COMMERCIAL. SACRAMEXTO MARKET. Sacramento, February 17th. FRUlT—Lemons—.Sicily, $ti 50<a,7 *>. box; California, SiM4 50; Limes, BJ7<g 3 9 box, 75c 61 "r 1 lot); Bananas, $-.2 50<o 3 50 ~? bunch for Island; Cocoanuts, S7toS; California Oranges— Lfl* Angeles, S2®2 25H box: Riverside, S.JiTj, a aO'phox; do, Navels, S4 25«i4 50 V box; Mandarins, «si -J5 '0 box; Pineapples, COc each. «7 y dozen- Apples-Spitzenburg. §ti tio (»~ 75 p box; Rho<!e Island Greenings,9ls 1 50>< l>ox; lnixed varieties, §ltal Ub »*. box; Tears, 81 \t y box. CANNED (lO(iDS—Assorted table, §2Q 2 10; Apples, $1 O<J; Apricots, §1 i>o; Black- berries, si <jr,; Cherries, $:> 4<%2 110; Cur- rants, su 25; Gooseberries, >si ><j»< l BO; Muscat Grapes, )j;i 55(al 00; Plums, SI i>o; Quinces, SI 'Jo; Baspberries, §2 70; Straw- ben its. .*:> 70. HKEADSTL'KFS—?'iour, S4 25 %> bW; Oat- meal, 10-ft sjtck, 4c per lt>, .*:{ 80 V 100-lfc sack; Cornincal, white, ts^l V' 10-li. sacks; ye110w,92 10-• 25-S>sacks; Cracked Wheat, 9* 50, 10-U. sacks: 2 :iu. 100-ft sacks; Hom- iny, S3 10-lt. sacks; $U SO V 100-rt. sacks; Graham, S:2 40, lU-K) ,s::cl;s; §2 20, IOU-Uj HAY, GRAIN AND FKED—Oat Hay Sl2fn, 15 v ton; AHalla, do, $l:if«ll ton: iinm, <21 'p. ton: Middlings, ij!^7 V ton; Barley, whole, paying §1 56(3 1 <>0; rolled, 31 75(* 1 SO; Wheat milling), paying SI ;{. r > \\ cut: Bye 91 35; Tame Oats. 93^2 i; 5; Corn, paying 81 30 t 1 rwl. VEGETABLES-Onlons, Silversklns, Sl@ 4,'r; ¥ iwt: onions, Red, £\u25a0>:!</ :> 50; Cabbage, s(i'-'Si; Carrots, sO<*6Oc y 100 lbs; Tur- nlps,new,9l@l 25 t'. sack; bunch vegetables, 12 '/:<•'\u25a0?. doz; Parsnips, $I@l 50; Beets, 75c@ 91:lli>ne lUidish. 10c r 1 b; Garlic. 2Ofe2sc; Artichokes, 7 sc^9l ~? uoz; I tried Peppers, 204s 25c; Green Peas, common, 8®lOc; go, sweet, lO'.'l:ic: Potatoes—Early Bose, UOcfe^l; I'eerli ss.i?lra 1 Hurbanks,SI 40(5-1 50;< Vn- tennial. Slw 1 25 9 cU; Sweet Potatoes, 82@ \i 50 a suck; (Jelery,: 5c >: doz; Spinach, 5c ft; String lieans, 4(« sc; Summer Bquash; :Ve 4c; Caullflower,sl y do/.; Green Peppers, id -c \ liie y, it.; ()kra, lOkl Z\ ;j c; Bed Cabbage, 3c "~j K>* Havoy Cabbage. 9Oc y <ioz. DAIRS' PRODLHTS—Butter —Valley. 84® 87JJc t 1 ft; Fancy Petaluma, 36@38 ftln; K;ist- eni Creamery, fancy, 22&23 c; Plekle Hull, 3" :;2!..c; packed In firkins, choice, l B<g 25c; Common. 12^@13C, Cheese—California. 15ffi liic; Young America, I7r.'i^c; Ba^tern Cream, 15@16c;Limbarger,lB@20c; genuine j Swiss. :;:; > \u0084\u25a0„ :{.-„•; American Swiss, 21c; Mar- ! tin".-Cream, 17w 18c Eggs, 40<§ 15c; Caltfor- Dla Ranch £ggß, 28®30c, Jiastem Et"<s, 25® POULTRY—Dealers' prices: Live Turkeys, hens, 12® 13c; gobblers. 11@12c; dressed, 1 i.'-i 15c; full-grown Chickens, 84@5 >' dozen; youns roosters. St.i 5 y dozen; broilers, S:( \u25a0: t; tame Ducks, Ss<h ij; Pekln, 96@7; Geese, 32S £ 25 f"pair. GAME—Ducks, Mallards. ?. pair, 50.'•\u25a0.-7 5< \u25a0; Oanvasbacks, 75c@91; Sprig, 40@50c; Wid- geon, 25@50c; Teal, 85fe5Oc; O,uall, 81 25® 1 50 y. doz; Gray Geese. 50m 75c 8 pair; Brant, 30 \u25a0 5()c; Wlnle, :.'sc; Honkers, 75c@ fl; Cottontail. 20(a iOe. MEATB—Beet, I'.yii.oc; Mutton. Or.c; Luml), lie; Veal, large, si-i 5'.,c; small, H<gs B'<ic; Hogs, lw !'.:c; dressed Pork, 7c; Hams- Eastern, llfclfic'; California, llKe; R-icon— Light Medium, 'j'.'.v; selected, llo; extra light, 12'..i-; extra lightboneless, 1;!'..'.. ] ('..-. MISCELLANEOUS Seeds Alfalfa, new crop, B®9cj Timothy, Eastern, <>« 7c - T ' tb; Pop Corn, Ear, 3@4c; Shelled, 4%&si4cfi tt>; Bed Clover, lOfnllc y It.; Red Top, 6#~C. Nuts—Chile Walnuts, new, 11@12c; Califor- nia Walnuts. 11(S»12CJ Almonds, new. 11,-:I 1,-: 16c; Peanuts, California, <;w7c; Bostern, 6@ 7c; Ijird (California), cans.'«'..'«<)c; Kastera, B%®loc. Hides, salt, light, sc| medium Steers, 8c; heavy steers, Sc; heavy cows, sc; dry, 9c. Tallow, BJ^C SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. San Kr.ANcisco. February 17th. FLOUR— Prices sire steady and are not likely to decline for tlie present. We quote: Net fash price for Family Extras, $4 15&4 25 f bbl; Bakers' Extras, 84 05<S 4 ir>; Superfine, $3@3 25. \V 11 EAT—Prices show rather buoyant tone a!#l 37.,/1 SBJ4 * Ctlfor No. 1 Shipping. Fair demand is reported and stock that is de- sirable does not have ti> seek long for custom. Milling grades are quotable at 81 42V£fa 1 43', cU. ' HAULKY— The late rain has taken the Btrength out of the spot Barley market. Trices have declined, though not to any veryjrrcat extent. We quote as follows: No. 1 iVeJ, 81 lofttl 4G 1.,; choice, !?1 IT 1..; common grades, SI 42*. i <al 43%; Brewing. SI sO.'< 1 5:.".^ for fair fo good, and $1 50fel 07- .. for Choice. OATS—Market very quiet, there being next to nothing doing m this tine. We quote prices as follows: Surprise, 81 D2J>£@l !>:V milling, 81 85®1 90; Rood to ehoicc feed' $1 82«<gil >7.',; fair, !?1 ?."> tosl 80 9Ctl. CORN—There is not much Inquiry, and business drags In consequence, we quote: Large Yellow, SI 3<>wl 32)6 small Yellow! $1 35@l 37% white,fi ;iui'.fix 37}<»eil CRACKED CORN —Quotable at $"29 SoY« 80 So >> ton. OILCAKE MEAL—Quotable at 526 ?. ton from the mills. CORNMEAL—MiIIers quote feed at S2f) to $:!0 > ton; tine kinds for the table, in large ami small packages, al:.(q 4c v B>. CHOPPED FEED—Quotable at §2G«27 « ton SEEDS— We quote: Mustard. Brown, 82 75 to $8; fellow, S2 50@2 75 "^ ctl; Canary U J4'(i 3e; Hemp, :sV£e: Kape.S2r« 2 50; Timothy 6j4<asJsc; Alfulla, 7(3 Sc 9 it; Flux, S2 cow MIDDLINGS— Prices are easing since the rain. Quotable at $26@27f! ton. HAY—Wheat,sl3@l9; wild 0at,314@16: Barley, $12w 15; Alfalfa, 511(,i13 %< ton. STKAW—quotable at 65@75c v bale. hoi*s—Nothiiiß iioing in a wholesale war. Quotableat 30ft 35c f In. HHAN—Heavy receipts to-day from Oregon cause softer iiriees. quotable at 522(«:*2 r>o %> ton. I'iYK-Quotable at SI 35 "0 ctl. BUCKWHEAT—QuotabIe at SI TiOfel Go ?> Ctl. GROUND BARLEY Quotable at S3°ffi 82 60 f ton. POTATOES—The market Is fairly stocked, while trade is good and values show signs of steadying. We quote: Htver Beds. 70® 80e; Early Rose, 75<0:85c; Burbanks, (Js(a- --860 for Rivers. 70@90c for Petalunm. and SI 15«1 25«jkcU&>r Salinas; Oregon, SI 25 @1 50 "^ ctl. ONlON'S—Quotable at S3 75(54 # ctl, the supply beinconly moderate. DRIED PEAS—We quote: Green, .«2 75flj 2 85: Blackeye, §1 70t«l SO; Niles, $1 50® 1 G;> ctl. BEANS— We quote: Bayos, S3 75<53 80- Butter, S3(a3 25; Pink, $2 30@2 40: Ked' $2 75fi2 90; Lima. S3 75<a4; Pt-a. 83; m 8 2O: Small White. «2 .ss(g 2 05 «ctl. VEGETABLES—Choice Qrees Peas are in demand at full Ogares. Mushoonis, 50c a lb- Kes Plant, —in -c %> tt>; Asparagus, 25.< 5< )<\u25a0 >' R: Lima Beans, 20c%» tor, Qreen Peppers, 15® tide ai th; Qreen Pens. 3g 7c v ft: String Heans, 20@23c T^ Bj; Tomatoes, .Slr/1 50 II box- .Summer Squash, 12.,«. 15c ? It: Turnips 75c V ctl: Beets. $1 -^ sack"; Carrots, feed, -U>«i.sof Parsnips. *i 25 f) ctl. Cabbage. 50m60c; Oarlte. 3(ffisc ¥ »>; Cauliflower, —/<t—c » doz- Dry Peppers. 15( ? 2Oc; Dry Okra, 15(<il7>:.c V lb: Marrowfat Squash, S2om 25 -ji ton. FRUIT—The market is yet crowded With Oranges, the fruit being largely or iuvii- liiu' character. We quote prices v BoUowa: Apples. 40c.il SI f< box for common to good Hiid SI 26 to $1 5o for choice; Mexican Limes, S,«£7 50 fl box; Calilornia Linus, Is(n-l 25/ or small boxes; Lemons, Sicily, 96; California Lemons, S2#2 5O (or River- side and fl 26@1 sOfjl box for Los Angeies; Vacaville Oranges, 50c 9small box; Riverside >'avel, 82 S0»8 6O; Riverside Beedlbigs, SI 75(5 2 25; Los Angeles Navels. 82 25@3; Los Angeles Seedlings, Slf-<,l 50 V i>ox; ila- nanas, $1 50£t.2 50 t> bunch; Pineapples, *46& 6 'r 1 dozen. DRIED FRVlT—Trade is in small propor- tions, as stocks on band are too limited In quantity to admit of movement of extensive character. We quote rates a< follows: Ap- ples, evaponited. in boxes lOa-Hc: sliced Sjjc; quartered, r:\u0084<:^..-: Pears, l..isci<>room- xnon and 6(q>bc for quartered unpeeled Bart- lett; Kiijs. 2' 2 3c; di>. pressed In boxes. 4(a r ti -; Pitted Plums, m. n'..,\u25a0: Peacbes,peeled, evap- orated, 20@22Yc; bleached.- rjial Siicj com- mon sun-dried, 10'<illc: Apricots, bleaclu-d 34.<?1m- in sacks ana 18@19c 9 tt. In boxes; Nectarines, 17@18c ror white: California Prunes, b(g l;i<- ? !b; Grapes, 3',wo;,c V tt>- Raisins, SI 75» 1 85 box lor London Layers; 3-CTOWI] loose, SI 20n 1 25; 2-CTOWn loose, 75c<Ml f* box. HONEY—No chance in prices. We quote: White Comb. llr» 15c; Amber, 8910 c; white liquid extracted, Ci'..fti.7c: Amber colored and candled, .v t .i 6c V- f- KfTTEU—liiiMnesx'is fairly f>risk. but deal- er.-, are doinir more or less shadhivr in order to preserve regular custom or keep down stock We quote: Fancy, 350366; good to choice 83g 34c; fair to srood". 28i !2c; store lot* 20c; Eastern, 12'- : jte2oc for ladle packed, 20& 25c for dairy and 25(<t30c "$ ft for creamery. CHEESE—Prices linn under light stocks Choice to fancy, new. 15(&16c; fair to good. 2m 14C ' 'usterni ord»nary to line, 13@14}£c EGGS—Some parties quote as lileh as 22c for ranch, while others go as low as 19c s dozen lor store. Conservative operators give 20«/ 21c a* the quotable range. POl'LTßY—Supplies are ample for all market wants. \Ve quote prices: Live Tur- keys—Gobblers, Il<ai2}-..c; Hens, 10ft 14c f. *S dressed Turkeys, i3(&l4c; Roosters. Slft4 oO lor old and $6ia;7 50 for voun*- Broilers. K4«fi; Hens, S4fas 5O; Duclcs ?;> 50WG 50 tor young, and $4<ss for old- Geese. SI 6091 75 puir. GAME—The market is not overstocked and arrivals lind prompt sale at current figures "We quote prices as follows: Quail *l- Canvusbacks, S3(g4 50; Mallard, 9S&S 50: Bprig, fl«l _2& Teal, fl^l 25; smali Ducks, /oc; Widgeon. SI; Brant. SI 25- English Snipe, S2 50&8: Jack Snipe 75cm 81; Gray Gi>ese, S2; White Geese, §1 '>5- Honkers, $3«4: Hare, 25(h1 50- Rnt> bits, Slwl BO ? dozen. PROVISIONS—We quote as follows: Eastr cm Hams, 12(a.12k;c; California refrigemtor- curcd Hams, 11%(g.12c; Eastern Breakfast Bacon, 1 3(u 13}ic; California Bacon, heavy and medium. 'Jfq,lOe; do light, 12Vii3c- do extra light, 13J4<*13)<ic; do, clear sides) Bsje9sfe9*i Porlc.extra prime, Sl4(§il4 50; do, ijrime mess. $ 15ft 15 50; do, mess, $IG^> Hi 50: do, clear, SIT'o-17 50; do, extra clear, S1S&18 50f Ijbl: Pi<;s Feet, SI3 y übl; Beef, mew. Mils, S7 SOifrS; do extra mess, bbla, 98 50te9; do, family, $ll<all 50 y. bbl; do, smoked, ll%@ 12c « ft; Eastern I^irtl, tierces, ~V\<f\ 8!4c; do, 10-!b tins, Wt,i>y.c; do, G-i»> tins. ii'-'i!%'; do. 3-fo ting, 9&&9% c; fallfonita Lard, tierces, S!f.!u sJ-.c: do, kei;s, ()'.!.•'i.- do, 10-fr. tins. 1O"(<(.1O\c; do, 5-fo tins, ld'Cc; do. 10-fb p:iils, liHie; do, 5-lb pails, lie; do 3-tbpails, II Jfls 9 Au WOOL—Trade is dull for what stock then- is, and it is not expected thai tin re will be much activity until the new spring dip com- mences to reach market. We quote spring: Fjw«ter:i Oregon and Washington, y. ft>..i4'f tiOc Valley, do aO«i^3 \Vo quote full: Sun Joagnln and Southern, free 10<S 14 T>o. defective B<^lo Northern Lamb k;, 17 Do. defective 14(w15 HIDES AND SICIXS-t^uotaljle as follows: Bound. Culls. Heavy s:e<'rs.r>7 !''Sup,"f* !b..r;.,'i--c 0 <\u25a0\u25a0: c MeiMum fleers, lo to 50 lbs..H 6L 4 1 <.i Light, 40 to I". It.s 5 oi— :s-\.a .Mcl inm Cows, over 46flw r> & 3jZ(<> Light Cowb, under 40 lbs 5 3j&«3— Kips. 1T to ;;o Ihs 4 ;,• :i S— Veal Skins, lo to 17 i»;s <i \u0084i r> (»v_ Calf sUiiis, sto 10lbs 6 ice— 5 v Dry Hides, u«u:il selections, 9c; Dry dps. do Oc V fr; Call skin.-, do, <ie; Cull Hides, Kir! and Culi; ftc: Sound Dry Salt Hides, sc; Cull Dry Salt Hide*, ii-; Felts, shearlings, 10®20c each; do, short. iiOi-i 50c each; do, medium, ('<">(\u25a0\u25a0 ¥joe each; do, lons wool, 90c(a sl 25 each; Deer Skins, summer, 37' ..<•: do, good medium :ia'v-i :{:..\u25a0: do, thin, 20(4&5c y "•: Goatskins. 40rt 50eapiece for prime and perfect, '>~>'wSoe for medium, ::ml him :.'<)<• each for small. MEAT MARKET—The supply of Beef is well vii to the average, keeping prices in easy position. Following are the rates tor whole carcasses from slaughterers to deal- ers: Beef—Birst quality, Be: second quality, 5e to O'.^e; t'uird quality, 4}^@sc ,> !'. Veal— (Quotable at •">,.\u25a0 uj^c for large and t>6 6c ft ft) for small. Mutton—Quotable at B@9c \> rt.. Lamb—Spring, 15c 9 to. Pork—Live ho^s on foot,gmiu ft i>. heavy, 4@4V£<:; light ;: ... dressed hogs, ;! 6c $ ft. s>AN FRANCISCO STOCK SALES. San Francisco, February 17,1501. kornixc iidahd. j Ophlr :? 30 Queen 85c ' Mexican '1 45 Sadie l 25 |G.<StC 2 OUBulwer... toe 18. ft. X ;>. 40@2 I"' Mono .......70e [.Can. Vu 4 <;<.;., 435 Gcary-st li B 97 : .Siivafre 2 1 .')(\u25a0; :l 20 Siivajo 20<5.25c Cbollar 2 10®2 u'u Belle Isle .60e I Potosi 4 35 Alt. Diablo 3 10 I H. 4 N :> 10 N. 15. Isle 65c I Jacket :.' 10 Holmes 2 00 Imperial 15@2Oc;Occldenta) sr>c Kentuck 10c l^idy W 25@20c Alpha BOc Andes 1 on i Belcher 1 45 Scorpion 15@20c ContTd'nce 4 25 Eureka .;{ 00 s. Nevada 20 Prize 15@i2Oc Bullion 1 95 Union 2 25 Exchequer 65(a 7<)c Alta 60@65c i Sejj. Belcher 85c Julia :_><);: I Overman 1 *5 Caledonia 550 I Justice I>.V Silver Iliil 25c Peer 10c Challenge 1 35 AFTKUXDON BESSXDK. Opiilr :i :'.">.Mono 75 C Mexican a 45: Con. Pic ._._lsc <;ic on Peer 10, i.-,,- Best& i: 2 35.Crocker r,:., mm- do.stssesod 25c. Peerless 10@15c <\m. Va -1 j0.;4 C,O X. B. Islo ~..C'oc Sava«fi 2 15 Holmes 2 00 I Cliollitr 2 10 Queen :2Ofu.:!oc Potosl 430 Com'wealth 70rg :5c H. 4 N 2 l-l N. Oom'wltb 55c Point 1 ~ii> Bnlwer soc Jacket ~ 05 Eureka 3 OO(.' ;t 75 I r:ii>t-rini 1 5c Prize ; rm Kentuck 4t»c Navujo 25c I Alpha 80c Belle Isle uoc Belcher 1 :J0(« 135 Mt. Diablo 310 Confidence 4 00 Julia ir>c ] S. Nevada 2 15 Caledonia 50c 1 l"t;;!i 60c Challenge 1 ;>.o j Exchequer 70c 1 tcddental BOc I Overman 1 7 5 Lady W 25@20c Justice \H>f Andes i 00 Uniou 2 :.'O Scorpion 15@20c AUa OOC Bodle 1 40 1 iclmonte 25c Cent ral ,"'• i oc : Bodle 1 4O Weldoil 5 \u25a0 loc - SACSAMEXTO DAILY EECOED-TiyiOX, WEDXESDAY, FEBBTJABY 18, 1891.—SIX PAGES. 4 |,itisccUancou». The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy, CCTBES AX<L DLSOUDEEB OF THE STOMACH, LIVKU, BOWELS. KIDXEYs] BLVD- ,'••, erv"!is V* 8**8*?! IjOSS "f Appetite, Seadache, Constipatiou, Costiveness Indlses- tion, RinonsneWß, Fever, PUes, Etc., and n aders the system less liable to contract disease DYSPEPSIA. RAiy\\ AYS PILLS are a cure tor \h\< complaint. They tone up the internal seere- uons to braithy action, restore strength to the stomach and enable it to perform ttsnrao- Wtaps. PKIOE, 3fi eenta per box. Sold by all druggists. ;;.n your storekeeper is out oi them we will mail you a box on receipt oi price, or five for 81 "\u25a0"\u25a0'vw !!A!>WAY A- CO., :;•.» AViuivu Street. New York. /^PAINLESS. PlLLS^^C^^^ S2^WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.-^3 ) For iIL! iiS ft iEifSys SISSiiiESIS Sack as Wind and Pair, in the Sfonr.ch. Fijlhess end Smitina after Maa,'* Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills.Flushings of Heat, Loss of Appetite Shortness of Breath, Ccsthencas, Scurry, Blotches on the Skin, D/stunnd ( Sleep, Frightful Dreams, end ell N'jrvous and Trembling Sensations, 'c. THE FIRST DOSE WILL CIV!" RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. EEECHAM'S PILLS TAKEN AS DIRECTiD RESTORE FEMALES TO COUPLETS HEALTH For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.; they ACT LIKEMAGIC, Si,cr.gttieni:ig tho muscular St/sinm, rastOTioglOßß-lost ocm- pjprim, bringing b.-ick t!ip keen edge ofaD/jctite, and aioustuj; vrau lie BOBCBUD OF Hl.iUil tho whole physical energy or tlio human fr.:nn-. Onoot t.!m } M-st Riutmntees Mi™Sr:»S!f P'LLS HAVETHE UIIC"T CA- * n. F fILLGH Co..3S6aitd 367 Canal St. wSVori &Stti?SJ?i'J£ tS?TV2 itedSfe,%!i 'rhn lif '"""\u25a0 droßrirtdoea nntkeepili^m) WILL MAIE CpJEAFfI BALWI-ric.nnseg <t:o Na*.Ll{SsS»TTi^r:^ KHp3a*lSJMWra.s»a Kl.-K,Aria>» iain ::.:.! Inflainiiiation, X3 .-iils'SS^^fiC F0'YO«1 ©T ?73tl"' Bores. Kotorcs MaPto nr.d Bmcll, a:i«l CorcBW>w^TAnß\Wl wife vdj«sr^ m w i y fei !(•;%. <iiv<s Ro!i«i «t o::<-o fvir Cold in Head. m3EKxj£%xJm B»j[!a£.7??a!Sr: .?SOc : ::;t3 or by nai ELYBiiOS., £G Wsaea Bt, N. T.l'^V v^y--r : , c | SEUU9CK*S PHOTOGRAPHS ARE Till: KLNSST. Trees! Trees! J. X. BOGUE Of Marysville h:is the finest stock or K-R-U-I-T X-R-E-E-S Ever brought to Sacramento. NrjIiSEKY, SECOND. STREET, NEAK depot—first Nursery from I street,adjoin- ing Reed a Oo.'a. These Trees arc perfectly tree from scale uud TRUE TO LAIJEL. fail and examine. lcll-1111 J. It. NICKEUSON, Agent. CAPITAL PHARMACY, IMs Capital Hotel, ccr. Seratt ass k as. J. S. O'CALLAGIIAN, Proprietor, Agent Km: ;-;:iN'i'irtansy wafers. tor tiw relief and cure <>i' painful and Irregular menses. They nre safe and sure, A SURE CURE FOR THE I.IQUOU VXS OPIUM HABITS. The East India core for these babita can be given without patient's knowledge, and is tiie only Known specific for the purpose. n<>t Ikjuiuouh. fe>7-tf OROCERIES. HAVING BOUGHT OUT THE GROCERY business corner Twentieth and J streets we are now prepared to tarnish the best groceries,and at the lowest prices, to all oar friends and patrons. Will open THURSDAY February 19th. ItUDECK & COSSICH ' felT-lm LmMWL % 11 j "111. 1 "WPrßionT leeo' MUSICAL. There Beems to be little going on in musical circles of late, but there is much talk, among music- al people, of the marvelous cure of Miss B , the high contralto singer, who has long suffered from a severe throat or bron- chial affection, superinduced by Catarrh in the Head, and who has been perfectly cured by the u^e of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ilem- edy, coupled with the use of Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical Discov- ery. For all bronchial, throat and lung affections, and lingering coughs, the " Disco\ rery "is an un- equnlcd remedy. When compli- cated with Catarrh, its use should be coupled with that of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Do you know that you cac ! buy a chimney to fit your lamp ; that will last till some acci- i dent happens to it ? Do you know that Macbeth's " pearl top " or "pearl glass " is that chimney ? You can have it—your dealer will get it—if you insist on it. He may tell you it costs him three times as much as some others. That is true. He may say they are just as good. Don't you believe'it— they may be better for him; he may like the breaking. "v*-1 o*o. A.MAcnzTHiCo. For improved and economic cooKery use Liebig COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF BEEF For 15e.-f Tea, .Soups, Made Dishes Snuces (Game, Fish, etej, Aspte or Meat Jelly. Keep* for any length 01time, and Is cheaper aud of finer Havor than any other stock. Genuine only with J. yon J,!ebi«\s sig- nature as nliove, in blue. One pound of Extract ofBeef equal to forty pounds of lean Deer. Don't be Hambnjsrgod JUve-v* b*" the fictitious claims inada for Porous Plasters KJkr that cure before they are V*~l applied. Use Benson's, a Bcientiflo preparation that f^ plves prompt relief and is // f"^ s =e». 1 Indorsed by over 6,000 I* k<S§2hJ I reputable Physicians and life L_; y? i Druggists. Get the milE NEWS OF THE" WORLD IS COi^ X tamed in the WKEKi,Y UNION. Ranking fjoitsco. Sacramento City California Guariinteed capital 9410,000 Paid up capital _ 225.500 Keserve and surplus 5G.000 Term and ordinary deposits received. Divi- dends paid semi-annually. Money loaned on reai estate only. «*-To encourage children and people of limited menus to save, deposits of $1 will be reieived and iuterest paid thereon. For lurthcr iufornmtion address WM. BECK MAN, President. _Geo. W. Lorenz. Cashier. NATIONAL BANK OF dToTmILLS & CO, Sacramento, Cal.—Founded, ISSO. Saturday Hours 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Directors and Shareholders: D. O. MILLS 1 r,o S Sharp «. j EDGAR MILLS, President... "ZXzs* Shares S. PUKNTIss SMITH, Vice-Pres. 250 BnalS i FRAN X MILLER, Cashier * 361 Shares C. h. DILLMAN, Asst. Cashier.... 125 Shares Other persons own I,I'JS Sliures Cupitul and Sui-plus, S«OO,OOO. *i-Chrome Steel Safe Deposit Vault and Time Lock. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' ; SAVINGS BANK Southwest Corner Fourth and J streets, Sacramento, Cal. Guaranteed Capital $500,000 LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. IX- terest paid semi-annuaily on Term and ordinary Deposits. 15. U. STKINMAN President EDWIN K. ALSIP '.Vicc-Prosdtn D.D.WHITBECK .Cashier C. 11. CUMMINGS ' Secretory JAMES M. STEVENSON \u25a0//.Surveyor DIRECTORS: P.. V. Stkixmax, Edwix K. Alsip c. H. Cmocnros, w. 1:. Txaxx Sol. Kuxyon, Jaxss McN.as.ser. .L\s. M. Stevenson. CUIFURNIA STATE BANK" And Safe Deposit Vaults, a sa(;p.ami:nto, cal. Draws Drafts on Principal Cities oi the World. Saturday Hours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. OS7XCEBS : j Piv-i<'.ent K. T>. WIDV.OVT I Vioo-rivsidcut FIIED'K COX V lsi"or A. ABBOTT Assistant Cashier W. E. GERUEK BIItECTORS: C:. W. Ci.ai'.kk, Jos. Steffens, <;k'>. c. Pkkkiss, Kkku'x cos n. i>. lirDgorrr, j. n. Watsok, W. E. GEBBBB. SACiIAMENTO BANK. THE OLDEST SAVINGS UANK Jjg THE ity, comer of Fifth and J streets Sacra- mento. Gnarantced capital, sooo.ouo; paid Dp capital, sold coin, ffSOO.OOO; loans on real 1 tatc In California, July 1. ih'JO, §:i,s9ti.4 12- -term and ordinary deposits. July 1, it<!)o' j }*:>,7<.im,u:>l. Term and ordinary deposits re- cetved. Divldendg paid In Janoarjr and July Money loaned upon real estate only. The Hunk does exclusively a saving! bank bnsi- aess. Information tarnished upon applica- tion to \\ . P. COLEMAN, 1 President Ep. I!. Hamii.tux, Cashier. tROGvEII-WOOUYOirnf NATIONAL B.LNK, 3-.1-2 Pine street, San Francisco. PAID-UP CAPITAL, $1,000,000, SURPLUS, $250,000. DißEcrons: 1 CHAKLES CROCKER E. H. MILLER JR R. C. WOOLWOBTH President ; W. E. iiUOWN Vice-Pres \S \u25a0 11. CKoCKEU Cashier DEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO YOUB I (O friends iv the East. Cavity yaUea $vutt iajiba. CAPAY VALLEY! The Earliest Fruit Land in the State. Equal in All Respects to tie Famous Vaca Valley, I fell It Adjoins. UNPRECEDENTED TERMS, I>INTEREST ONLY FOR FIVE YEARS AX 7 PER CENT.^vI 1 Capay Valley is situated in Yolo County, about 90 miles by rail from San Francisco, and. is taaversed in its entire length by the Woodland, Capay and Clear Lake Railroad, the distance from Esparto to Rumsey being 21 miles. - The Capay Valley Land Company is offering the Too much stress cannot be laid upon the great ad- most fertile lands in this beautiful valley upon terms which vantage to the fruit-grower of being in early locality, enable the purchaser to pay for the land out of its own In most cases it makes the difference between success product viz: Interest only for five years at 7 per cent, and failure. The industrious orchardist of Capay Valley Ihe only condition imposed is, that a reasonable pro- may rest assured that he willderive all the benefits gained portion of the land purchased shall be planted to fruit by the first fruit shipments of the season, and that 20 trees or vines. Land may be bought without this acres of this rich land, when the trees are in bearing, will condition on payment of 20 per cent, cash and re- yield a handsome and assured income j maining 80 per cent, at the end of five years, with in- The Capay Valley Land Company has an agent re- terest annually in advance, at 7 per cent. The various siding in the valley,'whose duty it is to show the various tracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company have tracts to land seekers. been subdivided into 10 and 20-acre lots, which are for Four townsites have been laid out in different points sale at prices varying from $50 to $r s o per acre. Simi- in the valley, viz: Esparto, Cadenasso, Guinda and lar unimproved land m Vaca Valley has recently been Rumsey. Town lots may now be purchased at reason- sold at $400 to $500 per acre. able prices and on easy terms. These Capay Valley lands are under the most favor- The enterprising and flourishing town of Esparto is able climatic conditions for the prosecution of profitable situated at the lower end of the valley, and $125,000 fruit growing, and the locality has proved itself to be worth of substantial buildings have already been erected, one of the earliest in the State. The grape crop of 1890 including a fine four-story brick hotel, two large brick from the company's vineyard at Cashmere was picked, blocks and waterworks, with pipes laid in the streets, dried and shipped to Chicago and Philadelphia before besides extensive warehouses and numerous residences the Fresno County grapes were ripe. The town has a postoftke. school-house and a weekly lhe rauroad passes through all of the tracts owned by paper, and the fine railroad depot contains telegraph the Capay Valley Land Company, thus insuring excel- and express offices. lent shipping facilities; and land may now be purchased Postoffices have also been established at Guinda and m the immediate proximity of either of the following Rumsey. This latter place, situated at the head of the stations: Capay, Cadenasso, Surrey, Guinda, Sauterne, valley, is the present terminus of the railroad. The com- Cashmere or Rumsey fortable little hotel makes excellent quarters for hunters At many of these places fine orchards of the choicest as well as land-seekers. and earliest varieties of peaches and apricots may already The advantages enjoyed by the settler in Capay Val- be seen, and during the coming season considerable ad- ley may be thus concisely summed up- ditional acreage will be planted out. One of the recent A soil of great fertility, yielding bountifully of every sales made by the company was that of the Tancred crop. y Tract, containing 600 acres to a colony association. A soil and climate which will ripen all kinds of fruit and I his tract has been subdivided into forty holdings, all of vegetables earlier than anywhere else in the State which will be planted to front trees this season. A climate perfectly adapted to the curing of raisins and lhe fine orchards on the Guinda Tract, where 400 drying of frnit, without the aid of artificial evaporators acres have been sold, are especially worthy of mention, A location that is central and close to markets. Railroad and it is a significant fact that several of the blocks are communication which enables shipments to be made owned by successful Vaca Valley fruit-growers, who ex- quickly and cheaply. Lands which are sold cheaper and pect to make their earliest shipments from here. on better terms than anywhere else in the State. FOR MAPS AND ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE CAPAY VALLEY LANDS, APPLY TO OR ADDRESS WM. H. 3XEIL.LS, Fourth and Townsend Streets, - - - - SAN FRANCISCO. Cgfrnmt gi. gUgip & ®o M jleal (B&tatc Agents*. SOUTH 3 SACRAMENTa - I ARE YOU IN IT? It is your fault if you are not. If not, Secure One of Those Cheap Lots In this fine suburban site R.IGrMT OFF.. We sold 71 at the two auction sales, which is about half of what we have in our part. We will for 13 days raise the prices less than 1O per cent, above the average sales at auction. This will en- able those who could not attend the auction to secure a desirable building lot. THE! TEHR.2XIS Same as the auction—one-fourth cash, deferred pay- ments in monthly installments of $10, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum, purchaser paying taxes on lot. Messrs. May, Wolf and others, who purchased at auction, contemplate building immediately. Remember, this offer is made for 15 days only from February 16, 1891. APPLY TO EDWIN I ALSIP (I CO., Managers, Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1015 Fourth St., Sacramento. •glustttcas (Eatrs»». ARCHITECTS. "VT D- GOODELL AND F. H. BCHABDtH jj> . have associated themselves toijethor as Architects and Builders. Office. Pioneer Hall, Seventh street, between J and X, Sacramento, Cal. Consultation and estimates made free ol charge. MRS MARIO n STIRLING. mTd~ LATE LADY PRINCIPAL OF PUFFERIN Medical College for Women, and .Superin- tendent of Women's Hospitals and Dispen- saries in Northern Rritisli India. Diseases of women and children a specialty. OFFICE— Room 7. Odd Fellows' Temple. H. F. ItOOT. ALEX. NEII.SON. J. BRISCOL. ROOT. NEILSON 4 CO . UNION FOUNDRY—IRON AND BRASS Founders and Machinists, Front street, between N and O. Castings and machinery of every description made to order. glttovnetjsr-at-ljan*. D. X. TRASK. LAWYER. FULTON BLOCK, LOS AN- gelea, Out. Attends to business in South- ern California for non-residents and attorneys. Practices in all courts. Letters promptly answered. Ja3l-ly CHARLES H. OATMAN, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. J\ Office —I'JO J street, Sacramento, Cal. Notary Public. a lThartT^ A TTORNEY-AT-LAW—OFFICE: SOUTH- west corner Fifth and J streets. Kooms 12, 13 and 14, Sutler Bolldlng. THOMAS W. RVKPHBST. A TTORNEY AND C< IUNSELOR AT LAW. Southwest corner Seventh and J streets; Notary Public. Collections. Sacramento, Cal. _________ F. F. TEBBETS. DENTIST, 914 SIXTH ST., fIgPSSSB* between I and J. west sidi'.'^p!BK3Bsa^ opposite Congregational Church.^-LCCtHCF DR W. C. REITH. DENTIST, LINDLEY BUILD- inir. southeast corner S( v-Ss^aS> ••nth and .1 stivus, Sa<-:-:;ii'!-uic..m^sßsp^ C. H. STEPHENSOW, DENTIST, CORNER SF.V- gCjggjJW enthand .1 streets, over 1-v-ffT^^^^^. on's Dry Goods Store. ' y GOID MEDAL, PAHIS, IST3. S. Barer & Co.'s Cocoa from -which the excess ol oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less'thai\one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. W. L. DOUGLAS *X ** 11 \u25a0" and other speclal- y%< JajrßvJt tics for Gentlemen, *C** %# \u25a0 1 *\u25a0 Ladles, etc., are war- ranted, anfi po stamped on bottom. Address W. 1,. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Soldby WEINSTOCK, LUBIN 4 CO., A?ents, Jfos. 400 to ll'i X street, Sacramento. W. K. STROXG COMPANY, —HEADQUARTERS FOR— Alfalfa Seed, Etc. W"Orcs;on Potatoes in Lots to Suit. CULTIVATED WHITE WILD OATS. And ALFALFASEED In lots to suit. W. H. WOOD & CO., "WHOLESALE PRODUCE, Kos. Bt7 to 125 J Street, Sacramento. S. GERSON &~~CO^~ —\u25a0WHOLESALE— Fruit, Produce and Commission Merchants, SACRAMENTO, CAL. I*. O. Box 170. CURTIS~BROS. & C<s7, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCSANTS, Wholesale Dealers in Fruit and Produce, 308, 310, 313 X st., Sacramento. Telephone 37. Posi,,ni.v Box 885. EUC.EME J. GREGORY. KKANK QSBOOHT. GREGORY BROS. CO., SUCCESSORS TO GREGORY, BARNES & CO., vos. 126 and 128 J St.. Sacramento, wholesale dealers in Produce and Kruit Full stocks of l'otntoes. Vegetables, Green and Dried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa, Butter, Esr's Cio.se. I'oultry, Etc., always on hund. Orders tilled at LOWEST RATES. Finest Lunch House in the City, CAPITAL ALE VAULTS, NAGELE & SVENSSON, Proprietors. Lunch from 11 A. M. to 2 P. U. Clam Chowder and .Musse.l Soup every evening from 6 to 12 o'clock. Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. KELLKY. FAWCETt" "THE PLAY," METROPOLITAN THEATER BUILDING, 488 X Street. CHAMTAGNE, C'KJARS, I.IQUORS. fl-lm CONCORDIA BEER HALL, No. 1021 Fourth Street. HAVING MADE EXTENSIVE IMPROVE- ments the public are now cordially in- vited to a first-class resort. Sandwiches of all kinds. Butlalo Beer on draught and in bot- tles. The finest Wines, Liquors and Cierars on hand. H. KOHNE, Proprietor. EBNER BROS., 11G-11S X Street, Front ana Second, Sacramento, TMPORTER.S AND WHOLESALE DEAI*- 1_ ers in Wines and Liquors. Agents for the celebrated Pommeryand Greno Champagne. M. CRONAN,"" 230 X St., and 1108-1110 Third Stli, Sacramento, Cal., TMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER _L to Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham- pagne. JAMES WOODBURN, Xo. 417 X Street. Sacramento, C'al., J34POBTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER in fine Wliislcios, Braadlee. Winus an-1 iquors. Thanking my old friends and pa- trons for their former patronage, I solicit 11 continuance of the same. All orders will bo promptly and carefully tilled. ©tute arable. SOUTHERN FACinC COMPANY." PACIFIC SYSTEM. January iq, 1891. Trains Leave and are duo t Arrive at Sacramento. LEAVE TRAIN 3RUM DAILY. iASRIVE 6:15 A Calistosa and Napa ' 11:40 A 305 1' OaMrfoga and Napa j 8-40 1* 12:50 A ..Ashiaiul and Portland...! 5:55 A 4:30 1' Demlng. Xl Paso and East] 7:00 P 7:30 1* Knights Landtag ! 7:10 A 10:50 A, Los Angeles 9:35 A 1 tgden and East—Second 12:05 P Ciass 2:25 A (Vmral Atlantic Express 11:00 1' forOgden and East 8:15 A 3:00 P Oroville ! 10:30 A 3:00 P..Red Blullvia Marysville.. 10:30 A 10:4O A Redding via Willows 4:00 P 2:25 A Sun Francisco via Krnicia 11:40 A 6:15 A San Francisco via Benicia 12:35 A 8:40 A Ban Franolaoo via IJenieiu 10:40 1* 3:05 I* i"*an Francisco via Benicia 8:40 P 10:00 A San Francisco via steainor *6:00 A 10:50 A Sau Franco via Liverinori! '2:50 P 10:50 A San Jose 2:50 P 4:30 Ii Hantu Barbara 9:35 A 6:15 Ai Santa Rosa 11:40 A 3:05 Pi Santa Rosa 8:40 P 8:50 Ai Stockton and Gait 7:00 P 4:30 l'; Stockton and Gait 8:35 A 12:05 F j| Truckceand Reno 2:25 A li:00 I'! Truckeeund Reno 8:16 A 12:05 P Colfax 8:15 A 6:15 A Vallejo 11:40 A 3:05 1' Vallejo 18:40 P *6:35 A ...Folsoniand Placerville... *2:40 P •3:10 P Kolsomand Placprvllle... *11:35 A •Sunday excepted. fSunday only. |Mon- diiy excepted. A.—For morning. P.—For afternoon. UIC'HAKD GRAY, Gen. Traffic Manager. T. H. GOODMAN, General Passenger Agent.

i /^PAINLESS. PlLLS^^C^^^ OFF.....COMMERCIAL. SACRAMEXTO MARKET. Sacramento, February 17th. FRUlT—Lemons—.Sicily, $ti 50. box; California, SiM4 50; Limes, BJ7

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Page 1: i /^PAINLESS. PlLLS^^C^^^ OFF.....COMMERCIAL. SACRAMEXTO MARKET. Sacramento, February 17th. FRUlT—Lemons—.Sicily, $ti 50. box; California, SiM4 50; Limes, BJ7


Sacramento, February 17th.FRUlT—Lemons—.Sicily, $ti 50<a,7 *>. box;California, SiM4 50; Limes, BJ7<g 3 9 box, 75c61 "r1 lot); Bananas, $-.2 50<o 3 50 ~? bunch for

Island; Cocoanuts, S7toS; California Oranges—Lfl*Angeles, S2®2 25H box: Riverside, S.JiTj,a aO'phox; do, Navels, S4 25«i4 50 V box;Mandarins, «si -J5 '0 box; Pineapples, COceach. «7 y dozen- Apples-Spitzenburg. §ti tio(»~ 75 p box; Rho<!e Island Greenings,9ls1 50>< l>ox; lnixed varieties, §ltal Ub »*. box;Tears, 81 \t y box.

CANNED (lO(iDS—Assorted table, §2Q2 10; Apples, $1 O<J; Apricots, §1 i>o; Black-berries, si <jr,; Cherries, $:> 4<%2 110; Cur-rants, su 25; Gooseberries, >si ><j»< l BO;Muscat Grapes, )j;i 55(al 00; Plums, SI i>o;Quinces, SI 'Jo; Baspberries, §2 70; Straw-ben its. .*:> 70.

HKEADSTL'KFS—?'iour, S4 25 %> bW; Oat-meal, 10-ft sjtck, 4c per lt>, .*:{ 80 V 100-lfcsack; Cornincal, white, ts^l V' 10-li. sacks;ye110w,92 10-• 25-S>sacks; Cracked Wheat,9* 50, 10-U. sacks: 2 :iu. 100-ft sacks; Hom-iny, S3 10-lt. sacks; $U SO V 100-rt. sacks;Graham, S:2 40, lU-K) ,s::cl;s; §2 20, IOU-Uj

HAY,GRAIN AND FKED—Oat Hay Sl2fn,15 v ton; AHalla, do, $l:if«ll ton: iinm,<21 'p. ton: Middlings, ij!^7 V ton; Barley,whole, paying §1 56(3 1 <>0; rolled, 31 75(*1 SO; Wheat milling), paying SI ;{.r> \\cut: Bye 91 35; Tame Oats. 93^2 i;5; Corn,paying 81 30 t1 rwl.

VEGETABLES-Onlons, Silversklns, Sl@4,'r; ¥ iwt: onions, Red, £\u25a0>:!</ :> 50; Cabbage,s(i'-'Si; Carrots, sO<*6Oc y 100 lbs; Tur-nlps,new,9l@l 25 t'. sack; bunch vegetables,12 '/:<•'\u25a0?. doz; Parsnips, $I@l 50; Beets, 75c@91:lli>ne lUidish. 10c r1 b; Garlic. 2Ofe2sc;Artichokes, 7 sc^9l ~? uoz; I tried Peppers, 204s25c; Green Peas, common, 8®lOc; go, sweet,lO'.'l:ic: Potatoes—Early Bose, UOcfe^l;I'eerli ss.i?lra 1 Hurbanks,SI 40(5-1 50;< Vn-tennial. Slw 1 25 9 cU; Sweet Potatoes, 82@\i 50 a suck; (Jelery,: 5c >: doz; Spinach, 5cft; String lieans, 4(« sc; Summer Bquash; :Ve4c; Caullflower,sl y do/.; Green Peppers, id -c \liie y, it.; ()kra, lOklZ\ ;jc; Bed Cabbage, 3c "~jK>* Havoy Cabbage. 9Oc y <ioz.

DAIRS' PRODLHTS—Butter —Valley. 84®87JJc t 1 ft; Fancy Petaluma, 36@38 ftln; K;ist-eni Creamery, fancy, 22&23c; Plekle Hull,3" :;2!..c; packed In firkins, choice, l B<g 25c;Common. 12^@13C, Cheese—California. 15ffiliic; Young America, I7r.'i^c; Ba^ternCream, 15@16c;Limbarger,lB@20c; genuine jSwiss. :;:; > \u0084\u25a0„ :{.-„•; American Swiss, 21c; Mar- !

tin".-Cream, 17w 18c Eggs, 40<§ 15c; Caltfor-Dla Ranch £ggß, 28®30c, Jiastem Et"<s, 25®

POULTRY—Dealers' prices: Live Turkeys,hens, 12®13c; gobblers. 11@12c; dressed, 1 i.'-i15c; full-grown Chickens, 84@5 >' dozen;youns roosters. St.i 5 y dozen; broilers, S:( \u25a0: t;tame Ducks, Ss<h ij; Pekln, 96@7; Geese, 32S£ 25 f"pair.

GAME—Ducks, Mallards. ?. pair, 50.'•\u25a0.-7 5< \u25a0;Oanvasbacks, 75c@91; Sprig, 40@50c; Wid-geon, 25@50c; Teal, 85fe5Oc; O,uall, 81 25®1 50 y. doz; Gray Geese. 50m 75c 8 pair;Brant, 30 \u25a0 5()c; Wlnle, :.'sc; Honkers, 75c@fl; Cottontail. 20(a iOe.

MEATB—Beet, I'.yii.oc; Mutton. Or.c;Luml), lie; Veal, large, si-i 5'.,c; small, H<gsB'<ic; Hogs, lw !'.:c; dressed Pork, 7c; Hams-Eastern, llfclfic'; California, llKe; R-icon—Light Medium, 'j'.'.v; selected, llo;extra light,12'..i-; extra lightboneless, 1;!'..'.. ] ('..-.

MISCELLANEOUS — Seeds — Alfalfa, newcrop, B®9cj Timothy, Eastern, <>« 7c -T ' tb;Pop Corn, Ear, 3@4c; Shelled, 4%&si4cfi tt>;Bed Clover, lOfnllc y It.; Red Top, 6#~C.Nuts—Chile Walnuts, new, 11@12c; Califor-nia Walnuts. 11(S»12CJ Almonds, new. 11,-:I 1,-:16c; Peanuts, California, <;w7c; Bostern, 6@7c; Ijird(California), cans.'«'..'«<)c; Kastera,B%®loc. Hides, salt, light, sc| mediumSteers, 8c; heavy steers, Sc; heavy cows, sc;dry, 9c. Tallow, BJ^C

SAN FRANCISCO MARKET.San Kr.ANcisco. February 17th.

FLOUR— Prices sire steady and are notlikely to decline for tlie present. We quote:Net fash price for Family Extras,$4 15&4 25 f bbl; Bakers' Extras, 84 05<S4 ir>; Superfine, $3@3 25.

\V 11EAT—Prices show rather buoyant tonea!#l 37.,/1 SBJ4 *Ctlfor No. 1 Shipping.Fair demand is reported and stock that is de-sirable does not have ti> seek long for custom.Millinggrades are quotable at 81 42V£fa 1 43',%» cU. '

HAULKY—The late rain has taken theBtrength out of the spot Barley market. Triceshave declined, though not to any veryjrrcatextent. We quote as follows: No. 1 iVeJ,81 lofttl 4G 1.,; choice, !?1 IT1..; commongrades, SI 42*.i<al 43%; Brewing. SI sO.'<1 5:.".^ for fair fo good, and $1 50fel 07- .. forChoice.

OATS—Market very quiet, there being nextto nothing doing m this tine. We quoteprices as follows: Surprise, 81 D2J>£@l !>:Vmilling, 81 85®1 90; Rood to ehoicc feed'$1 82«<gil >7.',; fair, !?1 ?."> tosl 80 9Ctl.

CORN—There is not much Inquiry, andbusiness drags In consequence, we quote:Large Yellow, SI 3<>wl 32)6 small Yellow!$1 35@l 37% white,fi ;iui'.fix 37}<»eil

CRACKED CORN —Quotable at $"29 SoY«80 So >> ton.

OILCAKE MEAL—Quotable at 526 ?. tonfrom the mills.

CORNMEAL—MiIIers quote feed at S2f) to$:!0 > ton; tine kinds for the table, in largeami small packages, al:.(q 4c v B>.

CHOPPED FEED—Quotable at §2G«27 «ton

SEEDS— We quote: Mustard. Brown, 82 75to $8; fellow, S2 50@2 75 "^ ctl; CanaryU J4'(i 3e; Hemp, :sV£e: Kape.S2r« 2 50; Timothy6j4<asJsc; Alfulla, 7(3 Sc 9 it; Flux, S2 cow

MIDDLINGS—Prices are easing since therain. Quotable at $26@27f! ton.

HAY—Wheat,sl3@l9; wild 0at,314@16:Barley, $12w 15; Alfalfa, 511(,i13 %< ton.

STKAW—quotable at 65@75c vbale.hoi*s—Nothiiiß iioing in a wholesale war.

Quotableat 30ft 35c f In.HHAN—Heavy receipts to-day from Oregon

cause softer iiriees. quotable at 522(«:*2 r>o%> ton.

I'iYK-Quotable at SI 35 "0 ctl.BUCKWHEAT—QuotabIe at SI TiOfel Go

?> Ctl.GROUND BARLEY —Quotable at S3°ffi82 60 f ton.POTATOES—The market Is fairly stocked,

while trade is good and values show signs ofsteadying. We quote: Htver Beds. 70®80e; Early Rose, 75<0:85c; Burbanks, (Js(a---860 for Rivers. 70@90c for Petalunm. andSI 15«1 25«jkcU&>r Salinas; Oregon, SI 25@1 50 "^ ctl.

ONlON'S—Quotable at S3 75(54 # ctl, thesupply beinconly moderate.

DRIED PEAS—We quote: Green, .«2 75flj2 85: Blackeye, §1 70t«l SO; Niles, $1 50®1 G;> f» ctl.

BEANS—We quote: Bayos, S3 75<53 80-Butter, S3(a3 25; Pink, $2 30@2 40: Ked'$2 75fi2 90; Lima. S3 75<a4; Pt-a. 83; m8 2O: Small White. «2 .ss(g 2 05 «ctl.

VEGETABLES—Choice Qrees Peas are indemand at full Ogares. Mushoonis, 50c a lb-Kes Plant, —in -c %> tt>; Asparagus, 25.< 5< )<\u25a0

>'R: Lima Beans, 20c%» tor, Qreen Peppers, 15®tide ai th; Qreen Pens. 3g 7c v ft: String Heans,20@23c T^ Bj; Tomatoes, .Slr/1 50 II box-.Summer Squash, 12.,«. 15c ? It: Turnips 75cV ctl: Beets. $1 -^ sack"; Carrots, feed, -U>«i.sofParsnips. *i 25 f) ctl. Cabbage. 50m60c;Oarlte. 3(ffisc ¥ »>; Cauliflower, —/<t—c » doz-Dry Peppers. 15(? 2Oc; Dry Okra, 15(<il7>:.cV lb: Marrowfat Squash, S2om 25 -ji ton.

FRUIT—The market is yet crowded WithOranges, the fruit being largely or iuvii-liiu' character. We quote prices v BoUowa:Apples. 40c.il SI f< box for common to goodHiid SI 26 to $1 5o for choice; MexicanLimes, S,«£7 50 fl box; Calilornia Linus,Is(n-l 25/or small boxes; Lemons, Sicily, 96;California Lemons, S2#2 5O (or River-side and fl 26@1 sOfjl box for Los Angeies;Vacaville Oranges, 50c 9small box; Riverside>'avel, 82 S0»8 6O; Riverside Beedlbigs,SI 75(5 2 25; Los Angeles Navels. 82 25@3;Los Angeles Seedlings, Slf-<,l 50 V i>ox; ila-nanas, $1 50£t.2 50 t> bunch; Pineapples, *46&6 'r1 dozen.

DRIED FRVlT—Trade is in small propor-tions, as stocks on band are too limited Inquantity to admit of movement of extensivecharacter. We quote rates a< follows: Ap-ples, evaponited. in boxes lOa-Hc: slicedSjjc; quartered, r:\u0084<:^..-: Pears, l..isci<>room-xnon and 6(q>bc for quartered unpeeled Bart-lett; Kiijs. 2' 2i« 3c; di>. pressed In boxes. 4(a rti-;Pitted Plums, m. n'..,\u25a0: Peacbes,peeled, evap-orated, 20@22Yc; bleached.- rjialSiicj com-mon sun-dried, 10'<illc: Apricots, bleaclu-d34.<?1m- in sacks ana 18@19c 9 tt. In boxes;Nectarines, 17@18c ror white: CaliforniaPrunes, b(g l;i<- ? !b; Grapes, 3',wo;,c V tt>-Raisins, SI 75» 1 85 f» box lor LondonLayers; 3-CTOWI] loose, SI 20n 1 25; 2-CTOWnloose, 75c<Ml f*box.

HONEY—No chance in prices. We quote:White Comb. llr» 15c; Amber, 8910c; whiteliquid extracted, Ci'..fti.7c: Amber colored andcandled, .v t .i 6c V- f-

KfTTEU—liiiMnesx'is fairly f>risk. but deal-er.-, are doinir more or less shadhivr in order topreserve regular custom or keep down stockWe quote: Fancy, 350366; good to choice83g 34c; fair to srood". 28i !2c; store lot*20c; Eastern, 12'- : jte2oc for ladle packed, 20&25c fordairy and 25(<t30c "$ ft for creamery.

CHEESE—Prices linn under light stocksChoice to fancy, new. 15(&16c; fair to good.

2m 14C' 'usterni ord»nary to line, 13@14}£c

EGGS—Some parties quote as lileh as 22cfor ranch, while others go as low as 19c sdozen lor store. Conservative operators give20«/ 21c a* the quotable range.

POl'LTßY—Supplies are ample for allmarket wants. \Ve quote prices: Live Tur-keys—Gobblers, Il<ai2}-..c; Hens, 10ft 14cf. *S dressed Turkeys, i3(&l4c; Roosters.Slft4 oO lor old and $6ia;7 50 for voun*-Broilers. K4«fi; Hens, S4fas 5O; Duclcs?;> 50WG 50 tor young, and $4<ss for old-Geese. SI 6091 75 puir.

GAME—The market is not overstocked andarrivals lind prompt sale at current figures"We quote prices as follows: Quail *l-Canvusbacks, S3(g4 50; Mallard, 9S&S 50:Bprig, fl«l_2& Teal, fl^l 25; smaliDucks, /oc; Widgeon. SI; Brant. SI 25-English Snipe, S2 50&8: Jack Snipe 75cm81; Gray Gi>ese, S2; White Geese, §1 '>5-Honkers, $3«4: Hare, 25(h1 50- Rnt>bits, Slwl BO ? dozen.

PROVISIONS—We quote as follows: Eastrcm Hams, 12(a.12k;c; California refrigemtor-curcd Hams, 11%(g.12c; Eastern BreakfastBacon, 13(u 13}ic; CaliforniaBacon, heavy andmedium. 'Jfq,lOe; do light, 12Vii3c- doextra light, 13J4<*13)<ic; do, clear sides)

Bsje9sfe9*i Porlc.extra prime, Sl4(§il4 50;do, ijrime mess. $ 15ft 15 50; do, mess, $IG^>Hi 50: do, clear, SIT'o-17 50; do, extra clear,S1S&18 50f Ijbl: Pi<;s Feet, SI3 yübl; Beef,mew. Mils, S7 SOifrS; do extra mess, bbla,98 50te9; do, family, $ll<all 50 y. bbl; do,smoked, ll%@ 12c « ft; Eastern I^irtl, tierces,~V\<f\ 8!4c; do, 10-!b tins, Wt,i>y.c; do, G-i»> tins.ii'-'i!%'; do. 3-fo ting, 9&&9%c; fallfonitaLard, tierces, S!f.!u sJ-.c: do, kei;s, ()'.!.•'i.-do, 10-fr. tins. 1O"(<(.1O\c; do, 5-fo tins, ld'Cc;do. 10-fb p:iils, liHie; do, 5-lb pails, lie; do3-tbpails, IIJfls 9 Au

WOOL—Trade is dull for what stock then-is, and it is not expected thai tin re will bemuch activity until the new spring dip com-mences to reach market. We quote spring:Fjw«ter:i Oregon and Washington, y. ft>..i4'f tiOcValley, do aO«i^3

\Vo quote full:Sun Joagnln and Southern, free 10<S 14T>o. defective B<^loNorthern Lamb k;, 17Do. defective 14(w15

HIDES AND SICIXS-t^uotaljle as follows:Bound. Culls.

Heavy s:e<'rs.r>7 !''Sup,"f* !b..r;.,'i--c 0 <\u25a0\u25a0: cMeiMum fleers, lo to 50 lbs..H 6L— 4 1 <.i —Light, 40 to I". It.s 5 oi— :s-\.a —.Mcl inm Cows, over46flw r> &— 3jZ(<>Light Cowb, under 40 lbs 5 (§ — 3j&«3—Kips. 1T to ;;o Ihs 4 ;,• — :i S—Veal Skins, lo to 17 i»;s <i \u0084i — r> (»v_Calf sUiiis, sto 10lbs 6 ice— 5 v—Dry Hides, u«u:il selections, 9c; Dry dps. doOc V fr; Call skin.-, do, <ie; Cull Hides, Kir!and Culi; ftc: Sound Dry Salt Hides, sc; CullDry Salt Hide*, ii-; Felts, shearlings, 10®20ceach; do, short. iiOi-i50c each; do, medium,('<">(\u25a0\u25a0 ¥joe each; do, lons wool, 90c(a sl 25 each;Deer Skins, summer, 37' ..<•: do, good medium:ia'v-i :{:..\u25a0: do, thin, 20(4&5c y "•: Goatskins.40rt 50eapiece for prime and perfect, '>~>'wSoefor medium, ::ml him :.'<)<• each forsmall.

MEAT MARKET—The supply of Beef iswell vii to the average, keeping prices ineasy position. Following are the ratestor whole carcasses from slaughterers to deal-ers: Beef—Birst quality, Be: second quality, 5eto O'.^e; t'uird quality, 4}^@sc ,> !'. Veal—(Quotable at •">,.\u25a0 uj^cforlarge and t>6 6c ft ft) forsmall. Mutton—Quotable at B@9c \> rt..Lamb—Spring, 15c 9 to. Pork—Live ho^s onfoot,gmiu ft i>. heavy, 4@4V£<:; light ;: ...dressed hogs, ;! 6c $ ft.


San Francisco, February 17,1501.kornixc iidahd.

j Ophlr :? 30 Queen 85c' Mexican '1 45 Sadie l 25|G.<StC 2 OUBulwer... toe18. ft. X ;>. 40@2 I"' Mono .......70e[.Can. Vu 4 <;<.;., 435 Gcary-st liB 97: .Siivafre 2 1 .')(\u25a0; :l 20 Siivajo 20<5.25c• Cbollar 2 10®2 u'u Belle Isle .60eI Potosi 4 35 Alt. Diablo 3 10I H.4N :> 10 N. 15. Isle 65cI Jacket :.' 10 Holmes 2 00

Imperial 15@2Oc;Occldenta) sr>cKentuck 10c l^idy W 25@20cAlpha BOc Andes 1 on

i Belcher 1 45 Scorpion 15@20cContTd'nce 4 25 Eureka .;{ 00s. Nevada 20 Prize 15@i2OcBullion 1 95 Union 2 25Exchequer 65(a 7<)c Alta 60@65c

i Sejj. Belcher 85c Julia :_><);:

I Overman 1 *5 Caledonia 550I Justice I>.V Silver Iliil 25cPeer 10c Challenge 1 35

AFTKUXDON BESSXDK.Opiilr :i :'.">.Mono 75 CMexican a 45:Con. Pic ._._lsc<;ic on Peer 10, i.-,,-Best& i: 2 35.Crocker r,:., mm-

do.stssesod 25c. Peerless 10@15c<\m. Va -1 j0.;4 C,O X. B. Islo ~..C'ocSava«fi 2 15 Holmes 2 00

I Cliollitr 2 10 Queen :2Ofu.:!ocPotosl 430 Com'wealth 70rg :5cH.4N 2 l-l N. Oom'wltb 55cPoint 1 ~ii> Bnlwer socJacket ~ 05 Eureka 3 OO(.' ;t 75Ir:ii>t-rini 15c Prize ;rmKentuck 4t»c Navujo 25cI Alpha 80c Belle Isle uocBelcher 1 :J0(« 135 Mt.Diablo 310Confidence 4 00 Julia ir>c

] S. Nevada 2 15 Caledonia 50c1 l"t;;!i 60c Challenge 1 ;>.oj Exchequer 70c 1 tcddental BOc

I Overman 1 7 5 Lady W 25@20cJustice \H>f Andes i 00Uniou 2 :.'O Scorpion 15@20cAUa OOC Bodle 1 401 iclmonte 25c Cent ral ,"'• i oc

: Bodle 1 4O Weldoil 5 \u25a0 loc -



The Great Liver and Stomach Remedy,

CCTBES AX<L DLSOUDEEB OF THE STOMACH, LIVKU,BOWELS. KIDXEYs] BLVD-,'••, erv"!is V*8**8*?!IjOSS "f Appetite, Seadache, Constipatiou, Costiveness Indlses-tion, RinonsneWß, Fever, PUes, Etc., and n aders the system less liable to contract disease

DYSPEPSIA.RAiy\\ AYS PILLS are a cure tor \h\< complaint. They tone up the internal seere-uons to braithy action, restore strength to the stomach and enable it to perform ttsnrao-Wtaps. PKIOE, 3fi eenta per box. Sold by all druggists. ;;.n your storekeeper isout oi them we willmail you a box on receipt oi price, orfive for 81"\u25a0"\u25a0'vw !!A!>WAY A- CO., :;•.» AViuivu Street. New York.

/^PAINLESS. PlLLS^^C^^^S2^WORTH A GUINEA A BOX.-^3 )For iIL!iiS ft iEifSys SISSiiiESISSack as Wind and Pair, in the Sfonr.ch. Fijlhess end Smitina after Maa,'*Dizziness, and Drowsiness, Cold Chills.Flushings of Heat, Loss of AppetiteShortness of Breath, Ccsthencas, Scurry, Blotches on the Skin, D/stunnd


For Sick Headache, Weak Stomach, ImpairedDigestion, Constipation, Disordered Liver, etc.;

they ACTLIKEMAGIC, Si,cr.gttieni:ig tho muscular St/sinm, rastOTioglOßß-lost ocm-pjprim, bringing b.-ick t!ipkeen edge ofaD/jctite, and aioustuj; vrau lieBOBCBUD OFHl.iUil tho whole physical energy or tlio human fr.:nn-. Onoot t.!m }M-st Riutmntees

Mi™Sr:»S!f P'LLS HAVETHE UIIC"TCA-*n. F fILLGH Co..3S6aitd 367 Canal St. wSVori&Stti?SJ?i'J£ tS?TV2 itedSfe,%!i 'rhn lif '"""\u25a0 droßrirtdoea nntkeepili^m) WILL MAIE

CpJEAFfI BALWI-ric.nnseg <t:o Na*.Ll{SsS»TTi^r:^KHp3a*lSJMWra.s»a Kl.-K,Aria>» iain ::.:.! Inflainiiiation, X3.-iils'SS^^fiC F0'YO«1©T ?73tl"' Bores. Kotorcs MaPto nr.d Bmcll, a:i«l CorcBW>w^TAnß\Wl

wife vdj«sr^ m w i yfei!(•;%. <iiv<s Ro!i«i «t o::<-o fvirCold in Head. m3EKxj£%xJmB»j[!a£.7??a!Sr: .?SOc :::;t3 or by nai ELYBiiOS., £G Wsaea Bt, N.T.l'^Vv^y--r:,c |



Trees! Trees!J. X. BOGUE

Of Marysville h:is the finest stock orK-R-U-I-T X-R-E-E-S

Ever brought to Sacramento.

NrjIiSEKY, SECOND. STREET, NEAKdepot—first Nursery from Istreet,adjoin-

ing Reed a Oo.'a. These Trees arc perfectlytree from scale uud TRUE TO LAIJEL. failand examine.

lcll-1111 J. It. NICKEUSON, Agent.

CAPITAL PHARMACY,IMs Capital Hotel, ccr. Seratt ass k as.

J. S. O'CALLAGIIAN, Proprietor,

Agent Km: ;-;:iN'i'irtansy wafers.tor tiw relief and cure <>i' painful and

Irregular menses. They nre safe and sure,

A SURE CURE FOR THE I.IQUOU VXSOPIUM HABITS. The East India core forthese babita can be given without patient'sknowledge, and is tiie onlyKnown specific forthe purpose. n<>t Ikjuiuouh. fe>7-tf


business corner Twentieth and J streetswe are now prepared to tarnish the bestgroceries,and at the lowest prices, to all oarfriends and patrons. Will open THURSDAYFebruary 19th. ItUDECK & COSSICH '


LmMWL% 11 j

"111. 1 "WPrßionT leeo'MUSICAL.

There Beems to be little goingon in musical circles of late, butthere is much talk, among music-al people, of the marvelous cureof Miss B , the high contraltosinger, who has long sufferedfrom a severe throat or bron-chial affection, superinduced byCatarrh in the Head, and whohas been perfectly cured by theu^e of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ilem-edy, coupled with the use of Dr.Piercc's Golden Medical Discov-ery. For all bronchial, throatand lung affections, and lingeringcoughs, the " Disco\ rery "is an un-equnlcd remedy. When compli-cated with Catarrh, its use shouldbe coupled with that of Dr. Sage'sCatarrh Remedy.

Do you know that you cac! buy a chimney to fit your lamp; that will last till some acci-i dent happens to it ?

Do you know that Macbeth's"pearl top "or "pearl glass "is that chimney ?

You can have it—yourdealer willget it—ifyou insiston it. He may tell you itcosts him three times as muchas some others. That is true.He may say they are just asgood. Don't you believe'it—they may be better for him;he may like the breaking.

"v*-1 o*o. A.MAcnzTHiCo.

For improved and economic cooKery use


For 15e.-f Tea, .Soups, Made Dishes Snuces(Game, Fish, etej, Aspte or Meat Jelly. Keep*for any length 01time, and Is cheaper aud offiner Havor than any other stock.

Genuine only with J. yon J,!ebi«\s sig-nature as nliove, in blue. One pound ofExtract ofBeef equal to forty pounds of leanDeer.

Don't be HambnjsrgodJUve-v* b*" the fictitious claims

inada for Porous PlastersKJkr that cure before they areV*~l applied. Use Benson's, a

Bcientiflo preparation thatf^ plves prompt relief and is// f" s=e». 1 Indorsed by over 6,000I* k<S§2hJ I reputable Physicians andlife L_;y? i Druggists. Get the


Ranking fjoitsco.

Sacramento City California

Guariinteed capital 9410,000Paid up capital _

225.500Keserve and surplus 5G.000Term and ordinary deposits received. Divi-

dends paid semi-annually. Money loaned onreai estate only.

«*-To encourage children and people oflimited menus to save, deposits of $1 will bereieived and iuterest paid thereon. Forlurthcr iufornmtion addressWM. BECK MAN,President.

_Geo. W. Lorenz. Cashier.

NATIONAL BANK OF dToTmILLS & CO,Sacramento, Cal.—Founded, ISSO.

Saturday Hours 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.

Directors and Shareholders:• D. O. MILLS 1 r,o S Sharp «.

j EDGAR MILLS, President... "ZXzs* SharesS. PUKNTIss SMITH, Vice-Pres. 250 BnalSi FRAN X MILLER, Cashier * 361 SharesC. h. DILLMAN,Asst. Cashier.... 125 SharesOther persons own I,I'JS Sliures

Cupitul and Sui-plus, S«OO,OOO.*i-Chrome Steel Safe Deposit Vault and

Time Lock.


Southwest Corner Fourth and J streets,Sacramento, Cal.

Guaranteed Capital $500,000

LOANS MADE ON HEAL ESTATE. IX-terest paid semi-annuaily on Term andordinary Deposits.15. U. STKINMAN PresidentEDWIN K. ALSIP '.Vicc-ProsdtnD.D.WHITBECK .CashierC. 11. CUMMINGS '

SecretoryJAMES M. STEVENSON \u25a0//.Surveyor

DIRECTORS:P.. V. Stkixmax, Edwix K. Alsipc. H. Cmocnros, w. 1:. TxaxxSol. Kuxyon, Jaxss McN.as.ser.

.L\s. M. Stevenson.

CUIFURNIA STATE BANK"And Safe Deposit Vaults,

a sa(;p.ami:nto, cal.Draws Drafts on Principal Cities oi the World.

Saturday Hours, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.OS7XCEBS :

j Piv-i<'.ent K. T>. WIDV.OVTI Vioo-rivsidcut FIIED'K COXVlsi"or A. ABBOTTAssistant Cashier W. E. GERUEK

BIItECTORS:C:. W. Ci.ai'.kk, Jos. Steffens,<;k'>. c. Pkkkiss, Kkku'x cosn. i>. lirDgorrr, j.n. Watsok,


SACiIAMENTO BANK.THE OLDEST SAVINGS UANK Jjg THE• ity, comer of Fifth and J streets Sacra-mento. Gnarantced capital, sooo.ouo; paidDp capital, sold coin, ffSOO.OOO; loans on real1 tatc In California, July 1. ih'JO, §:i,s9ti.4 12--term and ordinary deposits. July 1, it<!)o'

j }*:>,7<.im,u:>l. Term and ordinary deposits re-cetved. Divldendg paid In Janoarjr and JulyMoney loaned upon real estate only. TheHunk does exclusively a saving! bank bnsi-aess. Information tarnished upon applica-tion to \\ . P. COLEMAN,

1PresidentEp. I!. Hamii.tux, Cashier.

tROGvEII-WOOUYOirnf NATIONAL B.LNK,3-.1-2 Pine street, San Francisco.

PAID-UP CAPITAL, $1,000,000, SURPLUS, $250,000.

DißEcrons:1 CHAKLES CROCKER E. H. MILLER JRR. C. WOOLWOBTH President; W. E. iiUOWN Vice-Pres

\S \u25a0 11. CKoCKEU Cashier

DEND THE WEEKLY UNION TO YOUBI (O friends iv the East.

Cavity yaUea $vutt iajiba.

CAPAY VALLEY!The Earliest Fruit Land in the State.

Equal in AllRespects to tie Famous Vaca Valley, Ifell It Adjoins.UNPRECEDENTED TERMS,


Capay Valley is situated in Yolo County, about 90 miles by rail from San Francisco,and. is taaversed in its entire length by the Woodland, Capay and Clear

Lake Railroad, the distance from Esparto to Rumsey being 21 miles.

-The Capay Valley Land Company is offering the Too much stress cannot be laid upon the great ad-

most fertile lands in this beautiful valley upon terms which vantage to the fruit-grower of being in early locality,enable the purchaser to pay for the land out of its own In most cases it makes the difference between successproduct viz: Interest only for five years at 7 per cent, and failure. The industrious orchardist of Capay ValleyIhe only condition imposed is, that a reasonable pro- may rest assured that he willderive all the benefits gainedportion ofthe land purchased shall be planted to fruit by the first fruit shipments of the season, and that 20trees or vines. Land may be bought without this acres of this rich land, when the trees are in bearing, willcondition on payment of 20 per cent, cash and re- yield a handsome and assured incomejmaining 80 per cent, at the end of five years, with in- The Capay Valley Land Company has an agent re-terest annually in advance, at 7 per cent. The various siding in the valley,'whose duty it is to show the varioustracts owned by the Capay Valley Land Company have tracts to land seekers.been subdivided into 10 and 20-acre lots, which are for Four townsites have been laid out in different pointssale at prices varying from $50 to $r s o per acre. Simi- in the valley, viz: Esparto, Cadenasso, Guinda andlar unimproved land m Vaca Valley has recently been Rumsey. Town lots may now be purchased at reason-sold at $400 to $500 per acre. able prices and on easy terms.

These Capay Valley lands are under the most favor- The enterprising and flourishing town of Esparto isable climatic conditions for the prosecution of profitable situated at the lower end of the valley, and $125,000fruit growing, and the locality has proved itself to be worth ofsubstantial buildings have already been erected,one of the earliest in the State. The grape crop of 1890 including a fine four-story brick hotel, two large brickfrom the company's vineyard at Cashmere was picked, blocks and waterworks, with pipes laid in the streets,dried and shipped to Chicago and Philadelphia before besides extensive warehouses and numerous residencesthe Fresno County grapes were ripe. The town has a postoftke. school-house and a weekly

lhe rauroad passes through all ofthe tracts owned by paper, and the fine railroad depot contains telegraphthe Capay Valley Land Company, thus insuring excel- and express offices.lent shipping facilities; and land may now be purchased Postoffices have also been established at Guinda andm the immediate proximity of either of the following Rumsey. This latter place, situated at the head of thestations: Capay, Cadenasso, Surrey, Guinda, Sauterne, valley, is the present terminus of the railroad. The com-Cashmere or Rumsey fortable little hotel makes excellent quarters for huntersAt many of these places fine orchards of the choicest as well as land-seekers.and earliest varieties ofpeaches and apricots may already The advantages enjoyed by the settler in Capay Val-be seen, and during the coming season considerable ad- ley may be thus concisely summed up-ditional acreage will be planted out. One of the recent A soil of great fertility, yielding bountifully of everysales made by the company was that of the Tancred crop.

yTract, containing 600 acres to a colony association. A soil and climate which willripen allkinds of fruit andI his tract has been subdivided into forty holdings, all of vegetables earlier than anywhere else in the Statewhich will be planted to front trees this season. A climate perfectly adapted to the curing ofraisins andlhe fine orchards on the Guinda Tract, where 400 drying of frnit, without the aid of artificial evaporatorsacres have been sold, are especially worthy of mention, Alocation that is central and close tomarkets. Railroadand it is a significant fact that several of the blocks are communication which enables shipments to be madeowned by successful Vaca Valley fruit-growers, who ex- quickly and cheaply. Lands which are sold cheaper andpect to make their earliest shipments from here. on better terms than anywhere else in the State.


WM. H. 3XEIL.LS,Fourth and Townsend Streets, - - - - SAN FRANCISCO.

Cgfrnmt gi. gUgip & ®o M jleal (B&tatc Agents*.


I ARE YOU IN IT?It is your fault if you are not. If not,

Secure One of Those Cheap LotsIn this fine suburban site

R.IGrMT OFF..We sold 71 at the two auction sales, which is about

half of what we have in our part.We willfor 13 days raise the prices less than 1O per

cent, above the average sales at auction. This will en-able those who could not attend the auction to securea desirable building lot.

THE! TEHR.2XISSame as the auction—one-fourth cash, deferred pay-ments in monthly installments of $10, with interest at7 per cent, per annum, purchaser paying taxes on lot.

Messrs. May, Wolf and others, who purchased atauction, contemplate building immediately.

Remember, this offer is made for 15 days onlyfrom February 16, 1891.


EDWIN I ALSIP (I CO., Managers,Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 1015 Fourth St., Sacramento.

•glustttcas (Eatrs»».

ARCHITECTS."VT D- GOODELL AND F. H. BCHABDtHjj> . have associated themselves toijethor asArchitects and Builders. Office. Pioneer Hall,Seventh street, between J and X, Sacramento,Cal. Consultation and estimates made free olcharge.


Medical College for Women, and .Superin-tendent of Women's Hospitals and Dispen-saries in Northern Rritisli India. Diseases ofwomen and children a specialty. OFFICE—Room 7. Odd Fellows' Temple.


UNION FOUNDRY—IRON AND BRASSFounders and Machinists, Front street,

between N and O. Castings and machinery ofevery description made to order.

glttovnetjsr-at-ljan*.D. X. TRASK.

LAWYER. FULTON BLOCK, LOS AN-gelea, Out. Attends to business in South-ern California for non-residents and attorneys.

Practices in all courts. Letters promptlyanswered. Ja3l-ly


J\ Office—I'JO J street, Sacramento, Cal.Notary Public.


west corner Fifth and J streets. Kooms12, 13 and 14, Sutler Bolldlng.


Southwest corner Seventh and J streets;Notary Public. Collections. Sacramento, Cal.

_________F. F. TEBBETS.

DENTIST, 914 SIXTH ST., fIgPSSSB*between I and J. west sidi'.'^p!BK3Bsa^

opposite Congregational Church.^-LCCtHCFDR W. C. REITH.

DENTIST, LINDLEY BUILD-inir. southeast corner S( v-Ss^aS>••nth and .1 stivus, Sa<-:-:;ii'!-uic..m^sßsp^


DENTIST, CORNER SF.V- gCjggjJWenthand .1 streets, over 1-v-ffT^^^^^.

on's Dry Goods Store. ' y


S.Barer & Co.'s

Cocoafrom -which the excess ol

oilhas been removed, is

Absolutely Pureand it is Soluble.

No Chemicalsare used in its preparation. It hasmore than three times the strength ofCocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowrootor Sugar, and is therefore far moreeconomical, costing less'thai\one centa cup. It is delicious, nourishing,strengthening, easily digested,and admirably adapted for invalidsas well as for persons in health.

Sold by Grocers everywhere.

W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.

W. L. DOUGLAS*X** 1 1 \u25a0" and other speclal-y%< JajrßvJt tics for Gentlemen,*C** %# \u25a0 1 *\u25a0 Ladles, etc., are war-ranted, anfi po stamped on bottom. AddressW.1,. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. Soldby

WEINSTOCK, LUBIN 4 CO., A?ents,Jfos. 400 to ll'iX street, Sacramento.


Alfalfa Seed, Etc.W"Orcs;on Potatoes in Lots to Suit.



Kos. Bt7 to 125 J Street, Sacramento.S. GERSON &~~CO^~


Fruit, Produce and Commission Merchants,SACRAMENTO, CAL.

I*. O. Box 170.


Wholesale Dealers in Fruit and Produce,308, 310, 313 X st., Sacramento.

Telephone 37. Posi,,ni.v Box 885.EUC.EME J. GREGORY. KKANK QSBOOHT.


SUCCESSORS TO GREGORY, BARNES &CO., vos. 126 and 128 J St.. Sacramento,wholesale dealers in Produce and Kruit Fullstocks of l'otntoes. Vegetables, Green andDried Fruits, Beans, Alfalfa, Butter, Esr's

Cio.se. I'oultry, Etc., always on hund. Orderstilled at LOWEST RATES.

Finest Lunch House in the City,

CAPITAL ALE VAULTS, NAGELE &SVENSSON, Proprietors. Lunch from 11A. M. to 2 P. U. Clam Chowder and .Musse.lSoup every evening from 6 to 12 o'clock.Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.KELLKY. FAWCETt"


488 X Street.


CONCORDIA BEER HALL,No. 1021 Fourth Street.

HAVINGMADEEXTENSIVE IMPROVE-ments the public are now cordially in-

vited to a first-class resort. Sandwiches of allkinds. Butlalo Beer on draught and in bot-tles. The finest Wines, Liquors and Cierars onhand. H. KOHNE, Proprietor.

EBNER BROS.,11G-11S X Street, Front ana Second,


TMPORTER.S AND WHOLESALE DEAI*-1_ ers in Wines and Liquors. Agents for thecelebrated Pommeryand Greno Champagne.

M. CRONAN,""230 X St., and 1108-1110 Third Stli,

Sacramento, Cal.,

TMPORTER AND WHOLESALE DEALER_L to Fine Whiskies, Brandies and Cham-pagne.

JAMES WOODBURN,Xo. 417 X Street. Sacramento, C'al.,

J34POBTER AND WHOLESALE DEALERin fine Wliislcios, Braadlee. Winus an-1

iquors. Thanking my old friends and pa-trons for their former patronage, I solicit 11continuance of the same. All orders will bopromptly and carefully tilled.

©tute arable.


January iq, 1891.

Trains Leave and are duo tArrive at Sacramento.

LEAVE TRAIN3RUM DAILY. iASRIVE6:15 A Calistosa and Napa ' 11:40 A305 1' OaMrfoga and Napa j 8-40 1*

12:50 A ..Ashiaiul and Portland...! 5:55 A4:30 1' Demlng. Xl Paso and East] 7:00 P7:30 1* Knights Landtag ! 7:10 A

10:50 A, Los Angeles 9:35 A1 tgden and East—Second

12:05 P Ciass 2:25 A(Vmral Atlantic Express

11:00 1' forOgden and East 8:15 A3:00 P Oroville ! 10:30 A3:00 P..Red Blullvia Marysville.. 10:30 A

10:4O A Redding via Willows 4:00 P2:25 A Sun Francisco via Krnicia 11:40 A6:15 A San Francisco via Benicia 12:35 A8:40 A Ban Franolaoo via IJenieiu 10:40 1*3:05 I* i"*an Francisco via Benicia 8:40 P

10:00 A San Francisco via steainor *6:00 A10:50 A Sau Franco via Liverinori! '2:50 P10:50 A San Jose 2:50 P4:30 Ii Hantu Barbara 9:35 A6:15 Ai Santa Rosa 11:40 A3:05 Pi Santa Rosa 8:40 P8:50 Ai Stockton and Gait 7:00 P4:30 l'; Stockton and Gait 8:35 A

12:05 F j| Truckceand Reno 2:25 Ali:00 I'! Truckeeund Reno 8:16 A12:05 P Colfax 8:15 A6:15 A Vallejo 11:40 A3:05 1' Vallejo 18:40 P

*6:35 A ...Folsoniand Placerville... *2:40 P•3:10 P Kolsomand Placprvllle... *11:35 A

•Sunday excepted. fSunday only. |Mon-diiy excepted. A.—For morning. P.—Forafternoon.

UIC'HAKD GRAY, Gen. Traffic Manager.T. H. GOODMAN, General Passenger Agent.