VOL. XCVIII.--NO. 118. ALEXANDRIA, VA.. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 29. 1897\ PRICE 2 CTS. 51HD CINAL. Ill-health is Imoic frequent- Jly the assas¬ sin of "love's jyoung; clream than anything jelse in the wide world. A i young woman need not hope to make a hus- iband happy if she s u ffe r s from weakness ami disease of the organs dis¬ tinctly femi¬ nine and the train of evils t h at result. The average- obscure doc¬ tor, when a young wife complains of being nervous, fretful, despondent and troubled with headaches, puins in the back and sides and abdomen anu shooting pains," attrib¬ utes these bad feelings to stomach, liver or heart trouble. If, by a lucky chance, he hits upon the right cause, which is most fre¬ quently weakness or disease of the femi¬ nine organism, he will insist upon the offensive examinations and local treatment from which every modest woman shrinks. When a woman suffers in this way she- should consult, in person or by letter, some eminent physician who has the wisdom and experience to know that these troubles are easily cured by the right remedy, without offence to modesty. Dr. U. V. Pierce has been for thirty years chief consulting phy- sician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N*. V., one of the lead¬ ing medical institutions in the world Many thousands of women have used his " Favorite Prescription " who were physi¬ cal wrecks and who are now happy wives with happy husbands. Honest druggists will not offer -ioniething else in place of the famous "Favorite Prescription." " After having been married nine years, having K-v>! hca.th generally, and no children, I con¬ sulted you in regard to my case," writes Mrs. Virginia A. Thornton, of H.illoca. Chattahoochee Co.. Ga. "I received prompt reply, with direo t! ms using emir medicines, which I followed. After talcing ten bottles of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription, I happily found myself in an ex¬ pectant slate, and in due time ga-.-i- birth to n fine t>y_girl She is two years and-a-half old now, und ls healthy and fat." Constipation ? " Biliousness " ? That means "danger ahead." Dr. Pierre's Pleas¬ ant Pellets arc a sure cure. NON-INFLAMMABLE. REMOVES GREASE and DIRT SILK, WOOL and COTTON Without injury to the most delicate fabric or color ami without the use >>t water. Cleans Kid Cloves. Sold by Druyijists and Croccrs. Made by MARSHAL! CHEMICAL CO.. MARSHALL. VA. .-\>k mihi- DRUGGIST bMlMn tor a gciMToiis y-r-"v^-"**S3T. Ely's Civ mi Biliap|ff contains no i-o»ine, mercury nor a n y HBp <v other injurious drug. ff^towrj<'/^ * od. (tivos relief at BB^ÖI--^j^^ 0I1C0. It opens and ^SSr \^'^a> cleanses the nasal , , , _ , passages. Allays in- ' X*\ ' J |Ki H A tlammation. Seals and Protects the Mem- brano, Restores the Senses ol Taste an 1 .Smell. Full size, 50 cents. Trial size, 1 < >c at drug¬ gists or by mail. ELY'S BROTHERS, 5G Warren Street, New York. Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema. The intense itching and smarting, inci¬ dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases have been permanently enred by it. It is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sure eyes. 25 cts. per box. Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are just what "a horse needs when in had condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a Inuse in prime condition. Trice -5 cents per package. HERBERT BRYANT ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, Manufacturer of FERTILIZERS PINE GROUND RAW BONL t warranted FINEP GROUND NOVA 8C0TIA LAND PLASTER. , ., . aBfr-Circulars or our regular brands raatloa on application. Special formula* skilfully and w.-urately prepared. Also dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLE¬ MENTS and MACHINERY, GARDEN, FIELD and GRASS SEEDS. Fertilizer factoryand wharf foot Duke at. Agricultural and seed warehouse 11 r K eig at. Virreanondoi'e* seiicit<>d Vib*>V 1t JNO. P. ROBINSON, UEO. S. FRENCH. Presidont Secretary. Alexaüdria Fertilizer and Chemical Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials ami Blue Windsor Ground Plaster, PRINCESS STREET. BETWEEN UNION AND LEE. jaul 4_ALEXANDRIA. VA. IMPORTANT NOTICE. We believe it to be to your interest to in¬ spect our stock of spring Goods in 1H>- MESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, FURNISHINGS, UNDERWEAR, FISE PERCALES /.EPHY R GINGHAMS and WORSTED EFFECTS. Full line of NECKWEAR the latest styles. A. C. SLAYMAKER, SUCCESSOR TO AMPS B. SLAYMAKER, KING STREET LIGHTNING HOT DROPS eines Cholera Morbus, Heals Flesh Wounds and Bruises, cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia and all kinds of Pain, cures Cramps. Diantuea and Summer Complaint, cures Sore Throat and Quinsy WAR FIELD & HALT., published daily and tbi-wejcjcly at Gasette Buildinx.310 A 812 Prince au - TEEMS: Daily. | Tbi-Weekly. l^Teat.$5 00 1 Your.$3 CK1 ,; Honths. 2 50 6 Mouths. 1 50 3:Months. 125 3 Months. 75 1 Month. 43 1 Month. 25 lWeok. 10 A.!! transient advertisements most be paid fo! in advance. Contract advortisera will not be allowed to ex- cood thuir space unless tho oxcoas is paid foi at transient rates, and under no circum- stances will they be allowod to advertise othorihao their logitimate business in the space contracted for. Marriage and death notices most be paid foi in advance. Resolutions in memoriam, of thanks, tributes of respect, resolutions adopted bysociotiee 01 persons, unless of public concern, will only bo printed in this paper as advertise menu. 1 he Gazette office is connected with the T.-.lophono Exchanges. Advertisements, or- d< re Per the paper, news or any information or business can bo sont by telephone, stored ai the Postoflioe Alexandria, Virgin- iu. a3 second-class matter.l BlSKoP NEWTON. Ti e death of Bishop J. B. Newton at bis home in Richmond yesterday was mentioned iu the Gazette of that iat<>. He was stricken with heart trouble a' 1 o'e'ekin th<-morning, ard passtd away about three hours lato , conscious to the last and surrounded by the member* of his family. Bishop Newton was upon the streets Thuisday, and was apparently in perfectly good health. At tea be was exceedingly bright and happy with his family, and no one supposed that the terrible afr diction wus to fall so soon. He had !x eo ii sufierer from heart tiouble in a ::ü!'i form for about two years. Bishop Newton was a native of \\ e.-tmoreland county, having been born ai "Linden," the elegant home of his parents. He was a son of Hon. Willoughby Newten, one of the most ti.red Virginians of bis time, having i wide reputation as a lawyer and be- fore the war represented bis county in the State Legislature and in Congie-.-. ["he mother of Bishop Newton was Mary Bruckenborougb, a native of II chmond, and daugtiter of Judge Win. Brockeuhorough, of the Virginia Court of Appeals. Tiie future bishop spent his childhood in his beautiful country home, leaving it in early youth to attend the Episci» .ml High School, near Alexandria, an<- afternards Edge Hill School. Aft r e mpletiog his academic education he studied medicine at Winchester under tutelage of the father of Dr. Hunter McGuire. Later on he was graduated rom the Medical College of Virginia. Batering the Confederate service at the breaking out of hostilities he at¬ tended Gen. A. P. Hill's command as d.-v-istaht surgeon, being afterwards pro moted to the rank of surgeon. November 5, 1862, he married Ro berta Page Williamson, daughter of Joseph Alleine and Mary Hann Page VVillnmson. After the war he settled in Westmoreland near his old home and pmcticed his profession. The need of church privileges in the county awakened bis interest and mi the absence of a rector in the parish Dr. Newton obtained the bish tjp'a consent to conduct lay services. 1 hese were held in a lay schoolhouse '.mi in private bouses. He also organ¬ ized a Sunday school. "Eventually he eided to give up secular pursuits and :ive his life to the work of the Gcspel. I laving a wife and five children to pro¬ vide for and the income from his daily practice Iiis only source of revenue, a course at the Theological Seminary was lor him an impossibility. Determined upon the accomplishment of his cherish¬ ed object he devoted every spare mo inetit of his time to hard study and a: the end of two years passed the same examinations prescribed for students who have passed through all of the classes. He was ordained to the dia- c nidie of the Frotestant Episcopal church and immediately received a call to ihe rectorship of "South Farnham" parish, which included St. John's church at Tappahannock and St. Paul's church, iL' miles distant. His election to the assistant bishopric was a just recognition of his Hue ca¬ pacities as demonstrated in the coun¬ cils of the diocese and the conventions of the general church in which he was at ail times a prominent figure. An unusual circumstance of Dr. N ew ton's election to the assistant bi h- opric is his having been called from pastorate work within the parish. Energy was a distinguishing character¬ istic of Bishop Newton. From the day I:.- received his diploma until the d.iy of his ordination to the ministry he practiced medicine and he filled the unices of a rector in his parish until tie- day of his consecration to the bish¬ opric. Bishop Newton was an alumnus of the Medien' College of Virginia. Bishop Newton is survived by his n idow and ten children.nine sons and one daughter. There is Nothing So Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more protit he may claim some¬ thing else to be just as good. You w ant Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to do good or money re funded. For Coughs, Colds, Consump- lion and for all allections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bottles free at E. L. Allen's Drug Si ore. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Tho West field (Ind ,) News prints tLe foliow ing in regard to an old resident of (hat place: "Frank McAvoy, for many years in the employ of the L., N. A. & C. Ry.. here, says:"'l have used Cham¬ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea Remedy for teu years or longer.am never without it in my family. I con¬ sider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in re¬ commending it.'" It is a specific for ail bowel disorders. For sale by J. H. Jauuey, Druggist, 701 King street. HAS A NAME TO ITS CREDIT IS A CKEDIT TO ITS NAME. NONE BETTER. FEW AS GOOD. lopn D1CVC MADE BY REMINGTON AKMS CO, FACTORY.I LION, N. Y. FREEBORN G. SMITH, AGENT FOR WASHINGTON D. G ASH BY MILLER, AGENT FOE ALEXANDBIA, VA. ap!9 BOOTS AM) SIIOKS. RED-HOT BARGAINS .IN. Ladies' Cotton Slippors for house wear 25 cts. Ladies' Oxford Tics, dark tan. Worth $2. Our price $1.25. Ladies' Oxfords from ÖO cts to $3. All tho new ideas. GENTS: We have tho pick of the mark for you. All the new shapes and colors. Vici Kid, Kangaroo orCaif, and the price elspwhero is $4 for this class of goods. We call it $3. DO YOU RIDE A BIKE ? IF YOU WANT TO BE UP TO DtTE See our ELK SOLE TAN L A. W. SHOK and say, wo cha.go you only S?15 for a pair of these shoes. J.A.Marshall andBro. 422 KING STREET Leaders in Up-to-Date Footwear. E ExTBA! JLLiXTEA HAND MADE SHOES FOB ALL AT THE New York Shoemakiog & Repairing Co. FINE HAND-MADE SHOES. $2.25 (To Oidor or Beady Made). Half Solo and Heel While You Wait, 40c. Best Workmanship and Material Guaranteed OUBtMOTTO: Quick Sales and Small Profits. 404 King Street. : : : : Alexandria, Va. ap!5 E0 K G E D. SEED Builder of G HEED'S DRY Alii REFRIGERATOR. Overhead System. Section Built, For Butchers, Grocers. Hotels, etc. Also re¬ pairing ot all kinds of refrigerators. Sample of Refrigerator cau he seen at Grilll>ortzer Bro.'s. 1329 King street, Alexandria. Also a socond-hand Refrigerator for sale cheap. GEO. D. REED. 122:» King Street my IT 3t* THE FAMOUS SPECIFIC. ORANGR BLOSSOM, a ]>ositivo euro for all foraaic diseases. For sale by WARFIELD £ HAT.T. ni;y goods. rv ! i n o n Brimfiil ol interest are the announcements we make from day to day. I he stocks are overflowing with goods of the best qualities and prices are adjusted to the lowest possi¬ ble point. The service, al¬ ways good, and in every way we stand ready to serve the public with promptness and efficiency. French Piques. Regular price 30% We arc goilig to soli thcin at 15c a yard. Creates! Bargain in (he Marl One of tho=o Gentlemen's Linon Crash Suits which would cost you §5 tr> make. You may got one as long as wo have them for S2.5( I. A New Line ol' Percals, All of the latest and newest styles. Polka Dots. Bed and Black, Blue and w Jiito, etc. Lapet Mulls. red grounds with Black Figures and I'olka Dots. Hosiery and Ladies' Underwear V At a (treat Seduction. We havo received a Manufacturer1 sample line of magnificent Dresses for Misses and Children, in White, Ging¬ ham, Percai ami Calico. Prices to suit everyone. Headquarters for Shirt Waists. Al¬ ways the latest Celts. Neckties, Collars, Cuffs and all the season's necessities. Extraordinary'oflerings in Wuppers. The prices which we havo put on our Trunks will clean th in out tit once. Lose no time in seeing then). Special sale iri Ladies' Dress Skirls. Wo will have on sale Monday oOO of all color of those 10c Curuins. Come early and get the choice of the great bargains we are offering in every department. . Hohberg & Son, Cor. Kins ami Boval Sis. BOOX9 AND SHOES. AND YOU CAN DO BUSINESS WITH THEM. This is true beyond a question of doubt]and in consopienco I have made a plunge which I feel sure the people of Alexandria must ap¬ preciate. Having bought (ditcct from the manufac¬ turer) three oHtire lots of Mioes at much less than cost of making I will, beginning Saturday, May 15, offer tho public a Ladies' Fine Vici Kid But¬ ton Boot, patent loathor Tip. that sohl for !?2.50, at §1,45. A Ladies' Tan Button Foot that sold for .¦f'2 75, at $1.50. A Ladies' Fine l>>ngola Oxford, patent leather tip, that sold for S2, at $1.25. I also havo some very attractive Bargains for Men Folks. Thoy will not last long at these prices, not¬ withstanding the lots uro largo. So come iiuick and early in order to get your size. F. PAFF, 423 KING STREET. THEONLYSHOE ST.)R2 ON THENORTH SIDE OF KING STREET. CANNED FRUIT CHEAP..Royal Ann Cherries Gold Drop Plums, Apricots and Damson Plums for sale at 15c, large cans, at _ J. C. MILBCEN'S. SWEET PEAS SWEET PEAS. Mandeville and King's Mammoth Pack¬ et. Price 5c _E. 8. LEADBEATER & SONS. "\T AXIMTJM. Minimum, Clinical. Standard Iri. Dairy and Brewers' Thonaometers Hydrometer«. Anoroid3, Barometers. &c., fr i 8*1» br E S. LEADBEATER & SON'S. yCTQ MORE ROUND SHOULDERS..Weal J^t the improved "Knickerbocker Shoulder Braces." Prices 75c. $1 and §1.25. For sale by_E. S. LEADBEATER & SONS. REDUCTION IN FRUIT JARS..Mason's Pints 50c per dozen; Quarts t>Oc and Hall Gallons SOc, at _IC, MILBHRN'S. LEADBEATERS'S BED BUG POISON inodorous and colorless. Price 50 cents a pint. E. S. LEADBEATER Ä SON& BANQUET LAMPs..Ac entirely new line of Lamps and Silk Shades just re¬ ceived, and at low prices at ¦R. I. MTT.T.^H * ¦sTtN'S. HE INFANT TOILET "STAR IVORY' ( OMBS. Price 15c E S l.F.ADREATEB A SOWS FIDELITY COCKROACH, BEDBUG and RAT PASTE just received and for sale by WARFLEI.D i HALL. ] _FURNITURE. THE FURNITURE HOUSE COR. KING & ST. ASAPH STS $60 Waverly It is not necessary to pay the highest price f.>r a bicycle to enjoy cycling any more than you must have the highest cost carriage to enjoy driving. Of course there is satistaction and value in the latest improve¬ ments, but we have a bicycle for $60 that is as thoroughly constructed as a bicycle can be. We guarantee them for a year. 600 KING STREET. CIGARS AND TO^ACjCO. W e Presume Ynii know what Cigars are and also that there aro many kinds of Cigars. The kind of a Cigar wo wish to call your atten¬ tion to is not the kind that is to ho ex¬ amined through an eyeglass or carefully examine', under the glare of electric lights in onler to get at their combi¬ nation. The Virginia" is Miiokeanlc, weil put togetherfand of a delightful davor, such as no other Cigar contains, it attracts the eye. Vou will like it belter after a trial smoke, and as no other manufacturer is conversant with tho various methods of its make-up, it cannot he duplicated. Manufactured by ALEXANDRIA, VA. CLOTHING. PDRWISHINGS, &c. FIVE DOLLARS. Nil] buy you a serviceable stylish Cassimrre Juit from any one of six diflcrout p ttonis loa will he surprised at tho good value dis- ilayed, as they arc guaranteed free from ihoddy and fast colors. Our line of $7.5' I and $10 suits comprises ill tho various styles and shades of Scotch Jhcviot plaids and overplaids, equal in ijuali- y and finish to regular $1.1 and If IS grades (lscwhero. A pair of tho Harris Wire Buckle suspenders givou with every Suit. A largo stock of Gent's Fancy Shirts, Un- lerwcar and Neckwear at tho low«st possible trices. A complete lino of Samples from which wo viil make you a suit to your measure from 512 up. All goods arc maiked in plain figures. One 'rice to all. Remember we refund tho money for any iiirchasc if desired. A Useful Leather Purse given to each pur- baser. R. Lee Field, )NE PRICE CLOTHIER & FURNISHER NO. 304 KING STREET. ap'J lyr REMOVÄI7 Having removed my .MARBLE YARD rom the northwest corner of Alfred and Duke streets to 31f> aud 317 south Alfred itreet, I invite a coutinuanco of the public patronage. WM. CHAUNCEY. my24 3m_ HARD RUBBER TELESCOPIC EAR TRUMPET..This is tho most con¬ venient and easily carried instrument of this sind that can be used as an aid to the deaf For sale by E. S. LEADBEATER & SONS. ACME RUBBER TISSUE, for instantly mending kid gloves, torn clothing or :loth of any kind without detection. No stitching required. Price 10c per yard. E01 ,aJo by _WARFIELD <s HALL CASTILE SOAP and Turkish Bath Cloth. This soap is made from pure Olive Oil pressed from prime fresh olives, retaining the natural color of the fruit. Price 10c. _E. 3. LEA OBEATER flc SONS. SAFETY RAZOR, once used you will never do without it. For sale by HENRY W. WLLDT, 106 N. Royal street. DRY GOODS. CORSETS ladies don't need a heavj weight ' orset in summer Wo supply the want, with an extremely light woight at 35c. Msuy bargains in the American Lady Corsets left. We will close out all the balance left over this week. No 15c and 25c American Lady Corsets loft from the assortment advertised iu last week's issue. Our low prices movo this planet. C. M. ADAMS. New Arrivals. Ladies' Linen Collars. Sizes 12k, to 144. Ladies' Leather Belts in every color. Ladies' Fans in tho newest small shapes Ladies' Opera Hose. One case Price 35c. Our prico 15c. All in boot patterns, will bo a rapid seller. C. M. ADAMS. Men's Cheviot Shirts. We sro fortunate in securing this ele¬ gant Shirt for men. We think this garment wiil be appreciated by many disappointed men who have been un¬ fortunate iu finding a good long wear¬ er. Price 85c. Our price 50c. Pat¬ terns neat Woven colors. Double stitched. Full length and width. A perfect model of neatness. C M. ADAMS. Hosiery. Infante' Half Hose in Black, Tan and White. Small Children's Hose to tuit in age .2, 3 and 4 years. .Men's Hose in the lightest texture for warm weather. Wo gladdeu the hearts of the little ones. C. M. ADAMS 4] 1 King street. BUILDING MATERIAL MOOT & CO. '.Successors to J. Eect_< müm «j» w.,t fflU FLOORING 4 PLANING MILL, Manufacturers of ) >OB AND WINDOW FRAMES, MOUL ING8, &c. »KALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLES. LATHS, NA1I-S, LIME, A LCI NED PLASTER and CRM ENI' Mo. 25 north Union street. Alexandria, Va. nmbor dolivorod froe in the city, [Established 1822.) TOS1AH H. D 8MOOT LUMBER, Shingles, Laths, Nails, Cement, Calcined Plaiter, &c. SLAIfUFACTUBJSBß *IAWRING, DOORS, HASH, BLINDS FRAMES, MOULDINGS MANTEL3, AND ALL KIND8 OF WOOD WORK Office and yard No. 21 north Union street factory Nos. 13 and 15 north Loo st., Alex« a idria, Va. No charee for dolivery in city. jT^ISFEILL & SON, 8. E. Cor Royal and Wilkca street, Alexandria, Va. Sew Sash, Door and Frame Factory, Now in Full Operation. PRACTICAL AND EXPERIENCED ME¬ CHANICS RUN IT. If you don't know what you want we can tell you. Wo will keep in stock and meet competition on tho following goods; viz: FRAMES, SASH DOORS, BLINDS, BRACK- ET8, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, NEWELS, BALUSTERS, FLOORING, RUSTIC SID¬ ING, DRESSED BOARDS, «scC. SQUARE TURNED WORK A SPECIALTY. Special attention given to Church, Store, Office and Porch Work. All communications from th country promptly answerod, and all ordor promptly fillod. Estimates cheerfully fur nished. fob25 2y BRICK MANUFACTURERS. i'aek agnew, m. b. haklow, President. Secretary and Treasurer. Alexandria Brick Co., Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of MACHINE AND HAND-MADE BRICKS. OFFICE 107 SOUTH ROYAL ST., Alexandria. Virginia. JUST RECEIVED a complete line of Pre fossor J. J. George's SCIENTIFIC PRE¬ PARATIONS FOE THE FEET, including his Patent Instep Cushions for high and low shoes. Corn and Bunion Shields, etc fci sale by E. S. LEADBEATER & 80NS'. Ask for a Pamphlet on Pndialogy_ B LACK AGRICULTURAL PEAS, new crop, n store and for sale by HERBERT BRYANT, 117 King street. I_ GROCf Kl KS._ BUTTER! BUTTER! BUTTER! Tho vory Best Creamery Butter, 20c per lb. Choieo Loudouu County Butter 16c pei lb. Good Butter, 12V P*-*r lh. Arbucklo's Coll'ee, 12V per lb. Fiesh Roasted Bio Cotleo, 12c per ib. Best Corn Starch, IJ'yc per package. '! pick- ages for 10c. Beat Jfacaroni, <>-: per pat k:-ge. Large California Prunes, 5c per lb. Sun-Dried Apple«,3c per lb. Pure Leaf Lard. 7c per lb. libs for 25c. Table Belie Flour; 35c a sack. $5.25 per barrel. Best XXX Ginger Snaps, 4c per lb. Beet XXX Soda Crackers, 4c per lb. Quaker Boiled Oats, 2 V per II). Fine Table Sait, 2 bags for 5c. Canned Peaches.three cans Fine Table Peaches 25c. 1 dozen Large Boxes of Matches (200 in a box) 10c. Golden Drip Syrup, 20c per gallon. W. P. Woolls & Son. _CHINA AND GLASSWARJB. Souvenir China. We have just imported a large stock ot Souvenir Chin:-, with views of the "Carlisle House" and "Marshall House" faithfully reproduced. The line embraces a Hue assortment ol shapes and the prices range from ioc to 75c each. Parties desiring a souvenir of our old city can find nothing prettier or cheaper for the purpose. EJ.MlHerlCo. Sole Lealers, «7 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA MACHINERY. J & H. AITCHESON, Practical Machinists and Engineer- And Builders of Ü AüIN E AND STATIONARY ENG IN £8 Blackamithing and 8team Fitting. En¬ gineers' and Machinists'Supplies, and all sorts >f mill work and that connected with brick¬ work promptly exocntod. Repairing prompt- y dono. J. & EL AITCB ESON, wylO 116 King St., Alexandria, V». M. 8. MOORE, Machinist, Iron and Brass: Pounder, SHIPSMITH AND BLACKSMITH, 'OLD DOMINION WORKHl JOÜTH UNION STREET, ALEXANDRIA rVtil furnish and repair all kinds of Machine¬ ry, Iron and Brass Castings, Wrought and >uit Iron Fonces, Mill Work, Ship and Black- smithing. Edge Tools. Mill Picks, Facing Harn- nors, and all kinds of Mill Work .undo and ro- lairod at the ihortont notice and at roasonable irices. a^-The highest market prico paid for Old Vronght and Cast Iron. Bran and Copper. _COAL AND WOOD COAL!_COAL! VHTTE AND RED ASH, SHAMOKIN AND LYKEN'S VALLEY. From the famous minos of the 8USQUEHANNA COAL COMPANY. >nre Coal, woll scroonrd, 2240 lbs to the ton. ALSO CUMBERLAND, NEW RIVER AND SPLINT COAL. Familios, Public Institutions, and Mann arturors suppliod at lowest market rates. All orders loft at office, 114 south St. Asaph tToot. telephoned immediately to yards. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, Wharf and Yards, foot of Quoo': Htr.v-t, QOALl GOAL I On our wharf and tc arrivs durinf tha ie»- on a full stock of LNTHRACITE, CUMBERLAND and a FLINT COALS of the best quality and well scroonod. We will be pleased to supply our friends nd customers at lowest market price per ton f 2240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars or oata. W. A. SM<X/f & (X)., Telephone -all 57. NEW GOODS -AT. DYSON'S LITTLE STORK. ALL GRADE OF BOX PAPER. 8c to 50c. WRITING TABLETS, for jien or pencil, lc to 25c. ^ CROQUET SETS CHEAP. -«S Plain and Fancy Ink Stands. The best Ink. Paper. Pens and everything found in a Bookstore. The latent NOVELS, MAGAZINES AND PaPERS. S. F. Dyson & Bro.; 508 KING STREET. OACH TRAP-SURE CATCH. 1'lacj an onion in the trap *nd it will do the ¦eat Price 5c. For sale by E. S. LEADBEATER <fc SONi

i Virginia Hosiery. · utes these bad feelings to stomach, liveror heart trouble. If, by a lucky chance, he hits uponthe right cause, whichis most fre¬ quently weakness or disease

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Page 1: i Virginia Hosiery. · utes these bad feelings to stomach, liveror heart trouble. If, by a lucky chance, he hits uponthe right cause, whichis most fre¬ quently weakness or disease


Ill-health isImoic frequent-Jly the assas¬sin of "love'sjyoung; clream '¦

than anythingjelse in thewide world. A

iyoung womanneed not hopeto make a hus-iband happy ifshe s u ffe r sfrom weaknessami disease ofthe organs dis¬tinctly femi¬nine and thetrain of evilst h at result.The average-obscure doc¬

tor, when a young wife complains of beingnervous, fretful, despondent and troubledwith headaches, puins in the back and sidesand abdomen anu shooting pains," attrib¬utes these bad feelings to stomach, liver orheart trouble. If, by a lucky chance, hehits upon the right cause, which is most fre¬quently weakness or disease of the femi¬nine organism, he will insist upon theoffensive examinations and local treatmentfrom which every modest woman shrinks.When a woman suffers in this way she-

should consult, in person or by letter, someeminent physician who has the wisdom andexperience to know that these troubles areeasily cured by the right remedy, withoutoffence to modesty. Dr. U. V. Pierce hasbeen for thirty years chief consulting phy-sician to the Invalids' Hotel and SurgicalInstitute, at Buffalo. N*. V., one of the lead¬ing medical institutions in the worldMany thousands of women have used his" Favorite Prescription " who were physi¬cal wrecks and who are now happy wiveswith happy husbands. Honest druggistswill not offer -ioniething else in place ofthe famous "Favorite Prescription."

" After having been married nine years, havingK-v>! hca.th generally, and no children, I con¬sulted you in regard to my case," writes Mrs.Virginia A. Thornton, of H.illoca. ChattahoocheeCo.. Ga. "I received prompt reply, with direot! ms using emir medicines, which I followed.After talcing ten bottles of Dr. Tierce's FavoritePrescription, I happily found myself in an ex¬

pectant slate, and in due time ga-.-i- birth to n finet>y_girl She is two years and-a-half old now,

und ls healthy and fat."Constipation ? " Biliousness " ? That

means "danger ahead." Dr. Pierre's Pleas¬ant Pellets arc a sure cure.


SILK, WOOL and COTTONWithout injury to the most delicate fabric or color

ami without the use >>t water.

Cleans Kid Cloves.Sold by Druyijists and Croccrs.


.-\>k mihi-

DRUGGIST bMlMntor a gciMToiis y-r-"v^-"**S3T.

Ely's Civ mi Biliap|ffcontains no i-o»ine,mercury nor a n y HBp <vother injurious drug. ff^towrj<'/^ *

od. (tivos relief at BB^ÖI--^j^^0I1C0. It opens and ^SSr \^'^a>cleanses the nasal , , , _ ,

passages. Allays in- ' X*\ ' J |Ki H j£ Atlammation. Seals and Protects the Mem-brano, Restores the Senses ol Taste an 1 .Smell.Full size, 50 cents. Trial size, 1 < >c at drug¬gists or by mail.ELY'S BROTHERS, 5G Warren Street, NewYork.

Tetter, Salt-Rheum and Eczema.The intense itching and smarting, inci¬

dent to these diseases, is instantly allayedby applying Chamberlain's Eye andSkin Ointment. Many very bad caseshave been permanently enred by it. Itis equally efficient for itching piles anda favorite remedy for sore nipples,chapped hands, chilblains, frost bitesand chronic sure eyes. 25 cts. per box.

Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are

just what "a horse needs when in hadcondition. Tonic, blood purifier andvermifuge. They are not food butmedicine and the best in use to put a

Inuse in prime condition. Trice -5cents per package.


Manufacturer of



aBfr-Circulars or our regular brands raatloa

on application.Special formula* skilfully and w.-urately

prepared.Also dealers in AGRICULTURAL IMPLE¬


Fertilizer factoryand wharf foot Duke at.

Agricultural and seed warehouse 11 r K eig at.Virreanondoi'e* seiicit<>d Vib*>V 1t

JNO. P. ROBINSON, UEO. S. FRENCH.Presidont Secretary.

Alexaüdria Fertilizerand ChemicalCompany,


Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials ami




We believe it to be to your interest to in¬spect our stock of spring Goods in 1H>-MESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS,




LIGHTNING HOT DROPS eines CholeraMorbus, Heals Flesh Wounds and Bruises,

cures Rheumatism. Neuralgia and all kindsof Pain, cures Cramps. Diantuea and SummerComplaint, cures Sore Throat and Quinsy


published daily and tbi-wejcjcly at

Gasette Buildinx.310 A 812 Prince au

- TEEMS:Daily. | Tbi-Weekly.

l^Teat.$5 00 1 Your.$3 CK1,; Honths. 2 50 6 Mouths. 1 503:Months. 125 3 Months. 751 Month. 43 1 Month. 25lWeok. 10A.!! transient advertisements most be paid fo!

in advance.Contract advortisera will not be allowed to ex-

cood thuir space unless tho oxcoas is paid foiat transient rates, and under no circum-stances will they be allowod to advertiseothorihao their logitimate business in thespace contracted for.

Marriage and death notices most be paid foiin advance.

Resolutions in memoriam, of thanks, tributesof respect, resolutions adopted bysociotiee01 persons, unless of public concern, willonly bo printed in this paper as advertisemenu.

1 he Gazette office is connected with theT.-.lophono Exchanges. Advertisements, or-d< re Per the paper, news or any informationor business can bo sont by telephone,stored ai the Postoflioe Alexandria, Virgin-iu. a3 second-class matter.l

BlSKoP NEWTON.Ti e death of Bishop J. B. Newton at

bis home in Richmond yesterday was

mentioned iu the Gazette of thatiat<>. He was stricken with hearttrouble a' 1 o'e'ekin th<-morning, ardpasstd away about three hours lato ,

conscious to the last and surroundedby the member* of his family. BishopNewton was upon the streets Thuisday,and was apparently in perfectly goodhealth. At tea be was exceedinglybright and happy with his family, andno one supposed that the terrible afrdiction wus to fall so soon. He had!x eo ii sufierer from heart tiouble in a::ü!'i form for about two years.Bishop Newton was a native of

\\ e.-tmoreland county, having beenborn ai "Linden," the elegant home ofhis parents. He was a son of Hon.Willoughby Newten, one of the mostti.red Virginians of bis time, havingi wide reputation as a lawyer and be-fore the war represented bis county inthe State Legislature and in Congie-.-.["he mother of Bishop Newton was

Mary Bruckenborougb, a native ofII chmond, and daugtiter of JudgeWin. Brockeuhorough, of the VirginiaCourt of Appeals.

Tiie future bishop spent his childhoodin his beautiful country home, leavingit in early youth to attend the Episci».ml High School, near Alexandria, an<-afternards Edge Hill School. Aft re mpletiog his academic education hestudied medicine at Winchester undertutelage of the father of Dr. HunterMcGuire. Later on he was graduatedrom the Medical College of Virginia.Batering the Confederate service at

the breaking out of hostilities he at¬tended Gen. A. P. Hill's command as

d.-v-istaht surgeon, being afterwards promoted to the rank of surgeon.November 5, 1862, he married Ro

berta Page Williamson, daughter of

Joseph Alleine and Mary Hann PageVVillnmson. After the war he settledin Westmoreland near his old homeand pmcticed his profession.The need of church privileges in the

county awakened bis interest andmi the absence of a rector in theparish Dr. Newton obtained the bishtjp'a consent to conduct lay services.1 hese were held in a lay schoolhouse'.mi in private bouses. He also organ¬ized a Sunday school. "Eventually he

eided to give up secular pursuits and:ive his life to the work of the Gcspel.I laving a wife and five children to pro¬vide for and the income from his dailypractice Iiis only source of revenue, a

course at the Theological Seminary was

lor him an impossibility. Determinedupon the accomplishment of his cherish¬ed object he devoted every spare moinetit of his time to hard study and a:

the end of two years passed the same

examinations prescribed for studentswho have passed through all of theclasses. He was ordained to the dia-c nidie of the Frotestant Episcopalchurch and immediately received a callto ihe rectorship of "South Farnham"parish, which included St. John'schurch at Tappahannock and St. Paul'schurch, iL' miles distant.

His election to the assistant bishopricwas a just recognition of his Hue ca¬

pacities as demonstrated in the coun¬

cils of the diocese and the conventionsof the general church in which he was

at ail times a prominent figure.An unusual circumstance of Dr.

N ew ton's election to the assistant bi h-opric is his having been called frompastorate work within the parish.Energy was a distinguishing character¬istic of Bishop Newton. From the dayI:.- received his diploma until the d.iyof his ordination to the ministry hepracticed medicine and he filled theunices of a rector in his parish untiltie- day of his consecration to the bish¬opric.

Bishop Newton was an alumnus ofthe Medien' College of Virginia.

Bishop Newton is survived by hisn idow and ten children.nine sons andone daughter.

There is Nothing So Good.There is nothing just as good as Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds, so demand it anddo not permit the dealer to sell yousome substitute. He will not claimthere is anything better, but in order tomake more protit he may claim some¬

thing else to be just as good. Youw ant Dr. King's New Discovery becauseyou know it to be safe and reliable, andguaranteed to do good or money re

funded. For Coughs, Colds, Consump-lion and for all allections of Throat,Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so

good as is Dr. King's New Discovery.Trial bottles free at E. L. Allen's DrugSi ore. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00.

Tho West field (Ind ,) News prints tLefoliow ing in regard to an old resident of(hat place: "Frank McAvoy, for manyyears in the employ of the L., N. A. &C. Ry.. here, says:"'l have used Cham¬berlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrheaRemedy for teu years or longer.amnever without it in my family. I con¬sider it the best remedy of the kindmanufactured. I take pleasure in re¬

commending it.'" It is a specific forail bowel disorders. For sale by J. H.Jauuey, Druggist, 701 King street.





lopn D1CVC











Ladies' Cotton Slipporsfor house wear 25 cts.

Ladies' Oxford Tics,dark tan. Worth $2.Our price $1.25.

Ladies' Oxfords fromÖO cts to $3. All thonew ideas.

GENTS:We have tho pick of the mark for

you. All the new shapes and colors.Vici Kid, Kangaroo orCaif, and theprice elspwhero is $4 for this class ofgoods. We call it $3.


SHOK and say, wo cha.go you onlyS?15 for a pair of these shoes.

J.A.Marshall andBro.422 KING STREET

Leaders in Up-to-Date Footwear.



New York Shoemakiog & Repairing Co.FINE HAND-MADE SHOES. $2.25

(To Oidor or Beady Made).Half Solo and Heel While You Wait, 40c.

Best Workmanship and Material GuaranteedOUBtMOTTO:

Quick Sales and Small Profits.404 King Street. : : : : Alexandria, Va.ap!5

E 0 K G E D. SEEDBuilder ofG

HEED'S DRY Alii REFRIGERATOR.Overhead System. Section Built,

For Butchers, Grocers. Hotels, etc. Also re¬

pairing ot all kinds of refrigerators. Sampleof Refrigerator cau he seen at Grilll>ortzerBro.'s. 1329 King street, Alexandria. Also asocond-hand Refrigerator for sale cheap.GEO. D. REED. 122:» King Streetmy IT 3t*

THE FAMOUS SPECIFIC. ORANGRBLOSSOM, a ]>ositivo euro for all foraaic

diseases. For sale byWARFIELD £ HAT.T.

ni;y goods.

rv ! in o n

Brimfiil ol interest are theannouncements we make fromday to day. I he stocks are

overflowing with goods of thebest qualities and prices are

adjusted to the lowest possi¬ble point. The service, al¬ways good, and in every waywe stand ready to serve thepublic with promptness andefficiency.

French Piques.Regular price 30% We arc goilig tosoli thcin at 15c a yard.

Creates! Bargain in (he MarlOne of tho=o Gentlemen's Linon CrashSuits which would cost you §5 tr>make. You may got one as long as wohave them for S2.5( I.

A New Line ol' Percals,All of the latest and newest styles.Polka Dots. Bed and Black, Blue andw Jiito, etc.

Lapet Mulls.red grounds with Black Figures andI'olka Dots.

Hosiery and Ladies' UnderwearV

At a (treat Seduction.

We havo received a Manufacturer1sample line of magnificent Dresses forMisses and Children, in White, Ging¬ham, Percai ami Calico. Prices to suiteveryone.

Headquarters for Shirt Waists. Al¬ways the latest Celts. Neckties, Collars,Cuffs and all the season's necessities.

Extraordinary'oflerings in Wuppers.

The prices which we havo put on ourTrunks will clean th in out tit once.Lose no time in seeing then).

Special sale iri Ladies' Dress Skirls.

Wo will have on sale Monday oOO ofall color of those 10c Curuins.

Come early and get the choice of thegreat bargains we are offering in everydepartment.

. Hohberg & Son,Cor. Kins ami Boval Sis.



This is true beyond a question of doubt]andin consopienco I have made a plunge whichI feel sure the people of Alexandria must ap¬preciate.Having bought (ditcct from the manufac¬

turer) three oHtire lots of Mioes at much less

than cost of making I will, beginning

Saturday, May 15,offer tho public a Ladies' Fine Vici Kid But¬ton Boot, patent loathor Tip. that sohl for!?2.50, at §1,45.A Ladies' Tan Button Foot that sold for

.¦f'2 75, at $1.50.A Ladies' Fine l>>ngola Oxford, patent

leather tip, that sold for S2, at $1.25.I also havo some very attractive Bargains

for Men Folks.Thoy will not last long at these prices, not¬

withstanding the lots uro largo. So come

iiuick and early in order to get your size.



CANNED FRUIT CHEAP..Royal AnnCherries Gold Drop Plums, Apricots and

Damson Plums for sale at 15c, large cans, at



SWEET PEAS SWEET PEAS.Mandeville and King's Mammoth Pack¬

et. Price 5c_E. 8. LEADBEATER & SONS.

"\T AXIMTJM. Minimum, Clinical. StandardIri. Dairy and Brewers' ThonaometersHydrometer«. Anoroid3, Barometers. &c., fr i8*1» br E S. LEADBEATER & SON'S.

yCTQ MORE ROUND SHOULDERS..WealJ^t the improved "Knickerbocker ShoulderBraces." Prices 75c. $1 and §1.25. Forsale by_E. S. LEADBEATER & SONS.

REDUCTION IN FRUIT JARS..Mason'sPints 50c per dozen; Quarts t>Oc and

Hall Gallons SOc, at


LEADBEATERS'S BED BUG POISONinodorous and colorless. Price 50 cents


BANQUET LAMPs..Ac entirely newline of Lamps and Silk Shades just re¬

ceived, and at low prices at¦R. I. MTT.T.^H * ¦sTtN'S.



FIDELITY COCKROACH, BEDBUG andRAT PASTE just received and for sale






It is not necessary to paythe highest price f.>r a bicycleto enjoy cycling any more thanyou must have the highest cost

carriage to enjoy driving. Ofcourse there is satistaction andvalue in the latest improve¬ments, but we have a bicyclefor $60 that is as thoroughlyconstructed as a bicycle can

be. We guarantee them for a




We PresumeYnii know what Cigars are and also thatthere aro many kinds of Cigars. Thekindof a Cigar wo wish to call your atten¬tion to is not the kind that is to ho ex¬amined through an eyeglass or carefullyexamine', under the glare of electriclights in onler to get at their combi¬nation.

The Virginia"is Miiokeanlc, weil put togetherfand of a

delightful davor, such as no other Cigarcontains, it attracts the eye. Vou willlike it belter after a trial smoke, and asno other manufacturer is conversant withtho various methods of its make-up, itcannot he duplicated.

Manufactured by



FIVE DOLLARS.Nil] buy you a serviceable stylish CassimrreJuit from any one of six diflcrout p ttonisloa will he surprised at tho good value dis-ilayed, as they arc guaranteed free fromihoddy and fast colors.

Our line of $7.5' I and $10 suits comprisesill tho various styles and shades of ScotchJhcviot plaids and overplaids, equal in ijuali-y and finish to regular $1.1 and IfIS grades(lscwhero. A pair of tho Harris Wire Buckle

suspenders givou with every Suit.

A largo stock of Gent's Fancy Shirts, Un-lerwcar and Neckwear at tho low«st possibletrices.

A complete lino of Samples from which wo

viil make you a suit to your measure from512 up.

All goods arc maiked in plain figures. One'rice to all.

Remember we refund tho money for anyiiirchasc if desired.A Useful Leather Purse given to each pur-



NO. 304 KING STREET.ap'J lyr

REMOVÄI7Having removed my

.MARBLE YARDrom the northwest corner of Alfred and

Duke streets to 31f> aud 317 south Alfreditreet, I invite a coutinuanco of the publicpatronage.


TRUMPET..This is tho most con¬

venient and easily carried instrument of thissind that can be used as an aid to the deafFor sale by


ACME RUBBER TISSUE, for instantlymending kid gloves, torn clothing or

:loth of any kind without detection. Nostitching required. Price 10c per yard. E01,aJo by _WARFIELD <s HALL

CASTILE SOAP and Turkish Bath Cloth.This soap is made from pure Olive Oil

pressed from prime fresh olives, retaining thenatural color of the fruit. Price 10c.


SAFETY RAZOR, once used you will neverdo without it. For sale by

HENRY W. WLLDT,106 N. Royal street.



ladies don't need a heavj weight' orset in summer Wo supply thewant, with an extremely light woightat 35c.

Msuy bargains in the American LadyCorsets left. We will close out all thebalance left over this week. No 15cand 25c American Lady Corsets loftfrom the assortment advertised iulast week's issue. Our low pricesmovo this planet.


New Arrivals.Ladies' Linen Collars. Sizes 12k, to144.Ladies' Leather Belts in every color.Ladies' Fans in tho newest smallshapesLadies' Opera Hose. One case Price35c. Our prico 15c. All in bootpatterns, will bo a rapid seller.



Cheviot Shirts.We sro fortunate in securing this ele¬gant Shirt for men. We think thisgarment wiil be appreciated by manydisappointed men who have been un¬fortunate iu finding a good long wear¬er. Price 85c. Our price 50c. Pat¬terns neat Woven colors. Doublestitched. Full length and width. Aperfect model of neatness.


Hosiery.Infante' Half Hose in Black, Tan andWhite.Small Children's Hose to tuit in age.2, 3 and 4 years..Men's Hose in the lightest texturefor warm weather. Wo gladdeu thehearts of the little ones.



'.Successors to J. Eect_< müm «j» w.,t

fflU FLOORING 4 PLANING MILL,Manufacturers of



A LCINED PLASTER and CRM ENI'Mo. 25 north Union street.

Alexandria, Va.nmbor dolivorod froe in the city,

[Established 1822.)TOS1AH H. D 8MOOT

LUMBER,Shingles, Laths, Nails, Cement, Calcined

Plaiter, &c.SLAIfUFACTUBJSBß 0»


Office and yard No. 21 north Union streetfactory Nos. 13 and 15 north Loo st., Alex«a idria, Va. No charee for dolivery in city.

jT^ISFEILL & SON,8. E. Cor Royal and Wilkca street,

Alexandria, Va.

Sew Sash, Door and Frame Factory,Now in Full Operation.


If you don't know what you want we can

tell you. Wo will keep in stock and meetcompetition on tho following goods; viz:FRAMES, SASH DOORS, BLINDS, BRACK-ET8, MOULDINGS, MANTELS, NEWELS,BALUSTERS, FLOORING, RUSTIC SID¬ING, DRESSED BOARDS, «scC. SQUARETURNED WORK A SPECIALTY. Specialattention given to Church, Store, Office andPorch Work. All communications from thcountry promptly answerod, and all ordorpromptly fillod. Estimates cheerfully furnished. fob25 2y


i'aek agnew, m. b. haklow,

President. Secretary and Treasurer.

Alexandria Brick Co.,Manufacturers of and Dealers in all kinds of



Alexandria. Virginia.

JUST RECEIVED a complete line of Prefossor J. J. George's SCIENTIFIC PRE¬

PARATIONS FOE THE FEET, includinghis Patent Instep Cushions for high and lowshoes. Corn and Bunion Shields, etc fcisale by E. S. LEADBEATER & 80NS'.

Ask for a Pamphlet on Pndialogy_


crop, n store and for sale byHERBERT BRYANT,

117 King street.



Tho vory Best Creamery Butter, 20c per lb.Choieo Loudouu County Butter 16c pei lb.Good Butter, 12V P*-*r lh.Arbucklo's Coll'ee, 12V per lb.Fiesh Roasted Bio Cotleo, 12c per ib.Best Corn Starch, IJ'yc per package. '! pick-

ages for 10c.Beat Jfacaroni, <>-: per pat k:-ge.Large California Prunes, 5c per lb.Sun-Dried Apple«,3c per lb.Pure Leaf Lard. 7c per lb. libs for 25c.Table Belie Flour; 35c a sack. $5.25 per

barrel.Best XXX Ginger Snaps, 4c per lb.Beet XXX Soda Crackers, 4c per lb.Quaker Boiled Oats, 2V per II).Fine Table Sait, 2 bags for 5c.Canned Peaches.three cans Fine Table

Peaches 25c.1 dozen Large Boxes of Matches (200 in a

box) 10c.Golden Drip Syrup, 20c per gallon.



We have just imported a

large stock ot Souvenir Chin:-,with views of the "CarlisleHouse" and "Marshall House"faithfully reproduced. The lineembraces a Hue assortment olshapes and the prices rangefrom ioc to 75c each. Partiesdesiring a souvenir of our oldcity can find nothing prettieror cheaper for the purpose.

EJ.MlHerlCo.Sole Lealers,




Practical Machinists and Engineer-And Builders of


Blackamithing and 8team Fitting. En¬gineers' and Machinists'Supplies, and all sorts>f mill work and that connected with brick¬work promptly exocntod. Repairing prompt-y dono. J. & EL AITCB ESON,wylO 116 King St., Alexandria, V».

M. 8. MOORE,

Machinist, Iron and Brass: Pounder,SHIPSMITH AND BLACKSMITH,

'OLD DOMINION WORKHlJOÜTH UNION STREET, ALEXANDRIArVtil furnish and repair all kinds of Machine¬ry, Iron and Brass Castings, Wrought and>uit Iron Fonces, Mill Work, Ship and Black-smithing. Edge Tools. Mill Picks, Facing Harn-nors, and all kinds of Mill Work .undo and ro-

lairod at the ihortont notice and at roasonableirices.a^-The highest market prico paid for Old

Vronght and Cast Iron. Bran and Copper.



LYKEN'S VALLEY.From the famous minos of the8USQUEHANNA COAL COMPANY.

>nre Coal, woll scroonrd, 2240 lbs to the ton.ALSO


Familios, Public Institutions, and Mannarturors suppliod at lowest market rates.

All orders loft at office, 114 south St. AsaphtToot. telephoned immediately to yards.

J. R. ZIMMERMAN,Wharf and Yards, foot of Quoo': Htr.v-t,


On our wharf and tc arrivs durinf tha ie»-

on a full stock ofLNTHRACITE,


of the best quality and well scroonod.We will be pleased to supply our friends

nd customers at lowest market price per tonf 2240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars or

oata. W. A. SM<X/f & (X).,Telephone -all 57.



pencil, lc to 25c.^ CROQUET SETS CHEAP. -«S

Plain and Fancy Ink Stands. Thebest Ink. Paper. Pens and everythingfound in a Bookstore. The latent


S. F. Dyson & Bro.;508 KING STREET.

OACH TRAP-SURE CATCH. 1'lacjan onion in the trap *nd it will do the

¦eat Price 5c. For sale byE. S. LEADBEATER <fc SONi