IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Information Management system (EPRIMS) Joint IAEA-KINS Regional Network Meeting on Radiation Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Response 25 29 June 2018, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Incident and Emergency Centre , IAEA

IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Information ... Documents Public/Joint I… · 25 –29 June 2018, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Incident and Emergency Centre , IAEA. Contents

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Page 1: IAEA Emergency Preparedness and Response Information ... Documents Public/Joint I… · 25 –29 June 2018, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Incident and Emergency Centre , IAEA. Contents

IAEA Emergency Preparedness and

Response Information Management

system (EPRIMS)

Joint IAEA-KINS Regional Network Meeting on Radiation

Safety and Emergency Preparedness and Response

25 – 29 June 2018, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

Incident and Emergency Centre , IAEA

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• Introduction

• What is EPRIMS?

• Purpose of EPRIMS

– Self-assessment

– Improving international EPR

– Supporting TC Programme

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Nuclear and radiological

emergencies are complex

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Information is key for

adequate preparedness and

effective response

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EPRIMS fills the gap on EPR

• There was no single point of

reference for EPR

• RASIMS TSA5 was not enough

– Limited to TC MS

– Coordinator was not EPR expert

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Emergency Preparedness and Response Information Management System

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What is EPRIMS?

A web-based knowledge management tool:

• A database of information about a country’s arrangements

and systems for managing nuclear and radiological


• Emergency preparedness and response self-assessment tool

(required for EPREV, Emergency Preparedness Review)

• Nuclear reactor technical information (RTI) database

• EPRIMS also replaces TSA5 of RASIMS

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EPRIMS responds to

• HarmonizationKnowing about other countries’ EPR arrangements helps harmonization

• Global understanding

Sharing information on issues and challenges promotes a global understanding

• Enhance national capabilities

Sharing knowledge on solutions helps enhance national capabilities

• Better prognosis and assessment

Sharing data on reactor designs helps the prognosis and assessment during emergencies

(The RTI is used by IEC in the Assessment Tools)

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It is One-Stop-Shop for EPR

• MS EPR in one place

• Standardized across MS (TC, non-TC)

• Advanced information management

• Comprehensive sharing of information

• Users are EPR experts coming from

– NCA in MS


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Initial design process 2013 -2015

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EPRIMS launch

• In Sept 2015

• During the IAEA General Conference

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• Note Verbal

– Sent to MS in Nov 2015

– To ensure regular self-assessments

– To nominate National Coordinators

• Quarterly webinars for users

• EPRIMS implementation required for EPREV

• EPRIMS implementation became input to

TC activities on EPR

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Your experience?

• Have you heard about EPRIMS?

• Do you have personal experience?

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It was time for revision

• Consultancy in May 2017

• Suggested:

– Bug fixes

– New features

– Improved UI

• 130 items in total

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Development of next EPRIMS

• From suggestions

• And mock-ups

• To code

• Q4 2017 – Q2 2018

• EPRIMS 2.0 to be

lanuched soon

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Key upgrades

• Country Profile – NEW FEATURE

• Improved Home Page

• Reorganized menu

• Streamlined Self-Assessment

– Simplified data entry

– Improved reading mode

– Deemphasized PIs

– Module export for editing

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Country Profile

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Country Profile

• Summary of EPR

• Includes data from

other IAEA systems

• Visible to all

EPRIMS users

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Self-assesment in EPRIMS

Allows member states to measure themselves

against the IAEA safety standards

– The self-assessment is performed in detail,

according to GSR Part 7 and its Emergency

Preparedness Categories

– General requirements (4)

Functional requirements (14)

Requirements for infrastucture (7)

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My Country Self-Assessment

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Module 1

• The emergency management system

Module 2

• Roles and responsibilities in emergency preparedness and response

• …

Module 26

• Quality management programme for emergency preparedness and response

Requirement 1

• The emergency management system

Requirement 2

• Roles and responsibilities in emergency preparedness and response

• …

Requirement 26

• Quality management programme for emergency preparedness and response


Performing Self-Assessment

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Why the Self-Assessment?

• Self-assessment is a method to determine

where improvements are needed in order to

meet IAEA safety standards

• Results used for decision on holding or

postponing the EPREV mission

• The process itself increases awareness of

the current EPR arrangements and systems

in the country

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• INEX 5 Exercise in March 2016

• 1 event but 3 different protective actions by

3 Member States

Transboundary emergency

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Enhancing preparedness and response

through EPRIMS:

- harmonization of arrangements during

preparedness stage

- using RTI and other information in

EPRIMS during response to a nuclear or

radiological emergency

Relevance of EPRIMS

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EPRIMS & International Cooperation

Cooperation between MS can be based upon

information in EPRIMS:

• EPR arrangements and

• Relevant documents:

– national plans

– operational procedures

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EPRIMS & National EPR

• Overview of the EPR arrangements of

similar, comparable countries

– information for planning, good practices,


• RTI for understanding the emergency in

another state during the response

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EPRIMS facilitates

• Building trust and understanding between

Member States

• Coordinated and consistent response to

relevant nuclear or radiological emergencies

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The IAEA TC Programme

IAEA Statue, Article II

“The Agency shall seek to accelerate and

enlarge the contribution of atomic energy to

peace, health and prosperity throughout the

world. It shall ensure, so far as it is able, that

assistance provided by it or at its request or

under its supervision or control is not used in

such a way as to further any military


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TC Programme Delivery






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TC Programme Services

TC Programme aims to support

sustainable socioeconomic

development in Member States

Capacity building


Knowledge sharing

Partnership building

Technical Cooperation

(TC) Projects

Training fellowships

& scientific visits

Training courses &





symposia &

seminarsEquipment &


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TC Project Cycle

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Reference on RASIMS

What is RASIMS?

• An IAEA web-based platform

• Member States and IAEA to jointly collect, analyze and view information regarding the national infrastructure for radiation and waste safety.

• The IAEA, through TC Programme, is helpingMember States to establish and sustain theirRadiation Safety Infrastructure according tothe Radiation Safety Standards.

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Thematic Safety Areas (TSAs)

• To address the complexity of this task, seven

key areas, known as Thematic Safety Areas

(TSAs), have been identified

• TSA1- TSA7

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Emergency Preparedness and

Response (TSA 5) = EPRIMS

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TSA5 and role of EPRIMS

The TSA5 has been replaced by EPRIMS


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Role of EPRIMS in TC

One of the roles of EPRIMS is to support Technical

Cooperation Programme

Programme Planning

Programme Implementation

Programme Review

EPRIMS Self-assessment information


EPRIMS Self-assessment information


EPRIMS Self-assessment information




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• EPRIMS uniquely supports EPR by

– Facilitating self-assessment

– Encouraging information sharing

– Supporting TC Programme

• However, its potential depends on users!

• New version coming soon

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