'\:f•L. XII. Bozeman. Montana, Friday, 19, 1920. l:\L"MBER i. BRUINS DEF EAT THE BOBCATS "TheSwingolthePendulum" Sixth Annual Vocational A Montana State Production C 1 ° S ongress s zn ess1on IN FINAL f.AME Tho Swing of Pen<lulum, a playj The cast of characters for the U w. itt:...n and produced for f:wing- of the Pendulum is as follows: j the congrf'S::i, I Cast: the F'inal Game of the to l>e one of W.O"'t en- 'fa:th Templeton, mothe1· ======= ==== I INTERESTING AND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM IS BEING fi•1RLS mtto ARE I CARRIED OUT FOR THE BENEFIT OF MONTANA HIGH l..."eason rndefc•ateJ, the mue and tr-rtaining atb·actions of the con,·en- . Valbo1·g RiYenes U Ii SCHOOL GIRLS TO GUIDE THEM fN THEIR SELECTION (,old \Yarriers are Be.aten 28 to 0 tion. Though the time for Daughter Ethel Young hy a HeaYier and Team. and rehearsals has been Justina Courtney, lawyer 1 I tht• girls have pro<luted an entertam- Kathryn Keown ATTENOIN r. THE OF A VOCATION. GUESTS ARE ENTERTAINED AT U HAMILTON HALL AND SORORITIES. 1 e football ment which might be classed with the ··. ··· r: chine defeated r .c from b{;!st of home talent productions. I .Yiontague. aetress, " , rana Ste:.ti coll,.,gc·. 28 to 0 last Rosemary Trach.-well The theme of the play is woman'::; I Sally Sexingtun, mi1liner, ANNUAL CONGRESS; PROMINENT SPEAKERS 'ur!a\ '-ore :-;hO\\S thP sL1pcriority of the a' c:· t, t'1 Br;·r.n \Vils tht.. "Illy a c a. \I1 its ,:,;c•l r\ t> part. :\Us.sou la mak- The RnLl'ats place 111 vocati1.n. The time of the' _l\Iary Eber:::-ole fiT-..t ad i::; at file present. and in this I J I. I · ...... Anna 0111ta \J,ir• Tlian l."0 G1'rl .... ar 0 in Dozeman u:!11c a grou1 f girl"' arC' uc Y gnatrns 1 mlr!'c.. ..,. ... " -=============== \ \Tocati•'Jnal Congress Originated d; i: :n,..,; their \.."arecr::5. The second Ha1·bara Blackstone, amba-:;sac1o1· of_ State Col· I.;.. "·t opens on the same scene thirty Lindsley ll':?.e at the \ ocat1onal Congress ...... :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: •• :: Six ·ears Ago by Dean Her- v r:-. later. Y11u1t1l,n is again the PinkeTton, old maid without a One hundred .anti fifty girls re- :;: The ·e : -qiu: vf con\ o;;r..:;aL:on, anJ t.hc r.J:::ult' \'otation EYa Ritschel \ pre,cnting 55 localities are the guests :; whic-h i> given annually by the .. in Encouraging High School tltC> attE·mpts of each of the"e wo- Eleanor Emt>r::;on. author of 3-lontar.a State College this week :: of will be held in •• " , heard. A reward ,_,·hich has I Doroth,,· Ropes h 1 . d b 1 j . h •• \\omen to Attend College. T •"' gic are accompame Y c iaper- :: the drill Saturday mg. t, nov- •• ·11 vfr't.. l in the fit·:::t act is now Vrv \Vright. a\·iatrix, .. Helen Tripp ows and axe titaying at Hamilton 1 1:: 20. This dance is also !! .:.i'\' r{k<l to the> <Plt' a.ecom!)lishing the .Jun.e \.Yatelhousc, forest ranger. the four houses and :: the finale of entertainments •• The Si:\ .. th annal vocational cong·res.-;; ' J t l is f!.\..OW in session and thete are about 1 l('s gooc. 1 . ........ DoHithy Reed homes in The fol- 1 :: for the Vocational CongTcss :: l:JO rr:rls .from all OYCl' lllontana in at- rt Ht 1 • ,, riuar- .:1.larj0) .. Bohs:rt., the aulh'Jr Giorgia Eank", financier· 1 . \\ n_ • ·'4h s ... hool gnb are here an1i al! :.i1b vho are ntlcnt'iln2; 4.'• t:._._clDnc:e and over 20 teachers an<l U K 1,.. , .... 1 Bur ·.t: and c. t_ pla:.· ha:, \,_-m:·ked har_d m 1.lro- . ··-·--·.·, ....... _ . Lu.dll.! !:>t<!<:b!cr l le ( .n!?Tess this we_ck: \!: are invi.tc<l. A cvlur scheme vi. •• :: The program has so far the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an which might Ifcpe Goo<lk1nd1 mmbt:i. . . . Del<'!!a,es at Ycct't1onal Congress. I:: l!reen an<l gold is being •• been unu,,,ually good and the Attor l e first 1,.. n' •" ieol w1t,1 that of any collc.ge I ..... . . .... . .. hath1yn fo\rne. I \.b,cra!ccc-Jl,•stcr Sdvester. Grace .. thrnu;cbout the decorations. of each delegate is Yery keen. nutr.:;:,, thE. out('oJ e f th1.:: ganle ut• n at1t Oh:.aniz.ation. She was alh-o _. E:xe-i;-utH·e Staff. I 1 h U rider will be on tap and the •• The <let.ails of the meetfog-s have bt. l d at th,· encl re to a e:i-1•.at extent. for the .................. " o Smith, Josephine l !! turkey raffle, whh.:h was the ... i:an.:01\1lly worked out by the executh-e 111 ,:1 at ... appe.:-.red r·rc.Judi1 n of the suc:ce.::sful play, \\arclrobe )11stress ... Glauys 'Vh1taker H 'fll .. feattne of the dance last year, •• staff of girl students of the college. fn . e C'JU<lr- \rins Torlay," wh;rh was· .\dvertising Jfana;:rer.. - Ada .Jones i Rothwell, Inez •• \vi11 be held again this year. •• the following: .A.Jina Bur- ' ct · h b I tb II t S'·· 'I \I St b " Se·.-eral farnr and nu1·dty •• t. r Coa .... ·h G1 l.\ •s ptit ln substitutel:i-, giv n 1 ra tn·ing- t e as .:e a our- wg-e ana.ger ····· ary !'ana an Ir. •• g-ess. 1:hairman of the conventi011; I B · M II I T · crguson. · •• dances "·ill be stage<l and the .. wn. tried trick pass1 witliout muc.h \ namtt:t in 19HI. usmess anag-er · --=·----· e en rt pp Fon; Benton-Elizabeth Joyce. :.: entertainment committee pro- ... Frances Kyle, ehainnan of the hous- J , Tb<: bi'::" B1. ZL'man crowd, led I Fromberg-Beulah Braziel, Marie ,•,• d ing; Charlotte Cooltjy, chairman of lhe mises everyone a goo lime ++ l heer L-eade:r Eaton. kept up its ld I B 1 1 Graham. •• •• reception; Dorothy Ropes, chairrnan ' >port until tht· end. I '/\Tew But " ings I anquet or G!:J.,gow-Uelen Hammerness. \:; :: :: :: l!:; :: :: :; :; :; :; :; :; of the house; Flo1ence Wesch. chair- ' Y Great Falls-Lenora Pophal. man of the entertainment; Pearl Beau· '.ri->ou.e "' '" J:l.-I Hy tho Asso- f M s c I c:"ootbal' n Aen 1' ·,;,:.::na.rlo>1 ton-.les>ie Cambron. Peail Mrs p, chawp, chairman of attendance; Ada ;u.kd PressJ -Completely OY 8 I' j t" · ...... .:: eteYSOn Jones, chahman of the publicity; t opp<lm:nt·- in 1.::\E'ry department . . . .,.. _ . _ . _ Allen· Virgmia I Theo :.\Iuntzec·, chairman of finance; t 1 e game. the )Iontana State Uni- The pasage of Jn1t1atn-C' i\1easure Last '\\ edne::.day cYenmg President :F'lorencC" ,Vallate, ).larian Gz"VeS Concert :Harie BTandenburg", chairman of re- uverwht..·l 1ed the State rolleg-e . l!'J at the recent election in.sul"es 1 Alfred .Atkinson gave a delig-htful in- Holter. gistration of the Gallatin county !:t:b!>tantial additiuns to the buildings f, rmal ba11quct at the dining room of Hysham-Nellie Thurman, Thelma hig-h ;:,, ·hool; Ellen :\hrquis, and at i\fo11tam1 State col-1 home economic!' department in Pierson. At the Municipal theater, Thursday chairrnnn of musk; Gladys l\Iatthcws, on" touchdown in Ic<re, Under the provisions of this honor of the football team. Both the Broad. evening, NoY. 18 , the Lea- chairman of 1>1'inting-; Kate Keown, th1 g-ame, and made- new buildilags rna;y he con- nntl second t ar.d thL· man- ::\lai Petrie. ;..:.uc oilcred the fii .;t c·ntcr ttir.mcnt of P"O;!lan1; Helen Tl'ipr, the llucted and <.:quipped or old build- ag-u· an<l we1 .. : .. C'ity-Cather!n1e l\IcRae. of fhc l!JZO \\.omen's Yocational con- heJ.d U!-.:!u-'r; E\4.Jlyn aml ' Jl t · < \ Tl t 1 I b t'f 11 I Edith Stanley, sec1"et.aries. ,..,+ te l' egE:. ... r_::::· .... I ;-:·c:;-;c:n ·· .1c 3.J es wcTe eau 1 u ) Shelby-j)lary Barne3. gTess. The program began at 8:00 The ).linnt·:-:ota gainc<l ground I'rcbably the flr::-.t building· to be decc.ratcJ 1 . appropriately of Tltree Forks-Agnes Bl'abee. o'clotk with a concert by Lil1ian of the delegates arrive(l here a .. ,\ill for t..he university. with C:C;nf'truc·ted at :.\Ionta_na State college I ot·ast.on. Thanksgwmg· pump- Townsend-}Jai·garet Connors. Brii:'I':" Peterson. followc.J by the twn so10: 0 t'mc Thurnday and were ente1- :-- '1ivu.n. Kershrie:r Bar:ry and Adam::: under the funds JH'OY:dcd by ,tht.." bond km:::, red and apples, and Yfrgini:l City-·Edith Porter, Mar- nd ploy, the Swing of the Pendulum. tainen at the 1\lunicipal Theater la=--t p ng-ing: throu:::h f01 lc-ng- g-ainsJ ·._·ue w!ll be a ma;n cngi11c of grap('..: udorne<l the tab!es. j..,. Dudley·, Allen. Forest Ball. Tlw music ·was provided by the col- CYening: at a recital by Lil1:aa il.:. f nvar<l passes ··were bui!cling. Thi:::. :::;houl<l make ampl'2' "'le\·er minature footballc; marked 11irr Thnber 1.lorda Dishop, ina lege Ol'Chestra under the direction of' Brigg-s Peterson, formerly of :Jlin- roplcte<l for big yardage. r.1·t.\·ision for er;gincering dns3 1oom-: 11e plaees. Ellingson. T\rrs. Courier. nearolis. and a devt·r two act nla: ... - ar·ain ga\·c the r.ztate certain of tethnical !::'bet·- TIH? host:s and fnr the \.Yhilo;;·hall-111.:.•nt• )J..-11 Mrs. Lillian Brigg!i Peterson. .all rhamμion.::llip to th f't'.".te "-'L k·s. It is a:;:,,o to inr;;.ide an Ell- L'\..:liing were: and .Ylrs. Al- }.lountjoy. Soprano, the following selec- 'j u \"C'rsity team, which played in mag- l"(Otn as part of Atkinson, Lna B Herric::k, 1 Ilan·i:::-on-Yiolet Iris Cable. tlons. ·June Hai'tman of the p1',of!ram r fiC'ent f. n i',rotuthollt. tht! line tli.s. ... ..\ second ['·an and Jlr$ .. J. ).i. Ha1.iiltcin, :JfrS'!' Conrad-Augu:-:ta Ru!'::'Sell. I . d . d 1 mo111111g at mne oc:lock at \Yh1cn time · · h ·1 · h · U 1 '" G D d 'I J 'I j cpartment accompantc ler. the Con. '' •, <. [01·111all•.- oneneJ ppm;! <·':t:'ry att'mpt to g-am on ,u1 ding wh!ch we may ope to see- \ raYes, r. an rs .. _1 IIavn?-Lois \Yanl. .... ·• - .r -aig-ht football. wm bC' the engineering :\fr. and :Vfr!=i. D. B. Alrncontla-)•Iary Gagner, ('lal'isa Tl2e prOgra 1 ! 1 a follows: . Miss Aline chairman oi I.he s Ir j t I 1 I I l l . Tl . b 'ld I 1e A :Song of Sunshine ....... ..\ Gm mg convenli()n. L n 1van score1 two ouclCowns, ..;;1<ps anc aJ<Tatories. ns u1 - \\' ng · ).!cF.lhannie. Thomas one and Barry one, while ing :-;.hould in<.:lude six different. units President _.\tkinson presidc·c! as llutLe-Alice Graham. He1\?n _l\Ic- The program for the two da;:v-s of 4 .:J.•ns kicked four goals. tn prv\.ide lahoratory f2cilitie:. for tr:a,"tmastl'r· keC'ping- the party in I Leo<l . Four Leaf Clover .Leila Brow11Pll the Cling-ress i..- follo,vs: .Montana opened the game with an the differc11t typ"S of engineering I hic:h sphits by deser stories. nallantinc _ Ev•l Reed. Gladys I Bring you Hcnrtsease... Gena 1 Friday \[orning, 9 o'l'lock c·..,._id1,_1 kit!: l or. ·y reco,·erin_ The I bl:ing carried on at the college. These I Dean Hamilt011 was called upon and I Lyng-. Braneombe. . _ 1 Opening of Burg ... <...-:zzliPs tc k th La.J 1 to the 20- eng-ineering buildings_ will be located\ ''c·:ponded by telling- the of Thoadncw;--I\Iarie Easton, Viola Caro N0111e, from Rigoletto \ l'rdi 1 Chairm:m of Conventlon J. lintt wh( re Hrzbec n a! betWl' ·n Sixih and 8eyenth avenues. f'ootball at llf onta:ia State college ".."r; l-soiL Yielle Chanson Bizet Devotionals ..... ..Frances ForL(-'3 fto:..J l goal. Soon c..ftf<r another an ti.U- l!'t tly 0 1 Hamilton hall. from 180;] to 1904. Prof. Swingle I Dillon _ Fra.nres Forsgren, Ella Ri :\Ies Vers ... R. Assembly singin,!!-Katherir.e Y .. nee tame, \\'i h Kershner carryih.{:.:· 1 Di.:fure acld1tional ni.._y be. -...poke on scholarship and athletics. Free. Bonjour. Suzon .. Leo De 1 1bt•s Address o:f \Velcome--Dea;t Hamil!:""ln t111· Lall on?r. .:::i.r1..·d f01·. a new c:entral heating fJlant 1 ''Pat'' t'aptain of thi!:i Deci· Lodge-Dol'is Edghill. ! The American:s Come --··--·Fay Foster Greeting from G.C.H.S .. E!o!se he se(:q,.nd st:OI t: was credited .:o will have to be The j Bobcat tl'am_ respon<led with Red Lodge-:\larjorie Finley, Lill an 1 The R.eturn Arthur Bergh I Greetings from Pres. le'lguc ·h·an. had l!ladi:: .. o t.';u n€'v srnall plants now 1n usl! are cle\·er ,.,.!t, and Joe Bush Haves. The Rose of Summer j ·---·-·····------ . ..... Ruth ) Js on a forward pass. operating up to heir full capacity.! who, last Saturday, played his last, 1C.1ein-1Iarriet Betklev. Con1in' Thru the Rye Response _____ ···- Hathw;J.:r in the third '1.Uarter !i.fontana that this udclitiona.l radiation n.rny J.C. .tbnll game. ·with the ex-1· Stevensville-Doris Birch. Esther "'Whitehall IIig-h bl ·ked one of :l!cDonald"s punts, and not be cared for before a new heating pres.etl the h1_f(h esteem which the :l:cLaug-hJin. WOMAN'S LEAf.UE Roll Call · hvan c:Tashcd o\·er frcm the seven pfant is erected. It is probable that I footlHtll men have for Coach Graves. Ca::nYell. Floy Proud-J U · Treble Clef __ Yf d. line. t:his heating plant will be located ''Packy" McFa1·Iin, manager of the 1 foot. "How to Take .• tos," \Y R. Cobkigh ·he fourth and lat quort-r came just north of .the agricu!Lural build- ceam, told of his a<sociations with Florcnce-:\Jal'ian Carwr. DELEGATE"' .. 'lltc ;\e,, Tuch<:" }lts 5 £ Franks (Continued on paire ,1) (Co1•tinued on Page Four) (Continued on page 4) Place, l Migr.on '.}Jaw Students and Faculty Hold Jubilee After Successful Campaign for Measures 18 and 19 Helen l.JcLeod, l.largaret Parsons, FROM PULLMAN fkhool Pauline Wi-ight, Helen McGregor, Ma- DaJy. Beulah Gagnon. t ..... Josephine N. 0 1 Gorman Roundup---Dorothy Webb. The l' 0 "Takin_g- Stock." llfiss- Elizabet;1 Fish Three Fork,;;-Elizabeth Veach. Rapel.ia-Alita Allen, Velma Web- collc:riate Conference of all Women's Luncheon to the delegates at 12:00 ---- 5 tcr. organizations, \vhich was held at T'ull- o'clock, Home Economics club. host· On !\1onday Ja::;t t.ne student body, military sdence department. broken fo1 building on college hill. Pony-Madge .Jenkins, Hazt>l Leib. man. have returned with esse::.. isted by the fat"ulty, celebrated Vpcn reachrng- Jlam street par- could now draw a full breath, know-I Deer Lodge-Grace Fifer. \·ery faYorable repotts. Ht'nrielta ti-· of Iniliative :Measures acle turned tO\\anl the opera hou;;e. mg- that i\Ionta a t Hardin-Teresa Simony. ::\foebus and Rt.;th rC'n·escntcd Frida,· l:-:1 5 o'clock 1..:... and The students enoyed the where two hours were taken up by I ' .1. n ' e was now 0 Hobson-Hester Stevenson Beulah t} VV ' L · t I A bl· · M · Branden- na1·t of· tl1e fu11, while the the de f th d t go forv..rard and no longe1· ){ II. , . I a: , oman s ea;.!tlC 01 ...... ,n n.na I ssem. Y mgrngi ! ane - IA: ans o e various cpa11,.men s, bet" een a standstill and a retrograde e ,r. . . State at the whieh burg. fatulty g-ranted the holiday. who spoke briefly on the need and ll 1 cvcnwnt. Clyde Pa1k-Ma1 garet Shell ham- w.as the fffst one of its kmd e"er Report of A .te 1 ctance Early Monday morning an assem- prospects of the new buildings for mer, Mary Hoff. _ _ in the 1101 t.hwest. Piano Quartt t was held in the drill hall, where their various departments. I In the afternoon a jolly-up party Rosebud-Agnes Harnrnerston. Eli- 1 The purpose of the cunvention wes "Where Trainin,2' in Home Economi.cs <..'.a<"h class was 1rathered together, and I Among those who emphasized the was held in the dril1 hall This was zabeth Mccurdy · M. p 1 . F' 1 . · to discuss woman's present dny 1FO· Leads" tss au me 1fo-.:: :..ft.er appropriate eht::ers, led for the hnmediat..e need of new buildings weret well attended for a free dance To- Wilsall -Anna Paulson, RuLh blems and their (ontrol in ccillr·rC's and Recreation Period, Frances Wocasek most part by "Bub'f Eaton. l'ofajor Cooley, ,\·ho asked' fot· a! ward the close of the afternoon, the 8herrod. I intercollegiate schools. . Vocations and Avocations on the Bubb, who acted as marshal Of the botany buildinp: to take the place of I women of the college staged a basket Glendi,•e-Ruth Steele,' Bemadell I The conference lasted three days, Farm ..... Mr. P. V. Cardon da,-, succeeded in fonning the im- 1 the old "bug·• building, and Dean I social, which made a d<)Cided hit with Flynn. , the ll, 12 and l3 of No,·ember. Women Why a Vocation ....... Margaret Smjth promptu gathering into a line suit-1 No1·ris, who emphasized the need oft all of the student body Belgrade-Bonnie Ste\"'enson· Mar- from fourteen colleges and univcr- 1\Ianagcr of W-::-men's Occupations able for parade. ' a new engi11eering- building with t·oom I Throughout the entire program of gucrite Bryan. . . J sities of California, Nevada, Oreg·on, Bureau, :Minneapolis At 9:30 the students marched to- to accommodate the present machin- the day, the reason for the celebra- Bozeman-Genev1e,·e Cooley, Eloise Washington, Idaho, and Montana ('onfPrer.ccs 3: 15 Wfi.l'd Main street, in the order of the I cry and also \i.--ith a smoking room. tion was kept in everyone's mind by Wilson. 1 were sent as representati..-es at. that Friday EYtning, :15 o'clock Leading the parade was a to accommodate those whom it is bet- the efforts o.f Miss Quaw, at the Billings - Florence Suitor, )1ary I time. Assembly Singing, .. Helen Haller bus carrying the band, next followed tcr to think of than mention any dance, who led the students in sing- PuITJy, Wad ena Slawson. Although the conference was very Report of Attendance. tJ->€' senior class, next the juniors, and (names. - l ing parodies celebrating the passage Livingston -Shelda Fox , Hattie successful a larger delegation is an- Songs. Ellen Mjnic. Marqui. •o on. Foll<>Wing up the four year Following the talks by the fat- of eighteen and nineteen, and by Crowell , Marjorie C'resop, Esther I ticipated for next year's conference "Opportunities for Women Through r(i£'11 came the secondary students . II ulty, a few words were heard from "Bub" Eaton, who, at tfie morning .Johnson. which will be held at Berkley. Calif- Scientific Training, Erma L. Collins The entire fonnation Mr. Hartman of Bozenian, who told speechi fying , suggested that 18 and Malta -Florence. Hansen. Gayle l Our delegates will give a Y. W. C. A. as a Special Force, !llt>ntana State, nothing bemg om1t-1 the students that those, like himself, 1 19 also meant a victory for j\f. s. l Johnsen. Edna R obinson. detailed repol:t to the Womans Janet Smith vd, even the old cannon was taken I who had followed M. S . C. through its I . in football as well as l>uildings Laurel-Nona Hageter, Verna Ar- League assembly <tfter Vocational Recr eation Period .... Nona Sackett aJ,,ng. guarded by a squad from the years, since the first grou nd was 11d faculty. (Continued on page 4) Congress. (Continued on page 4)

I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

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Page 1: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

'\:f•L. XII. Bozeman. Montana, Friday, ~o,·ember 19, 1920. l:\L"MBER i.


"TheSwingolthePendulum" Sixth Annual Vocational A Montana State Production C 1 ° S •

ongress s zn ess1on IN FINAL f.AME Tho Swing of th~ Pen<lulum, a playj The cast of characters for the

U w. itt:...n and produced c::prcs~J:" for f:wing- of the Pendulum is as follows:

j the \~,;omen's \~ocational congrf'S::i, I Cast:

1-JJtc·rin~ the F'inal Game of the pronu~es to l>e one of th~ W.O"'t en- 'fa:th Templeton, mothe1· =========== I INTERESTING AND E DUCATIONAL PROGRAM IS BEING

fi•1RLS mtto ARE I CARRIED OUT FOR THE BENEFIT OF MONTANA HIGH l..."eason rndefc•ateJ, the mue and tr-rtaining atb·actions of the con,·en- . Valbo1·g RiYenes

U Ii 1· SCHOOL GIRLS TO GUIDE THEM fN THEIR SELECTION (,old \Yarriers are Be.aten 28 to 0 tion. Though the time for ~re~1ar-1 Daughter Ethel Young

hy a HeaYier and f'a~ter Team. ~tion and rehearsals has been lrm1t~d, Justina Courtney, lawyer1


• 1 e ~lontana Univer~ity football ment which might be classed with the ··. ··· r: chine defeated r .c i:len:~n from b{;!st of home talent productions. I Ro~al1t.! .Yiontague. aetress,

" , rana Ste:.ti coll,.,gc·. 28 to 0 last Rosemary Trach.-well The theme of the play is woman'::; I Sally Sexingtun, mi1liner, ANNUAL CONGRESS; PROMINENT SPEAKERS

'ur!a\ ~tfternoon.

'-ore :-;hO\\S thP sL1pcriority of the Bnbt::lt~

a' c:· t, ~r,lY(' t'1 Br;·r.n \Vils tht.. "Illy

a c a. ar~am \I1

its ,:,;c•l r\ t> pa~"

part. :\Us.sou la mak­The RnLl'ats

place 111 vocati1.n. The time of the' _l\Iary Eber:::-ole

fiT-..t ad i::; at file present. and in this I J I. I · ...... Anna 0111ta \J,ir• Tlian l."0 G1'rl .... ar 0 in Dozeman u:!11c a grou1 f coll~gc girl"' arC' uc Y gnatrns 1 mlr!'c.. ..,. ... ~ " -===============\ \Tocati•'Jnal Congress Originated

d; i: :n,..,; their \.."arecr::5. The second Ha1·bara Blackstone, amba-:;sac1o1· a~ Gue~'~ of_ ;\lo~tana State Col· I.;.. "·t opens on the same scene thirty l\lar~uerite Lindsley ll':?.e at the \ ocat1onal Congress I~ ...... :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: •• :: Six ·ears Ago by Dean Her-

v ~ r:-. later. Y11u1t1l,n is again the ~·,fary PinkeTton, old maid without a One hundred .anti fifty girls re- :;: The Thank:·«tiYin~ i!~·n ·e : ~~.;:. ~~~:l a~~n~~Pt~:~a~~ln;a!!~:. -qiu: vf con\ o;;r..:;aL:on, anJ t.hc r.J:::ult' \'otation EYa Ritschel \

pre,cnting 55 localities are the guests :; whic-h i> given annually by the .. in Encouraging High School tltC> attE·mpts of each of the"e wo- Eleanor Emt>r::;on. author of 3-lontar.a State College this week :: L~ase. of 1 9~:~ will be held in ••

" , heard. A reward ,_,·hich has I Doroth,,· Ropes h 1 . d b 1 j . h ~· •• \\omen to Attend College. T •"' gic ~ are accompame Y c iaper- :: the drill Saturday mg. t, nov- ••

·11 vfr't.. l in the fit·:::t act is now Vrv \Vright. a\·iatrix, .. Helen Tripp ows and axe titaying at Hamilton 11:: en~h<'r 20. This dance is also !!

.:.i'\' r{k<l to the> <Plt' a.ecom!)lishing the .Jun.e \.Yatelhousc, forest ranger. L~ll, the four ~orority houses and :: the finale of entertainments •• The Si:\ .. th annal vocational cong·res.-;;

' J t l is f!.\..OW in session and thete are about 1 l('s gooc. 1 • . •........ DoHithy Reed \t..~·ious homes in Bo~eman. The fol-

1:: for the Vocational CongTcss :: l:JO rr:rls .from all OYCl' lllontana in at-

rt Ht 1 • ,, riuar- '\li<.:.~ .:1.larj0) .. Bohs:rt., the aulh'Jr Giorgia Eank", financier·


. \\ n_ • ·'4h s ... hool gnb are here for~! an1i al! :.i1b vho are ntlcnt'iln2; 4.'• t:._._clDnc:e and over 20

teachers an<l

U K 1,.. , .... 1 Bur ·.t: and c. t_ l~ pla:.· ha:, \,_-m:·ked har_d m 1.lro- . ··-·--·.·, ....... _ . Lu.dll.! !:>t<!<:b!cr l le ( .n!?Tess this we_ck: \!: are invi.tc<l. A cvlur scheme vi. •• ~ :: c:~:-~1~-rones. The program has so far

the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo<lk1nd1 mmbt:i. . . . Del<'!!a,es at Ycct't1onal Congress. I:: l!reen an<l gold is being us~<l •• been unu,,,ually good and the intere~t

kc~. Attor l e first 1,.. n' •" ieol w1t,1 that of any collc.ge I ..... . . .... . .. hath1yn fo\rne. I \.b,cra!ccc-Jl,•stcr Sdvester. Grace .. thrnu;cbout the decorations. of each delegate is Yery keen.

nutr.:;:,, thE. out('oJ e f th1.:: ganle ut• n at1t Oh:.aniz.ation. She was alh-o _. E:xe-i;-utH·e Staff. I 1

h • U rider will be on tap and the •• The <let.ails of the meetfog-s have

bt. l d at th,· encl re pon~·ib1e·, to a e:i-1•.at extent. for the P~·operty .................. " D~rothy ~ope~ o D1•~~\oe~·--Bessie Smith, Josephine l !! turkey raffle, whh.:h was the ... i:an.:01\1lly worked out by the executh-e

111 ,:1 at ... appe.:-.red r·rc.Judi1 n of the suc:ce.::sful play, \\arclrobe )11stress ... Glauys 'Vh1taker H 'fll .. feattne of the dance last year, •• staff of girl students of the college.

fn . e la~t C'JU<lr- ~Iontu1a \rins Torlay," wh;rh was· .\dvertising Jfana;:rer.. - Ada .Jones i ~~lu1~1bus-IIelen Rothwell, Inez •• \vi11 be held again this year. •• i.Jh.-!~1l:i11g the following: .A.Jina Bur-

• ' ct · h b I tb II t S'·· 'I \I St b " Se·.-eral farnr and nu1·dty •• t. r Coa .... ·h G1 l.\ •s ptit ln substitutel:i-, giv n 1 ra tn·ing- t e as .:e a our- wg-e ~' ana.ger ····· ary !'ana an Ir. •• g-ess. 1:hairman of the conventi011;

I B · M II I T · ~· crguson. · •• dances "·ill be stage<l and the .. wn. tried trick pass1 ~ witliout muc.h \ namtt:t in 19HI. usmess anag-er · --=·----· e en rt pp Fon; Benton-Elizabeth Joyce. :.: entertainment committee pro- ... Frances Kyle, ehainnan of the hous-

J , ~"'- Tb<: bi'::" B1. ZL'man crowd, led I Fromberg-Beulah Braziel, Marie ,•,• d ing; Charlotte Cooltjy, chairman of lhe mises everyone a goo lime ++

l heer L-eade:r Eaton. kept up its ld I B 1

1 Graham. •• •• reception; Dorothy Ropes, chairrnan

' >port until tht· end. I '/\Tew But" ings I anquet or G!:J.,gow-Uelen Hammerness. \:; :: :: :: l!:; :: :: :; :; :; :; :; :; of the house; Flo1ence Wesch. chair-

' Y ~ Great Falls-Lenora Pophal. man of the entertainment; Pearl Beau·

'.ri->ou.e "' '" J:l.-I Hy tho Asso- f M s c I c:"ootbal' n Aen 1' ·,;,:.::na.rlo>1 ton-.les>ie Cambron. Peail Mrs p, chawp, chairman of attendance; Ada

;u.kd PressJ -Completely outdn~siug OY 8 • • I' j t" lY.l~ · ...... .:: eteYSOn Jones, chahman of the publicity;

t opp<lm:nt·- in 1.::\E'ry department . . . .,.. _ . _ . _ H~::lena-Elizubcth Allen· Virgmia I • Theo :.\Iuntzec·, chairman of finance;

t 1e game. the )Iontana State Uni- The pasage of Jn1t1atn-C' i\1easure Last '\\ edne::.day cYenmg President Si:hn~kkr. :F'lorencC" ,Vallate, ).larian Gz"VeS Concert :Harie BTandenburg", chairman of re-

uverwht..·l 1ed the State rolleg-e ~ . l!'J at the recent election in.sul"es 1 Alfred .Atkinson gave a delig-htful in- Holter. gistration of the Gallatin county

!:t:b!>tantial additiuns to the buildings f, rmal ba11quct at the dining room of Hysham-Nellie Thurman, Thelma hig-h ;:,, ·hool; :.\linn~e Ellen :\hrquis,

and ~qujpment at i\fo11tam1 State col-1 ~he home economic!' department in Pierson. At the Municipal theater, Thursday chairrnnn of musk; Gladys l\Iatthcws,

on" touchdown in Ic<re, Under the provisions of this honor of the football team. Both the Lewi~to\~'11-Gcrtruc.Ie Broad. evening, NoY. 18, the ~'omen's Lea- chairman of 1>1'inting-; Kate Keown,

th1 g-ame, and made- 1'!~c.asure, new buildilags rna;y he con- fir~t nntl second t ·~ms ar.d thL· man- ::\lai dn~da!e-Lillian Petrie. ;..:.uc oilcred the fii .;t c·ntcr ttir.mcnt chain~1 "'T1 of P"O;!lan1; Helen Tl'ipr,

the llucted and <.:quipped or old build- ag-u· an<l as~istant mana:;~r we1 .. : .. ~ ~lilt-s C'ity-Cather!n1e l\IcRae. of fhc l!JZO \\.omen's Yocational con- heJ.d U!-.:!u-'r; E\4.Jlyn V\~aterman aml

' Jl t · < \ Tl t 1 I b t'f 11 • I Edith Stanley, sec1"et.aries. ,..,+ te l' egE:. ... r_::::· .... !'~~..:.::·~c.- I ;-:·c:;-;c:n ·· .1c 3.J es wcTe eau 1 u ) Shelby-j)lary Barne3. gTess. The program began at 8:00

The ).linnt·:-:ota ~hift gainc<l ground I'rcbably the flr::-.t building· to be decc.ratcJ1. appropriately _s~1g;ze~t.iYe of Tltree Forks-Agnes Bl'abee. o'clotk with a concert by Lil1ian ~lost of the delegates arrive(l here

a .. ,\ill for t..he ~tate university. with C:C;nf'truc·ted at :.\Ionta_na State college I tl~e ot·ast.on. Thanksgwmg· pump- Townsend-}Jai·garet Connors. Brii:'I':" Peterson. followc.J by the twn so10: 0 t'mc Thurnday and were ente1-

:-- '1ivu.n. Kershrie:r Bar:ry and Adam::: under the funds JH'OY:dcd by ,tht.." bond km:::, red and ~·cllov.- apples, and Yfrgini:l City-·Edith Porter, Mar- nd ploy, the Swing of the Pendulum. tainen at the 1\lunicipal Theater la=--t

p ng-ing: throu:::h f01 lc-ng- g-ainsJ ·._·ue w!ll be a ma;n cngi11c iin~ ~tu ~o::r:-- of grap('..: udorne<l the tab!es. j..,. Dudley·, Loi~ Allen. Forest Ball. Tlw music ·was provided by the col- CYening: at a recital by ~liss Lil1:aa

il.:. se·.-er~l f nvar<l passes ··were bui!cling. Thi:::. :::;houl<l make ampl'2' "'le\·er minature footballc; marked 11irr Thnber 1.lorda Dishop, ina lege Ol'Chestra under the direction of' Brigg-s Peterson, formerly of :Jlin-

c· roplcte<l for big yardage. r.1·t.\·ision for er;gincering dns3 1oom-: 11e plaees. Ellingson. T\rrs. Courier. nearolis. and a devt·r two act nla: ... -

.,~hf· vfotor~.- ar·ain ga\·c the r.ztate ~'id certain kind~ of tethnical !::'bet·- TIH? host:s and hoste~scs fnr the \.Yhilo;;·hall-111.:.•nt• Hath~nvay. )J..-11 Mrs. Lillian Brigg!i Peterson. ~~~~i:~e~:;~~~ ~~~n!1:12°t~: ~~~~~~~0~1~.~ .all rhamµion.::llip to th f't'.".te "-'L k·s. It is a:;:,,o to inr;;.ide an Ell- L'\..:liing were: Pre:·d~;enl and .Ylrs. Al- }.lountjoy. Soprano, san~ the following selec- 'j

u \"C'rsity team, which played in mag- ~irn.:ering as~emtly l"(Otn as part of frL~d Atkinson, :\Ir~. Lna B Herric::k, 1 Ilan·i:::-on-Yiolet Ft·t-ri~, Iris Cable. tlons. ~Iiss ·June Hai'tman of the Th~ re~ula.r p1',of!ram star~t!~1 -+.Jn~ r fiC'ent f. n i',rotuthollt. tht! line tli.s. bnildin~ ... ..\ second cnginf'erin~ ['·an and Jlr$ .. J. ).i. Ha1.iiltcin, :JfrS'!' Conrad-Augu:-:ta Ru!'::'Sell. I . d . d

1 mo111111g at mne oc:lock at \Yh1cn time

· · h ·1 · h · U 1 '" G D d 'I J 'I j mu~lt" cpartment accompantc ler. the Con. zt·'~~-.- '' •, <. [01·111all•.- oneneJ Ii~ ~t ppm;! <·':t:'ry att'mpt to g-am on ,u1 ding wh!ch we may ope to see- \ raYes, r. an ~1 rs .. _1 • IIavn?-Lois \Yanl. ~ .... .:..~ ·• - 1· .r

~t -aig-ht football. ;:_-nn~t11.1c:ted wm bC' the engineering 1· ~·C:orman. :\fr. and :Vfr!=i. D. B. Alrncontla-)•Iary Gagner, ('lal'isa Tl2e prOgra1!1 wa~ a follows: . Miss Aline ~m·ge~., chairman oi I.he

s Ir j t I 1 I I l l . Tl . b 'ld ~ I 1e A :Song of Sunshine ....... ..\ Gm mg convenli()n. L n 1van score1 two ouclCowns, ..;;1<ps anc aJ<Tatories. ns u1 - \\' ng · ).!cF.lhannie. Thomas

h£t~lmer one and Barry one, while ing :-;.hould in<.:lude six different. units President _.\tkinson presidc·c! as llutLe-Alice Graham. He1\?n _l\Ic- The program for the two da;:v-s of

4 .:J.•ns kicked four goals. tn prv\.ide lahoratory f2cilitie:. for tr:a,"tmastl'r· keC'ping- the party in I Leo<l. Four Leaf Clover .Leila Brow11Pll the Cling-ress i..- ~:::: follo,vs:

.Montana opened the game with an the differc11t typ"S of engineering I hic:h sphits by hi~ deser stories. nallantinc _ Ev•l Reed. Gladys I Bring you Hcnrtsease... Gena 1 Friday \[orning, 9 o'l'lock

c·..,._id1,_1 kit!: l or. ·y reco,·erin_ The I bl:ing carried on at the college. These I Dean Hamilt011 was called upon and I Lyng-. Braneombe. . _ 1 Opening of C.mgrc~s-Aline Burg ... ~~s

<...-:zzliPs tc k th La.J 1 to the 20- eng-ineering buildings_ will be located\ ''c·:ponded by telling- the hi~lory of Thoadncw;--I\Iarie Easton, Viola Caro N0111e, from Rigoletto \ l'rdi 1

Chairm:m of Conventlon

J. ~~rd lintt wh( re Hrzbec n i~sed a! betWl' ·n Sixih and 8eyenth avenues. f'ootball at llf onta:ia State college ".."r; l-soiL Yielle Chanson Bizet Devotionals ..... ..Frances ForL(-'3

fto:..J l goal. Soon c..ftf<r another an ti.U- l!'t tly ea~t 01• Hamilton hall. from 180;] to 1904. Prof. Swingle I Dillon _ Fra.nres Forsgren, Ella Ri :\Ies Vers ... R. H~hn Assembly singin,!!-Katherir.e .'C~uwn

Y .. nee tame, \\'i h Kershner carryih.{:.:· 1 Di.:fure acld1tional huildin~.:; ni.._y be. -...poke on scholarship and athletics. Free. Bonjour. Suzon .. Leo De 11bt•s Address o:f \Velcome--Dea;t Hamil!:""ln

t111· Lall on?r. .:::i.r1..·d f01·. a new c:entral heating fJlant1 ''Pat'' ~forphcy, t'aptain of thi!:i Deci· Lodge-Dol'is Edghill. ! The American:s Come --··--·Fay Foster Greeting from G.C.H.S .. E!o!se •\il~on

he se(:q,.nd st:OI t: was credited .:o will have to be construct~d. The j f?ar~· Bobcat tl'am_ respon<led with Red Lodge-:\larjorie Finley, Lill an 1 The R.eturn Arthur Bergh I Greetings from Pres. Women·~ le'lguc

~ ·h·an. llft.~r Dayli~s had l!ladi:: .. o t.';u n€'v srnall plants now 1n usl! are 111~ u~ual cle\·er ,.,.!t, and Joe Bush Haves. The L~ist Rose of Summer j ·---·-·····------ . • ..... Ruth ~~o!Jle

) ~ Js on a forward pass. operating up to heir full capacity.! who, last Saturday, played his last, 1C.1ein-1Iarriet Betklev. Con1in' Thru the Rye Response _____ ···- lren~ Hathw;J.:r

~arly in the third '1.Uarter !i.fontana ~o that this udclitiona.l radiation n.rny J.C. .tbnll game. ·with the Bobc~ts, ex-1· Stevensville-Doris Birch. Esther "'Whitehall IIig-h ~ehool

bl ·ked one of :l!cDonald"s punts, and not be cared for before a new heating pres.etl the h1_f(h esteem which the :l:cLaug-hJin. WOMAN'S LEAf.UE Roll Call ·

~ hvan c:Tashcd o\·er frcm the seven pfant is erected. It is probable that I footlHtll men have for Coach Graves. Ten~·-Helen Ca::nYell. Floy Proud-J U · Treble Clef __

Yf d. line. t:his heating plant will be located ''Packy" McFa1·Iin, manager of the 1 foot. "How to Take ~~ .• tos," \Y R. Cobkigh

·he fourth and lat quort-r came just north of .the agricu!Lural build- ceam, told of his a<sociations with Florcnce-:\Jal'ian Carwr. DELEGATE"' RETURr~ .. 'lltc ;\e,, Tuch<:" }lts5 £ Franks

(Continued on paire ,1) (Co1•tinued on Page Four) (Continued on page 4) i~~::.".:-'.~i~;~'~~ah~11~;'.e1~dele Place, ~ l ::~:~~~~~01~:~.g.in~Iiss Migr.on '.}Jaw

Students and Faculty Hold Jubilee After Successful Campaign for Measures 18 and 19

Helen l.JcLeod, l.largaret Parsons, FROM PULLMAN ~~,:e~~:~~,i~;ri:;1 fkhool ~=~·~'i10,:r.'.·ipp Pauline Wi-ight, Helen McGregor, Ma-ri~ DaJy. Beulah Gagnon. ~ t ..... Josephine N. 0 1Gorman

Roundup---Dorothy Webb. The l' 0

"Takin_g- Stock." llfiss- Elizabet;1 Fish

Three Fork,;;-Elizabeth Veach . ~lontan<~el~~:::s c:~~g:•:~e~~:t°i;,tcr- Principa!Sco:oofi'i~:n:.:~ao;\~~al Hi~h Rapel.ia-Alita Allen, Velma Web- collc:riate Conference of all Women's Luncheon to the delegates at 12:00

----5tcr. organizations, \vhich was held at T'ull- o'clock, Home Economics club. host·

On !\1onday Ja::;t t.ne student body, military sdence department. broken fo1 building on college hill. Pony-Madge .Jenkins, Hazt>l Leib. man. \Vashin~ton. have returned with esse::..

~c., isted by the fat"ulty, celebrated Vpcn reachrng- Jlam street th~ par- could now draw a full breath, know-I Deer Lodge-Grace Fifer. \·ery faYorable repotts. Ht'nrielta

ti-· pass~e of Iniliative :Measures acle turned tO\\anl the opera hou;;e. mg- that i\Ionta a ~tat t Hardin-Teresa Simony. ::\foebus and Rt.;th ~oble rC'n·escntcd Frida,· Aft~rnoon. l:-:1 5 o'clock

1..:... and 1~ The students enoyed the where two hours were taken up by I ' .1. • n ' e was now 0

Hobson-Hester Stevenson Beulah t} VV ' L · t I A bl· s· · M · Branden-

,_ea'~1· na1·t of· tl1e fu11, while the the de f th d ~ t go forv..rard and he~atate no longe1· ){ II. , . I a: , oman s ea;.!tlC 01 ...... ,n n.na I ssem. Y mgrngi ! ane

- IA: i· ans o e various cpa11,.men s, bet" een a standstill and a retrograde e ,r. . . State Colle~e at the con~eren~e. whieh burg.

fatulty g-ranted the holiday. who spoke briefly on the need and ll1cvcnwnt. Clyde Pa1k-Ma1 garet Shell ham- w.as the fffst one of its kmd e"er Report of A .te


Early Monday morning an assem- prospects of the new buildings for mer, Mary Hoff. _ _ ~ailed in the 1101 t.hwest. Piano Quartt

t J~ was held in the drill hall, where their various departments. I In the afternoon a jolly-up party Rosebud-Agnes Harnrnerston. Eli-


The purpose of the cunvention wes "Where Trainin,2' in Home Economi.cs

<..'.a<"h class was 1rathered together, and I Among those who emphasized the was held in the dril1 hall This was zabeth Mccurdy · M. p 1. F' 1

~ . · to discuss woman's present dny 1FO· Leads" tss au me • 1fo-.::

:..ft.er appropriate eht::ers, led for the hnmediat..e need of new buildings weret well attended for a free dance To- Wilsall -Anna Paulson, RuLh blems and their (ontrol in ccillr·rC's and Recreation Period, Frances Wocasek

most part by "Bub'f Eaton. l'ofajor Profe~sor Cooley, ,\·ho asked' fot· a! ward the close of the afternoon, the 8herrod. I intercollegiate schools. . Vocations and Avocations on the

Bubb, who acted as marshal Of the botany buildinp: to take the place of I women of the college staged a basket Glendi,•e-Ruth Steele,' Bemadell I The conference lasted three days, Farm ..... Mr. P. V. Cardon

da,-, succeeded in fonning the im- 1 the old "bug·• building, and Dean I social, which made a d<)Cided hit with Flynn. , the ll, 12 and l3 of No,·ember. Women Why a Vocation ....... Margaret Smjth

promptu gathering into a line suit-1 No1·ris, who emphasized the need oft all of the student body Belgrade-Bonnie Ste\"'enson· Mar- from fourteen colleges and univcr- 1\Ianagcr of W-::-men's Occupations

able for parade. ' a new engi11eering- building with t·oom I Throughout the entire program of gucrite Bryan. . . J sities of California, Nevada, Oreg·on, Bureau, :Minneapolis

At 9:30 the students marched to- to accommodate the present machin- the day, the reason for the celebra- Bozeman-Genev1e,·e Cooley, Eloise Washington, Idaho, and Montana ('onfPrer.ccs 3:15

Wfi.l'd Main street, in the order of the I cry and also \i.--ith a smoking room. tion was kept in everyone's mind by Wilson. 1 were sent as representati..-es at. that Friday EYtning, :15 o'clock

<'.~~$CS. Leading the parade was a to accommodate those whom it is bet- the efforts o.f Miss Quaw, at the Billings - Florence Suitor, )1ary I time. Assembly Singing, .. Helen Haller

bus carrying the band, next followed tcr to think of than mention any dance, who led the students in sing- PuITJy, Wadena Slawson. Although the conference was very Report of Attendance.

tJ->€' senior class, next the juniors, and (names. - l ing parodies celebrating the passage Livingston -Shelda Fox , Hattie successful a larger delegation is an- Songs. Ellen Mjnic. Marqui.

•o on. Foll<>Wing up the four year Following the talks by the fat- of eighteen and nineteen, and by Crowell , Marjorie C'resop, Esther I ticipated for next year's conference "Opportunities for Women Through

r(i£'11 came the secondary students. II ulty, a few words were heard from "Bub" Eaton, who, at tfie morning .Johnson. which will be held at Berkley. Calif- Scientific Training, Erma L. Collins

The entire fonnation t•epresent~d Mr. Hartman of Bozenian, who told speechi fying, suggested that 18 and Malta -Florence. Hansen. Gayle l orni~. Our delegates will give a mo~e Y. W. C. A. as a Special Force,

!llt>ntana State, nothing bemg om1t-1 the students that those, like himself, 1

19 also meant a victory for j\f. s . l Johnsen. Edna R obinson. detailed repol:t to the Womans Janet Smith

vd, even the old cannon was taken I who had followed M. S . C. through its I . in football as well as l>uildings Laurel-Nona Hageter, Verna Ar- League assembly <tfter Vocational Recreation Period .... Nona Sackett

aJ,,ng. guarded by a squad from the years, since the first ground was 11d faculty. (Continued on page 4) Congress. (Continued on page 4)

Page 2: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

Pa,:!e two The \\.,.eekly Exponent I'riJay, :\o\·cmbt.:r 19, rn:.:W.

'I ] '.on>' <n<l oi tht score, methinks the I ""'-'-~'-~'-~'-~'-~~~~'-'-~'-~~"-~~''-'-~ -Cotntnunications Erums will n:mcmbcr their nsit for ~ ~~~..,

==============1 t~:~e~~n;:~. ~:~~~li~n~~~tl<~~id:;·~ LAN 6 0 HR' s ~ EST.\BLISHED J \:\L\lff I, 1910. I' , (0 th f 'I ti I E E bl . l I J

1 1ro• ) nkht Fitting in front oi an open ~ , utJrrc' o . nn i y · :'.\.-p<'nent, ~;;:ta 1is l.t't anunry · !'.'.'•'"· Ol [{ STl DE:'\T r \~TOH 1 wlnJow to keep thl' t·old <lraug'ht ~ ~

... . from :;.tr.king- the.• fvotbull playc~.1 ~ ' or• lCE-HOQ.\[ ), REJ>LilLICA="·COLHIER Bl" JLDL "G . I Rl"~' ( harJes R. ~tenhC'n~ ha~ h~cn I bt.:lic\"c rack~ has dl'l'ldcd to take , : ==============================11.ptJOll l1.·J :-.:-:. it1.1de11t pn~tor and has bl._mkt!:< , ... ith h:m the n xt t111t.-> he ~ ~


T \\'(~kly Exr •n r~t is st :ctly 3 .:-tudcnt ent<:>rpr ->~. lt:s chief pur- t.i ·n t:p h . .: wcirk :it tr.e 1.· ille~('. rn to .\li~ ... oula. I he'"1r thrtt Eli 1 '- G ' e ('l" c '"t :,n '( .;..tttlndc1 1pkt('record ~('ran 1nt!1s .Q'•I a numl~r ('If :-.u(r,.t .... t I that th Si,~ma Chi ~ reen House ~

t 1t an col<• nffn :- urin that pc io<l :ind to exert its lull ur,b~ Clf T' up •ht.' a~ " a n ;;:tiff c.:oilar so as to be ~ ~ 11 l u Idm,.... of :;\I n .. a11n St;:itu College. The pa.per iC' the r · "'" thl' rc:-.t llf th'-~ {!':inf' . ~ldhink~ ~ ~

,) cffu·t IHI u h '~ tJ,c .. lHlcnts who t'Ulll}JUbC the staff. \\ uhl l>l' ust n~ f tJ\'C jf Lhe ~ ~ " ' h1. 1 ut 'o '"''tr •o '" ' PHONE 95. 315 So. Tracy '

fht 01 ~ .,

. !lo'~'''''" "'' """'· "'''"'-X : ""'"''"'"'' ''"'''' ' '' ~s, ' ' h .I '>''''''"-' .,, '°'' :s. "-'-"' '-' "~ ,.._._ '"'-''''" '" . J.\ ~i I ,

R;o ~ \ SPLE. ·ow .~TOC'h: OF ~


',,:.::':~ ~ Diamonds ~ pe l·h~::_;,. .\ look c: •• ~ '

111..-o; .1 1• ;ibn in hc!J.1 y atT<•'d with d1smuy c~m .. l\.l'l" h fau= .. ls hl' rl'al- ~ , Jn -~rr1,;:u·ation for the ChriStIT':ts d1.:mand )\(> h~nt.• ~ ti 1 u11h··-tah n•... Zl'd the tt11th of my !':tatnwnt :-:.nd he ~ :-opec1d t.·tlort~ tv .l'cm·e a diamond ~tllc..:k off\.·rinK l'Xl'c>llc>nt t'l~~~l &

- - T n l u11or1 aym nt lll th( r ula• ·\ r\,· ty Ft:


\<TI\<. )I.\ '\.\1.J:-;c; ;;111 ron .\, E. )J,.:F \RLI:--;, '2~ R<, .. ~tt•pht·n~ i!' IH•rc pnndpally to .tartt•d for the tloor. '- rn ~111all. n.t·Jm1:1 mul brgt•r stunes. ~

nOX..\LP .,\XPER:-::0:\, '~.' st•rn~ tlw Hudt·nt body and to relate .\ltt>ndt·d the dance at thl' gym ~ ~

.\D\'r:RTISI:\{; .\I\~ \CER

CIR(Tl. \TIO:\ \!\:\\GER

G LE"'IS ER\\"J:\', ·~:] this rcspcd he stands ready to serve Ty <'mbanas~t:cl. ~o to spNtk, I 1.:ould ~ :me! Lnlh:~ncl!. Ea1.:h stone r:,Tades hisrh in l!Uality. ~ .\l CPST ~l. SCH'\"EIUER. ':.!1 tlll'lll to chun·hl':-> nf tlwir l'hoil'l'. In this ::tflL·n.won, but ~b I was financial-, ~ ~\'? huVL· used gTcat tare to obtain di1.unonds for fine color '

l·~D,L.\HP c. PR8STO~ . . 2~ all tht~ chun.·hes. This is a new under- not n.:nH1111 for the baskt·t ~o<.·ial. I ~ _ ,\.l' hnve many of these <liamond::; in the latt\:.;t !'tylc~ of "------ taking. Thl'n .. art• few prl'tcdents to understand that .Toe \Y illson and platmum and white srold rings , suitable for gifb, nnd \\'C: will be ~

GEXER \L HEl'ORTOHL\L ST \FF !.!Uidl• it ~\ full and lkfinite pllln of Bruce Hilli'.".ter WL·n• injured in the I g-lnd to ha\·e you examine them. Selections for Chrishnas prc~ents ~ RF.PORTERS BEf!\G SELECTED BY CO~IPETITIOX :-.C'n-1c~ will bl' Wllrked out as the n1sh for ba~ket~. In the futurt: I I ~ will be taken from stock and held for late de> livery if desired "

mo\l'Jn~tll ad\'n.nn•s. would ad\·ise them' to foliow Geo. Yan ,~ LAIJIES' Rl:\GS ' A Board of Control has been formed Fkefs l'xamplC' and hidt" a basket $25.00 to $1000.00 ~

THE YOC' .\.TIO:\'.\L CONFERE!'\C'E for the !!Uidanrc .. r thb work consist- under the •love. \\'°' surprised to ·' $50.00 to ~ ~:;o.oo ' in.I! 11f two nll'mht•rs from the c.:ollcge. hl'nr today that Frank J ohnson has ~ "'

I ~IEX 'S Rl'.'"GS.. "

The ~ixth annual YOCational congre~s for high school gir1s, and two mcmLl'I'!." im..:lmling- the pa::-tllJ' tctmncd ftom '.\l1ssoula a ft er a pleas- ~ H. A. nease & Co. ~ which was OPl'll<'<l at the college this morning, has brought to 1 from ea,h of the followinc: drnrches: ont '"'t m the Brum's tow11. I .C-< ~ Bozeman OYCr a hundred serious minded, alert young women The :llchodist, Christinn. llaptist and 1 "''JO•ced tcmiirht th at the !-.'<•sh- !lo i·eprcsenting the principal high schools of ;\lontana. These you ng Presbyterian; also to include four me: sea«rn 1, al an end ll owenr 1 JE\YELEHS Al\D Ol'TO)IETRISTS ~ " ·omen have come here for the purpose of r eeei\'ing the messages 1 nwmbt'rs from outside the city-one ·ll · · li whic h t he ~plendid corp of gpeakers han:\ for them. The.v ha\•e ·from each of tht.• aboYt' named de· am ~ti rn ag-ony, fcarin~ thnt to- The lhillmark Store 6 \\" :\lain Street ~ ntor1 ow sonlt.' fair co-t·d will ru::;h · · ~ come to learn of the opportunities for trained women in the nominations. up and ,.,111in.,rnulatc me. ~~~~~ profrgsional and commercia l world. R'"" Stcplwns has al ro:rny appeared _ _ _

To these delegates ;\Iontana Stale college Pxtends a h earty bl•forc thl• s«wral drnrches. and has I Tue,cla)'. ;-; 0,ember 16. welcome. \\"e are glad to ha\·e the opportunit~· of entertaining •stabhslwd an office ~t the colleJ!e Today J listened to •everal length\· .,. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , you here. It is hoped that ~:ou will gain nilu'.1ble inspiration and 111 '""m 10° fo1meily <•<rnpiod by the and c'abcratc ~dihesses ;,y disti;. that you \\'Ill so make u~e of the new ideas \nth which you come Exponent. .\ s soon as he can Jrnd a I gmshcd member< of the student body., FOR GOOD WORK AND PROMPT SERVICE ~ m contaet that they \\'Ill be of the greatest possible Yal~e to suitable hom ... he "'11 b1111g h" famil)- "ho made the tiip to ~li<soula. Bob TRY THE !!> yourseh·es and the women whom you represent. m choo mg a to the cny and thus be one of u ~1"l'onncll ,md Gene )lcLaughlin took g ,·oration. _'" Dodor Skplwns is hcrt.' to se1"\·e fi 11 • L n

I as.their ~ubjN·t. "The .lays of Trav-1 t d c .:>

\\,h·1 l ' I . . us. lie in\'itl·~ pt.·rsonnl intt>n·icws in II a a Ill a (> I(' attenl mer t 1e \"OCat.onal rong-r('gg meclmgs and h ear- h. ff H . . I. t d e me: BetWt'en the Scats." Emmet I un ry 0 l;f in!! of the man>· places open to you. you· \\·ill also h a\·e the oppor·. ,'.' 0

, ":' · e,•~ mt""':•te< '.". 5 11 ent ~latthew, ga,·e an interestinir talk • .:> tunity of inspecting :\Iontana's great0st rnratimrnl college. Here I tlorb],hml. fa 11

,',' J •• mx,•ou. hto rell.itc huhn- on " \Y hat not l<> Say to the Brake-,. I f ·11 h h . . SC t.• p u \' to t ll' c urc lCS t l' man.1· o you Wt aYe t e opportmnt>· of prepanng your seJ\·ps faeultY and ~tud«nt hod,-. The 'boanl man. and \\'ht'n to "''Y It." and Fer-

1or your l'hosen Yocat10n and of learn111g how to make your ln·es f 1

· h th ·1

t d 11

.l!U• ~l1td1dl lectured on "The Ad- , • Ol'R WAGO'l'iS COVER THE ENTIRE CITY factors in the world's deYelopment. · I ''" s sure t .•t . e >Lu< en' an a '.·anta.gcs and Disach·antages 6I T1~-1 PHONE 79 !

S, } · · · · f concl'rncd will l!'l\"C' h1111 a hearty J mcc t 1c mstitut10n of the Yocat1<111a l con en~nce seYer al 1 ~! ~ <' mg- to l:se Lady Friends' Hat ~l<=H:>il'CfQJ:>l:H;H;i.(>CfQJ:>l:H;H:H:>m:>fl:H:H:H:H:>nl)H;HH;HCfQ®H;Hlll-CIJ;!l:>l:H:H:H:l-0.0:

,·ears ago the ~nnual gathering of high school women. has._ under we ""n~ ";, 'S);ini d1cck ." Don Anderson, one of om the gu1<lance ot Dean l'na 13 . Hernck. grO\rn stead1l~· m mtluenre I · · eminrnt rntho it' th b ' -each year geeing a stronger body of speakers, more delegate:;;, Pn·sicl('nt of thl' Boa ·d wa:-- ~na~le t: ~~:u~n bt.·~=~!:):u ~;·c~~ ~'"M.,..-. .,. • .., •• ..,.-.... -,.,.,...-.,,-.••• ,,_ • ..,_. ... _ ..... _,..,-_,.,-.,,,.-..,_-..,_-.__..........,._ .. J".. .......... _. ............ -.. ... • .. -..· .. • .......... - ... .,.,,...._._....,......~ more organizations represented. greater cooperation from the


attack of an1tc rheinatism in h' ~ < high Sl'hools and womens clubs of the state. and from e\·ery I' '"'t ton•il " \ AFTER THE DAl\CE ~ standpoint a keener appreciation of the real \\·orth of the cmi- ~ :: ference-until now it haR become one of the most effectual Dl.\RY OF LE:\ll EL \\.eilne,d:i). Xomnher 17. ~ REJ\lEl\IBER THE < educational mowments in :IIontana. SXEEL .;~,~.·. ~. mu};:it~o~:f~~~ll~u;·~~s~ni~1a~~ri~:1 ;ol~~re.\:~~n:~ ~~~1~~1;,i1~~r'\ti~d:;·;~~ ::t '~~~~ ~;'~~~'.·~~·~

10 t: r:d n1~~:~ .. :1~'::~': , Sl' GAR BOWL ' ul lu w situ would t·xplain her ab.

in el•oosing- tlwir life work is being admirably fulfilled . To !ht> I sc<'n<· from an s o'do<'k t·la;s, lo the :::: O··· .. , ) _· 'i:~~ rollqrc. to the women's dub~ of :.\lontana. to the eollege women Thur>da' "'"mbcr 11. rnmmitte<" •he >ai<l that •h<' would : who h:tH' done such splendid \\'ork and to Dean l'na n. Ilenick. 1ccla\: b,• ··~ R lw11da\" I >Cffetl ;1"t tdl tl•cm that she had fi•h for to w}1 o~c in~pirati0n the ~UCl'l::'S of the conference i~ due. the :-hue h:~t wr t1i1cl honnl bi11 l.\· n·- tir·~u .. fa ... t. That u:ni~t.> mav bi! all Expolh' lt l'Xtends. it~ ht>artie~t congra1ulalions. f •i>a••· ''" 1·1, bt·<l ''"· t1·1 nn<•ii .. -\.r'"tl:r a It 1 1 · \ ' ~· " 11,.,, t • lUt I rnn• nen:r heen able ( :•

r:t he IH •1rt\ lum·h prun••'t!ul to the to j.!'d up eonraL:e 1 ·nou~h to u~e it. ', ' Sl 'PPO RT THE H,1 .. l'Ll~B I r:tll: •. \,};en• I dis\'l1\"Ltcd thl· wan· 1hout!'lt l!ohh~ ,Jt,m tan get by ,...-ith '• THE s u fi AR Bowl >

d ·nn~ .lt \\ , l •' hnwrc and U!:.l'k. wo1· ' than that. Ire told the <'Om- ~ ~ . Thi: \H'<'k the. ":\l .. club l'mitarked on a financ-ial \'Cnture d"" ed a t c ie ry l'ilgTw1< from "'tt<, onre th"t lw """ unnble to ~>·.~.· ' ~::•:

which is worth>' o1 the support of en•r>· stu<lent 111 college. In 1' 1 w Fill ''''""" I nn1 t r<"mark that 1ftu·<t ..la» lwcaus" he hnd to ,·ay. • ~ protr.ntin~ athletil's the club does man" perhap"· than any other if th .. ;. app .. ar 011 the ,t,., • .,1; """111 ish hi' wtodcn h·c: The Home of Home )lade Candies. nrga111zat1on un 1!10 h,ll, They are conso an:ly on the alert :md in t.ch unrnrth•y co•tum<·'· the old ready tu pu:<h an.ything th~t \\'ill gi\e ~!. S. C. better and more ,,., 11 n011 ·"'''be• ,,:.,11·,,r 1,1,..,.,,., otlit·r 11 ~·uel'e~stul athletH.' tean1~. The club takt::o:. the plate of a boost.er than noi niaki~c-. Let this be a 111 Y ·I'll I ct you a quartC'r I l·an .......... -. ......... .._ • .,.. .................. _.._._._ .. _.._._.._ .. _.._..._.._..._.._ ... _.._.._..._ .. _. • .._ .... ..._._._.._.._.._....,._..._._......._...._.._.._

· [' · th ll l J ll h t h l l ki~::-) t 1t1 \\'.tb ut tourhi11g your lips. orgamza 10n 111.. e co ege am c ocs a. t a SUl' a group. \\'OU t warning-~ At till depot, thi• after· do . In thvir eitort~ to pron1ote athlet1cg, buy a_wards. an~l carry . n. L'1t· .. :i.T' ic:n w.i find, acc(lr·l· ~~~~I.\: Y1~~:.1~~ t·;~:,1l~;.\,wm•y. - - - ~~~~-- a9' ~..., - ~ - ... - - - - r on such ''.·ork a~ they can they are t·on~.tantl~· tn need oi fu1:d~. 1 .... to rt·iwrt" from mi· old fril·titl t' f \'

. k t t I th t '·e lone \\'tth ... " · .\ girl ;.,. nt•\t•r satisfi·~I unt1·1 I ,, .. th Out· "'pec1"al Fot 1·1 Cold an! G1·1"ppe or · as impor an ant nel'essary as en·s can no u t - Paul , ·amplocll -~ ''" l 1 ., • ·mu • out mone\·, I draw:-o ht•r hl'Clll into a hnol. ' Tablets :

In orC.Jer to partial!~· o\·ercome this neell a candy store has . . -:-- -:; , t been opened in t he basement of t!1e mnin hall at which plal'e a 1 ','~a), \ o:emb~ r .. '~· . ... .. .rhcrc.wn< ""'"'a lady rrom Guam. Jarg~as>ul'tn:Lntoll'andyands\\eClsisul'iligl'al'l'i('cl. 1:hestore1 .llo>mo1.1mg.t'.':':''°'""ndd1cai~,"ho said ":\'.m tilt' Sl'a is so <'aim t Cure that Cold.' t isbeingrunbytwomember~oithe":.\I"clubandallprotttsfrom '" 1thout an """o.n), '"was ,un-, l will swim for a lark" ' ' the sales will 0 go lo thal organization . n1'le 10 :ilt«n•l th<• dass<'s. \I cpt But sh" nwt with a shark. i t

The need for money by t h e ·'~1" club i~ urgenl and it is the top_wu~ly tuday al the> th()udn of n·- Ll•t us now sinrr th~ n1rn.•tit:th psalm a t 1 f l I t I t t '1 S C to Jlttt J11·s . h oulde r to the ma mmµ; hon1t· and r,·admµ; the latest I t < u (\· o e\·erv oya s men a •' . . . · ' . --- I A f wheel and niake. this • tore the success that it dcsenes to be. b~.''k by El.1. Toda;'·, Dust):, Rl:.•><lcs l )!. s ,( . Roel T :\,. 200 tnfter the '

I t<.I.~ me U1·•L 1f the gushu:~ sc~s~n ganw); fh". lll<'>'aphon,'. I boug-ht in A FOR YOUR COUGH l dti.:s mt lOd suou,hl' "ill bt. a \\tt."'"<.'k, \lis~oulu h:is an awtnllv p('ettliar '

_\S. E'IBLY, FRIDAY Women. phy•ically if noL morally I at- odor. · t S~ rup. White Pine and Tar ::SOYE\'lBER 12, 1920 \ woman i~ 'lUCcr, then··~ no doubt tunpted to l·onsoll' him, but ht.· wouh.l ~1 ~- (' . H lot r !'o. 201, (sniffing- l i

ubout that, ha\'l' nont.· of it, sayinJ,r that he wa~ rritil'a lly} : s· , do(1~. It ha~ a (le- I A few students who were unable to 'he hat<-' to he thin and she hates a ruined man. Il e made me ,·cry un- l'ided •rnell of d<'foat. ' G ARA.'.'ITEED RESULTS

happy indl•ed by hi :-; utter de~pair. __ -------- A I follow the tN\111 to Misgoula. gathered to he fat· I HE:\1K\IBEH THE 9 at agscmbly last Friday an<l devoted )ne mmute it's laughter, the next Sa turday . NoH~mbcr 13. SOPHff\IQRE t tht.> hour to commu nity s inging. The it'!'. a cry, I This afternoon I sn(•aked mto the .. · .. D.\XCE I SOllJ!S were flashed on the screen so (rn nrn't undustand her. however! Ellen lhcotcr, CXJJl•e tm,, to spend a ~·.'' ''' '''' ''' '.' '''''.' •• COX-POETTER DRUG roMPANY ; th:.il l'Yeryonc could become familiar much Jou try. pica ant hour. but. alas, my l'Xpe<:t- IJ with th<' worcls. Kate Keown led the But thC'lt''s C'llC' thing about her atiuns l'Hlllc to nUUJ.dit _The only ~HOOT MON' ~intdnJ! with the usual pep and sue- · whfrh en•ryonc knows-- timl~ l was haµpy wns the timl' thut ~ ('C'('dl·d in ~t!lting a lusty response \ w11man 's not dn·~:-;cd till sht:' pow- 8tt.·,·1.: P il.:n.·e nnnnunN·d that Sullivan ~ • ........ ---------·----~-----·--·--~~~~~ - _ - _ from those 11rc~ent. This community <krs lwr nose was knockt:'d ouU, \\rcpt copiously I ~ ~ 1 • - - - - - -:-.inging i~ a thing which every stud- -Studl'nt Life. wlwn !'iV·n·, aftl·r ~aying that one of = HERE ARE .I\IEN'S =============================== l'llt will l'llJllY in the future a.~ :\li~:o: ---- thl' Bruins had lost his pani~. said, J\'l'own has a l:~rgc a:.;~ortmcnt of ) ou ti II 'cm llula dancl~r Yc:-1..1 · n~ "Th1.:y'rl' off again." "BROGl'ES" <.:lever parodic:-> on popular ~ong-s . Jlot a motion bdure thl' house. The frt:~hmt·n, as usual, showed :

more pt:p than the upper tla::;~men.1 ~ AT $11.00 :_ ,

w .. -.-..... -..-.-.-.-.-.,,....-.. ....,....-.-..-.. -..· .. • .. • ... •...-.-.. •.,,.r.-.. •.• .. -..•.-..•.· ..... .,,.._._ ........ ..._..._ ...... _..w .. -...._ ... on t lwir splendid dfort s. This e'en- ; The greatest "Brogue"· ~Iu~t complimC'nt some of tht• g-il'I~ I ~


I ~


with Ring or Clip



Drawing Set 7.00 to $25.00



ing J no t it'l'<l .101.: Swec:n<'Y in Schmidt's : value in all Bozenu\n ! Extra "PJ>an·ntly t ry ing to drown hi s sor- : quality brown calf-skin. full r"w with liquid air at lOe. per, but ~wing tip and perforation. on I b1•li"v" lw rnn out of fu nds before ~vamp. A real shoe for college comph tm.g' the ta sk . I thought a t ~ fir t that h~ wns still mouminc: ove r ~men-A lot o( other good the "''ath or hi• untie , Tenl'nee. but I ~ s hoes at prices that will im­upnn inquiring r found thnt he was ~ press you with their reason­rlt·sp(,)JHl· nt o\'M' tht.? victo ry of the ~ •• _; ablencss-S e window display Bruins. .

Sund a) . :\m em her ·JI.

Thi!-) aflt.·1·110011 I dcndl'd my weai·y way to the d(~pot to meet the fig-hting-8( f <.-ats "II their· retun1 from )li~­' la. ~lthoui:h they didn't have the


~ 40 W. !\Iain ~

~Joe Conaty John Hine.

Practical courses in Architectural, Civil, Electrical and lllechanical Engineering, Mechanic Art$, Agriculture, Dairy, Horticulture, Home Economics, Industrial Chemistry, Econ­omics, Biology, l\Iusic and Art.

Beautiful grounds, commodious buildings, complete \\'Ood and iron shops, extensi\·e laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music and art studio.


Page 3: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

: ' • r ' I I • J r I • I I • I I I ' I I ,_. ........

that: Come to our • hop for Haircut or Sha ,-e

_\. B. ' VILLI.U tS 28 W. ).fain

f t I I It 1 1 11 1 1l I1 11 11I1 1 I11 1


~I I I


l ! I I I I

_,-al out our l C<-crrnn . o ir \'ell'l·t<, pud- t !mg~ .. ncl <,ur i<ptciab. Call !

or phoP • us ar_y orders you l wi h, we g ,1rantu; quality, ~en ice and salbfaction.

BOZE:\L\, - i RE \"\IERY co. I Phone 143. 1



Peop!C' who u,;e perfumes oft<:n Hhnw appreciation for an irnli\·irlual nclor that seems to "fit in" with their own in­l'lination,; and toilets. The-.­carry out the perfume id<>a in their powder~. th<>ir cream$ their soaps and all the toilet needs they u~e-

We ha\·e some particular­ly tlistindh·e perfume odors and can supply single items in toilet or complete combin­ation equipmentR.

GALL.\. TL~ DRUG CO. Qualit~- and Sen-ice



1 LET I John '&Jimj



7 E. iiiain Bozeman, i\Iont.

The Weekly Exponent F,rida;-, );ovember 19, 1920, I'age three

Il l: H-.\-ll\E ~~~~~~I 1 1 11111111 1 111 , 1 1 1111 I I l-1 I Ill I I t It l I 1 l l 111 I 1 1 11 IJ I I I"'

Th~re. little .o:.tu<le. dori't cry, You wt!re repurt<'d I k. ow,

Y ·:. ) our record 1~ brig&t., and you study each nic-ht. 1 ~ SOCIETY ~ r

:\ml you cJont thmk Ji u ha<l a "~~ ~''-" ~'"-~


hnv;; it 8} g O\V

b_ c tu

,. . t le

:-::i ·w·rn.I d~·l~;.!'atf•S lo t1i( \'oc.:at1onal 1 terl!nt bye-and- ConC"re .... :-; an· f'tu..,pin::!' at Hamilton


.r \Yilbof'I a"lii I c'n~ ln"in \HH~ <lcn t cry. don't I

<l n't •l"Y. rl1r-ner ~u • •- at H.lmil 111 Hall !'1..1n-


n r ) u, • byl!-211C -

e, d n't c .. <lon·t

I rlay

~rr~. 1' I

W ,,. 11"11 Hut 'JP s it th

f "'"<'at (I if

1·a~ "II$. \\: re t.rn-

la ( h hl)ttSe Jay c nm

I hi \hO

)I l t•n,t a nc tu ::l fir


'~ Falls· "'

h r ht,. st ill·, d 't <:ry. ' - - i~ a l'! t a Tho \:OU re! .lu y kr> a Joo!. I lka1 x 11' \\aS a l}=nner g-uc:-:t at this w0ck.

B11rli a "' 'l rrc~ n

ar,_a (" ~ Hl on. hcl-in n

of t r

t I(' pl (...~. 11ra H ·"

T t u ( OLLF'L-E w ier ynU:re the F. S. C House ~at~1rday cY<:ni.ng-. :\lal'gnrt't :\Iaxey ~.nd h.ath.•rinc

)Ji s Bc·ulah ;\l:mis was initiated Kohnen were l'nh~rta:necl at ciinnt 1 :•t ~e ir kH J\\.'lcdgc.

lt's ju"'t a ll·thnkal ~<:hool. into tl:l" F. S. C. ('!uh Sunday. the Phi Gamma Boti:sc Sunday. '

The Big Suit Sale

SL'IT :\!011!-.L~


Ilc:ncr. · ; l and "quir d frimn,«d

\ ltil .. , l"l).00


-l l J f 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I JI I 1 I 1 i And it may lH diff~r· nt byE>-an<l-bye,

~< thc·n~. l ttle LtJ<lc. don't <:ry. dun't c r\.'. Uean He nick and :\Iiss Branigan :\Ir:;. DiYiclson is Y1siting her dau 1'th- . . _ I . "fh<t··

11. ti· .··(ti•i". ilt•n"t "•·i·'. werE' dinnl'r gu~sls at th~ F. ~" C ter, Hazel at the Iota Delta llou~t.>. ar:o y('t the \ery ai.r :-t~cmed t:harg-<.><l ApJ l.H..'h1an .... atlll fn

1m an L A.

- ... ' "- ..._ I r . I --- I with thl· pres(:l1C'C ot c\'ll. Brave men 131..•hi.:ol at that. Palnably ~Ir Davcn-BREJGHTO'.\"" GAIGE {oU~l' 'UE'sday c•:cnmJ;:. Ralph .TOlg-ensnn bl'tter kno\\ll a"' I \\alkl•d along" the ~trees trcmblmp:ly,• pott l.iu1n<:ht.·d out nw•,.nifin·ntly fror·t

:\lr~. C. Korslund entertained t.he "Jorgc-y'' has IL•J!L::.ie1ed a):!am and , ... an<l Ill the little hut~ t.hut ltned t.hc a tav.th<:r nano\\ pn.:mi.-:L'.

If the :-:ayi1 1 ~ "Rn.:vity s the soul J wit, i:' tl"U•"', then there i::; :::.ome­

thing r1<lkt.lous al.out the costumes

nH.•mbers of F . S. C at a delig-ht- ln·ing- at the 0. B. llou~e. road, rnotlwrs sang- ~> thc:ir bable::- -BallyRut. ful party at her honie on South Cen- · the old melodie!-' of d1'.ldhood in hus~-tral ~Vednesday evening. j One nf th<' cle!ightful e\'ent:< oi tht! ed tones. 1 alo~<: · (Jl all_ the mult.i-

of :<omc l f our fan· l'l1<:hantl~!'~es.- . so-.·ial ::::eason was the dinner 'fa.nee tude wa5 unafraHl· An<l indeed, why

Tht· Blue Stock in. The F ...... C Club announ<e~ the 1 ~I\Ptl by the Phi Gamma Fratt.nuty. should 1 nouu~h ft..ar in my hea~1?

:'\fisses )lary Lauson, I sabel Brook, Fnday C\enmg-, to their fne11.(1"5 :.1110 Had I not that \<'1y da} been appomt­

B'JtiC:'· "\\'hat's a cihorce suit?" I Hattie W1lliams1

Zita Freidl, Grace pat1one~ses. A three course <i 11•1cr cd Chief Kccpl"'r of Ye Kuspulor, a I Gl'Oans- ·"Tht> oppo~ition of a union Ompta and Ahce ~lcClmto<:k as \\<lS :serYcd at the chapter ham:: . ._) ait!l' po ... 1t1on that lu1d caused man:r a

suit."-Purple Cow. I pledges. 1 \\h1ch danung \\RS cn)oyed a.t th<' I bra.\C man to faltl ; ll was aftc1· Evergreen apa1 tmcnts lea\'lng the hou~c \\1th my ludy on

1 :\Irs. Zenskic entertaille<l in honor 1 my arm thHt I wao-. aware for tht:>


of :Miss Esther Garry's birthday at J[iss Arta Cochran of Great Falls first time that all was not what it a delig-htful dinner at Tea Cup Inn is a Vocational congress guest at the should be. Soml'thin~ wa:; c.:reaking for chapped hands, face and Sunday evening. The g-ucsts were Chi Omega hom~e. and Rwishing at my feC't. Thinking-

T HOUSANDS of y ards of I r ish

linen are used each year to g ive Eaton's Hi g hl a nd Linen its beautiful fabric finish.



gives your let ter that subtle someth ing which all women recognize as t he final touch of charm needed to make their c orrespondence d i ~ ­t inctive. You will find the latest s ha pes and s hades here.


! :lfisses Esther Gany. E,·elyn Bailey to lea,·c it all b1,hind m<>- J quicken- lips, or any roughness of the I and :Jlarie George. )li!"s ~farion Holter and ~Iiss Flor- e<l my pate and tht fa~ll'r 1 went the skin.

encc \Yallls of Helena are guests at rnore tcniblc it Lc<:ame. Biting and Florence \Vesch, i\onecta :Soble. the Chi Ome:.ra House during the snapping- at my hec:ls, it pursued me.

Gladys :Matthews, ~larry Stranahan. I Voc:at.ional conf!rCss. Finally. unable to ~tand it any long--Edith Stanley, Kathryn Keown an<l er, I broke into a ma<l run. l\.l y I Frantes 1{yle were among- our boost-' II II lady shouted to nil· an<I a~ked what t'.. at the ~li~soula game last Satur- PICKED UP BY ELl the trouble wa~. "That terrible I day. I noise," I answen,•d, doubling my

speed. "Stop fool," she rnntcd, "il':s- I

A number of the members of the . . . only-my-galashc!-\.'' f

Beta. Epsilon Fraternity were guests Between ;\l1 ~houla and ro undup:-.. I --- I

It's not sticky or greasy

25 cents


DRUG S TORE at the Sig-ma Phi Epsilon House in h;;n ·e heen b u~ a c r tha n ~he pr~ \ e rbial To th e Footba ll T t>a m. \ 1\lis~oula o\·~r the week end . I cat a nd hence my offenng tlrn:.; "~eek Consider thft postage stamp:-;, my son l l 6 E . Ma in

I is ra t her a fee ble one (~omeone JU ~ t ·I

Phone 327

--- They often get a licking-. I Th!.! Beta F.r·~ilon Fratcrnitv. enter- re. ma rk_ ed th at from thei r point of B .11 ·ob :..--------------!i

tained a nun~ber of college girls at n ew it :t1 wa y:-. was !- UCh , a nd _ a ll T Because they k<'C';1 on !!-tkking-. I I

ut. sh they make f,!ood on the J

an informal Jancing party at i h11 can ~a ) is th a t they a re stand mg a t So learn this Jitle ll'~on, son: chapte1· hou~·~, Friday e\·enin~ from th e " rong encl of the India n). .\~ ~c,·en to nine. I t:ont ri but i(;n:; ra me in rather ~low

t his \\eek i t wa~ ll C'CCssa r)· for me to

Dr. O'Gorman was a dinner l'.rt~e~t II ~et out the old ~c i .. !'olo rs a nd the pot at the 8. E. House Tuesda\· eve111111:r. cf g lue. Jf ) cu ha Ye read the m be-


--- . fore don't t ell an) ~n e, and t hey will

The patronesses of the Iota Delta I appreci:-tfe them just a:-; much as if Frnternity served a cleli~htful pro- t hey were original.

For e\'\. ry littl::- J:ddnz, .Just set clown tighter on the job; You 'll win by steady ~ti<:king-.'

_ -Ex.

1 Xrt 111t·ntiPninl! nny name~. but a ..

ce!·tnin LtP1<-"h ''hose initinls are F. • G. ~ure bf'iiL'\'l' in tl1:s leap .year ide.

gresl'h'<' dinner on Fridav. i\°oYember 12 , in honor of the new patronesscf=, During t.hC! game al Mis~oula ti10 I - -~Irs. Hnrlt•y \\'illiams and .:\Irs. Pnr ra"c~il., tieJ a sheep in front of the I r(:alizc that it i:-:- hard to g-ct a durn. and tlw new chaperon<·, )!rs. Bcb<:at rooting- section. \Ye think it dr-te frr a sister who!'c sk

3tly is cl!-\e-

1 r.rown. Tht· homes were artistically was \'C'l'Y appropriate-a symbol of where, but perhaps if the attl"nd­deeoratt'd with the fratcirnitv ~·olor"· j our spirit. whkh w<: bclie\·c is all ancc at the :\It. St. Charles game The ('ours(.•:-; were ser\'ed succe:;:-ii;·ely w0<1l and a yard wide. i\ow

1 we do had betn lant1..T you would ha\'e had

at the l:omcs <.\f :\Irs. Conklinr!'- :i\Jrs. not belie\'C all that we hear, but bdter :o-Ut:Cl':;s.

1111' ••••• I I l •ll 1111 ......... .

FOR MEN .......

PI NK GEO. JOE J atten. and ~!rs. Martin. The re- sonubody su~~eslod that somethin~ ===== ========================== 1n::i.indcr of tht• C'\·enin~r was S\Jent in was lal:kinc- on.the other si<le of the

dan<·ing at the home of :'\trs. C011k-1

fE'nce-sort of bear, as it were .

Herc i" lut·k to yru, at any rate.

., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ling-. Anyway, we are g-lad we ha.<l the .\ ~ou ~h. Hude Shock.

I H 0 W A R D ' S A j sheep.

1 ~ome 01 us smart alee tollcgc fel-

~ Tbe Omega Bet<J.~ e"ltertainl'il Jll'. I lers, who ha\·e be<)n shdtc:red and t anrl Mrs. C. E. Johnson of Frombersr I Fergu~ )li tch. l'i " i n~ the- dvna mit e cvtton pal·kt.:><1 fn1m thC' cradle up.

t at dinner Tuesday e\·cnin~. ~h eck a bsorbe r. On the t r a i ~ ~oin g ou~ht to l'(•ad. "\\"hat a )lan Loses it~ YES THEY ARE DOWN --- I ever ti1e h ill la'l week he " as tn·ing Gomg to College," by E. DaYenpor.t·

t SUITS and OVER('O_\TS f ~[iss Alice Moody was the charming I le heat the ); orthcrn l'atific ou.t of in the curr«nt i"ue of the usually


• \\'e offer our customers~ : full benefit of dropping prices ~ ~-our loo~ io. your gain. [

S<!0.00 to $ 5(k{)O j I hostess at a fireside party Saturday I some mone \· a nd the condudur knew 1mpcccablc S. E. PoF-t. It rnay be a I

I ' evening at the home of :Mr. and Mrs. it. Tiu-' ~o-ld bra ided custod ia n cou ld bk·w :o our


'\·unity .. and ''cgoisrn." ~ : ~ t :v. R. C. Stewart. During- the ev~n- not IHo,·e it on him , h o\H"n~r , because but. 'tis _indeed ~difyi~1g- to know that = CL.\ SSY S HOES SHOW REDUCTION : m~ refreshments wc1e served to che I t here "' t Ferl( i "ilh a hat check lo t.J.e cymcnl worn! thmks of us pam- j .

1 ~uests, "ho were l\lar<!aret Campbell. B ll \\' lk" l h. h C pcrecl pets Gf fortune. We'll bet last :I- ....,.. .-SS 50 t o $10 00 . - ' u e. a · mg up o 1111 t e on · ~it!•]if.. I ' · · I Evelyn Bailey. J,athleen Cameron, 1· .d "FT d . k h I Hm1mc1"s straw hat that E. D. gath- Afb-u•

t .. .. . ..a1 ere, on t \'Ou now t at vou j ~L. .n Hub E~ther Garry, Peg Lmclsley, Amy - . - .. · h h k ' d. crt·d his material htrg-ely east of t he

.6 U F .J t:;:;: I Louise Bur lingame, Ruth Norton, Eve- I ca n ne t g-e l a ,\ a) "~t t at m of ~ ' t' }yn \Vaterman. Salli(~ Gallespie, a nd ~tu ff on this train . T hat's a wo-1 -


ED and LOU HO,VARD ) IarJ?aret Cuny. ma n's hat check you ' \·e got there.' ' • • t I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 r r 1 t r 1 1 r r 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 t r 1 1 1 • • I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I·

I :'\ c-w, he re is the joke. F e rg i s tarted .. {

\Valk-0\·er Shoes Nobby Hats J . Paul llc·:,10•1"111' was a dinner blushin?" and dug down in his jeans T H o s 1

H 1

R E A } &11°st r 1·10 ~ A F House Wed and 1>a1d up. \

- - - - - - _. -~~~~~··--------·--·--·--•• ~e;day c~·~:un~ . · . _,. - > ! .. 4 1111 I I I I • I I I I I I I 'l l I 1 11 I I I ti J :\ I 1 11 11 111 1 '1 f ll l l1 1 1111 1l llll l ll l ll 1Ut I Ul ll l trl Tl 11 ll l tl l ll l ll l Ul !l l U

EXCLUSIVE SHOE STORE 120 East i\Ia in Street Phone 373-M

George J ohnson was ca lled home Friday of last week by the death of his mother at Te1Ty.

The little lady from Ham ilton Hall 0: who let clown her hair and put on Phone 24 ~ sho1t d res~es, and t hen got away I ~ with a half fa re to Missou la, de- F ~

Iota Delta an nounces as pledges. came in and played "Rock-a-bye Stoneware, Table Glassware and Dinnerware. 0: serves citaticn. The brakeman who or correct value in Gro::eries, also Cooking Utensils ~~

Lillian ) fa1·es. Dorothy Tootell , and Baby11 w ith her would be surprised

Flornce Markin. to hear her blibly recite her chemistry Water Glasses $1.20 per doz. lesson. I

Is t he place to buy your shoes for the b est school

wear. Gi\•e us a trial we will please you in style and comfort

Hazel Davidson and Vera Galliher, I ;,1"'1'"1-• 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,....I .. t-tl"1l"1l,_l-l 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,.._I 'f'l'f'l-tl"1l,..l-•'f'l .. 0"1l"1l,..ll-t-l 'f'l-tl"1l"1l,.tl-t-l 'f'l-tl"1l'"l,....I ,..,,.., .. , .. ,,..,,...., ,.., .. , .. ,,..,

- who at.tended the game at :\I issouta 'V-ho \\3S the dirty hound that returned Sunday evening.' kicked lhe gob in the head ?

"Scotty" Cameron spent the week- I Alas ! Ala>! Ala• ' I also p r ice.

· J . E. LA N G. Proprietor.


sallied forth to take a Phi Gamma Fraternity announces fair cr eature f rom t he Kappa

:,--I end in Bozeman- for a change. I thaltt was a dark, ~tor:-1~y n ight ~

1 '='='"="=' ='="='='=1="='="="="="'="'="="="='="="='="'="='=''="'='"="="="=''='"="'="='"="='"="="'='"="="='"="='"="'='="'="='"="="='"='="="'="=-11; as pledges the following: Kathleen house. All was quiet abroad 0

The Club Cafe i-------------------i l" ..... D .. 0 .. ij~·s .... ·::·· .. ooiL·s· .... '!,I ti .~.~~.~.~.!~.~ .. ~.~.~~~~X .. ~.~•~•~•~•~~ ti ! ~~~-- GENrINE FLORA DORA DOLLS WITH KID BODIES ~:= i·~

Get one now and dress it for ..Xma g





F REE TELEPHO E , ER\'ICE I ; 11 : P:o:• ;--1~ I 1 ~ LI N 0 L EU M A N n A R T s T 0 R £ ~ I! J- _ f 1: • _:_ j~_ Phone in ;;nd reser ve __ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _ _ - The S tore of Quality Gifts g

WI t I I J J I t I I I I I I I I I f I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ~[-i;H!i)i(H)l)l;H;!J;H;l-j)l)H)<!i)i(H)~ll)j(H)l)l;H)<;H;l-Q<:ll)l;H;>J;I

~our booth for tonig ht

Page 4: I · the latlt.:r wu·c r.ot clnC"ln,!!' an nkrt~1nmC'Tlt which might Ifcpe Goo

l'age fou r The Weekly E xponent Friday, :?\ oYember U'l , 1920.

Take a

H.ODAK With You

Let pfrtu ·es tell thC" storr of I "°:'le motor tri1i. the hunting trip, tie fishin~ trip of the traYel. The Ko<lak '\ay is t!tc su1·e '"a;.>. the silT'rJl.,, ''a.:. the con,·eni,·r.t I \\'ay.

Kodnl. ;;nods h:nt? a reputa-1 t1on for q11alily and so hcn·e we_. That·~ why "' c can-r ouly the I ~('nuine Easlm n pru<lu1.:t:,:;. X o t·h~n<'e for sub~tituting. I

Kodaks, $5.00 and upward Brownie , $1.00 to 12.00 I Headquarters for Kodak

~11pplies I

(Cor:tinucd from pngc 1.)

m the final qtrnl"tt:T. a.ft T .Sul!h:;tn

..i.d inte1"C.::ptcd a pas~. the back~ H<l-!'1lt'm.l{ tile !Jail 5;3 y-ards up th1..· field. D.thlberg

with Darr·: L'e>rlllg-. I TJu.~ uni\~1..r:-.:Ly trlul ~;~ j!H~,.,,e ..... com- Demers

:ltin~ s1.:n11 (or 107' yard~. wl1l}L' F•·N•1i.an t' L' n:~bt:Lt:o; ('(l 1ph.•t('d tl•l't'(' Of l] fOJ"

:- :ranl . Th" 1.,;1·, zlie:-; made ;;.:·n Ell, t

dl'cls from !-'l'rimm.ag-e again:-t 70 tur

;he Bnbcats. \d«lll> retnl'n<'d fi,·e of/ ~TcGawnn.

A C.\SE OF GOOD nayliss

EYESIGHT Adams Our glasges. in eYel'y case. will demon"trate themselves I Kershner to he "A case of goo cl eye-.sight." . / Sullh·an


Left taekle

Left g'uanl


Rig-ht tackle

Ri~hl end


Rjght halfback Rose Drug Co. Because - knowledge. skill

and thorough e x p e r i en c e enters into the making of eYery pair.

..,.,.he ~~.- St::m: LE s LIE E . GA GE

RC'fcre~. s~hrardl•r, Uuttc; umpirc1

Low1·y. \\"hit~halJ .

,I.~ ~I'.'~ l~weler and Reg-istered Optometrist.

!----------------' Broken h.·nses re-placed same day , 1•

''"' are allle to take cart' of you on rour hunling t 1".'

thi~ fall for most an; kind of a gun, or ammunition in the nirious caliber',;


YOC \TIO:\.\ L CO:\'G llESv.

(Continued from Page 1.)


( Conti11U\..'d from rage 1.)


nold. l\lnnhattan-H.Pk•11 Ih·nm. l\Iaymt-r

I Beirinning with end of the 1020 :-;eason fo1· football our motto is Beat .:\1!:-;soula in 1!121. Our lo~:scs in the linl' will be supplemented by the ad~


I dition of this years freshman squad I ~111d we II haq~ a team that ('an beat the 'U" yet.

Thanksgiving Silk


SUITS AND OVERCOATS Values (o $.'50.00

$2 J.95

Values to $60.00 $39.65

Values to $15.00 SH.95

ValueR to $90.00 S5:3. l5



1-3 LES.'

Highe t cJ.a"s kirb of kurnsi kumsa, De\\·kiRt. l'n'pe de Chine, Geo,.gette, Tricol­ctlf.', de . \\Thite, light and dark shades.

Extraordinal'y Sale

Who's Your Tailor? \\'e have just receil·ed a

reduction of 15"'~ in our Tailoring Department and i-ou ll'ill get the benefit. ·

\ re do scientific mca.;ul'-ing.

WALSH'S I; .. ..... .. ... .... ... .. .... _ 1= Go To -



SUIT CLEANED. They are Hart Schaffner and i\Iarx. Society Brand and Fashion Park. I~-

Don 't pass up this oppor­tunity to get the suit ~·ou ha\'e been wanting but just couldn't get around to it "get it?"



WESTPHALS Successor to Holloway's


The Old Reliable • :: I I I' I I 1 I I I I I I l I 1 I l I I I I I I I ,

t 11111 1 1 1 1 1 J I l J I 11 11 1 1 f I ft

1>0nhn'. H.\.RT. SCHAFFNER & l ~

OWENHOUSE HARDWARE COMPANY "I \\'ill<''" (reek-Etha Archt'1', >Juriel For though the l!niversity ma;• l\lARX CLOTHES


~ Wh t Sul1 hu1· Rp1 ing~-l fe,:;~ie Lo-1

tlwy will !o~e ..:\dcu~1 ~ 1 Dahlherg-. Sul- t-,"',-,-,-, -•. -.-.-.-,-, -.-.-.-"-1- , -, -

1-,-.-• • -.-, -, ~quicker tarts. Now is the :

; I 11 i!liams. . have had a world heater this year, I ~ 11.ill gil·e you more light and :

: a'· .luliu ( <•rk 'l. li"nn an'1 possibly others .. ~ictio"•an : lime to put your Battery in •

1, ,

1 1,

1 1,

1 1,,,,

1 ,

1 1 1, , , , , 1 ,,,,, , , , , • , , • , , , , , , , , , , .;. - -- l FT i ~ 1 • ~oin,.., to rennslynmia next GOOD E.:\TS Sl\lOKES : : •\'IJl er s orage wit U5 1t not~ - I i~ 1 ported as t~•king prep w01 k there · t t · h ·; ..

;;=:=:;~::;~~~~~=:;~::;~~~~~~~:::;~~~~~~~~~~ I FOOTh.\LL };_\~Q 4

• year. And so our ehan<·L·:::; nrc nut .. ~ tn use.

,.- ._.-.:::.._. ._,. ----'*·· ·-...-.:;.,._. ·'* *' ~i:3 (Colltinucd 11 m pace 1/ "'mt ther might harn been. CHOICE ('A:\DIES -

t . tl 1 '-21eetrical Work of _\]] Kind,;;

THE FASH I 0 N BARBER SH 0 P ~f, ,'"~:1




~ ,;~~ \\'c wonder at the strength of the THE ELLr.N ,. Lon~.'" 1 ~. \\d r.b~ ten at·t·om:.i ol l'ni e1:Hl.Y of Lalifl1111ias t .... ·am who L .. : _\CTO ELECTRIC STATION~

-1 Jn ,,_ 1 ""'cared W"ohington State .JJ-0 a IlO$COe R. Hull, Prop

' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'j A ,1Jca,., •t ""'"i!' '"a, rn_1 yed by Le,m " no mean ability. for th•y PARLORS The n osl tall..ed d and be.~t thought of shop in Bozeman ~! the 1.U< ! . :.n<l the c·nri1c· o a'- dt'hncd )lisst•tt!i, hy a :n-o ""'re an I : lOG \Y. Main Phone 812;

l, the ~t·ason·~ adh·ities

~ ion \\HS an appro-,riate L'losinf!' fur nur tt•am \\as bE.·at.en hy )Ji.::.smda. , , , 1 1 1 1 • 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 1

1 1 1 1, 1 1-c . ~

, l'hc ~lis:,.Oi..l1an qtiotes .Joe Bush as FRED HII\::\J.\N, Prop. l'i :"-F\\ Hl lLllL 1,s 1'01! >Hl. 'T \'i.\ a Bush lea._ue1" When we think about " " ' •~. _·~.z.)· D.~n~e I~loor for Those

Li ::.; I'.\ l'E. I it .fu" " one of that kind. lle 's in 1: Fall Parties MAfiAZINES ":-S _,\WO iWJ! ·~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ (C't ntimt <l from i1age 1) a h.·a~ue by himsdf. -, I •• - , I I I I 1 1 I I , , , • I. I I ..... I I ti

1866THE WILLSON COMPANY1920 ~''''''''''''''''''''''' 1 ' ' '''''''''''''''''''''''''' 1" 111 and '"'Uth uf the fi1»t R.rraok;. The game \\ith the U this y~ar

Other bu1hlings whit_.h $hould hl' l'O!l- wa~ vnt of the cleanest ... xcr playcll LET US DE\-ELOP .. ..-\~D ~11 1t·trd 1 ut of the funds prO\·ide<l "ith t1:t·.i1. Sulli\·an for the Uruin~

.. are a biology building-, a gymnasium \\"A.~ bid uut Sl'\Crnl timu:-;, 111on.1 be­

.. and a h·cman':-; hui!din~ and library. L'all$C 01 his own inability to mis:, I ~ ! Tl1 · }lrf!sent btoli ;:o:y building ·w--as blows whicl1 were accidental. On both

• c 11:-t11...1i.;h·<l on~- twenty yt·ar:-> ago ot r patt and his o\\"n tcam-n1ntes..


~3 W. ::'.Iain St.


$59.50 $72.50 $92.50

: at ;.~n initial cost of less than :;;-11000.


__ _

~ In this buidin'!! h~ housed npwcrr<ls 'of "With the football ~eason over our

~ .. -;-o.oon ,.,,·01 lh of botanicnl and en- attt·ntion i~ drawn to baskethnll. The

~ i tt logi1.:;d L"DllL·dions. 1_11 addition, i fir:,:;t prat:tice will he held the .\lon~lay ~ 1 r·la~~ room~ and laLcrator cs arc un-1 n •t •1 Thanks..,.,,. n,. an11 Jill~. i'1l.:-. h\'l)

~ -afr.:fo.Ltory as t > a1rangl~mcnt and g-~.mL·s will he playl·d ht!>forc the ~I t ,nd:, inadequnh a to ~izt•. J._ new h~ilidays.

~ l nm! 11101krn bioln;...y lrnilding- ought to I ~: l-t~ l'on.struL"kd in lh<' very near fu- The Bob<·1n Hiwup will br somcwh:.,t

:' hH'l'. diffen•nt frorn wlu t it was last yC'?T".


M. H. WHITE Photos of Studen ts a t

Special Prices


Ord~ your Ice Cream for

A wunuerful· as><ortmen of fall suit,; in charming exclusive models. The materials include tricotine, velour, serge, silvertone and Duret do lain-some are beautifully trimmed with fur oll;crs embroidered and braided in all lhe \\·anted new fall shades.

.. lt is rt·agoni.lbll~ to state that the The only i·es-c>mbl:mt:e of ln::;.t year's

: 1 ,ollcµ·e comm1ttc-c w1ll ,oto unani-,team will be Joe llL1sh in the J!mnes I F R ESH FRlTl' F C DGE : nimi~ly m fa,·or o( constructing- a new Lefore Chr:::;tmas and Gene Robert-

~ irym11a.."1UU1. Up to the 1n·esCJ1l time, sc n \\ho subb~d last year

) our parties

gymnasium and has used a building Swede ,Jor~t"!ll$;On one of the mam-

~ r l'ig-inally eonst1·ucted as a drill hall. slays of last yen rs team will be out

Choice Candies for your fussi ng nigh ts

.. the in:;;t1tution has been without a ! ~ A lll'W g-ymnasiun1 will prtlbnbly be bc:l·ause of a present. 1 oc~l n,.llin:~ that 11

HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEGE l\I ISSES ~ located .iust north of Gatton Field, a lllan must be u11 in 111.- ,. ""~5 for !--------------- il--------------

• • which lies directly sout.h of t.hc pres- two 111·ec:Pding- quarh-.. •r.., in o:tlc1 Lo :::::===~===============================:=:=::


"' •·~" "'""·"""'" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ play the third ~ '" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' • ' ' • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' • ' 1 ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '.

A~r-n_u .. a. -1~1-.'ha .. ,..n. ~~k_s_g_ ,.v~z:n·. --=-gna·n~c- e'*'! 1 ( 11::~'.1;;;~;; • .,::~L;~~~~::~;;,l~:g~'. -

a Ja1· meetmg at the Beta Epsilon

J hou:s('. The spcul'"el' of the evening • • • • 11 1 11 • • • • • • 1 1 • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1111 u 1 111 11 1111u1 11 1 111 n 1 u 11 11111 1 111 1u 1 11 1u 1111 11 1 11 1 111 11 1 u1 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 111 11 1 11 u11 11 111 1 11 1 ~ was Dr. Blish, who spoke

011 t.he ad-

ARCADE POOL AND BILLARD PARLOR Bowling alleys now open


~' vantage of gr .. odun.te study. and g-ave

Given by the ~ an idea of what a mnn should expect j in following ~uch a couTse, bnscd on ~

CLASS 0 ,23 hi~ ow11 e-xnc.--l'icnccs as n g-raduate -F student. A nutl\}lcr of the honoary ~11 1 1 11 u 11 11 11 1 n1 11 1 n 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 11 11 11111•1 1 1 11 11 11111111111111 11 1111111 11 11 1n1 t111.1u 1 u 1u 1 11 11 1111 11 1 • 111 • • • • • • · 11i.


Saturday Night, November 20 Drill HalJ $1.00

,, . 1 111.1 1 t r . ll t- l 't t t1u• 1t1 11 1u 1 tm· t 1t1 1 . I 1 11 1 I ' I If l o1 1 I I I UI UI UI ! 1 11 1 1111 111 11 1 11 11 I I 1 11 1 I I 1 111 1 1 111 1 I 1111 ·Jlltl II I !I 11'1 11 1 1111 \1 1 11 1111 ! l lU •I t I I 11 111 11 I I .

Four favor and novelty dances including our annual

Turkey Raffle

'lllcmbcrs of Alpha Pi w-e 1·c present i=============================== at. Uw meetiny,:, including- Professors C'obleig-h and Quinn, l\lr. Burke, 1\Ir. 8hcrwood, "!\Ir. Humphrey and Dr.

Rlish. Following Dr. Blish's talk I lunt°hcon, l'onsisting of coffc£> and Banclwk:h~s. \vas served and an in­

formal discussion of topics mostly

ch1•m ital was held. I Among the tragedies o f the M. S .

C.-1\'lissouJa game was t.hat of E lwood I


- FOR-


Under Westphals Chas Gross, Prop. ~lorris, Qne of our prominent alum ni,/ who lost his entire las t monthsJ sal­ary on t ho ga.rnc and was forced to

-~""'IR:>'--'•"'"'=·..;;:•~~...-;r --.--;;:::sm Tel y on providence to br ing him hom e. :2•m••:m1Hlm1C•m*ii:t811i::li':!~•o:i•;:;--.:w11sm.::o:all:la;• :aa;:;:•iilllm1•