•• AT LEAST TRADE AT HOME AND THUS HELP tQ . CAL BUSINESS [ .. w....., I ........ Ia ..... Oi.trict ·----- ..... ! MULTNO S A ._,.._ ,_ a• ...,. !oM,. IL ,._ .... "-• .... , .___ ........ .. V 'ol. I Ko. 8 IIULTlfOIUJI, OUOOJf, ftmA. Y, RBJUJA.ILY 18, 111'7 Prioe ftftO.t. H = YO= RAIT ==;;= AO = VER =TIS =E FO = R = BIO =S = CLU =B ITEMS IN BRIEf Moltnomah, Or., F eb . 1&- IN FRONT Of SCHOOL ABOUT MARCH 1 WILL BE FORMED Muhnomah, Or, Feb. 18. - Tunday, w .. hinaton'• birt hdat , 'llrill be a holiday. School wiU .. u llcd at 9 : JO a. m. and then dismlswd. llctsy H. ou camp will meet Feb. 2J R es ume of Happenings The W 11k ThrU at the Sha uuck school with 10 o thtr COUNCIL WANT MAY NOT COMMENCE CON· COOD camps aMI will comroete for quar· COMMUNITY STRUCTION WORK ON VIA· EXERCISE FOil TIRED Mrs. C. Woodworth and Mra.. tcrly rewa.rds. Troop 16 will be ho st· SUCCESTIONS ON HOW TO eu. IMPROVE MULTNOMAH. ..... . y.... ,, Ill, DUCT BEFOJl£ APRIL L Or, Friday, Feb 18.- Tl •• county comnuui oners ,.,11 adl 8USI NUS MEN AFTER DAY'S WOiliC.. Woodhouse were adiacina the nurM m weiahing the children W011day. The heiaht and weig ht wiH .. on report urds. au,ntioft will be given io llO<Ierwei«ht• M n. J. N Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· i nc uf XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll win 10 po1nts. In the Muhnomab, Or , 1 1riday, Feb. 1 8.- Thc cu•mnunll)' cuunc•l met at the schfX>I house Monday tH ninc, Thou present were T. (, Williams, Mr and Mrs Eh lc. F G. Hall, H1llsdale; Mrs I' (i \\ h11esidc, Mrs. ( E. anti II U Brook· bardt. Wrs. W•lhanu 11&\C a report ol her In terview w11h Mr Barbour rcaardlna nwnberong a nd naminc et ree.- 1n Muhnomah. h ,. ·u lllooah• thu Portl and streets could be tended b111 1h11 "-a' n< ll practical and \!reels here may h; wc to be renam- ed The mau er "'II IX' brought up later. verus e lor bids lor the construe· Or, Friday, Feb. 1&-:- The cooking class at the sdHlol made Brown Betty Tuctday ud JUdlfing !rom the talk llwaa4otlleM. patrol leader's report, one pomt will be giH n for each scout present and f1-c I H•o nu for n cb seoul in perfect uon of the v1aduct at An efl ort ., be•nr made IG l orm a buuc I. II " nol hkely t hat 1tnnis club among the but lncss men .,..0 rk woll be. commenced unul some 1 1 M I h Th . d bu tunc uo April The reason for Cl.lfll · " ' u lnotna ey ontcn to Y meneong ,.. 0 rk 50 b te '" the spron 11 ur lease grounds and install a ce· is tbal tbe roads will no t be> en I mull court. .,nnual dues could be cundilion for hoavy detvur tra fl•c 1 charged and a lund u tablisbed. FATHER OF MilS. UllDY PASSU Oft belorc that tinlt. Any one ont truud in fonnina a ltnms club u requeued to 1M oo tiM U IIION MISSIONARY lookout for duorablc Sec II IEETIN6 1 "'"'· p "'""' •• J s Portland, Or., Friday, 1&. - Philandcr Vilea, qed " 7un peaae4 away Sunday momin.c, He - the_ lather ol Wrs. H. E. Lcedr, of Metagcr and had loved . in Metqer fw a number of years. Ano ther ..... tv , N rs . A. C. patM4 -}' le 1he same hospit al last UOIMJal . S.e ldt a hutband and two .... dll · d rc n. zs. lllot!ar-...1 H_, Mi n ." A Ruther, who ha• • btm ••s.onna her lbught<r, M n. E. l. h orm· lr y, recovered !r om an an3ck of the llu and returned to her in l'endlet un Monday. Liule Waunete C ho m1ley a nd Norma and ( la1 re Mohne came !lu wn l:ut we ek with tht flu a11a111. Attcnct.d M..tiat. A group of Endcan1rers ol the cnmnountly church altended city union senicu at the Forst Conrrc · Rati l•nal chiU'ch last cvenins. Et hel Gaylord and M.s1 Alice aucnded. rThc cu unc•l decided to petition the board 10 a l.re h ydrant in lrunl ul the school hl'un. I J. S. McDANIEL IS IMPROVING COMMUNITY CHURCH WILL We ha\'e a few l•iccn ldt over Y'le do all kin<IJ ol elec troc re · lroon st ock on sa'le at big pak•-t •on<, to3slers, c url11111 uhnum3h Jewelry Scn rr pcr•t olat on, c:lcclnc etc. M uh· - Atlv 'J'he mcet ina of the council wtll be held March 14 It Is hoped that l'l will be pr ts ent HOSTS FEBRUARY U. at chill tune from aU clubs. Or, Frid:1y, Feb, 1&-- Thc cmmcil woultl be 11l:.nl to h e:ar A union 111 iui onory oncetinll will be fr (l nl : 111y lltr <lloi whn h3< nuy t>rob· ' helll at the co.wnuonty church. f. 'ri -' lcc n\ ur a• lu the bel · day, Feb. 25. Luncheon will be •ervetl tennent of cont lolllttU 111 this com· 11 11 a.· m. nomah £1eclroc lo. UK WfJlt· K·4 Ad11. 11 111no1y Writ e care, box 254. Muh · AI 2 p m. Mrs. Earl DuBois will 111. nornah, Or. a \Cry interdting talk 91' her Lawrence \.ecr of H >lhdale, IS oil lrtp thru the H<!IY l.mnd. w11h the flu. Stodcongs for the whole lamily, E.arl Gbonulty, owne-r ol the Ghnnnlty r.llong SIUIOR, wu huout Brolcor. famou s Arr owhead brand at Bon's Vanecy Store AdY M .. .u., al Voit H- Euaene, Or, frida y, Feb. 18.- J S. Mcl>aruel, ur Multno.cah, was Ol)tr· a lc<l on Friday, F'tb. II , at the Chris· 111n hotpilal and is tlowly recov er· in11. Ur. l'oiiU(k, 1 •f Euveue, and I lr Kusler, of perlonued che Olleration Mn Mcllaniel and her als ter, Mr t.. H W. Mcnonald, of T iprtl, , drove up to Friday relumina Sun· day nlaht M r \1 cllonald n pects to remai n on l:.u11cne for at least a month WILL ME&T MAaCH I AT MRS. 111. D&LONC'S. The uecutive tOWic:il of Wol._.. l'hc lntcmoediate class of the ( f. ul the community wU WILL OPERATE '" rral ,Jay• last wcclc oil w11h I he j Mrs A Klein has taken oul her llu brol.. er's hct'\ ' C .aii&ID this year. Old eon.,. Frl.ndo. P. T. A. tnet Tueact.y at the home ol Leo WiedemiUin on Capl· tol with Mrs. T . G. Waw-, Mrs. E. E. Dill. Mn. A. Uocdiaa. Urt. W H. Malloy, Un. R..We, Wra. lJcrt on OcLon&. li n. C. A. Wool. · worth, Air a. B. H. Bruc:b, U ra. fried, U n . W. B. O.Oo aad Un. L. M. Atldn1011 prucnt. Wrs Malloy, dlairmA'I of the WOOD YARD benhiv coinrniuec aave a RPCift m<<l •• the home of I P V.,.t In at .... d of trilb Orekben ll un1 , wbo ill iiJ WIUa • I he llu. I llr V I and fanuly --· ur Flno:l , W ash • \I SII C<I nr E. F_ SS MiMe '• H .... on a-lonrcl Beautiful eeL ol deeo raLcd d11hM McNull and lamoly O \tr the: week t.luhnomalo, Or • .. ml ay, Feb IR.- I rae whh enry Wedcewood cu enoi llro. McPherson a11tl arc -ICndatron ' 5 due ·Lovo amountina Lo $76 or over . lJ uiL- uld ho wh schnt>l aull tnlltvc lriendJ I Celebrate W..W..atoe'• Blrtlo.kp. Ponland ulf ocu, for r"'' nomab Bardwa .. 8to... AT 61123. I c:n)Oycol the \llJI . Orcnomah Lodae. No 1 17, .... F. & tff octen .t wor k 1n Ira fo e I ' __ __ . wiU eolcbnat t- llllc birthday ol r e11wati0na on Tuwill•llet boul e\ -ard . 8 F 'Barbe 1 M 1 ah Or Se-. fflo H- l S..od. C. tor&c Wuh •naton wu h an open .b d dr bo ' w:• 0. D. Leslie sold hi.....tiome to Lela Oren.omah Soc•al club met 11 I LX) rntellnll at the temple at 8 o'd0c:k, end . c: . Y h' oc cr T •n 1 11 e A Aomberry ol Greenberg, Ot, !til at the temple for luncheon Thursday Tue•day enning The mcmbcn ol act L •. ,nvondll •shear 0 'crl . :rw•,•· week She will nuke MuhnO<nah her with the: fullowonw eommiuce ltrY· Orcnomah Chapltt are especially in· 11er ""u cvar at 1 c rate o "" 1111 et A II k h · · d d. Th ' II L- a. h d h rr howe. '"" . Margaret n y e, f alrntan, 10 a n en ere WI ""' I wr, Men 1 ° 1 cr trad •c F.hulX' th Allen, Ida Pierce Balter, ttood Jpeakcr I rom Portland, music. o cer · arvon 00( 15 a rell cnc !:.dna Berry, Leita Uc:rry, Ma'ry community 1inonng and a 11c:neral of Muhnomah. Br in11 your sick watches aull cluc ks ,.. to UJ lor careful, prompt service Nci Bragtf, H11ye Bullock and Adeline: 1i111e. froro t.be ci ty COIIDdl ud r...t a fonn lcncr to be uMCI lo a Muhnomah, Or , Friday, Feb. 1 8.- -benh ip drive, whkh had •n ap· Oswalt! Nl elac: n hat bouch• the proved by t lae Khool board. Tillie let· rwnd Kro,. the 'nlowu ter w-. adopted, to be -t OIM lilt- 1 __ _..., buildina and hu opcoed a cOal A motioa pt .... w.d to .... _ d. and wood yar d. He haa bui lt a neal n.ut m«tlfll, FrldaJ, Pdlnlar)t If. a loolcinr ofltcc ln one cor ner of the ailver tea ltoooritlfl 0., M4 yard and upecu to be open for the proceeda lo '- Oled for OlfW Wellau extenslotl wort!. Wra. W. W. buslnus Feb. 2J . Oabrid >Mil be the apc:akc:n ol the Mr Nl cben has lived IS year' in day Muhnomah ami it well knQwn. cure no p:ay. Muhnomah Jeweler)' llrookh'aroh. (;()(ld shoe rcpaui n11 at reasonable Storc .-Ad,·. Ideal Shoe Sh .. p. ' -- Meel me at Bon's Variety Sto re - Adv. For Plumbina, call I. Putman at ENTERTAINED Broadway 9937· 1{ ·3 or le ave orllers. On a«<Unt ol Tataday IMtnc •Hd for a new domcttk ednc.e claM tM aewlnc daya for tile aervlce llllop will have to be chanaed 10 the 1«0114 TUESDAY &lid fourth Friday' a fr ori'i .. _,. to 4 o... c. f'.a.. u. Orenomah 1Juilding auociati on woll r •ve a dance "' tht tcmtlle Saturday r ve•n•niL f tb. 216. All Masons, East· era Stars and lriends "" itcd - Adv. R"t koom. The Dlue Jay Filling St'\'ion at HiiiJdale, is buolding a re ll room near their st at io n. h will ba-e a concretr floor. F- Nowlr Web. Parltl.at 1\ rece pt ion WIIJ held at the home Plans arc being made lor a park· of A. J C.:onaer in Portland las . 'I ing place nert to the Hillsdale ra wetlc for Mr and Mrs. I<. P Con· aae where machines ca.n be parlctd gec·. There were 75 au•••• present or th ty can be easily t urned around Anton& those from Multnomah wue to resume their journey. Wc· and M'rr. Arnc.on, Wr and Mrs. Tbomp.on, ltlr and Mrs. A Lay· man, Mr and Mrs M Dixon, •nd Mt. and Mrs. P aul Ruing. 'Nben you oreax your glasses bring llacpi«cs to us for a ccurate, prompt •uvice. Or. Arneson, optonoetriu, Multnocnah .-Adv. En t...ta.i.a .d f' no.clo.. Mr .. and H. B. Broolchudt enttrtained a lew I riends Saturday The pests w' tre : :\f r. and Mrs Charles Colvin, Mr. and l\1 rs. C. A Woodworth and Fredrick Neville. of at Moline's warage.-Atlv Elcloro laot.all..t Val-tiao Partr. J. N Tracy A C T ricker were Orenomah Chapter, No. 141, 0. E inJtallcd as rulina elders in the com· S. met at the ltcml >le in !.1 uhnumllh munity church Sunllay cveninc. Mr. Monday evening and conferred the Trickel' was al .o ordained. The lol· de&ren on lttiu Samp$0tl, lowina are members ol t he dollcrenl dalllhtcr ol Mr. and Mrs R ·1. commHietS . music, w. a. Dunn, M .. . Sampson, and received her mother McRell ; men's work, C. F. Larson, as a member by alli liation. The new W H Woods ; S. S , A C. ollicen pcrl unned their dulles in a Mrs Lacy ; people, W11· , uy creditable manner. At the close han. Mn . Malon ; evanac:htl):l and l ol the m«tintr all ad,ourncd to the •11111ng . J. N Tracy, Mrr. Beasley ; banquet room, which was decora ted John uncoln, Mrs >Mth retl streamers and hcaru, even Hurn . the relreahments Ufryina 0111 the ........:-- sp•rit ol S t. Valentine. The mtmlX'rJ Buil<liat Now H-.. whoic birthday• occur in January J W. Feathers hu purc hased a and February were seated at a ape· lot in Townsend addition on Ci ty ci:al table wtih a l arge birt hday cake a.enuc anad' started a new house. The rut ol 1he evcnina was •pc:nt Weolo End C..oota. We do our work ri&bl. In dancioc. mutic played by Lcita Berry, Amelia Bohon, Adeline Brookhai dt and Carmel Taylor. The commlllee in charac was Catherine Mocdin&, chaimtan, Cecile Puulam, A Moedinc. A. E. Peuenon and Maude S. Woodwo rth. The ntxt meeting will be Monday evening, February 28. o.. v .......... Miss Scchtc.n, of th e Multnomah lnuurance it spendi ng a two weelca' vacation in Califo rnia. Mrs. Paul Risinc is taklna care ol the olflcc while aile away. Mr. and Urs. John Brodie, or Shoe Sbop.-Adv. Vl.oiteol H- I ll& r: and M ra. Ceo. erly ol T ip rd, visited A. Klein Tu uday, a,--.. F.- Eut. Arnold, lorn•· Mr and llfrs. Marwcll. Iowa, and Mr . and Mrs. J. C. Burch, lonncrly ol llfarwell, but now of Portland, "'(ere pull ol Mr. and Mn . H. L. Woodhouse Sunday. Expert WarcciUq - Nuhnomab Bar· bcr shop. B,R. 9898- J · 1.- Adv. Ret..,. ... H-e. Mr and Mrs. W H turned home Thu rsday. Kuhrli re· I E. n M. Fowle and wi le re turned w-t te c- a-t.. lnlltl a th re e month•' tnp on the P. W. Beasley, ciVIl engineer eau. ltfr. Fowle is in the custom been at Unnon Bcap> lor ll o11se 11 P OC" tland pau two weeks. ,, ........... c-- el SW, . e-vae Electric Cle-n, epeci&J Prinapal OtariH E. J...nns. who 1 ,noe nt..IO .-n funlle.r DOtioe. Mnh- lu.s had c harae of the Kill..sale Bardwan Ikon ATwa.W -. telhool for )l ta ra, has been re· litvcd of h is duties and is prcpar· in11 a of study for tl\e P0<1 · b nd publte schools. .1 ... :.·::: :.: ::·,::::::. ,. ........... - we caa .... the ,_ ,_;e. rtu wa. the n.. Grctdlaa H.ura ia absul Khool. Sbc it iU wit.b the f1a:. T1aoac ulnclcy $2 Bilb-lt is coo· tider ed vc:ry n.oiDcky to have a $2 bill If yoo have soch a bill t.be bc:tt tiUnc t oa aua do widt It ia to pat it in a lclttt U.S lftld it to Ill for one teals nbacriptioe ID the paper . We will cin )'011, SO cnu odoaace. l"u...,u.... a-atlt.l H-e. r>r. H. H. That cher hu purcbucCI the Loomia housc on the hiahway acrou !r om the school. Muhnomah, Or, Friday, Feb. 18.- l{ev and Mra. l>avid S. Sharpe en· tcrtaincd 1011oe l roendt !rom out6idt the city at a deliciou• luncheon 1'ues· day. 1'hose prnent were Dr. and Mrs W A S1taldoog, of Albai\Y; Rev. and A T Snuth, Ur. and Wra. Jo : arl l>ulluu, Kcv and Mrs. Carl Dunn, "'+ and Mrs M. E. Dunn, all ol· Portland. 81C CROWDS ATTEND l.luhnnmah, Or , Frida,., Feb. 11.- The U ultnO<nah H•rdwarc Store wu crowded with people durinc their three day nle, Feb. 12, 14, IS. P eoplt In this conununl ty are qaick to take: advantace ol apedal ptlcea and appreciate t be aaviAae made. SURPIUIE PARTY IATUIDAY EVENINQ A larae nu mber ol friends ol ]. L. Dro ueau pthcred at his boone Sat · 11rday tven iulf, Feb. 12 tnd sarprited 1a1m on au. lOih birthday. The eve· nonr wu apent plaJlna cards ud dancinr and at a la1 .e hour a fiDe o'clock, as 100ft •• pennlul011 II aranted by the echool board. The executive board will -t at I :JO Tuuday Wards 8 with Ura. Uer too DeLonc Oft lllaJMe way. DAIRY IS BIG liEl TO •lillY FARM&It l lAVE ... A HUNDRU IN HAUUNG IUUt. T iprd, Or., Friday, Pet.. 1&-111• anJIIoyeea of the lted Rodt o.l.7 ud thrir wivH or ll•sM... or friends, eniottd a banqnct oa 4 at t.be Haadwoo4 raCMiallt Ia Portland. "-a ......... trert L Jdlrey, wife an4 -. offk• - at Kut, W.U., L. Kiaa. aa4 W. G. Marcus of Everett, Wult., wt.o _.. spcoclau. Tlttrt -re 4'1 pre ... L Pew por-s reaU..e daat t.M Red Rock Dliry Ia a W. UMt to t.M _.itr. L>orina the tear 1936, tlaey paid out to fannen •14.S,OP1..J) for millr or an avenae of t2JI ,_ llondred wciiiiL Ia Jt25 they ,.W $1JZ,Za.04 lor IDilk, u averap frice ol P-48 per h•dred weiiiiL 0. the vol- of _.. Ia If». JOe ptr ..... 1crved. All had a cood dred - eaved to · t.M f--, tmiC. In dtpartloa after lunch wltida ....,_ -w ilaft w ., ,. Y >Mshed h im oWly more happy birtlt- if the 111iJk w M«o ...,.. to day •· Portlaod. Thok prtiCtll wen : Ur. ud .. ra. Tit• fw J.... ,., .._.. Alex Buerau oa, Ur, ud Mra.. V. L u n.cz- o1 11 ,_ c•• -.c. .... Ur. and Wra.. W. J. a,_,., lot J_., ..... Mr. and Wn. E. C. DaVIs, }Cr. ud S49,(l00 pooa41. h .. ,_ - Wr a. L. Wadden, Mr . aod Ura. P. J)OUoll. o1 .a _. ....... Hourtoo, Wr. anoi lira. Lee Yael· uc1 isa the dn, U r. ud Mn A. Pa . ce, A. Jkot. n. ..u,. oow OMntea fhoe ....... _ MaU, E. Brottca-. Wr. and Ura. Job PtMa, Mr . and Wrs. of O.tabnie, Ur. ud Wra. F. B. Btllcra ol Clatlkudc. Or ., UiM J..o. raiDC Betltra of Oatlbale, Elden IHoe-e, Ur. 'and Ura. Alvia Jau. chard of H ouhOft. Or .. Wr . aod Ura. ltautte of AarOA, Or., G. JlaceUt, Ur . and Wra. A. T'llonsu u4 Mr. aod Urs. ] . Black..W,

I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll

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Page 1: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll




.. w ..... , I

........ Ia

..... Oi.trict

·-----.....! MULTNO S A ._,.._ ,_ a • ...,. !oM,. IL ,._ .... "-•

...., .___ ........ ~· ~====================================================~======================================~~==------..

V'ol. I Ko. 8 IIULTlfOIUJI, OUOOJf, ftmA.Y , RBJUJA.ILY 18, 111'7 Prioe ftftO.t.

Pfj·=tso=IAL=NEW=s~=QU=ART=ERL=Y R£=W:=:.u=ARY~U w=AN=TS .=AH~E H= YO=RAIT==;;=AO=VER=TIS=E FO= R =BIO=S ~rT=EII=IS =CLU= B =o=r===MUL=TMO=MAH;;::;;:::;;ICHOOL~NO~TU

ITEMS I N BRIEf Moltnomah, Or., I>rl~y. Feb. 1&- IN FRONT Of SCHOOL ABOUT MARCH 1 WILL BE FORMED Muhnomah, Or, ~riday, Feb. 18.­

Tunday, w .. hinaton'• birthdat, 'llrill be a holiday. School wiU .. u llcd at 9 :JO a. m. and then dismlswd.

llctsy H.ou camp will meet Feb. 2J

Resume of Happenings

The W11k

ThrU at the Shauuck school with 10 othtr COUNCIL WANT MAY NOT COMMENCE CON· COOD camps aMI will comroete for quar· COMMUNITY STRUCTION WORK ON VIA·

EXERCISE FOil TIRED Mrs. C. Woodworth and Mra..

tcrly rewa.rds. Troop 16 will be host· SUCCESTIONS ON HOW TO


...... y....,, Ill,


~luhnomah, Or, Friday, Feb 18.­Tl•• county comnuuioners ,.,11 adl


DAY'S WOiliC..

Woodhouse were adiacina the nurM m weiahing the children W011day. The heiaht and weight wiH .. on report urds. S~lal au,ntioft will be given io llO<Ierwei«ht •

M n. J . N Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya.

There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll win 10 po1nts. In the

Muhnomab, Or , 11riday, Feb. 18.­Thc cu•mnunll)' cuunc•l met at the schfX>I house Monday t H ninc, Thou present were ~Irs T. (, Williams, Mr and Mrs Ehlc. ~In F G. Hall, H1llsdale; Mrs I' (i \\ h11esidc, Mrs. ( E. S•cafn~l. anti II U Brook· bardt. Wrs. W•lhanu 11&\C a report ol her In terview w11h Mr Barbour rcaardlna nwnberong and naminc et ree.- 1n Muhnomah. h ,.·u lllooah• thu Portland streets could be U·

tended b111 1h11 "-a' n<ll practical and \!reels here may h;wc to be renam­ed The mauer "'II IX' brought up later.

veruse lor bids lor the construe· ~luhnomah, Or, Friday, Feb. 1&-:- The cooking class at the sdHlol made Brown Betty Tuctday u d JUdlfing !rom the talk llwaa4otlleM.

O..r~. patrol leader's report, one pomt will be giHn for each scout present and f1-c IH•o nu for n cb seoul in perfect

uon of the v1aduct at ~luhnomah An eflort ., be•nr made IG lorm abuuc ~larch I. II " nol hkely that 1tnnis club among the butlncss men .,..0 rk woll be. commenced unul some 1

1 M I h Th . d bu tunc uo April The reason for Cl.lfll · " ' u lnotna ey ontcn to Y meneong ,..0rk 50 b te '" the spron11 ur lease grounds and install a ce· is tbal tbe roads will not be> en I mull court. .,nnual dues could be cundilion for hoavy detvur tra fl•c 1 charged and a lund u tablisbed.



belorc that tinlt. Any one onttruud in fonnina a

ltnms club u requeued to 1M oo tiM

UIIION MISSIONARY lookout for duorablc l~tion. Sec

II IEETIN61 :::;.~.~ "'"'· p "'""' •• J s

Portland, Or., Friday, F~b. 1&.­Philandcr Vilea, qed " 7un peaae4 away Sunday momin.c, He - the_ lather ol Wrs. H. E. Lcedr, of Meta• gcr and had loved . in Metqer fw a number of years. Another ..... tv, N rs. A . C. P~llenon, patM4 -}' le 1he same hospital last UOIMJal. S.e ldt a hutband and two .... dll· drcn.

zs. lllot!ar-...1 H_,

Min ." A Ruther, who ha• • btm ••s.onna her lbught<r, M n . E. l.horm· lry, ha~ recovered !rom an an3ck of the llu and ret urned to her hon~c in l'endletun Monday. Liule Waunete Chom1ley and Norma and ( la1re Mohne came !luwn l:ut week with tht flu a11a111.

Attcnct.d M..tiat. A group of Endcan1rers ol the

cnmnountly church altended city union senicu at the Forst Conrrc · Ratil•nal chiU'ch last Sund~y cvenins. ~fioses Ethel Gaylord and M.s1 Alice ~JIC3kon:an aucnded.

rThc cuunc•l decided to petition th e board 10 111~1all a l.re hydrant in lrunl ul the school hl'un. I J . S. McDANIEL


W e ha\'e a few l•iccn ldt over Y'le do all kin<IJ ol electroc re · lroon Clui,tm~~ stock on sa'le at big

pak•-t• on<, to3slers, curl11111 orou ~. ~acrofocc ~I uhnum3h Jewelry Scnrr pcr•tolaton, c:lcclnc onutor~. etc. M uh· - Atlv

'J'he n c~t mcetina of the council wtll be held March 14 It Is hoped that rrpr ~<c n•ath l'l will be prtsen t


at chill tune from aU clubs. ~lullnu111ah, Or, Frid:1y, Feb, 1&--Thc cmmcil woultl be 11l:.nl to he:ar A union 111iuionory oncetinll will be

fr(lnl :111y lltr<lloi whn h3< nuy t>rob· ' helll at the co.wnuonty church. f.' ri-' lcc n\ ur 5niii(C~ IItt11< a• lu the bel · day, Feb. 25. Luncheon will be •ervetl ten nent of contlolllttU 111 this com· 11 11 a.· m.

nomah £1eclroc lo. UK WfJlt· K·4 Ad11.

11 111no1y Write care, box 254. Muh· AI 2 p m. Mrs. Earl DuBois will 111. nornah, Or. ~he a \Cry interdting talk 91' her

Lawrence \.ecr of H>lhdale, IS oil • lrtp thru the H<!IY l.mnd. w11h the flu. Stodcongs for the whole lamily,

E.arl Gbonulty, owne-r ol the Ghnnnlty r.llong SIUIOR, wu huout Brolcor.

famous Arrowhead brand at Bon's Vanecy Store AdY M .. .u., al Voit H-

Euaene, Or, friday, Feb. 18.- J S. Mcl>aruel, ur Multno.cah, was Ol)tr·

alc<l on Friday, F'tb. II , at the Chris· 111n hotpilal and is tlowly recover· in11. Ur. l'oiiU(k, 1•f Euveue, and I lr Kusler, of Sl'r"'t~field, perlonued che Olleration

Mn Mcllaniel and her alster, Mrt.. H W. Mcnonald, of T iprtl, , drove up to ~uJtene Friday relumina Sun· day nlaht

M r \1 cllonald n pects to remain on l:.u11cne for at least a month


The uecutive tOWic:il of Wol._..

l'hc lntcmoediate class of the ( f. ul the community churc~ wU WILL OPERATE ' " rral ,Jay• last wcclc oil w11h I he j Mrs A Klein has taken oul her

llu brol.. er's hct'\' C .aii&ID this year. Old eon.,. Frl.ndo.

P . T. A. tnet Tueact.y at the home ol ~irs. Leo WiedemiUin on Capl· tol Hil~ with Mrs. T . G. Waw-, Mrs. E. E. Dill. Mn. A. Uocdiaa. Urt. W H. Malloy, Un. R..We, Wra. lJcrton OcLon&. lin . C. A. Wool.· worth, Air a. B. H. Bruc:b, U ra. Sit~· fried, U n . W. B. O.Oo aad Un. L. M . Atldn1011 prucnt.

Wrs Malloy, dlairmA'I of the -· WOOD YARD benhiv coinrniuec aave a RPCift m<<l • • the home of I P V.,.t In

at .... d of trilb Orekben llun1 , wbo ill iiJ WIUa • I he llu. I

llr V I ~lcl 'hc r<lln and fanuly --· ur Flno:l, W ash • \ISIIC<I nr E. F_

SS MiMe '• H .... on a-lonrcl Beautiful eeL ol deeo raLcd d11hM McNull and lamoly O\tr the: week t.luhnomalo, Or • .. mlay, Feb IR.- I rae whh enry Wedcewood cu enoi llro. Mc Pherson a11tl ~lcNou arc

Fsr~ -ICndatron '5 due ~lar~•.n · Lovo amountina Lo $76 or over. lJuiL- uld howh schnt>l aull tnlltv c lriendJ I Celebrate W..W..atoe'• Blrtlo.kp. w~~ Ponland tl(>hc~ ulfocu, for r"'' nomab Bardwa .. 8to... AT 61123. I ~nd. c:n)Oycol the \llJI. Orcnomah Lodae. No 117, .... F. & tffocten.t work 1n ~"!orcon¥ Ira foe I ' __ __ . A~ ~ wiU eolcbnat t- llllc birthday ol re11wati0na on Tuwill•llet boule\-ard . 8 F 'Barbe 1 M 1 ah Or Se-. fflo H- l ~ S..od. C.tor&c Wuh•naton wu h an open

.b d dr bo Ol~ 1000~~ ' w:• 0. D. Leslie sold hi.....tiome to Lela Oren.omah Soc•al club met 11 I LX) rntellnll at the temple at 8 o'd0c:k, ~p~trofe end .c: . Y h' occr T •n


11 e A Aomberry ol Greenberg, Ot, !til at the temple for luncheo n Thursday Tue•day enning The mcmbcn ol

act L •. ,nvondll •shear 0'crl .:rw•,•· week She will nuke MuhnO<nah her with the: fullowonw eommiuce ltrY· Orcnomah Chapltt are especially in· 11er ""u cvar at 1 c rate o "" 1111 et A II k h · · d d. Th 'II L-a. h d h rr howe. '"" . Margaret n y e, f alrntan, ~II C 10 a n en ere WI ""' I e~)(f' wr, Men ~ng~ng

1 °1 cr trad •c F.hulX'th Allen, Ida Pierce Balter, ttood Jpeakcr I rom Portland, music.

ocer · arvon 00( 15 a rell cnc • !:.dna Berry, Leita Uc:rry, Ma'ry community 1inonng and a 11c:neral

of M uhnomah. Brin11 your sick watches aull clucks ,.. • to UJ lor careful, prompt service Nci Bragtf, H11ye Bullock and Adeline: ~~:nod 1i111e.

froro t.be city COIIDdl ud r...t a fonn lcncr to be uMCI lo a -·

Muhnomah, Or , Friday, Feb. 18.- -benhip drive, whkh had •n ap· Oswalt! Nlelac:n hat bouch• the proved by t lae Khool board. Tillie let·

• rwnd Kro,. ~- the 'nlowu ter w-. adopted, to be -t OIM lilt­• 1 __ _...,

buildina and hu opcoed a cOal A motioa pt....w.d to ...._ d. and wood yard. He haa built a neal n.ut m«tlfll, FrldaJ, Pdlnlar)t If. a loolcinr ofltcc ln one corner of the ailver tea ltoooritlfl F~en 0., M4 yard and upecu to be open for the proceeda lo '- Oled for OlfW

Wellau extenslotl wort!. Wra. W . W . buslnus Feb. 2J. Oabrid >Mil be the apc:akc:n ol the

Mr Nlcben has lived IS year' in day Muhnomah ami it well knQwn.

cure no p:ay. Muhnomah Jeweler)' llrookh'aroh. (;()(ld shoe rcpauin11 at reasonable Storc.-Ad,·.

prw~u. Ideal Shoe Sh .. p. '-- M eel me at Bon's Variety Store ­Adv.

For Plumbina, call I. ~. Putman at ENTERTAINED Broadway 9937· 1{·3 or leave orlle rs.

On a«<Unt ol Tataday IMtnc •Hd for a new domcttk ednc.e claM tM aewlnc daya for tile aervlce llllop will have to be chanaed 10 the 1«0114

TUESDAY &lid fourth F riday' a frori'i .. _,. to 4 o ... c. f'.a.. u.

Orenomah 1Juilding auociation woll r •ve a dance "' tht tcmtlle Satu rday r ve•n•niL f tb. 216. All Masons, East· era Stars and lriends "" itcd - Adv.

R"t koom. The Dlue Jay Filling St'\'ion at

HiiiJdale, is buolding a rell room near their stat ion. h will ba-e a concretr floor.

~.......... F- Nowlr Web. Parltl.at Pla~e. 1\ recept ion WIIJ held at the home Plans arc being made lor a park·

of A. J C.:onaer in Portland las. 'I ing place nert to the Hillsdale rar· wetlc for M r and Mrs. I<. P Con· aae where machines ca.n be parlctd gec·. There were 75 au•••• present or thty can be easily turned around Anton& those from Multnomah wue to resume their journey. Wc· and M'rr. Arnc.on, Wr and Mrs. Tbomp.on, ltlr and Mrs. A Lay· man, Mr and Mrs M Dixon, •nd Mt. and Mrs. P aul Ruing.

'Nben you oreax your glasses bring llac• pi«cs to us for accurate, prompt •uvice. Or. Arneson, optonoetriu, Multnocnah.-Adv.

En t...ta.i.a .d f' no.clo.. Mr .. and ~Irs H. B. Broolchudt

enttrtained a lew I riends Saturday The pests w'tre : :\f r. and Mrs Charles Colvin, Mr. and l\1 rs. C. A Woodworth and Fredrick Neville. of

at Moline's warage.-Atlv

Elcloro laot.all..t Val-tiao Partr. J . N Tracy ~tnd A C T ricker were Orenomah Chapter, No. 141, 0 . E

inJtallcd as rulina elders in the com· S. met at the ltcml>le in !.1 uhnumllh munity church Sunllay cveninc. Mr. Monday evening and conferred the Trickel' was al.o ordained. The lol· de&ren on lttiu L~norc Samp$0tl, lowina are members ol the dollcrenl dalllhtcr ol Mr. and Mrs R ·1. commHietS . music, w. a. Dunn, M ... Sampson, and received her mother McRell ; men's work, C. F. Larson, as a member by alliliation. The new W H Woods ; S. S , A C. Trkk~r, ollicen pcrlunned their dulles in a Mrs Lacy ; ycl\Ul~ people, ~as. W11· , uy creditable manner. At the close han. Mn . Malon ; evanac:htl):l and lol the m«tintr all ad,ourncd to the •11111ng. J. N Tracy, Mrr. Beasley ; banquet room, which was decorated cnterta~nmcnl , John uncoln, Mrs >Mth retl streamers and hcaru, even Hurn. the relreahments Ufryina 0111 the

........:-- sp•rit ol S t. Valentine. The mtmlX'rJ Buil<liat Now H-.. • whoic birthday• occur in January

J W. Feathers hu purchased a and February were seated at a ape· lot in Townsend addition on Ci ty ci:al table wtih a large birthday cake a.enuc anad' started a new house. The rut ol 1he evcnina was •pc:nt

Weolo End C..oota. We do our work ri&bl. ~luhnornah In dancioc. ~~oith mutic played by Lcita Berry, Amelia Bohon, Adeline Brookhaidt and Carmel Taylor. The commlllee in charac was Catherine Mocdin&, chaimtan, Cecile Puulam, A Moedinc. A. E. Peuenon and Maude S. Woodworth. The ntxt meeting will be Monday evening, February 28.

o.. v .......... Miss Scchtc.n, of the Multnomah

lnuurance ~cncy, it spending a two weelca' vacation in California. Mrs. Paul Risinc is taklna care ol the olflcc while aile away.

Mr. and Urs. John Brodie, or Shoe Sbop.-Adv.

Vl.oiteol H-Ill& r: and M ra. Ceo.

erly ol T iprd, visited A. Klein Tuuday,

a,--.. F.- Eut.

Arnold, lorn•· Mr and llfrs.

Marwcll. Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Burch, lonncrly ol llfarwell, but now of Portland, "'(ere pull ol Mr. and Mn . H. L. Woodhouse Sunday.

Expert WarcciUq- Nuhnomab Bar· bcr shop. B,R. 9898-J · 1.- Adv.

Ret..,. ... H-e. Mr and Mrs. W H

turned home Thursday. Kuhrli re·

IE. n M. Fowle and wile returned w-t te c- a-t.. lnlltl a th ree month•' tnp on the P. W. Beasley, ciVIl engineer eau. ltfr. Fowle is in the custom been at Unnon Bcap> lor llo11se 11 POC" tland pau two weeks.

,,........... c-- el SW,. e-vae Electric Cle-n, epeci&J Prinapal OtariH E. J...nns. who

1,noe nt..IO .-n funlle.r DOtioe. Mnh­

lu.s had charae of the Kill..sale ~ Bardwan Ikon ATwa.W -. telhool for l~ )ltara, has been re· litvcd of his dut ies and is prcpar· in11 a ~ru of study for tl\e P0<1· b nd publte schools.

.1 ... :.·::: :.: ::·,:::::: .,. ........... ...eily~--­- we caa .... the ,_ ,_;e.

~•• ••••• •o••••••••••••• •

rtu wa. the n.. Grctdlaa H.ura ia absul

Khool. Sbc it iU wit.b the f1a:.

T1aoac ulnclcy $2 Bilb-lt is coo· tidered vc:ry n.oiDcky to have a $2 bill If yoo have soch a bill t.be bc:tt tiUnc t oa aua do widt It ia to pat it in a lclttt U.S lftld it to Ill for one teals nbacriptioe ID the paper. We will cin )'011, SO cnu odoaace.

l"u...,u.... a-atlt.l H-e. r>r. H. H. Thatcher hu purcbucCI

the Loomia housc on the hiahway acrou !rom the school.

Muhnomah, Or, Friday, Feb. 18.­l{ev and M ra. l>avid S. Sharpe en· tcrtaincd 1011oe l roendt !rom out6idt the city at a deliciou• luncheon 1'ues· day. 1'hose prnent were Dr. and Mrs W A S1taldoog, of Albai\Y; Rev. and ~ira A T Snuth, Ur. and Wra. Jo:arl l>ulluu, Kcv and Mrs. Carl Dunn, "'+ and Mrs M. E. Dunn, all ol· Portland.



l.luhnnmah, Or , Frida,., Feb. 11.­The U ultnO<nah H•rdwarc Store wu crowded with people durinc their three day nle, Feb. 12, 14, IS.

Peoplt In this conununlty are qaick to take: advantace ol apedal ptlcea and appreciate tbe aaviAae made.



A larae number ol friends ol ]. L. Droueau pthcred at his boone Sat· 11rday tveniulf, Feb. 12 tnd sarprited 1a1m on au. lOih birthday. The eve· nonr wu apent plaJlna cards ud dancinr and at a la1.e hour a fiDe

o'clock, as 100ft •• pennlul011 II aranted by the echool board.

The executive board will -t at I :JO Tuuday Wards 8 with Ura. Uertoo DeLonc Oft lllaJMe way.



Tiprd, Or., Friday, Pet.. 1&-111• anJIIoyeea of the lted Rodt o.l.7 ud thrir wivH or ll•sM... or friends, eniottd a banqnct oa P~b. 4 at t.be Haadwoo4 raCMiallt Ia Portland. "-a ......... trert L Jdlrey, wife an4 -. offk• - at Kut, W.U., L. Kiaa. aa4 W. G. Marcus of Everett, Wult., wt.o _.. spcoclau. Tlttrt -re 4'1 pre ... L

Pew por-s reaU..e daat t.M Red Rock Dliry Ia a W. UMt to t.M _.itr. L>orina the tear 1936, tlaey paid out to fannen •14.S,OP1..J) for millr or an a venae of t2JI ,_ llondred wciiiiL Ia Jt25 they ,.W $1JZ,Za.04 lor IDilk, u averap frice ol P-48 per h•dred weiiiiL 0. the vol- of _.. Ia If». JOe ptr .....

l~ncb wa~ 1crved. All had a cood dred - eaved to · t.M f--, tmiC. In dtpartloa after lunch th~ wltida ....,_ -w ilaft w ., ,.Y >Mshed him oWly more happy birtlt- if the 111iJk w M«o ...,.. to day •· Portlaod.

Thok prtiCtll wen : U r. ud .. ra. Tit• receipt~ fw J....,., .._.. Alex Buerauoa, Ur, ud Mra.. V. L u n.cz- o1 11 ,_ c•• -.c. .... ~--. Ur. and Wra.. W. J. a,_,., ~ptallkr. ~ lot J_., ..... Mr. and Wn. E. C. DaVIs, }Cr. ud S49,(l00 pooa41. h .. ,_ - • Wra. L. Wadden, Mr. aod Ura. P . ~ J)OUoll. o1 .a _. ....... Hourtoo, Wr. anoi lira. Lee Yael· uc1 isa the yea..._~,_... dn, U r. ud M n A. Pa.ce, A. Jkot. n. ..u,. oow OMntea fhoe ......._ MaU, E. Brottca-. Wr. and Ura. Job PtMa, Mr. and Wrs. l.aa~ of O.tabnie, Or~ Ur. ud Wra. F. B. Btllcra ol Clatlkudc. Or., UiM J..o. raiDC Betltra of Oatlbale, Elden IHoe-e, Ur. 'and Ura. Alvia Jau. chard of HouhOft. Or .. Wr. aod Ura. ltautte of AarOA, Or., G. JlaceUt, Ur. and Wra. A. T'llonsu u4 Mr. aod Urs. ] . Black..W, •

Page 2: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll


Th~ ello nn "'" dnlrJ t •rm te lndh~ 1\fDelbl~ wtwr• 1111' nwuf'r Ilea •• mRnJ •• teo nr twl't•• C'itwa. oh!l rile ~t It aruall •• t'!IIUpotl'l'd wit h thf' ~aloe. Th~rt Ia a o ht~rf'••lntt u•e o r elloe

In l"•mh ('arolloe bt'nu'• oll11ce tur· nlohPS tlUrlnl! wlnrer that r .... d Wblcb n~llrt181 approa ci•Mt fllunuuftr c••storaJe •I II~ IM'olr. IIIIa~~ It • ~uo·rul .. nt fHd """n r m~ture 11 nut dVIIIIlble. It lll8kl'l 1111""1111~ 1 cltt'lllf'r rullno. l!lvn • t:r._.l.l tPr r..._.fl wetu,.. tf' &n N l·r~ of rnr·n 1nll kl'<'t>l Ull thr milk " ''"' tn wlnlt>r.

"' F"o rt1 ftN rf'nl o f tlop fPI'dl~ag ulue or rom Itt tn 111~ ollo lko oml lo>ttvee. an<l rl1f'"t' ·~ .,.vtld wh~o I'O>n•t-rttd lnro •II116I"" •• •tt Ya II II C:nrtJuo t'Stt"naJnn •1111• ulr n nol Pn((ln..,.r 11 ~'"'" r"lll'l!f' ..,~lie 8\ f'ri!IJ:f' f"U .. If "Ill C4ln•OI04! 9fl

W ild P onl u of Ul• lhnl<e.

llllllnol• nr -~~ ·~p t"Nrh IIRJ ""'' t ht d• lr)'mHn ohoulll hft•~ rltr"f' tone or oiiHitf' l•<>r NIW. or o'll"""l" tn t11rr1 b~r fur AI• lll<llllhll. • Tu IIRnrt th~ arr,ee~e r~qu l ro•n rn '' ">iltu·~ tltl• omuunl. ooe ahnuld nc:ur<• • I•'" n r orlftc<' tor ench ft • P lm•I1Pia nt rom LJSJtl prutlu~lnc

( Pl"ep4' re4 br 'h• l"rraiiOft • l 0~er-•PbJ4 8.ft• •r. w._ . .. ,,.. l .. f\. ' ' C' ,

W IULE mao7 llouthrm at a tea arl! fNllto~ the hur<JPn u t a huce c:olloo crop at low prltf'a, Nrlrth t·arolloa, •hlch

Dot ou17 ra l- C<JII un but hu. al»u co ute to o1nnurne1uro t'otton llllO!l~ nn I l~rce ~ol~, ceo .& lha other •ldP or tbe plctuM.

.Nol1h l"arollna Ia pu•lo r tltrnn((h 1 r.oaiAan~. Oue tn h~r atta1lll7 In ttnalt)'lnr altll't t mro C<tllon ft~hla t o mill t't'hlt'rs and ttmu 004'1'-ldll' atre•m• to thrnbblnr d)n-tnoll. the hu ndd~niJ N'dluo nrf'd ""~It o o tht' l hrf'llhold of lnduatrlttl I)()Wtr.

The 1eaPrH1ar, 1'\o rlh t~rollnlan " ho In the '00. e-ll~() hlo thri'P da u r hrtre ll0111n . 'l'ftr and Tu~nrlne. would t ode7 be namlpr th~m al'ter clra,.tre braot11. turolture tndemarkl a Dd C'OIIOD•I DOdl l)tllll'm ..

C"harlott", altuatlon beUtl'to the bll bJdNH>Itctrfc dtlnt .. rmt'nll alnn1 tbe C'111•ba aod Yadkln riYere, Ia a pluoa or tbh new todu~trlallam. tn the lut :W years rhe numh•r of tflX· Ute mill• operltlnr •lthln • 100-mlle redlua or thftl t'lt1 hu b~f'n lnc-N!ue d ft •efol~ __ ,.llb • prtatnt aplol)lea r e of 10.000.uoo.

An hovr't rfdf! bfo)'ond C'barlotta t• Oaetonla. one n r the larrt'lt t~ltlle r.ntere In the llnlt.d 1111111. O f Ill 20,000 peopl~. abQot thrfll'ofoul1b t aNt worlrera In lha • 2 milia w boM tall llaclra cut the 11<7. Yet, In the towu•a broad. tree-ehaded atrHto, Hoed wllh neat C<JIIIJM oo wtll·kept, ll o•er· trln11!d ploll, one ~11 no op(l ruslve e!'DM of t'ODc:'eDtnll!d lndUitrJ. bUt rather the rMttulul'M l' f 10me modtl auburb, wl dftprud 4o auo. air a oll 111rronndlnr coootrt aldll.

With mill worlrera' COIIAIH rfDIIltle II SS a month. with water end tll'(trh: llllhl tteto. aod a mild cllntat ... nl!t'M• eltallnr little tuel . which Ia ohtalnabs. a t e<~et. 11 It DOl unc-ommon t11r moun: lain fa mlllee to wnrlr at nutnnla lnn ~r fllOUIIh to Pl7 olt" their farrn moi1-I~Kt and th•n return to the Rlu• R ld1Je. Oaaton rnunr7 contalne 08 tt•atllt milia, "'hlr h l'l'l'l'~tlfnt one­alxth ot the etate•o total tplnOiure And e<~naume alrnoet on .. thlrd ot her t'Oitoo crup.

W ln aton.Sa ltm'a l'act orl te. Anorhtr ctrlltr o f lnti'Ortanc-e In

North t'uollna ·a new lnduatrla llam to Wlnstnu·N~Ieru. 1t h u blt'o dul r nat· e d .. lht twlo rlt7 .. 1111<'1 111 t'Omponent h tWII I WP M' nu•rro-tl In 101:1. but no twine eflr t howNI ln'lttr dlu lmllar· 111 t h oo old Salem atu t 70Dtbtul Wlu­etoo. Here one h11 the tlat tiJ 1\laht ... nth r.ntury a nd the lnOuatrtal Twrntl~tb Ct'D!UrJ aide h7 aide. with a ltlf'ff' etrftt w ao e rtlna •• the h)'lthfD.

8al•m t 1611111 u llta l '"pure'" wbkh waa aouaht b7 tht l'l<'raer utetl Mora•· 11111 whu foundt'(l It In 17!\'1 And that "'!W'I <"I .. lo U Dt!VPr (fl rlllktn Old llalt'111 Ct<'18 a r.,.,. t ll'l!t'U and on• lo amid Wlnolon"a burnnlltll bt'l hlfH of lnduatrlalllrn, where 1:1.000 wa ,-e-urneN arot tumlna o ut rhtl r dal17 tralnl'ltda or monurar tUI"1'11 to­bat't'O. turoltora e nd tn: tll ,.. on a ac-a le tht luda ll nclo ilan~ to rate Wlnoton·Stlem u the Snulh"a •~rood ludut trlal c1t1.

A circle eueloetnr Wlruton !lalfm • tlh the dl'nlnta t'lnlf'r Of 0 ...... 1\•t\oru a nd the fUrniture Ct'Dier n f IUch l'otnt d•llmlta e n tn duatnal pat!'h ,_I mlle. a c ....,.., N!l'"''"•otlnl 111... annual 11rod· u c11 •aluf' of more tb oo J."'Wl,tloaiJ)(lO Wlnat on Saltm'• • tomp allrtrlnr ma· rhine. cnn•ume ennu-llt '"" "'"" flt pe_oat•~ mea l In the w~~rhl a tnotter or • •oo.OOQ.OOO worlh or l ' n<·l,. Sa m•a familiar bhre lmprl ntt ' rhMt 11 th• •una ot hf'r ff'dtral tuhoN•n tul'a, whl t>h "'1',...,1 nne-bait ot tho" paid bJ North l '111"01tna

l"'m111 tho tobat't'O atondt'"lnr. S oMb C't i'OIIna'e d•l~: t-wlru ore N'all1 Win· orne e nd Durha m. AI flurharu rht ftrwl perfet"tt'(l t"11111fl'll" rollhl t: me­thine wae IIRd. a nd ht r l'loruot fu r the "maklap" d ttM back t o t b11 Clfll ••r.

Ourbtm llot 11 IJMbnllll'l 1'11uratlon eprtn~rtor oat or tndDAt rl t ll om. tnr 11 II tbt etll of Ouke uniYf'Nih 1 ,. hlth I• dNUMd b1' ..-at IIC'qul'tt. tu bo>­~- ooe or llle e<~wur,·a ,.... , ,.., ~~- of lfNtrDIIlf. Soc-Ial •~I ra,... apribl lDJ .oat.- or ld•c:atloo Ia u llnety 17mboiiNd 117 ,._. ... ...,,. alii• nnl· alt7 a t c:A~I Hill.

Lan4 ef tiM ell)'. nuc all Ia not ·lnd~rlallam to North

Oarooltu. . I.D ibe ,.... Ia ~·

I hi' K8lf'WMJ In wha t S nr1 h rarnllnl"n fttl7 bu•h4'1o of r<>rn (V r acre wil l pro-hiYt' Wf'll llllfl~!l th~ J,AOd of th ~ Ilk' diiC'I' lf•n 111n1 llf aiiQ~,_" Nf'¥tor wu 1n a ltllu<le lit 11 half rulh Mr. t:nr<h•n olll"' rla~r whrn fl'f'dln(l etwn ~ atta It•\ ttl tn uunf•\luu-.. In Rll frn.to tf"'P altn ht~atlr\ll lit .,._ .. ,_, I "'YY hut the tcuolr atmruol!ht'rl' Nl't In 11 ln~lu•e ahnulol ,_ ro•n1"''"'1 t>nch do7 vn•t h4tWI, AHIIt'vlllt! lo tn<>lr.-11'11 hy I'" prP •~"' •rulllnc 'fl,.•rPf••re thl' mountAhta wh11oe :.00 hll(hr•t 11t'llko t op numl1~r " ' "''"'" "' 11" ' "'' d<•t~>rnlln••• "II lhltUII ~- Ill thP ~:nwt<•Tn 8lftWI. Ill~ diHitlt'!l'r Clf tlh' ~lin I,I'IIJI thnn

It wu nn '"" llllrrnor,. Pototl'. n~•r ~~ ht'otl or cnttl~ ""Ill r<"l)nlre a arlo Aoht\ 1111'. t hnt with I hi' tomnrtln rr n( 10 (<·~I In <ltllnh lrr: I ~ to ~!\. nnr 0\ ~r 1 forf"'lrJ llt'h•tnl. thp first "'"'' " In I 1:! ,,.,., tu ollt~IIIPh•r. •'"' ~:. ro 40 hnd Amf'rlran ' "'"" cnn•rrntlon w rff' onr ••• •• 14 f•·~• In tii11111Nt'r It II llllf'n Tn<!S J (hf'fl' aNI PAinhiiMhf'll DOl ed•l• "l•l~ 10 IJUtl<l A ~ltn 0 \'Pr 14 In t hl1 norten, tnr lbf' prot~~tloo <of f<-<"1 In dlrun••! f'r. ftUtl 111n11t•l rhe bf'rd Wfttf' rahrtlio 111111 horrtwooll ,.. . .. ,..,,.. lite r~u·lrl' nuart eltnRe eoolher allo C"htroktl'. NnnrnhAI•. l "nnkft ""'' 1'1• 1hou1r:1 "" Nu••truo·r•tl r ah narlonnl roro>Att, \\"llh 8 bnurulnr~ A WIUHIN1 •Ito <'0HI8 nhllUI ~ In .. , \l'hl~h rnr lli•U ntnre Ill no 1.700.001) pPr ruo rnr1&dt,!' ;' • ~o\n<· ro•rt• 8lln. trnrn a t'rel. 111~ rnvt'rnn.,.nt hod ft r qulr"''· $:1 In I ll rwr ton <'hfl•••lly. nn1t • hoi · up to JuiJ. 1112!1, Olltuf'WIInt Ira• l ht~<< '"" tile alln. f rt>m • HI on $12 ~r ton a fnurth tit thle Ul'll. to the l ' ltllllh, 1 Cllll11Cit7 Rills nf moh•rlal anol ln­Hiablloh...:l to 10111 •• a aarne I'M'- erru,·rtnne for hnltnlnr "lt"e rnAJ 1M> ot'I'Tf', Dllthe IM>er and · df'l'r ' ''""' obtalot'd ,,...,. nt rhnrtP on •t•plklllno trout I II'PIDII .... ar oc-kCO<I, a nd h~rll• to ~tr. Cnrdnn II SrMIC' CUIIt'!Cf, n •. nt h(onn end •lk havf' bl¥n ""'"'"""'II Ieiah, N. C.

RurroundM b1 the mOtllohnf'll nf Aahevlllfl. <tne v nrt't>l)' r1'ft11•4'• t hnt onl7 110 mllr• ftWIJ mnuntalnM"no 11,... 11Yina 11 rur••tll7 olml'lt f'X I• tf'n <'" hr

Heavy Milkers Require Rest Between Periods

hlntl hand hrwn llmltf'ro and nn om1111 R~IYJ miiL•no no•Pd the l• nge" ro..'tt "1w1tc hback .. farrno. with rnolutl<m · bet•~,.n IMrtltlnn r•rlnd• anti dalrJ· U J l""m" 1nd aplooln((· wlu.,•le alt~nl(·l men a honld urllllP thlt rl'ollor time te t ide their chlmo~7 pl ec-u ot natln build up rhTtlq u• and to 111 d own ,.. roc-k . 10"e rerhtr thAD dhntnloh th• t l'td

11 wae a fU· tl'flnr wnman trnm nt the dry e<~w. In rnrmt-r tlmt'l emnn r rhe ••boll•<t,ahlrt .. li te n r Aehe- rarmt'ra Wt're a fraid of rhe tet C<JW •1111' whn l'f'rauad•d rh•~~e l'l'rnolt, 1 1·1 • ' calvlna time. nut tht dr7 eow meM~l ro,..ortPo . m(luotaln fnlk to •~t t>t'a .... t o &l•e mil k bt'C'au~e ohe Ia 11~ llttlr l(lol· ldle lnom• ,.,tnr •K•In. 'l'n· loa eomethlnr bll!l':tr lleuy milk· d17 theM are halt a do&~u handlrrn fl lnr takM more rrnrn the cow·e bod7 """'"'" •nllered tbMu((h w f's iPrn I rhtn ordlo ar7 tet'illna ,,uta no . And North C'a rollna . Mounralo llllreracJ al1t nt'MI a Cf' nelo amount ot over­In Snrth Carolina It flUIIIOI rtphlly wtlrhl ID ~ll'rTfl IO ('nahl e hl'r 10 In thl' I All 111 y~an th~ At til' wlole hold up u.rourh thfl n•x r milk lor ~ ratln hu dropl)f'd ftnm 18.' In IM rind. f"t'f'<llor a r ood row well Ia put· lllltl'fiii'O In npr, 1.000. Ot lata thlr\1 mODf1 IO lllf banlr. aod 11 C:Omf'll ,.,.,,. a llnut 4,(1U() nn• · tf'l\' hf'r orh 'lol • back with lnttrf'llt. r.lodtro r-arch ha•• hi>f'o •••r11p~<l tor mollf'm·l l:l" t<mtradk ll dlalln~IIJ a nd eml'h•t· bulhllnr• . ar'd North C' nmllna ·a "till lcAII7 '"" btlltf that dr1 ht17 Ia 100t1 ~fttlnunl htllltrt'l hn r feen t o $11 r•r enouRh tnr the dr7 cow. anti the 1hMI· Cftl\llft. (lr UIICIII' rni11WOJ . hf'tWf'f'n tl(rhtcd rn•ann- n r mllkln , • cow ftl

the f'"r foplt <~ 1'0011 nf $-'1. u avf'roK"'I lnna u poulblt bc>fore her neat cal•· tbrourhnur the Houthf'rn atateo, an1l tor. .14 lhrourh(IUI the oeltnn.

The Cou tal Rtg lon.

A IOiftiiJ dllff',.nt part o f lhf' alllf lo th~ roo•t• l l"f'((lnn "'lth 111 low Ianda. 111 nurn,.rnua eounda anti !'han nela end 11• nff·ahor. lal11ndJO nf aun•l ­" the llrutka: · For r~nturlet wll11 hor!lft have bfot'n Nlamlnl th ~ 1\onk•. 11111 rurr .. nt lra<llrlon h111 It thar thn or• dror•od"d trc>to lla r'bary P<lDirt whlrh wPrl' broucht ovt'r b7 !llr Wal lf'r Ra iPI•h'• ••ol onl •va. From tlnlt to ""'" thP,... ··llanlln ~DIM" are roun1t f'd up Mod tlrh t n lntn t"Or f11l t ntatlf' of tlmhf'r rrom old .. recka. It ••• artone wl1h a tar Wuttm tana . n1tnr h no tw, ""lnr ln r tarltt8. and the fl u h nt brftrHlln r lr<•ne. A t1rr the h ramllnr and t'alllnr nut, rhe llkf•lll'tlt an llllalt art 'llnr tlon.,;l off. 'l'h~~ brlnr n ow onl) • 11 a hf'all. A ff'w ,. .. ,. 111n th~M ru .,.tl•t r1•"<'i'ndanta ot R11ltlr h"1 "'!I t· tie na rhtr7 poni H " wtre hrlnr lna ~~~~ J,"Ml to $ 12:1 11'11'<'1. T1111 au~ tlon~r In uplonaUon. f'Ontl'l a lno : ·-re,. rourb ptOIIoe ab4 out oe o wa· d•>• :.. .

fin thfl OCf'lln aide or rh• llnttl'"ll banh flllt ftn tiJo tit' l rl'at ••t wrer ll ar~• a n the Atlan tk coaar. Alnn r rht 1 ·arh ac-e rhe alrtl~tono nr whar ,...,.. nll\'e • hll"'. 110"' blan< hOld • tcthn• or llu• a"' a nd und. tllt'lr Upat a o tlln r rlht ,.....,nbttor IIIH " ' l ra•Ht"nf'a, thplr rn,....ta o f protrodlnr roptll;o• h<t ln1 thf' (11alt llfllll o f the tlf"'f'rl· lltf' HJ)AnH. 4t one point thl'fl are H wr.,.,.kl w ltblb 100 1'"'''

Off thf' l(l1!1t 11\flt of the Rant. af'l thOIW' flrf' l d t d qutrhantla, tho f'la · mond oho>al. Tht J ,..., r h,. more to bt' drtotdt..:l IM't'IUJ14' Off lhiiHU., dUf' to the f'oormoue tonn..-. tlf atl'f'l hull• f mNotlrtf>d In tht l"la n)nnd. til""' II I nou ·n..,lt> dt vlatlon eomfltlmt'a 1 11)01101· lor to elrhl dfr~

Tht h rtbtr north..,.l'll 0111 t nllf!WW tht Ra nke. t he mo" "''not,. and r. &f!UrHIHI -rna the lite Of lhf' lltO­f'lt. o n .n It apl)Nlra tn b4l me .. "'' lat•n<'• . u or C'Utaw•T• who hon•f> rak•n root on lhlt hro ·nolla •ldtb ot aand bar, ..0 ruiiH ot[ abore..

F •li.n• A~ti .. ,., .. , l.aclJ-Tou· u han to uae 1110"

pen• <ltr, Dl1 dHr ; you"Nt retlllll QUill bu rnt. Oo.t<o' t toll 70\L

!~frond Oltro-H ow crut1 you are. dartlna. a nd I wu Juat thlnll lnr how ""'""' fOil looked w ltll u.- fN\•1111 apo~- London ()p.laloe..

Dairy Specialist Warns Against Inferior Cattle

a A. f:KOnOO, dftii'J ti)<'Cialltt of Purdue untnraiiJ. hu Ju~ r '"""~ • t1mel7 wa roln,a with ref~rtnce to the lmporlntlnn or InteriM dAirJ ~- ~~·~ T he l)l'l'ftPnt IIPmqnd ror dMir, ('(\WI

hu nt8dP bualntM 1'81'e~lall7 good. he ll llf'J. In aorue 14'C"tlon• for the tro der who dC'al• In lot•rlor C'O'II"L Ao a S:C'D· eral role th- C<JWI , ,.. undtNiu. lo poor e<~odiUnn - nd not I OC>d produc­ers.. R e ruentlooa one DlftD w ho """ challl!d tour bud. thrN or whlcb WPre anprofttttble prO<IUc:C'MI and the tourtb or • hleh htu1 to M told 110 a~.uo1 of adde r t rouhl t . li e ~nunfnd• that a n7 dairyman who wl&ht'l to lot•rf'•"" h ie herd un ftnd cood rows rrum clean. ht'11lh7 hC'Nit a nd o,.·nl'd 1>1 rt'purable mtn. Tbla Ia r OO<J a d• lce lo 107 rommuollJ.

Production of Butter Increased in Minnesota

Not ool7 hu the bultC'r productlun ot •llnnf'""'" r,...• rt,. lucl"f'ased duri na the lUI few 1Pftra, bnt lht dalr7 C<Jw• 11 nd c,...emtriPa have h«-11rue mo~ Pf· ftc ltnl. In IIY..'O tbe n u mbt>r o f diii"J C<twa In the atate Wl l 1~.0.01.10. t nd th e buiiC'r OUII'UI 1:!0.000.000 pound .. In 10"-..') thtc-a were I.Nn.\XJO d•lrJ ('(l"f"L o r an lncreaM of onl7 a bout I~ per ~"'- •hf'reae the buller l)n><l uc­lhlo lo the ll'rM Jtar •u ~4.\.000.000 f10Un!la, o r •100 per ~~ latTer than to I~ Tbt !M'Ilt lo nurubt'r ur c...._ .. merlea to t.llnotenta • •• rt'achl'd Ia lllle., WbC'D lht ... Wt rt ~ AftC'r IHI JMre Of C'DOfmouJI espanalon Ia r,...am .. rt batter ma llloa . bowu~r. tbe 11111 now llu ttwer t.bao 800 c.""'"'" ertea.

Economical Production Tile moet lmpuMIDI thloa In t'('C)o

n omlt'lt milk pMduMioo Ia the t"Ow T he -d lmpol1a nt C"OOel<t .. nuton It lbt f'tecJ and t'trt whlt>b ehe ,.......,.,.., No mattn bow c-ood t be lndl~hlual

C(IW IDIJ bf. aM WUI 001 &1 .. t 1004 recoru oal- abe bu t be r~ lht La .~,..,. 111 ••lorain bar ~ ood •C!O'P th lll bodJ w orlr lor at maclmum cepacltJ. It a ratloo that Ia. nthfrwt• p lf'ntltut 00.. - ~tala tnnuC"h Pf'O­tl'ln. thf'n a pottloe or tbe ,_, w1r. Ill wut..O.

Comfortable House of Many Rooms Meets One of Real Needs of Today

Flr• t Floor P ion.

a 1 W. A. RAD FORD

Mr " 'lllt•m A Radtn rd _.ttl a newer •tu,.• ttnu• 4•ud fC' Iv,. ed vtc-• l"'lt .. :R flt' ri•NT un a ll l1rt•hlf'cn1• Pf'rtt~tlnlnc t t\ the auhJ-cl u f lH,Itd iOI(. f or th• rttafltrt nt .I hi ll! l)l!ll)•r (ln • • rnun t d t hi,_ wide ""'"'''""' ~ .t• .. dtt o r. au tht)r 1\nd man · ut•rtur .. r , b~~~t •• · wHhout d oubt, th'l h i Chfllll\ authnrJty on t h .. I UhJect Ad · 4u•• a ll tnqulrt ... to \\'lllta m A RaCI · ft rd . Nn &l tJ Pra i rie avenu e, Chlr-a a o, to r r•v1r

Tht' home shown In thf lllu•rrutton HHllftlns ,..vpo Mdroouut. nut on the ftn<t ftoor a nd ehr nn rhe I<'{'Onol. To lr<'Omra<ldttle !lola 111rtr~ tHtmhl'r ot Ol'nPie th... archiiN•t hM flrtl' ld•••l thrM hathl'fiOms, Ol\4' tl O\\' IIttnlnt eud IWO UI~Uirt,

The hollle t'OD I~tlne tf'n rnnm• lo •d· dillon ro \ larc• ""'''tilton hull , " ' nlOtn aud a "••h rnnrn 1:! h7 W fl'l>t 6 lnt>heL ')'-..·o tl a l,..a)a lud 10 (\us

S.cond Floor Plan.

114'<-nnd floor. ont ntootnrr up f rom the '"'-" '''"" ruoow 1ud lbe otber fru111 lh!'- kllrh tn

1'1•1• hnm(' 11 2~ fl't't wid,. b7 ()() f""l tll'ft•- 'flit' larr~ (W!Nh ruunlue: acro1111 111~ front ontl arounol on· no• aide rh·..., h '"' urtro t•th·e ""erlor apr•ur­snc.-. Th..- ttnrttu:r e~t 'o thf• nK• f , ,ro,·ltiP• ll~ht un~ •ruii1Htloo tor the l•rge ntrk.

•·1oor (lhllll thot acrornpany lba ,II Prior • h•w of thll homf'. Mho• ho• t he roorna are aiTiol"((, e nd lhf'lr "'"'"'- Allld4''(_rom th11 room• m•n· Uunt>d. tlt~r11 1"\ • ~ro.ld·alucl llvln1 room and a n ~~,,.. larl\' dlolnr rOQto. 1'hnM thi' lar(ll' foroll1 I• provldi'C! w ith

ph•n r 1 lit """"· 1 tlllf' t'SN'tltlullllll,l' good t•atur~ nf

rhla homp I• th~ :ortlttlt' anti IIIII"IINive IIIIOIIPf Ill " hlrh I hi' l'l&nllntJ: of ahrulltl anti """'~ 1'1 lll\'1' liMo made. llankA or ahruha atone the pon.·h con· cui th t wall. wh llf' vlnt>e art train~ oa treiiiJJ llot'lt•ld~ th~ porch J•lllara.

.. Gommon Brick Defies Draw Shades Half Way Exposure to Element$,· to Keep Tone of Room

T lll'rt art fli'Obfthly fPw It All)' of T n<> mtl<'h < 1 11111 ~111 '" ., tryln~ on tilt ftnclt·nt hulldln~t~ thut aoo eiTPt"- ~ till' PfH "" 111~ 111ure or •rrlndal tlvt'IJ arlr tht lmagluatlon n f ll1e mod· lllhiJI. e rn N'ldl'r ft' dOt"f! lht fauonue old S ot nnl)' tor hrttutr and r.«~fuln­t'oiOIUM'um of lto!lM'. It hu ••nod fn r In 1 roum but rur eeto•l lllld pnttll · M"ntoriN u 1 ownum~nt to rhl' qual- C'll """ oln)lhtht ~hould tw IOC'III&fd. 111 u t butldln,- and of rile mattrlat• llarhPr 11 ohmtlol hf' nmtrolll'd and that ,. ~re u-""<1 Ill •n~l~nt II a) • 'l'tn~· di~IPil lay •hHoh•e tn ~uri' rhe moat fllera ~IUMJII\1 from llorue hK'"f' N'- ll&ht Whf'rf' ll~ht 111. IIPetlffi >lfltl 111 U•

pol1fld that bfiCk<l wer.- htlhlK lttkl'll rludr lh« !(lOrn null ~hlrtl' u r light ~om· f rom lhla crtat ~hl'ltf'r o r the ruii'Nt lne trnm """'"~" rh e f'YI'II.

of the tlll~ll'nt Romun !'lupiN' to be AJ~t IJ<'(ll•lt' t'rU\'e barro•n ((lorlnr uJJNI In th~ e<~nttruMion "'"'"""homes. wlnd~twa, th~n "under w hy. a ftf'r eo

It La pleetlua to tum rh•t til#' die- twur o r ro'lltlhl lt tu a -room ftO<>di'O ,.lrh tator, t.l uaaolloJ. hu paiUII'd 1 dKr~ whit e IIICht . th•' lr t'l'l'll an! h t .. ·1 aod forblddlnl ""' !IeHan llffilll~ to dlt· tlletr o~r•n lrrltatNI. turb 107 pert o r thP l"ulu~urn Tht brlt>k ll lu . that bolltllur • ..., wol'l! then Ont n r lht' lllrtt'N!lll ml'iakH o f 2 000 )'l' re old, nnd are In auch rrood nn>dt-rn bull•l~re Ill the Uti\" ot • at rooK ~udlllo: t hat thfJ cftn atlll be u.ted hn•frtt'il ) 111ht. Ollalnat thl' t't'lllnr -tier all thl'jjtl <'~n t urlf'tl. '!'here wat whic h orrrn o•1• the •t• UIJWtrd. The I l"lVt (Jintr~r thai lh~ etrurture In IIIZ4! I~ "IIUIIt>d .. up Wllt'D DIIU .. II7 whic h ('~trly l'hnallan martl'rt were It ~houlll ·~~t Ul'"n and bt' l ltnct l'd u c rlftt'l'd to rhe llooM and where the on tile l')l' '"'~' or below. •• In the old 11latll atorlal C>Ombata ,.. .. ,.. h~d ~ut ot rudloc. wooJd be deeii"OJI'<I.. Whltfvtr Wt' Tbla pullln11 re•ulte onNJila<'lno'l7 ma7 tblnll. or ltuiiSI)IInl"ll pol lclta. ... ~ 1!] • ff't'llntt o f lrutlahllltr ~ 0na111 moat «Ma inly t'nrnmtnd 11101 In tloe In nf'r.-oumi'M and lrrltablllt7. 011· ato nd whleb b11 hu lekto. llrbt pourong through fUU·l•nath • •In·

Tbe ust ot tht'IMI :J,OOO-JMNlltl dow8 hae the ume ultima~ l'lri'(L brlc \U I• o r particular lnttreel at thle Ellmlnatlna the rlare aad prododor lime, w hrn 10 mne h Alr<'M Is bt'lnc A ~oft mrllow light Ia one of rhe rrt'll· vla.....r:t on pt>nnaal'ut e<~nttrucuon. eet llttrl ll ot Uotl'd cambric rrbade Thi'J Wf'Nl manufllctu~ or th~ l!lme I doth. mtterlalt IUld uodl'r p"'ctlcally the aatne tn@lbod• thll att uiii"(J In thl' manufacture or ll"'•~nt da1 rornmou· burofl\1 dar brlrk8. It I• poulble that 2,tl00 yl'trtl llf'Dt'tl 88me pquall7 roth· 1 .... d""ll011 t ra • ·Ill hi' tl'lr1nr dn•n onr old laodmarkl to bu ild hllUM'I o ut of the pr't'IW'nt-daJ br1r ke.

Ceilings Should Be Lighter Than Walls

to tile I!T'MI out-of-doorw we llod tilt •11:7 llrbtflt" than lbe ahedoww oo­der the t,__ Thla Ia oor 0111..,.1 e~t~ be~kV'Ound. and If ,... want to ~UIIJif"'l 11111 11"81 a n<1 .. • nttderf\11 OIJC'O l tmoepbfl'l! W8 lllUit ~nl tht ~lllnp llabter thao tht' """' and the walla Upt•r tban the floor. f 'n r to­IliOn~ were we to make the ~Ulor the d•r""t, that - old ltllt'ODl!Ciooal!' tllllll"t a ~tallfJ'ClOha. • llorm a~ proeeht.a. u ~ tbe dl"to~ "'· We 11\lpt ftoel tb a t the t't'lllfll wu C'OIIaJ)IIIft.--t ... l II wu eo bH.., lll~

ltrllt 6oor -uld ~ unable 111 hold !t­ao d lhl ~lt ~oold bf' )1l110rdfr 1 Ill otJler worda. oal- •• fl>llo• the tll· a rnrle .et b7 nature we W"OIIId be tol .. IJII mocb o! ber lo~f'lln-

Decorator Uses Paint With Skill of Artist

Pol'l'. brilliant color-eha decl, UntK, molllt.'CI. l lll llf'f't'd, C<Jior efl'tcll In •• Dltny dllrtl'l'nt tonu •• one wlllht'l • •trtktnr tlalleroe. bOrden, P~-nt>l-l f JOU "'"I thf'M! tor J our boltlf. -paint. J>romtnent decorato~ ha.,. IO)nK madt DM ot the nrltt1 a od ftulbll lt7 o f thf' medium.. The d­orator Dietl palot u l he a 11111 -II. lnatMd o f a ~ttlt, o f coo,... be hu • wt a nd tbe walla aNt bla ao~....._ but ulde ~m a l'l!w 11111('1" fttlal dltl'~n'Dt't'l It Ia tundtltlfntel17 all par( o r thl' MIIM! soehf'me of thlnp. Tlui painter nLIIkM a IM'Iutltul plct n": J.~t~tut"UMIM t bM!Mif'lll room..

Placing Telephone 1.onate 10ar tflepboae. whi"Df'"ff

J)OUiblt'. •htor. It can be liMd wltb prt,.a,.,. IJ)d 11't Whf'l'l! It Ia not 100 l'llr ,..ruo•f'CI ttom tbe <:tilltr or acU•· 117 or rbe ho-boltl A ball ~:1'-t wt'll llahttd and coavenl"'t11 an;anC"(( wlllllo tur roruturllble t'OGYtniiUoa, Ja eo llmoat ld...U locaUou. •



That eo ordtuar1 b•o·e en wm 811Dd bUVJ prt'SjjuNI wu prov~ Ill. a o uhfblt wbl~b tbe poultry depart· mt>ot at the Cuii"Ke ot Aarfculture at ltluu:a dltpl•J t d at lb4! N.,w fo" eli te tat_r.

A 16-pound arHI alttl&e borotDer wu arran~ed ao that It ca me duwo oo the f'IUC ou<"e a mlo ute, belor ~ and lowerf!\1 autontall t'AIIJ . 1'he e~:.: • u plueed vo a euhr wttl~h r<'glatered llov prcSJoure; cura "'oel~;ht wu •ppll ~<:l aud t be tl1& etOOd the wel~:bt o r 2:1 poun1111, or all rbll tbt> It'll""' would rt"Cisl.,r. A t llf'Cial trial wu made • hen atlll more .,.,IlCht waa applied oo tbe lt~dle or the -'""•"· aod It Ia eaUma tl'd tho r the ~1111 atood more than W pouuoJ• ll~lllure ooront 1l broke.

Tbe rni'JtOM o r the drtounatqatloo woa lu ~huw th e pr~111uru tlllll an or­dlna'1' el!a " uuld "and. nod to allow wht II wu det~l rnbh• to pro.luce t>IIJ:of wltb atroor ellella. StroPC lhf.'IIC!\1 •rc• &hlp belt. a nd ~uporate leut; lhla prulour• llltlr trubnl'&ll, an4 p\ea!\et the CVDIUml'r, becliOM I Jrell• tr proi)Ortloo ot thtm Mlcll tbe me r· kN Ia cood cundltloo.

'"Tills Ia tbo llrlt Ume ltlch ao ar­raogt'meut hu• bHu u&~ to deru<'o· urate lhe·81rcnath ur tint 8htlla ot b\!o PllRll... aceoroJin11 10 C. K. l'uwell. In t!harxe or the I'Shlhlt. "tlt utill)'. tb& bl't''*klog llrCnlllh bli bc't'O lttled h7 pN>Uilllt the t'II;A btt•een two bard · trOOd blotkL"

llreod< lor etrenrt h or "IP tndlcal~. to oomc uteot. brtedlor IUld teedlog or tbC' hena. Mloerele mull m•lle up a p•n o r the ration. and. lo thle coooec:• lion. It 11 aald tha t t'Od ther oil aida to the aulmllatlon o r the mloerala b7 the birds.

Tobacco Dust Useful to Destroy W onns in Flock

PlaclJII 2 per C'C'OI of tobacco duet lo the masb Ia • common remedJ for remo•loc worm• trum puultr7. Then ODt't t'ICh week 1lve epoom nita to the lloclt nt the rate ot a f)llund per bu.odred blrd8. The lftlla CBD bt CI Ven to the drlnklo" wattr or to the amount of wet mub that the llock will ttt qulr kl7, aUowlor 11 even a d1alr1bu· Uoa of t be medlt loe 11 poaatble.

!!c :::c p o::IL-,.t::r'l ere lllllnc the e<~m· DltN'I al worm ~II)IUIM wltb r ood Ill~ ~- u It loao..._ uerr bird rec:et..toc the proper 1.hare. Kttp lila di"Opplnp removed from the hou•ea. and 41etr1b· ole thtm u far 11 poeelble trom the poultry 'hou~ttr aiUI naor:e. Thla helpa to keep do wn the lnfMiaUoo ot worma.

Laying Hens Need -Good, Palatable Grain Mash

A rood math ahool\1 be ~ to 111· lnr hena. a cc:ordlor to 0 . L- S te"ttl!laon. bead of the dt'parlment of poultiT hullbao1r, a t Soutb Dalrota State .c:ol­lerl'. Tbe mull OI!C!tl at l;tate e<~lltlltt cooiolell of one-fourth pal1 ot ollmea t to one part tee b o f bran, mllldllop. taok•I'P· • rroood 0111 aod commfal wb!'D It Ia oot too htrb. OroDJid bAr­ltJ It DOW heiDI UJJNI ID pia~ Ol COrD• me.l. Two f)ODDd<l oJ dlllr!'OII a re aleo m!Ied with eac b 600 pounc!Jr of mul. and about ooe-he lt pound ot ealt \ 11 mla~ f)fr 100 pounrt. o f meal. The u lt mokte the meal more palatable.

·------------------------·· Poultry Hints

-------------------------·· tAt the bi"Pt1!1nr ftoc:lra ha•e t h tt ra ntre wheo JOU .tlot u p the Irene tor wtoter tiP. . . .

Watcb the Wftlt'f" auppl7. PooltTT thould never be allowed to drink

• • • P"o r batchlor •ns breed ~m tbtt

beet o r the 1&11!-larlor beoa. rather tbu from tbe I'OIIela.

• • • Be oo roard for the drat 11111 ~

rolda or rovp to the poult,.,.. aad ~~ •parate tbt aflllcted ~~~~ tbe reet. . . .

It Ia not Wf'll to tor~ buY)' tlf.l" • pmdu~:Uoo threu11b fft'dlua •berea btrtla ..... to be Died tor breedlor PfJJIL

It Is a lood ecbelDI to plow or ~d• OJ) tbe pooltrJ rDD.I eecb lll)rlnr ID ordfr tQ If!! rid of "'DnDil that t'IDIID P PfJ!I lo cbkken ..

• • • Natnn.'a WIJ of ,.tint htr ff'alh ·

t~ l'lomll7 11 to let lhl'm ~r 1 tem­IIJ. 'l'11rirtTI and t>hl ektos .... bol t. better tor tbe .. aaoo or l'lti!L . . .

'I'ornlor bene oat of the warm hf11· lloGae oo a chill w lot ,.,. d17. or wltb a · eold wind blowlo&. or w1tb mow or IC. OD t!ie II'OOnd. opat the WIJ C. wbftatnr roup betoc-e mldDJifbt. . . .

It 100 lflot ap the pollf'll lllt7 roa,. loae their appelllt'. Con them al oo~r with fttqlM!nt rntiD fMCllop IDd e enola! maab uo<-e 1 daJ.

• • • C.OIIIftlt IIUIIrM tile be« Cloor f'Df" •

poultry boow. Wht'ft PI'D.,.rl7 built It II -omiCIIll. H17 to ~:te.A. nat proof. durable. ud rr... &>om dam~-. . . .

B.-..ct 0017 tnlm bl relit proctltd.._ tCP o f a a nlfot"lll liM aod u .,..r dlallt "'b)te In e<~lor u ~lhl~ TN~ Dt's t pullf'tl darlo& Clret winter ... -n bUds procluctnt pocw tTPe eaa


Page 3: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll

.. ......._



OUR COMIC SECfiON 1s ••• ,,o,·h£·i·•·db·•h· L. --------~~-----:---------------·-- 1 Whole Family.

Loouly Fitted Sleeve -Proper lor Flethy Arm

C P,t~U~ -y lh• \'ft•t.c~ · •u• .. V•p6rUh• •t o t Aut•vluar• )

T hl' h)(IN"I) nttPd 101111 •IPt><(' It the """t hi'Coml n~t t or O o•~h1 a rau•. A th:ht ~,....,,.,. ou a larrtt orm cJoH not malu• lbl' arm app .. ar amftll~r but rathfr t'hlllh .. l&••" lle 111~ It Is a lto un ... tnf,,rtnblr fA)('"~ aiM<•••• wbl~h a~ 010<'11 II tht 1< rl•t .,.,. l'l'lh~tul a• w~ll ~~~ <'Oml••rtablt Trlmmlnu 11111 t'ltnatr~rtloo llnMI 'whlr h fllllow Ill~ ltntrth ot lilt arm auth aa hflund ela'-hM. blind• ot mlllfrlal, o bouuo5. f'IC, are aida In tnaklotr tilt a rm ~....-lo ·lunjtt1r a nti more I ll to l'ta• ant tH>" "'"''I'll. o r tho,.. ~lht'rtd lntn a U.:ht I'U if wllh I IIUITt'{l t•tTI'C!.

Oue or I ll~ lwst 011'81 lll'h~• I ll

I 0 ba• .. • ·hen there aN' yuun~: ehlhlr••O

K •ll• g 'T,·me In llle raoult1 Is brulh..J Olt'fll U~P'-' In ~ i l: •tr>uoe ~~~ •Ill tnJi•> l hf'ru, uon. L--------------------=:....-------·------------....J •o II Is ttmlfft'"~"'1 lu t•vuk WW~"<


"'0-\EWE QE£\.1 GETTll.l~ A8U~ EVER SIIJCE ~e A\1'10 ~ ~. Al>lO ~EN OESEUV£ IT,

QU'f ""Me •IU.CKU.SS PI!OES"m.UUJ" IS AI.SO EIJTI't\..EO "'t> <;o.IA~


\.tk£WIS6 "'!Wi ~J.l ~ WAU<.~ Ofol A 9VSV STAT• R.OAOAT AIIGf.(T

\U~\JT evEIJ A F\.A~t.~ Oft l.AIJn:ltN

iO WAAJ.J AI.J1't:liST'S ::

~o~e OR1~ ~

A WNiOf.l Ofl. 8\ICN"f VJ~O VIOlATES ~E

VoW 8'1 "-'~\.EeTI~~ "f"<> P'uloel! /lo l.tc:.HT e;..a

"'s \lll~tC\.E .. " F\.IR.Tl~ 11.11'0-4 "n-'E

VI..IDERT'AitER," A\.\ OF ~Eio.'\


Three Cheers by the Autoists ~E Rt!O«.ES'S' P£~1RIA~o.IJ W~ ~S STQ,51ir.s' L.OOKI~ IJ4i~ER''IO A~TOR LEFT•

~e P&OCSTYll.~V>J ~ e~ '"' "n46 Ml00t.6 Of' ~ ~· ~E PI!OIIO~IAI-I

v.MO SI1)P$ OU ii3 ~~~~ ~ • -ro lltSN' • ~ -n\E L.AOV W\-10


li•IDI: <'IR for U>t• grownup • • ·ur a ramiiJ ar th t•. ) nu '1<111 nM'il

l bt>OI I JXIIIOd • 11.1 I hMit of II'~Q bt,·f Mnny Jl~•"l•Os pr. ftr lhtt NlURtl fu r mf'at r akt'S, but lt'ao meut t'rvtn lhe h '"" P1J .... U!<lve l'U\8, I IICh a~ IIPftkt f rom tb~ fo~ quartt•r, It 11\tl• t~NurJ. t~ulll Wbatl ever JIUrt of tit~ CnrCU.8 lht nit•at coml'8. lua•t It rut ott rr.-~h n nll ~tronnd twh·e. \' urhau8 klu1IJ o r A\'llsHnln!C• m111 o< rnu.-e, ht! ad<lt<l. b'llt ftlr chll.trrn the rn~•t ll•t>lf "1111 nwlt!'\1 hUitl'r a111t1 l'l!lt 1uhlt •I Ju•t bt'· t .. rt •rnlng ~I••·• na•or t'll"u~h. H f'>U ha\ e fth MhUIItiMil\' t' (\f I"I:I;'S, II ynlk or t'II'O adtl!'\1 to 11tr mut ~:IH'' 11

rklwr R3\ Or aucl lurrf'a•M llo~ r,oOIJ 'alu••. 1'1t1 ~ Is uott at ull · nr. , . .,.~I'). l141"e\t' r , MUd t 1.Xt" .. lh•nt nu-Kt rR~PJ

lr •n lot' mntlt• h1 •lmt•l7 ahnt•lnll lh<' nr~<·l )' vo•uud ht•••t lulo rn thc•r l\11t Ntko•M 1\UII hro>llluj; llll'lll QU il'U)' In II

~l;on, ru hhl'd "llh JU•t t•IIOUI;h '•n~l 10 kt>•'l' t liO'ru ln•n1 stl<-kln.:, ••r hrullo'<l 0\'t~r a gu~ 11«111l' t)r ,., t•r hC'\t rt1Ab. In forming t hr rnk~• l>e ture Ml to 1111rk the nwnt !t>Jtcother lo>o tlrml~. fur thl~ will ' cnut"• th~ rnkt ~ harol

I wht•n th~y ••" <'Vttkr<l. II;> """' Kl•o O••t IO' O\ Prf"OHk tht~ rn),.... 1t th•~.Y ur~ rur•• In• hie "h~n . ••·<"'tl they will hft\1' mure tl~tvor nn1l Julo'l'

rnr ··~rr flllnll rhll drrn. 'rr·c(K'd hM't h bPII~r t h11n ~rmuul h•·•·t ' rl•l• I• ~~ Dl'rntly fl1'>'JUHI~I hy '''fK(tlllt tt!T th• mnre trnll•·r r.<trt nt " 1l1lrk (IIN't> or ronnc:l "1<'1111 T,l\11 fl'rli(Wd nh·~l n•l\1 th~u ~~~ rnrmP1I ln tu l'lliii'A 1111<1 ltr.,llt•rl, llr hrollo•!l em l•rt"'ld tn lht< '"lll•wlnl! \\ ny. ToaHt , tlu• hi ~lid nn one ~ltlr i>tlftnd 1111• nwnt with hut· t••r nutl )lrnll oul r ld y fo r 11 vrry trw nalnutl'l dlrt••·tly uu lll•r ll li M numt .

Corn Bread Alway• Lilt~d lor Breakltut or Dinner

C"ri•P cru~INI corn br1)41tl r .. r ''"'""· tan or dinner 18 D.l\\'11)'1 ll l<o..!. To n••k" It ~ou will oet'<l tbe tolluwloa to· rr..tJh·urs:

J ~optuta corn m u l I l"blrU'IOOOtull o t

buUt~-r I litbl r "pnontula a t

-. u~e• r. U d ealrtd t uu t e u u t u I 1 mil k ,

awtt~\ o r 1our

I~ I~UPOOntulo paH ~

Svd• e t ba"ln« 1) ow d fc r, d • · IJ fl nd l n • o n wheth ft r r o~ u• • •••M or euur mUk

IC o~lng sw~N milk. mu 1111 the d'7 lo"'ediPDtl to~:ethf'r. lnclutlln~; t"'' t~a­IJIC'Ontuta ot boklo• powdfor. Th~n add the m Ull ROd Wf'll bf'ltl'n PI:~ llld 81 U\e lut aJ.Ir In th~ mrlle.l lluu~r. U u.to1 aour milk, follow the nmP lttD· t ral melhod urepl mi K tt>et•Uatr a K~U~t h•&spoonrul or IOda and 1 ttibl• epoont ul ot cutd .,utpr •ntl add tbla to thtl batt~r JWit IJftorl' the ntl'lll'<l but· ter t. atlrrtd ln . Oake the roorn taretul In a sha llow lt~a vy pao or In uaunJu puna I! pre rt'rrcCI.

Qaiclt Bread and Caltea In maklug quic k brend• lind rokt'll

I allow to gPoerul oo~ to one 1111d un~ halt tcaspoootula or balclne powder

I tor enrh cupful qt Oou r. Uuu~r 1."1~~· tha t hun• a ,lrri'Ot dl"nl of ~IlK wblte nouy, hoWI'\I'r, nt'<'d h••• l'otr OH<S ODd IIJ>IIIit~<• tllkt•• llrl' th~ f'S•

~t>llnn a nd retjutre ou llllklu,; tKIWolcr a t all. ·

ahoo td ""''"' btl • om b7 thl' •tou t "'" "'""· In fot1, II te ~81 fur hP r 10 kl•••t• tht -•P~•·e a& ahnple aoll ~;racl'­t ut u 1)1"•11•1~.

L C\111( v~rlkn l llnPI fro m lhOIJhiPr tn nnm ...... '"'"' bo•l'(>mln• on t il l' tl~:urt 1!1111 l11ta l ur~~ htr' In pro1~•rt1t>11 t<' th~ w11l•t •wd hu~l. 1 h•~" 1111"" m•' l.tl' •trt pl!'~ In lhP mftll'rlul, humla nr ..... • ot trl mmln ,;, ro"- of hull on• tu··~·. N<'. T hl' ll"•t ttr~'<'t ... 111 ~ !:l•hu•ol h,Y tt ... t'lntt thtttl towarol t h~

et'nh•r '""'"I 111111 Cl'ntl'r bottle • n~th~r llum at tho• un•ll'rnrm ""'"' Th@ hl(l lin" ~lwnlt.l It~ kc•rt 118 lttral~:ht Anti • • fr<'t• .Jt<•m t rhnmln~.,. u ll<"•lhh• In orll•r t llnt 1111· ~·' " "'"' lot tlllrl\l' tNI In •om• ntltt•r 1111rt nt the drf'•., Th• Mlrtallt'•' trnnt gh•Pa II IODKCr ~lft•~l

lh~to lho e<lrul~ht front.

To RemoCJe Scorch Stain From Any 'Cotton Fabric

'To Nmt•' e u ftlf"'rt•h ~tutu rrunt '' rtlll ttn Cnhrlc nml~lo·11 11"'' llftln with Wlll~r nntl 1\IA•'~' In t he• Ron . •' or mort •rr1••u' rn- I hi' r .. n .... hill: pr.•• i'olurl" lllt\1 lot- U<NI · Mul~tl'n I lth'i'l' 11f rtlt· toou ('!nth In h)dro~:rn llPru~ lolt' anti 1•l•we O\~t!r the filtH Ill. Co' cr "llh a dry elolh. l.rtm· wllh a tnf'lll um hoi ltun. It th~ h)·•l"''lf••n IH'roshlt~ •uuka throu~:b llle dry cloth. r;·pl•~" \\llh no· o tht•r rlolh. 1111 '"'' r urt•tul ' '' 8l'e thut th~ hyd ru~l'n ptornsld!l C!oe8 nnl rornu In t'UIIllltt with thP Iron. s• It will ru ~t lh~ lrun very n pl()ly. Brown Mains will thrn he l~tt on 8111 tfllrUI;onl "hlrh tht:' Iron touches. ••or tht tam• rNtiiOD, Clo not Iron thl! tabrtc t rom whl~h t h!' •ualn bu bt•eo rl'cuoved uotll lht! b7t1ruJ;f'D Jl"r .. s hl~ hila "'"'" wl'll rln!Wd from lt. This mtthod niUat IH> WIN! •·url't\IIIJ on t•olort'll t ab­rh·a bt>~•ftu'e 1he <1)'!'8 m•r bf' bluchftl out. llow•·•·Pr, II run lJ~ u•l'tl auc~·

fully ou •nY kind ot wh!lf' fobrle.

Fieh aa Brain Food 'J'hl're IR no rnundnllnn for lht> wt (\e­

l!flrend uollnn " 'hkh 11111 t>xl•t• that . ll~h It purtleularly valunhlfl u It b rl\ln food . The ltlt•n 81'Nno to have orll(t· UIIIIJ IRillfld heldWRY b\JI:!I\0.. ll'h ,...,. I Uppn•t'll to routaln rci•UYelr large prOIMlrUnu~ of phu•ptwruL llow· ner, th~re Is nu ~Kptrlrutntal u l· dl'orf' to warrent tbfo &~&umplloo lbat f)hlllphoru• Is Ill)' OIOrt HHDUal 10 U1e bralo Ulan nltfOCI'D, potu· •tum. oc anr <Iller rlti.D4tn t wblr:t OCCUnl In IIAI III•UMI, Uo~Vt'r, DIU( t urulthea about u much phoe}lhoru• as lbb a11d there are nrloua otber toud11, tor uAmltlt r h'"••e. f)f'anuts. oatmeal, <'llntollltl' nud era~ham n our. wht r b r ound r••r 1•ou ud cootulo mucb l•l~:her pro(IOrtlonL

V alue ol Proteina C"ooktne u ortllnllriiJ tmploye<S In

the prt•patrtlllnn Of tOOt!• Clo>NI not lrn· pnlr the outrtt l•e nluf' o r t he pro· tt'ln~~> Mnnt IJfOit'ln• sro rPillll'rl'll m~~re dltEo.,.llbiP tl) t'tHikln JC It r<Mllu'{J at tOO hlto:h I l<'lll tl<•ntllll"'', IWRil' WM1 lie IU.;tl., n;ore dlllkul t 10 OlcHt.


t!Su l Arnn..-nt for Ole F'- Kitchen.

(l~" oarM .. ~ tilt• U•UM leat• O...rtm•at et ... rWall..,.. )

Bere Ia a..n Ideal a.rnnr•'lll~nl tor lhe farm kltc bea wbere, for tbe aalle ot I'<>Dvenlenee eud warull.b, t h ~ f11DII7 N Ul u oear aa po11lble to the center of t onCI pl"''pe.ralleto. o r - the bait wall that c:r•ut• an alcova to one I'Dd of the ruom., tht! 1 ... etlracUYe kitchen equlpm~t. .ucb u Ito .. and alnll, Ia ..-~ed tto m •lew. Tb~ pteaoaot warm1b oc tbe k ite~ eto .. , ho wever, Is ull1ts.ed. and 1n northern climate. U\ts Ia o ttto .,.17 n~a17 Ia winter Ume.

81mpUdl7 ud Hlama are comblo.cl In tJ\4 a lcore ILMif, wttb lUI plaJo. ll&bt-colored walt., painted t\lrnltart, 117 cvtatn.a a nd ruud. p re l'Uc:al IICJIIID&. Abe•e t.be hal t•WIII, air dft'UIIIft. a Dd .OliN) dllbte ma1 be plliHd tUII7 wtthlD ~cb or tbe pereoo a1 the etnll. altbovcb no uu. walllloa te o~r7. Tbe .tllll ts one ot tbt bHt tJV", made In • tolld unit wlt.b t wo dralo-boer$ ; below u '- a dwrt cl- wtt.b a tnp to • c:ella.r tfiCCI)taclt, tor •••1 dtlpoul ot rwe<!l)lap. Thl1 a ttl'1lcll•e lr!tcben hu maDJ o tJ\tr con• t nltDCf'll : "'rbqe lDcl.D-tor, ltnoll'llm ttoor conrl oa, lllht o•tr the atoll, towel dr1er, llltc:beu Nbloet, a..nd u eo a mirror l ha t remlnda the hom~malter to lttep bt'I'IM'It u triJD ud cbarmlnl u bf'r ~trrouodlbl!l. The lllcture wu lllrna b7 thtl United

811* OepartaJeDI ot Afrl t'ultnre Ia Oel~. •tua.. elttr lbe owoer 111111 ~l' Uctoaled 1n a ~tcb@D hnpro•tmeat cootettt W.tllulell b7 t.be at~loo •r•t.

Drink Water If · Kidneys Both~

Talta a Table•poontul of aat• If 8eok Pa lna or 8 1a<lclw 11


Fl118b 1oor lliCIOtJ I b7 drlall... a qua rt ot watf'r eacb dar, .al110 tall• aall• orC'aoluoaur . 11171 a 11ote4 ao• lh<'lrll t, who ttlll a. llult too tDorh riC'b food to fiJU! adda wblcb et_. pora lJ &e the llldDt11 In t.b .. r ellorte to ~l'p.>l It trom the blood. Tb~7 ~»&­rome BluFct~h a..nd W~IIIU ; tbi!D JOU OlDY •ulro• r wllb a dull mi~UJ lo tbe khlnf'J rti!IOn, eharp pain• Ia the bnctc or elek headache. dlula-. 70or AIOIIlR('b tOUnl, l OOIUI II I:OIIte<!, lllo1 w!!Po tho " 'Patbe r II bad J OU bue rh~umsllc twlngtte. Tile urtoe &ttl r louo.ly, toll ot lledlm~nt. the cbllDD~I• Oftfll ,;('t sorto and lrrltat.a. obttltDc J OU t o IH'•Il N'll~f two o r three tlm .. d uring the night.

T o bt>lfl Df'Utrsll~e lhne lrrltatlo• acids: to brlp d~anoe lll• llldnt11 a..nd nu• b Off tht boo~·· Urlnolll WIJ1l41, Jt!l tour ounrt>e of J ad Salta ttom ao7 phlll'lllllf)' h l'rtl. TI-e I labltepooD­tul In u tllll l!ll of water ~fora b~ll·

tut ror a tf!w day1, and your -lt1De71 ~1oy then ert Ollt'. T"le ra mout ott:. le ronllo t'to m the 11r 1CI or flrllltlf and h•mtln Jui ce, romblnt'd wltb lltbta, an•J 1\u~ bl't'n U8t•d tor Yf'llnl to belp llu11b POd• ltlrnuhtte BIUI[Ibh llldnt'J8 I 1 110 to nrutrliiiEr. thl' artda to lbe 111t~111

an l hf'7 no toocPr trrlllltt, tba. ofteo ri'IIP"IDit hlllld~r WI'AIIDHa.

J ad Sail a 11 tnnptn.t•e: tllDAOt tnJul't' nnd n•altt'll a oiPIIChl tol tll'eno­ct>nt ltrhiii ·Walf'r drink.

Beardleae Era lor Men Til,• time 01117 rome wbeo men. tt

lh~y wl• lt, c11n rtll~•·e Lhtmoelv• ot the botlll'r o r the murulo1 51\ave, and Wllt'O \\ OnltliJ WOD' t llt'l'\1 lO WOrt7 about 1 rlmmlntr their bobhed hair.

1'1ils toromiMP, • i11111 l'opulnr Set en~ MnnthiJ, 111 hnld out bT n. C. l lrooll-. [,;n)C:I~h nnturallllt, "' tbe re.ult of u · Pt•rlutt•ni.JI lo Utt• r tKUhiiiOD or balr ttrowth. llatr, llronke P71o Ia pureiJ' a 011\lter ot ht•rt'tllt1. to bts uperl· m••nt• hi' vrtttlu«''l • e~ralo ot aile. llllose hudt,lll'('llme bald lo 10 da,n.. A rl'w tleu la"'l'r tbt7 I<>-' the tut on tb~tr bar ite. and • lillie la~r all t.belr ba lr,

Softro•'?. Tbe ncloalve Loden t111111- • th ol ble nd coole and eootbee-brtop qulcl ..... nato lnitatect .u ~ •-Luoara=.~

I'OR OVER zoo YEARS haarlern oU hu been a world· wide remedy for lcidney,livc:r and bladder d ieorden, rheumatism, lwn.bqo and uric acid coodltlona.

~~ **''* •

COtTC>Ct Internal t:roublea, ltliilolate .ttl~~ or&ana. Tbne ol-. All d.tuuWtL lAlla ao tJ\4 on&lnal aen~ OoLD ~

T- Tnte The mlnlllu wu polliDI oa a o­

rollltr, enCI wu ba>'IDI t.be una.l troul•l~ whb IL

" Dte .. the collar I" ha aail( lm)l.­lleoll)', u he tuui!CI 11141 LQUeCI. • IJt"u t he ble.,.I!CI rolln I''

"My d~ar." uiCI hl1 wife, "wlult II 7our ti'I l ror thle moi'IIIDI"I Mnnoor

"t<'·t ourtl't!nth urte, r-nt tJ·Ott.b P~Aim," h e re11lled, In 1bort PIPI. • "l'lle w·wo rd• ot lila moolb we,.. I!UII) 1-111100ther thin butler, bot t.b.,. wu ( tU¥) w-wu to hll heart..' "

Thi. One 1ncla4eJ "Thtre'e ootblne "".,; I.JI Lhe -rid.. • "Vnn alanol<l read tollll!tbln& IM!Idd•



Page 4: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll




t.:\J1 t.t\ «"I }O,t'lj 1hc. t. 4'1 ~ fl..l>lfiJ. t:\t.rt.n,. "'It l.•Jl'll ~ lh tbn ttl~ ,)Otf

<~rdl auot cbiiCIIIII I .. .,. . ~trn<nt I .. ~.~..... It I v'cJ, ... k tht' b A>kl •• 1·11··' \\t. ,. l,l r an• I \1 f, S<h\t. tt."r • \llj •\It "1'1 •11n.: \ ... ,,,r.. l·ft .. t-rUt. •I 1,\ \lot" ~"""'• \\ '' , \1 r ~n·l' \1 r• \1 th< lool"·' "oil lit ~ oct• ·ntol .,I( t ,

.....,=-- - "- W_tnomah._O_r_t.;:l _011 _____ I"" II .,.., r~ "'" ,,, ·'"'' \Jr, '\ ltloc ~:•ntl<·omn J•rt•tllt \ J• II~· tllnt:

Publitbcd F rid ay o l Each \lft d< b) !.; h \I r ""'1 \I" I" lo:c .-lcr, ~h 1' I ..... ,.,( tv '''" ' o.nou~ h" an•l .llo•l \lr< < • \\ "•· \lr .11111 \lr~ lr"l•"ll l• wlu, .tit• 11<1 l·un•h hor cur•

PIONEER P U Bl . IS H INC lO 1-r>nk Sch•~ o.l• \lr ~oo.l "" )·'"' •1111 "l·<ll><'s o1 the dub f

.. ··-~-- ............ ........................................ _.. .............. ..., I< ":'·~ •~o oo .-.-~ ·•m•••• """"" ~~•~~"•~•mwvr•••• :T.,V ..

b ""-c- h" r•,,hl \\11 1 ;uo\l tliJ( \\

:1t t.' hr•t't'

fur 1 ·~ • ''' th •· 'l•h· • f th" lie "'" l•t· .,,,,l,lt t ~ W cmbtr of · Ort&O<I Stotc. I:Aoturoal Sd~ttl.l.o .•n•l \k-.< '\ "'"""!..

Au ocia tiun. lt .. fj ft•l ( \IIUL ~

Entered u seco nd claH matter Oct I, 1923, at tbc 'Pusto fficc at Mult · I numah, Orccon, uudrr lhc Acl ol )of a rch 3, 1879:"'

'1 1u: ,. 1 1~ il .. eu,l h \ ill tht. 1n.tl ::.•

''".,... lu~a,h "'"''' • I > "' J1 .llUthlol :.n~tl 0111 .atlr.&\ II \o tt ( 11111 ~:

'I h• So t l.oo, ', Ito 1111 11 .tutl ltd • "·" ""••l 1 ·• I he ""'"1 "" "~ ,1, \\ I • II •• ••, •·• lot"' " " ;.

Th~ '""I ""'' lc 1·1 hy thr 1 .. 1. lue \It-\\ 1 •• •Ill l .adlt:f t:trt·lt ott

.... h· I ,. ··I .\1" I \\ I"'"" "·' ST. CLARE'S PAR ISH

uu.t't•th• '·tl ·1 tb -\ht.r lht ,,,Utl.lt"OI t ·l ll" Ctrt:h·. \lr B '' ' l~r h •U·l' <.~lui I n•l \\. H l $ SubscroptJon price :•1 SO a yu r, Ad "'" IIIIJ.; oht.l ' "'''I \I r an• I \1" \1 • r. "'·""' " " " •bh a"i•trcl '' l.,nllon. " hn<.olr• huu•o• '""I • ( verti&IDI rate OD &Jpplication. , , ... \\H'UCt: ~\"1111 • . tnfll l( ( lotOHLt"l Ill In d .... t\tt"tPI\t lt •.;ant..luncht ·n ht ,,,. .... , 'lbbtt h· U'te \ ! t\oS .... h ... c r ~ ----- ---·-----"-;:o___ I. 1 ~~~~~~ or>c·l at 1.:! .!U .,cf,..:k l 'rtl<' I 'I•• tl.111cl h .t< ban •ntrn~:•·• l .lJ h,.u•r ~

A.. A.. Jelfrieo, Editor

M ulhooraalt Office . io 5, It, IS C. nl St<>re., oppoolta M uhaoma b Hardware Stor ..

" ) "''c " •' ~' toll '" Jo•or, \In I :, •t•f' (, \\O.,I.un llr •s 1lurcn.: <l•rtn ~ 1 \. l(llh\ ,f,ft; f,r"'~ ~I rt. e I• ru .. h 111 the.; , .. ••h ~ hll ... tlltf "'

\fr, Ju'tl'h 'thu't•r \'-'' u•t•JI• •I l1111l: ""'"''tUtl, \It' \\ I .V.Ifli.;.,

"''" !'·C. I lnr·,. lhJtntiiC ,ruL .at llnttl ~.(t... !'\''tflt .,u ,,r:.h.uu. "Jiu IIU"t'to.ll: •·II T'clt :! Tlot dub " l•llo. l'•lftl•u•l l • lllllll 11 ,,, a11nlllc•ol lo\ \lr \\ \\ o\IIIJ•Iu, j, 1

' ' ' 1""1

urn .... "'" C'llh 'Uflllu.:ul vr ,-.,1 .&1 • \Ia \t•• 'f'(' .&11•1 ~lr'4 t,,•••r'lo(r ~lut

~~ A D. • Johin · ~~s N. ·time avea me If~ JINtiMW /irdJ# /WliJ ~el-~·-we.Uil

POI'tlaad Orflc-·ZU F CMirt h St ~ Pit ... A.T,.ator ZllJ

r ~ I' t • dt ttt U•l\\ lt,·n~ IH.::tt T• J..!~'n t, " ~·· ntL.\ ,f_.) r..a\ ·1 ht (uf'lr ltltr,l ••nc.· taLie aa th( •)•rtt.: -an (\ltntlt'•l ''"''' •·~ h"·r

ca .. t 1•artv l~t·hl gc thr l·lh tcoooplc· '1 ' 11 htrr'• hoontt, \lr• '"""' ' 1 •r· ~ Autho rized R aybestos B rake lining Servic e Station "•hii•ICI ,. cll ~. ~• St \on "~111 ,,~;,, \fr. I' \\ IIIV.<·. ~It, II 011, .,[ llutjiiiJIII, \~~.h. ( \lr

• o uuuu•••uuoooooo~ rcooh A !oro h)olrant 1hhUI•I be on•t~llttl

on lrurot u l the ltCh,.,l huu•e

"" )

I' rtt -..}\ t"UIIJC: £1 •It

.ut "l•t.:·'·'" •1\ .lt ~t \ .~h.f'Ht"' lu .. It ha< !K-en unly 17 ) ta r, liRCC


,.1 the Ony. Smut• Wtrt ror,t uri(3RI<tcl

\1 r' \Ill

II II "'hlt~c·l1111l•h. \I" ~lurr.t) -- ~ •d \It, \l.t~ft" ( tlt111f~ lt.l~ lutn ~lfi •JIIUL: t~fUHII"' I :e HILLSDALE GARAGE! \I r a11•l .\1" \ h.trlr\ p,,"ctt ul

l'•·tll.tntl \H'ft ~Ut.:,.h ttf \lr oU1 tl

\I r ~ I< \ \\ .lh•m rur clnm•·r ~lin·

ttu 1 1 .. 1 ''~d. l1.1\ ul t c·n a..: II uu .lf:•l ~ .' ' I \ •·It h"' c c.oclc •h•PI·• •I i' cv n 1 ·• h el tu h.H t tJr• •U..:ht $J ttl t••·r lllltlllo .. t \lr l etc ~hill.. \\II .... ,. Phone ATwater 2829 Hills dal e , O regon

•loy ~•Ill uuw chore· arr II(IO,tn> 2CioH -tuutt anti lutlttb These b<) • '"" ma kr ut,otl CltiLCtl J btcausr thry :He: C' HI\. \

~ I lr anol ~~" :\ I< }t.n, .. n ~n·l

.UW••Ihl·r c-j h••1.t)' lJI '"" •rr''''· ~ - - f.•~Jh•.•.•A•••.-~NN.Yi\JY.._,_._ .. N.•NthYNN.-;/VfN.fh•JYw •

'I hc fl• \\oil 1;, ,t oldn~c Ql Jur~:rn \ ~kart•' trauu:d lu In-c nKhl, tu h.l\ r 1

.. •U 1 ~l\l~htt'r\ hOlH" fllu\tt' lu tht·lr f11o.\\

•tome con•lll~r~tlllll '"' thr fiNhl< "" \ carol folrtY '"" be 1;1\t'O ,, "" Ill l'u tbnol 1 :u " l'c lo 22. th r 1•rtocrr•h to b,

uthers 10 hell' the wn k, to b t• 1:,1, /. 1 the c"'""""'''' " "' L~ Ct•urte"•u, an,t h unctt-u, bt.:C<imt.• c ,1111 ... 't •I f'nhn:h •• r 1utu .. , h t- ,t:U11I

latn, a cr<>tht nol unly w thc or ur IIIII cuoottluttt~ " Auolrt" \\ tb•' 11.utiotouoo but '.;l,uablt coloUtll ahu 1

11 ' \lltu \\ ulf r •no I Frrcl lloor•1 h It

UIIIIJ<tl r .r tlot lanol-tal•lllj: •. i thr 1' 1Pt~h: 'duJt~l t4r••lm~l.. ·1 ht th·•ll·

\If .-\r,.f .lr, l·"tfll.: "On (lr\1 (ll•~•n t £ lht-· Ill'~ f..:,l.kt ~h\t<~ll pn ,., \\tH·u ~ Ul'l " at n ''SC'• t luulclm,..· l.t. .. l Tlmr~tl;t\' nt\.!IH JC.b

JIJfiV lorlol ~~ tfo~ fo<>IIIC '11f \lr, a rt ol If tlt•r <l.i y Ill thr hi\IHf) Of

Huc.t lhuucll \lr . . 11111 M r• \1 1 'I ·I< \ I' I>\ tl .ihv Jtt I litl.ol

r ........ ~ ......... .._ ...... .._ .................... ......._.. .......... -~ wrm~~r .. r.. -... .... • • ... --.--. ..--.--. •xw.v .... m . .. .--. ** .. ,~ .. S

,. WARD BAKER ~ ~ Internationally Known :: ~ :: COMMUNITY N

ru's 1 >Jtru.tl• fotlltllltt\1" .. \fr (,rc·ou•t<ttl. [n ~lr 1-:~u•t•h, \lr l·~rrtll, ~to t.olt•.

\lr I •Ill), ).lr T"''' ""'I l harte• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• l w ,u.:rl

or 'ol.ol onttrt>l tu the r~sitlrnt• or lftt",t..' \'I 'UUillHtllh.'·-, \\ ol' lhC: l t hC\('

an Suntla\ ·, J urn:a1 ~hfl\\ •n..: lht

l!oooot)l'\ r~cry ...... 1 a\ lea>oblc for J

'hunc.:r n•ulc £r•·IU l'un1.uttl tu Au

:; MUSICIAN AND COMPO,:JBR > 1 ht \\ on• •n:a ~:r• n.:c "oil i11~t.lll ;: ~

'"• u·crnth tinted ••t!octr• a• '"' ~ Will Teach a Limited Number of Pupils ::; SHAHAPTA

Wn. ] . W. WcCue• Corrctlpondtnt

i l l····;;~::;~::·~:~·~···ll 141te4MMie4Me4~ .. Me4.e<Mte4MMii aiOOOOIIIOieOOOOeOie .. e.6 ..

\1 r• } II. t l~w hum "•• 1hc 11unt ul lu•nur S•turoiAy uf ~1"1'"" I 1,.1, ttr, U I· '- , • .. 1 St lldtM, Ur

The l at•otul (loll <eh•••l a"cnobl\" \'or..:cnot !'chlu;c hml-h a:HI J:1 rh II

h~ll " ~ ' loll"! tu c:•t•·•:oty \\oth p.cr !lull¥ '""'t.' t•rt•Wtul '" rHotal li• I \ir( \I.H lidk \twuul, .t"O<o:llcol rnh •no I fll(nch tor 'ui•Cn hvll•t,' \loth l<uth lit Attic\ " '"tr, •I tho·

"''' ... ,tl)tl llo.otlrr .. r u~u .••. Or' hd•l 1-oul.l\ CHII .. It: llllllrr lhc .... , Sh\•lluan t "> "·"· Suoul~)' ~rl(t .... _." "' ""'"' uul at'u't ~·I \It -.uuJ f'•c..-, .. r th-.· '·'l••t•JI Htll l'annt "''·II "" U\\t'll llutl!'t 'l'<·~•lttr <lfllr I h, tncrton.; "1""'''1

"flu, •ttt·4- 1111~ .. 1 the 1·\•r<-~t Jlru wn

"' " II b, htl.l at thr •ch·~•l Thu" \1" Jul1.1 ~' ht"'"lt, "h" It~' bttn f'lutc til, '' .tb1•• t u \ll lll• p.tr, ul uch •I•)

'fit• I, oltMn-,,, ,f tht· ,UJI\u IICt" Ht "-tiU

\lc•tJgrr, "A' "Thr \lal.. uoo: .. r \ oo>tma oo I olltCII' • f'~Ck t. o·uh \lc \lorho~l. ur

11 oil lot'lcooo c• .1 mrootho r .. r thc Tlu· lhQ\\Iut·\ ·,,'rc ,.._.,,. bU')

u11 ..1 1;, .cutoiul <Juoh \\ luch '' the ~\1t""l ul

"lluu .. Ia)' S•.rt•~tn l t•~hurn vt1 fht.• t•m""'"''l l•rn..,r~m 1f1clu•lt.·tl I''"'"'' .. ~" ,.,._,

J H t r••,h>, "t I It II\ t.:·r, \ ••In, ";a; the ~;ur•t uf ,\l'oy •u•l ~I r~ E 'lltJ\ co Sunol.t)

uumh,·r, by f!UIIIl', \O~o.·JI l!lt·h.•Clh•H'

h\ th• l.uh<' •tlt.lfltt anti \1" \ r

thur lhl;nu ~lr' ~l.cbd '"'""1l

lu he l•rt·•rlltc•l too lht· "•lt•~lrod

I .lhto, •"'""""'"" cholt tco be he lcl >I ohccr b.ll~dl "lu,h "oil lor htl•l oluront: ~~.... .. ,\ ~l't'r &.ll lllrt•IHII: M

t'tt:\t"llh:•l lu.:r •udu.· l ,a 111 \C\t.:~roll th&: Hru\\11 fill lh\1"' ... tu l.u c.•11rtl UUIItlHr~ rundmllll~ ~ \\r\ .altrt.U.:II\\"

"'' J II ( l~lthllroo "tnlrot~onllt~ I"' I:""" lhc ''"'''·') ool "'"" II) tho, '"'rio. 1" lunll rr 1•1~•,. 'I lor <ttult

"''""' •• r J I• I lo~~;hon .<mt ~~ .. lldll\1111( "·I"C' •• r thr 113\l '''!"" brunlronl ht .... t.. ur )til"" aolll \\IIIII

w. .. , ,leu \\ h, dtT . h:r \\ .u l'\Cq•llnH-41h '· •• l ,lfu1 ll \illn tt \t the l.t,l tUC.:IiUIII~ ,,f I he

fL·~ut.ar Ht•uuhlv 11tt'c\IU&.; Satun tay .H ~

th• tu~1~'"' 1:' '". :- VIOLIN • PIANO ANI;) COMPOSITION ~ -- . . h.onl 111, '""''· b rut hrr ·on l:a" •. r ·~ After l'obruary 4 ~

tit• l;otr \lr, I I n, ........ ''~'""'' • M l h 0 ~ ~~· ·" "' '"• h· 1•••·•1 "' ""'''·""' ~ •• ~ ~ u tnoma ' regen ~ tlr~l l\ tit~ It\ \It\ \\ .tht.f 111..-\t.ln II .......... 4.,, ...... , ........................... ~·....,.,...~.·.w.·.·····--·Yw'\J\;•e"a\;•tf'4.w. 11

.1oool \1" I·. \ Ill•"" hort, ar•

for E VERY Kl~D of Laundry call up t he

Bolton Bros. STATE LAUNDRY CO. EA 0657 EA 0658


Durst & Co. ~ Domestic Electric Refrigeration ~

,._fOCeft"eS ~ It brings yo u COr\STA.:\T COLO - CLEAN LY· ~ \.1 ·: N E~S- U1'\FA1Lli\G SU P PLY - ECOl\Oill Y - ~

:: CO.:\\'E;-.: !El\CE. < and Meats~ \Ve ~hall he glad to ha\C you come in and le t us ex- ~

tJiain the numerous advantae-cs o f domestic elect ric .., Thttr1ul:\) "1th u b\flh, thttuer 11\ the· ''"''It '''c "t.tc.:ncr •n•l manu •I l•r• f1 11 'l"' I•• lu- UllUIU(' "llh t'll\ •

u.u:Hcl flltl\h <lth"llll•·n '\n ;& ltf<\('tl\t" P.h·L.. ~··•'J~t I ~Uit ~n·l Jc.·.u\ \J . ,,,., ( 0\,r

\11, 1• \\' . 1\llh\\ul•l. \\Jtn h ,l, \\1111 \\.\\ IJt\l·tl b)' lhr ,,lh' "t ~·arhl\ \Hil' \l'llt~h ;\IHl lhc: IUH lll\to! d .. ~NI

.. ~:·. ~-~· rd ri:;e ra t ion. o w n M arltet in connection.) ~ P o r tland Elect ric P ower Company

h••ll tU. 1' aiJ1'- 1u ln •. ut .a.: . .un. n" nt:'t ''~ui,H ll'ntwl.! C 1ht tn\1. ,,dl b,· I hm .... t •• ~ .tfttnu.,. u. ·'"" till '"'" Ito: ,.f rlu- ·c. ''' tu ''

'''' k"'•\ I l' .. •"'UI.tll ..&1HI ..,,.,. ll.llu "''" c~llo,. .11 llh< llutlo r h u11or :O.utt dot)

\It ,(lu! \lo• I· .\ llcclll' 'It~ I• I• rn 'I, u• '"'llll•l.n '' uh \1 r Mr• I julo.,ooo, 111 tiJIIoL""

I th .?t .ll lhl"' "' ltoul "'"'•t-:; f.,U, \\ih~ lhl' t•layin~ uf ~ Ul\\'

c',tttl p.ul\ .uut d'llh'l' \\111 lh. lu1•1 .l\ tht.: \ .tl•lt •I ll1ll ti 11HIHUIUtV

1uh hH""' , '-..uur •l.t\ t \.rum.;, I 'b

1•1 'l' .. ""'""'l lh tht· ~o.·lub t .111'' fr•·ut ' .\1 oo<lo..:l.. 1 Ill .ltl t II'"' ol l11 ~uru1" h) I! \,"do'"\-. l'n,.-. .twl

r·;~;;~;~~··-i ...................... ~

C. C BINDER, Ma.ner•r "• re Jlr~•~•ll~c1 lvull)' by 'o" :· MU LTNOMAH ELEC TRIC COMPANY ::

~ Phone BRoadway 989!l-R4 Muhnom•h, OrelfOn ~ ._.-_..._._ ... ._._, •• ~Y...,.....J'.W..YwY.'YAYh·N.~-.

' Two Deliveries Daily t :OO A. M. and 3 .00 P . M.

·~:oV<-~~3~~~~·············~ ~PHONE FOR FOODS"

BRoadway 4771 AT water 11%3 VARIETY STORE I'•HI.•Ihl hnt.\ .ttfurt .\I th•

ll••lltt' ,.r J I () h. .,,, hlltr f,•r .t Julh ._, \ .tlt~otu" 1 '" It. I do ll \111\u ;...IIIII' .tJtt\ bttd..,;t \\tft t'IIJ••\ttl :-...uf

1•1"1 loollv\\rll ~I ll

.. 1 , .. , ... h \\lth rdtt"'lu ""'"' ·rh~o.· •trul~lr uu·t•hu..: ,,( tlu I' T L --- \ "·" 11\hl Jt lh< '"''"'' lo.,IJ You r Pa\rono.ae Cru lly Appr ed ated

'I ht tl~ ut.,~ !'" tCu•.: 11 £ tlw t luh .ul~flh,uU l lu pru._ r.uu ''·'' 111 -.:h.tr~'

I BON'S ! 5-10-15 Cent Goods a Specialty

\\.1\ ht.l.t \\ttlau·ul..\ t\riHn._: It •• j \lr!o. ~ I ll.;iUL..(' \ rl.l\'l'l "·'~ • '· · ,, .. 1 <'h•• 1 •orl· Mllhnomela, Or-.

I l1 H t'<t ph '1th1\~. U\\ \II~ lH lfh• du ).:.1\ ('II u\ <l .,:n •ll() '' .., ... ..

... , lh ... ~.r ll•t. 1·• t.·t.uh HI ' l h~o. t h.ur t-'hth'IIU~ Thur ... ntt }..~1\ l a \ tnhn ,,,Ju,

,u, 1 ;.h h , .. tum.: ,hl.unnl l•••lt' ,·•oft .uhl \lr,. •\ }f ,,Jm t.•n th~,.• tu .... ~"'0-<.-.."*~.....),"""~oo("'~·~ n J.·R·H··A·M·········· UMU I r '"" I11Ctllt\l ('•·IIIHHih~\" rr ''"{ •IUJt301C'II b) Jt•hn II · tfiii.UI ..... hnlt

lpt•IH'I' lh.u .. Ptt\' I r IIH \HUll} , ..... '·''"--' '""' .,:.ntll .,,. "'' \ ' l':tn

G w· \\ht\.h ~' h·nt;.UI\\..' 111.4 11 \\Ill bt• .tr.\\\11 h•n uf lht n~\l••ll.ll .:.nul tuc.al I' 1

n tp,ondct~: o£ lth• 111 'I"'",\ 4h:"'ll t•tl f'h.lll._.t"' Ill •\ ·' "''-'I...:HitUUl

•••••••••••••••••••••liMa,. bt·ulhLun . tu b, s• ,,t.:nh I t;,•r '' \ ) \ 1 lll!l•uo•l ""' 1 ,111..,1 1., 1\.,tl•h• duL ~lr aoul \It\ l.t<l.. ll'll.u.IH h.l\1

...... "''"oil '"'" ohe ilu

;.;:·>:: .. ,:~~~·:·::~··::1:~~-:::.-. ~.1:", : : ... ~:::: 1•••••~~~;:t•r~:~~~:~.:. I \lo, l'•tctr " ~' ~'"'" n ' ''"l'fl"

luno. )olu Geor ac Jhrlml n '"" I httr••'•' a ft,·rn .. m :u tht h•1111r Cor rc t pont.l cnl ,,r ~Irs \ Lutt.:• ·Itt, \\ h~n a 'h• •\\ cr

~lr ~fl•l ~••• 1 ~ '.4'~'''· ''", •••••••••••••••••••••••••• \\0\\ .,:t\CU h1r 1h.: Ol\\ l\\11\ ~11h An ha\c bl'll lo•ooll~ Ill f',.otl.lllol ' ' en) •)3ble IIIIIC \l.. had t•f.l\ tRI' ' •'111\ '""~· ''"''"ll•ll t., .. t '\''" 'lh• • Upt•n IIPUH." \\ (h hdtl ill the ~tUII\'~ l<rfr..:>htnt'nts \\t-rc ''I ~ted ,,._11 h . l\l. 1 ·r , ""''' ., 11, 4 .. 1• th· ' 11m"~ \ h\\ '<:lh._•l l•··u ... c- 1 uc--dot\

I\LIIU1~. I .. h 1", ... , 7 ,til I \::l .. .c·-L.

\1 1 , \t , •II t llh 1 l 1 '" l till llh• \lh'b' otltl hll th~ ('\ \I\11\K, Ul llh.:•

~ ,.. .. ,1 duh \\ ... t11., .... l.n ''"" 11 ,., u lh ,lnC"..tiOit "' \1 c' I H ""hl~&d t 11l\h llh.IUth,.:•l ,, ,,., :il.. t.:r ln•IO ) '~trl

~lololt~ll llccl.. ..:r:.•IC' iu tlllt h~nn ~nd ..:r.a•hlah''' tn j3nuar~ ~hC' nu\\ ;a.th·n•h 'tilll • llll'r~t h illh •ch c10l

T 11 1::-Rf'~ no nt~•l loor ur ho·u e

shl\'rnn~ atS umbt.:~r• "ht·n our

cu.ll ... ~r\l\:c "' 11• furth• r a\\JV 1h.u1

1.~11\ \t ·tHH 't.,, "h • ~ dd.u .1\t I h-.• 111'1 h11 ,a,.,,,,\ I ,,.t..\ I t.b t I

l.uhl .11111 ~ 11 \I'U • .l1 \•It ~t.Uit "' [ \Ala

U' IIUII tb<"h b) \It'> \\ tltCttO& Jlolr \II tlh• Jfh ,•IH \\h1h.' ltti"C,-,.\;\1 l 'h\.utl ~.utlu \\lh h.a. ... Unn all •llt


~.e<Mie4Me4.e<Me4.e<M.e<MM!e4tf ) ''"r cmkr 1,.,1t) anJ \\r " '" w~co.l TUALATIN hu t h.l )o!U 111 rcn•rJ lolllr.

"" ..,.,... .... ... ~ •t :"\lllhl.l)

·~··, •. r wu .... .:. I'"''''' .~, ah(' ,.ch•'-•1 111ol ,ef ... ll 11 b) \1 '' ~I~) brllr \1

t-... ... h .a.wl rlul•hru "' tt " ... ,r, 01d'"~''.t fn••u \ a1nl••l H1\1 \1 1-. .. \ "-'•a m\-. .. , .tuuu 1 \ .. \hC' .allAH '' ''"'~•l1'urC'• l In tlu:

' llua.. \ ,,.\, I \uent Tt.:J\:ht'r ~ud•

'"' 1\,Utu• ••I th~ .lhh btrtlul.n ;lit\

Mn E C. Rochard~con.

i.-.MM4M1cor ... rts~po• .. •dcr .. u ~•" Ca'pitol fuel Co. . ~I• • :\ h~c 1 ,, ~1:1: ,.r thr 'I ualn 1 C. A. LAY:'olAN, r rop. t n h u.:h ~o.ch •'4-• l h ;:a, '''lo:. uu..-,~ a

~lr' 1-( 1 •• ~b"'''" .:u .t l..i\H:htt r. i \C't....l(\ ·I thl· ~.;lti••U.ll r.-,~nl

41' , 1,,. l"4 .hh .. :r .- ... ,,~l.lth•n "·'"' n·..-"~1'''''' '" I• .. hutld"' (l\..c h .. ~.rw..,. \l ('.tu

~;l.r dub"' .\1 , .. ,,c, \II • •• oncu1 ATw.ter lt31 h." .. r the ht~;h K"'"'' ""I' oh~ 1

Mulfnorntll t .•rr•-t. '"'" 'J "'' tht. 1, •ut t, \\ ht: 1~''' \\\ t"-.. I lit I,.,

The I' T "'" "" < ~ ' """ pt1 ~f,llll .H I ht \l ht•ll I I ul.,\

HIIJI; 1-'fb II' Kttrc•h11u·11t• \\ Ill I" 'Cf \f'tl

'\t ;a It ..,ubr ~..lfiH" ni 1'13\t!l :O..tturoiJ\" ••~non.:

\\'iH brt,l IO.l ~'"'-.._

1'1llt..:. "'·


1h1\d ,h·(4•1otlhlll" o~ppru,tnatr to tlw c h't.', ~ttct: ••• \\ ihhut;:t :,!1• .1n•l I 10

,·,•In', lu• dhl.n "uh 1 ttJ C••l •r th hr.,. .. 1 1 '-'t \'.1h.nt11 r

'" ht. fuM At t-...n \ hAll '-HUttl"' t"\ \

IHU lt'h IV .• u X ,,·c~ .. ~ L.. '"''II'-•••\''' h\ the. ~111•:.1ncL t ,.lim; c.·.nunir\~1\.

(",.,;,,.u.,n ••I l f'Cil S~ h<r~ .-11 I ll."

"'"' , ...... ~.~~,h Tht' prrf'entunt acr r;ll(r "'II IK­

t:re.&\h IIOCIC:>S~ol fnr th~ ftl.!] h'<al

'"'I' \l .. ,or l••h11 :>:• to• r.; '"" ""'" 15 M< c• ;u~ol tht I trl llt 1•loon

• II I ' Ill l\l A<r l'• Th< \ f'rulo•\ ~r"" ... r .... ".u alot41 t,r .. n,t

~l r anol :O.I r> \ Sattler rntrrl3ourol dub. lho lr·~•·l , t ohr~cu.>r. aCIIIIII \lr If a (H~IUiflf', \ a }t'llllllt I •;U t) 1~ht I J,) \IIUU!HIU \' v U _.,fl.\ll"l'Ul\lll' , .• ht' t\\ LI chi),Jrtn \\Cft' !\urHt.l} ~tlt"'U :af

2nol \l r<

Heavy Bark For Sale

lldn end anywhere " ]t»t H<llh t Tht )< \\ onlr) p,, ' •

Wood for Sale Geo. Fetrow

. - ..






Come Jn and Look our Stock over I ~OOOO.O OOOOO tOOtOOtOtltOOtOOO~

'~• ••••• •••••••ooo oooooooooeoooooo•••••••••• ••~

Come and Spend the Even~g at the

Mike Nielsen Billard Hall Snooker, Keno and Card T abies


Is Written Pro perly, to Fully C oYer your rlak··

Pay a Pro mptly t h e Full Amo unt o f your Lou··

Coats so Little You can Afford to Carr y It-· Protects you e otlrely In time o f Need--

T o Include a ll o f these wltb your I nsurance

IS OUR POLICY " Let us be your Ins u ranc e Counsellon"


ATwat"' seu


Page 5: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll


I. I

-- ---.............. , prul t club> "trc IW per c~nt SIDE Of PIG.

- - club. '"th :a rntlllbcr.htt• or -155 ami TZGER ~ l dula \\ .uh'""'"'!' c•·unt) has 7J SO MANY ALIASES,

FORGOT OWN NAME • H E. Lccdr •lwv.> a .,ruh t vr $11iU71 \\ oth IJ STOLEN SUNDA'J c:-.-.._..1 1 t"'r cent club• I I

1 11111111111111111111 un Crook Apparently Puzzled Vutecl M ra. Leedy. I

\lr alit! ~lr• ( rhrntcn«n anti WAS TAKEN FROM BACJC fen Some Time. The \(rtz~n \\ .. m .. n·, club 1:3" suo h:~y an.! \lr. l<uth ndtr-"n PORCH 0 ... V . ~EYE••


th... Chll.lr•n •. 1 th• ~r.l•l• •chu<ol, _, b 1• _, 'I 11 r .., ~ :-;,w Yort.-A c-rtmlnal ot ra~nr • v , ., , ;anti u•u.; t<r olll), \1-.ottu ·' rs HO~E.

~lh, l•th , 7th anti lit h •·r:adrs '""'" !-; -' 1 "' lllla.,..• "'"' bclnlf lntfrruntt•ll br \It> ~" "· " \ alcnc•nt tt3rl) ... , the club I• l ccol) • unuay '"''""· liU<Jt cn><tl:s •r~ ll>ttl•llt>ll

h •

1 \" ·-·· <l4t 'o\llh '"'~ 1\r tll·o. but thl• rurllt ular 1

ouse Satunla) ~ '''"'"'11


Another c...-.. I"''" 1: (1ound 11 ('<10\fllltttt tu h11w llh choltlrcn wnc t•rc<c-nt ~I" \f:uy I ll<ob Lhn~er. v.ho " eutt•t .. ycd'" 31 T o 'lr•l, Or • I· ruby, F< b I!! -.\ ••r •~••n 1\l'llth•u• onouo·-. n•acl) t" "'" n ... ,~ IUIII ~,,, \\ tlln·l I ulhn• .. ~a thr \l~;rr , ~31"ll:;r, is II~ Yotth thr ..... olt ;a I''~> v.;a• ' 1" 1"" rrvtn th-;, ... n.t on dltrfrt'Dl Ol'rft"lotM .... "hut.l )Utnl Ch<ltttnell Ill CbJq,:t o f tht IIIU b:ado. .... >rCh uf the \ tro.;ol \lt)Cf trli._l~11 ,'' U thl- tWIII't' MY, UDflt>r parly -- I home ~lllttl;a) Dll(ht .. '''!: had bern ····h or hl;s DQIIIrS In """ 1'111 hi' Ill·

-- Mue nw Home He.re. j butc_her td !'acurtlay on 1h~ !lend 11"- ~um,.11 th<' natttf or J ltn .t.uw~ 11011 In The Junhlf (ol jl>llllaltnn \nil ha\t II J lldlro n and r ....... ty- '" ro\ft• lrtCI by lllr. Mr)cr\ father and he ..... , ... , till' llllUU' fit 'Tnm :O:tnlth

a l'•rtv at the club huu•c th~ tH l"tt<l l•• t week "'" '"" onto the lltl· kept half uf 11 a•nol ~tnt the rr·i 1111 cot•lOrtl ""'~ r •• t·h rumlllftr • 11 • ' .. In 1 t Til("r 1 The I"''" ""~ carr wit h 11111 rni()'*'"'"~ allol"~""· a u•l tht 11111 111 h b 1 th rrun huntc " here tlrey "oil h\C """

1 "'

0 1 • h m1•utlnn ut nnv ullt' ut tto•m rP"Itllecl

\1,. !'cult Shorr!. j, at hi (lilt l·11· <Ia) aftrrnnon• co t.tlce care of ll" 1111-: OUt the btMtk• n r tht lr~HI ltbrary ~he r~t~ ·rt• a ~ot1d 'rlt-cuun o r ~x ....... fur both chthlrc:n anti

ht \ nll •thcr Mr!. 1<3) I 1•rk rxl'rct• htlh wrat•l•t•l " 1' ant i tn·•l 11 ~ " "

1 c lhP picture or n @h•>rl, till; k tf•llllw

II' )".II ll.r llu -b•tl ll •n S~:Jttlr b;l•· k pore b . ab\1\ e the •c~ r h<·tt I 1 1 1 n •• I n nl r .. r Rntnl l I · I •\ t hr'l tt WJ\. thoul(ht :. <1\11: hall "' 1 1 • 0

IC Ot•'lt' 0 1

I' v •

at <•utu l the ft"t o l \b1ch. t~~ 111 11 but there \<crc It O tttarks ''" ft•hy e)tJ.' A llet .. rtl"' luul ~<rlw•n II•• I

alia- lln a ph·~ tlf t••ll~r Attt•r I ' ehr t;rtllllltl tv •hHw th•• il h:.•l h trn 1 ~rull.dnu 'th<.'lll 11 11111111rnt hP turo~ll 111

FH.Iinl Better. 1 ~

tha \\ ret. Shl' I< rrtm trmt: frnm :an lo~r • olu.: tv I' Alii away "' ''' ''\\'hlrh ·,,r lltf'Sl' nou;es 1"1 )UUr !'~Itt ~I" l F TtgMu "~' :.blr en wall .. tlr3j(l;t<l .I Yo-')' . "'" ' II "·" '"" Ml:< lh• t•rl•nnt r II lid ••kt•d trrumy: l

uumt h uth-l .. -- attacl. .,j ntflaJIIttt3tvr) rht·Ulll:lll"" Tl·~, 1"101< ·~IIWlul'd thr 11•1 lntrnll~

Tht '"'"''''' ' ' uf the card t•;)rt• I -- ~ ltl\ I'll " ' tltr \\ toiii.Ul's club !tor lhr v· .,_' 0 p tJ d ., I onll at•III'Br• " puuh tl " l:h·•t l r I

10 1 .., on or ..,. · VALENTIN E PARTY ~ ~~~~···' hr rrt>IIHI \\l ilt " •lttllo• "\'"u btndtt <•I the ~chula"l"l' lu:1n club ~lr an<l \lr• J \ V Sunnn<rs 111o.

1 ~~~.· ht> •dd Pol •l"''"t:••ll· ~~~~ "I,.

\Hre $211, net \ nlllllber <•1 t•t< •lllclwrt•l cu l'vrtl3nol \ \'rolnc"lay h> "''' AT MRS. VAN KLEEIC'S "'"'" trll•l'lln unth•r tin••• h• r,. """'" 311\'tlllt··l lrullt Tuabun, Tll(2fl l and thctr d3UI(hter. ~Irs. F. B l)e I once >0 lhll~ thwt r.-.• r iPIIIl 'J"o!"' "" rh:ht \lultn .. ttt3h l.ln<l f.unrlv 'I hey re~urnr<l Sun•l3v I nam~ fiUt It will '"""' 'cu m• •tlrr

a hit;• ''ntl "\lrf' ._ ndu-.:h '" t-•"'11 r .. IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII . . . . I l o~a rd, Or • 1-rt~b), 1'• b Ill - The nll•-11 it . Til\' u•tiUl', huwn•r. "·•• uut

I I Vuolio>l fnend.. . llotcun l ' r<•t<rC"<'IH dub rn)_O~rtl a II.IIIOIII: till' nllro •t••

~lr and \Irs l.ro ~ Arnold st•tnt \ 'alcnune tt3rt" at the h ornr u l ~Irs Would Like to F orgot.

Tl,. ... DO 3 r.... tlays Ill Tr~o'llnl Ia<! wret. \ .. . • :. , tlllnl. this f~lloh\ ... ·•hi II ll~t tt'-~ tttn" at the 0 H Butl•r h ••n•• Jn<l \ •n lo.ltt•l. l~aute\ \<Cre fllJHol anr l II ~ ' ' h lhP, •·w~~ ju8t t•n•t • rullt 1: hi' • 1.1 11<•1

o ther lritn•b They ·'"II lll<>toor to \lr< :\~>roh " "" ~ l'rtH 111

b- •t r•nh•tulwr hl8 ut~.rnP. lre\1'''"'· h~ \\ulllol 111111111111111•1•11 I IIIII l 2h furlll.a .anti then tu Bo<ll•n, ~12" bhntlf<•l•l 1:3111<' II~• 111 tM t:f't 11 It he l'llttlol, IH'<•14tt•e

Rebeltah Club Met. 11o ~ dub "'II rnrrt \\tllh \lr< B h~ hu8 llt"t·O tried 111111 I'"'"" l\'11 llllth•r The l<ebckah club IIICI ~~ the h ttlllt Cut Hlo Honcl (, I l'l'lh -·n I t b lJ \\'adlllll(l" "'• thllt "'""" tqr mor~ orr~n ..... ~ tlutn ht•

u r ~, .. FHtl llulm \\'etlue,d~) an<l .. lhlbtn''""· who I ... , un the l ' t• non r~lllt'UIIJ~r. ll t• l•,lll.t• """' ,,., ... ,1 borthola) woll be celtbratrd ~·,.·rt.l <roo~~. 8 utu>~tut•ruth•r. All

rnJ••yetl 3o aflrrnvon ~l•tnt "' '"" ah.a" place cut the :srtery in h t• l.antt S:uurday ~lm\ \\aS tu~ht•tl tu a crtmks Ar~ Olfttt(IUtrault•rs, lu a !$fiU"'t~. int;

Another Family 111. • ~I r. ami M,. J l•<Citter :anol thrir

vuunl!r~t clultl were til wll b the flu th o< week .

. ~ Til• Boin1 Laid.

'l'hr l{ctl l{()(k IJaory art ha vntl( hie 1:&111 acruu the A .:wemer place Tho~ '"II urry the whey cluwn tu where thcrr " a current '"· th1 crerk arul It '"" be carru·tl d .. wn F.tnnu 1 reek

Viaitecl a t W aahou1al ~lr and :l.lro \ /,.roncr 'l'tnl a

re .. tlay~ 21 \\'~ •bougal, \\ash. 13 \1

Returaecl to Portla.nd:

rond ~~~ tiH"uugh lit<' ¥11'urhtll n n•~~k l'urll•n<l hvSI01J31 I SUNDAy SCHOOL "Arh•r ltl'lng loltlul r•d lttto thl' ••rl111

lnal frnt••rnlty the ''~'""" ruiiiH~ tn Vhlted Here Saturday. CONVENTION A SUCCESS ' '""' u~ltl" hl8 uwn n tu ne 111111 111\w

Mrs. !'"rank l•ltlter, o f Sch ull§ , a I MUll~ ;llht'r '"'~· Il l< lltnln fl'll~<llt f11r rr~t rul o r ~fr< L . Konlltlll'\11, ""'tetl I !lulu~ till~ I~ 'lUll~''"'"'"~; hr •lt·~lr~· h rr S:uuiu.o• ~rut also alltnllrol th~ h to culll'i'lll hh! ld.,nllty "~ 111111'11 R~ ''"-

' ltrl~t<tu\1~ roluca1111n f," thr \PUt All•h . Oulf M tuol, ht• ur~u•••. \\lOIII !I Sunday scho~tl comtnllvn. I"' \\ ashtnt~ton cunnly "·" a ,ub-I us~ he. VW1I """'~ 111 ••rlm lnft: w•·rn

JCCt u l "'·'I nllcrr•t 110 the l :ul(~ ll••u• . .. , u K\\1'1'1 thin~ II woouhl h, Will Ret u•n to Ore1on. cnmd of ~unday ,ch <M•l V.••rkcr' ror thP M flOIIt f'Hry <·rlntllllll u·~•l hl8

The I n rnds uf J ~lilt~. or l lr• r· j!athrr<d at the \1 ~ c hurch <•n rl~h l llllllt(' ""hl'lel•e wNtl n<IHIIIIIflll~ . l•nd. Oh.tr>, rormrtly n f Til(ard, v.tll Saturtl~y -21111 Sun11~y Wn>re•cn ta · l.lko "l•e. h e ~ns. otlll'r rPIIMIII~ tor Dhl

be t•leasttl 10 knnw that he ttqttCI~ 11\U ! room :.11 t•art • n f the CPUIIt} trau•llnl: unil~r his nwn nnutt> ·rhnuul to return to Ore(C<>II ~oout ~hrch I \<err 111 •ttentllnce l'nthu•oa<nt ""' '" ntttY htt<\' fall~n rnun JlrHt'<', ht• hu

quMirll! .ubllu~ u•lnte ft !11tnll)' 0111111 u10por~d an •l b~tt c r ntet h c>d \ dt< · l.ha t ll~r.,tufurf' hu nne ht'l 11 clrtt~lln


I Choir p recticU.1.

The chntr met at 1he h t•fll< o l ~Irs \Vrlh~lll .... nss Thurs<l2v nol{ht

cu~~ed tu the a1h .alll3,.;e o r th~><l' lo th'" mud. Ill' doll~ nut ('llf(' t11t him

1.,c,rnt ••"I v.tll be- rrftrrtc•l 10 t PH. hUt h~ dllf'l not wnnl 10 brltut cllsgrece on his l'lotht>r nnrl mntht•r,

S(l<CI2.l mu51c '' s•launt"•l for nt't ••H-.rt' trfiCit"nt '"'''" '" tht cvun1"' ~ .. turtby 'I he aol•lrt" ,,f l lr l 'rrnungtun

wbo are ro<>r but r~'fltfflnhle. \\' h) dralt tb~m Into his trnultle• l

! .. n ·The l'ath\\>V <•f l't·act" ~;a• c 1hc ~lr~ \\ t"lllltl:itn •• \: t:UI~· lt1\J•rtJ\t"d V ia.ited S. S. Con•e.ntion. :autltcuct a \1''"" of '-' ta r c'•nduiun'\

anol \In \l cl-'ad•len. her d•ut;htrr Tile S unrby scbliUI o f Scholls came , •• r th~ 11.1\t an•l •uuu <·•tc-•1 S<Jt ne of

" II• d\'fhlu to tMk.. a 111111~. "'"' w~ll ~ hf It a crllnlmol t bnt nrune "Ill lllftiC"f fOr lol8 f'IUI1KI•~ It Itt> II CftU"h l DO on~ \\Ill I UO<'IRI P J f\110 Otle "llh J ohn SDIIIh. lfe "Ill ~ ftrl't'alt 11 u John Out. t r lf'd u John I>M 1\11•1, I t con• lcted anti rr~•u~n~ll. h4' "Ill I ll to the !)('II OS J oun 01-., ftllll 110 l;rl'n l harrn will ~ a one to uo) otlll l•lCt' lll to blma~IL

lure to Find Him Out.

rrturntcl h ome Tue•day ~ • • ~~ ' n <cr Ill a bt •<ly and '"itcd the • un · t hc l'rnblwu 10 be laced IO t>revt'tl l

d ay Khoul convenuon ~unclay after · Fro m Aberdeeft . noon T I{ :!.loorc. 3 bruthe r ol 0 the rccurrcttce ul toke scents. Dr

\I r< Fr~rtl llrt C" ~'"' chtl•l·rn To! L \l o .... IS 'lll'trtlltCtlll~nt r·~lllll~l"ll " (JII( rol the lurtlllO\t

ehutl<rr, anol ur arur, o r Oreg11n. Al><r<leru. \\'."h • ""te<l

l111r an•l \lr and Mn 11

I otHI('\1

II Ti W o rltln1 - on Road. \I ~~~ were w01rkin.: · ~3tnr•IO\' n 11 1 --

the ru:>•l v.btch l' a"e' bcy••ll ll;c~lr• GIRLS BASKET BALL "•••·lr'• place. Th« roa•l • • "olh thc !'t"' ~I etzgcr rv2tl

~r.~nt m cr lhr wert.. en1l

M otorin1 Thru CallforniL

We are Prepared to accommo­date Ex-Service Men with loans on their Government Insurance Certificates up to One Years time at Legal Rates of Interest

I t has always been our policy to extend every financial consideration to world war veterans and this loan service ia just another feature of our service.



We repair Automobiles - . aU maket - do Acetylene Weldinr and General Blacktmithinc.

Fordyce Bldi. Multnomah, Ore. '

-Lovejoy & Company . .


Phone ATWATER 3727 . . - Multnomah

-.v.y.YNN.We'Ytl't!Y.YN.'Y\w.Yw"rhYh._YthYJY..............., ... ._

~ Associated ETHYL Gasoline IS HERE

Juat Try It - You WiU Like It Don't take cbancea on tho1e old, skiddy Tirea.

United State. Tires are Good Tires, and the Price. are Lower than ever before. ·

GHORMLEY'S ~:~:: · Phone BRoadway-· 9794-J-Z Multnomah llarr)' \Vt 'l nntl .... ,r.. illlll h t< par ·

rnt •, Mr anti \ 1,. l \V \Vt't , ld1

Frulay fv r a n1utur lrtfl thou (ali · The Tiaer TEAM . WINS

"He does not pause I ll cun•IMr that no malll>r how art tully hr rnn) try h l eonceftl hla renl ldPntllt, tl1t 1"1JIIr4' will lind him out. 'fh~y w ill 111\'r~ll · 11tt hla POBI, and whl'n thPy Ollf'f' lit .. &In I UCh an hl''t'JiUigRUun lh(•y wtfl ht.' ............. IY'v\,V.*w•.....-N.•.-.y.-,·,-...•.V\,YeYN .. Nti'N ..... Y ......... ...... pretlr '""~' to di g utl a l10t n r knowl-

furn•a. edle conll~rnlne h lmat>l t and hit note.

Durham Bor Paue• . P..bliabecl br the llll Cracle l·.rnc" ll~nscorn vi llurharn t•:>S<<"l Ti1ud Pu.bllc Sclloola..

the •tate ex~u11n:Uoun lo r t~hHth



C"fd tDII. "After being In thl' c nmr a w)•lle the

<TOOk linda chat hnlnc only one nlhtl Ia tuauftlclfnt.. B~ ilh•~o•c·rt tluo nMtnP be bu bft-n uohtlt 11 ~mln11 Pnlln•IJ too ramlllaf- l'lfl"l'llllly I •• hi• eno•rnle•. the cnpa. If ptu nrt • ~••••II . II dn••' oot fillY to ad,~rli•P: • •·t·t•rcllnl:l>, h~ auouws anoth~r """'" •n•l IA)'Il Mahll'

-wESTP~ BUTTER FAT TEST 4e3 and 4.6 ~ ~r~de '" J,anu:>ry. Catheriae Cart.r ..,.,. Marie Pfalne

1 _ • .£Ciitoro.

Returaecl F•om Taft.. _,t!-( II PfaUie rr turnctl ~unday aft R II h b h 1

cc~nt t m< s O\\n y our u ~· tr :a h\O \\ttL~' busmcss lnp h t llrt•JtCivr art ··n~nan:as," ••A TnJl an

1'~h \l r an•l \tr' \ \ J 11•11 Cillllt I ~l c"cv," " llo w Fv untatn !'en• :are bac k " 'tlh h un ~htle.'' :and "Keep the Boy on the

• fann.'' M et at WilaonYUIL

The Double St'( had a big meettnt~ at Wtlwn\llle 1-nd~y· ntKht A nunr ­bcr n l r•eroons !rom .it~:nd .. uendcd

R ... tecl H-u.

A- patriotic p ru11r:u n v.a• l-:11 en b) th e puptls or the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ~th :llltl Sth grades 21 the gr~nRe halt Thursday ~ftcm•><>n fur the · lecture ho ur u f the grange •

flu, ertvn, Or, I· mlay, F eb 18 -The u .. a>trton h•11h «ehuul f!~tl• bas-

l.c1 b~ll tc.arn \Ooun another \lilory llie I\ rat allna untlltlNIPit' l•f'~ln to for I•Qtb) ntl(ht "hen thry be-at the Jet 11. In time tf.~ rrr'HIIHI allu oat lt.lllle (,ru und tum Score .J2 to 216 lint Its purpn•e an<l II bf'('Otnl'l DC'«'


~ta~trr co '""' a thlrrl n1wt>. Allcl thl~ uplaloa • " hJ crlmh•ala f rt>()ut•ntlr lt~v• ae.-eral allaorrr.

" All o f thl'se allu••• h~ ll n<b '"ernl It ll\Al' not be ffln>·Pnlt•ut en ,., ... tlor

CIVES LUNCHEON na 01e o f Jim Jflnt~ In • ' pw l'Prk. lmt tb• oamt may do •rrr '"til In unuther

Ttt~anl, Or, Fntl•y, F rb IR.- Mro

II ~~ Sahnun aa,. a luncheo n Wed·

, tty In which h.- hl ontcnu¥1'11. Il l' "ould prer~r. many llrlll'jl, nut to ha•l' a balllt' at 1111 , but @lu re cvPr) t>ltcly mo~t fullow the N•tnon urul ha•e a •

UAI ,UCl, MULT IOMAH .,.4 .A,L&WOOO OlLIVll lll ,

W A Hoot has • rented the G rerrt brr(f hou se ncar G rtcnber11 Our boys basketball team d~feated nt>d~y lor a ltw lrrcnds Th011 c llfCS· narrlf' . ht> mull huf nnt ThPrl'f•lrt! he

Viaitecl In P ortla n d. ~Irs. j . Lcnz spent

r u rtland Monday

chc Beaverton hi.:h schuol rruhmcn l cnt v.ere : Mt~damcs 0. Dl Martin, carrie• In bl• head •"''"r•l nlln~l.'~. 8111 ~T AND PLASTER. WAREHOUSE

1 3 2 M d one or whlrh hP mAy ""'"'"'*' • ' • m<~· ,MOll lAIT 1111 er lAIT 1111 . by " 'core o I 10 I o n ay eve · ~lar~:aret llr•M'~ '· O' lo. clly, F. \ ' m · mtnt•8 oo\ll'i', 'l'h""" uounP• nwnn a. ,-'" n~ng at the Beaverton ((yrn . . The ccnl anti H W . :!.lcOonilld. l '"t co hhn. Sume .. r lltt•u• rt'<'all llh•U · Coi....._Wll~ ... But M~ a Ileal! Mod

~oris also played a practoce game on I 1111 memnrlr• ; ntht!no r~>t 'llll l!'l'nr~ 8&Dd -cl OraYel PcwUutd, cn.c- 'Bocl4 o.a..-llu:,. floor, which they won by a th at bt ¥1'\tuld noul'lt 11r~>to r en tnrt~~t. ~ ... M .... Ie4M .. Ie4~M .. Ie4~N .. ~M .. Ie4tltN .. I4ii ... Mie4tecN#

Ill. score o f .13 to 7. MARRIED. He rementhf'rl • ·hftl ~h•kC'ap<>urr lllld

about C1llllng a rn•<> hy unr olhPr natn~ :--~==~-------------------and It would lnt'"ll n8 8Wt'('l. T hflUith

W M Ruy is ill with the flu


0 ll Thtbouh and Louttc Woetrer Itt wuuld like to bellr•••t thla. he knnw• The lad•e• o r the ~~ F. church

woll JltH a supper 1-cb ' 19 a: the church, SOt a plate, duld rcn under 12 year~. 3'c

• ~the C"OPI bue a lona ntPtnorr tor Mod.ro Ve.raloa. 1 "ere un oted in marriage on Feb. II namte. 1\n matl t!r lottw (f'f'l'IUtntly ht

~In H. :. N inevah was destroyed, I by Kcv A I. ~andbloom at the lat· cb..t.DI~ Ilia name . thl' roll~! .. ~rn to"" Baby!on was captured. "hat happen tcr'a h n.ne Thry "'II make chen a ble t o tiiii('OVH hlr.n and dn1 him

I T , trOID ~·:.:!:f·: - .. · I r• to yrc bnm c on Toa:ard. ._,. ~ , . Eajo

1;..1 a Vaca~. I Kcoth "It was punctured"

Arthur \ ut.eenl hu bcfn c nnlincd 10 hit home thh 'llof~k w oth :an at- A Stroe1 Crif'.

tack o f the flu. Frank D · -'Why do girls

L~r ,ch tns when thinktnll? • Not n.. ltlt'ltt 1t.iJHi. jamc:J A : "To keep from

"So you ~ • ed the grocer lo r rupuna thnmclvcs" •

n . ' R'a.

crfdH. f>td you aet ul" "Y u an d no" "Wbat do ) ' '" -nea n-1" " H e I utd he'd gJ\ t 111e crcdJt lor ha.·· mg plenty u r ncn c, bot nol for a ny ~I r ~ · "Wha t do we mean b)

the t hree R '• )" Qroceries. •

a., .. ..... CUte• CW. W.l<. Lane coun ty leads the state fo r

completion o r prO)CCU o f boya' and g~rls' club woo k with 96.8 per ~mt 1-iuhnonoah counll' hu 90 clubs with a membcrah ip o f 783 with $877S9:!

John C : "R:ah ! Rah! Rat. '"

ClloOcaof w-.u. Mrs E. · ~usc 1hc word 'del t il'

in a aen tt-nce. .. }of oms A.: "Benny k ickttl me ID

de feat."

IODIOKI G~OI at Bertha, Onron Phone AT 0033.

• ..,...,.....,,... ••••• NNA'I'_.J'.-INwYwY.·.·.-.·nw•••N~N_.AY•Y•"w•w-.

MILLER & TRACEY .ladepeact.& Jr-.! ~

f'UltJ:IlALI f'76.00 UP WAaRINal'O!f IT.

Bet. .OU. aa4 SJ at ac.. nr-.s-, .....


Mult.nolqab. Olea• Carefully ~tiected MEATS under the ...t unitary

c6nditioaa. Prompt and Satllfado'1'7 Phone Senict

..ATWATER 4113

Page 6: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll

oerore I ~old • Y IUlTflltn• Ta-wa. _,,. r•spood~d tor blm•t•lt •

..., •m 'fa •uo·o• ...... or the nan ... lhf' Wnlt • a r ('hl~f o f thP li~nl'cu •nd n•·oh~w to Bo o•bo c• w~b tM liu11rdlaa ot tbe Wtettra l>oor ot tb•

l o

I ''"' llnu~p" "" •pnk" dlr~"rtiJ to 0.. \'f'DII.,, and

'"" ~ r"n<'hrtutn a ~1M abltiMI f rom bh 111\ PJ lhiUt'"~ '

" lfu•t "'" ha • t' an Indian or~>uol?" 1

bf' mullvrt'll. ''Thlt Ill • while man'• atrulr."

" A' II h~PI!I'M, chla llldlan u•ed





mJ llf4' ''"'" u wltll• .nun·• lrotre." 1 Many fit the ln)url uOJI lniH'<l PHI~ ff'JIIII"d QUI~kly. "II~ II 101 broth~r. I Itt• U•U I t'IT,.<th~t) ('toHi rllllt'<.l b7 wuuhl rat her ha•c bllll h('r4 tha n • ~a·ra)lhi dorru~; tlon dortuaut ll'a"<ID ,. 11 mun ~tf'.ol•r.. AI 11•1• IIIII# uf the , .. .,r mat~r1ala

!Jut I hnf1 r~knnrcl "'hhout )Jar ull ht• utt'ly u ..... l lhut " nul i.l ~ Jnry. HhP tuok th~ ahuallun out of lujurluu• to the l~u• ••• o f """' dur· m1 hanoli

1 In~ II•• ~~~uwlng lc.OHun, clnlmo G. )J

JOSEI'II !'W.AitROBOUI1H wu Mltb· tr o r tht opinion thKl llto~rva

Ft~lrhtlllkll bad ·~browu hlro dQwll,• bot loP wu out QUite aure. H I' had ltrw" n h~r II ~~Hmed to btm, tor al­Wll)&, 1111d for ~nme tLmto lor bad bfo4'n tak ing II ftlr jiTantl'd thai h~ lhOilld sorue da) ulo twr to IH! bla wlte- ll><l lbe ,..nuf•l A<'ffl>l Bot tbt>n nnW~ tbac dArlhlnl! YYrtln \ 'ao R~limnn "ruuod a ntl JOt' ~ga.n to think that h• ba d t.&kt•n 1(!(1 ruuo•h tor &rllnt<·cl

r-• _..., ..... DR. PIERCE'S


··~lr," •hr •Rill. ")'llD attm to dl'll&hl l.I•L, "''I'"'·• ~1111e t'OHuuulut.;lat, QJI· In !luntl .. t'lu~ ~otl'lllh•ml'D who arp o"t I ••rtt•l" AKrkutturul l'<>tl t'M''· \\'1utff¥t•r a •umnn ttf th•• worl(t'' J•

Van llt<t•krn811' wM tlint. lie bftd • mo~l l'n~nt:lntr l"'"'"""llty, t.allol'd tlu·


lnto the Wildemeu MNo, .. .. will eo 10 llurrn) •• , ....

~rn," I uld wl will • •II hltll If "" tlilnk~ llfl <'10 ~nmrnll u•aulnotlnn bt·r"' In the tuwo u he dOt•• to the t orf'Mt.tl

"(l'"'''·" .,-jotnerl rra wr~" ""tori J!U-Itt•lr ''I wUI ac~"lll ll~07 brotbrr th~r ... "

1111· my

I r~w~'lllhf'rt•{! IIIPt Ill' Vrullt I00£1!<1 • t , .... w,.u•u'• , 11ud 11~t4ltMif""tJ

•vt IUJ' brotllrr llrno• ·roHI bf! II f'U ... ," ltl•Jt•cl tht' lndlon. ··T· IIUU Or· IN h11 murrrHJ hl1 hotro·ol"

Ml, to<~, bBt~ yuur f'IWtny," I oald 1111 ..... •lle111 tor •• rpucb u trn

pr.rr". " M1 bruther "'"ens tl" Vo•ullr?" hi' ulr~J.

" \'·u; I once rroe.wd ~wortle lli>ltll him"

• Aod lle"'t•,..l tJIII II" wnund my brotlu•rT'

I n-.... untrd brlf' ftJ till' rlrrumotanru ot th~ duPI 11 tho T ut'lun ()'Or Ill' "'"''" nu cummwt until l hud nulohf'i l

"I ftiD tria() Rl)' l!rol hrr opotrl'<l hl111'

~ 111c1 llwu. "ll'ur Tn "'"" "" ur1 llu

l l"n pr~tyl'l! to 11 11 wo·n 111'-)'U. tht eel !!ttlrll, tn ght hlru t h<• lift M

thla men who IIYt'JI u \holll~oth ht wrr" OM Of I he n~ui.IJ of thf' lla I" ou (Jl'aiM f'arra) .

At C'aw•tun'a •• IOokl'\1 In uln rof )IUI'T'IIJ u r ao1 or hie v•rt1 In thr tnp ruum aucl urcllnarr , 10 without o " ord to lh ~ •ervHnt• w~ n rNHkil thf aiOinl

to rh~ ""''"' noor In the 111111 I halted motflrUitorllt, rnn•hlorln l which donr to k ourk upon, wh~n llu• tHIUip "'"" IIOI¥t'd lly Ill~ OII~Uhltl Of the une Ill' whJch we otoo<L

M7 l.atly eppnrtd, and ab~ ollrtl'd bo r ll In IIJIUo•m('lll, tiDIM with rur. a t olcht of me IUltl the • tolwart, halt a •ktd llaure nr t lit &•ll<'ca.

I )>owed to hrr: ... }ood e•~nlnr. Ml•lrP•• Murro y," I

oa ld. " I 1111 <"'"'" wit II 1111 trt~ud for a wo rd with ytH(r rut ht·r "

' '"" le ~UKUtrt•d," wKe antwfr~d qal r kly. ~

·~t'hll 01117 IH'. bot I mu•t IJPf'ftk with bl10 on A ntl\ltt'r of murh lrnpnrtant'P. I MD ohllii"J lu 111k t••ur fMihrr tor cb~ I('(UIItl tltu~ It Ill' .uuiluun a.a•• llnolluu In '""dark.''

ll~r ., ... *tllrut'll with horror. tt•t'n darkru•·il wllh """'' llll(~r.

"'111 r , you Mrf' muuMirnn• hup••t~

llnl'ot I'' ~h~ l't<'IMuit•\l " lluw o.luru JliU NUU•·•t IUI'h It tl\111. r•

" llt•uu•u It ~~~:cucrlld • qutnPr huur !Hill ..

"Au41 lt••t•nm,.- J HU •nt "" "II'""' ~'~1 -ouw (uHtsuu.l lu a diM't IHaluhl~ P•"' u(

tht• t••~h, t!ll thut a n·AI'IUI\ ft•r )UU IH i'hnrap M~•tt·r ll urrKJ .. 11 h •~•• •'"'' tlun l'" "lt• d••UitUHkl.l ~ Uh hill: II • •til


"\ lh, l hu\'fl 1•r•~•t." l tutti )l) 1111.,.,,r trn•w with h..... It Ill!\• I

ftt•O .. d rutt- lll~t lid~ al•·t wt\IJ I \tu••"' "•• letHil'"-l, RhiiU\tl lw IHIU\P\) U\, dli"l w•. •huuhl Iuthi fur til t" tlw n.au.·mt•l Uf A dt•UO "HII\t\0 fur • lllan l'hlllt

th"f'IIU'\1 a tr tllur

·nw •tcutr tH>Iiha•l t~t·r Ht ... •w•l • t urttt) ltlfll~••lr • auw nut

''I llwm.;hl 1 hllMrtl '"" ''"' ._. ft•h·r Ju~~h••


''\ l rtH••r•"'l:' J lutt•rrupl•••l ""I•Y•'l) tu-. t'.\~·ltrttW~t "'~'''''"~.,_,,,lputllt~ ""'''"

\lhlllt'"' .,.,, a ... •ur•• t'"dt cl v~ IU\ ~'""t.llt,

It fiHth ~ tlh-' ...0 f..tr tUI thut ulr,• .. th ~·th .... .

'I\ t ... th •wne• ton fMr • ..,. t~ttl••t!•llh·•l

&ll-"•"'•lt • ttlvh (,,r ll 1 !''' t•llll IIIII•·:· I rrtut 't•l. • •

'A " ""-""ItuUhUt l T ut tltl, ht' r~ b\lkr"tl Uh' '·HuMh.•r l 'tflh·rvtf )1UU U~t•

•ti"VIll IUIII;UII l:t.'." AIHI Wfl•j lit 1111,_ tilt If" lH\\ n u t uura w uultl )\t t~k t u 11111t

lh•r M "' utl,·~t~uo au•\\ lutt.t ... a tlk,~ >•••u .. In"

1 n -.all nf""ftra ttttl•l\t·tl h• I hft fr••nl • 1 tv1·1 \l urr,.,- t.. • '\ II ~ ,._,., .. ,,,,. Jl•· l•··nnHh \.1 •o t·D\2 ••r tl" t ... ·t of

1\nlllr•tt .,• hn1r lu ••'•''- It tuu .. h Iii "'II rllu lu•t1 thqc~rt

At ar,htr) xi1MUt k luad1. ln h•r • t \1ur rf'J'M flh~ lJt"'CIItH\.' HHI\U o ttl \t.llh l1Mt

&Jon , • Mdt•ulh . .. 11 .. ,.. • .,,..,, "'lr ll••111tn: l~

t'lHd h) p,,,. .. '''' ,.·. IJ.w.l I ... t •• all ~ 0,,,...th•·''''''' "•·urtt \\1.-r" ,.,., t he lrt~tl •. :. tu • •· ••" •'' ~ I tun th,. dl) l"

, f' wen""' Mr-. huu:t ... t "'' t • lnw h 0\)t"n~ t hi• II ~r t:f "\' • '' ll•t" .. tua;h• tCK~ •tl h11lr

·-r. ""u 114' er.. uuly tnL••• ttu 1<"81ps of hnuut.-hl~ \\nrrlnr.,. t1" -.11•1 La hi• lillH~•t h tow 'ill• 1\•·tl '••h ,. I hit the ttrd Hcatb f"Wt~nl•t•tl tuniKitl t•\ lht•

wltllh uf th~~ l111ln I'"'' )l urr,l\ tblu k t, .. f'll CWI raau ... ,,H •I ... ,.._ ht.•t·ll eoar1 with 'l'• ·wa u u..- ttr'11 It lhl tt•uu• bl" 't bad ·.uu~lt 1 rut•l~

U urray w lpf'<l t..•a.U ,,r l•~•·tllr"l"u from hi• ra~.

"l!o ., ..... a .. tllo' ... he """t-n·.J "'Curae tb' k na•e I Whot h•tb In• ton• ' "

• No mr~re than attemplt'<l 111 murll.r .... .tr "" I have lllrutttl"<l tu t~U - • I ........ ....., INUh'illl)

&JAr)or1 rnmt tonurcl, ClftAJ)('d In Prpu .. ulntlf)n.

"It l•o'l "' ! It rac•'t ~~~ Bo I ltlm he u •. ., air •· •"• pl~•o.l•·d

Murrn, 11~ put h~r gPnt ly to onr alol~


.. Pt)l\t't-, IH'Ju.t~ . my th•ur;• htt IMid. "You iiO uut urul••r.tHttll."

"llut llulllnl( wuH .,,., of 1HUr p<'i~

J•h-, Mlr Yuu ltJl4.1 ru•·-" "1'ut. tul, my ll••~tr Mur)M7. Vou

arf' n~w hi thl~ new "orltl of our• ·rto~ truuth•r I~ nut Ilk• licotl•oil w .. tttU""l \\ nrk wlth "hht Cool" "•• l\111t •uy H to my ..i>rruw··-n,.d It~ ••hi II turth••rrll" "' •lthotll •••·u tho• tv.ll rh u f Kll fll) t •llft •·1 lfO rUft1Jit111P\I ul't A

•lun11111 tu '""•ort •lth tu•·D I miKhl l•r••f•·r to olo v.lllwuc."

lit• l(uve ltt11 wllt•nllnn uuo·e mur~

to 111t4, '•

"Ill • w11rol , MnotPr Ortnf'r<~•l, what laoth tu•r•l'• n•·d thul ~u upvruttdl nw In ao lto •tllio • -rolrlc?

•·tn ll ""''' ~"'"'"' \lurr111" I r" ltlll'd, "your mun Oulllltl;. or l'h r "'"' Uv~th, "'"" ht' P~t011\ to ltP knuwu In ""'""I""'"· lriNI 111 k ill tni' v.ltlt kultt< IUIIt tUal t•luot thl"' t 1 \ t•nlnt: '*

.. , n111 ruu .. trullll'il tf; bf'llf'VP ,you:• h~ Mntlt ~'lth tt.n fllttwurnnc••• n t tiiU''h Mnrr.,w. "lHII I t•uuuot hulll my-.rl t rt•

•t)On•lt•lt, •lr A• It hRiti"'D», l.kllllnt~

•ll•htynl "' tht•lr trt.·ooJ• 1 lll'~t>~b ·",\"'"''~tile In"''''" In t 'olttrutlu that )OIU, hR•t tlnn~ "rt• a ~nrry ltlll<lnl'tlll er•· t•tl'rt·tll\'1)' coutrullf'•l loy -u1'11 Rl>'

aud r:<IM unu~hl fur fUn. l11't for 1>11• ntlun• lir~ a ouutl>t'r of •• lil t Ill· wurll with whKI br<ntc;ht JOU lwre" ••·••~ '"'o.l !Itt' f'ltll tr.·~ l~1tf roll~r.

1 rnnrk~•l rh~· n·ll~f thai •l•nn• lo 0. 'I h~ mu•t lu)urluW< """'~ lr•·•~ 1~ trr;,>

\"f"uu, .. ·8 ••Y€"" 1 nH•r••"tJ, ''"'· tiJfl I)PUe ttt.- ~.w J••"-t>. ..:,JntP+ uu .. lm. U.):ottt•r trHt hrw: a;huu-P "td4 h Tu "KU nP·a.re 11111-dl. C'Uttuli) lllt.IJ•h•, l'utnotu HUll (,'or· t.wt1l "trm ltPr rwc-_. "•or rn)~~u, M.l· lttll\\tN•d .,·ult•.... 'l h•• ••II ._, .r")" ur~ thuu~lo 1 fi•lt ~h 1. ul ht>art, 1 •ntol uolb· t•r••\1111: '" be lhf• Ulto•l t•IT•·•·IIH• fur 1n11 'llll•r., ""• uvrlttna "hlch 1 could "''"t ut lite durtuuut •prtt)llll: v. urk, ~YY I u lilu•ll~h the llru,. ttlld •UII'I•ttr wlu·

l turn••d to ~t urruy "1·1tn tlow~ ul~o• •till ""'''tl u gr~·"t tlPlll, '')ilk .. ""'rht,. l'OOH'r'Htl~tn rmnt 11_. 1)8lnful ''IJII) l,O tl1~ S11n Jo~M fif uh•

(t"' U"'..' .. 1 t-nhJ · L~t U"'t maL.~ Mn ... thl ••'1 h e• nU Jttlti\J' ur~ U"'tmll) "l•••k•n IU lt. Jl,l lllll: 1111&1' 1.«1 Ill~. Ul JUIJ Of M• Dll~l'll>ll' bOt! !>Uiuhh• ull• AUIJ trn'''"· )h frt~wJ unt.l brother bt•re uti t·luut .... t.mot. Tht·~ urv ntf \••r)" "'11\•·d me aotl fl r u\ .. 11110 •\\Uf. " • ..,lfull.•r 't'lw.) nrc uU• "U th••h·tl lha&t hu>e H "" ~ ot Jlullln"'s hair tn proof ,,.,., ""' """'"'" ml:f "Hit t<'uto·r untl t;f tltPr Nttt:•u•l•l "Ttt4 1n .)HUf lnt,.rt'~t lu• diiUIHI 'fl tl!) t·tt.u h~· lliiPtlt'\1 d(

lu du \\ hut 3"11 ntn "' rh·u r )'OU..,..,II •11) lltllt' ohtrlng th~ l•tl'h otl "'"'" tht• •>f r··~ltutJJ.llttllt) f,~,. '\0 du..turtJiy u "''"''"' ttr4• "n· clJe tr,•••.N, l'rt"''dlus: Uw crtmt•" llt•Wtu•rutur•• 1"4 ttho,t• tlit th•..:rt•t•'

t ha .. n f thP nh•rt1hHniJt at th,. tahlf'. to•ul•n•ulh•ll. 't\' t.H•u l( ~rt•ut tl••atl uf ft. \ .. ry d•l("NU Ut•l•t•ttr 111Q,.IHftU, 1'1Hh•·•rl1 l'l'tU.) U1,:: h i Ut•t"l'"""-Ury, h II uftt·u wl• ,,, ....... ,.t.J untl \\ ut. IIUH h .:•){)d M~Utte In \ ..... ttlt• tu tJu JllUl t.f It tlurlug 1ht" Itt!' r,. .... , t"IHUthl lllf tift 1 ul• t.- \\ • nUwr nf fnll '"•d N•rl) wlntPr,

- •'l'ti l•fll •lrlllllll' thMI YOU •hould I•UI II t• 111.ojurtty or tlol:l "Vrk IM dull~ ha\ t• COfH" tu M..t"'l.••r ~lur-r•J atl~r lo 1lu• ttrll••

•uda MD IIUf'utJ•l ... )nu nwnllno. •Jr ••tt '' u .. t too trnrtr to mftkfl a ttur· hf' lJt'J:UO In ~ HUd lhlh'lr")' fn-"hlon. '"HUt \ 1'1 Uf I he Uh'bwnJ IUU.l Hhouh• trt•t~~ (ortUitttl .. l) "''' \\••rf' ,, rt••wnt tl1ltt tt. ftPr· l UIHI urtJ ••r t11t' t\t~t'1i!'\IU'j lttllllh)' n( nono wlwu Mu.~o~h•r ~harrwy c1huul"44!ttd r.:uh•dal,. \\'hiJl~ t ht• nil t•Uml"'lonl;t ttw IIU\U trn111 hHt ••tnl)hJ) , In -t'(HUH'· l"IIU lw IHfln&r,••J Ul hunw, It I• u~uully fJU••th f• Of hiW \tl"'ltt~n(•41f) Ufld tollfd<•ll.J• Ut.h t'fuiJit• fur tht• U\ t•ntiC•' JWI ~YU lO lui( tlurlnr.: ~lu Ht ••r Murr11y'a aloMoc<t."j ... , un• 1111 MIIJI•IY uf th•• ro•fltl) pr&

" A)'f','" "l•ttLt4 Ul) II ,.n,n<l -~'ROt. J•lJit·tl ull ~Jir;.l):l l11al lalt' ••U tlac wur• ·•tuHI •on•. tltfl' lr.flM, ... mud lntt'o It· l..t·L' ' I H l.t••l ."'U ltU(IIIIj; I WOUld be btOUJhl UKottll•l lll\•1• r ~IUrthJ '

':\ut Ill •t•U~ uf lh~ ratt he WU ID t:"rPMI nf't'd llf funth )la•tPr )IUITa1 IIU\ lug r\!f11"tJd lo r r:uu ~ t t•rhtto d~

Control Scale Insects by Using Winter Spray

""'"'" h<• mutlo•," ""~IN•t•'<l a tblrd. llllrlu~ lit<• flH>t )'l•ur th~ jtllfllh: 1 tmw~d. tt•nl flt "'''t1f1 Ul to h"''"' r••-t•t•ht~tl 11 ~•'J· "littHtllltllNl,'' 1 Mnl rt, "1 om Jll&thc6Pd lt tu k lH IUl' h nn tt\tt•ut l t.l t tll••n• li Uu&t ~· U ~tt·r ~turrur ha.tll ft lllOUI lh•W lhH 0\ f>r ',!. o•·r ''t'UI ur ll\ •• h4 ule

rA'1f.l ~ ltt..~te t. nu mur~ th.~d b~ aihJ ., I'" t•\hh•u"P lo utt~· .,., lu.ln.l. As u r~ "Ah, tJut tbt'rt• lf4 tnvrtt tv b-: hid." 1ult uf tltl• '-uwtltltm. tilt! urd\urdl'lt

nuf·d ~l nrJ•••Y "Thin .. AhllWI' or your- I may n~r.:h..:t '" \\ lltdl hi~ ~-···""" .... •rlt, •lr, tu l>t! ror~Hr llt•lll•\IUII ac•IU81 t'hAri.l C<1r 1'"'1•1«- .Cult", thlllklhl th~l uth~"' muthl'• v.l1l~b ) OU ~UUW )OUr• I I hi' •••lhKt k of la't <VIuto•r Wol• •Uill ••It tu lit• IU<Il•u wllh . \ uu w.-r~ oore di·nt to r:orry him UJr,ru~h ''"' w•·~~nt '"' hon• ·••lll~ '""" Why tlu you not 1 )<•nr. \/th•·•e w .. · t or:! awr to•nt of Htt'tHJ .>our wu)t~~ untl ,,.,., .. o tbt ae.lt lh~ ,.._•ttlP durllli: th•'" nu•nth uf .•uue, rt:•lli'N ur )UIIr kind?" llwrt• IIIIIY be 0 ··~U\)' luro•.ru~lun ""' "U~ l • •·thl ttwr., llt ftn honornhl e !Atrt• tlh~ lutnt"'t lllllt' curut ·~ MIHI fOil·

man to """" wh .. u ) uur n"~" <'UIIle8. "'""ruhll' lo)ury tu the rrult "'"1 rtM

"''"'"''",''I •IIlli. · \;o<>tl •'""'""· ~"" ~ull tlurtnrr tl•~ 1\lutoth o• r ~''l•tt•nrl>cr tlttfll"'n.. ·• ttn\1 Purly "h:t••h••r 'llt~r··f,,r.~. th~ ur~

MurTH1 •~~;rrtf'<l UA to thP door. l'lrurlll~t ihuuld "''"I' hi• vr<•hard un· Tu 'tlltUO ·Ut.· •r• "•U~tad t.t>~S•\~ m• tlttr dv .. ,• ol•·••l""\ a~ Uou. KthJ It I1Uf111~ u r

wlthuut "'"'"~lOll until Wo e hull I~(A the lonG ••·MI• Is pno;r~ut. he •hnultl lolt' no llllt'rU. " r thn•• lu ~ttrn;lug with ull ~111UI•hl0 W

~. . uw;l•·r•ttllld )'UU r lhuuchts. UlJ \)rth•r 10 vrut f•ct hll4 fruit trum Injury hrutlwr," hP •nli.l Hllldtnl)', "\\ e &o frutll till• t~t·~t "'"I """ lo kl'''ll th" UV'-•11 th.- hUIUt" (I U\"111 •• lrt.~l'· Ch'tiU Ull\l lu~ult tt)·.

Qtherr,•f,••l with 111 ... thl1 afh•rhtktU In ··tJu~,..1 '!" 1 rt'L.WUtnS. "\\ tuu QUI•-.t r· ·11,.. ,,., . ., • ..,,. ut h111t a •l•w·n "''" "W~•••·"•·•·""""utv.hld;la lu>t. \\' inlerSpray\VithLimC· kiiU" II tllfl••U~ uf the ltt\\U tUHJ 1 ,1111 ll Ji lt.: ~ t-~tU(. ........ d ltllll frotU 01) •• nh •• •. I rt'IIH'mllrr~d hi• rae~ Mr;nht<t ~~~ I Sulphur Is Now Favored

' l'ar•lttU o•~ ... I •uhl \o\Uh • l•uKh l \ttUIIt•. tUtti tuu~ht 1111 uu•uuau.: . \\ lnh•r 'l•rt~~.)lna.: \\till Uttw MJiphur ··~r 1 t!\ltr\·",.. "'mn'" .. 1 ' \t·r.. tluu "' tru'-• fJf )uu, 1" "\\llu ta • ,..,,ft•J::unrd ut.:uan•t ~nn .fu .. •• ••ulf',

" l•u ) uu ,.,,.,, " llhln ·• ht> rt puutl•·•t 11'' ur""' Uu\ tlu•rc 1• uu ... uul v. hh 11 1 tutu:u ... th·wu!I!I~S. n1"J IUHU) h.u ~ lulh•r· \\llh t t•h•rU.V. ••1 f'hull h.,. .,;l1ttf 'f )IIU hiHt• tilt\ 1 lj,tltt h' .. \•t•L. UUIIUJ.: ht~l't I"~ 1"ht• l'tl.fll lllltf 1rnuhlf•

\\ t ll 'ntf .. f~ \UUrr" I ( h) •lth'ioiolluJdtlll '\tt\\•rl t n·h•·"· IH) brt,llwr \\ IIUIII t•f IIIJPl)hlt: lhl~ !II)Jrn) ht 11\H ).ttt•nl JUt t \\ lin•• .... ,.,.. 11( • lite> lll"'-tWI• 1 ~l urJ•'r). ltu.tl lhr t-.oul " 1 llitt m.l llt.·u Hllfl \:Uurd 1t t'liU U'-• \!un,~ "I"''' utti, t \\ur\.. tltw~ "Ill '~tll u. ' II•' lul'il""h ll • l lw' t.• ,., ··n "''\ "''''"' ~·ui J., .. ,. ,.. •. ,d•· I~ • ••n.liu

I eou\\ fht" •f•IH" ,...,., ' wtlh u ldrll ·· 1 -... 111 1dny·• ..-h .. "n lt t au••llhttlr . "f ,,,,.,ullu.: "" hhl f:a\."'~ • uu.l 1 H'·'~ 11, \I tl••a1h ''' l!4~,.~ tr ttnl •·tll'··kt••l t~u~l lit• llltiU&:~t•tl hi• )oiU•tl'dt·f"' Ulltf 'l fflo••l VUl IUHl t Hllt:li.t hi"" htt.ttt.J \\ hllt1 It lillr•'Udlil ~~U\\I) fr 11111 In·~· IO

~ .. t,Jr 1 HM•Cium \I"' \lu•.t.•r) . 14lltl ,.,,,, • \\ lu&lt·\1"1 l•t lin• ' 'lHJ ut 111) ,,.,,,..,, tn•tt. lt 14prt· •18 H\,•r tl Itt••• \t•ry f'!IJthJ rt• t·hl•·tnl 1\r ... l l "HI~t·ol no U , ttll•l ll lu tltt• mitt• ""liiJ:~ ll J.Htt\t"" 11t•••ut, II••• :00• HI • '' (t~llo\\ •·•t tntt, Hh" huu•l r t•-.l ·

lha: tth ..... "'*'''' hl11 ~lurrU) ~ttut tlh• ,,, .. ,, lt~·hllltl u-.. An•t

l t'-nuu.l tu) • It tu u h1r.:•· r,•ttw, "'illf th h ""> ll~hh•1l h> , . .,,,lit·< I 1\ ,. o•r 111ll IIU' U , \\ Jitt tuut ln••' U tuUdt1.: u t M CUI\}~. ll\O ... t·ll Up ''It II luh•rt ... 1 u• ''• ''Hh1\' In • 1111 ~·r '1 • au ¥~ "' 1 ,.. \ •• ,,u, .. ttlul I f• l r tlll•·r llutO ~•• tlu• m.,, ... l\t•

rr .• u" ,,, l t \\ nli li t' ..... ., &t'll ,,.., I I .. ,.J ( r,.a,:., 11" r , \.h t h .u-.. ,,,,..,.~ ll·• ¥~1l•l• u "a., 11 1 , . -.h:ht !it "'' •auurr)

11h' uttu-r" I dhl UUI kttt~\\ l..rtt••r ln\~llllhi ur... tul,t nuo tlu•.\ \\••rr ~ I'•'• tut•!t• IH• ,., hu11t• hh•uHHt·,l \~ttth fh••

ru•' ''"n lu 'lw ,,n,, H.h t' '' It•• "t~t·•· h••• tlh• IU t,,n.•rlh•r Uur11••L utt•~ ul ~ \\ttrt~

t••l" 1 h•• d,,.,.,.lll trnt.h• 1 t'lut h•u • \\ llh t ntu In

''"''"' turtu'fl tn u" itft•·r rt.,uuul 111., 1 ' •~rtnwt t~Utl ~•hi

l ttUr ' .. , •\•ttllluu I~ ~\ I.J,·uth' • • • \I M-.h·r '•• 11 •·rt~ \\HI 10u

itr\•Ch••r I hltl. I 'A ill I V 1" thr ..,.., A Wl t1taJot lttltl ~ltHii,.: \\llitl<~~ 11totlrlt•uh! ll&l.t .. UH, ·•I•J \., )'llld If u,t. J I••·. ''' iAhJ It,,• Utlh -.c, v.hldt •11 Hl1•1riU (t .. t Jtft'ttd

'''u II• Uwl tlw .... ul Wlth"h ) ''"' ... ,., '-' Itt tot n•l••lllt .,, auut til'-~ rur.• of IIH·r··!l to.e ·•J IJt' ;.~w.- "UI\b Ml \' tu lu) la.•urt , t .. IHUt\••IIIH•. l!"t for lh•• tu• t tltut

hrtt• h••r; · l1r r••l•ll• t1 •"llltl) th<' rhiUII .. f'~"'n iP hl ..... tr,.. ur~ ~Ltlhiltury,

" 11,111111); hill h diOUI'\)t'Ur•••l" ,.oi.J lht\t' riHir l hlllld, .. , lJU\t.• 1:1\t.•IJ •·t'"

1h r~ ~\' ull ltflh t'I'OI IUitl ltt.lol t~-4 HUll ' ''" 0 ••ll•··htl .. 11 tl tu• 11 tu tw tlt'lulht.•l U lir

lllhl tht• hulll.-!'1 utu\t' uhuu1 fnr nnly 11 ft '\\ •IU.) ... pn•t,u r•J" w mtl•l IJ,., little 4JUI; kl ~ •UHI llnl\ ~~~ lu(t .. tt-.1 !'dt•l\ tl ..;l' 1t•l1 u~ tt•uf tlw Jtrtta,:f'll\ nt urw

ft• t.th· \\Jl' t"l..\·t.·••ll !i.t):._J,tW tn ooc \.-tttun·<~. h• ul•t••·ur h"'t tlH• t..un,,· ur, a \UUtttt•r l •h11U1J h.tl~ hi !'I Ullt...,lt•f t .. l1111 "ht•,

H orticultura I Facts U) tlh' "tl\ , hh fi'\IH• .,.... urr•'· 1 h u :.u ..... t '•r,u .:.•• ~ \.l httH) 1 IM .. t Ul ,:tu , .. ,,.

t••t•Hrt• il In" ll•t: .. vul..t•n .\lu rru, 't ltHfl' In llw 'l hl•l•.-u t.t••• lh• " lH ht• M ~ot••v\l llll•'t' '1..1.) .. Uht'o.HJ uf )UU,


,\\,tUlll l •**'* 'ltl*it!:•it****X .......... ***•**"* ., \'HI I tit•t thr Lvrt.'ht out or lllt..' 11\"~dl

I uJO 111•• ,,.,,, ·• • •n•w• r.·tL ."lltt\ tl tr•'"'' ,,.y HU) IHrth• r hhtrlh.'thm .... fttr U\' • ,.lrl'"

1'1u~ .,;• 't.•rtwr Ullf••l•tP,I It•.- w ,,, ,,f 1 ltfi " 11•1• rth"" • ••Uhtr) " .. a. h f,, 1, .~ •·l.lt•ll.tnl h• Hit' ,J,ull•.t Ill) ur ... ~ ' ~c.

Tl·.,. IU••"'I "'·lll-f.h~lur~ ~,.,. f\t ciPu.l·

tn~ \\ ltlJ wl'\' t-. luI' ... •n tt~•·llt Thea

enllr .... 1) tlrf·•"•d perr.-ctl1. JM, on Garft.eld Tea th~ ollwr hruld, · while ri'C..,~hlngly

,..hnlr·"~'"· ••• no•t murh of a roo We• Your ,.., ..... lh•nAII•t, and • arturlally l{'ft Grendmofher'• R e medy ruo.·b t o bt• ll<· lr~•l Vnn II• t>ktnn n bad l>o't'nntt 11 o·nn•llonl 'l•ltnr ul the & F'or tnry stomadl f 'Airt)nnt.!l hnruP, r;nd till' j(1rl- and lntl'stlna.l IlL\ Mlh~"·" uurt I•·• YHUIII/f'r ~~~~~r l:lu•nn Thle gond old ·tub·

1-tou111l him, M ~~~~ ~''P'•'~"·•I 11 ••• ,.,,. lone(! b~rb home ft•<·lly rn•o·llutllll~" \\'ll1•u Joe hnp. remt'{l1 fur conlltl· Jll'lh•ll ru bf' , nllln~; 111 tht• au niP 'U" pellou, lltomacb lila \'t~n lli•l'lltn~n ,. aa, u "·"~ aa m•u'h and olber dereo,. u h~ r•>UI•J tl•l to :;rt lo • wur•l ntroll ot tbe .,... o'<.ll(t•\\ ft}ll. and •·ht'n hP •lid. hie h~'ll ' tern 110 pn> ... alrot tbet'll' daJll Is lo ena thou)!ht nut tt•ltlltlt ... , . .,,"'' to Art •• Cfflter tn•or u 1 family medld.De • darnl>i"r on the curupiiO)' lllnn"· tbaa to your rreo<l.motber'e clay. 11n,.r nn~ 11f lhPS~ Otli'llll'l~ or JO('' I, ..-on lot hHI~ nl l•lm tlnubt tully fur a

I mnHit.•nt untl t lwn r('-;U mC\ Ht•r N•IHirh'a 1 nt "wll, wt••l11111 nral ull~ury'• wltb

Yan Ht•t•kmou Jt•t• ho•tot·tl AI nr~l thll( It \Yftl liNte r

~u~ 1 hut \ HO IIN•Innnn a•tnrlro•l llut .MIQhiP ••l•l•l• tr.,.d tO tX' 0\Uf'h ( •lnth r ••f \' •o ll•·• ·l.11utn'• "''<'tetr tl'lon hN ,.l .... lttr J•·•· \ ~n&un·d to ~IIlfl"luhal t'

lu " hl•rn•h·rtntt ,. oy, wllh llh ''"II: moly 111 h•· tnhl lltUl she fllol not kunw w1ml r1..:t1t lw I11UI t u rrlth.ltt! or t•,•n·

ltwl ""' ,.,.,, .. ,.~. ••llolln~t wllll : " \\hr • J oll'. '"" tulk u It )OU """ 1 w~re ~"""~··ll."

Thot wn• J OA'I f'N>Ortunllr hut be dltl nut ~··I<<' II "'"' It ""'" t v.u hou r'!l .rr~r tfo.11 ••~ thought o f..- whst hi' '"lt:ht If' h11•e ~RI<l \\'llt'O hu dt()

I think u f It h•• r~>ulvr•J to t:"O tn Min I nh• ullfl hn• t• o1 • •trl\lghi-<>UI cnl~" with

lwr. llut "lwn ht arrlvf>•l nl rlw

ll 'nlrhunk• hnuw thul e•Prln•lln~; \ 'on It.'i•~ tuu n wus th••r(lo, And I•'' Wi'lll """1 h·u•lng un•old whAt h~ hrul ('OIIIt' tn &Oy lit- " 1'tlUid kN•J• AWHY trum tlu• t'11lrhnnk~ hoU•t' anol "l••t ·, m

~n It," hr tlh•u•ht. "\\'ho ""''"' Mil) thinK alluut lhul \ ttn ll!'<•kiUf\11 r~IIO" l Jlt• wa11 un Htht1otu~r-Joe "'8"' w UI·

I nil tu twt un It- nrod waa tr) "'" t o Cu!ltUrll lill lJ(•Irrs•,"

J <>l' ki'Pl to hla r~snlotlon nt alh et••ntl,•n ror Y Wllnlt' WQI'k, anti tlu•n efltiNI uau•u "thr ~·a trhonk~ girl•" wui. lhP UIUBI unaMIMf~l'Wry r~oull~. RUJtliln

f lttll.l'd to him anti trlcO 10 clwer him "''· but Mln••rva kPttl chilli lor "" 111 Wllh \ 'an IIN•kntKo, only ghho.; Joo a curlun• luc•k nnw anol lht>n. •hlch ht t'<mld not In th~ l~~t•t un•l,.,.,tlllld tlw Import ot , Qn•l t•n<'O ~II.) lUI(· "JOi', w hy tltltl t )nu talk? What' • the flliU· ter with )vU latt•lyl"

••:o;,othllll;," , .... J~, Bllil prP~i>t\tl)'

took hi• fo•QI~.

I Nuw ~""''" n nn<l !'tn~on FulrbnukA "··•r(' UrJ'htaH" 1"1tt'.'' had nn 1n•nr r~ Lllllon• "'"' th,.Jr rothl't luul •~rr ttwn:r to••th u•r) ""II uti' Jllfo f•·h like •AJ·

lull to \'an ""''"'"" " It II~ mo•r.,ly a l~trUitlt' )flU llr~ BftPr, Wh)· tlon'l .)OU

tftk~ Xu<' nthl h't tn)' .\lihlll~ Ahu,..?" nut It \\nU1tiU t 1UH\tt* uuy tlltf(•rt\nt.•e It I oll•l. llh•lt~l.r J,"' M tlllttc I~ 8<1 nllt<'lt ttw pn•uh•r. A,. ll HllHt t\f nr tflc t "ht•

= Paa1ing ol Community

Singing Lo" to W orld "\\hat ho" hupewn~tl 111 ~ummuultJ

Jln~:lu~;, w hldo tlltl ll'l ,,, ... In "lnulnll . chu wur a111l Dflt•r,.otrd tuu•le lite mer· rtt'r ft.Jt U~t• ll:i """ IU )UUlb?'~ 88k8

I hi' loll•·r"'ll;,, nt, lk"t••n. 'l'hl'rf.' I• a tl• unh ut tl nu~·. utnl .~,t.~n when one lhniM II lilt> t•hl QU•Itl IM ~:nne une'l the

1 11•114.'11• ~horu•<·M ilru~ through to o drooping ~nil. '1'1>1" ou~tltl not to lle. I •r1wre lg llllll'h mnn• thun a 80<'1111 ht~urt wnrmh•~t lu IH•pufltr "'ora~. llu­purtnnl ~~~ lhul muy 1..- In our con· gtutlll'rllll' l'uuutry. 'I hP lntiiYiduotl'e "" '" itlmul"-' Is nrn" luoporta.nl o f all . • ro r hi' ouj:ht to "410 t orlb to lite•' •·ttl\ ¥t>lrlt "ool 1/()V.~r. _

One cnnn111 llstNl II• church, whic h our;ht to hi' thi' grtttlr•t plnr~ ror COlD· J_uuully KOUit, wlthnul wuntlcrlng wl\7 the t:"ltl hn" rull"" lnlfl oll•u~e. l'l'Opl e lll~chunlrally ilfl lllrlllll>h the form o r opl•nln!l tlwlr hymn ll<l<lkd 11110 rlslog. end thPD '"'''Ill ohu•lll'd luto ~lienee bJ the IIOUDIJ lit tll('lr OWD \ OICNI.


Aopl rln Mariced W lt h MBay er CroM" H• Been P roved Sate by Mllllona.

Womlng I Uole11s you 11{-.J tho name "nnyer" oo pn••kug~ or on tubl{'ts rou are n ot gl'lllog litO ~teuutno 8&7er A~plrln pro•ed ~ •• rl' ht millions and llrl.'htrlb<>d by ph) ~lcln011 tor ~ reont.

801 "1\Byf>r" whrn yuu buy Mplrlo. tmltnUons mn1 pro<t! tluo~vrouJ.-Acl•.

T oo Bad F'lnrs-1 flno't lwlh•\f tl'lut 8<'11Dda1

AlHIUI Mrll. 1:11) li•ll(h ~·unn•·-·n .. 11 "hy did .rou ttl! me

"""' 1111\\ht•r,• ra.•nr us tmul 1u••"1u..: tU 1 h H"~ s 1 1 J A· 1 r a out , • u•un •Ut 11

.,,. 8 e) u • •e ""11 " ' Ft•rrn-t wus In hor•' I hot you rout e! MIJ1t'rltlr • I t"Onllru\ tt.

'rhlnl:" olrnr~;P<I a: .. or: lo~tnftD· -------n• r fnr ~''111" l mt Jnt' tw.-:an lO lnwtt "'t·la,:l;'i ··u .. ttun•t "'"-' rn••U&:h hl ~~~•·r K ''"" •r> Hll\t•" hlo foui.l ur.•th~r 11«­clnn·•l 11tt u • liP du), t ~-. hi-. ir:tt•nt •nl")'rl"' \ "" llo't'kmun ralll'll UtJOn

n4'1>N\ h._.lth d"l:'"'n~• ·~" ,.f'd tUc..,...to a. P•' eu•r I .cur I.ILit ..... ,." •lth ""'~Cht ...... d .,.. \" .,. • • • '" J'lll• •• 1 r• u • t•r u•rd tou.r ) .. •lth JlJ f'•·•rt It ..., T .A.1h

JtiP uc tlu• ··111· f.o .. , lhf" IJttLe yarn mttt tnnw rrf\w.

\\hlth J••· ltt••l lnhPrlt~tl from hi• fU· ================= tht'r 111\i.l thi' hu•hw•s ot wlll rh It(! " ' Ill Nq•htl' ,.,h·u•lltlv. (.Julfe "n tnt(\Or· httll J•••r .... .. l \\ u ... lot• In thl' t·cuun.1unlt 1 - tlnnr .. lull) ltv ro..-el•t«l \'un ll•'t'k· NllntrlHh••r 1'"1•11)' un.d asketl what hP ('uUI•I t)H for hhn.

"l "" l""'•ul•l)' ''"~.., no tlrP!l," enl•l I th~ 1'-UU\t' \ an 11..-•kmnn. "my sttt•n·

tl un• tn lilt.' h~aullrul ~11•8 f'nlrhunk~ " " I hU\'t•," .:h}\\t•rN1 Jot'. "I h1\\P, ntHt

allo w mP •n INI )"II that I hav~ nnt ! l.l('('IO tht Ita \\ llh l'h'OSUrt'-. \\ hO ~~

ruu Mlr l{t l'f'llllt' lntn lhls f"l."lnlnmnlt1 01\ol tr) IO I'MIIti<KI• lht• bf'•l 111>11 fl"'l• tl<'~l ~lrl In tnwo? \\'hat art )<IUr

~""" ntl•t~r· "'!'hut I~ )11'11 what I C'&m~ I!\ •hnw

1011," N'tlllt•ol \ 'nn Bftktn11n ~voo l'ruu .. IIi'' fruit tr•·•·' uftt'r th••> ba• • nth) loo" mf' UJl In Rradstr()t'l'~. ftllic.1 ---- -- ->l-x .;·x ,, : .:· i -¢ x ~ x < x -:-x ,, x.;. x ,, x ,, x ,, x" x ,,z <~'1<-:r: , . x ,, x ·~ 1 " x.;.x.;·x ,,x ,. x <> x•

Library '• Grea t Va lue

t hu tlhr ·.rh~ ,•un two anutlt." ''ttt• '' ' I Itt· "''"' th•h'IU lual(U1\tt uh o t ft \ ..... _.

u' .. •IUH•n,hl l•. '\4 hh'h •IIIIi "' l1tUU"n ltlu..- thul a;rtm ludU81rhatl,oUI llu• ~rl11

" ' " "11 t l.:hh•u,.- \'' ''r) th) I •ur 1'~'11'' IIIU•t 1;,. IV h•aadt tiH* ti•U.tllt"Ult) h• tlu\1 tu ltlll tlhr•rr M ,.,•utrtl' lut .. •rat '"'> ut IIW,•t•lth•a..t euhJ Ll~hc - " rmlhu IUtot ,,.H-.,-.r h•'U-.P (tf fbi\ t;p1rttUll l llD\1 tHi t•llt•\' tUMI MUthit•l~!t to lhf' lllt."'-·IIAU

ll'\U'- Uuth:rta.lt• IU "llb Wlit{"h lift• \Qo­

oi~J I• NiiUrolt'<.l """ by wllh h I I La •It ,.:ra.Jf'<l \\" IU ... I luoJ•t th•l tbe ill.tfUJ ,...1\,.., ... 1111 lbe lltt'NitUrot! o r t• "', r, n dl•t1UC1 fNUI lloe ,lll ••ralure , r ~ uuwl~<l '" ooo.l of lutoruo~lluu. J uel •• nu•t wen a.nd wutu~u r • nuut untlo•notollo.l tUa{)ll wiU&out , .. retul lo· . tructh•u. eo u..i•••c rMdf>n do out ~uvw N'MII) bow 10 reM<I 1\'o bl¥1 taurht uu1 ll"uple to <h.'dl>hrr priAl;


Not Fully Realized

w"' ha,.,. lwt .)fill tau.:bt tht>rn huw ca: r ... "J Tli~ \mh.-n·lll.,... (l"l.:d tt1 t~o ct. tt but •'' t h tl vur t1h "'" art' rt•.,l· 1&•••1 trw &;t't"\' .. llhi '"' uf uur C'ith~t .... t t"d dt•IIUtn .,.)~ IIUU \4. lll ''"'-• thrt•U.,.~ M uuh ,.r ... ll) lUll'\ Jll " ._,..., bf' ,.,,mp,,ra lht"l) PIIHlfl. •t ht• Ulir11r7 ntU \l•• 'o\'hMI l htt UUht•rNt} t'IUlUUl 1. .. 1 Ull t"UQ•

\ Ill•' " th~ p•tl•ll~ lltnl ll I'M)'< to 1'\'Mtl th• llh•r•lurt' t1t I" '"'"'· a milt •· Ill. Jla.1 tO hMH• that lllt.~ratUI"Y tu •DUihbUC..

- l'rln•·ll"'' llraut kobetu.uo In a ,... c.o l a <l.tr .. 'u.

Mani/o Htuhor - Beturt" tile Awrrtca11 uc<'Uplll oot.. lerc" •hlpe Wtf\! !Ot\'..0 to 11 .. two or U&N<t ollie. utr &bore a t ~•u.lla. u w cto.f'<l ba rbar hu b<"(•n llullt b1 f'OGo

auu~'llna a ~~~ l>re • • ,.·•to•• aa4 ciAI1lo; ... ,

.. lwtl tlwlr '''"''"'· \\l1 lh• tth' '"••utht•r 1 ht~rt~ iH\• h•ttf'N. drwumcntq '"'' rtf I l1 ~"''<! "'"' tl"•' runu "urk I• "'"''"· · 1 ,.r.•nro•e "hlcb I thtok w ill ~nrt~r)•

• • • yuu.••

I Dud,., l,•·nt •~ " m•~hl.)' lint.' noo I "lf1<' lo,•l.o•<1 t\1 lhP C'IOfumNIIII nn•l h•f,!UIIH" \'t\IJt h•r Ut'\.hlHtl U"'t' '1t ~rup h~ lt'•'~''tl Mt R.ntfttt rf'"tl""' " IIUIO f\h . .. lr'""'" tlo~ wll lu ltrt llh'r '""'"ll"u tu Ml•l hr. '~t'<'m• to be 1111 rltdll llut

, r u lth .,,,., · "t.nt ha<l' I t:<'t co do """ II?"

liN •••l•t ... rrt""'- ~urreo t • Mn•l "'"',.... b••rr1t•-. •r~ lll~ b •rt.U• ·•t \•f t11~ hu.»lJ

llr::::hiU'tl g.,, , : 1: : vtry (lt·~lrnble ~ra~• tn «•••w "'""'"" Ill~ gruuni.l Ia W\'rt' dr ,_.,., thelh~. l't.-<'&&UM" I\ thrt\'et

wdl lu •hall)' !JI•.:•·~

Orrhohl rre"" 11 111>1'17 tn ~trow lo bunchf"' und Dltt w .. ~ .. a t vlld w.J 10

II o....W •uUielhln& elM to h~;lp ,...,.,u tbt I NIIod. , . . .

Stnwberrj tlt!lda rou.wt be \.o.venld w tch a ttrow o.ulch to a lli'ttl h of tour

I to Ove ln\'11,. ~nd c.n .. 1¥11 beror" btaQ

lfi"HIN lx>~ID. It IUI<i Of pllli iAI froom cold Ia IO be U UI<Ied •

"\\'h)," f"''lllrtiM \'ao IIHilnlll'\. I "wb•n I tohl :111 .. F:~lrbaoks lhftt h••r

ol,trr l'lu•nn Hnd m)l!f'lf b.nl rnmp en en untlt'r•tftntllnc. aot.l ~ut'at~d ht'r """"''Ill tn our ma rrlnl!e. u htAtl o f thp tnmlly, ahP aald chAt she 1nil Jf'>U bAll bN'n lt>ntt ~ntrft~'ftl IDtl W~rfl lOOn to II<' marrlt'tl anol. tht>f"''fOt'f •• bM bu•ban tl, ) <Ill " ilultl be tb~ rut h.-ad lit tbt tanlll7, I D4 -re t.be oae to be ~no•ultf'fl"

"Qh, I M'f', 1"' ~rtallllJ, of tOUI"'!'fo,• ~ Jt'l' "Tour tred.,otlalll .,.. perlKUy llllltt•ctOt'1, II~. I COCII'rat a. tat• roo"

Then be put on bla bit ud 'Wftlt

r1~tbt op·. to - :llloerYL What be S~lcl to hllr o•trll~l o r Oitm ~·•r tol d But thtJ were mom..O • mootb M fwe Soao &Del Vu . B.Kmu -


Page 7: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll


1\'F. or tbe favnnt,. l!e­lleta of t he American J)t'C)IIIe - probnhly ~Ht­t'IIUM o r the aubtle nat· tery of tllf'lr IDII'IIlltenee w blcb II tmptlc.- hl that Lloc1110 lllll't! Hid, "\'Do can root Mil thl' peo11te aome of tbe 111111'.. aoo aome o r thP f\1'0111(' 1111 the

tl mt, bot you can't root all tilt~ 1~111e 1 all the tluw." All hlllll:h llfOinl! llf>,.,..,ns cootu~~e t hla quot11llnn with r . T Bar­n um'• "tbe (le(lple ll ~t tO ..tw fooi..U." pt'Obabl7 otnt'l) •llloe n ut of tv~ry hun. clr\od who ha•l' occ11Aicon to qunte t his es>ICI'llm bt>ll~vt hnfllleltl1 tbnt thl' wordol a NJ t..to'roln' ..

But dld Ltn<'Din ""~r l'f'ftll1 '"" It 1 ne'f. W. &.. llartoo . fll'ObaNy the ')est·

OEN. W , T , SHERMAN wwar Ia h ell!"

loforml'd m11n no the li te nr l.l ncoto t oda1, who.Q lov~lllllltiOna I(IIYil t o the world lut .7e11r th,. trulb ab••Ut Lin­coln'• famoua 8lxh9 lttttr, r4'<'1!ot17 Mt out to h!Hrn lhe trutb atmut the '"tool the peo1Jie'' QU'lt Atlon. which Is utd to hne Mj>o utter"d at C'llntoo. Dl~ betw~n tbe ~lnd 11011 third }oint deblt('s with llou~rlu Ilia c:no · dwrton In 1114! mRtt~r. as l!h"n In ao article Ill a rt'I'~Ol 11!\li>Ue or tlu• Denr· born lodt..,.-ndtnt. It lncorporAtt'd In tbe followlnc nelfmPnt :

To mt mlnO ·,b. etroo.-.. t n•aau.-e &rC"Um•nt Ia not that • u tew 1)4:0 1)1• r•membt r h earln • t .tnroln 11• 1 1ho•• w ordo, but t1101. tr bt rutf7 oo ld !hom a t Clinton when 04)u•••• ,.,., not prea· ••t.. be 4 14 not reJM-at ao apt • phra•• le oo• or ftlore of &be ft v• ''"'aln&n• Jotat debatea. He mt•••d G•• ••c•ll•nt opportunltlt• to Ult ttfec Uv•IY •n uo · ••ntab l7 pat ••preaalon

Nnuthtluo J lnellno to tho b<ollof tba t Lhu:olo a ctu.a Ur U• t-4 tboa• -. o .....

CORNELIUS VANDER BILT "The public be damned l ~

a nd at CUftt GD- The ••tc! en~• •• fa r from eo nclu• l•• · but h 11 not ta ck ln• In pro babiiHy lt 1ounda Uke Unc:ol u, and the oceaal on a ne .. •d le one tn wblc b tho """""' ml1bt appro prtalll7 ILave been Ulf'cl_

8Qt It t.to~o ln n•••,. •poke tlU.e •'•••r apot a.eam.. tbton It WO\IId almo• t N•m PGa•lble 10 too t an lhe u•op1 o a_ll t.ho llmo t tor •II lilt p..,plo, v1r1ual17, kUe.-e tb eee word• to ba ve N•a Llo · COJit*L

1i '"the PI'Oolt" rl'memM1" that LlD· colo .. td tbt"J couldn' t be fwled aU the Ume. IH'c.'tluse th"1 llll:e to twlteve til at. 1 beo "t.be puhllc" Wf'll ril'm~mMra that It wu once d.amDN b7 a Vander­lilli!, prOI>.b17 beella.e or popular preJa­cllee agalost Wall Slrt!et and men of _,, The "public: be da'mnlld" pbrtlllt 11 one ov•r which then hu c-o Olndl dii!{IOIL It Ia Dnalt7, a.Dd -ual1. aAC'rllH!d to ''Cnmrnodore­()on)eiiUI Vanderbilt, lind me1ob\'rt ot •be VanderbUt fantll1 bne nftft de­llted that It ,. ... •••r altered b7 ooe ,., their nrtmbt>r. TMre bu •leo beea 110me dlspate u t o tbe cJrcuiW!tancee UDder whkb It wae uttere4, bat the tecta hi tbe CllAII a~ th- :·

le 1882 Wlllla.m H. \'anderbtlt.. -ot lbe -co.~.- .... 00 bla _, to Cblcqo OD a ll)t!del lra.lD. TM

Samt Valentine'• Day

n il a ~ error to ...-. tbet r.on.,. l4 .. to be .-:!ated wtt.b e. illqle utat. ~ ~ beloop to De

f!lwer t.beD ..na oar-a Ill tJie -P"t!'-1!• ftd~cal cSleMer . &M tbe bMcl or a.o .. t&bth Ia Ymented a t tlll.la tlrM. n.e, came ~ J'ra.Dee. a.tp--. ·~ &M Afrke. IDd dM belt·kaowa -Mt'll of tbe lf'OUP w-4 lllllllop .r OIDbrta aed a prte.t et Bcae. botll of t.be Tblrll ('HIUrJ', 4. D.

~rate Vr~eran"' C8Dlll o f New Tnrlr on Januar:r 20. lllOit. It baa ne•er ~ ro un11 In a •• , or Sll-an'e ... ,.lD .. or wrtllnp_. So thPrf' 1011 .,..,I

n .... rt! OrHIPJ wu n ot the lim to u y, .. Oo"""V""'· young "'""· a-n Wtfl.ll~ althou~rb hl,t•tt7 e.~y• thu be 1114. Tbe m11 n who lint nld II Will John t. 8. Snule. ~llor or the Ttorre llaute (lo4.) &x prt'lll\- In "" .-dlln rlal about the w .. ~r• opl)()rtuullh•~ ror rnun• men he d4'<'1arPII that lhorat'fl c; ,.....tf'J could nP~er '""" al•·~n a 10ona m .. n Mltf'l' a1h·t~'>' t bBn ~·nttlluMl In the wordl. •'f:o "'"'· ynun 11 mnn." Thta we1 fiAII'd nll'rt'ly ·~ ~•u.ll''l otllntnn of whnt Orft>IPy n•htht h&YI' ""'d. bot Dt'"'IJllllt'(',... till nnr 1hil' NloDif1 reo p<'lllt~l till• •a> tnc dUll C'l'f'llllt'd II to OrN•II'y. Flonll) tlto• t nmnue editor ••f till' K~w \ urk Trthllllt! re11rtnt I'd ~ulf>'~ o•d lttorllll wllh thl~ fn<>t


I not .. : "'l' hll' • '",...,."1"" o r lhhl 1\'DU

"You can fool a ll the people eome of the time, a nd aome or the people a ll Ole time, but yo .. can't fool a ll the people a ll the time." . late J o hn Dl~klo~on l:!ht-rman. fPMI\Irt wrftpr ro r tl1e WP•It'm Xl'~~"~l)•tJC'r

l 'nton until 1111 dt'Nth In l ll".."i. thl'o II) dl' f'a rlc co~.an1l~ut lo r tbe l..'hl · C'ftiiO TrthUilt', lind Ill~ trll'tHI. Cl&rellet. 1'. nrt·~r. ll yd"' l'ft rll cnrrt'!Jl')odt'nt o f llof' CIIJ l'rl',.,., su~M't'Lif'll In board In' the \'andc•rbllt lltW<·lnl wbto lr •t nf'tlt'd nt Mh h l!!un Cll)', Ind.. to­wuter. Artt>r tho• trlllll "'"' nn Its woy they were aomltt!'<l 111 Mr. V11o1ll'rhllt'l privet .. car IIlLI r; .. uh..t en tntf'r-vlew

In t hP C'Ollnot' M 1he lnten II'W Mr Rllfflolo t•ut th iR 'IUI'Mihln to tht' rail roHLI lllnlltlUII', '• [)n )'OUt llmltl'<l t'l• pr..., traluto 1)11 or do 1"11 run them ror thP B<'Mln mMiat lnn nt the p uhllc r ·

wAcroromntlatlon ot t lotl rubllcl" PX

clahnw Mr. \'A lHh•rhllt. ''the fiUhllc be d11uo('(J ! We run t hf'lll btocaUIIl wP

ADMIRAL W. I. IIMI "We con at.art at Ol\01. We made

p,.paratlono Ol\ tiM w1y."

b u e to. Tbi'J do not per. We hue trtl'd •cain and ll&"lln '" aet the dlf· ferPnl •ond~ to rt ve lh~m UIJ. ; but thr1 will ron thl'm and. or c:ouMJI', u loog •• the1 rvo thl'W, we uoost do tbe aam~ ...

llld 0f'Df'r81 !lhermoo 1'\'f'r a&1, ''W•r It bl'll l" l Acrordln a t o one ver­aloo. be made this hlatorlc: deC"Iarallon al a reunion of bill brnthn'a brtpde at Caldwell, Obln. Another .. ,. that he uttered It at the cretluatloc exlll' <'I~• or the Mtchtcnn )fllltnry ec:a d· em7 at OrC"ha,..l t..kP, ai iC'h., on June t 9, 187'9. T hl' l'llltrnm. 1141 IOml', ll ODI1 an al)breYiated 'JUIIIPtlOn, thl' toll tnl of whic h 11. " I am llrel.l and al ck Of Wllr. It• 11Ur1 II all moonllhiDI', I t 11 on11 thoee who hll'l'l' neltber llred • ahot nor hetrd thl' ahrll'kt and 1!1"08ftA o f the 'II'Ounlled, who CT1 aloud tor blood, Dlllte ~f'n '"'" nt•e, moNJ dHOo I alton. War 11 hell !" Otbera malD-

HORAC~ Q"EI:LI:Y "Ge w-. r-e oM',;; eo w-.•

t.alo tbat 8MnDaD - aaJd lt. .,_. that die ~oe wu llnt ued fty Cllarlea l'raDda Adeala at t.be tblr­tHD~ u.Daal d1Juler e t tbe c-ftd.

Rlltorp ud ~ an npe .. ndt.­tnc tbe detlllll ot their o--eJ bt. lOf'J, Tbe IOTU'a t.Unl Ia apper­.ntiJ to be ~ not w1U! tile blrt.bd17 ot U... bol7 - Mt w1tlll u 18lt.7 pap.n re.ttnl U..t wu part ot tbe ao.u ~IlL TIM ...u. -..1 c:uro. - IDactead ucl .. t.be roallllftlt wu to put Ole - ot JDWIC - U4 w- Ia a .)ar ucl drew lbea• eat • 8tllat VehD.dM'I ua. TboM wOO. u- _,. tbQ II.Ued bact to a.ke ~m to ~ ot.W ILDd -.:r- to be ~ ........

"'"" ' ha~ '"'''" nllrlbctt'tl 111 the edl· l Or n ( the 'l' rlh11nl! ~.1"1'00~""U•Iy, IIUI I'D fullr tJnta lot' cuncu r In the al.lvll.'e It ~th,... that bl' lnolo,...ttO most h"artiiJ tllo' l'lilltl'llmmallc 11dvlrr of tht Terre II a utt F.xti1'1'M• and Jot na In ... ytnc. ·oo \\'l'llt , >•~ung rna.n. an Wt"ll .'"

Admlrol 0.0Wt1, ~t•ndiUfl no the hrhl!le or tht Oly mpia at til e hattie o r M11ollo huy 11Dtl wot clllng the no· comlnlr Soanl•h ilet•t. rl'marlled qul­~lly, "\'ou 11101 nre wiWll ..... d,, Ortd. lr.r.~ So &a)lo hl~t(tf'7, end It hu ~ 1'01111' one o f our f&•·orlll' quotatlonl. Rut In 80 ln tl'rVIPW J'Uhll8hed In the C'hl('llllll •:venlllj; r•not nt• 01'10\N>r 211. 1!1111). lii'WI'j' lo< QUQ!t(J U M11DI "tbat thf' Am@rlcan pnllc1 toward A~~Qinaldo 11hn11ld be •stral•ht trorn the ahoalltPr' wllh "'"'"'' or force lwhlod 11. that he did DDt IPII OrllliP)' In ftrl' whto read7, end that he ti!M't not want t o b4t r·r~t· dt'nl."

I And It I• now known that PerohiDI did "not oten ll f>l>fnl'f' the to mb. mAk e

OEN. JOHN J . PERIHINQ •LafayetU, w• ,,. here!"

ao appi'IIOrlftle 1!011lUNJ abd .. , , w(A,

faJt l te. we are hl'te t" That JarD orl&· lnatl'd wlll'n l..'nlool'l SuonlA!n of l' u · ahlnc·• lla tl' •tODd Mfore the lomb •od Nil'. "l.~tfftyf'ne, noua 10mme la iN Dul It wu llO(lD tacked ooto the com­mandlna ~neral, and e•n Prteldtot \\'llt10n In a a~h 1M-fo re the ~nch C'h& m!N>r c:red lted It to Pl'rthlo.. Tl.e 1\'Dfhl hlmeelf ha.a dl'oll'd tbat he ,. .. ..,. aald It, •• be h11 tk>nled that hla otrtr ot Amf'r1<'8Q troopa tAl O..Mrtl Yodl waa rna~ Ia the form ot tbe lit. torte. " All tb"t we bue Ia yoara.• UoweYer. ha did u1 In ton. "'tl" II:UIDJ can be bHtea, Oerman7 midi be Wet('11. 01'1'1W1DJ will be bMttn.."

Whe:o a BrlUah adnllral a.Ued AOo mlral WllllaJ!I 8 . Sima wheo the llrtt dJY1atoo or American dHtroyen 'could be ree<\7 for bo.~to-. b4t replled. • wa caa aten at once. We -de p~ra· tlooa oo tbe wa7. • Or ao tbe Dewa· papen reportf'd It at the time. Bot lD a a.tt.e1- to u.. N"' ron T1"-4at~ r._,., 21. lllli. rro. ~.-c~ot~. 1M admtral ~ed POilthwy d141t tlM ,...uoa wu e'fer wed 111.1• or tllel

be .... -· tllat """'·

ftleatlbee tor Ule _... ,..,.. lt7 ucl b7 t.be ................... ..,_ tlwt obl ... lloe to OIOe IUb UCI oeiJ tile - _, .._ .. - ........... ......... e ot lllred!Gaet. -u..t. , __ .,...,._

ChMr _,. U!at·.at tile U.. ot 111U Ia.,.,..... ot Brttala tile IUYer Till­hi ll:aclaod .... ealiJid -r ......... <>tMr e&rt7 Wl"'m. een tt ~" Ia aut)' .luoa .... tile rf•-r ..... raJ•ed -nw..aa." ne n.- .,... .Odor. on.. Ia eeiW -w...


T \ ' R,\!\'T a u\1 patriot, ron~plr•tnr ~1111 rue 1\1 Cull•tJir•.:hn•, prtl'~t 11.0\l

IJJ110 .. r bhH>el, ..Ull.llt't IO UIJ C:IO r.JIOAI, C'tt".-t aliH.,.~UMO • ntl .,...,._., Oltl•rtt-.. ..or,

• • "''' " "" pMirun or llh'l JA1Ut11 IIUII .,..r. I "Niti iiJ a llt.,rary r11IIUI't. Th .. ~.-. lo brl ~f. "'" th~ ctlt~r cbarar tf'r l•llc• ut Artu• JHI Jt'aO do l'lt>ssbl. • •rl.IIIWII 11.m~ D uk• liP lt lc htii\'U, tb~ 111110 .. bo belli e ll • r.nl.'l! In tht' bull ow of hts hiUol toor 1 QU•rt~r l'f'ntury, anu w bo cl.ld mo1" th11n hi• ehure hl.;¥1"1.11 ch8.1lc tnr lhl' d,..tlllJ •n<l blotory o f tb" wurld.

II PIH) 1\' bad QUit'h·d I~ QUIIr,-.,11 btl'- ef'n Cath.,lll'l wol.l ll uc•~<•uvl"' hMd built up th~ n11t1on t hllt h'"' ht>('Jl ~o llf'•~r~'Y \uut~ro:<J b) l<•nc ~1•11 "•r. and hall pa~K the "'•> tn m"l.l~rn ,,,., , •• .._ Rut In th~ hrl ~ht oor hl4 lftrt-o•l hi' hall bt>f'll murll••f't\l Jib In taol 11110, LoUII XIII, SU<'I'"~•Il'LI him. an•l. Onrlnc tht' lad'<~ mluurlt) til• qur~n tuothl'r, ll ar1e df' ~lf'tltrl, and thf' tatt .. r'• It alian frl.-lldl ,.._.,.. In I 1/ fliiiiCRI rnntrol A• 11 rt•ult, the II'""' nobt .. a wa~f'd uruJuly llUW<'rrul • lrtt1C"nt !lnO-NOIIc>lllouo of ru)'lll <'0111 Dll\111.1 ; abuAH of maor ourto cr,.pt Inti' ~ .... •tal" ; tht' CIOtii\UI rf'ttlm loultl U(l b.f """'1 I V Ulrt lltrnl'tl to wukeo 11111 fall tor•r t o fOirot r n lnMUflii'P~

\\' lll'n l.o~la XI II II'~'" to manhood '""'" ~M'n1tod a.-ant chanr e ror b .. tter· m<'nl lie wu Wf'lll<, dl•o61utt>. ln&J . allll'lil. with IIIII• thoucht nr enrC' ro r hi • 1'000(1") 'a bt'Mt lntt .... ~ll, It IYI18

at thl• -.tttl"'ll nl•lm('nt thou Rlch,llt•u l lll·~rt"l on lh~ Ktn"

111<-llfll~u lo~LI bl't'n t'du~nt~.C r"' the 1r1u> hlJI on hi A ~ldtr bruthtr'a deuth. In I(~Jtl, hall bi'COm~ hlaholl ot t.ucon, 11 t h• ~~· of '"'Potrnne. Bu t the ~h llf.-1 1 •:n~pl oa Ill omct~ fur-thl'rtd hiH Amhltlono, held no att rectlon• ro~r n ... bny hlebop t ' ar •w•r. to rarll. &lll t ~ rl'd lhP &R)' court. and thai cou rt b!'ranl~ hta IIOMI Thltbtr h• llfn t •• ~l f'rlcal d•pnty fo r tht atatf'A l l'uerol, In 11114. and thtr• hf 1111 1'd. Hf' won tht lntn"•t ot the QUH D mot~. and b7 h• r tnnurnce waa mad~ ~NOtary

or ote te tor war a nd fnl'f'I ID • 11'•1• .. Bllrtl7 had hl' hf'IUD hla IIOIItlo·al clhnl• wh ro, owln1 to I'OUrt 1)1\lltko, h" wao dlafl"' Ctd a nd ba nhlh!'d from Pari• But In I~ h~ r('turot'd . and l.,..o 1~11"1 tiil•r hHalllil' ca rdinal P't·o ro lhtnCfO on he waa 1 he toremo1t 110wrr Ia tht ftatt.

lie l't to worll at ODC'I' "•r·ln& to ple rM P'nnN!'• lllm17 political fabric a 011 rf'modeltna It on a new bul~~o. 81 t!Xf'ru tlon. baol•hmf'nt a n d lmprlaon· IIW'Dt he C"Ut down the prl•ll•l"• end ( r OWIDI •treftrth Of thf' lrHI nobiM. Be detnollebl!d thf'lr tolrht1 fort ­and curtallt'd thf'lr ff'lldat rlrhta. The pow"r thna enalcht'd tro m them WIA addf'd to the crown. l'it'SI ho uull~ lift HOIOIIIlOta. bMiectnll t he c1t1 of Roch~ll•. their .cronchold anti ra tlylnc pla.ce. Jencland IM'nt prov'-lf\M to the beltf'lecl. b11t Rlchelleu c ut oft' tba aup­piJ. forclnr a eurreodtr.

87 t hua addlor to tile mtr ht o r tbe l:'rowo aod. cutlloa awa7 an roreu that th reatened to rlYII or weallen It, fll ch· elleu "'u rettll1 atre11rthi'DIDI llho· oelt. l"or tie. eod oot t he puppet. Louie XIII , wu actu•t ruler or F raUC'e. l:i11 vine dlapoa.-<1 or ton at bu me,

Popular San Diego Woman Recovers From Long Illness ArruJ.ti"' lm~ in Mrs.Je3ter's HealdlStnprisc

Friends. Set'iotd AilrnftlCI Cal&kd b, NerwtU Break. down Rdiewd and Stl'mgth &stored b, Tanlac:.

Loob and Fuh Beucr ThGR Ewr "'1'aAiae hal llllrtainly dooe -. ~ ... forme; I caaAOlj),.,....it enoU«b," cleelarMMn.. T . D. Jeater,t~ reDil• lfl'IVtDia AYI!Dl.M, Sao Di.t Calif. "1 bad IUlftred a oert'OUI b..adowu Md ( 'If 11W1.7 aiOIIt.ha al \.entald i eoot10ued to pl wo rae 111d ..,,...., de~~pluo all l '\1 dill'et'ell~ narve med­icinal I t.ried. Nothinc Memed 10 llell! until I tried Tao*·

' 'I wu aa.near to bl'i111 a ~mplrte oervouaMd phytoicel,_lt Nl could

' be, without tnti.rei.Y eoii•Jllin!f. Tbe aliahleal oube would make me want to IICI'MIII, and al"-'r ~llriDII' would be boura ~~ l eould eleep. I would awak~o witb turible nervo1<a h~ad­&4'bcaaod lboahgbu.rtuert.lon would tire mo ou l eo t.hat 1 would ba l..,.m. hh u(C. I lott wt'i&bt and loflJM'Iilf', l ln~ Tanlao with little 6.'tJ)«Uitioo ol imprnvttoeo t..

"Ilcluro I bad taken aU o( t b~ fin' bolllf, I devrlooed a rav~ooul •l.­pedt~1 •nd waa al!'f'ping "'tl#r. I ron· IJ nui'G to Improve n piJiy and (~I ~ like • dilferen~ Jl"n!OD entirely. In Ieee than three W'e<'U I he.c.l p.in...J aev~n pountlt l Lat e':{ my wr~bl wenL lip f rom 103 to J:ll J:l(luull.!.

U YO\lt lroullloa ~ aimilar 10 thOM

Holde Hope lor L•per• Dr. l'•ul A Mcllhroo1 hu I"''I)Orled

to the Alll~rlt'4Ul Al~<llcnl na..oclnllon on (11"~trnll•c methode that 1001 head oft' many or thl' rrlahttul derormlltet lontr aii»>l·l"tetl wltb II'PI"D81· At tbe oaUu11al IPilrD'<nrln m at C.nllle. La., rorr~llvf' treatloentll conlllll lna or DlA~Mat. balh8, nl'r~laPa lind ultra vlolt>t lrrftollatlon han betu uaed wllh IUI'CI'II lD l ri'Hti UC tht mli\1\hlll)('n hKiltla and f~"Ct ~\en o r t'1110f'a of looa atondln11. 1111)'1 the 1!1lt!C'IMIIAI , BloC(' lltlla preventive work ot tht1 char· acl•r hu ~~rr ~n attemptl'd In ll'per COII\Qitt, pby•lclllnl INJ WIIChlntr the PI'OI"~• or th~ cor~IIYe methode •llh IJT"lll lot~l"flt. SDo man7 deform· lilts hue bfoetl Improved that In tlm4! ~ur~ or the 11111 ~·ere dt!formttle~

are DOl rt!l!lrded' U lmJ)OIIIlblt!.

............... o_ qulollJr r•l .. v.. ao4 -lecl bp c.Jo'a Carbollealva. '-• .. ao-... !to>eecll· c:tao e-t eomplete wltlloYt lt. Ito •ad Ito at drulf81ata. or 1 . W. Colo C... Jlf 8. Buollll A. ..... OaJt Pan. Dt--.Ah.

Wool Filty Yeon OW Urt1. lt. L. Cooper o f Wadlll, Okla.,

own• a I'Ofllfort~r rontalnlnr wool that 11 nenrt1 nrt1 1eare ntd. The wool Wllt ahorn fr<lm • blal'll lheep. Whn her falh~r p•e her tbt romtortH •lahtMn '"'" •co. the wool wu thea thirty 7t-•" old.

tro&! M I'lL Jea\8 au trerod 110 lr.('t!O\y, ~~,...lid bo(orn it ia too latrrl Taolao wtll duuhtl- htlp you ju.ll aa h ~ M ra. J•ter- and u 1 ~ hu bel l.bouandaut otherau!~rera. · lac ill a pul'll a nd "'hoi-• eomenul_,d, mada from herbl. roota andbvU, ~erorcllnc to tbe lamo.­Tanlao formula. I ' ia • wonderful tonicme!hrlne, lorru~town aodoerv-0\JII coodllrooa anc.l for di~ove d• ord~,... All IOOd J.nan••la iloll Tanlae - I'Ct )'0111' "lr.t bollle ~I Ovw 40 iniWoo boW.. 1014.

W. N, U., .. n P'rai\CIICe, No. 5-1U7,

Spirit ol Prope11

Rl<'belleu out nlovt'd to cb~ll the "DANDELION BtJTIER COLOR" power of Ole Hepllburp Ia Atutr1a and 8pa ln, aldlnc tbe Oermeo aod Swt'dlah Proteauoota Ia the Thlrt1 Yeara' war. with a c:ht• rtul dlarecud to tha fl ct that he had juat trlt"d to wreck 1-'rotf'llaoll•ro to Pra.nC'L It waa ataa b7 hie coatriY8n« that Por­tupl, In 1640, a('plrated from !lpaJo.

Jl'amed for Ita t>an•ta and aoodolu, a&~M>Id Venice Ia h lrkf!Dlnc to Ole cell or JlrcJCftR. It ta Jllann.-<1 to ulte he ntl!ff commune. Wttb tha dt1 b1 brldP~. n'fer whl.rb tolt'Ctrle can would bt operated. U d17 oflldela ailllro•e t hla plea It will - that tile uofii'J will practltall1 reolace l.be I'ODdtll. u~ tcw .tcbt-eeelna.

A harml.. ftPtable batter colcw uec1 b7 Gllllt011a ror no , .. ,... One lt.DNJII and cenen11 ltorfl!l aell botliM ot "Dudelloo" tor 116 ceota..-ACI'f.

F-.ily Alffrira Tucber-Wittte. did t our hither

w·rtte lhlw ea011 J "No, ma'am. ne 1111•'1ed It btu

mother had to dO II ell OYI!r ap1a. "­Ufe.

Nl'aollme, 1-oul• XIU f•art'd aod baled RICbl'llf'U and wo uld c ledl1 hue rid the earth or blm bad be been able In p .. ra P'rann .without tha car· dloal'a ald. But be could not pt on without Rt cbelleo. and It wu plf'a• ont, while ludlnr an Idle . dtMJpatf'lt life, to ~now another ••• •allftl bl• lltncdotu the f"Utest lD all F:ornJMt.

Tile nobld whoee prlviiP&H tM u.­t iU'd.IDttl bad nrt.a.lled. the aoldterJ •nd callanuo whOM dual• he bad for­bld.cku oo palo of deetb, I be cou rt a ud the 111111, Mil ck!teatt'd llll'helleu.. The QUHD ruother, who h•d launcllood blm


lu b.LI ca.-,., tumed ... Jut blm. Ua wt'fl'llt'd ber polltkttl power at one blow. Tbe nobl~ •r•ln ud ... lo col'lfllllrt'd t n o•~rtbrow or a-•lo.Jite him. He I'Ut ott lhe ~naplra tort' ht•da. Tile ~lero and pariiMmtnt lllOI"DlUred at hlo IJraDtt1. He put ad· dltloaal cbeC'II.a on tbt"m. 1'>1'~ eohl• ml'n. 01oq Wan aod De Thou. ptolted bl..- .. wnfoll, lftd tbere CILD be little doubt IUnt' Loot• wu prl•7 to thli'l r plut. IUth('lltll bad tht two U~UIII4. and tbe Irina dared not dden<l tlletn.

With lr011 band. retanli-IJ, .,,.. poll1. Jet e•er wtael7, thla atran .. mao IIWI1ed Ole deiUnl .. of rran,a. malllllf ber powerllll at lloiiM! aad tero r1hte abrOecl, eruablna out fevdallam. bulldlnc liP a ee.ntnll-.d 1'0711 power,' colldKI1DI u tacrecllbiJ brttllut ,.,. ~P pellc)'. Rt wu u .,._t patree

or art.e aad c:altlai'W l.ad -• nt hot

~.,. ReiH4 U. Alcuh Tbree c:rope of 1n11ar planted 110M

tbe dli'HIIIIft or the Alu&a renro.• fin• lft8tllred aDd a.n at a ~ tor lllttlJate.

' or - of tlwt ' !DOlt poort7 wrttt• poema ucl dra .... ot llta da)'. Yet .t til.-~ II...,. d'orta ..... M id te M•e .... Jf'OMir tlaaa fit ...

Proved safe by m11Uons &Dd prescribed by physldaDs f«

.... .,_ llla&Mftft. • • 0

•• o • .,. ..... 1842. .... dl ... ...... ptaN4! ,...._ ... ,._. .. ., .,...(,

- Ulet wu tbfo •YJ ot t.be w..n4. Ria ................ '-U XIII, c» prtYetl or tJie -.a wtto>lllect • '-4 Mnlilll __ .............. ... relp , . _ did ...... -tblt tac.r, ._.,tac • -Lnle u•-..._ .... tllre .,..to_ WM larpl7 ctea l• tM ac.hlen-ta ot tbat rai•U- aeaJaa. C.rdloal 1tleM!lc:t~, tile ... 1Bo WM f"'ll« ...... the tiiiC. • - -

Colds PaJn

Head1cbe Neunlcia



Page 8: I MULTNO SN Tracy bas been •II for lhc paJt lew daya. There will be a .one- contest, sing· inc uf "C.~rl XIIII lS U S" by the 1t1rl atul their mothers H•.:cther and the IX'u w•ll


t -

Il l Fra--al Noti'c'e -. ~I INSTALLE-;;;0 srvEN- , .~J.=Bl=ak=h=' ~~- i , •• Ro<lroaJ Rec.rJ , _ ••_• .. - .--J [I am e am I

1 A ' '"'" t'1111to<t rh., s .. o<•J B• .. -• w•• - PH Clothes ''"'""'t'(' o•·er the l»fl tr&l or O.arct•

TELE DilES IK'IW«'t>n AIIRnta an4 S,vannMII to oa&NOII.AH II ·------------------------ 189.'1. II ('U\ p l't'CI .... dhotanno "' 3H

··o-4·>4·~·~·~· ....... " ••••••• >4.14114·~·~· ...... ". ·····~>4·14_·~~ G LODC& a,. ROSE M.EilE.DITH I ruliH In .. rh d lrt'C't lfln In • houro and • No: tn- A. P. 6 A.M. -- I U::============= 1:1 mlnuiN It wu 1>4K-aaae thle l'\ln

St• tcd CG~NPanlatioa THE TICARDVIU.E TEL£ P HONE ocvv••••~• t 1 1111111 tlonto waa aU• h a m"rk"" lmt~rou•

... Cl-.r 0.. Tlaiel

Wllhln h• daTI tha poll~ of Ab­lll&lon. 1-'L. l'fffl~f'd ,.,..,..u . tbal !\t qaar1 lloltiH .. r • It pia~ • .. tDIDJ dnol'tll"pe bad '- ta"'" u<t tt.. C I'IHI ID l!nntti'CI. T1oe oolt d._ wa1 that to H Ch mUir boUio mp !\

llole ••• p1111N IIrtd ud tbe ~ utt .. l mm tb• boltk'. Watdal!n lhu _,••1 t.M mJIII'rJ. Tile tbld ...-.. a We f9l II• dol wfth ~ tltaa Mtutl taltill ~n~. 'Tbe 001 pUtl~ tt.e far.}. board tul)l wit h oaa o f 11'- tao ... li f t t'd out tht ca~ and 111111 wu able to lap out tb• e .... m wtlll ll'-1~


int,.._Tn• 4a, ol uc.ll co: IIAV£ IM P ROVED TUE IM lli.AKF'II l l h o04'nt o•tr ll"''1001 IK'hl'duiH twt wH'to , .. J · A · 1 ,. m""' fmpnr Alfnnta and S.•annAb lltotl the train By order ol W. W. SERVICE TOO. I' lint "' 1 11 tht ,.""""1• at lii'CI wu o•m d antr II• I'H'ford b,.,..tlnJ

0 . 5. SWEHSON, S«r cla ry. I ' 0 " l'tlnrh, ••~ '~111 "# ~lieU ror 111" r&« ho~. Nanc:y ll aok&. l.odudtd II __ tl•nre 11 tloe loult lk'looiOIIoou;,t>. ' I " ' 'ou '"''" Ilk" 1 hloiH•yo'd bahy: •l 'l•l' t~ehNIIII~d runoln11 tltue wu 1 II~

DR.. EARL E. McNO'IT ~:a·

oeeo ~ uo ta • ·• _ Tijfatd, Or. Fruby, F~b l1l -Th~ .,,.,.,..., t'rult p,.rlta. M 1r, mlllolt'l II llltron. 1'he traiJia

.............. a,.s - ...... =•• ••• •• I Ill U U 0 I U U I U U 0 (o TiRarohcll~ T~l~t·hc.nt eompany haH "I ottr." rtlur1td J lta ahor11J oqutpnl(ont <'Onalatl"d or 1 bllnan ~r. "llow abnnt lhto o~w ..-hoot IC'I t brr two fNI-nller roa• "" and a p.,tor

'"'l""'cJ thctr ser .. c~ dunng th~ - we •·ao't 111 dan~ wllll IIPrl" ra r, thf' lOOt lYe p<n• Pr btoloa hlrnltbtd ........................ , II&NtY a IUBSLA.ND

,. 7T'V .. ....

hlte 611 - P..U'- 814

.::t~ roJin..un,. OUGOK

, .......•................

Dr. GEO. J. ARNESON .. ......-. ... !'-.. ..... ..... ..... &1:11 A. ... .. 1:11 . . .. . ~.,~taaaL

..... OPIIO&L nnr.I.AY UIOP .. bn . . ....... ........................ Buaiaea. Carda

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• For Sud. Gnnl, Brick, Tile,

c..m-t and 'Pluter. I!E

T . CJ. HAWLEY At the P. 0.. lhltnomah, Ore.

....... , ... J.a.


OOLVDI A 'l'BOIUI Carpeat .. aa41 Coatracton eu&aet Work • aemoclella&

•• cu. '" .. 11_\411 ..., .. u. o-...... aa ..... ..ua _.......,., msa•

······················~··· ~V. E. PARKER


,.,._ .... _.H .... .H~Ma~ ....

w..+ a .... .. R•--wo P.W..

ATw.._JMJ ~

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• Multnomab Service Station


General Guoline and l'araba1e Motor Ool1.

Toru a tld acceu orou .

BK 99lS· R· S

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• . JACK"S BARBECUE

Hot -..Ad CoW Saadwicbee aartime Dar . or Nl1ht

Coalectioe.ery -I JACKS' BARBECUE


aeulla. Ortao•


¥ 0~~:~~": H .. 1•1 - 0 . L S.

N ull accood ud loar th Wooda]' o r cacb niDnlh.

W lll.IE WILLJANS, S«rctar)'.

va.Jt nt\lnth ami Hvcn nfw 11honf< "Why ltJ 11, lloen l " wut Jltn'& repiT b1 three l11 :.;e compound Baldwin to haq, b~~n m.r•llrol F •• llow•nll arc th e I " U rou'tl •tMy hnme llnr,._unly ont'f' cine&. ht"' ,.hou~ \ ' O..Tcy, H L and I(!Ye ll<lm .. or 01 Ulllf't r~lle ra • I

t•b•nc·.-.· rono1•lulntd onolltC'r )t>Uot El•ner, Hans l.urolc, John Pl~11h, 0 n .. n moun~ruu7 R Mauch•llt, It A Kwt and E- •'Tr7 to kfi'll me home." -.u~~~~tPII

S• I Jim IIIIIJ, Aud II wu thAI rPmurk . cro"'· 1

1 I ••t et u tl'd lht' thlulf Onf' hJ onl'

Woocl Sr:ilalalc lor Toot. Tbe wood nt •m• l.lno.l o r ba UJboo le

•o hard 111111 II r 1 11 U. wltdt lnlo CUI· cine lmplew .. ul.&. •

"TTil' wicked 1tand Ia atlppef1 1)11~.-

~uow do roo lloow lbaT a re wlcllf'd r

way tb• llqlla&o Ult7 ti.M wt.ea U.ey allp,"

hi• companion• t .. rt the 111ble a nd UUUUIUUeO I UOUU C++ INSTALLED POMONA hun1td to tht btlook toou.,.

OFFICER S AT R USS£LVILLE I 87 the lltol' J im Bl•k!hAm ,...,.,·hf'fl l l UOUOt OUOOOIOOOOO OOUeUOOUOU.eueeeeueeeueuo

Church Notices

llri'OLt'llOIIAB 0011Pr111Jil'R cauaca. ...................

Woraia1 ~tr..-lu t O:)O A W. ,... .. ~aaod !Naday S.~l. ~.--c. a . t :ae P. 11., ""

·~ :-: ... D&viol S. • .,g,, P.ator

118'UILIIKD CWVJI(,W . ....... 8 Ga41&J ...... ; •• " · . . ... .. 1 ••

Mn1M ( o-&a) U :U . Touq , _ f ie 'a 0 . 8 . T: .. f , a . l:nalal _.... n .. ( .. &U.II ) I : U f . a.

an. L. lalaar, Putw.


l ua411J lebool U .A. W. ~urcl1 8tr..-l10 11 A. W .

••· OLrv• • o11.4 P u t w .

CAPITOL HILL l a. O....'o C..._Q_.,

Mua at 7;46 a od t\16 A. M. ... ~~ .... .., • laool J : .. P . M. CIIIU'clalant- 1: 11 P. ac.

o.uuao• ..aft OOIOUJJf1TI' \AVIIaL

IUW MIIHI 11 .l. jll . PnMII!aJ ~~tnt• 11 .A. ...

REV: Oir\S. Dl!.lGH Prayu We•ti., Sunday Efflllnl

1\ 7 :10 p w. I '\ llEV. JOH~O}oiPSON

1 hl1 own room, t he bunkiH•Uth• •u '> _ r mtti J and hl1 NIWJ)anluu ~ IV'"rto rldlnr ' CAP ITO L T H EAT R E

' '" '''" rane~. to one •wlrt movln J Ttt.:ard. Or, rrulay, Feb Ill - M ra bolllt . "Tiw HtNM oj Good SA4>••"

MUL TN OMAH. OR E GON BR~R-.1 hla loustno and team on<tall ~d Muh - " \\'011der what th• hurr1 '"·" mut I 1111111Qh couooly l 'vmcma grange Wed· IH~Il J im, pu lllrtl ofl' hi• C'luthe!l, anol ' nt<oby at Kuufll•cll~ T he 1 ~3111 t<•n- th·e mlno let late r, afi Pr a Cllfl•rul Showe Beclo: E"renlop, 7 .,a 0 P. M. Suaday Cool~--"11:10 &o 11 P. W •

"''~•I vf Mc,obnou P 8 t.. ••c. II 0 "' •rrh or the piAl~, 1'" umi~NIIO\lll " I 1· b 9 Sund•y· \ _l'o· n~•y, F•b. ""21 ll lo beet rlulh1'8 hull ""mplo>WI> 3turo .ay, t rmory I • "" ' ..,.. r • ., .... , """ 0 II Uu~lcr. dii~IIIIC"8red.. u hf' "'~"' h• ..... datlf'l Tom ~lcluy Ill I R~ginald Denny in • __ ---- al the ecboolhi•U~t', It woull1 he\1! to


I ll' In a PUll or wurklrtl «Iuthi'S. STORE ROBBED. J im Rlalrf'ha m "'"" 1101 an~r1 -h1 ~ Tu~sclav, Wrdnuolay, Ftb, Z2-ZJ I Thursda)', Friday, Feb. 24-25

knPw II wu a noll!<'hii'\OUI trick lhf) Lau ra 1 a l'lentc 10 R in-T in·Tin io -- hid ~1a11'C! OJlltn him, ll ul lltl') H ER BIC NICHT" wBELOW T H E LIN£•

I <'(IUlolll t k l'4'1) hltn hOntl' lhMt wur- ho The <t o re u f Sdouhnnt:: & llicdu· t'&rl'tl 1.,0 murh abo ut the 0,.w &dll~•l I ' 00 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 U I I 10 0 I • • U U I I • U I U I 0 ;

111211, W25 rotl!bcol """"ll Saturda~ lr ftchl'r rur . ... burt' tlll' '""'~' lltlltlf' • • I n•Khl The anouunt .,( , alur talccu 1 l ltl ht u•l'd to kllow-lllllle f:rAr

:~ .. ~~~~;~~~:.l:"'~~ .. ~~~~~:c~~;:n b~" ~~~ ~~.:~.~:::~!~~~:~::~~~~:.~"~~~~~E ', v:::::;··;~;;;;~v;v:;;:;~~"'i ontroulrr 1,u1nt• tu a local 111 ~11 :~r lll(orlln l h.ollt'r ht> hell wrlllo•n lo hrr •

lr thlt 'II'RI hi~ Millie o ... , . ah • I Place Loan• .; I CJIII:Olll011 1\ belli!> 11 o:ule. W(lUldo't t'a~ a botlll hfs tlothH, llo nsur ance, t :•

-- cnl Into llli•m, alad IIIII lhty "'ero s 11 R ..... t y p t ~ o R ECON ·MADE , '''""" snd rl••• h@ "••• a """' ble•·~ 1 e or ... ~a our roper Y -

FOR EVERY NEED llr.-ro to Jlllll-ltl'd hruwn h•otot• s n) .._

- - """ wo•ulol loo•o· hool In ;odoull tlout Jlt ) w 8 SMALL Tlo~r~'• '"' Ur<M"" ~l•dr l'rudurt ... ~ ..... ''""' '···~ ' "« ~ • • ~ ul M~rol for pr~cuc lly cHry nefol All lhl' nln•h•w ~ 111 llot' •• huOihon<o ~ Patruutt.~ thl'lu anti yrour nwney will 1 w~N' "' '''" """" wltroo Jlroo nrrl•""'' ~ AT 2928 . Webster Bldg. buold uuore t>ayrcoll\ on Or~fiOII Pa,· \lUUitlt•. Ill thf' nooonll~hl. 11111HV Nlll

r<.oll 11\lllltV I'~) · w••l o.h•i·l~nd• -~ plt 1 ~"""'"' Ullll~r llot' ('oolft)O;. ... ,..,, MULTNOMAB, ou. Student Ridea Horae 42

Miles to School Daily

... .. thau "lwn Jim t•tnt 1111 tu~au t < WHh•NJ-Hh•.•N.•.....-..,_..-,.._.......,_YAYJ'N•V.'*•.,.-.,WthY • •

h l~ntla i:<PI'fi'd him, Olld Mille IIIIo

Plllrr the ac·loo><~floou't' duor. hiR app~r I IUlt'fl W lttl OH f'V.Ilt Tht"~ \ol•·"~ uf hh

~lort•tl I IIIII ., epphou•r .llrn llfiWI'ol .; U ul'Oin, A.rk.-lthl·llll ~~ lltlll!o ~ltdJ tull

dat uu hurttl'ba<k oorutJul>l)' ~uuld Ill\~ l t:r~o't' J, 11111 lhC' " 1"'1" lhlnl( wa • W~•.-."rh"'ri"H.•h"rr'oV.Y...,., ......... Yr/VV'a•AYNIY'No*Nil'"o!'b ~ " c~ll fna a loon&: •t•lt•t•dhll, , "h~n ..,II., ~

b.e.-11 klltfll" kiUU••no~nl ro;r the ruur OO~ U flllfntrtl. fliUIUIU lwr~~~~~~~~ lr '"" ji)U1'11~1 wer.. " l.ncok 01 .... odouul IIIO'tn lh~' Multnomah Dru' g Co . ,-riM)~~~ In tuur 'oouul nurtll, llut Jutou I .. •• rnlnllue !" )tcl.)onlld. ut thl• vtu~.-. rld.,l a hvi"SI' ' Jim tllu l:'l'hnln ""'" hilt Colo k ""'"" 4.:.! !illite d•ll7 wltho;ut ••'">• 1o.11 """"ertl17 IUI•t••rtlnc n ' " '' onour The RexaU Store IUd the l:uiVttllt) lJ ICh ochwl, at nfUN'-Ihf',... "u~ 1 rln1111 nt rlt-h rl"• F•y~llevllle, Mk. loHir loot~hiiiiiC "' " r hPr ""'"''''''r. ATWATER 4541

ltd )uuuhJ IUOUDI~ loll ltP~o.J Ul • "ll'l llllllo- ~~~~ ~l llllt>!" thnoo~th o'cluck e•~h moruhtl( otod .:nllut•• 10 Jim 11 11~ lll••ht'<l his ..,,,,. rurword l 'II echool 21 IIIIIU """'· """'"' '"""· bu t by lhto lion~ ,, ...... . hnl Plo·k t 'or ·Prescriptions Toilet Article• Itt ll mf' fur tl•• "~'"""'" bt·Jhonftol( a t I'SI. tht' Jlrl louol 1""-n l111rnt uwuy b' I II u'clli\' l . llf •• lu tltoa.ll4'~ until no/Un, mlnlstPrlrt l t\nuwn. 5 • F • L h wb~u he ~1111 "'' lutoch nud lll•too.la hls l "TI II I I tatlon•ry ountatn Uft10

•~t ' ''" M ,.,,.lr • nnr~ wtth '"' "' t " horH for l.hu-ul1t u•u.lu. twl•u-ol t¥autwr:· taunh~•l Pl•·k _t-~n,.~••

'l' be )UUih I• urr) hog un un 111:rl " J-Uoll b 1 e 1 • d .:ullllrlll proj~t at Ills louuw IIIII ,... too • t•·.- me, "1. •' e ll•me UII(Pr #rl'• .. ''"'""'"~'·rl'oVe .. ._Ya"•'WI'Nri'.....,..A-.Ytl'a•~N.·.

l t\IJ!tl to J h" ott hi~ "'"" rltl~• by The nut mnnolne •II I h~ "'"" " Nil mo•lul tu t':oyttt~• Ill~. ru~hlnj! otr 10 o. ""'~ •l•y's rl.lln~: 1...,=""'==="""==---==,.,.====!1!!!!!!=!!1111..,. _______ _

qoclt~ rorg••ttlu ~ ahnut tl•~ "''"' adtool

•- .. ~~~GaU0 .... ~. WCin!R• t PCIIo-• · a d .

1 New Stcamabip Hu All tn~ltt'r. Jtno llhol<~lo•m hln•,rtr ••·

• •--. • ••- ,,.. lh~ ontr lint wliu oo•tuo.Sir had h!'o t • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Il l I I II I I I I I Ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

8u4&7 ldool. lt: U . Marlu of Hur e lee Box on "'• mlod thut momlnl u h" rt~d· I M 1 h D • F I WonJac hn1M, ll :U . l ·r.couu. 1\'ush.-Hul,llto>UII l'ru- tnward Rt'IIIIUh'lt , ... ~, "'"""· nt' hi t' u tnoma aarv arm ....... hmoo, T: U . _ wo ulo.l "'"' ~ lh'"ll klufll)' It hlo w~··•·k..U mede up hie 0111111 that It Millie Or&• Lalfi"11e rtll of ••It••••" ea W.•••a 1.-4 .._,.. MMUaa, Tl1Uw4&J, I : eo. , ahlp hwd bl'f.'n tlo~ 1:\tuart·Stwr , • moo wp~areo.l culo.l and hulll'tPr~•nt. ho _.,...-

• Da . .10D OOGD, Putar. am nt'w l"l'ftlll•rotor Vl'Sl'>'l Tlol• •hlp would not tH! t he one 10 try 10 arou111 II . TAIILU, ,,.,,

•--------------~ huM l'OIUI'u'"'~"t' ••<·to ""ll•nut' h• hPr lntt'rHL Phooe BRoadwar ttSI-J,.J 11101r r.•r ,·arlous lt!'rl•luohl• vru•lu~lll- Ortoomlnl t hut •• hlo " ' hilt' I'<'"~ I • 11• latina ltot-•a II ... IM U•41or Gltr la.,..U..

Our adv crtlaen art w0r1hy of your U con •·urr,v II• h. rru&•n lll~ntll, t'hllled Alllblt'd alona the trail, J im audd~nl) I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I II I I ++++ I I I I I I I I I I II I I Me 1 • mut•. rrolla ur a ll ~ lnda. or Oil)' """ h••ard a too~a·• hoor., and thrn . turn

I uf f01>1hotu rfa r,.qulrln c • tls.od '"i"Pt"•· Inc. uw lhe a lrl or lilt ht•ert rl·llno =============== a tul"l' rur Pl't'lt!t\llllun. lo aullln l rroiJI ~IOliely behind hluL l!bt' tWI nor ;l~n "' b e rt for f_:uro1.e th-., Stuart ~tar ww• l up at bla r.ce •' ftFliL It W ll8 onh I•. _. _. •..••••..••.•.• • •. •• •••••••• a • •••••••••• • • • • • • • • •

STAGE 8URIIS loadl"d \\lib ...... , -¥1nd• or ll .. rlah•bl~ when he whirled "'• pony OIJI or th• ~--vor.vm wr•••~....r·~·····,..···,. ... M.Ye¥ ........ II Nortloweal prt~tiUcltl uJSurtl\1 nr sat~ 1 11'1111 and l•'·e Iter a ~ pustar;e tho I s •at

d4'1h~•> b) 40 n1lle• or retrl~··rator ah• looltf'<l up a rat t' l'ltlly peCl SATURDAY NIGHT

ptplnl "Ob, tban" rou-1 was Ju't • hh Atra lo.l of an h;tllon I m~l yond~r why, J lm- Jit 11 Jllok••ham I b It r"''"~

1•---------- - ·- yC'Iu l" Sht WAS rRdhont wlrh tlell~hl


Rose Gray Shop C ROSS ED W I;;;- CAUSE LOSS ao d Jim rodf' up to hf'r. httl In hlnol "I didn't bt'll~• t' ruu'd remtnlber rut

o~s. ., I l ' •11ard, Or, Froday, Feb. U! Oue

o;( tht l'a.ctf ic '''""" cauaht ltre

Saturday lltflhl as 11 " as cruUIIIG I th~ bro<ll!t acruu the 1'ual3lln rivn

and 11 wu a tot &I luu. The <lrl\ cr

Why Not Sell It?

lollllle." h~ •aid, ronttDI<'tll1 · " lt .. mtnth('r JOUY How rlollr uloo• !' Mens Suits Sponged and Preued

lDIAtrlne, &HlDI! JIIU hl'rt' !" " l n11 clne rnN>IIuc the onlt s;1 rl 1

"~tr lund OUI h¥tf' In 111." lonf'Unf'M, •

O• ioa ~o a t y poarapblcal error In I be epedal baraain u lea oll'e red F ab­ruary l l-14-o"r act rud ".ponai111 111d p~ as." wlaea it ,Mu.td ban read " Meaa &iu 8poaaed aod P~ ~"

She blu• lu•d wtormly, but h~r blu• PY~'• ~ ~ wert' dotnclnK wlllo """' d~l lght. •'Ju.• ,

multt'red J im In • '""'· t~nat '""" · 'thMMNW ..... MMNWW ..... MMNWWWMMNWWMMMNWY'II For.• monwnllh~ Rlrl Alo\r~tl ul llhu I======================...,.,.....,,_.,. ___ _

uobC'II••Inclt. "llh, Ji m OlukPhom. d• ,-- ----·-------,. noticed tb f rrnok t' and 'lnth rare

I W .lift' ~~ I prncncc o f mind dro".! the car uH t he I '------------;.::J·J- brod.:c ano.l into a olitch .

T• -ta '" fiat lint iuu U., Sc ,.r ha• ~ aUhioaallasenioa. c • .,., t i.a _.. .. "'• ..... w ...... ella,-,. JSc..

All .,.., ,..,. . .. , be cull Ia 14-

J.OR EXCA VATING and rlowonj by d&y · or CDC\ Irati call <.:. M l>un. laam, Brd.. 9964+l

The ur wat loll~ol "ith Sun Jay tnvnHRII papc~ wh och wert burned, n«tuhaunl( <{. run o l 5(Xk) pavers, whoch were sent uu l IWO huurs later. lrom Port land.


Scbolls. Frida.y, F~b. 18.-;-

:\ utUnll the SCO paucn~;tn t\n th f

I Duns •h•cl• w•ll satl toon " lotted

PATaONlZ& M&aCHANTS WHO l •ht nanoc of F~~d G roner, pi ~h••lls. ADV&aTISE a&CUURL'(. IN who 'll'ill "IJit the Holy boot! Mr THIS PAI'Ea. THEY ARE DOINC I Cruntr b" a larl(e • alnul vrchard


YOUA HOME PAPER AND THEAUY OOHTR18UTlNC TO- ne Ouuidc Plotalic iudcft a Coni·

AA.DI THE pltOCJl&SS. PROS· mUAit7 by tile liberality wi tb wbich W it .-bscnbu lor &nd ad~utu« in ot t PUJTY AND D&V&LOPIII&HT OF l lonl paper. Yooa llavc ao CXCillt

THIS TOWN AND ADJACINT ..-.. ;..ul 1tud tile ttu of &00<1 bull·

TuAJTOilY. - - · · ' DCJI lt>dittJ CIIl. -




Help.l Some --old fOil C'<\DVID<'e that man JOU

-re lf'I1IIDI Wll.bl"

•Not eo tar •• I roold - ·· "What auocJ did 70111r talk do. thtor


