MESw i y t : &. hr I u it V - - ffl X For knowing Wow to Lr,V Advertise to 'profit H M The Consult Evening the patrons Bulletin of r vening Bulletin Vol. V. No. 912. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, MAT 12, 1898. GOOD BLOOD Your heart beats, over one hundred thou- sand times each day. One hundred thousand supplies of good or bid blood to your brain. Which t it? u mn, impure oiooe, men your Drain scnes.v 'Xcmaro troubled with drowsiness yet cannot sleep ; you are as tired In the morning as at night; you have no nervo power; your food does not seem to do you much good. Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, can not cure you: but AYER'S Sarsaparilla will It makes the liver, kidneys, skin and bowels perform their proper work. It re- moves all impurities from the blood. And it makes the blood rich in its g prop- erties. For Mllomneii tike Arn's Fill. The promptlr relleva and lurelT cure. Take then Trtth Ajer'i SanapariUai one alu the other. H. L GEAR, G. D. QEAR, Sill dansoine St., 8. F. 210 King St., 11 I. GEAR & GEAR l, vWYEiW. pan prancisco and jioiiolulu Huvuik ntliceH in Hii Francisco and HoihiIiimi we re prepared to atteml pron'ii. 'y tjT all rnai tern entrusted to us iMinr of -- alii places. 1&AWMIIA.N W'"t:antiie Agency 210 King street. OifD :uit Collections a Specialty G ORG-- E D nt' . LA.WYER. Tli Corn. ' of King, an I Kethel Streets, Second Floor. W'liam A. Henshall, A. ttorney at Law 1): Kimhumanu Street Tele. 663. CHARLES F. PETERSON, A.ttornev at Law and Notary Public. Knaliumanu Htreet. W. S. EDINGS, Counsellor at Law. Comer Bethel and King Streets, Honolul IU, 11. I. ArQ- - WALL, D. D. S DENTIST. New Love's Building, Fort Btreeti TELEPHONE 434, GILBERT F. LITTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. HILO, HAWAII- - MARINE PARK AT KAKAAKO Government Introduces a Bill in the Senate for the Purpose. Also a Bill Regulating the Opening or Streets on Private Lands -- Audit Act Passed by tbe Senate. ' "In tho Senato this morning a communication was read from tho House relating to tho parage of House Bill 70, public cemeteries, and House liill 85, appeals from decisions of District Magistrates, and Sonate Bill 35, relating to tho National Guard. Also notifying tho Senato of the paseoge of Joint Resolution 1, appointing a com- mission to draft an Income Tax bill for tho next session. Minister Cooper presented Sen- ato Uill 43, an Act to establish a marine park on the east side of Honolulu harbor, which passed first r.ading and was ordered printed. Tho bill authorizes tho Minister of the' Interior to roservo that portion of tho reef lying southeasterly from tho entrance channel of tho harbor of the port of Honolulu, consisting of an area of 11.54 acres, as a freo public marine park, and to add to snob reservation from timo to timo such other adjoining reef laid as may bo conveyed to tho Government for such purposu by tho trustees of tho Estato of Bernice Fauahi Bishop, or others. Tho Minister of Interior is further authorized to enter into an agreemont with tho trustees of the Bcrnico Pauabi Bishop Museum, whereby thev shall be authorized to establish and raaiutaju within tli said mu- rine park a froo public marine aquarium and a murino zoolo gical laboratory, with the pri- vilege of Greeting and main taimng the necessary struc- tures, appliances and apparatus therefor, including a wlia.f for water-cra- ft to be used in connoc tion with such aquarium and laboratory. Minister Cooper also introduced Senato Bill 44, an Act to regulate tho opening of etreetB on private lands in the District of Honolulu, which passed first reading aud wont to tbe Printing Committee. Tho bill provides that in ceso tho owner of rivato land situate in tho District of Houoluln, shall desire to open a street or streets for the use of the public on such land connecting with tho street system of said district, it shall be iuoum bent on him first to submit to tho Minister of Interior a chart and description of suoh propo-ie- street, giving accurately the location, oxtonsiou, width, nature of construction and finish. Tho Minister of Iuterior shall upon receiving suoh appli- cation examine tho proposed loca- tion of such street or strops aud shall theroaftor deliver to tho ap- plicant his written decision ap- proving or disapproving the plans or recommending a modification thereof. No such stroot shall bo accepted by tho Government un-lo- ss the same is laid out, con- structed and finishod in accord- ance with plans annrovod bv the Minister of tbo Interior, and a A Bike Smashed .TAKE IT TO. The Honolulu Cyclery 231 King Street. A, sound Job of Ilopalre guarantooil. Qulek dispatch. 1 Tarts and Sundrlos for ANY WHEEL in Honolulu In stock or mado to order. Bettor Ih it to have a good old machine ro pal rod than to buy a cheap now ono. deed of conveyance thoroof exo cutod and delivered in favor of tho government and accepted by it. Ministor Coopor announcod that the President had signed tho bills rotating to the duty on spirituous liquors, alcohol for tbe uso of tbe Queen's Hospital ond tho appro- - for tho exponsos of the legislature. Senato Bill 39, licenses to manufacture wine from Hawaiian grapes, was referred to the Com mittee on Commerce. .Hquso "Bill "(Si', amending iho Bail way Act, was referred to tho Committee on Public Lands. House Bill 85, appeals from District Magistrates, passed first reading aud went to tho Judiciary Committoe. The Joint Besolution authoriz- ing the appointment of an In- come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At 11 a. m. tho Senate ad- journed. m DEATH LIST. District of Honolulu for the Week End- ing May 11, 1808. Ah "Wai, Chinese m, 10 years, suicide. Ah Ung, Ohinoso f, 12 yoars, suicide. Eim Pong, Ghineso m, 2 months, syphilis. Chun Nho, Ghineso m, 3 months, umiasiuuB. Kalilioku Akunn, Hawaiian f, CO years, old age. Tin Cheo, Chiuoso m, 1 month, enteritis. Maria Moraos, Portugusos f, 8 yoais, peritonitis. Eaiani, Hawaiian m, 2 weeks, hernia. G. W. Keaweamahi, Hawaiian m, 45 years, consumption. Male infant oE AUChow.4 days, -v- --- -- - inanition. Ikuta, Japanese m, 22 years, typhoid fover. Maria Corroiro, Portuguese f, 5 mouths, uahtro enteritis. Koloniona, Hawaiian m, 1 yoar, cause of death unknown. Kaeha, Hawaiian f, 74 yoars, old age. Haloa, Hawaiian m, 70 yoars, old ago. v CAUTION TO DHIVKHS, Number of Them at the IHngbott for Neglect of Rule. Officor Sniu Macy, with his drag net, 1ms been at work bring- ing into tho toils drivors who loave ihoir horses untied in tho public thoroughfares. Thero was quite a batch of the luckless ones boforo the magistrate this morning who were fined and lectured. It is a good move on the part of tho car- riage inspector, and will in all probability put an oud to tho run- away acoidents of frequent hap poning lately. Uchida oud Fuijama, two dimi- nutive subjects of the Mikado, were fined $2 apiece for druuken-nes- s. A too liberal indulgence in sako caused thoir "pilikia' At the Uotel, The Governraout band will play at tho hotel this evening, with tho following selections: PART I. Overture. American,. Reed Fantasia. Let's bo a Soldier : Ellenberg Reminiscences of Bellini Godfrey Solo and Chorus. Like no a Like Miss Annlo Kanoho. PART II. Cornot-- Solo. ,. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp .,.., Barnliouse Mr. rillnrloB TTrAiitni. Medley. American Airs -- Beyer "'" i'ur iiiuo uuiy WUIUICUIOI Galop. Full Speed Ahead Ingalls Hawaii Ponol. Libel Caae. Tho caso of the editor of tho Edmund Nm-ri- charged with libol, was on trial this morning boforo Judgo Perry. Humphroys and' Oreighton are nlln.nn... f.. l. J(..l-- 1 ubtuiucjro &ui buu UU1UUUUUU BLOW AT FOREIGN CAPITAL Bill Passes House to Exclude Foreign Corporations from Hawaii. Tbe Bill to Regulate Horse Doctoring Is Car- ried Hurrying the Committee In- vestigating Accounts. Upon motion of Representative Poga. tho report of the Public Lands Committee in roforenco to tho harbor work was mado the special order of day for tomorrow, at which timo the members of the Cabinet have been asked to be present. Representative Richards' motion to the effect that tho Finance Com mittee bo aslud to report to tin House progress of their work of investigating I ho bonks and ac- counts ' of tno various public offices, including the Postofiici, Postal Saviuus Bank, Board of Health, Water Works office, etc., as far as thty had proceeded, was carried and the Committeo asked to report at onco House hill 79, to regulate the prsctiso of vo'-r- in iry surgery, medicine and dentistry, passed third reading by vote of nine to threo. Tho bill provides for the appointment of a Board of Vetor inary Medical Examiner who-i- e duty it shall be to examine all applicants for a license to practice as veterinarii'S, hs to their quali fications for tho profession. Any person who hIiuII practiso as a vetoriuary without first obtaining a lioeuso is subject to a fine of riot to exceed S'200. Houo .Bill 55, kuowu asjho Rapid TraiiHit Dill, was sotf(jr third reading tomorrow. Senate Bill 17, relating to regis try of vosst-ls- , was postponed un til tomorrow third reading. Senato Bill 30, rotating to Ap peals and Bills of Exceptions, passed third reading unanimously. Houso Bill 57, relating to cor poratiousaud incorporated compa nios organized undo tho laws if foreign couutrios and carrying on business in this Republic, came up for third reading. Rep. Robertson movod to strike out that portion of tho bill which prohibits foreign railroad and banking corporations from exor- cising tl o pnw rs conferred by law upon railroad or banking cor porations. After considerable discussion tho motion w s lost. Rep. Gear stated that ho was strongly opposed to legislation against any sp cial classes of for eigu corporations, aud as tho mo tion to striko out tho objection able portion of the bill had been lost ho would have to voto agaiust the bill. Tho bill passed third roading by tho following voto: Ayes Richards, Aohi, Paris, Pouuo, Knliaulelio, McCandloss, Wilder, lsouberg and liaoo 0. Noes Loebeustoin, Robertson, Gear and Speaker Eaulukou 4. Reces.8 until 1:30. The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts. per month. Roal make tbe load pure, wbolMm and dtllcleaa. ROM &AKIP POWDER Abiolutcly Pure nM atkiMa rowoc OS.. MW WMt. WOULD NOT BE A MONOPOLY Shorter Route Than Via Hawaii for Cable to Japan. Exclusive Franchises Have Been the Rule All 0?er Have Been Offered by Both America and Japan. Tho Bulletin has had access to a document from official chan- nels at Washington in tho PaciGc cablo matter, tho substanco of whioh it is permitted to uso whilo for the present withholding the names of author and roeipiont. From the writing in question the following list is eiven of couutrios that havo given exclusive fran chises for submarine telegraph cables: England. Exclusive rights have been granted or appnmufor tho establishment of cables be- tween Great Britain, France, Bel- gium, Holland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Spain aud Poitugal Newfoundland.---A- n exclusive right for landiug Euglish cables was granted by Newfoundland and ratiBed by the British Goveru-mou- t. FrtANOE. An exclusive rinbt for tho establishment of au Atlantic cablo connecting with the Island of St. Pierre, off tho coast of Nova Scotia. Preferential guai autoes and subsidies for French traffic to the French cables connecting with thoUnited States, Havti and French West India Islands. SrAlN. Exclusive riyhls for the establishment of caiildi to tho Canary Islands, Afnca and Brazil, also connecting Cuba with the United States, and Cuba with West India Islands. Poiitucial. Exclusive rights for the cables connecting with Groat Britain, also Brazil and tho Azores. Buazil. Exclusive rights for connecting Brazil with the United Statos, also with Africt, Spain a;.d Portugal Exclusive rights covering tho wholo coast of Brazil. Pru. Exolusivo rights for cables northward from ivru. Ecuador. Exclusive liuhts covering the wholo shore of Ecua- dor United Stateb op Colombia. Exclusive rights for the establish- ment of cables southward from, i ho Isthmus of Panama. Mexico. Exclusive rights for the establishment of cables on the coast of tbe Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coast of Mexico. JAPAN.-Exclusiv- o rights for cables connecting Japan with China and itui United Statbs. The exclu sive right for connecting the Uni- ted States (Coast of Florida) with Cuba and other Wost India isl- ands by Act of Congress approvod May 5, 18GG. Referring to tho application of the Pacifio Cablo Co. pouding bo- foro Congress, tho author of the papor reforrod to says: " 8uch an oxclusivo privilege would not create a monopoly,, be- cause the wholo Pacifio ocoan, by other routes, is open and a cable could bo laid say from Seattle via Alaska to Japan whioh would bo about half tho length of a cable from this country to Japan via Hawaii." Tho writer says that another fact of importance is the groat cost of a cablo across tho Pacifio, aud adds: "Japan and tho ' United States have Loretoforo granted ex clusivo franchises, and I boo no reason why this ono should not bo granted." British Keeping Ready. A Hongkong dispatch of April 30 says: Tho British twarships and tor- - at Hongkong havo Eodo-boa- ts forbidden to commence frosh repairs, whioh would soom to in- dicate tho possibility of n move- ment in the near futuro upon tho part of tho British floot. The oldest and best. 2JH Reliable and newsy. JH Uniformly leads. The WM Evening Bulletin does M w Pkiob 5 Oents. M DENOUNCE THE N TH Adherents of Queen Emma Resent Slurs on Her Memory. Publication of Lllluokalanl's Book In the Native Language Is Opening the Eyes of Native Hawallans." Tho publication of ox-Qu- Liliuokalani's book in tho Ha- waiian language in ono of tho nativo newspapers is creating a very great deal of talk among tho nativo Hawaiiaus overywhoro. Tho book is discussed everywhere, in their homes, at luaus and at society meetings, and it is vary gonorally douounced. That por- tion of tho book which finds most condemnation in native eyes is that rolatin to Queen Emma. In speaking of that royal lany Liliu-okala- ni said ntnony other things that she was low born. This eooms to bo tho last straw that has broken the camel's back of tho natives' faith in' their ex Queen. Tho adherents and admirers of Queen Euimar'and they compriso a very largo majo- rity of the Hawaiian race, are bit- terly donouueing the statements concerning Queen Emma made in Liliuokalani's book, and say that she horself is the lowborn ono. Officers and members of the pro- minent native societies nio saying openly that they aro dono with Lihuokalaui forever, and that while they oppose annexation they do not want tho back again. Another siatement mado in Li-li- u 'kalani's book ilint biu Ii a 'no tiuaneiul rissistance-fro- anyone in lur troul.lcs is also strouuously denied, and even tho names and' amounts of dona- tions sont to her uro freely men- tioned. A gentleman who is in a posi-lio- n to know whereof ho speaks said to tho writer yesterday: "Thn nnrilinniinn rf T.i Ii jilrnTci Mi'a book in tho nativo lauguuge has removed the last trace of aloha for her in the native heart Hor de- liberate and wanton onsla ghta on the memory ot the do id Quooo Emma has alionato I even tuost) who have staged with her aud in her to thin time. Ex-Quo- Liliunkalam, and I Bay it advisedly, lias not a friond left in Hawaii today among tho natives, and they dou't caro what happens to her or whether thoy ever boc her again or not." Vailing Author. Horr Wilholm F. Brand, the author of "Allurlei nus Albion," who arrived here on board tho Doric, is making a tour rouud the world and is engaged in writing a series of articles on his journey for a syndicate of Goimau, Aus- trian, Swiss, Rusbiau and Eng- lish papore. Herr lirund is stay- ing at tho Hawaiian hotel. VIcotiuuiuu Homo, oorut'i Hotel and Nuuanu Btreets, lodging by day, week or month. Torma: 25 and 60 couth por night. $1, und 1 25 oi -- - k. Awarded Highest Honors World's Pair. Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM BAKING POWDIEt A Pure drape Cream of Tartar PowAer. 40 YEAPS THE STANDARD- - 'Jr-Mf- tni' 'i r n a' fr S Him1 r iA wkt - immk 4 i TaH 'iaH ' n i 1 4H l i9 ' a iff ' i i 8 wm I '- -4

i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At

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Page 1: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At


i y t





V - -ffl XFor knowing Wow to Lr,VAdvertise to 'profit H M




the patrons


of r vening BulletinVol. V. No. 912. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, MAT 12, 1898.


BLOODYour heart beats, over one hundred thou-

sand times each day. One hundred thousandsupplies of good or bid blood to your brain.

Which t it?u mn, impure oiooe, men your Drain scnes.v

'Xcmaro troubled with drowsiness yet cannotsleep ; you are as tired In the morning as atnight; you have no nervo power; your fooddoes not seem to do you much good.

Stimulants, tonics, headache powders, cannot cure you: but


Sarsaparillawill It makes the liver, kidneys, skin andbowels perform their proper work. It re-

moves all impurities from the blood. And itmakes the blood rich in its g prop-erties.

For Mllomneii tike Arn's Fill. Thepromptlr relleva and lurelT cure. Take thenTrtth Ajer'i SanapariUai one alu the other.


Sill dansoine St., 8. F. 210 King St., 11 I.


pan prancisco and jioiiolulu

Huvuik ntliceH in Hii Francisco andHoihiIiimi we re prepared to attemlpron'ii. 'y tjT all rnai tern entrusted tous iMinr of --alii places.


W'"t:antiie Agency210 King street.

OifD :uit Collections a Specialty

G ORG-- E Dnt' .


Corn. ' of King, an I Kethel Streets,Second Floor.

W'liam A. Henshall,

A. ttorney at Law1): Kimhumanu Street Tele. 663.


A.ttornev at Law andNotary Public.

Knaliumanu Htreet.


Counsellor at Law.Comer Bethel and King Streets,

HonolulIU, 11. I.

ArQ- - WALL, D. D. S

DENTIST.New Love's Building, Fort Btreeti





Government Introduces a Bill in the

Senate for the Purpose.

Also a Bill Regulating the Opening or Streets

on Private Lands -- Audit Act Passed

by tbe Senate.

' "In tho Senato this morning acommunication was read from thoHouse relating to tho parage ofHouse Bill 70, public cemeteries,and House liill 85, appeals fromdecisions of District Magistrates,and Sonate Bill 35, relating to thoNational Guard. Also notifyingtho Senato of the paseoge of JointResolution 1, appointing a com-mission to draft an Income Taxbill for tho next session.

Minister Cooper presented Sen-ato Uill 43, an Act to establish amarine park on the east side ofHonolulu harbor, which passedfirst r.ading and was orderedprinted. Tho bill authorizes thoMinister of the' Interior to roservothat portion of tho reef lyingsoutheasterly from tho entrancechannel of tho harbor of the portof Honolulu, consisting of an areaof 11.54 acres, as a freo publicmarine park, and to add to snobreservation from timo to timo suchother adjoining reef laid as maybo conveyed to tho Governmentfor such purposu by tho trusteesof tho Estato of Bernice FauahiBishop, or others. Tho Ministerof Interior is further authorizedto enter into an agreemont withtho trustees of the Bcrnico PauabiBishop Museum, whereby thevshall be authorized to establishand raaiutaju within tli said mu-rine park a froo public marineaquarium and a murino zoological laboratory, with the pri-vilege of Greeting and maintaimng the necessary struc-tures, appliances and apparatustherefor, including a wlia.f forwater-cra- ft to be used in connoction with such aquarium andlaboratory.

Minister Cooper also introducedSenato Bill 44, an Act to regulatetho opening of etreetB on privatelands in the District of Honolulu,which passed first reading audwont to tbe Printing Committee.Tho bill provides that in ceso thoowner of rivato land situate in thoDistrict of Houoluln, shall desireto open a street or streets for theuse of the public on such landconnecting with tho street systemof said district, it shall be iuoumbent on him first to submitto tho Minister of Interiora chart and descriptionof suoh propo-ie- street, givingaccurately the location, oxtonsiou,width, nature of construction andfinish. Tho Minister of Iuteriorshall upon receiving suoh appli-cation examine tho proposed loca-

tion of such street or strops audshall theroaftor deliver to tho ap-plicant his written decision ap-proving or disapproving the plansor recommending a modificationthereof. No such stroot shall boaccepted by tho Government un-lo- ss

the same is laid out, con-structed and finishod in accord-ance with plans annrovod bv theMinister of tbo Interior, and a

A Bike Smashed


The Honolulu Cyclery

231 King Street.

A, sound Job of Ilopalre guarantooil.Qulek dispatch.

1Tarts and Sundrlos for ANY WHEEL

in Honolulu In stock or mado to order.

Bettor Ih it to have a good old machineropal rod than to buy a cheap now ono.

deed of conveyance thoroof exocutod and delivered in favor oftho government and acceptedby it.

Ministor Coopor announcod thatthe President had signed tho billsrotating to the duty on spirituousliquors, alcohol for tbe uso of tbeQueen's Hospital ond tho appro- -

for tho exponsos of thelegislature.Senato Bill 39, licenses to

manufacture wine from Hawaiiangrapes, was referred to the Committee on Commerce.

.Hquso "Bill "(Si', amending ihoBail way Act, was referred to thoCommittee on Public Lands.

House Bill 85, appeals fromDistrict Magistrates, passed firstreading aud went to tho JudiciaryCommittoe.

The Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and appropriatiug $5000 thorefor wasadopted unanimously.

At 11 a. m. tho Senate ad-journed.



District of Honolulu for the Week End-ing May 11, 1808.

Ah "Wai, Chinese m, 10 years,suicide.

Ah Ung, Ohinoso f, 12 yoars,suicide.

Eim Pong, Ghineso m, 2months, syphilis.

Chun Nho, Ghineso m, 3months, umiasiuuB.

Kalilioku Akunn, Hawaiian f, CO

years, old age.Tin Cheo, Chiuoso m, 1 month,

enteritis.Maria Moraos, Portugusos f, 8

yoais, peritonitis.Eaiani, Hawaiian m, 2 weeks,

hernia.G. W. Keaweamahi, Hawaiian

m, 45 years, consumption.Male infant oE AUChow.4 days,

-v---- -- -inanition.Ikuta, Japanese m, 22 years,

typhoid fover.Maria Corroiro, Portuguese f,

5 mouths, uahtro enteritis.Koloniona, Hawaiian m, 1 yoar,

cause of death unknown.Kaeha, Hawaiian f, 74 yoars,

old age.Haloa, Hawaiian m, 70 yoars,

old ago. v


Number of Them at the IHngbott forNeglect of Rule.

Officor Sniu Macy, with hisdrag net, 1ms been at work bring-ing into tho toils drivors who loaveihoir horses untied in tho publicthoroughfares. Thero was quitea batch of the luckless ones boforothe magistrate this morning whowere fined and lectured. It is agood move on the part of tho car-riage inspector, and will in allprobability put an oud to tho run-away acoidents of frequent happoning lately.

Uchida oud Fuijama, two dimi-nutive subjects of the Mikado,were fined $2 apiece for druuken-nes- s.

A too liberal indulgence insako caused thoir "pilikia'

At the Uotel,

The Governraout band will playat tho hotel this evening, with thofollowing selections:

PART I.Overture. American,. ReedFantasia. Let's bo a Soldier

: EllenbergReminiscences of Bellini GodfreySolo and Chorus. Like no a Like

Miss Annlo Kanoho.

PART II.Cornot-- Solo. ,. Tramp, Tramp,

Tramp .,.., BarnliouseMr. rillnrloB TTrAiitni.

Medley. American Airs -- Beyer"'" i'ur iiiuo uuiy WUIUICUIOIGalop. Full Speed Ahead Ingalls

Hawaii Ponol.

Libel Caae.

Tho caso of the editor of thoEdmund Nm-ri-

charged with libol, was on trialthis morning boforo Judgo Perry.Humphroys and' Oreighton arenlln.nn... f.. l. J(..l-- 1ubtuiucjro &ui buu UU1UUUUUU


Bill Passes House to Exclude Foreign

Corporations from Hawaii.

Tbe Bill to Regulate Horse Doctoring Is Car-

ried Hurrying the Committee In-

vestigating Accounts.

Upon motion of RepresentativePoga. tho report of the PublicLands Committee in roforenco totho harbor work was mado thespecial order of day for tomorrow,at which timo the members of theCabinet have been asked to bepresent.

Representative Richards' motionto the effect that tho Finance Committee bo aslud to report to tinHouse progress of their work ofinvestigating I ho bonks and ac-

counts ' of tno various publicoffices, including the Postofiici,Postal Saviuus Bank, Board ofHealth, Water Works office, etc.,as far as thty had proceeded, wascarried and the Committeo askedto report at onco

House hill 79, to regulate theprsctiso of vo'-r- in iry surgery,medicine and dentistry, passedthird reading by vote of nine tothreo. Tho bill provides for theappointment of a Board of Vetorinary Medical Examiner who-i- e

duty it shall be to examine allapplicants for a license to practiceas veterinarii'S, hs to their qualifications for tho profession. Anyperson who hIiuII practiso as avetoriuary without first obtaininga lioeuso is subject to a fine ofriot to exceed S'200.

Houo .Bill 55, kuowu asjhoRapid TraiiHit Dill, was sotf(jrthird reading tomorrow.

Senate Bill 17, relating to registry of vosst-ls- , was postponed until tomorrow third reading.

Senato Bill 30, rotating to Appeals and Bills of Exceptions,passed third reading unanimously.

Houso Bill 57, relating to corporatiousaud incorporated companios organized undo tho laws ifforeign couutrios and carrying onbusiness in this Republic, cameup for third reading.

Rep. Robertson movod to strikeout that portion of tho bill whichprohibits foreign railroad andbanking corporations from exor-cising tl o pnw rs conferred bylaw upon railroad or banking corporations.

After considerable discussiontho motion w s lost.

Rep. Gear stated that ho wasstrongly opposed to legislationagainst any sp cial classes of foreigu corporations, aud as tho motion to striko out tho objectionable portion of the bill had beenlost ho would have to voto agaiustthe bill.

Tho bill passed third roadingby tho following voto:

Ayes Richards, Aohi, Paris,Pouuo, Knliaulelio, McCandloss,Wilder, lsouberg and liaoo 0.

Noes Loebeustoin, Robertson,Gear and Speaker Eaulukou 4.

Reces.8 until 1:30.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 cts. permonth.

Roal make tbe load pure,wbolMm and dtllcleaa.


&AKIPPOWDERAbiolutcly Pure

nM atkiMa rowoc OS.. MW WMt.


Shorter Route Than Via Hawaii for

Cable to Japan.

Exclusive Franchises Have Been the Rule All

0?er Have Been Offered by Both

America and Japan.

Tho Bulletin has had accessto a document from official chan-

nels at Washington in tho PaciGccablo matter, tho substanco ofwhioh it is permitted to uso whilofor the present withholding thenames of author and roeipiont.From the writing in question thefollowing list is eiven of couutriosthat havo given exclusive franchises for submarine telegraphcables:

England. Exclusive rightshave been granted or appnmufortho establishment of cables be-

tween Great Britain, France, Bel-

gium, Holland, Germany, Norway,Sweden, Denmark, Spain audPoitugal

Newfoundland.---A- n exclusiveright for landiug Euglish cableswas granted by Newfoundland andratiBed by the British Goveru-mou- t.

FrtANOE. An exclusive rinbt fortho establishment of au Atlanticcablo connecting with the Islandof St. Pierre, off tho coast of NovaScotia. Preferential guai autoesand subsidies for French

traffic to the French cablesconnecting with thoUnited States,Havti and French West IndiaIslands.

SrAlN. Exclusive riyhls forthe establishment of caiildi to thoCanary Islands, Afnca andBrazil, also connecting Cuba withthe United States, and Cuba withWest India Islands.

Poiitucial. Exclusive rightsfor the cables connecting withGroat Britain, also Brazil and thoAzores.

Buazil. Exclusive rights forconnecting Brazil with the UnitedStatos, also with Africt, Spaina;.d Portugal Exclusive rightscovering tho wholo coast of Brazil.

Pru. Exolusivo rights forcables northward from ivru.

Ecuador. Exclusive liuhtscovering the wholo shore of Ecua-dor

United Stateb op Colombia.Exclusive rights for the establish-ment of cables southward from,i ho Isthmus of Panama.

Mexico. Exclusive rights forthe establishment of cables on thecoast of tbe Gulf of Mexico, andPacific Coast of Mexico.

JAPAN.-Exclusiv- o rights forcables connecting Japan withChina and itui

United Statbs. The exclusive right for connecting the Uni-ted States (Coast of Florida) withCuba and other Wost India isl-

ands by Act of Congress approvodMay 5, 18GG.

Referring to tho application ofthe Pacifio Cablo Co. pouding bo-

foro Congress, tho author of thepapor reforrod to says:

" 8uch an oxclusivo privilegewould not create a monopoly,, be-

cause the wholo Pacifio ocoan, byother routes, is open and a cablecould bo laid say from Seattlevia Alaska to Japan whioh wouldbo about half tho length of a cablefrom this country to Japan viaHawaii."

Tho writer says that anotherfact of importance is the groat costof a cablo across tho Pacifio, audadds: "Japan and tho ' UnitedStates have Loretoforo granted exclusivo franchises, and I boo noreason why this ono should notbo granted."

British Keeping Ready.A Hongkong dispatch of April

30 says:Tho British twarships and tor--

at Hongkong havoEodo-boa-


forbidden to commence froshrepairs, whioh would soom to in-

dicate tho possibility of n move-ment in the near futuro upon thopart of tho British floot.

The oldest and best.2JHReliable and newsy. JH

Uniformly leads. The WMEvening Bulletin does M

wPkiob 5 Oents. M



Adherents of Queen Emma Resent Slurs

on Her Memory.

Publication of Lllluokalanl's Book In the Native

Language Is Opening the Eyes

of Native Hawallans."

Tho publication of ox-Qu-

Liliuokalani's book in tho Ha-

waiian language in ono of thonativo newspapers is creating avery great deal of talk among thonativo Hawaiiaus overywhoro.Tho book is discussed everywhere,in their homes, at luaus and atsociety meetings, and it is varygonorally douounced. That por-tion of tho book which finds mostcondemnation in native eyes isthat rolatin to Queen Emma. Inspeaking of that royal lany Liliu-okala- ni

said ntnony other thingsthat she was low born. Thiseooms to bo tho last straw thathas broken the camel's backof tho natives' faith in' theirex Queen. Tho adherents andadmirers of Queen Euimar'andthey compriso a very largo majo-rity of the Hawaiian race, are bit-terly donouueing the statementsconcerning Queen Emma made inLiliuokalani's book, and say thatshe horself is the lowborn ono.Officers and members of the pro-minent native societies nio sayingopenly that they aro dono withLihuokalaui forever, and thatwhile they oppose annexation theydo not want tho backagain.

Another siatement mado in Li-li- u

'kalani's book ilint biu Ii a'no tiuaneiul rissistance-fro-

anyone in lur troul.lcs isalso strouuously denied, and eventho names and' amounts of dona-tions sont to her uro freely men-tioned.

A gentleman who is in a posi-lio- n

to know whereof ho speakssaid to tho writer yesterday:"Thn nnrilinniinn rf T.i Ii jilrnTci Mi'abook in tho nativo lauguuge hasremoved the last trace of aloha forher in the native heart Hor de-

liberate and wanton onsla ghtaon the memory ot the do id QuoooEmma has alionato I even tuost)who have staged with her aud

in her to thin time. Ex-Quo-

Liliunkalam, and I Bay itadvisedly, lias not a friond left inHawaii today among tho natives,and they dou't caro what happensto her or whether thoy ever bocher again or not."

Vailing Author.

Horr Wilholm F. Brand, theauthor of "Allurlei nus Albion,"who arrived here on board thoDoric, is making a tour rouud theworld and is engaged in writing aseries of articles on his journeyfor a syndicate of Goimau, Aus-trian, Swiss, Rusbiau and Eng-lish papore. Herr lirund is stay-ing at tho Hawaiian hotel.

VIcotiuuiuu Homo, oorut'i Hoteland Nuuanu Btreets, lodging byday, week or month. Torma: 25and 60 couth por night. $1, und

1 25 oi -- - k.

AwardedHighest Honors World's Pair.

Qold Medal, Midwinter Fair.



A Pure drape Cream of Tartar PowAer.



tni' 'i r n a' fr S Him1 r iA wkt - immk 4

i TaH'iaH'






' a iff







Page 2: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At


'Br jm

r r'





Our Shoes TalkThey will apical to yon riow as tlioy

novor liavo before. No matter what tlio

prioo yon pay, our SHOES aro equal to it.Wo 'do not advocato buying cheai footwear,

but insido tlio prices quoted wo can gua-

rantee coinploto satisfaction in fit, wear andappearance.

A. E. MURPHY & CO.205 Hotel St., Arlington Block.

Just Received Ex "Mauna Ala."


Hay, Bran, Barley,Surprise Oats, Wheat,

..Middlings and Cracked Corn.Wo havo also received a fresh supily of

Port Costa and Starr Flours.

California Feed CompanyTele-Dhon-e 121.

"The Hawaiian"

A. "WeeklyN"ews;pa.;per

Devoted to the Agriculturaland Horticultural De- -

7i)s volopniont of tlio Ha-

waiian Islaaids.

Issued Saturdays.


Oao Year M

Oos Year (Foroleu nostuco paid).Six Months ,r " '.......STjc Months (Domestic) ....Bfagto Copies ....

2 002 801 251 00


Advertising Kates on ap-

plication to Business Office.

"The Hawaiian,"

210 King Street,Honolulu, H. I.

Tommy K. Nathaniel,

Office: Kulawao, Molokal, H. I.

Abstract and BusinessOffice Agency.

Having been entrusted from busi-ness men all over the Islands for thepast years, I am prepared to makeAttafrnnfn nf 'Fltlna n. Tlaajlu In v.natthorough, accurate and complete man-ner, and to negotiate sales or leases oflands beloiiKl ng to thoio who are ro-- 1

aiding at the Settlement on short no- -'

Hoe. C33-3- !

Queen Street


By last steamer from the Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, where tbe

BEST CUSTOM WORKIt) Ioup repairing and new worhootb. Pins, rings, braoelets, watch-nHklii- K,


H. G. BIART, - 40.4 Fort StAdministrator's Notice.

Tlio undorslgnod having boon dulyappointed administrator of tho Estato ofII. J. Kasby, lata of Paoullo, Ilamakua,Hawaii, deceased. Nntlnn i,i,filveu to all persons, havlnc claimsagainst tlio Estate of itho said H.J.Kasby, to presont tho ksuho, duly autbon-tleato- d,

to tho undonilgned at his olllcoat Houokaa, Ilamakua, Hawaii, within' " "10 aata "oroor, ortlioywill bo for ever barrod. And all persons

Indebted to said Estate aro horoby re-quested to inako immedlato paymontthoroof to Uio undorsltrnod.

w. ii. mcacAnD,Administrator of tho litato of II. J.Kasby, doceasod.Honokaa, prll 1, 1898. 885-l-

Notice to Creditors.All creditors nf tlin T!Tatnnri,n.tn

T. Qullck, deceased, aro notified topresent their claims with proper vou-chers and duly verified to the under-signed, Executrix of said Estate, atNo. 230 King street, Honolulu, withinsix mouths from and after the publi-cation of this notice otherwise, theywill bo f rever barred.

SAREPTA A. GULICIC,Executrix of tho Estate of CharlesT. Gullck, deceased. 809-l-

Por Rent.Houso containing four rooms, with

Kitchen, pantry and storeroom. Pre-mises On r.lllllR Utroot nnnnoUn TT..Klui. Immediate nosseHslm. rIvai,For terms apply Co W. O. Parke,Koahumauu street, or C. CrelghtouMerchant street. 788-- tf


Veterinary Surgeon. 510 Fort Street.

Orders left at Club or PantheonStanles will bo received and promptlynttendcdDiscases of dogs a specialty.

The Evening Bulletin, 75 da, permonth.



Tbat Number of Dollars Needed to Com-

plete tbe Richards Street Slip.

More Than Fifty-Eig- Thousand Dollars Al

ready Spent on It According to Figures

Furnished the Legislature.

In tho Sonato yesterday morning, tbo ActiDg Mimstoi of Inte-rior presontrd tbo answots of bisdepartment to tbo qu'Btions pio-poun- ded

by Senator McOandlnsHconcerning tho now slip at tlioPacific Mail dock, as follows:

Question 1. Will you pleaseBtnto, did tbo govornmont ndvortieo for tonders for oxcavating thnslip at tbo PaciGo Mail whaif? Ifso, woro tbere any bids and pleasestate the amount por yard bid byeach Bpparato biddor?

Answer : Calls for tenders wereadvertised in New York, SouFrancisco and Victoria, underdHte or October 28, 1890. Thebids were opoued December 31,189C, and were as foil own:


Cubic Yard

Sau Francisco BridgeCompany $ 175

J. J. Dunn, 8. F 1 98John Ouderkirk, Hono-

lulu 140California Br idgo and

Construction Co.. .. 1 89Ealley & Co., Washing-

ton, D.O 4 47P. Sauford Bobs, Jeroy

City 14 00

Quei-tio- 2. How many yardshave been excavated up to thepr. sent t mo ? How mauy yardsof it 1 coial, and how much per

ard has it cost; also how mauyyards still remain to be excavatedto complete tho Blip?

Answer. A complete survey ofHi hards utreet slip butt beeu

made, wh'ch givoa the followm.results as to cubio yards excavated,cost por yard, and total cost up toMai oh 31, 1898; also a computa-tion of ibe number of yards to beexcavated and the estimated cost



Cost perCu. yds. yd.

Sand 2,312 81.81)3Soft Coral.,.25,-13- 1.805Hard Coral. 1,450 .1.035


$ 245300



Mntorlal. Cu. ydsSand 030Soft Coral...ll,(J01Hard Coral.21,330




Cost peryd.


ToUt Cost.4,381



Total Cost.$ 1,103 85

21,089 5804,754 70

33,570 $87,938 19

This work has been done under.the supervision of J. S. Emeisouof tho Bureau of Survoy. Thoestimates aro accompanied by aplat; of the slip, and also croes-scctio- ns

illustrating tbo amountof excavation and tho amount ofmatter to bo excavated before tbe.lip is completed.

These figure are large ooouchto require all tbo coosideratiouthis undertaking is receiving attbe liands of both Houses of theLegislature.

China Patntlnar KxUbltlon.Miss Alice F. Horrick will moot

the ladies who are to join herpainting classes on Monday nextat 10:30 a. m. at Y. M. C A. MissHemck's exhibition will bo opentomorrow morning to any whomay wmh to visit tbo studio.

If you want gasoline in a hurryring up Telerhono 907.

Nicely furnished roons at thoPopular Honse, 154 Fort street,from $1.00 per week up.

For a nice clean shave or anartistic hnircutdrop in to tbe EliteBarber Shop, King street, noarAlakoa.

Orders solicited for specialraonu or dinnor cards, dono inwater colors or oils. King Bros.,Hotel street.

VloanuniOfl' Home, enrnnr Hntoland Nunanu streets. Indmna hiday, week or month. Terms: 26ana ou cents por nigra. $1, and

1 25 ner week.

Lois, out flowors and floral pieces,furnished on short notice and delivered. Mrs. A. L King, at Woman's Exchange. Tolophono 659.Houso Tolophono 894.

1. t

f. ?

"Nono ovor graduated from

tbo school of Experience"

and wo aro still learning, butone of tho things wo'vo al

ready gotten by heart is, thattho dealor who soils tho bestgoods is tho ono who stays

longest in business, makes tho

most money and is most res-

pected in tho community.JuBt got our Cataloguo and


Lewis & Go.




Is any old thing goodenough for you $

Or do you want your

StationeryAND OTIIKK

Printing Matters

Up-To-Dat- e?

Tho questions aro unnecessary. You can gottho best at tho

Etfglflllj BULLETIfl


Printing House210 King St., Honolulu, H.I.

Turkeys ! Turkeys !


AliTe. Dresser or Roasted.


Chickens, Ducks and

Sucking Pigs



(tain! leal Market,

JSTouanu Street.Leave Your Orders Early.

Tele-Dhon- e lOL



Manila CigarsReceiving Regularly Every Steamer

Havana, American and Manila Cigars,

Smoking and Chewing Tobacoos,

Pipes and Smokers' Artioles.

HOLLISTER & .CO.,Corner Eort & Morchant Streets.




Pleasantly Located Lo.tl

On King St., nearJWaikiki Road

Double-walle- d, Well-buil-tModern Cottages.

K Artesian Water with Title of Property. For cashor on tho instalment plan.









3QEBHG5SH pjSiauKas?


tT VfZ

8 tO

K re




IH--- 8 7-- V

Dining Rook






Stf 35


:. .


Ilrg1f J

--T.' 'E. " l rJw, "tttrwCZi

m'.J 7


Bed Room,



-i- - Parlor r cf

tfs,-- . '.-

- BeoRooAt. -Porch

w a p

pint!GEAR, LANSING fc CO.,

2io King Street.



wra- - i, 'v,, mm,d&, AJilkdfei tiSto&ikm lyifeifc; tAk.1 I

Page 3: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At




San Fnndtco AgmUTsn Nivada Bunt orBAH HBAHOIBOO.

DRAW Bxoauioi OX

Bam Kbakoisco The Nevada Bank of BinFrancisco.

Loudon Th Union Hank of London, Ltd.Niw YoaK American Exchange National

Bank.Ghoaoo Merchant National Bank.Pabis Comptolr National a'icscompi ae

Paris.IBirmn Dresdner Bank.1 HOMOKOItO AHD TOKOUAMA UOngKOHg X

Shanghai Banking Corporation.j Niw Zealand akd Australia Bank of New

Zealand.Victoria ahd Vahcouvbr Bank of British

North America.

Timet a General Banting; and EiiMge Business

Denolsts Received. Loans made on Approved security. ;ommcrcii uu iiavcitmCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.COLLIOTIOMS PROMPTLT ACCOUKTID FOB.

Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets July, 1897, f118,708.25.

Money Loaned on Approved Seourity.A BavinRa Bank for Monthly Deposits.

.Douses Built on the Monthly Installmenty Plan.cuteentn aenes 01 stooa now open.

For Inrther particulars apply toAv V. GEAR, Secretary.

Chamber of Commerce Rooms.Offlco hoars. 12:301 130 P.M. 373-t- f

-- Established 1853


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial und Traveler'sLetters of Credit issued, avail- -

able ia all the principal citiesof tho world.

TJje Yokohama Specie Bank;MMITZD.

Subscribed Capital Sen 12,000,000Paid Op apltal Von 7,600,000Beserve Pond Yen 6,464,500


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe,- - London, Lyons, New Vork,

Han Francisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Trim-iot- 'lanetal Banking nd El'change Bnsinesa.

genoy Yokohama Spette bank

New KepiiDlic Banding, ill in St, BonololD.


Boyal Insurance Company.Alllanoe Assuranoe Company.Alliance Marine and Oeneral Assnranot

CompanyBuu Lite Asaurauoo Company o! CanadaWilhelmaof Uadgeburg Insuranoe Gom

pany.boottlsn union and National insuranot


Boom 14 Sprockets Mock, Uonolnln, 11. 1

BttUCE OAKTWRIGUTGeneral Manager of

Tho Equitable Life assurance Society

01 the United Hlaiea lor the HawaiianIslands.

Orr'oxi Merohani street, Honolulni


The celebrated EnterpriseBeer on Draught and inBottles. .


No,.tS Queen Street.

Expert Appraisement of RealEstate and P'rni'titre,

Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluITelnnhoner 2M P.O. Box 470



225 Queen street, Honolulu, H, 1

HOP WO & CO., .

Merchant TailorsSalts of Linen Duct, Woolen, Etc.,

At very low prices. ,

King, near corner Riohards.


Asjc Your Doctorwhat effect alum has upon the stomach. Thenmake up your mind whether will put

low-pri- ce baking powder into your husband'sor children's food.

Schilling's Best is pure cream tartarsoda. else. w

Art Portraits

Chesney W. Ewlng, a leadingpainter of San Francisco, Is

now In Honolulu and connected withour studio. His work hero Is already

On Exhibition

and admired by all who seo It.Water color and Crayon portraiturefrom llfcslzo to miniatures. A spe-cialty is mado of painting on Ivoryand porcelain. Got your

Sweetheart's Pictureon your watch dial, or that of anyloved one. photographing i,y th0latest science, with special regard toposing and grouping, still makesours tho

Best Place.

At the old stand In Fort street,


The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

:or. Alakea & Halekauwila Bta.

it i largo HBSortment of

and Elec-trical Goods

UntiHttintly on band.

tfistimutes given for bouse wir-- nand Electrical plants.

vl urine Wiring u specialty.

THEO. HOFFMANN,td Manager.

Yee Sins: TieLargeWioket

sDMLBi'ks'' Chairsof theLatHstStyles


FurnitureOl all kinds.

Fiirt Street, opp. Club Stables

Ivory WareLacquer WareSilver WareCrockery WareWingWoTai&Co.

214 Nuuanu Street


plant for hulling,. poUahlng and assortingooffee, we are prepared to buy and oleaicoffee In the parohme'nt.


Apply to


. . S. IWASHITA,,Watchma- - tffo Gold & Sil-kc- r,

' 'ifa vorsmith.No, 417 street, next to Love's


lafOHXArErt in Town JEk


you anymore

of andNothing





tail id mTIME TABLE.

0. L. WIGHT, Fres. B. B. ROSE, Bee,Oapt. J. A. KINO, FortSo.pt.

Stmr. KINAU.CLARKE, Commander,

Will leave Honolulu at 10 A. M., touching alLahaina, Maalaea Bay and Mwkona thtsaniedayj Mahukona. Kawalhaeand

the following day, arriving atUllo the same evening.


Friday May 20 Wed'sday-Ma- y 18Tuesduy... May 31 Saturday-- May 28Tliursday...Juno 0 Wed'sday.. Juno 8

lleturning, will leave Ullo at l o'oloo.f. m., touohlug at Laupahoehoe, Mahnkona and Kawalhae aauie dayj Maken.,llaalaea Bay and Lahaina the followin,dayj arriving at Honolulu the afternoonof l nesday and Fridays.

"in can at i'otioikl, Puna,No Froisht will tu ,ui..j -- ...

0 a. m. on day of sailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,CAMERON, Commander,

V1I1 leave Honolulu fuesday at 6p.Mtouching at Kahuiul, Hana, HamoaancfKipahuu, Maui. Returning arrives mHonolulu Bunday mornings.

Will call at Nun, Kaupo, on second tniit eaoh month.WMo Freisht will he nuuttva. ...

4 p. M. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves the right imake changes in the time of deDartnn, ..iA "? ,eule without notice anit will not be responsible for any oons.juences arising therefrom.

Consignees must be at the Landlnos ureceive their Fiwightj this Company wt'not hold itself responsible for freight aftoiIt haB been landed.

Live .Stock only at owner's risk.This Oompauy will not be responsib.

tor Money or Valuables of passengerintent, plaoed In the care of Pnrmira

Packagos containing porsonal offocts,whothor shlppod ns baggago or freight,Jf tho contontn thoroof oxcood $100,00 Invaluo, must novo tho valtio thoroofiimmiy buhou ana markod, and thoCompany will not hold Itsolf llablo forany loss or damago In oxcossofthlssum oxcopt tho goods be shlppod undera special contract.

AH einployoos of tho Company aroforblddon to rocolvo freight without

a shipping rocolpt thorofor intho form prescribed by tho Companyand which may, bo soon by shippersupon application to tho pursors of thoCompany's Stoamors.

Shippers are notified that If freight isshlppod w(thout such rocolpt, It will bosololy at tho risk of tho shipper.

tanengen. are requested to puroruu.ticket efore embarking. Those failing tlo o will e aubjeot to an additionoharge of twenty-riv- e per cent.



r?iSsl-n- i

txziTti;"is r I'Xmcj nriiflcc E.2"2.akt " tM nr vnns " -

rz rr o


o rz rr rI- -"




Evening Bulletin 76c per month


Great Program In the nig Circus TentTonlsht.

This evening's performance ofWilliBon's circus will be for thebenefit of th6.Liliputiaus. Obiefamong these is liltlo Elsio St.Leon, i tbo wonderfully cleveryouDg equestrienne. Elide, was amore, midget when ebe appearedhero two yeats ngo in Wirth'scircus, but she won a'large' shareof applaufio.'nlybtly. Siuco thattime blie baa improved her ridingand other feat fa-t- or than aim banurown. Thero will ho a tug nf-u-ar

iu the tout this ovoniug botweon two of tho ntronaent locallearns. The circiiB features will boof the beet in Mr. Willisou's

ropnrioiro. For thourautl finalp will be preno tfl tbatevergreen joy of boyhood's das"Dick Tut pin's Rid to Y.rk; or,The Death of Bla.k Bhbs."

Willison is uiving a yreat dealof fun to the people. It will iloanybody a lot of good to ro-- t intho comfortbblf eent- -, withitt thecool pavilion, and WHtch the livelyperformers for an hour nr two.

Intarance Han Entertains,N. Em mot May gave a vory ble

"stag" dinner last uightat tho Arlington prior to bis doparture for tho Sfatoa. Mr. Mayib very well known and popular inthe insurance and business circleof Houolulu, and bis many friendswin mica him exceedingly. Hopromises to return in about throemonths unless bis plans be mater-ially changed At ibo din'nor lastnight (ieo. U. Gear was toMBtmastor. rhose called upon respond-- readily. Among the speakem and toasts were: "Tho'Americ-a- n

Nhvv," Dr. "Waysou; "ThoPreeB," R. W. Shmulej "The La-die- B,"

Theo. F Lansing; "The(Sharpshooters," Q H. lierroy;'The LouiHlaiure," A. V. Onar;"lusuranca and Insmance M-n,- "

N. Eraraet Mav: "The Flnt? WeLovo," Geo D Getr; "Bacliehirs."Mr. Uerp. Afii'rcinars and coffnetho parly adjournal t tin haoholor quarlem of Geo D. Gear andthnevouii g was finished tiff withau impromptu runner'.

, Topka Ort Orrr.The U 8. S. Topoka arrived

safely in N-- Yrk on the tuorn-i- n

of My 1. She whs formorlythoDiogone. Tnii hbip was re-ported sunk in it collision with thehark Albatross in tbo EnglishouHiinni. mo udlletin last M.mday phvh the truo neus that it wasa Uritisu steamer that was in col

iou with Iho AlhairoxH. and thathup was not Huuk hut bad arrivedat an Enlih port


Old the Talent.This is what the Sterling Bicy

cle did to tbo talent at Oyclomere,Baturday, April 30. We capturodfirst, jocund or third iu all trialsand first in all fiuala. Jones, nnefirst, one second; 8 lva, one first,no miru; ainu, two urst; Lmflloff,

two first; Brede, one third; Jaek-so- n,

one third. Total six Arete,one second, throe thirds. PacificOyclo and Manufantnring Oompany, agentsSierling Bioyole.

What Happened to Jonrs.Jtines ent into the Criterion

Bwrbr Shop t o a hair cut anda scrape an ho would in anv Hhnn.Jones came out of the Oitoiionnaiber Shop more than ph'asrdwitn mo manner in which ho hadbe.au gromod, and romarked to af iend that behtd atla-i- t found aunxcnptiou to t'ift g'tioral run ofharbor shops and would bocomo apermauent patrons.

Christian Worker.The regular weekly meoting of

the Christian Woikers will bohold tomorrow afternoon at 8:80o'clock at Iho Y. M . 0 A ball.Mr. BlcLomb will speak withreferouro to "Reecue Work." Allare cordially invited to be present.

8. S. Zealandla.Cherries, Rhubarb, Asparagus,

NavelaOrango.Colery, Cauliflower,Fresh Salmon, Crabs, FrozenOysters (tin and shell), Apples,Grapes, Figs, Lemons, BurbankPotatoes, Pure Olivo Oil, DryFruit, Now Crop of Nuts, Raisins,otc, oto.


.Frames modo at short noticefor all kinds lof nicturoa ordiplomas. King Bros., 110 Hotelstroot.

The Remington Typewriter





BRUSSELS EXPOSITION OF 1897.US? This is tlio Highest Possible Awakd, ranking

above a Gold Medal.

H. HACKFELD & CO., LtdSole

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.- Thm.Finr fencer Stoamors of This Lino Will Arrive at anLeave This Port as Horeunder. .

Froni San Franoisco:ZEALANDIA May 11MARIPOSA May 25ZEALANDIA Juno 8


In conneotionwitb the Bailing of tho abovo steamers, the Agentare prepared to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon througbtickets by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in UttUnitod States, and from Now York by any stoamBhip lino tool!European ports.

For furthor particulars applj to

Wm. Gr. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S S. Co.



of Honor


For San Franoisoo:ZEALANDIA May'"17

May25ZEALANDIA Juno-1- 4



-- f. U. UOX

A. NATURAL MEDICAL SPRUNG WATERfor Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Diseases of tbo Kidnoyand Bladder, Skin Eruptions, Etc., Etc.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

Just Ooened Tip anCnvoice of . .' .


Japan Flavor, English, Breakfast and Ceylon. Also,

SCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER.Give them a trial, Money baok if you don't like theto. a'1so, Just reoolved

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Brand Bacon, Hams, Crackers and Cakes,

Mild Cheese, Smoked Beef,Choice Humboldt Potatoes, Etc., Etc., Etc

Chas. Hustace,212 King Btreet, next to tho Arlington.



groceries. Provisions and FeelNew Goods Deceived by Every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe "


fREBH CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY 8TEAMEB' 'AH Orden faithfully attended to and Goods Delivered to any

Part of Uie City FBEE,

Gonoral Agents for tbo Sanitarium Brand of Health FoodslaiAjru Ohdok tJouomo,



, Bauiaoio GrjAXAirnriAND KING STREETH


Page 4: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At





Evening Bulletinrublishod Kory Day oxoopt

Sunday nt 210 King street,Honolulu, U. I.

Sl'IlSCKItTION hates:For Month, nnyuhoro In tho Ha- -

wallan Islands $ 75For Year , 8 00For Timr, potpnld to Amorlm.

Cniladn or Mexico; 10 00For Year, postpaid , othor Foreign

Countrios i 13 00


TKi,i:iiioNKs:Iliwlncss Olllco 250lTdltorinl Itoom 109

F. O. llox 404.

A.V Gkaii... Publisher nnd ProprietorDanikii Looak KdltorC. A. Pktkhson Malinger

THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1898.

It is learned that one of the chiefsticking points presented by theExeuu'ivo to the Legislature, re-

garding the. ponding Pacific cnblobill is that, if Hnwnii give n chartor to the ScrytUBer company andtho United States do uot, thorowill onue n hangup of cablo prospects indefinitely: To tho argu-

ment in reply that tho effect of thoHawaiian charter might be condi-

tioned upon the granting of anAmerican chatter, it is pointedout that tho bill would evon thenbo giviDg a sort of whip handle totho Sorymser company over its re-

puted rival at Washington. Sup-po- so

it doee ? If ScrymBer wasfirst cmno with the most accepta-ble offot ever made to this coun-

try, why should he not by thogood old blacksmith's rule bo Gistserved ? There was uot such suporfiuo delicaoy toward competitors

ni.d bona fide ones at thatwhen this Government cave itssnap judgment in favor of thoSpolding franchise the most propoateou9; piece of projected rob --

bory by, speculators ever ottemptedupon this country in cablomatters. That only plunder wnsin tho eyes of tho promotersappears in n wolldnfined reportfrom the Uuited States that, withtliHt weapou in their hands, theybled English capitalists to thotuue of 805,000 undor cover of"preliminaries." Perhaps it willfully servo tho only object forwhich the Bulletin is contend-ing that of o'ting a cable assoon as possible to make theHawaiian franchise an open oneto the firbt company that may rocoive n franchise from the UnitedStates. In our humble opinion,however, this courso would belike throwing a bono midway betweon two hungry dogs on thebrink of a precipice. Thorowould be a fiorco struggle tomutual doath aud tho bone wouldgo to waste.

It will go down to posterity instory and song, how the Americansailors would not fire on thoSpanish Admiral when ho wasescaping from his burning flagship. Tho iucidout almost bringsthe dawn of a hope for the corainuof a time soon, when nations willlook each othor in tho faco nlonj.the sights of their shotted guns,simultaneously givo tho ordm"Don't shoot !" aud then go normond settle their disputoby arbitraHon. A little later tho gun partwould bo left out of the performaaco.

Wellington, N. Z., advices bytho Aorangi rpport a rise in koro-bqi- io

in New also a riseof fivo shillings in flour at Sydney, owing to tuo war. If tho warlaBt any timo thero will bo doarorprices for many things, and ourpeoplo might do worse than accoptbargains now while offered bylocal morchants-alway- s preferringof course merchants who are in-

telligent enough to advertiso intho Bulletin.

An account of tho placing ofmines in San Francisco har-bor reprinted olsowhera willbo of . much interest horo,whoro wo havo so many steam and

liPIPf1 mw 'www1' pjjf'PiPPir" " IP'11

sailing v seels to nud from thatport.

fiivu Bnmpson bulf an hour togetaway wi h the pntes of Havana.

Moueniter Nervlco.

r n. n : .:n txj, v, uaiuiuiuuH will ut'glu ft

messenger sorvico tomorrow morning, wnh headquarters at his fruitstore, King aud Alakea streots.Messages and packages will be dlivercd to all parts of the city, andprompt sorvico with reasonablechnrges is promised. Hours ofwervico will bo from G in themorning until 12 midnight. Thomesseugor boys aro in noat uni-form and selected with caro forthoir brightness and alacrityThey are equipped with bioj cles.A messongor servico is about theonly thine, besides rapid transitand a cable to tho Coast, whichHonolulu needs badly just now.


What They Should and ghonld Not Wentto Look Well.

Women of middle ago, with jrrowndaughters or even lnfnnt grandohlldrcn,nro often nt n loss how to dross. Thoirtocth, their hair, their complexion, showDo deterioration, their flguro remains Im-

peccable: yet they nro no longer young.Old Indies' etylos nro qulto umsultnblo,joung Indies' Btylcs nro not dignifiedenough. A ccrtnln reposo nnd resrovo nronecessary, nnd tho oxnet limits of tbosonroonly to bo decided by good tnste nnd olenrelghtodncss. To dress too youthfully Issimply to exaggerate, In nppenrnnco, thenctunl number of ono's yenrs, making ovl-do-

tho lack of charms whloh havo van-ished rather thnn tho prusenco of ohnrniswhich have been retained.

In glomes, shoes nnd underwear thero Isno question of ngo. Whntovcr Is prettyand comfortable, suited to tho pursonndporson of tho wearer, is correct In moreconspicuous nttlre, honovcr, It Is necessary




to bo careful nnd to Etrlko tlio happy me-dium between juvenility nml ago, frivolitynnd austerity.

Rich matorlnla aro always appropriate formaturity. Brocades, satins voh ots, plushesnnd olabnrnto Bilk nnd wool Roods nro suitnblo fabrics for tlio nilddlo aged woman,who should avoid tho simple enshmerus,challlos and muslins of youth as niuab aspossible and spend lior wurdrobo moneyrather on onoor two mora oxponsUoKownpmado In such a way that thoy will not Im-

mediately go out of fashion. Tho princessstylo norcr declines from favor. It Is dignldcd nnd Incroascs.tho slondornoss of thoflguro and Is thoroforo spoclally suitablefor women who aro no longer young.

Tho plcturo Bhows a gown of green vel-vet, timing a tralnod skirt with a puffedtabllor, tho puffs dlvldod by Jet passemen-terie. Tho coat bodlco has a short basque,with a polntod yoko of vclvot at tho backand coqulllo rovers in front, whloh openover a vest of black laoe over mnuvo silk.Tho wrinkled slocvos match tho tnblier.The ornamontal buttons aro of steel, thocravat of niamo moussolino de solo. Thotoquo of grton volvet is trlmmod with vio-lets. JUDIC ClIOLLET.

Fashion Echoes.Quills ore all tho rago In millinory.From Paris comes tbo cry that vbito

cloths uro worn for ccromoulous occa-sions nud for thc.itor box parties.

Tlio Roman sash ribbons aro in vnemnagalu, with fringe on tho ouda

Camel's hair material Is in fnalilnnagain, nud it comes in nil thb nnwshad os.

Short bridal veils nro not half as lm.coming to bridesmaids us toques or pret-ty hats.

Malmaison ninlr. a now English nnr.fumo, is now In high favor among smartwomen.

Tho desire for rich, volvotv effects busextended to the trimming department,nnd ono sees chouillo embroldories, ohe.nlllo friugos nud cheuillo nots in groatprofuslou.

Flannel petticoats aro trlmmod withflounces of wush silk edged with lace.

Thero is a craze for very decant blaoktnffota house gowns.



Jlmely Jopta

MAY 9, 1898.

' Last week we drew your at-

tention to the good qualities ofthe Aermotor Steel Windmillbut did not mention the factthat although the Aermotor willpump more water than anyother mill, even with a poorPump, still even it will not doits best work unless attachedto a good pump.

We keep in stock to go withour 16ft. geared mills the

Gould Triple

Acting Pump,

which will furnish from 8000to 10,000 gals, per hour.

For our smaller mills wehave a pump which is manu-factured by the

Aermotor Go. Itselfand is just the thing for thosewho want a pump that is

cheep and, at the same time,the best of its kind.

THEHawaiian Hardware Co,


Opposite Spreokels' Bank.

Just Received




Beaver LunchROOM,

H. J. TTolte, Proprietor.011-3- 1

Steamer for Kohala andKona, Hawaii.

S. S. Ujiolu Is Intended to sail for u,

Kiiwiiilmo, Kullua, Nupoopoo,Hookona, Kaapunu, and othor Kohalanud Kon.v ports us may bo re((ulrol:

Tuosduy May 10 2 P. M.Friday " ".a doTuoMluy ". 31 do

For tonus of frolghtand passage applyto the Captain on board or to

TIIE0. II. DAVIUS it CO., LTD.009-l-


While on tho King street trnm ntWulklkl, u nurse containing $25. Arcwanl will bo given to tho Under whowill return the same to the Buli.ktinOlllco, 210 King street. 012-- 3t

Meeting Notice.

The regular quarterly meeting ofthe Union Feed Company, Ltd., willbo held nt tho Company's Olllco, onSATURDAY, May 14, 1898. nt 10o'clock a. m. l' It. VIDA,012-- Secretary Union Feed Co.

Pianos.All styles of Kroeaer ninnrm for

sale, for cash or on the instalmentplan. Old instruments exchangedfor new" ones. Pianos rented,tuned nnd rooaired. Telorjhono321. Bercstrom Musio Co.. Ltd..Masonio Temple.

Fenrson & Hobron koon a fineline of Punching Bags nnd Box-ing Gloves. They aro uondquartorsfor everything in tho lino of ath-loti- o


PMJLhMi JKiJldk-M.,- ,






Jingle 25c. and Take One-

Pacific Cycle & ManufacturingElders' Building.



Do You Know ThatThe best buy is at the storo whoro tho largestbusiness is done 1 Tho big business insures not onlyeconomics of buying and soiling but also fresh goods,

latest and best. Millinory is not carried horo as aside lino.


The Styles Are Entirely

Different from last year, and also different from whatyon find in millinory storo. Titovariety is larger than the combined stocks of tho en-

tire city could muster.

The Dressmaking

Is in keeping with


All owners of lots In tho NuuanuValley Cemetery re urgently equest-c- d

to attend a meetlnv of the OahuCemetery Assoclutlon, to be held nttho olllco of Jirucu Cnrtwrlght, onWEDNESDAY, Mny 18th, nt 10o clock n. m., for tho purpose of thoelection of Trustees nnd other Import-ant business.

A full attendance is desired.

W. M. GRAHAM,!X)6-2- Sec'y pro tern.

Spanish Lessons.

A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FORthose Intending to Join tho U. S. Armygoing to Cuba.

Spanish lessons to Ladles and Gen-tlemen will bo given by n thoroughSpanish Scholar.

Apply at th HUM.KTIN Ofllco, 210King street, Telephone 250. 008-l- w


Tho attention of British Subjects iscjillod to n notko, now on exhibit nt thoBrltlHh to nt this Port, of aPROCLAMATION OF NEUTRALITYIn tho war botwoon tho United Statesnnd Spain, which lms bcon slgnod bylior Majosty tboQuoon,aud will bo oxbl-blto- d

as soon as rocolvod.W. J. KENNY,

Hor Britannia Majosty's Acting

II. 1). M.'h Consulate-aonoro- l, Hono-lulu, May 7, 1808. 009-l-


California I

Xatched Teams,

Paihily, Hack and

Saddle Horses.

t&" Orders takon for nil classes ofHorses,

btables: King St., oppo. Singer's Bakery

j.a. McdonaldF. O. Box 4SS.

861 tf

3?or u wheol is tlio


You can cither strap or

Snap it on the frame of

Your and always

"Havo a Jingle."

place to


will tho ordinary

It is tho latest fad for olito

Bicyclo parties, and where

Ono or moro bikes aro in

Company tho "chime" is

Very pretty.

T. V. King, Manager.



Try to


Tho fact tluit clothes "cut n flguro"In tho caroor of a man. I'ooplo

with you hnvo no othorway of judging your financial stand-ing or responsibility. If you buyfrom tho avorngo ii

tailor, nlno chances out'of ton you'llgot a dressmaker's mako. Tho welldressod man all othor thing Doingequal will mako moro monoy thantbo man who is carolossly dressed.

MEDEIROS & DECKERThe Hotel Street Tailors.

Wavorloy Block.

Rubber Tire

tho Millinory Department.

Miss M. E. Killean,HOTEL WTRJbGJirr.



Wo aro constantly recolvlngnow iinit largo additions toour stock of . . .




Canadian Club '

WhiskeyjSykFor galo nt nil First-clas- s Bars.


Pommery Sec Champagne

Which needs no recommend-ation.

As well ns nil grndes of thocelebrated

Usher's Whiskies and Marie Brizard &

Rogers' Cognacs and Liqueurs.

W. C. PEACOCK & CO.Limited.

Tel. 46. Merchant Street.


"Wo will closo out .

All of tho washableSailor Suits fdr childrenNow in stock.Ages from 3 to 7 years.Tirst conio has the pick.

$1.50 $1.50THE SUIT!

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : layerleyBloct

Agents for Dr. Delmel's Linen-Me- sh

Underwear. Honti ror Untalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.

Talk!Wheels of any size, heavy or light, for pleasure

driving or city draying, can bo litted with ourRUBBER TIRE, and when onco fitted tho Tiro isTHERE until tho vehicle or tho wheel, at least, isworn entirely out. . . . . .


tjr Our RUBBER TIRES aro a successan unqualiiied success a success for the owner oftho voljiclo a success for tho rider.

The Rubber Tire Wheel Go.

Wilson & WhitehouseSolo licensees for Hawaiian Islands.

Page 5: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At



Reward is offered for a lostpureo with $25.

More war nows on tho Warri-tno- o

to arrive tomorrow.

J. J. Egan gives tho BliopporsBorao advico in bis nil today.

kti i


An asstiusment of 60 nor cent, iscalled on Palaraa Grocery stock.

An important meeting of the Y.H. I. will bo hold this evening.

Dowoy'a fleot captured fourprizes beforo reaching Manila.

There will bo a meoting of Ho-nolulu Cotnuiaudery this evening.

Band concert at tho Hawaiianhotel at tho usual hour this even-ing.

Members of Oahu Lodge, K. of1'., are requested to attend tonight.

Tho Union Feed Co. will holdits quarterly meeting at' 10 o'clockSaturday.

H. W. Schmidt & Sons aro soil,ing fanny prints at 5 conts a yardand other goods iu proportion.

Tho steamer Momnou carried amillinn dntlnra in Irnnnnrn frnm

t,-- T tho Manila cathedrals to Honc- -nuiiy.

There was a special session oftho Cabinet yesterday afternoonto consider tho news brought bytho Zoalandia.

Save money, buy your draporioBnow. Thay aro going at cost, thisweek only, at N. S. Sachs DryGoods Oo.

Ohinese in the Philippines werebeing massacred by the Spanishbeforo the Americans caused adiversion at Miniln.

From latost advices there seemsto be a boom ou at Mauila. Thereis groat fluctuation, and every-thing appears to be going up, ordown.

Tho Honolulu Messeugor Ser-vice is now an established institution. D. G. Gamitriuos is themanager. See ad in anothercolumn.

By tho S. S. Zoalandia, theMerchants Exchango has receiveda lot of Fresh Bock Beer, a specialti'und nUu Eutui prise Boerand Fresh Oyster cocktails.

Ohas. Dan well,- - who recoived


$3500 daniHgos for his detentionin Oahu Puson during the latounpleasantness, left on the Ao-ran- gi

yestoidny. He has donepretty well by bis visit to tho isl-


Buy Alumat druggist's, and bakingpowder at grocer's.

Use the alum externally;put the baking powder inyour cake. 017

Iluilnen Llc.fiie.

A young business man, who hasboon horo a few months,has made himself amenableto tho strong arm of the law byviolating tho license law in sellingforeign goods without a license.Defendant made a statement tothe Marshal that for sovoral woekspast be had solicited and taken

' ordors for eggs, butter and cheeseimported by himself from thoUnited States. It was attemptedto be shown that defendant wasworking in the interest of a localfirm. The young man gayo thocourt a loner talk on tho lioensolaw and touched upon the prohibitory drummer s license of 5UU.

' The talk did not avail,howovor,andeontenco was postponed until next


morning to allow hirn time to digup a lifnnse, which be did. JudgePeterson fined him $10 and costsand the stranger departed, a poor-er but a wiser young man.


That Unfortunate Woman.

Hok Yok Yeong, tho Ohinesewoman, mother of the two child-

ren who died last week by poison,was in the Police Court thismorning. She is charged withmanslaughter in the first dogreo.Tho defondant iB represented by"W. S. Edings. By her attorneyshe will enter a plea of not guiltyand will rely for her defense ontho plea of insanity. Examina-tion will bo waived and defondantcommitted to tho Circuit Court fortrial with boil in tho sum of $3000.An nffnr in liflinp made to havetho poor woman sent to China.Sho is tho picturo of raisory andlooks aB if death would bo mostweloomo to hor.


Dtsn Vr Comfortable and CommodlomiDwelling to Cost ,000.

(CffPTTl8, 1S, by George PallUer, 3J Tarhplace, New York.

What Is worth doing nt nil la worth do-

ing woll. This la a very old and probablytho most quoted proverb In oiletctioo. Itmay bo usod In many ways by mon of nillhadca nnd nil elapses. But bow ninnymon follow lti instructions? Wo con safe-

ly say not one mnn In n million. Our ob- -

loct tn quoting this provcm la to nppiy itlo tho man who has built or who contom- -

ilotoa building. Kofcrrlng to tho mnn whoas built and m perhaps living In his own

Id llko to ask a fow quos- -


usgnHmprKnsrECTiVK view.

tlons. Ohn ho ronllzo nny mistakes? Doeshis building oomo up to his expectations nsregards mnfortf Is ho perfectly satisfiedwith tho details nnd lnnor nrrnngomcnUof his bouso? Many mon will tell you thoy

ro not porfectly satisfied. Thoro aro soroorittlo alterations continually going on, aslight adrillto hero nnd tliere, now wings,moro closots nnd many othar minorchanges which must bo mndo beforo thohomo can bo called complete. Now, niltheso ohnngos aro oxponslvo and run thocost up to something that you did not cal-

culate on when Inviting ostlmatos, andthus from tho mere fact of nolthor you noryour architect carefully weighing nndconsidering theso seemingly trivial mat-tor- s

you nro led to spend moro, often muchmoro, thnn you originally Intended to.

This Is particularly tho caso with subur-ban work. Wo havo had many years' or- -

p !CirCHN- - ITgV I MWGR4M

) I



perionoo In this class of work nnd couldcite many Instances similar to that whlehwo havo related.

Wo havo horo n cozy conifortablo subur-ban homo which we liopo will commonditself to the reader no complexity of

and n building that will bo In har-mony with many localities. On tho firstfloor nro dining room nnd parlor, bothhaving fireplaces, whleh aro lndlsponsabloto country houses, providing they arobuilt properly, with the Quo constructed todraw ns It should do. A largo nnd com- -

fortablo kitchen, with roar stairs to thosorvants' quarters, Is anotbor Importantfeature, giving tho other occupants of thebuilding necessary privacy. We placo averanda around the main front of thobuilding, which commands n most

tho Hudson river for manymiles north nnd south.

On tho second floor aro four largo cham-bers and a bathroom fitted up with all

I I r





modorn improvements. In the attlo wefinish up two rooms, wbloh may bo usod aschambers, and a large room for storeroom.Tho, collar Is 7 foet deep, and tho wbolobuilding Is heated throughout by a hotwater boiler. Tho cost of this houso willnot exceed 4,000j It was orcctod within

0 mllos of New York and has given greatsatisfaction.

Flattering.For three ooat work thero should be used

about 000 pounds of plaster for each 100

yards of throe coat work, and It should bemixed with about 8 buckotsof clean sharpsand to 100 pounds of plaster, and plasteris to bo thoroughly mixed before addingwater, but not until ready to add water,as sand often contains enough water tocauso plaster to set, and mortar should bomlxod stiff enough to work frooly from thotrowel. Thero should bo no dolay In put-ting the plaster on tho wall when mlxod.

The walls should not bo allowed to drytoo fast, and openings should bo closed,especially In windy woathor. Plastershould go to tho under Door In oil cases,behind baseboards and sheathing, and iflime mortar Is used it should be runthrough a fine screen to prevent poppingIn tho plaster. Exchange.

!' jiMAvtoMte tfJl)aJiidui&ii- i rtwti, tiw.




War -:- - NewsEverybodyShould SubscriboFor Either tho

Oa.ll,Olironiol orExetixiirier,

In order to gotAll tho News !


At tho local agency

WALL, NICHOLS CO.The Very Latest and Best in


Tools . .




Just rocolvod by tho


Fort Streot.

Ookala Plantation Co,

Subscription Lists for thoincreased Stock in this Com-

pany aro now open at my


.IAS. P. MORGAN.909-- 4t 33 Queen Streot.

Honolulu Commandery, No. i, K. T.


Thoro will bo a Kogular Conclavo ofJlonolulu Comniandory, No. 1, at ItsAsylum, Masonic Toinplo, cornor llotoland Alakoa streets, on THIS (Thursday)EVENING, May 12, 1808, at 7:30o'clock.

Ordor of tho Rod Cross.

012 ItW. G. ASHLEY,


Palama Grocery Co., Ltd.

Notice to Shareholders.

A first assessment of 60 per cent ontho capital stock of tho abovo Com-pany Is now duo and tho undersignedrequests payment to bo mndo up totho 16th Inst, at his ofllco or at thoPulamn Grocery Com-pany's Store.

W. WOLTERS,Honolulu, May 10, 1898. Treasurer.

012-- 3t

Monuments and Headstones,

Tlio undorslgnod Is preparod to doCEMETERY WORK OF ALIi KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEADSTONES of which ho has a great va'rioty of tho Latest and Most ArtlstioDoslgns, and will also supply Stono Cop-

ing soparatoly for surrounding conio- -

tory lots.BQ7 Estlmatos glvon in Marble, Gra'

nlto, Hawaiian Stono, oto.




Why mako tho littlo ones oryand compol them to take a medi-cine which is distasteful to them,whon you can accomplish tho do-sir- ed

ond without it?


Tho finest nrenaration over introduced in tho oil lino, tho tastopleasant, uoso email and acts likoa charm.

Nature's Own Cathartic.

Don't bo talked into tryincsomething that iB claimed to bo asgood, thero is but ono first-clas- s

tasteless castor oil and that isCUMMIN'S.

Children Relish It.

Tho price is low, a bottlo con-taining many doses at 25 cents.You cannot afford to bo without it.

Hollister Drug Co.

Sole .Agents.





For One "Week: Only.A.T

N. S. Sachs Dry Goods Co., Ltd520 Port Street

Wo inuHt mako room for an Immense stock of Draperies neledi'd byourJHr.Glrdler, In Now York. Thoso are now on tho way, we tbouaaast tsW o

stock of

Fancy Draperies at a Sacrifice,

Art Denims, Silkolines, Cretonnes,

Art Muslins, Madras, Scrims.

Twllloil Draporlos now patterns 14 yds. for ?1,00.Cost quality Sllkollno3,fyonnt rioxigiiH 10 yds. for $1.00.Art Donlms nil colors 0 ds. for $1.00.Extra vtltlo Cretonne 8 yds. for 1.00.Fancy Scrim 10 yds. for $1.00.

Short Lengths ntFOR THIS

Hnlf PricoWEEK ONXf5T.

Ties, CoUars and CuflsFor the Ladies per "Zealandia."

Something now in high grndo Oollnvs and Guffs.Latest and most popular designs.

Neckties and Scarfs !

Greatest varioty in this lino over offered intho city. Turquoiso skies, Mayflowers andtho glorious sunshino link the threads intheir marvelous "'beauty.

Organdies and Dimities !

Spring beauty fabrics. Loveliest of colorharmonies. Pairy iingors could weave nofairer web.

Charming Styles! IsCoderakw DPrieses!

VBHHilfi 11JJMIlf,IdL Or. SILVA,

Fort Street. Proprietor.



LADIES' SHIRT WAISTSFrom 25c. to Sl.OOFormer Prices 75c to $3 OO

Ladies' Neck Wear and Belts

At Exceedingly Low PricesFOR ONE WEEK I

w .


Just Received



White, MleacM, Pink, Blue,

Lavender, Yellow and


Oomo early and got first choice at



E. W. JORDAN'S,No. lO Fort Street.

.Akdki&uJM &M&ik AS6)MiA ,imb


( ' Vfvlt

' ',H'






.; itfci "Mi

1 uyri

w (

(lUJ H J

:1 --5- 1

'' jj"Bf- i. - . 'AS.- - 4HH

: -- '"'iffl

.. j ,. frjM&ufr4m

Page 6: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At



mW ,.. - ' rPTTT?.


K FOR, THEmmmt '

'I Portland



L Til






IllsWo now oflor their Brandt

of Flours as follows:



Olympic and



m, Lisi iSTOCK, BOND


Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real EstateAND

Insurance AgentsRents eolleotcd. Complete charge

of Property for absentees.BSTHnanelal Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignee,, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agency ofn i

liMMil I


Fine Tailoring !

I have a now cutter of great skilland oxnerlpnoo, and can guaranteegood flu, at very low prices. TheLitest suitings are kept in stock,

n beautiful blue sorgo forauminer wear,New Goods !

Finest and freshest Dry Goods con--nuiimy in auioK. Have just receivedfino Onuiii Cloth, Pongee Silk,

Silk Handkerchiefs etc.Also,

'bfnt of White and Colored Mat-ting.

Fancy Things !

Tho latest S. S. Gaello broughtBamboo Chairs and Lounges, Cam-phor Trunks with alarm bell locks,etc., also New Crop Tea.

My prices in nil lines meet thefiercest competition.goo xiivr,Merchant Tailor und General Dealer.

SiK Nutianu, near Hotel street.



AppMal!lWftlttPH HfXlNO.J Tl'mnlrra

the very best 'aort'of advertising. A1IVsaving of ovontho smallest fraction Inbuvlnirls flon wnrtll. Ill thn rti'irrp- -gate, your year's rent.

LACE JCUKTAINS 75 conts to CO centspor pair.


MOSQUITO NET LACE Seollopod undstraight oilno.

EMim'OlrtEttY FELT 72 Indies wldo,all slnulos.


nno quality.HLANfcETS Whlto Woolon, Wlilto

uoiton.CANVAS HATS Men's, youth and boys.LAP HOIIK8 All woIrIiIs.HAMMOCKS -I- 'addod Pillow.

J. T. WaterhouseQueen Street.

The Club StablesLimited.

0. Belllna, : Manniror.KOU STKEEI,

Teh phone 477Livery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo are nftnnplnllv nnnlnnwl fn iin inji iiuu. ruir uuuiuiK anu goou sor- -n. is wimv wo iiopouu upon 10 got it.Wo havo for salo Family Carrlago and

DrlvllllZ HoiXnH. ntlllrlft nr flnillktn Innm.Thoy aro In good rondltlun and will boown yji lavuniuiu lurillt

lr. Rowat Is always In atteudanco attho Stablos.

Giub Stables Hack StandCor. Union A. ifotol Sts.


DllIVEnS.FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES.HACKS AT ALT. trntnt.qOrders forSnrrnvR. Wnrrnnnttno fltnnt.

or DotibloToams at a moment's notice.iiacK wos. 12s, 183, 100, 70, 77.



Dandruff KillerW1U convlnco you that It Is all

that wo claim It to bo.

Warrniited o Oure!FOR SALE ONLY BY

Paoheoo & Fernandes,Arlington Block, Hotel Street.

Mules For Sale.

A choice lot of Missouri and California Mules

Just ArrivedNow for salo at low terms. En-

quire ofG. SCHUMAN,

O05-- " Club Stables.



Association .Grounds!inn


Honolulu ys: 1st. Regt."D0G-3-


ARCHITECT223 Merchant St.. Honolulu,.

Botween Fort and Alakea,Telephone : : : 734



The Harbor Is Being Sown Thick. With


At Night Vessels Will Not Be Permitted to

Enter or Leave the


Fivo hundred submnrino torpedoes arc to bo placed in SanFrancisco harbor almost immedi-ately by the United Slates Gov-ernment na a protection to thisoity in case a Spanish fleet shouldnttompt to enter this port.

Manufacture of the eiplosivomaterial has lust, been completedby the Giant Powder Company.It'is boing placed in tho properreceptacles, and the final preparations are boim? made to locate andanchor tho submnrino mines andconnect them with tho rdentrindetonating machinery on shore.it is understood that the torpedoeswill extend between Alcatraz andLime point on the Martin countybore and Alcatrnz and Black

noint in San Francisco, and nrn--bably will nleo be extended to tboGuidon Gate and across tho en-trance to the linrhnr. Tliiu'r Innn.tiou will bo marked by buoys, anda ananoei tor tno mgnss andegress of vessels will bo loft free,so that tho pilots of tho port mayMoor their way, safely through theobstructions in the daytime, butat uight vessels will not bo per-mitted to outer or leavo the liar-bo- r.

Should Spanish, war shipsmake their iinnnHrimpn n(T thincoast the prohibition to pans outeven uuriiiR aavncut will bomailo absolute. Thin is nnincr tnbo an obi-tacl- o in the way of com-merce, but it will effectually pre-vent the destruction of shippingin this port, and render an attemptto bnmburi San Francisco extr'inely hazardous to tbo enemy'sfleets.

both "uoutict" and "inlnnf"tnrpe loes will be employed. The''contact" mines, art tho numi.wuld iudiiato, are those whichexplode on hninu .as by avei-ol-, atd re tho mostclancerou- -to peao-fu- l meichintmeu. The"inloni" toipodoea ro those whichare ixnlndt-- d bv plenlrieitv. uurlare, therefore, peculiarly effectiveus utrecieu agan,st uottiio war-ships.

l'ho torpedoes aro boing loadedwith mine tton and cplatiiie. Runcotton is h most powerful exnlofive known, snd rrelntinM in niirn.glycerine heat-- d to the consist.

a thick jolly, in whichcondition it resembles soap in apparauee but not in effect TIihnitro clvcerinco in n nmnnminil iifglycorinq oil and sulphurio hckIuuiteii witli wood pulp, sobs to bochanged from liquid form to aplastic Bolid. As an exnlnnive itrauks third; but is more common-ly emplitod than fulminato ofcold or fulminate of mnmirv nw.mc to the Great cost of nrmlnntinnof, the-- o latter. The fulminato ofmercurv is used, hnwpvnr. n4 h Hi.touMtor to explode the dynamite.

The dvnnniite in mAlinfnrtntnrlso as to contaiu rb hich a 90 Dercont of th- - uitroglcerine. Itsexplosive power is sufficient tortso 150.000 times its own weichtTllO dvnamita tn nnmnnnprl nffiaper cont of sulpliurio acid aud 4b Jper cout of nitric aoM, whioh aremixr-- and tnin united with 'hilyconne oil, which i made fr mlye and candle drippinufl. Thetwo clilSSOrt of tornedn b rn kimi.lar immaterial, avo that the "eon-ta- if

mines contain fulmiiatoofmercury in order to render ihmsensitivo to the touoh, while the

'iut-n- t" torpedoes are explodedthrough electric action on detona-tors of fulminate of mprnnrv.

Tbo responsibility of explodingmo "lnientr torpedoes is a greatone. and has been rilm-ni- i ho tlmGovernment with Oaptaiu W. F.0. Hasr-on- , formerly of the UnitedSta ea Naw. an olentriniVn ntgreat' oxporienco and knowledgo,wuo succesHiuiiy niied tboarduous nnnitinn of eliinf olpntrinengineer of the California Mid-wiu- ter

International Exposition.I ho torpedoes will be connectedby metal rods, from whioh elootriourlvaa mill v. 4 nnnli I...!...ni.o .. . iuu IV uuuu fiJIUOlVO,bo arrangea mat any number mayDa expioaeu at a time nr nil nfthorn simultaneously.

Tho ODOration of OZnlndinnr tbndesired torpedo at tbo proper momoot is wonderfully simple, Anu nicer vjap'um jiaeson in ourcaso sits before a chart of the


"VIrtuo has Its own reward!"

Roar Admiral Dowoy lias dono him-so- lf

proud In tho PhlUlpplnos and earn-ed for himself tho deserving tltlo of"Rear Admiral."

This storo Is also anxious to earn atltlo', from, tho public; a tltlo of

merit, that carries with It tho namo ofhaving morltorlous goods at popularprlcos.

In ordorlo do this it is nocos.snry to bonirn tlian ofirnftil In ,1in nnnHrm nt

goods bo cautious knowing "what thoI'uuuu uihius uru na unvu ubuu iuo

to Import only first-cla- quail-tld- sIn doslgns and material1 such as aro

salablo In tho host markots of tho world.No dead stock Is wanted or bought by us,no mattor what tho inducements. Stillgoods will Bomo times nccumutato fasterthan anticipated thoy must bo disposedof oon at a sacrifice that's what wo arodoing now sacrificing a fow dollarsyou dorlvo tho benefit.

Don't (all to visit this ntoro during thoronovatlon salo you will ngroo with usthat it pay you to do so.

Just arrived, latest styles InWhite and Colored Organdies, Dimities,

Flno lino of


FRENCH MUSLINS.Latest pattorns In

Chiffons, Muslin du Sua, ValenciennesLaces, Ribbons, Hosiery, in Plaidsand Stripes.

J. J. EGAN,Kort street.

South SeaIsland Curios !

Tho Ourios brought bv thoMissionary Stoamor "Morning Star," consisting of Mats,Fans, Coral, Shells, Clubs,Spears, Bracolets, Necklaces,Dancing Sticks, etc., etc.,will be on salo at

The Golden Rule Bazaar

'Monday Morning.South Sea Island Dress

Suits, 50c. each. Call earlyand avoid tho rush.

J. M. WEBB316 Fort Street.


Office and Infirmary, - 863 King St.TELEPHONE 700.

Modorn and Humane Treatment.


Carriage Manufactory613 to 621 Fort Street.

Carriage BuilderAND BEPAIBBB.

Blacksmithing in All Us Branehei.

W. W. WRImTFt, Proprietor.(Bnooeasor to G. West.)

Davey's IridiumsAro bettor than High-clas- s Wator

Color Drawings.

Xl ''JvlQv

IO'PC'O CO.,870 tf Cor. Hotel and Fort Sta.

The Evening Bulletin, 76 ct. permonth.

-- i




Having taken stockand reduced allprices,, now offer

tho latest styles of


At 5 cents a yard


Also ox

a fine assortment of




SCII&WKing Street, Von Holt Block,

Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho Eail-roa-d


Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Lour Term Leaseholds tmm as t Anyears can bo obtained In tracts of anynumber of acres desired, on tho mostfavorable conditions.

Tho special attention is called ofthose with small capital wishing togo into this very prontablo industry.

For particulars, apply to

Gear, Laming & Co.,210 KINO STREET.

ffilttl MAT CO.


J. J. Wallbb - . Manaokb.



NTaw Contractors,

Refrigerated Poultry


fletoopolitan 9But (Jo.

Telephone 45.



Poultry and Stook.


Consoliflatei Sofia Water Co., LI- , Esplanade,Corner Allen & Fort Sti., Honolulu.


I Home Decorating 1

Gold Paint:Which la a substitute for coldleaf, and will LAST.

Enamel:For imparting a hard and classysurface to any material.

Bath-tu- b Enamel:For porcelain finish on tubs.

Varnish Stains:For furpiture, basketa, etc.

iCPull directions for uso. Try them.

Lewers & Cooke.

John Nott,Importerx and Dealer in

Steel ana Iron Ranges,STOVES. AGATEWARE.

DIMOND BLOCK21 & 123 King Street. ,

Beaver - LunchROOMS.

H. .1 NOLTIS, Propnetot

rhe Best Lunch in Town

Tea and CoffueIT ALL UOOlilt


Cigars and TobaccotLWAYS ON UANIl.


T.Ktovisa, . . eco--Per Ua, i00Special MonttOy ZatIrhe UeBt of Attendance, the b.t Sitn.Hon tnd the Pjnest Meal, i h.j (Jity




3"-- T.Fort St., Opp. Club Stables. Tol 398.

To My Patrons and the Pablic,

xTavmrr rnnrktrn-n- A tL-- ;, e "'"m "uui my re-cent illness, I nm opain proparodto do all' kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as boretoforo.Thanking you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tho samo.

JAS. NOTT. Jr.Tel. 844.

J.A.FAELA,200 'Hotel Street,


ALL 'KINDS OF SUITSfrom S10 to 18.

.ofin Fon.i? retVrnediryounrenotAll work .guaranteed.

.ROBERT GRIEVE.Book und Job PrinterMorokant Street, Honolulu. iH. I.


0?awaiiah Newadomjjany'p'Book Store. y 3,

u.vxtofaiMtM., jsAto&&ua&ii jjktuM?& ,jiAkhmgi ufaj&Jtommhumdiki iiMM m v, ij, yliu icMjb:fafaitiitkt.ljijuA&-i- .

-- V

ftML jii.i'

Page 7: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At



i- -

W. G. Irwin & Go.Limited.

Agents forWestern Sugar Kofinory Co. of Ban

Francisco.Baldwin Locomotive Works of Phil.

dolphin, Ftnn.. DBA.Newell Universal Mill Co. (National

Cane Shredder), New York, U. S. A.N.Ohlandt & Uo's Chemical Fertilizers.Aloi Cross & Boas, high grade fertll

izers for Cane and Coffee.Beeds Steam Pipe Covering

AlsoOffer for SaleFarafflne Paint Go's I" & B Paints and

Papers; Lncol and Linseed oils, rawand boiled.

Indnrine (a oold water paint) In whiteand colors.

Filter Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andBrioks.




New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

jEtna Fire Insurance Company


Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(LIMITED).

Wm. Q. Irwin, President and ManagerOlaus Spreokela, - Vioe-Presid-

W. M. Qiffard, Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter, Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.40KKTS Or TUB




Queen street, Uonolnlu, H.l.

AGENTS FOR,Company, Onomta SnraiHawaiian Agricultural

Company, Honomu Sugar Company, WallukuSirar Company, Walbee Sugar Company, Makee

K.Saiar Company HaleakalaTlancb Company,- Planten' Line San Francijco

fSckcta, Chaa. Brewer 4 Coa Line of BoitonPackeU Aeenti Boston Board ofunaerwrtterf.Aftntt Philadelphia Board of Underwrite.


P 0 Jones, President; George H Bobortson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and Sec-

retary! Col. W V Allen, Auditor; 0 M Cooke,

H Waterhouse, A W Carter. Directors.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & Dealers

REALJESTATEyWe wlU Buy or Sell Beal Estate In

all parts of the group.tW We wiU Properties on Season- -

able Commissions .


Building Lots!At WAIKIK1 on car line and on

ROAD near iTertilinngPlant

These loU are Very Cheap and Bold

on Easy Term.Desirable Aore Tracts near the city and

other Properties tor sale.

BRUCE, WARING & CO.,Dealers in Lota and Lands,

312 Fort Street, near Ktog.T..pnoHil607. P.O. Box 821.



Oor. wnrt and Queen 8treets, Honolulu.


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

loropcan and American Dry 'Goods

Fort and Queen Streets.


Dealers in Lumber and CoalMoterials of all,nd Bailding



J ust Like Gold Coin.

For moro than fifty yearshas PERRY DAVIS' PAINKILLER stood tho testagainst all remedies preparedto eradicate pain, and todaystands at the, head of the listamong tho medicines that ateso essential to keep at hand inthe homo.

It is not a now fangle remedynor do tho proprietors layclaim to any wondortui revelation or the ingredients that en-

ter into tho manufacture ofthis over popular remedy.

It is p xfectly harmless, youneed have no fear of becominghabitually inclined to its use.

For Colic, Cramps, Dysen-tery, Colds, and all painfulaffections, a few doses will certainly givo relief. You cannotafford to bo without a bottlein tho house.

Your forefathers used itand found it beneficial.

Why experiment with someremedy that is new and its effecton tho system unknown?

It has many rivals but noequal.

19 Tho now 35 c. size contains over double the quantityof the 25c. size.

Hollister -:- - DrugCompany,

Sole Agents for the Islands.


Ohia. Aleeroba and Pine Firewooi

Cut and Split (ready for the Stove)Also,



At Lowest Prices, delivered to any part t

the City.TEbEPHONB! I I I 414

HUSTACE & CO.,31 Queen Street.

pawaiian FertilizinoCOMPANY

is proparod to furnish

Nitrate of Soda, Bono Meal, raw ordlssolvodjFlorlda and Lady Elliot IslandGuano, Sulphato of Ammonia, Murlatoand Sulphate of Potash and Kainlto, Co-

ral Li mo Stono and Manures. In quanti-

ties to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager,

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Merohant Street.


12 Chinese Gronlto Hitching Posts; $reaoh.

1 Surrey in fine order; prloe HW.House and. Lot, 76x165 ft., on No. 7i

fonng street; parlor, 3 bedrooms,dining-roo- eto.


Contractor and Builder.Office and Btores fitted up and

Estimates Riven on


OT Office and Bhop: No. dl9 Fort street,adjoining W. W. Wright's Carrlsge Bhop.

Real Estate Transaotions.

Bubsoribers are furnished with from firt- i ii.tn nr week. civinR an anonraU

record of aU deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers e? attorney, eto., eto., wbleb

are plaoed on record.

Subscription Price, 8.00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King St, Honolulu.

The Elite Ice Cream ParlorslOS HOTBt STREETS,

Cakes and Candies,

Fine Ico Cream.

Our Establishment Is the Finest Itesortin the City. Oall and see us. Open till 11

o'clock F. u.

Stoves Cleaned

and Repaired,

For a rensonablo chareewo will send a CompotontStovo Man to your housewho will clean your stovoinside and outside, make athorough examination andcall your attontion to any-

thing that may bo wrong.Also muko necessary repairsif possible.

This docs not apply onlyto our Jowol Stoves andRanges but to all makes.

W. W. Dimond & Co.,

King Street.

There May Be Others,

But We Doubt It!"

So do not hesitate whenyou aro in search of highgrado piano, to call at tho


Merchant Street,

And examine theirworld renowned


UtS Pricestimes.


to suit tho

kl Estate


Sea View,


Prospect Street,



King St, near ffaHgia Boafl

TWO ACRESof Important proporty in control part of

city limits.

Desirable residence proporty, nlco cot-

tages and woll improved grounds, Kingstreet, Young street, Pinialiou and, SouthSlopo of Punchbowl.

Gear, Lansing & Go.

SIO Kitig Street.

harbor, traced nu ground glaMB, obat it may bo illuminated at nij J t

by a lurnp placed uodfruentb it.At bis oyo is u rnngo-find- er, withwhiob bo followr) tho movemoi tof tbe incoming hostile vessel.Ad automntia arrangement trao stbo C'putso of the vo'Sel on thocbart bflow. Sbo pnsses over asuccession of liuy squares,oacb rpresenting so mucb of tbn harbor.Within'eaok of tboso squares is aheavily churned' submarine mint.All (lint tbe officer bas to do whentbe enemy's ship at rives at theproper point is to preeB a buttoi ,

the torpedo oxplodos and goodbya war ship.

Wnlor is tbo best "tamp" knownfor bigb oxplosives containingnUruglycorino. To Cguro to tbomind the force of the material, itis said that if four grains bolorger than asmall ppa bo placedin a solid pieco of iion or stoeltwo inches thick and txplodod byelectricity it will blow tbo iron orsteel into dust and splinters.

While tho Government officersmake no secret of the fact that500 tor pod 008 aro to bo placed intbo buy and that Captain Hassonban been uppoiuted electriciau,tbo precise locution of tbo mine,as well as that of tbo oloi;triostation, i withhold from publicknowlcdgo for obvious reasons.B. !'. Chronicle.

The Only Place 1

Tbe Anchor Saloon is not theonly place wbero Seattle bock boorand other liquid refreshments aronerved but they havo a way ofBorving drinks that nverybody elsedo not kuow of. WillGnrlyle andCharlie Andrews aro still on deckt muko their friends and patronwelcome. Seattlo heor on draughtean always bo had, as woll as tinbest brands of wbinkies, etc., iueluding J ibn Dwar's Scotchivbisky. A Eull stock ot ntneiliquors, winos, oto., is kopt 01

baud also. "

Value Far Value.

When you want to got the valueof your monoy no and examine tbelarjzo stock of carriages, wagonBand harness at tichuman's Carriauo Repository, Olub StableBlock, Fort street. Ho basjust ei W. Q. Irwin anew lino of horse millinery alsoa few of the celebrated Oortlaudjump Heat backboards with cano-py tops, finished in light colorsthroughout. They aro beauties.Come and examine tbom. Pricesof h11 these goodrt are lower thanelsewhere.

Tlie Dantrer of Spring

"Which arise from impurities intbo blood Hnd a depleted conditionof tld" vitnl fluiil mav be entirelyaverted by Hond'n Sarsoparilla.This great tnndioino cures allspring humors, boils, oruptionBand BoreB, and by enriching andvitalizing tho blood, it overcomesthat tired feeling and gives vitali-ty a' d viuor.

Ho d's Pills cure nausea, sickbeadaobe, biliousness and allliver ills. Price 25 contB.

Waited for Old Seattle.

In anticipation of the Mioworabringing tho popular SeattleRitiuior B ck, the masaos hayowaib-- for its arrival and the Cri-

terion Saloon bos a large ship-ment that will fill all demands aswell as qaenoh all thirsts. Lantyoar this beer whs the ptimofavorite as it will bo this year.

Piano.All styles of Kroecer pianos for

salo, for cash or on the intnlqontplan. Old instruments exchangedfor new ones, rianos rontoa,tuned and, repaired. Telephone821. Berustrom Musio Co., Ltd.,Masonic Temple.

A dollar saved is a dollar earn-ed. You can aa-y- a good manydollars by buying your grocoriesof J. Hutohings, 627 Fort Htreet.P.O. box 402. Telephone 358.

It is said the manufacturers ofTaroena will bavo difficulty insupplying the largo demand


year for tho Klondike. This is o

nnre nroduot of taro and is a foodtor infants, invalids or tho strongman

Singers lead tho world. Over18,000,000 made and sold. High-es- t

awards at tho "World's Colum-bian Exposition for excellence ofconstruction, regularity of motion,ease of motion, great spood, adinstability, durability, ease oflearning and convenience of ar-

rangement. B. Bergorson, agent,16J Bethel streot.



Juit rccchcd'por "A. J.Fullor" tho following articles In

STONEWARE:Butter Jars."Water Jars.Preserve Jars.French Pots.Coffee Pots.'


Bean Pots.Flower Pots.Flower Baskets.Water Kegs.Water Jugs.Glazed Iflat Bottomed Pans.Mixing Bowls.- -'Poultry Fountains.

Household Supply Department.

H. HACKFELD & CO.Ijimited.

-- Importers and Doalors in--

General Merchandise--AND-



201 to 215 FortT




Flantation Supplies.

H. HACKFELD & CO., Ltd.Street.


The City Furniture StoreAnother lot of those

Artistic Reed Chairs,Rockers, Tables, Etc.,

Just received In tlm for tho Holidays at the CITY FURNITURE STORE,Love Building, 634 and 536 Fort tUreet

SJtT Calfand Inspect thorn before It Is too late.

HL. H. WILLIAMS, Manager.Office 810 : TELEPHONES ! : Kesidbmoi 819.

Honolulu Undertaking Co.

ED. A. WILLIAMS, l D, : : ": Manage?.

The Only Fully Eou'ippedJ , Complete and EXCLUSIVELYUNDERTAKING Establishment on the Islands. Every-thin- g

New and of the Latest and Most Improved Styles.

EiXIQLTDCtlTn i Tl T a

A Sueoialtv ! No Bungling! No Failures! n j

NOTE: Mr. Ed. Williams is a Graduate of Clark's Sohopl olPerfect Embalming by which prooess tho body retains its nat'rj'ralappoaranoo for yours. -

aff-l- Office and Parlors: 514 and 516 Fort Si, near flotol!Telephone 179. Residence and Night Telephone 815.



Page 8: i vening Bulletin - University of HawaiiThe Joint Besolution authoriz-ing the appointment of an In-come Tax Commission and ap propriatiug $5000 thorefor was adopted unanimously. At

p ', 8








K-f- V



You Don't Need

A Directory

To find our store. Just follow tho crowd.

Thoy'ro uftor tho bicycles. Wo soil them.

High grado wheels for high grudo buyors aro

the " Comjmmas," "Ramblers," mid

"Stbaksjss." "That tired feeling" doesn't

como to tho riders of tho wheels wo are

Agents for.

Columbias, Stearnes and Ramb-

lers, Hartfords and Ideals.B. O. HALL & SON,

Limited.Corner Fort and Kino; Streets.


A good Carriage, Bimgy orHarness, step In ami linvo alook at our

Large Stock I

"We can make you prices that will Interest you and which defy competition.Just received ex "Albert"

Extra Fine SurreysRoomy seats furnished In latest styles.We guarantee our goods.


4yT7 oft

We've Ruined theCOM CROP!

For years the corn crop of this part of thobeach has been enormous. u Reckless shoo sollorsmade it so. Everybody had to "break ill" their

Fort Street,Door nbovo Stnblos.

Telephone 205.






208 Merchant


Evening Bulletin 76c month.

shoes got someone to do for them, bythe they wore broken thoy wore broken outalso, and that broke pocket books.

Different HNTcrOT.Our motto is: "A cheap not a good

article, and will not stand inspection wear," buta good articlo cheap will draw trade to likea hungry horse to his

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,Importers and Dealers in Shoes.

Sign of Big Shoe. Fort Street.Honolulu, H.




Office Open Until O'clock P.


To Let. i

The Cottage on tho corner of IJero-tanl- u

and Richards streets, oppositetho Centr 1 Union Church, at presentoccupied by the Hotel. Possessiongiven on the of Juno. Apply to

G00-t- f DR. JNO. S. McGREW.



k 8

Ono Club





OlTlce: street, Camp-bell Block, rear of J. O. Carters ofllco.P. O. Box


or elso it andtime in

articlo isorour store



Honolulu ServiceIt.

12 M.


iMt-j.- . 'iftilmlitiiiii.'-'irtSfltf-


Terrible PainsIn tho Stomnch Droadful Head-

aches Fnco and Nock CovorodWith Bolls-Cur- od by Hood's 8ar-aparll- la

Skin Is Now Clear." I u covered with bolls U ovormy ftco

and neck. I had dreadful hcadachos andpains In my stomach. I took medicines,but was not mueh benefited, and I pro-

cured six bottles of Hood's Bamparllla.After taking tho first bottlo I could sco anImprovement. When I had taken s fewmore bottles tho bolls had all gone, myskin was clear, my appetite roturnod,andmy health was entirely restored. I amthankful I ever found such a blood puri-fier as Hood's Sarsaparllla. I paid out agood deal of money for useless medicinesbefore taking Hood's Sarsaparllla." W. F.Bkckwito, Hurlock, Maryland.

If you decldo to try Hood's Sarsaparlllado not bo inducod to buy any other.

rlOOCl S parillaIs tho Best In fact the Ono True Blood Purl-He- r.

Be suro to got Hood's, rrlcotl, six forts.

u i, rMl are ine onir puis 10 laiceliOOa S PHIS vrlthHood'sSarsaparllla.

Dlaniond'IIead Signal Station, May12, 1 pin "Weather cloudy, wind freshN.E.


5 00 fl?Day. 5 d E

5l "3. EL H"EI

p. in a.m. n.m .a.:Monday.. 0.33 5.02 10.42 1.24

Tuesday.. 7.29 7. 0 11.30 2.20I a.m. p.m

Wednesday.. .. 11 8.20 8.C2 3.21 0.47

Thursday 12 0.30 10.23 4.11 2.41

Friday 13 10.37 10.30 4.55 4.44p.in

Saturday 14 0.20 11.30 5.37 0.10Sunday... 15 1. 31 0.10 7.20

The Standard tinio whistle Rounds at12h. Oni. 0i. (midnight), Greenwichtime, which is Hi. 30m. p. m. of Ha-waiian Standard time.



Steamers due and to sail tomorrowand for the next six days uro us follows:


"tpambih Kiiom. Doe.Cupo Otway Victoria May 13Wurrimoo Victoria May 13Muuiia Loa Kona May 13Mokolll Molokul May 14W G Hall Kauai May 17Claudine ICahuliiI May 17Gaelic Sun Francisco May 17Klnau Hilo May 18

China Yokohama May 20


Steameus. Foil mails.Cupo Otway Sydney May 13Wiirrlmmi Hvdnnv Mnv 13

Mokolll Mofokal May 15

Muunu Lou Kona Muy 17

Gaelic Yokohama May 17Zcalnndla Snn Franclscu May 17W G Hall Kauai May 17Claudine Kahulul Muy 17

Klnau Hllo May 20China San Francisco May 20


Stmr Noeau, Pederson, 14 hrs fromElcele.

Stmr Kaeuu, Mosher, 7 hrs fromPuulkl.

Am bktno Planter, Dow, 14 daysfrom San Francisco, 1200 tons mdse toa HacKfeld & (Jo.


Stmr J A Cummins, Scarlo, forWaimanalo.


From Kauai, pur Himr NoeauRt Rev A Willis hu wife, OWoliers, Mrn W H Ricn, J HOouoy, L "Wilcox, W E Rowell.

Per Nooan 1200 x augar HHackfold & Co, 27C0 bx sugar toF A Schne fer & C .

lllil th Tulent.

ThiB is what the htt-rlin- g Bicy-cl- o

did to tho taleut at Oyclomore,Saturday, April 30. We capturedfirst, second or third in all trialsaud first in all fiuals Joucs, onofirst, one second; Hylva, ono first,ono third; King, two first; Ludloff,two first; Brode, onn third; Jack-son, ono third. Total six firsts,one second, throo thirds. PacificOyclo and Manufacturing Compa-ny, agents Sterling Bicycle.

China Puliitlntr Exhibition.Miss Alice F. Horrick will moot

tho ladies who are to join herpainting classes on Monday nextat 10:30 a. m.,at Y. M. O. A. MissHorrick's exhibition will bo opentomorrow morning to any whomay wish to visit t'io studio.

lAfo1wrrf.V -


Band at Hawaiian Hotel, 7:30.

Willison'e ciicus, 8.

Meeting Y.H.I, 7:30.Medina Oabu Lodgo, K. of P.,

7:30.Meotinc Honolulu Command- -

ory, K.T.,7:30.


The Planter with General Merchandise

from San Francisco.

Cape Otway Overdue Fish Statistics Kaena

with Sugar from Walalua Noeau

with Elcele Cargo.

Tho bark J O Pflugor arrivedin Queenstown from AstoriaMay 1.

Tho schooner King Cyras finished discharging coal and anenured in the stream this morn-ing.

Tho United States gunboat Bonniittou Btrtick her topmasts tbismorning Bnd overything iB now inreadiness for action.

All the waterfront fro- -quontprs are cominonting ontho neat condition ot tupZealandia. From her sail coversaloft to the wntor lino below sheis a marvel of elf anliuees.

Tho Capo Otway is probably onlior way from Chemainus to Sydnnv with lumber. Whether shewill call hnro is a matter of conjocturo until thoWarrimoo arrivestomorrow.

The fiillnwliirt vprsrIs are loaded or on tho wav from Newcastlecoal ladon for Honolulu: Bark-enti- ne

O F Crocknr, schooner EA Wood, schooner Golden Shore,barkentino Katie Flickinger andbark AlcJNoir.

The barkentine Planter arrivediu port at one o'clock this afternoon with a general cargo for HHackfeld & Co. Tho Planter,after digchariMui; cargo, sails forLhvrhd Maud to ct--t ouano fortho Kdlilii fortilizor works.

TraoMaying on the Oahu railway extonsimi was finished tWaialua lutt S'durday. A switchin now being constructed to Halstoad's mill aud Boon the sugarfrom that plantation will como toHonolulu by rail. Tho steamerKaena will, however, continue torun to Waialua.

Public Market'. FUh HtatUtlo.The fish brought to the Public

market lust week amounted to 41.-1- 77

Of these 17,484 were amaama, 4897 abolphole, 2535 maloloaud the remainder in small lots ofabout G5 vurio'ieq. Koolau furuished8950; Waikiki 5815, Mau-nalu- a

5675, Moaua, oceau, 3278,and the rest came principally fromMokuoeo, Mapunapuua, Waipio

This shows a big decrease ofreceipts from the week endingMay 1, when wer rocoived 56,2 fj

fish, the falling off being WaikixijMoaua and Hoimuliuli. Waikikifurnisbod 17,102 fish this week,showiug a difference of nearly10,000 from thin locality alone.


For "Vancouver and Victoria,per CASS Aorangi J Marsden,Mr and Mrs Kynnorsloy and boh,Mrs J Wakefield, Miss Itenton,Dr and Mrs J Wight, Miss KWight, Mrs R W Filler, Mr andMrs W A Uowen and son, Miss AM Sturgeon, O A Forbes, O EDun well, O G Jaeger, A Fergu-son, J W Jamie.


San Francisco Arrived. April80, stmr Gaolio 7 days from Honolulu, May 1, bk Aldon Besso 27days from Honolulu, May 3, stmrMariposa u days from Honolulu,bk O B Kenny 25 days from Hilo.Sailod, May 14, bktn Irmgard forHonolulu.

Hongkong Arrived, April 29,stmr Belgio from Honolulu. Sail-ed, April 30, stmr China for Ho-nolulu. '


Por Nooau 500 sx sugar, Cbb-t- lo

& Cooke.

It is said tho manufacturers ofTaroena will havo difficulty insupplying the largo domand nextyear tor tuo lllonuiko. This is anuro Droduot of tarb and ia a foodfor infants, invalids or tho strongman.




EmbroMerle Flonrlih In Profusion snilSftuhct Ar m Conspicuous Element-Ne- t

Oowim Trimmed With Beqnlna unit Oold

nd SllTer Ornwnentatlon Are the Base.

Tho ono thing that sooms posltlvoabont ovonliiBROwns Is tho lonpth oftho Bklrt, which must havo a train, aihort ono for tho matron's gown, whilotho young lady's gown is cut longenough to fall two or thrco lnchos ontho floor at tho back. Evonlng sloeves luthe French gowns aro very diminutivo,being hardly inoro than a strap on thoshoulder. Tlioro may bo two little frillsof chiffon or tullo bolow this band, buttheso aro not necessary if you followthe French models. Tho English worn


an's ovcnlng gown is nmro prctontlousus to slcuves, nuil, nltbouyh tlivy urrmade of frills, thoy nro deep (..imli tooover tho arm partially. Tim .Now VorkSan, which illustr;ila leading Ftylcs ingowns for ovinhiK wear, makes it alsoapparent that tho round wain with thebloutio or draped front is still thu pre-vailing stylo. Imt tlm Nlishtly pointedbodice is also worn by tlioso v.lio wishto look slender. The blouse with thofront cut iu two parts rounding downfrom tho low out neck at cither side,noar tho sleovo, to tho holt, whero thoedges meet, is ouu of thu prettiest forevening drew Each hlilo is trimmedwith embroidery or nppllquo laeo, andtho V shaped spaco between is filled inwith full chifTou or tullu. Champagnecolor is a favorito tint for eveninggowns.

Embroideries flourish In profusion onevening gowns. Fur bands, too, aro avery fasliloiublo trimming, especiallyin sablo, with two or thrco tails arrang-ed in tho puff of ono tiny sleovo. Abunch of violets or a bow of ribbon maydecornto tho other. An upstanding bowof volvot iu somo contrasting color on'ono sleovo und a buucii of roses on thoother is not an unusual niodo of decora-tion in fart, it is quito tho thing tohavo tho slcovcs different. Frilllngs oflace chiffon or not shaped to fit thoround nock and edgod with a tiny baudof Bublo aro ono of tho novel fcuturos oftrimming.

Tho sash is becoming a conspicuouselement of oveuiug dress. It may bomadoof lace, chiffon, soft silk or ribbon.

Not gowns aro docidodly tho rago forovoning wear, and embroideries ot sil-

ver and steol on net and lisso scorn to botho fanoy of tho moment. Tho black notgowns aro in great variety, elaboratelytrimmed with colored and jot sequinsand mado over colors as well as blacklinings.

A whlto glaco silk forms a gownmado with a fashionable train andtrimmod with bands of ivory satin.odgod with ruches of tullo, and rufllosof tullo trim tho taffeta underskirt.Tho bodico is bt roso miroir velvet,draped with lace, and the underbodioois of ivory satin, with a rosotte of thosamo, edged with black volvot, at onoside. Ono sleovo is composed of lacofrills, while tho other is simply a stiff-ened bow of whito satin. Wbito notover whito silk, trimmod with a latticopattern in dark rod volvot, forms a veryyouthful dress, and still another youth-ful model is carried out in pink silk,with a dcop uccordlou plaitod flounco ofpink moussolino do solo. Plaited mous- -

Boliuo forms tho basque frill, tho sleovos

oowir roit kvenino wear.and trimming on tho bodioo and a boltof gold galpjqn studdod with coral com-pletes tho costume. A gown of yollowBatin is trimmod with a laoo flounco ar-ranged In points and headed with aruoho of white chiffon, which also formstho soft vest and sloeves. Applique locotrims the bodioo.

Olaa Coffee LandsFor Wale.

NO. 1.Sold.

NO. 2.Sold.

NO. 8.

A fine-- Coffee Ranch of 118 acresleflSehollI. 2ft Mnr..l fllaaniul a... I unJ..cultlvathm planted with 1 vear old 'coffee trees.

NO. 4.

Excellent bargain in a CoQee Plan-tation nf 1(11) a p.n i....,1 taorea planted In colIVe trees fiotn 2 to8 yearn old. Fine dwelling houtte andoutbuildings.

NO. C.

A 60 aore CoflVo Ranch In fee sim-ple, faolug on the Volcano Road. 15acres In coffee. 0 nontlis advanced,

NO. G.

A 30 aure Coff-- H Farm, leas-hol- d,

property 4 acres are planted with 4year old coffee ireen aud 18 ucrs witha year old trres The owner will clearand plaut a acres mldltloiml free ofcharge for the purchaser.

NO. 7.

280 acres of unimproved coffee landJust back of the Volcano Rod 80 footroad leading to the laud.

NO. 8.

Mountain View Hotel aud Planta- - ""tlon. 52 anres In all 31 acres plant-ed with coffee tree 4 niith-- . old, 3iacres of 2 tu 4 year old uoffen

The half wuy Imus. lor vhe Volcano

NO. 9.

A Coffee Plantation of 54 acre only9 mllen from lillo 20 acres planted incoffee. A house and linpiovementa.on property.

Apply to

A. V. GEAR& a ).,

210 King Street, Honolulu.


AND- -

Money BrokersStocks and Bonds Bought and

Sold on Commission.

Loans Negotiated

Real EstateAND

Insurance AgentsRente collected. Complete charge

of Property for absentees."Financial Agents In any capa-

city, as Trustees, Assignor, Adminis-trators or Executors.

Agenoy of



Near Honolulu.

Short Distance from tho RaU-roii- d


Magnificent Facilities forObtaining Labor.

Long Term Leaseholds from 351 to"40 '

years can bophtalned In tracts of anynumber of acres desired, on the mostfavorable conditions.

The special attention is called ofthose with small capital wishing togo Into this very profitable Industry.

For particulars, apply to

Griar, Laming & Co.,,210 KINO STREET.