u- i Ti4E RICHMOND CLIMAX = It OLUME 28 RICHMONJD MADISON COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 27 1901 NUMBER 27 PROFESSIONAL OAFtDS ArrORNEYS lW MILLER AouEyTLwflg- CuMoD KHirrccrr Ofle n the BurnMfl Building next door to- armara SSt101 Bank feb3ly ScnL tV AN JA ATTORXEVATLAW RICHMOND KENTUCKY Bank Trust Co 0fSe over State op lIolllle on Main street ptpcon J V D MOUKNACLT ATTORNEYS AT LAW KENTUCKY RKHvovn Offie on Second street over Chen n ts groCerY fl R LETCHER AttorneyatJMw KKXTCOE- YjnyMflii KrvKfSD over Taylor Broil Store JKSON ROBERTS EYi AND- cotNSELIORS Ar LAW RICHMOND KENTUCKY jii c overThnrman Qioct ry Companyg IpIcLA1s I RS GIBSON GIBSON I pmWClANii AND SUKGEObS KENTUCKY tHM NU ethioeccIinibtiildiDr1S and po Sec 1 a sred o ei Nnlle 7 HS e HOOKER I ETERIMRY SURGEON faiiMte Ontario Veterinary College evnsary Dentistry and Sterility a Specialty mi stable on corner First and I at StFeetIR1Chm0Kiaprl1y y C JASPER M D Medicine and Surgery OiVe Irather Building Main Street ft ne at residence the Carr place on Broadway I jjjjjjjjjjjjjKENTUCKY W EVANS M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ICHMOND KENTUCKY DENTAL STJRGEBY t LOThOtD- ENTIT T a tt OF LOUISVILLB KT- aOfflce next door to Government Building inSnd Ky Office hours 8 to 111 to 4 oviMy j DR LANDMAN Hotel Glyntlon- Ve hietday Doenmber 11 ur Goods 9 Our prices mpel you to trade with us when you give us a trial i B tn J i cJa3 9H mjJ in11U e ladies cannot be deceh ed by catchy phrases nor I bombastic claims All we have to say is we buy in the best markets of the world select the la- test ¬ goods and when you buy you know you have the latest uptodate goods Is that what you want If so trade with nit AND Gibspn1 I am agent for the Page Wire Fencet And will sell any amount wanted Keep car loads on hand tin es Also pure bred Durock Jersey Hogs for sale J TCOY Kirksrille Ky t1froo II < c- ps gci t a r rj h V > < C c tJJ 3n tJ tt = w- o 8 r t- If < CII 1 3 nt W < t M JEWELRY I the largest stnck in central Kentucky will bo found at BOGAERTSStore For repairing SplitSecondand + + Swiss Watches also is t Diamond Setting and fine t Tewelry Work done by ft + Expert Workmen- I also make a specialty of MEDALS Degnlug ¬ Have you Seen The Historic Patent Spoon of Bryan Station representing Indian times My Motto ANDFAIR Victor Bogaert 57 E MAIN ST LEXINGTON KY 13febly Fb0t0err hei 4- 1t Irtfatta HINDIPO RESTORES VLTALLT THE GREAT MacleaWell of Me WRENCH REMEDY produces the above result In 30 da Stopsalfdralnaanjbases sanity andConsnmpLJon young Men regain Man Itpva Inthe wltlwritten For sale by Stockton 01 Ilacan Druggists I Dm f9 Successor to J W Azbtll icy Feei ana Sals Stalk IRVINE ST NEAR METHODIST CHURCH Will be glad to have all my oldcustomers call andsee me Rates reasonable RICHMOND mch27Iy KENTUCKY We are now ready to show yon our im ¬ mense stock of latest designs i- nWc1IZil Piper for Summer and Fal- lComprising trade many < pretty colorings in floraland stripes and our prices ar- eJust Right i We invite you to call and look at our stock and get prices before buying your Wall Pa ¬ per We take pleasure in waiting upon you Respectfully PERRYa THOMAS WALL PAPER CO- W L LEEDS Painter and Decorator 17Jantf PHONE 75 + SOUTHERN Kill LWIIY ON KENTUCKY t U < BM < SeksJili la fut Hi i 10 KM ASTBomtix I Ko L I No6 I No3- Li Louisville 74Ziam tOOpm 745p Ar SheIbyffle9lOam S3Spm 905pm Ar LarencebgVtOam AiSpm 045pm Ar Versailles 1016am 047pm IdWpn Ar Lexington ia46am 715pm lOJJpia WESTBOUND lr NaZ No 4 Lv Lexinzton73Oam 435prn 515a Ar Versailles 7Mam IIopm 3Saut Ar Larencebc 820am IISJlm L53om Ar Shelbyrlll LlOam 016pm tSOam Ar Loulsrilla ia 0ani 740pm T80ta IASTBOUJID wzsTOUf- Io It No lL ZTU1ONL NO12 No 14 tpm 74Sam Lv Loutsyll Arl T4Opmi 026pm laooam LT Larncbr Ar tSOpm 8lOaa 711pm lo43am ArBarqdsbgLr t40pm TJOsm T3Qpm 1058mA t3Qpxn 7IOam- TBOUED WMTB00SD No u tNolPl azozes- tpm N jrtN L 1465m Li Loutavit Ar lo40sm 74Opm- Lltpm II lOam La SbelbTU Ar IIlom IIl pra- LnPG1 I0a31 LY YeraUeJI Ar 7tOaal 50IIp1D- r1Opm ll10ftn1 Ar Midway tv 7IOam l4Opm- T4Opm ILSOam Ar OeOr2m LY 7am 1pm- iisQITZ4D wa5Toux- tNoL No S ST4TIOlL tNoIL tNo 3- 4Wpm LY LouisTIl A Ia4OSfl 749ID- 1O sm tLOpm Li VersUes Ar 11Oam Gepm ipm M Ntchvii1 Ar 115881 t06pt11 ILSepml 830pm Ar Rlcbmnd LT I tufceml Slupm LcpAr 1rytne LY Laps srAr1ocs No LNOC Lv LoulayWe74S- Ar aml 746pm Lexlnzton 1eIOpBI Ar Knoxville 7em 7 8m Ar Asherlll oh05a1 tI30- Ar SaTanb c l lIam Ar JaekMBTiU gIem LT ClaUaRO 0 8lDm- Ar G2 m AUantlo lo23pmlt1iOaJIa Ar Macoa 12 3pm Ar lrcknUe 838IdB 1eQp- LTClla t8OOIra IIIO m 6am- A1 BlnalBi11SIa lL46aaJrr Ar Mer1isa Ar New OrleanS 830am Na t throws sleeping oar loaUrtlla la Btf ilacbam via eiloctoa sad Ckattaaoegs so fro otKernt1Gltltliatrear LiItJ1sw- Io No 0 tree otaerrattea ekatf e r Lwdactea M LoWayne No i sieef te r 1limlqH1o LokYW- yta IPxcteL All tRlHkwLoa1U1e LularMti H4- Bwrta da- tiJIe4VenaiUHan4G owa fOL H la41t14aJ1r Nos V M 1IH7 wM VnUH NfIsy1u 3S teea aM IrrlM d7 exp8 Mjr iDafly see slI4ar Ott srtai War rs euneoarTpGl K- I W WaiItLD- WAvaE9A WTAT1CLAUPA G kuMab rU SPEAK WELL OF YOUR TOWN Beautify it Buy all You Can and Sell all You Can at b Home It is not thn size of tho town but its character that makes it a desirable place to live in A live and prosperous town is a desirable one and a town may live and prosper and yet be tilllllll Every citizen in town Bhould be Inter ¬ ested In its prospeiity One of the ways to help your town is to speak well of it It is true patriotism to stand by your town and self inter ¬ eats as well As a man who speaks ill of his family lowers both himself and his family in tho estimation of others 80 does a man who cares little for his arftor spected by others respects himself and his neighbors and patriotism begins at home Another way to hlp your town is to do all you can to beautify it Beautify ypur own property all yon can and then beautify the street lIe friendly toeveryhody and courteous to strangers goodimpressions and cherished Never forget that you are a part of the town and that your deportment helps to make up tie strangers estimate of the place bell all you canand buy all you can If you have means it vest it In sowe tiling that will give employment to somebody Always cheer onjho wan who goes in for improvement Do not kick on a proposed improvement sim- ply because it Is not at you door A town thalis improving is also spreading ontoIf a rich man starts a project encourage him Ifa poor man starts help him Dont be afraid to thrust your hand down in your pocket to help a public enterprise More towns have been kill ¬ ed by such refusals than in any other way The citizens of any prosperous town are always public spirited and united Stand together Work together fr the interest of the whole town Al ways stand ready to do your best Dont grumble and spend your time prophesying failure but help to every enterprise a success Every man owes somethingtn thecuramnnity for his SUC- cess be jt great or small Jie energetic- b enterprising and your example will be followed In Florida PUNT GOKPA Fla Editor Climax After an absence of three and a half years from my old Kentucky home and profound silence during all that time I thought it might be of interest to you and my old friends heft behind to know something abcut southwest Florida Punta Gorda is situated on the south side of Charlotte Harbor bay about 25 miles from its mouth Bocca Grande inlet big inlet in Span ¬ ish This is one of the largest fishing points in Florida or in the South Two or three solid car loads of fish leave I here each day and a few dQf n gallons of open oysters the finest size and quality There are vast quantities of asphalt rock in the river above here that is being mined and boated down to the inlet and there loaded on to larce steamers and sail ships that take it to every part of the worl One large sail ship took a load of 3000 tons to Yokohoma Japan some time ago Punta Gorda has 200ton ice factory undr construction which will be inI operation bv next spring The iceJs to be used in icing fish to Ship north One or two car loads of oranges leave here each day besides what Fort Myers sends up on the steam boat each day Everybody is wild over the fancy sheded pine apple business but not more than one in ten succeed in it Lawyers doctors and merchants im ¬ agine that they have only to shed tl e land and set the plants or suckers as they are called and nature will do the rest A bright young lawyer from the northwest came down into Florida und bought out a piney that was in full bloom last spring He thought he hail it solid now he is sitting OIL the fence bemalins his fate Will write more about pines and oranges in my next 5Yours F T PERKINS Dispatches from Ohio announcethat a girl out there whose engagement was broken oil by the electrocution of her fiance for murder is to marry an under ¬ taker She evidently looks on marriage as a grave affair M Hutin line started back to Parts to confer with the Panama canal oil ¬ cers in regard to devltiug bomecew way not to sell his ditch to the United States Rock = a = Bye Baby These are sweet words but how much paa and suffering they used to mean Its different now Since Mothers Friend has become known expectant mothers have been apared much of the anguish of chIld- bIrth Mothers fricrvJ Is a liniment to be applied externally It Is rubbed thoroughly Into the muscles of the abdomen It gives elasticity and strength and when the final great strain comes they respond quickly and easilj without pA Mothers Friend h never taken Internally Internal remedies at thl timo do more harm than good If s wemaa Is supplied with this sp nd Rai¬ ment she said never fear rUtafcor awl14ig breasts morning lcknsssOuy CftM discomfort vich u4 ly aeowspwy pwg san The proprleIorof a large hotel ln TanK Fk writes My wife had an awful tiIM wthMrHnt child During hat sec4 prsnancysMothers FXL4nd wu UM M lbef wa WoN tfa dOcsc aiTtYid It s owfeWy crt Ok MSdIrFI44 f- s tMtde a5 jRALD RQUL4 It C- OAtkn5Qi W JSIAs sW- r = 1Mf i Indiana Extradition Law In the discussion1 of the Kentucky requisition cases very little attention has been given to the statutes of Indi ¬ ana on this subject which are as clear and emphatic itS time Constitution of the United Stales and even more luminous as to the reasor of the law The stat- litevhmichi ¬ was a dopted by time Repub ¬ lican Legislature of ISSI sayx Upon the demand of the executive authority of any Stale or Territory of the United States upon the Governor this Slate pursuant to time Constitution andHaws of the Unird States lie shall issue his warrant reciting the fact of such demand and the charge upon which it is basel with the time and place of tIme alleged commission of the offense directed generally to any sher- iff ¬ or constable of any county in this State commanding him to apprehend such fugitive and bring him before the circuit or criminal judge of thit State who may be nearest or most convenient of access to the place at which the ar- rest ¬ may be made That is where the function of the Governor ends under our law unless a further call is made on him The law provides that the judge shall proceed to examine witnesses to decide the iden- tity ¬ of the prisoner and if he be foniid to be the fugitive wanted hall order him to be delivered up to the agent of time State or Territory demanding him If there be no agent present the Iris ¬ oner Is to be cuinmiiind toj Iii and the Governor is to be notified of the cow ¬ mitment If the prisoner is not de- manded bv an agent within ninety days heid to be released As will be seen the purpose of the statute is to transfer nil the inquiry into time facts ot each case into the courts where it properly belongs Tie statute expressly specifies the one case in which the Governor may refuse to is ¬ sue time warrant which is in case he is under a criminal charge in this State It also authorizes the judgo to dis ¬ charge the prisoner in case he shows that at the time of the commission of the offense he was in this Slate and not in the State from which lie is alleged to have lied but there is no provision for any consideration of even that ques tion by the Governor Time Governor of Indiana is under oath to obey support and enforce this law Its manifest purpose is to sub- stitute judicial inquiry into any ques ¬ tlon that may lawfully be raised for such ex parte investigations as those of Attorney General Taylor and Merrill Moores and to substitute judicial de ¬ cisions for such partisan ranting as that of Governor Durbin It is Republican law but it is just law for it was adopted when no particular case in view and the minds of men readily agree on what was fair and proper Indianapolis Sentinel ANTITOXIN Fllll SWINE DISEASES Returns from the Board of Agriculture from States in the Corn Belt show losses In 1899 of nearly two hundred million dollars Dr F II DeVanx after several years of scientific expert mnents and study succeeded In laolatlugthe true germ of swine dlaezse and prepared It Serum Antitoxin which is manufactured only by the DeVaux Chemical Co of Chicago Over 400 I 000 hogs have been successfully treated and saved by this remedy flogs treated with the Antitoxin thrive better and command a higher price on the market than those not treated The Company guarantees that the injection of their Antitoxin in well swine will absolutely prevent death by disease and in sick twine will save at least 65 percent III case of failure money for serum and syringe will be re¬ easllyadmlnsterrheAotlrox1n holtS to be treated One ounce vial sufficient for six hoes 100 Antitoxin Syringe 1330 DeVaux Chemical Company 13t Van Bnren Street Chicago 2laprly f Government to Aid in Road Making The governmcut now stands ready to examine test exhaustively and report on the adaptability of roan making pur ¬ poses of anv material that may be sent it bynriy farmer More it will test nil samples of available material he Mill sehti and report which will render the best service and which will lat the longest As a macadam road costs from 2000 to 5 000 per mile and a differ ¬ ence in the choice of the material may make it last from two to thirty years the enormous value of taxpayers of selecting the best material which often costs as little as the poorestis obvious Limited appropriation and a limited force still restrict the labratory which at present is able to complete about twt tests per day each requiring about two or three days to carry out It is therefore confining its attention to re ¬ quests sent in from country roll build- ers ¬ and letting tire immense paving material interests go for the present Later on it will take up hue work Any person or community intending to build a road ought to send to it sam- pled ¬ of all materials that are available in sufficient quantities with a request to be informed which is the best for the purpose By so dointr lie may save thousands of dollars in repairs After Thoughts Tim regular edition of this Vise News country newspaper published Wise VaT failed to come out on time Inst week being two days late Tint editoi gave the following reason in explana ¬ tiomiFirstWe went to UlgStoiie Gap amSaacnficed fifty cents to hear Sam Cones cuss the world an 1 dance a jig on its culllu Second To rest from that hired feel Ing which the Jones harangue brought upon us we went bird hunting on Wed nesday and got bored again And likea cows tall weve been behind sinceWe now free to confess that Sam Jones on morality the birdhunting on foot Is enough to clog the wheels of the universe much more those of a country newspaper u Mums The Word An exchange says that a man was recently fined 25 for listening to atele ¬ phone message passing over a line in which he owned a pliue and after- wards ¬ telling what he overheard The theory was th it lJAfft8r con y ere ions over the wire are confidential and the fact that be owned sf phoco jjfive him no right to repeat any thing to might Iwve heard either by acudato- C Otherwise 11fIIt hae a phone yrrti wmtltatthi k podia 1ib tri tiiM you happen to- hMra min MM intefttt MtiftfF thing irtrfcb wwt not lafeodod lor jroqr MM zi n GettingThin is all right if you are too fat andall wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is healthya little more or less is no great harm Too fat consult a doctor too thin persistently thino matter what cause take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver OilThere are many causes of get ¬ ting too thin they allcome under these two heads over- work andunderdigestion Stop overwork if you cans but whether you can or not take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil to balance yourself with your work You cant live on ittruebut by it you can Theres a limit however youll pay for it Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for cant eatU unless it comes of your doing no workyou cant long be well and strong without some sort of activity The genuine has this picture on it take no other If have not tried it send for free sample its aI gresabls taste will surprise you BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York 50c and 100 all druggists Freak Farming For freak farming Indiana takes the lead Instead fit depending on corn wheat lye and the manifold standbys many farmers are devoting their time and every energy to raising skunks weasels rabbits frogs ginseng and nox- ious weeds Indiana has six large skunk farms and tlm industry is becoming so exten ¬ mAyo that a trust has been formed TIe pelts are valuable bringing from 1 50 toS250 apiece according to color the darker colors commanding the best priceAt New Harmon Posey countytlurj is a largo family of Angora cats Her ¬ man Euler of that city has made a fortune in them There is one leech farm in Indiana and that is probably the only one in the country For many years farmers thought the peppermint weed noxious Today there are three big peppermint farms in Indi ¬ anti the largest being located in St Jos ¬ eph county The greatest demand comes from the manufacturers of print fabrics who use peppermint to make the colors more solid The successful peppermint fanner realizes from 75 to 150 from each acre of hislaud A Special Offer f To introduce it quickly into every home the St Louis Mirror will be sent to any address every week for the mouths including the big Christmas number on receipt of 25 cents silver or stamps Time Mirror edited oy William Marion Reedy con ¬ lulls the best independent pulical arti ¬ clot stock and financial articles dra- matic ¬ criticism book reviews and gen ¬ eral miscellany of any publication in the Vest A trial subscription will convince you For sale by all newsdealers Five cents a copy 2 per year Write fur sample copies THE MIRROR 4septf St Louis Mo THE HOME GOLD CURE AN INGENIOUS TItEATMBXT BY WHICH UKUNKAliUS AUK BEING CUUtU DAILY IN SIMTK 01 ThEM- SELVES ¬ No Noxious Doses No Weakmin of the Nerves A Pleasant ana icsitivo Cure fur the Liqaar Habit It is now generally known and un ¬ derstood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness A body filled with poisonand nerves completely shattered periodical or constant use of intoxicat ¬ inK liquorsrequires an antidote of neutralizing anderadiratimig this and destroying time craving for intoxicants SulTennrs may now cure themselves at home without publicity or loss of time from business bv this wonderful HOME GOLD CURE which hums been perfected after many years of close study and treatment of inebriates The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discov- ery ¬ is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate case no matter how hard a drinker Our records show time marvelous transformation of thousands of Drunkards into sober industrious and upright men WIVES CURE YOUR BUS BANDS 1 CHILDREN CURE YOUR FATHERS II This remedy is specificfor devised and prepared that it ip thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the taste so it can be given in a cup of tea or coffH without the know ilge of tIme person taking it Ilioupainlsof Drunkards have cured theinFelvex with this p iceleS8remedy and as many more have been cured and made tem ¬ perate men by having the CURE ad ¬ ministered by loving friends and relit ¬ lives without their Jcnowlodge in coffrf or tea amid believe today that they discontinued drinkingof their own free will 110 NOT VA1r Do not be de- luded by acpareimt and mnisleamhing 1m- provement Ddveoutthe disease at once and for mill time The HOME GOLD CURE is soul at time extremely low prkeol One Dollar thus placing of everybody a treatnient more effectual tlms others costing 25 to 50 JTiiUdlrwtioM accompany ltc p4cka e Speclwl advice kilte- dphy8ielaDllwltereq11 without ex ¬ Ira chrgi Seat proepttld to any part of the worid J One Dollar Admlrei iWt C ifilL EDWIN B GlbKB COMPANY 383Q and 23 Markut strut 111ildlA- tmi oerispoudeos jtriotly oonida- tie lulily1yr New York Fashions Panne velvet and fancy silk ribbons decorate childrens hats Escurial laces are in great favor A heavy cord runs through them line is frequently combined with grams A chic gray corduroy gown has belt and vest of blurt A beautiful evening coat is of rich white IRco ever yellow silk Tho neck is trilled with yellow cliiiToii as are the frent edges and bottom The chill atmosphere of late Fall and Winter are hard upon sensitive skins Every lady should keep a tube of Dr WoodnuryH Facial Cream on her dressingtable If the cannot get it from her druggist she can send to the Dermatological Institute 26 West 23rd street It costs 25 cents I believe- A darkblue felt hat may be simply trimmed with darkblue ribbed ribbon A new pin is very pretty in design It represents a spray bf mistletoe with two leaves stand in ont on either side The berry is a tinted pink pearl and is rihit between the leaves Black satin slippers show close em ¬ broidery of tiny gold head on the toe and a wee black satin bow also bended A purewhite frock Imiy be trimmed with cream lace with delightful elTccl An elegant costume is of black lace over white silk A little pink panne velxet on the todice enhances it im ¬ men ely Among lovely souvenirs for time hoi ¬ days shown by Lord and Taylor is a tine white leather purse with gun met ¬ al corners Another specimen also of white leather has a line of red stones just inside the edge and peep- Ing ¬ through the leather in a way to cnivey time impression that they have no metal stting Many lace trimmed handkerchiefs have the lace set on with a beading A pretty set of turnover collars is of linen stitched with red Another chic set shows a narrow hinmtitched edge above which are two rows of simple lace stitches Above these still is a line of black French knotc Stylish umbrella handles are of all jet Some show straight ends while othere are tripped witlf a large ball Among pretty hat pins is one repre¬ senting d ragon fly with a diamond in its head Another shows a crab with a diamond in its claw Blackandwhite brocades come in richest designs and are most elegant when trimmed with pure white Irish lace either pointed Ireland or Irish crochet lace Very serviceable and pretty corset covers are woven of silk The corsets of It G make are always seen upon the counters of uptodate merchants anti enhancing the contours of lovely upto date women Habit back skirts are very fashiona ble They flare to the extent of four yards or more around the bottom The closure is usually at the left side Some jaunty short jackets ni loose shape are made of tucked tuff la and clo h Separate waists are tucked and lay ¬ ishly trimmed with lace passemente rie or embroider Lace Is tether mor generously favored EVELYN CABLE Reliable and Gentle A pills a pilleaYII the saw But there are pills anti pills You want a pill which is certain tlmrouuh and gen ¬ tie Mustnt gripe DeWittV Little Early Risers fill the bill Purely vug tahlt Do not force but assist the bowels to not Strengthen and invig- orate ¬ Small and easy to take PERKY and THOMAS SwearI I There is a newspapar in Ivamaa whose motto is Lie Steal Drink and Swear and it is thus explained by time editor When you lie let it be down to pleasant dream when you steal let it be away from immoral associates when yon drink let it be pure water when you swear let it be that you will patronize your home paper pay your subscription and not send your job work away from lipme1 A Physician Testifies hI have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never Used anything in my life that did me the good that tlideaya County Physician lieo W Scroirgs of Hall comity Ga Being a physician I have prescribed it and found it to give the best results If the food you eat remain undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the ejetem You can prevent this liv dieting but that means starvation Kodol Dyspep ala Cure digests what you eat You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation The worst cases quickly cured Never fails PERRY AlHoiiAS A Monster Gas Well A special from Ashland Ky Nov 15 h saysTimo largest gus well in the world h spouting fourth something like 26000000 cubic feet of gas every twentyfour hours near Weston W Va and aU efforts to control it have been fruitless The roar of tho recap ing gas is such that persons are unable to sleep two miles away Men working near the well timid necessary to stop up their ears with wax in order to pre ¬ servo their henriiig One man who declared that he was not afraid of the noise from the monster well ventured too clote to it and has entirely lost his hearing The pressure of the gas as nearly ns can he a> certaned is uhoul 1100 pound to the square inch When the gas was II11welJihg were blown from time well and Hlntont uver tlm derriiki At six ceiita a thou ¬ sand feet gsa valued at 2 GOO is wasted every day Ad efforts belllJI trot the well have been Wbuii tie prMMuns fills oil a little when an attempt will be made to Mintrol time flw The well is owned byT N Barns dallk who lies Tour other wells on a reafieef 30000 acres which are pro ¬ ducing an aggregate of 60000000 feet adav Now it w aid that old Putnam ilklui leave Ida plow 8Iul6 ylnii far khe out toJpt 8irorat klw that t didnt > K 11opJ4Jwi a hwndi d Mepa and leave thMt IB MM lurchir Stln is Hiirtary A hetnliidyeies tnm Dow IONS poM > U Ulsy VCR W M tht SeWy dWq4 witi Thi blo oS SiQdJa = You KnowT- hat Baggies Carri SlOchraper good Youj LOUIS GUS STRAUS teGreat Fall Opening Sale CLOTHINGGREATEST CLEVER KNOWN IN KENTUCKY + School Suits 49c 1 49 50 andup J Mens Fine Cassimere Suits 99 and 99 4 FancySuits 4 John tt Boys Black largest celebrated 300 dozen regular price 1 50 2 00 Cents Which less than Cost We have just received Fall importations our Department and to you the largest best most complete line these goods Kentucky This department in charge Richard Shryock who will be you our jt MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN LEXINGTON i LOUIS GUS STRAUS LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FINE MERCHANT TAILORS GENTS FURNISHING GOODS HATTERS ETC LEXINGTON KENTUCKY MORE LIVES ARE SAVED- BY USING oil Kings New Discovery FOR Consumption Coughs and Colds Than By Other Throat And Lung Remedies Combined This wonderful r medicine positively cures Consumption Coughs Colds HayFeverPleurisy WhoopingCough Price 60c Trial Bottle Free and sweat have no effect on harness treated Eureka liar ness Oil It re J damPjkecpsh roujbsurids ¬ harness not only keeps looking wears twice I f as long use otEureka- IlaruensOil Sold everywhere in all Mideby Standard 011- Company 1 S rDo tad ¬ I are from SS to now than they were a few weeks ago We still bare 2 2 2 3 is our in is J 0 I 1 t All 8 1 with like new but by the cans ileci l K f BeautiesFor We have the best flowers that can be produced Our Floral Decorations are beauties We possess and practice the necessa ¬ ry KNOW HOW mar Each order receives our personal at- tention ¬ BELL The Florist LEXINGTON KY HENRY L PERRY Agt Bells Flowers Everywhere Greatest Bargains Ever Offered THE CLIMAX And The FARMERtI Both One Year For p 150 Thin OHIO FARMER Cleveland 0- is best agricultural Rtock market smut liouie weekly journal nt 1mb country For every mombfr of tht family It tells how to nmfcn the farm pay and tIme homo happy It hs 20 pges every week of fn 24 pages Most complete and reliable market re- ports ¬ Lar 8t HcitMi ataff of practical editors iMdcormfHMMtants all farmers No wide aWAkfrnr will hwitb Jimmum 4 nxPrl Co lUubmoadtlt qualIty ¬ cost more another season prices of materials are going K1 up ij1k1 Donelson Prop Mens Clay Wor j sted Suits 4 99 t The and finest I line of Suits every shown t in Kentucky from the Ii firm of Alfred t Benjamin Co N Y Shirts and now 98 Tailoring we are ready show and of in of glad to show line Ran go time live i fibliday Suggestions Here is the making of a Happy Home And here is where your friends buy The whole family can participate in the en Joyment which comfortable I CHAIRS < and ROCKERS Bring to the tired and weary Buy for Christmas and use all the year Framesehmave nice line of an les Desks And many other things useful and ornamental UNDERTAKING SERVICE COMPLETE I W S Oldham Cor 2d and Irvine Sts RICHMOND Ialj3Iy KENTUCKY WALLPAPERS LARGEST STOCK IN CENTRAL KENTUCKY O UR MidSummer CUT PRICES are now in full force Onefourth to onehalf off The finer the goods the bigger the discounts Good papers from 3c on up in price Window Shades JO 15 20 and 25c to the finest handmade andwe make all kinds of Shades A good mixed paint for 1JO pure Linseed Oil and fJf White Lead at factory prices freight added Largest stock of Picture Framing materials in the State We will framo vonrniclures in uptodale styles for little money Dont forget that vou > will byhaving + + + + + + WILLGINGtlInnnrlctnrpr kinds or purposes Each specific Paint for a specific purpose 2Ol West Main Street RICHMOND KY J WHY NOT BUYTHE BEST I For Rubber Stamps No75S- tanding Top Surrey Made of the best materials A nice light carriage made especially for one horse W also make a full tine of High Orate Vehicles sad Harnesa S Send for Catalcgue and C Price List i I COSMO CARRIAGE CO Glen Rock Pa J 258ett6l CALL AT t + THIS OFFICE ++


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CuMoD KHirrccrr

Ofle n the BurnMfl Building next door to-

armara SSt101 Bank feb3ly



Bank Trust Co0fSe over State oplIolllle on Main streetptpcon



Offie on Second street over Chen

n ts groCerY

fl R LETCHERAttorneyatJMw




over Taylor Broil Store





jii c overThnrman Qioct ry Companyg

IpIcLA1s I



ethioeccIinibtiildiDr1S and po Sec1

a sred o ei Nnlle 7



faiiMte Ontario Veterinary College

evnsary Dentistry and Sterility a Specialty

mi stable on corner First and I

at StFeetIR1Chm0Kiaprl1y

y C JASPER M DMedicine and Surgery

OiVe Irather Building Main Street

ft ne at residence the Carr place onBroadway

I jjjjjjjjjjjjjKENTUCKYW EVANS M D




t LOThOtD-



aOfflce next door to Government BuildinginSnd Ky Office hours 8 to 111 to 4


jDR LANDMANHotel Glyntlon-

Ve hietday Doenmber 11

ur Goods

9 Our prices

mpel you to trade with us

when you give us a trial

i B tn J

i cJa3 9H


e ladies cannot be deceh edby catchy phrases nor I

bombastic claims Allwe have to say is we buyin the best markets ofthe world select the la-test


goods and when youbuy you know you havethe latest uptodategoods Is that what youwant If so trade with

nit AND Gibspn1

I am agent for the

Page WireFencet

And will sell any amountwanted Keep car loadson hand tin es

Also pure bred DurockJersey Hogs for sale

J TCOYKirksrille Ky



psgcita r rjhV >< CctJJ3n tJtt= w-


8 r t-If <

CII 13ntW< tM

JEWELRYIthe largest stnck in central Kentuckywill bo found at

BOGAERTSStoreFor repairing SplitSecondand++ Swiss Watches also ist Diamond Setting and finet Tewelry Work done by

ft+ Expert Workmen-I also make a specialty of MEDALSDegnlug ¬

Have you SeenThe Historic Patent Spoon ofBryan Station representing Indiantimes

My Motto ANDFAIRVictor Bogaert


Fb0t0err hei4-

1tIrtfatta HINDIPO




of Me

WRENCH REMEDY produces the above resultIn 30 da

Stopsalfdralnaanjbasessanity andConsnmpLJon young Men regain ManItpvaInthewltlwrittenFor sale by Stockton 01 Ilacan Druggists

I Dm f9

Successor to J W Azbtll

icy Feei ana Sals StalkIRVINE ST


Will be glad to have all myoldcustomers call andsee

me Rates reasonableRICHMOND mch27Iy KENTUCKY

We are now ready toshow yon our im¬

mense stock of latestdesigns i-


Piperfor Summer andFal-



many< pretty colorings infloraland stripes andour prices ar-

eJust Righti

We invite you to calland look at our stockand get prices before

buying your Wall Pa¬

per We take pleasurein waiting upon you



WALL PAPER CO-W L LEEDS Painter and Decorator

17Jantf PHONE 75



t U < BM < SeksJili la fut Hi i 10 KM

ASTBomtix I Ko L I No6 I No3-

Li Louisville 74Ziam tOOpm 745pAr SheIbyffle9lOam S3Spm 905pmAr LarencebgVtOam AiSpm 045pmAr Versailles 1016am 047pm IdWpnAr Lexington ia46am 715pm lOJJpia


Lv Lexinzton73Oam 435prn 515aAr Versailles 7Mam IIopm 3SautAr Larencebc 820am IISJlm L53omAr Shelbyrlll LlOam 016pm tSOamAr Loulsrilla ia 0ani 740pm T80ta


tpm 74Sam Lv Loutsyll Arl T4Opmi026pm laooam LT Larncbr Ar tSOpm 8lOaa711pm lo43am ArBarqdsbgLr t40pm TJOsmT3Qpm 1058mA t3Qpxn 7IOam-


No u tNolPl azozes-tpm

N jrtNL1465m Li Loutavit Ar lo40sm 74Opm-

Lltpm II lOam La SbelbTU Ar IIlom IIl pra-

LnPG1 I0a31 LY YeraUeJI Ar 7tOaal 50IIp1D-

r1Opm ll10ftn1 Ar Midway tv 7IOam l4Opm-T4Opm ILSOam Ar OeOr2m LY 7am 1pm-iisQITZ4D wa5Toux-

tNoL No S ST4TIOlL tNoIL tNo 3-

4Wpm LY LouisTIl A Ia4OSfl 749ID-1O sm tLOpm Li VersUes Ar 11Oam Gepm

ipm M Ntchvii1 Ar 115881 t06pt11ILSepml 830pm Ar Rlcbmnd LT I tufceml SlupmLcpAr 1rytne LY Laps

srAr1ocs No LNOCLv LoulayWe74S-Ar

aml 746pmLexlnzton 1eIOpBI

Ar Knoxville 7em 7 8mAr Asherlll oh05a1 tI30-Ar SaTanb c l lIamAr JaekMBTiU gIemLT ClaUaRO 0 8lDm-Ar

G2mAUantlo lo23pmlt1iOaJIa

Ar Macoa 12 3pmAr lrcknUe 838IdB 1eQp-

LTClla t8OOIra IIIO m 6am-A1 BlnalBi11SIa lL46aaJrrAr Mer1isaAr New OrleanS 830am

Na t throws sleeping oar loaUrtlla la Btfilacbam via eiloctoa sad Ckattaaoegs

so fro otKernt1Gltltliatrear LiItJ1sw-Io

No 0 tree otaerrattea ekatf e r Lwdactea M

LoWayneNo i sieef ter 1limlqH1o LokYW-

yta IPxcteLAll tRlHkwLoa1U1e LularMti H4-

Bwrta da-tiJIe4VenaiUHan4G owa fOL H

la41t14aJ1r Nos V M 1IH7wM VnUH NfIsy1u 3S

teea aM IrrlM d7 exp8 MjriDafly see slI4ar Ott srtai War

rseuneoarTpGl K-





Beautify it Buy all You Canand Sell all You Can at

b Home

It is not thn size of tho town but itscharacter that makes it a desirableplace to live in A live and prosperoustown is a desirable one and a town maylive and prosper and yet be tilllllllEvery citizen in town Bhould be Inter¬

ested In its prospeiityOne of the ways to help your town is

to speak well of it It is true patriotismto stand by your town and self inter ¬

eats as well As a man who speaks illof his family lowers both himself andhis family in tho estimation of others80 does a man who cares little for hisarftorspected by others respects himself andhis neighbors and patriotism begins athome

Another way to hlp your town is todo all you can to beautify it Beautifyypur own property all yon can andthen beautify the street lIe friendlytoeveryhody and courteous to strangers

goodimpressionsand cherished Never forget that youare a part of the town and that yourdeportment helps to make up tiestrangers estimate of the place

bell all you canand buy all you canIf you have means it vest it In sowetiling that will give employment tosomebody Always cheer onjho wanwho goes in for improvement Do notkick on a proposed improvement sim-ply because it Is not at you door Atown thalis improving is also spreadingontoIf a rich man starts a projectencourage him Ifa poor man startshelp him

Dont be afraid to thrust your handdown in your pocket to help a publicenterprise More towns have been kill ¬

ed by such refusals than in any otherway The citizens of any prosperoustown are always public spirited andunited Stand together Work togetherfr the interest of the whole town Always stand ready to do your bestDont grumble and spend your timeprophesying failure but help to everyenterprise a success Every man owessomethingtn thecuramnnity for his SUC-

cess be jt great or small Jie energetic-b enterprising and your example willbe followed

In Florida

PUNT GOKPA FlaEditor Climax

After an absence of three and a halfyears from my old Kentucky homeand profound silence during all thattime I thought it might be of interestto you and my old friends heft behindto know something abcut southwestFlorida Punta Gorda is situated onthe south side of Charlotte Harborbay about 25 miles from its mouthBocca Grande inlet big inlet in Span ¬

ish This is one of the largest fishingpoints in Florida or in the South Twoor three solid car loads of fish leave I

here each day and a few dQf n gallonsof open oysters the finest size andquality There are vast quantities ofasphalt rock in the river above herethat is being mined and boated downto the inlet and there loaded on to larcesteamers and sail ships that take it toevery part of the worl One largesail ship took a load of 3000 tons toYokohoma Japan some time ago

Punta Gorda has 200ton ice factoryundr construction which will be inIoperation bv next spring The iceJs tobe used in icing fish to Ship northOne or two car loads of oranges leavehere each day besides what FortMyers sends up on the steam boat eachday Everybody is wild over the fancysheded pine apple business but notmore than one in ten succeed in itLawyers doctors and merchants im ¬

agine that they have only to shed tl eland and set the plants or suckers asthey are called and nature will do therest A bright young lawyer from thenorthwest came down into Florida undbought out a piney that was in fullbloom last spring He thought he hailit solid now he is sitting OIL the fencebemalins his fate Will write moreabout pines and oranges in my next


Dispatches from Ohio announcethata girl out there whose engagement wasbroken oil by the electrocution of herfiance for murder is to marry an under¬

taker She evidently looks on marriageas a grave affair

M Hutin line started back to Partsto confer with the Panama canal oil¬

cers in regard to devltiug bomecew waynot to sell his ditch to the UnitedStates

Rock=a=Bye BabyThese are sweet words but how much

paa and suffering they used to mean Itsdifferent now Since Mothers Friend hasbecome known expectant mothers havebeen apared much of the anguish of chIld-bIrth Mothers fricrvJ Is a liniment to beapplied externally It Is rubbed thoroughlyInto the muscles of the abdomen It giveselasticity and strength and when the finalgreat strain comes they respond quickly andeasilj without pA Mothers Friend hnever taken Internally Internal remediesat thl timo do more harm than good If s

wemaa Is supplied with this sp nd Rai¬

ment she said never fear rUtafcor awl14igbreasts morning lcknsssOuy CftMdiscomfort vich u4 ly aeowspwy pwgsan

The proprleIorof a large hotel ln TanKFk writes My wife had an awful tiIM

wthMrHnt child During hat sec4prsnancysMothers FXL4nd wu UM Mlbef wa WoN tfa dOcscaiTtYid It s owfeWy crt

Ok MSdIrFI44 f-s tMtdea5 jRALD RQUL4It C-

OAtkn5QiW JSIAs sW-



i Indiana Extradition Law

In the discussion1 of the Kentuckyrequisition cases very little attentionhas been given to the statutes of Indi ¬

ana on this subject which are as clearand emphatic itS time Constitution of theUnited Stales and even more luminousas to the reasor of the law The stat-


was a dopted by time Repub ¬

lican Legislature of ISSI sayxUpon the demand of the executive

authority of any Stale or Territory ofthe United States upon the Governorthis Slate pursuant to time ConstitutionandHaws of the Unird States lie shallissue his warrant reciting the fact ofsuch demand and the charge uponwhich it is basel with the time andplace of tIme alleged commission of theoffense directed generally to any sher-iff


or constable of any county in thisState commanding him to apprehendsuch fugitive and bring him before thecircuit or criminal judge of thit Statewho may be nearest or most convenientof access to the place at which the ar-


may be madeThat is where the function of the

Governor ends under our law unless afurther call is made on him The lawprovides that the judge shall proceed toexamine witnesses to decide the iden-tity


of the prisoner and if he be foniidto be the fugitive wanted hall orderhim to be delivered up to the agent oftime State or Territory demanding himIf there be no agent present the Iris ¬

oner Is to be cuinmiiind toj Iii and theGovernor is to be notified of the cow¬

mitment If the prisoner is not de-manded bv an agent within ninety daysheid to be released

As will be seen the purpose of thestatute is to transfer nil the inquiryinto time facts ot each case into thecourts where it properly belongs Tiestatute expressly specifies the one casein which the Governor may refuse to is ¬

sue time warrant which is in case he isunder a criminal charge in this StateIt also authorizes the judgo to dis¬

charge the prisoner in case he showsthat at the time of the commission ofthe offense he was in this Slate and notin the State from which lie is allegedto have lied but there is no provisionfor any consideration of even that question by the Governor

Time Governor of Indiana is underoath to obey support and enforce thislaw Its manifest purpose is to sub-stitute judicial inquiry into any ques ¬

tlon that may lawfully be raised forsuch ex parte investigations as those ofAttorney General Taylor and MerrillMoores and to substitute judicial de¬

cisions for such partisan ranting as thatof Governor Durbin It is Republicanlaw but it is just law for it wasadopted when no particular case inview and the minds of men readilyagree on what was fair and properIndianapolis Sentinel


Returns from the Board of Agriculture fromStates in the Corn Belt show losses In 1899 ofnearly two hundred million dollars Dr F IIDeVanx after several years of scientific expertmnents and study succeeded In laolatlugthe truegerm of swine dlaezse and prepared It SerumAntitoxin which is manufactured only by theDeVaux Chemical Co of Chicago Over 400 I

000 hogs have been successfully treated andsaved by this remedy flogs treated with theAntitoxin thrive better and command a higherprice on the market than those not treatedThe Company guarantees that the injection oftheir Antitoxin in well swine will absolutelyprevent death by disease and in sick twinewill save at least 65 percent III case of failuremoney for serum and syringe will be re¬

easllyadmlnsterrheAotlrox1nholtS to be treated

One ounce vial sufficient for six hoes 100Antitoxin Syringe 1330 DeVaux ChemicalCompany 13t Van Bnren Street Chicago

2laprlyfGovernment to Aid in Road


The governmcut now stands ready toexamine test exhaustively and reporton the adaptability of roan making pur ¬

poses of anv material that may be sentit bynriy farmer More it will test nilsamples of available material he Millsehti and report which will render thebest service and which will lat thelongest As a macadam road costs from2000 to 5 000 per mile and a differ¬

ence in the choice of the material maymake it last from two to thirty yearsthe enormous value of taxpayers ofselecting the best material which oftencosts as little as the poorestis obviousLimited appropriation and a limitedforce still restrict the labratory whichat present is able to complete abouttwt tests per day each requiring abouttwo or three days to carry out It istherefore confining its attention to re¬

quests sent in from country roll build-ers


and letting tire immense pavingmaterial interests go for the presentLater on it will take up hue workAny person or community intending tobuild a road ought to send to it sam-



of all materials that are availablein sufficient quantities with a requestto be informed which is the best for thepurpose By so dointr lie may savethousands of dollars in repairs

After Thoughts

Tim regular edition of this Vise Newscountry newspaper published Wise

VaT failed to come out on time Instweek being two days late Tint editoigave the following reason in explana¬

tiomiFirstWe went to UlgStoiie GapamSaacnficed fifty cents to hear SamCones cuss the world an 1 dance a jigon its culllu

Second To rest from that hired feelIng which the Jones harangue broughtupon us we went bird hunting on Wednesday and got bored again Andlikea cows tall weve been behind

sinceWe now free to confess that SamJones on morality the birdhunting onfoot Is enough to clog the wheels of theuniverse much more those of a countrynewspaper


Mums The Word

An exchange says that a man wasrecently fined 25 for listening to atele ¬

phone message passing over a line inwhich he owned a pliue and after-wards


telling what he overheard Thetheory was th it lJAfft8r con y ereions over the wire are confidential

and the fact that be owned sf phocojjfive him no right to repeat any thingto might Iwve heard either by acudato-

C Otherwise 11fIIt hae a phoneyrrti wmtltatthi k podia1ib tri tiiM you happen to-

hMramin MM inteftttMtiftfF thing irtrfcb wwt not lafeododlor jroqr MM




is all right if you are too fatandall wrong if too thin already

Fat enough for your habit ishealthya little more or less isno great harm Too fat consulta doctor too thin persistentlythino matter what cause takeScotts Emulsion of Cod Liver

OilThereare many causes of get¬

ting too thin they allcomeunder these two heads over-work andunderdigestion

Stop overwork if you cansbut whether you can or nottake Scotts Emulsion of CodLiver Oil to balance yourselfwith your work You cant liveon ittruebut by it youcan Theres a limit howeveryoull pay for it

Scotts Emulsion of Cod LiverOil is the readiest cure forcant eatU unless it comes of

your doing no workyou cantlong be well and strong withoutsome sort of activity

The genuine hasthis picture on ittake no other

If have nottried it send forfree sample its aIgresabls taste willsurprise you


409 Pearl StreetNew York

50c and 100 all druggists

Freak Farming

For freak farming Indiana takes thelead Instead fit depending on cornwheat lye and the manifold standbysmany farmers are devoting their timeand every energy to raising skunksweasels rabbits frogs ginseng and nox-

ious weedsIndiana has six large skunk farms

and tlm industry is becoming so exten ¬

mAyo that a trust has been formedTIe pelts are valuable bringing from

1 50 toS250 apiece according to colorthe darker colors commanding the best

priceAtNew Harmon Posey countytlurj

is a largo family of Angora cats Her ¬

man Euler of that city has made afortune in them

There is one leech farm in Indianaand that is probably the only one inthe country

For many years farmers thought thepeppermint weed noxious Today thereare three big peppermint farms in Indi ¬

anti the largest being located in St Jos ¬

eph county The greatest demandcomes from the manufacturers of printfabrics who use peppermint to makethe colors more solid The successfulpeppermint fanner realizes from 75 to

150 from each acre of hislaud

A Special Offer

f To introduce it quickly into everyhome the St Louis Mirror will be sentto any address every week for themouths including the bigChristmas number on receipt of 25cents silver or stamps Time Mirroredited oy William Marion Reedy con ¬

lulls the best independent pulical arti ¬

clot stock and financial articles dra-matic


criticism book reviews and gen ¬

eral miscellany of any publication inthe Vest

A trial subscription will convinceyou For sale by all newsdealersFive cents a copy 2 per year

Write fur sample copiesTHE MIRROR

4septf St Louis Mo






No Noxious Doses No Weakmin of theNerves A Pleasant ana icsitivo

Cure fur the Liqaar Habit

It is now generally known and un ¬

derstood that Drunkenness is a diseaseand not weakness A body filled withpoisonand nerves completely shatteredperiodical or constant use of intoxicat ¬

inK liquorsrequires an antidoteof neutralizing anderadiratimig this

and destroying time craving forintoxicants SulTennrs may now curethemselves at home without publicityor loss of time from business bv thiswonderful HOME GOLD CUREwhich hums been perfected after manyyears of close study and treatment ofinebriates The faithful use accordingto directions of this wonderful discov-ery


is positively guaranteed to cure themost obstinate case no matter howhard a drinker Our records show timemarvelous transformation of thousandsof Drunkards into sober industriousand upright men

WIVES CURE YOUR BUSBANDS 1 CHILDREN CUREYOUR FATHERS II This remedy isspecificfordevised and prepared that it ipthoroughly soluble and pleasant to thetaste so it can be given in a cup oftea or coffH without the know ilge oftIme person taking it IlioupainlsofDrunkards have cured theinFelvex withthis p iceleS8remedy and as manymore have been cured and made tem ¬

perate men by having the CURE ad ¬

ministered by loving friends and relit ¬

lives without their Jcnowlodge in coffrfor tea amid believe today that theydiscontinued drinkingof their own freewill 110 NOT VA1r Do not be de-

luded by acpareimt and mnisleamhing 1m-provement Ddveoutthe disease atonce and for mill time The HOMEGOLD CURE is soul at time extremelylow prkeol One Dollar thus placing

of everybody a treatnientmore effectual tlms others costing 25to 50 JTiiUdlrwtioM accompany ltcp4cka e Speclwl advice kilte-dphy8ielaDllwltereq11 without ex ¬

Ira chrgi Seat proepttld to any part ofthe worid J One DollarAdmlrei iWt C ifilL EDWIN BGlbKB COMPANY 383Q and 23Markut strut 111ildlA-

tmi oerispoudeos jtriotly oonida-tie lulily1yr

New York Fashions

Panne velvet and fancy silk ribbonsdecorate childrens hats

Escurial laces are in great favor A

heavy cord runs through themline is frequently combined with

grams A chic gray corduroy gownhas belt and vest of blurt

A beautiful evening coat is of richwhite IRco ever yellow silk Tho neckis trilled with yellow cliiiToii as are thefrent edges and bottom

The chill atmosphere of late Fall andWinter are hard upon sensitive skinsEvery lady should keep a tube of DrWoodnuryH Facial Cream on herdressingtable If the cannot get itfrom her druggist she can send to theDermatological Institute 26 West 23rdstreet It costs 25 cents I believe-

A darkblue felt hat may be simplytrimmed with darkblue ribbed ribbon

A new pin is very pretty in designIt represents a spray bf mistletoe withtwo leaves stand in ont on either sideThe berry is a tinted pink pearl andis rihit between the leaves

Black satin slippers show close em ¬

broidery of tiny gold head on the toeand a wee black satin bow also bended

A purewhite frock Imiy be trimmedwith cream lace with delightful elTccl

An elegant costume is of black laceover white silk A little pink pannevelxet on the todice enhances it im ¬

men elyAmong lovely souvenirs for time hoi ¬

days shown by Lord and Taylor is atine white leather purse with gun met ¬

al corners Another specimen alsoof white leather has a line of redstones just inside the edge and peep-Ing


through the leather in a way tocnivey time impression that they haveno metal stting

Many lace trimmed handkerchiefshave the lace set on with a beading

A pretty set of turnover collars is oflinen stitched with red Anotherchic set shows a narrow hinmtitchededge above which are two rows ofsimple lace stitches Above thesestill is a line of black French knotcStylish umbrella handles are of all jetSome show straight ends while othereare tripped witlf a large ball

Among pretty hat pins is one repre¬

senting d ragon fly with a diamondin its head Another shows a crabwith a diamond in its claw

Blackandwhite brocades come inrichest designs and are most elegantwhen trimmed with pure white Irishlace either pointed Ireland or Irishcrochet lace

Very serviceable and pretty corsetcovers are woven of silk The corsetsof It G make are always seen uponthe counters of uptodate merchantsanti enhancing the contours of lovelyupto date women

Habit back skirts are very fashionable They flare to the extent of fouryards or more around the bottom Theclosure is usually at the left side

Some jaunty short jackets ni looseshape are made of tucked tuff la andclo h

Separate waists are tucked and lay ¬

ishly trimmed with lace passementerie or embroider Lace Is tether morgenerously favored


Reliable and GentleA pills a pilleaYII the saw But

there are pills anti pills You want apill which is certain tlmrouuh and gen ¬

tie Mustnt gripe DeWittV LittleEarly Risers fill the bill Purely vugtahlt Do not force but assist thebowels to not Strengthen and invig-orate


Small and easy to take PERKYand THOMAS

SwearI I

There is a newspapar in Ivamaawhose motto is Lie Steal Drink andSwear and it is thus explained by time

editor When you lie let it be downto pleasant dream when you steallet it be away from immoral associateswhen yon drink let it be pure waterwhen you swear let it be that you willpatronize your home paper pay yoursubscription and not send your jobwork away from lipme1

A Physician Testifies

hI have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cureand have never Used anything in mylife that did me the good that tlideayaCounty Physician lieo W Scroirgs ofHall comity Ga Being a physician I

have prescribed it and found it to givethe best results If the food you eatremain undigested in your stomach itdecays there and poisons the ejetemYou can prevent this liv dieting butthat means starvation Kodol Dyspepala Cure digests what you eat Youneed suffer from neither dyspepsia norstarvation The worst cases quicklycured Never fails PERRY AlHoiiAS

A Monster Gas Well

A special from Ashland Ky Nov15 h saysTimo largest gus well inthe world h spouting fourth somethinglike 26000000 cubic feet of gas everytwentyfour hours near Weston WVa and aU efforts to control it havebeen fruitless The roar of tho recaping gas is such that persons are unableto sleep two miles away Men workingnear the well timid necessary to stop uptheir ears with wax in order to pre ¬

servo their henriiig One man whodeclared that he was not afraid of thenoise from the monster well venturedtoo clote to it and has entirely lost hishearing

The pressure of the gas as nearly nscan he a> certaned is uhoul 1100 poundto the square inch When the gas was

II11welJihgwere blown from time well and Hlntontuver tlm derriiki At six ceiita a thou ¬

sand feet gsa valued at 2 GOO iswasted every day Ad efforts belllJI

trot the well have been Wbuii

tie prMMuns fills oil a little when anattempt will be made to Mintrol time

flwThe well is owned byT N Barns

dallk who lies Tour other wells on areafieef 30000 acres which are pro ¬

ducing an aggregate of 60000000 feetadav

Now it w aid that old Putnam ilkluileave Ida plow 8Iul6 ylnii far kheout toJpt 8irorat klw that tdidnt >

K 11opJ4Jwi a hwndi d Mepaand leave thMt IB MM lurchirStln is Hiirtary A hetnliidyeies tnmDow IONS poM >U Ulsy VCR W Mtht SeWy dWq4 witi Thi blo oS



You KnowT-

hat Baggies CarriSlOchraper


teGreat Fall Opening Sale


+School Suits 49c

1 49 50 andup JMens Fine Cassimere

Suits 99 and 994

FancySuits 4



Boys Black



300 dozen regular price 1 50 2 00

CentsWhich less than Cost

We have just received Fall importations our Departmentand to you the largest best most complete line thesegoods Kentucky This department in charge Richard Shryock who willbe you our jtMAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS WHEN IN LEXINGTON






oil Kings New DiscoveryFOR

Consumption Coughs and ColdsThan By Other Throat And

Lung Remedies Combined

This wonderful r medicine positivelycures Consumption Coughs Colds

HayFeverPleurisyWhoopingCoughPrice 60c Trial Bottle Free

and sweathave no effect onharness treated

Eureka liarness Oil It re J



harness notonly keepslooking

wears twice I fas longuse otEureka-IlaruensOil

SoldeverywhereinallMidebyStandard 011-

Company 1


rDotad ¬


are from SS tonow than they were a fewweeks ago We still bare

2 2

2 3


our in


J 0 I 1 t


8 1


likenew but

by the


l K



We have the best flowersthat can be produced

Our Floral Decorations

are beauties We possessand practice the necessa ¬

ry KNOW HOW marEach order

receives our personal at-tention


BELL The Florist



Bells Flowers Everywhere

Greatest Bargains

Ever Offered





Thin OHIO FARMER Cleveland 0-is best agricultural Rtockmarket smut liouie weekly journal nt 1mb

country For every mombfr of thtfamily It tells how to nmfcn the farmpay and tIme homo happy It hs 20pges every week of fn 24 pagesMost complete and reliable market re-ports


Lar 8t HcitMi ataff of practicaleditors iMdcormfHMMtants all farmers

No wide aWAkfrnr will hwitbJimmum4

nxPrl ColUubmoadtlt

qualIty ¬

cost more another seasonprices of materials are going



ij1k1Donelson Prop

Mens Clay Worj sted Suits 4 99t The and finestI line of Suits every shownt in Kentucky from theIi firm of Alfredt Benjamin Co N Y

Shirts and now


we are ready show and ofin of

glad to show line



time live



Here is the making of a Happy HomeAnd here is where your friends buy

The whole family can participate in the enJoyment which comfortable

I CHAIRS < and ROCKERSBring to the tired and weary

Buy for Christmas and use all the year

Framesehmavenice line of an les DesksAnd many other things useful and ornamental


I W S OldhamCor 2d and Irvine Sts




OUR MidSummer CUT PRICES are now in full forceOnefourth to onehalf off The finer the goods the bigger

the discounts Good papers from 3c on up in price WindowShades JO 15 20 and 25c to the finest handmade andwemake all kinds of Shades

A good mixed paint for 1JO pure Linseed Oil and fJfWhite Lead at factory prices freight added

Largest stock of Picture Framing materials in the State We will framovonrniclures in uptodale styles for little money Dont forget that vou > willbyhaving+++ + ++


or purposes Each specific Paint for a specific purpose2Ol West Main Street RICHMOND KY


For Rubber Stamps

No75S-tanding Top Surrey

Made of the best materialsA nice light carriage madeespecially for one horse

W also make a full tine ofHigh Orate Vehicles sadHarnesa S

Send for Catalcgue and C

Price List i

I COSMO CARRIAGE CO Glen Rock Pa J258ett6l