A PAPER OF QUALITY TilE WASHINGTON HERALDN- O 1203 WASHINGTON D G FRIDAY JANUARY 21 1910 TWELVE PAGES LARGEST MOKNING CIRCULATION TWO CENTS I S i I T imFOOD TRUST Conditions in This City Will Be Studied MAY TAKE QUICK ACTION War on High Food Prices Is Already Nationwide Ohio the Stronghold of the No Men Crujmde Kstimated that a Million Persons Have Become In tercHteil in the lluycott Chicago to He Invnileil by the Pro- moters Dr Suhtirf in Wilmington The board of directors C the National AntiFood Trust League IMS begun a crusade for lower prices Jn ibis city While other cities are engaging in boy- cotts the local representatives of the or- ganization are trying gentler but fully as effective means Today a representative will call on Corporation Counsel Thomas to learn what disposition he will make of a rt- iu st from the oyster dealers that cit- izens of the District be dialed the priv- ilege of purchasing the bivalves from the boats at the wharf This action follows the receipt of a let- ter by the District Commtsstonars in W ext LEAGUEAT ORK ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ which th licensed dealers asked that they be given the exclusive privilege of dealing in oysters This petition was turned over to the corporation counsel The leagues representative will tall on Health Officer Woodward to learn whether ther is great danger of stale food being purchased direct from the producer With hundreds of householders already enrolled the league is rapidly extending usefulness and win take prompt action It the conditions warrant- it War Is Xntlonriil The war on high food prices us nation- wide From every part of the country come telegrams telling of the aroused sentiment Missouri Wisconsin Iowa Nebraska Illinois and Michigan are now included in the ranks of the cru- saders in he while in the East Pennsylvania Connecticut anti Detavare are lifting their voices in feebler tests ohio however is aUfL the jfcro fcaH- f the movesqent The CNwelJKc oycott1 has extended to Canotn where the Cen- tral Labor Union has adopted nomeat resolution and petitions are being circu- lated wlthsurprteingresults to Columbus where a strung boycott has been organ- ized to Toledo Akron and other cities of the State The crusade in Ohio has found encour- agement in the publicly expressed belief Oov Harmon that a trust is gobbling excessive profits somewhere the producer and the consumer II has called on the legislature to hunt the trust out of the woods and exhibit- it to the people- It Is estimated the more than 1000400 persons have in tc brief week become actively interested in the boycott Dis J Its Are a 1 West t fed be- tween ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ patches from Chicago last night said that thr boycott soon will be started in that city by the Chicago FederatlonNof Labor Temporary ISxpcdicnt The idea of depriving ourselves of Tat simply to get lower prices does not PPtal to federation people saM Sec ntary Charles Nockels but we pro- pose to adopt the idea as a temporary expedient in order to bring more sharply to the attention of the packer the fact that they annot trifle with the con- sumers of Chicago We bape to give the such strong Indorsement that it will spread to all parts of the country A dispatch from Kansas City says that the experiment of the Bricklayer Union in pledging itself to abstain from meat for thirty days was received so favor- ably on the first days that other labor organizations of that city will follow its example In more than 100 Kansas City homes yesterday families sat down to meatless meals In accordance with the bricklayers pledge while the antimeat movement has spread also to Atchison Leavenworth St Joseph Topeka and other dUn in that part of the country ProgresM In Omaha Omaha reported progress with the list which the union leaders say will number 8000 by the end of the week The Omaha laborers pledge themselves to ignore meat Idea 1 ¬ > ¬ ¬ movement has been undertaken in Plttsburg as yet tout many are deserting the meat stands both on grounds of sympathy and lean pocketbookH Dr E L Scharf president of the Anti Food Trust League organized several lo- cal sections in Wilmington Del last rigliU Tonight he will be in Baltimore Wilmington takes courage from the fact that her housewives forced the price of turkey down several notches in the Christmas holidays by refusing to buy at 4o cents a pound Naugatuck Conn is kicking against price of butter It has gone to 45 rents a pound choice creamery brand The employes in the rubber fac- tories stood for the butter prices until eggs soared to 65 cents and then they got together and decided to spread oream or something else not butter on their bread There are about 800 of these Buttons Worn in Baltimore Baltimore is a new convert to the anti meat eating campaign The light being led by the Federation of and its 103 affiliated unions An order was placed yesterday for 5016 buttons bearing the inscription I dont buy meat do you These buttons art to be distributed- to the various unions in the city and pissed out to the members who take the pledge A committee is engaged in draw- ing up a resolution which will be pre l o fo BnKlmore nnd Return Saturdays and Sundays via Pennsylvania Sunday rJjjht All except Caacreaslonal Limited K or th therethe there- i tAbor Railroad Tickets good returning untIl ¬ ¬ ¬ FIND SON OF COL GRAY A GIRL IN MANS CLOTHES New York Police Make Interesting Discovery When Young Englishwoman Tells Strange Story 9 Now York Jan 20 A young person who been masquerading O8 the son of Col Hamilton Cray was charged with violation of the corporation ordinance which forbids a girl to wear mans clothes publicly The young woman says she IB Marian Hamilton Gray She adds that she is nineteen yours old and unmarried and that she has no occupation She was born in 1erosetore India she the daugh- ter of Hamilton Gray of the British army Her father died when she was four has says Cal ¬ Muted to the governor of Maryland ask- ing for the appointment a commis- sion to inquire into the increase cost of String The Baltimore unions are preparing an appeal to the commercial bodies of the city asking their aid In keeping down of meat The women of Balti- more are Joining in the movement and it is expected that several womens clubs will indorse it within a few days WEATHER FORECAST- For the District of Columbia and with rain today colder by night to morrow fair and colder brisk and possibly high southerly to west and northwest winds GEORGE KEPPEL HERE the MarylandUnsettled shift- ing I I sag ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ He Is Husband of Englands Most Famous Woman There is one person who stands higher In England than any other and that is Mrs George KeppeL This handsome clever woman whose name and fame hi know i throughout the British isles has drives many other am- bitious women raging with jealousy George Keppel husband of this court beauty and brilliant woman accompanied by E J Frewen both of London are guests at the New WHiard Mr Keppel- is interested in ordnance guns and elec- tric submarines and such hackneyed sub- jects and will go to Indian Head todat to look at something ef that sort unless be receives an invitation to a S oclock tea or some other equally exciting func- tion At any rate Keppels husband i here x BRITISH AS MEDIATOR America and Japan Negotiating a New Immigration Treaty Birmingham Jan 30 The Post today states that for some time past the Ameri- can and Japanese governments have been trying to negotiate a new immigration It was found that the two countries could not reach an agreement on certain vital points and K was thereupon to seek the good offices of the British government as mediator This oKer was accepted by Great Britain but action by this country in the matter has been delayed owing to the general election which has taken up the time of alt the members of the cabinet Mrs treaty de- cided ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + ¬ HO INCREASE TO TRAINMEN Xer York Central Confer with UN ISmploycs However New York Jan 3D The New York Cen- tral Railroad today refused to grant increase in the wages of the conductors and trainmen as had been requested but wiinTn a few days officials of the road will confer with a committee representing the roads There hi no probability of a strike of conductors and trainmen in spite of the fact that requests for increased pay have been made on thirtytwo roads east of the Mississippi River and north x f the Potomac Today was the day sot for an answer from the roads according to dispatches from Chicago tu W G Lee head of the Brotherhood of Trainmen None of the roads granted the requests lies McGlmiKs Signature New Haven Jan 29 There has Just been deposited in the University Library by the Hon Lee MeClungr Treasurer of the United States the first sheet of Unit- ed States currency to be engraved with his signature as Treasurer of the States the employee united Will ¬ > ¬ A SABBATH FOR CLERGY When the workaday world relaxes on the Sabbath there is one class whose efforts in stead of being lessened are rather increased and this de spite the fact that their task during six working days is most onerous These are the ministers whose strength and vitality is so rapidly wast- ed that the death list is an ap palling one Washington lost recent lee Father Stafford Rev Mr Fishburn and Dr Butler What is responsible for this loss to the city The local clergy will present their views in an elaborate article in The Washington Herald next Sun dayThis should be of interest- to resident of the Dis trict of Columbia Be sure to get a copy of The Washington Herald on the every Sunda- I has ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ years old and she left India and went to England when she was ten her mother alto having died before that time The young woman said that sho did not know that she was violating any law by her masquerade and added that sho had wore mens clothes since sho was ton- y ars oldnrince she bad left India and that she was not really to blame for wearing them anyway since she was forced to do so by circumstances be yond her control which she declined to specify Upon being arraigned in the New York cUrt she was discharged ¬ No Evidence of Struggle New York POLICE FIND NO CLEW Windows Nailed Doors Locked and Dog Chained in Hall Italian Ills ami Woman Liv- ing with Them Most Brutally Slain hut Motive IK Entirely Lnck- I K Flat Iu Perfect Order ISx- cei t Trunk Which AVim Over- turned HanHncUed New York Jan gahratore Scainona his young wife Felicia Mart and Coo cotta Martine the old woman who was doing the housework were pounded to death in their flat at M street sLIme tiine Wednesday night or early this morning All of the windows the flat were not only locked but the smahee nailed to the easements Ute halt was locked and could sea be forced by the Tfcjrre uttft no tiap defer lasaitsg- frccn 4 wMch ww ttte u M to the roof D K Cliui 11 oil in Hull way And Pietnva Ms brindle bull doc with an evil temper was chained in the hall- way He was tearing his heart out with yelps and snarls when they found him in the afternoon but he hadnt a sound during the night or all through the day until the folks in the house became alarmed at the stillness in the Scalpone flat and called the polio was not the smallest evidence that there had been a struggle and the stat was in perfect order except that a trunk in the bedroom had been overturned and ransacked The Scalpones and their companion were certainly not murdered for their money or their Jewelry because S7 wae found In a bag around Mrs Of THREE I TO i iI Flat fCc and In were her u mAde alp FAMILY BEATEN flEATH Montgomery MeL Thee ¬ ¬ ¬ neck Concetta Martin had in the pocket of her dress 7 in American money and about K in Italian bills Both Wore Diamonds x Both women wore diamond earrings and both had rings on their lingers when their were found Felicia a diamond en- gagement ring and a plain gold ring and Concetta a gofel band ring There was hardly any other theory pos- sible than that a man who must have been extremely muscular hated the Seal pones so greatly that he killed them all in the most brutal way imaginable Salvatore was thirty years old and owned a fivechair barber shop at the northeast corner of Eat Broadway and Montgomery rtreet His wife was twen tyfive years old were not known to have had any enemies and the police are at sea for a clew to the outrage WANTS COOK TO PAY Woman Stenographer Attache thc liuilc Account of Explorer New York Jan 30 Miss Rose Wabber a stenographer who did work for Dr Frederick A Cook for eight days at the WaldorfAstoria last fall recovered a judgment of JW against him by default in the Municipal Court today Later her counsel attached Dr Cooks bank ac FIRE ON STEAMSHIP Old Dominion Liner nt Norfolk with Outbreak in Cargo Norfolk Va Jan The Old Domin ion Steamship Companys steamship Ham ilton arrived hero from New York to day with another fire in her cargo The Norfork fire department Is in readiness but every effort is being made to ex- tinguish by steam the blaze which is in lower hatch WALSH TO AH Convict Agrees to Assist in Ileor- KTaniaation Work Chicago Jan 20 John R Walsh In prison will still be the staff upon jvhich the associated banks of Chicago will lean heavily in th task of reorganizing the Walsh railroads preparatory to the suit by the banks to recover the face of the 713188712 note they released to Mr Walsh according to a clause in the agreement by which the former bankers financial tangle was settled recently Tho Walsh settlement agreement as the document ip designated contains the specific promise f Mr Walsh to lend the aid of his remaining small holdings and of his experience and knowledge of the properties to the reorganization They count BANKS botHer the ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HUE mi Model Law Would Effect Great Purpose He Says OUR PEOPLE VINDICATED Examination Has Proven lion df Americans President wasths printsfpai sp ak er yesterday at the closing of the Association of Life Insurance PfesWonti which endeavored to lay plan for the enactment of uniform ls ws concern- ing Insurance The Pr W M said in part You rH rse t possibly the greatest certainly aae oC the most topertantinst- rumontaHUes for tim prMnoiton of the saving of capital i the worWrYou resent possibly the Important trus- tees in th world those who t k care of others money to a fidueiaryeapacity It is not many years gocertainty sot more than years agowhen Ute Investigation into the management by some of the companies prscipitai rpei this country what might be culled an In- trospective investigation into UM business of standards and integrity of the coun try tad while the revelatioiur of those investigations did not show any extreme violations of the fiduciary MlationI mean exiremeln proportion to tile amount of money saved for others With due care they Aid SHOW iasUncas which aroused the whole business eommtmitr and the community In general to the neossslty of most acute in condemning every however slight from strictest line to be laid down for dUkracfary duty Vindicate American People Now I no doubt that you are glad at we all are ftad that that exam- ination was had and that it resulted ulti- mately in vindicating the honesty of the American people and also general honesty and business integrity of Ameri- can business men here as I uisertand It to se- cure uniformity In Insurance taetsUiton throughout the country You are very sorry that the United States may not find In the Constitution the right to reader nlform the Insurance busmen through out the country Qtrtataly the Supreme Court have a tjhfct uesifc i and mon action by the Stairs that the result wdl be similar to a stngi Federal act controlling business That is a long hard task because the conditions that surround the legislatures of one State may differ very largely from the eondt lions surrounding the legislatures of States The only function that the United States can perform is to puss a model law in the District of Columbia and there to the world that Congress aided possibly by a scientific commis- sion shall believe to be the best kind of an insurance law I shall be glad hi so far as any jower lies in me to encourage such action No one who ta at all familiar the busi- ness of this country can be blind to tile tremendous importance of the life insur- ance business J cst H you ten a u Mca depar- ture the have uTou are to the oth- er show wit TAFT ADDRESSES Tat son has most houseeleanhi mad pIic ths seemi yely- ped4 fos auNT ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dluftt Head Policies It comes home to every one and also its fiduciary quality I have b en on the bench anti at the bar sad I have ruled that men must read their policies to know what they contain with a view to understanding what the contract Is and then I am conscious of never having read through any of the policies which- I have taken out because I trusted the men who explained them to me But Congress by a fodel law can effect a great purpose George T Ide president of the Home Life Insurance Company of New York Sure Gen Walter Wyman of the Public Health and Marine Hospital Service Dr M J Rosenau of Harvard and D E W Dwight medical director of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany of Boston were other speakers Paul Morton president of the Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York arid Jesse R Clark president or the Union Central Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati wore present at yesterdays session Surg Gen Walter Wyman delivered an address taking for his subject Work of the Federal government in the matter of health conservation and what may be done to supplant it He described the governments quarantine system as ap- plied both at aeport and inland by the Public Health and Marine Hospital Serv- ice v Reviews Bureaus Work The suppression of the many common contagious diseases he said would at no distant day be as uncommon and rare as they are common today He reviewed the work of the International Sanitary Bureau which was established by treaty with foreign countries showing the Im portant work that bureau has done JUDGE KS SUED Hurled Ink Well nt Judge Sander In Court Room at Welch V Va Roanoke Va Jan 20 Judge Joseph ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sanders of Bluefielrt W Va has flied suit against Attorney Generalelect Sam uel L Williams asking for 24000 for which the jurist received from an ink well which was hurled at him by Williams after the lie had been passed while a ease was being tried in Welch W Va Judge Williams has been indicted by a West Virginia grand Jury for felony but the case has been postponed until Feb- ruary 3 At one time it was thought that the requisition would be made by the West Virginia authorities upon the governor of Virginia asking for the ex- tradition of Williams Judge Sanders was formerly a member- of the Supreme Court of West Virginia Largest Morning Circulation In- juries I ¬ ¬ ¬ INSURGENT NO 4 I i M P KINKAID OF NEBRASKA WALSH AND MORSE ARE BUSY AT CLIPPING THE NEWSPAPERS Chicago Banker Has Private Room Dainty Food and Holds i Daily Levees Fort Leavenworth Kane Jan 86 v t sMt today is enjoying every luxury that the money of John R Walsh buy From the moment Walsh entered the great Federal panitenitary these Infl- uence were evident He was not coin petted to pose the rogues gallery picture he was not measured a la Bertil km Hit food to dainty and daintily serc d other priedbra are forced to eat ooarse fare The warden hasRivea him apetviUfi room with hat soft mattresa waRt wbha et ht sWsrti sift the luxuries of life powdbte within prison walls Here he holds levees dally Waisti was sentenced to Live years at hard labor and Caj McClaughry who is an old friend of Walsh has decided that clipping newspapers is about the heaviest work that the Chicago wrecker can stand UNIONISTS GAIN TWO Coalition Thus Far Has a Cletn Ma- jority of 55 London Jan 30Of the fortysex- pollings today only twelve were declared tonight of which two show Unionist gains Westminster th last London con- stituency remained faithful to the Union- ists adding 3917 Unionist and 1751 Liberal votes to the metropolitan table The parties are now represented as follows Liberal IS Nationalists fit Laborites 2S and Unk r ts 14 The coalition thus far has a majority of 56 The net Union- ist gains hitherto are 80 Sixtyseven seats are to be filled to con n fOr WaD bank morrow linen > ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ WANT VIRGINIA TO BE DRY AntlSnlooii Declare for Statewide Prohibition Sreefal to The Wutucgtm Herald Richmond Va Jan 20 Without and with a unanimous vote the AntiSaloon League of Virginia today cast local option to the four winds of garth and declared for Statewide prohi- bition The legislature will be asked at this session to pass a bil onabHnc the people- of the State to vote on the question Work is being lone by members of the league and those members of the general assembly who ar Opposed to Statewide measures are for the firSt time Just a trifle scared It looks as if the drys were out to win antI a pretty fight has pr iclpitatod SEEK STOLEN EGG Entire Police Force Looking for This Form of Food Product Scranton Pa Jan was con- sternation today at the Scranton poultry show when it was discovered that an egg laid by the 12000 prim winning hen Lady Washington had been stolen from tho coop in which she i kept It had been laid only a short time before- F O Megargee the owner of the lien has offered a large reward for the of the egg and the entire police force is searching for the thief A special policeman guards the hen the ret- urn Leaguers argu- ment ten There ¬ ¬ ¬ CASHIER ENDS E S LIFE John AV Condon 111 at Time of the Traccdy New Rochelie N Y Jan W Condon thirty years old cashier of New Rochelle Water Company and a prominent member of the Elks and Knights of Columbus shot himself to- day The bullet entered just below the and he dlod in about half an hour Coroner Roedecker is inclined to be llevo that the shooting was an accident Condon had been at home sexeral days suffering the grip and his friends say that if he shot himself intentionally It was luring mental aberration BlacklstoneM Saturday Special is a winner Dont 11th H John the heart rom i it ¬ Former Ice King Spends Time in Reading Smoking and Chat ting with Warden Atlanta Ga Jan 20 Although he baa been an inmate of the United States poD ItentUry here for three weeks C W Morse who was sentenced to fifteen years hard labor for violating national banking laws is doing no work Usually a prisoner arrives he to assigned to some special work unless he is ill Morse was in good physical condi- tion when ho reached the prison twit though days gave gsown into weeks he continues to live a life of and idle tbro pk wts iiiinisf ook Maraa might be In his 1fth avenue home He has books and magasin which he spends his time rending and he is al- lowed to smoke all the cigars he wants His mustache which was shaved off be- fore he left New York has grown again and will not be disturbed WAITER IS INVENTOR Employe of New Willard Interests Senator Scott Paulhan and Wright will have to take back seats if the claims of a Washington inventor materialise This inventor is no other than Romaine de Barsaque a scion of an illustrious of Belgium who however left his home of ease and luxury when quite young to seek his fortune in this country Monsieur de Barsaques one purpose has always been to perfect a flying machine which will excel all others Although of the best blood in the old country M de Barsaque never despised to work In the sweat of his MIl ease It curL noble house the asw UII ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ brow for his daily bread and the little money he succeeds in saving he spends on his flying machine At present de Barsaque is a waiter at the Now Wllkurd He Is a favorite with the patrons of the on account of attention he bestows on them The waiterinventor has a highly in- telligent face with a pair of big dark eyes looking straight out into the world In the course of business de Barsaque made the acquaintance of Senator Scott of West Virginia who lives at the New Willard and it is said interested him in his flying machine The West Virginia statesman at once recognized the possibility success for his proteges invention and organised a stock company for the purpose of assist- ing and exploiting de Barsaques flyer which Is now under construction and will soon be given a trial In the meantime Monsieur RomaIne de Barsaque continues to be thQ same polite and attentive waiter at the New Wil COOK INCIDENT CLOSED University of Copenhagen Kai Dropped Polar Matter Copenhagen Jan 30 The University of Copenhagen published an official state- ment this afternoon in which it is an nounced that the investigation of Dr Frederick A Cooks original notebook as well as the papers previously from him through his secretary Walter Lonsdate not only does not prove that he reached tho pole but shows that it is unlfkel that ho did so For this reason the university according to the hobbythe hotel th o lard rec- eived ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ statement has now decided to drop the matter During the put month the council of the university has made every effort possible to get in communication with Cook but without success There are a few still among the uni versity people who believe that Cook will be able to exonerate himself and they have requested the council of the university to postpone for a while the question of canceling the degree con- ferred on him after his arrival from Ute Nortb SI 25 Baltimore and Return Baltimore Ohio R Every Saturday mid Alt trains both ways both days except Royal Lim- ited City offices 1417 G at and 619 Penna n Sunda ave ¬ ¬ < ¬ Indorse James and Express Confidence in Lloyd CAUCUS VERY Changes in House Situation May Delay Probe Effort to Restore Ralney Fails and Ills Successor Wants to Resign Tonights Meeting Settle Siatuit Republican Majority by Its Cnucus Nominees Minority Vill Explain It Position Aft s a while the and House may get to work the contro- versy Just at present the party leaders in the House are too end av oring to keep up with the changes in the situation to pester much about the ultimate outcome rumpus yesterday over this par- ticularly troublesome subject started with the election by the House of Repre- sentatives McCall of Massachusetts Olmsted of Pennsylvania Denby of Michigan Madison of Kansas of Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri to membership on the committee of inquiry ISmla with Indorsement It wound up with the indorse I AMUSING Stands S ate investigat- ing rPinchot lightning TIM c DEMOCRATS PLAY SHREDPOLiTICS lay Bailing James ¬ ¬ ¬ Mr James for the Job by a hurriedly called Democratic caucus which also expressed confidence in Lloyd who refuses to serve in RaJaeys place took no action with respect to his successor and authorised a committee of seven prepare an address to the country The Democratic caucus was rather amusing The conservatives of whom Representative Livingston of Georgia 13 a tine type urged the radicals not t do anything foolish and the radicals tried to provoke th eonserrs ires int taking extreme action Finally after Lloyd had been indorse and James had been told he could serve Representative SImon of Mississippi of- fered a resolution for tale appointment of a committee of eaves ismpjlMBS s pr to Uw o n 7 When Uw caucus adjourned Wt later the Democrats came streaming and half a down of them announced that the SImon motion had been lost Carlin Was Certain It was beaten 49 to cried Repre- sentative Cariin of Alexandria as ha hurried in the direction of dinner But when newspaper men went to Rep tailve Clayton of Alabama the cau- cus chairman a bit later and asked him about it Mr Clayton bad a contrary opinion No it wasnt lost he said emphati- cally I ruled that it was carried Mr CWyton being questioned minutely admitted the vote had been close nut in- sisted Mr SImons motion had carried H later elaborated Lloyds statement by explaining that when a roll call was d on the Sisson proposition the caucus had adjourned until S oclock to- night when the whole business will be settled But Im sofns to appoint the commit- tee tomorrow Mr Clayton remarked The election of the committee of gbt yes- terday soon after the House met was rather a tpune affair and had it not been Continued on Page Column t tdreIiS mended 3 J 44 myionr sin 48 4 > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ SIGN TAKEN LITERALLY Church Afire with Enthusiasm Real Blaze Chicago Jan A large gas SRI bearing the words A church on tire with enthusiasm that in front of th Metropolitan Church of Christ took fl a last night while the choir was rehears- ing far a revival meeting The church soon was tilled with smoke Choir members rushed out in a panic While the firemen fought the flames Rev Nelson Trimble the pastor the crowds Inviting them UM forth- coming revival meeting and explaining that the words of the sign were not to be taken literally The church was not much damaged BIGGEST HAT HE EVER SAW Witness Injures Case of Woman Against cvrspaper London Jan The trial of the suit of MISS Anneseley Kenealy a journalist and daughter of Dr KetMsly of Tich borne case fame against Lord North cliife and the Associated Newspapers Limited for wrongful dismissal from th Daily Mall one V f Lord Northcllffe publications resumed today Sydney Holland was a witness remarked that when Miss Kenealy vis- ited the London Hospital she was un suitably and tremendously overdressed She wore he testified the btggtst hat ho ever saw and was adorned with an amount of jewelry Her dress was a bright In color and she had on a wig considerable alas Her Mr Holland testified was as as her costume Miss Kenealy was in no way perturbed- by this description of her appearance and suggested that as Mr Hollands sense of humor did not agree with ers it was unnecessary to crossexamine him The evidence was all in and Miss Kenealy proceeded to address the jury She concluded by saying Gentlemen give your verdict in favor of the introduction into the Daily Mail cure of a little more chivalry and honor and kindness than was meted out to me f The jury gave a for Lord Nd theffe and the Associated Newspa- pers Limited hung to IO H f lan- guage Has address- ed was ex- aggerated verdict ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ <

I TilE HERALDN-...And Pietnva Ms brindle bull doc with an evil temper was chained in the hall-way He was tearing his heart out with yelps and snarls when they found him in the afternoon

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Page 1: I TilE HERALDN-...And Pietnva Ms brindle bull doc with an evil temper was chained in the hall-way He was tearing his heart out with yelps and snarls when they found him in the afternoon












Conditions in This City Will

Be Studied


War on High Food Prices Is

Already Nationwide

Ohio the Stronghold of the No

Men Crujmde Kstimated that aMillion Persons Have Become IntercHteil in the lluycott Chicago

to He Invnileil by the Pro-

moters Dr Suhtirf in Wilmington

The board of directors C the NationalAntiFood Trust League IMS begun acrusade for lower prices Jn ibis cityWhile other cities are engaging in boy-

cotts the local representatives of the or-

ganization are trying gentler but fullyas effective means

Today a representative will call onCorporation Counsel Thomas to learnwhat disposition he will make of a rt-

iu st from the oyster dealers that cit-

izens of the District be dialed the priv-ilege of purchasing the bivalves from theboats at the wharf

This action follows the receipt of a let-

ter by the District Commtsstonars in








which th licensed dealers asked thatthey be given the exclusive privilege ofdealing in oysters This petition wasturned over to the corporation counsel

The leagues representative will tall onHealth Officer Woodward to learnwhether ther is great danger of stalefood being purchased direct from theproducer With hundreds of householdersalready enrolled the league is rapidlyextending usefulness and win takeprompt action It the conditions warrant-it

War Is XntlonriilThe war on high food prices us nation-

wide From every part of the countrycome telegrams telling of the arousedsentiment Missouri Wisconsin IowaNebraska Illinois and Michigan arenow included in the ranks of the cru-saders in he while in the EastPennsylvania Connecticut anti Detavareare lifting their voices in feeblertests

ohio however is aUfL the jfcro fcaH-

f the movesqent The CNwelJKc oycott1has extended to Canotn where the Cen-

tral Labor Union has adopted nomeatresolution and petitions are being circu-lated wlthsurprteingresults to Columbuswhere a strung boycott has been organ-

ized to Toledo Akron and other citiesof the State

The crusade in Ohio has found encour-agement in the publicly expressed belief

Oov Harmon that a trust isgobbling excessive profits somewhere

the producer and the consumerII has called on the legislature to huntthe trust out of the woods and exhibit-it to the people-

It Is estimated the more than 1000400persons have in tc brief week becomeactively interested in the boycott Dis















patches from Chicago last night said thatthr boycott soon will be started in thatcity by the Chicago FederatlonNof Labor

Temporary ISxpcdicntThe idea of depriving ourselves of

Tat simply to get lower prices does notPPtal to federation people saM Secntary Charles Nockels but we pro-pose to adopt the idea as a temporaryexpedient in order to bring more sharplyto the attention of the packer the factthat they annot trifle with the con-

sumers of Chicago We bape to give thesuch strong Indorsement that it

will spread to all parts of the countryA dispatch from Kansas City says that

the experiment of the Bricklayer Unionin pledging itself to abstain from meatfor thirty days was received so favor-ably on the first days that other labororganizations of that city will follow itsexample In more than 100 Kansas Cityhomes yesterday families sat down tomeatless meals In accordance with thebricklayers pledge while the antimeatmovement has spread also to AtchisonLeavenworth St Joseph Topeka andother dUn in that part of the country

ProgresM In OmahaOmaha reported progress with the list

which the union leaders say will number8000 by the end of the week The Omahalaborers pledge themselves to ignore meat




> ¬


movementhas been undertaken in Plttsburg as yettout many are deserting the meat standsboth on grounds of sympathy and leanpocketbookH

Dr E L Scharf president of the AntiFood Trust League organized several lo-

cal sections in Wilmington Del lastrigliU Tonight he will be in Baltimore

Wilmington takes courage from thefact that her housewives forced the priceof turkey down several notches in theChristmas holidays by refusing to buy at4o cents a pound

Naugatuck Conn is kicking againstprice of butter It has gone to 45

rents a pound choice creamerybrand The employes in the rubber fac-tories stood for the butter prices untileggs soared to 65 cents and then they gottogether and decided to spread oream orsomething else not butter on their breadThere are about 800 of these

Buttons Worn in BaltimoreBaltimore is a new convert to the anti

meat eating campaign The lightbeing led by the Federation of

and its 103 affiliated unions An orderwas placed yesterday for 5016 buttonsbearing the inscription I dont buymeat do you

These buttons art to be distributed-to the various unions in the city andpissed out to the members who take thepledge A committee is engaged in draw-ing up a resolution which will be pre

l o fo BnKlmore nnd ReturnSaturdays and Sundays via PennsylvaniaSunday rJjjht All except

Caacreaslonal Limited K



there-i tAbor

Railroad Tickets good returning untIl






New York Police Make Interesting Discovery When

Young Englishwoman Tells Strange Story


Now York Jan 20 A young person

who been masquerading O8 the son

of Col Hamilton Cray was charged withviolation of the corporation ordinancewhich forbids a girl to wear mans clothespublicly

The young woman says she IB MarianHamilton Gray She adds that she is

nineteen yours old and unmarried andthat she has no occupation She was bornin 1erosetore India she the daugh-

ter of Hamilton Gray of the Britisharmy

Her father died when she was four




Muted to the governor of Maryland ask-

ing for the appointment a commis-

sion to inquire into the increase cost ofString

The Baltimore unions are preparing anappeal to the commercial bodies of thecity asking their aid In keeping down

of meat The women of Balti-

more are Joining in the movement andit is expected that several womens clubswill indorse it within a few days


For the District of Columbiaand withrain today colder by night to

morrow fair and colder briskand possibly high southerly

to west and northwest winds













He Is Husband of Englands Most

Famous WomanThere is one person who stands higher

In England than any other and that isMrs George KeppeL

This handsome clever woman whosename and fame hi know i throughout theBritish isles has drives many other am-

bitious women raging with jealousyGeorge Keppel husband of this court

beauty and brilliant woman accompaniedby E J Frewen both of London areguests at the New WHiard Mr Keppel-

is interested in ordnance guns and elec-

tric submarines and such hackneyed sub-

jects and will go to Indian Head todatto look at something ef that sort unlessbe receives an invitation to a S oclocktea or some other equally exciting func-

tionAt any rate Keppels husband i



America and Japan Negotiating a

New Immigration TreatyBirmingham Jan 30 The Post today

states that for some time past the Ameri-

can and Japanese governments have beentrying to negotiate a new immigration

It was found that the two countriescould not reach an agreement on certainvital points and K was thereupon

to seek the good offices of theBritish government as mediator

This oKer was accepted by GreatBritain but action by this country in thematter has been delayed owing to thegeneral election which has taken up thetime of alt the members of the cabinet











Xer York Central Confer withUN ISmploycs However

New York Jan 3D The New York Cen-

tral Railroad today refused to grantincrease in the wages of the conductors

and trainmen as had been requested butwiinTn a few days officials of the roadwill confer with a committee representingthe roads

There hi no probability of a strike ofconductors and trainmen in spite of thefact that requests for increased pay havebeen made on thirtytwo roads east ofthe Mississippi River and north x f thePotomac

Today was the day sot for an answerfrom the roads according to dispatchesfrom Chicago tu W G Lee head of theBrotherhood of Trainmen None of theroads granted the requests

lies McGlmiKs SignatureNew Haven Jan 29 There has Just

been deposited in the University Libraryby the Hon Lee MeClungr Treasurer ofthe United States the first sheet of Unit-

ed States currency to be engraved withhis signature as Treasurer of theStates









When the workaday worldrelaxes on the Sabbath thereis one class whose efforts instead of being lessened arerather increased and this despite the fact that their taskduring six working daysis most onerous These arethe ministers whose strengthand vitality is so rapidly wast-ed that the death list is an appalling one

Washington lost recentlee Father Stafford Rev MrFishburn and Dr ButlerWhat is responsible for thisloss to the city The localclergy will present their viewsin an elaborate article in TheWashington Herald next Sun

dayThisshould be of interest-

to resident of the District of Columbia Be sure toget a copy of The WashingtonHerald on











years old and she left India and went toEngland when she was ten her motheralto having died before that time

The young woman said that sho did notknow that she was violating any law byher masquerade and added that sho hadwore mens clothes since sho was ton-y ars oldnrince she bad left India andthat she was not really to blame forwearing them anyway since she wasforced to do so by circumstances beyond her control which she declined tospecify

Upon being arraigned in the New YorkcUrt she was discharged


No Evidence of StruggleNew York


Windows Nailed Doors Locked

and Dog Chained in Hall

Italian Ills ami Woman Liv-

ing with Them Most BrutallySlain hut Motive IK Entirely Lnck-

I K Flat Iu Perfect Order ISx-

cei t Trunk Which AVim Over-

turned HanHncUed

New York Jan gahratore Scainonahis young wife Felicia Mart and Coocotta Martine the old woman who wasdoing the housework were pounded todeath in their flat at M

street sLIme tiine Wednesday night orearly this morning

All of the windows the flat were notonly locked but the smahee nailedto the easements Ute halt waslocked and could sea be forced by the

Tfcjrre uttft no tiap defer lasaitsg-

frccn 4 wMch ww ttte u M tothe roof

D K Cliui 11 oil in Hull wayAnd Pietnva Ms brindle bull doc with

an evil temper was chained in the hall-way He was tearing his heart out withyelps and snarls when they found him inthe afternoon but he hadnt asound during the night or all through theday until the folks in the house becamealarmed at the stillness in the Scalponeflat and called the polio

was not the smallest evidencethat there had been a struggle and thestat was in perfect order except that atrunk in the bedroom had been overturnedand ransacked

The Scalpones and their companionwere certainly not murdered for theirmoney or their Jewelry because S7 waefound In a bag around Mrs





















neck Concetta Martin had in the pocketof her dress 7 in American money andabout K in Italian bills

Both Wore Diamonds xBoth women wore diamond earrings and

both had rings on their lingers when theirwere found Felicia a diamond en-

gagement ring and a plain gold ring andConcetta a gofel band ring

There was hardly any other theory pos-

sible than that a man who must havebeen extremely muscular hated the Sealpones so greatly that he killed them allin the most brutal way imaginable

Salvatore was thirty years old andowned a fivechair barber shop at thenortheast corner of Eat Broadway andMontgomery rtreet His wife was twentyfive years old

were not known to have had anyenemies and the police are at sea for aclew to the outrage


Woman Stenographer Attache thcliuilc Account of Explorer

New York Jan 30 Miss Rose Wabbera stenographer who did work for DrFrederick A Cook for eight days at theWaldorfAstoria last fall recovered ajudgment of JW against him by defaultin the Municipal Court today Laterher counsel attached Dr Cooks bank ac


Old Dominion Liner nt Norfolk withOutbreak in Cargo

Norfolk Va Jan The Old Dominion Steamship Companys steamship Hamilton arrived hero from New York today with another fire in her cargo TheNorfork fire department Is in readinessbut every effort is being made to ex-

tinguish by steam the blaze which is inlower hatch


Convict Agrees to Assist in Ileor-KTaniaation Work

Chicago Jan 20 John R Walsh Inprison will still be the staff upon jvhichthe associated banks of Chicago will leanheavily in th task of reorganizing theWalsh railroads preparatory to the suitby the banks to recover the face of the713188712 note they released to Mr

Walsh according to a clause in theagreement by which the former bankersfinancial tangle was settled recently

Tho Walsh settlement agreement asthe document ip designated contains thespecific promise f Mr Walsh to lend theaid of his remaining small holdings andof his experience and knowledge of theproperties to the reorganization













HUE miModel Law Would Effect

Great Purpose He Says


Examination Has Proven lion

df Americans

President wasths printsfpai sp aker yesterday at the closing of the

Association of Life Insurance PfesWonti

which endeavored to lay plan for

the enactment of uniform lsws concern-

ing Insurance The Pr W M said in

partYou rH rse t possibly the greatest

certainly aae oC the most topertantinst-

rumontaHUes for tim prMnoiton of the

saving of capital i the worWrYouresent possibly the Important trus-

tees in th world those who t k care of

others money to a fidueiaryeapacity

It is not many years gocertaintysot more than years agowhen Ute

Investigation into the management by

some of the companies prscipitai rpeithis country what might be culled an In-

trospective investigation into UM business

of standards and integrity of the coun

try tad while the revelatioiur of those

investigations did not show any extreme

violations of the fiduciary MlationImean exiremeln proportion to tile amountof money saved for others With due care

they Aid SHOW iasUncas which aroused

the whole business eommtmitr and thecommunity In general to the neossslty of

most acute in condemning every

however slight from strictestline to be laid down for dUkracfary duty

Vindicate American PeopleNow I no doubt that you are

glad at we all are ftad that that exam-

ination was had and that it resulted ulti-

mately in vindicating the honesty of theAmerican people and also generalhonesty and business integrity of Ameri-

can business menhere as I uisertand It to se-

cure uniformity In Insurance taetsUitonthroughout the country You are verysorry that the United States may not find

In the Constitution the right to readernlform the Insurance busmen throughout the country

Qtrtataly the Supreme Courthave a tjhfct uesifc i and

mon action by the Stairs that the resultwdl be similar to a stngi Federal actcontrolling business That is a longhard task because the conditions thatsurround the legislatures of one Statemay differ very largely from the eondtlions surrounding the legislatures of

StatesThe only function that the United

States can perform is to puss a modellaw in the District of Columbia andthere to the world that Congressaided possibly by a scientific commis-

sion shall believe to be the best kindof an insurance law

I shall be glad hi so far as any jowerlies in me to encourage such action Noone who ta at all familiar the busi-

ness of this country can be blind to tiletremendous importance of the life insur-

ance business






a u Mcadepar-

ture the


uTou are











houseeleanhi mad pIic


seemiyely-ped4 fos auNT












Dluftt Head PoliciesIt comes home to every one and also

its fiduciary quality I have b en onthe bench anti at the bar sad I haveruled that men must read their policiesto know what they contain with a viewto understanding what the contract Is

and then I am conscious of never havingread through any of the policies which-

I have taken out because I trusted themen who explained them to me ButCongress by a fodel law can effect agreat purpose

George T Ide president of the HomeLife Insurance Company of New York

Sure Gen Walter Wyman of the PublicHealth and Marine Hospital Service DrM J Rosenau of Harvard and D EW Dwight medical director of the NewEngland Mutual Life Insurance Com-

pany of Boston were other speakersPaul Morton president of the Mutual

Life Insurance Company of New Yorkarid Jesse R Clark president or theUnion Central Life Insurance Companyof Cincinnati wore present at yesterdayssession

Surg Gen Walter Wyman delivered anaddress taking for his subject Work ofthe Federal government in the matter ofhealth conservation and what may bedone to supplant it He described thegovernments quarantine system as ap-

plied both at aeport and inland by thePublic Health and Marine Hospital Serv-

icev Reviews Bureaus Work

The suppression of the many commoncontagious diseases he said would at nodistant day be as uncommon and rare asthey are common today He reviewedthe work of the International SanitaryBureau which was established by treatywith foreign countries showing the Important work that bureau has done


Hurled Ink Well nt Judge SanderIn Court Room at Welch V Va

Roanoke Va Jan 20 Judge Joseph





Sanders of Bluefielrt W Va has fliedsuit against Attorney Generalelect Samuel L Williams asking for 24000 for

which the jurist received from anink well which was hurled at him byWilliams after the lie had been passedwhile a ease was being tried in WelchW Va

Judge Williams has been indicted by aWest Virginia grand Jury for felony butthe case has been postponed until Feb-ruary 3 At one time it was thoughtthat the requisition would be made bythe West Virginia authorities upon thegovernor of Virginia asking for the ex-

tradition of WilliamsJudge Sanders was formerly a member-

of the Supreme Court of West Virginia

Largest Morning Circulation












Chicago Banker Has Private Room

Dainty Food and Holds i

Daily Levees

Fort Leavenworth Kane Jan 86

v t sMt today is enjoying every luxurythat the money of John R Walshbuy

From the moment Walsh entered thegreat Federal panitenitary these Infl-uence were evident He was not coinpetted to pose the rogues gallerypicture he was not measured a la Bertil

km Hit food to dainty and daintilyserc d other priedbra are forced to eatooarse fare

The warden hasRivea him apetviUfiroom with hat soft mattresa waRt

wbha et ht sWsrti sift

the luxuries of life powdbte within prisonwalls Here he holds levees dally

Waisti was sentenced to Live years athard labor and Caj McClaughry who

is an old friend of Walsh has decidedthat clipping newspapers is about theheaviest work that the Chicagowrecker can stand


Coalition Thus Far Has a Cletn Ma-

jority of 55

London Jan 30Of the fortysex-pollings today only twelve were declared

tonight of which two show Unionistgains Westminster th last London con-

stituency remained faithful to the Union-

ists adding 3917 Unionist and 1751 Liberal

votes to the metropolitan table Theparties are now represented as follows

Liberal IS Nationalists fit Laborites2S and Unk r ts 14 The coalition thusfar has a majority of 56 The net Union-

ist gains hitherto are 80

Sixtyseven seats are to be filled to















AntlSnlooii Declare forStatewide Prohibition

Sreefal to The Wutucgtm Herald

Richmond Va Jan 20 Withoutand with a unanimous vote the

AntiSaloon League of Virginia todaycast local option to the four winds ofgarth and declared for Statewide prohi-

bitionThe legislature will be asked at this

session to pass a bil onabHnc the people-

of the State to vote on the questionWork is being lone by members of theleague and those members of the generalassembly who ar Opposed to Statewidemeasures are for the firSt time Just atrifle scared

It looks as if the drys were out to

win antI a pretty fight has priclpitatod


Entire Police Force Looking forThis Form of Food Product

Scranton Pa Jan was con-

sternation today at the Scranton poultryshow when it was discovered that anegg laid by the 12000 prim winning henLady Washington had been stolen

from tho coop in which she i kept Ithad been laid only a short time before-

F O Megargee the owner of the lien

has offered a large reward for theof the egg and the entire police

force is searching for the thief A special

policeman guards the hen













John AV Condon 111 at Time of theTraccdy

New Rochelie N Y Jan WCondon thirty years old cashier ofNew Rochelle Water Company and aprominent member of the Elks andKnights of Columbus shot himself to-

day The bullet entered just below theand he dlod in about half an hour

Coroner Roedecker is inclined to bellevo that the shooting was an accidentCondon had been at home sexeral dayssuffering the grip and his friendssay that if he shot himself intentionallyIt was luring mental aberration

BlacklstoneM Saturday Specialis a winner Dont 11th H



rom i



Former Ice King Spends Time inReading Smoking and Chat

ting with WardenAtlanta Ga Jan 20 Although he baa

been an inmate of the United States poDItentUry here for three weeks C WMorse who was sentenced to fifteen yearshard labor for violating nationalbanking laws is doing no work

Usually a prisoner arrives he toassigned to some special work unless heis ill Morse was in good physical condi-

tion when ho reached the prison twitthough days gave gsown into weeks hecontinues to live a life of and idle

tbro pk wts iiiinisf ook Maraamight be In his 1fth avenue home Hehas books and magasin which hespends his time rending and he is al-

lowed to smoke all the cigars he wantsHis mustache which was shaved off be-

fore he left New York has grown againand will not be disturbed


Employe of New Willard Interests

Senator ScottPaulhan and Wright will have

to take back seats if the claims of aWashington inventor materialise

This inventor is no other than Romainede Barsaque a scion of an illustrious

of Belgium who howeverleft his home of ease and luxury whenquite young to seek his fortune in thiscountry Monsieur de Barsaques onepurpose has always been to perfect aflying machine which will excel allothers Although of the best blood inthe old country M de Barsaque neverdespised to work In the sweat of his





noble house


asw UII





brow for his daily bread and the littlemoney he succeeds in saving he spendson his flying machine

At present de Barsaque is a waiter atthe Now Wllkurd He Is a favorite withthe patrons of the on account of

attention he bestows on themThe waiterinventor has a highly in-

telligent face with a pair of big darkeyes looking straight out into the worldIn the course of business de Barsaquemade the acquaintance of Senator Scottof West Virginia who lives at the NewWillard and it is said interested himin his flying machine

The West Virginia statesman at oncerecognized the possibility success forhis proteges invention and organised a

stock company for the purpose of assist-ing and exploiting de Barsaques flyerwhich Is now under construction andwill soon be given a trial

In the meantime Monsieur RomaIne deBarsaque continues to be thQ same politeand attentive waiter at the New Wil


University of Copenhagen KaiDropped Polar Matter

Copenhagen Jan 30 The University ofCopenhagen published an official state-ment this afternoon in which it is announced that the investigation of DrFrederick A Cooks original notebookas well as the papers previously

from him through his secretaryWalter Lonsdate not only does not provethat he reached tho pole but shows thatit is unlfkel that ho did so For thisreason the university according to the











statement has now decided to drop thematter

During the put month the council ofthe university has made every effortpossible to get in communication withCook but without success

There are a few still among the university people who believe that Cookwill be able to exonerate himself andthey have requested the council of theuniversity to postpone for a while thequestion of canceling the degree con-

ferred on him after his arrival from Ute


SI 25 Baltimore and ReturnBaltimore Ohio R

Every Saturday mid Alt trainsboth ways both days except Royal Lim-ited City offices 1417 G at and 619 Penna







Indorse James and Express

Confidence in Lloyd


Changes in House Situation May

Delay Probe

Effort to Restore Ralney Fails andIlls Successor Wants to Resign

Tonights Meeting SettleSiatuit Republican Majorityby Its Cnucus Nominees Minority

Vill Explain It Position

Aft s a while the and

House may get to work

the contro-


Just at present the party leaders

in the House are too end av

oring to keep up with the

changes in the situation to pestermuch about the ultimate outcome

rumpus yesterday over this par-

ticularly troublesome subject startedwith the election by the House of Repre-

sentatives McCall of MassachusettsOlmsted of Pennsylvania Denby ofMichigan Madison of Kansasof Kentucky and Lloyd of Missouri tomembership on the committee of inquiry

ISmla with IndorsementIt wound up with the indorse




S ateinvestigat-

ing rPinchot












Mr James for the Job by a hurriedlycalled Democratic caucus which also

expressed confidence in Lloyd whorefuses to serve in RaJaeys place tookno action with respect to his successorand authorised a committee of sevenprepare an address to the country

The Democratic caucus was ratheramusing The conservatives of whomRepresentative Livingston of Georgia 13

a tine type urged the radicals not tdo anything foolish and the radicalstried to provoke th eonserrs ires inttaking extreme action

Finally after Lloyd had been indorseand James had been told he could serveRepresentative SImon of Mississippi of-

fered a resolution for tale appointmentof a committee of eaves ismpjlMBS s pr

to Uw o n 7When Uw caucus adjourned Wt later

the Democrats came streaming andhalf a down of them announced that theSImon motion had been lost

Carlin Was CertainIt was beaten 49 to cried Repre-

sentative Cariin of Alexandria as hahurried in the direction of dinner

But when newspaper men went to Reptailve Clayton of Alabama the cau-

cus chairman a bit later and asked himabout it Mr Clayton bad a contraryopinion

No it wasnt lost he said emphati-cally I ruled that it was carried

Mr CWyton being questioned minutelyadmitted the vote had been close nut in-

sisted Mr SImons motion had carried Hlater elaborated Lloyds statement byexplaining that when a roll call was d

on the Sisson proposition thecaucus had adjourned until S oclock to-

night when the whole business will besettled

But Im sofns to appoint the commit-

tee tomorrow Mr Clayton remarkedThe election of the committee of gbt yes-

terday soon after the House met wasrather a tpune affair and had it not been

Continued on Page Column





J 44 myionr














Church Afire with EnthusiasmReal Blaze

Chicago Jan A large gas SRI

bearing the words A church on tire withenthusiasm that in front of thMetropolitan Church of Christ took fl a

last night while the choir was rehears-ing far a revival meeting

The church soon was tilled with smoke

Choir members rushed out in a panicWhile the firemen fought the flames

Rev Nelson Trimble the pastorthe crowds Inviting them UM forth-

coming revival meeting and explaining

that the words of the sign were not tobe taken literally

The church was not much damaged


Witness Injures Case of WomanAgainst cvrspaper

London Jan The trial of the suitof MISS Anneseley Kenealy a journalistand daughter of Dr KetMsly of Tich

borne case fame against Lord North

cliife and the Associated NewspapersLimited for wrongful dismissal from thDaily Mall one V f Lord Northcllffepublications resumed today

Sydney Holland was a witnessremarked that when Miss Kenealy vis-

ited the London Hospital she was unsuitably and tremendously overdressedShe wore he testified the btggtst hatho ever saw and was adorned with an

amount of jewelry Her dresswas a bright In color and she hadon a wig considerable alas Her

Mr Holland testified was asas her costume

Miss Kenealy was in no way perturbed-by this description of her appearanceand suggested that as Mr Hollandssense of humor did not agree with ersit was unnecessary to crossexamine him

The evidence was all in and MissKenealy proceeded to address the juryShe concluded by saying

Gentlemen give your verdict in favorof the introduction into the Daily Mailcure of a little more chivalry and honorand kindness than was meted out tome f

The jury gave a for LordNd theffe and the Associated Newspa-pers Limited





f lan-















