WT I G T I l 7 s fC i THE PENSACrVTA JouRNAL THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER14 1909 S i- fri i Phone 38 P azcl I Phone 3- Frem It eo pIe E vents Frem I > 2tGJ Jlm I I J By BONNIE BURNHAM T3oto1om 1 MY QUEEN fItfhen and how shall I earliest meet her- iWhat are the words first she shall say JBy what name shall I learn to greet her- Zfcnow not how it win come some- day V ISVith the selfsame sunlight shining i upon her Shining down on her ringlets sheen She is standing somewhere she I shall honor She that I wait for my queen my queen iWhother her hair be golden or raven Whether her eyes be Hazel or blue I know not how but twill be en ¬ graveIi Some day hence as my loveliest hue Many girl I have loved for a min ¬ ute- Worshipped many a taco I have- t seen Ever and aye there was something in i it- Something that could not foe hers my queen t will not dream of h er tall and stately Sho that I love may be fairly bright L will not say she must move se A da te1y- Whatever she does it will then be right feuo may be humble or proud my lady > Or that sweet calm which Is Just t between lAnd whenever she comes she will find me ready t la do her homage my queen my queen But she must i > o courteous she must be holy Pure in her spirit this maiden 1 tr love- SVhether her birth be noble or lowly I care not more than the spirits above But IlI give my heart to my ladys keeping And ever her strength on mine t shall lean rAnd the stars may fall and the saints- be weeping Lre I cease to love her my queen my queen Submitted r THE NEW CITY FLINCH CLUB 3 MEETS TODAY 4 A meeting of the popular New City Flinch club will occur today with Frank Marston as Hostess at ner tome on North Twelfth avenue THURSDAY CLUB WILL MEET TODAY The regular meeting of the Thurs f Jitay will take place this after r T noon Mrs Wm HaIl will be hostes- sr J r her home oa West Romana street PUBLIC SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION TO MEET TODAY- A meeting of the Public School Im- provement ¬ Association the first of the season will take place on Friday af ternoon at 330 oclock at the school- house All members are requested to be present as matters of the utmost importance are to receive attention PLEASANT EUCHRE PARTY kT THE PROGRESS CLUB f A jolly crowd of euchre enthusiasts gathered at the Progress club last light the game having been played mill a late hour The weekly parties Jt the club which occur on each Wed lesday night are a pleasant feature tit the local social season LUTHERAN CIRCLE MET WITH MISS BERRY The Lutheran Circle held a roost successful meeting yesterday after- noon ¬ at the home of Miss ijeola Ber- ry ¬ at Number 121 West Government Street Matters of much importance urerd discussed by the members or this energetic little band whose ef- fort ¬ Bret much appreciated In Luth- eran ¬ Circles a 11 THE W C T U HELD INTERESTING SESSIONS YESTERDAY An interesting session of the W C J U occurred yesterday arternoon at- the First Presbyterian church a good fcttendance having been reported night a party of the workers i font to Fort PIckens where a too Saratoga Potato Chips I RECEIVED t t I REGULARLY I ALWAYS Ii L FRESH c AND 1y CRISP f PHONE US > + FORTHEM- 30c per pound I Sol Gahn Go THE PURE FOOD STORE Agents Nunnaliys Candles Pho 17201721 L meeting took place for the benefit of the soldiers who are interested in the work Yesterday in tact was a most successful day throughout for the ladles ARE PARENTS- OF A FINE GIRL Mr and Mrs R M Livingston are the parents of a fine little girl baby at their home at No 1307 East Strong street They are receiving the con- gratulations ¬ of their many friends LADIES MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF EAST HILL BAPTIST CHURCH TO MEET The Ladies Missionary Society ot the East Hill Baptist church will hold an important meeting at the church this afternoon at 3 oclock All are requested to be present- MR E T DAVIS RETURNS FROM NORTHERN TRIP Attorney E T Davis who has been absent for the past week on a busi ¬ ness trip to Chicago and St Louis where he has looked after the in ¬ terests of clients has returned to his home at the Escambia hotel He re ¬ ports a profitable and pleasant trip I MR AND IVfRS GEORGE KELLY RETURN- Mr and Mrs Geo Kelly of 724 Eighth avenue have returned from Louisville Kentucky where they were called to attend the funeral of Mr Kellys brother Mr Dennis E Kelly who for many years was travel- ing ¬ engineer for the L N road BROWNING CLUB WITH MRS BEARD The Browning Club will meet on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs John Beard on the bayshore Book r of the Ring and the Book will be under discussion Miss Ethel Suter to be leader The meeting will commence on the arrival of the 330 car J I MRS R A BAKER AND BABY ARRIVE- Mrs H A Barker and baby or Tampa who have been visiting the parents of the former at Carybelle have arrived in the city to join Mr Barker who has been here for some- time Mr and Mrs Barker and lit- tle ¬ Agnes Marie will make their per- manent ¬ home here and are with Mrs M Barrow on Jackson street THE FLOWERSWILLIAMS WEDDING TONIGHT- A marriage in which many Pensa ¬ cola people are interested will take place tonight at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs H O Flowers on DeSoto street when their daughter Miss Vellery will be wedded- to Mr Edward B Williams The event is to be a simple sweet home affair witnessed only by relatives and Immediate friends- CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE OLD SOLDIERS HOME Announcement has been made that all wishing to send contributions to the Old Soldiers Home may do so by communicating with either Miss Fan- nie ¬ Caldwell president of the U D C or Miss Green president of the Children of the Confederacy The home is in need of many things at the present time and this is a call which surely will not be allowed to go unheeded- AT THE MISSION FESTIVAL YESTERDAY Yesterday was green day at the mission festival- If you perchance hadnt a green tag fluttering from your lapel you hadnt been tagged that was alland more shame to you Each aay of the festival the tags will bear a different hue so you cant use yesterdays or day before yesterdays tag you see and still be In on the running Thats one of the finest business ideas of the whole thing Yesterdayaftern09n and last night numbers of enthusiastic and interest ¬ visitors were present folk dancing cbildrens games and a fine program generally having been thoroughly en ¬ joyed PASTIME EUCHRE WITH MRS J J MCARTHY LAST NIGHT Mrs J J McCarthy was hostess last night at an unusually fine meeting of the Pastime Euchre club The even- ing ¬ was an ideal one for the en- thusiasm ¬ which always marks tile Pastime games and some very clever t ft j t r j Ailments of Men y Happily Overcome 0 SUCCESSFULLY TRIED BY k MANY Jg gi Undoubtedly tho following pre g 3 scription will work wonders for g jjf that great class of men wh- oa through dissipation of their nat- ural g strcnth find themselves In r if their second childhood long be r- < fore the three score and ten ol 5 Hfes pleasures and en 3 Bovments are reached- t jr Is presumed to bo infallible SJ- 5 and highly efficient In quickly re storing in nervous exhaustion or weak vitality melancholia and the functions X First get fifty cents worth of compound fluid balmwort In a one qg ounce package and three ounces 55 r syrup sarsaparilla compound take home mix and let stand two hours ft- y then set one ounce compound es- sence ri 55 cardiol and one ounce tine- S ture cadomene compound not car damom 5Iix all in a six or eight- S ounce bottle shake wen and take s one teaspoonful after each mea- lS and one when retiring followed ay 1 a drink of water x S By mixing It at home no man ik 5 need be the wiser as to anothers A h shortcomIngs and expensive fees are avoided 5 lAck of poise and equilibrium In fe men Is a constant source of embar- rassment 3- i even when the public K- j least suspects It For the benefit of those who want a restoration to- e fc fyll bounding health and all the a happiness accompanying It the 3 6 above home treatment Is given It pi contains no opiates or Iwbltform zt Xj Ing drugs whatever Mix It at if home and no one will be the wiser h- 3i as to your affliction S vk l t c <<t u c I WORTH u j MOUNTAINS OF GOLD During Change of Life says Mrs Chas Barclay Graniteville Vt I was passing through the Change of life and suffered from nervousness andother annoying symptoms and J can trul that thatLydiaEJP- inkhams ¬ pound has proved worth mountains of gold to me as it restored my health and strength I never forget to tell my friends what- LydJaEPinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me during this trying period Complete restoration to means so much- to me that for the sake of other suffer ing women I am willing to make m trouble public so you may publish- this letterJJMPs CHAS Y BFDGraniteville V4 No other medicine for Woman ills has received such widespread and un¬ qualified No other med ¬ icine we know of has such a record- of cures of female ills as has Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound- For more than 30 years been curing female complaints such as inflammation ulceration local weak- nesses fibroid turners Irregularities perodic pains backache indigestion and nervous prostration unequalled for carrying women safely through the period of chance of life It costs but to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and aslfrsBarclaysaysitis worth moun- tains of gold JJ to suffering women AFTER THE SHOW A refreshing drink at our fountain or a cup of our delicious hot choco ¬ late or coffee before the ride home on the car will keep the edge on your pleasure Nearest to the most theatres Most cars pass here Quick service Buttercup bread made and sold here r IANDY- KITCHEN playing was reported- The ladles ace was a tie between Mesdames Walter LJndatrom and N Soderquist the latter winning The lone hand was secured by Mrs L M Davis and the booby by Mrs M P Bonifay The gentlemans ace was won by Mr J G Yniestra the lone hand by Mr Thos F Wrlghton and the booby by Mr Peter Murphy The next meeting will bo with Mrs Dan Murphy on North Hayne street I THE CIVIC LEAGUE AND ITS PRESENT PLANS meeting of the Civic League oc ¬ curred yesterday at the Y M C A parlors In which a great deal of busi- ness received attention among the decidedly energetic aggregation which was present Among the first matters- to be discussed was the Palafox street parkway situation It having been de- cided ¬ to continue the efforts along this line and to further the movement to a successful issue If possible To this end a number of the league ladles were present at the council meeting last night It was decided furthermore at yesterdays meeting to hold a tissue paper ball after the holidays which judging from fhe delightful successes which have resulted In the larger cities will be among the most bril- liant social affairs of the winter An uptodate ball of this sort is charac ¬ terized by its artistic paper costumes- its various floral decorations its fancy dancing and so on The following committees were appointed to lOOK after the ball in its first stages Committee on arrangements Misses McIntyre and Cawthon and Mes- dames Owens Meyer and Willis committee on decoration Mesdames Max Bear Fried Batts Willis and Morris Bear Perhaps the most important discus ¬ sion however which took place was with regard to the recital which is to be given gratis by Mrs Ignatius Fried for the benefit of the Civic League Mrs Fried is well known among the reading world as the pos ¬ sessor of an unusually widespread reputation as a musician of Interna- tional note Her name which is fre- quently seen in the more exclusive musical publications became known throughout New York during the time of the Paris exposition when she was invited to play for the French and for the world at the gay Parisian capital Mrs Fried has graciously II consented to play for the league for the sweet sake of the coming city FNDIGESTIOi9 S e I M i ttT- S L Q D DYSPEPSIA F Jr1 5 1fi You Get Everything- aGooci Laundry- Can Furnishw- hen you wear work done the Empire Way Empire Laundry Where Linen Lasts W C MACKEY Mgr Phone 322 I beautiful and the affair will occur on the 25t- hPERSONAL MENTION- Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Jr and Miss Daisy Hyer who are traveling in Europe are now in Ireland Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Jr and Miss Bertha Hyer who have been in Virginia this summer will return to the city shortly t I Mr J J McCasklll of Freeport Is I in the city and is at the Escambia hotel Mrs W B Runyan and baby have returned after a two months visit- to Columbus Ohio FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHES Whether from Malarious conditions Colds- or overheating try Hicks CAPUDIXB It reduces the fever andrelieves the ach- ing ¬ Its Liquid 10 25 and BO cents at Drug Stores For goodness sake eat Mothers Bread Hugheys 133 West Intendencia Phone 855 MEALS FOR A DAY Thursday October 14 BREAKFAST Oranges Breakfast Bacon Broiled Shirred Eggs Hashed Potatoes Popovers Safe au Lait Horrify The JttnalL- UNCHEON Minced Fish In Cream Saute Baked Potatoes Buttered Toast Junket with Cream Cakes Tea Iced or Hot Milk DINNER Vegetable Soup Broiled Beefsteak with Onions Mashed Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes with Rice Salad of Cucumbers and Onions Cabinet Pudding with Sauce Cafe Noir Cheese Phospho best for Indi- gestion ¬ 50 cents Ask drug ¬ gist for free sample BLUFF SPRINGS Special to the Journal Bluff Springs Oct 13Mrs Hig don of Atmore Ala Is the guest of her relatives Mr and Mrs AY R TIs dale for a short time She arrived here last Thursday- Mrs Will Douglass went to Floma ton on some dental business last Fri ¬ dayMr and Mrs John Dawsori of Brewton came down here last Friday- to attend the burial of their little nephew the oldest child of Mr and Mrs Will Dawson Jessie Pearish went to Freeport where he is engaged in the saw mill business He left here last Friday- W C McDavid of Chumuckla was over here a few days last week shak- ing hands with his many friends Mr and Mrs W W Mathews and children of Pensacola were up here last week to attend the funeral of Mr and Mrs Douglass little boy who died last Thursday j w Creary went to Pensacola on If Palpitation Stuffy Breathing- or other signs show its risky to keep on with co- rreoPOSTUM 10 days makes things clear Theres aReason i business lastFriday Miss Jo Cawthon went to Foshee last Saturday- Mrs il A Douglas went to Mania tee Ala on a visit to her mother Mrs Self who is an old invalid lady of 84 years She left here last Sun ¬ dayHargis Gonzalez of Pensacola was- a Sunday visitor at Mrs J C McDa rids Mrs G B Hendrix of Pensacola was the guest of her niece Mrs Will Dawson for a short while last week She went back home last Sunday Mr Turner Srr of the veneer mill is reported as being seriously ill hay ¬ ing contracted some kind or throat trouble Doctors are in attendance- on him every day this week Last Monday Uriah Pettis of Bond Miss was brought home to hIs par- ents ¬ Mr and Mrs Pettie Sr a very sick boy having contracted a case of typhoid fever out there Misses Annie Cameron McDavid ana Mary Lee Wilhelraina Bailsman Ella Douglas and Messrs O H Salts man and E D McCaskill all went across Escambia river on a surprise- to Mr and Mrs Ed McCaskill Sr last Sunday All report a delightful time as there were no lese than 28 guests in all The largest shipment of sewing ma ¬ chines that ever came to this place was delivered at this depot last Mon ¬ day There were twentyeight ma- chines ¬ Mr Martin section boss at Molino has relieved G W Taylor of his extra gang which is stationed here Mr Taylor is off on a two months vaca ¬ tionG W Taylor went to Sanford last Tuesday Mrs S Medlock and children of Pine Hill Ala are the guests of her brother Peter McNeal for a few days Master Johnie Bryars of Platain Ala who haa sojourned here for some three or four weeks among friends aad relatives went to his home last Wednesday happy because I he was tho proud possessor of two large possums Mrs A Edward and child went to Century on basinew last Wednesday evening Miss Mao Linton went to Flomaton oil a shopping tour last Wednesday morning- T W Taylor and E A King both of Bay Minette were here prospecting- in the timber market last Tuesday- and Wednesday- C R Kluger the Jeweler 1060 Vir- ginia ¬ Ave Indianapolis Ind writes- I was so weak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet Four bottles of Foieys Kidney Remedy cleared my complexion cur ed my backache and the irregularities disappeared and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foieys Kidney Remedy to all suffer ¬ ers as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies had failed W A DAlemberte druggist and apothecary 121 South Palafox street Phospho best for Uric Acid 50 cents Ask druggist- for free sample BEULAH Special to the Journal Beulah Oct 13The muchneeded rain came last Sunday and no doubt will do a great deal of good to grow- ing crops Mrs T J Roberts has just re- turned from an extended visit with bet mother at Milligan Isaac Hirst was in the city on business Tuesday- Mr and Mrs C E Snowden of Quintette were over Sunday visitors with relatives in Beulah and vicinity- T M Hanna spent Sunday with Us daughter Mrs Bessie Reeves and other relatives at Quintette- V C Barrineau passed through here in his auto Tuesday on his way to the Deep Water City Mrs Eliza Busbee is still confined- to the house and is apparently no better at this writing A J Garrett Is not feeling as well as usual and is confined to his home with fever Mrs Alice Von Rossom of Baldwin county Ala is the guest of her pa ¬ rents Mr and Mrs A J Garre- ttMUSCOGEE Special to the Journal Muscosee Fla Oct 13Fred PagE who has been visiting at the home- of his uncle T L Bayeur left Tues ¬ day for his home Miss Nellie Grant returned from Birmingham Saturday and is now at the home of her aunt Mrs W K Vaughn Mrs R C Grant accompa- nied ¬ her to Muscogee returning to Birmingham Sunday The many friends of Albert Arn- old ¬ are sorry to hear of his illness He has been very sick for the past two weeks with typhoid fever Mr and Mrs George Lewis were vicitors to Gonzalez Sunday Lewis Nellums was a visitor to PenSAcola Tuesday AV C Lott spen Sunday in Pensa colaPaul Merritt left Muscosee last week for Atraore where he will enter school this winter The many friends of Dr A J John- son will be sorry to Iwirn that he has been on the sick list for the pest few days Dr Johnson will leave next week for tbe west were he expects- to spend the winter He is going west for his health HM friends here hope that he may return very muen benefited During his absence Mrs Johnson and little daughter will spend the time at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Patterson MILLIGAN SeoiaI tc The Journal Milligan Oct 13G W Kiterease was in town today eWng cotton aid shopping- TJ Hinote wu a business visitor to Pensaeda today Math Morris and family oC Cobb left today for Texas Where they ex- pect to make their future home Mrs A L Garrett and baby are visiting friends and relatives at Mil- ton ¬ week A T Simmons was sick for about- a week and had to disrate Ms school but resumedIzIa duties aglH Monday rnorateg M L G ars aM a few others came daite w uteas 4e >p nd a s IT Dan derineGro- ws Hair and we ca- nPROVE IT is to the Lair what fresh showers DANDERINE sunshine arc to vegetation It to the roots invigorates and strengthens them Its exhilarating stimulating and lifeproducing properties cause the hair to grow J abundantly long strong and beautiful It at L ence imparts a sparkling brilliancy and vel- vety ¬ Ii Q I softness to the Lair and a few weeu Li use will cause new Lair to sprout all ever tlv scalp Use it every day for A short time i her which two or three time a weclc will v 4 be sufficient to complete whatever growth t i you desire i v 4t i- l I J A 14w front St Pall vrruv ta ulaiau- a a aXewBi When I tejui ciia Dandertn my hair I would not come to mr boelden end now ltt awsyle1ovsyhlpQ- Aaot1r from Newark N J 1bIT8 be ansDS D a lertne rteaUrly TTJienl tiNt started to ne it I bad rerr Ut t1fltsowibaYetheueatbosutfluiIo- nI Lt aVitXchrayonewou1dwittohaye- F r rkc NOW at all drucgists in three g ft sizes 25c 50c end 5100- perbottle t Dandcrine enjo >7 > a greater sale than any other one preparation regardless of kind- or i4j brand and it hiss a much greater sale than all of the other hair preparations in the world combined 4 I FREE To 5hoivhouquicklyDind- iractswewfllsendalaresam ¼ ¬ Cut I pIe free by return mail to anyone who w This sends this free coupon to the z out KHGWLT08 DAKOEBISE CO CHICAGO IL- Linsilverorstaxxipsto with their came and address and IDc pay postsge few days fishing They are from Florala W A MItchum has been on the sick list for a few days but is reported better today- W L Martins baby has been sick for a few days but is reported better Mrs John McColIum of Dorcas is visiting her mother Mrs M O Gar- rett ¬ this week < t Cheneys Expectoranta quick relief for coughs colds and grippe All Druggists 25- cPhosphobestfor Con ¬ stipation 50 cents Ask drug ¬ gist for free sample 0 GARNIERSS- pecial to the Journal Oct 133irs Hartgrove and Mrs Hand were callers at Mrs John Stanfords one day last week Mrs R H Littlefield is spending a few days with hor daughter Mrs John Hinston on Five Mile Bayou The launch Swan and the schooners Viola and Olive brought in cargoes of freight from Pensacola for tho stores- on Nigger and Garniers Bayous last week Wilism Hand and Mr Stewart went to Boggy one day last week to put in another bridge They had completed the one on Gap creek Quite a wind and rain storm visited this neighborhood one night last week It was of short duration but it made things lively for the time It lasted c E dcranton and son Stanley were out fishing Thursday night from dark until 2 a m and gigged 150 fish They kindly remembered W N Hart grove with a fine red fish W R Brown bas received his new fishing net and has ordered a new gasoline engine P L Hand and Mr Tierce made several gigs last week Jeff Davis is driving a well at his home and is having quite a serious experience having driven 25 feet without getting water Master Louis land was a Five Mile visitor Saturday RACE SUICIDE NOTPOPULAR In Midland Tex Where Mrs Gar denhire Found That Cardul the Womans Tonic Pre ¬ vented Suffering Midland xIrs Willie Garden hire of this place writes I have had five children but with the last I found that Cardui the womans tonic pre- vented much pain and suffering I think Cardul a Godsend as a medicine for weak women and I will always praise It to every suffering woman for I know it is good- I wish every siok lady would give Cardul a fair trial If every sick lady would only do so womanly troubles would not be so prevalent as they are for the curative value of Cardul in such cases has been amply proven by its success dur- ing ¬ the last half century The principal Ingredients of Cardui have to be imported direct from Europe by the manufacturers not being for sale in this country and the finished medicine itself is a scientific remedy of real merit which Is Glffer ent from any other medicine pre- scribed ¬ or recommended for womensu- SC Do not accept substitutes for Car ¬ dui as no other medicine has Its peculiar curative tonic strengthening- power The genuine is sold at every drug store Try It today X BWrlte to Ladle Advisory Dept Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat anoosTK Tens for Special Instructlona and tHpsge book IBtijee Treatment for Worn sett In I H wrapper on re- quest ¬ J r II 1- Neck and I Neck Never efore have we seen as keen and Interesting a contest as is now being shown In the demand- for two shades of our New fall Woolens Gray and Green Effects Handsome and desirable patterns- of both In great variety Fall Suits 2000 to 5000 I Tailored to Taste PRICKETT PERSON Brent GARDNER Incorporated > FRANK B GARDNER Manager What Income Have You during disability resulting from tUnes or accIdent Will it defray your expenses l 1 not nee u- sContinental Casualty Co Edw J Knipper Dist Manager 405 Thlesen Bldg Piano at Auction Kohler and Campbell Style X Mahogany Regular Price 5350 This beautitul piano just received from the factory will be sold to thJ highest and best bidder The bids will be opened by three disinterested judges and the piano will be award- ed ¬ according to their decision Some- one will get a fine piano at their own price Write us for further informa ¬ tion or make out your bid stating how much you will give for the piano cash or on terms and state how much cash on first payment and how much per month or Quarterly We furnish free with this beautiful piano a hand- some ¬ scarf stool instruction book and selection of music Send in your bids at once as date on which piano will b0 awarded is un- certain ¬ Each bidder will receive by return mail a popular piece of music Write t today Clutter Music House 112 and 114 South Palafox 6t Peneacola Fla

I Hair OF GOLD I ca- nPROVEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00325/0123.pdfWT I G T I l 7 s fC i THE PENSACrVTA JouRNAL THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER14 1909 S fri i- i Phone 38 P

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Page 1: I Hair OF GOLD I ca- nPROVEufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00325/0123.pdfWT I G T I l 7 s fC i THE PENSACrVTA JouRNAL THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER14 1909 S fri i- i Phone 38 P



T I l 7 s



frii Phone 38 P azcl

I Phone 3-

FremIt eopIe Events FremI > 2tGJ Jlm I



1 MY QUEENfItfhen and how shall I earliest meet

her-iWhat are the words first she shallsay

JBy what name shall I learn to greether-

Zfcnow not how it win come some-day

V ISVith the selfsame sunlight shiningi upon her

Shining down on her ringletssheen

She is standing somewhere she Ishall honor

She that I wait for my queen myqueen

iWhother her hair be golden or ravenWhether her eyes be Hazel or blue

I know not how but twill be en ¬

graveIiSome day hence as my loveliest

hueMany girl I have loved for a min ¬

ute-Worshipped many a taco I have-

t seenEver and aye there was something ini it-

Something that could not foe hersmy queen

t will not dream of h er tall andstately

Sho that I love may be fairly brightL will not say she must move se

A da te1y-Whatever she does it will then be

rightfeuo may be humble or proud my

lady> Or that sweet calm which Is Justt between

lAnd whenever she comes she will findme ready

t la do her homage my queen myqueen

But she must i> o courteous she mustbe holy

Pure in her spirit this maiden 1

tr love-SVhether her birth be noble or lowly

I care not more than the spiritsabove

But IlI give my heart to my ladyskeeping

And ever her strength on minet shall lean

rAnd the stars may fall and the saints-be weeping

Lre I cease to love her my queen myqueen



4 A meeting of the popular New CityFlinch club will occur today with

Frank Marston as Hostess at nertome on North Twelfth avenueTHURSDAY CLUBWILL MEET TODAY

The regular meeting of the Thursf Jitay will take place this afterr T noon Mrs Wm HaIl will be hostes-


A meeting of the Public School Im-provement


Association the first of theseason will take place on Friday afternoon at 330 oclock at the school-house All members are requested tobe present as matters of the utmostimportance are to receive attention


f A jolly crowd of euchre enthusiastsgathered at the Progress club lastlight the game having been playedmill a late hour The weekly partiesJt the club which occur on each Wedlesday night are a pleasant featuretit the local social season


The Lutheran Circle held a roostsuccessful meeting yesterday after-noon


at the home of Miss ijeola Ber-ry


at Number 121 West GovernmentStreet Matters of much importanceurerd discussed by the members orthis energetic little band whose ef-


Bret much appreciated In Luth-eran




An interesting session of the W CJ U occurred yesterday arternoon at-

the First Presbyterian church a goodfcttendance having been reported

night a party of the workersi font to Fort PIckens where a too

SaratogaPotato ChipsI RECEIVED

t t







30c per poundI

Sol Gahn GoTHE PURE FOOD STOREAgents Nunnaliys Candles

Pho 17201721


meeting took place for the benefit ofthe soldiers who are interested in thework Yesterday in tact was amost successful day throughout forthe ladlesARE PARENTS-OF A FINE GIRL

Mr and Mrs R M Livingston arethe parents of a fine little girl babyat their home at No 1307 East Strongstreet They are receiving the con-gratulations



The Ladies Missionary Society otthe East Hill Baptist church willhold an important meeting at thechurch this afternoon at 3 oclockAll are requested to be present-


Attorney E T Davis who has beenabsent for the past week on a busi¬

ness trip to Chicago and St Louiswhere he has looked after the in¬

terests of clients has returned to hishome at the Escambia hotel He re ¬

ports a profitable and pleasant tripI


Mr and Mrs Geo Kelly of 724Eighth avenue have returned fromLouisville Kentucky where theywere called to attend the funeral ofMr Kellys brother Mr Dennis EKelly who for many years was travel-ing


engineer for the L N roadBROWNING CLUB WITHMRS BEARD

The Browning Club will meet onSaturday afternoon at the home ofMrs John Beard on the bayshoreBook r of the Ring and the Bookwill be under discussion Miss EthelSuter to be leader The meeting willcommence on the arrival of the 330car


Mrs H A Barker and baby orTampa who have been visiting theparents of the former at Carybellehave arrived in the city to join MrBarker who has been here for some-time Mr and Mrs Barker and lit-tle


Agnes Marie will make their per-manent


home here and are with MrsM Barrow on Jackson streetTHE FLOWERSWILLIAMSWEDDING TONIGHT-

A marriage in which many Pensa ¬

cola people are interested will takeplace tonight at the home of thebrides parents Mr and Mrs H OFlowers on DeSoto street when theirdaughter Miss Vellery will be wedded-to Mr Edward B Williams Theevent is to be a simple sweet homeaffair witnessed only by relatives andImmediate friends-


Announcement has been made thatall wishing to send contributions tothe Old Soldiers Home may do so bycommunicating with either Miss Fan-nie


Caldwell president of the U DC or Miss Green president of theChildren of the Confederacy Thehome is in need of many things atthe present time and this is a callwhich surely will not be allowed to gounheeded-


Yesterday was green day at themission festival-

If you perchance hadnt a greentag fluttering from your lapel youhadnt been tagged that was allandmore shame to you

Each aay of the festival the tagswill bear a different hue so youcant use yesterdays or day beforeyesterdays tag you see and still beIn on the running

Thats one of the finest businessideas of the whole thing

Yesterdayaftern09n and last nightnumbers of enthusiastic and interest¬

visitors were present folk dancingcbildrens games and a fine programgenerally having been thoroughly en¬



Mrs J J McCarthy was hostess lastnight at an unusually fine meeting ofthe Pastime Euchre club The even-ing


was an ideal one for the en-thusiasm


which always marks tilePastime games and some very clever

t ft j t r

j Ailments of Meny Happily Overcome 0


giUndoubtedly tho following pre g

3 scription will work wonders for gjjf that great class of men wh-oa through dissipation of their nat-


strcnth find themselves In rif their second childhood long be r- <

fore the three score and ten ol 5Hfes pleasures and en3 Bovments are reached-


Is presumed to bo infallible SJ-

5 and highly efficient In quickly restoring in nervous exhaustion

or weak vitality melancholia and thefunctions X

First get fifty cents worth ofcompound fluid balmwort In a one qgounce package and three ounces 55r syrup sarsaparilla compound takehome mix and let stand two hours ft-y then set one ounce compound es-sence ri

55 cardiol and one ounce tine-S ture cadomene compound not car

damom 5Iix all in a six or eight-S ounce bottle shake wen and take s

one teaspoonful after each mea-lS and one when retiring followed ay1 a drink of water xS By mixing It at home no man ik5 need be the wiser as to anothers Ah shortcomIngs and expensive fees

are avoided5 lAck of poise and equilibrium Infe men Is a constant source of embar-

rassment 3-i even when the public K-j least suspects It For the benefit of

those who want a restoration to-e

fcfyll bounding health and all thea happiness accompanying It the 36 above home treatment Is given Itpi contains no opiates or Iwbltform ztXj Ing drugs whatever Mix It at ifhome and no one will be the wiser h-

3i as to your afflictionS vk l tc <<t u c





OF GOLDDuring Change of Lifesays Mrs Chas Barclay

Graniteville Vt I was passingthrough the Change of life and suffered

from nervousnessandother annoyingsymptoms and Jcan trul thatthatLydiaEJP-inkhams ¬

pound has provedworth mountainsof gold to me as itrestored my healthand strength Inever forget to tellmy friends what-LydJaEPinkhams

Vegetable Compound has done for meduring this trying period Completerestoration to means so much-to me that for the sake of other suffering women I am willing to make mtrouble public so you may publish-this letterJJMPs CHAS YBFDGraniteville V4

No other medicine for Woman illshas received such widespread and un¬

qualified No other med ¬

icine we know of has such a record-of cures of female ills as has Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound-

For more than 30 years beencuring female complaints such asinflammation ulceration local weak-nesses fibroid turners Irregularitiesperodic pains backache indigestionand nervous prostrationunequalled for carrying women safelythrough the period of chance of lifeIt costs but to try Lydia EPinkhams Vegetable Compound andaslfrsBarclaysaysitis worth moun-tains of gold JJ to suffering women



A refreshing drink atour fountain or a cup ofour delicious hot choco ¬

late or coffee before theride home on the car willkeep the edge on yourpleasure

Nearest to the mosttheatres Most cars passhere Quick service

Buttercup bread madeand sold here



playing was reported-The ladles ace was a tie between

Mesdames Walter LJndatrom and NSoderquist the latter winning Thelone hand was secured by Mrs L MDavis and the booby by Mrs M PBonifay The gentlemans ace waswon by Mr J G Yniestra the lonehand by Mr Thos F Wrlghton andthe booby by Mr Peter Murphy Thenext meeting will bo with Mrs DanMurphy on North Hayne street


meeting of the Civic League oc ¬

curred yesterday at the Y M C Aparlors In which a great deal of busi-ness received attention among thedecidedly energetic aggregation whichwas present Among the first matters-to be discussed was the Palafox streetparkway situation It having been de-cided

¬to continue the efforts along this

line and to further the movement toa successful issue If possible To thisend a number of the league ladleswere present at the council meetinglast night

It was decided furthermore atyesterdays meeting to hold a tissuepaper ball after the holidays whichjudging from fhe delightful successeswhich have resulted In the largercities will be among the most bril-liant social affairs of the winter Anuptodate ball of this sort is charac ¬

terized by its artistic paper costumes-its various floral decorations its fancydancing and so on The followingcommittees were appointed to lOOKafter the ball in its first stagesCommittee on arrangements MissesMcIntyre and Cawthon and Mes-dames Owens Meyer and Williscommittee on decoration MesdamesMax Bear Fried Batts Willis andMorris Bear

Perhaps the most important discus ¬sion however which took place waswith regard to the recital which is tobe given gratis by Mrs IgnatiusFried for the benefit of the CivicLeague Mrs Fried is well knownamong the reading world as the pos ¬

sessor of an unusually widespreadreputation as a musician of Interna-tional note Her name which is fre-quently seen in the more exclusivemusical publications became knownthroughout New York during thetime of the Paris exposition whenshe was invited to play for the Frenchand for the world at the gay Parisiancapital Mrs Fried has graciously IIconsented to play for the league forthe sweet sake of the coming city



eI Mi




F Jr1 5 1fi

You GetEverything-aGoociLaundry-Can Furnishw-

hen you wear workdone the Empire Way

Empire LaundryWhere Linen Lasts

W C MACKEY MgrPhone 322


beautiful and the affair will occuron the 25t-

hPERSONAL MENTION-Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Jr and

Miss Daisy Hyer who are traveling inEurope are now in Ireland

Mr and Mrs W K Hyer Jr andMiss Bertha Hyer who have been inVirginia this summer will return tothe city shortly t


Mr J J McCasklll of Freeport Is I

in the city and is at the Escambiahotel

Mrs W B Runyan and baby havereturned after a two months visit-to Columbus Ohio

FOR FEVERISHNESS AND ACHESWhether from Malarious conditions Colds-or overheating try Hicks CAPUDIXBIt reduces the fever andrelieves the ach-ing


Its Liquid 10 25 and BO cents atDrug Stores

For goodness sake eatMothers Bread Hugheys133 West Intendencia Phone855

MEALS FOR A DAYThursday October 14


Breakfast Bacon BroiledShirred Eggs

Hashed Potatoes PopoversSafe au Lait

HorrifyThe JttnalL-UNCHEON

Minced Fish In Cream SauteBaked PotatoesButtered Toast

Junket with Cream CakesTea Iced or Hot Milk

DINNERVegetable Soup

Broiled Beefsteak with OnionsMashed Potatoes

Stewed Tomatoes with RiceSalad of Cucumbers and Onions

Cabinet Pudding with SauceCafe Noir Cheese

Phospho best for Indi-gestion


50 cents Ask drug¬

gist for free sampleBLUFF SPRINGS

Special to the JournalBluff Springs Oct 13Mrs Hig

don of Atmore Ala Is the guest ofher relatives Mr and Mrs AY R TIsdale for a short time She arrivedhere last Thursday-

Mrs Will Douglass went to Flomaton on some dental business last Fri¬

dayMr and Mrs John Dawsori ofBrewton came down here last Friday-to attend the burial of their littlenephew the oldest child of Mr andMrs Will Dawson

Jessie Pearish went to Freeportwhere he is engaged in the saw millbusiness He left here last Friday-

W C McDavid of Chumuckla wasover here a few days last week shak-ing hands with his many friends

Mr and Mrs W W Mathews andchildren of Pensacola were up herelast week to attend the funeral of Mrand Mrs Douglass little boy whodied last Thursdayj w Creary went to Pensacola on

If PalpitationStuffy Breathing-

or other signs show itsrisky to keep on withco-

rreoPOSTUM10 days makes things clear

Theres aReasoni

business lastFridayMiss Jo Cawthon went to Foshee

last Saturday-Mrs il A Douglas went to Mania

tee Ala on a visit to her motherMrs Self who is an old invalid ladyof 84 years She left here last Sun¬

dayHargis Gonzalez of Pensacola was-a Sunday visitor at Mrs J C McDarids

Mrs G B Hendrix of Pensacolawas the guest of her niece Mrs WillDawson for a short while last weekShe went back home last Sunday

Mr Turner Srr of the veneer millis reported as being seriously ill hay¬

ing contracted some kind or throattrouble Doctors are in attendance-on him every day this week

Last Monday Uriah Pettis of BondMiss was brought home to hIs par-ents


Mr and Mrs Pettie Sr a verysick boy having contracted a case oftyphoid fever out there

Misses Annie Cameron McDavid anaMary Lee Wilhelraina BailsmanElla Douglas and Messrs O H Saltsman and E D McCaskill all wentacross Escambia river on a surprise-to Mr and Mrs Ed McCaskill Srlast Sunday All report a delightfultime as there were no lese than 28guests in all

The largest shipment of sewing ma¬

chines that ever came to this placewas delivered at this depot last Mon¬

day There were twentyeight ma-chines


Mr Martin section boss at Molinohas relieved G W Taylor of his extragang which is stationed here MrTaylor is off on a two months vaca ¬

tionG W Taylor went to Sanford lastTuesday

Mrs S Medlock and children ofPine Hill Ala are the guests of herbrother Peter McNeal for a fewdays

Master Johnie Bryars of PlatainAla who haa sojourned here forsome three or four weeks amongfriends aad relatives went to hishome last Wednesday happy because I

he was tho proud possessor of twolarge possums

Mrs A Edward and child went toCentury on basinew last Wednesdayevening

Miss Mao Linton went to Flomatonoil a shopping tour last Wednesdaymorning-

T W Taylor and E A King bothof Bay Minette were here prospecting-in the timber market last Tuesday-and Wednesday-

C R Kluger the Jeweler 1060 Vir-ginia


Ave Indianapolis Ind writes-I was so weak from kidney trouble

that I could hardly walk a hundredfeet Four bottles of Foieys KidneyRemedy cleared my complexion cured my backache and the irregularitiesdisappeared and I can now attend tobusiness every day and recommendFoieys Kidney Remedy to all suffer¬

ers as It cured me after the doctorsand other remedies had failed

W A DAlemberte druggist andapothecary 121 South Palafox street

Phospho best for UricAcid 50 cents Ask druggist-for free sample

BEULAHSpecial to the Journal

Beulah Oct 13The muchneededrain came last Sunday and no doubtwill do a great deal of good to grow-ing crops

Mrs T J Roberts has just re-turned from an extended visit withbet mother at Milligan

Isaac Hirst was in the city onbusiness Tuesday-

Mr and Mrs C E Snowden ofQuintette were over Sunday visitorswith relatives in Beulah and vicinity-

T M Hanna spent Sunday withUs daughter Mrs Bessie Reeves andother relatives at Quintette-

V C Barrineau passed throughhere in his auto Tuesday on his wayto the Deep Water City

Mrs Eliza Busbee is still confined-to the house and is apparently nobetter at this writing

A J Garrett Is not feeling as wellas usual and is confined to his homewith fever

Mrs Alice Von Rossom of Baldwincounty Ala is the guest of her pa¬

rents Mr and Mrs A J Garre-

ttMUSCOGEESpecial to the Journal

Muscosee Fla Oct 13Fred PagEwho has been visiting at the home-of his uncle T L Bayeur left Tues ¬

day for his homeMiss Nellie Grant returned from

Birmingham Saturday and is now atthe home of her aunt Mrs W KVaughn Mrs R C Grant accompa-nied


her to Muscogee returning toBirmingham Sunday

The many friends of Albert Arn-old


are sorry to hear of his illnessHe has been very sick for the pasttwo weeks with typhoid fever

Mr and Mrs George Lewis werevicitors to Gonzalez Sunday

Lewis Nellums was a visitor toPenSAcola Tuesday

AV C Lott spen Sunday in PensacolaPaul Merritt left Muscosee lastweek for Atraore where he will enterschool this winter

The many friends of Dr A J John-son will be sorry to Iwirn that hehas been on the sick list for the pestfew days Dr Johnson will leave nextweek for tbe west were he expects-to spend the winter He is goingwest for his health HM friends herehope that he may return very muenbenefited During his absence MrsJohnson and little daughter will spendthe time at the home of her parentsMr and Mrs Patterson

MILLIGANSeoiaI tc The Journal

Milligan Oct 13G W Kitereasewas in town today eWng cotton aidshopping-

T J Hinote wu a business visitorto Pensaeda today

Math Morris and family oC Cobbleft today for Texas Where they ex-pect to make their future home

Mrs A L Garrett and baby arevisiting friends and relatives at Mil-ton


weekA T Simmons was sick for about-

a week and had to disrate Ms schoolbut resumedIzIa duties aglH Mondayrnorateg

M L G ars aM a few otherscame daite w uteas 4e >p nd a

s IT

DanderineGro-ws Hair

and we ca-nPROVE IT

is to the Lair what fresh showersDANDERINE sunshine arc to vegetation It

to the roots invigorates andstrengthens them Its exhilarating stimulating andlifeproducing properties cause the hair to grow

J abundantly long strong and beautiful It atL ence imparts a sparkling brilliancy and vel-


Ii Q I softness to the Lair and a few weeuLi use will cause new Lair to sprout all ever tlv

scalp Use it every day for A short timei her which two or three time a weclc will

v 4 be sufficient to complete whatever growtht i you desire

iv 4ti-


I J A 14w front St Pall vrruv ta ulaiau-a a aXewBiWhen I tejui ciia Dandertn my hair

I would not come to mr boelden end nowltt awsyle1ovsyhlpQ-Aaot1r from Newark N J

1bIT8 be ansDS D a lertne rteaUrlyTTJienl tiNt started to ne it I bad rerr Utt1fltsowibaYetheueatbosutfluiIo-

nI Lt aVitXchrayonewou1dwittohaye-F r

rkc NOW at all drucgists in threeg ft sizes 25c 50c end 5100-perbottle

t Dandcrine enjo >7> a greater sale thanany other one preparation regardless of kind-ori4j brand and it hiss a much greater sale thanall of the other hair preparations in theworld combined

4 I FREE To 5hoivhouquicklyDind-iractswewfllsendalaresam


Cut I pIe free by return mail to anyone whow This sends this free coupon to thez


Linsilverorstaxxipstowith their came and address and IDc

pay postsge

few days fishing They are fromFlorala

W A MItchum has been on the sicklist for a few days but is reportedbetter today-

W L Martins baby has been sickfor a few days but is reported better

Mrs John McColIum of Dorcas isvisiting her mother Mrs M O Gar-rett


this week< t

Cheneys Expectoranta quick relieffor coughs colds and grippe AllDruggists 25-

cPhosphobestfor Con ¬

stipation 50 cents Ask drug¬

gist for free sample0

GARNIERSS-pecial to the Journal

Oct 133irs Hartgroveand Mrs Hand were callers at MrsJohn Stanfords one day last week

Mrs R H Littlefield is spending afew days with hor daughter MrsJohn Hinston on Five Mile Bayou

The launch Swan and the schoonersViola and Olive brought in cargoes offreight from Pensacola for tho stores-on Nigger and Garniers Bayous lastweek

Wilism Hand and Mr Stewartwent to Boggy one day last week toput in another bridge They hadcompleted the one on Gap creek

Quite a wind and rain storm visitedthis neighborhood one night lastweek It was of short duration butit made things lively for the time Itlasted

c E dcranton and son Stanleywere out fishing Thursday night fromdark until 2 a m and gigged 150 fishThey kindly remembered W N Hartgrove with a fine red fish

W R Brown bas received his newfishing net and has ordered a newgasoline engine

P L Hand and Mr Tierce madeseveral gigs last week

Jeff Davis is driving a well at hishome and is having quite a seriousexperience having driven 25 feetwithout getting water

Master Louis land was a Five Milevisitor Saturday



In Midland Tex Where Mrs Gardenhire Found That Cardul

the Womans Tonic Pre ¬

vented Suffering

Midland xIrs Willie Gardenhire of this place writes I have hadfive children but with the last I foundthat Cardui the womans tonic pre-vented much pain and suffering

I think Cardul a Godsend as amedicine for weak women and I willalways praise It to every sufferingwoman for I know it is good-

I wish every siok lady would giveCardul a fair trial

If every sick lady would only do sowomanly troubles would not be soprevalent as they are for the curativevalue of Cardul in such cases hasbeen amply proven by its success dur-ing


the last half centuryThe principal Ingredients of Cardui

have to be imported direct fromEurope by the manufacturers notbeing for sale in this country and thefinished medicine itself is a scientificremedy of real merit which Is Glfferent from any other medicine pre-scribed


or recommended for womensu-SC

Do not accept substitutes for Car¬

dui as no other medicine has Itspeculiar curative tonic strengthening-power

The genuine is sold at every drugstore Try It today

X BWrlte to Ladle AdvisoryDept Chattanooga Medicine Co ChatanoosTK Tens for Special Instructlonaand tHpsge book IBtijee Treatment forWorn sett In I H wrapper on re-quest


J r II


Neck and I

NeckNever efore have we seen as

keen and Interesting a contest as isnow being shown In the demand-for two shades of our

New fall WoolensGray and Green Effects

Handsome and desirable patterns-of both In great varietyFall Suits

2000 to 5000 I

Tailored to Taste



Incorporated >


What Income Have Youduring disability resulting from tUnes oraccIdent Will it defray your expensesl1 not nee u-

sContinental Casualty CoEdw J Knipper Dist Manager

405 Thlesen Bldg

Piano at Auction

Kohler and CampbellStyle X MahoganyRegular Price 5350

This beautitul piano just receivedfrom the factory will be sold to thJhighest and best bidder The bidswill be opened by three disinterestedjudges and the piano will be award-ed


according to their decision Some-one will get a fine piano at their ownprice Write us for further informa ¬

tion or make out your bid statinghow much you will give for the pianocash or on terms and state how muchcash on first payment and how muchper month or Quarterly We furnishfree with this beautiful piano a hand-some


scarf stool instruction book andselection of music

Send in your bids at once as dateon which piano will b0 awarded is un-certain


Each bidder will receive by returnmail a popular piece of music Write ttoday

Clutter Music House112 and 114 South Palafox 6t

Peneacola Fla