
I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

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Page 1: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


Page 2: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots



When the Young Lords Party began in July of 1969, we were the New York State Chapter of the Young Lords Organization (YLO). The YLO had its National Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots Organization, a poor white progressive group. The main purpose of the Coalition was to show our people how racism keeps us divided, and how we have· to work together to defeat the u.s. enemy. From the beginning we were tight with the Black Panther Party, sponsoring rallies and free clothing drives together, coming to each other's aid in times of stress, and informing our communities of the work the other Party was doing. This spirit of revolutionary solidarity continued to strengthen even after we split from Chicago in May, 1970, to form the Young Lords Party.

Today, we are joined even closer with our sisters and brothers in the Black Panther Party. The Young Lords Party recognizes that Black people have been and are the most oppressed group of people in amerikkka. As such, Black people will lead, the revolution, in the u.s., and the Black Panther Party is at the head of the Bleck peopls's struggle. Today, all of the yanqui', forces are being directed at crushing the People's Freedom Movements eround the world and in their own country. To withstand th is enemy, to defeat this enemy, we must stand more closely united then at any other time. Puerto Ricans'must realize that our fight is the fight of the Laotians, of the Vietnamese, of the Cubans, of the Brazilians, of the Guineans. of the Netive American (Indian), and of Black people living in the u.s.

The best way we can suceed in keeping our peoples united is by having steady, correct criticism and salf-criticism with each other. When we see our brother or sister messing up, we must pull them aside and talk about it. This is criticism, and it must be done at once, on the spot, and all the time. Whan we mess up, we must criticize oursalves to our sisters and brothers, and correct our mistakes, at once. This is the best way to keep dlflerances of opinion (contradictions). ernong our people at a friendly levil lnon-antagonistic).

Many people confuse differenCes of opinion ernong our people with differences of opinion ~ our people and the. anemy. With the anerny, differences of opinion are not friendly, but' agressive (antagonistic). The Young Lords Party .is saying this at this time

I because many people are trying to 911_ what is happening insidl the Bleck Panther Party, That is none of our business. That is the butiness of the news media that is the tool of the IllTierikkkan government. which is trying to divide the revolutionary forces. "Are the Panthers doing this?" "Are the Panthers c:tOmo that?" Later for all that, now is the time to stand by the ·Black Panther Party and its leadership: Minister of Oefense ~uayP. Newton; ChaIrman Bobby Seale; Minister of Information Eldridge Clellver; Cbiej- of Staff Devld Hilliard; . Field Mar~' Oon Cox;: Minister bf &ducation RaYmond u~:~


Hewitt; Communications Secretary Kathleen Cleaver; and Minister of Culture Emory

Douglas. We want our people to know that in thl

white radical movernant there are meny people who never criticized the Panthers, but shut up out of their own guilt and racism.We want our people to know that now these white radicals are talking about the Bleck Panther Party as though it were some kind of "experiment" and ~ the "experiment"has failed. Wban you criticize, it's done because you want to unite the forces; after the criticism, we corne out united egain. Tbis is . "unity, criticism, unity." •

But these people have bean"qliiet for over . four and a half years, and now thty talking. NoW they are predicting dooIn for the Panthers, instead of supporting them, Some ere evan saying thet a Black Revolutionary Party has bean provan to be a wrong idea, that having Bleck. p80pIe in the leadership of the arnerikkkan revolution was a Wrong idea, and now they are saying we must form parties that include whites in the leadership. These are'tha same people ~ said nothing wfIen Fred Hampton was murdered, .and did nothing in the face of more Pentfler repression.

This can only be said by opporturrists and racists. We condemn such talk, because these . people did nothing to cleseNe the right to speak. Black people will lead in arnerik~ka; whites must prove themselves.

RavolutiOnary ~ will alw8y$ be going through changes. Whan the Young Lords Pa~ goes tbrougi) changes, we don~t want ~<telking about Ut as if We're dead, wa _." ... toste us 1hrotigtIthPse

changes. All Power to the Black Panther Party.



Cuando II Partido de los You", Lords 51

urqanwf an II I'II8lt .. julio de r969, eremos un cepltulo de Ia Organizacldn de los Young Lords. La O;g.nizactJo de los Young Lords tent. IV Oficina Nacional en Chicago, II sitio donde se organiz41a CoalicJn del Arco Iris (Rainbow Coalition) .• La CoaIici&n del Arco Ins,(Rainbow Coalition) era una un~n de los Young Lords, Las Penteras y el Partido de Jovenes Patriotas, una agrupaci4n pobre de progresistas blancos. La·, meta principal de la CoaIici&n era demostrarle a nuestro pueblo comoel racismo nos habia dividido y que tenfarnos que trebajar, juntos para derrotar .... anemigO, I.U.

Desde II princiPio trabajamos muy unidos a las. Panteras Negras, heciendo mftines juntos y reparticloMs de ropa, ayundlndonos mutuamente an mornantos ditfc:iles e inf~ole a rwestra comunidad la IajJor desarroIlada pgr ambos Partidos. Esta espfritu de soli/faridad 'revolucionaria continul creelendo alfn desputs de nuestro rornpimielJto con Chicagb en mayo de 1970 •. que fue,:wando organRernos el Partido de los


Page 3: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots



Hoy; estamos aun mas unidos a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de las Panteras Negras. ,EI Partido de los Young Lords reconoce que la raza Negra ha sido y contintfa siendo la m" oprimida en amerikkka. Como tal, la raza Negra dirigirlla revoluci6n en los e.u., y el Partido de las Panteras Negras estlal frente de la lucha que sostiene la rua Negra. Hoy todas las fuerzas de los ¥anquis estdn siendo dirigidas 'hacia la destrucciSn total de los movimientos de liberacicfn de los pueblos oprimidos del mundo fuera y dentro de yanquilandia. Para hacer frente 8' este enemigo, para derrotar este enemigodebemos estar mas unidas que nunca. EI pueblo Puertorriqueno debe comprender que nuestra lucha es la lucha del pueblo de Laos, de los Vietnamitas, de los Cubanos, de los Brazile'iH, del pueblo de Nueva Guinea, de los Americanos Nativos (Indios Americanos), "'( del puilblQ Negro que habita en los e.u. '

La mejor fOrma de mantener a nuestra gente unida es teniendo sesiOnes, constantes y correctes de crftica y auto-crftica.Si vemos a un, hermano 0 hermana en algo incorrecto .. nuestro deber lIamarlos a' un !ado y diSCIJtirio. Esto se llama c,(tica y hay que hacerIo ensequida, at moneflto, Y cuantas v,. .. -m. CUando cometemOSIlft errOr debemos auto-criticarnos ante nuestfos hermanos y hermanas, y debemos corregir nuestros errores. Es Ia mejor forma de mantener nuestras diferencias (contradiccione4f en un Rivel arnigable 0

fraternal. 'Muchas personas confunden las

diferencias de opiniolles entre nuestra gente con diferencias de opiniones entre ~ra gente y eI enemigo. Con el enemigo las diferencias de opini6n no son am igllbles sino

agresivas (antagonisticas). EI Partido de los Young Lords hace estas declaraciones en este preciso momento porque muchas personas estln tratando de adivinar 10 que es~ sucediendo dentro del Partido de las Panteras Negras. Eso no debe preocuparnos. Eso a quien debe interesarle es a la prensa amarilla' que es el alicate usado por el gobierno amerikkkano en su empeWo de dividir las fuerzas revolucionarias. "Estln las P.anteras Negras haciendo esto?" "Estln las Panteras Negras haciendtJt lootro?" AI infierno con todo 850, ahora es cuando mas debemos estar junto a las Panteras Negras y su liderato: Ministro de Defense Huey P. Newton; Coordinador Bobby Seale; Ministro de I n f 0 rmacitn Eldridge Cleaver; Jete de

• Personal David Hilliard; Mariscal de Campo Don Cox; Ministro de Educacic!n Raymond "Masai" Hewi,tt; Secretaria de Comunicaciones Kathleen Cleaver; y Ministro de Cultura Emory Douglas.

Queremos que nuestra gente sepa que en el movimiento radical blanco hay muchas personas que nunca criticaron a las Panteras Negras, 'su complejo de culpa y su racismo las mantuvo calladas.

~~,~_;W bIIlt\cos ~ ~cre .. >, , ~egras como un "experimento" , efIOra el "experimento" ha fracasado. Cuando uno critica 10 hace con el ~sito de unir las fuerzas, despuls de la crftica quedamos de nuevo unidos. Esta es Ia crftica que une, "unidad." ,

Pero . esta gente ha permanecido callada por cuatro ailos y medio. y ahora hablan. Ahora estln pr~' Ia destrucciSn de las' Panteras en vaz. respaldarlos. Algunos se atreven decir que no fue una buena idea organIZar un partido revolucionario Nllllro

que tener lideres Negros en la revoluclOn amerikkkana no fue una buena idea, y ademS! ya esdn hablando de organizar partidos que incluyan gents blanca en elliderato. Estos son los mismos que no dijeron nada cuando Fred Hampton fue asesinado y no hicieron nada ante la contfnua represi&t contra las Panteras.

Esto, solo pueden decirlo racistas ~ y r oportunistas. Nosotros condenamos estos "habladores" que no -han hecho nada para merecerse eI derecho de hablar. La razaNegra . tendrl eI liderato en amerikkka; los blancos tienen que probarse a si mismos.

Los, Pa.-tidos Revolicionarios siempre pasarln por cambios. Cuando eI Partido de los Young Lords pase por distintos cambios no queremos que la -genie hable de nosotros como si estuvilsemos m'!ertos, qUl'emos que nuestra gente nos vea a traves de esos cambios.

T odo el Poder al Partido de las Panteras Negras.


: • I ~

Page 4: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


When ponce de leon first landed in Puerto Rico on AugIISt 12, 1508, he tricked a Taino cacique,Agueybana the Elder, into thinking ..... a frieJId. By 1510, AIJU8'ibana'.s nephew WjIS .in rebel:lion apinst ~ything tpanish. What had happened?

What happened _ that ponce de leon

was the spearhead 'for the spanish colonization, enslavement, of Puerto Rico. When he returned to the island in Marin, 1509, after going to the Dominican Republic (spain's l1eadquarters in the "'new world'" for more qrders, h4i brought African sm. for his houlehold. govarnor de leon' brought franciscan friars in to "teach I]IIigion" t to the T ainos. This ,follows the classical pattern , used by -*" conquerors - first, the "discoverer", then, the colonizer, then the priest. The plan is to get the "natives" so flung up on religion that they're too busy singing to l1I8Iin they live in chains. Drugs .were used in a similar way to bust up the gangs in the u.s.

Despite the fact that the Indians had been IIb1t tI) survive Tor 1housands of years Without spanish help. it was "obvious" to the racist: conquerors thet the T aioos needed help. A type of welfare system called the encomienda was started. Under. this plot, anyWhere from 30 to 300 Indians headed by a cacique were given to each spanish colonizer. The colonizer put them to work the minas or elsewhere. The cacique was used as luis a. ferre, govfll1'\or of PUerto Rico, is used today - a mtddleman to. the boss. The, generous ~niards taught the Indians Catholicism and spanish culture, as payment for their services. Part of the spanish ' CIllture meant thanhe I ndians.had to cover their bodies, as though it were somethill9 to be ashamed of. Throughout history, westem culture hIIS' always dORe this, and shown itself 10 Third World (people of colorl People for whet it really .is - sick. The good 01' ac:omienda weHIa-v of the Indians.

The Indians, ....... of their 1J1IIOt. guns. cattle and pigs. M ",~, "'\~.'~ ",,~, (~",1'I!VIb

helped along by the spanish who taught religion:"We are the children of God .. You~:'l. After Agueybana the Elder's death, his nephew, Agueybana II, had more. influence on the Tainos. ponce de leon had given Agueybana II alK! his people to a rapist na~ sotomayor, a cruel sub-human being. Only the lie of the spaniards' immortality prevented a revolt.

Urayoan was an old cacique who had seen many things pass, and as far as he could tell, these spanish trespassers were not Gods. In November, 1510, a spaniard, diego saliedo, asked Urayoan for some brothers to carry him and his bags across the Guaorabo River (check that outl. The Taino brothers, like good boys, carried him and when they got to midstream, dropped him. They held poor diego under for several hours, then carriiKI him ashore. Next they sat and watched. According to the stories the spaniards had told, their God was dead three days, and then came back to life. Since they were children of God, 'made in God's image and likeness, the spanish reasoned, why. they could do it too. After three days, diego refused to come back to life, and his stinking, decaying body _ dragged 1Jack to Urayoan for inspection.

The spaniards sure as hell were not Gods. Sometimes"it saems as though we will have to carry a politician like the mayor or the president across the river to show people, what we mean, that. the enemy also sleeps.

Agueybana and other caciques went to war. spaniards caught on isolated plantations were killed. On a major assault against ponce • de leon, Agueybana was killed, and the I~ were in di~rder (that is why today we can't have only one strOllf 18ader. We must ~ become Ieadars). de leon offered ~ to the Indians. Two traitors aacepted, one of them .... tlIII118d caguax. who was.tiMn the I8gion ROW called Caeuat. The .. T1IitIos either ..... to the mourdIias.Or JOWIId 10

neighboring islands. Those who had been captured, killed their children and committed suicide, rather than serve a spanish beast. De leon asked king ferdinand for help to run the mines. He could not understand What was

wrong with these Indians, as he sent his troops out to deal with the Indians who were still fighting in the hills. He left to find the fountain of youth. The facts we have today about how many Ipdians survived the brutality of the spanish varies so widely that we cannot say exactly how many there were. Most I ndians did refuse to work for spani..-ds.

J'Ian~ ownws ~ because they Iiad nO .iidians. noUven one for ~

In 1611, a Dominican friar told governor diego columbus (son of chris) of the Dominican Republic, that he had sinned for persecuting the Indians. In 1$12, the Dominican friars prassured the king f~ reforms, until a principle of freedom for the'_ Indians _ established - colonizars had to reduce the working hours. cere for sick Indians, and baptize them. At least one Indian had to be taught to read and write. Marr~ Indian _ did not have to work in the mines, and children under 14 did not have to do herd labor.

Bacause the order came all the way from spain, a great distance aw8v, it was hardly followed.

Once the gold mines stOPped tuming profits, the colonizers turned to agriculture to support the economy. As a boost to the aconomy, African sieves were brought in. This was around 1519. As payback for being made slavas, the Africans carried smallpox they picked up from the whites on the ship to the spanish, who died like flies in a massive epidemic.

The next few years saw Carib Indians attack' San German, killing five friars and row into San Juan Bay under cannon to atl!lck a nearby town (guerrilla warriors). The french also· attacked San German,' sacking and burnill9 it. In 1530, the ,gold mines were practically dry. A series of storms hit the island, and colonizers who had morgaged their crops to buy African slaves went broke. So manYP80P1e wanted to leave Puerto Rico, the governor made it a _ious crime, Severe punishments, like the cutting Q.ff of a leg, was given to anyone caught trying to lave.

Desperate for an economy, the colonizers turned to .... With the good weather and

~~.::~~= ,;:"i ·.c' , ;iJ.~j01

Page 5: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


BORIKEN and miners, became II new class of landholders. Shopkeepers and artisans prospered in San Juan. charles Vended slavery for I ndians. A Nation had been destroyed in 50 years.

In 1521, emperor charles V ordered the freedom of all Indians except those owned by people who lived on the island who were, not members of the crown. This could be done easily now that the Africans were working. All 600 Indians, who were still living as slaves, we,." rounded up and sent to Toa, a royal farm. This is what the u.s. does in Vietnam. It rounds up Vietnamese people from different towns where it believes the NLF has support twhich is just about every town) and places them in a specially created "town", 'really a concentration camp. It is called the "strategic ;hamlet," or "pacified village." Also that year, the island's name changed from San Juan to .puerto Rico, and the city that had been called 'Puerto' Rico was changed to San Juan. bautista spanish thinking.

In 1521, ponce de leon, looking for the fountain of youth, was killed by the Tainos' Indians comrades in Florida. 1521 was a good year.

Prosperity was short-lived. Other islands ;n the Antilles, properties of powers besides 1jJain. developed better ways of sugar Droduction, taking away Puerto Rico's markets. Slave trade diminished and pirate attacks cut dowo on shipping.

England Was becoming the power of the -. lInd,siJain tunied 'Puerto ,RicO into a military fortress (as the u.s. u_ it today). EI .... orro was completed, and annual aid came 'from the Mexican treasury (another spanish property). Although sir francis dr~e of england was defeated at EI Morro, george clifford took San Juan in 1598. However, the "invisible weapons of the tropics" (disease), drove them away. TI.1e tluJch sacked and burned San Juan in 1625, but it remained a spanish ~on.



Pablo ''Voruba'' Guzman Minister of Information YOUNG LORD~ PARTY

Cuando ponce de JJn 1Jegc/ par primera vez a Puerto Rico el 12 de agosto de 1508, engaiic{ al Cacique Tarno, Agueybana el.Viejo, haci/ndole creer que era un amigo. Para 1510 eI sobrino de Agueybana estaba rebel&'dose contra cualquier cosa espa1iola. aul habfa sucedido?

Lo que pBsl ful que ponce de lecfn era la avanzada de la colonizaciSn y esclavitud de Puerto Rico por los espail'oles. C'uando.eI regrescf a la isla en marzo de 1509, despuls de ir a la R~blica Dominicana (el cuartel de espall'a en al "nuevo mundo") para obtener mas &rdenes, el comprl esclevos Africanos para su casa. EI gobemador de lecfn trajo monjes franciscanos para "ensellar religidn" a los Tarnos. Este es el plan cltsico de lo§ conquistadores de oeste - primero el "descubridor"; luego el colonizador; luego el cura. EI plan es meterles tanta religitn a los nativos que esufn demasiado ocupados en cantar para darse cuenta de que vlVen encadenados. Las drogas fueron usadas de manera parecida para acabar con las gangas en lose.u. .

A pesar del hecho de que los Indios hebian podido sabrevivir durante miles de aOos sin ayuda espal'l"ola, era muy "obvio" para estos conqu istadores racistas que los

, Tarnos necesilaban ayuda. SIlempezJun tiDO de 'sistema de welfare lIamado encomienda. Segd'n este complot a cada coIonizador espa'/iol Ie daban de 30 a 300 Indios enc:r:ts- por un "QjlCiqu, ,~p,EI co~,. los " :8 'trabe;ar'...... las' miRai 0 11ft, a/gUn otro litio. 1:1 gobemadOr era usado de la misma nuinera qUe ahora as usado luis 8. ferre, gebemador de Puerto Rico, como eI capataz del patnfn. Los generosos espaWolas enseft'aron a los Indios el catolicismo y II! cultura espai'I"ola, como pago por sus servicios. Parte de la cultura ge los espaiioles signiticaba que los l'ndios ten," que cubrir sus cuerpos, como si fuera alga de que avergonzarse. A travis de la historia, la cultura occidental siempre he hecho esto, presenu:mtose ante los 'pueblos del Tercer Mundo (la gente de color) como 10 que es realmente - una anf@rmedad. La "buena" encomienda signific& la lisclavitud de los Indios.

A causa de las armaduras, armas de fuego, caballos, ganado y puereos de los espalfoles, los Indios creyeron que &ran dioses bIancos (un mito que los espai'i'oles ayuderon a crear aI ensenar religiJn, "Nosotros somos los hijos de Dios. Ustedes. .. "). Despuls de la muerte de Agueybana eI Viejo, su sabrino Agueybana II two mas infIuencia sabre los T amos. oonce 'de JeJn habia dado a Agueybana II y a su gente a un ultrajador lIamado sotomay~r, un ser cruel e inhumano. SoIamente la mentlra de la immortalidad espanola evita' una revuelta.

Urey04n era un viejo cacique que habfa vista muchas cosas, y en cuanto a 'I Ie tocaba estos invasoras espailoles no eran dioses. En noviembre de 1510 un espa1\ol, diego de salcedo, Ie pidicf a Urayo/n uno< hermanos para que Ie ayudaran a cergarle a '" y a su

equipaje a traves del r~ (miren que guapo!). Los barmanos Tamos, como buenOf muchachos, 1,0 cargaron y aI llegar a 18 mitad del rio, 10 dejaron caar. Mantuvieron al pobre de diego b8jo el agua por varias tiaras, luego 10 lIev&ron a Ia pl8J8. Entonces sa sentaron y obsarvaron. Seg\ln los ~ cuentos que los

espaJO/es COI)taban. iii dios '""* muarto

durante tres d" y luego habfa revivido. Como. ellos &ran hijos de Dios; ,razonaban los espaiI'oles, puef ellos 1/IITIbien 10 P<!"'n hacer. Despuls de tres d(as diego rehuso volver a la vida y su cuerpo apestoso y podrido tue arrastrado hasta Urayoln para ,que 10 inspeccionara. '

Desde luego, los espilfiolitos no eran dioses ni nada parecido. A veces' parece que tendremos que lIevar a un politico como eI mayor 0 el presidente al rio p8!'a ense1\arle a Ia gente que el enemigo tarnbiert estire Ia,pat&.

Agueybana y otos caciques fuaron a la' guerra. Los espaOoles que fueron sorprendidos

an plantaciones aisladaS fu8l'O!' mat.adCJS. ~n un ataque masivo corltnI J)OIlClt, de' ~ Agueybana ,fue matado y los Indios quedaron en desorden (es por esc que hay no podernos tener un buen li&er nada mas. T~ ~os ser lideresl. de leOn ofreci<f amnlStla a /os Indios. Dos traidores aceptaron, uno lIamado caguax, fue dado la regi&n 'l>'8 ahoi'a lIamamos Caguas. Los otros Talnos 0 se fueron a las monta1'ias 0 remando a otras isles. Los que fueron capturados mataron a sus hijos y se suicidaron antes que servir a la bestia espa'iiola. de leOn Ie pidi! ayuda aI rev: fernando para explotarlas minas.EI no podfa comprender que Ies pesaba a los Indios, y mando a sus tropas iJ luchar contra los Indios, que todavia combat1'an en las montanas. EI se ful para buscar la fuente de la juventud. los datos que hoy tenemos sabre Ia cantidad de Indios que sobrevivieron la brutalidad de los espailoles varfa tanto que, no podemos decir exactamente cuant<fquedaron. La mayorfa de los Indios se negaron a trabajar para /os espa;;oles. Los dueI\'os de I~ plantaciones pro~Arn" porque no, tanTan Indios, ni siquiera para limpiar sus ~.

En 1511 un fraile dominico Ie dijo aI gobernador diego coIcfn (hijito de crlstobalito) de la Rap6blica Dominicana que 'at habnt pecado por persiguir a los Indios. en 1512 los _ frailes dominicos presionaron aI rey par reformas hasta que se astableci&' un principia de libert:m para los Indios. Los coIonizadores ten," que reducir los hc»'as de trabajo" curar a los Indios enfermos y bautizarlos. Por 10, menos un Indio tenia que aprender a tee:. ' escribir. Las mu~ Indies Jl8SIK!.,!! no tenlan que trabajar en /os minas; y los ninos menores de 14 no tenfan que hacer ~jo. duros. ..

Porque la orden _ cIesde asp.- a much. leguas de distancia. casi no se obedeci4.

Page 6: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

En ~. 1969. muc:h05 estudiantes · de I. Universidad de Puerto Rico fueron

goIpeados y encarceIados ctespuls de que fue incendiado el edificio del rotc (cuerpos de entrenamiento de oficiales de reserva) en el campo de la universidad en Rio Piedras.

En .it continente un grupo de estudiantes Puertorriqueiios empez& a buscar una manera de ayudar a nuestrm hermanos y hermanas en

· Ia isla. Ellos 58 reunieron en Lehman College del Bronx y coIectaron dinero y mandaron telegremas aI gobierno colonial y Il la administl aciIn de Ia Universidad de Puerto Rico protest&ildu par Ia ~ "'os eituc.tiantas aIIf. £vantualmante Ie gente de

· ,bitumin II dieron CUlllltllde que mudtas a1cueIea estalIan haciendo to mitmo. pero eI trIbajo. no ..... siendo cOorIfInado. CIIde

', ............... y nacIIe IIIbfa to que. ..... f*MIIo an las otras escueIas. ,

0eIpue _una ... de reunioIses. surgio f ....... ,.. mcMmIento 8ItUdiantit ......... IqueiIQ,Et -imiIltto orpUzarf •• !fOftl' fos fttudiantas . de escueIas y

"Ullil. 1 I.k ....... que alios Iucharan en las IIIIIIIIat y an nuestras comuni'cladel _tra todot 10; problemas que 58 enfrentan todot los 'PuertorriqueiI; ipoy,,(m Ie lucha de todot los ~ del Tercer Mundo (Latinos. Negros Asilticos, Nativos Amaricanos); y ~ par Ia I~ de Puerto Rico. En eI paIIIdo lot II"IIPOS de las ascueIas y de Ie; univarsidade; hatlan astlldo muy separados de Ia gantt. Etta _ ser' difantnte. Los .... iantes hllbt8n aprendido que no II puede separar los problemas astudiantHes de los _ .. obi_a, de. la. comunidad. "Somos

~.~~.4. ~""~ __ ~ :""'""";......- WIllI Ie. vida." .oos dijerop. ,

" .. EI'I diciembre.de 1969, ettOs tuvleron Ilna .~ia de •• en EI Barrio;-£ltp:Upo sa comrif'titf 8ft I. Unkfn de· EstIIdiantiles




.t ' .• _ Pu~ En su primer. accifm," miembros de PRSU sa \lnieron a los Young Lords durante la Liberaci&n de la Iglesia de Ia Gente en la calle 111. (Esta ful la primera VIZ

que tomamos la iglesia en diciembre de 19691. Hab' diez miembros de PRSU entre las 106 personas ari"estadaS despullS de que Iffia gigantesca fuerza paliciaca ociJpd EI Barrio y arrastcf a todos los qUe estaban adentro de la iglesia.

PRSU pronto 58 viJ envueIte en una luella par eI Programa Bilingue en eI Bronx Community College. ··Etta ere un prograrna con eI _'''sup« a I iiente los estudientes • habI. hispana tomaban sus cunos en espaf'IoI y' Ie; daban ct4ditos par eItos. AI milmo tiempo alios tomerfan c ..... para aprender inglis. two Ia adminlstrac-" f'8CiIte de Ia. escueIa decidicf que no dart. crldito. las cIases tNnacIas an aspaifoI.

fiflo; cIij &ron que lot estudiantes ~ que n!pftir Ias' __ an ....... UM de las ~ del prograrna .... tan maI8 que h.6.,. los astudiantas Ie pagaran 6 ___ cede _ que decfan una,peIebra an

espaI\'oI. Para p!!01I8S18r par' aste raciImo y demander par eI control estudientil del programa, PASU, los astudiantas.bifingues, y eI Pertido de lot You"" Lords tomamos tanto eI Bronx Community College como Ie Oficina cia Edui:acidn SIlperior: il Programa BHinsue ha sido ~ dasde entonces eI Lehman College 'f ,. luch. contimta. .

En alwi!. Oswego Col,.. tuvo Ilna

conferencia Uamad& "Puerto Rico: ~ptorit de un Exito." PRSU, MPI, y Ia Alienza Puertorrique'i1a tomaron eI micr&tono y eI _io. EIIo; rompieron los retratos cia terri y mIlnoz marfA y pusieron un retretode OOB Pedro,AIbizu.Campos. £uerIdu .llabtaron II ptlbrrcQ . .allos ltXPIicaronl ,"NoIOtroIIQInOS unaCGI~. no..na histor.-.lxito.': .

, ~ ,J' , ' ',\ -,

En marzo PRSU abricr'una oficina en la calle 138 y empezlf a trabajar en las areas de welfare y de vivienda. La gente de' Ie comunidad ampez,f a vanir' a la oflCin.con regularidad para padir ayuda. En un edificio sa organizd' IIflII hueIga de renta que tuvo "ito y ahora los inquilinos 4nicamente pagan $1 aI mas ~ renta y tienen caIef~ todo eI tiempo. Porque la gente ast4 muy unide ellos y lot estudiantes han podido unirse para evitar que lot pofic"s-de Ia ciudad evicten a Ia

A~" ctelllfllplll'tementos

PRSU 58 encontr,fno solo organizando en Ies _las sino tarnbiJn an Ia comunidad. Junto con YLP y HRUM (Movimiento de Unidad Revolueionaria para la 5aludl. ellos lueharon contra las malas condiciones , lincoln hospital. Durlillte una manifestacion para Ie salud en eI Bronx. 7 miembros y simpatizantes de PRSU fueron arrastados y brutelmante goIpeados.

I In tote vac~ fuc{ convertido en Ia PIazi .sorinqtleila. L. gente vino Y tiabajf/ con PASU para pintar y arregIar eI tote. Ahara 58

usa como luger de .iu":'~ como un Iugar para Ies cI_ de . de Ia comunidad y para manifestaeiolllllS.

En seprli8lilb:e, PRSlI y VLP'OeIeIlIi'aron Ia Conferencia de £stucliantas Puertorrique1l' an Ie UniversIdad de Cotutnbia. Mal de 1,000

asturliantes aslstiaroA y fuerOn CIJPI!CIIS de ctecidir conjuntamente Ie ctIrecci&t del movimiento astudiantll.

"a lin"" de'&tudlehtes p~ ha tenido una ... de -'Mos. y.como todot Ie; organizaciones qua .. dedican • sarvir Y' 9tDteg11r, eUos ~ C81ldrialldu Y . desal~1duse para ser mas fuert!ll.Ettosvan: Ie -"fad de trabajar mas cerca _ otras organizaciones para consoIider _ ramas en

CIIde 8SCIIIfa. Eliot IIIIban que soIamante astencIo unidos y discipllnados podremos nosotros liberer a ooastra Naci6n. T OlIos juntos.


R~ieP_ ". Vice-mjnistro de tnforM~


Page 7: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

IpALANTE In September, 1969, many students at the

. University of Puerto Rico were beaten and jailed after the rotc (reserve officers training corps) building on the Rio Piedras campus was burned down.

On the mainland, a group of Puerto Rican students began to look for a way to help our brothers and sisters on the island. Meeting at Lehman College in the Bronx, they collected money and sent telegrams to the colonial goverment and the administration of the University of Puerto Rico, protesting the persecution of students there. Eventuallly, the people at Lehman realized that many schools were doing the same thing, but the work was not being coordinated - each school was isolated and no one knew what was going on in other schools.

After a series of meetings, the idea of a united Puerto Rican student movement developed. The movement would : organize high school and college students to fight in the schools and in our communities against the problems all Puertorriquenos face; support the struggle of all Third World (Latino, Black, Asian, Native American) people; and struggle for the liberation of Puerto Rico. In the past, high school and college groups had been isolated from their people. This time would be different.

people arrested after a huge police force occupied EI Barrio and arrested everyone inside the church.

PRSU soon became involved in a struggle at Bronx Community College over the Bilingual Program. This was supposed to be a program where spanish-speaking students took their courses in spanish and got credit for them. At the same time they would take classes to learn english. But the prejudiced school administration decided that they weren't going to' give credit for classes taken in spanish. They said that students had to repeat the classeS in english. One teacher in the program was so bad that she made students pay 5 cents every time they spoke a word of spanish. To protest this raciSm and to demand student co'!trOl of the program, PRSU, the Bilingual students, and the Young Lords Party seized both Bronx Community College and the Board of Higher Education. The Bilingual Program has since been switched to Lehman College and the fight continues.

In April, Oswego College had a conference called "Puerto Rico : A Story of Succeu." PRSU, MPI, and 1M Puarto Rican Alliance seized the microphone and the stage. They tore down pictures of ferre and munoz marin and replaced them with a picture of Don

71 been able to unite and stop city marshalls from throwing people out of their apartments.

PRSU found itself working not only in the schools, but also in the community. Along with the Y LP and H RUM (Health Revolutionary Unity Movement), they fought against bad conditions at Lincoln Hospital. At a health rally in the Bronx, 7 members and sympathizers of PRSU were arrested and brutally beaten.

An empty lot was turned into Plaza Borinquena. People came and worked with PRSU to paint and fix up the lot. Now it is used as a playgroUnd as well as a place for community education classes and rallies.

In September, PRSU and the YLP held a Puerto Rican Student Conference. at. Columbia UniverSity. Over 1000 students attended and we were able to decide together on the direction of the student moVement.

On 'October 30th, we marched together with thousands of our sisters and brothers to the UN where we demanded "Liberate Puerto. Rico Nowl"

The Puerto Rican Student Union has gone . through a lot of ch8nges . and like all

orgenizations that are dedicated to serving and protIJcting, they are continuing to change and develop - to grow stronger. They see a


STUDENT UNION Students had learned that they can't uperate student probIem$ from -.nullity problems. "'We'ra s&ud8nts-fof' 4 yean, but _'ra Puerto 'RiIIans aI·..,. Iiws," they said. In ~ of't9l9. a .. two-ctar confJeI __ _ Win EU.,i .. ·"OIe .... 1Iecame 1M ...... ..... Student ........ ". thIif fifIt actiOn; mMIbet'I of PRSU joined in the ..... t.onIs fW1.y'sfiIIaf8ticIR at1MPeepIe's

a-df_1Uth ~'~_"filIl­,.....,... of_· ........ 01 I II ..... , , .,.: ___ 01 PRSU -.. .... 1M tal

Pedro Albizu Campos. When they ta/lced to the audieMe, they explained, "We area COlony - not a SUCCIJII story."

In MaJcb. PRSlI opened . a stontfnmt office on 138th Street and bagatl WO/'Iring" in the ...... ofwettar.~ ..... 1rom· the «inmwIity IiIegatt -mg.. 1fie' offiC!e regularly for help. In one buitdltlg; a -=-Jut rent strIke-... 0i'!IIriiad and now ..... pay only $1 a mon1fI rent and'­'-t .. 1be time. aec.. 1he peOple ....


needl for working ClOSer Wf1h other organizations and for tigIttIming.up' ....

school ....... They !mow that only '" being cIiIcipIiJted. and· stnmr-- Ira 0Ift'. NaticJft. AIt:ot us togIIther,


Richie Perez Dtputy Min .. of l .. foiliNIio" YOUNG LORDS PARTY

Page 8: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

Desde noviembre de 1493, cuando cristobal coIcfn .. perdiJ Y fue a chacar con 1IU8StnI isla de Borinquen ( y hasta dijo que " Ie "descubricS") nuestra lientehe sentkto la ~ (esclavitud') del enemigo: esp8Ira y luego los 8$t8dos unidos. Todos los PuertorriqueFtos han crecUto en Ia CIPf8Si6'n, ~ de lllgunaforma" nos poIe( .. ~ c.Rdo los PuertofTique1ios .. mueven contra eI enemlgo para romper las cadenas, Ie . oprasiJn contra ellos y contra todos nosotros 'en general as intensificada. Em .. llama r1tpresi&n. .

L.a historia as la prueba de esto. A principios de 1500, los Tainos lucharon contra los espa'iloles que habfan invadido la isla. Los aspen-oles atacaron fuertamente aI pueblo nativo - reprasion. En 1868, Batances diriqi4 una revuelta en·Lares. Otra vez, aspen-a respondi" tratando de ex ilar a Betances y destruir el movimiento - represicfn. En 1950 eI Partido Nacionalista dirigi~ la rebeli&! que ernpezJ en Jayuya. Esta, vez, amerikkka encarcelcf a 2000 Puertorriquell'os, muchos de ellos Nacionalistas - represi&.. En 1969, eI Partido de 101 Young Lords ampezcf a organizar a 18 tercera parte de nuastra Naci&' teRida en los astados unidos. En 1971, hamos

_ anunciado nuestros planes de organizer a las otr" dos terceres partes de nuestra Neci&t en Puerto Rico. Una vez mts amerikkka r88OIIiona mvent&.ctose una conspiraci8n para IncIIIrcelar a nuestros lidares. y tener mayor ccmtroI sobre todos los Puertorrique'!tos _ ~.

Qesde, que eI Partido ~ eI 26 de ~ de 1969, eI enemigo ha tratado, fentamente eI principio, de . irnpedirnQs .......... 8 nuestro pueblo exactamente como nos han escIavizado - y quI hacer para • iterlo. Lo que Iigue as una historia de Ie ~ contra eI Partido de los Young Lords. Nos panice que as lmportante que

~:a:2~ compr8nde esto porque cuando . ",nos ClIIiga encima no solemente .. Youflll Lords van a resultar afectados _

a 1:Odo eI b/oque. Todos los ~on peliJroso. para




Harlam durante la ofensiva de la basura. Un Lord gravamente golpeado y arreStado, aculado de mot1"n, asalto, conducta desordenade, etc.

2) O~bre, 1969: Carlos Rovira, Lord, golpeado y arrestado junto con gente de Ie

=~ ':.;:'M~de·~~ AcUsadO de' atacar a uA puerco,motan cia primer grado, resistencia at arresto. $500 de . rescate (fianzal.

31 Noviembre, 1969: Varios Lords, inclu~ando at Ministro de Defense Juen Gonzalez, atacados por los puercps en el Hospital Gouvemier cuando repartfan hojas.

41 7 de diciembre de 1969: Nuave Lords y cuetro simpatizantes goIpeados y arrestados en la I glasia de la Gente incluyendo al entonces Presidente Felipe Luciano, a la Ministra de Desarrollo Econ6'mico Denise Oliver a Carlos Rovira y al Teniente de InformacicSn Benjy Cruz. Fueron acusados de incitacidn a la rebelicfn, posesicfn de un arma mortal, modn, asaIto V asonada. interrupei&! de servicios religiosos.- EI reseate (fianzal iba de $100 a $1000. Tambien fueron golpeados varios otros Lords V simpetizantes incluyendo al Mariscal de Campo David Perez.

51 2 de enero de 1970:106 personas (Lords y cornunidad- fueron sacados de la Iglesia de la Gente acusados de desacato a Ie corte.

61 10 de &nero de 1970: EI entonces Presldente Felipe Luciano " eI Ministro de Informaci&n Pablo "Yoruba" Guzmln, fueron detenidos yacusados de desacato a Ie corte como resultado de la Iglesia de la Gente. Rescate tfianza): $1000 .

7) 26 de _ro de 1970: La Mar~ de Campo Gloria Go~ez y tres miembros de HRUM fueron ·arrestados enel Hospital Beth Israel, acasedos de motfn, incitacicfn a Ie rebelidn, invasicfn criminal. .

81 Marzo de 1970 (Jueves Santo): Dos Lords arrestados y acusados de asaIto y beterfa. $1500 de rescate Winze).

9) Marae de 1970: EI Teniente de Campo, Refa!II V_ ~. su juif;ioen Detroit. acusado d4imaw. ftn ~t~". ~.~ .• OQOdeCllll!!llll(f~).·.

1,0.' 4 de abriI de ,9». Cuatro Lords'

golpeados y arrestados, muchos Lords goIpeados, cuando los puarcos atacan Ie Esteelon de Trenes de Ie Plaza Oueensboro. Los Lords regresaban de una mani~ de Ies Peptaras. ,Los lords sc:m acusados de asalto

, bater"', motm, ataque crim.naI. Los rescafloa (fIanaes) van de$1(1Ode$6000.

11.10 de abriI de 1910: CoancfO 12Ldrds salen de la corte ~iat de un harman., en Fort Dix, 40 poIicras militares atacan at grupo. Todos los. Lords, incluyendo aI Ministro de Defenss, Juan Gonz~z y at Vice-Ministro de Informaci&n Richie Perez.

121 4 de mayo de 1970: EI Lord, George Robles, acusado falsamente de vender drogas en EI Barrio. Rascate (flanzal $10,000. Sirvicf una sentencla de 9 mesas.

131 13 de junio de 1970: EI Jete de Cuadros Juan "Fi" Ortiz es raptado en Brooklyn, acusado con robo y rapto. $100 de rescate (fianzal.

141 14 de junio de 1970: EI Mariscal de Campo, David Perez as arrestado en una manltestacion para I'i, acusado ~e asaIto, resistencia at arresto, motfn. Rescate (fianzal $100.

151 20 de junio de 1970: Dos Lords, incluyendo al Teniente de Informaci&n Benjy Cruz, poIpeados y arrestIidos en,. EI Barrio despUas de una msnifestaciJo. Acusados de asalto, motfn,' resistencla al arresto. Mucha gente de la comunidad fue herida. Rescate (fianze) de$1000.

16) 2 de julio de 1970: Bomba incendlarie en la Rama de Newark.

171 14 de julio de 1970: Dos LordS. inclu~ at Ministro de Informaciln Pablo "Yoruba" Guzmln, recogidos en la calfe. como resultado de la toms del hospital lincoln. Acusados de J)OSIISiIn de armas mortaIes {palCIS de karate; .

181 23 de julio de 1970: Dos Lords. incluyendo at Capit&. Nacional de Campo 80bby Learnus, goIpeadO y arrestado en. at Bajo Manhattan, aeusedo de asaIto y ....... interferencia con un arresto. $1000 de I'IISC8te (#lanza,.

19) 28 de. julio cit .1970: UnL" 1I'riIs1!Ido. en .. etonx llliiisado con ~ a Ia ~~ ~., arresto. . ' •

20} ~ de 1970:. Un L9rd ............

Page 9: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

en Filadelfia acusado can incltacio'n a la rebelicfn, asalto y baterfa. Rescate (fianza) de $5,000_

211 Agosto de 1970: Bomba en el Sector del Bronx.

22) Agosto de 1970: Lord arrestado en Filadelfia acusado de motm.

23) Septiembre de 1970: Un Lord ~o en Filadelfia y acusado con ~ de un arma mortal (palos de Karate). R8scate de $1000.

24) Ocwbre de 1970: EI Teniente de EducacKf'n Hawkeye de Filadelfia acusado fafsemente de posesi&'n de drogas.

25) Octubrede 1970: EI Capita'r. Nacional de Campo, Bobby Leamus arrestado y detenido por un dfa. No dieron ninguna nR&n. \

26) 14 de octubre de 1970: Dos Lords, incluyendo a Julio Rold:n, acusados de incandio malicioso de primer grado y resisteneia al arresto. Rescate de $5,000.

27) 15 de octubre de 1970: Julio Rold:n asesinado en las Tumbas.

28) Noviembre de 1970: Lord arrestado en el Bronx mientras vendfa Palante.

29) 7 de noviembre de 1970: EI Centro de InformaciJn de Filadelfia bomba«.llledo con una bomba de tuoo.

301 Diciembre de 1970: Lord de Bridgeport arrestado cuando bebfa caf' en un restaurante.

311 Diciembre de 1970: Lord de Filadelfia arrestado por invasiJn en propiedad ajena.

32) ,30 de diciernbre de 1970: EI Centro eli Inform~ de Filadelfta bombardeado con bomba incea'ldiaria.

~) 31' de )fiCiambre de 1910: EI Centro de Inforrnacitfn de Filadelfia bombardeado otra vez con una ~ ",-."'ioni;;. ~~1O dlUnen),*,"nh~;Lords

incIuyendo at Vice-MinisVo, de Defensa Herman Flores; eI Teniante de Campo Rafael Viera, y Carlos Rovira, recogidos y acusados falsamente de ~n de armas mortales y d~ .

35) 15 at 29 de enero de 1971: Periodo en eI que los hogares de todo el Comid Central sen saqueados varias vecas por agentas del burd deservicios especialas (boss).

Harman Flores Vice-Ministro da Defensa en la lsla PARTIDO 'DE LOS YOUNG LQRDS

Ever since Novembar of 1493 when christopher columbus got lost and bumped into our ,island Borinquen (claiming he "discovered" it!, our people have felt the oppression (enslavernent) of the ,enemy: spain, and then the united'statas. All Puerto Ricarts hava grO)Nn up oppressed, owned, in some way by arnerikkka. When Puerto Ricans move against the enemy to break off chains, the oppression intensifies against them and atl of us in general. This is called reprassion.

History proves this. In the early 1500's, the Tainos ~ought against the spaniards-who had invaded the island. The spaniards came down on the. native people heavily -repression. In 1868, Betencas led II revolt in Lares. Again, spain responded by trying to exile likltancas and dastroy the movement -repression. In 195Q, the Nationalist Party led ' e "'Iion, that hagan in Jeyuya. This time, ,amarikkka )ailed Z,ooo, PuertO ,Ricans, many of wfIom were Nationalists - repression. In 1969, ..... Young Lords Party began orteniting .... 1/3 of our Nation held in the united states. 'on 1911, we ~ pfans to

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Puerto Rico. Again, amerikkka reacts by building a conspiracy to jail our leadership and tighten their grip on all Puerto R irians -repression. '

Evar since the Party began on July 26, 1969, the enemy has baen trying. slowly at first, to stop us from, shf)Wing our people just hoW'it is ,tJurt, we are enslaved - aOd wfipt to do ~ < it. 'What follows is Ii HIStorY of

. Repression against the Young Lords Party. We feel it is important for bur people to understand this because when repression comes down, it is not only the Young Lords who have baen hurt - it hits the whole block. All Puerto Ricans are dangerous to amerikkka

1. Septembar, 1969:,A1I summer, police have attacked East Harlem Community during garbage offensive. One lord severely beaten and arrested, charged with riot, assail It, disordarly conduct, etc.

2. October, 1969: CarloS' Rovira, Lord, beaten and arrested along with community people of Lower East Side, while at Welfare Mothers' Demonstration. Charged with assaulting a Pilt riot in the first degree, resisting arrest. $500 ransom (bail).

3. November, 1969: SIWeral Lords, including Minister of Defense Juan 'Gonzalez, attacked by pigs at gouvernier hospital while passing out leaftets.·

4. Decambar 7, 1.!J69: Nine Lords anq four supporters beaten and arrested in Paop/e'$ Chutch, including the then Chairman Felipe Luciano; Minister of Econqmic DIWeIopment Denise Oliver; Carlos ROvira; and Information Lleutenant Benjy Cruz, charged with inciting to riot, possession of a deadly weapon, riot, assault and' baitBiv, disturbing religious servicas.. Ransom' (bail) ranged from $100 - $1,000. Also beaten

. were severel other Lords and supportars, including Field Marshal David Parez.

5. January 7, 1970: 106 people (Lords IitId community) takf'll from People's Churcll, charged wi. of court.

6. January 10, 1970:' Then Chaim'lan Felipe Luciano lIi1d Minister of Information Pablo "Yeruba" Guzman, picked up and charged "with contempt, of cotIrt resulting from PNte'.,Churcb. '1,. ~ (b!till.

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7. January 26,1970: Field Marshal Glorle Gonzalez and three HRUM members arrested at Beth Israel Hospital, 'charged with riot, inciting to riot, criminal trespass.

8. March,1970 (Holy Thursday): Two Lords arrasted, charged with assault and battery. $1,500 ransom (hail!. "

9,ft'ari:h, 1970: Field Lleutenarit RafaIIl " Viera be9ins' trial in Detroit on charge of killing a pig, second degree murdar. $50.000 ransom (bail).

10. April 4, 1970: Four Lords beaten and arrasted, many Lords beaten, as pigs attack at Queensboro Plaza Train Station. Lords ware returning from a Panther rally. Lords charged with assault and battery, riot, felonious assault. Ransom (bail) ranged from $100 to $5,000.

11. April 10, 1970: As 12 Lords leave court-:-martial of a brother at Fort Dix, 40 mp's· attack group. All Lords, including Minister of Defense Juan Gonzataz. aDd Deputy Minister of Information Richie Parez, placed under military arrest.

12. May 4, 1970: Lord, George Robles, framed on sale of drugs in EI Barrio. Ransoffl (bail) $10,000. Served 9 month sel)tence. ,

13. June 13, 1910: 'Chief of Staff Juan "Fi" Ortiz, kidnapped in l;lrooklyn. charged with robbary ,net kidnap. $100 FanSOlTl (bail).

14. June '14, 1970: field Marshal David Perez arrest8d at"'t.allyfor Fi, Qha~with assault, 1'8Sistmg; arrest, riot. Ransom (bail) $100.' .'

15. June 20, 1970: Two Lords. including, Information Lieutenant Benjy Cruz, beaten and arrested in EI. Barrio at end of a rally. Charged with assault, riot, resistillll arrest. Many cOmmunity people injured,' Ransom (bail) of $1,000.

16. July 2, 1970: Newark branch firebombed.

n. July 14, 1970: Two LoRIs. including

Minister of Information PI!bIo "''' oruba': Guzmen, picked up as result of lincolQ hospitaltakaover. Charged ~,~ of a deadly weapon (karate sticks).

18. July 23, 1970: TW9 I-ords,including National Field Ceptain Bobby L~, beaten,

CO., ..•. ~ '.

Page 10: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


The Young Lords Party is a revolutionary political party fighting for the liberation of all

. oppressed people. This alone means we are enemies of the state, the government, and that the state will do anything to stop us. Part of the state's power is the field of technology. Puerto Ricans and all other people of color(Third World People) have been brainwashed into thinking they cannot understand this tricky technology. Thanks to Agent 007, the man from u.n.c.l.e., get smart and mission impossible, bugging(liIe vanguard of the enemy's technological arsenal), has been built to unrealistic proportions. This is a guida to oppressed people on bugging, or deY ICes used to record conversations.

HOW BUGS WORK The most well known form of bug: is the

telephone tap. One type is the j')robecoil. If connected to a listening device it produces no radiated signal that can be picked up by an anti·bug receiver. Taps can be used not only on the phone itself, but anywhere along the line or on top of a telephone pole.

All telephone taps involve three factors: A. The method of coupling, or hooking,

the voice from the line; S. The way a tapped voice is transmitted

to the tapper. :: C. Power for a radio transmitter (most are ~gned to operate from the telephone linel.

The so-called "wire taps" (called "black boxes" in the profession) are nothing more than cheap line locators. With alligator clips, you can attach earphones or a tape. recorder to the line. Police dapartments are.the largest

. users of wire taps. Another type of telephone bug. is the

telephone line radio transmitter. It uses radio waves. Most work on standard FM broadcast bands dnd transmit from 200 feet to y" of a mile; A transmitter lasts about one week, but can go for longer periods if mercury cells are used. If your phone breaks down every so often and you need the repairman-well,YOU know.

Most desirable of all phone taps is the automatic internal transmitter. It is nearlv i"lpossible to wear out because it recharges from the telephone line. It is the hottest item on the spy market. It transmits on FM and occassionally over t.v. channels. When the Bronx Branch office 'of the party was bugged, friends heard office conversions a few blocks away on their radios.

Some advancad telephone transmitters look like desk staples. The most widely known bugging instrument came from the entertainment industry called trailing mike cables. They are known as pocket transmitters, the kind gene roberts (Pant!!r 21 informer) made "famous". They come ill all shapes, from buttonholes to cigarette packs. is important to know that all room bugs of this type require external batteries. The greater the transmitter range. the greater the battery drain. Also needs an antenna. '~ike what 007 tried to convince us of,

mo$l-,toom bugs are quite large. with two exceptions. One is a J)en bug, the other is a type tbat can be drilled into a substance. Remember, they still need a power source. If attached to a painting, look for batteries nearby. LIMITS

Most transmitters extend a 3·block

distance at best. Really good ones can go up to a mile. They cannot d istingu ish or key in on a particular voice. This is being worked .on through laser beams, but is still berng 4lements. A thorough search should be made 'of table bottoms, lamp bases, book cases, picture frames, ventilating ducts, etc.. All recent room detection should be checked. for new plaster or paint. A slim finishing nail jammed into any hole you locate destroys any microphone. Watch all repairmen and servicemen(the pilJS hardly ever use women to make repairs). As with Third World people, women are not expected .to understand technology either.

Bugs· record all sounds. If you leave a radio on it uses up the bugs batteries. Check insida of telephones, especially the main terminal box. Leave a radio 01) during meetings louder than conversation tone. With an FM radio listen for yoUr own voice Or loud oscillating sound, especially between 88-108 FM. Remember: I. A human being can zero in on a particular sound. A microphone cannot, and 2. The most effective anti·bugging device is you!

The best security rule in the world is "don't r:un off with the mouth". And in the WArds of Huey Newton, "The spirit of the people is greater than the man's technology."







Page 11: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


Durante los ~Itimos dos an as, eI Partido de los Young lords ha estado levan18ndouna base en las comunidades del Bronx, el lower East Side (Baja Manhattan), East Harlem (EI Barrio), Philadelphia y Bridgeport. Nunca ni,.1n lord ful acusado de un caso criminal a un caso serio. la poIic'. funcionarios de Ia ciudad, Y (ltras agencias del gobiemo (eta, boss, fbi, etc,) han tratado de retrasar aI Partido para nunca pensaron que eramos una gran amenaza. Siempre pensaron que eramos otro grupo de la comunidad rmfs,que estaba ofreciendo prograrnas de desayuno gratis, repartimiento de raps gratis, atencid'n m8dica gratis etc. De vez an cuando se sorprand(an por algunas de nuestras acciones - como la de liberar el carnicSn de rayos-x, la toma del hospital lincoln y las dos ocupaciones de la Iglesia metodista.

EI gobierno vefa todas estas COS8$ para nunca se daba cuantadel camino que segu(an. Pregllhtaban: "Que irl a hacer 11518 gente1" Nunca pensaron sobre 10 que hemos estado' diciendo todo 81 tiempo - libertad Pare Puerto Rico Ahara!

Este dicho 10 sentimos m&i de cerca a principios del 1971 cuendo se hizo la deem&. de abrir una rerna an Puerto Rico. Cuando los funcionarios de Ie ciudad de Nueva York se antereron de esto sa volvieron locos y decidieron que tanian que actuar ,,;pido. Sa dieron cuenta que estabambs Itlchando par Ie liberacidn nacional de nu.estra patria, Borinquan, asi que tantan que invan18rse alga pronto para aguantar la expansi~n a Puerto Rico, algo para detenar al Partido de los Young lords. Tania que ser alga grande como una acusasiOn de conspitaciOn.

t:n seguide, el Asistante a Fiscal kanneth conboy se'ofrecftt de voluntario pal'81rabajar saine la eO!:JSpiraciOn.kanneth cOnboy, "cowboy kenny", no es soiamentB un fiscal sucio pero adernas trabajaba para boss, Ia oflCina de '''red squad" - el depertarnant9 de la policfa usado espec1ticarnente para intervanir telhonos.

"cowboy kanny" se ha quedado con todos los casas de los lords. (AnteriOjrnante, todos los casas de los lords habf'an sido pospuestOJ pare otre techa). lia dado ordanes a la poIicfa de empezar a antrar a las casas de los lords y virarlas aI revls buscando. evidencia, que pueda ser utilizada an contre de nosotros. las casas de miembros del Comite Central han sidosaqueades.

"cowboy kenny" recientementB se he ttedto cargo del caso de Carlos Feliciano tratando de conectarto con CAL y MIRA. Sa III dlstinguido par IIIimar a Ie denuncia de los ' 21 de les PantBras Negras como un iaso muy 1tO;o. Prefiere un C8$0'mas carrado como eI de \Os 6 de Nueva VOlt. t8eispersonaslllPturedaJ "cod' una bombe de aasolina fran. aI banci­,irst national eity de Ie calla 92, supU8Stllmllntft listos para bombardaarto).

"Cowboy kanhy" ahon esta tramando 10 q\le puede. resultar la denuncia por ,conspiraci<1n mts grande q,Ue se haya dado. Si 'el plan de COfIb9y funciona, tBndrta que COfMII1Cer' at mill&i de Puertornquenos en Ie ciudad de Nueva York, los 3 millones an Puerto Rico, 10$ 100,000 an Philadelphia, y. 10$ 30,000 de Bridgeport y qu~ satri MntoS m(s tandremos diSparSOS a treves del pafs. que los Voung lordssomos c;riminales.

conboy tandr(8que se,recordado del plan lilt ataqIM! tot.eI usamUlar 10$ 8.1/. para tUmbaf "", ,e..,frittr, f~erio del ptIebIo, .. ~ cltlrante \os IIiosdel 1930 at 1tIlO; E,_ de: . 'U tit ,CQmpIeta ~ del Partido ;~ .. de "-to Rico ~ par Dolt ,

Pit or Til


B.I. COWIOY lillY COlier

Pedro Albizu Campos; 2) la evacuaciGn de 113, parte de RUestre

nackfn que, fue anvieda a vlvir an arnerikkka. EI plan de conboy va a t&ner que ser un

"super-plan", tan super que ,va'. terminal' comO eI rwtO de SIJS plane., an un caos totctI.

AtI, "'qowboykanny", los oprimidos van • "romper tuS cadanas Y caminar sabred, EI poder del ptIebIo deliiosb 81 I ser m' fuar18 qua eI tuyo Y eI de todos tus mercenarlos.

0:1 For the past two year.s, the Young lords

Party has bean making bases in the communities of East Harlem, Bronx, lower East Side, Bridgeport and Philadelphia. At no time was any lord indictad for a criminal or serious, case. The police , eity officials, and other governmant agencies (c.i.a., b.o.s.$., f.b.i. act ... ) have tried to slow down the Party,

but they never thought wa were all that much -of a threat. They always thought that we ware just any other community group that was offering breakfast programs, clothing drives. free medical care, etc. Every once in a while they would be surprised by some of our actions-like the liberation of the x·ray truck, the, takeover of Lincoln Hospital, and the two takeovers of the spanish methodist church. The government saw all of these things, but never noticed what they ware leading to. Thay woul~ ask, ''What are these people up

_ to?" They never thought of what wa've been saying all along - liberate Puerto Rico Nowl

This saying carne closer to us at the beginning of 1971 when ~ decision was made to open up a branch in Puerto Rico: When the officials of new york city heard this, they were astounded and decided that they had to work fast. Thay realized that wa were fighting for the National liberation of our motherland, Borinquan, and so, they had to qlJickly come up with something to halt the move to Puerto Rico, something to stop the Young lords Party. It had to be something big like a conspiracy charge.

Right away assistant d.a. kenneth conboy volunteered to move on ,the conspiracy. kenneth conboy "cowboy kenny," is not onlY' a dirty d.a., but he worked for boss. the, red squad office. The polite department specificallY used him for wire tapping.

"cowboy kanny" has takan all lords cases fat· himself. (up to this time all lords cases have bean held over for "8 further date). He has ordered the police department to start going into lords homes and turn them inside out looking for evidence that can be used against us. The homes of the Cantral Committee have been recently ransacked.

Kanny has also recently taken over the case of Carlos Feliciano, trying to link him up with C.A.l. and M.I.R.A. He has bean noted for calling the Panther 21 indictment a very loose case. He prefers a fighter case like the N.Y. 6. (six people with a _ina bomb outside the 1st national city bank on 92ndn. supposedly readym bomb it).

"cowboy kanny" is now planning _at might tum out m be the biggest conspiracy indictmant ever. If conboy's plan works, he is going to heve to convince ovarl,ooo, PuertO' Ricans in new york city, 100,000 in Philadelphia, 3O;BIiIO in, Brlctgej.,ort aAd who knows how mahy _, throughout' tha

nation, that the "Voung lOrds'~ .... _iminals. conboy is going to have m be ""inded of

'the all-out plan used by the u~,tO ~aep the revolutionary spirt of th& peepIe'dowfI in tha ,1930's-1960's. Tila plan of:

tI The complete ~ oftha Nationalist 1>ertyof Puarto,~~,~ by Don Pedro Albizu Campos; , 0' I' '

, 2) The 113 of our nation' live in arnerikkka.

conboy's Pan is going m be a ""* one, .a super, it'r .... :.tI:In'Iout like the other ones, a compIe18 ~

To you, "cOWboy kenny"~_ ~ 81'8 going to breaIl their, eflaiat.aAdwaik riIbt ~ar you. The ~of the pIIOpIe will pIIO¥8 to be, _ ~ than you and ~hwtters.' '

Page 12: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots



Page 13: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

114 '. Throughout the history of the Puerto

Rican Liberation Struggle, first spain and then the united stetes, have tried every method possible to sabotage all organizations which are successful in awakening the spirit of the people.

One such method is by having Puerto Ricans infiltrate these organizations either to cause splits and divisions internally or to gether information to be used later by the enemy. T'*e spies that do this kind of worl< are either fools or traitors. Either way, they are dangerous because they are offering many important lives up to the dogs. Following is a list of agents in the Young Lords Party uncovered by our Intelligence Section.

CarlOS Aponte· Served in the us air force for 4 yean with the I ntelligence Corps. Stationed in East Pakistan, Germany, Spain, Panama, Vietnam. Was trained as a medic while in the service, a valuable skill to have in ordar to be a help to an organization. In 1968 infiltrated the Black Panther Party in California while attending Community College. Carne east and founded the New Yorl< Peace and Freedom Party. , While in New York attended early

nwetings of first. Panther branch in Brooklyn. is interesting to note that agant Ralph

White who is now testifying against the Panther 21 has mentioned names of people who were at those early meetings, but has flliled to mention agent Carlos Aponte's name, although they know each other very well.

During the fall of 1969 he was instrumental in forming the .Puerto Rican Studants Union.

he went to Cuba with the Venceremos

Srigada, On this brigada, many p80ple report that he was a divisive influence, although

an any clear political lines.



Sometime between his PRSU organizing and the Cu ba trip he re-entered at the Manhattan Community College. As noted before, he entered a Community College in California. This is a good way to infiltrate College groups who Wl're seriously forming a student movement.

He came to the Young Lords Party during First People's Church takeover in Decembar,I969,joining the Party January 1970. Was placed in Education Ministry. While in th e P arty he was constantly "pumping"leadership for information. Also, by picking up on small errors, he magnified these into major political differences while talking to members in an attempt to isolate and discredit the leadership.

While in the Party, he was arrested on the jive tip of walking into a police station and getting loud. Released same night. In August. he took a short leave of absence, supposedly home sick. At this time. he ea. seen on a plane returning from the West ~oast. '

During the time of Felipe Luciano's demotion as Chairman, Aponte gave a distorted story to the news media, implying divisions within the Party.

He is good friends with John Rodriguez, a known agant who has offered guns to the Party on three separate occasions. This agent was uncovered to us by friends in the Police Department. Carlos was identified by friends in the Police Department.

Carmelo Costirlo, attended Vera Institute of Justice program for Manual Skills training.

This one has a history of inciting members to commit acts which would then be used as a frame-up. His role was as a provocateur. Was identified by friends in the Police Department as being a Bureau of Special Sevices. BOSS(now called Special Sevic-es Division,SSD), stringer. For weeldy evidence, he got a weekly salary.

Andre. Cruz, alias ACE. Joined ~arty September 1970. Was involved tn Saward Part< High School riots in 1968. Admits to potographing th_ riots,and was instrumental in the arrest of Bob Collier, Panther organizer of the H.S. rebellion. Also attended Vera I nstitute of Justice where he mat Carmelo Costillo. Cruz studied mechanics 1here. Main thing was getting close to leadership, especil!lly those in Defense Ministry. Was a basketball star in school. Identified by friends in the Police Department.

Htctor Cruz alias David Cruz:. Joined Party Sept. 1970. Student. at Brooklyn College. 'dentifia:t by friends in the Police Department. We were told 6 months ago by movernentpeople in P.R. that 2 brothers by the name of Cruz were being sent to infiltrate the Party. Shortly after 2 Cruz's came into the Party and both were soon identified by frflinds in the Police. DOIPt. Those were David ~ Andre Cruz.' .

Carme •• . Cost ••••

Ralph Garcia . One of the members of the Party when it was YLO. Joined summer of 1969. through Police Athletic Leagu-e undercover worl<. After leaving Party, spotted March 1970 at a dinner of Guardian Society (Black Organizatlc:m1.

John Rodriguez· Related to PRSU in

early stiIges. Was in' LUCHA at rto;~~=:11 NYU. Frequently attended confarences on West Coast. Began information on Lords to B.O.S.S. April 1$70, while 'in Bronx Branch. before for offering guns to Party mdmben several occasions. Discovered as an Agent compatl8I'8S in Los Siete de Ia Raze, Coast Chicano organiz:etion. While in N. mat reguerty with Agent Carlos Aponte.


Young Lords Party

Page 14: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


POLICIA En toda la historia de la Lucha prolongada

por la Li~raci~n de Puerto Rico, primero bajo los espanoles y ahora los estadaSunidos, han tratado de destruir toda organizaci&n que ha tenido Ixito en levWltar el espfritu del pueblo.

Uno de los m6todos es infiltar las organizaciones con PuertorriqueOos. con dos prop6sitos: para crear divislones internas 0

parra poner informacion en manos del enemigo.

Estos Puertorriquenos que hacen esto son sJnganos 0 lombrices (lombrices son Puertorriquenos vendepatrias). Lo que sean, una cosa es cierta, son peligrosos, ya que estan sacrificando m\ichas vidas importantes a los perros amerikkkanos.

Lo siguiente, es una lista de agente<en el 'Partido de los Young Lords que han sido investigados por nuestra seccitn de inteligencia. " Carlos Apontl - Sirvi! en las fuerzas militares de estados unidos pol' cuatro anos en el departamento de inteligencia. ,Estacionado en el este de Pakistan, Alemania, Espaiia, Panaml, y Vietnam. Recibio' entrenamiento mldico m ientras estaba en el servici6, este entre'lamienfo es valuroso y se presenta como ayuda para una organizacid'n.

En 1968 Aponte infiltro' a las Panteras Negras mientras estaba ingresado en un colegio comunal en California. Poco despu~s vino para el este y fundlf el Partido de Paz y Libertad en Nueva York. En Nueva York atendi&' las primeras reuniones de las Panteras

. en Brooklyn. Es importante notar que el agente Ralph White quien est! ahora testificando en contra de las Panteras 21 ha mencionado nomores de personas que fueron a estas reuniones aunque nunca ha mencionado el nombre del agente Aponte, aunque se conacen muy bien.

En el otono del 1969 Aponte fue instrumental en formar la Uni&n Estudiantil Borfcua. En la Unitn Estudiantil, uso la excusa de que iba a Puerto Rico cuando en , realidad tue para Cuba con la Brigada Venceremos.

Muchas personas que fueron en esa brigada han reportado que en 'Ia brigada Aponte era' una influencia destructiva causand0

L divisi&n aunque nunca ten(a una

'Iinea pohtica clara. En algtfn tiempo, entre su trabajo

"organizativo" de PRSU y su "viaje" a Cuba Aponte ingresa' at Colegio Comunal de Manha1tan. Como mencionamQ' antes tambia" habia ingresado a un "..:llegi\) c.lmunal en California.

Este es un metoda buena para infiltrar los movimientos estudiantiles.

Vino al Partido en eI tiempo de la primera Iglesia del Pueblo en diciembre de 1969, ingresJ al ~artido en enero del, 1970, comenzlf a trabajar en el Ministerio de Educaci&n. Mientras estaba en at Partido· estaba, constantemente tratando de conseguir

informaci6n del liderato del Partido. T embie""~ coiia pequel'io; errores y los convertla en diferencias politicas de maJor magnitud, habla"ndole a los miembros tratando de aislar y desacreditar al liderato.

F ue arrestado una vez, P'lr sanganace . entr& a una, estacion de policra y empez&' a atzarla voz. Lo soltaron esa misma noche. en agosto pidicf tiempo supuestamente Porque estaba enfermo. Durante este mismo tiempo fue visto en un avicfn regresando de California.

Durante el tiempo cuando la democi~n de Felipe Luciano, Aponte di~ falsos informes a la prensa, tratando de implicar divisiones en el Partido. '

EI es buen amigo de Juan Rodriguez, conocido agente, qu ien Ie ofrecicf pistolas al Partido en 3 ocasiones distintas. Este agente fue descubierto p'or amigos en el Departamento de Policra.

Carlos Aponte tambie'n tue identificadp por amigos en el Departamento de ,~Qlic~a.

Carmelo Castillo Atendio' ''Vera Institute of Justice" para entrenamiento manual. Este es un conocido frente de la CIA. Este agente tiene una historia de tratar de envolver a los miembros en aetos que pueden ser usados 1m arestos s!nganos. Su rol era de provocar. Identificado por amigos en el Departam ento de Polief'a. Era' uno de esos que reeiben un salario semanal por informacion semanal.

Andre Cruz

Heetor Cruz IIlills Dllvid

Andrl Cruz· conocido como Ace. Ingresd' al Partido en septiembre del 1970. Estuvo envuelto en los motines de Seward Park high school en el 1968. Admitio' que 'I toma fotografl'as de estos motines, y ful instrumental en el arresto de Bob Collier, uno de las Panteras 21 y org'lnizador de la rebelitn escolar. Fue' tambit!O estudi~nte en Vera Institute of Justice donde conocia" a, Carmelo.

Cruz estudio mec~niea. La cosa principal de este agente era el de pegarse al liderato, especial mente esos en el Ministerio< de Defensa. Era una estrella de baloneesto en la escuela superior. Identificado por amigos en el Departamento de Policfa.

H~tor Cruz· Conocido como David Cruz. Ingreso al Partido sept. 1970. Era estudiante en al Colegio de Brooklyn. Identificado por amigos en el Departam ellto de POlicfa. Haee 6 meses gente del movimiento en Puerto Rico nos inform'&, que dos hermanos apellidados Cruz iban a ser enviados para infiltrar nuestro Part.ido. Poco despu~ dos Cruz vioieron aI Partido y prgnto fueron indentificados por amigos en el Departamento de Polict'a. Estos er<!h David y Andre Cruz.

Ralph Garcfa . Uno de los primeros miembros del Partido, cuando todavfa era YLO. Ingrescf en el verano del 1969. Fue reclutado a trav!& de la )iga atlltica,del departam ento de policla para trabajo encubierto.

Despuls de irse del Partido, fue visto en una com ida dada por la Sociedad Guardij ( una organizaci&'n de policras Afro·Americanos).

Juan Rodriguez.· T~abajabacon la Unio'n Estudiantil Boricua cuando comenz<f. Era miembro del Lucha en. la Universidad de, Nueva York.

Atendl'a frecuentemente las conf8lJlru:ias los Chicanos en California.

Comenzo' a dar informaci~n del los Lords a B.O.S.S. durante abril 1970, cuando estaba en Ia rama del Bronx.

~ntes mencionamos que ofrecio' pistolas a los miembros en varias ocasiones. Dt;:ubierto como agente por una cornpanara de la organizac~n Chicana. Los Siete de la Raza. Cuando· en Nueva Yofk se reunfa fretuentemente con.el agente Aponte.


Ministerio de Defensa

Page 15: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

EI Partito de los"Young Lords as un partido polrtico revolucionario qua lucha por Ia liberaci& de todos los pueblos oprimidos.

:~/=}7~·.· .. eualquier cosa para dettenemos.' Lil a as 'parta delpoder del estadO. Los' Puertorriquenos via gente~ de color (las GenteS de! Tercer Mundo) han sufrido un lavado de cerebro Il8ra que no puedan comprender asta tecnologfa lIena da trucos. Gracias 81 Agente 007, EI Hombre de U.N.C.L.E., V MisiJn Imposibla sa hah axagerado hasta

'proporcionas irrealas las intervenciones (tapeos) con micr&fonos especialas (la vanguardia del arsenal tecnol8gico del enemigo). Esta as una gufa para la gente opt'\n:Iida sabre los buggings, 0 instrumentos para registrar· conversaciones.

E I tipo de micrcSfono mas conocido as el interventor (tapeo) telefcfnico, Un tipo as el cable de sondeo. Si 18 conecta a un instrumento auditivo, no produce ninguna .wal que pueda ser capteda por un recibidor contra tapeos. Los tapeos (intervenciones) 18'

pu~ hacer no d'nicamente con el mismo tellfono sino tamb"" en cualquier parte del ceble 0 arriba del poste de tetlfonos.

Todos los tapeo, (jntervenciones), telef&icos.incluven tns factores:

A. EI·mtltodO de emparajar 0 enganchar la VGZ deJa Ifnea..

B. La fOr'llla en que la VGZ tepeada (intervenlda) as transmitida 81 tepeador (trllllsmisor (interventor). ,

C. I.a energfa para un transmisor de radio (Ia meyorta asw. disei'iados para operar desde la linea teI~nicel.

Los lIemados ''tapeos de cable" (qua los profesionales conocen como "cajas negras") no san mas qua Iocalizadores baret~ Con a" .. nchas "a/I~" (alligator clipslse ~ coIocar lIUdltonos. 0 una ~a a Ia ,rnee. Los ~ertarnentos de poIicfa san los que ntis usai\' astos tapaos de 'cable (wire

tapaI. I , •. ", Otro tipo de microfono de _ono lIS eI

trensmisor de radio an eI cable telatdnico. ~tiHza 0t'IdeS de radio. La ~a de IIStos ,funcionan. en las ondes ~ 'de FM V

TAPEOS transmiten de 200 pies a % de milia. EI transmisor dura alreddor de una Seinarfll, pero pue6e durar mls si 18 usan c'lulas de mercurio. Si & cada rato necasitas que venga el -hombre de las reparacionas., puas ya sabas.

EI mls deseable de todos los tapeos telefJnicos es el transmisor interno

- autom.itico. Es casi imposible que 18 gaste porque 18 recarga de la misma linea telef8nica. Es al objeto favorito del mercado de "Yo Espra". Transmite en FM V ocasionalmente en los canales, de t.v. Cuando la oficina del Partido en el Sector del Bronx fue tapeada, unos amigos overon las conversacionas de la oficina en sus radios a unos pocos bIoquas de distencia.

Los m icn{fonos registran cualquier sonido. Si deias la radio encendida 51!. gastan

las baterfas. Revise el interior de los tel4fonos, especialmente la caja tenninal principal. Deja la radiO encendida durante les reuniones a un volumen mls alto que el tono de Iii conversacicfn. Con un radio FM busea to propia VOZ' 0 por Ull sanido alto y oseilante esPecialmente entre 88·108 FM. Recuerda: 1. Un ser -humano pueda coricentrarse en un' sanido particular. Un micrcrfono no puede V 2.' EI sistema contra micr6fonos matS efectivo eras 161 , •

La regia de seguridad mas importante del muncfo es 'no hables demasiado'. Y.~ las .pelabras de Huey P. Newton, 'EI esptrito de Ia gente lIS mas fuarte que la tecnologfa del Hombre: .

Algunos transmi_ de radio avanzados parecen como cu~uier objeto de escritorio. EI instrumento mas conocido viena deI.la industria de radio V t.v., que 18 llama cebles I,.J8ERTAD PARA PUERTO Rrco de m~fono largos, Sa conocen como AHORAI transmisoras de bolsillo, eI tipo que gene PONCE· MARZO 21! roberts (imfo~ad~ contra les 21 P.antersl \ .•.. Ministerjode Defense

f ... • ~~.r ~~~f~1~~~art1ltW-l.~.· . £s importante taber 9ue todOJ los .

m~ de cuarto de este tipo fIlCMIieren bater(as externes. Mientrasmayor·. eI alcance del transmisor, mayormente .':iIasta la baterra. T ambiln necesita antena.

A I contrario de loque 007 trataba de convencernos, la meyorra de los micr&tonos de cuarto son bestante grandas, con dos excepciones.· Una es un microfono de pluma, el otro es una clase que 18 tiene que perforar en alguna substancia. Recuerde que aun asf necesiten una fuente de. energfa. Si emf colocado en eI marco de un cuadro, busque las batarfas cerca de ahf.

LIMITES La mayor'a de los transmisorflS lIegan

como mlximo a una distancia de tres bloquas. Los buenos de verdad alcanzan hasta una milia. No pueden distinguir un tono 0 una voz particular. Ellos estan tretando de solucionerlo con ravos laser, pero todav18 estln experimentando con ello. Si ustad no puede ojr una conversaci&n en al cuarto da al lado, 10 mas probable as que tampoc:o tJuada .. I mi!:rcSfono.

COMO DETECTAR La busqueda deb8 hacerse en los lugares

obvios. Busquen les fuentes de eOergfa V los elementos de los micr6fonos. se deba busear cuidedosamente en la parta interior de las mesas, bases de temperas. estantes de libros, marcos de cuadros, concfuctos de ventilaci&n, etc. T odos los detectores ,V cembios recie'ntes de los cuertos deben ser revisedos. Busquen donde' 18 heya resanado reciententente la pared 0 donde ~a pin1Ure nueva. Con meter una lima de u~ en cUaJquier egujero 18

dflStruV8 cua/quier micrcSfOflO. Observe a todos los hombres que. hacen reperaciones 0 arregIan la lui 0 eI tellfono (los puercos casi nunce Ulan mujeras para hacer reparacionesl. Como con 1;, fmte dalTercer Mundo, no 18

esPera que las mujanK sean capaces da comprander Ia tecnOIo!Ifa.

Page 16: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


PORQUE PONCE Desde que se fundo"'" el Partido de los

Young Lords hemos dicho: "Tengo Puerto Rico en mi corazon" y por 10 tanto Que Viva Puerto Rico Libre:

Esa consigna la levantamos cuando tiramos basura en el barrio, cuando tomamos poS8lli~ de la ig)esia del pueblo en la 111, cuando luchamos para asegurar 9ue nuestro pueblo reciba atencidn ~ica como humanos y no como animales, la levantamos nuevarnente cuando en la rama de Filadelfia comenzamos a luchar contra las drogas que estafO matando a nuestra gente, cuando march\lfTlos en la parada Puertorrique1'l'a en nueva york, cuando mataron Julio dijimos "Que Viva Puerto Rico Libre!" •

En tadas esas ocasiones nos sentimos Puertorriqueiios, Pero no es sufjciente sentirse Puertorriq~ es alga ma"S, muCho mar profundo.

Es el saber que nuestro pueblo 1/3 en e.e.u.u., 2/3 en la isla, hemos estado esclavizados, hambrientos, sufriendo desde nuestros aliuelos y antes de los viz abuelos deellos; bajo la gamtde los amerikkkanos.

Es esa inquietud de ver a nuestros hermanos y hermanas muriendo del hstito de drogas. de ver a nuestros hermanos morir en guerras como Vietnam, C31sada por los arnerikkkanos. CIIIISlIdos de trabajarles sus fabricas, ,de ir a las escueIas de los yankees, ~ de que nos' roben nuestras tierras, cansados de su racisrno y cansados ~ leer en eI diario - que ellombriz teuI quiere hacer a

• Puerto Rico un estado en 1974. Y as por esto que tenemos (jue IeVantarnos juntos boricuas en e.e.u.- boricues en la Isla, para poner fin eI aIJuso yankee (~.

Ahora con Viva Puerto Rico Libre los Young Lords vamos para Ponce ya que para liberar a Puerto Rico tenemos que reliriir a nuestra nacicrn.

Escojimos a Ponce por varias razones: Primero: Ponce es el pueblo donde nacir!

Don Pedro Albizu Camjos, por 10 tanto era una de las bases mas fuerte del Partido Nacionalista.

Segundo: En Ponce esta la "Ponce Metal" , la empresa amerikkkana que nos roba

nuestro cobre. Tercero: Hay muchas plantas qufrnicas,

que hacen milliones en ganancias y nos pudren el aire. Ponce tambi~ tiene gran desempleo, ya que en muchas de las "industrias" no emplean Puertorri9ue"!;os.

De gran importancia tambilii quada el hecho de que Ponce esta'retirado de San Juan,

-Ia parte de nuestra isla mas infectada por los yankees, donde tienen sus 'hoteles mlS grande, sus cabarets, sus casinos etc. etc. inclusive donde tienen la mayorfa de las fuerzas policiacas protejiendolA esas propiedades.

Ponce queda retirado de todo esto, y incialmente esto es importante ya que tenernos que tener pre , cauci~ con los policfas que esta',;' en estos mismos momentos tratando de arrestarnos para evitar que nosotros lIegernos a la I sla (lea el centro de Palante). Sabernos que cuando lIegernos estartri buscando cualquier cosa para

arrestarnos. " Tenemos que tambien notar que en otros

pueblos y sectores nos matiene" aivididos Por ejemplo, en pueblos como LoGa, somos mayormante afro-bor1dJa;'en pueblos como lares, 'somas Jfmos; y en slctores como Iii

Perla, somos lumpen (los desempleados cnfnicos. los adictos a drogas, las prostitutas,

mientras que en los caserfos y las urbaniuciones somos obreros.

En Ponce, estas divisiones son menos - y por 10 tanto tenemos A fro-borfcua - Jlbaros, lumpen, ,obreros, todo sector de nuestro pueblo, y alii'" comenzaremos a trabajar todos juntos como 10 haremos desputs por toda la Isla, y en estados unidos 10 _ haremos con nuestros hermanos y hermanas Afro-Americanos, Latinos, Asifticos, blancos oprimidos.

EI Partido de los Young Lords pertenece al pueblo, todas nuestras acciones han sido para favorecer a todos; para mantenemos fuertes, necesitamos que nuestro pueblo nos deje saber si ~mos hacHfndolo bien, sOinos humanos y vamos a hacer errores, sus quejas y crfticas, aspecialmente en este tiempo de of ens iva rom~ena. Escriban al 202 E. 117, Cuartel Nacional.

EI Partido no recibe dinero del gobiemo que nos oprime,vivimos de cualquier contribucicfn que haga eI pueblo hacia la liberacio~ nacional, para poder lograr la Junta en la Isla, necesitamos cualquier ayuda papel, maquinillas - dinero - comida.

Necesitamos todo para romper las cadenas: de nuestra esclevitud.

Nueva York - Marzo 21 Philadelphia - Marzo 21 Ponce - Marzo 21 Brillgeport -Marzo 21.


Page 17: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

Sinc:e the founding of the Young Lords Party, we have been saying: "Tango Puerto Rico en mi c:orazon," and therefore, "Que Viva Puerto Rico Libra!"

This slogan _ raised when we threw garIJ8ge in the streets of EI Barrio, when we took _1M peopIe's ctwrdt lit 111. Street, when We ~ to ~our·"", medical cent for humans and not for ........ We raised it apin when in our Philadelphia branch we began to fight against the drugs tItat are killing oar people. When _ ..... in 1M "-to Rican ..... in New York; when they killed Julio, we cried "Viva Puerto Rico Libra'"

, 1ft III .~ occasions we • ., "f'II'8. Puirto Ricans; it's something more. nWch more profound.

It Is to knowthllt oar peopI&, one-thinf in tt. us - two-thinfs in 1M island, ·hIwe been .waved, hungry, and suffering from the time of our gnuldparents and their greet-grendperents, under the claws of the amerikkkans.

It is the disgust and anger of _ng our brothers and sis1en dying from drug eddietion, of seeing our brothers dying in wers I~ the Vietnam War, caused by the

The Young Lords Party is moviftg to unite the Puerto Rican liberation struggle by CJP8Iting .. branch in Ponce. Pua10 Rico:One third of our nation lives m the united states while two thirds, live on the island - the time ___ tobring. __ ion toeether.

i','1 OD March .21. m8Iabeq. of· the Party- will (' begolnfto.,Puerto,8ice far a daR rtatian

'ti'" .... the NatiDnllilt P8I't¥ __ ] lata·

£: ' the Ponce ~ We Icnowtltat~ ~'iP are ........ a.blelMt wbica ....... ,wiIL. 'i;'.' ..........., .,..,..,andthe f ............. .

n ." ., ... ~ R-. DIIdoa. T'he ftomeI of. _,

~':.ii ................ ........." ... alh_-.rt' '

[ .•. :.,.~ .....•. ,., ... "i.,. .' --.... , ...... up.. The police - wIlicIt, ,~. " .. ,,;· .. ,the,~ __ of ............. 11 .... '" . , ....... - IIII8Dt to, .. _. 5 iT.to..

.. Rice. We ~ "-toRici to .. tree. , They -.It Puerto a. to ................. ;j The. V ..... t.onfI'8I't¥ JIIIidS'" suPPort ... of,_ .... " ... _ 111) IIII'WMt. w.: have ..... 1Iid thIIt the Party .... 1IIJ'OtIICtS

_c1IIIt1M ...... wIJ.PJ01IIICt Our .............. .



amerikkkans, tired of working in their factories, of going to the yankee schools, tired of having our land stolen, tired of their racism, and tired of reading in the press that the lombriz ferre wants to make Puerto Rico a state in 1974.

And this is why we JT1ust rise up together, Boricuas in the u.s. and Boricuas on the island, to put an end to yankee abuse.

Now with "Viva Puerto Rico Libra''', the Young Lords are going to Ponce, since to liberete Puerto Rico, we must re-unite our Nation.

We chOse Ponc:e for various reasons: Fint, Ponce is the city where Don Pedro

Albizu Campos _ bom and was therefore, one of the strongest foundations of the Nationalist Party.

Second, Ponce Metal, the amerikkkan enterprise that robs our copper, is loceted in Ponce.

Third, there are _s chemical plants tItat make miI1ion$,in ..,.... and ~­air. Ponce also has a high ... uf unemployment since many of the "industries" do not employ Puerto Ricans.

Also of greet importanGe is the fact that Ponce is far from San "'-. the pert of our island which is most infested with yankees, where they have the biggest hotels, their night clubs, 1Iseir gambling ~ etc.,etc. Plus projeCtS aiiO urbaniz.tiomfWt ant Workft .

tn Ponce, these div~.are /es$ and thus we hIwe Afro.-8oricues, Jibaros, Jumpert, and worken - every sector of our peopIe.AtJd there we witt begin to work tog81her as we will. do so later in the rest of the island, and in the united states with oar Afro-American,

where they have the majority of the police forces to protect 1Iseir properties. Ponce is far· from aI~ uiis and initially thiS is import8nt sinc:e we must take precautions with the police who at tl)is very momen~ are trying to

of only the YLP,' we fight for all Puerto Ricans and Third World People who want the right to determine their own lives, to control their own communities.

In Older to be ... to .m the branch in Ponce. ... are having en~ offerIsiv8'in the .-ttl of F.....,.11tis will '-' .. all-out *iva ..... .,..,., and.tnatariIIts< to ...... to ...... to-1M iIIaIId'..,;fight'Oft theiMIice 1IttIIIlb ..... ~ 1he0fJllRlnt' of .. _ ...... _~,

The Y ..... """* P"'''>DOt,fUndeIf.fly any. ,1OV8i1 .... t ~ We are 'IOt8tIY. hpJ .. t'OR",tt...."...,nGt, ......... We '

feeL· .... '_ .......... ' ......... , .... . . tItat_'_~ kiIIIIIt ....... ' but ........ w.. ...... ,\IIIIIek' ...... ' .. Ioakefter ............... in .... to survive .. 1ive .·the proud -.en .. men of a proud nadon..

ThIIt is why die Young. LOqIs. Party ........ CIn you to supply the toOts we will

, need to ~ our ....... ' .... :. ~ fist of ...·lfIIIt ........ to ......... the

bust us in order to stop us from reaching the island (read Palante centerfold). We know that when we arrive, they will be looking for any excuse to bust us.

We must also take into account that in other cities and sectors they keep us divided. For exampte, in towns like Loiza, we are mostly Afro-boricuas; on towns like. Lares, we are Jibaros; and in sectors like La Perla, we are lumpen (chronically ul1l!mpWyed, drug addicts, prostitutes, hustlers). Whiie in the Latino. and Asian brothers and sisten and with oppressed whites.

The Young Lords Party belongs to the people. All our. actions have been directed to serve all. To keep pursetves strong we need for our peopht to let us know if we are doing this well. We are human and we are going to make mistakes. Your complaints and criticisms are especially important itt this time of Ofensiva Rompecadenas. Write to National Headquartars. 202 Eat 117thStreet..

The ~receives no fundit tram the gow __ t that oppresses us; We' live on

whatever contributiom _ peopht give

towards - nIItionaI liberation. In Older to SUCIIII8d in 8ItiabIhhing the branch' in the island, we niIed whatever hettJ, paper, typewriters, -money, food, etc. W. need everything in order to break off the chains of .....', .

New Y cirk: - Milrch 21. Philadelphia - March 21 Ponce - March 21' BridgepOrt - March 21 -


Gloria Gonzalez F iek:I Marshal for the Island YOUNG LORDS PARTY

Party and the Nation: 1)Money - any amount, even if it seems

smell; 2) FOod.; 31C\othing; 4}Offioe Equipmeftt - mil, ... .....

typewI'iters. stencils,; pens, ......... ; S)s. t ijlfuns toPaiaDte; 8lDlstriluition .... - "...tltatwa

' .. ~ ., ·~~ .... cIodIint-~ ,

... JbIIirIlllleolw· ' _ .. AnwIIe>_ ...... to ... _~~'¢.2 .. ~ ... ___ c, .h.'.k;." ... ~.,,' POIIOa",· .... ~., 2t:,<~., .. CAD£NASI

Page 18: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


Nguyen Thi Dinh.

Vice Commander-in-Chief of the AFL.

En Vietnam, ~ gente ha mostrado la fuerza de un ejereito popular unido aI derrotar primero a los fral1C8MS y ahora a e.u. Una hennana que esta a la cabeza de esta lucha as Madame Nguyen Thi Dinh que en el prasente as vice-comandante en jete de las Fuerzas Armadas .. de Liberacio'n del VielJUlm del Sur y tambien presidente de la union de Mujeres por la Liberacion del Vietnam del Sur. /

._ NguYltn" Thi Dinh la mas joven de diez ninos nacio en una familia de campesinos muy ~ en !!' provincia ~ !l&ntre. Cuando '&10 tente 11 enos, ella se unlO a la lucha oontr~los campesinos ricas y el 1:OIon1zador frances en una insumIcciOn que tuvo luger en 1930. Su familia sufriO' una fuene rilpresior; y un

~ ~e encarceIjIdo. ~ ~ JaliO'de Ia c8rce1, eI empezo' a --.arte mas sabre .nos PGIfficos. Entonces a los 16 ailos de ecIad, ellase CORVfr1io en --.era para ,eI moyil'l'li*nto ' " revolwionario que luchaba

contrIIlos~ " £n '1939 una ". mas Yino Ia fuerte

,erne.id'n contn el movimiento ,notucionario. TOdol los cuadro. {revoIucionerio conocidos y hasta alIOS

pobres ~ que flO' 8I1aban 8nvueIto enac:tividades revolucionaries fueron arrest8dos y torturados. EI esposo de Madame Dinh fue encarceIado _ aiio, dos aiiOs despuei de su matrimonio so'-tll. EI muriO"'en la primm sin que elle pudiera volver a, verlo. Un ailo m' tarde ella fue encerceIada Y Ia quitaron a su beb8' de sais ~ de edad. Ena fue brutalmente to?,rada tratando de obtener una confesion de actividadas subversivas contra el gobierno, pero alia no habIo. En eI momento en que ella' fue errestada, 1,009 prisioneros incluyendo 100 rnujeres tIltJJbien fueron arrestados sin saber por que. Madame D inh tomo'" la responsibilidad como revolucionaria de educar a todas las hennanas y hermanos enseMndo que un revotucionario C!I1JIIIliza y educa a Ia .... donde quiera que ~ 0 ella esta:'



1~, ella sufriauna grave enfermedad del corazon. EI opresor, creyendo que ella ya no podri8 continuar sus actividades pol(ucas la dejo/ salir de la prisicfn. Sin embargo ella estaba constant8mente vigilada y no pod' viajor fuera del pueblo. Cualquier amigo con quien ella hiciera contacto era arrestado. Finalmente empezo a trebajar cOn' eI Viet Minh en 1944, y en 1945 torno'parte de una insurreccioh popular contra los fr8l1C8MS y campesinos ricos. I>espu$ de &sa ilJ$Urrecci&, la guerra de resistencia empezo eI 23 de septiembre. (EI aniversario de nuestro Grito de Lares cuando nosotros empezamos nuastra lucha como PuertorriqueOOs contra eI coIonizador espaIiol).

En 1946, Madame Dinh fue _jada a Hanoi para informer sabre la revolucion en eI Sur. Ab( ena conocio a ,,!o Chi Minh. Despu~ de compIatar &sa mision, ella fue mandada a dar Pllblisidad a Ia .RasotUelOn de Artn8Ii aI Pueblo y de la Lucha Armada. ,Ella ~e de pueblo en pueblo trayando Ia resolucion a la gente. Entonces Nguyen Thi Dinh dirigio" la revuelta armada en la provincia de Bentre y se encargo" especial mente de los aspectos militares. Esto as importante porque aunque rnucha gente reconoce la necesidad de las hermanas en la lucha revolucionarios, dudan de las capaclS'ades militares de las mujeres. Ella continuo sus actividadas poIl'ticas en esta provincia y sa COIl1Iirtio" en una de sus lideras. Para 1960 en Ia lucha contra los e.u. ella fue nom breda Primera Secretaria de la organizacloh revotucionaria de su pa:ovincia natal, Bentre; y ~ jefa del E~to de _ provincill. Para finaIas de 1961. ella fue hecha Vice--Pr8sidenta del Frente de LiberacKfu NacionaLEn 1964' alia fue miembro del Corni18' C8ntr8I del Franta de Libaraci6n Naclonal como Vice-Presidente del Jefe,MiJitar de Cuedros del Frente de LiberaciOn Nacional y Presidenta delComfte" de Mujeres.

is' importente para ~ _ Ia bistoria de Ias.rnu;- del T_ ,Mundo que Iucharon y esten Iuchando por Ia libertad de ooetros ~ NOI1J!8Imente flO sebemos nada de elias aun boy die porque Ia gen18 crae que las mujeres no tienen ningtin papaI'en la revoluci~. Y sin embargo las hermanas por todo eI mundo y especiaIrnente las mujeres '(ietna~itas, han demostrado que la revolucion as el deber de hombres y mujeres por~al.


Iris Moralas PARTIDO DE LDS YOUNG LORDS Cuartel Central de/8al:rio

In Vietnam the people have shown the -strength of 8 unfied people's army in defeating first the french and now the u.s.a. One sister who has come to the forefront of this struggle is Madame Nguyen Thi Dinh who is presently the vice commander in chief of the Armed Forces of Liberation of South Vietnam.

Nguyen Thi Dinh, the youngest of 11 children, was born to a poor peasant family in the province' of Bentre. As young as age 11, she joined in the fight against rich peasants and the french colonizer in an insurrection that took place in 1930. Heavy repression came down on her family and one of her brothers was jailed. When he got out of jail , he began teaching her more about potitical matters. Then at the age of 16 she became a messenger for the revolutionary movement fighting against the french.

Again in 1939, repression came down very harci' on the revolutionary movamant. All known cadres (revolutionaries) and even poor peasants who -were not involved in revolutionary activity were arrested and tortured. Madame Dinh's husband was jailed that year, only two years after their marriage. He died in prison without her ever saeing him again. A year later, she was imprisoned and her 6 month old baby was taken away from her. She was brutally tortured trying to get her to confess to subversive activities against the government; but she wouldn't speak. At the time she was arrested , 1,000 prisoners

. including 100 women were also arrested, most of them not knowing why. Madanie Dinh took it upon herself as a revolutionary to educate all the sisters and bro1hers, showing 1hat a revolutionary organizes and educates the people wherever she or he is at.

In 1943, she suffered a severe Mart ailment. The ~ believing 1hat she_ unable to continue in political activity released her from priton. +10_, she._ constantly watched and was. unabla to traval outside the village. Any friends she made contact with wentamtS18d. "'inaUy, the MAt to work with the Viet Minh in 1944, and in 1945 sbe took her part in • popular insurrection against the french and the rich peasants. Agter that insurrection, the war of resistance began on Sept. 23. (The annw-ry of our Grito de Leras when we began our struggle as Puerto Ricans against the spanish colonizer).

In 1946, Madame Dinh _ sent to Hanoi to report on the revolution in the south. There P saw Ho Chi Minh. After completing that mission, she was sent to p(Jblicize the resolution on arming the people imd on armed strUggle. She went from ' village to village bringing. the resolution to the people. Then Nguyen Thi Dfnh led the armed uprising in

COIItiatIed 0# PtJ,ge lit

Page 19: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

On November 5, 1970, brother Lav9l1 Moore was savagely beaten by pigs who go by the name of "correction officers" at the Tombs in New York City. Brother Lavon's killing was automatically called c a sui4!ide. What they didn't know was that one of the brotf"\ers who witnessed tf),e beating would not be intimidated or harrassed enough, would not be afraid to say what he had seen, even though his own life was threatened again and again. That one of many who had seen the beating would love his other brothers so much that he is willing to lay down his c life so that others may live, by exposing the savage prison system for what it really is, "concentration camps of the usa."

On January 8, 1971, the Inmates Liberation Front bailed this brother out of the Tombs and he proved through his actions that he loved brothers and sisters who suffer behind those bars. Yes, Richard Harris showed that he cared. He knew that he was not free because the bars out here ara much stronger and mora repressive than inside and he struggled for freedom, justice, and equality, for the right to control his own destiny. He knew that this system can not be chenged, that opprassion cannot be changed or controlled, so he. fought alongside his brothers and sisters to be frae, to and

repression and murder in ~I prisons, the minimum and maximum security concentration camps.

On January' 28, 1971, brother Richard Harris was convicted by a racist jury and a pig judge after four dayS of trial, which again goes to show US that we cannot expect justice in our oppressor's courts, that this is one of many ways which the system is using to take the People's Army and destroy it before it can grow.

What we must realiza is that right now brother Richard Harris is in denger and it is up to the people in minimum to make sura that Richi8's life is not taken from him by the pigs. He stood up straight and did nOt bend over or cover his eyes with the rags of in;ustlce. cLefs allc of us take off ~rags




and join together so that Richie and all of our people can .be free from repression and murder in all concentration camps.


Rafael Viera Field L ieutenent YOUNG LORDS PARTY EI Barrio Central ."Iedquerteri

PALANTEI the prov ince of Bentre and was in charge especially of the military aspects. This is important cbecause many people although they recognize the need for sisters in . revolUjionary struggle doubt the military capabiltias of women. She continued her political work in this province and became one of the leaders. By 1960 in the struggle against the u.s.a. she became the first secretary of the revolutionary organization in her native province. By the end of 1961, she became vice president of the National Liberation Front. In 1964, she becIIme a member of the central committe of the National Liberation Front as vice president of the military chief of staff of the National Liberation Front and president of the women's committee.

It is important for us to know the history of third world women who fought and are fighting for the freedom of our peoples. We usually don't know anything about them because even. today people believe women

. have no role in revolution. Yet sisters all over the world and especially the vietnamese have shown that revolution is the duty of both men and women.

FOWARD SISTERS IN THE STRUGGLE PO N C E· MARCH 21st ROMPE CADENAS! I ris Morales Education Capt. Young Lords Party EL BARRIO Central Hdqrs.

EI 5 de noviembra de 1970, el herman.> LavSn Moore fue salvajernente golpeado haste la muerte por puereus que son conocidos par el nombre de "oficiales de corraccid'n" en "Las Tumbas" de la ciudad de Nueva York. 1:1 asesinato del hermano Lavcfn fue autom'ticamente lIamado un suicidio. La que ellos no sabfan es que uno de 1;)5 hermanos que fue testigo de esa golpizano podrfa ser intimidado 0 asustado '0 bastante, !JOe coo tendr(a miedo de decir 10 que 'I habla visto, aunque amenazaron contra su vidd una y otra y otra vez; que uno de los muchos que presenciaron la golpiza amaba tanto a sus hermanos que es capaz de ofracer su vida para que otros puedan villir, exponiendo as( eI salvaje sistema de las prisiones como 10 que son de verdad: camp.>s de concentraci&'n de e.u.

EI 8 de enero da 1971, el Frente de LiberaciJn de Prisioneros dirt la fianza por este campanaro y '" saca de las Tumbas y 'I comprvbcf por sus acci.mes que ameba a sus hermanos y hermanas que sufrran tras esas rejas. sf. Richard Harris demostrcf que" sf se praocupaba. E I sabra que eI no astaba libra porque las. barras aqui afuera son mucha m~ fuertes y represivas que adentro. Y el luch&. por Iii libertad, la justicia, y la igualdad, par eI derecho de controlar su propio destino. EI sab' que este sistema no puede ser cambiad.>, que la opresion no puede ser cembiada 0

controlada, asr que lucha' Junto a sus hermanos y hermal18f para ser libre, para acabar con la represid'n y asesinato en ~ las prisiories, los camp.>s da concentracion de seguridad mfnima y m'xima.

EI 28 de enero de 1971, eI hermano Richard Har.ris fue convicto por un juredo> racista y un juez puerco desputs de 4 Jfas de juicio. Lo que otra vez nos vuelve a demostrar que no podemos esperar justicia de las cortes de los opresores, que este as uno de los muchas maneras que eI sistema tiene de romar aI ejercito del puebl.> y destruirlo antes de que pueda crecer.

eonf. P.21

Page 20: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots


REPRESSION and arrested on Lower East Side, charged with assault and battery, interfering with an arrest. $1000 ransom(bail).

19. JulV 28, 1970: Lord arrested in Bronx, charged with inciting to riot, resisting arrest.

20. August. 1970: Lord errested in Phi/edelphia. charged with inciting to riot, assault and battery. Rimsom (bail) of $5000.

21. August, 1970: Bronx branch flrllbembed,

22. August, 1970: Lord errested in Pbi/edelphia, charged with riot.

23. September, 1970: Lord arrested in PtmadeIptHe charged with ~ion of a deadlV weapon (karate sticks). Ransom of $1,000.

24. October, 1970: EdUCIIJion Lieutenant Hawkeye . of Philadelphia framed on drug charge.

25. October, 1970: National Field Captain Bobby Leamus arrested and held for one day. No reason given.

'26. October 14, 1970: Two Lords, including Julio Roldan, arrested on attempted first degree arson, resisting errest charges. Ransom of $500.

27. October 15, 1970: Julio Rolden murdered in Tombs.

28. November,1970: Lord arrested in Bronx while selling Palante.

29. November 7, 1970: Information center in Philadelphia pipe-bombed.

30. December, 1970: Lord in Bridgeport arrested while drinking coffae in restaurant.

31. December, 1970: Lord in Philadelphia auested for trespassing.

32. December 30, 1970: Philadelphia Information Center firebombed.

33. December 31, 1970: Philadelphia Information Center fire.bad again.

34. JanuSry 10, 1971: Four LO'rds, including Deputy Minister of Defense Herman FIot:es, Field lieutenant Rafael Viera, and Carlos Rovira, pickad. up and framed on ~ion of deadlV weapon, possession of drugs.

3&. January 15 - 24, 1971: Period in which homes of entire Central Committee are I'8I'ISIICk8d repeatedly by bureau of' special seMces (boss) agents.

H...-n Flores Deputy Min .. of 0efeMe tor ........ ·:»;·, ~~ilARTY.

Riehard Harris Lo que debemos saber es que en este

mllmento el hermanos Richard Harris esta en peligro y que la .JI8nte que est! en los campos de seguridad mfnima (IllS 8.U. de amerikkk .. ) debe asegurarse de que los poercos no se lleven l'!lida de Richie. EI pef!1lanec:icf firme V nodejo que Ie taparan losojoscon los trapvs de Iii injusjicia. Qui~;)snos tOO05 asos trapos y unamosnos para que Richie y todo nuestro pueblo queden libres de la represitn y asesinatos en todos Ills campos de concentracJn.



Rafael Viera T~niente de Campo PARTIDO DE LOS YOUNG LORDS Sector Cuartel del Barrio

Rist.rill de

Cuendo las minas de oro deiaron de dar 'ganancias. los coIonizadores II dedicaron a la agricultura para sostaIJ"' la economl'a. Como ayuda para la economla trajeron a los esclevos Africanos. Esto tuI alradedor de 1519. COmo venganza po; haber sido IIJdavizedos, los Africanos tralan la viruela que ellos recogieron de '. ester arncmlOnados en los barcos de los espaOoles

En 1521, el emperador carlos V ordenJ la libertad de_ todos los I~ excepto aquellos cuvos duenos no eran subditos de la corona. Es, 10 podfan hacer facilm,ente ahore qua teman a los Africa,os trabajando. Los 600 Indios que todavla vivfan como' esclavos fueron reunidos V enviados a Toa, una granja real. Esto es 10 que los emerikkkanos hacen en Vietnam. Ellos juntan a las . gentes Vietnamitas de diferentes pueblos donde creenque elFLN tiena apovo (10 que pasa en casi todos los pueblos) y los coloca en unas "aldeas" especial mente creadas, que son en raalidad C;;mpos de co~ntracicfn. Las I laman, "alde;lS estrat.;gicas" 0 "aldeas pacificadas." Ese mismo ano tambie'n cambiaron eI nombre de la isla de San Juan a Puerto Rico, y la ciudad que 58 habfa lIemado Puerto Rico fuf! lIamada San Juan Bautista. Casas de los 8SP.liOotes.

En 152'1 los camaradas Indios djI los

Tah>s mataron a diegQ de le4n mientr. buscaba pcIII.1a ...... de. Ie ~ £1 ano •. _"'.'.a1o." '" .... ,

En los proximos all'os los Indios Caribes atacaron San Germ/n matando a 5 frailes V fB!l1aron bajo el caWon de la Bahia de San Juan pera --atacar a un pueblo cercano (guerrilleros). Los franceses tambie~ atacaron San German, saqUMndoio V quem/ndolo. En ,1530 las minas de oro va no producfan pr&::ticarnente. Una serie de tres tormentas atacd a la isla V los coIonizadores que hab," hopotacado sus cosechas para comprar esclavos Africanos quedaron arrUinados. Tantos personas se quer," ir de Puerto Rico que el gobernador 10 declero"un crimen grave. Daban cast~s muy' sever05 como corter una pierna a aquellos que trataban de salir de Ia isla.

Deses~ados por la economfa, los colonizadores trataron con el azucsr. Con eI buen clima V los esclavos Africanos para trabajo barato, el negocio del azucar dilf ganancias. Lo que en un tiempo fue una dase . de colonizadores V mineros se convirtil en una nueva clase de propieterios de tierras. Duenos de bodegas V artesanos apereciaron en San Juan. Carlos V acabl co'n la esclavitud de los Indios. Una nacKfn habia sido destruida en 5Oanos.

La prosparidad duro poco tiampo. Dtres islas de las Antilles. propiedad de otres potencias que espaila, desalTOllaron mejores formes de producciJn 'de azucar, 11ev~ los mercados de Puerto Rico. EI comercio de esclavos disminuvo'v los pirates redujeron sus ataques a los barcos.

inglaterra se estaba convirtiando en eI poder de ·Ios mares V espaiia convirtil a Puerto Rico en una forteleza militer (como hace ahara •• u.). EI Morro fue acabado y ll8giba una ayuda anual de la Tesorerd: Mexicana (otra propiedad espanola). Aunque sir francis drake deinglaterra fue derrotado en ,eI Morro, george difford tomo'Sari Juan en "5jl8. Sin embargo, las "erma invis~ dti tropico" (enfermedades) hiciaron .qua se fuaron. Los ho!andeses saquearon V quemaron San Juan en 1625, pero siguio' siando una posesicfn espeWola.



pablo "Yoruba" Guzmln Ministro de Informaci,$n PARTIDO DE LOSYO'UNG LORDS

Page 21: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots



202 EAST 117 STREET NEW YORK 10035 N.Y.





















202 EAST 117 STREET NEW YORK.1.oo35 N.Y.


THE YOUNG LORDS PARTY hM a weekly radio show on WBAI·FM, every Monday evening at 11·"·30 P.M., 99.7. We have discussed such topics M cultural genocide, health, Puerto Rican women M revolutionaries, end political prisoners. PALANTE also contains a community news section, in which mention is made of the news the man tries to shut up in the Latin colony, such as the latest offing of a pig.

and if you want to continue hearing your news on the air, write PALANTE, c/o WBAI·FM, 30 E. 39th St., New York, N.Y. Shows are repeated Tuesday mornings at 11:00 a.m.






NAME----________________ _

ADDRESS, ________________ __

CITY. ___ STATE __________ _




U.S. 0$5.75

o 3.00

FOREIGN 0$7.25

o 5.00

o 3.50


• • I I , .. I J -. I I. _____ .... ______ .' ____ ..; _______ ~ __ .,;;i'


Every member of the YOUNG LORDS PARTY' must follow these rules. CENTRAL COMMITTEE members, CENTRAL and BRANCH STAFFS, including all captains, will enforce these rules.

Every member of the party must memorize these rules, and apply them daily. Any member found violating these rules is. subject to suspension by the PARTY.


1. You are a YOUNG LORD 25 hours a day. 2. Any P~RTY member busted on a jive tip which

that member brought down. on himself or others, can swim alone. .

3. Any member found shooting drugs will be expelled. 4. No membPr may have 'any illegal drug in his or her

possession Of in their system while on duty. No one may get drunk on doty.

5~ No member will violate rules relating to office worK or general mfttingl of the PARTY ANYWHE~E.

6. No- one will .point or' fire a weapon of any kind unnecessarily or accidentally at anyone.

7.. No member can join any army force other than the Peep/9'S Army of Liberetion.

8. No .PARTY member will Commit crimes against the people. ,

9. When arrested, YOUNG LORDS will give only name, address, and will sign nothing. Legal first aid must be understood by all members.

10. No member may speak in poblic unless authorizad by the Central Committee or Centrel Staff.

11. The 13 Point Program mUst be memorized and the Platform must IlII understood by each member.

·12. PARTY communications must be national and local.

13. No member may speak about another member unless he or she is present.

All PARTY business

15. All contradictions between members must be resolved. at once. .

'. 16. ~ .. a week all Chapters and Branches will conduct 8 critiCISm and self criticism session.

.17. All members will relate to Chain of COmmand. OfflC8l"s, cadre, and .so on. The 0.0. is the final authority in . the office. -

18. Each person will submit a daily rBpOrl of work to the 0.0. .

.19. Each YOUNG LORD must learn to operate and serVice weapons correctly.

20. AI! ~hip ~sonnel who expel 8 member, must SUbmit thIS informatIOn, with photo, to the Editor of the IlPwspaper, so that it will be published in the paper, and known by all Chepters and Branches.

21. Political Education classes are mandatory for general membership.

22. All memllllrs must read at least one political book a month, a,nd at least two hours a day on contemporary metters.

23. Only essigned PARTY personnel should be in offjce each day. AtI others are to sell papers and do political work out in the community, including capteins, section leaders. etc.

24. All Chapters' must submit W8!Ik/y report in writing to NatiOnal Headquarters. .

25. All' Branches must implement First Aid/Medical Cadres.

26. All Chapters and Branches must submit a weekly financial report to the Ministry of Finance.

. 27. No Chapter or Brench shall accept grants, poverty funds, money, or any aid from any government agency.

28. All Traitors, Provocateurs. and Agents will be . subject to Revolutionary Justice.

29. At all times we keep a united front before all forms of the man. This is not true not only among LORDS, but all ReVOlutionary Compei\'eros. ;' 30. All Chapters must adhere to the policy' and Ideology pot forth . by the Central Committe of the YLP. Likewise, all will know all inf.ormatum

_ ... ".-..... ~." by. the . . :.~:",. .• ,:'£ : ..•. A:"':·.··

Page 22: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots




Ir::=~~ que eprender .. hilfOria de nuestre Iuc:ha contra .. 1. QUEREMOS AUTODETERMINACION PARA TOOOS LOS cultural y econ&mico impuesto sobnt notOtros por .. PUERTORRIQUENOS _ LlBERACION EN LA ISLA Y DENTRO Cultura nlVoluclonaria, la cultura de IIUIIIIrO pueblo. - .. DE LOS ESTAOOS UNIOOS. ' enseiianza verdadera. JIBARO SI. YANQUI NOI

H_ 500 ai»s que nuestra isla ha estado colonizada: primero por espana y luego por los estados unidos. BilloneS de dolares en ganancias salen, todos los aOOs de nuestra isla hacia los estados unidos. En todo seqtido somos esclavos de los yanquis. Nosotros queremos la liberacid"n y eI poder en las manos del pueblo, no en las de explotadores puertorriqueiios. QUE VIVA PUERTO RICO LIBRE!


gobernantes puertorriquenos. ttteres del opresor. no ayuden II pullblo. Aquellos son pagados por at sistema para que dirijan a nuestro pueblo por callejones sin salida. De la misma manera mil_ de alcahuetes contra la pobreza son pagados para que apaeiguen a nilestras comunidades para at beneficio de los negociantes. Del mismu modo los trabajadores sociales cHviden a nuestras gangas y las

2. QUEREMOS AUTODETERMINACION PARA TODOS LOS .rna~ltie.i18n pelea'ndose entre sf. Queremos una sociedad en Ia cuaI at LATINOS. controle su labor de un modo socialista. VENCEREMOSI

9. NOS OPONEMOS AL EJERCITO NORTEAMERIKKKANO. Nuestras hermanas v hermanos latinos, dentro y tuara de los e.e. u.u •• son oprirnidos Pf liS empresas, norteiImerikkkanas. EI pueblo

Chicano corwtruyo eI sur-oeste de este ""'. Y"nosotros apoyamos su Dem.t.lIfamos la retlr8da inrneidata de las fuerzas derechcJ a controlar sus vidas ~ su, tierra. Elpueblo Dominicano IIOI1IIamerikkkanas de Puerto Rico. Vietnam. y de todas continua ., lueha contra la dominacidn yanqui y sus generales comunidades oprirnidas dentro y fuera de lOs .... u.u. NlngUn tfteres. La lucha armade en Latinoarnerica forma part. de la guerra • ~lUfII'tOI'Ir.NII'IO ~ inscribirse .n el ejercito nortearnerikkkanO

todos los Latinos contra eI irnperialismo. QUE VI VA LA RAZA! contra sus hermanos y hermanU oprirnldas. EI verdadero

3. QUEREMOS LlBERACION PARA TODOS LOS PUEBLOS DEL . pueblo oprimido as at ejercito, popular ... MU los gobernantes. ESTAOOS UNIOOS FUERA DE


Tal como los latlnos trabajaron como escIavos. prirnero bap espai1a OUERI:MC)S LA LIBERT AD DE TODOS LOS PRIISIC)NE:RCIS luego bajo 10$ III". u.u •• los pueblos Negros, Indios, y Aliliicos han .''Y'_II ...... 'O Y DE TOOOS LoS'PRISIONEROS DE GUERRA.

como escJavos para crear la riqueza de ~,P4 Por 400 " '1" •.

han I"chado contra Ia injustiM y Ia lndigidad imPueste Ninalfn Puarton:~ debe estar en Ia cerceI, prirnero eIIospor • ~nia racista,a ~ Mufldo ha dirigido la ",sotros somos una naciIn' y ame'rikkk'a no tiena por la liberacA Todqs los rn-bIO$ !lPl'imi80s y de color *,-i&n con nosotros; .... fIdo. porque iiosotros nohemo$

una nacid" bajo Ia oprestd\t. NINQUWpUER'rORRIQUENO tratados por, nuestra propie gente (nuestrOs sernejantes). Tambiln L,IBRE HASTA QUE TOOOS LOS PUEBLOS NO SEAN queramos a todos los luchadores de I. libartad tuera dlla cerceI.

porqua alios $On prislonaros de Ia fIU8ITlI de laliberacicl!. LIBERT AD



Los pueblos Latinos, N..,vs, Indios. Y Asilticos dentro de los .... son coIonias an lucha por Ia Iibaraci&n. Reconoctnos que ~estro pueblo as enga'Wado por la television. eI radio. los parilOGJr:os,

-::::owao street. y city hall tratIIriCt de convartir nuestro las escueIas. y los libros para oponer a nuestra geme en contra ;n en racismo. pero los puertprriquenos somoa de todos otros pueblos que estan luchando por su liberacicfn. Muy pronto los -c:olores y resistirnos at racIsmo.Miftonas de personas PU~ no ~s estas rnentiras que todos estos nil8dios han impuesto blancas se estan levantendo a exigir su libartad. y a estas tambien nosotros, porque habramos aprendido quien es at verdadero nosotros las apoyarnos. Son estas las que son pisotemas por at qu ienas son nuestros venladeros amlgos. Defendaremos a gobierno y.1os dirigentas de los .... u.u. Cada cuaI organiza su .~I8fnIan;1S y hermanos al~ del mundo qu.,uchan por Ia justicia pueblo. pero la lucha contra .. opresi8n as una y unidos venceramos. esten en con~-a de los ducoos d. este pais. VIVA EL "CHE': PODER A TODOS LOS PUEBLOS OPRIMIDOSI


Bajo eI capitalismo. la mujtlf as oprimida pOr ambos elementos, la sociedad y at hombre. La doctrina del machismo as usada por at hombre para desenvolvar sus frustracilonas an las esposas. hermanas.



madras. y en los hijos. EI hombre debe peIear a \ado chi sus herrnaMS .gananeillS. an la Iucha por I. igualded econcfmica y social y debe reco~ que _niftiStal:lo .. mi1ad del ejercito' ravolucionario 58 va a componar de harrnanas: las, herni18n8S Y los hermanos somos IgueIes. luchando jumtoa por II;::::;:: nuestro pueblo. ADELANTE tfERMANAS EN LA LUCtfA!


o...-s que nuestras ...,nldades _ controIades por eI pueblo.

y .... igimo. profIr8IIlIIS que garantilln que todas las Instituclonas

simIn a las I I C I,'dades del pueblo. Ouararnos que eI pueblo controle II::::~ .. poIit4 los servicios de teIud. las iglesias, las esIiUeIas, las v~iendas • .. transpOrte. y eI bienestar pGbIico. Queremos que sa ponga fin a los II:::~: asettos que sobre nuestra tierra llevan a cabo Ia "atiminacicfn" urbana. la "destrucc;&o" d. carreteras, y las univarsidades y 'lIOIporaciones, LA TIERRA PERTENECE TODO Et. PUEBLOI

Page 23: I...Headquarters in Chicago, which was the place where the Rainbow Coalition was formed. The Rainbow Coalition was the corning-together of the Lords, Panthers, and the Young Patriots

LaMaSRC\\E E POrttE .. ,.