g i + THr OCALA ANNn w I m e G 6 < 8Iea 6 f 2 J DJ f- ff 1 y < IT ISATh- at FACT 1 j < K RI- IIt m N- Im i- r t = 1iti M the Largest Most Complete and Best Selected Stock of Merchandise Comprising Y If HI Dry Goods Clothing Boots and Shoes Groceries Hardware m r1i 111 h > Carpets Mattings Crockery and Glassware a In Central Florida is always to be found at Ill 4 8 M EJ3 QCAIA- MSTLBJItS m m m c Dress Silks Woolen Dress Goods Dress Trjmmings Laces Embroideries Ladies Silk f IH DRY GQODS and Woolen Coats Ladies Skirts Table Linen Napkins Etc Mens Boys and Childrens Suits Mens Overcoats Shirts Collars Hose Underwear ill IN CLOTHING Trunks Bags Etc Etc lfr m m Mens Boys and Childrens Shoes of the Best Makes and Most Fashionable Designs l1 ffi IN SHOES Mens and Womens Rubbers Shoe Brushes Polish Etc 1I n S 0 W- iI IN GROCERIES A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at Popular Prices c m Chattanooga Plows Avery Plows Farming Tools of All Kinds Pittsburg Perfect Fence IN HARDWARE Cane Mills Oil and Wood Stoves A Full Line of Granite and Tin Kitchen WareTable Crock- ery ¬ m t I of various qualities Lamps and Glassware together with a Good Line of General Hardware m All Goods Ire of the Best Quality Our Prices Are Right We Are 01 ways Glad to See You S s f R I i I i m9B D > 9BD BDE mLEma aa6E c a6er aa6aea6ere3 I1 1 = BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION- The f I board of public instruction in and for Marion county Florida met this the 4th day of December 1905 In regular session with G S Scott chairman B R Blitch and J S Gran tham present Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved Requests from a number of teachers- were before the board asking when wry their months were out before Christ man and if they could draw their sal- aries ¬ before the regular meeting in It was ordered that to ac- commodate ¬ the teachers and give them their salaries for the holidays- January the chairman and secretary be au ¬ thorized to draw warrants for any Y teacher requesting the same who will have finished their month and have their reports in the hands of the sec- retary ¬ on or before Saturday De- cember ¬ 23 C E Foglestrom was recommended as trustee of the Capulet school to flll the unexpired term of F R Pash ly resigned On motion C E Fo Elestrom was appointed f In view of the fact that the Florida Educational Association will meet at Miami from December 27 to Decem ¬ ber 29 Inclusive all teachers who feel uble to bear the expense are urged to attend as the board believes all such meetings are beneficial and teachers should afford such expense at least once a year- It was ordered that it be left op ¬ tional with the trustees or patrons of each school whether the teacher give one or two weeks for Christmas That according to legislative acts of 1901 all public schools shall ob- serve ¬ the period from December 24 to January 1 both days inclusive as a vacation and no one of these days shall be counted as taught There ¬ fore neither Christmas nor Xew Years Day can be paid for On account of the first Monday in January being New Years Day the board will hold its regular meeting- for a January on the second Monday January S The treasurers report for the spe- cial ¬ districts was approved as fol ¬ los- OcainReceipts 18528 disburs- ed J74S9 balance 11037 Mclntosh Receipts 22760 dis ¬ bursed 30 balance 19760 Belleview Receipts 34716 dis ¬ bursed 8648 balance 26068- Fantvllle Receipts 7279 disburs ¬ ed 5796 balance 1483 punnellonReceipts 10865dls ¬ burse d 71 balance 3765 Reddick Receipts 10193 dis- bursed ¬ 24 balance 7793 rb- ursed10 ine LevelReceipts 9332 dis balance 8332 C 1it intt Receipts 4013 disburs 4- i h a- t 1r1T I ed 10 balance 301- 3eirsdaleReceipts 14208 dis ¬ bursed 5 balance 13708 CItraReceipts 27185 disbursed 20 balance 25185 Griner Farm Receipts 218Si disbursed 0 balance 21884 Buck PondReceipts 309 dis bursed 0 balance 309 SparrReceipts 727 disbursed 5 balance 227 CandlerReceipts S093 disburs- ed ¬ 0 balance 8093 Fellowship Receipts 1021 dis ¬ bursed 5 balance 521 ElectraReceipts 803 disbursed 0 balance 803 Blitehton Receipts 9953 dis ¬ bursed10 balance 8953 MartelReceipts 20295 disburs- ed ¬ 18471 balance 1824 Fort KingReceipts 898 disburs- ed ¬ 5 balance 395- CapuletReceipts 1617 disburs- ed ¬ 5 balance 111- 7LinadaleReceipts 505 disburs- ed ¬ balance 505 Cotton PlantReceipts 4571 dis- bursed ¬ 5 balance 4071 Orange LakeReceipts 8110 dis- bursed ¬ 5 balance 7610 Oak HillReceipts 4083 disburs- ed ¬ 0 balance 4083 Moss BluffReceipts 670 dis- bursed ¬ 0 balance 670 FairfieldReceipts 5413 disburs- ed ¬ 0 balance 5413 Cottage HillReceipts 1360 dis ¬ bursed 0 balance 1360 LevonReceipts 201 disbursed 0 balance 20- 1PedroReceipts 249 disbursed 0 balance 249 W D Carn Secretary Phosphate Land For Sale- I I offer at a decided bargain 15 acres of prospected phosphate land having- a slight overlay Same is located i > t 16 20 20 and if operated as adjoining- are worked will yield a big revenue H 10 05 MRS H M GiL xotm 118 llth St Oakland Cal Messrs Lang Swartz Co arethe authorized agents of the Sanders Fertilizer Co of Jacksonville If you are needing fertilizers or any ¬ thing in the fertilizer line you will do well to figure with them before buy- IIg x The hotels along the east coast are making big preparations for their openings and the tourist season will soon be on It is predicted that it will be the most wonderful season in the history of the state Some Florida Sports I The Saint Augustine Record is I writing up something about the mar ¬ t velous records of some of the sports ¬ men in this state and says that some of them are equal to anything put in print I We have two incidents that may add something out of the ordinary along this lin As the mail train coming from Petersburg to Ocala Wednesday ran over what was sup- posed ¬ J at the time to have been a cow r but upon investigation it was discov ¬ ered to have been wild bear Bruin I was picked up by the south bound I train and was carried to St Peters ¬ burg and weighed The animal tip- ped ¬ the scales at 420 pounds He I happened to cross the track at the wrong time Not long before this the trainf com ¬ ing from Homosassa to Ocala ran into a flock of wild turkeys and killed six of them and the entire train crew feasted on wild turkey on Thanksgiv- ing ¬ day- A fleet of barges andsteamboats arenow at Miami to work on the Florida East Coast Railway exten- sion ¬ and the harbor of that city pre ¬ sents a scene of very busy activity jlJrofesetonat R D FXJLLKK L F BLAMX FULLER BLALOZK DENTAL SURGEONS Offices over unroe lit Chamblis Bank TermslCash W H MAREAN M D Physician and Surgeea Chronic diseases and diseases of women and hildrea a specialty Will cure any case of Catarrh and all Nervou Diseases Impotency and Weakness of the Sexuaa or of both Sexes FabUess Cure of Piles without the use of the Kaife orLigature O over Tydings Cos Drug atore Res ¬ idence 60 Main street Office ho rs 9 a Httoia a to 4 p m Postofflce box 524 cal tIJerida Coasultation tree and strictly confidential correspondence solic- itedPHONE 167A- nd have your cloths properly pressed on short notice AM goods or and delivered promptly Rates reasonable We make specialty of ladles skirts of all kin- dsQCALflPRESSINC GLUB fi of f J1 z pn > e 1 ce f Ii tiM i r- t ii S 1- j < PISTOL SHOT ENDS HIS LIFE Young Man Commits Suicide in New York City New York Dec 5A well dressed man about 20 years old who had said ke was J Joseph Mueller of Cincinnat- ti committed suicide yesterday by shooting himself in iris room at 324 West Seventeenth street Nine letters addressed and stamped- were found in his room ready to be mailed an one of these to his sister referred to a girl in Cincinnati One entence In it was If all girls were like you referring to his sister I would not have to die This letter was addressed to Mis Elizabeth Mueller One Hundred and Ninetyseventh street FIat No1 Cin- cinnati ¬ 0 care Dr Z Wick ROME PRINTTRS ON STRIKE EightHour Question Cause of Their Action Rome Ga Dec 7The printers in the offices of the Rome Tribune tae Rome Publishing company the Even ¬ ing Herald and T E Clements job office al walked out Tuesday becans of the failure of these concerns to sign I the eig thour agreement- The I existing contract with the print ¬ ers union here expires on Dec 31 but when the men learned that the uncon- ditional ¬ contract would not be signed they walied out Tlis leaves only one union shop the Whitmire Printing company and it is ut known whether they will re irir in tale unon or net I iany rouses Burn Shenandoah Pa Dec GFive dou- ble blocks of houses belonging to the Reading Coal and Iron company were burned at Yatesville Monday The en ¬ tire vilase was in danger of being I wiped oir null the Shenandoah fire I asp r met e < ac ded and extinguish- ed ¬ tae Oanes Los is estimated at20 oo or more Fall Term of Federal Court Columbus IT Dec Lsue fa term of the f aral court convened acre Monday Jirltr Ntwman presiding Tht first day XTR dp voted to the trial of I criminal bns r s most of the civil business being passed for the term New Orleans Has Killing Frost New Orleans Dec GXew Orleans today had a killing frost the first ot the season with the temperature down- to 32 degrees The temperature has bee lower than this before Dec 5 MIlt twice in the 35 years z4 Y o 01 > < < sir J 4 I Grip Quickly Knocked Out Some weeks ago during the severe I winter weather both my wife and my- self ¬ I contracted severe colds which I tpeedily developed into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable symptoms ulIr J S Egleston of Maple Landing Ihwa Kneas and joints aching muscles sore head stopped up eyes and nose running- with alternate spells of chills and fever We began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy aiding the same with I a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and I Liver Tablete and by its liberal use j soon completelp knocked the gripn These tablets promote a healthy 1 action of the bowels liver and kid- neys ¬ which is always beneficial when the system is congested by a cold or a attack of the grip For sale by all druggists m PISOS CURE FOR CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good Use in time Sold by drugg- istsCONSUMPTIOrXI NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE of County commissioners will receive Sealed Bids on Ma daY the ut day of January AD fyo6 t for Road Overseers for the several road districts- of Marion county Florida to serve as such for the year 1906 The Board reserves the right to refuse any and all bids S T SISTRTJNK 12 S Clerk Board of County Commissioners NOTICE- In the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit- of Florida in and for Marion county In Chancery William L Smith Complainant vs Richard M Cunningham and Elizabeth J Cunningham Defendantsorder for Servic- eITISORDEREDTHATTHEDEF Ah Cunning ham and Elizabeth J Cunningham be are hereby required to appear to the bill o complaint in cause on or before Monday thrust tfayo January 1906 It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once a week for four consecutive weeks in the Ocala Banner a newspaper pub ¬ lished in said county and state This agth day of Nov 1905 S T SISTRCNK Clerk Circuit Court Marion County Fla- T E BIGGS by HC Sistrunk D C Complainants Solicitor 12 r ADMINISTRTAORS NOTICE NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL <> hold claims ofany kind against tne estate of deceased Howard late ot Mar ¬ ion county to present the same for payment duly proven to the undersigned ad- ministrator ¬ within the time prescribed bylaw and in default thereof this notice will be plead- ed ¬ m bar of such payment My postoffice ad ¬ dress is Grahamville Fla Nov 29tb 1905 HATTOX HOWARD Administrator of the estate of James K tton Howard I2 t St 1 s 1 IrofeseionaL I R D FULLER L F BLALOCK D I I PULLER BLALOCK Dentist > Over Musroe Chambliss Bank Ocala Fla E BIGGS T ATTORXEYATLAW Office in GaryAgnew Block OCALA FLORIDA s M THOMPSON J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over Teapot Grocery Opp Montezinam OCALA FLA EDWIN SPENCER I ATTORNEYATLA OCALA rSy FLORIDA I J 15 CHASE DENTIST OCALA KL CARLOS L SISTRUNK- ATTORN EYATLAW Room 4 Ma nic Building John White Ir Ct LOUISVILLE K- Yzaeenya tasr- E = FURS art HUM 1- i i BOILERS AND ENGINES I 3 AGENTS FOR ERIE CITY IRON WORKS ALSO 1 HEATERS All PUMPS COMPLETE STEAM PLANT- Write 1 for Estimates and pecial Catalogues- THE t f CAMERON BIRKLEY CO t- CharleslleR S C F 6 HOFFMAN t Florida Representative Ocala Fla Phone 200 SaoyHotel k J

I G 2 J IIt IT ISATh- FACT j< - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/04/87/34/00354/00599.pdf · i m9B D > 9BD BDE mLEma aa6Eca6er aa6aea6ere3 I1 1 = BOARD OF

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g i+ THr OCALA ANNn w

I m eG 6 < 8Iea 6 f2 J DJ f-



< IT ISATh-at

FACT 1 j< K



Im i-



M the Largest Most Complete and Best Selected Stock of Merchandise Comprising Y

IfHI Dry Goods Clothing Boots and Shoes Groceries Hardware m

r1i 111 h > Carpets Mattings Crockery and Glasswarea In Central Florida is always to be found at Ill


c Dress Silks Woolen Dress Goods Dress Trjmmings Laces Embroideries Ladies Silk fIH DRY GQODSand Woolen Coats Ladies Skirts Table Linen Napkins Etc

Mens Boys and Childrens Suits Mens Overcoats Shirts Collars Hose Underwearill IN CLOTHING Trunks Bags Etc Etclfr m mMens Boys and Childrens Shoes of the Best Makes and Most Fashionable Designs l1

ffi IN SHOES Mens and Womens Rubbers Shoe Brushes Polish Etc1I n S



iI IN GROCERIES A Full Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at Popular Pricesc

mChattanooga Plows Avery Plows Farming Tools of All Kinds Pittsburg Perfect Fence

IN HARDWARE Cane Mills Oil and Wood Stoves A Full Line of Granite and Tin Kitchen WareTable Crock-ery

¬ mt I of various qualities Lamps and Glassware together with a Good Line of General Hardware m

All Goods Ire of the Best Quality Our Prices Are Right We Are 01ways Glad to See You S s

f R I

i Ii m9B D > 9BD BDE mLEma aa6Eca6er aa6aea6ere3 I1 1





board of public instruction inand for Marion county Florida metthis the 4th day of December 1905In regular session with G S Scottchairman B R Blitch and J S Grantham present

Minutes of the last meeting wereread and approved

Requests from a number of teachers-were before the board asking when

wry their months were out before Christman and if they could draw their sal-


before the regular meeting inIt was ordered that to ac-


the teachers and givethem their salaries for the holidays-


the chairman and secretary be au ¬

thorized to draw warrants for anyY teacher requesting the same who will

have finished their month and havetheir reports in the hands of the sec-retary


on or before Saturday De-cember


23C E Foglestrom was recommended

as trustee of the Capulet school toflll the unexpired term of F R Pashly resigned On motion C E FoElestrom was appointed

f In view of the fact that the FloridaEducational Association will meet atMiami from December 27 to Decem¬

ber 29 Inclusive all teachers who feeluble to bear the expense are urged toattend as the board believes all suchmeetings are beneficial and teachersshould afford such expense at leastonce a year-

It was ordered that it be left op ¬

tional with the trustees or patrons ofeach school whether the teacher giveone or two weeks for Christmas

That according to legislative actsof 1901 all public schools shall ob-serve


the period from December 24 toJanuary 1 both days inclusive as avacation and no one of these daysshall be counted as taught There ¬

fore neither Christmas nor XewYears Day can be paid for

On account of the first Monday inJanuary being New Years Day theboard will hold its regular meeting-fora

January on the second MondayJanuary S

The treasurers report for the spe-cial


districts was approved as fol ¬

los-OcainReceipts 18528 disburs-

ed J74S9 balance 11037Mclntosh Receipts 22760 dis ¬

bursed 30 balance 19760Belleview Receipts 34716 dis ¬

bursed 8648 balance 26068-

Fantvllle Receipts 7279 disburs ¬

ed 5796 balance 1483punnellonReceipts 10865dls ¬

burse d 71 balance 3765Reddick Receipts 10193 dis-


24 balance 7793rb-

ursed10ine LevelReceipts 9332 dis

balance 8332 C

1it intt Receipts 4013 disburs4-

i h a-

t 1r1T


ed 10 balance 301-3eirsdaleReceipts 14208 dis¬

bursed 5 balance 13708CItraReceipts 27185 disbursed

20 balance 25185Griner Farm Receipts 218Si

disbursed 0 balance 21884Buck PondReceipts 309 dis

bursed 0 balance 309SparrReceipts 727 disbursed

5 balance 227CandlerReceipts S093 disburs-


0 balance 8093Fellowship Receipts 1021 dis ¬

bursed 5 balance 521ElectraReceipts 803 disbursed

0 balance 803Blitehton Receipts 9953 dis ¬

bursed10 balance 8953MartelReceipts 20295 disburs-


18471 balance 1824Fort KingReceipts 898 disburs-


5 balance 395-CapuletReceipts 1617 disburs-


5 balance 111-7LinadaleReceipts 505 disburs-


balance 505Cotton PlantReceipts 4571 dis-


5 balance 4071Orange LakeReceipts 8110 dis-


5 balance 7610Oak HillReceipts 4083 disburs-


0 balance 4083Moss BluffReceipts 670 dis-


0 balance 670FairfieldReceipts 5413 disburs-


0 balance 5413Cottage HillReceipts 1360 dis ¬

bursed 0 balance 1360LevonReceipts 201 disbursed

0 balance 20-1PedroReceipts 249 disbursed

0 balance 249W D Carn Secretary

Phosphate Land For Sale-


offer at a decided bargain 15 acresof prospected phosphate land having-a slight overlay Same is located i>t16 20 20 and if operated as adjoining-are worked will yield a big revenueH 10 05 MRS H M GiL xotm

118 llth St Oakland Cal

Messrs Lang Swartz Co aretheauthorized agents of the SandersFertilizer Co of Jacksonville Ifyou are needing fertilizers or any ¬

thing in the fertilizer line you will dowell to figure with them before buy-IIg x

The hotels along the east coast aremaking big preparations for theiropenings and the tourist season willsoon be on It is predicted that itwill be the most wonderful season inthe history of the state

Some Florida Sports I

The Saint Augustine Record is I

writing up something about the mar¬ t

velous records of some of the sports ¬

men in this state and says that someof them are equal to anything put inprint I

We have two incidents that mayadd something out of the ordinaryalong this lin As the mail traincoming from Petersburg to OcalaWednesday ran over what was sup-



at the time to have been a cowr

but upon investigation it was discov ¬

ered to have been wild bear Bruin I

was picked up by the south bound I

train and was carried to St Peters¬

burg and weighed The animal tip-


the scales at 420 pounds He I

happened to cross the track at thewrong time

Not long before this the trainfcom ¬

ing from Homosassa to Ocala raninto a flock of wild turkeys and killedsix of them and the entire train crewfeasted on wild turkey on Thanksgiv-ing



A fleet of barges andsteamboatsarenow at Miami to work on theFlorida East Coast Railway exten-sion


and the harbor of that city pre ¬

sents a scene of very busy activity




unroe lit ChamblisBank TermslCash

W H MAREAN M DPhysician and Surgeea

Chronic diseases and diseases of women andhildrea a specialtyWill cure any case of Catarrh and all Nervou

DiseasesImpotency and Weakness of the Sexuaa or

of both SexesFabUess Cure of Piles without the use of theKaife orLigatureO over Tydings Cos Drug atore Res¬

idence 60 Main street Office ho rs 9 aHttoia a to 4 p m Postofflce box 524 caltIJeridaCoasultation tree and strictly confidentialcorrespondence solic-

itedPHONE 167A-nd have your cloths properly pressed onshort notice AM goods or and deliveredpromptly Rates reasonable We makespecialty of ladles skirts of all kin-


fi of

f J1 z pn >e 1ce f Ii tiM i r-

t ii S1-



Young Man Commits Suicide in NewYork City

New York Dec 5A well dressedman about 20 years old who had saidke was J Joseph Mueller of Cincinnat-ti committed suicide yesterday byshooting himself in iris room at 324West Seventeenth street

Nine letters addressed and stamped-were found in his room ready to bemailed an one of these to his sisterreferred to a girl in Cincinnati Oneentence In it was

If all girls were like you referringto his sister I would not have to die

This letter was addressed to MisElizabeth Mueller One Hundred andNinetyseventh street FIat No1 Cin-cinnati


0 care Dr Z Wick


EightHour Question Cause of TheirAction

Rome Ga Dec 7The printers inthe offices of the Rome Tribune taeRome Publishing company the Even ¬

ing Herald and T E Clements joboffice al walked out Tuesday becansof the failure of these concerns to sign I

the eig thour agreement-The


existing contract with the print¬

ers union here expires on Dec 31 butwhen the men learned that the uncon-ditional


contract would not be signedthey walied out

Tlis leaves only one union shopthe Whitmire Printing company andit is ut known whether they will reirir in tale unon or net I

iany rouses BurnShenandoah Pa Dec GFive dou-

ble blocks of houses belonging to theReading Coal and Iron company wereburned at Yatesville Monday The en ¬

tire vilase was in danger of being I

wiped oir null the Shenandoah fire I

asp r met e < ac ded and extinguish-ed


tae Oanes Los is estimated at20oo or more

Fall Term of Federal CourtColumbus IT Dec Lsue fa

term of the f aral court convened acreMonday Jirltr Ntwman presiding Thtfirst day XTR dp voted to the trial of


criminal bns r s most of the civilbusiness being passed for the term

New Orleans Has Killing FrostNew Orleans Dec GXew Orleans

today had a killing frost the first otthe season with the temperature down-to 32 degrees The temperature hasbee lower than this before Dec 5MIlt twice in the 35 years

z4 Yo01 > < <

sir J4

I Grip Quickly Knocked OutSome weeks ago during the severe

I winter weather both my wife and my-self

¬I contracted severe colds whichI

tpeedily developed into the worst kindof la grippe with all its miserablesymptoms ulIr J S Egleston ofMaple Landing Ihwa Kneas andjoints aching muscles sore headstopped up eyes and nose running-with alternate spells of chills andfever We began using ChamberlainsCough Remedy aiding the same with

I a dose of Chamberlains Stomach andI Liver Tablete and by its liberal use jsoon completelp knocked the gripnThese tablets promote a healthy 1

action of the bowels liver and kid-neys


which is always beneficial whenthe system is congested by a cold ora attack of the grip For sale by alldruggists m

PISOS CURE FORCURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILSBest Cough Syrup Tastes GoodUse in time Sold by drugg-



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THEof County commissioners will receive

Sealed Bids onMa daY the utday ofJanuary AD fyo6 t

for Road Overseers for the several road districts-of Marion county Florida to serve as such forthe year 1906

The Board reserves the right to refuse any andall bids

S T SISTRTJNK12 S Clerk Board of County Commissioners


In the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial Circuit-of Florida in and for Marion county

In ChanceryWilliam L Smith Complainant vs Richard M

Cunningham and Elizabeth J CunninghamDefendantsorder for Servic-


ham and Elizabeth J Cunningham beare hereby required to appear to the billocomplaint in cause on or before

Monday thrust tfayo January 1906It is further ordered that a copy of this orderbe published once a week for four consecutive

weeks in the Ocala Banner a newspaper pub¬

lished in said county and stateThis agth day ofNov 1905

S T SISTRCNKClerk Circuit Court Marion County Fla-

T E BIGGS by HC Sistrunk D CComplainants Solicitor 12 r


NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL<> hold claims ofany kind against

tne estate ofdeceased Howard late ot Mar ¬ion county to present the same forpayment duly proven to the undersigned ad-ministrator

¬within the time prescribed bylawand in default thereof this notice will be plead-


m bar of such payment My postoffice ad¬

dress is Grahamville FlaNov 29tb 1905 HATTOX HOWARD

Administrator of the estate of James K ttonHoward I2 t St



1 IrofeseionaLI



Dentist >

Over Musroe Chambliss Bank Ocala Fla



PHYSICIAN AND SURGEONOffice over Teapot Grocery Opp Montezinam








ATTORN EYATLAWRoom 4 Ma nic Building


Yzaeenya tasr-E=FURSart HUM











for Estimates andpecial Catalogues-





CharleslleR S C


Florida Representative Ocala FlaPhone 200 SaoyHotel
