lid DAlLY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 1909 mi H 1 NEWS FROM ALL PARTS OF FLORIDA Thy fii t crat uf persimmons for this year has Ivtn shipped from Oak Hill A lodge of Knights of Pythias has been recently organized at Ft Meade with twenty charter members A Merwin aged 11 years dlvd in Palatka last week Kt was one of the oldest citizens in the State The river boat Hello of Hnuolac- apsized a few days ago and spllliu an entire cargo of natal nor i Jacksonville is happy over the fact that in the near future it is hulled the will have a chaniiii n Jacob A who was charged v ith eibt22l iont in colt has been riveted In Mobile and admits the charge The Fraternal Order of E K III Florida hell their first State CUll n tiou III Ocala recently Next year the convention will meet in Sanford The schooner John Swan has left Tampa for New York with a complete cargo of lumber The lumber was con- signed by the Aripeka Sawmills Com- pany The drainage canal and port of entry to New Smyrna ought to be hurried up It would be of the great- est good to that county and other sec- tions The Florida State Educational will be entertained this year at DeLand and the meetings will be- held in the auditorium of Stetson Uni- versity County Surveyor J W Oliver of Kissimmee while doing some survey- ing was attacked by a vicious bull and was painfully though not serious- ly Injured 0 thlrt not t3 Collum hack the Petit As- sociation > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + The charity Dissociation of Tampa though only a young organization has been able to maintain headquarters and the superintendent A E Sinks is doing some taw work Last month St Petersburg had twen tyfive arrests Thirteen paid tines seven forfeited bonds two were and one was turned over to the State The total amount collected from that source was 165 Orlando not only claims to have the champion ball team of Middle Florida but now claims to have a pair of young lady ice cream raters They both ate a quart each of cream on the proprietors dare Assistant Forwarding Agent Demi of the Coast Line thinks this month will b a unat out In the ship tiunt of lumber front Port Turn pa- vfral hundred thousand feet at Do You Get Up With a Lame Back Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable Almost everyone knows of Dr Kilmers the liver and j bladder remedy of Hi health restoring properties every wish in i rheumatism back kid- neys liver bladder every part of the urinary passage It corrects to hold water and scalding pain in passing it or bad effects following use or beer and overcomes that unpleasant of being compelled to go through the to get up many times ilurmi the is nut recommended for everything if you have kulMev livt or it will U ftMind just the remwlv v u It teen Ughly testcil in i ruut lu I JM l u j ur UHxcwciit u4 Will HMlr b rea Ur lit tier j tHr MII not si- rw ly trI it tuny MV u MUI Will M V TU fna nil kidnc II Swamp I lIlt Pratt l IIIICCUli4 fall kMh all tV t Olt Ki c 1 f- at tau lit K I 1kM4th tf i k U e re- leased cup wlnnhlg wamp Root t be- cause remark- able V t over- coming I 1 1 Swamp koot tired hits aa bate e lr peat fie se I a k ttlllagt- 14 M hllw to- haltugtrat1IINhitikl l a twtth- U Msq w nlla taralr ii s- wdiaK ilwrhlr NilYiws r Ia Ikla p rwt cull wad Ir aI trai tl k l a MiNgb4Nlt M It 1IIl sal M tu k4kr Mw bullu err wld by- all II gilds 4Y NIIWLr- s IIuNIei Ike ssse Ilw t A tuc t g al- Ieibi4 t 1 Yuu wy Laic ¬ > > ¬ ¬ = + + + + + Vegetable Compound Louisville E Pink hams Vegetable Compound has cer of good I cannot i enough dizziness nervous a seven I J troubl Vegetable Com pound has restore me to perfect health and mt- from the table 1 will never be without thi medicine in the house Mrs SotL LEE 3523 Fourth St Louisville Ky Another Operation Avoided Adrian Ga I suffered untold misery from female troubles and my said an operation was chance and I it almost as much as death E Pinklmma me an V HENRY B F D 3 of unparalleled suc- cess confirms the E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to cure female great ume of unsolicited constant ly pouring in proves conclusively that is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine which so many women suffer the dock terminals now awaiting load- ing on vessels and other shipments- will be made to Port Tampa for ex- portation just prior to the arrival of vessels Since the opening of the Emergency Home in Tampa live applications for assistance have been received all of FROM AN OPERATION- By Lydia E Pinl ham me world I J U3EPinkham 1 oj rath Vegetable Compound A I SAVED are from female q completely cured and ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ which have been responded to The city will soon aid the Salvation Army In this great work by contribu- ting funds Mall service has begun over the Perry and Newberry division of the A C l and now Perry receives mall over four railroads Quite a marked contrast front seven years ago when that town was supplied with mall on a star route from Madison The truckers are now preparing to plant their fall gardens At Seville on the muck lands around Lake Lou- ise u large acreage of Irish potatoes is already going in The truckers there marketed 7000 worth of pota- toes from the spring planting Live Oak is making great prepara- tions for the Confederate Veterans re- union which is to be held there Ir October More interest than usual I being taken In the reunion as the one hundredth birthday celtbrution of Ad- miral Stinnus Is to be held In October Only three people of the Confederate navy who surrendered with Admiral Semmes in Greensboro N C in 1SG1 are now left living in Florida They are Judge A 0 Wright of Jacksonville II S Herring of Talla- hassee and T J Appleyard of City WHAT COOK IS FEEDING US ON How do we know that Dr Cook found the North Pole ask the skep- tics Hless you Dr Cook anticipated that very question In tin Interview with a correspond flit at Skagcn wherever that Is the tntr pld explorer sail I hurled a mull brawl tube there under tax with acciHiHt of my ytw lioftl believe it gfi to tn- i and taofc fir lfc ttll THHIIMI Health M HI the ability to 4u a HM ib ll ra 4 14 it I- IM IM hike the rut l I I u I 101 h I thin uberati4mP FaI- t Ft uhulu iusl ir rlIui awign fllgla au p I 1i rNtb IIINI luN eUU- nIum Ile eusIh mIkN M II q IIIN4 i a ea4Ntkw ua Nll i is al rIvrt bi II bier Ib b1 Iirr ter IbaiI- hI bM 1 I I dI 1t iba I a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > > FOR BETTER PEACHES LaCrosse Resident Gives Remedy for Stamping Out Scale Insect Editor Sun Why not grow the Unt- old varieties of peaches tips an 1 lams we used to grow here in Florida alro grow t lurj sw- poiinriijuKiti1 and the a sunnnir mulberry The San Jo scale is no excuse for out grog tiit nice fruit for yourself and famll when they are so easily eradicates A ith sulphuride wash by spraying tla tries once a year or you can get a 4ood safe remedy by using scalelside A Directions for preparing the sulphur- Ide wash Take thirtyfive pounds of unpacked lime commence botlln with twenty gallons water adding a little water to prevent It bulling over As soon as lime is all slacked In ad twentyfive pounds sulphur and flftet pounds salt and three pounds operas Boll for thirty minutes Ion er while it will change Its color from purple yellow to brown Stir it well and dont let It burn and put up for spray where Insect appears Spray wee a year taking pains to hunt out all the worms at the roots of trees In November scrape off rust from roots rand sprinkle in a little line and fertilizer and bank earth back over the roots In latter part of February putting In plenty of straw of the finest texture such as pine straw and It possible plant out peach orchard under pine timber to the ground Use all orch- ards as a anti sleeping lot and you can have plenty of tine fresh loaches six months out of the year such as the Mayflower Victor and Sneed for May good old Ross Cling FreeStone Admiral Dewey good early Illbers old St Johns and Whlto English In fact all of the good old sweet and delicious fruit from the tree You can have six trees for every month May June July August September October on one fourth of an acre and then have plen- ty of room for twentysix nice plums or figs Now just think of the value of one fourth of an acre set out and cared for In fruit trees of the old nrlptlfOJI like etrr bearing Iii ect ash < sap borimg halt shade hog feeding ¬ ¬ which will also help to stamp out that great plague the scale insect Let ua try and get rid of them and have good peaches once more and al- ways J R MALPIIURS LaCrosse Fla Sept 6 1909 For Feverishness and Whether from Malarious colds or overeating try Hicks Capu dine It reduces the fever and re- lieves the aching Its liquid 10 25 and CO cents at drug stores The Drawback Elsie there was only om draw- back to her wwldlns What wis She says her father looked too cheerful when he gave hrr away Stops itching Instantly Cures plies eczema salt rheum totter itch hives herpes scabies Donns Ointment At any drug Um ten Whoa n woman thinks she U worth her wolcht In p d she would hate to got t t stout Phlladelphlu- Uncord MEN ARE POWERLESS- re Ff M AmlMt DUrnaa Ualeu Thy Strike at the UaderlyteB Caaae To trent Dandruff and Falling Hair with Irritant or olla on which a para- sitic germ will I like scooping water from the ocean to prevent the tide from rising You cannot accomplish a satisfactory without having n right understand of the fundamental causes of the trouble You must kill Dandruff Newbroa llcrpIcliV does this becauso It Is specially made to do that very thine Usher tin germ Is removed hair has no rhnlon but to resume healthy Growth aid beauty Destroy the cause you remove the effect tool by iMillnir druffrlsts Semi In ttmp fur sample to The HarpleM Co Detroit Mica J 8 Oodlford Co Special Agents N NortOF- Mies Books Statlonorj Souvenirs Sheet Picture and Picture Frames 108 East Uiirti Strut any e that cure In the Germ the ilk k J Miss 6IRBSYILLI Aching conditions proper PLQP1D1 ¬ ¬ > ¬ i rtBitwitt trii iir e i lablcPrcpcrationforAs ting the Stofiodks oral Dowels of VMS neither nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC For Infants anti Children The Kind You Nave Always Bought Bears Signature for Constipa- tion Sour Vonns onvulsionsFcerish muss end Loss OF SLEEP Tac Slavic Signature ef NEW YOHK- tb ft- m For Over Thirty Years tXACT COPY OP WRAPPCB CASTO RIA I IIIIIRU the- PromotesDi estionChttrrul- I of tNorphine I l rr I e o i A Use Cll 1 I CASTO RIA Q I a 1 ki ula I p iThsNazm- Jr1 f 1Ik- ll lwi e S I zit i I l 1 1 east IranR eswa eta tllut ten ¬ > = UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Gainesville Florida An Institution of the Firat Rank sup- ported by State and Federal Funds- or Florida Young Men Thorough Courses Leading to Degrees cf B A B Sc M A M S- and L L B In Arts and Science Agriculture Chemical Civil Electrical and Me- chanical Engineering Law Normal chool Graduate School Expenses Exceedingly Low For Catalogue write to A A MURPHREE M O President LL ¬ Miss Tebeaus School THE DIOCESAN SCHOOL OF FLORIDA Reopens September 20 Tear NO aOO WEST MAIN STREET 8 GAINESVILLE FLORIDA TELEPHONE TALKST- he Long Distance System 1909ThirtySixth j i > One of the most valuable features- of our service to our subscribers and to the public generally Is our connec- tion with the extensive distance lines of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the other as- sociated tell Telephone companies Wo own thousands of miles of long distance lines In the seven States In which wo operate and In addition can connect any telephone In our system with lines extending to any other city In which a tell Telephone system Is operated These long distance sro of the most modern and Improved construe tlon and are maintained at a high tate of efficiency The tell systems long sills ¬ ¬ FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Florida A College without a parallel la UM- Bouta offering degree aad diploma la the following departmeats I A College of Liberal Arts i IL A School iBdasirlftl Arts HL A Sckool of Flue Arts IV A Scfeool of ExpmateB V A School for Teachers To Tuition Other expenses very low For further Information address EDWARD CONRADI M A Ph D President Tallahassee tit peratlnf In varlstt 84ctl m f MM- c untry are unlferm la their mint and In their m sf pet sting Only ky rtaen f ekes trsflta arrangement between tell T 4 phone companies Is It possible t a tell Telephone almost anywhere uk for Dlottnee and to put lr communication with almost any point In the country This vast network wire radltt Ing throughout the nation Is note1 dally in commerce and for social pug poses by the banker the farmer M4 citizens In all walks of life and our plant hero Is an Important link In great chain this the t f tit equip teed p Lea > Southern Bell Telephone- and Telegraph Company tllicunt SINK MuwNh Mlx

I OPERATION- IIIIIRU The Kind You Naveufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01511/00501.pdf · Uncord MEN ARE POWERLESS-re Ff M AmlMt DUrnaa Ualeu Thy Strike at the UaderlyteB Caaae

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Page 1: I OPERATION- IIIIIRU The Kind You Naveufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01511/00501.pdf · Uncord MEN ARE POWERLESS-re Ff M AmlMt DUrnaa Ualeu Thy Strike at the UaderlyteB Caaae






Thy fii t crat uf persimmons forthis year has Ivtn shipped from OakHill

A lodge of Knights of Pythias hasbeen recently organized at Ft Meadewith twenty charter members

A Merwin aged 11 years dlvd inPalatka last week Kt was one ofthe oldest citizens in the State

The river boat Hello of Hnuolac-apsized a few days ago and spllliuan entire cargo of natal nor i

Jacksonville is happy over the factthat in the near future it is hulledthe will have a chaniiii n

Jacob A who wascharged v ith eibt22l iont incolt has been riveted In Mobile andadmits the charge

The Fraternal Order of E K III

Florida hell their first State CUll ntiou III Ocala recently Next year theconvention will meet in Sanford

The schooner John Swan has leftTampa for New York with a completecargo of lumber The lumber was con-

signed by the Aripeka Sawmills Com-pany

The drainage canal and port ofentry to New Smyrna ought to behurried up It would be of the great-est good to that county and other sec-tions

The Florida State Educationalwill be entertained this year

at DeLand and the meetings will be-

held in the auditorium of Stetson Uni-


County Surveyor J W Oliver ofKissimmee while doing some survey-ing was attacked by a vicious bulland was painfully though not serious-ly Injured


thlrt not

t3Collum hack












The charity Dissociation of Tampathough only a young organization hasbeen able to maintain headquartersand the superintendent A E Sinksis doing some taw work

Last month St Petersburg had twentyfive arrests Thirteen paid tinesseven forfeited bonds two were

and one was turned over tothe State The total amount collectedfrom that source was 165

Orlando not only claims to have thechampion ball team of Middle Floridabut now claims to have a pair of

young lady ice creamraters They both ate a quart eachof cream on the proprietors dare

Assistant Forwarding Agent Demiof the Coast Line thinks this

month will b a unat out In the shiptiunt of lumber front Port Turn pa-

vfral hundred thousand feet at

Do You Get UpWith a Lame Back

Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable

Almost everyone knows of Dr Kilmersthe liver and

j bladder remedyof

Hi health restoringproperties

every wish ini rheumatism

back kid-neys liver bladder

every part of theurinary passage Itcorrects to

hold water and scalding pain in passing itor bad effects following useor beer and overcomes that unpleasant

of being compelled to gothrough the to get up manytimes ilurmi the

is nut recommended foreverything if you have kulMev livtor it will U ftMind justthe remwlv v u It teenUghly testcil in i ruut luI JM l u j urUHxcwciit u4 Will HMlr brea Ur lit tier j tHr MII not si-

rw ly trI it tuny MV u MUI Will

M V TU fna






Pratt lIIIICCUli4 fall

kMh all

tV tOlt Ki c 1




lit K I

1kM4thtf i k




cup wlnnhlg

wamp Root


cause remark-able

Vt over-




Swamp koot

tired hitsaa

batee lr

peat fie se I a k ttlllagt-14 M hllw to-haltugtrat1IINhitikl l

a twtth-U Msq w nlla taralr ii s-wdiaK ilwrhlr NilYiws r

Ia Ikla prwt cullwad Ir aI trai tl

k l aMiNgb4Nlt M It 1IIl sal

M tu k4kr Mw bullu err wld by-all II gilds 4Y NIIWLr-

s IIuNIei Ike ssse Ilw tA tuc t g al-

Ieibi4 t 1 Yuu wy Laic








+ +

+ +

Vegetable CompoundLouisville E Pink

hams Vegetable Compound has cer

of goodI cannot i


dizziness nervousa seven

I J troublVegetable Compound has restoreme to perfecthealth and mt-

from thetable 1 will never be without thimedicine in the house Mrs SotLLEE 3523 Fourth St Louisville Ky

Another Operation AvoidedAdrian Ga I suffered untold

misery from female troubles and mysaid an operation was

chance and I it almost asmuch as death E Pinklmma

me an VHENRY B F D 3

of unparalleled suc-cess confirms the EPinkhams Vegetable Compound tocure female greatume of unsolicited constantly pouring in proves conclusively that

is a remarkable remedy for thosedistressing feminine whichso many women suffer

the dock terminals now awaiting load-ing on vessels and other shipments-will be made to Port Tampa for ex-

portation just prior to the arrival ofvessels

Since the opening of the EmergencyHome in Tampa live applications forassistance have been received all of



By Lydia E Pinl ham



J U3EPinkham1



Vegetable CompoundA







completely cured






which have been responded to Thecity will soon aid the SalvationArmy In this great work by contribu-ting funds

Mall service has begun over thePerry and Newberry division of theA C l and now Perry receives mallover four railroads Quite a markedcontrast front seven years ago whenthat town was supplied with mall ona star route from Madison

The truckers are now preparing toplant their fall gardens At Sevilleon the muck lands around Lake Lou-

ise u large acreage of Irish potatoesis already going in The truckersthere marketed 7000 worth of pota-

toes from the spring planting

Live Oak is making great prepara-tions for the Confederate Veterans re-

union which is to be held there IrOctober More interest than usual I

being taken In the reunion as the onehundredth birthday celtbrution of Ad-

miral Stinnus Is to be held InOctober Only three people of theConfederate navy who surrenderedwith Admiral Semmes in GreensboroN C in 1SG1 are now left living inFlorida They are Judge A 0 Wrightof Jacksonville II S Herring of Talla-hassee and T J Appleyard ofCity


How do we know that Dr Cookfound the North Pole ask the skep-

ticsHless you Dr Cook anticipated that

very questionIn tin Interview with a correspond

flit at Skagcn wherever that Is thetntr pld explorer sail

I hurled a mull brawl tube thereunder tax with acciHiHt of my

ytw lioftl believe it gfi to tn-

i and taofc fir lfc ttll THHIIMI

HealthM HI the ability to 4u a


ib ll r a 414 it I-



the rut





101 hI



Ft uhulu

iusl irrlIui awign fllgla au

p I 1i rNtb IIINI luN eUU-

nIum Ile eusIh mIkN M II

q IIIN4i a ea4Ntkw ua

Nll i is al rIvrt bi II

bier Ib b1 Iirr ter IbaiI-

hI bM 1 I I dI1t iba I a









LaCrosse Resident Gives Remedy forStamping Out Scale Insect

Editor Sun Why not grow the Unt-

old varieties of peaches tips an 1

lams we used to grow here inFlorida alro grow t lurj sw-

poiinriijuKiti1 and the asunnnir mulberry The San Joscale is no excuse for out grogtiit nice fruit for yourself and famllwhen they are so easily eradicatesA ith sulphuride wash by spraying tlatries once a year or you can get a4ood safe remedy by using scalelsideA

Directions for preparing the sulphur-Ide wash Take thirtyfive pounds ofunpacked lime commence botllnwith twenty gallons water adding alittle water to prevent It bulling overAs soon as lime is all slacked In adtwentyfive pounds sulphur and flftetpounds salt and three poundsoperas Boll for thirty minutes Ioner while it will change Its color frompurple yellow to brown Stir it welland dont let It burn and put up forspray where Insect appears Spraywee a year taking pains to hunt outall the worms at the rootsof trees In November scrape off rustfrom roots rand sprinkle in a littleline and fertilizer and bank earthback over the roots In latter part ofFebruary putting In plenty of strawof the finest texture such as pinestraw and It possible plant outpeach orchard under pine timber to

the ground Use all orch-ards as a anti sleepinglot and you can have plenty of tinefresh loaches six months out of theyear such as the Mayflower Victorand Sneed for May good old RossCling FreeStone Admiral Deweygood early Illbers old St Johns andWhlto English In fact all of thegood old sweet and delicious fruitfrom the tree You can have six treesfor every month May June JulyAugust September October on onefourth of an acre and then have plen-ty of room for twentysix nice plumsor figs

Now just think of the value of onefourth of an acre set out and caredfor In fruit trees of the old nrlptlfOJI


etrr bearing

Iii ect



sap borimg

halt shadehog feeding



which will also help to stamp outthat great plague the scale insectLet ua try and get rid of them andhave good peaches once more and al-

ways J R MALPIIURSLaCrosse Fla Sept 6 1909

For Feverishness andWhether from Malariouscolds or overeating try Hicks Capudine It reduces the fever and re-

lieves the aching Its liquid 10 25and CO cents at drug stores

The DrawbackElsie there was only om draw-

back to her wwldlnsWhat wisShe says her father looked too

cheerful when he gave hrr away

Stops itching Instantly Cures plieseczema salt rheum totter itch hivesherpes scabies Donns Ointment Atany drug Um

ten Whoa n woman thinks she Uworth her wolcht In p d she wouldhate to got t t stout Phlladelphlu-Uncord


re Ff M AmlMt DUrnaa Ualeu ThyStrike at the UaderlyteB Caaae

To trent Dandruff and Falling Hairwith Irritant or olla on which a para-sitic germ will I like scoopingwater from the ocean to prevent the tidefrom rising

You cannot accomplish a satisfactorywithout having n right understandof the fundamental causes of the

troubleYou must kill DandruffNewbroa llcrpIcliV does this becauso It

Is specially made to do that very thineUsher tin germ Is removed hair

has no rhnlon but to resume healthyGrowth aid beauty

Destroy the cause you remove theeffect

tool by iMillnir druffrlsts Semi Inttmp fur sample to The HarpleM Co

Detroit Mica

J 8 Oodlford Co Special Agents

N NortOF-

Mies Books Statlonorj

Souvenirs Sheet Picture

and Picture Frames

108 East Uiirti Strut

any e



the Germ













i rtBitwitt trii iir e i


ting theStofiodks oralDowels of


neithernor Mineral


For Infants anti Children

The Kind You Nave

Always Bought



for Constipa-tion SourVonns onvulsionsFcerish

muss end Loss OF SLEEP

Tac Slavic Signature ef




For Over

Thirty Years





PromotesDi estionChttrrul-

I oftNorphine



rrI e o








1 ki





1Ik-ll lwi







east IranR eswa eta tllut ten





An Institution of the Firat Rank sup-ported by State and Federal Funds-or Florida Young Men

Thorough Courses Leading to Degreescf B A B Sc M A M S-

and L L BIn Arts and Science Agriculture

Chemical Civil Electrical and Me-

chanical Engineering Law Normalchool Graduate SchoolExpenses Exceedingly Low For

Catalogue write toA A MURPHREE M O

PresidentL L





he Long Distance System





One of the most valuable features-of our service to our subscribers andto the public generally Is our connec-tion with the extensive distancelines of the American Telephone andTelegraph Company and the other as-

sociated tell Telephone companiesWo own thousands of miles of long

distance lines In the seven States Inwhich wo operate and In addition canconnect any telephone In our systemwith lines extending to any other cityIn which a tell Telephone system Isoperated

These long distance sro of themost modern and Improved construetlon and are maintained at a hightate of efficiency The tell systems






FloridaA College without a parallel la UM-

Bouta offering degree aad diplomala the following departmeats

I A College of Liberal Arts i

IL A School iBdasirlftl ArtsHL A Sckool of Flue ArtsIV A Scfeool of ExpmateBV A School for Teachers

To Tuition Other expenses very lowFor further Information address




peratlnf In varlstt 84ctl m f MM-

c untry are unlferm la theirmint and In their m sf petsting

Only ky rtaen f ekes trsfltaarrangement between tell T 4

phone companies Is It possible ta tell Telephone almost anywhereuk for Dlottnee and to put lr

communication with almost any pointIn the country

This vast network wire radlttIng throughout the nation Is note1dally in commerce and for social pugposes by the banker the farmer M4citizens In all walks of life and ourplant hero Is an Important link Ingreat chain








Southern Bell Telephone-

and Telegraph Company

tllicunt SINK MuwNh Mlx