I ' ! 1 . I , I l I < ( j ' ! ) ' > l l l r I, ' - . . ' . .. ' . . . ,. ' . . ' . . t'· '• r:/ . -·, .. ... ··'': -- . " ' ' - 'i ' :-;>, .., ..• # ' _,.- ... ' . ' I . '' .•: ' ' .. I• . '' .. . ' ... '., . ·-- ... ·- - h I . . . ., . \ .. <DlilLAYED)-Promotion to the rank of Staff Sergeant from that cf Seru Maurice Lemon waa in geant has been announced by the Carrizozo the past week to visit Public Relatlo;w Oftlco here tor Rob- Ia(& parents. He is atationed at ert HudnalL Sioux F1dl1, S. D. ---- . . En11igl' Mills arriv«'rl this week to wife, Mre. Mary Lew•• Milia, who is at the bomo of her mother, Mrt Lulu Lewis. -··-- A equad leader .with one .... - of "tho Applelmoclter regiment of Major General Gao, W. Grtnor's famed 27th Infantry Dlvlalon, SjSgt. . HudnnU naw action on Oltlnawa where, battling ngnloot the henv!ent concentration of Jap nrtlUery yet cn- M ;Joe McBrayer, wbo ia countered tn the Jroci!ic, rutmcd ter- ll{lendins 30 days here witb hia m1n arul ptJworful tortlflcatloro, the parenta was a Roawell the rcelmont plllycd n lcpdlrJq pnrt 1.n the flrtt of week to ,aee blJ aunt actzure ot ICalmzu Rldgg UQ1l1mnmUntJ wbo·fives tbero. About tile 8th of the approuchern to Nnhn. Augut be will report for duty at Prior to Induction In April 1943 he Siot1.1 FaUs. wao a twmel worlter. He hM been T Sgt. Johoie May of Nogal ovof:!C'O!J nlnP month!l. For woufld!l who bas been overacaa for 1 ome· received ho woo owam«:d Uw Pruipl«.> time is at homo witb h I a fami17 For cmompJ.ary com!!Wt 111 tor a vilit. On or about AugUit battl«.> he wcarn the Combat lnfnntey• l'Ttb bf) wfll report for dutr at man &due and tn addition wenrn tbe Fort Bliu, Texas. Good . Conduct Medal and Asiatic Pacific Theater Ribbon wltb one · bJttJa otar. Herman E. Kelt, Jr., 21, water· ri- ttnder, tblrd cfac.a, USNR, Carrl· lib motbCl', f.fro. nu-/J Flatley re- smzo, N.M., arrived Norfolk, at nooc m, Cnpltan, New Mex· ' . . . . I ., ' "' ' ·- 'fr ". <I .' .. ,, ' . ' '. ' '.' ,., '"'· .- ' I "... ,.. . _, ' "' l ..,. ' C AP'f, P, n. OA!itsTROM wc.m a Merchant Marino :Outin- i\•Uhcd rncd!ll u 1 tcsult o! hb U> a va!orou3 erew cbnt tho Lyman Abbott, whtn ducliarging c:nplwive war e:u-go and oth:r that Wat Dod3 h:ld provided for our fighting m::n. Under 11ctial attach tho work went on until 11 nC.llby veml CXflocL--d chip bato down th: Abbatt, but Capt. cfueharscd tho vatal u. s. Trr-':l, · -·-- DETUnNB TO TUOSON 4·Uti;Ra Ti) flJIEClK IIAZARD9 DURING \VEEK, JULY Z2·2Q Va., recently to tralo · for dutiia teo. aboard a DEJW dc:;troytr of tbe Mro. Mnry 'Mo,v Pruett and chll• Atlantit FJeet. S 1 c Mcyera of Capitan ia at dren who havo t!lo Tho HI Cluh:!, rurol )'Wtb .., . . '1 1_ •• , . ·- ' president of tbo American Legion "' Auzillary passed through Carrl· Arthur Rudner •n• zozo Friday entoute to Albuquer- have arravcd. from tbtir quo to attend a meeting of tbe bomi aa New York Caty and wm 'Auxiliary at wbi b h apend the rE>mainder of the aam- ' c 0 was rc· mer at thoi b t"f 1 b · . e'ectcd ns district president for · r tau I u rane an !another term. Mn Gill stopped Venado 'Gap. ln Carrizozo Sond•y to vi1it her ------ aitter, Mra. Bill Cassidy, after which abe returned to Ruldoao ac- companied by Mrs. J. 1. Stephen, who went to Hollywood, where she tho aueet of Mra, Jane 1 "'ft.C 6 ileQ.t:-.. Davis until yesterday. • '' -;,Jt.'JIJ. Mr. Gtoo Dow woE! here from fort Stanton this woPk. Mr. Dow is one of tne guards at tbo intern· mcnt camp. p R. A. Walker, Mar. FRIDAY a SATURDAY Smiley Burnette, Sunaot Caraon, Peggy Stewart Mr. Sam Welsb moved his fam· to SfJvPr City tho Orst of thil ' - l'a - week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl "FIREBRANDS OF ARIZONft' moved Into tho Trevino bOUii S "Fr , 1 •b' d which the W()lsb fa II ce og n • sa eome m Y vacated, weatern where be Ia mlataken for and which they bad purcbael'd a notorloua outlaw and Ianda In recently. j . 1 Since Mr. WQish hns moved to Silver City, Mrs. Earlcna Ttabbs is In cbargo of the Triple office at tbe eourt bowo for tbo prtavnt. ••• -Aiao- "Track and Field Quia" & "Happy Go Nutty" Kelt fla V{ltcran of 20 montba bome oo lenva. nummor at tho Ftccmnn rnru:h wU!l oranntzqtton In tho unttcd smtc.:J, will of duty aboard a destrorcr in the Iter ol!ltcr, r.%r!). Rhotb tcft tr,r c:hceh aoc!l!:Jnt hnuutb tho Mr. Dowen Zumwalt ls ill at bla Paetfia Area. He wcara ribbons PYt. Eddie Provine wna lo Car· \'.-'hero oho mruto cccantl annuul Fnrm Snfccy Week. bome In Nogal. for tho Amifitan Area, tho lzoze from H.oswelllaat Sunday. her !tame .tho mn.nln!!t>r of tho July 22·20. -- Pacific Arta with fivo atars, and hmh:md !!l ln tt'l'Vloo, ThcAO mral youth aro be'"'"' umcd tho Pbnippine Liberation with WITH THE SOTH DIVISION IN a ;.:.n .... A ..... ',.,,A ,. G to plnoo opcclal during that J. C. Hotebllon apcnt Wtdne.J• day and Thursday from AlamO. SUNDAY, MONDAY, Carmen Miranda, Vl•iaD Blaine, Ml\!b&ol O'Shea, Phil Silnra, Sbelia Ryan one.atar. .:.. ............ .,;: ... ..., .• .... ,.,,,un..,o P. or- . . - '1 . Son of Mr. and Mra. Hmnan cia, of Unroln. t-1et7 Mexico b o Flcld . Santa Fe, New M C'Xieo, July !5, ®II farm· !l Kelt, St of he bu lo tb!l SGUI ''Dltro R!d!;a'' 10-ir. M D ve R D 1 , M • \.n:dt 'l:<hleb Lad to tlill:J nruJ -b- ... 4 SOMETHING fOR THI BOYS {) •• • . ,, • • . , . - . -,. , . , ·•· • r. a • agfll' an· 'l'teso ou::a xt'.llt In thv a Wilham M., who fJ Inrnntey'n .. n 313 T!io!d ArUl· of tte V otet-ana Admlnfatra· d" . u or ll.SOO !arm . a pnvate flnt elliS in tbt Army. leey Rnttcl!on, whtch .recently ro- tion Et'oeillt., io Alb 0 d nn Kelt 1f&J from Carri· celt.'nd tho oo;:otcll Wnr .J uqu rquo an ....... ,. zozo Hfib Scl!ool. Unit Cttntlcm 1n u 1 e Chairman of tho Now Mexlc:n 'fhe bm'::J' and cltb' nt>h!cvc- namo of the Into Prolldent Fronlilln Btato an Sorvlee under the mcnto durrna tbe "--c<llt wUl Albert Sanchez, Mm 2-e ar.• rived Ja11t Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mra. Ben San· chez, for thirtJ A TcchDieolor m n 1 i o a I of "Magnolia Manor'' ncar Muon- 1 ville, Carmen biJ tbt alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. (.Enltat) Saell D. Roo:r:vdt, 00 1n oroern nnd REemploym(lnt cw:Utoo to their m:MJ 1n tht} Nn- who WIJ rtctntly rettmled of tho Wn.r W0!1hlncrt6ll, Adminlotrntlon Mt nnnounees tlnnrn •HI Li'anil Batcty Activity. the at'fi W Zo h b D. C., lli!Jll!Od by Chlef of StnU Grn- thnt beginoinsz July 30 B aoriE'I or Hanel' awanb ln thnt Pl'1l3i'illll are 1 e J ar . ne, 0 crol of tho Aml!C3 Gromo C. Mnr· e nferent'a will bP held In coon· pw.r!tfcd by Gmerul Motom an ooun- IID a ap pnaoncr, iO nlmll. Tim d!:-romtlon areom!J:UlYinu t'c th h t t.. a•-t D h to Santa J'e, Auguat 6th, Um cttntlon b a blut> I II oug ."u no ou. " .or t P ty, ntate, cooUun:ll on!l nntlaml be will tblcrBrun•a i1Deral ha. rlhbmt, t7em 611 the nnht clU?!!t. thl' purpnst> of thoeler. IO'icb. Thcz:o owanb cmnprbl mcd· pital tor treatment. only Amerlron co tv·nm. lrnl JJ(>rBonnal of VPtl'lr.d Inform· nin. Wnr &n!b, Natlan:ll The 313th Field Artillery B!l.ttallon, atton C'enwro and a lao In ronrdi· Club Omcreo hontlm, and t>200 ool· ' . then under Ute cmmmo.nd of Ll Cot nntina thP work of asslatlng vtt· leco ccllclD.l'ctlip:l. \CpL Billy Bamb&rgcr, wbo woa FrcdJrfclt VI. mleey, mvemlde, Cal .• emna In ench eommunlty. here rectntJy baa returned t the Il.fu:cllo River In Frn.nee d H b . · ,., 0 Septemb:2r 12. l!J44 fr,;cr tho flf'lt The will bo candqotcd oty. 0 wlll 9 atauoncu at O!:!:Oult llrfdce to .t;lve clQ:::J bv roprt:JentativCJ af tb Vtt.eral'la Sioux Falls. to the Infnntey on1l in fmw d;l)iJ b;)t· Arlminia•-tion ft'n Hit<> tb w Wncr ocnimt G2mmn nt· c "• P ar B r _ • , tanpm to o-:emm it!l and tbe Friday, Aoguat lOth u tho da NoUee Mr. Elmer Eaker, obllglna pro· prietor of Padtn'a drug atore was railed to San An geto, 'l'ezas last Tut1eday morolna on account of the serious tnncu or hi• father, Mr. Jobn B. Eaker. A)otLu to Mrs. Eaker atattd that blo father was scrloudy Ill rrom stomarb uJctra and bad been jlven three blood tranfio fua!ona. in u.:ahe, son Mr. Rob Lea ono of the rrunt (pllont p!CJ of Ameli'- Se!eetl'Y'O Servaee System aet for tho annunl eomo••l'n worky lie of Capitan was one of tht fenn artillery mm.ofu. 'me h:lttnllcn'n Tb I f . . .... .., LAS VEGAS, N. M., July-The 0 Americans oboard tho Jap pdllln offlciol cJtnt!Gn, d:ltc4 At:;Tll 10, 1945, E> meet na or Cnmnnao Ill, at Angus. All who are interelted lonz ft>lt dc:tlro by Hlchlruub uru- abip which wav sunk b7 our owll rrods In tnrtl sebeduled lor AutlU!lt. Oth. Veteran In the AniUJ ceu.etery, p'case vcrnlty nra1 focuJty for a mea, tiD 15, 1944. 'fhe ."<m 12 lS.U, the 31Sth [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P. M. C<?parate mwie huiltilnu Wll!l Jbip wa. unmarked· therdare it. FLeltl Artll!oey Rnttnllon tho ty wJIJ arrange for tha def\niLe Dring a hn11ket of fond for a thl!J WGt'k with the nnnmmt:cmt:nt of . ' River to m tho :VI• timl'l and meE>•iort 1 - f •b · · b t 0 • J k · was another sickening of cinity of ltkzaumnnt. Thnt nllJ.I'lt llftiJ o P or pumtc auppcr a ou o c oc the purehru:e of uw OlrbUOJI Church tbis war which rivals in tragedies th2 follGWIIJg tour d:l3'l tho 4\DjUI Cemetflry Committee. and Ita at the of anything that baa over pw:erh;d thnt Cl"ia:rn thO Jivor. · · :..c· . Eighth Street ontl Unlvt>rnlty Avenue. . . b" . ottoclte1l lr'.v mmm pnd (nfpqtf1J nm. · IBtOrj' - 8DCUltlt or t;y nrtil1i'Q1, nn;J A cnmp!cte c:tcr!nr and Interior Tho borrort of tbo Geaman praolll mnclUn 9 (IUr.:J. 'i'hg;o ptfcl&.q \"r-oN lJANR! AND THE WAR 1'00100clln[: oftha church bul!dinrr w tampa, tbe crveiUe11 of the Jap m an C¥, two to ntnrt thm roll. Lrutr.J· -Also- Paramount Nen & "Mighty Mowo and tho Pirato" WIIDNESDA Y a HU*IDAT Roslland RUS!ell, Jaek Canon -r.- - ..? "ROUGHLY SP!AKING" Tbt atory of a younalarly aeQ• fog a CM£tr. Tbe cuttr vaniahld whtn abe fell in tovt, muritd and raiud alario family. Toa'll Ukt thll ono. -Ak9- "Coo co" Births - c:fe•tp Ql!tFCiJ fOfCQJ l}pOb tbe only tlftcll {lOiiWtfatln.1 of tho f I:C!lpilllJ and repafntJntt W1lll!l hnve .\tll!:!tietbl W'lO wtri eaten prf!on· of ttm Slath Flelq PAil Rft fOR PRO'-RFC ( priority on the llrlt with tho interior Born At 'he Turner hOJpital f . h J h J . Artmeey Bnttallcn. 6n 14 Septem. 'I Ldd .. era Q t e 1 . &lJa t e ap p:rtaoa oituatlml became (lrltlll:ll Art remodcltnrr to follGW qulcldy ll!l ToesdaJ, July 10, 10-iG, to Mr. boi'rora all aetld chilli o! nttnek by enemy cmd t®kl, t8 1 0 llfld 199 1'. now induatris alone time and material oro avnllnble. and Mra. Deo McDaniel, a daUgb· throUgb tbe btaru of parents suppmted by heavy oo:rtfi\li1¢rnU!P13 Qf dif'letly and indirectly, an e3timatcd 15 , 000 ,. PlUM can foro larue concert hnll, ltr. She baa been named Diana. 1fho !lave *Otll OVir thelfe. li1!il'fnr lUllt WM n110 new jo"'"• . Individual roiiDl!l and other fn· . · ouubl!lt aur. UIICJ· !filp HtH\$ u uo M d 1ur- "Ia , . ·-- -- in deop into (lttf N thnt wm give lilghlan!b otu· Born- to r. an uu•· "' ud If{) PQUNW N&Vs- .. \Vithtmt hcsitatton o.nd · ew scientific rfovelopmontt, in 'iarioUJ llnt1 of dcnro o pJ.Droto develop their mtl!lJcnl Smitb at Portland 1 Ortaon July Nm.v r>!E1X!9Qt . . · upon . tound plan, nn mel'l . •nc tav.or, bold out n promiae of mero new induatrita tnlenro M fJ.ile ruJ any In the Smte. 2 o a girl. n.ANAMA CA• tlte 31Sth Field Artillery and more Mw th\1 poat war ftturt. The n-.monn"'e will be romodoJ ... -• . fW. b;'!oq ,..,._ - . . . mclutiinu Servfco f!tltl ..-w ... ..'i.l d ' , NAif \"1, qtitlrtero persanncl, P\tt!: an• hankt, worklllg together und•r our for home demonstration Born-to Mr. an Mra. Walter Oudtw. at l\11'§. iC, 'rom ... bnum tq, tho ffft! Qltem, help ttlHI jobs • realibJ, hOU!S() Where r;cnlor otudcntn in the McMillan, Tburaday J•l:v l{)&b, CtuT!Zozo. has wero ·Qul bank ill preptr!!d to makt loan• t"o .:ompetent homo (!OOittnnll:S progrQm.9 wiD t«C1vcd his ptoml}ti@l U! . of t11athmr: ill% firmA and aorporationa tor for one qulll'tcr, and receive Umlr oc.. , n WWl 'W t}lg . . . .Air blnes. and thcle Weapcjii!!, tho I bu•inta pntpo&M. turu proetlco In homc operation. Tho . Born- to Mr. •nd Mu. dra•t ft1@ :!13th F'leld MU11£!fY. Batf.!ffion, tr'Ofil purchMO of the houso and tho 1'0* JuiJ 20, 1 llloy. Mrt. t!OitlJ vOStUons, repulsi!d the rnodclblf ot It Ia P:lrt of n program to Eldred,e ta tbt daugbttr ot .Mr. 1!1grpgk ·· . attack withl\ut tl1g · lltghlands into thO and Mrs. Lon Mttebaot of Capl. , 1$!1\Ugtt,."4 Two enemy \rct'<! · program, U1e tan, · l.l operoto:r this action. FJi;l!l " LlNCOLN COUNT'Y AGENO'Y being ttndl rcqulrentcnt. f!W tijtf tJq1lthofll .. Sattnnan 1M attilll'..t.Y Citizens $tate of Vaughn, nr. lllghlonds Pmtdcnt, tltiYtfl¥t 1!f · .. can of tM !.10$Cl14l mvcr dtttltig the Carrhozo, N .. M.. . eol'lltllentlng · ttliOxt tho .acqutsitJon of ti'J tlf!tctcd perf(ld J2..1S 1!34( new tacOJUe$1 poiutcd oot that til! these lf!.ut th!J pg;· Mem.be:r f'fdtt•l Depo.it Juw-a.nc• Ctrporation WM Pittt. at n Yang t$nga ttl, t1Wr . .· · w.ete to br-ing ltiahml1lh tJntvcrslty stu• Jt! At Sl'tUlU .su.n. .tuortu-1111!1 very 'OOftn bulldirtgs 1 ' . tiW; Qm vtiller1 firft &i4l'Jenortnet. .::.· .. , . . , . . " ,,., . I I; I' .... ..... .,. .• , ....... .!' ... " . - --- .. . ' . ..

i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P

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Page 1: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P


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<DlilLAYED)-Promotion to the rank of Staff Sergeant from that cf Seru

C~>l. Maurice Lemon waa in geant has been announced by the Carrizozo the past week to visit Public Relatlo;w Oftlco here tor Rob­Ia(& parents. He is atationed at ert HudnalL Sioux F1dl1, S. D. ---- . .

En11igl' Mills arriv«'rl this week to ~f11it'hia wife, Mre. Mary Lew•• Milia, who is at the bomo of her mother, Mrt Lulu Lewis.


A equad leader .with one comp::~ny .... - ~

of "tho Applelmoclter regiment of Major General Gao, W. Grtnor's famed 27th Infantry Dlvlalon, SjSgt. . HudnnU naw action on Oltlnawa where, battling ngnloot the henv!ent concentration of Jap nrtlUery yet cn-

M ~gt. ;Joe McBrayer, wbo ia countered tn the Jroci!ic, rutmcd ter­ll{lendins 30 days here witb hia m1n arul ptJworful tortlflcatloro, the parenta was a Roawell vlsi~or the rcelmont plllycd n lcpdlrJq pnrt 1.n the flrtt of tb~ week to ,aee blJ aunt actzure ot ICalmzu Rldgg UQ1l1mnmUntJ wbo·fives tbero. About tile 8th of the approuchern to Nnhn.

Augut be will report for duty at Prior to Induction In April 1943 he Siot1.1 FaUs. wao a twmel worlter. He hM been

T Sgt. Johoie May of Nogal ovof:!C'O!J nlnP month!l. For woufld!l who bas been overacaa for 1ome· received ho woo owam«:d Uw Pruipl«.> time is at homo witb h I a fami17 Heart.~ For cmompJ.ary com!!Wt 111 tor a vilit. On or about AugUit battl«.> he wcarn the Combat lnfnntey• l'Ttb bf) wfll report for dutr at man &due and tn addition wenrn tbe Fort Bliu, Texas. Good . Conduct Medal and Asiatic

Pacific Theater Ribbon wltb one · bJttJa otar.

Herman E. Kelt, Jr., 21, water· ri-ttnder, tblrd cfac.a, USNR, Carrl· lib motbCl', f.fro. nu-/J Flatley re-smzo, N.M., arrived ~t Norfolk, oldc::~ at nooc m, Cnpltan, New Mex·

• ' . . . .


~ :· ., '·

' "' ' ·- 'fr ". <I .' .. ,, ' . ' '.

' '.' ,., '"'· .- ' I • "... -· ,.. . _, ' "' l ..,. '

• •

CAP'f, QA~ P, n. OA!itsTROM wc.m a Merchant Marino :Outin­i\•Uhcd mvi~<J rncd!ll u 1 tcsult o! hb !~pludon U> a va!orou3 erew

cbnt ~aved tho ~ Lyman Abbott, whtn ducliarging c:nplwive war e:u-go and oth:r mntcr~l that Wat Dod3 h:ld provided for our fighting m::n. Under h:::~vy 11ctial attach tho work went on until 11 nC.llby veml CXflocL--d ~th~ bluin~ chip bato down tl~n th: Abbatt, but Capt. Dahbt~ cfueharscd tho vatal c:ar~;o. • u. s. Trr-':l, 0,~rt.wnt ·


DETUnNB TO TUOSON 4·Uti;Ra Ti) flJIEClK IIAZARD9 DURING \VEEK, JULY Z2·2Q Va., recently to tralo · for dutiia teo.

aboard a DEJW dc:;troytr of tbe Mro. Mnry 'Mo,v Pruett and chll• Atlantit FJeet. S 1 c Mcyera of Capitan ia at dren who havo m:~p c~ t!lo Tho HI Cluh:!, la~t rurol )'Wtb


. .

'1 1_ ••

, .


president of tbo American Legion "' Auzillary passed through Carrl· ~ra. Arthur ~- Rudner •n• zozo Friday entoute to Albuquer- cbaldr~n have arravcd. from tbtir quo to attend a meeting of tbe bomi aa New York Caty and wm 'Auxiliary at wbi b h apend the rE>mainder of the aam-

' c • 0 was rc· mer at thoi b t"f 1 b · . e'ectcd ns district president for · r tau I u rane an !another term. Mn Gill stopped Venado 'Gap. ln Carrizozo Sond•y to vi1it her ------aitter, Mra. Bill Cassidy, after which abe returned to Ruldoao ac-companied by Mrs. J. 1. Stephen, ·~~ who went to Hollywood, where ~-M:.".M!~.==:.,.=::-:.:!!!i::,_,~:!C.~ she ~as tho aueet of Mra, Jane ~~ 1 "'ft.C 6 ileQ.t:-.. e· ~ Davis until yesterday. • ~.1 ''

~ -;,Jt.'JIJ. ~~ ~

Mr. Gtoo Dow woE! here from fort Stanton this woPk. Mr. Dow is one of tne guards at tbo intern· mcnt camp.

p ~~ R. A. Walker, Mar.


Smiley Burnette, Sunaot Caraon, Peggy Stewart Mr. Sam Welsb moved his fam·

U~ to SfJvPr City tho Orst of thil ' - l'a -

week. Mr. and Mrs. C. Carl "FIREBRANDS OF ARIZONft' moved Into tho Trevino bOUii S "Fr , 1 •b' d which the W()lsb fa II ce og n • sa eome Y·

m Y vacated, weatern where be Ia mlataken for and which they bad purcbael'd a notorloua outlaw and Ianda In recently. j .1

Since Mr. WQish hns moved to Silver City, Mrs. Earlcna Ttabbs is In cbargo of the Triple A· office at tbe eourt bowo for tbo prtavnt.

••• -Aiao-

"Track and Field Quia" &

"Happy Go Nutty" Kelt fla V{ltcran of 20 montba bome oo lenva. nummor at tho Ftccmnn rnru:h wU!l oranntzqtton In tho unttcd smtc.:J, will of duty aboard a destrorcr in the Iter ol!ltcr, r.%r!). Rhotb a~lllor, tcft tr,r c:hceh aoc!l!:Jnt hnuutb du~ tho Mr. Dowen Zumwalt ls ill at bla Paetfia Area. He wcara ribbons PYt. Eddie Provine wna lo Car· Ar~. \'.-'hero oho t:~ill mruto cccantl annuul Fnrm Snfccy Week. bome In Nogal. for tho Amifitan Area, tho lzoze from H.oswelllaat Sunday. her !tame .tho mn.nln!!t>r of tho «rr.~ July 22·20. --

Pacific Arta with fivo atars, and hmh:md !!l ln ~ tt'l'Vloo, ThcAO mral youth aro be'"'"' umcd tho Pbnippine Liberation with WITH THE SOTH DIVISION IN • ~

a;.:.n .... A ..... ',.,,A ""'·~ ,. G • to plnoo opcclal c~ during that

J. C. Hotebllon apcnt Wtdne.J• day and Thursday from AlamO.


Carmen Miranda, Vl•iaD Blaine, Ml\!b&ol O'Shea, Phil Silnra,

Sbelia Ryan one.atar. .:.. ............ .,;: ... ..., .• ....,.,,,un..,o P. or- . . - '1 . Son of Mr. and Mra. Hmnan cia, of Unroln. t-1et7 Mexico b o Flcld . Santa Fe, New M C'Xieo, July !5, ~PCr:oo ~':n ~<lm:t ~on:o ®II farm·

!l Kelt, St of <ZtrriA:07:~ he bu ~ lo tb!l SGUI ''Dltro R!d!;a'' 10-ir. M D ve R D 1 , M • \.n:dt t'~ 'l:<hleb Lad to tlill:J nruJ

~ordo. • -b- ... 4




• . ,, • • . , . - . -,. , . , ·•· • r. a • agfll' an· b~ 'l'teso ou::a xt'.llt In thv a b~otbu, Wilham M., who fJ Inrnntey'n ~MlL .. n 313 T!io!d ArUl· a~er of tte V otet-ana Admlnfatra· d" . u or ll.SOO !arm . a pnvate flnt elliS in tbt Army. leey Rnttcl!on, whtch .recently ro- tion Et'oeillt., io Alb

0 d 11:.~~~:. tiC~ nn

Kelt 1f&J ~raduated from Carri· celt.'nd tho oo;:otcll Wnr D~V:lrtmcnt .J • uqu rquo an .......,. zozo Hfib Scl!ool. Db~"d Unit Cttntlcm 1n u1e Chairman of tho Now Mexlc:n 'fhe bm'::J' and cltb' ~cty nt>h!cvc-

• namo of the Into Prolldent Fronlilln Btato V~te· an Sorvlee under the mcnto durrna tbe "--c<llt wUl ~

Albert Sanchez, Mm 2-e ar.• rived Ja11t Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mra. Ben San· chez, for thirtJ d~a.

A TcchDieolor m n 1 i o a I of "Magnolia Manor'' ncar Muon- 1

ville, Geor~la. Carmen biJ tbt alruaflou well io hand.

CpL Rebert T. (.Enltat) Saell D. Roo:r:vdt, 00 cmnnun~ 1n oroern Rt>tralnin~ nnd REemploym(lnt cw:Utoo to their m:MJ 1n tht} Nn­who WIJ rtctntly rettmled fro~ of tho Wn.r Ikp:~rtment, W0!1hlncrt6ll, Adminlotrntlon Mt nnnounees tlnnrn •HI Li'anil Batcty Activity. the at'fi W Zo h b D. C., lli!Jll!Od by Chlef of StnU Grn- thnt beginoinsz July 30 B aoriE'I or Hanel' awanb ln thnt Pl'1l3i'illll are had~ 1

e J ar . ne, wwill~ 0 crol of tho Aml!C3 Gromo C. Mnr· e nferent'a will bP held In coon· pw.r!tfcd by Gmerul Motom an ooun-IID a ap pnaoncr, iO nlmll. Tim d!:-romtlon areom!J:UlYinu t'c th h t t.. a•-t D h

to Santa J'e, Auguat 6th, Um cttntlon b a co~r.J from~ blut> I II oug ."u no ou. " .or t P ty, ntate, cooUun:ll on!l nntlaml be will tblcrBrun•a i1Deral ha. rlhbmt, t7em 611 the nnht clU?!!t. thl' purpnst> of IIJdDCtl'inetin~ thoeler. IO'icb. Thcz:o owanb cmnprbl mcd· pital tor treatment. only Amerlron d~:'atlon co tv·nm. lrnl JJ(>rBonnal of VPtl'lr.d Inform· nin. ~ Wnr &n!b, Natlan:ll ~H

The 313th Field Artillery B!l.ttallon, atton C'enwro and a lao In ronrdi· Club Omcreo hontlm, and t>200 ool· ' . then under Ute cmmmo.nd of Ll Cot nntina thP work of asslatlng vtt· leco ccllclD.l'ctlip:l.

\CpL Billy Bamb&rgcr, wbo woa FrcdJrfclt VI. mleey, mvemlde, Cal .• emna In ench eommunlty. here rectntJy baa returned t ~"11 the Il.fu:cllo River In Frn.nee d H b . · ,., 0

Septemb:2r 12. l!J44 fr,;cr tho flf'lt The m~Ung& will bo candqotcd oty. 0 wlll 9 atauoncu at O!:!:Oult llrfdce to .t;lve clQ:::J OUW~tili't bv roprt:JentativCJ af tb • Vtt.eral'la

Sioux Falls. to the Infnntey on1l in fmw d;l)iJ b;)t· Arlminia•-tion ft'n Hit<> tb w Wncr ocnimt in~t G2mmn nt· ~-'a c "• P ar

B r _ • , tanpm to o-:emm it!l pa:;IUcr..:~ ~to Manp~wor C"~mmlssion and tbe Friday, Aoguat lOth u tho da


Mr. Elmer Eaker, obllglna pro· prietor of Padtn'a drug atore was railed to San An geto, 'l'ezas last Tut1eday morolna on account of the serious tnncu or hi• father, Mr. Jobn B. Eaker. •

A)otLu to Mrs. Eaker atattd that blo father was scrloudy Ill rrom stomarb uJctra and bad been jlven three blood tranfio fua!ona. • •

in u.:ahe, son o.~ Mr. Rob Lea ono of the rrunt (pllont p!CJ of Ameli'- Se!eetl'Y'O Servaee System aet for tho annunl eomo••l'n worky lie of Capitan was one of tht fenn artillery mm.ofu. 'me h:lttnllcn'n Tb I f . . .... .., LAS VEGAS, N. M., July-The

0 Americans oboard tho Jap pdllln offlciol cJtnt!Gn, d:ltc4 At:;Tll 10, 1945, E> meet na or Cnmnnao Ill, at Angus. All who are interelted lonz ft>lt dc:tlro by Hlchlruub uru-abip which wav sunk b7 our owll rrods In tnrtl sebeduled lor AutlU!lt. Oth. Veteran In the AniUJ ceu.etery, p'case vcrnlty ctut!~nro nra1 focuJty for a mea, tiD Dc~mbcr 15, 1944. 'fhe ."<m 12 s~ptQn~r lS.U, the 31Sth [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P. M. C<?parate mwie huiltilnu Wll!l re=t~Jud Jbip wa. unmarked· therdare it. FLeltl Artll!oey Rnttnllon ~"11 tho ty wJIJ arrange for tha def\niLe Dring a hn11ket of fond for a thl!J WGt'k with the nnnmmt:cmt:nt of

. ' M~ne River to ~tllm3 m tho :VI• timl'l and meE>•iort 1 - f •b · · b t 0 • J k · was another sickening tra~ef1y of cinity of ltkzaumnnt. Thnt nllJ.I'lt llftiJ ~ o P ~'"' or ~ ~ pumtc auppcr a ou o c oc • the purehru:e of uw OlrbUOJI Church tbis war which rivals in tragedies th2 follGWIIJg tour d:l3'l tho f~ canfcronce~. 4\DjUI Cemetflry Committee. and Ita p;m;nn~ at the com~r of

anything that baa over pw:erh;d thnt Cl"ia:rn thO Jivor. >¥0~ ll'f'~Utpi• · · :..c· . ---..o.c7=--o=-=---e.~=--::..~ Eighth Street ontl Unlvt>rnlty Avenue. . . b" . ottoclte1l lr'.v mmm pnd (nfpqtf1J nm. · IBtOrj' - 8DCUltlt or WCU~~m. ~ t;y nrtil1i'Q1, ~ nn;J A cnmp!cte c:tcr!nr and Interior

Tho borrort of tbo Geaman praolll mnclUn9 (IUr.:J. 'i'hg;o ptfcl&.q \"r-oN ~~ lJANR! AND THE WAR 1'00100clln[: oftha church bul!dinrr w tampa, tbe crveiUe11 of the Jap m an qu;;::~ ~Fm~e41 C¥, two ar--m~ ccll~du!cd to ntnrt thm roll. Lrutr.J·


Paramount Nen &

"Mighty Mowo and tho Pirato"


Roslland RUS!ell, Jaek Canon -r.-- ..?

"ROUGHLY SP!AKING" Tbt atory of a younalarly aeQ•

fog a CM£tr. Tbe cuttr vaniahld whtn abe fell in tovt, muritd and raiud alario family. Toa'll Ukt thll ono.

-Ak9-"Coo co"

Births -c:fe•tp Ql!tFCiJ fOfCQJ l}pOb tbe only tlftcll {lOiiWtfatln.1 of tho f I:C!lpilllJ and repafntJntt W1lll!l hnve .\tll!:!tietbl W'lO wtri eaten prf!on· P.OOJtloru~ of ttm Slath Flelq PAil Rft fOR PRO'-RFC ( priority on the llrlt with tho interior Born • At 'he Turner hOJpital

f. h J h J . ~ Artmeey Bnttallcn. 6n 14 Septem. 'I Ldd .. era Q t e 1 . &lJa t e ap p:rtaoa ~the oituatlml became (lrltlll:ll Art remodcltnrr to follGW ~~ qulcldy ll!l ToesdaJ, July 10, 10-iG, to Mr.

boi'rora all aetld chilli o! nttnek by enemy lnf~tey cmd t®kl, Ue~Wtflll t810 llfld 1991'. Ort~en now induatris alone time and material oro avnllnble. and Mra. Deo McDaniel, a daUgb· throUgb tbe btaru of parents suppmted by heavy oo:rtfi\li1¢rnU!P13 Qf tr~Ated, dif'letly and indirectly, an e3timatcd 15,000,. PlUM can foro larue concert hnll, ltr. She baa been named Diana. 1fho !lave *Otll OVir thelfe. li1!il'fnr lUllt QlilU~, WM ~tgg n110 new jo"'"• . Individual l~on roiiDl!l and other fn·

. · ouubl!lt aur. UIICJ· !filp HtH\$ ~Uif' u uo M d 1ur- "Ia , . ·-- -- in £1"-.t<ptr.;:~Uns deop into (lttf N cWtt~:;s thnt wm give lilghlan!b otu· Born- to r. an uu•· "' ud

If{) Wf~QLN PQUNW N&Vs- .. \Vithtmt hcsitatton o.nd · ew scientific rfovelopmontt, in 'iarioUJ llnt1 of dcnro o pJ.Droto develop their mtl!lJcnl Smitb at Portland1 Ortaon July CAnru~~t Nm.v r>!E1X!9Qt . . · upon . tound plan, nn mel'l . •nc tav.or, bold out n promiae of mero new induatrita tnlenro M fJ.ile ruJ any In the Smte. 2o a girl. f"'Anf.:IU"""~r,np n.ANAMA CA• tlte 31Sth Field Artillery E::~ttqliPJJ, and more Mw ~obalu th\1 poat war ftturt. The n-.monn"'e will be romodoJ ... -•

. ~£;·~~ fW. b;'!oq ,..,._ - . • . . mclutiinu Servfco Rltt~ f!tltl n~a- ..-w ... ..'i.l d


, NAif l)~Af\Tl4~~'T-z;;I~rt \"1, qtitlrtero persanncl, cx~t t~Q P\tt!: B~ine«t an• hankt, worklllg together und•r our for home ~om.IC:J demonstration Born-to Mr. an Mra. Walter • Oudtw. ~@ at l\11'§. ld~ iC, 'rom ... bnum n~aey~ tq, gct'('~ tho nt~ ffft! ente~rprtte Qltem, help mak~ ttlHI jobs • realibJ, hOU!S() Where r;cnlor otudcntn in the McMillan, Tburaday J•l:v l{)&b, •

CtuT!Zozo. N~ ?~!em~, has ~cntllt wero depto}~ f!~ W&'!~· ~!li ·Qul bank ill preptr!!d to makt loan• t"o .:ompetent homo (!OOittnnll:S progrQm.9 wiD • t«C1vcd his ptoml}ti@l U! . tts~ of batoq..~ t11athmr: ill% in~iYiduars. firmA and aorporationa tor con~maeUvt for one qulll'tcr, and receive Umlr oc.. , n WWl {!$U1lt;~ 'W t}lg . . . .Air blnes. and thcle ~~~ Weapcjii!!, tho I bu•inta pntpo&M. turu proetlco In homc operation. Tho . Born- to Mr. •nd Mu. dra•t ft1@ ~ !..ttw~'$ ~twt:ca· :!13th F'leld MU11£!fY. Batf.!ffion, tr'Ofil purchMO of the houso and tho 1'0* ~fdredJt, JuiJ 20, 1 llloy. Mrt. t!OitlJ Sn!~nt Sq~lfu.!rt ~~dqttartets tlieif.derensi~ vOStUons, repulsi!d the rnodclblf ot It Ia P:lrt of n program to Eldred,e ta tbt daugbttr ot .Mr. g~ 1!1grpgk ~giql ·~ ~n~,· ·· . attack withl\ut tl1g 1~ oi~JtS~.te~4 · lltghlands unt~lerslty into thO and Mrs. Lon Mttebaot of Capl. , ~g ~ 1$!1\Ugtt,."4 Two enemy ~ \rct'<! ({csft:m:~{} · Smith-Hugb~:S program, U1e praeuc~ tan,

· fQtmgf~ l.l ~ ci~ql operoto:r this action. Tl•~ ~tath FJi;l!l ~: " LlNCOLN COUNT'Y AGENO'Y being ttndl rcqulrentcnt. f!W tijtf tJq1lthofll l'~~ig .. ~~ Sattnnan ~ 1M ~ attilll'..t.Y unit~ Citizens $tate Ban~ of Vaughn, nr. ~g, lllghlonds Pmtdcnt, ~~ tltiYtfl¥t 1!f t~gw ~ ~41!1 · . . can of tM !.10$Cl14l mvcr dtttltig the Carrhozo, N .. M.. . eol'lltllentlng · ttliOxt tho .acqutsitJon of ti'J ~ ~ ~ ~~~ g~ tlf!tctcd perf(ld J2..1S S.cJi~~r. 1!34( ~.. • new tacOJUe$1 poiutcd oot that til! M~ ~i.!l'P.$ t~ ~~ ~t these lf!.ut ~l'' th!J ~U~ pg;· Mem.be:r f'fdtt•l Depo.it Juw-a.nc• Ctrporation th~ WM Pittt. at n Yang t$nga plat~ !~ ~~ ~~ ttl, thlf~" t1Wr . . · · w.ete ~~t~ \t\~ted t~ to br-ing ltiahml1lh tJntvcrslty stu• .'fd'~h~ Jt! ~W'i! At ~ f~lgt ~;~·~ Sl'tUlU ~ ~ .su.n. .tuortu-1111!1 • den~ itu~ very 'OOftn bulldirtgs1 ' .

~~ tiW; Qm C~t M~r vtiller1 firft «'!!Uti~ &i4l'Jenortnet. .::.·

'· •

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Page 2: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P

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v I R G I L


POP-Still tl1e Bou


MP.TE "') •

SOMEBODY'S STENOG.!..:.-Jt Comes Back to Him!

- . '"\.. -- - ..,. --

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.g'EAK? r..RE: vau JOKtNC??

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No use YOU





~ow oo YOU L.t 1-(E:


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Bv E1 Roland Coe

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W HQ, \lo.ve beeu the 1bcist ;com~

· dlo.us ba1:1ebaU. ha~ knovro in the · la!ilt 40 'or · 50 ' fears t 'l'hJs thought cam~ bQunPlns l:lloll~ after readhm At Scbacht'a mllrry and in­teresUnt,r tome tmoWI\ as uG I ~d Fun." . 1

Al Schacht is certainly one of the memberll or the king pln ftlW, One

of tlie flfst of these

an hu­morist, wl\o pltcbed for Cincinnati sev­eral decadlls back.

~ Others include .P,.r­lie Latham, Rub& Waddell, Tack$ Par­rott, Plng BQdie • Germeny Schaefer. Nick Altroc~, Sher­ry Maaee, O'NcU of

Dizzy DelUI the Cardinals and Dizzy Dean. 'l'her&

helVe . been many others but theoe are the ones who still remain longer fn memory.

Crazy Schmidt went out to pitch · with a glove, a baoebnll and a natc­boolt he carried in hio hip pocltct. The contcnto of thio book notetl tho welllmeoo of every man he had pitched ogatnat-a higli one or n low o.nc-a curve or a ·fo.ot one. As the bo~r came to the p~te Sclunidt. would tolte out the notebook con­tolnlng come l(ltl nomco to ~eclt on biD wcolmeno. ·

"What have you got wdtten against DIUUI Wn(rDer'a name'l., one of hio teammates once asked.

"A base on bnllzJ,.. Sc!lmld1 zmJd. Germany Schaefer wao one of tbe­

otoro fn thio field. Ho .....,no then playtna oecond haec for Detroit. I rccnll o aome yearn ago whoret Schaefer wan playlna ln Cleveland. Around the third InninG It began to roln. Durina tho fourth Jnnlncr lt poured. Tommy Connally waD urn­

. plrlna and Germany !;opt cquawl.t­lnll to hove tho game caUcd. ~_,Con­nolly rcluncd.

When tho fifth bUlln!J oJY.!ncd Con· noUy loo!tcd around and found Schaefer ployilla occond bono with hlBh rubber booto, a raincoat, n Glouceotcr tl!Jhcrman'o hat and hold~ Ina a bla umbrella over hiD head. Connolly choracd Scllaefer with o roar and told him to remove ~ deep ceo molw-up. Schaefer rcfuccd.

''I b4ve~ a very bad cold," lw told Connolly, "which l!J oaw bor-­dering en pru!mnonl.a. U I get rld ,. of my rubber boob, my raincoat ~ and my runbretla l wUl be In tllo -t:.onpUaJ ln te~ Ulan two hours and I wiU certalnly sue you and tho league." Cnnnolly calk(\ the gnm~

Seboefer hod a fim~n. qulcl• wit anti could alwoyo draw o lnu!lb.

Waddell bad the Athlct!cn aoofy by buying o mochlnabirtl owned ey tho proprietor of o poPt'Qrn and p;!mlut otnnd that hod o whi!lt!o attached. All tho mccldnablrd could do waa woke up the entire floor ohortly after daybreak by olnaina hi!l only cone - tho cnna ot tho peanut. whioUe, W'ith on added ccrecch.

Ping Bodie and Dizzy Dean It wno the lmnlottal Pinn Bodio

\'lith tho Yonlteeo wlto bou!lbt a par­rot ooo ::;pent weclm tcnehtnc cold parrot to tteep saying over and over-"Ping mode aooti" - "Ping modo good."

But after on, l>i2:zy Ocnn in many diflerent wayo woo the top of them -outnlde of Sthocbt. Dizzy woo loaded with prnnlm, no well uo pretty homely mt.

There wan the time in Florida when Dean had reJ1(lrted no o roolde from the TC!ltan lcoauc. Jimmy WD­can. the veteran cntcber, berran mbaing hW ailk chirtn.. Finally Jim­my couaht Dean bedeclted in one of thecc nannenta and the tdea of o rot1 rooltie wenrlno hin aillt ohirto won too much w otund. He stnrted in to bnwl out Di2:zy \Vhen th<!' rooltie ntop~cd. him Cll!d with this comebneh:

"Now wait jWJt o minute, Jim­my," Dizcy ooid, "you wouldn't t1ont the greoteot pitcher boceboD boo ever lmot"~-n to co around o month wearing o mnnle ohlrt, would you?"

Jimmy let him hO'i7e tho ohirt. I woo wollrlnz with I)lzzy by n

hotel in Bradenton one dey when ho Q9.id he lto.d a ·pha,ng co11 to moitc. He wns gone como time. He finally came out wenrinn n wide grltl.

"Well,t• he said, ••t 8ust called up Sam1 Bret\don ln St. touts. l told Wm l b;11l chanced my ~d abont ' sl,nln& for IUl)' $2f,®f. We ~tl s. Ionr bot ai'pmtDt. Be ihl:eatenell to have 1111' th.town tiat of basebatt. We musta arrued ~~ 'Diilint~. Then t finally told ~· 1 hila' .tle:&t11 ·• sltnt.ll Al1l1 reM my tottttad ln."

"What .-a.s the ldea ln doinJ ttsat'l;' I lt$ktd.

IJlili' l(i'bmed• •'I flact the dlarge.s reversed oct lt ~c;~ &ar $f3,u .

'i'b(lrc waa also the time on a blfutermg day m St. t.oUh. tc~· . fituro 112, ihil etOWil1Jieltilig, when sudd~ n wisp ot stncke c~rme up m. uent cf tho Cal'dinal heneh. 'lhett:l sat tlkzy lk!cked out in a ~:lilY o~crcoaf, wrm:.nlirg IUS' h~d! w ttobt Gt a llto he bad Just 'tlnllt.

And 1 a.till recall ·bb l!llssit'l re-­mark alter ·hi! arm Will!!- llbOut 1011! when b6 ·wa$" 1!Wai'hling up fot' #1~ CUb~ to t~itcll a world Beti~;$ laJl'l• against the ~anktcl< · . .

· nn,.."'• 'li · 4• .n TU• fo l ""'""'"' .· _ ..... ,.ou .~. .. t.un•• u44• · . . ~-..... . •rwtu,.. h~ hl<t. ·ct .rn•t •hat 1 ~«to bt!. ~ut .bo. •lrt bell ia1••

' .

1 ~- "-'"'" o• O!h. I.

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Page 3: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P

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• · Traditi.onal .Wedding

Thi1J8• You Knew .A.Zt Awns: (Bm Wlafch I Dll~Mn KrJQIO "l'!l NowJ

S~l~tltlta eta~ ~~~~ inspires J'Obust bealth, "!( odelln- ~ su}>posed 1o irtv1gorate the cltculaUon; ~vital,· tze the tissues, elirniilate t~ns nnd .sb"cngUlen the tlu'oat and lupgs. (Op,

mtln type.)

world's great orators, but he <:ouldn't write a memorandum that mo.do sense.

Verdl'J bluest competitor wns Enrico Patrella, whotaped h1o style.

, Patrel.la penned twenty operas (now forgotten) and died m poverty. Famed Verdi died a mllllonalre. (Copycats, beware.)

CaUgula, a Roman emporq, made sucsta pny for their meals. ·

Xblrlk double features are btld? A Buenos All'cs movie house exHibits flvo different fllnw d>\Uy. (A cure for IJmomnla 'l)

A Rajah In India bWJ o bllllon dol· lai- n ycqr income. (Be's nJ.most as ~oaperou.s 110 the owner of o hot dllwg stand on thP rood to ruin.)

l\lozart was an enthusLasUo bU· llnrd ploycr. Much of hla music ww compo:Jcd wblle owaltln(l h1o turn. Cl don't believe It, either.)

A sneeze lll!lts nbout .a tenth of a li~!:lond. (Or Just loni cnoueh to ruin the blg scene.) --

The first railroad tunnel tn the U. S. wna t,luUt m. Ul33 near Johrw­town, Po. (And you o.lwaya thoucht the only fomo\15 thing o.bout Johns­town woo tho flood.)

' About sixteen miWon t}lundef* ctormo occur eoch year throughout the world. (Thot'o what tho man enld.) ,..

Pelson Ivy b mo.Jt poiconauo in the BPring and eo.rly cummer when the cup to mo:rt abundant. (So otny in the cUy and out of the bU!lhcn, you dopa.)

'lbe buildlnr of nllways ln £ng­lnnd wan at fltot forb!ddcn by Por• Unmcnl BccallC(l lt woulcl tntcrforo wlth fox-hunting. (You•vo prob'b' heard thl9 dcllnlUcm of a !QX: Ha gob whnt D wolf goc:l after.)

You ean't hlae stronr cmotlon:J tram tho tlp3 of your flngom nnd tcco. When you're excited they get cold.

GobbUnJ tM much sweet food mo.kcs tho bndy nucccpUbl.a to <:olda. {Yom medico wculd chnrga money far thb . kind of informaticm, you lucky yoU.)

Oraures contain pracUc.UJ t1.0 ctarch. (Ain't tbot wonderful nowa, glrl!l??U)

'tntat tor (!; minutes burm llP 100 ca!orlen. (Which rtt!1lwJ thlo a: 200. caloric colyum.) .

ID the 1001 ~~KaJe::nUroi!, a Rusoinn nhoemoker, diotinfjU{nbcd Mmsclf ns 1\ doctor and rapidly ro:Jc to the office o1 chief ourgoon at tho Klcll Ho:JP. He IJ'Srformed GOO ma· j.at operaUoDD before bi!l deception wo.o uncovered. (Try and top thnt, Dr.Ki!dare.)

In SJam a m;oa it3 al!owcd only ooo divorce, bu\ he can cell hiD oth­er wiveo.

"New" and "cld" potatoes lulve nbaut tho snmo nutritioncl votuo. (So den'tbtlw furoy.)

'Wh~ Mount PeJte (a volcnru> on tOO West Indlnn island of Mnr1.i· nlque) I!I'Uflkd 5eme thno ngo, if killed all of tho 2!J,OOO lnhnbitrurta of the tawn ot St. Pierre but one. Thllt one wa:'J a prisoner ln the town Jtill. (Make Yout own moraL)

. Oar tmlverte Is ono solid mru::J traveling at 180 miles per zn41ute.

• (Correct, Prof. Elnr.tehi?)


SDa ... tllttles han been known to bite OOi'Iipletely through an oar. (Ain't that ollitul't)

- ' ; =~ ' c::;;: 1 •

Leason f.,r July29 •



111 ~holt ti,IVeiUIJlt, to

to Ned alter ih.i-::.:Chili!.!Ji'iri:;---c> Gi)d ke.epa Ws promises~ Jt m.ay ~ve appeared that God hrid fwgot.­~. bij~ lie had not, anli In our les­IOn we ftnd Blm ready to fulflll W. p,omlse.

We need to learn the lellson of patience, ot awaiting God's time for the carrying out ot Bla purpose. Be t. not in any hurry, but He alwayt arrives on time. U we travel llf••• way with Rim, all will be wf'U.

Abram found the tulintss of God'• bleS!Iing because he sougbt Ws wW for life and service. We find hbn

I. Walldnc In God's Plan (VV. 1, 2).

The place of bleasing is not in some clolfJtercd refuge where the clrcumstaneea of life o.nd its prob­lems cannot disturb us. It is out 1n the dally walk wlth Gcd, ln Ute bome, the office, the shop,

What 1!3 God's pion tor the life of tho believer? Just 'wfun He told Abram: "Be thou perfect." Noth­ing lec:J vlill dd, for Be ID a perfect God. His low.ta perfect (Po. 10:'1). He requires a perfect obedJencE! to the vcttectlaw c.romeo 2:IOJ.· 1fhla was Hlo standard tor Abram. o.nd 1t can bo n.o leoll for us. -

Ho'>'1 ohnll we attain to it? qniy ln Chrl!Jt con we meet and fUlfill God'o plun of pcrlecUnn. .

Thnt meilil!l thnt ao follnwero of tho Lord we 'oro to eeek ms ~er for the out\voddng of run groce In our Uvea. We nro not to be content with a Cbrlstlon life on o low trtand· ard or locldng any at the graces which God can glvo us.

We, too, must recognize that 1f God 1!t to glvo us W!J full mcaaure of bleaslng, we muot walk In accord with BlD wW. walking in the light as He !a in tho light (I John 1 :7). Much of tho failure and lmp1>tcnco of prcccnt day splrltual life I!J ~ plo.!ned by tho vlllllngnea!l of Chrt. Uans to Uvo Imperfect Uveo.

n. Tandnr of Goo'a Purpose (vv. 3-8).

Abrrun toil Oll h1o taco In adora­tion and wornhlp. Inovercnce ac.d hwnllity, bo put hJnwoU in tho plae. cl subJccUon aJUJ acrvleo.

What hoppcncdf "God tallted wlth hltn" (V, 3). Thi!J man wWJ read,)' tar a · holy cnnveruoUcm with thtt Lord. HJ.a attitude of bOOy Wll!l only the <rUtwo.rd axprej:Jicm of on atU. tude of heart which was right. So God and h~ tallwd o.buut the purpose of the Lord fdr Abro.m's 11fc.

H& bad b~n Abram, wbl.ch mco.ll!s. "cxnlted father," thnt ill, of a family or a tribe; now ha beerune Abraham, "the fathor of a mulUtudo."

'l'1ilii b tho llrat of ronny irultnnces 1n Seriptur(l where a oarno waa changed by God to mark nn bilpor­tant event, or a cllanse at heart. For example, ~accb "tho- supplant­er•• bcclllXle Israel, "a prl!ice with God" (Gen. 32:~0); Simon became Peter, "o. rock" (l&fntL 10:1'1, 10).

Tho lot tor to tho church o l Per. game!! opcolro of tho cmn who ovcr­cctni'!S'W Christ's no.mo OD having a nnw nnmo wri.\ten whicll no mo.n known C:J.VC ho thnt recclv~ It (Rev. 2: 1'1). 'l'ho hcllilvc.r an Chriat ls a cbongcd man, a new creature, whether bb nnmo ba changed or not. God w:m\5 to change men-has Ho cbnngcd you?

The promir:e b renewed to Abra­hnm. It woa to bb "c;ecd," thnt ID, bb dccecmdnntn, Be tonk the bles:l­ing from GOO's bnnd, ncecptin& tblngo that !lD yp\ were not, as though they wer6. GOO 1!1 able to make them como to p::t.c:l (cl. RWl. 4:16-llJ).

m. Trustinc Go4's Proinl!e (w. a. 101.

Do<N-n through the ag~s over;' rnm 1n tlto great Mst b) descend from Abraham WBS to bear the outward. tvkcn that be belonged to tho cOV'• enant pwplo. !\'his was to bo a gym. bbl ot and to lead tho ttdpl~t. fnto thai attitude of · heart which wnuld bring outward rltr: into biJ. rlllmcnt as an inward reality.

Observe tbat after Abraham, it was alWays the parent who thU) brought the !!On into the covenant. This speaks of the pa~cntal te81)0no. ·!Jibllity to brhlg the Utue cbUdren to the Lord, and it alstl gives U!J tbe precious assurance that God is Jn.. tetost.ed fn tho clU!dren and ready to ~eive them at tlto bnnds <d par~ ents, taldnt}hetn Into tru own ten. der care. .

Tbli$ down thtough the g~et&• ·uons. Isrro;l wds to Show theit talth in G1ld. \hoit ass\il'!lnCc th!lt lte W:Oilld kee)} ms pl'otnlls~s to Uiem, Mil the.~ eonsefllitmt t'!agerne!IS that tbeit familles "ltioulil btt counted in~ the covenant with God.

Christ 1i ready and eager tb -.w. dettake for ·our c'bildmi. .u.ts graetJ iS !ttdnclcnt, not~ tot u't bUt al!o tot those who com.~ attu w.. l{Q .. rmnfje. Jj.J .. otn'.· . 11c'hlldri!fi"l' Cbil­w. V•~ *.*laW whlcb ma,tmi it dren'' dt~.-"id3d'l, 18)j •~of aucl:l u

ilftl"lll tot i•a alieb V> OMJ a dot. ltf!eP' covenMt.•• Let us tn.t. > • ............ ' nw: .utd .. ·-•td!U'$tlve~t~~ttll~.Ut .. ehlJ.

·· liU ' li ca. ..rt -..ou. ln whltm •. dWi ill ih*t -pljct'l 6! u~enc• tt. rl Pt•id'.rtt bU neitli•t btert wbett, Ue lllif ti~• UJ and them. llatllll« 4Jt4'. • . '

Tot's ' . • 1ress for School or Play



l ., -

W EDDINGS galore! Thllt's wlult's happening now that

so many of our ccrvlC('men oro re­turning to thooo thoy hold dear. Tho season of tbo year no lancer has anythlne to do with tho caoe. One of the roaeUoD!l to the wor ID that wcddingo como up In any month. In fact. they hove become year-round even to.

ThiD :;cor wtth tho rc.turn ot thou­oo.ndo and thousaroia elf elfgf· blca, wedding. hell!l wlll bo rtnging more frequently tho.n ever. Oootgu. ern oro outdoing thomnelveo tn creating Sust cno lovely gown after another tor bridco-to-b0 who \7(lllt

to oay "1 do" in a wedding dress that Uvcn up to trndltion.

Somo of tho dreODen oro In rich mtln, tradit!onally trained nnd loc:t~• trimmed. Othcro ore chormins!Y whloncd with fittod bO!lQUO Wlllat!l and very full oklrtD in cucb sheer, cloudJiko fabrlco on nlnon, mous­e;eUnc do colo, not, marqulwtto or orgaol'.a. There nrc oleo combino· tfcrl!l cf loca llnd not, oatin and not, Dr chUfon Ol1d lace.

Several de!Jfencro ore featuring rhumba ruffieo atartlng at the wo.f!ltUn.o and extending to short full troiM. There is Iota of boclt inter­Oat, too, either in c1drt fullnow or In bunUe hawn. Peplums and apron effects vo.ry the nkirt treatment!! In front. Oft-obouldcr bodlci!o and bertha ncc!illnen odd o plcturecquo note to o number of drcn:cn of the heirloom type. The favoroti hood· dren:l tbc::c doys ill the very full fingertip veil of fine net or tulle, falling from o llttlc circlet or bon. net or pancake beret of fluted net.

Tho Wustrotlon herewith brinaa you o. preview of just SUC'h UOml!l llll yau will ooe parading down the con-


Cotton Pique Suit

. ..


;~ .

. ' )

''i } ¥ { . . { '

... t I

f . { . . ;)

' .

f· I

' .( .. '

• \


Pottom No. 132! Ill dC~Iancd tnr allft a. 3, 4. 0 and 0 .vcar.s. Slto 3 rcqutrca D\a yordo or 3$-lnch tobr!C1 3 :vozm rto roc tor trlmmlnl!.

Duo to on unuaunlly lnrao dcmnnd nml currcnl war condltlono.. n\l(lhll)l mor<l Um• In uquldcd In nUI•tG ordc111 far o fow of .tha mo~t ll<lPUlor pott<'rn numbcro.

\er alotcn in. t?ndlc~ .proc~asloo, £or wcddlnco ore scheduled to tnlto plnce in record number th1v yco.r, Lovely beyol)d words ill tho voey youthful-looltinc bridal drcon of ohcoreot dotte· · not ohown to the. left in the picture. In thiD bewitching lit. tlo frock. co frilly and ruffiy and sheer, co rci'retlhlngly naive ln Ito olmpllclty and alrllah cllorm, not only tho groom but oocb Md every cucat wW hovo tallen in love with thiD vllru:ome bride. A muchly bcrufficd bertha fall!l bewitchingly over her ohouldcro. Tho simple hcoddren!l abo weoro ID of ortfuDy ottongcd plain net.

Tradltiono.l ao.tln ot cholceat \'lCOVO fWJhlOn!l tho lltn«lly gO\"Il\ centered in tho group. It carries out formality to perfection. Tho fine oecd pearl embroidery that en· hancc:J tho OOdteo lil oleo repented around tho neck to encircle o. throot.hlsh yoke o1 trnnOparent not.

The vary yatmg bride or the brlde with the small "tcen-timor" figure wW co for tho plcturt!ct}uo gown to tho ~lsht. modo of o.n l.mlocerlbobly fine not. Tho bodice plcatfna ID cot on a Ocob-colored yoke gjving an cn­cbontlng o!r-Dllcmlrlcr effect. The plentinga on tho sltlrt o.ro applied with excccd!n.g r.roco to eorry on olmut the ahort Md fuD train. "l'hh!J pgrtralt gown will be ofioctlvo made up of mmt!lCollna do r.olo or flno ninon or coft and ohcor voile.

For tho bride who plono o mid­cc~on wedding, n gown no offccUvo oa tho troditlonol whito satin ID fonb· toned of an all-over oyclct.cd white cutten ohcc.r. Thin could bo coolly rondo by the brldc-to-bo who can cow. Let tho bodlco bo of tho fitted type, protilllctl \'lith o owcpthonrt nccldlno. Malro the sldr1 gathered allghtly lnto tho waWtllbc but cut on a circular movement thot do· velop3 lnto a long train that will bil· low out behind with lnflrutc grace na the t-loddlng cortcgo moveo down tho olole. ne~ tll7 WQe!ern rz-=r;u Un!=

Wide Brimmed Hats With Sheer Frocks

Two-Piece Frock

A SIMPLE and very pretty two­piece froclt for 'unloro that

wlll capture mnoy on odrnlrin[! r,lunce. son ccallop:l mnlto an of· tcetJvo finlob on the fiaurc-whlt.

A •• • ... Uing jocltet. teen-ago muo. tor oummcr fcotivitiea.

• • • Pattern flo. 13:it 11:1 dcalcncd for a~

11, 1ll. 13, 14, 1.0 llnd 111, !il:o Ia reQuireD m :vorda of :J.Incb mntorlnl for tho el• r;omblo.

Pufftcl Sleeve Drens

SHE'LL loa!: Oil bright on o now penny in thlo adoroblo llttlo

drco!l wtlb pen puffed OlcQvco, round yolte ond full swlnalng cldrt. t.!olto it for cchool or ploy ln goy ehcc!ta or pgllto.doto, ond trim with brlaht ric roc. _ ...... .,.. __ -"-____ "-----

When aerhwa an4 bolts in lmplc­mc.nta or lron become rusty, cook them In gacolino far Z!J minutco o.nd they Mil como out etr.~Uy. -·-Cluo wicker fumlturc by ccrub­bing 1t with a sua bnwh and worm tJll.U wnter. Tho aalt l.tcepo tho wlakcr from turning yellow. -·-Wbco wasblnr wrlaQowtl, uco an up tllld down alroltc on the outbidq, and tho aldo to eldt! olrokc on the fnoldo. Thlo way, you can easlly ~etcrmino which aida noedo more polloblng. -·-Grus atalno on white matcrloi!:J co.n often be removed by aponulnu with ammonia nnd vmter. -·-Bernb ~arrob '>7Uh a stUI bronh. It lD eoaier than ceropinrr or po.r· lng onli onvea vitomhm arui min· erols DO Well.

-•- I JkSolve ti> ro eu7 an tho vnc·

uum cleaner motor by emptyin!J the dtrJt b:::~g after every uco. SJlolte out the ltw::o dirt, tic the boa imJido out on the cloth~Unc and let tho breezo do the job tho?· 01J{lbl7 for you. -·-When you &re do!nr any point· lng in tho hounc, he aurc W tio a paper boa over each of th(! Ugbt fixtureo ond any othero on which point might drip. You wnt flnd thnt it iD much oooict' than to do tho ecceooary cleonlnc atter­wo.rdn.

That bullty too!t you neo ln many of the lovely whlte cummer drca! bntn lD a myth. Thnt ID, they at(!

no1 cJlliJley or henw in tbc J&.aot. It'a thnt they ore lovlahod with bU. lowy mllODC!l of net and tulle onrl veiling about tbelr wide brlnw until comotimeo they look olmo~ top­heavy, but rcolly thece olry·fD}ey confcctiow ore Ught WJ o feothor. The bot of tho moment to wear with one's dr~ stmtmc~ print!l . Olld pretty-prettY~blo.ck ohacr troeks lD the wfde-brlmmcd block otrow; the -•- · wider the brfm tho smarter. An in· rotU' llttle pr)>l dress CilD be tcreatlng feature about. thcsu black{ given n pro!emJionnl touch, quickly bmtUtWlillii that more atWn than not and eoaily, If you uno prot~ bond· the brlma are made to look dreS5y for tdmmlng. Two, with fluted cdgea ot lncc or black not are nUke, will be needed for or they mny truro _on big ruchings of cnch drcm'l. The hontllterch11!3 bt«ck sheer. Somotbnea the brims ma.y bo edg(ld with Inca. embro!d· themsel1its nro a atructurn o1 vil· ery or have cblorad hema. Perhaps poey black tulln and loco mompu. they have only embroidered COt'• Iated on n wire foundation. Be the nora. Cut nnd uno for colln11l, flat a slmplo otrnw, a fino MUan or cuffn nnd the little pocltct tops. . a muchly manipulated brlm with They make a dainty nnd practical

!lend your order to: -

OEWINO CIOC'U~ PAT'fEnN DI:::PT. nlO fl<>alll Wellll 8l. CbiUI;O

f!ncln:o :l!l cent~ In colnD for oncb po'tlem dcoln:d. o

Pollcm tJo. -------llUJI.Uro>-Uom.o_. ________ _


~---------=- .... -~------.:-•






onu•l te twb • Otnua ,etlta•• "" de•• •• tto. u.u t1tat dree1btJ wnW lurfs lt.re .. llt tit- tlllllat tllrut t!H, ......... e..,...,. .. U'5tll hlf .. tiJ'• strt~tdld -bla•r M. ~•• twa ~ ... ad &wle.l StUC4•• dl* diet fwl- Ct wmw4.

a. f. OHtltldt hat tfnotta,.. • a.w nltltotr wm•at wlltdl le -· CU8f Qft RJS.. rfqt1 u IUifwJ.

·~.;.!! 1:-.:!~'?y f-.::t tz.~ !;) ,_. a:. u. G. Art:ny ,r.c=Sa en.. ~ A.~ ..:c., row lt.cttJ:ati. I'm­<!:::~ In cr .. p::.Ot f:::s ~ e... r.:n It! ft'.:•• r.-.:o~lt.J ~ tlJI>


sheer lacy· et!cct, tho fnct remainS flnt!lb. that tho lru'go black hat iQ a lashlon !"""'----------...;... ----------­favorite tbls sun1mer.


Httts Styled for Up Hairdo Come as ·Welcome News

Women who hnvc been havJns dlt· 1lou1t.y 1n flttlng ho.to ovor \flo top­·krtot htlitdtJ wru w~lcomo ihb news that crownleoo h::rto nra nt'lw mndo tbnt honk or cnnp . bun ot- tho clunter of ""''"''"'

· hlill)dy1s bend. 'tbeso Juskd tor a perfect flt. · ·· tall tucb~~1>t blllek or white:- · OJ:l illo lillt surrounds tM · g.iVJ.ng evert appcaranco of a bUt tile toil i! lleluall,y lclt i:I.Peli atCCl!llJl.tod~tte fhf' ball:' ar'TU.CtJ ment. •

>' ' • ' - . > I'<

• •


' ••





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Uncoln County News !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !~!! ! •• II

Marine Corps Need~ Volunteers

: ABOVT P. o. n/ oB»llR tnt~iesting Facts About .The : """r'll''l';&,l;ll1""'•·•""lloo'-... r !. ' I NO. 2'785). ' Railroads

• -:_ ·:.

r.ew-Fri4aJr----+---~-----!....--+-----------.;r---~=-__;;_~--H · ·. · · U. s. Marine Corps,will accept Secure a Jette~ of' request from the The paak m weme 1t of n~med Baker allJl · . dnga\l•.tr, . L~e

Adell pf li:l PflSQ wUI -f"rdvf} thu1 Zntmd aa aeeond·due matter July l8Z8, at the poet oftlce at Carrizozo, New Mexico, uuc!er the Act of March 3, 18'19.

100 appliCIQts lrom 1'1-ycar old ecrvice man for dcnewal of aub• krrea beillg TE>deployed to the men, accordin~ to the El Paso ccripUons. The toUowlng order frofn PariJic i~ olpt><!tt'd by th War Marine Office. Men who are am~- the Po:Jt Office Department. wlU be· Depnru:nent in De<:ember, l945

-- ... """ v , but fer immedblte servh:e -can 10nme effective Jul" lot: ,, and witt require 24,500 fullm;w 4wb.eriptlon. '" .. d ...... ~ per .. f b i 110 t ""' " ' 11' os6 . h d 6 375 leave at once or t i r PO.O "Ordex: No . .17861 msucd by tbe •"' . cosc t'll n,, • AdVertlelne Rntc8 Fumlubed on ltcqtw.Jt rraillina" at Parris X. land, ~· c. Po:JtmMtcr Genei-al. under dnte of t aggoge (I f;j. ---------~---~ fbose interested ~boutd wrate .• or May 1st, 19-15, reads I.IS follows.:

,pply to U. s. Marine Recruiting , -Friday, July 27, 1945



lffi 905 Mills Bulldiog, El A.t the request of the Nflvy De-• ce. partment, effective July tnt, 1945,

I'I..L 8UY THAT SHOT• Paso, Te.rnt. In order to 'conserve shipping apace ~ftvtltHifGW~


the following arrangements between that Department and the Postoffice

Department ohall gov,ern the llCCC.P­tance ln tho ma1ln of newopapern and other periodical publlcaUonn ad.dress­;?d t~rsonnel of the Navy, Marine

J. Corps, and Coant Guard overseas.

Effective July lnt vetcrllJI!I Clln pur·

chaw government !lurpiU!l property

on a high priority to llct thcllUWilvcs

up IUid malntnln thcm'lclvca In bU!II·

nl'llll Jt wnn announced today by John

F, Bynon, N, M. Dlntrtct Manager of

the Smaller. War Planlll Corporation.

The eltcrcl!lc of thin rlttht by vet~.>rams

wUI be nccompllnhcd througfl SWPC,

thl'reby atfordlnc veternJI!I thP. high·

l'Bl priority ~lblo, Under the termo of the SurpiU!l Property Act,

SWPC' Clln purchrule aurpiU!l property tor renole to omall bU!lln~tl orgnnl·

roUoJI!l and under SurpiU!l Property Board IW!lUintlon No, 2 hllll a federnl

agcncy top prtorll y to buy aurpiU!l property. SWPC will net !l!l a buying

agent or clearinG hdWlc on all vet· ei'IU1!I purchll!lC!I': It flllll the rcapon·

alblllty of dotennlnlnu whether the

veteran hllll a llltcly chance of auccell!l

Our cover .. nwnt ~wo thBt cttr women hn11c done nu outr atanjl.lntr Job cavtncr w:ed tl\ID­but JWW lht>t you town ond Junn woino n ht> vo rolled up your oiCCVC!l, you nrc proVirllnU more , u:.::d rata per ltltcht>n than nn)' other uroup In tltc U. 1:1. lt"ep 1\ \Jpl 11!0,00!.1,000 marc pound5 ot uzocl tata nro nccdrd th~ year to h"'l.> mn!ro vUul wur nupplt:·:J. Wli.lWUL vaur rcwrd ea vanco. v;r li twvcr mBkc UtM quotA.

b:wc every drop I .lkmembcr1 ,, o tim ~mrul nmounta tlmt tll Ute oal'I'I\GO cnn t~ter. Drip· plncn. Mlmmln(ll'l, ccror,.II!co. ~ tilL t£ru!).l VU:Itcd d!J~Il, • v •· butcher tv1ll (llvo you 2 n:d pouttll nlld up to 4t ll potltJd, U pu huvc tUIY dl:!leulty, tnU Yt,••r Home DcmomLroUon or Couri' • A· ... t

"(1) Individual cople:s of new~­

papero and mnt;azincn oftered for m(llllng by publtnhera, addressed vla the fleet post office at New Yorlt,

l'l. Y. or Sun Francisco, CaUf ., to No.vy, Marine Corp.'l, nnd Coant Gunrd pcroonned on duty ovemcan, nltall be

SeD "White Elephant., R .... What You Want.l

In hill venture, ,

If ftc dcddl'll )w hna not, SWPC m1mt tmploln that decl!llon to the Bur· piU!I Property Bn:lni. Tho War Fa00

Admlnl!ltrotlon wUl ruMw SWPC rom:cmlno appltcnllon!l for ourplU!l

~ropcrty ttcall!l u:cful In fanninG. (o:vntry, aroz1n[!( fruit gro"Nlnrt ond the lllw, Uru1er thin oyat('ftl o vt>t·

crnn eonnot buy moro than $2,!lDO of llUI'flhO property. Prl~ wm m sovcml:'d by OP A cclllnGil. ond tht' prtccn will not be moro thnn the sov­cmurumt orlolnolly ~~td, leo dcpre-

eltlUon. ·

A•l)·rovcd by W"',\ , · ~ ' ·• Piltd tor by ln1u:MY

·---____ .... __

I as ; IC C Q :f! -i&M¥.1

SlDI-4J lTS­I~-,<>N





Cutct1LAUS '

8ummm.'l Gil u un


UltCOLM coum lfEWli

• t -

The Depot Cafe (Open Gil night 1

only when they are being

eent In fulClllmcnt or written rcqucC\!J tniUotcd by the addrcn!lce for oub­ncrlptlon!l or renewal of Bub~crlp·


To tclto nt!vllfltslGC of thin prdl'r

onuol buytnu. a Vl'tcrnn mU!It hov" ar ~ ptqt:lK.d to o~rnlo o nmnll bwlln£l!!l or profcmlonnl cntcrorkc on hl!l O':m. Thill might cofl!ll!lt of a romll\l'J"('lal, tmlU!ltrlnl. mnnutaet tit­

Ins. flnollt'lal or nC'rvlre bwlnell!l, ur It mJ{>ht til' a mrdlenl. dl'ntnl or IPr,nl


Spli'clal cbirlwn diunPr

Suod!ly •

Aeroaa Strfet From IJPpnt

R(iU!ar Mcat1 Short Ordorn


On approvro nppl!rottow thl' \ N ·

ernn erul purehru:o nul'fllU!I prorwrt~

wtth 15% down p.,'l)'-mt>nt. Crrolt wtll oo tmtcnlti'd on tho b'::llanec for a ~nwnab!o ~rlod. drtwmitnrt on the t~ of motcrtal purehru:t'tl Thl'rv b o ltmltntlnn on OW tnw of aood.~ a \o"'tcron ron buy un1!cr thin cyntcm. fa-r OXaffll\l~O. ho cnn buy cqui(JJJU'nt

an!! fltt!mP to op::>rotc o ato:ro but lw eanr.nt tuy tho m.:!rchan~ ho t1'lb froln hl!l el:.olvo. The 1a ttcr cclm'll urkr a dlffcront ~gumtlnn. .

A tow af tho ltcrr'.!l a vcwron mlght ho a!l~o to tuy unttor lhb pro1cronUnJ e:,'lltam aro: omeo ont1 ntr.:ro equ!p­

rr.cnt. trudm. outGmn~U!.?l anli muter· ey'clcs, tractc:n~ aml ro.:Jtl bulldlna

tr.uh!nory, raetal'Y fite!cllln:?ry, moo·

lf&l and l:l!fentlflc lr.:Jtrumonto. con•

atruet!oo maehlm,lry and m:1terlnb.

Many o1 thdo ltoffi3 nro not nmv Q

ava!lAblo b'Jt probably will bo later

on. ~ 'lt.o lii'Ctefan tmll OthaTS wf1> Winb

more lnf6ltn1lttnn aoout tho pol!~Ic:l .;:;;-...

and proctduro that gu'..:em tho er1!o c! aurplus propc~ for tho veteran and sm1ll businessman may chtnln 1\ from aey ttgtan!ll l}1' dl3trlct nf• tloo or tho Bma\tcr Wu Plants C(lt'.> ponUotl, ail<\ 'Ats<. !l)l\Oll.. TM aibU• queiQUb DistriCt omc-e, ~V'Oefing tntrz State ot NO\V ~~cxioo I! loct.tcd at 16.\U \V. central Menll~ Room 2t Al~rqi&.

•::,· .,. t: wz·. ; ::~·i. · ftfl



THe ONE VITAL, DIUVING, SElliNG FORCE bolllml you: ta!ct crgar.ilation er:d yo:rt businou, wl'lothcr mctehar.d{ce cr GC1Vic:o, h printing • • • GOOD PRINTING.

THIS WILl !3E AS YRU&: IN POST.V/AR TOMOR~OW a~ it wall yc:;.

tcrdey and ae it b today.

THE MAINTENANCE OF A STeADY FLOW OF QUAUTY PRINTING ;ofo your trac:Je cflar.r.ofl J:as 4!lal't'lcd fcT yo<r a Wotl ffl¢rafti:J tc~ogniticn among your eudomen. Don't ri~l fo:~ir.g this predige r.ow whi!o sa!os are ea~y.

• • • "' kEEP ON TH!: lOP OP tHE t.1ST with your cu~tomon ()f icday. 'teut

ecmpetitcr wcuM tl\e these eu$tomers tc. ha his irt po)t• war tomorrow. Keep 'em buying ~ • ~. wU~ tlr.a pinttng

· from cut mede~rn plant. •


Lincoln Coullty News' • · .Phone t4

.· morning t9 visit tbe Smith fa.rnily , ·j for a few. days, · '

Mr. nvd Mrs. Raymond Ja$pfr bnve ~oved from Roaw•ll to Car· rizozo to lhr~J. · Mn. J11sper lt1 the forme-r-Mrs. Eunice H•rknel!~, sister of the Goldsto"' broth•r•.

Voc~tionnl A~rrieulture 'feuch~rs, bas j'lined the ataff of Needham, lAouto and Brorhr, Ine, Chicago advPrtining ngem•y. Be will be advisor on agril'ultural advertia· i ng inpluding "The Swift' & Com· onny" page wbkb appears regu larly in tbio newBpap!'r, with the exct>ption of .June and, Jul:v.. A croduate in agril!ulture fr.>m the JESSIE'S BEAUTV SH~PPE Univeroity of Illinois, M,r. Lnoh obtained his master'e d· gree at the Univeroity' of Colorndo His' new posil,ion will bring him close ··ontnct with ngrit>ultural lendfro, •md farmero an_d ranchers aU over


You are. eordially inYited to make ~our beauty appointments with

us 0

tbe country. He boo taught voca· JESSIE PF.ARI. LONGLEY riuoal agriculture for more than\ Phone 111 20 yeoro and manage~ two farmo iD Ulinois.

-- -- ·-·--------· - -- ----- . -- - ---·

We$t's Sanitary Dairy

Sweet. Milk & Table Cream Delivertd Dail)'

PHONE 120-F2 '


'1. • • I .

~ -~- ... •' ,_ . - --·---- _,.., _____ _ ..................................................... ¥-

·Ranch Loans II :voa dcdro a loan on your ranch or buolncn'l propl!rty, we probably cun nmut!lc ona for you at favornblcl intcrezt rate• and for a !on a term. W c rcprcccnt lrumranco c:omp:m!eo rooking

. mnc:h and bu::lncC!I property lo:mo in tho Soutllwcr;t. l~o loao too lnrec.

Write, Wiro or Phono



~~~~ .... ~·············

• • = • . ,

To Be Well Dressed" Your Clothes ~{\lst Be Neat and Cle.1n

NU .. w A Y CLEANERS .Phone 81

·When in Need of ~ure bJttgs Or Any thin, in Our Lm6 ·

Oive Us A. Trial.


\ .

. .~aderi'~ Drug Stor~ · CatriJo%0, N. fl,,, . ··. l'i0l1t20





I '


' "'


Page 5: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P



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... LODGES . -



. ' ·~

. Mee~'-on the ~t Tburtda1 it) each month.

Vlliting Stara cordially invited \ .

Mrt. Margaret HotTman W. M. Mrs: loa M•yer, Secretary


· F,Hdal, Avgu11t lOtA l• t~_ ,., · ~ • •· :r ' ~-,,.w,:....,.;

"3-«>Qdll ~nd .· pHM Carl• in tbe . ~aus ·~ll'ease ·.. their new bome l.ast 'fqeadayt ~oro"; work will- •t lP. fto~ tb~h· brick re~idenc:e ne~tt , Bring a bask;et· of food . for chur~b, wbicb ·they i!Rve rent · · picnie supper about 6 o'clock. ed to one of tbe Ri s~hool ti•cbera •

Angus Cemetery CommitteP. '

War Bonds .

Buy A Bond Todar .


Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jobnaon and daughter Emily Agn, were in frojlj *heir ra'nc:b Jaat TPt:l!day on busi· neq


Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gaulding wn• in town from Coyote tbe first of this wE>ek

....... Mra. ~am Nickels wnl' In El

Paao l•st week on bu~iness.

&pe•ial Meeting, 2nd Tuesday in: CAMP 1\IABY Wlll'B !

.....,._ ~ .. Mr and Mn DPyle R~ntfrow

were bu,lness visitor~ from tbt.ir ranch l11t Tuetday.

each month. M. 0. Longley ...... NobleGrand camp Mary White, the modern. John E. Wright·· · · · · .Ste.·Treat completely equipped camp tor alrla,

I located In tho cool Sncrnmonto moun•

DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH tntno, 16 miles trom Clou!lcroft, wiU Mr1 Fred Picture and 1on be operated ognln thla summer trom ~bmrnv WPre ln tC\Wn from the CoiLlora Lodge, No. 16

Meeting datea 2nd and 4th Wednetdaya of aaah moatb


· June 27 to AutJUSt 22 by the E1 l»nao Niekela raneh last Tuetday. Yort Blltm Girl Scout Councll. Girls

.. lrdayll)e Greiaen. Noble Grand Birdie Walk£r, SeeretarJ.

lrom tnP ·entire Southweut wUl be Mra. Penrl St.e"rrs of Nogal is aeccntc!l ftnd ,..,mntrotlontl ate now • • ., • • • .,~ • asau1t1ng at the Carrizozo MfJr· open to 110ll-3COI.!tD umJ out of town cantil• etore this week durinrr tho ctrtJ ~ • ., · absence or Mra. Str-kE>s, who bae

Around 52,000 1!1 being cvont In lm: iUP• til J)enver to buy goode. provcmentn on the camp wh!ch wiJI ,

.Pi ' Include clcQJJJng out and rcp::tlrlng _ '

· · · the lnltc, ln!ltallinl! o!Ughtn 1n :·Gxeat Mra . .Carl A. Freeman and little MIUL MAi. ENGLISH Hall'' an!J the ldtchcn roconditit;~hlng eon, 'CorlJr., we11t to Las Crul.'ea

NOTARY PUBLIC of cUJlvwlllffilng unJP..l nn!l rem.OOellng last 'P.fondav to sper.d two weolte Loeated at Carrlzo,;o Bdwt:. Co. of ltltchcn, revalfillfi of f69~ BIJ PJo with hPr parPnts, Mr. and Mra.

PHONE gs Adlrondcclt hutn where .tha !Jim Uye J?ettiFew. and eorotructlon or new ahm'l.:ilr

1' P'b itEI.J.EY _ ~~~· · Mr. afld Ml'l!. .lohnle Rowltmd.

«he japanese ~he 'P~&clfic.


" .. that .. flies 'em ••• you 'learn something!

The boy~ who ha.ye b~n 'mung Tojo's tl~t as full of holes as an old tJ.n cnn will h11vc some ~ntere¥ing stories to tell when-they get hoftle, •

And Phillips is. a_oing to have some interesting things to tell you (and show you) tool .

Because a big pan of out Job the l11$t five years has b~n to produc.e t?e lOo-octa?e Aviat1~n Fuel that has kept the big boys over Bedin and Tokio, And tt hasn't always been an easy job.

~n some w~ys it has involved almost as many trials and tribu­la~ons as a pilot goes through before he wins his wings. We've built vast ~cw labo~torles snd staffed them with the wisest and most expenenced saentists we could find. We've built new plants A'!d lntraduc~d new processes. In short, we've gone""till ouc"­wnh every btt of bmins and brawn we have-to give our fli&s evezy ounce of precious lOO·OctlUle fuel that could be producedt

The res~t-today ~hi/lips is ontJ of the my bil{gr.st producm of 100. cttam .11.:i1ation Pm1m tha country/ Thnt's o. mtghty importnnt (act

-IUld on.e of which we're vezy proud.

And it's o. Iignificant fact,' too-Cot every man and woma1

who plans to drive a car nf~er the war. Because you en~ bet your bottom dollar th11t all the experience till the kno"-l•J:lOW• nll thC Wentifi'C knowledge \'M)-

0\'C ~ne$in

b~comtng one Q( the largest producers of 100-oaane 115•

oline-'-wdl be packed into the Phillips (}6 Gasoline wFtich powas your post·Wll.r carl

' When yoU nee the Phillips 66 Shield remember-it

nn;n~s for fuels for Victory today, and fuels for better drivtng tomwww.

PntWl'3 PDTROU!UM CoMPANY, Bartlewillt, Okla.

Yu.neraJ Director and

Uc.eoMd Embalmer 'Phorut 3D

ActtvttL"!J tJJr the 19-15 camp wiD oo of Dt'minSl opl'nt Suntlay and enlarged and GJ!fhlnds~, ncoordlng W Mondny "isitlnlZ Johnl£ls mother, X.fu3 Faytcno Zumwalt, Cllm;J diFGStGF M rJI· ~'PY. Jobnie left Tu~day, ::;-;;~~'" ;:;;;;;:;.:= ~::===~=~f=:=!'!'!!'!!!!:=: ..,..~~===~========::-:=:.::;:~;;~= nnd EltccuUcc Sccrotru'Y ot the loc!ll hut Mra. lloWI~'PJ$ w\lt JtJfl"ln - ---~-- ,._. - ·~

' • I

Concll Mb Mary Loul!;c Phillip:~, here for two or tbrw 'Wtlika. Mr.. Oora Frazier underwoQt l\\C~AQKllR FORESEES Rancbman's Ca.mpmeetinc IJ!:!ld cccrcto.ryo! Um Council wiD oo an oper.!tion at tho T[!roor Uoe.· ~-\'i.' l'ROSfEJU'I'Y • •

BRENTON AND HALL Attomeye at Law

CarrlloW Now J.\.'lezieo

PbDno 63

ili~5ta.nl d!we~r. pitnl. camp l'itlai'Y wtutv, whl&h l!!ln th~ Houi'Je for Rcnt-La~e, corn·

hcort of Unooln Ne.U~m&l FQJ'Cat la forlablo homo, Addreaa JoquiPlea dMdc~ lnto nmn1.1 unlta occoi'dlni to. to Rov, John L. Lawaon, C\mor·


G!l!l turbine cnc.tineCJ wlll provide mUUoro of job.J and rovoluUontzo tho whole concept of mnchlnon, ln the

th2 Ol:lO tcvclpf tho gtrl!l. In tho pro- ron, Now Mex (j 27 ll 10) . opinion of CapUlin Eddlo Rlchen• lwo Jtma \Delayed) - Mnrine bacltl:'r, onc of U\c world'n autnto.nd· gram oflorc~ glrb who at(:(lnd tho

crunp will have nn opportunity to nc­!Julre tho cc:ent!nl!J of we:Jtcm hon:e­msmhlp. rune trlp !lM trnn rl.lllns WUJ 00 tiUj})~ lJ1 [} ~unllflro ln!ltrue· f!J'f. •

'fi',a MtD !lll.4 CJ'Ofto p:c~ diPCS• J:.C!} tq a thilf:iJ ~ur.:cl$}r wm QffCl~ Jro::...cm {Jl wclllllio(). bl.Qelt prlnUr>Ji1

drnt"iinEJ, b(.foltbiMiflS· ~;ood<4f'llnS llJlJJ romp c.rntt.

6wJrnmtng, which will bo a r..o;v ml• llltfon ft> CBtllPinS flh.'illtfCJ nt Cmnp tffm>7 \VhJ~ thi;J reM, wJU b9 aUcW!l un.:!Dv UW IJUJ'}DJ:Vi:.!lllil at B UcP~'ll ~ll Cr!:J.;;l ln:llrUOtar an4 U.to oovor. a-w12rnl bn:Jta ol!:1> hrwo bcpn pmv!i1::1l

Mra. AlbPrt Snow and dnu!lh· ters, Mrt. Wbit.P, and Mks Hope, wont to El Puo last Tneaday on bueinel!.

Pre. Harold A. N 1~olct of Bell lng authorltlen Ill\ motor!t Gardenn, Cat., Ill pretty buty ex· l'Wv 1 t r t plt.UOing a hltle •· l h .. h c cjmlen o t te CM turbine

0 dd · h mw n 11 to 10 t•nr.tnc wtll brtna new IJPt'cd!l. new nl·

u lt?ll l eoc dtl)(l nceordwg to Utudcn and nu-.v economy to air s.gt. ~onry A Weaver, Ill, ll .Ma· travel, erentlnr.t mlUIOM or OM In nno Corpo combat corrcllp'mdent. h'~ lnJ j ' .., op on.

• Driver of an armed balftrac of Emiat. Agusyo is in tho Tur· tho r.>lltb M . 0 . . N And tho ntrplnne tndWJtry 1!1 only

, .!"_ •:£

' Br109 IVIOIOn · I• ncr hospltnl on aeeonnt of some colet epcnt five dayo t1nd ~igble one of many thnt will burgeon beyond trouble witb. bill oar•, ln tho bottle of Mount Suribacbl on p:l!lt drenmn and launch the U11ttro

• • StAtes on Ito (U(?atrot era or pro:J· . Tbo nt~tb day of tho invaoton, p!!rlty, In tho opinion of Rlcltenb:lcltt>r

Mf!l. Tom O'Rear baa rPturne• and blo follow crewmen tooh ru1.J!xpressed in on o.rttclo on. hl!l ure from a visit to TPxns relativea off to wanh an beat they by at~b Con!lldlnc In the July l!l!lue

__ ............ * = <lO\lld, from canteen c ups and or•eoomopolltnn magazine. beltnita Wtth tho few CJU!oeea of water n•milablt. trlen o~nlng up to W(ll' veteraro wll· Buy More W1r londs Todw•

Envblonina dozcM of new lndU!J·

People in Carrizozo and the B\lrroundlng communltiea have something to look forward to now ao tho datn bavt been ••t for the Ranchman'o C n m p mcetina. Opening dote will bo W(ldnesday, Auauot lot and tba meeting will elone Sunday nigbt, Apguat 5th.

-·-·-----Church of Christ

Bible Clean Sunday Morn\ng 10.30 A. M. Communion 11.30 A. M. Or. P. ,\1, Shaver leader, S. A. Followol•, ttaehtr. Ladltt Bible ClaecJ Suoday tvenina 8 P.M.

' . ll you a"ro lonely, write Box 82,

Clarlroton, Wnsb. Send 1tamp.

. "

(W tll' wnWrftl')lJ~ ~sUViU~. Qtrl!l will be !Ww ro warli on thou Suntor

After i.hey bnd wnsbcd, Nieolct lina to Ulko n chance, Captain Rlclt­pa.a=.ed out some a~eet·amelting eneaclcer bt'come!l lyrical when he ------------­

EL PASO- tntc:i&Uunnl r.~g Day wUl be cclebratcd t.Jcyvc;mbcr 2 aru1 3 In ~ l?aw.

1be cmnfn~ oommiUc!l o! tba E3 PAllO Cbamb!lr of Commclt'co, sponsor of the anml eclcbrat!c:m, luiB tbcMcl to lldv&M!! tJw date w as IWt to In· wrkre with t1w o))enlng of th!l hunt-

fnlaeai!Cn In New f.~exsw.

Ufo E:SVinS C::fUfiCt}tQ,

Jn~t$11 Jn Ul;! (fromnt!o nn:'l ~ lr.s Jli~ nrv ~fifo prot;.rnml. Uw p1mlrnr,g nu-1 a«:OttUt!S af "Sro'JI!J -o-..m." n Sunday iOJV!~~. IQU!ml rm!l fulf' ~mg Jcz-nr43. pupz;ot at.m'ill nr..tl opcciol ®f pri@'mfli· •

A cpcctnl unit fat son!nr ~iri:l wiUt aouviucs geared to mnro aavar.ccd akills 1n all t'bnr.s e! c~ aM outdoor llvlnti wUl oo offered durlnir u-.o aummer. Tho last fOUl'" weeki of camp wm offor n sp£nta1 pro-cmm·

~--Behind' ........... -Yotlr Bonds

' I 'n1e cnmmltteo alJo bf~M to pcU

mlnlnl m.lclllneey carporat!ons thtoui}wut the C61llltrf, utdni wll.other they would- care to pt\rtfC.I• ,pate in a mlnln" Clthiblt whleb would solor eoUl'!o fM · Rlgb Jun!$r:J

1 and .-

bt llcld w <Wnjtw:Utm witb lntcm"' scnfora Whit !liD. \nt<~ro~Cll ll\ q~g ttc~ Mmtng J)ay, · f"tYW f:am}l ~~9l!W W(ll'~

#U(ene It ~mil!. acan Qf fm. tfilp llmff mU hlcludo ~~tl tlrlterirll of the 'l'cdl callcgo c;unD IIC~Dlo, a di!ltlol.tln an!l tlu'oo Mini!*, If thf aenl»'al cllatrtnan tar co<lka, a trutncd uur.o on uuty at All

• llttemttfonll lrlhtbll J:)ay of 1945. · tttnes and a nwby d~r £lll c~n. .Nearht .!500 miatert!d tor tho~ Tho camp Is open to all.8U'lJit®l

' t.tftbtatton. ln~UQnal Mining totallY dlfforont and tlU'Uting weeki

powder he bad founi in brightly- lnUm of thhe Cll!l turbine engine.

printed little. Qapt>r packeto in a "It mey tnlw n little time," he 19 Jap CllVO.. quoted O!l naylna. "but the GO!l tur-

Not until after tba group ol I bine engine Ill ao1na to revoluUonozo Marioea bad oprinkled themselves I the wholo coneept of mcchnntC!l. with tho powder did they learn I Y~u'D come dey Gee nutotrtobUen

, dr1ven emnom!clllly by UM turbine from an tntorprcter that. it wan ennines nQ btrmer thnn a mnn'n head,

JnJpnn,tn• tooth powdl)r. ! !i'Ct more llowcrful thnn the blcr en-1 crinen we nmv have In C!U'll. Great



ocean stenmern wlll oo run by thocu englnea';""ru; well Q!l loeomotlvs and st.aUonnry po;•ter plnntll."

Captnln Rldtenb:lcltor hQ!I ho~g

that the avlntlon lnduntry alone wlll 1m able to ob::orb every one o1 the

' milllort!l of men who have been tra!ncil at great ex~nuc to malta

1 Amerlen the mtahtteut mllltnry .ali' • power fn hlntory. He 1a hiring wounded pUotn, mechaniC!I and ttoW· men. When comeone complimented

FOR. SALE·· Gnad milabCowa. See Bunt Hobbs, Capitan N. M.

WAR - - ---· -·--


. ... n • '~

t>;y t.: a .aet.tOJetbet for tfunu..tc ~en In a ltealtby, &nlllCl'atlo cnvh'lmment ot New Mexfi:Oi 'l'~ Aritona. Colo- wllon they .-ro given th~ r~ ()i fa® Jnd Me;d<lO. AlthoU&h the pro- it offel'l th!! (llJ})OrtunJty to ~llMd . · · ·lf&M. It ptim«l'llv ~. culmtrtattna lnllcpcn!lc.Jioe S'tlt their health ant\ wtth the ~ ~ib $Uj~Per, 10 years t:lf ago tl®\lgli :Wgb fkhMl.

, hlm on .it recentlY he t:nld: "I don't dcz:crve MY C!t-t~t. l'm probably t:eUlSb. l'tn bl.ring brnlru:l, and the Jove of a kUld of worit 1 hnve to offer:


cmt bual~ JUt!etntg: ts held at whtch Wet>' amt· ·mlt\ut¢1¥ a~.tsOO. ,/, ~· m we mftttng mllustt.v stJCAlt. 1-'lti;! B(lsstans ·arc Juno 11.\lt.\W Ut

"J'be El ~ !deW. Section. of ~ July il...tuly 25. Julf ~.A,\tf, 1. . , ~ D*Ututit of Mlntnl ai\4 a.At:or M, The f~ ..... ,. lleW!m. 1$

l'(JU)l~ ~ ~ l\IJ & WAJ'I!IV ill• . ~- . . .

.. ·~ tl'l ~ With trrt.er-- $.10.00 tor lit'l$ outsuto of a p~p, l'llUotlial ~"" l'll.1· . Pettattatlnti* whl~ ll'IWI~ ~· •coom·

'1'Y 'Carl&W ~ ot ~ ADlf!!: Pfttded l»i • ~.oo dcJIOilt m Dl!ll11 k ~· \() ~~ h\ tbli -~w at11tt* Onmt1 Cot1ft

.····· ~-~· . . ". . . . IIJ. !:1 Pal ...

- • • • •

' . .•

. .. " • . ' . ~ •• ; '

' mw ....... ----*:'4'1#t M:t!t ·~~~ -"\·--JI~.-~,fl:.... .• t:t.t "' '"'" W<ll, ... 1'4>1JCU:UJ/koot,CI&t~ ... · ·

.iU..¥1 ,., . I .

• ' .

TMW boyn hn,\lo botll nrul a mtnoln~ tum f)-r le~ . ¢1' c:~c ~()(!an't dlmhllsh tMit vMU<r to ftJ.O,u

. )

t " . I" ' •. . 'f '

fl . ' . • •

. • f .. };

" . •


Page 6: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P

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• ! l I

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Germany Ia todDy not a nation. It ln but !\ dloorganned mass ot como 70,000,000 humanrJ. It lo without low, other thnn the orders 110d cqtcts of Allied military commandero; without law enforcem~ other than that of the G.I. Joeo of the AIUed

thooe preolded over by military offi­cors directly or Indirectly.

Such Ia to4nYr but what of tomor­row, of next year and trther yearo of the future?

Four armleo, repreoentlng no­tiona of radically differing fdeologleo, occupy the four occtlono of Gennany lnt.o which ohc boa been divided. The only announced purpoae of the four no tloM In tho t of otamplng out the loot vl!otl{le of Nnzllom. Prc­oumnbly eoch nrmy will U!le Ito own methodo of nccompllohinrr that pur­pace. Prcoumubly each army wUl Introduce the ldeoloalco of the na­tion It repreacnto In the malt1na over of the German people. What the final reoult wUJ be, or when that reoult will be accom pllohed. can bo only a fiUl'Co

A phenomena of the nltuotlon In the requeol of the German communluto, thllt element of the German people wbo suf­fered moot from tbe wroth of llltler, nod who would be ex­pected to accept Ruaolnn ldeolo­!l'lco. Tbcy nak for tbe eotnbllob­ment or a pll'lvate cntelllrlae oyotcm with !I profit motive. That 1D American 4emOOI'ney, not Rnoolnn eommunlom. Will they get that In the Huoalnn-oo­cuplcd zona? Time, only, eon anZJWer. Today the comm!lndero of thooo

Allied !lrmlro trunt proctlcolly no German In Germany. There arc none to whom U1ey ore wllllna to pooo unrontrolll'd dvlllan authority. How many montha or yearn wUI pooo b£~forc thooo 0 .I J oco can be relieved of their pollee po:Jto? How lonn b!'forc thoae army ordcra alvo way to lawn enact~ by the German pt-opll'. now lonu b<!forl' thocc Al· lll'd offircrn arc replaced by clvJJ. Inn )udacn? Acoin time, only, cnn nMwer


For Germany tbt! roaa to the futurfl wUJ be lonr and bard. It means a re-education of tbo pt:o- • plo, •tartlnr particularly wltll tbe small children. It means tbe lmplanUnr of new ldeab, the eremtlot~ of 11 clealre for a dl!q­ent war of life. It mean• the obllterotlon of tbe "mlrht makn rtrht" theorr. UJat baa been a baolc prlrJelple of OermiDJ. With four dUicrcnt ty~a of teach•

ero, with o curriculum futcd by four dUYcrtns ldco!oglca, con n unlflod Ck!rmnny bo tho final rcaultT Time, only. t'on annwor. tn tho mcontlmo, tho OJ Joeo or four notlona wW conUnue oo the comer poUcomon.


To malntoln our American stondord of living and lncronoo tho\ stondord an much oo ~lblc lu the

, arco tt'nt aorvlco thin eountey can rond11r tho peopleo of tho world. We have oatobllnhod olondorfta to whlcl\ other nallonn con, at'trl do, O!lplro. Our otandard of Uvlng Ill booed on tho ln('{lmo of our formcra ond the wugo acnlc paid t.o our workora. To rorco the American former and the tunor\can worker lnto compeUUan In our homo morlmto, which repro~ ocntn 50 por eon\ of tho markets o( tho wor!ft, with tho mcomo aruJ wosco oj Ulo low atnndord nnUona ~..-ould moon tnwormg tho lecoma ot our farmoro tmd tho wago sclllro ot 6'UJ' wodrera. It woullJ reduce Amezl• ca'o buying l)t}WOr, and, ln tho end. rccult in !oworlng our lllandards without heisting eny otbl:li' nation.

Ont pcater teehnleal aklll alld better maehb!er, will not o!ad the ebeap wares flf the OrJtnt and most EJUOpeaa eootrlu. 'llle wcrttl neeit a alaildu£1 te strtvc ror and AJnerJea ntJ that

·~·ltd. • • • "WHA'i' IS your fann r»crtM" l

asked an Iowa farmer acQualntnnce. ''Tha\ depends on wha~ y¢11 place value," ho replied. "As an tnvest­mcnt on wlUcb to n•r ~vld~nda, year In IWd year out. It Is wtJrth a lnt less than I could soU 1\ lot rl&h\ now. AiJ a home for my•eU anti family; as reprc::cntlnll • twli)' of Ute we enJoy. It Is worth tar more than any ono wou!d otter, and lllt not oo thu mstkct." rut tanner knew

• ldealisUc values, and h1l t~ann paid dlvldcnda en 11\!Clt wlue! to hlnlself and hle family. To them 'the pleu. uro of Udng, as ther wWt to live. has a greater value than doUats.

. 0

• • • MANY A CASE Of dl!Jpotltlon Ill

d!agno~ed as nerves. .. ·• .. PnESll>EN'l' 'tRUMAN wu rtaht

Ln •'Yin• me representln• ot Ametl·. ca In the council ot UNClO Wall tht most ttnport.ant post of Amet!can · · fiO.!ntl\te o!'llces. All that · · aUve, tho lion. IMWttrd R. btctlmt!l the votce <Jf the trot:ld al!alrs, Jlrt•ldent. n t. a CJfiles with it & creat ··

• • • ' 'WE. llES'l' Dmllt!l$l'S ot \\\UJ 1 eornmunltr wWld bi Mrveil. b1 • HliYl\ tlt the ()14 JltMach-~ .. cw ~toe~~ ,_ .......... .

... ! . • • • ••


How to Don 'Traditional 'isari Shown by· 'In«Jian · ..

• ' . " '

" l

. I J . I 1 _II - . I


Tl].e Distrl(:t of Columbia . looks more Uk;e a peacetime capital ,tbls -summer thnn in yeal'a. • • • li'or the first . the Wnl', the house is now · n long ~esa. • • • TtUs increase'<i congJ"es-slonal ·· h} new White

many a ycnma for home. • . . The dollar-n-yenr men and brass hots who planned to check·out after Germony'o defeat haven't started .their exodus. Ineteod they-'ve been jolned by hundreds of business men wli.o've moved in to get· their reconverDion hendn~es unsnarled. • • • ThoUBnndn ot rc'tUl'Ding officern ond enUated men fl'om Europe have added to the housing and feeding problem. Pnrkina spaces along the Potomac are crowded on hot nighto with G,l. Joes and G.I. Jane!l' nnd government workers oenrchlng for 0 cool bree2:e. Wn!Jhlngton ill more The cui Is the traditional costume for women In I.odla. It Is a one-piece garment, reaDy just a lour pencetul, but otlll jammed.

~ngth of cloth, reaching from waist to :~nkles and fastened with a drawst'!lnC· It ls six to- nine yards In Adding to the cnwh ore the Tru­length and bas nelther hooks nor eyes, but may be elaborately embroidered. The wearer plck!l up the bor· 1 rtum boys who havo

4csccndcd on

der of tbe sari wlth botb ban,!l!l nod, wltb a quick twist of her body, wll\ps ll abou\ torso. v \vll!lblngton ...• They tallloto three --·- · · · • ··--···· ·---· ·-· ·· ~---~---·----------..-- ·- ~-------- cntcgorleo: (1) The M!Doouri boy!l,

Baka Bomb No Lon_gf1r Secret .but Still Suicide .. ~c!::n:O~;~~:t:!l~~~t~o~o:~~·

~ . One of the lAtest secret weapons used b)' the .raps 1n a desperate attempt to stop tbe American advance

westward b the "ban" bomb, Jap wcrd ~or "loot,•• name ,tveu because It b controlle!l b7 a anlcldo 11Uot. Tbtt drawtnrsbm"' how the Daka resembles a "ll71nr l.orpel!o." A snlclc1e pUot controls the craft from the bubble canopy. Rocket!: til tbe bll secUon furnlsb propnlslon. Tbe bomb ltl llltmcbe~ from bomber.

·- ~· ·---Blue Grass Quadruplet Calves

tittle Eve Is the l)r(md mother of (,llladrupteb born on the farm of c. D. Lueas ftear Dyer. Jtr. LltUe Eve ls on\!' 5 and her husbuu1, Adant, I yean old. Both are~ pure hreil Derd'ora stoelc. The: event ot quat'lropleb amo«~r eatUe b llJ unusual as amonr hnmans, or abnut tl\ee lD tveq Ul, ... •arilll •. Photo shows mothtr tlJU1 chUdrea are t1oblr wen.

Come on In, Captivity's ~e! '.

• . ... ,,

• ..

"---=-- •

Keeping Flies Dry .

ftlhel'ntan Lee Slulleuy of Pltts­btlr&h "dunk!" hlf tle.t Ill sWeone ell before lrlarlinr lot !lis favorite stream. The oU keeps 4tT t.fes ~rt: l& b derived from saud and coat tn eombintlUon with bible. The fly wm temaln dt7for & lonr pmiod.


Shoots 'Round Curve

. .

juicy poLitical plumo. . . . (l:j) The Pauley boyo from Southern CnUfor­nla-frlenda of former Democratic Trtlauurcr Ed Pauley who've 11U3hed Into town to climb on tho arovy ttnln. They're brnoh urul crude for tho mo:Jt part, have litUo reopect for

l'i.ttc tnxpoyero' money, and nlroody hove thctr eyeu an tho cUdcd dome of tho capitol. . . . 'l'hlrd group oro tho "Battery I{'' men. Theoe ard the World War I veto who oow ccrv1co with Hom Truman 1o 1017 and lOlll. Moot arc oot1!llled '-"lith ll br.icf "bello" and o hond!lbol!:e from their hero. Otbcro cUng to the 'l.·nouaht iron cowo of tho Whlro Hol)!)o, think that their comrodcnhlp with tho new chiat executive Ill o auornntco ot a ooft mwcmmont Job. <

Truman Heyday Trwuan's own aides In tho

\Vbl~ Uonso are sUD b:npresseil by their now svrroundlnp. • • • Some reel that Truman's rlso a:lves them a biiUlk check to nse bh power tor their own ends. , • • One fOUthful ald flu bun brantna: about bavinr 'l'm• man's pollflcal entm!es shad· owed, their wires lapped. • • • Truman. a tl\fOm enemy of wtrc-tappln&' when In the senate, wW probabl: cUp their wtnp won. • . • Mod powerllll man ln the Truman entoura&c ts chnbb7, clrar-smoldnr Drlr. Gen. lbrr7 Vatt~ban, one of tho "Batteey K'' boys, wh6 bunts cons14erablo allvlcc Into bb chld'a esr, but nilW flnda It belor accepted wtlb 1~ ~ quenoy. • • • The hanrers-cn arc alW bavtnr a 8el4 day around the White Honse.

< '



• ' .. ••

~~- • , .,

• • ' -'

:: . c II I ·~· I! c ~!

Cost n fortune? Not at all. You can have it and save money for .a bond too.

You will need 11 baao wblcb I'IUlY ·bo a table tb~ l you lulvo on bond or a cheat at drowcro made by toldn!l tbp mlrror on at an old drem;ar, oleo como llhor« lco!1tbu at lumber ond plywood. A nlmplc box CUI>' board JtJ mpdo to place on th1ll bace. Tho next otcp b to marlt tbo dC!III!n for tho ccalloped fron~ 110 tbo plfwood ruul ®t 1t 11Ut wltb a compano omv or toko 1t to a woodwor)Icr to bo cut with a PllWCl' anw. Paint or nt111n tba ,cupboard, to mbtch th• baoc, and atrctcb fabric ocro::s tbo back to ma11o q colorful boclturound for your

• • • NOTE-Pottom :::It (liveD wso cuttlnil

dlaaram.11 tmd 111~\ratcd dlrcc\lons tor mal<lnc tho boa: cupboard: u1co !ln actual· okc pattern for tho ccoll!!ped front. A l!!:t of matcr!aln 111 Included. To got Pattern 2!14. ncnd 1ll ccnb wltb noma anc1 oddrens dtrc;ct to:


nms. RUTD WYETD BI'EA118 Bcdfor<l llllla Now Yotll

Drawer 18 Enclo~o Ill ccol!l tor Pattern t1o. ::!:1..



BOME otm TO l'tlT t~ Acnr!S at 111-tlll!l or..:l IW o. cf ~It::! <l:l ~s. '!.<> ~otc::'llll t:ll!<!o ollD1. lll r.: •• r.ote (>f mn .. t;::sfll. lt:QUiro ot :1 If, l''t.\BUVflON, W I!Ollo• cortb c1 Blrllabarr, Cclor..ao.

--··- - -~--~·· --,


--~---- - ·=><---~--«--- ~-"'-- ----


~~o .. frgaC~f:R~ ~"v~' ~= Ua&lio Cllllbor.m. ""'""" 17eff7, 141!1e.

Women for Preaident


\'CHtflt ~ .... . . GNP


,. 110. ....

I .. ··-··· .· ·'·'-··· . ··-·· .. ------·-·-·~~~---~~~~~-~~~u=.~~~~~~· .. - - - -- - - ---- -·--·- , .... _ - ··~···· ....... ,


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Page 7: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P


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. ~ ITOB~ ~ FAR: &mo• CtOy ., ~ 1f.I"WUa setUell P • brm ba MJs..

to~ wliere H~mer w-• llora. • Sllll4AY ~~~~ cllllnlll. C:OJial!U1 foi\,dlnaer, and lker WaiJIIIq, 'l'M c:,q11 a«ende4 tho O~aha Elrllosllfoll, wluo ~omer ~ ~ ftrsC ta1te of tho outslllo. Ho llllllbed ·~Jla ~ and ~liJlece, tileR ~"'' to New YorJc Clt,y Co work. After hU motb­tl'a Otatll, Dome' re~ to New York, -.« Ida lrn aovil, .. BOone ICop," pub­$1.,.,.. B' tecelvet 'lfOJIIIJia\ bla rather Wll faUinl and nt!aell llome. BJ• fa· lhr celt Ole Canu. waa a fino

• IOoll after Romer tetllrlltd Co New Yorll llr. Cn17 tie«. R9Dler wu anable to •'"-' lh meraL ------------


• • 'Cl

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.. .

@W.N,V. SE\l.\IICt._ . . '

' . . ••

Don't ad,f111t moving belts.

wtillo oiling, unclogging or odjU!lting movtnu form moehlnory. &rna formoro wore ltillod when trocwn tipped over, bu\, nc:nt to ua.­cbinory, tho eommancnt oecl-


5894 Smaii-Mta~~:ln'IAr<lf

A CHARMINGLY simple night· gown to multo up ln whit.

rayon crepe, uo!na two-inch white embroidered bcadlna to flnlnh tho V·ncck ond for tho ohnulder utrapo. Run narrow pln!I or .bluo slltt or oa\ln ribbon through tho beadlnCJ. SeU matcrlo.l bnndlnno wlU give n more tallorcd effect, if you prefer.

• • • To obtoln complcto p:~ttcrn ond flnllthlng

lnatrw:l!Dilll tor tllo llcodlns Trimmed NIJibi!I0\'/0 IPII\tcm Uo. !l::») GIU:l GmoU, medium and lar(lCI fnclucfcd. c.cnd 10 ccob In colo, your llllmc. oddrc:::~ and tho lUll· tern numb!!J'.

D'Jo to ao um::JUally larao t11!maru! and curnnt t'IDr c:cr.dlUonu. llllchtlY moro tlt]lo 1o n:qulrcd 1n nnma ordon fW' a fen:~ cJ tho moot JlllJnllnl' pDUaro numban>.

Cent! ycur oroct to:

llEWINO CIOCLD taEtull.EtTIOn£ nl~ !loolb \ioUa Silo Cb.lcii~O

E:nt!oto 10 ceo !a for l'a llcm. rzo, ____ _


dcnt!l wcro coll%'d by U~~~~1;~·1 tho atorUcd hon:o or tho bull ~-~------------:~ everyone thought woo w.mo.

Motor \."IPWclo occldcnt!l not aol!U­clotcd with form t'lorlt toolt tho Uvea ()f 3,'100 rural people.

Tho woe!! commcncma July aa hall been dc.aignatcd by Prc!lldcnt Truman oo NoUcnol Form &lfoty v;cck .

Hunt Stnrted for · Meatier Marltet Fowl

MoJor poultey oo=oclaUnno, ltey pcultrnnco and U.S.D.A. opcclnl- -· l.:lt!l bovo unrlcrtoltcn on Oll!liGD­mcnt from tho A 1!1 P D'<lOO otorCB w dto<:J up op.:cllleat!Oll!l fM an WoaJ mcoHypo bird and to oupcr· vine dlntributlon llf ClJ,!lOO 1n award!! which tho company hllD po:Jtcd.

Tho comm!ttco, hcodcti by D. D. Slade, ccerot!ley, Intcmot!anaJ Baby ehlclt ~Jotlon. h:~llavc!l tho pro­grom will ceyotolllio tblnltln[l cmnns poulley brccdcro and hott'b­eeymen on o cb!clten t71tb on obun­danco of "corvinaa." A brood. brcqptcd chlclicn would mean moro tcnnnmicol crowth, moro moot per p'llun!l of feed conoumcd, and moro proflt.o to pwltzymcn. A prlzo d $:l,COO will ho alvrn to the voultry­mon brccdln!: tho bent bird at tho e'l:l.d of thrco yooro. Annuol pros· rc::.:~ owordo t7ill wtol $3,00!1.

Water for Chickens In order that fresh water may

' . •• •

be provf:!td for tho clll~ lind tfJ kept c;!e:m, tbo COV• et ~ l!l tbls Wtt!tratloo tg rec­ommccded. It may flc Q!led wUb water fJasb:l or come form or automat!c watell' fotmt.

--You CAN relieve


• 80.(1~ of uttl c!:=e:l dlalccl fO. pcvc::..-~ &r'.n c:-.!1 10 doyl UODICO!ll wltb WIDTOrlD Ia lopurlal, ulo~P a: tat

SDRETONE trJill t11l:S-&NHII" w.a If \Itt ,_1 r•

-- ----·--

*************** Saoll. UMd. :Jail fJJ'L ]I& }iL;/tliJtq, }IWitL

*************** --------------=-=-=

. ' • ..

I .


Page 8: i ~ ~---- ~ I~ I• I -~archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · alruaflou well io hand. CpL Rebert T. ... [nformfttion Centm m each eoun- come1 work wUI healn at 1 P

I ' l I( r I


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' . '



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. (i l-

)1'··· ,'

• ' •• i.r ;

• •••

• • 0

n..,.,,:ll ... : •• Have a Coke

. .-. '

'· . "'.

PP!Ets.ONALS. .. ,; .,.,_,~ .. !· t"- ...... '

Mr. Wade L.ane underwent ~n ~>peration at the Turner hoapl~l l~at Monday .. Her !ather, .Mr. John une of Lake Arthur~ wbo was here for the opetatioo baa re~ turned bom(l,

Mrs. Hazel C. Bayea has ac cepted a position ln Lb~ Tr1ple A. office replacmg M.1ea Jean Norris who is going to State College. Mia$ JoanN her

uu!,r!l will go ~o StatE~. Oollege alao. Her posiLton

1•..,-iill be filled by u niece of M ta. Jnmes Smith.

WANTED- H.W. Walker

,. .,. ' .I ,, ' •

. 9. j I I . I I

lHf TITSWORTH (~.,_IN( • We have in.stock


Druga~ Medicines

Forks • Hoes and Rakes


Arsenate oC Lcod

Ridge 'Roll

..• refreshment time for ~he yorttzger set Wherever the nanu j;C:IO wccdu:r. tho word» """" tJ Ccka play a

bin pan in the (un. Wbctbcr il'a ~rvcd (rom the flUllily rc(rlgcrawc

or from ft budu:t , of leu down ftl thQ pier, Coca-Coll\ drnwa t

Fun ::\tuoton, N.M. wants to get ••• in tuU?h whb 1'bvo. L. Smith, 0-667112, a discharged veteran,

PfDl! Fittings

Pump Leathers

Eaves Troughs

Oils. GreasE's

Stock Salt

Sash Do()rs·

> • Boots and Shoes

Ladies'· Ready-to-W ear Garments

" tv 1 Coca-Cola on blllld· amilo from everyone . .-.ceo ll aupp o


&iAO!'IOI..tA ('0(' '0. A IIOT'J'LJNO CO~U'~NY l'oca·<"uln llulldlnu dl Bl•d. Ill Ulrcb, El laco, Ttnrno

Carrizozo Auto Company • •






CARRIZOZO t1ARDWARf {O. Floor Lamps. Table Lamps fancy dishes and no_velt'ie.s suit-

able for gifts Headquarters for Fine l•'urnit ure, Hugs, S1oveo, Paint, Vnrnil'h, Kcmlf,re ond Hunch ~upplies, Such an Wirr Fenw ~t and Tools.

Phone 96 .. • - Carrizozo, N. M. -- ' - ..

...... -ROLL.AND'S


IN cbo!B ng •lUr mcdirineg wo have been careiul to Rt'lecl tboae com;lounded by the greatc• t

ebamtuf11 in the Wtitld Thev · bnv-e­built up their repu tati, n bt'c.nune

thev ttre reliab!c. -------------~~--,.

Magazineo, Cundy,. CigArs

t Prescriptions Carefully

Compounded "


~olland' s Drug Store

'nll.fKY lie CHII.llN£ Gtf DIG . SOFMNER BlOWN (A!JSUY ~£ WM BONPS ANP C/!Yff)I#Gfl THl PO~ tMJPS THlfWlN!.''

-- ~-~- --------•

SEE US I•' or Your .I ob Worlt



GEORGE S. fJENSON Prmdtqi--Jiardlnp ('gllfOt

Staftg . .A rltaDIPI

Paying Parliament How would you hltc to be clPctcd

to the board of uovcrnoro of tho flnl'ot t·ountry club you ever cow? Unlco!l you ore on cltccpUonal pcr­oon, you <·on'L utford ouch a job. It ll!li'O a lot of t1mo and thcro'o nu oalary ccnnccwd with it. Hclplna to

in order to exchange with biro a uoholt snorter" $1 00 bill whh onmeo nod recorda uf bombing mi~aions over Germany.

Mro. Sid Gold& ton was ~~re r om Ro:Jwcll thio week.

Mrs. D S. Elliott, and grand· daughter, Sherrie Ann, aro 9pend ing the week in El Pao() with her daugbtQr, Mro. R C. Stinnett •

Mr and Mro. Walter leona d nnd chfuiren have moved iutb tht Hudopcth hauoe next door t judgE>a home. --·They.: ung reoplc of the· D •P

:o;undoy ochoot who went to ~bt \ltulzano Mountnino to upend a few dnyn at the Bnptiat intermed tnto cn'mp ret urnot1 homo Y<'oter. doy, nfter on c tjo:, able Ol'ooion at tho aummor camp The pantor, Mr. Old hom ond \'. ife l'>Cc< D ~~ • them.


bo:;!l a lovely palaeo in the mlddlo of a bla pluycrount'l . lo tun <1 Mr J. R. Jenltino wos in Hot

, lmacmoJ but il'o an cxpcnnlvo poo- Sprinoa for ccveral doyo tbio wet: It t.lmc. o Pcup\o who hobi\ z:;ucb opu\!J \o en-

joy their oporo Umo oro in tho flnan- Mrs . .1. R. Jonkino t?M qUite ill ciol upvcr brodtcto. If they worl: at all, \hoy t!o Uunco they enjoy do- for tlt:Vcral GO.Hl lnat ~ eelt Ina, or pcrhov:J they do o. tow joiJ:J 'ho!lmly cleo c-on do Oil well. fl1Kh \'ieol\hy pc!lp!o oro usually compe­tent but tlwy c•nac~co othc-ro to handle Uu:lr routrno wor!t. Thm 11"1c;urcly clor:!l ID crowinfl otead1!y omaUcr, but It r,ulJ Clll'll!J.

Worll Well Dono A rwb ct>Uil\ry club In pruvcrbial-

ly \";c II mono cl.'d It dm:-o not r;N d to ccorwmizc or.d cut corncro, but U\ot · n unly part of tho otory. It m aovcrr.ctl by m<'h uf oincru!or obillly Wllh op:lfo Utnc, who ltlw their club nnd \o\\t' J}I'I'Conal lnlcrf'ut ln; tl. They hovo n9 better mlm!n than

I men who lmallo for buDlnc.:::J and usc their wiV{'!l for okno'ilroilh{•rn, but cxccllcnco thriven on calm ~(,·hbt>r· atlon.

By tlu~ woy, Mrn. Uorry S. Tru man u:JCd to cl'rvc her bunbar.d on r:ccretnry \'lhrn ~~~ Wa!l r.l:'notm· frorn Mi!:::nuu. 'I'he Prc:;!dcnt lo!1 1t him· edt to Uw prcc!l nhi!e he wo!l tltr>· CU!J:JinG tho proiftJ!laJ to ollaw oddt· U~>no.l ('Xpcn::c pay to rcprcccnt· otiH!l. Il t:;uuld he hard ttl find o!rcmcer tc.'limcny that mii:mbero of tho ~nUJrQr.3 of U:o Unit<'d Staten ncc:i totter cumper.!lotfnn fr;r tho ...-.-orh tl1cy cl!>.

No Time to 'Ihmlt In ovcry ptat>nieol !lfl'l!:C, mom·

he>ro af Concrc::;g hove ht?on otl'etcd ln the ~otd 'llf C>~vernnrs of the t:;nr!:l'o aranu"nt eountry - nat o cmm~ry rtot. •nu:y reprcccnt imJ>Ilr­tant ccanKntn of Jln;p!c wito hove dw.::cn them to hc>lp t;::;:;1 <not a p!ayr;rmmJl U:e moJt milucntiol pn.vt>r under thC> nhininn nun, and, until early lont June, they (.!ot SlO,wil o :vllnr - tho p::~y of a junlo:r CltPCUtiVO. ,

On0 of Alllerit'o 'o uallc:Jt hobll!l in eritlC'iz1na Conarcsg for cborteom­incg tho t r(•uun directly from b~inn porly paid. No one mon con atudy oU tho profound is;;uco eoncrr-ct!lliltm munt vot<> on, or.d no $10,000 mon con ol1otd to pay Cl!Jlcrt9 to diam:t thom. O~ten connrc::!llllt>n ur:o pro. eloun hauro doinc chorco for p~opto bndt homo bccow:o tho:; can't of· fotd cnounb crunjl~tcnt on::int::mtn.

A Goc:llUan•s .Job tJony cololl!:l lnbor intomporotol$.

ltop. Douahtun, wb~> in p::d 01, ril:c!J r¢au1o.fly ot n:M. u.m •• und atortn llh l2•hour dey nt O:so: th.b nft~:r Si ;yonto in tho noun;: nn!l 14 . thoirmon of ttm Woyo & . C:<lm:Mittcc. Wllot C10~,0UO . ~r lmtuJtrv ~lmm:'llG ba t.\wth root<l ~ bls r.rrm them Vouch ton is 1.o lib

. melt& ord .m.\Uonll illri~!l'lit'Oil tocbtn4 tnrn uto. t~tJ4llnM. ~!(;¢t:~ In l'J:l$1'. .

l'lu!ll \<'0 r:c~.>l rk., men to Ccn• l!i:Ct~. bceouso tMr mtn lack 1\.!~f ·

. to iln:lni!~ t!-;o tob, <lt ccm.•t nl.'t~1d m rnalrtt\:ifu an t!ttta t<:mo- Jn wi:!ultlJY Wo!:Jlo.!ngtont Da wa wnt~ i~eort~iio· ·

. tt:~t!! on Co.i).itelt mu wro t'ltoy Ute:~

Mro. Felix RomC!y ond "t'biJdrN• nre {.(Uf'Otn of M ra. Choo. Hor:g1J1

and Mmeo. Mnt.thcwo and Mc,ore lor a doy or two.

-- -·---





) ··,..·

· J;etause tltc>y cout<J .. novcr col:!\ ·$tl . tJ ~ muth t~ilf\';tjcro etso?' "n1o «M\'!Jc~ !•

~· ......... , . .·_ ,., .~~ . ~.nMu « cuatc~; Amcd~:il ~nn mtcU. '" , ,., • ,,:,til' best, Tl;m <:c~l1Atu!ate ycttt

-...= ..

. I '

Our Prices Are Reasonable . '

The .Titsworth Company, Inc. ' Capitan, N. M.

WE riow have for SALE









LJncoln County rlotors




Phillips Products Phone 55

Winter is Coming Again

The mines at this time advise the early storing of coal again f«?r tbeseoming winter. We are forttt· nate in having mine connf;!ctions which were aple · fast season .. - by our storing coal thru the summer-" ·

' . to t;:lke care of our demands. But the mine.s can not

• . '

oiler any better $ervice this coming season. So- if· you are depending upon coal ns a fuel, the mines advise t<t. stote a! much as you can thtu the summer montb~. .. . . '-

. This is the only assurance ot not beinM out of CCUJ

tbi~ winter. Th~ mines can not supply us if we wait until the 'Winter is upo11 us.

• Ptf?ASI! llfJL~ ME TO HELP YOU. -BY GlVING M& ~oun, O.lf.UER FO~ OOAL NOWt

' . .

t~.I:'l • "' in~.. tti'~l ~OnKtt.!.!'l!l® ll'l thl~ U:Ctclls• told · · "~ •• "' lrHfJ;. · .. · <tOO:t lttlllm Wlit to'IJ:tJ.talor Ust

l 'I llldtftlit :.,,. ·. >Burton Fuel Yard

~ ' ~

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