B, aDd A Trl.weakly Sewspaper Published by Students of the State University of lowl VOL. 31 . IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1898. GAINES' TE.AM rLA YS BALL. IOWA noy A CltI ' DIT TO Tnltllt TAT&. The Iowa boy bay heen winning laurel on Lhe gridiron (Jut In CalHor- niH. The De Moines Dally lIpltal hft copl s Of Ib Berkeley (rom Bl'I'kfley . (aL, wh re the Fifty-fir t foot hall team plas·d a game \\ ith tbe f'leren of the 'late Dolver Ity, tIn the 31 t (If ct.ober. The f.,!lowlng are the two cllpplng8: Monday, Oct. 31- "To-day wa a ga'a one tor Iowa 'olullteers, who rel5aled I hem elves In the cia Ic hades of the Onlver- ILy· A bout 500 of our turdy hoy In blue accompanied lhelr fOOL hall teltm elt ber to "l cLary or deft'llt. "AD excelleot game will be tbe 1'0- or thl afterlloon' fool, ball COD· t t, as the I owa team cooquered Ihe Stanfordlle. Tbill reg Iment. ha won bonor io otber fieldl! than foot ball, bavlDg secured tbe PflZC for Lhe drJII, won tbe !Ja e ball and prize sboots. "The 10wII band, olle of the be tin United lal e, preceded the form- er body as I t marched tu 1 he ground'. Duge Lllnner were bornA alOft whlcb proclaimed tb e prowess of Ibe Iuwa reg lme llt. Tue day , November 1- "One of tbe mOSL b"1l118nt toot ball games that bas ever been played on California's gridIron witD e ed by crowd ye lerday afternoon. lowalls. tn nutty uniforms, accompa- nied l.Iy tbelr lady frie ud s, were In evl- everywbi're. Fair cooed aud "aIlant collegians yelled them elves bOllr e, as cruwried upon the groaninl5 bleacber they in ' till'd their team wltb enthu la m. It wa a day for 1\ foot Ilnllscrimruage, lind the large tbronl5 lent tbeir approval to ev\'ry brilliant play in Ibe mo forci- ble II yle. Tbe Iowan are notblng If not 00- tlJU8lalltle, and thllir cake walk, camp Hvng5, and varlou logan were the growtb of their ardor. The sol- dler8 admonl hed their Leam to wIn In tbe following tyle : "11ero, biro, play ball l owa,' or . orll, coru, corn meal we eat, 'cor e we'll win, we can't be Ileat.' Twice wa . (Jali/urnla the victim or heel' had luck. eacb ti rue wbcn wi th- through. II for wind" I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. Saturuay aft. rnllOIl at a p. m.fLgllme or foot ball WIIR t'Hllod betwcen the nJl{h cilool aud AcadrnlY elevens. There belnll' 110 game scht!duled for the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play- ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat- or ' lVerll pre"en t to ('llI'I'r I hR boys . Although the wa ' olllewhat one- Ided, yet goud playinK wa shown. One could noL belp ad- mirlng ' ile nnpwilb whu' hlhtjHigh chool boy played. 'fhelr interfer- ence and back ' were tlnl'. FOllr min- ut('s after l{alUe IVII' c.j lpn they scor- ed II louchdown, three minute laler again, aud ah(Jut two minute from thl lime another. After t his the "Cadb' held them beLter, and about one mluute !JeIme time was called in tbe first halt. <Lnothpr toucbdown had heen made, making in all 23-0 in favor of Ibe 11 igb ."choo!. In half Ibe Bigb School - er made a touchdown ill the first UHf' e minute, two minutes later an- othtlr, and al5aln in about the 'same llrue tbe third and last, as the "Cads" kept them hack durin!r tlltl remainder of Ihe jo(amll. The fiual core wa 40 10 0 in favor of 1 he H Igh Good work wa done for tbe l\igb .. chool by Brock, Hotz and ugl'nt, while I he full-back of the a gainer. En,lneerln, Socleb . Th e Engilleeri ng Society met . in I he lec ture room: Hl'POf were made by thE' follOWing Howman .... _ . ...... _. Victoria Bridge Miller . ............. 'rhe Pul ometer Jen en . .. .. ... .. _ . ... ..... .. ... ... . Thl' Ond rlol"r ound Hailway or London cale .... Willln'!! ew Engine Whlte .. .. . Mlncral Re'ource of Ollba rhi Beta KilPPiI, A II per"ons reslJl'n tin the ci ty or conllecled with the Univt'rslLy in any capacitl', wbo aro mpmber of tbe Phi Bela Kappa ·oclet.l', \.Jttt nut members of tbe A I ph" of IOlVa, are reque ted to f'nd In their name, with eolll'ge and elas . to tbe under ilCllf'd. J AMES A R()II11ACtr, Pre Id nt Alpba of Iowa . 10 a very hort distance uf tbe goa l; once wben Smith 1081, the Oil II , nnd or A ndrews will rl'lld a paper BocoRliln. again when an od'slde play wa ' made QD "The Non-Cbemlcal Elements." by Gaina ,caplain of tile Iowan. 0 Thi will be a sttldy of tbose recently apparent wa the play that upun discovered elemel" which do not order (If aptalll Dull none of tbe seem to po E' s che mi cal propertie . California boy followed Gaiue In hi run acro ' the field. At fir t tbe rderell decid d upon a core of 6 to 0, but upon secolJd thou gbt decid\!d upon a core or 0 to O . "lowa play ed by far tlle be t game of any team OPPO ed to our eleven tbl 8ea on. Her backs are rapid and Notice. The Juni or Annual Board will Ole et FridAY ev nlnll, Nov. 11th , at Close Hall , at 6:30. All Olem t,f'rs or t be Board are requ(' It-d to be present GEO. W. EOAN. bel' interference trong- Tbe IDen are . O. I. make all It mized tate- Iigbl, averaging In tbe oelghbornood ment of the Hnauellll coodilloD of ber of \60 pound, but tbe bt'avy line play were executed In good tyle. "Tbe play' ot tbe Iowa team drag- ged, but once in motion their execu· \ion W88 rapid. In the hort twenty- Athletic A Rociation. Why can't we bave the condltlOD of our A soclatlon mAde pllblic? Then all would under- stand the condition IIf thing and be more willing to help. -Co rnellian (OLLE.GE REM1N1SCE.NCES. AND WIJAT tiME OF '92 ARE DOINQ. The ten doll<ir bill wbicb it took to buy an album of the class of 1 \)2 may have bf'en regl'ettfully paid. It r er- tainly seemed a usel expendlt ure when the la t term's blldget was pre- sen ted to the (luree of 1 be college tu- dent's IIpplies. However 1 hat may be therc is one album that could not be hought now for tbe original invest- m"Ut, plus compound interest, evcn thuugh Lbe owner might Ile a lover of good money- IL warped. Of course it warped. The paste and face between the cover wore [lot intended to re- main a solid form. And so it ou rved in iI InfancY,in spileofoietionary and welgbt' of all kind it retain evell yet the double curved line along tbe edgei a striking though not altogether vlea ant remainder of the power of habit, even if curveM are beauty. Rut the photograph arerallltle , and It I witb keen deligbt tbat tbe book is opened. Familar faces now gone are there. Among the Faculty piclures, Dr. 'lchaetrer and Profes or Perkins awaken memories of tbe hap- py days, and corresponding aL their untimely deatb. Other mem- ber with u Lhen have left tbe Fac- ulty for 01 her Ueld of labor. Profe or Jamieson and Prof sor Ander on were men whom old SIU- dents do not forget. How the Fre b- meo trembled before Ander I)n, and aoored him a year later and longed to 11"0 with him to Stanford, as some did. Major Rea n, as commandant of the battalion, made an impre Ion on the lovers of drill which creates the bope that the Onlversily may ever relain tbis time-honored Institution. Change as it IDlI t tbere are still many of I he Faculty there to give ollr alma ooliteI' Lahillty, and to aSSllrtl the tudelll ' of the pa t a bearty welcome when they returll, and 10 Introduce tbem to the larger II fe or the Iowa. A tbl'ns. As alumni we are vroud 10 note the mar- velous advancement made ill . pite of the appropriation, and to ee our own SOl'S marching teadllyon- ward . "Reports of l3aconian an illdex to the 'cope ot tbought of the Oniverl'llY indeed gratifying. If I bad a uggest.ion to mak& to college paper It WOllin be to report more rul- ly Lbe d .. ll1gs of the profe sor . Wbere are they In Lbeir field of work! What ideas do th ey hold ! These are tbe qUl'stiun which come to the alumni wben counting up the tanding of their beloved college. Wbil e In a ug- ge tive mood 1 would not rorget, to tate that we expect Old Gold 10 win on the gridiron. Thl I the 'ettled pOlicy, but It doe llOt mea n tbat we hall go back on our team when ayear of bad I uck comes. Chancellor (. ratlg, or Drake, him 'elf Ii graduate of . O. I., says we must make our athletics a success for Ihelr Intrinsic us wo ll a fo\' the r putation of tbe college. Tb e cla s of '92 lIS a scattered num - be r. A far as I know two hav e died, Belen Ankeney Muoger aod ClIa . J. Flynn. Miss Florence Brown Is bead ourse in th e 110 'p ltal at Independence. NO. 24. W. T. Chantland, captain of tbe Ft. Dodge company, 52nd Regiment Iowa Volunteerp, wben mu 'tered out of tbe erl'ice, returned til his law practice. Be is candidate again ror countyat- torney, wbicb ofllce he now bold io Webster county. Misses Millicent Cuplin and Julia Roger ' are succe sful teachf'r in Ea t De Mol' es Higb choo!. Harry E. Kelly and H. S. Richaru and B. F. hambaugb and W. R. Wbitel are hOllurlng ollr cIa in tbe Faculty of S. U. 1. MIlford II. Lyoll Is In the Congrega- tiooal mini try ill Cbicago, and Geo. Shambaugh p'actices medicine In tbat city. Julian O. Monoet, at Langdon, N, D., is io tbe law. L E. Mungerremain atTura,A 8m, a a Baptl t missionary; but wa nnxl- ou to join tbe American army when war with -pain broke out. F. W. Meyers is editor of tbe Deni- son Review. Be is busy witb tbe Re- publican Central Committee; a ucces In politic as well as In edl1ing a per. Nelson is candidate for ' u- perlntendent of Public In tructlon on the Republican ticket In Kan 88. Ueo. W. tile 3n attorney In Mlnoeapoli . Fred A. towe is dolol5 reportorial work on the Cblcal50 Cbronlcle. Berth& M. Wil 'II Is ao netre 8 tour- Ing throul5h lhe Eastern aod New England tate, and Is meeting with merltt!d slIcce . - Yours truly, HORACE S. 1I0LLINOSWORTll, Des Mu lne , Nov. 8, '9 . Communication. EDITOR VIDETTE-REPORTER: ,\ly DEAR 'm.-I nOle with great urprlse a communication from Iowa Clth to the Dt' !\Joiues Leader of to- day, describing Ibe de moo trtilion mad by Lh !lludents or the Univer- sity, or by ome of th m, upou learn- lug of the defellot of their ball Leam by the Stale Normllol bere yes- terday. I, tog Lher with a core of other alumlll IIf the Uulv'r' ILy, wltll d that gamll yebwrday. It wa a hard, cleall game of foot ball, pillyed by two tt'llru8 of con Ideillble str nl(lb, and the 81udent of the Unlver Ity ha\'o 110 necd to re I d I graced b 'cu u '0 d ,- f Med by th e team her e. I vcry much doubt tbattboro is a team In lb e61llte which can defeat thl ormllltl!am by an) thl DI5 I nt a 1080 score. 'rhe man who sent tbat notice to tbe Lader, and wh o characlerlz d the de- feat a a dlsjlrllce becuuse It CUllin from U "weak and puny' 1 am, Is elthCI' a fool or a liar. L rather Imogluo that bel8 both. Tho alumni of the Unlvu \ty , we would like It und er tood, cond. IUn a.ny neh proceedings were I(onc through with at Iowa Olty last night. it Is small wond er tbat tbe athletic team of . D. I. do not mak!l good ret rds when tbey have such a con- temptible student body 10 work fur; every man wh o took part In that demonstration disgraced hlm seJr alld (COlltillUld 011 sUDlld lJaP.)

I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. a ordailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1898/di1898-11-10.pdf · the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat or' lVerll pre"en

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Page 1: I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. a ordailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1898/di1898-11-10.pdf · the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat or' lVerll pre"en

B, aDd

A Trl.weakly Sewspaper Published by Students of the State University of lowl



IOWA noy A CltI' DIT TO Tnltllt


The Iowa boy bay heen winning laurel on Lhe gridiron (Jut In CalHor­niH. The De Moines Dally lIpltal hft rf'celv~d copl s Of I b Berkeley World·Gaz~tte, (rom Bl'I'kfley . (aL, wh re the Fifty-fir t foot hall team plas·d a ~I game \\ ith tbe f'leren of the 'late Dolver Ity, tIn the 31 t (If

ct.ober. The f.,!lowlng are the two cllpplng8: Monday, Oct. 31-

"To-day wa a ga'a one tor th~ Iowa 'olullteers, who rel5aled I hem elves In the cia Ic hades of the Onlver­ILy· A bout 500 of our turdy hoy In

blue accompanied lhelr fOOL hall teltm eltber to "lcLary or deft'llt.

"AD excelleot game will be tbe 1'0-

8ul~ or thl afterlloon' fool, ball COD· t t, as the Iowa team cooquered Ihe Stanfordlle. Tbill reg I ment. ha won bonor io otber fieldl! than foot ball, bavlDg secured tbe PflZC for Lhe be'~ drJII, won tbe !Ja e ball and prize sboots.

"The 10wII band, olle of the be tin ~be United lale, preceded the form­er body as I t marched tu 1 he ground' . Duge Lllnner were bornA alOft whlcb proclaimed tbe prowess of Ibe Iuwa reglmellt. Tue day, November 1-

"One of tbe mOSL b"1l118nt toot ball games that bas ever been played on California's gridIron wa~ witDe ed by • bllg~ crowd ye lerday afternoon. lowalls. tn nutty uniforms, accompa­nied l.Iy tbelr lady frie ud s, were In evl­d~Dce everywbi're. Fair cooed aud "aIlant collegians yelled them elves bOllr e, as cruwried upon the groaninl5 bleacber they in 'till'd their team wltb enthu la m. It wa a lJerfec~ day for 1\ foot Ilnllscrimruage, lind the large tbronl5 lent tbeir approval to ev\'ry brilliant play in I be mo ~ forci­ble II yle.

Tbe Iowan are notblng If not 00-

tlJU8lalltle, and thllir cake walk, camp Hvng5, and varlou logan were the growtb of their ardor. The sol­dler8 admonl hed their Leam to wIn In tbe following tyle : "11ero, biro, play ball l owa,' or . orll, coru, corn meal we eat, 'cor e we'll win, we can't be Ileat.'

Twice wa. (Jali/urnla the victim or heel' had luck. eacb ti rue wbcn wi th-

through. II

for wind"

I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. Saturuay aft. rnllOIl at a p. m.fLgllme

or foot ball WIIR t'Hllod betwcen the nJl{h cilool aud AcadrnlY elevens. There belnll' 110 game scht!duled for the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play­ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat­or ' lVerll pre"en t to ('llI'I'r I hR boys.

Although the gaJlIt~ wa ' olllewhat one- Ided, yet goud playinK wa shown. One could noL belp ad­mirlng ' ile nnpwilb whu'hlhtjHigh • chool boy played. 'fhelr interfer­ence and back ' were tlnl'. FOllr min­ut('s after l{alUe IVII' c.j lpn they scor­ed II louchdown, three minute laler again, aud ah(Jut two minute from thl lime another. After t his the "Cadb' held them beLter, and about one mluute !JeIme time was called in tbe first halt. <Lnothpr toucbdown had heen made, making in all 23-0 in favor of I be 11 igb ."choo!.

In tbes~c()nd half Ibe Bigb School ­er made a touchdown ill the first UHf'e minute, two minutes later an­othtlr, and al5aln in about the 'same llrue tbe third and last, as the "Cads" kept them hack durin!r tlltl remainder of Ihe jo(amll.

The fiual core wa 40 10 0 in favor of 1 he H Igh ~choo1. Good work wa done for tbe l\igb .. chool by Brock, Hotz and ugl'nt, while I he full-back of the "Oad~" wa~ a gainer.

En,lneerln, Socleb . The Engilleeri ng Society met. in I he

lecture room: Hl'POf were made by thE' follOWing


Howman .... _ . ...... _. Victoria Bridge Miller . ............. 'rhe Pul ometer Jen en . .. .. ... .. _ . ... . .. . . .. ... ... . Thl' Ond rlol"round Hailway or London cale .... Willln'!! ew St~e.m Engine

Whlte .. .. . Mlncral Re'ource of Ollba

rhi Beta KilPPiI, A II per"ons reslJl'n tin the ci ty or

conllecled with the Univt'rslLy in any capacitl', wbo aro mpmber of tbe Phi Bela Kappa ·oclet.l', \.Jttt nut members of tbe A I ph" of IOlVa, are reque ted to f'nd In their name, with eolll'ge and

elas . to tbe under ilCllf'd. J AMES A R()II11ACtr,

Pre Id nt Alpba of Iowa.

10 a very hort distance uf tbe goal; • once wben Smith 1081, the Oil II , nnd Profe~ or A ndrews will rl'lld a paper


again when an od'slde play wa ' made QD "The Non-Cbemlcal Elements." by Gaina ,caplain of tile Iowan. 0 Thi will be a sttldy of tbose recently apparent wa the play that upun discovered elemel" which do not order ( I f aptalll Dull none of tbe seem to po E' s chemical propertie . California boy followed Gaiue In hi run acro ' the field. At fir t tbe rderell decid d upon a core of 6 to 0, but upon secolJd thougbt decid\!d upon a core or 0 to O.

"lowa played by far tlle be t game of any team OPPO ed to our eleven tbl 8ea on. Her backs are rapid and

Notice. The Junior Annual Board will Oleet

FridAY ev nlnll, Nov. 11th, at Close Hall , at 6:30. All Olem t,f'rs or t be Board are requ(' It-d to be present


bel' interference trong- Tbe IDen are . O. I. make all It mized tate­Iigbl, averaging In tbe oelghbornood ment of the Hnauellll coodilloD of ber of \60 pound, but tbe bt'avy line play were executed In good tyle.

"Tbe play' ot tbe Iowa team drag­ged, but once in motion their execu· \ion W88 rapid. In the hort twenty-

Athletic A Rociation. Why can't we bave the condltlOD of our A soclatlon mAde pllblic? Then all would under­stand the condition IIf thing and be more willing to help. -Cornellian



The ten doll<ir bill wbicb it took to buy an album of the class of 1 \)2 may have bf'en regl'ettfully paid. It r er­tainly seemed a usel expendlt ure when the la t term's blldget was pre­sen ted to the (luree of 1 be college tu­dent's IIpplies. However 1 hat may be therc is one album that could not be hought now for tbe original invest­m"Ut, plus compound interest, evcn thuugh Lbe owner might Ile a lover of good money- IL warped. Of course it warped. The paste and face between the cover wore [lot intended to re­main a solid form. And so it ou rved in iI InfancY,in spileofoietionary and welgbt' of all kind it retain evell yet the double curved line along tbe edgei a striking though not altogether vlea ant remainder of the power of habit, even if curveM are beauty.

Rut the photograph arerallltle , and It I witb keen deligbt tbat tbe book is opened. Familar faces now gone are there. Among the Faculty piclures, Dr. 'lchaetrer and Profes or Perkins awaken memories of tbe hap­py days, and corresponding re~ret aL their untimely deatb. Other mem­ber with u Lhen have left tbe Fac­ulty for 01 her Ueld of labor. Profe or Jamieson and Prof sor Ander on were men whom old SIU­dents do not forget. How the Fre b­meo trembled before Ander I)n, and aoored him a year later and longed to 11"0 with him to Stanford, as some did .

Major Rean, as commandant of the battalion, made an impre Ion on the lovers of drill which creates the bope that the Onlversily may ever relain tbis time-honored Institution. Change as it IDlI t tbere are still many of I he Faculty there to give ollr alma ooliteI' Lahillty, and to aSSllrtl the tudelll '

of the pa t a bearty welcome when they returll, and 10 Introduce tbem to the larger II fe or the Iowa. A tbl'ns. As alumni we are vroud 10 note the mar­velous advancement made ill . pite of the appropriation, and to ee our own pror~ SOl'S marching teadllyon­ward. "Reports of l3aconian ~Iye an illdex to the 'cope ot tbought of the Oniverl'llY indeed gratifying. If I bad a uggest.ion to mak& to college paper It WOllin be to report more rul­ly Lbe d .. ll1gs of the profe sor . Wbere are they In Lbeir field of work! What ideas do they hold ! These are tbe qUl'stiun which come to the alumni wben counting up the tanding of their beloved college. Wbile In a ug­ge tive mood 1 would not rorget, to tate that we expect Old Gold 10 win

on the gridiron. Thl I the 'ettled pOlicy, but It doe llOt mean tbat we hall go back on our team when ayear

of bad I uck comes. Chancellor (. ratlg, or Drake, him 'elf Ii graduate of . O. I., says we must make our athletics a success for Ihelr Intrinsic ~ood us woll a fo\' the r putation of tbe college.

Tbe clas of '92 lIS a scattered num­ber. A far as I know two have died, Belen Ankeney Muoger aod ClIa . J. Flynn. •

Miss Florence Brown Is bead ourse in the 110 'pltal at Independence.

NO. 24.

W. T. Chantland, captain of tbe Ft. Dodge company, 52nd Regiment Iowa Volunteerp, wben mu ' tered out of tbe erl'ice, returned til his law practice.

Be is candidate again ror countyat­torney, wbicb ofllce he now bold io Webster county.

Misses Millicent Cuplin and Julia Roger ' are succe sful teachf'r in Ea t De Mol' es Higb choo!.

Harry E. Kelly and H. S. Richaru and B. F. hambaugb and W. R. Wbitel are hOllurlng ollr cIa in tbe Faculty of S. U. 1.

MIlford II. Lyoll Is In the Congrega­tiooal mini try ill Cbicago, and Geo. Shambaugh p'actices medicine In tbat city.

Julian O. Monoet, at Langdon, N, D., is io tbe law.

L E. Mungerremain atTura,A 8m, a a Baptl t missionary; but wa nnxl­ou to join tbe American army when war with -pain broke out.

F. W. Meyers is editor of tbe Deni­son Review. Be is busy witb tbe Re­publican Central Committee; a ucces In politic as well as In edl1ing a p~­per.

~'rank Nelson is candidate for ' u­perlntendent of Public In tructlon on the Republican ticket In Kan 88.

Ueo. W. tile 3n attorney In Mlnoeapoli .

Fred A. towe is dolol5 reportorial work on the Cblcal50 Cbronlcle.

Berth& M. Wil 'II Is ao netre 8 tour­Ing throul5h lhe Eastern aod New England tate, and Is meeting with merltt!d slIcce . -

Yours truly, HORACE S. 1I0LLINOSWORTll,

Des Mulne , Nov. 8, '9 .



,\ly DEAR 'm.-I nOle with great urprlse a communication from Iowa

Clth to the Dt' !\Joiues Leader of to­day, describing Ibe de moo trtilion mad by Lh !lludents or the Univer­sity, or by ome of th m, upou learn­lug of the defellot of their roo~ ball Leam by the Stale Normllol bere yes­terday.

I, tog Lher with a core of other alumlll IIf the Uulv'r ' ILy, wltll d that gamll yebwrday. It wa a hard, cleall game of foot ball, pillyed by two tt'llru8 of con Ideillble str nl(lb, and the 81udent of the Unlver Ity ha\'o 110 necd to re I d I graced b 'cu u '0 d ,­f Med by the team here. I vcry much doubt tbattboro is a team In lb e61llte which can defeat thl ormllltl!am by an) thl DI5 I nt a 1080 score. 'rhe man who sent tbat notice to tbe Lader, and who characlerlz d the de­feat a a dlsjlrllce becuuse It CUllin from U "weak and puny' 1 am, Is elthCI' a fool or a liar. L rather Imogluo that bel8 both.

Tho alumni of the Unlvu \ty , we would like It under tood, cond. IUn a.ny neh proceedings a~ were I(onc through with at Iowa Olty last night. it Is small wonder tbat tbe athletic team of . D. I. do not mak!l good ret rds when tbey have such a con­temptible student body 10 work fur; every man who took part In that demonstration disgraced hlmseJr alld

(COlltillUld 011 sUDlld lJaP.)

Page 2: I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. a ordailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1898/di1898-11-10.pdf · the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat or' lVerll pre"en


r poodeot. reported w re over 100 .todeD druDk,he Imp..

l:rlled' aDd be uDdoubt.edl:r know It. I

Tbe Dlvensll' IoU ubI .. b' al-

r dy beeD too borou bJ:r aired tbl f r. It. I bl b time tbe preadlDg

ortb port ball ~a . It.


TII'r 11011 II k nil J ·illnu~lt· 0 11 11 I ((.rICO\·

t no alld ,haL H'ry hod 0 lIllY r 0 \ I).

plan not! do KI .. ry (l r Old Oold. J.

You ore Invited TO CALL AT

The Athens Job Office

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Best Printing

No Good Without Hands. Our tron/{ Point, and oDe or tbe ccrets of our BUcce Is our expert oced belp.

· We bave tbe me foree, witb orne ad· dilloo tbat we bRd wben we started in bwln Our work speaks for i It. All ... ask i for you to J(1ve it a trial We do a striclly CAlIR bu.'llne . We use the CoUPON T8T&1I God ,"ve G dlscollntLO purchl!. nI of coupon books.



m. lD. malone. practical .............. i ~utter an~ I

.. Uailor. " ............ . StuOent UtaOe SollcfteO.

liS W Bshlngloo street.

110 Iowa Ave., IOWA CITY ___ 207 Main St •• DAVENPORT

Will U!<lO, Press, and Repair all Your Clothes, (Suits. Ov~rroats, te.,) and Shine Your Shoes whenever

Yuu ·mh for ONE DOLLAR per Month.

FI N E lnl0R: K ~ SPECIA:L TV •

. tllll"ersit)1 :l3oolt Store. lEIr BIOKi. FINE arA 110NERY. NOT! BOOK8.

ton lreel 1ee 1I3r08. & bar\'?at. 21 Cllnton Street

w. F. MAIN CO., Manufacturing

----_ . .TeW'elers.

lII •• , • • AI_ co. '''''TOlY II1IDU PlDCUS or CUMPLmo. AT IOWA CITY. IOWA. -c..,.... ...... '-'""-.'-.. .... IIioioH_f __ ,_ ..... _.,...) ...... ...,_~Ia .. _

,... ... !"'M ....... IiK: ............................ .., ...... :: ........... ,

t::::1 GIVEN AWAY FREE \:.~::' : IIII SILVER WARE GIVEN AWAY AT f f f f 1 :".!WI, LUMSDEN" RUIIIIELlUT'S, GNU". ~~:-t."':-t."'1 iI .. FREE'" T~I"pbOQ~ ' .... Call aDO See. 110 Dwbuque St. !tlI FREE I ... - '" '" . ·.-tH-t.-HMM ............ ,.M't:-t. ... :-t. ... :-t. ... 't.-t:t:-t. ..... lI. ... :-t. ... 1i'




~ ~I


Page 3: I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. a ordailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1898/di1898-11-10.pdf · the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat or' lVerll pre"en

tr t 'ft1 h For the Coll egia te ex .ruOO S 'edicol. l1.nlol. . nd J>ho rmocyd.·

wree IStock . Lo .. e" price. partm. ,, 1S ors. U. ,

w. i.t~~~on 1ee & lRfes. StteeL

\tbe (tttt3ens' $a\'fngs anb

~rust (.to. OF IOWA CITY.

CAPITAL STOCK, $31S,OOO.OO. A. E. SWI1!UI!I1. PreRldent. O. W. LSIflS, Vice President. O. W. Kooli'l'z. S cretllry l\Dd Treol;urer.

Ta u '1'& C. A. Schlle/f r, n . Strub, O. W. Lewia, O. W. Koontz, A. E. Swbher

Interest paid on deposlts. MortgBge Illao OD real estllte.

Omce, number 1l ~ slIutb Clinton street.

:l3runswfcll ball, On tile A ~ Due.

Ooe of tbe . Igbt of the city.

J)atSOns 8. ScbnelOet. Prcprletol'!!.


Whetstone & Foltz,

~barmac~. One block &Quth of P. O.

Drugs. Medlclne . Tootb Brushes. UBlr Brusbe Soaps, ponges.Perfumery, 0011 Wllter.Clgars


C11101I think oflOllltthl:.c to paienll Proitol 10U Ideal : thlll11ll brlDt you 'I&lIL Iefore applJiu lor paleu\, Iti our llb,ral dlrl. tu,eu{or'1 4111l1li1 e4 halbollli mWi of pIIbUo bllll&BI, tUtu ... 0. II WI~ OItY lfllt free 011 rtqUlft. Write ulHay. WI oe help 10'1.

A CO., rlituU ttcrue1l, WaahiurioD, D. a. ..........................

,Iber's 4HO 1Wlabte

:l3tlliarb ~arlor New llalla, New Cloths, alldthe only set of

Ivory Pool lin lis in the City. Cigars, Pi pes aDd To bacco.

F . J. EPBNBTER, Prop. 5'7 Dubuque Street.

It A. FITZGERALD, _ _ _ MaDulacturer or


I: .. odi •• C.noe. a peeia ty. Onrs. Paddles and Finial' .,ode to order. Roats to rent by the day. bout or week. Shop and livery, N. J)ubnque SL

B. BELL. e-

fine Sboe lRepair Sbop

!081OUtb Dubuque street.

IOancers! _ Get the

marine ®rcbeetra to "taR fOt lDances.

1111.1. D. Has •• Leader.

EuCLID SANDERS Pres. P. A. KORA B. Cash. I). F. ·AWVII. ii, Pres. J. C. WITZltR. Ast. Cuh.

tn It" t"t "UI Ult. 10.A CITY. IOWA.

Corner Qollege and Clintou streets. CAPI/uL IlfUUK. '66 ,UOO 00

DirectoFl- Euclid Saoders. W m. ~l.u. er. D. L. HOUIer. D. F. Sawyer. J . W. Kich. E. 1'. Wblt· acre, r. X. Kittenmeyer.

If you ate seeking Pleasure, and you want a Real Good time come up to the

P. J. REGAN. Propnetor (Cl ... '65) ~:~ "Minnehaha"

Rtgan's Park, and You will havt it. We have the Finest Table Service in the State.

Also Boating, Fishing, Dancing, Etc. Come out to the finest PleasC,Q;e Resort in the west and have a good time

Remember the HMINNEHAHA"

.. Only F~! .. ~ours *cr'i GUNTHER'S .... r FAMOUS CANDY

Is cODstl ntly received fresh by E .press nnd is sold a t ditl'UOOLof~S~"'lift Chicago pri ces Qt the Crescent Pharmacy. ~ """,I,.."".,

w. W. MO RR ISO N , p " OPft

1 17 College Street. it b~lIdems of tbe Unl\,erslty lIud oLber t \II schoul>! m llY ent"l' fol' oue Ul' more ill ill b. lUl'S per dav flud luke pelJIDtl llship. II!

~ .. IlOllk.keepluir, shol'thtludul' tiny uftoe II!

~ .. IJrunclles we tellch, at rellsoDllble iI!

O 0 V En & 0 : mtes. Gull or wl1Le fOt· catulugue. : I'\ .'" J. H. WILLUMS. Proprietor. ..

I ~U.~.~.~.~if.~.~"Hf.f;f;f;"f!""""·f;J I rOR THE

Best Photos. ; ft1E~~~LF~ I DRY 0 0008, FURS. MILLINERY,


l S~ Olin ton street. I . tlJ. ETU .. n c. Seeond Floor. See us. 111 Oollege street.

I ______________________ 1 ==' ~~~~~:~~~~==

. I "CUTTlNG RElit A irKS" are all right L'A:NC6NS6RC & SON, whi le sell ing kn Ives, r'llzO!'$, all u bcls.

lRunntng Sboee , sors, \I bich shuuld Dut be cOIl i' idert'd matle to ®r~er. I "sharp practit:e"- Llcb ty & Tbomas.

Repairing nelllly done. Sign. the big boot. I Gu to J oh n II allds for t he hest Flftb /loor eas~ of Post Ol!lce· I wa.tcb. clock, and fouutaln pen \'e·


I The key to the sit u 'tion Call be OI ~ d e

,~""~~~~~~it~iili by uur glln mlrh , wbo rt'pa i~ locks, " • LOCALS.. ~ trullks, bll'yc les, etc. - LIchty &

'\tftEEftEE~EE".EEMEEI 'fhom a~ Call and see Or. F. P. Cbapman at

SausB,e Dnd Lobskous factory. bis dental pa rl or, 1271 College St All sausage made onl y of meats in- Six sblnes tor 25cat Wbitaker's bar-

~pecl ed by bu reau of ani mal ind ustry. ber "hop. Tbree dour south or P. O. Blue erlre and cbeviut SU its, both Buy your neckwear ot Bloom &

douhle and Si ngle hrea ted , silk raced Ma ye r.

or plai n, 1110 to 1B20-Coast & Easley. Iowa Ctty Musical (olle,e, 23 1-2 See E. J. Price & (0. for every- WDshinlton St.

thin, In the Jewelry line. Open ai r exercisers at Lichty & 106 S. (linton Street. 'rtJomas'. aws, buck , and handled

Are you suited with yo ur boarding axee. place? Try a week at the Coover Bluom & Ml\yer will make ot.r unl · Re tauran t, 121 Iowa avenue, :B2.50 per forn) to measure, at ~arne price liS

week. read y made. Bloom & Mayer',,; uniform are cut Fur the b~ s L ice cream alld conree-

to mea urI'. made of all w01)1 cloLh,and tionarles go to Namur's. Don't tur guarallteed never to fad e. gl'L tbe uld place. A nice line ot ci·

Tbe be t place to get yo ur Buits gars. made to order is at Slal'ata's, tbe I Top COIlIF , n ewe~t f\J8de~, 110 and tailor'. : more- Coast &, Easley.

Ji'o r tb e be t rubbE'rs and overshoes I Banda, School.

remember i Lovers or plA8sure sl loulil attend the _ /I£. ,? _ f' ~ "'"-- "71!. I dllnclng sch()ol and Itssembly a~ the

~~Lf{fJ'~ I "mo.y "'" ~~~:'~~.:::::" ~ St. James Hotel. -----New fall suits and overcoats of tbe Heated RooDls.

celebrated SteIn Block makeat Uloom & Mayer's.

Your clothing cleaned and pre sed, 11.00 per month, Pantorium Co. Steam Dye Works.

T. Dell Kelley, Maoage!', 21 Wash. St.

FOR RENT.-One IIntllrni~hed, beat­e1 room 'rhe best or boaI'd may be had io tbe same huuse. Prices reatiOnahle.


307 E. Burllngtoo.

Peter A. Dey. Pres. Geo. W. Boll. Vice Pres Lovell Swisher. Cash. J ohn Lashek. As' t. C. h

First National Bank IOWA CITV, IOWA.

OAPITAL, '100,000.00 W RPLUS, '80.000.00. OIRftcrORS.

Peter A. Dey, Geo. W. B.II. Mrs. E. F. P .... ons. A. N . Currier,]. T , Turner. C. S. Welch. E. Bradway.

Take. course in Book.Keeping at


U niversiry Business College And School of

Shorthand and Typewriting 119 Scuth Clinlon. Iowa City. lao

Smolle tbe bal?ana "(((eO mgatS

bawke\?e, prtncess an~ 'Rational.

Mt'd by JOHN KONVALINKA, 207 Ia. Ave

BODV M}l;SS}l;OE, P}l;CE M}l;SS}l;OB.



Given al your home or at 312 Reynolds 51.



l.tver\?, fee~ an~ Sale Stable.

Gentle driving horses for ladles. FlI'l!t clu: equipment for Iunerllls. Stylisb drlversnnd l'ubbel' ti red veblcles (It reduced rate .

Cor. Oupltol Bull Wusblnllton sts. Phone 7f)

8;?/(!f;n/tY Iv 9~ttV' .

Ooly two more daYd to get your Cour e t,icket .

A ho ut sl xly men bave re ponded to the call tor caodidates fo r Yule'S . rack tt'a m

Profe 80 1' Wilcox, of the tate Unl· verij ity, spent last Sa turday visit ing fri ends and tbe coliege.-Scarlet and Blll ck.

The fi rst oumher of tbe L cture Course will be tbe Pnsquali Concert Co., II CXt Thursday. Course ticket DOW on Ba le.

Tbe person wbo on la t FrldllY took a ha t trom Clu e II all I req ue ted to return the sll ver hat marker to the owner hy mall .

Hohble, ~ x"02, waR In town Tbur~·

day, UII his way to Fl. U. I., where he will lake a course In eleutrical cugl . Deerlng.-~carlet alld Black.

'rile rccent game betweeo tho Wis· cOll sln alumni Hnd tbe WI consln University resulted 10 a "Ictory for tbe 'VlIr iI,y with a 8core ot J2 to 11 .

The grlldulltes of Harvard lire to 18· SUt' " lIew puper l}' led the Jlllrvard Bullel ln. It will be pult1l 8h~d weekly, and the space will lie la1'l.rely devottd to uthletlcs.

A Kymoa81um clas~ for merubi'rH or the Ulllver~lty }j'aclilty, busloes~ Ilud prot",sslonul Olen, hHS been 8tarted lit Close Hall. Tho clus:i meots at Ove o'clock Monday, Wedn~sdllY' lIod Fri­day ureach "e~k. As yl't tbe cia .. II smull , but Its memLJer:l aro vllry resu­lur and etbusla tic. Any mao in 8e­deotllry occupation will Ond this pby­slcal work plea8anL and beneficial.

Page 4: I. (. H, S. 40, I. (. A. O. a ordailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/DI/1898/di1898-11-10.pdf · the home I5rltllnds, 1 he 1/1\010 was play ed 1 here. A large numher of spectat or' lVerll pre"en

T il E \,1 ETTE·R.EPO RT E R.

Desirable Furni hed Room For Rent in the

Union Block


For Foncy Groceries • 8nd •

Choi e Fruit ~o to J. O. EMMO

FU . • EIt'

llcrn bouse imustc Store nnD Scbool of imustc.

tI. . (",.e. Ulh.,. ,. .... n., " ...... 111_,

~.i .. l I"I-'J.;;r!:!!~'~~u::~:~~''i:~:' ••• n I'~" at .... 11."lrtelh ••

113 ColIC'j(l' • L. 1""'11 City III

®pern bouse

1Restaurant. nder ne" man.cement.

Everylhlnll 8triCtly tirsL 01 ... ..- 12.60 1It, .. t k. Id •• 1 Tra4e .1Itllt4

Mea l Tlc1<~ts good for .. Meal • $"~ FIne Line ot Cand:l'. hears and Tobacco

III WIY on hand. lce cr~om lind all kinds ot mild drlukll. 1 , ... Laneh Coanler \. Conuett ••.

Ratl.tactlon Cluornnleed •

<to m. WleUs, )proprietor.

It \?O U wAnt tbe l3est ~t{jt{jlWi,.~t{jTti"flirfii"tli1~

.Groceries • ~ The '

R,' tnh ai, l 1f!1'IT11'! IlIthI II III rw

$, i."$;;~~ers, i Hawkeye 1.1 W blnllwn treel, ~ Laundry

oa I'h ".M.f PAI~tS r.[I'. ONaBL.E

II' cry IIU.\ It< l UI\lOl UlIelerneaU


I D li E NUR ElVlt£. • 0 10\1 alII>! . UIIW 'l~, deUvered

ane\ y 11 b~ rr ud done promllll.v Valle d U\' rcd troutlhl olllre w or from

(·Itber dt'Jl<tt" Of til any pnrl ot tbe city for IOc. Telt'l.hoOfl No I\~, or all a~ \ e l rn Union

Tel. ( ml' J. A • • HHIP ON, _"n.,,,.

~ Does ' ~ First Class t ~ Work. t ~~~~~~~~~~~Jf}:~ - ---


o. STA~TSIYIAN atcbcs. Cloclle, 3cwelrv.

Sliver I nO p latcO are

Served at all hours at

Grandrath Bro's. Icc Cream PatIor.

Iowa (ttt~

Bca~em~. 0., u .. /tIl/ullltrl", U,,".'errrJ,!

0. " .. WIIS" I, ttac")

o.)#lIym" .. ""'" p'.JCI~1 education?



.Iudenl t!llde JOlicited.


Tb" CentU'7 Filly Double·r.ed ".u.". 1n P en W.,,.lle

T CEo -Tl R \" i lD4de r Ih~ Mit malcriala lhn>llCbOlll, 6Ued .. ilb a .lltT Gold Pen lridl.m-Poinl~ and hould a 1i(dim~. P. J.KL~Kn. agl.

Hotz Gun Oil EodorKd and used bytbc War IXputmmt at Wuhington. D. C.

P UYl'ly the t oU tor

~,:=-"","""" Guns, Bicycles, Dental Engines, Type Writers,

and \n fleL all deU ate In,trumenu requlrina a line f(1"ade ot olL

Ii preyen nil t and ill ae' f INDL For Ie by

Ul'blJ.t Thom Parson! &: WestcOl\" Bruce Moore. GbaJ Barrow, K r Co. LuJnsden '" Rummelharl, J I zak. Adam Carath.

Manula Lured b,




GontraGtor and BuildBr COL.L.EGE STRE ET VIADUCT

Plan and Specifications (urni. hed

~\~~\~\~\~\~\~\,\~\~~~ :oj Ii :t Genuine Ii :t SUI Ii :t · .• .. it Old Gold .. ~ Ribbon and ~ ~ Buntings at t ... ~ ... ~

~ .. it H.l. Strub & Oo's .. ~ ~, ... ~ ... ~. ... ~

:t We Decorate Ii ... ~,

'i Halls for I :t Entertain- .. :t .. :t ments, .. j Parties, etc. t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I. E.lNDERSON Hoa e and Carriage Painting

Dealer in •

Wall Paper, Glass and Paints 43' E. 8urhnl'0D Street.


~be ~ailor. SUITS MADE TO ORDn.

Cleaning Ilnd repairing neatly done, liD Dubuque 't .. up stairs.

4lrber eorb 1!IIloob from

f. f. ~fttenme~et. Leave orders at Wieneke' ~ar \.Ore, wllh

lbe clLy wood mellSureror at number G30 bUfCh street.


scI be da 1y ba WI

tu W,

A tr al C(

M h r: