v 4 AL e I I II 1 Li COMPLETE LINE OF sees DoHy Varden and ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates Jp V IM size vAll j every package N t- iL I 0 w f JUL sI s T M As tCall and sugtefore I Phone 181 S X buyingJ ih 4 Gossip About People N V V rI f A Butt Mention of flit Comlngi and Inr Mr Marshal Eison JIM been fj Lex Inglon Mrs W S Klkln of Allunto Is hero with relatives Mlw Nell Johnston nt homo after n stay In Lexington MlRsLottlo WcbbM Lexington H vliltlng Mra Itmkii Hudson TlioMNscs King of Lowell were JucadlJ tnvllll U rl kIng her cotiilu Mm Joo Novlcus r Mrll Cliarlojr llnrdln of Harrodn burg wo with liar Husband hero last weekMr ami Mm Hanks Hudson left Tuesday for tovcrul des stay In Cin 1J tcinnatl > 4 r i MlM Ethel Hlllorwif Slnnfori la- w fc lljKUcst of her sister MIAs Susie t IIcasurck r 4 fora tilt Mrs Win Hays of Stanford visit either mother MS Mildred Ben ley i I ist week x- V t 4 Mr Will Collier wlfu nnd baby of > Tennessee are visiting Mr and Mrs J II Culllcr Mr and Mrs Win Walker of Dec Ion Mlu1 are expected lionio fur the tums holiday I k7 Mrs Jennie Eastman of Colunibun I nUllty I JCMO Arnold who holds n good post r thin In Frankfort was at home fur a I wtekk d Mrr Morgan of Puluskl county was heru last week for a visit to her daugh ter Mrs J M Acto- nMlMtkottalclly leaves shortly to hit her mother Mrr Elizabeth Pot ¬ ty of Decatur111Iiuly- MIAtAltlo Marksburr left Wcdncs day for n IILo her sister Mrs Loult Lnndrnni ut Richmond Mr and Mrs II A Hoeing of Mil ¬ waukee Wisconsin uro visiting her brother Mr J W Swccnor Mrs Leslie Hilton nnd MlM Ratio Cats of Stanford arrived Saturday for a Visit to Mrs It II liaison Miss Anna iudgclt has returned to her homo In ICnoxvlllo Term after u visit to Dr and Mrs J M Acton Mlis Mubcl Browning lira returned to her homo In Winchester after a pleasant stay I ltd Miss Hcltlo West Mr nnd Mrs David Chenault have returned to their home In Hlchmoiid after a visit to their daughter Mra J W Elmoro Mr Chance Davit who his been In the south came Wednesday for a vis ¬ it tj his wIfe and her parcnli Mr and Mtrs Jacob Joseph Baturdayltor ter n pleasant vlilt to hoC parents Mr and Mrs A It llrown lIsl Ira Lcc Smyth will return to her home In Hlchmoiid Ind tlu lal ¬ ter part of the week after several months stay In Lancaster Minxes Monnljoy nnd Marti of Mad ¬ Icon Female Institute at lUclimond have been the recent guests of Miss Stella Ilcndrcnof this county MlMJnno Young of Lcxlnttlon the little daughter of a turner townsman Ur F 0 Young ontorUlned the Uncle UCIIIUH Club of which she IN the honored president quite hand- somely ¬ last week Mrs II F Rowland and children alter a visit to Mr nnd Mrs S H Henrr left Tuesday for their home Hultlir Ark They were accompanied as far ns HlrmliiKhnm by Miss Rachel to c News for all the > people Our sale will ex for Ten Days more w w 1 I 7 y Mens oil Wool Sulla > j 95 letter ones for 6 95 8 95 9 95i 1495 Mens nil Wool Conts 395 595 885 jols 1195 i Coats Kaln 618 798 iaa8 1 tI 9 > > henry who will upend ChrHtman with her rtlfitcr Mrs K II Smith and brother Allen D Henry Mra Prank Kl < or entertained yestcr dar afternoon at live hundred In honor of her guest Mrp A J McNocn of Clinton Mo fDrmerly Miss Theo doru Ilemphlll of Lancaster Ky Tho house wan In pretty Christina decorations After aeveral entertain hug lameR a lunch of substantiate waa nerved Bourbon News of December Who Her Heart Was Broken because her complexion was bad and Hho coulil find nothing to clear It up Ladles n bad complexion In caused b- an y Inactive liver Au Inactive liver will be put In perfect condition by taking liillarda tlcrbtno Tho un e Haled liver regulator Sold by R E Mcllubcrts 1m HIONK All suite mutt rnovo rcnardlc 8 of prlcoijtVoscplV Mary A Sander Hold a bunch of hurts to James Littrell for 7c A T Sanders sold to Lynn Cobb a bunch ottOKS for tile Several of tho farmers at this place Lulnltonla Miss Mty Scott was tho guest o Miss Allco tinyder Thursday inuht Miss Pearl Sunders was the pleasant truest of her slater Mrs Samuel Dun- can last week Misses Lula B CrutchQeld and AN Ico Snyder were visitors at Miss Mollie hurts Sunday Mr Duck Prewitt continues very III Mrs Tom Lamay and daughter Ola were the guests of Mrs D Lamay of liourno Brother Mutt of Lexington will fillI his at this place Sunday and Sundaynhlht Mr Lotlo Haney has returned home after a two weeks stay In Jessamine hilts Georgia A Crutchlleld spent Sundo with Miss Pcachle May San ¬ dersMr P II Grow was In Crab Orchard SundayMr Walter Fayno had a valuable mare to dlo last week Mr Lem Teeter moved from this placo to his now home ho has recently nought near Ur7antlIIo Stung Forl8Yaar- byIndlgeatlone pangs trying many doctors and 420000 worth of tnodlclne In rahB F Ayscue of Irigleslde N C at last used Dr Kings Now Life Pills and writes they wholly cur- ed lilm They euro Constipation Biliousness Sick Headache Stomach Liver Kidney and Bowel troubles 26o Ht R E McRoberts 1m i Resolutions At a meeting of tho Lancaster bar the following resolutions were adop- ted Whereas J W Hamilton the clerk of this court retires from lull olllco at tho expiration of the present tern af ¬ ter twelve ears of service and we tho member of tUls bar dcslro to ex orcBs our appreciation of him on a mUll and as an dilleer court now therefore bu 1C resolved that wo here by tender to said Hamilton our heart est thanks for tho elllelent manner In which ho has discharged the duties or his oillce Ho has been unusually efll chant and faithful la the discharge of ills duties and bo has at all times been courteous kind and accouioda tang We have the highest regard torj him and express our confidence In capacity for clerical work and our con honorf best wlshcii foulili future Whereas M Arnold sheriff of this county retire from once at tho ex pi ration present term after 4 years of seE Ice and Dave Russ jiller after 12 years of service We tho members of this bar desire to express our appreciation of them as men and asonlcers and we express our faith In their honor and extend InteltrltIand our thanks for courte ales In the discharge jof tnelr official duties and they she ever bo held In our conOdenco an esteem and thev have our very bcsf wishes for their prosperity sudceRs We ask tbattheso resolutions bo spread at largon the records of this court and published In the newspa pers of this district It II Tominson W I Wlllhms Lewis L Walker JEU Robinson Committee on Resolutions W C Bell Judge 13th Judicial Dls ti let of Kentucky YOULL FIND IT IN THIS COLUM- NZlmmerlsforfmadCendy 1217 NegaaBruafurOLrlltsltewud 1 Gfmaserror EmasBrtitlY 17 i Ilqan UruL tOI chessrmra My house fur d DanVllle at Hella t ptfa Ikht strait candy f cents per podnd tI112t AlUklndXof ChrlstmM candies JT l Baler Itestau arfI- tt Ia Is t place tOt all rfit mas goons l1u IOetloyr CIrsimas ca liens Re rant- s cIP11f Currey wlUJ8fforaoge fro to 36 cents kJfizen 272t Engage ajrtato at DallrlL Bes nnerI loorlrtlllNutaaadOwa 1t0att dies gotoZlmmcr rltr179i Fruit and rrt11te otlall VJt at Ualerll ftestaurantLhone 240 Corn early an get qu r cost prices on Fall nd Inter Rellrnol Buy your lack cake tor toss from I Zimmerollf a makes be etter and cheaper than you can ome12172t A tree osuvenlr with each purchase of al un1lJnm ware at J JLMomt k CoinpiDyT It You can get anything forvfood Christ usfdinner at ala Itia flea tau rail It My brick residence on Danvjlle Aye la to sale fSosscssloa given at say time S fllo D TllletX 12103t us in 1318 glens Panty 7909 t Suits 98cts to 398 Mens stiff soft hats 49cts Mens JG per pair 370 A ft auuve each pu asg- of set of er knl tin r rtr spoons J b tit ho It Hill Brothers at M re calved a car ofirujjtfTluro that they ardsollltiif at roc 5uttorn prices lo a uW Attention Ferriage will bo free over Kent lCy river on r ILohac O80Id d t8ttien tral Kent ky Wirehouso Millljlton KentuckyVX 1234t We will offer our rcM dence old Loxlu s tunstreet our house- hold ¬ anakltcnen furniture otuJjatur day Decewtler 18th jf 1233t Mrs Jacob Joseph Etray A black sow wfelxhlng 160 pounds came tq rny hquio about02J1Wcek ago Owner angel same b pro- perty an Palnglor this notice and her keeping S W Moss NotIceI Notice Is make appllcatlon > to tlio Govgrtlor ot pa 10 t Aaron Grant tin Million This Dec 2 1009 121041 pd Public Sale Having sold my farm I will on Tues and hOUchotfIood jtf 1234t td v j T Raney For Sale Or Rent We offer for sale or rent our dwel ¬ ling house and store room grids Is one of the locations d o9hslnessThe V Mercantile C- on pd Ilyattsvllle Ky Election Notice There will be all election hold a The Clt Irene Na onal Dark on Ttttdar1 uuarrlllb 1910 for i e urheeofel c lea seven dlrec tore to lerftTibeeniulng rear Dee 4 1909 Br HUDSON Cwhltr ONEY TAB Bens Solder Prevents Poitwoola Clt a trllla more C JTE Garrard Couuty Stll Homo The letter will bo of much Intsrcst to tho friends of Mrs Fan- nie Texas Dec 000 To friends at home lam advised that It Is that I hayo left This Is In no wise true 1 have always called Garrard county home and bopo to for many years yet I am In Texas for a while this winter but expect to return homo very early In the spring If not before will deter ¬ mine the length of my stay but It will be of short Swine Bourbon Hog Colera Is a sure as well as a cure tor hug cholera and other dls eases of swine It keeps hogs and makes them grow and fatten A sold my farm 1 will offer for h WEDN D DEG 22 1009 atOa m tie owing jr foal by Jewell Jr 1 harness mare 3 years bid In foal by Jack 1 bar ¬ ness marc 6cars old 1 harness mare 0 years old All mares ai well broke for work l harness horse 7 Pars old amlly horse 1 mule 7 Y SOld 6 hands high 3 m es eanllnll colt 4 good milk cows t horn bull calf 2 Jersey heifer be fresh to Spring 3 good calves 25 shoots 0 sows to far ¬ row In 1 Po ¬ ¬ terms made known on day of sale W V Am Bourne EXTRA EXTRA ExtRA fGlorious Itehd poUnftorGOcts tliryflilgbestbidder Another Slaughter of Vats for the People Another Tremendous BARGAIN EVENT FOR EVERYBODY UMound Palntit fcost butlCC Stormes following Koeblcr Thrifty reported Kencucky permanently Circumstances duration Sincerely Koehlerr Attention Breeders Remedy preventive Infectious healthy lossotyour MOUbLCo Public Sale laving resIdence tromPoint personal prop- erty toalbv Chester Fcomblnedjnrse yearling February thoroughbred rubher GASTINEAU Auctioneer F great is gaining in favor with the people as the Bargains become better known i I Xf Clothing for Men Boys and Children will be at the mercy of the public for TEN DAYS MORE This wonderfql Sale H LOGANSStoc i ill lighting the people who are coming daily in droves to participate in this distribution of incomparable bargains Jr Our immense store has been baoxed daily with eager buyers and everybody has gone away satisfied This immensebargain carnival is now in the zenith i i 1of its immense and glorious s ccess and is creating town talk jP The great values we are distributing into homes of the people are so far beyond the reach of other dealers that ffany attempt to compete with will only show up bolder relief the toweriblues we are offering at sale 1 4111 YouI i jf t that has ever taken place in Lancaster r I 41r- r if l k This outirp century has contributed no coimnorcinl event of suoh root importance to the people as thus great solo Below wo quote a few of the bargains that are now on sale and remember there aro l la tllOuSllllothor articles wo cannot mention hero Wo have out r ndslaughtorod tho prices in every department for wo moan tomako this tho greatest sale that has over taken place in Lancaster t v 10981195 Over 495 698 Cravcnett rroof595 84899 > t appointment ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ tcWreyV s > and socks Dress Shirts rwrth > lest ¬ J i s The sale great this Childrens Mens fleeced lined Underwear Values up to too price 33cts Handkerchiefs acts Ladies Shoes 980 Mens Shoes 980 WalkOver Shoes 298 and pJ35a f r KJorsheim Shoes worthj > 6oo to 700 at 278 to 435 Mens high top Shoe j 398 + tf dO r III l kOUR GUARANTEE We assure each and every purchaser absolutes Otis etion We guarantee every statement made and will take back exchange or refund the mony on any purchase unsatisfactory for any reason at A r whatever All transactions during the sale CASH ii H T TT LOGAN LANCASTER f K iI J J P 4 tor J I

I Li COMPLETE LINE OF DoHy Varden ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates s Asnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x7k8b/data/0341.pdf · v 4 AL e I I II 1LiCOMPLETE LINE OF sees DoHy Varden and ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates

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Page 1: I Li COMPLETE LINE OF DoHy Varden ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates s Asnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7vx05x7k8b/data/0341.pdf · v 4 AL e I I II 1LiCOMPLETE LINE OF sees DoHy Varden and ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates

v 4 ALe




LiCOMPLETELINE OF sees DoHy Varden and ScJfirafffs Ghoeofates

Jp V IM size vAll jevery package N

t- iL I 0w

f JULsIs T M AstCall and sugtefore


Phone 181 S X buyingJih

4 Gossip AboutPeople N V VrIf A Butt Mention of flit Comlngi andInrMr Marshal Eison JIM been fj Lex


Mrs W S Klkln of Allunto Is herowith relatives

Mlw Nell Johnston nt homo aftern stay In Lexington

MlRsLottlo WcbbM Lexington Hvliltlng Mra Itmkii Hudson

TlioMNscs King of Lowell wereJucadlJtnvllll Url kIng her cotiilu Mm Joo Novlcus

r Mrll Cliarlojr llnrdln of Harrodnburg wo with liar Husband hero lastweekMr

ami Mm Hanks Hudson leftTuesday for tovcrul des stay In Cin

1J tcinnatl> 4

r i MlM Ethel Hlllorwif Slnnfori la-

w fc lljKUcst of her sister MIAs SusietIIcasurckr 4 fora tiltMrs Win Hays of Stanford visit

either mother MS Mildred Ben ley

i I ist week x-

Vt4 Mr Will Collier wlfu nnd baby of

> Tennessee are visiting Mr and MrsJ II Culllcr

Mr and Mrs Win Walker of DecIon Mlu1 are expected lionio fur thetums holiday

I k7 Mrs Jennie Eastman of Colunibun

I nUlltyI JCMO Arnold who holds n good post

r thin In Frankfort was at home fur a

I wtekkd Mrr Morgan of Puluskl county was

heru last week for a visit to her daughter Mrs J M Acto-

nMlMtkottalclly leaves shortly tohit her mother Mrr Elizabeth Pot ¬

ty of Decatur111Iiuly-

MIAtAltlo Marksburr left Wcdncsday for n IILo her sister Mrs LoultLnndrnni ut Richmond

Mr and Mrs II A Hoeing of Mil ¬

waukee Wisconsin uro visiting herbrother Mr J W Swccnor

Mrs Leslie Hilton nnd MlM RatioCats of Stanford arrived Saturdayfor a Visit to Mrs It II liaison

Miss Anna iudgclt has returned toher homo In ICnoxvlllo Term afteru visit to Dr and Mrs J M Acton

Mlis Mubcl Browning lira returnedto her homo In Winchester after apleasant stay I ltd Miss Hcltlo West

Mr nnd Mrs David Chenault havereturned to their home In Hlchmoiidafter a visit to their daughter MraJ W Elmoro

Mr Chance Davit who his been Inthe south came Wednesday for a vis ¬

it tj his wIfe and her parcnli Mr andMtrs Jacob Joseph

Baturdayltorter n pleasant vlilt to hoC parents Mrand Mrs A It llrown

lIsl Ira Lcc Smyth will return toher home In Hlchmoiid Ind tlu lal ¬

ter part of the week after severalmonths stay In Lancaster

Minxes Monnljoy nnd Marti of Mad ¬

Icon Female Institute at lUclimondhave been the recent guests of MissStella Ilcndrcnof this county

MlMJnno Young of Lcxlnttlon thelittle daughter of a turner townsmanUr F 0 Young ontorUlned theUncle UCIIIUH Club of which she IN

the honored president quite hand-somely


last week

Mrs II F Rowland and childrenalter a visit to Mr nnd Mrs S H

Henrr left Tuesday for their homeHultlir Ark They were accompaniedas far ns HlrmliiKhnm by Miss Rachel


News for all the> people Our sale will ex

for Ten Days morew

w 1I7 y Mens oil Wool Sulla >j 95

letter ones for 6 95 8 95 9 95i 1495Mens nil Wool Conts 395 595 885 jols 1195

i Coats Kaln 618 798 iaa8 1

tI 9

> >

henry who will upend ChrHtman withher rtlfitcr Mrs K II Smith andbrother Allen D Henry

Mra Prank Kl < or entertained yestcrdar afternoon at live hundred Inhonor of her guest Mrp A J McNocnof Clinton Mo fDrmerly Miss Theodoru Ilemphlll of Lancaster KyTho house wan In pretty Christinadecorations After aeveral entertainhug lameR a lunch of substantiate waanerved Bourbon News of DecemberWho

Her Heart Was Broken

because her complexion was bad andHho coulil find nothing to clear It upLadles n bad complexion In caused b-


Inactive liver Au Inactive liverwill be put In perfect condition bytaking liillarda tlcrbtno Tho une Haled liver regulator Sold by R EMcllubcrts 1m


All suite mutt rnovo rcnardlc 8 ofprlcoijtVoscplV

Mary A Sander Hold a bunch ofhurts to James Littrell for 7c

A T Sanders sold to Lynn Cobb abunch ottOKS for tile

Several of tho farmers at this place

LulnltonlaMiss Mty Scott was tho guest oMiss Allco tinyder Thursday inuht

Miss Pearl Sunders was the pleasanttruest of her slater Mrs Samuel Dun-can last week

Misses Lula B CrutchQeld and ANIco Snyder were visitors at Miss Molliehurts Sunday

Mr Duck Prewitt continues very III

Mrs Tom Lamay and daughter Olawere the guests of Mrs D Lamay ofliourno

Brother Mutt of Lexington will fillIhis at this place Sundayand Sundaynhlht

Mr Lotlo Haney has returned homeafter a two weeks stay In Jessamine

hilts Georgia A Crutchlleld spentSundo with Miss Pcachle May San ¬

dersMrP II Grow was In Crab Orchard

SundayMrWalter Fayno had a valuable

mare to dlo last weekMr Lem Teeter moved from this

placo to his now home ho has recentlynought near Ur7antlIIo

Stung Forl8Yaar-byIndlgeatlone pangs trying manydoctors and 420000 worth of tnodlclneIn rahB F Ayscue of IriglesldeN C at last used Dr Kings NowLife Pills and writes they wholly cur-ed lilm They euro ConstipationBiliousness Sick Headache StomachLiver Kidney and Bowel troubles26o Ht R E McRoberts 1m


ResolutionsAt a meeting of tho Lancaster bar

the following resolutions were adop-

tedWhereas J W Hamilton the clerk

of this court retires from lull olllco attho expiration of the present tern af ¬

ter twelve ears of service and wetho member of tUls bar dcslro to exorcBs our appreciation of him on a mUlland as an dilleer court nowtherefore bu 1C resolved that wo hereby tender to said Hamilton our heartest thanks for tho elllelent manner Inwhich ho has discharged the duties orhis oillce Ho has been unusually efllchant and faithful la the discharge ofills duties and bo has at all timesbeen courteous kind and accouiodatang We have the highest regard torjhim and express our confidence Incapacity for clerical work and our conhonorfbest wlshcii foulili future

Whereas M Arnold sheriff of thiscounty retire from once at tho expi ration present term after 4years of seE Ice and Dave Russ jillerafter 12 years of service We thomembers of this bar desire to expressour appreciation of them as men andasonlcers and we express our faith Intheir honor and extendInteltrltIandour thanks for courteales In the discharge jof tnelr officialduties and they she ever bo held Inour conOdenco an esteem and thevhave our very bcsf wishes for theirprosperity sudceRs

We ask tbattheso resolutions bospread at largon the records of thiscourt and published In the newspapers of this districtIt II Tominson W I WlllhmsLewis L Walker JEU Robinson

Committee on ResolutionsW C Bell Judge 13th Judicial Dlsti let of Kentucky


NZlmmerlsforfmadCendy 1217

NegaaBruafurOLrlltsltewud 1

Gfmaserror EmasBrtitlY 17 iIlqan UruL tOIchessrmraMy house furd DanVllle at

Hella tptfa

Ikht strait candy f cents per podndtI112t

AlUklndXof ChrlstmM candies JT lBaler Itestau arfI-tt Ia Is t place tOt all rfitmas goons l1u

IOetloyr CIrsimas caliens Re rant- s cIP11f

Currey wlUJ8fforaoge fro to36 cents kJfizen 272t

Engage ajrtato at DallrlL BesnnerIloorlrtlllNutaaadOwa 1t0att

dies gotoZlmmcr rltr179i

Fruit and rrt11te otlall VJt atUalerll ftestaurantLhone 240

Corn early an get qu r cost priceson Fall nd Inter

RellrnolBuy your lack cake tor toss from I

Zimmerollf a makes be etter andcheaper than you can ome12172t

A tree osuvenlr with each purchaseof al un1lJnm ware at J JLMomt kCoinpiDyT It

You can get anything forvfoodChrist usfdinner at alaItia fleatau rail It

My brick residence on Danvjlle Ayela to sale fSosscssloa given at saytime S fllo D TllletX 12103t

us in


glens Panty 7909 t

Suits 98cts to 398Mens stiff soft hats 49ctsMens JG per pair


A ft auuve each pu asg-of set of er knl tin r rtrspoons J b tit ho It

Hill Brothers at M recalved a car ofirujjtfTluro thatthey ardsollltiif at roc 5uttorn prices

lo a uW

AttentionFerriage will bo free over Kent lCy

river on r ILohac O80Id d t8ttientral Kent ky Wirehouso MillljltonKentuckyVX 1234t

We will offer our rcMdence old Loxlus tunstreet our house-hold


anakltcnen furniture otuJjaturday Decewtler 18th jf1233t Mrs Jacob Joseph

EtrayA black sow wfelxhlng 160 pounds

came tq rny hquio about02J1Wcek agoOwner angel same b pro-perty an Palnglor this notice andher keeping S W Moss

NotIceINotice Ismake appllcatlon > to tlio Govgrtlor ot

pa 10 t AaronGrant tin MillionThis Dec 2 1009 121041 pd

Public SaleHaving sold my farm I will on Tues

and hOUchotfIood jtf1234t td vj T Raney

For Sale Or RentWe offer for sale or rent our dwel ¬

ling house and store room grids Isone of the locations d

o9hslnessThe VMercantile C-on pd Ilyattsvllle Ky

Election NoticeThere will be all election hold a The Clt

Irene Na onal Dark on Ttttdar1 uuarrlllb1910 for i e urheeofel c lea seven dlrectore to lerftTibeeniulng rearDee 4 1909 Br HUDSON Cwhltr

ONEY TABBens Solder Prevents Poitwoola

Clt a trlllamore C JTE

Garrard Couuty Stll HomoThe letter will bo of much

Intsrcst to tho friends of Mrs Fan-nie

Texas Dec 000To friends at home lam advised

that It Is that I hayo leftThis Is In

no wise true 1 have always calledGarrard county home and bopo to formany years yet I am In Texas for awhile this winter but expect to returnhomo very early In the spring If notbefore will deter ¬

mine the length of my stay but Itwill be of short


Bourbon Hog Colera Is asure as well as a cure torhug cholera and other dlseases of swine It keeps hogsand makes them grow and fatten A

sold my farm 1 will offer for


WEDN D DEG 22 1009atOa m tie owing


foal by Jewell Jr 1 harnessmare 3 years bid In foal by Jack 1 bar ¬

ness marc 6cars old 1 harness mare0 years old All mares ai well brokefor work l harnesshorse 7 Pars old amlly horse 1mule 7 Y SOld 6 hands high 3

m es eanllnll colt 4 goodmilk cows t horn bull calf 2Jersey heifer be fresh to Spring 3good calves 25 shoots 0 sows to far ¬

row In 1 Po¬


terms made known on day of saleW V

Am Bourne





Another Slaughter ofVatsfor the People Another Tremendous


UMound Palntit fcostbutlCC Stormes



reportedKencucky permanently



KoehlerrAttention Breeders




Public Salelaving

resIdencetromPointpersonal prop-




February thoroughbredrubherGASTINEAU



great is gainingin favor with the peopleas the Bargains becomebetter known


I Xf Clothing for Men Boys and Children will be at the mercy of the public for TEN DAYS MORE This wonderfql SaleH LOGANSStoc

i ill lighting the people who are coming daily in droves to participate in this distribution of incomparable bargainsJr

Our immense store has been baoxed daily with eager buyers and everybody has gone away satisfied This immensebargain carnival is now in the zenithi i1of its immense and glorious s ccess and is creating town talk jP

The great values we are distributing into homes of the people are so far beyond the reach of other dealers thatffany attempt to compete with will only show up bolder relief the toweriblues we are offering at sale


4111YouIi jft that has ever taken place in Lancaster r I


r if l

k This outirp century has contributed no coimnorcinl event of suoh root importance to the people as thus great solo Below wo quote a few of the bargains that are now on sale and remember there arol la tllOuSllllothor articles wo cannot mention hero Wo have out r ndslaughtorod tho prices in every department for wo moan tomako this tho greatest sale that has over taken place in Lancaster t


10981195Over 495 698

Cravcnett rroof595 84899>t










Dress Shirts








The sale



ChildrensMens fleeced lined Underwear Values up to too price 33ctsHandkerchiefs acts Ladies Shoes 980 Mens Shoes 980

WalkOver Shoes 298 andpJ35a fr

KJorsheim Shoes worthj >6oo to 700 at 278 to 435Mens high top Shoe j

398 +

tf dOr III

l kOUR GUARANTEE We assure each and every purchaser absolutes Otis etion We guarantee everystatement made and will take back exchange or refund the mony on any purchase unsatisfactory for any reason at A

r whatever All transactions during the sale CASH

ii H TTT