14 K 1 TS1""' nw yrn "jfff-yiiW- """ 1BC"W 'I1VM niVTFJIHUVTV ,1'T ,1M ,T JIB "! "- TTT tttW'" v.,'"n V JIK3S "W-'- - . M ? WyrV - W( t -- ,"r Xrpf .' i A i jvt i of vtoiv7 l I UV1 - .i.-- eo$$frvj,9eo4eo$o ISSOwr Zks Advertising Medium. T 7?.p T,V, 7r. I I jv ZW fcarf Me Bullet, n EYCNING BULLETIN O evening r- rapcr - . ruunsuea t f a V P I jw ZW GW fZZ. News. on the Hawaiian Islands. I Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscrihtion yic. a month. $M4MMMMWHMMMM4tMttV X"t.??9,-rc-ess',-7c-oe4ooo6 3 it? Vol. II. No. 4G4. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1896. Piuok 5 Cents. ' f u -- lV r THE EVENING BULLETIN. Published ovory doy except Sundny at 210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. SUHSCMPTION 11ATES. Per Month, nnywhoro in the Ha- waiian Islands C Ti Per Year. 1 Por Year, postpaid to Amoricn, Canada, or Mexico 10 00 Por Year, postpaid, uihor Foreign Countnoa 13 00 l'aynblo Invarlublv In Atlvnuco. Telephone 250. P. O. Box 89. B. L. FINNEY, Manager. Is the source of good health. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Makos Puro Blood, Strengthens tho Norvos, Shapons tho Appetite, Romovos that Tirod Fooling, and Makes Life Vorth Living. Sufferers general debility, skin diseases, or any other ail- ment drifting from Impiuo blood, should t;il:o AYER'S $ .. i) btl uv i So kJhGotCja v Co!u 'Idils at Vm. V.'c.M'j Great xpu;r.&. I,7rn,,.vr') f i'.i ni!.u;t itlnin. 'XIic iiiinio Ayor'c Sin-.ij- i i.ltlii Ilii' wuipinr, iiikI H blown in tlio 1um of UlU.ll liottlu. Hollister Drug Co., Ltd. Bole Affouts for tho Republic of Hawaii. La wn lowers "THE GLOBE" Quick Cutting, Light and Serviceable. ALL SIZES. Moderate Prices Castle & Cooke (Iilmlted.-- ) A .&' 'Ap mmmjoit ji' "& iain' LATEST FOREIGN NEWS COMPOSITION' OF VtNKZUKLA ? sif or AIIIMl'UAIION. Orl'ln Aji'iroxflilMs In C'lilmn Con- - lllct - 1'rniiiUrn of Iti'firm ly I irk-- j oilier Mt'm- -. ISITI II MrtTI.H, Yalp will adopt tho EuglfebJ- - rigged shell but not tlio English stroke. International bimetallism is favored by tho Fanners' Congress in session nt Indianapolis. Richard Pilkio bas given up a job as laborer on the Eire canal, on account of falling he'ir to pro- perty in Michigan worth 82,000,-00- 0. Thoro is no trutb in tho report tbat the Pope bad summoned ArcbbiBbop Ireland to Romo to answer for bis manifesto against Bryant. Senator Sherman believes a rovenuo tariff measure can be passed. Ho says until Kentucky and North Carolina elect Senators it will ho impossible to say which side will liuvo u majoiity in the Senate. ARMY RFCOMMENDATION8. Major OonorDl Miles, command- ing the army, in his repoitro-commend- s tho renewal of post buildings in tho Indian country. Ho attributes the recent freedom from ouMiroiks to the better treat- ment of tholndiaus by tho Gov- ernment, and their being impress- ed with the power of tho army to punish thoni. Tho commander also urges appiopriations for the fortification of Pacific and Gulf ports. Governor Mitchell of Florida has called a convention to discuss methods for tho proper defenso of Southern harbors. ONE FIRM TAKES ALL. Now York, Nov. 11. Controller Fitoh, by tlio direction of tho oth or members of the Sinking Fund Commission, today awarded tho entire issue of $10,010,590 of city bomlB, for which bids wore open- ed Monday, to Vermily fc Co. at 8101.71, a total premium of 8755.- - 701. miioi'i:. Walter M. Castle and wifo wore to sail for tho United States in tho steamer St. Louis on Satur- day. ILL LUCK OF A SCULrTOR. Tho plastor cast of Macmon-uio- s' fumous statuo of a Bae-chaut- e, mado for tho Luxemburg gallery in Paris on a smaller scalo than the ono for tho Boston Library, Mas smashed to atoms while being trucked to tbo foun- dry in Paris. Macmonnies was prostrated by tbo accidont and did not go near his studio again for nine days. Tho destruction of tbo cast will mako it necessary to send tho original back to Franco, otherwise the Luxemburg will have to go without tho sculptor's masterpiece Tho original Btatuo is that which tho trustees of tho Boston Library rejected, but tho people of Boston showed so great disapproval of this action that tbo trustees, at their next mooting, are likely to decide for receiving tho Blatue. IIIi:U LA.MIS, Tin oro identical with tho Corn- wall artiolo has boon discovered in Britifab Columbia. OrderB have been received at Victoria for tbo Dominion Gov- ernment steamer Quadra to pro- ceed north and put a stop to fish- ing by Amoricau halibut soboon-or- s on ibo bank within tho three mile limit in tbo vicinity of the northeast end of Vancouver ial and and southern ond of Queen Cbarlotto island. THE FAMINE IN INDIA. A dispatch from Bombay says in eleven districts of Deccan and Coucan a million and a quarter people are bolioved to bo on tho vorgo of starvation. Itiots have occurred at Shalmbad and Kazod. Prince Obelonski, a St. Peters V - . . . rwp "'!' ' HftWi g j burg dispatch says, is advocating tbo export of coreals to India to relievo tho famine. Ho declares therois a surplus in Russin, and bIio could undersoil California wheat at Bombay. In this connection Sir N. 1. O'Connor, British Embassador at St. Petersburg, recently visited Odessa. Tho Russian newspapers aro making warm appoals to the pooplo of Russia to contribute funds for tbo roliof of tho fa initio sufferers in India. THE PANAMA CANAL. Bogota, Colombia, Novembor 11. M Mange, formorly director-genera- l of tho Panama Canal Company, arrived heio Tuesday. I understand ho comes to occupy tho position of dirootor of works in tho new canal company. Ho rendered good sorvico formerly and is au ediciont engineer. Tho steamor Casllo Eden is shortly expected from Colon with 800 Africun laborers from Siorra Leone for tho canal. Their puy will bo 80 cents, Colombian cur- rency, per day. Till: TVIIKIKSI (UII.S1IOV. MOIIE PROMISES OF HEFOKM. Constantinople, Nov.ll. Whilo counseling American missionaries to remain at their post in Anatolia, Minister Terrell has induced the removal of the children of mission- aries to places of safety. The official summary of reforms to bo put into execution by tho Turkish Government in accord anco with its promise to tho pow ors has been published, aud it iB announced that tho provincial au- thorities have received iusti notions to execute thoni immediately. ItUSSIA AKDTKF. DAMUNFLLES. London, Nov.ll. In thecourso of a speech at Enfield last ovon-iu- g Sir Charles Dilke, the woll-know- n authority on international politics, said that England had recontly rejected a proposal by tho three groat powers to partition China. Ho also said that tho al- leged recent ir.rpoetion of th fort of the Dardanelles by a Rus- sian general was by order of the Russian Government, and that, thorofore, it was possible that Russia would regard a Biitish at- tack ou the Dardanelles as a casus belli. rui; cui.ih U'tit. NO AMERICAN INTERFERENCE FOR THE PRESENT. Details of tho taking of Guaya-mar- o havo been verified, aud the Spanish defeat thoro, whilo tho contending forces woro not large, is of tho greatest importance, as ono of its direct results wus Gen- eral Weylor'8 taking tho field in person. This was causoil through popular excitomont in Madrid ovor the nows that tho insurgents had bosioged and captured Guaya-mar- o with artillory. Spanish journalists from Mad- rid in Havana are very bitter against Gonorol Woyler. Thoy accuse him not only of maintain- ing an d and senseless censorship, but also of discrimin- ating for and against certain jour- nals. It is said from Washington that tho administration has no inten- tion of immediato interference in Cuba. Tho situation is thorough- ly understood in Washington, and tho President regards it as far too ciitieal to wan ant any action by the United States at this time. That military oporaiious now actively begun will result in bringing matters to such astngo as to demand eithor recognition of tho inBurgonts in somo form, or inter- vention in tho interests of human- ity aud tho coraraorco of tho world, tho authorities regard as absolutely certain. It may alBo bo stated tbat thoy aro looking forward to tho winter's campaign in Cuba with no littlo concern. In viow of tho expectation of a crisis, Cuban affairs will form tho last chapter of tho President's message. VUM-.ZUEI.- nOUNDAIIY. SATISFACTION TELT IN ENGLAND. London, November 11. Tho Btatemont published in tho news- papers hero thac British arbitra- tors in tho Venezuelan dispute will bo appointed by tho Lord fe;frm ; ' --- 7i v. trA,. Chief Justice, Baron Russell of Ki llo won, has excited great inter- est in and about tho law courts aud elsewhere ond thoro is much speculation regarding tbo prob- - ' uoie enoiuo ot Jjoru Jtuaseii. Sir Frank Lockwood, Q. C.,who accompanied Lord Russell on his ret vn t visit to America, in an in torview on the subject, &aid: "The result is ouo to gratify every Englishman, particularly a it was reached without saenfico of principles on oitlw-- i side. It is, liowoicr, no uiiipriso to mo or to tho other members of tho party which recently visited tho United States. Wo knew befoie leaving this country that thoro was n istrouy lAndi'sh feeling in favor of a peaceful set- tlement of tho natter, aud wo found in this that it was recipro- cal. Iain sure that ovory thought ful Briton has mentally congratu- lated his Government on tho re- sult achieved aud that thoy no longer contemplate, ovon in their wildest thoughts, tbo lesponsibili-t- y of au approach to warlike inter- ruptions between tho two nations. After a Cabinet council bold to- day tho Attoruoy-Gener- al, Sir Richard Webster, went to tho Colonial Olfico and had a confer- ence with ouo of tho Under Secre- taries, O. A. Ilnrris, who has been prominently associated with tho Vonezuelau question from tho iirat. KINO OSCAR SELECTED. Washington, Novombor 11. Tho report that King Oscar 11 of Swedoii and Norway had been i agreed on as tho fifth aud final arbitrator in tho ouczuelnn ques I lion ami that tho four other arbi-- I trators would be named by tho authorities of the two cnuii-- I tries, two by tho Lord Chief Jus-- I tico of Englaud, and two by the ' Chief Justice of tho United Statos, j has beon fully verified from authoritative sources. ENGLISH TRESS COMMENT. I The Westminster Gazctto says: 'Tho lojiia stead i of tho United States which tho Maiquis at first denied, is now undisputed, and is accepted even to tho length of ruling out Vouezuola. Wo would much ratluir soltlo with tho Unit edStatos, but wo naturally look to the United Statos to go bail for Vouezuola in return. In this as- sertion of tho Monroo doctrino, tho moat satisfactory point of all is tho appended arbitration agree ment." Tho St. James Gazette asks whotbor tho agreement will not throw into arbitration "all tho sparsoly settled region between tho Schomburgk lino and tho sot tlod territory of Guiana which Lord Kiinborly and tho Marquis of Salisbury declared thoy would neror submit to arbitration, and which Prosidont Cleveland and Seciotary Olney declared thoy should, or tho United States would mako them." It adds: "If Great Britain does submit this issue to arbitra- - tiou it will bo difficult to disprovo tho American claim that tho I agreomout is a square backdown on tho part of Groat Britain. That tho arrangomont includes a general treaty ol arbitration is an indisputable benefit and the de- cision of tho committoo not to President Cleveland's Government of tho most serious difficulty of its own oicution." Tho Globe welcomes tho agree- ment, "bocauso it releases the Amoricau Government from a falso and dangerous position." Continuing, the Globo sayB: "If tho Commission reported advorso-l- y to Great Britain, it would havo forced President Clovoland to at- tempt tho coercion of Groat Brit- ain or oat tho humblest of humble pio. No ono in this country wishes to soo tho development of tho Unitod States retarded for half a contury, as it would neces- sarily havo dono if tin Govern- ment at Washington had soon fit to enter on so trivial a pretext upon so unequal a contest. Tho decision of tho Commission to withhold its report is an obvious, but offoctivo way out of an awk- ward situation." Continued on Jtlh Pmje. , ;;' u-- "ffffitl LUr THE TWO ESCUTCHEONS SKCONI) AI'PKAHAMOE OF THE IMtAWIil'.Y COMPANY iir.it i:. I.nrgP "in! lVNlilnunblo Atitlloucc Wltitt'Kii u Nplcmlld llcircutn- - lion of tin, Ooinel. Tlio Oponv llouso was well filled ou ibo occasion of the sec- ond appearanco of tho Frawley Company last night, nearly ovory Boat in tho lowor portion of tho house boing tnkuii while the up- per part of the building was fairly woll fillod. Last night's performance show- ed conclusively what tho Bulle- tin said after tho first: that tho company was ono of general ex- cellence. It is seldom ono soes a play in which all tho characters, oven to tho least importaut, aro well taken, but this seems to bo tho rulo with tho company with which Mr. Frawley is identified. Take, for instance, tho two parts of tho Count nnd Countcs Von Darmstadt, taken by Mr. Wilson Euos and Minn Lansing Rowau, in last night's pioco. These characters have nothing to do but to show themselvos in au opou doorway without uttering a word, yet thoy woro as carefully made up and dressed as though they wero to bo on tho Btage all tho ovoniug, aud tho expression of aristocratic horror ond disgust on their faces at tho mention of a Chicago pork butc her was capital though but momentary. Tho sumo may bo said of tho two waiters; they havo littlo to do but thoy mode the most of that littlo and did it in a natural and easy way which Bhows tho conscien- tious and careful actor. It is to this careful attontion to minor details tbat tho Frawley Company owo much of tho success they gained in their long engagement at tho Columbia theater in San Francisco, and thoy will lo-- nothing by it here, for Honolulu audiences aro much iuoro cold and critical than those of tho Bay City. In last night's comedy, tho plot of which has already been given in these columns, tho honors of the evening must bo accorded to Harry Carson Clarko for his ex celleut rendition of Thomas Fos- ter, tho CDicngo pork-packe- r. Ho repoatcd to a greater extent his success of tho previous evening and kept tho oudienco in o roar of laughtor all tho time. It was a finished production of a homely character nnd it was the perfec- tion of naturalness. And yet wo oro told that this is nothing to what ho has in storo for us in futnro productions! Ab Captain Von Vinck, Mr. Frank Worthing shared the plaudits of tho audiouco with Mr. Clarko. Ho is a clovor actor, and his every word aud gesture show- ed it. In tho 6cono whoro ho bor- rows a thousand from the pork butcher and again where ho makes love to tho pretty widow ho was seen at his best. As tho Gorman baron whoso veneration for his long lino of ancestors amounts almost to wor- ship Mr. Arbucklo shone to bet- tor advantage than in "The Wife;" indeed, in tho opinion of many tho company would havo dono bettor to havo opened with last night'B comedy. His pom- pous voice and niaunor and simu- lated pain iu tho heart under ex- citomont wero Bplondid bits of character representation aud woro novor laid aside for a moment. Mr. Frawloy as tho baron's son again had a socondary part iu which ho maintained his reputa- tion for caroful acting. Liko Mr. Clarke, it is probable Mr. Fraw- loy has some surprises in storo for tho public in which moro scope will bo afforded his talent. Miss Blanche Batos as tho prot-t- Chicago widow captured the audiouco by her beauty aud winr ning ways trom tho start and she mado tho most of a character in which sho could "'"' 1 hardly bo seen at hor best, which calls for a bettor chanco to dis- play emotion. Miss Hope Ross scored another succoss as the pork pocker'rf hoiross and is becoming a general favorite, whilo Miss Plioa McAl- lister mado the most of tho part of tho baroness. At tho conclusion of the third act the company was repeatedly called before tho curtain in on-sw- or to continued applause. Most of those present last night wero nt the previoiu prtiiiumv In Mrs. Irwin's paity wero the two Misses Atkinson, Miss Parker, MarshaLBrowu, Mr. Willis and others. With Mrs. Wildor wero Miss Helen Wilder, Miss Harriot Wilder, Mr. nuil Mro. V. W. Man- - forlane and Gerritt Wilder. Dr. Murruy and a party of friends ono of tho uppor boxes. Commissioner Howes was in his usual seat ot tho left of the drcsn circle. VntY KOL'GII l'ASSAUn. Ilciivy Scan Do Much Dnmncc ih Clio nionnnnl. Dr. George II. Huddy, who returned homo in tho Mono-wa- i, furiushes tho Bulle- tin with tho following account of what was ouo of tho roughest experiences mot by that vessel: "Tho Mouowai loft San Francis- co Thursday, Novombor 12th, at 2:30 p. iu., with a largo passongor list. Dropped pilot at 4:15 and passed tho Farralones at 5:15 p. m., steaming under most favorablo weather. Had fine sailing until Saturday when sho met a storm, the roughest in all hor experionco out of 'Frisco, ami about 4 p.m. sho shipped two tremendous seas which caused commotion and ex- citement among passeugors and crow. There was damago doue to tho forward dock by tho forco of tho sea. 'Ono of threo boilers, each woighiug four aud half tons, ond which wero deck freight for Auckland, woa washedjiver-boar- d and considerable other damage was dono. Tho quarters of tlio Captain and officers wero deluged by tho water, which also flooded tho steerage department. Tho Btoamcr woe put under half speed for thirty-si- x hours, weather moderating Monday tho ICth. Tho ship's olliceis detorvo special piaise for their prompt attention to all matters, both in regard to comfort of passungei8 and ship's damages. "This is tho Monowai's first misfortuno during her long ond most successful run on this routo. Sho makes ono more trip, when she will bo roploced by o larger and fastor steamer. Tho Mono-w- oi will bo missed by thoso who havo had tho good fortune to travel by her, with all her goutlo-manl- y officers, nnd it is hoped that wo will seo tho same Bot of gentlemen in command of tho next steamor. They havo bocotno favorites with tho travoling publio aud thereby ever coutinuo tbo po- pularity of the men aud boats of tho U. S. S. Co. of Now Zealand. Long and proBporous career to tho good old ship Monowai." At TIioiiiu Square. Tho Hawaiian bond, Professor Borgor leading, will render tho following musio at the Hawaiian hotel this evening, conunoncing ol7:30: PART I. March Uersagllcrl EUcnlicr Ovt.rtiiro-Lij;- lit Ciunlry Uuppu Iii'tnltilircnvts of All Niitlons Doillrcy Miilkul Wnlylo, 1'i'u l.lko Leluii, Muul no o UOl. PART II. Hlack Iirl,rado Brjor (larottu -- Welcome Kliia Waltz Tliu ayren Wuldtcufel Polka A Good Kiss Coote Hum all Co no I. ThiicU-ii- i ueconl llrolteu. London, Eug., Nov. 10. At tho Crystal Palace today tho tandem bicycle record for half a milo was broken by McGregor und Nolson, who rodo tho distance iu 57 seo-oud- s. San Franoisco pooplo aro alarmed at tho prevalence of diphthoria in that city. ! I $ ? it I ''I

I1VM W-'- - ,1M ,T JIB ! M TTT vtoiv7 WyrV W( -- i K ......recontly rejected a proposal by tho three groat powers to partition China. Ho also said that tho al-leged recent ir.rpoetion

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    TS1""' nw yrn "jfff-yiiW- """ 1BC"W'I1VM niVTFJIHUVTV ,1'T ,1M ,T JIB "! "- TTT tttW'" v.,'"nV JIK3S "W-'- - . M ? WyrV - W( t --,"r Xrpf .' i A i jvti of vtoiv7l I UV1 -.i.--eo$$frvj,9eo4eo$o ISSOwr

    Zks Advertising Medium. T 7?.p T,V, 7r. II jv ZW fcarf Me Bullet, n EYCNING BULLETIN O eveningr- rapcr- . ruunsueat f a V PI jw ZW GW fZZ. News. on the Hawaiian Islands.I Reaches ALL the Teople. Subscrihtion yic. a month.$M4MMMMWHMMMM4tMttV X"t.??9,-rc-ess',-7c-oe4ooo6 3


    Vol. II. No. 4G4. HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1896. Piuok 5 Cents.'



    -- lV


    THE EVENING BULLETIN.Published ovory doy except Sundny at

    210 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.SUHSCMPTION 11ATES.

    Per Month, nnywhoro in the Ha-waiian Islands C Ti

    Per Year. 1Por Year, postpaid to Amoricn,

    Canada, or Mexico 10 00Por Year, postpaid, uihor Foreign

    Countnoa 13 00l'aynblo Invarlublv In Atlvnuco.

    Telephone 250. P. O. Box 89.B. L. FINNEY, Manager.

    Is the source of good health.

    Ayer's SarsaparillaMakos Puro Blood,Strengthens tho Norvos,Shapons tho Appetite,Romovos that Tirod Fooling,and Makes Life Vorth Living.


    generaldebility, skindiseases, orany other ail-ment driftingfrom Impiuoblood, shouldt;il:o

    AYER'S$ .. i) btl uv i So kJhGotCja vCo!u 'Idils at Vm. V.'c.M'j Great xpu;r.&.

    I,7rn,,.vr') f i'.i ni!.u;t itlnin. 'XIiciiiinio Ayor'c Sin-.ij- i i.ltlii

    Ilii' wuipinr, iiikI H blown intlio 1um of UlU.ll liottlu.

    Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.Bole Affouts for tho Republic of Hawaii.

    Lawn lowers


    Quick Cutting,

    Light and Serviceable.


    Moderate Prices

    Castle & Cooke

    (Iilmlted.-- )

    A.&' 'Ap mmmjoit ji' "& iain'



    Orl'ln Aji'iroxflilMs In C'lilmn Con- -lllct - 1'rniiiUrn of Iti'firm ly

    I irk-- j oilier Mt'm- -.

    ISITI II MrtTI.H,Yalp will adopt tho EuglfebJ- -

    rigged shell but not tlio Englishstroke.

    International bimetallism isfavored by tho Fanners' Congressin session nt Indianapolis.

    Richard Pilkio bas given up ajob as laborer on the Eire canal,on account of falling he'ir to pro-perty in Michigan worth 82,000,-00- 0.

    Thoro is no trutb in tho reporttbat the Pope bad summonedArcbbiBbop Ireland to Romo toanswer for bis manifesto againstBryant.

    Senator Sherman believes arovenuo tariff measure can bepassed. Ho says until Kentuckyand North Carolina elect Senatorsit will ho impossible to say whichside will liuvo u majoiity in theSenate.


    Major OonorDl Miles, command-ing the army, in his repoitro-commend- s

    tho renewal of postbuildings in tho Indian country.Ho attributes the recent freedomfrom ouMiroiks to the better treat-ment of tholndiaus by tho Gov-ernment, and their being impress-ed with the power of tho army topunish thoni. Tho commanderalso urges appiopriations for thefortification of Pacific and Gulfports.

    Governor Mitchell of Floridahas called a convention to discussmethods for tho proper defensoof Southern harbors.


    Now York, Nov. 11. ControllerFitoh, by tlio direction of tho othor members of the Sinking FundCommission, today awarded thoentire issue of $10,010,590 of citybomlB, for which bids wore open-ed Monday, to Vermily fc Co. at8101.71, a total premium of 8755.- -701.

    miioi'i:.Walter M. Castle and wifo wore

    to sail for tho United States intho steamer St. Louis on Satur-day.


    Tho plastor cast of Macmon-uio- s'fumous statuo of a Bae-chaut- e,

    mado for tho Luxemburggallery in Paris on a smallerscalo than the ono for tho BostonLibrary, Mas smashed to atomswhile being trucked to tbo foun-dry in Paris. Macmonnies wasprostrated by tbo accidont and didnot go near his studio again fornine days. Tho destruction oftbo cast will mako it necessary tosend tho original back to Franco,otherwise the Luxemburg willhave to go without tho sculptor'smasterpiece Tho original Btatuois that which tho trustees of thoBoston Library rejected, but thopeople of Boston showed so greatdisapproval of this action that tbotrustees, at their next mooting, arelikely to decide for receiving thoBlatue.

    IIIi:U LA.MIS,

    Tin oro identical with tho Corn-wall artiolo has boon discoveredin Britifab Columbia.

    OrderB have been received atVictoria for tbo Dominion Gov-ernment steamer Quadra to pro-ceed north and put a stop to fish-ing by Amoricau halibut soboon-or- s

    on ibo bank within tho threemile limit in tbo vicinity of thenortheast end of Vancouver ialand and southern ond ofQueen Cbarlotto island.


    A dispatch from Bombay saysin eleven districts of Deccan andCoucan a million and a quarterpeople are bolioved to bo on thovorgo of starvation. Itiots haveoccurred at Shalmbad and Kazod.

    Prince Obelonski, a St. Peters

    V - . . .rwp "'!' ' HftWi g j

    burg dispatch says, is advocatingtbo export of coreals to India torelievo tho famine. Ho declarestherois a surplus in Russin, andbIio could undersoil Californiawheat at Bombay.

    In this connection Sir N. 1.O'Connor, British Embassador atSt. Petersburg, recently visitedOdessa. Tho Russian newspapersaro making warm appoals to thepooplo of Russia to contributefunds for tbo roliof of tho fa initiosufferers in India.


    Bogota, Colombia, Novembor11. M Mange, formorly director-genera- l

    of tho Panama CanalCompany, arrived heio Tuesday.I understand ho comes to occupytho position of dirootor of worksin tho new canal company. Horendered good sorvico formerlyand is au ediciont engineer.

    Tho steamor Casllo Eden isshortly expected from Colon with800 Africun laborers from SiorraLeone for tho canal. Their puywill bo 80 cents, Colombian cur-rency, per day.


    Constantinople, Nov.ll. Whilocounseling American missionariesto remain at their post in Anatolia,Minister Terrell has induced theremoval of the children of mission-aries to places of safety.

    The official summary of reformsto bo put into execution by thoTurkish Government in accordanco with its promise to tho powors has been published, aud it iBannounced that tho provincial au-thorities have received iusti notionsto execute thoni immediately.


    London, Nov.ll. In thecoursoof a speech at Enfield last ovon-iu- g

    Sir Charles Dilke, the woll-know- nauthority on international

    politics, said that England hadrecontly rejected a proposal bytho three groat powers to partitionChina. Ho also said that tho al-leged recent ir.rpoetion of thfort of the Dardanelles by a Rus-sian general was by order of theRussian Government, and that,thorofore, it was possible thatRussia would regard a Biitish at-tack ou the Dardanelles as a casusbelli.



    Details of tho taking of Guaya-mar- ohavo been verified, aud the

    Spanish defeat thoro, whilo thocontending forces woro not large,is of tho greatest importance, asono of its direct results wus Gen-eral Weylor'8 taking tho field inperson. This was causoil throughpopular excitomont in Madridovor the nows that tho insurgentshad bosioged and captured Guaya-mar- o

    with artillory.Spanish journalists from Mad-

    rid in Havana are very bitteragainst Gonorol Woyler. Thoyaccuse him not only of maintain-ing an d and senselesscensorship, but also of discrimin-ating for and against certain jour-nals.

    It is said from Washington thattho administration has no inten-tion of immediato interference inCuba. Tho situation is thorough-ly understood in Washington, andtho President regards it as far toociitieal to wan ant any action bythe United States at this time.

    That military oporaiious nowactively begun will result inbringing matters to such astngo asto demand eithor recognition of thoinBurgonts in somo form, or inter-vention in tho interests of human-ity aud tho coraraorco of thoworld, tho authorities regard asabsolutely certain. It may alBobo stated tbat thoy aro lookingforward to tho winter's campaignin Cuba with no littlo concern.In viow of tho expectation of acrisis, Cuban affairs will form tholast chapter of tho President'smessage.



    London, November 11. ThoBtatemont published in tho news-papers hero thac British arbitra-tors in tho Venezuelan disputewill bo appointed by tho Lord

    fe;frm ; ' --- 7i v. trA,.

    Chief Justice, Baron Russell ofKi llo won, has excited great inter-est in and about tho law courtsaud elsewhere ond thoro is muchspeculation regarding tbo prob- -

    ' uoie enoiuo ot Jjoru Jtuaseii.Sir Frank Lockwood, Q. C.,who

    accompanied Lord Russell on hisretvn t visit to America, in an intorview on the subject, &aid: "Theresult is ouo to gratify everyEnglishman, particularly a itwas reached without saenfico ofprinciples on oitlw-- i side. It is,liowoicr, no uiiipriso to moor to tho other membersof tho party which recentlyvisited tho United States. Woknew befoie leaving this countrythat thoro was n istrouy lAndi'shfeeling in favor of a peaceful set-tlement of tho natter, aud wofound in this that it was recipro-cal. Iain sure that ovory thoughtful Briton has mentally congratu-lated his Government on tho re-sult achieved aud that thoy nolonger contemplate, ovon in theirwildest thoughts, tbo lesponsibili-t- y

    of au approach to warlike inter-ruptions between tho two nations.

    After a Cabinet council bold to-day tho Attoruoy-Gener- al, SirRichard Webster, went to thoColonial Olfico and had a confer-ence with ouo of tho Under Secre-taries, O. A. Ilnrris, who has beenprominently associated with thoVonezuelau question from thoiirat.


    Washington, Novombor 11.Tho report that King Oscar 11 ofSwedoii and Norway had been

    i agreed on as tho fifth aud finalarbitrator in tho ouczuelnn ques

    I lion ami that tho four other arbi-- Itrators would be named by tho

    authorities of the two cnuii-- Itries, two by tho Lord Chief Jus-- Itico of Englaud, and two by the

    ' Chief Justice of tho United Statos,j has beon fully verified fromauthoritative sources.


    I The Westminster Gazctto says:'Tho lojiia stead i of tho UnitedStates which tho Maiquis at firstdenied, is now undisputed, and isaccepted even to tho length ofruling out Vouezuola. Wo wouldmuch ratluir soltlo with tho UnitedStatos, but wo naturally lookto the United Statos to go bail forVouezuola in return. In this as-sertion of tho Monroo doctrino,tho moat satisfactory point of allis tho appended arbitration agreement."

    Tho St. James Gazette askswhotbor tho agreement will notthrow into arbitration "all thosparsoly settled region betweentho Schomburgk lino and tho sottlod territory of Guiana whichLord Kiinborly and tho Marquisof Salisbury declared thoy wouldneror submit to arbitration, andwhich Prosidont Cleveland andSeciotary Olney declared thoyshould, or tho United Stateswould mako them."

    It adds: "If Great Britaindoes submit this issue to arbitra- -tiou it will bo difficult to disprovotho American claim that tho

    Iagreomout is a square backdownon tho part of Groat Britain.That tho arrangomont includes ageneral treaty ol arbitration is anindisputable benefit and the de-cision of tho committoo not to

    President Cleveland'sGovernment of tho most seriousdifficulty of its own oicution."

    Tho Globe welcomes tho agree-ment, "bocauso it releases theAmoricau Government from afalso and dangerous position."Continuing, the Globo sayB: "Iftho Commission reported advorso-l- y

    to Great Britain, it would havoforced President Clovoland to at-tempt tho coercion of Groat Brit-ain or oat tho humblest of humblepio. No ono in this countrywishes to soo tho development oftho Unitod States retarded forhalf a contury, as it would neces-sarily havo dono if tin Govern-ment at Washington had soon fitto enter on so trivial a pretextupon so unequal a contest. Thodecision of tho Commission towithhold its report is an obvious,but offoctivo way out of an awk-ward situation."

    Continued on Jtlh Pmje.

    , ;;' u-- "ffffitlLUr



    I.nrgP "in! lVNlilnunblo AtitllouccWltitt'Kii u Nplcmlld llcircutn- -

    lion of tin, Ooinel.

    Tlio Oponv llouso was wellfilled ou ibo occasion of the sec-ond appearanco of tho FrawleyCompany last night, nearly ovoryBoat in tho lowor portion of thohouse boing tnkuii while the up-per part of the building was fairlywoll fillod.

    Last night's performance show-ed conclusively what tho Bulle-tin said after tho first: that thocompany was ono of general ex-cellence. It is seldom ono soes aplay in which all tho characters,oven to tho least importaut, arowell taken, but this seems to botho rulo with tho company withwhich Mr. Frawley is identified.Take, for instance, tho two partsof tho Count nnd Countcs VonDarmstadt, taken by Mr. WilsonEuos and Minn Lansing Rowau,in last night's pioco. Thesecharacters have nothing to do butto show themselvos in au opoudoorway without uttering a word,yet thoy woro as carefully madeup and dressed as though theywero to bo on tho Btage all thoovoniug, aud tho expression ofaristocratic horror ond disgust ontheir faces at tho mention of aChicago pork butc her was capitalthough but momentary. Thosumo may bo said of tho twowaiters; they havo littlo to do butthoy mode the most of that littloand did it in a natural and easyway which Bhows tho conscien-tious and careful actor. It isto this careful attontion to minordetails tbat tho Frawley Companyowo much of tho success theygained in their long engagementat tho Columbia theater in SanFrancisco, and thoy will lo--nothing by it here, for Honoluluaudiences aro much iuoro coldand critical than those of tho BayCity.

    In last night's comedy, tho plotof which has already been givenin these columns, tho honors ofthe evening must bo accorded toHarry Carson Clarko for his excelleut rendition of Thomas Fos-ter, tho CDicngo pork-packe- r. Horepoatcd to a greater extent hissuccess of tho previous eveningand kept tho oudienco in o roarof laughtor all tho time. It was afinished production of a homelycharacter nnd it was the perfec-tion of naturalness. And yet wooro told that this is nothing towhat ho has in storo for us infutnro productions!

    Ab Captain Von Vinck, Mr.Frank Worthing shared theplaudits of tho audiouco with Mr.Clarko. Ho is a clovor actor, andhis every word aud gesture show-ed it. In tho 6cono whoro ho bor-rows a thousand from the porkbutcher and again where ho makeslove to tho pretty widow ho wasseen at his best.

    As tho Gorman baron whosoveneration for his long lino ofancestors amounts almost to wor-ship Mr. Arbucklo shone to bet-tor advantage than in "TheWife;" indeed, in tho opinion ofmany tho company would havodono bettor to havo opened withlast night'B comedy. His pom-pous voice and niaunor and simu-lated pain iu tho heart under ex-citomont wero Bplondid bits ofcharacter representation aud woronovor laid aside for a moment.

    Mr. Frawloy as tho baron's sonagain had a socondary part iuwhich ho maintained his reputa-tion for caroful acting. Liko Mr.Clarke, it is probable Mr. Fraw-loy has some surprises in storofor tho public in which moroscope will bo afforded his talent.

    Miss Blanche Batos as tho prot-t-Chicago widow captured the

    audiouco by her beauty aud winrning ways trom tho startand she mado tho most of acharacter in which sho could


    hardly bo seen at hor best, whichcalls for a bettor chanco to dis-play emotion.

    Miss Hope Ross scored anothersuccoss as the pork pocker'rfhoiross and is becoming a generalfavorite, whilo Miss Plioa McAl-lister mado the most of tho partof tho baroness.

    At tho conclusion of the thirdact the company was repeatedlycalled before tho curtain in on-sw- or

    to continued applause. Mostof those present last night wero ntthe previoiu prtiiiumv InMrs. Irwin's paity wero the twoMisses Atkinson, Miss Parker,MarshaLBrowu, Mr. Willis andothers. With Mrs. Wildor weroMiss Helen Wilder, Miss HarriotWilder, Mr. nuil Mro. V. W. Man- -forlane and Gerritt Wilder. Dr.Murruy and a party of friends

    ono of tho uppor boxes.Commissioner Howes was in hisusual seat ot tho left of the drcsncircle.

    VntY KOL'GII l'ASSAUn.

    Ilciivy Scan Do Much Dnmncc ihClio nionnnnl.

    Dr. George II. Huddy, whoreturned homo in tho Mono-wa- i,

    furiushes tho Bulle-tin with tho following accountof what was ouo of tho roughestexperiences mot by that vessel:

    "Tho Mouowai loft San Francis-co Thursday, Novombor 12th, at2:30 p. iu., with a largo passongorlist. Dropped pilot at 4:15 andpassed tho Farralones at 5:15 p.m., steaming under most favorabloweather. Had fine sailing untilSaturday when sho met a storm,the roughest in all hor experioncoout of 'Frisco, ami about 4 p.m.sho shipped two tremendous seaswhich caused commotion and ex-citement among passeugors andcrow. There was damago doue totho forward dock by tho forco oftho sea.

    'Ono of threo boilers, eachwoighiug four aud half tons, ondwhich wero deck freightfor Auckland, woa washedjiver-boar- d

    and considerable otherdamage was dono. Tho quartersof tlio Captain and officers werodeluged by tho water, which alsoflooded tho steerage department.Tho Btoamcr woe put under halfspeed for thirty-si- x hours, weathermoderating Monday tho ICth.Tho ship's olliceis detorvospecial piaise for their promptattention to all matters, both inregard to comfort of passungei8and ship's damages.

    "This is tho Monowai's firstmisfortuno during her long ondmost successful run on this routo.Sho makes ono more trip, whenshe will bo roploced by o largerand fastor steamer. Tho Mono-w- oi

    will bo missed by thoso whohavo had tho good fortune totravel by her, with all her goutlo-manl- y

    officers, nnd it is hopedthat wo will seo tho same Bot ofgentlemen in command of thonext steamor. They havo bocotnofavorites with tho travoling publioaud thereby ever coutinuo tbo po-pularity of the men aud boats oftho U. S. S. Co. of Now Zealand.Long and proBporous career to thogood old ship Monowai."

    At TIioiiiu Square.Tho Hawaiian bond, Professor

    Borgor leading, will render thofollowing musio at the Hawaiianhotel this evening, conunoncingol7:30:

    PART I.March Uersagllcrl EUcnlicrOvt.rtiiro-Lij;- lit Ciunlry UuppuIii'tnltilircnvts of All Niitlons DoillrcyMiilkul Wnlylo, 1'i'u l.lko Leluii, Muul no o

    UOl.PART II.

    Hlack Iirl,rado Brjor(larottu -- Welcome KliiaWaltz Tliu ayren WuldtcufelPolka A Good Kiss Coote

    Hum all Co no I.

    ThiicU-ii-i ueconl llrolteu.London, Eug., Nov. 10. At tho

    Crystal Palace today tho tandembicycle record for half a milo wasbroken by McGregor und Nolson,who rodo tho distance iu 57 seo-oud- s.

    San Franoisco pooplo aroalarmed at tho prevalence

    of diphthoria in that city.







  • vr- -






    k: fr(Xbpm Ffs" t 7Wlp5J,$WiB,,'l?$!l FW&WK!MB!KBEP&vit'"'v-ti- ; --: ivszma,--fif

    EVENING BULLETIN, NOVEMBER 20, 1890..wnm wwiuwmi MWroiW



    Ou1.v One lliintlred mill 1'lflj-- Tliou- -' fcrtiid lollira Xcriloil to Onrc fur

    ttio UiiloMiiiiiHen,

    Dr. Ocorgo L. Fitch addresseda communication to tlio Snu Fran-cisco Bonril of UuporviHors on tho10th iiist. on tho subject of! a Gov-crntno- nt

    reservation for tho leuorsof tho country, asking

    in procuring one. Dr. Fitchha8 ovidently mmlo a closo Btuilyof the ruattor, for ho goes into dotails regarding tho number oflopors iu tho country aud thouinunor in which tho disease wasincurred.

    In his introductory rental ks Dr.Fitch wivh the United SIhNh istile ili'in)iiig ground of tho lopornof tlio world, and that thoro arefew States where thero aro nocnaos. JJo cites Iowa, Minnesota,Oregon, Dakota, Washington andNow Moxii'o as iStatos whoro colo-nies of lepers have been gatheredand i&olatod from their fellowinou. Tho fact that they arespread over so great a territory,in his estimation, precludes thocaring for tho outcasts by any onoState or community, and ho ad-vances tho idea Hint thoy shouldbe amply provided for hy tho Na-tional Government.

    His idea is that thoy nhould notbe impiidoued in a penthouse, butshould bo located on a largo tractof lnnd iu some isolated section,whoro thoy could have plenty offree air and room and be "freefrom tho humiliation of boinorwatched, and nlso from tho dangerof communicating tho diseaso tooUiora. Ho BUggpsta that a loca-tion be selected somewhere in thofoothills, tho Pnjaro Valley, forinstance, whoro 2500 ncres of laudcould bo purchased for about $10per acre, or 23,000.

    Tho coat of tho necessary build-ding- sand implomonts ho com-

    putes at 800,000 and tlio oxpeusofor maintenance, outside of whatthe unfortunatos could do forthemsolves, at $05,000, making atotal of 150,000, which ho sayswould be n small sum for thoGovernment to expend for sogreat an object. Ho computestho number of lepers iu tho Statont twenty -- five nnd tho number intho country at 300.

    Dr. Fitch says ho has had con-vocations with Senator White,Congressmen Barham and'Ma-guire- ,

    and nil have promised cooperation in an attempt to inducothe Government to make tho ne-cessary appropriation. Ho alsoenya that Dr. Carter of tho StateBoard of Health of Iowa, whiloon it recent visit to this city, dis-cussed tho matter with him andexpressed a beliof that tho bcIiciuowas not only feasible, but necos-sur-

    Dr. Carter promised to usehis influence with the Nationallegislators of his Stato to gaintho desired end.

    Dr. Fitch requests tho Board ofSupervisors to communicato withtho Supervisors of tho vaiiouscountios in tho Stato, abkiug thornto in tho mattor.

    Mayor Sutro, president of thoBoard of Health, said yesterdaythat ho was heartily in favor ofsuch a movemont, and that ho hadalways niaintainod that tho Gov-ernment was tho proper guardianof tho lepers, sinco tho majoritywere aliens who camo horo to es-cape boing confined in thoir uativocountries.

    As hodirectionGot into

    No RIiiii I h, 111 I ndwho won't boo in which

    his own interests lead,tho right path. Oneu

    to thoyour oyes turn your oarstruth. Seattle Boor is pure, as itia browed of tho finest hops andmalt increasos vitality aidsdigestion builds up wasting tis-sues- rostoros failing nppetitosnnd with all it's tho most deliciousbeor iu Honolulu. On tap oi iubottlon at the Criterion.

    Prami's for Citizons' Guard Cer-tificates mado to order for from10c. oaoh up at King Bros., 110Hotel otreet.

    Moohanics' Homo, oornnr Hotelnnd Nuuttnu streets, Iodine byday, week or month. Toi'j.s: 26and 50 conts por night. 1, nndS1.2G nor wnik.



    r- -.

    Kort Street,

    't, ii ' .. ii a ;uV-'- C J tZ

    ft'T t


    and ... ?Washington Irving said, he supposed a certain hill was called

    " Rattlesnake Hill" because It abounded In butterflies. The" rule of contrary " governs other names. Some bottfos ait:, sup-posedly, labeled " Sarsaparilla " because they are full of . . . well,we don't know what they arc full of, but we know it's not sarsapa-rilla; except, perhaps, enough for a flavor. There's only onemake of sarsaparilla that can be relied on to be all it claims. It'sAycr's. It has no .ecrct to keep. Its formula is open to allphysicians. This formula was examined by the Medical Com-mittee at the World's Tatr with the result that while every othermake of sarsaparilla was excluded from the Fair, Ayer's Sarsapa-rilla was admitted and honored by awards. It was admitted be-cause it was the best sarsaparilla. It received tho medal as thebest. No other sarsaparilla has been so tested or so honored.Good motto for the family as well as the Fair: Admit the best,exclude the rest.

    Any doubt about llf Send for the " Curebook."1 1 kills doubts and curd doubters

    Address) J. C. Aytr Co., Lowell, Ma.

    !J " rmtVTTTfTfTf J

    1 jf gs sLi it1 SaEflO :t

    I; S Hg if

    I v pJ: g 8 3.s O i--t :

    - " I s SET . W .t'

    B CD i ' II" 2- -s g (T 3C towmk Z- - ' m' i so o t


    & c

    Tnko the m.ittcr of cheeseand you will find we have

    about overy brand

    It's a common sort ofthing, is cheese, in a general

    way, but if your'e giving a'dinner as much attention

    should be p:tid to the selection

    of it as to the joint. Here's a

    partial list from which you

    may select a suitable finish to

    your dinner.

    Edam, Holland, Pino Apple,Swiss,

    Mc-nant- a,

    California Extra, Ore-

    gon Cream, Now York Cream,

    Sap Sngo, Nosegay

    Club, New York Snge,


    Neuchatol and Romatour re-

    ceived on ico by each bteamer.These aro of the finest

    grades made and may be re-

    lied upon as boing always fresh.






    523'ARattlesnakes, Butterflies,

    Hollister Drug Co., Agents.






    Parmesian, Roquefort,

    Gorgonzola, Cavombort,

    Limburger,Kro-nenkas- e,


    Lewis Co.,GROCPJRS.,


    3 "ysLOOIf you aro thinking of getting a

    BioYOLn, now is tho timo to getono whilo they last. This ou"or ofEASiBLnts at S7G.00 is not a cut inprice, go don't wait expecting toseo tho price como any lower. Woaro offering 1895 wheols at thisprice and thero aro but a fow loft.Thin wheel is fitted with tho

    Great G--. & .T. Tirewhich haB proven so satisfactoryin this land of tho

    Kin.we ThornWo also have a Btock of tho 189G

    wheels both ladies and gents whichwo aro offering at a low figure andon caBy terms. Como in and havea look at our wheols nnd satisfyyourself that we aro in tho BicycleBusiness.

    An InvestmentStop and think how many Nick-le- s

    nnd Dimes you might Bavohad you a wheel. A rido to Wai-kik- i

    is not ouly a ploaBuro but asuro saving of health nnd strength.You will iiud now vigor by tliousoof muscles novor before broughtinto ubo.



    E. 0. Hall & Son

    For Sale !For the iioxt 30 days I will offer for Halo

    my Coffeo Estate iu Olaa, Hawaii. ThisProporty consists of 200 Acres, all suitableto tho raising of Coffee.

    107 Acres are cleared and planted,105 Acres to coffeo containing 85,000 trees.52 Acres of which beiuR planted nearly a

    year.53 Acres of which is moiereeentlyplantod.2 Aoros is planted to lawn, garden and

    fruit trees.Tho Buildings, 1 Dwelling House, Japa-nes- e

    IIouso, Ohioken Uouso, Corn Houho,Cow 8tablu and Pig Tens.tS" Tho Property is Bitmitod at 18wiles on Volcuno load. A Rood road leud-iu- g

    to tho place, title good and terms to suit.PAYSUN CALDWELL,

    400 Ira Olaa, Hawaii.

    L. C ABLES,

    Real tetato aud General Business Agent

    207 Merchant Street.

    13U. .ftirsr p.157-l-

    o. no uto.





    PortraitHVamod Complete


    Qno Jtaon Photos of the Sitter

    Onlv Slo.OOCF"Is tho LATEST OJTTJt wo have

    to mukc.

    J.J.WILLIAMSPortrait and LandscapeFolograplier.

    KORT STRICFr.John, Mii9

    Importers nnd Dealers in

    Steel and Iron Ranges,STOVES, AGATEWARE.

    DIMOND BLOCK.121 tc 123 King Streot.


    My S10.00 Bath Tubs, lined with bestquality, No. 10 rinc, 0 iu. Pipe, (Jhaiu andl'lug, with wood tim all complete. Othoidealers nro dnmfoundod, and resort to allmanner of Tricks and Kicnbcs.

    15o not deceivod, these Bath Tubs havebeen sold for $14 until I reduced the price.

    I am prcnurod to do nil work in mv lineand guaranUo satisfaction: Estimates fur-nished.

    If you want a good Job cheap for Cash,ring up ueiopnono 044, ana l am yourmam

    JAB. NOTT Jb,Tinsmith .t Plnmbor

    W. C. ACHI & CO.,Brokers & Dealers

    REAL ESTATEE3T Wo will Buy or 8ell Ileal Estate iu

    all parts of tho gioup,I.y Wo will Sell PropoitioHouIteasou-abl- o


    OFFICE, 10 West King Street

    Puunui Tract !S150 00

    A Lot 50 feet by ioo feetOn the Instalment Plan aud 10 Percent

    Discount for Cath.W Apply to

    JAS. F. MORGAN,Auctioneer.

    Or W. 0. AOUI. Ileal Estate Broker.Soptember 21, 1890. 412-- tf

    Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car lino nnd on A

    KOAD neur FertilizingPlant,

    These lots aro Very Cheap nnd Soldon Easy Terms.

    Desirable- Aoro Traots near the city andother Properties for sale.

    BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Deolora in Lota and Lands,

    312 Fort Streot, near King.TELErnoNE 607. P. O. Box 821.

    To Let or Lease.THE "lESlDFNOE OF MBS. A. LONG,

    one mile from poatofflco. Largo houso withfurniture. Four bed rooms, parlor, largedining room, pantry, kitohon. bath rooms,hot and cold water, with patent elosots,sorvaut houses, stables, horse paddock,gardon and troes. A charming location.

    Apply to J ALPKED MAGOON.tf Merchant st next PostofHcei

    Investors Attention.Persons desirous of making an invest-

    ment cm purclm-- o a pyiug block of pro-perty fronting on King aud MiuuuUeastreets by calling on


    --m'Mssm 'i:DO YOU LIES CUEET?- -



    Curry Powder as mndo by us is propnred after the OriginalRecipe from the Purest Ingredients.

    w TEY IT ONCJi

    Et II SI527 Fort corner

    mmmmSIS ffrn

    Street, Hotel.


    Prime, Pat and. Juicy.Cold Storage Tuxvkeys,

    Freshly Killed Turkeys

    Come and See ThemENQUIRE OF

    C. W. MACFARLANE,326 and 192. 21 TCAAHUMANTJ ST.

    ED. A. WILLIAMS,(Successor to C. E. Williams, H. H. Williams Co.

    and Williams Bros.

    Pioneer Furniture Warerooms,Established 185

    Pianos for Sale, Hire and Moved. Chairs for Rent

    Undertaker and Embalmer,Tombstones and Monuments.

    ltesidence Night Tel. 815. 510 520 Fort Street. Tol. 179

    PW GOODSr-- THE -,


    City Furniture Store(Corner Fort Berctanta streets.)

    Just received Ex. Bk. Albert c nssortmoutR-12E-

    I PUItNITUjaE.

    J. T., and


    . 'l,3-- M -

    Q I



    oud &


    of and



    H.H. WILLIAMS, (Manager)

    Nickel Silver

    Undertaker and Erubtfmer


    Brass Signs and Electro-Platin- g





    Kd. INGHAM,Sign's of Every Description !

    Gilding on Glass a Snocialty.


    ft. 4Wij.

  • IV.

    P- -

    - J



    Hrtjjlv'imnA-Mfcxmrt- i wwmwwif MWMWHIBItMWiWWIJ HWWWW,IIIIIIW


    l'AKF.I) II V 1111! I'lUNIDKNT.

    Fart of the AdnilnUtrntton'n PnllcrIn to Avoid Contraction or

    tlm Currency.

    New York, N. Y, Nov. 10. AHerald special from Washingtonsays: President Cleveland is con-sidering the financial portions ohis annual inoesnge to Congrrsp,He has boon in consultation withSecretary Carlisle and Postmastor-Qoner- al Wilson regardingtho prospective rovouuos and ox- -ponses of the Government, aswoll as tho reforms that aro noces- -sary to the present monetary Bys-to- m,

    and his last annual messageto Congress will discuss thesematters m detail.

    Tho President Mill, as hereto-fore, recommend the retirement ofthe legal tender notes of tho Gov-ernment, so as to take tho Gov-ornmo- nt

    out of the banking busi-ness and make-- it impossible forBpoculators to drain tho treasuryof gold by moans of an endlosschain of greenbacks and Shermannotes, which must bo reissued nsfast as they aro redoomed.

    In ordor to avoid auy contrac-tion of tho currency it is part ofthe adminintrntion's plan to havotho redemption of legal tendersaccompanied by amendments totho bunking laws, so as to enabletho banks to e a largo volumoof curroncy which they Mill bocompelled to redeem in gold ondoraaud. Whether the Presidentmake any recominendatious re-garding increased revenues is uu-corta-

    but he will thoroughlydiscuss tho revenue situation, andwill doubtloss take occasion topoint out ilmt the priucipal rea-so- u

    for tho failure of tho presenttariff law lo pioduce sufficient rev-enue is that it has boen in opera-tion during a period of great busi-ness depression, M'hen tho conntry was under tho constant threatof a depi eclated currency.

    Although nu effort is to bomado to pass tho JDingley tariffbill through tho Senate at thocoming session, theio is great dif-ference of opinion among Repub-licans ns to tho wisdom of thispolicy. Representative Dalzell ofPennsylvania, ono of the Repub-lican mombers of tho Committeeon Ways mid Moans of tho IIousoof Representatives, who was inWashington yesterday, said hodoubted whethor tho Dingley billcould be pushed through theSoiinto. Dnlzell, who is nu ex-treme protectioniht. favors havingthe Ways and Moans Committeeof tho House take up the tariffquestion at tho approaching ses-sion and go into it with the objectof preparing a general bill whichcan bo practically complete bytho time the new Congress meetseithor in regular or special ses-sion.

    He is strongly in favor of in-corporating tho reciprocity featureof tho McKinloy bill in tho mea-sure, but there will bo consider-nbl- o

    opposition to this from con-servative Republicans, for thoroason that tho tondoncy of thorooiprooity provision was to do-orcase the revenues, and tho tarifflaw enacted by tho uoxt Cougrossmust bo abovo all else a revenue-producin- g


    King Bros, latest consignmentof picture framos has taken thotown by storm. The designs aroologant, and of thohandsomest.

    City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.rado, manager. It you want ahaok with good horso nnd curo--ful driver ring up l'ulophono 113, Jeorner of l'ort and Merchantstreets. Haok nt all hours.

    If you want to frame anythingin tho vory best manuor; if youwant your frame to harmonizowith your pioturo; if you want thobest and most tasteful frame intho market, go to King Bros., 110Hotel street.

    Tho deranud for UniversalStoves and Ranges is daily in-creasing. Tho second invoico hasnearly all boen disposed of and athird is on tho way. Tho superiorquality of tho castings of this fac-tory and tho flno finish of theirgoods has given them tho reputa-tion they onjoy in tho UnitedStates. Thoy aro Hold by thoPacific Hardware Co.


    i v I

    3g -- i - j

    II mtin p T VfrSC. i

    ilTlS aU) Jfa J MI' W?I2J n P .2- - 1K,W1

    Perry Davis'


    is tho Universal Panaceafor all kinds of Aohes andPains. Do not acceptany but tho Genuine. Ifyour dealer does not havoit, call on or address tho

    -:- -

    Company,Solo Agents (or the Islands.

    Gunsoliflatea Sodd Water Co., LIEHpliinade,

    Corner Allen & Fort Sts., Honolulu.

    HOLLISTER &, CO.,Agents.

    C. B. DWIGHTTokos contracts for all kinds of STONE

    WORK, monument work, cement nndstone nidownlks nnd curbing. I havo onhand tho best llawni'iui stouo, Chincdogmuito, oto. Fine stono for monumentalwork. Estimates given nud lowtst pricoaassured. Telephone 833.


    Merchant and Richards Streets.

    J7 Sharpens Tools and Cutting Knives,Grinds Surgical Instruments to Order, FilesSaws, etc., etc. 401-- tf


    No. 45 Queen Street.

    Expert Appraisoinont of RealEatato and Furnituro.


    ITotol St.. npnr Fort. Tel. 302.



    Cor. Fort and Queen Streots, Honolulu.

    M. PHILLIPS & CO.,Wholosalo Importers and Jobbers of

    European and American Dry Goods.

    Fort and Queon Streets.


    Book and Job PrinterMerchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.

    Over Hawaiian News Company'sBook Store. my 13,

    DAVID K. BAKER,IH ovist,

    Nuuauu .Valley, abovo tho llausoloum.

    All ordors given prompt and faithful at.tentlon. No eztru charge for deliveringFlowors to any part of the city; Lois,Mountain Grcona and Carnations a spe-cialty. 265-t- l


    Doalors in Lnmbor nnd Coalnnd Building Matoriala of allkinds.

    Quoon Stroot, Honolulu,

    T. MURATA,

    Jt& Manufacturer OfFor Ladles, Gentlemen, Girls and

    i: NEW BOO


    Holiister Drug


    Mado to A.ny Shape by OrderAlways Stock Great VarietyMODERATE RATES.

    1 18 Nuuanu Street. Sa bS aoa


    MURATA & CO.Are about to receive n biw stock of . , .

    ESEW --- CJB.... Tho vory finest of Sue linos.Look Out For Us! Our Present !ook Will ICe MoldTo ruaku room. Comu in nud investigate.

    Pulomntt.Buniboo wro,uronzo,AND ALL KINDS

    MURATA & CO., 301

    The . . .

    Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

    Cor. Alakea & Halvkanwila Sts.'

    Has u luro HHHorttuent of

    Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

    Constantly on band.EstiniHteu given for honou wir-

    ing and Electrical plants.

    Marino Wiri (; u spooiulty.

    THEO. HOFFMANN",32-t-d Manager.


    next to liiicas' Mill

    Ships' Blacksmithing,Carriage Building

    anil RepairingDrays, Carts and

    Wagon Building




    Carriage Manufactory013 to 021 Fort Street.

    CSapxisLgs BuilderAND KBPAIBEIt.

    Bl&cksmitbing in All Its Brandos,

    W. W. AVUIUHT, Proprietor.(Sncccssor to Q. WobL)

    Real Estate Transactions

    Subscribers are furnished with from fivoto six lists per rcolc, giving an nccuratorecord of nil deeds, mortgngos, leases, re-leases, powors of attorney, etc., etc., whicharo placed on record. Also a list of alldistrict court jhdgmonts.

    Subscription Trice, S'2.00 per Month.

    A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.


    Contractor and Builder.Ofllces and 8torcs fitted np and

    Ketlmatcs given oil


    tsr Ofllco and Ptiop: No. CI!) Kort street,adjoining W. W. Vri(!lit'a Carriage Sliop.

    FRANCIS DUNN,Architect and Superintendent

    G. Office: 305 Fort street,Sprockols' Block, Room 5.Residence: Hawaiian Hotel.

    TOM CHUNG KEE,213 Nuuanu Street.

    Dealer in Ladies' and Gentle-men's Shoes.

    Boots and Shoes to order. I nso tho beitmaterial. Goods warranted towcar well. 142- -





    "7T &5ta,JW?Wi?


    II' W'ILl PAY l'OU.KHICH.Lucquer ware,wopper,


    Nuunnu & 2 Hot.. etroots.

    TJe Yokohama Specie BankLIMITED.

    Subscribed Capital Yon 12,000,000l'aid Dp apital Yen 4.600,000IteservoFund Yon 4,13),000


    BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobo, London, Lyons, New York,

    San Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong.

    Transacts a General Banking and Exchango Business.

    Agoncy Yokohama Spetio Bank

    KiffRnMlC BDlldlng. Ill Ring St, noiOlM

    S. KIMURA,Wholesale Dealer in Japanese

    Wines.Liquors and Provisions, SaM a specialty.

    108 KoknmiAon Htreet. Tolophono 70.1.

    W. W. AhanaMakes Clothing to t'KDElt of thvtry bent materials and in tho veryIntent style. , , ,

    A. Perfect KitGruarantoed



    Cleaning and RtpairiLg a Specialty

    w. w. mm.TLM KLCK,

    MERCHANT TAILORSuits to order. Fit Guaranteed. Flno DuckSuit, $5 up; Fino Tweed Pants, S4.G0 upix'iuo hnlt, S18 np. Clothes cleaned uud rraired. 200 KING STItEET.

    P. O. Box 144

    C T, AKANANo. 324, Nuuanu stroot.

    v MERCHANT TAILOR, vFine Suitings made to order at lowest prlcen145 Clothes cleaned and repaired,

    shtjjst loy3G23J Fort Street, Yeo Siug Tai Building,

    Ladies Dress MakBr.I3T" Fino woik a BpociuHy. AIbo, very

    ilno Undorwoiir mado to order. All workguaranteed. 4 m


    STERER : AND : DEAL-ER : IN ." . . .

    Furniture, Bedding, Etc., EttControotor and Builder.

    No. 80, Nuuanu street.Has on band Coffins, Camphor Trnnkir

    Mattitig, WardrobcH, Denta, MutroisOH.etPjCMT Call in uud inspect goo'lH.

    YEE SING TAI CO.,Contractors?! Builders

    Furnituro Deulora and Painters.


    Fort Street, opposito Club Btabloa.

    Orient Planing Mill,VING FAT & CO.,


    Furniture ot all kinds mado and repairedBuilding Iioubcs and making rice mills spe-cialty. P. O. Box lie, corner King and BethelbtrcetB, 11)

    NOTICE.This is to inform the I'lntitcru

    that I Lilvu mado counoctionawith tho


    OP OSAKA,and that before bucopiiug identifiedwith it, I Imd tho opportunity ofinvestigating the status of scvuritlother concorny. My clioico foilon tho one I now represent, be-ciiu- bo

    of their standing in tho bu-siness community nnd tlioir relia-bility.

    1 am now in n position to sup-ply LABORERS MONTHLY,if desired, on the fullovvitg con-ditions :

    1. PuBsngo money for miilos,?30, and fenmles $20, nnd all exlonsos and hospitulfees.

    2 Whkm, SI2C0 for males;!7.G0 for females per month.

    3. Contraots to bo for threo.years.

    4. Wo refund a pro-ra- ta sumof money for any period of thocontract whioli may remain afterthe dosertion of tho lubnrer.

    Wo havo connections with thoJAPAN MAIL STEAMSHIPCO., cnllirg hoio monthly, theTOYO and NAN YO MARU.u d another lino about to boestablished.

    Followii g are tho persons whocompose tho company :

    GOZO TATENO, ox Ministerto Washington.



    SillMOHI K AG AW A. Prosi- -dout of the T.vonty-seco- nd Na -tionnl limk

    KAl'lNOSUDZU'I, Managerof Okaviiin i limik.

    SEIBE1 FUJI.MOTO.MorchantOf Oiiika.

    YOSHIOSHIAIANUUI, Mer-ch-- iifif tlsaku anil iWwoliang.

    KII'JIRO .MATmUSHIMA.Mningur Y111I7.11 Bunk of Omik.

    Wo solicit our patron if;u. Woguiirnnloo l give nil entire satisfaction, iih wo intvo tin- - most xporienoi'd rooioits of laboiois inJ.ipau in our employ.

    G. E. Boardman,Foreign Agent fur tho Japan Emi-

    gration Company.45-- In)

    SANG YUEN KEE & CO.TijiMnith,

    Dealers In Tinware, etc , Piping Laidand repaltcd.

    R7" Orders solicited; charges very mo-derate.No.llO!) NiiiiiiiutSt.,tdoors,ibovoKingSt.

    FOR . . .IJcst Imported Chinese Tea,


    Fino OhincHO Tour freshly importod. Verylow prices. Go to

    WING TAI LUNO.Ul2 331 Nuuanu street.

    KO YEN KEE & CO.,Plumbers

    and dealers InCROCKERY, GLASSWARE, ETC., ETC.

    Water Pipes, laid and repaired,and plumbing neatly executed.

    13- - No 41. Nuuanu streetCHEONG KEE CO.

    All kinds of tiuwnre, crockery,oto, at lowest prioos. . , .

    141 Nnnann and Hotel streets

    WING WO TAI & CO..214 Nuuanu street,

    Importers and Dealers in

    Jcmrnl --: ifJcrchmitliNC.I'iuo Miiuila Cigars, Chincso and Japa

    neo OfOflkeryware, Mattings, Vases of nilkimH I'aiiipltorwood Trnnks, ItattauChairs. A fino Assortment of Dress Bilks.Choicest brauds of CliiucbO and JapaucsoTeas of latest importation.

    &.&" New Goods by ovory steamer.Mntunl Tel. 2(10 P.O. Box 158

    L. AI1LO,No. 337 Nnnann streot.

    Has just received a now lino ofDRY GOODS, LADIEH AND GENTS


    Agent for tho following rica plantations tWalplo, Waiawa, Wuimalu, Waialua.Kaneohe and Kapolama.W My rico from Kaneoho is marked

    L A and Is guaranteed Al,P.O.Box 114. .... Telephone 109,QUONG SAM KEE & CO.

    Importers and Dealers In

    General Merchandise,J 145-t- f Coruor King and Mannahea Sts.


    The Traveling

    Lawn Sprinkle;Moves UhcH about your Liu. Travelt

    in n Rtrnlclit litio or n circle. Htan.i nntom- -atlcally. Sot for any longth of bo0.

    fjff No sneli Sprinkler Un- - 7er leuplaced 011 tlio malkrt litfote.

    Come and See It.

    LEWERS & COOKE,473 For. Street, - Tclephono 20.

    Commissioner of Deeds--FOR TIIK--

    State of California.Having been appointed and comttiictjoped

    a Commissioner of Deeds for tbn Stale of a,1 am prepared

    To administer and certify oaths.To take and certify depositions and n(liiU-Tit-

    To take and certify the acknowledgment orproof of powers of attorney, mortgagee,transfers, grants, deeds or other Instrumentsor record.

    A. V. GEAR,Telephone 336. 210 King Street.

    David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

    BOO Morelwint Street.FOR SALE and TO LET.

    House on School street, near bridge; con-venient, good yard, 7 rooms.

    Hoiiho 011 Ydiiiig street; imrlor, 2 bed-rooms, liilclicn, imntry, patent cliiset, etc.

    Lot opposito Luiiublo Homo; healthy andflno location

    Furnitdied lloouis; Proptrty in all partsof tho cily.

    Henry Davis,320 Fort street, near Merchant.

    Merchandise Broker,Commission Aqhnt,

    Cnstom Honsc Broker and Statistician


    General Business Agent.

    rrL7A7PrJERS0riCustom House Broker

    USTotarv -- :- iPublic,Genera Business Agent.

    Collections carcfnlly attended to.

    312 FORT STREET.

    W. H. KICKARD,General Business AgentWill nttond to Couvoynucing in

    all its BrrrachoB, Collectingand all Business Matters

    of trust.

    All Business entrusted lo himwill receive Prompt nnd CarefulAttention. Office:

    Hcnokaa, Hamakua, Hawaii

    A New Abstraot Office.

    As a result of 15 yenr's oxpori-onc- oin tho Abstract Business, I

    am proparod to mako Abstracts oTitle in a most thorough, nccuratoand complete mnnnor, nnd onshort notice.

    P. W. Makinhey.In W. O. Smith's Office, 318

    Fort Street. 215-t-f


    Mercantile Agency210 King Btrootj

    Difficult Collections a Specialty

    JAS. N. K KEOLA,TYPr.wniTcn, Copvibt, Thansla--

    tor (Euglish nnd Hawaiian)and GoLLEOTon.

    I R7" Office with J. Q. WQOD. t25-U;fl



    ".11- -f' iat . if, . - itii'.

    j a.

    . VI-




  • ' .' .fiwfnffpfw j?w,i,iTTw?FVr ; fLttf







    iy I- -


    Stye Eveii9 Bulletin

    DANIEL LOGAN, Elhtov.'

    F1UDAY, NOV. 20, 18..


    Lynloutly tho Umtod btatoa ad- -ministration is thoroughly con- -vmeed that tho Cuban struggle i?oloso upon ('e'iivo lodull-- .Whether tho issuo is likely to botho winning of recognition throughyi :tory by the iuBurgontB or thoirboing placed in tho position ofconquered people requiring pro-tection from inordinate vengoaucois tho question. At all events, thoaffair is on the border of bucIi acrisis that nitorloronco at tinsjuncture by tho United Stateswould bo impolitic.

    King Odcnr of Sweden, as thefifth Venezuela arbitrator, willhavo tho deciding voice ou allpoints whereon tho olhor fourwill divide upon national lines.The Opinion of (lio JJliglicdi prennou tho arbitration, given in thispiper, innko very interesting readitig. This court of arbitrationwill be one of tho most importantinternational tribunals of thoclosing century.

    Indications are very strong thatthere- will bo no tariff legislationtho coming session of Congress.It is vnry doubtful, ovon, if thofirst Congress under MuKinloy'tsadministration wi'l have enoughRepublican strength in the Senateto effect any radical ehaoge intho tariff.

    There is a prospect of a chasingdown of bieyolo racing recordsfor many years, nimilar to tLooiso of horso racing for tho paf-- tquarter of a century. Every mailfrom abroad, nearly, has a list ofwheo' records broken.

    A national asylum for lepers iswhat tho United States shouldhave, and it is to be hoped thomovement started for that purposein California will bo speedily suc-cessful.

    Every civilized country in theworld might send somo relief forthe starviug pooplo of India.

    I.AIf.ST InliHKiN m:vs.

    Continued from IhI Page.

    Tho Globe then proceeds to crit-icise the composition of the tribu-nal, and iu this connection refersto tho fact that Vonozuola is notrepresented "in spite of LordSalisbury's early assertion thatthe question nt issuo ouly concern-ed tho United Kingdom and Ven-ezuela." It concludes by refusingto concede tho arrangement as aprecedent, Baying that tho Britishpeople l,are not ready to rocoguizoMonroeism ns an internationallaw."

    Tho Staudnrd Couftorvntivo,iu a somewhat pessimistic editor-ial on tho Vouezuolau settlementconsiders that a sixty years limitof occupation to insure title woulddisplace virtually all of the" Brit-ish settlors, except tho aboriginesunder British rule. "Porhaps,however," adds tho Standard,"full details would throw a bettorlight on tho subject, and in tholast cauo wo can appeal to historyto prove Dutch and British occu-pnuo-

    before Venezuela existed."AMERICAN 8QUADKON I'OIt VENE-


    Washington, D. 0 , Nov. 11.Admiral Bunco's squadron will goto Venozuola in a few weeks, un-less a radical departure is madointho plans perfected at tho NavyDepartment today, when tho ad-miral came down from New YorkiiiHior summons of his superiorsutid devoted tho entire day to adibcu'.sion of the complox condi-tions that ii ro understood to be

    horn the cruise. Theobjeet of Admiral Buceo's noworders iu declaied to bo withoutany significance in the foreiguaffairs of tlio United States, butrelates altogether to tho neeossi-tie- s

    of effective administration.Admiral Bunco, sia well ad all

    naval officials, has eontinuallyurged the necessity ot keeping upthe drills at sea, but thooo require

    j a base of operations free from icoj and unsy of access, in which t ho

    whole iloet cun anchor withoutII crowding nnd whore cotil is cheapj and good food abundant. The.Gulf of Mosico offors tho mostadmirable theater for such winteroporatious, but tho authoritiesimvo U,roed tlmt ou ft00OUIlt 0f itrtnearness to Cuba tho presonce ofso laro a forco in the gulf wouldcertainly bo misinterpreted ot.Madrid.

    SOU I'll Al'ltKJV.



    London, November 11. A spci:il disputon from J.ihanuistiurgsiys th.it tho Government of t oTransvaal Republic I deeded

    j , pt in a cllllm fov xl.OOO 000indemnity iimm-- tin BritishChnrteral South Africa Company,aB one of tho results of tho raidof Dr. J.imopon nnd his followersint i llio toiritorv of tin- - Tntnsv.ul.

    At the meot.ng to daVof tho Con-ohd.it- G 'd F.oldaCompany. John Unys Hammond,tho Amencan miu ni engineer,who was iu uhnrgo of tho workst il... muoof IIib at

    "".Tfitit. ti iinlinrrr.. ..., Mtwl vt'ln. iviu rmudoomed to dfii 111, and subsequent-ly reprieved and hts.ivi'y fi icd, as

    no of tho mimbors of the f.uneusReform Committee, presented ;.nxhiiustivo roport on dix-p-lev- . 1

    mining. It was r. colvcl withmo it fivor, and Sir. Hammondwas voted the thanks of tho com-pany. Tho mooting w.is lurgo'yuttonded and enthusiastic.

    At tho cIoho of the meeting Mr.Hammond was int") vn-- d r. g ud-in- g

    too pr.ispeots of Wo.ith Africi.Ho said:

    "Tlio prospfiits iti South Africiwore nover brig'ilor. Tiio rtoontdepiction in pr.ces ws caused bya scarcity of monoy, ;nd everyonewas oblged to soil good seouritios,but the outlook now is good.Thoro has boon a largo gold out-put.

    'Tho repoit tln.t I'roHidentKruegcr will cancel tho claimsheld by the company is untruo.It was only a hour movement."


    Principal HIur!:lntoli tind DiiiiiiinHave l)inr'iiciH r Opinion.

    At the the Board ofEducation ytstorday aftornoon,the work of the previous moetingin regird to the Praotiotl Schoolwas undone and it was finally do-oid-

    to fill tho Bohool with Imvoand girls from any of tho othorschools, the selncti hh to be madeby Deputy-Inspector Scott. Thisaction was reuderod mcossarv bya decided d ftoivnco between Prin-cipals Mackintosh and Dumas.The former tent the latter liftypupils from the lower grudos oftho Royal School, about half ofwhom Mr. Damns refused toaccopt. Owing to this differencebetween tho two priuoumls thematter has been tiken out of tlu-i- rhand ontirely.

    A certificate to ttach was grant-ed to E. Farmer and tho resigna-tion of Miss Grnoe F. Porter, atonohor iu the flilo School, wuuaccepted.

    Appliciitinns for positions wororpceiv(d from scvori.l tonohors,among them C. D. Pringle, formerly of Uanujiope, who is making afight fur reinstatement.

    Tho Bum of 50 was appro-printe- dto furnish blinds lor tho

    Maemuo School.

    Central Union Nocliil.

    The attendance was limited attho regular monthly social of thoCentral Union Church laet evening. Tho program consisted of apiano solo by Miss Parmolee, arecitatiou by A. L. Morris, violinsolo by Miss Nora Sturgeon andBong by Miss Hammond,

    woro sorved as usual.

    More people than usually go tothe Colonies from horo in onoBteiimer loft in the Monowai saloontoday.

    Excursion $ DunceTO-NIGH- T

    AT KEMOND GROVE.Tlcketn Shmlo f soJ.udy uuil Oent 3 OU

    The abovulncludus refreshment.Tmln leuvea ut 7:30 bhar). . .



    EVEN INQ BULLETIN,ltwaw rU"t!4M toiwm j

    T imeivI) opj35


    Do you know a virood thingwhen you see it? Some peo-ple do and some don't, butthose who tumbie to it are

    ' bound to get ahead in the racee

    "" Wealth. We CM put yOUoil to a thing" Of tWO. .Ills!


    ll0W XNe Winr 0U t0

    ir- vnnn unnorA TREAT.

    Remember he is your bestfriend and if you treat himwell and feed him well, he willdo more work and better work,besides looking as a nobleequine ought to look.



    will work a complete metamor-phosis in the condition andthe appearance of your horse.It is a circular shaped vessel,made of cold rolled steel, finely galvanized, with a AhlleableIron Side Rod, each box fur-nished complete with a Japan-ned Wrought Iron Holder,Plate and Screws. This feedbox has the advantage thatyou can put it up anywhere inthe stall or box, does not wastea particle of the feed, willalways be sweet and clean,and is especially desirablewhere a horse is inclined to



    It saves feed bills at a rateof from 2$ to 30 per cent.Saves Doctor's bills by preventing indigestion, colic andstomach troubles. Saves host-ler's time, trouble and vexation.It pays for itself in a few weeks,and no Stable is completewithout it. They come in 3sizes, capacity 6. 8 and 10quarts, and the price is withinthe reach of everybody own-ing a horse. We vould es-pecially call the attention ofmanagers of Livery Stables tothis new device. It will oavyou the trouble to come andinspect them.



    Hawaiian Hardware Co.LIMITED,

    Opposite Sprookola' Bank,

    NO. 307 FORT STREET.

    NOVEMBER 20, 18.

    II Yqzc Ava iit1 Need qf aI Time Piece . .

    You cannot niako up yourEj mind what kind to yet; it both

    ers you, because every one hasan opinion of his own as to tho

    j bost make. Let us BUggestg something to you.

    g Vhon a watch is backed by aj responsiblo house, monoy back-p- i

    ed, so guaranteed that if thoj slightest defect is found, your

    h money is returned, or anotherja watch is given in place, shouldg you worry as to tho kind to got?

    A watch is made to keepa time, tho ono coining the near- -

    J est to boiiui; correct is tho onoftl tvtnnf l f inn f f ftfa lirtf

    H if it cost Ton Dollars or aW iluudred.f Tho matter of expousivo

    nimoa ifl loft nntirolv to vnnrra taste and tho length of your


    As Agonts for tho highgrade "Elpin" and tho mediumpriced " Waterhury" both makesof which thoro is an ondlcssvariety, we are enabled to offeran unusually large assortmentof complete watches, and ntprices far below former rales.

    Guaranteed Watches

    From $3,00 Up.

    All made to run, nndruu well.

    i jti. si. w lonman

    rz'nt 01Wi LIU4'i 0 I

    A aliip load of Agatewarewould bo a big lot for onesloro oven in tho UnitedStates; it's a big lot for Hono-lulu and more than wo receiv-ed, but what wo did get ontwo sailing vessels would as-toni-

    the people if they sawan tno arucit'S in one pile.Our stock rf Agateware isselected from "firsts" not"Seconds;" the quality is thobest that can bo made and wesell it at tho piece you used topay for tho second qualitj'.This means a saving of 33per cent, because the life of ufirst-cla- ss price of Agatowareis a third longor than ono ofthe second class.

    When buying for tho holi-day season there is morepleasure iu receiving a usefulpresent than in a bauble.Every housewife loves goodChina and there is nothingmore beautiful than a set ofHaviluud. Wo have a com-plete stock of this ware andsell it in full sets or singlepioces so that if you want tofill up a set that has beenbroken or purchase a dozenplates or a course sot jrou canbe accommodated.



    Queon Street.


    Tlint'3 nil wo havo to talk about. Wo lmvo SportingShoes mado by specialists; Dress Shoes, Slippers andBoots for Ladies and Gentlemen designed by artists.Shoes that fit mako pretty feet, all wo need caro foris to keep at tho hentl of the procession and this woaro doing most magnificently by soiling as goodshoes as any body else, and selling them for tlio mostpart at lower prices than the othor fellows.

    The Shoe Go.,j" Exohasive Shoe Dealers 3J

    The Original mbbsw

    Ss Clays

    Opening Day,

    SATURDAY, NOV. 28lli

    At 9 o'clock a. m .

    Wait For It

    Yju WH Save KoRey I

    The Largest Stock


    The Lowest Prices


    Santa 8vyXtULlFrencijiery.- -

    I J) CJ

    (i The Original.

    Wall, Nichols Co.,

    113 KING STREET.

    Take an Outing



    TruiiiH will leave vt 9:15 a. m,nndl:4fjr. M., arriving in Hono-lulu at 3:11 nnd 5:fi5 p. M.


    Pearl Oity $ 75 50Ewa Plantation... 1 00 75Wniauno 1 50 1 25





    WW. DIMOND'SA wrinkle, now to Hono-

    lulu, is old blue chinn. It hasbeen tho rago in the UnitedStates for six months past,and in Europe for as manymonths before. It's tho sortyour great grandmothers andtheir children used; exceptthat modern methods of manu-facture and decorating onablotho potters to mako tho piecesthinner and the decorationsfiner.

    Thoso people who wantsomething finer than mnv bohad in Delft, can bo accom-modated with " Bolleek. "This is a much better qualityand is decorated in a moreartistic manner.

    Eor plain every day use,tho Delft is tho best, becauseit is mado to wear and to uso.Wo have full sets and singlepieces of it, which will soonfind their way into the homesof Honolulu. Delft is not afad; it was used many yearsago and was fashionable fora full century before we came

    ion this mundane sphorc. ItsPlce was taken by othor and

    patterns; now woaro back to the old Germanwindmill pictures. Come andsee them.

    WjlAVon Holt Euilding.


    Notice is hereby given that Ihavo revoked and annulled allpowors of whatsoever natureheretofore conferred upon A. Rosaby mo, and under which ho hasassumed tlio managomont 6f myproperty and tlio collection ofmoneys duo me. Parties payingmoney to said Rosa for my accountwill do so at thoir poril.


    40li Zw

    Notice.Tho Kinnu Balllm. Nov. Wh mIU bo luein Iloivihilu, Woduosiluy, Nov. 25th iu.

    table. 0i rri'lay' NV- - '27U'' "B Pr'U,aaWILOER'8 STEAMSHIP CO., L'D.Honolulu, Nov. 10, 1895. 4G0 7t

    Ji i$.--j!t- s mC-y.i'- '' ."i.'A.Jmau. iu - l'i'


  • S

    jwrntn wwwwwwf mrr,


    "Mollis" at tho Crawley Matincotomorrow.

    Architect 0. B. Riploy loft ontlio Kiimu today.

    Julian Monsarrat lias returnedto his homo on Hawaii.

    Tlio Australia leaves at 4 p. m.tomorrow. Mail closes at 3.

    L. Tumor, tlio Hilo merchant,with hia wifo, left for home today.

    F. M. Wnkofiold, thollilo attor-ney, returned to the rainy city to-day.

    Football again tomorrow aftor-noo- n.T ho First Regiments and

    Punahou nro tho opposing teams.It in said that Hilo is to havo a

    second drugstore, for which it hasjust as much use as for two news-papers.

    Mrs. A. Petrie and daughterwore among returning pnsKongetHby to: lay 'it Hteamer; also Mr. O.Free Hi.

    Tin' Monowai brought fortypafeweiigers for this port and liasa big through list, both cabin andsteerage.

    Among returning passengersby tlio Monowai is Mr.W. Pfoton-hauo- r,

    bookkeeper for II. Hackfold & Co.

    Tho Kinau will be due here on"Wednesday, November 25th, in-stead of Friday, the 27th, her re-gular time.

    Special dinnor and music by thoQuintette club of tlio old band to-night in honor of tho Australia'spassengers.

    Dr. Georgo II. Huddy, tho well-know- ndentist, Mrs. V. Hill and

    Miss F. Hill returned from thoCoabt today.

    Tho trip of tho Board of Healthto Molokai is postponed from to-night till tomorrow night between8 and 9 o'clock.

    Mrs. E. D. Baldwin, who hasbeen visiting relatives in this cityfor some weeks past, left for homoon this morning's Kinau.

    Finuoy's Directory is needed inovory storo and on every desk. Itis reliable throughout. . It may beobtaiued at Wall, Nichols storo.

    Tho recently formed Universityclub i.--. making arrangements forits fii.il nun mi 1 banquet, whi :h isset for Thursday, December 17th.

    Tho Government band will playnt tho hotel this evening. A quin-tette from the Haua inn NationalBaud will furnish music duringdinner.

    Don't Foiigkt Usliors T. V. F."The Very Finest" whinkny everimported to tho Islands is now onsale at tbo Roval Annex. It'sScotch and it's Al.

    Mr. and Mrs. l'anl Isonborg, thoMifipps Clara and Paula Isonberg,Alexander nud Paul Isenborg, Jr.,all left for a trip to the Volcanoby tho Kinau this morning.

    More bicycle records brokou intho States and England. Thereis not much glory in breaking arecord now, for some other fellowlowers it a day or two afterwards.

    The excursion and danco to-night at Rcmoud Grove promisesto bo a success. Tiains loave thedepot at 7:30. All those who havonot secured tickets cau get sameat depot.

    Tho Kinau took homo a numberof plauters who havo been attend-ing the meetings of the HawaiianSugar Planters' Association.Among thorn wpre Messrs. Hind,Rontou, Horner and Scott.

    Ewa Plantation stockholdershave elected tho following oflieers:J. B. Athortou, president; J. B.Castlo, vice president; E. D. Ten- -'noy, secretary; W. A. Bo wen,treasurer; and J. H.Paty, auditor.

    The Kilohana Art League exhi-bition will bo open this evening.As this is an oil' opera night, thereought to be a largo attendance. Itis an exhibition that nobodyshould miss seoing and tho en-trance fee is only 25 cents.

    Miuister Willis' horso ran awayagain yostorday aftoruoon at near-ly the same plnco as before. Thoonly occupant oE tho carriage,Miss Dulany, had just alighted.Tho carriage was badly wrockod.Tho horeo took fright at tho steamroller.


    Males Better Bread and Pastry thanAny Other Known Brand.

    Ask Your Grocer For ft.

    UNION FEED 00., Sole Agents.


    Tho Tax Appeal Board is insession every niternoon.

    Tli'o Bio do Jnuoiro loivos forthe Otient at 8 o'clock this even-ing.

    Tho police and Company Etoanis will shoot again tomorrowmorning.

    A bankrupt stock from thoCoast ia boiug sold at ''Tho Kash."Look ut tho prices olsewhoro.

    Tho Marshal's sale of Brown itKubey's effects will bo hold nt thopolico station nt noon tomorrow.

    M. Laucaster, formerly at Hol-liuger- 's,has opened a blacksmith

    shop on his own account at T. B.Murray's.

    F. Ludoviscko, tried yesterdayon a chargo of selling liquor with-out a license, was found not guil-ty by Judge do la Vorguo.

    Tho enso of Mr. Tcixoira, ac-cused of battering policoman Len-in- x.

    tried in tho police eouit yes-terday, ended in a dismissal.

    Hipi, for selling swipos was outrial this morning, detei-tiv- Kn-ap- a

    prosecuting and S. K. Knnodefending. Tho case will bo con-cluded tomorrow.

    Professor Scliauninsland, whohas spent some time in Hawaii inHie interest of nGormau museum,with his wife loft for tho SouthSons in tho Monowai.

    Mr.Jnyasurnya has recoived alirgo invoice of Coylouese novel-ties, jewelry, etc., for tho holidaytrade. Many handsomo articlesnro ou exhibition at his store, 118King street.

    Prof. Horgor has too much callon his time and has relinquishedplaying at the Opora Houbc. Com-mencing with the matinee tomor-row, the National band orchestrawill furnish musio botwoon acts.

    Tho ABhworth liquor caso is ontrial today. L. Meyers, the firstwitness for tho prosecution, wasgiven a searching cross examina-tion by attorney Roboitson for thodefonse. Mnrshal Brown is pro-secuting.

    William Soaburu Wise, gradu-at- eof the Law Department of tho

    University of Michigan, a practi-tioner in Nebraska for sevenyears and iu California six yoars,and forty ono years of ago, hasbeen admitted to practico iu alltho courts of tho Republic.

    Tho repertoire of tho secondweok of the Frnwloy engagementis as follows: Tuesday, Nov. 21,"Tho Charity Ball;"' Thursday,Nov. 2G, "Tho Souator;" matineo,Saturday, Nov. 28, "Tho HighestBidder;" evoning, Nov. 28, "ThoEnsign." Seats for all per-formances will be on sale tomor-row morning.

    more lllryrlf tti't-nrrf- s Ilrolicii.Now Orleans, La., Nov. 10.

    Jimmy Michel broko the Ameri-can record for ten miles todny bythirty three and four fifths seo-ond- s,

    and missed the world'srecord held by Tom Linton, hisfollmv-tovnma- n iu Wales, by7 3 5 seconds.

    Ho broke all American recordsfrom tho six to tho ton miles in-clusive, and broko the world'srecord for four miles by n second.All of tho records broken woreheld by himself. At five 'milosMichel tied tho former world'srecord of 9:1(5, tho mark which helowered to 9:12 3 5 early in thoweok.

    Uolujrto tlio Const.

    Wilho Wilder and Frank Vidu,two well known young men ofHonolulu, loavo tomorrow forSm Frnnoii-co- , whoro thoy go furrecreation nntl pleasure. Both oftho boys, who aro Hawaiian born,will undoubtedly enjoy this, ti oirfirst trip to tho Const. Thoy ex-pect to return in about six weeks.A friendly suggestion is that thoboys seouro rotum tickots beforethoy start.

    m m

    ltd On It llvcrj rime.You cau wagor your last dollar

    on Senttlo Boor with tho nbsolutoaBsuranco that you will win. Noboor is superior to it for purity,for ilavor, or as a tonic SeattleBeor is pure, as it represents thebest production of master brewers,

    nud being made by superiorbraiiiB mid honest labor should boused by all who boliovo in usingthe best. On tap or in bottles attho "Oritorion."

    A. ,). Derby, D.D.S., Dontoloffice CotlngQ No. 100, Altikoaotioet, telephone J o. G15. Officehours 9 a.m. to 4 v.n.


    Highest of nil In Leavening Strength. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

    Wrtypil BakingT,&tr m OKE? HiSfc.vtH R, m4V VH- -tVs3&a&

    kKSeiUU'E'E&V 5UE5E


    "Best" Nurser.Here is a nursing

    bottle that willprove u comfort toinfants. It has 4points in its favor.

    M' 1. lthusuvalveor air inlot in theend of tho bottlewhich admits air,1 V

    3- - .y bnek of food., n.s fast.J as food is drawn out,

    rendering suctionensy and making itimpossible for nip

    ple to collapse, thus preventingwinu cone.

    2. Tho --5 vnlvo docsnot leak, is easily otjusted, but i bopulled out bv 3 the baby.

    3. No I'Mfcecrc- - 11 j&tion is possible. I'ius there nro no vj: XJangles or cor-ners in thebottle. v tNW 1

    . This nurser QMhaving an opening at &onch end, can bo easily andthoroughly cleaned, a point ofthe greatest importance.

    Prico, 2" cents, completeHOBRON DRUG CO., Agents.

    I.rnilii lor "I'klumirv I'leld.Rev. Dr. Hendry, chief of tho

    Presbyterian branoli of ChinoseMissions, and his dnnghtor, MissHondry. lrnvo hero on tho RioJaneiro for China. Dr.fJendiy baa boon councctod withthe .vork iu tho Oriont f r a groitmany years, and has just com-pleted a much noeded furlough ofeighteen months inAinoriou. MissHendry will bgin netivo mission-ary labors immediately on hernrrivnl in China, thoPresbyterian Mission House inCanton. She is thoroughly ac-quainted with the Chinese people,having ben born and brmght upamong them. Ths knowledge,added to her great nalutnl gifts,will mnko hor a valuable noquisi-tio- n

    to the little knot of missionaryworkers who lab-.- there underthe guidance i.f the PiYhbytoriunChurch. S. F. Chronica.

    C'onrrrt on llio illuiiuuiii.

    A coucort and dnnco was heldou board tho S. S. Monowai lustevening as a conclusion of thotrip botwoon 'Frisco and this port.Tho deck wns beautifully decorat-ed with ilags and electric light.This, combined with tho lovolymoonlight and balmy breeze,formed a most exquisite evoning.There wore many who tripped thelight fantastic on tho woll waxeddock. A most onjoyablo oveningwas had by all.

    MM COMPANY'SSaturday Matinee, Nov. 21

    " MOTHS."Saturday Night, Nov. 21,

    "The Lost Paradise."

    seccnd week:.--Tuesday Night, Nov. 24,

    "The Charity Ball."Thursday Night, Nov. 29,

    "THE SENATOR."Saturday Matinee, Nov. 28"The Highest Bidder."

    Saturday Night, Nov. 28,"THE ENSIG-N.- "

    C3V fotH for the Entire Second Weokwill I ou mile Buttmlay, Nov. 21. 4(JUf

    NOVEMBER 20. 1896.Wl KIPIHITI tflML'll'il

    t weM"7 n-"- w& VrdVVdSK



    Cnptnln I'olry li Louil In 1'rnUcor tho Klmlucnn or the Cnptnln

    of Itovviiuo Cultorfr,

    A ropresontntivo of this paperspent a ory pleasant hour withCaptain Charles II. Foley of thewhaling bark Gayhead and hisnniinblo wifo this morning, listen-ing to romiuisconces of thoir re-cent voyngo.

    Captain Foloy hails from Nan-tucket, Mass., whoro ho has npleasant homo and whoro tho shipis owned. Ho loft San Franciscoon tho 22d of February of thisyear with tho understanding thatif ho obtained 8000 pounds ofwhalebono any time within twoyears ho was to return at once.So far ho has beoii blessed withgood luck, having nlroady sent 'Homo ouUU pounds, uow valued atS--l per pound. Tho catch of oil is 400carrels to date, obtained fromfour whales. Ho values tho pro-coed- s

    of his present cmise so farat 825,000.

    When tho Gayhead loft thoArctic regions ho loft aboutthirty sailing vossols thoro besidesseveral steam whalors. Of thosailing ships a few had ono whaloand tho other none. Tho steamershad ono and two each. The Gay-head- 's

    luck is ascribed to tho pre-sence on board of tho captain'swiTo, who is regarded by thosailors as tho ship's mascot. Twowhales woro caught on Kodiacwithin sight of Mount St. Elias,whoro Captain Foley cruised fora time, another was taken inBehring soa and tho other in thoArctic.

    During his voyngo CaptainFoloy ran across several U. S.rovouuo cutters and he speaksvory highly of the kindnessshown liim by thoir officerson every possiblo occasion. Cap-tain Tuttlo of tho Bear volunteer-ed to tako down a head of whnlo-bon- o,

    weighing 1300 pounds andworth S8000 to Ounalnska, whichsaved him from carrying it to thoArctic and back, besidos onablingtho owners to realizo on it sooner.Captain Roberts of tho Rush gavohim a tow out of Ounnlaska whichwas tho moans of his capturing aS7000 whalo tho next day. Homot the U. S. Graut nt St. Pauland at Kodiac aud each timo Cap-tain Smith kindly took chargo ofletters and parcels to bo forwardedhome. When ho last saw CaptainTuttlo of tho Bear, that ship hadjust rescued tho crow o( tho whal-ing brig Hidalgo on Point Hopeiu tho Arctic and was taking thornalong to Port Townsond.

    At Ounnlaska CommodoroHooper of tho rovouuo Hoot dideverything possiblo to add to theircomfort. At St Pnul CaptainFoloy bocomo acquainted withMr. Townsond, who is attached totho Albatross, but for tho timebeing is stationed at St. Paulto gather facts relalivo to tho des-truction of tho seal hords in con-junction with some English com-missioners who are investigatingtho same subject. Captain Foleysays that last year between 40,000and 50,000 seal pups perishedfrom starvation owing to theirmothers being killed off by hunt-ers. Ho statos plainly that if thopresent stato of nffairs continuestho seals aro doomed to total des-trucl- ion

    iu a vory fow years.Mrs. Foloy, who has been iu

    poor health for a number of years,accompanied hor husband on thi3voyngo in tho hopo that alio mightthoroughly recuperate. Sho wasdoing woll until theshijjoncnunt-eii- d

    a hoavy storm in theArctic. Captain Foley has beencruising iu thoso regions binco1868,nud this was by far tho worstgalo ho ovor experienced, Itdrovo tho solid ico lloo fiom lati-tude 72 to G9 in four days, spoiled

    Continued on Slh J'ayc.


    For One Week Only!A SPECIAL BARGAII ,

    -IN -


    N. S. SACHS'GSO Fort Btreot.

    Ladies' Drop Stitch Hose

    DBlack and Shades of TanONLY 35 CENTS A PAIR.

    3T Guaranteed to bo Absolutely Fos1 Color


    No. 10 StoreJUST RECEIVED

    Iigsl lugs! Iugs!Volvet Pilo,



    Sofa Rugs I Floor Rugs I

    Mats! Mats!Tapestry and Carpots,

    Stair Carpets,Hall Carpets,

    Crumb Cloths and Druggets.

    BST" All Just Rocoivod at

    p. W. Schmidt $w$

    Offer this weok a fine lino of

    oolen andMixed Goods

    -- FOIt



    pine Woolen

    Otter hirtsns useful Christmas Pro-sont- s

    and other : :

    New Goods at Low PricesALL THE HANKROPT STOCK OF

    Qoldntone llroa. of Portland, Ore-gon, has been Purchased by"THE KASH."

    Tho Stock consists of Hun's Light-Weigh- tCoats nud Ve&ts. in Sizes from 3.1 toCO; Former inco, $2 50 to $10. I WillSell Them from $1 25 to $5, inMohair, Cuincl's Hnir nud Flannel.

    Also a Limited Number of Roy's Co Us andYosts nt 1.50, and Children's Suitsfrom 4 to IS Years of Ago, front $2 tq$U0.

    Goods Will ho Tlacod on Salo SaturdayNov. Slat, and Will Continuo UntilThey Havo Been Sold Out.


    "The Kasli,"I, LEVINGSTON, - - Manager.

    Arbiters of Fashion.

    9 Hotol Street faycrlcy Block- -N. FERNANDEZ.


    Omen: 203 Merohnnt street, Campbellllloek icar of J. O. Cartot' office, V. O,Box :cu.


    - -

    Hose !

    Mortgagee's Notico cf Intention toForecloso and of Sale.

    In accordanco with tho provi-sions of that certain mortgagonmdo by Josoph Polo and Keamo,his wifo, to H. J)imond, datedSoptomher 20th, 1881, and dulyassigned by II. and J.Watorhouso,oxoeutorB under the will oII.l)iinond, by assignment recordedin said ollieo in Liber lGtl, page275, Ac, recorded in tho Registeroflico, O.iliu, in Libr 8S, pnge308-- 9, notico is hereby givou thatsaid mortunyoo iutonds to foreclosetho salne for condition brokon, towit.: tho nou payment of bothprincipal and interest when due.

    Notico is likowise givou thataftor tlio oxpiiation of thrco weeksfrom this date the property cov-ered by said mortgage will bondvertised for salo and will boBold at public auction at tho auc-tion rooms of Jut,. F. Morgan,Honolulu, on Monday, tho 30lhday of November, 189(5, at 12o'clook noon of that day.

    U. YVATER1I0U6E, Jr.,AsHi'.'iiee of Mortgago.

    For further particulars, apply-t- oJ. Alfred Magoon, Attorney

    for II. YV'atorhouse, Jr.Dated Honolulu, Xov.-lth- , 189C.TIih pioprrty to bo sold is us

    folioAs:All that piece or parcel of land

    situated .it Kow lo, P'inon, Islandif On lin , drroiibid iu Royil

    Piitm.t No lfl-J- Kiili-mi- ' 10,276,to Milium ns Apulia 2. Tuiu andKii'ti bind, mio ii.rtiuul.rly de-scribed i'fi follows:

    'E liiioni'il-- mi ko kilii Homao kii loi kolo o J. l'iikoi ko kihiI lik inn uiuukn o a aunt, a ohob- Ak in 19 ; Inm. 16G Kapuuimi kiiauii'i mnvahoo ke k olo ahikt i ku Polinkn i Pea in X piliana mo ko Kilawain uluilu Homft'M Kom. 52 Knpttii, ;;ihi oK.iluw.ia, a Akau 50 3 Kom. 38Kipuni imahu.i n Akau ! l Kom.110 Knpiuii ma ko Kaluwain iaman noao a liiki i ko Koknwowo,uluilu Ili-m- ii '10 K'in. 72 K pnaiinn ko Koknwowo a hiki i k Kn-lawa- iii,

    niudii ma ia nina Homa43J Hikma 281 Kupiiai u hikiil;a polij.ku inn ko alii liilii, o pilinna me ka inokuna o Knwalo a moAuwaiulimu, uluilu, Polulei i uku.E pili una mo ka aina o ko kula aliiki i kalii i hoomaka fti o ka Hi72-10- 0 oka." 151-t- d

    Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium

    Again Open to Its Members.

    Monday KvriiiiiH, Nov. 9, ut 7 15, Classesfor Youiik Men.

    'IhurHdiiy KvoniiiR, Nov. 12, at 7:45,Clu-bt-- foi Yiiuuy lion.

    Thursday Afternoon, at 3.30, Clasum lorBovb.


    SXF" Undor tho instruction o( Oompe-to- ntLocid '1'tarliors. 45:i-'i-

    Tho Paoilio Hardware Companyoffor a lirst class lawn sprinklerat a dollar and a half. Threedollars wbb asked for thesesprinklers a mouth ago by otherfirms.

    "Willi, Nichols Co. nro tho Boleand exclusive ngonts for Finnoy'sHawaiian Directory. A supplywas delivered to thorn today.Peoplo on tho other islands whowish a copy can seouro onopromptly by addressing the abovefirm.

    .rsc VbM&M ru )Mifrk& idrtiii. ti. . a.i irtaL'-- r' ..,? :i -.



  • --


    r- -




    Sliuidliiir of llncpy Cure In Texm--TpH(lnioiir rnu Alntinlim



    Tlio following nnmed cilizonaof Austin, Texas, is n guiinuitooof jill Hint is olnirncd for thoHngoy euro and is tho highest

    tlmt can or uoed bocivon of nu ontrpriip:

    Dirootors of tho llngoy lusti-tut- oof Austin, Toxn.8:

    J0hu Pf Wliiio.ExJudgo Courtof Appenls.

    Leslie Wngpencr, Clmirnmn ofIftioully, University of Tcmih,

    7i. T. Jloro, Lawyer mid Codi-fie- rof Inws of Texas.

    V. JL' Baldridgo, PresidentState Hngpy Association.

    J. J. Tohin, Merchant.A. U. Hill, of llill is Maxwell,

    lloal Estate Brokors.Hou. John D. MoCall, Stato

    Comptroller.13. W. Huntor, Editor of Even-

    ing News.A. II. Gossard, doalor in Farm



    Dr. Dnbuoy, the gentleman towhom this letter is written, is oneof the leading Presbytoriau theo-logians of tho South. Ho 1ms thoohnir uf philosophy in tho StutoUniversity of Toxas, and is thoauthor of sovoral theologicalworks.

    The following lottcr was in res-ponse to a letter of inquiry writtenby Dr. Dnbuey to tho Kev. J. II.ltryson of lluntsville, Ala., aformer pupil of tho Itev. Dr. Dab-noy- :

    . HuswviLLE, Aln., May 20, ISM.Dear Dit. Daijney: Your postal

    roceivi il. Tlin trout niotit fordrunkcuiiPSB at the Hagpy Instituto here U a complete success. Itwas established hero in November.Many eases havo poon treatedhere and in this part of thooonntry. There is not asingle case of falling back yot.Tho cases have bpen mostly of thoworst forms of drunkenness, aslow down as man can get. Theresults are simply amazing. ThotroatiniMit in tho opium habit isequal nwex&ful. The partiesare all in better health than boforo. The iluid is injocted under(lie skin threo or four times a day.Tho party gO's about hi3 businessas usn-tl- . Tho Institute in namedaftor Dr. Hngpy, tho discoverer oftho formula. Thcro was muchprejudice ht'io against it, but thoamazing s has mudo everyono iaorablo to it. I would in goall who have tho drink or opiumhabit to take tho treatment.

    Yours truly,J. H. BllYBON.

    Erom theDemoernt:

    San Joso Weekly


    Of ull creation, man is ponsiblytho most peculiar. Though bydivine ordination ho is olovatudabovo tho fowl and tho brute, hoie tho slave to impulncs and do-sire- s

    from which they are singu-larly free. To tho fowland brnttt life i"b but anexistence aoomingly dovoidof any elevating intent. To thnmtomorrow is liko unto today andtoday nt no varianco with yester-day, but to man existence becomesa life pregnant with impulsos thatlead to tho accomplishment ofondB that make tomorrow thegreat objoct lesson of today'sfruitfulni'83. Ynt this human o,

    as glorious as it is withcircumstances that tend to makoand shape tremendous achieve-ments, is bound with tho Bhacklc?of desires that stultify ambitiou,and lull to loBoato inactivity tho

    .brain by which gigantic resultsmight ,havo been wrought. TliesodcBi'res, emanating either fromnoglocled opportunities, disap-pointment in lifo jobuHb, or froma naturo whoso primitivo impulseshavo been allowed to gain an as-cendency ovor tho brain, if notchecked, rondors tho man thoirBlave and with a fearful fascina-tion lures him mentally and phy-Biooll- y

    to a degreo far befow thebrute ovor whoso creation he wasborn to bo maslor. "When undertho insidious influence of theseconditions tho brain engorly seeks

    j v

    Dr. W. L. MooreZF-srsiciei-


    BvLxgfeorL- -IIIlo, Hawaii.

    Special attention given to diseases of theeye and car.


    Waianucnuo Avo. nonr Court IIo'jrb. iC3-t- i

    Dr. Sloggett(Physician -:- - and -:- - Surgeon

    Itesidenco next toll. Y Schmidt,Es ., llerctanin utreot

    StecialtF; Diseases cf Eje, Ear, Nose aid Tbroal371-3- n

    I. MORI, M. D.,

    Oflico: Corner Fort and Kukui sts.ReBidonco, Arlington Hotel.

    Hours: 7 to 8:30 a ra; 4 to 8:30 p m, Sat-urday and Sunday, 1 to C p m. Tel. 530.

    A. C. WALL, D. D. S.,

    DENTIST.Hotel Streot, Arlington Cottage

    TELEPHONE 434.


    Honolulu, II. I.I3f Ottlco : 114 Merchant Btrcet.



    nir.o, nAW.vii.

    A. V. GEAR.

    TflPntionp 8srt Vo.210

    I3r My Hack does not tip in this njca-no-no matter how weighty the loud.


    Hack No. 14BST TELEPHONE 176jf

    Staadi Bethnl and K.n HlreetA,

    J. J SUIJ.IVAN,President.


    i. IlUOKLKT,Soo'v.

    Fasln Stats Co,IlHonolulu, EI. I.

    Sullivan & Bdokley, Mau'g'ruFINEST EQUIPPED CARRIAGES

    in tho City, with Competent and Care-ful Drivorp.

    Stand at the Pantheon Stables,Corner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

    TeiiiU'iioKu:Haw'ii Hotel Stables, 32.mmiieon Ktiibies, bj,Fashion BtubloB. 148.


    Livery and Boarding StablesCorner Merclinnt and HlchnrdB Sts.

    LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES.J5y-- Cnrrlcjzes, Burruvx end Ilaelis at all

    hours. TKLEPUOSE VM).





    ' ?if' , '".,'" TW'. - - -- -., -

    20. 189G.

    Closing Them





    Wo arc Closing Out OurStock of . . .

    Furnishing GoodsOur Regular TailoringBusiness has grown solargo that it requires allour attention. . . .






    S. TREGLOAWFort and Hotel Streets.

    AppearancesMore often than not deter-mine a mon's standing. Ifyou will come to us for yourclothes wo will see to it thatyou leave with a goodappearance and it won't costyou much. Latest fashionsnow in. Dress up and makean impression.

    Medoiros & Decker,The Hotel Street Tailors.

    Wuveriey Block, - - Honolulu.

    N. B.

    Successor to Mrs. A. M. Mellls, 520 Portstreet, Honolulu.


    Dress Making Parlorsof N. S Sachs.

    5F Wedding andluuing


    Outfitsllubita a specialty.

    112-l- m

    J. A. PARIA,200 KlnK Street.

    Fine -- :- Tailoring,Clciiiiiiig nml Impairing.

    Z3f Suits to on'er and guaranteed to fitnml lo p'varo Olvu mu a call. 401-l-


    Shavmg ParlorsFort St. Opp. Pantheon Stables.

    l'At'iicco A Ftiiv sm:t l'unrs.

    A Delicato Touch !Kaon Razors !

    Artistic Hair Cuttiuc 1Comforlablo Chairs

    jS$T" Wo employ uono but tbo most.ex- -erionced Touhonal ArtixtH. Tbo moslluxuriously nppointtd Shop in tbo Isl

    VBTERENO CaKREIRO,Hold Street Staving Failor.

    Three Chalro. First-cla- ss Wotk.PRICFS IIKUUCEU

    Ooir Uuttiug 15 c.Shaving 1C o.

    Hotel streot opposite licihol.425-0- m

    OENTKALKona SanatoriumSituated ou a numtifu' llil'sido Overlook'

    ing the Occim, and 1 .1C0 ice tabtvo Ken Leel.

    Onlv 2t hour- - nnil from HonoluluClimnto mild, c'cir c'ry ntnioepboio, freofrom fogs oud malaria, ebpeciftl iirovihioufor qniet nnd mt an well an fnr aimifio-mo-

    and outdoor ll'o. Itates S2 per dayor 510 per week Medical attond nco extra,

    Kit' AddrepBmi. H. A. LINDLEY, Trop.,

    325 tf Kona, Uiiwuii.

    CLUB STABLES,Street, X'el. -- TV- - - -

    SALE AND LIVERY.BOARDING, -:- - -:- - -:- -


    --WE HAVE THE--



    Tho bcRt of attention given to animals left with ns. Caicful drivers, respectfu.attendai.tii, promptness. II&cIjb, Sarries, Biakes, llugyiciri.rhaotoua, Wagouoltcs.


    . ,, fev'.V.. t. ' '.vt r.'

    CLAU8 SrilKCKELS. VM. O. IllWIN.

    Jlan0 0pfeckel0 uo.


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    The Hawaiian


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    J. S. WALKER,



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    nnnmnln II, i,

    Pastor's Story.

    Rev. Williams

    Coiiltl Keep

    House Without

    Paine's Celery


    Wife Strongly Rec-

    ommends to Cure

    Sick Headache.

    100 Mason Avenue,Cvnon City, Col., 13,

    "Wells, &

    Wo use Tamo's Celery Compound in our famil