I I 1 > T tJRSDAYEVENING H O I TQE OGDEN STANDARD j JA1Ur1RY 23 19G9 l I i I i I I 4 I I J L t Y 1- I I c i ju OUR GREAT ANNUAL I I V < JANUARY SALE OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR I- I This is the departments s most popular and successful sale presumably because Last Thomas has tremendously increased its purchases and the important price advantage obtainable on quantity orders has been passed on in full ratio to patrons The ample f stocks are practically as full and fresh for this second week as at the sales beginning We earnestly solicit your thorough in ¬ vestigation of the substantial economies afforded ANNUAL SALE OF OCEANS OF EMBROIDERIES POSITIVELY REMARKABLE VALUESEMBROIDERY BAR GAINS TOO GOOD TO LET GO BY- T- COATS ARE AGAIN MARKED DOWN TO 12 AND LESS L BROKEN LOTS OF TAILORED SUITS AGAIN MARKED DOWNT- he new reductions that have been mode upon the remaining broken lots of Suits is 50 per cent and less i yGi VES N FOR SPRING WEAR n You will save enough to make it worth while to buy in advance a pair of these twelvebutton length Mousquetaire Prime German I Lambskin Gloves at 149 They arc in White and Black and good values at 300 r LAST lEt THOMAS I SALT LAKE AND STATE NEW- SLEfiISLATURE i H llASBUSY > DAY r J u UNIVERSITY TO BE VISITED BY < LEGISLATORS t it Senator Miller Brings Claim of Fre- derick r Blake Containing Startling J Statements Before Senate i Among the matters brought to the I attention of the senate yesterday af ¬ ternoon was a claim presented by Senator Miller for Frederic Blake a well known citizen of Washington county who demands 300000 from trio state on the ground that he was I wrongfully imprisoned In the State Mental hpspltal at Provo for 20 years I Before he was sent to the place he- w u looked upon as a man of wealth Since then he has lost all and con ¬ tends that he suffered all kinds of torment in the institution i Blake in his letter to the senato and house of representatives says that he was admitted to the asylum from St George Jan 5 1SS7 under a false report and without hearing At the hospital he asserts the at- tendants ¬ swore at him and threatened that he should go away in a wooden box He asserts that they dashed him against the walls and stamped on him with their shoes fracturing his skull mashing his right ear and ribs He asserts that ho was put In a room for acorpse He asserts I dont be lloye Christ suffered more On one I occasion he escaped to Salt Lake City After being brought back he was tied and strapped to an Iron bed and beat- en with an oak club On this occas ¬ ion lie says his right arm and ankle were broken On another occasion he asserts he was visited by a number of men at midnight and a quantity of poison was forced down him Ho says that another effort was made to kill liim by locking him up in a close room and not allowing him to take exercise J Before being sent to the hospital Blake declares he owned homes hones D cattle sawmill and farming lands He now says he has but seven Ores of land loft He also mentions- a number of employer at the hospital who can be called as witnesses He declares that should the state not see fit to allow him 300000 he will bo i naUsQed with a pension of 2500 u yearn tho senate Senator Miller intro J laced Senate Bill No 13 providing- that county health officers shall be yald their traveling expenses going- to and from state conventions and that such shall be paid by the district I from which they come Senator Miller offered in the senate concurrent resolution No 1 providing- that typewriting machines bo recog nized in the making of the oflicial copies of bills The following measures were intro- duced In the house yesterday after ¬ noon House bill 21 by Archibald provid- ing for the selection and use of text- books in public schools House bill 22 by Ashton relating to juvenile courts House bill 23 by Ashton on curfew lawHouse bill 24 by Ashton relating to the establishment of detention schools House bill 25 by Ashton relating to the protection and supervision of de- pendent children- H McMillan asked unanimous con ¬ sent to withdraw house bill 13 an act establishing a uniform standard ot weights and measures On motion ot Thomnson the request was granted and the bill was withdrawn Speaker Robinson named as addi ¬ tional members of the fish and game committee of the house Representa ¬ tives White of Utah and Fuller of Weber Representative Cannon of Salt Lake Introduced a resolution which was read and referred to the committee on fiducation The resolution was as fol ¬ lows Whereas The trustees of the Car- negie ¬ Foundation for the Advance ¬ ment of Teaching have Included the state universities in the list of bene ¬ ficiaries of the Honorable Andrew Car ¬ negies generous gift for the advance ment of teaching and Whereas The University of Utah ii entitled to become a beneficiary because it Is a state university and because it meets the requirements sot forth by the trustees of the Founda- tion therefore be it Resolved By the senate and house of representatives of the state of Utah that tho legislature of Utan hereby heartily approves the applica- tion ¬ made by the regents of the Uni- versity ¬ of Utah to the trustees of the Foundation for the University of Utnh to be included with tho educational institutions that are to share in the retiring allowance system of the Car- negie ¬ Foundation for the Advance- ment of Teaching i ROBBERY BY WHOLESALE First Steal Horse and Buggy and Then Load It With Plunder Salt Lake Jan 20ArtcI stealing- a torse and buggy belonging to W J Morton of Tenth West and Tontn North streets three youthful burg ¬ lars proceeded to the barn of Pat Mo- ran on First South just below West Temple street about 10 oclock last night and proceeded to load the buggy with sacks of oats While one of the young men was throwing sacks down from tile loft the other two were loading them into the buggy Their work was detected by a young man EVerYWoman covets a shape- ly ¬ R D I figure and many of them deplore the loss of their girl ¬ W4 V ish forms after marriage J The bearing of children is often destructive to the mothers shapeliness All of this can be avoided by the use of Mothers Friend before baby comes as this liniment prepares the body for the strain upon it and preserves the symmetry of her form Mothers Friend makes the danger of childbirth less and carries her safely through this critical period Thousands grate- fully Mom tell of the benefit and relief derived from the use of this remedy I attleepcrlrnllio- Book mailed Ittr tall expectant mothers fRIEND THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Go who happened to drive to the barn to leave a horse there He quietly noti- fied ¬ Patrolman George Harris and the latter lost no time In getting to the scone Upon arrival of Harris at the barn the youths saw him and started- to run Harris seized one of them and halted another by threatening to shoot The third managed to make his es- cape In tho darkness The two young men arrested gave the names of William King and Goo Smith At first they declared the third youth told them the oats be longed to him and that it was all right to remove them but later when- it was learned they had stolen tho horse and buggy thor admitted their guilt They had evidently planned to make a big haul as they had lire I paled 18 sacks of oats to take away They will be charged with burglary I in tho second degree The police are looking for the third member of the gang t STABBING AFFAIR IN SALOON George Sorenson Victim of Henry Hardin In the Ocean Bar Salt Lake Jan 20A stabbing af- fray ¬ In which George Sorenson aged 29 married and residing at 347 East Second South was the victim took place at the Ocean Bar saloon lo- cated on State street just south of Second South this afternoon Soren- Sen who Is a teamster In coinpaiiy with a man named Henry Hardin- and a number of other teamsters v ore drinking together when Sorenxon and Hardin came to words As Hardln up preachedSorenson Sorenson put his hands lightly on the shoulders of the former Hardin suddenly pulled opt- a long bladed pocket knife and Inllwt- od a severe gash In the abdomon of Sorenson The assailant then escaped bv way of the back door Sort nlirm walked to police headquarters aoc m- paiIed by his friends whore an uxisin- Inalion was made of the wound lint refused to let the police surgeon at- tend to the injury saying that ho pre fu red to have it attended to at home and left the station Thu police N- on tho lookout for Hardin POLICE MAKE QUEER FIND Greenbacks Found Tucked Away In An Old PiJ Salt Lake Jai 204n old linn giv- ing ¬ his name as Jacob DelvanI and looked as though water had boon placed under a bar was picked up by Police Officer Pierce this afternoon When searched at police headquarters nothing of value was found upon him save an old greasy pipe Something about the pipe attracted the attention- of Jail Desk Seargent Pierce however and upon close examination a secret spring was revealed which upon being pressed opened disclosing 175 in crisp new greenbacks securely tucked away therein The old man Is thought- to be demented and an examination will be held AXEL CARLSON IS- DECLARED INSANEN- Salt Lake Jan 20Axel Carlson wilt killed his sisterinlaw Matilda- Kcklund at Sandy on Thursday night will escape the executioners for tho same reason that Harry K Thaw dd not suffer the death penalty for the killing of Stanford White Carlson is pronounced a paranoiac Further- more ¬ the lunacy commission which has been sitting upon his case for two days says that he is a degenerate of the worst type i Tho commission has found that Carl sons caseJs one of unusual malfor- mation No two members of his bod are alike His rjght ankle Is enlarg- ed his right ear right nostril right shoulder and hip are all abnormal 01 peculiar formation His hips aro sunken His right eye differs from the left In Its form and expression All of these things which wore dis- covered ¬ by the doctors who niarfe n physical examination of the murder have resulted In a decision tpsend him to Provo whore he will probably spend the realnder of his natural life at tho state mental hospital Physically and mentally the man is abnormal His sister Mrs Emma Hick man told the Insanity commission that he had complained of imaginary noises by wagons and trains and ho had a delusion that the smelters had stolen a smoke consuming device which he had Invented He had been addicted the use of liquor since he was 12 years of age Anton Gustavo Carlson a brother also had noticed that the an had acted queerly since f Christmas and had induced him to come from Park City to Salt Lake to obtain work thinking that he might be better CHILDREN PLACED- IN HOMES BY COURT e Mr and Mrs Plummer Adopt a Two Months Old Baby Other Cases Salt Lake TnninTwo children one a 2monthsold boy deserted by unnatural parents were placed in homes by the juvenile court at its sit ¬ ting Wednesday morning The boy born but of wedlock and loft upon a doorstep In the southeast cm part of the city a few hours after- birth was first placed in the State Street orphanage but before the or ¬ der was carried out he was adopted In Judge Lewis division of the district court by W R and Jane Plummer upon whose doorstep he was placed by the unnatural mother The youngster will be known as David William Plum ¬ mer The other child Teena Mum ford a 12yearold negro girl was taken into oMGtody by Mrs Jane Council a ne gress Bon Bishop 17 years old a ward of the court has not lived up to the re ¬ quirements of his parole from the State Industrial school to which ho was committed for petty thieving about lour months ago and he was taken into custody and remanded to tho school Young Bishop has expressed a desire to join the navy and as soon as his brother George Bishop can make arrangements to accompany him tT a recruiting station he will bo re- leased ¬ from the school to enlIst in the navy Tho lads parents are dead Two boys 16 and 17 years old re ¬ spectively ono of whom said he learn- ed ¬ to play pool at the Y M C A were allowed to go upon probation on the charge of frequenting poolrooms- One of the lads said he was not a TWICETOLD TESTIMONY Ogden People Are Doing All They Can For Fellow Sufferers Ogden testimony has been publish- ed ¬ to prove the merit of Doans Kid- ney Pills to others In Ogden who suf ¬ fer from bad backs and kidney ills Lest any sufferer doubt that the cures made by Doans Kidney Pills arc thorough and lasting we produce con ¬ firmed proof statements from Ogden people saying that the cures they told of years ago wore permanent Heres an Ogdon case Thos W Wootton 732 Barlow Lane Ogden Utah says For a year or more my back was very Jamo and sore and pains through my loins were so severe that I was hardly able to regain- an erect position after stooping In the morning when 1 arose tho pains would be so acute that I would hardly bo able to move At last I decided to try Doans Kidney Pills and procured- a I box from Badcons Pharmacy They promptly eradicated the trouble From a statement given July 30 1906 Cured to Stay Cured On tho 21st of September 1907 Mr Wootton confirmed his former state ¬ ment saying The cure Doans Kid- ney ¬ Pills affected has proved perma- nent ¬ and I heartily recommend them- to anyone suffering from kidney com ¬ plaint For sale by all dealors Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New York sole hgcnts for the United States I Remember the name Doans and take no other memberof the Y M CA but that he went there and tendered money to play pool and was allowed to play TERRIFIC MUD SLIDE- IN PROVO CANYON Considerable Damage lc Done to the Tellurldo Power Plant Provo Jan 20A terrible mud- slide I which did damage to tho extent of 2000 and put the city in darkness and without power for a time occur ¬ red this morning In Provo canyon near HolHtcta ranch two miles above the power plant Tho slide totally de ¬ stroyed about 100 feet of the flume of the Tcllurlde Power company and it will be impossible officials state to repair tho flume under ten days or two weeks The heavy rain of last night and this morning loosened the mud on the side of the mountain and caused tho slide Power and light for the clt arc now being supplied by the- Tellurfde companys plant at Logan The snowslldes the Denver Rio Grando road in Provo canyon have now been cleared away but still trains are unable to run between hero and Heber City With tho clearing of the big snowslidc at Bridal Veil Falls two immense mud slides were found op- posite ¬ Fergusons ranch Not a train has been run over the road to Ilebor City from hero since a week ago last Sunday and none will be run before Friday or Saturday as it will be im- possible ¬ to get the tracks cleared of tho mud before that time Tho mall for Heber City Is being carried on the train as far as Fergusons ranch A handcar comes down from Hebor to the other side of the slide and the trip is made over the mud on foot The mall Is thon taken to the handcar anti In this manner reaches Heber City rTu TRICAll FIFTY MILES FROM BOSTON Drew Good Crowd at the Grand Opera House Last Evening George M Cohans delightful musi ¬ cal comedy Fifty Mlles From Bos- ton ¬ drew a good house at the Grand lard evening In spite of numerous counter attractions The piece is semipastural in character and re minds oneIn some ways of George Ades County Chairman The com- pany was capable one and received on the whole as enthusiastic a re- ception as any musical attraction pre- sented at the local play house this season An especially appreciable feature was the fine musical program which teethed with the Jingles of George M Cohan The local orches- tra ¬ entered into the spirit of these uprightly airs with unusual vigor and earned much favorable comment There were a number of thq cast deserving pf special mention prob- ably ¬ the most popular of whom was Mrs Westford who took the part of Mrs Tilford There were prob- ably many in the audience who wore unaware that they were applauding he clever comedy of a younger sister- of Lillian Russell In fact the only taster of the Queen of Comic Opera who follows the stage for a vocation- Mrs Westford better known as Su ¬ zanne Leonard her real name only returned to the stage a season ago after having retired from the profes- sion ¬ She was formally In vaudeville and like her celebrated sister won touch fame as a footlight favorite Last season she was with Lillian Rus ¬ sell in Wildfire having the part of fanct Her work last evening was very goodHazel Lowry as Sadie the post m tress waswell received She is a pretty slip of a girl graceful in her movements and charming of manner Tho part of Bess in Little Johnny Jones was written for Miss Lowry but Instead of being the first to play- It she was engaged as understudy to George Cohans sister Josephine in his successful Running for Office Pho afterwards played Bess as antici- pated ¬ W D Stevenson as Joe Westcott won approval with the audience and did very well with the opportunities afforded by the part He has been seen however to better advantage especially In the original Merry Widow where he had the part of the Prince playing opposite the charming Cecelia Loftus of mimicking- fame Messrs Sparks and Willard as the comedy beligereqts were heartily ap- plauded ¬ Walter Richardson as young Harrigan and Thomas Emory- as Jed did well throughout Jimmie Iiclton as the Juvenile boyaround thebarn was also enjoyed THE GREAT DIVIDE The Great Divide is in three acts The first represents the interior of a cabin on a cactus farm in southern Arizona the second a picturesque plateau high up In the Cordillera mountains the roof of the world and tho third the parlor of an old New England home in Milford Cornets Mass From this some idea of the spirit of the play may be formed The heroine is a Massachusetts girl who goes with her brother to Arizona to make their fortune In tho cactus fibre Industry There she meets a man of the West one used to a wild carefree existence and a loose philosophy of life They are strangely met and she Is strangely won This is in the first act The remainder of the play Is a dramatic adjustment of the lives of the Puritan woman anti the son of the mountains and plains The man is rogonerated through love for the woman while she at first all pride and priggishness through training and heredity at last by force of the same sovereign power love recognizes him as her lord and mast- er ¬ At the Grand Friday and Satur- day ¬ evenings GOLDFIELD CONSOLIDATED Goldfield advices just at hand are to the effect that last week witnessed- the placing In commission of tho en- tire ¬ battery of stamps 100 in num- ber ¬ of the mammoth reduction works- of the Goldfield Consolidated An fnerago grade of ore Is being sup- plied ¬ so that the company Is now se- curing ¬ a normal production An erroneous impression has gone forth regarding this companys de- velopments ¬ at tho Clormont shaft sunk vertically for the purpose ot commanding the Mohawk vein In the J- An Good Clothes Are Important AssetS- tyle costs nothing but you may f lose much in the way of opportunity and position if you are neglectful of your personal appearance Nothing adds more I- to the dignity of a man than becoming i stylish apparel f1 UIINS i Modern Clothes TELL WASH AVE EVERYBODY SHOP AT 365 J territory below the 600foot level of the Mohawk shaft The Clermont shaft is bottomed In the Mohawk quartz mass which has a thickness of 400 feet and in tho cen- ter of which is the ore shoot proper- In passing through the hanging side of the quartz formation the shaft encountered ton feet of ore assaying 3 to 1 per cent copper and Sl1 to 16- n gold This ore was entirely unex- pected ¬ as there are no values on the hanging wall in the levels below The haft Is being carried down to a depth of 925 feet where after ¬ ting a station a drift will be extendI ed south to the commercial ore tinooL Developments on the Combination- and Red Top continue extremely fa ¬ vorable the openings of the former looking better than ever heretofore SInce resuming operatlonBat the ted Top a drift has been extended 160 feet north in the direction of tho Oounellan leaso in which commercial ore has been disclosed for Its entire length Recent drifting south has also extended the known ore body over 100 feet In this direction Goldfield Is now a proven camp The leasers to whom It is everlast- ingly ¬ indebted are being retired and within a very brief period operations will be exclusively company account The directorate was changed this week by the addition of three names Air Charles Hayden tlrJ A Carstairs representing New York and Filtsburg interests and W C Ral- ston ¬ of San Francisco representing Pacific coast Interests The other dl lectors are Messrs Geo S Nixon Geo Wingfield J D Hubbard and J H Mackenzie the general manager TELEPHONE SYSTEM FROM BOSTON TO OMAHA PLANNED Hoston Jan 21Plans for tho con- struction of an independent long dis- tance telephone system from Boston to Omaha and Lincoln Neb calling tor an expenditure of 5000000 will he perfected it is said during the conference of Independent telephone I company officers which will convene in this city on Saturday next Fin ancial arrangements have already been made according to Information iii hand and the details of construc- tion ¬ and operation only remain to be adjusted Tho project has been under discussion since last May and Is bQlnp engineered by Max Koehler one of the most prominent Independent tele- phone ¬ men In the country and by H C Stifel of St Louis Officers of Independent telephone companies gen- erally will bo Identified with the move- ment ¬ Within the next five years It is said approximately 30000000 will be invested in the enterprise ROOSEVELT IS GREATEST v INTERNATIONAL BOOSTER- New York Jan 21The greatest 1 international booster was the term applied to President Roosevelt in a I speech by Charles H Treat before the t boost club at its annual dinner at the Hotel Astor last night John Temple Graves was among those who made speeches Concerning the pres ¬ ident Mr Treat said He boosted the American flag Into recognition among the nations Ho sent sixteen ships of war painted In the color of peace around the globe to show a thousand million people thy western civilization founded by our futhers ALIENISTS REPORT MRS ALLEN REED SANE I Denver Jan 20Mrs Allen F Reed who attempted to dynamiio Mrs Genevieve Chandler Phipps is stale and has never been insane Is said to be the report of the alienists fur the state This report is now in the hands of District Attorney Elliott The physician also reported that Mrs Heed is not addicted to the use of drugs and that there is no reason why her trial should not be proceeded with Snively Hendry Eledr c Supplies Estimates Furnished- All work guaranteed We sol ¬ icit your patronage Phone 731 Bell 2450 Wash Ave 1ItruowrI 20 PER CENT REDUCTION Monuments and Headstone MITCHELL BROS- dont pay commissions to agents but ace us Yard opposite City Cemetory I R acs Interested ard ibonM lasow SlSaftMARVELWhlrllngSDra- V > J e5L BV rOROr It c- Jt 1r3tanU7 ovnnol tappiy tho Mtp V accept no other bat ecnd stamp tar lUMlmtcd 1t t1Tld Iy inn partlcmlare and rtiectjons in 1i11 atc 13 to milieu tSEnitad Street VEWlURiC- at once Mrs Elliott refused to Sin anything regarding the report of the physician and will probably await tho findings of the states second alienist bolero the case is sot for hearing WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PREACH New York Tan 21 Lacking the necessary permit to hold a public j meeting in the street a number of i prominent suffragists headed by Mrs Boorman Wells were dispersed In the theater district last night by the po- lice ¬ During their protest one of the women said Indignantly that the Sal vation Army was allowed to hold street meetings Well religious meetings are dif ferent explained the policeman But this Is religion to us retort- ed ¬ one of the women and you have delivered a great blow to our cause by your action But tho police were firm and the I rally was not held j FATHER ACTS AS BEST MAN l AT WEDDING OF HIS SON I Chicago Tan 21A father acting i as best man at the wedding of his r eon was the unusual feature at the marriage yesterday of Miss Kathryn Charlton of Oak Park and Lloyd R I Steers of Chicago George S Steers served his son as best man For years the father and son have been almost Inseparable chums liv- ing 1 together at the Union League club sad being the joint owners of the i yacht Vanadls which It Is said Us I t 1 red In the romance of the young cou- ple whose engagoment followed a cruise on Lake Michigan VICTIM OF EXPERIMENTS HE PERFORMED WITH MERCURY i f New York Jan 21 Charles Cock- ing 51 years old who died suddenly- last night after being stricken at a station of the L was tho victim of r experiments he had performed in the laboratory of a firm of wholesale chemistswhore he was employed- He had been engaged for several i days in making experiments In which j It was necessary for him to handle a r considerable quantity of mercury and I it is said he absorbed enough of this j into his system to cause death I WANT ADS BRING BIG RESULTS The extensive sate of f- t tt S t C l 1l j is owing to their perfect purity


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This is the departments s most popular and successful sale presumably because Last Thomas has tremendously increased itspurchases and the important price advantage obtainable on quantity orders has been passed on in full ratio to patrons The ample

f stocks are practically as full and fresh for this second week as at the sales beginning We earnestly solicit your thorough in ¬

vestigation of the substantial economies afforded





he new reductions that have been mode upon the remaining broken lots of Suits is 50 per cent and less


You will save enough to make it worth while to buy in advance a pair of these twelvebutton length Mousquetaire Prime GermanI Lambskin Gloves at 149 They arc in White and Black and good values at 300









tit Senator Miller Brings Claim of Fre-

derickr Blake Containing Startling

J Statements Before Senate

iAmong the matters brought to the I

attention of the senate yesterday af¬

ternoon was a claim presented bySenator Miller for Frederic Blake awell known citizen of Washington

county who demands 300000 fromtrio state on the ground that he was I

wrongfully imprisoned In the StateMental hpspltal at Provo for 20 years I

Before he was sent to the place he-

w u looked upon as a man of wealthSince then he has lost all and con ¬

tends that he suffered all kinds oftorment in the institutioni Blake in his letter to the senatoand house of representatives saysthat he was admitted to the asylumfrom St George Jan 5 1SS7 under afalse report and without hearing

At the hospital he asserts the at-tendants


swore at him and threatenedthat he should go away in a woodenbox He asserts that they dashed himagainst the walls and stamped on himwith their shoes fracturing his skullmashing his right ear and ribs Heasserts that ho was put In a room foracorpse He asserts I dont belloye Christ suffered more On one

Ioccasion he escaped to Salt Lake CityAfter being brought back he was tiedand strapped to an Iron bed and beat-en with an oak club On this occas ¬

ion lie says his right arm and anklewere broken On another occasion heasserts he was visited by a numberof men at midnight and a quantity ofpoison was forced down him Ho saysthat another effort was made to killliim by locking him up in a close roomand not allowing him to take exercise

J Before being sent to the hospitalBlake declares he owned homeshones D cattle sawmill and farminglands He now says he has but seven

Ores of land loft He also mentions-a number of employer at the hospitalwho can be called as witnesses Hedeclares that should the state not seefit to allow him 300000 he will boi naUsQed with a pension of 2500 u

yearntho senate Senator Miller intro


laced Senate Bill No 13 providing-that county health officers shall beyald their traveling expenses going-to and from state conventions andthat such shall be paid by the district


from which they comeSenator Miller offered in the senate

concurrent resolution No 1 providing-that typewriting machines bo recognized in the making of the oflicialcopies of bills

The following measures were intro-duced In the house yesterday after ¬

noonHouse bill 21 by Archibald provid-

ing for the selection and use of text-books in public schools

House bill 22 by Ashton relating tojuvenile courts

House bill 23 by Ashton on curfewlawHouse bill 24 by Ashton relating tothe establishment of detentionschools

House bill 25 by Ashton relating tothe protection and supervision of de-

pendent children-H McMillan asked unanimous con ¬

sent to withdraw house bill 13 an actestablishing a uniform standard otweights and measures On motion otThomnson the request was grantedand the bill was withdrawn

Speaker Robinson named as addi ¬

tional members of the fish and gamecommittee of the house Representa ¬

tives White of Utah and Fuller ofWeber

Representative Cannon of Salt LakeIntroduced a resolution which wasread and referred to the committee onfiducation The resolution was as fol ¬

lowsWhereas The trustees of the Car-


Foundation for the Advance ¬

ment of Teaching have Included thestate universities in the list of bene ¬

ficiaries of the Honorable Andrew Car ¬

negies generous gift for the advancement of teaching and

Whereas The University of Utahii entitled to become a beneficiarybecause it Is a state university andbecause it meets the requirements sotforth by the trustees of the Founda-tion therefore be it

Resolved By the senate and houseof representatives of the state ofUtah that tho legislature of Utanhereby heartily approves the applica-tion


made by the regents of the Uni-versity


of Utah to the trustees of theFoundation for the University of Utnhto be included with tho educationalinstitutions that are to share in theretiring allowance system of the Car-negie


Foundation for the Advance-ment of Teaching



First Steal Horse and Buggy and ThenLoad It With Plunder

Salt Lake Jan 20ArtcI stealing-a torse and buggy belonging to W JMorton of Tenth West and TontnNorth streets three youthful burg¬

lars proceeded to the barn of Pat Mo-ran on First South just below WestTemple street about 10 oclock lastnight and proceeded to load the buggywith sacks of oats While one of theyoung men was throwing sacks downfrom tile loft the other two wereloading them into the buggy Theirwork was detected by a young man

EVerYWoman covets a shape-ly

¬R DI figure and many of themdeplore the loss of their girl ¬

W4 V ish forms after marriage

J The bearing of children isoften destructive to the

mothers shapeliness All of this can be avoided by the use ofMothers Friend before baby comes as this liniment prepares thebody for the strain upon it and preserves the symmetry of her formMothers Friend makes the danger of childbirth less and carries hersafely through this criticalperiod Thousands grate-fully Momtell of the benefit andrelief derived from the useof this remedy Iattleepcrlrnllio-Book mailed Ittr tall expectant mothers fRIENDTHE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO

Atlanta Go

who happened to drive to the barn toleave a horse there He quietly noti-fied


Patrolman George Harris andthe latter lost no time In getting tothe scone

Upon arrival of Harris at thebarn the youths saw him and started-to run Harris seized one of them andhalted another by threatening to shootThe third managed to make his es-

cape In tho darknessThe two young men arrested gave

the names of William King and GooSmith At first they declared thethird youth told them the oats belonged to him and that it was allright to remove them but later when-it was learned they had stolen thohorse and buggy thor admitted theirguilt They had evidently plannedto make a big haul as they had lire

I paled 18 sacks of oats to take awayThey will be charged with burglary

I in tho second degree The police arelooking for the third member of thegang


George Sorenson Victim of HenryHardin In the Ocean Bar

Salt Lake Jan 20A stabbing af-


In which George Sorenson aged29 married and residing at 347 EastSecond South was the victim tookplace at the Ocean Bar saloon lo-

cated on State street just south ofSecond South this afternoon Soren-Sen who Is a teamster In coinpaiiywith a man named Henry Hardin-and a number of other teamsters v oredrinking together when Sorenxon andHardin came to words As Hardln uppreachedSorenson Sorenson put hishands lightly on the shoulders of theformer Hardin suddenly pulled opt-a long bladed pocket knife and Inllwt-od a severe gash In the abdomon ofSorenson The assailant then escapedbv way of the back door Sort nlirmwalked to police headquarters aoc m-

paiIed by his friends whore an uxisin-

Inalion was made of the wound lintrefused to let the police surgeon at-

tend to the injury saying that ho prefu red to have it attended to at homeand left the station Thu police N-on tho lookout for Hardin


Greenbacks Found Tucked Away InAn Old PiJ

Salt Lake Jai 204n old linn giv-ing


his name as Jacob DelvanI andlooked as though water had boonplaced under a bar was picked up byPolice Officer Pierce this afternoonWhen searched at police headquartersnothing of value was found upon himsave an old greasy pipe Somethingabout the pipe attracted the attention-of Jail Desk Seargent Pierce howeverand upon close examination a secretspring was revealed which upon beingpressed opened disclosing 175 incrisp new greenbacks securely tuckedaway therein The old man Is thought-to be demented and an examinationwill be held



Salt Lake Jan 20Axel Carlsonwilt killed his sisterinlaw Matilda-Kcklund at Sandy on Thursday nightwill escape the executioners for thosame reason that Harry K Thaw ddnot suffer the death penalty for thekilling of Stanford White Carlson ispronounced a paranoiac Further-more


the lunacy commission whichhas been sitting upon his case for twodays says that he is a degenerate ofthe worst type i

Tho commission has found that Carlsons caseJs one of unusual malfor-mation No two members of his bodare alike His rjght ankle Is enlarg-ed his right ear right nostril rightshoulder and hip are all abnormal01 peculiar formation His hips arosunken His right eye differs fromthe left In Its form and expression

All of these things which wore dis-covered


by the doctors who niarfe nphysical examination of the murderhave resulted In a decision tpsend

him to Provo whore he will probablyspend the realnder of his natural lifeat tho state mental hospital

Physically and mentally the man isabnormal His sister Mrs Emma Hickman told the Insanity commissionthat he had complained of imaginarynoises by wagons and trains and hohad a delusion that the smelters hadstolen a smoke consuming devicewhich he had Invented He had beenaddicted the use of liquor since hewas 12 years of age Anton GustavoCarlson a brother also had noticedthat the an had acted queerly since f

Christmas and had induced him tocome from Park City to Salt Lake toobtain work thinking that he might bebetter


eMr and Mrs Plummer Adopt a Two

Months Old Baby Other Cases

Salt Lake TnninTwo childrenone a 2monthsold boy deserted byunnatural parents were placed inhomes by the juvenile court at its sit¬

ting Wednesday morningThe boy born but of wedlock and

loft upon a doorstep In the southeastcm part of the city a few hours after-birth was first placed in the StateStreet orphanage but before the or¬

der was carried out he was adopted InJudge Lewis division of the districtcourt by W R and Jane Plummerupon whose doorstep he was placed bythe unnatural mother The youngsterwill be known as David William Plum¬

merThe other child Teena Mum ford a

12yearold negro girl was taken intooMGtody by Mrs Jane Council a negress

Bon Bishop 17 years old a ward ofthe court has not lived up to the re ¬

quirements of his parole from theState Industrial school to which howas committed for petty thieving aboutlour months ago and he was takeninto custody and remanded to thoschool Young Bishop has expresseda desire to join the navy and as soonas his brother George Bishop canmake arrangements to accompany himtT a recruiting station he will bo re-


from the school to enlIst in thenavy Tho lads parents are dead

Two boys 16 and 17 years old re ¬

spectively ono of whom said he learn-ed


to play pool at the Y M C Awere allowed to go upon probation onthe charge of frequenting poolrooms-One of the lads said he was not a


Ogden People Are Doing All They CanFor Fellow Sufferers

Ogden testimony has been publish-ed


to prove the merit of Doans Kid-ney Pills to others In Ogden who suf¬

fer from bad backs and kidney illsLest any sufferer doubt that the curesmade by Doans Kidney Pills arcthorough and lasting we produce con ¬

firmed proof statements from Ogdenpeople saying that the cures they toldof years ago wore permanent Heresan Ogdon case

Thos W Wootton 732 Barlow LaneOgden Utah says For a year ormore my back was very Jamo and soreand pains through my loins were sosevere that I was hardly able to regain-an erect position after stooping Inthe morning when 1 arose tho painswould be so acute that I would hardlybo able to move At last I decided totry Doans Kidney Pills and procured-a


box from Badcons Pharmacy Theypromptly eradicated the troubleFrom a statement given July 30

1906Cured to Stay Cured

On tho 21st of September 1907 MrWootton confirmed his former state ¬

ment saying The cure Doans Kid-ney


Pills affected has proved perma-nent


and I heartily recommend them-to anyone suffering from kidney com ¬

plaintFor sale by all dealors Price 50

cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew York sole hgcnts for the UnitedStates I

Remember the name Doans andtake no other

memberof the Y M CA but thathe went there and tendered money toplay pool and was allowed to play


Considerable Damage lc Done to theTellurldo Power Plant

Provo Jan 20A terrible mud-slide


which did damage to tho extentof 2000 and put the city in darknessand without power for a time occur¬

red this morning In Provo canyonnear HolHtcta ranch two miles abovethe power plant Tho slide totally de ¬

stroyed about 100 feet of the flume ofthe Tcllurlde Power company and itwill be impossible officials state torepair tho flume under ten days ortwo weeks The heavy rain of lastnight and this morning loosened themud on the side of the mountain andcaused tho slide Power and light forthe clt arc now being supplied by the-Tellurfde companys plant at Logan

The snowslldes the Denver RioGrando road in Provo canyon havenow been cleared away but still trainsare unable to run between hero andHeber City With tho clearing of thebig snowslidc at Bridal Veil Falls twoimmense mud slides were found op-


Fergusons ranch Not a trainhas been run over the road to IleborCity from hero since a week ago lastSunday and none will be run beforeFriday or Saturday as it will be im-possible


to get the tracks cleared oftho mud before that time Tho mallfor Heber City Is being carried on thetrain as far as Fergusons ranch Ahandcar comes down from Hebor tothe other side of the slide and thetrip is made over the mud on foot Themall Is thon taken to the handcar antiIn this manner reaches Heber City


Drew Good Crowd at the Grand OperaHouse Last Evening

George M Cohans delightful musi ¬

cal comedy Fifty Mlles From Bos-



drew a good house at the Grandlard evening In spite of numerouscounter attractions The piece issemipastural in character and reminds oneIn some ways of GeorgeAdes County Chairman The com-pany was capable one and receivedon the whole as enthusiastic a re-ception as any musical attraction pre-sented at the local play house thisseason An especially appreciablefeature was the fine musical programwhich teethed with the Jingles ofGeorge M Cohan The local orches-tra


entered into the spirit of theseuprightly airs with unusual vigor andearned much favorable comment

There were a number of thq castdeserving pf special mention prob-ably


the most popular of whom wasMrs Westford who took the part ofMrs Tilford There were prob-

ably many in the audience who woreunaware that they were applaudinghe clever comedy of a younger sister-of Lillian Russell In fact the onlytaster of the Queen of Comic Operawho follows the stage for a vocation-Mrs Westford better known as Su ¬

zanne Leonard her real name onlyreturned to the stage a season agoafter having retired from the profes-sion


She was formally In vaudevilleand like her celebrated sister wontouch fame as a footlight favoriteLast season she was with Lillian Rus ¬

sell in Wildfire having the part offanct Her work last evening was very

goodHazelLowry as Sadie the post

m tress waswell received She isa pretty slip of a girl graceful in hermovements and charming of mannerTho part of Bess in Little JohnnyJones was written for Miss Lowrybut Instead of being the first to play-It she was engaged as understudy toGeorge Cohans sister Josephine inhis successful Running for OfficePho afterwards played Bess as antici-pated


W D Stevenson as Joe Westcottwon approval with the audience anddid very well with the opportunitiesafforded by the part He has beenseen however to better advantageespecially In the original MerryWidow where he had the part ofthe Prince playing opposite thecharming Cecelia Loftus of mimicking-fame

Messrs Sparks and Willard as thecomedy beligereqts were heartily ap-


Walter Richardson asyoung Harrigan and Thomas Emory-as Jed did well throughout JimmieIiclton as the Juvenile boyaroundthebarn was also enjoyed


The Great Divide is in three actsThe first represents the interior of acabin on a cactus farm in southernArizona the second a picturesqueplateau high up In the Cordilleramountains the roof of the worldand tho third the parlor of an old NewEngland home in Milford CornetsMass From this some idea of thespirit of the play may be formed Theheroine is a Massachusetts girl whogoes with her brother to Arizona tomake their fortune In tho cactus fibreIndustry There she meets a man ofthe West one used to a wild carefreeexistence and a loose philosophy oflife They are strangely met and sheIs strangely won This is in the firstact The remainder of the play Is adramatic adjustment of the lives ofthe Puritan woman anti the son of themountains and plains

The man is rogonerated throughlove for the woman while she at firstall pride and priggishness throughtraining and heredity at last by forceof the same sovereign power loverecognizes him as her lord and mast-er


At the Grand Friday and Satur-day




Goldfield advices just at hand areto the effect that last week witnessed-the placing In commission of tho en-


battery of stamps 100 in num-ber


of the mammoth reduction works-of the Goldfield Consolidated Anfnerago grade of ore Is being sup-plied


so that the company Is now se-curing


a normal productionAn erroneous impression has gone

forth regarding this companys de-velopments


at tho Clormont shaftsunk vertically for the purpose otcommanding the Mohawk vein In the


AnGood Clothes Are

Important AssetS-

tyle costs nothing but you may f

lose much in the way of opportunity and

position if you are neglectful of yourpersonal appearance Nothing adds more I-

to the dignity of a man than becomingi

stylish apparelf1


Modern ClothesTELL WASH AVE



territory below the 600foot level ofthe Mohawk shaft

The Clermont shaft is bottomed Inthe Mohawk quartz mass which has athickness of 400 feet and in tho cen-ter of which is the ore shoot proper-In passing through the hanging sideof the quartz formation the shaftencountered ton feet of ore assaying3 to 1 per cent copper and Sl1 to 16-

n gold This ore was entirely unex-pected


as there are no values on thehanging wall in the levels below Thehaft Is being carried down to adepth of 925 feet where after ¬

ting a station a drift will be extendIed south to the commercial oretinooL

Developments on the Combination-and Red Top continue extremely fa ¬

vorable the openings of the formerlooking better than ever heretoforeSInce resuming operatlonBat the tedTop a drift has been extended 160feet north in the direction of thoOounellan leaso in which commercialore has been disclosed for Its entirelength Recent drifting south hasalso extended the known ore bodyover 100 feet In this direction

Goldfield Is now a proven campThe leasers to whom It is everlast-ingly


indebted are being retired andwithin a very brief period operationswill be exclusively company account

The directorate was changed thisweek by the addition of three names

Air Charles Hayden tlrJ ACarstairs representing New York andFiltsburg interests and W C Ral-ston


of San Francisco representingPacific coast Interests The other dllectors are Messrs Geo S NixonGeo Wingfield J D Hubbard and JH Mackenzie the general manager


Hoston Jan 21Plans for tho con-

struction of an independent long dis-

tance telephone system from Bostonto Omaha and Lincoln Neb callingtor an expenditure of 5000000 willhe perfected it is said during theconference of Independent telephone I

company officers which will convenein this city on Saturday next Financial arrangements have alreadybeen made according to Informationiii hand and the details of construc-tion


and operation only remain to beadjusted Tho project has been underdiscussion since last May and Is bQlnpengineered by Max Koehler one ofthe most prominent Independent tele-phone


men In the country and by HC Stifel of St Louis Officers ofIndependent telephone companies gen-erally will bo Identified with the move-ment


Within the next five years Itis said approximately 30000000 willbe invested in the enterprise


New York Jan 21The greatest1

international booster was the termapplied to President Roosevelt in a I

speech by Charles H Treat before the t

boost club at its annual dinner atthe Hotel Astor last night JohnTemple Graves was among those whomade speeches Concerning the pres ¬

ident Mr Treat saidHe boosted the American flag Into

recognition among the nations Hosent sixteen ships of war painted Inthe color of peace around the globe toshow a thousand million people thywestern civilization founded by ourfuthers


Denver Jan 20Mrs Allen FReed who attempted to dynamiioMrs Genevieve Chandler Phipps isstale and has never been insane Issaid to be the report of the alienistsfur the state This report is now inthe hands of District Attorney ElliottThe physician also reported that MrsHeed is not addicted to the use ofdrugs and that there is no reason whyher trial should not be proceeded with

Snively Hendry

Eledr c Supplies

Estimates Furnished-

All work guaranteed We sol ¬

icit your patronage

Phone 731 Bell2450 Wash Ave



Monuments and Headstone

MITCHELL BROS-dont pay commissions to agentsbut ace us Yard opposite CityCemetory


acs Interested ard ibonM lasow

SlSaftMARVELWhlrllngSDra-V >J e5L BV rOROr

It c-Jt 1r3tanU7

ovnnol tappiy thoMtp V accept noother bat ecnd stamp tarlUMlmtcd 1t t1Tld Iyinn partlcmlare and rtiectjons in 1i11

atc 13 to milieutSEnitad Street VEWlURiC-

at once Mrs Elliott refused to Sinanything regarding the report of thephysician and will probably await thofindings of the states second alienistbolero the case is sot for hearing


New York Tan 21 Lacking thenecessary permit to hold a public j

meeting in the street a number of i

prominent suffragists headed by MrsBoorman Wells were dispersed In thetheater district last night by the po-


During their protest one of thewomen said Indignantly that the Salvation Army was allowed to holdstreet meetings

Well religious meetings are different explained the policeman

But this Is religion to us retort-ed


one of the women and you havedelivered a great blow to our cause byyour action

But tho police were firm and the I

rally was not heldj


IChicago Tan 21A father acting i

as best man at the wedding of his reon was the unusual feature at themarriage yesterday of Miss KathrynCharlton of Oak Park and Lloyd R ISteers of Chicago George S Steersserved his son as best man

For years the father and son havebeen almost Inseparable chums liv-



together at the Union League clubsad being the joint owners of the


yacht Vanadls which It Is said UsI

t1 red In the romance of the young cou-

ple whose engagoment followed acruise on Lake Michigan


fNew York Jan 21 Charles Cock-

ing 51 years old who died suddenly-

last night after being stricken at astation of the L was tho victim of rexperiments he had performed in thelaboratory of a firm of wholesalechemistswhore he was employed-

He had been engaged for several i

days in making experiments In which j

It was necessary for him to handle a rconsiderable quantity of mercury and I

it is said he absorbed enough of this j

into his system to cause deathI


The extensive sate of f-

t tt S t C

l 1l j

is owing to their perfect purity