Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. ( I 1. Bi rthday and pl ace 7 U(vv d?b .Jt)4' ;_,,, 2. HarriaQe (s) date place .I = 3. SiQnificant events for examplt: A. Business _...{{ _a W hhl 4 !AtJ 7i d ·--- , 42· " 1(: ¢ rltJ / . 4 , .. ,.., r .l d/.·, ,.---•• --;/. /}' ... B. Civic responsibilities 2Na c "" · 4t:. .. · / I C. ____________________________________ __ C. National ___________________________________________________ 7. Death 9. Na m es of parents

I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

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Page 1: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


I 1. Bi rthday and p l ace 7 U(vv d?b .Jt)4' ;_,,, 2. HarriaQe (s) date place

~.(/1/ {t~ .I =

3. SiQnificant events for examplt:

A. Business_...{{ _a W hhl 4 !AtJ7id ·--- ~ltJJ9 , 42· " 1(: ¢ rltJ ~ / .

4 £,,.,~/. , .. ,.., r .l d/.·, ~-~<J. ,.---•• --;/. /}' • ...

B. Civic responsibilities 2Nac"" · 4t:. .. ·-~ · / I

C. Professiono~~~~~<4~q~·,~a~/ ____________________________________ __

C. National __________________________________________________ _

7. Death

9. Names of parents

Page 2: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

11. Degrees ~ }1' ~ L &-v~__k_,a_.,, o .J., <~.-· _

dlk-rAL cfn .. ~~ .. JJ: !t t~'(~,~ . Unv~w c&~ .., , 7

12. Other app l icable in formation ________ ~~~~ ~~~~~9AU~L~~P __ _

----------· - ------------------ -----------

- - -·---------- --------·--


--- - -------

Page 3: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

N-e /son, (RPd LJ ·

( Sources Log For Legislation Bntries


Page 4: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

th In a cute ~wenter nncl ~klrt combination which Is now In such high style and demand.

Mrs. Billie Cessford chose a ,bright gold wool dress for her In­Itial appearance which was ac­cordion pleated. Adeline Marquis wore n brllllon-t red wool jersey ~-ess and used tblack accessories.

othy Shelley, allo wore o Jer­drcss which was or o heather

shade and hod o r lb knitting trim ond •black !~ather belt. Belly Ol­son sprunr forth ln n royol blue corduroy dresa with name red sheet and purse. The corduroys were further ushered In by Shir­ley Albertson w ho wore II light trey. cord su~. !

Janet Taylor appeared In n .red, white and •blue wool wllh a knit­ted b lue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade­line . Marquiss returned In' o r ayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress.

·S tyle Sltow Can't ... on Pogo li ------

• Korea hu been a bll dlaop• polntment to M01eow • : • thoce "peace·lovlnt North Koreans'' who were "vlctlmt of a"resalon" were not •up Poled ·to be auresscd · ·~k to al'id beyond thb 38th por-


StaUn. ls still wlablnl them well as tor as the~ 39th l)arallel • . . after• that thoy may be on their own. ' I , .,

But S talin did not leovo Moseow to say ''hoilo". whar,tl~· Mr. Tru• m an carr ies hls own ;mall. -

Harry did not ,~.~~~he ~·N:· wh c· ther It waa' all •i'IJht tb vlalt tho commander ot the U.N. forces. , •• ho flaur•• .his term~\toul~ ,bo up before ' hie request l6u\d 10t on

'>f U. N. As~embly nuthority to cnll on ils members for nrmcd forces to ~rnosh ol{grcssion any­where in the world.

_.,V J.l l V UU\..\: O>H. .. I.UV 0)11\J, ... .;'J, J' UI-

CIUdCS two tclc\·i~ion cumct·a~. rc­lny equipment to t:tkc the signal ·to tho main tronsmiltcr. and n truck.

OHI IOIJ 11 lht• ('(illl

nicn l tr: air ron·c•

It ,\\' :

In a 11a~1c dccrarauon made to the U. N. Interim commltk.e on Korea, the U. s. pre~nk.d a memorandum from the uni­fied command· reafflnnln&' Cull Intention l.o withdraw troops and not t.o establish any m1 11-tary baau In the Asiatic pen­Insula.

'Tired of Fine Wor d11' . lloyt S.

DUlles pointed out thM pre- Se' S 'I Who ~:~~~ 0t, vious Ru~slan offers of intcrnn- IZe ai or dct'SOI\ I tlondl consultation~ have brouglit a} B

At the sam~ time, .rohn Foster Duilcs os Amerlc01n U. N. d~lc­gslc sold In the 00-mcrnb~r poll­tical committee that ~her~ Is no r eason to !enr th~ United States.

no ooncrctc rcsulls. He snld there Stole Person ox ~~~~~~c . Is nothing to lndlcnlc thut Soviet Andel

~~~c~~~ policy hll!l chanced. nnd Of King George VI the a il

field. l\' "I think thnl the world is get- t ime of .-- -Death Today Of Fred W. Nelson ·

tlng ~ired or ! lne w.ords with no LONDON _ i iNS- A personal An ai :.ubstance."

1' diplomatic box or King George VI{did not

' Intenslv.o bchlnd!the-sco'ncs dis- wn& stolen from Buckingham hus rCl'• cusslon!l were conducted th rough- P nlnce during the night nnd to- mond b• out tho day nl Lnke Success to !Ill day pollee seized a sailor ns the sidercd the post or Secrelnry-Gencl':~l lhlct as he climbed over the pnl-Trygve Llo. The Russians rc- nee wnll. tuscd yesterday to accept Lie for - - Last l

For ~ Fred w. Nelso,n, 64, prominent 0 second flvc-yen.r term.

and wldcly.known resident of Nc- • . vndn, born April 7, 1880, died this · -------morning nl 2:4:~ ns the result or Airline Plane Crashes heurt compllcntlons o! which he , • , hna been n surcerer cor the post In 'Mmnesota,' Ktlls FJVe scvcr:nt months. Death carne to Of s· -p Abo d him m his sleep. IX ersons ar

Funeral 8ervlees will be con- ' · dueted Sunday afternoon at --'--2:30 at t he Memorial Lutheran ALMET.-UND, Minn., - INS -church with Rev. E •• 1', Wind· A Northwest Ah·l!nes' plnnc man ofllelatlnr. The ~Y will crns'hcd todny rienr · Almelund, lie In 11tate at the Morfoot·Dix· Minn., killing !lve or Its six oc­on funeral home until t hr.e of cupnnls. service. 'J'hc ~urvlvor wns InJured nnd Mr. Nelson, who attended ,High- tnl<cn to n hospital In St. Croix

lnnd Purk college In Des Moines Falls, \\'1s. · and Iowa Stotc College, Ames, 'rho airlines sold three ,or the served In the House or Rcp•·csen- dead nrc: t.ntlvcs <lurln~t th~ 43 ond 44th Copt. n:-~yrnor'd F1·nncl11 nen­Ccncral Assemblies and a11 ~c!ln- dc'r, :!4, o! 'Minneapolis (7012 tor during the 45 and 40th Ccn- Knox Avo. South); Copt. John n. erol Assemblies. G r s 1 1 38 , h1 hl39, he was named to the nit, 37' 0 t. P~u '~ nn., (O

State Tnx Commission where he Mcntcnlm Plncc)j nnd Wllllnm Solomon ot• MlnneopoiJs, on ln­£erv~;d until. 1945. B~ was rnt~d sr:ectot• tor the Civil Acronoullc

o Mosler Former In lowo In 1920. Authority. Th~'dcccoscd wns a post mnstc•· ----- ---------­

or tho locnl Masonic 1odg~ 'nnd wns n 32nd degree Mnson. Ho wns o member ot tho N'ovodn no­tory club nnd o! tho Twentieth Century. club and wns ·nlwnyiJI nc­tlvo In tho F tir·m Bur~n\l.

The box. olflolally aald to contaln only , correspondence, waa stolen rrom Ute Jlal ace or· lice of MaJ. Gen. A. Salisbur y­J ones, lho Kine's manh&l or the diplomatic corps and his link wllh the foreign ambassadors In London. ·

L:lst Erlith t lng at I Method F.A. Sn

At the climax of on lntcnslv~ Burin lnvcstlgntion by Scotland Ynrd at G()l cl nnd military Intelligence Douglas The bo Munro, 20, wos formally charged Cooper· with breaking and ent~rlng the Mnxwc palace and the!l of the box. Mt·s.

The s~nmnn, wno was sold to mornln have been l'elzed cllmbln~t over nt the th~ high poloc~ wnll, will z{ppcor Wntcrlc In Bow Street moglst,rn.te's court tomorrow. Le All London was agltntod by tho mystery or'how the Intruder was nblc to get post th~ ,tight s~cur.:. lty chain to enter tho pnlocc, LOS

Content. lntne' I 00.000 Th~ box was found In n dust- their ''

bin neur the palnce and Scot· lcuvlng land Ynrd said In an~ official let· blu• statement thnt Its contents wct•o of futu In tact. ~~C:~tll\~

One press '- account said lmpor- o~ }hell tnn~ "Rtnte se.r.rcts" were miss· T he ln r.: but the Ynrd' sold: · ltM 32•

Ho wna n mmber or 1 the Board ot Directors or th~ Iown Crnlh Dealers Allaoclotlon ond nt the time or his donth W08 p~slclont , ot tho Story County Mutuol" Flro

' 1•No i : t! tc pnpcrR hove been tr rd11y s toh.n rr:Hn the diplomate box t hr n : ·,,·ldch lour1 been ·missed lt·om drtnar Bucl\i:l!!hrim '>IIICit>e. It hnR bcoot Achi'M•

' rrcovcrce1 lntrict. and '" "ll contained only, corrcspon- the Rt

_ Insurance Co. nnd n director of, ' It's doubtful whethtr• Vllhlnslcy tho Fodornl Form Loan A'uocln··

dcncc nnd no Rtn~e pnpcrR ot· sc- The orct documents. All the corre:~• •·csolutl

tho 'u(eilda,'

• will accept nny of !>l.ir :new ponce tlon. plan• , • • he's aot ao manr of our ,. old ones ho hnan't operutd yo~. He IK &urvlvcd by his w ltc,

But tm~n thlnka Jf ho c:ould 1lt down with Stalin ~e ~ould 1et anaweu to aomt quMtlo\f• and lt'l IWOrth tr~lnl • • • at IOIIl ·ho CO!Ildn't liVe 1n~thln1 IWI}'o

E~nn n nchcl Srnllh Nelson whom ho mnrrled, Feb. 22, 1011, by thrco MOnti, n obort L., Richard F. and Donald L. Nolaon nnd ono dnuahter, Mu. Clifford Padoll• toni ot Novndn. Ho ' blso lonvo'a o Alt lor, Mrs. Frank Klnnrnon, nlr1o nt Ntwudn.

pondoncc wns. Jntact." the Lc-;

. ltnry 11 RITES ":!lit VAU:NTINE . · purcd111

CENTEnVILLF. - JNS- Fun- .!!1c ode ornl .aervlccR for tor·mel' .Jown·' .Thc­llautonont IIOvcrnor J ohn K. Vnl· or clyn 'enllno, 40, ot Contervlllo Wt'ro IIOt or the Frldny for Snturclny nt 2 p. m . In A 11hru ~ontervlllo, lio tiled yo~tarclny nf· r·uruftccl fei surrcirlrig • tr·urn n hcnrt con· wol'clln

• clition to•· Jlovornl y aurJ, Htltutlp

Page 5: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.






Convened January 8, 1951

Adjourned April 17. 1951


W. H. NICHOLAS. President of the Senate

WILLIAM S. LYNES, Speaker of the House

Complied Under Direction ol SHERMAN W. NEEDHAM Superintendant of PtlnUnq


· Published by the


Des Moines, lowa

Page 6: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.


He was elected State Senator to fill vacancy in the Forty-second Extra session of the General Assembly and reelected to serve in the Forty-third and Forty-f ourth General Assemblies.

He was always reco~ized as a man of highest integrity, and gave much time and effort to constructive community. endeavor . He was an active member of the Lutheran Church. Those who knew him, and particularly his co-workers in the Legislature, held him in high esteem.

Therefore, Be It Resolved by the Senate of the Fifty-fourth General Assembly of Iowa : That in the death of the Honorable T. E. Moen, the state mourns the loss of one of its honored and distinguished citizens and the Senate,'by this resolution, tenders its sincere sympathy to the sur­viving family, and

Be I t Further Resolved: That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the Journal of the Senate and that the Secretary be directed to forward enrolled copies to the members of the family of the deceased.


Committee. The resolution was unanimously adopted.


MR. PRESIDENT: Your committee appointed to prepare a suitable memo­rial commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Fred W. Nelson of Nevada, Iowa, begs leave to submit the following report:

Fred W. Nelson, Senator from the Thirty-first district, composed of Boone and Story Counties, was born Apri17, 1886, in Story County, Iowa. He received his early education in the.rural schools and later at Highl~nd Park College at Des Moines, Iowa, and at Iowa State College. B;e was married to Edna R. Smith, February 22, 1911, and to this union was born four children: Avis Vere, Richard F., Robert L., and Donald L.

He served as township clerk eighteen years, as board member of the Story County Farm Bureau four years, treasurer three years, and presi­dent three years. He was a member of the Nevada Lodge No. 99, A. F . and A. M., and was master of that order in 1926, and was also member of O.E.S... He served as a member and president of the N ortb Grant Consolidated school board, and was a board member of the Fax:mera Elevator Company and served on the Farmers Grain Dealers Associa­tion of Iowa. He was a member of Nevada Rotary Club for at lea11t twenty years at Nevada, Iowa. He was awarded master farmer medal, January 13, 1927. He was a member of the Memorial Lutheran Church at Nevada, Iowa.

He was elected State Representative in 1928 and 1930 and State Sen­ator in 1932 from the Boone and Story County District. He was llJI­pointed by the Governor and served as a member of the State Tax. Com. mission from 1939 to 1945. He was president of the Story County ¥u•1 J.




a I f I v

Page 7: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. ' J



tual Fire Insurance Company at the time of his death. He departed this life on the 13th day of October, 1950.

He had a wide variety of interests and was an outstanding farmer and expert on tax matters. His keen interest in public affai rs caused him to devote many years of his life to public service. While he rendered out­standing service to his community, state and county, he was a loyal fl"iend and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. His was a record of untiring service for the good things in life and his example will long be remembered by all who knew him.

1<'1·ed W. Nelson was a man who had adopted as his motto these wot·ds, "I serve."

1'herefore, Be It R esolvecl by the Senate of the F ifty-fourth General Assembly: That in the passing of the Honorable Fred W. Nelson the state has lost a valuable and honored citizen- a man who devoted many years of his life to public service.

Be It. Fw·t.her Resolved: That a copy of this memorial resolution be pl'inted in the J ou rnal of the Senate and that the Secretary be directed to send an enrolled copy to the members of the family of the deceased·.


Committee. The resolution was unanimously adopted.


MR. PRESIDENT : Your committee, appointed to prepare suitable reso­lutions commemorating the life, character and public service of the late Honorable Charles Longley Rigby, begs leave to submit the following:

Charles Longley Rigby, banker, legislator, and business manager, died at Independence, Iowa, May 16, 1949. He was born at Stanwood, Iowa, Februuy 20, 1874, the son of William Titus and Eva Rigby; graduated from Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa, with a B.A. degree, in 1894. He then engaged in farming at Stanwood, Iowa, from 1894 to 1938. H e was also connected with the Union Trust & Savings Bank at Stanwood, Iowa, from 1905 to the time of his death in 1949. Ft·om 1940 to 1949, he was chairman of the board of directors. He was business manager of the State Hospital at Independence, Iowa, from 1940 until the time of his death. He served as Iowa Stat~ Senator from 1924 to 1932.

Mr. Rigby was chairman of the loan committee, executive committee and member of the board of trustees at Cornell College; member of Iowa Bankers Association, chairman of Group 8, and also Iowa representative of American Bankers Association; a member of Regional Agricultural Credit Association, and later inspector for this office ; a member of Sigma Nu fraternity and the Masonic lodge. He was married to J ennie Billings in 1901, who died in 1939, and surviving their parents are two children, Charles Edward and Isabel Rigby.

Page 8: I .Jt)4' · ted blue collar ond wolat, Helen Morr111'c hose a 'Wool 'lottey dress With a tie neck and sl.eevcs. Ade line. Marquiss returned In' o rayon gabardine tlomc-eolort;d, dress

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1930 United States Federal Census- Ancestry.com

ancestry You searched for Fred W. Nelson in Iowa

COrataa US: 1·800-ANCEST'RY

1997·2010,. (f:. .... .,

Name: Fred W Nelson

Home in 19:lO: Grant, Story, Iowa

Yil:l\' ~~~~ p

Age: 43

Estimated Birth abt1887


Hirth place: Iowa

Relation to Head Head

of House:

Spouse's Name: Edna R Nelson

Race: White


Education: \lilitan senice:

Vi\:1' j 11MJ{\: Rent/ home' alue:

A~eat.first an'!age:

b' P~rr,nts' 1rt pace:

Nei~bbors: riL'" !llhns Qn n;tgt'

Household '\a me Age

Members. ln.d.l \'_Ncls9.n 43 &Ina !Uld"-Qf! 40 M.iu:i£.1\ Nelson 16

lllih;.t1~clson 15

Robcn t. NclsQil 10

!22D.1ld I, t'clson 7

Source C'ilation: 't"ar 1930, Census Plact. Granr. Story, lou:a~ Roll: 683· P~~ 2A: EnumrrtlfiQn Disuict~ 12- l m.1g,t: .. 18.0.

-\nC'f',tn..com. rr).10 L'nlrtd State.~ Fedr:ra/C't-n.sus (cl:.t<'l.Ja~ on-hne). Pro,o. UT. liS \ . \nC'f':l.ff\,rom OpC'rntion"' Jnl'. :.lOCY.l

Onginal cfa1:1: United SUitt" of \11 ' rot. 8urtau ol tht"C<-ns.ns. F"l)tttntla rerL,Ui: o[lht ('nit~d StOlt!!, 1930. \\'AShington. 0.(.' ' t •n~l.\rrhi\C~and Rtrord~ \c1mlnl-,1ro\tll'ln. IQ30· To~. 2.6bi oil,

ll c-,.crlp lion: ContAining rt'('Ords fnr 3pprm.lmllltr1) 123 million Anwric.m<. lh\' 1930 t,; ntt('(J Stdlt',.. F~drraJ Ct"n .. u!!o i~ thf' la~e-.st etlhiiS rt"lra~d to d11tt .1nd is tht moq tt"ttnt C'fi1SUS D\;tilabl•~ for pulnu:~· ;tctt'SS I he rensus$-ht'"' U!> o1 ~JirnPM' •nto tht' lht,., of \m('rir;1.n, tn 1~30 o~~nti cont~ins nfonnatron ;tbo\11 a hOll)~holch rarnd.> mtmbtot"i and O«UPO\nts ndudrnJ bu1hptaces. OC'C\Ip;:tlM)n~ mmiy-ation,titJUil~h·p. and mdttal'\ Sol!'r'\iC'l" Tht rt.a~ O( thouo ,,,h:•d In thf" ~nStlf •·~ linO..;d 10 arnaal i"""to oft~ 1930 Census. I~

Alii ·ates

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