A PAPER OF QUALITY Bill Hutsis NO 165 WJASHINGTO D 0 THURSDAY HAEGH 21 1907 ONE CENT TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD 28946 I L wl I- i r SCORES MONOPOLIES Declares Corporate Greed Works Injury to Society URGES FEDERAL LAWS Na- tional Banking A ct Sons of American Revolution Hear Bitter Arraignment of Pjr pntDay Business Corporations Which Competition Railroad Arfe Not Private PropertynAJika Hqnal Use of All Public Utilities for Citizens Bgual use and privileges by all cRlaens of IMibMe utilities was tile keynote of an address deliverd by Dr Charts W Need ham of the George Washington University at the monthly meeting of the Sons of the American Revolution at Dr Needham atea arraigned in strong terms the failure of the government to properly control the organteaUon and cap italisation of great corporations and in this connection said There ia no greater service the states an ot today can render the public than to enact a Federal statute for the organi- sation of corporations dolag interstate business and business m th District of Columbia and the Territories that shall the equal of the national banking act in the care with which Jhe organization of such corporations is supervised its capi tal paid in and the conduct of business reported Railroads and the manner in which freight rates are manipulated to the detri- ment of Ute producer and small skipper came in for scathing comments at the of the speaker Railroads Not Private Property There are two before the poeple of this which require the careful and aispawtonate Considera- tion of scholars sad practical men of af- fairs he said Time wee when the railroads were looked upon almost wholly a private property Contracts were made with them by shippers upon this theory It resulted In the growth of the greatest evil that exists the granting of special privileges and rates to large shippers by transportation companies which stifle fair competition If a corporation by securing large and the services of men of genius can reduce the cost of producing any arti- cle and shipping it in the moat eco- nomical way to markets at the lowest possible price society is sorvod But it a corporation is able to lie pro- duct over railroad at fase than society au ef to the extent tbat it IB dyed of tenaflt of the esjmntiHgC- HWBS The remedy for this alt ier 1 The lallroad is a public highway and as suck should be auperinteaded by the State not In manner to prevent a fair return upon the value of the property prevent discrimination between the M Q t J i StI- fle pre last Jdiht i hands i countrY I todayIn cap- ital b tss 1 Iowecl I curs ttC t i 1U t e- I I J tt1 I a but- t r PRESIDETNEDIIA k I Advocates LegislatiloitLiko i Bctts be- N l 1 I reat C J h trw s ot gre fniu1t1sg whiWi ayh- I lbs I i 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < and between points of shipment The public service upon railroads justice in the courts should be assured to all citizens on equal terma Law Governs Incorporations Speaking of banking corporations the failure of the government to control the capitalisation of corporations Dr Needham said No group of men have any right to be organized into an incorporated com pany except as the law gives that right If we have had bad corporations the law ia responsible for their existence and the correction of the evil is In the en- actment of better incorporation laws The necessary result of present con- ditions is to vest the ownership of our whole industrial property in corporations The small individual holding so universal our country under the old system has passed away The individual no longer owns the tangible propertyused In in- dustrial and commercial enterprises it belongs to the artificial intangible being whose stockholders liability for its debts and conduct has beea Axed and mini mised Under the old system the Indi- vidual felt a personal interest In the pro- tection of industrial property He was interested In the pea e of the community the Impairment or destruction of this property meant a direct to him Dissects Speculation Ownership of stocks and wild specula tion therein was dissected In this 0m- jjectkm Dr Needham said the only WIly the individual can become interested in corporation property is through the own- ership of a share o stock These shares of stock continued the speaker become the muniments of title which are held by the people Ia this way and by this means the title to the prop- erty is being distributed among many hoMers Today these shares are the sub- ject of wild speculation because their in- trinsic value is uncertain The people at large discredit them because they de not know what they actually represent But the struggle will go on in this country to have the real true value of these shares determined and fixed by a proper of the State The national honk act provides wisely for the organisation- capitalisation and publicity of the re- sults of the business of these corporations and their stock is not the subject of wild speculation Advocates Xeiv Law Dr Needham advocated the passage of a Federal statute tending to supervise corporations doing interstate business He promised that when we shall Have se acts of incorporation and tOn trol of these vest agencies the people at large will again become holders of their shares of stock and through own- ers of the industrial property of the United States A business meeting preceded the ad- dress W I March presiding Maj Alfred I Btofer entertained assembly with Southern meledlas and at the conclusion of the programme a buffet supper was served The following members were present- W L tfMv pMtffcBt P F Laner tMMurrr W H Bjkr rmniMirt J 11 Xoare William O Gltapr M L 0wMa flfcdilsj jr C W Uonrll WOK A Dr L t FleiK H V Wtlk II P IfoMM W B Tbtaavtat r l J W IteM W N Ftafam R J J IT Smnll A Sons PIorI ti Washington and New York Boards wide bright 8W ft shippers I Ilk urI In personal loss f them flier per 100 properly super- vision I p r the L S Jam 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ For time District of Coumbia and Maryland Fair today to morrow partly cloudy and warmer lightrto fresh north to winds HERALD SUMMARY PflgSa THLBqRAPllIC 1Jerome Demanffi Lunacy Oommiaftaf- iJ Powies Soecaswr Is Selected 1Omalia Judge Scores Coal Baron I Kfcco Predicts loyr ai Ocean Trip- S Roef Many Indictments 8mcaragaa V5oiortouB in Battle 4 News of MwgrUind end Virginia X liOOAL 1Dr Keedh i Assails Trusts SBattla Ships to Be Made Here VMaeonlc Tema e Contract Awarded 2iLawl Pmnds Lald Bare 13ArebitecUi Interested in American Re publics Bfreau Building Vaawr William 1L Saeanraie A D SfMSftar J MB W T INwiea Theses W Gem V Harry W A Freak J Lewta A J OWpMM Hon WS Chwdte Amete K Odes I L L French R B Tatey J Stewart Dr A 1C BtHBds J a Albritht J V JoiuHoa O a Firaala Paris U 3 R P Uai w J G H WM J G dmamit W ItoMer J R W X Sttfiss J C Bowca- R 8 Hwr B B Stoektet Atekal TP T R JUta Dr A C Itate K A SatSk V H FMHM C O Itt M 21 AMlMS Dr T J W A Priaster R 1C BeMMit ET BothncB W P Otork H M- KoriaH jMtio t IL Andenatt Jw tf T I Bsbe F D Owtw I W Demises J H Bw F W Onluua Sdta SL Bb liar JwMs IL nkftoH Oumur Aknwler Caiamhm M- OMBESB J P Breast 11 O Jabs B- Pr F A Smtttraat G P JMg M Q- m H W SkaMt II K Yours C U Oeodi- Patfecr Dr Owrtw T OiUawB V Cses H C McUta Dr B M niObMilrt 8 1 html L A J Louie iatth V F GnMnraH G O VHhite W 8 Cmfc B H WMMT jr W S KMC Bdwn ITHWps J H MMnshr C B Pair lass V B JbtmspB Dr I D themes W J lUcIa CsdweU Tri r Dr SierraS Dr 8 kSM W A Donwr A J tim K W Kaitaker P 1Ttt T 5OJ O A Ansss Dr BURTON AFTER POEAZER Ohio Itepre ntative Bxpeots In doraeuient for the Seiintornhip Cleveland Ohio March SHTne Roose- velt Republicans of Ohio are already openly and actively boomiRg Secretary of War Taft for the Presidency and their programme includes the advocacy of the Senatorial of Reprseentattve Theodore Bt Burton of Cleveland to sue coed Joseph Benson Poraker Burton is recognised aa the leader of administration forces ia Ohio and his formal launching of the Taft Presidential boom last night baa carried the work of booming the Secretary of War into tee open Burton Jut night attacked Senators Foraker and Dick and predicted that the Roosevelt Republicans would control the next State convention which means that both Taft and Burton will be Indorsed WOULD DECLINE ANNEXATION Canada Does S0tSoek Union with Prof Stephen I ncck Points Oat Ambition of British North Anterlqau Colony eat NEWS co rblvllijet i Guns Frisk It MeD onIIr JAMB Y St Qapt 1Ikt Ilea L JS Dr W n C W S heKktla X sGte1d W ail y P Tnr N Y the WEJTFJER FORECAST 1laH 41 sea Pest ii Borne s ihss OindyN Osoc Jul Nescoam MerIt Wet 4a3 elm FisJr llii Flaky candidacy iheUnited States ¬ < Ottawa Marsh 3s According to Prof Stephen Lanocflk of MeOiil University the UnltiM ataaw will never annex Jin his book Greater Canada pub Haned today be does our fu- ture lie in union with those that dwell the southward the day of annexation to the United States is past have chos- en their lots and we have chosen ours Let us go our separate ways in peace let them still keep their perennial Inde- pendence Day with Its fulminating works and its Yankee Doodle We still keep our Magna Charts and our rough andready Rule Britannia ahoutlngluati ly ac the propaganda of annexation is dead To you who come scenes our west ern border we can otter a land fatter than your Kansas a government better than Montana a climate kinder than your Da- kotas Take it good air If you will but if in taking it you still raise your little crook of annexation then up with you by the bt ir and out with you breeches first through the air to the land of your origin in all friendliness GERMAN PRAISES OUR ARMY Kaisers Adjutant Admits They Have Jlaqli to Learn Berlin March 3s Gen von Loewanfejd the Kaisers adjutant whowill repreeent the German army at the opening of the Carnegie Institute at Pittaburg today gave your correspondent lite impressions of the American army gleaned during a former wRIt to the United States lie went prepared to criticise but was com pelled to admit that Ute Germans had ranch to learn Hf was particularly struck by the Amoebas artillery exer rises He also admired UM drill which he said was faultless The uniforms were good but he was amused by the characteristic free fturtikra in which they were worn which ex- pressed the typical desire to follow bent DOUMA OPPOSES OZAR Revolutionary Members Now Plan to Act Independently St Petersburg Mar J 3 The Dovma today sueoeedad labonilnMing its out- ward civQIties toward the government The revolutionary raised the question o famine reltef and W of them voted to appoint a Doum cOmmisBion forthwith to act Independently of the gov erptnenc This proposal Is akin to that dealing with compulsory sand expropriation which led to the dtaeoiution of the first Douma Cana- da Nor to th tire In- dividual says his mini hers ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ These stalwarts were successfully op posed by the Democrats the Octobrists and the members of the Right and It was finally deeMed to post ponestbo appointment of the commission until Friday Sage Gives 50000 New York March Announcement of gift of fUfcSM by Mrs Russell Sage to aid in the erection of the new sailors home and Institute was made to41ay at a luncheon given by the trustees of the American Seamens Friend Society Both Safe and Profitable AH accounts draw interest In banking of Union Trust Co 1114 F t nw Deposits subject to check at will Llbbey Co 6th st and Nw York av I Irs C ¬ < DISTINGUISHED VISITORS 4 I- I r C t- i h ini- r 1 I C ij I I LL- 1I a I JliIIIl tIflfJH fllIIIiIvti1 GROSS SEA IN 4D1YS Lewis Nixon Predicts New Record Over Ocean WTTTTfffl TO BUILD WAR SHIP Predicts that Gas Engine Will Do velop Necessary Speed nnd Da- alareK Himself Heady to Coustruot Torpedo Destroyer of COO Tons that Will Have Plenty of Spepd New York Mardi SfcLawis Mjam tie shipbuilder to out fOr a nw woreVto shorten the Atlantic Oeoan trip to four days hits maklen a tenipt to out down the time will not be made with a peaceful liner but it will 4 aeoompllsfced with IWohorMpowtr M engines Inoialtad In a war ship bristling with cans and torpedoes I Plans for this new boat an- o bangotog torpedoboat destroyer ware today shown by Mr Klxoa at his Cortlandt etr etr Mr Nixon made he aoDwrprediotiojL that tjjjj mantis liner wfuMiMi to 4 as a demand of enlightened engineeri- progreeB line Begun Construction Tnt Mr Nixon had begun the con- struction of a bot to cross the Atlantic In four days was a chance reference he made last night in a speech at Totten vtlle S I Mr Nixon axplafned fcfeaeoK more foOjr as follows was a gathering o men lrt r sted- la the of Staten Island sad not only as it place for residence but as a site for manufacturing The Standard Motor Construction Company bufMers of gas qpgtnes on the RloUe patents of which company I am president baa re- cently acquired a tract of about twelve acres hi Tettenville ipon which it will erect a plant to take care of orders which now overtax the capacity of the Jersey City factory The now factory with water front and basin will b davet ed to marine work In explaining that I did not propose to hoOd vessels there I referred to soma of the things that I intended to do la the near future Will Build Stilt Faster Boat I have built every typo of boat fr m- i to a boat for Arctic dyers drawing only six feet of water Yecnrin driven by sall by poodles and from oa to six propellers armored vessels and the lightest of racers the Gregory the ant motor boat to cross the ocean and I said that now I intended to build one more boat of an advanced typo before I building ships and that Is a boat to cross the ocean in four days and that while the hull could no be built in Totten vllle the engines would be Such a vessel one year ago WINS an Impossibility Today it is perfectly feasi- ble No steamer will over cross in that time but the striking development in the gas engine enables us to bring about such radical reductions in weight of machinery and fuel that it Is a simple problem Mr Nixon said that the keel of the new fourday war ship will be laid at Perth Awboy N J Predicts Gas Engines on War Ships London March ML A paper read before the Institution of Naval Architects that war ships In the future would be propelled by gas engines instead of steam This would enabletnaglng away with funnels so that ll big could be fired In either broadside Biers would also vanish It was stated that VIokers Sons Maxim after three yeais cQntlnuoua re march work bad perf a system of gate machinery fqr propelling ships the engine being of the familiar Internal ex- plosion type The firm bad already such a vessel without runnels While her dimensions moderate she is speedier than any existing battle skip carries a battery more powerful than ute Dreadnoughts since all her ten guns can be tired on either beam and six of them ahead or astern live gt ten 1- iot tar t7JNt development the topp- ed pre- dicted t runs ted de- signed are elite This She ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Brooklyn Boy Wins nt Yale New Haven March 20 Joseph William Murphy of Brpoklyn won the Ten Eyck declaration prize at Yale tonight He was declared to be one of the beet speakers who has over won this coveted nonor His subject was Slavic Immi- grants Among the Mine Workers of America The prize Is the income of J 0 TInny Morning Train to Pittuburs and Chicnco via Baltimore and Ohio The Daylight Train leaves Washing riving K with v drawingroom sleeping car urg arriving Chicago 74 a m i V- artihSSOff per 100 ft tot yea- rn ton Cst S a ni ar parlor wide a1i k one Jersdy eva l in Oa Through rota Boardi 55 ¬ > > COME ON UGK THE EDITOR Bveryl ddys Privilege In Pf nnsyl- vuHlii It Bill Passes Harrisburg Pa March 3Il f r9fe ta- ttve McCall of Philadelphia frS intro- duced a bill in tho house wlridl l per- mit any one to lick the editor Jf bftfeete that anything reflecting on Me character baa been printed in that edU r 9 Pr The loU as worded is fnM ttf ofcwttloeu don but in it is a chnu which makes the publication of libelons matter in sit suits for nssaiilt sled battery owing out of pabttoUioa Jut at what sta a A Aa iir iiMHnjg the question of the letouencw s decided to no J stated But ems fko tow makers are of the opinion that the ettors- honld set be massacred tn gsahis of the case Is agreed upon If the funny men do not tafc4odff rtage of Mr McCalls his they lot their keen insight into the ridicalMMMHW to the consensus of opinion in Barrtobufg It has already created com- ment than did Peanypackers antloaitoon law GYPSY DAMPS SEAROHE3X New Course Pursued In Search for Kidnapped Marvin Boy to The Wubisihn HcnkL f Dover Del March 2t3I ay took place here today to iMdeata diOeranA itae to boing- fsaat a wilt t mgible camps and barmHa hate searched but resulted In nothing Dr Marvin was consplcaoua oy his ab- sence from the hotel all of today an4 although diligent inquiry was made as to his whereabouts nothing could be learned which would give the slightest clew to his sudden disappearance It to presumed however that the doctor has had orders from the Pinkertons to seclude himself for A while or has gone on A mission as siffoocl him by the oJUcar TIle Erie story of th t te boy and the expected speedy rjt4Mlo to his fatter received bars last n St- and early this morning while gr M 4 with delight by the curious and expectant public was given little ondonee by Dr Marvin who had so often Men of lute and hi hopes while fur the time boeyed soon were dtoyalUd by a lint O- Htra ctton of the UPBRAIDS COAL TRUST HEAD Oraiha Jtrde Severe in His Denun oiation of Samuel E HowelL Changed Conspiracy in 4fratnt of Trade Vealthy I Is Pound Guilty Onnhn March 30 Bamuel B HoWl formerly president of the Omaha Coal Exchange who woe convicted In Decem- ber o ontortaK into a conspiracy in re- straint of trade was sentenced by Judge Sutim to pay a tine of and six months in the county jail I will no instructions to the sheriff as io hpw to treat this man Judge Suttkn said lIe is not to bo treated differently from any other criminal Howell was taken to jail by the sheriff and later released on bond pending an appeal In sentencing Howell Judge IIel to n IJIIIN def- ense to- day t very fir claw ell aa re Rc an oo SutUn said WMetes such bet ha4 more s pay were late with today 51500 per give ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Y u have been convicted or organizing in restraint of trade Tn is aa sarleue a a robbery al tha a re volvar It adounts to the aanle thing If tis men who supply the neeaeearied- oC H B are permitted to organize to Ax the ices of uecesearlas they com nut riot ijgalnst the common people the and orphans perhaps more than the moderately but a crim against all If you had been an ordinary it money or influence It you had not I en president of the Onrnhe Coal Truetj with power behind you and money to bile the must powerful lawyers you wou long ago have been serving your sente ce But you have been able to cheat lustte so tar MEAT EATERS THE WEAKER Yale Tent Show Vegetarians Pos- sess More Endurance Nev Haven Conrt Mareli Si Prof- Irvinj Fisher of Yale has completed etsdur nee tests by which lie finds that- a die without nosh food Is more osndu y endurance than a f flesh The ttets were holding out fie arms as long 4s possible deep kneebanding and with the subjecU lying on his back Fortynine persons ware examined lucia ag students physicians nurses and tllege instructors Pro her says The result Indicates that tie nonflesh eaters lave fr greater than those accustomed to the orAnifv American diet Civ Service ISxnmlnniioh Aprii 221 Prepa e now at The IIO N Y ave trust broken Llbtioy f cr ne these Ida W Ito d0 man wit leg lag endut nee Driller J Co- o o jnLg I I dye turn ei ¬ ¬ < > OF MAILS JRcglstorefl Sack from Amer ica Disappears in Paris BELIEVE 400000 IS TAKEN Robbery Probably CommUted la the Sabtreaaury of thpjr St3li QffloA One Arrest Made Priiionor lias Worth of Seaurltles Which He Ia Unable to Aaoount Ior Paris March Jlt aymian retary of the postomce informed Ute pottos that a great robbery has occurred m his department The police refuse to give any information but it is believed the amount involved amounts to W0M8B Magistrate Leyded who was charged with an iaveaUgjtttOR of Ute robbery has effected an arrest The depnrUnent Cabled to How Tot asking the vnlae of the registered matter the names of its senders and its New York replied the registered mail had left there complete Magistrate Leyded believes the theft was committed by a band of interna- tional robbers The mail arrested to named Buttes He had J CD worth of American securities for winch he could give no account No Report at New York New York Marcia Postonaster Will cog said to nfnt that be had received no- omdal notidoaUoa of the low of a mail pouch from L J tad seer a tepate front Paris teW go lbs ta- appearanca of tho pouch n M mediately started an taveatlg ttoitl whether maU for the La ProvonM had alt reached the steamer safety H learned that the man was all delivered on hoard the steamer he said The La Prov cod sailed on Thursday February S8 or HAft reached there March C and sailed toe New Yofk on March steamer will Saturday IE TWQ Alleged Physiolan at Pltfabnr Lands In the penitentiary postal to The v iu ea Hcsri- dPittsburg Pa March Doc CharM Woodruff a Ito orderly who recently came into the pubjlo eye be- cause of his arrest on the charge of marry Inj a Weet End woman who later discov- ered that he had another wife pIM guilty in Criminal Court this afternoon to a narge of bigamy and larceny sad wet sentenced to one year m the penitentiary Woodruff who Is sixty years old adver ttood for a wife representing himself ae a physician and two widows marry tag both He got away with the jewels of one of the wives who later had hiss arrested Woodruff in response to questions from Judge aa to whether He had anything to any a lengthy speech R court alleging himself insane lff t BIG T IWf Job lIMe I q JIL ut laW t a d MWI 1 JX- 1it I Pre Slit Ii here- on WIDOWS burg the made I to- day stview tba4- a t a i ad- dresses sgM ls se I The arrive ¬ ¬ ¬ POKER GAME NOT ENDED Players Drivers front Chicago Hotel Resume in Secluded Place Chicago March 30 The sensational poker gaze lasting through four consec- utive days and nights was hurriedly ad journed from Magnet Hotel early today Publicity drove to other quarters partici- pants of the greatest same ever In Chicago The worn and aalld gamblers- are declared by their friends to have plaiaJ to resume play The men hurried away in cobs at the first word that the big game had gained wide attrition Among the men who were said to have sat In were former Alderman John A Rogers a West Side political power anti John F OMalley for years a Democratic boss of the North Side There was a State senator there too Him name was carefully withheld This unnamed State senator is credited with making a big Sohley Not a Candidate Pa March Admiral Sehlsy declared this afternoon that he would positively not be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for Vice President He said I am not In politics I would not accept the nomination if It was offered to me and I would not serve if elected Rare Furniture at Auction The PellmanGage sale opens at Sloans 1487 G st today at 11 a m with on the catalogue when many of the most Important pieces of valuable ma- hogany be disposed Of also some rare books rugs curios c Alabama FFlooring mostly edge grain knoWn win- ning WUke barre No- m Wilt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHADWIOK WARDROBE BURNED Picture lint and Costly of Wizard of Finance Kulncd Cleveland Ohio March SfcJBne alabor te and costly wardrobe ofolrs CRsafe L the words greatest ffflfcle wizard was destroyed by tire early tonight at salesrooms of the GaMml Cartage an1 Storage Company on Wet Third street The company had It to pay the storage charges picture hat with the great white piqme is a total wreck and costly waists and gowns which one time paraded through gay Paris were consumed Although the Chadwick wardrobe had been on sale several days but fw sales were made as the prices asked so high The loss reaetiw thousands FAST TRAIN IS WREOKED Passengers on Jlonon Severely blmkeu VI but None KllleiJ- Lafaystte Ind March that paa rtg r train on tb ItaHroad CMegg sail LouwvHU wrecked Pair Oaks today every coach but Uw choir car leaving tIM tracks cud the ifBensrs In them being piled in hap IK ends of the ears engine baggage car and express ear roflad down an embankment lwt tire pas M0sr coaches marataiMd an upright posltbju The train was relating about thirty nrtlee an hour when It left Ute rails and plunged Into the soft embankment on the of tire track JBvery coach was well filled with pas Halters bat strange to soy no one was Wiled end none fatally hurt PANAMA PARTY AT KINGSTON GoHBrcBsmen Greatly Pleased with Conilltloud oa the Iflthmaw- Klf gstoti Jamaica March t p akor Cannon end the Congressmen with him after passing a day here left last night on Ute steamer Panama homeward bound All were impressed with the gi- gantic undertaking on the isthmus and greatly pleased with the progress made praised the splendid stAltary and other improvements provided by the Am orican engineers and expressed them soiree as convinced that the canal would revolutionize trade Therefore they were In favor of Its being pushed to early oem Pfetkm The party spent yesterday in viewing the rains of Kingston DAVIS FAVORS JUDGE GRAY Delaware Man Satisfactory to Con- servative Blement IK Belief Baltimore Md March SsBxS6nator HOary O Dens the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate in the teat cam- paign today declared himself In favor of Judge Gray for the Presidential nomi- nation Senator Davis who appareotly spoke with authority said there would be a de- mand at the convention for a conserva- tive man and he believed Judge Gray nltoo the bill Though trots a small State he was a national character and unques- tionably the choice of West Virginia DOIIBS SDCGESSOR NAMED of the Dead leader VdIIya In Serious Condition and Must NOTT fIght to Retain C wtrol in Colony Chicago March Aden Jolts A Lewis deacon of the Cnrtedan tnoiio Church and for years tile personal friend and adviser of John Alexander Dowle has been nAmed as the new leader of Zion in the will of the deceased apostle den Lewis to now la Mexico sad has Men MUlled of his selecUoa to k MOQ an4 eC the Dowle forces and aoek the overthrow of Wilbur G Vollva- i f pre nt overseer in the greatest ra- IfgtoM struggle of the strenuous history f the church The DowioitaK awaiting the tri umphf it return of Gen Lewis to the re- Ngio a colony before publicly announcing the choice of their dead leader When it became known today that Gen Lewis had etiosen a wave of excitement spread through the followers of Dowle THy declared that with their new leader they will rout Ute forces of Vollva and the selfstyled prophets and apostles of Zion and again wrest control of the church from their enemies Reports that Voliva Is in a serious con- dition sad may be dying from an at- tack of fwtny spread through Zion City and were hailed by Ute Dowtdtae- as the worK of the divine hand of wrath Voltes has a severe attack of the dig ease ton left aide of Ma throat and it to spreading to the right side DElfTED GEM THIEVES Green and Ilohrer Turned Over o United States Authorities New York March 3ft r Arthur Prestoa Green and Charles Ronrer arrested here p Chad k licence the placid en The at The Hon tD bet was Mar I TIN to lIM tr 4Jbi r Zinc BAli J Cons sale wet tile side They diedsi Wiibin RestS w doe tied I are been ales tim ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > ¬ ¬ < < for in London were turned over today to the United States authori- ties and taken before Commissioner Shields on a warrant issued en of Sir Percy Sanderson British consul general here- In one of the affidavits made by Sir Percy Groan is charged with the larceny on February X last from the London shop of Tiffany Co of jewelry valued at S The following day February at ac- cording to Uie other affidavit Green and got away with Jewels worth WS front London Ryders shOp Rehrar and Green held for exam- ination on April IS A is customary in extradition eases ball was refused LORD NEVHL ARRESTED Charged with Flimflamming a London Pawnbroker London March 2d Lord William Beau champ Nevill was committed for trial ia on a charge of swindling The evi- dence produced Jn the Police Court showed that Lord NevlH worked a jUst nam game on a pawnbroker whom he wised money on a quantity of Jewels The pawnbroker called at his lordships residence to Inspect the jewels and after he had agred to loan coneidorabe on them Lord Nevill substituted pieces of coal for the valuables The trick was sot auspectad until Lord Nevill bid defaulted the interest on the loan An examination o the jewel box then revealed the lumps of coal carefully wrapped in tissue paper A la Carte Lunch Served Dally At Ecksteins from 12 to 3 N Y ave Reduced to 150 per 100 ft theft f trip a sum ill jestry S Retiree were day ¬ ¬ ¬ CRISIS REACHED UN TRIAL OF THAW Lunacy Commission May Be Appointed by Court JEROME GAINS A POINT Judge Fitzgemld Will Decide Important Question Today Lawyer Gleanon Causes Open in Ranks of Counsel for De- fense Dr Allan MoLaae Hamilton lu liter Opinion Slayer of Stanford White I Not AiSle to Advise lIb Attorneys New York March 91 There was a head on collision between District Attorney Jerome and Detests this morning as a result of which the Thaw trial piled up In a heap composed of apparently in- extricable fragments of the court Dr Allan McLane Hamilton the district the defendant Lawyer Delmas the jury experts without number and but far from least Lawyer John B Qleaaon It is supposed that the wreck is a result of ThaWs counsel misunder- standing signals In the of clearing up the Justice will peas tomorrow upon which the district attorney will furnish in the form of an affidavit setting forth in effect that Thaw is insane now and incapable of advising with counsel and that counsel for the de- fense are fully aware of this condition of Thaw The district attorneys affidavit will be presented to Justice Fitzgerald tomorrow afternoon at 2 oclock Copies of it will be served on counsel for the defense who Will have an opportunity to reply to it After that the court will decide mat- ter If the court decides to appoint a commission in lunacy to examine Thaw the trial will of coursed 90 no further until the commission has made its report Should the commission report that Thaw is now insane he will undoubtedly be consigned to the asylum for the criminal insane at What Jerome Expected Alter the first shock of the collision had passed and the wrecking crew had got to work District Attorney Jerome said to the reporters who had hurried to the scene The situation is Just what I hove been looking for all during the trial A man who should be incarcerated in an insane asylum should not be on trial for his life That Jerome has all along believed that Thaw wee Insane when be shot White at Us pretient time he made Kber prevents him from what Do was doing or that it was wrong The prosecutions experts bold man may be insane rum the medical viewpoint and be sane so far as the provisions of tints statute are con- cerned And it was on that distinction that they testified They believe Thaw was medically insane when the shooting occurred but that he knew what he was doing and that it was wrong Bxclteiutmt IB Court The scene in court wfcen Jerome made his appeal was one of almost unequaled excitement Every spectator was leaning forward in his seat fearful of missing a single word and I ing upon the sentences that fell from Jeromes lips It was plain that the district attorney was much moved and that Justice Fitzgerald him- self felt that the case hal reached its crisis As for Thaws lawyers a condition bordering upon panic prevailed among them They were all on their feet and most of them had hurried inside of the rail where they could talk with Delraa This was the state of affairs when the Jury had been seat from the room in order that Jerome might tell the court wise he knew from his investigations aboyK the mental history of Thaw but which technical legal objection had kept him train getting before the Jury This WItS the thunderbolt that smote the Thaw defense If the real facts were known I have ne right to be here trying this man It would be absolutely prohibitive But this knowledge that I have cannot be put in any legal form at this time If it could it would shock the conscience of the court and instantly this case would be stopped Attacks Thaws But this was not alL Tha district at- torney proceeded raiSing his voice to a pitch that found the renctaat comers of the courtroom to level a attack at the lawyers for the defeat So deeply have I been impressed wit this be said that I have gone to extent practically of serving notice upon counsel of record in this ease that when over if my information show Rup- ture wa at- torney Jut prE totes Ha ttea wan nd is 1 law t a may J I IIth- r thar a Counsel the this ease Is I Declares the I issaic aaara of Sm IWth pa ma RnowIag ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ed them to have been in possession or knowledge which I believe exists I will see that the matter is brought before the appellate division of the Supreme Court- I feel bitterly on this because I can not get the evidence out to lay it before your honor in this case There is not a man who has watched this defendant sit- ting here at this table here the district attorney turned and shook his list at Thaw who not know that as sits there he IE incapable of properly with his counsel AH this followed Jeromes demand that if Dr Hamilton was to be allowed to testify be must be allowed to tell all that he knew about the case and not be con- fined to stating whether he thought Thaw was sane to insane when he shot Stanford White Gleanon Gets Into Play Throughout the latter part of the between Debase and Jerome Glea eon had been vainly trying to poke his into the fray At last be succeeded- In making an attempt to vindicate hIm ly and no suggestion has ever beer for twentyeight years he said excited I have practiced law this cominuntiy unprofessional conduct self front Jeromes implied charges of made to me before that my conduct would be made the subject of aa Inquiry before the Appellate division One of the things that this statement to based upon here is that these witnesses sitting will say that Thaw Is not capable Now no man can come lute court and ocouee me of such a thing and I ask the district attorney to ask this witness whether he will say that You may ask him said the court Mr Gleason thereupon whirled the CONTINUED OX THIRD PAG Lbbsy Co 6th st and New York dON he de- bate nose In here ad- vising eve I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬

I- TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD · properly control the organteaUon and cap italisation of great corporations and in this connection said There ia no greater service the states an ot today

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Page 1: I- TIlE WASHINGTON HERALD · properly control the organteaUon and cap italisation of great corporations and in this connection said There ia no greater service the states an ot today





wl I-

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Declares Corporate GreedWorks Injury to Society



tional Banking A ct

Sons of American Revolution HearBitter Arraignment of Pjr pntDayBusiness Corporations Which

Competition Railroad Arfe NotPrivate PropertynAJika Hqnal Useof All Public Utilities for Citizens

Bgual use and privileges by all cRlaensof IMibMe utilities was tile keynote of anaddress deliverd by Dr Charts W Needham of the George WashingtonUniversity at the monthly meeting of theSons of the American Revolution at

Dr Needham atea arraigned in strongterms the failure of the government toproperly control the organteaUon and capitalisation of great corporations and inthis connection said

There ia no greater service the statesan ot today can render the public than

to enact a Federal statute for the organi-sation of corporations dolag interstatebusiness and business m th District ofColumbia and the Territories that shallthe equal of the national banking act inthe care with which Jhe organization ofsuch corporations is supervised its capital paid in and the conduct of businessreported

Railroads and the manner in whichfreight rates are manipulated to the detri-ment of Ute producer and small skippercame in for scathing comments at the

of the speakerRailroads Not Private PropertyThere are two before

the poeple of this which requirethe careful and aispawtonate Considera-tion of scholars sad practical men of af-

fairs he said Time wee when therailroads were looked upon almost whollya private property Contracts were madewith them by shippers upon this theoryIt resulted In the growth of the greatestevil that exists the grantingof special privileges and rates to largeshippers by transportation companieswhich stifle fair competition

If a corporation by securing largeand the services of men of genius

can reduce the cost of producing any arti-cle and shipping it in the moat eco-

nomical way to markets at the lowestpossible price society is sorvod But ita corporation is able to lie pro-duct over railroad at fase than

society au ef to the extent tbat it IBdyed of tenaflt of the esjmntiHgC-HWBS The remedy for this alt ier 1

The lallroad is a public highway andas suck should be auperinteaded by theState not In manner to prevent a fairreturn upon the value of the property

prevent discrimination between the








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tss1 IoweclI curs ttCt i 1U

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kI Advocates LegislatiloitLiko










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and between points of shipmentThe public service upon railroadsjustice in the courts should be assured toall citizens on equal terma

Law Governs IncorporationsSpeaking of banking corporations

the failure of the government tocontrol the capitalisation of corporationsDr Needham said

No group of men have any right tobe organized into an incorporated company except as the law gives that rightIf we have had bad corporations thelaw ia responsible for their existence andthe correction of the evil is In the en-

actment of better incorporation lawsThe necessary result of present con-

ditions is to vest the ownership of ourwhole industrial property in corporationsThe small individual holding so universal

our country under the old system haspassed away The individual no longerowns the tangible propertyused In in-dustrial and commercial enterprises itbelongs to the artificial intangible beingwhose stockholders liability for its debtsand conduct has beea Axed and minimised Under the old system the Indi-vidual felt a personal interest In the pro-tection of industrial property He wasinterested In the pea e of the communitythe Impairment or destruction of thisproperty meant a direct tohim

Dissects SpeculationOwnership of stocks and wild specula

tion therein was dissected In this 0m-jjectkm Dr Needham said the only WIlythe individual can become interested incorporation property is through the own-ership of a share o stock

These shares of stock continued thespeaker become the muniments of titlewhich are held by the people Ia this wayand by this means the title to the prop-erty is being distributed among manyhoMers Today these shares are the sub-ject of wild speculation because their in-trinsic value is uncertain The people atlarge discredit them because they de notknow what they actually represent Butthe struggle will go on in this country tohave the real true value of these sharesdetermined and fixed by a proper

of the State The national honkact provides wisely for the organisation-capitalisation and publicity of the re-sults of the business of these corporationsand their stock is not the subject of wildspeculation

Advocates Xeiv LawDr Needham advocated the passage of

a Federal statute tending to supervisecorporations doing interstate business Hepromised that when we shall Have se

acts of incorporation and tOntrol of these vest agencies the people atlarge will again become holders of theirshares of stock and through own-ers of the industrial property of theUnited States

A business meeting preceded the ad-dress W I March presiding Maj AlfredI Btofer entertained assembly withSouthern meledlas and at the conclusionof the programme a buffet supper wasserved

The following members were present-W L tfMv pMtffcBt P F Laner tMMurrr

W H Bjkr rmniMirt J 11 Xoare WilliamO Gltapr M L 0wMa flfcdilsj jrC W Uonrll WOK A Dr L t FleiKH V Wtlk II P IfoMM W B Tbtaavtat

r l J W IteM W N Ftafam R JJ IT Smnll A Sons PIorI tiWashington and New York

Boards wide bright 8W ft

shippersI Ilk



personal loss




per 100








S Jam

















For time District of Coumbiaand Maryland Fair today tomorrow partly cloudy andwarmer lightrto fresh north to



PflgSa THLBqRAPllIC1Jerome Demanffi Lunacy Oommiaftaf-

iJ Powies Soecaswr Is Selected1Omalia Judge Scores Coal Baron

I Kfcco Predicts loyr ai Ocean Trip-S Roef Many Indictments8mcaragaa V5oiortouB in Battle4 News of MwgrUind end Virginia

X liOOAL1Dr Keedh i Assails TrustsSBattla Ships to Be Made HereVMaeonlc Tema e Contract Awarded2iLawl Pmnds Lald Bare

13ArebitecUi Interested in American Republics Bfreau Building

Vaawr William 1L Saeanraie A D SfMSftar JMB W T INwiea Theses W Gem V

Harry W A Freak J Lewta A JOWpMM Hon WS Chwdte Amete K OdesI L L French R B Tatey J StewartDr A 1C BtHBds J a Albritht J V JoiuHoaO a Firaala Paris U 3 RP Uai w J G H WM J G dmamit WItoMer J R W X Sttfiss J C Bowca-R 8 Hwr B B Stoektet Atekal T PT R JUta Dr A C Itate K A SatSk V HFMHM C O Itt M 21 AMlMS Dr T J W

A Priaster R1C BeMMit E T BothncB W P Otork H M-KoriaH jMtio t IL Andenatt Jw tf T IBsbe F D Owtw I W Demises J H Bw

F W Onluua Sdta SL Bb liar JwMsIL nkftoH Oumur Aknwler Caiamhm M-

OMBESB J P Breast 11 O Jabs B-

Pr F A Smtttraat G P JMg M Q-

m H W SkaMt II K Yours C U Oeodi-

Patfecr Dr Owrtw T OiUawB V Cses H CMcUta Dr B M niObMilrt 8 1 html L A

J Louie iatth V F GnMnraH G OVHhite W 8 Cmfc B H WMMT jr W S

KMC Bdwn ITHWps J H MMnshr C B Pairlass V B JbtmspB Dr I D themes W JlUcIa CsdweU Tri r Dr SierraS Dr 8kSM W A Donwr A J tim KW Kaitaker P 1Ttt T 5OJ O A Ansss Dr


Ohio Itepre ntative Bxpeots Indoraeuient for the Seiintornhip

Cleveland Ohio March SHTne Roose-velt Republicans of Ohio are alreadyopenly and actively boomiRg Secretary ofWar Taft for the Presidency and theirprogramme includes the advocacy of theSenatorial of ReprseentattveTheodore Bt Burton of Cleveland to suecoed Joseph Benson Poraker

Burton is recognised aa the leader ofadministration forces ia Ohio and his

formal launching of the Taft Presidentialboom last night baa carried the work ofbooming the Secretary of War into teeopen

Burton Jut night attacked SenatorsForaker and Dick and predicted that theRoosevelt Republicans would control thenext State convention which means thatboth Taft and Burton will be Indorsed


Canada Does S0tSoek Union with

Prof Stephen I ncck Points OatAmbition of British North

Anterlqau Colony






Frisk It



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Wet4a3 elm

FisJr llii Flaky


iheUnited States



Ottawa Marsh 3s According to ProfStephen Lanocflk of MeOiil Universitythe UnltiM ataaw will never annex

Jin his book Greater Canada pubHaned today be does our fu-

ture lie in union with those that dwellthe southward the day of annexation tothe United States is past have chos-en their lots and we have chosen ours

Let us go our separate ways in peacelet them still keep their perennial Inde-pendence Day with Its fulminatingworks and its Yankee Doodle We stillkeep our Magna Charts and our roughandready Rule Britannia ahoutlngluatily ac the propaganda of annexation isdead To you who come scenes our western border we can otter a land fatter thanyour Kansas a government better thanMontana a climate kinder than your Da-kotas

Take it good air If you will but if intaking it you still raise your little crookof annexation then up with you by thebt ir and out with you breeches firstthrough the air to the land of your origin

in all friendliness


Kaisers Adjutant Admits They HaveJlaqli to Learn

Berlin March 3s Gen von Loewanfejdthe Kaisers adjutant whowill repreeentthe German army at the opening of theCarnegie Institute at Pittaburg todaygave your correspondent lite impressionsof the American army gleaned duringa former wRIt to the United States liewent prepared to criticise but was compelled to admit that Ute Germans hadranch to learn Hf was particularlystruck by the Amoebas artillery exerrises He also admired UM drill whichhe said was faultless

The uniforms were good but he wasamused by the characteristic free fturtikrain which they were worn which ex-pressed the typical desire to follow



Revolutionary Members Now Plan toAct Independently

St Petersburg Mar J 3 The Dovmatoday sueoeedad labonilnMing its out-ward civQIties toward the governmentThe revolutionary raised thequestion o famine reltef and W of themvoted to appoint a Doum cOmmisBionforthwith to act Independently of the goverptnenc

This proposal Is akin to that dealingwith compulsory sand expropriationwhich led to the dtaeoiution of the firstDouma

















These stalwarts were successfully opposed by the Democratsthe Octobrists and the members of theRight and It was finally deeMed to postponestbo appointment of the commissionuntil Friday

Sage Gives 50000New York March Announcement ofgift of fUfcSM by Mrs Russell Sage to

aid in the erection of the new sailorshome and Institute was made to41ay ata luncheon given by the trustees of theAmerican Seamens Friend Society

Both Safe and ProfitableAH accounts draw interest In banking

of Union Trust Co 1114 F t nwDeposits subject to check at willLlbbey Co 6th st and Nw York av







4 I-I



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1I a IJliIIIl tIflfJH fllIIIiIvti1


Lewis Nixon Predicts New

Record Over Ocean


Predicts that Gas Engine Will Dovelop Necessary Speed nnd Da-

alareK Himself Heady to CoustruotTorpedo Destroyer of COO Tonsthat Will Have Plenty of Spepd

New York Mardi SfcLawis Mjam tieshipbuilder to out fOr a n w woreVtoshorten the Atlantic Oeoan trip to fourdays hits maklen a tenipt to out downthe time will not be made with a peacefulliner but it will 4 aeoompllsfced with

IWohorMpowtr M engines InoialtadIn a war ship bristling with cans andtorpedoes I

Plans for this new boat an-o bangotog torpedoboat destroyerware today shown by Mr Klxoa at his

Cortlandt etr etr Mr Nixonmade he aoDwrprediotiojL that tjjjjmantis liner wfuMiMi to 4

as a demand of enlightened engineeri-progreeB

line Begun ConstructionTnt Mr Nixon had begun the con-

struction of a bot to cross the AtlanticIn four days was a chance reference hemade last night in a speech at Tottenvtlle S I Mr Nixon axplafned fcfeaeoKmore foOjr as follows

was a gathering o men lrt r sted-la the of Staten Island sadnot only as it place for residence but as asite for manufacturing The StandardMotor Construction Company bufMers ofgas qpgtnes on the RloUe patents ofwhich company I am president baa re-

cently acquired a tract of about twelveacres hi Tettenville ipon which it willerect a plant to take care of orderswhich now overtax the capacity of theJersey City factory The now factorywith water front and basin will b daveted to marine work

In explaining that I did not propose tohoOd vessels there I referred to soma ofthe things that I intended to do la thenear future

Will Build Stilt Faster BoatI have built every typo of boat fr m-

i to a boat for Arctic dyersdrawing only six feet of water Yecnrindriven by sall by poodles and from oato six propellers armored vessels and thelightest of racers the Gregory the antmotor boat to cross the ocean and I saidthat now I intended to build one moreboat of an advanced typo before I

building ships and that Is a boat tocross the ocean in four days and thatwhile the hull could no be built in Tottenvllle the engines would be

Such a vessel one year ago WINS anImpossibility Today it is perfectly feasi-ble No steamer will over cross in thattime but the striking development in thegas engine enables us to bring about suchradical reductions in weight of machineryand fuel that it Is a simpleproblem

Mr Nixon said that the keel of the newfourday war ship will be laid at PerthAwboy N JPredicts Gas Engines on War Ships

London March ML A paper read beforethe Institution of Naval Architects

that war ships In the future wouldbe propelled by gas engines instead ofsteam This would enabletnaglng awaywith funnels so that ll bigcould be fired In either broadside Bierswould also vanish

It was stated that VIokers SonsMaxim after three yeais cQntlnuoua remarch work bad perf a system ofgate machinery fqr propelling ships theengine being of the familiar Internal ex-plosion type The firm bad already

such a vessel without runnelsWhile her dimensions moderate sheis speedier than any existing battle skip

carries a battery more powerful thanute Dreadnoughts since all her ten gunscan be tired on either beam and six ofthem ahead or astern

live gt



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t runs











Brooklyn Boy Wins nt YaleNew Haven March 20 Joseph William

Murphy of Brpoklyn won the Ten Eyckdeclaration prize at Yale tonight Hewas declared to be one of the beetspeakers who has over won this covetednonor His subject was Slavic Immi-grants Among the Mine Workers ofAmerica The prize Is the income ofJ 0

TInny Morning Train to Pittubursand Chicnco via Baltimore and OhioThe Daylight Train leaves Washing

riving K withv drawingroomsleeping car urg arrivingChicago 74 a m i V-

artihSSOff per 100 ft

tot yea-


ton Cst S a ni arparlor

wide a1ik


Jersdy eval in

Oa Throughrota







Bveryl ddys Privilege In Pf nnsyl-vuHlii It Bill Passes

Harrisburg Pa March 3Il f r9fe ta-ttve McCall of Philadelphia frS intro-duced a bill in tho house wlridl l per-

mit any one to lick the editor Jf bftfeetethat anything reflecting on Me characterbaa been printed in that edU r 9 Pr

The loU as worded is fnM ttf ofcwttloeudon but in it is a chnu which makesthe publication of libelons matter

in sit suits for nssaiilt sled batteryowing out of pabttoUioaJut at what sta a A Aa iir iiMHnjg

the question of the letouencw sdecided to no J stated But ems fko towmakers are of the opinion that the ettors-honld set be massacred tn gsahisof the case Is agreed upon

If the funny men do not tafc4odff rtageof Mr McCalls his they lot theirkeen insight into the ridicalMMMHW to theconsensus of opinion in Barrtobufg

It has already created com-ment than did Peanypackers antloaitoonlaw


New Course Pursued In Search forKidnapped Marvin Boyto The Wubisihn HcnkL f

Dover Del March 2t3I aytook place here today to iMdeata

diOeranA itae to boing-

fsaat a wilt tmgible camps and barmHa hate

searched but resulted In nothingDr Marvin was consplcaoua oy his ab-

sence from the hotel all of today an4although diligent inquiry was made as tohis whereabouts nothing could be learnedwhich would give the slightest clew to hissudden disappearance It to presumedhowever that the doctor has had ordersfrom the Pinkertons to seclude himselffor A while or has gone on A mission assiffoocl him by the oJUcar

TIle Erie story of th t teboy and the expected speedy rjt4Mloto his fatter received bars last n St-and early this morning while gr M 4with delight by the curious and expectantpublic was given little ondonee by DrMarvin who had so often Menof lute and hi hopes while fur the timeboeyed soon were dtoyalUd by a lint O-Htra ctton of the


Oraiha Jtrde Severe in His Denun

oiation of Samuel E HowelL

Changed Conspiracy in4fratnt of Trade Vealthy I

Is Pound Guilty

Onnhn March 30 Bamuel B HoWlformerly president of the Omaha CoalExchange who woe convicted In Decem-ber o ontortaK into a conspiracy in re-

straint of trade was sentenced by JudgeSutim to pay a tine of and

six months in the county jailI will no instructions to the sheriff

as io hpw to treat this man JudgeSuttkn said lIe is not to bo treateddifferently from any other criminal

Howell was taken to jail by the sheriffand later released on bond pending anappeal In sentencing Howell Judge

IIel to n IJIIIN





claw ell





SutUn said










today 51500per








Y u have been convicted or organizingin restraint of trade Tn is aa sarleuea a robbery al tha a revolvar It adounts to the aanle thingIf tis men who supply the neeaeearied-oC H B are permitted to organize to Axthe ices of uecesearlas they comnut riot ijgalnst the common peoplethe and orphans perhaps morethan the moderately but acrim against all

If you had been an ordinaryit money or influence It you had

not I en president of the Onrnhe CoalTruetj with power behind you and moneyto bile the must powerful lawyers youwou long ago have been serving yoursente ce But you have been able tocheat lustte so tar


Yale Tent Show Vegetarians Pos-sess More Endurance

Nev Haven Conrt Mareli Si Prof-Irvinj Fisher of Yale has completedetsdur nee tests by which lie finds that-a die without nosh food Is more osndu

y endurance than a f fleshThe ttets were holding out fie arms aslong 4s possible deep kneebanding and

with the subjecU lying on hisback Fortynine persons ware examinedlucia ag students physicians nursesand tllege instructors

Pro her says The result Indicatesthat tie nonflesh eaters lave fr greater

than those accustomed to theorAnifv American diet

Civ Service ISxnmlnniioh Aprii 221Prepa e now at The IIO N Y ave

trust broken Llbtioy f

cr ne


IdaW Ito d0


leg lag

endut nee










turn ei






JRcglstorefl Sack from America Disappears in Paris


Robbery Probably CommUted la theSabtreaaury of thpjr St3li QffloAOne Arrest Made Priiionor lias

Worth of Seaurltles WhichHe Ia Unable to Aaoount Ior

Paris March Jlt aymianretary of the postomce informed Utepottos that a great robbery has occurredm his department The police refuse togive any information but it is believedthe amount involved amounts to W0M8B

Magistrate Leyded who was chargedwith an iaveaUgjtttOR of Ute robbery haseffected an arrest

The depnrUnent Cabled to How Totasking the vnlae of the registered matterthe names of its senders and its

New York replied the registeredmail had left there complete

Magistrate Leyded believes the theftwas committed by a band of interna-tional robbers The mail arrested tonamed Buttes He had J CD worth ofAmerican securities for winch he couldgive no account

No Report at New YorkNew York Marcia Postonaster Will

cog said to nfnt that be had received no-

omdal notidoaUoa of the low of a mailpouch from L J tad seera tepate front Paris teW g o lbs ta-

appearanca of tho pouch n Mmediately started an taveatlg ttoitlwhether maU for the La ProvonM hadalt reached the steamer safety Hlearned that the man was all deliveredon hoard the steamer he said

The La Prov cod sailed on ThursdayFebruary S8 or HAft reached thereMarch C and sailed toe New Yofk onMarch steamer will



Alleged Physiolan at Pltfabnr LandsIn the penitentiary

postal to The v iu ea Hcsri-dPittsburg Pa March Doc CharM

Woodruff a Ito orderlywho recently came into the pubjlo eye be-

cause of his arrest on the charge of marryInj a Weet End woman who later discov-ered that he had another wife pIMguilty in Criminal Court this afternoon toa narge of bigamy and larceny sad wetsentenced to one year m the penitentiary

Woodruff who Is sixty years old adverttood for a wife representing himself ae aphysician and two widows marrytag both He got away with the jewelsof one of the wives who later had hissarrested

Woodruff in response to questions fromJudge aa to whether He had anything

to any a lengthy speech R courtalleging himself insane

lff tBIG T IWf



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Players Drivers front Chicago HotelResume in Secluded Place

Chicago March 30 The sensationalpoker gaze lasting through four consec-utive days and nights was hurriedly adjourned from Magnet Hotel early todayPublicity drove to other quarters partici-pants of the greatest same ever InChicago The worn and aalld gamblers-are declared by their friends to haveplaiaJ to resume play The men hurriedaway in cobs at the first word that thebig game had gained wide attrition

Among the men who were said to havesat In were former Alderman John A

Rogers a West Side political power antiJohn F OMalley for years a Democraticboss of the North Side There was aState senator there too Him name wascarefully withheld This unnamed Statesenator is credited with making a big

Sohley Not a CandidatePa March Admiral

Sehlsy declared this afternoon that hewould positively not be a candidate forthe Democratic nomination for VicePresident He said I am not In politicsI would not accept the nomination if Itwas offered to me and I would not serveif elected

Rare Furniture at AuctionThe PellmanGage sale opens at Sloans

1487 G st today at 11 a m withon the catalogue when many of the

most Important pieces of valuable ma-hogany be disposed Ofalso some rare books rugs curios c

Alabama FFlooring mostly edge grain



WUke barre









Picture lint and Costly ofWizard of Finance Kulncd

Cleveland Ohio March SfcJBne alaborte and costly wardrobe ofolrs CRsafe

L the words greatest ffflfclewizard was destroyed by tire

early tonight at salesrooms of theGaMml Cartage an1 Storage Company onWet Third street

The company had It topay the storage charges picture hatwith the great white piqme is a totalwreck and costly waists and gowns which

one time paraded through gay Pariswere consumed

Although the Chadwick wardrobe hadbeen on sale several days but fw saleswere made as the prices asked sohigh The loss reaetiw thousands


Passengers on Jlonon Severelyblmkeu VI but None KllleiJ-

Lafaystte Ind March thatpaa rtg r train on tb ItaHroad

CMegg sail LouwvHUwrecked Pair Oaks today everycoach but Uw choir car leaving tIM trackscud the ifBensrs In them being piled inhap IK ends of the ears

engine baggage car and expressear roflad down an embankment lwt tirepas M0sr coaches marataiMd an uprightposltbju The train was relating aboutthirty nrtlee an hour when It left Ute railsand plunged Into the soft embankment onthe of tire track

JBvery coach was well filled with pasHalters bat strange to soy no one wasWiled end none fatally hurt


GoHBrcBsmen Greatly Pleased withConilltloud oa the Iflthmaw-

Klf gstoti Jamaica March t p akorCannon end the Congressmen with himafter passing a day here left last nighton Ute steamer Panama homewardbound All were impressed with the gi-

gantic undertaking on the isthmus andgreatly pleased with the progress made

praised the splendid stAltary andother improvements provided by the Amorican engineers and expressed themsoiree as convinced that the canal wouldrevolutionize trade Therefore they wereIn favor of Its being pushed to early oemPfetkm

The party spent yesterday in viewingthe rains of Kingston


Delaware Man Satisfactory to Con-

servative Blement IK Belief

Baltimore Md March SsBxS6natorHOary O Dens the Democratic VicePresidential candidate in the teat cam-paign today declared himself In favorof Judge Gray for the Presidential nomi-nation

Senator Davis who appareotly spokewith authority said there would be a de-

mand at the convention for a conserva-tive man and he believed Judge Graynltoo the bill Though trots a small Statehe was a national character and unques-tionably the choice of West Virginia


of the Dead leader

VdIIya In Serious Condition andMust NOTT fIght to Retain

C wtrol in Colony

Chicago March Aden Jolts A Lewisdeacon of the Cnrtedan tnoiio Churchand for years tile personal friendand adviser of John Alexander Dowlehas been nAmed as the new leader ofZion in the will of the deceasedapostle den Lewis to now la Mexicosad has Men MUlled of his selecUoa to

k MOQ an4 eC the Dowle forces andaoek the overthrow of Wilbur G Vollva-i f pre nt overseer in the greatest ra-

IfgtoM struggle of the strenuous historyf the churchThe DowioitaK awaiting the tri

umphf it return of Gen Lewis to the re-

Ngio a colony before publicly announcingthe choice of their dead leader When itbecame known today that Gen Lewishad etiosen a wave of excitementspread through the followers of DowleTHy declared that with their new leaderthey will rout Ute forces of Vollva andthe selfstyled prophets and apostles ofZion and again wrest control of thechurch from their enemies

Reports that Voliva Is in a serious con-dition sad may be dying from an at-

tack of fwtny spread through ZionCity and were hailed by Ute Dowtdtae-as the worK of the divine hand ofwrath

Voltes has a severe attack of the digease ton left aide of Ma throat and itto spreading to the right side


Green and Ilohrer Turned Over oUnited States Authorities

New York March 3ft r Arthur PrestoaGreen and Charles Ronrer arrested here


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for in London were turnedover today to the United States authori-ties and taken before CommissionerShields on a warrant issued enof Sir Percy Sanderson British consulgeneral here-

In one of the affidavits made by SirPercy Groan is charged with the larcenyon February X last from the London shopof Tiffany Co of jewelry valued at

S The following day February at ac-cording to Uie other affidavit Green and

got away with Jewels worth WS

front London Ryders shOpRehrar and Green held for exam-

ination on April IS A is customary inextradition eases ball was refused


Charged with Flimflamming a LondonPawnbroker

London March 2d Lord William Beauchamp Nevill was committed for trial ia

on a charge of swindling The evi-

dence produced Jn the Police Courtshowed that Lord NevlH worked a jUstnam game on a pawnbroker whomhe wised money on a quantity of Jewels

The pawnbroker called at his lordshipsresidence to Inspect the jewels and afterhe had agred to loan coneidorabeon them Lord Nevill substituted pieces ofcoal for the valuables The trick was sotauspectad until Lord Nevill bid defaultedthe interest on the loan An examinationo the jewel box then revealed the lumpsof coal carefully wrapped in tissue paper

A la Carte Lunch Served DallyAt Ecksteins from 12 to 3 N Y ave

Reduced to 150 per 100 ft




a sum












Lunacy Commission May BeAppointed by Court


Judge Fitzgemld Will DecideImportant Question Today

Lawyer Gleanon Causes Openin Ranks of Counsel for De-

fense Dr Allan MoLaae Hamiltonlu liter Opinion Slayer of

Stanford White I Not AiSle toAdvise lIb Attorneys

New York March 91 There was a headon collision between District AttorneyJerome and Detests this morning as aresult of which the Thaw trial piledup In a heap composed of apparently in-

extricable fragments of the court DrAllan McLane Hamilton the district

the defendant Lawyer Delmasthe jury experts without number and

but far from least Lawyer John BQleaaon It is supposed that the wreckis a result of ThaWs counsel misunder-standing signals

In the of clearing up theJustice will peas tomorrowupon which the districtattorney will furnish in the form of anaffidavit setting forth in effect that Thawis insane now and incapable of advisingwith counsel and that counsel for the de-

fense are fully aware of this condition ofThaw

The district attorneys affidavit will bepresented to Justice Fitzgerald tomorrowafternoon at 2 oclock Copies of it willbe served on counsel for the defense whoWill have an opportunity to reply to itAfter that the court will decide mat-ter If the court decides to appoint acommission in lunacy to examine Thawthe trial will of coursed 90 no furtheruntil the commission has made its reportShould the commission report that Thawis now insane he will undoubtedly beconsigned to the asylum for the criminalinsane at

What Jerome ExpectedAlter the first shock of the collision had

passed and the wrecking crew had got towork District Attorney Jerome said to thereporters who had hurried to the scene

The situation is Just what I hove beenlooking for all during the trial A manwho should be incarcerated in an insaneasylum should not be on trial for his life

That Jerome has all along believed thatThaw wee Insane when be shot White

at Us pretient time he made

Kber prevents him fromwhat Do was doing or that it

was wrong The prosecutions expertsbold man may be insane rum themedical viewpoint and be sane so far asthe provisions of tints statute are con-

cerned And it was on that distinctionthat they testified They believe Thawwas medically insane when the shootingoccurred but that he knew what he wasdoing and that it was wrong

Bxclteiutmt IB CourtThe scene in court wfcen Jerome made

his appeal was one of almost unequaledexcitement Every spectator was leaningforward in his seat fearful of missing asingle word and I ing upon the sentencesthat fell from Jeromes lips It was plainthat the district attorney was muchmoved and that Justice Fitzgerald him-self felt that the case hal reached itscrisis

As for Thaws lawyers a conditionbordering upon panic prevailed amongthem They were all on their feet andmost of them had hurried inside of therail where they could talk with DelraaThis was the state of affairs when theJury had been seat from the room inorder that Jerome might tell the courtwise he knew from his investigationsaboyK the mental history of Thaw butwhich technical legal objection had kepthim train getting before the Jury ThisWItS the thunderbolt that smote the Thawdefense

If the real facts were known I havene right to be here trying this man Itwould be absolutely prohibitive But thisknowledge that I have cannot be put inany legal form at this time If it couldit would shock the conscience of thecourt and instantly this case would bestopped

Attacks ThawsBut this was not alL Tha district at-

torney proceeded raiSing his voice to apitch that found the renctaat comers ofthe courtroom to level a attackat the lawyers for the defeat

So deeply have I been impressed witthis be said that I have gone toextent practically of serving notice uponcounsel of record in this ease that when

over if my information show






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ed them to have been in possession orknowledge which I believe exists I willsee that the matter is brought before theappellate division of the Supreme Court-

I feel bitterly on this because I cannot get the evidence out to lay it beforeyour honor in this case There is not aman who has watched this defendant sit-ting here at this table here the districtattorney turned and shook his list atThaw who not know that assits there he IE incapable of properly

with his counselAH this followed Jeromes demand that

if Dr Hamilton was to be allowed totestify be must be allowed to tell all thathe knew about the case and not be con-fined to stating whether he thought Thawwas sane to insane when he shot StanfordWhite

Gleanon Gets Into PlayThroughout the latter part of the

between Debase and Jerome Gleaeon had been vainly trying to poke his

into the fray At last be succeeded-In making an attempt to vindicate hImly and no suggestion has ever beerfor twentyeight years he said excited

I have practiced law this cominuntiyunprofessional conductself front Jeromes implied charges ofmade to me before that my conductwould be made the subject of aa Inquirybefore the Appellate division One of thethings that this statement to based uponhere is that these witnesses sittingwill say that Thaw Is not capable Now noman can come lute court and ocouee meof such a thing and I ask the districtattorney to ask this witness whether hewill say that

You may ask him said the courtMr Gleason thereupon whirled the


Lbbsy Co 6th st and New York

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