3 c f w i r THE OCALA BANNER l 4 m ee t7 Q a RcrRcrR7R crRcrR a F E3 v a a a a a W j1IJj m THE HOUSE THAT TREATS YOU RIGHT g m HAVE REDUCED a great many of our DressGoods and now will be the fa- f1 time for you to think about getting you a new dress This lot is not a shop worn lot or damaged in any way but we will have to arrive very shortly a large and I new line of goods and we have got to have the room These goods include a great B v SI many of our BEST GOODS and it is not a mere bargain as the word is comonly un- derstood ¬ tlJ < i I tii j i Ladies and Childrens Coats and Jackets Dress Goods 18 Shirts Gowns and Kimonas at prices that will command your purse The best yard wide w silk Taffeta that can be found at one dollar There is none better than this L m You may be thinking sometLung to keep Wcum with nw and we would suggest to you thit we have a large Ime of tlJ j BLANLETS and COMFORTERS m A ew suggestions for evening wear may be acceptable to you right now 1i- ftl Shawls Ml raps Fascinators and Hoods Iii rlJ ANYTHING THAT CAN BE UNO I THE DRYGOODS WILL ALWAYS BE FOUND ON OUR COUNTERS 5 k w IH B MATER OCALA FLAL 8 erega3ea Eee E Er e 8 EDEDE b rQr rG7rrL7YrC7r mn m 4f NEGRO SHOOTS TWO WHITE MEN t Kills Policeman and Wounds Officers Assistant Charlotte N C Jan 3Rural Po- liceman ¬ S E Cole of Belmont Park- a suburb of this city was shot an i r killed by a negro named Will Springs near a negro church- H R Nabors a machinist and Coles soninlaw was shot but the extent- of his injuries is not yet known The negro became engaged in a quarrel with another negro who went for the 3 officer The latter drey his pistol and ordered the negros hands up Springs I put up one hand and with the other drew his pistol and fired on Nabor 4 who fell He then shot Cole through- the L neck The officer died in three K minutes Nabors regaireI conscious- ness in a few moments an fired on the r negro who fell and then regained his iyJ feet and escaped A posse with bloodhounds is in pur- suit and the negros early capture is 1 expected NEWS TERSELY TOLD- r I r t ank Noweski wife and seven chil ¬ dren have been burned to death at Morris Run Pa Mrs Sarah Ann Palmer Conklir gi ageOO died suddenly at Saratoga N Y She was the daughter of Joh- nlr Palmer a revolutionary soldier The Phoenic Line steamer British Princess arrived in New York Monda- jjf from Antwerp and brought 1100 tons J j of wheat and a large consignment of < t > horses and birds Andrew Carnegie has offered as a- trNew Years gift to Baltimore the sum a to provide a building for f t the Maryland institute whose homo was destroyed by the great fire last V February F Jammed with passengers returning A from Brooklyn theatres two trolley tf < cars have come together in a rear < end collision in Jerolmon street beside pY a shaft of the subway Several per ss sons were slightly wounded If The Atlantic Transport liner Mlnme- v I hha has sailed from Southampton for a New York with Captain Nelson and 3 Rife and five members of the crew of- the schooner W R Chester picked up- Ali midocean by the steamship Angio c Wlian I Charles Ayers of Mobile Ala well I Sbownand well connected shot him I death In a suburo of that city- 8e left home apparently In a contented ite of mind and no cause Is known 1 r the act Ayers was 40 years old t1U = uIiel- fft S i r t jJfu 1i > n r 7j Wolves are becoming hungry in Mi- ller S D In several instances they have come close to town John- son V has caught two in a steel trap One ventured to his kitchen door at dusk to eat with the dog the evening scraps from the supper table Application for a receiver for the Da- vis cotton mills Fall River Mass ha sbeen made by counsel for the i stockholders before Judge Fox in the I Bristol county superior court It expected that a decision on the appeal wi net > e announced before Tues ¬ dayV s c nIy Irank Wayland Higgins of nit 11 A as formally inaugurated is tht I t ghth governor of thp state of NJH York The ceremonies were elaborate and were not ended until late in the evening The out ¬ door ceremonies were marred by a drizzling rain- REFORMATORY I IS FAVORED Carolina Penitentiary Directors Make Their Report Raloigh N C Jan 4The peniten- tiary directors this evening filed their report with Governor Aycock showing- a j net surplus of 120000 Included in j this is GO000 of penitentiary debt bonds which were purchased by the I I directors- The other assets consisting mainly- of i II cotton are estimated at the pres- ent j market value several crops being left out of the estimate so as to off- set ¬ any further slump in cotton But I for the slump the surplus would have I been 150000 The directors state they recommend that 50000 of the I I debt bonds they hold be directed to ihe establishment of a reformatory for I young criminals The governor ap UJnV 1 this recommendation I Price of Diamonds Advance New York Jan tLocal diamond dealers have been advised of an ad vance of 5 per cent In the cost of rough stones making a total of 45 per cent increase since 1901 The raise has been made by the selling syndicate with headquarters in Lon ¬ don which is estimated to control 95 per cent of the worlds output Fall- ing ¬ off of output in South Africa is the attributed cause of the advance Nashville Tenn Jan iThe fifty fourth session of the Tennessee gener- al assembly assembled here at noon Monday John S Cox of Sullivan county will be elected speaker of the senate and W K Abernethy of hte house General W B Bate will suc- ceed himself as United States sena ¬ tor f i t > i t- t ttf FT + Goes to Jail on Murder Charge Sandersile Ga Jan 4The com- mitment ¬ trial of J T Garrett for the killing of GL Muthis was held here Monday and Garrett was remanded to jail to await the action of the superior court It will be remembered that on i Dec 1VJ in an attempt to arrest Garrett J Mat bias was shot and died instantly J Garrett at the time received a slight flesh wound in the right of his chest Later wniie attempting to escape he ¬ ling piessed by a posse he was shot in I the this breaking the bone It was I thought for several days that he would die but now he has taken a change for the better and will probably re- cover entirely I- I BOY SAVES TWO WOMEN From Death by Drowning in Icy Wa- ters of the Ohio I Huntington W Va Jan 3Jamet- I Collins a 16yearold boy saved hiJ mother Mrs Louise E Collins and his Aunt Mrs Cynthia Williamson bj pulling them from a houseboat as it floated from the river bank into the I icy water of the Ohio river here Mrs Collins who could swim struck lout and had almost reached the bank when she was seized with cramps and sank Her son who had already res cued his aunt by swimmtng with one hand while Tie pulled her through the water with the other returned and I also saved his mother The boar was drawn from shore into I the river by the rapid rise May Be Case of Suicide Atlanta Jan 3The police hav been asked to make every effort tc find Clara Belle Brantley a young wo man aged IS who has mysteriouslj 1 disappeared from her home Xo 10 Vindsor street Her relatives believe she has committed suicide and tha I her case will prove to be similar tc j that of Sophie Kloeckler who drownec herself in the lake at Lakewood lasi j summer It is said that the girl wa very despondent and that she hacl- made statements which now induce her relatives and frfends to believe she has taken her own life- R MAN RETURNED TO LIFE His Funeral Had Been Preached and Was in His Collin Jefferson Okla Jan 4 Nat 12n F Chidister is announced by the attend- ing ¬ physicians out cf danger although his funeral was preached two days ago and his body was in the coffin j ready for burial Chidister was rtrsons dead and all I arrangements ror the runerai and In ¬ terment were completed Just before starting for the cemetery the under- taker removed the coffin lid that the friends might have a last look at the dead man The underside of the lid was moist I and it was discovered that Chidister was breahlng Physicians wer esum I mone1 4 he is jetting wen PLAN TO HOLD COTTON I I Form 10000000 Company To Buy I 2000000 Bales Meridian Miss Jan tAt a called meeting of the board of trade here resolutions were passed indorsing a plan by S A Vitherspoon to arrange- to organize a stock company to be called the Southern Cotton company with a capital of 10000000 to pur ¬ chase 2000000 bales of cotton at 10 cents per pound and take it off the market and hold it till next season la order to relieve the cotton situation- A mass meeting has been called here for January 10 to further discuss CIa plan and to take definite action in the matter r Irvine Case Has Collapsed Philadelphia Jan toThe develop- ments yesterday m the controversy between Rev J X W Irvine the de- posed priest of the Episcopal church and Bishop Ethelbert Talbot of the diocese of central Pennsylvania In- dicate that the case of Dr Irvine against the bishop has entirely col- lapsed ¬ J Frederick Jenkinson for I the presenters is said to be on his way to St Louis with a statement for I Bishop Tuttle presIdtng bishop of the Episcopal church asking leave to with draw the presentment against Bishop I Talbot and requesting permission to I make a new presentment Jewish Rabbis In Session New Orleans Jan tRabbis from various parts of the south are gather- ing here today for the sessions of the southern rabbinical conference It will cover four days and many impor ¬ j tant papers with respect to the wel- fare ¬ of Judiasm will be read Among them will be a paper on the Develop meat of Jewish Charity During the Past Fifty Years by the Hebrew Charities of the world President Max Field of Memphis will preside- over the conference An elaborate social program has been arranged The rabbis will assist in the dedication of the Isidore Newman Manual Train- ing school and the golden jubilee of u < Jewish Orphans Home l = c < Lf 6 I DO YOU Need Eny fURNITURE Ye have a large stock and will sell you cheaper for cash than you can buy anywhere else in the state Try us and see Goods sold on the installment Plan Part cash and balance in I small dayments to suit your convenience w i Money Orders ReceIve Prompt Attention- If Yon Cant Come Write to Us for Prices I advantage We always of have a lot of bargains that ifc will pay you to take Ocala Furniture Company rtt I CLEARING OUT SALE I Of all Winter Milliuery AT COST I Mrs Tompkiiis tviil sell all kinds of Winter Millinery bar i gains from Dec 1 January 1 1905 Bargains in prices in fine f goods Closing out Sale Thirty days bargains All winter j stock sold in that time or less if possible I Mrs L T TompkinsOppo- site Opposite Pittmans Furniture Store JUST RECEIVED i I x 500 CASESAN- DERSON COUNTY RYE WHISKEY F5x t 340 Per Gas of Four Full Express Pre ¬ paid Cash MustAccompany Order v t OC0L0 HOUSE WINE ROOMSW- rite f <I 1 for Our Price List OCAtA FEOl1rIDA yat- l t x a4 C f r

I tii i Childrensufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00306/00011.pdf · 2009-05-12 · Wolves are becoming hungry in Mi-ller S D In several instances they have come close to town

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Page 1: I tii i Childrensufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00306/00011.pdf · 2009-05-12 · Wolves are becoming hungry in Mi-ller S D In several instances they have come close to town


cf w



mee t7 Q a RcrRcrR7R crRcrR a FE3v


m HAVE REDUCED a great many of our DressGoods and now will be the fa-


time for you to think about getting you a new dress This lot is not a shopworn lot or damaged in any way but we will have to arrive very shortly a large and I

new line of goods and we have got to have the room These goods include a great Bv

SI many of our BEST GOODS and it is not a mere bargain as the word is comonly un-

derstood¬ tlJ


i I tii ji

Ladies and Childrens Coats and Jackets Dress Goods18 Shirts Gowns and Kimonas at prices that will command your purse The best yard widew silk Taffeta that can be found at one dollar There is none better than this


m You may be thinking sometLung to keep Wcum with n w and we would suggest to you thit we have a large Ime of tlJ j

BLANLETS and COMFORTERSm A ew suggestions for evening wear may be acceptable to you right now 1i-

ftl Shawls Ml raps Fascinators and HoodsIii rlJ


k w


8 erega3ea Eee E Er e 8 EDEDE b rQr rG7rrL7YrC7r mnm4f


Kills Policeman and Wounds OfficersAssistant

Charlotte N C Jan 3Rural Po-liceman


S E Cole of Belmont Park-a suburb of this city was shot an i

r killed by a negro named Will Springsnear a negro church-

H R Nabors a machinist and Colessoninlaw was shot but the extent-of his injuries is not yet known Thenegro became engaged in a quarrelwith another negro who went for the

3 officer The latter drey his pistol andordered the negros hands up Springs

I put up one hand and with the otherdrew his pistol and fired on Nabor

4 who fell He then shot Cole through-theL neck The officer died in three

K minutes Nabors regaireI conscious-ness in a few moments an fired on the

r negro who fell and then regained hisiyJ feet and escaped

A posse with bloodhounds is in pur-suit and the negros early capture is

1 expected


rIr t

ank Noweski wife and seven chil ¬

dren have been burned to death atMorris Run Pa

Mrs Sarah Ann Palmer Conklirgi ageOO died suddenly at Saratoga N

Y She was the daughter of Joh-nlr Palmer a revolutionary soldier

The Phoenic Line steamer BritishPrincess arrived in New York Monda-

jjf from Antwerp and brought 1100 tonsJ j of wheat and a large consignment of

< t> horses and birdsAndrew Carnegie has offered as a-

trNew Years gift to Baltimore the suma to provide a building forf t the Maryland institute whose homo

was destroyed by the great fire lastV February

F Jammed with passengers returningA from Brooklyn theatres two trolleytf< cars have come together in a rear

< end collision in Jerolmon street besidepY a shaft of the subway Several perss sons were slightly wounded

If The Atlantic Transport liner Mlnme-v


hha has sailed from Southampton fora New York with Captain Nelson and3 Rife and five members of the crew of-

the schooner W R Chester picked up-

Ali midocean by the steamship AngiocWlian I

Charles Ayers of Mobile Ala well I

Sbownand well connected shot him I

death In a suburo of that city-8e left home apparently In a contented

ite of mind and no cause Is known 1

r the act Ayers was 40 years oldt1U =uIiel-



r t jJfu 1i >n r 7j

Wolves are becoming hungry in Mi-ller S D In several instances theyhave come close to town John-son


has caught two in a steel trapOne ventured to his kitchen door atdusk to eat with the dog the eveningscraps from the supper table

Application for a receiver for the Da-

vis cotton mills Fall River Massha sbeen made by counsel for the

i stockholders before Judge Fox in theI Bristol county superior court It

expected that a decision on the appealwi net > e announced before Tues ¬

dayVs c nIy Irank Wayland Higgins

of nit 11 A as formally inauguratedis tht I t ghth governor of thpstate of NJH York The ceremonieswere elaborate and were not endeduntil late in the evening The out ¬

door ceremonies were marred by adrizzling rain-


Carolina Penitentiary Directors MakeTheir Report

Raloigh N C Jan 4The peniten-tiary directors this evening filed theirreport with Governor Aycock showing-a


net surplus of 120000 Included in j

this is GO000 of penitentiary debtbonds which were purchased by the


directors-The other assets consisting mainly-



cotton are estimated at the pres-ent


market value several crops beingleft out of the estimate so as to off-


any further slump in cotton But I

for the slump the surplus would have

Ibeen 150000 The directors statethey recommend that 50000 of the I

I debt bonds they hold be directed to iheestablishment of a reformatory for


young criminals The governor apUJnV 1 this recommendation


Price of Diamonds AdvanceNew York Jan tLocal diamond

dealers have been advised of an advance of 5 per cent In the cost ofrough stones making a total of 45per cent increase since 1901 Theraise has been made by the sellingsyndicate with headquarters in Lon ¬

don which is estimated to control 95per cent of the worlds output Fall-


off of output in South Africa isthe attributed cause of the advance

Nashville Tenn Jan iThe fiftyfourth session of the Tennessee gener-

al assembly assembled here at noonMonday John S Cox of Sullivancounty will be elected speaker of thesenate and W K Abernethy of htehouse General W B Bate will suc-

ceed himself as United States sena¬


f i t > i t-

t ttf FT +

Goes to Jail on Murder ChargeSandersile Ga Jan 4The com-


trial of J T Garrett for thekilling of GL Muthis was held hereMonday and Garrett was remanded tojail to await the action of the superiorcourt It will be remembered that on

i Dec 1VJ in an attempt to arrest GarrettJ Mat bias was shot and died instantlyJ Garrett at the time received a slight

flesh wound in the right of his chestLater wniie attempting to escape he¬

ling piessed by a posse he was shot inI the this breaking the bone It wasI thought for several days that he would

die but now he has taken a changefor the better and will probably re-

cover entirelyI-



From Death by Drowning in Icy Wa-ters of the Ohio

I Huntington W Va Jan 3Jamet-I

Collins a 16yearold boy saved hiJmother Mrs Louise E Collins andhis Aunt Mrs Cynthia Williamson bjpulling them from a houseboat as itfloated from the river bank into the I

icy water of the Ohio river hereMrs Collins who could swim struck

lout and had almost reached the bankwhen she was seized with cramps andsank Her son who had already rescued his aunt by swimmtng with onehand while Tie pulled her through thewater with the other returned and I

also saved his motherThe boar was drawn from shore into I

the river by the rapid rise

May Be Case of SuicideAtlanta Jan 3The police hav

been asked to make every effort tcfind Clara Belle Brantley a young woman aged IS who has mysteriouslj


disappeared from her home Xo 10Vindsor street Her relatives believeshe has committed suicide and tha I

her case will prove to be similar tc j

that of Sophie Kloeckler who drownecherself in the lake at Lakewood lasi j

summer It is said that the girl wavery despondent and that she hacl-made statements which now induceher relatives and frfends to believeshe has taken her own life-



His Funeral Had Been Preached andWas in His Collin

Jefferson Okla Jan 4 Nat 12n FChidister is announced by the attend-ing


physicians out cf danger althoughhis funeral was preached two daysago and his body was in the coffin j

ready for burialChidister was rtrsons dead and all

I arrangements ror the runerai and In¬

terment were completed Just beforestarting for the cemetery the under-taker removed the coffin lid that thefriends might have a last look at thedead man

The underside of the lid was moistI and it was discovered that Chidister

was breahlng Physicians wer esumI mone1 4 he is jetting wen


I Form 10000000 Company To BuyI 2000000 Bales

Meridian Miss Jan tAt a calledmeeting of the board of trade hereresolutions were passed indorsing aplan by S A Vitherspoon to arrange-to organize a stock company to becalled the Southern Cotton companywith a capital of 10000000 to pur ¬

chase 2000000 bales of cotton at 10cents per pound and take it off themarket and hold it till next season laorder to relieve the cotton situation-

A mass meeting has been called herefor January 10 to further discuss CIaplan and to take definite action in thematter


Irvine Case Has CollapsedPhiladelphia Jan toThe develop-

ments yesterday m the controversybetween Rev J X W Irvine the de-posed priest of the Episcopal churchand Bishop Ethelbert Talbot of thediocese of central Pennsylvania In-

dicate that the case of Dr Irvineagainst the bishop has entirely col-


J Frederick Jenkinson forI

the presenters is said to be on hisway to St Louis with a statement for I

Bishop Tuttle presIdtng bishop of theEpiscopal church asking leave to withdraw the presentment against Bishop I

Talbot and requesting permission to I

make a new presentment

Jewish Rabbis In SessionNew Orleans Jan tRabbis from

various parts of the south are gather-ing here today for the sessions of thesouthern rabbinical conference Itwill cover four days and many impor ¬


tant papers with respect to the wel-


of Judiasm will be read Amongthem will be a paper on the Developmeat of Jewish Charity During thePast Fifty Years by the HebrewCharities of the world PresidentMax Field of Memphis will preside-over the conference An elaboratesocial program has been arranged Therabbis will assist in the dedication ofthe Isidore Newman Manual Train-ing school and the golden jubilee ofu < Jewish Orphans Home

l = c < Lf


I DO YOU Need Eny fURNITUREYe have a large stock and will sell you cheaper for cash thanyou can buy anywhere else in the state Try us and seeGoods sold on the installment Plan Part cash and balance in I

small dayments to suit your convenience w

iMoney Orders ReceIve Prompt Attention-If Yon Cant Come Write to Us for Prices

I advantageWe always

ofhave a lot of bargains that ifc will pay you to take

Ocala Furniture Companyrtt



Of all Winter Milliuery

AT COSTI Mrs Tompkiiis tviil sell all kinds of Winter Millinery bari gains from Dec 1 January 1 1905 Bargains in prices in fine fgoods Closing out Sale Thirty days bargains All winterj stock sold in that time or less if possibleI Mrs L T TompkinsOppo-

siteOpposite Pittmans Furniture Store







340 Per Gas of Four Full Express Pre¬

paid Cash MustAccompany Order vt



<I 1

for Our Price List OCAtA FEOl1rIDA


ltxa4 C f r