;"(f 'I.·. ' .. ,, ' ....... c• :o('> .. ......... ' ., .r":, . . .. · ..• _., . ,. ' . . .. . . : . •• . _,. .. •. . ' : . ' . ; i ' . ' .. Ill• 'a cait Jlt!lllae Dcl!t he koaoif.s laG.r.. '' ·• -· ··" • : • : $,.;:..,. •. : :::.- ........ •p' _: . · ··• ·• ·- ' ... .. .. . .!·· . .. .. .. . ' . . "" .., - ....... . . ·;.· ... .;_"·· •• .. - 'a..· .. :' . . '• .. . . . . . . 0 . . : .. ' . . .. . . .. . . . ... - .-- A. T:E:.N '1' s .. ' . . . ' . . ' '" ' . •' ror 'liechiuaical )o•nP<»;iods, DcsigQ!' •. All e_xaruinlitioos as ta or ioventiontt,- Free. Om •Guit1e to Obtaillifag Pa:tcuts,!'. is aeo• freu evel'l''v here. · Ac'tdrL.:U; · · · . : I .. oul.S sA.s6i-:l1 & 8olicitor$ of .PadtJets,. . ·'\V .dsi.:rqm:r, l). C. "" . . .. N P.:XWO . \VHlTK 0,\Jt!il, - \V. c. }lct,O.NAr.-J). ,. -:ANI>:- . YOTAICY PUBLIC, \Vurrz OAKS, D. J. .. A. JK WEl'r, U. , S J.tineral: Dcputr Surv-eyor, Nc\V Mexico All(l AriZO'.la. United StAtes DetJnty Surveyor, Luuisiaua. . . . . ...-·p' .. .. >< ..... c. . ,. 'j!r".t . - ' ' ' . . . · .. .. tllril' District wm ·pleaSt'i .meet.io« :ke:Id .SOO· next mo1n1;b •. tha.t. be- : .. ' l i I I I I f l ' l ! ' .,

I H - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W

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Page 1: I H - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W


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~rli .. • Ill• 'a cait ;~-1&1 ~ill kc~l Jlt!lllae Dcl!t he koaoif.s laG.r.. '' ·• -· · ·" • : • :

$,.;:..,. •. : "'-~;.· :::.-........ •p' _:

)d5<'DL~· . · -· ··• ·• ·- ' ~ ... • .. ~ .. ~: . .!·· . .. .. ~ -~-:~::~ ~. .. . '

. . "" '· E..f.llbll~b~~t-1864 • .., - ....... ~ .

. ·;.· ~~-~ =:Pate~t·w,.--·1:»·7~ ... ;·~- .;_"·· ~- ~-" • •• ~t ~::·~ .. - 'a..· .. :' ·~ . . '•


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' .

. '

'" ' .


Obt~in~l· ror 'liechiuaical D~vict."­)o•nP<»;iods, DcsigQ!' and_.~~cl, •.

All p~limiuary. e_xaruinlitioos as ta pat•:~atal~ilit)' or ioventiontt,- Free. Om •Guit1e to Obtaillifag Pa:tcuts,!'. is aeo• freu evel'l''v here. · Ac'tdrL.:U; · · · .

: I .. oul.S sA.s6i-:l1 & c~ ~ 8olicitor$ of .PadtJets,.

. ·'\V .dsi.:rqm:r, l). C. "" .

. .. N ,.~~v ~~ P.:XWO • • .

\VHlTK 0,\Jt!il, -\V. c. }lct,O.NAr.-J).


-:ANI>:- .


\Vurrz OAKS, •

D. J. li~ .. A. JK WEl'r,

U. , S J.tineral: Dcputr Surv-eyor, Nc\V Mexico All(l AriZO'.la.

• United StAtes DetJnty Surveyor,

Luuisiaua. . .

. . ~ ...-·p' .. ~p:~·.'-,'lf<.

.. {~ >< • ~l ..... c. . ~~·

,. 'j!r".t .

- ' ' '


. . ~ . ~

· .. ..

~~t•=nnlie~~'Of tllril' F~na:sco District wm ·pleaSt'i

.meet.io« :ke:Id t~ .SOO·

next mo1n1;b •. tha.t. be-


.. ' l


I I I I f

l '

~ l ! '


Page 2: I H - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W

., . ·. -~ .

... . - .

., .... ·-· -·- -----.-----cinnati~ Th~y propose . to · run ' a\·erage «lecline, all around of which Texas cattle over' tbe Narrowgn.uge, .. e,•en stooktnan: are hardly aware. getting special :rates from Cairo, J,i.Jd;~ed, it is only by placing quota­east. It is tl1ougbt this arrange- 1 tions side by sid~ that the difi:tmmce tnent will enable the tne:Lt-dealers to! is brought OUt SO strikiagiy US to



·Taliaft:tro, P11blishers.

:~~"··~--:. ...... x•N·"'·"·s· ···- · · . . 1 l • , ' 'd F I 1 reciuc'e the prtce of butc 1ered pr1>-: gl\'e an auequatf}._l ea. o t 1e c umge

dttcts very largely~ "whilo it w!ll be I ,~hie It has. taken pla~e. Thl' itnpres­. A fe~ partie& in tlu~ eounty want· no· bad arrangement for the rexas stun obtams that 111 the general

·ing ~t(;:.azive:-north~·- · · ·fc::.tttleJuen·. · Louis,·iiie: Indianapolis,! shrinkage of v.al)les of lh·e stock has ·;it'he,n;~ of the pre-emption and Cle,·eland, Columbus and Pittsburg! su~ered lei:is tbu any other farm

1- "4"" c. """"r"'-.... ~·'-''-" AYW" • ~ .

" J . "d .will he supplied nfter .this arranue-'1 products, bnt investigation of this . ~~,ether like: laud awlljoda D9~'pass.. ·~ 1 • • ment .is comnletetl, from Cinci~nati, kind shows an aver:~g~ l'ecluctiou in , P. D. Arrnoat.and c,,. of' tJhicag!l' 1·

· sa.ving in l;oth time 1\lld freight as: this alm<Jst as great :ts in cereals ana ncentlv',MC"eitod.·auorde~ .from the 1 · • .. ~,,ut:u as as 20 per cent. over present. o;her .farm crop:>. B~giilning with Brittish Govermnent for. 5,000,000 '· · · 1

~ . P. rices. Pr.:ominent ban.kers an_d bus-1

c. attle, we find a less reductiou than cans of meat xor the armv iu Egypt. 1 1 d o( mess men 111 Texas are 1n the scheme l m any ot 1cr stoc •, goo cattle haY· • to etecule this order 70,000 cattle

• and very sanguine of it!> ultimate sue- , iug declined 20@2;)c per cwt., the are. required. II d 60 ·· -- d k · cess. ower gr1t cs ([!)';<Jc, au stoc "ers

The new stock vards, between 40 ;)\ ·• ~ I 1 t .r 'l'he Santa Fa P.evie\v l1as the fol- . ~! t:tJc:. u s leep a greates

··I..as Vegas and Watroul!~ will soon lowinn to s:w of the. Chi!lum cuse:! sbriuk<Lge is shown amounting to as be completed. · 'Vhen c. o1npleted ~ • 1 h $ill -o 0::. 1 7,;. ,.. t B t

Col. S.' ~I. Barne::~ and G. n. Barber,· muc a:; .., ·" w · ,, lh·r cw • u they will be l00s.155feet. . In addi- a wdl. known attornc\'· frm~ Lincoln I the great decline has been in hogr<, tioutotlie yardstherailroad company • 1· 1 1 f 11 if '1 •rr.'"•=-'J -1)

• county met bero to-tlav by ap1)oint- • w.nc 1 UlNe u en ° lii •.• n (!;~-.o is erecting a platform sixty-five --·~~'ment ·t~ arc,.u~ an in~po;tant· st;it! from the figu:as corresponding time long to be used for unloading.catt!e. aa':linat the John Chisllm esi:;\te which! in 188:1. The immediate ca\lf...e of

· .The cattle herd of something over ~ to , b fO""' tlla ! the reuuo~ion in cattle has been the · J l com~s up -morrow e .... . .1 . two hundred ·head, wlli~h om . 1 p I V d (J'rcatlv inercnsed fecdin•>' in the · master m c.;:mcery, • .. an eveer, :-.. . • ., . 'Veatherford.left on Palom~s creek Esq. 'l'l&e case im•oh·es some ~;50,- i Ohw ml!t~y states, fo.-esluuloweu m when he .forfeited his $3,300 hail OOO, and consists of dllLts which the~ sc.me dt•gree hy the unusual demand

-•fter his ·arrest for cattle stealing, 1 t J 1. t" . S t };' ! for stockers. in the next two ar three ;1 o o m o'vcs par 1e:s m au a e

are covered by a mortgage bela by d ., t" f t1 ... 't l yearo;. The decline iu sheep JS lH • an o. ter par 1es u .1e ~ err1 orv, . the man wbo paid the. bond, anrl it d .1 . 1 h l . f ~ ! cvnsequen•!e of the eagerness wtth

an w nc 1 ave 1een rmunng or a: . - . will be foreclosed at th!} next term of 1 t ~ .... C t 1 wluch sl;eepmcn m some places h:l\'o

[ .. ung er:u OJ: years. ••.u:o:ssrs. ·a ·r(ln, 1 • 1 court.- Black Ranae. 'rl . t ll ;.,1 J 1 "~· 1 1 , been trymg to reduce or get c e:u of

.. 10rn on~ v aJHlY U( "'e ·n·a.1 01 • , H 1 ' 1 1· ·' • ' :-.. j tbe1r floc..:s. ogs :av3 < e1: ;neu

A Mr. Coy<1e of D tl!as, 'l•cx:\s. and Col._ Breeden are oppo;;Ihg c?un- j headl y bol.!anse of in<:!reaseti l~roJuc-aoid a few days agol to J. f..av&on, of sel. It 1s d:argecl by the crt1(htors

1: tion crnhurrasr-nJents surrouudmg the

I .. iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W<'Steru ranch and cattle, in Stephens county, of bis m:unouth ranch iut!::'rest~ with! cr~rn. Prict's fo~ ail kind:~ of stock for 828,0QO, c:tsh, and !;63,000 i:ul c- • I will, of <·onrse, 111 dno tuno react,

a v1ew to pre,·e. nt tlw p~yment of j though the t•rei'E'nt is not u. f:t\'orable fered payments. l\Ir. Covce has suf- h d b h }I • 1 t " t ese e ts, •n-mg sc u .ns ranc 1 • o I time to indulge in speculntion .as to

fered but little loss in his stoclc dur- d H f s~ L I · 11 b a man n:une unter, o .. oms, I ~'¥hen ami 1uw ;m_pi'u\·m:lent ''~'~ c •

ing the. winter aud counts out tho with whom, it is alleged, he hatllmtrud•lceci.-[Natwnal Stouknliln. .cattle to ~he purchaser's agents. some secret understanding by which I --------- ·. . --------

Says an Aanrican wri~er: The he still Yirtu:1lly helcl the property I H visitor to Queen Victori;\'s stables at. ano:l enjoyed the benefits therefrom. S LAND 0 ME '\Vindser, i~ obliged tt> register in As a master in c!mncery, Mr. v :m-j Stock Farm a sort of vi-3itor's stu<l-bo.1k; am1 der,·cer lms just completed his rc- 1 Crosse lie, Weyne Co., ieflch. ~ after a deal of red tape, is rewarlletl port, in which he sustains the Chisum S.\. V AGE & lo"A!>.NUl£, l'BOPRIBTOBa.

by tbe sightof knock-lu.eed, splay- estate and concludes that the sale I footed, galled,knotted1 and wind- was a bona fiJc one, made in ~he or- i · broken hacks, which an .A.n:e ·ican dinarv manner and not witl1 any in· milkman would be as!.a•ued to drin tent to defraud bis c.-editors. i\Vh::n I ·at the funersl ofa pump-maker. the case comns up to-mor.ww Col.

A Texas excha.:1ge says: "Tlte Barnes and :\Ir. Barber will attack sedge grass range~ of Texas can be this report and endeavor to sl:ow lltilized best by fences to preser\·e that fraud was raally at the bott01n the ground for hay lauds, Ten acres of sedge gra::;s le{t to die and rot would starve a steer to death in winter. The sameten acres of grass if cut and cured in July wonlU keep ingrowing conuition ten 2-year-olds, and help them to early markets in the spring. · F. H. lfeyers was

· from Salt I.ake Citv. -here lately

!Je owns tl1e

of the Hunter sale, anrl they will ask tlmt this ranch property now be held for the payment of l-Ir. Chisum's debts.

The E! Paso Times s:~ys: Sacramento mountains are

branded X on left

•Ue snot hip, aln

X bar rir;ht siae

and bip.


Wx. RoBSOlll. G•o. T Dtt.\r.r.; .ra. ROBSON & BEALL,

lliNCUY.-lDtl R.ilJ.VCH. .

· ltors~~ bran'de<l bell o,. let't,~hoal• der. ·

Wm. Rob!nli. . .Mau&ll'er.

0 Bt~:o: 'i'~. \\:bi;e "--'""•••• N.ll.

0. 11. 8/ufUGJITER.



Post Ofico ad­dre~a ani rftun, Upper l'en"-'leu, N. M. Cow brAll·l W bM on left si<le. A l•o •Kme braild "" ter~ hip.

.r. 1r. CU1l1'IS.

Pu1t Office a.t. dre:• &a•l r1011.~e, Upper l'euaHo, N. ,\1. Cro•! •" lef~ slooaltter a.:ll ; ... eliucd bar ou left hip.


CoTOU AXD HED I •. l,CJ: l'J.'rTL& Co.

eitbl'r side, V ari-

ens .Mexican braud

on cattle and

w. II. fit:D\lE'Sil,

1' 0 Address

\\' h ile O!lk",

A J.P. II L-_\-.1''1:."1:.



J. d': J. S. RA l"NOLDS.

u~u~e brand J on left 8houltle•·· .Old cntrle Ill vn· riotls olcl mat•ks nud bra11d-. A .. B. A It en, :M~tnll • gcr. P ·o Ad,

dress l!'oa·t Snnm~r, New Mexico.

. · Pdct:• Now and a Year Ago,

A ·comparison.(lf·1'~ices 'now. ruling the <!i-i.terent kiltds· of · fat . stock

~~:)·~i:t,'. t_:an~' ~ith'tho~e of a.year. ago~hows au


T. B. POWELL • . All . over. Ln:u.:

. YPAl'B old· . 99 9 on SbOUlltl~:lj I~ lt · · · 11iile and.

nol:.Se b~·~:~a:··~~r as v;,

mo Pcu:ali~O~ t~in.c~iD Oil, N .lC:~ d " ' '· " ' -

p --~~~t~~;_ :~~-r 1 ·~<~-.. ~ :·~,~7~~.~~~¥"-_ ~·· ' ~:- .··:,1_ ,._::; . "' .. .· .•

.,.·: . . . . ~ ..


---:---· STUCK BRAN Dll.

" .

..-1. (J. JleDU.:.V .A,LJJ.

liae bulb for ~a!e.

• ... '::.,,;. •' .. t,' ....

. ~' --.--1

. ' STUVE. Blt.d'.Y lJS.


ii Lincoln' Count~·, ~·· ~ ,.._·,.;,-..,. ... - ' ~ ..

Pe~ons iie.iriag io ,.

p~r.,ha~e will d;~

"'ell te e.nmine ·~~~

IllY !Htell:. Bran•ls '

a> Mlow;~: A L M righuido:; swallow

! .. r;. :i:rhtuu<lleft. . . .

E E in eirtl~ ri•ht

•iJe; sw:nllow Cork'

P. 0. Ad(li'ess Ji't. StantQn,

Liuculu Co.; iN M.·.

. •'

,TUSE ..~.lto...VT A.NO.

---~ --------

H ()J":;~>s br~nded &:till~ ao: o:(l\\'!5.

Addrc•~. Linr.oln, Lincoln Co •

N. ?tf.


J>. 0. A.~ld res a 'llio F"lix, Liacoln Go.,

N. ~I.


rwite.wo a:N:-::~::.1 1. inn<1ln, I

Llnco lu f 'u., X. )l.j

----1 Jl €Scalero ,t; · .T icccrilla A p.tc!• es. I

A•l·lr!!ll',' W. 11. If. (,!o w.-Jl""·l S nth F tk, s:.M.I .Hr.lot•le'l 1; ;; •>n I ~Bil!t::r !oli·!l" : al.t: J lJ,,w nu•i ~rro 11 •.r t ~tar n.tdcr~•c~..,.t. -.:

_I w. w. lJJUZJ:L. I

~ l · ~ · Cro.~~ nn l~ft J~ t' ~- I !} ... ,,. 1~. 0. A•l<lrl'i'f•

-;: 2W~' i, J:uitln~u.·

~'\====*'~~~ LhJ•'oh;;~,.'·li.

I'. 0. Arlt1rcss :Ji't. Strm hm,

Lincoln Cct .. · N: 1\f.

A'J£1 L Plll1'Z.

P. 0. A•ltl•·ea!l, IJillc•liU 9

J4iucoin Co .• .N. M.

P A '1' G -1Rll.1'J'1'T. Also :Ill ealtl~>

with bar~ butt PAT " bi'IIIHl.

·P. o. A<Mress n. StanU111,

Lincoht Go., N. 11.

RRY'44N ,t; 6li.:.VT.1!.'.R.

P.O. Alidre•s.



J. A. L.t1llll~.

Ua1igc, tt!o Fe­lix, Muc:Glu Co. N. 1\l. : P 0 Acl~lrt'~s

Lns V ill!nR, !N. M.

.THE LE41. O~U'TLE Of). ~ ~ . 1-

B,-nnd. l~f~ 'I! ide ,;oftietunes ..




0. A.ddrf:.'IS

.San MiguPl

·.A.;,V DEIU:JU...V C.ATTLJ: CO. · ..

P. O.Addre&~; , B<'swell,

I ... iucoln Co.,

.:.Yew M~.xico . . l!fJOa lof~ dde and J H

· E::!fooultecte~ o!ll~ft hip

Ear mark; upper lud{ era,

aad U.~>ilor bit ill th• left

llud crop i.e& the richt.

~ Ou left side aad ..... oa l!!ft loip. :1~ -mar II ;;arne ns l!~J~Jtr,.«: bar eattle.

£'!1 O.ulcft <iJe nud .T H ~oaneeted Dille!!; hill, ~J.:•r upper one· half crop in len ll»d uader

Oue·lialf crop ia >'igbt. '

n:9!"l f)!' !eft $ide and !.ip. Ear m"1i<. O<'O}t aaJ IAAI-ht 1a left 311<1 under bit i.n rignt.

t§J Onleft~Uc. Various ear marlu.

POE .~ G(iOPI.NW BI:~J.r DB.

C.AP.IZUZO IMNCH . . . .. N. M •

I . • '1 ---=~~ ·~ ... ~ '"':·::;· ·-~~:>" -~. ~ .. . ' ·• '-' .. •

.i .:



.~ i ,.

. - "-''"


• ' •

Page 3: I H - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W

' '

:~ ·· ..

r ~ -•



! '

. '· ~".. -,


~: '. ~~ !)

.. ;.


' ' •

'Era: ··

' "· . ... : ..

·.;bemic~tl and p.Qysical laboi'atories gh·en a note,: and the note came due ·md Normal scbool-wm:k, an(l variotts in the nl(~rning :aml he could nut vther Jnteresting oxltibits are showu. UH•et it. '.~Arc .you certain tl~at you 'i'he French educational exhibit, cmmot·-pny your debt?" asked the. ·n!l~la under the lmspico,; of th:-t.t fJ,"OV· ,-isitor.. •'.Alas! I .cannot," replied ernment, is said to be the most el- · the dehto~. Then saicl the ,-isitor,

r a.b.orate and exten~i\·e OYer made in .. if it CaJlnbt be beJped, lie down ancl

,, ,.

c •

' ' '



~ : --

.tl~1s coontry, aml iuclutles stat\lary,' go to sle~p and let. the other mun designating, drawing, aecorative art,' walk!" Now this is mere .Ameri-

6~~ni:ru plate~, work. ~y pupils of: canization of a story of Poggio of an ?ro4esswual, }>rlplary, tnt~1·-mediate inhabitant of Perug:a, who mtlked iu and other sd10ols. About a. dozen 1 u~elancho1y be~ause he could not pa-y •lf our states have seperate educa- Ius debts. ''V ah, stulte," was the __ ...,....;;,;~;,...;:;:;:;..: tiond exhibits in the same galieries, ~advice given him, leav(,l anxiety to ;OUR EXPOSITION LETTER.

;;' ... t~ .... "; " . . ~ '

~ IJpe.e!al CO,Tupondence. it;;: i'N~(}~J>EANS1 ~[arch 27th, 1885.

Since the Art Galler'\" was thrown • ·open to the_ public, a few days ago. tl1e. entir~·. Exposition may b~ con-, sidered complete. 'l'be walls of the gallery named are covered 'viti; pai~tings, picture;; and portraits, rep­J'.t'Seittiug great historical events, and characters with m~ny .famous land­scapes, "both Anu~rican, and foreign, some ~"of tl1e more noted of \vltich 1vill hereafter. l)e. mentioned. All our own and 1i1any foreign artist~

· of note, have works on exhibition. Your correspandeut spent a day

recently in the gaUeries' of 'the g"'·­ernment building, and was well re­paid by the ,-ie\Vs aml studies ob­served. One' entire Side is occupied by the exhibits of the colored r•eo­

_ple. Eleyer1 South~"" and riinl' . Northern states nre represented iu

separate sections of ti:ese exhibits, which irtclude. numberle~s samples and varieties of women's fa.nev work. . . laci~g, e!Uuroideries, quiltings, tlress wear, etc., and of sucl1 quality and beauty as to comp:tre most favorably with like work in the department of the more fortunate. white woman's work. The·~e is also sbowa manv

' .

together with woman's wort~, ;:.nd yQur creditot·s!" oth~r.miscellaneous exhillits: ,. Tl 1 ___ ..__k--.-1 11 'xre H •. 1e mmorous mar ·et 1s l u • ·r

or~t-::ultural Hall is, by all otlols, q·wte coacl • k · t "-tl d• . . . • . . unea JO ·es, prune, a . " · 1e most JsappomtmiY' fe:tture of the: to 6 t 'll' · E . . o .

1 ·• cen s per mi wn; we-cream

• :tposttloa. Not that it is not inter- J'ol?es no 1 d l k • • · · .. , ueman · mn casmer csfing, but because ci the lack of J. ol:es weak a-t' 1 ·to 1' 1. ., t • • t • I . • ·• , . 2 cen •. s per on; var~e l· ll apple~ and or~nges, the ; choice plumber jokes in dem:uul at exlnb1ts are exteuswe and ,•aluab!e, 1.:.1 to 1;9. t b • ' "' r·• per on.

ut m plant, flower and kindred ex- . hibits, there is but little of interest. There is coiisid~rable bntbed fence Jamaica amll\le:tico make tolerable; in New Mexico and '·ast flocks. of fair cxbibit_s, of ordhids a~1d some J wild ducks which frequent_tl~e valley other tropical and semi-tropical' often fly low, aP,d, strtkmg the plants, otherwise the hot-house sec- barbed fence become impaled tion is a failure. In oran"es both thereon. It is said tlmt tons of California and Florida make exten- ducks are gathered daily by the sive exhibits; Can!l.da, Ohio, Neb- the boys from the fences and !>cut to raska, Iowa, Illinois, \\Tisconsin, market.- [Ea::tern Exchange.

Minnesota, Missouri, Kentucl,;y and Kansas make \"ar,· extensive exhibits of apples, and I;carly e\·eryone bas carried otf premiums.

.Something to Remember.

No nluahle package s1Jould e\·er be mailed unless it is registar(~d.

Anim!lls, reptiles, live or dead (not sttttfed), insects, exc<:!pt queen bees wlten safely seetm~tl, are ex­cluded from the mails.

N tl • . . .._ o ung Is re;!en·ed for mailin~

that weighs over foul' poumb, exce1~i in case of. a single book, as for l'X­

ample, a bible or di<:tionun·, or }lis-tory. •

Frank Lesb:!s Po~:uJar Monthly

For April will certainly please! many different classes of re;tJcrs. The lovers of the water will turn at once to the opmting nrticle, "Yachts and Y ac!tting in ·America," by '..V. P. Stephens, with its illustra­tions of famous yacl1ts. 1'he student of history will be pleased with !\'Ir. Gurnsey's "Friedrich- \Yilhelm 1., Second King of Prussia," uml the article on "Emm:t, Licly Hamilton," both of whi1•h are linch· illustrated " . Th<'n we have a na.\·al o!Jicer's storv entitled "Behind tlw Dahln-ren fl,J,;. "' . 1 • ._,, 1''' • C " . I t 'l' <.-.e .> . 111 oren, wil.J en 1 mstr;t-

samples of woo'! :md iron wm·k, leather good,;, of fine crops, models of houses, and other work and pro­ducts of our colored brother, which :Ne,·er ask a postmaster for credit co;isidaring their opportunides, are for posta.ge stamps, envelopes, or in the highest degree creditable {<.r box rent~. He is not a.Hcnvod to

tr;ttions, specialh- intere;,;tin(J' aud ~ "'

timely just now. )f. F. Valleai}'s nrtiele on •·Tombs and Cataeomhs,"

•.Lt •t . • . WIL!l 1 s carwns pictures, JS e:iceetl-

.Pnblbbed at

Lincoln, New Mexico. the Olole!t raper in



-:And Utr Olli~ial :-

NEWSPAPER -or the Clluuty.-

$2- -PER ANNUM • -$2



& LEw~s co~, X.imite.a~ cniE~ wiSCONSIN.-MauufactW.e.r.s ~f " . _ · ..

THER The llc•t Cart

ehe:.per u'J.~-3~ ·


T ALitA FERRO *c" CO., '

Real Esta~ An~ ·Insurance Agents. ;

'-'V"hi te OJl.ko., !

$66 a week at home. $~.~ •mtfit free. Pay ah~olntelv gure. No. riak. Ca11itnl not requi~etl: l!l'!lder. ifiyua. want bu~iuess at which pcr~ou• nf(<ILherscx,young or

ol.l. cau make grea.ti•Il"Y all t.l;"! time they \\"Gr.k, wiLh ab,._•lute e.erlaiuty, WriJ~ for particulars to H. IIAJ.r,J~' & Co.,Portlan<l, ·ni .. e, 9

GOLD lor the wnrking ~lJ•,'•· SPur! lOecnts furJlnstage, •~uci w~will mail yon l'U>:K a r<>yal. vahabl~ bn.-.: of snlllJ•le good~ thnt will P'"' l'•HI iu the wuy,of

making more m'lue~· iu,. few ila.Y• t.lmu )'011 e\'et thoaght)lO;sib1e at Ru~· b:tsin!t•"· Ca1•ital i.,not req~ita•l. We will •tart v:lll. ~ Y • .u t•au 1v.,rk all th(; time!ir iu ~J,:tre timeO~Iy.~ The work i.:; nui­vera:tlh· aoiOIIJic•l tq both ~eX:e.>, yo:tug- •m•l .. ld. You ca~ily ~~tru from a~1 to S5 everv

'flmt <~II who -test the '""''"'''·'"·we thi• ; to all to pay

- - N. :r:J1'",


COAL ! COAL!! COAL !!! -o .. -



OY. DA VIDSO;N, Manager.


I Lon~!'!~;A~~~x


I ~ 1 . grant it. e.xamp o, a tJer.~.ect ocomotn·e is sbown.by Jo!m Allen, of Little lloek, D:m't forget that all pan!els de­which lte contsructed in his kitchen, posited for mailing must he so wrap­without evC'r h;n·inn• adnm:a•re of -ped that they can he examined with-

iugly entertaia;ug; and all w!10 re­mcmqer a~1d admireJ Biily Burton will read with ,,.rent inte1·est Lisi,.. FARMinG And GRAZING

with .Red Tjn ·1'!,\g: R!"ISF. T.EAF' Fine Cut BCI:eoVln!{; N,"\VY Cf.II>PINuS, and Bla<ll< ..

rown aud l'ellow SNUFF$ are the best and eheavo.tlt, quulitJ comHer<.>d?

:-. Lester's a1·ticle entitled "\>\'i!iia.m E.

~ ;::.

any previous t1·aining. Thrro. are o~t dustruyiug t-he wr;l.pper, other· Burton, the Comedian!' Thi:; has UUUll' t~xhibits of .!;)chpoe-w• rk in this Wise letter rates of p;.~sta~~~ are three l'artmits of flurton in famou:; dep~~tment, f;:om v:.rious sdwo!f- charged. · di!.&rttetera, and a. ,-ii!w of h~il Olympic North and South, which in ex~ei- Postage stamp3 of oao deuomina- 1'ha:ttrtl. F.uniE:t:- science 1s pro­lence are calculateJ to inspire the tion cau not b.;, cxclmnge.l for thos•• videtl iu "The CamUe-1htm'.} and c.•dut~:t.tor \Vith renew~d effort~:, in of another d,~JHmiu:ttbn; nei:lwr Some or 1ts Lesson!",' l•y H. Gerftl, l

1 1 I • • l I J • ' t 1 I ( . . ,, •. ,, 11 • . . . I l~ua.f or tne p••o;t e, an. t.l!!ir en- caa .tey '" ta •~n l!l payment foJr ~. ,:,. -. .. ; a. 01. tJ1ese arttdi.'S ~rr:

tire exhibit c.umot lmt :tr~mse :m in- I ,;ta.mpe:l crn·clo~>es o: twwsp~~~·-~r profLt<;ely illustrated. '1~be st<;>ry el-.1

- ~\ud: The-

TEitltiNRY IX lrE~iZIUT ••

•1• \Jrrr. -. ' .. ~--

t.•rd:ts~·· respect for. th;:, Airi.:!HI race I w;;ap:ml',~. e:uent i;.; wdl su:;taincd. Garrett ro :m•l their capabiri:h~s. The tb ~ 1 b~~er oill ~n i.; ,1 mou. Walk(':·'<> iia·mi:1;..r ;;e:i:t!, - ."The \i UR

In this gidlery oec:;pymg a cor- umm.Jt b th~ carerl).;t:n.·.~::; au;l ;;':n- i I>ca:h-::m.rk rl~adws its tw::nty-~tinth 1 HOME·PAPER ~h s. .,~1 t. .... •. -H."~'"··':·.:"': ::o .l:. u ._. o- punt)'" or t:de.: :ut .. i:tCclU pt:ople. 'J,he c 1, ... 1 .. 1. •• , •• uH ·.''It:. re _, .. rt- St; \·~l,ta suo~t ·· .-., ;,. ~'"• J. "''' i·tt .. ··p·•c·~ f· r c I I · ·· ,. ' \. · · .,.,, '!':··· • t···• • " • ···- •"' ·' ::-::~,~~ ,'n-),:}h~._s fJX!!l:-Jlts .. s1~s a noted a, ... era.!!e nu~nber of lett"r~ ru,•!>l·,·:....~] sturtes or nH.·rJto: hes•dt"~; f:iti~H·} beaut! ...

f . , v "' " - • "'· I't'H£XI1 ·ruri £t.•·<t!•3 Cl'l'V I.~O>:;v(l,.~~ & ST JOSEP!I

:,;,,~·:.r'._;; .~~n~·ae~er (loe:tUy n<Jted) them dailv i, :thout l;j,(JUv. 1\tl p:J"ms. The mis0elluay is. a:> ........ ~ _: •* ~~ ... .,.~· ... • ~ '

.!•;r'l,:n .2:. X'.ihr.:', now ia bi.-: 8:J~h I Postma:!ers are" not o!Jlitred to I usu:tl, \'it'H np to the mark, aud the! 8)!11 "'A>WfPA,.~N 81!!!.. :111' 0 (f~Iffll~HlO p no tn· f1 ~~r~st ,·.-a:-. 't H:l.t!n'l of A•rusta Georgi<l. · ''. f.-on~hmie::e il!ust.·ntion in colors ~-u J.1: £UJ; - u \J.:;.i...,v l\1. U lob"' .... ~uo. siiu-ll:.h- colored aml who was a · .· • "Carmen." n thm<r of beau~y. Pub· •!• :c .aut .. ru .. ~.:; 1 \\"Jt.t• ut c .q.tge. ~ · .. ~ ' rac<mpt COIIl 01" currellC\' SO tnuhfated 1 • ' E· •!·• 'l:•· · . ~ t' ... J • , l''.

,... J ' • • as to bJ u ncarroat. JJm1't trr all!l · ·l , : '[ , . ,' :' -·· • . . • ,. .,. ,, ,.. - - · • • drummer bov !or the seventh TJinted ., 11 . • h., JCcl h; ·' J.::;.li.A!Ii ·~ L:t,.s,.r.,., v•J, ;JtJ • -·ru~:-• _ geu a. y<.~ur worn-out l,:lls upma and u i Park Pl:H~t·. ~ew York. n •~it! gif~ yoa tlu! new~. 0 N LY L .J: '.1-V E

States n_e!!'ll h:.rs, at the ha.ttle of tllCl'l. ' ' t·uiming Tlmmgh Slc~plll'S fJ'Oill ~ • Au·lyllar wife and babie~l\JD~a~e. New,,Orlc::._os, one of, the three UO\V I J.·•r• 1 r .. - Kans~s ~itr, TO!leka., Atchill~ aild s~. J'oseph

- If ''<.IU W:"ite a letter an~l addresr. • "''· l.i A DV/t:R1'1SEJIEN1'S, to CliiC.i.G,O,and resiclin.,. in. this city, who \vere in . . J •••

h. f :-. . • I • It Ineorrectl", or 1r xt can···(•t. •.Je <1·•.- Paia.oo lleclininzr Cha.ir Cars en all ' '•- ~ :SO'l'ICl: Jo'OR p[:BLICATJO:S. 0

t IS amons engagement. ·n en m- 1' d t ·~· ' 'td' ... I Trains, nay :tll{l,Nig!at, : . · . l h' ·h ' ll th t · tvere o t 1e 1mrtv at · resseu, n' 1 1 0.,. • L c N ,1 ,, .. ter\'leW \vJt 1 1111 e to ( me :t on . . • - · •lht' ... co a. :u r11cc3, - ...... u<~rc .. 21-t. . 'l'ltronglt t•>Chi<'llgo wit}ooute.tmuge.

' L· • . e' L b t 1 G banng your bnsmess card on the l&.~~· •• ln,, _,.; bercl·'·· aivcn th"t tho "ollowt'u!!t . . "fE ' :E-R D i~· Tn • '· tue mornm!!' O.t tue a t e, en. 1 . • " · ~ • p '' - ... AT.~ s VE --• •.!'; <> • - ent'e op~, you Insure Jt,; return to ·~··':let!. s~nl.t• hll;;lii,,J u·>ticc. r~ It ,ia~cnt~•n ... f- n B 0 0 :,-,. . r.r r.· - .

Packenh:t:n at tne hea.:l ot a deach- . . . 1''!hitl li-·"1 i>~''01 Ill ~'lflplH't ?1 - 11 ~:: ·~uu. 11 't' ~bat am nus 1.;~ • Co I ummo;., ~&rs!' : . ... v JlJ. Otherwl:30 It wtll o·o to the Sl~lll proOf wdl be ma.le. betor~,.l'N<~:oto Clera at " o .. -n .. -

lnent of Britt' ·h #'~oop·· undertook ·to .J. e.. " ,Lt ;euta N·. M .. Oil .\lay :.lu•l, I tiS<>, VIZ: -: v ':- AT 0::.\"L'l: 75 CEXTS E.1.CH. ... "' w "• ' ·~ • d lad letter office. •; ·.: Me~ttel lliuter, o"- deel:tratt•ry 5 11tcuumt No. · - . f _ -


li: the Acmerican center and uias ' SWtur the nurtlnre~t q1utrtcr nor.he:L.4t q•!urter Pn~2tmg<Jrsbyt.••fslineare l~n.lell in Grand ... ' ... ~, I 11 . .-1 · 1 M. uud utlrthea.st q:.w.r.er uorhwe.:lt 'llUUtur :!eetJou :!~ Union DcJlOt·, t"hic~~.go, '"-l'<~r\! tlirCct £ulnlec-' shot throu<rh the body and killed. :t a yo Jr <;nrresponmmce, w:ten ~. t,o,vn ·l}ip !6~""'h rnugc 26 cn~t. u~.uame<~ •·l!e tior:s &lll nw.<le rm· ui! points~~st.

· ·"' ' • b 1 • 1 JulloWJug WtM"~~c~ to·pr!J•·e ht.< roo~ttuuuua re>t· The d~ummer bo·r then but 13 ye~r.; e\·er It can e tone, give t Je street •leuccllllll!l· a.odetilli:atil!,;•"r.~ap I•U'I, viz~ w. JOB ··o£· p·A.RT. M£_NT AU Trains Run Daily.: ~o Sunday

• ' and J·:u:nb3r as well as •countv and u. linur .. J. u. tlllmp.ou 1! • M. H•bbell3 au•l \Y, n. . . fayacver.<, old askedandobtainedpermissionto • Uuy.<e,altof~i .. culuiJJ'o.,N:}\1~; .. R •t . -~· 1 ••. : " ' . - . stat~. 'I' his saves mucll time aud is lti :!\/ . • . . ·- •m!f ~·· l•dJ!! u:, egt~ cr. -This is tlie poptil:J.r line :;:la rEoni-\. for see the British General. He also ~NDIAr~.ttPOUS, .!

- d L- a sure preveutitive a!!'ainst crror_s . ... ..• ,L1'ICE Fon·rum.rc.\TIOS. CI ... Ciu""ATJ informed your correspon ent, tua.t .. ..u • ., ·~·'" . • . b. d l t of tlelivery. It is much better· to tr.S.LnudOffille,LaaCrnees, N.1U.,Feb.25th, ISCO.Ml'LBTJI: . COLUMBUS,

c.ontrary to IStorv. an popu ar ra- 1SS5 • rmdaJlnniutshtlheS~uth-east .. · . · ll h f tl t t . f II . I • I t I ~ II • .. I'.~ _,

dl.ti·on Gen. Jackso" .11·,1 not ttse cot- spe t e name o 1e s a e lJl u • Notice ;;s bore tY gavcat UJ. t te ao owtll# nnmo" Re1netnber, tlu\t 'l'l•t·ou;r!l Wieket.s Lhoc c•tn llo t;a;1 nt-ullJll'ineltttl ~l:ltions Wc.•t. · n,• Slil'••.tha:t'yOUl'l.iel<,tit;!l.l.Cad 0\'Cl'

n u - >t•t•lers h11vefiled nfJdne.oftheir intentil>a to make fiual proof iti 3IIPI")fi<·of their respectiVB ch•iw•. hetilre the lte(li~ter Rut! .Receiver ot' tt o U. S. J,llu<l OOice, a' Las Craee~ N. M., ou April 2Jth, ton b11les for brea.st-\v"oi"k )n t~I<l 8th . Letters addressed to fioticious per­

of Jan., battle bu~·. s(tnply earth- sons or firms cannot be clelh·ered, work; few bales of cottd~ \vere put that is wbero the parties are un­in place bu~ the enemy sliot targets known. This rule is intended sim­into and fired tbem, when their fnr- ply to prevent illicit and unlawlul ther use was abandoned. 'l'he old correspondence, and would not be 'fetern says that just before the en- enforced when the persons are known gagement. Gen. Jackson passed to be repa~atable citizens.

lt~5, vb:- · · ~ c. 11 • .:;laughter, on dl)clarat<'ry statement No. LETl'F.R IlEA DS, 733 for eadt halt' uort~wedt quarter and uortb balhoatbwest qttart.,r,, 3ection 35, t~owusbip 25 s•outb, ran~~:e 21 ca~t. \fituessc~. A. J, Stewart, .F. IL Dduel. J!.ll. White and ArthurJ • .Stewart,

~lQ..ng. his. lines and said to the sol- 'Vben ndt'ertised letters are in­diers..:...."Keep· cool ·boys; and don't quired for it is necessary for the waste a. shot;n-'•he was cool,'" ad- person calling to state from whitt

:•II uf L.iuc •lu conuty, ~. )1. .Forre$t'll', White, oullcclaratory !tlltl'ment No.

B95, f,,r n•>rth half gonthlvost quarter,scctiun28, towu~uip 2•i slllt•h. rauge 2.1 ea~t. Witues~ed: A. J. Stcwllrt, ~·. K • .l.lettf,\1, C. II. Slsugbter aad Artbnr J, Stew"r~. all ~f Lincoln ~011nty 1'1' .111.

II'. K. Ocael, oa tlcclaratory statement No, U34 for nt~rth Ita If at rtbe~&~~,'}ttarter, se~ttoll33, to•vn­shil• ::l•.i ~Ollth. ruuge H east. Wituea!es: C. H. Slaughter, .>\ •• ).l)t~\Yai't, F. Jl, White ;lud4rtblir ,J. Ste· ... art, all ofL1ucola conuty, N. M. · 13 17 J~m• U. ~toFu~. Regi!ler.

ded the old man. who exhibits a silk place they are e~pecting correspon- NOTICE FOR PUBLIC.\.TION.

.lladge pr~scnted to him ·l>y tile Gen-, dence. In the general delh-ery of a. u.s.i.an'l Ollice, LnsCmcos. N'.l\1., Feb. !Nth,

eral wi1en on his last visit to tbis,postoftiee, the postma.steris supposed 18f~ticei~herebygivehtlmttltofoliowiognamcd settlers lulVe tile~ no:iell uftheirintentiou to make city 'in 1838; ]ui also sb(lWS the old to exercise a sound discretion. t1u11J p:ur)fin sunp:>rtofthcir rc5pective claim~ be·

· · · h I lore 1Jeo1r.;e R. B'>wm:~a~, DhtrictCierk, atLiacoln, dram which he carrietl throng t 1e L b Oth M w lk N. M .• o~& April itll.18:.5.viz: · . h Fl 'd I d" et t e er an a • . JR1ncs ll. lem~uct .. ! on debrRtory stRtemcnt war m 1812, and t e orl a n Ian . • • • • •

1 N11, ltl'i3. fur so11th htLif southwest quarter. and

There JS 10 AmeriCa a fannbar so11th half;outheast •1u'arte~. sectiou :i2, to\Yoshh> wars. • • L 2•!!0ttth f>lnltO 2ieRst. Witue3~es: 8, .Franklm)ay

The Go\·erm_nent educational ex- tale, summed up m tl1e phra.se,ll" et, Milton l'billip3,Jamc•ll'ettl!nnd'toolilo Chavuz, lk 1, I Ia ~ all of Lioenl11 eauuty N. l\1 •

. bt'bt"t occtlpr'es .. lar.ge se_ction i.n. one tbe other man wa • t .re tes . &tilton Phillip~. on ~eeJaratory statement No. .. · . · • 1 k 1~. for e~t.st htllf nDrtbiwe•tq:tarter and e:ut half • ..i.ftli<.e,thre· · 6• ~lleries,· in which pri- that a traveler lll a bote was ·ept southwest qnarter, seetion 11. tnwuship l!l !!Oath v '0 o ·- 'd • b b ratl~te 'Ki east. Wi~lle!~jls: n • .Fmok [mlay Jnme!

m. a- soliOQ·I-work is shown jq, many awake long past tm mg t y a P!JttT,Jamed~-DOJoo~;~etand'teofiloC!tavez.•'ll ~J c: ~ ·, · • . . - · . tb ollo~uctduco\lntyN •. \,.

C(,.;., ...... 0I- OL.J•e'c··t ond other )essons • steady tramp, tramp, tramp On · e Ja.mea Pett.y,ou declarator,r stateme~t No.1Sl8, 1.-a •.a; •u .. ' • fo)r lots 6, 'i au•illau!l 1:!, ~ec.5, towusbap21 !lll'tth.

- 1·.:.. ·som·tii;ri,ftbese many_:useful lessons iloor over lam. At last he went up rau-ttt2i)ea~.t. \Vitncs~es: B.J)~ranklmluy.Milton .._ " "' · · · . • h b ~ Philhp~, .. Jamos .M, lie~onct aud Tcotllo Cha\"CI, l·~ Nal-,:;,rai History are taught ·t--om. sta1rs and asked. w at t e ma..ter all of a.itlcolllM!Inh·N~~~- . N

':"' .If "'~ · ·1 - - " ' '· • - ' f tl ·B. Frailk lwl8y.on d ol!'rator1 et:~.tement • o. ··~,01Ji1t<ed' spe,.l·lne'JJS and the uses of I mtght be. :The occupant 0 . 16 up- 1937. ror lo~~ 2. SanH ~ CtlOn li!&nd loti •. ~cellon ,. · ''" ' . : .. d l!l. rowu•htP 17 so11tb fuse 'Ki east. \Vttoc!>!O!:

..... ..; m-~-~.nal.i are shown ili I ntlr room sail that he owe money Mlltjgl'billips •• T .. m~4. ett-y, James l\{• Demonot

... ,.. · · .,.~... ., · ' · - Y- ' ~ 1 • 1 h 1 1 T•o'''" Cba>'eL all 11f ,, !lOin rumatY N'. !If. ra:1tute•llMmnles. Mechnnical, to :~.nother man, L.-,r_. w H.! 1 e- u~. · l·t-l'l . .J u!{ R. 3li;t•n-:, a.;Mer

. . .. ~~: . ' -~~.;·'• '




Call on or Address~

U~COLN, - N. lf.


Olclltclit~blc Uouto l>' . ~ ~ ~

_ Via·QUI_NCY. ·• T. J. J'OTTEit, l'EJWEV·.~J, LOWELL.

Vic.-1""'•· r.: a.~. M:ln~·· C.B.a\,!.um. Gen.l'II••.AJL -

JOH~ n. CAUSPS, . ~"1r>:.ltOOJ'ER, - Vice .. P~O<-n.!\!:u~·r fi.&S~-Iott * G.m.Pus..A;t.

The Longest .tine··of ·

Ix. THE WoP.LD · ··


- < -An emineotcxnmp11! of .&meric!'ll

E :.ern and Por~et"erance. -

Amoric'n ARricnltnrist C'OLUllXS AND 100 l!.SGRAYUGS

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OF ITS. KiND 1~ Tilt:: W·)RLD.

100,000. CYClOPJEDiAS fREE. Ev•r~ •ub eriber to t e A~IEGICAX .-\GRICUr.oru­

BI~T. ~lJ or new. Kngli•l• .or iicrmau, who-e s:.b­~cdptu:>u t~r lil85 is immelij,~~ely .forwarded -o 11•, together wgh tllC pri~e. ~I 50 per year. aud lSet·. extra for p->sla!fe o.o Cyckpedia-mn],j.,g ·'1.1'5 io.~ a~l-".:111 rc~e•'Oc tlte merie"n ,o\.grin'llt .ri;t (:o.nglt-11,0,. htr.na,,)f<~r >~ll of 'SS.~, nnd he pre­l'.fnte~:l "1~11 t!t~ Atncrlgaa A~ricult lt'.S!. F:~mily U,..c:1tJP~ .ta 1J.,:t.:::t ou~., ;t~J 1ng s a uri t~Ver 1.00 • eugravmg,. lStrongh· buud L elotl1, bloc!< a.0dguH

FRt.1lJ !UETKNTU CI.:SSUS, VOiu 8, Jt:'S'l' .FI:i'ISHJtD,­

uThe AmeriC9.Jl A;:ri;::ul~u1is~. i:; f'" l> eiully worthsQfmr,ut;on. beea••-e of the re111:orl:able u<:­ce~s tbat .. hns atlenile·l the u .. ique and nutiriag ~'~"rts t~fat.1 proprieto~s to increa~ll and exten•i it.; czrculuuou. Its t-OJJ!~ot.s are Purr1it>.akd "Cvery lnroutn for :1 Germaueditiou, wMcb al<oeirc:xlates widely. . Send t~rcc 2c, •tamps for utmt>le copy of Amer­·~au ~grte~lt.Url;;t, :au.. e e.gautfor~y page tJremnm hst. wtl.h 2<•0 tllu>tra•tou•; nod ~p· eimeu pages of our l'~mily Cyclor:maia. Cau.,as;;ers waLtted evcrswhere, · · 0RA~Gl1Jonu Co., D., vrn W. JUDD, Prca.

'i51 Droa.ibvay, New York. ,IJit~r:m.u~ En., and ;\merieaa · ,\grieultmiit,

with Cyclopmdia, $3.40 per year,




Demorest's lllustraied · ·. Monthly Magazine,



$.3.50 ·<THREE· FlFTY) ..


Oi"n!l wJth

1U:ngn7ines. Steel llncrravint.:s.

l'1Ctllltes. November numbe:o, contain a <.'OUJ?Ol~

to the sclcetiou in that lnlm•

Page 4: I H - Lincoln Countyarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · iverpool, · England,· th'l Coyce that Chisum made a false com·cnmce. export trad1~, and ehcapened W

. '


·.: . '

. ;,<r:·,

"' ~~> ..

. . ..

l:ni::~;r 'tlal• ne'" 'r~e:si,tentl · •· _ .. iv:in;-·..A.DJ:.ER:rJs.~-ri~ENTs. · -:.: · ;£eel$li"e tcll.hig .son~e~f the weste1·n -:--:-----r-~-.. :.. ..... _..::.::...:.: ____ ;._._.;.,..._,........_..:;.;,. ___ ..:..::,_..:_,_.,..

==.======.1 holtters' to ta~e. Grc,e!ey's ad- ROBERT. s ·~ c· . . . ami ~'~go "~~e~t·~-·-• ~· · ::·. . . . . ~ . 0. 9

. . ..

• ::\Vao is·goipg ta be N~w ~fed co·~; o.e··-.t.£f-..~ ne:ttJ~?yea·u~r? · Gh·e it up. We I ' .

. ;; . -:l>EALER ·IX:- . ' . - ....

~~ .. · . ·•. ., know· JUSt ahaut _a~ mach abont it I ~ • · J ··

c(niia wb~ther: gotltle,.:~;;.a;.~~n!id~::b~101~~~;a.7;~:r:: ·0 rw ,u I n.n an u .. ti:~z~=~~to~r~it~. ~i,n:g:t;.:;·~"~';i~~-~n~ ~ho!ct>,: of ~o"i-se, ~mt if t~o Pr~~- . • , 6

o-m mission Fi:ri~ Lic::fuOrS~ . • ' . • . - Jr • •·

:1! ' 11dent appotnts a ma.n· that n.not .10 ----T-~----. th& Jeast cba~~etl' witb corruption~

--........ ----1 ... ~Lincola ..... , . :. ~:EJEO:S:A~':::t'S~

• • ..

. • . ' . .

. . _ _ wh~se. :J>emocracy is. equal ,to gold, \'f'~4T!S; . . · iniglit \\=bi~lf Jtas been refined;. we · wc•u"t 1 El p

lie 4:14!at ·d~l ot· 1neaning in;'~hEt objert. That's the kim~ of· a. man . 3.S0, t~ame'of'New ~exico's ne~t gn,·e~n~ f' tlt..! ma.jo~it~ of tho people want and

1 or. . . : · . ' :. : . th:t.t'!> the kmti we want. ·

Texas, ,_nd Pa!o del. Norte· Kezico. ... '

Store ~jo ,.,UncoiH . . .

C:trry the Largest Stock or ' '

·. ,. . '· . · PB&S~~JC:N't.: ?~~Y~Jt:~~~ .. ~?t~t~ds I . ·<.)Y:\·R · a!riong' · foreigi~ ·. ~~ow.,rs I

··. that all ~~erntuent:e~~~?~~e~ sl~aU t means. prosp-erity · i1i. tho Unitt•d I do something clse·:~tdes ~··wearmg I Stines; . Armour & eo.~ Ul:i,::.ttfrJ. tight·legged pa~~ and' b~t~on-lt.qle meat packers, receh:ecl ~n ~i·der,.,ltl.

I ~· • . . I ·JAfiiE.~ J. DOLAN·, •: ~uets. . . :. . . . . . . :. I fc!W ~iay$ :~~c fo!' fi \:o mjJlion (::ms I

~ . ·. . . . . G~·CJq?E~:CES._I1

I '

·! · · E, .• ; ·u.;;ught tO El Pa<ro- · · · .. I ·:,,: Tnca.se:of Geo~ge:WfStoriel'Ot.ld of nloti~ •. v,:hen it il:! reme!nherbd ·for the· killing of Jo!m Singer, iu tlr..&t· 'i.t. will tak~ s9venty tlw~snno.! 11

_l..aa V~gas, was ,tr~~d .ir_1 tJ_u~t ::it_y a ca~de. :;,-r.n_ti~is con;ra?f.1 :md' that few days agoand the accused ae~ tins ;IS onl~- a. _be-g.nm~g ·of. one IJUitted. · h:-anch of .:\n1erum's husmes~~ some

~~~~~~-~-~ idea can be h:ttl U!i to Wh!l.t "war•' ~ PSU!iOY would.Jwt· hardly st;p- amon;r foreign nations :neans for this I

pose that a Jl!l.tent medicine woulfl CQuntry. \Ye thiuk it our iluty to reich the enormous s:tle of 20,600,· add :~. financial remark by savhw 500 bottles · iu · • few years. I:Jnt ·~del; 'em.'; • ""

· auch _is the ea:1e, if a pa.ten!: mecliciuo __ .fir111 ca1i b., belie\·ed wtder a sworn Tm:: New York \\"odd, in its Sun--

We have hikcn .~4v~ntage of LOW )~ATES propose. to give our· Customers the benefit.

. ·~' ;

• a no

Special Inducements . Offered MERCHANTS and RAHCHMEN. • "1 =~

= F1'eO \V' aKon Yard.=::--

atatement. day edition, Jmhli:;hes.n eartoon, en· WIIEN , " . p titled ••The Early-Hising A•lminis- .. ~.r :IN F..;L. ·· ~~\~0, CALL ON US.

. Os~ _of .. Qu~ ~akota excbar.Jges tration.'.' · It "'}Jteseuls Pcesiuer• t ... _ _ · _ : ~~~ ... says,·~ speaktn~rabout t~e e.chp,;,.~ 1 Clen!llitul :1t Lis. d~!:;lc at ~;i:; o'clock! u • " cl!uc,u:m. The~t / --- - ----





ENERAL ERLHANUIS[ 5 ... ~::. ~r . •

· Has now. on han~ the most Co~plete · S:nd best · assorted Stock of General Merchandise in Lincoln County. · · · , · ·

... Gl~1CER1~8. . DGY GOOn~.

<;I,.O 1' lU ~G. l{OO'f".) A~n· SftOJ·~~ • .-· . IJA r~,

>5.\DDJ.F.RY. HA!UHV Altf",

CROCKEHT. -_ J_,JQtJOI~;;:, . qllY.ARS.

~.L\GRiqULTU.RAL I~IPLEM1£NTS. &C. . . W Su•e;~t ~tte;_.tion pai;l In tbe reorure!ms11ts of CA l'TLE'liANCU.ES. io-u o~l:r ~l>lllJil•~ ·:u,or~meut of u ARDEN SE&DS iw. the Couoty. . .. tha.t tlie th~rtnometer rer•Jsteretl a, I a Ill •• ,1 .... l.lrt ~I"'e"·A~. h·lrd a· .. ~o~k I THE CURREnT J.it .. , ... ry lind Fl'l.»liT JU.\N N. I~ucr<:no, t

, · · " • • ., ._. • ~ · ~-"' ' "' ,.. . " • Jnurual nf nu!' lnur:-., · below zero and the town had tl&e ~ p· . . Cll~n.n, p~t'fnet, -r<sn•l ! . o.-~. U\)1) b!llliaui f.'I)'Q$•;J,.. ~.iauufa~ture: uf E So . ' •• ~- . > •· • • :· In tim llJII>er lt!>.ft hand COI'IIe.r are,.utor•·."'!""tl)';iim•: .. ,2.ntl. BuyilMi.youruem- . VE_RYT. BING w ORE·~ ... o-. CA-'11:7_ . "earance of bemg bt WttFl electuclt\' • . '''I . H . - . dealer •-Suud 10 cents tor ""mpi<B cop,. . • F • ~ ~~; .,.._ CJO-.o ~ :, . , , .. . • I two ute ... ousa emplo) ee:. p1etur- Clor.Mli E•~ a,d C-1rreat oult J~.!H. I ILIGREE • Jl=!~EL"' y I

.. ~4ew •• but l!SI'l tth_ at cold. As the. eu as J'ust risin.f!_ amr the_, .. look as if Ml vv "" • ....l.-~ ool- . d S 1 c;;: I R II I ... 1'. G. 1.'/Ll.UT~ON. I .,_, -- . --,. - -come Ian, . 0 umlt l U!OOSe ' says,, ;mother hour or two's sleep woultl be I - '

"it makes us sho s-h-i-1-h'." · . • ll 1 1 · · 1 1· · -====;~:=:=======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . · · · · • . accep.a 1 e. 11 t 10 UJ•per-z:-lg 1t ,r.,rulr ·fi 1'<l\:J;o.~t~i.len11.1 1 -D:i.•: o,l Yva~- - ----· --------- ----

Tu~·Optic scemsto fet>l good 0\·erl c?rn~l· the carteon _Pidures a rooster jJ~~r~~~.:-~::'~~~i)~~~ I . Y/ATCHtS AND CP'C .· ·. the idea tbat Bob Foril has Leen piCkmg a ••nepnhhcan g::ub" worm. nJ ~;~j, ~.:~~~loh' .. ~~~~i .r. . ...u KS. JOHN c DELANY'

I• .. • L · V~ . ~ . The eartoon nla.inh· shows tl.:&t the l. :.:·:oukl!tf .. l:'l'rf I:.EP..tlRl...YG -"l SPECl.llTY. . _ . • · ., po 1ceman tn as ega.s 10r two I r • . , : l' u :ul'i r•~uil'e. •

· days, and says he woul<l gla~Uy sign ?ew Presi,]ent ba:; come to work nnr] -a:!;rr i!:j't:!!,~~~i: ... ur i'•a•:l,cv, N.!

a 'petition to make Dick Lidllill a mtemls that al! g•)\·ernment mn~ - --- . ! policeman or ·constable: l\[en of ployces slmll tlo tho- sum.•. . . • r. B. 3l-l1' If~ ii"8. · 1 • • • I<o;COI.~, . h• • h Id" h m .. [ t('lf. :1lH•'ll ter. .

t ts s~tpe . o mg sue o tees are a . TuE w~v in which \Y:~rd, of the - 1 Jt ~i.tir a ... t u .1 'd• ,.... ' ' • h 1 !:·ft, t!oi~h: :t:l iu- 'I 1Sgrace to .i.'IOW .uexlco aml e p to ·late firm of G. rant & '\V:ml, grot aw:i ... · _._. t'r""'~ t;;..: u .. ~~~~"·· · b) k } 1 d ' ~H.~. Ea.r:or: ~wnJio~:!'

ac ·en t 10 n. rea y },a.d name. she with all his ruone\· will' always he a ri.;ht-,. it'""'' i 'L • 'L ~ J d d ~ • Hur·~ hrnJI.II ••as In· tile s~ates .~or a\V an or er. mvsterv. Ile sunk all tbe mone.v 1 .. n ;t.o••l lcr. 1• z of I ~wi r:ti.a'.!t• 1 •

·A. NEw NExico otnce"seel,er ·who the Grants ptit in r.nd all that F'ish Pc,;a;c .• ;. '1 .... • f "i!o

ltad just retur11ed from W ~sliington, coultl raise, and then. use:l i.1'p nc·arl"y I · ------------ -----·- . --·.. i :. was· asked hy his friend what his $L,tl00,000 of tho :Ma:ine B;mk'llln,otl1er ::.m1 f:tther thaf. mon!'ns'· f•'r j j GHOCEP.IF.~. chances. \Vere. (<Dtlll't know," re- re;~(Jllrces. and clt>aned ouf .James D.t their boy that will llen~r return. ' . cr.() rur~c;.

~"ish's estate, lea,·ing him a. ban!\· _ · •. · ' .. ·.!.. . _ 1!. G'C I ()J:: 11. plie<l the o. s., "t!ae President said . r c 1

Jte.wotiJd th_ini£ abo.ut appointin.!! me rupt. 'Vhen the ques6on is asked '1 liE wo·xl"work 811 '1 !ur:nmr+l'f,t l . ~ld~~lm~; .. Fr?\~e!~~~~:!'r'!!:f ! .. . ·. . . · . . · . -l, . · • t A ·tl"•~',. . •. , . , '1~ , t l'f!C~,. <>1' ?•"1s ll)t<l .P.anta, and bow II> I

h h I · · :where ·tliJS unmeuse 5 •1111 lJas troue ex re,Hteu · .::..1 " .... ~ .uew Ja -~ -UI .ce , 1 r•.nted .n hnl!hslt nnot r..,nnan. l'rlce \V en t e ot ter man·~ time was u n." • • · • ' ::-. • • • . . • . , , • . 1 wlnclt m~y \•~ dl!ductl'd rrom tlnt order.

,- er:lto ansu·er- ,,, .... her~''"· Fl'··lr tl'les 1n theN C\V \or ... t.Ity rtre rrtah•.•!!ltll r, ! I' I ·~<t yo~ WRn' foh r thrGarden"•ndhowtopt ,. ••When' will that be?" asked the · ·" "'' ·t ~· ;-, · , • " • ' • ns~.. runumJ!tnt egroc~r)'att elso,momrnt . . . . • . . "'l• t}l "''lerrv tr'!•&'fl'l• 'I"" '1'1.' .. ofO::••e ' to hu1 whsiP~tr l!l'td• happen to lieh<Ct ""•r, m .. tinr '

f · d '"I · d b. not know. __ A 1l ho can Sll" m tlut!; " · d .! · • ·• • • ,....,. "' '. "~ , wlt,b ot.l""t>JlllintmProt ntl<'r ,..,...ko nt w•itln.r. D\iT I tten • .I 18' 0. S. answere tnt b_y a ' · ONLt VICIC'S ~E"'DS A.T JfEA".n•ukT p • " - - is in {l.w l\ittht'!ll . I.:fe· I II '!ll''IICt·l '"'A-ES' ..• c· . ........ F.R~.

I:ad; of Ei!i.' !>i!liarJ !lall.

X. :\L

T>OST 'TJtA.DER, F0%:1' STA~ ro~, •

... . ..,.,.., .

:h./.1: e ro.h.S.ndi·s e~ DRT GOOD~.



. \"'.f)· - . ._ ... -h • tb 1 1 f ·1· t · I \~ ard ran· tl1e concern, and be stP'· ': _.. . • ,. VI K, Booh•ter Jl'. Y. · ummmg e o ( a.mt mr une: " t ... 1 1 Jl1ay he for years and it •nay he for posed all .was right; _\Va~d hims;~f b.uil~in.g: ~~~,(~ t!l~ J_n•~:~~ th:lt. :li.'l. t~'·~ j ·--· .\·(~x~\ClO SE;~DL\, I .F .&'-:Z~JMt .J:~FLE.:tM;t ... N_ ever." . ·does not. appear· to kuow. Ile I:i '~o.rl~. S.{~. tt 1" r •. HI ~tk:;~ (,ffi,_c, 1·1 ~ tl!~ l • . . I _ . • · . , ~ ~'.:t" ~ ..

con:fU~?ell in .,·au hi:> itleas, and cn'ri b~dJ~IIlg. BenJ·}. _Butl_e_:- Ul~:J _lm:; I Blacksnuth and NEw· appointments: ExCongress- not m.a.kt; a clear state.nHl!;t~ H._~ .Jus );ew York oliicC m tin:> bml<lmg.,' · R . • ,. I . .

man H. E. ~:Iuldrow, of ~Iississippi, a pal Sh "P ...... r <llltN>'l a e;;r~illl iil,.illlli~ll h re;HIIat~ .ot tb• C~:sAtJ' a&i V~Zl-., ... ~ t• ual'ltiu11t~ seems hkc a man who ltas Just Jus · - ~ . . I I u • . has_ been appointed Assistant Secre· • · Ex-SJ~:s'ATOI: Md)f,:i.\J.l> •was t<'n- j · I atoek bef.,;os ba:;iui t:lse.,.here.

· money wlnle on a. spree anti cun not . . . . . 1 · h•mllcll.T r..•liT oP noz..u;'" 1110111t > . ta,Y of tlte lntcerior, ,-ice Clark, de- ~ell how it 1135 rrone. -~tiered the Uusstau ~·lis!;ton :' f<!wf . N 0 '}1f~01JBLJ~ TO· Sfl()W GOODS. ceued. )fr. Dan ~!cCorn,-ill.~, Go\". · ,.., . clays ago, "'ltich he promptly dediu- ! s t.l!J llt:a}!l to do J£r.,t.~('.si">ei1;,1 mul Hoadly's printe secretary, of OIJio, • 'Yu.n· i~ costs to 1~1arry?is a qu:s-

1_erl •. 'l'he Jndiamtpolis Ti~nes- say~ 1 . all J{md~ •:f Repai,• Ti'ui'k:

was oJfered and eccepted the ap- bon tha.t ts now Lemg largely ths-1 that "~Ir. l\:IcDoi!ald does not pro-! _

pointme!lt of Sixtb .J.\.uditor of the cussed by newsp.apereorr13spomlent!!1. pose.to be transported. to ·a· Siberinn · I . T D 'l'h · • d" . • . . · I · . . 1 .nrcor.s. N . .M •. reasury epartment. After a era 1s su•Jn a n·erstty or opm1on cl'mate in or.ler that ~-Iendrwks may . --------cl~e fig~t, the President a~ppointed I a.mong,these_ specu.lath·e gentry that I rnl~ s.upreme in ; I~1dian~:": J~~e~'h I J. A. TO.YLI~SON'S ex-Congressm.a.~ ,V. A. J. Sparks, of·! tlteproolem ls,as ~lifficult to soh·e as· proposes to have;lus ;;ay m li~~nan~.l ··. lllinois,. t? be Oouutlis~i~~·er of the II ever. 'j'~e. fignr~S.-.r~ilg~ from '.II,- polit~cs !H·:eaft.er.' . .. . ' . ! Pho~ograph -:- Ga.llery Gener11l La~d Office. 1nore were,OOO to $2000 per ~tmnm, and .each. . - . - .. ~· L· , . . .. . . c.

several other .minor o.ppointmelJtS writ-er; of course, gh·es facts to 11!'0\"~ I ·.""l~~J.j~ ('!a~smg 'l'yrouza. Utver, I. I~ IIO\f tfl rllllllllll order.; lflll t.,~e

Jnade, but of the three mentioned that. he h ~ab.so!it~ely_ correct. irt -_M~ I Arkansa~, Qll a ~nul~, t.h(Htder •. a I Tin· Types Photos and Cabinets,· above, only one, Mr. Sp~!-'fcs, was ·au estimate: ·_'f_!w only way to s3ttle 1 negro" fell off ~ml was drowned. ! ' opeu appiillaiit for eftice thus fltr- this imi;&itant ... uestiori is to mal"n'. 'l'.f.1e mule ·came · $afel y t~ sl1ora · ancl · -ln tbe l'ate;nt.i·le of the art.-,_ .• "1. .,, .

ther going to show· that "not uri to !':hut ,·our eyes, trust ]u;.~aven and a. wns talmi1 vossession of by th•docal N ettl' ·:·the :- Com·t-: Ilou-i!e. every one who asketl~-·is the kiliu.l bank • a.ccouitt, not' forgetting to 9b- Jli'$tiue. ,. "l'lm ri.~er \Y:ts ·drag4i~cf, · ., '' . · s. DAUGUERTY, Ar:ht.

dont" of ofiic~. . ." taiu a go~f ~r~dit ~t the corner ·gr~~ . tJ~o. n~~r~/s. body /ou~d, :1.~1<1 ~~~ ~t n I L~ :-wo!.~·. - . . N· :\I. ' • • ceT"'. \l o· _t.;n-a tr1ed to fi.,.ure ·out piStol. He had .. :bee.1 <l•}a<l-:_~Uit'et: -'": .. -:-.. ,----------...;_-------

THE Demtn.cr Tribune scolds as sc- •. • · -· · · · :-. · · ,., · ·b· 1 ·~- •· ~ II' · .:.-o j REID & CO • P> ;" · • : s.:-~eral: t1m~s l10w much ~~ c~sts us ua~·s, ut t Hl .•-'lulre .J,Illfl_( mu · -..o) • . • . 1 •• , .

~orely for an artt-le we had m about I t 1• •• 1 . t t" . "'nd co~t·· for ml-v-ma conceal .... d G. ·.· "G f .. k ' o t\"e an(~· t:n·~ .::omP- o ... ,e con-,... : ~.~> •• , .., , . , _ _. ~ D. RUQQ I

an. ·rant a ew wee ·s ago and·. • · .· · :- · · .· · · · · · . · · · ~fi · d 1 d S·TS . . · .. . .•• . .. . . , · ·. clusmn .that· ~t takes evcrv. darned I weapnnl;,. anq con 1scate n~~~ e. ~n . · , saV!I: ~'We are qutte aware that the' · · · . · · · .. - · · . . : ,. . .. · .. ; : • ·· · "•' -~ . 9

"- . . · .-. ~ ·.-: . · ·· . . cent we call 'n:Iak~·. to extst, but how pl~tol·t•J pay the sam~.. • · DemoeAts ·&S & Class .ha\·e. not su h' tl' L .·J, . "1' .. ·. ;.,.'·. 'I ~: . . I WUITK o.ut" • N.}[. · · · · · muc · tat' ;s ·we • 1ave .n.,,·er tau , . - -,~ •·~:, · . · "' undue a_mountof a'a:t~iration for Gen. t" . t fi •!- . - • . " • . . • ., "Dim~ HecKJ.E\", tlm shooter;' 1111·, . --- uue o gttre l!Jl'.-~-- · j' -Grlu~t." · 4-s for.G;:en •. f!rat:t being a · · · · til recenth·, was ti1e terror of Shcr- A wut.t. USE 01'.

\)raye so~dier and .... great:. gen~ral, Ota~ eastei'll :friends·a;e worrying idau. Wy~mil~g. !·It w~ ·. CJIDii~t ~8ru~s Chemicals and .. Dru•gists' I nd;.Cut~ dqubts, and'. ~a _have tb~ grcatl):· over Chief J'oseph nnd llis Buckley's lm.htt tQ sho()t;any-~y- · · .fa ' - . . ~ · .

~test t:e~pect fro: bini a~siu~h, but bamiof red skins wh~.·ara, statio.ned tha.t declined to tal<e a drink with , . ·. Sundries. :·


~·- .. .,.,.

. . "'

-\\'IfOI~ZSAI~lt: -~:i'D. RKTAI:t.- .,-- . . . - . ... . . ·-~

' ' .-

- ....... ~· . • i. : . . . ,· ... ' ..;~ . .

.. _{ .• -· . .

··: -·. ·~~ .. ~-.

' . · ... ..:: . •.•.·.· " •.;,- • - . t

.. . ~ . . . -...



as ati_ oflicial ~egger, ho. is· be)·ond in about thirty miles. nom Arkansas j him. 1'beother d~y a miiler insulted AL~O ~A cuotc~ LIN!; ()1' er1uR3.1 .. ,· ·-..·" ..... ~ ..... -----------;.;-~..._. q~estio11, one .of ~~o ·great~st . ones City. J n 1877 win~n Joseph a·J~d· his 1 tlte Col?ne~ by a..,,ing to be ex.cused --o- _ ; '::J:IQ3~ ~ 6\::-S L $ !")'"'·_1>::1 ........... _I ... Q'"'·~ ... \ thts c.ountr'y over tu~ned. out •. Be-. famous ba:l(l surrencle:~~ t? Gen. I from drmkmg 011 a~count of not feel· w s 11 F a h . . . . . . .. f~re he ·w~ pnt on the retired list h~! Miles _in B~a.r"Paw mountah1s; ~I~n- iug well. The: g~llaut. Buckley? o~ · e 8 Or · &8 • .. . , . -t ~ N ~J~ ;· -~- geumg ·~~nMlfy. tl:;ooo,, 01' tana,Jt was.~mdc~ solemn prounse cour~·3~.dr~w ~lS rrvolver and s~ap~ K BOARD LIN cccccccc 0000 ,jiJi )Ill£' lm ••. 1 58885 asus I· ooooO. lllf • Cla.OOO,and.hJS·~at·,anx•!l~Ytobe tbatl1l:andlus tr11Je woultl be rc~·,p!ldlt threettmes,a.ttlte. auda.ct!)Uf'i BUC ~ . · E c · c o o Mlllllf lUl_JUl 1- s .a .t!. ,s:.•<o ... o ·•·• _ .. Jr

p,.t on ~~' ~~d ~Jist .foj a few 1 turned tJ'trt~ir agen,cy in Idaho from ·nliiier~ but the weapon faill}a·t~ come · . . .. ·· . · • . · , ~ · · o· 0 ltlUUt . ::~nh~ H: I, s · · 8·'" ··,r · o · '' o · lf :»~ .. , .: Sliolj6 ~o~~l!~~/. c~!l&d ~~ ~in1! tbe I ''"hiclt _IJl:ice !!th'y were distant O\"Cl'l t? til~1e.: 'l'a.k~ng .1 ad,:a~t.a~ f?l tb~ · · · -: nuxm~q BETWEE;o" =~ c · ~ :El 3. 0 ~ .. ~· ~ ~ $:: • : Ji .:;.ill

P-~~p~~~-haaree.e_lvedo~ll:"I'.SJO?.l~Ule~ ••. ~.he~o\"ernmentllOW~~.,Sltu:itlOn.th~a:nme~emp.t:~e~Jl~econ- ft. Stanton, Lincoln and Roswell~··~ 'c-·:·~ :!::.::::~ ··: ,8 ro. o·;Y·. lf' :Jr, !''"".I>.Jt<IUhd and selF tnem, whroh er; m~:oteacl of sendmg Jose11h ana. ·h1.s t.eut1wf a sl~otgun ~t1to 9~louel Buck· · , · cccccccc 0000 x 11 x ·~ )( · Jt .. t· ssQ8 ~ss: ·: ·~,,~.: .· •.: .

~•,••ell ~~~ to:;~~e wbat.:\ve' did.- 9f· men b~·Jk to Itlabo, sent them_fil'f!;t'to·ley's anatol,iiy, kill~ng.,Iaiari:' An ex· -:TUIJl: TAnr.E::- : . . . . ·• .f. ,., . '-''"' ·· · · · · t · · · · · · · · -. · · · · " • ill ~~ • • • -:..liA.NliF AcTmiEn's A.GEN ... · · .i. · Fon;.;..._.. ·. •· • :i " e«)l~NIJ he 'lm(l ~ J:f,:~.tt.; right to tj.el_l F!• I.ea.v~nwor~h and tllell to t~e •In- aminatinn of 'th~ 1eacl_!JD!tll's pistol . . tA Tf' • ,.. .

-~~.,,~JI.lut f,QJ,,;~i~E:NcltE.s:sake he d1au1e~~~tory, and herethey h~':O revealed theia~ttbJ:tlttr:tbreech~m· 6:'.!:'~~ LTNcor.~, .~:3n::.::::. Th~ .cele~~~t~d .. Studebaker. .. ~nd ·S,c.~~!~~ Wagon•~ Gen. Graut been,uymgfrotnbroken bearts. w·e I ber.s· be had been I appln~ron were Arrive. tna.m. a·:;:.~ • . B. k. b: d . . ; "tl:. . '~

would . ~d,•ice. our east~l"D • friendsln.ot loaded. ~I; i~· probable .. tha~ Dcll!ltt. IIOI;'Wlt:r.t.. • JOpim, 'Uggt~, 'U~C .. "O~t. S··an~. eve~"'J:iiliig;oif;Wpeets.: not to \v$t~.too mllch of tbear. S_!llJ· Buckley had 'kdl~~ thr.ee other m011 ~~rl: . ·• -. · _ .. _- . J:m::::: ... Tile mo"t com1Jiefe and well nli~Jt'~tP.tl· ... ..,. .. , __ •• ~; ... .,sh~rl; Jll patrl)" on tb~ ban<t, ·ba~ sa\·e a httle · aml forgot the trtv al crrcum~nces. ~oT!'o"7J!u.,k·)oard~ run ~Jly t...twCJea. Ft. . Gtoecl.'ie!l; ·J>ry~(;OfJ,d~; lrum·•ishon. :rl~Ms,:N~~~l(l · ~· l · • ;! · d 1 1! b j.,..,h · 1· • ih t· .:..1 · • _,t S:nu•nn ano\ r.-ooolo,· ·11uol :tra-weef::J:t: bl!t•ret~u , · •"' • ..... ''1 ... • · · :KJ(Iotr.:".;j~ ~~~J ''!19.1:1~ :~lll!'l;.~q!" t;:u~ • .~or t 16· w.11 qws .ltn orp ~n.ns or ra V£! ~ ... e .m~ra .. ~~· . a 1 Ut.-,d(.~~ m gouu ~.~ ... ,.i111 nu•l Ro~weU.1e~viu_tf Jliucolu .MondaY!'. · · ...,arpe ... ; '-' O~Jttgt"' 'J:;J[):il(!i~·.

!,\l&:bt~®·e·i e:..· , m.~ ilta.>t.~J#\l~ ~~l!e~ :at the .~am~s rt~l Jit~nding·'~'$:liouM . a •pid. ,e~~Jes n "t:.s ~ ~:t.%~~~~1T.~.~~~~~!W~~.ag~:~a;;n':n~~:i::!~ ~- ... · ... ·:~ . · ll~it~r8 OtlrtA.t#i'~'«•i:· ·· · ·, . · ·:. ·~1- · · d d. · .. ·r· . . · ··I tl ' ,,I • t' t··· • . , . , • · ,. ~ . • · f 'Fare fl"tl;o F't •.. ~:;tl\•lton ro ·T.tlle~ln, "; f,fa('ol!l . · • ..

·,: .·· .• ~ lCS~ .. re . E\H 3,'· ll.fR •. le -poor Ou~ 1 .1~ •1€' ·F:&nl'lll!"clOO . UU$1rtC!.4S'. • f·:oJlOl'l'(l\1,.$'1;!'.!t. . (~, .y.lJ"S~!l(l,~m.:ru~!'l~\· " .·. ,., .. ,,.-,_.,- ' ;'" r•• ~,.- I' '_. ·-11' ;1/. · .. ' ·. _•.• ·~ ·· .. ~. ~ - . . ..

~''1: . . . .. :. '~··:;-~,-,·l·. ... ·- '•

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