I SECTION TWO THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRIDAY APRIL 29 1910 1 I READ FOR PROFIT Herald Want I Ads Republican 5c a Line USE FOR RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE 7room pressed brick modern corner J and 6th avenue Ind 10013 4room modern 3115 So State Ind 10013 FOR SALES 14 Mitchell wagon gear good as new very cheap 323 N 1st West FOR SALEi White sewing ma ¬ chines good as new from 350 to 5 must sell J H Harr 33 No State Murray Utah FOR SALE Standard sewing machines Walter M Jns sole agent 32 Richards tree FOR TRFinp tnk hat cases onf shoe ghiii I Ip niu MI and show cases AV L Wtlo > rbi a Iji and 160 W 1st So FOR SALE 3room house large lot In Murray cheap or will trade lor lot In city H J Smith Murray Both phones FOR SALE OR RENTBy owner at a bargain 6room house with bath light and range lot 40x165 feet lawn cement walks and shade trees barn for 4 animals and good chicken coops No 058 Pierpont avenue Phono owner 3345X or 85 Will rent to right party FOR SALE Fine bull pups cheap Andrlon Hotel 240 West South Temple FOR SALEFurniture of 7room house House for rent 224 W 2d So FOR SALES elegantly far rooms fur niture for sale Modern house for rent within walking distance This wont last long at price offered Party leaving city Dell phone 31S5X 434 South 4th East FOR SALE200 head ot stock cattle B S Hinckley Bell 4M2K 840 E 7th So FOR SALE Choice Dahlia buds for Bale 1 per dot and up 390 D St FOR SALESetting eggs single comb and rosecomb Rhode Island reds white Plymouth Rock and prizewin ¬ ning barred Plymouth Rocks 100 per setting Call 615 E let So Bell Main 302 FOR SALEFine grass sod out and delivered 25c per yard Inquire Bell 1566Y FOR SALEUSO certificate 3d prize- on DaynesBeebe Bell 4164 FOR SALE Srm modern house n e part city 7JS250 firm modern cottage s e part City 3150 Brm brick 6x20 rods good track ¬ age lot 2500 70x115 feet on 10th E so of 6th South 1250 2ixlO rds corner 6th So and 1st West 800 JAS 1C SHAW CO 300 D F Walker FOR SALEGood upright piano 109 money wanted today 23 W 1st So FOR SALE White Homer pigeons Rear 126 South 9th East FOR SALE Large business corner State street 1269 cash terms on bal- ance ¬ 6 per cent Address Z 7 Herald Republican FOR SALEOld violin for sale or trade Call 343 South 6th East FOR SALEGood upright piano 100 money wanted today 23 W 1st So FOR SALESmall restaurant cheap Inquire 130 West 1st South FOR SALEThere are two Orpheum theatre tickets good for todays mat ¬ inee or evenIng performance at The HeraldRepublican office for G Freed- man 344 West South Tomple Please call before 6 oclock and present a copy of this ad and prove your iden- tity ¬ your last subscription receipt will do- FOR SALEA good oun 2 horse for lamB driving weight about 1200 Ap ¬ ply 1038 So 10th East Bell 4483K FOR SALEEntire furnishing of 6 room house rent 135 walking dis- tance ¬ 3 rooms upstairs 3 downstairs Income from upper floor is 44 a month giving you a beautiful home free 304 East 4th South FOR SALEGood upright piano 100 money wanted today 23 W 1st So FOR SALEGood investment land 2x157 new brick store storeroom cellar fiveroom dwelling basement tiodern splendid opportunity for live man Must sell leaving state Apply Owner 1157 South 8th East FOR SALETwo work teams and wagons Enquire 767 So State JTOR SALE ROSES AND SHRUBS Hardy home grown 2yearold roots PorterWalton Co Seedsmen Opp Knuts ford Hotel Phones 1506 FOR SALE Fine plat player ma logany with 15 rolls 100 cost 5300 23 W 1st So FOR SALEA trap ruDbertired good as new cost 800 for 90 A- top buggy iubbertlred In good shape UO express wagon with pole and top for canyon use 50 Apply 23 W 6th 60 Boll phone 8984Y Ind 2545 HORSES Sixty head 1000 to 1600 Ibs Guaranteed- to be as represented or money refunded Salt Lake Horse and Mule Market 314343 West Fifth South Carload extra good horses Just received 1500 to 1700 lbs FOR SALE44 acres 2 acres In or- chard ¬ 6room house granary barn Good poultry bee and fruit farm Wm J Cowley P O Box 76 Layton Utah FOR SALE Furniture of 7room rooming house by owner cheap rent No3 So W Temple must sell a snap Bell 4302 Ind 1638 FOR SALEPictures oil paintings cheap inspection Invited Adrian Hotel 840 West So Temple Ind phone 3619 I FOR SALEBoarding house fixtures have 18 boarders now can sleep 22 get 600 per week with lease for 1 year can be had for 5 years rent 40 per mo 150000 buys this cleared 85000 last year in a good thriving Idaho town 6000 population Call or ad ¬ dress 237 Rldgo Ave Idaho Falls Ida Mrs C E Moulding FOR SALE A 6room brick house Large corner lot Three blocks from xhe car line Price 2000 Terms 25 down and 325 per month Phone 914 Ind Bell 4071X FOR SALECheap 1 good square piano 15000 2 1 heavy work horses 2 smaller work horses 1 set heavy work harness 1 Ii wide tire wagon 628 w 4th North FOR SALEHave just arrived with an extra good car of horses and mules from my ranch In Colorado want to sell at once Can be seen at Salt Lake Horse Mulo market 3443 W Sth So John- E Burn i FOR SALE Furniture of 6room- podern house House for rent One block from Main Phone 2440X FOR SALES venroom boarding souse must be sold at once cheap Good location cheap rent 275 North lid West 4 FOR SALEChicken house matched J umber 18x12 feet also SO bus pota- toes at 40c per bushel 928 Bait 6th South Bell 2SS4T FOR SALE4 refrigerator boxes pining room chairs dining room tables lnen silverware etc kltcnun equip- ment ¬ fine shape for city or country hotels or restaurants Kenyon Hotel lKerc FOR SALE- FOR SALEGeneral merchandise- store at Moscow Utah doing 1500 month only store In the camp good bargain price quoted In writing L Hall Mgr PO Moscow Utah FOR SALEOne 2 h p 3phase West I Inghouse motor almost new 603 New house Bldg Ind 524 FOR SALE Give us your plan we build tho house 300 to 500 down 20 to 25 per month see us for home building Gundry Alder 604 Scott Bldg Phono 4170 FOR SALEPope Waverly electric automobile 1908 model In good condi ¬ tion cheap Address T 27 HeraldRe ¬ publican- FOR SALE Dairy outfit wagon route bottles cows etc 656 S 13 IV FOR SALECheap one nice gentle saddle horse one gentle buggy team 2 rubber tired buggies double and single harness Inquire 63 E 2nd So FOR SALE Combined driving and saddle horse Address 630 South State FOR SALETwo desirable building lots FolsomH addition Call 262 South- West Temple FOR SALE A new 4room house lot 66x126 fruit and shade trees barn and chicken coops good llowtng well 3 blocks from car line JlSOO 25 down and 25 per month Phone Jnd 914 FOR SALESaddle horses to hire We have bought all of Mr Pursells horses and those together with several other good saddlers will now be for hire here Call on us and we will try hard to please you Salt Lake Horse Mule Market 344 W 6th So Bell phone 4167 Ind 4131 FOR SALEFIne piano player ma ¬ hogany with 15 rolls of music 100 cost 300 23 W 1st So FOR SALEAdobes doors windows- and kindling wood 132J West South Temple FOR SALEFurniture of 4room flat Flat for rent 19 per month Modern 29 j West First South FOR SALESmall beautiful riding and driving horse accustomed to chil- dren ¬ Bell phone 954 FOR SALEOne 60ln roll top desk 1 leather desk chair 1 leather office chair revolving book case Cheap Room 4 Commercial Blk FOR SALE Dental office best loca- tion ¬ III Salt Lake Averaging 800 per month Terms If slred or will rent- Z 2 HeraldRepUL xn FOR SALEAn ey ra good and gen- tle ¬ cow 3 years old Just fresh second calf also 2 wagons and double har- ness ¬ 1261 E 7th So Phone 12522 Ind FOR SALEGood horse 566 So 3d East beforo 12 oclock noon FOR SALE Fine piano player ma- hogany ¬ with 15 rolls of music 100 cost 300 23 W 1st So FOR SALETwo good teams cheap- one weighs 2300 and the other 2000 Inquire at 361 W st North between 3 and 6 p m FOR SALELet us frame your pic- tures ¬ Art Wall Paper Co 48 E 1st So St FOR RENT- FOR RENTFine Sroom residence etrlctly modern 630 3d Ave FOR RENTA now 4room brick house with barn we3t side Novelty Utility Agency 71 So W Temple FOR RENTBasement room 8t Ce ella hotel suitable for clothes presser etc Apply Q S Holmes Knutsford hotel FOR RENTModern 6room brick cottage No9 Almeda ave 12th East between South Temple and 1st South Bell 5366K- FOR RENT Three or four unfur- nished ¬ rooms In modern house gas 665 So 2d E FOR RENT7room brick modern except no furnace 30 No 61 F st Bell phone 3009 FOR RENTNew modern fiveroom house Inquire 1104 3d ave Bell 6304K FOR RENTone back room suitable- for one or two men to batch in Price 700 per mo 252 E 3d So FOR RENT Fiveroom brlok gar ¬ den lawn and barn Inquire of owner 1135 E 11th South FOR RENT New apartments 800 to 1100 near depots Call evenings 33 N 7th West FOR RENTSevenroom modern 510 E 3d So Bell 4302 Ind 1538 FOR RENT New 6room modern hot water heat gas range 264 South 7th East FOR RENT Office space on ground floor 63 Main street THE ALLIANCE INVEST CO Phones 4443 FOR RENTNew and all modern houses of 4 and 5 rooms 886 East 4th South FOR RENT 3 desks and cask room Jas 1C Shaw Co 300 D lr Walker FOR RENTThree modern rooms sleeping or housekeeping closets gas range light 612 S 4th East FOR RENTTwo or three modern unfurnished rooms en suite 132 a 2d East FOR RENTRooms orchard garden pasturage Richards 13th East Phone Forest 164K FOR RENTStore for rent at 227 W 1st South FOR RENTHouse 4 rooms 843 3d East st See Rivers 48 E 1st So et FOR RENTTwo modern housekeep ¬ ing rooms 20 E 7th South FOR RENT4room modern flat close in sleeping porches 25 64 Second ave Bell phone 615X FOR RENT7room strictly modern east bench close In Phone 385SIC FOR RENT 5rm modern brick cot- tage ¬ 286 E st Phone 144 Owner FOR RENT 3joom house north ¬ west 1000 5room modern southwest 1650 Both phones Addison Cain FOR RENT3 largo roOms pantry and closet 437 South 5th West FOR RENTResidence furnished or unfurnished 505 C street FOR RENTModern 4 and 5ro m flat at Kensington Bell 2027Z FOR RENTFourroom house 1110 East 1st South U U Hiskey 201 Scott bldg FOR RENT23 houses of all kinds and prices Tuttle Bros Co 153 Main St FOR RENTUS 6room house 813 W 3d So Phone Bell 939 Ind 3649R FOR RENTIn Narvex aparemens 230 E 3d So 3room apartments Phone Bell 3565Y FOR RENT4room modern gas range 253 So 4th Bait FOR RENT- FOR RENT Strictly modern two room apartment Marquette 3d Bo and 6th East FOR RENTNice store room Just east of Grand theatre fine basement Apply G S Holmes Knutsford hotel FOR RENTFor the summer 4 room cottage in the beautiful Cotton- wood district from May 1 to November 1 fine shade spring water and frultj south of the Judge farm Address 85s Sherman avenue FOR RENTFine modern store rooms in new HolmesKnox building cor Second South and State streets Apply G S Holmes Knutsford hotel FOR RENT Large well lighted suite of office rooms Inquire Salt Lake Security Trust Co 32 Main at FOR RENTHeated apartment 2 blocks from Main St gas range refrigerator and wardrobe furnished Phone 1350K FOR RENT Half of store room tor- rent Good window space Call 78 W 2a South FOR RENT room modern brick no children 20 Apply 823 East 2d South FOR RENT 0room new brick mod- ern ¬ Inquire 131 D street FOR RENTFiveroom brick new modern at 12th South and 14th East Phone Ind 914 FOR RENT Modern apartment of 4 rooms bath rear porch Janitor service and laundry May 1 furnished or un ¬ furnished Both phones 56 Lund Apts 13G 7th East FOR RENTSevenroom modern close- In fiveroom modern close in John A Houghton 503 Boyd Park block FOR RENTPianos at Rivers Bros 23 West 3d So FOR RENT Furnished room close In reasonable Rex Hotol 202 West- 3d So- FOR RENTNew and pretty five room modern cottage reception hall mantel baement and attic very con- venient ¬ E 2d So fine distance from Main St This 13 nice Both phones 1112 FOR RENT4rm mod terrace with basement room 2250 9rm mod brick E 2d So 5000 7rm mod brick close in 3500 6 rooms W of D R G depot 2000 JAS K SHAW CO 300 D F Walker FOR RENT6 nice rooms all mod- ern ¬ new brick building over store 2175 Bell also Bell 3914X FOR RENTA 3room modern flat Ap ¬ ply Janitor Oxford flats 119 West North Tempi Salt Lake City Utah FOR RENTFURNISHEDF- OR RENT Three rooms pantry and hall 873 E 9th So Bell phone 4S39K FOR RENTFIve rooms modern furnished piano close in 35 Inquire 36 Almond St FOR RENT Modern furnished apart- ment ¬ all conveniences Apply 9 St Regjs apartments 211 E 2d So FOR RENT Rooms close In reason- able ¬ Rex Hotel 202 West 3d South FOR RENTNicely furnished front room in modern home 325 So 2d East FOR RENTTwo light housekeep- ing ¬ rooms 29 W 5th South Very rea- sonable ¬ FOR RENTThe Alexandria 330 So- W Temple elegantly furnished apart ¬ ments also single rooms Bell phone 2388 FOR RENT TH1J COLONIAL Handsomely furnished apartments from 30 a month and up Also single rooms with bath 144 W 1st So Bell phone- Ex 42- FOR RENT 5room cottage 43 M St 30 per month Bell phone 1291X FOR RENTNicely furnished room cheap near town 532 So W Temple FOR RENT3 modern newly fur ¬ nished rooms close in no children Call 2893Y Bel FOR RENT Furnished room for gen- tlemen ¬ in Ivanhoe apartments Call Bell 2774 FOR RENTFor light housekeeping- or board and rooms No 12 Cottage court 4th East between 6th and 7th So 1233K Bell FOR JIENT Nicely furnished rooms strictly modern reasonable 6 Ken- dall ¬ square W Temple bet 4th and 5th So Ind 1039 FOR RENT One furnished room modern house hot water heat and bath 321 So 4th East Phone 1467Z FOR RENT Large front room vita alcove bath etc 72 North State FOR RENTNicely furnished house ¬ keeping apartment in the Esther 76 First ave Phone 3926K FOR RENTSleeping room 160 per week 146 South Third East FOR RENTLarge front room beau ¬ tifully furnished modern close in 25S5Y FOR RENT Rooms for light house ¬ keeping close In 315 E 2d So FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms on ground floor for light housekeeping 227 W 1st South FOR RENT One nicely furnished- room with alcove 462 E 4th So FOR RENTYoung married couple leaving city wish to rent their newly furnished home of three modern rooms No children Bell phone 2S93Y or call No 2 Wright place 622 So 1st West FOR RENTThree nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping 18 257 W 5th South Bell phone 4380Z FOR REN Three furnished or un ¬ furnished housekeeping rooms cheap 517 So 5th East- RENTNicely FOR furnished rooms light housekeeping 44 South 2d East FOR RENTModern furnished rooms 209 East 4th South FOR RENTTwo nicely furnished rooms In modern house for young cou- ple ¬ ortwo gentlemen 226 N W Tem- ple ¬ FOR RENTFurnished modern 7 room house during summer months Apply mornings 134 H st FOR RENTNicely furnished room for 1 or 2 10 a month 132 B street FOR RENTTwo nicely furnished rooms gas range and bath for light housekeeping Ind phone 1051 Boll 1697 FOR RENT My furnished home 8 room modern on E 2d So to the right party Jas K Shaw 300 D F Walker FOR RENTTwo rooms bath and pantry electric lights and use of phone 3897 BelL 730 W 3d North FOR RENTTwo nicely furnished rooms thoroughly modern central ref- erences ¬ 733 South 2d East Bell 1SCSK FOR RENTStalls in our large brick warehouse rates reasonable padded mov- ing ¬ vans Kimball Van Storage Co 13 W 1st South FOR RENTFURNISHEDF- OR RENTFurnished also for light housekeeping 76 East 5th South FOR RENTFurnished room modern one block north Eagle gate Tel 4S73K No 9 Emery flats FOR RENTFurnished rooms most desirable location 111 East South Temple FOR RENTFurnIshed suite of two rooms for housekeeping ill East So Temple Close in FOR RENT THE ALEXANDRIA 330332 South West Temple only one apartment left several single rooms elegantly furnished reasonable Bell 2388 FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms in a modern house 663 S 3d East Ind 2364 FOR RENTNeatly furnished suite of rooms and single bedroom for gentle- men ¬ 25 Union ave between 3d and 4th So East WANTED WANTED Shetland pony wanted mare Inquire I X L Stores Co WANTED Elderly lady wants un ¬ furnished room not over 3 month Ind 195- 2WANTEDTwo rooms singly or en suite with board in private family modern house Address T 23 Herald Republican WANTEDTo buy two teams wag ¬ ons and harness on monthly install- ments ¬ Address 854 W 7th South WANTED Highest price paid for Iron brass rags bottles rubber copper etc Utah Junk Co 840 to 900 South 4th West street Both phones 229 WANTEDHave your springs stretched made good as new all kinds of furni- ture ¬ repaired William FaIrchild 41 South West Temple care Louis Hook WANTED 10000 people of Salt Lake City to call in the Salt Lake Pool Bil- liard ¬ hall 8 firstclass barber shops In connection and inspect and admire the finest work done In Salt Lake City by Mr Nicholas Karlanefles from Europe- a firstclass artist for decorating ceilings and walls in large halls and stores as well as in homes who are lovers of art Anyone who wishes work of this kind done will please call on Mr Nicholas a perfect gentleman In every respect and is now ready for orders Most reason- able ¬ for this country Mr Nicholas Is always at the Salt Lake Billiard Hall ready to talk to ladies or gentlemen who wish to have some work performed Hall- is open from 7 a m to 10 p m 70 Com- mercial ¬ street city- WANTEDYour old furniture up ¬ holstered and old mattresses made new by the Utah Bedding Mfg Company Phones 383 Call us up for informa- tion ¬ WANTEDBrickwork contract or day by practical man able to handle men and blueprints city or country Replies to Box R 4 HeraldRepublicanG- UNDRY 8= ALDER- We solicit listing in houses to sell or rent 504 Scott building 168 So Main Phone Bell 417- 0WANTEDSollettora 645 W 3d North Perfection Mfg Co WANTED good room with break ¬ fast by young man state terms Z 10 HeraldRepublican WANTED Would purchase rooming house of twenty to thirty rooms close- In Address giving location price eta P O Box 1661 Salt Lake City WANTEDTo buy from owner a 4 or 5room terrace on east side at once 4170 WANTEDA well digger Inquire- of Charles Bromm care Utah Gas Coke Co office or 17th E and 12th So street Ind phone 432- 4LOST LOST One black mare weight 1300 one dark bay mare 1000 strayed from 13 So and 2d W Return same and re ¬ ceive reward Bell phone Forest 186 LOSTSmall check book containing- two travelers checks of 50 each also return ticket from Ogden to Milwaukee liberal reward and no questions asked Return to HeraldRepublican office LOSTStrayed or stolen one horse 6 years old weight between 1150 and 1200 Ibs dark bay color branded E D on right hip one white hind foot on right star on forehead Reward if returned to H9 South 2fl West FOUND FOUND = A notebook with valuable receipt In city and county bldg grounds Owner can haVo same by calling at this office and paying for this ad- WANTEDSITUATIONS WANTED Situation as bookkeeper by young woman 23 years old having 8 years practical experience competent- and capable of taking charge of books conversant with details of cashier and of- fice ¬ work Chicago and San Francisco experience Address 0 23 HeraldRepub- lican ¬ WANTEDYoung man firstclass baker on bread and rolls would like po- sition ¬ in city or country Address Z 9 HeraldRepublican WANTEDposition as waitress In restaurant or cafe Address 237 West 1st South WANTEDPosition by experienced bookkeeper can give best of references Address Z 6 HeraldRepublican WANTED Japanese wants posi- tion ¬ as housecleaning day or hours Bell phone 4884 WANTEDMan wishes position as gardner has had experience and can furnish references Address Z 4 Her ¬ aldRepublican WANTEDPosition as stenographer- by young lady High school graduate- Bell Main 1779Z FEMALE HELP WANTED WAJjTES S cSmSetent tgfr for housework and cooking no laundry work 667 E 2d South WANTED lady solicitor to travel- in southern Utah and secure subscrip ¬ tions for the 8page Provo Weekly Herald Call Mr Gunter 260 1st ave- nue ¬ Bell phone 4942K Salt Lake City for particulars- WANTEDGood steady girl for gen ¬ eral housework 3 in family good home and wages to right party 361 4th Ave WANTED Ladles I loan money OB diamonds and jewelry at low interest Uncle Frank 6 I East 3d So Ind 952 WANTEDFour ladles for houseto house demonstrating out of the city must be goodappearing intelligent and furnish character reference steady em ¬ ployment salary and expense paid Call mornings 653 8d avenue Mrs Calvins- WANTEDGood cook will be well paid If right party 553 3d avenu- eWANTEDCompetent girl good wages reference required Apply tore noon 95 E 1st North Bell phone 314- 6WANTEDA good girl for general housework no washing good waxes 1001 E So Temple WANTED FEMALE HELPv X > V N r N STKOUKS EMPLOIMENT AGENCY Oldest and Best No 4 East Second South St- WANTEDMother and daughter boarding house S90 Woman cook 65 Woman cook 35 2 waitresses Idaho 30 4 waitresses out 25 and 86 2 chambermaids 20 10 house girls good wages Empire Employment Agency No 3 West 2d South- WANTEDA young girl to assist with work no cooking 218 1st ave WANTEDCook to assist in iron ¬ ing 305 1st ave- WANTEDYoung woman to tend baby and do light housework Apply 35 Postofflce Place WANTEDExperienced young lady- as clerk Peoples Cash tore- TEDStenographer A References The Mount Pickle Co WANTEDA competent woman who understands dressmaking as partner Call after 6 p m 221 West 7th South WANTED dining room girls at Bonds restaurant 1 a day- WANTEDA woman to cook also second girl 126 A St WANTED4 waitresses for Montana Fare paid 35 per month See mana- ger ¬ here today I pantry woman city 10 a week Strocks Employment Agency No 4 East Second South street- WANTEDGood cook experienced- with good references None other need apply Family of three Wages 35 Call between 10 and 1030 a m Thurs- day ¬ Bring your reference Inquire for Mr De Camp RandallDodd Auto Co 223 State street- WANTEDGirl for general house ¬ work at once 827 So Main Mrs Smortz WANTED girl for general house ¬ work Small family Apply H Samp- son ¬ apartments morning or even ¬ ing 8d East and 3d South- WANTEDGirl for general house- work ¬ 323 So 10th E Bell phone 4245Z- WANTEDDining room girls Ap ¬ ply at Franklins 108 So Main WANTED girl for general house ¬ work also one for second work 678 Brigham- WANTEDGirl to assist with general housework good wages Apply 79 E- at 3 WANTED Empire Employment Agency Always Reliable Basement No 8 West 2d Sout- hWANTEDGirl for general house ¬ work good wages 416 E 1st So- WANTEDGood girl for general house work 221 W 4th So street- WANTEDGirl for general house work In family of three Bell 4088K- WANTEDCompetent girl for gen- eral housework with reference Ap ¬ ply 36 South 6th East WANTEDSeveral lady demonstrators for housetohouse work good salary and expenses paid steady employment- must i be neat and intelligent CaU 553 3d avenue BOARD AND ROOMS YOUNG WOMENS CHRlSTlA is SOCIATIONS noon lunch and rest rooms 814 Brooks Arcade corner State and Third South Homecooked food daintily served Lunch room open daily except Sunday 12 to 2 oclock Office and rest rooms open 9 a m to 5 p m WANTEDBoard and two rooms single or en suite in private family strictly modern for gentlemen Ad ¬ dress T 23 HeraldRepublican- THE STANCOMBEExcellent board modern terms close In 327 E 1st So SINGLE and double rooms good board fine location In city reasonable for 2 or 3 young men Bell phone 648Y 233 1st ave Ind phone 1886 MALE HELP WANTED STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Oldest and Best No 4 East Second South St WANTEDPlumber and steam fitter wanted steady work 6 per day at Great Falls Mont J F Boyd- WANTEDReliable aggressive ad ¬ vertising solicitor at once for propo- sition ¬ of exceptional merit Address- Z 18 HeraldRepublican WANTEDBarber at 328 South State st St Cecil- eWANTEDThoroughly experienced bookkeeper accustomed to typewriter steady position to right party 75 per month 156 Main St- WANTEDFive bridge carpenters- for Idaho 350 day fare paid Strocks Employment Agency No4 East Second South street WANTEDYoung man to help out Saturday must have some experience- in selling State Street Shoe Store- WANTEDGood steady solicitor must give references Apply 156 East Second South- WANTEDA Greek or Austrian no oustomed to handling men to take charge of construction gang must be able to speak and write English flu ¬ ently must be willing to leave town answer fully stating past employment Address Contractor Z 8 HeraldRepub ¬ lican WANTEDTwo good carpet layers Apply Carpet Dept KOB C- oWANTEDFirstclass salesman Ap ¬ ply only by letter State experience- and give firms you have traveled for as reference Address J G McDonald Choc Co- WANTEDImmediately two boys with wheels Z C M I Drug Store WANTEDA capable eatesma to handle our New International Encyclo ¬ paedia Some of our salesmen mak 500 a month Call mornings before 11 Dodd Mend Co 620 Dooly Block- WANTEDGeneral office man with ex- perience ¬ Address RIO HeraldRepub- lican ¬ WANTEDExperienced extra Satur ¬ day man Hlrschraans Shoe Co WANTEDExperienced BDoe salesman Hlrschman Shoe Co WANTEDExperienced salesman for retail clothing department Address 9 HeraldRepublican WANTEDA barber at 14 Exchange place steady job WANTED100 carpenters at 450 per day of 8 hours also 10 plumbers- and 6 steam fitters at 6 per day of 3 hours steady employment guaranteed Great Falls Industrial Labor Union Great Falls Mont apply Union halt WANTED No 1 stock salesman- or stock brokerage to sell stock in a big moneypaying proposition perfect- ly ¬ solid and established most attrac- tive ¬ and best selling stock on the mar ¬ ket Address Bpjc 371 City WANTEDMALE HELP WANTEDSO men to borrow money on their diamonds watches etc at Uncle Franks Loan Office 5 East 3d South WANTEDSpecialty salesman must have had experience none other need apply Address T 22 HeraldRepub ilcan BUSINESS DIRECTORY ASSAYERS J W CUKKJit iu Weal 3d douili St Salt Lake City Samples by mall or ex press receive prompt attention R B OFFICER CO assayers 163 South West Tempi St Salt Lak City UNION ASSAY OFFICE 152 SOUTH- West Temple street BIRDCOWAN CO ISO So West Temple St Bell Oil ATTORNEYS UUUiH LJUki I BAUUtiU lUCHft- LEWINSOHU 6C8 60S Boston Bide Both telephones 607 TANTA1DALDITOR HENRY C UAW Small sets of accounts kept at reas- onable ¬ monthly rates Audits given special attention Phones 492 P O Box 983- trunks BUYING AND SELLING ALL hlLJI w LU1ULul LUI4u valises best prices paid 28 Com- mercial ¬ it Send postal card Phone 377 L CARD READERS MADAM SNYDER Psychic Palmist- and card reader Union block 231 So Main room 3 CLEANING AND DYEING SALT LAKE CLKAM OK jji so State Bell phono 235 Ind 1784 BANKS AND BANKING- U ei ijepuslwr3- DESERET NATIONAL BANK Capital 500000 surplus 50000- 081FET DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT L B Hills president John C Cutler Tics president II 8 Young cashier E S Hills assistant cashier L W Burton as- sistant cashier Directors John P Barnes A W Carbon John C Cutler David Eccles L S Hills Francis M Lyman W H Melntyre W W Biter George Eomney Reed Smoot John C Sharp John K Winder H G Whitney JIcCORNICK CO BANKERS Salt Lake City Utah Established 1ST UTAH COMMERCIAL II SAVINGS bank Wm V Armstrong Pres Byron Oroo cashier commercial banking In all Its branches i per cent on savings depos- its ¬ accounts solicited satisfactory ser- vice ¬ guaranteed MERCHANTS BANK Officers H P Clark President John J Daly VP A H Peabody VP W H Shearman Cashier C tD READING MRS R FORDYCE 429 So 2d E Card readings and astrologlet CARPET CLEANING tsAlilIl A L euiAuu pressed air and steam Work guaranteed National House Cleaning Co Pnone 4256 Bell 978 Ind- CARPENTER AND JOBBER REPAIR YOUR HOUSE FROM CEL LAR TO ROOF MCUNE IND 2392 CLEARING AND PRESSING NEW METHOD CLEANING CO 330 SO WEST TEMPLE cleaners of fine wearing apparel We charge for what- we do and thoroughly do what we charge for Phones Bell 4645 Ind 1657 ROYAL CLEANING PRESSING- Co Work called for and delivered Bell 1992 Ind 1992 CHIROPODIST DU KLliSAUKTU L WISilfcJH nuli 415416 Security Trust bldg 34 Main ft- CLAJffiTOYANT DR STELLA TER YTtranTeTbusT ness medium gives you reliable infor- mation ¬ in all affairs of life mining a specialty 51 Lenox Hotel Call and be convinced MRS W WEIR from San Francisco gives clairvoyant psychometric and card readings daily on business and love affairs etc Satisfaction guaran ¬ teed No 4 Dubel avenue Second So between 3d and 4th East Bell 4794Y DENTISTS DR E M KEYSOR rooms 200201 Boyd Park Bldg 162 So Main Bell 3954 Ind 117R DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING and ladles tailoring work guaranteed Ind 3921 167 W 5th SoFRENCH DRY CLEANING CITY CLEANING PRESSING CO 61 W 8d So GENTS Bell SUITS 39c6 Ind Sm French Dry or Steam Cleaned LE LIES SKIRTS French Dry Cleaned 1 and LS AND THE DRIVER WILL CALL MONEY TO LON WE LOAN in large amount or small amounts for long time or short Um We give every borrower the re ¬ pay any amount any time and stop In- terest ¬ Fair rates liberal treatment 3n Investment Savn L i and 10 W First South MONEY advanced on pianos O So Main St Room 16 NOTES OF SALARIED PEOPLE and business concerns bought without security cheapest rates easiest D Tolman Room 838 Atlas payment l block OPTIONAL loans OB Utah and Idaho farms and city property Earl Co 225 Felt Bldg 5 Per CentMoneyS Per Cent WHY PAY RENT Why have to own your lot before you get a loan Ten years experience In the business and no foreclosure The Capital Security Co Inc Dooly WE WANT to meet you and explain why we make more real estate loa than any three competitors combined RUlel 1 Tracy No 1 East lt BouU at t MONEY toan any amount ont to fIve ear Jfc t I haw C 300 D 1 Walker BUILDING loans free booklet of plans Salt Lake Security I Trust C 1 Up aim ON DIAMONDS watcher Jewelry etc at low rates of Interest Uncle Franks Loan Office 6 East Sd South Ind 152- AMOUNTS OF J600 AND UP low rate of Houston Real Estate Inv Co Irterst 81 Main Street Paanes 27 LOANS Becotlate for per SAY business confidential anUy 41 employed BUILDING real estate ana farm loans Elmer E Darling Co 117 Main street ON UTAH and Idaho farms special o ttou Miller k Vlris m Uofisrnkk BM BUSINESS DIRECTORY FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1ALCOL L BUTLER res under 1 State st Bell phone 1 FLORISTS j JAtLLIJJMA5 lUHAL fj No b South Main with Drug Co Leading FtorUU WUeaHore IU luue designs Phones 14 RICHARD E EVANS St SO MAIN St Both phone AL Kealdenco HT1 U avtou cn = HOTELS SuLar Hi Propr sit East lac bouUt v I Jc tO end IR- YMOND rWrat 62 Main street and modern Centra1 tltO per dayHOUSE MOVING A L FRAZIER HOUSEMOVINU raising and repairing Bell Forest 1z HAT PACORY locKea and mtninmed o Phone expert Fre Taylor> M East lit a i A LAUNDRIES LACE curtains nicely laundered 2a cents a pair and up Phone Bell 41652 LIS TURKISH BATHS 1Al OK ZILGIiL pert latiy w- ant Face massage manicuring flair Sanitarium parlors 63 Weat South BelMl Ind I J- LY AlCUX bTAjjlfaa Hutu pnone 1 SOD WIVES AIltj itZh1J tjLd1ati Uu kl N private tomoforconfinementcaVej Bail 1493X lad 437 MASSAGE IIZIIII STRICTLY sr class oTkT alP on- o6 W 2d So suite 4 positively the only perfectly equipped establishment of Us kind In the west for ladle and gentlemen Always ope- nOSTEOPATH DR A- I JtQutI1joN 4910 Met cntUa bioJ over Walkers itoru bitS phonu 6 sing X DR MARY GAMBLE 616 Templeton Both Phones Residence 117 I st Bell 18702 rings DR M DOWEL 30JBC3 Scott Bldg Phones 408 residence Bell Z11K DR GRACE bTRATTON 60705 Scott BidgBouinhcnInd332 Bell m t PRINTING STAR PRINTING CO boos and Joe printing bookbinding and paper ruling a- Postofflee Place Telephone lS8- PAmROKRS ulL Itepuiibie utlata Pawnbroker Money loaned on any- thing ¬ of value SO E let So PAINTERS PIANOS polished and refinished also furniture polished A J Gordon 23 W 1st So References Phone 1058 PAPER CLEAG THE ART paper cleaners Wall pa- per tinted walls and kalsomlne cleanec Phone all hours Bell 5SSS Ind 32 EXPERT workmen reasonable prices National House Cleaning Co lieU 421 Ind 97- 2PAPERING d AND KASOMNUG WANTEDP4inLlrg onu pu fIanH lfomlnlng wal paper cleaning white- washing ¬ calls at Coombs Drug CoBoth phones 136 Ind phone a PAPER HANGING lAPktliANUkG decorating end painting first class work ordlnaf in price work Wti timates Joe Paull 617 W S Ind phone 185- 0PAPERItANGINGANDPAINTING AWIfl kA1NTkG CO House and tSign Painting from Aloha to Omega Bell u Ind 2449 RUGS FROM YOUR old carpets by Eastern Fluff Rugs Co 306 W 3d So Bell phone 3480 THE Ridgway Rug Co Fluff rugs from old carpets 551 South State SECONDHAND CLOTHING WE BUY AND clothes and trunks Call Bell SELold Commercial street = SHORT course Dy mafi5 no book to buy Easily one month Agents throughout U S wanted Sev ¬ en Inst 85 Mercantile City STOVE AND RANGE REPAIRS LININGS GRATES AND WATER jackets all makes G D Lovett Foun- dry ¬ 44 No 7th W Bell 2304K Ind IS18 STOCK BROKERS K M Wiws at iu IluK 32i D F Walker Blk Both phones office and r STORAGE moving packing YA i llOh brandnow GE modern warehouse Bell US Ind UQ West lit South 1 SEWING JIACHINE EXCHANGE NEW tagtrstlw per month Your own makes First claii condition fully warranted Dont conlle er buying until you see us Raleigh 2 W lit So Bell 8028 bud 10 SECONDHAND STORS WE BUY and sell all kinds of house- hold gcods O K Furniture Co 209 So WT Temple Bell 1996 Ind 6 WANT to buy secondhand furniture trade new for old Bell 5145 Ind 43 TYPEWRITING FULL course 5 Blindfold window demonstrators wanted throughout U 8 Taught In 7 days Seven last I Mercantile City TYPEWRIT- ERSffRITERSRENTez ¬ changed sold Phones 480 Utah Type- writer Exchange Co 62 W 2d South TAILORS BILL1E ROWE Aristocratic Clothes 4S1 Judge Bd WOLF THE TALOR SOS Judge Bd Clothes a you lke thm Both WALL PAPER CLEANING B PREECE Painter Wall Paper Cleaner and Kalsomlner ill > it East Bl UUJ

I READ PROFIT I Republican USE Want Ads Linechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1910-04-29/ed...I SECTION TWO THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRIDAY APRIL 29 1910 1

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Page 1: I READ PROFIT I Republican USE Want Ads Linechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058140/1910-04-29/ed...I SECTION TWO THE HERALDREPUBLICAN SALT LAKE CITY UTAH FRIDAY APRIL 29 1910 1






FOR SALE 7room pressed brickmodern corner J and 6th avenue Ind10013 4room modern 3115 So StateInd 10013

FOR SALES 14 Mitchell wagongear good as new very cheap 323N 1st West

FOR SALEi White sewing ma ¬

chines good as new from 350 to 5

must sell J H Harr 33 No StateMurray Utah

FOR SALE Standard sewing machinesWalter M Jns sole agent 32 Richardstree

FOR TRFinp tnk hat cases onfshoe ghiiiI Ip niu MI and show casesAV L Wtlo> rbi a Iji and 160 W 1st So

FOR SALE 3room house large lotIn Murray cheap or will trade lor lotIn city H J Smith Murray Bothphones

FOR SALE OR RENTBy owner ata bargain 6room house with bathlight and range lot 40x165 feet lawncement walks and shade trees barn for4 animals and good chicken coops No058 Pierpont avenue Phono owner3345X or 85 Will rent to right party

FOR SALE Fine bull pups cheapAndrlon Hotel 240 West South Temple

FOR SALEFurniture of 7roomhouse House for rent 224 W 2d So

FOR SALES elegantly far rooms furniture for sale Modern house for rentwithin walking distance This wont lastlong at price offered Party leaving cityDell phone 31S5X 434 South 4th East

FOR SALE200 head ot stock cattle BS Hinckley Bell 4M2K 840 E 7th So

FOR SALE Choice Dahlia buds forBale 1 per dot and up 390 D St

FOR SALESetting eggs singlecomb and rosecomb Rhode Island redswhite Plymouth Rock and prizewin¬

ning barred Plymouth Rocks 100 persetting Call 615 E let So Bell Main302

FOR SALEFine grass sod out anddelivered 25c per yard Inquire Bell1566Y

FOR SALEUSO certificate 3d prize-on DaynesBeebe Bell 4164

FOR SALESrm modern house n e part

city 7JS250firm modern cottage s e part

City 3150Brm brick 6x20 rods good track ¬

age lot 250070x115 feet on 10th E so of 6th

South 12502ixlO rds corner 6th So and

1st West 800JAS 1C SHAW CO

300 D F WalkerFOR SALEGood upright piano 109

money wanted today 23 W 1st So

FOR SALE White Homer pigeonsRear 126 South 9th East

FOR SALE Large business cornerState street 1269 cash terms on bal-ance


6 per cent Address Z 7 HeraldRepublican

FOR SALEOld violin for sale ortrade Call 343 South 6th East

FOR SALEGood upright piano 100money wanted today 23 W 1st So

FOR SALESmall restaurant cheapInquire 130 West 1st South

FOR SALEThere are two Orpheumtheatre tickets good for todays mat ¬

inee or evenIng performance at TheHeraldRepublican office for G Freed-man 344 West South Tomple Pleasecall before 6 oclock and present acopy of this ad and prove your iden-tity


your last subscription receiptwill do-

FOR SALEA good oun 2 horse forlamB driving weight about 1200 Ap ¬

ply 1038 So 10th East Bell 4483KFOR SALEEntire furnishing of 6

room house rent 135 walking dis-tance


3 rooms upstairs 3 downstairsIncome from upper floor is 44 a monthgiving you a beautiful home free 304East 4th South

FOR SALEGood upright piano 100money wanted today 23 W 1st So

FOR SALEGood investment land2x157 new brick store storeroomcellar fiveroom dwelling basementtiodern splendid opportunity for liveman Must sell leaving state ApplyOwner 1157 South 8th East

FOR SALETwo work teams andwagons Enquire 767 So StateJTOR SALE

ROSES AND SHRUBSHardy home grown 2yearold roots

PorterWalton Co Seedsmen Opp Knutsford Hotel Phones 1506

FOR SALE Fine plat player malogany with 15 rolls 100 cost 530023 W 1st So

FOR SALEA trap ruDbertiredgood as new cost 800 for 90 A-top buggy iubbertlred In good shapeUO express wagon with pole and topfor canyon use 50 Apply 23 W 6th60 Boll phone 8984Y Ind 2545

HORSESSixty head 1000 to 1600 Ibs Guaranteed-

to be as represented or money refundedSalt Lake Horse and Mule Market 314343West Fifth South Carload extra goodhorses Just received 1500 to 1700 lbs

FOR SALE44 acres 2 acres In or-chard


6room house granary barnGood poultry bee and fruit farm WmJ Cowley P O Box 76 Layton Utah

FOR SALE Furniture of 7roomrooming house by owner cheap rentNo3 So W Temple must sell a snapBell 4302 Ind 1638

FOR SALEPictures oil paintingscheap inspection Invited Adrian Hotel840 West So Temple Ind phone 3619I

FOR SALEBoarding house fixtureshave 18 boarders now can sleep 22 get

600 per week with lease for 1 yearcan be had for 5 years rent 40 permo 150000 buys this cleared 85000last year in a good thriving Idahotown 6000 population Call or ad ¬

dress 237 Rldgo Ave Idaho Falls IdaMrs C E Moulding

FOR SALE A 6room brick houseLarge corner lot Three blocks fromxhe car line Price 2000 Terms 25down and 325 per month Phone 914Ind Bell 4071X

FOR SALECheap 1 good squarepiano 15000 21 heavy work horses 2smaller work horses 1 set heavy workharness 1 Ii wide tire wagon 628 w4th North

FOR SALEHave just arrived with anextra good car of horses and mules frommy ranch In Colorado want to sell atonce Can be seen at Salt Lake HorseMulo market 3443 W Sth So John-E Burn i

FOR SALE Furniture of 6room-podern house House for rent Oneblock from Main Phone 2440X

FOR SALES venroom boardingsouse must be sold at once cheapGood location cheap rent 275 Northlid West

4 FOR SALEChicken house matchedJ umber 18x12 feet also SO bus pota-

toes at 40c per bushel 928 Bait 6thSouth Bell 2SS4T

FOR SALE4 refrigerator boxespining room chairs dining room tableslnen silverware etc kltcnun equip-


fine shape for city or countryhotels or restaurants Kenyon Hotel



FOR SALEGeneral merchandise-store at Moscow Utah doing 1500month only store In the camp goodbargain price quoted In writing LHall Mgr PO Moscow Utah

FOR SALEOne 2 h p 3phase West I

Inghouse motor almost new 603 Newhouse Bldg Ind 524

FOR SALE Give us your plan webuild tho house 300 to 500 down 20to 25 per month see us for homebuilding Gundry Alder 604 ScottBldg Phono 4170

FOR SALEPope Waverly electricautomobile 1908 model In good condi ¬

tion cheap Address T 27 HeraldRe ¬


FOR SALE Dairy outfit wagonroute bottles cows etc 656 S 13 IV

FOR SALECheap one nice gentlesaddle horse one gentle buggy team 2

rubber tired buggies double and singleharness Inquire 63 E 2nd So

FOR SALE Combined driving andsaddle horse Address 630 South State

FOR SALETwo desirable buildinglots FolsomH addition Call 262 South-West Temple

FOR SALE A new 4room house lot66x126 fruit and shade trees barn andchicken coops good llowtng well 3

blocks from car line JlSOO 25 downand 25 per month Phone Jnd 914

FOR SALESaddle horses to hireWe have bought all of Mr Pursellshorses and those together with severalother good saddlers will now be for hirehere Call on us and we will try hardto please you Salt Lake Horse MuleMarket 344 W 6th So Bell phone 4167Ind 4131

FOR SALEFIne piano player ma ¬

hogany with 15 rolls of music 100cost 300 23 W 1st So

FOR SALEAdobes doors windows-and kindling wood 132J West SouthTemple

FOR SALEFurniture of 4roomflat Flat for rent 19 per monthModern 29 j West First South

FOR SALESmall beautiful ridingand driving horse accustomed to chil-dren


Bell phone 954

FOR SALEOne 60ln roll top desk1 leather desk chair 1 leather officechair revolving book case CheapRoom 4 Commercial Blk

FOR SALE Dental office best loca-tion


III Salt Lake Averaging 800 permonth Terms If slred or will rent-Z 2 HeraldRepUL xn

FOR SALEAn ey ra good and gen-tle


cow 3 years old Just fresh secondcalf also 2 wagons and double har-ness


1261 E 7th So Phone 12522 Ind

FOR SALEGood horse 566 So 3dEast beforo 12 oclock noon

FOR SALE Fine piano player ma-hogany


with 15 rolls of music 100cost 300 23 W 1st So

FOR SALETwo good teams cheap-one weighs 2300 and the other 2000Inquire at 361 W st North between 3

and 6 p m

FOR SALELet us frame your pic-tures


Art Wall Paper Co 48 E 1stSo St


FOR RENTFine Sroom residenceetrlctly modern 630 3d Ave

FOR RENTA now 4room brick housewith barn we3t side Novelty UtilityAgency 71 So W Temple

FOR RENTBasement room 8t Ceella hotel suitable for clothes presseretc Apply Q S Holmes Knutsfordhotel

FOR RENTModern 6room brickcottage No9 Almeda ave 12th Eastbetween South Temple and 1st SouthBell 5366K-

FOR RENT Three or four unfur-nished


rooms In modern house gas 665So 2d E

FOR RENT7room brick modernexcept no furnace 30 No 61 F stBell phone 3009

FOR RENTNew modern fiveroomhouse Inquire 1104 3d ave Bell 6304K

FOR RENTone back room suitable-for one or two men to batch in Price700 per mo 252 E 3d So

FOR RENT Fiveroom brlok gar ¬

den lawn and barn Inquire of owner1135 E 11th South

FOR RENT New apartments 800to 1100 near depots Call evenings33 N 7th West

FOR RENTSevenroom modern 510E 3d So Bell 4302 Ind 1538

FOR RENT New 6room modern hotwater heat gas range 264 South 7thEast

FOR RENT Office space on groundfloor 63 Main street


FOR RENTNew and all modernhouses of 4 and 5 rooms 886 East4th South

FOR RENT 3 desks and cask roomJas 1C Shaw Co 300 D lr Walker

FOR RENTThree modern roomssleeping or housekeeping closets gasrange light 612 S 4th East

FOR RENTTwo or three modernunfurnished rooms en suite 132 a 2dEast

FOR RENTRooms orchard gardenpasturage Richards 13th East PhoneForest 164K

FOR RENTStore for rent at 227 W1st South

FOR RENTHouse 4 rooms 843 3dEast st See Rivers 48 E 1st So et

FOR RENTTwo modern housekeep ¬

ing rooms 20 E 7th South

FOR RENT4room modern flatclose in sleeping porches 25 64Second ave Bell phone 615X

FOR RENT7room strictly moderneast bench close In Phone 385SIC

FOR RENT 5rm modern brick cot-tage


286 E st Phone 144 Owner

FOR RENT 3joom house north ¬

west 1000 5room modern southwest1650 Both phones Addison Cain

FOR RENT3 largo roOms pantryand closet 437 South 5th West

FOR RENTResidence furnished orunfurnished 505 C street

FOR RENTModern 4 and 5ro mflat at Kensington Bell 2027Z

FOR RENTFourroom house 1110 East1st South U U Hiskey 201 Scott bldg

FOR RENT23 houses of all kinds andprices Tuttle Bros Co 153 Main St

FOR RENTUS 6room house 813W 3d So Phone Bell 939 Ind 3649R

FOR RENTIn Narvex aparemens230 E 3d So 3room apartmentsPhone Bell 3565Y

FOR RENT4room modern gasrange 253 So 4th Bait


FOR RENT Strictly modern tworoom apartment Marquette 3d Boand 6th East

FOR RENTNice store room Justeast of Grand theatre fine basementApply G S Holmes Knutsford hotel

FOR RENTFor the summer 4room cottage in the beautiful Cotton-wood district from May 1 to November1 fine shade spring water and frultjsouth of the Judge farm Address 85sSherman avenue

FOR RENTFine modern storerooms in new HolmesKnox buildingcor Second South and State streetsApply G S Holmes Knutsford hotel

FOR RENT Large well lightedsuite of office rooms Inquire Salt LakeSecurity Trust Co 32 Main at

FOR RENTHeated apartment 2 blocksfrom Main St gas range refrigerator andwardrobe furnished Phone 1350K

FOR RENT Half of store room tor-rent Good window space Call 78 W 2aSouth

FOR RENT room modern brick nochildren 20 Apply 823 East 2d South

FOR RENT 0room new brick mod-ern


Inquire 131 D streetFOR RENTFiveroom brick new

modern at 12th South and 14th EastPhone Ind 914

FOR RENT Modern apartment of 4

rooms bath rear porch Janitor serviceand laundry May 1 furnished or un¬

furnished Both phones 56 Lund Apts13G 7th East

FOR RENTSevenroom modern close-In fiveroom modern close in John AHoughton 503 Boyd Park block

FOR RENTPianos at Rivers Bros23 West 3d So

FOR RENT Furnished room closeIn reasonable Rex Hotol 202 West-3d So-

FOR RENTNew and pretty fiveroom modern cottage reception hallmantel baement and attic very con-venient


E 2d So fine distance fromMain St This 13 nice Both phones1112

FOR RENT4rm mod terracewith basement room 2250

9rm mod brick E 2d So 50007rm mod brick close in 35006 rooms W of D R G depot 2000

JAS K SHAW CO300 D F Walker

FOR RENT6 nice rooms all mod-ern


new brick building over store 2175Bell also Bell 3914X

FOR RENTA 3room modern flat Ap ¬

ply Janitor Oxford flats 119 West NorthTempi Salt Lake City Utah

FOR RENTFURNISHEDF-OR RENT Three rooms pantry and

hall 873 E 9th So Bell phone 4S39K

FOR RENTFIve rooms modernfurnished piano close in 35 Inquire36 Almond St

FOR RENT Modern furnished apart-ment


all conveniences Apply 9 St Regjsapartments 211 E 2d So

FOR RENT Rooms close In reason-able


Rex Hotel 202 West 3d South

FOR RENTNicely furnished frontroom in modern home 325 So 2d East

FOR RENTTwo light housekeep-ing


rooms 29 W 5th South Very rea-sonable


FOR RENTThe Alexandria 330 So-W Temple elegantly furnished apart ¬

ments also single rooms Bell phone2388


Handsomely furnished apartments from30 a month and up Also single rooms

with bath 144 W 1st So Bell phone-Ex 42-

FOR RENT 5room cottage 43 MSt 30 per month Bell phone 1291X

FOR RENTNicely furnished roomcheap near town 532 So W Temple

FOR RENT3 modern newly fur ¬

nished rooms close in no children Call2893Y Bel

FOR RENT Furnished room for gen-tlemen


in Ivanhoe apartments CallBell 2774

FOR RENTFor light housekeeping-or board and rooms No 12 Cottagecourt 4th East between 6th and 7thSo 1233K Bell

FOR JIENT Nicely furnished roomsstrictly modern reasonable 6 Ken-dall


square W Temple bet 4th and 5thSo Ind 1039

FOR RENT One furnished roommodern house hot water heat and bath321 So 4th East Phone 1467Z

FOR RENT Large front room vitaalcove bath etc 72 North State

FOR RENTNicely furnished house ¬

keeping apartment in the Esther 76First ave Phone 3926K

FOR RENTSleeping room 160 perweek 146 South Third East

FOR RENTLarge front room beau ¬

tifully furnished modern close in25S5Y

FOR RENT Rooms for light house ¬

keeping close In 315 E 2d So

FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms onground floor for light housekeeping227 W 1st South

FOR RENT One nicely furnished-room with alcove 462 E 4th So

FOR RENTYoung married coupleleaving city wish to rent their newlyfurnished home of three modern roomsNo children Bell phone 2S93Y or callNo 2 Wright place 622 So 1st West

FOR RENTThree nicely furnishedrooms for light housekeeping 18 257W 5th South Bell phone 4380Z

FOR REN Three furnished or un ¬

furnished housekeeping rooms cheap517 So 5th East-

RENTNicelyFOR furnished roomslight housekeeping 44 South 2d East

FOR RENTModern furnishedrooms 209 East 4th South

FOR RENTTwo nicely furnishedrooms In modern house for young cou-ple


ortwo gentlemen 226 N W Tem-ple


FOR RENTFurnished modern 7room house during summer monthsApply mornings 134 H st

FOR RENTNicely furnished roomfor 1 or 2 10 a month 132 B street

FOR RENTTwo nicely furnishedrooms gas range and bath for lighthousekeeping Ind phone 1051 Boll1697

FOR RENT My furnished home 8room modern on E 2d So to the rightparty Jas K Shaw 300 D F Walker

FOR RENTTwo rooms bath andpantry electric lights and use ofphone 3897 BelL 730 W 3d North

FOR RENTTwo nicely furnishedrooms thoroughly modern central ref-erences


733 South 2d East Bell 1SCSK

FOR RENTStalls in our large brickwarehouse rates reasonable padded mov-ing


vans Kimball Van Storage Co13 W 1st South


light housekeeping 76 East 5th South

FOR RENTFurnished room modernone block north Eagle gate Tel 4S73KNo 9 Emery flats

FOR RENTFurnished rooms mostdesirable location 111 East SouthTemple

FOR RENTFurnIshed suite of tworooms for housekeeping ill East SoTemple Close inFOR RENT

THE ALEXANDRIA330332 South West Temple only oneapartment left several single roomselegantly furnished reasonable Bell2388

FOR RENT Two nicely furnishedrooms in a modern house 663 S 3dEast Ind 2364

FOR RENTNeatly furnished suite ofrooms and single bedroom for gentle-men


25 Union ave between 3d and4th So East

WANTEDWANTED Shetland pony wanted

mare Inquire I X L Stores Co

WANTED Elderly lady wants un ¬

furnished room not over 3 monthInd 195-

2WANTEDTwo rooms singly or ensuite with board in private familymodern house Address T 23 HeraldRepublican

WANTEDTo buy two teams wag¬

ons and harness on monthly install-ments


Address 854 W 7th South

WANTED Highest price paid for Ironbrass rags bottles rubber copper etcUtah Junk Co 840 to 900 South 4th Weststreet Both phones 229

WANTEDHave your springs stretchedmade good as new all kinds of furni-ture


repaired William FaIrchild 41 SouthWest Temple care Louis Hook

WANTED 10000 people of Salt LakeCity to call in the Salt Lake Pool Bil-liard


hall 8 firstclass barber shops Inconnection and inspect and admire thefinest work done In Salt Lake City byMr Nicholas Karlanefles from Europe-a firstclass artist for decorating ceilingsand walls in large halls and stores aswell as in homes who are lovers of artAnyone who wishes work of this kinddone will please call on Mr Nicholas aperfect gentleman In every respect andis now ready for orders Most reason-able


for this country Mr Nicholas Isalways at the Salt Lake Billiard Hallready to talk to ladies or gentlemen whowish to have some work performed Hall-is open from 7 a m to 10 p m 70 Com-


street city-

WANTEDYour old furniture up ¬

holstered and old mattresses made newby the Utah Bedding Mfg CompanyPhones 383 Call us up for informa-tion


WANTEDBrickwork contract orday by practical man able to handlemen and blueprints city or countryReplies to Box R 4 HeraldRepublicanG-

UNDRY 8= ALDER-We solicit listing in houses to sell or rent

504 Scott building 168 So Main PhoneBell 417-

0WANTEDSollettora 645 W 3d NorthPerfection Mfg Co

WANTED good room with break ¬

fast by young man state terms Z 10HeraldRepublican

WANTED Would purchase roominghouse of twenty to thirty rooms close-In Address giving location price etaP O Box 1661 Salt Lake City

WANTEDTo buy from owner a 4or 5room terrace on east side at once4170

WANTEDA well digger Inquire-of Charles Bromm care Utah GasCoke Co office or 17th E and 12th Sostreet Ind phone 432-


LOST One black mare weight 1300one dark bay mare 1000 strayed from13 So and 2d W Return same and re ¬

ceive reward Bell phone Forest 186

LOSTSmall check book containing-two travelers checks of 50 each alsoreturn ticket from Ogden to Milwaukeeliberal reward and no questions askedReturn to HeraldRepublican office

LOSTStrayed or stolen one horse 6

years old weight between 1150 and 1200Ibs dark bay color branded E D onright hip one white hind foot on rightstar on forehead Reward if returned toH9 South 2fl West

FOUNDFOUND =A notebook with valuablereceipt In city and county bldggrounds Owner can haVo same bycalling at this office and paying forthis ad-

WANTEDSITUATIONSWANTED Situation as bookkeeper by

young woman 23 years old having 8

years practical experience competent-and capable of taking charge of booksconversant with details of cashier and of-


work Chicago and San Franciscoexperience Address 0 23 HeraldRepub-lican


WANTEDYoung man firstclassbaker on bread and rolls would like po-


in city or country Address Z 9HeraldRepublican

WANTEDposition as waitress Inrestaurant or cafe Address 237 West1st South

WANTEDPosition by experiencedbookkeeper can give best of referencesAddress Z 6 HeraldRepublican

WANTED Japanese wants posi-tion


as housecleaning day or hoursBell phone 4884

WANTEDMan wishes position asgardner has had experience and canfurnish references Address Z 4 Her¬

aldRepublicanWANTEDPosition as stenographer-

by young lady High school graduate-Bell Main 1779Z


housework and cooking no laundrywork 667 E 2d South

WANTED lady solicitor to travel-in southern Utah and secure subscrip ¬

tions for the 8page Provo WeeklyHerald Call Mr Gunter 260 1st ave-nue


Bell phone 4942K Salt Lake Cityfor particulars-

WANTEDGood steady girl for gen ¬

eral housework 3 in family good homeand wages to right party 361 4th Ave

WANTED Ladles I loan money OBdiamonds and jewelry at low interestUncle Frank 6I East 3d So Ind 952

WANTEDFour ladles for housetohouse demonstrating out of the citymust be goodappearing intelligent andfurnish character reference steady em ¬

ployment salary and expense paid Callmornings 653 8d avenue Mrs Calvins-

WANTEDGood cook will be well paidIf right party 553 3d avenu-

eWANTEDCompetent girl goodwages reference required Apply torenoon 95 E 1st North Bell phone 314-

6WANTEDA good girl for generalhousework no washing good waxes1001 E So Temple



No 4 East Second South St-

WANTEDMother and daughterboarding house S90

Woman cook 65Woman cook 352 waitresses Idaho 304 waitresses out 25 and 862 chambermaids 2010 house girls good wagesEmpire Employment Agency No 3

West 2d South-

WANTEDA young girl to assistwith work no cooking 218 1st ave

WANTEDCook to assist in iron ¬

ing 305 1st ave-

WANTEDYoung woman to tendbaby and do light housework Apply35 Postofflce Place

WANTEDExperienced young lady-as clerk Peoples Cash tore-

TEDStenographerA ReferencesThe Mount Pickle Co

WANTEDA competent woman whounderstands dressmaking as partnerCall after 6 p m 221 West 7th South

WANTED dining room girls atBonds restaurant 1 a day-

WANTEDA woman to cook alsosecond girl 126 A St

WANTED4 waitresses for MontanaFare paid 35 per month See mana-ger


here today I pantry woman city10 a week Strocks Employment

Agency No 4 East Second South street-

WANTEDGood cook experienced-with good references None other needapply Family of three Wages 35

Call between 10 and 1030 a m Thurs-day


Bring your reference Inquire forMr De Camp RandallDodd Auto Co223 State street-

WANTEDGirl for general house ¬

work at once 827 So Main MrsSmortz

WANTED girl for general house ¬

work Small family Apply H Samp-son


apartments morning or even ¬

ing 8d East and 3d South-

WANTEDGirl for general house-work


323 So 10th E Bell phone4245Z-

WANTEDDining room girls Ap ¬

ply at Franklins 108 So Main

WANTED girl for general house ¬

work also one for second work 678Brigham-

WANTEDGirl to assist with generalhousework good wages Apply 79 E-at


WANTEDEmpire Employment Agency

Always ReliableBasement No 8 West 2d Sout-

hWANTEDGirl for general house ¬

work good wages 416 E 1st So-

WANTEDGood girl for generalhouse work 221 W 4th So street-

WANTEDGirl for general housework In family of three Bell 4088K-

WANTEDCompetent girl for gen-eral housework with reference Ap ¬

ply 36 South 6th EastWANTEDSeveral lady demonstrators

for housetohouse work good salaryand expenses paid steady employment-must

ibe neat and intelligent CaU 553 3d



SOCIATIONS noon lunch and restrooms 814 Brooks Arcade corner Stateand Third South Homecooked fooddaintily served Lunch room open dailyexcept Sunday 12 to 2 oclock Officeand rest rooms open 9 a m to 5 p m

WANTEDBoard and two roomssingle or en suite in private familystrictly modern for gentlemen Ad ¬

dress T 23 HeraldRepublican-

THE STANCOMBEExcellent boardmodern terms close In 327 E 1st So

SINGLE and double rooms goodboard fine location In city reasonablefor 2 or 3 young men Bell phone648Y 233 1st ave Ind phone 1886


Oldest and BestNo 4 East Second South St

WANTEDPlumber and steam fitterwanted steady work 6 per day atGreat Falls Mont J F Boyd-

WANTEDReliable aggressive ad ¬

vertising solicitor at once for propo-sition


of exceptional merit Address-Z 18 HeraldRepublican

WANTEDBarber at 328 South Statest St Cecil-

eWANTEDThoroughly experiencedbookkeeper accustomed to typewritersteady position to right party 75 permonth 156 Main St-

WANTEDFive bridge carpenters-for Idaho 350 day fare paidStrocks Employment Agency No4East Second South street

WANTEDYoung man to help outSaturday must have some experience-in selling State Street Shoe Store-

WANTEDGood steady solicitormust give references Apply 156 EastSecond South-

WANTEDA Greek or Austrian nooustomed to handling men to takecharge of construction gang must beable to speak and write English flu¬

ently must be willing to leave townanswer fully stating past employmentAddress Contractor Z 8 HeraldRepub ¬


WANTEDTwo good carpet layersApply Carpet Dept KOB C-

oWANTEDFirstclass salesman Ap ¬

ply only by letter State experience-and give firms you have traveled foras reference Address J G McDonaldChoc Co-

WANTEDImmediately two boyswith wheels Z C M I Drug Store

WANTEDA capable eatesma tohandle our New International Encyclo ¬

paedia Some of our salesmen mak500 a month Call mornings before 11

Dodd Mend Co 620 Dooly Block-

WANTEDGeneral office man with ex-perience


Address RIO HeraldRepub-lican


WANTEDExperienced extra Satur ¬

day man Hlrschraans Shoe Co

WANTEDExperienced BDoe salesmanHlrschman Shoe Co

WANTEDExperienced salesman forretail clothing department Address 9HeraldRepublican

WANTEDA barber at 14 Exchangeplace steady job

WANTED100 carpenters at 450per day of 8 hours also 10 plumbers-and 6 steam fitters at 6 per day of 3hours steady employment guaranteedGreat Falls Industrial Labor UnionGreat Falls Mont apply Union halt

WANTED No 1 stock salesman-or stock brokerage to sell stock in abig moneypaying proposition perfect-ly


solid and established most attrac-tive


and best selling stock on the mar ¬

ket Address Bpjc 371 City


on their diamonds watches etc atUncle Franks Loan Office 5 East 3dSouth

WANTEDSpecialty salesman musthave had experience none other needapply Address T 22 HeraldRepubilcan


ASSAYERSJ W CUKKJit iu Weal 3d douili St

Salt Lake City Samples by mall or express receive prompt attention

R B OFFICER CO assayers 163South West Tempi St Salt Lak City

UNION ASSAY OFFICE 152 SOUTH-West Temple street

BIRDCOWAN COISO So West Temple St Bell Oil


LEWINSOHU 6C8 60S Boston Bide Bothtelephones 607


Small sets of accounts kept at reas-onable


monthly rates Audits givenspecial attention Phones 492 P OBox 983-



valises best prices paid 28 Com-mercial


it Send postal card Phone 377 L


and card reader Union block 231 So Mainroom 3


State Bell phono 235 Ind 1784

BANKS AND BANKING-U ei ijepuslwr3-

DESERET NATIONAL BANKCapital 500000 surplus 50000-

081FET DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENTL B Hills president John C Cutler

Tics president II 8 Young cashier E SHills assistant cashier L W Burton as-sistant cashier Directors John PBarnes A W Carbon John C CutlerDavid Eccles L S Hills Francis MLyman W H Melntyre W W BiterGeorge Eomney Reed Smoot John CSharp John K Winder H G Whitney


Salt Lake City UtahEstablished 1ST

UTAH COMMERCIAL II SAVINGSbank Wm V Armstrong Pres ByronOroo cashier commercial banking In allIts branches i per cent on savings depos-its


accounts solicited satisfactory ser-vice




H P Clark PresidentJohn J Daly VP A H Peabody VP

W H Shearman Cashier


Card readings and astrologlet


tsAlilIl A L euiAuupressed air and steam Work guaranteedNational House Cleaning Co Pnone4256 Bell 978 Ind-




SO WEST TEMPLE cleaners of finewearing apparel We charge for what-we do and thoroughly do what wecharge for Phones Bell 4645 Ind1657

ROYAL CLEANING PRESSING-Co Work called for and delivered Bell1992 Ind 1992


415416 Security Trust bldg 34 Main ft-


ness medium gives you reliable infor-mation


in all affairs of life mining aspecialty 51 Lenox Hotel Call andbe convinced

MRS W WEIR from San Franciscogives clairvoyant psychometric andcard readings daily on business andlove affairs etc Satisfaction guaran ¬

teed No 4 Dubel avenue Second Sobetween 3d and 4th East Bell 4794Y


Boyd Park Bldg 162 So Main Bell 3954Ind 117R


work guaranteed Ind 3921 167 W5th




39c6 Ind SmFrench Dry or Steam Cleaned LELIES SKIRTS

French Dry Cleaned 1 and LSAND THE DRIVER WILL CALL

MONEY TO LONWE LOAN in large amount or small

amounts for long time or short UmWegive every borrower the re¬

pay any amount any time and stop In-


Fair rates liberal treatment 3nInvestment Savn L iand 10 W First South

MONEY advanced on pianos O SoMain St Room 16

NOTES OF SALARIED PEOPLEand business concerns bought withoutsecurity cheapest rates easiestD Tolman Room 838 Atlas paymentl block

OPTIONAL loans OB Utah and Idahofarms and city property Earl Co225 Felt Bldg

5 Per CentMoneyS Per CentWHY PAY RENT

Why have to own your lot before youget a loan Ten years experience Inthe business and no foreclosure TheCapital Security Co Inc Dooly

WE WANT to meet you and explainwhy we make more real estate loathanany three competitors combined RUlel

1Tracy No 1East lt BouUat tMONEY toan any amount ont to fIveear JfctIhaw C 300 D 1 Walker

BUILDING loans free booklet of plansSalt Lake Security ITrust C 1Up

aimON DIAMONDS watcher Jewelry

etc at low rates of Interest UncleFranks Loan Office 6 East Sd SouthInd 152-

AMOUNTS OF J600 AND UP low rateof Houston Real Estate InvCo Irterst

81 Main Street Paanes 27

LOANS Becotlate for perSAY businessconfidential anUy


BUILDING real estate ana farm loansElmer EDarling Co 117 Main street

ON UTAH and Idaho farms special ottou Miller k Vlris m Uofisrnkk BM



1ALCOL L BUTLER res under1State st Bell phone 1FLORISTS

j JAtLLIJJMA5 lUHAL fjNo b South Main withDrug Co Leading FtorUU WUeaHore

IU luuedesigns Phones 14RICHARD E EVANS St SO MAIN

St Both phone AL Kealdenco HT1 Uavtoucn =HOTELS

SuLar HiPropr sit East lac bouUt v IJc tO end IR-


62 Main streetand modern Centra1

tltO perdayHOUSE

MOVINGA L FRAZIER HOUSEMOVINUraising and repairing Bell Forest 1z

HAT PACORYlocKea and mtninmed o

Phoneexpert Fre Taylor> M East lit a iA

LAUNDRIESLACE curtains nicely laundered 2a

cents a pair and up Phone Bell 41652


ant Face massage manicuring flairSanitarium parlors 63 WeatSouth BelMl Ind IJ-

LYAlCUX bTAjjlfaa Hutu pnone 1SOD WIVES

AIltj itZh1J tjLd1ati Uu kl Nprivate tomoforconfinementcaVej Bail1493X lad 437


o6 W 2d So suite 4 positively theonly perfectly equipped establishmentof Us kind In the west for ladle andgentlemen Always ope-

nOSTEOPATHDR A-I JtQutI1joN 4910 MetcntUa bioJ over Walkers itoru bitSphonu 6 sing XDR MARY GAMBLE 616 Templeton

Both Phones Residence 117 I st Bell18702 ringsDR M DOWEL30JBC3 Scott Bldg

Phones 408 residence BellZ11K

DR GRACE bTRATTON 60705 ScottBidgBouinhcnInd332 Bell mtPRINTING

STAR PRINTING CO boos and Joeprinting bookbinding and paper ruling a-Postofflee Place Telephone lS8-

PAmROKRSulL Itepuiibie utlataPawnbroker Money loaned on any-thing


of value SO E let So

PAINTERSPIANOS polished and refinished also

furniture polished A J Gordon 23 W1st So References Phone 1058

PAPER CLEAGTHE ART paper cleaners Wall pa-

per tinted walls and kalsomlne cleanecPhone all hours Bell 5SSS Ind 32EXPERT workmen reasonable prices

National House Cleaning Co lieU 421Ind 97-


AND KASOMNUGWANTEDP4inLlrg onu pu fIanHlfomlnlng wal paper cleaning white-


calls at Coombs DrugCoBoth phones 136 Indphone a


lAPktliANUkG decorating endpainting first class work ordlnafin price work Wtitimates Joe Paull 617 W S Indphone 185-


House and tSign Painting from Aloha toOmega

Bell u Ind 2449


FROM YOUR old carpets by EasternFluff Rugs Co 306 W 3d So Bellphone 3480

THE Ridgway Rug Co Fluff rugsfrom old carpets 551 South State


WE BUY AND clothes andtrunks Call Bell SELold Commercialstreet=

SHORTcourse Dy mafi5 no book tobuy Easily one monthAgents throughout U S wanted Sev ¬

en Inst 85 Mercantile City


jackets all makes G D Lovett Foun-dry


44 No 7th W Bell 2304K Ind IS18


K M Wiws at iu IluK 32i D FWalker Blk Both phones office and rSTORAGE

moving packingYA i llOhbrandnowGE

modern warehouse Bell US Ind UQWest lit South1


NEW tagtrstlw per month Yourown makes First claiicondition fully warranted Dont conlleer buying until you see usRaleigh 2W lit So Bell 8028 bud 10

SECONDHAND STORSWE BUY and sell all kinds of house-

hold gcods O K Furniture Co 209So WT Temple Bell 1996 Ind 6WANT to buy secondhand furnituretrade new for old Bell 5145 Ind 43

TYPEWRITINGFULL course 5 Blindfold window

demonstrators wanted throughout U 8Taught In 7 days Seven last IMercantile City


changed sold Phones 480 Utah Type-writer Exchange Co 62 W 2d South


BILL1E ROWEAristocratic Clothes 4S1 Judge Bd

WOLF THE TALORSOS Judge BdClothes ayou lke thm Both


B PREECE Painter Wall PaperCleaner and Kalsomlner ill > itEast Bl UUJ