aokokakorororokokokokororakororokokorokokoKokokokoK o I RAZORSI 0 0 i And Shaving Material i > n i IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A FINE RAZOR 0 >Y o seeo o x xr o For tliono who prefer tho regular stylo razor and yet bavoo o o safety guard attached tho Curly Safety Razor la tho thing at 250 o The Gem Safety Razor with seven sharp blades is as good as x oK x oral other tlilngo necessary to complete na having outfit Strops o cx o 1< oo priceso x size wo fowl sure that wo huvo what you wanto 2 Y w 7 0 b p I o Porter Drug Co INC f ao Oi10A01t01tOgoil0it0ieoil0it0A0A01011o410t101101101101e04t 0 o 44o110A011011 t 0808080808080808080800080808080800080080808080800 8o I Berea and Vicinity s n 0S o I = GATHERED FROM A VARIETY OF SOURCES i TAKE NOTICE Theo OonvttrMttun Club will neat this week Friday nl lu M Mr And MI1I Oartntells Dane The subject for tlleoueelon hi roe IniffreM of the Negro Sine the War Last Lyceum Entertainment- Next Mwrtiy night March lid at 730 Ute MM number of the Mntor Iprauln Ootinw will be gtvtn IB eke Oofteeo ClMtwi It will be A JnMWMio rwjJtol of ShakttaIwres Mudm bj 1rof Jalnta Wf Hiln < Thta re ¬ cital was arrtnw d for abut a you IJmrjRdne Jump AVnlt llnlua homo In IUvurh xul New York to Klvo It All lovers of tad Htemture of Slukceixtiro or oC rail dranwlto art will want to make use of this lUre opportunity It la sure to be one of the flaeat ontertnlnmwMa ot the year Single niUnleslon 35 cents children 20 cents Mrs 11 M Moore relumed to lIam ¬ mon Ohio Sunday after an oxtemi ed visit wllh her mother Mrs U CX J 1 OnbtMrdiMIfls Mlle howler returned from Cincinnati last Sxtunkiy Ask Your OwnDoctor If he tells you to take AyersI Cherry Pectoral for your severe cough or bronchial trouble then take It If he has anything better then take that But we know what he will say for doctors have used this cough medicine over 60 years I Lave used Ayr1 CtirrT recwral for liard coMl bad cougtit tnd Influtnu It Ms dons Ins IfT1 Ifood in tl bell III ill belt ec- uIhmt me4lelne world for It and long troubleELI C STUART AlbenJOroaoQI II nxs ee AyrCoLowIMessAl I Villers SARSAPARilLA PILLS lUll YIOOR the bowels open with Pllla at bedtime Just anoI IKee uugggoccooo a Mr J II Oibbard win InJUcIimonJ TMfr well Ky spent Thursday night with Mrs TVxlda turcnta Mr and M- aim lowfci- MUry and Emma Adams came lXndUtO Mr Vaughn Norman tea in town the tint of the week Mrs Svrtnford of lug Hill ICy vIs- Ited Mrs Joo Evens Monday Mr J W bowler who has been making a short trip In tho fwuth turned Monday Mr A P Settle was n business oailtr In Hlohnunxl Monday tn Frank Hays was called Dreyfus Kj Monday on coount of AnnIlIudaUI Mrs U R Robinson and J A Sharp were in Richmond the first of the week on bun I aces goodhorse airs Iu Trent of IxmlavIIlP Is spending a few days with her father and mother Mrs A P Sottle The Public Sohool opened Monday with a very good aUeiuiince but an effort should be ando to start every child who la not enrolled In College Mr Jnaon Sexton was house f Illohmond for a few days list nee with homo Polka on Boan streets Tho marriage of Miss Llzzlo Smtt U> Mr Vtator Brown took yfacs at tho homo of the bride on Depot ctreet lost Wednesday night The little daughter of Mr L Moore died last Saturday morning of pneu ¬ monia and was burled Sunday morn- Ing In tho family burying ground Many friends extend sympathy to the beraived famllyi Mr Edgur Scrivener and Miss Mufia Dlckncll were united In imrrlaga at tho home ot Dr and Mrs L A Davis Tho bride was dressed In a boautlfu white silk and the groom In conven ¬ tional black After being honored by n very quiet serenade they rent to Mr Scrivners house where they will mako their homo for some time They ore bath well known hero and The Citizen joins with their many frlonda In wishing them a long and hippy life Mr and Mrs Andrew Slurp left on Tuesday for the western part of Kan- sas where they go to mike their fu- ture ¬ home Miss Bertha Robinson a sister of Mrs Sharp occampanlet them as tar as Richmond Mr Wm Sexton says on Last Wed ¬ nesday morning February 20th while ho and Mr I C Davis were out on the farm of Mr Davis they discovered a en all snake olive on the snow but 10 benumbed he could scarcely move Miss Florence Jones daughter > f- Ur and Mrs C A Jones formerly Jr tulle place now raiding at Jotter sonvllle Indtaaa was united In mar rtago with Mr Nathan Sparks Feb runry 20th He Is the son of William Sparks a prominent citizen and ha L host of friends who wish them muc happiness in their married life I Edna Jeanette Maupln daughter of F C Maupln ot Berea Ky was a nurse In the Long Cliff Hospital in Loganuport Ind where Tuesday Feb retry 19th she was marrietf to Mr Stearns of that clt Mr and Mrs Bert Coddington wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and neighbors for their kindsympathy and assistance in con ¬ nection with tho final sickness and death of their mother Mrs Blazer Apir clntloui of lrofe ior Itahte Mr Ralne rendered selections from Shakespeare which met with the heart lest appreciation showed unusual vcr aatility on tho tart of the reader and a wide departure from the ordinary work of this kind Republic Times Springfield Ohio Our community enjoyed a rich treat In tho rendering of Shake i cares Merchant of Venloo by James W Rain It was so nearly a reproduc- tion of the entire plug that omissions would not bo noticed If Mr Ralne visits us again there will be a rush to hear hlmrfbe Pantograph Rich- mond ¬ Ky Inttlnc ut Mr lllnter Mrs Anna Maria Blazer the eld- est ¬ daughter of Rev Samuel Maine died Tu t Saturday night in her 77th year She was married In AugUAt 1852 to Mr John Blazer united the Methodist Episcopal Church I 1851 In Ross county Ohio and after- wards ¬ January 3 1904 with the Un ¬ ion Church In Derm Two brothers nnd one sister sur vivo her Dr L M Mhlna of Sey- mour Ind Maxwell Mains of Wyom ing and Mrs M E Ooddlngton o Roanoke Va Eight ohlldren wore born to Mr and Mrs Blazer seven ot whom are living New Mall fluids We are glad to state that a now mall route has been approved service on It will commence the 1G examinntloo n Itt Gubbtvrd received the hlghtet grade and he will be appolnd carrier A great many poaplo will receive excellent service by this route The mall will leave at G Do m and It Is hoped the aarrlerwlll got back In time to catch the noon malls on the trains he mute Is about 23 miles long CllMtlon for Colored llnptUt Church raThe First Church colored of Beroa hold hair regular monthly meeting Sunday March drilh a grand baby rally Thirty babies wero represented by tho different families Bother Thomas Palmers baby was the champion baby and col ¬ lected 900 tho second baby of Brother M Bollards family 817i the third Mr B Ricos 501 J1Vallerre e St00 Tho thirty babies raised collection of 0300 general cello a ¬ Td37to JAMES A WEST Clerk All Sea Food Good to Chinese Tho Chinese will eat anything that comet out of the sea All tho fishes aro rood to their taste and aro caught with great skill Stmweeds aro used to thicken soups gravies and puddings and art highly prized be cause they give the relishing flavor of salt which Is a luxury to most Chinese peasants The Nerve of Him Junior ClerkYoung Jenkins our beggarrem guarIt uphis Jenkins merely said What a beautl ful watch sir I wish I bad ono like tShort Stories I For Rent Two nice now cottages with ProspectStroot at tho Borea Bank and Trust Co t 0800808008080080808080 o 0 8 i College Items 8 o 0 8 8 io a 808080080080808080080 Tho Ariel Mile Quartet composed- of Measre RIgby Ckunble Dick Shoo maker went to Illohmond on 1m Wed nosday to sing for the toast option roily at tho opera house Dean J W Dlnsmore was la Rich ¬ mend Sunday and spike it the opera house both afternoon end night In oormoctloa with the toast option tight Prof Marsh returned from Chicago Saturday noon where lie ban been at ¬ tending the National Education As ¬ sociation meriting Professor RUne returned from New York Monday noon Piof Lewis gave a Moraoptlcon lec- ture on physiology In the Unaptl last Monday night Prof Dodge give the Monday lec- ture In Upper Chap Monday morn ¬ ing on Unity of Purpose Tho work of the girls gymnasium class which had been omlUod on no count of the revival mtrdngs for two weeks wss resumed Monday night under the direction of Mrs Oowley Miss Brown spent from Friday 40 1Vnyneevlllen A S Godby of BrbourvllU Ky writes that he Is planning to be in Brcm next tall to finish the classical course VIIIs Beroa again next fall tor school work Ho says I certainly oleo Bsraxs ways out hare and btv nude up my mind to come back again Thore 18 a voice cuntlmtilly speaking to me bid ¬ ding me go to school and finish my college course Of oourar I am cant nestletl and the odvanntacee pores offers to young m nn Mr DIznoy US enlist home Thurs ¬ day night by the lllnwe orhl 4tJKher1 111ret11rn Miles Coddington was out ot school Monday on acoount of the fiineml of her aunt Mrs Blazer Mr DIznoy lost a valuable oow one day last weak It ant caught In ft dltoh which the Oalltn we Moving dug In a field on Richmond pike Pnof Dodge returned Biturdrvy night from his trip In JlMlt of the G A R and Bureau of Foreign Travel DEW G BEST DENTIST acart rilONK 103 OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE SttrerPltte thtWert THiS TRIPLE PLATED KNIFE II tamped AZggA I I t IIl doing away with all sharp corners cn that part bay ingthehardestwear This 1847 ROGERS BROS patented Improvement Insures much longer wear on plain or fancy knives than the other makes should they be plated equally as heavy I everywhereIbt International Silver Co Utrldin Conn Dont Be a Rainbow Chaser How did you get your bag of gold my friend To me your wealth Is truly quite surprising I did not chase It at the rainbows end No sirit came through constant ADVERTISING vaporUnlass ti l t 1 t I- J J Lt Y rri + +od oot o Fod o +od o Fod od ood od o + o +o o +o + od o Fod o to ododo- o t 3 Real Estate Reasons 31t + ARE THREE REASONS WHY x l fYOU SHOULD CAL L ONTHE BEREA i ciREAL t f o t o + u i THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE I + tDeing backed by n Capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars 1 o they aro responsible for what they toll you They will t u give you absolutely the best and most rollnblo ° 010 that can be obtained in regard to Real Estate values iu Bereao and Madison County and will always see that you get a o ° square deal a o of t THEY ARE EXPERIENCEDb They aro the oldest and most experienced Real Estate 1 people in this county By actual experience they know 1 2more about tho valuo of property in nu nbolit Boron than i any one else you could consult y 9 1 ° THEY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT t t They have for sale a largo list of good forms business i houses and desirable town property in loran for you to 6 a 1t G D HOLLIDAY Manager Real Estate Department 0 + 0 Qa 0 BEREA BANK AND TRUST CO iIi + 0 s J qCAPITAL 5000000 1 SURPLUS 1000000 1 1 + o oI 0 f o + t J J J MOORE President W H PORTER Cashier + > I 0 o + hod 00 + od o + o +od od od od od ndotod o pod od od o + ooIgrOoolo + oJoo Ka roMoetokoko kokokoko roroatoetortorokcko ooOOOOO ego oo r Rung Phone ii 0 y 4 iWHEN YOU WANT a i If iGROCERIESII o 0 GOODS PROMPTLY DELIVERED i J IJ g g NAVEN n n LAUNDRYJBRichardson t wwI u w ry u ur jIII I JI I I t LOOK fir the LABEL pocketand thats l policyIb quality uKANTBEBEAT ¬ it is 0 K- Pockets i braced inside collars made right shoulders built up properly and cloth shrunk before cutting tr BEBEATWe 1 f claim this clothing is su ¬ perior to socalled tailor made Il WE ilat to please of Oxfords and see our line Yours respectfully iiii HARRIS RHODUS CO f FURNISHERS BEREA KY t Jf I I I DyeingWe loss of color Dyeing according to the best modern methodst I Largest Establishment in Kentucky Our prices ire very reasonable Gentlemen Suits fl SO Clcnnetl nnil lrei c< l tallies Hultt f 13O mid upi Skirts f 100 up Expressage paid one way on 300 worth of work both ways on 500 or more Correspondence solicited THE PARIS DRYCLEANING COMPANY 803804 Ptko Street f Covlngtoit Kj e p rd

I Real i And Shaving Material i t i ciREAL ARE THREE ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d6569/data/0942.pdf · aokokakorororokokokokororakororokokorokokoKokokokoK o I RAZORSI 0 0 i And Shaving

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Page 1: I Real i And Shaving Material i t i ciREAL ARE THREE ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7j3t9d6569/data/0942.pdf · aokokakorororokokokokororakororokokorokokoKokokokoK o I RAZORSI 0 0 i And Shaving

aokokakorororokokokokororakororokokorokokoKokokokoK o


i And Shaving Material i>n


>Y oseeo o

xxro For tliono who prefer tho regular stylo razor and yet bavooo

o safety guard attached tho Curly Safety Razor la tho thing at 250o The Gem Safety Razor with seven sharp blades is as good as xoKx oral other tlilngo necessary to complete na having outfit Strops ocxo

1<oopricesox size wo fowl sure that wo huvo what you wanto2 Yw

7 0bp


Porter Drug Co INC faoOi10A01t01tOgoil0it0ieoil0it0A0A01011o410t101101101101e04t 0o 44o110A011011


08080808080808080808000808080808000800808080808008oI Berea and Vicinitysn0S




TAKE NOTICETheo OonvttrMttun Club will neat

this week Friday nl lu M Mr AndMI1I Oartntells Dane The subjectfor tlleoueelon hi roe IniffreM ofthe Negro Sine the War

Last Lyceum Entertainment-Next Mwrtiy night March lid at

730 Ute MM number of the MntorIprauln Ootinw will be gtvtn IB ekeOofteeo ClMtwi It will be A JnMWMiorwjJtol of ShakttaIwres Mudmbj 1rof Jalnta Wf Hiln < Thta re¬

cital was arrtnw d for abut a you


Jump AVnlt llnluahomo In IUvurh xul New York toKlvo It All lovers of tad Htemtureof Slukceixtiro or oC rail dranwlto artwill want to make use of this lUreopportunity It la sure to be one ofthe flaeat ontertnlnmwMa ot the yearSingle niUnleslon 35 cents children 20cents

Mrs 11 M Moore relumed to lIam ¬

mon Ohio Sunday after an oxtemied visit wllh her mother Mrs U CX



Mlle howler returned fromCincinnati last Sxtunkiy

Ask YourOwnDoctorIf he tells you to take AyersICherry Pectoral for yoursevere cough or bronchialtrouble then take It If he hasanything better then take thatBut we know what he will sayfor doctors have used thiscough medicine over 60 years

I Lave used Ayr1 CtirrT recwral forliard coMl bad cougtit tnd Influtnu It Msdons Ins IfT1 Ifood in tlbell III illbelt ec-uIhmt

me4lelne world forIt and long troubleELI C STUARTAlbenJOroaoQI

II nxs ee



the bowels open withPllla at bedtime Just anoIIKee

uugggoccooo aMr J II Oibbard win InJUcIimonJTMfrwell Ky spent Thursday night with

Mrs TVxlda turcnta Mr and M-

aim lowfci-MUry and Emma Adams came

lXndUtOMr Vaughn Norman tea in townthe tint of the week

Mrs Svrtnford of lug Hill ICy vIs-Ited Mrs Joo Evens Monday

Mr J W bowler who has beenmaking a short trip In tho fwuthturned Monday

Mr A P Settle was n businessoailtr In Hlohnunxl Monday

tn Frank Hays was calledDreyfus Kj Monday on coount of

AnnIlIudaUIMrs U R Robinson and J A

Sharp were in Richmond the first ofthe week on bun I aces

goodhorseairs Iu Trent of IxmlavIIlP Is

spending a few days with her fatherand mother Mrs A P Sottle

The Public Sohool opened Mondaywith a very good aUeiuiince but aneffort should be ando to start everychild who la not enrolled In College

Mr Jnaon Sexton was house fIllohmond for a few days list neewith homo Polka on Boan streets

Tho marriage of Miss Llzzlo SmttU > Mr Vtator Brown took yfacs attho homo of the bride on Depot ctreetlost Wednesday night

The little daughter of Mr L Mooredied last Saturday morning of pneu ¬

monia and was burled Sunday morn-Ing In tho family burying groundMany friends extend sympathy to theberaived famllyi

Mr Edgur Scrivener and Miss MufiaDlckncll were united In imrrlaga attho home ot Dr and Mrs L A DavisTho bride was dressed In a boautlfuwhite silk and the groom In conven ¬

tional black After being honored byn very quiet serenade they rent toMr Scrivners house where they willmako their homo for some time Theyore bath well known hero and TheCitizen joins with their many frlondaIn wishing them a long and hippy life

Mr and Mrs Andrew Slurp left onTuesday for the western part of Kan-sas where they go to mike their fu-ture


home Miss Bertha Robinsona sister of Mrs Sharp occampanletthem as tar as Richmond

Mr Wm Sexton says on Last Wed¬

nesday morning February 20th whileho and Mr I C Davis were out onthe farm of Mr Davis they discovereda en all snake olive on the snow but10 benumbed he could scarcely move

Miss Florence Jones daughter > f-

Ur and Mrs C A Jones formerlyJr tulle place now raiding at Jottersonvllle Indtaaa was united In marrtago with Mr Nathan Sparks Februnry 20th He Is the son of WilliamSparks a prominent citizen and ha

L host of friends who wish them muchappiness in their married life I

Edna Jeanette Maupln daughterof F C Maupln ot Berea Ky was anurse In the Long Cliff Hospital inLoganuport Ind where Tuesday Febretry 19th she was marrietf to MrStearns of that clt

Mr and Mrs Bert Coddingtonwish to express their sincere thanksto friends and neighbors for theirkindsympathy and assistance in con ¬

nection with tho final sickness anddeath of their mother Mrs Blazer

Apir clntloui of lrofe ior ItahteMr Ralne rendered selections from

Shakespeare which met with the heartlest appreciation showed unusual vcraatility on tho tart of the reader anda wide departure from the ordinarywork of this kind Republic TimesSpringfield Ohio

Our community enjoyed a rich treatIn tho rendering of Shake icaresMerchant of Venloo by James W

Rain It was so nearly a reproduc-tion of the entire plug that omissionswould not bo noticed If Mr Ralnevisits us again there will be a rushto hear hlmrfbe Pantograph Rich-



Inttlnc ut Mr lllnterMrs Anna Maria Blazer the eld-


daughter of Rev Samuel Mainedied Tu t Saturday night in her 77thyear She was married In AugUAt

1852 to Mr John Blazer unitedthe Methodist Episcopal Church I

1851 In Ross county Ohio and after-wards


January 3 1904 with the Un ¬

ion Church In DermTwo brothers nnd one sister sur

vivo her Dr L M Mhlna of Sey-

mour Ind Maxwell Mains of Wyoming and Mrs M E Ooddlngton oRoanoke Va Eight ohlldren woreborn to Mr and Mrs Blazer sevenot whom are living

New Mall fluidsWe are glad to state that a now

mall route has been approvedservice on It will commence the 1G

examinntloo n

Itt Gubbtvrd received the hlghtet gradeand he will be appolnd carrier

A great many poaplo will receiveexcellent service by this route Themall will leave at G Do m and It Is

hoped the aarrlerwlll got back In timeto catch the noon malls on the trains

he mute Is about 23 miles long

CllMtlon for Colored llnptUt Church

raThe First Church coloredof Beroa hold hair regular monthlymeeting Sunday March drilh agrand baby rally Thirty babieswero represented by tho differentfamilies Bother Thomas Palmersbaby was the champion baby and col ¬

lected 900 tho second baby ofBrother M Bollards family 817ithe third Mr B Ricos 501J1Vallerre e

St00 Tho thirty babies raisedcollection of 0300 general cello a ¬Td37toJAMES A WEST Clerk

All Sea Food Good to ChineseTho Chinese will eat anything that

comet out of the sea All tho fishesaro rood to their taste and arocaught with great skill Stmweeds aroused to thicken soups gravies andpuddings and art highly prized because they give the relishing flavorof salt which Is a luxury to mostChinese peasants

The Nerve of HimJunior ClerkYoung Jenkins ourbeggarremguarItuphisJenkins merely said What a beautl

ful watch sir I wish I bad ono liketShort Stories I

For RentTwo nice now cottages with

ProspectStrootat tho Borea Bank and Trust Co

t0800808008080080808080o 08i College Items

8o 08 8ioa808080080080808080080Tho Ariel Mile Quartet composed-

of Measre RIgby Ckunble Dick Shoomaker went to Illohmond on 1m Wednosday to sing for the toast optionroily at tho opera house

Dean J W Dlnsmore was la Rich ¬

mend Sunday and spike it the operahouse both afternoon end night Inoormoctloa with the toast option tight

Prof Marsh returned from ChicagoSaturday noon where lie ban been at ¬

tending the National Education As ¬

sociation meritingProfessor RUne returned from New

York Monday noonPiof Lewis gave a Moraoptlcon lec-

ture on physiology In the Unaptl lastMonday night

Prof Dodge give the Monday lec-

ture In Upper Chap Monday morn ¬

ing on Unity of PurposeTho work of the girls gymnasium

class which had been omlUod on nocount of the revival mtrdngs for twoweeks wss resumed Monday nightunder the direction of Mrs Oowley

Miss Brown spent from Friday 40

1VnyneevlllenA S Godby of BrbourvllU Ky

writes that he Is planning to be inBrcm next tall to finish the classicalcourseVIIIsBeroa again next fall tor school workHo says I certainly oleo Bsraxsways out hare and btv nude up mymind to come back again Thore 18 avoice cuntlmtilly speaking to me bid ¬

ding me go to school and finish mycollege course Of oourar I am cantnestletland the odvanntacee pores offers toyoung m nn

Mr DIznoy US enlist home Thurs ¬

day night by the lllnwe orhl 4tJKher1

111ret11rnMiles Coddington was out ot school

Monday on acoount of the fiineml ofher aunt Mrs Blazer

Mr DIznoy lost a valuable oow oneday last weak It ant caught In ft

dltoh which the Oalltn we Movingdug In a field on Richmond pike

Pnof Dodge returned Biturdrvynight from his trip In JlMlt of theG A R and Bureau of ForeignTravel


acart rilONK 103


SttrerPltte thtWertTHiS


KNIFEII tamped


tIIldoing away with all sharpcorners cn that part bayingthehardestwear This


patented ImprovementInsures much longer wearon plain or fancy knivesthan the other makesshould they be platedequally as heavy

I everywhereIbtInternational Silver Co Utrldin Conn

Dont Be a Rainbow Chaser

How did you get your bag of gold my friendTo me your wealth Is truly quite surprising

I did not chase It at the rainbows endNo sirit came through constant ADVERTISINGvaporUnlassti

l t





rri+ +od oot o Fod o+od o Fod od ood od o+o+oo+o +od o Fod oto ododo-


t3 Real Estate Reasons 31t+ ARE THREE REASONS WHY x



tDeing backed by n Capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars 1o they aro responsible for what they toll you They will tu give you absolutely the best and most rollnblo °010 that can be obtained in regard to Real Estate values iu Bereao

and Madison County and will always see that you get a o° square deal ao


t THEY ARE EXPERIENCEDbThey aro the oldest and most experienced Real Estate 1

people in this county By actual experience they know 12more about tho valuo of property in nu nbolit Boron than

i any one else you could consult y 91°

THEY HAVE WHAT YOU WANT tt They have for sale a largo list of good forms business ihouses and desirable town property in loran for you to 6 a1tG D HOLLIDAY Manager Real Estate Department0+ 0Qa0


SURPLUS 1000000 1 1



0 fo + tJ J J MOORE President W H PORTER Cashier+ >

I 0o +hod 00+od o+o+od od od od od ndotod o pod od od o +ooIgrOoolo+oJoo

Ka roMoetokoko kokokoko roroatoetortorokcko ooOOOOO egooor Rung Phone ii0






LAUNDRYJBRichardson twwIu w ry u urjIII I



I t

LOOK fir the LABEL

pocketandthats lpolicyIbquality


it is 0 K-


braced inside collarsmade right shoulders built upproperly and cloth shrunk beforecuttingtrBEBEATWe 1


claim this clothing is su¬

perior to socalled tailor made Il

WEilatto pleaseof Oxfords and see our line Yours respectfully iiii



I IDyeingWeloss of color Dyeing according to the best modern methodst I

Largest Establishment in Kentucky Our pricesire very reasonable

Gentlemen Suits fl SO Clcnnetl nnil lrei c< l

tallies Hultt f 13O mid upi Skirts f 100 upExpressage paid one way on 300 worth of work both

ways on 500 or more Correspondence solicitedTHE PARIS DRYCLEANING COMPANY803804 Ptko Street f Covlngtoit Kj

