zrr 5 3 L c jr tr Vs 1 3TSvy V rr Si U tjtT r 4- dCALA PAGE FOUR it TH SA N R EXPLOSION OF BOMB CREATES EXCITEMENT While Crowd Was Following Wagons Report Came ALLEGED CULPRIT IS ARRESTED- The Strike Situation in Chicago Has Reached an Acute StageRioting Continues Despite Federal Court In ¬ junctions and Heavy Guards Chicago May SSuspected ot r throwing a bomb under an Adams Ex ¬ press wagon Julius Hilderbrand is under arrest charged with deadly as ¬ sault He is also accused of violating injunctions of the United States cir- cuit ¬ court The alleged bomb throw ¬ ing took place last night at DesPlanes and VanBuren streets The scene of tSfe explosion was half- a dozen squares due south of Hay I market where the celebrated bomb throwing of the anarchists took place L 19 years ago almost to a day When c last nights explosion occurred a num- ber ¬ of policemen were guarding the express wagons which were enroute c a from the United States express com panys station at DesPlanes and Chi- cago ¬ and Milwaukee and St Paul tracks The wagon was being es ¬ corted through the streets amid riot- ous ¬ I scenes Many times the police 4 had been forced to use clubs and f threatened persons who followed and r threw stones sticks pieces of coal and bottles a tthe nonunion drivers t On both sides of the wagon were copies of the injunction issued to sev en express companies by Judge C C Kohlsaat of the United States circuit court for bidding all interference with j the business of the express companies t At times the police pointed to the in- junctions ¬ L and warned persons in the I crowd against violating the injunction v and incurring danger of being held for contempt of the federal court The action had a good effect on the crowd which generally ceased for the time the throwing of missiles but con- tinued ¬ to follow the wagon Fi At VanBuren and DesPlanes streets 1 8 street car blocked progress of the i wagon The police cleared the obstrution only to be encountered by a crowd of 1000 persons wsich rapidly swelled- to 2500 or more All traffic at the corner was stopped the police mean- while 4 vainly endeavoring to disperse r the crowd Soon persons living in the buldings f in the vicnity began to tnrcv mis- siles The crowo rcikmei su < t an in a short tine the a r was Uied vr h piecEs of crockery old soal = v- et oil citas d eves di Ii c The police I t did their utmcst to cr the rioting ii but were ovcrivaelni- iSif5 enI while tit rioting was at its fiercest and the crowd kept press- ing ¬ closer to the Viigons a deafening e sound was heard and a flash was seen under the express wagon Smoke toured from under the vchicle and the cwd fell back f Bomb Bomb Run for your life was the cry that was taken up by the crowd A riot call from DesPlanes street station was answered by a wagon load of patrolmen to the scene and an immediate transformation from the fighting swearing mobs of a minute before and now quiet subdued and ic much diminished crowd that pressed toward the express wagon- A general search wasmade for the persons who threw the deadly sup- posed ¬ bomb members of the crowd as- sisting ¬ Many detectives were scat ¬ tered about and soon Hilderbrand was arrested Later two men named James Rogers and Henry Pfeiffer were ar- rested Examination of the express wagon et the companys stables shows it was but slightly damaged I Police Inspector Wheeler denied to- day that it was a genuine case ot I bomb throwing He especially T threw doubts on statements that there had I been an explosion and maintained that I e vitriol not dynamite was thrown The driver of the United States Ex- press companys wagon John Sorner unlike Inspector Wheeler entertains no doubt that there was an explosion Sorner whose clothing wac covered with a pungent bluecolored acid fays Whatever it was r have a big marl as a result on my leg There was a loud report and I believed a bomb had 1 been thrown The prisoner Hilder ¬ brand is a letter carrier- No More Negroes Employed Sheriff Thomas E Barrett today af- ter t makig a tour of the shopping dis ¬ trict said The serious trouble seems to be over The strike situation is row well in the hands of the authorities- and I look for a continuation of com- parative ¬ quite and tranquility I am glad that the employers have decided not to engage any more negroes when- I was brought into this matter for conference I unhesitatingly informed j the merchants that the use of negroes for strike breakers was causing more rioting than any other factor in the flfht to win from the unions 7 4 I 2 AN OLD LETTER DISCOVERED- It Seems To 1 a Genuine Autograph- Letter of Geo Washington- Fort Worth Tex May 8Aspecial to The Record rom Sherman Tex says What seems to be a genuine autograph letter from te pen of Geo Washington has mysteriously made its appearance In the office of District Clerk J L Aston among legal papers- No one could lay claim to the musty document and all were entirely mysti- fied ¬ by the find Though yellowed with age the 1ez ter is wonderfully well preserved It is dated from Mt Vernou March 6 1775 and addressed to Mr M C Vashington near Leeds in King George and appears to be in reply b a letter for a loan of 200 pounds ster- ling ¬ The writer says he is in need of and would gladly borrow that sum himself Florida Senatcr Sues Newspaper Jacksonvile Fla May SFormer State Senator C N Brown of Marion county today filed notice of suit for 25000 damages against the Metropo list an afternoon paper in Jackson- ville ¬ Basis of the suit was from charges made by that paper that the senator accepted and rode on rai passes Under Florida law it is a crime for senators or representatives- to accept or ride on free passes and- a charge of same is equivalent to a charge of crime The declaration in the suit will be filed in June Senator Brown was recently unseated in the senate by contest of Easkins of Ma- rion ¬ Youth Killed by Elevator Atlanta May SVith his neck locked securely between the heavy- weights of an elevator and the inside railing of the shaft Scott Swanton a boy IS years of age had his neck broken about 645 oclock Friday eve- ning ¬ at the ChaniberlinJohnsonDu bose companys store on Whitehall street Young Swanton was an ele ¬ vator boy in the building He was on the first floor after the store had closed trying to fix a button on the inside railing of the elevator shaft- at the time of the fatal accident Lightning Kills Aged Woman I i Valdosta Ga May 8Mrs Adeline Hicks an aged widow living near Mel- rose I in Echols County was instantly killed by lightning She was in her home at about 1 oclock when a heavy storm came up and she started to a window to close it As she reached- the window a bolt of lightning struck the house and passed though her body hurling her to the floor She never spok after the flash came and was dead when members of the family reached her side Strange Accident Befalls Youth Gadsden Ala May SGuy Craig I about lo years old was found on For- est ¬ avenue last night with his skull crushed He was unconscious 11 is in serious condition and physicians state he cannot recover Young Craig was riding up Forest avenue and he states something struck him and his mind is a blank trom that time on His skull is crushed over the left eye He Is conscious at times and he is now barely alive He was found by passersby some time after the acci ¬ dent Anarchist Returned to Italy New York May S Vittorio Jaffei an Jtalian anarchist who was recent- ly ¬ arrested charged with being an ac ¬ complice of Brecci who killed King Humbert has started in custody for Italy acording to a Herald dispatch from Alexandria Egypt Jaffei was previously in Zanzibar where he pro- fessed to have become a mussulman He was tried once but not convicted- The Italian government then ordered him deported Hargis Jury Unable to Agree Louisville Ky May SA telephone message from Lexington says the jury- in the Hargis case is hopelessly hung The jury reported at 11 oclock that there was no prospect of reaching an agreement and that if they were kept- in the room for three weeks no de- cision could be arrived at Judge Parker however requeeted the jury to retire and deliberate until noon Steamship Struck by Ice Floe St Johns X F May SThe Allan line steamer Victoria Liverpool for Montreal with 1600 passengers struck- an ice floe on one mile off Cape Raye- at the entrance of gulf of St Law ¬ rence She is unable to proceed fur- ther the ice being packed across Ca ¬ bot strait The Purser who came ashore reported that all on board were well HungWife to Transom Louisville Ky May SRev U G Sutherlin formerly pastor of the Park Christian church at Xew Albany Ind was arrested Silver Grove Ind on a warrant charging him with the mur ¬ der of his wife Last October the body of Mrs Sutheriin was found hanging front a transom in her home and it was supposed to be a case ol suicide Mrs Sutherlins father how- ever ¬ made information before the grand Jury recently charging Rev ilr- SutheHn with her murder and the ar rest followed Mr and Mrs Suther ¬ lin had not lived together for some time prior to the time when the body wa s found r t RUSSIAN WARSHIPS BURN SMALL CRAFts They Capture Small Sailing Ves- sels I and Destroy Them I JAPS WATCHING ROJESTVENSKY- They Believ the Burning cf the Sma5 Vessels a Trick to Divert Their At- tention ¬ from Main Squadron AU t leged Spy Is Imprisoned I Tokio May 6XoonAs none has j oeeu sighted it is beved ihe larg- er I vessels of the VlatiivosJjk squad ¬ ron accompanied the torpedo boats I which appeared west 01 IIon aido yes- terday ¬ I it is double that the torpe ¬ do boats would venture across unes- corted ¬ in the heavy sa whch was run ¬ ning when they burned the sailing vessels All the crew of this eseai except the captain who was captured succeeding in landing but a steamer I dispatched to the rescue of the burn- ing derelict was forced to return on account of the storm The Russian I poured kerosene on the decks of th sailing vessels and then withdrew af- ter having ignited the surface of tile oil The torpedo boats have not been reported today Russian Ships Destroy Small Vessels Tokio May SFour Russian torpe ¬ do boats from Vladivostok appeared westward of HokalJo off Sutbii yes- terday I It it doubted that the tor ¬ pedo boats would venture across unes- corted ¬ in the heavy sea which was running when they burned the sailing vessels All the crew of this vessel and imprisoned the captain dispearing- to the northwest They were evident- ly ¬ returning to Vladivostok There- is a possibility that they have th stroyed other small craft although- no reports to that effect have been re- ceived ¬ The object of their visit Is not clear- It is thought that probably they hoped- to torpedo the Japanese patrol at night and it is also suggested that the Vladivostok vessels plan a diversion to assist the fleet of Admiral Rojetven sky Alleged Russian Spy Imprisoned Singapore Straits Settlements May Vladimir Antoniovitch the alleged Russian spy who carried a passport made out in another name and who was arrested on the fortified island of Brani and arraigned in Singapore April 25 on the charge of being on government property without authori- ty was sentenced to three monfi = I imprisonment for trespassing and was- r I v > iri i ssion C sketching materials in a fortified i IhIO HU has given notice I of an appeal I Ready for Big Battle i Fngaush Shieng Manchuria May S Field Marshal Oyama seems ready to assume the offensive on a large scale and activity already has begun against General JLmevitchs left This may be the prelude to another gener- al ¬ battle The Japanese have been concentrated and heavy columns on the Liao river and their momentarily advance divisions have been in con ¬ tact with the Russians who are hold ¬ ing the main road from Fakoman to Bashienschen- On Thursday the Japanese cavalry suddenly attacked the Cossacks in overwhelming force forcing the latter- to I retire Then supported by infan ¬ try the Japanese advanced and drove the Russian infantry out of the vil- lage ¬ of Palatoun A Russian recon noitering party 20 miles further west ran Into an ambush and all the party except five were killed Well Known Actress Sprains Ankle Xew York May SMrs Leslie Car- ter the actress is confined to her apartments reporte dto be suffering from a severely sprained ankle The Belasco theater where she has been playing has been closed Mrs Carter was stepping from her carriage when the horses started and she fell to the sidewalk She probably will not be able to appear again for some time Three tendons of the left ankle are I said to be badly wrenched Indianapolis May SPOSt Office In ¬ spectorT Fletcher and R M Hosford have been subpoenaed to ap ¬ pear before the federal grand jury- at San Antonio Tex and left for I Texas today It is understood that their testimony will be in regard to the governments campaign against- the lottery business Fatal Collision in Philadelphia Philadelphia May SA freight train on the Philadelphia and Reading railway crashed Into a trolley car at the crossing at American street and Susquehanna avenue in the northwest- ern section of the city this afternoon- It is understood that several persons were killed and that all other passen- gers ¬ in the car were injured Standard Oil Official Indicted Peoria ill May SThe grand Jury at Pekin El has returned in- dictments ¬ against two high officials of the Standard Oil company Requi- sition ¬ I papers will be asked of Gover nor Deneen sent Monday The namea l have been suppressed a u DESPONDENT WOMAN COMMITTED SUICIDE Upbraids Man In Letter Before She Ended Her Life RESIDED AT THE FINEST HOTEL Apparently the Couple Was Happy and the Womans Tragic Death Revealed Her SecretFormer Home In City- of New Orleans New York May SA handsome- man iw about 2S years old who as 5 tstj posed to be Mrs J W Gray of Xt co Orleans attempted to commit uicn early today in a room at the lIt Imperial by scooting She was fouL in an unconscious and extremely str ous condition and was removed to a hospital The surgeons there saj there is but little chance for rtcovt Accompanied by a man a few yt < her senior the woman appeared at tt Imperial April 20 The couple rt0- tstered as J AV Gray and we Xt Orleans The woman died at the hospital without recovering consciousness None of the employes of the hot I remember to nave seen Gray dunig the night and he could not ot 10 around the hotel at the time of rr shooting The suite occupied In tu < Grays was the finest on the BouJ wv- siue of the hotel The woman left four letters one of these was sealed addre = snl to Cnas- H Stoueham 44 Broadway On tnt back of it was writte- nI with that no one would open this but the person addressed- A second sealed letter was ad- dressed ¬ to a storage warehouse ths cityThe third letter was unenclosed and written on two sheets of paper It appeared that one portion had been written yesterday afternoon and thf othei sheet early today before the wo ¬ man shot herself The letter began Dear Sweetheart When I called you up on the telephone you talked- so cruelly to me that I went on and bought a revolver intending to do it then I was brought up in a convent and my religion teaches against such things but I cant stan it any longer Here there was a break in the let ¬ ter and when it was continued it wa ¬ in a different ink Again and again you have disappointed me Charley What in Gods name nave I done you were anxious to get rid of me that were easy Why did you have me to come to New York Here I am as your wife If you had Ollie I do not want you to rettiT would never have done so W I Citarley this is the last I wih yo all the luck in the world I Here the writer seemed to hat paused again and no more seems t I have been written for awhile Sh I resumed How I am suffering I cannot stand- it any longer It is now past 4 oclock- A fourth letter left by the woman was found which was addressed to Charles Sweetheart and read as fol- lows ¬ HI love you better than my life I love you so much and to think I have to go and leave youI hate so to die What little I have after my bills are paid I wish to be sent to Olivia Park- er ¬ 1923 St Andrews street New Or ¬ leans I have a lot o f furniture I had shipped from New Orleans I wish also that returned to New Or ¬ leans to Olivia Parker a negro girl- I have relatives This letter was signed Mrs Gray- A bundle of letters addressed to Mrs- J W Gray at various places were found when the womans effects were searched On the back of two photo ¬ graphs found among her letters was written the name Charlie H Stone i ham the same as on the letters left by the woman- At the offices of O F Jonassen j Co mining brokers at 44 Broadway I it was said that Charles H Stoneham I was a member of the firm A member- of the firm said that Stpneham was married and lived in Jersey City Woman Known in Boston Boston May SFrom Miss H 1 Stone at No CS Humbolt avenue this f city it was learned that the Hotel Imperial suicide was Mrs J W Gray of Chicago widow of a former brok- er ¬ I of that city Before her marriage i to Mr Gray about two years ago she I lived in New Orleans where a broth ¬ I er and sister still live Miss Stone i was an intimate friend of Mrs Gray for many years Miss Stone said 1 that Mrs Gray was 3G years of age and wealthy I Well Known in New Orleans New Orleans May SIiss Oliv- ia ¬ Parker of 1923 St Andrew street said that she had known Mrs Gray most of her life She refused how ¬ ever to disclose the maiden name of the deceased She said that Mrs Gray was reared in the Ursulines con- vent in this city She left her 15 or 20 years ago and married J W Gray- a Chicago broker She had since then I been a fruent visitor to this city I and was wealthy and the possessor of much magnificent jewelry i I i I i The iando- lUneeda I i Biscuit The Modern I i Soda Cracker- Bounded on the i North by the Purity- of the Snows on the South by the i Nutritious Wealth i of the Tropics on i I the East by the- llealthfulnessof i 5cientific Baking I I on the West by the I Energizing Power I of the Mountains If n I e f- I 4 r NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1j i- sJt tj Dons forgft 1 I Graham Crackers I latter TUm Bbntt Social Tea BiscMit J- LenfonSaapsJ 1 1j 1 OS3O 9 9O OOO rw t Stamina and Style I m S Every garment in this store whether it is a S coat a pair of trousers a shirt or anything else dow- nS I to a pair of socks possesses stamina of build and style of appearance The materials are right the I S making is careful and conscientious and the style is S correct and up to date Ought not these facts coun- tS with you in the question of where you can trade to best advantage We are handling the best of goods I and carry a fine assortment in all mens lines Every ¬ thing is fresh new and attractive Prices are low as I goods of true merit can be sold for Come and se- eS if we do not deserve your trad- eS I Spring Suits Spring Hats 1 Spring Shirts Spring Neckwear I Spring Underwear Spring Shoes 1 r- I 3 The Guarantee I I Clothing and Shoe Co I Furnishers to Men Who Kno- wS I One Price arid Money Refugded if I I Flair Figures Not Satisfactory Ocala House Block I i i ATLANTIC COAST LINE J THROUGH CAR LINE FROM FLORIDA CONNECTIONS To the East Over Its own rails to Savannah Charleston a Richmond and Washington thence ia Penn- sylvania ¬ All RaIl Ry To the O ia Montgomery and Louisville NashvIlle and Dixie Flyer route via Atlanta I West To the East Via Savh Ocean S S Co for New York 1 Phila and Boston Via Norfolk S S to New Via York Wash ton and Bltmore Via Savh and 1 I Merchants and Miners Trans Co For Baltimore f Steamship J and Philadelphia Key Wrest Via Peninsular Occidental i Steamship Company ndHavana Quickest schedules Superior Service For information e to rates schedules etc consult the Purple Folder or communE ate with T C White D P A Tampa WJ G P A H M1- I Eraerson T M WiliningtonN C C > vis- BCt IU 80- Ine Cl fin 28 H ai- I tV I If I I I C 1- 1I L f

I lUneeda Biscuit - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00568/00214.pdf · piecEs of crockery old soal = v-ett oil citas d eves di Ii c The police I ii did

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zrr 5 3 L c jrtr Vs 1 3TSvy V rr Si U tjtT r 4-




While Crowd Was FollowingWagons Report Came


The Strike Situation in Chicago Has

Reached an Acute StageRiotingContinues Despite Federal Court In ¬

junctions and Heavy Guards

Chicago May SSuspected otr throwing a bomb under an Adams Ex¬

press wagon Julius Hilderbrand is

under arrest charged with deadly as ¬

sault He is also accused of violatinginjunctions of the United States cir-



court The alleged bomb throw ¬

ing took place last night at DesPlanesand VanBuren streets

The scene of tSfe explosion was half-a dozen squares due south of Hay

I market where the celebrated bombthrowing of the anarchists took place

L 19 years ago almost to a day Whenc last nights explosion occurred a num-


of policemen were guarding theexpress wagons which were enroute

ca from the United States express com

panys station at DesPlanes and Chi-


and Milwaukee and St Paultracks The wagon was being es ¬

corted through the streets amid riot-ous

¬ I

scenes Many times the police4 had been forced to use clubs and

f threatened persons who followed andr threw stones sticks pieces of coal

and bottles a tthe nonunion driverst On both sides of the wagon were

copies of the injunction issued to seven express companies by Judge C C

Kohlsaat of the United States circuitcourt for bidding all interference with

j the business of the express companiest At times the police pointed to the in-


L and warned persons in theI crowd against violating the injunctionv and incurring danger of being held

for contempt of the federal court Theaction had a good effect on the crowdwhich generally ceased for the timethe throwing of missiles but con-tinued


to follow the wagonFi At VanBuren and DesPlanes streets1 8 street car blocked progress of the

i wagonThe police cleared the obstrution

only to be encountered by a crowd of1000 persons wsich rapidly swelled-to 2500 or more All traffic at thecorner was stopped the police mean-while4 vainly endeavoring to disperse

r the crowdSoon persons living in the buldings

f in the vicnity began to tnrcv mis-siles The crowo rcikmei su < t anin a short tine the a r was Uied vr hpiecEs of crockery old soal = v-

et oil citas d eves di Ii c The police I

t did their utmcst to cr the riotingii but were ovcrivaelni-

iSif5 enI while tit rioting was atits fiercest and the crowd kept press-ing


closer to the Viigons a deafeninge sound was heard and a flash was

seen under the express wagon Smoketoured from under the vchicle andthe cwd fell back

f Bomb Bomb Run for yourlife was the cry that was taken upby the crowd

A riot call from DesPlanes streetstation was answered by a wagon loadof patrolmen to the scene and animmediate transformation from thefighting swearing mobs of a minutebefore and now quiet subdued and

ic much diminished crowd that pressedtoward the express wagon-

A general search wasmade for thepersons who threw the deadly sup-posed


bomb members of the crowd as-sisting


Many detectives were scat¬

tered about and soon Hilderbrand wasarrested Later two men named JamesRogers and Henry Pfeiffer were ar-rested

Examination of the express wagonet the companys stables shows it wasbut slightly damaged


Police Inspector Wheeler denied to-day that it was a genuine case ot I

bomb throwing He especially T threwdoubts on statements that there had


been an explosion and maintained that I

e vitriol not dynamite was thrownThe driver of the United States Ex-

press companys wagon John Sornerunlike Inspector Wheeler entertainsno doubt that there was an explosionSorner whose clothing wac coveredwith a pungent bluecolored acidfays

Whatever it was r have a big marlas a result on my leg There was aloud report and I believed a bomb had

1 been thrown The prisoner Hilder¬

brand is a letter carrier-No More Negroes Employed

Sheriff Thomas E Barrett today af-ter

tmakig a tour of the shopping dis¬

trict saidThe serious trouble seems to be

over The strike situation is rowwell in the hands of the authorities-and I look for a continuation of com-parative


quite and tranquility I am gladthat the employers have decided notto engage any more negroes when-I was brought into this matter forconference I unhesitatingly informed

j the merchants that the use of negroesfor strike breakers was causing morerioting than any other factor in theflfht to win from the unions


4 I



It Seems To 1 a Genuine Autograph-Letter of Geo Washington-

Fort Worth Tex May 8Aspecialto The Record rom Sherman Texsays What seems to be a genuineautograph letter from te pen of GeoWashington has mysteriously made itsappearance In the office of DistrictClerk J L Aston among legal papers-No one could lay claim to the mustydocument and all were entirely mysti-fied


by the findThough yellowed with age the 1ez

ter is wonderfully well preserved Itis dated from Mt Vernou March 61775 and addressed to Mr M CVashington near Leeds in KingGeorge and appears to be in reply b aletter for a loan of 200 pounds ster-ling


The writer says he is in needof and would gladly borrow that sumhimself

Florida Senatcr Sues NewspaperJacksonvile Fla May SFormer

State Senator C N Brown of Marioncounty today filed notice of suit for25000 damages against the Metropo

list an afternoon paper in Jackson-ville


Basis of the suit was fromcharges made by that paper that thesenator accepted and rode on raipasses Under Florida law it is acrime for senators or representatives-to accept or ride on free passes and-a charge of same is equivalent to acharge of crime The declaration inthe suit will be filed in June SenatorBrown was recently unseated in thesenate by contest of Easkins of Ma-


Youth Killed by ElevatorAtlanta May SVith his neck

locked securely between the heavy-weights of an elevator and the insiderailing of the shaft Scott Swantona boy IS years of age had his neckbroken about 645 oclock Friday eve-ning


at the ChaniberlinJohnsonDubose companys store on Whitehallstreet Young Swanton was an ele¬

vator boy in the building He wason the first floor after the store hadclosed trying to fix a button on theinside railing of the elevator shaft-at the time of the fatal accident

Lightning Kills Aged Woman I

iValdosta Ga May 8Mrs AdelineHicks an aged widow living near Mel-rose


in Echols County was instantlykilled by lightning She was in herhome at about 1 oclock when a heavystorm came up and she started to awindow to close it As she reached-the window a bolt of lightning struckthe house and passed though her bodyhurling her to the floor She neverspok after the flash came and wasdead when members of the familyreached her side

Strange Accident Befalls YouthGadsden Ala May SGuy Craig

I about lo years old was found on For-


avenue last night with his skullcrushed He was unconscious 11

is in serious condition and physiciansstate he cannot recover Young Craigwas riding up Forest avenue and hestates something struck him and hismind is a blank trom that time onHis skull is crushed over the left eyeHe Is conscious at times and he isnow barely alive He was found bypassersby some time after the acci ¬


Anarchist Returned to ItalyNew York May S Vittorio Jaffei

an Jtalian anarchist who was recent-ly


arrested charged with being an ac¬

complice of Brecci who killed KingHumbert has started in custody forItaly acording to a Herald dispatchfrom Alexandria Egypt Jaffei waspreviously in Zanzibar where he pro-fessed to have become a mussulmanHe was tried once but not convicted-The Italian government then orderedhim deported

Hargis Jury Unable to AgreeLouisville Ky May SA telephone

message from Lexington says the jury-in the Hargis case is hopelessly hungThe jury reported at 11 oclock thatthere was no prospect of reaching anagreement and that if they were kept-in the room for three weeks no de-cision could be arrived at JudgeParker however requeeted the juryto retire and deliberate until noon

Steamship Struck by Ice FloeSt Johns X F May SThe Allan

line steamer Victoria Liverpool forMontreal with 1600 passengers struck-an ice floe on one mile off Cape Raye-at the entrance of gulf of St Law ¬

rence She is unable to proceed fur-ther the ice being packed across Ca ¬

bot strait The Purser who cameashore reported that all on board werewell

HungWife to TransomLouisville Ky May SRev U G

Sutherlin formerly pastor of the ParkChristian church at Xew Albany Indwas arrested Silver Grove Ind ona warrant charging him with the mur¬

der of his wife Last October thebody of Mrs Sutheriin was foundhanging front a transom in her homeand it was supposed to be a case olsuicide Mrs Sutherlins father how-ever


made information before thegrand Jury recently charging Rev ilr-SutheHn with her murder and the arrest followed Mr and Mrs Suther ¬

lin had not lived together for sometime prior to the time when the bodywa s found




They Capture Small Sailing Ves-


and Destroy Them I


They Believ the Burning cf the Sma5Vessels a Trick to Divert Their At-



from Main Squadron AU t

leged Spy Is Imprisoned I

Tokio May 6XoonAs none has j

oeeu sighted it is beved ihe larg-er


vessels of the VlatiivosJjk squad ¬

ron accompanied the torpedo boatsI

which appeared west 01 IIon aido yes-


I it is double that the torpe ¬

do boats would venture across unes-corted


in the heavy sa whch was run ¬

ning when they burned the sailingvessels All the crew of this eseaiexcept the captain who was capturedsucceeding in landing but a steamer

I dispatched to the rescue of the burn-ing derelict was forced to return onaccount of the storm The Russian

I poured kerosene on the decks of thsailing vessels and then withdrew af-

ter having ignited the surface of tileoil The torpedo boats have not beenreported today

Russian Ships Destroy Small VesselsTokio May SFour Russian torpe ¬

do boats from Vladivostok appearedwestward of HokalJo off Sutbii yes-


It it doubted that the tor ¬

pedo boats would venture across unes-corted


in the heavy sea which wasrunning when they burned the sailingvessels All the crew of this vessel andimprisoned the captain dispearing-to the northwest They were evident-ly


returning to Vladivostok There-is a possibility that they have thstroyed other small craft although-no reports to that effect have been re-


The object of their visit Is not clear-It is thought that probably they hoped-to torpedo the Japanese patrol atnight and it is also suggested that theVladivostok vessels plan a diversionto assist the fleet of Admiral Rojetvensky

Alleged Russian Spy ImprisonedSingapore Straits Settlements May

Vladimir Antoniovitch the allegedRussian spy who carried a passportmade out in another name and whowas arrested on the fortified island ofBrani and arraigned in SingaporeApril 25 on the charge of being ongovernment property without authori-ty was sentenced to three monfi = I

imprisonment for trespassing and was-r

Iv > iri i ssion C

sketching materials in a fortifiedi IhIO HU has given notice I

of an appealI

Ready for Big Battle i

Fngaush Shieng Manchuria May S

Field Marshal Oyama seems readyto assume the offensive on a largescale and activity already has begunagainst General JLmevitchs left Thismay be the prelude to another gener-al


battle The Japanese have beenconcentrated and heavy columns onthe Liao river and their momentarilyadvance divisions have been in con ¬

tact with the Russians who are hold ¬

ing the main road from Fakoman toBashienschen-

On Thursday the Japanese cavalrysuddenly attacked the Cossacks inoverwhelming force forcing the latter-toI retire Then supported by infan ¬

try the Japanese advanced and drovethe Russian infantry out of the vil-


of Palatoun A Russian reconnoitering party 20 miles further westran Into an ambush and all the partyexcept five were killed

Well Known Actress Sprains AnkleXew York May SMrs Leslie Car-

ter the actress is confined to herapartments reporte dto be sufferingfrom a severely sprained ankle TheBelasco theater where she has beenplaying has been closed Mrs Carterwas stepping from her carriage whenthe horses started and she fell to thesidewalk She probably will not beable to appear again for some timeThree tendons of the left ankle are

I said to be badly wrenched

Indianapolis May SPOSt Office In¬

spectorT Fletcher and R MHosford have been subpoenaed to ap ¬

pear before the federal grand jury-at San Antonio Tex and left for

I Texas today It is understood thattheir testimony will be in regard tothe governments campaign against-the lottery business

Fatal Collision in PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia May SA freight

train on the Philadelphia and Readingrailway crashed Into a trolley car atthe crossing at American street andSusquehanna avenue in the northwest-ern section of the city this afternoon-It is understood that several personswere killed and that all other passen-gers


in the car were injured

Standard Oil Official IndictedPeoria ill May SThe grand

Jury at Pekin El has returned in-


against two high officialsof the Standard Oil company Requi-sition

¬I papers will be asked of Gover

nor Deneen sent Monday The nameal have been suppressed

a u



Upbraids Man In Letter BeforeShe Ended Her Life


Apparently the Couple Was Happy andthe Womans Tragic Death RevealedHer SecretFormer Home In City-

of New Orleans

New York May SA handsome-man

iwabout 2S years old who as 5tstj

posed to be Mrs J W Gray of Xt co

Orleans attempted to commit uicnearly today in a room at the lItImperial by scooting She was fouLin an unconscious and extremely strous condition and was removed to ahospital The surgeons there sa jthere is but little chance for rtcovtAccompanied by a man a few yt <

her senior the woman appeared at ttImperial April 20 The couple rt0-tstered as J AV Gray and we XtOrleans

The woman died at the hospitalwithout recovering consciousness

None of the employes of the hot I

remember to nave seen Gray dunigthe night and he could not ot 10around the hotel at the time of rrshooting The suite occupied In tu <

Grays was the finest on the BouJ wv-siue of the hotel

The woman left four letters one ofthese was sealed addre= snl to Cnas-H Stoueham 44 Broadway On tntback of it was writte-

nI with that no one would open thisbut the person addressed-

A second sealed letter was ad-dressed


to a storage warehouse thscityThe

third letter was unenclosed andwritten on two sheets of paper Itappeared that one portion had beenwritten yesterday afternoon and thfothei sheet early today before the wo ¬

man shot herself The letter beganDear Sweetheart When I called

you up on the telephone you talked-so cruelly to me that I went onand bought a revolver intending todo it then I was brought up in aconvent and my religion teachesagainst such things but I cant stanit any longer

Here there was a break in the let ¬

ter and when it was continued it wa ¬

in a different ink Again and againyou have disappointed me CharleyWhat in Gods name nave I doneyou were anxious to get rid of methat were easy Why did you haveme to come to New York Here Iam as your wife If you hadOllie I do not want you to rettiTwould never have done so W I

Citarley this is the last I wih yoall the luck in the world


Here the writer seemed to hatpaused again and no more seems t I

have been written for awhile Sh Iresumed

How I am suffering I cannot stand-it any longer It is now past 4 oclock-

A fourth letter left by the womanwas found which was addressed toCharles Sweetheart and read as fol-lows


HI love you better than my life Ilove you so much and to think I haveto go and leave youI hate so to dieWhat little I have after my bills arepaid I wish to be sent to Olivia Park-er


1923 St Andrews street New Or¬

leans I have a lot o f furniture Ihad shipped from New Orleans Iwish also that returned to New Or¬

leans to Olivia Parker a negro girl-I have relatives

This letter was signed Mrs Gray-A bundle of letters addressed to Mrs-

J W Gray at various places werefound when the womans effects weresearched On the back of two photo ¬

graphs found among her letters waswritten the name Charlie H Stone

i ham the same as on the letters leftby the woman-

At the offices of O F Jonassenj Co mining brokers at 44 BroadwayI it was said that Charles H StonehamI was a member of the firm A member-

of the firm said that Stpneham wasmarried and lived in Jersey City

Woman Known in BostonBoston May SFrom Miss H


Stone at No CS Humbolt avenue thisf city it was learned that the Hotel

Imperial suicide was Mrs J W Grayof Chicago widow of a former brok-er


of that city Before her marriagei to Mr Gray about two years ago sheI lived in New Orleans where a broth¬

I er and sister still live Miss Stonei was an intimate friend of Mrs Gray

for many years Miss Stone said1 that Mrs Gray was 3G years of age

and wealthyI

Well Known in New OrleansNew Orleans May SIiss Oliv-


Parker of 1923 St Andrew streetsaid that she had known Mrs Graymost of her life She refused how ¬

ever to disclose the maiden name ofthe deceased She said that MrsGray was reared in the Ursulines con-

vent in this city She left her 15 or20 years ago and married J W Gray-a Chicago broker She had since then

I been a fruent visitor to this cityI and was wealthy and the possessor of

much magnificent jewelry





The iando-lUneeda


i BiscuitThe Modern


i Soda Cracker-

Bounded on thei

North by thePurity-

of the Snows onthe South by the


Nutritious Wealthi of the Tropics oni

I the East by the-

llealthfulnessofi 5cientific BakingI


on the West by theI

Energizing PowerI

of the MountainsIf n

I e f-

I 4r



tjDons forgft1

I Graham CrackersI latter TUm Bbntt

Social Tea BiscMit J-




1OS3O9 9O OOO rwt Stamina and Style Im

S Every garment in this store whether it is aS coat a pair of trousers a shirt or anything else dow-nS

Ito a pair of socks possesses stamina of build andstyle of appearance The materials are right the IS making is careful and conscientious and the style is

S correct and up to date Ought not these facts coun-tS with you in the question of where you can trade to

best advantage We are handling the best of goods Iand carry a fine assortment in all mens lines Every¬

thing is fresh new and attractive Prices are low as Igoods of true merit can be sold for Come and se-

eSif we do not deserve your trad-


Spring Suits Spring Hats 1Spring Shirts Spring Neckwear

I Spring Underwear Spring Shoes 1 r-

I3The Guarantee I

I Clothing and Shoe Co IFurnishers to Men Who Kno-


One Price arid Money Refugded if II Flair Figures Not SatisfactoryOcala House BlockI i




To the East Over Its own rails to Savannah Charleston a

Richmond and Washington thence ia Penn-sylvania


All RaIl RyTo the O ia Montgomery and Louisville NashvIlle

and Dixie Flyer route via AtlantaI West

To the East Via Savh Ocean S S Co for New York1 Phila and Boston Via Norfolk S S to New

Via York Wash ton and Bltmore Via Savh and 1I Merchants and Miners Trans Co For Baltimore fSteamship J and Philadelphia

Key Wrest Via Peninsular Occidental iSteamship CompanyndHavana

Quickest schedules Superior Service For information eto rates schedules etc consult the Purple Folder or communEate with T C White D P A Tampa WJ G P A H M1-

I Eraerson T M WiliningtonN C


















