4 iJiIr i T t t e A i < t Ii f t f J i X r F to r < > > iZrJs r ftJJf 1 t- tt > tt i < t 1 71 r f- it t < i fdc i j 1 f VoINe 15 No 94 It 5ftGOOD THINGS a TO EAT- S > r t y POTATO CHIPS- MUSHROOMS i j j y i SARDINES IN TOMATO SAUCE SARDINES TRUFFLED WHITE ROSE PEACHES f WHITE ROTE CHERRIES I WHITEYROIEAPRICOTS r4- tr 1 0 t kc GROCERY i 2PhMesl74- AIVEI f CUll Prttrfeftr- R D FULLER J O AYER FULLER do AVER DENTAL SURGEONS ORtae Over the M roe Chamblls- aBttk OCALA FLORIDA TERMS GA- SHJECHACE c i DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9 10 and 11 S1 < Second Floor Holder Block i OCALA FLORIDA 1 TERMS CASH 1 L F BLALOCK- u Dental GI Ilya Over CtMRKrcUl Ink I Phone 211 i Of Ice hours 8 to 12 a m 1 to6 pm TERMS CASH 1 r CHARLES HULBERT M i D OMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Mice Second Floor The Munroe ft- Chamblisa Bank Building Ocala Florida TtlephoMfr OHwr ZZZ Residence 221 Oitae Hourp 9 to 12 a m Z to- P 4 M 730 to 830 p m F E McCLANE fhyskiu aHSlrlfH wS fftfral Practice Calla Mad Promptly Night sr Day iiwid AtUntien to Obstttrlct Di V ssases of Women and Children AOfke Rooms 322 Holder Building icond Floor Phones Office No 333 ReatdcBce No 333 > > OCALA1FLORIDA- THERE It A DIFFERENCE IN- c 1 Our Ice by our new process Is froz ea at a temperature of eight to ten degrees above zero is as clear as crys ¬ >> tal and as pure as can be made We It last guarantee to longer GUY FROM THE BLUE WAGONS- And Not lie Disappointed In Service And Quality lILA WE AND PACKING CO ItiKTERT A TAYLOR Phone q- I t j C J i- i PHILLIPS CMtlaCtotad Builds PJaas Specifications Furnished 4 Upon Request 4 199 SMIth Third St MontezDina e Barbershop Ila GMUMctioB > t With the Hotel Oflce skillet wo amen and courteous at teBtiMto all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGR I B HOT AND COLD WATER 11 KTTER1CH ProDriet- orMcIYEf V < A- Gr IICny k FUNERAL DIRECTORS l IIi t IIrsI Entahws- BB Helm a Alfred E Owe UM takers RuCtstits art luriil Robes L 4 A wnk deae by ilOMBed embalm x ssi ti tII1IT Anaraateed t F I k k r > > A f r I- t > IsAr or OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPT 7 I 4- fc s- fi r axs- 1F ti I- fr rr 1 I j it- y a ow 4 4U rr r- F g v n l Y 7- y K NS i e1 4lh t t H f y F + yf w 4 r I A- y > r r y i a1 f f Y f t J5 I > yr t- tr y rj I U4 y r J 1 r ill Lr t l 1 i Ww- o fa 4 ip vl l Sy- f t Sy r y errt9aK h IT Yf + y 4 eyf 2J4 sA NY f r7 f- rk S a- i 4 Yy r lni 4 j- r l r s j + f- 3y ri μ n i Cr r r rlt i l xy 4 l y t F 4 t 4t s μ f 1 Jbvir f e 4 dS y l Jw Q orb r9a r 1L 4 w b i Y off i y- W r Ill r a9It praK aM4twrN + μ oaa o9fdXtbtr + COMMANDER ROBERT E PEARY AND HIS SHIP THE ROOSEVELT PEARYS ELABORATE PLANS Warned by the Failures of Other Ex- plorers ¬ he Left Nothing Undone- to Insure Success weeks the scientific world FOR waited breathlessly hoping to bear from Peary He lUre Cook was overdue having been away from his permanent base longer than was anticipated and like Cook he pushed onward with dogs and Es imo His great determination and Inti ¬ mate knowledge of polar conditions were looked upon as his chief assets- In his advanceonthe pole It Is admttted that a freak of na- ture alono prevented his reaching the boreal center on his last previous at- tempt ¬ Peary planned to make his dash In the summer months while Dr Cook advanced In the late winter He mnde his dash upon the same general theory which he advanced upon the occasion of his first attempt This was a sim- ple ¬ and set plan to keep on trying along the same line until success or death was met Peary figured that each attempt put him nearer to the pole and that be learned more and more about the general conditions along his course at each effort and should be adopt la new routs all this knowledge would be lost With each trip bringing him nearer end nearer to his goal those interested in arctic exploration felt certain that success would meet the naval commander In this his supreme effort The AniifrlMn Route The general route lay up through Barons bay Smiths found Kenne ¬ dys channel and Robesons channel Into Hares set In IBMOS lie nearly reached the seventyeighth parallel on the west Greenland coast In 180890 be turned back only after reaching land close to the eightieth parallel on the east coast of Ellsmere Land In 1900 be took the east coast of Grin nell Land and reached the eighty ec ODd parallel The northern coast of Grinnell Land wale skirted in 190506 and winter Quarters were made at Cape Sheridan Grant Land He moved put Cape Hecla on the west and proceeded to Cape Moss Then tame the dub for the pole when he pierced the for north to a point which his Instruments registered as 87 de- grees 0 minutes latitude and the forty ninth meridian of Treat longitude This point was reached on April 21 1906 three yean to a day before the one on which Cook said he touched the pole The Journey was made with remarka- ble ¬ directness as his march from Cape limB to the eightyfourth parallel was made in virtually straight line At 84 degrees SO minutes the expedition ran into an open lane of water two miles wide and was held up six days before able to proceed On this open lane Peary put the blame for his fail- ure ¬ As soon aa young ice formed the party pushed out Into the thinly cov- ered lane Most of the lightly weight ¬ ed sledges were over and preparing return and reload when a wind sprang- up and opened the lane again As the bulk of the provisions were on the south side the expedition was forced to proceed without them It was heart- breaking ¬ but a longer delay meant certain failure So the party abandoned the better share of Its supplies and continued its course From that point until the lati- tude ¬ of 85 degrees 12 minutes was reached the journey was comparative- ly easy The Ice proved smooth and weather eendiboos were of the best The suddenly a bad storm sprang up Y and Peary and his companions were forced Into camp There IDa driving storm of ice andtoow an binds re- mained idle for six days The Ice on which the party was camped drifted to UM eastMarly seventy miles dar ia T the storm and vpon taking ogee 1 tray w wtnd had gone dowa A M Peary found himself at the fortyninth meridian Provisions now ran tow and the al- lowances ¬ were shortened Weaker dogs were fed to their stronger broth ¬ ers and by exerting themselves to the utmost the explorers were able to mako fair headway The lanes of wa ¬ ter were increasing constantly bow ever and the hummocks grew larger and larger On April 21 he called the final bait In his advance Even should he reach the pole he knew that he would never ivturn safe- ly to the mainland Turning the expe- dition ¬ beaded for Cape Morris Jesup after putting up a flag it tbo point farthest north The cbanco discovery of several musk oxen alone saved the party from starvation Once too the explorer and his Eskimos were nearly drowned In crossing a lane covered with thin Ice It was at the eighty fourth parallel that Penry came upon an unusually Wide lane and while camped waiting for a chance to cross the Ice which the party was gathered epnrnted from the main floe and drifted away for five days A cold snap cemented It to the main body then and on Ice vhlcb threatened each moment te break beneath them the explorers their dogs and provisions spread out In a long line and made the perilous crossing The men with snowshoes on their feet did not dare to slip ahead but were content to scuff along while the block ice bent beneath them like rub ¬ ber It was two miles across this tic- klish ¬ bender and In silence the party crossed Had they paused an Instant the Ice would have given way beneath them and rescue would have been im- possible ¬ This experianM and that In the storm camp on the way north taught Peary that polar Ice on the southern side of a lane moves slower than that nearer the pole and also travels east Both he and Cook put this discovery to good use later Pearys Route This year his route like that of Dr Cook lay In a general way from Grant Land northwest He gauged his Jour ¬ ney as an archer gauges his aim hi a strong wind Commander Peary plan- ned ¬ to bead for a newly discovered Island northwest of Grant Land and to strike north from there He figured that this would give him leeway In which to drift should lanes of water again Impede his progress Peary in going through Baffins bay worked against the drift of the Ice and not with It The old notion of the polar sea was to the effect that the pole was so surrounded by an uncon- querable ¬ mass of grinding ice that it meant the destruction of any ship or human beIng to attempt to pass through or over It Sailed July 17 1908 Peary sailed from Sydney on the Roosevelt his stanch arctic ship built to withstand enormous pressures of the Ice on July 17 1908 In the cargo were large quantities of looking glasses surer thimbles shotguns and other useful implements with which he Intended to reword the Eskimos and arouse their enthusiasm We are ready for the trip he said 1 have done entirely too much work In that country to be certain of any- thing ¬ so Ill not promise anything be ¬ tore I start except that I am going to put into It every bit of energy moral mental and physical that I possess 1 feel confident that In any case I shall carry the American flag farther north than ever Unless the unfore- seen ¬ happens I shall plant the stars and stripes at the geographical pole If conditions are no worse In the nut season than they were during the last voyage I shall hope to accomplish the object of the expedition and re ¬ turn in about fifteen months that Is In October 1000 I am prepared how- ever ¬ for a stay of three years I shall follow the same north rout as in my last trip via Sydney straits- ef Belle isle David straits Batten bay and Such sound I shaj take on > I ij the Eskimo and the dogs In the Whale sound region as before and shall en- deavor to force my ship to the same winter quarters on the north side of Grant Land as in the winter of 1905 and 1900 The sledge work will begin in February 1 shall follow the north coast of Grant Land as far west as Capo Columbia and possibly beyond Instead of leaving land at Point Moss as 1 did before My course will be more west of north than before In order to counter- act ¬ or allow for the easterly set of tee discovered In my last expedition be- tween ¬ the north coast of Grant Land and the pole The attainment of the north and south poles by American ex- peditions ¬ would be worth to this coun ¬ try many times the few thousands ex ¬ pended just for the closer bond the deeper patriotism resulting when ev ery one of the hundred millions of nn can say the stars and stripes float at both ends of the earths axis and the whole earth turns about them News From Peary In the middle of the following Octo- ber ¬ word come from the Roosevelt at Etah the most northern settlement in the world 7R degrees 20 mlnntra north latitude It came in the form of a let- ter ¬ from a member of the crew the explorers crew We are now sever- Ing all communication with civiliza- tion ¬ the sailor wrote Before us lies the great lee pack stretching for a distance of 200 miles and against Its force the sturdy little- Rnncovolt hall now wt ltt arras Fish Bad Symptoms The woman who has periodical lea aches backache sees imaginary dark spots specks floating or dancing before her eyes hascnawing or heavy full feeling tomach faint spells drag gingdownoffeilng In lower abdominal or pelvic re on easily startled or excited Irreguloror painful periods with or with ¬ out pMvic catarrh is from weaknfes andflerangements that should have e y attention Not all of above ymptoii a likely to be present In any ease at oeimeN- egloCtod or badly treated and such casesoften run Into maladies which de manUTe surgeons knife If they do not res tall o modlc nee a nch lon uc- a9 r a iso meaicme nas such a sir P z n narv nnntirnfo cinna1 The very best IngredienTl known to medical science for the cure of womans peculiar ailments enter Into Ita composition No alcohol harmful or habitforming drug is to be found in th s of Its printed on each bottlewrapper and under oath any condition of the female system Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription can do only good never harm Its whole effect Is to strengthen Invigorate and regulate the whole female system and especially the pelvic organs When are de- ranged in function or affected by disease the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged the nerves are weakened and a long list ol bad unpleasant symptoms follow Too much must not be expected of this Fa ¬ write Prescription It will not perform will not cure tumorsno med ¬ icine will It wilt often prevent them if taken In time and thus the operating table and the surgeons knife may be avoided Women suffering from diseases of lone Btanding are Invited to consult Doctor by letter free AH correspo dente Is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential Addreat Dr BV Pierce Buffalo N Y Dr Pierces Medical Adviser 1000 > pafert to sent free on receipt of 21 one cen tamps for papercovered or 31 stamrl ts or oth copy M alp THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens Into the Lobb cf the Ocala House Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap- pliances ¬ Strictly sanitary Electric fans electric massages Hot RunniBg Water at An Times VINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager f k 6i t kfBER 16 1909 Fifty Ccats a Moth is a y car < 1- 2A vtr ri- V > > i J f BEAUTIFY t YOUR tJ 1 J 1 Y t 1 ter < f 1 V Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by th eVery r t Latest Methods t 1 1 r- u t ti We have just received one of the famous it Ideal rr Lawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built j for the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which J does the work perfectly If you will favor TIB with 5 your patronage we guarantee to give you back the zo Mower in better condition than the day you bought c- it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than the old style way which is usually done by inexpe- rienced i 1 workman with a file or an emery wheel ji co < 1 r 0 t off s Next time your Mower needs sh r i v f- jj 11- 1s < f bring It in or notify us and we will 5oij f i make it cut so nicely will surprise A yoil 1 I 1 MARION HARDWARE CO- ST I JOSEPHS ACADEMYLOR- ETTO I + 3 = i J k Near Mandarin FLORIDA < c t Boarding School for Boys Conduct ed by the Sisters of St Joseph Young fs r Boys from 8 to 14 years Received Car efully Trained along Physical Intel- lectual ¬ t 3r Moral and Social Lines Heal thy Location Magnificent Swimming Pool Complete Equipment In Schoolr ooms Dormitories Dining Hall and Recreation Roona s Apply for Prospectus to the SISTER SUPERIOR St Josephs Academy Loretto Florida I Whlcfe we ire abdut to leave is com ptal bed of four skin tents called tupfks bt the Eskimo We will then transport our food and other supplies to Point Ulass by means of twentyfive dog teams We expect to be In a position to make tbo dash to the pole by February The country here Is alive with game We have 200 dogs > magnificent brutes Never In all my experience have 1 been so well satisfied with the spirit- of the canines as on this voyage If it is possible to reach the pole these sturdy fellows are certain to take us through Whale Meat For Doge To feed the dogs we took thirty tons of whale meat aboard at Labra ¬ dor Many strange scenes are enacted- on tbfc deck of the Roosevelt and one can Imagine what It means In the way of noise and echoes with 200 dogs and thirty Eskrmos with their women and children all taking up a position on the deck of the craft- It was at Etah that Peary fell in with Rudolph Francke the only other white man who accompanied Dr Cook- on the first part of his expedition Peary landed coal and supplies for the relief of Dr Cook who bad not yet returned He also sent Francke home at the latters request on board the Erik- PLANTING THE FLAGS AROUND THE POLE Battle Harbor Labrador Sept 16 Commander Robert E Peary convers- ed ¬ further yesterday with represen- tatives ¬ of the Associated Press re ¬ I garding his journey to the North Pole He spoke particularly of the flags he raised at the pole and the records he left there and touched again on some of the assertions credited to Dr Frederick A Cook Commander Peary said when he reached the pole the first flag to be thrown to the breeze was a silken American emblem presented to him by his wife fifteen years ago He had carried this flag on every one of his expeditions to the north leaving a piece of It at the highest point he at S rained The last remnants were rais- ed ¬ and left at the pole The explorer then raised the navy ensign flag of the Navy League then the flag of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and finally the flag of peace Tent poles and snow lances were used as flagstaffs and when all had been raised the commander took sev ¬ eral photographs of the group He then burled records In a water tight box in the ice He said he knew nothing of the statement from Danish sources that he had posted a notice on the Green ¬ land coast to the effect that Cook was dead THE LURID GLOW OF DOOM- was seen In the red face hands and body of the little son of H II Adams of Henrietta Pa His awful plight from eczema had for five years de- fied all remedies and baffled the best doctors who said the poisoned blood had affected his lungs and nothing could save him But writes his mother seven bottles of Electric Bit ¬ ters completely cured him For erup ¬ tions eczema salt rheum sores and all blood disorders and rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme Only SOc Guaranteed by all druggists AUTO FOR SALE- A new runabout automobile for sate at a reasonable discount from orig- inal ¬ cost If interested address Au ¬ tomobile care Star office Take care of your stomach Let Ko dol digest all the food you eat for that Is what Kodol does Every tea spoonful of Kodol digests 21 pounds of food Try It today It is guaran- teed ¬ to relieve you or your money back Sold by all druggists I r- < 4 i r- sl Hudson 20 x The sensation in motor cars for 1 r 4 ChalmersDetroit There is i no need to say anything for this car Write T ABERNETHY n Orlando Florida F j WINDSOR HOTEL JACKSONVILLES nNESTANlflOIlDAS r 4 LARGEST ail EST YEll R8UND MOTEL Rates S3 per Day and Upwards Averieai Flu r THOMAS M WILSON Prop- rietorf1SJTIRS Y F R I F lOLTCDOff CLINCHER QDCL1NCHER 9 9r rJ- Al WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FISK TIRES AS WELL AS OTHER AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES AUTO REPAIRING AND TIRE VULCANIZING DONE PROMPTLY AT REASONABLE PRICES OCILt IRON WORKS OCALA FU ° w T r J r t A PURELY VEGETABLE COMPOUND ir- i >< BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION DYSPEPSIA i CURE S COMPLAINTS MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVER AND ALL LIVER > i A GUARANTEED CURE for all diseases caused by a TOR- PID a i- 7Sfe LIVER One bottle purchased today may save you a serious 1 r sick spell tomorrow t SMALL DOSE LARGE BOTTLEPRICE See GET THE GENUINE BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO 500502 North SeceI Street ST LOUIS MO < SOLD AJfD RECOMMENDED BY Atji DRUGGISTS r + x- r fe r i- H > > yrrte ti f- t

i r fc Methods 1 ti u tufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03273/00430.pdfHis great determination and Inti¬ mate knowledge of polar conditions were looked upon as his chief assets-In

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  • 4 iJiIri Tt t e Ai < t Ii ft f J iX rF to


    > >iZrJs

    r ftJJf 1 t-tt> tt i > OCALA1FLORIDA-




    Our Ice by our new process Is frozea at a temperature of eight to tendegrees above zero is as clear as crys¬

    >> tal and as pure as can be made WeIt lastguarantee to longer


    And Not lie Disappointed In ServiceAnd Quality


    Phone q-


    tjC J i-


    CMtlaCtotad BuildsPJaas Specifications Furnished

    4 Upon Request

    4 199 SMIth Third St

    MontezDina eBarbershop

    Ila GMUMctioB >t With the Hotel Oflce

    skillet wo amen and courteous atteBtiMto all Special attention tochildren



    11 KTTER1CH ProDriet-


    V <A-



    l IIi t IIrsI Entahws-B B Helma Alfred E Owe

    UM takers

    RuCtstits art luriil RobesL

    4A wnk deae by ilOMBed embalmx ssi ti tII1IT AnaraateedtF Ik k

    r> >

    A f r I-t > IsAr or


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    µ f1 Jbvir f e 4 dS y lJw Q orb r9a r 1L 4w b i Y off i y-W r Ill r a9It praK aM4twrN+ µoaa o9fdXtbtr +



    Warned by the Failures of Other Ex-plorers


    he Left Nothing Undone-to Insure Success

    weeks the scientific worldFOR waited breathlessly hopingto bear from Peary He

    lUre Cook was overdue having beenaway from his permanent base longerthan was anticipated and like Cookhe pushed onward with dogs and EsimoHis great determination and Inti ¬

    mate knowledge of polar conditionswere looked upon as his chief assets-In his advanceonthe pole

    It Is admttted that a freak of na-ture alono prevented his reaching theboreal center on his last previous at-tempt


    Peary planned to make his dash Inthe summer months while Dr Cookadvanced In the late winter He mndehis dash upon the same general theorywhich he advanced upon the occasionof his first attempt This was a sim-ple


    and set plan to keep on tryingalong the same line until success ordeath was met Peary figured thateach attempt put him nearer to thepole and that be learned more andmore about the general conditionsalong his course at each effort andshould be adopt la new routs all thisknowledge would be lost With eachtrip bringing him nearer end nearerto his goal those interested in arcticexploration felt certain that successwould meet the naval commander Inthis his supreme effort

    The AniifrlMn RouteThe general route lay up through

    Barons bay Smiths found Kenne¬dys channel and Robesons channelInto Hares set In IBMOS lie nearlyreached the seventyeighth parallel onthe west Greenland coast In 180890be turned back only after reachingland close to the eightieth parallel onthe east coast of Ellsmere Land In1900 be took the east coast of Grinnell Land and reached the eighty ecODd parallel The northern coast ofGrinnell Land wale skirted in 190506and winter Quarters were made atCape Sheridan Grant Land Hemoved put Cape Hecla on the westand proceeded to Cape Moss Thentame the dub for the pole when hepierced the for north to a point whichhis Instruments registered as 87 de-grees 0 minutes latitude and the fortyninth meridian of Treat longitude Thispoint was reached on April 21 1906three yean to a day before the one onwhich Cook said he touched the poleThe Journey was made with remarka-ble


    directness as his march from CapelimB to the eightyfourth parallel wasmade in virtually straight line At84 degrees SO minutes the expeditionran into an open lane of water twomiles wide and was held up six daysbefore able to proceed On this openlane Peary put the blame for his fail-ure


    As soon aa young ice formed theparty pushed out Into the thinly cov-ered lane Most of the lightly weight ¬ed sledges were over and preparingreturn and reload when a wind sprang-up and opened the lane again As thebulk of the provisions were on thesouth side the expedition was forcedto proceed without them It was heart-breaking


    but a longer delay meantcertain failure

    So the party abandoned the bettershare of Its supplies and continued itscourse From that point until the lati-tude


    of 85 degrees 12 minutes wasreached the journey was comparative-ly easy The Ice proved smooth andweather eendiboos were of the bestThe suddenly a bad storm sprang upYand Peary and his companions wereforced Into camp There IDa drivingstorm of ice andtoow an binds re-mained idle for six days The Ice onwhich the party was camped driftedto UM eastMarly seventy miles daria T the storm and vpon taking ogee1 trayw wtnd had gone dowa



    Peary found himself at the fortyninthmeridian

    Provisions now ran tow and the al-lowances


    were shortened Weakerdogs were fed to their stronger broth ¬ers and by exerting themselves to theutmost the explorers were able tomako fair headway The lanes of wa¬ter were increasing constantly bowever and the hummocks grew largerand larger On April 21 he called thefinal bait In his advance

    Even should he reach the pole heknew that he would never ivturn safe-ly to the mainland Turning the expe-dition


    beaded for Cape Morris Jesupafter putting up a flag it tbo pointfarthest north The cbanco discoveryof several musk oxen alone saved theparty from starvation Once too theexplorer and his Eskimos were nearlydrowned In crossing a lane coveredwith thin Ice It was at the eightyfourth parallel that Penry came uponan unusually Wide lane and whilecamped waiting for a chance to crossthe Ice which the party wasgathered epnrnted from the main floeand drifted away for five days A coldsnap cemented It to the main bodythen and on Ice vhlcb threatened eachmoment te break beneath them theexplorers their dogs and provisionsspread out In a long line and made theperilous crossing

    The men with snowshoes on theirfeet did not dare to slip ahead butwere content to scuff along while theblock ice bent beneath them like rub ¬ber It was two miles across this tic-klish


    bender and In silence the partycrossed Had they paused an Instantthe Ice would have given way beneaththem and rescue would have been im-possible


    This experianM and that Inthe storm camp on the way northtaught Peary that polar Ice on thesouthern side of a lane moves slowerthan that nearer the pole and alsotravels east Both he and Cook putthis discovery to good use later

    Pearys RouteThis year his route like that of Dr

    Cook lay In a general way from GrantLand northwest He gauged his Jour¬ney as an archer gauges his aim hi astrong wind Commander Peary plan-ned


    to bead for a newly discoveredIsland northwest of Grant Land and tostrike north from there He figuredthat this would give him leeway Inwhich to drift should lanes of wateragain Impede his progress

    Peary in going through Baffins bayworked against the drift of the Ice andnot with It The old notion of thepolar sea was to the effect that thepole was so surrounded by an uncon-querable


    mass of grinding ice that itmeant the destruction of any ship orhuman beIng to attempt to passthrough or over It

    Sailed July 17 1908Peary sailed from Sydney on the

    Roosevelt his stanch arctic ship builtto withstand enormous pressures ofthe Ice on July 17 1908 In the cargowere large quantities of lookingglasses surer thimbles shotguns andother useful implements with whichhe Intended to reword the Eskimosand arouse their enthusiasm

    We are ready for the trip he said1 have done entirely too much workIn that country to be certain of any-thing


    so Ill not promise anything be¬tore I start except that I am going toput into It every bit of energy moralmental and physical that I possess1 feel confident that In any case I

    shall carry the American flag farthernorth than ever Unless the unfore-seen


    happens I shall plant the starsand stripes at the geographical pole

    If conditions are no worse In thenut season than they were during thelast voyage I shall hope to accomplishthe object of the expedition and re¬turn in about fifteen months that IsIn October 1000 I am prepared how-ever


    for a stay of three yearsI shall follow the same north rout

    as in my last trip via Sydney straits-ef Belle isle David straits Battenbay and Such sound I shaj take on

    > I ij

    the Eskimo and the dogs In the Whalesound region as before and shall en-deavor to force my ship to the samewinter quarters on the north side ofGrant Land as in the winter of 1905and 1900 The sledge work will beginin February 1 shall follow the northcoast of Grant Land as far west asCapo Columbia and possibly beyondInstead of leaving land at Point Mossas 1 did before

    My course will be more west ofnorth than before In order to counter-act


    or allow for the easterly set of teediscovered In my last expedition be-tween


    the north coast of Grant Landand the pole The attainment of thenorth and south poles by American ex-peditions


    would be worth to this coun ¬try many times the few thousands ex ¬pended just for the closer bond thedeeper patriotism resulting when every one of the hundred millions of nncan say the stars and stripes float atboth ends of the earths axis and thewhole earth turns about them

    News From PearyIn the middle of the following Octo-


    word come from the Roosevelt atEtah the most northern settlement inthe world 7R degrees 20 mlnntra northlatitude It came in the form of a let-ter


    from a member of the crew theexplorers crew We are now sever-Ing all communication with civiliza-tion


    the sailor wroteBefore us lies the great lee pack

    stretching for a distance of 200 milesand against Its force the sturdy little-Rnncovolt hall now wt ltt arras Fish

    Bad SymptomsThe woman who has periodical lea

    aches backache sees imaginary darkspots specks floating or dancing beforeher eyes hascnawing or heavyfull feeling tomach faint spells draggingdownoffeilng In lower abdominal orpelvic re on easily startled or excitedIrreguloror painful periods with or with¬out pMvic catarrh is fromweaknfes andflerangements that shouldhave e y attention Not all of aboveymptoii a likely to be present In any

    ease at oeimeN-egloCtod or badly treated and such

    casesoften run Into maladies which demanUTe surgeons knife If they do notres tall

    o modlc nee a nch lonuc-

    a9 r aiso meaicme nas such a sir

    P zn

    narv nnntirnfo cinna1The very best IngredienTl

    known to medical science for the cure ofwomans peculiar ailments enter Into Itacomposition No alcohol harmful orhabitforming drug is to be found in ths

    of Its printed on eachbottlewrapper and under oath

    any condition of the female systemDr Pierces Favorite Prescription can doonly good never harm Its whole effectIs to strengthen Invigorate and regulatethe whole female system and especiallythe pelvic organs When are de-ranged in function or affected by diseasethe stomach and other organs of digestionbecome sympathetically deranged thenerves are weakened and a long list olbad unpleasant symptoms follow Toomuch must not be expected of this Fa ¬write Prescription It will not perform

    will not cure tumorsno med¬icine will It wilt often prevent them iftaken In time and thus the operatingtable and the surgeons knife may beavoided

    Women suffering from diseases of loneBtanding are Invited to consult Doctor

    by letter free AH correspo denteIs held as strictly private and sacredlyconfidential Addreat Dr B V PierceBuffalo N Y

    Dr Pierces Medical Adviser 1000> pafertto sent free on receipt of 21 one centamps for papercovered or 31 stamrl tsor oth copy M alp


    BARBERSHOPOpens Into the Lobb cf the Ocala

    HouseOffers the very best service of

    skilled workmen with modern ap-pliances


    Strictly sanitary Electricfans electric massagesHot RunniBg Water at An TimesVINCENT C DETTERiCH Manager


    6i tkfBER 16 1909 Fifty Ccats a Moth is a ycar < 1-2A




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    t1 ter

    < f 1 VHave Your Lawn Mower Sharpened by theVery rtLatest Methods t1 1


    u tti We have just received one of the famousit Ideal rrLawn Mower Grinders a machine especially built jfor the purpose of grinding Lawn Mowers which Jdoes the work perfectly If you will favor TIB with 5your patronage we guarantee to give you back the


    Mower in better condition than the day you bought c-it It will be sharp and stay sharp longer than theold style way which is usually done by inexpe-riencedi


    workman with a file or an emery wheeljico magnificent brutesNever In all my experience have 1been so well satisfied with the spirit-of the canines as on this voyage Ifit is possible to reach the pole thesesturdy fellows are certain to take usthrough

    Whale Meat For DogeTo feed the dogs we took thirty

    tons of whale meat aboard at Labra ¬dor Many strange scenes are enacted-on tbfc deck of the Roosevelt and onecan Imagine what It means In theway of noise and echoes with 200dogs and thirty Eskrmos with theirwomen and children all taking up aposition on the deck of the craft-

    It was at Etah that Peary fell inwith Rudolph Francke the only otherwhite man who accompanied Dr Cook-on the first part of his expeditionPeary landed coal and supplies forthe relief of Dr Cook who bad notyet returned He also sent Franckehome at the latters request on boardthe Erik-


    Battle Harbor Labrador Sept 16Commander Robert E Peary convers-ed


    further yesterday with represen-tatives


    of the Associated Press re¬I garding his journey to the North PoleHe spoke particularly of the flags heraised at the pole and the records heleft there and touched again on someof the assertions credited to DrFrederick A Cook

    Commander Peary said when hereached the pole the first flag to bethrown to the breeze was a silkenAmerican emblem presented to himby his wife fifteen years ago He hadcarried this flag on every one of hisexpeditions to the north leaving apiece of It at the highest point he at Srained The last remnants were rais-ed


    and left at the pole The explorerthen raised the navy ensign flag ofthe Navy League then the flag of theDelta Kappa Epsilon fraternity andfinally the flag of peace

    Tent poles and snow lances wereused as flagstaffs and when all hadbeen raised the commander took sev ¬eral photographs of the group Hethen burled records In a water tightbox in the ice

    He said he knew nothing of thestatement from Danish sources thathe had posted a notice on the Green ¬land coast to the effect that Cook wasdead

    THE LURID GLOW OF DOOM-was seen In the red face hands andbody of the little son of H II Adamsof Henrietta Pa His awful plightfrom eczema had for five years de-fied all remedies and baffled the bestdoctors who said the poisoned bloodhad affected his lungs and nothingcould save him But writes hismother seven bottles of Electric Bit ¬ters completely cured him For erup ¬tions eczema salt rheum sores andall blood disorders and rheumatismElectric Bitters is supreme Only SOcGuaranteed by all druggists


    A new runabout automobile for sateat a reasonable discount from orig-inal


    cost If interested address Au ¬tomobile care Star office

    Take care of your stomach Let Kodol digest all the food you eat forthat Is what Kodol does Every teaspoonful of Kodol digests 21 poundsof food Try It today It is guaran-teed


    to relieve you or your money backSold by all druggists



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