took of anything into the ocean. The trouble didn’t stop there

because Ian found out that suddenly he can’t swim and a group of sharks came toward him. The

sharks getting closer, closer, more closer, until the group of sharks right in front of Ian. Ian wants to

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scream but he can’t. He was mute after get sweep by the tsunami. Something strange happened the

sharks hit ian body hard but the sharks turn into a black flame. The black flam consume Ian body and

make ian fall into a deep darkness where he can’t do anything and nobody can’t stop him. He kept

falling, throuhgh dimensions, he go throgh the hell of sea, the hell of hunger, the hell of fire, the hell

of wind, the eternal darkness and then he hit the ground so hard. Then ian wake up from his

unconciousness with a shock. Jack looked so worry about him and try to wake ian for almost 4 hours.

Ian get unconcious for about four hours, that he didn’t realised that it already dark. Moon

and the stars are shining in the dark of night. And the unbelievable thing was that the crocodiles is

missing. The moon reflects in the calm water that the crocxodiles used to stay in there. Ian asked

about everything to Jack, but Jack can’t answer, he didn’t remember any thing he just remembered

that Jack tried to catch Ian but he failed and Ian felt into the ground. But Jack feel relieved that ian

was Ok.

They still waiting there till twelve o’clock when suddenly a goup of wolf come to them. Jack

got panicked and grab Ian’s hand and wants to run, but Ian stay calm and grab a stick because he

know that they were surrounded. A wolf try to attack them but suddenly a wooden block came from

the ground and hit the wolf. Then there’s coming many of wooden block that hit the wolfs adn send

them fly to the air. Jack still scared and Ian scared a bit. They decide to climb and slept on the tree

but suddenly the mysterious man came from the woods.

The mysterious man said that Ian and jack can stay in his house fo a night, so they went to

the mysterious man’s house for a rest.

In the next morning something strange happen to the area where they were lost into.

Somehow thw river that surrounding the great mountain with a mysterioous forest in it was

dissapeared. They both really scared. The worst part is that they can’t find the mysterious man.

They finally decide to go to the mountain. Searching for something strange, and if they were

lucky enought they can find the mysterious man. After hiking the mountain for about 2 hours they

were exhausted and decided to rest. Jack relised that they lost all of their food resources. Suddenly

they feel wierd, some strange aura make their mind feel dizzy. They suddenly feel very hungry and

thirsty while it seems like gravitation force is 10 times than usual, that they couldn’t move at all.

Ian tried to scream fo help, but no one answer, even Jack didn’t hear his scream. Suddenlly a

black coat man come from between two stones. Ian and Jack were really scared and try to stand up,

but they couldn’t!

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The man walked closer. Then it touch the two boys forehead. He said something but they

can’t hear any voice from him, then suddenly they black out. They wake up in the midddle of a group

of raindeers. The raindeers eating calmly, that they relised that is in the raindeer habitat. It’s

different place from where they were experiencing a really scared moment.

Ian dreamt that he was in really big trouble. A group of witch attack a village and no one

can’t help. The witch then turn into big baboon that holoding a sword and try to slice him up, but

when the sword touch his head with a very fearfull force it turn into smoke and then a talking animal

appeared saying something that he doesn’t understand, but he knew that they were allerting him.

Jack dreamt about something calm, peacefull, but horror. It’s a deep dark that no one can’t

resist and even stand in it. A very deep dark taht you can see there is emptyness in there, so empty

that can turn anyone heart into a stone. The emptyness consume Jack bodies that are freeze and

can’t move at all.

Ian told Jack about his long dream, but Jack didn’t understand a few minutes after that Ian

forgot about it. Jack do the same thing and he forgot his dream too. After sitting there for a long

time, theyfinnaly relised taht they were in the middle of raindeers.

They were panicked and scared but suddenly a mysterious man came. They both scream

when they look into the mysterious man. IT’S NOT A MYSTERIOUS MAN!!! IT’S A WALKING DEER!!

The walking deer walk to them , it seems that he want to talked about something.

The walking deer seems like the leader of all the raindeers around. He is an old deer holding

a stick and have a really huge horn. His skin was brown in colour and a little bit of yellow spot. The

deer stood in front of the two boys, then he said “we were all watching”. The boys didn’t

understand, with a scared feeling Jack asked that what were they watching? The raindeers than said:

“When you are asleep, this pond show us your dream. Your dream that you dreamt before will

comes true, i know that you forgot about anything. But believe me when you get a really rare candy

that resimble anger you will remembered all thing.”

Ian and Jack were both can’t say anithing. Then the raideers said that they were the choosen

one. They are. They are the choosen one. That can safe the world from madness dark. Ian was a little

bit scared but he is excited.

For some reason they forgot they reason to go to the area, but they remembered when all

the raindeers line up infront of the pond. The leader which is the one that talked to them was

standing on a big stone. They do a really strange ritual, Jack and Ian can only watch strangely until

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they were pulled by a strange force and float in the air, above the pond. Then a red gem a sized of a

phone came from the pond. The sky become red, and all of the raindeers feeling become evil, except

for the leader. The leaders yell “TAKE IT! YOU MUST SAVE US! BRING THAT GEM TO THE ROCK OF

ORIGIN IN THE HIDDEN TOWN!!!!” than all raindeers attack their leader. But the leader yell again “

CANDY ISLAND IS REAL!!! IT’S ALWAYS IN TH....”. the leader was died because he get strucked by a

strong deer.

A deep fog came again and pulle the two boys into them. They weren’t falling to the ground

like they were before.. but they were falling to the sky! Then they were wake up in the Eterna foresr.

Ian holding a red gem in his hand.

They go back to Jack’s grandpa’s house. Grandpa was so worry about them, they were

missing for almost 2 months! They were all silent and can’t believe it. They know that the summer

almost over and the time to go back to their city. But the most important they already know a little

secret about the candy island. In the train they were sleeping and they remembered their dream in

the mysterious land. They dream alot in the mysterious land, but the dream told them about how to

get to the candy island, a few of candy island and some few of future. The advanture ended but they

will continue their journey next year in a different place.