i '. ., l ' ' I Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW . Thursday, August 8, 1974 At the Library The Craft Comt>.r, all by Elaine Skolnik - 474-eO&O Sat, 11-12 and 2_.. August 10 - Lawrence l\1. Shabe, 19, son of August 31. Bring your ideas and Mrs. Jackie M. Shabe, 65-K Ridge use our crayons, clay, cardboard, was promoted to army pri- or paper to make special projects. vate first class while serving with . Every Sat. there will be different the 3d Infantry Division In Giebel- .. materials to work and experiment staclt, Germany. "wiUi. . Marine Pvt Philip Bealr, son Tum. Speorlal, ages 6-12 of Mr. and Mrs. John Reily Beaird, · Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m. August 13 - 143 Westway, graduated from re- Avgust 20. Meeting Room. The cruit training at the Marine Corps for August 13 Is the film Recruit Depot, San Diego. The Lonu: and stories. · Our deepest sympathy to · Mr. F-..lly Fllms and 'Mrs. Thomas Pacl, 108 Perl- Tues., 7:30 p.m. August 13 - winkle Court on the Joss of their 'J:T. Meeting Room. Films daugh_ter Karen. for A•ruat 13 are J.T. and Bolero. Welcome home to Bobby Lange. Flbu 'lor Pre-eehoolen, ages 6-X Plateau, who Is back home Wed., . 10:30 a.m. August 14 - , {dter a month's tour of the U.S. AUCW!t 21. Meeting Rooln. .Films · Sorry to hear that Dave Rad- for AU«<iit H are: Mole and the clilfe, 2--D Research, Is In the Lollipop. P.rederlck, and The Thrt't' hospitaL we wish him a speedy RoiJIIen. 1G-12 · recovery. Boob IIDd Films. ages Former Greenbelters Paul and Thurs., 10:30 August 15 - Shirley Reamy are the proud par- Aucusl 22. Come see a film and ents of twin girls born on July 26. talk about a special book. Books Kern Elizabeth and Terri Michelle for discussion on August 15 are: weighed In at 4 Jbs 8 oz. each. Prbtoe and the Pauper by = They join a sister Angel Anne who Ll:tCie WOIIIeD by Alcott, d is working in Ocean City this Flllllily Robbl8on by Wyss &ll summer and three brothers: Bob- Oliver Twist by Dickens. Books by is vacationing In Ocean City, and Films will. begin at 10:00 a.m. Ri k is a Marine Corps J,.ance Cor- on AIIIU8t 15. ·, now stationed in Cyprus and Drop-In 3-S _ Mike, a college· senior has a sum- EYery Thurs., 2-2.30 p.m. A11g . b · Rod Spain Paul ..___ Roe mer JO m a, · lilt 129. • •.., ....... m. shirley and family have recently Storhe, action rhymes, songs and Shirley and family have recently fingerplays. three years in Topeka, Kansas. They now reside in Silver Spring. Greenbelt Children Perform Dr. Lewis Oring, son of Mr. and •PoJiution and You' will be pre- Mrs. Irving Oring of Greenbelt, · 'llented Wednesday, Aug. 14, 8 p.m. has received a $40,900 grant to In the Greenbelt Youth Center conduct research that someday G:rm. Admission is free. Those ilp-- may enable scientists to predict pearlng In the play are: Marie Un- how man-made alterations In the ger, Rachael, Betsy and Diane environment wUI affect bird pop-- Turklewlcz, Julie Kane, Virginia ulations. Dr. Oring ts a Unlvers- and Debbie Myers, Angela ity of Dakota blologtsl Carmen Brun, Jeanne and Mark Sorry to hear that Mrs. . Gene Harris, Alexa Lauber, Clarissa Byerly, 6-J Ridge, was injured In Schalet, Cheryl Miller, Margaret an accident wh1Te on a slgthseelng Willlamlon, Terry and Patricia bus In Colorado. Sbe sutJered a Osika, Stephanie Forbes, Anita . broken hlp and broken foot. She M:oryadaa, Samantha Querlco. Sta- and her husband, Dr. Ted Byerly, cy Rosen, Jennifer Wilson, David are back In Greenbelt. We wish and Janet M:arshs.ll, Tammy Sher- Mrs. Byerly a speedy J;'ecovery. rill. :Michelle and Elbabeth Szal.ey, and Patricia Raesly. The presen- tation 1s sponsored by the Green- R--••: .. 8 Review belt Recreation Department and .-- ..-.-v dinlcted by Mary Jo Evans and Jean Ann Raesly. · KAVA wUl hold a spash party on Fri., Aug. 16, from II:SG-10:30 p.m .. at the swimming pool. Games will Include water polo, water buketball and diving for money. 187-l Labor Day Softball Tourney The Recreation Dept. Is sponsor- Ing Its 16th Annual Slow-Pitch ent .1&..&' first class double cllmln- ,;_. atioll,vent limited to 16 teams. WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call the Rf:c- QUICKLY reat:IOft Dept., 474-6878, for lnfor- If you want top dollar and qulck servlee Mfllia and Women's Touch Football I 1st row 1 to r Maryonne Gaffney, Bridget Osborne, Sally Laster, Jenny Kmg Andrea Watters, 2nd row, 1 tor, Diana Pristoop, Sue Slyter, Lori 'Keellahur, Kathy Novak, TJ:'acy Mats, Claire Jackson • Not shown - Sue McClasky, Sue Sardelli, and Gloria Hensel. Boys and Girls Club Swim Team News by Fred Ford. Still openings for eager young girls, 16 and under, and boys, 15 and under, to play football and soccer. Contact Fred Ford, 474- 8343. Tues., Aug. 6, Greenbelt's 10 and under soccer team won a thrilling first round match In the D. C. Recreation Tournament. After the game ended In a scoreless tie, sud- den death was played with Green- belt on·top 2-1. The two top teams will play in D. C. Stadium, Sun., Aug. 11. David Sardelli is' on the .13--year Prince Georges Babe Ruth team which will represent Maryland In Tennis Tournament Winners Announced The recent :Mid-Summer Tourn- ament sponsored by G,T.A. and the Recreation Department drew 1115 entries In Men's A and B singles filghts, A and B doubl£s, Women's singles and Mixed doub- le& Jerry Lamkin defeated Bob Jackson to win the men's A filght singles, and Auruatln Vlrrelra de- feated Phil Nudo In the 1 B divi- sion. 'Len Modzelewski and Barry Cleveland won the A flight qoub- Ies by defeating Bob Jackiaon and Bob Jackson. and Fer- nando Vlrreira defeated Dave ed Gretchen Morrison In the wom- en's singles finals. Bob and Pat Jackson won ·the mixed· doubles division by defeating Willie Ber- deguez and Daryl Stewart Next tournament wllJ be the La- bor Day Tournament. by Sue Jone& In the C DiviSion Champion- ships, Greenbelt placed fourtb. 'l'he final score was: Temple Hill - 'J:15'h, Prince Georges Council - 271%, Adelphi - 228, Greenbelt - 161 'h, New Carrollton, 114%. A pool record was set by Nico- lette Durantlne In the 10 and un- der 25 meters fiy with a time· of 17.5 seconds. High point scorers were: Sue Smith 21, Mariette Van- derzon 13, Nicolette Durantlne 13, John Coloe 12 Jim V!lllderzo2.11¥... the regionals at Pleasantville,· N. J. David played this summer with obr 13 and under baseball team. . . r.,... ....... ....... ............ Stern's SHOE REPAIR Heela - Sole. - Rips -Repaired WBIL1Il YOU WAIT Beltway Plaza around the comer Hanover Shoea Mcm.-FrL lo-t Sat. 'Ill PORTER'S UQUORS 8100 Dalto. Blvd. -l7-l-8178 <next. to MeDonald's In CoHege Park) Any questions about wines welcomed LIST WITH US I..Mpel · sERVICE JS OlJR BU$NESS Tile ,Recreation Dept. Is now In 937•5390 GREENBELT; Pl'041111111 Of formlhr a Men's League R t A new llltln&' priced ·. and·.a·.•women's League for the Wah In· n estauran 3 Bedroom Brick with , 187• Games will be played family room, . fenced on 8allden Field.· Persons wishing hi C Ill r yard, washer, Air Condition- to enter teams In these leagues C ..... U ne lleliiYUII er. H-- 1n very nice condl-. llhould. contact the Recreation 1118! a.Himore __ ..._ ._..., f detal d ft C II OP- ..._ ... MY - O&BB:Y 01JT _ ... ,.,.... remodeled kitchen, lloon, fenc!'d yard, llto .... e shed. Cloeq_ .. mentary 1ehool and .. CIInllna' eenter. Under $18,000. 0 1 Bedroolll remoltelect .' End CC)-011 apartment In wooded iM. Ver:r nlcie for the youn1 or retired couple. OWND WILL 3 bedroom muonry home with rarap. Wall to ..n carpet.- lnr, remocleled kitchen, fenc- ed yard. Reuonabty priced $22,000. ne.e home• are iuet a few .... the We aenlnr hamel In Green.,.._ U 7011 conllder lelllq, ,pP con,. tact one of our .,..U . fair market val1Mi : ot ' home. In Bbopplq Center Nelct to Qu Thli,'Jirotrram will end on Thurs., Aur. 11. The Chuoks and Lassies proanm will start again In the ' fall. Thil fall, there will be soc- cer, T--ball, runnln• and many other actlvp PDIN. Llbor Day activities, this year, , will lnolude additional honeshoc competition for women 18 and over and junlon 17 and under. Per10111 In competlnr should contact the . Recreation Dept Kon.-Frl., 9-5 p.m. or BIU Law110n, Greenbelt lboe Club, evenlnp. er ...... lt Hotdogs ·:; . the of the softbaJI ' 1 It looked u thourh there mllbt not be' a 15 and under team. · B)' the ftnal elm-up date however, ; •. ''Nett iuet enourh rtrl• to .... 1111 a team. Havlnr recruited . s.ra.. Lake to coach the 'Oieenbelt Hotdop manqed an lm· preave 1rHI record <1ee picture at 'r11ftt;) y eter-1 cut-Rate Uquorl 11620 BALTIMORE BLVD. 1). MD. "'·i••• .a,..ao22 ' . !> ' I ; Carry-out Large Ch .... Pizza ............. 1 : ............. : ....................................... $1.25 Popular Soft Drink Cartons ... :: ............................ $1.19 $1.29 . r Hot 'Pastrami or. Italian MeatbaH Subs ......... ; ....... ........ 75c . cOiitliil ... The Wow Burger ' 107 CINTEIYfAY 474-4991 KASH, INC. 9002' Spring Rd. (conaer University Blvd. & Rhode leland Ave.) SPRINOIDLL LAKERS- You should see this very nice 8 BR 1 ¥.. bath home In College Park with all the pleasantries )'OU bave wanted. It fel\turee a U' x 27' family r<iom, rec. rm. ·. In . basement, covered patio and lo- cated on a :J.arre lot with tow- ering oak trees. It is selling for the VA appraised price of $38,1100. Call 345-2151 tonight! A BREEZE . WOOD blew through this 2 BR home loca- ted within walking dist&J\ce of the GREENBELT SHOPPING MALL. Perfect condition with vents In for Cen. A/C. It does have W ;w carp. and an A/C plus self-cleaning oven and your own fenced yard! $13,1150. NOT FOR CHERRYWOOD LANE DWELLERS ONLY Here is probably one of the largest homes on Lakeside Drive. In Greenbelt! It bas five Huge dormer bedroom about 20' x 20'. 3 BRs and 2 baths next level, LR. DR and LARGE KIT AND FAMILY ROOM WITH FP, NEXT LEV- EL, LARGE REC. RM WITH WET BAR PLUS, DEN, next level Game room and laundry facllltles. All of 'this has W /W carpeting. Outside there are 2 large · patios! Carport!. Two brick sheds - AND )lORE AND .MORE! Call to- night about this deluxe home. If you have equity in your pre- sent home It may be enough to take over pmis of $163/mo. principle and Interest. 345·2151 ANYTIME DAY OB NIGHT MARK-et. this 6 bedroom, 3 bath split-level house In the Lakeside area has SEVEN- TEEN, yes, 17 closets!! 20dO rec room, fire place and adja- CI'nt to Lake. Storm windows, some ww carpet are just a few of the extras In this beautlf ul home. Give us a call on this one. er nice and Iarre ones here at Kash Inc. For Instance, walt until ' you see this 4 bedroom, 2 'bath, brick home In Oolletle Park. Two car garace, other extras on a ·lot. Priced in upper 40s. ED-monston dreamed this kit- chen up. It Is a real beauty in ·this 2 bedroom starter home In Greenbelt. Payments $248.00 month after down. Ali utilities Included except elec. and phonP. $14,900 UNIVERSITY A,REA You shouldn't walt to aee this 4 bedroom brick rambler near the Md. Rt'C roont In blllll.t, 3 window. -A/C., FF r&- frlt., nice. ,89,1100. Kaah, has several nice Grt!enbelt for your l111pectlon. Some are v&C!Uit, some freehly painted, some with new ·stow and refrlr. Many kinds and 1be1, prices varylq. Please rtve U1l a call at 346- 2151 and let one of our ,..alee- .men help )'Ou ith your hous- Ing need1. () ANYTIME, DAY OR NIG '345-2151 ANYTIME, DAY OR NIGHT KASH INC. REALToR HAS MANY F'lNE HOMES - - - I -- .. &$ ,_..,_£..,_... a a .. {i6teenhelt , Ci1y Approves Mobile Gas Stalin · . · --d \!\!Miss Greenbelt" Jt I NT ROo4Q · ' tWS .. City.councU. · J 6 lila. Park and flanning Commission · ...,.. the..._. Station renovations and gave ollldal AN INDEPENDENT. NEWSPAPER Volume 37, Number 39 GRJ?'NBELT; MARYLAND .. Thursday, A'ligust 15, 1974 City Council Studies Revised City Check PI · . . From .4lan Kay an for the Golden Triangle At Jlonda7'• city council meet- kig, Greenbriar developer Alan Kay gave the city a check for $2,417 to cover settlement, legal and other fees In connection with the city's recent aequl.lltion of parkland in the Smlth,Ewlng tract. The Golden Triangle got back into the news this week as city council received a revised preliminary plan of subdivision which will be considered by the Prince Georges County Planning Board on Thursday, AugUst 22. At last Monday's council meeting, after some discussion, it was decided to take up the matter at a special council meeting, next Monday night, August 19. At the same time, council Wi.1l consider some 14 items of unfinished business from the August 12 meeting. · ' · The IUbdlYlslon plan calls for passed, would· permit used car dlvldlq the 57-acre tract bound- sales lots ancf automobile repair ed by ·Greenbelt Road, Kenilworth facllltlo which are In C)Onjunctlon and the Capital Beltway Into with a new car dealer room to be 8 lot., With access by means of a permitted usee In the C-2 zone · · or dedicated entrance road without obtaining a special ex- connecting to Greenbelt Road op- ceptlon, poalte the entrance to the Green- belt Regional Park. The land Is ZODed C-2 <Commercial), and there has been an Indication that a new car dealer wishes to locate on the eastern half of the property. This matter first came up before the council last February at which time the council recommended to ·the Planning Board that the plan • not be approved until certain Is- sues are resolved. · Subsequently the Planning Board recommended dlaapproval because of. the lack of public facilities. Now, on the second time around, tiH! technical statJ of the Plan- nil!&' Board has recommended ap- proval. The only revision In the plan over that prevloUily consid- ered Is the addition of a horse- shoe shaped roadway through the property, resulting in an additional access point along Greenbelt Road .. The city's Advisory Plannln&' Board hu once araln reiterated the slx previous conditions It felt should be Incorporated Into the plan before It Ia 'flpproved. These conditions deal with rl&'ht.H>f- way, need for a IIIIUt on curb cuts, provision for bikeways, and access to city-owned property at Indian Springs. ted, "an over-all plan for the en- tire triangle." Jrlayor Richard Pllski noted that the triangle has been designated by MNCPPC 'as a "Special Treat- ment Area" ·and he felt that this meant that something "special" OU&'ht to go on "this valuable piece of land . . . one of the most valuable In Prince Georges Coun- ty''. James Collins, a representative from the Development Division of stated that the term "Special Treatment Area" was still evolvln• and may not now mean what It orlrtnally meant. A11 he -It ·It, It now meant an area wlllclr II In neect of further tech-- nical ftUdy, a prospect he did not aee u likely to occur for the Golden Trian&'le. Steve Peterson, a traffic enrh· ee.- hired by the plannln&' commls . . 1lo11, pointed out the access prob- lema, and recommended against Intense development a traf- ftc vieWpoint. However, he lndl- ca&ed ·that a car dealer1hlp would be a low traffic pnerator and therefore more deelrable than, say an office bulldln&'. In a matter whleh may have a ' bearlna on the Golden TrianriP, OOUIJtY councilman Wln11$1d Kelly hu lnti'O!iuced a bill whlch amenda, the 110111nr ordlnanc' ,,. . relate• to autonaobUe hle1 toooa.. Thle bUI, 08--154--7,, 11 for the purpose of clarlfyln&' permitted Ules In the C-2 zone. PrNently, In the C-2 zone, a new car l'bom 1• a per'lnltted uae, but a repair facility 11 permitted on.ly u ·a lpeclaJ ex- ceptio';'. The county's 1 . If The council also received word that the owner-representative Is seekln&' sewer authorization for the development of the Golden Trillll&'le. AGENDA Continuation of Regular Meeting of City Council Monday, Aug, 19, 1974 8:00 p.m. 1. Golden Tl'iangle Develop- ment · 2. Acquisition of Parkland - Parcell 1 and 2 3. An Ordinance to Provide tor the Periodic Flllq Under Oath by Each Member of the City _Connell and the City Manager of a Repdrt Dls- cloalng his Financial Inter-- ests, Wblch Report Shall Be Open to Inspection <Draft "D") - First Reading 4. Bid Award - Insurance 1874/75 5. Housing for the Elderly 6. Fair Housing Affirmative Action Plan 7. COG Project NotlfiCJ!.tion. and - 8. Appointments to Bicenten- nial Committee 9. Candidate Survey for Prince George's Municipal Associa- tion 10. Proposed Bond Issue 11. Pay Plan Study. 12. Easement to Washington Suburban Sanitary Commis- sion - East Greenbelt Park 13. Resignation - CATV 14. PRAB Report 13-74, City Sponsored Bridge Club Reereation Review Kava Splar.ft Party KAVA will hold a · splsah party on Frl, Aug. 16,. from 8:3G-10:3o p.m., at the swlmmln&' pool. Games will Include polo, water bas- ketball and diving for money. Pottery Clu- Thcre are still openlnrs In the Au111st .ceramics session. Classes are being offered Mon. mornln&'s, Tues., Wed., and Thurs. evenlnp for 5 weeks starting Mon., Aug. 19. ' For further Information call the Rcc. Dept., 474-6878. Lllke Park Summer Souncll The final concert of Greenbelt's 1974 Summer Soutlds Series wlil be Sunday, August 18 at 7 p.m. For the second time thhl summer, bluerrau music will be the main attraction. The rroup fea- tured will be "Firealde", who have recently returJtM from a bluegra" featlval In St. Loula. Gym Cl011ure Thl' Youth CentPr Gym will be closed lor painting, the week of AUf. 19-26. Last month the city $915,000 pledpd by Greenbriar As· soclates 1n Aucust 1971 to' provide 5 acres of additional open space land for the•1,188-uDtt condominium apartment deVelopment. Council members thanked Kay, noting that "be lived up to his ag- reement.•• The Park and .. Recreation Board Will study the poulble recre- ational uses for the five acre tract plus two additional acres paid for by the developer under the county "mandatory dedication" ordinance. Tenais Court Air Voted Down by Sandra Bamea Ari orderly but Impassioned group of ·Lakeside citizens turned out at the Monday, AUI1Jllt 12, city counoU meetlq to Protelt masse . the construction ot an air bubble. at the BrBden Field Tennls 'courts. Hearin&' .not., a!nlle voloe In favor of the proposal, council UJJ&nilllOUII7 bHat- thJl,. bubble 'VOtJ.dl if dtlwii;' ......, :"'; -·· ' .. -' As proPQied by form.er Greenbelt recreation director; Riehle Steven- son, the 'bubble, which would coat $20,000 to construct, would be placed over the four. old11r tennis courts and would be In operation from October through April, 6 a.m. to midnight. It would be 30 feet hl&'h, visible from the Lake and from the houses of re1ldents on Lakeside when the summer's leafy screen was gone. The . city was being asked to Jesse the courts to a 3-5% fee. A Pro Shop would go along with the bubble, otJerlng les- sons and regulating use of all the courts summer as well ·as winter. Residents would have to pay to play, and non-residents would be charged a membership fee In ad- dition to an hourly fee. Hostility to the plan was voiced by Frank Perrazoll, President of the Lakeside Citizens Association, for the following reasons: the bub- ble would be an eyesore to those families whose homes are adjacent to Braden Field; the value of the homes would decline; the noise level of the &'enerator hummlnr a- way frqm 8 a.m. tljl !JI!dnlrht would be unbearable; pedestrian tralllc would be lncl't'ased In the area of the l.kealde hom!!l; and the citi- zen• &'enerally d!Japproved of a commercial enterprise beln&' op- rated on cltf--owned land even thouah precedents have been 1et. for this In the cQncealona at the Lake and the pool, . Other residents protested that they would not pay. $4 ·an hour to play on courts that had been for- merly free. Othere, like Law- rence Schmidt .of Maplewood Court, whOle homes were farthir away and would not be atfeeted by either the slaht or aound of the bubble, relented the effort "to push Greenbelters otJ their own tennis courts", feellnr that com- merelalliatlon of the courts would be an oj)en Invitation to 'outsldel'll to frequent Greenbelt's facility more often than do. Council then ·aareed to permit Stevenson to 1ubmlt a propoeal for the Operation of the Pro Shop as a separat<· faclllt;Y. Many In 'the to the ''Mill Greenbelt" title at a long meeting Mouday. Aul-· U. Council will take up ·ite:mi from the long ...... on Mondaf, Aug, 19. . .... be. .... ;;,A. the lllliilillre The council bad before 1t KNC- ....... ,..,.._ Y1IIC ''"" PPC'1 teebnlcal ltd report on ·becaue It ,.. 111 tile t11e l'eiODinc &na IPeclal eSceptJon . Feltlft1'1 Steeriq oa.u.Meee for the lloba 181 ltatloll property be did DOt feel lie CCJ1!1c1 4QUrel at the comer of Center Way and wltb tbe lnterllal worllblp or· tbe Crellcent Rd. Xobll pJau to re- commm.t . · , ··· place the 1tat1on . IIDd pnp In· PiJul felt tllat ... tbe baclc with one larp prqoe. p.pant· wu 10 willeiT ..,.., Council WIIIDimoul17 11reec1 to ancl ..... tt.Dded by .the ...... , paa on to the plannlnc 0011111111- De JOUIII' ladJ' ·· wbo · '-- tbe ,.,_ ._ ..__ ................ lion the · recommendl!fonl of .. - - -- - clt;J'1 advilory boud (APB) wbJch daJ . reeoplUoD. 'l'bul tbe were: 1) the lite plan woakl be wftll Tom a1 tbe ble subject to approVal b:r tbe e1t:r tor dlllelder. lrade trullltfon between tbe PI V..alltc IIIMIIIIie 'l'a station property IIDd the adjacent AW one yew ap, · re- property, 2) reconstruction of the duoecl the ..,.., .... ,... anc1 station Include provlllone for llde- ment Tu leYJ UJ!IIl tbe lftlll walks alone front IIDd rear of the fttelpta . of coiD-opentled IIIUI&- property; 3) adequate &CCell for ment clevtoea froiD to K, the pede&tNn tra1Bc be provided from levy rate uec1 by Priaae.· Giorpl the exlltlnr underpau under Ores- county for 1Uilneoiponted &Nu. cent Rd. lncludlnr a stairway .be- Council now wu. l'8CCmllcledDr tween the underpau wallrway and cbanrlnc thil · 1e9y · fftllll · to the new aldewalk to be constructed '%" which 11 In 'acccl1'4 with that In front of the station, 4) llaht chaqed· In InCorporated areu plana for the &tatlon be 10 dellrn- throuchout the ooanty. · ed as to guard arainst refiection , Councllmall Weide.nfeld faJOred Into residential areas, II) landlcap- the Increase, feeling It 1 woukl not lng provided between sideWalks discriminate ap1n1t the bulfnea- and· service use, 8) measures taken man and wpuld pruvlde atra reve- . and provided prevent- nue tor the city. However, Jle¥or ing otl and gas spllJace Into storm Pllakl;. IJII!Sidq a11o for Cuta1cU sewer sy1tem during construction and White, dJcl not see the need and future service station use, tor. the lncreue In view of the Council added Its own seventh servloe! thll twe of recommendation: a retaining j!J&Il vlded for many J'(JUtU In tile ett:r. ·. to be built In the rear Instead of The ordinance thuefore wu de- railroad ties and Ivy plantlnp as feated; · . _Mobil dellred. · · . · fD. •, Mill luulnC of OeRenl Ot'n:jqlt-' " '• The :Mia Greenbelt Papat COJI- IJoDdl, Ia ....... ., : · · troversy lllrfaced apln with Ooun- , en. to ball6t tbt-:r-. ·411:;• · .... ··": . ell decldbqf on a 4:-1. elY. e. ·--- ·• &ti filii . ........... tp lliatzls s . t ..... _ do... llr'll . · at ra thtt Labor Day FeltlvaJ u ''lOu ··an 'cirdlnance to .,Pftlplfate fundi Greenbelt, Maryland" Thll action In the Internal l'ad was requested by the co-Chalrper-- wu nnanfmotgly \ sons of the Mlaa Gl'eenbeit Pa- <Council 11&4 .,prcwecl ftmcll fol' geant and sponsored by Council- ftlcal 1171174, but · llacl man Rolchard Castaldi. been expenclecl, thereby Councilman Tom _ com- lnr r, for 'the $18,- mented that he had a phUoeophl- 7110). ' cal problem with the. whoJe pa-- ROIIdllcl8 S..... \ &'eant which he felt diltorted the Steve Pclluclilk city values on which men and women manacer JIUDel Glelle'l to are j.ud&'ed. . permit a vendor to eell Speaklnr from near the Intersection of said she had no objection to · a private contest, but hated to see Greenbelt give official aanction to a contest which viewed women's Wllrth according to their physical attributes, charm and poise. Shir- ley Meridith, Chairperson of pageant, took exception to Ms. Keene's remarks by statln&' that a girl who wants to better herself, or further her career In modeling, should not be prevented from doing so or looked down upon. Councilman Weldenfeld stated WHAT GOES ON I Thlll'llo, Aul'. 111, 7:411 p.m., GHI Board Meettnr. · Place 8:15 p.m. PRAB MPetlng, Youth Center Conference Room S1m. Aul'. 111, 7 p.m., Grt-enbelt Concert ·Band, Lake Park Maa., Aua-. 18, ' p.m. City Coun·- cll Continued, Muni- cipal Bulldina' Greeabelt Nat1 Park Au1111t 18 RGek Millie The Fran Tate Band. Sweetpm Picnic Area. 2-4 p.m. Aurust 21 Natu...:-HIIce Trt'f' Nourlahment. 1·-3 p.m. Meet at Dorwood Nature Trail. 426- 8818. audience' felt that 10me re111Iation of the tennis courts courts WM ileceuaty, and· council delepte'if P.atlls and AdviiOI'y Board to look Into the matter along with Stevenson's. proposal. over room and I• therefore hazar- dous. Giese explained that the site was nerotlated w'th the ven- dor and Is suitable tor the purpo11e under the teriu of t'!t> cltv ped- dlers and hawkers ordinance. Oouncll I&W no way to eliminate the hazards u the Hlllnr of wares wu permitted on the city's streets. Waiver }Janyok, of 102 North- way, soupt a waiver to the elty's driveway permit ltandarda for a con1tructlon of a driYew&y, from the llde yard of hil pt'l)perty onto Creacent Rd. Permlalon wu rranted by council, notln• that the to beflt&temporary - kind. exlntq. three yean. at the end of that period, Hanyok can uk for an Pldenalon. A letter wu received ·from· one realdent, Hilda Oaborne, wantlnr a curfew for youq people In the clt3L She noted the . acta of vandalllm that have oc- curred recently Uld 811ked the city to conalder a curfew. No action was tabn on rf'Ciueet. A1 the hour waned put 11:30 a.m., council concluded Ita IICI8 for the evPnlnl by to notify the Council that a pi'OpOied labor acreement bt>- twePn thr County and J..oeal 1810 of the International A11110elatlon of Flreftrhten, wblch 11 to be raUfted by the County Cbuncll. oolltahlll a number of provislonlr that alpltl- cantly atfeet the relatlonahlp be- tween the paid lire lll'rvlee and the volunteer ftre service. city noted. In partls:ular th11 failure to brill&' the volunboer who are the station aupervlson of the paid . men, Into the barplnln• proeee•. ' •.

I Jt I - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · atioll,vent limited to 16 teams. WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call

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Page 1: I Jt I - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · atioll,vent limited to 16 teams. WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call

i '.

., l

~ ' '

I Page 4 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW . Thursday, August 8, 1974

At the Library The Craft Comt>.r, all a~s. by Elaine Skolnik - 474-eO&O

Sat, 11-12 and 2_.. August 10 - Lawrence l\1. Shabe, 19, son of August 31. Bring your ideas and Mrs. Jackie M. Shabe, 65-K Ridge use our crayons, clay, cardboard, Rd~ was promoted to army pri­or paper to make special projects. vate first class while serving with

. Every Sat. there will be different the 3d Infantry Division In Giebel­.. materials to work and experiment staclt, Germany.

"wiUi. . Marine Pvt Philip Bealr, son Tum. Speorlal, ages 6-12 of Mr. and Mrs. John Reily Beaird, · Tuesdays, 2-3 p.m. August 13 - 143 Westway, graduated from re­

Avgust 20. Meeting Room. The cruit training at the Marine Corps p~ for August 13 Is the film Recruit Depot, San Diego. The Lonu: and stories. · Our deepest sympathy to · Mr. F-..lly Fllms and 'Mrs. Thomas Pacl, 108 Perl-

Tues., 7:30 p.m. August 13 - winkle Court on the Joss of their A~ 'J:T. Meeting Room. Films daugh_ter Karen. for A•ruat 13 are J.T. and Bolero. Welcome home to Bobby Lange. Flbu 'lor Pre-eehoolen, ages ~ 6-X Plateau, who Is back home

Wed., . 10:30 a.m. August 14 - , {dter a month's tour of the U.S. AUCW!t 21. Meeting Rooln. .Films · Sorry to hear that Dave Rad­for AU«<iit H are: Mole and the clilfe, 2--D Research, Is In the Lollipop. P.rederlck, and The Thrt't' hospitaL we wish him a speedy

RoiJIIen. 1G-12 · recovery. Boob IIDd Films. ages Former Greenbelters Paul and

Thurs., 10:30 a.~ August 15 - Shirley Reamy are the proud par­Aucusl 22. Come see a film and ents of twin girls born on July 26. talk about a special book. Books Kern Elizabeth and Terri Michelle for discussion on August 15 are: weighed In at 4 Jbs 8 oz. each. Prbtoe and the Pauper by = They join a sister Angel Anne who Ll:tCie WOIIIeD by Alcott, d is working in Ocean City this Flllllily Robbl8on by Wyss &ll summer and three brothers: Bob­Oliver Twist by Dickens. Books by is vacationing In Ocean City, and Films will. begin at 10:00 a.m. Ri k is a Marine Corps J,.ance Cor-on AIIIU8t 15. ·, po~l now stationed in Cyprus and Drop-In Storie~~. age~ 3-S _ Mike, a college· senior has a sum-

EYery Thurs., 2-2.30 p.m. A11g . b · Rod Spain Paul ..___ Roe mer JO m a, · •

lilt ~ ~ Au~ 129. • • ..,....... m. shirley and family have recently Storhe, action rhymes, songs and Shirley and family have recently fingerplays. three years in Topeka, Kansas.

They now reside in Silver Spring. Greenbelt Children Perform Dr. Lewis Oring, son of Mr. and

•PoJiution and You' will be pre- Mrs. Irving Oring of Greenbelt, · 'llented Wednesday, Aug. 14, 8 p.m. has received a $40,900 grant to In the Greenbelt Youth Center conduct research that someday G:rm. Admission is free. Those ilp-- may enable scientists to predict pearlng In the play are: Marie Un- how man-made alterations In the ger, Rachael, Betsy and Diane environment wUI affect bird pop-­Turklewlcz, Julie Kane, Virginia ulations. Dr. Oring ts a Unlvers­and Debbie Myers, Angela ~lp, ity of ~orth Dakota blologtsl Carmen Brun, Jeanne and Mark Sorry to hear that Mrs. . Gene Harris, Alexa Lauber, Clarissa Byerly, 6-J Ridge, was injured In Schalet, Cheryl Miller, Margaret an accident wh1Te on a slgthseelng Willlamlon, Terry and Patricia bus In Colorado. Sbe sutJered a Osika, Stephanie Forbes, Anita . broken hlp and broken foot. She M:oryadaa, Samantha Querlco. Sta- and her husband, Dr. Ted Byerly, cy Rosen, Jennifer Wilson, David are back In Greenbelt. We wish and Janet M:arshs.ll, Tammy Sher- Mrs. Byerly a speedy J;'ecovery. rill. :Michelle and Elbabeth Szal.ey, and Patricia Raesly. The presen-

tation 1s sponsored by the Green- R--••: .. 8

Review belt Recreation Department and .--..-.-v dinlcted by Mary Jo Evans and Jean Ann Raesly. · KAVA wUl hold a spash party

on Fri., Aug. 16, from II:SG-10:30 p.m .. at the swimming pool. Games will Include water polo, water buketball and diving for money. 187-l Labor Day Softball Tourney

The Recreation Dept. Is sponsor­Ing Its 16th Annual Slow-Pitch

ent .1&..&' first class double cllmln-47~700 ,;_. atioll,vent limited to 16 teams.

WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call the Rf:c-

QUICKLY reat:IOft Dept., 474-6878, for lnfor-If you want top dollar and matt~

qulck servlee Mfllia and Women's Touch Football


1st row 1 to r Maryonne Gaffney, Bridget Osborne, Sally Laster, Jenny Kmg Andrea Watters, 2nd row, 1 tor, Diana Pristoop, Sue Slyter, Lori 'Keellahur, Kathy Novak, TJ:'acy Mats, Claire Jackson • Not shown - Sue McClasky, Sue Sardelli, and Gloria Hensel.

Boys and Girls Club Swim Team News by Fred Ford.

Still openings for eager young girls, 16 and under, and boys, 15 and under, to play football and soccer. Contact Fred Ford, 474-8343.

Tues., Aug. 6, Greenbelt's 10 and under soccer team won a thrilling first round match In the D. C. Recreation Tournament. After the game ended In a scoreless tie, sud­den death was played with Green­belt on·top 2-1. The two top teams will play in D. C. Stadium, Sun., Aug. 11.

David Sardelli is' on the .13--year Prince Georges Babe Ruth team which will represent Maryland In

Tennis Tournament

Winners Announced The recent :Mid-Summer Tourn­

ament sponsored by G,T.A. and the Recreation Department drew 1115 entries In Men's A and B singles filghts, A and B doubl£s, Women's singles and Mixed doub­le&

Jerry Lamkin defeated Bob Jackson to win the men's A filght singles, and Auruatln Vlrrelra de­feated Phil Nudo In the 1 B divi­sion. 'Len Modzelewski and Barry Cleveland won the A flight qoub­Ies by defeating Bob Jackiaon and Bob Jackson. AuKUSt~n and Fer­nando Vlrreira defeated Dave Shad~

ed Gretchen Morrison In the wom­en's singles finals. Bob and Pat Jackson won ·the mixed· doubles division by defeating Willie Ber­deguez and Daryl Stewart

Next tournament wllJ be the La­bor Day Tournament.

by Sue Jone& In the C DiviSion Champion­

ships, Greenbelt placed fourtb. 'l'he final score was: Temple Hill -'J:15'h, Prince Georges Council -271%, Adelphi - 228, Greenbelt -161 'h, New Carrollton, 114%.

A pool record was set by Nico­lette Durantlne In the 10 and un­der 25 meters fiy with a time· of 17.5 seconds. High point scorers were: Sue Smith 21, Mariette Van­derzon 13, Nicolette Durantlne 13, John Coloe 12 Jim V!lllderzo2.11¥...

the regionals at Pleasantville,· N. J. David played this summer with obr 13 and under baseball team. . . r.,... ....... ~ ....... ~..,...,.. ............


SHOE REPAIR Heela - Sole. - Rips -Repaired


Beltway Plaza around the comer Hanover Shoea

Mcm.-FrL lo-t Sat. 'Ill •

PORTER'S UQUORS 8100 Dalto. Blvd. -l7-l-8178 <next. to MeDonald's In CoHege


Any questions about wines welcomed

LIST WITH US I..Mpel · ~ sERVICE JS OlJR BU$NESS Tile ,Recreation Dept. Is now In 937•5390 GREENBELT; Pl'041111111 Of formlhr a Men's League R t

A new llltln&' priced ~t: ·. and·.a·.•women's League for the Wah In· n estauran 3 Bedroom Brick ~ with , 187• ~n. Games will be played family room, l&r~re . fenced on 8allden Field.· Persons wishing hi C Ill r yard, washer, Air Condition- to enter teams In these leagues ~~ C ..... U ne lleliiYUII er. H-- 1n very nice condl-. llhould. contact the Recreation 1118! a.Himore __ ..._

._..., f detal d ft C II OP- ..._ ... MY - O&BB:Y 01JT _ ... ,.,.... U:--~~---~~~-;U~on.~Cal;;~l~to~a~how~.~~~~rl[-.De~plen~o_r~~~~~~a_n~~ye~r~·~·a·- -~------~~~::~a~'t'aA:;·~·:::_:_::~~-------------------~ remodeled kitchen, lloon, fenc!'d yard, llto .... e shed. Cloeq_



mentary 1ehool and .. CIInllna'

eenter. Under $18,000. 0 1 Bedroolll remoltelect . ' End CC)-011 apartment In wooded iM. Ver:r nlcie for the youn1 or retired couple.

OWND WILL slCBJnCI:r~ 3 bedroom muonry home with rarap. Wall to ..n carpet.­lnr, remocleled kitchen, fenc­ed yard. Reuonabty priced $22,000.

ne.e home• are iuet a few .... the

We aenlnr hamel In Green.,.._ U • 7011 conllder lelllq, ,pP con,. tact one of our .,..U . fair market val1Mi : ot ' home.

In Bbopplq Center Nelct to ~. Qu ~n

Thli,'Jirotrram will end on Thurs., Aur. 11. The Chuoks and Lassies proanm will start again In the

' fall. Thil fall, there will be soc-• cer, T--ball, runnln• and many

other actlvp PDIN. H-a.ae~&

Llbor Day activities, this year, , will lnolude additional honeshoc competition for women 18 and over and junlon 17 and under. Per10111 lntere~ted In competlnr should contact the . Recreation Dept 474~, Kon.-Frl., 9-5 p.m. or BIU Law110n, Greenbelt Hoi'IC~ lboe Club, 84~11215 evenlnp.

··~ er......lt Hotdogs ·:; . the ~nnlnr of the softbaJI

' 1

It looked u thourh there mllbt not be' a 15 and under team.

· B)' the ftnal elm-up date however, ; •. ''Nett iuet enourh rtrl• to .... 1111 a team. Havlnr recruited

. s.ra.. Lake to coach ~hem, the 'Oieenbelt Hotdop manqed an lm· preave 1rHI record <1ee picture at 'r11ftt;) ~····

y eter-1 cut-Rate Uquorl 11620 BALTIMORE BLVD. (Rout~ 1).

~ rsvnJ.~, MD. "'·i••• .a,..ao22 • ' . ~ !> ' I ;

~r.,.plt Carry-out Large Ch .... Pizza ............. 1: ............. : ....................................... $1.25

Popular Soft Drink Cartons ... :: ............................ $1.19 • $1.29 . r

Hot 'Pastrami or. Italian MeatbaH Subs ......... ; ....... ~ ........ 75c

. cOiitliil ... The Wow Burger ' 107 CINTEIYfAY 474-4991

KASH, INC. 9002' Loc~J&ot Spring Rd. (conaer

University Blvd. & Rhode leland Ave.)

SPRINOIDLL LAKERS- You should see this very nice 8 BR 1 ¥.. bath home In College Park with all the pleasantries )'OU bave wanted. It fel\turee a U' x 27' family r<iom, rec. rm. ·. In

. basement, covered patio and lo­cated on a :J.arre lot with tow­ering oak trees. It is selling for the VA appraised price of $38,1100. Call 345-2151 tonight!

A BREEZE . WOOD blew through this 2 BR home loca­ted within walking dist&J\ce of the GREENBELT SHOPPING MALL. Perfect condition with vents In for Cen. A/C. It does have W ;w carp. and an A/C plus self-cleaning oven and your own fenced yard! $13,1150.

NOT FOR CHERRYWOOD LANE DWELLERS ONLY Here is probably one of the largest homes on Lakeside Drive. In Greenbelt! It bas five ~evels! Huge dormer bedroom about 20' x 20'. 3 BRs and 2 baths next level, LR. DR and LARGE KIT AND FAMILY ROOM WITH FP, NEXT LEV­EL, LARGE REC. RM WITH WET BAR PLUS, DEN, next level Game room and laundry facllltles. All of 'this has W /W carpeting. Outside there are 2 large · patios! Carport!. Two brick sheds - AND )lORE AND .MORE! Call 34~2151 to­night about this deluxe home. If you have equity in your pre­sent home It may be enough to take over pmis of $163/mo. principle and Interest.


MARK-et. this 6 bedroom, 3 bath split-level house In the Lakeside area has SEVEN­TEEN, yes, 17 closets!! 20dO rec room, fire place and adja­CI'nt to Lake. Storm windows, some ww carpet are just a few of the extras In this beautlf ul home. Give us a call on this one.

er nice and Iarre ones here at Kash Inc. For Instance, walt until ' you see this 4 bedroom, 2 'bath, brick home In Oolletle Park. Two car garace, other extras on a lar~re ·lot. Priced in upper 40s.

ED-monston dreamed this kit­chen up. It Is a real beauty in ·this 2 bedroom starter home In Greenbelt. Payments $248.00 month after down. Ali utilities Included except elec. and phonP. $14,900 •

UNIVERSITY A,REA You shouldn't walt to aee this 4 bedroom brick rambler near the Unl~. Md. Rt'C roont In blllll.t, 3 window. -A/C., FF r&­frlt., nice. ,89,1100.

Kaah, I~tc. has several nice Grt!enbelt townhou~~e~~· for your l111pectlon. Some are v&C!Uit, some freehly painted, some with new ·stow and refrlr. Many kinds and 1be1, prices varylq. Please rtve U1l a call at 346-2151 and let one of our ,..alee­.men help )'Ou ith your hous­Ing need1. () ANYTIME, DAY OR NIG •




-- .. &$ ,_..,_£..,_... a a

.. {i6teenhelt ~- , Ci1y Approves Mobile Gas Stalin

· . · ~='t"::DNcouNrr. --d ~•nttions \!\!Miss Greenbelt"

Jt I ~ NT ROo4Q · ·~ ' tWS .. ,·tutt1D1~-r City.councU. sen~i:=e=:Sontothe.~-• · J 6 lila. ··~tal Park and flanning Commission (MN"':":"""i:~ · ...,.. the..._. Station renovations and gave ollldal ~ AN INDEPENDENT. NEWSPAPER

Volume 37, Number 39 GRJ?'NBELT; MARYLAND .. Thursday, A'ligust 15, 1974

City Council Studies Revised City Ge~ Check PI · . . From .4lan Kay

an for the Golden Triangle At Jlonda7'• city council meet-kig, Greenbriar developer Alan Kay gave the city a check for $2,417 to cover settlement, legal and other fees In connection with the city's recent aequl.lltion of parkland in the Smlth,Ewlng tract.

The Golden Triangle got back into the news this week as city council received a revised preliminary plan of subdivision which will be considered by the Prince Georges County Planning Board on Thursday, AugUst 22. At last Monday's council meeting, after some discussion, it was decided to take up the matter at a special council meeting, next Monday night, August 19. At the same time, council Wi.1l consider some 14 items of unfinished business from the August 12 meeting. · ' ·

The IUbdlYlslon plan calls for passed, would· permit used car dlvldlq the 57-acre tract bound- sales lots ancf automobile repair ed by ·Greenbelt Road, Kenilworth facllltlo which are In C)Onjunctlon ~ve. and the Capital Beltway Into with a new car dealer room to be 8 lot., With access by means of a permitted usee In the C-2 zone

· · prl~ate or dedicated entrance road without obtaining a special ex­connecting to Greenbelt Road op- ceptlon, poalte the entrance to the Green­belt Regional Park. The land Is ZODed C-2 <Commercial), and there has been an Indication that a new car dealer wishes to locate on the eastern half of the property.

This matter first came up before the council last February at which time the council recommended to ·the Planning Board that the plan

• not be approved until certain Is­sues are resolved. · Subsequently the Planning Board recommended dlaapproval because of. the lack of public facilities.

Now, on the second time around, tiH! technical statJ of the Plan­nil!&' Board has recommended ap­proval. The only revision In the plan over that prevloUily consid­ered Is the addition of a horse­shoe shaped roadway through the property, resulting in an additional access point along Greenbelt Road ..

The city's Advisory Plannln&' Board hu once araln reiterated the slx previous conditions It felt should be Incorporated Into the plan before It Ia 'flpproved. These conditions deal with rl&'ht.H>f­way, need for a IIIIUt on curb cuts, provision for bikeways, and access to city-owned property at Indian Springs.

ted, "an over-all plan for the en­tire triangle."

Jrlayor Richard Pllski noted that the triangle has been designated by MNCPPC 'as a "Special Treat­ment Area" ·and he felt that this meant that something "special" OU&'ht to go on "this valuable piece of land . . . one of the most valuable In Prince Georges Coun­ty''.

James Collins, a representative from the Development Division of ~PC. stated that the term "Special Treatment Area" was still evolvln• and may not now mean what It orlrtnally meant. A11 he -It Pile~ ·It, It now meant an area wlllclr II In neect of further tech-­nical ftUdy, a prospect he did not aee u likely to occur for the Golden Trian&'le.

Steve Peterson, a traffic enrh· ee.- hired by the plannln&' commls .

. 1lo11, pointed out the access prob­lema, and recommended against Intense development f~em a traf­ftc vieWpoint. However, he lndl­ca&ed ·that a car dealer1hlp would be a low traffic pnerator and therefore more deelrable than, say an office bulldln&'.

In a matter whleh may have a ' bearlna on the Golden TrianriP,

OOUIJtY councilman Wln11$1d Kelly hu lnti'O!iuced a bill whlch amenda, the 110111nr ordlnanc' ,,. . relate• to autonaobUe hle1 toooa.. Thle bUI, 08--154--7,, 11 for the purpose of clarlfyln&' permitted Ules In the C-2 zone. PrNently, In the C-2 zone, a new car ·sale~ l'bom 1• a per'lnltted uae, but a repair facility 11 permitted on.ly u ·a lpeclaJ ex­ceptio';'. The county's

1. btl~ If

The council also received word that the owner-representative Is seekln&' sewer authorization for the development of the Golden Trillll&'le.

AGENDA Continuation of Regular Meeting of City Council

Monday, Aug, 19, 1974 8:00 p.m.

1. Golden Tl'iangle Develop-ment ·

2. Acquisition of Parkland -Parcell 1 and 2

3. An Ordinance to Provide tor the Periodic Flllq Under Oath by Each Member of the City _Connell and the City Manager of a Repdrt Dls­cloalng his Financial Inter-­ests, Wblch Report Shall Be Open to Inspection <Draft "D") - First Reading

4. Bid Award - Insurance 1874/75

5. Housing for the Elderly 6. Fair Housing Affirmative

Action Plan 7. COG Project NotlfiCJ!.tion.

and Revle~ - Compc)itln~r

8. Appointments to Bicenten­nial Committee

9. Candidate Survey for Prince George's Municipal Associa­tion

10. Proposed Bond Issue 11. Pay Plan Study. 12. Easement to Washington

Suburban Sanitary Commis­sion - East Greenbelt Park

13. Resignation - CATV 14. PRAB Report 13-74, City

Sponsored Bridge Club

Reereation Review Kava Splar.ft Party

KAVA will hold a · splsah party on Frl, Aug. 16,. from 8:3G-10:3o p.m., at the swlmmln&' pool. Games will Include ~Hater polo, water bas­ketball and diving for money. Pottery Clu-

Thcre are still openlnrs In the Au111st .ceramics session. Classes are being offered Mon. mornln&'s, Tues., Wed., and Thurs. evenlnp for 5 weeks starting Mon., Aug. 19. ' For further Information call the Rcc. Dept., 474-6878. Lllke Park Summer Souncll

The final concert of Greenbelt's 1974 Summer Soutlds Series wlil be h~ld Sunday, August 18 at 7 p.m. For the second time thhl summer, bluerrau music will be the main attraction. The rroup fea­tured will be "Firealde", who have recently returJtM from a bluegra" featlval In St. Loula.

Gym Cl011ure

Thl' Youth CentPr Gym will be closed lor painting, the week of

AUf. 19-26.

Last month the city ·re~ved $915,000 pledpd by Greenbriar As· soclates 1n Aucust 1971 to' provide 5 acres of additional open space land for the•1,188-uDtt condominium apartment deVelopment.

Council members thanked Kay, noting that "be lived up to his ag­reement.•• The Park and .. Recreation Board Will study the poulble recre­ational uses for the five acre tract plus two additional acres paid for by the developer under the county "mandatory dedication" ordinance.

Tenais Court Air Bu~~le Voted Down

by Sandra Bamea Ari orderly but Impassioned

group of ·Lakeside citizens turned out at the Monday, AUI1Jllt 12, city counoU meetlq to Protelt ~tn masse . the construction ot an air bubble. at the BrBden Field Tennls 'courts. Hearin&' .not., a!nlle voloe In favor of the proposal, council UJJ&nilllOUII7 bHat- thJl,. bubble ~. 'VOtJ.dl if dtlwii;' ......, :"'; -·· ' .. -' •

As proPQied by form.er Greenbelt recreation director; Riehle Steven­son, the 'bubble, which would coat $20,000 to construct, would be placed over the four. old11r tennis courts and would be In operation from October through April, 6 a.m. to midnight. It would be 30 feet hl&'h, visible from the Lake and from the houses of re1ldents on Lakeside when the summer's leafy screen was gone. The . city was being asked to Jesse the courts to

a 3-5% fee. A Pro Shop would go along with the bubble, otJerlng les­sons and regulating use of all the courts summer as well ·as winter. Residents would have to pay to play, and non-residents would be charged a membership fee In ad­dition to an hourly fee.

Hostility to the plan was voiced by Frank Perrazoll, President of the Lakeside Citizens Association, for the following reasons: the bub­ble would be an eyesore to those families whose homes are adjacent to Braden Field; the value of the homes would decline; the noise level of the &'enerator hummlnr a­way frqm 8 a.m. tljl !JI!dnlrht would be unbearable; pedestrian tralllc would be lncl't'ased In the area of the l.kealde hom!!l; and the citi­zen• &'enerally d!Japproved of a commercial enterprise beln&' op­rated on cltf--owned land even thouah precedents have been 1et. for this In the cQncealona at the Lake and the pool,

. Other residents protested that they would not pay. $4 ·an hour to play on courts that had been for­merly free. Othere, like Law­rence Schmidt .of Maplewood Court, whOle homes were farthir away and would not be atfeeted by either the slaht or aound of the bubble, relented the effort "to push Greenbelters otJ their own tennis courts", feellnr that com­merelalliatlon of the courts would be an oj)en Invitation to 'outsldel'll to frequent Greenbelt's facility more often than th~y alread~ do.

Council then ·aareed to permit Stevenson to 1ubmlt a propoeal for the Operation of the Pro Shop as a separat<· faclllt;Y. Many In 'the

to the ''Mill Greenbelt" title at a long meeting Mouday. Aul-· U. Council will take up the'unftnish~ ·ite:mi from the long ......

on Mondaf, Aug, 19. . .... _~ be. ~ .... ~ ;;,A. the lllliilillre The council bad before 1t KNC- ....... ,..,.._ Y1IIC ''""

PPC'1 teebnlcal ltd report on ·becaue It ,.. ~ 111 tile t11e l'eiODinc &na IPeclal eSceptJon . Feltlft1'1 Steeriq oa.u.Meee • for the lloba 181 ltatloll property be did DOt feel lie CCJ1!1c1 4QUrel at the comer of Center Way and wltb tbe lnterllal worllblp or· tbe Crellcent Rd. Xobll pJau to re- commm.t . · , · · · place the 1tat1on . IIDd pnp In· ~ PiJul felt tllat ... tbe baclc with one larp prqoe. p.pant· wu 10 willeiT ..,..,

Council WIIIDimoul17 11reec1 to ancl ..... tt.Dded by .the ......, paa on to the plannlnc 0011111111- De JOUIII' ladJ' · · wbo · '--

tbe ,.,_ ~ ._ ..__ ................ lion the · recommendl!fonl of .. - -· - -- - • clt;J'1 advilory boud (APB) wbJch daJ . reeoplUoD. 'l'bul tbe ~ • were: 1) the lite plan woakl be ·vot.ec~, wftll Tom ~ a1 tbe ble subject to approVal b:r tbe e1t:r tor dlllelder. lrade trullltfon between tbe PI V..alltc IIIMIIIIie 'l'a station property IIDd the adjacent AW one yew ap, · ~ re­property, 2) reconstruction of the duoecl the ..,..,....,... anc1 ~ station Include provlllone for llde- ment Tu leYJ UJ!IIl tbe lftlll walks alone front IIDd rear of the fttelpta . of coiD-opentled IIIUI&­

property; 3) adequate &CCell for ment clevtoea froiD .~ to K, the pede&tNn tra1Bc be provided from levy rate uec1 by Priaae.· Giorpl the exlltlnr underpau under Ores- county for 1Uilneoiponted &Nu. cent Rd. lncludlnr a stairway .be- Council now wu. l'8CCmllcledDr tween the underpau wallrway and cbanrlnc thil · 1e9y · fftllll · ~ to the new aldewalk to be constructed '%" which 11 In 'acccl1'4 with that In front of the station, 4) llaht chaqed· In InCorporated areu plana for the &tatlon be 10 dellrn- throuchout the ooanty. · ed as to guard arainst refiection , Councllmall Weide.nfeld faJOred Into residential areas, II) landlcap- the Increase, feeling It

1woukl not

lng provided between sideWalks discriminate ap1n1t the bulfnea­and· service use, 8) measures taken man and wpuld pruvlde atra reve-

. and safegu~ provided prevent- nue tor the city. However, Jle¥or ing otl and gas spllJace Into storm Pllakl;. IJII!Sidq a11o for Cuta1cU sewer sy1tem during construction and White, dJcl not see the need and future service station use, tor. the lncreue In view of the Council added Its own seventh servloe! thll twe of ~ ~~~ recommendation: a retaining j!J&Il vlded for many J'(JUtU In tile ett:r. ·. to be built In the rear Instead of The ordinance thuefore wu de-railroad ties and Ivy plantlnp as feated; ~ · . _Mobil dellred. · · . · ·l&a-~ fD. ~: .-~··w:~ •, • Mill ~ ~ luulnC of • OeRenl Ot'n:jqlt-' " '• ~;;,

The :Mia Greenbelt Papat COJI- IJoDdl, Ia ~ ....... ., ~- : · :·;:~ · troversy lllrfaced apln with Ooun- , en. to ball6t tbt-:r-. ·411:;• · .... ··": . !t~

ell decldbqf on a 4:-1. v~. ~ elY. e. ~ ~ ·---·• &ti filii . ~ ........... tp lliatzls s . t....._ do... llr'll . · 'of'liff!WUFeen'belf.P~CNDt. at ~. ra ~·IMidaa, thtt Labor Day FeltlvaJ u ''lOu ··an 'cirdlnance to .,Pftlplfate fundi Greenbelt, Maryland" Thll action In the Internal ~t ~ l'ad was requested by the co-Chalrper-- wu nnanfmotgly \ ~ sons of the Mlaa Gl'eenbeit Pa- <Council 11&4 .,prcwecl ftmcll fol' geant and sponsored by Council- ftlcal 1171174, but ~ · llacl ~ man Rolchard Castaldi. been expenclecl, thereby ~tat­

Councilman Tom _ Wbl~ com- lnr r, re~approprfatlon for 'the $18,-mented that he had a phUoeophl- 7110). ' cal problem with the. whoJe pa-- ROIIdllcl8 S..... \ &'eant which he felt diltorted the Steve Pclluclilk critf~, city values on which men and women manacer JIUDel Glelle'l to are j.ud&'ed. . permit a vendor to eell Ye1:etal~e1

Speaklnr from near the Intersection of Grem~,llut

said she had no objection to · a private contest, but hated to see Greenbelt give official aanction to a contest which viewed women's Wllrth according to their physical attributes, charm and poise. Shir­ley Meridith, Chairperson of tht~ pageant, took exception to Ms. Keene's remarks by statln&' that a girl who wants to better herself, or further her career In modeling, should not be prevented from doing so or looked down upon.

Councilman Weldenfeld stated


Thlll'llo, Aul'. 111, 7:411 p.m., GHI Board Meettnr. · H~~mllton Place 8:15 p.m. PRAB MPetlng, Youth Center Conference Room

S1m. Aul'. 111, 7 p.m., Grt-enbelt Concert ·Band, Lake Park

Maa., Aua-. 18, ' p.m. City Coun·­cll M~tln« Continued, Muni­cipal Bulldina'

Greeabelt Nat1 Park Au1111t 18 RGek Millie The

Fran Tate Band. Sweetpm Picnic Area. 2-4 p.m.

Aurust 21 Natu...:-HIIce Trt'f' Nourlahment. 1·-3 p.m. Meet at Dorwood Nature Trail. 426-8818.

audience' felt that 10me re111Iation of the tennis courts courts WM ileceuaty, and· council delepte'if ~ P.atlls and Re~reatlon AdviiOI'y Board to look Into the matter along with Stevenson's. proposal.

over room and I• therefore hazar­dous. Giese explained that the site was nerotlated w'th the ven­dor and Is suitable tor the purpo11e under the teriu of t'!t> cltv ped­dlers and hawkers ordinance. Oouncll I&W no way to eliminate the hazards u the Hlllnr of wares wu permitted on the city's streets.

Drlvew~~¥ Waiver And~ }Janyok, of 102 North­

way, soupt a waiver to the elty's driveway permit ltandarda for a con1tructlon of a driYew&y, from the llde yard of hil pt'l)perty onto Creacent Rd. Permlalon wu rranted by council, notln• that the ·~"WU to beflt&temporary

- kind. exlntq. to~ three yean. Howe~r. at the end of that period, Hanyok can uk for an Pldenalon.

A letter wu received ·from· one realdent, Hilda Oaborne, wantlnr a curfew for youq people In the clt3L She noted the . numu~ue acta of vandalllm that have oc­curred recently Uld 811ked the city to conalder a curfew. No action was tabn on ~r rf'Ciueet.

A1 the hour waned put 11:30 a.m., council concluded Ita bual~

IICI8 for the evPnlnl by ~ln.r to notify the ~unt)o Council that a pi'OpOied labor acreement bt>­twePn thr County and J..oeal 1810 of the International A11110elatlon of Flreftrhten, wblch 11 to be raUfted by the County Cbuncll. oolltahlll a number of provislonlr that alpltl­cantly atfeet the relatlonahlp be­tween the paid lire lll'rvlee and the volunteer ftre service. Th~ city noted. In partls:ular th11 failure to brill&' the volunboer .~hlefJI, who are the station aupervlson of the paid

. men, Into the barplnln• proeee•.

' •.

Page 2: I Jt I - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · atioll,vent limited to 16 teams. WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call

,, 1 ) ..

I ~

I t


Page 2 Thursday, August 15, 197-! --------------------~ l _ GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW DISCOUNT CLEANERS

Beltway Exit 27 ·South t9lH Edgewood Hoad c~u .. ge Park, MeL

(Across from 7-Elevenl

.._, AX l.NDKPID.NDBNT NIDWSP.A.PJilR , Ellltora lltal')' .... wuu._ .. 414-4811

Aa100elate ll:tlltora 8aadra Bane. trt-Utl STA.II'II'

.\k\:tud. :· t:<~_J n•_·:-, ~andra Barnes, VJrglnia Beauchamp, Lloda Hraun, ;\IJIJalll l'urnt"!Ju~ •. Judy Uold~teln, Bess Halpe1·in, ~1arion Harrison, Bernice 1\.a:H!lt t ,· :--:id Ka:-;tner, ~larlha Kaufman, Bn~·bara. La.nf", ~!,I.e Lange, Dorothy.

.l.aubt>l', l.awrtiiL't> I.J•\'JIII~, Barbara Likow~ki Jane llaln Paula Mask Bob ;\~l·'t~t!t\ .l~obt>_rta ~-(·~am:na, -.lim l)'Sullivan, 'Pauline Pritzker, Al SkOlnik, hla111e :--1\l)lnlk, OLJilit· \an Allen.

. 441-2230 'Men~s Suits .............. , __ . .1.39 ~ant8 .. · ..... :................... .70

BuoiD<"a• :llaDJOgua Adele .Mund, SprlaclaiJJ Lalae Clrealatloaa Barbara Claw;un, ~;'4-4:141, c:'lreulatloa Maaacera Vlr&inla Niland, 346-11=.. l'oblhdll~t-d f'l'f'ry 'rllunday b7 Gree•ltelt Ceo~rati"Ye Pultll .. l•• AHa .. 1 ...


Pant Suits ............... 1.39 up Dresses ( plainl ......... : ..... 1.39 Shirts Laundered ......... 3 for 1.26

Pres., AI Skolnik; _Vice Pres., Jlm O'Sulltv&D; Jecy., Barbara L1kOWikl: 1'rea.l"l., Sandra Barn~~. Sid Kastnera MAIL SlffiSCRIPTIONS: $8.00 per year. Advertising and news articles ma:r

he mailed (Box 6S, Greenbelt); deposited In our box at the T'll'ln Plnea 'ttlo"e: or deli\'orPd to the editorial ofllce ln the basement of 15 ParkW'&J' 141~-llall, open after 8 p.m. Tue~day. Deadline Is 10 p.m. on Tuelldar.

Dry Cleanl~g 8 lb. $3.1!0 . - Alterations - '

Volume :l7. Number 39

{r Festival News:{;{ Orpn ('onCf'rt

Onl' of th<' art•a's outstanding organists. Mrs. Sarah McCorkd. will be featurE'd in conc<>rt at tho· Labor Day Fl'sti,·al. Mrs. Mel'or kel will bP playin£" on an organ furnishpd by thl' White Oak StorP of the Campb<'ll Music Compan)'.

H;mnld :\lcD~ald Kids of all ages art• invited to

mt•l'l one of their fa\'Orite T.V. I"'~'<maliti<'s--Ronald McDonald-at tht• parade. Be pr<'par<'d for plenty of <'Xdkment and fun.

;\.-\SA t;xhibit One<' again the Goddard Spat'P

Flight Cent<'r will ha\'e a display at tlw festival - a satellite model Pntitled "New Application in TPch. no logy".

This satPIIite modH. which is 10 · it. long. S ft. high and 4 ft deep, will b<· PXhibited in the CPnter Sehoul Auditorium fr~m Fri., Aug. 30 throug'h Mon .. Sept. 2.

R••ttistrutinn DoodliJw Any organization that would like

to rPservr a booth at the FPstival. but has not as yet done so. plPasP contact Sy Pristoop, ·174--6362. Deadline for registration is Mon .. Aug. 19. Rook•

The North End PTA nr,ds hool<s for it" festival book sale. Pleasr bring book;! to .~l!c P.oo.k boxes at T\vin Pines, the Co-op Grorrn· :tnrl

th<' Sprinl!'hill Lake Pharmacy or call 315-·B958 for pick-up.

\\'hit.. ElPphant Booth The Woman's Cluti ~f Greenbelt

will have a White F.lephllnt booth at the festival. Th•• club needs sale:•ble items from anyone. Call Su" Lange - ·174-0:;59.

Miller - Blacker

marr ~gr 1)1) t plac" on August 1. In Halley where the

,-young people will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Blacker attended

the wedding along with their daughter, Susan who now resides In San Francisco.

Greenbelt's Library Sat~ Aur;. 17, 11 .a.m. - noon and

Z-4 p.m. The Craft Corner. Bring ideas IUid UIC our crayons, pap<>r and other supplies to make ape cial projects. Every Saturday will differ. <all agesl.

Thursday. August 15. 1974

Tennis Everyone! To th•• t:Ciitor:

I'tl ilkt• to in\'itr }Is. KPer to walk nrross her· lawn, through the trees. stf•p across the small stream and take a closer look at those beauti• ful new h'llnis courts. I hope she'll take t!w time to me!'t some of the hundreds of children. teens. young adults. middle aged and senior cit­izens who enjoy this \V,holeso.'aP sport. Who knows. she may even decide to sign up for a few lessons and learn the game. I bet if sh<' dol's, she'll realize the value of her house has escalated rather than de­preciated.

The city hasn't deprived St. Hugh's of a playground. <Did we owp them one ?l Just think. they'll be the only school in the area who can add tennis to their P.E. Pro­gram. Elisa!K>th ~r. Taylor

Mishkan Torah Registration Sunday and Hebrew School reg

istrntion at the Mishkan Torah Congregation, will take place W1

Sunday, August 18 from 12:30 to 2 p.m. A second registration will be held on Monday, August 26 f,rom 7:30 to 8:30 p.m.

The school off!'fs a comprehrn·· sive program from kindergarten . through confirmation. Ftegistrn-

. tion wifl be accl'pted bv mall. Call 47·HI238, 345-7565 or 474-4223. ,

r:::~~~~ i Heels - Soles - Rips ftppalred i i WHILE YOU WAIT I

!•~~!!,~~! H~~~~ [ 114-92Mll ~lnn.-Frl. ICI-~1 I Sat. 'ttl A'

L -·-.. -·-· .... -..... _ .. -.... _.!

Box Storage Shoe Repair

lreenbelt lo•es, lac. Rt;AL ESTATE OFFICE



Tw~.droont ma110nry home with attached garage - park­ing in front .of house - good appliances; air cond. Imme­diate ace. Selling price ... $20,898.00

Large 3 !Jtodroom brick home near center; like-new range, nice refg, washer & 3 air cond. Imm. occ. Selling for $23,-403.00.

Just listed ~ lovely two bed­room frame townhouse selling for $14,500.00. Occ. for Sept. /Oct. Excellent cond. through­out.

\'err good ~·elPction of one bedroom first & second floor frame apts. Prices range from $9000. to $10,000. Good locations -all -in fine condition. Immediate to Fall occ.



CALL OUR OFFICE ... COME JN ... TAI,K WITH US BE­FORE BUYING! ·171-4161 47-1-4241 474-4331

Mary E. Dixon Broker

Invitation to Bid

for the construction of an 8,500 sq. ft. recreation center in

Springhill Lake 'will be received at the Ctiy of Greenbelt of­

flee, 25 Crescent Road, Greenbelt Maryland 20770 until 3:00

P.M.EDST, Thursday, Sept. 5, 1974, at which time they will be

publicly opened and read.

Plans and Specifications are available at the office of Cohen

arid Haft, 9300 Georgia Avenue. Silver Spring, Md. 20910. A

deposit of $75.00 for each set of plans and specifications is re­


Ttk"&., Anr;., 20, % p.m. Meeting,.·-·--------"-----------·--------- ---· __________ _ room. Special Magie Show f,.a turing 0t'l'enl1elt magician, Bob Brir!de. <ares 6-12!. 7 :SO p.m. Ml'etlng room. Family Films, Beau llunk11 and UbPrt~·.

Wt-d., Aug, 21, IO:SO a.m. Meeting room. Films for- preschoolers, eat.-rpUlar, PPWII Chair and !'!mallf'll': Elephant In thl' World. (fllel 3-8) ..

T~u...., Aur;. 11, 1-tlMI a.m. Book and Film. DIKuulon. TbP Wat­rhen, Th.. Cllaalpllnr and Rain­.,_,. and F'lftworka. (ape 1&-1!). 2 p.m. Pro~ Room. Drop-In storlel - etorie•, sonrs, rhymes and ftnrerplaye. (aJ!eS 3-~1.

Fonner Greettbelt Jafayor, Georrc F. Bauer, of Bowie jlused awa)' .on Aupat 7. Mr. Bauer wu May.­.or of Greenbelt from, 1MO. to 1847 and .. rved u Councilman fi'ODI

· 1841 to 1848, and 1143 to 18411. Jie 1t1 IUmYetl by bl• wife Jafay, two

'"IlOna Oeorp and Frank and eev­a: Jfandchlldren,






Sealed bids will be received by the City of Greenbelt, Maryland until 3:00 P.M. EDST on .Thursday, September 5, J11974, for the purchase of the above bonds in the amount of $147,000, dated October 1, 1974 in individual denominations of $12,250, maturing serially in numerical order on September 30, of each of the years 1975 to 1986 and bearing interest semi­annually on the last day of September and March until matu_r­ity or redemption. THE FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE CITY ~F GREENBELT ARE PLEDGED TO THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS AND THE INTEREST THEREON. A more com~ pltte notice of sale, fiscal information- and bid proposal may be obtained from the Office of the City. Manager,

125 Cresclelllt I

Road, Greenbelt, Maryland ~07'1'0, 474-8003.



TV Service

17 Years' Experience

Fair and .Prompt

Have Greenbelt Area


Day or Nl~rht

Holy Cross

·Lutheran Church 8905 Grrenbelt Rd.

Worship Services


8:30 and 11:111 A.l\L

Stmday School 9 :1!0 A.M.

We<>kday Nursery School

9:00 - 11:80 A.M.

Phone ~111 Edwud ·H. Blrner, Pastor


Hillside and Crescent Roads - Phone •74-6171 (mornings). Stmday Worship Service, 11 a.m.

IWv. Kleth Wright

UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (l\lowatt Ml'morlal) <&0 Ridge Rd., Greenbelt, Md.

Rl'v. Clifton D. Cunningham, Pailtor <&7<&-$381



Nursery through Kinderga.rten at 11:00 A.M. Church School (Nui'Mlry through Adulta) 9:30 A.M.

GREENBELT BAPTIST CHURCH Creseent & GreenhiU Rds, Telephone: •74-<&CMO

Sunday· School 9:411 a.m. Churrh Trnlnin~r O:OO ... p.m.

Rev. Dallu E. Pulliam, Putor l\lornln~r Wonhlp 11:00 a.m. 'Evening Wo~hip 7:00.p.m.

Ride our buses to Sunday School and Morning Worship ., Foor. more Information call the church oJDce

omce houl'll: 9:80- 1:30 1\londa,v - nlda:Y

MISHKIN TORAH Rabbi Kenneth Berger Cantor Don Wels•man


Ridge Road and Westway, Greenbelt, Marylattd Registration for Stmday and. Hebrew School

Sunday, AuJrU8t 18, from 12:~%:00 p.nl. Monda~·. AUI'Uit 28, from 7:30-8:30 p.m.

or by mall to the above addl'HB.' }'or infonnatlon and Registration Fonna Call:

474-411138 Ml\-71141.~ 47-1-4223

Greenbelt Carry-out Will Close August 17 for two w8eks vacation.

will reopen at 3 p.m. on Tues., September 3

1 07 CENTERWA Y 474-4998


-Used Car Financing


. . \

low Credit Union ·Rates • Convenieht Terms

Amount ot Loan

1500 2000 2500

24 Months

*Total *Monthly Payment

70.61 94.15


Finance Charge

194.64 259.60 324.56

36 1\lonths

*Monthly Payment

49.82 66.43 83.04

*Total Finance


293.52 391.48 489.44

•Monthly pRynwnt lncludu principal, lntl'rHt ·" loan llfP ln•urano•, Intereet 11 chRrJWI at the rate of t '.' 11rr niOnth <12% annual

rate) on the unpaid balance. Loan life IQurance 11 ln~lud,.d a\ no additional COlt. I · ·



121 Centenr&J <Shopplna Cen\er)

Greenbelt, Md. li0770 Pho~~e: (14-MIOO

Houra: Dally: e-:f . e Baturdaya: t_-1 Friday evelllq 1.. ,

COme ih and' get your flEE KEY RING

Thursday, August 15, 1974

C LA SS-1 FIE D $1.50 for ~ 11}-word minimum, tOe for each additional word. Submit ads in writing, accompanied by cash payment, either to the News Review office at 15 Parkway before 10 p.m. of the Tuesday preceding publication, .or to the Twin Pines ,

·Savings and Loan office. There 11 no charge for advertlsill( I terns that are found .

TYPING DONE IN MY HOME, reasonable ' rates, excellent rt'sults. Call 474--®54,

PIANO TUNING AND REPAIR -Expert and Reliable Plano_ Service to Grt>enbelt since 1960. Benjamin Berkofsky, 474-6894.


CALDWELL'S W<\SHER SERV­ICE. All makes expertly'' repaired. Authorized Whirlpool dealer. Gft 4-5515,

TROMBONE. TRUMPET and VOICE LESSONS. · Professional musician with degree. 474-5945. •

AIR CONDITIONER, repaired & l nstaUed 4 7 4--5606.

<MARIE'S POODLE GROOMING> make your · appointments today. Call 474-3219.


Sale~ &I Service

Expert antenna man, will install new ;repa!r antenna

· fo~ · •·

Attic or Outdoors 474-4892

WATCH REPAIR-all kinds of watches, low price & nice guar­antee. Daytime 592-7142 after 7 p.m. 474-0876.

NURSERY S<..'HOOL - Greenbelt Town an'd Country School, 6237 Springhill Dr. now accepting rer­lstratlons for fall. ·Ages 21h .to 8, nursery - kindergarten, full and

· half day sessions available, hot lunch and snacks provided. Hours '1 a.m. - 6 p.m. Call 474-5252 for further information. l<~OR -;SALE: 197_1 ___ S_U_P_E_R_B_E_E-,T--

LB. 4--speed; radio. Call 474-5900.

YARD SALE: SATURDAY, Aug­ust 17, 9 -· 2. Household and baby lt1·ms. Rain date: Aug, 18. 4-A Plateau Place. 1

WANTED!CHILD-CARE-for·2 month old Infant. Weekdays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 1152-9545.

~ MarjKayc;;;~ "The Cosmetic that's more

than a coverup," Our exclusive skin care prorram is formulated to give you a blPmlsh free complexion SAT­ISFACTION GUARANTEED. r<'or complimentary facial CALL MARY S. BW ANGAMOI 474-1679.

MOVING? Flat Rate or Hourly

Experienced II Dependable

r Sawyer's Moving Service

552-201\1 or


PORTER'S UQUORS 8200 Balto. Blvd. <l7~S (next to .McDonald's in College


We have the largest selection of Wine.• from· around the world. Special prices on case purchases

Order Early

Any questions about wines welcomed

1111 Centerway Greenbelt, Md. 20170


2 Bedroom Centrally Air Con­ditioned End apartment. This Immaculate apartment has wall to wall carpetlqg in living room and separate dining room and parquet floOrs Jn other rooms. Priced at $27,000. Only $9,1100. needed to assume mortgage. Monthly payments of $175. In­clude' heat, water, principal, In­terest, taxes, and outside main­tenance. Call to show. It is a beautiful starter home for the young couple.



2 Bedroom End frame home North End are!!- - $12,500.

2 Bedroom frame home close to Center shopping and elemen­tary school. In quiet court. 2 Air conditioners and washer in­ch,lded In sale. Also priced at' $12,500.' .

3 Bedroom masonry with ga­rage - wall to wall ~arpeting, re­modell'd kitchPn, at a low low price $22,000. ·

For the younJ couple, retired couple, or single person we have a one bedroom end co-op apart­ment In wooded area. Kltchl,'n and bathroom have been re­modeled. Call to show.

ALSO A very good selection of other

frame and brick homes for sale listed from $13,000 - $26,000.

Your Reward For Listing With Us

TOP PRICE FOR QUICK SALE Sen·lce 18 Our Butineu

FOR SALE: 1 - V.I.P. Member­ship, Holiday Health Spa. Male or female. $600. 3411-7368.

SALE: ANTIQUES; roll top de'Bk. COURT YARD SALE - Misc. 42" great co!'dltlpn; Chairs (4)

.items,. clothes, television, jewelry, . VIctorian, carved back, mahogany.

'toys, 2 Court of Research Rd. 10-4, .:.34,:.:~:....::.19:..:5_9 . .,..,..,..,=----,"""'=,.::::,=:::-=­Sat., Aug. 17. FOR SALE: MOTORCYCLE; FOR-SALE: CHARLESTOWN~~ Harley Davidson 21!0 sprint, 19M. VILLAGE, 2 bdrm. condominium. Good for trail. 345-19119. Price· 11.t $26,000 for quick Sl!.le. ·FoR SALE: GIBSON so STD. 474-6674. ELEC. GUITAR with case, 8 ntos. FOUND - ON M6NDAY - wrist old, cherry red, exc. cond., coar watch, must Identify. C,all 345-9119. $3211. 'sell $2211. Also: AMPI!lG GT-- · SAT., AUG. 17, carage sale, 1M 10 Amp. $75. Sell both $2711. 474-

Roaewood Drive, 10 - 1. .,.9...,....227..,. ,.,......,......,.,--..,. ..... -.--.-"T"-:= HOUSE FOR SALE: GLENN BABYSI'M'ER: BOYS 8 lc 8 yra. DALE Hts. near NASA. 4 bdrm, old are looking fl>r a Grand'ma rec. room, den, fence, convention- who lives nt'a~ the syn~e to at flnal)clnr' available. $44,1100. 464" care for them before aeh<iol In the 1283. mornings and on their off-llcliool FOR-SAL"E':(}RANDFATHER or sick days. Call 345-8373, please .

t!lock, home made black walnut, SCUBA GEAR, 0.8. DIVERS moon dial. $3911. Mll-2697. tanks, l't'gulatora, vests, ·etc. Call

RECEPTiONIST /TYPIST - LAN ..,M,...II-~7.,.14n7c-· -...,=-..,....-;-;;.-::=r.:-;;= HAM, to $61100, fee paid, fublic HONDA - 1970 CL 1711, neetll tun(' contact is the drawlnr card for up, kick starter. $400 or b~st of-

'·this excltinJ job opportunity. fl!r. 345-7147. Jndiv. 'must be outaOlnr with rood }{()USEKEEPER FOR MOTH­flrure aptitude and· avr. typing. ERLESS HOME with 3 school-are Beautiful officrs, pd. benefits. Call children. Hours 7-6 with consld-34~701111. JOHN KRAUSS ASSOC., erablc flexibility In hours, room, INC: Peoples National Bank Bldg. board. Call 345-1791 aft. 8 p.m • Greenbelt. Md. <Arcy.> BEDROOM FURNITURE, mat­·FIRST· GRADER - needs ride to tre1s and box sprlnp like new, and from St.· ·Hurhes. Sept::pct. llvlnJ room furnlturP and odds

· <Unlv. Square Apts.> Will pay. 3411- and endl, wry reasonable. 7782 7388. Lakecrest Dr. - Phone 345-137Q.


Elailul Skolnik - 414-41080 Nat Shindennan and AI Skohtik

teaJned up at last Friday's dupli­cate bridge game to win a 1-point. victory ... Second place went to Pauline !llld Ted Pritzker and third place to Joe Nuslnov and Madeline Green. Next game: Friday, Au­gust 23, ,at Co-op Hospitallty Room. · Waiter Wight and his grand­daughter, Barbara Klukowski, 105 Hedgewood, spent a delightful week In Bermu.da.

After seven months In Israel, Janet Welntra,ub, 25. Lakeside, is back home, and preparing to re­turn to Brandeis University in the fail. Janet wotked on Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim, performing a mul­titude of chores - In the field, the kitehen, guest hoUBe, child-eare fa­cility etc. For a month she also attended Brandeis extension clas­ses In Jerus&lem. Before retunl­ing. hom<:, Janet traveiPd in Switz­erland, Engltyld and Holland.

·Maureen Gough, 115 White Birch, spent part of the summer with her grandmother, ·Mrs. Teresa Gough, In Geneva, Switzerland,

Can anyone top this? A lus­cious, squat tomato Wei&hlng 2% lbs. - 7" diameter, 19'' circumfer­ence was raised by Dorothy Gon­thier, 9 Ridre.

Margaret Bates, 16 Woodland .Way, was recently awarded a scholarship to study electrical en­gineering at The Catholic Unlver ..

CITY NOfiS The city IUinounced with deep rP­

gret that the. Youth Services Bureau accepted the resignation of Robert 'L. Field effective the end of this month. Mr. Field bas·served 8s the Deputy Director ofthe Bureau since rits Inception. :He was instrumental in getting the program started and

maintained COMtrUctJve relation­ships with people In various walks of life from client to government offioial.

Metro bas Installed two bus shel­ters for the city as previously au­thorized by council. One ·has been placed at the Intersection of Spring­hilt Lane Blld SJ1rln~:hlll Drive whdle the other is•o,n· Crescent at Garden­way.

A load of glass was talten ·to Baltimore last week, amounting to 11.900 11>-'. This week's paper collec­tion netted slightly over 10 tons.

The new tennis courts are virtu­ally finished; u11on final Inspec­tion the-design enrineers noted a few dellclencles which will be cor­rected before acceptance by the city. Landscape work around the courts will be done by the city.

Sale• * Rentals * Repairs

Howud's Typewriter Co. II Aft. a Annapolltl Rd. 177...ua

slty. Marpret 1t1 a IJ'&duate of Elizabeth Seton High School.

In appohitlnc Marcia Krunlck, of Sprlnrhlll Lake, u a m-ller

• of the Maryland State Oomuilll­lion to ~Y Blue Law•. GoVemor · Marvtn Manclel laid abe wa' .elee­ted becaue of her elforbi ·to brine about additional COniJumer-ald Ier­lslatlon.

It seelllll Greenbeltera can bt! · found almoet everywhere . these days. On a recent "~tlon" to

Have'You Met Leo Green?· (He could be your' Candidate . --·~.•!

. for.H()UJe of DelegaU.!) · ·: " ·',"i~·'.::~~J By authority: Nancy O.Bden, · ~

' .,,, _.;, 1.f .• .\t,

GREENBELT YOUTH SERVICES,BUREAU, .. a faiJliiY orienti!d agency with behavorlal IIIPProach 18 -~ ,~<IUD time prorram administrator with advanced degree In llllllltal-~ field.. Responsibilities woul!l Include: community leadenbiJ) iiiftl'Qut..

r!'Bch; program planning, collaboration, coordination, and e9aiuadon; organization and maintenance of adminiBtratlon of p~ ~ and counseling skUIB Important Some evenlnr hours. Send ~

to: Leo Walder, PhD., Technical Director, Greenbelt Youth Ser\ltcea· Bureau,· 133 Centerway, Greenbelt, lKaryiiUlcl 20110.


YEs~=-~ ~ -· -- - - -·-- ' ... .. .... -





. Call *--'147 for more lnfol'llllltlon



ON U.l. llnwuNMf,Mi& NTA11IVIUI


"[} kuc.•tv c:At(a'taiu :J('t,wzi.ck - you jhoufJ.

~ ... C!funfie and ~at !B'tcwrz


HOUSE OF DELEGATES e Spri"SShill Lake R..W.nt Si.- 1966

e Past President of Springhill lake Civic Assod~tlon

e Fund e Past VIce President • SHL ll ........ ry e Leader rn all Voter Reglstratl~ Drifts Scltool P.T.A. . --·- -eMember - Governor's Commnlon to eAdmlnlstftlti'f6 Aide to Senate Judi·

StudY Blue Laws in Maryland cfal Proceedings CornmlttH . ' Mareia Krasnick is a memlfer of u.e Belnocratic Party Blue Ribbon Team - together With: STATE i&NATO'R (incumbent) DELEGATE (lncurnban.) DELEGATE (euclldate)

· Ed Con10y David G. Ron 1 Geftl'i &evlln · by authority: '.lillJeen ltetea. tleaArv


•! :'i ~··

Page 3: I Jt I - Greenbelt News Review · 2014-08-04 · atioll,vent limited to 16 teams. WE ARE SELLING OUR Roat.iril and tournament entry fees GREENBELT LIST!MGS . are - by Aug. 14. Call



Henry Thurston and his . wife, Mary, cut the cake while Thurston's mother, Mrs. James Thurston, looks. on. The occasion was Thurston's retirement party on July 31.

T•arston farewell Party Big Success

by Elaine Skolnik

Boys and Girls Club by Freel Ford

The club still. has openings on the 85, 91! and 120 lbs. football teams. Aug. 23 will be the cyk>ft date f~ bOys and girls to join

Tributes and remlnlscensea high- the football or soccer · teams. Call lighted the farewell party for re- Fred Ford, 47~.

y eterans Cut-Rate Llquors-11620 BALTIMORE BLVD~ (Route 1)


·937·1110 937-3022


Greenbelt Cleaners (Formerly Tannen)

Laundry & Dry Cleaning

Complete Alteration Service

Shirts Beautifully Laundered . . tiring city employee Henry Thur- Volunteers are needed to help

·ston on July 31 In the city council at the concession stand during the 'chamber. Some 75· of his friends softball games at the Labor Day heard past· and pre~ent city ollie- Festival. Don't hesitate - call me. ials praise Henry's valuable and All boys and girls are urged to faithful service to the city as a . return any sports uniforms they member of the public works de- still have to the Youth Center LISBON-ST. THOMAS..:'ROME-ANC-ifo partment. NOW!! fit

. In extending thl' city's best wish- All girls interested in cheerlead- ... ~1 Let Us Get t es. city manager James Giese ing or helping should contact me. ~~:;J 'J.jou H. eaded ~. said the occasion was a "happy- Th · G b. Jt G ab Bag I' sad one, for we will miss Henry, e feeD e f J iif a loyal employee." by Punchln' Judy ! In The Right ;

Public works superintendent AI- :~~s~~!a~ot~~: f~~~i~:~e~~~at !I Di"'~'~eCti"On ~I bert Attlck spoke of the fond mem- Q I.. ..,. ories that he and Henry sharell for Mary's birthday. But remem-

ber, kids, only one each - they're I £: during the 18 years Henry reign- _very expensive." ~ Our Travel Agency 'takes great .

111 ed over the Center Mall area. If variations of the above con- :S~ pride in offering efficient and S Former city manager. Charles Me- ... Donald mused that when Henry ... versation have you feeling de- rel'lable tr""•el counseling and ~

. th b' pressed, I would like to suggest ~ serv·lces to l'nd'lv'lduals, groups ·-ftrlt came to the city, e tg that some light summer. reading - -· queatlon was "To which' depart- may lift yopr spirits and dlstr!1>ct I and corporations I ment would he be assigned?'' One you .from the.pangs of hunger. 0 at No Charge! · :a: option, Mr. Mac said was to Jll&ce. For me, the perfect escapist type . ~ i him directly under the authority · of reading Is provided by the cat- Q Worldwide. representatives of; •• of ~e city manager becau1e "that b th 1 dl ,...

alogues put out y c ea n~ • I' h · t 1 ~ was the place where Henry pi~ked mall order houses. Sometime be- 1 major a1r mes o e S 0 up all the Information· that was tween Christmas and New Year, ~ steamship companies • tour operators ! necEssary to run the city." the Spring/Summer book Is dellv- z . railroads • car rentals i'

Henry could always be counted ered. Snuggled under layers of O ,.. on to tell Greenbelt oiDclals whit sweaters, you can admire or de- IC Q was good or bad about the city. ride the display of swim suits, 0 -· He even gave advice on personal sandals, and dlaphonous unmen- t- ''The Tmel Planners of the )o matters. Mayor Richard Pllakl re- tlonables. All this looking doesn't J 7910 Cherrywoocl Lana • GrHnbalt, Mel. Z vealed that Henry met him one cost a cent, and by the time sum- .,_ Telephone {301)474·1300 /! day In the center and admonished, mer actually arrives you'll! tired ".tssnrt-.XIOI:J "lS~-O~:>~Vn:>-NOONOl-Nili!Jfi-Sf\ _

1 "Hey, Mayor, your hair Is getting of looking at those particular too long, Jtow abOut a hair cut?" Items and don't crave them any­

more; It'~ just as If they had been Henry Wll)j all heart. Pllskl hanpng In your closet all these

aald, "He fulftlled hili functions months. and did them well." Councllmen There are, of course, pitfalls to Richard Castaldi, Thomas White, be encountered in catalogue brow­Charles Schwan and Gil Welden- sing. Sales books are very dang­feld joined the mayor In these erous! They hue the most timely sentiments noting particularly Items at allegedly unbelievable Heney's complete devotion to the prices. In a situation of that sort, city and his cheerful sPirits. Wei- you can sometimes save yourself denfeld added, "One of the reasons by looking .at a rep rod uctlon Greenbj!lt Is a rreat town to live of a turn of the century cat­In Is because of the ftj\e services alogue. Theae arc plainly marked we receive from o,ur city employ- 50c on the cover, and sell for $3.95 eea." at 'most book stores.

Henry's many gifts Included a color television set from the city

· of Greenbelt, a televl1lon stand from city employee• and a gold­painted lltter...Uck complete with gold .pike. On behalf of the bUII­Ineu owners, Greenbelt Poetmast .. er J:mory Harman rave Henry a tackle box, lllhlnr rod and a mon-­etary gift Harman aald, "We arP lftteful to Henry. He wu on the job cleanlnr the center mall alde­w&lkl at 4 a.m. every mdl'nlnr." KDowtnr Henry's fqttdneas for fancy clothea, retl red employees Wln4eld KcCamy, Mabel Kand­ler and Lin• Dove pre~ented ·him with a colorful 1hlrl · · ·

Jolnlnr Henry In hl1 ftnelt hour were h1l wife Mary, mother Mra. -J..- Thurtt.on, aunt Nona Thur­llllill and hli 1011 Jimmy. AliO on baDd were . retired em~loyeee Do-1'11 eown,ton, Dorothea Guaio and Otll Keya.

Open one of these catalogues at random.. There are bargall18 on every· page. Thinking about an en­gagement? A solid gold ring with "two very fine rose diamonds and two fire' opals" will Hf you back $7.50. If you're not that serious yet, you mlrht consider a hope cheat for $2.90. If you're very .., ... _ loua, a baby carriage can be bought for $2.28. A ltrlctly fancy model with a parasol Is an excellent .buy at $4.88. One of the really hlrh priced Items In thla book le a sht>cp-ahearlnr machine at $14.85, but alnce you probably don't have all that much ·"uae for a lbeep ~11nr machine, ·. tlnit lhouldn't make you eat your heart out.

Even In thl!t lnllatlonary prea­ent time, there are Item• In the current eatalorue that ypu can euly live without . My nomination for thla category appe&rl on PI\P eot of one of the new ''wl1h boolra.'' n II called an "Alpha Brain Wa"" Trainer,'' and the accompanyttlr llluatration depicts a auper 'relax­ed young lidy alttlnr In the lotu•

· potiti011 hooked up to an electrical '-appliance. The explan.UOI\ .bldl­cat.el that Biofeedback hu piat

' ~-lll tlrta ':flttul, tetreablnr atate. "nni. ._ . c•n attain thll euphoria for onlv •n,_ ~­lee not Included, order on pare 837). Now, doean't tllllt just mako your day? ·'

Twin Pi1e1 Savings & Loan Assn. Greenbelt, Maryland 474-6900

NEW 24 Hour a Day

·SERVICE --~our convenience

NIWtT DEPOSITORY Loan paymenh, Deposih

BANK BY MAIL · (we pay postage • both ways)

_ Twln Pme. II aa near u your Mallliox -- Opel) your new aocoubt by mllll -

make your dePoilts, payments, withdrawals - by mall

INStLRED SAVINGS Marylancl savt,... ~ Share ,lnturance CorPoration

(~ Apaq of the State . ot Maryland> ....._ eMb aocout Co $30,000.00

· S%%'ReplarSavinp 7% Savifln Certificates · -P.ooo~ minimum

1 Year

Deposits by the 20th eani from the 1st Open your account by Mall . lank by Mall


_, 9 TO 6 .FRIDAY


, 9 TO 12 Notary l!lfomt!e AyallalllfJ (fne to -.ne holden) Xerox C!OIIIIIe ..... - lee

-> ,._, , OHen available

KASH, INC. 9102 LooO!It Spring Bd. (comer

University Blvd. & Rholle Island Ave.)

HELLO, MR. PRESIDENT! Here's your Boxwood home for Steven and Gall: '4 bedr001111, 2¥.. baths, C/A, carpeted kltcb­en rec room with wet. bar, ~ting, storm windows and doors, more . . •. Give 118 a quick call on this one, Mid M­iles.

NO TAPE - Red or otherwise to see this nice Greenbelt toWnhouse. 3 bedrooms, 1arp patio, recently painted, and In a quiet area. Your awn ,ard for 11owers or those- tomatoes you love so much In the BUill­mer. $15,1100.

OPEN DOOR of this 3 bedroom 1 ¥.. bath home near Greenbelt and Springhill Lake Apts and you will see a zr x 18 ft. family room, irarage under house and surrounded with towering oaks selling for VA apprlased price. $38,1100.

FIGHT INFLATION! Price Re­duced!! See this 2 bedroom home with remodeled kitchen. Pay $247 month total for ev­erything Included except elec. and phone. $13,900.

' THE W1DTE HOUSE across the street would have a liard time comparing with this Lake­side 5 bedroom, 3¥.. bath 5 level split level home. Big bedroom 20x20, 4 others and a bath. large kitchen with fireplace, 2 patios for 2 parties! Large rec room with wet bar, carport A mult to -'Ill• '



CONCILIATION? All things are possible with this 8 bed­room, 3 bath 17 CLOSET home, In Lakeside . .section.

COOPERATION WE will! We Will! Whether you live In Springhill Lake or Greenbelt Homes, we promise to help you buy this 3 bedroom. 2 bath home In Adelp~ _near University of Maryland. Bar In rec room, Garage! $48,1!00. FHA/VA.

COMMUNICATION That' a what we need from you to sbow you this 2 bedroom, brick home with attic In Greenbelt. New FF refrlr, washer, A/C Includ­ed. $309 month alter down In­clude• all utllltlel except elec. and ·phone. $22,81!0.

.TRUTH IS GLUE and a little glue will hang your plcturea on the walla of this 4 bedroom, 2¥.. bath home In Autovllle. Sep. din. room, fire place In living !'150m, rec room In baaeinent, 2 car rarare, and all for $47,00b.

WE FOUR C'a Hlrher Prices! So be wlae and buy a home now. In beautiful Greenbelt . . . 2 bedrooma, dlapoaal, waaher, 2 A/C., W'W carpet, 4raperl~a. Some areas papered. Very nice 1tarter or retirement home m,1100.






lttws Btuiew COIICIL Ill ABOIT 80LIEI

by AI. Skolaik A dubious city council reacted nemrati,~rehr>to

1iminary subdivision plan for the Golden Trilipg~e at JaR· day's specOO meeting called ·to complete the :unftni.W.. . - AN .... INDENT NEWSPAPER left over f~m t)le Auiust 12. meeting. ~· c:il voted ~ mously to advise .the MaeyJ.ancl National Capi park liild PJiiD..

-V-ol_um--.e..;3..;.7:..;, N;;.;.um,;;,;,ber;;;:,..;4;,;0 ___ ....;G:.;REENB=::.;,;;;EL;;;;T;.:,,..;;MAR;;;;,;;;;;.;.n.AND;;;,;;;;;~;;;...-7-::=Th::::urs4a:::::Y:• A:ugus:::::t:22::::, ::19::;74 niDg Commission that .it was in no position . reoomn_, IIP-proval until MNCPPC provided a planning cont!Pt ~_with the designation of the Golden TriaDg}e al a l'peclal 'lreatmeJat Area in the November 1970 College Park-Gretljbelt Matter Pie. Battle Over Sewage Plant.

Shifting to EPA aad ISSC by AI Skolnik

Although the sound and fury of the battle over the Greenbriar tempo~ sewage treatment plant bas already shifted away from NASA's granting of a 150-foot right-of-way for the discharge o{ · efftuent, some parting shots were ftred ~alt week by the Prince Geor­ges ·Environment Coalition,

by Elaine Skolalk A apokeaman for the Federal

Environmental Protection 4&'ency <EPA> told the Nliwa Beriew on Tuesday that EPA will decide within the next few days wheth­er It will Issue. a dlacharge for the Greenbriar sewage treatment plant. Last month the National Aero­nautics and Space Adadnlstration <NASAl anounced Its Intention to grant an easement for the dl&­charge of etlluent from the plant, provided EPA Issues a permit un­der the Federal Pollution Control Act of l872. Several months ago the Maryland Department of Na­tural Resaurces Issued a permit for the plan which would- serve the 1,193-unlt condominium apart­ment project

·In a memorandum of August 10 filed for the record, the Coalition took NASA to task for not con-

I ductlng an Independent Inquiry Into the envlmnmental effects of the on-site 'treatment plant, In­stead of relying on the expertlsC provided by other agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Pro­tection Agency (EPA), NASA had taken the position In ltoS ftnal En­vironmental Impact Statement <EISl that It will grant the ease-

,ment if EPA Issues a discharge permit

If thle position prevails, the bat­tlefield will be moved Into EPA's domain. In anticipation of. this, the Coal_ltion suggested that NA· SA should request EPA to under­take· a study of the. health· and water qUality eftects of vlrue,. ni­trogen, and other eflhient ·load­lnp,- u a suppleill.iint to the l!:IS. The Coalition maintains that the standardll for virus monitoring, and for the' level• of · chltJrlne and PhOIIJI~rua In th~ eiDuent, are not adequate enourh to pmtect health. It also feels that the failure. to re­quire nltroren removal would set an undeelrable precedent, In light of the fact that 1t Is required -of reaional and Fed~ piants In the Potomac River · Bailn.

The Coalition also took note' of another area of' conf!Jct when It . •uaeatec~ that the trantinr of the euement should await the re­sults ot the teltinr by the develo­per and the Walhlnrton Suburban Sanitary Comllllulon now going on to determine whether the plant meeta the standards set down by 'the Kai'JIIand State Department of Health and M:entai· Hygiene.

The Coalition summarized Its opposition to the package plant, u follows. First, It felt that the "leWqe eflluent . would llll!l[orably derrade ltream biota and ftood p~n veretatlon. The viruses, bacteria, and parasltea In the dla­charce would poae1 a health hazard to the chUdren and adults who en­joy the urban wlldernea of Green­belt's parcel 1, which Is Immedi­ately downltream fmm the point of diiCharre."

Second, "both the human and natural environment would sulft>r Injury far greate~ than could be expected from dlacharre Into some fait fto\ltlng perennial ltream, due to. the fact the Greenbriar recelv­lnJ atream le a trickling seasonal brook. Durtnr·. periods of lo\fl ltream ftow, the effluent would be only minimally diluted, and harm­ful agent. would be carried far downatream." '

. Third, It objected to the prece-­dent of approvlnr this means of evading the sewer moratorium and of lndlscrlmlnatrly lncreaslnr the n'Utl'lent loadlnr of the tributar­Ies of th~ Potomac River.

Dlamlsslng NASA's contention th'at poetponement would work a hardship on the developer, the C:Oallt1on pushed for delaylnr oc., eupancy of the Greenbriar apart. ments .until public sewer service Ia IWallable. It noted that the de-­veloper proceeded with the pmject In full awarene11 ot the ~ewer mor­atorlllhl and the tlnanclal rl•ke ln\'olved.

After EPA held a hearing In Greenbelt last May, It deferred a decision on the dlacharge permit until NASA finailzed Its Environ­mental Impact Statement <EIS>. NASA has been reluctant to take the ftnal step of grantlnl!' a 11!0-foot easement for the piping of etlluent- across Its property be­fore . receiving the expertise of EPA on such matters ail virus ltandards and nitrogen removal. EPA, however, prevailed and NA­SA completed the EIS, stipulating approval of .the eaaement If EPA ~ a dlaebarre peonlt NASA concluded that the eiDuent aP­peared to meet all applicable Fed­eral, State, JUid local standards.

So111e ebserve'rs note that the Greenbriar sewage treatment plant bas 'aiven EPA "a case of the jit­ters." EPA admfta 'that the Green­briar matter cannot be consider­ed "routine". An l!:PA apokeaman pointed 1)Ut that declslon-maklnr In the Waahlngton area Ia "more complicated becauae ot contend· tnr. forces at play." He noted that lntere1ted partlea Include citizen and envlmnmental rroupa, no-

. growth advoeates u: well aa devel­. opera. He added that EPA's con­cerns In the area of envlmnment, health and water-quality stand­ards muat alao take Into consider­ation State, county and loca.l laws.

Should EPA give ltl bleulnr, there still remains one more hur­dle for the G~eenbrlar developers to overcome. Before Ulumlnr rl'­sponslbllitY for operation, the Waahlngton Suburban Sanitary

. Commlulon <WSSCl Insists that the plant'.s performance meet atate atandardl. Accordlnr to WSSC, the results of testlnr to date have not been "conclusive enough to make a judrment one way or the other." Testing 11 contlnulnr and evaluations Will be conducted by WSSC aa wen. RJI other laborator­Ies.

' In a related matter the Green-briar developers on Tll!'aday met WSSC's deadline to rive the agen­cy $120,000 letter of credl,t and $200,000-$400,000 Insurance policy In conectlon with the treatment plant and $24,000 for on-rolnr coati of testing the plant. In conten-­tion Is a bill for $16,000 which WSSC aald covered wares paid employees who were worklnr on · tho project. Accordlnr to the de-

/ vdop.crs; the -personnel bill cover-ed the p~rlod fmm February to May, befo'l:e the agreement between the' developel'l lind WSSC was ·•lrned on May 28.

August 211 Clvntiemponry Folk M.ac Featuring Len Jotfe and Stu Horenan. Free 4261Bl8.

August 28 Natme Bllre Tbe De­cldlioua Treea · of Greenbelt ~ at Dotrwood N.Wre TraiL 1-3 p.m. ~e.

September Scltool Calendar

Councilman Oil Weldenteld, "who Acoorlllq to ~ arm, Ule .,.._, made the mot1011, .-, felt tbat the · motlva&lon J; i.._.., .. a owner shoald pJ'imde an overall plan II ~ tl!titrmlae. trae ~

· development· plan for the sUre IIU IDcl ~ CJI the ..,._ tract that .. CCIDP&tlble With the ~ IUicl to!tltallllllt tile ~ Special Tleatment Area lftd tbll Dal ~ ~-to .... tbe ~ thoqht wu lJlcluded Ill tbe 11111.0- . cell.

Sept 2 - Labor Day &Rd ofticea closed)

tloiL Oounel1man Richard Cutal- Tbe. ~ hu, lnfonlaell._ .. dl expniled the vletr that en- council ~II 1IUIIIt I& WI forcement of the provlslou Of the tlllle to ' . the •IIJedlc iilil­Speclal Treatment Area should be mate _UieN ot ibe nbiec$ ~ · thi'Olllh attacluDent to the reoord 1IDielt ancl 1dll tile ~ · Plat~ an4 tiU Idea wu alao added . plan II apJIIO\IIed.. .U •Rob t1ae,

(Schools to the motion. . P~ve -. ean lie bllclnaed Jll1ton Sella', owner of the rn- . retardlac ..-, ~ _, -­

acre Golden Trlanele bounded by to the aulljett ;~.-be ald. · Sept 3 - First day for pupils, kindergarten thru grade 12

Sept 10 - Primary Election <Schools and oiDces closed)

Sept 21! - Professional Day !Pupils dllmlssed ha.1t day)

Sept 26 - Profeulonal Day !Schools closed for pupils)

Greenbelt Road, Kenilworth Ave., · 8lllfiJ ......_, . · ' and the Capital Beltway, thnluah · . · his representatlye~, Shipley, C1r ~ 'Diolui ~ llitel' · Halley, and Kllea and the pJOJeet . Preted this approula u ~ developer, Kenneth lllciiMI, has · ltdp IODine ~ hill cJiuMt,er;,. ukl!<l for subdlvlalon of the C-2 bed IIWIY ot 'Prince ~~ <commercial) zoned property Into arteries. Be. \ltlqly .. tbpt eight amaller 0-2 zoned paroeJs. I1ICb deftlopml!llta ate· Cl'io• 'Wtintd

GJ-1, Receiv•s Mortgage Deferment of $186,720

Prorr&ll whe!J belac CCIIIItnlctleil but are 80011 tenDed "horreadoul" alter completloa, ·

In tl\e llnal motion ... ~ ClOUDCIIIIld that ~ ~ see .. _.'to the ~-_ · ·. - IIJPI'O'Pe . -.. . PIUI,< then It 1nllll4 • --· .. of eerta1n COIICIIttou. ~ 111·

by AI Skolnik cludecl tbole n~~e~tec~ br tile -~ Greenbelt Homes, Inc. has concluded its agreement with Gov- Advllory ~ Boanl deaiiDr

ernment National Mortgage Association, holder of the GHI mort- With extra J'!PbHII...w~~¥ aa4 •· gage, for the deferment of 19.74 principal payments and -~ vice roads, • Jlml~ !Jil_ OUJb ~* ceived a $186,720 check covering. the first seven months; :.1'hfs foT..:o.:n0::.~1'12 money plus deferred principal paym~nts for the rest of til& 1year Spl'IDp. ·. - · - - ·· , -~-is being and will be used to pay the bills for the energy-saving Oouncll aJ.o WI'OYell ·v.e COD­

proje_cts which the membership approved at its April 17, .1974 dltlolllald dawn-~~~~ meetmg. So far blijp ~f $11,410 have been paid. . ·•· _ · ~=t 't!.• ..t..a ....._,"t

In til! meantfm~J,._ ~le de- and the Baltimore-W~. · -~,. ·=· ~~~~ veloped at last Thursday's board Parkway. In addition, ihe boarci · the ....._ Gr • · , .. · ClpllOipt. meetl~ ov.er the purchiue by the ul'(ed councU not to atop there 'plan-·iflel!lltlre~- ·&JIIi tlllt. GHI manager ·of a certlftcate of but to secure whatever addltlonai the COIIOePt IIIlA . be ~ depoelt with Suburban Trult Com- land It can, prior to 8Uia1Mim llnJ' .~ pany at 11% percent coverlrir the piU, ·~-to a~ unspent balance of $147,700 from Apparently, aa the nearest. netp... PI'QU'ed 111 ~ D. C1fae, ~ the mortpp ·deferment Beeau11e bor to the Involved land, GHI was ciJI'Il. U1'tlan · Dellpe~JIN-thls money. Is scheduled to be need· concerned that parcell 1 a.nd 2 · CPPO.. tbe ltd woal4 ~. ttie. ed shortly. to ftnance -other enerJY- would ot!lerwlse be COIIIIDerclally eonoept plan cletl wltb · w-aavtnr pmjecta, the certlftcate of developed callllnr V&ftlc problelll.l .},Jill. llltealtlel ot · depoait wu for a lbort tenn, to and cotiJ'l!ltlon on Laurel H1ll and INU'Idnc ,and tnmc p~ ._. expire on Septe111ber 30, 1874. P!f.teau. It a11o felt a rreat need ute. -.me of•clew'nsl••-~,

for the northern end of town to ·water ~nt, ad t>lrectors Hugh O'DonneU and have recreatlonaJ faciUtlee which. tuftll elemeata. · · \

Joe Compronl pointed out that the are now acldJlt. J1NCPPC li conalderlnr the ._ GHI by-laws apparently pmhlblted todq, AIIIWit 21. · \ the lnveatment of GHI fundiJ In Fire rn.ar..- 8enp

uninsured bank accounts. Subur- Final action on a ftre and ex- In a related · matter, oouncl ban· Trult funde are lnlured up to tended coverqe llliUl'&llce policy dilcuaed the -aelt ot lllcblel to $30,000. Acknowledainr that the • .,.. Interest rate of 11%% wu very wu poltponecl unW the Auruat 28 the CCIUDty council for ...,... favorable, they felt uneasy over meeunr u the ll'lnanoe committee autborlutlon for the Golclell Tit­the lack of Insurance and urred dl('ests a lerlea of anawers It has Ulllt!. The county council Will .0.

received from the ""--ond Jn.. .._ _._,.,R_ policy --en .. _..__ rettlil&' an opinion u to the lepllty .......,. "" - ·- _.. of the tranaaetlon. auranee Company, The policy had With l'el)leCt to the new Beanr

9HI manarer Roy Breashurs ltated th!'ot for yearw GHI hu ~n purchulnr such certlftcatea of de­POIIt whenever It had a short-term surplus of funds (for example, when accumwatln; funds for tax­es, etc.) It wu noted that the 11%% was about a percent more than treuury notes or other ·in­sured obllratlons would yield.

The board agreed to ret legal counsel and to put the Item on the agenda of a tpeclal meeting scheduled for Thursday, Auru•t 29.

Under the agrcot'rfaent aimed with GNMA tl\e rpgular mortgare ex-­piration date was determined to be December 31. 1977 it which time a balloon !lump sum payment of $2111,288 will remain to be met. Or· lrinally It waa thourht the ter -·mlnatlon date would "' August 31. 1877, leaving a ballOQn payment of $337,775. The corporation Is now colt!'Ctlnr $5.104 per month from the GHI members for repayment of this balloon P&l~Dent.

City Purohaae ·of Land

A unanimous Gm _board gave stmnr llipport to tbe elty council's efforts to purohase about aa acrea of parkland In parcela '1 and 2 --­the land between G:ij.1'1 property

railed several queltlons needing Dun ln~rlm ~ewap tn.taent clarlftcatlon such u the deftniUon plant for the Anacoetl&. Buln of 1uch terma u replacement cOlt, Which 11 ICbeduled to open, In 11 depreciated coet. 80% oo-lnsuranct', DlODth& ' Insurable value, etc. The policy 'l'llia plant II deaiped to ~-calls for lnSUrll\f the Om pro- apP1'0KIIIlatel7 two mdllon -pertiea at $1&, 7'12,eee <804K> eo-In- per day, Aecordlnr to o . t suranee value>. thlnldq about 10 percent would

lll8cl for lndultrlal, collla other Ali&loa and tnstltUtional. developiiWlts, .211

.. The board 8f!Proved a. donation ~ for l'elhleatlal. of $40 to the Labor Day P'eetival Tile councU Mvlaed the count;y but, and Upon remonatratlona by that It wu taklnr 110 poattlon qn director Vlrafnla Moryadas, etlpu- the ..w..,e authorlqtlon !!Xcept to lated that the fundi were not to note that It wu not lmpreaaed with be used for the pul'polle pf $pon- the development plana received to sorlng a contestant In the Queen date for the Golden Trtanrle. It Pageant. Tbr board also appi'OVI'd attaclled a oopy of the earlier ap­a donation of $2G to Greenbelt RPs . Proved ret10lut1on to MNCPPC and cue Squad. speclfted that priority .at the treat­

AftPr GHI secretary Strve Pblas chlk nl!l It waa his Intent to sign the mlnutet! lifter the board ap­pmvt'd them, the board · gave Its bleaslnr tQ GHI leeretarlel to sign mlnutt>s. In the Past no set policy had been follnwed. In some cas!'s

·the minutes had only been Initial ed. A G:Al mem~r. Eunice Coxon, had been after the board to follow a policy of havlna: the minutes ahaned.

The board decided to experiment -with a. tape recorder for recording board meetinra. Brcaahears was directed to rent one for the next meeting.

ment plant lhould be riven to tak -lnr care of overflows.

In one other action that mlrht have a bearing on the Golden Trl­anale, the council recommended that C&-1154-74 lie turned down by · the county council. This bill would pe!'lnlt used car sales lots and au­tomoblle repalr facllltlea which are In conjunction with li new car dealer room to be permitted usee In th-_ 0-2 mne without obtainlnr a 'Peclal excl'ption. The council felt that the SJH'cial exception re­qu1..-.nt Is nP.eded to rlv~ muni­cipalities a device for provldtnr In­put With ~espect to spt>elal con· dltlon1.

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