u A V V M I 1 NU T E S ta the quarterly conder Confer conference ence once of the cache palley valley stake of az oh conference convened in the tab bernacle ter ler nacie nacle logan city at 10 am on saturday the 3rd ard lust thera there were present of the apost- les president john taylor 0 C CL rich Ilich lorenzo snow rr franklin D Ri chanis and counselors john W young and D H wells i of the presidency of ahe the stake moses thatcher wm win B preston and milton D hammend hammond aiso also 1 0 el- der 1 A M musser president M thatcher called the meeting to order the tho oli sang bang and elder lorenzo snow offered prayer singing again by the chuin choir the bishops were called upon to report verbally the ilia condition of their thein wards warda and the following were represented WARD warb logan city olty baa B M lewis bishup bishop the condition of his bis ward was good tho ith the e people manifested a readiness to support public enterprises the united order foundry and Machi nei black- smith 1 and wagon shop which had bad been in operation some eighteen mont lis had done very weli well con- sidering si Bl the difficult difficulties les ies all suchen such en- terprises terp rises had to struggle against and 2nd WARD henry ballard bishop bisho IF the late organiza- tion he could perceive quite an im- provement pro in his hi ward award sward the U 0 manufacturing and building com- pany which was incorporated two years ago was doing a good busi- ness it had la in connection with it a small store UA WARD robert davidson bishop the members of his ward were imbibed thib the spirit of temple tempie buil bull building dingi and their appor- tionment tion ment of labor in this direction was performed willingly the co coi operative jairy started two years aga was now connected with the and 2nd ward enterprises arh WARD thomas H 8 smith mith bishop some of the farmers had made a move towards combining their labor which had bad given satis- faction the people tele felt more annd gail zeal ous of good works than ever bedre which was wag manifested in the desire p they evinced to share shard in iii the pork VOrk of building t the d arii and aud oth other br requirements atu varr WARD win hyde isbon 1 improvement i in n faith filth and works was very apparent amp g the te peo- ple of his ward meeting je bet- ter lt attended and a contribute to the building of athi the e temple sustain us lain the poor pooh etc wig was general among the people N a HYDE hybe paril PARK 16 robert bobert ubert lbert dia tia dailies ines ides bishop he had neven never known the ilip people of his ward manifest by their works so goud good a feeling ng A source of strength i hild had bad been opened up jbf through cougil the of ah tho the priesthood the tho y men acquitting themselves very credit- ably the female belief society was alive allva 0 o aits duties by gleaning and otherwise it liaa had bad stored this fall seventy nive five bushels bushel 4 of wheat smithfield S boskelly bish- op the ward bid bhe hard harf f alx aix an excellent sabbath school and awo two dol ool in successful 0 operation arail tio tie aa aaronie zedy in cobile connection connect eafon fon ion ya with store oi of general merchandize dize abe they taa a tannery employing fave ae five ada bands b boot and shoe shue shop employing nine journeymen and two tivo apprent- ices I 1 harness harness shop employing two men all of indich were do ingWell doing well weli also with i fth ith the tho institution vas was ah afi agricultural department consisting of five companies of men who supplied it with grain receiving thereto ll 11 stock t 0 ck in the in- stitution atit ution the proceeds pr froni a threshing mih mib machine lalue wele appropri- ated in lne same bame way 1 the black- smiths shop and sab sat aaa mill werd were I 1 also a success RICHMOND M WM errill bish- op the ward consisted of families numbering 1000 persons the people were pretty well tini ted and as it whole their condition was fairly good their crops this year suffered from the ravages of grass- hoppers which had ha somewhat crip- pled them finans financially bally they had three good schoolhouses school houses bouses two day schools and one standi bunday sunday y sebo acbo oli a female relief belief society at and aud d a young mens mutual improvement st so clety their cooperative operative co acore was started 13 years hgo ago with a capital of 1300 now it represented 9 their co coop op sawmill saw mill butcher shop and shoe shop were doing well they had bad subscribed 2500 toward towards the building of the temple ard and al- ready paid 1800 1600 of it FRANKLIN ii H H hatch harch atch jr bishop the majority of the peo I 1 ft I 1 adit dait n M 1 1 i a i L 0 aj pie of hi his sward ward who belonged to the church were trying to live ilvo their re region gion glon the crops had failed but no difficulty had been experienced in id subscribing g 1300 orthe forthe temple much good had resulted from the labors of the belief bellef f society the sundby sunday gunday school and the young mens and young ladies improve Imp improve- ment rov societies MINX MINK creel bishop the settlement was two years old oid it consisted of 50 farn fain families flies a school house was nearly finished which beside besida making themselves h homes ornes wasil was waa nil all the people had done b by v way of public enterprise the saints felt well and were willing to do all they could to meet any call that might be made upon them MOUND VAIE X IL H wil- liams bishop the tibo faints alnas were scatter scattered eul eil they had a schoolhouse school house and a WS sunday well weli attended by those living ming a convenient dis- tance to it A C coop co o op saw mill had bid been commenced there were some very ry good odd people associated with tem hem him w wh gh labored willingly build up the ibe CLIFTON harry dixon bishop ago apo op store and a saw mill had bad been started which were dol doi doing ng first rate the crops had bad failed the last two years but the faith of the pe people ople opie was good referred to ta the good thattie that thab the relief society was waa doing f lie lir wm H lewis bis- hop A splendid feeling existed among r those who belonged to the church nearly all ohp 9 heads of families were young men who availed themselves of the opportu- nities afforded by the YM Y M M 1 I association which was doing much good the relief society was wab storing grain krain and doing many works WESTON A L IA alien ailen bishop the people were in faith unity and arid good works and a willin willingness gness ghess was manifested to as- sist as- sisto in building g the te temple tempie hiple he be never naven bernrd before had witnessed their coop co op was in an ex excellent celent con- dition and hild doing dolne a good bosn ess th the e grasshoppers h had ad dope the them c considerable 0 n able abie damage jphn jordan bi- shop A bl new ow mo meeting heuse house was ails nili built nearly ready leady to be dedicated and aud th the people peole young and old manifested ja a cited C energy while doing duing this work that was truly characteristic of the united order th ecung men conducted them- selves well weil and he had great hopes of hem bem the tho thelast last t two years crops failed but the faith falth wo of the peo- ple vas yas in creasing increasing I 1 newton WM F littlewood ba bishop ih iba their meetings mee tinga were well attended and they had an excel- lent sabbath soh sch school goi gol tho ward W was I 1 as small consisting only of forty dave five fiasili es much of thir build- ing 1 mit material erial had lo 10 be haule hauie a from fifteen to forty miles and they had to 16 make a res reservoir t to ri reserve wa iter lter ten ter for irrigating purposes the af crops had chused caused mba mo of th uhe the brethren to go from home to arn r breadstuffs the helale relle belie soci- ety t kii kif ali and I 1 pr So society clety we were ria doing oid good oo 00 BENSON so VARD WARD alma harris bishop it was composed of nine- teen families wh who 0 had settled along jebe jibe banks of bear river and were vere scattered over a ekr large ge district of country they ad an interesting sanday aday school during the summer butr none now having no meeting- house the ward was quite lately organized had some home very good peo- ple jn lait it Henry hughes dish bishop op the large majority of the people had a desire to build up the king- dom of or god the belief relief society wa saving grain ministering com- fort forato to the sick and needy they had a good store connected with which was a butchers shop doing a successful business also a D U 0 farm from which was raised bun bus bushels Is wheat hea had it not been for grass grasshoppers 0 e bushels would have ave beon been ean raised the he proceeds of t this farm r were e a devo devoted ed to temple building this yea year yeat the sunday Scho school oland and relief society were to p part urt art of the land the benefits of or which ch would go to these institu- tions wellsville W B H maughan bishop crops had suffered severe- ly the sunday school and young lii Lit ladies ladles dies and Young Mens Mena improve- ment societies were doing much good their cooperative operative co eo business represented siou ogo it was luv invested sted ina lna in a store but butchery butchers chery cherl shop sheep herd saw mill and threshing ma- chine the people were interested in building the temple and the woolen factory and sustaining inide the kin hin kingdom lod iod A N s islet in f 1 til tit I I 1 tr r M J os tsi M 41 will rf PARADISE orson smith bishop the people felt well they were building a meeting house six alx 59 of rock which will cost coat between 2500 2500 and bow they had subscribed yearly towards the temple until its completion of which was paid they had a sunday school yoking yoeng mens mena improvement associ- ation an and d a female belief relief sod Sed society lety only 2000 bushels of grain wag was raised this season the men were compelled to go from home to euirn earn 1 james mcbride act- ing bishop the majd majority rity of the people tried to live according to their profession the farmers only raised a quarter crop their store now represented they had bad a ei steam sawmill saw mill u and nd a water milly mill a shingle mill dairy and butchers butcher shop all successfully managed minville geo 0 pitkin u bish- op the peorl people had bad improved of late a good feeling prevailed most loll 1011 0 them were desirous to do their portion toward timber wa crt cut and piled Plied for a new meetinghouse meeting house and aud tithing office their crops were werd a partial failure 1 e providence melville melvi ile lle M ham- mond bishop bi they had a coop co op st store breand and sawmill saw mill do doing lilg 1139 well sunday and day schools well weil wel wei attended the chil ehll children dien as well as s the people donated willingly to- i wards the temple the relief iio tio clety was a great aid and many ha their attentions PREST M thatcher then read the statistical report of the stake also an exhibit of the receipts for wilding building the logan temple show- ing that had been received from cache valley stake from bear lake and from box elder he said that considerable rable rabie of this means had been expended in making new canon roads to the timber limber in mg making ring I 1 king and supplying the camps campa and in purchasing a saw mill the mili mill however sawed d t ile the nir fir first 8 t ba board 1 rd 0 on a t the h e ad dinst and the results of this expen- diture would soon be apparent also read fead a financial statement showing that during thelast the last ten years persons had paid tith- ing amo amounting tinting to dlo also t hat that had been donated to P F edund aund andi and paid on it its indebted- ness and 3 tol 70 1 donated to temple e building the condition of both sabbath and day schools had great- ly improved arnd arid the interest in educational matters both religious and ond secular was wab most encouraging the improvement t associations and the relief F societies were 11 rilling filling their missions and the peaple gen 6 brally ware man resting a sp splendid d i spirit and i ho he could testify to the fact tha that t the work af god was on- ward the choir sing the anthem i jerusalem I 1 my glorious I 1 ho home e closing prayer by prest preat D 11 wells Well st w 1 0 t- t t h 1 afternoon 2 pm pm service commenced by the hoir choir c singing elder P F D richards engaged in prayer i choir sang t 1 11 an i ang angel elfton rom bom on high the long broke broko resident PRESIDENT WELLS referred with pleasure to the report given durin during 0 the forenoon on which hib bih he bib based an interesting discourse showing the nature of the great latter day work to be decidedly practical as well as ad spiritual incorporating one with another and every act of outlives our lives ilves as well as laws and go- vernment vern ment and everything neces- sary i for t the he gathering together of a people of pf every kindred and tribe and tongue and making of them a nation and kingdom in the earth ELDER elden LORENZO SNOW was hig big high- ly ft plea plem pleated eok eck with the reports refer- red to and considered that they indicated that thab the kingdom was onward and the hearts of the people represented were being moved to a temporal as well as spiritual union he traced the history of the children of israel showing that in consequence of disobedience they suffered in divers ways and that moses because of or his bis devotion to his mission and the common interests of the people won for himself their conff confidence dence as well as power to prevail with god theli their experience in the wilderness was referred to as having a direct bearing on the lives ilves of the latter day Saints serving to show how bow we might shun their errors and avoid their misfortunes misfortune also how bow that the bishops might by emulating the he acts of moses enjoy the love andi and confidence of the people and power to prevail with the heavens and succeed in estable establish- ing s h in our midst the zion of god BROTHER GEO 0 LAMBERT re- presented the Infer interests eks of the DEs N NEWS and A juvenile r eret EKET eva a n J I 1 tr the choir sang and the meeting adjourned I 1 prayer by elder C C rich eich sunday 10 am choir siang fiang joy to the world the lord will come prayer by elder lorin farr the choir bang sang an anthem A portion of the time wis was occu- pied by ELDER JOHN W young who read the revelation on the word vord of wisdom and spoke on that subject ELDER C C eian followed speaking on present or every day salvation the remainder of the time was used by P PREST A est JOHN TAYLOR on the subject of the priesthood set- ting forth the duties of the various quorums qu he also referred to the op subject of marr marriage Jage and as a mat- ter of local interest intimated that proper arrangements would be made so that this ordinance might be performed at home homo instead of having to go to st G gdorge gaorge orge an anthem was sung and the meeting was with prayer by cou counselor john N V young 2 pm p P choir sang L direct is tha the work ork my god dod my kin kins 9 prayer by elder george F gibbs choir sang nearer carer to theo thee president M aa thatcher presented to the congre congregation kation for ap provat or non approval the general autho- rities gitles of the church they were unanimously sustained president F D richards then presented moses thatcher as presi- dent of the cache valley stake of zion and wm B preston and milton mllton 0 H hammond ammo D d as his coun- selors which vote also aiso carried unanimously president 11 thatcher then pre- sented ented the following names name which V aich were sustained without a dissent- ing vote members of the high council cyrus W V card hang hana ande anderson alvin crockett james leishman george T behson belison ezra D carpen- ter charles B bobbins geo W ehat That chr ehr H K cranney 0 C hurt nells neils hansen and simpson bimpson M molen As president of the high priests qu qunius 0 etim george ii farrell with t eba uba haries barles ries rles 0 card and thomas E ricks as his counselors also all the thy bishops and their i counselors of the e stake slake T ames names will ap- pear pio probably bably babiy next conference by which time it is expected the aaronie priesthood d will be fully organized I 1 charleso charles 0 card as superintend- ent of construction of logan tem pie john parry mrry b laster master aisan mason james Q quayle e master masier carpen carpenter ter truman VA 0 angell gel gei jr A assistant architect james A leishman irishman cerk clerk of the stake moses thatcher as superintend- ent of sabbath schools mith with C JO 0 card and 0 C ormsby his assist- ants also the following as home mis- sionaries sio slon sion aries tharies john B Thatcher Frank benson bensoni Ben soni sori james hymers charres charles reese wm A nobie noble Alon aion alonzo zoG G barber A C brower wm wad dop robert baxter charles C shaw james bullock C H juddy blair frederick lund- berg thomas Du durrant heze hatch Hf hezekiah zekiah H peck J F bal Hal halkman kinan J H clark dark wm sant st BU jonas N beek beck henry yates ELDER GEO F gibbs spoke a short time lime and the remainder of the afternoon was occupied by ELDER F D RICHARDS who aa act dr dressed eissed the congregation quite lengthily on various subjects of interest and importance conf conference e rence was adjourned adjourn id until I 1 feb 2 and und 3 1878 the choir a sang ang an anthem and Coun counselor M D hammond ham M ond pronounced the bene- diction reported by GEO F gibbs GIBES A waterville Wat erville girl worked up the motto 1 t I need thee every hour and presented it to her chap he ie says ho he cant heip help help belp it it takes him two hours to milk and feed the pigs morning and night and busi- ness has got to bo be attended to

I1...u A VV M I1 NU T E S ta the quarterly conderConferconferenceenceonce of the cache palleyvalley stake ofazoh conference convened in the tab bernacleterlernacienacle logan city

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Page 1: I1...u A VV M I1 NU T E S ta the quarterly conderConferconferenceenceonce of the cache palleyvalley stake ofazoh conference convened in the tab bernacleterlernacienacle logan city


ta the quarterly conderConferconferenceenceonce of thecache palleyvalley stake ofazoh

conference convened in the tabbernacleterlernacienacle logan city at 10am on saturday the 3rdard lust

therathere were present of the apost-les president john taylor 0 CCL

richIlich lorenzo snow rrfranklin DRichanis and counselors john Wyoung and D H wells i

of the presidency of ahethe stakemoses thatcher wmwin B prestonand milton D hammendhammond aisoalso10 el-der


A M musserpresident M thatcher called the

meeting to order thetho oli sangbangand elder lorenzo snow offeredprayer singing again by thechuinchoirthe bishops were called upon to

report verbally theilia condition oftheirthein wardswarda and the following wererepresented

WARDwarb logan cityolty baaB Mlewis bishupbishop the condition ofhisbis ward was good thoiththee peoplemanifested a readiness to supportpublic enterprises the unitedorder foundry and Machinei black-smith


and wagon shop which hadbadbeen in operation some eighteenmontlis had done very weliwell con-sideringsiBl the difficultdifficultieslesies all suchensuch en-terprisesterprises had to struggle against

and2nd WARD henry ballardbishopbishoIF the late organiza-tion he could perceive quite an im-provementpro in hishiwardawardsward the U 0manufacturing and building com-pany which was incorporated twoyears ago was doing a good busi-ness it had lain connection with it asmall store

UA WARD robert davidsonbishop the members of his wardwere imbibed thibthe spirit oftempletempie builbullbuildingdingi and their appor-tionmenttion ment of labor in this directionwas performed willingly the cocoioperative jairy started two yearsaga was now connected with theand2nd ward enterprises

arh WARD thomas H 8smithmithbishop some of the farmers hadmade a move towards combiningtheir labor which hadbad given satis-faction the people telefelt moreannd gailzealous of good works than ever bedrewhich waswag manifested in the desire


they evincedto shareshard iniii the porkVOrkof building tthed arii andaud othotherbrrequirements

atu varrWARD win hyde isbon 1

improvement iinn faithfilth and workswas very apparent amp g thete peo-ple of his ward meeting jebet-ter


attended and acontribute to the building of athitheetemple sustainus lain the poorpooh etc wigwasgeneral among the peopleN a

HYDEhybe parilPARK 16robertbobertubertlbert diatiadailiesinesidesbishop he had nevennever known theilippeople of his ward manifest bytheir works so goudgood a feelingng Asource of strengthihildhadbad been openedup jbfthroughcougil the of ahthothe

priesthood thetho y menacquitting themselves very credit-ably the female belief societywas aliveallva 0o aits duties by gleaningand otherwise it liaahadbad stored thisfall seventy nivefive bushelsbushel4 of wheat

smithfield S boskelly bish-op the ward bidbhehardharff alxaixan excellentsabbath school and awotwo doloolin successful 0operationarail tiotieaaaaronie zedyin cobileconnectionconnecteafonfonion yawith store oiofgeneral merchandizedize abethey taa atannery employing faveaefive adabandsbboot and shoeshue shop employingnine journeymen and twotivo apprent-ices


harnessharness shop employing twomen all of indich were doingWelldoing wellwelialso withifthith thetho institutionvaswas ahafi agricultural departmentconsisting of five companies ofmen who supplied it with grainreceiving thereto ll11stockt0ck in the in-stitutionatitution the proceedspr froni athreshing mihmibmachinelalue wele appropri-ated in lne samebame way 1 the black-smiths shop and sabsataaa mill werdwere

I1also a success

RICHMOND M WMerrill bish-op the ward consisted offamilies numbering 1000 personsthe people were pretty well tini tedand as it whole their condition wasfairly good their crops this yearsuffered from the ravages of grass-hoppers which hadha somewhat crip-pled them finansfinanciallybally they hadthree good schoolhousesschool housesbouses two dayschools and one standibundaysundayy seboacbooli afemale reliefbelief society atandaudd a youngmens mutual improvement stsoclety their cooperativeoperativeco acore wasstarted 13 years hgoago with a capitalof 1300 now it represented 9their cocoopop sawmillsaw mill butcher shopand shoe shop were doing wellthey hadbad subscribed 2500 towardtowardsthe building of the temple ardand al-ready paid 18001600 of it

FRANKLIN ii H Hhatchharchatch jrbishop the majority of the peo

I1ftI1 aditdait nM 1 1 i a iL 0 aj

pie of hihis swardward who belonged tothe church were trying to liveilvo theirreregiongionglon the crops had failed butno difficulty had been experiencedinid subscribingg 1300 ortheforthe templemuch good had resulted from thelabors of the beliefbelleff society thesundbysundaygunday school and the youngmens and young ladies improveImpimprove-ment


MINXMINK creel bishopthe settlement was two years oldoidit consisted of 50 farnfainfamiliesflies a schoolhouse was nearly finished whichbesidebesida making themselves hhomesorneswasilwaswaa nilall the people had done bbyv wayof public enterprise the saintsfelt well and were willing to do allthey could to meet any call thatmight be made upon them

MOUND VAIEX IL H wil-liams bishop thetibo faintsalnas werescatterscatteredeuleil they had a schoolhouseschool houseand aWSsunday wellweli attendedby those livingming a convenient dis-tance to it A Ccoopcoo op saw mill hadbidbeen commenced there were someveryry goododd people associated withtemhemhim wwhgh labored willingly buildup theibe

CLIFTON harry dixon bishopagoapo op store and a saw mill hadbadbeen started which were doldoidoingngfirst rate the crops hadbad failed thelast two years but the faith of thepepeopleopleopie was good referred tota thegood thattiethatthab the relief society waswaadoing f

lielir wm H lewis bis-hop A splendid feeling existedamongr those who belonged to thechurch nearly all ohp9 heads offamilies were young men whoavailed themselves of the opportu-nities afforded by the YMY M M 1Iassociation which was doingmuch good the relief societywaswab storing grainkrain and doing many

worksWESTON A LIA alienailen bishop

the people were infaith unity andarid good works and awillinwillingnessgnessghess was manifested to as-sist

as-sisto in buildingg the tetempletempiehiple hebenevernaven bernrdbefore had witnessed theircoopco op was in an exexcellentcelent con-dition andhild doingdolne a good bosn essththee grasshoppers hhadad dope thethemcconsiderable0n ableabie damage

jphn jordan bi-shop A blnewow momeeting heusehouse wasailsnilibuilt nearly readyleady to be dedicatedandaud ththe peoplepeole young and oldmanifested jaa cited Cenergy whiledoingduing this work that was trulycharacteristic of the united orderth ecung men conducted them-selves wellweil and he had great hopesof hembem thethothelastlast ttwo years crops

failed but the faithfalthwo of the peo-ple vasyas increasingincreasing

I1 newton WM F littlewoodbabishopihiba their meetingsmee tinga were wellattended and they had an excel-lent sabbath sohschschoolgoigol tho wardWwasI1as small consisting only of fortydavefive fiasili es much of thir build-ing


mitmaterialerial had lo10 be haulehauie a fromfifteen to forty miles and they hadto16 make a resreservoir tto rireserve waiterltertenter for irrigating purposes the

af crops had chusedcaused mbamo ofthuhethe brethren to go from home toarnr breadstuffs thehelalerellebelie soci-

etyt kiikifaliand I1 pr Sosocietyclety wewereriadoingoid goodoo00

BENSONso VARDWARD alma harrisbishop it was composed of nine-teen families whwho0 had settled alongjebejibe banks of bear river and wereverescattered over a ekrlargege district ofcountry they ad an interestingsandayaday school during the summerbutr none now having no meeting-house the ward was quite latelyorganized had somehome very good peo-ple jnlaitit

Henry hughes dishbishopopthe large majority of the peoplehad a desire to build up the king-dom ofor god the beliefrelief societywa saving grain ministering com-fortforatoto the sick and needy theyhad a good store connected withwhich was a butchers shop doinga successful business also a DU 0farm from which was raisedbunbusbushelsIs wheathea had it not been forgrassgrasshoppers0 e bushels wouldhaveave beonbeenean raised thehe proceeds oftthis farmr weree a devodevoteded to templebuilding this yeayearyeat the sundaySchoschoololandand relief society were to

pparturtart of the land the benefitsofor whichch would go to these institu-tions

wellsville W BH maughanbishop crops had suffered severe-ly the sunday school and youngliiLitladiesladlesdies and YoungMensMena improve-ment societies were doing muchgood their cooperativeoperativecoeo businessrepresented siouogo it was luvinvestedstedinalnain a store butbutcherybutcherscherycherl shop sheepherd saw mill and threshing ma-chine the people were interestedin building the temple and thewoolen factory and sustaininginide thekinhinkingdom lodiod A N

s isletinf 1 tiltitI I1trr M

J os tsiM 41 willrf

PARADISE orson smith bishopthe people felt well they werebuilding a meeting house sixalx 59 ofrock which will costcoat between 25002500and bow they had subscribedyearly towards the templeuntil its completion of whichwas paid they had a sunday schoolyokingyoeng mensmena improvement associ-ation anandd a female beliefrelief sodSedsocietyletyonly 2000 bushels of grain wagwasraised this season the men werecompelled to go from home to euirnearn

1 james mcbride act-ing bishop the majdmajorityrity of thepeople tried to live according totheir profession the farmers onlyraised a quarter crop their storenow represented they hadbadaei steam sawmillsaw mill uandnd a water millymilla shingle mill dairy and butchersbutchershop all successfully managed

minville geo 0 pitkinu bish-op the peorlpeople hadbad improved oflate a good feeling prevailed mostloll10110 them were desirous to do theirportion towardtimber wa crtcut and piledPlied for a newmeetinghousemeeting house andaud tithing officetheir crops werewerd a partial failure1e

providence melvillemelvi ilelle M ham-mond bishopbi they had a coopco op

ststorebreandand sawmillsaw mill dodoinglilg1139well sunday and day schools wellweilwelweiattended the chilehllchildrendien as well assthe people donated willingly to-

i wards the temple the relief iiotioclety was a great aid and manyha their attentions

PREST M thatcher then readthe statistical report of the stakealso an exhibit of the receipts forwildingbuilding the logan temple show-ing that had been receivedfrom cache valley stake from bearlake and from box elder

he said that considerablerablerabieof this means had been expended inmaking new canon roads to thetimberlimber in mgmakingringI1king and supplyingthe campscampa and in purchasing asaw mill the milimill howeversawedd tilethe nirfirfirst8t baboard1rd 0ona ttheh e addinst and the results of this expen-diture would soon be apparentalso readfead a financial statementshowing that during thelastthe last tenyears persons had paid tith-ing amoamountingtinting to dloalsothatthat had been donated to PFedundaund andiand paid on itits indebted-ness and 3 tol70 1 donated to templeebuilding the condition of bothsabbath and day schools had great-ly improved arndarid the interest ineducational matters both religiousandond secular waswab most encouragingthe improvementt associations andthe relief Fsocieties were 11rillingfillingtheir missions and the peaple gen6brally ware man resting a spsplendidd ispirit andi

hohe could testify to thefact thathatt the work af god was on-ward

the choir sing the anthem i

jerusalem I1 my gloriousI1 hohomee

closing prayer by prestpreat D 11wellsWellst w1 0t- t t

h 1

afternoon 2 pmp mservice commenced by the hoirchoirc

singingelder PF D richards engaged in

prayer i

choir sang t 1


ani angangelelftonrombom on highthe long brokebroko

residentPRESIDENT WELLS referred withpleasure to the report given durinduring0the forenoon on which hibbihhebib based aninteresting discourse showing thenature of the great latter day workto be decidedly practical as well asadspiritual incorporatingone with another and every act ofoutlivesour livesilves as well as laws and go-vernmentvern ment and everything neces-sary


for tthehe gathering together ofa people ofpf every kindred and tribeand tongue and making of them anation and kingdom in the earth

ELDERelden LORENZO SNOW was higbighigh-ly

ftpleaplempleatedeokeck with the reports refer-

red to and considered that theyindicated thatthab the kingdom wasonward and the hearts of thepeople represented were beingmoved to a temporal as well asspiritual union he traced thehistory of the children of israelshowing that in consequence ofdisobedience they suffered in diversways and that moses because oforhisbis devotion to his mission and thecommon interests of the peoplewon for himself their conffconfidencedence aswell as power to prevail with godthelitheir experience in the wildernesswas referred to as having a directbearing on the livesilves of the latterday Saints serving to show howbow wemight shun their errors and avoidtheir misfortunesmisfortune also howbow thatthe bishops might by emulatingthehe acts of moses enjoy the loveandiand confidence of the people and

power to prevail with the

heavens and succeed in estableestablish-ing

shin our midst the zion of god

BROTHER GEO 0 LAMBERT re-presented the Inferinterestseks of the DEs

NNEWS andA juvenilereretEKET eva an J I1

trthe choir sang and the meetingadjourned I1

prayer by elder C C richeichsunday 10 am

choir siangfiangjoy to the world the lord will comeprayer by elder lorin farrthe choir bangsang an anthemA portion of the time wiswas occu-

pied by ELDER JOHN W youngwho read the revelation on thewordvord of wisdom and spoke onthat subject

ELDER C C eian followedspeaking on present or every daysalvation

the remainder of the time wasused by PPRESTAest JOHN TAYLOR onthe subject of the priesthood set-ting forth the duties of the variousquorumsqu he also referred to theopsubject of marrmarriageJage and as a mat-ter of local interest intimated thatproper arrangements would bemade so that this ordinance mightbe performed at homehomo instead ofhaving to go to st Ggdorgegaorgeorge

an anthem was sung and themeeting was with prayerby coucounselor john NV young

2 pmp Pchoir sang L

direct is thathe workork my goddod my kinkins9prayer by elder george F gibbschoir sang

nearercarer to theotheepresident Maa thatcher presented

to the congrecongregationkation for ap provat ornon approval the general autho-

ritiesgitles of the church they wereunanimously sustained

president F D richards thenpresented moses thatcher as presi-dent of the cache valley stake ofzion and wm B preston andmiltonmllton 0 HhammondammoDd as his coun-selors which vote alsoaiso carriedunanimously

president 11 thatcher then pre-sentedented the following namesname whichVaichwere sustained without a dissent-ing vote

members of the high councilcyrus WV card hanghana andeandersonalvin crockett james leishmangeorge T behsonbelison ezra D carpen-ter charles B bobbins geo WehatThatchrehr H K cranney 0 Churt nellsneils hansen and simpsonbimpsonM molen

As president of the high priestsququnius0etim george ii farrell withtebaubahariesbarlesriesrles 0 card and thomas Ericks as his counselors also allthethy bishops and theiri

counselors ofthee stakeslake Tamesnames will ap-pear pioprobablybablybabiy next conference bywhich time it is expected theaaronie priesthoodd will be fullyorganized I1

charlesocharles 0 card as superintend-ent of construction of logan tempie

john parrymrry blastermaster aisanmasonjames Qquaylee mastermasier carpencarpentertertruman VA0 angellgelgei jr Aassistant

architectjames A leishmanirishman cerkclerk of

the stakemoses thatcher as superintend-

ent of sabbath schools mithwith C JO0card and 0 C ormsby his assist-ants

also the following as home mis-sionariessioslonsion ariestharies john B Thatcher FrankbensonbensoniBensonisori james hymers charrescharlesreese wm A nobienoble AlonaionalonzozoGGbarber A C brower wm waddop robert baxter charles Cshaw james bullock C H

juddy blair frederick lund-berg thomas Dudurrant hezehatch Hfhezekiahzekiah H peck J FbalHalhalkmankinan J H clarkdark wm santstBUjonas N beekbeck henry yates

ELDER GEO F gibbs spoke ashort timelime and the remainder ofthe afternoon was occupied byELDER F D RICHARDS who aaactdrdressedeissed the congregation quitelengthily on various subjects ofinterest and importance

confconferenceerence was adjournedadjournid untilI1

feb 2 andund 3 1878 the choir asangangan anthem and Councounselor M Dhammondham M ond pronounced the bene-diction reported by


A watervilleWaterville girl worked up themotto 1tI need thee every hourand presented it to her chap heiesays hohe cant heiphelphelpbelp it it takes himtwo hours to milk and feed thepigs morning and night and busi-ness has got to bobe attended to