AUCTION SALES. THIS AFTERNOON. WALTER B. WILLIAMS tc CO.. AUCTIONEERS. PAWNBROKER'S AUCTION SALE OP UNREDEEMF.D PLEDGES. Will aril at the store of S. Burnsttne, 381 Ta. a?i>. n.w.. at HALF-PAST SEVEN P.M. MONDAY. OCTOBER SEVENTH. 1812, all unredeemed pledges In his store on which la du« one year's Interest or more. This sale cecals ti of Gold. Silver and Metal Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry of all descriptions. Plain and Set Rings, Chains. Locket*. Scarf 11ns. Studs. Lace Pins. Earrings. Bracelets. Coff Buttons. Field and Opera Glasses. Rooks, Guns. Revolvers. Iron and Wooden Clocks. Satchels and Full-dresi Cases, (tents' Wearing Apparel of all kinds ami Bumerons other articles. Sale to eontlnne every day until all lots are sold. Holders of tickets, please take notice. S. BURN STINK, Broker. ool-7t ' TOMORROW. EXTENSIVE SALE OF DESIRABLE FURNISHINGS, TOMORROW. TUESDAY. OCTOBER EIGHTH, AT TEN A.M. In all. shout 10 loads of clean, almost new Furniture. <s>osigned to us from several installment houses: Brass and Enamel Beds, Kelt Mattresses. Chiffoniers, Dressers. Desks. Bookcases. Also about 50 Large Carpets, about 1.500 yds. of remnants in <V>co« Matting. Rnnners, Oilcloths and Matting from W. B. Moses, etc., etc. All at unrestricted sale. P. S.- We have no connection with anv other sale. D. NOTES. AUCTIONEER, 615 la. are. n.w. ADAM A. WESCHLiKR. AUCTIONEER. Receiver's Sale of Valuable Well Known Saloon Business at No. 415 13th St N.W. By Tlrtii* of on order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. In the case of Charles Murdoch to. George C. Campbell et al.t the undersigned receiver will sell at public auction. Within the above premises, on Tuesday, October 8th, 1912, at 11 O'pock A.M., the valuable saloon business. Including stock fa trade, fixtures, lease, license, etc. Terms cash. A deposit of *500 required at time of sale. Terms to be complied with when lease and license are ready for transfer, otherwise the right Is reserved to resell at risk and coat of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper Cbllshed In Washington. D. C. All conveyancf, transfers, etc., at the purchaser's cost. ROBERT L. MONTAGUE. Receiver, Bank of Commerce and Savings building. se27 d&dba ADAM A. WESCHI/ER, AUCTIONEER. 1 c«-i .oanKruprcy ^aie Large Stock of China. Crockerv and Glassware, 120 cases Clysmic Water, Carpets, Iron Safe, Office Furniture, Ice Cream Machine, Kuhn Checking Outfit, etc., etc., By Public Auction At Cafe Republique, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912, Commencing at ip O'Clock A.M., o< 4-d&dhs C1I AS. F. DIOGS. Trustee. ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. CnANCERY SAI.E OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court ©f the District of Columbia, passed In equity cause No. 3119S. we. the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises. 011 TUESDAY. THE EIGHTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1912. at FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington. In the District of Columbia, to wit: Lot No. 24. in square No. 5157. Saunder's subdivision of lots 0 and 7 of Burley's subdivision of part of Sheriffs estate, known as Wbittlngbam. as per plat attached to deed recorded among the land records of the District of Columbia, at Idber 1739. at folio 349, together with the improvements. consisting of a five-room frame dwelling on WbiUingham place, between Sheriff road and I.ane place northeast. Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance In two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at sis per centum per annum. payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or ail cash. A deposit of $100 required at time of sale. .Ml conveyancing and recording at cost of purchaser. Terms to be complied with within fifteen davs from dav of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In the citv of Washington. D. C. CLINTON' R. COLVIN, OHAS. E. ROBSON. Trustees, Office 612 F st. n.w. se26-dAds.exSu ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THE THREESTORY. 10 ROOM BRICK DWELLING KNOWN AS NO. 2S "R" STREET NORTHEAST. A.M.I.. HOT-WATER HEAT. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. .1485. folio 450 et seq.. of the land records of the Distrl't of Columbia, and at the request of the party secnred thereby. we. the undersigned trustees, will sell, at public suction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE EIGHTH DA A' OF OCTOBER. A. D. 1012. AT THREE. O'CLOCK P. M.. the folowlng-desoribed IhwI and premises, situate in the city of Washington. In the District of Columbia, and designated and being lot forty-seven (471 in George C. Pumpbrey and George N. Palmer's subdivision of lots in block 5 "We«t Eckington." as per plat recorded In Liber County No. 16. folio 124. of the surveyor's office of the District of Columbia; subject to the covenant fixing the hulldlng line 15 feet from the front line of said lot and that no building costing less than $3,000 shall be erected thereon, and that no spirituous or malt liquors shall be sold therein, together with the improvements, consisting of the tlire^-story brick dwelling known as No. 2S "R" street northeast. Terms of sale will l>e announced at time of sale. A deposit of $20O will he required of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing. recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trust<-es reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published In the city of Washington. D. C. J. CLINTON TRIBBY, OSCAR W. KING. ocldAd«.eS«i Trustees. Fl'Tl'RE DAYS. THl IS. ,J. OVVEX & SON, Al'CTIONEERS. TRKSTEES' SALE OK A TWO-STORY DWELLING. XO. 603 KENYON STREET NORTHWEST. WASHIXOTOX. D. C. Default having been made under the provision* of a eertain deed of trust, dated August IS. 190T. and rei-onled August 20. 1907. In Liber 3093. at folio 2»>s et seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, ami at the request of the parties secured, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction. In front of the premises on THl B8DAY. THE TENTH DAY OK OCTOBER 1912. AT HALK-I'AsT KOI R O'CLOCK P.M.. lot nutnhervd two »2> in Mock numl>ered four (41 In Stellwagen an<l Wolf, trustees', subdivision of "Scheutzen Park." as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Oolumhia In I.'ber County s. at folio 93. lielng improved by a two story brick dwelling of colonial type. Terms of sale; All cash, or purchaser pay onethird rash, one-third in one year and one-third In two years, at purchaser's option: defem-d )<ayments to be secured on the premises gold anil to be evidenced by promissory notes, bearing Interest at the rate of six js-r cent per annum, payable semi-annually. Conveyancing at purchaser's cost. A deposit of to lie made at the time of sale, and terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days, or trustees may advertise and sell at purchaser's cost, after liTe days' previous advertisement. JACKSON H RALSTON. Trustee. E. Ql'ISCY SMITH. Trustee. se27-eodAds.eSu 1408 Xew York ave. Smith's Auction House, 633 La. Ave. N.W. On TKESDAY OCTOBER TWENTY-EIGHT, al TEX A.M., will sell at my salesrooms contents of a 15-room house, Pianos. Organs. Parlor Suites, Bedroom. Dining Boom and Kitchen Fur uiture, Store and Office Knrniture, Heating and Cooking Stoves, Dishes. Bugs. Matting Carjiet. Anything that you may lie In need of can be found at this sale. I boilers and private buyers will And it fr> tht*ir intprp<<r t<. nftciiil thl* salo ROGER B. SMITH. Auctioneer. THOMAS J. OWEN A SON. AUCTIONEER. EXECUTORS SALE OF VALUABLE RE AI ESTATE. IMPROVED BY THREE-STOR1 AND BASEMENT BRICK DWELLING NO 1746 NEW YORK AVENUE NORTHWEST. To close au estate. the undersigned will offei for sale at public auction. In front of the prvm l»e«. on WEDNESDAY. THE NINTH DAY Of OCTOBER. A.D. 1912. AT HALF PAST POUI O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described roa estate. situate In the city of Washington. Din trict of Columbia. viz.: I>»t lettered "C" It Jobn Chapman ami William Whelan's subdlvlslot of lots in square one hundred and seventy-oni (1711, as per p'.at recorded In I.lber C. H. B. folio 279. of the record* of the surveyor's offlei of the Dlstrlet of Columbia: beginning for tbi tantp on the southerly line of New York avenu' at a point distant northeasterly on said line (1 feet 11 Inches from the northwest romer o aald square, thence northeasterly on said aveum 19 feet 4>». inches, thence southeasterly at rlgb angles to said avenue 60 feet 6 Inches, thenc south at right angles with E street 20 feet I lnoh»n, thence west 38 feet 6 Inches, thenc north 71 feet 2 Inches to the point of beginning Improved by three-storv and basement brlci dwelling No. 1746 New York avenue northweat. Terms: One-fourth cash, balance In equal In atallments. payable in one and two years, wit] Interest at five per centum per annum, payabl aeml-annually. from day of sale, and secured b; deed of trust on the property aold. or all cash t the option of the purr-baser. A deposit o $2S0 will be required at the time of sale. Al conveyancing and recording at the purchaser' coat. Terms to be complied with within flftee: days from the day of sale, otherwise the undei signed reserves the right to resell at thfe ria nd coat of the purchaser In default. AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COM PANY, Executor of the Estate of BenlarnI F. Cole. By CHARLES J. BEI.L. President Attest: JAMES F. 11 (AID. Secretary. ae28 d*&^>u , . , AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. THOS. J. OWEN & SON. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THE THREEi STORY. NINE ROOMS AND BATH. HOTWATER HEAT. BRICK DWELLING, NO. 28 "R" STREET NORTHEAST. J By virtue of a certain d«>ed of trust duly reI corded In Liber No. 3261, folio 274 et seq., of the land record# of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee# will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, THE SIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1612. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In tbe county of Washington. District of Columbia, and designated as and being lot number forty-seven (471, In Phumphrey and Palmer's subdivision of lota in block numbered five (5), West Ecklngton. as per plat recorded In County Book Sixteen (16). page 124. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, together with the Improvements. Terhas of sale: All cash. A deposit of $200.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc.. at cost of nurchaser. Terms of sale to be compiled with within 15 days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published In Washington. D. C. ALGERNON* S. GARDENER, W; GILBERT DENT. oot-d&ds.eSii Trustees. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Sale of a Well Known and Valuable Saloon Business Located in Premises 1258 Water or 7th Street Southwest. The undersigned administratrix of the estate of WIlHom E T.lntina. dpnonvd will nflTi»r for sale at public auction. In the above-named premises. on TUESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1912. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A.M.. all the stock in trade, fixtures and licenses of the saloon and restaurant business located In said premises and formerly conducted by said deceased. Sale is made subject to ratification by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, holding a Probate Court. Terms of sale: Cash. A deposit of $250 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees, and also any costs incurred in obtaining signatures to transfer of liquor license, at cost of purchaser. Any further information desired may be obtained from the undersigned, or Messrs. LEON TOBRINER and BYBON U. GRAHAM, Equity building. ANNIE M. LINKINS. oc3-d&dbs.eSu Administratrix. ADAM A. WESCHLER, A POTION EER. ^ Chancery Sale of Valuable Im- proved Real Estate. Suitable for ' BUSINESS PURPOSES, lo- i cated at Southwest Corner of 4y2 and G Streets Southwest. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in Equity Cause No. 31090, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premiacs. on MONDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, situate in the city of Washington. in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being the north fourteen (14) feet front of sublot twenty-four <24) in square four hundred amPninety-seven (497), improved by premises No. 454 G street southwest, together with the Improvements, consisting of a frame and brick dwelling, part of which is now used as a store. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase " money to be paid in cash, and the balance in two equal installments, payable in one and two years, with interest at 6 |>er centum per annum. ' payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit < of $200 will be required of the purchaser at t the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording f and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. * Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen i days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees ] reserve the right to resell the property at the j risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after 1 live days' advertisement of such resale in some t newspaper published in the city of Washington, t D. C. t PHILIP LEE SCANTLING, t ALEXANDER H. BELL. r oc3-d&ds.eSu Trustees. f THUS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. j TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE THREE- J STORY BRICK RESIDENCE, NO. 1633 Q ! STREET N.W. » By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re- * cordpd in Liber No. 2198. folio w2 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and . at the request of the party secured thereby, the J undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. J in front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE ' FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912. ' AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following de- J scribed land and premises, situate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, an® designated . as and being lot 13, in John B. Turton. executor, ' and others' subdivision of part of square num- , hered 179, as per plat recorded in Liber W. F., . folio 103. of the records of the office of the sur- J vevor of the District of Columbia, except the east 6Vi inches front by the depth of said lot, * together ^ith the improvements, consisting of a ' three-story brick house. No. 1633 Q street n.w. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money to be paid in cash,, balance in two equal" install- . ments. payable in one and two years, with interest at six per centum per annum, payahle semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at J the t»dh>h of the purchaser. A deposit of $290.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing. recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington. D. C. SAMUEL C. ROWLAND, CHARLES W. SIMPSON. oc2-d&ds.e.Su Trustees. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE RESIDENT PROPERTY. NO. 4105 7th ST. N.W. Under and by virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 346s. at folio 4SO et seq.. one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises. on MONDAY. OCTOBER FOURTEENTH, : lot a t tn v* v is vi 4 urn i*/ii>Ti <\r»tr it xi i u<i., ,\i tiALr-i A91 rutn u i i<uia i < the following described land and premises, situ- < ate, lying and buing in the county of Washing- < ton, IHstriet of Columbia, known and distln- i guisbed as lot numi>ered thirty-one (31), in Ken- < nehunk Realty Company sul (division of lots in stjuare numbered seventy t70l, now thirty-two hundred and twenty-nine (31X1)1, "Petworth Addition to the city of "Washington." as per plat recorded in the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, in Liber *3, folio 20. Terms made known at time of sale. WALTER G. EISINGER, Trustee. WILLIAM C. EISINGER. Trustee. T. J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneers. or-,13,14 ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Chancery Sale of Valuable Inv proved Real Estate, Numbers 201 and 203 H Street N.W. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in Equity Cause No. 31211, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1912. AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia, to wit: Part of lot 1 in square No. 562. beginning at the southeast corner of said lot and square, and running thence west on H street 30 feet, thence north 100 feet, thence east 3o feet to the west Hue of 2nd street, thence south 100 feet to the point of beginning, together with the improvements, consisting of two brick dwellings, commonly known as premises 201 and 203 H street northwest. Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance in two equal installments, payable In one and two years, with Interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash. A deposit of $100 on each "house required at time of sale. All conveyancing and recording at cost of purchaser. Terms to be compiled with within fifteen days from dav of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the piopej'ty at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertlse nient of such resale In soine newspaper published In the city of Washington. D. C. ROSSA F. DOWNING. Stewart building, MICHAEL J. COLBERT. Southern building. , DANIEL W, O'DONOGHCE, Century building, oc.~-dA-ds.eSn Trustees. C. G. SLOAN & CO.. INC.. AUCTIONEERS, 1407 G St. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED BY A LARGE BRICK OARAGE, AT 1204 NEW HAMPSHIRE AVENUE NORTHWEST. By virtue of n decrw of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed In equity ' cauae No. 30784, the undersigned trustee will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on MONDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A. D. 1012. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, in the Dls> trlct of Columbia, and designated as and being known as part of original lot numbered one (It, In square numbered seventy (70). and described j as follows: Beginning for the same on New j Hampshire avenue at the northeast corner of said s lot. and running thence southwesterly on said avenue 64 feet; thence northwesterly at right I angles to said avenue to a point of the west g line of said lot 128 feet 8^ inches north of M . street: thence north to the thirty-foot wide alley £ in rear of said lot; thence west on said alley f 22 feet 5 inches; thence north on said ally 60 e feet to the north line of said lot; thence t southeasterly on said north line of said lot 176 ,, feet 1 Inch to the place of tteginning, together g with the Improvements thereon. e Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money over and above a first deed of trust of £ gb.OOO and balance on a second deed of trust of $3,000. with Interest at 5 per centum, to be i- paid in cash, and the remainder in two equal b installments, payable In one and two years, with e interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable y semi-annually, the deferred payments to he i. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold. >f or all cash, at the option of the purcbaaer. A II deposit of $500 will be required of the purs chaser at the time of the sale. All conTeyancn ing. recording and notarial fees at the cost of r- the purchaser. Terms to be complied with k within ten days from date of sale, otherwise the trustee reserves the right to resell the property [- at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser n after five days' advertisement of such resale In t. some newspaper published in the city of Washington, D. C. LEO SIMMONS, Trustee, d'2 10t,eS^^ Kellogg Building. £ AUCTION SALES. FUTURE PAYS. jH)At Sloan'i 119 140? 4towTi«ce catalog ;! of ;i mendelsohn '! of valuable mahogan orations, persian rug i; be] the entire stock of 1409 new york ave., tih the goods he was fol newport, r. i., store, c usual dullness of th The collection is unusually fine, eml parts of the home in the old, int< dale, Hepplewhite and Colonial; al Persian Rugs, Mirrors in all shapes Lowestoft and Capo di Monte Ch; irons. Fenders, etc., etc. all to be sold at tion within our gal WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY 9, 10 AND II, 1912, AT 11 A. -ON EXHIBITION MON TOBER 7 AND 8. * C. G. SLC oe3-6t,eSn >" THOMAS DOWLJXG & CO., AUCTIONEERS. EXECUTRIX SALE OF DWELLING. NO. 1244 FIRST STREET SOUTHWEST. On FRIDAY. OCTOBER ELEVENTH. 1012. AT SALE FAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. I will sell at while auction. In front of the premises, part of iriginal lots seven (7) and eight (8), In square lumbered six hundred and fifty (650), beginning 'or the same In the east line of 1st street west >ne foot six Inches south of the northwest corner >f said lot seven (7). and runnlDg thence east linety feet; thence north fifteen feet nine inches; :hence west nlDety feet to 1st street, and thence south fifteen feet nine Inches to the place of the leglnuing; together with the Improvements :hereon. Terms, all cash: $100 deposit required at sale, ind all conveyancing and recording at purchaser's «ost. Terms of sale to be complied with within 15 davs, or the deposit will Im» forfeited. ELLA R. COLEMAN. Executrix. se28-dts.eSu THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. ["RUSTEES" SALE OE VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In Liber No. 3332. folio 370 .et spq., of :he land words of the District of Columbin, nntl it the request of the party secured thereby, the mdersigned trustees will sell at public auction, n front of the premises. «m MONDAY, THE FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912, IT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the folowing described land and premises, situate In :he city of Washington. District of Columbia, ind designated as and being jsirts of original lots hree <3t and five (5), in square nine hundred and hirty-eight (9381, described as follows: Beglnling for the same on the line of Ninth street 20 'eet south from the northwest corner of said lot I, and running thence south along said street 20 'eet: thence east 115 feet 10% inches: thence lorth 20 feet: thence west 115 feet 10% Inches o the place of l>eginnlng. together with the imjrovements, consisting of a three-story frame ind brick dwelling, number 311 9th street northeast. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money o l»e paid In cash, balance in two equal installnents, payable In one and two years, with lnerest at six per centum per annum, payable icmi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed >f trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at he option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200.00 vlll be required at time of sale. All convcyancng. recording, efce.. at cost of purchaser. Terms >f sale to be complied with within fifteen days rom day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve :he right to resell the property at the risk and oat of defaulting purchaser, after five days' idvertisement of such resale In some newspaper tublisbed in Washington. D. C. J. ROSS OOLHOUN. WM. SIIEDD HOLTOX. oc3-eod&ds.eSu Trustees. THOS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. rRUSTEES' SALE OF NEARLY NEW TWOSTORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 3410 WARDER STREET N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 3492, at folio 229 et seq., me of tbe-land records for the District of Coumbia, and at the request of the party secured hereby, we will sell at public auction, in front >f the premises, on FRIDAY, THE ELEVENTH r>AY OF OCTOBER, 1912. AT HALF PAST KOVR O'CLOCK P.M., the following described and and premises, situate in the District of Coumhia. known and distinguished as lot 21 in M. Isabella Parker's sulidlvision of part of block 9, iVhltpey Close, as per plat recorded in Liber No. ii, roilO .m, or ine rawiu or me uuiie or iuc surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust for $2,000. tearing interest at 3%. maturing Noreinlier 2S. 1914, and the amount over said trust to Ik? paid as follows: $100 deposit required j|>on acceptance of bid, $100 within fifteen days ind the remainder in monthly installments of 525..V) eaeh. secured by a second deed of trust. >r all cash over said prior trust, at purchaser's iption. Kale to be closed within fifteen days, or leposit forfeited. Conveyancing, etc., at purchaser's cost. < BRAINARD W. PARKER, FREDERICK A. FENNING, oc4-d&ds.eSu Trustees. " ADAM A. WESCIILER, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale of Three-Story Brick Dwelling, No. 1220 12th Street Northwest. By virtue of a certain deed of trust given to us on tbp 9th day of September. 1909, and recorded in Liber 3272. at folio 72, one of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured, we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on FRIDAY. OCTOBER FOURTH, 1912, AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washlngto n. District of Columbia, and being lot lettered "B" In Giles Dyer's subdivision of lots In squire nnmhered two hundred and eighty-one (281), as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, In Liber N. K., at folio 319, together with the Improvements th. reon, consisting of a three-story brick dwelling, being No. 122U 12th street northwest. Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money payable on day of sale or within fifteen (15) days thereafter, one-third In one year and one-third In two (2| years thereafter, with Interest at the rate <>f six (6) per centum per annum on such deferred payments from day of sale until paid, payable semi-annually. The deferred payments to lie represented by the promissory note of purchaser, secured by deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, at purchaser's option. A deposit of $200 to be made at time of sale. All eouveyancing and recording at purchaser's cost. Terms to tie complied with within fifteen (15) days from day of sale, otherwise trustees reserve the right to resell at risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. RALPH F. BARNARD. GUY II. JOHNSON, Trustees, se24-d&ds.exS Evans Building. t^TIIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UNTIL FRIDAY. OCTOBER ELEVENTH, 1912, at the same hour and place. RALPH P. BARNARD, GUY H. JOHNSON. A T. uui-uau»icnu AiuDirvo, ADAM A. WESCIILER, AUCTIONEER. Trustees' Sale of Valuable Improved Real Estate, being the Premises 1115 K Street Northwest, and consisting of a FourStory, Eighteen-room Brick Dwelling. Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded In Liber No. .'(280. folio 450 et seq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we, the undersigned trustees, will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY. THE TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A. D. 1912. at THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, and designated as and being part of lot six (0), in the heirs of John Davidson's subdivision of square three hundred and sixteen (310>, as per plat recorded in Liber N. K.. folios 90 and 91, of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, described as follows: Beginning on K street northwest at the southwest corner of said lot and running thence east along said street lfl feet; thence north 100 feet to the public alley in the rear of said lot; thence west along aaid alley 10 feet, and thence south 100 feet to the north side of K street northwest. and the place of beginning, together with the Improvements, consisting of dwelling known as number 1113 K at. n w. Terms of sale will be announced at time of sale. A deposit of $200 will be rgequired of the purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing, recording and notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five days* advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in the city of Washington, D. C. J. CLINTON TRIBBY. OSCAR W. KINO. oc4-dAd* Trustees. AUCTION SALES. FUTURE DAYS. IS § M Galleries. G Street UE SALE v ; THE r COLLECTION IY FURNITURE, ART DEC- !' S, RARE CHINA, ETC, [NG ;! Mr. A. MENDELSOHN OF [S CITY, TOGETHER WITH RCED TO SHIP FROM HIS )N ACCOUNT OF THE UN- E PAST SEASON. ijracing Mahogany Furniture for all resting styles of Sheraton, Chippenso All-gilt Tables and Cabinets, Rich 3, Oak Pieces, Sheffield Pla'te, Chelsea, ina, English Cut Glass, Prints, AndI ABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUC- JLERIES, 1407 G STREET, ' AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER M. AND 3 P.M. EACH DAY. DAY AND TUESDAY, OC)AN & CO., Inc., Auctioneers. THOS. J. OWEN & SOX. AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND. CONTAINING ABOUT 10 ACRES. FACING Ri»CK CREEK CHURCH HOAI), OPPOSITE TIIE SOLDIERS' HOME GROUNDS. By virtue of a certain (Icert of trust, duly recorded In Liber No. 2739, folio 264 et ,seq.. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, thp undersiirned trustees will sell, at nubile aue- tlon, 4n front of the premises. on TUESDAY, THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1912, AT HAW-PAST FOl'R O'CLOCK P. M. the following-described land and promises, situate In the county of Washington, District of Columbia, and designated as and being all that certain parcel of land of which Samuel Redfern died seized, containing, or supposed to contain, about 10 acres, and bounded on the northerly line by the land of the Rock Creek Church, and on the west by the subdivision now known as "Tetworth," and on the southeasterly sides by the Rock Creek Church road, and being or supposed to be a pnrt of the tract of land known as "Pleasant Hill" and part of the adjoining tract called "Generosity, and being contained or supposed to be contained within the following metes and bounds. tIz. : Beginning for the same at a stone marked No. 1, planted at the end of 7 perches on the eight line of the tract of land called "Generosity," as said eight line was established by agreement between the vestry of Rock Creek Church and others, recorded in I.lber W. B. No. 98. folio 379. of the land records of the District of Columbia, and running thence south 20 degrees, west 40 perches to a stone marked No. 2: thence south 46 degrees, west 16 perches to a stone marked No. 3; thence north 15 degrees west 78 perches more or less to said eight line of "Generosity," as established by the agreement aforesaid; and thence on said line of the place of beginning, together with the improvements. TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchasemoney to be paid in cash, balance In two equal installments, payable In one and two years, with Interest at 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed of trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen days from day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisement of such resale In some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. ROBERT E. BRADLEY, GEORGE M. MYERS, ocl,3,5 dJfcds.exS Trusteea. THOMAS DOWLING & CO.. . AUCTIONEERS. Receiver's Sale of Valu1 1 1 able baloon Business at 604 Pa. Ave. N.W. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia. In equity cause No. 31255, the undersigned receiver will sell at public auction, within the above premises, on Tuesday, October 15, 1912, At 11 O'Clock A.M., the valuable saloon business, including stock in trade, fixtures, license, etc. Terms cash. A deposit of $500 required at time of sale. Terms to be complied with when the license Is ready to transfer, otherwise the right is reserved to resell at risk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper published in Washington, D. C. All conveyance, transfers, etc., at purchaser's cost. HENRY LATTERNER, Receiver, oo4-dts 1110 F st. n.w. T1IOS'. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. BEING THE TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING NO. 511 THIRD STREET SOUTHEAST, WASHINGTON, D. C. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 3441. at folio 301 et scq., of the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on MONDAY, TUB FOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1812, AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land and premises, with the Improvements. easements, rights, ways and appurtenance thereunto belonging, situate in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, namely: Lot numbered seventy-three (73) in Mamie E. Norment's subdivision of lots in square numbered seven hundred sixty-five (705). as per plat recorded In the office of the surveyor for the District of Columbia, In Book No. 41, at page No. 95. Terms of sale: Property is to be sold subject to a $3,000 first deed of trust upon the property, full particulars of wtycb are to be given at the time of, sale. One-fourth of said purchase price (over and above said first trust) to lie paid In cash, balance to la* secured by a second deed of trust upon the property sold, securing one note upon which twenty-three 50-100 ($23.50) dollars is to be paid monthly, which monthly payments are to be applied first to accrued Interest and the balance to the principal of said second trust note, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser. A denosit of $150 will be required at the time of pal-'. All title charges, conveyancing, recording, notary fees, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen (15) days from date of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after five (5) days' advertising of such resale in some newspa iter published in the city of Washington, D. C. HARRY NORMENT. CHARLES LINKINS, Trafctppa ocl-i'.Ads.e.Su 204 McGill hldg. ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER. Trustee's Sale of Valuable Barroom Business at No. 520 4y2 St. S.W. Under and pursuant to that certain deed of trust made by Ernest NIebel and wife, recorded April 5. 1912. In Liber No. 3516. at folio 192. of the land records of the District of Columbia, the undersigned trustee, at the premises. No. 520 4% street southwest, in the city of Washington, D. C., at FOUR (4) O'CLOCK P.M. on TUESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. 1912. will offer for sale at public auction the valuable barroom and other business there lately conducted by said NIebel. including all licenses there held by him. together with the busine-s conducted thereunder, and the good will thereof, and all his rights as tenant by lease or otherwise of said premises, and all wines, liquors, cigars and other stock in trade and paraphernalia and equipment of said business, together with all other fixtures and property there situate and now or lately used by him in said business. Terms: Cash. All transfers and conveyancing at cost of purchaser. LORENZO A. BAILEY. Trustee. oc5-llt 452 P at. n.w. THOMAS J. OWEN <s SOX, AUCTIONEERS. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE UNIM. PROVED REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in I.iber No. 1873, folio 277 et seq.. oi the land records of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell, at nubile auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY, THE TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following described land nnd premises, situate In the county of Washington, District of Columbia, nnd designated as and being 41 nnd 42, in the subdivision by Julia T. Peck of lot 8. in the block 12 of the subdivision by the Washington Brick Machine Company of a part of the tract of land known as Trinidad, as per plat recorded In Liber County No. 6, folio 120, and No. 8, folk 58, in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia. Terms of sale: All cash. A deposit of $100.0(1 will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing, recording, etc., at coat of purchaser, Terms of sale to be complied with within IS days from day of sale, or deposit forfeited. GEO. A. PRBVOST, GEO. a YIDKTTO. «30-e«d&<U,eSa ^ Trjmtee*, AUCTION SALES ' FUTURE PAYS. J ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER. Diamonds* Watches, Jewelry, Silverware. Etc.. bv Auction. On WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER NINTH. 1912. commencing at TEN O'CLOCK A.M., I will acll by public auction, within premises No. 815 G * street n.w., all pledges on which there Is due one year's Interest or more, consisting of Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, etc. oc2-dAdba LOUIS ABRAHAMS. Broker. _ C. O. SLOAN A CO. (INC.). AUCTS., 1407 G ST. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED BY PREMISES 1716 Q ST. N.W. By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recorded in Liber No. 3245, folio 157 et seq.. of the land records of the District of Colnmbia. and at the request of party secured thereby, the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1912. AT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the following described land and premises, situate In the city of Washington. District of Columbia: Lot two hundred and forty-six (246) in T. F. Schneider's subdivision of lots in square one hundred and fifty-six (156), as per plat recorded in Liber No. 18, folio 57. of the records of the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia, being improved "and Inclosed by house and premises No. 1716 Q st. n.w. Terms: One-third cash, balance in equal Installments at one and two years, with interest at 5 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually from the day of sale, and secured by deed of trust on the property soln, or ail cash, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of g2'#> will be required at the time of sale. All conveyancing and recording will be at the purchaser's <-ost. Terms to be complied wltli within ten days, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. WM. J. FLATHER, « MILTON* E. AILES. B oo.V10t.eSn Truster*. £ FOR SALE.LOTS. ONE BLOCK SOUTH CLEVELAND PARK. 7 ^ lots. $800 each. About 20 ft. front by 100 deep. PERCY H. RUSSELL CO.. 9th and N. Y. are. n.w. oi tl tl SIXTEENTH STREET. a Lots of lots; Improved and unimproved; any p location; any size; any price; any terms. d ALOXZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES. e 35 B st. n.w. Linen. 1S60. y< it a' tl T nn FOR SALE.00-FOOT FRONT ON X. C. AVE. * n.e.; readv for lniilding: price. $1,100. GEO. Y. WORTIIINGTON & SON. Woodward bldg. CHOICE CORNER LOT IN CHEVY CHASE. £ D. C.: 50xl4O feet: near Connecticut avenue, £] with ail city improvements. Address OWNER, tij Box 27. Star office. |] CHOICE LOTS FOR INVESTMENT ON 14th and 16th sts. extended. This property will double In value. Box 28. Star office. WANTED.LOTS. WANTED.ALLEY LOT, WEST OF 16th ST., for garage; about 20 feet front; cheap. Box 236. Star office. RAINAND AUTO COATMAKERS. I. GLASER 4 CO. MAKES GUARANTEED WAterproof rain and auto coats for ladies and gentlemen; altera and repairs all kinds of rubber garments and articles. Ph. M. 2226. 929 1 st. ________ PAPERHANGING. PAINTING ft DECORATING. In all lta branches, 20% cheaper than any firm In the city. CHAS. B HYSAN. 204 East Capitol st. Phone Linen. 2239 for estimate. SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN WALL PAPERS that will please up-to-date housekeepers; newest effects In cut-out liorders, panels, etc. TALBOTT & TALBOTT. 1236 9th st. Ph. N. 1992. GOING TO PAPER? NO BETTER PLACE TO « And just what you want In design, quality and /price. Rms., *3 up. C. B. THOMPSON & CO., 1 Interior Decorators. 3120 11th st. Ph. Col. 4454. WALL PAPERS. 2C. 30 AND 4C UP; PICTURE rod, lc per foot op; rooms papered reasonable price; work guaranteed. GEORGES, 508 7th at. s.w. Phone M. 3689. SEASON'S NEWEST WALL PAPERS IN BIG d< variety; expert paperhanglng, guaranteed sat- a lsfactory; painting, decorating. Estimates fe given. FOURNIElt CO.. 2010 K st. Ph. W. 522. a HOUSEPAINTENG & FINISHING. p EXPERT PAINTING. GRAINING AND HARDwood floor refinishlng. Only the best materials and workmanship will make your home attractive. Estimates. H. A. GLORIUS & BRO., _ 2827 Sherman ave. PAPERHANGING. u THIS AD GOOD FOR 50C ON ANY JOB FOR "this month only. Paperhanglng and painting. PENNINGTON & TAYLQIt, 513 H st. n.e. . Phone Line. 977. STOVES AND FURNACES. V< FURNACES. RANGES AND LATROBES. Roofing, guttering and spouting; poof painting n and general Jobbing: estimates cheerfully given. jl _JOHN F. CALLAX. IPS Sth n.e. Ph. Linen. 192S. PROPOSALS. DBPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR. WASHIngton, September 27. 1912..Sealed proposals in duplicate will be received at this Department S until 2 o'clock p.m., Monday, October 14, 1912. for repairs of roofs, gutters, down-spouts, and Installing new skynights and new copper roof gutters on roof of United States Pension Office building, _ Washington, D. C., in accordance with specifications for the work, copies of which may be obtained upon application to the chief clerk of the department. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, or to accept or reject any part thereof in the discretion of the Department. Proposals should be securely enveloped, marked "Proposal for repairs to roofs, etc.. Pension Office Building." and addressed to the Secretary of the Interior. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. Assistant Secretary. se30.oc2.4.7 LEGAL NOTICES. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT 1 of CoRimbla..Fred A. Schmidt, plaintiff, vs. I Zada T. Kemp et al.. defendants..Xo. 31220, Equity Docket..The object of this suit is to foreclose the deed of trust made by the defendant, Zada T. Kemp, to secure the complainant, a sale of the property described in these proceedings, for receivers and injunction. On motion of Jfthe plaintiff, it is, this seventh day of October, 11 1912, ordered that the defendant, Zada T. Kemp, *" cause her appearance to be entered herein on or before the fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and \ legal holidays, occurring after the day of the first publication of this order; otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in case of default. Provided, a copy of this order be published once a week for three successive weeks In the Wash- q ington Law Reporter and -ae Evening Star news- w mi tutp lipforp Kiilri riav TH(m H Justice. (Seal.) A true copy.Test: J. it! ... YOUNG. Clerk. By P. E. CUNNINGHAM, Asst. Clerk. oc-7-law,3t MOVING, PACKING & STORAGE. F PACKING. Phone M. 2010. MOVING. f< KRIEG'S EXPRESS. 1224 H St. n.w. Large padded vans. Experienced men. Get our estimate. SHIPPING. STORAGE. A WASHINGTON SAFE DEPOSIT CO. (INC.), 916-918 Pa. are. n.w. FIREPROOF STORAGE. .. Rooms, $2 mo. up. Phone Main 261. 1 Estimates furnished. LET . PACK Your furniture, china, brlc-a-brae, etc.. for nhlp- J ment to other cities. We employ expert packers I. only. STORAGE. MOVING, SHIPPING. *' Merchants'Transfer& Storage Co., ** 020-922 E ST. N.W. C1 PADDED VANS. $4 AND $5 LOAD: 2-HORSB g< wagons. $3 load. Phone Main 1915-1916. u COLUMBIA TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. O 905 NEW YORK AVE. N.W. Packing & Shipping. Storage. $2 van load. GET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF STORAGE. PACKING & MOVING. UNITED STATES STORAGE CO.. 418-20 10th ST. N.W. PHONE 4229. STORE YOUR FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC.. at WESCIILER'S. 920 Pa. are. n.w. Rates I reasonable. Estimates cheerfully given. Phone 1282. \ STORAGE.Pb IVATE APARTMENTS; VERY best accommodations; podded vans. Particulars at 507 14th st. n.w.. LITTLEFIELD. ALVORD A CO.. opp. X<*w Willarn. Tel. W. 737. . LOAN COMPANIES. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE and others, upon their own names: cheap rates; easy payments; confidential. D. H. TOLMAN. Rm. 506. 533 15th St. B.W. r M"I"U I '1 J | special notice! 1 o , i* TO BORROWERS. V r loansof <fcin :: ^ ormore :: ^ :: to any one. $ 'mm I j We want no advantage? care very . ' * little about security, promise satiafac- .. " * tlon, and guarantee a square deal. . * * Tell us bow much money you want. ' * Convince us of your ability and honest . I * * Intention to live up to your agreement. ., i and we will make you a Joan. . , > * * Our easy payment plan enables you to . , t ' * repay the loan easily and quickly. . . Potomac Financial Co., , \ 1224 g st. n.w. :: ;l ' ' Booms. 90-21. 2nd Floor, Cor. 13th St. | ; Phone Main 489. + fa 1111111 iijiinn-in ni'i* 11 i LOAN COMPANIES. )IO YOU EVER NEED MONEY IN A HURRY? We make loans to ladles and housekeepers as ell as men on their signature, and you can pay lek small weekly or monthly payments to anlt jur Income and convenience. Y\ e make quick, rlctly confidential loans In one day. and yea iep onr money aa long as yon like. AMERICAN LOAN CO, 1326 NEW TORS AVE. N.W. Second floor, front. Phone Main 3013. BORROWERS if small sums a 1 ATTENTION! iiij We make a specialty of assisting men and women to secure LOANS ' $io or MORE j On Furniture, Pianos, Etc. t Onr new system of meeting this de- ... j mand Is the most reliable.the best. ., safest.fairest yet devised. We act enI tirely as yottr agent; your promise to ;; pav Is our guarantee. ! We will tell yon Jnst to the penny ;; E what the accommodation will cost yon. and If this Is satisfactory to you the [ understanding Is perfect and you get the ::: f money. t All onr transactions are made In m j clean, straightforward manner. E Our offices are especially arranged for E privacy and the convenience of out cus| totners'. MUTUAL LOAN CO,j 700 NINTH ST. N. W.j I Phone M. 1574. Second Floor. 8 THE OLD RELIABLE, VASHINGTON LOAN CO., 610 F St. N.W., You Can Borrow Our-Cash. If yon have household goods, a piano or other 'cnrlty we will loan you from $5.00 to $100.00 o terms that will pipage you and at a coat aat is rair ana reasonable. Even If you have a loan, call and see ns. as je chances are we can loan you more money at cheaper rate and on easier terms. So honest erson refused. No Indorsee necessary. Neither o you need to have a finely furnished home to et money here. We will loan you money on our own name; give you plenty of time to py ; back in small weekly or monthly payments nd not charge you more than the accommodalon Is worth to yon. L<oans made in Congress Heights. Anacosfla. "wining City. Capitol Heights. Peanwond. Falriont Heights. Cedar Heights. Burrvilic. Boning. Brookland. Langdon. Mt. Rainier. Brent ood. Tenleytown. Takoma Park and ail other lburbs. also Alexandria. Va.. on the same terms s In Washington. Why not see us. write us or phone Main 3033 jday? Office open 8 to 6. All applications will sceive our Immediate attention. READ THIS. WE WTLT, ATP ANT ONE. MAN OR WOMAN. TO SECURE SMALT. Loans, $10 or More. Remember, we care little abont seenritv. Tell ns how much money yon want, and If onr charge for the accommodation Is satisfactory to you you get the money. We loan you the money on TOUR OWN GUARANTEE. No hardship to repay it $1.00 or $2.00 A WEEK WILL REPAY A LOAN. Wf have acquired our present enviable reputation by honest, straightforward methods, and we intend to maintain this policy. UNION LOAN & TRUST CO., 810 F St. N.W. Phone 5334. Room IS. Capital Loan Company, 602 F St. N.W. FURNITURE LOANS. Loans made on your own signature. No lnjrsement required. You may have been refused loan by some company. Don't let that lnter re with you calling on us. We will make you loan. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION AND RIVACY ASSURED ON LOANS MADE TO LADIES. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 602 F ST. N.W. Fhone Main 2065. Office hours. S a.m. to 6 p.m. OAXS MADE PRIVATELY ON SALARY. INdorsed notes, pianos and furniture; new company; new methods. Write us how much you want and security you can offer. Prompt reply. Box 173. Star office. < MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE " 'omen keeping house and others; cheai<est rates; isiest payments. H. ELWOOD. Room 416, K) 7th st. "THE OLD ESTABLISHED" HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 6II6 F St." LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS. 5, $io, $15, $20, $25 and upward. Payments arranged to suit your pay days. PHONE MAIN 3089. Drop us a juistal card or call at office. Prndentlal Loan and Trust Company, ROOM 3, Warder BnSldnng, 9th and F N.W. FURNITURE OK SALARY LOANS. WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LOWEST RATES. JDANS On Diamonds, Watches. Jewelry. qj) y(Q) HORNING, 9th <& D^Xorg££®. Ve Loan Any Amount From $10 to $500 n any security. In small payments, at a rata hich Intelligent people will not hesitate to pay, ad require No Payment on Interest or Principal atil TWO MONTHS torn the time yon make the loan. No Chars* >r the first month. We make a specialty of LOANS TO LADIES nd have a handsome suite of private offices for their accommodation. Open from S:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. National Loan & In v. Co., Thompson Bulldlnjt, <03 15th St. N.W.. Bet. G St. it N. Y. Ave.. Opp. Treasury. $10 LOANS nd upward secured for salaried employes, ow» ers of furniture and others. [0 loan 35c oekiy $25 loan Roc weekly 15 loan 50c weekly I $.15 loan 95c weekly 20 loan....70c weekly | $50 loan..$1.45 weekly If yon have a loan elsewhere briny in yoor eceipts and we will show you how much you in save by liorrowinsc from us. Bavins loans elsewhere does not prevent yost ettiny loans here. Credit once established with s is as good as a bank account In time of need. >ur rates and plans have proved to be the beat ecause our customers are ;:lad to come again. Arlington & Co., 402 JENIFER BLT)Q. 400 7th ST. N.W. ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. ETC. f Monoi7 \ Capital, $1,000,000. Strict/ -vioney \ est privacy. Indorsed by *<& frt \ ''"ding banks and newa* lu * papers. Bonded to the state. Tfo I I'KUDENTIAL LOAN \ / SOCIETY, \ Extras / Victor Bid*.. y 724 9th st. n.W. . Why Pay More? Columbia Loan Co., 613 F Ivw. -oans $5 to $ioo on your furniure or piano. Payments weekly r monthly. All business strictly onfidential. Phone Main 3539tLOAN OF $50 ONLY$1.66PER MONTH Other amounts from $10 to $300 in pr»portion. Every loan strictly confidentialNothing due until DECEMBER 7 On loans running else months or mom. We charge nothing for the extra time. Loans with other companies paid off. More money advanced. Loans on furniture. pianos, indorsed note*, etc. Commercial Discount Co., BOOM 309. METROPOLITAN BANK BLDO.. 613 15th ST. N.W. (Between V and Q sts.) Phone M. 7108. 4 Jjjj EDUCATIONAL. IX WASHIXCTOy. Bookkeepers.Accountants Prepared for C. I*. A. Examination, j , For Professional Work, |, For High-grade Positions. p Individual Instruction. v P. W. ROBERTSON. P. P. A.. 721* l.'.th st. n.w. French Lessons. { Individual or in classes; students coached. no2* MME. MKRC1F.R. 212-* X st. n.w. MATH EM A TI t ^, KLEM EXT AIIY AND ADvaneed. taught by university graduate and ox- 1 pcrlcnood teacher: price. 50c per hour. Address MATHEMATICS. Star office. THE DRILLERY, 1100 N. Y. AVE. STENOGRAPHY. TYPEWP.ITlNtJ. ENGLISH * and CIVIL SERVICE COFRSF.S. taught by CHART AND BLACKBOARD METHODS. NO * TEXT BOOKS RKQITRED. Former CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINER as In- etructor. Continuous Pitman and Gregg Speed Dictation for Fall Examinations. Seswiona EVERY DAY and EVERY EVENING. Washington School of Accountancy. Instruction preparing for C. P. A. degree and udmUlctea fl/vn iimfoaainnfil COIITM. UUBiumn auniiu'.^n «' 48-page bulletin sent on request. Address Director of Education. Y. M. C. A., 1738 G st. n.w. < STUDIO OF MUSIC. IT ual Instruction in vocal and instrumental music by expert teacher. I'hone M. 6232. Success Shorthand School! After Sept. 30 will be located at ROOMS 24 TO 27. APPEALS BLDG.. 5th AND E STS. N.W. Catalogue on request. Phone Main 657A PRIVATE INSTRUCTION ITALIAN ART HIS tory and water color painting: graduate of Boston School of Museum of Fine Arts: experienced teacher of girls from eight to fifteen. Box 175. Star office. 11* ' IRWIN HALL FOR GIRLS. 2000 Columbia road. Kindergarten, primary. I Montessorl method. Special courses. languages. Classes open October 7. Healthful and delight, ful location. MR. B. FRANK GEBEST, TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE. Pnpil of BARTH. SCHARWENKA. MOSZKOWSKT. BERLIN. PARIS. STUDIO. 1327 14th ST. Phone N. 6539. FLYNN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE-$6 A MONTH. Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. English, spelling, letter writing. S.W. comer Sth and K ata. n.w» | The Milton School The Maryland building, 1410 H St. N. W., Washington, D. C. . Unsurpassed Instruction In < Shorthand. Typewriting. Civil Service. "THE SCHOOL THAT GETS RESULTS." MARTHA WASHINGTON SEMINARY FOE YOUNG WOMEN. TWO-YEAR COURSE FOB HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. GENERAL. COURSES. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. DOMESTIC ARTS. Music, Art. Expression. Outdoor Sports. ^ Edward W. Thompson, Principal. 1503 and 1601 Connecticut avenue. Near Dnpont Circle. Tel. North 7560. | Mount Vernon Seminary Southwest Corner J M and Eleventh Streets. \ Thirty-eighth year opened October first. ! 1 r nncipais. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Somers, Mrs. Adelia Gates Hensley. Friends School 1811 EYE STREET. FOR BOYS AND GIRLS. THIRTIETH YEAR BEGINS SEPTEMBER 25. Thomas W. Sidwell, A. M. 1 Principal. j Miss May Eleanor Smith, Teacher of Harmony. Four years' study abroad. Two years Instructor of harmony In English In Stern Conservatory, Berlin. Studio, 2215 14th 1 st. n.w. X. 2:157. I GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW i It utilizes to the full the advantages which make the National Capital the greatest center J of legal learning In the United States. Threeyear course, leading to the degree of LL. B. . Fourth-year or post-graduate course, leading to the degree of LL. M. Full course on Patent Law without extra cost. All sessions held in the evenings, giving students an opportunity to * be self-supporting or to have practical training in law offices. Reopened Wednesday, October 2. Tuition, $100.00. Office will be open for registration, consultation, etc., from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Further Information or catalogues may be obtaiued by addressing ~ IiUftU J. FEGAN, Secretary, GEORGETOWN LAW SCHOOL, 500 E St. N.W. Main 7803. The Temple School, . 1417 G St. N.W. * STENOGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING, ENGLISH. CIVIL SERVICE. Phone M. 3258. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY I: LAW SCHOOL (Eyt-nlng Sessions Exclusively) FORTY-FOURTH YEAR. OPEN* OCTOBER 1 AT 6:30 P.M. D Practical courses of two. three and _ four years, leading to stsndsrd de grees ill law. Faculty of 28. of whom 23 are Federal judges or practicing lawyers. The degree of Baeheior-of-Laws caa be secured In two years. Classes limited to number permitting of individual instruction. a The post-graduate course leading to ^ the degree of Master-of-Law* may be completed In one year rddltlonal. No ° charge for Patent Law Coarse to members of the post-graduate claaa. For catalogue, app-lntion blanks. ~ etc.. address the l>ean. at the Admin- r lstration Offices, Southern Building; £ phone Main 6617; or, after Oct. 1, at v: National Law School Building, 816- 1 818 13th at. n.w. St. Margaret's Boarding and Day R School, Kindergarten Department. Playground, Basket Ball Gymnaalum. ai 2115 Cal. Are. di MISS LIPriNCOTT, MISS BAKER, Principals. N L .IQI BB Choose? m " EDUCATIONAL. IX WASHIXGTOX. VIRGIL tcAo<? WWW 40C H at. n.w. Phone Main UI8I. Georgia E. MT1ft. director. Teacher*' training claas. sight readi>« class.-*. Examination* for Iptchrn' c-r'iflcaten r!11 he conducted I.t Mr. A. K Virgil of X. V. unston Hall, 1906 Florida Avenue. A BOARDING AND DAY SCIirXJL FOR GIRDS. Opens September 30, 1912. Preparatory ami Klfrtlrr Coursea. All grade* Yom Primary to Collegiate. S|>ccial advantage* n Mualo. Art anil EiprPMiM. Building specially planm-d for the school Gymnasium and Tennis. Catalogue on roynest. Mrs. BKVF.RI.RY R. MASON. Principal. Hamilton School, 823 S23 FIFTKENTII ST. A Boarding and Day School for Girls. 12th year opens Oct. 3. PHOERF. HAMILTON SKABROOK. Principal. . Mass Annae L. Murray, Teacher of Banjo. Mandolin and Guitar. Studio. 330» O at. Phone W K25. DOMESTIC ARTS & SCIENCES 1754-175$ M Street N.W. Complete, practical rouraea. Regular, normal and special. Model equipment. Expert faculty. Registration Sept. 15. 1912. Catalogue. Miss Madeira's School, 1330 18th STREET. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR G1RL& SEVENTH YEAR BEGINS OCTOBER 3. College Preparatory AND , j General Courses TWO-YEAR I ' ( Collegiate Course For high aehool graduate*. Certificate admits to Vassar. Smith and Wellesley. Gy tun a alum, tenuis, basket ball. Music and art. LUCY MADEIRA 4A. B. Vasaar), Principal. SPANISH. Join now the Spanish classes at the MILTOIS SCHOOL. Native lr*trnctor; $3 and St per month. The Maryland bldg.. 1410-14 II st.. 4th loor; elevator. n_n _ nn t ti a imaiiii=noye§ sciniooii Day and night. Primary, grammar, high school and business In courses. Also private coaching. College preparation. Catalogues. Tenth year »pened Sept. HO. FRANCES MANN HAUL. A. M . (Tel. M. 3877. > 221 K st. n.w. WALTER T. HOLT, Mandolin. Guitar and Banjo Teacher. Weekly eluh practice. SEW STUDIOS. Kenols tddg.. Uth & G ats. n.w. Phone M atn 5090. WASHINGTON College of Law, FOR WOMEN AND MEN. » 1317 New York Avenue NAV. Undergraduate classes now in seaaion. Claaaen Imlted in numher. Register now. Patent Ue Class opena Thursday. October 3. r p.m.. under the charge of the Hon. Cornell** D. Billings. First Assistant Commissioner at Patents. Tuition. $30.00. Post-graduate Course.LL. M. opens Tueoday, October 8, 8 p.m. Tuition, $50.00. Public Invited. The Desn. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Manser, In at the College from 10 to 2 and from 7 to ft. Phone M. 4585 for Catalogues. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING After working hours at the Columbia School of Drafting. Call or phone for partlculan. 4M UcLaohlen Building. Ernerson Institute1 ror coys and Young Men, 1740 P St. N.W., Wash., D. C, WINSLOW H. RANDOLPH. 1 ANGUS McD. CRAWFORD. I Pr»3ClptlA Day School, Evening: School, Coaching: For coll pre. West Point, Annapolis, Revenue Cotter. Special couraea for commission# in the Army, Navy, Marine Corps. Consular Service and Patent Office. Classes aie now hcine orennlred. WASHINGTON SEMINARY Preparatory. Academic. Collegiate Departments. Culture Class for special students and hish school graduates; advanced English civics, ethics, mil- , tic. art, languages. Travel class, household conomics. gymnasium, tennis. Mrs. G. T. SM W.LWOOD. 210.1-9 S st. Mrs. W. A. WILBUR. VOICE CULTURE SINGING. ELOCUTION, rone Production. Deep Hrealhing. Foice Placing. Physical Culture. Ear Training. Distinct Enunciation. ?ight Singing. Dramatic Art. Irs. Emily Freeh Banes, 143 11th st- n.c. Pbone Line. 1733. Mr. Hugh E. Saltsrraan, VOICE CULTURE. PIANO, ACTING, studio. 1107 G st. n.w. Phone M. 4533. oc20* The Misses Eastman's SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. 1305 17th St. Open Oct. 1. Regular grades and graduate courses. Write for catalogue. Phone X. 4813. 'RIVATE LESSONS IN MATHEMATICS, sciences, languages, music: university graduate; twenty years' e*|>erience; elenjentury or a(L vanced pupils. Prof. J., Sta. G, Bos 2313. city. ©cl5* OUT OF WASHINGTON. IONTROSE.A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL In the country for girlR ami stuall boys; moat healthful part of Marvland: terms moderate. Miss HAttDEY. Highland. Md. MEDICAL. Or. Reed Specialist, 804 117th St. vipad^' successful £,£ n PRACTICE IN llseases of the Nervous System. Skin. Blood, leart. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, Bladder. Nose. 'Uioat and Lungs, Stricture. Varicocele and lydrocele. Blood Diseases and Disorders of the Urinary rgsn*-promptly relieved by safe methods. Hours: 10 to 1 and 5 to 0: Sundays. 10 to 1. 3R.BALDUS, fTT. Va.uah- Plnnil o nd VII IliC fVUB OJBirill. » toctor's service and medicine. 'wo dollar*. Hour*. 10 to 8. Phone M. 2T.1B. Closed Sunday. Dr. SHADE SPECIALIST 728 Tharteeotlhi St. 'VEU 30 YEARS* PRACTICE TRF.ATINO STOMACH AND NERVOUS DISEASES. Indigestion. Lota of Appetite. Constipation, mi nests, Bad Taste, Fullueas after Eating, rakefulness, Lobs of Flesh. Heart Trouble, Pal. Itatlon. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Stricture, allow Complexion. Pimples, Blood and Skin ilaeasea. Lose of Vitality, and Special Petite Ailments of Both Sexes cured promptly *606" administered). Consnltatlon free, medicines furnished, charges iw. Honrs, I to 1 and 3 to S. Sundays. II > 11. DR. FISK ELGIN Xpert in treatment of special diseases, chronic ad scute; both sexes. All consultations connpntial. Medicine furnished. Price, mod cram. ,E. cor. 7th and U p.w. Phone Mala 7947. ^

;i unston Hall, or f Valuable Saloon E MUTUAL Hamilton School, · the land record#of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee#

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Page 1: ;i unston Hall, or f Valuable Saloon E MUTUAL Hamilton School, · the land record#of the District of Columbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned trustee#



PAWNBROKER'S AUCTION SALE OP UNREDEEMF.DPLEDGES.Will aril at the store of S. Burnsttne, 381

Ta. a?i>. n.w.. at HALF-PAST SEVEN P.M.MONDAY. OCTOBER SEVENTH. 1812, all unredeemedpledges In his store on which la du«one year's Interest or more. This sale cecals tiof Gold. Silver and Metal Watches, Diamonds.Jewelry of all descriptions. Plain and Set Rings,Chains. Locket*. Scarf 11ns. Studs. Lace Pins.Earrings. Bracelets. Coff Buttons. Field andOpera Glasses. Rooks, Guns. Revolvers. Ironand Wooden Clocks. Satchels and Full-dresiCases, (tents' Wearing Apparel of all kinds amiBumerons other articles. Sale to eontlnne everyday until all lots are sold. Holders of tickets,please take notice. S. BURNSTINK, Broker.ool-7t '


AT TEN A.M.In all. shout 10 loads of clean, almost new

Furniture. <s>osigned to us from several installmenthouses: Brass and Enamel Beds, Kelt Mattresses.Chiffoniers, Dressers. Desks. Bookcases.Also about 50 Large Carpets, about 1.500 yds.of remnants in <V>co« Matting. Rnnners, Oilclothsand Matting from W. B. Moses, etc.,etc. All at unrestricted sale.

P. S.- We have no connection with anv othersale. D. NOTES. AUCTIONEER,

615 la. are. n.w.


Receiver's Sale of ValuableWell Known SaloonBusiness at No. 41513th St N.W.

By Tlrtii* of on order of the Supreme Court ofthe District of Columbia. In the case of CharlesMurdoch to. George C. Campbell et al.t the undersignedreceiver will sell at public auction.Within the above premises, on

Tuesday, October 8th, 1912, at11 O'pock A.M.,

the valuable saloon business. Including stockfa trade, fixtures, lease, license, etc.Terms cash. A deposit of *500 required at

time of sale. Terms to be complied with whenlease and license are ready for transfer, otherwisethe right Is reserved to resell at risk andcoat of defaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisementof such resale in some newspaper

Cbllshed In Washington. D. C. All conveyancf,transfers, etc., at the purchaser's cost.ROBERT L. MONTAGUE. Receiver,

Bank of Commerce and Savings building.se27 d&dbaADAM A. WESCHI/ER, AUCTIONEER.

r» 1 c«-i

.oanKruprcy ^aie

Large Stock of China. Crockervand Glassware, 120 cases ClysmicWater, Carpets, Iron Safe, OfficeFurniture, Ice Cream Machine,Kuhn Checking Outfit, etc., etc.,

By Public AuctionAt Cafe Republique,

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1912,Commencing at ip O'Clock A.M.,

o< 4-d&dhs C1I AS. F. DIOGS. Trustee.



By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court©f the District of Columbia, passed In equitycause No. 3119S. we. the undersigned trustees,will sell at public auction, in front of thepremises. 011 TUESDAY. THE EIGHTHDAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1912. at FIVEO'CLOCK P.M.. the following described landand premises, situate In the city of Washington.In the District of Columbia, to wit: LotNo. 24. in square No. 5157. Saunder's subdivisionof lots 0 and 7 of Burley's subdivision ofpart of Sheriffs estate, known as Wbittlngbam.as per plat attached to deed recorded among theland records of the District of Columbia, atIdber 1739. at folio 349, together with the improvements.consisting of a five-room framedwelling on WbiUingham place, between Sheriffroad and I.ane place northeast.Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance In

two equal installments, payable in one and twoyears, with interest at sis per centum per annum.payable semi-annually, from day of sale,secured by deed of trust upon the property sold,or ail cash. A deposit of $100 required at timeof sale. .Ml conveyancing and recording at costof purchaser. Terms to be complied with withinfifteen davs from dav of sale, otherwise thetrustees reserve the right to resell the propertyat the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser,after five days' advertisement of such resale insome newspaper published In the citv of Washington.D. C. CLINTON' R. COLVIN,

OHAS. E. ROBSON.Trustees, Office 612 F st. n.w.



By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recordedin Liber No. .1485. folio 450 et seq.. ofthe land records of the Distrl't of Columbia,and at the request of the party secnred thereby.we. the undersigned trustees, will sell, atpublic suction, in front of the premises, onTUESDAY. THE EIGHTH DA A' OF OCTOBER.A. D. 1012. AT THREE. O'CLOCK P. M.. thefolowlng-desoribed IhwI and premises, situatein the city of Washington. In the District ofColumbia, and designated a« and being lotforty-seven (471 in George C. Pumpbrey andGeorge N. Palmer's subdivision of lots in block5 "We«t Eckington." as per plat recorded InLiber County No. 16. folio 124. of the surveyor'soffice of the District of Columbia; subjectto the covenant fixing the hulldlng line15 feet from the front line of said lot andthat no building costing less than $3,000 shall beerected thereon, and that no spirituous or maltliquors shall be sold therein, together with theimprovements, consisting of the tlire^-storybrick dwelling known as No. 2S "R" streetnortheast.Terms of sale will l>e announced at time of

sale. A deposit of $20O will he required of thepurchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing.recording and notarial fees at the cost ofthe purchaser. Terms of sale to be compliedwith within fifteen days from day of sale,otherwise the trust<-es reserve the right to resellthe property at the risk and cost of thedefaulting purchaser, after five days advertisementof such resale in some newspaper publishedIn the city of Washington. D. C.


ocldAd«.eS«i Trustees.



of a eertain deed of trust, dated August IS. 190T.and rei-onled August 20. 1907. In Liber 3093. atfolio 2»>s et seq.. of the land records of the Districtof Columbia, ami at the request of the partiessecured, the undersigned will offer for saleat public auction. In front of the premises onTHl B8DAY. THE TENTH DAY OK OCTOBER1912. AT HALK-I'AsT KOI R O'CLOCK P.M..lot nutnhervd two »2> in Mock numl>ered four (41In Stellwagen an<l Wolf, trustees', subdivision of"Scheutzen Park." as per plat recorded In theoffice of the surveyor for the District of OolumhiaIn I.'ber County s. at folio 93. lielng improvedby a two story brick dwelling of colonialtype.Terms of sale; All cash, or purchaser pay onethirdrash, one-third in one year and one-third

In two years, at purchaser's option: defem-d)<ayments to be secured on the premises goldanil to be evidenced by promissory notes, bearingInterest at the rate of six js-r cent per annum,payable semi-annually. Conveyancing at purchaser'scost. A deposit of to lie made atthe time of sale, and terms of sale to be compliedwith within fifteen days, or trusteesmay advertise and sell at purchaser's cost, afterliTe days' previous advertisement.


se27-eodAds.eSu 1408 Xew York ave.

Smith's Auction House,633 La. Ave. N.W.

On TKESDAY OCTOBER TWENTY-EIGHT, alTEX A.M., will sell at my salesrooms contentsof a 15-room house, Pianos. Organs. ParlorSuites, Bedroom. Dining Boom and Kitchen Furuiture, Store and Office Knrniture, Heating andCooking Stoves, Dishes. Bugs. Matting Carjiet.Anything that you may lie In need of can befound at this sale. I boilers and private buyerswill And it fr> tht*ir intprp<<r t<. nftciiil thl* salo



To close au estate. the undersigned will offeifor sale at public auction. In front of the prvml»e«. on WEDNESDAY. THE NINTH DAY OfOCTOBER. A.D. 1912. AT HALF PAST POUIO'CLOCK P.M.. the following described roaestate. situate In the city of Washington. Dintrict of Columbia. viz.: I>»t lettered "C" ItJobn Chapman ami William Whelan's subdlvlslotof lots in square one hundred and seventy-oni(1711, as per p'.at recorded In I.lber C. H. B.folio 279. of the record* of the surveyor's offleiof the Dlstrlet of Columbia: beginning for tbitantp on the southerly line of New York avenu'at a point distant northeasterly on said line (1feet 11 Inches from the northwest romer oaald square, thence northeasterly on said aveum19 feet 4>». inches, thence southeasterly at rlgbangles to said avenue 60 feet 6 Inches, thencsouth at right angles with E street 20 feet Ilnoh»n, thence west 38 feet 6 Inches, thencnorth 71 feet 2 Inches to the point of beginningImproved by three-storv and basement brlcidwelling No. 1746 New York avenue northweat.Terms: One-fourth cash, balance In equal In

atallments. payable in one and two years, wit]Interest at five per centum per annum, payablaeml-annually. from day of sale, and secured b;deed of trust on the property aold. or all casht the option of the purr-baser. A deposit o

$2S0 will be required at the time of sale. Alconveyancing and recording at the purchaser'coat. Terms to be complied with within flftee:days from the day of sale, otherwise the undeisigned reserves the right to resell at thfe riand coat of the purchaser In default.AMERICAN SECURITY AND TRUST COM

PANY, Executor of the Estate of BenlarnIF. Cole. By CHARLES J. BEI.L. President

Attest: JAMES F. 11(AID. Secretary.ae28 d*&^>u, . ,




J By virtue of a certain d«>ed of trust duly reIcorded In Liber No. 3261, folio 274 et seq., ofthe land record# of the District of Columbia, andat the request of the party secured thereby, theundersigned trustee# will sell at public auction,in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, THESIXTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1612. ATFIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following describedland and premises, situate In tbe county ofWashington. District of Columbia, and designatedas and being lot number forty-seven (471, InPhumphrey and Palmer's subdivision of lota inblock numbered five (5), West Ecklngton. as perplat recorded In County Book Sixteen (16). page124. of the records of the office of the surveyorof the District of Columbia, together with theImprovements.Terhas of sale: All cash. A deposit of $200.00

will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing,recording, etc.. at cost of nurchaser. Termsof sale to be compiled with within 15 days fromday of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve theright to resell the property at the risk and costof defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisementof such resale In some newspaper publishedIn Washington. D. C.


oot-d&ds.eSii Trustees.ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER.

Sale of a Well Known and ValuableSaloon Business Locatedin Premises 1258 Water or 7thStreet Southwest.

The undersigned administratrix of the estateof WIlHom E T.lntina. dpnonvd will nflTi»r forsale at public auction. In the above-named premises.on TUESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAYOF OCTOBER, 1912. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCKA.M.. all the stock in trade, fixtures and licensesof the saloon and restaurant business locatedIn said premises and formerly conducted by saiddeceased. Sale is made subject to ratificationby the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia,holding a Probate Court.Terms of sale: Cash. A deposit of $250 will

be required at time of sale. All conveyancing,recording and notarial fees, and also any costsincurred in obtaining signatures to transfer ofliquor license, at cost of purchaser.Any further information desired may be obtainedfrom the undersigned, or Messrs. LEON

TOBRINER and BYBON U. GRAHAM, Equitybuilding.


^Chancery Sale of Valuable Im-proved Real Estate. Suitable for '


cated at Southwest Corner of4y2 and G Streets Southwest.

By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Courtof the District of Columbia, passed in EquityCause No. 31090, we, the undersigned trustees,will sell at public auction, in front of thepremiacs. on MONDAY. THE FOURTEENTHDAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912. AT HALF-PASTFOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following describedland and premises, situate in the city of Washington.in the District of Columbia, and designatedas and being the north fourteen (14) feetfront of sublot twenty-four <24) in square fourhundred amPninety-seven (497), improved by premisesNo. 454 G street southwest, together withthe Improvements, consisting of a frame andbrick dwelling, part of which is now used asa store.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase "

money to be paid in cash, and the balance intwo equal installments, payable in one and twoyears, with interest at 6 |>er centum per annum. '

payable semi-annually, from day of sale, securedby deed of trust upon the property sold, or allcash, at the option of the purchaser. A deposit <of $200 will be required of the purchaser at tthe time of sale. All conveyancing, recording fand notarial fees at the cost of the purchaser. *Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteen idays from day of sale, otherwise the trustees ]reserve the right to resell the property at the jrisk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after 1live days' advertisement of such resale in some tnewspaper published in the city of Washington, tD. C. t


oc3-d&ds.eSu Trustees. fTHUS. J. OWEN & SON, AUCTIONEERS. j


By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly re- *

cordpd in Liber No. 2198. folio w2 et seq., ofthe land records of the District of Columbia, and .

at the request of the party secured thereby, the Jundersigned trustees will sell at public auction. Jin front of the premises, on MONDAY, THE '


AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M.. the following de- Jscribed land and premises, situate in the city ofWashington. District of Columbia, an® designated .

as and being lot 13, in John B. Turton. executor, '

and others' subdivision of part of square num- ,

hered 179, as per plat recorded in Liber W. F., .

folio 103. of the records of the office of the sur- Jvevor of the District of Columbia, except theeast 6Vi inches front by the depth of said lot, *

together ^ith the improvements, consisting of a 'three-story brick house. No. 1633 Q street n.w.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money

to be paid in cash,, balance in two equal" install- .

ments. payable in one and two years, with interestat six per centum per annum, payahlesemi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deedof trust upon the property sold, or all cash, at Jthe t»dh>h of the purchaser. A deposit of $290.00will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing.recording, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Termsof sale to be complied with within fifteen daysfrom day of sale, otherwise the trustees reservethe right to resell the property at the risk andcost of defaulting purchaser, after five days' advertisementof such resale in some newspaperpublished in Washington. D. C.


oc2-d&ds.e.Su Trustees.


Under and by virtue of a certain deed oftrust duly recorded in Liber No. 346s. at folio4SO et seq.. one of the land records of the Districtof Columbia, and at the request of the partysecured thereby, we, the undersigned trustees,will sell at public auction, in front of the premises.on MONDAY. OCTOBER FOURTEENTH, :lot a t tn v* v is vi 4 urn i*/ii>Ti <\r»tr it xi iu<i., ,\i tiALr-i A91 rutn u i i<uia i <the following described land and premises, situ- <

ate, lying and buing in the county of Washing- <

ton, IHstriet of Columbia, known and distln- iguisbed as lot numi>ered thirty-one (31), in Ken- <nehunk Realty Company sul (division of lots instjuare numbered seventy t70l, now thirty-twohundred and twenty-nine (31X1)1, "Petworth Additionto the city of "Washington." as per platrecorded in the office of the surveyor for theDistrict of Columbia, in Liber *3, folio 20.Terms made known at time of sale.


T. J. OWEN & SON. Auctioneers.or-,13,14ADAM A. WESCHLER, AUCTIONEER.

Chancery Sale of Valuable Invproved Real Estate, Numbers201 and 203 H Street N.W.

By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Courtof the District of Columbia, passed in EquityCause No. 31211, we, the undersigned trustees,will sell at public auction, in front of thepremises, on THURSDAY. THE SEVENTEENTHDAY OF OCTOBER. 1912. AT FIVE O'CLOCKP.M.. the following described land and premises,situate In the city of Washington. District ofColumbia, to wit: Part of lot 1 in square No.562. beginning at the southeast corner of saidlot and square, and running thence west on Hstreet 30 feet, thence north 100 feet, thence east3o feet to the west Hue of 2nd street, thencesouth 100 feet to the point of beginning, togetherwith the improvements, consisting oftwo brick dwellings, commonly known as premises201 and 203 H street northwest.Terms of sale: One-third cash, the balance

in two equal installments, payable In one andtwo years, with Interest at six per centum perannum, payable semi-annually, from day of sale,secured by deed of trust upon the property sold,or all cash. A deposit of $100 on each "houserequired at time of sale. All conveyancing andrecording at cost of purchaser. Terms to becompiled with within fifteen days from dav ofsale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right toresell the piopej'ty at the risk and cost of thedefaulting purchaser, after five days' advertlsenient of such resale In soine newspaper publishedIn the city of Washington. D. C.

ROSSA F. DOWNING.Stewart building,

MICHAEL J. COLBERT.Southern building.

, DANIEL W, O'DONOGHCE,Century building,

oc.~-dA-ds.eSn Trustees.C. G. SLOAN & CO.. INC.. AUCTIONEERS,

1407 G St.


By virtue of n decrw of the Supreme Courtof the District of Columbia, passed In equity' cauae No. 30784, the undersigned trustee willsell at public auction, in front of the premises,on MONDAY. THE FOURTEENTH DAY OFOCTOBER. A. D. 1012. AT FOUR O'CLOCKP.M.. the following described land and premises,situate In the city of Washington, in the Dls>trlct of Columbia, and designated as and beingknown as part of original lot numbered one (It,In square numbered seventy (70). and described

j as follows: Beginning for the same on Newj Hampshire avenue at the northeast corner of saids lot. and running thence southwesterly on said

avenue 64 feet; thence northwesterly at rightI angles to said avenue to a point of the westg line of said lot 128 feet 8^ inches north of M. street: thence north to the thirty-foot wide alley£ in rear of said lot; thence west on said alleyf 22 feet 5 inches; thence north on said ally 60e feet to the north line of said lot; thencet southeasterly on said north line of said lot 176,, feet 1 Inch to the place of tteginning, togetherg with the Improvements thereon.e Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase

money over and above a first deed of trust of£ gb.OOO and balance on a second deed of trust

of $3,000. with Interest at 5 per centum, to bei- paid in cash, and the remainder in two equalb installments, payable In one and two years, withe interest at 6 per centum per annum, payabley semi-annually, the deferred payments to hei. secured by deed of trust upon the property sold.>f or all cash, at the option of the purcbaaer. AII deposit of $500 will be required of the purschaser at the time of the sale. All conTeyancning. recording and notarial fees at the cost ofr- the purchaser. Terms to be complied withk within ten days from date of sale, otherwise the

trustee reserves the right to resell the property[- at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchasern after five days' advertisement of such resale Int. some newspaper published in the city of Washington,D. C. LEO SIMMONS, Trustee,

d'2 10t,eS^^ Kellogg Building.



jH)At Sloan'i119 140?


catalog;! of

;i mendelsohn'! of valuable mahoganorations, persian rug

i; be]the entire stock of1409 new york ave., tihthe goods he was folnewport, r. i., store, cusual dullness of thThe collection is unusually fine, eml

parts of the home in the old, int<dale, Hepplewhite and Colonial; alPersian Rugs, Mirrors in all shapesLowestoft and Capo di Monte Ch;irons. Fenders, etc., etc.

all to be sold attion within our galWEDNESDAY, THURSDAY9, 10 AND II, 1912, AT 11 A.


C. G. SLCoe3-6t,eSn




On FRIDAY. OCTOBER ELEVENTH. 1012. ATSALE FAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. I will sell atwhile auction. In front of the premises, part ofiriginal lots seven (7) and eight (8), In squarelumbered six hundred and fifty (650), beginning'or the same In the east line of 1st street west>ne foot six Inches south of the northwest corner>f said lot seven (7). and runnlDg thence eastlinety feet; thence north fifteen feet nine inches;:hence west nlDety feet to 1st street, and thencesouth fifteen feet nine Inches to the place of theleglnuing; together with the Improvements:hereon.Terms, all cash: $100 deposit required at sale,

ind all conveyancing and recording at purchaser's«ost. Terms of sale to be complied with within15 davs, or the deposit will Im» forfeited.

ELLA R. COLEMAN. Executrix.se28-dts.eSu



By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recordedIn Liber No. 3332. folio 370 .et spq., of:he land words of the District of Columbin, nntlit the request of the party secured thereby, themdersigned trustees will sell at public auction,n front of the premises. «m MONDAY, THEFOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D. 1912,IT HALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the folowingdescribed land and premises, situate In:he city of Washington. District of Columbia,ind designated as and being jsirts of original lotshree <3t and five (5), in square nine hundred andhirty-eight (9381, described as follows: Beglnlingfor the same on the line of Ninth street 20'eet south from the northwest corner of said lotI, and running thence south along said street 20'eet: thence east 115 feet 10% inches: thencelorth 20 feet: thence west 115 feet 10% Incheso the place of l>eginnlng. together with the imjrovements,consisting of a three-story frameind brick dwelling, number 311 9th street northeast.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase moneyo l»e paid In cash, balance in two equal installnents,payable In one and two years, with lnerestat six per centum per annum, payableicmi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deed>f trust upon the property sold, or all cash, athe option of the purchaser. A deposit of $200.00vlll be required at time of sale. All convcyancng.recording, efce.. at cost of purchaser. Terms>f sale to be complied with within fifteen daysrom day of sale, otherwise the trustees reserve:he right to resell the property at the risk andoat of defaulting purchaser, after five days'idvertisement of such resale In some newspapertublisbed in Washington. D. C.


oc3-eod&ds.eSu Trustees.


rRUSTEES' SALE OF NEARLY NEW TWOSTORYBRICK DWELLING NO. 3410 WARDERSTREET N.W.By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recordedIn Liber No. 3492, at folio 229 et seq.,me of tbe-land records for the District of Coumbia,and at the request of the party securedhereby, we will sell at public auction, in front>f the premises, on FRIDAY, THE ELEVENTHr>AY OF OCTOBER, 1912. AT HALF PASTKOVR O'CLOCK P.M., the following describedand and premises, situate in the District of Coumhia.known and distinguished as lot 21 in M.Isabella Parker's sulidlvision of part of block 9,iVhltpey Close, as per plat recorded in Liber No.ii, roilO .m, or ine rawiu or me uuiie or iuc

surveyor of the District of Columbia.Terms: Sold subject to a prior deed of trust

for $2,000. tearing interest at 3%. maturing Noreinlier2S. 1914, and the amount over said trustto Ik? paid as follows: $100 deposit requiredj|>on acceptance of bid, $100 within fifteen daysind the remainder in monthly installments of525..V) eaeh. secured by a second deed of trust.>r all cash over said prior trust, at purchaser'siption. Kale to be closed within fifteen days, orleposit forfeited. Conveyancing, etc., at purchaser'scost. <


oc4-d&ds.eSu Trustees."


Trustees' Sale of Three-StoryBrick Dwelling, No. 1220 12thStreet Northwest.

By virtue of a certain deed of trust given tous on tbp 9th day of September. 1909, and recordedin Liber 3272. at folio 72, one of theland records of the District of Columbia, andat the request of the party secured, we willsell at public auction, in front of the premises,on FRIDAY. OCTOBER FOURTH, 1912, ATFOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the following describedland and premises, situate In the city of Washlngton. District of Columbia, and being lot lettered"B" In Giles Dyer's subdivision of lotsIn squire nnmhered two hundred and eighty-one(281), as per plat recorded In the office of thesurveyor for the District of Columbia, In LiberN. K., at folio 319, together with the Improvementsth. reon, consisting of a three-story brickdwelling, being No. 122U 12th street northwest.Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase

money payable on day of sale or within fifteen(15) days thereafter, one-third In one year andone-third In two (2| years thereafter, with Interestat the rate <>f six (6) per centum per annumon such deferred payments from day ofsale until paid, payable semi-annually. The deferredpayments to lie represented by the promissorynote of purchaser, secured by deed of truston the property sold, or all cash, at purchaser'soption. A deposit of $200 to be made attime of sale. All eouveyancing and recording atpurchaser's cost. Terms to tie complied withwithin fifteen (15) days from day of sale, otherwisetrustees reserve the right to resell at riskand cost of the defaulting purchaser.


Trustees,se24-d&ds.exS Evans Building.t^TIIE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED UNTILFRIDAY. OCTOBER ELEVENTH, 1912, at

the same hour and place.RALPH P. BARNARD,GUY H. JOHNSON.

A T.uui-uau»icnu AiuDirvo,


Trustees' Sale of Valuable ImprovedReal Estate, being thePremises 1115 K Street Northwest,and consisting of a FourStory,Eighteen-room BrickDwelling.

Bv virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recordedIn Liber No. .'(280. folio 450 et seq., ofthe land records of the District of Columbia, andat the request of the party secured thereby, we,the undersigned trustees, will sell at publicauction, in front of the premises, on THURSDAY.THE TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A. D.1912. at THREE O'CLOCK P.M.. the followingdescribed land and premises, situate In the cityof Washington, in the District of Columbia, anddesignated as and being part of lot six (0), inthe heirs of John Davidson's subdivision ofsquare three hundred and sixteen (310>, as perplat recorded in Liber N. K.. folios 90 and 91, ofthe records of the office of the surveyor of theDistrict of Columbia, described as follows: Beginningon K street northwest at the southwestcorner of said lot and running thence eastalong said street lfl feet; thence north 100 feetto the public alley in the rear of said lot; thencewest along aaid alley 10 feet, and thence south100 feet to the north side of K street northwest.and the place of beginning, together withthe Improvements, consisting of dwelling knownas number 1113 K at. n w.Terms of sale will be announced at time of

sale. A deposit of $200 will be rgequired ofthe purchaser at the time of sale. All conveyancing,recording and notarial fees at thecost of the purchaser. Terms of sale to be compliedwith within fifteen days from day of sale,otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resellthe property at the risk and cost of the defaultingpurchaser, after five days* advertisementof such resale in some newspaper publishedin the city of Washington, D. C.


oc4-dAd* Trustees.



§M Galleries.G Street


ijracing Mahogany Furniture for allresting styles of Sheraton, ChippensoAll-gilt Tables and Cabinets, Rich

3, Oak Pieces, Sheffield Pla'te, Chelsea,ina, English Cut Glass, Prints, AndIABSOLUTE PUBLIC AUC-JLERIES, 1407 G STREET,' AND FRIDAY, OCTOBERM. AND 3 P.M. EACH DAY.DAY AND TUESDAY, OC)AN& CO., Inc., Auctioneers.



By virtue of a certain (Icert of trust, duly recordedIn Liber No. 2739, folio 264 et ,seq.. ofthe land records of the District of Columbia,and at the request of the party secured thereby,thp undersiirned trustees will sell, at nubile aue-tlon, 4n front of the premises. on TUESDAY,THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D.1912, AT HAW-PAST FOl'R O'CLOCK P. M.the following-described land and promises, situateIn the county of Washington, District ofColumbia, and designated as and being all thatcertain parcel of land of which Samuel Redferndied seized, containing, or supposed to contain,about 10 acres, and bounded on the northerlyline by the land of the Rock Creek Church, andon the west by the subdivision now known as"Tetworth," and on the southeasterly sides bythe Rock Creek Church road, and being or supposedto be a pnrt of the tract of land knownas "Pleasant Hill" and part of the adjoiningtract called "Generosity, and being containedor supposed to be contained within the followingmetes and bounds. tIz. : Beginning for the sameat a stone marked No. 1, planted at the end of7 perches on the eight line of the tract of landcalled "Generosity," as said eight line was establishedby agreement between the vestry ofRock Creek Church and others, recorded in I.lberW. B. No. 98. folio 379. of the land records ofthe District of Columbia, and running thencesouth 20 degrees, west 40 perches to a stonemarked No. 2: thence south 46 degrees, west 16perches to a stone marked No. 3; thence north15 degrees west 78 perches more or less to saideight line of "Generosity," as established bythe agreement aforesaid; and thence on saidline of the place of beginning, together with theimprovements.TERMS OF SALE: One-third of the purchasemoneyto be paid in cash, balance In two equal

installments, payable In one and two years, withInterest at 6 per centum per annum, payablesemi-annually, from day of sale, secured by deedof trust upon the property sold, or all cash, atthe option of the purchaser. A deposit of $500.00will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing,recording, etc., at cost of purchaser.Terms of sale to be complied with within fifteendays from day of sale, otherwise the trusteesreserve the right to resell the property at therisk and cost of defaulting purchaser, after fivedays' advertisement of such resale In some newspaperpublished in Washington, D. C.


ocl,3,5 dJfcds.exS Trusteea.


Receiver's Sale of Valu11 1

able baloon Businessat 604 Pa. Ave. N.W.

By virtue of an order of the Supreme Courtof the District of Columbia. In equity cause No.31255, the undersigned receiver will sell at publicauction, within the above premises, on

Tuesday, October 15, 1912,At 11 O'Clock A.M.,

the valuable saloon business, including stock intrade, fixtures, license, etc.Terms cash. A deposit of $500 required at

time of sale. Terms to be complied with whenthe license Is ready to transfer, otherwise theright is reserved to resell at risk and cost ofdefaulting purchaser, after 5 days' advertisementof such resale in some newspaper published inWashington, D. C. All conveyance, transfers,etc., at purchaser's cost.

HENRY LATTERNER, Receiver,oo4-dts 1110 F st. n.w.



By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recordedin Liber No. 3441. at folio 301 et scq., ofthe land records of the District of Columbia, andat the request of the party secured thereby, theundersigned trustees will sell at public auction.In front of the premises, on MONDAY, TUBFOURTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 1812,AT FIVE O'CLOCK P.M., the following describedland and premises, with the Improvements.easements, rights, ways and appurtenancethereunto belonging, situate in the city ofWashington. District of Columbia, namely: Lotnumbered seventy-three (73) in Mamie E. Norment'ssubdivision of lots in square numberedseven hundred sixty-five (705). as per plat recordedIn the office of the surveyor for the Districtof Columbia, In Book No. 41, at pageNo. 95.Terms of sale: Property is to be sold subject

to a $3,000 first deed of trust upon the property,full particulars of wtycb are to be given at thetime of, sale. One-fourth of said purchase price(over and above said first trust) to lie paid Incash, balance to la* secured by a second deed oftrust upon the property sold, securing one noteupon which twenty-three 50-100 ($23.50) dollarsis to be paid monthly, which monthly paymentsare to be applied first to accrued Interest andthe balance to the principal of said second trustnote, or all cash, at the option of the purchaser.A denosit of $150 will be required at the time ofpal-'. All title charges, conveyancing, recording,notary fees, etc.. at cost of purchaser. Terms ofsale to be complied with within fifteen (15) daysfrom date of sale, otherwise the trustees reservethe right to resell the property at the risk andcost of the defaulting purchaser, after five (5)days' advertising of such resale in some newspaiter published in the city of Washington, D. C.


Trafctppaocl-i'.Ads.e.Su 204 McGill hldg.ADAM A. WESCHLER. AUCTIONEER.

Trustee's Sale of Valuable BarroomBusiness at No. 520 4y2St. S.W.

Under and pursuant to that certain deed oftrust made by Ernest NIebel and wife, recordedApril 5. 1912. In Liber No. 3516. at folio 192. ofthe land records of the District of Columbia,the undersigned trustee, at the premises. No.520 4% street southwest, in the city of Washington,D. C., at FOUR (4) O'CLOCK P.M. onTUESDAY. THE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER.1912. will offer for sale at public auctionthe valuable barroom and other businessthere lately conducted by said NIebel. includingall licenses there held by him. together withthe busine-s conducted thereunder, and the goodwill thereof, and all his rights as tenant bylease or otherwise of said premises, and allwines, liquors, cigars and other stock in tradeand paraphernalia and equipment of said business,together with all other fixtures and propertythere situate and now or lately used byhim in said business.Terms: Cash. All transfers and conveyancing

at cost of purchaser.LORENZO A. BAILEY. Trustee.

oc5-llt 452 P at. n.w.


TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE UNIM.PROVED REAL ESTATE.By virtue of a certain deed of trust duly recordedin I.iber No. 1873, folio 277 et seq.. oi

the land records of the District of Columbia,and at the request of the party secured thereby,the undersigned trustees will sell, at nubileauction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY,THE TENTH DAY OF OCTOBER. A.D.1912. AT FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., the followingdescribed land nnd premises, situate In thecounty of Washington, District of Columbia, nnddesignated as and being 41 nnd 42, in the subdivisionby Julia T. Peck of lot 8. in the block12 of the subdivision by the Washington BrickMachine Company of a part of the tract of landknown as Trinidad, as per plat recorded InLiber County No. 6, folio 120, and No. 8, folk58, in the office of the surveyor of the Districtof Columbia.Terms of sale: All cash. A deposit of $100.0(1

will be required at time of sale. All conveyancing,recording, etc., at coat of purchaser,Terms of sale to be complied with within ISdays from day of sale, or deposit forfeited.






Diamonds* Watches, Jewelry, Silverware.Etc.. bv Auction.On WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER NINTH. 1912.

commencing at TEN O'CLOCK A.M., I will acllby public auction, within premises No. 815 G *

street n.w., all pledges on which there Is dueone year's Interest or more, consisting of Diamonds.Watches, Jewelry, etc.oc2-dAdba LOUIS ABRAHAMS. Broker. _

C. O. SLOAN A CO. (INC.). AUCTS., 1407 G ST.


By virtue of a certain deed of trust, duly recordedin Liber No. 3245, folio 157 et seq.. ofthe land records of the District of Colnmbia.and at the request of party secured thereby, theundersigned trustees will sell at public auction.In front of the premises, on TUESDAY. THEFIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1912. ATHALF-PAST FOUR O'CLOCK P.M.. the followingdescribed land and premises, situate In thecity of Washington. District of Columbia: Lottwo hundred and forty-six (246) in T. F. Schneider'ssubdivision of lots in square one hundredand fifty-six (156), as per plat recorded in LiberNo. 18, folio 57. of the records of the office ofthe surveyor of the District of Columbia, beingimproved "and Inclosed by house and premises No.1716 Q st. n.w.Terms: One-third cash, balance in equal Installmentsat one and two years, with interest

at 5 per centum per annum, payable semi-annuallyfrom the day of sale, and secured by deedof trust on the property soln, or ail cash, at thepurchaser's option. A deposit of g2'#> will be requiredat the time of sale. All conveyancing andrecording will be at the purchaser's <-ost. Termsto be complied wltli within ten days, otherwisethe trustees reserve the right to resell at therisk and cost of the defaulting purchaser.


oo.V10t.eSn Truster*. £


lots. $800 each. About 20 ft. front by 100 deep.PERCY H. RUSSELL CO..9th and N. Y. are. n.w.



Lots of lots; Improved and unimproved; any plocation; any size; any price; any terms. d

ALOXZO O. BLISS PROPERTIES. e35 B st. n.w. Linen. 1S60. y<



n.e.; readv for lniilding: price. $1,100. GEO.Y. WORTIIINGTON & SON. Woodward bldg.

CHOICE CORNER LOT IN CHEVY CHASE. £D. C.: 50xl4O feet: near Connecticut avenue, £]with ail city improvements. Address OWNER, tijBox 27. Star office. |]

CHOICE LOTS FOR INVESTMENT ON 14thand 16th sts. extended. This property willdouble In value. Box 28. Star office.


for garage; about 20 feet front; cheap. Box236. Star office.

RAINAND AUTO COATMAKERS.I. GLASER 4 CO. MAKES GUARANTEED WAterproofrain and auto coats for ladies andgentlemen; altera and repairs all kinds of rubbergarments and articles. Ph. M. 2226. 929 1 st.


PAPERHANGING. PAINTING ft DECORATING.In all lta branches, 20% cheaper than any firmIn the city. CHAS. B HYSAN. 204 East Capitolst. Phone Linen. 2239 for estimate.

SOMETHING DIFFERENT IN WALL PAPERSthat will please up-to-date housekeepers; newesteffects In cut-out liorders, panels, etc. TALBOTT& TALBOTT. 1236 9th st. Ph. N. 1992.

GOING TO PAPER? NO BETTER PLACE TO «And just what you want In design, quality and /price.Rms., *3 up. C. B. THOMPSON & CO., 1Interior Decorators. 3120 11th st. Ph. Col. 4454.WALL PAPERS. 2C. 30 AND 4C UP; PICTURErod, lc per foot op; rooms papered reasonableprice; work guaranteed. GEORGES, 508 7that. s.w. Phone M. 3689.

SEASON'S NEWEST WALL PAPERS IN BIG d<variety; expert paperhanglng, guaranteed sat- a

lsfactory; painting, decorating. Estimates fegiven. FOURNIElt CO.. 2010 K st. Ph. W. 522. a


EXPERT PAINTING. GRAINING AND HARDwoodfloor refinishlng. Only the best materialsand workmanship will make your home attractive.Estimates. H. A. GLORIUS & BRO., _

2827 Sherman ave.


THIS AD GOOD FOR 50C ON ANY JOB FOR"this month only. Paperhanglng and painting.PENNINGTON & TAYLQIt, 513 H st. n.e. .

Phone Line. 977.

STOVES AND FURNACES. V<FURNACES. RANGES AND LATROBES.Roofing, guttering and spouting; poof painting n

and general Jobbing: estimates cheerfully given. jl_JOHN F. CALLAX. IPS Sth n.e. Ph. Linen. 192S. PROPOSALS.DBPARTMENT OK THE INTERIOR. WASHIngton,September 27. 1912..Sealed proposals in

duplicate will be received at this Department Suntil 2 o'clock p.m., Monday, October 14, 1912. forrepairs of roofs, gutters, down-spouts, and Installingnew skynights and new copper roof gutterson roof of United States Pension Office building, _

Washington, D. C., in accordance with specificationsfor the work, copies of which may beobtained upon application to the chief clerk ofthe department. The right is reserved to rejectany and all bids, or to accept or reject any partthereof in the discretion of the Department.Proposals should be securely enveloped, marked"Proposal for repairs to roofs, etc.. Pension OfficeBuilding." and addressed to the Secretaryof the Interior. LEWIS C. LAYLIN. AssistantSecretary. se30.oc2.4.7


of CoRimbla..Fred A. Schmidt, plaintiff, vs. IZada T. Kemp et al.. defendants..Xo. 31220,Equity Docket..The object of this suit is toforeclose the deed of trust made by the defendant,Zada T. Kemp, to secure the complainant, asale of the property described in these proceedings,for receivers and injunction. On motion of Jftheplaintiff, it is, this seventh day of October, 11

1912, ordered that the defendant, Zada T. Kemp, *"

cause her appearance to be entered herein on orbeforethe fortieth day. exclusive of Sundays and \

legal holidays, occurring after the day of thefirst publication of this order; otherwise the causewill be proceeded with as in case of default.Provided, a copy of this order be published oncea week for three successive weeks In the Wash- qington Law Reporter and -ae Evening Star news- wmi tutp lipforp Kiilri riav TH(m HJustice. (Seal.) A true copy.Test: J. it! ...

YOUNG. Clerk. By P. E. CUNNINGHAM, Asst.Clerk. oc-7-law,3t


KRIEG'S EXPRESS. 1224 H St. n.w.Large padded vans. Experienced men.


916-918 Pa. are. n.w.FIREPROOF STORAGE. ..

Rooms, $2 mo. up. Phone Main 261. 1Estimates furnished.


PACKYour furniture, china, brlc-a-brae, etc.. for nhlp- Jment to other cities. We employ expert packers I.only. STORAGE. MOVING, SHIPPING. *'

Merchants'Transfer& Storage Co., **

020-922 E ST. N.W. C1

PADDED VANS. $4 AND $5 LOAD: 2-HORSB g<wagons. $3 load. Phone Main 1915-1916. uCOLUMBIA TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. O

905 NEW YORK AVE. N.W.Packing & Shipping. Storage. $2 van load.GET OUR ESTIMATES ON ABSOLUTELY


418-20 10th ST. N.W. PHONE 4229.

STORE YOUR FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC..at WESCIILER'S. 920 Pa. are. n.w. Rates Ireasonable. Estimates cheerfully given. Phone1282. \

STORAGE.Pb IVATE APARTMENTS; VERYbest accommodations; podded vans. Particularsat 507 14th st. n.w.. LITTLEFIELD. ALVORDA CO.. opp. X<*w Willarn. Tel. W. 737. .


and others, upon their own names: cheaprates; easy payments; confidential.D. H. TOLMAN. Rm. 506. 533 15th St. B.W. r

M"I"U I '1 J| special notice! 1 o, i* TO BORROWERS. V r

loansof <fcin ::^ ormore :: ^:: to any one. $'mm I jWe want no advantage? care very .' * little about security, promise satiafac- .." * tlon, and guarantee a square deal. .* * Tell us bow much money you want.' * Convince us of your ability and honest .

I * * Intention to live up to your agreement. .,

i and we will make you a Joan. . ,

> * * Our easy payment plan enables you to . ,t ' * repay the loan easily and quickly. . .

Potomac Financial Co., ,

\ 1224 g st. n.w. :: ;l' '

Booms. 90-21. 2nd Floor, Cor. 13th St.| ; Phone Main 489. +

fa 1111111 iijiinn-in ni'i* 11i

LOAN COMPANIES.)IO YOU EVER NEEDMONEY IN A HURRY?We make loans to ladles and housekeepers asell as men on their signature, and you can paylek small weekly or monthly payments to anltjur Income and convenience. Y\ e make quick,rlctly confidential loans In one day. and yeaiep onr money aa long as yon like.


Second floor, front. Phone Main 3013.

BORROWERS if small sums a 1

ATTENTION! iiijWe make a specialty of assisting men

and women to secure

LOANS' $io or MORE j

On Furniture, Pianos, Etc.t Onr new system of meeting this de- ...

j mand Is the most reliable.the best. .,

safest.fairest yet devised. We act enItirely as yottr agent; your promise to ;;pav Is our guarantee.

! We will tell yon Jnst to the penny ;;E what the accommodation will cost yon.and If this Is satisfactory to you the

[ understanding Is perfect and you get the :::f money.t All onr transactions are made In m

j clean, straightforward manner.E Our offices are especially arranged forE privacy and the convenience of out cus|totners'.MUTUAL LOAN CO,j700 NINTH ST. N. W.j

I Phone M. 1574. Second Floor. 8


610 F St. N.W.,You Can Borrow Our-Cash.

If yon have household goods, a piano or other'cnrlty we will loan you from $5.00 to $100.00o terms that will pipage you and at a coataat is rair ana reasonable.Even If you have a loan, call and see ns. asje chances are we can loan you more money atcheaper rate and on easier terms. So honest

erson refused. No Indorsee necessary. Neithero you need to have a finely furnished home toet money here. We will loan you money onour own name; give you plenty of time to py; back in small weekly or monthly paymentsnd not charge you more than the accommodalonIs worth to yon.L<oans made in Congress Heights. Anacosfla."wining City. Capitol Heights. Peanwond. FalriontHeights. Cedar Heights. Burrvilic. Boning.Brookland. Langdon. Mt. Rainier. Brent

ood.Tenleytown. Takoma Park and ail otherlburbs. also Alexandria. Va.. on the same termss In Washington.Why not see us. write us or phone Main 3033jday? Office open 8 to 6. All applications willsceive our Immediate attention.


Loans, $10 or More.Remember, we care little abont seenritv.Tell ns how much money yon

want, and If onr charge for the accommodationIs satisfactory to you you getthe money.We loan you the money on TOUR OWN

GUARANTEE. No hardship to repay it

$1.00 or $2.00A WEEK WILL REPAY A LOAN.

Wf have acquired our present enviablereputation by honest, straightforwardmethods, and we intend to maintain thispolicy.UNION LOAN&TRUST CO.,

810 F St. N.W.Phone 5334. Room IS.

Capital Loan Company,602 F St. N.W.

FURNITURE LOANS.Loans made on your own signature. No lnjrsementrequired. You may have been refusedloan by some company. Don't let that lnter

rewith you calling on us. We will make youloan.



602 F ST. N.W.Fhone Main 2065.

Office hours. S a.m. to 6 p.m.

OAXS MADE PRIVATELY ON SALARY. INdorsednotes, pianos and furniture; new company;new methods. Write us how much youwant and security you can offer. Prompt reply.Box 173. Star office. <


'omen keeping house and others; cheai<est rates;isiest payments. H. ELWOOD. Room 416,K) 7th st.




5, $io, $15, $20, $25 and upward.Payments arranged to suit your pay days.

PHONE MAIN 3089.Drop us a juistal card or call at office.

Prndentlal Loan andTrust Company,

ROOM 3,Warder BnSldnng,9th and F N.W.



JDANSOn Diamonds,Watches. Jewelry. qj) y(Q)

HORNING, 9th <& D^Xorg££®.Ve Loan Any Amount From

$10 to $500n any security. In small payments, at a ratahich Intelligent people will not hesitate to pay,ad require No Payment on Interest or Principalatil

TWO MONTHStorn the time yon make the loan. No Chars*>r the first month. We make a specialty of

LOANS TO LADIESnd have a handsome suite of private offices for

their accommodation.Open from S:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

National Loan & Inv. Co.,Thompson Bulldlnjt, <03 15th St. N.W..Bet. G St. it N. Y. Ave.. Opp. Treasury.

$10 LOANSnd upward secured for salaried employes, ow»

ers of furniture and others.[0 loan 35c oekiy $25 loan Roc weekly15 loan 50c weekly I $.15 loan 95c weekly20 loan....70c weekly | $50 loan..$1.45 weeklyIf yon have a loan elsewhere briny in yooreceipts and we will show you how much youin save by liorrowinsc from us.Bavins loans elsewhere does not prevent yostettiny loans here. Credit once established withs is as good as a bank account In time of need.>ur rates and plans have proved to be the beatecause our customers are ;:lad to come again.

Arlington & Co.,402 JENIFER BLT)Q. 400 7th ST. N.W.


f Monoi7 \ Capital, $1,000,000. Strict/-vioney \ est privacy. Indorsed by*<& frt \ ''"ding banks and newa*/° lu * i° papers. Bonded to the state.Tfo I I'KUDENTIAL LOAN\/ SOCIETY,

\ Extras / Victor Bid*..y 724 9th st. n.W.

. Why Pay More?

Columbia Loan Co.,613 F Ivw.

-oans $5 to $ioo on your furniureor piano. Payments weeklyr monthly. All business strictlyonfidential. Phone Main 3539tLOAN


Other amounts from $10 to $300 in pr»portion.Every loan strictly confidentialNothingdue until

DECEMBER 7On loans running else months or mom.We charge nothing for the extra time.Loans with other companies paid off.More money advanced. Loans on furniture.pianos, indorsed note*, etc.

Commercial Discount Co.,BOOM 309. METROPOLITAN BANK

BLDO.. 613 15th ST. N.W.(Between V and Q sts.) Phone M. 7108.



Bookkeepers.AccountantsPrepared for C. I*. A. Examination, j

,For Professional Work, |,

For High-grade Positions. pIndividual Instruction. v

P. W. ROBERTSON. P. P. A.. 721* l.'.th st. n.w. FrenchLessons. {

Individual or in classes; students coached.no2* MME. MKRC1F.R. 212-* X st. n.w.

MATHEMATI t ^, KLEM EXTAIIY AND ADvaneed.taught by university graduate and ox- 1

pcrlcnood teacher: price. 50c per hour. AddressMATHEMATICS. Star office.





etructor.Continuous Pitman and Gregg Speed Dictation

for Fall Examinations.Seswiona EVERY DAY and EVERY EVENING.

Washington School of Accountancy.Instruction preparing for C. P. A. degree and

udmUlctea fl/vn iimfoaainnfil COIITM.UUBiumn auniiu'.^n «'

48-page bulletin sent on request.Address Director of Education. Y. M. C. A.,

1738 G st. n.w. <

STUDIO OF MUSIC. ITual Instruction in vocal and instrumental musicby expert teacher. I'hone M. 6232.

Success Shorthand School!After Sept. 30 will be located at ROOMS 24 TO27. APPEALS BLDG.. 5th AND E STS. N.W.

Catalogue on request.Phone Main 657A

PRIVATE INSTRUCTION ITALIAN ART HIStory and water color painting: graduate ofBoston School of Museum of Fine Arts: experiencedteacher of girls from eight to fifteen.Box 175. Star office. 11*


IRWIN HALL FOR GIRLS.2000 Columbia road. Kindergarten, primary. IMontessorl method. Special courses. languages.Classes open October 7. Healthful and delight,ful location.



STUDIO. 1327 14th ST. Phone N. 6539.

FLYNN'S BUSINESS COLLEGE-$6 A MONTH.Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. English,spelling, letter writing.

S.W. comer Sth and K ata. n.w» |

The Milton SchoolThe Maryland building,

1410 H St. N. W.,Washington, D. C. .

Unsurpassed Instruction In <Shorthand. Typewriting. Civil Service.






Music, Art. Expression. Outdoor Sports. ^Edward W. Thompson, Principal.1503 and 1601 Connecticut avenue.

Near Dnpont Circle. Tel. North 7560. |

Mount VernonSeminarySouthwest Corner


M and Eleventh Streets. \Thirty-eighth year opened

October first.T» ! 1rnncipais.

Mrs. Elizabeth J. Somers,Mrs. Adelia Gates Hensley.Friends School



Thomas W. Sidwell, A. M. 1

Principal. jMiss May Eleanor Smith,Teacher of Harmony. Four years' study abroad.Two years Instructor of harmony In English InStern Conservatory, Berlin. Studio, 2215 14th 1st. n.w. X. 2:157. I


SCHOOL OF LAW iIt utilizes to the full the advantages which

make the National Capital the greatest center Jof legal learning In the United States. Threeyearcourse, leading to the degree of LL. B. .

Fourth-year or post-graduate course, leading tothe degree of LL. M. Full course on PatentLaw without extra cost. All sessions held inthe evenings, giving students an opportunity to *be self-supporting or to have practical trainingin law offices.Reopened Wednesday, October 2.Tuition, $100.00.Office will be open for registration, consultation,etc., from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.Further Information or catalogues may be obtaiuedby addressing ~


500 E St. N.W. Main 7803.

The Temple School, .

1417 G St. N.W. *


Phone M. 3258.



LAW SCHOOL(Eyt-nlng Sessions Exclusively)

FORTY-FOURTH YEAR.OPEN* OCTOBER 1 AT 6:30 P.M. DPractical courses of two. three and _

four years, leading to stsndsrd degrees ill law.Faculty of 28. of whom 23 are Federaljudges or practicing lawyers.The degree of Baeheior-of-Laws caa

be secured In two years.Classes limited to number permittingof individual instruction. aThe post-graduate course leading to ^the degree of Master-of-Law* may be

completed In one year rddltlonal. No °charge for Patent Law Coarse tomembers of the post-graduate claaa.For catalogue, app-lntion blanks. ~

etc.. address the l>ean. at the Admin-rlstration Offices, Southern Building; £

phone Main 6617; or, after Oct. 1, at v:National Law School Building, 816- 1818 13th at. n.w.

St. Margaret's Boarding and Day R

School,Kindergarten Department.Playground, Basket Ball Gymnaalum. ai

2115 Cal. Are. diMISS LIPriNCOTT, MISS BAKER, Principals. N


Choose?m "


VIRGIL tcAo<? WWW40C H at. n.w. Phone Main UI8I. Georgia E. MT1ft.director. Teacher*' training claas. sight readi>«class.-*. Examination* for Iptchrn' c-r'iflcatenr!11 he conducted I.t Mr. A. K Virgil of X. V.

unston Hall,1906 Florida Avenue.

A BOARDING AND DAY SCIirXJL FOR GIRDS.Opens September 30, 1912.

Preparatory ami Klfrtlrr Coursea. All grade*Yom Primary to Collegiate. S|>ccial advantage*n Mualo. Art anil EiprPMiM. Building speciallyplanm-d for the school Gymnasium andTennis. Catalogue on roynest.

Mrs. BKVF.RI.RY R. MASON. Principal.

Hamilton School,823 S23 FIFTKENTII ST.

A Boarding and Day School forGirls. 12th year opens Oct. 3.PHOERF. HAMILTON SKABROOK. Principal.. Mass Annae L. Murray,

Teacher of Banjo. Mandolin and Guitar.Studio. 330» O at. Phone W K25.


Complete, practical rouraea. Regular, normaland special. Model equipment. Expert faculty.

Registration Sept. 15. 1912. Catalogue.

Miss Madeira's School,1330 18th STREET.


College PreparatoryAND

, j

General CoursesTWO-YEAR I ' (

Collegiate CourseFor high aehool graduate*. Certificate admitsto Vassar. Smith and Wellesley. Gy tun aalum,tenuis, basket ball. Music and art.

LUCY MADEIRA 4A. B. Vasaar),Principal.

SPANISH.Join now the Spanish classes at the MILTOISSCHOOL. Native lr*trnctor; $3 and St permonth. The Maryland bldg.. 1410-14 II st.. 4thloor; elevator.

n_n _ n n t tia

imaiiii=noye§ sciniooiiDay and night. Primary, grammar, high school

and business In courses. Also private coaching.College preparation. Catalogues. Tenth year»pened Sept. HO.


(Tel. M. 3877. > 221 K st. n.w.

WALTER T. HOLT,Mandolin. Guitar and Banjo Teacher.

Weekly eluh practice.SEW STUDIOS. Kenols tddg.. Uth & G ats. n.w.

Phone M atn 5090.


1317 New York Avenue NAV.Undergraduate classes now in seaaion. Claaaen

Imlted in numher. Register now.Patent Ue Class opena Thursday. October 3.

r p.m.. under the charge of the Hon. Cornell**D. Billings. First Assistant Commissioner atPatents. Tuition. $30.00.Post-graduate Course.LL. M. opens Tueoday,

October 8, 8 p.m. Tuition, $50.00.Public Invited.

The Desn. Mrs. Ellen Spencer Manser, In atthe College from 10 to 2 and from 7 to ft.

Phone M. 4585 for Catalogues.

STRUCTURAL ENGINEERINGAfter working hours at the Columbia School ofDrafting. Call or phone for partlculan. 4MUcLaohlen Building.

Ernerson Institute1ror coys and Young Men,

1740 P St. N.W., Wash., D. C,WINSLOW H. RANDOLPH. 1ANGUS McD. CRAWFORD. I Pr»3ClptlA

Day School, Evening:School, Coaching:

For collpre. West Point, Annapolis, RevenueCotter. Special couraea for commission# in theArmy, Navy, Marine Corps. Consular Service andPatent Office.Classes aie now hcine orennlred.

WASHINGTON SEMINARYPreparatory. Academic. Collegiate Departments.

Culture Class for special students and hish schoolgraduates; advanced English civics, ethics, mil- ,

tic. art, languages. Travel class, householdconomics. gymnasium, tennis.

Mrs. G. T. SM W.LWOOD. 210.1-9 S st.Mrs. W. A. WILBUR.


rone Production. Deep Hrealhing.Foice Placing. Physical Culture.Ear Training. Distinct Enunciation.?ight Singing. Dramatic Art.

Irs. Emily Freeh Banes,143 11th st- n.c. Pbone Line. 1733.


studio. 1107 G st. n.w. Phone M. 4533.oc20*

The Misses Eastman'sSCHOOL FOR GIRLS.

1305 17th St. Open Oct. 1.Regular grades and graduate courses.Write for catalogue. Phone X. 4813.

'RIVATE LESSONS IN MATHEMATICS,sciences, languages, music: university graduate;twenty years' e*|>erience; elenjentury or a(Lvanced pupils. Prof. J., Sta. G, Bos 2313. city.©cl5*

OUT OF WASHINGTON.IONTROSE.A SELECT BOARDING SCHOOLIn the country for girlR ami stuall boys; moathealthful part of Marvland: terms moderate.

Miss HAttDEY. Highland. Md.


Or. ReedSpecialist, 804 117th St.

vipad^' successful£,£ n PRACTICE INllseases of the Nervous System. Skin. Blood,leart. Stomach. Liver, Kidneys, Bladder. Nose.'Uioat and Lungs, Stricture. Varicocele andlydrocele.Blood Diseases and Disorders of the Urinaryrgsn*-promptly relieved by safe methods.Hours: 10 to 1 and 5 to 0: Sundays. 10 to 1.

3R.BALDUS, fTT.Va.uah- Plnnil o nd

VII IliC fVUB OJBirill. » '«

toctor's service and medicine. 'wo dollar*.Hour*. 10 to 8. Phone M. 2T.1B. Closed Sunday.



Indigestion. Lota of Appetite. Constipation,mi nests, Bad Taste, Fullueas after Eating,rakefulness, Lobs of Flesh. Heart Trouble, Pal.Itatlon. Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Stricture,allow Complexion. Pimples, Blood and Skinilaeasea. Lose of Vitality, and Special PetiteAilments of Both Sexes cured promptly*606" administered).Consnltatlon free, medicines furnished, chargesiw. Honrs, I to 1 and 3 to S. Sundays. II> 11.

DR. FISK ELGINXpert in treatment of special diseases, chronicad scute; both sexes. All consultations connpntial.Medicine furnished. Price, modcram.,E. cor. 7th and U p.w. Phone Mala 7947.
