SUN SUNDAY NOVEMBER 15 1903 Ic I yr- i 41 il v Pt V fAI rw Thz 1- I THIS T I < GAMES ON MANY GRIDIRONS COLVMniA CLOSKS ITS HEFEAT1M COHXELL- LochJt Harvard Tram Lom to II mouth Wno Scores Twlcf Tlie- cllant Trounce Heniw Ivanlu Wllll and Hrilejan Play a Tlr Othrr llr Brimful of Joy for Princeton and Joyl for Yale was yesterday on the gridiron Y was beaten by the In u game that expoctfld proved to bo clos matched In strength Yale freshir also were beaten losing to Harvard 07 that was small consolation to Harvard the letters varsity team was beaUn Dartmouth No Harvanl eleven has h luch u doleful MPiiDonM record Tho lost once more belli if outplayed the dlans while wound hr season with dory winning from Corm The VJM trlumphoil over West wh West Iolnl of the University Chicago Tho results follow Prlnwlon II lair n Dartmouth 11 Ilarartl n Columbia 17 Cornell 12 IndUni 10 Pennsylvania Point 10 ChleaKo fl- Wllllami B Wrtlryan B- nutiien is N V U IS Harvard Frrslinirn 17 Vale Freshmen Ducknrll 23 Annapolis B- Antir TEAM HEATS Goal From Placement the Ahead WCTT PriNT Nov 14 A notable was won by the West Point football today The brawny University of Chlcai eleven with H formidable reputation anti quad of bit fellows as heavy as nny team tbe Vat was beaten by u scorn of U to It wag hamiiT nnd tongs from stnrt to finis and a more gruelling or harder ought never took place here Ktna- sbnngtwas the order throughout tide as good on the defence as on the but with a demolishing offence and travelling lone distances up and Held The cadets scored n field goal from n kick just before the game ended und thorn the victory They were dellrioi delight and were still capering up and down the field when tho tussle term Dated Tho teams fought In the twlllgl for the last twenty minutes and In that the Cadets hld the Maroons on Just before that Chicago hnd hammered oldlert back fiftyfive yards for a touchdown The Cadets scored a touchdown In the firs half knocking the out of Chicago resistance and ball eighty yards The bull swung from end to end of the field great doa of the time An a demonstration that the West ranks With the In football Chicagos trip a failure first place Chicagos defenc was not that of a firstclass team and whIle the plays were put under wuy swiftly on the jump on the offence and splendid open- Ings were made the man with the ball was topped easily when tackled and there was cot half enough helping of the runners The backs darted away fast but ran high und did not keep going ns they should have done Two drop kicks were blocked on the etni quarter back Eckerstill who as a kicker did nothing sensational but who got away like a bullet lifter catching punts was fast as n jack rabbit dodged beautifully nnd ran ofl the plays very Qulokly Chicagos of plays was very limited on just outside ol tackle being the best but Eokersall never- theless demonstrated that he Is a fine Tho West Point team was In smoother work- Ing order than uanlnst Harvard or Yale Its tandem formation was a puzzle for the Westerners West tackling was the harder end the victory the difference In weight was all the more creditable Capt Fnrnstvorth was the West Point star and was a tower of strength He always was where tho ball was Hum mond at end played noticeably well 3 did Upton nt centre The cadet corps encour- aged their team and discouraged the other with tbls one a ba amc Its a ihaame Its a inarne fur youre doing very But you mUtt remember me last aint bark back for you Point had thn salt t goal and Doe to Kckersall who came buck like a steer on a stampede and run fifty the centre of the Then Maroon team It could do on thu offensive The stood close to the line und they alternately d Into Ve t Points two rln s until the wus on the West Hue the first down Chicago failed to gain und then In view ol advancement of the visitors poor judgment was shown Instead of trying ball aculn Kckiiull back a u lime West Pointers tore through HH If lint had hen mad paper This kick was liocked and the bill Cor Went Point on tile line Torrey Immediately around tim fifteen yards front u tandem formation Ho dropped when tackled but one of mutex recovered It PrInce went In the other U- lrertlon two yards went three for a first Farnsworth w n through Chlcafioa right tackle for eight Aiming play after play at tackle cadets the to 26yard lIne tried u kick for frill blocked but Farnsworth It IM bounded oil a Chicago nuns chest and riivhtHi It to Chicagos line In the next scrimmage went through Chicago tIne for a touchdown out badly and West Point lost try for goal Ellsworths kick off by Hackelt rushed the ball In to Wet 35yard tine Prince punted to Uckersull on line there time Westerners advanced steadily until tho was oti West Then Cadet made splendId rally Twice Chicago was repulsed Kckcmull tried a goal 20yard line Again kick was Mocked Chicago onco morn rushed the bill Wft IolntH danger one hut the hard fighting woldlers for downs on their A punt cent time hull to mid- field where Eckersall caught The next play was u fake kick yards on us brilliant a bit of dodging as was ever seen on 11 gridiron half ended few moments tutor The second hnlf hogan with kick- Ing over time goal lint Torney punted from West 1olntrt to and Chicago cut loose with another series of swift dashes at tucltlo Thu bill was taken to- AVost Points 3yard line where It wits lost on downs An xchange of punts followed which Chicago worked bill to Vei- tIolnts where once moro relinquished In downs The punting duel wiw until hlongo thf on her own line Kckersnll turned West left end for fifteen on n buick run Then he punted to West Points line where imiflcU but recovered Home swift rushing by West Point followed In oni of tht riishen WIIH no badly hurt that Im WHS carried off the held on a stretcher Finally Went was forced lo- runt und the taut willed hack and forth until Chicago hid It on tier own line Mere the Westerners settled down lo a siege of rushing with grenl success Hedck mind Kcliersall nindi nineteen ytirdH In three successive tries There WIIH Chicago now mind before long thev had the ball on West Points line When Inside the llneChlcnao would drop one of the big ends to the runner Bchnur sklrteJ left end for n touchdown Kekerwill taught thi punt out and Kllswortli kicked coil For romalrrler of the game the play WH mostly In Chieico territory Once dm bill on a fumble six vnrds from ChloHKon Near the finish the game Htlllwcll tried to heel n catch CMcneos line A nmn rushed nnd wts standing Just In front of Ktlllwell ns the tatter vas waiting for the ball Thr iUVnUi the man In the link of the heed nnd boundH forward Anothor player picked It tip nnd new toward Jin wax overtaken and thrown- In the niPirtlmo however Point claimed Interference with the ciitch nnd the umpire the claim This brought out n long nnd vigorous protest from the Chlenco men declared was no Interference Out the umpire stuck lo hi and penalised Chicago fifteen ards for the Interference ThIs gave W st Iolnt a elmnop to n coal from placement from lire Io sent squarely between the posts and the victory wu J In j TIer Th dcl b I I o- Wed O ChICAGO Put J team In with thE the this eve madly v the the pot 1 Eat und r and Points tam bet est Wes howe bal 2 goal marl fOJ bal a The ut Url yard worth ho bal a In th worth IiI 2 nrd and balk n ChicH ho SEASON i 3 a I I u- I I cr1 I I ol- I i I l Cadets I victory a 0 i en- counter i i attack ball Si 1 place tune detnaive I I was quarter- back I con- sidering I J i is i ti to- t c t t I t I I t i whete braetI this point tie 1 a 2 after I reim In i hi U no i L I r 1 un the e1 I gout of- t on- E daaruudn god Wet kirk z- zcy < = I Point It wan nn Ideal for foot bplntt cool mind dry with no wind Writ roint Iatulont CMcn- lIMnmonil Lcfi rnd f Doe Lufl lackle Jlclllcr Left guard Ahlsu cenire Kllsivi Thompson Itlithl guard T- ravel ItlKlit tackle Mai Itfjni rnd C Krkc- Irlncc Left half bark Sri Fnrrmiorth halt buck Be- i Torney Full back Nordcn I Touchrtowni Famtworth Schnur Ron I touchdown Klliworth bat from Held JJeftree Vail 1rnnaylvanla Iniplrr Slnui n IVnn Time uf halve U minute sututltuii- Hllcv for Mettle for Itrckwill Still for llnckctl for Hill Hill for 1rtnrr U for Hurrjws for Parry Wliltrmore- Tobln Allendaoce 4000 CORNELL JIIIACES TOO LATE Columbia Gets a Ills Lend and Wins fin by Score of IT to 12 N y Nov 14 Columbia on Percy Field Cornell by n 17 to 12 Tho secc half of thn struggle can hurdly fall down In football history as one of tin in magnificent and thrilling ever enacUd gridiron In the first half Columbia twice and kicked ono goal thus mukincr t score 11 to 0 In favor of the New Yorkc In the second halt after Columbia hud ma one moro touchdown and kicked a the IthacntiH took a brace mud curried before them maklnc twelve pol was In tho second half that Cornell settled down lo work With great or against them they set out to win and nev a more plucky light waged enthusiasts who have followed the Kami1 years declared that Keldom has n creai amount of grit and determination been hlblted than was the cutup with the a warriors It was luck Columbia und exceeillncly poor on the purt of Cornell that was tho deter mining factor l Bo creditable was Cornells work in j second half und so sensational were the j that the 4000 supporters Feemed- j forget the which the Corn men hud to contend unit they cheered achievement of the Itlmcans to the so tied the is regarded in Ithaca ahnc a The heavy wt field the hlir hcavv line I Columbia and time style of attack sccmoj confuso the Ithiicuns in the lr t half but b tore It wifc overt her were evidences that the Cornell players were gradually back to their own TliMv vre which the work in I second half thun that Colurnb was to u light for In r llfi for la- In the first period of play Cupt Hunts ni Sot the r dlbtuncH only to lost it on u Iunihl and time wus up before another opportunIty vns aiforded nut the half was Ccrr ells froi th And yet it U true that Columbl scored a third time before Conrcll Becur th first touchdown Hut this touchdown cume alter luck whch inleht well hive ills couraueil the stouf t It cutout in uft r hud riven an ehlblt- lon of plucky as is cMom seer lth on twoyard Lint the Cornell forward bravely too of tho Columbia and Conn1- sralneil the bull on downs liut the punt firewater to be u fatal pIty for Cornell Cornrir quarter back sent out of bound at line so that the bull wiii to the New Yorkers on Cornrlls tin after the exhibition of tlii 3tanch difi C Even Capt Hunt who Inn fought so was dlsrriuragii at Brewsters failure to send tlit out o danger and before Cornell could pluck courage the cautious und cool o Columbia through riKii for the touchdown und Jour goal The circumstances bv which Columbl got bull on Cornells lIne need x With the in Cornells pos session and moving toward tin l rivals line UrewitT called for u faki kick Cornells lark nwi- acroiM the chalk marks but us he reached of he dropped the water soaked pigskin and lime tit Columb- lcintre It nnlrk an u llifh and nearly fifty yards nnd was ut Cornells ii he was Corned out o bounds It was this sensational run on of Bruce fiat was Columbias third touchdown which virtually won the gamut rallv even In the face of this most to the Cornell supporters After kloued off was ut- terly penetrate tho Ithuca dcfenc Frambnch wits to kick Cos tilo was through In the twinkling ot ai eye and the out of bounds Thcr were u dozen Cornell players In eager pur- suit but Coma Ml on on next play Urewstrr give him th leather ploughed through right tackle n Cornell seemed fresher than at tint be of the contest und again until asnli Cornell the ball Codln Snider nm- lllw were invincible anti the leather on short but consistent gains through lute Columbia line thee tool delayed puss He also tuttle a touchdown were half i dozen opponents on his back ns h When CoOln kicked oil for thin lost time thus Cornell line nail Krum to punt The was blocked arid Cornell got on Columhha so yiird line and Coltn made substantial irulns HrewBler tried to run the too fast dusk n futnbl rt ultol aid Columbia sot the bull All this than two minutes of Out Colum bin wits now driven to desperation antI slowly but surely advanced the oxecut with the Greatest of cure an- ncouracy The gamut ended the ii possession on her own the first halt Columbia had the ball all of the time anti enrneit two touchdowns by hard plunges through line plays were Hillled In halt Cornell fatiHoni Columbia Hacktlaft Lrf t ocd FlMioi- Costellci Left tarkk llniwni- VorU Left guard Tomllnsot- DtvlU Centre Hrun Hunt nuht guard Stdnglnni- llalllday Klht t elle Tnorin Tour I ion Hljht end liaill lire wstrr Quarter bark Jon s nice lffl back Iu l- nBa Uleat halt back Framhatn- feAlllitrr lull hack KmUl Touchdowns Uucll Klihcr Prombrrh Collln touehdowna Jonrs 2 Oofnn 2 Eviini Williams Umpire MrClave- Prlnrelon Ilnrsman Soow Mlrhlinn Tune ol halve 55 mlntitra Siibstllnlra roruy fur Tiurl- wn Schoflkonf for Vor for McAllister- Hnldrr for coma Clofnn fur NtoAllhtcT FUber Jui Smith Metxealhln Tar Krambach RED VAX trilllS QlAKEIt Much Poor Football Played by Penns yenta In the First Half PntLAnBUPniA Nov 14 Hefore n crowd f 1200O persona Pennsylvania was badly jeaten tills afternoon on Franklin Field 35 the Carlisle Indian team thn final score jeltitt 10 to 0 Xot since 1Q01 has a lylvnnln playoil touch poor did In the first hnlf taut in thal- econd tho Quakers braced up nail Tor a time It looked as though a finish voultl be mod Tho first halt wits similar to first half of thn Harvard wume hullIng narked by an In defeiiee timid much unibllnB miiiini I unablo to vlthstand the line of tin ndluns and the clover trick plays executed y Capt Johnson Tile Indians lost two good opportunities ccorlnir once on n fumble on u lint lost a good the irimu Then titter Carlisle on lute intl forelnn to try n place kick for goal hey Rot oBslJe another chance they nulckly tools advantage The InilaiiH made points in the first halt by it touchdown und on straight oothull anti by ti field goal hy trout ut width Carlisle so bill on n blocked kll In the second Pennsylvania made Item lonely 0 iy n line ninth u ery Buoco sfiil hunk Kick arliMlin WIIH n fine run Churlfs nrniinil n touchdown folnxon mlsslni lit goal Millford who repl iced the B oond net mutters ronsl lor lily hy to Conch Williams on the for tips lekarlikl- IcCabt Me rrey- eliicr irson- cjnolil rakr Bennett Intlllmi- I ft Ltr l ft runrdi Centre Ill Kb tackle Right end uaiter hack L ft bait back Klglit back Ienmiltanln Jude Tliscn Dillon Schouihak- Tubo KxrnUlMe- UathevtM Johnson Sheldon Charles Williams Touchdowns Johnunn Torrry CJiarlra louchdown linnni Goal lelil Johniwn luterce Cortm VKic Umpire nrfonl Trlnllj Linesman Okenon rime o 15 mlnutrji Suballlules Taylor 1 I ohi I I frau I e r oMle tu huM but t U II on I ul t- It real Football for ex led I Whit luck the rolls Cornel Ic the I Ire of mOt I I second cornel b Ir r Irnnnrdlat I bal I Alt thur bal rlmnm time I part Cornel I ot W- on th hit bal rd- I net ncr Unals I Inn lear for I for hold In tulsa of I or u I thE t alert II time Orson In look Cirllt elI nI iii hal Got from cckweil iirr back vuinla wor ron score goal was good time echo like apparent corn- ing signs the it n I ornull Wit t Cornu ils uled kictcd tu p rita head- wall tim crossed I to unmet I lately the from rattling the Itd Lye humia sh van it II C uu tuli itt Iti g I a it I Iii tern I I ittus Ieft coring final l Tar MCCabe Slakler fur Mstzgcr AiuUortt iou Cot con a r a < < > ° ¬ > < < ALAS POOR HARVARD Thn Crimson Conipletely OutcUurd by i Ilia Part mouth Tram CAMtininoK MOM 14 Uartraou defeated Harvard on the now gridiron tho Stadium on Soldiers Field this by H score of u to 0 It was tho first to be played on the new field t clearly outclassed Harvard nt every i of ttft game Shin had a team of that worked like n single line and backs charged together and low The Dartmouth back field tho fastest that Harvard has met this Harvard could not gain consistently on Dart mouth in the entire mm than fifty yards while Dartmouth 2H ne neuron Harvard came to soo lug wus the murk nnd that only tune she had the ball out of her territory tiNt half the nearest she camp the line Harvard hell for down three times in the gaino and wi thotiRii sho was forced to got the ball Dartmouth touchdown wns made ufter sho got tr ball on fumbla on 3 yard Him Tho second one In tho tunIC trims matte rushing the eight unto yard without n hitch Tlio sensa- tlonal of the afternoon was a yard run bv For the remainder time It wns the hardest kind of Hnttmouth Lllllard Lindsay Hooper Turner Ol zo William Ialti rson Xauirhn- lVntrr IosUtont itt end tackle Ixft u rJ Ccntrn- Illclit guard HIT31 tackle IlHUt fnU back Let half bark half back Fullback Harvard t Clotilc- Melc Parkhio1- MarVia Knoulto- Monttomer Marsha Nichols Hurlc- Schoellkof Touchdowns Turner 2 Gosh from touch down Vauian Dasilcl llfferee Dadnmn Worcester Time 24 and 2- mlnuic halves Substitutes Shea for Meier KIJ- dor for Parkinson Ilnrrlvm fur Nichols Podit for Mills for Schoollkoaf Bro n for Llnd ally Dillon for Vaughn Knlbbs for Foster AI iTnio Williams and Weslcyan Play Tie Game MIDDLETOWS Conn Nov U William may be thankful that she held Wesleyan u score of S to 3 today Wccleyun gained twice as many ynrds through every position mind was yards to Williams Williams scored three Dennett broke through and blocked a Seizing ball he n thirty five yard run u touchdown Three tImes carried thus to within a of lute Thn first time fumbled us ha went over tlnv Williams inide a good stand nnd nguln punted to but the time gcorei line bucking This wus all done In the first half In the H eond half Harrison made i an twenty yard gains nnd a yard run for William Watson ant made good gains WaUon was the only Williams man the wIth success Lane of Harvard penalized Wtslcyan heavily Untxtrn IK N V 15 At New Brunswlct yesterday the Riitgeri- t rolloge eleven defeated thus New York Uni- versity team by n score of 18 to 15 Tho game was a hard fltrlit from beginning to end The called on account of dark- ness ifter eight minutes of play li the but In tWno stored n touchdown battering Itutjers line for lone gains llurkncll Ton Strong for Amttpotl- ASNArous Md Nov heavier and strmiipr Bucknell eleven won from the midshipmen In the football gamo here this afternoon by n score of 23 to 1 Othrr Football James At Hoston Harvard07 11 f- lAt lj wlstoii Howdoin It Dates o- At DBS Moines Drake 32 Orlcinoll o- At Columbia Mo lown fl Missouri Ann Arbor Michigan 10 Wisconsin 0 At Lawrence Kan Neiniska o Kansas Andover Andover 2i wrencovllle o- At Champaign 111 Mlnnenotu 12 Illinois Chicago Northwestern n Notre UameO At Hamilton N Y Colgate 18 Hamilton HuiiBor Holy Cross 5 University of Maine f- lAt Lexington Ky Kentucky Tlllanis n Knnxville Suwaneo 17 University of Tcniicsieo u At loultnry Vt Conference Acad- emy 16 Troy thigh School Rochester University ot Rochester 17 Union At Marietta 4ft Western University of Pennsylvania o- At Chapel Hill N C1 University of North Carolina ll u At Centenary Colln glut Inslltiiti Preparatory 0 At The New York Military Academy team defeated the Horace Mann team 17 to 0 this afternoon WurlAMsponT Pa Nov H Dickinson ColliRi over Pennsylvania Slum CollfKo today in one of th football games ever hero the final scoro being 8 to 0 Dickinson Fcorod a touch- down In last few minutes of piny and kicked a god WASIIISOTOS Nov U Uni- versity scored a decided over Colum at football this Afternoon 33 to 0 line of defence watt practically Impenetrable nnd th Interfuronon play resulting- In ftemly gains The McKenzle team played Hall at Tarrytown yesterday on latter n grounds The score wus 20 1- 1LiNTASTFn Fn Nov U The student lndle of Imth Institutions witnessed th cimn between Franklin and Marshall and Wlslnns today It resulted In FranklIn and Miirciiull too AXSAPOUH MJ Nov M St TohasCol l Washington College of Chester town this morning by n score of 41 to o The Emsmiis Hall High Bch ol football team covered llsiif yesterday Washington Polytechnic Preparatory School eleven 18 to At Ilendalc L L Olondalo A C 18 WyitiokP F C 0 The Son Cliff A C won front the Glen Covo A yesterday at Sea Cliff by a scoro of 10 Tim Interstate A C the Queens F C nt Queens yesterday 24 to 18 At Far the Odarhurst A C tinrn won from time Triumph A C yesterday 30 to U At Brooklyn Boulevard grounds Washing- ton A 24 Field C 12 Hill A Kldorado A 0 Empire A C 0 AdiMphl u At Prospect Semlnole A C 18 Wanderers A B F C 12 iraiuercy A S Atlantic A A IS HuJson A C 12 ilranimnr School No 44 21 Perrless A is Arcturits A r is Fort Hamilton team 12 Young Hudson 12 Vanderbllt A t 0 Saginaw A J 12 Oriole A f 0 SviiUtsR Nov 14 The football noason nt ended today with tho gaunt with Brown University The score was 12 Syracuse S In tho first half Bvrnciiso a good klckln that llrowii wits unablo to score Toward tho eiul of hull llnrrll of Syracuse inadi a C run und the second halt Drown took a brace and nconil nftor live minutes play currying thin leather ncrosi the Held After that the visitors had Syracuse nt their mercy At Bethlehem Pa Iclilgh 45 Susqufr- liiintin FAHTOV Pa Nov 14 Lafayette defoalert Norntiil 211 10 i In a game that wnn hurd at first iiasy toward the The Cutler School football team defeated the School eleven nt AmerlOAt- iLiiiKiu Park yesterday afternoon by 11 score if 21 to 0 tennis was nilpluycd nt till Hinges but nevertheless up a game a mr giiinu for th team e former who hnd to play not- withstanding u sprained shoulder The Pe Witt Clinton High School eleven nirl tho team of the Brooklyn ichool met yesterday n rainstorm it ThuS SInai score wits to 5 National Heaide Trials UiriiMiisi Va Nov 14 Winners In the national beagle trials ut Howards ville today Class A First Falclcis second DUD third Lottery HH First Floss second DaInty reserve IblciS 11 Flrsx Clyde second Hans third hurries lass I D First Donate second Oeluuicci third Mamie rcftrne Modesty Derby Klrit Reho Dictator third fouru Trrtnt the ov Inside lame point I Ill mail hard made own I was I hI dOle punt b bal fool Imo a to nol I W llpun yard sd ii forty I I liThe I At o- At o- At o- At 3 burl I Clem SOl 21 I I I I I enzle lack I 7 glory I e Junior I C C t t I b ham I H hoo I one Wa were I D c Ic It afternoon powerful wits S tall nut less was shut first is I second Let l 0 the The I V I WInos WitS second Yale At I Intl e leg I i- to C tilt I but hut Ii aId ii Foum a lain Class ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ HURSTBOURNES FAVORITE TAKES TIlE UAXDI CAP UV A HEAD Sheriff Dell the Contender Slightly In- terfered With In nit Stretch Holl Spanker Wins In Coort TwoVeaMl Company on Jamaicas doting Ilay The metropolitan racing for 1013 came to a close nt the Jamaica track yester- day and the 10000 persons enjoyed some good racing Throe favorites two well played second choices and a long shot divided time money The track and weather conditions were any I timing but pleasant and the ruin of yesterday morning made the truck heavy and holding nevertheless the public was able to the winners and managed to moro than breuk even on the day As Is usual on get- away duty there were a number of good thlnes passed uround but they fulled to connect The card wns good and the finishes In the majority of the rums were close and exciting particularly in the Continental Handicap one a sixteenth Five were carded to accepted Htirstboiirne carrying heavy Impost of 124 pounds Hedfcrn up was at once inudo favorite at 0 to 5 Master man with IHillmiui In the saddle was i heavily ployed secant choice belie bucked down from a to I to 13 to S Tho start was good and Sheriff Hell to I Immediately out to sot the pace closely followed by with Himself id to I In third position This order was maintained around the paddock turn und into the back stretch Comlne to the threequarter pole Krdfern ent liurstbour up to tIme lenderMnstermnn takIng third place An the fidel nwung Into the stretch Sheriff Bell on the rut was still leading by a head from Hurstboun c All through the last ontelehtli of n mile It watt a dlncdone finish when nearing the flnlili- Hurstboun o slightly bore In on Sheriff Dell causing to huh up lliiretboun e rained time decision by a short head from Sheriff Hell who In turn was three lengths In front of Mnitcrnian A crowd of two or three hundred people Riithrrco round the stewards stand timid Hlcplnr I nbid tIme stairs leading to the t vurd place a great shout went up After U moments tldwera- llon lledfern was sent for and told lila story after which the placing of the horses was confirmed Spanker front the stable of R T Wilson Jr was uddid to tin1 fllvrhend Handicap for twoycnrolds six furlonkR The wus favorite at 13 to 5 Krank Karri 11 Juvenal Maxim who two Htiirtu was at tin backed by his owner was played down from 4 to 1 to 13 to S at which closed nti equal favorIte with Tho start was bud K it Thomass St Valentino was flatfooted when tho barrier WitS Eapl backed from 30 to 1 to U to I broke on toes and raced with Juvenal Maxim to the stretch where Knele d buck boufn OXfili on Juvenal Maxim dropped his probably horse to finish so far Meanwhile lied fern on Dolly Spanker WHS lying In a good position arid took the anti appeared to be winning whtn llutinon on brought his mount up with a rush tied forced Itedfirn to rid out the favorite to win by length and n intuit St Vnlcntlin do d a great burst of In tlie atri tch arid got third money by two linctn Amelia was scriitrhid iho Shields crowd deriendliiB on Ht Valintine to win Buttons 121 pound from th Thomas stable was made nn 11 to 10 favorite In the lust race a handicap 1or mull aces unit and a fiirlmiir River Pirate who U a well known mud horse wns roml clinics RloMiiR at 3 to 2 Uiinnon rushed lllver Pirate to time front at tho of barrier took a hnld of his muting him nicely c Huttons was second and alter a mil had been covered dropped back River Ilnito continued on front winning two lengths was second fifteen lengths In front of Colon who beat the favorite a head for third money Arden backed from 4 to 1 to 13 to 5 hnd only to to win the race one md a sixteenth He he pleased by lour IrmillH lady Potentate from 4 to 1 to 5 to 2 wiis second H neck In root of the favorite HomesUiid th 5 to l fwnrltp wits to bn the cool thins In the flrH race at furlong but failed to tnnterlallz finishing a fourth this winner turning up In Foxy Kane 12 to I Alruicn S to out out running to the stretch where Foxy Katie taking command won easily by two length Alpauit was third three l i befor fifth rae for millen twoyearolds at five end a halt furlongs went to the 2 to I fivoriti Ilnb Roy with Ilflimn 12 to I s conrt nom eontl clioloo nt U to 5 third My Kstr played down from 15 to I to 11 to I owns In front and to th stretch when Rob Roy took com nianil and won cleverly by two Rivlmnn who finished as coupled with thr W C two winners while ftannon Blake and E Walsh each piloted one nnsrr mcr For ant npvarU jelling allow added six lion on t flOe f c irv nttlno Fin- FosyEnncS 117 K WaUa 121 51 ilMc ar 101Hlif ms 51 21 2i- IIUcrta4 IOJ alliUia Sl t 31 inUrattm5 luuH arern 21 45 4 IllucnndOranre J1W Uanu VI 21 S lai OUrlcn 31 even 6 Morokauufl 109 llolcscn 2O1 s1 7 109Mloli tiWOl Wl 8 i 100 Cbrbraa 10OI Ot n- M Sum 3 WKlclu MM 20110- ninsO Il OJI 4 i 031 018 35 113 Good start won easIly Kane rh c 3 by Dnond ci Patty of Cork owned by J L Hayioan RXCOHU B1CB For and upward selling allow inces KWO added one relIc an J a sixteenth Hone ana Aye 117 JocKtv Billing Fin lu Blake iss 710 I lit OUrlcn 52 4i 2 lomcsteail- 4lot4 IM Illjglas 115 710 31 025037 25043 45 l 3 llB2i 144 43 lUlli i Good stan wont rlJJrn out Arden b h 5 tir- IaUuluus or Charade KaUho TJcUljEKIersVIT- IHRD HACK TliP niverhcad Handicap fortivoyearolds COOO added sU furlongs Iff Jorknt Dtitng FIr Jolly SpanUer nodtiffn 13r even Hi lit Gannon Valentine 2 117 Hums aide higgIns Oscll 21Odom Tim WJ 1 03i lft4 l Sl- os 131- IS 135 even 5 IK 3 0 04H 23 lIS- Poomtart woo ridden out Dully Spanker b ly Klneston Lilly Gay owncJ by a T Wilson J r The Continental Handicap for all 12000 added one mile Horse and Ate in Jocttv Betllne Flit lUMlhournr 3 l2lnrUcrn 04 25 frl 03 21- la urmin4 115 45 3 K nd 101 5 4 ilmielfs IM Creamer 201 oi a Ilmr0l2 25 03726 0 BSi 102 3r 142 SS 110- Jood start won driving HurMbourue b 3 by ndlo Klora Hurst owned by V II Letill stein For maiden twoyearolds 1700 added five and a 2 IIS Cooran KM 211 U lirdman and Clarentr coupled 4ilS 24510033 Good snarl won rlrverly Hot ch 2 by ValUt Mclixly iinncil by Uneck Stable HIXTH nary ItnnJIcnp for all ages tlnoo added one mile nd a lurlunir Horse unit c H Jockey noting Fin liver rimlc3 114Gannon 32 rS lrlnnd3 BJ CalUhan Hl 75 2i ol 107 Michael 121 21 lutton11 122 HiMfern 1110 IS 4 line OIS 035 15 034 0V 14 1 45 110 1S9 I 142 IM 3i start won driving JIlter Pirate rh c a i CAPSULES CONTINENTAL f nlo mil the 6 welt I I I I turn I Ih Iul ant dlall rood h scold h I second r Jl h ant WI ITt King John urho I S ladS Potentate rl 4 Tlnme0i Uorl and I a I ai i Maxim Itace King 2 last I roruTa rACL a I Juke of 3 110 Hums FIn bait lurlJIII horse and tgr W nUIIIQ 121 41 Gold Iumtut ItZ 11 ewn- Sn tut 3I am 21 I 001 It IU OIlrieni 4I 7 AIr Ester liJll r latIn II K Ttnie011 023 I ito If at Good b of lenuncotII1 owned L c a 0X qoII 1 i u- g season lot all Ill ggina its lift In 04511 rut Its I itt innnt Sit sup- posed Lie his mile leflper Sentry 0 Arden 103 llamas 75 ARC iii NT 2 4 2 g ages Sheriff BtU3 103 higgins Ill liuliuttan i l Jockui Pit- tftobBOJ tOO Urmls 2I 43 ltcdnniuu2 O C rvmrnor 2 lIed ft ma 3 1t- Ulutice I fluId Iirettkrr2ott hUms a- Vuodhucittt2 ico Cailahttn Cialrflce2 32 JOi Sir nsiiy 3 Iltate hell by lid ¬ ¬ > > < = > > ° ESTAI1ISHED THREE YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC EVERY DAY lnoorporated Undor the Laws of the State of New York NEW YORK NEW ORLEANS CHICAGO SARATOGA WASHINGTON REFERENCES Any Bank or Banker in Hew York New Orleini Chcago Saratoga or Washington WIN AT NEW ORLEANS No greater opportunity has ever been afforded the American racing public to earn a steady income with a small capital than does the Maxim Gay Co offer you at New Orleans beginning Thanksgiving Day Nov 26 Everybody conversant with the history of the Maxim Gay Co knows that at New Orleans it has scored those sensational successes which have made its name a household word among patrons of the turf No record approaches ours for the number of winners named at long prices at the Crescent City Our experts are already on the ground preparing for the opening Every indication points to us surpassing our best efforts in furnishing information from thattrack and we are again certain we will enable patrons of the Company to win steady incomes on small investments there 50 netted 20175 Here a complete statement showing the result of a 10 play on each horse given in our Discretionary Series during October Note A capital to begin with of 50 is required by us as a matter of conservatism to make a 10 play on each horse that is considered by us a good betting proposition October Meetings Mon is Pant nnd Brighton tf OAXXTZa IOOOO j I i is I I NOT DAILY RESULT Dot FIR5T WEEK lost 1 Bobadll 7 to 5 won Ciwtnllun 9 to 3 lost 23 2 Oarsman 5 to 2 wont a IOSTSJ t 1 JUM mil fib 1 Iht o lost Wcultli lo t 40 4 S 1rotcct I to to 2 won 3 10 5 0 to 5 won 3 loisirs IS ti Lund of Clover 5 to 2 won s losirs 5 SECOND WEEK Faulconbrldcp lost jo 2 Surmlci lost jo track romiltion unfavorable 4 Miutil 7 to I won 4 30 fl Outcouif 8 to 10 won Tcpou 3 to i won is loa 5 axlm won M llratut 7 ISo 4 to 5 won II to losirs Stn won Tueliat 2 grill 5Chttrawlliti liuclist A won 143 nail THIRD WEEK 1 Astarlta 8 to 5 won Pol Rower lost NET DAILT TtEsnT Won Lost Fonrd 1133 143 a 2 P Stone 13 to 10 won lrint 7 to 10 won I 3 Damon 3 to I won Emergency 9 to 2 won 3 losers 4 CHI fl to 5 won Z S Pirate 3 to 1 lost 6 tnrlght 0 to S won 3 FOURTH WEEK I Mftrnl Worth 2 to 5 won u to 2 won loser Woodeliade 12 to 1 won 3 losers Less Loiws 03 Net Winning I2flf- tLfsa our Commission 25 per cent 1172 profits on 10 play for month Hma I 10 S r won Moharlb 20 12 SA 90 1332 Not loser 45 lasers 183 We Pick the WinnersT- he system we employ to locate winners is identical with that used Pittsburg Phil John A Drake John Gates Joe and other famous plungers who win hundreds of thousands on the turf every and it proves We gather our Inrormatlon of prospective winners through a force of expert horsemen who hold a watch on the horses in their earlymorning trials and way when they are ready to The money that is played into the game by persistent losers such as the large mass of uninformed players are bound to be goes the pockets of the bic operators the Maxim Gay Co representing a UTRS clientele at the htad The work of the Maxim Co is to the general public npon a level with the winning plungers and our success in this accomplishment has made us famous on two continents men financiers and merchants the country Investment on the turf is now deemed as legitimate as other highclass form of speculation The standard to which racing has been brought and the absolutely good faith in which turf affairs arc conducted under the auspices of the Jockey Club in the East and the Jockey Club in the Westhas Inspired mil markets and this one reason why transactions in the betting rings now rival in magnitude those of the stock cotton and grain exchanges Another reason for the rapid growth of turf speculation in popular favor is the rapidity with which all transactions ire wound up The makes at the the us and receives a notification by mail in a letter guaranteed to bear a postmark earlier than the race is run of lust what horses are to be backed for his account By the next mail he is informed the resplt of that days and he learns quickly lust where hi stands At the end of each week he receives a complete statement of his account with a money order for his profits less 25 per cent which we deduct as our fee This gives a wholesome tone to legitimate turf which cannot be found In the more or less involved transactions of the exchanges and this is why turfmen live more comfortably and live longer than do men whose involved transactions are on their minds day and night weeks and months at a stretch Our Clients Won a Million Dollars As it is well known that our clients have collectively won as much as a millon dollars at race meeting it is sometimes asked Why do not Maxim Cay simply back their own selections instead of a considerable clerical force and spending large sums in newspapers throughout the country The answer is simple enough if one stops to consider the situation Maxim Gay by dint of ability energy organization 25 per cent of winnings which we charge for information and commission one man out of every four of our customers is prac- tically betting for us The proof that this plan works for the benefit of the public as well is that win three weeks out of four and our books show that no customer stuck to us for two ever failed to get well ahead of the game while not a few of those who now own winning of racehorses and who are cutting an important figure on the turf began the game as mere novices playing our through us The principle upon which we operate is such we must of necessity do the best we can for you Our income as pointed out is derived from a percentage the wino of our and if we cannot make our entire income is cut off That we have been making oui clients win is amply by the fact that we have prospered for up ward of three years while imitators im e economical businesslike methods have gone under by the score Noting the success that was being achieved by A ixim 8 Gay scores of operators to break into the field successfully occupied the and more sponsible firm but it did not take time long to discrimi nate between the legiiimatc and the illegitimate nd as a result we have continued to flourish uninterruptedly while in the ranks of our rivals there have been scores of entcrpr es initiated only to end in failure Join Oujr Winning Army The greatest race meeting in the history orthe South begins at New Orleans on November 26 In magnitude It will all other turf gatherings of the Crescent Club knows this to be a banner and has prepared for it So have we If are more horses 11 the New Orleans racetrack than ever gathered there before we have more expert dockers and handicappers than we cfcr employed at any other meeting They cannot make the game too big for us to We move times If you want to get aboard our Discretional Series at New Orleans in which we daily those and those horses we think Al betting propositions with the privilege of not horses at all on days when we consider conditions un- propitious fill out the blank and remittance to us at New Orleans as soon as you can will be first day ol the meeting if money reaches us in time otherwise we will begin play the first it reaches us after the meeting has begun Money should sent by bank draft txprcss money order or currency in registered letter Un certified checks are not accepted To MAXIM JAY Oo lucorp vith the terms of your orfi n the Afir Tor Sun ndo- i r ollar 1ltutt bet for mt daily Dollar on cath nltrlicn f jmr Jiorrrfiontiri Srrie at tie Vw Or aji You rgrn- la rntl rue nun lillir thr races ore run the names uf the horses UIKI will bt plantd for my Recount that afternoon and to tend mt stair inrnt cud rhvk imt for proil lr 25 per crnf uf vinnina Pott od l art aiiir- antttd u p WAut Morning Yepaper Jir account i jcct ta tfithdraual i full on demand Toun or City THE FOLLOWING SUMS AllE TIlE MINIMUM ACCEPTED FOR PLAY For 15 play oji tacit horso 1 F T tM Py 5 Si MOO 101 f 250 j M- Xr lii laUS a ffl WCaTiSl fiaMra IS n bsrU im A U y Bgnuinen all for u ac ntliiB illnit to its client Our friends uro cautioned against Bcnduigj money through tbe malls without W year lust as successful in We do business on the great racetracks of the U S We number among our some of the best known in lionaire and men all over countrY with as much confidence in racing IS in the stock cotton is p clients capital and have secured an enormous clientele which means the we can pick winners for thil immense number of investors our are thin if we played our own only for on a of t it 028 Canal hit New Orleans la- In urcorjancct I mecca poiuntorlucd before iii the New ilrcitts sub i Street I Ffrte a so huonie- g 7 i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ° ° OEORO WAR Wolf B Coin Pr the dolt U the ne the Fourt tend serei clever f other aid fenilon t- fa rod In very wIn tbo bo returr of So In a twen bout wei th Wolf B time bIle who fltfu several y- Ide looking I earning Issued a In Englan- to 12000 elf Army n event packed h London teit of few lxr evening a ton of The bout lively clevernea The In1 been Club he I was a b woo a Morgan II Ctmrle- leralded bantam e ma ound bt the bout when the The veteran naalum e leave engage am battle f Aust and J Si was one Aiuitrallf soon foi roui titus Jaw Scamon the face foulThe n friends- affair wi course o sorry to treatmei would n I am f T ho said rem Bor here In i Jong o A dint arrived yesterda- of the Michael by his winning terrier Hoffman formerly Woody rode her others who Mad Named Of th h when tl and erl broken artlcu France one ho after fractlo riders Oermai From to Hhi beers trnlnln under Eclc FIGH Verb Ion The a one soil cistern plo chunge these I chance t up to fo burr eharacte- Sportlns of twen the first vantage last with lose I A Jimmy El co- at jougol- Vancler seen tdtuyft In S Athie The last ni many skat in The I was o will Mond ben o- DurI wIlt b- ruments Time A Leagu- tourn tlclng- eolleg Ins 1- 1sociat PrInt tililt for a- in t sew New Skniti Ilowa 1 Ph hock hikutt- iSkati ached other Thus Droo week At had burg tutu at burg was c but Whi 10 1- ete > <

I U I II lair I WIN AT NEW ORLEANS I B- I B-a bullet lifter catching punts was fast as n jack rabbit dodged beautifully nnd ran ofl the plays very Qulokly Chicagos of plays was very

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    i 41 il v Pt V fAI rw Thz1-





    LochJt Harvard Tram Lom to IImouth Wno Scores Twlcf Tlie-cllant Trounce Heniw Ivanlu Wlllland Hrilejan Play a Tlr Othrr llr

    Brimful of Joy for Princeton and Joylfor Yale was yesterday on the gridiron Ywas beaten by the In u game thatexpoctfld proved to bo closmatched In strength Yale freshiralso were beaten losing to Harvard 07that was small consolation to Harvardthe letters varsity team was beaUn

    Dartmouth No Harvanl eleven has hluch u doleful MPiiDonM record Tholost once more belli if outplayed thedlans while woundhr season with dory winning from CormThe VJM trlumphoil over West whWest Iolnl of the UniversityChicago Tho results followPrlnwlon II lair nDartmouth 11 Ilarartl nColumbia 17 Cornell 12IndUni 10 Pennsylvania

    Point 10 ChleaKo fl-

    Wllllami B Wrtlryan B-

    nutiien is N V U ISHarvard Frrslinirn 17 Vale FreshmenDucknrll 23 Annapolis B-

    Antir TEAM HEATSGoal From Placement the


    WCTT PriNT Nov 14 A notablewas won by the West Point footballtoday The brawny University of Chlcaieleven with H formidable reputation antiquad of bit fellows as heavy as nny team

    tbe Vat was beaten by u scorn of U toIt wag hamiiT nnd tongs from stnrt to finisand a more gruelling or harder ought

    never took place here Ktna-sbnngtwas the order throughouttide as good on the defence as on thebut with a demolishing offence andtravelling lone distances up andHeld

    The cadets scored n field goal from nkick just before the game ended und

    thorn the victory They were dellrioidelight and were still capering

    up and down the field when tho tussle termDated Tho teams fought In the twlllglfor the last twenty minutes and In thatthe Cadets hld the Maroons onJust before that Chicago hnd hammeredoldlert back fiftyfive yards for a touchdownThe Cadets scored a touchdown In the firshalf knocking the out of Chicagoresistance and ball eighty yardsThe bull swung from end to end of the fieldgreat doa of the time

    An a demonstration that the West ranksWith the In football Chicagos tripa failure first place Chicagos defencwas not that of a firstclass team and whIlethe plays were put under wuy swiftlyon the jump on the offence and splendid open-Ings were made the man with the ball wastopped easily when tackled and there wascot half enough helping of the runners Thebacks darted away fast but ran high unddid not keep going ns they should have done

    Two drop kicks were blocked on the etniquarter back Eckerstill who as a kicker didnothing sensational but who got away likea bullet lifter catching punts was fast as njack rabbit dodged beautifully nnd ran oflthe plays very Qulokly Chicagosof plays was very limited on just outside oltackle being the best but Eokersall never-theless demonstrated that he Is a fine

    Tho West Point team was In smoother work-Ing order than uanlnst Harvard or YaleIts tandem formation was a puzzle for theWesterners West tackling was theharder end the victory

    the difference In weight was all themore creditable Capt Fnrnstvorth was theWest Point star and was a tower of strengthHe always was where tho ball was Hummond at end played noticeably well 3 didUpton nt centre The cadet corps encour-aged their team and discouraged the other

    with tbls onea ba am c

    Its a ihaameIts a inarne fur youre doing veryBut you mUtt remember me last aint

    bark back for youPoint had thn salt t goal and Doe

    to Kckersall who came buck likea steer on a stampede and run fiftythe centre of the Then Maroonteam It could do on thu offensiveThe stood close to the line undthey alternately d Into Ve t Pointstwo rln s until the wus on the West

    Hue the first downChicago failed to gain und then In view ol

    advancement of the visitors poorjudgment was shown Instead of trying

    ball aculn Kckiiullback a u lime West Pointerstore through HH If lint had henmad paper This kick was liockedand the bill Cor Went Pointon tile line Torrey Immediately

    around tim fifteenyards front u tandem formation Ho dropped

    when tackled but one of mutexrecovered It PrInce went In the other U-lrertlon two yards went threefor a first Farnsworth w nthrough Chlcafioa right tackle for eightAiming play after play at tackle cadets

    the to 26yard lIne

    tried u kick forfrill blocked but Farnsworth It IM

    bounded oil a Chicago nuns chest andriivhtHi It to Chicagos line Inthe next scrimmage went throughChicago tIne for a touchdown

    out badly and West Point losttry for goal

    Ellsworths kick off by Hackeltrushed the ball In to Wet 35yard

    tine Prince punted to Uckersull online there time Westerners

    advanced steadily until tho was oti WestThen Cadet made

    splendId rally Twice Chicago was repulsedKckcmull tried a goal

    20yard line Again kick wasMocked Chicago onco morn rushed the bill

    Wft IolntH danger one hut thehard fighting woldlers for downs on their

    A punt cent time hull to mid-field where Eckersall caught The next playwas u fake kickyards on us brilliant a bit of dodging as wasever seen on 11 gridiron half ended

    few moments tutorThe second hnlf hogan with kick-

    Ing over time goal lint Torney punted fromWest 1olntrt to andChicago cut loose with another series of swiftdashes at tucltlo Thu bill was taken to-AVost Points 3yard line where It wits loston downs An xchange of punts followed

    which Chicago worked bill to Vei-tIolnts where once mororelinquished In downs The punting duelwiw until hlongo thf onher own line Kckersnll turned West

    left end for fifteen on nbuick run Then he punted to West Points

    line where imiflcU butrecovered

    Home swift rushing by West Point followedIn oni of tht riishen WIIH no badly

    hurt that Im WHS carried off the held on astretcher Finally Went was forced lo-runt und the taut willed hack and forth untilChicago hid It on tier own line Merethe Westerners settled down lo a siege ofrushing with grenl success Hedck

    mind Kcliersall nindi nineteen ytirdHIn three successive tries There WIIH

    Chicago now mind before long thev hadthe ball on West Points line WhenInside the llneChlcnao would dropone of the big ends to the runnerBchnur sklrteJ left end for ntouchdown Kekerwill taught thi punt outand Kllswortli kicked coil

    For romalrrler of the game the playWH mostly In Chieico territory Once

    dm bill on a fumble six vnrdsfrom ChloHKon Near the finishthe game Htlllwcll tried to heel n catchCMcneos line A nmnrushed nnd wts standing Just In front ofKtlllwell ns the tatter vas waiting for the ballThr iUVnUi theman In the link of the heed nnd boundHforward Anothor player picked Ittip nnd new towardJin wax overtaken and thrown-

    In the niPirtlmo however Pointclaimed Interference with the ciitch nnd theumpire the claim This broughtout n long nnd vigorous protest from theChlenco men declared was noInterference Out the umpire stuck lo hi

    and penalised Chicago fifteen ardsfor the Interference ThIs gave W st Iolnta elmnop to n coal from placement from

    lire Io sent squarelybetween the posts and the victory wu







    I o-










    eve madly

    v thethe








    bet est






    fOJ bal aThe ut























    I ol-I



    l Cadets




    i en-


    i attackball


    1 place



    I was















    i whete braetI this point






    reim In






    un thee1


    gout of-t on-









    I Point It wan nn Ideal for footbplntt cool mind dry with no wind

    Writ roint Iatulont CMcn-lIMnmonil Lcfi rnd fDoe Lufl lackleJlclllcr Left guard Ahlsu

    cenire KllsiviThompson Itlithl guard T-

    ravel ItlKlit tackle MaiItfjni rnd CKrkc-

    Irlncc Left half bark SriFnrrmiorth halt buck Be-

    i Torney Full back NordcnI Touchrtowni Famtworth Schnur RonI touchdown Klliworth bat from Held

    JJeftree Vail 1rnnaylvanla Iniplrr Slnuin IVnn

    Time uf halve U minute sututltuii-Hllcv for Mettle for Itrckwill Stillfor llnckctl for Hill Hill for 1rtnrr Ufor Hurrjws for Parry Wliltrmore-Tobln Allendaoce 4000


    Columbia Gets a Ills Lend and Wins finby Score of IT to 12N y Nov 14 Columbia

    on Percy FieldCornell by n 17 to 12 Tho secchalf of thn struggle can hurdly falldown In football history as one of tin inmagnificent and thrilling ever enacUdgridiron In the first half Columbiatwice and kicked ono goal thus mukincr tscore 11 to 0 In favor of the New YorkcIn the second halt after Columbia hud maone moro touchdown and kicked athe IthacntiH took a brace mud curriedbefore them maklnc twelve pol

    was In tho second half that Cornellsettled down lo work With great oragainst them they set out to win and nev

    a more plucky light wagedenthusiasts who have followed the Kami1years declared that Keldom has n creaiamount of grit and determination beenhlblted than was the cutup with the a

    warriors It was luckColumbia und exceeillncly poor

    on the purt of Cornell that was tho determining factor

    l Bo creditable was Cornells work inj second half und so sensational were thej that the 4000 supporters Feemed-j forget the which the Corn

    men hud to contend unit they cheeredachievement of the Itlmcans to theso tied the is regarded in Ithaca ahnc

    aThe heavy wt field the hlir hcavv line

    I Columbia and time style of attack sccmojconfuso the Ithiicuns in the lr t half but btore It wifc overt her were evidencesthat the Cornell players were gradually

    back to their ownTliMv vre which the work in

    I second half thun that Colurnbwas to u light for In r llfi for la-In the first period of play Cupt Hunts niSot the r dlbtuncHonly to lost it on u Iunihland time wus up before another opportunItyvns aiforded

    nut the half was Ccrr ells froith And yet it U true that Columblscored a third time before Conrcll Becurth first touchdown Hut this touchdowncume alter luck whch inleht well hive illscouraueil the stouf t It cutout in

    uft r hud riven an ehlblt-lon of plucky as is cMom seer

    lth on twoyard Lintthe Cornell forward bravely too

    of tho Columbia and Conn1-sralneil the bull on downs

    liut the punt firewaterto be u fatal pIty for Cornell Cornrirquarter back sent out of boundat line so that the bull wiiito the New Yorkers on Cornrlls tin

    after the exhibition of tlii3tanch difi C Even Capt Hunt who Innfought so was dlsrriuragiiat Brewsters failure to send tlit out odanger and before Cornell could pluck

    courage the cautious und cool oColumbia through riKii

    for the touchdown und Jourgoal

    The circumstances bv which Columblgot bull on Cornells lIne need x

    With the in Cornells possession and moving toward tin lrivals line UrewitT called for u fakikick Cornells lark nwi-acroiM the chalk marks but us he reached

    of he dropped the watersoaked pigskin and lime tit Columb-lcintre It nnlrk an u llifh andnearly fifty yards nnd was ut Cornells ii

    he was Corned out obounds It was this sensational run on

    of Bruce fiat wasColumbias third touchdown which

    virtually won the gamutrallv even In the face of this

    most to the Cornell supportersAfter kloued off was ut-terly penetrate tho Ithuca dcfenc

    Frambnch wits to kick Costilo was through In the twinkling ot aieye and the out of bounds Thcrwere u dozen Cornell players In eager pur-suit but Coma Ml on on

    next play Urewstrr give him thleather ploughed through righttackle n

    Cornell seemed fresher than at tint beof the contest und again until asnli

    Cornell the ball Codln Snider nm-lllw were invincible anti the leather on shortbut consistent gains through lute

    Columbia line thee tooldelayed puss He also tuttlea touchdown were half idozen opponents on his back ns h

    When CoOln kicked oil for thin lost timethus Cornell line nail Krum

    to punt The was blockedarid Cornell got on Columhha so yiird line

    and Coltn made substantial irulnsHrewBler tried to run the too fast

    dusk n futnbl rt ultol aidColumbia sot the bull All this

    than two minutes of Out Columbin wits now driven to desperation antI slowlybut surely advanced the oxecut

    with the Greatest of cure an-ncouracy The gamut ended the ii

    possession on her own

    the first halt Columbia had the ballall of the time anti enrneit two

    touchdowns by hard plunges throughline plays were Hillled In

    haltCornell fatiHoni Columbia

    Hacktlaft Lrf t ocd FlMioi-Costellci Left tarkk llniwni-VorU Left guard Tomllnsot-DtvlU Centre HrunHunt nuht guard Stdnglnni-llalllday Klht t elle TnorinTour I ion Hljht end liailllire wstrr Quarter bark Jon snice lffl back Iu l-

    nBa Uleat halt back Framhatn-feAlllitrr lull hack KmUlTouchdowns Uucll Klihcr Prombrrh Collln

    touehdowna Jonrs 2 Oofnn 2Eviini Williams Umpire MrClave-

    Prlnrelon Ilnrsman Soow Mlrhlinn Tune olhalve 55 mlntitra Siibstllnlra roruy fur Tiurl-wn Schoflkonf for Vor for McAllister-Hnldrr for coma Clofnn fur NtoAllhtcT FUber JuiSmith Metxealhln Tar Krambach

    RED VAX trilllS QlAKEItMuch Poor Football Played by Penns

    yenta In the First HalfPntLAnBUPniA Nov 14 Hefore n crowd

    f 1200O persona Pennsylvania was badlyjeaten tills afternoon on Franklin Field35 the Carlisle Indian team thn final scorejeltitt 10 to 0 Xot since 1Q01 has alylvnnln playoil touch poordid In the first hnlf taut in thal-econd tho Quakers braced up nail Tor a

    time It looked as though a finishvoultl be mod Tho first halt wits similar to

    first half of thn Harvard wume hullIngnarked by an In defeiiee timid muchunibllnB miiiini I unablo tovlthstand the line of tin

    ndluns and the clover trick plays executedy Capt JohnsonTile Indians lost two good opportunities

    ccorlnir once on n fumble on ulint

    lost a good the irimuThen titter Carlisle on lute

    intl forelnn to try n place kick for goalhey Rot oBslJe another

    chance they nulckly tools advantage

    The InilaiiH made points in the firsthalt by it touchdown und on straightoothull anti by ti field goal hy trout

    ut width Carlisle sobill on n blocked kll In the

    second Pennsylvania made Item lonely 0iy n line ninth uery Buoco sfiil hunk Kick arliMlin

    WIIH n fine run Churlfs nrniiniln touchdown folnxon mlsslni

    lit goal Millford who repl icedthe B oond net mutters ronsl lor

    lily hy to Conch Williams on thefor tips



    Intlllmi-I ft

    Ltrl ft runrdi


    IllKb tackleRight enduaiter hack

    L ft bait backKlglit back





    WilliamsTouchdowns Johnunn Torrry CJiarlra

    louchdown linnni Goallelil Johniwn luterce Cortm VKic Umpire

    nrfonl Trlnllj Linesman Okenonrime o 15 mlnutrji Suballlules Taylor






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    Thn Crimson Conipletely OutcUurd byi Ilia Part mouth TramCAMtininoK MOM 14 Uartraou

    defeated Harvard on the now gridirontho Stadium on Soldiers Field thisby H score of u to 0 It was tho firstto be played on the new field

    t clearly outclassed Harvard nt everyi of ttft game Shin had a team of

    that worked like n singleline and backs charged together

    and low The Dartmouth back fieldtho fastest that Harvard has met thisHarvard could not gain consistently on Dartmouth in the entire mmthan fifty yards while Dartmouth2H ne neuron Harvard came to soolug wus the murk nnd that

    only tune she had the ball out of herterritory

    tiNt half the nearest she campthe line Harvard hellfor down three times in the gaino and wi

    thotiRii sho was forced togot the ball Dartmouth

    touchdown wns made ufter sho got trball on fumbla on 3yard Him Tho second one In thotunIC trims matte rushing the eightunto yard without n hitch Tlio sensa-tlonal of the afternoon was ayard run bv For the remainder

    time It wns the hardest kind of



    TurnerOl zoWilliamIalti rsonXauirhn-lVntrr

    IosUtontitt endtackleIxft u rJ

    Ccntrn-Illclit guardHIT31 tackle

    IlHUt fnUback

    Let half barkhalf back


    Harvardt Clotilc-Melc




    SchoellkofTouchdowns Turner 2 Gosh from touch

    down Vauian Dasilclllfferee Dadnmn Worcester Time 24 and 2-mlnuic halves Substitutes Shea for Meier KIJ-dor for Parkinson Ilnrrlvm fur Nichols Poditfor Mills for Schoollkoaf Bro n for Llndally Dillon for Vaughn Knlbbs for Foster AI


    Williams and Weslcyan Play Tie GameMIDDLETOWS Conn Nov U William

    may be thankful that she held Wesleyanu score of S to 3 today Wccleyun gainedtwice as many ynrds through every positionmind was yards to Williams

    Williams scored threeDennett broke through and blocked

    a Seizing ball he n thirtyfive yard run u touchdown Three tImes

    carried thus to within aof lute Thn first timefumbled us ha went over tlnvWilliams inide a good stand nnd nguln puntedto but the time gcorei

    line bucking This wus all done In the firsthalf In the H eond half Harrison made

    i an twenty yard gains nnd ayard run for William Watson ant

    made good gains WaUon wasthe only Williams man the wIth

    success Lane of Harvard penalizedWtslcyan heavily

    Untxtrn IK N V 15At New Brunswlct yesterday the Riitgeri-

    trolloge eleven defeated thus New York Uni-versity team by n score of 18 to 15 Tho gamewas a hard fltrlit from beginning to end

    The called on account of dark-ness ifter eight minutes of play li the

    but In tWno stored ntouchdown battering Itutjers line for lonegains

    llurkncll Ton Strong for Amttpotl-ASNArous Md Nov heavier

    and strmiipr Bucknell eleven won fromthe midshipmen In the football gamo herethis afternoon by n score of 23 to 1

    Othrr Football JamesAt Hoston Harvard07 11 f-lAt lj wlstoii Howdoin It Dates o-At DBS Moines Drake 32 Orlcinoll o-At Columbia Mo lown fl Missouri

    Ann Arbor Michigan 10 Wisconsin 0At Lawrence Kan Neiniska o Kansas

    Andover Andover 2i wrencovllle o-At Champaign 111 Mlnnenotu 12 Illinois

    Chicago Northwestern n Notre UameOAt Hamilton N Y Colgate 18 Hamilton

    HuiiBor Holy Cross 5 University ofMaine f-

    lAt Lexington Ky Kentucky TlllanisnKnnxville Suwaneo 17 University of

    Tcniicsieo uAt loultnry Vt Conference Acad-

    emy 16 Troy thigh SchoolRochester University ot Rochester 17

    UnionAt Marietta 4ft Western

    University of Pennsylvania o-At Chapel Hill N C1 University of North

    Carolina ll uAt Centenary Colln

    glut Inslltiiti Preparatory 0At The New York

    Military Academy team defeated the HoraceMann team 17 to 0 this afternoon

    WurlAMsponT Pa Nov H DickinsonColliRi over Pennsylvania SlumCollfKo today in one of thfootball games ever hero the finalscoro being 8 to 0 Dickinson Fcorod a touch-down In last few minutes of piny andkicked a god

    WASIIISOTOS Nov U Uni-versity scored a decided over Colum

    at football this Afternoon33 to 0 line of defence wattpractically Impenetrable nnd th Interfuronon

    play resulting-In ftemly gains

    The McKenzle team playedHall at Tarrytown yesterday on latter ngrounds The score wus 20


    1LiNTASTFn Fn Nov U The studentlndle of Imth Institutions witnessed th cimnbetween Franklin and Marshall and Wlslnnstoday It resulted In FranklIn and Miirciiull

    tooAXSAPOUH MJ Nov M St TohasCol

    l Washington College of Chestertown this morning by n score of 41 to o

    The Emsmiis Hall High Bch ol footballteam covered llsiif yesterday

    WashingtonPolytechnic Preparatory School eleven 18to

    At Ilendalc L L Olondalo A C 18WyitiokP F C 0

    The Son Cliff A C won front the Glen CovoA yesterday at Sea Cliff by a scoro of


    Tim Interstate A Cthe Queens F C nt Queens yesterday 24to 18

    At Far the Odarhurst A Ctinrn won from time Triumph A C yesterday30 to U

    At Brooklyn Boulevard grounds Washing-ton A 24 Field C 12Hill A Kldorado A 0 Empire AC 0 AdiMphl u

    At Prospect Semlnole A C 18Wanderers A B F C 12iraiuercy A S Atlantic A A IS

    HuJson A C 12 ilranimnr School No 4421 Perrless A is Arcturits A r isFort Hamilton team 12 Young Hudson12 Vanderbllt A t 0 Saginaw A J 12Oriole A f 0

    SviiUtsR Nov 14 The football noasonnt ended today with thogaunt with Brown University The scorewas 12 Syracuse S In tho first halfBvrnciiso a good klcklnthat llrowii wits unablo to score Towardtho eiul of hull llnrrll of Syracuseinadi a C run undthe second halt Drown took a brace andnconil nftor live minutes play curryingthin leather ncrosi the HeldAfter that the visitors had Syracuse nt theirmercy

    At Bethlehem Pa Iclilgh 45 Susqufr-liiintin

    FAHTOV Pa Nov 14 Lafayette defoalertNorntiil

    211 10 i In a game that wnn hurd at firstiiasy toward the

    The Cutler School football team defeatedthe School eleven nt AmerlOAt-iLiiiKiu Park yesterday afternoon by 11 scoreif 21 to 0 tennis was

    nilpluycd nt till Hinges but neverthelessup a game

    a mr giiinu for th team eformer who hnd to play not-

    withstanding u sprained shoulderThe Pe Witt Clinton High School eleven

    nirl tho team of the Brooklynichool met yesterday n rainstormit ThuS SInai score wits

    to 5

    National Heaide TrialsUiriiMiisi Va Nov 14 Winners In the

    national beagle trials ut Howards ville today

    Class A First Falclcis second DUD thirdLottery

    H H First Floss second DaInty reserveIblciS

    11 Flrsx Clyde second Hans thirdhurries

    lass I D First Donate second Oeluuiccithird Mamie rcftrne ModestyDerby Klrit Reho Dictator third

    fouru Trrtnt





    Ill mailhard



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    IClem SOl







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    WInos WitSsecond






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    hut Ii aId ii Foum a lain











    Sheriff Dell the Contender Slightly In-terfered With In nit Stretch HollSpanker Wins In Coort TwoVeaMlCompany on Jamaicas doting Ilay

    The metropolitan racing for 1013came to a close nt the Jamaica track yester-day and the 10000 persons enjoyed somegood racing Throe favorites two wellplayed second choices and a long shot dividedtime money

    The track and weather conditions were anyI timing but pleasant and the ruin of yesterday

    morning made the truck heavy and holdingnevertheless the public was able tothe winners and managed to moro thanbreuk even on the day As Is usual on get-away duty there were a number of goodthlnes passed uround but they fulled toconnect

    The card wns good and the finishes In themajority of the rums were close and excitingparticularly in the Continental Handicapone a sixteenth Five were cardedto accepted Htirstboiirne carrying

    heavy Impost of 124 pounds Hedfcrn upwas at once inudo favorite at 0 to 5 Masterman with IHillmiui In the saddle was i heavilyployed secant choice belie bucked downfrom a to I to 13 to S Tho start was good andSheriff Hell to I Immediately out tosot the pace closely followed bywith Himself id to I In third position Thisorder was maintained around the paddockturn und into the back stretch

    Comlne to the threequarter pole Krdfernent liurstbour up to tIme lenderMnstermnntakIng third place An the fidel nwung Intothe stretch Sheriff Bell on the rut was stillleading by a head from Hurstboun c Allthrough the last ontelehtli of n mile It watt adlncdone finish when nearing the flnlili-Hurstboun o slightly bore In on Sheriff Dellcausing to huh up lliiretboun erained time decision by a short head fromSheriff Hell who In turn was three lengthsIn front of Mnitcrnian A crowd of two orthree hundred people Riithrrco round thestewards stand timid Hlcplnr I nbid tImestairs leading to the t vurd place a greatshout went up After U moments tldwera-llon lledfern was sent for and told lila storyafter which the placing of the horses wasconfirmed

    Spanker front the stable of R TWilson Jr was uddid to tin1 fllvrhendHandicap for twoycnrolds six furlonkRThe wus favorite at13 to 5 Krank Karri 11 Juvenal Maxim who

    two Htiirtu was at tinbacked by his owner was played down from4 to 1 to 13 to S at which closed ntiequal favorIte with Thostart was bud K it Thomass St Valentinowas flatfooted when tho barrier WitSEapl backed from 30 to 1 to U to I brokeon toes and raced with Juvenal Maximto the stretch where Knele d buckboufn OXfili on Juvenal Maxim droppedhis probablyhorse to finish so far Meanwhile liedfern on Dolly Spanker WHS lying In a goodposition arid took the

    anti appeared to be winningwhtn llutinon on

    brought his mount up with a rush tied forcedItedfirn to rid out the favorite to win bylength and n intuit St Vnlcntlin do d

    a great burst of In tlie atri tcharid got third money by two linctnAmelia was scriitrhid iho Shields crowdderiendliiB on Ht Valintine to win

    Buttons 121 pound from th Thomasstable was made nn 11 to 10 favorite In the lustrace a handicap 1or mull aces unit and afiirlmiir River Pirate who U a well knownmud horse wns roml clinics RloMiiR at 3to 2 Uiinnon rushed lllver Pirate to time frontat tho of barriertook a hnld of his muting himnicely c Huttons was second andalter a mil had been covered droppedback River Ilnito continued on frontwinning two lengthswas second fifteen lengths In front of Colon

    who beat the favorite a head for thirdmoney

    Arden backed from 4 to 1 to 13 to 5 hnd onlyto to win the race onemd a sixteenth He he pleased bylour IrmillH lady Potentatefrom 4 to 1 to 5 to 2 wiis second H neck In rootof the favorite HomesUiid

    th 5 to l fwnrltp witsto bn the cool thins In the flrH race

    at furlong but failed to tnnterlallzfinishing a fourth this winner turningup In Foxy Kane 12 to I Alruicn S toout out running to the stretch whereFoxy Katie taking commandwon easily by two length Alpauit wasthird three l i befor

    fifth rae for millen twoyearolds atfive end a halt furlongs went to the 2 to Ifivoriti Ilnb Roy with Ilflimn 12 to Is conrt nom eontl clioloont U to 5 third My Kstr played down from15 to I to 11 to I owns In front and

    to th stretch when Rob Roy took comnianil and won cleverly by twoRivlmnn who finished as coupledwith thr W C

    two winners whileftannon Blake and E Walsh each pilotedone

    nnsrr mcrFor ant npvarU jelling allow

    added sixlion on t flOe f c irv nttlno Fin-FosyEnncS 117 K WaUa 121 51

    ilMc ar 101Hlif ms 51 21 2i-IIUcrta4 IOJ alliUia Sl t 31inUrattm5 luuH arern 21 45 4IllucnndOranre J1W Uanu VI 21 S

    lai OUrlcn 31 even 6Morokauufl 109 llolcscn 2O1 s1 7

    109Mloli tiWOl Wl 8 i100 Cbrbraa 10OI Ot n-

    M Sum 3 WKlclu MM 20110-ninsO Il OJI 4 i 031 018 35 113

    Good start won easIly Kane rh c 3 byDnond ci Patty of Cork owned by J L Hayioan


    For and upward selling allowinces KWO added one relIc an J a sixteenth

    Hone ana Aye 117 JocKtv Billing Finlu Blake iss 710 Ilit OUrlcn 52 4i 2


    IM Illjglas 115 710 31

    025037 25043 45 l 3 llB2i 144 43lUlli i

    Good stan wont rlJJrn out Arden b h 5 tir-IaUuluus or Charade KaUho TJcUljEKIersVIT-

    IHRD HACKTliP niverhcad Handicap fortivoyearolds COOO

    added sU furlongsIff Jorknt Dtitng FIr

    Jolly SpanUer nodtiffn 13r even Hilit Gannon

    Valentine 2 117 Humsaide higgInsOscll

    21OdomTim WJ 1 03i

    lft4l Sl-

    os 131-IS 135 even 5

    IK 3 004H 23 lIS-

    Poomtart woo ridden out Dully Spanker bly Klneston Lilly Gay owncJ by a T Wilson J r

    The Continental Handicap for all 12000added one mile

    Horse and Ate in Jocttv Betllne FlitlUMlhournr 3 l2lnrUcrn 04 25frl 03 21-la urmin4 115 45 3

    K nd 101 5 4ilmielfs IM Creamer 201 oi a

    Ilmr0l2 25 03726 0 BSi 102 3r 142 SS 110-Jood start won driving HurMbourue b 3 by

    ndlo Klora Hurst owned by V II Letillstein

    For maiden twoyearolds 1700 added five and a

    2 IIS Cooran KM 211 Ulirdman and Clarentr coupled4ilS 24510033

    Good snarl won rlrverly Hot ch 2 byValUt Mclixly iinncil by Uneck Stable

    HIXTH naryItnnJIcnp for all ages tlnoo added one mile

    nd a lurlunirHorse unit c H Jockey noting Fin

    liver rimlc3 114Gannon 32 rSlrlnnd3 BJ CalUhan Hl 75 2iol 107 Michael 121 21

    lutton11 122 HiMfern 1110 IS 4line OIS 035 15 034 0V 14 1 45 110 1S9 I

    142 IM 3istart won driving JIlter Pirate rh c a i






    6 welt









    ant dlallrood






    rJlhant WI



    John urhoI

    SladS Potentate

    rl 4Tlnme0i

    Uorl and Ia

    I ai iMaxim

    Itace King 2last I

    roruTa rACL


    Juke of 3 110 Hums


    bait lurlJIIIhorse and tgr W nUIIIQ

    121 41Gold Iumtut ItZ 11 ewn-Sn tut 3Iam 21 I

    001 ItIU OIlrieni 4I 7AIr Ester liJll r latIn II K

    Ttnie011 023 Iito If


    Good bof lenuncotII1 owned L




    1i u-g




    Ill ggina





    rut Its

    I itt innnt






    leflperSentry 0


    103 llamas 75


    NT2 4

    2 g


    Sheriff BtU3 103 higginsIll liuliuttan


    l Jockui Pit-tftobBOJ tOO Urmls 2I 43ltcdnniuu2 O C rvmrnor

    2 lIed ft ma 3 1t-Ulutice I

    fluId Iirettkrr2ott hUms a-Vuodhucittt2 ico CailahttnCialrflce2 32



    nsiiy 3

    Iltate hell by lid






    = >






    lnoorporated Undor the Laws of the State of New York


    REFERENCES Any Bank or Banker in Hew York New Orleini Chcago Saratoga or Washington


    No greater opportunity has ever been afforded the American racing

    public to earn a steady income with a small capital than does the Maxim

    Gay Co offer you at New Orleans beginning Thanksgiving Day Nov 26

    Everybody conversant with the history of the Maxim Gay Co knows

    that at New Orleans it has scored those sensational successes which havemade its name a household word among patrons of the turf No recordapproaches ours for the number of winners named at long prices at theCrescent City Our experts are already on the ground preparing for theopening Every indication points to us surpassing our best efforts in

    furnishing information from thattrack and we are again certain we will enablepatrons of the Company to win steady incomes on small investments there

    50 netted 20175Here a complete statement showing the result of a 10 play on each horse given in our Discretionary Series during

    October Note A capital to begin with of 50 is required by us as a matter of conservatism to make a 10 play on eachhorse that is considered by us a good betting proposition

    October Meetings Mon is Pant nnd Brighton










    1 Bobadll 7 to 5 won Ciwtnllun 9 to 3 lost 232 Oarsman 5 to 2 wont a IOSTSJ t1 JUM mil fib 1 Iht o lost Wcultli lo t 404 S 1rotcct I to to 2 won 3 105 0 to 5 won 3 loisirs ISti Lund of Clover 5 to 2 won s losirs 5

    SECOND WEEKFaulconbrldcp lost jo2 Surmlci lost jo

    track romiltion unfavorable4 Miutil 7 to I won 4 30

    fl Outcouif 8 to 10 won Tcpou 3 to i won is


    axlmwon M llratut 7

    ISo4 to 5 won II to losirs


    won Tueliat


    5Chttrawlliti liuclist A won


    nail THIRD WEEK1 Astarlta 8 to 5 won Pol Rower lost

    NET DAILT TtEsnTWon Lost

    Fonrd 1133 143a

    2 P Stone 13 to 10 won lrint 7 to 10 won I3 Damon 3 to I won Emergency 9 to 2 won 3 losers4 CHI fl to 5 won ZS Pirate 3 to 1 lost6 tnrlght 0 to S won 3

    FOURTH WEEKI Mftrnl Worth 2 to 5 won u to 2 won loserWoodeliade 12 to 1 won 3 losers

    Less Loiws 03Net Winning I2flf-

    tLfsa our Commission 25 per cent 1172profits on 10 play for month Hma




    r won Moharlb 2012







    We Pick the WinnersT-he system we employ to locate winners is identical with that used Pittsburg Phil John A Drake John Gates

    Joe and other famous plungers who win hundreds of thousands on the turf every and it proves

    We gather our Inrormatlon of prospective winners through a force of expert horsemen who hold a watch on the horsesin their earlymorning trials and way when they are ready to

    The money that is played into the game by persistent losers such as the large mass of uninformed players are bound tobe goes the pockets of the bic operators the Maxim Gay Co representing a UTRS clientele at the htadThe work of the Maxim Co is to the general public npon a level with the winning plungers and our success inthis accomplishment has made us famous on two continents

    men financiers and merchants the country Investment on the turf is now deemed as legitimate as other highclass formof speculation The standard to which racing has been brought and the absolutely good faith in which turf affairsarc conducted under the auspices of the Jockey Club in the East and the Jockey Club in the Westhas Inspired mil

    markets and this one reason why transactions in the betting rings now rival in magnitude those of the stock cotton andgrain exchanges

    Another reason for the rapid growth of turf speculation in popular favor is the rapidity with which all transactions irewound up The makes at the the us and receives a notificationby mail in a letter guaranteed to bear a postmark earlier than the race is run of lust what horses are to be backed for hisaccount By the next mail he is informed the resplt of that days and he learns quickly lust where hi standsAt the end of each week he receives a complete statement of his account with a money order for his profits less 25 per centwhich we deduct as our fee

    This gives a wholesome tone to legitimate turf which cannot be found In the more or less involved transactionsof the exchanges and this is why turfmen live more comfortably and live longer than do men whose involved transactionsare on their minds day and night weeks and months at a stretch

    Our Clients Won a Million DollarsAs it is well known that our clients have collectively won as much as a millon dollars at race meeting it is sometimes

    asked Why do not Maxim Cay simply back their own selections instead of a considerable clericalforce and spending large sums in newspapers throughout the country

    The answer is simple enough if one stops to consider the situation Maxim Gay by dint of ability energy organization

    25 per cent of winnings which we charge for information and commission one man out of every four of our customers is prac-tically betting for us The proof that this plan works for the benefit of the public as well is that win three weeks out offour and our books show that no customer stuck to us for two ever failed to get well ahead of the game whilenot a few of those who now own winning of racehorses and who are cutting an important figure on the turf beganthe game as mere novices playing our through us

    The principle upon which we operate is such we must of necessity do the best we can for you Our income as pointedout is derived from a percentage the wino of our and if we cannot make our entire income is cutoff That we have been making oui clients win is amply by the fact that we have prospered for upward of three years while imitators im e economical businesslike methods have gone under by the scoreNoting the success that was being achieved by A ixim 8 Gay scores of operators to break into thefield successfully occupied the and more sponsible firm but it did not take time long to discriminate between the legiiimatc and the illegitimate nd as a result we have continued to flourish uninterruptedly while in theranks of our rivals there have been scores of entcrpr es initiated only to end in failure

    Join Oujr Winning ArmyThe greatest race meeting in the history orthe South begins at New Orleans on November 26 In magnitude It will

    all other turf gatherings of the Crescent Club knows this to be a banner and has preparedfor it So have we If are more horses 11 the New Orleans racetrack than ever gathered there before we have moreexpert dockers and handicappers than we cfcr employed at any other meeting They cannot make the game too big forus to We move times

    If you want to get aboard our Discretional Series at New Orleans in which we daily those and those horseswe think Al betting propositions with the privilege of not horses at all on days when we consider conditions un-propitious fill out the blank and remittance to us at New Orleans as soon as you can will be

    first day ol the meeting if money reaches us in time otherwise we will begin play the first it reaches usafter the meeting has begun Money should sent by bank draft txprcss money order or currency in registered letter Uncertified checks are not accepted

    To MAXIM JAY Oo lucorpvith the terms of your orfi n the Afir Tor Sun ndo-

    i r ollar 1ltutt bet for mt daily Dollaron cath nltrlicn f jmr Jiorrrfiontiri Srrie at tie Vw Or aji You rgrn-la rntl rue nun lillir thr races ore run the names ufthe horses UIKI will bt plantd for my Recount that afternoon and to tend mt stairinrnt cud rhvk imt for proil lr 25 per crnf uf vinnina Pott od l art aiiir-antttd u p WAut Morning Yepaper Jir account ijcct ta tfithdraual i full on demand

    Toun or City


    For 15 play oji tacit horso 1 FT

    tM Py 5Si MOO

    101 f250 jM-

    Xrlii laUS a ffl WCaTiSl fiaMra IS n bsrU im

    A U y Bgnuinen all for u ac ntliiB illnit to its clientOur friends uro cautioned against Bcnduigj money through tbe malls without

    W year lustas successful


    We do business on the great racetracks of the U S We number among our some of the best knownin

    lionaire and men all over countrY with as much confidence in racing IS in the stock cottonis



    capital and have secured an enormous clientele which means the we can pickwinners for thil immense number of investors our are thin if we played our own only for on a of

    t it

    028 Canal hit New Orleans la-In urcorjancct I

    meccapoiuntorlucd before

    iii the New ilrcitts subi



    a so huonie-g 7








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    DurIwIlt b-rumentsTime ALeagu-tourntlclng-eollegIns 1-1sociatPrInttililtfor a-

    in tsew

    NewSknitiIlowa1 Phhockhikutt-iSkatiachedother











