C SJSHsga g r- r i i 1- i 0 I 4u- f I THE OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY OCTOIERLI9Q l t I OMON trueJ tJ i L LTtWMmarr 10 BOOCEB- CQK Aid v 1aisi- I > 7 BU TOE T- oC014MERCIAL i BANK OCALA FLA TIE DEPOSITORS IN THIS BANK t Are tke merchaats the pror wtoMl aid succeeffnl aea ud woa e of fr u city UM farmers of the urrea4f8C territory- W ftccofifjoaate all clsssum Our customers represent the mem sad weeM wk bye bUt sad are stn building successful enterprise We solicit a nan of yo- urVEENON bisiau W ELDRED THE UPTODATE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC- ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec- ialty ¬ New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glass i Frosting Gilding Graining Kalaomining Furniture Re- pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lower ALL WORK GUARANTEEDj Thsse 21 wifke Mtftfezuta Md KNIGHT LANG Leading Vehicle Dealers of Central Florida L4 Ali bHMHe stock tl leliaUe Waftis lfifes Carts Carriifei carried at al toes anesi Saddles Lap Itfcb Whips art all item- sIrsMteMhtuttlftisfcMfcMfU 1 ba la qiu- aeIadrks u always ir stock al lie very r cu iu we JIll Miiey M jttr protases be key iarfttruulLw- afftw eMe tl UK leiilH art best Hakes tf- ri art buNks 4 1n Toi 3aJc V c t < << KNiGHT LANG l uo rl 11 Jd tr u IdtI tCALA FLOUD- AW n fair v F ot k W PIANOS AND ORGANS t JL Almost for the Asking 4 TO OUR PROSPECTIVE CUSTOMERS f 24ici I wfLaaeJmaeed of floor space we have reduced the prices of the s13swI piaaoe sad if yow are interested la a good lastrnmeHt write- R r lj iM1Y rf Horae at Ocala Fla who will call OB yoa aai mke yom the very best terms We list tile foUowiag l L v- AJtION r ta medium size Ebony caw good tone and action worth- Y ll2 Sale price f 127 I KRAKAUER medium size Ebony ca se good tone and action excellent iaao for those beginning in m usic Value 175 Sale price f 131 STIRLING Ebony case medium Biz ed good for beginners and practice I work fairly good tone f 146 7 ICAiFofthe above Piaios are in nice condition and to one who a1 waits good tone and service In preference to appearance any of them 1 will fee sure to give satisfactio- nS S f 159 per week we offer the following KENSINGTON in nice Mahogany case splendid tone and action looks Mew but very little indeed splendid action and is worth 300 Sale price 1238 c kCPHAlL line Mahogany case splendid tone and action in the beet Of ofMdltloa throughout splendid action and is worth within 25- isC1tsorIgInalcost45O Sale price- f3Tf 9284- KURT1UAK qfl ia large Mahogaay case plain but neat design looks new xosileat tone spleadld action and Is worth within 250t its J origlatl cost450 Sale price f284 a e Aay of the above we dont hesitate to recommend to anyone want taraiBest desirable piano either for home or teaching purposes We ffmaramtee them Just as If new- t At tte per week we list the following CHICKERING in medium sized Ebony case good practice piano good tQaeJd eUon Value 175 Sell for i36- i K1NG9BDRY In medium size Ebony case good tone and action excel Jut piaao for beginners in music Sale price 9185 RUDOLF In large Mahogany case splendid tone and action In the best I coaditlon throughout and is worth within 25 ot its origina- lcost4325 Sale price 9234 F ROYAL Hgnred Mahogany case large upright scale smooth action cleat brilliaat toae rather high in pitch absolutely new and is a good value at 350 The front panel of this was damaged in ship neat bat has been rearranged in a way to make it very attrac tire showing BO rough handling at all this one at 9262- MATMUSHSK style 13In plain Mahogany case neat design large seals price 400 Has had very little usage was used 10 months aM taally takes back in stock pn account of the purchaser hav ¼ lag had some flnaadal reverses Will sell for unpaid balance 9268- r Quil w SCALE LUDDEN i BATES 400 CLUB PIANO which I L MtJalab members oaly 287 is unquestionably the greatest value ever OffMMi y tiy anisic house or factory and where there Is an opportunit- yt iligpae of these at a reduced cost you should certainly take afYftalage of it We have one of these in figured Mahogany case used i a BOeitaa paid down to 238 Bother used five months paid down to 2fl We are willing to sell either of these for the unpaid balances C aa < give yroa the same LIFE TIME GUARANTEE and also the LIFE INSURANCE feature that we would on a piano that is absolutely new Aay of these are fully guaranteed and if not thoroughly satisfac tafx caabe returned at our expense and your money refunded Orders- 1IItIar by would be given first chance We pay freight IT WOULD CERTAINLY PAY YOU TO WIRE US AT ONCE TO HOLD ONE OF Turn PIANOS FOR YOU 5 Ii z o Yours very truly LUDDEN a BATES S M H- Jacksoaville iL 1 RORNE TraTdlae Sal Fla Ocala JFU I L- rfT 4 t 1 1 AVM WOODROW WM J SHERIDAN Pit 0s 115 Plum 139 t i oEAEsToNHoiFANYOFFI- CE IN HOLDER BLOCK OCALA FLORIDA V 02 J CRUSHED STONE CEMENT LAKE WEIR SAND COMMON SAND vf tW Jla1t veto e crasher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all 1d OMftMt Werki Build Foundations make Cement Blocks Cement BWW aMewalka Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make t aMli for PcmndfttleM for house work which look better than brick and- s ckeaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry S- I I j iJLjvjgz PAID IN- FULL I Novelized From Eugene Walter Great Play- ly JOHN WARDING I Cp iit 1SSS fcjr G W Duuajkua c- All right be said making a stop toward her MIf I am what everybody says I amwhat you think I amyou know what to expect and I dont need to talk The peril of her situation roused her to desperation and with It came the courage desperation sometimes Im- parts the courage that impels a de ¬ fenseless animal hunted into a corner from which there Is no escape to turn and fight for Its life You think Im afraid of your she cried throwing up her head and clinching the hands at her sides I tell you Im not Weve been too long at cross purposes What you want mr to do I know what my husband sent me for I know You can be the beast and the brute that you are he can be the contemptible cur that he Is HP can offer me for sale and you can stand ready to buy me But Ive got something to say about It and I de- sire you to know that If I wanted to place myself on the market as you say I couldnt You disgust me but- I shant shirk and I am not afraid of you or of him or of anyone Here She turned quickly locked the door threw the key at his feet and con ¬ fronted him unflinchingly again Tberes the key to your room The door Is locked and I am alone with you You kill men You wring their necks Well Captain Williams heres your first chance to kill a woman for thats Just exactly what youll have to doShe saw the glare in the little savage optics under the beetling brows fade- out to be replaced by a gleam of art miration not the covetous admiration- of her shapely panting form of her handsome resolute face but honest admiration of the pure soul that shone- In her eye- sI knew you were that kind of a woman he said thankfulness and real tenderness In his voice If you hadnt done just what you did Id a been the most disappointed man in the worldWhat do you mean l I mean he continued almost rev erently that I banked on you being good and you ore good I know wo ¬ men Ive bought mine all over the world from Hindoos to niggers But- I paid for em and they was always willing to sell There aint but two kinds the good and the bad and theres no halfway When theyre bad theyre bad through and through- and cant be good and when theyre good they cant be bad and theyre next to heaven I figured you good and if you hadnt been It would have hit me and bit me hard Youre safer here young woman than with your mother because Id fight for you and dont forget I can wring mens necks like chickens Emma could not comprehend It- HI dont understand you she faltered Maybe you mean you dont believe me be said going to the table and taking the paper he had written upon and then slipped between tho pages of one of the magazines Here Ive had this waiting for you Read it She made no motion to tako it from his hand Well Ill read It for you he said Its addressed to that husband of yours U Your resignation Is accepted 1 wish to thank you for your services and to assure you that your accounts with the LatinAmerican Steamship company have been audited and found- to be correct Now Mrs Brooks If youd acted In any way but what you did you would not have got this but I knew you wer good and you are good He added with deep feeling holding out the paper to her again irs worm toRt mucn to me ana a lot more to have a good woman for a sort of daughter Take it This time she accepted It mechanic allyThank you Captain Williams she said The words came In a whisper al- most inaudibly She tried to read the writing but tears In her eyes blurred her sight You know Mrs Brooks said Wil- liams ¬ In a light tone and his usual yoke seating himself In his chair and looking away from her before we got to discussing this business I was tell- ing ¬ you about the Sally Moran my first ship Now that ship hear ru- eayahipsbe was only a schooner- She walked up to him and interrupt- ed ¬ him smiling gratefully through her tearsWhat can I do now captain she asked The telephone bell rang as she spoke You might answer the phone he told her Im getting almighty lazy She did so Its Jlmsy Mr Smith she an- nounced ¬ I kind 0 thought that fellow d be nosing around Instead of going to Bos- ton ¬ he soliloquized Whats the trouble T- Hes downstairs and wants to know if he can come up Sure he can Yes come up Jimsy she called The captain stroked his face thought fullyWhen you let him In you sort o smile and look Into his face he said Hes a kind of an old baby Smith Is and It does him a lot of good- I always smile at Jlmsy she re- plied ¬ No one could help tt t could they 1 Ho la an amusing cuss he con ¬ ceded He reached for the tin of tobacco You dont mind if I smoke do you r- HKoI dont think Id mind If you committed arcan 1 r > Its too hot to burn up eyerytklng he laughed Besides theres a lot of folks say Ill get enough fire after aay wills read They dont know you thats the trouble she said the thankful tears welling to her eyes again as she looked at him Smith aint particular quick about getting here Is be he remarked changing the subject After all he said youd expect him to be a regular hero and drop In from the ceiling What did he say Thats telling be added puffing stolidly at his pipe Youre going to have a hard time letting that man In if you dont find the key you threw around so careless like She picked up the key and unlocked- the door As she did so Smith knocked and she let him In He looked keenly- at her as she smiled up Into his face and he took the hand she extended Weve ben waiting for you JImsy she said- A glad light came into his own eyes Emma he observed I think thats the prettiest smile I ever saw you smile Hello Smith aint going to Boston tonight eh queried the captain No I guess them docks will be there tomorrow he replied He drew his revolver extracted the cartridges with even more than or- dinary ¬ deliberation and threw them on the table- I just thought Id take the pegs out of the heel of that shoe we were dis- cussing ¬ some time since and hand em to you as souvenirs he remarked Thank you was the dry rejoinder Id give you the whole darn shoe added Jimsy with heartiness only a fellow never can tell when hes going to have another sore foot The trouble with you is Smith your foot hurts yon before you stub your toe commented Williams I guess thats right he avowed Ready to go home Emma You wait for me a moment Jlmsy I want to speak to the captain she saidAll right be responded going out ¬ side to ring up the elevator Captain this paper shall I give it to him she inquired WhoBrooksr- Yes I would It clears you And you How can I thank you Dont mind me Only some time when you get settled down and are living happy again Invite me up to tea Let me put on my slippers and smoke my pipe In the parlor Indeed I will Good night And Emma he added ere she had reached the door I suppose I can call you Emma now cant 11 Always Paya lot of attention to that fellow Smith Hes an awful good friend of yours Ive found that out tonight she answered Good night Good night Emma When she had gone the old man sat for some time smoking his pipe medi- tatively ¬ Finally he kicked off his slip ¬ pers rose stretched himself sat down again smiled and uttered his thoughts aloudWell Captain Bill he told himself- I guess youve paid up a part of that deficit youve owed decency for such- a long time Continued Tomorrow Tkf SwII or tk FIOWU1 Ah me I saw a huge and loathsome sty Wherein a drove of wallowing swine were barred Whose banquet shocked the nostril and the eye Then spoke a voice Behold the some of lard I fled and saw field that seemed atfkat- One glistening mass of roses pure and white With dewy buds mid dark green foliage And as I lingered oer the right The summer breeze that cooled Southern scene Whispered 1 Behold the source of OTTOIENEI LEARY SUCCEEDS OBRIEN- As President of the Southern Express Company- New York Oct ST W Leary of Atlanta Ga was elected president of the Southern Express company by the directors here yes- terdayPiPLEI III tried all kinds of blood reneds- which failed to do me any good tmt I have found the right thing at last My face was full of pimples aad blackheads After taking Cascarets they all left I am continuing the use of them and recom- mending ¬ them to my friends I feel fine when I rise in the morning Hope to have a chance to recommend Cascarets w Fred C Witten 16 Elm St Newark NJ Pteaunt Palatable Poteat Taste Good Do Good NeverSlckeaWeabaorGrfpe Me 2Sc Nerer told In bulk The emt- o tablet tamped C C C GoaraatMdto anaryovmoMybMk 822 FOLEYS KIDNEY CURE ILL CURE YOU of any case of Kidney 01 Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medi ¬ cine Take it at one DC not risk having Brights Dis- ease ¬ or Diabetes There II nothing gained by delay ICe and 100 Bottlfte fe1 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS L ALEXANDER Practical CARPENTER MD BUILDER Carefui estimaus mae on all contract work mves more and bet ¬ ter work for the money than niy other contractor in own i U4 u << 1 < 1T- MAKING Y GGOifTi J t- t i- Ih a There is no way of making lsd r Z i Dr Pierces medicines well exemplifjrthis and their friends after mare t f than two decades of popularity are numbered by the hundreds of thou- sands 4 They hue made good and they have not made drunkards 3A A good honest squaredeal medicine of known composition is Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery f It still enjoys an immense sale whfle most of the preparations that have come intopromi nence in the earlier period of its popularity have u one by the boardand are never more heard of There must be some reason for this longtime popularity and that is to be found in its merits When once given a atr trial weak stomach or T for liver and blood affections its su or curative qualities are soon manifestihenceit has survived and grown in popular favor while scores of less have suddenly flashed into favor for a brief period and then been as soon forgotten For 9 torpid liver with Urn attendant Indigestion dyspepsia > c headache perhaps dizziness foul breath nasty coated mS with bitter taste loss of appetite with distress after oatfjt t < nervousness and debility nothing is as good as Dr Pierce9 Zt Golden Medical Discovery v Its an honest squaredeal medicine with all its ingredients printed on bOttlcwr p + no secret no hocusjrncus humbug therefore a substitute that the deil r way make a little 1 t IISUI on JOur right toffie what you call for Dont r t J i- JptIOn t Dr 3 j- J Expecting it to prove a II cureaD It is only dV1seC1 zor womans special aiment 2 It makes weak women sick women will Less adver Used than tome preparations sold for like purposes its stir lint curative virtues still maintain its position in the front t > > ranks where it stood over two decades ago e As an invigorating tonic and strcmrAcning nervine it is unequaled Itwontlat i1lli those I ooze for IS not a drop of alcohol In it er 3 I Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the trkjxal Little Liver Pills > although the first pill of tncir kW i IE the market still lead and when once tries afterwards in Oal I are ever favor Easy to take at candy MORRISTON- Miss Flora Morrison and Miss Belle HendrIx spent several days in Ocala the past week Mr E A Osborne and Mr E F Mitchell went to Ocala Friday on im ¬ portant business DeLand Whitten paid a short visit Blitchton Wednesday afternoon Miss Lillian OHaver a charming young lady from Keuka Fla after having paid Mrs Morrison a visit re ¬ turned to her home FrIday much to the regret of some of our young men Mr Archie McKay has returned from a visit to relatives and friends in North Carolina and South Carolina Mrs S H BUtch Mr Landis Blitch and sister Miss Lcgie Blitch dined with Mrs Morrison Tuesday- Mr and Miss BUtch were on their way to Lake City where they will en- ter ¬ Columbia College Miss Anna LandU from Oxford N Cf has opened her conservatory with quite a large class We regret to learn of the sad death- of little Lillian the only child ot Mr and Mrs George Cox Her death was very sudden as she was sick only a few hours The parents have the sympathy of the entire community- Mrs Archie Mclver who has been visiting her brother Mr J W Fant returned to her home at Ocala Friday accompanied by her mother and little Mamie Fant Ned If people with symptoms of kidney- or bladder trouble realize their dan ¬ ger they would without loss of time commence taking Foleys Kidney Remedy This great remedy stops the pain and the irregularities strengthens and builds up these or ¬ gans and there is no danger of Brights disease or other serious dis ¬ order Do not disregard the early symptoms Sold by all druggists GRAHAMVILLE- The health of this place Is very much Improved The doctors will soon have to go out of business or seek new fields of operation Mr Counts has been taken to Ocal to his brothers home whera he will receive the best medical aid by phy- sicians ¬ of that town Miss Nettle LIsk Is expected home next week from a tour of the Wes ¬ tern states Miss May Holly Is vjsitfng Mrs po- T Randall for a few days Those on the roll of honor pf the Grahamville school fpr this month were Helen MILs Catherine Milts Ruby Long Cor Welhoner Ethel Sewell Annie ee Long Irene Mason Victor Mason Graham Long Ivy Long Jack Welhoner Laurie Ran- dall ¬ J W Randall You need not be troubled In any way with the stomach it you will simply take Kodol at those times when you feel that yon need it Kodo1 Is guaranteed to relieve you If It falls your money will be refunded to IOU by the druggist from whom you purchased It Try it today on this guarantee Sold by all druggists CALVARY- Mrs A S J Wallace spent Friday with relatives at Martel Mr J W Morrison is on the sick listMr A S J Wallace made a busi- ness ¬ trip to Ocala Saturday- Mr Archie Brass of Dunnellon called on Mr J W Morrison Satur ¬ dayMr Merritt Morrison was a caller In Ocala and Martel Sunday- We are sorry to hear that little Dol- ly ¬ Morrison is sick with fever The writer wishes her a speedy recovery Mrs W W Leak made a business trip to Ocala Saturday- Mrs M L Williams of Ocala call ¬ ed on friends here Saurday and Sun ¬ dayMr W W Leak and son George were visitors to the Brick City Tues ¬ dayWe are hoving nice weather for saving hay Mr F G Fltz Oneonta N Y writes My little girl was greatly benefited by taking Foleys Orino Laxative and I think it is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble Foleys Orino Laxative Is mild pleasant and effective and cures habitual constipation Sold by all druggists CORP WOOD FOR 5ALE I w H seli 489 to 60p cords of best quality wood at Montague station for JL50 a cord at deiot Address C E Foglestrom Montague Fla oJ I i OxHt 4 + 4 + G4444 I Ml M It ROWES LITTLE BO NAiA j > S L ROWE PROPRIETOR a OCALA FLtBiA r i- f ALL KINDS OF I s- S Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Product l th Bought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water fish The Most Cam plat Place of 1U Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right i UpToDate First lass Restaurant in Connection First Cists- T Meals and Reasonable Beard to WekIyCustonra Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought 4 and Sold t- e i I Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652 IN ui 112 North Mapelii Street co t t ++ i cctMt K L I- X94 1V + + H44G << 3 ROLLINS COLLEGEFLO- RIDAS EST COLLEGE g COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND INDUSTRIAL ARTS AND t BUSINESS Carnegie Hall and thlrd mens dormitory now completed electric4 lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condlJ tlons fine gymnasium athletic fields 1 f boating tennis courts golf links i baseball football and basketball teams champions Florida in 1999 Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate J J scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for i CHARACTER CULTURE cdNiuiT i c For Catalogue Address the President > l i Win F Bcipnan PJrV Winter Park Ha to tt- tIlI0S8R w HOTEti 1 JACKSONVILLES FINEST AND FlWiAS LAMEST ad BEST YEAK I9UNI MOTEl < J tales 3 per Bay ui Upwards Awto Flap THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor 1 V 1 The Value of Good J > si- I Digestion It flay to figure if you know what your aah it worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par Ta by insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia f Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tcakf aid i absolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesat cure aaytWac J r Bormal process In perfectly digest or accomplish say good Nettfcsr lag all food taktn into the stom- ach ¬ does dieting IndIgestIon a4 u 11 serious ailments whlck It Ja SCeS 4 Wall Kodol if doing this the can be averted sad corrscte4 8aJ7- sa V > ateaaca restIngand becoming by natural means + strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies talf matmnl kealtay stomach guarantees a means It perfarsif the tMWtok f wuad and active brain work for Itjid as the stolen The man with a sound stomach should perform It while the Ytb t stomach that if doing for the ach takes a little mt fir ito body just what Nature intended stomachs sake It to dols the man who Is always Our Guarantee prepared for any emergency He Oo to yer ireggist iMa yaa4get a eV to there with the goods Jar bottle after yea BAT s meea tfcc The maa with a sick stomach is eatlre conteaU ef the 1MKUeK Tern HI a man sick aU over When the JlO efil11UtUaB8I retaratke bottle to J 4eM nwM ye lM t stomach Is Irritatedby undigested k wUI refaaA Ort7 wttkert M > food the blood and heart are di- rectly ¬ ttoa or delay Wevlll Mtea > a7ae cw J Irt for the bottle Dost keetUfeJaJl affected Then dullness un drn lata know that e cnanurtee M4 bIral sleepiness sickheadaches Tkteoffer appUes tke large bsism j vertigo and fainting spells and ad to but ose la a family Ttoe terM ke tie coaUln SJ4 tUaea aa a1Q aa tke Mr serious brat trdfle develop cent bottle Kodol will prevent theft Kodol is prepared ttH lss s- jriesof prrlng the ftosaack aid brgZi acPeWittetc rtaVnjs FOB SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTO ltI- f J I > i t- t fV t t

I LTtWMmarrI PAID IN- MAKING GGOifTiufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03292/00518.pdfC SJSHsga g r- r i i i 1- 0 I 4u- I THE OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY OCTOIERLI9Q l f t I OMON

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Page 1: I LTtWMmarrI PAID IN- MAKING GGOifTiufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/03292/00518.pdfC SJSHsga g r- r i i i 1- 0 I 4u- I THE OCALA EVENING STAR FRIDAY OCTOIERLI9Q l f t I OMON

CSJSHsga g r-




I OMON trueJ tJ


Aid v1aisi-I > 7 BU TOE T-



Are tke merchaats the pror wtoMl aid succeeffnl aea ud woae offr u city UM farmers of the urrea4f8C territory-

W ftccofifjoaate all clsssum Our customers represent the mem sadweeM wk bye bUt sad are stn building successful enterprise

We solicit a nan of yo-




HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERC-ard Signs Designed and Made Paperhanging a Spec-


New Mirrors Made and Old Ones Resilvered Glassi Frosting Gilding Graining Kalaomining Furniture Re-

pairing etc Quality a little higherprices a little lowerALL WORK GUARANTEEDj

Thsse 21 wifke Mtftfezuta Md

KNIGHT LANGLeading Vehicle Dealers

of Central FloridaL4

Ali bHMHe stock tl leliaUe Waftis lfifes Carts

Carriifei carried at al toesanesi Saddles Lap Itfcb Whips art all item-

sIrsMteMhtuttlftisfcMfcMfU1ba la qiu-aeIadrks u always ir stock al lie very


we JIll Miiey M jttr protases be keyiarfttruulLw-

afftweMe tl UK leiilH art best Hakes tf-


art buNks4 1n Toi 3aJc V c t <

<< KNiGHT LANGl uo rl 11 Jd tru IdtI tCALA FLOUD-AW n fair v F

ot k W



f 24iciI wfLaaeJmaeed of floor space we have reduced the prices of the

s13swI piaaoe sad if yow are interested la a good lastrnmeHt write-Rr lj iM1Y rf Horae at Ocala Fla who will call OB yoa

aai mke yom the very best terms

We list tile foUowiagl L v-

AJtIONr ta medium size Ebony caw good tone and action worth-

Y ll2 Sale price f127

I KRAKAUER medium size Ebony ca se good tone and action excellentiaao for those beginning in m usic Value 175 Sale price f131

STIRLING Ebony case medium Biz ed good for beginners and practiceI work fairly good tone f146

7 ICAiFofthe above Piaios are in nice condition and to one whoa1 waits good tone and service In preference to appearance any of them

1 will fee sure to give satisfactio-nSS f159 per week we offer the following

KENSINGTON in nice Mahogany case splendid tone and action looksMew but very little indeed splendid action and is worth

300 Sale price 1238c kCPHAlL line Mahogany case splendid tone and action in the beet

Of ofMdltloa throughout splendid action and is worth within 25-

isC1tsorIgInalcost45O Sale price-f3Tf



ia large Mahogaay case plain but neat design looks newxosileat tone spleadld action and Is worth within 250t its

J origlatl cost450 Sale price f284a

e Aay of the above we dont hesitate to recommend to anyone wanttaraiBest desirable piano either for home or teaching purposes Weffmaramtee them Just as If new-


At tte per week we list the following

CHICKERING in medium sized Ebony case good practice piano goodtQaeJd eUon Value 175 Sell for i36-

i K1NG9BDRY In medium size Ebony case good tone and action excelJut piaao for beginners in music Sale price 9185

RUDOLF In large Mahogany case splendid tone and action In the bestI coaditlon throughout and is worth within 25 ot its origina-

lcost4325 Sale price 9234F

ROYAL Hgnred Mahogany case large upright scale smooth actioncleat brilliaat toae rather high in pitch absolutely new and is agood value at 350 The front panel of this was damaged in shipneat bat has been rearranged in a way to make it very attractire showing BO rough handling at all this one at 9262-

MATMUSHSK style 13In plain Mahogany case neat design largeseals price 400 Has had very little usage was used 10 monthsaM taally takes back in stock pn account of the purchaser hav

¼ lag had some flnaadal reverses Will sell for unpaid balance 9268-


I L MtJalab members oaly 287 is unquestionably the greatest value everOffMMi y tiy anisic house or factory and where there Is an opportunit-yt iligpae of these at a reduced cost you should certainly takeafYftalage of it We have one of these in figured Mahogany case used

i a BOeitaa paid down to 238 Bother used five months paid down to2fl We are willing to sell either of these for the unpaid balances

C aa< give yroa the same LIFE TIME GUARANTEE and also the LIFEINSURANCE feature that we would on a piano that is absolutely new

Aay of these are fully guaranteed and if not thoroughly satisfactafx caabe returned at our expense and your money refunded Orders-

1IItIarby would be given first chance We pay freight IT WOULDCERTAINLY PAY YOU TO WIRE US AT ONCE TO HOLD ONE OFTurn PIANOS FOR YOU

5 Ii z o Yours very truly LUDDEN a BATES S M H-

JacksoavilleiL 1 RORNE TraTdlae Sal FlaOcala JFU

I L-

rfT4 t1 1



V 02 J


tW Jla1t veto e crasher at work In Ocala and are prepared to do all1d OMftMt Werki Build Foundations make Cement Blocks CementBWW aMewalka Artificial Stone Fences Stone Mantels We make

t aMli for PcmndfttleM for house work which look better than brick and-s ckeaper Warehouse and Crusher on Coast Line track north of Foundry


IIj iJLjvjgz



Novelized From EugeneWalter Great Play-


ICp iit 1SSS fcjr G W Duuajkua c-

All right be said making a stoptoward her MIf I am what everybodysays I amwhat you think I amyouknow what to expect and I dont needto talk

The peril of her situation roused herto desperation and with It came thecourage desperation sometimes Im-

parts the courage that impels a de ¬

fenseless animal hunted into a cornerfrom which there Is no escape to turnand fight for Its life

You think Im afraid of your shecried throwing up her head andclinching the hands at her sides I

tell you Im not Weve been too longat cross purposes What you want mrto do I know what my husband sentme for I know You can be the beastand the brute that you are he can bethe contemptible cur that he Is HPcan offer me for sale and you canstand ready to buy me But Ive gotsomething to say about It and I de-

sire you to know that If I wanted toplace myself on the market as yousay I couldnt You disgust me but-I shant shirk and I am not afraidof you or of him or of anyoneHere

She turned quickly locked the doorthrew the key at his feet and con ¬

fronted him unflinchingly againTberes the key to your room The

door Is locked and I am alone withyou You kill men You wring theirnecks Well Captain Williams heresyour first chance to kill a woman forthats Just exactly what youll have to

doShe saw the glare in the little savageoptics under the beetling brows fade-out to be replaced by a gleam of artmiration not the covetous admiration-of her shapely panting form of herhandsome resolute face but honestadmiration of the pure soul that shone-In her eye-

sI knew you were that kind of awoman he said thankfulness andreal tenderness In his voice If youhadnt done just what you did Id abeen the most disappointed man in theworldWhat

do you mean lI mean he continued almost rev

erently that I banked on you beinggood and you ore good I know wo ¬

men Ive bought mine all over theworld from Hindoos to niggers But-

I paid for em and they was alwayswilling to sell There aint but twokinds the good and the bad andtheres no halfway When theyrebad theyre bad through and through-and cant be good and when theyregood they cant be bad and theyrenext to heaven I figured you goodand if you hadnt been It would havehit me and bit me hard Youre saferhere young woman than with yourmother because Id fight for you anddont forget I can wring mens neckslike chickens

Emma could not comprehend It-

HI dont understand you she falteredMaybe you mean you dont believe

me be said going to the table andtaking the paper he had written uponand then slipped between tho pages ofone of the magazines Here Ivehad this waiting for you Read it

She made no motion to tako it fromhis hand

Well Ill read It for you he saidIts addressed to that husband of

yoursU Your resignation Is accepted 1

wish to thank you for your servicesand to assure you that your accountswith the LatinAmerican Steamshipcompany have been audited and found-to be correct

Now Mrs Brooks If youd acted Inany way but what you did you wouldnot have got this but I knew you wergood and you are good

He added with deep feeling holdingout the paper to her again

irs worm toRt mucn to me ana alot more to have a good woman for asort of daughter Take it

This time she accepted It mechanic

allyThankyou Captain Williams she

saidThe words came In a whisper al-

most inaudiblyShe tried to read the writing but

tears In her eyes blurred her sightYou know Mrs Brooks said Wil-


In a light tone and his usualyoke seating himself In his chair andlooking away from her before we gotto discussing this business I was tell-


you about the Sally Moran myfirst ship Now that ship hear ru-eayahipsbe was only a schooner-She walked up to him and interrupt-


him smiling gratefully through her

tearsWhat can I do now captain sheasked

The telephone bell rang as she spokeYou might answer the phone he

told her Im getting almighty lazyShe did soIts Jlmsy Mr Smith she an-


I kind 0 thought that fellow d benosing around Instead of going to Bos-


he soliloquized Whats thetrouble T-

Hes downstairs and wants to knowif he can come up

Sure he canYes come up Jimsy she calledThe captain stroked his face thought

fullyWhenyou let him In you sort o

smile and look Into his face he saidHes a kind of an old baby Smith Is

and It does him a lot of good-

I always smile at Jlmsy she re-


No one could help tt t couldthey 1

Ho la an amusing cuss he con ¬

cededHe reached for the tin of tobaccoYou dont mind if I smoke do you r-

HKoI dont think Id mind If youcommitted arcan


Its too hot to burn up eyerytklnghe laughed Besides theres a lot offolks say Ill get enough fire after aaywills read

They dont know you thats thetrouble she said the thankful tearswelling to her eyes again as she lookedat him

Smith aint particular quick aboutgetting here Is be he remarkedchanging the subject After all hesaid youd expect him to be a regularhero and drop In from the ceiling

What did he sayThats telling be added puffing

stolidly at his pipe Youre going tohave a hard time letting that man Inif you dont find the key you threwaround so careless like

She picked up the key and unlocked-the door As she did so Smith knockedand she let him In He looked keenly-at her as she smiled up Into his faceand he took the hand she extended

Weve ben waiting for you JImsyshe said-

A glad light came into his own eyesEmma he observed I think thats

the prettiest smile I ever saw yousmile

Hello Smith aint going to Bostontonight eh queried the captain

No I guess them docks will be theretomorrow he replied

He drew his revolver extracted thecartridges with even more than or-dinary


deliberation and threw them onthe table-

I just thought Id take the pegs outof the heel of that shoe we were dis-cussing


some time since and hand emto you as souvenirs he remarked

Thank you was the dry rejoinderId give you the whole darn shoe

added Jimsy with heartiness only afellow never can tell when hes goingto have another sore foot

The trouble with you is Smithyour foot hurts yon before you stubyour toe commented Williams

I guess thats right he avowedReady to go home Emma

You wait for me a moment JlmsyI want to speak to the captain she

saidAll right be responded going out ¬

side to ring up the elevatorCaptain this paper shall I give it

to him she inquiredWhoBrooksr-YesI would It clears youAnd you How can I thank youDont mind me Only some time

when you get settled down and areliving happy again Invite me up totea Let me put on my slippers andsmoke my pipe In the parlor

Indeed I will Good nightAnd Emma he added ere she had

reached the door I suppose I can callyou Emma now cant 11

AlwaysPaya lot of attention to that fellow

Smith Hes an awful good friend ofyours

Ive found that out tonight sheanswered Good night

Good night EmmaWhen she had gone the old man sat

for some time smoking his pipe medi-tatively


Finally he kicked off his slip¬

pers rose stretched himself sat downagain smiled and uttered his thoughts

aloudWellCaptain Bill he told himself-

I guess youve paid up a part of thatdeficit youve owed decency for such-a long time

Continued Tomorrow

Tkf SwII or tk FIOWU1Ah me I saw a huge and loathsome styWherein a drove of wallowing swine

were barredWhose banquet shocked the nostril and

the eyeThen spoke a voice Behold the some

of lardI fled and saw field that seemed atfkat-One glistening mass of roses pure and

whiteWith dewy buds mid dark green foliage

And as I lingered oer the rightThe summer breeze that cooled

Southern sceneWhispered 1 Behold the source of



As President of the Southern ExpressCompany-

New York Oct ST W Leary ofAtlanta Ga was elected president ofthe Southern Express company bythe directors here yes-terdayPiPLEI

III tried all kinds of blood reneds-which failed to do me any good tmt Ihave found the right thing at last Myface was full of pimples aad blackheadsAfter taking Cascarets they all left I amcontinuing the use of them and recom-mending


them to my friends I feel finewhen I rise in the morning Hope tohave a chance to recommend Cascarets w

Fred C Witten 16 Elm St Newark NJPteaunt Palatable Poteat Taste GoodDo Good NeverSlckeaWeabaorGrfpeMe 2Sc Nerer told In bulk The emt-o tablet tamped C C C GoaraatMdtoanaryovmoMybMk 822



of any case of Kidney 01

Bladder disease that is notbeyond the reach of medi ¬

cine Take it at one DCnot risk having Brights Dis-


or Diabetes There IInothing gained by delay

ICe and 100 Bottlftefe1




Carefui estimaus mae on allcontract work mves more and bet¬

ter work for the money than niyother contractor in own

i U4 u <<1




t-t i-Ih

a There is no way of making lsd r ZiDr Pierces medicines well exemplifjrthis and their friends after mare tfthan two decades of popularity are numbered by the hundreds of thou-sands 4They hue made good and they have not made drunkards 3A

A good honest squaredeal medicine of known composition is

Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery fIt still enjoys an immense sale whfle most of the preparations that have come intoprominence in the earlier period of its popularity have u one by the boardand are nevermore heard of There must be some reason for this longtime popularity and that isto be found in its merits When once given a atr trial weak stomach or Tfor liver and blood affections its su or curative qualities are soon manifestihenceithas survived and grown in popular favor while scores of less havesuddenly flashed into favor for a brief period and then been as soon forgotten

For 9 torpid liver with Urn attendant Indigestion dyspepsia> c

headache perhaps dizziness foul breath nasty coated mSwith bitter taste loss of appetite with distress after oatfjtt <nervousness and debility nothing is as good as Dr Pierce9 ZtGolden Medical Discovery v

Its an honest squaredeal medicine with all its ingredients printed on bOttlcwr p +

no secret no hocusjrncus humbug therefore a substitute that the deil r waymake a little 1 t IISUI on JOur right toffie what you call for Dont rt Ji-

JptIOntDr 3 j-

JExpecting it to prove a II cureaD It is only dV1seC1 zor womans special aiment 2

It makes weak women sick women will Less adverUsed than tome preparations sold for like purposes its stirlint curative virtues still maintain its position in the front t > >

ranks where it stood over two decades agoe

As an invigorating tonic and strcmrAcning nervine it is unequaled Itwontlat i1llithoseI ooze for IS not a drop of alcohol In it er 3


Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets the trkjxal Little Liver Pills > although the first pill of tncir kW iIE the market still lead and when once tries afterwards in OalI

are ever favor Easy to take at candy


Miss Flora Morrison and Miss BelleHendrIx spent several days in Ocalathe past week

Mr E A Osborne and Mr E FMitchell went to Ocala Friday on im ¬

portant businessDeLand Whitten paid a short visit

Blitchton Wednesday afternoonMiss Lillian OHaver a charming

young lady from Keuka Fla afterhaving paid Mrs Morrison a visit re¬

turned to her home FrIday much tothe regret of some of our young men

Mr Archie McKay has returnedfrom a visit to relatives and friendsin North Carolina and South Carolina

Mrs S H BUtch Mr LandisBlitch and sister Miss Lcgie Blitchdined with Mrs Morrison Tuesday-Mr and Miss BUtch were on theirway to Lake City where they will en-


Columbia CollegeMiss Anna LandU from Oxford N

Cf has opened her conservatory withquite a large class

We regret to learn of the sad death-of little Lillian the only child ot Mrand Mrs George Cox Her death wasvery sudden as she was sick only afew hours The parents have thesympathy of the entire community-

Mrs Archie Mclver who has beenvisiting her brother Mr J W Fantreturned to her home at Ocala Fridayaccompanied by her mother and littleMamie Fant Ned

If people with symptoms of kidney-or bladder trouble realize their dan¬

ger they would without loss of timecommence taking Foleys KidneyRemedy This great remedy stopsthe pain and the irregularitiesstrengthens and builds up these or ¬

gans and there is no danger ofBrights disease or other serious dis ¬

order Do not disregard the earlysymptoms Sold by all druggists


The health of this place Is verymuch Improved The doctors willsoon have to go out of business orseek new fields of operation

Mr Counts has been taken to Ocalto his brothers home whera he willreceive the best medical aid by phy-


of that townMiss Nettle LIsk Is expected home

next week from a tour of the Wes¬

tern statesMiss May Holly Is vjsitfng Mrs po-

T Randall for a few daysThose on the roll of honor pf the

Grahamville school fpr this monthwere Helen MILs Catherine MiltsRuby Long Cor Welhoner EthelSewell Annie ee Long Irene MasonVictor Mason Graham Long IvyLong Jack Welhoner Laurie Ran-dall


J W Randall

You need not be troubled In anyway with the stomach it you willsimply take Kodol at those timeswhen you feel that yon need it Kodo1Is guaranteed to relieve you If Itfalls your money will be refunded toIOU by the druggist from whom youpurchased It Try it today on thisguarantee Sold by all druggists


Mrs A S J Wallace spent Fridaywith relatives at Martel

Mr J W Morrison is on the sicklistMr

A S J Wallace made a busi-ness


trip to Ocala Saturday-Mr Archie Brass of Dunnellon

called on Mr J W Morrison Satur ¬

dayMrMerritt Morrison was a caller

In Ocala and Martel Sunday-We are sorry to hear that little Dol-


Morrison is sick with fever Thewriter wishes her a speedy recovery

Mrs W W Leak made a businesstrip to Ocala Saturday-

Mrs M L Williams of Ocala call ¬

ed on friends here Saurday and Sun¬

dayMrW W Leak and son George

were visitors to the Brick City Tues ¬

dayWe are hoving nice weather forsaving hay

Mr F G Fltz Oneonta N Ywrites My little girl was greatlybenefited by taking Foleys OrinoLaxative and I think it is the bestremedy for constipation and livertrouble Foleys Orino Laxative Ismild pleasant and effective and cureshabitual constipation Sold by alldruggists


I w H seli 489 to 60p cords of bestquality wood at Montague station forJL50 a cord at deiot Address C EFoglestrom Montague Fla


IiOxHt 4 + 4+G4444 I Ml MIt








Fresh Meats Groceries Chickens Eggs Etc Product l thBought and Sold Fresh and Salt Water fish The Most Cam

plat Place of 1U Kind in the Country Remodeled and Right

i UpToDate First lass Restaurant in Connection First Cists-T

Meals and Reasonable Beard to WekIyCustonra

Scrap Iron and Metals Also Green Hides Bought4

and Sold t-



Telephone No Ill P 0 Box No 652

IN ui 112 North Mapelii Streetco t t + + i cctMt K

L I-


+ +H44G << 3



t BUSINESSCarnegie Hall and thlrd mens dormitory now completed electric4

lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condlJtlons fine gymnasium athletic fields

1fboating tennis courts golf links i

baseball football and basketball teams champions Florida in 1999Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate J J

scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands foriCHARACTER CULTURE cdNiuiTi c

For Catalogue Address the President > liWin F Bcipnan PJrV Winter Park Ha to





Jtales 3 per Bay ui Upwards Awto Flap



The Value of Good J >si-


DigestionIt flay to figure if you know what your aahit worth Kodol keeps the stomach at par Taby insuring good digestion Kodol cures Dyspepsia f

Kodol Insures good digestion by to special effort by tcakf aid iabsolutely duplicating Natures stimulants doesat cure aaytWac J rBormal process In perfectly digest or accomplish say good Nettfcsrlag all food taktn into the stom-ach

¬ does dieting IndIgestIon a4 u11

serious ailments whlck It Ja SCeS4

Wall Kodol if doing this the can be averted sad corrscte4 8aJ7-sa

V >

ateaaca restIngand becoming by natural means +

strong and healthy A strong and Kodol supplies talf matmnlkealtay stomach guarantees a means It perfarsif the tMWtok fwuad and active brain work for Itjid as the stolen

The man with a sound stomach should perform It while the Ytb

t stomach that if doing for the ach takes a little mt fir itobody just what Nature intended stomachs sakeIt to dols the man who Is always Our Guaranteeprepared for any emergency He Oo to yer ireggist iMayaa4get a eVto there with the goods Jar bottle after yea BAT s meea tfcc

The maa with a sick stomach is eatlre conteaU ef the 1MKUeK Tern HIa man sick aU over When the

JlO efil11UtUaB8Iretaratke bottle to J4eM


lM tstomach Is Irritatedby undigested k wUI refaaA Ort7 wttkert M >

food the blood and heart are di-

rectly¬ ttoa or delay Wevlll Mtea >a7ae cw J

Irt for the bottle Dost keetUfeJaJlaffected Then dullness un drn lata know that e cnanurtee M4bIral sleepiness sickheadaches Tkteoffer appUes tke large bsism jvertigo and fainting spells and ad to but ose la a family Ttoe terM ke

tie coaUln SJ4 tUaea aa a1Q aa tke Mrserious brat trdfle develop cent bottleKodol will prevent theft Kodol is prepared ttH lss s-

jriesofprrlng the ftosaack aid brgZi acPeWittetc rtaVnjsFOB SALE BY ALL FIRST CLASS DRUGSTO ltI-

fJ I >

i t-

tfV tt