COUNTY BOARD OF FREEHOLDERS TO ORDER THURSDAY, APRIL iO, 20i 4 R..EGUL\R MEETING r>.-!INUTES Chairman Christopher Hudak called meeting to order at 7:00 I Attendee 1 Tide I A · rl I .f--. 1 Bruce I-L Hergen J Freeholder t .t\bscnt · I I. Linda c-arter' ----···-·--------··-·- r freeholder 1-:-· ---,-;.:.---;... - ··-·:·--- ------- --·· --·---:- ---- ------- - ----t-=.----- ·-------···1-·---------·1 ____________ L!.!_eeholder 1 Present _j_ 1 l _Freeholder i Present -·· i ---- I I D _._.__ r- --- ,,.. - 1 1 1 uc:LLt: ptut: ! rreen01aer i !-'resent l I __ ---::-·::----------t------- --- -·---- ---+-------.. +-.. -----------1 1 LVhrabella ; Freeholder i_ Present ! I ----- ------- ----l ----------- I T 11 1 ••- l-::-r-.--·;:.--, ------··-------t-::-- 1 Lvtunamea ;:,. 1auon i VIce Lllat.rman 1 !-'resent ! I !-.:::-·-:·---. ·-- _., __________________ , -----------+--:..:...:..:..:.:.. _______ , ---------1 I ( :hnstopher Hudak i Chairman i Present i I 1 ... .- •• ,.. y .... .. - - .n1so present: were Lounty 1Vlanager J\ltred J. t'aella 1 l.ounty l.ounsel J<obert E Barry, Esq and Clerk of the Board james Fellett!ere. PRJ\ YER AND SALUTE TO THE The Prayer and Salute to the Flag were led by the Clerk of the Board. STATEMENT OF COMPLI .. WITH THE OPEN PUBLIC 1\-1EETINGS ACT The st9.tement of '.vith the Open Public Act was read by the Clerk of u1.c Board. PRESENTATION FROt"I THE BOARD A Resolution presentation was made by Freeholders Bette Jane Kowalski and Ven1ell \Vright to Trisha Stone, Director of the Div1siOII uf Planmng. upon her retirement from the County of Union. Freeholder Kowalski asked StnnP to join them. She congratulated her for 27 years of dedicated service and has known she is very involved i.11 human retirement and dedicated service. her the Human Services i\dvisory Council. She stated that scrnccs. She, and Freeholder \"'C'right, congraLulatcd her on her Freeholder Kowalski read the Resolution aloud. r-r " I I 1 1 · 1 ,., I <" 1 nsna manKea tne noard tor the recogmuon. said the 27 years she has worked for the County has been with the Human Servtccs Depart.tnent, and she IS grateful that lt has giVen her opport:TJPity to help people on a daily basis. A Resolution presentation was made by Freeholder Bette Jane Kowaiski and Angei Estrada to JanlCe C. Lilien, Executive Director of the y-\VCA of Union County, recogPizi.f'lg April as Chiid Abuse Prevention l'vfonth. ;; Union Counry Board of c:ho$en P:1ge i of i9 Printl'd 5/6/20H-

I J I. ----trr~~~-~- --j------~-------1 1 i i ---- I

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Chairman Christopher Hudak called t.~c meeting to order at 7:00 P~w.f. I Attendee t~ame 1 Tide Starn~ I A · rl I ~-------~- .f--. -t.---.::::!!.1.~~1 1 Bruce I-L Hergen J Freeholder t .t\bscnt · I I. Linda c-arter' ----···-·--------··-·- r freeholder ----trr~~~-~- --j------~-------1 1-:-· ---,-;.:.---;... - ··-·:·---------- --·· --~ --·---:- -~-: ---- ------- - ----t-=.----- ·-------···1-·---------·1 1--n~g=~~~d!._ ____________ L!.!_eeholder 1 Present _j_ 1 15~~g~? G_r~t~~~-~----- l _Freeholder i Present -·· i ---- I I D _._.__ r- --- ,,.. - 1 1 -----.-~-o- T·;..;----·-;-··-~-;-------------·-···-·"-1"7.:--------------· ~---------------·1

1 uc:LLt: ptut: 1'-Uwat~KI ! rreen01aer i !-'resent l I 1'"-:·-:-·---~---.--_-__ ---::-·::----------t------- --- -·---- ---+-------.. +-.. -----------1 1 _A_Ie.x~nder LVhrabella ; Freeholder i_ Present ! I C5r~~~~ii\~~igh-;--· ----- T-F;~ehold~;- ------- ----l il;e:~~~- ~-~--- ----------- I ~--...--·; ---;·-------:;-~ T 11 1 ••- l-::-r-.--·;:.--, ------··-------t-::-- r---··--·-~--·---1 1 Lvtunamea ;:,. 1auon i VIce Lllat.rman 1 !-'resent ! I !-.:::-·-:·---. ·-- _., __________________ , ------~- -----------+--:..:...:..:..:.:.. _______ , ---------1 I ( :hnstopher Hudak i Chairman i Present i I

~ 1 ~ ... .- •• ,.. • y .... .. ~ ~ • - • -

.n1so present: were Lounty 1Vlanager J\ltred J. t'aella 1 l.ounty l.ounsel J<obert E Barry, Esq and Clerk of the Board james E~ Fellett!ere.


The Prayer and Salute to the Flag were led by the Clerk of the Board.


The st9.tement of compli~mce '.vith the Open Public ~'l!eetings Act was read by the Clerk of u1.c Board.


A Resolution presentation was made by Freeholders Bette Jane Kowalski and Ven1ell \Vright to Trisha Stone, Director of the Div1siOII uf Planmng. upon her retirement from the County of Union.

Freeholder Kowalski asked Trish~ StnnP to join them. She congratulated her for 27 years of dedicated service and has known she is very involved i.11 human retirement and dedicated service.

her t..~rough the Human Services i\dvisory Council. She stated that scrnccs. She, and Freeholder \"'C'right, congraLulatcd her on her Freeholder Kowalski read the Resolution aloud.

r-r " I I 1 1 · 1 ,., I <" • • • ~•

1 nsna manKea tne noard tor the recogmuon. ~he said the 27 years she has worked for the County has been with the Human Servtccs Depart.tnent, and she IS grateful that lt has giVen her t...~e

opport:TJPity to help people on a daily basis.

A Resolution presentation was made by Freeholder Bette Jane Kowaiski and Angei <~0 Estrada to JanlCe C. Lilien, Executive Director of the y-\VCA of Union County, recogPizi.f'lg April as ~~~Jational Chiid Abuse Prevention l'vfonth. ;;

Union Counry Board of c:ho$en Fru:hillJct~ P:1ge i of i9 Printl'd 5/6/20H-

Rq;uhr ~.[ccting ,.· .. ,' :\~l:!IU:.l April10, 2014

Chairman Hudak called upon Freeholder KowalsYJ and Freeholder Estrada to present Janice Lilien, \Vi~~ a Resolution.

Freeholder K.owaisiu stated that she attended a :Domestic Abuse Prevention Program· at !<.can University eariier in the day, wh...ich was well attended and an informative program.

Freeholder Kowalski read the Resolution aloud.

Executive Director Lilien stated that the y-wcA of Union County is a lead domestic violence agency and they are corrLrpitted to endit1g domestic and related violence adding that was the topic of the program t..~at was held at I<.ean University. She thanked u.~e Board for the recognitio11 and the stated the irnportance of raisiilg awareness and deveionine oroerams for Child Abuse Prevention. - .. ....., .. .....,

Freehoider Kowalski recogPjzed that Freeholder Estrada has been a long supporter of L1.e Y\X'C..t\ ..

Chairman Hudak congratulated ~vis. Lilien anJ all the mdiv1duais \Vho were mvoived 1n the outstai1ding prc:st:ntation at I<ean umversiry. 11c sa1d 1t was well attended hy various Soct~l :::ienT!ces and Law Enforcement coming together to deal \vith thjs senous 1ssue, Domestic Violence.


Chainnan Hudak recognized Cindy Randazzo, Director of Local Govern .. 111ent 1\ssistance at t.1.e New Jersey Depart..tUent of Environmental Protection (DEP)who was iri the audience. He stated t..l,at she is the Liaison for all 565 cmnrnur1..ities and 21 inUiliCipahtlcs m the Smte. He said she is visiting municipalities anJ counties throughout the State to offer assistance through the DEP~

tvis. Randazzo said that she 1s ma!r.ing visits throughout the State and her m.lSSlon 1s to make a connection with the DEP in areas where they can be of assistance. Sht: sa.iJ :she; i:s the }!;atcway antl if there arc any questions or concerns, she i::; the contact person to make sure projec;s are ~ovmg fonvard.

Freeholder Estrada stated that he h~s had numerous conversations with rvfs. Randazzo throughout the years 3-nd has found her to be an individual who cares and is certainly the gateway for contacts in terms of the DEP.

lvb. Randazzo srated that Conuniss10ner Iviartins has tJ.rged her to get w.ore mvolved '.vi.th the 565 municipalities and 21 counties throughout the State. She said there are so many regional issues and believes it would be good to partner in job sharing for cost sanngs.

Chairman Hudak stated it \Vas a pleasure Deputy· County t'"lanaget/Director of the

1 1 ' • l!lVolvea 1n most re!atea or01ects. ' '


Note and File

to have her m attendance. He said he introduced her to Deparunent of Economic Renewai Bill Reyes who will be

1, C>ath of Office: .r\.dvisory Board on .,.l .. gi..'"lg: Joseph Bruno; Com.nllssion on the Status of \Y/omen: Iv!axine Padulsky; Construction BoarU of Appeals Adv1sorv noaro: 1\Latthew ::-,ontz: Fire Services Advisory Board: Frank Cerasa and ios·e~h SiP11oreiio~ Lg,hor Arlvic:.rwv RrHHrl~

• ..> l 0 ····-----------... ------·

Gary Pfarr; Locai Advisory Committee on Alcoholisrn and Dn..1g Abuse: Ralph ~v!cnendez;

Page 2 of 19 Printl'J 5/6/2014

Regular Meeting April10, ?014

Upjon County .Air Traffic and Noise -'A:~.dvisory Board: Jeffrey Robin.son; Union CourHy

Cultural and Heritage Advisory- Board: Barbara luJ.~ Bradv; Un10n Counry Planrung Board: Robert Salvatore; Uruon Cou~ry Transportacio~ Advisory Board: Carl Hokanson; Umon County Utilities Authority Advisory Board: Clifton PPnnip· and \Xlorkforce Inve~~tnenr . . " ---r--• --Board: Salvador (.3:arcia, James Horne, Jr., Richard !vfalcolin, Leni"J A .. Parades and Gary Pfarr.

D"CC:T11 'T'. ,.\T'\1"\.TI'T'TIT\. nn".TA11t.TT1Lt"F'\.ul""l_ ..... ,..,.,TT"'OT'Io 11 1 • .--. ••• .o.'-.a..;.,Ju.o.....o. • .cLLJ'LJ'.a.- ... .a..:....., LUI"''.tl.l"'unv ;,J; rnuvr..K: DJexanaer lYlirabeila~ t'reehulder; SECOt~DER: neue jane K.owalski. Freeholder: AYES: Freehoider Carter FrPPhniriPr F.;:tNri~ "' . . -- ------ - ----, ----------- ------, Freeholder Granados; Freeholder I<o\valski, Freeholder rvfirabcl!a, Freeholder \'\'right, Vice Chai.rm.an Jalloh, Charrman Hudak; ABSE!'JT: Freeholder Bergen;


1. February 06, 2014- Agenda Setting ~vft:etir1g ~v1inutes

[UNAl~INiOUS]; TviOVER: Angci SECONDER: i\-fohamed S~ Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder RESULT: ACCEPTED G. Estrada, Freeholder;

Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder K.owalski, Freeholder }.1uabella, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chah111an Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSEI'"~T: Freeholder Bergen;

2. Februar:y 06, 2014- Regular rvlt:t:ting ivliuutes

RESULT: ACCEPTED (UNAl~il'viOUSj; IViOVER~ Angei SECONDER: I'vfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: I--'reeholder Freeholder C]ranados, Freeholder !(owalsb, Freeholder rvfirabella, Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSE!'-.J"T: Freeholder Bergen;

3. February 20, 2014- Agenda Settir1g ?vfeeting !vfinutes

G. Estrada, Freeholder; Carter, Freeholder. Estrada, Freeholder 'JC'right, Vice

RESULT: ACCEPTED fi TO 01: IVIOVER: J\np-el <..~. Estrada,- Freeholder,· SECONLlHK: L '" Q

Iviohamed S. Jailoh, Vice Chairtnan~ A_YhS: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder C-ranados, Freeholder Kowabb, Freeholder tvfirabella, Freeholder \-"\';'right, Vice Chaitrmm Jalloh; ~A...BST . .A...!N: Chai...rman Hudak; .LA1BSE!'-.lT: Freeholder Bergen;

4. February 27, 2014- Regul·ar rv1eeting tviirrutes

RESULT: ACCEPTED rtUNTAl~Tiviu~·uTc.-.J., NI' ·v~·v·"'K-·. "n::el" ,-.... - . . '"" . .L< __,_ '- ~ <.__I Estrada, Freeholder; SECor,;DER: Iv1ohamed S. jalloh~ Vice Chairman; A YES~ Freehoider Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freehoider l(o·~.;valski, Freeholder ~.1irabella,

Chairman Jalloh, Cha!!man Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen; Freeholder 'Y/right, Vice

CH.<\!!U\1.1\.N HUD~&._K'S STATEl'.1ENT ~--~~----------------------------

Chairman Hudak stated that prior to t.~e opening of the to the public

Resolutions, Chairman Hudak read a statement regardi.IJg Resolutio11 2014~292. this Resolution is to i11troduceJ the 2014 Amendments to the 2014 BudP"et.


for con11·:nents on

He clarified tha r He stated Lhat in

- _j __] :. •. - • - • ' 1 _, ' '. • auwuuu tu mrngnt s puouc comment section regarding Resolution 2014-292, .there will be a public hearing held on April 24th at 6:00pm.

r,h,~ir,~,,o,n, ,l-l,nf1~J. ~,.,1,...,.,..1 .. t...~ r1 k C ._1 D _l T T\ 11 ' 1 • • • • - -- - --···~ <l<:ll\."-U un:; '-'1er- 0.1. u1e uoa.tu Jaines reuetbere to reaa tne nmendments to the 2014 Budget.

The Amendments to the 2CI14 Budget are attached .

.,_: ___ r' --· n I.-,.-., r• ' '' Ulll<JII '--OUIILY PO:lfU OI \.,!\O~Cll l'fCCh()ittcf:; P:~gc 3 of 19 Print<:<.! 5/6/:2014

Aprii lO, 2014

Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman of Ll-te Fiscal _Affairs Corru'11.ittee, asked Director of Fi.tunce Bibi Taylor to speak about Resolution 2014-295.

Direcror Tavior stated that Resoiution 2014-295. Throucrh thP rl1rl'rt1on nf thr Ft'rrhnlrlrr Rn-::~rrl -:1nrl " ----- ·o-- --- -----·- -- ---- '---------- ----- ----

under the supervision of t_i-}e Fiscal Affairs Comrr..ittee, represents an overall reduction in the 2014 Budget of S3.7 rr.illion from the Lttroduced budge, a 4.19°/o 1ncrease over the 2013 Budget. However, with these Amendn1ents it will reduce "that to 2.99°/o. The Budget maintams the contractual and Srate obligations; while meeting the ievv cap under the 2010 levy cap, adrllqg that the Budget is subJect to State approval. She stated that they have been notified by r..~e State that all items in the Introduced Budget are in line. She added that d·tis lev-y is the lo\vest in the past 5 years.


The meeting is open to the public adoption only.

for the purpose of corru11enting on Resolutions being offered for

Tom Getzendanner, Surrunit, made comments referrir1g to the following Resolutions: 2014-303, 297, 320 and 300. His corrunents are attached.

Tom G~:tzcndanner, Sunun.ic, askt:U the Board to honor the nominal cap of 2°/o relative to Resolution 2014-292.

Chairman Hudak called upon Director Taylor once again to verify 2010 Cap.

that the 2014 Budget is under the

Director Tayior stated that the 2014 Amended Budget being considered (Resolution 20~_4-292) ts actually bciow t.he 2010 cap by $2.5 trillion and below t.~e 1977 by $7.6 million.

John Bury, I<:.enilworth, spoke about $2.2 million~ that he believes 1s due to a pens1on "gimmick," adding that the S2.2 million appears to be from reduced contributions~ He spoke about tlond Anticipated I\Jotes and asked how much more bonrli11g is the County p1an!1i.'1g.

Director Taylor stated that there was a change ir1 debt serviCe and tlus iS the 3nl legal installment paid, required by hrw to cover soine of the out-standing notes.

D",uce "•·ar·erson, "a~··ooa·. m· an~ea· m· e jj-oara· t'or· 1 · rl rl h ?111' T ' ' ._ '"" ._w . "" re-ana.yzLng an_ re_ucmg t..e ---'+ .ntroaucea ~udg~t. _ ~e _ satd Mr~ tlury ment!oned the $2.2, but he understands that the State is providi,.1.g L~e tloard w1t.l1 t.he calculations. He stated t.l-tat the $3.7 million decrease is based upon the $2.2 fron-1 the State and S1.5 rnillion is from capital expenditures. -

~vir. Paters011 a~keJ if the amount mentioned in Resolution 20i 4-307 is for the total amount of all phases invoived with t_h· _i_s rn_ro_,ie_c_t___ Hf> -:~ ... kP..-1 -:~hrmt tl"H> rt'itP..; r ....... r-hA ..-.rl h . l ~ .. l.. * --- <------ ··~~~~ ~H- ...... u .... ua ........... u .... Yeu .... or .. A~l.l'1g a\varueu LUC


I'v1r. Paterson questioned the language (advenisin2: public biddinQ") mention in Resoint1on 2Cr14--ilfl ' '-' L ~ -------------- ~--·

T T __ : 1 1 • , ..---. ~ -·· • • • -· . _ _ ne ~•uu ne ts opposea to paytng the Ltty ot t:llzabeth add!ttona! dollars for. Jury parlr.i'lg, as $19 million has already been spent towards building the nev parki..~g garage.

Chr1irman Hudak asked County Counsel Ban~y to ex plum Resolutton 2014-310.

Printed 5/6/2014

Rcgubr t\kcting Aptil 10, 2014

County Counsel Barry stated t.~at it is not a public bid, it \Vas done through a p"ublic agency, t.,_c City of Elizabet.'1 and the Elizabeth Parki.!g .. Authorit-y, and explained further that 111 1995, the State n1andated the County pay for certain services, ainenitit:s a~d facilities~ related ro the Courrs; jury parking was one of rhem. He sa1d the parking spaces are at fixed number, which he beiieves is 250 spaces.


The foilowLng Kesolutions are being offered for adoption:

2014-292 VICE CP~Rr-,.f.M.J' JALLOH: Approvu1g Amendments ro rhe 2014 Introduced Budgt:t.

RESULT: P. llQPTED [UN~A ..... "N'!MOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECO~.J'DER: l\1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, freeholder Estrada, Fieeholder Granados, Freeholder Kowalski, Freeholder tviirabclla, Frcehoider \Vrighr, Vice Chairman jalloh, ~• · H 1 • &T'IoroT"""O"" .. ,.... ,-., • , , -..... L..naiiman uaaK; 1\..D~J::!.l""'' 1 : 1~ reeholder tlergen;

~014-293 FREEHOLDER BERGEN: Amenriit1g Resolution ~Jo. 2014-254, resolution entenng Lnto a contract with T ... vo Rivers Title i\gcncy of r--.Jew York for the purpose of providing title sernccs, to reflect a change in vendor name from Two Rivers Title Agency of t~ew- York t~ their f~ew Jersey based company 11Two Rivers Title Company, LCC." There i~ no.change in account or in dollar amount.

RESUL'!': ftf10PTED [UN . .A.. .... "N'!MOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOI"".J'DER: ~.1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice ChaL.!nan; AYES: freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, freeholder Kowalski, Freeholder lv1irabella, Freeholder Wr1ght, Vice Chairman Jalloh, /""'! T T 1 1 A T'llroT-'0"" .. ,....... r-o ' • • -..... L..nauman nuaaK; 1\.D~tl'll: t~reeholeler tlerp-en: . 0 •

2014-294 FREEHOLDER GR~A_NADOS: Authorizing the County :'-l!anager to apply for the 2015-2017 cycle of the New Jersey State Council on the ~.\~rts L·\P grant \vhich supports arts related prograrrls and services.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNAl~iMOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freehoider; SECONDER: 1:viohamed s. ialloh. Vice Chairman: A'YES~ FrN•hnklf"t c~rtf>t l·<rf•Phnl.-lPr F..:rr'l.-l'l brPPl-u-.lrLe·r

.J ' ' • --- - ---~---~-- ~------· - -----~---~ ~.., ....... ~ ...... , ............................... ....

Granados, Chairman

Frf'.e.hnirlf"r Km..v~Jh:k-1 FrP,.hnlrlPr T•vfir-:~h,.ll.:a HTA.,h.-..lrl.,. .. WJ .. ;,....hr - -------~-- ___ .. _____ ,- ~--·-~--- ..................... - ...... , ...................................... vv..~.. .... 5 u .. ,

Hudak;.A.BSENT: Freeholder Bergen; Vice Chah"Tilan J alloh,

2014-295 FREEHOLDER GRA..,.l\J'ADOS: Authonzu1g the County fvianager ro award the proposed contract obtained through advertised public bidding in accordance with the LoCai Puhiic Contracts Law, NjSA 40A:11-1 et seq: Parks and Recreation: j & C Ice Technologies, Flanders, 1-..Jew jersey; for the purpose of provirliqg ice resurfacer, m the amount of $89,485.00 (which includes the trade-in of a 10 year old Zamboni- S10,500.00).

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~Ar~H:tviOUSJ; 1\·IOVER: Linda Carter~ Frechoider; SECONDER: ~vfohamed S. j allah, Vice Chairman; A YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owa!sld, Freeholder I'v!irabella, Chairman Hudak; A.BSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

Union County Huard nt Chn::l.!n Frcdw!Jcr.:> l'a~c 5 of19

Freeholder \'V'right, Vice Chairm~n Jalloh,

Printed 5/6/2014

Rq!;ubr Meeting Agenda April 10,2014

2014-296 FREEHOLDER KOWALSKi: Amendi_ng Resoiution Number 2013-885, to reflect an increase to the 2013 fv!uPicipal .r\l!iance Plan countywide subcontract wit..l-t Prevention LL1ks, Inc., Roselle, New Jersey, in the amount of $4,430.00 for a new subcontract total amount of $8,341.00; and a decrease to the Countr\vide Activities in the ainount of $4,430.00 resulting in a change in line iterns only and no change 1n Total Dollars to the 2013 Alliance Pian nor ill the grant extension oenod of ianuarv 1. 2014 throml"h iune 30,- 20i4 . .L .I .I , 0 .I -

RESULT: ADOPTED [UJ'.LA~l\.Jil\10US]; ~10VER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECO~~DER: :rvfohamcd S. Jalloh, Vice Chairn1an; AYES: Freeholder Carter! Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Gianados, Freeholder Kowalskt, Freehoider fviirabeila, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-297 FREEHOLDER KO\V ... liSK!: .. A .. uthorizing the County rvianager: to award a contract, pursuant to Request for Proposal (R_FP), to SAGE Eldercare, Inc., for the State Health Insurance Progran1 (SHIP) for the period of April 1. 2014 rhroue:h Iviarch 31. 2015. contract vear 2 of a 3 vear

• • - '-' ' ' " J

conrracr! in an amount not to exceed $31;500.00 with rCrtewal contingent upon receipt of additional grant funding from the NJ Department of Human Senrices, Division of Aging Services; furt..~er

authorizing the transfer of funds duri.'1g ~~e contract period should service needs change and/ or if t..~e agency should fail to meet their contractual obligation; and further authorizing the execub.on of a Standardized Board Retiolution. as required for incl~sion in submission to NjDHS.

RESlJLT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS]; MOVER: Linda Curter, Freeholder; SECOJ'.JDER: Mohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; .. A ... YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<.owalski, freeholder ~vfitabella, Freeholder Wright! Vice Chru.nnan jailoh, Chainnan Hudak; ABSEt~T: Freehoider Bergen;

2014-298 FREEHOLDER KOWALSKI: Appointing l\'fichel Bitritto to the Union County Culturai and Heritage Advi~ory Board for a term commencing January 1, 2014 through December 31,2016.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~Al"~ItviOUS]; lviOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: :tviohamed S. jalloh: Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owalsln, Freeholder Mirabella, Freeholder \Y/right, Vice Chai...~an Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ... A~ SENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-299 FREEHOLDER \VRIGHT: Amendillg Resolution 1'-.Jumber 2014-182, for Sonja A~h. Senior Citizen Disabled Resident Transportation A-U.v1sory Board to reflect a change in term from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015.

RESULT: ADOPTED [TJNA_NIMOl.TS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECO!'-JDER: fVfoharned S. Jalloh, Vice Chairrr1an; A.YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholdrr Ku~·,u~l,--1..:-i PrP.P1--,u-1u~~,~ ~,.fu:·-.-ho:>u"a- r 1 I I \VI

1 T"f"" ,...., ~ ,. • ........ ...... ...... .... , .. ............ .. .... .. .. ..., ..... , rreenotuer wngnr! v1ce Lnauman Jalloh,

Chairman I -Iudak; ABSEt~T: Freehoider Bergen;

20i4-300 VICE CHAIRMA.i"'\J' JALLOH: Amending t.h.e 2014 Temporary Budget Ch. 96 P.L. 1951 (N .j .S.A. 40A:4-20)~

RESULT: i'..DOPTED [Ul'-.J'Ar'·HlVIOUS]; rY10VER: Liw.la Carter! Freeholder; SECOi~DER: ~ ... .fohan1ed S. Jalloh, Vice Chauman: AYES: Freeholder Carter; Freehoider Estrada, Freeholder

Union County Bo:J.n..! of C!w~;m Frcchultkr~ Page 6 uf 19 PrinrcJ 5/6/2014

Rcgubr Meeting Agenda ,\pril10, 2014_

Granados, Freehoider Kowalski; Freeholder Ivfirabella; Freeholder Wright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chainnan Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-301 CHA.!P ..... l\i..A~l\J HUD .. A....K: _A_ut.l-torizing t.~e County Ivfanagcr to award the proposed contract obtained through advertised public biddir1g iil accordance \\rith the Local Public Contra~..;L:s Law, NJSA 40A:11-1 et seq: Departmeni of Administrar.ive Senrices. lvfotor Vehide Tui:f Shoo : . ' ' Wilfred lv1acDonald, Inc., South Hackensack, New jersey for the purpose of provirli11.g Jacobsen Replacement Parts for 24 consecutive mont.hs, ApriJ 10, 2014 through _A.pril 9, 2016 in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ui"~Ar-~Itv10US]; tviOVER: Linda Carter: Freeholder; SECONDER: lv1ohamed S. jailoh; Vice Chairman; AYhS: Freeholder Carter, !-'reeho!der Estrada, Freeholder (Jranados, Freeholder K.owalsh, Freeholder lv!irabel!a, Freeholder \'7right, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; .. A~BSE~lT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-302 CHAIR1'-,.1A.l"-~ HUDAK: An1end.ing Resolution Number 2013-411) approving the 2013-.... r~. ... ,j r- ,. 1 1 ' • ....... • • ' • ..... ,.. ~. • - •• . - -·· • - - .•..

..!:Vl'+ 1.....onsouaarea ncuon l''Jan to mcJude the Lltv ot Linden UemolltJ.on :ot Klurhred Kmlcl1no-• - - -o··-- -- - ------o

Project for $79;138.34 and the City of Linden Se11jor Bus Driver Project for $12,904.00 funded wit.~ Corru11.unity Development Program Income funds for a total amount of $92,042.34.

RESULT: ADOPTED [U~~Al"~Il\10US]; r"10VER; Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: tvfohamed S. jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados: Freeholder Kowalski, freeholder l\1irabd!a, Freeholder \Yfright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; .ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014~303 CH}·.JRl\1}·~..1'--J' HUDAK: Concurring with the Cir-y of Sununit's Onlinance No. 14-3049 adopted by the City of Sum..nlit on rv1arch 18, 2014, Section 7-8 Parkin_g~ subsecaon .7-8.5. Parkml?

- ' v

Time Limned from a point therefrom.

on Certain Streets. North Side of SnrinPfield Avenue IC.l<_ ' j_ 0 ------ \-----

156 feet \Vest of the western curb li.11e of Passaic Avenue 512); 15 l\1inute Parking to a point 111 feet west

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ur-~M.JI~·v10US]; 1\IOVER: Lmda Carter! Freehoider; SECONDER: ~vfoharneJ S. Jalloh, Vice Chmman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder: Estrada, Freeholder Granados; Freeholder Kowalski, Freeholder tvl!rabe!!a, Freeholder \Vright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, C:hnirm~n H lH"l-:~ k· A R'"'FNT• Pr,..Phnlr1Pt- "RPrrrPn• -------------- --~----, -----.-.- -----~---- ~--o---,

2014-304 CHA!RM..A ...... l\J" HUDA.K: Amendi..'1g Resolution Number 2014-195, a\varding Professional Engineering Service Contracts for u~e purpose of providing ''on call" Engmeenng Servtces for the Year 2014, to reflect a change in accou~t n~mbers ~nly. ~

RESULT: ADOPTED iUNANTMCHTSJ, MOV_F_R_· 1 m.-1 r , !=' h 1.-1 <:RrC\1'-TT\Rl> L- - -- _~, - . . ____ a ~ar~er, ... ree. o ...... er; ....-.a...o'"'_ ...... .......,.a...oa'":

1\>iohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chau:man; A.YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder. Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owalski, Freeholder ~~-Iirabella, freeholder Wright. Vice Chauman jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSEt...J"T: Fret:holder Bergen;

2014-305 CHAIR.lVi.Al'J' HUDAK: Amending Resoiution Number 2010-156 (BA#99-2009), a contract awarded through t.he public bidt4iflg process to Daidone Electric, of Newark, New Jersey, approving Change Order :t--Jo.1 (fmal) fot the Intersection In1prove1nents al Ceuiial Avent~e r.-... .... ;..--1,., .. '"r ... 1..' t:rl 1 ..l 'T' _L\VT .. ~C:-1 1 /"" . rTT • -... , ,...,, • • ...... v_._uu.vJ., _.~._owusulp Ot '--tarfi. anu 1own u1 we:sLuelU, 1......ounry or uruon~ l'JCW Jersey. uus change

order \Vill reduce the ong1nai contract amount by ($39;548.54) for a new contract amount not to

Union Cuunty Bn~r:.l ufChnsenl,.rt.:t:hokkro Pag~.: 7 of 19 Primed 5/6/2014

Regubr ~!ecting ,\gcnda April10, 20l4

exceed S1:086A51.46. This project was funded by the New Jersey [)epartment of Transportation, 2009 Annual Transportation Pian.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ur--.J~~ .. nr,.10US]; r,.10VER: Lnda Carter, Freeholder; SEC01",J"DER: l\,1'" I _l C' T_ll_1 "l:r: r-1 A 'ITT""".-. ,.-. o t 1 ,-.. r- t t t .--. ' .-. 1 • • lYlOnatneu .:>. J auon, v 1ce t...narrman; 1\.. 1 n~: t' reen01aer L.arter1 t' reeholder !:'..stracta, t' reeholcter Granados: Freeholder I<owalski, Freehoider Mirabella, Freeholder Wright, V1ce Ch~irman Jalloh, ChaL.rman Hudak; .A-BSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-306 CI-l .... 4....!P ...... ¥.LJ.A~1\.J HUD .. 4J\:: Amendi..""lg Resolution 1'-,Jumber 2014-192, awarding a public bid contract for tt'Ie pu1pose of the Replacen:1ent of Raymond Avenue Bridge) City. of Pla~fieid) Counry of Union, l..Jew jersey. [0 refieC[ a change m account numbers only.

RESULT: AllOPTED (UN .. A~NIMOUS]; MOVER: Lir1da Carter, Freeholder; SECOI'-JDER: ~vfohamed ~ 1 ... 11..-..t...

Vo JU.LJ.\..JJ.~, Vice Chairman; 4"~YES: Freeholder Carter, freeholder Estrada, freeholder Granados, freeholder I<owalsk.i, Frt:eholder tvfirabella~ Freeholder Wngh[, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chatrman Hudak: ABSENT: Freeholder Bero-en: . 0 •

2014-307 CHAIRMAN HlJDAK: i\uthor!zing the County Manager to award a Professional Engir1eering Service Contract to !'Jeglia Engineeri..~g ~J.~ssociates, of Lyndhurst, New Jersey, for the purpose of providi..tg Professional Engineeri.I1g Design, Construction Administration and Inspection Services fo.t Lhe Oak Ridge Park Improvement ProJect in an amount not to exceed $439.823.00. (lJ.C. Engineermg ProJeC[ No. 2012-007)

RESULT: J\.-DOPTED [7 TO 1]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SEC01'JDER: fvfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder Kowalski, Freeholder ~vfirabella, Fn:eholder Wright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; NAYS: Freeholder Estrada: ABSENT: Freeholder Ber~en:

- 0 -

20i4-308 CHA.HLM...A_N HUD.A_l{: Amentii'1g Resolution ~Jumber 2013-970, to aut.~or1..ze t.~e

County ~.1anager to extend t.~e Union County College "Union County Choices" Program contract period from April 30, 2014 to rvray 30, 2014 for ul.e provision of additional occupational trainii1g opportunities in demand occupatwns m targeted economic development sectors to residents of Uruon County; mcluding but not limited to Transportation, Logistics, and U!stribution (lLU); Healthcare; and t.he Retail Indust-ry.

RESULT: ~AJJOPTED [U1'Ji'~l\.Jil\10US]; ~10VER: Linda Carter, freeholder; SECO:!'"~DER: rvfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairn1an; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder GranaUos, Freeholder I<owalsk.i, Freehoider Mirabella, Freehoider Wright, Vice Chairman Jalioh; Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freehoider Bergen;

2014-309 CHA_lR_M_A_N HUDAK: Amentii11g Resolution Number 2013-324, to aut.~orize t.~e

County lv!anager to extend t.~c Y'Y./CA of Eastern Union County Workforce Invesu-nent Act Adult & Dislocated \X'orker Specialized Training and Einployment ProJect for a con traer penod of lviarch 31, 2014 lu t-"lay 30, 2014 ro P. rov1de addinonal emolovment and training oooortunities for women

~ .I 0 ~ 1

of domestic vioience.

RESULT: .. &JJOPTED flJl"Ji'~l\.JI~10US]; 1".,10VER: Linda Carter, freeholder; SECOt,J"DER: ~vfohamed S. jalloh, Vice Chaurnan; AYES: Freeholder Caner, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Gra11ados, Freeholder I<-owalski, Freeholder Ivfirabeila, Freeholder Wright, Vice Ch~irman Jal!oh, Chainnan Hudak; ABSENT; Freeholder Bergen;

Union Cuunty Board uf Cho~cn Frcch,,lJcrs Pag<.: 8 of19 Printed 5/6/20i4

Regular i\Iccting :\pri! 10, 2014

2014-310 CP~R:.\tiD~ HUDAK: Authonzmg the Counry ivlanager to award the proposed conuacr obtamed throueh advertised oublic biddmP" in accordance with the Local Public Contracts

v • 0

Law, NjSA 40A:l "i-1 et seq: L>epartment ot Public \XIorks: Division of Facilities .N!anagenient; City oF Fii?~hPth P!lrkinO' Anthnr1ru l=<'li7'1hPrh 'f\..Tp·m T.-.rcMr f"r.r t.."'e DUrDv'"'<.:.f> v ..... f Dt"v"""Vi~ing- Jlnry• P':'lt-kinp, -- ---------- -----b ---~-~~- .. ,, ._. ....................... u, .. ~ .... ,Y ),_.._., .... ,, "-V-L J. J. ~- - J. .,_ ·-~·a ~ .,_ ... ~._ ...... ._n

for a contract period of twelve (12) consecutive monu~s, in an amount not to exceed $180.000.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED iUNAl'JIMOUS]; MOVER: f,inda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: Iviohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Ch~irman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Gntnados, Freeholder !<owalsb, Freeholder ~vlirabclla, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chairn·1an Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; .l~...BSEI'-.JT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-311 CHAIRr~-1At~ HUDAK: Aurhonz1ng the Counry Ivianager to award the proposed non­bid contract with Simplex Grinnell, Rockaway, New Jersey for services required to be performed cons6tut.ing an exception to public bidr41'1g pursuant to the Local Public Cqntracts Law 1:'-tj.S . ...-1 ....

40~1\:11-5 (1) (dd): Dept. of Public \Y/orks & Facilities: Division of Facilities ~fanagement, Runnells Specialized Hospital for the purpose ~f ~ro~!ding 2120 Fire Alarm and Sprinkler- System Services conli11Ci1cii1g April 1, 2014 through ivtarcn .J 1 ~ 20i 6, fur a period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months not to exceed $258,444.64.

RESULT: .. A....DOPTED [U1'J ... A....,.l\..H~y10US]; ~10VER: Linda Carter, Preeholder; SEC01"-~DER: rvfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman~ AYES: freeholder Carter. Freeholder Estrada. Freehoider Granados, Fret:holder i(owalski~ Freeholder lviirabeila~ Freeholder \Vright; Vice Cha~man Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freehoider Bergen;

20i4-312 CHA1IU\1._A_N HUDAK: Resolution concurri..f"lg \Vith the City of Plai.~field granti.a""Ig perwission to Plai..f"lfield High School to hang a banner across Park Avenue fron1 April 15, 2014 to !vfay 30, 2014 to advertise u~e Plainfield High School Spnngfest Carruvai 2014 to be -held lviay 22 to 1~1ay 2G, 2014.

RESlJLT: .AlJOPTED [UN_A_N!MOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOI'-.JDER: Mohamed S. JaUch, Vice Chairman; ... A~YES: Freeholder Carter, f'recholder Estrada, Fret:holder Granados, Freeholder K.owalskl, Freeholder tvfuabclla, Freeholder 'Wnghr~ ""Vice Charnnan jailoh~ Chairn~1an Hudak; ABSE!~T: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-313 CHAIR.lVIA..t'i HUDAK: Authorizing the County Manager to award the proposed contract obtained through advertised public bidrli11g m accordance wit.~ the Local Public Contracts Law; NJSA 40A:11-1 et seq: Depart...rnent of Public 'Ylorks & Facilities: Cambria .Automotive CompaP..ies, Inc., Edison, :t--Jew Jersey, for the purpose of providing three (3) lvfack Single Axle Du1np Trucks with Snow Plow and Salt Spreaders, 1n the a1nount of $5 i 8,700.00.

RESULT: ADOPTED {UNANIMOUS!~ Mf)V_-R __ R_·_T. _ln.d~ c'l ... rtf' .• ", !=' h lrl ~Prnl\..TnP» ~ . , _ - ~-- _ __ .. ree~ o~ .... er; .......... _ _. .... ,. ............ .&"'": -M_-,_,_h __ o __ m __ P_d S .. r 11 h v· rh . AVli'~ f.;' ].., lrl r -· - ..~~Lo ...... , .. !Ce ~~-al.tman; -- ............. : ~ .. reeuOn.~er ...._.artct, Freeholder Estrada, freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owalski, Freeholder !vfirabella, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chamnan jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSE~~T: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-314 CHAINYIAl,; HUDAK: Authortzing the County I\1anage.r to a':vard the proposed contract obtained through advertised public bidrli11g in accordance with t.~e Local Public Contracts Law, NJSA 40~A_:11-1 et seq: Department of Public \Vorks & Facilities: Liftec, Inc., South Plai.nfidd, New Jersey, for the purpose of providing one (1) l'~issan Lift Truck, Platinum 100, m the amount of ~ ,u:: 0"7 A f\1"\ -w•...o,u 1 o.vv.

Union County Board of Chos~;n Freeholders

Regular 1\fe(,'ting :\genda ;\pril 10, 2014

RESULT: ADOPTED [liN_A_NIMOUS]; MOVER: Lind:a c~rter, Freeholder; SECONDER: lvfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; ~.\YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder J(owalski, Freeholder Niirabella, Freeholder Wright, ~lice Chainnan Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSE1"-~T: freeholder Berge11;

'JIJil.1.:1•J'.1'!i, r"'TTATT"Io'R.IrA.,.,.T TTTTT""'Io.&Tr r. 1 • - •. ~ ~ • ..... , .... L.n.ru.l\..lV.Ll'U"' nuuiU\.: l\.esomnon granung perffilsSlon to the l·ownshtp ot ~cotch

Piams to close lviartine Avenue between West Broad Street and Cooper Road from 8:45 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. on April 26, 2014 for a l1v!C .. A ... sponsored race. Resolution further grants permission to hang a banner across Park A. venue ncar the in.tersection of front Street from April 7, 2014 to April 28, 2014 to advertise the event.

RESULT: ADOPTED [\JN.ANIMOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOr---JDER: Mohamed S. Ja!!oh, v,.-,. Chatrman; .. A ... YES: freeholder Cartt:r, Frct:holdcr Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder J(owalski, F rccholder }v1irabella, r reeholder Wright, Vice Cha1rrnan J alloh. ChaL.-man }Iudak; ABSE:r-~T: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-316 CHAIRN1Al'l HUDAK: Resolution concurrwg with Lh.e Borough of Roselle Park granting permission to dose Chestnut Street from Grant Avenue to \Y/cbster Avenue, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for the annual rvfemorial Day Parade to be held on :t'y1onday, }y'fay 26, 2014. Also, concurring with t..~c Borough of Roselle P-ark granting pe:rnlis~ion to close Chestnut Street from r" .... -'- ,\ ________ L- \VT ,{"" f1' " • T '"'" '"""'". •o • o ~~ o T ..... naut .n.veuue tu wes[Ilelu nvenue. on ~aruraav. 1t1ne Ll. LU14. wlth a ram date ot ~aturdav. lune

. " . "' ' ' I ' -'

28~ 2014, from 4:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, September 13, 2014, witP~ a rain date of Saturdayj September 20,2014 from 3:30p.m. to 7:30p.m. to hold "Cr..us1n' r-.Jight Car Shows."

RESULT: .. 4JlOPTED (UI'--.J.A.J.l\..Jil\-fOUS]; ~10VER: Li11da Carter. Freeholder; SECOt~DER: ~v1ohamed S. jalloh, Vice Chauman; AYES: Freeholder Carter: Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados! Freeholder K.owalski: Freeholder T\1irabeHa, Freeholder \XIright, V1ce Chamn.an_ Jalloh, Chairman HtJdak: AHSRNT• FrPPhnlrlPr HPrrrf'n' ---- -------------,-----.-.- -----~~--~ ~--o-~ .. , 20i4-3i7 CB_: _ _A_!F_l\!..A~N HUD .. A_._.l(: Resolution concurrin.g with the Township of Springfield regarding road closures and banners for the Annual ~viernorial Dav Parade and F ow:th of i ulv Celebration. l11e Annual rv1emorial Dav Parade will be held lvlonda~- iviav 26. 2014 between ... the

' ' J J ' - - - -

hours of 9:00a.m, and 12:00 o.m .. and is reauesdnP" n~rm1"sion tn rln~P -Mnnni->.1in AvPmlP frnm the '- ' j --- 01------------ ~- ----- -·---··---- --· --·-- -~~~-·

intersection ot ~hunptke Koad to _North Trivett Avenue; Shunpike Road from t.~e intersection of Sout_h Spri.ngf.ield Avenue to the intersection of ~.fountain .. A .. venue. The Fourth of July Celebration 'Uill he held July 4, 2014 bet'Neen the hours of 3:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.in., (in the event of rain the next clear day) and is tequesting pcnnission to dose l~Ieisel Avenue f;om th~ intersection of Linden Avenuetothe: ______ -·- ,...._,..,_ '""" .... · ~· ··· . - ... -· .. nuersecoon or lV!Wtown t\.oaa tor the purpose ot holding the test1v1t1es~ Kesolut!on furrher requests to hang banners frorn June 1, 2014 to July H, 2014 on !\1ountai.f1 Avenue at :t'--Jorth Trivett Avenue and another on Meisel Avenue at l\1eise1 Park

RESULT: .ADOPTED [U:r-~AL"""~IrvfOUS]; rvtOVER: Lrnda Carter: Freeholder; SECONDER: rvfoharned S. ]allah, Vice Chauman; AYES: Freehoider Carter, Freeholder Esttada, Freeholder Granados; Freeholder Kow~i.r.;kl, Freeholder Mirabella, Freeholder \Y/right, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ft.HSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-318 CF ..... 4~IR ... l\1 .. 4""--.l'\.,J HUDAK: Resolution concurring w1th the Township of Berkeley He1ghts granting pennissron to Smith Chrropractic to hang a banner on Springfield Avenue and another on

Union County B(lard of Chof.cn Fn:t:hn!Jc:rs PJ.;s.:: 10 of19 PrimcU 5/6/2014

Ref'.ui:J.r 1\[ecting :\get>.da ~\pri11 0, 20~ 4

Plainfield Avenue from August 4~ 2014 to September 15,2014 for the Annuai SI< Charity Road Race and Fitness W'alk which is to be heid on Sunday, September 14, 2014.

RF'"OI T· ADnPTJ:i'Tl rTTl\JANTMf"\TTC.lo ·"·"'·O~.'F.l?.· f,'.-.u..-1~ r.-.-:-,p-,-, C'---L-1...1~-. C'I::",....A,....TT"\T"::'TJ, __ __,;....~---· £ _. ... A&..J4o.l l'-' ... ""' ................. ....., ..... oJj, ~ ~- ~ .............. J"Lt:t::JlVlUCL, .:J~\...VL.._.J.JJ:.I\..

:tviohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada~ Freeholder Granados, Freeholder Kowalski! Freeholder lviirabelia, Freehoider W'right, Vice Ch~irman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak: ABSENT: Freehoider Reraen~ . - -- -~- --o---,

20i4-3l9 CH.AJ:ILM_A_N HUD.t\_l(: Resolution concurring with the Township of Bcrkclc'Y Heights grantir1g permission to t...~e Rotary Club to hang a banner across Springfield Avenue and anothe~ on Plainfield Avenue fron1 ~vfay 11, 2014 to june .2, 2014 ro advertise. their ((Rubber Duck Fese~ which will be held on Sunday, June 1, 2014.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UN.A~l\liMOUS]; l\10VER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOt~DER: l'v!ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: f'reeholdcr Cartt::r, Fn:cholder Esrrada, Freeholder Granados, freeholder K.owalski, Freeholder ivfirabella, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chairm~n jalloh, Charrman Hudak; ABSENT: Freehoider Bergen;

2014-320 CHAIRM_A_N Hl..TD.A_K: Resolution concurring with the City of Sutr.u.TJ.t grantillg nerm1"c::lnn tn nnr H ()llC:::P. ~·nllnrl'lt-inn t".-.. r[t""'\C'<> R ....... .-.rl c .... .,..,. .. ( ........ ._... c .. .._....,..,; .... \ ··~-··- .. _ 1\ .~_:_I~ C' .... __ -~ r----~~~---- -- --- ·•~'"""''"' £ .....- ... £~~ ... ._..._,~~ '-"'-' '- '--'"''- .&J.L'--'a'-' VU-I...._L lJ.VUl UUJ.lUlul.L}.V,I:;:UUt: LV iVLA!JlC: JUt:Cl

between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00p.m. on Sunday, ~v1ay 4, 2014 for the 5-l\·file Run Event. -

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: lviohamed S. Jaiioh, Vice Ch~irman; AYES: r•reeholdcr Carter, Freeholder Estrada, f:'reeholdcr Granados, Freeholder I<owalsb, Freeholder tviirabclla, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chautnan jalloh, Chairman Hudak; .A.BSE~.JT: Freeholder Bergen;

'lf\1..1 "2'11 ,....HAITn'llA'AN TTTTT'I.ATT ~ _, · · ' ,.. •• · . . . ... v .... 'T-..~ ....... '"' .... - n.Ln.ru n.u.u.nn.: I\UUlOflZlng tne Lounry ot uruon ro enter m a contract WlLh

Lorco Petroleum Services, Elizabeth: New jersey, for a 21-mont..h contract April 1, 2014- December 31 2015 Vendor is resnnn<:.ihiP fnr tlw rnllPrtinn 'ln.-1 rPrurlinn- r.f ........................... ;1 .-. ..... ~ ....................... .--.:1 C:lo-~-~ ) • --- _,_ ---'-r-·-~---- --- -·- -----~~•£ .,. ...... _.....__..__,.__...._. 5 '-'~ ~u'--'~'--'.L '--'.Ll <-U~\..1 UJV\.VJ. V.U llll~l.;:)

form various county and mur1icipal locations. Vendor will rch-nburse the county· $.65/ gallon for all motor oil collected under the progran1. County will pay vendor $.10/pound for mo;or oil filters based on an estiii1atcd G,OOO lbs/vear in an amount nor to exceed 5600.00 (p-rant funcierit • •• '<0 - - -- --- --,-

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNA_NIMOUS]; MOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOl"".J"DER: IV!ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; .AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder: Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder !(owalski, F rccholder tvfirabella, Chairman Hudak; ABSEr-.J"T: Freeholder Bergen;

freeholder \Y/right, "{ T" ,.-.I • T 10 I vIce 1.....nauman J au on,

.,l\1..1 'l'l., if"'TT.o\TTI"IlK.o\N TTTTT'I..o\T.>" T"""o. • • • • -~· • •• • - ~ -"UJ."t-J.L.-" '-'~.tUI\.Ln.n.t nu.ufU\.: ueternurung that the LU14 Unton County lludget shall be read t_ ".1 1 1 1 • • • • •• • • ••

uy uue ana aeClanng that the pubilc heartng condltions set forth pursuant to l'LJ.S.i\.:4-8(1a)(1b) have been satisfied,

D"J:<'C.TTT 'T ADATYT't:'T\ rTT,....TANT'IlK,..,.TTC'l. 11.1-'lrTT"'T'Io T. • ...... ..... • • • ....,__,....., __ ----... ,.. ........................... : _ '-'J. J..~..:.o..LJ [Ul""'ln..t UYJ.VU;;Jj; lY.lVYC..l\.! LlnGa L.arter~ J•reeh\)~der; :).t~ . .;t.;UN!JhK: 1\ ,!" I _j ("' T 11 1 T:r' ...-.1 • A"" r..-.'"' ...., , • • - - . - - • _ inOitarneu .::~. Jauon! v 1ce L.nrurman; 1\ 1' ~~: t<reeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados) Freehoider l(owalskj, Freeholder fv!irabella, Freeholder \V'right, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSE!'-JT: Freeholder Bergen;

Union Counry Ho:1rd ofChn:-;cn Fn:chokkrs Pagt:llof19 Printed 5/6/:!01-l-

Regular t\fccting :\pril10,2014


2014-323 FREEHOLDER BERGE!~: Laudatory resoiutton recogruz1ng the Townslup of Sonn2:field as rhev celebrate their 220th Anniversarv.

.. '-' ' - J

RESULT: ADOPTED [U}'.JA ... """Jil\10US]; l\10VER: Linda Carter, Freehylder; SECOI"",J"DER: rviohamcd S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter. Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I(owalsla, Freeholder lvlirabella, Freehoider Wright, Vice Chairman jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freehoider Bergen;

2014-324 FREEHOLDER GF_A_Nft. l10S: Laudatory resolution recogr-..1zL~g and congratulatir1g

the Lions Club "Visionary of t.'-le Year," Douglas Schembs, for all his dedicated \vork and -devotion 1n helping to advance the mission of the Lions Club.

RESULT: ADOPTED iUNANIMOiJSi: MOVER: Linda Carter, FreehOlder,· SECONDER: - - - .~~

M~ohamcd S. Ja!!oh, Vice Chairman; .A .. YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder K.owalski, Freeholder t,'firabella, Freeholder Wright, Vice Chai.tT11an Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSEr-..J"T: Freeholder Bergen; ,1\-iA '11'1!"' T:'T"Il"':'l"':'TTI"'\.T T'll.l"':''n l'"''n .o...-.T.o.T""O....--..n ~ I • • • LV.l't-.JL:) r n...c..r::.nvL.u.r::.n. \..JtvU"'Il\.UU;:): Lauaatory resolution recogruzmg and cong~atulatmg the Elizabeth Y


outh Soccer Ciub on ceiebrating its 20t.h. Anruversary.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UJ'.~.A •.• l\.~Il\10US]; l\10VER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECOI"".JDER: i'v1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chaun1an; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Esuada! Freeholder Granados, Freeholder K.owalski, Freehoider Iviirabeila, Freehoider Wright, Y1ce Ch~lrman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-326 FREEHOLDER GR.A_,_l\I.ADOS: Laudatory resolution recogn1zL.1.g and ;ou .. u .. 1g t.'Je City of Elizabeth in proclai.-r .. ing the week of April 7 to 13, 2014, as Public Health \Veek.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ui~AL'J'HviOUS]; iviOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: l\·iohamed S. jalloh, Vice Chairman; AY 1::~5: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder. Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder !(owa!sb, Freeholder lvfirabella, Freeholder \V'right, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chai..+man Hudak; .. ALBSEJ'.JT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-327 FREEHOLDER GHAI-'~ADOS: Laudatory resolution congratulating Commuruty Access Unlinuted and the honorees of their 30th Annual Awards Ni£Tht Celebration to be held Anril

u ' 16,2014.

RESIJLT: .At10PTED [UN .. A_,_"r\J!MOUS]; MOVER: Li.1.da Carter, FreehOlder; SECOl',J"DER: !'-.1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; .AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada. FreeholUer Granados, Freeholder I(owalski, Freeholder lvfirabella, Freeholder Wnght, Vice Chairman jalloh, Chauman Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-328 FREEHCJLDER KOWft. T .SK:::::I: Laudatory resolution congratulatmg t..~e l\.T.,,.. .. Jersey Intergenerational Orchestra on lts 20t.~ Anniversary of providing L.Jnovative, i.ntergenerational n1us1C to the commm1ity.

RESULT: ADOPTED [lJNANIMCJUS]; MOVER: Li..11da Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: Ivfohamed S~ Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder

Union County Ho:1n.! of c:bn~;en Fn.:cb(:lt!crs P:1g~ 12of19 Primt:U 5/6/20i4

Rq';ular t\Ieeting ,\prU 10,2014

Granados, Freeholder I<owalsk.i, rreehotaer Iviirabelia1 Freehoider Wrightj Vice Chairman Jalloh, Charnnan Hudak: ABSENT: Freehoider Hero-Pn: . ------- --o---,

2014-329 FREEHOLDER KOWALSKI: Laudatory resolution prodainlli1g .. April, 2014 as ~A~buse Prevention :tv!ont.I,." ir1 Union County.

DY::i'C'TTT'T' ,t,T"\.1"\T\,.,.."r.'T"\. rTT.,.T.l.,.TT .. I-TTr-"0 .,.,,.... ... ,.........,...., ,.. • • ,..,. .1'\..UVU.L...l: .n.uvr 1 nu L Ul"'l\.l"'llVJUU;,j; lVJU v .t!.K: Llnda Larter, Freeholder; SECONDER: iviohamed S. jalloh1 Vice Chairman; AY~S: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder (Jranados, Freeholder Kowals!ci, Freeholder ~!irabella, Chairman Hudak; .. A...BSE~JT: Freeholder Bergen;

Freeholder \Y/right, Vice Chairman Jalloh,

2014--330 FREEHOLDER KOWALSKI, FREEHOLDER BERGE!~: Resolution offering this 13oatd1s most sincere sympathies to the family of Helen Younghouse, of \Xlestt!eld, New Jersey, during their time of sorrow,

RESULT: .ADOPTED [Ul'-I~l\J'I~,.10US]; r-y10VER: Lh1da Carter, Freeholder; SECO!~DER: l'vfohamed S. Jailoh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter) Freeholder. Estrada; Freehoider Granados, rreeholder l<owalski, Freeholder Ivfirabeila, Freeholder Wright, Vice Ch~..!!man Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

20i4-331 CHA..!R!Vf .... AN'~ HUD.A.K, MR. BOA.RD: Laudatory resolution eongratulati.i1g ~"1ary Ann .. A ... nderson, Director of the Union County" One Stop Career Center, upon h~r retitem~nt after 38 years of public serv1ce.

RESULT: ADOPTED iiJNANIMCJTTSl~ MCfVFR· I 1nrl'1 r.,rtPr brPPhr.lrlr>r• ~PrnNnP»· L- - -- -- -- -- J J -·-- • ---• ~~4-•• ......, •• ~.,_._.._, o ... .._.._.,,__,_....,..._..._ 1 ..,.......,"'-i_.._ ,.....,..._..._,.., I\1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vtce Chairman; .. A~YES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder. Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder K.owalski, Freeholder tvHrabella, Preeho1det Wright. Vice Chau:man jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ABSEI'"~T: Frechokler Bergen;

2014-332 CHAIRlVIA.t'J HUDAK, MR. BOARD: Laudatory resolut!on congratulating Trisha Stone; Director of the Union County Division of Planning. upon her retirement after 27. years of public senrice.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~ANir¥10US]; IVIOVER: Linda Carter) Freeholder; SECONDER: ~vfohamc:d S. jalloh, Vice Chauman; Air:S: Freeholder Carter, Freehoider Estrada, 1-"'reeho!der Granados, Freeholder I<owaiski, Freeholder I\liirabella, Freeholder \Y/right, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairm'J_n Hudak~ .A RSENT: Freehotder Bergen;

2014-333 CHA..!F ..... l\1...A ...... "J. HUD .. A~K, l\1R. BO .. iAa.RD: Resolution offering tllls Board's n1ost sincere sympatf...ies to County Counselor Burt Ziton1er, Esq aad his family dunng rheu nme of sorrow ..

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ul.._JAL'J'HvjOUS]; MOVER: Linch. c~rtPr Freehqlder; SECONDER: Iviohamed S. jaiiohj Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder !Zo•uatsY-..i, Freeholder ~.Erabclla, Freeholder 'rv'right, Vice Chaun:tan Jalluh, Chairman Hudak; A.BSE~-IT: Freeholder Bergen;

'11\1,.1 '1'111 r'HAITn-..MA.,.T TTTTT"'..lTT T 1 , •

~u.1:;~J .... "' .::.. .. ~:~~ n.u.:'l\.1\.: L~ua~rory .. resolUtion procbiming the week of Apr1J 21 t..lu:ough npru L.o~ L.Vl'l- as ·-1"\/auonall..ommunlty Development \XIeek" in t..~e County of Union to ·celebrate the Com~munity [.levelopment Block Grant (CDBG) Program and the HOIYIE Investn1ent Part.11erships (HO~.JE) Program.

PrinrcJ 5/6/20i4

R('gnbr L\IC'c~ting :\gcnd:l ;\pril 10, 2014

RESULT: ADOPTED [T.Jt~Al~iiviOUS]; lViOVER: Linda Carter, Freehoider; SECONDER: ivfohamed S. jalioh~ Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder <.-;ranados, Freehoider K.owalski, Freeholder M..ir2belb, Freeholder \Y/right, \~ice Chall:mun Julloh, ChaLrman Hudak; ft.-BSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

2014=335 CH.i1JR1\f.,Aulii...J HUDAK: Laudatory resolutions expressing this Board's appreCiat:lon to .. L_-...T_ .. :_. __ l.\._.__n __ r 1 . . rrr, , • ·· Luc: 1..,.auuuai nns 1-rogram rounaauon starr ror tnell' role 1n nromottnP' annrec1at10n and recoPnttton ...... 1. o l l - - - -a - - -

of individual artistic achievement and its Lmportance to corrunuruty sptrlt as 1t opens Li-Ie 2014 Exhjbit

RESULT: ADOPTED iUi'"~At~Il'viOUS]; 1\tfOVER: Linda Carter. Freehoider; SECONDER: ryfoharned S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman: AYES: Freehoider Carter, Freehoider· Estrada, Freehoider Granados, Freeholder i<owaiski, Freehoider Mirabella, Freeholder \Vright, Vice Chairman Jal!oh, Ch~lrm-:~n Hnrl~k· ARSFN'T• l=<'rPPhAlrlPr P.Prn-Pn· -~---~------- _ ------• -----. _, A~--~ ....... ~ ... -.. ~- .. 5 -..u,

2014-336 CH...A...!P ..... l\1i1~1'-! HUD."JC: Laudatory resolution expressing th.is BoaLd's a~~u:ciation to the Elizabctlnown Gas Company for its leadership rule in pru~oting the pannership of the public and private t)t:ctors in support of the arts in Union Countv. - .. .o. I

RESULT: AflOPTED [UN.A.N.!MOUS]; MOVER: Lir1da Carter, Freeholder; SECO~,J'DER: !'-.1ohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada. Freeholder Granados, freeholder I<owalski, Freeholder lvfirabella, Freehoider Wright, Vice Chairman jailoh~ Chairman Hudak: ABSENT: Frcehoider Bern-en: " 0 •

2014-337 CHAIRMAN HUDAK: Congratulating Jack Pecoraro, Linden, New Jersey, Boy Scout '!'roop 330, on attaining his Eagle Scout .i\.ward, t..~e highest award in Scouth"'lg.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~At-·Ht,10US]; !v10VER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: ivfohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, l"'reeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<owalsb, Freeholder fv!irabelb, Freeholder \Vright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Ch~1rrn~n Hnrl.,k· A R~P_NT· J:;"'~"""""hr\lrl.,. .. R., ... n-.,.-.• -·-------- 0 ----H· &-.... -·~,A. 0 .0. ......... ~~,._,~ ......... .L ~ ... _._5 ..... ~.

2014-338 CH ... 4.1Rl\rf~4~1\.J HUD.A.K: Laudatory resolution supporting the goals and ideals of "Spnng .\1..~~.-l C~-T~C~71..r __ .. L_I1 ______ . ___ : ___ .1 _ 1 ('TT • ,... , • •• -. ~

J. \u~au LvJ. LLn:: .t.uuuLu; cuLuuragu1g me people or uruon L.ounry rouse rne montn wttn approprtate - 1 , _. , . • • • ,. •

awareness ana eaucanona1 acnvttles m support ot glucose screenings and t_he fight against diabetes,

RESULT: ADOPTED [LINA_NIMO-US]; MOVER: Linda Carter, FreehOlder; SECOI'-JDER: Mohamed S. Jalloh, Vice Chairman; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder I<:o\valski, Freeholder ~vfitabella, Freeholder Wnghr, Vice Chairman jailoh, Chairman Hudak; ABSEt~T: Freeholder Bergen;

2014-339 CHAIRJ.Y1Al'J' HUDAK, MR. BOARD; Resolution offer1_n_g this Board1s. deepest sympathies to the famiiy of Unjon County Corrections Officer \Y/ayne Pryor, duri.l1g their tL-ne of sorrow.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~Al~INfOUSj; IviOVER: Linda Carter, Freeholder; SECONDER: lvfohamed s. falloh. Vice C:hairm~n: AYRS~ FrPPhnlrlPr r,rtP1" l=<'rPPhnl..--lrot- -.::;'..,r ..... rl... J:;' .. .,.,l-.r\lrl .. ... -' ' ------• -----· - ---·------ ~-*'"""~! _._ ._._._u.._..~ .... ._._._ _.__..., ....... .._.. ... , .1. .... ,...,....._.._,._,.._.._. ... ..._

Granados, Freeholder K.o,valsb, Freeholder ~vfirabella, Freeholder \Vright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chai...rman Hudak; A.BSEI'-!T: Freeholder Bergen;

Primed 5/6/201-f

Regubr ~·!ceting A genUa


TI1is meeting is open to the public for the purpose of commenting on any matter.

Com.Tissioner Thomas Hannen, Cranford, corr.LL+nented on project. He stated tt,at the removal of 700 trees will worsen the

proposed Union County College floodi.I.1g ptoblein in the· area. He

said Hurricane Irene cost $60 million m damages throughout the watershed :and added that he 1s

responsible for Emergency Management in Cranford and it a current probiem evacuating t.he area because of t.he t1oodi..11g conditions. He said tPis will only add to the problem. :tv!r. Hannen stated that Cranford Townsl--..ip asked the Board to joi..."1 tl1em in their efforts to have UCC rescir1d L~e idea.

John ivfcCormack, Westfield, stated that he is opposed to the UCC project. He asked if anyone as studied the ecoiogicai resuit He made comments regarrli11g the benefit of trees, t.~e high volume traffic, parlc..i11g issues, littering, flood hazard areas, d!sp!acmg wlldhfe and potennal for bod.lly harm.

John ButJ, K.enilworth, made cununt:nts rt:ft:rnng to Bond Anuc1panon No res and third legal inst~tllment as mentioned earlier.

Mr. Bury read a letter written by )in1 Buett.1er of Cranford who was not able to attend t..'-le meetL"lg. He read the letter aloud, wl-tich states that he is opposed to the UCC project.

!vir. Bury spoke about democrats in Linden. He made remarks about :lpoiicicai bosses ::

County Counsel Barry stated that ivfr. Bury was Out of Order regarding his comments pertair ... ing to alleged political bosses.

K.hcnda Mindy K.ipness; Cranford; stated that she ts opposed to t.he UCC project She said durl..ng Hurricane Irene, the Cranford schools were closed for 7 months. She made corr .... rn.ents:~ega.rding the potential worsef'...ii1g of floods and removal of trees. She showed ptcn.u:cs of L'-ic floodin.g at },Jomahegan Park and the Rahway River.

Randy Lowe; Cranford; stated that he ts opposed to the UCC proJeCt He Said t.he Township of Cranford passed a Resolution, along with the many organizations that are opposed to the UCC project. He asked if a role call vote can be taken relative to the construction of the UCC project.

~vlike i'.Jonna11, Cranford, asked that Board speak to the Board of Governors to refram from building the UCC project in the location that is being considered. He said there is a pet1t1on 111 place onno!'>ino- the c:onstnlct1nn nf tilP nrnnn~;Pcl nrnit>rt ·rr ----·o ---- -----~------- ------ r--1----- r·-J---·

•r.'pJi.-,;~ '·'"·n· n<::trn,,,n,clhur,;rl6~e, Cr-!1,"'"lfv"r""rl, ............... ...1 .. t..~ .. ~1..~ ; .. ~--~~~...l .. _ .. l._ rrrr . ___ : __ .. __ ..] ... 1- TTrr __ -;_:- - ~~~ ~ .. ~ - ~ .. - •• -~ ,:,ldll.U lllal ,:,u~;; J.,:, vppu;:,~;;U LV LUI.; Ul.._...\...... tHV.JC:l-L UUU L11C: Ul.._...l.._...

advertisement pa1nphlet that was sent to the n:sH1t:nts askmg for donauons through a fund ra1ser for 1 1 • '"'' • • " • • • ~· • ~ • - - - •

£ne oroposea oro1ecr. ~ne orovtded a coov ot the oamnhlet to Llerk ot thf'. Ko~rrl l~mt>" Pt>IIPtt1PrP .L ._ .L I ~ 1/ 1 1 -· ·-----------··--J···-------------·

The pamphiet is attached~

Bruce Paterson, Ganvood, referred to u\e UCC project. He chi.rns that the Board has the leverage to make a difference 111 rescmdmg the UCC proJeCt.

~1r. Paterson also asked the Board to rescind a Resolution a few weeks ago involvir1g l\1r. Taffctt. He also asked for an explanation of a ne\v dcparLlient; the Deparu·nent of Strategic Planrung and

Uni<m c:ount-y Bo-1rJ of Cho:i~:u F,txhulJcn> Page 15 of19 Printed S/6/2014

Rcgubr Mt:eting

Intergovernmental Relations, whereas Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr 1s now a Deputy Director of said depart..111ent.

tv1r. Paterson also made cotnrnents referring to "political bosses 11 • .jim yes or no??

Chairman Hudak corrected fvfr. Paterson. He stated that Strategic Plan!li..flg and Intergov~_rnmental Relations is a !J!V!sion, not a Depart..tnent.

Chairman Hudak thanked everyone fur attending the meecin~. esoeciallv the Cranford residents. He . ~ ........ ~ " ' stated thar Freeholder Kowaiski met with the Township of Cranford CorruTI.ittee about t_h.e UCC project and the Freeholder Board has been in contact '.vit..~ President of UCC, Dr. "Mdvfenarr...i.rl and t.l-}e Board of Trustees expressing t.~eir concerns. He said in reference to u~e pamphlets looking for donations, it is typical of schools to raise n1oney from the outside. He added rhar rhe Freeholder Board has not funded this proJect. He smd the Board has heard the concerns of the residents and have expressed their concerns with the Board of Trustees.


Freeholder Granados announced that there was a ribbon cutting cereU"l~Ony earlier that day for the Embassy Suites Hotel ir1 Elizabeth. He said 40 jobs were created through the efforts of u.~e Un..ion County \Y/orkforcc Invcstl·nent Board and the Elizabeth Dcv·duprm.:ut Cumpauy (EDC). These;: individuals were screened and inatched fur these iobs rhrouQ:h rhe-counrvwide ~On.-the-iob-Traffiing-

, ...., .; J u

program run by these agencies and several partners. EDC iaunched t.h.e i_njtl~tive to help tr~if! and fiii t.h.e jobs of local employers and help residents gair1 employment, specifically for Un.ion County Residents for displaced workers re~entering t.~e workforce.

freeholder Granados ~tated that he was m Trenton with AssembiY'Voman Quijano and Assembiyman joe Cryan in support of Senate Bill A2135 and S1696.

Freeholder !(owa!s!r..i also thanked the residence of Cranford for attending u1.e meeo.n.g and expressir1g their concerns about die UCC project. will speak to Dr. tvfctvlcnarnin abour rhe new facts mformauon.

She said that she IS oppo~ed to rhe proJect and on:~ented here tonii!ht. She thanked them for the • u

Freeholder Carter encouraged the Union County residents to participate in a n·ew onli.IJ.e survey that will help identify continuin.g needs reb ted to Superstonn Sandy and {ts aftermath.

Freeholder Caner thanked the Cranford residents and stated t.hat t..hey have been rece1vmg information from Freeholder K.owalski about the concerns of the UCC project's location and t..~e

adverse affects it may have. She said the Board is understanding of their concerns.

Freeholder Estrada spoke about VoluiUeer Advocates of the Union Countv Raoe Crisis Center. He ' .

~aid over the past 30 years, voiunteers have offered support and guidance. to vtctLrns of sexual violence in our community.

Freeholder Estrada mentioned that the Pulaski Sky-way northbound will be closmg on April 12th. He ul.anked freeholder Granados for takine the initiative for the residents of Union Ccmntv hv '-' -·- --·---, -;

speakine with the Deoartment of Transnortat1on on nrnvirlino- ·:dtPrn~t"' rrmtP~ -1nrl asked .t.."'-le State • ...... ~ 1 · ···---- --- r-- ·---b -----··-~- -~-~-~ ··~~~

to provide bus routes fro1n Plmnfield. He congratulated hin1 for such an endeavor. He added that Freeholder Granados was 1--...ighly spoken of by the DOT.

Page i6 uf19 Printed )/6/2014

Regular Mct:ting Agcmh \ - -~1 1 1\ "'"• A .'\flllJ IV, .:;vl'-t

Freehoider Estrada stated that he is aware of t.~e i....tnportance of trees and is also concerned about the proposed UCC project. He said L.~c Board looks at 1ssues involved with all inatters and the11

u,ey make a decision.

Freeholder Mirabeiia stated that iast year t.he County unveiled a new memorial dedicated to the 10 :tv!edal of Honor recipients from Union County. He said there is an online curriculum about u,_e ten !vfedal of Honor recipients at t.,e County website.

Vice Chairman ialloh stated that this the 40th Anniversarv of the tedeml t ,om_mnnitv Devt>ionmPnt "' J - - -- -- ------- --- -----~-, • ---r-------Block Grant Proaram anrl there j,., an unromino- Commnn1nr n,.,,,.l{"\t"\,...,Pnt \YJ,.,.{... rPIPh .... ri.-.n -o------ ------ -------- -·-- r------o ------------; --·--~r------- •• --n ____ ,_,L ............... .

Vice Chairman Jalloh reiterated the Boards comrnents regarding il1e construction of the UCC pro.ject. He lhanked the residents of Cranford for attendin~ the meetinP" and exnressino- their v u l 0

concerns. He said they withdrew a request to fund the project from the County1s Capital Budget. He said ail the facts need to be known. He said a Resolution from the Board opposL~g t..~e project does not mean t..lte College will not continue \Vith the project.

Cha1nnan Hudak :;aid with l~ational Crime Victims• RiQ"hts week in mind. he made snecial mention ~ ' '

of the Domestic Violence Symposium that was held earlier in the day at K.ean University and congratulated Janice Lilien on a successful event.

Chairman Hudak stated that he was pleased that earlier m the year, they were mVIted by Prosecutor Grace Park to talk about initiatives and issues rdatcd to domestic violence. He said the Pro8ecutor1s

Office will be advocates to the victi_ms, accompanyi..ng them to t.he courts and other processes. He added that he was pleased to see the Y'-Y/CA and la'v enforcement participati...1g i..1 the program and added 1-..is congratu.lations tn the Prosecutor Grace Park, the \_T\~CA and law enfotcetnent.

Chairman Hudak wished cvervone a Haoov Passover and a Hannv Easter. " ~~· lll


To the extent known, the following items will be discussed in Executive Session:

1) On-goirtg contract negotiations '.vith the Union County Improvement _ .. AuL. .. ority and attorney­client privileged con1 .. -nur1ications relative to Runnels Specialized Hospital.

2) Personnel lvfatier and Attornev-Client orivileQ"ed communication relatinD" to an Arbitration I\·Iatter . " ~ u 0 -- -- -

enricied !~In the Iviatter of County of Union and PBA Locai 199A;;

County Counsel Barry stated that pursuant to provisions of the Open Public :r-vfeecings Act a public body may enter L'1tO E:u~cutive Session for the purpose of discus~ing certain enumerated. subjects. This Board will now enter Execunve Session for the purpose of discussing on-going contract negotiations Wlth the Union County TmprovPmPnt Authority and attorney-client privileged commuflications relative to Runnels Specialized Hospital and personnel matters and .Attorney-Client privileged conh<nm1ication relatir1g to an Arbitration ~,'fatter entitled "In the: rviatter of Counry of Union and PBA Local 199A. n

The minutes of the Executive Session shall be separated from the mi"lutes of the Open Public Session. The rr..inutes of the Executive Session, redacted as appropnate and necessary. shall be

Union C:uunty Hnard ufCho::;.:n FrccholJ...:rs Pagc 17 of19 Printcci 5/6i2014

Agenr.la 1\pril iO, 2014

available in approximateiy 30 days. The Clerk such titne as the confidential lirnitations have

of the Board shall retai.'1 the origi.'1al tni.'1utes until been removed, at which t:L.11e u'ley shall be made


Upon the Board's return, lt will not take formai actton on the matters discussed.

Upon a majority vote of t.~e members present, the Board may now retire to Executive Session.

l'vfotion to enter Executive Session.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ut~At~Itv10US]; IViOVER: Alexander Mirabella; Freeholder; SECOt~DER: Lrnda Carter, Freeholder; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados; t<reeholcter Kowals!<..!, Freeholder i\'lirabel!a, Freeholder \Y/right, Vice Chah~~n Jalloh, ('h~lt"mc.n ~nrl-:~lr· A R~PNT· H,..,""'h..-..lrl.o .. -n."" ...... " ... . -··--·······. -~~·· .. , ·~~ ..... ~_,_ ~ ......................................................... 0 ....... ,

tvfotion to return from Executive Session.

RESULT: ADOPTED [UNA_NIMOUS}; MOVER: Li.'1da Carter, Freeholder; SECOJ'.~DER: Verne!! \X!right, Freeholder; AYES: Freeholder Carter, Freeholder Estrada, Freeholder Granados, Freeholder Kowalski, Freeholder r-v'firabella, freeholder ~'right. Vice Chauman jalloh, Charnnan Hudak; ABSEl'"..J'T: Freeholder Bergen~

ADJOIIRNMFNT --J- ---- ·----- --

i\1.otion to adjourn the meeting at 9:23 Plvf.

RESULT: ADOPTED [Ul'.J'A.tl\·H~Y10USJ; ~Y10VER: Linda Caner, Freehoider; SECONDER: ~¥loharned S. Jalloh, 1:7' r"1 A .. T .......... ,.----. ' ' ' ~

vIce Lnmrman; 1\ In;:,: t'reeholder Larter., Freehoider Estrada, .t•rceholder Granados. t'reeholder l'-owalskt Freehoider fvfirabella, Freeholder \Vright, Vice Chairman Jalloh, Chairman Hudak; ARSENT: Freeholder Bergen;

Union County Ho:wJ of Clm;;cn hccholdus Page i8of19 Printed 5/6/2014

;\gcndd . -- ., '" '"'" ... 1\pm LV, ~Vl't


Piease note that meet1...11gs are regularly held on Thursday evenings. Agenda SettL"'lg Sess1ons and Regular Meeti.11gs are held at 7:00pm in t..~e Freeholders' ~v'Icctirlg Room, .Adnlln.istration Building, 10 Elizabethtown Plaza, 6ch Floor, Elizabeth, t.Jew jersey, unless otherwise specified. In the eve~t an ,\ ____ 1("' •• ("' 1T'> 1 -...r ' ' ' • •, • •~ • --, .... "1.J:!euua .::>e[ung vess10n ana l<teQUlar 1Yleet111Q: are held on the same rup-ht. the J\p-enda ~ettlnP" Se:sstnn ~ ..... ...., u o • - o· --- -----o --~-----

will commence at 7:OOpm and the Regular rvieeti.ng will corrunence as soon as possible ·after t..l-}e Agenda Setting Session. p .. . I . ... ersons reqU1!1r1g a stgn language lrltCJ.preter should contact the Office of the Clerk of the Board ar

908-527-4140. REORGANIZATION MEETING- SUNDAY. iANUARY 5. 2014 at i2:0tlnm

•>~ - -7 --- --- ---~ ~r---

Assignment Judge Karen M. Cassidy's Courtroom, 2 Broad Street, Elizabeth, NJ


_Janua1y 16, 2014 January 23,2014

February 6, 2014 February 6, 2014 Febn.mry 20, 2014 February 27, 2014

!vfarch 6. 2014 Lviarch 13; 2014 March 20, 20i4 March 27,2014

April3, 2014 .A.pril10, 2014 .April24, 2014 Apri124, 2014

Iviay 1, 2014 £\1ay 8, 2014 l\1ay 15, 2014 r-..-fay 29,2014

June 5, 2014 june 12,2014 June 19, 2014 june 26,2014

July 10,2014 July 17, 2014

August 7, 2014 Augusr 14,2014

September 4; 2014 September 11, 2014 September 18, 2014 September 25, 2014

October 2, 2014 October 9, 2014 October 16,2014 Ocrober 16, 2014

November 6,-2014 November 13,2014 Tuesday, 1\Jovember 25,2014 Tuesday, r-.Jovcmber 25, 2014


Deceinber 4. 2014 December i 8, 20 i 4

Unlon c:ounty Hnan.l of Cho.,;m J!n.:cholJcr:;

December 11, 2014 l)ecember 18, 2014

P:tg~ 19 of 19 Printed 5/6/2Ul4




Revenue and AppiOpriation Summaries

Summar; uf Reveiiues- Current Fund Anticipated

FROM TO 13. Total Miscellaneous Revern!t:'c;

)s. Subrotai Generai Revenues (items i, 2, 3, and 4j 157,820,631 157.923,800 1 177.820.631

)6. Amount to be R.:ised by T.:x.:tion- County Purpose Tax 330,782,634 .1.<: { ,U01(:/U:l I I Total General Revenues 508,601,76~ 504,985,705 I

s - Current Fund I FROM 0 I Salacies & Wa.es I 17'.

Other I · I Public & Private . s Offset bv I 1 .

Capimi tFund I

' 4 ·so~ otal Genml

Notice is hereby given that the budget amendment was approved by the Rnard of Chosen Freeholders of the County of Union on Aprii 10, 2014.

A hearing on the budget amendment will be held at the County Administration Rui!ding. 10 Elizabethtown Plaza, 6th Floor, Elizabeth, Nj, April24, 2014, at 6;00 p.m. at which time and piace objections ro the Budget Amendment forthe year 2014

may be presented by taxpayers or other interested persons.

Cooies of the bud"et are available in the Office of the Clerk Mr_ l:~mfl_~ PPIIPttiPrrP :1t thfl f'c111ntv Arlminidr:1tinn R,iltiina . - -· - - '_ .... -- . _ .. _ ... _ .. - -· .... ------, . ---·-····-·· --·-·· ---·-···o• Eiizabeth, New jersey, 908-527-4100, during the hours of8:30 a.m. to 4:30p.m.

Budget Amendment

Sheet 2 Summary of Approved Budget

Total ."'.ppropriaticns (!tem.9, Sheet 32) Less Anticipated Revenues (Item 5. Sheet 9) Amuunl to be RaiseU by Taxation-Couniy Purpu:;e Tax (item 6, Sheet 9)

Sheet 6

3_ Miscellaneous Revenues- Section C: State Assumption of Costs of County Sociai and Wei fare Services and Psychiatnc Facihties


Sheet 'JE

3. Miscellaneous Revenues- Section D: Special Items nf Gen_er:~l Revenue Anticipated wii.h prior written consent ofth.e Direcwr of Locai Government Ser;ices- Public & Priv3te Revenues Offset with AppropriJtion:>

CWA Cas~ Banking Equipmenl

Sheet 7F

Section D: Special Items of General Revenue .Anticipated with prior written consent of the Director of Locai Government Services- Public & Private Revenues Offset with l.ppropri«tions


3. Miscellaneous Revenues- Section r· St<~te Assumption of Costs of County Sociai and Welfare Services and Psychiatric Faciiides

Total Section D~ Special iteii1S of Gener-al Revenue AIIticipaled. with prior written consent of the Director of Local Government Services- Public & Private Revenues Offset With Appropnations ·

3. Totai Misceiianeous Revenues 5. Subtotal General Revenues (Items 1, 2, 3, and 4) 6. Amount to be Raised by Tax<~tion - County P11rpose T<!X 7. Totai Generai Revenues

(A) Operations General Government

Clerk of the Bo«rd

Count'; Clerk Board of Elections Board of Eiections Elections (Cmmt'f Clerk}

Division of Reimbursement Division of Comptroller Aid to Union Councy improvemenL Authonty




1101..--.... ., ..;JIICCL_I_..;J

FROM 508,603,265 177,R20,631 330,782,634

FROM 8,883,332









FROM 157,820,631 177,820,631 330,782,634 508,603,265

Salcu-y & Wage

r-1--. o "'-··-.Jdl<Uy <X VVdgt::

'.:lbrv R, w,a<> --·-· J - .. -o-

other Expenses ,_, ___ 0 tAl---

.J<>J<tl J <X H dgt::

,.._, ____ 0 ,., ___

.JdJc:uy o.: vvagt:

o;:,l::lrv R. W<>a<> --·-·J- ··-t;.-Other Expenses

TO 504,985,705 177,923,ROO 327,061,905

TO 8,934,501


TO 52,000







TO 157,923.800 177,923,800 327,061,905 504,9!:15,705

FROM 963,73{)

FROM . ,., ......... ,.," 1,"7'-t.),.t::;'J'O

1,328,696 1.057.500



261,643 829,827 500,0UO


TO l,{Hi4,040

TO 1,965,944 2,053,644

332.500 144,537

TO 261,878

"" n>< v-r_.,.,._,v



Count'.i Adjuster Department of Administrative Servil;es Office of Director Division of Motor Vehicies

Dl\'ision of Personnel Mngt & Labor Relations

SaL:iry & Vv'age Sa!ary & Wage Salary & Wage

Salarf & \"/age

319,729 610,721

1,706,03H n..,., t::..,.., OII,U/1

322,910 443,523



Division of Purchasing Board ofTaxation County Surrogate

Division nf Information Technology Community Deveiopmem& Housing


Sheriffs Office Division of\"! eights and Measures

Division of Medical Examiner Division at Emergency Management Division ofCm..inly Police

Count-y Prosewtor's Office

Department of Corrections TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY OPERATIONAL SERVICES Hospital M~!ntenance

Division of Public Works Division of Fdciiities ividnagement


Maintenance of Patients: Menta! Health Senrices

Department of Human Services Office of Director

Juvenile Detentwn Division of Youth Services Employment & Training

Division of Social Services

Division of Pianning Division of Para Transit TOTAL HEALTH AND WELFARE

Department of Parks & Recreation Office of the Director Division of Recn;ational Facilities Division of Park Maintenance Bureau of Cuirurai ami Herirag~ Affair~ TOT."-.L RECREATION

Office of County Superintendent cf Schools Union County Extension Service in Agriculture



Sheet 14

Sheet 15

Sheoot 16

Sheet 17

Sheet 18

Sheet 19

Sheet ZO


Salary & Wage Salary & Vv'age S<!lary & Wage

Salary & W!!ge

Saiary & Wage

Saiary & Wage

Saiary & Wage Sa!ar; & Wage

Salar; & Wage Salary & Wage S<1huy & Wo~ge

Salary & \-Vage Salary & Wage

Salary & Wage

Salary & W<~ge

Saiary & Wage

Other Expenses Sheet 208



Sheet ZOO


Sheei 21C

Salar; & Wage Salary & Wage Salary & Wage Salary & Wage

Salary & W~ge Saiary & Wage Sa!arf & Wage

Salary & Wage Salary & Wage Salary & Wage Saiary & Wage

Sa!ar; & Wage Salary & Wage

Salary & Wage

FROM 662.478 239,187 851,622

FROM 696,326 173,144

FROM 99,545,896

FROM 17,090,533


FROM 535,397 585.156


FROM 20,192,979 31,943,242 91,630,241


FROM 1,R62,66q 6,068,799


FROM 12,385,236

FROM 747,232

4.989.332 549,080 294,923

FROM: 32,074,772

435,725 4,063


FROM 692.901

1 .. ...,. ......... l,i.l .J,.'l I 0

2,494,956 51,059


FROM 212,762 103,068

FROM 18.946,154

1.7R5_436 12,132,253




663,397 241,693 860,933

711,742 173,678

TO 99,595,420

TO 16,889,056


TO 511,814 546.480


TO 20,529,823 31,958,668 91.771.223


TO 1.931,760 6,123,829


TO 12,458,335

TO 748,537

5.051.231 512,749 296,555

TO 1.1 771,146

::!36,240 4,249

TO 693.190

i,2i6,194 2,438,462



TO 214,718


TO 18,911,193

TO 1,927,461

12,274,278 383,978,808



Capital improvement Fund Road Resurfacing






Sheet 26

Sheet 27

Sheet 2B


Sheet 30



(A) Operations


Sheet 33


Other Expenses

Other Expenses Other Expemc!>

Other Expenses:

Other Expenses

Other Expenses Other Expenses

FROM TO 52.000

17,036,130 17,088,130 400,991,692 401,066,938 401.041.692 401.116.938 173,598,639 174,173,786 227.443.05:! 226,943,152

FROM TO 2.000.000 1,500,000 .. """' '"'" """"""" ~,uuu,uuu .:.,uuu,uvu

FROM TO ,... nnn nnn ., ,..nn nnn ;:J,vuu,vuv J,;:JVU,VVV

FROM TO 13,000 66,927

FROM TO 11,619,792 11,565,865

FROM TO 15,952,815 14,536,814 13.214.400 12.437,595

41,717,215 39,524,409 42,452,215 40,259,409

508.603.265 504,985,705

FROM TO 'lO":I n~t:" ~t:"l 'lO'l n"l'a ana JUJ,7JJ,JVG JUJ1 71 U 1UUU

17.036.130 17,088.130 401,041,692 401,116,938

~ """ nnn 'l !:nn nnn oJ,uvv,vvv ... , .... vv,vvv

41,717,215 39,524,409 42,452,2i5 40,259,409

508,603,265 504,985,705

M::ade!ine Br!nantino

From: Sent: To: Subject: ~.ttachments:

Sebastian De!ia Thursday, April 10, 2014 9:21 PM james Peliettiere; iviadeiine Brigantine Fw: Progress Freehc!der \Vatch 4~ 1 0-14.doc

--------- -------- ----------- ·-- ....... , --··--:;?"""···-------------·---·-·---·-· =--"~'---·----From:'TGetzendanner(ciiaoi.com [maiiio:TGeizendannerciilaoi.comj ) Sent: Thursdav. Aorii 10. 2014 09:18PM // :-, .. . . ~

To: Sebastian Deiia ------------Subject: Proyre::;::;

! didn't mean to shrug-off the significant amendments in.troduced tonight. Trimming the levy by $3.7mm at this late date is BIG DEAL.

But Ai's startinQ D, oint of $i 3.2mm fresh tax revenues was fais_P __ prP_m,. ·'· .• _P_., Slowinn th:::~t r:::~t~ nf nrn\Alth tn ... ";tO/, inC!to.o::::rrn nf - . "-· ..... ., ···-· ·-·- -· ~· .., ............... ,o ...................... , +4.2% is indeed progress.

But Bibi shouldn't advertise her budget as "within CAP." Taxpayers iocus on 2% nominal rate, and no ionger accept categorical \"Jaivers.

Chalrman Hudak can now reach our 2% bogey by simply suspending half the Open Space set-aside. Because taxpayeis monitor their t=~ll-in I P.VV fi P OnPr~tinn niiJo:::. llnjQn !==:n:::~rjQ rnmnnno.ntc\ --------.-- .. - .... ---,~ \"-· -~-·--"';:11 ~·-- -r-'-" -,..,--- _.., ... ,.., ................... ,.

Summii's iuii iesiimony ionighi is aiiached for your iniormaiion.

Tom Getzendanner, STA 908~277 ~3624

Aprii iO, 2014

Good evening t"vfr. Chairman,

!'m Tom LTetzendam1er, retired Sununit counciiman, now representing our iocal Taxpayers A...ssociation.

Five of your 48 bundled Resolutions tonight wa..Jant comment:

R#303 concurs with some time-restricted curbside parkJng on Springfieid Ave in west Summit that wili be easier fer cur police to enforce.

(-'(-""'\ /\ ~61\vlii\heip SAGE Eldercare stCl.l-'fin Summit qualify for the state health ins-orance plan (SHIP) coverage.

R.:¥294 spends $89,400 for a ne\v ·~zamboP..i'" at Warinanco Ice Rink \vhich SHS hockey teams use extensively. hD

M~2i i~tS ''Our House Inc" briefly close Broad Street in Sununit for a 5-rnile ?vfarathon Run event lvfay 4th \

!l_#JOO amends the Bud' 14 version already introduced; we hope ~rlditiona! such amendments are fOrthcoming, as explained below.

I. congratulate our Freeholders on facing their structural imbalance, and making real change to county government. Taxpayers can no ionger afford a workforce of 2,900 fuii·time stafl: with aii the attendant pension and medical benefit costs.

So we applaud the decision to privatize Runnells .lfospital. Keeping it in business (rather than closed-do\\-n for iack ofiviedicaid reimbursernent). Every town in the county has residents tn this facility~ and needs it viable.

But that step alone is not sufticient to c.ontrol property taxes to the degree of surrounding counties. (For example, 1~ ... 1orris held their levy flat for 2nd year in row; e'..'en Essex limited themselves to + 1 ~'2~1o ).

Other amendments shouid be introduced tonight that merge the County Poiice into Sheriff Froehiich 's Qfjice and rationaiize jail operations.

If that's still not sufficient to reach the 29-6 nominal CAP (like your constituent Towns are already doing), then please focus on the other component of county taxation~ namely Open Space. Its c-urrent statutory 1 Y2~b earmark coiiects $10mm a year (iwice the amount envisioned when enacted i3yrs ago). 318 acres have already been preserved? versus your goai of 1 00-acres-per·decade. M_tssion accomp!!she<l Jx over!

\Vhy not take a roll-call vote tonight offering ~v1r. Faella just $6mm not $13mm incremental tax revenue? Obviate the need for a ballot Referendum by declanng a ''"fiscal emergency''. Point out your Open Space Trust Fund is currently over·fiJnded. A_nd temporarily suspend half its contribution rate.

So your ail-in Levy (Fieeholder +Open Space) doesn't ~ow more tha.il $6 million (2o/o) under any condition. Pi ease join the Ausieriiy diet aii your constituent towns adopted long ago!

Tom GetzendaruJer, 908·277-3624 retired Summit Councilman 2005-2013 [email protected]

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