Oct, 2015

I La Paz Newsletter October 2015

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I La Paz Newsletter October 2015 I La Paz, Newsletter from Instituto La Paz is a publication that features news, events and resources designed for the educational community at our Institute.

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Oct, 2015

IBAMEX held their annual conference and workshop for IB educators on 15th, 16th & 17th October at the TEC de Monterey.

These workshops allow teachers and directors alike to work with other likeminded educators from all around the world and all across Mexico. They develop new skills and reinforce the IB concepts of teaching, thus allowing us to enhance the students learning environment.

This year we sent our directors and many teachers from all areas of our institution to the event, where they discovered and explored topics ranging from the library, community projects and service learning to mention just a few. This program of development does not end once the conference is over but rather is just the start of our own learning experience.

Congratulations to all members of our staff who participated and thank you to all of our community for their patience and understanding for any disruption this may have caused to classes, but remember that this will enhance our learning community. We look forward to our continued participation at next year’s event and on behalf of Instituto La Paz may we commend IBAMEX on a successful and captivating conference.

R.L. Stine

Goosebumps cast a spell upon children by transforming even

the most reluctant students into avid readers. Despite the fact that almost every book has a different collection of characters, the series has one common element that kids can’t get enough of: THE AUTHOR!

However believable his plots seem to his readers, Stine insists he has never lived one of his stories. “I’ve never turned into a bee – I’ve never been chased by a mummy or met a ghost. But many of the ideas in my books are suggested by real life. For example, one Halloween my son, Matt, put a mask on and then had trouble pulling it off. That gave me the idea for The Haunted Mask.”

Although he never experienced terror first hand, he did enjoy reading about it. “When I was a kid, there were these great comic books called Tales From the Crypt and The Vault of Horror. They were gruesome. I discovered them in the barbershop and thought they were fabulous. I used to get a haircut every Saturday so I wouldn’t miss any of these comic books. I had no hair at all when I was a kid!”

His ideas came from two sources: his memory and his imagination. “When I write, I try to think back to what I was afraid of or what was scary to me, and

try to put those feelings into books.” He also keeps a tribal mask and a skeleton hanging in his writing studio to provide eerie surroundings. Although he handles the writing by himself, Stine says he gets “lots of help from my editors, my readers, and my friends.”

Kids reading Goosebumps may be looking for a scare, but the laughs they get are no accident. Before he was R.L., he was Jovial Bob, author of such works as 101 Silly Monster Jokes, and Bozos on Patrol and editor of Bananas magazine. His ability to know what kids will laugh at , as well as what will frighten them, makes the Goosebumps series all the more enjoyable for his readers.

Stine started writing when he was 9 years old! He would write stories and jokes on an old typewriter and hand them out at school. “The teacher would grab them and take them away,” Stine says, “but I kept doing it.” He wrote for his high school newspaper in Columbus Ohio.

For aspiring authors, Stine feels reading is as important as writing. He offers this advice: “If you want to be a writer, don’t worry so much about writing. Read as much as you can. Read as many different writers as you can. Soak up the styles. Pop into our library or visit HPL to find the latest stories from Stine or visit his website at www.rlstine.com and see what ghouls you can wake from the darkest beyond.

Halloween Yoga Poses for Kids

Om Breath Take a deep breath in through your nose. As you exhale you say the sound, “OOOHHHMMMMM” like a scary halloween ghost! Repeat for 5-10 breaths.

Pumpkin PosePumpkin pose is like Rock pose or Child’s pose and each child rests on their knees and curls up with their heads down towards the floor. Take one arm and bring it up behind you like a pumpkin stem, or use both arms and clasp your hands together behind your back. Hold for 4-6 breaths.

Tree Pose with Crooked BranchesStart in tree pose. Using your arms make crooked tree branches and stay in the wind. Hold for 4-6 breaths. You can also practice the OM Breath in this pose!

Kids love the whole idea of Halloween from dressing up to trick-or-treating. Using the theme of Halloween in yoga helps to make the holiday well-rounded by adding a touch of healthy activity to the holiday!


1. Cut off the tops of pretzel rods and set aside.2. Melt 1 cup white-chocolate chips with a few drops of green food coloring; stir until smooth.3. Dip the cut end of the pretzels into the chocolate, covering the top 2 inches. Place on wax paper and sprinkle the sides of each with coconut flakes to form hair.4. Top each with a Hershey’s Kiss and refrigerate until the chocolate has hardened. Draw on eyes, nose and mouth with black decorating icing; finish by covering the Kiss, too.


1. Put a dip of your choice in a small bowl and set in the center of a serving platter. Spread some dip onto carrot tips to form fingernails; set on platter.2. Heap green beans next to carrots. Dot ends of beans with ketchup to create snake eyes.3. Slice cherry tomatoes in half and place on platter, flat side up; top with an olive slice and a pea to create eyes.These recipes were created by Tina Rupp and enjoyed by Miss Christina from 5 C. Please send us your wonderful Halloween frightening treats.

www.edupLace.com/taLeS/The Wacky Web Tales site allows children and parents to create their own funny and imaginative stories using the parts of speech.

This helps children reinforce their language learning.So log on to laugh at your Wacky Web Tales

October 2nd was an ultra special awesome day for Instituto La Paz because some people from Houston Public Library came to visit and present us with a plaque.

We interviewed Michelle and this is what she said;

Why did you choose Instituto La Paz?M: We chose ILP in order to expand our program around the world and are very proud to have this partnership.

What do you think this school has to improve?M: We don’t know as we have not been here long enough to say.

Are you going to do some activities for the children in Instituto La Paz?M: We are going to tell some stories and sing some songs for the younger children.

Why does HPL exist?M: To give people access to books that they could not buy.

Why is HPL important?M: We help children to learn things through the written word.

Next Instituto La Paz and Houston Public Library unveiled a plaque together honouring this unique partnership between educational establishments.

After this presentation we moved on to watch them in our Aula Magna where they read some books and sang some beautiful songs to our younger children.

Now I am sure that Houston Public Library is a good friend and cares about us.

Happy Reading Everyone


The Fantastic Flying books of Mr. Morris LessmoreAuthor: William Joyce

Morris Lessmore loved words. He loved stories. He loved books. But every story has its upsets. Everything in Morris Lessmore’s life, including his own story, is scattered to the winds.But the power of story will save the day.

Stunningly brought to life by William Joyce, one of the preeminent creators in children’s literature, The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore is a modern masterpiece, showing that in today’s world of traditional books, eBooks, and apps, it’s story that we truly celebrate—and this story, no matter how you tell it, begs to be read again and again.


The Pigeon Needs a Bath!Author: Mo Willems

The Pigeon really needs a bath! Except, the Pigeon’s not so sure about that. Besides, he took a bath last month! Maybe.

It’s going to take some serious convincing to try and get the Pigeon to take the plunge!


Rot & Ruin collectionAuthor: Jonathan Maberry

Recommended grades: 6 - 9In the zombie-infested world Benny has grown up in, teens must work once they turn fifteen. Benny isn’t interested in the family business, but he reluctantly agrees to train as a zombie killer with his big brother Tom. He expects a dull job, whacking zoms for cash. What he discovers is a vocation that will teach him what it really means to be human.

Follow Benny´s story with the complete collection.