ISite:.J. ·· ...,..D ITATU INVIII-INTAI.I'IIOnCTION Uoher: ---- IIIGICN<I - - J, P. KIHHIDV 'IDMAL M.IILDtNQ, IOITON, MAIIACHUIITTI- 1986 Mr. a-tor M)'N1 Di vi elm of Wit• rq:ply l!lnvi..,...,t:A1 ()lality a-.gu-rt.nq -Rogian 5o:-n-lth- Wcblm, 01801 -. ... . Cl\ c.t:t:clbar 28, 1916 a unitary IUl'Wy of the Alhland wt« .... -by tho thltad StAt• l!lnvi..,...,.,.1 ...,._ian 1q1n::y {laPA), the ....... -at O>ality a-.g1.-ring (llllll!) , 01111 tho All\lonll lllte< (MID). 'ftw ourwy,.. llano by J. -n llollly David a..lia Lo- (MID, a..oicnK), JooiFh- (-. Rldt IIIith, - ..... StAtion q>on-) 01111 you (llllll!). 'ftw ..-- lqply 1<- ,.. ro -by Nory -aan of -- to piiCfon a ..Utary IIUI'\Wf au the Alt\1..s .... _ -r-t•· - -.de thll aft« citlurw in Alhl.Md, .... , attn f'e9llU .._f\m .anthly -.tingl, ........ -d .tD.It the team•• wter -wlY in r.lation to tho 11y0rwa ..-- Sit.. 'ftw .... _ to tho definition u dofi_, tho Safo llril*inq lllte< Act"o (SIJa) r..,lotion 40 c.r.k. f141.2(f), "lloni- tuy IUr'MY - e oneite reviw of the wter eouroe, f.c:iUti• , Ql*'&tlon lid aim..ww:. of a ..t.- fcc the parplM of ewluatinw the of f.c:Uiti•, operation and •lntenant."e fo< p<Cib:ing oofo driJ*ing ""tor . • We fiiiiii'.Ciat.! the c.o.art..-: an4 helpful _..r in "'-let\ the All\1.-.d •t.aff aicJed ua &Iring the •urwy. IOIIDM!IIJd'ICIII 1. lllter ...... ,. on! lllter- lncr-inq an ""tor._ - •Joe cxmulnotion probl- fo< ,..tor oyot:AM in _.1. Qlod onginMring on! pblic '-lth p<actiCM tllllhMi• the r-s 6x u.in; rav water of tht po.ible quollity. onw n.o "*'ating Nl) Jt::Jw. Street tMll.e are .dthin 75 feet &nd infll*leed by the lqlkinton RIHrvoir . 'l'he influ.nce h tmioat-' by the cloee proxi- aity of the .urface ""'t•r to the wlle and by the d\angee in the wter t...,_eture of the welh ooinciMnW with the ruenoir t-.pe.ratur•· Al_, , the relatiwly hl<Jt ('nl1) r..W.ta of the wlla ar• I I I I Jil l 'rr' I '·' , ..,. · I

I ISite:.J. ·· JillI I I e. Thera -.h::luld 't:. -r'glmCY pcwer to operat. the dwalal fMC! PJIIP• 1.bic .-rqency operating oonditic:x., it ie Jerticularly critical to 't:. able

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  • ISite:.J. ·· · ii·~-JDreuk:~

    ...,..D ITATU INVIII-INTAI.I'IIOnCTION Uoher: ---IIIGICNon-) 01111 you (llllll!).

    'ftw ..-- lqply 1

  • ) -2mre reflective of a .urface water .ource than a wll aupply u ie the taat.a and oclor probl- of the wter. '!be H:lpkinta\ JWervoir ia a atate,, park (400 acrea) and deeipt~ u a Clua B water (a~i.-il"'g' and Cl.r'll'»ing are all.oitMd) . There 11 a public beach awroxi•tely 0.25 •.11• acroq the water fr011 the wella . 'Ibl wella are located on a 2.3 acre aite, gra...l pldced, 40 f•t cSMp and have a 2.6 tG> nfe yield .

    'n\rQ.9\ a 1982 ~l.y and ward p:>t~ntial C)t'CUldlAter rtp)rt, Alhl.W t. ocxwidering the irwtallatim of aoot:her qrawl padc:ed. well ld~t to arot:her aurf.ce wter, the o\8hand RIHrvoir. 'lhil r...voir aleo 11 part of another atata park . It toiO.lld be l.oc.t.S oo a three acre alta ..Shave an •ti•t.S 0.86 IGD aafe yield. 'h'iiD.I"lt Bitua1nou8 Procb::ta ia adj&olnt to 1n11 aaar~ntly upetr.. of thia ~ wll aite aoccxding to the tqJOgr.P,Y of the ar•· ~ling anal.yaia of thil alta hu indicated volatile orglnic contuinanta (va:::) are PE'~t in the grcudolater . ~ing the 8UI'VIIf

    :f~~t~~~= :!~~lYA~-r:::: ~~T:!.J:::!b!:. tdr.!irwJ ita ~~~ay ~ thl: ~ry ar• and ending ita travel in a pit"*'-• it wa ~ly percolatifti into the C)Z'C.Q'Id a .tat diatance ~tnu. frc. the prtplMd well alta.

    Pl... nota that the Nyan&& SUperfwld Site doM not 1~ aithtc the pE"...-.t- Str-......,. oc tho prtplMd llp

  • I I I I

    -3) ·. tlWl a rww Mterial .to.Ud be pac:.d in it due to the cloM pi"Oll:iaity of the \lflllt. to thia potential CIOI'Ituir.nt eouroe. Alec, ..,, aip warning

    ' of thia electric hazard lh::luld bt p:»t.ed in the area around the tranafor.r.

    6. Another indication of aurfaoe water influence by lbpkintoo RIMnoir il the ...-:Nl ,.,dation in the eo.UUII 1...,.1• in the t~ water eupply , Pr•...ably thia 1e due to the influence of Interatata 495 and Jbute 85, whid\ drain into tho r_...,ir t:i1ra9> Inclion Bred . If it ...-lo the 20 ~/L Mui..a Cl:>ntuinant I.awl (teL) of ~. aitigation ...-ur• lhould be irwtituted..

    7. _,hi~ - hu boa> plocod on tho wl!J hi~ iron, - 111111 oulfate lewll have ~ dellw.rtd to the ~ra. 'lhil lack of good qJ&lity w.ter c:xSir.d vith the rOtinition of ~t a 8UI'f.ae wter ~Y b u --.dec! in the SOl'. loiCUl.d .._ to ~WC~~Mitate IEII'I tr•~t tMn ia Ooli'Antly being practiO.S ot' pceMI"'tly being pl..am.t in the near future. AMlanS'a P'-.t ~OM w::W4 be CXJrWidered 8Ul'f-.c. wter 814JPUM and the a.rdld ~ regulatiaw Nill r.,Ura the ...S.tory filtntian of all wrf.ce w.ter ~u... a . O:.Wicloring the octiv!ty at the Spring strMt oita u vi- en the day of tlw .urwy and data indicatin; vex: contuinltia~. tt.ia aita 8h:Juld be ~ oo • potantial drinlt!ng ..t .. oowlY oouroo . 'ftlo - pcovioicn of tho SIJito, r..,Sing -lhood Protoction ...,14 bo porti

  • I I

    I e. Thera -.h::luld 't:. -r'glmCY pcwer to operat. the dwalal fMC! PJIIP• 1.bic .-rqency operating oonditic:x., it ie Jerticularly critical to 't:. able

    ~ to aM .x!i~.a~ hypxhlorite to the water .

    9. A capful of gr&IUllar chlorine, calciUII hypxt\lorite, lholld 't:. added to

    !!£h...!!!! 't:.tc:h of .x!i~.a~ ~te (preMI"'tly calgcn c-8).

    10. 'lbere il an e)'IIWUh at well IUiber 4 but not rtUIIber 5. '~here lhould 't:. me at ~r 5, u well u the ont planned foe" the r... ct..doal etorage

    foocl building.

    11. DJrin; the aurwy, 55 pllon c:Naieel d.rlal were 't:.ing atoced outeide

    the ~ etaticna~. Fortlmately, Nil wa. o:Jnetructii"!J a ..., •tor• facility

    to axrect thia eerla. deficiency. '!be m.ic:ala UMd in the wtw

    tr•'->t _., are clongoroua If llondled l_,:ly by poopla nX OOipainted

    with their m.ioal prEq~ertiM. All of the ~ alolld 't:. ~. full

    end ...,ty awe. '!bey llhc>1ld IEVIII1iit otored wtolcle.

    U. '!be t.bxe of all the t.dlltlM ehJWd open to the outeide. PUrthlr&'ft, a protective ~· fJOWlM, t.ce .ak, heavy ct.rty elbow 1.-.qt:h !'\~:be 9~

    (flY• pair) end a flnt aid kit llhalld be provlcled at tho --cal otc1ld be lnotalled In thlo building, -·

    13. ......_uc - 11\llltlng llhould be lnotalled fa< tho plOP otatlcno

    partle»J.arly fcx well ..-:.r 4 .t.era the ~ so-r ~ le.

    14. _.lu wtolcle U\lJitlng llhc>1ld be lnotalled ......S tho PI'P otatlcno.

    15. A ._luly - M1ld be •tabU- kr ;he) Parco •lwe. 'lbeM •lYM are crltlcal to the cp~E"ati.on of the wal .. oyot.- In _.1. 16. 1M teu-try -rat• ia in good l«

  • I



    1. Olrnntly the Mm ia 1tl.dying SEA Cl::lrwultants, Inc . "Water SUpply and Diltrib.ltion Syat• ~t Plan". We 1trongly r~ the AWD begin:' iLv l-.,tation of key CXIIplnlnta of thh •tudy, particularly' with r•pect

    ' to the operation and mint...anoe of the water .y.t•·

    2. AWD ia to be congratulated on 1t1 reow~tly c:D~~>llted OJntract 1 (pipe line np~t) and i1 atrongly ..-.coorlqld. to CXIIII)lete thb progru \n!er Q:lntract 2 (repl~t of cut iron pipe and the looping of.,_ ntinue the llliH p>lic:y of nquiring the "looping" of all nw dew~t• lrlthin AohlAn1 and tho opocifying of llnod ob:tllo iron.

    5. A flUihing progru lhould be iawtitut.S for the ~tire .yat-. 'ftl.ia llhD.lld be done at l ...t twice a y.u.

    6 . In conj~n:tion vith ~tion 5, a wlve ...-ci• progru moul.d be done at the .... tiM .

    1 . All hydrVIU that ... repl.eced lhould be of the br'-"-Y type and gated. All h)odnnto ohould bo tooted and --- if they oro ._oblo. "lblo aould bo &no youly lrlth tho f~ _ ...

    a. Qlnti.... tho -1- policy of having tho lar90 ...... in tho - calibnted a -.i.U.. of Wll/ri tMO )'eU'I· RMicSintial .ten ei'D.lld be aal.imat.ed .wcy M\W\ y..rs . (tiel 'ftw: calibr'ation of Mten b eignificwlt in the r-..otian of~ water.)

    9. MID wiMly 1wl a 1.- detection ~ done by Hlath in tlhic:h JJ lelk1 (one 1~ one) wen di~C~~J~W~~Ked . ~. it h •till •ti.-t.ed 15 to 2ot of Alhllnd's water h ~. WI Rrcngly Uf91 t:N AND to oontirue ita effarta to rDac:la itl ~ed •tK· 10. liND Ma dllvetq.:! an ucellent policy of having a ~erbe4 IDtua eoftwn Pf091'• in an ne PC XT CXIIIIpJt.er bued c.\ the ll1heraity of tr.ntucky hydr'aulica progru. "!'hie • wiM CXJUI'M: foe oW\land to be t.akinc) .

    u . ,_. orould bo..,. oort of fonalh:od -· ~~o-. ~and and fbllieton foe' UM of an ~ eicltt inch CXII'IWCtion near the Oadl.r BUMt tank aYail.M)le to both ~tl-. Al.o, Altland llllhJul4 .Ue for'a1 ar~• with the ~u water ~01 Authlxity to obtain •tee in -rgen:i• · (Notea All valvea intecc:x:nwcting to othel' a:.url.t• llhoul4 be identified and uerei ..S m a twice a y.r t:uia . )

    12. It wu atated there are ... lead ..rvtce oonnec:ti

  • 13. 'lhe ~ vinyl lined airw lhoold be t•ted peric:dically at the l.ut aervice of •dl Min for tetradloloroethyl.ne . 'n'le prcp»ed r~ K:L for thh cx:ntuinant 11 uro.

    14. 'ft\ere lhould be an active c~• CCII"nect.ion oontrol progru in the tom.

    ~~d-~ :=.: ~t:t:.c.: ~=di:.~i!: ~~ill-me prefenbly two to a croe• oonneet.icn cx:ntrol training pcograa that \Ifill certify the traineee. SPECIAL tiJI'!t 1>.1e to the COI'lCIU'I'W e.pr•..S by the c:itiune r~ding the NyanA SUperfund Site, tht. Wlould be the firat area (in and aro.n1 the dte) inepect.ed for ac.~~ OJMICtiaw. ~hlanc! •Y ewn \lfieh to can~idar hiring a c:rou oonnecticn oontrol apert to do thb area exclu.iwly and i_.iately. Of partiOJ.lu" inter•t in thia ar• b aao the opKaticn of thr• wlb by tho r.-..11 Cbrporation . 'ftlh o:xpxation h tied into the Me. Althtugh a control cievice fOE' thMe welt. ia in place, "'-t type it ia, how often it ia rel.fll&rly teeted, and if it ia a ~ cteviee for the ayat• i1 not lcnown . Thia ahou.l.d be adlk...-1 i..siately.

    15. 'lbl l.orl9 ten .:>lutiCI'l to axh of AlhlAnd '1 dietribJtiCI'l ayet. pn-bl11 the loapiBJ, c:JMning, an:! lining of thl •ina in the diltribJtion 11)'8tea. SPII:IAL !CI'Za Pl...ant St. , l'tln.t St. , Tiltcn St ., O.rry St., and Jlll9.riw -IOIIictl uo -.r••ll.,t of tho_... a.porfunl slto hove-. 1-od foE" leMa, pnM~Ute t~ and cleMed (1984). In additiat, thi1 arM uperi..:. a...rAI)I FC'-.ur• of 110 pal (60 pal 11 the rx:~m b -t 11)'8t-). 'fhia hi~ pnMUAo ~ir.t \lfith tlw cleaning of t:ha 11..-, ~ it hicl\l.Y unlikely that ~ grounM.ta infiltration \CIUld. OCOlZ' . If anything, wtw at 110 pol ..auld bo lookln; out of tho •lrw.

    •· 'ft\il entire ara lhoul.c1 be t:hor'ol.q\ly flUIMd at l..t brloa a y.u. b. It .:JJl.cS be \lfiH to ~ line thl out irtr'l. air. in thl ar•· c: . 1tte Mltoalf Street line vu not cl.elnel! in 1984 •• wn thl other

    -~il.ated the linee .

    d. Mhl.an4 11 oonalcttring the irwtalladon of a check valve at the ~ bc1 and Qwrry Street inter..cticn in order to pr......._.t flow froo tho _..,., lbod plpo Into tho MOl ll)'lltoL Oonoldorln; tho hi_, preuur• in the ara an:S the ~ line being ...-rt.ially a dead ond, thio ..auld rwxally bo oonoldorod hl~y unllltoly. ,_, vith the ...ncnawrw eJII)I'....S in r~ticn Section III , 14 regarding the ~l Q:n:px·atlon, it ia JJC*ible a rewnal of fl.cw could be occurring. If an acti...,. an:! tl\oroUII'I craM c:omection control JKO!JrU 11 •tllbliebed an:! targetted to thil ar• u atat.S in "SPP.:C:IM. torr r~tion Sect:iCI\ III, 14, thie •Y not be neecW. ~in; on the ~ ond outcc-o of thot ourwy.

    e . In order to erwure thle ara 11 urder ccnetant hi~ pr...ur• (•40 ~1) aeYWal pnNUrtl r.x:Jecien llhoulc1 t. inatalled in the arM. 'TMI will allOof the HiD to dll!onltrate U theta ia ftlf( leabge in the ana . Water i a a.lng out of the pipea an:1 not i nfiltrating into u-...


  • ) -716. '!be Mll9lnko Hill "Nltp" tank (500,000 gallona, overflew elevation 455.5 It) built in 1957 hu ..-rouo .._ing looluo" froa it . Althc>Jgh Nat~ irwpect..:t W npaired U.... typee of llllkl in 1985, they are etill c::aUH for ccneem. 'nlt. tank .tnlld be irwpect.ed (externally arx! internally) and clMI'llld a lldniaa of ......ry thr• yare.

    17. 'ftl.a hatch for the t•l-ter of thie tank .Jlo.lld have a lock on 1t.

    18. 'lbare ~14 be a w.ter ~la tip off of thil tank .

    19. '11\e ar• ~ thh tank 8ha.lld be t.tter aintained with regard• to grau, lxulh and fence , Al..o, 1ip idlntitying thie tank u a water ~ly ~ be cl..rly p::.t.s aro...nd the tank.

    20. '1M altiturSe Yal..,. at thh tank hu alfl.nctiorwd MYVal ti- in the put rMUlting in owrfl.c:we at thb tank. '!be valw ~be ..rvic::.d at leut mce a year W MID lh:Juld haw a np.ir kit en hAnd to fix it.

    21. '!be Olciar Street wl

  • ) -al. If othar 80Ul'C8 of auwly are adcied to the 8)'1t•~ thin AWD ahould reviat iU 'ftl4 aupling plinta in order to 't:. aure the ~iate ait• are being .upl~.

    2. Daily color and tcperatu.re aauur-*lta lhould be dent at the IbM Street wll8 in adr11tion to the pr...nt _..ur~tl.

    J, A cilily ~le froc the llhxelirw of the lqlkinton RaMrYOir neu the wlla ahould be analyzed for the euple paruaten that Nlm doe~ dilly on the wella.

    4 . Wwn the t.cteria ~~- are oollected frc. the eupling locationa OII'OrY t>«l -· color ond If! .-dingo llh:J.Ild bo analyzed ond rooot'dod . (liltel A ltlpU'&te euple bottle will bt n.Jid foe ..m of the loc:&tiaw.)

    5. 'n>tal ond free dllorlno rool

  • 'ftwre are dx tiiPl.cJriMI en 24 'hour .et whoM &ltiea inc:lOO. •ter reading, .ter nptir, Min repair, in8J*=tion of new HI'Vioe inatallatic:JrW, pulp etatiaw, auple colleetiat, flu.bing, etc. in addition. to •intaining and an1 operating the ...-ge IY•te~~~. 'nlr" of the per~l have Mueac:huHtt• Ckade III cprator certification.

    1. The Mil .,.t r_..... ita -.rp:JWer ataffing 1...,.1 rwea. to operate the ~t• in order to achi...,. an operaticn and Nintenanc:e progru that will oon~htently and reliably cilliwr a afe drinking w.ter . 'ftle ~t~r l.ewl 1• totally in.ufficitnt.

    2. PreHntlY AN> i8 att..pting to •Ublhh a better filing .yat• by uolng ita Ia4 PC XT ""-'tor. We otra>gly- tho- of alloaving oqul_.t (office on! flold) - tho tho oxtr- undontafflng the MriD ie operating urdtr.

    J. 1bo Nlll ol1culd oontinuo to onocu._ ond _.ita -1 In joining ..S att..Sing the --.109 of MIC.'t\ Of9Udu.tiCI"'II u thl t.rican Wiater Wol'ka Meociatim, ard the ~ta water tbrU ~iaticn. In add.itim to - cqoniaatlono, tho - J!ililond 1101:« _,.. llooOrt ond long ten1 t.wfit.l to ita opH&tion. 'n1e pr..-nt $200 allocated for' thh pup»e

    io - ...,.q. - to oocoopllllh thh.) 4. '1M traini09 for thl oartificatioo of blckfl.OIIf prewntion U.tera llhauld include tho pononnol In tho AWD ...., vill ,_ actually ,_ inopoctlng tho dovicoo

    on! cloil'l!l tho -· 5. 1M .,tire periiOIVWl of the Ml> lhct.ll.4 pur81.11 with thl 'lbwn'• tnCOJr~t tho pl of obtaining tho hi~ (-t oqf\lotic:atod) -tollator '!'nOt_. Oortific:atlon Ondo -lblo.


    on. ext-ive natura of this r.p>rt il due to the ~ y.n of neglect experienced by the Mhlft wter •t••· 'ft\ia il due in large put to a liCk of fwdiniJ for the .ywt•· ~rally, ~ wter billa are pJt into a CJII'K•l f\nt, the ~ collected frc. the ..atK billa are pJt into other ac:.'CXU'It:a • ,_.. ia a t~ not to raiM wter ratea &MpiU a qro.ring -t« .ywt.• Md incAMing n91latol'y t'eCfllf'...-ata· .,_, if rat• are tncr....s. u thly haw bell\ in lllhlancl, there 11 still thl tiWdlncy to 4ivert f\ldl froa the wter .ywt... It wuld be in the beet intec.t of AlhJ,ard to eetllblilh ., enterpdM f\n:! Wicat.s ueluei'Mly to the operation and aint..-.nce of that .yat• pll.ll any aro.tantial oapital oc.t for tho I~ of thot ll)'ot•·

    Pr..-ntly, due to \Wderataffing, the AWD 11 c:perated on a crhie ~ bMia . with this type of ~· ~lard will never have a MWlY that


  • -lo

    01n cxxwiatently am reliably cSeliwr a Mfe ckinking .,.tar to the~. Aohlond hu ilod ot..u.. 4:lno in tho put onll io C>ll"rontlY r.viowin!l Bl!l. aor.u.-o, Inc• .,...., tqply one! Diotrlbutic:r> &you..._. Plan" ani an "~&tim and Maintenance Marlal• . axil etuc!i• are wiH, hoNIYv, it i1 the re.pon~ibility of Alhl.ud to carefully 1tuc!y the r~ and

    t:.~.=-0~the-:.!!~I~.-::-:~~=-~~~~ eqhically ..S financially, to the pctJpH _~.tion of the .,.ter .yat• ~

    Aohlond will nX bot oble to utriOlte iteolf fro. ite ...-• ocnlitic:r>.

    It io otr