jNw XXVII t H E VOL K E N T U C H E G 2 T -- T E S A T" U II D A Y FEBRUARY afr, 278. LEXINGTON: Printed by JOHN BRADFORD at Afr Office in Jl&fii Strut, Where Subfcripiions, Advertifemcnis &c. for this paper, art thankfully received, and Printing in its different branches dons withCare and Expedition; An ' EPHEMERIS ' FOR MARC It, 1789-Cakulat- ed for the Meridian of D. ' H. M. First Quarter . 4th,. at 2 31 Morn Full Moon nth, at 853 Mrn Lalt Quarter 1 8th, at n 18 Aster New Moon 25-h- . ar 1 4 Aster I Rem. Dya 1t11.11.uu.f 1 La ift S. 111 Lent. 16 23 5 37 2111 6 225 38 3tu 6 2! 30 4lw J"P-f-l- - 4S-- 6 2C5 40 5"th Ember week. 6 5 42 Oir 6 17 5 43 7 Syr. rise- - 7. 21 0" ic 5 44 8D 2d S. in Lent. 6 5 45 win Venus rise 5. 23. d 14 5 45 lotu 5 125 48 11 7 Jet 11. 23. 6 11 5 49, 1 2 th Svr. set 12. 26. 5 10 5 5 X3fl 7- - 3- - 5 915 5 14" . 7- - ? 8? S2, 15! 3d S- in Lent. 6 7 5 53 16" 6 5 55'' i7ti St. Patrick." 6 4 5 55 i8w 7 sfet 11. i 1 6 2 ' 58; iptl, - 5 c 5 o1 20 fi Eq. Day & N. 5 55. 5 1! 21 f" 5 5t'S 2 22 D 4th S.in Lent. 57 5 3. 23 m Luna near Satur ? $(. 6 41 24 tu Syrittsfet u..25'i 54 6 6 25 w ', j 5? 5 7 26ltn 5 52 5 8 27 fr Venus rise A. 15- ' 5 6 9 28 i'a sc 5 1 o 20 D sth S.in Lent. 5 4M i2 3c m A', ' 1 3 31 tuj Z,ua near J up. ; 4;6 15 NEW STORE Just opposite the nsw Court-IIoufe- .- The fubfcrjber has juiT received a large and cereal Afibrtment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES with a quantity of Nails of different sizes, of his own manufacturing ; all which he is determined to sell on as model a'c terms ' as poffibie, for Cafli, Indian Cotn, Tobacco, Butter, Tallow, and Hogs lard. JOHN DUNCAN. v XJf whom may be had A collection of Iiooks, in Divinity, LaW and Phytic; several entertaining Hiflories-- - feme Engliflfi and Latin School" Books ; ' a variety of Boofca fOrtheinftruflion and entertainment of Children;- - Ameiican Magazines' and Mufcrms of the latefl; dates; -- also Parchment,Deed, and Letter Paper, Seating Wax, Wafers, also Andei soil's Scd"! pills. Any of the above described' Country Produce will be received at Oeneial Scott's, where a Receipt will begiven that will qualify the bearer Cd receive Goods in Lexingtoin Lexington, Dec. 25, 1788. THE FOLLOWING BLANKS ' MAY EE HAD AT THIS OFFICE V'Z. DEEDS, SUBPOENAS, RFPLF.V-an- d connnr.T PODS. APPRF.NTi. CE'S 1.NJJI N 1 ORES. &c. c;c. S:c A certain Mr. Samuel, lias lately appeared in the Di- - ftridt, with a pretended bond, from one Rodham K'nnor Caroline County agamft me fortwenty Pounds, which bpnd I do deny, nor do I owe said Kennor one farthing, as 1 have receipt againll said Kennor for all " dealings ever was between us this is to forewarn all per-son- s from trading for, or tak- ing an aflignment on said bond, as I will not pay any part of the fam. HENRY CRUTCHER. Feb. 12, 1789. T1PPOO SAIB A FINE dapple bay, eight years old this spring, five sec two inches high, was got by Mr famous im- ported running horse Lath, out of col. Made's old m,re, the dam of the noted horses, Pilgrim, Celer, Clodius, and Buckfljin ; stands this season at the fu'bfcriber'f, in Fayette coun- ty, near the , mouth of Hick- man, will cover mares at fifty hidings the season, or fifteen the leap : the money for the fettlJin' may be discharged by the payment of forty (hillings in bee, cattle, or joung cattle at the jnars mt u .en- - vercd at the mouth of Hicic - man or aC t he fubferiber's tlie nrit of on or before day Odober nest ; .or by the pay-ment- of forty fhi.'ligs to bacco, pork, hemp, or butter, at the market price, rC 1 tJiver ed at the mouth of Hicki.an, on or before the firit day f December next ; or by ti':e payment of thirty fliillings cafii at the end of the season; the rr.oney for the leap, mtiii be paid in hand. fealon will commence the first of April, and end the f?rft ofAu-gul- l. good pallurage will be procuVed for mares that are lent from a diftanee, and par- ticular attention will be paid lbem, bur wjU , not be ble for thefts, escapes, or accidents,, any person sending, five mates, fliall b.e allowed the fifth gratis, and any per-so- ns desiring it, may have their mares fed upon reafoii-ab- le terms. S. JOHNSON, Feb. 15 I7S9 . JUST OPENED A'fND for Sale b John Khea -- at hisStcre at Seou's Ware-Hoiile- on the Kentucky, a very general r Ooocts Hard Ware and groceries for which cafli, Tobacco, fiinfarfg, Furrs, 12. Beav-er- , Racoon.1-,- , Wild a'.is andotti-tkln- s will b"c uiktn n paj iv.-- n r.. T Hereby give notice, that the law, eftablifhi'n'g a Town at jhemouth of Luncftone, will probably be altered And 1 do hereby forbid the Trustees", from acting under the former law, and further forewarn all psrfons from purchasing John May's land, under the Efcrip-ttd- n of John May's and Simon' Kenton's, as John Ivfr, , and1 ' Simon' Kenton have no such' land, and of com sc, whatever is done under the foimer law-vv.i- ll be conffciered ;i mil' and-Void- . - JOHN M'AYj- ' Jan. 1th, 1 78V is)' TEN DOLLARS REWARD. QTOLEN out of the fobTcri1 bers Stable, on the night of the fourteenth inft. a bright bay horse with a good deal of white in his face, about seven years old, about fourteen and a" half hands high ; he has one or two white feet, but may be certainly known by a remark- able knot on his lest sore leg-ne- the Pattern joint ; he is ihod before, well made and tolerable likely. Any person who will give such intelligence that will enable me to procure the horie, ihall be amply re- warded and the above reward for di,co mi and apprrhen-- 1 ding the thief bv LEVI TODD. Fayette, Feb. it! 1 789- - A sorrel horse the property of. Thomas M.irfhali Elq. was taken at the same time out of he same stable. A P R? A M A T I O N jSy his Excellency Arthur St Clair Go and commander in chief of the .territory of the United Stafs North ft. 'fl of the Ohio, and cmmiffioner Pie jiip'o.'cntiary for removing all causes of Mirw.'-rf- between the lid' 'is in the and the United ' ft, riiier v department, To'aU "crl "c"' to whom these prerents (hall come G a 1 reatv was conc1"-- xi'-HFRE- S dedatsot: Hauhar, on the oth day January in the Pfem year, with the Wyandot, Da aw3re' 'PP 1 and Sac Natu Ottawa, Pcotowatu ons of Indians, and L e United States, adfridfl'P has been whereby peace confirme.l between the renewed and United States", and the before men-tionc- d Indian nation- s.- V1"' zens and Subfefts of the Uni.'cd are hereby required to takO noucv of the tame, and to a attain fro ery aa of hofttliiy, injury, or injuft.ee to the said nations, and every individual of (he raid nations;- - asthey lliall ar;-fw- er the contrary at their .peril. Given under my hand and leal at Marietta in the' County of WafTt inton, and tenuoiy of the Unjted Scates, North West of the Ohio,- - this,, asnd day of January 1 7'- - (ttgncd) All. ST CLAIR. (I s.) GOD five the United States. A LL tfjofe who have taken lots of the land belonging, to the Tranfylv3nia Semjfhary and who have not got their Lea-fesw- ilf pleafeto send the names dfthofe persons whose lives are to be the term of their Leaf-est- o Col. William Ward, irt ime for him to make out the: aid leases before March Court,, when they will- - alio attend to have them executed. W. WAli'D w R. JOHNSON ) Agtr&t ' R. TODD J Jan. 15, 1789 LONDON, Sept. 22. . Thougji M. "Necker has in fora sort tried to quiet the popular al arm" the people cannot be ap'pcafed till thejf are satisfied - nor satisfied, till 'tfiey are sure they will be paid. ; At ,yons, fcarccly ,a loom is lon- ger going- - Almost a general bsnkv ruptcy of the ciy fs to be fejredk One of thefiift trading houses theie,-ivi- th a capital in circulation of abo;e, ioojoool. ftei ling now cannot ratfi? money1 enough to go on ! Geneva is yet worie the Gene-ve- fe traders are well known to be 'hef general bankers of the Swiss ; and in the French funds aie deposited all the money - accumulations of Geneva.' There is fcarceiy any property in that country no: crippled by. this difatter. -- Some of the most affluent people are thus reduced to ruin. The Dutch ae but' as. little, lofcrs as the Engl'ifr ; yet that they as well as they are, they peihaps inevitably, add to the present pecuniary diftieffes of the-Frenc- for, individually and called;-ively- , they lefufe all pecuniary tranf-aftio- n with the French, all acceptance of French paper cicdit, is credit it can be called- - all participation i but for ready money, in the commeice of France! Sep. 3 The latett advices from Holland arefullof the hoftileprepafations carry- ing forward in the frontier provinces, which makes the certainty of an ap- proaching war generally apprehended ; and that the sinews of war may ncc be wanting, the advices add, that a tax of sour per cent, was forthwith to be levied upon all personal proper--t- y within the Seven Piovincesjanin-teret- t, however, of two per cent, tp be allowed the proprietors; so that this tax, in this boatted free State may be considered as a compulsory loan We are sorry so rind, that the tri- ple alliance entered into between En- gland, Puflla,- - and Holland, is" likely to produce other alliances of a more extensive and formidable natnre. The moment the cabinets of France and Spain discovered that England and Pruflia were on the point of signing the treaty cf alliance recently conclu- ded between the two latter Courts, the Quadruple Confederacy, which wai on the tanisfomc months ago, was revived by Monsieur de Montmorin and Count dc Blanca ; and, by the Trrfir mail, we are affurcd, that the news flf ihe final completion of this darigor-oo- s' important mealure is daily expeft-e- d at Versailles fiom Peteifburg. and Copenhagen. , Oft. 2 Yeflcrday'mirnmg advice's wrri received frbm Hamburgh, thatthe re- gency of that cityvhad received pub. lie notice from the court of Denmark" to provide, with all poffibie expeditf. on, its tiuota of two ttip'ufaH foam


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K E N T U C H E G 2 T --T E

S A T" U II D A Y FEBRUARY afr, 278.

LEXINGTON: Printed by JOHN BRADFORD at Afr Office in Jl&fii Strut, Where Subfcripiions, Advertifemcnis &c. for this paper, art thankfully

received, and Printing in its different branches dons withCare and Expedition;




MARC It, 1789-Cakulat- ed

for the Meridian of

D. ' H. M.First Quarter . 4th,. at 2 31 Morn

Full Moon nth, at 853 MrnLalt Quarter 1 8th, at n 18 Aster

New Moon 25-h- . ar 1 4 Aster

I Rem. Dya 1t11.11.uu.f

1 La ift S. 111 Lent. 16 23 5 372111 6 225 38

3tu 6 2! 304lw J"P-f-l- - 4S-- 6 2C5 405"th Ember week. 6 5 42Oir 6 17 5 43

7 Syr. rise- - 7. 21 0" ic 5 448D 2d S. in Lent. 6 5 45

win Venus rise 5. 23. d 14 5 45

lotu 5 125 48

11 7 Jet 11. 23. 6 11 5 49,

1 2 th Svr. set 12. 26. 5 10 5 5

X3fl 7- - 3- - 5 915 5

14" . 7- - ? 8? S2,

15! 3d S- in Lent. 6 7 5 53

16" 6 5 55''

i7ti St. Patrick." 6 4 5 55i8w 7 sfet 11. i

16 2 ' 58;

iptl, - 5 c 5 o1

20 fi Eq. Day & N. 5 55. 5 1!

21 f" 5 5t'S 2

22 D 4th S.in Lent. 57 5 3.

23 m Luna near Satur ? $(. 6 41

24 tu Syrittsfet u..25'i 54 6 6

25 w ', j 5? 5 7

26ltn 5 52 5 8

27 fr Venus rise A. 15- ' 5 6 928 i'a sc 5 1 o20 D sth S.in Lent. 5 4M i23c m A', ' 1 3

31 tuj Z,ua near Jup. ; 4;6 15

NEW STOREJust opposite the nsw Court-IIoufe- .-

The fubfcrjber has juiT receiveda large and cereal Afibrtment of DRYGOODS AND GROCERIES with a

quantity of Nails of different sizes,of his own manufacturing ; all whichhe is determined to sell on as model a'cterms ' as poffibie, for Cafli, IndianCotn, Tobacco, Butter, Tallow, andHogs lard. JOHN DUNCAN.


XJf whom may be hadA collection of Iiooks, in Divinity,

LaW and Phytic; several entertainingHiflories-- - feme Engliflfi and LatinSchool" Books ; ' a variety of Boofca

fOrtheinftruflion and entertainment ofChildren;- - Ameiican Magazines' and

Mufcrms of the latefl; dates; -- alsoParchment,Deed, and Letter Paper,Seating Wax, Wafers, also Andei soil's

Scd"! pills.Any of the above described'

Country Produce will be received atOeneial Scott's, where a Receipt willbegiven that will qualify the bearerCd receive Goods in Lexingtoin

Lexington, Dec. 25, 1788.





connnr.T PODS. APPRF.NTi.CE'S 1.NJJI N 1 ORES. &c. c;c. S:c

A certain Mr. Samuel, lias

lately appeared in the Di- -

ftridt, with a pretended bond,from one Rodham K'nnorCaroline County agamft mefortwenty Pounds, which bpndI do deny, nor do I owe said

Kennor one farthing, as 1 havereceipt againll said Kennor forall " dealings ever was betweenus this is to forewarn all per-son- s

from trading for, or tak-

ing an aflignment on said bond,as I will not pay any partof the fam.

HENRY CRUTCHER.Feb. 12, 1789.

T1PPOO SAIBA FINE dapple bay, eight

years old this spring, fivesec two inches high, was gotby Mr famous im-

ported running horse Lath,out of col. Made's old m,re,the dam of the noted horses,Pilgrim, Celer, Clodius, andBuckfljin ; stands this season atthe fu'bfcriber'f, in Fayette coun-ty, near the ,mouth of Hick-

man, will cover mares at fiftyhidings the season, or fifteen

the leap : the money for thefettlJin' may be discharged bythe payment of forty (hillings

in bee, cattle, or joung cattle

at the jnars mt u .en--vercd at the mouth of Hicic-

man or aC t he fubferiber'stlie nrit ofon or before day

Odober nest ; .or by the pay-ment- of

forty fhi.'ligs tobacco, pork, hemp, or butter,at the market price, rC 1 tJivered at the mouth of Hicki.an,on or before the firit day fDecember next ; or by ti':e

payment of thirty fliillingscafii at the end of the season;the rr.oney for the leap, mtiiibe paid in hand. fealonwill commence the first ofApril, and end the f?rft ofAu-gul- l.

good pallurage will be

procuVed for mares that arelent from a diftanee, and par-

ticular attention will be paidlbem, bur wjU , not be ble

for thefts, escapes, oraccidents,, any person sending,five mates, fliall b.e allowedthe fifth gratis, and any per-so-ns

desiring it, may havetheir mares fed upon reafoii-ab- le

terms.S. JOHNSON,

Feb. 15 I7S9 .

JUST OPENEDA'fND for Sale b John Khea

-- at hisStcre at Seou's Ware-Hoiile- on

the Kentucky, a very

general r Ooocts

Hard Ware and groceries forwhich cafli, Tobacco, fiinfarfg,

Furrs, 12. Beav-er-, Racoon.1-,- ,

Wild a'.is andotti-tkln- swill b"c uiktn n paj iv.-- n r..

T Hereby give notice, that thelaw, eftablifhi'n'g a Town at

jhemouth of Luncftone, willprobably be altered And 1 dohereby forbid the Trustees",from acting under the formerlaw, and further forewarn all

psrfons from purchasing JohnMay's land, under the Efcrip-ttd- n

of John May's and Simon'Kenton's, as John Ivfr, , and1

' Simon' Kenton have no such'

land, and of com sc, whateveris done under the foimer law-vv.i- ll

be conffciered ;i mil' and-Void- .

- JOHN M'AYj- '

Jan. 1th, 1 78V is)'


QTOLEN out of the fobTcri1

bers Stable, on the night ofthe fourteenth inft. a brightbay horse with a good deal ofwhite in his face, about sevenyears old, about fourteen anda" half hands high ; he has oneor two white feet, but may becertainly known by a remark-able knot on his lest sore leg-ne-

the Pattern joint ; he isihod before, well made andtolerable likely. Any personwho will give such intelligencethat will enable me to procurethe horie, ihall be amply re-

warded and the above rewardfor di,co mi and apprrhen-- 1

ding the thief bv LEVI TODD.Fayette, Feb. it! 1 789- -

A sorrel horse the propertyof. Thomas M.irfhali Elq. wastaken at the same time out ofhe same stable.

A P R? A M A T I O N

jSy his Excellency Arthur St Clair Goand commander in chief of the

.territory of the United Stafs North

ft. 'fl of the Ohio, and cmmiffioner Pie

jiip'o.'cntiary for removing all causes ofMirw.'-rf- between the lid' 'is in the

and the United' ft, riiier v department,

To'aU "crl "c"' to whom these prerents

(hall come Ga 1 reatv was conc1"--


dedatsot: Hauhar, on the oth day

January in the Pfem year, with

the Wyandot, Da aw3re' 'PP1 and Sac NatuOttawa, Pcotowatu

ons of Indians, and L e United States,

adfridfl'P has beenwhereby peaceconfirme.l between therenewed and

United States", and the before men-tionc- d

Indian nation- s.- V1"'zens and Subfefts of the Uni.'cd

are hereby required to takO noucv of

the tame, and to a attain fro ery

aa of hofttliiy, injury, or injuft.ee to

the said nations, and every individual

of (he raid nations;- - asthey lliall ar;-fw- er

the contrary at their .peril.Given under my hand and leal

at Marietta in the' County of WafTt

inton, and tenuoiy of the Unjted

Scates, North West of the Ohio,- - this,,

asnd day of January 1 7'--

(ttgncd)All. ST CLAIR. (I s.)

GOD five the United States.

A LL tfjofe who have takenlots of the land belonging,

to the Tranfylv3nia Semjfharyand who have not got their Lea-fesw- ilf

pleafeto send the namesdfthofe persons whose lives areto be the term of their Leaf-est- o

Col. William Ward, irtime for him to make out the:

aid leases before March Court,,when they will- - alio attend tohave them executed.

W. WAli'Dw R. JOHNSON ) Agtr&t' R. TODD J

Jan. 15, 1789

LONDON, Sept. 22.. Thougji M. "Necker has in fora

sort tried to quiet the popular al arm"the people cannot be ap'pcafed till thejfare satisfied - nor satisfied, till 'tfieyare sure they will be paid. ;

At ,yons, fcarccly ,a loom is lon-

ger going- - Almost a general bsnkvruptcy of the ciy fs to be fejredkOne of thefiift trading houses theie,-ivi- th

a capital in circulation of abo;e,ioojoool. ftei ling now cannot ratfi?money1 enough to go on !

Geneva is yet worie the Gene-ve- fe

traders are well known to be 'hefgeneral bankers of the Swiss ; and in theFrench funds aie deposited all themoney - accumulations of Geneva.'There is fcarceiy any property in thatcountry no: crippled by. this difatter.

-- Some of the most affluent peopleare thus reduced to ruin.

The Dutch ae but' as. little, lofcrsas the Engl'ifr ; yet that they

as well as they are, theypeihaps inevitably, add to

the present pecuniary diftieffes of the-Frenc-

for, individually and called;-ively- ,

they lefufe all pecuniary tranf-aftio-n

with the French, all acceptanceof French paper cicdit, is credit it canbe called- - all participation i but forready money, in the commeice ofFrance!

Sep. 3 The latett advices from Hollandarefullof the hoftileprepafations carry-ing forward in the frontier provinces,which makes the certainty of an ap-

proaching war generally apprehended ;and that the sinews of war may nccbe wanting, the advices add, that atax of sour per cent, was forthwithto be levied upon all personal proper--t- y

within the Seven Piovincesjanin-teret- t,

however, of two per cent, tpbe allowed the proprietors; so thatthis tax, in this boatted free Statemay be considered as a compulsoryloan

We are sorry so rind, that the tri-ple alliance entered into between En-

gland, Puflla,-- and Holland, is" likelyto produce other alliances of a moreextensive and formidable natnre. Themoment the cabinets of France andSpain discovered that England andPruflia were on the point of signingthe treaty cf alliance recently conclu-ded between the two latter Courts,the Quadruple Confederacy, whichwai on the tanisfomc months ago, wasrevived by Monsieur de Montmorinand Count dc Blanca ; and, by the Trrfir

mail, we are affurcd, that the newsflf ihe final completion of this darigor-oo- s'

important mealure is daily expeft-e- d

at Versailles fiom Peteifburg. andCopenhagen.

, Oft. 2 Yeflcrday'mirnmg advice's wrrireceived frbm Hamburgh, thatthe re-

gency of that cityvhad received pub.lie notice from the court of Denmark"to provide, with all poffibie expeditf.on, its tiuota of two ttip'ufaH foam