THE WASHINGTON TIMES THTBSDAY JULY 7 1004 t 9 p I Realizing Sales Check Advance Resulting in Moderate Reactions I AN EXCEPTION Gradually G ains Stout Frac- tion LIQUIDATION OF STOCKS Strong Undertone of Market Not Im paired and Buying Power Seems to Be Excellent NEW YORK July natural out pouring of stock for realizing purposes checked the advancing impetus which was felt o strongly in the stock market at the close yesterday and generally throughout the list prices suffered mod- erate reactions There was however no Impairment of the strong undertone which ha been in evidence of late- St cks were well taken at the declines and there were occasional rallies from the low price made in the initial deal IrRs An exception to the reactionary move United preferred The low price of this ismi as compared with the vrstment return now tlot it is believed that the regular dividend rnt will be maintained is proving at- tractive to both investors ad specula- tors stock at no time In the first hoar iJ bflow yesterdays final figure and after that n touched there fol liWid a gradual advance of cent Coal and Iron and Colorado Fuel and Iron yer firmer in sympathy There was no especial feature to the railway list prices rather uniformly the losses however being con- fined to fractions Amalgamated Cop P r was somewhat i ina Chemical preferred International r General Electric and Sugar Re fining ruled higher The vol ti ait of business is not up to that t but London han dc about XOOD shares and bought about 10000 shares on balance fea ture of the market this morning was heavy liquidation large of and the day before The buy ing power seems to be excellent WASHINGTON STOCK MARKET Sales Washington Street Railway lwiurr lU 77 a e77 1000 J77H 1 77 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone fs MjOiilOCP 1000 100061034 1000 Washington Title Intmrance 10903 Washington Ga Copper IDttflfVt buyer SHvfc After can Mersenthaler MeiTSji GOVERNMENT BONfeS- t s zs c mo xxx y x r s R MOR r s c MBS Sex 1 s 4 R iw Six I S 4t C J1T tv r s 4N H ias IKK Its t s 4s r MCT Uiff- n r s6fc mi lai Phil Land 4s lid RAILROAD BOND6- Ciitiitii 8 R 4 It R fta 185 IKX Jt6 Mr H R Osrfc iadsbtMlMai A W I Met K K Otft IwcMitrdMW B IX Columbia It X fc 1911 lIT K Columbia It It tt irort II JtVV J 5 itr Subwrbaa 9i Ana stia 1ototnw 5 Vdh Street Railway 4 TTJtf TJf- 3IIS EIJaXKOCS With Ga Co r A G 190327 ISO IVaSh Gas Co s r R fl 190427 IJJ- Miilinprn Cat cert 117- t S Klw Lht Del Imp IMS M- Bf S Htt Uykt Cert indebt J- Ch Pot Co S IJS- T h Mark Co 1st te 189 U M mic 58 C 12J- SAKI i Eii rr AND TUCST STOCKS safe Dfpoiit Jt THM JM 5hWtj I u TfVM WS- n rican Sn 11- 5Viiinrt n Safe ijn TMKJ ft Suirase lei U hingtua g Bwik 18SJ Jis- Ttonx Savu f Hank Ill UAIMtOAD STOCKS Htal Traction f X 1J l lf U hui lon Stiwt Railway pf M 4 V ishington tr t Mallwar BASK STOCKS Hank rf WaeWwrton r IW- rurl Jlj- Fnnwi and Mt tanic 49- Srtm l H- Ctitcn AH- nmhia ia- fiipital 1W- AmrncMi Xa Jo l Brak 1W- Tr lrwf H X KS Lincoln tJ M- Ui C Mi- rXSURAXCB StOCKS Firemen S- Frtnklin 4T- M tropolitaw Ttrcorun 7- 1otomac iS Arlington i- Ctrman 31 National ITaloB 7 8 Vlinilia 13 X- Iiicp 8V- I Commercial 4 Colonial K- brrruc ISTSURASOCR Clumliu Title 4 um Title 2X- TELRlHOXE AJII CHAWIOCK t aTOCK- SfhtMpeake and PofcMMC Bj American rfjf- Anscncan pfd 7 7X- CAS STOCKS Wathinftoa Gss 5TX P- Ge nf tow OM ti i TYPE MACWNK STOCKS Mcrgvnthaler Iteotyp 1IX 17- Lanston Monotype X- KISTRLLAXEOUS STOOKS Greene Con Copper 0 11 lijf- athmetoo Xartw M Nor faah Steamboat 2W J JUwy UJ A MORGAN PORTRAIT Some wandering genius has drawn with five strokes of an expressmans crayon upon an advertising sign on a downtown elevated station a wonder- fully clever likeness of J Serpent Mor- gan It a freehand effort and night have been done in three seconds who happens to glance at It says Morgan fur great promoter and syndicate king has three remarkable features In his caput namely his dome his and nose The cartoonist usually lands upon his MMM which prob- ably the nOM in the Mr Morgan eyes are very close together so a man New York Poet PREFERRED STEEL 7A mnt wae tumlabed from tart by Steel In Th r U htl < sterda < tilt lOS 1OOUtlO3 1 tJI l J03Jf ne 80 1tQ1 ubd fR o Je 10 t h ii U lOll K r Tract Ii- I tt ft k lit M5 lieU in1 ii I bet tI Sol HI n l fAll XAL lSD I N 7 at n i Ste- al tate I- ii I rra I ana IX t Ex dtvWead I Every- one t ee knew tbe gener- ally Tt riesae 4n 1Oa1 1cc4 1tG1O3 old 2 1O lie 4 5- k An N polaR t fkis 8 It Doe ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ > > < > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ° NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Reported by W D Uibbs Co 1419 P j Street Members New York Stock Exehanije j Chicago Board of Trade anti Washington Stock i Copper Am Am Loco pf Am Car F Am Smelt 51 51 50 50i 20 fc 20 30 82 SZVi S2Yfc 2- l Vi 16 18 54fc fc 54 54 i Am Sugar 12SV 12S 127 127 A T S F 76 76Vi 74 6 74 A T S F pf H 95 944 W4 Baito Ohio 82 S2 81 S2Vs j Frook Rap Tr 51 50fc 60 Can Pac 12ai 12 Vi 124A 1244 j Cites Ohio 3 32 31 31 Chicago A Alton S9M 39 39 39 i Chic Alton pf 8 H4 WH4 80 8 4 Chic Great West 1414 14 18 Chic Mil St P 146 146 145 146 Col Fuel Iron Jl4 31 31 Consolidated Gas 195 19 1 195 Dela A Hudson 158 1684 156 Erie com 26 26 24 24 Erie 1st pf 80 80 00 Erie 2d pf 36 38 86 36 General Electric 165 168 158 16S Illinois Central 134 114 134 134 Louis Nashville 112 112 111 111 Manhattan Elevated ISO 150 149 149 Met Sees Co SVi 88 85 88 Metropolitan St Ryll Vfe 117 115 11 Mo A T com 17 17 17 17 Mo Kan T pf 38 88 38 18 Missouri Pacific 92 tt 111 Mexican Central 7 8 7 7T4 National Lead SO 20 10 New York Central 117 11781117 117 N Y Ont West 27 27 f7 27 Norfolk Western M4 88 68- i Penn Railroad llfli 11SV 117 117 P o Gas of 88 M K M- PreeMKl Steel Car SS 88 2S Reading 4 4 48 46 let pfd 82 82 82 8 Reading e 79 f 7- I Steel Iron G 6 TO I i Rep Steel Iron pfd 42 4 42 42 22 22 20 21 Rock Island pfd W K M Rubber Goods 17 17 17 i7 St L Southwestern 12 12 12 12 St L S W pf 34 StK 36 K So Pacific 4fl 43 48 So Railway O 5fi JS Vi So Railway pf 87 87 Tenn Coal A Iron 37H 88 Texas Pacific 24 24 24 24 Union Pacific tt 90 91 U S Leather 8 f 6 S U S pf S 80 8 80 U S Steel 18 11 K U S Steel pf 58 S8 57 58 r S Steel fe 77 77 77 77 Wabash 3 l 16 1 Wabash pf 35 35 35 S6i Wia Central 17 17 17 17 COTTON MARKET STEADIES AFTER IRREGULAR OPENING NEW YOK July 7 The local cot on market was disappointing in view ot the Liverpool cables as a number of yesterdays buyers for a turn took ad- vantage of the first bulge by selling Af- ter the call however a steadier tone developed Trade was of moderate volume New Orleans bought October and ember while one prominent Southern operator sold A cable from Liverpool stated there was good demand from spinners that stocks were being rapidly reduced that there was a big interest It was noticeable nevertheless that at the opening futures in Liverpool showed moderate declines evidently caused by the efforts of smaller hoMers to get profits Opening Noon Bid Asked March 9M July August 10S8 lei 1046 1856 September 886 71 878 October 944 945 951 53 November 7 94S December 942 0 949 856 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET CHICAGO July 7 The following prices were quoted on th grain market today OoeninK Noon Wheat Bid Asked Bid Asked May 8H SS 89 September 8 88 Cora- M y 4 4S 4S 46 4 49 4f 49 4 Jwly ss September 3C Pork September 12 1297 September 7K 712 September 785 HALLETT GLACIER The history of the t f this glacier is an Interesting one An old bear hunter chanced upon the field on Mummy Mount which he the largest snowfield in the Be his death which occurred shortly he mentioned this discovery to a gentleman living in Denver who to the exploration of and strange localities in and the neighborhood- In gentleman a visited the spot entirely alone In try ing to ascend the north side of the Ice he suddenly broke through the bridge of a hidden crevasse but by ex- tending his elbows he managed to ex- tricate himself from his perilous position and returned In safety to his camp This incidnt finally led him to wonder whether this might not be a glacier In 1 W and 1887 Mr In with an experienced mountaineer will was as familiar the Alps as with the Rockies twice revisited the spot the first of these expeditions after a careful examination the true nature of this vast expanse of snow and ice was for the first time deter mined In the heart of Colorado existed a glacier showing crevasses moraines In the characteris- tic of the wellknown Alpine glaciers of Switzerland To this was given the name it now bears Edict Glacier in honor of the man who in such a way made the first real die A VEGETABLE The socalled New Zealand Is attracting much at tention at present says Nature ol London Fungoid parasites are com- mon in all parts of the world but not generally conspicuous enough to be noticed l y any but naturalists Many of the largest and meet remark of the Austrian region be infested by various parasitic fungi which convent the whole substance of the caterpillar Into a woody substance and from it to a length of several inches The caterpillar four long when full grown live until they are ready to assume pupa state they bury them m the ground die and the fun upwardt from tilt neck ot the caterpillar sometime ac- quiring the length of nearly a foot and sprouting up from ground the caterpillar ftlam nts may sprout from a single cat erpillar The Now Zealand name for this plantcaterpillar are Hotels and nauves eat the plants which when fresh have the flavor of a nut and also use thorn when burnt as coloring jor theIr tattooting rubbing Into the wounds In which state it has a strong animal j lXchllneJ Open Uieh Jw nm 16 I l I Am Smelt pt 97 9T 97 I Y t I I 13 31 t 158 I IJ I I I I 91 I I I A 11 I M pfd P It Rock com I S 87 37 3i- I Leather 10 1 I I t 15 t SU3 t S I Stem cUe foe the devote abut Mr Her string CATERPILLAR t aba moth hlehareuu t Hive abe Vtry ru ely two of r8 mater m1 l A mal STh 44 I 8 8 6 leland 8 91 and etort 1831 8 t 7 S 751 7 HaIlett f inches I the or even three theeno > < > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ½ NEWS AND GOSSIP QF STOCK MARKETS WASHINGTON The principal trading on the local e change today was In bonds Washing ton Street Railway bonds sold at an ad- vance of from to over yesterdays closing bid 6000 being sold at 77 77 77 and 77 These bonds are more considered every day and one broker who has all along expressed the greatest confidence In their future of- fered 77 for any part of 100000 Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone fives were the other class of honda traded In one broker filling an order of 10000 He got them at prices ranging from lOSifc to 10S which was from to 1 over closing bid Washington Title Insurance Is not of- ten in The bid price has been 2 tt 3 and at the lat- ter 100 shares were sold Greene Copper again had an Inning 100 snares being sold At 14 and 800 at 114 A sixty days option was sold at Bank of Washington was bid for at 480 end offered at KK but both bid and offer were probably Pickwickian The directors of the Peoples Bank in the Warder Building at Ninth northwest at a meeting held yesterday afternoon declared a semiannual dividend of 5 per cent and cartled 10000 to the surplus fund The bank began business last October with a of 55090 and has been remark- ably successful William J is president NEW YORK Pennsylvania Steel preferred and Atehlson seem to have about the largest interest but there Is a fair short In sit active stocks which does not attract attention as are re- newed quickly from day American In London are strong features St Paul and Union Pa and Steel preferred up advance such as has taken place g proportion of the trading element ThUr resistance has often the effect of facilitating operations for a further ad vsjtee and it can be counted as a rule to collapse at the turning point Traders sell stocks short cover and go short again a little higher feeling for the top and if the advance continues they end by turning and going long their power of resistance being finally exhausted Union Pacifics continued advance coupled with the sharp rise in Norlnern Securities in the outside market served to hold that stock In the place of prom- inence which it assumed oiV Tuesday The Street s looking shortly for a de- cision in the injunction proceedings in- stituted on behalf of the Union Pacific against Che Hill plan of dissolution of the Northern Securities Company and the In some quarters was to connect the advance In Northern Securi- ties with the outcome of the injunction proceedings Generally speaking how- ever the bulls on Union Pacific seem in- clined to Ignore the outcome of the Northern Securities dissolution and to base their position on the general pros- pects of the Union Pacific system lit connection with the failure of the Richmond Passenger and Power Com- pany to pay the July Interest on its bon 3 it was announced yesterday that Frank J Gould had offered to pay in cash at par for the coupons of the bonds of the Virginia Electrical Railway and Development Company amounting to 37300 and of the Traction Company interest In which amounts to 12500 Both of these companies are owned by the Virginia Passenger and Power Company a Gould property which interest payment on July 1 owing to pending litigation REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Brookland Lena B Sayman et vir Isaac H to Isaac S Pennybacher lot 21 block 23 10 Long Meadows Potomac Insurance Company vs Henry Anton Sander lot 14 10 Estate of William Holmead John L Warren trustee to Mylon Roche lot El SlMO P Street northwest between Twenty fifth and Twentysixth Streets Aqulla E Payne to Edgar M Hayes lot W square 1361 HO Madison Street northwest between Seventeenth and Eighteenth John Marbury et al trustees A Sellhausen lot 323 square 150 193230 U Street northwest between and Eighteenth Streets Anna M Colclazier et a to Arthur G Nichols lot 259 square 150 400 Central Heights Marie V Gehring to Mary O Cooley lot 4 block 1 400 North Grounds Columbian University William H Dennis trustee to Berliner lots 11 and 12 block 80 11105 Barry A Pierce to Isa- bella I 41 and 4 section 2 J10 Second Street southeast between L- and M W Mosby Williams trustee G Williams part orig inal lot 4 square 7 9 00 First Street O Streets Florence V Creamer to Eliz- abeth S Danenhower lot 145 square C17 Redford W and William II Walker lots 4 and 11 block 2 500 Addition to Congress Heights Henry Longnecker et ux to Ethel S Cuslck lot 7 block 4 300 Moore Barbours Addition Allda S Newton to Martha E Hasselbach two thirds and Clifton E Hasselbach one third lot 19 block 3 10 THE LADY AND TWO FARES An amusing situation L L Blake of Laidlaw Co a stock exchange house sat beside a stunhing woman In a sur- face oar the other day Aares the conductor The fair one handed out a quarter received fifteen cents In change and looked thoughtful as the otncial passed on After awhile she got nervous Her Cinderella beet apitapat on the floor She fingered her change excitedly Several passoiu gers noticed her agitation among them Blake Pardon me he do you wish to get oft No she I am waiting for my change The conductor was summoned This lady wants her change Blake informed I gave correct change maam the conductor confidently You me a quarters and I returned fif eents Quite right but whore other nickel Aint paying for this nodding tovuru Blushes Confusion Blushes More blushes Hauteur Indignation It was the nearest camo to a free ride said Blake WHERE DOSS MADE A MISTAKE- A senior of one of our large manufac- turing concerns came through the store recently and noticed a boy sitting on a counter swinging his legs and whistling merrily says the Louisville Courier Journal The senior eyed him severely as he confronted him and Inquired Is that all you have to do Yes sir Very well report to the cashier and to off We dont need like you around here sir said the astonished I dont work for you I have just bought some goods and am waiting bill fa- vorably ys trade 15 lot t Master shot loan the elK 1 An week Is by a Street FarmLouis i Street net Nand et ux to footsletoot sid ten 7 Blake level York pa bo te o c t t t 14 1L 2ie invariably resisted deferred Seven- teenth Emil Saunders lots 10 Whitney CloseFrank Lyon beam- ed 53 I I the Post boys ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Paradise for Settlers In Northern Michigan Ground Almost for the Asking Profitable Crops Wood Water Tonical Climate Wilderness Dotted With Towns NEWBERRY Mich July 7 Congress Is providing for the Irrigation of lands In the West and millions are to be spent in making the arid regions Is no question of the great the nation of these projects Yet In this j north country in the upper peninsula of Michigan there are vast tracts of more attractive and valuable than those In the regions of scanty rainfall now being given so much attention j Here the man desiring a homo can practically carve one out shaping it to suit his fancy He has an abundance of wood and shade has water in plenty and an atmosphere of groat tonlcal properties He does not have to scour the country to gather his dinner In clearing thcj timber from his land he sells his maple and birch at a price ample to repay him fpr his labor or should he prefer it there are tracts of land free from timber that are available to the settler and the soil ot which is suitable to the cultivation of grames celery and other crops that thrive In the lowlying areas Growing Sugar Beets Lest year was the first season that the cultivation of sugar beets was given much attention and the were surprising the roots not well but yielding a percentage of sac charlne matter at the very top Al- though others are contemplated the pe- ninsula now has but one beet sugar fac- tory at Menomlnae and that went for the first time last fall The farmers in that section found that gave them a profit It fully withstanding the almost unprece cold weather and heavy rains year the acreage devoted to the cultivation of beets has been great- ly increased The factory stands Toady to take all beets offered and Is willing to enter Into longtime contracts with the farmers for their supply paying on a scale based on the percentage of sugar in the roots v The State experiment station at Chatham Alger county an enterprise- not sufficiently provided with money to conduct affairs on a scale demanded by the possibilities of the district has shown what can be done by intelligent direction Grains roots vegetables and fruits of a size and quality not ex Wait Till Its Over Is His Injunction BUSY DRAWING UP PLATFORM Inspired by Presence and Counsel of Hearst Leaders Pettigrew and Darrow ST LOUIS July 7 Will you bolt this convention if the platform or nomi- nee doesnt suit you This question was put bluntly to W J Bryan In his In the Jefferson Hotel Bryan come from the Coliseum where he had attended the convention and the preliminary meeting of the committee on resolutions of which he Is the Nebraska member He had at once plunged into the task of drawing up a platform representative of his views Nobody said Mr Brya in answer to the question will know untll thls convention Is over whether I shall When told that one of the Nebraska C D Casper had been quoted as that Bryan and his friends would bolt the convention If the plat form should prove unsatisfactory to them Bryan I am sure Caspar never as- sumed to speak for Bryan When has anything to say Bryan will say himself I have refused absolutely say one word about bolting and I decline to say what I shall do in contingency Pettigrew and Darrow There In an inner room where tho platform was being drawn up were exSenator Pettigrew of South Dakota and Clar ence S Darrow the labor leader and lawyer of Illinois and Dar row who Is a member of the Illinois delegation are leaders In the Hearst movement The platform that was drawn up is to represent not only Bryans views but also those of other leacVrs hostile to Judge Parker Should Bryan bolt a thing which few of his friends or opponents expect him to do It is believed that a majority of the Nebraska delegation will go with himC D Caspar denied positively that ever said Bryan would bolt Spoke for Himself What I do say said Caspar Is that personally I shall not support the ticket nor vote for Judge Purkor if We of the Nebraska dele free to use our individual judgment and it was agreed some weeks ago that none of us should question another member about bolt- ing This agreement has been adhered no member Is competent to speak for another It is absurd to spread the import that I had asBumed to speak for Bryan His burden is certainly heavy enough at this time without my doing anything that would add to it Casper denied that Tomllnson Hall at Indianapolis has been hired by the Nebraska people to hold a bolters con- vention in next week Little fuss is made over Bryan About tho only politicians who visit him are the member of the Nebraska delegation or of the Hearst movement Some of the associates of Louder Mur- phy of Tammany have called upon him with exceptions ho is quite neglected by the real factors In the convention He spent all of today except the time he had to give to the convention and to the meetings of the committee on reso in his rooms In the Jefferson Hotel Most of his callers aro curiosity I bloom surrounding k ret result i I late l n r I lat the crop was the lone dente l NONE TO KNOW IF BRYAN WILL BOLT rom I delegate Sid an nominate Hal f e s band- ar eason that beet success hit tIt be- Ing h C- had t- hence ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ i celled anywhere are grown and numerous experimental crops heretofore deemed foreign to the region have been successfully raised Money in Strawberries In the north country too strawber- ries equal to the very best are cultivated on a rapidly Increasing scale the sandy soil here and there apparently being particularly suited to the The berries ripen at a time when from I more Southern become ex haustcd market at fair Prices The Northern berry is much I firmer stands transportation better than that shipped to the peninsula early In the season and each year sees the farmer giving its cultivation more at- tention Last it was proved by ac- tual experience that a net of 700 to JlOW per acre can be rowing strawberries while in addition a crop of the fruit was raised late in the summer at the experiment farm Aside from the various of the soil It has been demonstrated that there la in and In the dairy business in the peninsular and an area than that of Rhode Island Delaware Connecticut and Massachusetts combined is much especially that from which the been cut available for this purpose New Homes Everywhere Much of the upper p rlnsula Is as yet virtually a yet one is sur- prised at the number of new met with in driving along the the moat outoftheway places In tramping through the woods will be found neat little cabins about which the ground has been cleared and upon which fine are growing are not the pine homesteaders years gothese homesteaders have long ago sold their timber and have tie and realized so much new homes are as a general upon lands the settler has purchased on easy terms from the lumber or tend corporations The man who a home not often secuVe Is the pineries but turns rather to districts In times like these when men are seeking some place where they earn a living building their home strikes and dull times there Is sunshine pure water cheap fuel honed cial climate and a soil that will yield bounteously the north country is cer entitled to and the same conditions to northern Wis consin and Minnesota seekers Thom he dismisses with a pleasant word and a handshake If downhearted Bryan not show It His manner is as cordial cheery and magnetic as ever His re sent his comparative he attracts no more than sassing at tention when he appears on the street or In the lobby of the hotel the convention adjourned for nominate him i and 1 were nearest the Nebraska section gates from States climbed over ce the hand of the him where Bryan Is declared by his friend to be a good loser FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA of insurance of the do certify that the BENEFIT Washington in the District Columbia and insurance on the asses Its condition and business date hereof I shown is re to be as follows Certificates In Number 4463 2fiWee 79 IS Contingent Mortu- ary None Liabilities Losses unpaid None All None Cash income the year Cash the Mortuary and dis J89 2SS Management etc S 2 6 513563650 None 1509613 In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused my of flciHl seal to be affixed the day and year first above written Seal THOS E DRAKE Superintendent of Insurance Dis trict of it DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE- of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA I DRAKE Superintendent f of the of Columbia do certify that the UNION IN SURANCE COMPANY located at Wash ington in the District of Columbia has complied with the laws of the District of Columbia applicable to It and is au thorized to transact in the District of Co lumbia its appropriate business of life and insurance on the assess- ment plan Its condition and business on the 31st day of December of the year next preceding the date hereof Is shown by the statement under oath as re quired by section J7 of the amended Code of Law of the District of Columbia to bo as follows Certificates in force Number 2021 Amount J102S750 Assets Invested SlCOOOO NonInvested 1W4 97 i 97 Liabilities Losses unpaid None All other None None Cosh income during the year 12401 48 Cash expenditures during the year Mortuary and dis- ability 52SW24 Management etc 886674 11553 9S In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and my of clal seal to be affixed year first above written Seal THOS E DRAKE Superintendent of Insurance Dis- trict CHAS A HARTMAN President SAMUEL S CARROLL Secretary It 472 Louisiana Avenue I there I I I I cop pint I I I I fro I ater I there lan home crop Thee left the scenes they so Thee want doc among they Independent of nly tea the day R number or the The and South and eight dele thee one another ka but ret In a ot as would Bm of ot the I i I TROS E DRAKE ot Columbia ASSOCIATION at of the laws of the of Columbia to is to In the DistrIct or Co lumbla appropriate of Ute t meat plan on 31st ot of the net the statement under quire by seton or the am DistrIct ot Columbia force ABet 5815 expenditure 12215 ColumbIa 1 Insurance 6 t cause northwest I w I o t have where lived lit may does When shook with delegates who homed Missouri Carolina delegates years ao the today they sort they greet Smith any Mareli Superintendent located Distric applicable nnj thoried Its day yean oath 647 Amoint 0 March 1991 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ CHARTERS GRANTED UNDER DISTRICT LAWS Certificates of the Incorporation of the following named enterprises were re today Washington Manufacturing Com- pany capital stock 96006 Ineorporators- W TV Payne J Dugan and George F Hove The Columbia Importing and Trading Company capital stock 56000 Ineor porators Joseph S Vowles N E Vowles and E P Parker The Merchants and Bankers capital stock 100000 S C Van Hopkins Co to buy and exchange and foreign coin capital stock SttQO incorporators Thomas S Hopkins S G E G Seibert The International Legal Aid Associa- tion of the District of Columbia capital stock 1000 incorporutors Vowles Edwin P Parker Vowles FINANCIAL THE WASHINGTON LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY OFFICE CUR TH AjtD K STS- PUDUV CAlJTAL OXE M1LUOVL- WOM In say wawmt mode n approved real estate or ooUataril at rtasaoaWe rates balances cubct t This o i ay acts as ezeedtor adorfn- Utrator agent tr imr r regis tnr and in all other M ctty capacities rent in burglar flreprMl vaults deposit end storage of valu- able JOHN JOY J3MOX IVesblent JOHN A SWOm Vlea Prestdcat ELLIS SPEAR Second Vice President PAKBR Treawiw HARRY G MEKii Assistant Treasurer THOMAS BRADLEY Real Estate Officer REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT Is prepared to assume th management of your THE RiGGS NATIONAL BANK OP WASHINGTON D C CAPITAL 1000000 SURPLUS 1000000 EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD Cable transfer and drafts direct on princIpal cities of tho world Letters of Credit Ktreiga and Domestic COLLECTIONS INVESTMENTS STOCKS AND BONDS THE NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY CORNER 15th ST AND NEW YORK AVB CAPITAL 1000000 rays lotorai on deposits Rents Safes Inside Burglarproof Vault Acts ss Executor Trustee etc Bankers and Brokers 1419 F Street Aetna Banking Trust Company 1222 F Street Northwest Foreign Exchange and Foreign and Domestic Money Orders Savings Deposits 4 per cent compounded quarterly Time and Demand Certificates Special Department for ladies BANKING BY MAIL Year After Year The record office will show what vast amounts of money we loan on real estate during the course of a year Itl will also show you that many of the largest operators in the District have been doing their loan business exclusively with us for many years past It Is scarcely nec- essary to comment on this fact It speaks for Itself B H WARNER CO A Savings Account Otters workers a sale and sensible Interest paid at the rate of Ings account SAVINGS BANK Wedding and Commencement PACKED for shipment or stored in fire and burglarproof vaults at the bank- ing house of this company LOWEST RATES consistent with guaranteed safety TRUST CO Vaults 1414 F St Phone Main 2222 Varehouse 1st K ne Phone E SAVINGS ACCOUNTS PY 3 PER CENT INTEREST Commercial Accounts Recettedjl IUBION SAVINGS BANK BOND BUILDING j t cored V Aston r S an It en A P nEW rool estate CuPful att en aU de s2SU Admin talor wg CO9 ew York Stock hinton o e OU 916 F Street way to accumu- late 3 I Si opens n Ii E c 7th Sf and Ma5s Ave PRESENTSCARE- FULLY UNION 71 S se u Protec- tive yckel and Roberts Joseph Interest poki upon deposits monthly trustee gage toe for sale packages nit B3 FBS C ExChant- Mcmbe18 Stock Exchanl7- athlcago ltoert TraJ p NW ti illtaa ti bii LI It 3rrq i b1 cr say 1 OrIE 5 5f tr fl r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < AMUSEMENTS The Peoples Popular Playhouse LAST WEEK OF THE SEASON Vaudeville Singing and Da icing Uncle Toms Cabin Augmented Company Absolute and Complete Production Prices 15o 25c 35s few at 50c Mats Tuesday Thursday and Saturday GRAND CONCERT cATiLoAHRSfs MARINE BAND Every Evening Including Sunday DANCINGEVERY EVENING Except Free AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK TODAY Philadelphia vs Washington GAMKSONE ADMISSION It FIRST GAME 2 P M and Lawn Fote At Lofflers lawn 2S Brightrood Ave t and 7 Take Brightwood AYe cars Perfect car strvic no crowding neces- sary Admission 10 cents Jy53t EXCURSIONS iala Day af July 8 JOYCES OLD COUNTRY CIRCUS In Car Tickets ZtZSj Givon Away SJfi O- AT THE Washington Railway Relief Association Excursion Benefit of tho Relief Fund STBAMERS Pentz Arrowsmith Ran- dall Waketield Kent and River Queen WILL LEAVEI Ofl 1100 a m andT SO 215 530 600 620 645 and 00 p m returning every half hour after S p m LEAVE ALEXANDRIA 1115 216 715 returning 500 800 1030 p m- Ail for 25c CHESAPEAKE REACH Long boardwalk lined with arciweiDents scenic railway dancing fishing1 craboing boeting Fine picnic grounds HALEYS BAND 50c ROUND TRIP 5Oc Schedule of trains under PR time table FOR A COOL RIDE AND A COOL BATH TAKE A TRIP TO WASHINGTONS ATLANTIC CITY SPECIAL TRIPS FOR THIS WEEK Saturday July S546 pm Str Randall Fare round trip ticket good 30 days JL i vnday July It 84i am Set V Arrowsmith Fare rcand trip ticket good day ef fit cents THIRTYDAY TICKETS SOLD ON ALL TRIPS ROME AGAIN ABOUT 3 P 3L Bathing Boating Crabbing and FIshing the finest to be had COLONIAL BEACH HOTEL NOW OPEN Regular schedule starts TUESDAY JULY 12 JyTtf RIVER VIEWF- REE FREE FREE FREE Special Engagement of Mille De AcoI- n her wonderful wire slide of 500 feet 80 feet In the air from the of the water chute on the lake from a live electric wire Costume covered with electric lights See the wonderful slack wire shooting act Two performances dally 230 and 830 p m No increase In SATURDAY JULY 9 SUNDAY JULY M WEDNESDAY JULY IS Do not taU to see the great feats Music and dancing week days Concerts Sunday Take steamer Saml J Pentz Sunday 11 a m 245 and 615 p m week days 10 a m 215 and 645 p m TICKETS 2 C CHILDREN lie jy2tf MARSHALL HALL Str Charles Macalester leaves at 10 a m and 23 p m p m Indiar Head trips every Thursday Friday and Saturday at 8 p m Sundays 11 a m FAkE Cents Chris Xanders White Brandy FOR PRESERVING 1EACUES and fruits generally In use for as the most cleantasting medium 7 for faultless fruit preserves j 250 Gallon 65c Full Quart Quality Hoes W 7th st Phone E 6C3 FINANCIAL Safe Deposit Boxes 250 Going away soon Leave your val- uables c In a safe place Storage Rooms 200 Per l onth- If you are going to travel during the summer this company will store the contents of your house la Its FIREPROOF warehouse and burglarproof building See us at once about Washington Safe Deposit Co Phone M Ml 516 and 913 Pa Ave X W Money to Loan 4 and 5 Per Cent On real estate in District of Columbia Ki delay in nlosinc loans HEISKELL McLERAI ioo3 S ST ftUM I SundayAdmissIon BASEBALL T Barbecue e Employ J merrygoround BEACH I Is- sue II r 630 8 p vu TRIP6 I I t T generations housewives T I t r I A J 1Wf t ChevyChase Lake BY uly her View COLOMAL I 615 aa eI by S SS ¬ ¬ ¬

I Sales Check Advance Paradise for Settlers Resulting in ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1904-07-07/ed-1/seq-9.pdf · t S Klw Lht Del Imp IMS M-Bf S Htt Uykt Cert indebt

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pIRealizing Sales Check Advance

Resulting in Moderate ReactionsI


Gradually G ains Stout Frac-



Strong Undertone of Market Not Impaired and Buying Power Seems

to Be Excellent

NEW YORK July natural outpouring of stock for realizing purposeschecked the advancing impetus whichwas felt o strongly in the stock marketat the close yesterday and generallythroughout the list prices suffered mod-

erate reactions There was however noImpairment of the strong undertonewhich ha been in evidence of late-St cks were well taken at the declinesand there were occasional rallies fromthe low price made in the initial dealIrRs

An exception to the reactionary move

United preferred The low priceof this ismi as compared with thevrstment return now tlot it is

believed that the regular dividendrnt will be maintained is proving at-

tractive to both investors ad specula-tors

stock at no time In the first hoariJ bflow yesterdays final figure and

after that n touched there folliWid a gradual advance of cent

Coal and Iron and ColoradoFuel and Iron yer firmer in sympathyThere was no especial feature to therailway list prices rather uniformly

the losses however being con-fined to fractions Amalgamated CopP r was somewhati ina Chemical preferred Internationalr General Electric and Sugar Refining ruled higher The volti ait of business is not up to thatt but London handc about XOOD shares and boughtabout 10000 shares on balance feature of the market this morning washeavy liquidation large of

and the day before The buying power seems to be excellent


Sales Washington Street Railwaylwiurr lU 77 a e77 1000 J77H1 77

Chesapeake and Potomac Telephonefs MjOiilOCP 1000 100061034 1000

Washington Title Intmrance 10903Washington GaCopper IDttflfVt buyer

SHvfcAfter can Mersenthaler MeiTSji


t s zs c mo xxx y xr s R MORr s c MBS Sex1 s 4 R iw SixI S 4t C J1T tvr s 4N H ias IKK Itst s 4s r MCT Uiff-n r s6fc mi laiPhil Land 4s lid


Ciitiitii 8 R 4It R fta 185 IKX Jt6

Mr H R Osrfc iadsbtMlMai A W IMet K K Otft IwcMitrdMW B IXColumbia It X fc 1911 lIT KColumbia It It tt irort II JtVV J 5

itr Subwrbaa 9iAna stia 1ototnw 5Vdh Street Railway 4 TTJtf TJf-

3IIS EIJaXKOCSWith Ga Co r A G 190327 ISOIVaSh Gas Co s r R fl 190427 IJJ-Miilinprn Cat cert 117-

t S Klw Lht Del Imp IMS M-Bf S Htt Uykt Cert indebt J-

Ch Pot Co S IJS-T h Mark Co 1st te 189 UM mic 58 C 12J-

SAKI i Eii rr AND TUCST STOCKSsafe Dfpoiit Jt THM JM

5hWtj I u TfVM WS-n rican Sn 11-

5Viiinrt n Safeijn TMKJ ft Suirase lei

U hingtua g Bwik 18SJ Jis-Ttonx Savu f Hank Ill

UAIMtOAD STOCKSHtal Traction f X 1J l lf

U hui lon Stiwt Railway pf M 4V ishington tr t Mallwar

BASK STOCKSHank rf WaeWwrton r

IW-rurl Jlj-

Fnnwi and Mt tanic 49-Srtm l H-Ctitcn AH-

nmhia ia-

fiipital 1W-

AmrncMi Xa Jo l Brak 1W-

Tr lrwf H X KSLincoln tJ M-

Ui C Mi-

rXSURAXCB StOCKSFiremen S-Frtnklin 4T-

M tropolitawTtrcorun 7-

1otomac iSArlington i-

Ctrman 31

National ITaloB 7 8Vlinilia 13 X-

Iiicp 8V-ICommercial 4Colonial K-


Clumliu Title 4

um Title 2X-

TELRlHOXE AJII CHAWIOCK t aTOCK-SfhtMpeake and PofcMMC BjAmerican rfjf-

Anscncan pfd 7 7X-


Wathinftoa Gss 5TX P-Ge nf tow OM ti i

TYPE MACWNK STOCKSMcrgvnthaler Iteotyp 1IX 17-

Lanston Monotype X-

KISTRLLAXEOUS STOOKSGreene Con Copper 0 11 lijf-

athmetoo Xartw MNor faah Steamboat 2WJ JUwy UJ

A MORGAN PORTRAITSome wandering genius has drawn

with five strokes of an expressmanscrayon upon an advertising sign on adowntown elevated station a wonder-fully clever likeness of J Serpent Mor-gan It a freehand effort and nighthave been done in three seconds

who happens to glance at It saysMorgan fur great promoter and

syndicate king has three remarkablefeatures In his caput namely his domehis and nose The cartoonistusually lands upon his MMM which prob-ably the nOM in theMr Morgan eyes are veryclose together so a man NewYork Poet



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Reported by W D Uibbs Co 1419 P j

Street Members New York Stock Exehanije jChicago Board of Trade anti Washington Stock i

CopperAmAm Loco pfAm Car FAm Smelt

51 51 50 50i20 fc 20 3082 SZVi S2Yfc 2-

l Vi 16 1854fc fc 54 54 i

Am Sugar 12SV 12S 127 127A T S F 76 76Vi 74 6 74A T S F pf H 95 944 W4Baito Ohio 82 S2 81 S2Vs j

Frook Rap Tr 51 50fc 60Can Pac 12ai 12 Vi 124A 1244 j

Cites Ohio 3 32 31 31Chicago A Alton S9M 39 39 39 i

Chic Alton pf 8 H4 WH4 80 8 4Chic Great West 1414 14 18

Chic Mil St P 146 146 145 146Col Fuel Iron Jl4 31 31Consolidated Gas 195 19 1 195

Dela A Hudson 158 1684 156Erie com 26 26 24 24Erie 1st pf 80 80 00Erie 2d pf 36 38 86 36General Electric 165 168 158 16S

Illinois Central 134 114 134 134

Louis Nashville 112 112 111 111

Manhattan Elevated ISO 150 149 149Met Sees Co SVi 88 85 88Metropolitan St Ryll Vfe 117 115 11Mo A T com 17 17 17 17Mo Kan T pf 38 88 38 18Missouri Pacific 92 tt 111

Mexican Central 7 8 7 7T4National Lead SO 20 10New York Central 117 11781117 117N Y Ont West 27 27 f7 27Norfolk Western M 4 88 68-

i Penn Railroad llfli 11SV 117 117

P o Gas of 88 M K M-PreeMKl Steel Car SS 88 2SReading 4 4 48 46

let pfd 82 82 82 8Reading e 79 f 7-

I Steel Iron G 6 TO I

i Rep Steel Iron pfd 42 4 42 4222 22 20 21

Rock Island pfd W K MRubber Goods 17 17 17 i7St L Southwestern 12 12 12 12St L S W pf 34 StK 36 KSo Pacific 4fl 43 48So Railway O 5fi JS ViSo Railway pf 87 87Tenn Coal A Iron 37H 88Texas Pacific 24 24 24 24Union Pacific tt 90 91U S Leather 8 f 6 SU S pf S 80 8 80U S Steel 18 11 KU S Steel pf 58 S8 57 58r S Steel fe 77 77 77 77Wabash 3 l 16 1Wabash pf 35 35 35 S6iWia Central 17 17 17 17


NEW YOK July 7 The local coton market was disappointing in view

ot the Liverpool cables as a number ofyesterdays buyers for a turn took ad-vantage of the first bulge by selling Af-ter the call however a steadier tonedeveloped Trade was of moderatevolume New Orleans bought Octoberand ember while one prominentSouthern operator sold

A cable from Liverpool statedthere was good demand from spinnersthat stocks were being rapidly reduced

that there was a big interestIt was noticeable nevertheless that at

the opening futures in Liverpoolshowed moderate declines evidentlycaused by the efforts of smaller hoMersto get profits

Opening NoonBid Asked

March 9MJulyAugust 10S8 lei 1046 1856September 886 71 878October 944 945 951 53November 7 94SDecember 942 0 949 856


prices were quoted on th grain markettoday

OoeninK NoonWheat Bid Asked Bid Asked

May 8HSS 89

September 8 88Cora-

M y 4 4S 4S46 4

49 4f 49 4

Jwly ssSeptember 3C

PorkSeptember 12 1297

September 7K 712

September 785

HALLETT GLACIERThe history of the t f this

glacier is an Interesting one An oldbear hunter chanced upon the field onMummy Mount which he thelargest snowfield in the Be

his death which occurred shortlyhe mentioned this discovery to a

gentleman living in Denver whoto the exploration of

and strange localities inand the neighborhood-

In gentleman avisited the spot entirely alone In trying to ascend the north side of the Ice

he suddenly broke through thebridge of a hidden crevasse but by ex-tending his elbows he managed to ex-tricate himself from his perilous positionand returned In safety to his campThis incidnt finally led him to wonderwhether this might not be a glacierIn 1 W and 1887 Mr Inwith an experienced mountaineer willwas as familiar the Alps as withthe Rockies twice revisited the spot

the first of these expeditions aftera careful examination the true natureof this vast expanse of snow and icewas for the first time determined In the heart of Coloradoexisted a glacier showing crevassesmoraines In the characteris-tic of the wellknown Alpine glaciersof Switzerland To this was given thename it now bears Edict Glacierin honor of the man who in such a

way made the first real die

A VEGETABLEThe socalled

New Zealand Is attracting much attention at present says Nature olLondon Fungoid parasites are com-

mon in all parts of the world but notgenerally conspicuous enough to benoticed l y any but naturalists

Many of the largest and meet remarkof the Austrian region

be infested by variousparasitic fungi which convent the wholesubstance of the caterpillar Into awoody substance and fromit to a length of several inches

The caterpillarfour long when full grownlive until they are ready to assumepupa state they bury them

m the ground die and the funupwardt from tiltneck ot the caterpillar sometime ac-quiring the length of nearly a foot andsprouting up from ground thecaterpillarftlam nts may sprout from a single caterpillar The Now Zealand namefor this plantcaterpillar are Hotelsand nauves eat the plantswhich when fresh have the flavor of anut and also use thorn when burntas coloring jor theIr tattootingrubbing Into the wounds Inwhich state it has a strong animal


lXchllneJOpen Uieh Jw nm

16 Il IAm Smelt pt 97 9T 97


t I











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S 8737 3i-













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WASHINGTONThe principal trading on the local e

change today was In bonds Washington Street Railway bonds sold at an ad-vance of from to over yesterdaysclosing bid 6000 being sold at 77 7777 and 77 These bonds are more

considered every day and onebroker who has all along expressed thegreatest confidence In their future of-fered 77 for any part of 100000

Chesapeake and Potomac Telephonefives were the other class of hondatraded In one broker filling an order of10000 He got them at prices ranging

from lOSifc to 10S which was from to1 over closing bid

Washington Title Insurance Is not of-ten in The bid price has been

2 tt 3 and at the lat-ter 100 shares were sold

Greene Copper again had an Inning100 snares being sold At 14 and 800 at114 A sixty days option was sold at

Bank of Washington was bid for at480 end offered at KK but both bid andoffer were probably Pickwickian

The directors of the Peoples Bankin the Warder Building at Ninth

northwest at a meetingheld yesterday afternoon declared asemiannual dividend of 5 per cent andcartled 10000 to the surplus fund Thebank began business last October with a

of 55090 and has been remark-ably successful William J is


NEW YORKPennsylvania Steel preferred and

Atehlson seem to have about the largestinterest but there Is a fair short

In sit active stocks which doesnot attract attention as are re-newed quickly from day

American In London are strongfeatures St Paul and Union Pa

and Steel preferred up

advance such as has taken place

g proportion of the trading elementThUr resistance has often the effect offacilitating operations for a further advsjtee and it can be counted as arule to collapse at the turning pointTraders sell stocks short cover and goshort again a little higher feeling forthe top and if the advance continuesthey end by turning and going longtheir power of resistance being finallyexhausted

Union Pacifics continued advancecoupled with the sharp rise in NorlnernSecurities in the outside market servedto hold that stock In the place of prom-inence which it assumed oiV TuesdayThe Street s looking shortly for a de-cision in the injunction proceedings in-

stituted on behalf of the Union Pacificagainst Che Hill plan of dissolution ofthe Northern Securities Company andthe In some quarters was toconnect the advance In Northern Securi-ties with the outcome of the injunctionproceedings Generally speaking how-ever the bulls on Union Pacific seem in-

clined to Ignore the outcome of theNorthern Securities dissolution and tobase their position on the general pros-pects of the Union Pacific system

lit connection with the failure of theRichmond Passenger and Power Com-pany to pay the July Interest on itsbon 3 it was announced yesterday thatFrank J Gould had offered to pay incash at par for the coupons of the bondsof the Virginia Electrical Railway andDevelopment Company amounting to37300 and of the Traction

Company interest In which amounts to12500 Both of these companies are

owned by the Virginia Passenger andPower Company a Gould propertywhich interest payment on July1 owing to pending litigation


Brookland Lena B Sayman et virIsaac H to Isaac S Pennybacher lot21 block 23 10

Long Meadows Potomac InsuranceCompany vs Henry Anton Sander lot14 10

Estate of William Holmead John LWarren trustee to Mylon Roche lotEl SlMO

P Street northwest between Twentyfifth and Twentysixth Streets AqullaE Payne to Edgar M Hayes lot Wsquare 1361 HO

Madison Street northwest betweenSeventeenth and EighteenthJohn Marbury et al trusteesA Sellhausen lot 323 square 150 193230

U Street northwest betweenand Eighteenth Streets Anna M

Colclazier et a to Arthur G Nicholslot 259 square 150 400

Central Heights Marie V Gehring toMary O Cooley lot 4 block 1 400

North Grounds Columbian UniversityWilliam H Dennis trustee to

Berliner lots 11 and 12 block 80 11105Barry A Pierce to Isa-

bella I 41 and 4 section2 J10

Second Street southeast between L-

and M W Mosby Williamstrustee G Williams part original lot 4 square 7 9 00

First StreetO Streets Florence V Creamer to Eliz-abeth S Danenhower lot 145 square C17

Redford W and William II Walker lots4 and 11 block 2 500

Addition to Congress Heights HenryLongnecker et ux to Ethel S Cuslcklot 7 block 4 300

Moore Barbours Addition Allda SNewton to Martha E Hasselbach twothirds and Clifton E Hasselbach onethird lot 19 block 3 10

THE LADY AND TWO FARESAn amusing situation L L Blake of

Laidlaw Co a stock exchange housesat beside a stunhing woman In a sur-face oar the other day Aares

the conductor The fair one handedout a quarter received fifteen cents Inchange and looked thoughtful as theotncial passed on After awhile she gotnervous Her Cinderellabeet apitapat on the floor She fingeredher change excitedly Several passoiugers noticed her agitation among themBlake Pardon me he do youwish to get oft No she

I am waiting for my change Theconductor was summoned This ladywants her change Blake informed

I gave correct change maamthe conductor confidently Youme a quarters and I returned fifeents Quite right but whoreother nickel Aint paying

for this nodding tovuruBlushes Confusion Blushes

More blushes HauteurIndignation It was the nearestcamo to a free ride said Blake

WHERE DOSS MADE A MISTAKE-A senior of one of our large manufac-

turing concerns came through the storerecently and noticed a boy sitting on acounter swinging his legs and whistlingmerrily says the Louisville CourierJournal The senior eyed him severelyas he confronted him and Inquired

Is that all you have to doYes sirVery well report to the cashier and

to off We dont needlike you around here

sir said the astonished Idont work for you I have just boughtsome goods and am waitingbill





lot t




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2ie invariably resisted




Saunders lots

10Whitney CloseFrank Lyon




























Paradise for SettlersIn Northern Michigan

Ground Almost for the Asking ProfitableCrops Wood Water Tonical Climate

Wilderness Dotted With Towns

NEWBERRY Mich July 7 CongressIs providing for the Irrigation of landsIn the West and millions are to be spentin making the arid regionsIs no question of the great thenation of these projects Yet In this

j north country in the upper peninsula ofMichigan there are vast tracts of

more attractive and valuable thanthose In the regions of scanty rainfallnow being given so much attention

j Here the man desiring a homo canpractically carve one out shaping it tosuit his fancy He has an abundance ofwood and shade has water in plentyand an atmosphere of groat tonlcalproperties He does not have to scourthe country to gather

his dinner Inclearing thcj timber from his land hesells his maple and birch at a priceample to repay him fpr his labor orshould he prefer it there aretracts of land free from timber that areavailable to the settler and the soil otwhich is suitable to the cultivation ofgrames celery and other crops thatthrive In the lowlying areas

Growing Sugar BeetsLest year was the first season that

the cultivation of sugar beets was givenmuch attention and the weresurprising the roots notwell but yielding a percentage of saccharlne matter at the very top Al-though others are contemplated the pe-

ninsula now has but one beet sugar fac-tory at Menomlnae and thatwent for the first timelast fall

The farmers in that section found

that gave them a profit Itfully withstanding the almost unprece

cold weather and heavy rainsyear the acreage devoted to

the cultivation of beets has been great-ly increased The factory stands Toadyto take all beets offered and Is willingto enter Into longtime contracts withthe farmers for their supply paying on ascale based on the percentage of sugarin the roots v

The State experiment station atChatham Alger county an enterprise-not sufficiently provided with money toconduct affairs on a scale demandedby the possibilities of the district hasshown what can be done by intelligentdirection Grains roots vegetables andfruits of a size and quality not ex

Wait Till Its Over Is HisInjunction


Inspired by Presence and Counsel of

Hearst Leaders Pettigrewand Darrow

ST LOUIS July 7 Will you boltthis convention if the platform or nomi-nee doesnt suit you

This question was put bluntly to WJ Bryan In his In the JeffersonHotel Bryan come from theColiseum where he had attended theconvention and the preliminary meetingof the committee on resolutions ofwhich he Is the Nebraska member Hehad at once plunged into the task ofdrawing up a platform representative ofhis views

Nobody said Mr Brya in answerto the question will know untll thlsconvention Is over whether I shall

When told that one of the NebraskaC D Casper had been quoted

as that Bryan and his friendswould bolt the convention If the platform should prove unsatisfactory tothem Bryan

I am sure Caspar never as-sumed to speak for Bryan Whenhas anything to say Bryan will sayhimself I have refused absolutelysay one word about bolting and Idecline to say what I shall do incontingency

Pettigrew and Darrow ThereIn an inner room where tho platform

was being drawn up were exSenatorPettigrew of South Dakota and Clarence S Darrow the labor leader andlawyer of Illinois and Darrow who Is a member of the Illinoisdelegation are leaders In the Hearstmovement The platform that was

drawn up is to represent not onlyBryans views but also those of otherleacVrs hostile to Judge Parker

Should Bryan bolt a thing which fewof his friends or opponents expect himto do It is believed that a majority ofthe Nebraska delegation will go withhimC D Caspar denied positively that

ever said Bryan would boltSpoke for Himself

What I do say said Caspar Isthat personally I shall not support theticket nor vote for Judge Purkor if

We of the Nebraska delefree to use our individual

judgment and it was agreed someweeks ago that none of us shouldquestion another member about bolt-ing

This agreement has been adheredno member Is competent to speak

for another It is absurd to spread theimport that I had asBumed to speak forBryan His burden is certainly heavyenough at this time without my doinganything that would add to it

Casper denied that Tomllnson Hallat Indianapolis has been hired by theNebraska people to hold a bolters con-vention in next week

Little fuss is made over BryanAbout tho only politicians who visithim are the member of the Nebraskadelegation or of the Hearst movementSome of the associates of Louder Mur-phy of Tammany have called uponhim with exceptions ho isquite neglected by the real factors Inthe convention

He spent all of today except the timehe had to give to the convention and tothe meetings of the committee on reso

in his rooms In the JeffersonHotel Most of his callers aro curiosity







late l nr


latthe crop was thelone
















eason that beetsuccess





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celled anywhere are grown andnumerous experimental cropsheretofore deemed foreign to the regionhave been successfully raised

Money in StrawberriesIn the north country too strawber-

ries equal to the very best are cultivatedon a rapidly Increasing scale the sandysoil here and there apparently beingparticularly suited to the Theberries ripen at a time when from

I more Southern become exhaustcd market at fairPrices The Northern berry is much

I firmer stands transportation better thanthat shipped to the peninsula early Inthe season and each year sees thefarmer giving its cultivation more at-tention Last it was proved by ac-tual experience that a net of700 to JlOW per acre can berowing strawberries while in additiona crop of the fruit was raisedlate in the summer at the experiment

farmAside from the various of thesoil It has been demonstrated that there

la in and In thedairy business in the peninsular andan area than that of RhodeIsland Delaware Connecticut andMassachusetts combined is muchespecially that from which thebeen cut available forthis purposeNew Homes Everywhere

Much of the upper p rlnsula Is as yetvirtually a yet one is sur-prised at the number of new metwith in driving along the themoat outoftheway places In trampingthrough the woods will be found neatlittle cabins about which the ground hasbeen cleared and upon which fineare growing

are not the pine homesteadersyears gothese homesteadershave long ago sold their timber and have

tie and realized so much newhomes are as a general uponlands the settler has purchased on easyterms from the lumber or tendcorporations The man who ahome not often secuVeIs the pineries butturns rather to districtsIn times like these when men areseeking some place where they earna living building their homestrikes and dull times there Issunshine pure water cheap fuel honedcial climate and a soil that will yieldbounteously the north country is cerentitled to and thesame conditions to northern Wisconsin and Minnesota

seekers Thom he dismisses with apleasant word and a handshakeIf downhearted Bryan not showIt His manner is as cordial cheery

and magnetic as ever His resent his comparativehe attracts no more than sassing attention when he appears on the streetor In the lobby of the hotel

the convention adjourned for

nominate him i and 1

were nearest the Nebraska sectiongates from States climbed over

ce the hand of thehim

where Bryan Is declared by his friendto be a good loser



of insurance of thedo certify that theBENEFITWashington in the District Columbia

and insurance on the assesIts condition and business

date hereof I shownis re

to be as followsCertificates In

Number 4463

2fiWee79 ISContingent Mortu-ary None

LiabilitiesLosses unpaid NoneAll None

Cash income the yearCash the

Mortuary and disJ89 2SSManagement etc S 2 6



In witness whereof I have hereuntosubscribed my name and caused my offlciHl seal to be affixed the day and yearfirst above writtenSeal THOS E DRAKESuperintendent of Insurance District of itDEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE-


I DRAKE Superintendentf of the of Columbiado certify that the UNION INSURANCE COMPANY located at Washington in the District of Columbia hascomplied with the laws of the Districtof Columbia applicable to It and is authorized to transact in the District of Columbia its appropriate business of lifeand insurance on the assess-

ment plan Its condition and businesson the 31st day of December of the yearnext preceding the date hereof Is shownby the statement under oath as required by section J7 of the amendedCode of Law of the District of Columbiato bo as followsCertificates in force

Number 2021Amount J102S750

AssetsInvested SlCOOOONonInvested 1W4 97

i 97Liabilities

Losses unpaid NoneAll other None

NoneCosh income during the year 12401 48Cash expenditures during theyear

Mortuary and dis-ability 52SW24

Management etc 88667411553 9S

In witness whereof I have hereuntosubscribed my name and my ofclal seal to be affixed yearfirst above written

Seal THOS E DRAKESuperintendent of Insurance Dis-

trictCHAS A HARTMAN President

SAMUEL S CARROLL SecretaryIt 472 Louisiana Avenue

I there










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Whenshook withdelegates who homed

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today theysortthey greet Smith any


locatedDistricapplicable nnjthoried


day yean




March 1991





















Certificates of the Incorporation of thefollowing named enterprises were re

todayWashington Manufacturing Com-

pany capital stock 96006 Ineorporators-W TV Payne J Dugan andGeorge F Hove

The Columbia Importing and TradingCompany capital stock 56000 Ineorporators Joseph S Vowles N EVowles and E P Parker

The Merchants and Bankerscapital stock 100000

S C Van

Hopkins Co to buy andexchange and foreign coin

capital stock SttQO incorporatorsThomas S Hopkins S GE G Seibert

The International Legal Aid Associa-tion of the District of Columbia capitalstock 1000 incorporutorsVowles Edwin P ParkerVowles




PUDUV CAlJTAL OXE M1LUOVL-WOM In say wawmt mode n approved

real estate or ooUataril at rtasaoaWerates

balances cubct tThis o i ay acts as ezeedtor adorfn-

Utrator agent tr imr r registnr and in all other M ctty capacities

rent in burglar flreprMlvaults deposit end storage of valu-able

JOHN JOY J3MOX IVesblentJOHN A SWOm Vlea PrestdcatELLIS SPEAR Second Vice President

PAKBR TreawiwHARRY G MEKii Assistant TreasurerTHOMAS BRADLEY Real Estate Officer

REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENTIs prepared to assume th management of your




Cable transfer and drafts direct on princIpalcities of tho world

Letters of Credit Ktreiga and DomesticCOLLECTIONS INVESTMENTS





CAPITAL 1000000rays lotorai on depositsRents Safes Inside Burglarproof VaultActs ss Executor Trustee etc

Bankers and Brokers1419 F Street

Aetna BankingTrust Company

1222 F Street Northwest

Foreign Exchange and Foreignand Domestic Money Orders

Savings Deposits 4 per centcompounded quarterly

Time and Demand CertificatesSpecial Department for ladies


Year After YearThe record office will show

what vast amounts of money we loanon real estate during the course of ayear Itl will also show you thatmany of the largest operators in theDistrict have been doing their loanbusiness exclusively with us formany years past It Is scarcely nec-essary to comment on this fact Itspeaks for Itself


A SavingsAccountOtters workers asale and sensible

Interest paidat the rate of

Ings account


Wedding andCommencement

PACKED forshipment or stored in fire andburglarproof vaults at the bank-

ing house of this companyLOWEST RATES consistent

with guaranteed safety


Vaults 1414 F St Phone Main 2222

Varehouse 1st K ne Phone E


PER CENT INTERESTCommercialAccounts Recettedjl






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rool estate CuPful att en aU de


Admin talor

wg CO9

ew York Stockhinton

o e


916 F Street

way to accumu-late

3I Si opens n


E c 7th Sf and Ma5s Ave








yckel and Roberts


Interest poki upon deposits monthly


gage toefor sale




C ExChant-Mcmbe18 Stock Exchanl7-

athlcago ltoert TraJ



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The PeoplesPopular Playhouse


Vaudeville Singing and Da icing

Uncle Toms CabinAugmented Company Absolute and

Complete ProductionPrices 15o 25c 35s few at 50c

Mats Tuesday Thursday and Saturday



Every Evening Including SundayDANCINGEVERY EVENINGExcept Free


TODAYPhiladelphia vs Washington


and Lawn FoteAt Lofflers lawn 2S Brightrood Ave

t and 7 Take Brightwood AYe carsPerfect car strvic no crowding neces-sary Admission 10 cents Jy53t


iala Day afJuly 8


In Car TicketsZtZSj Givon Away SJfi O-AT THE

Washington Railway

Relief Association ExcursionBenefit of tho Relief Fund

STBAMERS Pentz Arrowsmith Ran-dall Waketield Kent and RiverQueen

WILL LEAVEI Ofl 1100 a m andT SO215 530 600 620 645 and 00 p mreturning every half hour after S p m

LEAVE ALEXANDRIA 1115 216 715returning 500 800 1030 p m-

Ail for 25cCHESAPEAKE REACHLong boardwalk lined with arciweiDentsscenic railway dancingfishing1 craboing boeting Fine picnicgrounds


Schedule of trains under PR time table




Saturday July S546 pmStr Randall

Fare round trip ticket good 30 days JL

i vnday July It 84i amSet V Arrowsmith

Fare rcand trip ticket good day effit cents


ROME AGAIN ABOUT 3 P 3LBathing Boating Crabbing and

FIshing the finest to be hadCOLONIAL BEACH HOTEL NOW

OPENRegular schedule starts TUESDAY

JULY 12 JyTtf


Special Engagement of

Mille De AcoI-n her wonderful wire slide of 500feet 80 feet In the air from the ofthe water chute on the lake from a liveelectric wire

Costume covered with electric lightsSee the wonderful slack wire

shooting actTwo performances dally 230 and 830


M WEDNESDAY JULY ISDo not taU to see the great feats

Music and dancing week daysConcerts Sunday

Take steamer Saml J Pentz Sunday11 a m 245 and 615 p m week days10 a m 215 and 645 p m


CHILDREN liejy2tf

MARSHALL HALLStr Charles Macalester leaves at 10

a m and 23 p m p m IndiarHead trips every Thursday Friday andSaturday at 8 p m Sundays 11 a m

FAkE Cents

Chris XandersWhite Brandy

FOR PRESERVING 1EACUESand fruits generally In use for

as the most cleantasting medium7 for faultless fruit preservesj 250 Gallon 65c Full Quart

Quality Hoes W 7th st Phone E 6C3


Safe DepositBoxes 250

Going away soon Leave your val-uables c In a safe place

Storage Rooms200 Per l onth-

If you are going to travel duringthe summer this company willstore the contents of your house laIts FIREPROOF warehouse andburglarproof building See us atonce about

Washington Safe Deposit Co

Phone M Ml 516 and 913 Pa Ave X W

Money to Loan 4 and 5 Per CentOn real estate in District of Columbia Kidelay in nlosinc loansHEISKELL McLERAI ioo3 S ST








Employ J








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generations housewivesT







t ChevyChase LakeBY


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