Ipe^l^Die i Lsh of Cons fcredawn Flo «r.iir Fla., Dec. 21 f/P)—An Easte Sihed and burned on ita landing third air crash in Florida in ■*'** fnrce bombers crashcd over tl ciglit -^cn. A few I 6^*5^ Sid ConiUlUtion - ,lr line* « • cmployf. B C ^ ioo. O' ^ttnteutat- V *^7U r tc r » ‘>« R u B B K ILrfliirunvay It t^e -yHm *nd plunsed k | Hlj Ti*u>mty was K iw cdUns 300 feet. ■THtfueta apparenUy K L u u r 10 cKape for K iu u i] awf mailed. ^L^' rk crew mem* ' K v »«P*d K lta ilu were badir ■ L u m houra-aUer mTat before llremen K |10C» u V atarled ' ^ B ttD > t Ihe port KrfjidJonrlllr. ^l^eMlhepilot.Capt. ^CHtIaltiewucom> Dr> u d Mrt. Pnml petlee after belnf i(m 1 ^ anto jtmped lhe curb. hotplUI. and hli wife ^Efik:llermaker. « u ihelr'aenlecman aon. tie looked out photo) In lh* tninly — pSHssRuss Le ■o^lctln or lhe tound K uU b l l the lops o( K lellkliherett’son'l X 0 1 it till Ux tround." b a f«ndry worker. MOSCOW. Dec. : r w t Crim. I) home to a joyous |-»- 1 tour today and dcc B W L ilted - colonizerfl In Aj B Communifit Part; Bnlv T ai-it4* homecoming fltatcir ■U lj L k IU U; nin had found coloi B C I‘ He flnid in the midf Bee ollO W n checrinR HusI.'ians : Bu.. rw .. street.'? that tl B ^ a D«. 21 W -junjj nround India. 3 K a"iM lhe n w circ ■^liiw'lhp'chrtst' Khruihchcv *«!d lie K b m /uili; wwn "I" Ihnt !"?'« B x O 'rt ChrUl was 'are broUiera-ln advcri J tune." Tlie phraae "Indl B t e k r Ibmhlm Hn»- brothera" ww tl Bbpoiiulice thnl hnd “’«'*■ ’ .OM-mlJB tour. B “^®‘*> i»nd aiormed ReferrlnR lo western UFrtnch con.tuInle!i (lonx ot his nnll-BrlllAl ■nuniiF and burned Amcrlcnn remnrks on ■ k ptmiLitd nnllonnl Kliruiliehev snld he wt ■ te ia t ^httlirr Jor- Mylns" ihnl colonial rt ■ a Ibt DafMd.-id pnct "blot" reg&rdlc.u of "ha' I b" illlincf «Rnln.it bourseois press. JpB^on. Tlic L«ue DulRanin, In n brief a brt 6( Wnody rloilnR hU co-tourUl jipoke. snl i.ib» throufftinui lhe « •■wonderful trip," He i K.J . , , tliuslnstn Ihnl Rreeled 11 Z‘ friendship and wl'Ich will be "an Imi ■a i pEm.i" . ir.’Ttiiitdfrt Ammnn, London, lhe Brll < Jcrtji), Jor Chrl.it- ^ 'hviu h two Ruulna^ to visit "watnl nrdcrcd the April, deapllA anger'ov ^ >rT(sird (lurUii; chev's denunclallon of * wicfuinn lo rioi » bloodaucklnc colonial hlj slnlcmenl Hint £ '^prtnilfr. nppolnl- Unllcd Statea nnd Fran ‘TTouic King Ilu*. hind JUUer’a atuck on : ^ tfrrt «h<wl5 to From the central ili *^t»»err lold to Ihflr plane landed, all th « I KFT.I H ^rr,. f „ . ^ '’'"Rrftd hljhwfly nnd ' IHii^ .. KiemUn lhe B< ind T^'lr plnne arrived fro In lhe southern sUle of -------------- wlierp Ihcy hnd slnyed n led Kabul, Afshinlsinn. ICoinlvP Tlie nuMlnn lenders to prepnre for lhe ei _ sfMlon of lhe aupreme SO' Ot ( . n l l p r l "''"t’ fo*" P r '0 “ y' u a i l l ^ u «pect«t lo report- to t "1 fm_A ®°‘''f^® "‘> ’'*rvl3llatoIi .?«« «rly lodiy AfuhantsUn. l»ll«1 lo mute- " W u llirouihoui ^ S l I KILLS ^ wniinued on MADRID. Spain. Dec. nlrmen were killed nnd , airport a,ild " Oermnn-mnde Ju I'^^dtn nnd wtre ‘^''"^''cd near here Inal ^f.wrvntlon.^ ^"sht from Vnllndolid to » tickfi oMicM. : Ford Fou Sha -^Plloi'R n.MocU WASHINOTON, Dec. iTI^'eapsny hnve Poundnllon will se ,■■‘ 'Mifjct disniiic *hnrcs of Ford Motor con Ihc niinfa month. In the lar “ 'npany con! »t«k _Issue In hlslor>-. ‘^ ““y penaion A siatement filed with V. lllca ftnd e x c h a n g e --------------------— 'SECI today disclosed TJlfiY, ttie planned nmounl of ofJcrlne, Enrllcr. plannln fer™ ^ montha of 1955Iwere (or itto |*'"’'»hln8 M12JOO.MO. rccordi , ^he reglslraUon ilalem tlnnntlni rtcorda ol lhe company for the first tir ^ «urplu*-toUl caplUl an A Keeioiul Newspnpt'r St] OI/lclil Cllr «D< C«IJBI7 N a v ip a ^ r in Flamin! istellation orida Misi istern air linea constellation boun njf run early today,, killing all 1 in three days. ir the outskirts of Tampa midwa; !W hours later an air force jet am idewalk Tragedy ^B i S '- '" '1 I -ruk Grtlder. Decatur, n t. are dren ilmck down oa » aldtwslk Id U s Ante urb. The SS-year-oId phyficlan, who latei rife were en rout« te Japan to ipcnd Ch wn. Mn. Crelder*a condition li crltlcat. jeaders State )ur Is Succes 2 c. 21- (U.PJ—Ruasia'a rovintr. rulf IUS wclcome from their month-1 declnred thoy had “exposed thc I Asia."’ arty Loader Nikita Khrushchev tcment thnt he and Premier Nik olonial regimes to be a ‘‘blot on nidst of a welcome by tens of th ns lining thc~ ~ Russia M een "useful." Sl S3 S ; New Plan Iveralty and for- , ^ iCSn^o; Asian Sa 5™ - rlUsh nnd anU* N nlloai' security coun ®A..m —i®'£‘ make Jnpnn-s sdmlwloi I nrp. a orgnnltailon condition ••hTTd-Nn'uie Sovlel DeleRftte Arkn< .f,,r moved an amendment ..M rcsoluUon thai declare* t Brllaln, the _ ,i., i.fl, ftlrport whtre try whose QusllflcaU II the wny alonj: doubl," ind Gorki nlreet Raisin wa* eitpectti a Bovlel lender joih veU) In a week «UM. recommendnlion for 0*1 I from Tnahkenl peeled, the council kill # of Utbeklslnn m enlcn Outer Monjoll lyed alnce they . Tin council fnced i 'l«n. meellnB tomorrow befo Jers aped back ChrlsUnna holldny. I ! e*U-nordlnnry full report from Maj. C e sovlel (parlla- Burru ot Canada, the \ Iday. They nre tine truce supervisor, oi to the supreme laraell atUck on 6yrli to Indl*. Burma the Sea of Onlllee. ---------- 10 MINERS KU ILLS 4 LEON. Spnln, Dec. : 3ec. 31 W—Pour miners died yesterdny md cne Injured slon In the Tereslta coi le Junkers pl/uie Ulrero. The explwlon inal nlRhl on a on lhe accumulation o Id to Madrid. gn«.__________________ lundation to Se lares of Ford St lec. 31 (fl—The reUlncd in th# bu*lncsi II sell lOJOO.OOO 000.000. compnny slock .The foundnUon evlde larscst equity Inat-mlnute decision l< y. amount of the publle u,ith <h« •«<.,„ cause oflp'il^Uon* ot kel demSntl for the n nf Heretofore. Kile volUi resided irt the family t ot nboul aeven . .V owners: firm told the reslairallon sUUmeni the flrsl nine ^ request for federal i ere a record- public sale ot the stock. '• Actual flUns of Ui( itement. baring with lhe SEC wa* made the 63-year-old tomey* -while announce I time, liit«d » nctlon was Issued <Unul I and camlnKB a doieir eJties.- ' •' 1. \ ______ ^ ftii Serving * TWIN FALLS. IDAH Ig Exten I in ToOl shap Car, )und from ,M i- BOISE, Dec. 21 (/P II 17 persons atora today were gr cense plates, wny down thc Earle F. Koehler, and a bomber thnt with the approv; -------------------------n v t o r i s t s u n t i l J a n . I He acted under th J deadline but gives M B | Idaho You N ^ H , Act May ' Highest new aci apparently was heade preme court tcsl o f Its c( Allly today based on Ihr legal action* In Boise ar rllle. In Orangeville. Disti John W. Cramer ruled i Ulon the act turning cases over to probaU cou leas of their severity « sUluUohftl. queatloB AeUoi In Bolae, attorneys scheduled lo be sent to 8 Industrial Training scl went U) district court t the (Ute board oCi hei tUtuUoni\ Tight to »£l In The two Boise ^outr Ames and Howard A. 6a ' i-SsST* “P complaints i mg out a number of wl> ■*' J' B-B gun*. Their case* wt en flrat aid by ^ Ada county probai kntelea when an «ocrdanee with t«rm* i laur died in th . hablllUUon a c t Christma* wllh , ^aae* Referred Ical (NEA UU* 8ub»e<iuently Uielr caw icai. {.%tA le u ^ ^ _______________ conimltUd the boy* to Sl Karl Jepperson, attorn Ames boy. and Walter M. A men's legal bountel. fUkd IdenUcal applicaUoiu fo: habeu* corpU* and won ^ 1 iUy*ln the aecutlon of issiul Si.™ Koelsch ordered the bo rulers . arrived before him on Dec. 39 to th-long A sian »heWier tta WriU b ^ a Up nrtllripji of • O’* iilefed ,hc pouciea OI „ SrheUjer Uje ., . health ahould be upheld, lev said in a s Bcmou citei! 'likolai BulgA- JePPesen conUnded U on monkind.’’ f t& S M thousands of cited thre* reaaon* for Ji Uon. _____ 1. The act delegate* i V laK eS ‘»dy function* ^ JudlcUl In nature, which > ___ __ separation of power pr IDS lO l conaUtuUon. 3. *Ihe. act atUmpU to iatellite 3. The act allow* the ■la. N. Y.. Dcc. 31 commll Juveniles wllhout In Uie UnlUd ea* Of law" In lhat offend ouncll UKJay U committed wllhout hearln L9lon to Uic world cnU can be deprived < Uonnl upon the wiihoui due cause. Mongolln. a* a side Issue, Jeppt rkndy A. Sobolev that Uie sUU consUtullo ent u> a British "concurrent JurlsdlcUon" nred Jnpnn fully and dlsUlcl courU In mai membenhlp and offenses. Ke said the Ihnt Uie Tokyo (CMiini*^ an H t> *. lon be ndmllUd,” -------------------------- evolution. “““'Blood Driv ipan's Admlulon Quota' Mis by Nntlonnllst ^ Jir Pierson Dixon Bv FCW 1 bK ? ‘f n s S h l e r ; Dec 31-Unnft: Uie crent eaUb- dlvidunU faUed U> support Ul n liiUe^oun. «'rM<ly had pledRed U g ^.ti™ «r« AmcrlMn R^ Cross bl cnUons are ^ Tuesday and Uie-lOO-plnt .•I«I in tl.* Jt. mlsjfd by 16 pint*. .1^ However. Red Crow o J.^n f il S drawing "ven v.M? u . tory" because this waa Uie kills IU nmend- ,j,j gomii H WlUi 75 pledging to glvi d nnoUier busy j,njg to beUeve «fore sUrUng a y,oM be missed. Some II awalUd a pledging failed to attend 1 L^- unfoneen-problem*, ne U. N.* Pale*- wr^ ZIU Ronthe. cxecul r. on the Dec. 11 tjxy ot the chapur. rep lyrlan forces a t drawing suceeiiful. noU Palls drew only 58 plnU 1 ----------- collection. KILLED She thanked the Ora. «. 31 IIB — Ten lervlce clubi whleh not or ny in nn explo- with Uie admlnlstraUon bi conl mine near ed donors, lon wns blnmed Sne reporUd Wayne S n of fire dnmp Leo Whelan received thi Iplns at the drawing. m 10,200,000 5tock in Record I ness—of $1,840,* The sUUment advised thal the company'* dlrecl /IdenUy made a decided U declare a dlvldi 1 lo boost the cenU a ihare In the fUs lie offering be- of ISSO. ot heavy mnr- On this basis, the stock i e new common M-^0 » year, voting rlghU. The reglaUaUon aUUm 3lUig power has however, that laUr dlvidcn ly nnd heir* of considered etch quarUr.. I. vary "subject to bu»lne*s c ms a shift trom and Uie operating and fini lenhlp,. nnd lhe sltlon of Uie pompany." nt amounU U> The earnings report for al approval for nine monUu of 19SS aho« ock. " Ins* amounting to |5.8ft a Uie sUUmenl Tlie offering price of th e . nde by Ford flt- be reporUd U SBC U tcr- mcement oi the Jusl before Jan. IS, the proi: mulUneously In on which the *iock wip ie i (Cfatl>i«4 «a r a t« ''t.% li Bihi l' ■ tr n m 'AHO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBl ision Give )btain Idal •, Truck T{ (/P)— Idaho’s passenger car and ti granted an extra 20 dnys lo bu; er, commlsaloner of lnw enforcen roval of Gov. Robert E. Smylie. he in. 2 0 ,196G, to buy their plates, r the Idaho codc which sets Jan. cs the law enforcement departi --------------------- privilege of extent _ |.l ‘‘not to exceed 45 llllli good cause shown.” _ Koehler Mid a survi J, Uial only aboul two*tl r \JC L passenger car ownen hi ' their pUUa trom count He aald bad wcaUier ai 9t 1 .C S I many paru of Uie su u ' _ were to blame. Pre»* He added Uist Uia r I nhablllUtlon iu t« proraUon agreemei eaded for a iu- «,as nol compleled un U consUU^Uon- December, "brmglng ab< Uiree separnU ,je of notice U ttucklns e and Orange* )„,« u,e agreement affe , , , . Uon of Ihelr trucks and ^ “** 1 higher priced plates In 1 ' rt 1958 Uie price had been i V car for passenger vehlc y wa* uncon- ,,,30 the age of Uie ear. ■■ UKU. rt to'que*Uon i“ W ool,S . Salmen. were ' linU of thool* A * windows wlUi /\ 1 s were referred XX1.X C obau court, in Tis Of the re* Immediate and lc . promotion along wit case* were re- cussed at the annual board, which stock M arketing ass 0 st, Anthony, cnridgc, president 0: told thc growers. “V 2 S u .ll; be importing it if w for wrlU- of He went on to e* i-on Umporary ' ;.SiS'o-s:;;U.F.Worki .Vote to ged olfendert y-v -w* ^ Uul Jai u,. U POCATELLO. Doc 31 *, 1" . . - mounUln raUway cond : brakemen hare voUd interview, ne ngnj^gt Uie Dnlon Pad or hU eonun- „ „ t ^ un,on , ' . yesterdny. whi’ ri »• “ • «“ “ ■ provuion of 400 .n d 6OO unic (« siv. B ut he srfded Uie sir, K h i feci aU of Union Pncltl I7»ln .nd j.ta'i.rvlt. . »»,. -« » lhe Urritory wesl of O Wyo- Sail out • due pro^ ^ “on lo place a picket lli arlnSandpnr- ..H«-said ualon-jaembt rd Of custody per cent in favor of a . . mall ballol "because t> eppeson noUd u,nt Uie carrier's rtp ut on provldM have declined U ttcognli on- U) probaU due under scheduled ntre many Juvenile because of Uie vicious dl the provision der Uie JurlsdlcUon of I 1 . C4IMH 0 Undent al PocaUUo. --------- I "To my knowtedse. nt ive’s Ullo." 1 Corbett snld Uie slxUe U SScQ Union Pacific's CcnUal 1 westem distrlcu and will T>* a on lines from Oreen RIvi r in t f i Seattle, Yakima nnd S WashlngUn, Porllnnd In 1 inftillated In- Lewlaton and Moscow it >ort those who well as Inner dlvlslonnl 1 A give to the A spokesman for Unl 1 bloodmoblle said Uie mllroad would lint quoU was comment on Corbett’s ment ImmedUUIy. He sa s o f f l c l a l t ha<l ttctW td no o»iclal very satisfac- the strike acUon a.i yet. I the first col- It was considered llkel immunity. road would ask for media give. oHIcials dUpuU, Uius invoking * 3 leve the quoU ing off period Uial woul ome of those Uie strike deadline, nd because of _______________ Young Dri' noiUig Twin ^ ^ ^ Fmed$3S Oranges and Burley'Jl e Klous and l-*rry MorUn. 17. Di Uielr gallon f'ned »"<! his llcen» was suspended for 30 day ------------------- day by Burley Police Jui W. Tucker on a chnrse 1 driving. T he youlh was arresUd _ . _ Ing a girl for a ride. Whtt 1 1 / v r a l obJecUd U when Uicy an J J r ^ r L I was the fact his eompi sluing at hU left side lm led ihe’BEC hlsTlghu irectora hsve Calvin BaUman. Jerom Ivldend of 60 by SUU Patrolman Euge m at quarter Wednesday morning on a runhlng Uirough a stop «k would poy fined tlO and *3 costs b ' ' Judge Theron Ward. Jero: W rtn Oo<, Rupttl, I, ?, Lm Of to Rupert Po Oeorge Redford Tuesday 0 *■' «PE=,r.oN.t ft a share. MOSCOW Dec. 31 Oft-I the stoclr will Union U preparing to k tcr-^irobably enUfIc expedlUon to probabU di%e Africa In connecUon wlUi bt placed on naUonal geophysical yea %laaa I) learned loday. ^ Nine Irrlgafei MBER 21, 195S en IStat( See] ............ nrp( I buy 195G li- J . V /k rcement. .said BOISE. Dec. 21 (I !. he is giving $23,000 polio vaccin JS- year-old Idaho chilt Jan. 1 nfT thc The program wns partment the it j, nuthorizcil, thi :tending this| --------------------------------- ™"°‘” '” T oll CUml survey rcvpiiled wo-tlfihs of the T? ______ « had ObUlned Q I H llU O wunty assesaors, ___ ier and roads in \VT* uuundoubudly \V llltC rV Jia recent nine- LONDON, Dec. 31 OT •ement on trucks uil in Europe's Iciest si I unUl early in 33 lodny and there 'wei g about a ahort- the crews of three mlssl cklng firms nfl to died in the sUrmy Bnll affecU regLiira- Uie bilUrest cold In H I and fleets." reporud. year for the new widespread aerial lu I In Idaho. Up w ordered today for Uie sh xen a flat »5 per permllUng. But the blli vehlclea. It now jnj down from Siberia j 0, depending on out hope thc ssllors woi The missing ships we #d on Uie bMls Lsh frelghUr Hoeken ( ■hat purpose* the 15 ^en aboard tnd _______ (C«nUii»»< «■ P m i. Sheep Projec red for T. F. ^ id long range planning for sheep ' with government incentive prices nual m eeting of the Twin Falls Coi association Tuesday afternoon. Jo nt of the National Woolgrowcrs a; 1 . “We have no surplus in wool. Wi If we did." 0 explain the increased popularitj The Pendleton Wo ilnable to supp ^K ers ntnd Uicy have Jer w ucls. he said. The compi ■WT^ll ins two new fncUries W a IK meet the demand but . , . the stort* art btlna f;. * -| PendleUn garments. Ifltl. A .J Breckenrldge reporU oUier faeujrle* which at K. 31 U ^-Ioter- wool to the synUieUc conductor* *nd hnve Rone back U wOi 'oUd to strike cenUge of wool mixed t Pacific.railroad thcUc* Is growlog Ur Ion official said added. He told Uie assoclaU enertl chnirman Ui»t to be cllBlbl# for 1 etj’ brotherhood, prlce given by Uie goven 1 dlrecUy affect must hnve undergone I union membera. slnughUr. and Uie &i e strike will af- have been owned for n ’ncltlc's "engine, days. Breckenrldge « 'Ice employes on srowera not to cxp«t Ui of Oreen River. unUl Uie middle of July ' Sail Lake City John W. Noh, membe t ll is my lnt«n* Uonnl executive commll et line" *>n sUps belntt Uken f emb£ra_T0Ud. flS consumpHon,oI.muttcn Jf a su-lke in » '‘“o' by naUonal sdvert Ae t>I the Iftcl He sMd pronvoUan ta represenutlves «hecp nnd wool hnve 1 ognlie paym enu »nd given to different ingreemenUnnd «senclc.ii. us discipline un- ^0 get the promoU of Uie superln- under wny ImmedlnUly. ), tee hns borrowed 1350,00 ;. nl no place in 'The promotion cnmpal "duclpllne exer- flnnnced by the growera a It ll at Poca- Noh reporud the maJ U pushlns the use of e ilxUe win affect Angeles. San Francisco, ual and North- cltJ« In Uie New Englnr 1 will hll service count for 10 per cent . I River. Wyo, to l*mb coniumpUon,’’ he :id Spokane In Dr. Floyd Frnnk. Ca d in Oregon and verslly of Idaho exUn 3w in Idaho «s reporU4 on various sh« mnl p o l n u (C«atlns«4 an r«f> 1. c Union PnclfIc --------------------- -- sr.r»c"c; Magic Val] le said the line O Counties likely the rnll- K^3o“.doycooi- Power! would postpone BOISE. Dcc. 31-Sl ---------- rccclvcd the' largest 1 Uon of their property u> 11V01 Idaho Power company. 1 Boise. Company presidei QP Tuesdny. Tlie countlcs 0 0 jjy more, Gooding. JcKime.,] •' coin and Twin Palls. More thnn a million J tlU ilC ' properly uxea for the f r n,„.i.« 1055 hnve been pnld U counties. Tlie toUl comp. 1 ^ A . for the stnte in 1855 will ^siu ..w Sww porUon o: U\t Wl CJUm.M > ^ ^ ? These nnd other mlscclla: ,e InsUad of at Ii U) nboui-M.OOO.OOO for tl Tw'n Falls county rec( f™'" “ nho Power f( , „ . ' . halt of 1855 property Probati ,273450. A breakdoTO 1 Jerome. gUUment disclosed Uisl •I. forfeited « forsU U use; J5fl,03l for rt Police Judge vii. and 1103.300 for schi lay ona chnrite polnUd oUl Uiat a, re^ trnffic dollnr pal tomer service Is “siphon Uxes." Tlie toUI compai S srr 1055 will be about I7,700.i Oft-The Sovlel cent of which are federal to send a scl* Toul Idaho Power Uxi U equatorial Roach added, exceed the WlU) th e I n U r - 'p a y ro ll b y t3,SOO.DOO and year, It w&t|than double the divldea J ahutownen. igafcd Idaho Counties Utmbtr «t Auilll RutMu el ClrfBltlk AtiocltUd I’m i ind UnlltU Pxai te Healt eks U. S est Polk , 21 (U.Ri—The slate board of heall 'accinc distribution nud cvaluutioi children who have not prcviousl; 1 wns submitted to the U. S. depa ll, the program will be financed f imbing Speal u 'o p e a u J lijU ry B la st . 31 OT-The dealh ^ clest slorm reached ; ' <| ;re 'were Iciirs thal e missing ships had ^ ly BnlUc sea where . 1 In 100 yenrs wns J| ' rial senrche* were ) Uie ships—weaUier ) :.wKS!EM hc blizzards sweep- , iberla almost wiped > in would be found. Ips were the Swed* eken with the Oerman ■m i. C«lui.« Jl .Meet iheep and wool inces were dis- ot Commeree Jan. 11 Is County Live- prof«*or of marfcetl Dn. John Breck- *t U.e Unlferslly ol ers association, ___ ___ 3l. Wc wouldn’t * * * ilarity of wool. A u th o r 5 I Woolen mills ^ r o C .o fC .b company Is build- -r . rri l'l 1 :torles U try and I'n I p , | id but meanwhile *** ^ Btlna rawoatd on -Dr. noy«l L. Oar ■nts. lecturer will be Uie reporud a e te ra l ,t the annual Chaj hich jwitched from mere* ladies night b Uietic blends now in the Americnn Le; U WOOL ,The per- pr nnrff orofesao 3g Urger, too, he di«us* * . , human relaUon*.“ for more Uian 30 "‘Eht banquet, lge warned the Kenneth Montgorr wet Uielr paymenU *ccreUry-mnnnger, u of July. bers to ntund. A rep nember of the nt- tivltle* will be given ommiiue. reported offi«rs InUoduced. Uen for Increased _Mont«omery asked auttcn and use of '’■ '’c to nttend to mn, advertising;--------- brcarinff-ine-Cluml Jan tampaljTvs Ut _ -------------- Sen^^Sv^'^bJ Overseas InUly. the com'mlU Fund Us 1350,000,* Noh said. B y L a w le major campnlgn •' ;e of mullon. "Los WASHINOTON. D« nclsco. and a few (“ or Byrd. D., Va, si England sute-i nc- Amcrlcnn forefgn nl eenl of ih# u u l been used U reduce 1,'' he said. ond help pay off Dcni lk. Caldwell. Unl- The Virginian cIUc exUnalon otflcer. ample* ot ways he ss us sheep diseases, dollars have been squt .f.i. c.i.» o elgn economic nld." -------------- sucli prnctlcu be stof T 11 OpposlUon ; alieV Byrd's blast appart J some su-ong opposlUc ' . \o tho EUenhower ai tes Ijet economi by about 300 million rfi next fiscal yenr. begin II A a x e s :ln government, said I: 31—s i x counties! he wnnU economic n geat single por-luini he will go nlonB rty uxes from the .ndmlnlsirnUon prop- three blllloai. U nden mUcs^ncl^rtV economic nid fu rlM to J 1.000.00 «me,Blslne, Un- ^ , I confirmed through nllllon dollnrs In ronccrnrrt thnt we 1 ; , o'j 100 million dollars to aid to 37 Id«ho|i,„ debt." Byrd snld. I company Wn bill, Confln 55 will nmounl to: ' from Hn'-c’f* StAssei pport of “ hools.; . I million dollnrs In t U« Wlowall-hoMt funds had been given to an ftddltlonnlL„n„ n ux cut before Wl general elections, I secreury- of SUU D, Iscellancous uxesjj.gj{„(,„y ;s Of Idnho Power| ingress for )4 lor the yenr.. foreign aid approprinl ty received »136,- year. Byrd snld he wi; )wer for Uie first pnn of Uils which la 5erty Uxes, The ^ulld un n reserve fun je approxlmnteb- ma jpendlng In years p loft'n of the Ux' d m»t- |iejl3 Is 1“ "“ “ 31 for Uitrfounty fliff or schools I it Uiat aboul one*: SAN CLEMENTE, nr paid for cus-i 31 (Ji—ChrlsUnos sh siphoned off for, week get a gift froi company ux for| ClemenU cily councl 17,700.000-56 per Draped over the h< rederal levies. parking meUr U a MatnV^ld Si Oo«l UTOWh FINAL . EDITIO; PKicE th Boan Okay 0 Vaccii ealth today propo.>;cd a fcderall tion, program involving aome GOi usly received the serum. ,epartmeiil of public health for 1 id from the public health servicc' cine fund. .o I tai * P'®"- outlined OlVcL st^itcmenl by the b< repeals the board's " ponemeni" ol mai with lhe Salk serum Claiming the “nes bear "only casual the vaccine ot the or even u those ol 1055." Uie board sa /nSSa ^ g a very Imporunl si Thc board snld ot "crlUcnlly evalusU vaccines and afur been reassured of U serum “the majorltj ' ■W aiJw ents would Uien ecr wiammBa their children recelv One of the wont in the hlsUry of triggered lu t spring lauons wlUi the Sal duced by CutUr Berkeley. Calif. 1 postponement of m rtf S 8 P isTesti « keynoU speaker HP ladies otfht ban* 1 I* • In Falli Chamber n. 11. Dr. Garff Is TesUng of Twla P tetter and speech flc Umer Tuesdsy n :y of UUh. (SUff Mveral verbal wanil The Umer wu optn ^ time on Addison sve: Ur on Main avenue' Seversl moUrtsU O lates « mUe* per hour zone OD Addison •' Main avenue speed* o p e e c ja mue*'per hour we« r 9 None of Uie offei i* 1 1 but each had U 801 ' . J a D * 1 1 mallly of submltUn driver's license. All Oarlt. auUior u d they had exceeded tte guest sp«kW were wilhied lo be c Chamber of Com- turfc ht bsnqt«t Jan. II Poiiee ssid the i legion hall. equipment. w|U, be ressor of marketing use beglnlnr.Uands the Unlvenslty of elUUons will 1»B ss “How. ars your The ttt wu Id aboul 30 mlnu(«. 6< 1 In 31 sU tei and ellny; speeds above aUioF of "Vou Can were not contacted ^ ReccnUy he ad- cars were called to ll Klwanls ladles of the city In resp alarms. tgomery, Chnmber -------- -- West Po :lven and Uie 1056 ^ . ^ked Uiose plan- C O llV lC i' mnke reservations __________ __ CoUab( is Aid T TT». West Point gradus H lf court marUaled fo JSC S l ll l , u,g ' 1 guilty of 'bringing i iwmaker r. Dec. 21 I f i - S e n - u le s , a 3B-year-oli U snld todny that from Birmingham, / I nid funds hod wns found guilty of luce British Uxes gnnda recordings ft Dcnmnrk's debu and NorUi K orea clUd these as ex- while he was being le snld ‘'billions of oner of wnr. squandered In for- demanded of ,bett i5l ‘S l bul wns found guilty « to ,w !i« islUon In congrcss ^ ;r admlnlslnvUon-s *enl«ice mear lomie aid sncndlne on duly as a lie lion dollnrs in Uic he «1U be sUUc icglnnlng July 1. “ o" for two year Jvocnte of economy LleuU Col. Leslie E Id in nn interview Rouge. Ln.. Liles’ d ,1c nid ended, but snld the defendnnl ilong with foreign accept whnUver sent e nt the level the marUal board passed, iroposes — n b 0 u t More than 3 JOO Jcr ndminlsUTiUon tesUmony were Uken Id funds next year dny Uial. AnoUier I, M.OOO,000. concerned wllh 120 I Europe this fnll. senud by boUi prose ugh the officials fense. •e gnve Denmftrk LUes conUnded Ui s to help pay off «n escnps plnn whilt. lid. He said nbout 70 mer nflrmatlon In Uie plnn, hc hnd obtained The governmenl mi nssen. former for- wns no escape plnn lirmntlon Uint 300 cooperated with Uie n economic - aid North Korean Cora vcn BriUln to 11- belltr hla own era fore the lnst Brll- ------------------ ru. AMBUSH I lc Dulles disclosed MANILA. P. I.. Dec, le ndmlnlslraUon °f (funmcn. believed ir J4J)00.000,000 In of the communlst-led iriniionsTr nexl ^ *nd killed four PHI s will oppose any Lasuna province soul h U designed to cording lo army rcpoi fund for foreign ________- ars ahead. H j H SH O fT^ ^■SI day TE. Cnllf., Dec. f te, ’c 1 shoppers thb H tip rigll from tho San I •-,w%awvvww«3 ww uncll.. , I J l >e hood of each I S PPV.WxV s a small sign 1 nasi One hour | SiL 1 LON CE 5 CENTS rd ' rto ines i erally-financed, ! COO 5 - a n d 6~ for approval. If vice's polio vac- I lined In a flve-psgv ^ he board of health, rd's "IndetUUU post- mau InocuUUons erum. “new Salk vacelnes" lusl resembUnce to the 18M field W all oe of Ult spring of 'd said reUsttng ~U nt study." id oUier sutes wera ,lunUns'’ Uie new tfur Idahoans had of Uie safety of the Jorlty of Idaho p*r> i n ccnsent In havinc receive the vaccine." ront polio outbreaks of the tUU was { iring bf mass inoeu- e Salk vaccine pro- Ur Itboralories of f. lhe Indefinite of mass tmmimlm- Pit« II. C«Uu 4) Timer sted on i" . Streets vl& Falls' radar ti'&f* lsy night resulted ta vanilnp to speedm. optraUd for « short t avenue west and U> mue west. rtsu were «lock«d:at Hour la: Uie W-mll* on avenue, while' a a ;' peeds in excess o t 90’^ were detected. - v offeadera w u cited. ' Dgo throuih Uie (or- ilttlng to a check ot I. AU wue Infomed ided speed llnilU .ud I be csreful In tiu tu* lhe new »»d*r tim er • • |, be put . Into tctasj ttidsysad thereetter e issaetf. . • I Id .optntl^ ojjV e«. Soms d r i^ n trmr* bove tha letal limit acted because poUee d to anoUier section response to prowler Pointer - cted for , iBorating i Wash, Dee. 31 (m - 1 V. Ules. Uie only radusU ever to be d for eoUaborattnc y. todsy w u fotmd Ilng dlsc,redll on the " and w u luspendod i monUis. ar-old carter soldier im, Ala., specifically ;y of making propa- gs for the Chinese irean CommunlsU elng held u a prl»- it U trial on cbatxee ibettlng the enemy** ullty only of "brtng- «n the armed serv- means LUes will ro- UUe on Uie promo- years. llie E. Olzon. BstoQ > a ’ defense counsel. . jnnt was resdy to sentence Uie coort issed. 300 pages of legal aken during the 30- ier 1,500 pages were 120 exhlblU pre- I prosecuUon snd de- ; d that he drew up rhllUiB w u a POW. I %ien were Involved nt mtinUlned there linn nnd Uiat LUes the Chlneae and Coramiinlsu solely n cri^dlUon. SH HELD ' , Dec. 31 iW-A band ; :ved U be members l-led Huk. ambush- r Plllplno soldiers In souUi of here, ac- rcporu today. | lOPPlNG. ^YSLEFT 'IgMTS— T Im S S iiiii ilnM Stbh.J __________

i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

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Page 1: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Ipe^l^Die i Lsh of Consfcredawn Flo■ « r . i i r F la., D ec. 21 f/P)— A n E a s t e

S ih e d and b u rn ed o n i ta la n d in g th ird a i r c ra s h in F l o r i d a in

■ * '* * fnrce b o m b e rs c r a s h c d o v e r tl c ig l i t -^ c n . A f e w I

6 ^ * 5 ^ SidConiUlUtion -

,lr line* « • cmployf.

B C ^ ioo. O'■ ^ t t n t e u t a t -

V * ^ 7 U r t c r » ‘>« R u B B K ’I L rf l i i r u n v a y I t t^e -yHm

*nd plunsed

k | Hlj Ti*u>mty was K i w cdUns 300 feet.■ T H tfu e ta apparenUy K L u u r 10 cKape for K i u u i ] awf mailed.^ L ^ ' r k crew mem* '

K v »«P*d ’K l t a i l u were badir ■ L u m houra-aUer m T a t before llremenK | 10 C »

u V atarled '^ B ttD > t Ihe port K rfjidJonrlllr.^ l^ e M lh e p ilo t.C ap t. ■^ C H tIa lt ie w u c o m > Dr> u d M rt. Pnml

petlee a fte r belnf i(m ■ 1 ^ anto jtm ped lhe curb.

hotplUI. and h li wife ^E fik :lle rm aker. « u ihe lr 'aen lecm an aon.

tie looked out photo)In lh* tninly — — — —

pSHssRuss Le■ o ^ lc tln or lhe tound K u U b l l the lops o(

K le l lk l i h e r e t t ’son'l X 0 1■ it till Ux tround."b a f«ndry worker. M O S C O W . D ec . :

r w t Crim. I) h o m e t o a jo y o u s■ | - » - 1 t o u r to d a y a n d dcc B W L i l t e d - c o lon ize rfl In A j B C o m m u n if it P a r t ; B n l v T a i - i t 4 * h o m e c o m in g f lta tc i r ■ U l j L k I U U ; n in h a d f o u n d coloi B C I ‘ H e flnid in t h e m id f B e e o l l O W n c h ec rin R H usI.'ian s : B u . . rw „ . . s tree t.'? t h a t tl B ^ a D«. 21 W - ju n j j nround India. 3

K a " iM lhe n w c irc■ ^ l i i w ' l h p 'c h r t s t ' Khruihchcv *«!d lieK b m /u i l i ; wwn "I" Ih n t !"? '«B x O 'r t ChrUl was 'a re broU iera-ln advcri J tune." Tlie phraae "IndlB t e k r Ibmhlm Hn»- brothera" ww tlBbpoiiulice thnl hnd “’«'*■ ’ .OM-mlJB tour. B “^®‘*> i»nd aiormed ReferrlnR lo western■ UFrtnch con.tuInle!i (lonx ot his nnll-BrlllAl ■ n u n iiF and burned Amcrlcnn remnrks on ■ k ptmiLitd nnllonnl Kliruiliehev snld he wt ■ t e i a t ^h ttlirr Jo r- Mylns" ih n l colonial r t ■ a Ibt DafMd.-id pnct "blot" reg&rdlc.u of "ha'

Ib" illlincf «Rnln.it bourseois press.JpB^on. Tlic L«ue DulRanin, In n brief a brt 6( Wnody rloilnR hU co-tourUl jipoke. snl i.ib» throufftinui lhe « •■wonderful trip," He i K.J . , , tliuslnstn Ihnl Rreeled 11Z‘ friendship and

wl'Ich will be "an Imi■a i p E m .i" .ir.’Ttiiitdfrt Ammnn, London, lhe Brll< Jcrtji), Jor Chrl.it- ^ 'hviuh two Ruulna^ to visit"watnl nrdcrcd the April, deapllA anger'ov ^ >rT(sird (lurUii; chev's denunclallon of * wicfuinn lo rioi » bloodaucklnc colonial

hlj slnlcm enl Hint £ '^prtnilfr. nppolnl- Unllcd Statea nnd Fran ‘TTouic King Ilu*. hind JUUer’a a tu c k on : ^ t f r r t «h<wl5 to From the central ili * ^ t» » e r r lold to Ihflr plane landed, all th « I KFT.I H ^rr,. f„ . ^ ' ’'"Rrftd hljhwfly nnd ' I H i i ^ . . KiemUn lhe B<

ind T ^ 'lr plnne arrived froIn lhe southern sU le of

-------------- wlierp Ihcy hnd slnyedn led Kabul, A fshinlsinn.

I C o i n l v P Tlie nuM lnn lenders to prepnre for lhe ei

_ sfMlon of lhe aupreme SO'O t ( . n l l p r l " ' '" t ’ fo*" Pr'0“y'u a i l l ^ u «p e ct« t lo report- to t

D« "1 fm_A ®°‘''f^ ® " ‘>’'* rv l3 lla to Ii . ? « « « r ly lodiy AfuhantsUn.

l»ll«1 lo mute- "W u llirouihoui ^ S l I KILLS

^ wniinued on MADRID. Spain. Dec.nlrmen were killed nnd

, airport a,ild " Oermnn-mnde Ju I '^ ^ d tn nnd wtre ‘ ''"^''cd near here Inal

^f.wrvntlon.^ ^"sht from Vnllndolid to » tickfi oMicM. :

Ford Fou Sha

-^Plloi'R n.MocUWASHINOTON, Dec.

iT I^ 'eapsny hnve Poundnllon will se ,■■ ‘ 'Mifjct disniiic *hnrcs of Ford Motor con

Ihc niinfa month. In the lar “ 'npany con! »t«k _ Issue In hlslor>-.

‘^ ““y penaion A siatem ent filed with V. lllca ftnd e x c h a n g e--------------------— 'SECI today disclosedTJlfiY, ttie planned nmounl of

ofJcrlne, Enrllcr. plannln

fe r ™ ^montha of 1955Iw ere

(or itto |* '"’'»hln8 M12JOO.MO. rccordi , ^he reglslraUon ilalem

tlnnntlni rtcorda ol lhe — company for th e first tir

^ «urplu*-toU l caplU l an

A K e e i o i u l N e w s p n p t'r S t]

OI/lclil Cllr «D<C«IJBI7 N avipa^r

in Flamin! istellation orida Misi

is te rn a ir linea constellation boun njf ru n ea rly to d a y ,, killing all 1 in th ree days.ir th e o u ts k ir ts o f T am pa midwa; !W hours la te r a n a ir force je t am

idewalk Tragedy

^ B i

S ' - '" '1


- ru k G rtlder. D ecatur, n t . are d ren ilm ck down o a » aldtw slk Id U s Ante urb. The SS-year-oId phyficlan, who latei rife were en rout« te Ja p an to ipcnd Ch wn. M n. Crelder*a condition li crltlcat.

jeaders State )ur Is Succes2c. 21- (U.PJ— R u a s ia 'a rovintr. rulf IUS w clcom e f ro m th e ir month-1 declnred th o y h a d “ exposed thc I A s ia ." ’a r ty L oader N ik i ta Khrushchev tcm en t t h n t h e and P rem ie r Nik olonial re g im e s to be a ‘‘blot on n idst o f a w elcom e by tens of th ns lin ing t h c ~ ~ “

Russia Meen "useful."

Sl S3 S ; New PlanIveralty and for- , ^

iCSn^o; Asian Sa5 ™ — -rlUsh nnd anU* N n llo a i ' security coun

®A..m —i® '£‘ m ake Jnpnn-s sdmlwloiI nrp. a o rgnnltailon condition••hTTd-Nn'uie

Sovlel DeleRftte Arkn< . f , , r moved an amendment

..M rcsoluUon th a i declare*

t Brllaln, the _ ,i., i.fl,

ftlrport w htre try whose QusllflcaUII the wny alonj: doubl,"ind Gorki nlreet R aisin wa* eitpectti a Bovlel lender jo ih veU) In a week «UM. recommendnlion for 0*1I from Tnahkenl peeled, the council kill # of U tbeklslnn m e n lc n Outer Monjoll lyed alnce they . T in council fnced i 'l«n. meellnB tomorrow befo Jers aped back ChrlsUnna holldny. I ! e*U-nordlnnry fu ll report from Maj. C e sovlel (parlla- B u rru o t Canada, the \ Iday. They nre tine truce supervisor, oi to the supreme laraell a tU ck on 6yrli to Indl*. Burm a th e Sea of Onlllee.

---------- 10 MINERS KUILLS 4 LEON. Spnln, Dec. : 3ec. 31 W—Pour m iners died yesterdny md cne Injured slon In the Tereslta coi le Junkers pl/uie Ulrero. The explwlon inal nlRhl on a on lhe accumulation o Id to Madrid. gn«.__________________

lundation to Se lares of Ford Stlec. 31 (fl—T he reU lncd in th# bu*lncsiII sell lOJOO.OOO 000.000.compnny slock .The foundnUon evlde larscst equity Inat-mlnute decision l<

y. am ount of the publleu,ith <h« •«<.,„ cause oflp 'i l^U on* ot

ke l demSntl for the n

nf Heretofore. Kile volUiresided irt the family t

o t nboul aeven. .V owners:

firm told th e reslairallon sUUmeni the flrsl nine ^ request for federal i

ere a record- public sale ot the stock. '• A ctual flUns of Ui(itement. baring w ith lhe SEC wa* made the 63-year-old tomey* -while announce I time, liit«d » nctlon was Issued <Unul I and camlnKB a doie ir eJties.-

' •' 1.\ ______ ^ f t i i

Serv ing * •


Ig ExtenI in ToOl shap Car,)u n d f r o m ,M i- B O IS E , D e c . 2 1 (/PII 17 p e r s o n s a to ra to d a y w e r e g r

cen se p la te s , w ny d o w n th c E a r le F . K o e h le r , a n d a b o m b e r t h n t w i th t h e a p p ro v ;

-------------------------n v t o r i s t s u n t i l J a n . IH e a c te d u n d e r th

J d e a d lin e b u t g iv e s

M B | Idaho You N ^ H , Act May

' Highestnew

aci apparently was heade preme court tc sl o f Its c( Allly today based on Ihr legal action* In Boise ar rllle.

In Orangeville. DistiJohn W. Cramer ruled iUlon the a c t tu rningcases over to probaU couleas of their severity «sUluUohftl.

queatloB AeUoiIn Bolae, a tto rneys

scheduled lo be se n t to 8Industrial T rain ing sclwent U) d istric t court tthe (U te board oCi heitU tuUoni\ Tight to ȣ l In

The two Boise ^outrAmes and Howard A. 6a

' i - S s S T * “ P complaintsi mg out a num ber of wl>

■*' J ' B-B gun*. T heir case* wten flrat aid by ^ Ada county probaikntelea when an «ocrdanee w ith t«rm* ilaur died in t h . hablllUUon a c tChristma* w llh , ^aae* Referred

Ical (NEA UU* 8ub»e<iuently Uielr caw icai. {.%tA le u ^ ^

_______________ conimltUd th e boy* to SlK arl Jepperson, a tto rn

Ames boy. and W alter M. A men's legal bountel. fUkd

IdenUcal applicaU oiu fo: habeu* corpU* and won

^ 1 iU y * ln the a e c u tlo n ofissiul Si.™Koelsch ordered th e bo

ru le r s . a r r i v e d before him on Dec. 39 to th - lo n g A s ia n »heWier t t a WriU b ^ a Up n rtllr ip ji o f • O’* iile fed,hc p o u c ie a OI „ SrheUjer Uje

. , . health ahould be upheld,le v s a id i n a s Bc m o u citei!'l ik o la i B u lgA - JePPesen conU nded Uon m o n k in d .’’ f t & S Mth o u s a n d s o f cited thre* reaaon* for Ji

Uon._____ 1. The act delegate* i

V l a K e S ‘»dy function*^ JudlcUl In nature , which >

___ __ separation of power prI D S l O l conaUtuUon.

3. *Ihe. act a tU m pU to

iatellite3. The act allow* the

■la. N. Y.. Dcc. 31 commll Juveniles w llhoutIn Uie UnlUd ea* Of law" In lh a t offend

ouncll UKJay U committed w llhout hearlnL9lon to Uic world cnU can be deprived <Uonnl upon the wiihoui due cause.Mongolln. a* a side Issue, Jepptrkndy A. Sobolev th a t Uie sU U consUtulloent u> a British "concurrent JurlsdlcUon"nred Jnpnn fully and dlsUlcl courU In maimembenhlp and offenses. Ke said theIhnt Uie Tokyo (CMiini*^ an H t> *.

lon be ndm llUd,” --------------------------

evolution. “““'Blood Drivipan's Admlulon

Quota' Misby Nntlonnllst ^

Jir Pierson Dixon Bv FCW 1b K ? ‘ f n s S h l e r ; Dec 31-U nnft: Uie crent eaU b- dlvidunU faUed U> support Ul n liiU e ^ o u n . «'rM<ly had pledRed U g ^ . t i™ «r« AmcrlMn R ^ Cross bl cnUons are ^ Tuesday and Uie-lOO-plnt .•I«I in tl.* J t. m lsjfd by 16 pint*.

f« .1^ However. Red Crow oJ . ^ n f i l S draw ing "venv.M? u . tory" because this waa Uiekills IU nm end- , j , j gomiiH WlUi 75 pledging to glvid nnoUier busy j,njg to beUeve«fore sU rUng a y ,o M be missed. Some

II awalUd a pledging failed to a tten d 1 L- unfoneen-problem*,ne U. N.* Pale*- w r^ ZIU Ronthe. cxecul r. on the Dec. 11 tjxy ot the ch ap u r . rep lyrlan forces a t drawing suceeiiful. noU

Palls drew only 58 plnU 1----------- collection.KILLED She thanked the Ora.«. 31 IIB — T en lervlce clubi whleh n o t or ny in nn explo- with Uie admlnlstraUon bi conl mine near ed donors,

lon wns blnmed Sne reporUd W ayne S n of fire dnmp Leo Whelan received thi

Iplns a t the drawing.

m 1 0 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0

5tock in Record Iness—of $1,840,* The sU U m ent advised

tha l the company'* dlrecl /IdenUy made a decided U declare a dlvldi 1 lo boost th e cenU a ihare In th e fUs lie offering be- of ISSO. ot heavy m nr- On this basis, the stock i

e new common M-^0 » year, voting rlghU. The reglaUaUon aUU m

3lUig power has however, tha t laU r dlvidcn ly nnd heir* of considered e tch quarU r.. I. vary "subject to bu»lne*s cm s a sh ift trom and Uie operating a n d fini lenhlp,. nnd lhe sltlon of Uie pompany." n t am ounU U> The earnings report for al approval fo r nine monUu of 19SS aho« ock. " Ins* amounting to |5.8ft a

Uie sU U m enl Tlie offering price o f t h e . nde by Ford flt- be reporUd U SBC U tc r- mcement oi th e Jusl before Jan. IS, th e proi: mulUneously In on which the *iock wip i e i

(Cfatl>i«4 «a r a t« ''t .% li

Bihi ■ l ' ■ ■ tr n m

'A H O , W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B l

ision Give )btain Idal •, Truck T{(/P)— I d a h o ’s p a s s e n g e r c a r a n d ti g r a n t e d a n e x t r a 20 d n y s lo bu;

e r , c o m m ls a lo n e r o f ln w e n fo rce n ro v a l o f G ov . R o b e r t E . S m y lie . he in . 2 0 , 196G, to b u y th e i r p la te s , r t h e I d a h o c o d c w h ic h s e ts J a n . c s t h e la w e n fo r c e m e n t d e p ar ti--------------------- p r iv i le g e o f e x ten t

_ | . l ‘‘n o t to ex ce ed 45 l l l l l i g o o d c a u se sh o w n .”

_ K oehler Mid a surviJ , Uial only aboul two*tlr \ J C L passenger car ow nen hi ' ■ th e ir pUUa trom count

He aald bad wcaUier ai 9 t 1 . C S I m any p a ru of Uie s u u ' _ were to blame.Pre»* H e added Uist Uia rI nha b lllU tlo n i u t « proraUon agreemei eaded for a iu - «,as no l compleled un U consUU^Uon- December, "brmglng ab< Uiree separnU , j e of notice U ttucklns

e and Orange* )„ ,« u ,e agreement affe , , , . Uon of Ihelr trucks and

^ “ **1 higher priced plates In 1' r t 1958 Uie price had been i

V c a r for passenger vehlcy wa* uncon- , , ,3 0the age of Uie ear.

■■ UKU.r t to 'que*U on

i“ W o o l ,S. Salmen. were 'linU of thool* A *

windows wlUi / \ 1s were referred X X 1 . X C o b a u court, inTis Of the re* I m m e d ia t e a n d lc

. p r o m o tio n a lo n g w itcase* were re- c u s s e d a t th e a n n u a lboard, which s to c k M a rk e t in g ass

0 s t , Anthony, c n r id g c , p r e s id e n t 0:to ld t h c g ro w e rs . “ V

2 S u . l l ; be im porting i t if wfor wrlU- of H e w e n t on to e*

i-on Umporary '

;.SiS'o-s:;;U.F.Worki .Vote to

ged o lfendert y-v -w*

^ U ul Jaiu , . U POCATELLO. D oc 31

*, 1" . . - m ounU ln raUway cond : brakem en hare voUd

interview, n e ngnj^gt Uie Dnlon Pad or hU eo n u n - „ „ t ^ un,on ,' . yesterdny.

whi’ ri »• “ • «“ “ ■

provuion of 400 .n d 6OO unic■ (« s iv . B u t he srfded Uie sir,

K h i feci aU of Union Pncltl I7»ln .n d j . t a 'i . r v l t . .

»»,. -« » lhe U rritory wesl of OW yo- Sailo u t • due p r o ^ ^ “ on lo place a picket lli

a r ln S a n d p n r - ..H «-said ualon-jaembt rd Of custody per cen t in favor of a

. . m all ballol "because t> eppeson noU d u ,n t Uie carrier's rtp u t on provldM have declined U ttcognli on- U) probaU due under scheduled ntre m any Juvenile because of Uie vicious dl the provision der Uie JurlsdlcUon of I 1. C4IMH 0 U ndent a l PocaUUo. --------- I "T o my knowtedse. nt


1 Corbett snld Uie slxUe U S S c Q Union Pacific's CcnUal 1

w estem distrlcu and will T > * a on lines from Oreen RIvi r i n t f i Seattle , Yakima nnd S

W ashlngUn, Porllnnd In 1 inftillated In- Lewlaton and Moscow it >ort those who well as Inner dlvlslonnl 1 A give to the A spokesman for Unl1 bloodmoblle said Uie mllroad would lint quoU was com m ent on Corbett’s

m ent ImmedUUIy. He sa s o f f l c l a l t ha<l ttc tW td no o»iclal very sa tisfac- the strike acUon a.i yet.I the f irs t col- I t was considered llkel im m unity. road would ask for media give. oHIcials dUpuU, Uius invoking * 3

leve the quoU ing off period Uial woul ome of those Uie s trike deadline, nd because of _______________

Young Dri'noiUig Twin ^ ^ ^

“ Fmed$3SO ranges and

Burley'Jle K lous and l-* rry MorUn. 17. Di

Uielr gallon f'ned »"<! his llcen» was suspended for 30 day

------------------- day by Burley Police JuiW. T ucker on a chnrse 1 driving.

T h e youlh was arresUd _ . _ Ing a girl for a ride. W htt 1 1 / v r a l obJecUd U when Uicy an J J r ^ r L I was the fact his eompi

slu ing a t hU left side lm led ih e ’BEC h lsT lghu irectora h sv e Calvin BaUman. Jerom Ivldend of 60 by S U U Patrolman Euge m a t quarter Wednesday morning on a

runhlng Uirough a stop «k would poy fined tlO and *3 costs b

' ' Judge Theron Ward. Jero: W rtn Oo<, R upttl, I,

? , L m Of to Rupert PoOeorge Redford Tuesday 0

*■ '

« P E = , r . o N . t ft a share. MOSCOW Dec. 31 Oft-I the stoclr will Union U preparing to k tcr-^ irobably enUfIc expedlUon to probabU di%e A frica In connecUon wlUi b t placed on naUonal geophysical yea % la a a I) learned loday.

^ N in e I r r lg a fe i

MBER 21, 195S

en IStat(See]

............nrp(I buy 195G li- J . V / k

rc e m e n t . .sa id B O IS E . D ec . 21 (I !. he is g iv in g $ 2 3 ,000 p o lio vaccin JS- y e a r -o ld I d a h o c h ilt J a n . 1 nfT t h c T h e p r o g ra m w ns p a r tm e n t t h e i t j , n u th o r iz c i l , t h i : te n d in g t h i s | ---------------------------------

™"°‘”'” Toll CUmlsurvey rcvpiiledwo-tlfihs of the T ? ______« had ObUlned Q I H l l U Owunty assesaors, ___ier and roads in \ V T * • u u u n d o u b u d ly \ V l l l t C r V

Jia recent n ine- LONDON, Dec. 31 OT •ement on trucks u il in Europe's Iciest si I unUl early in 33 lodny and there 'wei g about a ah o rt- the crews of three mlssl cklng firms nfl to died in the sUrmy Bnll affecU regLiira- Uie b ilU res t cold In H

I and fleets." reporud. year for the new w idespread aerial lu I In Idaho. Up w ordered today for Uie sh xen a f la t »5 per permllUng. B u t the blli vehlclea. I t now jn j down from Siberia j0, depending on out hope th c ssllors woi

The missing ships we #d on Uie bMls Lsh frelghU r Hoeken ( ■hat purpose* the 15 ^ e n aboard tnd

_______ (C«nUii»»< «■ P m i.

Sheep Projec red for T. F. id lo n g r a n g e p la n n in g f o r sh e ep ' w ith g o v e r n m e n t in c e n t i v e p rice s n u a l m e e t i n g o f th e T w in F a lls Coi a s s o c i a t io n T u e s d a y a f te r n o o n . Jo

n t o f t h e N a t io n a l W o o lg ro w c rs a;1. “ W e h a v e n o s u r p lu s in w ool. Wi I f w e d id ."0 e x p la in t h e in c re a s e d p o p u la r i t j T h e P e n d le to n W o

i ln a b le t o su p p ^ K e r s n tn d Uicy have Jer w

ucls. he said. The compi ■ W T ^ l l ins two new fncUries W a I K meet the demand but . , . the s to rt* a r t btlna

f;. * - | PendleUn garments. I f l t l . A . J Breckenrldge reporU ’ oUier faeujrle* which atK. 31 U ^ -Io te r- wool to th e synUieUc conductor* *nd hnve Rone back U wOi

'oUd to str ike cenUge of wool mixed t Pacific.railroad thcUc* Is growlog U r

Ion official sa id added.He told Uie assoclaU

enertl ch n irm an Ui»t to be cllBlbl# for 1 e tj’ brotherhood, prlce given by Uie goven1 dlrecUy a ffec t must hnve undergone I union membera. slnughUr. and Uie &i e strike will a f - have been owned for n ’ncltlc's "engine, days. Breckenrldge « 'Ice employes on srowera no t to cx p « t Ui of Oreen R iver. unUl Uie middle of July ' Sail Lake C ity John W. N oh, membe t ll is m y lnt«n* Uonnl executive commll et line" *>n sU ps belntt Uken f emb£ra_T0 Ud. flS consum pH on,oI.m uttcn Jf a su-lke in » '‘ “o' by naUonal sdvert Ae t>I th e Iftcl He sMd pronvoUan ta

represenutlves «hecp nnd wool hnve 1 ognlie p a y m en u »nd given to different ingreem enU nnd «senclc.ii. us discipline u n - ^ 0 get th e promoU of Uie supe rln - under wny ImmedlnUly.

), tee hns borrowed 1350,00 ;. nl no place in 'The promotion cnmpal "duclpllne exer- flnnnced by th e growera a It ll a t Poca- Noh rep o ru d the maJ

U pushlns th e use of e ilxUe win a ffec t Angeles. San Francisco, ua l and N orth- cltJ« In Uie New Englnr 1 will h l l service count for 10 per cent . I River. W yo, to l*mb coniumpUon,’’ he :id Spokane In Dr. Floyd Frnnk. Ca d in Oregon a n d verslly of Idaho exUn 3w in Idaho «s reporU 4 on various sh« mnl p o ln u (C«atlns«4 an r«f> 1. c

Union PnclfIc --------------------- --

sr.r»c"c; Magic Val]le said the line O

Countieslikely the rn ll-

K^3o“.doycoo i- P ow er!would postpone

BOISE. Dcc. 31-S l---------- rccclvcd the ' largest 1

• Uon of the ir property u>1 1 V 0 1 Idaho Power company. 1

Boise. Company presidei Q P Tuesdny. Tlie countlcs0 0 j j y more, Gooding. JcKime.,]

• ' coin and Twin Palls.More thnn a million

J t l U i l C ' properly u x ea for the f r n,„.i.« 1055 hnve been pnld U

counties. Tlie toU l comp.1 ^ A . for the stnte in 1855 will

^ s i u ..w Sww porUon o : U\t Wl

CJU m .M > ^ ^ ? These nnd o the r mlscclla: ,e InsUad of a t Ii

U) nboui-M.OOO.OOO for tl Tw'n Falls county rec(

f™ '" “ nho Power f( , „ . ' . h a lt of 1855 property

P ro b a ti ,273450. A breakdoTO 1 Jerome. gUUment disclosed Uisl

•I. forfeited « fo rsU U use; J5fl,03l for r t Police Judge v i i . and 1103.300 for schi lay o n a chnrite polnU d oUl Uiat

a , r e ^ trnffic dollnr paltomer service Is “siphon Uxes." Tlie toU I compai

S s r r 1055 will be about I7,700.iOft-The Sovlel cent of which are federal to send a scl* T o u l Idaho Power Uxi U equatorial Roach added, exceed the WlU) the InU r-'pay ro ll by t3,SOO.DOO and

year, I t w & t|than double th e divldea J ah u to w n en .

igafcd Idaho Counties

Utmbtr «t Auilll RutMu el ClrfBltlk AtiocltUd I’m i ind UnlltU Pxai

te Healt eks U. S est Polk, 21 (U.Ri— T h e s l a t e b o a rd o f h e a ll 'a cc in c d is t r ib u t io n n u d c v a lu u tio i c h ild re n w h o h a v e n o t p rc v io u s l;

1 w n s s u b m it te d to t h e U . S . d e p a ll, t h e p ro g ra m w ill b e f in a n c e d f

im b in g Speal

u ' o p e a u J l i j U

ry B l a s t

. 31 OT-The dealh ^clest slorm reached ; ' < |;re 'were Iciirs thale missing ships had ^ly BnlUc sea where .1 In 100 yenrs wns J | '

rial senrche* were ) ’Uie ships—weaUier ) :.wKS!EM

hc blizzards sweep- ,iberla almost wiped > in would be found.Ips were the Swed* eken with

the Oerman■m i. C«lui.« Jl

.Meetih e e p a n d w oolin c e s w ere d is - ot Commeree Jan . 11Is C o u n ty L iv e - prof«*or of marfcetlDn. J o h n B re ck - *t U.e U nlferslly ole rs a s s o c ia t io n , ___ ___3l. W c w o u ld n ’t * * *

i l a r i ty o f w ool. A u t h o r 5I W o o len m il ls ^ r o

C . o f C . bcompany Is build- - r . r r i l ' l 1

:torles U try and I ' n I p , | id bu t meanwhile * * * ^Btlna raw oatd on -Dr. noy«l L . O ar ■nts. lecturer will be Uiereporud a e t e r a l , t the annual Chaj hich jwitched from mere* ladies n igh t b Uietic blends now in the Americnn Le; U WOOL ,The per- p r n n r ff orofesao

3g U rger, too, he di«us* *. , hum an relaUon*.“

for more Uian 30 " ‘Eht banquet, lge warned th e K enneth Montgorr wet Uielr paymenU *ccreUry-mnnnger, u of July. bers to n tu n d . A repnember of the n t- tivltle* will be given om m iiue. reported o ffi« rs InUoduced. Uen for Increased _Mont«omery asked au ttcn and use of '’■'’c to n ttend to mn,advertising;--------- b rca rin ff-ine-C lum lJan tampaljTvs U t _ --------------

S e n ^ ^ S v ^ '^ b J OverseasInUly. the com'mlU Fund Us1350,000,* Noh said.

B y L a wle m ajor campnlgn •';e of mullon. "Los WASHINOTON. D« nclsco. and a few (“ or Byrd. D., V a, si England sute-i nc- Amcrlcnn forefgn nl eenl of ih# u u l been used U reduce

1,'' he said. ond help pay off Dcni lk. Caldwell. Unl- The Virginian cIUc exUnalon otflcer. ample* o t ways he ss us sheep diseases, dollars have been squt . f . i . c . i . » o elgn economic nld."-------------- sucli p rnctlcu be stofT 1 1 OpposlUon ;alieV Byrd's blast appart

J some su-ong opposlUc' . \o tho EUenhower aites Ijet economi

by about 300 million r f i next fiscal yenr. begin

II A a x e s:ln government, said I:

31—s ix counties! he wnnU economic n geat single por-lu in i he will go nlonB rty u x e s from the .ndmlnlsirnUon prop-

three blllloai. U n d e n mUcs^ncl^rtV economic nid fu

rlM to J 1.000.00 «m e,B lslne, U n- ^, I confirmed through

nllllon dollnrs In ronccrnrrt thn t we 1; , o 'j 100 million dollars toaid to 37 Id « h o |i,„ debt." Byrd snld.

I company Wn bill, Confln55 will nmounl to:

' from Hn'-c’f* StAssei pport of “ hools.;. I million dollnrs In t

U« Wlowall-hoMt funds had been given to an ftdd ltlonn lL „n„ n u x cut before

Wl general elections,I secreury- of S U U D, Iscellancous uxesjj.gj{„(,„y „

;s Of Idnho Power| in g r e s s for )4lor the yenr.. foreign aid approprinl

ty received »136,- year. Byrd snld h e wi; )wer for Uie first p n n of Uils which la 5erty Uxes, The ^ulld un n reserve fun je approxlmnteb- ma jpendlng In years p loft'n of the U x'd m»t- | i e j l 3 Is 1“ " “ “ “31 for Uitrfounty f l i f for schools Iit Uiat aboul one*: SAN CLEMENTE, nr paid for cus-i 31 (Ji—ChrlsUnos sh siphoned off for, week get a g ift froi company u x for| ClemenU cily councl 17,700.000-56 per Draped over the h< rederal levies. parking m eU r U a

M a t n V ^ l d S i O o«l UTOWh


. E D I T I O ;

P K ic E

th Boan Okay

0 Vacciie a l th to d a y propo.>;cd a fcde ra ll tio n , p ro g ra m in v o lv in g aom e GOi u sly rec e iv e d th e s e ru m . ,e p a r tm e iil o f p u b lic h e a lth fo r 1 id f ro m th e p u b lic h e a l th se rv icc '

c in e fu n d . .o I t a i * P'®"- outlinedO lV c L st^itcmenl by the b<

repeals the board's " ponemeni" ol mai w ith lhe Salk serum

Claiming the “nes bear "only casual the vaccine ot the o r even u those ol 1055." Uie board sa

/n S S a ^ g a very Im porunl si T hc board snld ot

"crlUcnlly evalusU vaccines and a fu r been reassured of U serum “the majorltj

' ■ W a i J w ents would Uien ecr w i a m m B a th e ir children recelv

One of the wont in th e hlsUry of triggered l u t spring lauons wlUi the Sal duced by CutUr Berkeley. Calif. 1 postponement of m

r t f

S8P isTesti« keynoU speaker H Pladies o tfh t ban* 1 • I * •In Falli Chambern. 11. Dr. G arff Is TesUng of Twla P t e t t e r and speech flc Umer Tuesdsy n :y of UUh. (SU ff M veral verbal wanil

The Umer w u optn ^ tim e on Addison sve:

U r on Main avenue' Seversl moUrtsU

O l a t e s « mUe* per hour zone OD Addison • ' Main avenue speed*

■ o p e e c j a m ue*'per hour w e« r 9 None of Uie offei

i* 1 1 b u t each had U 8 0 1' . J a D * 1 1 m allly of submltUn

driver's license. All O arlt. auUior u d they had exceeded t t e guest sp « k W were wilhied lo be c

Chamber o f Com - turfc h t b snq t« t Ja n . I I Poiiee ssid the i

legion hall. equipment. w|U, be ressor of m arketing use beglnlnr.Uands the Unlvenslty of elUUons will 1»B ss “How. a rs your The t t t w u Id

aboul 30 m lnu(«. 6<1 In 31 sU te i and ellny; speeds above aUioF of "Vou Can were no t contacted ^ ReccnUy he a d - cars were called to ll Klwanls ladles o f the city In resp

alarms.tgomery, Chnmber ■ -------- --

West Po:lven and Uie 1056 ^ .

^ked Uiose plan- C O l l V l C i ' mnke re se rv a tio n s __________ __

CoUab( is Aid ™T T T » . W est Point gradus

H l f court marUaled fo J S C S l l l l , u,g' 1 guilty of 'bringing iiwmaker

r. Dec. 21 I fi -S e n - u le s , a 3B-year-oli U snld todny th a t from Birmingham, / I nid funds hod wns found guilty of luce British U xes gnnda recordings ft Dcnmnrk's debu and NorUi K o r e a clUd these as ex- while he was being le snld ‘'billions of oner of wnr. squandered In for-

demanded of ,b e tti5l ‘S l bu l wns found guilty« t o , w ! i «islUon In congrcss ^;r admlnlslnvUon-s *enl«ice mear lomie aid sncndlne on duly as a lie lion dollnrs in Uic he «1U be sUUc icglnnlng July 1. “ o" for two year Jvocnte of economy LleuU Col. Leslie E Id in nn interview Rouge. Ln.. Liles’ d ,1c nid ended, bu t snld the defendnnl ilong with foreign accept whnUver sent e n t the level the marUal board passed, iroposes — n b 0 u t More than 3 JOO Jcr ndminlsUTiUon tesUmony were Uken Id funds next year dny U ial. AnoUier I, M.OOO,000. concerned wllh 120I Europe this fnll. s e n u d by boUi prose ugh the officials fense.•e gnve Denmftrk LUes conUnded Ui s to help pay off «n escnps plnn whilt. lid. He sa id nbout 70 mernflrmatlon In Uie plnn,hc hnd obtained T he governmenl mi

nssen. former for- wns no escape plnn lirmntlon Uint 300 cooperated with Uie n economic - aid N orth Korean Cora vcn BriU ln to 11- b e lltr hla own erafore the lnst Brll- ------------------ru. AMBUSH Ilc Dulles disclosed MANILA. P. I.. Dec, le ndmlnlslraUon ° f (funmcn. believed ir J4J)00.000,000 In of the communlst-led ir in iio n sT r nex l ^ *nd killed four PHI s will oppose any L asuna province soul h U designed to cording lo army rcpoifund for foreign ________-

ars ahead. H j H S H O

fT^ ^ ■ S I dayTE. Cnllf., Dec. f te, ’c1 shoppers th b H t i p r i g l l

from tho San I •-,w%awvvww«3 wwuncll.. , I J l>e hood of each I S P P V .W x Vs a small sign 1

nasi One hour |

SiL 1



rd ' r to •

ines ie ra l ly - f in a n c e d ,! COO 5- a n d 6~

fo r a p p ro v a l. I f v ice 's polio v a c - I

lined In a flve-psgv he board of health , rd's "IndetUUU post-

m au InocuUUons erum.“new Salk vacelnes"

lusl resembUnce to the 18M field W all oe of Ult spring of 'd said reUsttng ~U n t study."id oUier su tes wera ,lunUns'’ Uie new tf u r Idahoans h a d of Uie safety of th e Jorlty of Idaho p*r> i n ccnsent In havinc receive the vaccine." ront polio outbreaks

of the tU U w as { iring bf mass inoeu- e Salk vaccine p ro - Ur Itboralories of f. l h e Indefiniteof mass tmmim lm - Pit« II. C«Uu 4)

Timer sted on i". Streetsvl& Falls' radar ti'&f* lsy night resulted ta van ilnp to speedm . optraUd for « sh o r t t avenue west and U> mue west.rtsu were «lock«d:at Hour la: Uie W-mll* on avenue, while' a a ; ' peeds in excess o t 90’ were detected. ■ - v offeadera w u c ited. '

D go th rouih Uie (o r- ilttlng to a check o t I. AU w ue In fo m ed ided speed l ln i lU .u d ’I be csreful In t i u tu*

lhe new »»d*r t im e r • • |, be put . Into tc ta s j tt id sy sa d the reetter e issaetf. . •I Id . o p tn t l ^ ojjV ‘ e«. Soms d r i ^ n trmr* bove tha le tal lim it acted because poUee d to anoUier section response to prowler

Pointer - cted for , iBorating iW ash, Dee. 31 ( m - 1 V. Ules. Uie only radusU ever to be d for eoUaborattnc y. todsy w u fotmd Ilng dlsc,redll on the " and w u luspendod i monUis.ar-old carter soldier im, Ala., specifically ;y of making propa- gs for the Chinese i r e a n CommunlsU elng held u a prl»-

i t U trial on cbatxee ibettlng the enemy** ullty only of "brtng- «n the armed serv-

means LUes will ro -

UUe on Uie promo- years.

llie E. Olzon. BstoQ > a ’ defense counsel. . jnnt was resdy to sentence Uie coort

issed.300 pages of legal aken during the 30- ier 1,500 pages were

120 exhlblU p re- I prosecuUon snd d e - ;

d tha t he drew up rhllUiB w u a POW.I %ien were Involved

nt mtinUlned there linn nnd Uiat LUes

the Chlneae and Coramiinlsu solely n cri^dlUon.

SH HELD ', Dec. 31 iW-A band ; :ved U be members l-led Huk. ambush- r Plllplno soldiers In

souUi of here, ac- rcporu today. |


I m S S i i i i i

i l n M S t b h . J


Page 2: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

j 1 7 P e o p l e D i e

j A s B i g P l a n e

S m a c k s T r e e s. _ ir r> . P l l . On.)I wai In IHe y»rd of h is hom e'w li^n

he heard the pUne comlni; in nna loolLed up.

••It appeared to h ll th f top of iome pine trees enJy nljoui SO from where I»wa* itnndlnc." he luUd.

: “I t sounded lUce 11 was In cood m e- I chAnlcal oondlUon bu t It aeemed ' Just lo eome ia too Jo»-. I t h i t ths

ton of the Ures. h it th r dirt, th cn | ' burst Inlo Ilnmcs. l tnolc off for ; help.'' '

■ W reckas«w a*»lrew n«!ong:»pa{h j of about 500 yards. T h r wlnRs werel ! nheared off and the four engine*

hurled from their moorlnsa. Small blaiea slarUd up In lh«* dry ' v,’oodland and fire rjghtrra louch t J for several hours ^ fo r e being abl# I t« approach the twisted maaa which [ had been tha cabm.

Y o u t h s D e p r i v e d

; O f H u n t P e r m i t s} Tha IMS hunUng llcen«4 of twoI U-year*oId nlmroda were revoked

II Tuesday and th ty were denied the ‘ privilege of applying for 1958 hUnt-

I Ing and/lah lng licenses u n til J u ly 1, 1058. for ahooUng ducks afl<r houra,

I Charlea Baird, w n of Mr. and Mrs.Alma Baird. 340 Buena V ltta a lre rt.

' and John WItlU. sen o t Mr. and Mra, E. E. While, « l Blue Lakes Boulevard north, admitted In Twin Palls prob»t« courl they were aliool- Jng duck* a t Afar)' Alice Jake n tle t

' sundown Mor. 19.I The complalnl w m algned by Con-

(ervaUon Offleer PVrd S. Edwards.1 A request to file a petition w m en ­

tered In probate court on Nov. 35.I Thfl peUUon waa filed la ter nnd

Judge Evtretl M. Sweeley eludled the esM before making hla ruflng Tueaday^_________________

GRADUATED 'FIL E n. Dec. 31 — Richard H. {

Smith, ton of Mr. and Mra. Claude Sm ith. W er. h ia been graduated , from the navy prefllghi eehool a l , Pensacola, Fla. ,1 ■ — (

H o s p i t a l s <I - . ' 1

M a g i c V a l l e y M e m o r i a l *•••'•vumng hour* a t Mnglo Vnlley , Memorial hospital are from 2 to 4 I p in . and 7 to 8 p.m.

ABMITTED Mr*. Robert Baybom. David w a lk ­

er. Ted Smith and L arry Dahm er, aU Twin FalU; Mrt. Amos filmpson. J AUred Beechman and O ertrude a

1 Walker. aU Buhl; Mrs. Boy Vader, H Hagerman; H arry fitudley and Mrs. W ayman Kimball, both Kimberly: ' Mrs. Julius Flater, Rupert; Mrs. Oeorge' Hespelt, Wendell: B re n t j

] Jatkaon. Qoodlng! C uey Andersen, *' Declo. and W aller Lackey, Filer. *

' ' DISMISSEDM n. Ctcll Plolt and daughter. *’

K r«. J ; A. Reed, Mrs. Calvin C un- « nlngham asd ion, M n . Joe F rench ''

! iw d daughter ar»d DflVld Wnliier. a ll , Twin Palli; Mr*. Harley King and *

I daughter, PWrfleld; Mr*. M arth a ' Roger*, Filer; Alfred Beechnum, ^

■ lie iode Van SJcWm. y red -B tirk - ^ ha lter, Mr*. Albert to b e re r and Mrs, ,, Amo* Btlrapaon. all Buhl, and M n .

I Louis Dllka and son, M urtaugh.

I S t . B c n c d i c t ’s , J e r o m eVlalUng hour* a t 8t. Benedict'*

r hospital are trom 3 t o i ana 7 to B p m

I ADMlTZKn ".' Kenilelh Duncan. Olenn* Ferry;I Mr*. DarreU BroK'nfee and Mrs. A. *■

i W .‘ Croia, both Jerome; Mr*. R alph " I,' Borant. T uin Falls; Marlon P e a r- J'

I M n. Moore, and Mra. o len K och nnd }; M rt. ArUittr Daniel*, ar., both W en-

DISMIRSED ■ ^Bobert Claiborne. Dllly W ebster ,

and Mr*. Elwood Seeker and aon, “ a ll Jerome; LeRoy Burkett, W endell, J ' and Ployd Spraktes. Shoshone. ^

. BIRTHS Oaughtera were bom to Mr. and

Mr*. Darrell Brownlee. Jerom e, anrt Mr. and Mra. Olen Koch.- W endell. “

C o t t a g e , B u r l e y cADMtTTED d

Sally Cargill and Mrti. Dorothy c( ajcoek , bolh BirrJey; jvfra. O erild lne Eller* and Mrs. M argaret K night, r bo th Rupert: Mr.i. O lenette B rack- JJ enbury, Albion, and Mr*. Melba H einer. Oakley.

DISMISSKD CurUss I/)vcleis, Burley: Mrs- Ella

Ambler, Oakley, and Mrs. Olend.i *" Osterfteat, Tv,ln Pallt. u;

BIRTHS P'A son wa* bom lo Mr. and Mrs. hi

Gerald Drackenbur>-. Albion.-------- h,

I G o o d i n g M e m o r i a lI "Vlxltlns houra a t Ooodlng Coun- ■ ly Memorial bospllA) aro from 3 to _. B 4:30 and 7 to 8:30 pm .P ADMITTED1 ; Dennlii Christensen, Moore; and " l Wl Mra. Fred Sheldon and Mra. W ll- ns K Uam Sackman. both Ooodlni;.

DISMISSED ; Mre. CUrence Carothers aiul son , and Jake Bedmul. nil Sho&lione. tu I n iiiT iis fit

A son wn* born tn Mr. and Mrs. soi I. Fred Sheldon. Goodins. flr

-------- ;------------------- - ll

II W e a t h e r

Magle Valley — Cloudy and mild' w llh oecjulonal rain tonlglit and to-

nsorrow. Afternoon (em p tra tu rrs |__45 to 55, law lonlglit 35 lo 40. Oc- catlonal guily winds tomorrnw. Low , laat night 35, 47 a l J a . m. 55 a l l ° ‘

_____SUUon U x. Mlr. Tir

.....-............... .H « i;

a? Tr■ ss.7,-_ . !: •“ '

i;oodlr« . ............... ...... Jft n .10

S S J " ' . j !Oonh» ........................... II 7 fieJ

! rho,nl. . «• .......... ......... . 4» S* ■ ^

■ I’sril.nil _______.•.____ S3 i t .U ^/I«k B iH nii-------------- :» fori - tU U k tU ir ------------ w SI Hi

li L ut------- ------------- n u i ,« mni

• rw i^ rA L iA 'Z I™ ™ .!* « ir !V»»lilr»ien ___________:* 1»

■ pa ge 'too

K eep th e W hite Flag ol B aic ty Flying

B ( I

3S' I

ana l l a , .

-•Ud, rned ' I "th s 'h rn ; Noio tw o days tc U h o u t a

£ ra //Jc death in our Uagic ■ Valin.

■ath ^ ^

Cleric Gives I YuleTalkal

Rotary Meet‘ C hrlitinaa t* n o t only the anni-

ver*ar7 o l th e b lr lh ef a Baby— i ,_ C hrU tm u U the annual remem- I S brance of Cod'* e n try Into hum*n

life." tha Rev. N or«*n stockwell told T»ln P»1U R otary club ro«}- bera W edne*lay.

T he Rev. Mr. Stockwell gave the club'a annual ChrUtma* addres.^ Jnl- Jowing Jhe weekly Juncheon a t lhe American Legion hall.

Ira. He opened hi* U lk by aaklng rrt, membera w h at they conaldered the md m a it Important occyrance in hls- kes lory. To lllualrate h la point he cited fin ilx answen he h a d heard given to ol- U)e quesllon.ler -They are aetU em ent of Jamestoa’n

In Virginia, defeat of Die Saracm i n l the battle cf T ours, apllttlng lhe atom a l M asaachuaelta Inalltute of

■n.' TechnoJob', d efeat oS the Japanese 25 In World w ar II. invention of wheel ,,(]■ and blrih of Jeaua Christ, led •'HUtory provea th a t the blrlh ot n ,. J n u i Christ w aj th e n u t Impot-

** la n t event.” tho Bev. Mr. Stockwell declared. 'T he .quea tlons of where each of ua came from , what we are

„ doing h tre a n d w here we are going " • U answered In the birth,"

H e told the members lh a t Uie forces keeping th e universe gcln^ and ths orderllneaa of human life waa evidence of th e existence of

- t Ood.Ouest* were Rotnrlana James

Calrru. Shoshone; and Nell Olxon, Salt Lake CUy, a n d M erritt Oree-

—< ling, Thomaa RjidcllJf and Ron I Peraonlla, a ll Tw in Fall*.

" Everett Jack, 67,I. Claimed by Death;r. RUPERT. Dec. 31—Everelt Harold m. Jack . 67, died a t hU hom t four miles de soulheaat of R uperl Tueaday follow- :r, ing a long lllneas. r*. Mr. Jack was born Aug.'S. IOM, In y. W aahlnjlon counly, Arkansas. Hc „ mnrrled In a H anka Uiere on May n t 1, 1015. They cnme to Twin Falls .[J In 191B and moved lo Rupert In

' 1930.Surviving are hU widow, ons son,

. . Richard Jack . R upert; nne grand- 1 ' child, and one aLiler, Mrs. EUlra J , Jone.«. Springdale. Ark.

Funeral aervlcea will be held al "J 3 p. m. Friday n t Uie ChrlsUan “ church with Ui« Rev. Rex Lawson

OfflclaUng. Concluding rlte.i wlll be . ’ held a t Uie R upert cemetery under ' lho direcUon of th e Ooodman mor-


jRed A ctiv ities o f il1 Travis R ecounted 1

DENVER. Dee. 31 l« -O ovem - « m enl altorncya told a U, 8 . dlsUlct < court Jury today th a t union olflclal I Maurice Travl,i •'hna been a Well t

J Indocirlnaled CommunUl alnce early o 1041 and remained ao unlll perjury

' lndictment.t were returned igalnst him in 1054.-

Travis, nn orRanlrer for Uie In- lemaUonal Union of Mine. Mill and e

. . Smelter, workera. wns charged by I ■ federal grnnd Jury Indictment with I

fftlaely awearlng h e waa not a Com- t • m unut aa n union official In 1851

nnd 1053. crt In h lj /inn! nrgumenj, Thomaa } jj Mitchell, a Justice departm enl a t- * ] tomey, qe.wrlbed TTnvls as a "revolu- ‘ ■ tionary" who agreed wiu> postwar

Communi.it pnrty doctrine th a t Jn CommunUl opposition lo the U. 8. government "only force and violence

y could bft uaed."•e — -

; Safe Driving Bid Used for Greeting

a BOISE. Dec. 21 W _ Idaho's'!i aupcrlniendent of atate police made!

use of the aLite'a iiale rirjvlnc « m -.' pnlgn during 1055 na the iheme of

I, hla Chriatmaa cnrd.1 lliU year.‘'Your aafe d riving anrt walking

haa during J55J, a«vrd o ir r 50 I(»m ‘ on nur aireela nnd highway*" A. E. Perklns .vild on th e card,

, "Tlianka i lol— and a Merry Christmas lo you and yours."

Idaha'i iraJfle death total flood I a l 183 loday, compared to 333 a year

f i h e I RAGES !LyN CH D UnO .'va,. Dec. 21

tuo.million dollar bu.ilneas dblrlcl fire rn.ned out of control herr for somr five hours loday, Injurlni: three flrem enund a c ity rleclrlclan before ll was brought under control.

M agic Valley Funerals

TWIN K A LL S-Funrral aervlcea for Kiri G(i}‘ IJti-iby «/J| be field a t ■i p.m. Friday a t th e Tvkln FalU mor- tuno ' chapel w llh th r Rev. Robert Krlm Officiating. Concluding riles u ili be held in San ie t Memorial pnrk. ^

RUPERT — ^^ln^rnl wrvlces f o r t 'lr re t! Jf,iro;<t Jnck wlil br hrid a t2 p. m. I-'rlday n t the ChrUUnn church ulU i th r R«v. Rex ijiwsQh’ OfflclaUng, Concluding riles wlll be' heJd'ftt the R upert cemetery.

TWIN Fa 'lL S .^Funera l service* for Carl Fredrick Baden will be held A( 2 p. m . T liursday a t immanueJi L utheran church w ith the Rev. A r-. m nnd Mucllcr offlclaUng, Conclud- in g rites will be he ld In Sunset Me-; t i to r M p tr k . -

jT o ll .C lim bing F o r E u r o p e a n W in te ry B la s t ^

(r>« . r»t* Oi*»t *- ifrelghUrs SibyUe a n d E m le .« 'lth .a

• 'toU I of 12 crew member*. »; Earlier (earches over the great ! expanse of lhe BalUc fa lM to locatc »l 'th e missing vessels. *

B*ln. fog and gate winds plagued " shipping lo the North *ea while *| Ice id d td to lhe danger in oUier ^ Europein vatenray*. Several ahlp*

a ran agrchmd but were *ared by ^ reacue Te«el*.

Travel Crippled JiSnoa', Ice and sub-freering tem* ^

— ' perature* crlpt>led ^ ansporlatlon “ ashore in d caused iT leasl 23 dealhs ' since t h t atorm first struck Utls I*; week-end. Sweden was hardeat h ll with 10. dead, Ireland reporled four death*, Norway and Holland 1 thrre each. Britain and Belgium Jl one each.

p t Northern EngUnd and parU of Bcoiland dug oul of the worst anow-

inl- storm of the season. Snowdrlfui )y— up lo five feet high blocked roads m - and slowed rail traffic. The m aster nsn Cutler express Jrom Sheffield to well London wa* "m U ilng ''for OO m inutes . m - when railroad oJflclaU loat c onuct.

Snow Covers Area ^the enow covered most of Scandinavia ^ Jnl- and S » jden and Norway were the , lhe eoliliggXounlflti on the continent.

A minus 40 degrees was recorded in :lng Lapland In northern Sweden: K al- Uie mar In southern Sweden reported ^ I'U- mlnuj 4 reading, the eoldesl lo dale led in nearly 100 years.' 10 Unseasonal warm weaUier was re­

ported In SwlUerland and avalanche ' ' ’n guards m alnU lnrd a vigilant walch ens on the snow-covered Alps. lhe - ;

”1 Fire Is Reported g;I In Rugged A rea”,'.’

or- ELLENSBURO. Wash.. Dee. 31 fell —An airline pilot'* report th a t h e 5JJ; ere saw a lire burning In the Teanaw ay are river country northeast of Cle 'T ,ng Elum. W uh ., spurred hope todny J f

lhat a missing paratrooper still was Ltie alive and awaiting rescue In the Ing rngged, anow-covered C a a c n d e life mountaina.of Ron Llndh, foresl ranger a t the

Cle Elum ranger ataUon, anld h e * ies hnd received a report lha t th e pilo t tio 5U, saw Uie fire during a Jllght over Uie cq] 'c- Cascades last night, toon "We hope the Jlre wbs a tarted by

S«l. J. H. Horan, Aa yet, we hnveo 't ,.j[ checked the area ngaln, a lthough searcher* were In th a l locnl yes- terday" JUndh said.

h Horan. 33. Maynard. Mas.^, waa hllcli-hlklng an aerial ride to Sent- lie for a ChrUtmaa reunion w ith I'*;

lid hU Japanese wife and ihe lr th ree les children when he had to ball ou t w- of a spinning air force C-45 Sunday.Thc plane laler was righted and J

In landed a fe ly .- He ----------------------------

Assessor Warns J Of Tax Deadline S

d- Deadline for paying peraonal c rop - Ma ra erty taxes la Tuesdny, warna County bac

Assessor Clifford Thompson. A fter pla t l lh a l date a two p r r cenl penalty pro in plus eight per cent Interest m ust L sn be added lo the amounia due a c - mes be cording lo a stale atatule covering ask er the collecUon of taxes, he anld, pcu f . Thompson noted the sta tu te desig- win

nale* the fourlh Monday In Decem - con b tr as the deadline. Since th e dead - i line thU yenr falU on a legnl holl- doi day It haa been extended one day. but

dT a* pnyments pMlmarked n o t pre; la ler than midnight Tue.\day will be broi accepted wilhoul penally and in te r- erpi J . eat. Thompwin explnlned. A fter th a t hav t t dale.’he aald. he la required by law

Bl lo algn collection warranla a g a ln a t----->lt delinquent taxpayers and tu rn them ■ ly over to the aherlff for acUon. ■•y ----------------------------

“ Breaks Custom «I. TOKYO. Dec, 31-IW-A Jn p a n rsr > id emperor yeaterday attended a movie ly In a public theater for th e f irs t ^ h Ume In the 3,000-year hUtory of N; I- the Imperial family. •“II ^ p e r o r Hlrohllo shattered an ­

other tradition by going lo theI, Imperial theater In downtown Tokyo

lo attend a benefit showing of th e I i . film "Cinerama Holiday," er'iir

3 M Or

j;: Sj-ill Tim e For C hristm as Installotion a n d

, Delivery!

? A D eluxe M o d e l

! A t 'o Low P ric e ! ■

r • 9 0 D eg ree A lu m in iz e c i '!• P ic tu re T u b e

• H eavy D u ly C o sc a d eT u n e r

• T w in 9 ” Ovq! S p e o k e rs

• L a rg e 2 " C o s te rs

( • H ord w o o d M a h o g a n y .C o b in e f

21" C o n so le T V

279.95No Down P qym ent!


•Prire Includes Im u lla llnn and 30 Dar* Fre* Karrlc*!

Twin FaUs NeVWt PUnned

t Eugene SmlUtrU'expected to ar- r lre here Thurndaj from the vel- M eran* hosplUili Bol*e, to apend * T week with his family.

a -------- ClV1*JUb> MolJier ............. ; ,--------- -

t KaUileen Mingo. Los Angeles, U Ih e apendlng lhe ChrUlmas holidays ps

with her moiher, Mrs, Bertha A. U (J Mingo; 435 FlfUi avenue east, MUj e Mingo has been employed In Uie M r CallfomU city the paat six months.

y PartJcJpale In FUy c';Zo* Ann Warberg and BUI War- w

berg, daughter and son of Mr. and Bi . Mr*. George Warberg, were mem- , ber* of Uie cw t whlcJj presented ^ . "Santa CUus" a t the annual faculty T , party a t LlnJleld college, McMInn- t vllle, Ore.

J Report Giv^n 2 On Plans for '■

; Sheep, Wool■ V . ........ “

deroUng mo.il of hU time to flbro- • at*. He told the gmup J/£tir It knou/i ^

o t how the dUeaw sprend.1 and nn . known cure Is in the immediate Ju-■ ture. "Bul,” he lold the group, "s.m- jjj■ (Cation In the pens « W help keep Utt

dUeaso under control." .I Using livestock quolntloru, Wade I ‘ Wells told membrrs aheep prices can ’

be raljed easier l/ian any other meal ' animal.

WelU aald Uir Idea of developing many farm flocLi was a good way lo Insure a steady supply of hig/i grade \ mullon. ch

"With your nnllonal adverlUlng nli plan geUng under wny, you mual eci plan (0 keep a sCeidy supply for tnt slaughter. TIU* m ust all be good Idt gride mullon Jor people will nol buy aU again If their Jlrst purchase is poor nn quaf/cy," he coneluiied. m t

Hank Won’t Be IN Time Money GBy HENRV McLEMORE I

Tlie next tlmr the Ford founda- for Uon gives away SOO mUllon dollnn to Sm colleges nnd universities, X don'l aim j to ,bc’ caught napping. pro

You may rest aisured lhal Uiere will be a Henry McLemore unlver- elty In e x U l r n c e | |H a |a M |^ H «. ; a t lha t Ume, a n d ^ ^ H p j H M that lU president 2ichwill be p a r k e d ^ ^ H s ' , 1 » right ouuide t h e ^ ^ K ^ ' i foundation's office wllh an open s a l - ^ ^ ^ P J •chei, couple o f ^ ^ ^ U L v l a tn ra s bags, a half-lon pick-up

> - o u - H ^ ^ l p f l Hknow-whal make.

r have nirrndy J B B S s B S planted creeping m. l. —.. ivy on all thew’alU of my house, nnd tomorrow Maty Js going to spade the frem nnd back ynrds in rendy Uiem for the ’ planllng of elms to provide tiie ‘"c proper campus shnde. . |^rai

Leller* hnve been aent (o tfie;'>h;i most nbient-mlndert of my friends Pov asking tliem If they would like the Aut ptalllon of nbsenl-mlndrd protejsor. Tor wllhout which no school U renlly O complete. Len

I hnve aent oul feeler* lo hnlf a Lot, dozen blg-name foolbaU co.iche.v ‘rnt but wllh tlio. warning ihnt nlumnl [ a K> pressure to hnve them fired will be Krc( brought to bear lhe minute they ac- witl cepl. Also, they v’cre told they woulil Proi have lo bring along their own effi- Tl RlM Jor burning. th r

achoollpach- er'i rnjfee break._________________

5 1 ^ 0 /



News in Brief ^• Jaywalkeia Po»l Bead*r- Charlea Hackworth and Earl E. t- MuU po*ted $1 bond* Tuesday wllh I Twin P a lb police foe J*ywilklng.

Children'* Party ^ l . ™- - T h e T«rln-PalU-Or*ng*.*lll holtt ofl U the annual children's d r ls im a a coi yj party * t B p jn . Friday, Ench family A. U asked to brln< cookies.AJ -------- In,e Marriage Ucense hliI. A marriage llcen.« was Usued ju'

Tuesday from the Twin FalU counly m clerk’s office lo Harvey Lee Pliant, p*

t- Wendell, aad Janeue U McRoberU. ui, id B u h l fel

;; Winter Wheat’s S Statistics Given S!

WASJflNOTOK. Dec. Ji.fir—'Hie Cragriculture departm rnl today eatl- lOimnled 735,438,000 bu.iheU of fnll- *planted winter wheal will be hnr- 1vested In Il>5«. *»•

Tlie prospective crop next year lo, compares , wiUi 705372,000 buslieU la]I of winter w heat produced in 1055 gr<I and a lO-year average productlan of Itt

60JM.OOO bushelv » ler If the 105# spring whenl crop

'■ equals 1855 producllon of ai,187,000 •;^ busheU, the toUJ 1958 wheat crop of i" wlll be about B68J2S.OOO buihel*. All lie:• w heat producUon In 1055 wns 830.. pei

159,000 busheU. Uit

'. Officers Retained Z'I OODEN. Dee. 31 IR-All olllceVj lo

of Uie Amnlgamaled Sugar company apt J were reelected today a t thc annual Pre0 dlrcclors meeUng. 1- f TJiey a re : MarrJner S. Eccles, sue

chnlrman of Uie board: H, A, Den- cong nlng, prealdenir'A. E, Denning, ex- meit ecuUve vice presldeni nnd general ant r manager; R. H. CollrcJI. vice presl-1 Ident and manager of fnclory oper- T> y aUons: J . J. Dunbar, vice president U ' r nnd salea manager, and J. R. Bnch-

man. ieerfWry-tre.istirer.

Napping Ncxt S Gifts Presented™

opeiI have nlrendy palnled the signs Tl

for the llbrary~"N o Talking.- "No labo Smoking," and "No Rending," Cnc

Jobe for foolbnJ} pinyers Jjave been Pf"' promised, and. in addition, Uiey '‘•Ul|f“ '! be given board, room, booka, tulllon.i*.^^ and slraighl A's. Tliere U nol golngl U> be any JosJng of a eood h.i)fbnck(°' “ on Uie eve ot n big game becausse of' scholastic diniculues- if"®

Alrcndy Tin Pnn Alley haa re- ' Sfwnded whh aample .^fcLemore V. aongs. Here are two likely cliolc's:

-Hall lo thee our Alma Maler.-Hall, oh. hnll to thee.••AUo hnll»o Ford Wundallon y i •'And the Model-T," g d ,

* ’ * high •'MooIa mooln, moola, moola,"Mooln mnola. moola. mooln, ^,p„| • Mooln mooln, tiiooln, moola, valli •'Mucho Mooln, yeah mnnl" eoi-c

• • • AThere will be n good social life on o,ta.

the cnmpus. also. Among Uie Oreek houi I fralemlUcs planning to hound the ir The I nliintnl for building fund* nre Alphn : Power Sieerlng, Phi V-Elght, DelUt jurcn Aulomniic Trnnsfission and Thct.-v ,noutl Torque Suspension, ■ erab

One of fhe novej feature* of Me~ ntlleLemore U, will be a Used-Dlpiomn ___Lol, which will offer the highest Irnrte-in.i for old sheepskins. When n grnritiMe grows fired of his oJrl de­gree he can come back for a new one ^ w ith •'no dojvn-paymenl on ap- proved crrdlU*' ^

Tlie co-eds won’l be'forgotten a t the new achool. ellher. New queens of some sort wlll be elecled two nnd I ., three llme.i n dny. nnd there will lie;auch sports Jor gIrU a* rolling w ir e ------wheeh on Ihe Inwn, nn nnnunl whlte-wall chnln. and a brand new

I Rnme In which nil may pnrlicipale called OpUonal-At-Extra-CaU,

I PnrUcular emphn.iU will be placed Ion the cheering section. Instend of I colored cards, the aiurtents will wave' anrt manipulate old llcen.';e plntes. '

I t sounds like n sound school. If I didn't have to w r\'e na presldeni and irrar.iiicr. I'd be lempted lo en­roll In It niy.'rlt!i|ll.lrit,ui>,| K. MfN.iuM Syn,1lr.tr Inf l'






“llldaho Youth Act May Get

m Highest Test( r r .* rx < Oa.)

makes ll mandatory for all juvenile Jl4 o fto tle rs to ^ handled In probate iia court* rtoUUi ih li prorStloeu Uy T ik e i SImUar Tack

Judge Cramer took a ilm llar tack in hi* n.llng. clUnB two reason* for hU oplnlon-He-saJcf ttie act derive*

led juvenile* of due proceas of the Uw Ity in certain Instance* 4od Illegally t^i. perm iu probate court* to exceed 'U. 11,(lr nultiorJty tn a c tin f on some

felony casea. IHU opinion came In a case in- i

\-olvlng Waller- Lindsey, 17, WhlK i Bird, who w aj picked up In connec* .

_ lion WlUl a burglary. Probile court 3 n placed Uie boy on probaUon. and i

Cramer held thU m eant he waa ( i i . found RUllty o t something wilhoul ‘ II. a •'*pcedy and public" t r l i l . ' ' ir- Paul s , Boyd, chairm an of the ‘

board ofhenlU i. ia ld th a t unUl told ' ■ar lo do oUierwlse by higher aulhorlly c cU {apparently .the supreme .courti lUs . 155 group would continue to administer o{ Ilt parilon o t the a e l ' u I t Js wTll- J

ten."op Polley Adapl«)lOO T he board ha* a d ^ te d a policyop of (emcMrarJiy comAiJtUnr a ll Juv^<\11 lies referred to I t to St. Anthony 3.' pending fu rther, determination of

Uie caae.In inatiMr*ldfl caae lodty, a third .

I youUi picked up w ith Ame* in d Sal-I men nnd also acheduled to be Uken Yj to St. Anthony, filed a noilce of

appeal from the board'* order wfth ^ nl probole Judge John JackMn. r

Legal authority polnled oul thal rj, sucli an appeal doe* not i iu c k the n . conailiuUonallty o f the ic t ' bul [i X- merely quesUon* a ''finding of f ic t a] and law."11. t;

Boycott Dropped s"■ Against Company 1“ WASHINOTON, Dec. 31 lifV-The ''

national labor relaUon* board loday " ordered the Teamater* union to drop *' a secondary boycott agaJnst a New

IYork firm whleh handle* producU , of a Cnche Valley, U tah, dairy co- *| opernUve. “

IS Tlic order climaxed a prolonged *’10 Ubor dUpule. during whleh Uie “

Cnche Valley Dairy aasociaUon sus- “.,, pended UiB m anufacture of SwLviII chee.ie a t lla p lan t near SmlthflcJd.1 Ul"**' HThe assoclaUon brought charges jJ of unfnir lnbor practices against lhe ..fTenmsters ln.st September, nccu.<ins

,Uie union of esU»blUhlng a brtycotl g! .J in New York agnlnst N. Dermnn ;'|nnd company. Inc., whleh handled p

the dnlry flrm'a producta. J

Flood BattledEUOENE, Ore,, Dec. 31 Hf—Eu­

gene area residents today ballled dl high water from more Uinn four Ui Jnehe.1 of rain In 24 hour* and Uje “ I weather bureau warned WUIlameite Ui vnlley residents to prepare for flood ' coi'dtilons. • *8

A total of 4.02 Inehfti of raJn was I' measured In Eugene during the 24 <h k hours ending a t 4:30 a. in, today. P" r The river forecnst lasued in Portland n cnUcd lor "jutuuineM rto * Jn aJJ In, a strenms of nnrthwe.st Oregon m d ,nouthwejl W ashington with consld- ™ erable flooding In th e Willamette '

- Mlley-" '■*

' Phoneties; KNOXVILLE, T en n . Dec. 31 l_ ; . Wl — To numerous customer* '(j»

c.-illlng restaurnnteur J im m y t C.uncojtl.i' a llriillon to Ihe mis- I > , spcllert word In his algn, ‘'{flerry11 ChrUmas," he explains:! •'! speU U the way I aay It.-


b a c k e d w ith ovei

o f in su ra n ce e:We are prmid th a t down Ihrough Un lo Otfer you Uir very best In insur fiii'st of oltl-llnr strong capital s l the.se rompniiles hnvr been in busine and th r lr Jniic experience through gc awiirnnce ot the very f ln ta t In insut



e l k s .B L D G .

Seen. Today

. Jesi *hove<f Instda tlx

l . t K „ o o d M n , 5.

JS wiSJSf '■

me heiping hta fa the r . . , r / j c r ^ [ bloodmoblle leaving tow’r,"*.'’. ‘

in- recruiter* hurriedly geiung 6 ^ 7 d ,IK ma* card* ready lot memlni „ .n S fc. . . . TypcwriKr*' aUcked m i i r t ZIU Roache'a car . . . T/Sgl niJh nd ird Dube ahowlng friends hu b l ^ o ,a* donor badge . . Jame* Calm,.,ut shone, and Jo h n Hayea, Twin f t i u fl

ducusslng engineerijij - ' J overheard: 'T h e kid* have i*n,,d c.

5ld memberahlp m Uie Ftrre i Bnooo *i ny club thU week.” p,

it' Eden Cabinet -i „ Has Anti-Red

In Top Place”. LONDON, Dec. II tft-Prlm e Mln- u

™ Uler Eden today ahook up hi, ot government, naming u foreign t n . bi r e u iy Belwyh Uoyd, i iharp. ei tongued, 61-year-old lawyer who hss a repuUUon for bluni u lk to u,e it Ruaslina. |{

he ‘" " ' “ O' HatoMM acmlllin, 61. look over direcUon ol fi BrlUln-a financia l policies t* chan- ol cellor of th e exchequer. di

Richard A. Butler stepped out oJ >i the Job of chancelor lo become loril privy *eil a n d leader of the »ou<e i of Corhmon*. The 53.year.old Bul- I

yler aUo will dlrecl policy a l Con- servailve p a rty headquarters. In ef- feet. BiiUcr become* deputy pre- ly mler, w llh tpeclal Instructions to ip get forward-looking le»UlaUon be- ^ /ore pa rliam ent.

tj These w ere the top change* in a J shakeup th a t exlendtd throuahoui „ the cabinet. T he ahlft* were aimed j '

.J a t s t r e n g th c n l^ the jovenunrnt In lhe face of rlalng. criUcUm of m- flaUOD a t hom e in d UireaU of in-

y, creaaed Com munUt preasure abroad, f For th e fir s t Ume tinee the een~‘ eral election l u t May. Eden sow has ^

.j, hU own U am a t the ConlroU. Here­in lofore the Rovernment was Urgely o; - unchanged from Jhe ene Eden in- ;« , herlied from former prime mloUler „ Sir W lnaton Churehlll. j,,

'SteteToiTChfef » Is Club Speakers

H, F. O arre tt , director of lhe slate W d dlvUlon of employment, apoke on T r Uie benefits of employmenl security ]] f n t the W ednesday noon meeUng of , Uie Ta-ln F alU Llona club. . ,d R. 8 . C utler, local agency man- {!,

ager, also spoke. v,, Final plan* and ticket sale* for i lhe Mla* T w in FalU County Beauly • pageant w ere dUcussed, The page- ^J an t wlll t>e held a t 8 p.m. Tuesday ] In Uie Filer h igh achool auditorium.I Members Joined alnglng ChrUt- . maa caroU.. Air Force Lieut, B, J. WllU, Jr., Tf■ wa* a gue*t. of

. Tree StolenB m p a S P O liT . Conn.. Dtc. 31 IP I

I —An a tte n d a n t discovered early to-!day th a t a thief had enlered lllll- I: aide Home, a city-operated hosplul, j

The only foot wa* a ChrlstmM Itree. deeoraU d wllh llghu and orna- Im enu, w hich had been aet up for IUir 250 Inmate*, most of Uiem aged Iindigent*.___________________________

S MAGIC >INCE1905^er 1/000 years , experience ;

n the yenra we have been abl* | mnsurnnce, by represenUng the ■1 slock companle*. Many of ' ■ ■islness for well over 100 years, ;:h good yenr* and ia d Is j'Our '♦ B nsurance aerviee. .\ «

H F o r o v « r 5 0 y a n rl

H fh « n o m e o f .

■ S r u e r t T ay lo r

H h a s m c o n r . . >

■ ' ^

■ Pcrfiona lized SerWrt

R A c c u ra te Insurance H

S i f P ro m p t an d Fnlr Clai

g ^ In s u ra n c e Surveys

I C o m p l e t e B o n d i n g F*'

W b w o u ld oppr«ctot< w ith y o u OB y o u r Iniuronc*



_________________ 'VEDKEsi

- KoaSal

Md rommon i ' , « t ‘o*


“ i i i s s S Sold . After the

3flJ _________


’*■ F-»rlOurBi%fl,fr and groctr, tjg

, Vifanejdiy It

m . Bmhy »u ha n. n i)iiltrMn,Uo,^Id, en D fta 'n- more. Me. Kc*. as Psill in ira, ^ e* lie famid latUi 'ly operated a trocjTtt n- J*neunlJirftlrtr»n

Inaddliloatabt by Isium iedlija Biaby, Tain h > ; Mn. V(|(i4.Mrs. Btrwj vrot

r W uh, and Vfl Id *' Mrs. A«n*BeI!(a« te Wlbon snd OkA in T»ln Paili: Jl ty ]] grtal-triDdcUiB of Funeral »errtM<

pm. Frliliy alU tt '• tusry thspel tta *

Kelm olllcUUni c °l wlll tx iteld ta I


Dtt, 51 IN-TVo Cl r TJiunderleU crmw

of each ether lalj died in Uie flsa::«( pUne, the cliier^Td

K QimmY A U I



" ’f l

. . f l

O U r ' lSURET'f'®'!

Page 3: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Buying H Hg o r S t o c k s

» n r u

x " " “' l ^ ' IUl < °o°'‘

9 ^ /^ d le d ^ ^ « U JD C * » c

. ^ ^ t v t b i u com- P It doMH t

«* A ' l o b«(ore ^ itiber U<e

iw >'<»’'-" ...^^"ihlnkUK thU

^ neUce th>lUie drlnUne U

btr. »u»<-

**r 2 ilcohollc con- in home

• J ^ bftln* in Che

^ I r c J In ot

fS S w im Thl* * l« p u *r*tUiiS) fcu brtn „ , •m in fe d a t lhi^adtim iuly lownrd « n c « t r . u .e ^ - . ,ui b...... n u deeoraUons th li;tJ, « r ot Ihlnklns ;

g « h.ve b.ccme X u ! ^ W n V )I u h«n« dlilnltKm* ’ * ’

S -, b.t*Wo'‘’n-" p ie ^Officers Se

iriyfleW Missing ]‘ S i „ “ '.‘.‘ h” : ; KELLOOd, D«:, .

l i . were on the lookoul to !5 iM h e Lfslon reported mlMlne alnct

I. .„ ^ n irv 1 <llvorce suit «b«Im

S c to n e r and Mr*, seen alnce his wife. Do ^ K c a m p a n U U . *ult for divorce On jro S ^ D o n n n H u n -d u le n U y rcp re«nU d S T u S ^ n e Miller, m nnofinenns w henah J tr a ro l slnKlni!. here Nov, 23.■nUa Ptie Cenur* He left, one note lo .1 jUlflUMh. Mr«. L. lng. "I sueas you will t IB Ralph Rllen ^ - »prlnij." Bhe aali , j* ^ n ently referred U> a n

' - here Uint ahe wantediB.pound berl ileer o ^ 't r » Po'^ct, yiH pounds ot nlfik; to tell hU wife to "s Ciil. rcwnd and por- '■'’o oUier thlncx.T-tene and elub 3S "Alio, thla aprlns t

find me. No Joke." th

[OU can give a

PP' i

^ ^ ■ v R u a r im


A n c ie n t A g e comc ^ ped in n b e a u tif u

S lip o ff go ld w ra b a n d a n d y o u r ;


®'*' iiHT BOURBON wilisK£y years

^ 1 ^ _______ __ __________________

unple Greeting Ca

'e tilac card I d u won ( ir tl prixa In the 1 ; Uia bo n e of Mr. and Mra. N oraaaP . raUoD of Chriitm ai decoraUona It fouod UlU year thould be eoapleted tb li week It. J u d p t will make UicIr rouodi e( the I teon aa poaalble. AU deeoratloD* »h out. I __________________________

S eeing ' Reas, f Idahoan 'c. 21 im -O t» :e ri school boa»d hm Jl todny for a man t ja ln i t newspaper Ilnce hla wife filed policy of barrln* t Ittlnst him Prlday women teachen » I note* h ln tlns of u,»n five feet Ull.

“There are- man; , 49. had no t been Inrolvlnt teacher* I '. DoroUiy. brought feet In he ljh t." th I jrounda he frau- aald. "In ouUloor a> Ud hlnuelf a* a difficult lo locate ht ■n ahe married him claasrooma ahe will t

reach Uia top of Ui#e lo hU wife, aay- Iwill find me Uiere p^R T V 8 U

aald thU appar- totjhva mountain near O ^ N N S FEIUiy,

lied U) climb. The Order of Mooae will > lUct. a rted Uitm YuU patty for all } "sel my cloUiea children on Friday. '

be held a l Ui* city hiIB the police will -------------------" lhe note anld. R£AO TIMES-NEWG

a better bou■n'"|'~F | There is no g i f t nn

'I th is exquisite deca I giving. And inside,

m agnificent bourbo

. ' 1

| | j | j n t t ; ; \i r r a w w e e ^ y ^ ^ ^ e L ) , ..i ( i e n 0 | ^ r ^ ^ H | ; : f l

' I

omes prcgift-wrap- tiful frosty carton. wrap-around nano u r g i f t is r o a d y . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


A — I

____________ ____ t i m e s -n :

]ard Won in 1948

I p b ’,.'■ '

M h ^

le Tlm«s-Neira ChHiU&ai U fh tiD r conleit Ip. lIogenaeB. lU FlUm M a tn c L TradIU Dd Id Ihe IM and tM block* o t FlUmore a tr eek-end. Tbey abould rtm a ln Ughted from the c ity aaraeUme doring C b rla lm u week. 1 ould rem ain InUct Ibreogb New Year’a d

I DATES AN.VOU;i s o n HAOERMAN,'Dec. 21-•»i ni. • ..</vv«< Prince announceilyo M elropollUn be dlamlaaed for aII* d e f e n d e d Thuraday and clasaes>er crlUclam lla *umed Jan . 3.» the h iring of -----------------------» w ho t r e lea* r e a d TIM ES-NEW S )

lany dlfflculUe*n l e u than five | | c C l i # I W l

Uis apokesman ■ d C T T I I Nr acUvltlea I t U I , , 4 ^ - , , . e her. and In Uie I U A C H I h 111 n o t be able to I « W I I I I Uie blackboard.- I see the a ll new Wh

"■■ I maUc Sewing Mochli SLATED I We aUo repair an(V, n ^ . 21-L«,.I I111 ho ld lU annual I O n tb e »ecsanJn< >11 O lenna T tm Iy. T he party «IU I H I l l l i P B I

hall a t 8:30 p jn . ■ ■ | l l l | l a ! V ^


urbon...give Im ore gracious, more d is tinc tive I

H unter, created specially fo r holi de, you have the g re a tes t g i f t o f a rbon, rich , smooth and w arm hear

icfeitj& '

i l




f t ~ e w e w i i m

Ii m


^ T h e fla l


.eit la 1918. It "jA r nidlUooally, tba ^1 atreeC Chri*l- ______________rom dark lo 10 J p tk. n tm lU WlU ^ ,—•a day. (S U f/ ^

OUNCED ^ 1 ^. 21 -8up t. Clea- *

ChrLiUnna on ^ J

r s WANT ADa. ^

NG l i INES. IWhite auto- ^ /L 'i tw

«hlne NOW! ^ / M f i f land scrvice g

i p p ia / J i t

/e than K holiday-fall, a 5carted. ' M ________

i 4 5 - I N C h


IC 1 ^9 "M A MB

PIN C^ T h o

i --------1 4 - P c . G I F

I Il A 2 GUI


I N E W M (

II L :i Q U IL T E E

I “ 7 '^ For Bowf f O th e r Ag A iso r te c

S L -------------------

SO p o n W cdi

I F r id a y '1S SA N T A ':

a 7 to 9 N ig h tlyM T h ro u g h




flaU e rin g a r o m a of o llu rin g lovel


V « ) ShipmiSIMPLICIT’

HOUS W / DRESSi w iis All s e t to b lossor

th e C h ris tm as tre

C h o o se now to m lod ies on y o u r tre


_ J ____________________________


A CLOTH 1P rin te d c o t to n ^ *



T h o t " E x f r o " G ift* *





MOKER STANDW ro u g h r I ro n 1 ^ 9 W ith G l a u T r a y | «• w ^



TILITY COVERJBow li, T o a t t e r f a n d ■ er A p p lio n c o i— I I l l l )rted C o lo n | 4 w W , u

ednesday. T h ru y 'T i l9 P .M . m mT A 'S H O U R S H I r .h tly . . . W e d n e td o y

T h u rsd o y H H H


r s F O R L A S T N


love liness FAB 0OOR D c l ia h l l u l l , I“ “ I* 4 F r o j i a n c i i

pm ent -------------



S S E S F>

lossom under »Lg□s tree.

HOto m ake the

ur tree happy ,


!.98A siortedComplete


M a O O K . ■ --------------------------

_______ ,_ } N

~ STRE1 .98 C o lo r m a■ Jo n txan 1



? 8 C N Y US O

I Eosy to wosl- d ry in g .

1 . 0 1ETS M E N 'S GIFT

« n =___ ---------- M EN 'S--- P>

) L ___/EL . ..I------ :- - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A perfect tie A an y ocea*ion

W ,u p




iBERGE' i l-A?i

Hr Bojed

Sift T haf Knowi N o Seoioi

lUDSON HOSEF irs t Q uality 1 1 C 6 0 -1 5 Sh^«r | « l v

" L e t h e r legs b e lo v e ly . . . "



APRONSe d i ty l e s a n d c o lo n 1 Q ] le te se lec tio n



lETCH ANKLE1m a tc h e d To h e r 1 | | (in s w e o te n ond ik i r t f | • V "


E T C H ^ , ^ ^-ONOX

fo s t / ^


PARIS BELTSA g r c o t g if t for a n y m on


T R HAS E N O U G H ...


>'"1.50-2.5- M E N 'S G IFT SH O P

C)pen You { ■ ■ ACC° TODi

A C h a rg * A c c e t tn » ' H | | H B u d g t t P o y n itn fi

J 3

■ JTHBEB . 7

mIF!'ING! I : '_____________

1" " ' ^


— 1

— s o n W



;_____________ 1


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DO I- — l i -

m£ I

11 1 111= 1 1 1 1^ I1

50 I— Iour | \ . IDAY Iont-with K '

Page 4: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

J'sUlihMl <All7 >nd BuB4>r «t )>• R« ! ru ij. Id.bc.. hr (h. Tla.».H»wi 1-ublW

>UUr«J mt ttnn* (Iku Bill BulKr Ai ; . e!tK» In Tula I'Hli. ii«<w lh« X

, ’B T 'C A R u f^rA T iB L /H -nr lh* tBonlli -------------------------------

[i J ? ^h' ----------------- --------, ----------------BV *lAlI^J-Ar*ni.R JN , I Wl(tf J<«*« Ett*

11, lh. ■ .. ----

! aiivEv.^ ,', 11, ih< month -----------:---------------- —

11, ibrr* iBMlh. — - , -----li{ th» » . r ......... .................

AU tio ilt- r~juli.4 b, U - ot kF «.r Jj.rMlrllon U U publUb*! » . . l lr »i Thuf»<l»7 l«iu« «t >h‘» Mr^r punmnt In

i' ! V}"T.'iml.I lI>AY (V«).


LOGICAL EXPEND O u t o f P r e s id e n t E ls e r

b u d g e t d is c u s s io n s .h a v e c o n tx a t lo n rcc o m m e n d a tio H S th a p o r t o f conR rcss n n d th c J e v e n th o u g h th e y m e a n jn o n e y . V ery lik e ly t h e i r a p p c e n t h c p ro sp e c U o f r 195G ti

O n e p ro p o sa l is to s p c p d - a m o r e f o r d e fe n s e , la rg e ly fo i and o t h e r so - c a l le d s c le n t l f l . T h e v iew Is g ro w in g In g o '

,|L . t h a t t h i s w orlc d e se rv e s t h c r-f— R u s s l a J s b e liev e d lo b e p r e s s lj 1 f e e t a n I n te r c o n t in e n t a l g u ii l l ' U . S . o f f lc la la r e a l iz e t h a t w e

o n d I n t h i s r a c e .I • T h e r e Is n o « iuestlo ti in th ( l j ; t h a t B u ld ed m is s ile s to d a y 'I I “ w e a p o n s f r o n t ie r .” A ny U . ;

i d id n o t a d e q u a te ly rc/lccfc I w o u ld b e f tt o n c c u n r e a l i s t i c p c rJ l f o r th is c o u n try .

M r . E lse n h o w c r h a s m a d e I n b lo d e c is io n t h n t c o u ld b e n t c r e s t o f th e f u tu r e s e c u r i ty a n d t h e f re e w orld .

H e h fl5 al.so a c te d w ise ly In th e n e w a p p ro p r ia t io n f o r t h i t lo n a g e n c y b e u p p e d f ro m m i l l io n d o lla r s to 135 m il lio n .

W e in th is c o u n try s h o u ld b a rro A sed to a c k n o w le d g e th - i d o in g u s I n p r o p a g a n d a o n :

■ a r o u n d th e w o rld . T h e S o v ie t In g I m p re s s io n a b le A s ia tic , Af

I i a n d s w i th c o u n tlc s s books, pa i s to r ic a , a n d th c llJce. N ow a n i I e r e la b o r a t e tw o - h o u r c o lo r ,

W e tr y to m a tc h tbl.«i- floe b l t tc k - a n d - w h l lc f ilm s , a m e re

i a n d o th e r p r in te d m a t t e r , a m I a g a n d a b ro a d c a s ts .

I Y e t w e obv io u sly h a v e a f I t o te l l th e w o rld , T h c H u ss la i

f e r ty r a n n y In m a s q u e r a d e , th e b la c k g a rb b e n e a th w ill c a n s p e l l o u t th e b r ig h t s t o r j

I v /o rk .I AH wo n e e d a r e t h c to o h to i

S lo b . S u p p ly in g th e m In e f fo c t l b e e n lo n g o v e rd u e .'M r . E ls e n b t o a d d 50. tn ll llo n d o lln r s t o U n b ig s t r id e to w a rd c o r r e c t in g r jc l e n c y . ___ __________________

IN D ESTR U C TIB LEr : C ap t. £ddIo R ickenbacker,I - g e n e r a l m a n a g e r o f E a s te r nf lj; A m e r ic a ’s f a b lc d 'J e a d J n f f a i r

W a r I . W h e n h e e m e rg e d u n sc n[ft!: l l r s t g r e a t a i r c im b a t ,.& le g e n t{{it h e w a s In d e s t ru c t ib le .

fL 't Y e a r s I n t e r R lc k e n b a c k c r h[ | j , « n I m p o r i a n t p la c e Jn c o m m il:|.; A s a p r im e f a c to r In t h e grow t:W f m e n t o f E a s te r n A ir lin e s , h e w

.c h a m p io n o f f re e e n te r p r i s e n la l; ' .o f p r o g re s s In f ly ln p .r l ( T h e n , o n e d a y l i t F e b ru a ry ,HC h a d a b a d c ra s h In th c A tla n tf[ J b a c k e r h im s e lf w as n b o a rd th eU j a n d w a s s e rio u s ly h u r t . H is r9 1 k e p t a v ig il a t t h e i r r a d io <M r w o r d t h a t t h e h e r o w as d e ad .U l l d ie . H o g o t w e ll. A n d so t h e lcin i l W a r c am c , n n d B lc k e n b a cn ; e x p e r ie n c e w a.i p u t a t h i s couiU L a t c in O c to b e r, 1042, h e wa.i■ I t h e P a c if i c o n a s p e c ia l mlssIIV V a n is h e d In th e o c e a n v o id , nI t i w e r e be liev e d d e a d .I j l T w e n ty - f o u r d a y s l a t c r a rep(

] t h a t s e e m e d a m ir a c le : C a p ta lj e r . t h e in d e s tr u c t ib le m a n , v,I s o m e o f his- c o m ra d e s . T h e y hi; d r if t in g : on a r a f t In th e F a r Pf•. N o w h is OTv-n n lr lln e , E a s te r n

i f r e s h c h a p te r to th e le g en dII r e a c h e d th c trn d i t io n n l re tlrcn -

H; t h i s O c to b e r , R lc k e n b a c k c r hn I I I to a n e w lO -y ca r m n iin R c m cn t b . h c w ill RO o u a s b e fo re b la z in gI <. m e r c la l nv iaU on.I I O n ly a fo o lish m a n w o u ld sny V l| p e n n g a in w h e n h c ’. 75.

C O A I M lI N M C A Y l o j^ l lv r ai, C o m p la in ts a re n r ls ln g In s

j ’ t h a t P r e s id e n t E L senhow P r hns K lble to ilin prc.w fo r s e v e ra l

; j jo r tc r .? c tid c r jj i .in d £/ip f a c t i ( „ b u t th e y f re i n c v c r th e lc .‘;.<; lha l |j o u g h t to b c K c ttln g a f u l le r j i) c u r r c n t ro le In R o v e rn m e n t.

C e r tn ln c o n lllc l.'i e.xUst bctw e ll P r e s id e n t lia.s .snid Jn t h e p ast

I >1 h i s to p o f fic ia ls h a v e .snid o r ar )j D lx o n -Y a tc .s m a n o r Involve.^ c

f e r e n c c . N ew sm pn a re puzzled I t h e t r u t h llc.s.

' [ I t seem .s f a ir ly c tn a r , h o w ev e r ' I s e n h o w e r is n o t lik e ly lo re su m e |M j ' c o n fc rc n c e s in th e n ear Iiitu. 1 1 ,1 a lw a y s a s t r n in . nnct o n occ; j y l ' d o w n r i g h t g ru c ll ln B . A t th is sti i a L . J - o y c r y th e y w o u ld n o t b c Rood i H l S o m e h a v e » u g g c s tc d th c d< i f f w r i t te n q u c i l J o n s fo r 1P l l t lo n . Po.^slbly t h c a n s w e r Hts 1 [ J l | • t lo n , th o u g h If ihLs m e th o d l.s

o u g h t to b e s t r e s s e d on b o th s l ' g ' - te m p o r a r y . T h e r e is n o re a l s H , o p e n - h a n d e d , fa c c - ta - fa c c m cel

P r e s id e n t , a n d n o th in g s h o u ld

f to - i n t e r f e r e p e r m a n e n t ly w ith m e a n s o f p r o v id in g th e p u b lic w



. W r• S M it.S lm l W«i. Twiniiblljhlijf 0.mp»B,. W ASIIING l

U nlt« l Nmllor-=7 = = --------------------- -- on likely preslt « N ? D U K C » ..................« l.Jn..W hlte.J--------- -------------t . a U Pre*Jdcni I

......... - - M - sIN AOVAKCK *'•4*1 ' ' • ' '■' - - t ts ____________ ____ t l.t*

- ___]_______ _ _ t 1.U« LH

I <ir4» tu a i^ ln t ^ ^ ^ 1 r »in U publiibMl In Ikt ,t In «o.in* M,lio Orf*. rmrtn ;F,NTATivja • W lilte H oum ; CO. IHC. In Sfcurlnt th


'^ n iT lIR E S ■ls e n h o w e r ’3 r c c e n t . jk i k k no c o m c tw o a d m ln is - lUcimrU m . n t h a t m e r i t th e s u p - tira i u c A m e ric a n p e o p le ^.n s p e n d in g m o r e najuredly bccoi ip p r o v a l w o u ld le s - u» i honor*, H G ta x c u l.d - a b o u l 700 m lJJIon «>'<f o r g u id e d m is s ile s 'ihc'cU ok

,l l f l c w ea p o n s . mtiy’lmve to bg o v e rn m e n t c ir c le s n»uon. tc wit;

h c h ig h e s t p r io r i ty . Chief JusUct :cs.«ilnB h a r d to p e r- BUldcd m l« l l e , a n d H u Sw e c a n n o t r u n s e c - c« )„ n

Ilce’i h e ir t» tU t h e e x p e r ts ' m in d s eUe.

l a y c o n s t i tu te th e „ o | . k i k s s U . S. budBC t w h ic h only o lh rro tfc : t th a t r e c o g n it io n CJirUiiaH a . i 5l l c a n d f ille d w i th Titomns e, dc

Acrnpe up x i(l' MMhlp. Ooven

d c th e o n ly r e a s o n - >judsou wver. : IC m a d e, In t h e i n - crtppifd lef. r l t y o f t h i s n a t io n Thu*, it j»pp<

rnrly Eisenhow: in p r o p o s in g t h a t th e U. S . i n f o r m a - cnl benem for

) m th e c u r r e n t 85 oppowd by Kn QP Ih ll new *niJ)u ld r e a l ly b e e m - t h a t R u s s ia is o u t - an so m n n y f r o n t s straleEy hw rec / l e t u n io n is f lo o d - lU ndlng Jor rc

A fr ic a n a n d o th e r p a m p h le ts . " n e w .v ever befor*a n d th e n th e y o f - r e a . s o v > o j

,o r f ilm s . peihapa. unnccflood w i th sk im p y p r ^ i i s e of e re tr ic k le o r b o o k s " i l ' u f e ' l J , a n d to o few p r o p - handi

been ronrtPtnW( a fa r b e t t e r s to r y imte avm lus »ui

le , a n d ho p e th n t d .c ,v lll n o t sh o w . W e m ent hnve m rrto ry o f f r e e d o m a t Iloomy InTJrnnt

hn» been morf 1to do « c o n v in c in g

octlve n u m b e r h a s - r r t * n n re n h o w e r 's p ro p o s a l V i J l i W0 U S tA ’s b u d g e t Is .rii .Ing t h i s c o s tly do-__________ N esro e nu red t,E E D D IE:er, c h a ir m a n a n d Necro rooibitii i • r n A ir l in e s , 'w n s * ^on-vKresBtrt a i r a c e In W o rld s c a t h e d f ro m t h a t u l^ wle n d to o k r o o t t h a t so ihn (umr

fwith n f/fcror h n d m o v e d In ton m c rc la l av ftitJon . u k e n p l« e nimow tli a n d d e v e lo p - versy.■e w as a r c c o g n lzc d a fom lii i ie « n d s p r o m o t t r

fe l)«ve vol«d. and S te rn Tech pMy in Ui :k e n - o '

th e d o w n ed p la n e , *Is m a n y a d m ir e r s ,n d u-»diuon« o10 d ia ls , a w a it in g W hich mcnivi lad . B u t h c d id n ' t <o[ whJc c le g e n d grew .ibfldcer'.-? p r ic e le s s n ,^ n t, i„ ororei c o u n try ’s d isp o sa l. IUoumr Tech i w as f ly in g a c r o s s rxprc.Mini: th I lss lon . T h e p ln n e “X ; d, a n d a ll a b o a r d vitiimir jfEreRnti

M ve th e iliun tli r e p o r t w ns f la s h e d Monitor.U taln R lc k e n b a c k -1, w a s a liv e w ith ^y h a d b e e n f o u n dr P a c if ic . rir-cwlon U lhe qi

te rn , ha.^ a d d e d a l r r r " r " S td ''n n "end. T h o u g h h e H ie n»iionnlI rc m e n l a g e o f 6£ ‘‘I"• h n s b e e n s lg n / d 'u u n c '’jc n t c o n t r a c t a n d u » evidrntiy ■Ing t r a i l s I n c o m - in thL'» dL^plll^ t:

n t Uk* record-^ b.

s.iy 11 w on’t h .ap- “" i V E " . , ! ' , ; , " ;____ uiilnn-x drmiind

T E r m i i i T K i ) *;In s o m e q u a r te r s di,'c:n.v> Uinip xnrtas b e e n In a c c e s - "tn•ral m o n lh s . R e - JuircV uui b 7 n f ':tS o f h is nines.-:. UntIrr “ uctl ccth a t th e c o u n t ry bmii rm pinvrr ner p ic tu r c o f h h penplr- IKlOfMi'l

condlllpiw nrr Vf■! . . . Anierican Indatw e en IhliiK S th e m»de th r prOKif.la s t a n d s o m e o f much nior^ .lecurir a re .say ing . T h e " '" ' ' '“ i co» o n e iu c h a i , ; ■>'»>■' “ ■'«'■led to w h e re ,

•.vor, l h a t M r . E l- ,',1“ !',“ime rcK u la r prc.-a with which lie h; u tu re . T h e y .ircocca.slon c a n be "I’-!!- n n ? T " ‘!h '' s ta g e of h i s rc - ini.vu„biy be one)0d m e d ic in e . iiiunk- that Mr. ic d e v ice o f .sub- »UiidinB, io r h i.t c o n s ld e m - " '" ' '" i i<s i n th is d lrc c - , i , / s u - , l , 4 w'l^1 l.s e m p lo y ed I t consre.vi.1 s id e s t h a t I t Is d >vli 1im i11 .s u b s t i tu te fo rn c e t ln g w i th th c man rlKlu... a .< farlid b e p e r m i t te d hem nfrsifi of pri ■Uh t h a t v a lu e dc w i th i n f o r m a - r ^ 'h o n rn n T V r n

York Trniei.

K E R ’S n a t i o n a l !

HIRLIGIGJGTOS — fleve* Amerlc«n Josses Jn recent iiions conlrovertles hsve h»d th e ir eMcet jrcsideDUal candldtles IrwiuenUy menUon- le House cfreles m Itepubltcan.pos&JblUUcjt,

El»enhowrr does no t run aea ln . T helr I ,-rever»e* eneoumae the eonsen’»Uve|

S . • .faction hrtded by Btn. WlllJam F..-'KiwwUnd. Cttllfomls.

. . . I . - ’ The two proepecU ■ belletwl to ^ _ l have been knoclwd o tt In these V.

N. tn d foreijn dl»put<« a re ex-Sen. Henor C*bot Lod|e o t M u s u h u -

L I c a »ett«. now AmerJoin np re a en u tlve • - ^ ■ m t Ute IntemmUons! body'* New

York hekd<;uarun. m d Harold E.of MlnnrMU, AdWJer on

dlwrmiiment lo lhe "White House. H I Bolh nre gre#t Elsenhower fnv-

ofUe.i. And. Utercfore. fl«eplBble lo IM slralesuw . Dmh plnj'td » lendlni; role : the 18M udmlnUlrntlon lor Ike over the Tofiei t -A. Tall,-vho- nnm«J- JOjon'land « or M jwnaie, malarity leoder.

nOW.S OUT — Althoiiih Vice P m ld en t . Nixon uppears to be the pftlnce guard'*■, If Tke bowB oul, LodKc and SlnM en rntjk le Sherman Adnms-Hnll-Dewey book* »i imtes. T ie Hny. SU ter or M lnnrsolon would lecoine loglcnl cnndldnles for vice preglden-

If T^lion thould be cJioMn Cc head (he

and S tau rn have been knocked off, or If knocked Uifm.-irlVM off by ihe ir U.K. r*(I- liolcff of lhe enatern Inltrnn tlonallst w int :o be Nixon by the almple proce/is of ellml-

itlce Karl Wnrren Inal.iU th a t h e uUl not TTfaiiiry Secretnry Oeorce M. Hum-

leave WashlnjUin ns soon as clrciim sunce* mphrey «iui'C5 la*l March. in 'd 'W iirren n the Mme monlh. Their ase. In view of attack, wilt be held nitalnsl them , if noililns

K A STFIlN K R9-The eastern faction * offerlni! » f.»r are Shermnn Adom.i. Oov.V. Herter nf M aunchiiults nnd poulbly Dewey, Neither Dewey nor Adnms could

, »(iund ol dtlegftleJ, even w llh Ike'* *pon- ivernor lle rier U nol known beyond lhe ;r. betide* suffering from a rth r itis and a

ppeiin thnt Die Jioldlnj aclion ag aln tl an ^ower decision on 16S6. which U master* Nntlonal Chnlrmnn Leonard W. Hnll nnd rayer/ully by SUwien. has become a pollU* for Nixon. In view of the fac t U iat he I* Knowland nnd Oov. Ooodwln J . Knlghl, iniJ ‘ narrowing allgnmtnl p rom l'ca rich t S.-»n Pranclsco convcnUon. lie Iwljt has hnd Immedlile repercuwlon*.'r pr«flca.T!rnI. Ibe WJilte House board of recloutiled ll.-j eftorW to prcMurc Ike Into

• rcnomlnallon, Olherwlje, thev Jear. lhe RrpubJIcan de/eal becomts m ore Imminent fore.

KOII THKIR SliNKKN rR F .S T IC E -I t il, nccenwiry lo recount why the*'i>oUllc&l , Lodge "I'd Slaajfn hai aunk »o low ao J ll their pjirly enemies will do bo between Augutl convention. ^ndllng of the OuUr MonRoUn Incldcnl has , iw d eten by our Allle.t Equally unfortu- suppori nj the Philippines for nonperma-

rshlp on the security council against Brit- ■(/ff04lRl’W.;lieer>' promise.^ of progress on dlsnrma- lurned om to be n boy's whistling In a i nntlonal grnveyard. becaav? here Interested nnd active about presldenUal j aboul hls ofHclal itsslgnmenl. «

VS 0,F O T H E R S ?TH E GAME'S THE THING ^er eight yenrs ago. im . ih n t Uie first v, •d Ifie ranlM of nrgnnlwd b.tscbitli In Ihe ,, •s. "Jackie" Robinson moved from Mon- d Brooklyn Dodnfra. Tlie same year an all- .fJ team played beforeit«<l audience In Durham, N . C.Yenr'i day. 1« 8. Penn S la te . wlUt two £.■» team, played Southern M ethodb t UnJ- e “ColUjn Bowl- n t Dallas, pnr over Georgi* Tech plnylng PItUburgh TO gulMtltute tulUjnci) a t Uew OrteiiM ir;• seems a b it anachronlsllc. De.iegregatlon ir " profeuional and coUeglnto sp o n h u ,t aJmoit K'llhout public I tn ln re or cont/o-

la nffnir h as come oul be tter th n n might " cpccfed consldffiiif: Wie praien t }nten.i)ty th feeling. Ornrgln'a university regenw jp and Governor OrlJJln hn.« agreed, to lel

Uie Sugnr DohI nml ruirill IU contrjici- i., of Oeorgln’s university system may play tn within the .^tnlc. OuLilde the su ie Ufill "AijnJl re.'pcct Ihe Jnn-a. cu.ilonw, i« of Uie hM l *Ut.-."■ ns in end W pliy in any snuU iern ’■bowl" •hlch Ihere are »u»j3}'» iviih « non-.«egre- enu And n probible laperlnc off nf gnme.«. derp south collrges: for re lu rn engage- 3rd * are thiw njjfd out.:h SludenU clime n rfpreheiwible melhod _ ' their *rnllmeiii.v nu t lhe Incident sug- .

younser [ fn r r a im In IDe soulh U ^ ^ with fontbftll Uisn ob-vwert w ilh unrir* gntlon. And iliU may opernie in Ume In' ntlon from rx ltem rA -C hrin lnn Sclfncc

OF DUnffK'S VAf.UE nnd on the »«y inward suprem e court

e que.'Uon whclher n union hn,< the righl cnmpany* book.< whfn Us wnge demands nn the grounds of Innblllty-to pny. nl labor relntldnn board hn.' ruled tlmt th n l right bul Uir t;nllrd S u te s circuit! •nb In nichmoiul. Va.. hns reversed lhe

tly the eonlenlltin of lhe tmlnn Invnlied e thal Uiey tlinuld Ur perm llted Io look

becaaie thfy don't uu-M the employrr| ' ' mny be lying m ilirni. i•r hnnd, the eiiipliiver's re.'^LsUiice to Uie: n<l -vems to li*- im.vd .similnrly on ml»-| r thc union iiiulil take ridvnntnge of nnl n vnnnlng the record.^ lo dL w ver nnd

secreU to a cnmprilior. _nuiw phere nf iniitiinl d W ru sl and nu^- ^ -d lo see where n rniin ruling fnr ellher — nf much beni-tii d: avail. /coiidlllonx ll niu.‘l be apparen t Uiat / •

r and rmplove m an be nia'M unhappy U ■n’l seem ren.^niiniile lo .>uppose th n l such ' very widely pipvnlrnt. /ndiwtry, Inrgp nnd .miu,11, couldn 't hnve I >gif.M It hn.i u n lw 11 w rre bn.ied on a ' cun ' foundaUon nnd much Inrger mens- 1 confidence biHi.Tii employer nnd em- ' J Indicated In lliLi noi.ie Suie.im an. f l

I.AQIIK KOR >-:i.MKIl 1)AVI.4 Allon prnbes a conlrinponii-.v American

"the cournne, coii.mieiicy and clarity ii, e hiij defended our iriidltlonnl llberlle.* k , en Ihey have b m i jerlously challenged y Violnted" Uir name of Elmer 0 ,ivl.% he only one 1.. come to mind, l l wlll one of them, hnarv^r. U Ls good nnd :r. DnvLv Journnh^l of more Ihi.ii fnilv , g, rndlo comniciii.iior. war-Uine InJor- ir anil iirv'rlfl.%li ki«"1 c iu ren , .should re­ar. with n plntjui- nnd it monev prize ns f = Wtw Awnrd uf ihr Am rricnn JewLihi

as hts own lnlmllnble w it nnd slyle, Hel and dLsUncUy. Without a trace nf .ten-1

le loyes democrncy. freedom , nnd hu-1 . far a. can be'a.^cert»lned he has nrvrr brlncrs nr pntenuie.i. nf Ihe powers of ?.“

■ any person or anyiHing Ihi^l )nlerfrrr,^I In lhe exrrcl.se of Uielr preroem ivfx ( *"• him the eonsre.'u honora ibe ll,—Newi

l | | '

'A'i' S h o t i s ^ Pielr I ---------------------- ---------- ----------Uve

F. NOT QDITBThi* weaUier ih e tc day* Isn't Ute

to leait bll w hat you'd expect for V . O hrlJtBtj. M atier of fact, Jf* al­

ien, nio»t like early »prtnf. hu- 'That m u tt have been what wa* live on th» jnlnd* of a couple of senU lew lhe outer mom in«. One greeted

E, Ute oUier wlUi. - S e t you're tu rtlng on lo wear your iv u im er Jacket,"

%e. Said No, 3: "Yep. It's right warm av. Uiese dayi." H e healUted. Uien

to added. "Bul no t quite warm enough ole U> t u n thinking about ;)UalUif Uie the tom aioesr iu » • •

PUPS KOII KU)K DEPT. ■ 'Thtl toy collie is an 8‘monlh>o1d

.fit male. H c'i JJght U n and h u a ntl* ■d't xral boblnll. You can get him at ink 205 Heyburn avenue or phone , , lOM-W before fl a-m . or a f le r« pm .

WAITINfi IS DIFFICULTt(,c These la sl frw dnya before ChrUl-

mas csn be n llltle lough. parUcular- , I, ly on the youngsters. A t mysierlcut*

Jookin* parcels a U r t U> pile up around the C hrlsunas Uee. It'* al-

- 1. most unbearable.Dut Ihere'a a pastim e Uiat helps

while awny the last couple of days nnd'can serve to ndd to Uie tenjlon Dial will be reJra-sed on ClirlsUnas

?” momlng.instead of yakking a l Uie kids Ui

leave lhe tlu i! alone, slop raltllng ' * packagEs and feeling Uiem, there's

n game th a t cnn be plnyed, l.et them , hare one good rn tiJejind feel of ench

gy parcel. T hen they can writ* down hiv their guess a,s to the con itn ls of the

p«kage.Comt Chrlslma.i montlng. the

l,e youngjier who gue.-ues. or comes ’ D elo/eii to gue.wing Uic conleiil.s of

packages wins a " m y s te ry package. I t can conUIn nnytjilng you H*ni.

Of course. «jme ot tho.ie paciagw , , might look a b it used, p.irUcularly ]

If there are six or seven kids lo ra t- , ‘l, Ue and /eel ih tm .


Mrs. Elmer Annls, who lives one ■- mile souUt nf lhe K TFI radio lower. ,

^ mnkM artlcJr.1 aal a l .ingtbrwih and ' vnrloiw olher klnd.s of wood, J

" _ _ J

ll f fn regard lo people sjio mnke thing* from sagebrush, we not only j manufacture anything In Uie sajie- i brush Jlne. we grow o u r own Mpe- bru*h. We Uve Jive mllc«^|jnrlh .

“ and three miles wesl of the Jerome , bank eertier. :

;• T6 lUnch "‘ 'n t . 1. Jerome)

»- YOU'IIE WELCOME f" Dear Pot Shots: f

ie Thnnks for thinking of inl Every [ al day there are a bunch of grouches r

who seem Ui ven t nil Ihelr spleen i on Wie poor telephone operator. «

3 Tliey cu.« us if we're Uiere and Uiey o cujs us If w« nrcjt'l, t

Ot course. folk.^ nre M fnice. Bul Jusl like the Wendell .

at womnn, Uiey Ju s t lake iis for grsitt- _ fd, When u'e'v(» been replaced by «

]• dlnl ny-slem. they 'll discover lhal I' "pcrsonnl louch" is gnne.

Hello a irl iTwln Falli)

J- 2.IKE .SIOT MAtWSTS Pots;n The other n ig h t a guy wns at.ind- W Jng l;i l/ie p<atattlc<^ feccllng colw

In 10 Uie sU m p mnchine. He had a .string of sU m pa th a t reached almost

’• lo the floor. A nd stdJ he « « feeding coins lnu> the m nchine.

He looked rn th e r fooli.sh ts he > stood there, b a t he took Iimr out to

look Up w henever niiyone slopped lo watch. HU explannllon: 'T ills Is

; i-ut Jike p laylnc n slot machine ex- , cept Ihat you w in something every ' time!"

r. tVatrfied (Twin rall«)

^•A.^fOt/S LAKT MNf:. , Slnp feeling th a t patkajf!"

GENTLEMAN IN THK rt________ FOUKTH rtO»-.s

; Magic City Roofing Co.

t CKORfiK WtlUirHlVC.I or.NK Danif.i j



A p p ro v e d A p p lic a to r PH O N E 2 9 9 5 COLLECT

i ^ i r v SALECAL KN DA R


—tor aewa o /'U a g le Valley-* Farm AurlJena aod tc r th e date-Ihelr lltllngs will a ppea r In the Timet.Nma. Chrck th e ir ada fer IsraUoQ and a ll neeeaaar? JufornisiJen.

D K C E M B E I t 22 I toy H anteir

A iltrrlltem cnl Deremhrr : i ) - : i Klaaa i , K laaa. Aurlicine^rt


When you p lan a Harm Sale contact Ihc T im es-N rns Farm Sale 'D epartm en t, Let lu cx- Slaln how you c.tn cover Magic VaUey completely n t one imall cojL It R'iJl M ve you bolh (Ime md money.



P E G L E R ’Moat of the wloasal heap of m oney

In Ute Pord PoundaUon should have ■ god# Inlo tbe treaw iy ot Ute U nited

a ^ oth-

has ' a ^ d e d ^ S error of G r e a t p « i«BrJUla which U i u old going con-

^ c em i to deaUj when Uielr prlncl* pal ow oeri die and Utus throw* on to

- - r t l l t f . cxapioret who otherw ise l j m ight conUnQe to produce w ealth

n , . and pay perwnal Income uxea.‘ I t also term lattts the existence

of a tax.paylng builness house. Many ruch house* In Britain have

^ ' been '•wound up." a* Uielf <jualnt Idiom haa It. after the exchequer go t

. 1, 1 through looting them under th e i,,r . e su te tax Java.

We had a half-hearted Intention of doing th a t outvlves bul foresaw

-1 U u t th e adverse effect on o u r In- ' dusU7 and economy would fa r ou t-

1 weigh th o benefit of Immrdlnte rake - i» « f^r the public revenues.,tnn ** esUbllshed the U *-dodge

embodied in Uie loundaUons. W c thua pnsserved not only fVird as nn

. indusulkl empire but many o lhc r I, conserw . Including the New Y ork ■re^ Iferald Tribune, and encouniRcd : thousand# of petty gyps to chl-sel In •nch * phllanihropy a t theown common man.

'D ie InvesUgaUon of la t exem pt founcfntlons by Carroll Reece, the Tennessee Republican, one of th e ' few gcnUemen In congre.^, nrniisrd;

‘ " such opposition and fuo", notnbJy lo ; “*'• the Herald Tribune.- Uiat Utr op-:

_ position has now defeated IM o u n purpose by calling wide public n t-

'f y lenUon lo lU undeclared, selfLsh nio- Uve,

The opposition flmt tr jed to im olher the Inquiry. When R erce I

^ pcrslated with Uie strong, cnpnble ' help o f Rene Womiser. a young New ■ York lawyer, experl In such m n llers. 1 Uie Herald Tribune. Uie New Y ork ' Times nnd olhcr papers took up the cry in a tone ot voice which siiu- ■ gesled th a l Uils mu.st be some roi-t ' of fn-sclst exploit which would wipe J out the precious Jfecdom.s tlin l they 1

. forever pratUe of but never define, t At thla point congressmnn Wnyne

Hays, of Ohio, a Democrnt claim - » '*■ Ing to have a conlldrnlla! m nndnie i ■f' from "Uie While Houjc“ under Kl- '

senhower, began a noisy, grots cnm- palgn of insult and abiue to obstruct and frustrate Ute eommlllee. He made aeverai great mistakes. '

F irs t and wor»I. he insulted a ' CaUiollc nun. Sister Mary Pntrlcfn. " the daughter of the lale P u t M e- "I Carrnn. one of ihe frw m njesllc '

<7 DemocraU of the last 2S yenrs, nnd » Cnthollc university, of WashlngUm,D. C.. by Insinuating th a t ihU I precocious scholar on soelnltsm h a d £

'y oUtnlncd her Ph, D.. from C nthollc I U. by some undefined fraud. I

■*; Second. Hays called Reece a cow- s ard nnd ihus cniled attention to th e lc

a I

t ■

i c / ^he


i I

i g : ;: I

•8«»utT-piui Lampi miImjMrtint l;9hlir.gyoxr d(<l«r today «|



I ’S A N G L Inoney fae t th a t Reece had a fina comt h av e record In the fJn t ax r fo r vh lc h :

in ited received a number of leglUm* decoraUon*. whereat Hayt,' hlmae waa released ftw n our mUJUiy aer

M KQ ice in the tecond w tr lODg b e fo n tl J B emergency waa over.

^ 9 1 The basic wrong In this found n w lion dodge b U u t Ute naUonal ko J Q errunent. including COngren. t> f T jH cam esorrM dyform ooey tosquani ■ y e r on funcUona which were none g » a i u buslneas th a l ll finally dared m f U su lke a t accumulaUooi of weali H I which had been a^u lred honest

and were etsenUal to the eootini tU t anco o f our eawontlo «yitem. 'Tl con- owners of th b vealUi h a d pa

rincl- Ihelr Just Uxea year by year duon to IP« Ihelr lives.

■rwiae B ut no* the trta*ui7 aUaelcM Ue a lth rem ainder................... . - -

T hes^lerln i on the tem ainder r t tence «t,rtiptJ^ Jnto coR/lsectorr bracket •• At Uie high lew b they do conflj * '* ''e caU so much UiM the remainder

petty . That U where the ta*-do<fi r «o t of u ,e foundaUon came In ta belr

‘" e ,n d Ute fnregolng, frankly, a re U reas«ns why,

The Reec* eommllUe and . e< 5 ^ * peclally Reece and Wormaer, lr J l t dlvldually, took a terrible folng-ovt

a t tlie hands of unseeo opponenl whose IdenUty however la known t

i ^ _ , them and many other* bu l m ay n t be menUoned In p rin t

s RR (^ur roeter of exempUons Is a t j ih c r *urd, un-American. pollUcal in lh Y ork Indecent sense and dlahonesUy ad •„Kc<j ministered.el In ^ f r e is no excuse to deduct fror , ii,e Inxnble Income contribuUons to an

collrge or hoeplUl or even to lh tnxpnyefs parents for the ir suppori

rn ip t system o t deducUons b a vorm j t h f ronirmpllble evasion of (he ha*l llic I principle of honest UxaUon. A niai

iiisrd ' wlUi two living parents dependen jj- (o ;on him for support hna an jidvnnl

o p . : nne over a m an with less Income win o u n 1* '■n orphnn but b thus taxed l< n t- beflr A pwlJon of the wealthier, uni

The deducUblllly of “religious' to coHiribulloju is limited by a f«k<

T ree proviso U u t the gcUvlly of the re mble lls'ou-’' body ahall no t include at. New trfJipLt to "Jn/Juence JeffJslnUon.’ (ers. But all religious bodlea consUnUj I'ork ndvocnle or oppoM legUlaUon.

th e Some yenrs tgo. I caJJed Jfcno aiiK- MorgenUtnu's allenUon to some aplr- rni-t »''<! political acUvlty In a large re> A/pe llsloiis cofjiniunlty not fa r Irom hli Uicy liimie and a.sked whal he was golns lie to do nboul ihaU lync Kitld. -NoUilne.'' l ie ««.sllm - n» t Kolnc to me.« with any rellgloas (Inte oullii, Inw or no law.Kt. • ----------------------------

Program GivenHAOERMAN, Dec. 3 1 -T h e «n-

nuni Christmas progrnm wa.s pre- i ^ senled Sundny by Uie Sundny achool

Bt lhe m grrrnan LDS church tvllh M e. T . It. Uirson, tuperlntendent. in •sllg chnrge. The opening prayer was nnd «lven b}' Theodore Oardner. m n. Talks were given by Vern U U . ihU Linda Oreen. Douglas Woods and h a d Stnnley Penfold and a group rcnrf- lOlle Ing wns pre.senled by Mr*. Vrrn

Loti's cln,«. Mrs, Henry Wood'* cluiw nw- sang, a duec was nine by Virginia U telClnlbome nnd Jean Claiborne.



/ f i A *J '■c

• a n d ch

ta lity ! '

K ^ p lu .* t' y c o rn e r becom e;

y • .in u n im p o r ta n '

focal p o in t ; a

' f.t)<cs o n w arm f

'p i mf«t 105 iwtillt.

.............. . I D y

f f i

» %TiJfcrIch heum.1. M o d ern Man Tom 1 ^ ' ’ Cone Man StolJ^e

<kr by in a o y poptilar belfef* ?h u n d a . v e n o tI kot* help d ls ,

uan d - ^ ^ ^ ■ ■ ^ ^ ■ o i n e r round m e of VI,

vealUi v e i noneaUy *lU nu- ,• T he Do( 9 k

paid noses so,,dur- run a hi

are p e rf« U y n o r i ^ T - :r rb e MyUi: W hite egg* are mor. . ckeU. IrltJom th a n brown eggs ' w ifb i P act: E sb j, a re eggs, pood y.i der b of eggt how ever, may vary alinh dodge reptrtUeta o f whether Otey are br

e the on w hat th e hen 's been eaUnsM yth; -n te bite of o u r V .

A merican ta ra n tu la b highly i» l^. Jn. ou*—enough to kJli a grown m ..over w ithin hour* ; niJnutes even i f ^ n e n u unlucky enough to be bitten near ^ to a rtery o r on hla head.y n o t , N o t one of our North Am.

Icon U ran liilaa b dangerous to m!

'fake they bile only und'/ " * « exu^m e provocallon (such as utr ’ longed tenalng), If a t all, ion - ‘orantula bit^I'y *» I'M lhaa U

of an ord inary bee sUng. mue moi >nrv niechanlcal hurt'.n ir . ‘’f burn—of Uie Incbion. For thi

m ntier, a p in prick Is more Injunm I h it Pot^nllnlly elnce the pin mlchl l

a carrier o f Infection wliereas ili Inrnnlula'a Uny fnngi nre excfpilnr ally hygienic. W hat minor loo

[loas swelling \m a y appear la normall gone wilUln 30 minutes or at mo: nn hour. \

Even t h t s ^ l s o n of the large! spider In Uie V orld. the giant Bra

«n- zlJlnn tn rnn lu la . measuring righl e pre- nine inches In length, b really toxl hool j only to cold-blooded animals an tvllhl haa no effec t e n mammaU, Includln . in m an. T here Is one South Amerlcm was U ra n lu la , m uch smaller thnn Ihos

In N orth America, uhJch carrlcs , L«U. poison sa id to be toxic to man, Bu and even in i ls naUve hablU t it b ex

7nrf. ceedlngly rare./ rm M yth: O ur nnceslors. the cavi ;litM m en, were blgccr than we are. inia Knct: JJespito tlie V nu la r IIIuj.

[ tra tlons o f th e cave man. man':

r v T O Y O U R H

lud d en ly , l ik e m ag ic , a n ordi*

room Is d if f u s e d w ith cheer

c h a rm , c o i in e s s and hospi- 1

ry! W h e n to d a y 's new S eaufy- j I* L am p s dre I tgh led , a d»rk /

>mes a s p o t o f b e a u iy ; /

l a n t n ic h e b e c o m e s a j; a n o rd in a r y room /

rm f h a n d (riendiinsss. I

) a h o T p o \^f f i . a W v . D o i i i» MUCH t e l l So U j

_» En

tre ■ J

? '.fSiiund of vi!*lyuv

h i ; ; ; .1

» Joinc' “ »e« u

<1 Valueh’*''!* ha»e h«.

iAmer-;‘« i ot lo ^ ! toman « even mm,

•^rie eywtfiijj,. ■ a« the roadiidf _n

;nlm>r, ,na ih e r e l^ ^ H


la blu.I.r* ' ' ' ‘•‘'ij'wu.n.’ r j B

hurt^J SW cksoJ^w ninlSaH !f that amounted to more Junnui t)U)h(li 01 of Ocl I n ^ H

‘ " , S “ L E G A O S V i R ®•plloil- ~ NOTICt TO

t m u t k.r... t . vr, A.Wllllia A.


?' ° D>MNa>raWf tD a



f lS ' ■ H i


iWEl) / ■loU lBD ' ^ 1

Page 5: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

I G e r m a n

[lin Plans ^.It in Dark ;

& U , olt the .(Ivcn the

.V.'* Ml cciul” ')'

* " a ! r t in ir >>«^ h .^ k id e 11 broke

0 * * J? b r tiie miracle dU|^U,"tpfnOmB of yL-irt,

0 P>D)< ef mounUns ■

^ n r » i U ' « ■

^.L- Mthfirltir* m if r t■ ■ ! r ^ b« rvrn more / ^

mount thon 1f«m June. I04B. * S S ^ L 1

S S l^ tr l« n - .n d D r lt- . ' ^ .

y-BO* UbtlKr equip-S^ruJ(l*nce*y*teni3.^ - e wppllM- New Swoparu wch m the S h .,^ .^ cwli I '/ miff-BkiM N»t«J

hJt£h«- B i't'' I" iEOenW wt Di-rllncrt ^ I D b Um in-ilde Rua- SlOTllflry were barely iiiiproliltni wai merely gl»otoill«. i1 Cf hu consldfrnble xw in K«lli Soil ( Igytiiti have brrn r r- |« rhnlclan, e ilr tm z IrttimuJlhnye eonUct cour«p In the aouth ^ lo iu r r l r r . and Glen N'elton, iSraldippearunlllccl)’ * *ja a u . havinit been

;E:“['i;sS'‘.ffi: Moisture c » Kfijurrx.

ms Held FS'-1 , :i_U )S tlm rch ivA trr outlook lo r

*m ata{»frecpni< r. s a i^ o n trnct li bell t t f ( or Uie Prophet i ,„ , b e ,„ ,0 aome tl

W. A. LoUBhmlller. t J"? ?fu.n ^ of aupervlsor

^ rn lU soil conaervRU tewr Toone Mng. ^ , i . ItjJ.U flnnToonrnnd ^ 'Rrtiitr *n<l lirr live Louehmlller bnaea n iofpxl M members U 'c of * *iSf»Yt«r>evf dnnce deptha nnd m olitur WTd b7 Ihf MIA. Pro- hills early thla we< It «xjW to Uie Sun wns made by coopcrf rl ir lc t nnd technician----------------- coriMrvntlon aervice.&NW8 WANT ADS. Official imow aurv

® '



t o

A t G enera l E le c tric h o m a h e a t ir

■If give you m o x im u m c o m fo r t i

S ^ 'C f o r i tie lf in f u e l lo v in g i . 3 6

ONE-DAY INSTneed lo w o'rry o b o u t g o in g w itl

" ' “"'Dce. W c w il l in s to ll 0 n e w G-E *= 'oackonihe s o m e d a y ."

^ B E R (I HEATING 0■ ^ I N FALLSB ^ I ^ S o u t h — PH O N E 2 A 6 t

F - :

DECEMBER 2 1 ' ;

Preliminary Su’

H- i

^m'S) J

V ||^ | |j w • '-’M f

...... L v t^ S ir (V V

>11 Confcrrallon dlitrict eooperatan. kld< tm e rlfh t, Uke a readlnr ot the m olid lUth hllla. Led lo rlfht, the cooperalon in, auptrrlaor. (Soli eonaerrallon aerTlce

* * . * ■k 1

ire Forecast foarms Improves,for farm en on lhe *ln un til a fte r the be lter now lhan It but » preilmlniuy i

ie time In the piit, thla week becnuse < er, chairman of Uie ot preclpltntlon Uils 'Isora ot the T»'ln a i thla Ume Injit j •vaUon dlaU-lct, re- une rldde Uiere wn!

8 J Incliea of moist n»e« hla repoH on Tills menn* U int un k survey ot anow dIUons the soil W' s tu re In the south Inches of m olatur week. The aurvey would be any runot

perntors in the dls- deficiency la only 2. :lan s from the Mil miller snld. T he rice. ■ years wa.i measured iurveys do not be- feet of aoll.________



you could g r your family .

J I lj I r * ^ I

K w

o tin g ly t t c m i a rs le le n t tf lc a l ly d«

>rt o t m in im um <oit. T h a f u r n a c e i 3 6 m o n th i to pay.

JTALLATION!w ithout heot during the Instollotioi G-E heating system — ond assu re


RUPERT 6 3 3 Frem ont S t r e e t — PH


Siu-vey of Snow, Soil ■ B

----------- *

r ' 1 *. i ' * * "U A

j h L . 1 - u

ald ed ^ b y W alter Hanklni, aoll eonaerra ilaCure content In the soil alnnr the Pole <ri a re John Paaloor, aupervlaor; Ellla Ful rire pholo—(ta l f enfrtv lnf)* * * * * or Salmon Tract 3, Snow Survey She f irs t of the yenr Alonit Pole creelc la. y survey was made waa n deficiency e t se M o t innje amount the top four feet of a Jlls tnonUi, lhe deficiency la alx Ins t yenr (lions Dend- Al Uie PatrlcJc rnn wna A dlficlency ot dency In the top th n olsture In Uie aoll. ■ u nder normal con- .would absorb 52

iture before there notf. Tlila y^nr thc y 2.9 Inebes. LouKh- te deficiency both red in Uie top Uiree

r J jH I

liv e • • •

“ F

7 m ]


- ' . r

l i lm 1.;

d esig n ed to

;e t h a t p o y l I j v ^ .

tion o f U .Xire y o u • f l jy

S . I

P H O N E 9 5


)il Moisture Made

' ^ 1

| . l f l

anow meaiuremi DtadUne rldte In auperviior, while Ell

Inclthe deficiency U '4.1 ti

Loushmtller aald th found <1.4 Inches ot i Inchea of water alone and 36,4 Inchea of i Inchea ot wnter alot

M |[ ^ B He iald thl.i waa mc'* “ waa meiiured a t b(

Feb. 1..... - Snow eouraes this

cated n t MnRlc moun :rT»Uon aerrlee rldcr. Shoilione bnaln, -ole creek anow creclc. Pole creek, Fuller, farm er, ,p r t„ „ . con t creek. 1

Benr crcck. Sol! meat *r * are located a t Dendl

, Pfttrlck ranch, Pole e:» + creek.•' ^ Snow survey crews^ ot dlslrlct cooperntorW M r k f i r c i t«chnlcl«nj from the O l l i / v V o Uon senlce, LouRhmi:

c Inat year ttiere s ir Edmund Hillary t seven Inchea In Mt. Everest, resards of Mil, Thi* year Himalayan pe n k -3 JJ * Inche*. D ablam -as "Uie moaranch , th e defl- dltflculi peak any ot th ree fec i of soil I t aeems uncllmable."

\ m* J * ' •

“Fam ous 5” Pcoportionei

NO-MEND L o v e ly . . . sheer . . .

n y lon s! The g ift that e

w om an loves to receive

m a s time! Choose sever n ow from our exciting (

o f w in ter’s newest shad

.35 - 1.95

\ j W \ i \ y


ie by Soil Conserya

jrement readlnr li made by W alter llanki in the anulh hllla. lio ld ln r the f iu fe |i e Ellli Fuller, firm er, entera the readlni f) _______________________________

‘"'iSoil Supervi“ ,r ; '5 ," r . OK VoteIons Deadline ild s rof anow ulll) a.B SHOSHONE. Dk , : alonK Pole creek, of voUa %t lha reten

*. Wood River Soil ConLt both place* on (^,^1 supervLiors wm

speclnl meetlns Uiii w Uils yenr are lo- count of vole.< ahowe nountnln. Dendllne Dean Ooodlns and U nsln, hcnd of Ceclnr Gullixle,■ek, Hummlnsblrd progreM of llie aee ;ek. Pox creck nnd „iong uje highway n measurliis iiaUona reported. TVrndllne rldse, the q( roadway wole creek nnd Dear borrow p it area lo b

about 70 per cenl of rew* are composed completed betore sno rntors, a&ilited by rem ainder will be done the »oll cnnserva- . , s

WEDDINGlllary,.COnqucrer o ti and CAKES for ALI irds a much lower; Heatonable • V>

■ s ; n i u ' ' o . " : i ; ' M R S . L. c , fy ot Ui have aeen.l P H O N E 0470-R 2 ble." 1|________________ ___3med Leg Types

ID. . fla tter in g it every

ive at C hrik-

veral pair

ig collection

' m r ' ^ '

ryation Service

llanklni, anil eonaervatlon lerTlee lechi Ufe ll Glen Nelson. Twin Falli Holl Conie 'eadinf In the recorda. (Soil canaervatlnr

ervisorsote R esu ltsDee. 21—A cnnvn.ia __________

I reeenl election for ^lit Conservnllon d is- „ e hlsh off Uie t •s WM n in ^ n t a n,,j, MmetlmUiii w «k.^-m e flnn l ,,e „ vcselallon or ahowed 12 c a s t for * j,c„ npproprlate h and Uiree for D enn dvaiiablcr

lie aeedlnB p ro cm m gOOClOJOKMOaOC .way north of S h o - 5 p , „ , V « . . » led. There were 12.^ g D U y Y O U r ay and acrca o t 5 F r O m O ' a to be seeded nnd » . . . ,;n l of the work was fi M o K

)e d w ir in ^ ^ a p r 'S g ! ^

tiG CAKES l ior ALL Oecsslons! g T W IN FALLS

. We Deliver S 'L ea Welbel" an, C. BU R C H 0 ,'■»7 0 .R 2 , G o o d in g | m ain ^



• BUTTER see


Police C■ Giant B

Visa I

_ EL PASO, Tex.. D El Pnsb brolher* we Immlsratlon offlccnwith coniplrlne Kpaaaparl documents

One of the broUie chondo, O , wnA arn before b . S. Cor

' Poase nnd held In t k , - oUier two brothers,■ Amador. 41, were aif warrants.

EvidenceB j j ^ U. s. DLslrlcl Atlo

Hams snld there w.v IndlcnicA -'one rackcts alont; lh<

Williams u i d Uie were sold for $50 a; n.itlonnU aeekini; United S U tej. He hundreds Alien vL'ui!! on Uk

, by Uie Anchoi Uae Three

District ImtnlRra Marcu.1 T. Neely s operated from thn

In El : Junrez, Mex, Botl

---------- were nou rlcCefcrino wns sali

orsnnlzcr for lh iKhnlclan. lefl, on Clolhlns Workers i ’onKrvaUon district Amndor wns n inxlc atlon aervlee pholo Yellow Cab compat

clialrman of the au- :h»TRt ot U « work, q •eime v m se i to r 6 t i lhe Mil conservaUon V f *>}


ul bald eaRle nests he (tround, often Inletlme.i nrc found Jn / / I S ------. or on the cround I lie hlsh Illes are not Jf

« x v e « v v w c v v ‘

I call fo r tha W atch c ^laker | <=>fllty and sen ’lce 8 ^ ____ ___auured g W l C d l■way Naw! O , , J l

-LS JE W ELERS g l ^ C r l T l'• and »

• Max Phillips- 8 K pm jcxrs FINEST UN AVE. E. 0 86 PROOF. 70x CMII x x x x a x x x x x m B ‘ SCHENUY DIST., INC


t ^ 2

f H&Y I

ely. Fashion Prescribed (



Ve Give S&H G reen

u ^ A £ , h u t ^ f £ f i i c i ' '


■X.. Dec. 31 il/v -'nu*»_'» were bcIni held b r .' flccra loday, charred e lo fumiih (Bite-, lents lo aliens. roUiers. Cfferlno An?I arraisned ycJlcnUy ■ Commluioner AUn In $10,000 b o n t •me

;hcrs, Pedro, « . anA ire arested on federal

tnc* Clt«4 -Attorney Ilolvey Wll- e w.« evldcnce whlcli

ot Uie blsEcal vIsa •he bolder.”1 Uie phony paasporta .£1} apiece to Mexican ins entry, into tha He iflld there wero

Aliens who received |t | renglli of papers lup- f.1 ichondo brolher*. hree Office* ilsrailon D i r e c t o r :ly said the broUiers

three notary public El Paso nnd one In Bolh CcferUio arid

u r le r public.> said lo be a former ,

th e Amalsamated |n ers union (CIO), and ! l inxicab driver for Uie n mpany. In a Paio. H

to w n ? |!

' ttiao f them all

am of itucky



IIColors: i


en S tam ps

i v£ "

' r.

PAGE v r m ,

Page 6: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

i Kefauver to Try Strength

1 InWisconsin; ■W ASHINOTW .-tiec. 21 “ Sfn-

1 ‘ ntor Kefauver, D,. T fnn ., up HH ' -"cnmDaUn orsnnlraUon yw l^rdjyI *nd announced he »U1 fn tw lhe 1 ■ April 3 W lw omln Democrrtlle presi-

i I . D onohui. W u h lm lo n} ' hl4 c»mp»l([n man*Etr- » ' P '“ W

I Lincoln M. Pe lin . HuntlnBion, Wm iI ! vireinm lndu«trUll5t. m a vicf chair- , - m an In charge of rnU lni camptilsn

I^^ThR T e n n c 8 « e " *enftior’* nn- jiouneem enl Uwt ft

:' wm s e e n u r td In » told JM ■WiKon-H *tn‘» 28 convenUon vote* brought to 31 . '-tliree lhe numlwr of-prlm«rlcs he nl-III . rt»dV to .^ • He Mid previoujly he would con- : i ■ teot in lhe M arch 13 New ’ ^mjwli^re | ffl • bnllol'ns and In the June 5 Callfor- ,in n i l primary.I I ■' Adlal E. Stevenson. thi“ only other U> ftilly announced conlehdcr for lhe f i ' . inSO nomlnnlton. hft^ t in m ■Ji . iLill be e n w fd In CalltornIn. Bui Ml : EUvemon h » * /Iv en no inillcailon ■: WlU CO tn to eW^er New HaWP-I 1 ahite or WUconaln. , ^

Kefauver SOI the WlKonilft and Nea- Ham pihlre dcleRalion* In 10S2.

I He led Ihe e.irly b.illotlna m lhal ' vear'Ji national party convention only

I ■ ; to lose the nomination lo Sieven-ian.1 1 T he aenator ta ld he wan "Inter- I, ' : ested" in lhe May 20 Florida prl-

I ' m ary which Btevcaion haa nn- : nounced v.111 tn « r . B u l Ket^uver• Mid he would make no riecldon on

'• 1 1 lh a t ilJ 'te unll! aome time in Jnn-• URr>-. toUowlnt » weet-end viiU• thero Dee. 30. ^

I Labor Groups ; ' ■ Plan to Buck , : AFL-CIO Unit ;

I -"' • BT. L o m s , Dec. 21 ^ n -A commil- tM reprcjientlng two eroup.i of n- dependent labor »mloiv% yeslerday u r « d uniffcattnn nf nJI Hie inde- pcndenla into b alngle ofKanl/.atlon U) ••pTolecV them U am the A fL - j

ThB commlllee. repre*enllnit lhe ■ NallOMl Independenl Unlnn Council lind th# Confederated Unloiw of

J ' America, called for a naWct(»I con-

! ventlon next May lo f tjfc l lh ^ or- Riinlutlon and elect, national oiil-

Don Mahon, executive «ecreUry of tha NITJA, mW aU irtflcpcniltnvun- Jona. repre«entlni "between 6,000.w)0

1 and 7.000.000 worker*." ivfluM be In- 1 vil*(S to « n d <lcleKit« ta thft eon- I venllon and Join iho orRnnltallon.

1 ' The committee aald ihe^exflct daleI and plnce of the unification conven-I Uon would be left up lo the legUla-\ tlve conlerenca for Independent un- <

fina ecfieduled for Waahlnetan be- i1 . Binnlne Feb. 8. *

I Mnhon t t l d lh# purpose of the cI I new organluiUon would be "lo obtain )\ naUonkl recojnltlon in d equal KJ>-I I resenUUoB on govcmmenul ^ ^ d a ]I I and advUory commltlets r a ^ p n i to «

»t lib a rm ii{ tm . and slve and1 financial.'aupport to unlom In c u e (

of etrlkei or raid* by rb l« et’.Dnlotu." ,

I Mahon, aaid l h i n iw organlraUon I I ahould be > preaiaen{,,«ecuUv« vice ,

I * prealdenu aecretAry M li « national : vice pre^l(Iep^. I

I t said 058 CoruHtulifln adopted by i lhe May convention mual make "ape- 5 * clflc provWlona In Mfeguard the lo- ), H t autonomy" of all unions UXlni

I ______ _ ;fl* Divorce Asked

. At Court Here Iuiii, MfJi. Barbara Frey fllfd ault fnr iP {" dlvorea Tue»d»y In Tu’ln FalLi dls- (\ i trlc t court. chatgW c cxlremr mentalI r cruelty nsnlnai her huaband, Floyd ,

[' 1' Tlicy were m a r r i e d Aug. H.U W i . aV E\Vto. Nev. There a te ihtr-e]) m inor children, community properlyn con^Uta o f household furnlnhlnRa.I and rquUlea In n 1833 aulomoblle cI nnd renl estate. iI Mr*. Frey aska custody of th r chll- 1r rtren. »150 a m onth for Uiclr mip- Il l ' port nnd maintenance, pliu an rouli- rH nble division of the property by theI court, nayboni. Rnybom and K ra- vi mtT. T win FftUa tftw JSrro. r tp t t j tn la \I Mr*. Frey. v

fi Compensation to 'I i Prisoners U rged!D r. BOISE. Dcc. 21 (,ri~Thrrp Juatlcej§ 1 ' of Ihc Idaho Aijprrnie court recom-I I mended yMterriay ihnl tli'- IcBlsln- ■V ture ccn-'ldrr npprnvinc workmen'* H;!' cnnipen-Mtlon, nt Irn.u m .'ome caaes. t f l ; lo r fonvlct.1 injured whlla doing « f t k prl.v>n Inbtir.- J' P R jusllce E. B. H m lth> flih Chief ’ B Juillce C. J- Tnylor and Justice I' ■ Ij Doculd Andrr.'Qw. mnde Uie recom- ^ I h m endnllon 'in n speclnl cnnrurrence S l to ft un.iuliunus oplnlnn In whichc the court denied ennipeavitlon lh ^ I auch a j

I L S o s m o o th I S iR h },

j l ’ i t Ic iv c s y o u

I ;! brealhless

I S F ’ ’" ® i Ff ■ “ ‘ T m u I

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(<, r , t , „('}9 I1u«vn Follln * (.B.7;00 iltslMrt llurlilfb «iW TopI 'i* •nrf ft*;-.

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K iSfSSfc. iiS i s i S S - Is i

nd jj:.lS " '• " '• r *!l* Tnp

I! IS;£ Two Brothers F “ Separation h ililt PORTLAND. Ore.. Dm. 21 —

Ttt-o brothers hadn 't ju-en m c h o ther sliice IBOfi were reunited herei yejK-rdny n fter each hnd walled halfl nn hour in th e union depot wllhout' knoivlng ihp other wns there.

GenrR^ KUU). 74, ChlMgo, and Arlhur K ltto . 12. Pfirtland, shook

fi/indf n-snn}y m <r.t.7Mw ercm id, and fiailibulba popped. They hadn 't

IT seen each o the r alnce 47 year* ago In D uluth. Minn.

It- Oeorge hnd been acheduled lo a r ­in- rlvft from Snn Frnnclf.coby train nl lay BM5 ft.m, bu t cnme In Ute laal n ight le . itx.\lfaa Ana nU i'ca W) untilon It wa.1 time Ut ro m eet his brother. L- He anld he took an farller train

brcnaie It waa alormlng so hard In he lhe bny area.,cll A rthur was In th r Vialilni room ot and failed to recognlrr iils brother.

Ihlnkini: n t firM he wtis n rnllronrt ,r- or ft p rea reprc.ientntlve. Finally a II- ------------------------------- -------

; i Wilson Asks Huge Budget

f_ For Defensela- WASHINOTON. Dec. J l MV-Tlie n - defense departm ent estlmaiM » will w- need a bJiUon dollars more for caah

spending and aboul two billion ad- he dlllonal in npproprlntlons for the iln year beginning next July i. iP- Secretary WlUon outlined the •da Pentagon'* program ot retiucst* in Co th# next budget yeaterday.

n** He said If the propojato ar« ac- cepted by congress, the defense de-

*- partm ent Bould apend atwut 3 J ’j on billion dollara In the ne*i fiscal year ice »nd«wouIil be. provided with about >•1 billion dollars In approprlMlona,- lo be addrd to carrled-over funds.J The ren-wna given for .the in-

crease Inchide;1. New weapons — among Uiera

spending for guided mlimiles.3. Fundi for SU rtlng work on a

aurfnce w arship with atomic i«iwcr.3. A txjJc/itJsJ Incj-Mie of aboul

50.000 mtn In the nrmed forces,0 <■ A 300-mlIIlon-doIlar Item 'fnr

changes in survivor and sickness or ^ n e l l t paj-menls of the armed

laj __________________

I, Injured Worker 'Z Denied Damagegn. BOISE. IV e. 31 U. 6 . dlstrJct lie court Jury yrxterday denlrd damage.s

lo n Rnlne tnnn In connection with 11- lnjurlr.1 a t n loading dock, for which p- h r linrt sued t/nfon Pacific RbII- II- rend fomuiiny.hr Jamr.i w . Slew arl claimed a rack a - which fell on him whJJr Jjp u'aa un­its loading automobllr.i J>me 10, 1034.

was defective. • Stewnrl v.n» an em ­ploye of th f Roy C. Dnvldwin Motor company of Dolse,

He askrii S101.3B2- T lir Jiirv'a re-

diecilon of hls claim c.mic a l the conchisinit o l n !our-<hy irMI.

;; Won’t ChangeV* AUSTIN, Tex.. Dec. 21 i.l^-Tenn.^' ;g, Cov. AUnn SHI.vers .^ald ymierdny he' :ip will n rvrr chn’nVr Hi hls oiivrsltloii

10 Adlal KirvrnNon. nml aE^iln amd ei he hoped th r DemocrnU would iiom- e j m ate a •-moderaK" whom he could


1 ■w«iiiiwiinina«nr . I 2 C a m M itS in

. | a = “ - ts" ." :g sc a p c o m a u f coMiTUT B


VaUey Radio SdTFI AM-PM10 K no-w .T m o j n U i U i r

....................... • e i l (BaaMvill* >i______ WKOHMOAY

SK«£r' ■- A “ • ' ! ; i i S M ;ti^lbbirAIUUrtbCM J;?* , ,

Uuii« u MMaifhi l-ion DMlifn^or ^ V »1r

TBUMOAIT o p .f» .„ « i.. THUMDAT

illpat CdlUoa «l Kfw# . : , i nill T.flor Bhr*tw r? l.r iT la liw M<t H I b W i - ------- -• |‘.'"n'o jtiia Kfton — •UtTedr t.r ix f . ‘j j i l Hiih Ni»T«*Mu.l« W «i..fJ iiSfl Muik“Hm ;:on Monrr /ar HutK

K'lo<icu’K‘»nUk« <°r MuttaNtF( (:<1A KKKP AH'*KUocidt ^KUnbtki «:lil l,lnc.!a in Muilt

s u ‘f*tl».». nA»*"'* <:it .sK «’ti'i"« '*TeMli 7«.m ;,-f>nlAmrrlcih A<l>inlurf 1:00 MimofiM YmKiKlbb.r KcOm Rour,,*,,,.Top TunM ^ • ;«Nin^Fl‘i"*n N?>> Itinn DmIch for prtiinir Uuile MI4nlfbl 1:00 C<^ NIfhi lllifkllrld »>potUr__________________________

Reunited After IV Lasting 47 Years ]— jrrporler noticed a rrsemblanco and

ich'informed Arthur his brother wnf in ere llie group he hnd been watching,lalf Qeorge denied reporls th a i he nnd ^oul hll brother had parted ovrr an a r- spe

gumrnt, "We Jual never correjipond- momd cd, that's all." he sald.« hen3ok Alter they pwed for pictures they ext

u*/iea trm-ln~Arni to a wMUns cur aren 'l and drove to Arthur's home for PIn lircnkfasl. His wife. Carol, was a l sali

thrir last meeting In 1D08. necom- aptsr> panylng the brothers lo n movie th a t carn t day. George recnlled, cen

th t The reunion wns to be a short onr. wldJtll Oeorj^ pljuinrd lo lakr a IruliJ to - WUer. morrov/ afternoon for Virginia. Mln- j,Iln nesota, to tpend Christmas w ith % natIn younger aWer. In lhe meantime, pm

they had a lot of catching up to do. ci,i;am Oeorgs works |n the mall and ord er. shipping room of an advrrllaing ind agency In Chicago and Arthur Is a ' a retired govrrnmcnt auditor.

' fan

Dark Future \liLOVELOCK. Nev.. Dec. 31 t^ v - „ J*

This city hiked lU buslnes.s fres yesterday for Die flral lime In ^

e years. .^1Mosl cMily fer nn the new Jl.M

- I Is tha t Inr fortune tellers, onwhich prohibitive fee.i w rrr , „ i placed a t 11.200 a yrnr. A JCOO-n- ‘

7 * year fee has (jeen al.ippcd on *3 peddlers as a similar diseournge-

I to 1

Bodies of Three 1;: Fliers Sought in

Swampland Area i»''M, PORT ST. JOE. F la , Dec. 31 'fl—

Air force searcher* puahed Into it *?_ »£>£>ded. swsmpy nrM yM terday look- " lng for the bodies nf three mlvilng

fllera and v,TrckaBe of two planes -™ wlilch collided In f llgh l Monday

night. p "* Tliree almirn are known dead

from Uir collision nf nn F86D Sabre IUl Je t anrt a JKS bomber five m llfx o tf

Port Sl. Jor. -r n r --------------------------- jS” ROI.OV TO SPEAK I

IDAHO FALLS, Dre. 21 '^ '- R r p . ' • Page Belchfr, R.. Okln.. will be ih r sprakrr next ,)an. 20 whrn Idaho! Falta holcf. Ita "Salutr in Ei.ienhow- ■ * er" dlnnrr. G rnrrnt commlllee

. . Chairman T. P. Hopklna said yr.strr- ,C day between 450 and SOO persons arc le t expected to aitrnd.irJi . ------------ -------------Ith DIVIDKNt) PKCLARKD el> SALT 1.AKE CITY, Dre. 21 'Ti—■I" Directors of u tnh OU Rellnlng com- , pany yMlerday dpclared a 30 c rn l

ck txir* fiocic tllvldenri.

» ' | ■— - ^ ^ I 5Vm T \ • J Fn i* >


IN'T h o y All Ki'siod th e B rid t"

■!,!. - :-P U 'R -" B rin g Y our S m ile A lo n g "




chedules jK B A R

(1230 KaOCVCLEBl

DAT****^ **'**' WUmrSbAt 1--------- f^ i'D ur Tbwi>— ________

• tlii^T lM kr Uiniiin(III n il Sum „ t;!!! Wllllaai WInicfi:U H«bG>rr*d lO.i

‘«<l*H>r- ;;»4ClK«Kld '-Cl'■‘ "“ ' l ' J

P m rti* lloi llot Dcwn HI, nClS . . . i i i i X , u „lundup I0:>4 Wutit to Dron Br pel xniBf r . ,

ratjBsuA tfvnrin Uail, Timt {

. 1:»a tl..rn Iht rinfiMriIIW K*IAn K*fl’ *KI b a t

lil t Jolm krWtn, “ ,• Mfrnlag ,,«g |i,,a ita t Club ‘

l»:M Kill (nr lh> Un. Att■ • |# i;i Hoi Ctrrcd |j„i1!;” ™

}j =,‘‘ • 0‘'* “S';;l; . }{JJ 5?.T.’ir l*« i.a

,1. ■ l i i i : >ir, 1:00 ll*rp» o r r t i Oil

t e . ^ :;fiH KnthtnlWifil *>’

’1 i-nJ MMiirl*m»fk " cre

Co:-------------------------------- ;------------------ p/ll

Mexico Starts Big Boosts in " Welfare Plans

MEXICO e r ry W _M rxlco will u spend »10,SOO.OOO during the next 13 H m ontha in nn ambltlow publle i h ealth and wpllare progrnm and In J extending soclnl security Into rural , -» /w , ‘

Prealdenl Adnlfn RuU Cortlnea said the nujoriiy of the Kovcrnmrnl appropriation will go inio child care, consirucllon ot nrw m aternity c tn teM and jjMpii.iJ.j jiijiJ « n n lh n - 7 ' wide campalsn lo wipe oul com- * w unjcnbjf dlsenwn. *

In hi* third annual stale-ot-U ie- rnr na tion tiie.vuse, the president «h praised th r nr* ly c rrs trd nfltJonal i f , child wellftrc institute which Is co- nn, ordlnatlng imbllc and prlvat* pro- n gram* (0 tight malnutrliion and h-, pollo. He JMied lhe following ac- oth compll.shmcnis in health and wrl- fnre durmR ilie past 12 months: r t

T h e public henlUi m inistry serv- S ' ed 60.000 ichoal brcak/.Mls dndy ^ compnred to 45,000 the year befoir.

Thirteen ha^pitnli wllh a cnpiic- Ity o r J.JD7 iifds urre bulll through- f ou t Ih r country and construction ot flip a I.BSO-briJ mpdlr.ij cenirr wa.» Jn s ta rted In Mtxien Clly. A

Inoculations Ior malaria, typhoid anr fever. Irprosy, smallpox, tubrrcii- of Im Ls. venerMi nnd o thrr commu- the nlcable dUeaws were given to S.- Tin 103.720 prrsonf, „( .

R u ra l soclnl welfare wns extended T lo 303 rfnlrf,»Aen-|ngl.700,«)0 farm - nen era nnd 304 cnmmunllles. for

I R uIr Conines said social aecurlly dbi inow covcf* 1,600.000 Mexlcnns— the h o o o w more lhan a year ago_of S which <0,000 live In rurnl aren.i. H . ,

irfientlon RE Jn lh a Unlirrf Sinlr.t c.^nte in JB47 •—

.when Brlghnm Young and hls [Mormons diverted w airr from a Istrrnm to irrlgntr lhclr finds on Und now -occupied by Salt Uike

r E l J C nT/if:4TJif:-f7r.r:fi

W E D .-T H U R S .John W as-ne-Lann Turner



5 0 e Mat. • 7 5 e Kvf. • 2 0 c th l

/ jI R V I N G B l

P firm T cn Tii/int:cn

m k mMOTION nCTU»I I HtOH.nBtinY

T ,,v . , . ^'*""'8

CROSBY-m rosemary CLOONl




______ i , .


---------------------------------- I'il‘Red’ Tag Is P Given Union

By Brownell -WASHINGTON, Dec. 31 ' ^ A t - « ;

torney Oeneral Bro«'nelI - altached-a-R M -nR tjeftonhe U n llrf n*t

Eleculcal. Radio and Machine W ork- 1 rr» ot America (UE) and urged lU ten 10.000 members u> depose the ir red '■Communist dictators," thr

Brownell also asked tlie subversive gro actlrltlea conual board W make a e formal finding thn t the big inde- Ma pendenl'unlon. working on defense »Ut contracts In many plnnU. Is a Com- nei munlsl-lnfllUaled organiiatlon. *po

UE president Albert J. F lligerald said In New York -flrow neirs occu- ^ sntlons agnlnsl UE are Ues."

He added In a sU tem ent th a t the attorney genemVs ••hypocrlUcftl Red

. baiting- comw •'s^ ihr very, time our union Is engaged in aT jllK r strike against the WestlPghouse -MkiUiS corporsllon.J^tigerald called Brow- neU K "strikebreaker."

« UE Is one flf two union* now In " strike igalnst Wtstlnghouse. T he P « other is the AFL-CIO In ternationa) y « Union ot Electrical Workers iIUEi.Th# walkout took place last Oclober 10 enforce dem nnit lor a wage In- ‘ creaie.

Brownell, In » sU trm enl of h ls ' own. said If the SACB Ilnds UE to be W Communlst-lnflluated It wlU help Dis

. pnlrlollc UE members mnke a house- no*cleaning. y

Under-provisions or Uie 1054 com- munlsl control act, nny union tound «»< by SACB to be Red-lnflltraU-d loses nie' all righls under lhe labor-m anagr- to 1 menl relaUons aci. Including the iroi aervlces of the national labor rein- 7

> lions board. of i --------------------------- - any

1 Hollywood Writer ; Is Hit-Run Victim ™' HOLLYWOOD, Dtc. 31 (ir—Ber-

n««f J. H m s . SI. * pub lM ty m xn J ' for Bel Air Motion Pictures Produe-

tions. was killed yesterday by a h it- ’ and-run driver as he stood opening ' the door to h it car on a Hollywood « I ■ street.

Hynrs. who formerly was marrjed T CoPrneficsBro«nln(r/rom IW4-JD37, Iun

• cnme here in 10S3 from Denver trrt ‘ where Ifc hnd maimKed n thenter. wns I Kr wns divorced Insl yrar frnm Ednn of 1• Dodd Hynrs of Denvrr. H

T lirrr were no wiinr.v;e.^ lo the 1 deatli. Hynes wna hurled Inlo an-• other c ar putked In frnnt o l his ow/j. ^pp

; Suits to Collect : Two Debts F iled '". SIntewlde Adjustment burrnu enc ! flird two IndeblrdneM suits Tursdny Chr

In T «ln Fnlls probale court. "thiAn nctlon wns filed agnmsi Cliff the

I and Onnr Doe Melton, tor pnyment Chi• ot a pronilWior:.- note mf.de out to slor ' the burraii In the amount of $34.61.• Thty also tsk for an attorney fee ^

ot 110,Tlir second action wiw entered

nKninsl E. L. and Jne Doe Goodman - for JJCB.BO In paynirnt of nierchnn-

' dbe dellvrred in Decrmber. 1853. by the Idnho Masonry Products com- psr.y. plus S25.IO interest. William H. flnlies Is nltorney for th e bureau.


TH U R S.-FR I.RnOl. yniinn—.\fnrg. Chnpmnn



1 Dnnra Open a l 1:15 ChUil. X Kwls y illD A V

B E R L IN ^ j '

- I

ix c u i / / ;

IRTIZ ' t“ *■ "fr m ' •


Public Hearings : On Reduction of Elk Herd Denied1 WASHINOTON. Dec. 31 t^U The

interior departm ent h M tum etf downt- a request fo r public hearings on ly whelher surplus elk In Yellowalone <rd nsUonaJ-park-ahoiild-bfrsUughlored. >«k- The departm ent announced re- t ■is cently the 11,000 elk herd would be J :lr reduced by 3»00 anlmalsi mosUj t

through shooUng. because It h a j out- tve grown lls range In the park. . fl Sennuirs Murray. D .„M ont.. and t

e - Mansfield, D.. Mofll.. nnd Represent- 1 sc alive M eualf, D., M ont. asked Jor 1 n- hearings on protesU registered by a

iportsmtn. i

] Com t Backs ; S Car Buyer in : S Contract T iff '

BOISE. Dec. 3 1 1 »—T he Idaho su- 5 „ preme court r u l e d unanim ously? .1 yesterday in favor o t a Boise man • , who sought to break whnt hc snld . 1 , was a provlslonaHgreement for pur- n ch u e of a car which i t laler turned

out his wife dfdn-t «k«. >1. The court. In an opinion WTltten ,e by Justice Jam es W. Porter, upheld lo District Judge Charles Wlnstend, „ e . now retired, of Ada counly.

Winstead granted E arl Chandler's r I suJt to recover the auto he had f ,d Uaded In on the new cne, and de- r „ n itd the tuU o t J e iw ti MoVor Sales l r- to get lhe full price of the new car s ;]c from Chandler. ia- The eourt said J . M. Jensen, head "

of the auto company, hsd no t at any time tendered the new c a r or lu certificate of UUa to C hipdler i atter Chandler returned Im p o rte r wrote that this Indlcnted acqulcs-

n cence In lhe breaking of the con- iract. ,,

The opinion recited Chandler's , . testimony lh a t he w ent lo Jensen (,

Motor Sales on July 3,1853. to buy a csr tor hLi wife. He became lniere.it-

j5 ed In one and he and Jensen drove It out nnd showed It to her. „

rd Then Chandler tesUIled, he re- i, 17, lijrnrd to the aufo agenry and en- v er trred into a snte« conlrnct which - T. wns msde conditional on npprovnl in ot h is '*lle.

Hr furlher lestltied. Porter wrote, "thnt he returned home and learned thnt hU wlfr. wa* lurlou.? nnd dU-| npproved of the pureha.« of tfir| csr." Then, he aaid Jensen refused, to call olf the 'deal. ThLi was on a Friday, On Mopday, Chandler re-

d turned the cnr. ,Porier noted there were dlffer-

lU ences belween the testimony of' ly Chnndler and Jensen, but nddedi

"the court could reasonsbly believe' ff the evidence of the respondent;I t Chandler aa ngainst appellant'* ver-i to slon of the transacUon." I

r Q CORONE p ' S A Y S -

■ i ^I a i n l i r i W r

I ■


Idaho to Cut ( J Down Service “ ToTaxpayers,

^ Ice offered the Uxpaylng V b U ? 7 ; ' making- eu t (U te Income u x r l I

11- turn*. . J'T h e . taxpayer has the rrjnnn.t «

It- H e ld SupervUor H. O. Rice drci.?.'^ ■or In ft memo. - I f Uie Uxpayer (Jm i C *>y problem, pro’ "

Wld Bfreeable m enner.'" * [• " I t Is desired to refrain from ih J •ctURl preparation of Uie return by) th e field auditor," nice .ddert '•Oulde and aaslst Whenever P.J: hi"'Refra in from nctual preparntirim whenever possible, P r o v id 7 ,X " “

f field oTflces and other places ,%chrd. , uled for Uxpayers particlpaiinn" ?

n ice noted an •'antlclpaifd-'in. '' crease in Uie Indlvlduni work l^ d nf ''

. field personnel conllngfnt with the * ‘y advent of sta le withholding a n d . b '

sequent field. Investigations per- U nent thereto. t

ed He noted lh a l a similar do.|t- yourself program for Uxpayers had been instituted by the U. s . bureau r

" of InUm al revenue, which Is selling'; up w hat It calls UxpayerV aviut^ nnce days. ]

" I t is desired, beginning with ihel r's m onth of February. t h « ench fipid' ad auditor peraonally' conlacl In lfn l] le- representatives and arrange a slm-1 les lia r Uxpayers assistance day for the ;ar s ta le In conjunction with lhe federal

schedulB so far as pouibit," Rice ad __________________ I

i" Judge W. T. Orr ” Plans to'Retire

WASHINOTON, Dcc. 21 i.Pt-Prrs- Ident Elsenhoiirer accepted yesterrinyl i

r® * request of Judge WlllUm E Orr for reUrement from the u. S. ninth'

• Judicial circuit bench a t San Fran- i’ cisco. The district Includes Idnhn, ■

Judge Orr. who haa aerved there more than 10 years, wrote the Prr*.

e- Idenl lh a t he was 74 on Oct. 26 and n- u iiJifd lo retire nexl Jan. J. I

: F A C l = iedL,.j THEATRF^—WENdkU 'j

i W ED .-TH U RS.”*i Family Nightsr-j Richard Basehart-Phyllls Kirk



B|V (tm


F a b u lo u s Coprl M ovie CamerO/ 8«'i f l.9 lem, precijlon tJeiigned for »n»ol operation, hond-fillinfl ihope.Lef m feolure j — i f Keyilone light bor ond Indoor movie moking ■Jr Genuine leo' ★ Rolf of Kocfoli eolor fifm. * Wirf»


t O N E T C A M E R

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Page 7: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

IBE 21 ,1966 - .....

;r m l j M

th u V .

jfl<romu dno-Dr.rur.

nee ^ H P ^ P Hong W A

:°u! B s i i

" n n i

c i r i ’l ^ B3Ud i j i ^ ^ H

tchlon" “ P rt. WiUle J.‘py bert, r ijb l. K in

irl»l be to n a V.““ T h . eonrt U ltr aU. In a fanwl In (hiOl com atin lil East

>n* romU u . Tbe cioin iiedt. eUiralnr t)c«l Baw led tha t the'«> Berlin)_________

S Andrewr » O m£ By St

WASHINQTON, drtw W. Mellon

^ war hero or the n ‘"•' r#r aa the present “y know or care. Be ,,, around town have

»pty and re»Ue*s i ; ilu ttered in his tjx

X. Io n i likeness was honor yesterday,

vc man’s bones can c ■ar In protest ol .wJiat « , callcd a notable el QB >"«nO'y lorevcr.

Tl was Just 30 Its FDR'S new deal di in tlce sought to li he chances of fraudi n" returns.' M e l l o r t - g rea u st tlnsnclcr, o l tary of treasury lr ey nrpuM lcan adinlr va Ing, Coolldge and > id He was for years c

secretary of Ireasur Hamilton. Bul Me

CJ with the great dci vy mer Presldenl Hoc er out of the cablnel al to G reat Britain t> •s. of 1833. The old m. yl political llablllly.Ig B ut tha t did nol 5d croolcTheHoostvc er however, was slugg or reaetionBries In 153

a stnnd-out. As for th agent and (as eon of Ircy related to Wl In the boolt "The Tax >S pened ltke this:»■ -Tlie Roosevelt :■ mnde tne eo a ftn i t Irey said. "1 liked

(hey knew ll, so th crnck.

"Bob Jnckson (la eral and supreme c. made internal rev<

. chief eounstl and 1 B need help on this ^

f;y Jr.. secretary Of trei ' U ry said: 'Irey, yoi ,e per ccnt on this job. d I order I t:



iM onMor.M on

f m t,Ag iv e t / \ ^



i n t l

B e a u l

H o l l d

D e c a r

(a t tame pr ,reg u la r t o

• 4/5 01. Code No.

I t • tne tam e w(

'in tho regu ltr



A cquitted

i f l p

I 3. Holden. r»s>ur*uie. Mlas.. and PtI K bdsm C U r.' Mo., r e ^ newipaper b< a U. & A rm y c ca r t la Berlin. An a n sr e r acqollled th e two to ld tcn e t disorder I tha SoTlat le c to r « t Berlin wblch ltd Cast O ertnan poUce aod the ir sabs«qu< le case arooM d wide Intereat became i r th a t E u t BerUn U p a rt e t “lOTerel

the ir eonrU try th e m en. (AP wlrephi

!w W. Mellon Hoi Stamp: Man Not FrON, Dec. a l (»—An- "irey explalnci lon m ight b e a Civil po in t th s t Mdlo

. B at the o ld t lm e r t plflce to Judse. X lave no t fo rg o tten lh e Hess lit tle m a n who s speech. - Mellon’# taxt SUmp b earing M el- y l ^ In vcstiKnt. was dedicated In hU ay. Perhapa th e old Indict, an eeose ra tU lng now Mellon wns a vhat hla friends hoUy and the sUndni Ie effort to sm e ar h is b u l he wns no u tr. * ha rd In many. 30 year# ngo th a t al departm en t of Jus- J«0 Indict M ellon onaudulent Incom e Uix T^a*ury cc lo n . Pcnnsylvanift-s ' ’h '"

c lcr..h ad been aecre- urged them to be 17 In th ree successive figure dodging tl H 73lnIstratJoj»-H artJ. “ t >5lh "n 'l Pe nd Hoover—m i- lB 3 2 . seweUry « irs called th e g rea tes i the United SUte asury alnce A lexander Hla coal and li Melloo-a lu c k faded tries Mellon coi

; depression a n d fo r- under charges o Hoover w hisked h im W hen depression net to be am bassado r word of Mr. Ha tn before th e e lection Mellon had oi d m an had Ixcom e a “Llquldnle stock ■y. Ilquldata the far1 not m ean h e w as a esUte." Althougl Mvelt admlnlstratlO D , good causes, chur iluggtng th e aO'called 11 Is true.^hungr: 11&3S and M ellon was Mellon was hard I fonner ace treasu ry B ut nellher w ucommissioner E lm er The grand Jury William Slocum for a fte r FBI and

ra x D odgers." i l h a p - tlons seems to cal deal agilnst »n

ivelt adm ln lstraU on Innocent man. afler Andy M ellon," ked Mr. M ellon, and I to the F S l took f l r s i l l yVE J

1 (later a tto rn ey g e n . I | \ 1 ■ ^ne court Juallce) was I M Irevenue d e p a r ttn e n t I ■ ■ ■ ^nd he said to m c : "I I ^ _lls Mellon th in g . T h e I C T ion was no good. You I w I /1.’ (The F B I evldenU I „ „ „ „w Ux dodging.) I 4-HOUB 8ER;Ime Irey g o t a te le- I DAY Excepl 1 Henry M orBenthaU i'ltreasury. T h e secre-;! PH O h

, you can-t be 09 2 /3 i | _ „job. Investigate M el. I tN ijK A

i r i v e S So>

iore taste l u V i M!ore flavor J f t S |’o re Bouquet f f m V ‘

r a io r e J WHAIGHT BOURBOK I f K W m 1 • 66 PROOF

t h e j U p y ^ H

u t i f u l

i d a y i K ■. i f l

m t e i * '

price as ■bottle) '

Io . m

le w onderfu l Ill’s t ls o lo Id ular bottle,

E D IS T IL L E R IE S C O M P A N Y ; tou.i

ere Per/ection of Product is Trad

. «‘ -■ — — —

■ ■TIMES-1

i^glians ■ ■ ' jPlayinj

r O fS l______ ___ .KABDL..Afghar

—Afghanistsn. a. — I- w lth-autoeraU o~(

P ' * emerge as soviei' . 1 room to r dlsplayli

Premier Bulgan 9 r ^ 7 m nl4t Party Boss 1M ; ' ■ ' / ^ B Visit which ended U ghanlsun a 100-m

tenn loan for e<

T hat sum can pi e cu to show th e i tbe Soviet union ing for friends.

Few countries AfghsDlstan. Thi roads and highw more than and schools nre m have electricity, i

% . mobiles or proper. Utlon InsUUatlonj

. W With thU back!. - . . alaiu have consid

getting a very sl th tlr

l l l P j i m Army’s R(Pvt. R ichard L. Cal- Draws

r before sU r t of the a^. r . iu in

ltd to the ir a r re s t b r . , , , ^b j t b i “

u e the Eakt G erm an Rlckett began 1 erclm'* G erm say . de- here In IBM, comli epheto via rad io from Lalie City rtcnilU n

lUckett has sen eluding service In 1

• J one year In the KoD n O r C C l " His family will re _ City.

ForgottenO Magic VaUey and

lined hU personal rlew - help be given Sgt Icllon was innocent, a l- McCalllster, who I liung It waa no t h is _ e. M orsenthau 'a answ er trM tm enttctlng you to go ahead, ^ r o S „ ^

field workers of tl ax paying easily tu r - department of agr Igntion. and th a t waa :rand Jury refused to

s a pa trio t by h is own I First Cl-idnrds of m a n y o lhers r " L i . C L . . .0 wfty. He w as, in fact, U l T t O D C iny ways a lthough a man, physically ,;jlvenK through d o n lw w n E |islilrigUm like a sU rtled F <y corner to u ris ts usufJ- "'hen a guide suddenly0 believe th a t th e slljfht ^ - v •» ig the tram s h n d autos # ’ f

Pennsylvania was, In \ T i t 1 , ry of th e U ea su r/ o f V - #Utes.id Iron police In Indus-

controlled long were C « a | r A , 4 o t strike b ru u liu e s . ^ V V C l Jlon came th e re Is th e W w w w Hoover, h im self, lh a t only one form ula:

tocks. llquldnU) Inbor. farmers, liiiuldale rea l U l Q S Q

ough a g rea t.g iv e r to «ihurches, m useum s and. I > ■ ' ngry men a n d women, K Q n n | lardly a hum an lU rlan . was h e a ta x dodger. ^ / lury refusal to Indict . O t Z O / ^ Id Ireasury InvesUga- / O> call n foul on the new *an old end, tju-w lse, F f N f

. ' — - U M B 5 W 0 0

'E M A K E 1 5 %1 O T O PUKE


A T S Seven ou tsfoncing co lo rs i

SERVICE EVERY , | i „ 3 6 tO A ‘;pl Sunday.


§ 1 ' 1 -

f f l ' t B I I

I [ W S - T - R - E <

llflBig s e le c tio n s a rg y le s , so lid gi w orry o b o u t f i t f its th e m a i l .

9 mI f ItB Froi


radition’* Twin Fi


ns Face'Qg Role ShowcasethanlglAQ,.Dec..3l (fl

a . Moslem kingdom iO ~goveramenl,-may ivlei Russia's show- laying the offore millions of Aslan

Commu- ss Khrushchev In a led Monday gave At- 0-milllon>dolUr long-

economic de^tiop-

n provide many proj-he resl of Asia w hai ""on Is capable of do-nds.es have as little as j B M H I B HTltere are no rail-ghways are nothingr t tracks. HosplUUe Mnrcc. Few placesy, telephones, aulo-<per wntcr and sani-Jons.ackground the Rus- nslderable scope for J y showy return for ' n — -

Recruiter ^s Transfer Firem en chedivln K. nickclt, Who |5 ITw in Falts recnillerh^^ been transferred 5"nL

n his tour of duly _omlng from the Suit M o i ' l n n ilUng su tlo n . f c l l l l l U

^ w 'S r l J V " , '? A l o U l o I l l J l .In World war I I and — r : K orean confllcl. violall retu rn to S a lt Lake b . E . Rambo

for blocking a dr ssed appreciation for bonds w ere Bert I I he haa received In m an, H erbert TJ and asked the same o . s . O rcalhotu SgL 1/cl Harold R. center. Roberl V

:)o U replacing him. sim pio t. J . E. Cn------------------ nnd D avid Hilly.he chemical widely _________le n t o[ AclhclUs, has EcypUans were are Mexican yams by to work w ith stor it the United SU les Ing th e malerlaU agriculture._________ 3750 B. 0 .

Zhoice fpr Last-M ini hoppers

F O R M E ^


e a t e r s ^ f f .

i g o t

nor fi



5 l t n


^ T I E

N ew est Season ( by WEMBLE

J i , S O

HOW A B O U T .A new overcoat or a u lt; pnjn a h lru ;a new h n t; e p b rt coats o several white shlrU ; a Jackei shoes. I t It's menwenr we arc m Jusl whnl you're needing . . . bo.

■E.T.C.H > 7 ! 5 j

O X ■ .ins o f e ll c o lo rs \ id g ro u n d s . D o n 't ^ a

f i t , . . on e

t o 1 .5 0

0 f»SKrom RO PER’S — f t ’s Depei

F alls—Burley— R u p e rt—B

S. IDAHO__________ ~

^ ____ Storm

... \ ... icheck dam an la a 10-unlt apartm ent h( I threugh Ihe baj' area. Tbe heavy roef « ) pUee bnt flrr tim tllea on an upper flc one was ItiJurrd, a lthou fb tb e root U u! lines. (AP wlrtphote)

in g F i i ie s Find R^ RIO DB JANE

113 in bonds was p o s t^ T he. discovery o;h Twin Falls police weighing I3«',i pcvloUUons. ^ in the mining to;ibo posted a 13 bond vallada res yeslena driveway. Po.itlng 11 rv terlb ed u tl lert KeneJcl, R. U Cole- t Thomss. Paul Yost.[house. While-s Music ________r l White. Mrs. R. R.:. Crossley, Bctly Dnvls f tlly, RUPERT. Dec.

vere the tlM arcJjIlects stone, They btgan us-

rlaU lor building aboutA M E R I


Nl I

s JI E S ' i l

n ColorsLEY W

( ^

' I B uy hiS tro d i '

J ”; : s e e a n akcl or sureoat; ^ .

' : Z 2 X . S X IYou'll, marvel ai

, ., ______ tone rnyon wem•jk * color. In Burma

, Rugby Royal, B<

ST R A D -O -FL AWnrm, hcnvywcli

I\ m M \ A S K

XS 'i !'pendable

-B u h l

rm Damage

B S i f l

* •


tn t house In 6aB Francisco, afler wind* roef w.as blown o ft frem thli building, per floor and four dovmiUin were evac t Unded on thrM cars, nilnlDg ooe ot

1 ReportedJANEIRO, Dec. 31 W— Gladys Broadhi 'cry of an aquamarine driving.wllhout 14'. pounds was reported Ing town of Covemador F U Byesterday. p _ . ^ ” \

ns the world's largest, 0. ,” '* * '^ .* as estimated lo be worth .rn ; ii. c.' Liti

•lixk. 8 A n n i — PHONE

V D ro n r e iT i rn Dcc. I i - p m i c . JU dl,

E R I C A ’ S m o s t b e a

\ m

y c

W L i : . : I I

f U m

iu y h ts g i f t w h e re h e 'd b t;y it h im s j tro d iv o r i S p o r t S h irt— Ih# w o rld 's

i n d G i v e i h e B e a u ,

? R A D - 0 - ]rvel a t the distinctive appcarsnce ot the 1 wenve wlUi solid grounds and contrast Surma Beige, Pnrl.i Turquoise. Swiss Cog yal, Bombay Black, Oulana Oold.

I-FLAN ........ ................. 1 0 .9 5ivywclght washable flannels.

A S K A B O U T R O P E R ’S I2-M

G ift Pack

t o p. / f / f » F r o m R O P E I

T W I N F A L L S - B U R L

SenateI 1 liiAid

WASHINOTt Chairm an Knatc_rorelgn predicted toda reject a n admi double foreign next year.

2B m L W ' . The influent ‘M • was one of a m

who said the S‘ aid funds the to seek will be

SecreUry Dulleswoutd be askt .spproprlAllons double lhls though aclual boosted only b

' r" - “1 *m satlsfl _ no l approve an

(the adm lnlsl Oeorgo anld i

' home.Mike }

another latlons commll the admlnljtri ''overcmphaslzi aid" and lha i Bte bolh econc

Ind* up to 69 mile* an ---------Ing. A plywood etlllng READ TlfilESevacuated lo b ones ef , ; , , , ' ,~77~

ot them , i t also tor* J .......................SURE W

Iford Tuesday declared«nd of 15 posted by Mrs- : n7™adhead on a charge otlout a license. ' 3 r (= = = = = JUSTU R N A C E P H O N !R & C L E A N IN G _ .01) Furnicn, Coil Furs- C ■LIttU Kurntrn. p«iu la T ^

II nuECN arxMpfl ■ ^ INE 3151 er 3504 T r a n i f a r> W H A M SERVICE. c O > ^Wetk Cuaitnlnd"

E A C T I F K L S P O K T !

' - ' W ifn P ei

I S tg le Ei ' l l In Slfodivon's groM

J l j lin es ...In its beov

p j l collor... In ll» luwtl

/ fl( " < ff f ’ f ■ colorlofli . you’

known o t Amirica'

tport "A t fin*

. eon nw


' ^ iJ v a d ti^ c b^ C rS T O M -S U rr-T A IL O IlB D^ S H IB T

m s e l f . . . Qt R oper 's . A n d m o Id 's f in e s t o n d b e s t f it itn g .

m t i f u l N e w

^ N U Bthe Strad-O -N ub . . . colorful two- la s tin g nub In shades of the same Cognac. Milan Blue, Dublin Green.

STR A D -O -G A B ......................America's finest gabardine Ullifinest sh in .


lekaging Free

mE R 'S - I f tO e p tn d a b let L E Y - . R U P E R T - B U H L


itorNotes _ I ection for | 1 Demands |40T 0N , Dec. 31 O l - I W alter F , George of UM

'e lgn_relaU nni_com m lttea_ today th a t congress will adm ln u tn u o n re q u e if to reign aid app rop ru tlo iu '

ucntlal Georgia Dem ocrat ’ a number of congressmexx he *4.000,000.000 In lorelgn the administration p»«««

III be trimmed shw ^ly. y of s u t e John Poster d yesterday th a t congresj nsked to fix foreign aid

Jons a l tha t Jo'cJ—nearlylis year's allotment__al>:lual spending would ba lly by 200 miiUon dollara. H atlsfled th a t congress wiU 111 /e any t4.&00,000,000 If they M .Inlstnitlon) ask for It,” M Ud a l hU Vienna. O a., ^

Ike Mansfield, D., M o n t, , itm ber o f the foreign re- mmlitee. agreed. H e aald nistration appears to bo laslrlng the value of dollar lh a i 11 U Ume to reera lu- ■ :conomic and mlUtarjr u - H


; W E 'R E M O V IN O ! |ji« t d i n t a i • v e r INOrb Ford C a n 't l*|

Wove You — | j 5 Fords Con"

o"he 2 2 7 : Q R Di f i r l l S to ra s* C o .tO RCXAt, STO SA Q *

r S H I R T /

' P e r f e c t , I t F o e u g i H

groceful, fulWrepIng j i

bKiulifuIV b o la n c^ S

luxurloui shirting folx f l

moling array ef ridi Q

you'll why Il's

irlca's moil btotrttful * jjj

t fin* «i ski1I*d bonds n

inrtwW.- '


m oke it a

8.95 I............................S I O 9: Ullored tn Amerlca'a ■


i l :

Page 8: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

I Work Mishap Brings Death To Youth, 1*

I ' ' ■ IDAHO e r ry . d« . ai ifi-A i Mi— jra r-o li] Jocrrr w u c n u h td to dc* I) In » wood! »ecldenl n ta r here ye ri terday. less U un 13 hours a f tf r t llj' .father<ln>law succumbed to n'ouo oil -TKclred ja s S o lu ti)ootlns.' ! • Bolje County ■ Sheriff John > ■Ljl; ‘WlllUuns w ld R a y m o n d Hm dll Shores wa^ caught betirren a 'J a r ( f .xaar" twed lo Joadins logs, a n d I I • truck. H s died en roule to a Bol


I ; Sbcrta, hU lg-j-ear>oId wife t i •e-month-old baby girJ. Used In I tnd ler house n t lhe MeOrenor Loi .glQK company camp IS miles nor ; o l here. H e had worked for. U 'O r«sor About a year.

HU wife, M ary Janell Shores. -■ Uie daugh ttr of WlllUm O arlai Baker. 40. O arU nd City. Mo.. «:

'd ied of gvn iho t vounds In B oi Monday n ight. Baker's former wll Mrs. Therena Baker, wa# c h arji

- w ith l i n t degree murder. She U M j IShores' mother.I T be loffglnc accident occum • about 35 miles northeasi of Idal .•city . WUUams said It hsppeni • whU# Short* was reraotlng a paw :aaw from th e truck.

Flight MadeHi • BANTA MOmOA. Callf.. Dec. :1 . lU V-Douglaa Alrcralt conpaay al i •notmeetf tho f lr it/JJ iW yeslerday

, II U u nev DC70, which It says Is U' V ‘World's }on«eat range com m erd

J • •airliner.( , . About 1B.OOO, Douglas employ! I . -watchcd th e big. four-engine, pn

I Ip e l l e r ^ l re n airliner roar Inlo U '* s l^ . The a irc raft li a lltUe Inrgi

i tJian tho D07 and can carry moI fuel. Because of Its long m nee-

I S.OOO m lle» - lt Is expecled lo esU lI I lsh new nonstop, roulcs._________

; Shoppers, Lij Do Not ]

I : MOSCOW. Dec. 31 T O -T a ll t 'f r e e s strung w ith Utlita and eappe *by shining sUtrs stand in n it ill

I I principal squares of Moscow. Flgur(

li! iMouse‘Factory’

I Is Working Wel

: LC8 ANOELES, Dec 31 Wl — . ■"mouse faclory" has.tumed o u t mil ;Uons of rodents In the nelghborhoo

' -cf EncJno. In Saw n n n a a d o ralle: I b u t the Loa Angclu health depart It y m ent has them marked for th e ga f ’ chamber.

I Scores o f householders complnine H to tha departm ent th a t there hai n been a sudden mouse Inraslon o ” th e lr property, m m tlca to rs sa l

• they found "mmions of mice, llvin V .beneath chicken.pens" on propert h •formerly iBsed a s a poultry ran c h oi Jl ;Venlura boulerard.

l i . • The rodents were scamperlns bac ■ k 'a n d forth acroea tbe boulevard a n B l ^youngsters wers haring a field da

'II 'c atching them . One, a n 8-ye»r-«l '] .girl, had threa mlc« tucked In he

;purse. . . ’ / .

il ^ jVirgin Islanders I, ; Seeking Power!

« : CHARLOTIX AMALT*. V. 1-. De(

J*31 (tn — A committee of c itizen Ijidopled B resolution yesterday ask ■ins lhe tr . &.'<!onrHss to IranV th ^ : Virgin islands the 'sa m e poJltlci : fr, • s ta tus Puerto Rico n c p lted ta IMS.

I . ‘i| : Such (itntus would tl»« the. Vlrgli '.islands tba righ t to elect a gov^mo)

' i j .now appointed by the America I f!fi iPresIdent. and uap p o lae a retJdea

J. ; in congrtss,: I t would also'allow the legUUtur

I ' ■ full powers to ItgL&lale oh in tc rn i { .■ maU en. «Jth(Ki(rh reserving e o n g m I, • • the tig h t , to annul an^ leglslatio

n : deeniM inconvenient.

H i! ;Youth’s Diet Has H i : Firework Effecln i l : BAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Dec. 21 l,p.H E • Herbie Hamilton. I I . fillci l f ' his poeketa wiUi peanuts yest£rdn

■ rI forjTot about a couple of Un;■ Hj llren 'oiiu bomba.| | . | | | He was munching awsjr a t scho<B i|. when his teacher* and whoolm atey I were stArlled to see imoke p o u r ouB i; of his moulh nnd n u r .n ' A school nuMe touldn'i fin d thnU j I Uie bomtu hnd dnmised Herbie, nnc■ t : - hLi' mother. Mr.v R. H, H nm lllor

H i . said U ter he "doun 't seem to bi■ ;,jj hu rl a i nil."

i i Hearing SetM ; BOISE, Dec, 21 iir^S iate Health

l U j ’ Director L, J. Pc«rM>n w ld h e wli: ■ ■ j l l open >1 heArlrii; Jsii. S tnlo nllegn.f i n i Uons or piitleni mlslrenim rni filedikP I Eva Hrrnii. oprm ior of theH L Eva Heron R rsi llaine trt Bol.te.» § ' ■ Son* of KwiJlnll. n

” .|i pn lltn i a t thc liome. nllcRed lha tj l , Mrs. Heron struck thelr {nther SepLI 23. mss._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^

^ f r i e n d s conn ing 'I I * 5 , o v e r 7

I I f . . . b e a p e r f e c t h p s t lljl s e r v e d o u b l s - ^ c h

I ' C r e a m o f I K e n t u c k yI W H iS K ^

f ’l' R m u cK rsn « E srw £ /5 « r-A 8 i£ N o I f 'i &6 PROOF. TOX CRAIH KEUTRM. SHRITS.



y - Rei


ounds 1.

nH ugh

i '

n o r th r. Me-

s . Was

WhoB ouawife.

larvod ‘sM rs .

r u m dId ah o f '


« . 3 i y an-la y of ^Is th e ^ 1 ^ * ^e rd a l p | | | M | ^ ’

sloyes fo r the Isil fonr years mallmpro* I ln r in r mail lo Mra. Marie Mael

0 the CoQley dUeotered M n. MacDona Inrger •eeo. knowlniiy, for 23 yean , Mmore Uy. Calif, store, aaked ConUy h

nge— When ahe leaned t( was Conley :st«b> Uenihip was disMfcrcd. Xh«7 p

wlrrphoU)___________ _________

lighted Trees, H t Mean Christmi.11 f lr of San ta Claus are In every .stoipped window. People iliopping for git1 the crowd tlie big departm ent stores nt gures the scene looks Jusi like Macj

But all Uib lu s nothing to < with Christmns.

r . l i There Is no, Christmas, official c l l .in Sovlel Ruuia. Ttils season i _ . exchanging gilts U lhe cclebraUc

o f th e New Year.•hood decorsled trees are n.

C hrlstm astretsbutsom ethlngcalli Darr-’ "yolka” which Russians hai B gas gtnrrallons to m ark U

midwinter season. The s ta r on b lined ^ five'polnled sta r o t th e Sovi

had fl»e-n of And the man who looks like Sani Bald Claus is realty “Ded Morot,“ i

iv lns O randfather Frost, a character i perty Russlui folklore dating back to pn :h on Christian tlmo.

I t is bed Moros who. on Ne back Year’s eve, descends from the Non

; a n d Pole w ith a team of reindeer brim I day Ing cheer and gUU to Ruasian chi r-« ld dren and grawn*ups. His companic k h e r U “Seguracba.” the enow malde

who helps him decorate th e yolka.Grandfather Frost and the sno

maiden wen in dlivrace for a fe years after the Communist ttvoh tlon bu l by the mid-90a they wei

» r S welcomed back by Soviet oflicUl But as symbols of the New Yea

Dec. nol Chrislmss.Uens Dec. 33 U an ordinary worfcir a sk - dsy on the Russian calendar. T t

V th e society EnejelopedU defUKS ChrU Itlcal mns a s -th e birthday of the mythic; MS. . founder of ChrlsUanlCy.- Irg ln Devout members ol th e RusaU n iM , Orthodox church quleUy celebr*! r ican Christ's birthday. But fo r thc grei Ideot miua of RmsJans. fhe occasion ti

giving glfU and general merrimet a lu re u New Y eari eve. c rnalgrea* — —— —— a tion j

e c t ;

i ^ i ^ w h Q ^ B M

trdny ^

chool ’■nates , r ou t

th a t

lllon.0 be '


n 'lh a t

! I caugh t in a showeO U R V E L V K T E E N ( ; i ,

! fo r th c fc.Mtivc ho liilny j ' HiiriiiklitiK o f p c n rla .

_ { bu iJt-in p J a s t ic c l/p to I c o m fo r ta b le o n y o u r h i

h I tin y p r ice taR *

iLovtlj- Color*; Red - G lren - Niry . BUck - Brown - a>



Y. • ._______________________


^ ^ S ill l l lRlUman Jam es Cooley, rigbt, has beea de- UeDonsgh, tefC bn t latf week, by chance, onagh wat h ii half sUler w bon he hadn 't , Mr*. MacDonagh. a clerk la a Mill Val- y hU nsme a t the reqoest «f a cuslatner. ley (he iwo csm parrd DsCcf aod (he rtl*- J pU a l« have Christmas tofelher. (AP

High Hopes nas for Russians.store? As in the West, Russians are ad- glfM i'Ue4 to do Utelr holldsy shoppijjg

s nnd enrly. They have been Jamming de- iacy's pnnm cnt siores lo buy nnythloR

from Inexpensive plnstic toys to pro­to do hlWtlreJy priced KJeyJslon sels.

''Yolka" trees are cn sale a l 10 pj.iiy to 30 rubles, depending on site, Yol- a, of ka decoraUons ean be bought .a n j- .^Uon wher«. Ttjcre to praccleaJly no tiome

In Moacow without its yolka on Npw n o l Y ear’s eve.

»Ued Moscow’s 4 t restaurants nre ad- have vertlalng warnings to customers to

c the make reservallotis enrly for gala- n top m idnight dinners cosling from bO kivlet to IOO rubles.

T here will be all night dancing to Jaza orchestras in (he rcsuurnnts

“ w u m hoUU and around yolkas In city er of * ,' P*** T h e big evsnt for mnny children

will be a public party a t ihe Krcm- New un^ Jn one of Uie czar's pulaeen.

<orlh D ancing wlll lnke pUce around a 'Fing* gU n t yolki^ standing in Uie middle thH* of s t OeoTKC’s hall where President

Ulion EUmenll Vonehilov usually enicr- ta ln i Uie dlplooxaUc corps._______


^ H S T A M P S

I • To Ysar Order for Site> 2 2 1 *:h im 'l Prompt service on Stamps

, I for Ali Needs


Entraving Depl. of “ * " ‘ 11________ Job W a t Shop________

i l : ..........

ver o f sfors . . .( ; i ,A M O lIR C.M ’ . . . aKlnw la y n in o ti w ith n K cnorotis

Y o u ’ll love i t 's p rac tic iil,:o k e e p it .'-nu^. w arm nm i

h e a d . A n d , you ’ll love it*?

ren - Gold - r in k ^ A Q • and Rust. Only A • 7 9 |


F u n d s A s k e d 1TO KY O , Dec. 21 W -U . S. '

— U rv o f U a Havy Cliailes Thomas ^ h a a M id he will ask congreas toh a pp rop rU le funds for stomlc-powef-H *d *urface craft and for moret i ntoimlc-DOwered submarines,y T h o a m . on lour of U. S. nsvy jI a n d m arina bases lo Uie Par EasL 1

B j i

! b

" L -... ...JP

- HASSOCKS• L orge Storoge Spoce

• V inyl P lastic C over S fo r e x tra w cqr

i Rog. 1 0 .9 5 ........ 8 . 8 8

rw i


Step-TablesPInitIc T o p i

n t H ardw oocJ construction w ith *’■ d a m o g e resiston i p l a s t i c ~ fop j.

^ N ow o n l y ......... 1 4 . 9 5


T nE / j

F R E E 1 0 . 0 0 G i f l

W ith th e P ureho]

CEDARLimed Ook - B

A Gift She V

P ric cd QI 5 9


N o W o r

T r a f f i c a m

H e a d o

t w in f a l l s , IDAHOtold a preaa conference Uiat the nary alao is m « n n f progress In the devel- opment of^ nuclear-powered air- • planei. B ut he refused w predict (

ta when Uia first auch pUne would b« , r e » d y . ____________ 1

M aUya'a moat im porUnl alngie 1 i »7 source of revenue b Uia e ip o rt du- J isL Uei oa tin.___________

! § E ] ]

grrri w l ■ "

■ ■ ■ f YOU

^ I



vitht i c \




3 -W oy L ig h tin g

r Pofished Bross Trim


7 . 8 8 „ c i .

lift- C oupon Book

c hose of 9 Beoutiful

I CHEST■ Blond - W olnut

c Will Cherish

9 * 9 5 . M d „ , S 6 „ , .


'o rrisom e m d Parking doches!

'S S : Y u l e O b s m aair- HAZELTON, Dec. a ii-n iu a lo o

edict ChrUUnas" was presenlttl liy 3 U be lingers of th e Eden sod H ac d ta

Pm b y terian chnrchct Sunday m x^og a l the H aselton cborch. U n

ingle Irving McDonald oondnctffl and Mn . du- MUford Jones wa« xocooiptnltt.

In voc*Uoo a n d bm edlcttop wer


t - '

give beau ty and 'sf;

. . . g ive o H arm ony I

T V SWIVEL (T u r n s fu ll 3 6 0 d e g re e s C o m fo r io b ie in n e rs p rin g cus A ll h o rd w o o d d o n s tru c fio n

N O W A TT H IS L O W P R IC E ....................

■Reody to f in ish . . . 'F in g e r- ’ t ip s lid in g drow ers.

E o c h .............:...... 1 9 . 9 5

clossic styling

I S c u l p


t 15.95: 4 .6 .

I • h igh -low hifftd/ 1 ' s u r fa c e piU / • e lev en H or-

/ X ) ' H o u my - |,- c o lo n

1 0 0 % v iscose royor s u r /o c e y a m s g ive

W j g re o te r r c s is to n c e tc » / sp iling a n d c ru sh in g / / • - . m o re brillionce

I ^ to colors!

I \ . ■» 'M M

\ \ 2 4 x 3 6 - i n . - ^

A \ 2 4 * 4 5 - in ______

u . of >nd Joyw West. M a ria lv n u » ^

J E w ilo U U . “ » ^IMr*. / ----------------------------



'style p lu i long -las ting co

y House foom la te x cushi

swivel roc

« <9 .0 0 Dow

S e o n lo t)

• It rocki.H ig h e r choi in . foom lot leo n -b o ck t

^ ^ ^ K ] i | | | | B royon o

J V h 'C H A I R S I M

cu sh io n in g '.j f j H

3 9 " * I



• A d ju s ts t o o n y position

'I w ilh b o d y p r e s s u r e


: 9 4 .5 0} 9 .S 0 D o w n , 8 . 0 0 M on th

ig in H arm ony Houso

p t u r e d ef


U 6 -f t .

d .

lyoni'e ^ B 9 Q B S «e toiingince ^ I S

c o tte r lU e t t o m e t c h

j ^ 3 . 4 4 3 0 x 5 4 - ln ............ 8 2 ’ '

......... 4 .9 8 4 x 6 - f t . ..............1 5 .’ *

£ m «

______ ____________ WEDN

Utsoa. f =• Oene

‘^ e C O M^ARbe|i3

' J

’i ’i ' - , .

I com fort J y Wishion . £ ■

)cker H (9.95 IDown, 8.00 Monti, ■

W foymtnt f i n Ic k t, h iti end iwirtbl Hchoir bock ohd 51^. H

n lotex cushion invilsck reloxotion. Med- Hon ond mohair itieie H



effec t

J G S ^ H

h o t l t ^ s

Page 9: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

G iftM a y

( o iD e d b y

gice’Error-.. q u a toy«hop

< J g t l a rhyme »

.< m >

V f t ^ o k c r p - C c < . - ^ mDnddy.

. (he voice ^ from the souncU

;5'Wb i '“'■”“ '^ « ^ p l c . n d U < l

< ^ j ^ t - y

1‘ n i lorritry com-iS>l •! ‘I” ““'!">i » ' ” ' , ' " r u , ; "p? T H . r ip to . to l . B ' ” ‘ .” ' ,„ J I l lU l" PU n. whl,h

a U , , " i | r d by the rutuiw»j

“5S .S mS i «*«'■: ■' ''" * / > . ' . /. T • *" • Cost of LiVIa “ri'.'Cx:; Edging ul,WS»oMy benr ftnd WASHINQTON, De

, co.1t of llvlns edged„ yrlike voice boxe*^„„y,_—4 nn in one of the _

* • ^niii they cut- The Boverr.nifnt rep iW ‘" fy l,,„ i priee rlMj on IJ

11 v u bound to llem i more Lhithe (loll Wllh the cllnlns food prlcM.

cif.'T unhftppy on The reporl alw *ho» use f»ctor)’ t*ke homi

_ ------- ft n tw record level in„l,sMof>t »tr«lRhl mnnth *nd IUDSfllCei chMlns powtr ot «v

U.v,Df«. n -C u b Rcoul.1 pny „lv) « t « new rec ;^,ii!Uie UKinn hftlt. xhe burenu of hbor 0.-I1 t i l t »iiiic under [(^ con.’iiimer price I ttfJlrt. Vt'Mlry W hor- one-lenUi ot ont per ailUtd»lclc c.nd Mr*, n j p , r eent of nv.

prices for the Ural (cP.:iifrtO«rdner pre- Aucuit, 1B5<-jtktonmllh n bobcftl --------------------rtUTWr iH>lnt.i were W nlrr M »n w arct i « lUhir! IlnrHwtck. lu w hltt polar capii

ijjuul Mdlr Hulme. by (inlronomer* Ifl be I i f v i out Etft.1. fi frw Inchex thiclc.


jiJJou/ llte Coupnn Now! Mail or In Ihc Timeit-Ncws Today!


for ..............:..month“Jill' fnllnuiiig;

I P'eM t chpcl: here r■ •‘ 111 mall A Chrlslmn* Cnrdi ,


Jet Rum

't-A iW *

Ole threuf:h the mldM dlon of % i>2V4 Ich n n wild on ft fllfh t line i t Ih t I.incc kwftr.iel 1» Tlilble » l re*r^ Tlipte pcrMini ■he fttclilenL (AP wlrephote)____________

Upwards BAFTORD, Arlr...n*/. 91 ii«_ThP Leiand Drnneh. who

S U j K ' S. report w id lodny f / i r K " n 1858 »ulA* end por Uie rr.U ot tt ■ Lh»n offMt de* ©ounty Juvrnlle .p i .»• fleer. dhowHj thn t urer- L _ ^ _ — lome p»y renched ~ , , , , __

: iS .‘l;:.rr- Children T' iivrrese fnctory SHOSHONE, Oec. .' record. hundred children turibor AtntiAlIcA Mid Saturday for the Cha re Index climbed merce'n annual Chrtitj per eent to reach ment.

avrrase 1047t49 Santa CInai arrlvti Hral tlmo a|nce fire trucic and a mo'

*ored by the chambe------------- theater.rcf on Mar* (hai AwWlns w trt Dm ;aps are thought Durlon Tliorne. Jor-M be hoarfroet only Hochna, Stanley M y«

nnd Prank Sttnriw.


- J ^ e r e J

^ L a t I

- r (■ ^ r q w V.

A Su]

. . is the one g every day as it step the new s o

of accent on w

at home. To thc iji>,college, it’s i

home . . . and

, thoughtfulness.


Hale by Carrier1 mnnUi.......1 mnnlh* ..... ........fi m n n lh i ..................

, .13 m onth* ...................IUI tha

ny Mall In Id»Ii __ and KIkn Cnunty, :

1 m o n th ............. ............... 3 month* .................

(i m onth* ...................r t □ 13 m onth*_________

nsW ad


■ • I ■ ' T 3— f l • '

V4 jia ry iialrol bomber wai lou ted by * Incoln l.S'ebr.) air force ba<«. Another pti Kini wtr* killed and a h * n |a r w u dnlroye

IT Open HousemCHFIELD, Dtc, 21-<

Ir... Dec. 21 Ltv- a t the new Oem Slate Ut ho la In hla 15th phone bulldlns ulll b t h Sftnla Claua in Switchover to the dial i n rv rr haa nny place Saturdny and Vlll e BOod chlldrcn Chalrmnn Clifford Ward

first telephone calJ to ’ th e year he l i Elmo Patterson.• probation of-

___________ I l l l l l -

Treated M m m m Dtec. 31 — Seven J m im,tu rn td .ou t hrre ^ • CO'O" * «o-*c

Jhnmber of Com- ^ - t 9 - *•Litnina enlertAln-

iv td on the city ‘' ^ ' ^ • p F R E E mov t w ai apon-nber a l the T H E D E A N C l

0»M 10 •.• . Mil 1,00 >.a. tu. Doualna Hanaen, * "• '" I ’. ’.'J?;,.".' ' -M y trs , Jo t Ber- m tn o im ia T t WN?Tio Ivtra. E. I. Shnw i j * i i pmi«>

i a Q i f l

W i i l f U r

O U !

u b s c r i j j t io n to

g i f t th at is fresh and ne it brings to each lucky doo:

o f the world . . with plent w h a t’s go in g on right hei

h e G. I., ftr th e boy and gi ; an ever-welcom e link wit d a daily reminder o f yot

s . ’

RATESle r Dy Mall Oultlde Idaho

’ •3]7< J m o n th I 150..... 3 monUia ........................ ................. O S

6 m o n th a ---------- 1 . (t.OOl»Iie m onllu .......... 15.00J, Ner......$ 1.2S fitrrlcem tn’e Kuhierlptlnn...... g jg DUcounl from Item -!!!!! 13,00 Iar Ilate.



y a navy ie l ' Jplane dam - ^

royed by fire _ - ^

ise S e t 1 K — ^ .jn —Open liouae, « > •e UUllUei te le- , '» iot held Friday,; B O X I Inl aystem took! <<i d « I Vlllase Board]

/a rd made Ihej

\0UAO4 AIIMINTS \ ' | ^ 9 b H

IIU onuiiON I h O ^ l d ito N fiiu M o m V.,.lfl|l||B||

C L I N I C 7 o ”r “ \ S i i ^M rt; . '- - $135 IT aoMivAto I F re sh , di

m a d e o f

fru ic i, n i • a n y o n e .



I 8 . 0 0

COLOGt4 . 5 0



$ 3 ^

M atchabc

Cologne ai

Perfum e Si

H artinga

! 1 . 0 0new

oor- ; ---------------------

i SUNBEAAlere i

1 7 .5 0 for your old gir l I Y ou Poy Only ....

,vith i ^our I


R e le o se to n d i to p i . T h e b

m ^ k. .

— ^ [ W A L L G RE E N AGEf<

yy " ' -


^ S A N T A ;..


su g g est.

8 . i ( r u €


to give an d enjoy!

t , d e lic io u s A S S O R T E D C H O C O

: o f t h e v e r y fine» t in g r e d i e n t ! . . .

I, n u t f , c a r a m e l a n d c r i s p c e n te r* t

o e . . . F le a s e e v e r y o n e !



)0 5.00'GNE b = I



G N E =

, $ 5

I You"U Plnd the—, . . . LARGEST and B

, . S tltc llona ef Colo«t Perfume* 4 t Trollnse

c a n d. • EVKNISG IN F/


AM ELECTRIC RAZ(old ra io r ...................... '...2 6 . 1

loroleo — R em ington — Ronion



10 b o it................ 1 1 5 . C


: - . a n d


cv t f c ~

\ BO X {^ $ 4 . 3 5

Jl S i^ V tA y '^ ^....



k . \ of fivoriK

’I’’" " •V 2 1 B . , cologne be


I ■' \OCOLATESI . . . creams, Shaveter* to tempi

■L NO. 5



B U ' l l M O

N E an d l l S H E A F I


0 - p n . , $ ■_ _ _ I I on ly j

H I Q uality p lu s <

and BEOT 1 1 fea 'iC o lo n el and U n i l i ,■ollnser'il- ^ 3 jm o o th -w riii

co ld po io i. IN PARIS M „ j „ ,



id .oo MOm o n

E qu ipped w ith 1 ------- ^ ^ W id e A ng le lo n

J O O t o y ANC


^ ^ \ n Z , e J L w u K ) £

N LELONG'S “ JO U PITIT" ii (tie : ing o( frig ran t piesenis! A plnS-bowed lir o rile j: Indiscrel, B tla liilit , Sirocco t n d ' , , a h carte cologne* in the (amoui L«lon| e bp ltla .

Lucien Lelong'a “Joii Petit.” I


1.50. 10.50M E N 'S O LD SPICE

v e L o t i o n a n d C o l o g



O O P w B ^ -

i F F E R ’S W j L ^ y f k'K M C L 1 B |

I # _ j ( g B I I

$ 7 9 5 S P ra A L D U O S Ia £ j £ O y»oJd*M tlu ,co«ai*

# Burpiody o p i. pfi.patfcA fnr S bm LmIoq

iu* econom y! »«1 Colopi*-----------n o s . w im e d ^rea iu re t .

T r a v e l K

~ n 2 .7 9S U Y ! D .lu x . K i t ............



h T e le p h o to end 7 0 ^l o m — O N L Y ............... I


4 D G I F T D E P A R T M I



' PAGl

u a ' .


. !

I !

(lie moit ed line-up and Tail* elong ofb

i t." l2 .S 0»l..in



o g n e


^ 9 1 5

M 0/ W *i p p r M f a t M

, .for

i B f i t t f

O JE T S IMUtiaen With'•padaftd.ioa


VNK i t s

' 9

.......5 .89 I


>.50 I


9 '



Page 10: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until


Highest Court Has Ruling on Sales Viewing

BOISE. DfC. 2 1 - f^ T h e KUU nU- — prrni&-eoun-rul»«l

Um tnusl whenever possiblebrine thp properly for Mle U »

I fhcrirfa Mle lo ft plncf whera the buyers can view Jl, even It t l U Jir.n7 nnd bulky.

In R unftnlmoiu opinion w rItU n by Chlpf Jiwllce C. J. Taylor, the court ordered Mt wide ft sale held n l Wftllnce. July 28. 1054. The Idnho DI.Tmond Drllltns nnd ConUftctlnR eon;pi'ny ond Joy Manufnclurlnif company hnd w krd D istrict Judge A. J. G raf U, Ml the mle w ide, bu l G raf retUMd.

The bulk of the properly concern­ed wnn puwhftied by Jl. S. McClln- tftck Diamond DrllllnB compnny. • defendnnl In lhe orldlnal aeUon.

Tnylor wroU- in hla opinion:'T lie cruclfti defect In ihn »ale

WM the entire nbnence of Uie prop­erty from the view of the bidder*. Mosl. If nol nil, of U wns -capBble

, of manual delivery.’ The fac t th n t 11 of 11 may. have been henvy nnd

' i ( bulky would nol excuse failure to I comply with the slnlule. I l waji nol I rliown th n t 11 could nol be moved U

the plnce of the aala n l reaMnnble cwl."

[I Businessmen '! Write Hopes

j For YuletideNEW YORK, Dec. 21 Ip—Belief

I In SanU Claus doubtlesa U more I common nm ani the little v irs ln la s

flf nur land than nmonif hardhended I American buslnusmen.I ' Bui the Ulnn.'i of Industry mlRht U well be u-rlllns letter* to th e cood I Mint, lo r ftll we know. If lo , here j are come ihlnt;* they may u k ln c 1 him lo p u l under ihelr C hrlslm ai

I Ireej;I Tax Cul A>kedI Plrnse. Santa, bring n tnx cul—

II nlm oii any oUl tax cul—on our II prollLs, our take home pay or on

the produet.1 we make nnd hope to eell. At the w m e Ume. nnlurAlly. we expect you ia see tha t th e budnel seta bnlnnced, lhe federal deb l re­duced. and nnllonal defenaca made

I ever nlron(fcr.1 Aa HUB pollllc* M poulble. loo.

pleaM*. I I win be an elecUon yesr. bul don 't le l them make bujtlne.v^

I th r whlpplns boy. Don'l noUce If

i| blR buslneu te ta bfRger. A l lhe tam e Ume. help ItlUe buslne.u.

Aloner Wanted t f l everybody make acada of

! money, tn d nobody f tll (except I nitybo one or two of our more I tnnibIii.iome compelltoni).

5 And so ra*y nn those consreaalonal 1 probes. We tpend counlleu m tn I hour* prcparlnc for them. They I come hiBh In Ume nnd money. And , when they're over, oflen na n o t we

ju sl wonder w hat the ahooUng was \ all abouUI For lh a t m atter.' ynu've no idea. » Banla, how much time we apend < filling ou l Bovernmenl fnrm». how k many clerks we hire ]usl to keep I W ixhlnctoa Inlormed about—aome- B Umea we a ren 't aure w hal about.;i f n l l U Aakedi If the new ye tr brlnss t suA rtn- I Ued annual w aie for labor, p le u e , f| EanU , tlve ua suaranteM annual i. profltjt, our'at«ckhaldcr» Buam nt«;d

annual dividends, tn d the dads, of the I tn d guaranteed annual bank

I accounta riding high above th e llra l ) of the month bills,

i T h tn drop In our stocking t b1q>« a.iry of term* to ahow w hnt the I, Ruaaltna mean when they aay aome- thing. We look up Ihelr w ords In ordlD trr dleUonnrlra bul th e m«»n- '[I IngA obvloaily aren 't the anme. We

ii( could a ll aleep betUr, plan betU r. ■ u enjoy lhe frulta of peace and pros- U;1| perlty more, Jf wt could ju s t be aure ■ th a t w hat we Uilnk we aee U really I j l .peace tn d prosperliy with nny kind l l o{ IttU n s Quality.

1 1 Grange MeetsI I BUllL, D ec.at-P alrview Ornnge'*I newly insltlled officer* conducted I I their first meeUng Saturday evenlnsI t l lhe Grnnse hall, A ChrLitmas ■{{I Pi'osrnm wa.\ dlrectMl by the Juvenile I I Grnnga matron. Mra. Oeorge Alktns.B TJie Hricome »vu given by Marvin■ K earcher. T oo piano m Iob were I played by Dlek Lntham. O thera onI the proKmm were Jean Baiy. Mar-■ c arel Noh. Janel Piper, Ronnie R I K earcher. Diane Kearcher. Chrtsty ■ |, X earchcr, Snndr& Vou nnd Carol

j' Suchnn.__________________________

Vt iruiCf{rMuooNw>aaT‘ M.4pioof | | | ; i THEAHBIOWDISTJUlW COJtiC

I ”

lhe A i Held " ”'■‘' ^ 1iho ' T nlng ^Ing . . j M


m -In-

The Ihre* men nbeve nr* labor Ie Uoft. U f l la G w rg t Meany. t ta i tr

Z . . . * .

I Two Men Stai I They Hav

NEW YOIlK (NEA)-W ho nr» the men a l the lop of united labor?

, George Meany 1* n plumber and a politician.

He'a n powerfully-bullt, clgar- imoklng man wlUi a "meal axe'^Vay

' of driving home hU views, He'a deep­ly rellgloua and alU nds m a u on

^ Sunday—even when he haa been up all n lghl on union bualneu.

Long before he rose lo prealdenl cf Uie Amerlean FederaUon of Labor he had a reputation for skill In *«l- Ulng JurlsdlcUonal dispute*. Il'a only natural now lh a t American labor hM salUed tbe grealfsl of all Juris- dIcUonal dlspuUa—unlly ot lhe APl

“ “ nnd the C o ^ r e u of IndUJitritl Or- , gnniraUon*—th a i Menny ahould be ^ the choice for president of Uie com­

bine.WnlUr ReuUier i» s m a l l e r ,

1 smoother and no ieu adroli thnn -J,. Meany. Even his closesl trienda con­

cede Uial Tleuther nees the presl- dency of the CIO. which he hna held

lly for three yenrs, and lha vice preal- „g; deney of Uie APL-CIO, whleh he

now receive*, aa runga on a ladder, .( jI Reuther la described by one as­

sociate aa poaaeaalng "enormous I . , self confidence" and by anoiher ts . g / having ft g re tt tb lllly to "bide h it

Ume,", SludenU of lhe Itbor movement, u , , tioUng lh a l l« 81 m il neu th -

er 48, Incline to the belief th a t Uils ability to bide hla time mny explain

(,( luu th e r 'a willingness nt the ouUel eoi rto.Plny aecond fiddle In Uie gIganUc ^ new U b o r Philharmonic,

Aa n general rule, the AFL lend- n i i e n nre older Uinn the CIO ehlef-

tnln»—and 11 Is a cnrdlnal principle of the new pence p a d . th a t boUi

^nd orguilzallons are retained on Ute v e payroll,

VM "Wnller lU u lh rr will be a greaUy surprised and disappointed man If

lea. five year* from now he Is no t *lt- (nd Ung on lop ot the heap.* eomcnent- low (d one Itbor hlilorlanw eep Badecrounda-of the two men In- ne- dicale th t l much tccompllahminl t. and even more forebearance will b«

needed fo keep Ui«m operatfng Jn IB- hnmesa for they hav t UtUe In com- u e , mon oulslde labor’a historic ntnu, .ual Here are thumbnail sketchea o( the e^d two labor Uiani:

ink GEOnfiE MEANYIral “Ideology Is baloney. Them ' c*n

be no Ideological differences among io>- real trade unlonlau," the T hat Is big, bluff, clgar-chewIng ne- George Meany speaking charsieUr-

In isUcAlly. He believe* all labor men M - wnnt Uie anme UUng, He likes u We quote Sam Gompers na deacrlMng Ur, U ial Uilng: os- "More."uf* Dul unlike sucdncl Si\m. Metny >>Iy spells 11 out a lltUe:Ind "We Aeek an ever-rising aU ndtrd

of living . . . If by a betUr standard of living we menn nol only more money bul more leisure and a rlch-

, er ciillural life, lh« answer remalna. 'more',"

AlUiough h t lefl achool and * un»


m Beautify



I from C L A U I


I STCII i Chnnte from I

I PatU m a In I


L a b o ^ ^ ^

ir I(ader» -t»o a re lo in d ene I* ool of Uis ter Is Waller B en lher, and right U Jo h a U

* * * *

and Atop Unitec ive L ittle in Comthe 'rd a* a plum ber’a apprenUce a t Ifl, 1 1 >or7 Meany la not M oblivious lo idea* b« j t n* Uie above-menUoned quoU would cu

seem to Indicate. He was lhe drlv- lng force behind Uie AFL's success- #1

t -v ful cam ptlcn to establish and aup- xj: f„ port t n nnU-Communlst Inferna- ed on Uonal ConfederaUon of Free T rtde p«

Union In Europe, StCommunism Is one Ideology which

enl Meany doesn 't describe a t bunk. He ji, bor regards It aa nn undlluUd menace let- to be fought w ith every mean* a t ch inly hnnd. Including good old capltalls- m bor Ue rioUnr*—the AKL poured a poten- ti, rls- tale's fortune in to the batUe of lFL Europe and held lh« red union Ude Or- n l bny.

be Friends describe him aa "a decent im- guy" who keeps promises and flghia .

squarely. He grew up In a Bronx e r, Irish parish In New York, ton of inn old Mike, Uie plumber. Nine yenrs on- after he quII school lo fit pipe and fsl- wipe Joints, Oeorge was eiecUd irld business agen l of Local No. 3 of the ** sal- plumt>er» union. he The building im des were a fertile

r, field for a young fellow wlUi a flair W a*, for aetUlng JurlndlcUonal rows. Soon *P ous M etny was M v e lin g to Albapy to t t flgtil for U bor leglalaUon. By lU i ur

h it ha was presiden t of the New York fo AFL and a* auch made a record of qj

•nl, ImparliftUly by working effectively „ th - wJlJi D enjocrallc Oov. Herbert l< b - ^ hla man a n d nepub llc tn Majority j tin Letder Irv ing Ivea. jn« l - --------- d llUc W ALTER REUTHKR ar

WftlUr n e u lh e r 1* never happier of than when he hoA floodllghU oeat-

■ff" lng on h ls In tellectual brow snd nn T 'P'* open m icrophone In front of hU JL

fluent lips.The m an w ho led lhe CIO Into

union w ith th e AFL ha* a tense of hlslory. He aees hlmaelf 'as des-

' 'f Uny's- child. Victory will com e-lf ®‘‘ “ I* not loday. tomorrow. n t- -He u Imbued w ith lha dream of ^

■ a perfect m an In a perfect suite, of J " ' poverty and evil banished b j- lh e

ulUmftU toclal o rgan ism -In short, b* the well-ordered Utopia of the w Jfablan soclalltt*.

'« • B u t Reuther walked away from *■' the'BdclaU sl p a rty years ago. BU-

Uic senlltlly his background U one of po • solid Oerm an L utheran virtues. Yet « ' h e aUU haa th e socialist dream of a Sc:

super-efficient, do-all a u u . His ap- ^ aui proich hns been deacrlbed as tha t <* ing of an engineer seeking to Iron out

kinks In society, ra ther than Uinl of lng % rebel who would overUirow it.*r- !Yel when HeuUiCr g tU lo lhal len microphone h e almosi Invariably U tnaket noises like a rebel, HnvIo;[

lng c tp iu r ^ the presidency of the CIO n l AUantlc Clly in 1053, he tlm otl Ulked himself out of h it following

my with a two-hour oration.••Our enemlet have been watchlnt

trd thl* convention (rom the cockUll srd bars of lhe Union League clubs and c ore the millionaire dub* t i l ^ver Amer- ^ :h- let," h r thouU d. - i t ty lo these int. men who alt in tha plush cushions

In the Union League clubs. I u y .rl* this for you w ho a r t delegaUs ahd



r am the Largest t t SlyUt andla Block la g o a lh era Id th a l




- i ' T 2 1


1 U>(


D t

Oit newIy-eretUU glgantle org tala- Unn .U U w l* . iNEAphoUl) wh

* * * * **

ed Labor;ml

mmon but Aim ™I, I *4»y ll to t th e millions of members• baek home. Uie f»l men on Uie plush' d cushions are wrong."• A l a meeting of the Intemntlon-l .• nl ConfederaUon of Pree Trstle• Union* In London In 190 he iUirll-|Y( ’ ed delegates by thundering that Uie | ta,• people of tiie world wnnicd "neither I j,||-

SU lln n o r Sinndard Oil." |oIl'' Bome delegnifi — recent relusees prl• from behind thr Iron cunnin — '» were unawnre Hint Uils wm the O t choice. One llsirner wss liestd to ^• m ulU r: *'I'd seiile forSlandarci Ollj ■ r ig h t now."

R eu ther h.is * clfun reeorrf o / . anU-communism. He begin lo e«ub-i

, llsh 11 w ith hla nice sense of liming j i , , when opposition to the Red! bec.ime j<,

J very, verj- popular.

I JOHN L. LEWIS ag J John L. Lewis, labor's aglnn fire- , 1 brand, U sUndtng by on the outside g as the two great union federillons

merge. [ane As presldenl of the United Mine ci' r Worker*. Lewi* creaUd llie historic 1 *pllt lh a l 1* only now being lienled. 17 He led his and oUier Industrial I . unions o u t of ihe AFL in 1S3& to

‘ form lh e CIO. Later he de.ierted the f CIO an d n fu r brief Independence , y rejoined the AFL, U ie r illll he ‘• shucked off ib f AFL * mconi Ume.' I t Ll no surprise then lo find him

In rebellion once more. Lewis pre- dlcU th e merger most unlnn men are hailing will "part like lhe rope

r of sand U h,"

iLittKGirl, 3, fries p ; Ornamental Feast. OHICAOO. Dec. 31 WV-A 3-year- { old girl, rnchnnird by the glblenlng

ornnmenU on Uic newly decornted ChrUUnas- tree in her hnmr lasl ]

, niRhi, plucked one of a branch ind• lrle(^.to e a l.lt .> j I. The UtUe girii'Dornthy Zadravetx.( iclecied ft large green omnmenl and jj

B’ns muncWnj? Jt when her molher.)/ EllMbelh, 25, entered the room. |

- She wn.^ tnken to * hospli.il by ! f police,' A fter the broken glitu was } t removed, she wn.i Ueated for I Krniche.1 In her ihroal, |



of your■ W ith The Purch

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U. N. Protests " Red Shooting At Helicopter

MUNSAN. K orea. Dec. 31 nn-THe » United NtUoDs raillu ry .commtnd oeh ttv e -ch am d ' Uie-CommanUU-Wllh M"Indlscrlm lntU " firing upon nn u n trm e d V. N . helicopter. ^ . Ui

The U. N. com m tnd discloeed Ih s l pr one of lU “ unarmed hellcopUrs ob wa* fired upon on Dec. 1 by Com- : m unlsl gun* when i t "InadverUnUy a1 flew over red-conlrolle<l Urrltory th cast o l Kaesong." B<

No HIU Made P*T he U . N. nald lhe reds fired on .

th e Am erican-made hellcopUr wlUi a n U - tlrc rtf l guns. However. Uie hellcopU r w ta nol h it. '

" I t is evident." U. 8, navy CapU of David L. noscoe told tJie red mil - a u r y comm and. ''Uinl your, side ^ fri deurm lned U> thool down eveiy U Unlled NaUons command alrcralt which comes wlUiln mnge of your ar weapons." si

r ro t e t t Delivered JoRoacoe. secreury ot the U, N. side

of the Jolnl m lllU ry armL-iUce com- ^ misalon. delivered his proUsl to ^ NorUl K orean Col. U Yong In a

I meeUng t t .th e PanmunJom Irtice village. Roftcoe U ld Uie Commu- , nisi officer lh a l Uiree U. N. filer* u.have been "killed under sim ilar clr-

icum sunces" during lhe pasi 13 I months.

•I "Wo proU st sUongly agnlnsl such '.Ind lsc rlm lnaU alUcks," Roscoe lold■IYong. "E tch of Uiese needle.« al- « I u ck s h as added proof of lhe In- ' rlslncerlly of your side which has

I olten proclaimed high humanitarian J principles,’

; 2 Contracts Are r Let for Millings I

WASHINGTON. Dec. 31 /jT%-ne X *! deparUnent of agriculture snld yes- 8 l^lUrday coniracU hnve been awarded* lo firm s Jn U U h and Idaho for the 5

mlUlng of flour for dUtrlbuUon lo / needy persons through sWU welfare fl agencies, /

■ Contracls w ent to C ro w th e r ,J 5* Brothers Milling company. M alad'^ *, Clly. Ida,, a n d the Colorado Mllllng'g

t and Elevator comptny, Balt Lake / t City. ________________;0

, Flames, in Shed I J Startle Shoppers^g SALT LAKE CITY. Dec. 21 , Fire did oniy an estimated »1M 0 j dnmage to a atorage ihcd a l the X , renr of a downwwn slore yesUrday A

evening bul caused considerable ex- 9 c lU m ent nmong Chrlstmaa ahopperi. n

The ahed is n t Uie rear of the 8, fi H, K rc is and compnny sUre In Ihe < center of the downlo»n nrea. ^

i THIS YEAR IB uy T h e P rc ic n r S h e A • W ar»»i M o tf . . . ^

A NEW SINGER ||Liberal T rade-In Allawanct


\ -----------IIS S K « - » £ - 3 5 4 i » - ! S S : - i « a i£ -S J



I Merchandise!IIP choice of- th e I.D. i chose O f T his (

I R ^ E H S A T I O ^ I

^ ‘I M I


d .I X12SJ Th. lAWRENCI ^

AnUTica’s Kincat 6 TV Set. ^

from . . . 109.95 ^

ay in MaKic V alley ' \f

N G U N TIL DEC. 2 4 th ■ - '5

G i r l Is D e n i e d

r R i g h t t o M a r r y

II* LONDON, Dee. 31 If^ -A migls- '*• tr tU 'i court h i s denleil' l9 -;e tr-o ld m e Berths W imhurtt pcnnlsslon to wed ,nd bectuse her f tU ier s t l d th e (1) c tn t flth coofc_»nd_(3)_htU* housework, tn ' in t t i t s n d girls and boys under

the age of 31 m ust w in court tp - h s l proval to m a rr ; If lhe ir ptrenU ira" object,

Bertha's InUnded, 33*yetr*oId lUy Aleunder H trbor, pleaded In Ttinf or/ Uilt he would be th e sufferer "If

Berths c sn 'l cook—and- I 'm prt-l ptred to u k e a chance." j

™ P a n e l M e e t s“ SHOSHONE. Dec. 31 — Member* [

ipL Of Uie hospiui building commltUe JJJ- met Friday even ln ; w llh •rchlUcUl]

is from Boise, Idaho F a lls and Poca-1 ei7 Ullo.aft ll ie building com m ltU e will hold our another meellng in U>e near luture

and will au lgn an archJU cl to the Job. Afte.' tpeclflcaUons are oul*

•Iri. lined, plans will be presenUd to m . counly commluloner* for approval,

““ I Heart Disease5"” Stomach Trouble.

wid I • • C»n O fU n Be CorrecUd by a l - n c c u r a U Chlropracllc In. lAdJitsimenUI

i.’5 D r . A l m a H a r d i n1 CHIROPRACTOR I IJt Main N orlh - Pbone 23S<


i a l e :ake S

I The Storr s i

i . GAL(_ _

ers. 5 •

“ ' I S w a n k C u f f L i n k s .......

i L e a th e r D r e s s G l o v e s

i Swank T ie B o r s .......

{ C raftsm an Billfolds .

I Fleece-fined Slippers

Ploid F lanne l Robes .

M i

I I LADIES' Nyi j i HOSIERYjl ^ G uaran teed First

i i 6 0 G A U G E S-T-B7 g U D E N IE Ri 0 F u ll F o th io n e d

_ J a Dork Seam A Re

“ I 6 5 c A P . i r 8 5 .

* ^ ^ 2 p a irs f o r 1 .2 5 2 pa ir

I Tre R a c k s .....................

i All-Wool Pullover ^ S w e a te rs ..................

s AH-Wool E^uHon Fron! g S w e a te rs ..................I^ Wood Shoe Trees

J M en's S-T-R-E-T-C-HI Sbcks ......... ..............

^ J A lways W elco


^ ^ From Alexondi^ If y o u 'ro in d o u b t a b o u t I

^ ^ p re fe re n c e , g ive h im a Gii ^ c o le f ro m A le x o n d e r 'i . Li■J ^ le c t h t i ow n h a t , ih a fl l , t> opply It on o n y th in g In t

ft <H k 't t \ x v \ w \ \ v \ v v \ v £ 3 0 c w n n c

i I ■ ‘ P lu i T o x

^ - T U s e

O u r

1 Lay-Away I

1 I\ \ i C r e d i t *

P l a n s

•______________ J V E D N E s i

Strike F a STOKYO. Dec. 21 I tn - A n , , , . . '

and Uie V. 8. anny caRi o^f’' ' — thW lest-flrlng -of lhe -Ho‘ 'V flf: John- rocket fauncher.ilx Of more_tw ..J,

mt ■miFrlday; Doc. 23-^3 p

s B h o u r !

; l j l R eg . 24.9S . . . F oi‘■•f I —


. I d j l I s u i n g T H IS AD ~

s | I S A V E 18.00

1 L a d i e i ' , M e n ' s a n■I B Bring this adverUstmeni .

I I Ilowi In the dark.!I B »»«P iteond hand. B, II IB '*ocb a low nHly IB l*bnit two walclirt is raile IIB early—tupply iimlitd. li' IB Ibal WlU wear tor yean to comr.

I GLOBE SEWIl< 11b 336 Moln South

Dee. 23—3 P.M.-.


■ X A N Dire F i l l e d W i L O R E F O R 1

................ ’ ’S O *

« 5 . 2 . s o I d r e s s s

1 50* §•..........••*''' 5 Von HeutenQ thl collar th

I I 2 . 5 0 * I

K RogulorJrs ....3.25 g

S French C! S ......... 6 . 9 S f

' t v w x w w v w v

D r e H S o c I

i y I i n i t i a l H a i

. „ 8 B o x o f 3t puality S-T-R.E-T-c-H I Plaid Flam NYLONS 5ReoJ Buy ot | All-Wool I

> 5 c A P a ir I P a r i s B e l t !

I V a n H e u j «o a n x x x x s a c n a e S

........ I P A ,

7 OS i Fine Quolity........... j Coat or Mide

....... S . 9 S I " P l e e t w

1 6 5 K■-H................ 3 . 9 5

............ 85c

H Fur Lined <Icome I

IFICATE K n i t P a j a n

n d e r ' s I n i t i a l U n

.u t h i . . i « a r A l l - W o o l S a Gift Certifi* S 1. L et h i m . . - I A l l - W o o l S

. i , . k . - a r 8 S w e e t e n In the Itore. g

G a b a r d i n e

I f i t 's f ro

Q B a aY o u 'r e S u re I t

Oay ' ‘IU o n i ^ Uld

« i i v s r te t i

W O N i lT*"’* soiwB

0 ^ P | B

w prtcr broD{bt m k v,*


) E R 's |m o mj m I*amou5 Brond H

; SH IR T S.. 1.1I, Solid Colon er Fn;Iten "C entu ty" Stilrtiil r th a t-w o n 't wrinklii

« I .r . r 3 . 9 !

=1, Cull J QU

o c k s ..............-

Handkerchiifi,F 3 ..........................

lannel Sport SfiitH

01 PlaidShirti..-.

e l t s ..................

lusen Sport Sfiirt*-


n ty BroaJtifrt ^ Q lAiddy Styl* ‘ A . /K

.fway"?#®Blh, (lonnilWWl'*

? 5 t o 7 . 9 S

gd Glo*ll........

< e w N e t W » ........■

ja m a s ............

Linen HJH<.

dI S lacki-..... ' H

dI Sleevilio ■te r s ..............

i n e Rot"


Page 11: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

say a n d ________________

iWaitogGirl, 10 ^

tf,sy»”'“‘"- S y ...... “^ r — ^i«® S Lnrt*n«*h" ^ “* \

* ^ ™ «

f e S “ “ ------------Ihf nlsht y „ helleopUr p

* * *

Helicopteifw*'y Past;

WASHINOTON (NE^ chill «nd foa-nlrealced

^ 'w e lo th M h«vc R formaUon or U. 8. ft t m drummed downw«

hw durlns practice land ln j In m» * S ^ ‘ foui'i « '' 'y fiuddtnly a tu m I: ’ j ^ U i m u hivi bUnkeltd the Undlng i

‘ jh l i Kller work, foi, TJie lead ln j pilots• " perftlely to pierce the f

, » u e i t ) e n « > T h t l r Instrumenla /_ guru

Lifldn" projfct Forse ttln f lo haul ' i i UflWf ippearert pitch utlclc lo i>low the 5 ? S*fli Sulllvan-s r iru pilot crashed Into ^ h f htd itttihEred a Mcond whlrlyblrd to ' m ' H'M Mf»- Oud behind *Uo crashtd n y l ,iih » »hot box Injo ffround and trees.

Ifom pennic* on ly * i « t »Urm ■ iul »I ground party a lerltd t^LsttUlr*" of the htllcopter* lo pJ j^p lrtfdupU nd i improved. I

,^ » n d i la r le d on nnd tw o.helliifL dead.i^ » n d » half, lhe to prevent IneldenU , ^ (o rn e » -d rc u e j, jjj,^ „vealed by the Pi ^ isd olher Item* tn u a u have eome up wl

Al lhe ilore u ,e hard-working Jlilw thflr young pUoi, jh e y aay the liel:

Ufj iddrt Item* to p „ ^ u ,e hardest worl the air. He doea hla woi

M (eet and hands durlniIhe »Wf« Linda ©r Hlght. I f a nei

^ ie l)- ih r bisge« and m u5cJe-/illfu lnrSl-j doll lhe had ever g m now a system o

, controb has been deve: H Womstlc family ,^ ^8 him from aa

Un- G am ers ^o rk as he wa:4i4t '^ . Owynn, h u merely by touching a ! ll ichool Jor Linda jIvm ,u u ,j

Wl:»«n explained ju jh i . aisfctlpoui. At the inm e time theypuViUns u ^nly M almpll

an‘i- m enu p tn „ j t ■pst .ondcrful but „ „ th e r flying. BjtChrislmai. , These advances brea!------ neck In m ilitary and ehm flf . ' s k v helleoplers, PenUgon cx llllli o n j They have been aehle

U t i r l a / I Spe"7 Gyroscope compi | | ^ n u r i e a wnn the #lr force, mi

Jl wv-Ur»el helicopter maI k lh . Alh..-. A marine corps apokeiS S S . v •0»r ™» com

p rl« a tU ck and U klng I jp ita in ssId two by striking through the IffcttrUrsfl* itrrl- on carrying troops with A;)j-NlaM srra bul Dut up until jiow the «

tftklnjc advantage of Wkuaun u ld snil- claud.v bad weather or d dreie ihrfe Isritil t>«en a m ajor handicap. rKthtCiu >irip. element of surprise by_________ able to fly In good weathI kpohtfd *'’* ‘h '

. "Wltli new Instrument a < ^ l< - Mr. and flying and with th e pH K 1 ^ 8 srsndpar- navlgaU better If* obvlo e a i ; . A dsughttr u c t-i wllh helicopters i

10, tad Mrt. William complbhed more cKlelen ^ home The two tragic crashes“ of what has always beerCT h BolM a few helicopter flying. They 1

In.itrumenti which tell —. tbelr ejtflcl poslUon* am

• I , ^ In the air. The ones thil lU r6 react f u t enough

i n . rw tl i> SlluaUon.^ "The Inherent Injlnbllll:

» m ,m nVrn copltr nnd the many unlyi m dt“ ‘I , « ' » h„|A , I. „ convenllonal aircraft I Imx ^ I * '" saUsfactoi

aggravated by the physic «=««t rtrov« off ‘y * whlrlyblrci.biM«ndsll If the two army pllol_________ the new system they i

turned on tha automat


' ' s . / l o l i l . j «

“ ' " • w r ,

■ y - jv w it i-J ' lM n I'W i. J e t

''I ' l ’- U nnch HniiHO 7. 7V».«• H’lv lyp i. o f s p n r t _____

U iin • fppl e n m - —

% I''' fcalhcr- -----


c a ,. . .

ji d s o i i

. -,V


Aid Found

e r pilot*, a id la n u a a c ln c (au fh tii jnb | * * • - * * *

ter&ashesM ayB t; New Aid Is Deve(N E A ) -^ ^ ^ o t * and held Hit alillui Md G erm an sky, w hen the fog tnshrou 5. ft#my hellcop- T he new Etsr slw nward tow ard a matlo. backward, fon msneuvera. w ays flying, dcpcndln

'"„su » t r . ' o l no

lul back iDi> hi* ] \ I o b l l c U the descent, the

a"fSiiowinV°c'!Me Purify "V!d tvt full speed ^

larm from th e From Fd the rem ainderto puH up u n til KT. BELVOIR, Vn., d. B ut by then T h e nrmy enKlntns i helicopters were they had developfri n

puTlftcnUon unit whli nt* such a4 thL \ rodloacUve water safe e Pentagon, tcl* minutes, p tilth nome nld.^ I t means the rnnlntt •king helicopter th e problem of waler i helicopter sk ip- produced by fnlinul fn

working m an in #lon of atomic and hy< ; work w llh both i n fact, the englni irlng th e en tire th e tnick-mounted unl 1 nerve-w racking jn a u *’n l tr eonlim!

, ,, though the entmy < m of automfttlc ^.hoia range of clitml leveloped whlcl* w jc a l »xuX xadlologlca

thi.vv« rnm.. tin i“ Wed. The WaterS f l t l i K -^ t "blind" I n - aUlco-pulverlttd llmesu III w ina *11 comblnnilon obreak a bo ttle- chem ical Ueatment pr 1 civilian u*e of r '^ r to the organUms n e xperu assert, dyscnlepr and ichUton chleved by lh e ou» w ater borne dliei>mpany working th e F a r E u t . i t also e. m arine corps. dloacUvlty.■ m anufacturers . — --------- —

S r o “Ju;. Speaker NIng beach heads BUHL. Dtc. J l - D r . . the a ir U based Portland, Orr.. will spei vlUi hellcopter.i. nun l banquet nnd InsU he d ifficulty of fleers for Duhl ChamI

of prolecUve m erce Jnn. 9 nt the or darkness ho* W omen of the Moose t :ap. We lost our serve the dinner.

by only being T here will be no me- eather and d u r- cham ber on Dte. 36 o

cau*e of the holidays. nenU for b lind r ' r i '-T i ^TT ^h-r' 1 pilot freed to ■ ■ ■ ■■ i t t t .

•t I GIFT ITIIclently." H « Bo, i Gun Case*shes a re typical D * Down Filled Csp. been • fau lt In f l * u „ t a ! , „ «

• F . n c , n . n o „ « lI Uiey do have R • JackeU for Men,Jgh for a crisis u Children

R • Cowboy Boot* ferblllly o f a he ll- H « nr.M Cap*y unusual posi- H *rilghu are w hy H r i I R D I Ift Instrumentfl H J U I V r k iictory. T h is Is u C A I i"Clyslcal dlfflcul- H 5 A L C J

K.J 11 (JACKET HEADQUI)mstlc Controls


.SSE12------------------- ,— ;---------------------

I ......I IMW....................................'. . ..Q QM nm ............. ............................................ac*U,............. ... ........DC.

f s

ll______ _______________

Arab N ati Have Lenj

<^^^0 Crisis HiiBy Uall*« P re

____ . Young King Husselr____ over hU desire.to U ke .

■ueou K D iu the Baghdad alllsiKe 1 o ther of th* crises thnt

■>U)r j i i o the Arab countrlseaSiuHOKWw* Eight Arab naUons m

^ ^ ^ ‘h®«6»« im o iw»c* W hen th a t aUlance March 22. IMS, It seem *t«p toward th* years-i

’ o t Pan-Arsblsm. which ■ lAb Id a ir. ^ million people.

* * Actually the ‘Arab eoto m by rlvalrle* which

B vented any real cooperst6 M erabert UsU

— T h t Arab league mi

t'eloped gSL“S.rv"J:;;.. A . h .r i ®olh Egypt and Ssudl A;

I V * PunWilng blow lo An Idlng on th e p l- , needed. Thi

*K. f« Middle Eastern de ftnCommunUt agreement or an ‘n ^ f jn l te p,j,_ j , between 1

lly correcting for j . ._• v a ^ e . 1. Ejfypt and Saudi Arnb!■■••p , lerly angry o v ^ tbls dI T l l f '- C I t h it a t the ir own ai u n i t s Arab lenderahlp and It |

the most powerful o f M

Waterothe r* Join

l ^ n l l r k l l t S'nce then PaklsUin, X a i X V F U I . G reat BrlU ln have Jolm

Vn ni-r iln— • " '« t^* Unlled SU »« i« ted lue if w m , n.

I k. U ° ' M’terual crisis be«

It; co n u m lm u o ti . j i a , „I from Uie explo- behydrogen bombs. ‘ ________________

Sinters reported, VISITING PAREunit would ellm - k INO HILL. Dec. 21

lamlnaUon even c a m a h a n and Wilma . y tmpJoyed hi* <ienu m the College of Ii tmlcal, J)Bcterlo- well, and K enneth Jone* glcal weapon*. the Unlveralty of Idalunit la a c o ag w - are vlslUng the ir p a re n uI lha ooaculatlon - --------- —..re removed from .Uy and chlorine ;t then paase*nf d iaum aceous S E n B H B H B I letione.\ f ilte r . provide* a bnr- ims which cnuse ttomlntls. a serl- llsease found In 10 eliminates ra -

Named B B}r. JameA M illar, B m Bspenk a t the a n - . uUUaUon of of-lamber of Com- H ^ n a « l \ ‘lhe Moose hall. R M M Iu will cook and ■ S f l B f !•

meetings of the 8 or Ja tu 3 be-

B K - nr E M S 'Ml ___ _:«p« ■ m o b m b G B Ie u GloTC* ■ocnUr* H S _1 Shlrta ■ | Ben. Women, H | E

fer All ■ ' « ' W S |

LUS Bl IPES H I , I PIQUARTERS ■ Q H m l jS' Pott Office ■ I I B ' K

>E n iI ^ P a ahlinii' B» 8

«|| a 12

IL ■ n B BqK B ouK U -ro| r . K lu

H i

□ O v t*

= “ ■> . B F v^D^B

f l f i

________ 'TIM ES-NE

I i

tions Neetngthy **| millioni r listory » —Pres*ueln-s double ke Jordnn iD lo ___ce Is Just an- | ^ 4 k ^th a t have long

I n rr supposedArab league. ■ce w»s formed V : '« m e d to be *irs-long dream :■;■■■Ich would unite

30 ------------I countrlrs are a nich hnv* pre-eratlon.ijs ttd . \ ^ f / M 'm m m / / .

members ftre ■ a. Iraq. Syria, m llt//m//Lmen and Libya, " r ' T t t r T r ^ P l M FII Arabia would j k In the Arab I ' < ]

hdsd pftct was I Arab unity. If I ;-

This tr ts ly for l O h r r r ^

n ^ “ ey*an1 - JW .IW

.rnbla were bit- Estlm aU * of fu tu ri iIs developmenl. •»* »f tew her* and «» ambition for ‘ ^ ^ s t h , ettlmaled eIt pul Turkey. e lem enU ry and a m n d

f M lddlt E sst. ot heallb . edneat Influential po-

.In AEC Schediu n , Iran tn d j - \ a* a*

‘ s u u s I I m M* onipetitiIt. ‘ ** W AaHINGTON, Dec. lived In a s tr l- atom ic tne rgy commlsslc

)unU7 to enter gy.icm for leasing uran

Bnghdnd psct trong nlllancele w u suopostd M nnhsU sn engl

—warUme developer of

IREN'irS to th e A£C, and aUo . 21 / - innlne w ithdraw n from mlnet na J b n < slu- m ent a t th e request of of Idaho, Cnid- T h e commission u id , sne*. a student does no t expect Inteiwl* Idaho, Moscow, the land because of th enU here. of ore production cn prli

P ^ la T lia n> « 1 lATIP ’N 'v y f

I ) - •v tfyo rM

1 1 Of q f t v





M X u r ’DOLVrN~ T A K E 1 0 M O N T H I

N d carry itig e h a r ^ t o n S ch u b o i


leded: Teachers an»S$-1»J4

lip i:- ; n \ : :-:''>:ELEMiENfARY SCHOOLS

1941 1149 1951 ’52 'SI 'Si '» l» « .1950 .‘52 -’51 -‘H - i i .'56

tir* tcheel enrollm enl growth a rt werrjlii id aehMlrooms. N ew tcbarl abort ibow* led enrollment np to 19S5. f i t cbarl Ib» condary tehooU and IntUlullen* e t btglid loeatlen and welfare. (N’EA)

iduling nHHfw tive BidsDec. 21 W»-The Tftjlcftb driven were 1 1 tA , A hear on their radlcM

ilsslon said today, » p a .« n g fr a t pier I." npetlUve bidding There are no p len n uranium deposlu ' vllte.«nirol. I 'The messate came. IhoM p i.r e h ..r i « v . l . l r t o a n p il t engineer dlsu-lcl ° ‘^S0, Callf., some :

T of the atomic ‘ ' ‘ y- atmotphi e n S U ansfm eS * « • «*Pon.ibIelUo public Itnds «P tlon -nlneral develop-' --------------------------- —I of AEC. properUe*. I t u ld the u fd , however, ft l u lands woull b« eon eiwlve leu ing ot reeerve to be drawn upcrIf Uie high rale ---------------------I privately owned R gA D TlMES-NEWa \

ink Your lacki FE TO GIFT SIbM t of oil, there U iHII o lorg*

^one en your g ift liill AND REM f tw hundred, you 'll d e b e H tr. .


K L S i S t U . „ „ W .

k;l o y p n c e - - | | ^ j | ^ ^ ^ — —

F I ^ a y m T n t t ”

H S T O P A Y !

uboch'i •O ff paifmwri) pkm)

m a s s B m

and Schoolrooms

....... JH E

•JJ '54 '5T ‘SI '59 'M II 'I •'56 . 'j r . 'J l .‘59 ■» .'II - H A

rern lag edueater*. who already a n faced iboK* the sleady ellrab In enrollm ent a

tr i iB tel.showt percenlaie nf dlatribuUoi b l i l i tr lttm liig In 1B5S-M. D aU a r t fro

------------------------- ,1 VISITINGf \ J ALMO, Dec. 21—MUrder ■* ''*»>“"« »<»' o-!, A!*,. Dec. 21 W | tamlly in Oregon.I were perplexed >| ' " ' " ' '

r a d l . P ick u p - T H I S Yplen nesr H unU . ' ■

came from Uie ®“ y T h t Pr#illapstcher a t San : W o n t* M o i

' A NEW St Liberal T ra 4 e .l«

Id the deposlu on ' SIN G E R SE « considered u a J U C H I N Jn upon u r equired.


skyStare-lT'! SHOP AT SC

lo rg* l e l e c t i o n e f b r ig h t , b e a u t i

> REMEMBER. . . w h e t h e r y o u ’r e

i r . . . PAR B E H B t . . . o t S c h u b o


IK-". .iTTi. E

b u l o v a " m ; ; ,

IS Indian Ti ~ n Asking!


Spoktne Indian tribe lt-.wu.ouUfcx*d whf United SUles a ilzeal tU U Of Wuhlngton.

The tribe appealed '' W / /M / / /k tlon a t a hearing bef ' "'uM uIM L el*!'"* commission.

m m l M m " '" Spokane* conte:: . cheated when Uiey

'•i acres of Uielr Und _ ■ ■ • SUles In 18S2 for M!

' Thclr attorney, O. lold the commlulon y

i " | I I ;; opening of Uie hea : aum paid for Uie lan

sclonsblf."; The tribe which h u■'■ live* on a re*err*Uon

... i .: Wash.

! . . ' M«un» Los, 13,Mpeak In Hawaii, Is i world's largest moui

'42 ■« 'M : • '« .'M -■« *---------------

leed w llb ft abort- ] { ^ «n t a liie t IH} tn d , I i n puUot> ef puplli In i K i J -t from (h t depart- I L

NG SO S 4 - ? l =—Mr*. Jsn lt Wake / I I>, G arU i Wske, and / I \ f

YEAR Ifo r pleasure en joy dou b

SINGER C rean. u A U . . J , KenKiSEWING VVMII


IIN NO. IIPftOOr.IlheRAlNI ___ _____________ I 8CHEHIET DtST., INC..

I B B B i

'S NOT too CHUBACH'S!9utiful, unu iud for * 're spending o few doltan b o b ' l l


Ilo o k In t iw ? th , I


■ PAGE\GE .E !VEy. .

Ti-ibe I g More on LandJ. Dec. 21 W -T li*U-lbe U)cUy charged; when U M ld-Ui«----- —ilzeable pa ri o( tb*[ton.aled for compe&u* t before the tniUm

;ontended Uiey wert Uiey told J.100,000 and to the UnlUd>r mm.y, Olen Wilkin*on. lon yesterday a t Uie

hearing th a t Ult i land wts ’'uncon. IQ

H h u 1.000 member* I lUon a t BelUnghaitf.

l3,8W-fo6t »oIc*nlfl Is ssid to be Uie

mounUln In toUl |

i Io o

I!t t Ilu r e :

su b lo -rieh

i m o f fuckyW M ItK rif '


> 1l > n



m r n t m

Page 12: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Miss T. F. Entra For Home Ec

SiutJj’lnc home eennomlc* mrt In- IfrJnr dccorntlon a l Idahn Slate col- iest J» planned by Avcriu Ann

------- Amlek.. d a u s l i tc r .o L J - lr . .* n i Mr«,Clilford Amlck, 3 « Tflon

. Mho lias c n itr td th f MIm Twin (l| I 'bUi County Beauly pasraiii.[i 'file 17-year-old Tsviii P;ill» highJ Khool Mnlor wllh broun lialr and y fy ts to m atch llJit* p.Untins. »i '[ and the plnt^o as her liobblrs.^ Miss Amlck Is a member o( jobajlj D aushU rs and the Thcsplani. • r Her tneasurement# Include a as-

Incti bust: 34-lnch wnlJi. ana sii- I Jflc/i hips. Sh# l3 5 / f f l i >nchP3 iflii

and u’clRhs 12C jMuiids.I The psBCnni will atari a t fl p.m.I Tuesday n t Uie Filer hlKli sclinol

'} auditorium and Is Bponwrea by the ” Twin Fail* Lions club.

I Autumn-Like Balm Enters

With Winter

n y The Auoclaled r r e «W inter arrives ofllclally In the Tn-

tem iountaln area M fl:l2 ajn., MST Tliursdny bu t the outlook wan Ior autumn-llke wenther.

TliurKday will bc the slinrtc.-d riny I, ot the year with sunrise n l 7H0 n.m. h nnd sunset n t 5;03 p.m. TIiom wmr , times a lu were ILiicd for Wednes­

day bu t Uie weather bureau Mid ll TJxatiduy wlH be « I t x ifcoatls

shorter.P artly cloudy akle.i were predlcied

(or Uie f irst oKlclnl day nf winter throuRliout the Intermountaln aren. In term ltlcn t rain wns fnreensi for

I . Idaho bu t no moisture was in pros­pect for Utnh.

Hlch tempcrniuren of 35 Io <5 were forecnai for norUiem Idnho TOursday. *0 lo iO io r scuihrm Ida­ho and 52 lo f ll for Utah.

Tuesday's high of S8 In Snlt Lnke City equBlled the all-Ume hlRh for any Dcc. 30. A similar recordlns waa registered on Dec. 20. lOU-

O ther h lsh temperatures Tucfday Included U In Boise. 50 In Twin Falla. 40 In Pocatelln and i i m Ida­ho h o v rrndJneJ Wednesday mornlne Included 4B In Boise, 3a In Pocntello, 35 In Twin Fall*, 3< In S i lt Lake City and 33 In Idaho Falls.

Solon Thinks Soil Bank Bid Will Be OK’d

WASHINGTON. Dec. 51 M>-nep- Ttsentnllve Hope. Jl-. Kans.. predict* ed ' loday conjrcM wlll approve a Urm proin'ain conlalnlns the ad-

• mlnlBlratlon's "soli bank" plan for taklnc surplui cropland out of pro­ducUon.

•There will be a farm bill i t the coming Ksalon. and the soil bank will be »n euen tla l part o( it," he

( Uld In an Interview. Hope Is Uie senior Republican on the house ajrU cuKure commKtee. ’

SeereUry of Aprlcultur* Benwn haa proposed ■ “aoll bnnk" plan un­der whclh payment#—touilna about 400 million doUarj h yenr—would be thade»lo fanners lo take some of

. ' Ihelr Mnd out o t producUon and put k: It In (jras* and lre<«. The'Idea Li to I curb output of commodities now In I surplus and to promote, soli fertility. 4 Benson'* plans for ImprovliiR i farm conditions also catl fnr mca.i-

jJ7 urcs lo dl«pd« of more surplus foods p i abrond and nt hnme. nnd to better I h Uie lot of smnll farmer*, i i l President Elsenhower 1* expected ij U to subm ll hla admlnlstrallnn’* farm i l proposal* to consresa in k special

messate nex l month.

I Salesman Is • Ai'rested.by

His RequestnOCHESTER. N. Y.. Dec. 21 W -

A 20-y e a r-o ld mBRnTlne salesman, who called police to nrrest him when he nearly ffoie attem ptlne to hitch­hike b.ick to Texaa, lodny begnn n flve-dny Bcntence In a warm jnll.

Jamea A. Jone.i. Wichita Fnll.i,

I I Tex., used a dlqit ot his lasl 20 I centa lo telephone at.ite police.

"Loclc m e up on nny charsc." he ple.ided. "Just put m ; some place where It'a warm "

Jones. hntle.M and contte«. was > plckcd up by n a ia tr trooper In 10 I above rero cold. He «n.i t.'>ken be- ' forr Poljcr Justice Harold iji jir In

nearby HcnrleUfi where he eaccrly pleaded guilty to a vnsraney charge.

L.me said afler scntenclnK Ihe j-oulh. "my hope is thnt belore the tlvc days nre ui> someone will come forth with fome warm clothes for Iil:n and n. way for him to sel to Tcxq.v"__________________________

I S o sm o o tli

i i ,0 0


S m ir n o f ftpToitsi- name

^VODKAi | ; •

I '


rant Has Plans Economics Studies' m i*!


B r o k e r P i c k sI for

riny Odd Pastime, n n - Milli Delivery

LONDON, Dee. 21 if t-S o m f men like Rolf. Others play eardj.

icied Retllnald Alberl Slade, an Iruur- nnce broker, deltshis In dellverlnt mllk—ju il for the fun ot il.

for "Of course," he anld. "It look n )ros- bll ot settlns used to. bu l I gel by

now and lhe housewlve.i aeem eon- , leut aboul the wsy I do the Job.' Inho 8Indr Li 24 and works In a bis Ida- London laiurance office 'during the

week, *For relaxnUon he rlse.i a l 1 ^ k e a.m. evtry Sunday. Joins th e regulnr for milkmen a t suburban Lee Oree antf

waa goea Uie round.i."Everyone ha.i a hotiby. n r should

'day have," he ob.i«rve». " I Ju.it happen ■win lo prefer dellverlnj milk—for no Ida- pay.">dny w h«t dofa ihe milk ecmpjiny a In think?I In "They don’l mind. They've *potU>d alls, me on the Job and aald noUilns,"

Yule Service Set I By Filer Church* FILER, Dec, 2 I -A n n u n l Chrlil-j t 7 mas eve candlelight service ot mu.ilc ( I will begin a t 7:30 p, m. Saturdnyi

a l the Fllrr Methodlat church. j lep* Roger Vlncenl. choir director, anld ict* both Junior and senior choirs win. e R participate, SoloLtW will be Tenia' ltd- Bellini and Henry Wills. boUi Twin, for Falls; Vivian Watt, Buhl, and Doro-|

5fo. thy DeFreese, Sinn DcFrer-ie, Jack ' WillJamn. Dnle W llllanu nnd 0/t}'le; Cobb, nil Fllrr. !

“ '5 Pianist wlll be Mra. E. A, Beam' snd organbt. Mr*. Qerald Jensen. I



l be I of put s to / In Illy.l-lllR < 3;a.i- .lOds ^ fi

:: icMirm ■clai / '

V - ^

V ^

i>«. I w ■

' C V ji :20

W c liove th e c o lo r you r

ace holicioy o u tf l l .

' io

I ' SiItc Wfor / \ \to / W

w \ \ ^\ \ \

A \ \ ovc/ / \ \ \ Wic



U.S. Officials T ES Traveling for ™ Holiday Fetes

WASHWOTOW. Dec, JJ W -A s ^ President «nd-Mrs,.EUcnho»er pre- —l u pare to ip* trt thelr ChrlsUnii In Im the While House, a good part of

their official family Is heading for oUier clime* to spend the holiday.

Only Ihree cabinet members and i r a three aupreme eourl JusUees plan I ' J Kl eelebraW lhe yulellde In the cap-

lUl. Many high otflclali will »C4t- ter to polnl* a* far away a* Kore* and Karachi,

Vice President and Mra.Jllchard M. SIxott are among Use handful cf

• top OfflclaU itaylng put. They'll — spend a "quiet ChrlsUnaa at hom«"WlUl the lr two daughters.

^ BUy In D. C. ' ^■ Also aUylng In Washington for■ ChrWtniM are Seerelary ot State■ and Mrs, John m t e r Dulles: Atty.■ Cen. and Mrs. Herbert Brownell; jo,,;■ and AKrlculturr Secreury and Mrs.H Ezra T . Benson. betH As for the rest of the cabinet,B ! Treasury ^ecreUtry a n d Mrs. jK George M. ffumphrey expect M —

hesd for ihelr Thomasvllle. Oa.. ^ — estate;-Defense Secreiary and Mrs. ^

Charlea E. Wilson wlll hesd for ▼ home a t Long Meadows. Mich.: # Posimasler General and Mr*. Ar* ▲ thur E. Summerfleld. for Flint, i

. MIrh.. and Interior SeereUry and T '5 Mrs. Dougin* McKay for Salem. ▼

Orr. Y.m . The SeereUry of Comtnerre and A

y Mrv Sinclair Weeka will vUlt'Mr*. X y Week’s family Ip Nnahvllle. Tenn.. T

where aome ot Lhe W eek'i :o«rajid- ▼ children wUi be on hand. James •

'J "'' Mllchell. S ecreury of Labor, and ▲ ■“’* Mrs Mllchell will go home to West- 4

Ileld, N. J . nnd lhe Marlon Polsomi T k a (hds aecreUry of heallh, educa- ▼,• by Uon and welfare) will v lilt thelr son ♦ on- nnd his wife In Rochejiter, K. V. A Bb." Head* South ^big Heading for Florida and warm A the weather over the holiday ire Presl- T ll 1 dent Dlsarmamenl Adviser Harold T llnr E. SUasen and his family and Su- ♦ m d preme Court Justice Huco h. Black. A

PresldenUal As.ilsianl Sherman ▲ Mij Adama and hla wife wlll be head- I

ing In lhe opposite dlrecUon-tor T ‘ Lincoln. N. H. T

Chief JusUce Enrl W arrrn and A Mni. W arren will be In Callfornl*. ▲ dlvld^B thelr Ume between vlslla !■ to the lr two recently married T

IJ?. dnughters. ♦ .

An adull wllh normal menUllty X may become liiiane, bul he ean never I become /eeble inlnded.___________ ' T

l'i", Worberg's | S MOVING Inla; ♦vln; PHONE 4rn-i ▲

S|- 2 4 6 8 Ii ” j ALLIED VAN UNES J



1 I/ s . ll I

' ii t

f e ' i 1u n e e d for th a t ~ i 1 ♦

li|e S 4 * I

Vhite Pumps iD YED f=REE T O -M ATCH 1


X-cr 2 0 0 c o lo rs to choose from . ^ V id th s A A A A lo C , 4^ 2 to 10. ♦

\ ^ I^ m jsotfsj


T HE THREE W ISH ES,7I B p is^L es.iN E t

R 3 B i r A K r T » « N ( f AT ALL! | B h « ^ £ T ^ < C 6 ^ |M

Claim Renewed [opW a s h i n g t o n . D e c . 21

Attorney General H erbert Brownell,Jr.. t t u demanded anew lh a l the » subvenlvt acUvlUe* control board look Into a charse of bla* and prejudice a salnsl one ot lla mem­bers—form er Sen. H arry P. Cain. R., .. Wash. »c!

Brownell filed w ith SACB a mo- Ct

joNiI C H I

M O '^ ey»-Ceni}tlen0S fr»m lh» ir»U» ▼ eu l—w lttilh tn tw M elorflla ^ fo w ir Ponsl.


▲' Sherptr, brtflMar, claorw.pletvr*X ’ —with Ih t n«w 21' Alumlnar hjb<I ' Fult-y»cf werrcnty.

♦ M agle Margin frama lpf*odl Y eu l Ih* picture-Ey*-Shoda ^ fltt*e r*mev«s Ih* glare.

I T*>

4 ilantrfthravghavf.TiiUlul

T Bl»*d cakUil. M*w |vil

[ ■ 279;«

r 1 ■TV J |||f oi>. dkmi a r L k i . »*d<i; In M«h*fl*ny Bifll*** MKlih^ wllhk M*4*<*la P*w«i r«t«lln(liliI )•< V».ri .1 li«vki».r fr»«t*r*lc«.$<*H)<«w, Own

I 199-«y

I ■I .

E O P ^ N ' T I L

W IN F A L L S . I D A H O ,

I, A C h r i s t m a s

«uK >A l / i o u A « c < 4 o s r r a N o a R :___•miM6 S W GtS 3U ST U1C6,M Sf B 6 M 1 0 A 1 5 0 T W W C O^ L L ! J U S ^ CX0-T1A*E C M I Z tS T M ^

I \ /

j g Uon calllns upon the agency to re­open the ease and decide whether

_ Cain Is qualified to pre.«lde a l a , current communist - front cn-ie —

against the Washington Pension union.

d ---------------------------PROGRAM GIVEN nls

1, ALMO. Dec. 21-T h e LDS Bunday ' school here presenled ll* annual bu

)- Chrlslma* prosram Sunday. Po:

LY 3to get your


iT O R t

l l ! ' & /

^ H i l ® ^



.......................... ..................■

/ l ' / \ Now M otoro la make!the eyes. This now 1

1 ^ / tionftd [n jide a n d ou jl * ftiore’ rea ll» tk pictur

j>iQrper, d o o re r -—wi faefween. M ony elec t slBody the p ic lu re — tor and .in te rJe ren co ,

■ ■ ■ . ond i f ra — N o. 2

o '

Wak« vn I. mv.lc wilh • mw M»4»»Ii f Uti. „ I* >li>|i. Ihtoll ilitgi. tl m l t , th* <aRt«, d»ii I

a p p l ia n c e s a n


L 9;00 P.M. W

l; Quakes Felt 1SANTIAGO. Chile. Dec. 31

on Two hravy earth trem ors rocked tJjB 'coastal city of Con*Uluc)on, about 150 mile* aouth of here. Issl night.

ay They caused considerable alarm lal bu t no (btmat* or in juries vere x t-

ported...__________________________roA' O L A

| / f k S^ T im in g

nak es TV viewing fa r e a iie r .o n IOW TV rcceiver-is ey«*condi- id o u t—to give o moro restfu l/ picture. Block a n d w h i te s 'a r e ■ ,< r— with' many mo^e $ h ad e i. In • / e lectronic Im provem ent which- j ire — there’s less fiopover, flut- J «nco , less cause fo r TV 1 I strain. C otne.see.lh tj c o w o le ! fo. 2 1 K41—tom orrow, |<

iu « iir.j i.. rini

" '29 «" I




“ iD r. 0 . L.OSTEOPATHIC ‘

PHYSICIANItotllts *.u. J.J 1.1 1 «■ 1:1 M.I. N .,.h . • r K.„ ,.71 '


7 \ New f\ i l B M ■''"'■u

I < I H i ? ^I yW A! ■ — .

— 1—



, T H U R S D A Y ,

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V a e ih ih U ^ ij^ Hl|\\\

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ew P u ih b v ttM T im ^ H It push iht k v H ta e i^ iii^ l dure and iivntfcsaiai^H ^ *r* letl Hat* •« wti

M M ]J T T f iid*M r«F .(uH

flalilOMnTlnH ^ > * ^ 1 eadHlirL H

■ f l


Page 13: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

J plans

Rest 0 “

. .O f f i c e r: ,

--------------------------- U lHIM

s « « ‘ t h

^ j i ' n ^ u S Ba ‘* i r ib e end o ' .." W i

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• I i f w ArabU. ^ X U v .

J J J 5 . . I W J - '■ * * 1 = 1 1

v u i«ln«> . . J [ ^

.n n im J ln K rtoV«ui»r >^ ^ left hU ,? ? V 7 ra M . he

-Ibe man

iJjanEMl carter ? ^ n O and soon


iFatalto - . —— ie Is Hurt Visits Repo' • HBYBURN, Doc. 2 1 -

Connor Is TlalUng h e r.dn ^ l » t f y e s ^ t y phii Lontftwne. In Stratiiilich wrtciccfl B j iu u , T u iu j 1,;k, p rtse here. ^uRhUa-. Mr*. M *rjorl ta 6)ort. Centerrllle. CaUf.[,CT Ucnil/led aa K ent McInUre, a «Uid< tf, Bu«teB». »od h*ai Youn* on lrersltj. la jtainole, W alUr parents. Mr. and ?«« . Et

U, iJio Seminole. Harley Jordan, m aludi SU U aerleulUire ooUefe

llSiU u ld It was his pareota, Mr. ajid ttia ty len e gas. Jordan.. accident- ------------------------


flllSIfl0 «k

INCLUSIVE Pafenf- kpplied-For Feafures

^ I/S fhe am azing

•ml l*r «r««v pmlmmmtM.

See This

{ g r e e n j p ifA M PS ®

" ^ E B 2 U 8 = = _ _ _ _

World byi

• r U "

i ;l L 6 6 T . . _ _ _ . ^ ^ | ...

i M O r r c x ^ U I

TH6R6! I~ s r 1 7

" " ^ ^ T ________ _

ported R aft Believe Have Fou

5tratOe. Waah. GUAYAQUIL, Ecado - T h o ’nifL Ia CaniuUrJortD BOSS, in

iu d e n l a t DrlK* aouth Paclllc . U le d ' J. U vKlUni his Dec. 4 w ith four men i I. Ed McInUre. aboard on a proJecl« iludent a t DUh Polynesia, llefe. la *UlUng Vicente Benll^s of Dd Mrs. Amos P ru lt comp&ny aald U

ahlp Tropic T rader rad---------- vkains It h u been orde8 WANT ADS. time authorlUes of

M EW6 i m t :

i . . . a H H

^ I Uv.t 7m . In P Ir/”" IV


C.i>.d Inlo • fl rnl H n«c*i- l l

In s■ *• M.^1 m o o t iw »r »i«w.. I

‘ ' UiM m (o') tmi> »khv* tvU •II r« n end *«b«.

IIS Buy-ot-the-Year

■ A STO»E O F O U AU IY H 0»

150 Shoshone S tree t


I I if l" I■ ? i m I

# % ■ ': : 5 i5 5 S ^ v l > 5 ,— .

in. W ands to help "*hlpwre< v e o 1 0 pant* of the C a n tu f raft

)Undered Forlnttw lhEdiyEador. Dee. 31 (/n M i H | | | | | i | i | | ^ . uU was believed cKptlzcd In th e . ft Tftlara. Peru.

a woman cted journey toof lhe United

J lhe company# Uour^G*-to__ _radioed hlni ad - v < t o q u eirdered by m arl- 86 Pmof • Sehl»ft»lin* Co,

the OabpasoB

I I " r r

« Fm 'S6!

i s y T E R M S % I

^ ~ r —

iUi. Im « iIIbSi aiivs c«l. M a tvU •wnnir, n-d*r wwTwfr ••

tr At-

# Free(Deiivery Easy Terms .

e t E ast


I 5 ^ t i i

Ij ^

vrecl:ed occu* rafl,"

j t w « p

^ ■ mS 3 mq u a lity I m.Co,NtwYer1(

o s s s s J c

T 5 r —

t ^ 1 1 S P C

;| SHIHer« il one dtsl

W | ed box In whlc^ whole eet«on-ful

J %* and handsome" k ; ahJrU reflect 11

j J l trend with jfty »^ collar. Sizes 6 -

2 .<

S} B0>i BEI% N a r r o w S u e d

% L e a th e r b e l t s

B o r tm e n t o f , c

• - Y e l l o w - W l l i

^ • a n d N a v y .

i= i?J ^^ W hite


D u ra b le a n d

SV»' le n t n y l o n f ru p rg e d n c s s a n

j P u l lo v e r s t y l e

S^ ! cd hoo d n n d I c lo itu rc . Z ip p e i I Btecvcfi', a d j u s t

cu ff .s . C o lo r , SW l S - M - L . .

l - ^


e a r . . ^ ; ^ „ . o ;

k . F ®y l | l i L m ^



lO X ED . -

‘ORT % (IRTS 1d ls l ln c l lv e ly -d e ^ - /

w hich youll find a 'i- fu ll of comfortable •m e livlns. T h e a e rt Uie nc*'est ilyle IT \ ^ : '-:ny alrlpcs and Capri \ uJ fl - 12. . X . 9 8 I ^

3XED ^

5 L T Siiicdo a n d P la in / * 7 ^

‘I t s i n a In ri ie a s - ^ ....................

5 f__colors— G re e n

W ii i lc - C h a rc o a l J U | .

y . S i z e s 2 2 - 3 2 . I f f l l

. Bomber

W V ' , An idee

O Y S' C

te S tag "p la in co lo r

) K I g i l t f o r C

: k e t s

nd w a t e r - « p c l - n f o r in c re a s e d I a n d lo n jr w e a r . “ ' 'y le w i th a t ta c h * ^.n d z ip p e r n e c k O ,p p e re d p o c k e t o n * ^ 7 ?ju s t a b l c a t o r m >r. S c a r l e t . S ize s

9 5


'4GING P J 'S . . Jnnd f a il le ' ’ 9

1 0 . 9 8 \

lOBES Ila r g e a s s o r t m e n t , in c lu d - ^ g p r e t t y q u i l t s in lo n g V,

1 0 .9 S L

1 W r a p p e d ^


U "M O D E" Bl"L ittle D e a n " & "L iH le 1

1 h e r mood lo r the day w ith theae wfaic panUea. com pletely alrlde-tree panUes :U U te k n it with nylon relnforccd leg b«:a - I f l .................... ................... ......................

A t e w


F c• a .fr . X s : o n e

V / : A o f no

A Gold- and


Men's Suede Lib e r a n d S u rcoat s ty le s-

ideal g if t for any m a n . Si:

C a r S a c s■ o r w o m e n 's c a r s a c s in

c o lo rs o r p la id s . A p e r f e c t

f o r C h r is t m a s v a c a t io n e r s .

^ PSST!■ ^ T P S l ^ S t i l l pondcrin

j t h e r Chri

i ' l S H IP ’N SK

BRIEFSlevhlmalcal anim al- lUes of run-realft-

8 9 c ^

^ n ? f t i r m l w

.NTIES M '5 ^



UNTIL89c L .

Costume JewelN E O F T H E 'L A R G E S T C O L L E C : n o v e lty c o s tu m e j e w e l r y in Ma® y . C hoose f r o m e v e r y w a n te d I old - S i lv e r W o < « i t &nd C o p p e r 7 9 ^ tt r 0 «


Leather JacketJS— green, ch a rc o a l and

Sizes 36 to A6.

Nylon JaekeM en’s 1 0 0 % n y lo n 'j a c k e t s . lininp:. C o m p le t e ly , w ash a b co lors o f C h a r c o a l - W h ite - N a v y - a n d A u s t . S ire s 36

1 6 .9 5

iin ift£ o A £ A £ r ^ i6 i -'■; .twin F


e / '

________ J

c r l n j o v e r

C h r is tm a s

g i f t ? s ti ll h a v o

p le n ty o f

; r f a v o r i te

B louses b y


. 3 ® «

I 1



r i L 9

e l r yL E C T IO N S M ag ic V a l - c d I te m in

6 .95

OWS"I Sol*. PadacA

iL l a Bed or


etsnd rust.

k e t s

: t s . . p i le h a b le . I n t c - T a n - 3 6 t o 4 6 .

Lj ■

w ^ i A u s . ' : ■,


Page 14: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Space “Biid” Could Be Hi

I By MeteoriI " ' '-N p 7 --y O R K . D « . 2: W - H America’s buktelI? t i a b»by moon, golnj. 18,000 rI lli nn hour, #hould meet n itielei

L the slz« o( A pea. movtiis In I!1 outer space a t DO.OOO mile* an I’j w hat would happen?ji Simple, Mid ilie expert, n a]1 tcorlte would ro rljW throujhI MUlllte. And If the biby moon '

preuurlzed? Poofl ihers bou ; (u rlu tloo .

The expert was Dr. Homei Newell or the nnvnl rcKnrch In nlory, wJilrJi wJIJ luivf » lot U

} with mnlclns, and using, the

I Bpace-frontler vehicles which country hopes to « t orhlUn* earth some time before Uie cm 19S0.

P re u Meet HetdAt A fircM eonterenee * t tJie I

den planetiirlum. on the occailo: Uie uiivellUig ol A model of an ( Ilclnl salclllie built by Popular cnce MonUily, Dr. Newell w u 1 ed:

•'How b is a meteorite can nnilclpate mccUnsV

"U probnbly woultl no t co' wltJi nny large one,- Dr. Ne wild. 'T h e re probably will be p ly of gpnce dusl—mlcromelor

U tiicy'rc called; they won't penet1 but Uiey might erode Its spin."(I Could Zfp Through

IL* Dr. Newell snld 1( a shootingJl from spnce de-prcuurlsed a sj

*{ Ille. ''lls equipment would s u rJ malfunction.’' However. It Uie stII 31l« were not pressurlrcd Insldi>1 could be Umi Uie pellet wouldI I through mnlerlally disturbing

moon's Innards.

"W hat’s Uie probability of meeUng n pen>slae meteorite?”

" It’s very, very low." Uib scler answered.

Joint Rituals Seat Officers

Of Two UnilBUKL, I>ec, 21-C hapter 31. 0

and lodge S3. AP and AM. held J< Installation ceremonies a t the B

• Masonic temple Priday evening.In charge of 0E 8 riles were

James H. Shields. Mrs. Nell Fos Mrs. Orace French and Mrs. I Huston. InstalllnR xeremonlei tho Masons were handled by Dei

k Patrick, marshal, and Crnest Vlli I past worshipful master.I OES ofHcer* InsUlled were ^; Margaret Ltvlngsfon, worthy nI tron; H. O. Cobb, worthy patn I Mrs. PVanIc Matthews, associate a \ Uon; A. U StalUngs. associate ] tron; Mrs. John Ooodhue, trcasur

L M n. K enneth Elkins, secretary; N' I E. M. Tomlinson, conductress; \ I Carl Holnnd, assoclute conducln ' Mrs. Chorles Lunte. chaplola; N

Edwan) HnrUnan, m arshal; ^ Jimmy Schooler. Ada; Mrs. she WUUam#. RuUi; Mrs. Rum Thon EsUier: Mrs. Ernest K reigh,. M

' Uia; Mrs. WiUlam L unm er. Cec Mrs. H nrry Wilson, warder: N

I • Leo Lom nur.. seDtlntl. jukI £ f Blanche Smith, organist.

Masons InsUUed u officers the 'coming year Included Edwi

I HartmaD, worshipful m u te r ; Fev I Chlshom, senior warden;- Ol 5. y in n t . Junior warden; BobcrtPer i treasurer; John Rhoads, seercCaP Harry Wilson, Jr., chaplain: An

M l Caudill, marslial: }|arold Husie f l senior deacon; Claude Black, Jur

; deacon; John Baty, senior ttewai ' Ivnn Nipper, Junior steward, c

;■ 1} William LandrcUi, tyler.[Nii Kfrs. WtllJam Aldrich was

chargc o l lefreshmenls served by I

I Catholics in Buhl B Celebrate EveiB l BUHL, Dec. 31-Im mnculsle OB B ccptlon CaUiollc church celebraB B lU annual Christmas pnrty Sunc■ I evening followed by a pnrlsh darI n Mra. Henry Eggleston was progn■ ■ chnlrmnn and Pnul Mals wns masB l of cercmonlts. The prlmnry class \B l directed by Mrs. J. Leahy and J<

■ Olowdosky, Uie Intermediate gre I presented n song and dance nu B n ber nnd the ndvnnced group 'p B ' senled a piny. Tommy Tverdy sa BU nnd Mnry McNenly did a Iwlrll ■ a exJilbltlon, OUiers In chnrge of pi

e a i l Krnm numbers were Mrs. Osc I Klnns, Mrs. Tom Tverdy and f

■ }r trlclA Tverdy.__________________

i[ Captive

Its PriJ Surpris1 KingWi


|t|! . The supreme!H scotch whisk)M ' greatest enjo)

Q| i r ' •t& B noor> tts fm o iM i


[”litirite 1skteball- ">00 milesneleorlle j S | L j j | R E l M QIn from

an hour,

Ttia m- mgh the oon were x s pres*

I) labor- ot to dtr lheIch this Ung Uie - 9 end ot

iie my-an arU- iilar scl- vas ask-

can UieI , \

collide I i . ' ’ I'J t,be plen- | l ' llelorlies. ^■enetrnte . 7 v i

L - ^ting pen George V. C hlerer, 61, Thoe a sntel- ed outside his hetne and one s u n to police how close n n 'n e ap e he le satel- --------------------------------------------

s f s Sudan’s New] ,f! A s Blow tosclenllsl By United Press

Eayed Ismnll El-Axhnrl, p minister o t Ihe Sudnn, hns dei thot h t Ukes Independence so t

g th a t he m ust have It right aw Oreat BrlU ln and Eiypt, v,

had long controlled the S i TS on 3 th n t IU p<

would hold n pleblsclU ta deter:

l i l i S But A iharl announced la st ' •• lha t he Intended 10 proclnlin 1hi if l^ i P'*‘* ‘'’dependence Im m e d lt t^ le Buhl As Uia result. Uie SudAncSk HJ llamenl yesterday proclnlmed •M,' Mm complete independence of the '

WO-squarc-mHe Icrrnory nnd rs r s . ^ n * republican form of govles for■ Denny There Is nothlnR elUicr Bri■ Ullery, or Egypt can do nbout it. so np

enlly a new nallon hns been L re Mrs. I t Is quite a blow to Egypt, ly m a- qj jh le l complrpatron: |,„j, for years ngnlnst liri

roa- under w h at was caIIi»te pa- condominium, or Joln l conlrol

rangement. B rluiln actually s ’ Mm I " Sudnn.uclm s- In 1851. former KlnR FnrouK 1 q; Mrs. celed the condominium ngreer ; Mr*, nnd assumed the UUe of klni Shelb} the Sudnn ns well ns of Egypt,

■homns, But Britain would no t com i^M ftr- and Parouk’s proclnmaUon did

sUck.il Mm ' I^^u lc ‘^^one In .: 18M. Britain and th e new E d p

, govemment agreed Umt ihc Si should have Uie rlR ht to dcteri lU own future, subject lo n Ui

OUna transltlonnl period.I Pence, Egypi hnd expccted confldc « ta ry * Uist Ute Sudnncse would flSrre : Amos unite with It. iuslend. in fncl, under nn ngreement w , Junior D rluln nnd Egyp^ signed early teward; month the Sudnn wns to hol

and plebiscite In which the choice w be complete Independence or u

tM In w IthEsjpJ., by the „,nde a b is play (0 sell

Sudanese on Uie union plnn. £ Americans mny rem em ber the 1

U l tograph. publUlied nil ’ over 111 , world, showing MnJ. Snlnh S.i

i . Egypllnn minister to r nnllonnl s r c l l t ance. dancmir wlUt Sudanese Irl I. In “ P"'*" o f loudlycol‘lr .ii .r t shorn during a propnganda tou Rnnrt.« ArJinrl himself, w hen he bee


I W ILLIA M S “ OIL-O -M A TIC : '„ 3 FURNACESip pre- I SALES and SERVICE y w nu. I Phone tor FREE ESTIMATE wlrllng I Before Vou Quyl

pro- BRACKETT SALESOscar I -Twin Kalis - Phone 0M :-JI

I_____ Filer - Phone :«

~ I .

u a l i t yv a t e s , , ,

r i c e

i s e s . . . t

Vliliam IV MSC O TC H W HISK Y '

mely mellow sky for your ijoyment.

r a


Rueful Awakeni

S i /

hoenls, A rli, d idn 't need an alann clock to : me smashed (hroofh a wall ot his bedroom he had. (AP wirepholo)___________________

V Republic Is Seen0 Egypt and Britaii]

: the Sudanese ntUonn] unlonla . prime party, was on record as all In fnvo decided of union.

so much B ut „ j happened In olher ter awny. ruorles like the Sudan, Uie g ran t

which Ing of n lllUe independence led t< Sudnn. Uie slrong desire lor more,

: people Dispatches f ro m London am ‘lerm lne cn lro say lha t yesterday’s acUon b;

A2linri nnd h li parliament U }U^a s t week nnd unconstltuUansl,Ul com- B u t ' nVllher BrlUln nor Eeyp Mp- seems in position 10 InUrfcre. T hei

p a r- troops hnve le lt snd Aihsrt ls .lt led the conlrol,he OCT.- Azharl's dnrk-sklnned. rugged faci1 fsUib- ahows his delennJned chamclcr govern- Now S3, he was graduated from Ihi

American university In Beirut, Lebn. Brltnln >“>n. Ke becnme a school U acher

' "PP“'’-i ■'n born.'

nplnlnUBrltnln • m H

:a11cU n ^ ^ ' 1 , T \ \ a r- U V A

UK cnn-j C \ ' i . ^recment' E y M I F S g l king o t.

t02consent, jw .

0 would ^ , J i ' L ,r union ^ 6 OuHce Gloves

A K nodcovro/aB nrgoinr sell Uie v{|j t 1. Some «■ 2 p f „ . .............. 9 . 0 7

S.ilem, J i • P'*"'' ***'

; ir iw a- •colored fw lour, 35'tjecnme JM p — „ nder of

—n f — — %

■ ^ 9 ^ 9

^ I

' I ig;sjs45is®sis!«si

1 IB Ju n io r Sporf K itB ^ Ideol For Young Alhletet

^ .§ ....... 3.69H f l Includit a W ben e»d fcoikxbolL" 9 M CooU ,.<Ir.U a>.b.^.doadocrI M i V i' *>evi«, no >at»i M«d«d.

mf I , Make

\ '\

T I M E S - N E W S , T T O

' K i

to nwmken him. Two aatcmoblles eollId* Mm. Ctalerer gol back inlo bed to ahow

‘ Objects• WASHINGTON. Dec, 21 MV-i n I Bep. Thomas J . Lane, D„ Mass.,

explained yesterday why he ob- onJst jecfs W lhe Inlem al revenue rnvor service curuillng the help It

gives in making ou l Income tsji te r- return.1.

•ant- "With the present complicated m to forms." Lane said, "the average

AmeKcan needs more help, not less. It Me Is nol to be plagued by.fetirs of an enforced vncnllon

“y to be spenl a t some federal cor- recUon Jnslllutlon."

^ e ^ r I n 1946 he entered pollUcs as ai [J In uncondlUonnl nationalist to wor!

for independence. He served shor lace *” <1

,cicr. acllvllies.I lhe B ul he Is head man now, and 1 <ba- looks as If he may soon nsk for ad' ;her. m itunce to the UnlUd NaUons.

r I SAVE^ 5.00!y O N ANY


nf Eoiy to fliicmbi#

► P ric e s 0 0 O Ci t o r t Qt o y , y ^

^ Basketball ^ CombinationJ BasketbatI,GoaI,andNot

■ 5 .7 9f l r t Nowevoryyoonojlerconploy?S W aterproof, oll-rubber bollW reilits K ra p e t and tcroicheiW . . . w ears better Ihon lealh«r{a j Ofr>dot size tiael goal held4 I by strong welded bfacevr j Toogh eord net rejlUi oil kindi__^i olweolhof.Bio'the»etondiovel


" *” D e l u x « ' s k o t e i'* Latl Up To 4 Ttmei Longer

» ................ '5 .9 5 ,‘■ot C»*io**d lok> nwn<<oor r«<kK« noiif c>,d »b>«.

Kon. M b*««»9b Adi»tH • l« 114%.

ce Shopping A P

I I ^ B

E S . H H M v y w e lg h t Stool l

^ 1 P e d a lp • 3 « '/ , x 2 0 V i Incbeil S • C h a in d r iv e o ^ r a t a d

enue f t J it 2 f

tM g f R ou gh n ' re a d y fo r a 1 ated w s te e l f ra m e . S teel ho "n « ^

s m a tic ru b b e r tire j. All■Uon M _ ^ :

work f t

3r his X fY .

ind it w.s. W j , •

K I ' " H e a v y S t l H5 M Semi-Pnetflnatic RB W .Th«ro's o "fioolinB glide" d2 M woBon. In IO-ir«h double dii

f t of« o iled for life, n ivsr ne

~ I , t e g ! ® ! 5 t g i S l 5 i S i g

II ^

. I G i a n t 2 1 - l n c) ^ L a rjfe S fe e l Dum

^ Motiiva oll.st««l dump truck— I W colorful grill ond extended bi

M dvmpmfl b e d it lilled. Rugg

a ! ? ! g ! S ! S t S l © g ® S ! S !

, I .................7 ^ ...........

C a r of t h e F i'*■ ^ • All S tee l Con}tru<

pin|.»iiod dri«l S ' ' “ i'h while Irlm. H

5 ^ oniwi. Big oioht-lnch'double

C roquet fo r Sixr Complete with Sleel Rock

1 °»i,........ 10.95b ,,. fc'.tl *.p1or« Ht. SoSd colorI * . k-IW. 7.«. W d-ood mon.l h.od.,

•N pvbb».K«,p,d.

Pleasure! PARK


K s s r W ’T a ii


• ' V

Iteol W ith A R uggad ContfihrtionI

al T ra c to rsReg. 26 .95

r i 2 4 - ® ’or a h'arlj d a y 's p lo y I Husky tubuli el hood. Full b a ll b ea rin g whee

P^-inch tra c to r U ead seml-pnei s, Wl sleel sp ring -typ« s e a t. -

M W agons Q-®®atic R ubber Tires ' M ide” deilgned inlo ovr h eavy gouge tiei ble diK whools h av« Congo beoringi ths Ttr need g rM ttng . TIroi o re In. slie

? g i g i ® g i e s i © g i s ! g ! g i s ©

•Inch Truck |-9®I Dumping Bed ' I

truck Hqi brighl baked enomel flniih;' ied bumper. Toilgole iw ingi open when RuBOed comfruclion oiiures long life.

e Future A-88■njfructioo Reg. 15.95 M od driver o rdered ! All « „ 1 body enonv nm. Hai ball-beoring p ,d o l driva mech- ouble diK wheels. U 'A * 20 * 18 Indies

fvn for Fomily or Frlendi

X Paddle Sel. 5.95 itrfT 1“ “'"® n.bb.f •"O'* I «h oKd }8-l«. K.I, 2 boUl. botnidlWM.


■ wtn:

l i i " ^

W ' H » o v y StB»J Tubi

’ I> O fi? * ***** b e o r ln a fro n l

P * .H a n d la b o r s a n d ■

bular ^ S turdily bulll tricyc-heels W exerc ise ancf fun. Ipneu- V fo rced v/ilh ex tra h<

© fo rm ed sad d le seal.

1 R ugged Roc^ In Durable A

*ii"! V H erd ridJnjf ronch hondj* I I M ^ e t y while horje ii Ifi

f t soddle . 23i^.it>ch long


' I IE 3 Happi-TIB ' Each Al Thi!

»ihi W All heovy googe ilee! hen fa®®''' W recker ho i opif«< • ^ b e d . Porcel fructc (ookt <

s ig ts l ig is w s if e f®

5 1 . New! Tovf f i S em l-P neum c

(iom. Jvri wtiol your llllle "trlech- Sp h^blng chain hoi»l with p d ie i. W •®'^ hllch. Brlghl red bo

i S ! C ! g ! g f g i g f « l S I « ^ ® g i W

'• I >0 F»iece T' ^ (nH ondyA i

, m Every boy w ahli a l e l 'Q proiectslincludei cheilwife *cr*wdrIvor, rule ono


T u b u lo rrre n e ireo ,^ !^

> t’s T r ik eRl}

“ro n f w h e ili »

■ ndsao tad jo t) A

■icycle designed to un. Fronl wheel b ra heovy brcce ondim seal. Durable boW<(,

tocking"Bron/lie Moulded Plo,lie 4 londtlove loioddliifijlsl il Irimmed h block wiAi long body on 3lH-iK^r


^ T l m e T r u S s

■ This Low Price ileel lf«ki ors ptktd h I II operotinj crom, • >okf fcellX I


•ow Triitfijumolic TireJ

b TooICIim'

and wtxlpor


« /» £ S

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Udltd fig^ i i M a a i a r o

W'■d* ^ t lh. Sf*me 4 } ■> •■

-* r

« ! , -., ■ J , _,.

i\a •, )■n« ' r-y, . , ra-^-■‘ ? '

n'’ : : V.. S

fd MI:r-" ■ ----------- -------------

» M r s . F . F . \

”2 - C h o s e n a- r - I I

, „ T o L e a d•r. Union Puciric Oldl

- “ ”r " ^ . j ! ' i , . r ; :den t: Mr*. R. E, (

u . president; Mr*. W. I. reU ry: Mr*. L, E, Ci

, ; - i J . S S , ,” V ? ;^ Mrs. CommoM re. “‘ m a i. I lo ry nnd lh

Chrlsunn.i carola.n u . Mne Roberts

Slf.de won prlLCS «l T he hosttM servw

luulflWd by Mr*. Wll The nex l m tellng

I * l lh« T tt’In P«l!» 0I Joint InalttllfiUon wll

S W e d d ' i n g ’ >:*» OOODINO. Dec, : i •I- Roy Hollowny will t ■r, receive J r le n ii Tuej If Rolden wedding imnl« I, T lir couple plnn* i n. from 2 la S p. m. *rII p. m. n t lhe hnme It Wnyne Hollowny. Got >• Mr. nnd Mrn. Ho:

no cKU.K. * *

" B l u e B i r d ;T h f Robin Blue B

ChrLiUnn.i pnrly for — dny (Ukm oon n t llie

■’"Sc’S -rrwntdn gave Ihc pre. mnde to Uielr inoUirt

Tlie npxt nuTilng n t the M elhortlil chu

* *

H o n o r P cHEYBURN. Dee. :

nnd Nnn Scovll rni pnrent-v Mr. nnd Mt Sundny on th rlr 25U nlvrrfnry.

Ixiln Bowcul prMrn

Care -Good newn cam r In

nnd thftl ItMlf Is nr« n rr luunlly «iwnt lr Iroublr. Nol Uie Irn.i Ih r dlfflculllM we m llir "rirllnqllcnUi." n thrmsrlvc* in lhe rrnl nnrt 5-ouili end nonirll' Unltrd StAle*. B u t n

T ao niiiU's now «t oprn cnmp uchool* Joitunnte chlldrrn « hrrrd llv or Inck of K jio!rtwn» experlrncr Uniid,i of the forcr* of nnrt nrr known dri I* woiidrrtul newv

Mnny of these bf number th r glrto—h»> chnnce to live In n n rv rr hftcl n chnnce U people live: never 1 clolljt*. the toyn, nr fo iiun it* ChUdren enJ of course. T hry do wh ciiii.ie they know no (lolni;. W hen th ry nre lhe Judge U helplcw i wUh tiirm beyond *ei confliiem enl or pUclni ballon, and nelUier c

« c h .n j ; lh . th lW . '. 'h ftljlti. or lo fljimij) •IwholMoine Idrn.s In hi! H T h r forr*t wliool ci '■ irntlrrly new nrtup, 11 ordrr. wholmomr ncl e jdny-by.dny ln*U-uctk

l.j Uir boys and many c• llrv r. will b« relum ed

Imunlllr* lo be worth

5iTirole‘l lfo S ^ X * lcnn be Riven pemiat

r care, relieving the lr o 1 Uirlr dMtructlve brh* i The second lU^m U i• lne freshmen hns I I prnctlce' In college foi d a n d n very had pracH 1 hn* b»(l tn ecU . maiIfilcal, and longO uU nz

e n G i r l W e d s C a n o d


(Kelker phat<>—» U lt «ngr*»lng)

• H a n n W e , t h e \

I a t M e e t I

: d W o m e nOldtlmrr* auxiliary hnve been t ild over :hl nl the homr of how Im porun l It Ij irdMn for an elec- come home to." ch»nge. . T h e tynicnl pictitl wna elected prrM- i , ot a womntE Common*, vice p „ , ty d rcu , her l« w . F. Brown. *ec- ),pf trti

Cnrver. treniurer urectlnB her hu.iU.iti W llllnnuJlU lorlan.,n »nd Mm. J . A. i5„ ,y j,enr all elecled M board ..j,^ ..

c h ,M - "

•rt* nnd Mr* J E Pl««M''lI t S^me* day nnd Uicn wond

rrved* refre*hmenU »»'y.Wlllinm*. '' f

I M a r k e d21—Mr. and Mr*. prcUy little picture

III be n t home to Once Uie honcymo' rueadny^for ihelr picture U bound to nnlvrrsary. how much more,n* nn open hnune m usl be to nny man I. and from 7 lo 8 »el]y tio v he t* (rolnj im r of the lr »on. when he Come* lom

Gof^lng. O ne’evenina *he iHollo.iiy r w c . l , „ „ „ a L .ppU j ,e t t

hurry becau*e *he hi* . . wonderful attemooi ' n ^ A A p P r hurrlt* nboul she li

l . r M .I.- ' V 'llie home of Mm . the finishing touch*

h.ed , u u .n a .11-pr«rnL i they had Anolhrr evening

stitching up a newing wlll be Jfin. fl ‘' " “ '‘ ,"£ " ," 2 ,1 ! '" 'I. tier out tonight mc^ 1 A wife like Ihnl 1.11n . time erenUng prettyr O r S n t S living her o«,-n life i

rc. 21-L o ls . enrol "n'J 1*rn irrin ln rd Ihelr i}* he flnri.i her.

. Mr*. Duel Scovll,25Ui wedding an- Urr wedding cnke i

wnn given «llvrr glfL r.irnlM th r th r r r- Tlie ho.it»w* nrrvj

5 of Your ChildBy A NG ELO PATRI

r In the mnll lately nnrt the hn/.ed, Oi nrv>'*. for my dny* rMulLi were vrr^- »trl

,t In lhe flrld o t public opinion wouli lpn.ll of thrm are protest, only lo s e nre hnvlng w llh effect.

n clftM nil by snmrlhlnK hn* nt.rrnlm of childhood howrver. for the stiiirih ing new to the Columbia unlversllyu t nbout the good nlly hnrrd, nnr were t

Tliey werr orgnnlrn V a r i plnnnlng to sqund.i nnd hrlp lo rnl* for lho.ie u n - houses Uinl needed 11n who. elUier by i,nvr hnd ll olher

ot trnlnlng and nocini nrr^'lcr tookrncM, In}} Inlo the dnngernu.i, iim e-aaj)“* of Inw anrt order nonsrn.ie.I drllnqucnu, T hn t^ . . voulh. My hrnrty. boya-they ou t- - young-have never hnd a „ * nnd their colliig.' n decent home;- ,1,^,^ g „upce to sre how good ________ _er have hnd the iti.r»i hibiii ir^ ih> tn, and good tlmr* llrtnr, nn't •>M lo rhtm 1 enjoy n* n mntier) w hat they do be- «nK'ino belter wny of M"'-nre tnken to court. *'■ *'"* "■ ct* to do nnythlng] tending them (o ■ M ■ % !iiclns them on pro- 1 1 1 Ek l # ler course hrlps lo m l IId'* feelings, hU ODICNOiTO U V Ilinuhle new and 8h»p»<i iiii* * n j i to t his mind. .ol cnmp otfer* an JT;?*.•tup. Clennllne.s*. tiiy to « •» , d rr.youncllvlly. personal «upBbr. A»k t a f ■dpct

uctlon nnd guld-,ve the ir effecl on ,ny of them. I be- J i imrd to their com* g S S x •orlhy clllieas. Atave the lr chsnce. W

m innenl euilodlai:lr communlUes of V JC .—behavior. -------I Is upllfUng. Hat* C n i T U ' C ' M been common B v l I r l (9 e for many year*.ractlce .1 IhaL I t U« SECOND 8 malnlj' w ycholo- PMONE IUnz on th i h u e n

i d i a n M i s s R o w l a i[ I T I g g

I p ' A t B a t h ef m ' V r ' ^ f JER0»4E, Dec. 31-1

j) , , Inlcm aUonal O rder of ' r k U n . wlll hold an ope

tn a t 7 p.m. T liuriday inr r temple.--------------------

- M argaret Rowlands (tailed u honored q Houston, ten lor prln W eathtrtfin. Jun ior pt }yn Adtm t.- rtUde; Jot marahal; K alhy Davl*. DuileUfi DarllQK. Innei cy Reynolds, Junior cui Spofford, senior custod m an, recorder; Sheri brarlan : Betty Jean u rer: Delores Kohnio A nn* Davit, mr line M lU hdl, tecom M axine Cralc, third Ruby Darling. M argaret Je n sra . flft: L ynett« H eist, m u * Branch, pace: C trol Sharon Case, and Anlt

- capU lns; M ym* Cn s m th . drill c tp la ln t W ard, reporter.

Cnrolyn L tlrd f* (hr ' (leer for the . honored

, Rowlands, guide; U ' m arshal; Ph^lllj Sonn

custodian: Judy Fort enrol Allison, aecretm Hnrrls. musician.

Efttes Rowlands will i of Gold and Barbnra J be the tngeL Sharon the sololsU

Refreshments will bI H ^ ^ b * * 1

A n n u a l B a n

Is G i v e n by T o F e t e

T h t Challenger clnsa Baptist church hetil Chrlstfflss bnnquei *l Saturdsy

I ^ ^ H H H ^ B T he Rer. Eugene Ci rg Invocation and John V

----------------------------T h u p la r i fro;■ " I f a l l s high school prtsi

5 W o m e n Amlck *ang nun..................................panled hy .M rj. c . W... . . . . . . . . . . . V em R ouU iread.••U f*H MILLF.TT by p e ier Marshaln«l :o years wives a gift wns presenled )ver and over *sn n sholw ell.'teacher. 11 U to bc nice 10 o roup jJn f ln g o l Cht

was led by Russell Bet ilcture held up lo Mr. and M rt. Wllllt mnn m ft clean and Mr. and Mrs. Paul £ ■ hair neatly brush- and Mrs. John Gsen: fresh and glowing. McCollum.

iU,ind wllh a tooth- Qyy Malsuoka nnd But

'."5 “ r d e S oii^'.’ •• •

pretty picture, all • i'- -musl be thousand* • j

he couniry creating ' nt scene dny nfter -i ■onderlng helplcsaly ' r-comlng husbands ■ , , lice the picture. Or • ttS K ntenw M M . 10 reluctnni to sit I' - j I *uirt telling the * r * wi/e all about '■: J •Bl* and ttlnmphs. i>^::’ now, w hat man ’ ' • I home to the tam a t rij I . ure dny After dny7 F..".! rmoon is over the \li ^ to grow dull. 1 1 ^

tore In lero iU ng 'K ) $.■ ian no t to know ex- Jlnr to / ln d hls wl/eiome from «-ork. ’ K X J B M y he m sy be rushing ■ ; ■2ctUns dinner In a ; .< < \e has had the most . ' I "ioon, and as she e I* M engtr as a > : r day's experiences. . ' m mhr mny be In jeans, ~saraen or puttinjr ■ . ■ ,iches on the room ■', • ■ | le dny pnlntlns;. . i 'ng mny find her ^ B ^ ^ B 'new dres.1. Or all I A "Lew’s hnve din- mood. . . ^ B

I l.in’t spending her H ■etty picture*. She’* ;Ife and having fun 1. ;, 1* glnd to see her - ,

te nnd the couple T.'-' i glfb«. . rrvfd refreAhmrnls. .•

dren . ‘ ' L(■- i ;

-------------------------- IOccftslonally the -4 i-.

serious Inderrt, and . J ' pould be rou.ird in j L) subside withoul . ! ^

atfpcled the Ide* i, .! j.student* entering , •! •,?

Illy were noi’brtil- - i ■rcthcyhumlllnied. •, fe. . ilrrd lo go oul In ■’- 10 repnlr anrt denn !d 11 and would nnt I (heru’lsr. A sound , f --------i-iv.v.:<ik plncr of silly, .najlJng, sf>ul-ws.«- | . . •

nn Uie bnmier of - ■ ^ 1 1ly congrnlulntlons i

C 'T C / 'n V r^ ; ’ ^ O ncpn°UP- • 'I!<• k^llnahr r<ir iTP7 - < ' j; m esh sl

V(' i t o

> E l»VI TIMI, M M rr . ’I to ask*I without toUlnc.□ottl Uiat SbMttM I• n u t «i a pin. B« youn««l enV lull CXTCR DIAPtfta-.

I»3.95 p ir litu n . | |

• M ATERNITr j , > » FASHIONS |- • •

I) 8T. EAST ............ .■ g M l ; ... ] ...


l a n d s I n s t a l l e d (

i s t o l l e d

h e l M e e t ^II-Belhel No. I ^ « S Mr of Job's Dsugh- open InsUllallon

In the Masonicinds will be In. •'d queen: Elaineprlnctu ; Sharon ^ V 3 P ' ^ H r prlnctsa; Cnro- ' ‘Josn W»!JJnjloft,

svl*. outer guard: ■ V ^ J g C S Hnner guard; Nan- r custodian: Olxle istodltn: Jill Nor. ’ iherry Snend. 11- . \ an Pierce. tren.i- ' C W t ^ :inlopp. chnplMn; .

mrssenBer; Joe- 'cond m c u e tu { e r ;j j^ ^ ^ B j | ||B B >

mes.ienger; lurih messenger;fifth me.uehger; ^

t USl e l a n : Kayirol Ward, page; ^ ^ r p M n # A . Anlt* Imes. choir ' ‘Crslg and Kay

ilns and Roberta(he Inslalllng of-

KtyLols Pelerson. ^ ^ ■ 5 5 Sb H | ^ * ‘ lonnlchsen. senior

ForUI. chaplain; retary. Pnu^itvlUrend the B o o k ' ^ ^ U s B I * '^ ' ra Jo Vernon u l U ' ^ ^ ^ V n i .v r ron Brlnlc WU be . '4

be served. ' -B B B b H e m I ..

o n a u e t m a r g a r e t u o '^ ll^yion ph(iti>—mtafl

3 y C l a s s " ' ------------ —

Holiday Social Caiclass of the Flrsl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ield H-1- atuiunlI s t the church! KIMBERLY—Bools [Square Dnnce club » . _ • , 'p.m. Thursdny In t,n WUkrriJn f"'’ ‘*"n<in «»xcr»on »»* ,n j , p.^riy. OltU will

I nnrt ntter. th r dnnclng from the Twln;per wJJl bc s rn fd . Ms

presenled n plny.icnll.Isimss." Clifford! * * >numbers accom- SHOSHONE - The ,W. M yeh. Mrs.'phureh will hold Ita C :.<fs Keep Christ.jBram a t 8 p. ni. Friday ■shall. lundrr dlrcrUon oflied to Mr*. M er-«liaoI. l-'ollowing U her. !progr.->m, lhe church cChristmns « iro Js 'em * muslcnl proi Bennelt. Vartcn Is director.

Vllllam SlnniUry, * * ‘ul Slnndlry, Mr. n you use dry cerca iaenile. Mr. and vorlle menl Ionf. benr lum. Mr. nnrt Mra, two cup* of whole whe: , Buelnh Wegener four cup.i ot com f e-ln charge. jcrushed a fle r measur


Lodies' House SWoolics - Satins - Cc

F la t or H igh Wc(A ssorted S izes and C(

Reg.t o , 4 . 9 5 .........................

i l D R E N ' S SLIgroup of fuzzy slippers nnd ci M edium 'and sm all sizes in

h slippers-.

V alu est o 3 . 4 9 , , , ; , , . , , , , , ;



d Q u e e n C o r r e c t S t o i

I s N e c e s s a

. j ^W hftfi need rf .rotini

B ^ H f c control plan lo gel t

- *• lo t Jsm Inclosets.' deason-spsrinl mlxed-flber la b rla . wi

-i broken occasionally b >. .• frosty m n lnde r of whi

. ’ all lots a monkey wrt nitUiodlcal plan lo s

To avoid overcrowd stow summ er wear In Start wllh swlmsull

' Poslels. Wind up w u tigh t goir and tennl:

’’' v ' - ^ R ■''d the dark, but ligt .,1^ ' V q Ions snd mixtures. I t

■ . * , 5 ^ « J t o hnve on hand the . > J l lerinls such as boxes

paper, molh flskes ot

• •'‘.O ® Ideal storage condlll.. A. cool, clean, dry spol. I

bsicm enl for storage. B |E |R n B f i M ! s n d stack boxes on sft

> « ■ trunks or wsrdrobes P |S ^ I ^ blocks lo avoid d tm ag

Any fabric* Uiat cc B ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B B centage woo] ihoulc

! from poulble molb ( ® r " b ” * 'j ;m e n iu garments wlll , r \ K I 'V c ie tn , seaird In an 'J gusfdedA flakes or mothS , •T m .. ^ K ! *'orlh remembering a J B 0 cellulosi■ V n In molh flakes make

ROWLANDS protective ribbon to sll ■ ,t.ff e n j ^ l n f ) _

hold up better If slore , l t you run oul of he;

n f i s n r l n r 'Padded han jew . you . _ a i e n a a r jone by taping two m m

I tocether and wrapping loots and Slipiiers *'«ue. ub will m erl a t 0 ^ ' ' ' * ® madr te r In the Klmbrriy scrnps of foam dnnce nnd ClirlM- l>fr-cemrnlfd Jogelhej

Jl If. The advice no l loMl , fd cottons Is particular:

W e M e U io d Is t sllverfls

C h r . ' . ™ , -

program. Roberlage containers. Ssve \

^ ,lo be used Ior smalcereals In your fa- ns handbags, gloves, benr In mind thnl wnrf* and swimming wheal (lakes equil with Ussue paper. Be m flakes sllghUy stored flni or rolledinsuring._________ | Leather shoes, ridlniy .- -■•'{■ny-- ■. ■ ........, ^

>ES/IEN, WOMI S l i p p e r s ^

Corduroy |Vedge . ]1 Colors! ;

2 .4 7 I,v

;lippersid odd lots of loafer I;

in Rold and silver i: !

; . ^ j 1

f / ^ \

s r #


i t o r a g e P l a n s N y

s s o r y f o r

around mo«t homes ■ f year is a traffic- , •gel summ er wear .

ler wear unstored ■ MK* ' ’ m In dressers and ' ' --■ipsrinlnif fashions, ■ • 4 F v ^ - j i r X ' , la . warm autumns W . ^ r ' 'ally by a tharpjy ■3f what's to come— B bSlMI.v ;. ly wrench Inlo Uit f .^lo shift seuonal

rcrowdlng, plan lo ,ear in easy sisgH. B . ^ m * ' . > . Im sullt and thin up w ith medium- tennis piny clolhet Jt lightweight, cat- es. l l helps. I find, - d the storage m*- WIL.MA HAitxwes. bngs. lape, . . . whose rnraget

kes or *prnys. You lUnls, ion of Mr. a use winter •lortge Harris. Buhl, hss bd ure to change the b; h tr parents, Mr.

■ner Harmon, Buhl. ;ondlllons csll for s *** im dnaled fror ipol. I ( you use the school In J5JB and li orage. play ll safe •*’' ° “**1 hlghwsy > on ihelyet Jtck up sUrodtd high srhoc Irobes on wooden •>? Smllh'a indamage Irom damp dale has been sel foi

(6la(l rngraTlngltiat contain a per-should be proiwted 1 1„ _ o D __loUi damage. ThM m F S. D . K 6 C : will be put Away ■ ■. t n Air-tighi box H o s t e s sjarded wllh spray,moth balls, A trlci Mr*. Bruce f?equn ■ring 1* thal u u ‘ ' “J” of e w ltrn Can rllulose lape dipped "nd essiern m a k ea 'a pungent, *o Mnry I

I to allp over a han- Monday a t Uie homi Personlus. Mrs. Reqi

. dresses and JackeU ^">'0 bus travel ’ stored on hangers, n 'i '” September, of heavy shoulder- The club, had Its you cjin Improvlie mu polluck dinner :

0 Ihln wire hangers gltls.■ pping w ith crushfd tIib next meeling

at the home of Mra. i ir tervlcenbir pads jf. #foam rubber, rub-

iM tr . n d M 07 " '®tangcr. Loops lhal FILER. Dec. 21-M1 dreiwe* on hanger enterfalned frienda : secured with upe " ‘'h » cotfee hoi

de off. :51 to store sUrch- cleated golf shoes wl Icularly appropriate a rubdoK’n wllh dres Iverflsh are ttouble- preservnllve lo keep I r a starchy diet. I ing and cracking. W a of storage boxes en rate a flnnl sci peclally along lhe them of dirt and odoi r r before I pul in tucked away.

Label boxes. Orou an* excel/enj itor- foldable and small Save vegeUble bsgi one csrton and pul h

small Hems such cover, along wllh a 1 loves, anklel socks, lents. Toss In the unc nmlng caps. Stuff T-shirts. <Even swe> •r. Belts should be pUslle bngs.) T h l i rolled, no t folded, routine will make riding boola and leu of a scramble ne:

MEN, CHILr ' 'MiEN'r 1 S U It Large assortment o f i ^ Some fleece-lined.

I Values I ,fo 5.95............

fCHILDRENt O ne sro u p In clu d in g C o rd u tl s iz es in le a th e r ISIoccasins " Eox. Broken s i i c s a n d s ty l (

Values I ^ to 3 .4 9 ,.,......

l l lF J I < I L ^ d b M g a M ! r i

T r a i n Y o u r

Poise U Korth lhe I t U a lenleel wa:

sitting tnd dlsplaylni nerlsms.

^ ' ' Oood po ilu tt'l t an• ' v . handshske, «ell-mo<

enthusluilc express tponie. dlplomacy-tl by the womsn of cht;

Practice sisndlng th a t you do not look I

. or as It you were bion your hrad. When

- your shoulders bsckr f S j H though you hsd jui

. psrnde at Wesl Poyour kiicei ever to

JfAiOfO.V enough lo relax you.agem ent to Larry your hip oui lo baltn lr. and .Mrs. Crcll your arm supports a I been announced on a lable or iwlsl Mr. and M rt. El- around your calf, ihl. Mias Harmon When you *11. do from Duhl h lih ward In the chair. ( id la employed by above the knees or i »y office, ifa rtli balanced all on one fhoeJ and 1* cm- In Jhe chslr be/ore '* l»alry. Buhl. Na your hands on yout l for the wedding, them carefully. Keep > Be conKlou* ot vc

, periods and pretty ; posture will be teco

v c q u u I S ’Our carriage win b

s to C lu b ' Your exprttislon w

C .n .d . S ' o r S t o S U

" M r s S M S ,nequa loured wltli 1! ^ !■v.l group for 7.««)

>er nnd exchanged

'"K the^rttm i?to w “II(ra. C. C. Haynie. egung hair style”* * looks limply awful"jU ESTS an opinion on a t—Mrs. T . E. Albln coiffure. Diplomacy da T uesday morn- conveying a mesnlr hour. tagonlzlng others.

--------------------------- Vour hsndsfiakeJ wlll benefit from thuslastlc. never gh dressing or leather >««*« ll,*nd yotir rep Uiem from do ’- production should 1 . W ashable sneak- Interested. Bow your

scrubbing to rid direction of the odor before theyre meeting tor the flr

turthcr tmphssli t< Jroup eaclj child's Uon. taJJ nccessorles In B« surt your »oJc( ul h is nam e on (he b u l not so hushed <

a lis t of th e con- h e ird nor hlgh-plld underw ear, shorts. .♦ *

sw eaters senled in G irt Uit small Iiy h i s preparedness ting Ihtlr undwlcl ke the unpacking puzilu , then lel the; ; n e x t spring. pieces b tfort they e t-.-•I-.- I -77 'T

per!LDREN; l l s S h e r ^


if m en 's leather house shoes

2 .8 ^

M'S slipS ^r d u r o y z ip p e r f r o n l uliptiers. isome ;in s , I n f a n l s ’ s l ip p e r s anti s lip p e r ty l e s .



:PAGE' ]

4 G E F i r n E E n J------------------------- -

j u r s e l f ■

\/e Poise lii Everyone .||

the e ffo rt j lI way of standing. I sylng quality m«a< 1

Is a n -e s se n tu r r« ;------- 1re<MUlte»-crtcloui ;||1-modulsted voice, flpresslon tnd re> Iy - s ll sre potKSted |[ charm. . flling snd sltUnx lo ■'Ilook stiff u a board 1re bslsnclng a Dea fl 'hen you sltnd, pullDsck genUy—not as I 1 jusl left a dressI Point. And b«nd ^;r to slightly. Just Iyou. Avoid sUcUnc n}altnce your arm u jjrts a glass, leaning IiwUUng your foot |. do not lean for- ' j] Ilr. Cross your legs ,I or stl WlUl weight one sldt. Sit back

lore you relax, lold i your lap or place

K ttp your head up.Dt yourself (or long Mty soon your new second nature and

■•111 be part of youron wlll l)« the next people to you. Look . ut furrows at your 1 sl Ups or eyes. Avoid «ur hands or twirl* {I u i r around In your 'j mannerisms give ths nmalurlty. / '•ust be part of Uie ,( woman with poise. I when you are u k ed ] on a conlrovenlal [

n a group. Derekip ly "It's a tery In to - | rle“ Instead o f - I t N ’ful” vhen asked (or I a friendi unusutl

lacy Is the way of 1 caning without an> ! rt. Iake should be en- r given' u n lb i yeu | our respons* to an ; mid be rracloui and your head SllghUy In the perton you aro I

e first time to give ' tli to tbe Introdue* jiTolce 1> distinct. lo« ' hed tha l It c an 't bf -pitched.

• ¥1 fry a thrlU by cut- dwlcbet Uke jlguw I them rea m n se U i* ty est them. .

6 * 1

IIoes. I .] I

m r I I

I l i .


P i

r a 'LS l ^ g .

Page 16: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Dons S ta Cage Hef Places Sl

n r T he Ai;

I A llh o u R h th c c x p c r t f l h a v o N o . 1 tc n m , colIcRC b a .sk c tb a il lo n p enouK h lo s e t th e m in t ba.sia o f r e s u l ts up t h r o u g h I

Newcombe Is In Dodger Folt For’56 Season

BROOKLYN, Dec. 51 ifl — Do Ncttcombc. lhe one* rebellious rlglu hander who ihUted from doglioiu 10 aUrdom for lhe Drooklyn Dodger. flKncd hi* IWS bweball conirac TucidJiy for » reporied *25,000.

This li tTJOO ibovr th e paychec he recclvtd in 18M b u i» compromUi of the m o o o llsurei he w ld » coupl

J of monUis *so hc would dem and cI ftUcD A holdout.' I Tlie 240-pouiid plicher. whose :

• plUhlng victories »nd JSO bnillnftvcroee helped propel Brooklyn t

I lhe NaUoiibI leiiRUC chnmplonshliI reached.«n accord with vice pre.ii

dent E. J. iB uayi Bnvnsl In th DodRcri’ Flalbush offices.

y Then he rushed over lo Jerse' Clly U> parUclpate In ground break

' lng ceremonies *t lhe pnrk whei Drooklyn will play teven games nea season,

; "I am very happy over lhe dealUie 3S-year-old glanl (rom Colonli N. J.. said alter lhe algnlnK. "I hard work will mnke m c hnv*

; good year. J il have a g rea l one."This attitude Li in dlrcc l conlrnt

to tlm l displayed by lhe big Negr »Ur la st May < when, a fte r bcln ordered by niannccr W all Alsloii I

II pilch batting practice, he finlly rc [{ (usedi

The sulking righlhandcr wa.^ or dercd by his monsger to lake o tt hi uniform nnd go home u nder indefl nlt« suspension. Recalling the Inel dent later. Newcombe sa id . "1 wa.i s mad 1 dldn’i care it I ever pllche

} tor the Dodger* agnln.”Bul. cooling otf laler, h f rcpcn tr

for hi* actions, called A lston an

I apologized.Then chastened Newcomb

proceeded lo carve oui one of th mo9t ranlasUc pitching and hllUn records In baseball annals.

He won 10 games In a row anc

Si l l ftfur losing a game, added elgh fil more victories to compile an 18-

Kl record by July 31. He slackened of U? « b it la ler bul flnL'hcd the *c.-i.so;D | wllh A :0-S w on-lul record. accon<I I only 10 Uie 33 vlelorle.i o l Phlla It* delphl&'a Robin Roberts, t n d a: I n earned run average ot a.IQ.illl All the while, he was punlshlny i th e b a lU tb i t.Nl He utabllshcd a N ational leagu

rccord of seven home runji for plicher. He batted .SSO-but had »luggln« (vengo of .833.

Anglers Have Good Results In Snake River

OOODINO, Dec. 21—A ccording I cred censu* reporu received by Uj

I Idaho flsli and game depn rlm en t I;lata November and -arly Decembci

’ ( flihlng success on Snake river habeen excellent recenUy.

I Bob Irving, fisheries bloIogl.it nOoodlns. tald reports Indlcnlr lh better fishing areas are from Cry* U l springs to Uie B llu dnm .

TbB U. 8. tuih and w ildlife «cr\' Jce halchery a l Hagerman hns Jus completed IU fall plnnllngs of fix) in Uie nrea and wltl s ta r t lls nprin planting early In Ftbninry.

Dixie Fans Jeej Negro Player

NEW ORLEANS. Dcc. 21 tT i-Foi «nrd Sheltle McMlllon of Brndle Uirned chccri Into Jeer* Tuesdn n lsh t In becoming thc firs t Negr plnyer lo draw crlllcL’im from Loyola bflskeib.ill crowd Alncr lh university frnsed Lhe color line j jiUiletlc evenU.

McMlllon. who drew more applaud than nny nt hL le.immalM In 111 pre-g.ime Inlroduclloru, com m ltle severnl fouU In Ihe second hnl I'jn s Uiouchl m w t ot hl.i foul.i wer Intentional and jrered w hen;he lel Uie floor slUi nine mlnule.i le tt 1 Ihc game. He -diluted th c c ro u d b .Mlckuig oul hU loncup nnd tli Loyoln b.inri broke Inlo "Dixie." n old Confcderale marching ^ong.

Ecvenil slitdcnU bri;nn to chnn •Bye, Dye Blackbird."

6.Midy Oldemwe of H icliland Pnrli N. J.. 1035 AAU lOO.nieirr ouidoo f.niinmlnff chaniploii. i. compeiiii for lhe th iri year wlUi ih r Val ^ l y j e , i m . __________ __________

1 Visits of Foot

Joy Into Livei

8AN fllASCISCO. D re. 31 IT- Dark storm clouds huiiK over Ui red bnck biiiUling on S .m F ian cl!<;o'8 ucsi SUle Tutitlny, bu l iiislri 11 Uie brlihtcsi dny o t thc vrn in lhe Him ot tcores of cliliarcii.

I Aclunlly. If jou'cl looked only .nI Uic glowing tnces of ihc youiiM ifi I anil Ignored Uielr twblcd Itnibs nn I bodies, you'd never hnve known Uie I wcre crippled. They were ihc hap I piesi kids m lown, these boy.i an I Rlrls In the Shrlnc’i Crlpplctl Chll I dren’s hospllnl. as they cnlerlnm c I n half-hundred foolbnll s ta rs,: I l was Uie occasion of lhe annusI vlsll of members of lhe E nst an'

West 4<ju.ids to Uie big hosp ital am Christmas took i bnck se a l to brlgh collcge colors in the w ords n* lh< youngsters made Uie grid a iara wcl


ay Atop iap; O ther Jhuffled9 A uM lalcd r r mlive .s e ttle d o n S n n K m n c isc n n.i th b a i l ’s Icfliie ra h a rd ly w ill f ltaiid Pti

in to a n o r d e r ly r a n k in j r . O n th :h lii.st S a tu r d n y , 150 .sp o r tsw ritc r------- n n d brrtudcastcr.«i p u rtic ip a i

inK in t h e w e e k ly A sso c in te Press ranking poli listed San FTnr cisco. North C.nollna Slate ai:

MU tah as lhe (oi> three te.im.i-t! same positions they hnd held U week befoi e.

Then lhey shuffled ih» o lh e 11 team* around and came up wll

Dayton. Brigham Young. Non D on Carolina. Holy Crow. Vanderbil

•Ighl. Kentucky and lowu as the remali House der of Uie top ten.Igcrs, Defore Uiese experts could g Ilrac l the ir collecllve opinion Into prlr 1. look w hal happened: Alabam :heck dropped Irom fUlh place lo 16th i amlse a result ot iwo losses lnst wee ouple knocked n it Holy Cross, which ht nd or moved up Irom 10th lo seventh

the balloting,SP :0 T>iat happened Mondny night ar iltlnn Tuesday's sctiedule Included a cW ,n to belween Ulnh and Dayton In fl u h lp Kentucky Invitation lournair^i nrMiJ plus several Olhfr games tha t cou , X affect tulure raUngs. Wednesdi

n lghl Norlh Cnrollna Slale go against louring Brigham Young.

Snn Pranclsco-* Don.i. Uibljed I DUQuesnc coach Dudley Moore i Uie b „ t college leam he ever hi

' ‘ *een. apparenUy hnvr Juslllied it faith the writers nnd brondcastc

1 hnve pu t In them. Lrd by All-Amer ‘‘’'I!?; ca Dill Russell, a lall mnn whn Is

greal dctenslve plnyer. Ban m i " cl.wo won Uie De Paul lournamei , In CJitcngo lasl week-end and ran J

iirnsi iwo-senson victory lUlng lo : ’ Cgrobeing Tijn Don* picked Ilrsl I3n to 52 gf ti,p uo rxperu nnd on 11 y «■'* u.wal bnsl* of 10 point-i for ench fir

plnce vole, nine for second, eli* "r* polled a lolal of l .« 7 points. Non tt hU Cnrollna Binle, also unbeaten ar idcfl- winner of Ihree gnmes Insl wee Inel- drew 13 flrsl place voles nnd 1,0: as so points to 068 polnti for Utnh. Iched Dnyton and Brigham Voung move

up from aeventh and eighth placi ;n trd ns lown akldded from fourth lo lOt

and a fte r toting to Colorndo. Alabam nnd Dufluesne. boUi iwo-ilme Idmi

ombe Inst week, slipped oul nt Uie^top 1 r the NorUi Carolina, victor over Air llUng bama nnd Mao'land, bourfted ii

from 16th plnce to sixth In the rant and, ings nnd Kentucky, after a wer

e igh t down In Uie tecond JO groupings, r* 18-1 turned to ninth.

;;™S Knox Healthy ' *" Again,' Scares

Michigan Statelad a PASADENA, Cnllf.. Dcc. 31

T alk a t the Rose bowl football can Monday was mostly nbout legs' fooU>all plnyer#’ leg*, c t courte.

Michigan S t a t e coach Dufi Daugherty atarled ll all when ask« why he chose to view, for tcouUr purposes, films of rival UCLA games agnlnsl Slnnford and SouU rrn Cnlltornln. Ench Rose boi school Is enlltled lo look a t U

C i- films nf any two of lls opponen

" “mIp Daugherty said lh a l It he'd know n t In UCLA’s passing ita r . Ronnie Kno nbe r soliig lo recover suftlclcnt• ha* pearnnce in lhe New Year's D«

„ l classic, -I might Imve picked ai , 11,e oUier film lor one of the games.” ;ry * - Knox, recovering from an ank

Iraclure, played only briefly agnUi „en '- Stanford nnd nol n t all again . Jusl Southern California,

flah F’rom the UCLA cnmp. It wns n pring porled lh a l Knox should slarl rui

nine In uniform some time lh week. He nirendy hns been throwlr tome p.iucs in sweat clothes.

A l * On the Michigan fitatp side i the leg discussion. Daugherty n ported t h a t hnlfbark Clnreni Pe.iks, who mliuvd two Bnines bi cnu.w ot a knee Injury, was gelllt

-For- bnck Into lop form.

: S Self’7Trounces " i.: Parisian 44 to 22 ■■>'’ Sell's had an en.^y time In wii

nine a Municipal lengur bn.iketbn ilausr game nver Pnrtslnn L.Tiindry.1 the Storming to a 23-R haltllme lealin ed Sell's wenl on in u ln Sen: hnlf. lng honors werr pvriily scatieretl fiu c rr Ihr winnris. wlih r lch l plnye;

e le ft breaking inio Ihr scoiine colum■tt in led by Hnws with D. Byber scnrf

;hnnt r„"r I I J ! n J

Pnrk. ■ J ! w.'t..".'-* s j >idoor ii.'i’n't’o'i 1 j <•

v a ie j ‘ ‘ "

otball Players E es of Crippled (W— 'Hie inik between lhe erlpjiied pi

. ti,p ijfiils and the hu;,kv fontbnllcrs w:

llie r(in\rr.Mllon beiw rra big tjrott er ami im ir sister In mllltor-i i

yenr Amntcnn.liomes a l the holiday set

iv n t ' •'•'ve cm a bov friend," ennlld! ;sietr, biouii-li.iiifd Sharon lo big Jl 5 nnd Men:.e ol None Dame ns he snl f Uiey edge nt her bed. Shiwon's rlgt hnp- nnil wns in n sling, bul her ey.

I and spnfkltd. -Ur's al hnme, UioiigC h ll.,'t^ 'e re 's a l)oy in the iiospltal wf Bined^ll^^" me. bul I don't hkr him,"

i Mensr, n :oC-iiound cenltr, Krli in u a l ncd delightedly ns th r eisht-yeni

and l old mlsa chnUcreri on. When he to: I n n d ' her ih ry had no glrLi a t Notre Dnn rlgh l; ll bothered her briftly. but st I the brightened ni:aln when he ndmiuc wcl-I there wna a Kiris' ►chool "rlgl

1 acrota the road" and ih a i -lou i

Long Han

th()fitiii K kth e m T

ip a t-

1 Uie

I h e rwith


1 gel print.

a t

'h a d Tany Traberl. left, and Pancho ( th Jn tennl* lour prnmoted by Jack Kran

i latei, the peppery Mexltan. Is a veleit ami

d th e -------------- ^

BYU Puts ]fYan-:

Fs Line in Eas■t b y j. T R O V O , U la h , D cc. 21 IIP)— '

1’'^ u n iv c r .t i ty le f t T u e s d a y f o r n fi J " ;ilnm nRC i t s n a tio n n l r u t in p . I

•Jo rih 'tin u es th e s e n .sa t in n n l p la y t h a a n d '------------------------------------ i

“S K e n t u c k y Will ! S ' F a c e D a y t o n ,

ip™I n T o u r n a m e n t -

Ala- LEXINGTON, Ky., Dec. 21 W l- , “ up Kentucky, getting a 27-polnt per- , ■"'‘V formnncc from center Bob Burrow. ,

downed MinncsoiA 73-65 Tue.idny night to advance oppo.iitr D nylon In . ttir ftnnls of Uie Kentucky Inv lU - lionnl tournnment. ]

V Dnylon. powered by 35 points by J hnrd-drlvlng, dend-eye Jim Paxson, ,

defeated U u h 77-73 tn a c lash ef : nnttonally ranked, unbeaten powers, '

Mlnne.*«U and Utah m eet tor .

^ Uilrd plnce preceding W ednesday , night’* championship u s t. ,

Burrow rested late In lhe gnme < nfler accumulating four personal

camp fouls bu t returned to acUon long ; legs— enough to sprain hi* ankle nnd mnke j

his performance In the flnnU ques- , Duffy Uonnble, ’ i atked MlnnesoU. IU a h o r t-*hooltng uUns working well In the late stages, out- i :LA'* dueled Kentucky 32-14 In the windup c ouUi- bu l, never cama closer Uian five ,i bowl polnt.1. I

L the ----------------------------

I l ' i N o r w a y R e a d y ;

S T o D e f e n d Its ; ‘ O l y m p i c G ’ o w n j

OSLO. Norwaj.,Dcc, 31 Cfl-LllUe ■ Norway, perennially Uie g ian t ol '

iatn*t vi.iiiipj. jporu . expecLi lo be hard- j pressed in defease of Its unofflelnl leam itUe in the lOSa winter Olympic ‘ games a l Cnrtlna, Italy. '

iwtngi ■■"'f ■" -lour po.siUnn,'’ Tormod Norm ann. di- . of ''f Norwegian SporLs a.K-sn- ’

., elation, gloomily predicted Tuesday, r^nrp "l'» Cortma, the competlUon will , I,-, be innrr fierrr lhan ever, T h r Rus-

staw are lunitng ou t In force," Niirninnn tnre.'ces other factors

cn tn n ; deeply into lhe Olympic winler supremacy esiablwhed by the alurdy Nnrwrcl.iivi four yenrs ago.

For onr thing, the Cortina games start J,in. :»i, dttnrting ih r trnlninc .lea.wn for Nnr.'e athletes whn don'l

y L T ' "lead. For another. Nnrinann rxpect.i th r

Scnr- Unltrd .St.ve.v ce.urd to s tand o it . ■d for Ru.vM.1 In ihe kI.hii b,m lr of naiions. ' nyers to h a ir it.. .stinnse.U cnniingent in Uiinn,iyeni,v Anri Ru-v-Mn will iry lo meet cnred th r Amrilcan eli.itlrnce.

.NorwrctaiT .<porl.i olisrrvrrs nlsn ,,, nre nuitieiine over whal Ihey cnll \ 1 "unlni: iiniiiiriltlnn from s rm i-p ro -|i - ; fr.wlDii.ib " Tlu< l.< nn obvious blowi „ : nt th r .Stivlri alhlrte.s. whl)^^ te.uns " J nrr .M.ih'-pitlirri nnd st.nic-.iup-!H „ pnrtril Noiu.iy prid ri |i.\rlt on iU ■

Al n..l„ Unn- yrnrs ago, *iorwny 1 . wnn the iiniift;ri.ii rro^^n u llii I3.S'.

11 ” point.' Tlir I) u,i,< *rcond with B9':. In;;ovird liv Fininnd u llh 73.


(dpa -|U » a t Ni.in- n.ime hnvr girls at IS w as'hoiiie. i,m " ,Mlliee.' W.tU .l'rvr,-liii!lcy rnd Irnm North I To^K“"CarnHn.i. u.is all liiuinljs ns hc tried ! 'J o t. lo jiln Miiiip biu-ht n libnns ln to th r t ■ sea- lone m l h.ilr of |ivr-vrnr-o\d Dianr, 1

••I've n e u r .lonr this \ be fo rr,'', '

ii'^on liotiby. both tiny''rtctii "* tottered be-

luccn tx-(i.«, Jim Coiiunlto of Soulh-

„'‘ " ” cntrh with nn under-sl7.cd football.I ’'Look nt him." marvelled Con-

erln- trntin. • t tlitnk he might tu rn out y e a r-'to be Irti-tiAiuied like me." e told Tiie 31si nnnual Enst.-We.n entne.' Dnme u ttli nil proceeds nbovr expenses

she going to the ahrine 's'fund for cnp- illted pled chlldrrn, will be played Dec. 31 'right n l K ru tr sKdlum. Il wna a Cl.OOO-l >U of,sea l sellout Inat August. 1

jul for Tennis Pro


10 G onale i form th# fealure m atch « traroer. Thli li n a» li Cupper T rab e rl* feleran ot Uie lour. IN>:a photo)

Record^on Lstern Tour)— F if th -ra n k e d B r if rh a m Y n u n R A five-K nm c ro ad t r i p t h a t c o u ld .

B u t if tiny T e r ry T e b b s c o n - t h a t .h n s c jirricd th c t e a m t o « ix i— s trn iR h t v ic to r ie s , t h e C o u k - ;

n r.i could c tnno lia ck to P r o v o stlli umcntlicd and wlUt a h ighe r ranking. I

Tlie b lj le.'it will come agnlnsl, secnnd-rnnked North Carolina S tn le In RnlelEh Wednesday night. T hen the Couenis piny a t Wake Forest

11 Tliursday nlKlil. Nexl week Drlg- liam Voimc will piny In the M otor

* - City tournament In D clrolt and then wilt meet Michigan betore re-

'*• turning home.Tebbs standi only S-8 bu t hla « o r -

lng ability nnd floor piny hnve vnult- ed the Cougar* Into the nallonnl hoop picture.

* ’’Stop Teblu and you stop Brigham Young." «p«rL» writers In Ihls area

, But Stopping Tebbs Is taale r snld lhan done. Three good te a m a -

“y UCLA. OrcKOn and Colorndo—have tried and each lost twice to the

ne Cougnrs.tal Tebbs, who pliiVs guard, has scored ng 123 pointa In those six gam es—an

average of 303-and hla rebounding ability and floor generaLihlp ra n the opposition Into the ground,

ng Tebbs'blggeat ft-yel Is hts nmasing 11- speed. He aeems lo be all over the up court a t once, harra.«lng opponenU. ive s p e a r i n g rebound-s. intercepUng

pawes or driving In for lnyup.i.He spark.» DVU's flrewagon brand

of bnsketbnll that so ta r ihLi sen.ion no opponent hns been able to cope

Tetibs Is a la ir coiner to BYU bas­ketball. Two years ago as a soph ­omore he barely marir the tenm nnd .leorcd only 33 polnu In 10 gnme.i.

|1 Last year he warmed the bench d u r­ing the f lr tl holt ot the sea.-uin as

Jl, the Cougar* dropped 10 of lh c lr flrsl o( 13 games. Then he was given a atari- d . lng aMlgnmenl and led' Brigham ml Young to 10 whw tn H.i Inst 13 con-

trsLi and second place In the Sky- ■ line confcrcnce. |I Hts play tn d U « averaer e.Trned

.. Teblu a spot on thr Av.octnted P r t« nll-SKyllne leam Inst yrar.

Cage ResultsliiG H SCIiOOI.

nuhl 65. Cnslletord 35.:51c Wdiiirll 56, Hni;rriii:iii Aft.

RlchtlMd 63. Deilrvnie 51.!0. ,C.il(l«elI 5(3, Payeitr 4n ies Nampn 50, Onlntlo, Oie.. 40 nc Parma 71, Frultlnnd U

ew C’OI.I.KC.KD,iMon 77. Ulnh 7.1,

1-f W ot Virginia S3, Richmond 7<.01;l:ihcima A and M 67. Okla-

ly hoin.i 66.1 ' Okhhoma Citv 76, Auburn 58.

PiiHliie 67, Butler r.n.rnrdhnm 04, R iltcrt- 54..>1 Ixiuls RS, Wn.'.htiictnn 77.M.mt,-.nn .tilatr fl5, Ulnh .St:>lr BI.'Anronn S t n t r .FtngM aff. ftl.

...................... <Ulnh. r,8.0*1 Mrmt,inn RS, ao iunca fin.

Tniiiilr 83, Prnn 72,P* pdlrr Junior collrcr fifi. Compton

, K.iMrrn Orrgnn B2, N nithw rst ,1V Nn7.ii. nr 78.

S.Ill Krnnci.ico 75, W irhlla 65 th Oresnn. N orthwr-irrn SI,13. Kentucky 72. Mlniir.'OW 65.— .S<-.itilr 84. St. Mi*rv',< fill.

Orrgnn Slnlr RV Mirhigan 71WhiiworUi 72, tj»,itrrn W a,ihinc-

tnii ta


Connlr Mnck wns dl.ictmierd Trom at Prr.ibvicrlan hn,'pltal inip,%dav and '

ulll sifrnd th r ChrlMnins hnlitlnv a t' th th r hoflTWW ht.i son. nov. Ill r ir jn ed Mnwr. Pa. I i i r former prcstdrn'i nnd hr manaeer ot ih r I’lilindrlphin Alh- ir, lellc.i will br D3 |--ild,iy.

' “■j I ,S K K T 11 B A

I HUDSONH A H l) T O I ' 1.1

IUl —

" DEAN MCl J | | I Yoiie H u d so n D e a le r

T lM E S ^ N E W ajtW



— : t h of a lr*natontli.enU1 profeislonal « :rl'* f ln l whirl a l U»i pro gram*. C an .


Boosters Will Go To Oakley Game.

The Twin Fallt Bruins are ,| helping the Onkley Hornets celc- .

n u brnle Uie drdicallon ot Onkley , .ill high school's new gymnasium

Wedne.iday night and the Twin j( ^n- Falls Druln Boosters nre urging 'i><ixi ns many Twin Fall* fans as pos- '■■ IT., slble to ntlend the game nnd help 'i

I mnke the first bnskelball conlesl in Uie new gym a-ro arin g ’'*uc- ,

1 John Angerbauer, vice pretl- ,n sl, d rn i of the Druln Boo.itrrs. snld , nlej UiB organliaUon decided nl lls

Mondny mealing to urge ns many tDoo,itera ns po.Mlhle to go In Oak- j

■Ig- ■ Icy Wednesdny night to support j 'to f the Brulnt.

'________________ ______ 1«

or. Roning May B e;In Running ■

“ For BYU JobDENVER, Dec. 31 i.P-Tlie Denver

P a il snld Tuesday thn t Bnghnm i Young university otflclnLi hnve Wlk- ' ed to John Ronlng, lhe University of Denvei:’* head football mentor, re- gardlng Uie coaching vacancy a l the Mormon achool.I'aiJ I t It rumored, bul not confirmed. . the paper tald, Uial BYU hnd offer­ed Honing Uic duni Job of nthletlc , director nnd hend footbnll coach, (

the Chick AUtln.ion recenUy resigned c n u . ax tooUinlt coach a t Brigham Young, \ •ing Eddie Kimball Is athletic director, i

Ronlng hnd no comment on th r j iind reporl other thnn lo say he hnd .ion bren npproached by BYU nlumnl i ope nnd nol by Uip university offlclnlly. ]

Chnncellor Clir.iler Alter ot D. U. j las- »atd Rnning hnd been reappointed g ph- coach for next year and hnd been 1 and given a pay raise nf nboul 5 per cenl. i nrs. Snlnry term* were nol revealed when ; lur- Ronlng a.^sumed the Denver Job last r,. as .Mnreh a tlr r several sea.ions wllh Irsi Ulnh Stntr bul il wa* reporu-d hl.i Ul- contract callrd for $9,000 plus a year.

Bulll Trounces Castleford in I Caj e Battle j

BUHI.. Drp. 21- T l i r Buhl In- dtfms. iinrommgi n red-hot siioot- ine exliibiilon In Ihe srcond half,' swnrinrd nvrr Cn.Mlctord 6S-25 Tues­dny rvrnlng, :

Tlip Indiiin.i bulll up a cointort- nblr 27-M Iinltllme lead and Ihen sutsbfd 24 points Ihroueh thr net in Ihr third ouiirier tn sew up the Kiiiiir. C.i.iilrfnid uiis Just as cold in Its shiioting a.l Buhl wat torrid,

l l i r Indian,', who brokr rvrn on ‘1 - th rir v\rrk-rnd rnnd tn p by bratlng

Mrriclinn f,3.44 nnd lo,ilnc lo Vale. O .r., fj.33, werr n rvrr ihrrntened a lir r thr Ilrst frw mlnuirs nt Tiies- da.V.i c m r. 77ir Bulli Junlnr vnr-

. . . c ' : ; „ s ; , ■*n i f iif,\ M-nir;

ilon N'-V” ’ i ■' ? ni.s^p n" 'll ’’i 'S,

i'r.’’f,r.i i " i f I I ? " '

_ Mfi:t,i,Kit s u ;n .s ~ .......rom • NKW YOllK. nrc.,21 H r-T he New nnd:Y o.k ni;,nt,i nnnouncpd Tuesday / a t Itia. oiafif:ci/.r Dnti Murller hns r jn Mgnert m , rmitnicl (nr thp IPSR sen- nnd ,»on, MiuIi.t , i* |ui rrpnrtrdiy Hgnrd


i A i , i , . N i : \ v _ I


d is p la y a l—

lOTOR CO.l ic r - l l ’t; :inil A v c ^ ^ V c ^ ^ ^


Vandal Ca I Aggies in lI T w in F a lls will piny h o s t 1I Dec. 30, w hen th e U nivcrBit’I th e hifrh Bchool g y m n a a iu m .'■ F alls Vanditl B ooster club, ]I Richfield Is I 53-51 Winner I At BellevueI BELLEVUE, ■Dec. 31 — nichllclI took a S3-S1 w in over Bellevue In■ basketball game Tuesdty evenlm n The game w at close alt Uie waj kJ particulftrly in the »econd half whe; J Bellevue tiaged a rally U iat pulle■ Uiem ahead of the vlslura,I Bellevue loat nnother hearlbreake■ In the g lrb ' game. wlUi Rlchflel■ laklng a 3S-34 win.I Slever* waa sinndout In the var■ tliy game. accounUne for 18 point n all of them on Held goals,

J ln the girls’ game. LoLi ProcUi h it 18 polnia for Richfield and Dori n , t Sievcra netted 1« for Bellevue.The box score:

mciii'irLD IJ. DELi.rviir. ii ____iiifhfitiii ff /» pf ip;n»it«.ii. Ig It p f «

f r i i l ' r i i i : ........................

n Wendell Trips Hageiman by

Score of 56-49um I HAOERMAN, Dec. 2 1 -T h e Wen «'in 'rtrll Tigers defeated Uie Hngermn; lng I Pirates 56-49 in a bn.skclball gam los- 'Tufcvlay evening on the Hagermai lelp 'floor.leal I Tlie -game wa* ft hard-fough uc- ntfftlr WlUl Wendell ahead m oil o

the wny, hut wlUi H ngcnnan pailn ■tl- n U ireat r ig h t down lo tho lat aid minute of play, lls After plnylng on even term

my Uirough Uie flrsl quarter, th e vLilt nk- lng -lYoJnns bulll up V 31-lB hnlf •ort time lend.

Wendell aLio won Uie Junior var___ 1 «|ly Riime 33-20.

The box score;

Jep-yilVr'—vlUnVn * [] I [ I g

Tout* u ii; Toul* i t ii t t «■nver i,; igu>iir>ii;hnm It.llffirin ..... < 1> !» *w lk- "'.nafti _______________ 1 ^ 1 <1 I

”s; Basilio Honored As Top Athlete'

ffer- NEW YORK, Dcc. 21 Wi—Por hi ileile stirring, come-from-behlnd viclor tl. over Tony DeMnrco. welterwelgh gned chnmplon Carmen Basilio Tuesdn lung. wns nnmed winner o f the Novembe or. nwnrd In Uie pro athlete of th e yen

the poll,hnd i i i u s the nble 117-pound UUIs

imnl from Chiticnnngo. N. Y„ became Ui Inlly. n th monUily pnse w inner to QUallf 3. U. for the grand annunl trophy, th nlpd SIO.OOO diamond-studded, gold buck been ifd bell Uial goes to the pro aUilcl cenl. of 1BS5.


'"‘i C ilM m ^then

iti l ” ; t m m h . a '


'«}■ 'inSid.

---- (Aut tM-iM

1 !, C n u liL M i l / U t .

!: MEN!2 Comc in and g e t your


hns 10-WAY CAHD HOLDER nen. to Use In Yonr Billfold I gnpd I-'ivp fuli-vkii,’ iiockeui lo w n. imivijir .'.p.icr lnr len card*

<ir iihnto,i whrn placed bnck------ to bnrk. Complete w ith

I I:>slilcin rhn rl showing tha I u i/r - , <iottiins a l« t and

R AI.I. CilKTS K.VPERTLY WIlAlTi:i> . . . iieady for Otvlni, Wlthnut Chargei

T h o

I Ma y f a ir• SH O P

I S ^ i g ! g ; S ! g i 5 i g i g i 5 i e «

igers MUPii Twin Falls.1

iSt t o a n im p o rta n t intcrH cnfinn ,i•Bity of Idaho V an d a ls S t S ,m . T h e w m e ^ w h ic h w ill s t a r S t oI, P r o c e e d « above th e c o s t o f brir

^ when they arrive at U.e L TOurad.y evening. Dec. 20

Vandal Dootier* and Twin p ,,

**'ba^'iMtbal^dln1c^\*u\/lUK^^lulled toach at the Univfnnof Idaho, tnd hla »mff w,n ^0-^ ,, eaker '‘’HI *t*rt a t lo 2“field Baaketball coachea’ m d nltvrr

from Uie enllre area are Inviird i vnr- tnd all boya p.irltciimin

olnla. In Uie city KnoUiole league rectc* tion program and any other lm«r

•ocuir ealed person* alto are Invited, Dorla Robert F.Snyder.Twln FnlLi V.r

dal Booaler president, who a !■ charge of making arrangements fo

' , t„ Ben Mntienstate Vandal Booster director anJ II O uaPene. tecrcl4iry-U-cn*iirerofihI » local club, tay* n large crovi’d li tx , peeled for Uie game,3 a Approximately l.OOO tlckeLi li»v t » been sold tnd Uie university im

_ announced lhal approximately :s atudcnta and tnna will trnvel tro

- • - Moacow to Twin Falla for Uie gam.A group ot Bolae tans who wi

» *1 come to 'IVln Fall* on chartere *' " buse* aLw have purchased llckti.

Four player* on the Vandnl tnuj iC are from Uie Mnglc Valley are:

J ty Buhler, Hailey, and Bill Bnuich er. Jerome, the team’s co-cnuuiii

r are the only Jeltermen bnck ftoi Intl year't Kund. Onry Simmon

« former Twin Fnlit high school bai J ketball alar, and O a r y McEwei

Kimberly, alto nre on the team The Unlvertlly ot Idaho Epiii

orgnnlzAllon. a women's underguC unie tervlce group, wlli furnish ili usheni n t the gnme, Sharon Warr rr, a unlvertlly aludeni from Twi

JUght J'®’"*' charge of the grou'o j Music for Uie game will be lui nlahed by Uie Twin Fails high scho.

lait, P*P under dlrecUon ot DSlaughter,Tiekela for Uie gnme nre avnllnb

vLilt- Rogerson Coffee shop, Chsirhnlf. ber of Commerce office, Magel Aui

company and Sherwood Typewriti Exchange In "Twin Fnih.

Fnna nbo mny buy tlckeLi i Dodds cigar itore, Kimberly: Farn

, era NaUonal bnnk and Faux clei store. Buhl: Roper Clothlne ttor

'f j Burley, and L’Herltaon’a Furnitui4 I aUire, Jerome.

i i Oregon Star Will “• Miss Shrine Game

•! " EUGENE. Ore., Dcc, 21 M'-Dli , Jnmea. tUndout University of Or I gon hnlfbnck, will be unable to pli I in the Shrine Enat-Wesi all.stj

football gam# In Snn FmncUco De 31.

Jamea, who had bean aelected ir h ls play on u,e Weat aquad. aultered cWry broken lefl wrlat In a dive whi eight jwlmmlng Friday.tadny --------------------

w'clterweighl clasa ha* hi five llnlian-Amerlcan champions

iKii.t Jf* Dundee. Young Corbett II : f f Servo, Tony DeMnrco atlallfy Cnrmen Bailllo._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, the I

E v e n i f )

* M aharajah oj

You couldn’t whiskey than

Cream i KentucIK entucky 's finest w hiskc

' ic a ’s finest w h isk e y —the th a t you cai3 b u y ! ,

C ream of K e fitucky is com e at ho liddy tim e bd o u b le - r ic h —r ic h i n flnvo

; b o u q u e t . So s m o o t h and . y e t so h e a r ty .’M a k e C rca

t u c k y y o u r g i f t w h is k e y


_________________ ^EDKEsi

D a Jm ing-.rp

Journey*tchool [(CM

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area nuKh- ‘“ •''tlitaliis, "‘U w ; from <u[imons. * An 3l bas-:Ewen, ^ -------- I H

' S r . C o a c l i o M

w S q u a d h I

^ O v e r P i J

3t Del m N C Q m HThe 'pint W d i H

allable Wut iq-jd Chsm- >tn;nl(,1 Aiiioewriter ^ I.h e id csu li^ a^ H

Cilltomli p n c M ^ Heu atParm- tsl[ clenr t t l d i u i n a ^ H

store I^'(’'ee.*I'B tB)^^H miture Wood; l l t j n i f ^ H

Eul'i h(idlilll h« p l i r x d S ^ I shuttilni llltr

i l l to r ln lU iI ie rta ^ H

ne S a a

n.A^r < t* rp fK tte w a ^ B n ^ uolvmli;

Uiliuni IS veek. 'Itu

:ted lo tord tffilimur, fered t dujy dmu

whil ____m K iA c t u d q ^ H

MIAUl, FU,Y* had I l i c t a c t r a k i n ^ l p lons- a lT ropb ipu tlil^ H tl III. IcUl la Ul. II n l ^ H ;o and tppeanut it

plulni I Itnii;

f you wm tiM



M i l

I ’ t g i v e f i n e r B

c k y ! ^i s k e y i lA ^ ;- th e v c i jW '

le bcO ““ l a v o r , . ." * *

: r e a m o l ^

,kcy W !® * '

Page 17: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

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lo lu t ltn flfH . I V J ^ DOWN C.AirMl

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[ffc flftys I 'm in c o rr ijr ib lc , a n d I 'm su : I, S k in > h e a d l"

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■ ■ ■ ■ i I m v> oukd to t£ & ^g g^'^ . VOO AV\. •mCHTl.W ) 1 TUAW VOO' TO GO ■■■■ ■ ______

V Wa give to 63di J n a i r - i f ■ tfw m - th a t? t l mand grarwbiildien ■ u i f t j frsm i« .th i t

■ ■ ■ ^ ’“ u i p T Y ] 1 BUM.LOAFEI COMES 1 YOU’ffE AN

y fK iK O -a o o o l \ u o v / ^ , ( C L £ « ,H A L P / \ . I A T M / J , V ASLEEP A 5 ^ C

i i i r r i i L "

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« F 1 GU6*5 trmATf « O n /* « i.R O O W r TO M.WCLSH iomso / KUOW_.THE $r Urt J ALC0H01V3 AMONV* I OlO LAOy WS»T

WU5'. KES HAKMfi I W W « ) 6e«fiHOOil ^ GALLANT FlOMt, \ IWWTHATlVei

>££,VOO'' P.Q& I I TOUT WORW, t i l M VO 1 H ik v i IP T>iioGs ■

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V ^ V s L K E . C ^ S niY V W / \ k / w ^ X B E ^ W E K ^ W T O M



^ _ _ T, M.».» a t »«n

M l YOU |[^-R6PKm u3 MKS,lEATrKERB e s w i t r ro k k p* jchiatki&t : psopii«*TPOOR PO0RnflU6,5Hr$50 WITH E

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( -mAOK v i ^ j i f l j n n i

F ” Odiy, th st-;, T o n oth e o i f t^ . W |< 4 fl5-ij»5 ti3 t;han i w er

r rwmbct'4fl.' 1 1 tirica 35 m.iwi a ; I Tha a MO limit. 7 / | l e x n x t £ d t o /qr.3rv5 0 3 0 = - ^

EUL. W U T \ CAU. MB \,v i v o u © o r IN Ti/VB F f« 1 fCrOSA YPO e \ LUNCH... J (a

yajve KB4 VPSET \ ^ XJT • LTELy QNW D E«I I \ >

SUS66ST WE n a v a . i


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) w a x .W JO D t r ^ j u s t g e t \ b e t o o M ic h { w w . n c l \ b o v - tw >}TWDUSLEro.. C K JA M y j s A L L I J /^ B ? -S O R T I^ a « j j R E M J \ ' 1

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■get 'a b c w . '’-THE MACHINE OLHOTAHP>o y t o a y ^

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Page 18: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

M ark e^ * I

Stocks _I m a r k e t s a t a g l a n x e .

not)<i»-iQ*” - v7nl.*‘ ' LC o ito n -n u '’" ' niiyins. rh

*’ co?n hlB t'ff TPCflpu. 1»» 2J tK> .lIlMir .

I higher; hc«t tup t a n . ___________ ^


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Alfml.'ilS ■ ( Kill. Suxk - .......................- '! • " *'

( ^u'n«m'?’uncl ................................ lj.1* •■V,luj^Lln»^lntoir...................... . ^I.SJ •

Ktralon« Kl — ......... - ....... *i'^} !_K»nt“n» >f; ................ • - : iJ 1

I E E 5VEEEEE:::= iiiii i:IH stock Averages i, CaavIM *’"*?, },'

I jj*'' /*

) Twin Falls !, Livestock Prices j

i i f Thc foIlowlnit Ilvesloek nrlee* are ■’I t provided by lhe Twin Falls Live-'O j *lock- CornmLvilon company bused! f l | on Uio resu lli ot the auction Mte ' '

I I to choice «tee>'-'< 110^0 to 110.2SB i Good to choicem helfera ........... -— »H.W 10 MCJ5K S CommercJaJ cow .— *11 to Jia.50 i l C annen and cu ttcn $ 650 lo » 8.70 1 1 Commercial bulla .....»12.7fi lo tU r

I £ S z = = ^ - ’H Toll Predictedi n ' CHICAGO. Dfc. a t l» - T l \r Nn.H i Uoijitl Sftfciy council eatlmnled to . Affl dny 560 Americans will bc Itlllcd In® traffic nccWrnU durine tlie IonsW CJirl5(nirt5 Jjjjjldjiy prrlnd. TJinl HEB number o t dcntlu would act a rccJ ,,fm ord. r 'P l T lir liolKlny i«t Io<1 will bcjtn nt

[ ■ I R p.ni. locnl tlmr Fridny nnd end nt[B; mIdulKlit Mondny.

I Makes Wishm JiONOLUt'U. Dee. 21 i.fi-Inierlor !*,!M Brcrfliiiy McKnj- Mid b s lI niKht lie would like lo retire next

;H yp;>r nnd •'(nkr IC r “»}' In pinces ^g llkrO lrsonI'ndlI«^^«ll.•• . AiI Hr ijilkrd to nm sn irn Ju.'l bftore J !• h r nnd Mr.-. McKny Icll by plane h for PurihiiuM Iier a 10-dny in,pcc-

I INST.VU,ATION SKT r ‘I FILKR. UfC. 21—Jolnl laslalUlion Pi ■ I for Miijonlc nnd OF-S otfjrer* will K( ■ j br held I’t 8 p. m. Tue.vlay. Vr

P Twin FallsU w . , ttji-::rj Ij*... -------f;j';

0 • ^ /o n t^ w lf r ijuotiS) '*]t t j LIVE rOUtTBT In u D«alr* u l soot*^M PUTTKVATJ l (Df>l»P not atwuJ) .V.iI I AtFALTA AND CU)VCJI SBU),

I CiMtfiH r « S p w c iT i r Z Z Z Z i i w i i j i


e ts a n d F| ‘ * * *


jaliiifh^er h«lfrri U.OO; l<*<i uUl itl

• r?"l*um'»n.r'»oo4 trounl

I liiO: •“’** i'" "I's^l

r iiolnurh^'nn V*iV/l-

i'nim .A N n/*u»r. :i

•" .ott»a 't i t .n

*“• |l!nO: tlnn'r'inl^i *"u»f «pw»

1 , IrOO; "^llrr*kuUri*oilVcil^; •'>,

'• ^s'io* Ullllir’• *"'•»«•* io - '•* !

'■-'IhMP* 2u o " ; . i r i j r i Ifufk'.l l"ti(j

I,OS AfJCKI.ia, D.f, 5t i^^-(KSUS;-c m . 70U; .Uut „„iT: .M r... I.. W«h

' »>«»! i.olu .!j *7]

■i i S H S i i H S r t i S.holr.^Y..l.ri^ :0 ?0, J .

;■* h a s Vrani'isi 'o.* RAN KflANCI.SCO, I).c. :i tU n -C U l.

*0; *uiT)r Ai.lnlr f««»; mud.i.t.lr - *U<ul .Iw Jr; M i WIIIW »nil f.m-

;;Khrrp a.ltlilt ntiti.; mark.I unlnl.^.


ij■; krlfrrm motllf d if} r : primr I.IH lh. »i..m‘ un.l.r l,;5u‘ iu ' '-n’sO-Jl.OO: fon..j m.rrUI in.l^f..od^ M.nikl7.JS; p lm. «ioun4

I.; h lfh .f r««».J lo Pfln* -ootnl l.mU H,l»-

ftt Inw .nulr. TmI 1,t:^ Ilx. ilawnSi ■•.0»-1».00: M|b (holt* .inuixi I7i )b. <t 2I.S0: hlth tau<l Itl tr tru r rhfirt I fl

Ot ll« |l *00: urr<i»a an4 tllu .l.adr to U Sl hlfh.r; ao« U»I.I, nnmla.I; Urrow.

: i .Shat? l.lOOi alau«ht(r l.mU U hlfh.f; H .n ^ f ^ f f 1.WU .cay-.:^1.ul^aI.uiK.

•7 >Uu(hlrr *«aa i.tLC.to'; ni.4hu t« food .12 tNdcr Umb*SJ attCAiTo«7 CHICAGO. Dk. : t m-ltJ.KDA^-lloaa _ 11,OOU; moat D.S I to t RillaH l*»-::0 lb. ^ fiulrh.ri )D.7^t1.7i; m.lnlr Ko. 1 21^220

IbL b.lo» n.ftO: No. : ana 1 CiO-Sid Iba.

hln;*,. ‘,'h7" r‘ «

[;{ n .rji^ i.w y.cii hiih^^^oir . io‘<»7n7. Li:,v.

wo.ilf.1 lamU l*J.’ ;i,.I?^I7!oo.UI.75 ;

• 'T'T WOOLrd NKW YORK. ;i i4*i- W<«.I M ur«

; ; ;i:a-a:d.rr'

Butter and Eggs

.lal.Ir. '.h ,l ''• i-.m.mI; ur<--M.t.l SwI., II..1.

r... |. • ,n,l .iin.I.i.l. n : ]It r>rH.,|. . . . ... . h„V. I

Yule Celebrated |D IE T niC H , Dec. 21-T lie ClirlAt- '

rnn.i pioRram n t tlie Dietrich Com- i m unlty churcli Sundny wn.i under

” Uie direction ot Mr.v Dunne Arlrtl, '■ I T nklnc pa rt Mrre ^Mnn Hoot, May ' .J r r e « , P«(7ip|a Edunrd.i. Iva AfcClurr, i

Ann McCltirp, Dorothy i’ate, Snntirn • Prrkla'^, Dlnne Pcrkliu, Rebrccn I WclM. Pntty Cnntrcll, Mr.v Olllc i

' Kechner. Dnrbnrn Kechnrr, Oencvft i■ Fcclinrr, F-dnn Rool, U nda Edward-s,

Jny Edwnrd.v Omy Kl.-illnK, Myrnn 1 Kdwnrtl.%, Ra'.ie Kool. Dre Ailrtl, J Ricky A.slrlt, Wilbur Jone.i, Arilllh

n Frec.v P n t McClure, Nina Jleiken.II Kdwnrd Nelwin. D rrnl Jonf.i. Vlrcil

Free.i ftnd Slevcti McClurf, ^------------------- ---------------------------------- - J

Is Markets 'I I

l.li l-om.i’.m AIUlir~~’1 * * * *

c..r.i .S-orih-y... i' IS til.:,.7(1 I

IS J1.'.'..".SV 7 . ' ' 1„ I I u"'.:lnr l>..iti: .-, |< |0 ' 10 uu.aiKtf ih.1): : I.l,, „r i>,, „.„Lfi i r


2 n i f i j . H>'i 'I'i'i',


(T»o d .a ltn «uoi(d| j

« . . . _______ w a .lL

finance 14 » * ¥

Grain 4sub

rHH W >o.-i)«-JiM 4v-w h... r-u j... the li" .r Tnri.r . t i l . . bu,ln» ^

Ih.l brwihl •li.a»in t.) |h« .njin Wl.. Pla

” hra\'’'’-.tV ’7a‘"l',,u. .f l .r bat ‘‘fn lh. >K»'p br.ak In lh. Il.c.ii't-»r fulvit. twc

..n Ih. (loal ua l-v. .lar Tu..,!.,- Hn».'.'.'J . . . r , .h , . l 1. . . , (.rn,..| uo.I.r lh. Indu. f " '

me. of .o,b.an., < -.rn .n.l oal. * .r . the , fl-m b«-.UM Pt -cM -.alh .r If, lh. train J.‘ Jllh ‘ ‘

vvhr.i eio fd M lj . '>']»[]';• ilL

puuodi klfb.r, Jaau.rr ll.a.._ CABII «HAIS^

-•'i* i:J.'"'n.-'hfo."2";rif,!- ''i.:»i''N*.“ i T?:';f'<> 2 t',: No, 4 1.US-21'.,. O .I. ••">PI.I’’’ irad. h ...r .b ll. U ', i Uo. 1 . . I I . b.av,

: I.30.<9| fMd IM7 r.nii.iS- rii*iN“ru T riir ji l '° ‘

niii-At;o,‘ IIK. :i u i - ha«•'"t Up.n lllicb Ia’W Clo..

Ha” ’" “ M is'i olh

r'^ s.n’ {i«»J i '« ‘l s

lit. s - r !:ir* i ; s : : \it> , ! :S l t Zi ” !} |! : ! n ' ‘ i 'l l* :

'• l).it notM.r .ajii ,«•■; ,ts i . Ion

•Jl> -m I ' -^1’* 15 '- 1s"i.< ii j 'i iii'i; :« " i ;« i'i uie ll— lOa ' A r

' '“1 ul'r i l l ' ' i ' S ' ‘ M i‘‘r.7. Juir i!i"‘; i!i« wov

r .rj; iii>tb.n»ril lo off ; No. : kar,! .,,J

<1.1) Iv CMJWN. WOIrofol ll « r .; Ho-n :<■ Jo up tc: No. 2 the

Tl I 'n ' no iVlwlr a.:.! mu.?l T .ijS !“ tl.X '/,: No, J l l ,J I \ 10 11.37*,.

.,1, <laiii I <.ii: uftrh.iK'il K. .lawn S tN ; '1^, V*'"* ^

, r a . *1)0‘"I K.tir to »MI 10 IM4N. blO(

u s I " „

Potatoes-Onions ™

cmc.cr!:"!,'?."?. S ” S ! i . . I...... “ “•''» rl<>«l; Jan. M.tl. r.h.["J No,. K.jfc , nnd .rt.. V in»riii ►a' m .i■-<* lDAim»-Aull)V..^Mr”pi I-„»alo«: StUI• r . (llp:.ff *»|l.,. Twin K.ll.- Hurl.» Hl.lrlrii ssn5* «nH.r.'t,*‘ r ' ^ ' ' ‘‘' ' CnU

“ >• Ilu ...U ia.l cwll w.h..! ! Inrh mink lhe ihliiplni poltil bill, fob ahim'ln» wilni;

; £ , V v H f J s f S V H ’ ' ! r S wnrwa ’’ k'C

> « n lO oll.r" ,V 2,la:nJ:“ t3 0 p .r c J « to 01. I.ri.r 2.:i-:.4ai 30 imt «n l 10 nt grai

r ^ liin -u j; 10 Ih, .1(1, mmb h.r.?! roS-Jll'sl y ...ro w .r ,- lUR

<.lly> lo b. w..hrd; U.H I : Inch ■nlnlmum Qul!■'« tin i,”i ' fJw‘'l".'uSd‘;f“il.'li'Io^ [j™"

ClilCAifo>i>o ^aiiCAco. Djr. 21 (i]n-r<>i.i<Hi; Ar- c*’cr

s ISriri.dT. * " ' " " “,l

00 «lS3"-"tt 30 '■""'"’J" '* ’ *|» : ’*si' mi’ ” ; i,., J,i.h». J7i.t.*y '

Wl«conil**)Vli.'.» tj"i'«*7S p»r"r.ti*l *2*livli ■

!' f * h' '*'y' ’Jh a'nd lart»r_:.;ri:'S i.iw'MUriT jVllow fw i'j

- I Governors Slate Turkeys Contest E

SACRAMENTO. Callf,. Dec, 21 an ia< , —Cnllfornln’* Qov, Ooodwln j , .Va

, Knlghl nccrpicil the chnllensc lodny ou nr d. of Oov, willhni S irnlton of Illlnoi.i ihrrf

to participate In the 1D6S hcavle.M nrr.v l i turkey conlrji. s.ilL'

Stralinn unrned KniKht thnt otfl- rd B i„ cln^a of (dc IlfiiioU Turkey Groivrra he'd S2 Msoclniinn n.uiirpd liim " lh al un- the.'r y lc.« the iiioiiMrri we hnve. been Bu

feedlnj r.ipccuily for th is conte.it a t il brenk mil of ih rlr 20-foot corral, lonnf they will niffi nj) conipcllllon" n l L-iBn the tiaiinnni lurkey fc<lprnllon con- lime,

t- venllon nnrf natlonnl dre.w d .turkey lhe 1 t- ahow In Chlcaeo Jan . H-0. rr KnlRht ,mi,| Cnllfornlft-..» turkeys! W . ■■I. were "no Inrir. hcnvy nntl contented * M ,y Uiey couIU nui nr v Oiild no t fly over r, n VnreOudi cnrr.iJ," }{r ;inm.v{ at •n "cobbler nl„,,M pjiic„|«poi linn> nnw ,:n In iralnlnn ' uiili 0^cilr Orlnpii nnd ,„7 - ic aons. Orojl, Calif., a,% th e atale 'i rft m o.tloK k»lrnlrant, P^' .s, --------------------------- “.' y

T. Holiday Amnesty “™' ■ Sought for Reds h,,:

NEW YORK,'Dec. 21 (/Fl-Forty- "Ifr two persoin, iiicluiiin; Mrs. m n k - three

■] l»i D. Rc<i.\nfU. h .n r pe(»io/ie<f «i IP Preslilent Difuhoucr lo Rrnnt a Per "Chrlsiina.i nnmrsly" lo CornmunUi cuslo.

J party Iradm jailed under the Sm ilh lr., n•5 net, _ beRar;c T lir prtiiicm Rirr.wrt iha t the :o slRoerJ u . i r -m funilnnirnUI dls- Child

ncreemfnt «iih th r iihlltv'ophy ot .J, the Commiinin |inrtv And wlih ea-

senllnl rlcinriu.i ot Ita piocram ." 'l l nddrd mill Ihe motive for their

appeal «n .i- ||iflr Httachmcnt 10 Ihr f l | . , l democrailc n.iy of life.- ' J * '

' Suit Filed i aCHICAOO. Dee, 21 ilP-Conk

, counly ofliclals filed a ta x delin- l-a«i rn Quency .mil ot tSC,13B ni;alint H'-w ;» thc Women'a Chrlallan Temiier- ! ol \ix

; nnfc Union. sh<.1 11 charutd Ihnl the traliilni; inMn

ol anil-hniior m fjloiiarlea nt llir aoclety’* Evnnslon hcndqunriiri

) doe* nol make^l la s exempt.

I* pcnet

Fall Ending Toda For Winter t o '

ny t'n lled Tre** wh<m il made lla farewell appenrBnce " f^

•odftv and ael a new hlsh m ark ot T sub»Kro rold nnd ley ftomi* for lhe the cncomin; wlnUr-to ilioat a l ._ “'at

New Encl.md and the Northern the Plalita w rc a aub-rcro "Ice box." A aoir new Alaska slorm ihrcatenetl rain- pen batlercd northern Cnlltornla and # dcn two-dny anov.storm burlifd aulos 1 and Piled up two feel ot anow on fill the f L e d n n u of Sun Valley. Idn. whl

Jn WaahinKion aUle ihrce anow pre weaacla pu?lietl into the mountains row In rearch ui n downed parnlrooper waj

U., S. Okay Is 2 Requested to g;

Test Vaccine 3(I-..- r . i . <>n.l “PO

llona wiUi the vaccine resulted and has remnlned in lorce dcsplle re- “ “J accepunce of the aerum by mosi olher alales. |j,„

No CuUer Serum IiStnle Health Director L. J. Pet- mo'

eraon aald vncclnc used In the the studlea probnbly would come from cau three phnrmaceiillcal l.iborntorlcs. atoi not IncludlnK Cutler, Culler no pot lonser makea lhe aerum, hc aald. m»

TeatlnB would bc In Utree arens ot to Uie atale with rnch area providing a maximum of 200 chlldrcn. anes 5 h nnd 0, for tlir .■uimpllnK. One lol 'he would be tested in cach nrea. >cai,

The iJirrc luts of vncclne would be tested In Idaho, prefcrnbly by chli Injccllnic llie i-erum.lnto senslilad pre monkcya. Tlicsc teats would be In nddltlon lo lhe teaU the aerum Chi would hnve to have belore Irnvlns the lnboratorlc-1 where It la produc- A ed, the aUtemcnt anld. t \

.Sample* Taken IEnch child would receive two J

a))0U of the scrum. Prellmlnnry blood and alool samples would be collected from ench child to be vac- clnnted.

Stool anmples would be taken fol- U lowlnic the first ahot lo determine coui It nny of tlie younsslera were shed- you. dins polio vlruse.i. The children aho helt would be chtcked for minor III- for

Pollowlnff Uir aecond Injectlona. mer blood would bc colleclrd lo dc- T termlhe the polio nnllbody conlenl you: and the Ifimiune re,^pon.^e. To lhe further enhance the value of the tho; study, "nil ndequiile number ot alre sample-1 will be collcclcd from par- und cnU nnd the broUiers nnd abiters ot coul lhe chlldrcn receiving the vncclne," Tl Ihe bonid aald. Umi

_________________ P<

Pair Bound Over On Bomb Charge "■

PORTLAND, Ore,. Dec, 21 (IP — nint William Clnrcncr Pcddlcord, 38, nnd Juvi Mra, Joyce Ktller. 28. yesterday were B: bound over lo a Multnomah county few grand Jury, nccu.ved of the bombing nnd of Mfler nnd Finnic company alore ^ou here lx« April, T

Tlic u o waived prellmlnnry hear- ^ * Ing before Munlclpnl Judge J, J, Qulllnn, Judge Qulllnn reduced ball from J75.000 to J25,000 on cach of f , ■ Uie nccuied. gt

Pcddlcord. nn unemployed blind chcmlil. hn.^ ftdinliied Ihc bomb- extortion plan ngalwi the drpnrt- ^ menl .nore firm nnd hna Impllcnled Mra. Keller, hlA abtrr-ln-Iaw. He snld ahe arrvrd n.s hts "eyw." ou-slj

Mrs. Keller hns rrliw d to mnkr « 1"“=' alalenirnl to police nnd lia.s nol ob- talned coun.sel. }lcr formrr hu:.band. *’<> Clifford Keller, 30. nppcnred In courl nnd anld nrrnnKtnicnt.s would hend be made to oblnln cnuiwcl. PrddI- eiwo cord tins represented hy nttorney I Jame.i Hnfey. Ihc '

--------------------------- youll

Officials Locate tJ Owner of plane

EVANSTON, W,vn., Dec. 21 ' ' '’t Ii ShrrlK Finnk L. Nnrramore .mid to- Uicir dny he finally hn.< locnted the oivn- c h rl rr of n ligh t nli-planr. nbnndonrd lo.itli here three weeks nso,

TJie p)ji7ip--ua.7 lorcrii dniiii by T>’ dnrknfw.anow nnd n dU.iblrd radio, D l ! r iir pilni landrd on thr liiKhway i iif:ir Evjinston. lied th r p isnr demn ' in a nr,itby parking lol nnd Irli bv ' ju. . , . betore nfllcrr.v olii.Vinrd ia< namr. \

Nnrr,iniore aald tha t by chrcklnc lunrr.'hip nt th r plane tliioui;h f*!''', :hrrr li,iivincll<m hr Ir.inicd Ihr irr.\rnt ownrr Is An nrollll'I.^ ol 5,ilL'L:i>;r Citv. He s.iiil hr c.intiirl- •d Broihrr.% nnd th r l.tiirr kiUI him ic'd br nfter hUs plane , . . imr ol lie- e ilny.v TliBui Dioilier.^ didn'l oun ih r plane "'c ta

ll th r time ot th r l;iiidlii2. II br- '•''■I'; ongrd tlirn to Bob l.lnilriMUin of 1'“ -nBarcr. who wa.s llylnc ll al, ihr tme. Hr Mild I t to n ro ih ris a iir r H‘o i he InclilrnL

iVay Cleared for ’ Adoption of Boy

l.KWTSIX)N, Dcc, 21 'ir -Di,..IMct r.lioii']'udi;e J.ick McQuadr today drnlrd iilaii-. petliuru for custody, clrarmi; llir lar ,iliiy Iirl ndoptlon ol n i-vrar-irld fic.iii .>7. I'prrr Indian bny by a white Co ciuplr. 'MrCJti.dr ruled th:it KU<«,d M.,h. rvrr,

nil Priiiiry had *himn nn p rw l ol plant, clinnsr. in clrcumstaiici-s j.ince liK iccio.Ifr Kmnted cUM.rcly of th rlr phoi,hree.clilldren In a diioicr aciloii ,____

Peniirv Imd tiled thr prlilinn for V uslody’ of Elttood M.ihlcn IViinrv r., a l.r, Mr. nnd Mr,. Jack n n c h > I'- egan ii;ocetllngs 10 adopt Ihr boy,• hll n»'.v u in th r No.m id,,i,o .hildn-n',< home hrrf. I 'lnd i i.\ ,mi- trilnlciiilrnl of nt I-inn.ilir,id<|ii.ttrr,s ot th r N>/, {vrt^ - ,

Greetings Sent to ‘Mary Christmas’jl

I.AWI!KNCEVn.I,K, III . Doc 21 i,^: ^ -Wllll Itir nppronch o[ Chrirtin.is, .au iruuvlllr hIKli , cllo<,I tracli.-r

rg rfrim i..” '" " ..|,,SliehM.-iryCliri.Mm.^.nlKininrvs!

luinKior at the hluh m.Iio,)|.Mim Chrbtnins, 3f,. ,nl,i i.Ur was I,. N

inmert nftcr h rr Krandmotlicii.i irncr nnd Mnry. "Mnty juat h.ip- ened to tom« firat," «hc aald. ' | "

t im e s -n e w s , t w in

lay; Has Mark0 Top,’ However ^

whoae cliihceJ lor aurvlval were ^ ••fading wllh every hour," , 1 ,

Thc death loll roae ebewhcre In V,>the Pacific Norlhwcal. where flood ___B-ater« kiJJcd t \o penons. nnd In the Irast^bUleir East, in -ndd ltlon . _ aome uf the Iciest weather in Euro- penn hlalory waa blamed for 22 _ h » dcnlha,

m e ttorms and cold provided ft fitting end tor the f»H of IDM, .m - whlch will give way lo winter a l preclaely 10:12 a. m. EST tom or- '" i , ?ow. TTie Jn.l full dny ol la» Wday J l WM alJo the alorieat day of Uie a u t yenr, alnce the aunshine wlll a lart jiii baling longer alter winter’s arrival,

The natlon'a eaal was fecllnff the bllc ot lhe season's blltercsl cold i „ wave, wllh temDcralures well below . n i icro throughout New England a In- terlor nnd near rero along the At- lonllc conal, i

. . Mlle-hlgh Ml. Washington I n :New Hampshire wna the troatlealj apot in the nation. Tlie mcrcury, dipped to 20 below there early to- day. adding lo lhe mlserlea of four ^ Boston televblon engineers who were mftrooned on the penk lollow- L _mg a Sundny program. ------

In the West, a new A lukan atorm p — moved Into northern California In] the wake ot Hooding rains which caused J2.100.000 damage. T h e ; alorm threntened lo send morei pounding ralna, even aa nn catl- | mnled 150 famlllea were rcluriiing, to Ihelr homea along lhe Jnlllng Russian and Eel rivers, . ^

Meanfe'hlle. Umpcrftlurcs cnsed In Ihe Midwest and shot up dramr.l- IcalJy fnCo Ute «0s and lOi In Colo- j , , rado und New Mexico. Tlie warm Chinook winds In the Weal w eren 't ■“ preclaely welcome, since they nil but inti ruined any chance for a W hile of Chrlstmw.___________ „ c

Age Limit for ^O 20,1

Boise Curfew Rule Boosted

BOISE. 'Dec. 21 W -Bolse'a city council raised the nge limit of youngsters aubject lo curfcv/ and held first rending of a reaolutlonfor grantlnK n gna frnnchlse to I n - , |___termountaln Ons compnny a t a i____meeting. ------

The curfew regulntlon prohlblbl youngstera nnder 16 from being on Ihe ilreel afier J] p. m. anti order* those from 10 lo 18 to be off lhe, streets by midnight, l l wa.t ndopled; under '•emergency" conditions ao l l ' could become ettectlve Dec. 30.

The old regulntlon act the age limit of H nnd the lime nt 10 p, m.

Police Chief Jcmes Brnndon told the counrll h r w.inled the new c u r­few In cftecl by New Ycar'n eve, |

Ke snld tcen-ngers nbw ronm Uie atreela nt 2 nnd 3 n. m. , 1

'■We have lo nnd out who Is run ­ning things here.” he added, "(hese \ Juveniles or thc police department,"

Brandon aald violation ot th e cur­few rule would be a misdemeanor nnd lha l youngstera or thclr parenU uould bc aubjcct to tinea. ,

The gas reaoluUon la scheduled for ' a second rending a t next week’* meeting, which will b« held on “ J Tuesday.

Stevenson’s Son Injured in Crash

OOSHEN, Ind.. Dcc. 21 nn -A d ln l chr Btcveition'a son, John, 19. wa« serl- ou-sly Injured in n cnr-truck collLilon our loday which killed two Harvard un l- pnli vcr.Miy tla.vimalea riding In hbi cnr. Tlia

Police .'aid a truck driven by Fred ‘____GUI. 20. Deiroll, Mich., collided ------hend-on with the wrslbflund Slcv- eiuoncnr, Glll'a truck was n tle m p t- noifTI Ing 10 pa.vi anoUicr truck nnd waa In .i.r thc wrong lane when ll struck the [" «' youllu- nulo. police aald, —^

The trucker waa no t hurl. _____Thr nccldrnl occurred on U. S. 20 nu iv

iboui 10 mlle.< northeast of here. -H 2. Steveiuinn's car wns on nn Incline appionching « bridge over n railroad, cu iir

The- Harv.ird studenla were on p*'* Uieir way home from achool tor ChrlMmas vacation. The cnr w.-ui „uj, loatird with xkl equipment,

Big Money Store ^ Left by Junkman

WICHITA, Kans.. Dcc, 21 (^V-The mJ..

lu ir iin.Mi hauler Irrt |x)llce yesier- r r ^ diiv to a hr,.-,Id nf ca.Mi nnd currency hliicli n in lus Junk-clultcrcd home. THim

All ('■.tliiiaird 110,000 to *15,000 wa.1 fi.iiiid in Ull! Clir,IRC 70-vcar-old hiium •llm Itci'.s ur.rd ft homr, Ro;.s Imd f>r<.n iiio' :,iK| bcalrn In dealh. : HI

Tlir nioiH V uas In three ftndrn llT 7T sr mctal-l,ciir,d iiiiuks lililden under n! .'iimlai|i;,;iliii ' ..... .

Polirr hr nppnrently had n o /- V ’'.'; relMh,..-.. •Ilir monrv ti-lU go in to l lo llio uimiuy ,.<hfi.,| fund, W'H-

Decision Due s 'Kl.'CiKNK. Dec, : i i.r-Re.-,rarrh-

e i ' lb- M. K, KrllosK company --------<if Jr-j.'r;. Cjl.v. ,v. J., «(» recom-

r.hoiilil [ r " |! ’tlvelI'laii' to hrliM a mulU.mllllon doi- ,

i=Ccmium- ,n»y i..kr nev-

n a l iiirri,- .*rrk,t nfier that, how- rvrr, to „ drclslnii on the , , „

W. <>. Ti-rtcrs, a^orliile dl- Kcior o[ rc.T.ucti. (livid in n tele- n , i phonr c o n u r^ tlun ycalrfd,.y. _

W A N T A D R A T E S1-jj.r ......------------------- m,( n!<! " — ' j ' '• ' "

^'lu '’ i "'•I ■ ‘ ' J-” ' - r

l.;i i " 3.C.S ) .^sa 7 jl,!',"’'" '"'111 I’M b..n . . t . l - *

d...llM .J ..r il.|n ,. j. I .s


SAIOON. Dec.' 31 W -T * '0 men g j were killed u d 33 perw ns lojured - | by » bomb toued .onto Ule l U t t SI

» of Saigon’* icading theater. _!

Classified 3i ______ __________________________i' PERSONALS n

2 H » ..r .,« .« d l l ,r . .n .l .» p .,------------ CE


e AKT'uJauNB.•• ...........li i ^ i ^t olll. puuli. tu* drtwinr*. rlwei

I; JTillLlI'S l.ll.t afcep. «ip«t BumiripC '

V ll.nl. .nit Tnl.t llBimi.t,___________ f

- | f fyou wnnt betKr T.V. picture call ;jy

yj Del Bulterlielit 3992. \

j KI^IJC. A n lennu Complclely _20 insulled only tlO.M _

■; 2 0 , 0 0 0 =

‘1 M euagei

ONLYI j [!

/ ' 5 0 c ■'

■ TliaC'a rfghlt A (en word «’an t p [ ad coau you only 50: and go<» l _ t inlo approximately 20.000 copies — c of the Tlmca-New* and In tu m P

each copy may be consulted by a.i many as five different readera.Ever consider the cost o t mailing x20,000 post cardl? I r.


1 You-ll Find I Tlmes-Ne*'i I "

t WANT AD3 WORK 'L l’ For Very L lltlel —

’ n o t i c e I ”

;i D E A D L I N E r |t ' 'F o r c l:.1 W A N T A D S p~

A p p cn r in R in T h c j j i 1! C h r is tm n s E d it io n o f • _ l ! T h c T im cs-N cw fl


:j T H U R S D A Y C

D e c e m b e r 2 2 n d I 5 :3 0 P .M . i L

' Please gel your ads In enrly thla F week for Uie ChrlaUnas edition. “ We know many of you will wish

‘ to hftve an *d In over the week- «•»: end aa mnny of our readers will have Uie exlra leLiure Ume nec- essory /o r thorough rending. The j t TImes-Newa Claaaifled Advertla- c lag Department Ukes IhU oppor- lunlty to wish nil ot our adver- tlsers nnd readers a very "Merry x / Chrlatmna" and a succesaful and — “•Happy New Yenr," We extend ^V' our mosi alnrere thanks for your ~ pnlronnge thla paaalng year. ir Tlinnk you. JTH:

T R A V e i I . RESORTS ^

CH IRO PR A CT O RS ‘‘i‘ .NUl VK .Sl-KCIAUIST, U». Alnt.^ lUr^li,.


CUUrLl.Tt bomr arrtlc. tr •dv.ue.4 nl .lud.au *i tMlBt.tf'vricn. JDnlor .to. ra i.m . w><»< (tl.. Utrbltiiln. lad «eU m u war.., H.0» ll..til. Ana At.d.WT- *


AMhlllLAn lhan ull trt.iH .u>lur .lark i ai ran‘nl'ilJ f ," | r" I*#'”'* '’

“ h e l p W A N TED — f e m a l e


".viiii/" ^


j i i i“ ’i:»'M*.ir li lJ i

I fc r i‘'.s T lic Jo l) *WK O F F E R ’ !.‘i!


-■■■ ■, ...» I., m .t. ,|„ | nr .'

~ S T f U A T10N S W A N T E D H v• " ""rt . m i s

I.IIMUH n.iiiir,,, ,i,.j,rn. produci.. I'bon. i-

S i l z l f c z r™i' A IM i Nr ’ — 7------------- r r

»'*<•*. I'h.n, i i .jg , „

SITUATIONS W i ^ --------

! U b tL L .N U U EH ,.' t !_h«.> »2».y » « 5 a

K*bb^ h ' t f - *

■ p

■ l i ”r[,r!'’R'.(VrISr"*

' BUSINESS O P P G R T u S S ijr

i i; . liu a iN tJa ln.UdlD,. M.ln .7 ^ 1 "I

.»rvlM .t.lIon'fS'/'*?.',..^'** ""I''l»"il!

0 .,hM . Pol... r b „ . U „,. U

I CASH MONEY —a«,5C« will bur lio.ocn u

J.'Ij . "c/V Tl’m .^K .wr“" ^ ^


jo. »«!».. lu U t. ■>. Oicf., ,„i„; iIJI’ 1-11

, N um iA n m FARUIKC jon ! i' l-IIOKITS J,

MI,N,a!'40jTSTATK.“Ir0ia>!!'lU,\H0 “v"' • -----I -te

----- . 1.


1.Mat*J •dj.cfnl 1. pni |„ r<nt lot.llon. a.r.aa l»,;ri,i .hoppk,

, .n l m ld.ntl.l ( I...r . ot i„d,. Tbi, — I tUllon . m.n .n .„,U —I J««J «pporl«nl(r l« k«nn,«

M .a lndap.nd.nt hui!n.,„„„. u . „ InllUt laiMtmanl rtoulird, Kar inl.t- tnallon wrllt Union Oil C«, «{ C.lir.r-

; lla, Boi li*. HtiUr. Id.ho,

B O A R D A N D ROOM ~ | !:;

‘‘OB'*" C*i*'l*M'ri 'i'sVm —


LtlillT bou„k».Tin.'r«;n, l„Inqulr. I l.y .. >-urnH«r>, rh,in. 71. I

CU:AN. CIMO In. s t> fu tnlunct, l>; Itb ^

N ic ip 'iuV B “ h .r ™ « r u V " r .v .n « _

* ‘r<£kiini'*V«cimi«fc' »n'*2nd* AM«"i j;

i *I « ub li

HI flhothon. SU Ko.il. Ji

F U R N IS H E D A P A R T M E N H "I Illl 2 IIUUMH. iK.t. w.lar aad wMbI.r ,,

f.tllUlt.. Phon. ;itS-NJ._________ «i-KUUMB, bMrm.ni: .tob.r b..t .nd s.Ut

(urnl.hwl. Adulu, AtV________ ^

A>-lrTMEWT^“i ” /»t.''"l‘J'.i aid. A.io Coutl. UU KtntUrtr ll .d.

I ANU,4 UOOM tptrlmmu. ullljlln lur- f, nlahr.1. Adulla, 103 tih Atwu. Kail.

X AND I liOUMS. Arlullk UUlltltf. Ko ixl.. ISJO KlinUrlr IWd. qu

KlIHNmilKU ll,ai Uu..b»plnl roon,: l..d r titff.rfM, <11 tnd A.anu. KatlK.


“ fin n.“ ?r'j^j'KVr;io?;r"*MOUKltW lu»,»»^^^.p.ttat»t. S,

NICKLY luml.had.^jround^Jloor. P l».l * JP

* il“ h(a*'rb™ M""li:-^"'ltri l"!'VT.nut "

* hmVarubfr™*rrlrcd **’

U N F U R N IS H E D A PTS. —2.|im ni>0« mi>.l.rn .hf.lH unlurnl.hrJ P " .narlm.nl. Ph.^.S^.,^W, ^

alinilllllAM Uunl'i. Tbn. t.~n.« aat »•h.lh. rhon. .Oia-J nr_g?»;UlL____

illftjr (IN J-ruom, '(i'roiind lluar. Utni 1«- ^ f.llnn, II.at and walar. im.W.

AVAll AULI' Januarr 111. * lar|. r,«n,> ALjji

l»» Ilh’ AMSw i’ll

" ^ r n 'is h e d h o u s e s j.i IIIIOMH »na balh. KO, Adulir otilf. «» j . |

l l l 0 0 ™ . . X . r . Kll.i. Idah.. l’i” .I . q TwIn^K.II., Ill

j ’f r f 7 ,Z

S1MJ1.KIta.I I'n.rk! r«/l, hBi.l._____________ J«W

UNK IIKOIIOOM, podtrn, AdulU aalr. »»*

Sho.hnnf a ir.r t Nnrlh. -i ] ^ g [ | p ^ i c | j c n HQUSF5 <

' " 1 I A f

<ICK unrurnlahMl dupl.i- Adxlt cou;^ aj^ nnlr. <!ooJ locllon. CiM. In, »•" U.fmanlj (utijac. I ll “»

Virs'cELLANEOu's'-FOR R E ^f iSlI - ■ ’*1 kr<

- T R U C K S F O R R E N T jU; M A C K S U - D R I V B g ;riCKur-Ki.AT iiK D -runsiruM

IIATM nv houk.” dav o r WEM E A S T 5 P O IN T S SERVICE J-,

rnoNK i» i ^



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lr _________

I Bo Yous A n i i ^ H : :

IDAHO-U- rlOB CEU't V R i H q!

C .U I lU ,^ H v

i i s r i *! 'rM r«a.U <rkB^H nc

I' urr (la. taU U hiC^^rROBINSOIHI^E.

jSoowBjP Fun Itil lUnnfnt^^Vf^'L Inst Uat. |_ I quillfW CtamjiaJ^^r

ll im’FALuH ’ Ir MEUBER\ GERVn^H.*^

iiEyM Cut li«riU l«i.»< i^L _

(iitiww t u ^ ^ E I*171 r.dij I'ii^iw—1;

!! TOESECURiryBl.'Jll

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| g ^ = i l | m a r k e T

I ' l H s i m a g i c \^ . , I.--------------------

itlW »S5 fARM IMPLt)

^ Fteid'ffir Man* Ktrmm >~ FARM IMFt.£7

' ' i S S S i i

: JIERRY CHld:■ ■ IIAM'y' n KWO

.inV-J ■’'* •"'* '•ALTON w i l l :


|TvAlLEY , luurwce Co.



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S 't iS S^ ,r ,H -;-“ “c S » ; ? £ :

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^ i | j f e '" ' ‘I FOR PROMP

; REMOVA]m mu Tinrt)- .f ’


’(hii''i!V’'Ar‘ "r.: id a h o h i i LESTATE - ^ t a l l o w .

iCSuln,'’” I I

S l i S =

^ jify'■ KENYON OREI

H ...... 10- ' ‘ “ "• of T - h K.1I.w...n '‘"•'I' ;i li .s.

5*11X7 '“ ' ' FOR SALE OR T

“v o l l e y

LEMENTS WANTED T(euniftud. Uoo4 t » WAhTtO; IBjlu-fw.i p|. ; .a ^ l .S * i! ‘o»*»-llU KAT-COLolua) Urn., ri,'LEMENTS ,It” Unn Spftltl »l I

■ y r r ' - p r B O T iN G.c“'i^an*;o4V** ** We’r t P^ylnjTop p '■ -1 .<■ —Old r« rm lmIR ISTM A S - C m i Iron .

i f > s ” :S:in .w .„ILLIAMS -A nd Oilirr M1INERY CO. (No whole ca

Pbrnu 4»1 miUt b« CUl u■Sln«rr Dm I«c |

^ ^ L . r r jF '! AUTOMATIC iL^ -----------------------


K p ^ _ j 5 S | | p |


S S o .jMUnSr™ 'Sfj-iiilg;

H ID E ' i ;,^ Cnofulli. I>und*rM]IW C O . Ar,iw™» r«u n.«l 1. »

~ ND FEED I ha r r y K O PP i

. . . ".‘‘d,,'. '.,.^1 1'*“ P‘'“ SHE W A N TS

— I A


i i v E ' S f e -•:»>? .! ^ - ~

l i s l ........ ~= = 1949 G.M,

i r ..... i ONLY $49.■.i","i.. " " y o u r e e M O TI


S l i P i l ----------------------

TO BUY TRUCKS «. TRA• Pl«» ol »irp*llnr. 1.AZ.1.UT b>a tqgtliiiDi — — Aliu.*l«cUl« iet»»-»xouBd’».J ic . Ktnnr'i I’BUl* flltt>. Wno<> K««l. >71 AiMl l'« fllslb.n. tlWJi »»B>l.|r»lI»r, »»i

M« rgkbtt, Bitnwr tor Irl.

j IRON3 Prices f o r - ,ImptemenU h^!rik*lo?*iiu‘ r"*?n ili.'?'’m

Kmll N.jdl. Ml IfJ •■>•<>«. riw o. aiifcj.____________i»j» ruitD -vi"" Pl<k»l’, ‘f, ' nilulgn. Kiotillanallr fi>

M flnJil 1 ^ “ u*_ffl,'i."'*" /c a r bodiei. ' “J

t up,) „,™w «3S^ 0»<j! '*“ .r’ ’Vi‘'

;L S A U T O i x 'u T O S FO R S

fs--------------r. h..u.« l,r .» .. I!U. .--------------- -------------------

- - .H — : 1955 c h r y s :

T h e B u y o f a l i f e t u

~ ii ', ,..r.i.>»ii aMj T H E I S E N M O T

^ h u n t f o r f o

""S I M ' S“K vrg.,::-.

u s FOR SALE ” " S i S b i s ' u ;

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S 'S S i i r ' i a 3 - P o u n d

S S S ffifS :* FR U IT CAI


; J U ntil Christl

iSij___________ I CKKVROLrr 5p«

........................ 1 9 5 4

3 1 5 1l i ; ... m . ■ ,.. I . .- !

i : ' - r ? = E E r i r " "

P ^ iE A R ! mnnir. n^-lnr.

rsM O S TS i r i f r c r <vjKv«oj.>rr p«i.«

EW INO rn.'JTIAC 4-.l~%r RfH.RE CO.

nuB North___________ - O L D E R m o d e :

o ~ M u s i c '~ ! QUALITY

a - . „ , ,.11. „ . . | — -OK'—


- I gLEN G. JEN ]

B i' - —= ™ BUSM liS



495.00 I f S i l

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1053 PACKA'r I)" lJo 'M .u ,k ;i n ip t- r D.IU1, CluH f.______________■ iBfludtm llllriii;h«.rnl.i l ‘v"m | "’I***"" •"< p"«*r JrnkM.i J1296.00

SCHWARTZ AU'.'.ruum l..|.„. 1.1

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Only $17!

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' " = S “

rlH ™ ;ii S'ESSS”

r ^ : ; - W Y L L I E NT FORD t w i n f a l l s j :

•T he Homo of 8 ti —---------------- ,'j 8ee Bob Lee or D, A.

] . AA K E ■ C hrislm na T t


I SOLD Tho SiKii ori , . . ARROW

s t m a s ON EAST ma;

m t c k h v rlk h . au ih.

i*l!*Cirr7 All '«** DODIiH. 8 H A n r/_

- d - A SH W O RTH MOI

S A V E ? .? , ? .!

’55 C l e a r a n

O NLY ...........$-1

" 0 N L Y .i r ." '$ 7

O NLY...........?5D E L ^

C Y ONLY...........52

_ ‘ ONLY.‘. t ! l $ ljl p q

TW IN FALv r r r r v T r , E Q U IPM E N T C 0 \ N K IN S TRUCK LANE W



»R SALE AUTOS FORr?*VtP**PiHi * 'iu.:'.,!* y '

f ± , ..J I ^mkM. A Mil >in«

•1— B E S T — B'i.oo

i«n ri.yMfiiiTnAUTO CO.

Plione S«1 blUwi'

-------------------- F O R O N LY .......

^ ~ w m

<UH WAGON ••••

Sf' "”ii^F O R O N LY ....

OTOR CO.^^ , ^


IE U.S.A. ; g p j j j , y g g j j I

r r e - C h r i . t i r

- S P E C IA L


K . . . J |.i. J ;^ i l L p a y th e F I

i . . . . B .y vcm u .ho« . Uom ■ PONTIAC from 115 beJ

: m u and receive n chi


studebaker- O U n 4 BEST BUYJ, A. McGuire WEEK?

"‘' m m




7 ™ ° ] T "SEE”


! Ilu S c "T .^ ’ Amw'I ttt MCTCURV Cu.lo»

ranee m«NAsiiBut^M «..n8u,

iliiil;— r.rv.i U”- 1<;™ ~ “■'•

'= «••....... iiii i S E ' S

^ **” ; ARE FULLY EQU: •..?5 75 . And c a r ry

...5225 1«0 .VASH fiut

COMPANY lilt NASH'Amhiiiidor 4- E W ^649

Good ures, batteries, a

I T I r e S o T 'o S n v "

• ~ ~ AT ROCK B O n

-I____ t h e w i l :T . ; . , . , ...... : , U SE D CAR D I

: i :£ :" F S . TnUCKLAN..


M ^ 5 4 ^FOR SALE__________ AUTOS FOI

3 r . , c - 195 1 D cS:< L b 4-Door

[^-Buvs1 "m IIM r.Vn .* Iw.V ’ ’

n»1»Klfr» *-Hn r. n». acldrftt •.»ll.>,l»".

.?:o'o'o\‘;r : : r ‘mi’;;l g o r p j 's u s kAale for Sian

Y $2195 ^

See Thc.se B

Y 5fil5 U SE D "c

IS.” ™-,

i r ......? « ,

1 , " ' : 2


j B R O W N IN G 1

C S O N ' S n i . c h r b t a . . 5 ,

h e F R E I G H T ! W . E

‘“‘. I ' E r r . r; DyvsTHi3

w.'Jra, i>u

S | g - S - E


3 S 0 N ’S

CA D ILLA C j. —

Phon. 3 m S A F E T Y I

' X m a s S p f

lAYl -----------

' s p a 'e ', c . . . M O T O R C 0 ^■■«■• Il.Ud.» _O LDS

o C I n A m r E , H O L I D

”‘1 1 1


-T-i« K.ii. THEISI


’* 3 8 n y I i- i

•»<> ■ SPECI

FOR s a le CHEVROo,a . ,,.inn, toMor. CLUB COUPE. 1

"r.i?“i,*"v, Overtnve.-Speclal ___________' Custom Interior. I

----------- t e r r i f i c Dl

y o u r e e mc , ■'•O E*“ *

n - hinlf.nV* »'»r('.rV > ■ ■ ■

0,i.oo............... . n O Y 'S USEMILE SOUTH C

fSK IJ CA R S - A u to Clinic on. C

IS 'S " '

;"CARS- ’’" l i i i

i : ............ -;;s ””_ l - g —

r j;: .:* ’•*'•■■ f



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io'Ye«7'FSE — o» 6chlltler

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■- J ' R I (



S P "”i i ^l i i i ”" s s l £

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E T H j e r o

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ea from F o r Them?

THE TEBIUCE J 3 9 9 , (

$188.1,,.&V.f,",J: Sr-.Vh.'Sf'*''


I s i sm e

"""'"h U R Ii S s ; S i ! | - :_______


ISEN ; b o b r e

RS, Inc. • ■ USE'DC.






VROLET "210" e:. R«dlD, HeiLer.:dal-2 .Tone-Patn t.* -------or. Locally Owned.


MOTOR CO.t • Phone 1918

JSED CARS n i OP jEROita on. Old H lshw ay- er A; Earl Heaass X 35B-W

r j f t s . ' s a s

rioNAL Kll-:



D-E - I-N-S

r r n<:.AIr U«er

ET •!»•• D.:u»« {.dMr


DRS, Inc.



~ S i i !

l O M E10 A J i to « P il.Until 7 P JI.

8-1 - JERO M E

S PRICES’EAKtemsclvcs!


8 8 . 0 0ird V.8 3.<j8or. R*. •


r “19.00

r r « _


kRTED. BOB e a r t b d

R E ^ E 3 CABS


Page 20: i Ig Extenision Give en IStat(te Healt th Boannewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF176/PDF/1955... · and a bom ber thnt w ith th e approv;-----nvtorists until

Lidia Woman Solon Favors Yank Beavers

NEW DELHI. India. Dfc. 21 (UV ■ A n -In d ln n w om an-poU U clan-lm .. f ille d to convince Uic government Ihn t Amerlean beftvers tire dam builder# of the highest order.

Mra. KamJendumatJ Sfinh. m em­ber of purlliunetit from T ehrl- ' earhwftl. eald beavers should bc lm- ■

I porled from Uie United su ites to — I help lig h t erosion. Bul the deputy - " mlni»t«r for Irrigation. Jnliukh Lal f

H athl. Mid no.Mra. Shah iitked lh« following

queaUoiu:(1) W lietlier ll It a f#cl thftt an .

nnlmal called Uie beaver la used to conatnicl donn In the United Sm tes. .

(2) W liether It is a fact Uiat the above nulmal can finish an 10- » foot-lone, six - fool - wjde dam In aboul Uiree week*.

(3) WheUicr It U a fact tha t benv- ers have been credited wlUi snvlnt: ^ thou-wuids of acre* in norUiwest Amerlea from ertclon, and whether A' the govemmenl propojcs to Im­port these animals for a aim llar h< puipose."

HaUil replied Uuil "ll Is tm der- oi ; stood beavers are used as such In

Jogglne areas." bul he said he had fc no InformaUon on parts two and H tliree, and did nol plan such a pro- pl gram._______ ______________________

Feminine Touch Once Masculi

. By UAL BOYLE aNEW YORK. Dee. 21 WV-The U

hand th a t rocks the cradle Is now ki reaching oul to rule the automo- a bile. W'

TT}« m oior car Jn the paat has been pretty much

^ a T ’^ the w » ■ ’' ’■’i H H P« and mind of lha t K * ' tymanly fellow, the ^

aalea m arkel to- o-day Jb UtUe M n.

aeir—Uio Amerl* V »h

h o a r d s or dit- ii>i D*rit ha I penses th e family bundle ot scratch, ca

To please her the motor car of the future will be more lemlnlne—and mi don’t be surprised If It ends up bei u-im Venetian bUnds and lace cu r- foi tains

! A sign of the times U Uie f a d Ui

I 2 Americans K TeU Tale of " ' Red Toi-tiu’e £, HONO KONO, Dec. 31 WV-Dr. and '

Mrs, Homer V, Bradshaw. American “ ' medical missionaries In China fo r 31 “ “

yeara, hobbled acroaa the border to L freedom In Hong Kong ycjterday—I ravaged by disease and shockingly ^ * aged by yean u prtoonera of J tho Oommunlstx. ^

M n. Bradihaw dearly eould n s t “ I comprahond whal wm happeolnf.

She stared blankly a t police and Bed _' C ro u and U.S. consular off IcfaU who

m et h e r and her husband. H er ^ apeech Ti-a» Incoherent, her only ap- .

I paren t emoUon was fear. hn' Bradshaw aald they hsd been re-

united only two daj-s ago. HU wife > recognized him, he said, bu l “she ;

doesn’t reallM even now th a t ahe Is 1 In ff ta . t e rritory . . . If we can gel ' U t l s J | ^ o u l of her. she will atArl ^

to e V again nnd slowly gel her f pbyiloLl tlreng th back."; starved Slowly ho:’ He told reporters tha t he had ■ r been subjected to slow starvaUon but

R ed Cross food parcels he besan cuj ' reeelvlns a d e r a complete phj’sical niti I hreakdouTi last May had started him on L tow ard recover^-.I * Bradshaw Is 6< and his wife about hoi ! th e aame age. BoUi are Pennsyl- tht I vanlaniu They cnme lo China In hei

1528. O n March 2. 1051, Uiey wcre arrested a t their hoipllat home tn Mr X w antung Province and ten t to sep- arc e ra ta prisons the next day, accused ha' of spying nnd matnlalnlng radio conU ct WlUl !!ong Kong, Manila, t j T okyo ond the United Stales. I ]

L ater they were sent to prisons In Canton. Mrs. Bradjhaw became

• 111 In 10S3 nnd was transferred to house arrest. She now weighs only I nboul eo pounds. BoUi she and old Bradshaw, a preliminary physical lng examlnaUon sliowtd. are suffering y acute mnlnutrlUon and the effecls v ii of beri bcrl.

13 Still Jailed . jTf,Thirteen Amcrlcaiii whom the .

Chinese ned* hnd promised to re- Ifose •'expcditlouily- are believed bUII In Cotmnunlsi prisons. Five o ther Amerlean ellljcns not Imprls- oncd b u l denied ptrnlb.^lon to lenve K Uie country until this year also re- Kn m ain In China. ^

Even border police hardened by Is such BlRhls were moved when Dr. Hu:and Mrs. Brad.\lmw cnme lo -the -----fronUer post on the resular dally train from Cnnlon and painfully ■ struggled ucrou the line lo freedom. ■

‘W y ’ Tried *TOK^’O, Dcc. 21 o n -P a le H un

Yung, form tr foreign mlnlilor of NorUi Korea, uils senleViced to death Thursdny ns nii Amcrlcnn spy. radio Peiping reported.

The ComrmmUl report snld Pak was convicted by a "special court of thc supreme court" in Pyongyang,

; the NorUi Korran ciplUil, after ad- nilttlnR hc wns nn ’'asent of U. S. ImperlalUm" and plotUiig lo over­throw the red government and-se t himself up ns prime minister,

P ^ I C E -----SKATE$------

I S M iM z a L I’aTwin FalU G lu t A P ain t «

Across from Ute Post Office H


Going My WayW ALSENBUnO, Colo.. Dec. 31

<in—Even S a n ta C laus has a hard tim e hitchhiking a ride Uiese

, days. Heary Sum mer* found (m t 9 Bum men pu t on a beard and

I S an t* Claua su it a jid awaited hU- scheduled ride to .tow n for a chil­is d ren 's Christm as parly put on by It th e chamber of commerce. Cham- n be r olficlalA forgot to pick him

up. however, and Summers be- i. can thumbing for a ride. Forty I. cara passed before he finally got

a Ilfl. •

' Bloodtiound Gets ‘ Help in Tracking- W INDSOR. Conn., Dec. 31 Wi­rt A bloodhound w hich couldn't, or

w ouldn't track Ita way to Its own ■ home returned to th e family fireside

I. th an k s to a newspaper photograph I, AOd aevent policem en, JneJuding JU

ow ner.,Eric W. Halgren took Uie udfaced

g pooch to police headquarters Salur- it day after finding J l sllUng on hU ■r doorstep.

l l spent th e week-end In Windsor’s J new dog pound, and Uie HarUord

Couranl printed lls plcUu^ yesterday V on the front pige, n About 4 »,m. E arl MoffatU a H irU d ford policeman whose home ts on the d Harlford-W lndsor lown line, saw Uie >. picture nnd called Windsor police.

I t was his dog._________________

h Is Slated in iline U. S. Autos

a m ajor car m anufacturer has re- e ta lned M tlanle K ahane, the well w known interior designer, to oulfit . a car eipcrlm entalJy ’'from the

w oman'i polnl of view," s M n . K ahane, who previously

Ih a d designed everythlnc from men'a cufflinks to kitchen csbl- neta. from aofas to gaa sUUoni, pounced g^lecfully on the opportuni­ty to I c ^ n ln ln th e motor car.

S he feeU deeply Uiat male de­signing genius haa exhausted Ilself on such items aa chrom e JlghU and ho rns Uiat bay coyly, "bo-beep- o-beeceeeeeepl''

"W hat happened to the home m ust happen to th e motor car.' aho aald firmly. ’T h e public U aaU- a ted with ex ternal gadgeU. There haa been too much froating on Uie

. cake.I “The JnterJor of th e ear m ust be i m ade more com fortable. A car must I become more than merely a vehicle ’ fo r transportation. I t must be made

more comforUble—a n d become a I k ind of home on wheels."’ As she envisions 11 thU traveling

home will have m any of the com­forU of Uie U tchen . boudoir, and living room, and even some of the convenience* o t Uio baUiroom.

"Take Uie glove comparUnent of th e averaie automobile," she said, " I t U Jujt so m uch wasted apace.

I I t U Just a clu ttered catch-all, like ' th e attic In an old house.J ’T hU space c an be redesigned , to hold a woman’s makeup kit, a I m an ’s eleelrlc razor, shaving loUoa , and disposable towela..

“I also see no reason why we , can 't have the equivalent of a r small PuUmtm sink oCf th t dash­

board to freshen up while traveling.. I t could also provide cold drink- _ lng water."I Some olher a u n es te d imprm-e- , m e n u by Mra. K ahane:

"A slot under th e fronl le s t to , hold an umbrella.

"A pillow w ith a zlppered apace , holding a p u s tic ralncont — you , never have a ra incoat handy In a ; c ar when you really need It.": "A space under th e rlghl front . a rm re tt to hold a lady's handbag : or a man's portfolio,’* (A traveling , bachelor m ight even find this a

bandy place to carry hU etchings. If h e ’s really going to make hU car a homel)

"A fool warmer, h a ir dryer, elec­tric heating u n it fo r waimlng up a cup of colle en rou te and a mass.iRe machine to ejjm lnate fatigue while on Uie road.

"A folding aU nd-up canvas bath­house In the siom ge compartment th n t will enable a woman to change h e r clothing In privacy.'’

" I ’m nol r iding on cloud No, 7." Mrs. Kaliane snld flrnily. "If they arc Koln j to sell cara to women. Uiey have lo be mnde m ore comforUble."

Hagerman Folks List Trips, Visits

HAOERMAN. Dec. 3 I -M n . Har­old Johnson nnd daughter ars vislU lng In San R aphael. Callf.

Mr. nnd M n , R alph Fallln are VialUng lhclr daughter, Mrs. Ken­n e th Duncnn and family in 6an Francisco, Calif.

Mrs. norence Shnrp. P a c i f i c Orove. Callf.. Is vislUng her molher. M rs. Wllla Justice , and oUier' rela- tl\-es.

Mrs. Elgle Swenson U visiting in • K nnsas City. Mo.

Mrs. Lila T erry. Spokane, Wash.,Is visiting h e r grandson, Donald Hulme, nnd family.

So smooth it leaves you jw I <

breathless 1 ; ^

/ -« VODKASaprnorMiilcfiomtOO%Sr>litnnitil ipliiti Stt.Pt€tnSaitnoS(U.lnt..Htnlaii.Cotiii. ■

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I T | ^ PAY M EN T P U

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mock jew el trim s!3 g irls' c a rd ig a n s

• 4 . 9 8 fn tO O % H i-B u lk O tfa it j |

In w h ite , p in k , m o iz e o r red . j



C o r d u r o y S P O I

T rim , d u rc b l*P ilgrim s h ir t . F in e I rshadow tr im . I; ' ' f 'L eading c o lo n . > W o sh fo s t. \

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C henlllo RoboOreal for young CowpolcM. ,

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I S T R E T C H S O^ Sporty A rg y le s o r Solid:

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M a k e Shoppir

______A . _ .

i L E A S T s p e n d i i

MANY UNADVERTISECLovely R e ad y t o H an g

Nylon Panels

1 ^ .. ':” .....9 8 c' «o ch p a n e l

• S iz e 4 2 x 8 1 - in c h ' ‘

• S hee r,.ivo ry -w h ile f in is h-- 1-

• W a sh e s , d r ie s in w in k

C H IL D R E N 'S ^

= T S U P P E R S I

Felt u p p e rs tr im m e d w ilh Uco rd u ro y . Eosy to s lip ^

o n . Eosy to w e a r. ^^ R ed o r b lu e . 9

W 149 I

SOX ISolids — G if t b o x e d S

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k it. N eed le , th r e a d , th im b le ,

sc isso rs . S

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Cuddly W arm i i


- ^ 1 A n k le le n g th w ith ^

b ig sw eep ing sc ro ll . j | |

d e s ig n on sk ir t, ^

M any co lo rs . ^

1 2 to 2 0 . ^

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8 1 A *M I P *§ I: W ■ • Shec,

i / / ' • Choo:

| | J j M ogr

I ^ Encht

MEB\ m ^I "L ido" Both MoiM D ee p Fluffy C otton Ch

^ H o n d so m e , ob long 21x36-irr. « s ta n d a r d size lid covcr in bri^ ^ p lu s w h ite ond orch id . Skid-re ^ B uy y o u r se t today.




I HANDBAGSp REG. 2 .9 8 - J

^ N O W O N LY M

I 1.77 II . . *

S ears Big Storeside Lof—

4 03 M ain Aye

■ • O pen 'Jil 9



I J e w e s s .

i• • N ttklKo : Pi'w.broctifl

i • Colorful^ J'onej. goij

' Royol p Full Foil

l|Nyii• a

67Ml sites 8 '/j lo ll

>1 gauge, 15dtn«

v^ost wonted dotka

> ^eer,cuivtcliii^

!hoos« from «xc^

Aognc Mist, Rojril

nchonlmeni, Rem

v i a t S e t s ‘> Chenillt' M >.irr. mot, flush bo I bright HsmwyH: id-resisionl lolexba

IM S r.9W



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Shrink resisW Wfliyglofiusce to 0-

- f r e e i . jW n t