I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. ': " , 1\, II' "'1I0LI,: 4. L.t TSmulll)' Il't1S 1111 e'itrllllel, tillY, IlIUtl'CIlIIlIIl111iel1 hy I\ny lJrCI'7.l:, tlOInc- unUSIUlI Ilure not h'(I-,' II up rh'u IrlUll Ille -.: .lllllllll_ lII11it cverj' IIttCfllOtlll ill WlllIII- ur. WII.!! II Iigllt with ligll' IlltllUler IIntl l:lII UW Cllltlll.\' he eXI'(,\ t'n'lli I hi,. 1111 •• '. ho IlH:ltIUU of icc ill 1111' 1",llIr rlgirlllll. whit'li ill lIUti this mOil th, illtl,c eamu t:rl, hili I 111111 nin 8tllrlllK lit lIds l!'c"lnn of the yenr, \l'lIiI(" cl'lIpurntillll ill louth- l'rn Illtillldel produccs thu ht'll\j lillO\'!' rallalld Intcn8U COllI of winler. IJ1I1t Weflllc!llht)' C. (',lulu lel\ UUI rh'cr ""hll his mother t.l rtlutll to f,ld hQUlt in 1\11lt'-l'" They "'DIU hero al,ollill yellr lind II Imlt til \·i.tit the fllllil)' ot' AttltCl lJulltcrr.;\k C. l110t Leing 1\ljll til\: Ultllhl'r lit )1". lIulI.lerl. 1.i1dug tilt! OOtlotry lx:1l,}I'I!tun rhey Itt tin.t llutidl.ltlCll Ihty l,rnlulIgcll lheir 8tll)', nnd 1IIl1dllllUllIY friC11I1J. were Iftllh fur neurly lL ,}'cur 1lI1.'IJl1lcril of ollr lilnlily. Aftcr IlIldllg blllll,uther tt) her old 11'1111.... Jim, cxpn:8 wcll 8Ulll·t! wilh SlIHlllllllitili •. ElIul wu eXllect 10 IICU hillllJllCk llJ;lIill CIt! luug, Wh611 lie will CIIIllC to 81llY. Hill fril'udlllJeru will WC!CUUlO Ills rdurll. The furmcra on WliitllJey blnnd, on the SUlllL;:UlllUish IUIII tbc S\\'inllllllsh JUtrn'slinf: nllllUt two \'\'ctks (lMIl ill ClU'nC"t, l\rouncll.l ('lInnt:r Ihc Iky Is olJscured b)' the IImllke I'" tllClt' thICiihCfl!, whcro 'Ilile II 111l1lll.cr tlrtl tIl is lit work lIut Ihe ;.rrJ.in rl;:llt fr,'lU Ihl' ridd. tIll' Slrll\\' lilr fllul. Six lllltl IlU ngn. not 1;'1l11ll1;h grllill Wllii in lhili re. ,lj:inn fur htllllu rlJUlSlltlll'llnn, l'lccpt Uti WllidlJeJ IllhlUti. XII\I upwnrlllllll :!GO.· 000 will Lc Uion •. t:ISIl IUUI·:C·... Oll\. YOW,'Il-: It. S;'\O\lO\IlSIl C'lTY, TElm,. SATURDAY, AlfCI'ST 'IS, Isn 1I".. k, ;\1I11wir I,('in/-!, t'flIJ1Utt,l. Ihul)lIl'iltioll Ill" dllllJ.:cr tn i!,ll11uilullrS in I l'urhhld(,11 i.trfct lule til' pholngrllpb3 01'11 ;\'om"ued, lIlld lII:;illl'(' (lrc pLrlsh- tl", 1ll16.I'n;':l'r Imll In CHIlle to F,'l'lU:!' the vicinilS nf Pllget Suun,l llllIlC:C"'Ulll Thein. 111;:: 11'11111 thlt..!. TF,II.!t'· ",.. "url!l'. j.£1I1. h. 11I'IIl'l!' UO ll1i1l':'. 1\11 fllot. Anollil'l nr thl'culCIWt! (wIlli" nutbrcllk". IUIlI lie· PUllf'fi' Illlnf\lIn('f' tllll! RO,OOO (,ilflic'! uf ,\ull. 1:1,-Ti,t, 1:;"llIlIIlli_/, in ""Iltl, T!llr.1 "f 'inri'll IIN,t 11I\·.... \1flll !!ellt In (;1'11. Jlnl\'unl, rilletl III !!I'lnl n llul1l·uf wt\r lil IlHIt pillec l,nlUIl1IS Ilf )lue-I tlii'III."'ill;.l: Ih"I«' ligllrl'!! nll,i1,llt, thcs<' ""·.,w1 rll,·.,I'I "f ,\,,, "1ll1"'1' ,,! .. 1l'1I "'H. , I \1 '1 , " \' " \' " 1(' lr ti I I I" h 1'I"l.'I,' 1','"11. )1"1I'l.w "' \\' III 11111 I hll\'c rcnclwd thun' tll-tln.l'. frlllll g,lIl f'rllllr·t'C". .. II Inll nrc 10 ...u (Illirl mtct 1lI It'l "111111 II I'e y urgu lllll'lJ JI'1l III \\ ('nt '\I'rll, .,"1,· nll.1 Ild"l'i'r lOr ",lI'h I'1'1 ... h,,"h'('r IUIII ""('11 left ",ix mill'S 'J'llESTOS, r" All;;. 14.-Th,' gn.-cI1' rcecill'l! ill fl'<!ul lilt· In ""'"'1\ 1·,HUlUI-.l.OIWL· I'"lrl, )1"llIluI' , "I \ '1 I ' ,(I ,', I' " k' , \. I fill' n' N If II . I . II lOr j··..t,'tl"rI.)I.H •.\111.\""1,,",1 S"",'ml",'r /I,,' \I'U'" 11I"I·n·t 10 Il\tl\·c, p"rl\' Ill-lillY nnlllllllllC( 1'11. ,t)ItWlhCIJ ..pell 0 1'1', , Ie \I Ill' III Ie "f •.u-II \'·.lr. . 111' lit 11111 illJ.! Ilill tlt!111 they Th",. I). ilm't'r (Olr Om·crnnr. Their Prl'!'illellt .\Illdlllhnn ill til.., ill tli.pntl'll of /III u\'uihlblc .. rrillll Ille I./.,r IIF /"'111.1" /,\','1'1'/ TIT/II.\:", !ll')lrd IIdl'l' nrlll tht'll it rel"olul\IIllll dl'lIll:lId IIll ill1l11l'tlinte rcpml now llt.,(,lll11ing tile IlIIltil'tt 01 tluilj' nco Ili.tUrlll.lI 't'rrituriC8. 801110 nl it com- .\l.I."nl,'. 1"'111"1111101 L",lu". (. II. wu" A 11ll1l!1 llf Inlli'lIlll !IflUIl Itf tIll' 1'l'!Iulllptil't1 ACI, nllriliuling In it llIlll uf'the C'IlHll. 11.\' mil I hrlHl,!rh Oerl1l'wy. lIy WllY of .11111 L111 ... 1 .. ,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd (If Ih,q'llUlrll('lioll uf current" Illitl thu :':1'11" p,\ lUll, .\lIc,. 10,-Thc Hepuuliclln SCII' \'crlluillc"'. jo'rllllce. Tl.ilt it 1\'IIS tllil clr. "Jd'"",,,lh, ,,;>,' ... 1. (I II. 'I' 1111\1' l.,·"r 1.",It:l·. Xu. II, ulI,1 1I'lll it i1 IIt'lh'I'1'11 Iill tllll IlIlrS""" 1'",,1 °tli_1 rbil III' thu ClllIllt r.I·. 1111(1 \I'llI'll nturitll CIlIl1Udtll'(J l'lllllllflte Iho Ht,pu Ioli. Ctlltlllttllu.:e (/Of) the clli till' "j thu f.·(8nO- ,11 til ... l·tllIItllnllll. IIII.' ;:urlN, tllPir liUp' t1mt It ill'" pIIJt fir Ilc"n· clm .lrl>lJticlI 10 IJt,! rt:lllfllCd thu nr- m;.·t nll,lnnt thu reurnt rille in :-1I"1",,ul_1I luthm. tllic·., l'l'1len'e Illll1utlllilil1ll. ,'ie •• \\'l'l'e lI11irnc)' nf 1Il1l11")' 1'001er til p'lllpt'ril,c llrtllll'tllU,l: clL'Cti"l1 lit ::172. llrieci which gll\'e Ihili lu con. L 'hurl II w,"1 II l'I't' r"pl url"l. (,ll'll. (lihlJon llmu"ht nn,1 111t'1I dillfrnnc!,;-(l Illhor. !.H,sUO,s. A 1I,tl. I I.-All oc('n iOllUl, cur- 3i/;l1lUelllli 01 t:rl from IIhm,lIl. lJe :'I\II\I''Ilol·h I'HUlll\ ,\'.!rit'nltnral:'''l'lcl)', \I III II II,... 1'''lnil'r 11'lt 111"l"e Ih,: IUlll I'liII !\ row YOllli, .\u;:. 15.-TIlC SIlIt SII}'ii n'lIl)1ll1tlcllt ill tit,· Timc8' Vienlltl. saIl: g-lllllel't:ll from the fnct tnnt tile mOlllh's :0:111111111111·1, 1:111,'. \11111\.. 1I1111'UI.'. "lie hllndfl'i1 ell"I'l iH' Ult'II, 11ll,1 ltt,:lie\"'d 01' Ilic h'luotrll,JI,il: lIll'CI ill" ndJ:llu mC11 lit E\'Cr,\'1 hi II" tn slluw I hut nl' wllcnl rr'1l1l 11111 h"Ulrltetl. 01""1,,,,"1·11 "1"10::1"1'11 1'''1011'.11'\· "' .... " :"'11'11""111_11 1·'·'Iol'l'·I.\· lhtt lUll I nll1rl.\' /til \1 ithllr,IOA'tl IUllf Pllllt tWIl In 116kllll,le lit ei;,:ht l)'olock .Ali 111111 tiulf'lman Ilru lIlttklllj( IItlln"ly .\Illllk:l, l\l't' 11111,.]1 /;I 'I.\"l.··' \'\'11 .1/".'.\ Ir'ln Ill'l fr.lIlL 'l'llt! 11lt"'''C1I1olt'r l'lllj'slll.l tit WiUI1 3 1lf IIlltul. llillt lit 11m "ppoillted Il!rl'lltCtlOTlll tn II jUllcliun IJj'tlw IC&lI lltltllitlhfllnlling 1)/" ,"_\·'J/I(I\I/.'II/ '·/1'r. I hjll"lI nile Illdillllll \\','rtl killt:tl. Ille ClllllUd"il1llUI'll milt tit \·Hllrler· 81cflll! PIlS't 80 tiS til HUI. Ihulllgh ADullll,'r Cltll"e 1.1\1 f'-I(' _W .\1. "Irllut \llul Elolrhlc,1,' "l1tl II ill Ihl' l'nttlll1ltnd, lllr:lud- Ililrll JlurlnrllllUI! 8 \1111 hcltl!ust- lIillns frnl1l Til'rnl1\·lI. If lht:)' @ucceclll" f"r i11C:relliICtll""IJllrts fflll11 Is IIIe .\l"r-,' 1 ' I I ' 11111 r"n -\. C. dli/.ell", ""'f1' killud IIr \\'41nntlell. illg: unlil Ill'llrly twelve I)·chlck. Till' clll:<'tin;.: fl junclion wc 11m,}' eXJll'ct til I CPI'C_loIUll II I UUle_,llc llhIIlU}' IU. \11:1;, I'. 1\1"j{;I"JII. I'ad,urll,\: (;t!II. (:illl"'11 hllj !'cllt lur lllt'dicilllil.1l1tr· II,',ullll;; dirc'Clor.!! 011 ilidts ;11 hClir .... rll j:1'\.'llL I;;lltle. which will til/It cou \Vlltillr. ;':"\11\". ell'. IIr .. \lilellclI Will r'lU"'C IItlcntbll('l:. 'rhu W. l,;. '1'. ClI" of· Ilucillc thil CUlll»IUgll. 1I,'rn __ 1. l'lltli..... I'I. E\I'!lIIIlL:'1, PIli I II, W. 1'111'1: Iii IIII\, wltll lUI UCII. Olh· flllct! the .\tlulltic unll hl/'iiie one-ninlh Uncllllft...;t 'llle Ill,,, lhe c';/Jlr J.I::ht, llh''f·l,k It II Slnp"· 1,1l11 p'lrticuh,rl.) liJr HllIlJull1llcl' tlt'lhe Illtal rccl,i(ltl§ to ctrl.'Ct II Ilcruttl slill renutlMut Ikilil. Thuugh Hn •. Itl lulI.lt.-I'. 1'111"""" tu I'ume undcr I "'Curl, Hlld Iltmt nfrllll!!elllcnt. The .\llnll· Silltlllrlll)' iii 1l4lin.. strclllltilenc.l III \l" II l1.m.Ull ., ;>.- .. t!' :-11,,1 II \1,1(11 - Will III nit\\hll.l \\ ng-t1J1 \\ ill tlll Illrwud I'rolll tic l.ml I'lleili(, for \100 !lrtt. u! iu tll(lro i!t little chnlwc IIf nny lleriOll!l lie. t: 1111'" f )1 _1"'1l" Ilull'lo'll Ilere ItllJ Ilttll:. It Wlli "tICOt' till' hllrlldt receipt!. Ill're 1\ Ililo'iBiml louk llllu'cnnt! tillll. Fur nUlrc Ihtlll n \\'l'(!k the Turkll ... -- Illllillll lh;ltti fill 1'lll'lIJ'll, nllli GiMI,,"'!4 nil ('1I'i,rls 10 MellIe the lIifrel'encu wcre UII· iU'lll'fld of nCllIl$; \\'ilh cncrg.)· /InrI d,d. 'Lateot by_.-!.clegraph. l'IIUlIUntlll mlldc IL 11lrtt't ,1L'ilJltrllt· tlml ll\'lliI; 1I:.r. Thc until "inll nre hnildillJ.:' mum \l'l1rk,!l. gllllllttt light uI"'I'whl'lmillg llUlll' MOUllny. .'11)' UUllll1 UIIO" lJcilltf 'liltS' I-'rince Clutrh'lI 1m::! uut 1'2,000 lionel1 10 11m retlult. IlIhl tllc IIffnir mihtifl. 11I,.I,s \. )1<llll:1n,l. 1\'1;.(. 11.-Thc fill· lJV, •• 1C 1.Il11lU;• 1-1-10 ,\. IlRll CIIIIIlPolt.'ll. )lellllJerl of the ('11111. CIISSTA)o...ISOI·l.ll. Aug. lu\dut: WUiI II,;", 1ll .. G"L ullllle lIleli \\'1,' Wllnt I,erll til el!C"rt mi»ll;nll SCpllrfttlllJ sllitl till" differenCeS PII lin undur dille iii IIltl )1. '1'.• tt. ttl';'';', \\11;':"11.'. We lU6 rllllhillK llert! to efl(:uft were 110 I\'itlll "nIl thd perlllllllli lIn!lt1O'li. 11Ih thttt he lJus occupied Iho t.luirtlieth n.,r. Iln,I /I l'l'lfll 11;.1111 \V11:.t(IlI11. We "ro Il1llhinll lip WIIKIlI'1, liell were illlenllC Ilmt prospect of IJlt!llJ UlIllppuseti. Tho HUll.ittn. hO\'1: whh :\n P('nl' . h. ll1ill l! It I\lllllhl·r ,HIli ""ll·e-"', kc. ctc. \JUt 01' 18:! lire RUlIlllicRlolc cUlelllcllt \\'UI fur tho l)l'ct- cvnl'unte(1 tile KRill lloghaz Ptl&ll. luitinll II .lll1llll'r nf nnkcrtl IIml 1Il'1I. killed. ellt out ollllc qIlCj!illli. )tukhlllr 1'"Ahn tell.'grllllhs unller Ih,te We lire hrre l1t!'lr tIlt: lllnnth o( 1I,,1e f.ulIm:, T., Aug. 12.-T\\'o 'I'hc ,';IW', 'IKleinl 81l}'1: of 8,h, T ..... II HUllIilUl columlts l'n.s with II Illro.«llllllllbcr Ill' "'llUII,ll'll in 11ft' III hom (Jell. IIl1wllrd's com· Sdmrl.·, UIIUllnL Il'(nltllry, Dell. will !Inn: Iitacked our position nt Kllllu,","". Wlllit ..f clflChin;.r. mnlltl, IJc cij,l:hlCI'li milL'll tliiitHllt lOOn retlj,:'lI. Bell l'\'Cenlly wrote ('lUll' Third('olllnlllhns Illllrcllccl 011 Aui,unll 'Ilrl1icilll'l lI.cul . ltICtIlCli1 hum 01111100, 'Uld woulll rel\Ch thtl. Ilftlg" Il'ticln IW\ttllt 8(1111_ lIur Wlnj( !Ifill bellll altlekcd !Jetweiln 1:4""1' llIIlUl.t!tnCftllltunL'l!, curl}'un Ihe Illh. N'I lurcher ratliclI' lAy Ihls II Ihureltl rell"'" Why 8chur:r. SlIlmu lind Gl\inHnfn. TillS HUttIIlnnl. ,JulIS lilll/lllS, r. fl: ••\. IHI'8 frOl\l tlte blltlc 11I:1i1. l'l:ec,)ting t11(! 110\'8 nOt &c(''11IllJlllll1 Ihe Prclil1ent to rdnlllrCI·d. \\l.'rr Lwictl r('IHII"t'd 1'0 all". ('vII.. : WCIUlll" hllril t1f,lhl rt'llolrt lhllt And gUll. lmil ClIllllldbllll rt'lirc III till ir cnlllil. nll,1 Illtlk lile \'illng'I', hllt wl'ru fllltlJl) \\'cru CllplUrcd. Thll 1';lIlfll' W" hmgttln pcciltl 1'I}'If, An .\tht:m dliputC" lHJiI tllill 110 large lh iveu IIIU.'k \\ it II Ilcl\\'Y 10'\8. ('"IHni" ClIll·.ttm••\UI.'. 12.-Tht! full owing i. Tru t1\'orthy MHIlII(t111 of Iltiii crowd IllnrchC(1 Ihrt'ullh the on LII;.\'llll IIIHl Lielliuttllt HIIlllh') nrc killell I Ihl: 1ll\leln! I'UpUI ot tile IndiAn Jlg-ht ill llt'j' uy thl' hU6111l.'i 1(l'Il lit Lemhi rC6t:r. SUl1dllY ."uutiu:: "I\'ur. \\'Ilr:' his he- (lell. (lihb"n IIn,l ;\lulllMlIn: vnlioll not lll/lrll Ihltll 200 lllileiJ rrulI\ lit'\'t'(! tho nlOtmmL fiJr GrC('('Q III IlIkt. ntl,l WOQdl"uff• PH·I., Minll.. Au\(. 11th, iterI.'. nm1llre IIltlrchinu ir. tllill dirl'Ction. llctinn iB nenr. Ih,h lleri'lu Iy, tho nthen ""lt h1I y, Thc ViII . .... haidrlJl. f.J1ti"'II/IJ, Ilt.-A lIo\\'llul i.!lI)n:lIlling' "nor them III 1e.IBt nt:ruAIlIo!:&T, Aug. 1'1Ilill'mt IrII.11HIlll't! clltrencllCll 111111 the 11II11r1llii jlllL ret'I,i\'ul1 (rum 1'11. 0111- lllft.u ;n Ihe renr. Ol\'inlC to Ihe p"rl"tllllll{c hml III inler\'iew with wer,· It'll\'ing I\·llen t111l1l1lWU!Il!.(cr It'll. 1I0n.lltllCll Big 1IIIIu PI\!IS, Oth, Inrge nUluber or Ilcre, lIud Ihrir (irtlllil I)ukf', Thur",lllj'. lIe Ih:RH l.nl)l:v.. 11-0 .t ..... --W. i lulloll'8: SUfluise,llhu Pcrl!l'll Vl'ry rt.'KlIc"'S cltllllitioll. 1 fcc! gf'11t II1lmillliliU ImoJl' wcrc sfUlll:\\'h'\t 111'- II. EII\\,urllll. jUlt Ilfl'h'llll Ifllm UiJ: Holc. ('llllIP here Ihls j(oL nuxiuty rur (lllr Wo have 110 IHo, 1ll0rlllil,HI, RlIellllitl thcre Willi 110 proliR-' llflllgll Ilcr.lllnls of II ft·rrll.1ll hlllic 1,0('- Ill' it IIltl'r " hurd ill which lW11i tL'ctiOll 118 thero IIrc t.il:! Intlinnll. Shoo hdity urn of "l,enlillns lor tween Oillllftu'l! CClllllll'UlllutHl the 1\; ..7. ilidt:ii IlI'lt hCR\'i1S' ('upl. l.ugull mI(l IIIl1I thdr nllil:.!t, nn t:to fl'lcrvalioll, thfl"e weekI', wbell lit' woultl lI,l\'1l11 PCI'Ci!!l on 11010 river. August Ulil. til·lIt. urll kill,,,. .Mj'ilClt', CApt. JllIll no truilils wuhin reRCh. Tltiil II1IX, foreement of 100,000 men. 1JiLoI,on'l CIIIlltlllllUI, ('Il1l-lillillJ.( IIf It'l? Willlllll1"', RIHI nre \\'OIll\l1CllI,lhe ict)' III A \'cry \'nUll nllf', Tho IIl'pcnr- Aug. 11.-EiJ.;ht tllUIlI.tntl IUUll, 17 tl!lh'cl'. 1:1:' rt'{.:ulllrs nnd :I:! ItI. ..L lk'liuUllj'. Jlnt:u of IllIlilUII in Lemhi, II hiell iK,ill Itflrvillg llull;lIliau rclUC;I.C!lIIIC ill '1\'1. n vnluntl·erll. ('ro "CII nVl'r I'rom A. n. T.-:uu,.. 1III1In j"liL "Cflllll the litHI from ;\I"ntruln. 'fht!re Ire IICll"'Y nAI) r OIntinuollS llI111ii Ulllu lu nt-Ill' IInl" IlII \\'l,l· IIr:l:. nCIl. t'Ollll1lIlH.llng. IIml Iho Wcslerll :tllll't: "I' Ille llluunlllin \\'hleh mult J;rently cundlll:C to sprcll,1 mill In)'. SInrtin,!.; 1\t 11 o·c101.'k 011 till.' 1·:,\!'i·.'I,:U:t 1IC11llrnlilll,t tllO wnuhl 'hull' 1oI1sell'lC ill tllv IHIll),. MillO nighl Ill.wrll tl,lWll nil llle tlUII th,'j' lire Htillllinl,; IIlllly fftll1l (llh- III C'ollsf!lIlliuojlle trunll!l wIth till' nr II fel\' Irrt X\SIII 111·14 Tellll, .\111,;:. 10-A 'Il c , bOll" Uig 11010 CIUlj'.,tl 6ghl. Thc)' hllYO frflm in\'ndL'Il lhstriclll IIfU to j.jllur l \ tllll Irllll:<jlurtion l\ fl'w dill lrom lIuntluJ::tnn lilliti'l lilitt Ol·n. ,tulcn IlIlck thu 1II11l1ntnin.!! uud Jlrc :10.1100. 1I111l\e. t'11\-4t' ttl In,Jillll 1'111111', ""hit'lI lllnry Dlirntil 11Il trilll nl, 'fiplllll\'ilil'. nu\\, lroll. three \II hlllr 11/1)'1 1I('lIrCI Ihcir I II' '" I , 'I I.llklle<.lUtll',hulldmt:IIIIII'COUftllttlltll The TlIrkillh Iroulls1\'hhdrawn (r,llll Illlli 0 011 I).: II e 1110111 t ll't'(' 1111 III J I'nitll-thu I.'lllwui IrIllo .... II It('rc tllt Biltcr UtHl1 nlt,l u,1lt- pi I11'O \Ill \\'CIIIlt:.\lllj' 111111 Tllundtly lIilll " I I lit \'lIflin. rdllltlnlinK -thlll II' It'll t Icy IIttlrlet, I oWllrd, )Iehetllct. 4\ Ii tutll Sulciultlu Tlru nrock truil ('rll''1('M. .\t t1l1yllJ.:ht Iili .. :,'•• llrIlIC" InCll, 1111,' ,.llerHf lIud thlpUtil'11 \ " "\' II I I I\' IU lIet uut to 1\' lip "IIC Ollt'p I. 1tI8jltlUer',slll1)' IIle increll."t:IIIO ';'1).000 OU!A ltlflrnlnl{ tiiO Will "JIllnl'll Ity Ihu hcillL; ilhull1cit.:nt, IJtlrnl'll rc· I " \ I f I \ ll..'(!11 UI II <lng lllllrc I II lotlvcrll Iun· Thc Ihird "".ill reUlllilt lit .\llrillllUlllc. \'nltllltuerll lIrillK roll llllli Ilillin/ol un III' Cl'IHI}' gt\\'e UJl,but rllfuit.:1111l IlllJ \ I 'I I' I 1 ' \ . • rei 1111 ell. all, III nnw I Ir ( u)'. In I Ie I Qtllefi will l'rOll8 I lit: Il.tlkllllll. (111111 cu,;o "I U.I.e nIII ) lit. O'le ,lillil Wllrl;,' nher Tho churA'c tn .!ttll und WAll IJIIIl:ell In 11m fl'ur III the Inl1inllll whu UfU nnw wililiu I . '.. .I ', I I I I 1 I ., I' .. I' 1Il,;!llhllll J lIrku I tl·OOll.!! Mru rCllrlltll lUt:ilIllCl' lli-etH'erCl1.tf<'\el'll 111:'1 Wltl t lell 11111C l' lin I It' call1ll IInl IIII', Cll.IOlly 01 nne III till Irll!1Il18. It I strikillg' dilltllilce or 1\\'0 rncr\'u, to furtillet! plJleeli. The 'I'urkish Ileul vy W Clllch I 10k,)' li,)'cr 011 flccurrl'" I'M !Jle t\\'o 1I.lIIr.... lieI'll .howil Ihnt the IJOIlt! \\'lti "'1111 "1 k \ r'" ., dur;n,ll whil'll lirJl6 1I11l1'lll cr uflllt'" Iwd dent it WH,\ iO 1IIll1l1UliCUU ill COUft IIrhl u IIC -i I IIJ c Ilclluleta. Illl,l101J ('fhis h':nll, llllt! Illl'Itlll·r. IUlhl1j: II \ l' J 11 ' '" I l"jUUlp Ilil{h en""uh t" l.ltch Ihc hull IIl.lillnl \\'I'r" killl'd. 'l'11t: /lIlItH,·r. till'lI Ollrucll I\'U'l ordt·rltllojllil. Tim tlhcrilr .:tll.l,s, Ii :'._ 'I Unllin \I 11'11 \\ 0' r nn tim lf1II:!l''''' hut werc rd·lIrCIIln net 11111 1)lIrllt.!1 nnd Ihe IinUIl.:t! I.mw(Js. All!!. 10.-.\ n IIIUII IfHili 10 10 4,1 YI'lIri II l,gll Irl' ,. ' " 'I elu.ltrllllll'llHii nut n"lll,td ill rhl' bCIlt:'. in Ihe Ilttl'Il1JlI, Tim Ih. II nt· mol, \\'1,1"1,.1 nut or 11l1l Clltln rnllhl. ,Ie- witll tho nrlllY prCIJ.lnllury 'ttl t'a lOt! , I' \, I' \ 1\ "',Iii)' til' tile Ill.·IIIC'I', I !'C\'cml ICUlII!t·1I tll l'ut flll'llI ,,11' rrom l\ hiJ.:h llllunl'iI1'-" tilt' I'uurt nllil tlt'lrill" Ihu 1111- tlOllt tl111lnrin fl'\'1'(' I" iti WIIMit. uU Ilu u I It! gellefll o 0 I lIell' ('omctlO. :-;lill attul!,tr ,h.I\'I' IWIl1l' "'llllth'd pllilll, 1,m c!lllrJ.::I·11 III ol'l')' lI11llllrl'lliiUf.iC'kllrrivllllt 'rt'hl!t!lIll1llldn It:tu.\Ib'r, .\l'j:. II.-It rllllllJl'ul .. . .. "" . ... . 'I I, I . . nl U\llu lind 1I1ll1111 Iltl'tlI. nlill old\'il,g tIle ludhtll ndIIUll:l' 1111 'Il'lier 10 'llllllllllli G.lV. I"IUU' ,IUII.\"lltll HhtJurlly Irtll1llll!' C lill mitt' Illlll\:llrul 1JI the HliSlIUUl "'. " ., \. eo ll' lIrlltllmllls IllS ,il \tlr lIl.\Ull'r \11111 trolll It Ilelll It 11Il.1 lit OIlI'U lilftllll:d. !t'I''''llIpltcd III Iot:nd Ihc 'hll'ku .1'" h"rho",1 til )1I'J".II,·. where 6fl'lllnl11;t CIl1Jllu. . I "'I , " . ". . . . . " !II'\'l'rnIIIllCIl Imllllkl:rl' lIl.l.. Ie IIl\t l'r .. Cllllllllllctll11're tttl I1IHI "!III I l.:t1tll,J'I1I1 til relief. Iml thc \\IIft'r ulll)ulr ullke .\ I'nrn"polllirnt 11I''-1 '. ' \ '1\ 'II r \, I I I " 1>· \ , . .. ., tilker ... wllhlnu IlIlIMllt'ut I'. ,.11 til S \l It'llllUU11Irh'r ur,I"r \\11'" l1ut n.pulilh,tlIO. I 1-I'lIS1'. II po f'Ollnls I'M "'l\lllIllf . 111ft, 11 ,/L1ock Ihc Ii;:hling Willi \\' Au;,:. 11.-Thc C"hil1('t 1Il1n)' in I'rollurtiull. the rninlllilln i. •. 1lit'd "n l't -. .---- I , I 'I I '" .• l' k' I' ,\ \STI:II 1111' 1.111'1 •..\ trlllllP til' on 1111 I 1'1' t.'8. t Ie III IIlrl'e 01 WWI lU lllhlUn 10 till.)' Illlli ddertltUh'tl III \ IUlCCIl '111'[1,,\ :";I .. lu:...\ II mllt. ",1 "1'lIi 111' lIlt. 1I1'lll' . I ' •• '. , <" plil'j l"!llndy fllrl'lllph \1111111. "I I'll Ihu Imllllng Ilclng III tlloll,t;ht. l·',!II. lhUlltl'II111llli-sioullflhreeltc "1'1'"1nll:,) :;'.', 10.-.\ Itllt"r "." , '1 !II... ""Ihlll" fill \011 111 Ih,. rq',l' .. 'I" "I' I.Uj,:'llll IlIld LlfUl. UfIt.lll'j' werc killl:l!. tli I\ct II'IIh 1\ silllililf (III tile I lot ,It' .. tlmt '''',000 I'r.. h tr,1I)1'1I nrl' nlrl':tH) hy Ihl' J[1·lwr'd. Thi. II". ,,' ". . I.,' '1 ' ( ' "" (' \\',,' 11' 1(' , , I 1'1 1 I 'I I .: .. h.UIltllll'. ... i'i' ll. "'11, l.1 'IUn, lIpt. I IlllllaMlIl .It'UIlt.! Jlurt II nUlulll, tllli IlfrIUl"t! flll'IIC reo "II I It· \\:1)' '.\' ril rO'l( In lit' ,1'11 1\1 "t'lI 1l0\1lil1lt I.\, Ill" .\11 , I I ' , I " \ ,. ... ,;' f' ' '\ \ \'lrlJ lll:h hlll;1\' hu\\ d..I:" '. j( 't 11'111. HolII null \\ IHlllrull \\I'r,· Iltrll III null IIlhl f.l!d\\l'ri I., \I'lr. 'tllr hi \\1 I 111 1111\" III :"1\ ,I 111'1. J!. .. 1 hy .. 1\llIllldl"l. 1;"11. t:iIJblOll .... 1\' tilt' rllil' II (hI' ttll'lld, -r \\illl", Till -,' 1111 111,1" ".nolO 1',11\ II}' !lll.1 i,l11l7 lllllle lIuh_"irl"U i.. 111'1'11"1 d "I 111'_ : !.Ilk\: I.. "H·'IJl.\ 1111'. IIIItHt,,. 1\1i.. 111I'·IIn;1 111111 J.111t.1, 'nil' tllllll'lIl.I' "llkcl', tUIIII"I'I' rl"!,I' 1l1ift;.l111l' 1111',1111.". '1'",\ hl1n,lr,·tl un.IIIIIS IlltlOtlll hI;': dllli'r II "r lin "p"l1 * *--- r IhllLlIll' r lillY Illihtl III inlt'rillr 111'lIi1flllltllr. lind llill Ihiul "iiI \1 i:1 I,,· N:tt tIle !tnt!t\!ltl" O:tlr !\l\lulllllll'r i. t''''\\>!I,1 wilh .'1 III ;;I"til'_ ill I!'llllt' Ih,' . till' TWln,1I he' ..··11'1':" I lI'tl} II l'Ilhll'rt'nl'I' wit', 1111' l,il'l:I'" rlduu Ililt WI 1'1 11111::11:111. i·Mr,' h 11111.1 I'll" \\,'U III 11li' pl'WI', IIn,1 III I,'r 1, Ii.', II e', I .1.1'1' 11:1' ill II" ,Iill t lj"u ,,1 lllU I'll Ul. '1'.1(' ('.111;11 : i.v'l"'.\ ..\ ":' 1'1. t'll; I JI,,!i'l 1,,1\'1' t"'llI 111.1 I'J "lUI II,' 'I" III II' '1'1", I",tll.

I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;

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Page 1: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;


Wbe Noflbetn ilat.

': " ,1\, II'

"'1I0LI,: ~O, 4.

L.t TSmulll)' Il't1S 1111 e'itrllllel, ho~

tillY, IlIUtl'CIlIIlIIl111iel1 hy I\ny lJrCI'7.l:, tlOInc­

Lltjll~ unUSIUlI Ilure not w~ h'(I-,' II I'r~l.'zc

llmwill~ up rh'u IrlUll Ille -.: .lllllllll_

lII11it cverj' IIttCfllOtlll ill ph':I~IIIlL WlllIII­

ur. ~llIlIIllIY WII.!! II Iigllt .IIhowerydrt~·1

with ligll' IlltllUler IIntl Il~hllling!

l:lII UWCllltlll.\' he eXI'(,\ Il~l t'n'lli I hi,. 1111 ••

'. ho IlH:ltIUU of icc ill 1111' 1",llIr rlgirlllll.whit'li ~ullImence ill ,Jl1t~· lIUti i~J.'fctlt('St

this mOil th, illtl,c eamu llllJ('IIV~' i!ho~.

t:rl, hili I 111111 nin 8tllrlllK lit lIds l!'c"lnn

of the yenr, \l'lIiI(" cl'lIpurntillll ill louth­

l'rn Illtillldel produccs thu ht'll\j lillO\'!'

rallalld Intcn8U COllI of winler.

IJ1I1t Weflllc!llht)' Jn~. C. (',lulu lel\

UUI rh'cr ""hll his mother t.l rtlutll to

tlll~ir f,ld hQUlt in 1\11lt'-l'" They "'DIU

hero al,ollill yellr lind II Imlt Il~u til \·i.tit

the fllllil)' ot' AttltCl lJulltcrr.;\k C.l110t I~r Leing 1\ljll til\: Ultllhl'r lit )1".lIulI.lerl. 1.i1dug tilt! OOtlotry lx:1l,}I'I!tunrhey Itt tin.t llutidl.ltlCll Ihty l,rnlulIgcll

lheir 8tll)', nnd 1IIl1dllllUllIY friC11I1J. wereIftllh fur neurly lL ,}'cur 1lI1.'IJl1lcril of ollr

lilnlily. Aftcr IlIldllg blllll,uther tt) her

old 11'1111.... Jim, cxpn:8 l'illljlll!wlf~ wcll

8Ulll·t! wilh SlIHlllllllitili•.ElIul wu eXllect

10 IICU hillllJllCk llJ;lIill CIt! luug, Wh611 lie

will CIIIllC to 81llY. Hill fril'udlllJeru willWC!CUUlO Ills rdurll.

The furmcra on WliitllJey blnnd, onthe SUlllL;:UlllUish IUIII tbc S\\'inllllllsh

ht:~fln JUtrn'slinf: ~nlill nllllUt two \'\'ctks(lMIl ill ClU'nC"t, l\rouncll.l ('lInnt:r Ihc

Iky Is olJscured b)' the IImllke I'" tllClt'

~Ielllll thICiihCfl!, whcro 'Ilile II 111l1lll.cr

tlrtl tIl is ~e:r.r lit work tIJl't:~llillY lIut Ihe

;.rrJ.in rl;:llt fr,'lU Ihl' ridd. U~lIlt.i tIll'

Slrll\\' lilr fllul. Six )'t.'otr~ lllltl IlU ngn.

not 1;'1l11ll1;h grllill Wllii 1·,d~.:(1 in lhili re.

,lj:inn fur htllllu rlJUlSlltlll'llnn, l'lccpt Uti

WllidlJeJ IllhlUti. XII\I upwnrlllllll :!GO.·000 ulI~hdii will Lc C\II'lll~,1 111l~ Uion

~,uU~ •.t:ISIl IUUI·:C·...Oll\.

YOW,'Il-: It. S;'\O\lO\IlSIl C'lTY, WASHl~(jTO~ TElm,. SATURDAY, AlfCI'ST 'IS, Isn--,------_---:._--~---:._---~-----­

1I".. k, ;\1I11wir hur~I'~ I,('in/-!, t'flIJ1Utt,l. Ihul)lIl'iltioll Ill" dllllJ.:cr tn i!,ll11uilullrS in I l'urhhld(,11 i.trfct lule til' pholngrllpb3 01'11 ;\'om"ued, Il~d, lIlld lII:;illl'(' (lrc pLrlsh-tl", 1ll16.I'n;':l'r Imll In CHIlle to F,'l'lU:!' the vicinilS nf Pllget Suun,l llllIlC:C"'Ulll Thein. 111;:: 11'11111 thlt..!.

TF,II.!t'· ",.. "url!l'. j.£1I1. h. 11I'IIl'l!' UO ll1i1l':'. 1\11 fllot. Anollil'l nr thl'culCIWt! (wIlli" nutbrcllk". IUIlI lie· PUllf'fi' Illlnf\lIn('f' tllll! RO,OOO (,ilflic'! uf J.O~·I~IS, ,\ull. 1:1,-Ti,t, 1:;"llIlIIlli_/, inUi~lr'l'\ ""Iltl, T!llr.1 Tllf~'I.l." "f 'inri'll IIN,t 11I\·...."ll~l·r \1flll !!ellt In (;1'11. Jlnl\'unl, rilletl III !!I'lnl n llul1l·uf wt\r lil IlHIt pillec ~'!Ut'i'tl'illll l,nlUIl1IS Ilf I're~ldcnt )lue-I tlii'III."'ill;.l: Ih"I«' ligllrl'!! nll,i1,llt, ~ thcs<'

""·.,w1 rll,·.,I'I "f ,\,,, "1ll1"'1' ,,! ..1l'1I "'H. , I \1 '1 , " \' " \' " 1(' lr ti I I I" h1'I"l.'I,' 1','"11. '~'''lIrtll )1"1I'l.w "' ,1.'1I"1I~. \\' III ~ 11111 I hll\'c rcnclwd thun' tll-tln.l'. frlllll g,lIl f'rllllr·t'C". .. II Inll nrc 10 ...u (Illirl mtct 1lI It'l "111111 II I'e y urgu lllll'lJ JI'1l III \\ ('nt

'\I'rll, .,"1,· nll.1 Ild"l'i'r lOr ",lI'h ~'1.r. I'1'1 ... h,,"h'('r IUIII ""('11 left ",ix mill'S 'J'llESTOS, ~. r" All;;. 14.-Th,' gn.-cI1' pr"\'illce~. rcecill'l! ill Ell~llllltl fl'<!ul lilt· }~II!lt In""'"'1\ 1·,HUlUI-.l.OIWL· I'"lrl, FII~1 )1"llIluI' , "I \ '1 I ' ,(I ,', I' " k' , \. I fill' n' N If II . I . IIlOr j··..t,'tl"rI.)I.H•.\111.\""1,,",1 S"",'ml",'r ~·ntl'. /I,,' \I'U'" 11I"I·n·t 10 I~ Il\tl\·c, 1,'ll~k p"rl\' Ill-lillY nnlllllllllC( 1'11. ,t)ItWlhCIJ ..pell tII:r1ll8Ulln:!~' 0 1'1', , Ie \I Ill' III llI~II'nlng Ie"f •.u-II \'·.lr. . 111' lit ,111~"lighl. 11111 illJ.! Ilill tlt!111 they Th",. I). ilm't'r (Olr Om·crnnr. Their Prl'!'illellt .\Illdlllhnn ill til.., l"tl~ul~ ill tli.pntl'll of /III u\'uihlblc ~I·lin.. rrillll Ille

I./.,r IIF /"'111.1" /,\','1'1'/ TIT/II.\:", !ll')lrd it.di",'Lt'lr~I'd IIdl'l' nrlll tht'll it rel"olul\IIllll dl'lIll:lId IIll ill1l11l'tlinte rcpml now llt.,(,lll11ing tile IlIIltil'tt 01 tluilj' nco Ili.tUrlll.lI 't'rrituriC8. 801110 nl it com-

.\l.I."nl,'. 1"'111"1111101 L",lu". (. II. I:,~ulllr wu" -",il~·TII. A 11ll1l!1 llf Inlli'lIlll !IflUIl Itf tIll' 1'l'!Iulllptil't1 ACI, nllriliuling In it llIlll uf'the C'IlHll. ill~ 11.\' mil IhrlHl,!rh Oerl1l'wy. lIy WllY of,·"'nUIIII.II·.lti"lI~Ilr~l .11111 L111 ...1~.ltm·,I~.y.. ,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd (If Ih,q'llUlrll('lioll uf current" Illitl thu :':1'11" p,\ lUll, .\lIc,. 10,-Thc Hepuuliclln SCII' \'crlluillc"'. jo'rllllce. Tl.ilt it 1\'IIS tllil clr."Jd'"",,,lh, ,,;>,' ...

1. (I II. 'I' 1111\1' l.,·"r 1.",It:l·. Xu. II, Ih~l ulI,1 h"I~·lI. 1I'lll it i1 IIt'lh'I'1'11 Iill tllll IlIlrS""" 1'",,1 °tli_1 rbil III' thu ClllIllt r.I·. 1111(1 \I'llI'll nturitll CIlIl1Udtll'(J l'lllllllflte Iho Ht,pu Ioli. Ctlltlllttllu.:e (/Of) the clli till' "j thu f.·(8nO-

.'1,!.~:':,t;:II,ll~~III~:~~'~;':':I'I~I'·'ldI1tlUUlh. ,11 til ... l·tllIItllnllll. IIII.' ;:urlN, tllPir liUp' wllrkin~I1ll'l\ t1mt It ill'" pIIJt fir Ilc"n· clm .lrl>lJticlI 10 IJt,! rt:lllfllCd a~ thu nr- m;.·t clllllinu~l'\) nll,lnnt thu reurnt rille in

:-1I"1",,ul_1I ~'r,·,· 1l"II:!I"II~ A'''~ luthm. tllic·., l'l'1len'e Illll1utlllilil1ll. ,'ie•• \\'l'l'e lI11irnc)' nf 111I~ 1Il1l11")' 1'001er til p'lllpt'ril,c llrtllll'tllU,l: clL'Cti"l1 lit ::172. llrieci which gll\'e Ihili ill1l'll~~e lu con.L :~'i'~'I1~~I~~~:~.li, r~;1111\.~ 'hurl II w,"1 t..'"n::rtll:"I~llI II l'I't' r"pl url"l. (,ll'll. (lihlJon llmu"ht nn,1 111t'1I dillfrnnc!,;-(l Illhor. !.H,sUO,s. A 1I,tl. I I.-All oc('n iOllUl, cur- 3i/;l1lUelllli 01 t:rl ~ill from IIhm,lIl. r~lllJ lJe

:'I\II\I''Ilol·h I'HUlll\ ,\'.!rit'nltnral:'''l'lcl)', \I III II II,... 1'''lnil'r 11'lt 111"l"e Ih,: IUlll I'liII !\ row YOllli, .\u;:. 15.-TIlC SIlIt SII}'ii n'lIl)1ll1tlcllt ill tit,· Timc8' ~t Vienlltl. saIl: g-lllllel't:ll from the fnct tnnt tile mOlllh's:0:111111111111·1, 1:111,'. \11111\.. ~ 1I1111'UI.'. "lie hllndfl'i1 ell"I'l iH' Ult'II, 11ll,1 ltt,:lie\"'d 01' Ilic h'luotrll,JI,il: lIll'CI ill" ndJ:llu mC11 lit E\'Cr,\'1 hi II" tellcl~ tn slluw Ihut "'eh~ltlct illlpOrt~ nl' wllcnl rr'1l1l 11111 h"Ulrltetl.01""1,,,,"1·11 "1"10::1"1'11 1'''1011'.11'\· "'...."

:"'11'11""111_11 1·'·'Iol'l'·I.\· '\·~"nl.li,,". lhtt In,li,lll.~ lUll I nll1rl.\' /til \1 ithllr,IOA'tl IUllf Pllllt tWIl In 116kllll,le lit ei;,:ht l)'olock .Ali 111111 tiulf'lman I'LI~lm Ilru lIlttklllj( I'Ulllllrit~. IItlln"ly .\Illllk:l, l\l't' 11111,.]1

/;I 'I.\"l.··' \'\'11 /'Jf(I"·/::;~IOX.II• .1/".'.\ Ir'ln Ill'l fr.lIlL 'l'llt! 11lt"'''C1I1olt'r l'lllj'slll.l tit WiUI131lf IIlltul. llillt lit 11m "ppoillted Il!rl'lltCtlOTlll tn l'Il~'ct II jUllcliun IJj'tlw IC&lI i~\llI~':III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling

1)/" ,"_\·'J/I(I\I/.'II/ '·/1'r. I hjll"lI nile h\llldrl~l Illdillllll \\','rtl killt:tl. ti11l~ Ille ClllllUd"il1llUI'll milt tit \·Hllrler· 81cflll! PIlS't 80 tiS til ,1i~lh,lgo th~ HUI. Ihulllgh pncl'~. ADullll,'r Cltll"e u~lOigl1c(i1.1\1 f'-I(' _W .\1. "Irllut \llul Elolrhlc,1,' "l1tl 11I'1trl~' II ill Ihl' l'nttlll1ltnd, lllr:lud- Ililrll JlurlnrllllUI! 8 lIt:il~iOll \1111 hcltl!ust- lIillns frnl1l Til'rnl1\·lI. If lht:)' @ucceclll" f"r i11C:relliICtll""IJllrts fflll11 1l11~~it\ Is IIIe

.\l"r-,' 1 ' I I '11111 r"n -\. C. F"I~"lII, ill~ dli/.ell", ""'f1' killud IIr \\'41nntlell. illg: unlil Ill'llrly twelve I)·chlck. Till' clll:<'tin;.: fl junclion wc 11m,}' eXJll'ct til I CPI'C_loIUll II I UUle_,llc Jl'tJl~r llhIIlU}' IU.\11:1;, UI~I'.·. -I~. I'. 1\1"j{;I"JII. I'ad,urll,\: (;t!II. (:illl"'11 hllj !'cllt lur lllt'dicilllil.1l1tr· II,',ullll;; dirc'Clor.!! 011 h,~lh ilidts wer~ ;11 hClir ~IIOIlly .... rll j:1'\.'llL I;;lltle. which will til/It cou IItr~'.

J"I~;;;:I'\'T_1.\Vlltillr. ;':"\11\". i'lIP[l'it~. ell'. IIr..\lilellclI Will r'lU"'C IItlcntbll('l:. 'rhu W. l,;. '1'. ClI" of· Ilucillc thil .\·et\r'~ CUlll»IUgll.1I,'rn __ 1. l'lltli..... I'I. E\I'!lIIIlL:'1, PIli I II, W. 1'111'1: Iii IIII\, wltll lUI '·~l'l,rL. UCII. Olh· flllct! the .\tlulltic unll hl/'iiie one-ninlh Uncllllft...;t 1I1~·i'lt.!! 'llle Ill,,, lhe c';/Jlr

J.I::ht, llh''f·l,k.'Il.'H"~-('".millllll1hl1l. It II Slnp"· 1,1l11 p'lrticuh,rl.) lI~k'\ liJr HllIlJull1llcl' tlt'lhe Illtal rccl,i(ltl§ to ctrl.'Ct II Ilcruttl slill renutlMut Ikilil. Thuugh th~ Hn•.Itl lulI.lt.-I'. ~. \Idrl.~ 1'111"""" tu I'ume undcr I "'Curl, Hlld c\'t~r.' Iltmt wlOfkin~ nfrllll!!elllcnt. The .\llnll· Silltlllrlll)' iii 1l4lin.. strclllltilenc.l f111)itll~'.III \l" 'llr1t~-\\·. II \\'~r,llIlIlll. l1.m.Ull ., ;>.- .. t!'

:-11,,1 II \1,1(11 - Will ",h'ul"~. III nit\\hll.l \\ ng-t1J1 \\ ill tlll Illrwud I'rolll tic l.ml I'lleili(, tt~kcll for \100 !lrtt. u! iu tll(lro i!t little chnlwc IIf nny lleriOll!l lie.t: 1111'" f )1 \"ltll~ _1"'1l" Ilull'lo'll Ilere ItllJ Ilttll:. It Wlli "tICOt' till' hllrlldt receipt!. Ill're 1\ Ililo'iBiml louk llllu'cnnt! tillll. Fur nUlrc Ihtlll n \\'l'(!k the Turkll

...-- Illllillll lh;ltti fill 1'lll'lIJ'll, nllli GiMI,,"'!4 nil ('1I'i,rls 10 MellIe the lIifrel'encu wcre UII· iU'lll'fld of nCllIl$; \\'ilh cncrg.)· /InrI d,d.'Lateot by_.-!.clegraph. l'IIUlIUntlll mlldc IL 11lrtt't ,1L'ilJltrllt· tlml ll\'lliI; 1I:.r. Thc :lICt,till~ ntljourn~ll until "inll nre hnildillJ.:' mum dl'lcrr~h'c \l'l1rk,!l.

'IU.'\·I·,',~.'. gllllllttt light Il;'::lill~t uI"'I'whl'lmillg llUlll' MOUllny. .'11)' UUllll1 UIIO" lJcilltf 'liltS' I-'rince Clutrh'lI 1m::! cllll~lI uut 1'2,000

l",r.~. lionel1 II~ 10 11m retlult. IlIhl tllc IIffnir Uillllll~nilin mihtifl.11I,.I,s \. )1<llll:1n,l. 1\'1;.(. 11.-Thc fill· lJV, •• 1C 1.Il11lU;• .\\I~. 1-1-10 ,\. ~l.- IlRll CIIIIIlPolt.'ll. )lellllJerl of the ('11111. CIISSTA)o...ISOI·l.ll. Aug. 1~.-Sltluirtlllll

lu\dut: WUiI f1~·,·h,~1 II,;", 1ll..l't1ill~: G"L ullllle lIleli \\'1,' Wllnt I,erll til el!C"rt mi»ll;nll SCpllrfttlllJ sllitl till" differenCeS PII lin 1o\le~tfltllhl undur dille iii AU::U~LIIltl Ilnu~. )1. '1'.• ,\u~. tt. ttl';'';', \\11;':"11.'. We lU6 rllllhillK llert! to efl(:uft were 110 I\'itlll "nIl thd perlllllllli lIn!lt1O'li. 11Ih thttt he lJus occupied Iho t.luirtlieth

1~! n.,r. /\,ft~: Iln,I /I l'l'lfll 11;.1111 \V11:.t(IlI11. We "ro Il1llhinll lip WIIKIlI'1, liell were ~I illlenllC Ilmt IIJt~ prospect of IJlt!llJ UlIllppuseti. Tho HUll.ittn. hO\'1:

whh :\n P('nl' . h. ll1illl! It I\lllllhl·r ,HIli ""ll·e-"', kc. ctc. I':iglll~' \JUt 01' 18:! lire RUlIlllicRlolc cUlelllcllt \\'UI fur tho l)l'ct- cvnl'unte(1 tile KRill lloghaz Ptl&ll.luitinll II .lll1llll'r nf nnkcrtl IIml 1Il'1I. killed. ellt out ollllc qIlCj!illli. )tukhlllr 1'"Ahn tell.'grllllhs unller Ih,te

We lire hrre l1t!'lr tIlt: lllnnth o( BI~ 1I,,1e Ih:~ll f.ulIm:, ~1. T., Aug. 12.-T\\'o 'I'hc ,';IW', Wn8hin~tfln 'IKleinl 81l}'1: of .\u~ll~t 8,h, T ..... II HUllIilUl columlts

l'n.s with II Illro.«llllllllbcr Ill' "'llUII,ll'll in L~l1lrlcrs 11ft' III hom (Jell. IIl1wllrd's com· Sdmrl.·, UIIUllnL Il'(nltllry, Dell. will !Inn: Iitacked our position nt Kllllu,","".

Wlllit ..f tl¥er~·thin~-llllltl, clflChin;.r. mnlltl, IJc \\ll~ cij,l:hlCI'li milL'll tliiitHllt lOOn retlj,:'lI. Bell l'\'Cenlly wrote ('lUll' Third('olllnlllhns Illllrcllccl 011 Aui,unll

'Ilrl1icilll'l lI.cul . ltICtIlCli1 .t~U1II'llr.e. hum 01111100, 'Uld woulll rel\Ch thtl. Ilftlg" Il'ticln IW\ttllt ..olrl~ 8(1111_ lIur Wlnj( !Ifill bellll altlekcd !Jetweiln

1:4""1' llIIlUl.t!tnCftllltunL'l!, curl}'un Ihe Illh. N'I lurcher ratliclI' lAy Ihls II Ihureltl rell"'" Why 8chur:r. SlIlmu lind Gl\inHnfn. TillS HUttIIlnnl.,JulIS lilll/lllS, r. fl:••\. IHI'8 frOl\l tlte blltlc 11I:1i1. l'l:ec,)ting t11(! 110\'8 nOt &c(''11IllJlllll1 Ihe Prclil1ent to alt"oll~lt rdnlllrCI·d. \\l.'rr Lwictl r('IHII"t'd

1'0 all". ('vII.. : WCIUlll" hllril t1f,lhl rt'llolrt lhllt Ulhl~lI' l'~:up And gUll. nl'nnill~ltlll. lmil ClIllllldbllll rt'lirc III till ir cnlllil.

nll,1 Illtlk lile \'illng'I', hllt wl'ru fllltlJl) \\'cru CllplUrcd. Thll 1';lIlfll' W" hmgttln pcciltl 1'I}'If, An .\tht:m dliputC" lHJiI tllill 110 large

lh iveu IIIU.'k \\ it II Ilcl\\'Y 10'\8. ('"IHni" ClIll·.ttm••\UI.'. 12.-Tht! full owing i. Tru t1\'orthy MHIlII(t111 Dil!l)llt('hl~ of Iltiii crowd IllnrchC(1 Ihrt'ullh the "fl~ls on

LII;.\'llll IIIHl Lielliuttllt HIIlllh') nrc killell I Ihl: 1ll\leln! I'UpUI ~ ot tile IndiAn Jlg-ht ill llt'j' uy thl' hU6111l.'i 1(l'Il lit Lemhi rC6t:r. SUl1dllY ."uutiu:: "I\'ur. \\'Ilr:' his he-

(lell. (lihb"n IIn,l l.il·lllcltlllll~ ("lolitl~l'. ;\lulllMlIn: vnlioll not lll/lrll Ihltll 200 lllileiJ rrulI\ lit'\'t'(! tho nlOtmmL fiJr GrC('('Q III IlIkt.

f;lIAIi~1I ntl,l WOQdl"uff• .,;nullllcll-Ell~ ~I·. PH·I., Minll.. Au\(. 11th, iterI.'. nm1llre IIltlrchinu ir. tllill dirl'Ction. llctinn iB nenr.

Ih,h lleri'lu Iy, tho nthen ""lth1Iy, Thc 1.i~lIt. ViII . ....haidrlJl. f.J1ti"'II/IJ, Ilt.-A lIo\\'llul i.!lI)n:lIlling' "nor them III 1e.IBt nt:ruAIlIo!:&T, Aug. I~t-All 1'1Ilill'mt

IrII.11HIlll't! clltrencllCll 111111 the 11II11r1llii lli~lIulch jlllL ret'I,i\'ul1 (rum 1'11. 0111- lllft.u tlnJ~ ;n Ihe renr. Ol\'inlC to Ihe p"rl"tllllll{c h~l't1 hml III inler\'iew withwer,· It'll\'ing I\·llen t111l1l1lWU!Il!.(cr It'll. 1I0n.lltllCll Big 1IIIIu PI\!IS, .\u~u~t Oth, Inrge nUluber or Itl,hllll~ Ilcre, lIud Ihrir (irtlllil I)ukf', ~icholllSllnThur",lllj'. lIe

Ih:RH l.nl)l:v.. Au~. 11-0 .t .....--W. i li~ lulloll'8: SUfluise,llhu l'\~7. Pcrl!l'll Vl'ry rt.'KlIc"'S cltllllitioll. 1 fcc! gf'11t II1lmillliliU ImoJl' wcrc sfUlll:\\'h'\t 111'­

II. EII\\,urllll. jUlt Ilfl'h'llll Ifllm UiJ: Holc. ('llllIP here Ihls lllUl'llill~, j(oL )lo~ifcuioCl nuxiuty rur (lllr iillt~h·. Wo have 110 IHo, 1ll0rlllil,HI, RlIellllitl thcre Willi 110 proliR-'

llflllgll Ilcr.lllnls of II ft·rrll.1ll hlllic 1,0('- Ill' it IIltl'r " hurd d~i1t ill which lW11i tL'ctiOll 118 thero IIrc t.il:! Intlinnll. Shoo hdity urn r~lll1llHICltl of "l,enlillns lor

tween Oillllftu'l! CClllllll'UlllutHl the 1\;..7. ilidt:ii IlI'lt hCR\'i1S' ('upl. l.ugull mI(l ~hone IIIl1I thdr nllil:.!t, nn t:to fl'lcrvalioll, thfl"e weekI', wbell lit' woultl lI,l\'1l11 r~ln.PCI'Ci!!l on ni~ 11010 river. August Ulil. til·lIt. lIrJlllle~ urll kill,,,. .Mj'ilClt', CApt. JllIll no truilils wuhin reRCh. Tltiil II1IX, foreement of 100,000 men.

1JiLoI,on'l CIIIlltlllllUI, ('Il1l-lillillJ.( IIf It'l? Willlllll1"', RIHI Ell~lllh nre \\'OIll\l1CllI,lhe ict)' III A \'cry \'nUll nllf', Tho IIl'pcnr- l~osl){J:l. Aug. 11.-EiJ.;ht tllUIlI.tntl

IUUll, 17 tl!lh'cl'. 1:1:' rt'{.:ulllrs nnd :I:! ItI...L lk'liuUllj'. Jlnt:u of IllIlilUII in Lemhi, II hiell iK,ill Itflrvillg llull;lIliau rclUC;I.C!lIIIC ill '1\'1.citi~, n vnluntl·erll. ('ro "CII nVl'r I'rom A. n. T.-:uu,.. 1III1In j"liL "Cflllll the litHI from ;\I"ntruln. 'fht!re Ire IICll"'Y nAI) rOIntinuollS llI111ii

Uo",~ Ulllu lu nt-Ill' lIi~ IInl" IlII \\'l,l· IIr:l:. nCIl. t'Ollll1lIlH.llng. IIml Iho Wcslerll :tllll't: "I' Ille llluunlllin \\'hleh mult J;rently cundlll:C to sprcll,1

mill In)'. SInrtin,!.; 1\t 11 o·c101.'k 011 till.' 1·:,\!'i·.'I,:U:t l"i'I·.'·"I~!lI. 1IC11llrnlilll,t tllO ·r.'rrilf1ril'~. wnuhl 'hull' 1oI1sell'lC ill tllv IHIll),.

MillO nighl thCl~' Ill.wrll tl,lWll nil llle tlUII th,'j' lire Htillllinl,; IIlllly fftll1l (llh- ~Iuullllllen rcfllJltt~ III C'ollsf!lIlliuojlletrunll!l wIth till' ~:\cI'ptiun nr II fel\' Irrt X\SIII 111·14 Tellll, .\111,;:. 10-A 'Ilc , bOll" Uig 11010 CIUlj'.,tl 6ghl. Thc)' hllYO frflm in\'ndL'Il lhstriclll IIfU u~limutt\llltto j.jllurl\ tllll Irllll:<jlurtion l\ fl'w ll11ll~ dill lrom lIuntluJ::tnn lilliti'l lilitt Ol·n. ,tulcn IlIlck I\cro~'" thu 1II11l1ntnin.!! uud Jlrc :10.1100.1I111l\e. t'11\-4t' ttl th~ In,Jillll 1'111111', ""hit'lI lllnry Dlirntil 11Il trilll nl, 'fiplllll\'ilil'. nu\\, lroll. three \II hlllr 11/1)'1 1I('lIrCI Ihcir

I II' '" I , 'I I.llklle<.lUtll',hulldmt:IIIIII'COUftllttlltll The TlIrkillh Iroulls1\'hhdrawn (r,llllWII~ Illlli 0 011 I).: II e 1110111 t ll't'(' 1111 III J ~tllftillJ.{ I'nitll-thu I.'lllwui rc~rvlltinllIrIllo ....• II It('rc tllt Biltcr UtHl1 nlt,l u,1lt- pi I11'O \Ill \\'CIIIlt:.\lllj' 111111 Tllundtly lIilll " I I CIlUCnll$Uilllrri\"l~1 lit \'lIflin. rdllltlnlinK

-thlll II' It'll t Icy IIttlrlet, I oWllrd, )Iehetllct. 4\ Ii tutll Sulciultlu PI~llI'. Tlrunrock truil ('rll''1('M. .\t t1l1yllJ.:ht Iili .. :,'•• llrIlIC" InCll, 1111,' ,.llerHf lIud thlpUtil'11 \ " "\' I I I II\' IU lIet uut to 1\' lip "IIC ~ Ollt'p I. 1tI8jltlUer',slll1)' IIle increll."t:IIIO ';'1).000 OU!Altlflrnlnl{ tiiO 1l~llt Will "JIllnl'll Ity Ihu hcillL; ~ntirdy ilhull1cit.:nt, IJtlrnl'll rc· I " \ I f I \ll..'(!11 UI II <lng lllllrc I II lotlvcrll Iun· Thc Ihird "".ill reUlllilt lit .\llrillllUlllc.\'nltllltuerll lIrillK roll llllli Ilillin/ol un III' Cl'IHI}' gt\\'e him~clf UJl,but rllfuit.:1111l IlllJ \ I 'I I' I 1 ' \

. • rei 1111 ell. all, III nnw I Ir ~ ( u)'. In I Ie I Qtllefi will l'rOll8 I lit: Il.tlkllllll. ~oJ (111111 cu,;o "I U.I.e nIII ) lit. O'le,lillil Wllrl;,' nher Itllr~l'!l. Tho churA'c tn .!ttll und tll~I~'ul WAll IJIIIl:ell In 11m fl'ur III the Inl1inllll whu UfU nnw wililiu I . '.. . I ' ,

I I I I 1 I .,I' .. I' • 1Il,;!llhllll J lIrku I tl·OOll.!! Mru rCllrlltll lUt:ilIllCl' lli-etH'erCl1.tf<'\el'll 111:'1 I,lllll:t~Wltl t lell 11111C l' lin I It' call1ll IInl IIII', Cll.IOlly 01 nne III till Irll!1Il18. It .lIlVlll~I Cll~\' strikillg' dilltllilce or 1\\'0 rncr\'u, to furtillet! plJleeli. The 'I'urkish Ileul vy ll11clllplin~ W Clllch I 10k,)' li,)'cr 011li~litin~ flccurrl'" I'M !Jle 1l1'~1 t\\'o 1I.lIIr.... lieI'll .howil Ihnt the IJOIlt! \\'lti ln~ullI "'1111 "1 k \ r'" . ,dur;n,ll whil'll lirJl6 1I11l1'lll cr uflllt'" Iwd dent it WH,\ iO 1IIll1l1UliCUU ill COUft IIrhl • u IIC -i I IIJ c Ilclluleta. Illl,l101J ('fhis h':nll, llllt! Illl'Itlll·r. IUlhl1j:

1;.jRO.·.·:,\.~. II \ l' J 11 ' '" I l"jUUlp Ilil{h en""uh t" l.ltch Ihc hullIIl.lillnl \\'I'r" killl'd. 'l'11t: /lIlItH,·r. till'lI Ollrucll I\'U'l ordt·rltllojllil. Tim tlhcrilr .:tll.l,s, Ii u~. :'._ 'I Unllin \I 11'11

\\ 0' r jllhi~lIllluth;hlrlkltitltl,clp',llmltll¥l'lltIr~1'11 nn tim lf1II:!l''''' hut werc fl'pul~I',1 rd·lIrCIIln net 11111 1)lIrllt.!1 nnd Ihe IinUIl.:t! I.mw(Js. All!!. 10.-.\ curft'~l'0ll(lenr n IIIUII IfHili 10 10 4,1 YI'lIri II l,gll Irl',. ' " 'I elu.ltrllllll'llHii nut n"lll,td ill rhl' bCIlt:'.in Ihe Ilttl'Il1JlI, Tim 1l1,li-l/I~ Ih. II nt· mol, \\'1,1"1,.1 nut or 11l1l Clltln rnllhl. ,Ie- witll tho DlIlJrllll~'hll nrlllY t~legrltJlhs ~1lI~ r"'Il'I~lcr(', prCIJ.lnllury 'ttl t'a lOt!, I' \, I' \ 1\ "',Iii)' til' tile Ill.·IIIC'I', I ~1lJ, ~ !'C\'cmlICUlII!t·1I tll l'ut flll'llI ,,11' rrom l\ hiJ.:h llllunl'iI1'-" tilt' I'uurt nllil tlt'lrill" Ihu 1111- tlOllt tl111lnrin fl'\'1'(' I" tlllil1~ iti WIIMit. uU Ilu (11t~i u I It! gellefll {V~'.o 0 I lIell' ('omctlO. :-;lill attul!,tr ,h.I\'I' IWIl1l'"'llllth'd pllilll, 1,m th('lluldil'r~ c!lllrJ.::I·11 Iltorlli.·~. T~e~herilr rlfu~il1<' III ol'l')' lI11llllrl'lliiUf.iC'kllrrivllllt 'rt'hl!t!lIll1llldn It:tu.\Ib'r, .\l'j:. II.-It i~ rllllllJl'ul .. . ..

"" . ... . 'I I, I . . nl hl~ ll"'lt~ U\llu III~ \\n~t. lind 1I1ll1111Iltl'tlI. nlill old\'il,g tIle ludhtll ndIIUll:l' 1111 'Il'lier 10 'llllllllllli 1I1'\1'~'. G.lV. I"IUU' ,IUII.\"lltll HhtJurlly ht'lO~ Irtll1llll!' 1l~lnh. C lill mitt' Illlll\:llrul 1JI the HliSlIUUl "'. "• ., • • \. eo ll' lIrlltllmllls IllS ,il \tlr lIl.\Ull'r \11111trolll It Ilelll It 11Il.1 lit OIlI'U lilftllll:d. \\t1~ !t'I''''llIpltcd III Iot:nd Ihc 'hll'ku .1'" h"rho",1 til )1I'J".II,·. where 6fl'lllnl11;t CIl1Jllu. . I "'I ,

" . ". . . . . " !II'\'l'rnIIIllCIl Imllllkl:rl' lIl.l.. Ie IIl\t l'r.. Ij:htlll~ Cllllllllllctll11're tttl d,\~', I1IHI "!III I l.:t1tll,J'I1I1 :'l1"Ull'lll~ til Ill~ relief. Iml thc ~\\IUllP"'. Illlhuntlu~ \\IIft'r ulll)ulr ullke .\ C.ln~ttlntlllOl'lt: I'nrn"polllirnt 11I''-1 '. ' \'1\ 'II r \, I I I " 1>· \ , . .. . , tilker ... wllhlnu IlIlIMllt'ut I'.,.11 IJrll;:r~ot_In;: til S \l It'llllUU11Irh'r ur,I"r \\11'" l1ut n.pulilh,tlIO. l'reiltc~ I 1-I'lIS1'. ~B\'nlcry II po f'Ollnls grlqll~ I'M S~'rll\~ "'l\lllIllf ur~\lrr- .

111ft, A~ 11 ,/L1ock Ihc Ii;:hling Willi \\' \l'Hl,stl1'O~. Au;,:. 11.-Thc C"hil1('t 1Il1n)' \'klilll~ in I'rollurtiull. .\~ the rninlllilln i. l.1\.in~ •.1lit'd "n l't E~ki. -. .----I , I 'I I '" .• • l' k' I' ,\ \STI:II 1111' 1.111'1 •..\ trlllllP til'• l·~jlt.'r,'le on 1111 I 1'1' t.'8. t Ie III IIlrl'e 01 WWI lU lllhlUn 10 till.)' Illlli ddertltUh'tl 1't'11~11ll III \ IUlCCIl ~Ir '111'[1,,\ IllrrC:l~l", :";I..lu:...\ II mllt. ",1 "1'lIi 111' lIlt. 1I1'lll' . I

' •• '. , <" • plil'j l"!llndy fllrl'lllph \1111111. "I I'llIhu Imllllng Ilclng III tlloll,t;ht. l·',!II. lhUlltl'II111llli-sioullflhreeltc "1'1'"1nll:,) :;'.', 1~:Tt~ltJ!lllU':. Au~" 10.-.\ Itllt"r I'nrllll1tllllllm\·cllllll~t:nlt·lle,'\I"I,lt'lllh. "." , '1!II... ""Ihlll" fill \011 111 Ih,. rq',l' .. 'I" "I'I.Uj,:'llll IlIld LlfUl. UfIt.lll'j' werc killl:l!. tli I\ct II'IIh 1\ silllililf cllt1lml~'1illll (III tile I lot ,It'.. tlmt '''',000 I'r..h tr,1I)1'1I nrl' nlrl':tH) hy Ihl' Tlttki~h J[1·lwr'd. Thi. nl'w~ II". ,,' ". . ~ I.,' '1 '

( ' "" (' \\',,' 11' 1(' , , I 1'1 1 I 'I I .: .. h.UIltllll'. ~~.,... i'i' ll."'11, l.1 'IUn, lIpt. I IlllllaMlIl .It'UIlt.! Jlurt II nUlulll, tllli IlfrIUl"t! flll'IIC reo "II I It· \\:1)' '.\' ril rO'l( In lit' ,1'11 1\1 "t'lI 1l0\1lil1lt I.\, Ill" .\11 "ril'nllllU~~l.11l , I I' , I " \ ,. ... ,;' f' ' '\ \ • \'lrlJ lll:h hlll;1\' hu\\ d ..I:" '. j( 't 11'111.~ HolII ~". hll~hlll null \\ IHlllrull \\I'r,· Iltrll III ~111111:'; null IIlhl III~ f.l!d\\l'ri I., \I'lr. 'tllr hi \\1 I 111 1111\" III :"1\ ,I '~'" 111'1. J!. pl"It~·h ..1 hy Tlltkl~1t rlll'lId~." ..

1\llIllldl"l. 1;"11. t:iIJblOll .... 1\' ~Ii·..:hlt~", tilt' rllil' II ~11111... (hI' ttll'lld, -r \\illl", Till -,' 1111 111,1" ".nolO 1',11\ II}' !lll.1 i,l11l7 ~:rl'r.\' lllllle lIuh_"irl"U i.. 111'1'11"1 d "I 111'_ : !.Ilk\: I.. "H·'IJl.\ 1111'.

IIIItHt,,. 1\1i.. 111I'·IIn;1 111111 J.111t.1, 'nil' tllllll'lIl.I' "llkcl', tUIIII"I'I' rl"!,I' 1l1ift;.l111l' 1111',1111.". '1'",\ hl1n,lr,·tl un.IIIIIS IlltlOtlll hI;': dllli'r II ~IIY "r lin "p"l1 1'Ill'llJ~', • **---IIl<~atll;'" r -"~~ IhllLlIll' r lillY Illihtl III inlt'rillr 111'lIi1flllltllr. lind llill Ihiul "iiI \1 i:1 I,,· rll,,~ N:tt tIle !tnt!t\!ltl" O:tlr !\l\lulllllll'r i. t''''\\>!I,1 wilh I",.:hi"t:~. .'1 III ;;I"til'_ ill h;~• I!'llllt' Ih,' 1l"\1~, . till' Itlllitll,~ TWln,1I he' ..··11'1':" I lI'tl} II l'Ilhll'rt'nl'I' wit', 1111' l,il'l:I'" rlduu 1l1~ Ililt WI 1'1 11111::11:111. i·Mr,' h 11111.1 I'll" \\,'U III 11li' pl'WI', IIn,1 ~Inril III I,'r 1, Ii.',

II e', I .1.1'1' 11:1' ill II" ,Iill t lj"u ,,1 lllU I'll ~Idl Ul. '1'.1(' ('.111;11 : <I:~'I "1"'II'~ i.v'l"'.\ ..\ ":' 1'1. t'll; I JI,,!i'l 1,,1\'1' t"'llI 111.1 I'J "lUI II,' 'I" III II' '1'1", I",tll.

Page 2: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;

,) T jJ E X() It THE H X S T A H,

1111... 1, 11111.. t 11;(11111"11, IUIII '';'\',.

l)nu 1)[ till' lUlI,,1 II. '1"'1~.IC li'lllt.; willi

Whcn an eDthulIitl8tlc editllr dC/Il'ribcfaa bride a. bonny. Itllll lin onvlOUI com­politar Ifll her up II bon)'. II tnl cll.100lit Jlckton,ille the Othtf UIIY. bnpe Illr• HUOD bid. tlie world f\lttlwell. aodfreetl(lm Ihrlek. 15 lbe LOtapOSitflt f/lll.at )111 lorm. brnintll Ily the a,'llther IIIthe lJleoo.!iog Urillc. ,

Ingrilll\ed, Inalienable nnd Eternal.

IIII~~ IIi..... llruill!'! 1111' I, lilt I. C'lll!; hll' 'J'hl' "1"'1.': ofu t'II,.. 11l1H~lIk~11 011' in til,' HIlI'l ~llljdul',1 UlIllllll'r,

l,rClllltill tIle \\holt IUllIIlh",u", i"IIU'''l.J • I Thal'll1I lIutldh·lr... l... h~ d"lllll lit slwd. ~lr:-;l;ll'lIlI;I'I'I.";I:, .. \ IH:"oI' "" SI"I;\ ISV t , •• u' ".II.N'-:IA~r}I~lllJ":;\1~1l1'TIl"I'U' \0,'. I I I \1' \\'1'" lirl d

/I. "f Q llllllll 1't-III'1111I,n, u" pluldill!,"1 A'r l'I'I'I<:llflllill. IMil II MI ~' • I 'UI~ 1:1./11('''1,. Tilt: Ill'l 110111:0: ,u\':-'I'II\ '."llt'I ....:SII" 1.\11 111\1111'" 1.\11, Illlllllk )"U, hllluh'rlllllll"'lhru"h __ llimllt4 ud'h,;k, 1\\'11 111,'11 \\1111 "lnULh I

1I'1I1'n..rI\~11 ,.,;.: lit \!'I.UJ .\)1,1. ,.1:\-

I• " ' "I"",lknlllH."~lllll. ill II IWIIlI"1l1 Ilr'lll~ltHcljoll IIUll1ill hi .. • IFrtllntliel'l\L~uLI:::h 1"'~1.1 Illtl~lll'lllJcralcl\ "Clll "11 Ih~lllrJtl"Hlll.

11-" \1,:.\ ,\~ , I I ,. ..,' n.r'i' lIlI.\\ l':~ till ,I 1-11.II' Illtl", _,>\,", \\,' ',Ill a!li'rd 1'1 :ttl- ~ 11111I I lUll 'Jl"k~ !lilt 1l1,lultI, 11Il11-tlll rl' I'roll'l-_j.'llill tJuwn:!' Hlhl, llt'flIIlJl'l, knncktd ill the Ill: .. l Il( n 1"Illd "I" \\Illi+

.', 10"~ \ r,'ri"I,1 h t1'II'"ltf plltldl1lJ:IIll'\\~liu" III jt~CItll thnU_llllll.whll 'Ioulll I'll i1111il:ltltllll til kc", lllltUl'lllil1'.T II,cllnl'll', 1,1111 thcu tli,rwlulllhl1! llt""\I1IIl1"UIII,I~I'n\ I ~ .'" • . J

. , ," 1'\' ... n HI 1H'~t ,1,,\ II huwh: Willie lhe two tlill UPJlclJllllOlI, phcll the 1'I!Clllillll ut lll.:hkd ""1111'" un it. Thu)' tlill llli~ ill11 o'1l1lllll'h nllll!o= II" lO'r,1lI \l \l" •


I tlilitrih'l "'1111(111 11'1.. 1 r.... 1.:"111"11 Illt.'ll1~l·I\·u hUII"r}" I'OI,bt·r.v InUll Ihe lIllie ur Ihu C'tlllll1llllr:e- 111'1 full \'i,'w nl ~\l'rul 1Iul\lII',.1 ['(''11111' 1Il,lilln~. ~,I li.r n!' tll'l nl1lul'er III \\ !lIIH1111'11 "h,' ~t{)"l. \11 I" I"' "Ill I 1\ I •I ' I" lIlt. \lntil \I 011 t IIl\C uil,!'I .. 1 thruu"h "hcnrl)" Illt'nt or till! Imrnillll Ofl!IU!UII,1 tilrl!lI~b, IIll! lint JUO 1"H \lWII\ Th.·\· tlll·n mud ... mIll ell;':,Ic:~d ill it i" •·..,ll·Crl,' d. Ihlll Ill'

llh~d ,'lIh1l 1111 cI'Clmn \II~, I I' '" " '. I •I, " " I' ~1I11i1lle t Inlier I\lId IUI\!,! hit 1\\l'I\'c IIll~kl'lrull fir out Iliu \¥hnle f)f t)ull,tny. I':I'CI)'\\llerc IIII' Itllli Ihu frd'tlll ~hll,1 \\'h~ eUI\Il in 1i.1\1: Ill} r,I'.'rol ",, lllok Il!lllll "11 ~WlllYIIiKII Clill Illl • l·pflP"t-... ·CI II 11 '. ..... I

. If' n leIICc-lt'l IruglllclI18. In lI"e IIIIHlIll'r he itrc"kll nll:n,~'omtl1 tlnrl chllilrell eould lit.: l!cel1 IUnUlel. 'I'lill Pllu·Jlnlldlll "eller:lllJlh.·c I la,1 /l"1I1' Ih" ,niHil l"rf,; .'1 1111' LlllllJIn I Ill! t~Il\'lnerln~ ",' lim , I \. .. . ... . .


" llUlIl \~'1I111l11 n Il'lIr III lilt' Inlk. ~"B ,IOWII Ulle llIllhl1r IUl:lltnllllflllrultiol C\~rv V[lrldJ~,t ~1,,,,I,. look fire lrolll it lin.! ",II'J j;llill'd ICIIV- ~ '\lh"llIrl. Ihe I:lelll, 11M \\1' 1:lc1I1H'11 tlll'llth 1101 Iit\}" !"t: I-ClIlll·..1 -I'f I 'I ' ,

I , I ', " "1"1II 1I{' IIllt pUtlllp IlIllltllCfwill. tl\\'llrll turus ill "lltlin·I'liOlu. III Illil thol'ulureol iUg'IIUlllinllhill Ihc IUlre\I'·llll'. Irow"nnlllllreillfllcllllllll", \\hfll"t:H!·I'·"Ill 11IJ ('Ill O\\l'1 Wit I I. Ie II , • .: • ... • I •• • .

'II' 'n . II' a whllh: Ilr;':IlJlH'nt In t1{hf'ulc Wllh lUI Irllfllll, mnlt'1l111IICI1lIlII'. hlhllrell "I101hl~·. Th~ Wlill"",L flllJlOr.. wI'rc Cllrrt'lIl III til (1.1."1"111., In~1 ,·\'tl1l111! nlld I~ 111'1\'1111 111II'lltC!iUl,lIW. umlill W' ICli J I ' ( I ' I • • I .

• '. - '1' t\l1eet ule. lind III II L:1'nurlll 11'11)' K'tlllll' III tllll tU·tSl'lICC 0 I Ie thnlllllllllls 01 I'cc, Illu Hutl)'illg' lihll'ICh.. About (;KIHIIl~- l\lt'JI!III1~ \\'11 I Iu:! ltllllll:t 1':Il'l1wr, urc II~" III In llillt ~tntc I}f pul" u~e Ill. • •• . r I.nll 1Il1 qUite h.·IU·llly. lIllll \\'hlllt'~(llllcl)'. ontl tatorl whn hncd IIIC hili IIh~ IIl1d 11111- lour!" WU.• lllugIOll CUlInll·. ltau !Jl'!i{'('\1'1I1i II! uw,,: :\1.. 'lIt IWiI I'l'cl·ks llj.{U II l"ltt~·

1\1.II'h ~llc n'l\\' n\'t'III1IHI nlmt:" 111I11 hili! lIulUrnll)', IUlIl ~illll'l)·. 10 I)cr\'ml:'l 1111 hIJl~, ,111.:." \'llltll1'E~~ j,mke iUlll (,1I1~ lind IllIIt II huntl I....,-u <1' I'llllllidl'hill bul. III nilll!I.I·'l'i;:lllllhlllllllri Iwn h,li..... lllll.11J1I('l' l.dnll· I. lUll 1111" l'llll\'lIlt'r,1 11lt\t :-{luCt·, l"urrlel!lIfTtheir (·lIulenhl. Fll)ur. lI'hil.k~·. dielil WCI''' t'llJtI':o;l in II gl'lll'r,d Ill.ha IIII' lit' Jlulinl IfIIUl 1}1~1l,I\\'''H\I, (:,.) \'ill\1tIl"lI',l 1I1it-tl'rlf,nt~' 11111)' Ilt'tnlf'ed IJltck to Ami Ihl' Wfll\l('1l IH I,illl: Tim! i,l the l'm:nll.dll'CiC,II,II.weil. Ami IllllllH., \'I'ry en.' ul' OUI' 111\;11, 1,'Ull" II 111111 chil,ln'lI. .\ I111111 "Ih\:r :uljw',nl 1',ll1'lh Iwr,·;d~llIl ..Ihl~ ;t·lll·ulliidell'·.·. 1111 dor~ ht'CMu<e I~e !'cu,nll lilly Illillj.:1I willllllfllJ''' l't'nUlln 119 Ih:FrrilHinUIII "'1m I" Wt'rc IlrmwlI 11111. 11\111,)' 01 litl)' nlme,1 Illl'll itllill" Hall'l~' -Illllll'lllilr Ill1' I~j;: II"m 1'''lIlItl)', \~tlll:Iii I" Ilinl·It.. It'clllly 10 tht: t1'llll,ll. nml 18 thc~' IItt·. It it h:1l1 bH'1I1t Ihir/I WOlllllll Ilhilll Ilullllrr.18 i'urril'd IlIelll lIn: lilC Hltr1+..,lliJr 1I1\:C:ILI III hlldl',aid lIJ,:"llin~1 tidln:: Illhl pUl'I, lIlull·lI. fhlll \1'l'C~ "J;{"1l<1~ IrlmlJlcd I'J illm.ll~eil tlIllL. he mllY \I h" hlllll'l)lIlU iu, Ihe 1\\ II \\'011111 11I1"e 1lI1lilt Inlillilritlll~ beiliU ""Illicn. III lIlILII}' 1111: ....,ltlh·I·,.. :l1ld ;\'I'rl' llllldl :lllljHj~,',lllll )'1 .1I·r,ll~ l rruhYI ill Iii,' ntrcrllw,ll, 1\II,'n'llfcml ur nunrl)". 1t 1~ n Inut b)' no th'Il\\,1l htr inTo tile !'in'lc of tlwlr lalk. IlIillilnl'c!I men tullell nllt! tlll:J.lul IIIIH\I Ilninl!l.l lind 1I1111:lli)' dilf"l'I.lIt ~l,'tt: ,II nCltillh tlh' hillt-a III Ihe .'"11lt I"I~ I,LInCllll!! cOlllll\l'(l 11) 11Il' inr"lIrd, lhe 11:1' lind it Iinuid 1l111J IUI\'c I~'cn :\ lillie h:ltl'di! 01 Iiuur 111I it Illcy rCllrht'.1 Ihe nH·lIirli. IlhC !.illll· ~It"'!luri. tlll'.\· <Iilll'lIvel'ld I~IlUlilklulllnd the 1I111lnlv. It 110\\'cr8 III nlllro llr Ih,· palllll kind. But lhe mllll top nlTbc 1(\11~' flllll steell 1.111 ,,\'~rlonk- Al.lout hn ()'d,~ I. ~('.I"rtlrl)' llIilluin:; lur~I' IHII\1I 111'111,111111" ,li.II"'lIb!l"t. Ill"vill\l \'ijCIlr 1111 (\ ...er thu "crv men \\'110 9'C'o'IItJI''"- lip \\lIl1len. rirl'1t'. Inlk nnil "II. illg lli~ tllilrlllid Jllrll.. ~blllY IIwe,lteci a sl11:llInllml'er ul Ill"ll-~i\ UI I'IUI 1,ltlt'r It IviuJ.: IIieir p"lIi,s "Ira ,,,ul'll~ IIIl'tlllrnhze IO\'~ IIUtI re'"llCt't, !'"or i8 it lind rll.,Ill'~ hl'tullc'Illg nn Itiil \\'U)'; nlu) o\'cr Ioosca III chelllt·. wit.. Ill' lellthct, ~lcllllt1"llIeh'ullert',lllllj urlHllr.~ "ll1lltclt'IIl\III'~ fn'lll \\'11111' IIII·~ \~, ru M.;\Il. '1'1,,,

Ill'Ct'lll'lull)' fln'llll~h't: nr olJjectiolUlhle. It &l1ll~t'r\,II'llt nml ~lll"i~h '\ 01llC11. in~lclid IItmrlll, III tOIlIU'('Il, tiC.• wlli Ie chuih! ulld illl'lll'i IJ,ltrt."t,\'. Illl nlllillt.,.. ,t." WII~', 1111.1 milll'I··, IIl1t il'II1 IllllJ.: UlI :llllll'k. IIlIll\cdiIi! 'illito II~ Iikcjy III he clltt'rtllil1in~ anI! nt IIl1lkill/.t II ~tnnd lnt Iheir ~ilo:lll", 0111)' t'VCl1 Ilntini helllJIIItI:! ""Iwcl! \'I'l'rt' 11111'(1 tll"k Will uf the gUll", ~:lid to 10" II ~i\ IItl'l) t"I,k thl'lr ,"!~.,\cl~.caJ II 1l1ll11lhllJ\\'1l,lllliraillc. It cnlljlllla with n I'erf"ct "lri\'\l "I'll" ~h"l1 dr~l) 1I1111£'r nWII lilLie up the inrlint·. During' tilt! dlclnllull I'llullllel",alulllelllll'lcjt Iljll\Ull ...1;C'ct ill IillLr "l' 11 hl'Clltlw'll!,; Ir"l" "111,,11 huIWHllSl)'. 1l.!clrllCl'l nutllill);, !ruUI lln- illll'r.'sIF fU.I~,..1 IIml 1111ir! I1rollnl! with the hol<hutti' ufthc thle\'t'll ,",'I'lIll1e UIIC,"' thu dilt'ctj,11l Ill' tilt' t1;.::IIl. .\ 1'i!'ltcllll\' I'tHilil Il,!hl I" b\lIet ;lIh'l\Ilt lW·. A, tt.ulliahne 8. Tl) it ill unCllllilCilJu~lldti tlie '" ill II lid II him of thill '"trang-I' FOV, l\lnplcll. IIIIllU, ~Il(luldctll, 11ICl.lt 01 nut t:\'~11 II I)ruh~t "l~~ lll.ld,', Ilhllll~ I'. \1" lI,c In,l1ul1<\ in Ifll',",c Illllllllt·l'...• ItIl·llllllu~t lllevihllM. All snu llllly I~ liUte cfclgl1 innlJ\·nlnr. \VIlli '-'{'Nil'! to I,ri"l; th" Iiour, /lOll mllCr lvuck~ \V~re carlila1 '-',I' ('fOwlI ill I!lu llllel'h lu"k Ill\' 11111111- Ill.l- l1Il'OI'I'd lit,· UIlII{'k lo~ I!c\'erlll Ji·illh. IIp''"

.,f l~ Ihllt il io;llll1ply Ihl!l\', uIlI!crl)'inJ; !lwef'I.IItHI 1\ltl ufttll ulltdoon; In with illDul1Il'nhlu pI 0lll~ lhrnullh Ihll lIlfl8t I'ce,linl: II" a Illllltcr 111 '·uurl'\.'. .\1I11111g" Ihe mill"rb, It !M'r\·lII!.( thuir til ,in C11ll1'l':u

1:\'crS thought Itllli lIct. II('Iwever invol· hiru, III \lllnlevcr quiet IU'ok!l hll lIi,gll· ptOl1lincllt lhol'nullllfllrt8, 111111 ilOillC 1111'11 tllu 1lI)·t1nd it"'tUlI{'IIIUf pllll1do·. Wll;i lInc IIl1lil nLu'lll :1 I'. \1" !"li,III.'·. BJ t111~

utllllr)': II grllund work Ihut Iliity al wllj5 nt:~I"ll't.:llllll)'c!lnllNl. IIt/lfJl1etl to tClot with tllcH l)llnlell~'t till..' 1111111 wllu pili IlIl ~jx ~IJitl~ lJIl.' IIvcr lUI limtJ 111ll II111h r:i Wl'~ thurml).:'ld)' Ill"he tl~llml'(l wlMher 0l'1I0t "illil/Ill t\1 thc Anti nil 111i.., 1'f'llltmlwr. ill done with. city IInll. 011 ~Illilhticlll 8tret!t IIlCIl Illlrer nul! cl/\l'rcd 11l\l Illlnlc ".1' Jd~ UII'II ~111Il7Cd. t',wlt ,HIU Illlpll"kill!: l,i~ lud".)I.nakl.'11 t)·e-·LJIH j.{l'oerllll) viMiLJIt:! flUt ntruj.:"lIlec or pnmp ordl'liigu. WheD cnull1 be I~:!n rllllinj,t IIlul1/-: Ii,ltl'cls (II l!l()lllewh.lt.lIuih:.1 j.!llTlllehl ; II II 'HlUIlI \1 hit IThu II\fUrlll/i rlllllgl'd 011 Ihe IllhH,.r' 'Ill

1.001. Itt Ihe tilllc.lll II~ \\IIY in whkh II tllt'~t" \l\i1lnlltll ('OILll: ill thc Wlm (''eIl5('g llo\lt.lInli litlin~ lJp"n thclII nC'i'lI~itllllllly ".,lJellt )llllnl'.llllw·ther III 1l1C fi,ur {'or luut, ll~ {Ill,' time aplIrmwldllJ..' 1\ ithin :!(l1j

IIIrln Il\kt'~ lor Rrlll1h:d tlilltil '110'111111111 will III lit! 1\ 1I1I11t nlill bl.'I'Olll!'S l\ t)·rllnl. 1\ to r18l with 118 much untnncl'tllll~ ilillcy IlCr'S, hlild fillHI \\ ith llouf, ll11ntll1~r \\11~ Il'IIl'IM 'II' till.! cntrt'udll'll mill,·rll. The1..le iUll'rl'~ll·ll ill hill III,yil1(!8 "nd clllillg:a, lIumllui!, 11 burl'. With them wo Illwe hIlt' paid Ihu hi"hest U1l1rkct IlrlCI! Inr 1IC1'n willi II\IJ 1l1lckcl~ "I' ·tli'. ~tillllrltlth IlIlll'r pllur"d round lIltl'r "Olund tit II11 his \\ ifc hlU II IOll~ IWty In 11'\1 Ililu nllt"illg: In do. 1 IIIll tuUdllg ol11V tlloout the Jlroperty. During thtl lJurnin=- -.r Cl \\'I\S rol1llJ~ .1 Ilutn·1 "I' flour IlW:lJ, IIml lII11r']tr,)l1-1 tlro JIll.) Ihl' 11iliulIIi In"l I~·.

~hc i.!J tilled II'llh IIItsglvill.1:' kilt it 1lI1I)' Iht: IIIt'l1 wllll ore lIt!ufcd: lI!Jout II Mil the l:ninTl (h'vnt thert: Y,'Il1'11l !ttUIl/IIIIUI fcll OVtt il ut.lull ICllg11i ill (Ilu 1I,I1I111y 1IIIld Iheit 1'I·eIl8t ... urk. Fur II lillie Hetire him, :,he IO::Il\'cl (lut IIInny Iilllt: C,lnfiJellce" hich is liS .illlple /\tIll 1I111u. b}' tho thillvlog Ltig-lIde-mUl, women, R"ller much 10 lhu I11Crrilllrllt ufthl' t1:.tht \I.I~ '· ... lrl'III+'I)· 11Il1. IIic Jlllli Ill" 11,1I·piclUreHlllc tlluchel tllllt .ho 11I11)' IIllt rill IIF Itl'':lIIhhlg', which III Ileith('r IIIHi chihln:n-upou the CIIT"Ilit llie PIIIl- 'I'et:ltlillu. f)hl~'ill11 tlllltt: tllllll tlh ir 11111111 II/.Iill).:III~o up Ihllltill1e, alld cv('n 011 tlw hKml un~ollllll" In thll plO-r;cll6Or 11M un Jlnndle 111111 AtllI1Il8. elCph'l8 dl'IJOt:!. Our rcporter met. II hll'l~llnl::' hoy (If mhl ,liil·l'lli"Il. but lhe IIrlt·dln!f'tt..1~11l1

J.:lllluJ.l, 1I1lC hila 1I0t 9tri"cd wilhin cnll of CUUIIOrtllhlt; til Iii'! cOlUll"llioU8. which ill Ornot Ilreel, FrOlIl ~ne"cc Ihc)' rUlihcd eidt\;Cll nn ~\·tl:th III'cU\ll' nt 1111.. ciI\;t·~h·t: tlrc rrillll thc wdlllruh'.1 In!tlt'r"her CflllClusioli. whell he 1I6ktl \\ itlt fUIl- UUIlllllhlt,II)' nec~Slt)· if Ih\J world'lI in J1.11 tlir~tltml wll~ 1l\ltny kind!! of o·dnck. "IYye 'I"C tllllt 1.. 11," hllUllllJ:" WII II1CC'!;U1L 1I1111,1.-,Il11-oIl·lllin;: flit· H'"

fU~lUg lIirt:ctn"llfl. ,. Wcll, h(lw lIill it \o\lltk ill III 1Jfl, dOlle. which ia ccrtllin- prUpcft)·, Ouu lrishnilin ell.lettotirlg willI III:t II IKrgu ntl'l'lllic ("III'Ll'iIIg-e \\'1\11111I crrll l'UIU!!, Wlll'lI 11111 Iwlilllllt \\111,111m Ilut tn But Ihe Innn hltl llt:\'cr II Iy lleCcllllllr)' ir IIll' worhl',. dl\ullhltn lIl'e t\ hom lOll MlI.l~k Ill' ltullr WI~ hl'lIr,l. til OIl?C11 ball,. "Illllt'll wlmt .Ihoot, 11011l11<'tl tlrcw. ,misgiving tllMt hu will lit! htttriell, tlr III liu \\011. hut which ill nil impoltlihllllO r"lllark thllt Ihl. ~llllltllt: "t.UIl~l'~1 stnkt: Phllll,ll'lfJhlllmi nro "h',u!lnj.: Illlwn our . :\hcr Ill(' J1!ht,lt,\\'\~ iliiorll\·t·TtII 1IIlL


I I ,I' I I , II ,I \\'UIIlIlII ,,'" it is 1'1 adolilcuult tu Ilcr IUlhMtlevtlr ,"no llthintl hUll I\'lilll lllntherlinutllli~(~fTlwilll. 1 n-':l'd one 01 Illurllcnllllhclllult'rs \1'I·n·llill.t1,lll1nlI ll\t I C 1111 nn! ling' .It lcr 0 u er 11111 , , . " . ' "\' I I' II I ' h', ,Illiturc' llt1l1 to "rent dC1i1 mort! illll,oui womlin Ilru/-:j;lmg with alT'\'1h IIIlW hOI: tllellllllulIuh, he flllclel!, "the JI"nr""\11 them, IIltil fUH' excl'lltl"n 1Ji.·llIg .Iwt IIII tClI n" II) 1I111. e .leg-In II II ory n 'tl • ",", ".' •• • •. r . d 1 ule thlill 10 Ulflk~ IOlle hllir white Ot l:ihelell "Irlill QUlIp. ,\t hnlf IlMt 12 I(ot Il\\'II)' frPIII hl~ 11.'11/1\\". I\l1d w,UJlell Iho IJcllt! t.1f,!htt:CIl III tllu tlllllcr'!' "IU·IU eIlr lut mnl'lIln~ aUl)leB an opes UhiCk I o'clock JlMI~r McC"nh,. at the lte!Hl ul' 10 tnultt a\lit!'. So r tuok him hURl!!, 1111I1. wurl! kllh:cl Ut I\'UIlI1,Il'd lllltlidt'1l1:ylul,urd" til II. clOH; Of, If It bo rllp1d, . l1L(lu~ £wtilty poliooolell, ViMht:ll tllc r","tJ him Ull nil! ~l1it 01 wurkillll clull... 11.1 rllnder Ihl!ll1l1.eilil<. (lllll hundred nlill111' gintl it rttpid trtlllSlt but Iltl never ..... • C I I • r.I·· . , .. I' '\ \. •. ,I' I. . " . .. 01' II '" OIllP U U • ICelle 0 tbe deprhllltlOnl, III tho )Ilfll 01 iU\oI got lUll "I-'Icmilll fil{l 8\\ortllIll111111. II ~tel'l1 I1t lItn ull... lll~ UY IIll Ihll LUltlt:limIt! :1111)'tlllng 011 hill wlfes n(lt:f)UII(, tile Clmtrlll rullll, to Pllt a lltu)l to it hut lIlit dlltll iL all, I lun l!ftl'cn .lIck, nl' field 1\11 ft truphy 01 IIII! unl'rrin" Illltrk~.Hc lell" whut he ,"Ill RIflI whnt lhe The 1\~IUtilll\ ill)' U~t:8 lIellrl, lwo col- J . T .. I" I . ,. e .

, UlIIU' III' I,••p"c." I" '",wi." c""'p."·. the1 wne rlV~1I IIWtl1· Il\i c:-uwlillt 111lur 1),\' Ilul nperUllllll, 1 lUll! thrln Illlt·d llInul:IlIlJ til t lU huncr". J.'n ludlllllIlthet 11I1111 IItld lind what IlJe eller mnn .. U .. • I IJ. r. h 'II I I h It! rOIl~ IWlwet!lI Pu::;et Soullll lind tho 6ratlC.u~,~o.1 ot lilt: Il.IJI'ruuch ol'lllt: llJllllUf.:'IYlllll.lI 1IJ1~·)' 111,,1 WIll'III\ICIU Inrl(!'tlntl\l'IUill rrullltlllllnr/.:t'rhcrd

1I\1gllt .lIve II~ I. 8m W,llIt ~ WI1U kuiubU 01111e maCt', lJULthtl)' 1I1""·lly. mIl lm:k 101l111 iUl"erl1l1 thi"f Imd Inkt'll them nnd c1floo1ir til IhillUillN:i wcrc Ilil kCIl ull')lIt"Q slIld hlld the olher 1lI111l1lll11! whllt CllluUlUI'I IH Pl1rt:! ur IIlI'Cly flit Cl1lUlIlcr· . tl. l. I ..,

" . cial vllllk:hi. Wts think tlll~ uDfll\,orll1Jle with rull MrWI. Thll }(tt.lut IloOl.l 011 Ilil hilt one, hut I ~nt llult lind II II Ill' uy t III Inllg 1'1I11,gC f1lh..~ III tilt! IlIlnl·h.he tnlght hlWtltuml. Alll11hc WIlI'IL ut It Lillurl. IITIl.t Illlcnurligina: lilt! ollict'I'1I 10 lIud tllf')"11 keep 0\1." • Tho only llllrtiull of Ille llIillt:tli' 1101111'/1I

"e ' 1 I ~I, t 1, ,I, "I cnntld,nce OllWlllellll upon tllo tiound will nut hI ~

11- I III II r-- I - Ll I 8 tlteir dutiet, '\'hen OUtl "I' tltt! ctllw,l up- tllllt lI'~re eXlmlcl1 Weft! tlll'lr hcndll, 1I~1 · ,'" I ,'" I 'I'.......•·.. ' the 1"Il.t IJClIdlt "Auorilt harbor," whUt: ••'.1"" "" "n,'" I ,," In. lUC,I. llO WflllIlln I III '''"!.CU. preachett and rolhuc(l hitn, with tllc TO..I II HI... ('K" fII'·II. tUcy IIrrd fmlll rheir It'llIllumf'' c'lrthrI I Ik t kIt f I tlley UIIt)' pOI:liilol,)' do IOUlU IDjllry 10 tlu~, It" 11I"11 , Ii , 1\ es ler 011 0 lU own mar" Ibllt "You aM tile frlellll ofthu Tho Of~nt of II\;;:L wcck in Vlinoou\"t'r 1Jr\,llllltWOt),:s. 011 ~!\tlml:l)' mornill',I 1 ( I I I I &lIuul.lIuti will ccrllllllly 1111\'0 IIIC er·1nto a ar~..r .!C, ."Il( 'Ill oot on 1 tu e·.. . • I f \ wnrkioglllun and'we Ilrt: rl'll!nlily tu )'ou. \\05 the "rrtvlIl III tIle 1it<~nm9hill Cit). of l,ftcr n redislrihulion of lite IlIlck8 or 111CI I I I~~ 01 CMUlIllg I 11\ pn.'liil (,l VlUlblu"toutllt.•:'1 JUt ell\"es It, nnr w lilt liN you .,' But let me tell )'ou tlmt. it' you rlliullin Chelteton Thufsl1l1t, hrinl'ill" tbe2u(1 lI11iln"1 killed, tho IllIfty IJfll('cl.'tlcd Uli.d bo ern1Ur)' to repellt all rumol'il of tUt! eo toglllng to l) II UI It. . htro you do 80 aL Ilie I)eril 01 )'OUt lIeck," UI'gillwnt IIf l.:. S. lufIlIJtI'," en rll.t, In' tl1Cir,iuutllC'.v. .\! IllCy I\ro 111...ir"tl~ "f

tb.u~cI·' ul erollilluu tIle Cilluro1Jill river J ...

Two womea Ire 11ICnding 1he 1111"1 or Ii.r 110m) thu Ullilly II10riu cooncct4..'d Then Ihtl crowd turlll'tl on Iltll policllUlen Iho 8ent uf tho Indian wnr, Thc re)li- kl'Cllil1g the IIn'lIlr 'Iuicl, 110 lI.lf /lilt I.) Iii,·tllil 10llg lerm t1Jgt:lller, III.d until are thtlr~""'lth wlJlell hlllle hlund.ltit,ul lu Iml dro'e tllem aWI,I'. but tlid iL with- mont oumhcrcl\ 4.10 llIclIlInl1 34 llt1lceMJ;, cour'Iyll the levcTlII Irtr",c Vllrth... 111I\\'~'OUDg alld one 18 betutil'ul , lind llIIith..r igulJr.uce .IU.I jnloulI)', 'rhffd il 110 iw. out vioh!nce, un~ler command of GCll. Wheflton. 1'uc urgnnitinij' 11\:l'U l'tlr thc ltig llurn COUII­ia dllVfll1red by ICIf.dellrK'illtioo our prol'ritly iu Illyillg 1hc1lelt word poIIi. MIDJ 01 t1l0 thie'es 'Vt'ere KrrClited trooPI looked !UU\e1\'lItlt wcury IlM try, the Ughl !Ill.!! IlllCll kllpt frUlIl 11mdreaml thllt the evcniuss are drear,. 1I1i1 lor tue character 01 It locMUty U'1l while pouring aloug the itrCttl, and tilt: t~,el-iltllined. IJut l\·tru III good benllh. lJl1lJl!c, Ollr il1forll\l\llt 1\'1l.1 lhrlo dll)i!IThoy rCilft Dcirdllt\ and lUuk tu Imonth , utr1 ur bLlrllot, lJJt it i. IJiul policy 10 Centnl Statlonl-loullC thlt R1Mnlllg pre- Gcn. Whelltun reportll 11I\Ving IUIIIl\ IIlttklUR tho telltru trip to Olyville.1I1lw lind the IInmcrlc touc1let. The! def.mu the .wVItUtllgt:i uf It nelg1lborillK tented the appclttMUCC ill' rI lulltlr'll ewl"u IlI'tlRIICtOU!i Irip. Tho Iitl'lImllr Willa· '1'1111 flj:ht willlm,o lile efTt'Ct of delli­l'c,Hllhmeuon Inll dllrc tu laugh at bil p<'J'l. 1'!Jt: upt:1I let. j; tue I1lgb,,'.' of Iilbmrtlt an Wif tinlel, IInul"r .0UI), metltl Cluef oniTt'd sllMtly liner Ihe onltilltlnl' to the IntlllUlI thllt. whiltlpl\dl1ing Ind 1)llltltl1!1el. The! browell tile coullIleroe 01 the'Vo'orhl aud b lonr 1Jutu..r, tg"I, ch~!lC, lumhllatc, hedding, Chester, aD11 About eltl,cn o'elork 111lI,t lhC')' lUI:' with ilUl)unily 1111\1 witholltwith Clililoll.n on 1Il.lIl1l\n<l IIml Mrt alto· I. tht! CulululIiM dow. to lb, Ploiric, eUlhlonl,lIhlCllhl" Cllr fllrniture, wuil)ll, night look lll~ hllt~;'C In tow, Illdcn With nJUdl fcnr J1.ttllok 1t1lUlIKflllJlIt und Unilt'll.gCtllllf trIlnqllil and cOlltcut,liIKlIU\ldeu· .lJllltl will rlli. aull llip tbeir ..ill It bigh.wlne, aaJ IIlmolt ever)' cJt:sctil.ltlon Irnup lUll I tc"imental properlY, Ioltd left .tlltl'8 Itonl)l. the)' lullS thuir culclliuI}' the froot. duor ftillg. 0IIfD til. maD. AJlturi., 8IId c6uliug tillio "ill wllltlply "I bf\ulI:hold .nicles wert! It/,Ieu. On\! rur the CliJIClldlll. lien, When(l)1! "11& Ilolla whcn thc)' Ilttack /I Ilarty uf 1)111IJrt'f'l:y Iltlll bloWl, IIi tllll northllut wind ill uppottunltie. lilltl Ikhaot~~; ltul cllr laden Willi whillll, wbich wnlltlu,l· formcrly 01 tho 2ll!Jt Infantn', 81luioncll pro~peelor8ll.ntl froutithlUl:lI. It ill f1urthat IJl0wi him ill. !\ow. H It Wtlre a hJlt: talk in cOillptrhou 01 haloors will 11IK in the Plln-lialldle ,.,ml, lit tho side fit V.nco\l ...cr: After thll M~Joc wlir ht! cllndill opinion Ihllt tlJe IJltrtle. hue who'''JUlin In tho Cllle, enlering upon lhe Du't btlild up peraollleat p(,01pt:rit1 for 01 the depol, Will lJrukell open, Kilt! fUt WlIJ Iltnnwtt:d lind Il8II"lnell tu thc !.!ntl Ill'e now IIlullng fur thu Dig liMn COllU­~a.i'HI, a.nlltude 01' two lIlen, whit-1M' U1YI'I.et'. It Iii the rotUAM!l"Ct of Ibe in. the "'lIuL of 101IlCLbiDg' ~tter tu dcnl, HtgiOlcnt. Itc b COl1lplltRti\'el! 111111111g' try can J)ut1ue tlleir jl'ltlrnoy UUlIl()le~Letl,

~Utlg~ wIJuld 1>1,1 humble euough to u:· land l.'Ot.lotfl ""hicb lUU~l erp,\e t1l. d,- mlllY numbctl 01 the crowd Ilpprl'pr!t\t- Ullin, of fino addtes8 am! perllQnlllllpPCllt. II~ tltc IDtlillllll Ate 'lui<:k t.o t1iscovrr. Ih~pleY her (cnNi dIlt Ibe WIU interrul,ting Dlltnd lor a Ilea port. alld tben lbat har. ed the "",hi)lS tu tlJeluselvel, Ditr~TIInt Ilnce. quick, coergelic nmt n !l0od Indilln litlfl'rencc bttween IIttAcklng u Inl ulmttllIh~m, 1111I1 in !Millie WilY (1, t""'Jl AnU un· lJeJr by tUt! HM blOlt 8CCtliIIlule (ro.. th. periOn.inquired why thtl MaJor did DOt tlghler. II his operations OD tbe f1dd \If who hne hlld tho tl.Illcrience in tiUlt.welcol\l~ 1 BlU thil ruy"I, rollicking, ta\l~JII-tlJ~ placd or pro<luctloo-"m have the plundl!rerll armltd, ••d thnt nction IUC not both rapId Rud el1ecti'e. It klnl! 01 ""ntfllre: ano.1 tliOfe who kll()w~'If conlldent c~"ture half hllrdly tilled be tlltr roltdlttl.d ot' Ibtl luercblDt lIedl. offici.1 luomptl! rcpllell that tbe Jan ""ill nol!Jo hia rnuh.-lllddptfldtllt. nOllllng I\boot lht"it InctiC1l lllll! lUI! Iiaule

the little c1rllwlug rOllin with the Mptll! If tllc I~ellu" fit Altoria collcfruln~ .the would DoL unhl hRU the oUDllJer. It A,Rln:H 0.. b ...- Tilt! ""rtler frOll1 the to becume ClelllotRti:ctl."iguroI181)' Slid chllerfullv .Iulkcn from vbit lit tilt! tkuatorial cowmiUl:e liltl wallimpl! Iml.ossible tu prlolt'Cllt the minea Ahllve CUlllberlnnd is Iml'r'Gnlltrll A CllKIOtlll N••W»I'.AI'F.ll._,\ pcc::utiurIhe atnrm-llellprent shag of hil tll'lter t'IiACtlldtl\.'ll thill 'bought 01 the cOlllp"rl' pill~IDg, !lnt! during tbe greater plrl of with lulphllW nf iroll, It df!Compolhiou new "nllet hnl just If.ll)l'nrrd hI 1'"rl11Itcfore lie 18 curdilllly cflngrlllUlllting tiv~ IIJ"ULlI~\:1 Qf tbe lWO pilon of thtt entire Lord'. dlly the !:ilt WII ablO- nf lulpllutd 01 irm. In the 4:0111. ,11111 ulll!er the title 01 1:.IJftn Jhmd,. It i~.• t\\11 furlorn lI'''llltlll'' on their luck In IItldy. leI 11.11II1 tn tbe people tll' .uwrl. lutel, given ovcr tn Ihe !)lundlmITl. It JOWl into Willi Creek. The cruk iJi prinl!;) i, fire! rell tYI)I'. ,111 hlack IJII­hn\ing hilll T'''IIIt: do",n upon t1111111 r th.t all vottl ot thl 8enlf,ttl or oploionl' .huuht be n.:memlJcrtld, huwcYu, tbllt D~W nryillw, And 1Jllt a Ellllltll lxxIyol per, lind iSlldornW wnh llUllletOlJ~flll­Alld Ie fli~I-'ClIts /lill1iClf In lorul)' (ashion (Jf mtn C.11 .I~r the dl!illD1 or the Co- llie 1hlning Will cunlllled tu freight wattr 1111"1 down the L'ttl. At the hud bItt or litath. Itl cuntcull com.'!I!JonitcUI'rI'~poO\llnH' til Iii! I\udaciou'l wordl- lumllhund the part iL will pll' In t~e gOtlih. ortbel:ltllTe IOCatel.1 ;"0 Ot tbree u. willI its uteriur. The IClldil1J: utticlel.""/Ilk!! over th~ e.uul'le al if llil "'ere I,uihling orchiel and townl. Nur "ill At 4. o'clock in the IlftclnOOI1. £lithe tenli,e taulI~l'itIIOli in the t:uming or DeWA itelllll.letterl rrolll T'litfl ..w,ntleRtll,mOMl'ch of all he &lIrvl'11"(1. unt In lhe tllr cODllidtrate belitYe thlt thlf,t grelit 'ComlJlluee WK' ptoccedinll' tv the citi· Ilidt:lllrge quantltin of taDllic ADd Itll Ilm.llHhertisementllllll rofllr 10 the dea,tIrll t cunlClnllllllr dning: Inythlng Ilotiet:· ihee~ p(w.l4r lI"'al to tbe uorlh, wltll unl meeting un Jlllrket .trt:Ct. a "til lic acilll are pou~ll intI) thlltrt.tD. AI1I1,le, but bec.u1le tllllt 1!6 hl~ ll¥rMI ill legiolll ul miniature gulll lind ba,., denlnl)t(Jold IOlIk "II lliscunntli rolling IOOD U th~ achll come III canucl witllIitide: orden up an 0IMII tint and I}t) ClIII ll.vt! all 1I0illllHlriant lIiltor, in the a ~lII'tei arwlllsk'l o. ,WOOII ~trtel. near the lulpbat4 ot 11'01I. the wllter h,comet.preltlll himtell before it ciIIllfnrtahl" tleveiopUltJlll8 of Ill. ruture, U ,eus to FiI\1J nen!JO. 10 a trice. lie ~·a. tUllibled black, aa it .fl'" tbe Ute In rront flf thewhile 1\ WllItlllll wOIIIII Illiver hemell inlo COUIl'I f1utl, theplOl!~ritr in the linIn nf o,arl Inri tho h....d orth¥ "'lt~1 kDocked ch,. There .re alllloni of pllonl ofJUlCUlW,Ollili. Ix:fore he wuuld vcntllre to "'lllch thl! prtt..... t gil'tlt (iYe!y bonA_ ln, and tbe ,,111,11:11 Itt out lner tile ink no" 111nl lu the bed Clf tbe creek

."' h" I wtdch Deed. but conduaation Illn ,,*ck~Jllut At. tire: will' h ,\'e no Jinner-Lu$ I oeither Altorlll hlrbor nor Illll".)t Sounll IlllwtlneDt, The .boyer of t e ullrre "til, 1 ' I 'I 'I' ,-,.., lug 0 mid II II au e artlc e lor t!lJ'-rta-.Ilm.'(j lit tnree Lut will tlC'(oD-lll.ny the will tlteO til !Jeg for I,irs to ride tReh eOYeloped 10 tbe ftuil1, bur "1I.!J oot tion. Due il a chll.nce rnr caplt 11111._l,did-and dn!lUtIIly enllJlicoi Ih~ crlio~ tWl\tCn.-lll', toucbetloff. Ue'IOt'lt.r ",bilke)', snd [Cumberlantl (Md.) .illtgfwnUlI4.

Page 3: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;




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•' () WI J( ERN

.'rom Ib N"anaimo PrY.. of July 26tb"'e tlke tbll tolluwjug : • '

.....rtlln tDdhLn IGIIl'ceI we I rD thll.t. II

canoe rull o~ Queen C'b.dolle IlIIlhlnl,compriliog Die", WOnieD nd Chlldrf:D,"lire ulIlrdered b, thllCowicliaD IlldiltUI,ntRr Pluml>cr P... soont a week ago.Tho lollowing are che partleullll"ll U IArIII we hno IJt.cn Iblt! lO IlrocU,. them:

l:itlYfIIlI moolh, 111'0 I lIumbor 01 c.:ow­Ichnn Indian ltI11letloull.)' disappcttrealind the ttll.., for lOme rel90U or lither,IlI.it! the bltOlt: au thll Nonbero Intlilnallil dCIQidllld to wll.h their lima. and hllV~Allloth rur 1I~ tooth, aQ eyB lur an Bye,"lid II Iit'll for It lilt. The ChllllCa Ilvldcllt.I} IIrri'cd abollt A week ago, for u If.

ClnVll Illdl n ",ith Queen Charlotte Itlli­Ina, Will plluinU throuJ:b Actin orPlumpllr lJII!!JI tlle, were luct lt1 twoCall1o\: 811e&1 with C\lwichall lolJillns.The Queen Charlotte IudillOI, 1I0t IiU,•l«tlpA'IUI)' fuul play Illowed thtt LWIII.."IIIIUCI 10 coma 11'lllgll"'e wilen tlle lueuwen, inlull~di.tely killed and the womcn.nl! claUdrcD CIIkeu on .bore,

Duriug Ih. lIiGht t~ll caI)Jturfd WDlUeo

wen! raviabt.-d b1 tb, C1lUuertn, andbolh ""'omcl'lltltl cliildrcn killed b, them

in l"OIlI IJluud nut morDioi,At. "Ictonl Ibe police hne ioforml

tloo that two ClOut. 'A'ere aUlcked, ooevi ..hich au~lt:d io ClCar'ing. }-it"e1)f~1l -IntD. "'OWeD. lod cbihlren "fTelIlurdt:rw,----The ".Ick to"n" i o't III iek u h. hu

!Jt..t:ll. 1'h~ ""'.y bl.! "',ol for "bur" meat

north of the lLlkan. tho... I rul'iog~tn:oglh alike .unhng tll Itulii uti....·uuderlul Iu lito world. Tilt' Cur InCo" tr)'log tn "ph} ic'l hiln again 10lIull('lI 10 rell16in trlc UII(lel blllld. "SuchItll the lortun~ of ....ar.

Tll E a9c:s::::c::::n:Z_.•LE3XX::::::.t: .....~~l~...._r-""',._""'_~~""~~_~"""_...._..... ..;;t'OIIlIlIIlI.II'lIlt-". I I 111I1l~1 h~\",' o.ll~·t 1t:.1 11l."'1I1h, "nfl"ll" III 'I'h" Ih'ath of 4lI1r .."me" no",,_

t 'flIU1Uf"Ut"'U't'11f U" I.E,',o • Imn;'::\l II· I" /..... 1; 1110\" it- 1I1i:. It;Htlill In,..1!,iIIlU: "1,,,1;,. tlll,i ,lei-I-it."" MunllH'1 --

A \I"y al·l ... IBId hll,.1 "'.riflr in ,·n itlit'pl I • I TIlt'UI"\'I·ft!l(' I'luhlt·" 4ICillh (JfSlr(rl~lrrn P~I!lI r, 1111' luh"I1It't1 Illl' t11l"n 'MIll ... IJtlUj.'I.I~ I"":': I Ill. t'I\Vll "ntl Ci':IU-111 II Ill,', I'll,hll,l .JII" \ll-:dttl,I..J uri:,:i'.1 ~· ..l.id 11111.' I'r"\!'Il. Ilml the "1Ir11,'" tr)' II! I'Ufl'lik.'. It \1 Ii knuWD lh~t SIr IIll',olprilll. t1) 10: d,.' II ,I••, ill "l,!.. ",j. 11\1 l.~~ II.h\",\"I 11('1'" Ihll !'IIllC III nOl"'. Jallll'll hltll~'1i in ,1t:c1iniIlU hClllth I'nrliu'lt.. l1tct'l"rlh,t.,lIlil'''li~:iIl'I.d th,' 111".1'..1+ It",1 tIll' "IIUllllll h,,,·u ltt\ll\tltiuw; Ilut 110 lInu RlIlicllltl!t".1 III:,1 Ill.' lrut.it •. I~tlh OIf :Iu oJ 1I,,,,'ri,. 1,,\, r .1"nc.l. Ihllt it tt'tl\in.. il, l\riginal ,ulIlIen Illln'\lll'i ..~ of tile gul,lut l~rcaJ.

111\L' Illu,..h I" lentl,·ttl!. tIl\.hlll.illl: nit :11 I!'" :tn,l!lll-ilinn. 11If' ,'lmlllb \then III 'fhe illrt'll\' I':cpn: tl ut the "",d c,'ellt i\;\... ;u~y ••\"IIl)II111l1) 1I1111111l11 \.tumh It II- 1ll1,tnol(000N'llt l:tlltl'. onl~ conlltll~l, 11111\·(' ....111. TheJlIIY"oU IIItIO'H·t.tnlllcnl.·"a:lll,r,li\,· .\lIllto"'\· "IIillt I,lniCII III I Ill<' Illt"'I,! Iltnt lif,' nri::nlrorl Ilt th,. Buil,linp'.llie City JI.II. the tn~llu:-", i:' lul,lI· 1t',.1 ,,",Hilmi Ill ......jl~.It UIlIII'III,.II! nuul!l "nrc 11'11. 11 I" 110Iain it f'Oll"t' .. 111'111 hili "I "tel'\: lid ilL lill.lf·mAil.:olr.l, Ill., iI,c'Irrn \lit !If I.. ,'h or' Iii ....... nllt Ihe flflpt"liil" hlllll ....rn f'!.\lI,bli-IK'lln Tl.e Pru\'iUf'i.lI Ollycrnmenl. Vh belllihIII" r,~';l, Itllr II" .11lIIlI11ll ~"'"n'h lllUI ,,"qulr1 ('ftn of the Iwuplc IlUVl' c1llillletl, (h~ honor ur

'1'1 ... \I rh r 11l1u(ll,i t'l lillOH" ill llt- t'-Il\I·lr~h nn~·llunll· coodwlinl4' che IUllcrAI ubHqUit't', whirh

It'II'I'IIII~ t .. pro,&' '1lt1t1ltfe uri~illlll"lllt Thl.' Ih.·,.r)· nf ,mlutilln ij lIf1t nl'''', Cillilll hili Ik.'elt I'/lnctut'tl bl )It. J'lIUei HAS ON HAND ALARG" ANDIh,' 1",II~ I~I.~ • hi. IIl!tUlilt nl l'IUlU lI,e n,·hlt..r I" nlrwill if<! ori~:iltlunr Tnu.', W. 1')0111:],1, (elltCk:J:inK the fllmll!. A WELL ASSORTEDIll: ·11:\'1.11 t'1L'ury ,,1 Ibtrullllllhll"l unlillm hI" Im~ dnll" llI"rt 10 IIllply it In the nri. I..ul) O"ug:hls ..urvives Sir .Jl&mt'3, "'Ito\\,111.1101\\11 11....111110 ~dl\ lUlu \dlif'll 1111 ~ill nf hIe limn nny nlher !('i~lltl..f. Rill h~;,,~..t 1Il1..: ~1II R'ul four dllUghtfh. 0110II·· I I'hnelr. IJ.I~. thrt,uJ,th, lI:1cr lit.itlJ,tI·\l'luonuruh'll.l nlid ltc1,1"l::iclil t'vl.huioll i. I,f hi Ullu~ltlet!l ~)[.n. 1J1I.1I11.) 11M' Ion;; Ithrolll II "If Irulll l.ar~er ~I,hetL"I. The A<luldll. the nehlllnll'lth.'Ory, III1tI I.'vl·r, han 1I rt'l!I.h:llt vt I:.ng:ltllllJ, 111111 II.nOIlIt!I·j.:llllllllll 1'Iluhn,! ,,( Ille cllrth. ib 11I1l~c I~rit'lllillr 'Ii.ru\',:r~' 11II1~' Ifllul. til cfluflrm lluuglllt'r ,<;\Ir.., Gool!) i~ III Cflli~ornl:l..,llI'lI1 ,.hrtukill" 110111 lIlt: cr\'Mnlil.lti'lll 11.>1 uncnntro,· 'rllLlu Iruth. Th", rtolllllltldcr of tile flllnily n: lile :II

Ill' I'll' lJ,trl!I'~'_ ,.f allCIt ~11.'1II111I'"81 MllIl)' 111'"'llnper liud Intlllll.1.ine niH. \"i.c,tntlll: Tlll.'tjlledictl"'I~IISirJlInlt:l.1'1'l11t'111 hij,llt h'llllll'rlllllrllJ, \\uul,III~~ d ...., Ii.<u thc ou£' n..'" t'''I11I11I'llt''ll 1111 IhccUClllll"llllll·tdllUellfhng~hcilell.lll

I I I . I ' 'urthlll!LCClI.I·,1 l\:lIi,·ht Me IIIO)t!· JlcI t ~ I It ptlrl un III Ihe I.'lu·1I1 Inr IIfll Ilml II! \ 1111('1111: ~1Il11tJ new rIH'tlJr. JlIIIl1~lbl., IC'l ..'\\lId kll-I IlCll'i~,,1 tu ",,)1.1 hut, 1111\.1 II lltll~t \\11'1 hll"e unly tllken II. "ntfllCC WII.' /lilt Ilrtving witu mcmoor. of the

I I· , . (IImi11 In lhe clIrrilll-!lJ duriu .... Ihe llftt't11111~ jllltll"" d wl'li kUU\\'1l leJ hu Ille \lfW II tllllllrnr IIlClll IH "llrlnllrC with ..

1',,11''', Ilu dlll\\:i the LUhc!ulll,,", tllllt, II" tIle wi'll knilli'll prillclJllf'l uf lCi"nc~ nru nllOl] IInll Willi Itpllllrenll)' 1I~ wtlll ill. .. I·· k b '1I1I1I111, At l(;ll ,,'cluck 1'.)f htl ClllU-tllU Ilrlll"'~~ III ('r~ ..I]llIl"lhUl l'OI,llntle" II It'll ltll~lil 'UII, )' thu IlOlHllltr r"IIII,'r .,

. I I·· f' .' l,fRinecl of II lIimculIy in lirclHlling IIntlIhl' li'llIllHllllll'l! III Ihu IlUI..... IUII:l ",radII I.r cOIlltrllf ICIllllllI 0 ill'lt:llce, ",llcn III ., ,

.. I I I I I fl"1l1tnthcrl"lIl1lufthtluClilt Urlnltalh' n-,IIl"l.>il 111'111 It 1~l;lIU1t', u" Itt 11I'CII II.et, I 11')' IIfl' UIl)' t 't' I rl'!IlI JlarBde t\'O '" 'UI;, I"" Iv" I" "Ualldu lil'l', ltllch IlS 111'\\ Ituiolllllllwl hrillillllt llnurillllt!!!l of IIfllllU h~ IllIlJ ~'Cll 1l1l1~t.'Ct to Ih~ sUllcls.

, . .. I I I'· I I' IIlIl'tlo·m I"w. HUll. Ur. IIdu}ckcll Wl18JJr,YlOl] Itt tl,,:twIIIl~. '11.11111",11100 gluIYI'lllUL'1 1I11,:11IIfmci wlthl\tlulll . ' '•. I I I ~lI11llnont:d IIUlllll'llhclJ tilt: Ullul&1 teltoell~'lll. Ilc'cII!.IIIl-..: I" lll~ theM)', tll~ life 11111 lI\flUlltl'! unl)fIU I IU Imhhy hnr~ or. . .

.. I" llVd. Sir JllnJet, who Will Mllted in hi1,,11 CIIllllll' 1Il':':ll III 11t~ J1QIt'~ IInu gradu. !ItllllC ~11I·t'IMII~Ill, \\ III II fIl'C!klng lor IIIn(1 h I

•. I' • r II r, ('Ottvl'r-e11 rlle('fullr with the rnrm·II )' 111""1.1 lUWlml lhu t'lllll,tlOr, 11Il1lj,[ll}ell he •• 1"IIUd III I!C'll.ln 1U tllll In· I fl..

I I f ·· kl'll U t III IJIlIII, \\ bo \\'cr4! gAtheredlhi.t ,.uch lA'tli Iitu CIISl.', Ihe l'o§.i1 1"1, \'11 /leml' C:1IlllOr" .!oC1t:IHllie Iruth.. .

• . 1t1)(lut lum, "lid nu nne, DOt creu SirlIlalll~ lit. Ihl! I'ol,!!, \wuld OIl hll'llllCail .\ lillie llIUle 1l'ltielll'.'fO IIml t'lIrnt"'l, ""1" I If ed I .., ' IlUllOl: ,~ll} 0 ItllllClpil.le I"II!) llal' Mlliulli Im,1 \'I'"IIIUlc 1,lre ~t ~lIrt:flll u';Irrlt nller trUlb, In t"'Itl IIf 111lI1 r~lIlt, wben hi.ltcld ludllenlr fellJlh~lll fllund ~~ thu t"UlUnl; 'A'llIch ,II IlIIpulllr npllIII.lI " II! !l1I1Il.V 'A'lInk reid)' lmck lind Lis lile pol I aWII.1 withoul aI,ut. IIII' ClQIl•• I ru~: tlll.l vol.&r 1l)~11 ~tll~ lin, 1 tlr)lilltnt "Ilt'fch ill often in .Irugglr.11I.11Cllle a tr.tlllrlli Chlllll~, clurln~ lOW\: IllOiltrn lim,1 caliriI' Ice pulllic atteo- WI! utulent"nd Ihat III tbe Jlultlic bo­Jllilt. Hll, hilt Ihc)' tllth:r ~~~llr. ffl'llI ti".., w"ul,1 he Ihe lI1t'11l1S nf bani ..hlng <.]it-, till.! 'ieti(l, the lti1iti., thteclionlI,le 1"111111 ~ellttllll~' lit the tllOlHCIlllltbe 11111ch l,fthllt dlld olliteralure dllynted childrt"lI, anll tilts CitilflU tit 'IIlIUI'I willm,"I..rlt IIgc. .\11'1 tlMd Ille chlln",', •• lu the coutnr.dietiull!t of k:lf,'nrf'. The tollu" Ihe Tent'lin8 flom llie Heformedhu 1,,11I1r! 10 IHUY~. 111.:1 n a§ ",ri6dul1~ ". coltclu·ioll thllt OlllU leutiftc writCtl [pll£'0I141 Churcb, of ",hid 'ir Jam""I~IC "I.. ", Ilrucell~ ul tlits I"luth:l ~r.)"I.llu, IIrriyc lit i, t'l. oileD mitt.kton for lH:icnetl WIS a Iveolher IItHI liMnl ~lroD, on!lOll, lUll! thllllc\dulllllI:llt of hh:, Illll1llil.I itklf. The tlninlOrDlcd Itl~ are 100 TUe!'.I"y nut.-Colonill".nil vtlr III.IJ1v life .... ould II Yf gtll.lluaUJ Cllil.)' CIlrrh:d IIIwaS ",itlt the... 01 Mltrulund IU til ... lCUll"'flll1.1 l;llltcli lint, alllll IIml Ihl.' U)l\It," c.nrt dno,t think lod rtUOOIll}IIIl, h. Ille t1·oIJir.~. little i( u1 fur thl'lll 11'1. The liter tUnI))f legit!­t.:llloltlg..'\l. II.nd llrellt.lU iiI., all oyer lite lll'!.le 1IC1cllC'l Is n'ltlO tcrribl, yolul»lo.;.:Iut", , noulll t:<trrnt»V1I1J "ith Incitmt ous.. II I IIIO'<tl1 cuntliillw In the ~n.:I:

hlUUllJi It lht! IJtllt:.. volume or Sillurt:. IIU Indu 10 wbich I."1'11..- IUlIiIIII, iudie-"ht fl lUI Ideo loun,1 ill Ihe Ir¥Ajure. of nlltuNiI .citnce

dlJlt;{l!. 1'hl'r N'1l fouml In luell nUIII- .to ttl 1111'11.1 In the roolll' of Icleoliftc

I r, all III lIutl)' tlt~ Jillb tllte flf jJrL'lJ- iDltitlltioll. iOCietl Inti mUHumL

,-,""I ion, .ntl dltrcrilll( IIll1t~rilltl)· I'roUt Scicncc 111111 Il grellt Irlll)' o( workl!lll.Ilt~IU (flrlll' of Ill.·, ill ll\Ct a:yer1tlting mll.ny Jllliin meliiOdlClI1 wrilel'l, but rewbOu ltl t. hlbli b II.e trutlt, tlll1t 1111 lilu talker. 'rhe Ihouillud and OIlV Jail,Itt 1110 poltt, Wllj ol'ertllkell lid ue· capture".lllltile lIy tile irre;:ulllr IIl1hi.btmy~1 hy It 111111Jell Ht!Olo~k,,1 c1lllllKe. 1~17.lllJk lIud I;llcrriltll elelllent, 1C01ilillginhhltlcl!I..l IUI .....e 11.11 t·, 1,,). ltllll 0)', by Ifcr)' .lbcorulcRI tlulll, "uti !.trought til

1111 Ilatrollllulie/ll ruvlliutiull lIlfl,'c:tiUg, Dut Iloliec III huu.l qUMrtcril, !llIvll 10 blJ .ifted.U1I) L1ur cl\l·tll 111111 ,,)lIlelll, but IIlIlUy Rlill tcltlfil It)' thll lOuch-itouti of lllct,lllhl.lr 80lnr plllllltttl ttmlllll.. ir 11I1 .... llh:li. ere tllC! "'0 IIcc.:elltcll tllld hlillOttd with

'I'lli'! Ihe\lfY t.ll'llt in alCCIIIllUI"tioUII II.t II niche ill thu ~tOlllt lIote·houle tlftilu 11011:1 Uclllj.; ,jlllcdulI:~ Ilrclltcf tit unc trulli.l.lJlu thnn til'; lIlhll', \\lIuld CUUIlI.i II

..u\ldcn tl&lcl'II.lllWllull of lito .."flli .ufll·deul to c:l1l&UH"U thu l'qualm, i. hardlyJllliU.llllll; hec:l\I~c, tile IlOlu lJclllll Tilt! I.llndon .Hnenfl'lIm PJ/oy! "Tbo• 'Iulilillint troUI tbu I:ltllltl,ll, tlul ire Trutlt't."Iol Ihc !lrit! h MUlI'Ulli nre in1011111111011' wl,lulJ lil: '" nlalrl, L'(jUlil Ihat 1rt.'IIty l'or tllf )lutChaNl of • rll)lY of IheJill Iul!dfll cltll.lIll' III allly II,Olllt..'''t woullJ jllll{l.'JJt uOllk III Ihu \\'orllt Tnwlml tIleIJlllrkrly to occur lrow Ueh alClitlill'. clo3ll 01 Ihe k!\·cntt.<tnlh clntur1 the

No Iluubt the "lIrtli' II.Xli IUlJl l.t.en tflignlog ElIIllCr*r I'll Chin IPlmhllcd ..nJohilt~l lllalll lilllet!. fnun CIUlttl IHCM'CI...'(}' Iltlp(~rial C...nllni,..ivn 1el .eprloL in oneint; hum inlerOAI cuol'ul iun... ,\ varill- V"lit cnllidinn nil nlilive work. of Intet·

.liou uf thl.' Ilrckllt Illclln"Iinn of Ihe e"lllInil imW"lrtttnte in enry hrll.llch ofu" ofllltl earth cllu.ed frolu whhic, or literAlurl'. In tltll lJeJ::lnning oflua f(ll­fNm tIllDll c:hllllg. ill 1.llI.nelary IUnlC- lowiug Ct'lIlury the Comrn; Ion coml·let·lillU, would III'UIluce (hllllgO III Ihe loca. ecltheir IA!.')! ,lInll ""frtl "hie to III)' 1Je­liun of.1II.1 In tbe lurml of M, UD the fore Ihe t:lIIpt:tol Il "I'r)' 1,.II.al.lle Wl.lor

of tbeir diligence in Ihll IIllp! IIf II com­glll!>e.

I,il lion CliO bting ""If 6,109 YolullIe • en.\ umiog tbe Dcbul.u theur, cornel, mled 'Kin tlng koo kin tOil 11/10 Ikill

whi~h thc wriler llun 1I0t IIUClitivn. nod chlng,'ur' o\n l1tlhtt'tlt~1 IlnllCrilll CoI­tlr,tltlt. ,nrioul 1,Iueit 01 our .,.trm It:Ctioll of ..\ndent Anll )IOI.ltm titer.\\'rre tbro"D olf onu lilt II tllulo', tile largest ture.' Only IlIwlllI et.Iitirlll WUj l'rinl~l

lind mn~t lIiltlJlt tlrat. alit' 1\ e cot nil· off" in tIle ft~t in,f11nct'. 11IId belvru lung110111'1111 socnunt lilt the t!\ irefUL ,"Iagi· Ibe grellkr Plut of Ihe COPI)U 1)'111..t t chllugn, in IIJrt all Ie hi, u aurodant wbich Irld ltel:n CAll fltr Ille unJt:rtskmg1,lIcnlJlnln. u!"ln thl' junu~tiull nf Olltll' were purloind1 b, uutrun.orlllJ otti­vlallleu. 11011 luc 'llrietl f, lin! 01 lifo, II' cilll~. lIu\1 thu relll'l.indcr were lllehftttnlli,"Qfcll 1" fo- il rcmlln'. f .llltUIII .Iown alllt ellined into c" h. ,\celilo:uts

Tbu 0NltJt'"imu"lely "'1': ·'Italfl'nl.W"lueoce of thue lIUnlcrou. geological hJ fin: Illd h, ylllle"c~ lul.Vc! cOOiillerlllJl,

c.u~ of ~Jln:t tn olJlC!nt! tllill in tiUlCIdlaogu. tllllliCed tbe lIuo,her ofeuIJ1l1 Dillie inl· of elUllrgeney nWit.1 Ihl! militar1 talent

Iftlltt elulh .... 11 10 tlLro~' off lnotller Inri.llellilian orh.!iDllU" IlrintL'Il,llnlllt III thll euulltry i. un.anilal,le lor actlllli:tIIlclite lit Il;e l'tt.!ItnllilDe, it wIluld ht I~ Ik·IiCYetl th,l o-Iy comiJIlrlliYd1 .crt"ict: ill thc Ildd. It il nowemplo.)'td

,oml"" ·• I wl,ll "nnYul,ionllltlll geo lew IIUW relltllin t·11[,ot. Thu 'fru.t~1I'Ie .. ' L· In the "dullus dUl1 or c:tltici.ing Gene.lnll'iul ching,. 'lIllieiclIt. to Ulodify. it flf tho Uriti8h MUleu", hllving IJlocvme rul l10wltrd And his n~cel"ll fClr thclrlllOt.'fll'u utterly dellwr IlIlilr, IIn,1 th~n 1I."'t1.re tlllIl one IIIlt'h f'lIflY 11'1111l1L'l~ IICCU lIl,Ultl.:;tlllent uf Ilit' 11IUiltll \t"llt,""rh:luilio IInmlll'r lcrlU. olrcl'l.:d (.11 >,II~· lit 1'd.ill, 11"1' ,'uhr.'11 I - _

Oo\mlltl ur uur Illune" nrtl lIe:rrl'r tltl' I illiu Ilc~\llillllllll' fill' 1111 plIrt'lIII..I·, nlld it (:elll'rul 811trlll III tt:legrttllll' 110 will :-11" lhy>! mo It C"IIII

"lin 1I1111l "C ut', IIlhl o( ';IIUrtC huh; I' h 11Illo.:h t .. he II"11t'11 ,bllt tll,'y ltIu~ .ur C"\t'ltil 'Ill' 11ill tl'ur I.. Ihe rllclllt, ( l;l-t. 11l11lkl!W1tt l.y lilly ..nl.'.l"hln t.!lr.lIt"n Imlll tli It. I, ,tIt rltl'r 111,111 cel'll iUIl.lMIlig lh:~ rar.: ,md illh'r, .. till!! IoJl" r,m'l. !)u('!l r\n 1I.lmlluwklll cvellt cu;!L'C"li"h t, Illr rr:ltll'Rlllliluar.,', ,,\ 11 ''If' 1I Il'~' Iluh hul. <...·OlU IIlt!1'~i." Stref":t., Sea.ttle., 'W'_ '.1'.


Page 4: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;


'I'll!·: ~OHTHE1,:'\ ST.lILIt



Wt. cnll attclltion to tht: kitr hltcly

I.IlIUt tur "" l.Iy Ur, J. S. l:llIIrch vi bt'nllner, lk,... itlc. wlll!ot I~ I'dl rClkll'h)­

iei,,". tim Hr, is tllll(l~t.eXcellent IUL't:lJ:tll­

ie. allli pr'.II'):t to ,Io.:v"ttl tt. tJ0rtillll lit01 III lillie to Ihe 11U11t1i1i1of Ill' 1"1>\1'1 LI.11 kiml:l. cithtr lilt hnltolll or kid 1.1I11~

Our lIew likilr III nut nnl}' It lIlmlcl CI~gnu:u 1IIIIII.It'IHIIJ. 1iJ,;~ llllil CII"}' III rf)~.

hilt nil t:<clllICSlt ~l'.1 hilit 1t'4 wdl. 111;~

welll'lrnn1:hly t1elllllll~lrtlh'1.1 1111 O\lr 1"1"

turn frnlLl lotI CUll lit r tt) Ihl~ 1IIICil aWl't:kIIg'l. Tile lIi ... lallcli 11 O\'l'r IIny lIlik...

lIud Wu Illlldil it ill 1t'''i tlhut IW"lIly-lh·o11Ilurll, inelullinJ.( "Ix IIIIUN 11101))1 lioN O\'I'rI1lllht lie OUlltrcvllle 1'111'4 \VII. tllIll"witholllt:xtrtllln'urt l rnwlng nc:trl)' 1111 ll ..·WII)·. hllving no gout! wind exctJlt lIt'lIrtlHllllumh III Ille fil1t)~olllillh rivl'r; tlUdbrln:cin,ll frUlU l:ulllrtlvllh: )Ir.. 01ivl'r ,ltt

II ,i~ll 10 Sl1llfWllli.J. .

Till( SIlUh4.lI1i~h ltltoe !tilll ('lull IIU;;II1.10 IIll chllillen....1 thll ('llIUill\"I~·, Illes

~'t.'rll lIl:lj.tlllll1itllO 15 eOlltlJ.:11 to nllo", lilt:tUI~cll Chlb It) locllt Ihull t~tI 10 ellie'

Tul!. YlIkhlllt Irrinl1 1111 Frilll' "'ith(n·i:,:lil hit Pucktml &. Jlld'~J)1\ 111111 ~:. l',~·er~II"'I,. Sliu left the 1Ik: dll}' III fillll'lI·clne!...

W.: Iillye 'I.':ut tILl! UllllU-S uf .Julh:.·Ul'lhl!". IlellVl'rt'11 Itl·t ,1111 01 .1111~· III:HII~hnrt!, {,)(\f;'IIt, L:nliku llItl~t l'ITnrt ..

01 Ihu kilkl. it I. lin Iltlltiull Ihllt WlllUr.the 1Il1n\1 tll:1t euncei'fl'll h.

1(0.\11111 ler Ih1tull i ...ushlll~ "llr .

011 lil'! rOtulj III Snolllllul It lti:!lriu.We hllJM II" will CUYu PUt Chlln. "ri,I~I'.

Thnt h~ llilsr~ccil Iliu elllllll)' I"U;.t

elluu~h .

'1'1Iv,llt.l\l fur Ihc Clllllch l'llltte Itt-l

TIIIlI~,lll~· ull,llI'll:l 1I'IIIpClrlll'il}' IIU11}{ lU·


T ...~ IllMlk l'II'U f,lr 1(11\', )1 ... MI'('II~',

1II1ldc Il}' )Ir. UC\ll'l'\; ~"II nt'lhi"l'lml" j ...

tl .., l1ul'ilt 1.lecl: or cnLll1lt w.....!. ill Ihll

"1 lItllY.

TIHl Ynki"m l'ltUl~ III ull Wltlr,~,ltl\"

IlrilllJillg MI·~"1'>l. Trlllillt AIIII Walkt'r nn,1Imrly 1\'hn nrc mllkill~ Ihe: lIlur HI' lilt.:low, r 1;0111111. ~II~ lelt Illll '11Ile ttl)'.

)111. J)oty .... '\1)11 t~ aCL'f"I."~(lIl t1rh'uIrolll Ilid culllr 10 Pill ('I,uck UlIOI\I 11I~t.

wI:ck I' ithuut I(b.~. TI1Q IIII! runller-\, illl­lIIe\lililely IlltUt....1 th.'l1l fur ll,e I'uillt "1111

thll}' reltchtlll tllerl! 1111 tlghl.

Mil.•J, Pikc. who hllil r~hle.1 hcre Itlltl

In tllll cnunty lilr 11m Illlil "Is 3·~lIrll. re

n:uvI'I1 wllh htl' Itllllily III :"l'lV TUI'lil1lllItull WCtllll'llllll}'. llr. Pike l:t II 1'1IrllCII'tor 1l1\ll huihler, lind un llXCCItI'lIt II'lItk·UlIII1, 1I111L lI'e 11lII'u 1111 WLII IlLcd williImc!,'!,!", III hi. IIU\\' IlIt·lltiun.

Mit.. W, II. Wlltd htlll lWt.'lI lufTl'I';nl(tlllll)lIlJt wCI'k IrtlllllllllillllCll;"t' 1l11'11I11l'·tin, ujlgrnvntcl.l loy net\'IIUI IlrH.trlllion.

~Ir, Uu~..• fltl\llly nru till t.llll\'flllllCultl.

:'tlr. 1: C••'1 rI-lUll'JlI'~ )'Otlllr.{llt thl1l1 lUI"II .Iight "Ullek ..t' IMl'htllerin. hilt I illl'IlrU\ inj.t. 'l'llcru lUI,' lUI ,llm~efUulI Clllt'''­urlilcltllc~ UIIlII}' kiml in Iu",n.

.'In. 1'. »'. )Iarkll. fllrllll'r1) COUlIlyIrcll!lurer IIrrhiill:dUtll}. Illc,IIU \ ictol\;~

B.ll 011 the 7th in:!t, 1I11 \\IWl[lll.tliVtl 01

)Jnr,'lnllll. IIc Iu,s lIccn till tllu (·tWilie

Ct.l:bt ~illltlIMl). lie "'1111 II nUl,hinistIi)' ImLle.llnt1 1111 lx!cll cll1;it~l\'r un IlCtun!clime.... IIc " .. IVll1lcrly II tt· illent

II( 'IIttle, lie hI' 1,\1.:11 II n,ill tit. ul'

thi e1.11ll1t)' 111,111)' )'Cllrs 1\1111 11ll~ nIun}'frkllll... tIolld nCllUlllllitnlld in Ihe l;ltunty.


1_~... I\Il. III Ill·

Tt,ll\I" Ot' 1"lU" 1:11'110'-:

$1011 1'1,11 .\~~t'l " .\11\ \~I.r~

Jl r

.\ "11011 10 "'11 hllu'" bin .....

'.liHl,\rtn .. \1


I: \U:''' 11.. \1\\·',11'1'1""1 •.I.' ~ II ;I,lIllnlll·.-I... ll \Il11 • ~ 1.,.1 I~ r "\11.1'"

I r.1 ht'lrTltllt: ;~t I'\.1It.- I r ·1'l,ITo· .·,tlil -"I,... •,t '11( I,,_ .. rtluu

OR • C rOLSO , •• t"l~S U""IE ~"ORS£

,. "l~ I. ;." I" Wlj,k"tll, Il,r"1I:.:.1'll". .l '~"'Ull Id.'u. I /'\1\1111.\:1111 ('\\'I,.\I..-,\lr, I't,I.' h. in .\11 Jllr'I' '1'1:,' ..1.1.·, -"II "f II. .\.·1 ,11_11 "It II·-r l"lIl, ...1 lIt,nllill:': lid., Iii .. pel"/JIl,d l'tlil"lil4l "" lht, /);., ",,.1,. (ir, C"l~. ~1 ..l'111\;l~ fdillpnll :111• .ir 11"..1.

I'"ttl... illlch-t,-,1 l-lIlll~Ullll.IIC "pIllII, ,""il':': h, I l'llllll "II hi' IUI-'lll 11111" ')""r'ult:rl, j. in it .. II Ihl ,li~.:r.ll·\.'.I~' "!li, Ii pl .... " 1'1.:1\\\\:11 IIIl' til i "I ,hi'

il ~ ,I h',dk 1~1Il11 '''!Ill llll' 1'l'llt-r 11,,1 III1111"";':;' ti" . '''ll~I,•.• I"l n .• ,1Ih,:.: "',,\llle ~'dllll)' n!lt ill II }ullll:: tlHUl. III Ihi~ th:hl "iol.,. lIud 1'11Il" IW,lt I~ ill:,:- (11.11.[dltor and Prop·r. I'dllhlll k \'alll"\ I., III... :'-llll,l:,.:ualllj-Il.

1,"1 1l,'I' Ih·1lI l~." hlllll' 1~'llhl,llh" \\c: Il\'ltrlil)' pIUI·ur. "·....hlli.. "1l'\II'r ~Un:il'illlli,I\HI""llllllll"Ulli.III,IIIIl'I"IIt1

I Tlll~ h a lllille in lin: ri:":!lt .111I'11l'I/I.IllW' - It· lIla!.,- III pn,-.lli. 'flli .. \\11'11.1 thc i.. ~i;:l1ill III' .1i-~nll'l· 1111111 1"'\"·113. f. 11,.\. i~ .Juiu:.: \.1'11, Ih,'u::11 Ill' \\111 IIIUI 'J I I ... 1.-11 tIo Imil. "lIN IIlhll\!ll. \\ ill .. ,,4111 he, ' ~ t I' Ir,l' ,. "I ", 1111,' \I itll \\·lli.lhl'~ Un'llt IlIrlllllU arc ,~d,llIlIl Iwnl·-tlv 1111 lllllllm·1I l,r ..nllll·t;lm'.

1_, mt! 1II 11_. IIt'1lI IIIll" }tar. 1'I .. i,I,·.. I'!:. 11111"11 \\11:.!"IIn rUlid. lind Will, "'1l',hh' )11'11' t"illt.• I, We 1ll1''IIlIII tl \\:1\' IIi,Lt 1"III"r- _Ill~ \t I). rt'IlUlI'I'IIII\e III lilt! lllllllhr III,.' II \ ill': IHI tl,c Nill"l:lltlllll~h til ltllll~ llll\' hf\Crc.r. Slll'h 1111"11 II; S:I'\\Uft 1111,1 ~"'I' 1..)0.1.1"1 l'1\l1·. \Ir. Ch,tfi:c

I I til IU\\ II tlud Tl'Wrll 1Ilr.iu lhc ~ 11111' Ill' : I \.' I I "' I' I I ~Illl It:'; .,,,.::.in'" h~1 \I II'''. 1111 1111' :-'lIull,-.i 111~. II l\"ulll [I!e", l,r;ll,: ;.:h.11 '11l.llIli· . [UI' 1" JIlII t. U",·f1\·", I. fIt"I' I h' nl YIIIl ,... u .. th.· tli"(IIIlCC Il\U~f I~ Ic-s tllnll I'" 111.1'. f 1 I I I I mi.h.J·n-( 1,l'!lI\\ Ihlllllllluh III lin' :o."y.Ill· nl ,\Ir\ '·l.rl~· \1,:,·ltll,I,·. 111111 Ihllil . Itl).!e II Illh ''''It''S II I "m..,llh II'IIH

~ 111,1·,,1 "u~I ... I~,,(frLlil ("I' Yo Ililh llanl' I.. Ill:' 1I111\~. • . • III"n th:m 111t'1n4,·ht,~ !l'r 1\' n lIlim"lI IIIIII-h.

I k . rh\· ktllt:1 lin II.e :;lIl1l~lIllllLl-h nllll I 1 I . I I "" I1lIl\\'. Ihl I\'t-!II Ilr 11111 '1'1 t,1 .'. 1ft Ie. \\u "ill (.'hnc\,; lite ltlllllh'rl l'h"l. 111111 willin" I wy ~"Irl II!'•• 1 .rcllt WI':! I I h 1111 I n Til" It.. II Hiut-:,ro. ur" ill I"" II •

ur... m,lt.rm'.'11 (Iult .II~· hit Ill/ul f'1~'1lrlrt t.1 t ..lil! hhl,1 l.n,I.I/t'll II,e 1"'liI III IInc; ~llh! II( "I'jln-'lo'll N~,I. 1·lIrrul'llllll. It -'Ill. -'I"..imlr, lit .. lIr'i~l. will n Ill:ljll'10,'\1 \Iil'''!"'' I IIll' 1.1111.\ l~ rt4IUlI,',1 hI ~Inl' Willi Ihe I I!! u.I'lllut·11I h !!u...11 tJ.lll~ Illl,llIlt·urh I k I " I I'll. .' '" . ' . ~tll;1i II trllil "Ill il"lllnl Ill.'lilelllllli und .• .'. 1lI1l11 H'r "l'1" .\'Iliro.: j,:IIllllo= IlIll1: 'u iI.

I'lff,lffl W.lh,\lku•... ,rllr\\hll!"lIlll(\. IlIllllllleMnll'll'li! otlllr IIUlllt~nllh('rl' .' •. ' Ihurllll'III"~3tlllt.1 1~IVlhl, lhu"1I1~urlll::. . .Uf J" t'lmrrh .....•.•... r,·rl..lt"ull'·r rnll!t· \\In' hcslllllill to llinl It Oll"ll"11 thllt hnerl·,I.(1U1l IIhtltll 811\\11.. . I I '1 r II I I -'Ill, tllt1'IMr h 1'lIIlo111IH tIIWI\'II ":'l~"l!''' :...... .I"r :-1.1I.,:1t "11) i ......' .' 'C " I I \.~. I' 1,lkt us Well IIi ItUl IlI:'1 f"'k ur IlUI Itol I'.... l'r 11110 til llr\:lII~. I:! Ie' ': IX. h"l1""H'·ljfl Illl\,r, , ....... r"rl,'ltlrnlll.· Ilt'r m\1l IUllIn, I~I III1U!o\llI IH III rl.'llilfl: lurll..n. Our :,:I ..... t r,llIr,lu,1 \J1111CI"::O I "

1111 r"ul,,'\II:,.1·1.,1Il1til I' . I hilI I., 1~le "n·,lt bUill IIUlI thIS 111'IIl:r . . . . ... .\1 '1',,", ., .'r. . I' ,( I""". " III I U o!'Il 101 II I-t ",'(1'1 III Ililln. 1J"r Inutc ., ..... . l'l1'I~lnLl\llll ,llrt'Clur,:l, '\1111 lltelr 1'llIlf' Till: 11101" nail "Iu.h'ullc 15 I1I4'r.'lo\lIll!'~I •. I III. r, " '!L. :'illllll"1I1UlII.1L ~u 11IIt r hlltli lire III" H \\',,,~I ..nl. 111.\1111'1.1 h IU'" "r thc 111"~l \ultl1ll,letlllllle :-;nulItl, - ., .' UIIIIl!! wealth. It IItt'-ellt Ihe hlH JllIiol oCt·\t·rlll fnllli.h Illll'IIlJfI!l 1111\'C 1"''('11 IIl;LtII:'f I' \\, .. 1.,"1 I·"rll.,1I111,11·. I'" k I"' I" I thecIIIIlIIVtIHllllheu'''llIlI.iI\'lIIlL'1l.. . .. . II I 'I',· It """"j)l!; Illr'~,r I-luull" }II n o.:~ tlll!'11I I'Il 1.1.1 t II IkIt'Jn 11'(;"1110.: '1'1 ,'" " I I' "I hrUlll IIn,1 lu.whw"rk "I IIll1l1rlll". .\1,,1 1n,1.le I" t"llh'!l II... Imllln IIIll IItnlll t.. ,. til .. ~.. .., ' . '. . II I I "( " H: lIlhllUI Irt 11111'111 '( HII till I. .1,- :11111,'111·, 11..111111\111\-. Klu;::''''I'llllll'ntll'tlllL: IIrl\lIl~t·tl.th".o "'111' • • .. IIll're1ol!!lmtllll1.' ~"IUlltHl 1,llhl'I'.lulhcl 'fll" il1!llltli'lII , ul1k r~ ..I' O!i\'I:

10 tl I' I II l hlLd. In t.':lII'II'~. curry Ihl'lll IIcrl/!o\ Ihc ..' Ia . . , . ... ~ 111.1 e ~"'1II1 11111 Crulll'!!, ~l" I Il')' "':'~1 I lli\"ldu lUlll J:l'u dOWl1 11m Slillll:.!"Ullllli~II.1 "I 11Illtir lln,l 1'.11111:11:. Ih,ll I:. til rlll-.(·. I.'·ul I..... l;.rl· IIf l. II. t~, '1'. tlluk I'I:lt'oIIlMt:--.\TL:HIJ.\Y ." .....\l (.t sl 1::1. IS. ';' I III thll' C,Ifi:U I'll lillie lllillell\'e ulll"'lIllllltl I I·" I I ulltllu: IItulIdllrtl til nut 111111 ...I..·llullI. S IlIr IllY ni.. hl

"'1 lie 11\'11 0.: 1'l.'tWI.'1·11 I Le tlln s'~Jlm" ." ,.'_ ',',I.lIc,I'IHC 1111 I hnl.1 tIl,,·t til Ilwlr Inl·I". ~tlllll"L he "lin' rllrltLhlulJIt.: Ilr Ihu ,111.1 hut Ihl' IIltln,luni tlf in!t'lh...lutll cuilufl.' A hllllm l,l'Iflll~ill/l III Ulnl klll'lll BI·"".

C Itll'e II Inrt;:e Iillilpilft Iller,·. l'cI tlil.·· lltnllllk{ Ihe 1II11 ....e.. lind lit IhcllI ,,1/11\ II" I .1' tUtti'\' "l'Illll '. wn.. J'11t,rl," I,t 1I1;:lIt. flll 11'11' lUll,:,:" "l'

il·rc!lllon~lltll·w",,' Iitu Illull tllIJltI 11111''1' ,., . ., 1'1I1'CI'III Imit-,in,· I;.r IIIL~illl'-i 1111I111h'lI I" I ,I I '" ("I' k 1 I II I"' .\Ir r/l'l"'M\' nur SdlO,,1 ~1I111'1Inll·n· ,. , lilollllrtlllllllllCI' 'I'nol\' II,Wll.,l'll\·n:; ...lllre\'l e II 1\'I'e' lIt'll II" tII-lIr YM'I\'l'l I11I lOUt rt'l:!l1l11r !1t;UlIl- . ,.... '. tnlt\'\oflt'wh"i"I'lIll1pcllc,llllhl"rill1,,\\'

• I 1 " II' I I I ' ,. . Iklll.lllllf IUIII rl'tunll'd 11'11111 lClllro.:\'Ill,·, . , ,..\\ 1'1 nl'!lIlY nlUrllln~. we 1m Cu nur JlIIl ,nn{.I,III111111l1I1f·1II1Un to 1'1) I III I'l1rtlllll II " ,(,1Il1 I'W"I"l'tij nu,1 1,It'VrIIC Ittllllil.lt. lilltlII 'I I II" I \\., II • I. ' . . • 111111 hlllili Ihe IICtl,llt: therc Itlt\lfIUj UtlU DIII Ur)'lllllllll ~ I'IIeU on III II'Y pUIIlI,lllllltl'lolt 1I1111n~ Ihlu lorllHl51'\1l nnt Ito.: IlItllJlullcd 101111\1\\'01 Il'lm...1

)_11111\ tll ...n ItILTIIIl:C lIlt: IJlIIII Ihen:. nn,1 nr UIl}' 1I111l'r mull lllllll ... r ttl rq'Julnrl~' witlitl~ III ,~u IlII~rt;l Ilmil Il~l.'ir ~ht,n' nr "lJc\\cn "r l\lIod unrl .lrl\\I1'I: 'If wlllt'r.'\ItLlIdn~ nVI'r thc hlllll, lllul,J.(" Ihe ttuil lellcll Ihe IJt'0l'le ur IllIlt H'clillll. \rtl th\) lulll'r III '111C1!1~'g Ihe Ir'lll. It \\,lIl1hl •• _

lie IIninll!)t Cnl. 1.,\rf1l"l.'e·1i litrlll ju~t I hllili' fur llll,: illlo.:r.."lo," Jill. Illduollll~ Ille 1)1' Il ~rellt CtllWCIILIIlCtl 1'1 bUIll ItlCtluIllI, 1'1"1' npw~ ~Inu~.-~.~·s llw l:hirl\:':uIdOl'1! ntlflll. lIill llUIIIC i'J one "f tl.ll Ilin"" iul illtaell'8 "f the '''\Ilcr~ vI' II,,· lllld 1111 .Ihulltllg-ell' IIIl' "h"hl C"tlllly, "Tillll'l:" Unll"tll1l~ the terriltltJ rllil\lu}'Jflrll~IIIC!II~ in thl! 1'erritnrs. i hiuHIICd "lcull1er 1.1 ..113' Ihnl, thlll I"lal will hi' tllul the .(,',llnly, vUl.ht 10 110 ~lIIl.thit~1ot in811r\'Ctiul1:whicll Iml [lltt'II,ly ,le~lrll~t;11tt.bout line mllll rrom "tiller'l Poinl. lind inducl'd 10 wgulllrir hillp IlIL'le tn deli\'. lu\\ unt lurll'8tlllllg 111C el1tcrJlrl..u. It I~ II hundrl.'ll mi!H'IlI.:l tJf pmllt;rl.\' 1I11t1ln­,ml! a hnrt til t1lnccllllck frolll thc IIl1lc fOr till' I1lllil, lint! 8t.'1';lrullie \'i1IUllhlo ltrlllc *' ,.;rnt hArdliltil' un 1.lle i>L~)ple 1[1'lllH III lIil·tl,,1 t'\'t"ll ;.treliler i11jury Upllll Iho.: ,om·ul' (,'rl'lll'cllt It"root. Hc is too well knnwn "f Ilultl'xh'nli,o tt.'Qiun, thc 1I,lrlliertl cnd (II tllll CUllnty til IIC Illtn.'C IIf Itlc 1'11111111 y. i:t ill lonlne 111';':I~1

W.lf< i()n~II}' .11 lI\'t:' IIH~ StluI1l1 to "Ir, 10": II. Mutlh Ims cln8l...1 lIul IIi. l.:ulIll'elletl tu gu III 8tollulo or )tuklltl.'I". n lK'rlerlly 1I111'lml rOlI~'lllllICtl uf Illen~'td t1hCnlling U 1\ lawy"r or 0 1111111. It'lre Illlllil1l'~ lit "lilt Ie, Itlhl hllj hlkt-Il lllld 11.I ...n hft\·c unl}' ~ Cll'lIIt,:C ur t.'Imn..'Ct· great lIIi~mnnllgll1lellt ur ,,,i\wlIy inh'rltelM:hing thlll tlmo of life ~ hell Illen 01 lin 01 hi.. etllck ttl the l~o1\'c!' Sonnll: Inc \\ 1111 8litClLlIllr, \I hhollt i1du}·. \I hl'll t! I!! l.Jy t11118C 11\':11 1II1t'':IlI~ III' rnihlorhi t.lle muurilly tit iru tn ",'illlllnr.~·, kc.!lIing III UCl'l!tDl lore I\t Ollk IIlLr- Ihe~' wi&rl to CUllle here nn husinl·C"l. If J:::lIulhliu);. But. !Cr:lntin 1111 IbRl, it I~thcmll:h'n fnml tht r'lllltinunUI p~&.'" IIf bor. IIl1ft el!itnhlhhln/; Ilnnllit'r I\t t'11Il tlley do 11111 conll' ItJ ,1l!lIl11er tlley hll\C no 111t,0 III tlilk "!JImt ,,"otlH~r itlt: IIIhn,iDc" ,n,1 the cllr IIIClfh:n1. lo it. Ju ID I hUld. tlte 1'1. of ~ Ilich '1)lk'IIN ill 10 ruw all lhe WilY. t., IL rOl1l1t1 IIllfHI! tilt! 'Il~ tioll ill tllu prc~lI('e uf all iufut1l'he purcltlUt'tl "'htlt \t'IU known 0 the thi, I IlC. It i m'Cille 10 Add thlll )Ir. tIIUlo.: Ilt lh~l. or CllnIe ",n f~t. .Il. is lUI tell muh ul ill, urgllll. Thc m:tn \fho(lId Ull by plact'. Inti IIlthnugh he Itill )Ia~h giYe! elCt'UUlt Inti (Action 1I~ It Illca~ur~ltrlp all3 Ilf1l1': I If'lCI!•• ILia u· ~f1id there WI'rl' t\\U IIhle! t" Ih" l'o'nllic,I.ttell,).. to I)ractice at 80.:.'11... with the mlrclllllli. IH:nll\'U Illd CCIIlIitIIll"1 much tllllf.', JJ}' 1tt.'1"·t."C!lIlh~ Xllli,llllllliuthotitit.'-.llllllllhe

Otm III I..rnl.«. 111111 lind J\lUlre\\' ,J'CI On llni\'lnl{ at Oak llnrhllf we foul'u) tlpcniny ~h~ prlliltbel.l. Intil ~th tiuMll\Il\1 SlllJlh~rlIlelk.'l. Ihl whnt "'Ilol VUO.:; hill

he sptnllJ mOil 01 hlo time at. Ihe farm, II vl'IlI. nf snrrnw 01 t over the .hnlc monl'! ~III he It\.velllll mAklll1:" IheJllllr. iu the Jlh'IUll'C ..fltll arlltL..1 inl!llrtl'l'lillnIIIt~nrllng tn hi, nn~ lIN'hurl , lln(l trying I'ummullity. "['he d'ent1 ICtJurl«t! ,liJlh "",y: anti tbe adUlnlu!l1l to the count}· In "W'hl"~ lhl,! 11,\\' uml ur~lrr or lCi~lyIf) jt'toW' a Illrgu cQongh flfT'hard orpruncs I theria hal Inlde trillt lIt'Ction II I'rnlon~l..1 I!lll "'.')' or acttlflnt:nl will he 14) "r\)lIt, ",IIi no~ thc timc III lI~rt the Inull."I "lIlt It will ~ .. II'..d.lil)· WIth him \'i,il, Xum~rI lind ))cellllillictetl with IIIJ1t I! tbe cuunry !JlIre ll~e whnlu "J:- Wilen tile IImh ri"C:t and II!.'~ the lit\\'11) prepare IbfQI for ullirket, Tho ulll it. alld ill two lamllic,. living ,Ida loy ftt.'1I!.e It wlluhl IJt only It. ilillpic IIrt or Inlo It t'Iwn IUlndl. tllt'n' iii IlUt one thing

o~butl or IIpplaf. PCII'll. plunts. utc,. ia hlc three I~rllm luulrliell ltt:1'I\'l't'n thll j Uillce_ _ ----. lor llOCicl)'. lIr h. cell IhUlctl nrJ..'l\n". Itl

nne tit tho I~t on th" I land. Hit ,t ';th and 18th 01' Jllly hut, Tltll 1\'l1!k: Im.)llj(ht u Xo. I, \'01. 1, 01 lhink III' allli 10 tin, It is 10 Jlut 111II"nout bil prune trt.'ft ~Im:e I)urchlllllug the )11 .. 1\[Ul'&U lind )1,..., ~I)on.n wrre lhe In,,,rntrltrf 1I'tt,(fU It'tJlHI1I .. IMlvt'n Ille molt. It h 10 put It 110\\'0 IIf,lIIlllll,.pi Ice. IIJ1lIIIlI" IliIorli II lurge Ihurt nf .Isier., thcre haillell Ire lIellr e.ch otlltr. column f.urjlnWt journ1l1 plilollihul lit drl·t~llvcl}'. 111 lilt' clIllllu)'lllelil 01 tllIJltf, allenlillD. 011 July jell MrtL Noonan \\'11.1 CIIIlt'11 to lilc Illacc nl our nl'll"lr}" In till 0111 force thlt IIIl1y lJt: rl'l'llIiaite ttl lht' entl.

.\t tilt! f"rllt the C,,1. tril'lln (Irull the II\flUrn the lou IIf her dllugilier Gnlcit'. IJtlrmlll:h of \\'/Illingfllrll, ~C\¥ Hllvcn Tim killIng ul' !lOllIC III' llie in urt:t'nli Iprolt.1tllionllt 1I1l1n, and ~llIt 10 rcality ,,'ho WII.II in her ItlUtfl.~lllh }·I·:Ir. and jll.l!t coUUI)', COUtl. Thili J"UTn,,1 ptt'lieIlL'I nn no\ 11 mAtter \\ hit II ('OIU.'dua 1lOl'lctr litlUI dc~lhml IptlCilllell 01 ,he typic,,1 ,;en· nile wrtk thl'tclll\cr her Il,tet :Hrl, cXL~lIent. eYI'0gntj)uicltll\llprllntl\'1t'. 11111 .11. II' the)' lil lOtI ill!the 1\' I)' of socklit.,tlew"n limner. With hll book" And i\l~1t Clu~t11 fflrevH tho eyes 01 hcr 111_ IIl1rh'tll it.llllllllt\ frulll Witlllerllll're Lllh. pelct!ful utllet, the 1IlII1Iler lill" ON killcilpicturel in Ilunrl, lind hi, Iilllck lind frllit f~n~ 1II1ul,;l,to.:r Mllrcellll, II chllil 1!l1I Iccll IUt IIrlitlritll IlIke or grclH nnlurul IJI.'lIuI3'. Ihe bctltor,without. hll minel il 10 cCUIlelllo.:d with lIltllllll! ..hI. nCllr thtl tOWII. furmell by ,llIminl: thu ----.-----I " II I I I I " Q " I' "I I" lJo,· OI,U1~;Il·I.-A Chicllgililallcr111.urroune IIKI t lilt Ie tee: .re uO I. Four clil)·11 lifter tho tlt'llth of Mnl. uln plnC rl\'er or m"lIu Jt('turu~ pur r

I I I ". Illurkll thnt lhu rt.'lIil1leut thllt (lill IhuIll:lver 1I1PIIY tvtl w Icll Itt t Ie nlrlll, Mur '11'11 IlrlliJolhtcr. MrtI. NlInnllll \\'111 IIUIt'8. This IInclr Iol0tten til) jOllrnul will "". ',' I ,. C 1lI0llt elli;clive l'Crvi"el durin." tile hut.!i' rOIll lUi' II lice. wt\IJl!leu on til Apt. clIlIe,l I1pllll to 1Illlum Ihll 1()4lI "f IlI'r IllwllyillJc welcol11e to nur t"hle not only

Barrillg~t1n·. lit Ollk IIllrlJor, 1I11lllping Itt ul,If:i1t .11Ill,loChlcr Lllr.1.h:, I~ )'lllllJ:r Iluly itl Itlr It I intrinsic lllCrit III Il jtlllrnnl, !Jut riOIS1\'1t!J mtLlI.: up 1I1111tlJll exc!tulh'tllyor1 I I r I "( I I 1111)'11 We clo lint duubt it. A lIuy",

lIe\'er'll puce.. her nlncteenlh YClir. tho Ilrlllc of Ihu II 110 tit I lU melllunC8 u t IU 1liiSt tQllk lI"r!lllr II the IIl1turBl IIUtiet 1M nci/lhhurlll)o,d. Thill ctllllhltlll' hlllW. thll 1ll"lIkcllS t:\·l'n nncl' thirll'('n selH'll lit' Ido.:lI II( 1III/hUI'rll' Ililly Is implicit 01./1....11­

RlI tho nnrllll:llltcrn Jlllrt. or Wi~IIK1Y 1.- In!t illlllllhlltt II. tim", ol'two YIlUlIl! Iwr. lI.ltllinl:" with Ihll willo wurltllll'tcr ICllV. elllll tn lIupcrillr unlcN. .:\ \'Olemn CllllI 1 I I I 1 I · J':. nlll IIll Illlllhl'li intn ,lnllf'"cr 11lI rCI"liIy RM IIIInl, HL I"r Ktr 5 l'llly 0 IlrCeSII ,or !l,m, ju~t lmddlng iOIn \\'lIlIInllllool1, hiS the llCl\Cerul liurrounl1ln"!1 til Win. >:t

1111 ,t'f\hlcn or &lIllIlIltYo.:Mtlla \·i,hill" till' IIt'\lI"",,1 IJv,,1I le"'lIIl'<l to tllke tllu Hie ,lcrllll'ru IIr Cleur LlIke 111111 il. 1I1\1Il1l l'eerult. Jlu hfill hCHI tllcFIl lII·foro 111111I O. d 1"\\·,111 I I I ""1 • " \. " , " "I 111111 hi, Wi.11I Ihutllt!lIl.ll h.v 1')"llerleDl.:e.o~~r .... l1n call 0 I I HIY 11 lUll. III out nf thllt .ttlckcn COlltl1lURlty. ,;\Irll. lIIt'rIll3. \ c here\\'11 I lulomlt Illu Ill·

.• I Ire II I I"" "I II I A81i011l1 III II Ilflltliu hilI' thflt,IUl:lll)"Iraut! nnt I'W( In',,, nlln tClC'ent II' our Ullrl'illgton hlilliluflr also III' )111'. Mnrtlll IU\\'IIIg' t.!c@CtlPIlUII HI Ilc Cit tUWlI 1 liltII n I ,\ II I ""' I fl" Il.'urnetl hi ,I, ill, Iltlt knuw lIolhill" \IfIII WI.' nil ugull Il .IY Illllllnt r conn: Ullil XUOntlll, lind whun we nrrin:t.1 nt hllr I hUll tJ oft It! IInll,,1 DutIL ler 0 11111 IIi l'I

I 1 II 1 I I" I (I k t IICIUIII ftghling (·xcept in thl.'ory", i11~11lere. ICIII t'I I III ntlJlt.~ Ilttll lnlt cot Ie hllUllC.",1l rmmd htr I.rll!llriltt.'ll Irllm thl! fhlt regular ncwll:mper. liS III ell rOIll(><'k JIllthllt H'ttIClI14ml. el1','CIA "ftltu Ihuck. I(cr childrell weru tllc !.'.,,.f/Jjj: IIIIOIICIIIIII. h= "ill 1111 lUI gOUll tlgillirl:';:

The Ill,,"!: f"rlllS IIf 0 Ik ,n,1 Cn:llCfnt jtl I ft.'CO\'l.'rint frolll the dret\d tli8l!ue. "Our tllwn therelnrc IUIIet! IlJI llt:CHIlII til eVI'r after\\l\rtlll. Yellrl of ctlUp~lan-1I1Irbn.... net tty all htWlla lOuthwllru tJ:. "e I>cnl lenrlll tlltyl un Ihe 1~lllnll rcntennlllllOlllo lltlvcn \,,,.Ift il1N.'. 1'1/- itlg ftCllunlul1 hil1l with l.:\'ery Ii an or

Pll~llrc. nnlllllltliS f1rthcm nrc (It;1>tCilllly were at thu hf)llI~ of OcO. W. llol'if!. II,IS Iii t1relHlrly ntluatiol\ It '2,a:l7,8~'J, ,htUtlcr. He Cllliil,. Ilclt'<:I~ItI:"l\lm.,,"II"lUJlIlll~d hi Ihll rlli Inl: 0' ,. rly mllrket J, "I. Iwtt. J. Ely, n, II. 1'lIncr. not Wt'Ullti Ilnlmintlit m"lllllnctllrintl I'lt.1J1i h. hlunller 1111\) l\'illlhi,k ou otd... r tlult in·

I co I I I" S" II II "." •. ,. yuh'I'~ llunlOrolinary tlttn;.:cr. '·XCI""I,rrltu '. I)l'rlllil tlO earll'lIt nn P Jllyinlto Yhh, to )liller·... \V1~lkc,.~, nH:IIUlttr[', 1111\"011. II , ... 1 I·r,..: 0.•I • I TI I I II Wlll:1l llrlllllllh..'llll, Ihe (,prj, j/~(Jlr...., urt Ie Jun', It'J 1(\,"' II 80 cXt:t t!ot MOntt'ld'.t, IInll lJlher plaw:es on DUl:"Ulill' dlc hUl) III ~ickel Cullll)nuy, thll 111111 I-

• (I • dl'\'Olion tu u Itlll.ler.tlrclulrt•• 1I tUlt hI.' i(f(:j tile h.yantl ILy, Ilescril>llno of l\'hlch i pn.tl'tlltcll ~\: t;lton COn11)ltn)·. Ihll Ju\lll lhlDulae·

. I " II l1tll~ hnrtl 10 IIl1lhu h nr t.'QtralanyJ:ltlun t IC:y ''''I.e In lit' . unll( next \t'ttk lor IrtCk o( room thl. lurtllH CUlIlllan\,. It. 'V"lI.Ce d., &0116, lilt:


1 \fAt· !lo tllllkt':t t~ IJUltl'r 1IOidier Iht!It'Narti nol o"~r onllllr 1""0 t)Ointl nn w~k. W.1lingfurJ CoulIllunit, COlllpllny. tileI , I I lun~'t!r he fi:\'rn~. hd'lllltc: tht ill lilll't nfI Ie O\\'('r \lnl • w Il'l'e II !/rNlUamuuDtI tiiUlp80lI, lIall. lliller lil~'1Company the

• I III I '"' vlf IJfl noliull Itllllel'l I,ian more lllntl·"I In.-I; ItCOli f .Ie ile'C*rt!< .laoYllllepttlntnu: fnllo"'IIIK ,Ielleatt! IIIUrkl j; tok. I'umtrny lLllluruclurillK C"InIJllIl)'. theIII..n.t O"k 1I.trllOr, I)r..,idcrl" stettmer ta bJ Ihe lJi./HluJa ftum tbe ('o,m'tf': Uron n C;lIrrll\l;c Works anll t!ltt :ltun. lI\.:flic. Haw rl.'t.ruil will lij,!'ll' heroic·

Id I I I I k . ully ~g:lhl t O\l.:rIM\erin·' odds "i1lwut"nu IIOP I lert! rYiU IIr y anf ma'e It "The /I~ruM ami A'tlll, II ve t1rglllli7~ IIlIl Drotbuli' C rrillge Work~. He IdH.U Plitt of their rt"J{ulor rOULe. la mutu'li tUhniratluulllCiely. lacludu tho tucre II tue IlIwn lIall, Iha IIiKh hool, llinclting or Ihinkln;.: of rLlr"'f~lin~. I~

The Itellm... r Uhlly $toea by tit re frnm :inuhnmiih ."it,,, IIml thl.l trIUllI"ir,ltu \\ ill Ihu &'1lch Houze. Ill. nor IIml Utll ... I, CUM: llil'1 1111 \lut !.now Ilill (!Jnger IUllirt.:nll·~ covo to J.:tlllilldr: it "Dill,) be )III!1llt!f "II lite Ilu liHcati"n, to .Uallt llle WllllllCC lUock, Ihe RC"" Inti el..oglnt lIupcllun ~ nr Illt' iUl.ltion,

4,nl,llt:t we...n one IInll IWO !Jon,. 1.1t·IIIY Iillllllurl.l rlllle,'·-C",uric-r. U.i1fOl1,,\ Ihput aurl FrelJ!ht lIuullt', alltl rllY. t:~I\ ):It!&IT\',-'' Til" TrUm",- 01lur her to IlOI) tllcra hllttl ill guing 111111 Tltt' lJ"p«td, lind CIJlfriU' 111\\'8 orllnR' ChUlCIIl.'1l III 'lie flll1nwillg' Illnllminl" 11I"t night i.. autlu,rilY Jllr Ihe lttalUlIt'Mr U1tDln~, fin It!':r r tile III Ikllinglllllil Ilctt I ~oll)(lali,...1tlnll l!I~ietl', lIml M this tiutll: Tilt: t:lliSCt'!)ul, l'oultrt'lt!Uiollal. I I' I \ I Ir e I lilt til •• III erooOlI.!k) ollg I'rillc:itltillfJhy. eXCfpt tholHllimel when Ihe w'lIIlll 011 ·tu Cllnll1~ IlIllr, 'l\ith .11 tlldr uxur. Jillllti ...t, :lh:lltodltt and HulIllln l'lllltulir. (I I' I I Illne 0 t III ,Itt tIont AI.: I\lob. hA:'IIlCCI.tltel1100f() a Illie in gettingtllroug" Swlnoml Ii IUU!llClfl. InlVc unly tllclr uI'n liilClcty II) There lire obo '!B privlliu n'"iill'uI;clI. tile IIr11po..ititlll 11111110.: til hi," 'i1 CIIIIlCSlough. The 0011 Ilitro.:rctCl lu thb I'CIIprct, d'III.'II,llIllOn ftlr IlItlllI Uf t\YeD tC'l\f'('II· 'IlK: ,mount invtstetl ill ItO~1 is .1....· I I k I II I

1'-- lere !till tll'll III \ lit t m J.:nivI·ntity.llu: tide throu;.ch Ille I\lou:;ch wnuld IIl11ktl Iollity. theJ IIrV fist t1ntlln" Ihelr leY...1 lj1u. IIntl io IIlllnUrliclotitil. '2'(';,O.'tIJ. Wll ouly hnpe it i'l true for Ihe ~nl.ll ofi.. thi~, thllt whl'n the titllt II fttVOl3hlu in tho.: clepthl 01 Ik'rtlitlon. The illllltetl populalion lit the Iln""mt thll 11111tll "fnnr '·crrhnry. "['hut llli In

hc II 'hletn gn throuJ(h Swlnomilh ._ __ tilile iN J.,OOO, And lhe uUlIIlJcr of reg;II' ~tit\1tlon like Ilillt IIlmulll Illl\u IJCI'n

Slough 011 310nlilly e\'tning IIrrivlng ul Tho f1nu li:\'k Cn Mllldrtl .\tllllII', lJuilt etL'll '·l'Itel'l Iii 0.1. 1I111111Cd In tile I:nllnnl'r it hn.., ill II tli:t-WhlllCOlll uri}' next llIoruinu ,,·ltl'r if nt ~1\1.K.'C1t )Mt rttll elcllrl'fl for San It \V I" -I-, 1 1" (""," I

• V. 111\'1: rt:e:e VI.'1 tit! ,.'11 I ut'11l\ grlleo tn " t lei)O"'tn Ihat hu" nt 01)"01.ho tOllpe(I lit Ollk lIathor, ~he co'II\1 I FtAucI&c:o Irom Xlll1l\illlU with '. II" lun!! I II" I 1 " 'I -, ~ I . t - ~. ~ • ncw I'll ) IClltlnn, l"iUCI 'y lCl.1 CIClln' 1.1r\.-flltdli,ent'Cr,"lI~Vtl gil allY ttUIUt than lit IJttlyor III cur~l. tllU lttr.,w-,t clIrgo eVtlr 1'-",rIL,1 tile i'\I"lilbil1~AUl1cl.tlnn or New York, 1\.• well 1111 llw..c II 110 lu\\'e 1llCtiit n.At th.e IlIrthelit J.1l CoDnur, lilt MumltlY I,y lIny l'i1uflc CtJlI'!t vc..ilcl. Thc II'ull(ltt It conlllilHl much \'lIll1l1h!c fClIlliug,lJUt II 1I1l!llll!l Ill' Jlolitlrrtl ('nrrIlJllioll. IIIIOel){\fIllDg, IIlollplnj( Itl 000 of thOll: p)!ICClII bill ulIll,i"1I111001lIl'll hi tIlCDtlll!l~tlueUlU III too lIU1ch of4 rlliltow.tl{lrglill to illltrl"t it tltJ\lCIOl'lIICllt, 01111 "'Htll ill! t'umlll litj",r Ille Illghl, "llt'n Ilbe cuultllllM'II~8 hc of $7.:102. 11I1§.~tll. . Sctuto.


Page 5: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;


-lUllS LIlAn,..

or tile


Cbt."t'U, n,.·La"•. Etc.,






F. CO~lBS·

S.•ooJ. J/'OO!J)S.Parle Pwce,

.... T.


1•.\ltGE T

TC.\tWATJm, w, T.

Seatlle Nnrsery!

fsn:r.f.r F.SO: IlFt"lf"Y..

s,rnUUOJo;RY, lind


n86, Sm.--=---=---



on'ln: nrI'O~IT": CI)I.WAX·~

)111.1., :o\2UTTLW:.

Geo. H. White,


En:, 1::.\lt :'\0:;1': .\XU TJlHO.\T--­

8,,"lIlrulI)' I'crl'uru\\..t!.


Shipping & Labor

rnrn' TnEES,

Law Boob. Pliltn t

Look at His Knees!B.reast Hooks,

0." Mile d_., I:UIiiI ot' '·~.Ier'"

\l~"Rrr. 011 11If! ~h,. fOld to lib

In W~hlngllltforQtr\toryor

,\ C'holrQ Scll't'tloll 0' nihil.. lind rU1'11Tt'9e: thlt are Iltllllll'\l 10 till, cllmlltt II"."UN 10 rh'l"ll. (nr ~II tl. '

C. ' W, 1..\ WTON, Proprietor.ml·tf

In Uti' \h'dl Illfoplrtw·ulor Wllbml'tle 1' .. 1.W'""II.'.

nHlcr~ IS Or.KOI'S Rt.()('K.


l-'rolU 8 to 18 inchet, lI')unn, ill aqr.Ilml cHit 'ttr., cooltanlly un IlIlnd. Allor.It:1 will n't.'th·c IlrulIll1t. .menli.n."'ur 1:110 b}'

Cataract Extracted,.0\11\1 r.t- E,.~ .tnltl.!hlell,.ll. .\rtl'I('I~llh~a-II hU'llell,~lItlllli'lllltrIllll 1.....1 ...~ndlln.;lII'fll{(Urlllh"II''t'Utl hllllll. U..:,U·N...~. IInd.1IIl1-t'llllI'\CCtl from Ihu "Air. 111111 Xll!al Clllarrll1.I~r1kuIJrl"ln'lllt'll.

Diseases or WomenSen"Ou!Cnmjll"ltlu Mil 1.1111,1: llI-ottl"~II:"III)' I!I.Il'dIlIUI". '\11)' nUIItW:rof Ilrtl-clw r.,rt'rtnl'CA 1.:'11'l!1I, Mitt

}.!Asn:1l 1 .11'7'On.vJo.T'H mill COUNSh:LJ.{J/(":

A l' 1;,11V;








$999 ('on't be mllill I,y ""IT" I~l'ntt'II'rY 11I111111J III Ill>' I"l·hl'·'~ "fIlIr"I.II, hut 11\....1· wllllnl.! tit 11,1' 1IIul,-r"I;:m,.1 l~ l'ttl'.rl'll 10 fllrul·h ~t

Wlltk \"Ill tully urll II 11'll,n dlJll,,1'II II d.•,., ,hurl III/lin' "11'111 LI!Jtlh·'•. nllmrll, t'(l<l~',rlclltllllllt'lr U"" 11II'll1l11i-•. 11,1\" .... rHIlm l.H~~.:,r, lIr \I,rllm'". Onl'f'lt fllollA tho.1tIOJ tlltl11ul1l IIl'rr, 1111_111",_ 1I1\'l1'''1I1 IUIII 1"'11' 'II1.hlll· 1'1 tllIl'lut' llrl:l'4lhdtl"ll,,.n,hk. \\'!lIII'I1. llil,1 bu)~ 111101 J:ltl. II" n. ... •wl'1ll101 UlCII, Wll" Illlllrl1t.h ",,\ II l'''IIIH"t'·111111\1 r".., Thl' tm·hh'" I_Ii" 111'urr 111:111llllythllll( t'1~e. \~'I'" 1II1~'lIr "\J~'Il~\' or ~';ut,In,: r'IU, !'nrU<'llhm' rrrl'. \\ rlt.· lUll ~",."'lIniICl"IIllnu l1Iel hilmI', tlll'!r "\III' lind llMu,:hLt'r-, allllllll elll~.,1j III lIn II ur ''''_11m: "III" lithlll1lC, ~llfIulcl writ., 1.<, u~ l\1ul l'lHrlltlltOllI Ih~

\'lurk III nIH 1', ~tlW I' thllllllll' IJulI't llo-h.).\lIlo1rv.. T.t;. J.\ C,),. J,!ljlu.t-. li!.sl:il'. li'.11t

rill \)ll ron-Illtcd I'lll Illl' 11lI~1, Il"'Iellt !LillIruture

l1I1111'r rl'plll\'uec ~u, a, )Inlu ~lrL't:I,

Itllnl 10Uell rNllI UJIl Vnllttl ,')Luld Huttl"':entt1t', 11. T, '

Jllly:!t uSO llIl,

:"'O'.'u. 'I~,1'.... nTIE • ""1111111: III Snollnmt..h rollnl!.

lOll de.lrll1lCtu malta Ihlllllll'Oolflrlllol1lt!oth'ldt.:.ulrh.. mlY du IOU l.IlIluru m~ III SUdholllb.hl.'1lv, .1111 .... \lot l!tllt:un,l or ::11111:: til Ihe I.undOlllct It 01.1 1Il1'11i. L utlt'r Ih~ .o\~l of Cun·ICr.- 111Ilf'O\!'d lllll'T'li :ill 1'1;;, the rlllmalll iAIJOt tt!<llI\rcoJ to I(U tu Ultluncl Ulftl't! III '"t.'11~'b~, II ;1::!1Il 11'. ),1, TIRTI.OT.



'.'0 ,IU' ,"r..rldalr "'11''''',- WC'lrenow I'r"llltrnll<l fllnlt.h III IJ·-t:_ wltli ('\10·"taut 1'1l1\lltt,.ltltllt It homl', U,c \lobolt: IIf tlil'tllll~. IIr I'r tlldr ~lJllrc lIIUIUCllloi. 1I11.ln1Il;V.. n~lIt Ind I rllliiolltit'. Itl'rNJr ~ tlr \,·UIlt.1'"l.'~ ttblly t...ru troDl!IlJ et'nl- lu @J I'C'r t" In·rul.!. IIlld aIJr'llllOnloo:ll.lIl11 111 t1""'ulllI,:UlI'lr"'llUle lillie I" lh~ !l1I·11lI·... U"I"'IlllIIl "lrlhJnl Ilultly 114 U111111 II~ lIIen,' 111311111 ~ h,'.1;" Iht. 1I11t1l'll 1IIi1) nil Il.d.. ,"I.ln..... II'''1t t tbe bU3lnc. '11\,\ 11I"~1l llil_ UlIl"r.tll.. lnllolfl'r: Ttl pili II liN n"t \\1'11 !'oll;,tl' II ",' Ottl,.. fmnl all ,'I. "I lb. 1.01"r 8\llcI."III ndul~I' d.)ILlr tu l"'l f"r tll"ln,"IIIo'I,r It IWl IM-"ln.·,·. rr.,mvU) IthudfOd w. /'"t·"lllln;.t tull 1"r1ll'uhu... , '~IIlI,I, ~ ""rill l_f,11 ,1l,:u..rall1l' ',I e;tr~1'II'nol IlnU",.. III .~JUlnh'll1.· ur".m.III,,11lI·VI'y.11 IIUlUt IInll"'Itf'·ld\,••,tl, "rtl,,·I.,rl.:,·-tlind lI.t IIIlblrul I I·uhlll.ui"n~, IIU.I nl frI....to! IU"U lthlll't. Ir )"11 ""11111 1""'C1I.,n,'nl 1"'"IIUIlII' "'1'11'10, .tl.!rl···.l,fdll.. r. .!oTl'·tl' ,\ '"(' tllllhl, \laln,' . '


untl "II)' l'oN, cI'er, \\'etlntlod:loJ monllmc,

118 \, )l , rC'lllrnlllll' .lItrnllltllbi~I). If.


On McNauctlt • Leary'. Wharf.

lUI!!) aMX':fHING,1\lachine Bn(1

TOOl, FORGINGlJ1gnculllllYlt J/IIplrmtlll.


Logging camp workdOD a raasonabl;j'!

C'fT I IIUllrltnloo to ~ivu "tl.fllction,

Orde... prol.plly IIlt,,"dl.ocl 10 from uTIpAl''' oflhc lund.

nnJ. tt,

,':/.lttilfllltllllll j"'1 !/;roj to}

snll~ \\rORILt'1Il"lur)' limier \';OIcIllIIl'1 ).IIIL

Jnl)' '!lu'o\J. tr.

SEATTLE FOR S~AGIT,1'011l'hlm: u~ Ul:!\II.Tf:O, TUL,\LIl'. :tlult,; ..:STItF.VILL..:, U\('r,)'

Monday and Friday Mornings,",'r l:I A,)I. Anll rur



:...........:. I.JOIIX n, PI LI\I XliTO};-, ~I. IITIIEI:E WII.1. liE ,\ ~f,l(·I,\I.lilll'nl\'F:~

".\t.t.' I,"': \\~'t.i.kp, IlIl,tlhllln:t l'lI ,.11[11. Ii.\ r 1""11' I'l\Ir~'P ... lr IIr ()\"'fl. "j I',Ir llil,Juh ',Ch,I~, •• 1111111 rllrtlll'r 11"lIl'C'.· \

AI))IlM'.\~L.t.:., u~ ..: IlUl.I•.\It.W)1. II, W.\ltl).

M, L..I{.I.\"(,'I-'.IC1'('III-:I: ('

1'1\81. lIonl, Blln.d s,A;\"U



1:S EVERY ntsl'Et.."T.

11\'i':!n' ~\Tl'lltlA" ~Oll'1IS(l,

WIOOlX .t: r'OX, Proprietor.

~TEIl"ACOOlf.1\'. T.

1I'.ll·CIf .1/.1 !I' t:ns,

Frt" COlIl'b 10 IIl1d rrom tile 11011 '.

OCCIdental Hotel.


Helltn In AIIl('rlt'llll Gold 11111 SlIvtr





\!llle (I)lyinpin ~rll\lmipt.

t)\\,r;lJj:::II-XOUWJ::GI.\~ C XSl:L,

{3'1/U at' dtL!J.iJrll.htio.,t:'One C:"I"", roruw' Jl'll", In Ilthlltlr(' 1:1' for

.hlllflllllll!, fl ',0: .lnl:"'I·I\\,lcl 10 ";'1110<:1-:. T. nl'X~,

l.~/ilvr "1'11 /'ro"ri'(or.


\t'. ,\\I'.C.JI~.

t-nili. l'lhe! IA~I lIotel XOrlh or 810FnlUl:ltcu. uud u

or Uu~ '.ale!t "':I.hlflna llIll of &11 l!e.trlpUUlll~tlill eOllst!lllt1, UII 1lilIHIIIJ .

Mrlll. 'v. I,:. !IIIua,lllrlf_ Ol'C&lnlllkcr.

C;l'llllrmCIl_' Suhu Inll fhIlM':II'" Llulh\,_mnlle to utll~r, Ct.lltllllcf'('I~1 .tred oolt:.Io rtlllW. 1'., Olll.lC1!ollo! 1I11..-1I"ld, ,,,, tl\lli'

ll'~) lIt'I'\';o nr I.!IW'tl! 1:1I\(11)'lnll' Il~ IlltllltoutholUm k)'kUl1l1_llltIl'er, I\'llh I" n('11'& 1'11'1""• rul j~ I MUI!' rrnlltrcc , r,1( IllIlu U~ .11Il1\"U.11I,For rurtbcr Ilullcul:&n tllqtllro or

W, It, WAI.r.or )1. W. ",\Cll.llW,

SE.IITI.E , 'I'A II. Tt:II11

".Il·.'C;II.~H••'.~.: ...~,,·.:•• Illt.

......1·.:H"·"II.:. t· ••Ot'KN

u.d Ji41·.:t:.'.U·•••:liC.

l-"lluST STIlIo:.:r1 :tt;.ATTLl::, W. '1'.

~ ....\11 urflcrs Jrolll " ,liilltnCll b)'nllill or ~lllfl'IS, Pl'Ollll.1tly _Uellul.,,1 lu.

:if"" ',"Illcllt.'!!. Cluck. Ind Jcwdry roc­pltifl't1ln Ihe vcry !Jell manner, alUl "·ar·rilnl~11 tQgi\'c '11j.):l.Clioll.

:1r Give u. )'our order Ind llIti.,)'you",,.I\'I.'"

Jewelers &En[ravers. Snohomish Oity




l.',IIIIIIIlIItf"t! rns 1II'0rk.




:""~lIor-IS "ll"~ [III'EH TO\V~,

I.. r('",ly til .!lHllIldlltl ut 1.0' ~~' lind "'lIrllt.el" Ulllckil/lllh U urk wllh

S:<101l0l1lSI1 CITr, WASil. n:llH.



Nezv Store Buttrick Patterns


III ~'~IUI, .•\u,:, 1'!,llI tile "Irllor )11' C;hh'II'. r.llIn:,:-, a "'111.

Tilt: UI'l'lm \VII,\In'

AND WAR BH'0 USE,T"':I t11t.:r ,,1111 r'"1t ••ljlllnhl;{ Inl-. Ila ru·

ttlll.l\.lle l'l.!l1~ Ind UII krm· rll\'lll\Ihlllllu tllIl'du-cr IIr It-".,l' IUIIII1rI' or Will. K"nlhll'tlit II... Rlh,,,,kk HOld,::IHUlillwl hl'I), W. T.

II ~I. U.

.\Ullt:l'IO<m.. lntlebh·,IIO 11J"l1rm or ,,'Ito.... I',Ii I-'u\\ :...:1: tU tll)1 II. "'n ...I, or ,I. U"·,.I'11ler, III IIbt-rt ut Ml d JlntJ~,""" 111'",11) rc'l"t-II,1 IIn,1 ff'>IIlIl'1.'tl W.rtllt· lin' 101111111 1m·m. IIl",ldl; "" III,'" Ii~\'e 11..·.d \Jut tllllr f,.,·IIll'r I,u.hll"-~, IIIlhl iU"r C'<tllll"II.l! It.I ..cUle allukllll"lvuu.... /'nlllll'l IU)luenllll llukllh'''.W. T.. tlldr furlllt'r 111a..1· ul 1'II.hlc... 11I thl.nlllll1y \l11I ... It'c_l·.

))",1"..1 Jilil '.!.'III., I~;;.

"'ItO T ,t t/u\\·LEn.

Will edl ,l(n"lh III rCJ;olllllllc rutll' III U­

t'l:lIl1l.,'1· r,lr "n,,11 or IJtIldul't'.'lIpL 1I0IJII._01I "1l1 du the r,llr thlll~ \11th

1I11I'u.lolltrrr. n;'l If

L II.\~ O};.•

J t4!Jlll"l.I ....ucal


tlu'r IT n.\I).-:;lhlhllmilih CII)' eiClIJ>U

Juw ul' tim clJltlcllIlctl. ~lel\lle•• IlClulot11.'\ 1.1', llil'hlllt!"l", IUI\lllier COllIl'l.hlt "lUI

IIleUlluul.m hll~·clch IlUld ll~ uu upwel­

t'lI11l0 \ ilil. .\1111 1Il1\\' II IICW "i,it"l!olli~ Ul'utl II. Ollll \If cur )'lIUll~ IIlCU

\\1;111 tu 1'''1'1 U 11111111', \\lU l');I)tllieollo

tILe cUlllugiun, CIIUhl hUIIlt: 1&1111 n:cklc. Iy

"I'n llihu \ hUll 1111 U\l;r tilt! CuUnlr)',Sudl 1\ Lr"oIklu:: uul 01 Rli'C lkllllluyerItklk .., r"uk II hfll\1 it! tllll 1\lC'IIlUty 01

tile ·.hlt.: t. ~tlltlr. ~uch 1·.lI\turtiulI 01

lilUo.rlc IIn\1 luculll'fCllt CUllYt'foIlliuo III.:nou/o(1I to Inak,' 11.lrtllillll·...'lICl \.1I\1t.1 uur\;l'JjlJ', Till' lIll\\' e11ll, 1111 nut Lt:cn

dlli.lt'llt'd Jd. !Jut if III Ilrnp0rliolilOlhulllIIlJiliun 1111(1 d;k:I'llltluli' ul II' pru'

~Clllllll"ll il will IlIl\ll n \U) Ulllll1lUV.

)llIy \\1' IJe '~,ttfJ lin Ihe IlL'IItl, hll\'ctl #IIJrt

",t,,1' IHIt hi our ntliUllJ. j;tt piuA('t1 inloIh~ rUl'r, ('"tdi culd llu,llul\'c II t'N) Jill'

\\1111 Illc IIvctur, il 1106 lin: ("'~ "111111:;11wlttl\ W'llllrl.ll,ml tu ~II jt.tu 1I11~ /Ouch II

urriln;:t'lI1tnl. '1'1111'3 um ~ "'I '~Ml

U.tll lIud nun' we arll rellll, to ".Ul~ withIhe N/~II Illd Ihe If",!'j,.,.

I:x( lll~W:'.- llultll " Iluge pKrty. IIf

lIulh'" IIIHI ~t.:1l11elllclI. It:rt la~1 :-. lltll'lllly

11Ir It I~\\' IlllyM rU8tlrlilinn nn llie ultwlilel. 'I'11l')' III y,. ch"r1t.re.1 a 1'1111111',

I'rl1\'I-IUllClI it 1m n. InUt; \·,,)'t1b'" IlIld lin·

lidl'fttc l\ 11111111' lilllc. Tht,), ",,,'III HUI

\In,Ier IUYUnll,l~ Iluillicic!! \\ \til 11) i11i,;

t'olor 1IIII111igh ~piriu. We hopll thc)'

will CtlUlIl Illlrk in l\ Iiallnc I'unllitlllll,

wilh !.turllll{"IC'1J nil lllclr III.ckil, Imir II Il~

lIl'nWl'c'll. \\'cLlilllll't1, Iplllltl Ililled, Ih\cII

nt\ll wl1h n l'C:rJly IIl'lklllrllnl'u j.l'CIIt.!fIllI)'.\VI' hll\'U IIti \!Utll.tt II,t,y will nil CHillI:Imt'k llr)'.

~"_':"" "'''''=''''__''''*,'''''-: ...."ca:w__....r.:....,~....~l~·l:.:I.;,F;.,.;-..:...~{'I H l-: R N

';.;1", ~"",·tll··ll 'I II 1 . III'\: ... 't"" • \, art \111 \S 1·'lIo1IT.-.\nollll r 1'C\'cn: light 1,~t .ltltlo/jlJ/l ,!,' }j'rMU" II C" (f til QIl/'

\\illl the ~ll, 1'l:rl'\'j1, ill ,,11:.1. Iht'11OPh·I I R.: Amorican Mammol 1 yo;:--.\nlw.\ \'.... .\1 I;l':)f l'ol, 110,;1- 11l"~~111 Ihe "hilt·.., in t'h.lr~inl; Imlillllll

illlllt·ir l"ll:,{l'!l. 1111$ fl'IIU!t,:tl LI tlilulilcr OR DIAMOND 'WHEAT•

Ult] Ill~' nr lift" W ... tlu IIl1t (t't'l Ii~u FUll 1':11.1. flit .'i/'IlI.W: ."·HrJ.rn.

''''"~llril11-\' lUI)' Hne. Il~ \\'t; Hilly 1•• l\'tl rc- A Ilt'~ ,,,rid\', t'lltlll'h' II tinct fmm thll {'l'lIl'1' (' l)fIrl" In JUlI:!c II.,·. I,ut W._, I'""" InUII r).: ui UII) IJlh\.T ~rnhl ClC. IUtIWUl11.

•\ht: \ 1.\1\1 -We IIn'c Ih'l,ul:ntl)' ,- ......

II II I I tneill'. Illl\\CVt'r IWt."~"'lr, It'! II 11It.~I"llrc h \",- II .... L 1.'lIml W"''''!&l: fill 11111 '"11.·

I< I I" IIllt ttl I 1'1 yutln).: IIlt'1l who ('Hille 'r 1'lIlIltl:l\.'r. ~l'\Ilt!.: ~lnt.'U wlill'l. tim. It h.•IWh' 1111 Ille Il\'n ",-kin" fit 11111 101 III \ l!!c:illlilh', \1 i.lnu( ,Ju In JudiI'll wllr· 10....11 ~I\ I' p.ruU, t'nlllnll"d "lwr,'Hr Irlo·11.llI'IlIIII'"h'lIl:' It'" 'II I • 1111'. The "ih' rt.'(1 iI.,in IlInnul I", 1t~IlId_r"lIl1 "hl"t'I;,oJII,.IIll·Ill'l~lOlhe

, I , II Il,..e Ill' I\IIU, 11(.'CruC I I' ,1It.:n'.•\Ir. ,\. ,T. Illlrur, Lull...1 "IJll~ C,·u-t" WI'lIl I,S I ,Idll): UI' II e1,hll. Ir tilt)' ,'u,,~ It Iu II ;.t~ncI.,1 t'II):.Ij.;CIUt.;lll uuly I"'I1I1IIl! l"lItm!··I"ncr from Un;:"n. a~_crt.II ,\'I,: 11.'1 Ill..... 1"11 gWllIll1 ul hi.. tlwn CIHIIIlIilw. 0,'11' Ilull hI' II"~ ~lltl\'lllit III ylehl tl::hl.' "l:I'('1l

I 1111111 J 1.1 IIre'lmilL Ihc," ., ";'lIl!lIllJlfhll-I...I"lu·lbclh!l'\l 11\1"'· "lIrd...1',Ill Ill'llIt"Io'ld,llIlIl Ih'l: )'tlltl rl'",hkn~ CIIJIIIIII ""IHlrI'" tlllil hu Aurjtri-lll Ihu til" 111;:lll"l:IlIIl "!I'ly 1,,,,mlulll IIllhe LIlI,,·,11lI,1 c'llti l' '111'" I ,·IlI·In)'. Hilt Ill\' ,url.riMl \\111 ollly 1\ "I"tl'~ '~lllellnl •• 1 f.xJ'4 ltitm. lind llrull,mll"~d

I \ ,I hltl I'l' pIC I Will rillth:, •. • IIII' Ilul'_1 Iiml IIllly J:Nlu til 11ll: h nJ UII t.:.\:)-;1'\'1) ill,IUI'ClIll;llt i~ Ill.lllllllt l"rlt.:ttlt.'- tr,lp. IlJlo\hll'll hu hbt Ill,l\lly III '"11\, hllliliull. ,

, '1'\ •• ,. . • , , ho~ "1111 IM'··!lI"I·. It i, 1111 1I"U 1'1 111,,1;_111.,(,111:"" 1l"'.hall~lIdSllrlm:ll:r:llll1,1\'11 • I' II' l' ul IlUl:;1'l1l1ll1l \\'111 1Jc. ,..:. e' • • "1111 1~I'UII-"11:1;"'~' \-f'1. hlll't' t:m n.IIt"'l"'ll!":,:rl';llu Ihll~ 1:.11 rlllli IlI'Xt 1IC1l-"n Ilum cll'SJlICll the 11I,lllUl~. \\ IlIb'lI ('llll'lOIt 11I-,"l1C hnlf luclliu l"ulO'lli, 1111,1 thll 1I\I'I'II;e

I '1' Ilhlp thclll UI.:I:pt IIy udlll'llll"lhe 111- cI"," 1"llll.t,"\\'1' ...1"1',,·. h'Jlb.llll)j 01' Clllillllt IIrc. : • ,'" 1'r1I't:lllrll;lrkn~t' 2."tl'rIl18; nn'I"IlIl'kll!,l'I,11,,1\' \1111111 Ihllt 11111 )'ClIr IIr II\'U willite tlllUl m'"h' til \\lltlllrt!. 111:11 I Ihe 11111)' .1 1'lJ: tlUI! IIl»:Cll ItIIC,,"IIf!'t:P, $'! 00, ::it'nl

• I .... tl)' ..h,')· e\'er II "It.' Ill' '\'11 will be 1....111\ IlUlll,In"ll ,y Ill.;W 1,;IIIIIl'llI. rl'UlIg" lIl.n In. ,c e .\,UI""WI"iTIWll\t:avWIlItIlr. TOI1lTltlllll'(KIr"llll"ll,! lr,'m C,Il1111 ht I:Hlllll I"ukiny \\'11I1I1k"1, I . TI!I~ 111lIl\T,, ' - CT ~OTIcr.1-\\I' urt' 11IIlO ".:t)' ...",m...'thdl"r \IOlk. 1"'10" III',r 11111,1111111 \\'111 IlOun run ~\t y~-·W"'C\\'lwl"U In tlli:i i~lIc ,,1111 11ll1lllltl'r l!l:l!lllh.lCat: III l1C'oI\l',llud UI'

I,,,. III,' "h.:ht ot' Ii I Ill')' hCIIII"", whlell tlll')' il \\ ill I~' lol'un 111111 MI'. H,'mlrll.'i ,,/f.'rll L'I~\W~:~:I':,;;:: Il'ltef'!!, "tc., .11Olllll 1111 1,1111111)'

1111::ht IIItW lunu h)' Itlkill;:' "I': I'llt IiII' !'ollu Ihll IIP!'i r \\lll'tlmlliltlllll,1 \lllIlrf Illlllr~'''~l'li, Ibu.

,\ t,1l h IIll',\' C,lllll,'t 1111." Ilt !lily III icc ill Il ,lith Iltlj"illiui.f I/h Tlli.. Imlpcrly i~ "h'I'c1~III~'I1'N.~~~\!~'~;;;I~~'~1'~~t1.hlW )1'llr~ 1111111 flllII'. Thclle }'Ollllg lIlen ctltircl)' II!!I\" an,I \\'Illuf IIl1d btlllJlin", I IIIU~rJl HUC:!E, '~\"cct"\\'lIlcr' ).Iou",)\.!will \. 'l '111')' 1111111' IMtlllr I' I II • l'uuuh.II·IlIl,,c C C Iill III1lIe, lilt rtrll ot " Itl1lJ~llllllltll I'hnrnelur. Till: I ,""II11I'I11 Illit rrell till ~tt'lllluf I tllnc (,~Ilt

I h,'~' 1'1111111 hllYe hlld I'" \\1'11 :ISlltit. Tltll (, 'UUlll\' ("llIl1lli!hlOlll'r~ Itll\'c t lllhlilille,,1 .t,lUll.l

11"1II..ttltlt·~~, tllu t1i~Otlll'lltcd nnd Iho rilleS ~r ",llltrlllj.\c (\1111 tllO buitdillll nrc

/Ill\\' t.Ollll'r 11111)' rUli 111111'11 lllCl I:uunlry U !llIit:lhlu fur n /lI'lrtl hilUM! Illlli 1t.~11 Ilun:ulIlI'llll .. lhe)' phIL"C. 'I'illic I I\tl!l~llllli IlIhl Ii 1:I\'ornhly IUClllCll. lIe "'ill kllIIlIlIlrWII,. "\.'ll\rltll)' lit lJt.ner on I'u"ct I,'" I'l I It prnl.ll'rt.)' lin ell~)' tI'rm,ifll' ~h'e 1110111{

,.... \Lnd Ihull 1l\l~'l¥hurc c1~c, Ilnlc~" our Ilul'lIJ 1I1111Q 11.:\111.'. IlIlt llrtmilll{ ClIlII'

"\ChUllg\'Ii, 111111 1111 willi ImYu hi"". n:, llIunily like Illi~, "'~ !K."tJ 1111 rc,It"1I ",II,IlIrlh~llrulll lIbrH:ul. IU~I~ nil \\ hll \I'rile I '. mrlll CIUlllHt lJuild Ill' It ~u~1 1}/1)'1111o\"11<1111 "tIL,'r Il!-1I1'- l,t Ifl~tH18 11l.;t\·,lllIve hll!linl' Ii h~ ICl\8in~ Ilr ImrchlO'lu" Ihu

"1111"1111'\'11 tu IlIl-r"I,rC"l.'lIl. Iltll\'1 loe Ii, I •I' •1I111\'U Illllll,,'l l.ll'I.pl'r).III.:~ -thi~ lie ,(11 1I1lt hclie\l.'. 1·...'(IIIlll'dll ellUltl I" 1111 CUUl1lr)' AII.I ,,,,tile.'fll"..... IIln'lIlly !:,'ro Imtl It,::h~r ",.:Clltu IIcJlIlltllll Ulll·,'.

1-'1"11 ('A~.'I'.I1\'.-X"'" til II thl.' :\'1('1'11('IUl ncr.\' l"U1.It:lltllll 'r .ho.1 III ' hlClllHlt II_I.in;: ,'In III' llIlljlCl • pr'llit.lll~ hrltncb "f1lI1111 II)'. it. l",hulntC IIII.' I"XlII't-:i~t.lturt' =- ~ -1...nlln,ul'h I.I\U ll~ will 1Il't.',,·nt. the For ~a1e!ruill III' IUlr lI,.hctkc in II (C~, )'I.'Rr, .\t III~ l'l..1,1'·1ll·~ ur n. II, Pon..r. lIe'llr<.'nll'IIIII'-' udl H\..l 1llllllloc1'8 01' Ihc Il~h. \!ll1,·r'. "oillt Oil \\'LItIIhJ' ~1Il1, ch~'lll' for

" ,..11. t\llIJIl"e uf.i'" I,r.", "".y "..,,,,1 (I.";,,., 00,1,- YOUN" WORK OXBN!,lIl1it llidr l'j.l'~~......iII In "~llorl time" ,

',1 .... ·ulllhlt" I,,, l'I~ln,: 1"1111', Ill' rllml u·e.\11 lout 1)rIlIH!t pr"II',ulllltm, 1'Ollllllr Ihll' \ ....t' 11"1\1' ',ltlll'l rUybtul. .., III1t1Eulill,111('1.'. Ie n:..I\·. ~Ilhll,'n wcn: uncI! III IlI~\.·\"n' ::'lIllt'Alhl ", ...1bAlkt'.i \ I 1 I . Lillurlltlllrwo In' IcI\i'r.11IlI\lt'rfltl~ 1111 I II: ~ 1 nnlle" I ICy llrll 'D, II, POItTEII."'\....' Ull tht' Pltclll ':U II. TllCrll nru INk 1l,lroor I', U. W. T. 1I')ltf

Imfllly Mn)' llltrll 1:11"', ,ml,. "huothcy ----

IIk\ll ht't!n hllfllllllCl'lI. TrulIl hne .111-"1'Ilt·llrt.11 ill Ihe '•.uou \\Ii)', AUlI the lIlerl'~ult w'll lolluw Iwn-. ulIh:! Illl)' nrclIrtiftcllllly pnlpllJ,fIl!l;II, or IIrlllcctell

.Iuring" tillS II'IIWIIII\I.; killIOn, Anolhtrlhinj.l' II'lllmVll I ...'tn in(I'fU\I·d CIt which IrIru." l~ un nClllr illJUlLlcu III lliia '',,:rri-tIlry, Tilt.l ti.~h lllk",n III )Iukilleu, ftrc Yh••..,,·., ,,,I,,,,,.,,, Ill"", S.I",,,n, 1111.0 F RID A BAR B0 R1',ltch IIl'r'l ltj ul' tI. ~ulJlI'llllllhy tllt.GII thee"hltllhlr" Il't. tin: SflUnll CUUII11, hllVll

the C,r,'l!it III It. If Inlcrior, Illuy ougbtIIl1t ttl l.tu plilmed ulr umler llll lINulllcd


Page 6: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;



.lUf'l'!..ILITE,R &co.,


~ II

Importers & Commission Merchants


-l\~n I>E.\LEH:4 IX-



_ -Atn;s'l'::, FOIt--

~,,\Uf":-I~S'I' &. (;II.KU:tI<JS'r S'l'OIU~IN THE TERRITOHY.

"'~ lJ"u/c:ItI.'i1 fwd Jl'f,'dql ("I"':fid~'1 II'tpaircd (til/I lJJ1Ul'tWlCd,~E.\'I''l'I.r:, \\'.\:"111. TEll 1:. tl:\

Wines, Liquors,A.ND O:J:GAR.S.

,\. full uuortwcnt 01' WitH'!!, Ll1lu<lr1t 111111 ('lIr,lillls ,,1\\'.)'11 on linn'" 1111I1 lilr N1lout low rtIlU, We clllllIVCchllunelltioll wour

.... II. t.:u'rl't:u ,,'I"SK U:,._

\VIII'."·: 1.0' liU; " ...S"....:I!f.11:'11'11::1141. "'III.... Y

Ex1;en.s1ve S1;ool&;. o:f C1gars

AI.I. ARE IS\,I1'£O TO CHI•.vlnl

FOU ."EDlCI~AI. PL:Hl'(\~l:::'.


Fancy Toilet Articles, Cig31'S,&c. &c.

Prc~cl'jptiunii Clll'cl'ully com­poulIl.letl at lI.n hOl1r~.

All tool. uRed in LoggingCalliI'" mllde to order, "lid

us cheap as can hegot on the


One Door Welt of Snohomish Eler-nll.

Improved horse Hay



All ul'del'S I'eeeived iLt Ihi. shuI'will be IlUendeu t<J wi U,

nen.tnc~8 anti. dispatch.

FAK)lElt:! WILL DEAR I:oi' )!IS0 THATl~" OIlIJI::II 'fO UKT Ol'l': or Til.


They must lean tllelr orlillu in time.

_~'nlt -

~'on 8 \I.n

:llIl ,.."ltu/UJu...

AILowest Rales

l\IllRlltaCtUU1! of all khlds. 0

It c.i1a yon MIllin; to



['elllelery Work, Marble SinKs, Manlles, BraCKets, &c" &c. B1 ACK8M IT H.:. tf O.:.Y n·;.I.ER'S 1II1f.IJtj.', $k'.I1'7'/,1£, W. 7',

.\lId ctlll.iu('l' \ flUf~llf ul11IliGPImfolll'l'Y

Oftt .11 olher•.

E. L. HALL, Agent till' \Vashillgtun Terr.(I-fI'.HRT fiTREET..... :il... . , .I"~:.\T'I·U:



'I II E ~lO H 'I'lli-: 11:-': i' '1'.\ n .

i'ROiVJl! SIJtD&I!, 8B41l'll1Ul! W. 'l!.

Millinery and Dress-Making

Call and See Us !



Otmt'. Unfl,'r..'an!, Lnrliea' uti Oenl'l HOliofY, Olovetl, RII,l Notion Oomla gcnerwly.r'ur Sate clleop (ror cllah.

, -All kmtl. or Ladiu' 1'1111 Chilll~lI'li HutlY·Ullldll BUlta And lillderware 011 b,,1l(1

III lila,I~' to on.lte.' .III,/I'L notic.." by MIt~, IS. J. bIU:sJ::S. ~Ir, MunlllliliW Ill" unlilluu .. fine ~~urtlUellL uf .,


Atltt a Kenent uaortwent of PA1NTEHS' 1'OOLB, Calland uamine.

1>. a, JI\(.'KSO~




We l.eeD for sale tile best 8rand of Ore/(on Flour in theMarkl'l,


.lId .. cheAp u can b'J 11Urchll8el1 anywhere in the Territor)',


SHINGLES.!'!IIIP n:SE)'~' II'... ~ ~~ nTH ... ()(;:-;

"nl 'Taken in Exchun~e fur Merchandise.

lPACEARJ) it ;§8JQl[SOl~[\I


Groceries and PROVISIONS, TOBACCO and Cigars



Business and Legal Blanks onlUND.




Snohomish City, W. T.

Allldndil otjob w{,)."kxNTKE


I-RICES.r.actlu' YllIUDe ~_'1




Seattle Stone


J01'\D. ~een.an..



No Acids, Lime or Alkalis Used.

3t8: ijD Crawforn &Harrioflin'S Wearf, Seallle, WIII

,."- AllO lurn!llll!:f Stont for Rllil,llnjt PlIrpfllPfl. Cemetery Wnrk III ..n1..1I~'" e\ecut~t1. All orlle~ llrmnptly fll.led _ntllMti IlIctinllllUllnnltell, Persons10 \ ,n~ III II Ih.lapre by wnrlln., II dl·.;r,rlpttoll 01' Wl11U tlley with clIn huc [}eili"DSllrirct, etc, .ent to them to chon.e fro.. , " .. I

RUBBER PAINT!"'n'I'llwl in lilly ,lui red .hlu'le relldy for use. It i. TWENTY PEn C":NT cheAperIll"" llny nther 1Ilin,l pllint l III Lho enJliCtlL 811felllling, IJctil cov...:lng, ami ..'1II11&M.llJlI;.::er tillt.n any other 111I1nt. We exc..,}t nontl,

r.r See thllt the: Tnulo ~hrk II on e~('b Jlllckige. I:>eRlcrt and COlllUmcti",tllll,tillll in qUlllltilie!'l to Illlt, Il.nd at rcn8oD"ltl~ rllt..... J ..lito kl~V It rull uncle




Page 7: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;




aJl KJ.4...•..1·.




This "louse.



:H:. VV. Ligh:t

\'1 :4



. .\~f) T"I~ lH:s:r ('lG.\n~ I~ REATTLE,.\rt: t11~' ~lh d_l1itll'S at tlll~ II0U~Il.

SIUl'l'l-I & .JEWJ~'.r'I'.Jlrul'rklUl<---- -

our SI·Po('.nlTT.




W t -ell the best good. for the leust money oj uUl plaoe ull

tbe Sound,

Give u .. n Call.

flavillg recently Ic:tl'icl1 this COIl\'Cilicllt ilnd well kn WII Hotel

The tllble will be sllpplied with the be~t the rnllrket nif0l11.,

f'lu.,r. /i.IJAL/1"}' OJ/' Wl"·HS. 1.IQlHJIlS A.VIJ CIGARS AL Ir.1 ,-,_ON I/:lNJJ

Bllildilll-t. rM 11 Tt'rllllll' Y~IIf~ llud refit led it in good .,t) It'; IJeg lean 10 inrO'la t l'C'lUlllllllllty tlull tiltS Ille now Iwtllllrl:d to UCl:ClIll1ll0(Jllfe lLIl,l

JlIIIJlj(·. The.\" prul'0~'l kel.:lling II. stricti!

Every attention will be shown for

the convenience afthe pa{l'ol1s of

First Class Ho'tel



'VVh.olesale dO Fl.e'taU.

)hc "AXle,' Too!.-

Patent Gronnd hin Bact Cross·Cut saYs,1CO/mil'll O,.(/ers Wustholfa Wald,

rrOfllpt'/J /O"U/.;..IJ. P. O. Hox ~~, HeliUle. W, '.I',

Clunin~, Buuts, Shoes, Hats, Cavs,&Ulder Cluthini of all iiads,


main sl., OIympia,W. T,

wholesale and RetailBY

01,,'IIsl,,',. 11U1II<1" 1.,1 DILS,

, llltt 4 •

Medicine anti Surgery,11.\~I.lX:.t\·I'IW J:-;

S "', I T1'U" 11'. 1'.MIl~, lh. 11>:\\'>:5, 0"; "'" TilE At the DOLL Y V ARDEN


CljSTOM !\'lAD!:

Office on Union Street, not. 4th & 5th.

Latest ,t\'le. Boots '"111'I(')(.':i IWH.lo t"'; fJrdcr. AllworkWlliTlIlltl'U and l'll.ti:-cfuctiollglwrl'lllltl'CU.

.\1'0 "l< 'nt for the celcbmted

NEW WEED"Family Favorite"

SEWiNG MACHINE.Why is it tlJe Best?

"111' n",tn: hl\~ hllil A Illr;.:" 1''"llI'I~' ~I ':(1"'I;,""" III llll' 11"'I'llUl. Hud 11I.:tI·II-"t"ri\'~ I,r"'I 1'1'1; nllli I'hlhch·II'"I~. u· ""JI ... Y'·.lr­"r -w'I'l·.·ful IJrhllte Ill'Il~rl.'.·. "'It ". It!"­1,,,11 It IHIlIlJIl'II,I,..I,IlI1IIIlI!\:I' lief pr,,f,,••III'ul,·r· I., ~ t', II :"-:01,1,, or :-,·~t1lc (jIll] lh.'ShrIll l~"lIlt, r'o "1

Tlol' ",11.·1", 1I'lIlll[l('n lll'r hUJnl' 10 11·'l!'~fllll;lI. 1"oullm,:wllIl I",.. wI'lln_ 1"I'AlIlllf.,. "Ir1:","'1"1.11 n,·'.lk.III"''1lllllt·1I1.

'Vlll" 1,,1 lut',il<'llitl u.I" UlIIII vr 1'\I't'·.~ til(IInl,·lrl ,,( l!1~ ("H.1. l'lll,tll \III It'l'.'ht'\..In,11I1Ill.\ln·(11111l1··1I11.·n. t h.I";··~ I\,h'll.l1,1'.


TrIlA•.; D. W. WAKEFIELD, Bee',;


AS60VIATXOK.~ortlllnd, ~n9(l1l,

'It H. 81'1'11'0.8, All',. JI. P

MORSK, Ot1l'I.Afnlt ..·

WN. ~ADn~J(8, J. Jr. BlUZ88

J. L, .lJT/lINSOJr.


DC811, Vic. Pru"i W. 8. LADD,

11" loS Tllb' .1f()S1' 4~IJIN.K,IJr!,.IIJU;, N;llrf:Gl',

II rUll t'.IH3· lu,l qulOlt,Jlll~ 110 I~Jlll~ If,r "lIulllfl mlltlon,/fliP, Ill) ~llrlIlL"8 to JCd Ollt or onltr,The ll~clI]u 1& ..ct c"rn.'\lll.l' lrlfho'll ,.·rtlfJ.

,rr'·"r, /'rtll<l1 IIInIl! kh"l.II {"lUI t...• rh:lInct or 1,11('11 without llt'lhl1

rrlOt/1 lilt: l<tbleo; IInu the ~.l thll1J("or 11.11,It hll..~ lhJi...'.IVl,l.ldJ....',/N40 TttoUt.n,.~n IIl1d cXlunlllu 1M, ~hchlnll bdoro.:

l'u,ln.r ~l..."ln;rt.vfll:<.Um. 8E~J. VINCE:iT.

'VVan.'tec1.Apply to

J. H. Mun.on,Supt't Aconcl... Olympia,

Wl81..TOI Tf.!lfOa,

Oo1.n. Ba.s:1s.



CAPITAL $100,000 00 Gold



Window Curtains,

1'::0 j't;C'l'L"R

'- ot' "nt:-


TI:I:.\IS_f)~I'; 1>01.1..\1t A n:.\H.

RaIl &Paulson,.

Sea;t"tle, 'VV. T.II, X,l;'["J'EIl, EIlI'rOll<\: PIlO!"I<.

\ '1""llil\' 1'l1t,:I"III'1I ,ll""l.',1 til Iln'lnln, I .. "I 1.l""<l.,ll"htl.U"uh.\ IIp''ll lbl"t'lll_l.


and blinds.



Seattle, W. T.


Oppt.ltilte NOIlTU"HN STU HUl1dlnjf,

SnohoUlish City, Wnsh, Ter,


A l' IIf;OU08IJ RA TEB.-1-0-1-

Apple, "(,'11" Plum. P"lIdl, t.:lll~rrl. Qlllac:e,Unlpe. (."OOolcbo:rry, CUfl11llL, Blacll:.

bl:try. R.llll'btrry. Stnwbcr!"1,:-Iut·lSeulllf{ Tr 1

&c. .tc., all I.

Great Vn,·iety:


"'. u. 8'""".",.PrvJl,,.f,/or

Tbe bar lupplled wltll n...t·e!H"

W /lIE S,



Bend for C"t:t1oiue ~.d Price Lilt. to

...It. M. lIiIw••, OITJllpla W. T.

B. n. lIfQMAJLl" i. 1111 aital at. SO.a.1IInIM ChI. ". T.-,0,-J.hn K. ,sun1-"" OlllmllilJl,.

IF rut Jill-: vl'I'USED TO r~,

a' SI/I " 1,;~IT."'llJ.\~'.

11" rOl; .\I(L: .\ L.'iIT,\IIl.\:-;,

I 1"1"1"1' I. I !' '·.II.lIlt.l· Ilmt )'OU lilA,. IInll'llh­1',,,,I'·r-'llltil "lIr 1th'('II'Ic.~ Mlltl lIut·irllU·•• lilli'

I', 1<,1.,. "1,1·1'.II,,·r lur 14 .h·ur, \I IlldlllU'UI Ctlllid,.l"t,j 'Il.! til IHt'rc 1'lItl\JOlll~' lu t!(I, IlIlIilill'" t~1I1'l. 11I'·UI'hl.1I I...·t·"mlll)! IUII~ ]lIr"rUII',lctlu."11111,': tlill (,lltl" ulIr IIllrl... IIml tlllr IHil......

Mllnufactu,.,. of and Ce.le,s InI

Fnrnitnre, BeddiD~,


Oak(har t e r

/'lOr: '),''=''.'1,1::...r. 'I'.


Variety S'(ore!


wr. .'

Tinwnrt', "tIll,·r.\.. rITJI"h /lllll ~Illtlil1~. (~Jullnl~·No"I". t'hul'~. Tn.

llle,",. 1"'I'rlruul 1It1.. kcl'lIIIII! ullh'r Wllull


''''Jltl'ial [il!llltioll Iwid III Illlin:;K,.,,, t" l.tll'k>l. B,'nl.'r in nl!

killlii III IIltW tllhl "1~'(Jlld.

hlU1tl (iIlOdll.

II f!:j t(.

PUG E T ...·0 L" N U It \",


8UCCllIIlOfl W

J. }~ 9' T. WILSON.

Nalional Business Golleae,

0.,11 For 11'1/(/1 )'0/, W'wl.'

DeFrance II White,.1:!I·U. Loclr: fh't; 101, 1'vt1.I_IItI, OIL'll.

It 1I1:.::/H .1111 IH' 1I1'('('I-ury to "IIolI'IIIt: I~ll>'I' "·'nl'.UI' :.II·rk,-UIC Ut'd tlmL!j'"lul 11'1:II' dill; ""rlm',,"rt,,•.

I "'1l1.'I·rU... ~Ull.·: UL lito Iledunill" hI II,,'I I ". I' , . I' •• I II "_\'II.U",' "011 IUMy IlH\·Clljl'IM"j't·rlrt,ul HI' ~J

1/'1.( III"(S'''"~ (,rHIr.s/ II,rll-ltIIlUlI,,·r. '~I'Ud.lh'crurl:'\lltl(l'I,lu! ~l ••• •• • .1:1.'(\.1 hollt'r IIr IllJoollll mlll'r ror tll ~:.•• ,r

11U1( Id·.!:\. 1;1..\~.;\\·.\ICI·:, BED. ~I ·~.II. unCUt'''. AlItln'"

:,)T.\:\/I:-I. HElhTE,\IIS, .•..:11 IJ.~. U1"IIW, U1.lU11Ihl, \\'. T.

II.\H/)\r .UtI:.

1:1'1:!: \1':-;.

{'LX'j'EI{ 1'.\1:1.1:-":,

{'II \II\~,

Parlor&Chamber Setsf (' It'l'.\ I 'i~.

Ph.:TrJU: 1'1f' HI: ..,

f~llr ~IlJrI.l,I:'\r::-:. En',

EVI'lI if Y"II dUIIllll'O iI. ~" truuhk.III ~hOl¥ O(Ill~h.


}~'Ollt 8L .•... n:"11 tf..... Stan!.., W, T

Rr«h·... HIIIII'ul, ~ny Il.ll'lr•.dR)' Cl(llltl.!'~,.r.

81M III of lIth'lI11Ct'Uh'lll Illli U1.lkrl.ll.

Day and ~venlng sesslfnsTile fenr LllrouKh.

l:t1I1~i!"e .. Jourllll!" ~~1I1 fr(\f' llpt'"lllllllll~t.

Uo'IIl. Adt1rl!'U,


Page 8: I Wbe Noflbetn ilat. - sos.wa.gov · PDF file,It lllkr !l1'I'l'ilr"11 I\ilh n Ill"'U lmnd ... III.ol' ~rt'llter, lltltllitlhfllnlling ... I'ad,urll,\: (;


OR f.;\NS',

T. W. WAIt/)

II. " ,\T'I HII1I:";


111,,1{/ 111/ rill",


fA £,S411l 2 ••:. •• • e.;;,



II, ~I, ... III



II,,: I tt

t. I'"~


-PU(WItI~:J'OJl::i 0"-


or R. E E N,~1.lI1ufJllunr, \'I,ul ,It' 11".11:1;11111 Ilo.·,III·r I"


- ot:.\l.i-:IfS I~_

Commercial St., Seattle, W. T.



))I:n; .... ('itr;'rJ( \ I.~. I' \, ~:\; I' 'I I 1'1'III'ltJl: nll:Y \IVIlU'!\'! ..:

Pianos {('If! OI'!.!"(fI' .... ,....·old on I~'(/R!I

1;...·(1 .W":.\ r FO" 7'//1-:


Stetson & Post,

New No.8 Wheeler &Wilson

Sewifl.fJ Machine!/I'T lIEf}{iCBIJ /JpFOE'.

)(Ilnnfilctlln'rllllnfl Ih"lI!I'r8 In l>no,..., Willll'nw, IlIhhl... )luull]hl,L.~, :-lIMir II Iii·IIrlltket... Phil'. Cellir IInll Sl'tllf'c LUlUl)!:r, ctc" \\ ho!l'tlIl.· lind Iitlil, '

-O,lrJlLEJWTJIL S1'IU,'J;T, ,'/:',IT1'U': II: 1',(.\djniniTl:!: :-I, Inll W, W. IlBilnhlll., '

.-11" S.:S() F(Hf Pltrel:: J.IST, IJm. lOa,


Sin.ger sevvin.g :NraCh,1:n.e.

('O/ll\:, PAUI.OIl, A~n nox :-'TOn:l'l, Pl'"'~, JnQX ,'\:\1) LE.\1l IllIl!;

Stoves and Tin" arc,

Port: T"vvnsen.d, "VV. T.

""f( i\ r~I,(T.ffl\l( A',c('.jWR _1_\ _Ylf '(~ 'J ','I" It·~I·' .. '1' ,,.,

I 'I--~~ __ ~:':':/~-/.I' .II,/::/I\:),;{J)/~ ~~J4nJ

I~.([;"SIC."L I.,·s7Tflf/,Vii.":rs..


E5S Cll bi L£W?





IAr.F.~T 'on

Seattle, 11"""" Terr,_I WEilER PHi\fOS AlIlD STAi\fD,iRD

LearneD. I

:r1"-"'UI wl1l b ml,le hi • d'I"-' 11,11rani, (-all retum bll~1'1It''I:t bQlIt




American House,

linin: kN':Itm ~nlllln('nU, at,· ttlf', I~hlll Ik' ~11'J1110 IUtnd In tile tlliit lIf III)frkllll '","I ..II pa'1.f of Iha Soui'd. All 1111,..or1. "'1II 1M' rt'p1:iff,I.lthoutCOllt If It dl'Unot ~tlDd .. 1'\'l&SOfl.lblc t1nt~.

]1;", l1p_ ,.100r!' lJo, ,'i'M/It/,nt" 1,/1I.t/lfll1.

5f;.\TTI.f;, W, T,-101-

'rTll8 IIOr8£ IS TilE MOST co~n;~-lelllly 100'RtJ:tl of fin, In th~ rll)', Iieln\: III

the heMd of YIl81,.r'. WLlIrr, whcrllllll.lt'llUl·crt ~rrha !Iud dCLl'l1 to.

Hoard IlIU) 1.(lIl~lIlJt, pcr w(lI:k ,.' •.... ",n 00lion\!, I'tr week", .... , .•.. , .•• "" .... flllUUU:lnl.l~rlllly", .. ", ......•... ,.,.,.,.llItl

n'i:af JlI\U:Y .\ MelittA '\', I·ru·~.=

Dr. Hewes,The Gr"lit l(llgtlctic III! lu fllld Clt'flr

Seer! hll'; locall:llltt St:llttlc, W, T, Thel)ootur i \lnp1trah~11 in tile trl"ftllllC'lIt of1·!lr"lIil' ,1i'Ctllr,,: be'"I.. IV'-'t'(1l1YIIII thlltart! t:utn.ltlc-Hhl"umn.tillll, I'ltrl1!i:'. Clilllcrr, l:ll\l\uh, J.m'r, LUlll."Il: 1111 IIhll'l\"C01 Uturll~. ~('n"u "nd MCIll/l! III r'ln!.'"'''11I1, .!l""u!',,, ul tilt' E~t1 '11111 I. ,r, 'I liel)'I~'lt,r tll,::II" .\, ,'.'o.'tj,·:,Jlr nlld \\llh. littl""I',"lllil1j.C IlIlll·t1il~. l In:, ,. ~11,1 ItI ,] I.,j, n I IlIUIl :oll, bLt. all 'u,d i.lt,


Notary Pnblic, Conveyancer, &c" SB~~TTLB :P.J;,,,.¥.('~\"(} J['ItLS~IUKII.T.:O, w. T,

Full stock or Blanks on hand.B\l~nClI tlone with flCClll'liC)' find

1:24 lIilllJalch.

1 /I 1\ ~; 0 It TilE n ~ i' TAn"•

-1)l ..\I,I;U 1:----

w. A. Jennings,



• (', II, IlASrOl1O

--sou: .\GE~T FOU--


('omH:I:C 1.\1 , ;':Tn EE'I', ~EATTJ.E.

TV. A.


ELDlllDm; MOR E,Lawyer;

8~OIl )11511,

JeJiJI ;JlfJ,ftf,'])lportcr & Jobber,

Larrabee, Hall &Andrews,

Tht'n':rore, we a k 1011 to enll aud iOI!)e(:l uur It,{)(k [)ernr llU~c1IlI'iinu }leln~ •ni : tf. IIUNT &. I.F.••\U~I::D,

Imported and Foreign Wines and

Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco.


P. M. XI,I.!I~·onTll,

Bll",'ol!tl1 &< J[all(ol!d,ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW,

On-ICE-IS Fn.u.:F.NTITAL BUILDnUi,COInlllct.1II1 .treet, Beaule!,

Pnu~t1I'e In 11\1 th~ ,,'Ulutil nf the Tl"rntllrl,Sp«11l1 IUl:IlUOn Il~~"tr bllI"rulltry ell flI,

:J.TfJJf~YSE~!D~OUl' goO<1. nre direet •1,il'lllenL' from the EA 'T, "nd we nreIn., 0 '1' S A ~ J) S II ., E S,pl~parcd to furl1u~h our ClL"\lomCl~ with goou:; at the luwc:-:t :\1.\1:'\ ~TItEET. Of.nll'I.\. (;11)1)1 EUt'l.\ I. STH~:J:l'. :-E \ TTU..:

AN FRA~Cl ·co rotcs. I KIl', ~~u In,l ~11l1.'1l ~I"''''' ~nd .Ion.... uf hi· 1111" 111"\,,(','1_1.11111.,, nn t,:u"lll1ld rur ..,:"III '1II.lU,III~ 10 aLiIt. F.IllI'IOl' ,hI! .lIl11nl ",,,,\,u,, .. lItkllhl Ill".,., hlll,n,\, lllIlooI.l"u,'rY II\"I· UlMl.I, I! Itl rutlll·1I 1I1.. 1~"'1 W"'l. ,,~ II .• , l'lIft' tit .h'1.:ll-I:-lr "' ti.. 1"10,... , h\hi: I'll..... 'l:I,.tUllllllllm'lI,"re W"rl.d'l'wlnlln.\ .hlt' .... U:!.t"'. 1,,"\:11, ..r I 'u,1o '"II""~'" ", Ic..U, KII' Illllitht' I ,,.1 bnmd "r 1... '111:': lbl',I. I 'On"", a'llltlh.u II.l;U "OI~ .'lIt IlJr~:,l'hlC''l! 111 15trllmbrlllt, r."I"_ ur )1.111, ni:l U )


,'punT ~~

COM USSl:Ol\li MEROHANTS.T,lIJ-O.JlTHlfS ,11J\'n II ']fOLESALE ne,ILE!!S 1.\'

FOREIGN and DODlostic Wines. Liquors and Cigars,

W. M. TI8TLOTJLawyer,

Of Notary Pnblic and Conveyancer,Snohomish City, W, T,

, l..~j



COALA~U FASC\' TOILI:.T AttflL'l.t:::t




,4 general MsO/'tlnenl

Drugs, Medicines,h lUi 0.1,..;,


~"'IHll\lI"lllln \1\;;I\EI 1:t:i'lI':1






:r (in to ,l. D. "'QndRrdo.. Onl1ery

r"t lllo Flnul rhn~"llhll, "'mer l\I' )ll1ln

unl! Fnllrth ItreeLt, Ollmplft, W. T,

p',,. i.1I1 1·I't.o;r11,1I'IUj ('tin-bill ,"VIU-1-.luJd. U;;.lr, C()L~SI:L()It'"' .\XI> .\Tr()H~t::\'''


SBnl.l:., .. , ... "" •....•. W.\!:o1l n:nR,TEMPERANOE HOUSE.

(D {R

l"1~I,;UXl) STlU:t:T, ~t:,\TTLE, W. T, vrn (:r iP "~1 ~ i' rJlN, LOUIS, ProprIetor. :V.:I~" ~1jI !!.:1.fI :.Jo -- -, M I

it" la:lII...,i..hl"hj'lhl' r.a." ..... , 1'~1 1'II.ric'jUII. 111'lteOIl1I,'uJ"II,II.. ·,j ..lh.:hYlhoda)"." .. " •• ,. lit! 1"'

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