1i I A j fSi f at u < Jf < t 8 Ir- i f v A J 1rT1- f J t < > J r l j v lIJJ f1 r r a d q4f jt S 5 1 H J n I OCAL EVENING STAR MONDAY OCTOBER 25 1908 TIiREk n < r vj The Marion Shoe Co Will close out their jS S Entire Stock- of Mens Ladies and Chil- i ¬ drens Shoes Over Shoes I Laces et- cAT k COST i < Come in early and be fitted I and get bargains I 1 Marion Shoe Company PATRONIZE HOME ENTERPRISES- The following letter was addressed to the ladles of Klssimmee by the hoard of trade but it is just as appli- cable ¬ to the men and it is here re- produced ¬ in the hope that the citizens generally will accede to the boards request and in future spend their money with home enterprises arid home merchants Dear Madam The Klssimmee i S Board of Trade is an institution that fms for its object the building up of the business interests the beautifying- of the streets and avenues the en- hancing ¬ of the value of jroperty the developing of its internal improve t M H M M- a > t H t ft H Not- i How Much i but U how good is the question that every one should abk in buying candy I The old wying that Of a man is tc1 LUC cmily he gives I holdsgood today same as always 5 Buy the hC51411t Uke the just- ai > good kind I Nothing quite equals famous BonBons and Chocolates Thcr ITG in a distinctivelycx- clur claisrt tnlmSClveS 0 Orders receive prompt and care fulattention Just pivtus the name and address and Uiclo Stm does f the rest T W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST I J ChacJefeD Hulbert M D Hqmeopalhic Physician 4 and Surgeon Office Second Floor The Munroe and V Chambjs8 Bank Florida- Te1ephoflsPfflCe Building Ocala r jf J 154 Residence 45 Office Hours 912 a m 24 p m 730830 pm FALL AND WINTER TAILORING I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER sToCk OF PIECE GOODS- An elegant exclusive line and will be pleased to show you the goods and make your fall or winter suit or trous ¬ ers You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods I also have an elegant line of sam- ples ¬ so that you are sure of finding what you want Respectfully Jetty Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue OCALA PRESSIKS CLUB- J J FORT Proprietor Rates reasonableAll goods Press d and Cleaned on Short No- tice ¬ and Delivered Promptly All i transient work not called for in 30 days >wil be sold for charges HcIVER MACKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS k Undertakers and Embalmers D E MciVER ALFRED E OWEN Undertakers Fine Caskets and Burial Robes- All IVork Doze by Licensed Em- balmers ¬ and Fully Garatc- cdCJPHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South rid St f Ocaia Fla Phone 301 t S ments and otherwise aiding in the advancement of our town One of the first In fact the most vital rules the citizens generally should adopt and strictly adhere to is that of loyalty to home enterprises and home merchants as only by so do- ing ¬ will business ever be stimulated- to the extent that will warrant Kis simmee being called a city In all of this your assistance is needed The system of patronizing foreign mail order houses has grown to a re ¬ markable degree in the past few years and has been one of the main factors ii retarding the progress of our own town A dollar sent abroad jo pur ¬ chase articles of any kind whether dry goods shoes clothing groceries or anything else is as completely lost to the business interests of Kissimmee- a < though it were sunk in the depths of the ocean- Kissimmee with its many and va- ried ¬ advantages and possibilities has the right to take rank with the fore ¬ most inland cities in Florida and will do so if we will all cultivate the habit- of patronizing our home industries We are satisfied that those who have been accustomed to patronize mail order houses have never given the subject the serious thought which such matters should have The total purchases from residents of Kissim- mee ¬ through catalogue houses little- as you may realize it ar in the ag ¬ gregate more than sufficient to stock and operate successfully one retail store in this city and we would espe- cially ¬ call your attention to the fact that because payment of transporta- tion ¬ charges is not made tal long aft- erwards ¬ when the goods arrive this charge is invariably overlooked when estimating the amount of your pur- chases ¬ and is not infrequently 50 per- cent or more of the regular catalogue priceThis letter is addressed to you knowing that the women are the nat ¬ ural money distributors of the family and if it is possible you have ever formed such a habit which is in it ¬ self detrimental to the best interests- of our town that you will in the fu ¬ ture cease practicing it Hoping that you will take this let I ter in the same kindly spirit it is in- tended ¬ and assuring you that it is nothing but the good of Kissimmee that prompts it we remain Respectfully Kissimmee Board of Trade The Star most respectfully refers the above to the people of Ocala It is even more applicable to our people because many of them are given to sending north for goods that can be had in Ocala Again Ocala offers a much better market than Kissimmee- or indeed than almost any city in Florida and can really supply your every want if you will but look about among the magnificent stocks of our enterprising merchants Keep your money at home PUTTING IT OFF TAKING YOUR TIME- In the matter of eye trouble is dan- gerous ¬ indeedWHY DELAY- In So Important a Matter hildren whose eyes are not exactly ight should be sent to me at once Dont wait The little fellows are de ending upon YOU They dont know hese things themselves- DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 4JO p m Optical office and laboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block The churches were well ttendeJ Sunday arid the preachers were at their best Rev Carrolls sermon on stealing was a most forceful and ef- fective ¬ one We are displaying the largest and I best selected line of perfumes toilet powders toilet waters soaps etc in Central Florida and will take pleas- ure ¬ I In showing you the line The AntiMonopoly Drugstore George Peterson representing the Cooper McReece Refrigerator Co of New York City was In town today interviewing the trade What do you think of a guaranteed- razor and strop for 1 Well the Knight Martin Hardware Co will have a window full of them in a few days If the razors are not just as represented you can get your dollar back Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughs quickly strengthens the lungs and ex ¬ pels colds Get the genuine In a yel- low ¬ package Sold by all dealers There was only one case before his honor this morning in the municipal- court It was a case in which a bon vivant declined to pay his hack fare Hwas persuaded to do so jI 0- r FOR SALESecond hand furniture for sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto t < A U 0 OCALA OCCURRENCES K of P meet this evening Elks meet tomorrow evening I I Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Eagles meet Wednesday evening I Two secondhand wagons for sale I cheap Apply to F W Ditto- J L Rushing of Eureka was in the city today Get your school supplies at the Ocala News Co Tents for rent or sale The Ocala Furniture Company- Mrs Elmore Davidson ard son Zack spent Sunday with Mrs M D Juhan FOR RENTA splendidly furnish- ed ¬ room Inquire at 78 Watula street Sheriff George Carter of Citrus county was in town today Furnished rooms for rent Apply at Xo 34 Oklawaha avenue Mr Andrew Turner of Inverness is a visitor to the city today- A new line of renting wheels 15c per hour B F Condon Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬ ing at Tydings Co Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬ teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists Souvenirs of Ocala for lac at the Ocala News Co The ucala News Co has the larg ¬ est line of school books in Ocala Mr Harpe the Citra turpentine op- erator ¬ was a visitor to the city to- day ¬ One pound of paper and two packs of envelopes very best grade for 50 cents at Tydings Co Mr Hugh Nichols left today for the Atlanta horse market and Mr D W Tompkins expects to leave tonight Have you seen the new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents Miss Hattie Smith left for Willis ton this morning to be with her mother who is quite sick I Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ Mrs F V Barse is spending the week at Plymouth with her friend Mrs Jackson I R > C Davis Co of Jacksonville I I handle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I each 750 per dozen- E E Voyle thh Gainesville tele ¬ phone man was in town Sunday and a guest of the Montezuma I Really fine stationery in fancy boxes I at greatly reduced rates at the Cor ¬ ner Drugstore S J C Lancaster connected with the Martel Lumber Company was a guest- of the Montezuma Sunday I Send us your prescription business- We I are thoroughly prepared to handle- it Tydings Co G G Harrison of Anthony and L B Simpson of York dinel at the Mon- tezuma ¬ Sunday- We lead the city on stationery tab- lets ¬ and school supplies of all kinds The AntiMonopoly Drugstore Little Elizabeth Blaine is ill at the hotn < of her parents on South Second street Now is the time to plant your gar ¬ den We have all kinds of garden seed for fall planting Tydings Co Mr R J Kniglt of Crystal River was a business visitor in the city to- day ¬ Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25- cents the box at the Poscolfice Drug- store Mr Snowden of Micanopy was vis- iting ¬ friends in Ocala Saturday and Sunday SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKS either new or secondhand at the Ocala News Company- Mr J C Devant Jr and Mr F B Coogle lawyers of Brooksvillo were in town today guests of the Ocala House Call in and see the pretty line of fancy imported China that we are displaying The AntiMonopoly Drug- Store Mr Vernio Roberts of Tampa was I in town yesterday and today coming- on business connected with the Ocala Furniture Company A fresh shipment of Guths famous delicious candies chocolates and bon- bons just received at the Corner Drug Store It is dry and dusty tho streets need sprinkling and we trust the council will get busy and see that the water i wagon is brought out MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex- plains ¬ how we teach barber trade in few weeks mailed free Moler Barber College Atlanta Ga Mrs Hardy C Croom and son re ¬ turned Saturday from a visit to friends at Brooksville Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 cents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬ store V TO fRUIT CONSUMfRS When you wish fruit and vegetables delivered at your door look out for- th delivery wagon and stop it or phone our store No 277 If you wish small quantities of fruit same can be supplied from our store in the Montezuma block or the Magnolia street store If you wish large quan- tities ¬ call at the Magnolia street store near Baptist church S A MOSES BRO L u Cranberries Egg Noodles Prunes Peaches Honey in Comb I Shredded Codfish and 2 lb boxes Boneless Cod fish Cracker Meal 1 lb pkgs Pop Corn 5 Ib can Fruit Cake- at I TEAPOT GROCERY- Mr Will Jeffcoat of the Marion Shoe Co says the closing out sale is proving a tremendous success and that the public appreciate the excep ¬ tional bargains offered in shoes and I are taking advantage of the oppor- tunity ¬ of buying a pair at cost I I There will be a meeting tonight at the Boston Store of football enthus- iasts ¬ I and every lover of football should be on hand- A stenographer rapid accurate and with considerable experience wants a situation Address Box ISO Ocala Fla Mr L A Morgan of Americus Ga traveling representative for the An- derson ¬ ilson Paper Co was in town yesterday and today a guest of the Ocala House and called on the news- paper ¬ men Mr Morgans house has opened a warehouse in Savannah FOR SALE160 acres good land 30 of which is cleared and been cultivat- ed ¬ has good sixroom house barn stables work shop cistern balance 130 acres pine timber been cut over but has good crosstie timber and plenty good wood and heart post tim- ber ¬ Price 500 half cash Apply to F W Ditto Miss Susie Fort will entertain the reading club at Mrs J W Pearsons residence tomorrow afternoon at 330 oclock BERLIN ELECTRICAL THEATER Xorth Magnolia Street Opposite Mclver MacKays- H M VOOD Proprietor I CHANGE Of PROGRAM DULY Open Promptly at 330 P M Admission 10 Cents Children 5 Cents FOR RENT Warehouse formerly occupied by Knight Martin locat- ed ¬ on Magnolia street Apply to M J Roe 8 room 20 Holder building J Buy a highgrade standard whee 10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬ don Miss Mattie Marshall after a very pleasant visit to friends in Ocala re- turned ¬ to her home at Oklawaha yes- terday ¬ NTEIBookkeeper and clerk Young lady thoroughly capable to write up set of books and act as sales- lady ¬ at other times S R F care Star At least twentyfive Dunnellon citi- zens ¬ came up today and took the noon train for Jacksonville going to take In the carnival- You I dont have to take your pre I cription to the druggist whose name- s I printed on the blank Take it to any I rugstorethe lest drugstore Bring I t direct to us The Corner Drugstore- Rev I Mullens and wife of St Peters ¬ burg who spent several days with their daughter Mrs Charles Cul breath returned home today Irsf came here from Kentucky where she spent the summe- rWANTEDA teacher to teach three children at night Must understand Chesterfield Apply to Dr D M Bon ey 2 and 4 Gary building J G Spurlin who spent Sunday in this city with his family went to Leesburg this afternoon to sell groc- eries ¬ I for his Jacksonville house We have a most exquisite line of fancy imported china in many dif ¬ ferent pieces The AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Mr C E Nix of Floral City was a I business visitorto the city today We carry the best line of toilet ar- ticles ¬ soaps perfumes etc in the city Come in and be convinced Ty ¬ dings c Co I I Mr G W Martin went to Jackson- ville ¬ last night to buy goods from a representative of of one of the houses lu trades with Mr George Blitch and sisters Mrs Lyles and little daughter Dorothy spent Sunday with relatives at BUtch ton returning home last evening I When you want stationery go to a stationery store The Ocala News Company has the best and most up todate line in Ocala I Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 I cents the box at the Postoffice Drug- store ¬ EXCELLENT HEALTH AOVICE I I Mrs M M Davison of No 379 Gif ford Ave San Jose Cal says The worth of Electric Bitters as a general family remedy for headache bilious- ness ¬ and torpor of the liver and bowels- is so pronounced that I am prompted- to say a word in its favorS for the benefit of those seeking relief from such afflictions There is more health for the digestive organs in a bottle of Eectric Bitters than in any other rem ¬ edy I know of Sold under guarantee- at all drugstores 50c S 1 MARION LITTLE A SHERLOCK HOLMES- Mr 1 M M Little at Rheinauer Companys store just after noon today did a good piece of work in recover- ing ¬ I goods and appfthMiJing a shop- lifter ¬ A negro woman wife of the cook at the Arcade Parson Young j came in to exchange a pair of shoes j she had bought She had to wait forI some time until Mr Little could wait on her She stood by the fine skirt i counter When Mr Little went to I wait on her he told the woman to sit down and he would try the shoes on I to see if they fit and save coming back She did so and Mr Littles suspicions were aroused over by ac ¬ tions When the shoe she wore were I off and one of the new ones had been tried on Mr Little told her she had something under her skirt she had stolen and she could not leave the store until she had given up the stol- en ¬ property She dared to good- ness ¬ I she did not have anything and lifted her big apron UI Mr Little although rather a timid man and not of large physique after quite a tussel with the woman who was much larger I than he jerked her skirts up and out tumbled two fine skirts a 512 and a I 950 voile skirt that she had rolled j into a wad not much bigger than your two fists Then the woman broke i loose and started for the front door Mr Little cut her off and she turned arid ran for the back dooT He caught- her as she was going out and with the help of Mr J R Robbinson of the foundry who was passing through the- alley held her and led her to the city lockup where they put her inside I and held the door shut until Chief Hamp Chambers came with a key I Judging from the few eases of this kind that come to light the Star ven- tures ¬ the opinion that the mErchants of Ocala lose many hundreds of dol- lars ¬ worth of goods by tick shoplift- ers ¬ every year Mr Littles friends- are teasing him and congratulating- him as well upon his adventure with the woman AT THE BERLIN TONIGHT There will be three full reels of fine pictures at the Berlin this even- ing ¬ Be sure to go and see them I THE DEVIL Saturday night the irmory was packed to see the adaption of A Holt mans play from F Molnars great story The Devil John B White man impersonated the Devil known as Dr Milo und the other characters in tIll piece were Adolph Deorge the artist Fred Beaty Albert Kauffman- the broker Fred Elsworth Heinrich Adolphs Valet Ezra Cameron But- ler ¬ George Anderson Ola Kauffman the brokers wife Miss Myrtle Hul bert Fredericka Krupp the heiress Miss Ethel Weatherly Nina the ar- tists ¬ model Miss Florence Emerson John B Vhiteman as Dr Milo waS superb and his support was decidedly good and each member of the cast in his or her respectiverole made a hit TIme devils inllnence owr men and women was most subtly shown The audience saw and felt beneath the garb of a Beau Brumnwll the man- ners ¬ of a Chesterfield till subtle and- balefulintluence of the great foe to mankind Those he approached knew tilt character of the person and at- tempted ¬ to shun and repntee him but he overcame their protests and invec- tives ¬ as though they were clay in the hands of a potter mid ere they knew- it they had fallen into his pernicious wicked schemes and did his bidding but it was done with a suavity of manner and charming gmce that rob ¬ bed its heinous intent tits 10Krtr4 someness and made the glare of his roinises and predictions one of ex- pectant ¬ pleasure and rapture Those who saw this play and it actors will have something to think and talk about Dont be deceived by imitations of DeWitts Carbolied Witch Hazel Salve When you a k for DeWitts be sure to get it The name is stamped I on every box There is just one orig- inal ¬ I It is especially good for piles Ve sell and recommend it Sold by I AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Mrs E H Mote is being royally en ¬ tertained by her friends at her old home Elizabethtown Ky where she is visiting Harry Bennett of Franklin Ind who has a promising grove at Candler is down for the winter and spent the day in the Brick City- R C Davis Co of Jacksonville will sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms if desired- It was pay day at the mines Satur- day ¬ and in consequence there were a great many colored people in town to- day ¬ I trading I Mr P H Nugent came up today from Candler James Nelson of the Ocala Gas En- gine ¬ Works went down to Candler this afternoon to recruit from a re- lapse of dengue fever- J K Christian the foremost mer ¬ chant at Mclntosh was in the city this afternoon- Rev I Coleman who filled the pulpit of tlw Christian church at McIntosh Sunday returned home today I Mr and Mrs L L Akin who spent Sunday with relatiyes it Citra re ¬ turned home today u ON THECORNERV- isit I our new store It is modern and uptodate and some say as pretty as can be Some of our new goods are in I DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15 = two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS- Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c 0 K Grocery Clark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 175 4S I 4 S t- l Why Do You c Read This o 1 Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye It is just so with Fred Kauffmann TAILORING r The cutting the fit and the style male V e o them attractive to the eye You need not dress loud if 1 The beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoring creates attention and improves every u- f mans appearance We show almost 500 V i > Fall Patterns priced from 1250 the t 1C Suit up to 5000 The Most Perfectr f Tailoring under the sun SS A FRANK at the BOSTON STO- REHANDSOME A J J f Fall Stock or Jewelry- I am getting in one of the handsomest and most > complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall1ijg SS J winter that I have ever carried Many of goods have already arrived There are many f t I SS PRETTY THINGS in Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds Diamonds Cut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc t and many others arriving each weeks 6 I am agent for and carry a large stock of Edisons Phonographs 1 and Records Nearly L 7 h 4 2000 DIFFERENT RECORDS 7i to select from We will be pleased 1 I L to have you call and see the goods I = I Respectfully > ZJQ- d 4 r- > t S IFr oJ I A E Burnett it I j- r lilt il I OCALA THE JEWELER FLORIDA I I A card received in this city from Mr Irwin R Reardon son of the late ttrntrvMlclin G Reardon says that he is again in the SeaBoarcTS1r tirefreiffhtj office Jacksonville having ferred there from the Savannah office Mr Reardon is a splendid railroad I man and his services have always been in demand by railroads in gen- eral i I I There were more people from the country on the streets of Ocala Sat- urday ¬ than for many a Saturday and I they all looked prosperous and con ¬ tented- If I you want a pretty reading lamp to I trnnect with your electric light cur jrnt in the library or hall of your I home see Walter Tucker the elec- trician ¬ about It Captain DeLong and daughter Mrs John R Mathews of Candler went to I Jacksonville today to spend a week seeing the carnival Cob Nic Barco is here from Crystal River on important business He said the free oyster and fish fry and bar- becue ¬ Saturday would draw a large crowd He wished for a big atten- dance ¬ from Ocala They are trying to get a special rate I WOMAN INTERRUPTS I POLITICAL SPEAKER- A well dressed woman interrupted- a political speaker recently by con ¬ tinually1 coughing If she had taken Foleys Honey and Tar It would have cured her cough quickly and expelled the cold from her system The genu- ine ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar contains- no opiates and is in a yellow package Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers I I Dont forget tine county fair meet ¬ ing tonight at Sheriff Galloways of ¬ fice Everybody come Dont say it doesnt interest you it does Mallory Liddon who spent Sunday- in this city with his family went down to Dunnellon this afternoon- M E Gillis and wife who spent the past seven weeks in New York with their son returned home last week They had a very pleasant time Lee Thompson the mighty hunter of the rho sahowitzka swamps was a visitor to the city today Mr Venabl civil engineer of Cen ¬ ter Hill came up today to meet the hoard of county commissioners- Dr A L Izlar in returning from the lake last evening ran into a small sapling and today his auto Is in the shop for repairs HEALTH AND VITALITY I Motts Nerverine Pills The great n > rve and brain restora the or men anti women produces strength and vitality builds up the system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mall 1 per box C boxes for 5 Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF A j Concordla LOJlge No 181 Fraternal Union of America meets fourth Wed ¬ nesday of every month 730 p m at Yonges Hall R E Yonge P M Chas K Sage Secretary i < NOTICE St Notice is hereby given that the city eiTiii omit I I tober 1908 re- books and the stricken Ward iD- C R Hendri Rolf Tom n F Blcsch J Ward Jj James 6ro Condon WI- Julfs Cohen Lancaster Wl L M Miller- L J Parr J Precht S A R C E Thomas Walters J F Wi Ward 3S A- den W T Cole J Robinson E J Spragi Ward 4S S Bellamy Daniel O Duffin H H De Fort H C Gates W T Gaskh Hough T H Halley A J Let good H E Lea engood V L Mar not W G Marshall TJ Owen Ple Sims J T Sutherland S B Woodard Thomas Wesley Council will hear complaints for the restoration of names stricken Nov > rdt 1JOS H C SISTRUNK Clerk and Supervisor of Registration- of the City of Ocala 4- WINDMILL FORSALE Sr5b ermotor 12foot wheel also 60 foot steel tower all 4n good shape cheap Palmetto Park Farm Ct From Wednesdays Daily OYSTERS J f Oysters are good and we are serving them In all styles We keep a first class cafe and short order house and serve all of the delicacies of the sea- son ¬ as well as all plain staple dishes- at moderate prices Good coffee and something good to eat at any hour up to 10 oclock at night Bar in con- nection ¬ where you can get anything- to drink or smoke that you may vlslm KEGANS CAFE Short Order and Oyster House West- Side t w Public Sq r- efRESH BREAD FREE DELIVERY We have put on a wagon for our bakery and will deliver you I Fresh Bread Pies and Cakes to any part of the city upon short notice We bake every morning and only the best and have had many V years experience in the business We will appreciate a share of your tradeWOLF HEINT2 BAKERS l191 North Magnolia Street O I p- I

I The Shoe Co Do You vj Will out their Thisufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00983/0426.pdf1iI A j fSi f at u

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The Marion Shoe CoWill close out their

jSS Entire Stock-

of Mens Ladies and Chil-



drens Shoes Over ShoesI

Laces et-


Come in early and be fittedI and get bargains




The following letter was addressedto the ladles of Klssimmee by thehoard of trade but it is just as appli-cable


to the men and it is here re-


in the hope that the citizensgenerally will accede to the boardsrequest and in future spend theirmoney with home enterprises aridhome merchants

Dear Madam The Klssimmeei


Board of Trade is an institution thatfms for its object the building up ofthe business interests the beautifying-of the streets and avenues the en-


of the value of jroperty thedeveloping of its internal improve

t M H M M-


> t H t ft

H Not-i How Muchi

but U how good is the questionthat every one should abk in buyingcandy

I The old wying that Of a man istc1 LUC cmily he gives

I holdsgood today same as always5 Buy the hC51411t Uke the just-

ai > good kind

I Nothing quite equals

famous BonBons and ChocolatesThcr ITG in a distinctivelycx-clur claisrt tnlmSClveS 0

Orders receive prompt and carefulattention Just pivtus the nameand address and Uiclo Stm does

f the rest



ChacJefeD Hulbert M D

Hqmeopalhic Physician4

and Surgeon

Office Second Floor The Munroe andV Chambjs8 BankFlorida-


Building Ocalarjf J

154 Residence 45

Office Hours912 a m 24 p m 730830 pm




An elegant exclusive line and will bepleased to show you the goods andmake your fall or winter suit or trous ¬

ers You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods

I also have an elegant line of sam-ples


so that you are sure of findingwhat you want Respectfully

Jetty BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue


J J FORT Proprietor

Rates reasonableAll goods

Press d and Cleaned on Short No-



and Delivered Promptly Alli

transient work not called for in 30

days >wil be sold for charges


FUNERAL DIRECTORSk Undertakers and Embalmers


Fine Caskets and Burial Robes-

All IVork Doze by Licensed Em-


and Fully Garatc-

cdCJPHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South rid Stf

Ocaia Fla Phone 301



ments and otherwise aiding in theadvancement of our town

One of the first In fact the mostvital rules the citizens generallyshould adopt and strictly adhere to isthat of loyalty to home enterprisesand home merchants as only by so do-


will business ever be stimulated-to the extent that will warrant Kissimmee being called a city In all ofthis your assistance is needed

The system of patronizing foreignmail order houses has grown to a re ¬

markable degree in the past few yearsand has been one of the main factorsii retarding the progress of our owntown A dollar sent abroad jo pur ¬

chase articles of any kind whetherdry goods shoes clothing groceriesor anything else is as completely lostto the business interests of Kissimmee-a < though it were sunk in the depthsof the ocean-

Kissimmee with its many and va-


advantages and possibilities hasthe right to take rank with the fore ¬

most inland cities in Florida and willdo so if we will all cultivate the habit-of patronizing our home industries

We are satisfied that those whohave been accustomed to patronizemail order houses have never giventhe subject the serious thought whichsuch matters should have The totalpurchases from residents of Kissim-mee


through catalogue houses little-as you may realize it ar in the ag¬

gregate more than sufficient to stockand operate successfully one retailstore in this city and we would espe-cially


call your attention to the factthat because payment of transporta-tion


charges is not made tal long aft-erwards


when the goods arrive thischarge is invariably overlooked whenestimating the amount of your pur-


and is not infrequently 50 per-cent or more of the regular cataloguepriceThis letter is addressed to youknowing that the women are the nat ¬

ural money distributors of the familyand if it is possible you have everformed such a habit which is in it ¬

self detrimental to the best interests-of our town that you will in the fu ¬

ture cease practicing itHoping that you will take this let I

ter in the same kindly spirit it is in-


and assuring you that it isnothing but the good of Kissimmeethat prompts it we remain

RespectfullyKissimmee Board of Trade

The Star most respectfully refersthe above to the people of Ocala It iseven more applicable to our peoplebecause many of them are given tosending north for goods that can behad in Ocala Again Ocala offers amuch better market than Kissimmee-or indeed than almost any city inFlorida and can really supply yourevery want if you will but look aboutamong the magnificent stocks of ourenterprising merchants Keep yourmoney at home


In the matter of eye trouble is dan-gerous



In So Important a Matterhildren whose eyes are not exactlyight should be sent to me at once

Dont wait The little fellows are deending upon YOU They dont knowhese things themselves-

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala Flaoffice Hours 8 to 12 a m and

130 to 4JO p m Optical office andlaboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block

The churches were well ttendeJSunday arid the preachers were attheir best Rev Carrolls sermon onstealing was a most forceful and ef-



We are displaying the largest and I

best selected line of perfumes toiletpowders toilet waters soaps etc inCentral Florida and will take pleas-ure

¬ I

In showing you the line TheAntiMonopoly Drugstore

George Peterson representing theCooper McReece Refrigerator Coof New York City was In town todayinterviewing the trade

What do you think of a guaranteed-razor and strop for 1 Well theKnight Martin Hardware Co willhave a window full of them in a fewdays If the razors are not just asrepresented you can get your dollarback

Foleys Honey and Tar cures coughsquickly strengthens the lungs and ex ¬

pels colds Get the genuine In a yel-


package Sold by all dealers

There was only one case before hishonor this morning in the municipal-court It was a case in which a bonvivant declined to pay his hack fareHwas persuaded to do so

jI 0-r FOR SALESecond hand furniturefor sale cheap Apply to F W Ditto

t< A U 0


K of P meet this evening

Elks meet tomorrow eveningII

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Eagles meet Wednesday evening I

Two secondhand wagons for sale I

cheap Apply to F W Ditto-

J L Rushing of Eureka was in thecity today

Get your school supplies at theOcala News Co

Tents for rent or sale The OcalaFurniture Company-

Mrs Elmore Davidson ard son Zackspent Sunday with Mrs M D Juhan

FOR RENTA splendidly furnish-ed


room Inquire at 78 Watula street

Sheriff George Carter of Citruscounty was in town today

Furnished rooms for rent Apply atXo 34 Oklawaha avenue

Mr Andrew Turner of Inverness isa visitor to the city today-

A new line of renting wheels 15cper hour B F Condon

Flower seeds all kinds for fall plant ¬

ing at Tydings Co

Use Planks Chill Tonic Guaran ¬

teed Price 25c Sold by all druggists

Souvenirs of Ocala for lac at theOcala News Co

The ucala News Co has the larg ¬

est line of school books in Ocala

Mr Harpe the Citra turpentine op-


was a visitor to the city to-


One pound of paper and two packsof envelopes very best grade for 50cents at Tydings Co

Mr Hugh Nichols left today for theAtlanta horse market and Mr D WTompkins expects to leave tonight

Have you seen the new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents

Miss Hattie Smith left for Williston this morning to be with hermother who is quite sick


Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25cents the box at the Postoffice Drug-store


Mrs F V Barse is spending theweek at Plymouth with her friendMrs Jackson

I R> C Davis Co of Jacksonville I

Ihandle silk typewriter ribbons 75c I

each 750 per dozen-

E E Voyle thh Gainesville tele ¬

phone man was in town Sunday anda guest of the Montezuma

I Really fine stationery in fancy boxesI at greatly reduced rates at the Cor ¬

ner DrugstoreS

J C Lancaster connected with theMartel Lumber Company was a guest-of the Montezuma Sunday


Send us your prescription business-We


are thoroughly prepared to handle-it Tydings Co

G G Harrison of Anthony and L BSimpson of York dinel at the Mon-tezuma



We lead the city on stationery tab-lets


and school supplies of all kindsThe AntiMonopoly Drugstore

Little Elizabeth Blaine is ill at thehotn < of her parents on South Secondstreet

Now is the time to plant your gar ¬

den We have all kinds of gardenseed for fall planting Tydings Co

Mr R J Kniglt of Crystal Riverwas a business visitor in the city to-


Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25-

cents the box at the Poscolfice Drug-store

Mr Snowden of Micanopy was vis-iting


friends in Ocala Saturday andSunday

SCHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL BOOKSeither new or secondhand at theOcala News Company-

Mr J C Devant Jr and Mr F BCoogle lawyers of Brooksvillo werein town today guests of the OcalaHouse

Call in and see the pretty line offancy imported China that we aredisplaying The AntiMonopoly Drug-Store

Mr Vernio Roberts of Tampa wasI in town yesterday and today coming-on business connected with the OcalaFurniture Company

A fresh shipment of Guths famousdelicious candies chocolates and bon-bons just received at the CornerDrug Store

It is dry and dusty tho streets needsprinkling and we trust the councilwill get busy and see that the water i

wagon is brought out

MEN Our illustrated catalogue ex-


how we teach barber trade infew weeks mailed free Moler BarberCollege Atlanta Ga

Mrs Hardy C Croom and son re ¬

turned Saturday from a visit tofriends at Brooksville

Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25cents the box at the Postoffice Drug ¬

store V


When you wish fruit and vegetablesdelivered at your door look out for-th delivery wagon and stop it orphone our store No 277 If youwish small quantities of fruit samecan be supplied from our store in theMontezuma block or the Magnoliastreet store If you wish large quan-tities


call at the Magnolia streetstore near Baptist church


L u

Cranberries Egg Noodles



Honey in Comb I

Shredded Codfish and

2 lb boxes Boneless Cod fish

Cracker Meal

1 lb pkgs Pop Corn

5 Ib can Fruit Cake-



Mr Will Jeffcoat of the MarionShoe Co says the closing out sale isproving a tremendous success andthat the public appreciate the excep ¬

tional bargains offered in shoes andI are taking advantage of the oppor-tunity


of buying a pair at costI


There will be a meeting tonight atthe Boston Store of football enthus-iasts

¬ I

and every lover of footballshould be on hand-

A stenographer rapid accurate andwith considerable experience wants asituation Address Box ISO OcalaFla

Mr L A Morgan of Americus Gatraveling representative for the An-


ilson Paper Co was in townyesterday and today a guest of theOcala House and called on the news-paper


men Mr Morgans house hasopened a warehouse in Savannah

FOR SALE160 acres good land 30of which is cleared and been cultivat-ed


has good sixroom house barnstables work shop cistern balance130 acres pine timber been cut overbut has good crosstie timber andplenty good wood and heart post tim-ber


Price 500 half cash Apply toF W Ditto

Miss Susie Fort will entertain thereading club at Mrs J W Pearsonsresidence tomorrow afternoon at 330oclock


THEATERXorth Magnolia Street Opposite

Mclver MacKays-

H M VOOD Proprietor I


Open Promptly at 330 P M

Admission 10 CentsChildren 5 Cents

FOR RENT Warehouse formerlyoccupied by Knight Martin locat-ed


on Magnolia street Apply to M JRoe 8 room 20 Holder building

JBuy a highgrade standard whee

10 down and 2 per week B F Con ¬


Miss Mattie Marshall after a verypleasant visit to friends in Ocala re-


to her home at Oklawaha yes-


NTEIBookkeeper and clerkYoung lady thoroughly capable towrite up set of books and act as sales-lady


at other times S R F careStar

At least twentyfive Dunnellon citi-


came up today and took the noontrain for Jacksonville going to take Inthe carnival-



dont have to take your preI

cription to the druggist whose name-sI printed on the blank Take it to any

I rugstorethe lest drugstore BringI t direct to us The Corner Drugstore-



Mullens and wife of St Peters ¬

burg who spent several days withtheir daughter Mrs Charles Culbreath returned home today Irsfcame here from Kentucky where shespent the summe-

rWANTEDA teacher to teach threechildren at night Must understandChesterfield Apply to Dr D M Boney 2 and 4 Gary building

J G Spurlin who spent Sunday inthis city with his family went toLeesburg this afternoon to sell groc-eries


I for his Jacksonville house

We have a most exquisite line offancy imported china in many dif¬

ferent pieces The AntiMonopolyDrugstore-

Mr C E Nix of Floral City was aI business visitorto the city today

We carry the best line of toilet ar-


soaps perfumes etc in thecity Come in and be convinced Ty¬

dings c CoI


Mr G W Martin went to Jackson-ville


last night to buy goods from arepresentative of of one of the houseslu trades with

Mr George Blitch and sisters MrsLyles and little daughter Dorothyspent Sunday with relatives at BUtchton returning home last evening I

When you want stationery go to astationery store The Ocala NewsCompany has the best and most uptodate line in Ocala

I Nunnallys After Dinner Mints 25 I

cents the box at the Postoffice Drug-store



I Mrs M M Davison of No 379 Gifford Ave San Jose Cal says Theworth of Electric Bitters as a generalfamily remedy for headache bilious-ness


and torpor of the liver and bowels-is so pronounced that I am prompted-to say a word in its favorS for thebenefit of those seeking relief fromsuch afflictions There is more healthfor the digestive organs in a bottle ofEectric Bitters than in any other rem ¬

edy I know of Sold under guarantee-at all drugstores 50c






M M Little at RheinauerCompanys store just after noon todaydid a good piece of work in recover-ing

¬ Igoods and appfthMiJing a shop-


A negro woman wife of thecook at the Arcade Parson Young j

came in to exchange a pair of shoes j

she had bought She had to wait forIsome time until Mr Little could waiton her She stood by the fine skirt i

counter When Mr Little went to I

wait on her he told the woman to sitdown and he would try the shoes on


to see if they fit and save comingback She did so and Mr Littlessuspicions were aroused over by ac ¬

tions When the shoe she wore wereI

off and one of the new ones had beentried on Mr Little told her she hadsomething under her skirt she hadstolen and she could not leave thestore until she had given up the stol-en


property She dared to good-ness


she did not have anything andlifted her big apron UI Mr Littlealthough rather a timid man and notof large physique after quite a tusselwith the woman who was much larger I

than he jerked her skirts up and outtumbled two fine skirts a 512 and a I

950 voile skirt that she had rolled j

into a wad not much bigger than yourtwo fists Then the woman broke i

loose and started for the front doorMr Little cut her off and she turnedarid ran for the back dooT He caught-her as she was going out and with thehelp of Mr J R Robbinson of thefoundry who was passing through the-alley held her and led her to the citylockup where they put her inside

I and held the door shut until ChiefHamp Chambers came with a key

I Judging from the few eases of thiskind that come to light the Star ven-


the opinion that the mErchantsof Ocala lose many hundreds of dol-


worth of goods by tick shoplift-ers


every year Mr Littles friends-are teasing him and congratulating-him as well upon his adventure withthe woman


There will be three full reels offine pictures at the Berlin this even-ing


Be sure to go and see themI


Saturday night the irmory waspacked to see the adaption of A Holtmans play from F Molnars greatstory The Devil John B Whiteman impersonated the Devil known asDr Milo und the other characters intIll piece were Adolph Deorge theartist Fred Beaty Albert Kauffman-the broker Fred Elsworth HeinrichAdolphs Valet Ezra Cameron But-


George Anderson Ola Kauffmanthe brokers wife Miss Myrtle Hul

bert Fredericka Krupp the heiressMiss Ethel Weatherly Nina the ar-


model Miss Florence EmersonJohn B Vhiteman as Dr Milo waS

superb and his support was decidedlygood and each member of the cast inhis or her respectiverole made a hitTIme devils inllnence owr men andwomen was most subtly shown Theaudience saw and felt beneath thegarb of a Beau Brumnwll the man-ners


of a Chesterfield till subtle and-balefulintluence of the great foe tomankind Those he approached knewtilt character of the person and at-


to shun and repntee him buthe overcame their protests and invec-tives


as though they were clay in thehands of a potter mid ere they knew-it they had fallen into his perniciouswicked schemes and did his biddingbut it was done with a suavity ofmanner and charming gmce that rob ¬

bed its heinous intent tits 10Krtr4someness and made the glare of hisroinises and predictions one of ex-


pleasure and rapture Thosewho saw this play and it actors willhave something to think and talkabout

Dont be deceived by imitations ofDeWitts Carbolied Witch HazelSalve When you a k for DeWitts besure to get it The name is stamped I

on every box There is just one orig-inal


It is especially good for pilesVe sell and recommend it Sold by I

AntiMonopoly Drugstore-

Mrs E H Mote is being royally en ¬

tertained by her friends at her oldhome Elizabethtown Ky where sheis visiting

Harry Bennett of Franklin Indwho has a promising grove at Candleris down for the winter and spent theday in the Brick City-

R C Davis Co of Jacksonvillewill sell any make of secondhandtypewriter upon easy terms if desired-

It was pay day at the mines Satur-day


and in consequence there were agreat many colored people in town to-


I tradingI

Mr P H Nugent came up todayfrom Candler

James Nelson of the Ocala Gas En-


Works went down to Candlerthis afternoon to recruit from a re-

lapse of dengue fever-

J K Christian the foremost mer ¬

chant at Mclntosh was in the citythis afternoon-

RevI Coleman who filled the pulpitof tlw Christian church at McIntoshSunday returned home today

IMr and Mrs L L Akin who spentSunday with relatiyes it Citra re ¬

turned home todayu



our new store It ismodern and uptodate andsome say as pretty as can be

Some of our new goods are in I



DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15 = two for 25



Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow


0 K GroceryClark Bros ProprietorsP-

HONE 175



4S t-


Why Do You c

Read This o1

Because the Ad Writer made it attractive to your eye

It is just so with Fred Kauffmann

TAILORING rThe cutting the fit and the style male V e o

them attractive to the eyeYou need not dress loud

if 1The beauty of Fred Kauffmann Tailoringcreates attention and improves every u-

fmans appearance We show almost 500V


Fall Patterns priced from 1250 the t1C

Suit up to 5000 The Most Perfectr fTailoring under the sun SSA FRANK at the BOSTON STO-


J fFall Stock orJewelry-

I am getting in one of the handsomest and most >

complete stocks of Jewelry for the trade this fall1ijg SS


winter that I have ever carried Many of goodshave already arrived There are many f t

I SSPRETTY THINGSin Watches Chains Jewelry of all kinds DiamondsCut Glass and Silverware Fine China Novelties etc


and many others arriving eachweeks

6 I am agent for and carry alarge stock of Edisons Phonographs


and Records Nearly L


to select from We will be pleased 1I L to have you call and see the goodsI


I Respectfully > ZJQ-d4 r-

> t S

IFr oJ I

A E Burnett itI


lilt il




A card received in this city fromMr Irwin R Reardon son of the latettrntrvMlclin G Reardon says that he isagain in the SeaBoarcTS1r tirefreiffhtjoffice Jacksonville havingferred there from the Savannah officeMr Reardon is a splendid railroad I

man and his services have alwaysbeen in demand by railroads in gen-





There were more people from thecountry on the streets of Ocala Sat-urday


than for many a Saturday and I

they all looked prosperous and con ¬



you want a pretty reading lamp toI

trnnect with your electric light curjrnt in the library or hall of your


home see Walter Tucker the elec-


about It

Captain DeLong and daughter MrsJohn R Mathews of Candler went to

I Jacksonville today to spend a weekseeing the carnival

Cob Nic Barco is here from CrystalRiver on important business He saidthe free oyster and fish fry and bar-becue


Saturday would draw a largecrowd He wished for a big atten-dance


from Ocala They are trying toget a special rate




A well dressed woman interrupted-a political speaker recently by con ¬

tinually1 coughing If she had takenFoleys Honey and Tar It would havecured her cough quickly and expelledthe cold from her system The genu-



Foleys Honey and Tar contains-no opiates and is in a yellow packageRefuse substitutes Sold by all dealers


I Dont forget tine county fair meet ¬

ing tonight at Sheriff Galloways of¬

fice Everybody come Dont say itdoesnt interest you it does

Mallory Liddon who spent Sunday-

in this city with his family wentdown to Dunnellon this afternoon-

M E Gillis and wife who spent thepast seven weeks in New York withtheir son returned home last weekThey had a very pleasant time

Lee Thompson the mighty hunter ofthe rho sahowitzka swamps was avisitor to the city today

Mr Venabl civil engineer of Cen ¬

ter Hill came up today to meet thehoard of county commissioners-

Dr A L Izlar in returning fromthe lake last evening ran into a smallsapling and today his auto Is in theshop for repairs


Motts Nerverine PillsThe great n >rve and brain restora

the or men anti women producesstrength and vitality builds up thesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mall 1

per box C boxes for 5 Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore

CONCORDIA LODGE F U OF Aj Concordla LOJlge No 181 Fraternal

Union of America meets fourth Wed ¬

nesday of every month 730 p m atYonges Hall R E Yonge P M

Chas K Sage Secretary


NOTICE StNotice is hereby given that the cityeiTiii omit I I

tober 1908 re-books and thestricken

Ward iD-C R HendriRolf Tom nF Blcsch J

Ward Jj

James 6roCondon WI-Julfs CohenLancaster WlL M Miller-L J Parr JPrecht S A RC E ThomasWalters J F Wi

Ward 3S A-

den W T Cole JRobinson E J Spragi

Ward 4S S BellamyDaniel O Duffin H H DeFort H C Gates W T GaskhHough T H Halley A J Letgood H E Lea engood V L Marnot W G Marshall TJ Owen PleSims J T Sutherland S B WoodardThomas Wesley

Council will hear complaints for therestoration of names stricken Nov > rdt1JOS H C SISTRUNKClerk and Supervisor of Registration-

of the City of Ocala4-


ermotor 12foot wheel also 60

foot steel tower all 4n good shapecheap Palmetto Park Farm CtFrom Wednesdays Daily


Oysters are good and we are servingthem In all styles We keep a firstclass cafe and short order house andserve all of the delicacies of the sea-son


as well as all plain staple dishes-at moderate prices Good coffee andsomething good to eat at any hour upto 10 oclock at night Bar in con-


where you can get anything-to drink or smoke that you mayvlslm

KEGANS CAFEShort Order and Oyster House West-

Sidet w

Public Sq r-


We have put on a wagon forour bakery and will deliver you


Fresh Bread Pies and Cakes toany part of the city upon shortnotice

We bake every morning andonly the best and have had many Vyears experience in the businessWe will appreciate a share of yourtradeWOLF


l191North Magnolia StreetO
