NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Intelligence Collected and Given to Our readers in a Con iicnded Form DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN ITEMS of I A Summary of Prominent Events Tha Have Taken Placs During the Past Few Days The Movements of Government Officials The Russian government has been notified that Japan will not agree t- en nnnlFtke pending negotiations that Japan will feel free to contlnu her military operation In Manchurl until tho plenipotentiaries have agree upon terms of pence Plans for the reinforcement of Gen Llnevitcbi armies are keeping pac with the preparation for peace ncgc Nations Rte 19th army corps has n celved marching order M Murariort has resigned his posl Im us chittf peace plenipotentiary It may be regarded as practically certal Um be win be replaced by M Wltte president of the troimnltiee of mini Emperor Nicholas hsa sinned then ipolntraont of M Wltte president or the committee of ministers to be chic plenipotentiary representing the Rui ailan government In the peace negotlo lion to bo conducted next month In the United States M WItto to shouldering the task o- Kimlucting Y puce negotiations on bo halt ot his country ID a patriotic iplrl but with a full realization of tho dim cultloo before him and the knbwledg In advance that even If he succeeds he can not kocuro terms which the Rut taii qhauvlnltt will regard aa other wise than humiliating Baron Komura the Japaneao mini tor of forplgn affair who U the prtn dual onvtfy of Japan to the conference In en mute now from Japan and Is ex ported to reach New York about th SOih inat UM Wltte the chief plonl potenilary of Iluisla shall have ar dyed by that time the reception toJ the envoys by tho provident probablj will take place at Bagnioore 11111 or August J- Irpaidopt t Roosevelt received the now ambassador from RUMfa Huron Ito nun Rotnaimovltch Rosen at Saga More lUlL Rosen took luncheon with the president and Mrs Rwwveit The astaHes ot the Ilusulan pence fplenlp9e v arles have been fixed n- rJJrtO per day each besides an allow- ance of UIGO for traveling anil otbO expenses U U learned from a high authority that tho plant for the Investment ol ladlvotiolt are now well under way and that a strong force has been land ve 1 In tho vicinity of Poaalei bay while another IB on tho way from Gonsan marching through Northern Korea If Gen Trepoff assistant minister ol the Interior Is not the next victim oi the amatftln It will not be duo to lack of warning at the hand of the Tor rorlit It In officially announced at Tuklu that tho Ruiftlan center holding Dar line aud vicinity Will attacked July 11 and offered stubborn resistance The attack was renewed at dawn of July 12 when the Japanese dislodged the HUHSIBDI driving them In the direc tlon of Mall 4 Tills victory ensures completo occupation of South Sakha tin by the Japanese Adm Yam da commanding a squad ron Rant north on a reconnaissance re- torts ¬ that to Russian cruiser hum rad Is a complete wreck and that thero Is ni > hope of refloating her Sbo tan on a reef Acting Attorney General Hoyt re ceived from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson tho pafterii In tho cotton report InvMilKatloa United Stales District Attorney Morgan H Beach will probe Into the whole subject and make a thorough Inquiry It will bo determln 4 ed whether tnerp la any statute under which a criminal prosecution may be directed against Edwin S Holmes for peer anKoclate statistician who was il tulaaed It Is alleged because ho f Juggled figures In tho government crop oMlirwtos and furnished advance Information to New York brokers An American Slag wan torn down i from in of the city hall London bnr and trampled under a hundred toot u tho risult of a remark made by aa American visitor at the Orange mens demonstration President Roosevelt assured labor loaders who called on him that his recent ordoriln regard to tho Chinese exclusion net does not lot down the tiara to the booties admission to this tOllUtrI The 20tb annual reunion ot the Bo nevolent and Protective Order of Elks vlll be Denver In 190G Ouu ballot d at the grand lodgo tueetlng hOlln Whon II Oolrlcha re ¬ turned cottage at Newport II I after an absence of two hors sho Uncovered that jewelry vnltioil at Slp Out had twee taken from tier dressing case The Oklahoma and tnalbn Territory ftttttfhood coinventlon dalletl to sot forth the aentlment of the people ol the two territories adopted a resolution demanding admittance to the union ns une tree and Independent state rt W E Etheridge and A N Davis men joint owners of a jlIIIwmlH at Hickory Miss engaged in- c t duel both beingkilled J For the first time since ho began Ith campaign for municipal reform Mayo Weaver of Philadelphia received I setback at tho hands of common cow ell when that body did not comply wltl his request to authorize him to em ploy special counsel to represent th city In the matter of certain conlractI that are to bo brought courts It U retorted that Francis B Looms Is to be made ambassador to Japan II has been for several days rumored thai Lloyd C Grlscom now minister to Ja pan In to succeed Mr loontls In th slate department Sweeping reductions In the solarle of various officials and employe of the Equitable society were made by Chair- man Norton James H Hyde of tho Kqultablo Llro Assurance society resigned aa vlc president of the Commercial Trust Co- ot Philadelphia and the directors or that company accepted the roslgna Uon Junes W Aloxander formerly prod dent of the Equitable Life Assurano society continues very III Ho ti In such a condition that all knowledge or the recent developments In the society have been kept from him The antiAmerican sentiment nmnn > the Chinese le subsiding and it wai never an widespread as had been rap resentedIn oil hearing at Kansas City W H Hawkins who was superintendent of tank wagons testified that mon were hired to follow tho wagons of the Independent companies to se < where they topped and how much oil they sold Whenever necessary to take trade from their competitors re- bates were paid by tho Standard amounting some times to 3500 a monthGen Horace Porter former ambas sailor to France and more recentlj the senior special American ambansa dor appointed to receive the body of John Paul Jones returned home or tho steamer Deutschland After routing In a vault at Oak Hll cemetery Washington since his death last December the lady of James N Tyner former postmaster general us alxtant attorney general and rupreson tatlve In congress from Indiana war finally Interred In the family lot at Oak 11111 It Is estimated that the Kansas whoat crop for this year will be al least 82500000 bushels From reports being received the whnat Is thrashing out exceedingly well According to an announcement made at the navy department the battleahlu Oregon of the Asiatic flnot bas won the trophy for the hlgheot scores mnd by vessole of tho battleship class at the last annual target practice The wiiuo vessel won the trophy a year a to At the cabinet mooting It developed that the Danish ministers wore In full agreement that Prince Charles of Den mark should accept the crown of Nor- way If King Oscar and tho other courts most concerned expressed their ap provalMr Rookhlll the American minister nt Poking has cabled tho state depart moot that tho Chinese government Is vigorously opposing the threatened boycott of American goods Business failures In the United States for the week ending July 13 number 166 against 127 last week 203 In the like week of 1904 and 173 In 1903Secretary qf War Taft and those ac companying him on his way to the Philippines arrived nt Honolulu and were met at the wharf by n delegation of territorial officials and prominent residents San Juan Hill the district bound ¬ ed by Amsterdam and West End ave hues and 51st and 63d streeets New York socalled because of Its notoriety as a battle ground was tho sceno of a furious race riot which required 250 policemen to quell after many shots bad been fired and several persons hod been seriously Injured Tho servant girl problem In tho Ap pleton WIll district has been partial ¬ ly solved by tho employment of Indian Girls who have graduated from the gov ¬ ernment schools Several are now In tho kitchens of families In Appleton- In compliance with n request from citizens In tho vicinity of Edwards vllle 111 the state board of health sent an Inspector to make an Investi gation of a report that wholesale ex ¬ humation of bodies Is being made by a railway excavating along a right of way near a county poor farm Typhoid fever U epidemic at Col llnsburg Pa There are about 30 house In tho village and In every house there are from one to five cases or tho disease Five children of a tam ily named LIU have tiled and a num- ber ¬ ot other families havo lout from one to two members The 300th anniversary of the dill ovary of the Hudson rlvpr by Hen rick Hudson Is to bo celebrated by tho opening In Now York city of the great rat International exposition that has rver boon seen Gen Nelson A Mlles sailed for Eu rope on tho American liner St Louis wIth his son Llout Sherman Miles Cor- a short sojourn abroad Tho acceptance by Franco of the In Ration to alto part In the Interna tonal conference on Morocpo was dit patched by special messenger to this lUltnn The messenger Is Bxpect d tc irrlve at Fez July 19 Count Schuvaloff pretnot cf Moscow Pas shot and killed alt ho was recolv rig n number of petitioners Tho as sasBln escaped In the xcltomont which allowed the shooting but was later captured William Dwyor and seven Chlnesn were killed by an oxplbslon nt tho G1 int Powder works ten miles from Oak end Cat I Two burglars chloroformed Mrs nero tha Cohen as she lay sick In her bet on the third floor of hor homo at 145 Fifth uvcnuo Now York tlod hr wrists and ankles tore two rings fran her finger jorkod out her ear ring and then looted n wardrobe The Arbogst Baatlan Co of Al lontown Pa whole extensive provl Ion house was destroyed by fire estl mates Its loss at 400000 Insurance 200000 An earthquake shock was distinct folt In Concoru N H Reports front tho city ot Manchester and other point Indicate that a distinct shock was ex pcrlcnced over the southern section or the state The boiler of an AtchIson Topek Santa Fo freight engine exploded at Kinsman Ariz killing Engineer Copt land and Fireman Bryant and com- pletely wrecking the engine The motion for a now trial of thi case of United Stales Senator John H Mitchell was overruled by Judge D < Haven In tho United Slates court at Portland Ore and the attorneys tor the defense asked for a week In whlcl to file a bill of exception and a writ of errorA months sentence to prison rol a passing street flirtation with a nar tied woman was Imposed on Benjamin loullby American flour exporters who have ben doing a profitable buslnons In China have suffered a serious blow be cause a recent shipment proved to con tain poison and caused the death or many natives Despite the slightly lower tempera turo and a brisk northwest breeze the deaths from heat In New York reachei the highest number of tho summer tot there wore 22 victims Former Speaker of Conca tart B Henderson Is railing rapidly He Is at his home In Dubuque la suffer- Ing from paresis At times he Imag Inca he Js In the speakers chair and at other on the battlefield Ralph Lcete 83 an attorney and cap- italist died at Ironton O He was au thor of the Groat Seal of Ohio and 1 personal friend of President Lincoln and Chief Justice Chase The Arkansas antitrust law was rls clared valid by the supreme court ol the state two justices dissenting iron the opinion Wild a Johnson a young woman li under arrest at Owatonna Nina charged with having put poison Into a well on the farm of John U Johnson and with having sent an orange con lalnlng strychnine to Mrs Lundittroni a daughter of Jackson who Is a teach er In the county schools Ixittt Apgar aged 05 married and a grandfather killed himself In Jersey City by shooting as a result of son 6atlonal disclosures which terminated In the granting of a divorce to Georgi M Meyers against Clara E Mayors Apgar was named as the coreapond outThe paymaster of the SlossShefileld Co was held up at Littleton near Birmingham Ala and robbed of 6 000 In a fight with the officers later one ot tho highwaymen was killed and tho other escaped The money ws re coverod Thomas MoFadden 15 and William Franz 14 wore drowned In the Me nominee river while bathing near Nil waukeeFrom a marriage license recently Is sued It was learned that Gen Ben J Vlljoen formerly of tho Boor army watt married In St Louis to Mrs Myr the DIckerson Lowdpn ot lttsflcld III The Chautauqua hold a special me mortal service for the late Secretary ot State John Hay at Atlantic City N J The eulogy was delivered by Si mon Wolfe former congressman from New York United States Senator William A Clark of Montana continues to rally satisfactorily from the operation which ho underwent for tho removal of an abscess of the brain Charles Burchctt and Charles Ste vens both sons ot prominent farmers were drowned In tho Coon river west of Dallas Center la George and William Gibbons broth ers were drowned whllo bathing In a lake near Olathc Ran In the presence of Her mother floe slo flames 15 was shot dead on the street In front of her homo In St Lou- Is Mrs Mary Carder 30 Is under ar rest charged with the shooting which In said to have been the culmination of 111 feeling between the two families President Roosevelt has determined that the scandal growing out of the cotton report leaks In tits department ot agriculture shall bv probed to the bottom A crowd of over 2000 persons fought with the police In a wild scramble to raln admittance to tho dedication Services ot tho new synagogue of the Congregation Sharls Sphard St Louis A number wore clubbed but none seri lusty hurt Troops at Gadsden Ala wore called out to prevent tho lynching of Vance lardnor In Jail with five others charg ell with criminal assault and murder jf Mrs C J Smith white a widow 1ho mob composed of 300 men lacked a leader SIxtyreven Indictments against 25 nJlVldunlB most of whom are former ounty officials were handed down by Vj grand Jury at Milwaukee and the HOblug of tho Jury still goon on The- ist batch ot truo hills added to the IS returned ton days ago makes a to tal of 105 thus far Tho Japanese poaco mission Is ex octcd to reach New York about the tat of July- Benjamin Webb Williams 01 who a operation ago was a pioneer In con iuctlng lecturing tours In tho United tales died at his homo in Dorches er Mass LIEN BLAGKMAR DEAD Coulntander in Chief of 0 A IL Passed Away in Idaho He Succumbed To Nephritis Bod Will Be Embalmed and Taken To the Home of the Fam ¬ ily In Boston Boise Ida July 17fen W W Blackmar commander in chicf of tine Grand Army of the Republic died here- of nephritis Ills wife was with hIm during his Illness The body will bo embalmed and taken to tho home ot the family at Boston The general arrived oit July 10 on a tour during which ho In- tended ¬ to visit Grand Army posts through the northwest He was III when he arrived and gradually failed The seriousness of his condition was kept front the public at the request of Ills wife Gen Blackmar was born July 25 1841 at Bristol Pa He enlisted In tho 16th Pennsylvania cavalry and suit ¬ sequently Joined tho First yest VIr Gen Wllmon W Blackmar glnla He served with distinction through the war and at Five Forks was promoted on the field by Gen Custer to the rank of captain Throughout three administrations those of Govs long Talbott and Rice hp was judge advocate general of Mas- sachusetts At the last national en- campment of the G A R ho was elect ed commanderlnchlof Boston July 17Exceplto two or three officials of tho Grand Army the news of the death ot Gen Black mar was received with great stir prise In this city The home of Gen Biackmar was In this city and slnco his elevation to the position of com manderlnchlef the headquarters ol the organization has been hero Gen Blackman Is succeeded by John It King of Washington senior vice com mandor TO THE NORTH POLE Lieut Robert E Peary Starts on His Long Journey i New York July 17Limit Robert E Peary started on hIs long journey in quest of the north pole Ills ship the Roosevelt which has been lying In the North fiver since Saturday night weighed anchor and got under way at ten minutes after 3 On board the vessel besides the explorers party were a number ot guests and newspa ¬ per men who accompanied the ship as far as Sandy Hook where they wear taken off by a navy yard tug sent out by Adm Coughlin A launch bearing a party of excursionists attempted to run close alongside of the Roosovel after she was under way and nearly collided with her The Roosevelt was saluted by all manner of steam and sailing craft on her way to sea THE RUSSIAN ENVOY Spent An Hour In Consultation With American Ambassador Meyer St Petersburg July 17t Witt spent an hour with Georgo Von L Meyer the American ambassador at the Klelnmlchel palace discussing tha forthcoming peace conference Before leaving for Paris next Wednesday M WItte will havo still another audience with tho emperor In the mean limo he must pay a round of official visits to all tho imperial ministers M Wit to Is expected to be the bearer of LI personal message from tho emperor tu President Roosevelt Gen Llnevltcha Forces Toklo July 17It Is officially re ¬ ported that Gen Llnevltchs forces Iumbor nearly 400000 and It Is report- ed ¬ thut he Is extensively using water transportation to bring forward men supplies and ammunition Gen B M Thomas Expires Dalton Oa July 17Gen B M Thomas died at his home In this city Peritonitis was the Immediate cause of his death Ue was a graduate ot West Point anti a distinguished hrlga liar general In the confederate army Want Saturday Half Holidays Washington July liJollr hundred mechanics of tho government navy yard met and appointed a committee of two to confer with the president at Oyster Bay looking to securing trout him nn order allowing tho navy yard fnployos Saturday halt holidays Secretary Loeba Outing Oyster flay N Y July 17Secre ary nnd Mrs lob loft Oyster Bay ror a months sojourn In and near lhu roliowstone National park They will nrko brief stops at Clicaso and at tllcntapolIr u u STATE ODDS AND ENDS n KENTUCKYS NEW CAPITOL Bids For the Magnificent Structur MuctBe In By August 1 Covlngton Ky July 15 Architects plans for the new Kentucky state cap Itol work on which la to be begui within the next few months have beet completed and are being examined bj local architects and contractors at the offices of the builders exchange The plans aside from the magnitude of the work are of Interest to Clucln- I natlans and Ohioans generally througl the fact that they represent the labor of an Ohio architect Frank M An- drews of Dayton O Bids rot the contracting work of the buildings are now being received and will bo closed August 1 The new structure Is to be an Impoa In gone and it Is to bo built of stone brick steel and concrete It will be rectangular In form Its dimensions be Ing approximately 400 by 180 feet bj 47 feet In height and It will face the north > i The building will be thoroughly mod urn In Its equipments It will consist of four floors with attic and basement A grand dome will surmount It rIsIng 135 feet above the root Its archlec lure will bo ionic- BLACKSMITHS SHACK He Compelled the County To Pay 4 000 For His Lease Louisville Ky July 15Patrlck Kirby a blacksmith has forced the county of Jefferson to pay him 400 for the lease on the onestory shack at Center and Green streets which ho occupied as a shop ata rental of 16- a month It Is on the site of the new armory to be built at a cost of 400000 Kirleys lease was not considered when the site was bought He had an option for a liveyear renewal and aft- er ¬ the county exhausted every effort to got rid of him Ithad to coma to his terms BREAKS THE RECORD The Per Capita Tax For the School System In Kentucky Frankfort Ky July 13Suporln cadent of Public Instruction Fuqua fixed the por capita for the public school system at 325 for the year ending June 30 1906 which breaks the stato record This Is on a basis of 2420000 the total resources of the school fund certified by Auditor Ha gor The school census on which this basis Is made compiled by Superin tendent Fuqua through county super ¬ intendents is 731000 children of school age A FAST MILE May Earl a FourYearOtd Filly Went It In 211 Lexington Ky July 16Mlke now erman drove the fouryearold fllly May Earl by San Metea out of Annie Earl by Erlmont a mile In 211 the fastest time made over the local track this season May Earl Is the property of John T Stewart and is considered by such good judges as John SpWn to be the best horse In training In Central Kentucky The fastest mile trotted heretofore by this promising fllly Was 213 made last Saturday I ought With a Burglar Louisville Ky July HIn a duel with a burglar Dr O H Rcesor was shot In tho shoulder During the fusil ¬ lode Dr Reesor fired twice and the burglar three times One of the but ¬ lets fired by the burglar was found Im ¬ bedded in the kitchen door After Interurban Routes Lexington Ky July lSA B Du pont and E B Caldwell of Detroit Mich accompanied by their attorney Charles Flower are here looking over the Interurban railway franchises of the Central Kentucky Interurban Co with a view of purchasing its holdings To Reorganize the Bank London Ky July ISAt a meeting of tho directors of the Citizens bank It was decided to reorganize tho bank and change the system from a state lo a national bank Steps will be ta ken at once to make the change Kicked To Death By a Mule Henderson Ky July 15 Thornton tho ten yearold son of Circuit Clerk Wynn O Mosoly was killed by being licked by a mule lie was struck Iti the head by both of tho animals feet producing almost Instant death Medical Society Meeting Frankfort Ky July 15Tho Ken ucky Midland Medical society met In heir 37th quarterly session at tho Cap tnl hotel here About 25 physicians member of tho society wore hi at cndunce Frank Mooney Exonerated Howling Green Ky July 11AI1 In juost over the remains of John Patter- son a notorious negro who was shot en days ago by Frank Mooney and lied of lockjaw resulted in a verdict exonerating Mr Mooney lie Is said to have acted In solfdofonse After Lead and Zincl Fonlavillo Ky July 16The past 9v weeks have witnessed ronsidorable totlvlty in that section of Grayson anlllzinc RAILROAD COMMISSION It Holds That Express Companies Are Common Carriers Frankfort Ky July HThe Ken ¬ tucly railroad commission holds that under Section 218 of the constitution of tho state the express companies f t- Ing business In the state are common carriers as are railroad corporations and that it Is within its province to regulate their rates where charges ars made that said rates are exorbitant The ruling Is announced in a case from Shelby county where the city of Shelbyvlllo closed a license tax of 25 a year upon the Adams and Southern Express Cos and they retaliated by adding one cent to the charge on each package In and out of the town at cer- taIn times during the year The citi ¬ zens complained under the long and short haul clause of the constitution The commission sustains them in tha complaint and recommends that the matter be Investigated by the Shelby county grand jury and the companies prosecuted If they continuo to collect additional charge NEPHEW WILL DIE His Uncle Sank a Knife Into Hit Body Louisville Ky July 14 Because Nunco Carso one of the wealthiest Italians In Louisville struck his sis ter Mrs Casper Hare of 415 Second street with his flat at his fruit store her son Andrew Hare asked for an ex ¬ planation and was stabbed four times by his uncle Hare Is dying Carso sank a butcher knlfo Into his nephews hack abdomen and both arms During the affray several Italians ran Into the place and all were fight trig when the police arrived HUBBY GONE FOR TEN YEAR3 The Judge Declared Mrs Hemlngray a Single Woman Louisville Ky July HJudge Kin by entered a judgment restoring Mrs Llda Hemlngray to tho rights of a sin- gle ¬ woman and Incidentally recalling the disappearance of her husband Reuben Hemlngray on September 23 1890 The court held that as Hemln ¬ gray has never been heard from he la presumed to bo dead Hemlngray was a tobacco dealer He left hero to go to Chicago Since Hemlngrays disap- pearance Mrs Hemlngray has earned a living by teaching school WHILE RESISTING ARREST A Leltcrifleld Jeweler Shot and Killed By An Officer Leltcbfleld Ky July 13AI D Mo Clue a Jeweler of this city whllo re sisting arrest was shot and killed McClure it Is claimed was intoxicat- ed when Sheriff W H Coppage and City Marshal T L Bated undertook to arrest him McClure cut Sheriff Cop page on the side of the head and neck Coppaga and Baird both fired at him killing him Instantly Cant Collect In Kentucky Louisville Ky July 16The suit oC George H Alexander revenue agent agaInst the American Sewing Machine- co for 50000 taxes covering five years was dismissed by Judge Greg iry The court sustained the plea oC the defendant that the company Is In- corporated elsewhere and taxable only- u Springfield O tho firms headquar- ters Chief Hill Renominated Paris Ky July HIn the demo ratio primary George M Hilt tho In- cumbent chief of police defeated Offl cer J C Elgin by a majority of about 128 In a light vote of possibly 560 The city ticket for mayor and councilmen laving no opppoaltlon polled the full ote A Land of Plenty Barbourvllle Ky July 14 Farmers say that not for years has there been such a crop of oats In this part of the tale as this year Every planter teems to have an abundance Corn la ookiug fine everywhere The crop ot small fruit is abundant this season all through tho mountains The Guardsmen Lose Barbourvllle Ky July 13The case or tho 32 members of Company B Seo nd regiment Kentucky state guards gainst the Louisville Noshvillo railroad for 10000 damages each eras leclded In favor of the defendant la tlte Knox circuit court Capt E W Lyen Expires Harrodsburg Ky July 13Capt B W Lyen died here He was a canted rate veteran and was in the Ohio raldHo was a trustee of the Ken achy confederate home and wolf known in the south Died In Jail Covington Ky July 15 John chnolder 4G who was serving a four months sentence In tho city jail tar busing his family Is dead Ho hal beon drinking n great deal before bis most and had been acting strangtiy- toly Blinded By a Torpedo London Ky July IGAt Pittsburgh its county Florence owens a ton earold girl exploded wltn a hammer It railroad torpedo whim she hat mud She was horriby mangled and the sight of both eyes was destroyed

I ODDS ENDSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk362b8g/data/0238.pdf · ailan government In the peace negotlo lion to bo conducted next month In the United States M WItto to shouldering the task

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Page 1: I ODDS ENDSnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7qnk362b8g/data/0238.pdf · ailan government In the peace negotlo lion to bo conducted next month In the United States M WItto to shouldering the task



Intelligence Collected and Given

to Our readers in a Coniicnded Form




A Summary of Prominent Events ThaHave Taken Placs During the Past

Few Days The Movements ofGovernment Officials

The Russian government has beennotified that Japan will not agree t-

en nnnlFtke pending negotiationsthat Japan will feel free to contlnuher military operation In Manchurluntil tho plenipotentiaries have agreeupon terms of pence

Plans for the reinforcement of GenLlnevitcbi armies are keeping pacwith the preparation for peace ncgcNations Rte 19th army corps has ncelved marching order

M Murariort has resigned his poslIm us chittf peace plenipotentiary It

may be regarded as practically certalUm be win be replaced by M Wlttepresident of the troimnltiee of mini

Emperor Nicholas hsa sinned thenipolntraont of M Wltte president orthe committee of ministers to be chicplenipotentiary representing the Ruiailan government In the peace negotlolion to bo conducted next month Inthe United States

M WItto to shouldering the task o-

KimluctingY puce negotiations on bohalt ot his country ID a patriotic iplrlbut with a full realization of tho dimcultloo before him and the knbwledgIn advance that even If he succeeds hecan not kocuro terms which the Ruttaii qhauvlnltt will regard aa other

wise than humiliatingBaron Komura the Japaneao mini

tor of forplgn affair who U the prtndual onvtfy of Japan to the conferenceIn en mute now from Japan and Is exported to reach New York about thSOih inat U M Wltte the chief plonlpotenilary of Iluisla shall have ardyed by that time the reception toJ

the envoys by tho provident probabljwill take place at Bagnioore 11111 orAugust J-

Irpaidoptt Roosevelt received the nowambassador from RUMfa Huron Itonun Rotnaimovltch Rosen at SagaMore lUlL Rosen took luncheon withthe president and Mrs Rwwveit

The astaHes ot the Ilusulan pencefplenlp9e v arles have been fixed n-

rJJrtO per day each besides an allow-ance of UIGO for traveling anil otbOexpenses

U U learned from a high authoritythat tho plant for the Investment ol

ladlvotiolt are now well under wayand that a strong force has been land

ve 1 In tho vicinity of Poaalei bay whileanother IB on tho way from Gonsanmarching through Northern Korea

If Gen Trepoff assistant minister olthe Interior Is not the next victim oithe amatftln It will not be duo to lackof warning at the hand of the Torrorlit

It In officially announced at Tukluthat tho Ruiftlan center holding Darline aud vicinity Will attacked July 11

and offered stubborn resistance Theattack was renewed at dawn of July12 when the Japanese dislodged theHUHSIBDI driving them In the directlon of Mall 4 Tills victory ensurescompleto occupation of South Sakhatin by the Japanese

Adm Yam da commanding a squadron Rant north on a reconnaissance re-


that to Russian cruiser humrad Is a complete wreck and that theroIs ni> hope of refloating her Sbo tanon a reef

Acting Attorney General Hoyt received from Secretary of AgricultureWilson tho pafterii In tho cotton reportInvMilKatloa United Stales DistrictAttorney Morgan H Beach will probeInto the whole subject and make athorough Inquiry It will bo determln


ed whether tnerp la any statute underwhich a criminal prosecution may bedirected against Edwin S Holmes forpeer anKoclate statistician who wasil tulaaed It Is alleged because ho

f Juggled figures In tho governmentcrop oMlirwtos and furnished advanceInformation to New York brokers

An American Slag wan torn downi from in of the city hall Londonbnr and trampled under a hundredtoot u tho risult of a remark made byaa American visitor at the Orangemens demonstration

President Roosevelt assured laborloaders who called on him that hisrecent ordoriln regard to tho Chineseexclusion net does not lot down thetiara to the booties admission to this

tOllUtrIThe 20tb annual reunion ot the Bo

nevolent and Protective Order of Elksvlll be Denver In 190G Ouu

ballot d at the grand lodgotueetlng hOlln

Whon II Oolrlcha re ¬

turned cottage at Newport II

I after an absence of two hors shoUncovered that jewelry vnltioil at SlpOut had twee taken from tier dressingcase

The Oklahoma and tnalbn Territoryftttttfhood coinventlon dalletl to sotforth the aentlment of the people olthe two territories adopted a resolutiondemanding admittance to the union nsune tree and Independent state

rt W E Etheridge and A N Davismen joint owners of ajlIIIwmlH at Hickory Miss engaged in-

ct duel both beingkilledJ

For the first time since ho began Ithcampaign for municipal reform MayoWeaver of Philadelphia received Isetback at tho hands of common cowell when that body did not comply wltlhis request to authorize him to employ special counsel to represent thcity In the matter of certain conlractIthat are to bo broughtcourts

It U retorted that Francis B LoomsIs to be made ambassador to Japan IIhas been for several days rumored thaiLloyd C Grlscom now minister to Japan In to succeed Mr loontls In thslate department

Sweeping reductions In the solarleof various officials and employe of theEquitable society were made by Chair-man Norton

James H Hyde of tho Kqultablo LlroAssurance society resigned aa vlcpresident of the Commercial Trust Co-

ot Philadelphia and the directors orthat company accepted the roslgnaUon

Junes W Aloxander formerly proddent of the Equitable Life Assuranosociety continues very III Ho ti Insuch a condition that all knowledge orthe recent developments In the societyhave been kept from him

The antiAmerican sentiment nmnn >

the Chinese le subsiding and it wainever an widespread as had been rap

resentedInoil hearing at Kansas City W

H Hawkins who was superintendentof tank wagons testified that monwere hired to follow tho wagons ofthe Independent companies to se<

where they topped and how much oilthey sold Whenever necessary totake trade from their competitors re-

bates were paid by tho Standardamounting some times to 3500 a

monthGenHorace Porter former ambas

sailor to France and more recentljthe senior special American ambansador appointed to receive the body ofJohn Paul Jones returned home ortho steamer Deutschland

After routing In a vault at Oak Hllcemetery Washington since his deathlast December the lady of James NTyner former postmaster general usalxtant attorney general and rupresontatlve In congress from Indiana warfinally Interred In the family lot atOak 11111

It Is estimated that the Kansaswhoat crop for this year will be alleast 82500000 bushels From reportsbeing received the whnat Is thrashingout exceedingly well

According to an announcement madeat the navy department the battleahluOregon of the Asiatic flnot bas wonthe trophy for the hlgheot scores mndby vessole of tho battleship class atthe last annual target practice Thewiiuo vessel won the trophy a yeara to

At the cabinet mooting It developedthat the Danish ministers wore In fullagreement that Prince Charles of Denmark should accept the crown of Nor-way If King Oscar and tho other courtsmost concerned expressed their approvalMr

Rookhlll the American ministernt Poking has cabled tho state departmoot that tho Chinese government Isvigorously opposing the threatenedboycott of American goods

Business failures In the UnitedStates for the week ending July 13

number 166 against 127 last week 203In the like week of 1904 and 173 In

1903Secretaryqf War Taft and those ac

companying him on his way to thePhilippines arrived nt Honolulu andwere met at the wharf by n delegationof territorial officials and prominentresidents

San Juan Hill the district bound ¬

ed by Amsterdam and West End avehues and 51st and 63d streeets NewYork socalled because of Its notorietyas a battle ground was tho sceno of afurious race riot which required 250policemen to quell after many shotsbad been fired and several persons hodbeen seriously Injured

Tho servant girl problem In tho Appleton WIll district has been partial ¬

ly solved by tho employment of IndianGirls who have graduated from the gov ¬

ernment schools Several are now Intho kitchens of families In Appleton-

In compliance with n request fromcitizens In tho vicinity of Edwardsvllle 111 the state board of healthsent an Inspector to make an Investigation of a report that wholesale ex ¬

humation of bodies Is being made bya railway excavating along a right ofway near a county poor farm

Typhoid fever U epidemic at Colllnsburg Pa There are about 30

house In tho village and In everyhouse there are from one to five casesor tho disease Five children of a tamily named LIU have tiled and a num-


ot other families havo lout fromone to two members

The 300th anniversary of the dillovary of the Hudson rlvpr by Henrick Hudson Is to bo celebrated by thoopening In Now York city of the greatrat International exposition that hasrver boon seen

Gen Nelson A Mlles sailed for Europe on tho American liner St LouiswIth his son Llout Sherman Miles Cor-

a short sojourn abroadTho acceptance by Franco of the In

Ration to alto part In the Internatonal conference on Morocpo was ditpatched by special messenger to thislUltnn The messenger Is Bxpect d tcirrlve at Fez July 19

Count Schuvaloff pretnot cf Moscow

Pas shot and killed alt ho was recolvrig n number of petitioners Tho as

sasBln escaped In the xcltomont whichallowed the shooting but was later

capturedWilliam Dwyor and seven Chlnesn

were killed by an oxplbslon nt tho G1

int Powder works ten miles from Oakend Cat

I Two burglars chloroformed Mrs nerotha Cohen as she lay sick In her beton the third floor of hor homo at 145Fifth uvcnuo Now York tlod hrwrists and ankles tore two rings franher finger jorkod out her ear ringand then looted n wardrobe

The Arbogst Baatlan Co of Allontown Pa whole extensive provlIon house was destroyed by fire estlmates Its loss at 400000 Insurance

200000An earthquake shock was distinct

folt In Concoru N H Reports fronttho city ot Manchester and other pointIndicate that a distinct shock was expcrlcnced over the southern section orthe state

The boiler of an AtchIson TopekSanta Fo freight engine exploded at

Kinsman Ariz killing Engineer Coptland and Fireman Bryant and com-pletely wrecking the engine

The motion for a now trial of thicase of United Stales Senator John HMitchell was overruled by Judge D <

Haven In tho United Slates court atPortland Ore and the attorneys torthe defense asked for a week In whlclto file a bill of exception and a writof

errorA months sentence to prison rola passing street flirtation with a nartied woman was Imposed on BenjaminloullbyAmerican flour exporters who haveben doing a profitable buslnons InChina have suffered a serious blow because a recent shipment proved to contain poison and caused the death ormany natives

Despite the slightly lower temperaturo and a brisk northwest breeze thedeaths from heat In New York reacheithe highest number of tho summer totthere wore 22 victims

Former Speaker of Conca tartB Henderson Is railing rapidly HeIs at his home In Dubuque la suffer-Ing from paresis At times he ImagInca he Js In the speakers chair andat other on the battlefield

Ralph Lcete 83 an attorney and cap-italist died at Ironton O He was author of the Groat Seal of Ohio and 1personal friend of President Lincolnand Chief Justice Chase

The Arkansas antitrust law was rlsclared valid by the supreme court olthe state two justices dissenting ironthe opinion

Wild a Johnson a young woman liunder arrest at Owatonna Ninacharged with having put poison Into a

well on the farm of John U Johnsonand with having sent an orange conlalnlng strychnine to Mrs Lundittronia daughter of Jackson who Is a teacher In the county schools

Ixittt Apgar aged 05 married and agrandfather killed himself In JerseyCity by shooting as a result of son6atlonal disclosures which terminatedIn the granting of a divorce to GeorgiM Meyers against Clara E MayorsApgar was named as the coreapond

outThe paymaster of the SlossShefileldCo was held up at Littleton nearBirmingham Ala and robbed of 6

000 In a fight with the officers laterone ot tho highwaymen was killed andtho other escaped The money ws recoverod

Thomas MoFadden 15 and WilliamFranz 14 wore drowned In the Menominee river while bathing near Nil

waukeeFroma marriage license recently Is

sued It was learned that Gen Ben JVlljoen formerly of tho Boor armywatt married In St Louis to Mrs Myrthe DIckerson Lowdpn ot lttsflcld III

The Chautauqua hold a special memortal service for the late Secretaryot State John Hay at Atlantic City N

J The eulogy was delivered by Simon Wolfe former congressman fromNew York

United States Senator William AClark of Montana continues to rallysatisfactorily from the operation whichho underwent for tho removal of anabscess of the brain

Charles Burchctt and Charles Stevens both sons ot prominent farmerswere drowned In tho Coon river westof Dallas Center la

George and William Gibbons brothers were drowned whllo bathing In alake near Olathc Ran

In the presence of Her mother floeslo flames 15 was shot dead on thestreet In front of her homo In St Lou-

Is Mrs Mary Carder 30 Is under arrest charged with the shooting whichIn said to have been the culminationof 111 feeling between the two families

President Roosevelt has determinedthat the scandal growing out of thecotton report leaks In tits departmentot agriculture shall bv probed to thebottom

A crowd of over 2000 persons foughtwith the police In a wild scramble to

raln admittance to tho dedicationServices ot tho new synagogue of theCongregation Sharls Sphard St LouisA number wore clubbed but none serilusty hurt

Troops at Gadsden Ala wore calledout to prevent tho lynching of Vancelardnor In Jail with five others chargell with criminal assault and murderjf Mrs C J Smith white a widow

1ho mob composed of 300 men lackeda leader

SIxtyreven Indictments against 25nJlVldunlB most of whom are formerounty officials were handed down byVj grand Jury at Milwaukee and the

HOblug of tho Jury still goon on The-

ist batch ot truo hills added to theIS returned ton days ago makes a total of 105 thus far

Tho Japanese poaco mission Is ex

octcd to reach New York about thetat of July-

Benjamin Webb Williams 01 who aoperation ago was a pioneer In coniuctlng lecturing tours In tho United

tales died at his homo in Dorcheser Mass


Coulntander in Chief of 0 A ILPassed Away in Idaho

He Succumbed To Nephritis BodWill Be Embalmed and Taken

To the Home of the Fam ¬

ily In Boston

Boise Ida July 17fen W WBlackmar commander in chicf of tineGrand Army of the Republic died here-of nephritis

Ills wife was with hIm during hisIllness The body will bo embalmedand taken to tho home ot the familyat Boston The general arrived oitJuly 10 on a tour during which ho In-


to visit Grand Army poststhrough the northwest He was IIIwhen he arrived and gradually failedThe seriousness of his condition waskept front the public at the request ofIlls wife

Gen Blackmar was born July 251841 at Bristol Pa He enlisted Intho 16th Pennsylvania cavalry and suit ¬

sequently Joined tho First yest VIr

Gen Wllmon W Blackmar

glnla He served with distinctionthrough the war and at Five Forkswas promoted on the field by GenCuster to the rank of captainThroughout three administrationsthose of Govs long Talbott and Ricehp was judge advocate general of Mas-sachusetts At the last national en-

campment of the G A R ho was elected commanderlnchlof

Boston July 17Exceplto two orthree officials of tho Grand Army thenews of the death ot Gen Blackmar was received with great stirprise In this city The home of GenBiackmar was In this city and slncohis elevation to the position of commanderlnchlef the headquarters olthe organization has been hero GenBlackman Is succeeded by John ItKing of Washington senior vice commandor


Lieut Robert E Peary Starts on HisLong Journey

i New York July 17Limit RobertE Peary started on hIs long journeyin quest of the north pole Ills shipthe Roosevelt which has been lyingIn the North fiver since Saturdaynight weighed anchor and got underway at ten minutes after 3 On boardthe vessel besides the explorers partywere a number ot guests and newspa ¬

per men who accompanied the shipas far as Sandy Hook where they weartaken off by a navy yard tug sent outby Adm Coughlin A launch bearinga party of excursionists attempted torun close alongside of the Roosovelafter she was under way and nearlycollided with her The Roosevelt wassaluted by all manner of steam andsailing craft on her way to sea


Spent An Hour In Consultation WithAmerican Ambassador Meyer

St Petersburg July 17t Wittspent an hour with Georgo Von LMeyer the American ambassador atthe Klelnmlchel palace discussing thaforthcoming peace conference Beforeleaving for Paris next Wednesday M

WItte will havo still another audiencewith tho emperor In the mean limohe must pay a round of official visitsto all tho imperial ministers M Witto Is expected to be the bearer of LIpersonal message from tho emperor tuPresident Roosevelt

Gen Llnevltcha ForcesToklo July 17It Is officially re¬

ported that Gen Llnevltchs forcesIumbor nearly 400000 and It Is report-ed


thut he Is extensively using watertransportation to bring forward mensupplies and ammunition

Gen B M Thomas ExpiresDalton Oa July 17Gen B M

Thomas died at his home In this cityPeritonitis was the Immediate causeof his death Ue was a graduate otWest Point anti a distinguished hrlgaliar general In the confederate army

Want Saturday Half HolidaysWashington July liJollr hundred

mechanics of tho government navyyard met and appointed a committeeof two to confer with the president atOyster Bay looking to securing trouthim nn order allowing tho navy yardfnployos Saturday halt holidays

Secretary Loeba OutingOyster flay N Y July 17Secre

ary nnd Mrs lob loft Oyster Bayror a months sojourn In and near lhuroliowstone National park They willnrko brief stops at Clicaso and attllcntapolIr




Bids For the Magnificent StructurMuctBe In By August 1

Covlngton Ky July 15 Architectsplans for the new Kentucky state capItol work on which la to be beguiwithin the next few months have beetcompleted and are being examined bjlocal architects and contractors at theoffices of the builders exchange

The plans aside from the magnitudeof the work are of Interest to Clucln-

I natlans and Ohioans generally througlthe fact that they represent the laborof an Ohio architect Frank M An-

drews of Dayton OBids rot the contracting work of the

buildings are now being received andwill bo closed August 1

The new structure Is to be an ImpoaIn gone and it Is to bo built of stonebrick steel and concrete It will berectangular In form Its dimensions beIng approximately 400 by 180 feet bj47 feet In height and It will face thenorth > i

The building will be thoroughly modurn In Its equipments It will consistof four floors with attic and basementA grand dome will surmount It rIsIng135 feet above the root Its archleclure will bo ionic-


He Compelled the County To Pay 4000 For His Lease

Louisville Ky July 15PatrlckKirby a blacksmith has forced thecounty of Jefferson to pay him 400for the lease on the onestory shackat Center and Green streets which hooccupied as a shop ata rental of 16-a month It Is on the site of the newarmory to be built at a cost of 400000

Kirleys lease was not consideredwhen the site was bought He had anoption for a liveyear renewal and aft-


the county exhausted every effortto got rid of him Ithad to coma to histerms


The Per Capita Tax For the SchoolSystem In Kentucky

Frankfort Ky July 13Suporlncadent of Public Instruction Fuquafixed the por capita for the publicschool system at 325 for the yearending June 30 1906 which breaks thestato record This Is on a basis of2420000 the total resources of the

school fund certified by Auditor Hagor The school census on which thisbasis Is made compiled by Superintendent Fuqua through county super ¬

intendents is 731000 children ofschool age


May Earl a FourYearOtd Filly WentIt In 211

Lexington Ky July 16Mlke nowerman drove the fouryearold fllly MayEarl by San Metea out of Annie Earlby Erlmont a mile In 211 the fastesttime made over the local track thisseason May Earl Is the property ofJohn T Stewart and is considered bysuch good judges as John SpWn to bethe best horse In training In CentralKentucky The fastest mile trottedheretofore by this promising fllly Was213 made last Saturday

I ought With a BurglarLouisville Ky July HIn a duel

with a burglar Dr O H Rcesor wasshot In tho shoulder During the fusil ¬

lode Dr Reesor fired twice and theburglar three times One of the but¬

lets fired by the burglar was found Im ¬

bedded in the kitchen door

After Interurban RoutesLexington Ky July lSA B Du

pont and E B Caldwell of DetroitMich accompanied by their attorneyCharles Flower are here looking overthe Interurban railway franchises ofthe Central Kentucky Interurban Cowith a view of purchasing its holdings

To Reorganize the BankLondon Ky July ISAt a meeting

of tho directors of the Citizens bankIt was decided to reorganize tho bankand change the system from a statelo a national bank Steps will be taken at once to make the change

Kicked To Death By a MuleHenderson Ky July 15 Thornton

tho ten yearold son of Circuit ClerkWynn O Mosoly was killed by beinglicked by a mule lie was struck Itithe head by both of tho animals feetproducing almost Instant death

Medical Society MeetingFrankfort Ky July 15Tho Ken

ucky Midland Medical society met In

heir 37th quarterly session at tho Captnl hotel here About 25 physiciansmember of tho society wore hi atcndunce

Frank Mooney ExoneratedHowling Green Ky July 11AI1 In

juost over the remains of John Patter-son a notorious negro who was shoten days ago by Frank Mooney and

lied of lockjaw resulted in a verdictexonerating Mr Mooney lie Is saidto have acted In solfdofonse

After Lead and ZinclFonlavillo Ky July 16The past

9v weeks have witnessed ronsidorabletotlvlty in that section of Grayson



It Holds That Express Companies AreCommon Carriers

Frankfort Ky July HThe Ken¬

tucly railroad commission holds thatunder Section 218 of the constitutionof tho state the express companies f t-Ing business In the state are commoncarriers as are railroad corporationsand that it Is within its province toregulate their rates where charges arsmade that said rates are exorbitantThe ruling Is announced in a casefrom Shelby county where the city ofShelbyvlllo closed a license tax of 25a year upon the Adams and SouthernExpress Cos and they retaliated byadding one cent to the charge on eachpackage In and out of the town at cer-taIn times during the year The citi ¬

zens complained under the long andshort haul clause of the constitutionThe commission sustains them in thacomplaint and recommends that thematter be Investigated by the Shelbycounty grand jury and the companiesprosecuted If they continuo to collectadditional charge


His Uncle Sank a Knife Into HitBody

Louisville Ky July 14 BecauseNunco Carso one of the wealthiestItalians In Louisville struck his sister Mrs Casper Hare of 415 Secondstreet with his flat at his fruit storeher son Andrew Hare asked for an ex¬

planation and was stabbed four timesby his uncle Hare Is dying Carsosank a butcher knlfo Into his nephewshack abdomen and both arms

During the affray several Italiansran Into the place and all were fighttrig when the police arrived


The Judge Declared Mrs Hemlngraya Single Woman

Louisville Ky July HJudge Kinby entered a judgment restoring MrsLlda Hemlngray to tho rights of a sin-gle


woman and Incidentally recallingthe disappearance of her husbandReuben Hemlngray on September 231890 The court held that as Hemln ¬

gray has never been heard from he lapresumed to bo dead Hemlngray wasa tobacco dealer He left hero to goto Chicago Since Hemlngrays disap-pearance Mrs Hemlngray has earneda living by teaching school


A Leltcrifleld Jeweler Shot and KilledBy An Officer

Leltcbfleld Ky July 13AI D MoClue a Jeweler of this city whllo resisting arrest was shot and killedMcClure it Is claimed was intoxicat-ed when Sheriff W H Coppage andCity Marshal T L Bated undertook toarrest him McClure cut Sheriff Coppage on the side of the head and neckCoppaga and Baird both fired at himkilling him Instantly

Cant Collect In KentuckyLouisville Ky July 16The suit oC

George H Alexander revenue agentagaInst the American Sewing Machine-co for 50000 taxes covering fiveyears was dismissed by Judge Gregiry The court sustained the plea oC

the defendant that the company Is In-

corporated elsewhere and taxable only-u Springfield O tho firms headquar-


Chief Hill RenominatedParis Ky July HIn the demo

ratio primary George M Hilt tho In-

cumbent chief of police defeated Offl

cer J C Elgin by a majority of about128 In a light vote of possibly 560 Thecity ticket for mayor and councilmenlaving no opppoaltlon polled the fullote

A Land of PlentyBarbourvllle Ky July 14 Farmers

say that not for years has there beensuch a crop of oats In this part of thetale as this year Every planterteems to have an abundance Corn la

ookiug fine everywhere The crop otsmall fruit is abundant this season allthrough tho mountains

The Guardsmen LoseBarbourvllle Ky July 13The case

or tho 32 members of Company B Seond regiment Kentucky state guards

gainst the Louisville Noshvillorailroad for 10000 damages each eras

leclded In favor of the defendant latlte Knox circuit court

Capt E W Lyen ExpiresHarrodsburg Ky July 13Capt B

W Lyen died here He was a cantedrate veteran and was in the Ohio

raldHo was a trustee of the Kenachy confederate home and wolfknown in the south

Died In JailCovington Ky July 15 John

chnolder 4G who was serving a fourmonths sentence In tho city jail tarbusing his family Is dead Ho halbeon drinking n great deal before bis

most and had been acting strangtiy-toly

Blinded By a TorpedoLondon Ky July IGAt Pittsburgh

its county Florence owens a tonearold girl exploded wltn a hammer

It railroad torpedo whim she hatmud She was horriby mangled andthe sight of both eyes was destroyed