\ " I' , ".\ '\1 1:'. "..'i '1 \ f' . % '.\ t I I I J r f t I t I '\ "r' , 1/3' . filtering uped not, as a rule, eXt.leed· two gndns to· the and in many instances may be less, but in certain cases of very dirty waters,' such us;that of l\fissippi River, the amount of altllll lllay be in- creased to four even six grain. per g;allon. 'rhe alum is best kept in a eolution of such strength that a teaspoonful of it will contain a. grain. To save trouble, the fol- lowing prescription WIll enable one to get enough of the solution put up at any apothecary's to :ast for a con.siderable tinle: 'ftttV.· "0 PUBII"Y:VR.5KING \VATElt, '.: BY PROF. P. T I A.USTIN. ·PII.D., 1',0.8. PROPIUltTOIUt .. Mmd "andel'iull cured, Books If'ft,Y1lM In flno Testimonitds from nil pII'rt,8 "I the «lobe. Prol'lpectus POR'r nEl!I, oons on I\pDlieation to Prof. A, LOiaetlil.', ll'iith Ave. New' . UPSON & GARRETT. . , 1 ". M,.i;. ,,;,JI In tho oJ<lN1t. nnd InrlFt l'0lmlnt" nnd Inoclmnicnl JlRpOr p\lhllabr.d nm' hns t he "lrcnlnt Ion or l\IlY p:lrwr Clf its In t bo world. FuJly lIht»trulod. Dl!flt cl'nsl,\ (If Wooc1 InJllt. "ublll<hed ,""cokly. Rend 1M Ilpt'clmoD OOJlY. Prlcl! $3 n Four ol/lnths' trhtl, $1. <:O.. 1'UlJ1.1snt:lI.K, SlJlllrol&d""14)'. N. i. A RCHITECTS & DUILDERt' of Scientlfio American. " A J(roet l'UOOf\{'R. J!'..n.ch 11'f'\1o contaIns colored • IttbC"-lrtlllhll' 1,11l1('R M, ooul)try and citr rellidon- 008 or public buHdhu:lI. etUrraviugs Bud fUll (lhUlI lind "1)CC t UCIlUon8 lor the uso of linch lUI exmt.empll\tC' \Illlltllll.l!. Prlca $2.!'JO a yoar, 25 Ct5. n. OQP)". l\ltJ s:; &. CO., PUD.L15I1ERB. sm".YbeIlO<n1l'- II' ad by IlPJll,.- . Ing t.o MUS!f - .' &. CO"' who . bl1vU 111\<1 over experienco Bnd hnvc mado Crver 100,000 n{lplicatJona tor FIII'- Bend lor HandbOOk. Corres- pundenoo atrlcUy coDtldentluJ. TRADE l\-,ARKS. In el'Ul9 ,.O\lT DllU'k tR n(\t 1'eR'latere<\ tn tho Pat. ent Offi':o. apply to CQ., IIDd prooure IUUDOc.1l.Llu p-cotoct10n. buDd [or liandbook. CO I'YRICHITS for oonkll, charts, mnpe• •te., quleluy prooured. &: CO., l'ntcut Sollcltorll. G£1\:ltltAL 0)'.lf'1<:1I: ;131 DztO.A.DWAY, N. Y. LINCOLN, ROSWELlj. - - NEW !J{;EXIOO. Complete Maps and Abstracts of all Lands elnbracedin the PECOS V ALLY. No charge for inspection, Lands bought, Sold and Located for settlers. OFF1CE-'Garrett's Ranch, Head of North Canal of Pecos and In- VQstmeDt OQ. Postoffice Address, 'UPSON & GARRETT, Ro!well, New Mexico. It has been known for many years that the addition of a rninute . amount of alu:n to a water con- LAND ACENTS tainingbicarbonate,ofliule in a 'SQ[u tioll (and lnost natural waters ,AND CONVEYANCERS. contain nl0re or less of th:s sub- stance) will cause the fornlation of a gelatinous precipitate. 1. i his pre- cipitate entangles and collect$ the su'spended 111atters and gel'nlS, fonning .coagulated or agglolller- ated which are easily re- moved by siDlple filtratioll. 'Va- ters containing clay or 111ud which R. A.IUnl f:r.128 is so fine that a mechanical filter Aqure dist " .'. oz. XTi. ca.rinot reillove it, when treated M. ft. Rolutio. with a small quantity of alum can I lnay add that tho expense of be tiltet:ec1 perfectly clear through this prescription, including the a course filter. The alum thus ad- bottle, l'lhould not exceed fifteen ded is not left in the water, but is cents. LINCOLN HOTEL l'emvved by the filtmtion, for its The treatment and filtration of • active constituent, the altunio sul- the water is best done as follows: phate, is decomposed and precipi- A gallon of water is placed in a tated by the action of tho clean tin pail and two teaspoonfuls bicarbonate of lime. This should of the alUIrl solution are added. It BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED OPPOSITE be well understood, although if a will sa-ve tin10 to make, once for CQURT HOUSE, 111inute amount of alum were left all, scratches on the inside of the in the water its effects not pail, showing the height of one, - NEW MEXICO. be noticeable, and even if present two"or 1l10re gallons or water. It in ·lal·ger anl0unls, it would not be is then well stirred and mixed with ati!.tll ,dangerous. ) 'L a dlpJ?er. It is best to The method of filtration is sim- keep this pail atld dipper for this 1 pIe in the extrome. An oil bottle use a one. They should be kept- or any narrow-necked bottle scrupulously <:lean, a:nd frequently for the filter. Tie around it a. scoured with sapolio or a Silll- It string soaked in kerosene, about Har kind of soap. After mixing, half an from the bottonl, set the water is allowed to stand five the st-ring on fire, and hold the lJr ten minutes, and then poured, bottle bottonl up. \Vhen the string by IneallS of the dipper, into th(i is burnt out, the bottOln of the filter. It will run through rapidly , bottle is thrust into -cold water. if the filter bed j s properly made, If properly done this the alld will be fiS clear as crystal, and bottoln of the bottle to split off not seldonl will form an astonish- evenly. The rinl of ths glass illg contrast with the original wa- !hould now be burred off a little ter. 1."he first half pint of the wa- with a rouud file to rernove any ter passing through should be re- sharp edges t.hat nlay be left. The jected. The filtered water nlay be bottle iH then thoroughly cleansed in a pItcher or in a.ny other and. placed neck downard in a con- convenient receptacle. A filterbed venient support, as, for instance, llfilllast a.day: but it is not advisa- throngb a hole bored ill a shelf, or hIe to use It longer. Each day the it nlav be allowed to in a used filter·bed should be thrown bottle, resting by its away and a fresh one prepared .. on the riIn of the 1110uth. 'rhe nlcthod llla)', of course, be ap- A Bnlall handful of cottOll wool IS plied to any of the many filters an. now thoroughl y wetted by sq ueez' use., by siInply adding to the water ing it in water, and the shreds of it to be filtered one or two grains .of are dropped into the bottonl until alulll to the gallon. It will be a Oaveatl. snet TradQ.Mnrkr obtahled,anu all Pat,. a layer ahout two inches deep has poor filt6L', indeed, that will not eut eoaducWd tor MODERATE FEE8. been made. trhe shreds should be filter clear nfter this addition. .. O"ICI: 18 umctbAn 0" dropped in carefully, so as to dis- Of late, attention has been di. 8eud_JIlodel, or photo.. wtt1t 4e1Clrll't- trl'btlt'e thenl evenly, and not to to the la.tent dangers Ill· l·ce .. tlon. We advise. if patentablo or not. (roe or . \, let t,heltl pile up in the middle or It has been found that thili appa- Dame. of aetna! clients {uyOUt' C009,. at the sid€s. 'Vben enough cot- rently ha,nnless and attractive su b- lent !roe. Addled, CA SNOW &.. CO ton has been dropped in, a cup or stance ma.y fairly reek with disease Q .... ft two of is poured in and the germs n.nd filth of all kinds. U n- '" ""•• A_HINOTOH. D. c. , . . .. U._.<4............. .u••t.,>t.. '"«".. _ rs_ gently tapped. ThIS less It 18 known fronl whellce the . . . 'M 0 RY soli dates the mass and finishes the ice come», its use may be mote dan. making of the filter- bed. gerou8 than the use of watc"r. Ice 'fhe anl0unt af alQm to iB sometimes deriyed from water coagulate the water sufficiently for which no one would think of drink. ... A.. UPlIJOR. P. F. GARRETT. Surveyor Ii- Notary Putilie. Deal-er m Real Estato' , .. WHITE OAKS, LINCOLN CO. NEW }IEXICO, JUNE t3, tatO. NUMBER 50. I __'-'-;"" ,.:--._=-,. New Mexico. Robert E. Lund. )I. lL SALAZA.R. - NEW Mal00. lIE JVITT, - Now Mexice. "t',·,W,'·,,··· .' " " ' .. . ", " - .... -AXD- - . Y. J. E. SLIGH, NOTARY P'UBLIC. W. F. BLANCHARD, lV· .. 0 .. McDONALD. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFIOE 0)1 WRITE ()AKS ATX. JOH.Zv WhitoOab. - 5 y" eei slp·t?ih?eJkffl43 ... #*2 eee: n"'1c NflW MAX;"'" u, S. llINERAL DKPUTY SURVEYOB B. H.DYE', Jb..1:torney at a , . White Oak. Avenue. &; :I:.Jt1nd." .J1IKJlAN WELCH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Dona Ana County Bank. LAS CnuOXI, NEW YS).':lOO. QEO.11. B.-tEBER, .Atta>rney at.La.-w-. .Attorn.ey at La"",,_ NOGAL •• ".,;; aN. FRANK If. RICHM01:lD, ..A.tto:rney at La"'\1T,. WRITE OAKS. , VOLUHE V. a,titeniioJl lliTon to all leg:al bUllillel'l" . . NOT A. :R Y PUB LI O. OFFIOE BONNELL BUILDING, ' (JOB. WJlITB 0A.&:8 AT•• A.MD GKA.NDSn.e. WHITB OAKA, N. M. ATrOJ,NEYS k COUNBELOR8 AT or FIOK at \he RGlidenee of W!lt, WATIION. ,\VIIIT£ 0.&...8. :N. H.j PRICHARD I; SALAZAR. ..A. tto:rneya a,t Ls,v.T Ln JT IiQ-.J.6 N. ll. Will pracbioe ia aU Cauda of tke Ter. Cemfortablo, ClAan ROOlnS und Deds. Ta- WiU Draotic(" in a.ll the ao..rb itt the terriiclry b]c) always supl,liEld with the thtJ market affordii. stabliult. i \ . . Wm. Wabon. U. States Deputy Mineral Surveyol -;0:- Will Praosicw. in Linoolu CouatTand aU Court6 nn the Terntory. nnd &l1Q before tke United L:..nd Office. Gi.W. :PIUOlU"UD. Will pro.oUce bt. lLU of tile rerrito1'Y £Dd in the V. il. !Ani 01loOl. Wbite Oaka. :c· :r. ::b£. ..A... :rE'VV"';;Jr:J:1 IJ:' AT r.r 0RNEY AT LA W. r I I " I' ! I I- f l I ! .

I .. 'ftttV.· t',archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...i~ \ " I', I)~ \~ ".\ '\1 1:'. "..'i \ '1 f'. % '.\ t I I I J r f t I t I 1/3' . '\ "r' '~.; filtering uped not,

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Page 1: I .. 'ftttV.· t',archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...i~ \ " I', I)~ \~ ".\ '\1 1:'. "..'i \ '1 f'. % '.\ t I I I J r f t I t I 1/3' . '\ "r' '~.; filtering uped not,


\ "




".\ '\1








rf t



'\ "r' '~.;,1/3' .~"':"

filtering uped not, as a rule, eXt.leed·two gndns to· the ga~lon, and inmany instances may be less, but incertain cases of very dirty waters,'such us;that of th~ l\fissippi River,the amount of altllll lllay be in­creased to four Ol~ even six grain.per g;allon. 'rhe alum is best keptin a eolution of such strength thata teaspoonful of it will contain a.grain. To save trouble, the fol­lowing prescription WIll enable oneto get enough of the solution putup at any apothecary's to :ast for acon.siderable tinle:



'.: BY PROF. P. T I A.USTIN. ·PII.D., 1',0.8.


.. Mmd "andel'iullcured, Books If'ft,Y1lMIn flno ~ding. Testimonitds from nilpII'rt,8 "I the «lobe. Prol'lpectus POR'rnEl!I, oons on I\pDlieation to Prof.

• A, LOiaetlil.', ~7 ll'iith Ave. New' Y~'"


. , 1 ". <~\~~~,,~.:.~nlt!~, M,.i;. ,,;,JIIn tho oJ<lN1t. nnd InrlFt l'0lmlnt" ~('iontinc nndInoclmnicnl JlRpOr p\lhllabr.d nm' hns t he l[ll'lro~"lrcnlnt Ion or l\IlY p:lrwr Clf its cl:l~1I In t bo world.FuJly lIht»trulod. Dl!flt cl'nsl,\ (If Wooc1 l~nltmv­InJllt. "ublll<hed ,""cokly. Rend 1M Ilpt'clmoDOOJlY. Prlcl! $3 n y~'\r. Four ol/lnths' trhtl, $1.MU.N'~ ~ <:O.. 1'UlJ1.1snt:lI.K, SlJlllrol&d""14)'. N. i.

ARCHITECTS & DUILDERt'E~ion of Scientlfio American. "

A J(roet l'UOOf\{'R. J!'..n.ch 11'f'\1o contaIns colored• IttbC"-lrtlllhll' 1,11l1('R M, ooul)try and citr rellidon­

008 or public buHdhu:lI. .N\~mer()u" etUrraviugsBud fUll (lhUlI lind "1)CC tUCIlUon8 lor the uso oflinch lUI exmt.empll\tC' \Illlltllll.l!. Prlca $2.!'JO a yoar,25 Ct5. n. OQP)". l\ltJ s:; &. CO., PUD.L15I1ERB.

H~rD· ~t·,sm".YbeIlO<n1l'-II' ad by IlPJll,.-

. Ing t.o MUS!f- .' &. CO"' who. bl1vU 111\<1 over

~) "ul~rlS' experienco Bnd hnvc mado Crver100,000 n{lplicatJona tor ~merienn nn~ FIII'­l'1~1l ~tent.ll. Bend lor HandbOOk. • Corres­

pundenoo atrlcUy coDtldentluJ.

TRADE l\-,ARKS.In el'Ul9 ,.O\lT DllU'k tR n(\t 1'eR'latere<\ tn tho Pat.

ent Offi':o. apply to ~1C,:(S ~~ CQ., IIDd prooureIUUDOc.1l.Llu p-cotoct10n. buDd [or liandbook.

CO I'YRICHITS for oonkll, charts, mnpe••te., quleluy prooured. .Adl1r~g

lUVS~ &: CO., l'ntcut Sollcltorll.G£1\:ltltAL 0)'.lf'1<:1I: ;131 DztO.A.DWAY, N. Y.



Complete Maps and Abstracts of

all Lands elnbracedin the PECOS

VALLY. No charge for inspection,Lands bought, Sold and Located forsettlers.

OFF1CE-'Garrett's Ranch, Head ofNorth Canal of Pecos Il'l'i~ation and In­VQstmeDt OQ. Postoffice Address,


Ro!well, New Mexico.

It has been known for manyyears that the addition of a rninute

. amount of alu:n to a water con-LAND ACENTS tainingbicarbonate,ofliule in a

'SQ[utioll (and lnost natural waters,AN D CONVEYANCERS. contain nl0re or less of th:s sub­

stance) will cause the fornlation ofa gelatinous precipitate. 1.i his pre­cipitate entangles and collect$ thesu'spended 111atters and gel'nlS,fonning .coagulated or agglolller­ated In~\SSes which are easily re­moved by siDlple filtratioll. 'Va-ters containing clay or 111ud which R. A.IUnl f:r.128is so fine that a mechanical filter Aqure dist " .'. oz. XTi.

ca.rinot reillove it, when treated M. ft. Rolutio.

with a small quantity of alum can I lnay add that tho expense ofbe tiltet:ec1 perfectly clear through this prescription, including thea course filter. The alum thus ad- bottle, l'lhould not exceed fifteended is not left in the water, but is cents.

LINCOLN HOTEL l'emvved by the filtmtion, for its The treatment and filtration of• active constituent, the altunio sul- the water is best done as follows:

phate, is decomposed and precipi- A gallon of water is placed in atated by the action of tho di~olved clean tin pail and two teaspoonfulsbicarbonate of lime. This should of the alUIrl solution are added. It

BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED OPPOSITE be well understood, although if a will sa-ve tin10 to make, once forCQURT HOUSE, 111inute amount of alum were left all, scratches on the inside of the

in the water its effects ~";ould not pail, showing the height of one,- NEW MEXICO. be noticeable, and even if present two"or 1l10re gallons or water. It

in ·lal·ger anl0unls, it would not be is then well stirred and mixed withati!.tll ,dangerous. ) 'L a cle~n ~ir.lJ dlpJ?er. It is best to

The method of filtration is sim- keep this pail atld dipper for thisJ'''"''''-'~~ 1pIe in the extrome. An oil bottle use a one. They should be kept-

or any lon~ narrow-necked bottle scrupulously <:lean, a:nd frequentlyfor the filter. Tie around it a. ,~ell scoured with sapolio or a Silll-


string soaked in kerosene, about Har kind of soap. After mixing,half an in~h from the bottonl, set the water is allowed to stand fivethe st-ring on fire, and hold the lJr ten minutes, and then poured,bottle bottonl up. \Vhen the string by IneallS of the dipper, into th(iis burnt out, the bottOln of the filter. It will run through rapidly ,bottle is thrust into -cold water. if the filter bed j s properly made,If properly done this cat1se~ the alld will be fiS clear as crystal, andbottoln of the bottle to split off not seldonl will form an astonish­evenly. The rinl of ths glass illg contrast with the original wa­!hould now be burred off a little ter. 1."he first half pint of the wa­with a rouud file to rernove any ter passing through should be re­sharp edges t.hat nlay be left. The jected. The filtered water nlay bebottle iH then thoroughly cleansed cau~ht in a pItcher or in a.ny otherand. placed neck downard in a con- convenient receptacle. A filterbedvenient support, as, for instance, llfilllast a.day: but it is not advisa­throngb a hole bored ill a shelf, or hIe to use It longer. Each day theit nlav be allowed to ~tand in a used filter·bed should be thrownwlde-~outhedbottle, resting by its away and a fresh one prepared..B~loulders on the riIn of the 1110uth. 'rhe nlcthod llla)', of course, be ap­A Bnlall handful of cottOll wool IS plied to any of the many filters an.now thoroughl y wetted by squeez' use., by siInply adding to the watering it in water, and the shreds of it to be filtered one or two grains .ofare dropped into the bottonl until alulll to the gallon. It will be a

Oaveatl. snet TradQ.Mnrkr obtahled,anu all Pat,. a layer ahout two inches deep has poor filt6L', indeed, that will noteut busin~eoaducWd tor MODERATE FEE8. been made. trhe shreds should be filter clear nfter this addition.~.. O"ICI: 18 OPI'OSITltU~~.ATKNTO~U~'

reQ1~~~~~l~~~iJi umctbAn 0" dropped in carefully, so as to dis- Of late, attention has been di.8eud_JIlodel, drawfn~ or photo.. wtt1t 4e1Clrll't- trl'btlt'e thenl evenly, and not to rect~d to the la.tent dangers Ill· l·ce ..tlon. We advise. if patentablo or not. (roe or .

eh:rJ:~M~~E~~~()~~~i~C~~~~~e::~t1l \, let t,heltl pile up in the middle or It has been found that thili appa­Dame. of aetna! clients {uyOUt' S~te. C009,. at the sid€s. 'Vben enough cot- rently ha,nnless and attractive su b­~wa, lent !roe. Addled,

C A SNOW &.. CO ton has been dropped in, a cup or stance ma.y fairly reek with disease

Q .... ft w·• • two of w~ter is poured in and the germs n.nd filth of all kinds. Un-'" ""•• ~oM".CE. A_HINOTOH. D. c. , . . ..----~ U._.<4.............,.~i~-:. •.u••t.,>t..'"«".._ rs_ bo~tle gently tapped. ThIS (~on- less It 18 known fronl whellce the

. . E·.'M0 RY solidates the mass and finishes the ice come», its use may be mote dan.making of the filter- bed. gerou8 than the use of watc"r. Ice

'fhe anl0unt af alQm n~eded to iB sometimes deriyed from watercoagulate the water sufficiently for which no one would think of drink.


Surveyor Ii- Notary Putilie. Deal-er m Real Estato'


I ,~--..,..~ •__'-'-;"" l~ ~ ,.:--._=-,.

New Mexico.

Robert E. Lund.


- NEW Mal00.


- Now Mexice.

"t',·,W,'·,,···.' " " '... ", " - .~,



- .





lV·.. 0.. McDONALD.




WhitoOab. -

5 y" eei slp·t?ih?eJkffl43 ... #*2 eee:

w~,'*'- n"'1c NflW MAX;"'"


B. H.DYE',

Jb..1:torney at a ~ ,. \~ White Oak. Avenue.

~atson&; :I:.Jt1nd."


ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office in Dona Ana County Bank.


QEO.11. B.-tEBER,

.Atta>rney at.La.-w-.

.Attorn.ey at La"",,_

NOGAL •• ".,;; aN.


..A.tto:rney at La"'\1T,.



Promll~ a,titeniioJl lliTon to all leg:al bUllillel'l"

. .NOT A. :R Y PUB L I O.




or FIOK at \he RGlidenee of W!lt, WATIION.

,\VIIIT£ 0.&...8. :N. H.j


..A.tto:rneya a,t Ls,v.TLn JTIiQ-.J.6 N. ll.

Will pracbioe ia aU Cauda of tke Ter.

Cemfortablo, ClAan ROOlnS und Deds. Ta­WiU Draotic(" in a.ll the ao..rb itt the terriiclry b]c) always supl,liEld with the b~f\t thtJ market

affordii. ~xot"llent stabliult.

i•\ . .

Wm. Wabon.

U. States Deputy Mineral Surveyol

-;0:-Will Praosicw. in Linoolu CouatTand aU Court6

nn the Terntory. nnd &l1Q before tke UnitedBtat~ L:..nd Office.


Will pro.oUce bt. lLU Co~.rb of tile rerrito1'Y£Dd in the V. il. !Ani 01loOl.

Wbite Oaka.

:c·:r. ::b£. ..A... :rE'VV"';;Jr:J:1 IJ:'

~ A T r.r 0 R N E Y A T LA W.









! .

Page 2: I .. 'ftttV.· t',archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...i~ \ " I', I)~ \~ ".\ '\1 1:'. "..'i \ '1 f'. % '.\ t I I I J r f t I t I 1/3' . '\ "r' '~.; filtering uped not,







• I



l. )









P' ISO'S REMEUY<FOR, OAT.ARRH.-,Best. EasiesttQ "Use. Ohea~" .,Relief is immediate. A cure is

certain. For:ColdlR the Head it has no equal

~ It is an O~ntmen~of which a small particle is appliedto tho .nostrils, Pnc..e, SOe, ~old by 'druggists or sentby mall. Addresa,," 'E~·T. HAzmtl~:m, Warren, Pn.

"C;:ATARR:'H;,' ,"" ..~~-,



.. ~~,


~ ',"

. 'f: "-." :.' .'


South--WesterN Hotel.


EDGAR B, D~NSON. President Wm.,lI, A~f5T1N. Uashie«.

Staple an~ Fa.ney Groeeries.r-DEALERS IN--

JOHN A. BROTHER~ Proprietor•.

JOHN A. BROWN 4 ••••

--- -------.._-~------

""'VVhite OG\lkS,



'j .

General Merchanaise.WHITE OAKS, N. M-

.IIouse well fusnished. Table supplied with e\Tery.thing the

lfarket affords, Charges very modei'at~·.

Your patronage respectfully solicited.~ohn..A...Ero""n & Ere.

White Oaks Ave·, opposite Mayer's Livery..

El Paso National Bank--.---·-OF TE:X:.AS.---

Capital - $150,000. Surplus - - $37.500.Oollections promptly made and remiited~ Forei~n and Domestic ExchanO'fJ

bought and. sold. Spe(}ial faoiHties offered on Mexioan :Business. b

, J


io~, as, for in~t~nce,' f~onl "ponds in" thtei'~"st~ck of: ~oods ,.to, lhehrickeenmteries and'\fro111 riv.ers it~ the building three doors below, former,,:lIeighborhood'~f sewet' outlet~, and lyocoupied by G, ,v, dre~g /&00..~.s a re~l:llt, lllay: b~ indiscribably as a store 1"00111.

foul, A~ide froUl the danger of Aftel...,.,..,....,T..,.,.•.,....,.e.,....,p,.,..e'·....u7.....11!I.....'I-.-~I....li..,.,,'n......' .-u'eau.

gBrn1s·lnrldng.in ice,. there is risk vVashinaton, June 7,-To-dayin the indiacreet use of water coo1- Representative Cooper, of Indiana.,ed to 'an abll~1'111ally lowtelnpera- presented'in the house a resolution,turn, since flllleLiunal disorde:rs are which' waR l'eferred to the cOlnnlit­of~en caused by the drinking- of tee on rules, directing that thevery cold ,vater. No water is so oOl1llnittee on invalid pension s in­refreshing as that of a lllOuntain quire into and repQrt to the house~pring, aud:ol1e reason of this is upon certain changes regarding thet.hat its ,ten'lperature is j nst right, lnanagenlent or the pension bu.l'f~au,It is well to take hints that are AlYlOng the things that the repre­given .by natnre, and the' hint that sentative asserts is that the COllhthe 'be$t tempel1ature of drinking missioner of pensions, recently bywater is auout fifty c.1egl'oes Fah- an unjnst and partial ruling, 'ad­l'enheit is a good one, and worth vanced and. caused to be taken upfollowing, out of order, Dlany thousands of

I woulcl·suggest-and I aln Slll'~ clainls of a certain :attorney resid..t.hat every 0Ile ,"rho tries it will be ing·in'Va.abington, and that 1n

nmre than satisfied-'that the fil- consideration the attorney has be­tereel water be caught in stoppered C(,Ule surety on the note of the C0111­

Qtl.l'afes, or, what is .Just as good, 1)lissione1' for $25,000.oarefully cleaned sherry bottles •stoppered with new, clean corks, Ben Bntler oWllsthe only bunt-and that these bottles· filled with ing factory in the lJnited States,'w~ter all-d carefully stopperod be and he furnished the 111aterial outp1ace:d,i n the refdger~tor £o:}.' sev- of whirh two firnls, cne in ~Iass,

eral hours, By putting half a doz- and tllt' other in Conn., Illade theen.sllch bottles filled with 'water in 25,000 Confeclerq,to flags whichthe '~'efrigerator and replacing thenl floated in the RlChlllond bree 7;OS atwith others ~l,s they are taken out, a the inauguratIon of the statue ofsupply of clen, filtered water of a Robert l~. Lee.

satisfactory and safe tlegree of 0001- THe A-I-n-el-i-ca-'l....;-I-n-i-n-e and lnill110SS Illtty be kept contllHlrlly on lea:-ied by Ray and" Gaylord, Dry

hand. Gulch, ~ogal H1Ining district;, isThe use of this sil1'!ple ln~~hoa of running on or':} fronl that rillin'(!~

:p.urification of water will, I ant cor- First clean t:p sonlO days ago not­tain, prevent llHl.ny a cnse of sick- te<.l12,000 in golcl.-Chieftalll.ness ancl not a few doaths, ana it is , •130 shnple, cheap and efficacious ~fr. John Aaron roturnell b01118

o that anyone oan 111ake a success of I \Vednesdar to Bonito Ca~lOl1, 130-it. nIto Inining distriC't, K. 1\1., with

..' , cOlubined hoist and blower, andFire·at l{jngston, X. 11., June will sink 200 feet on the l\lary Ann,

4th, destroyed property to the val- The shaft is now 170 feet deep.­ne or $150,000. Among the prop- Chieftain.flrties destl'oyPc1 nre the G. A, H. G1 l1\,r'l -l"'---;--t t·1 tl. . enera ' J.1 os las Ins ruc eu 1C}w,ll, stage and. express offwE', Dr, ,"1 "1 'l ffi' "Ilf conullandlng offiGors of Forts Low-vowan s reSH ence ane 0 ce, ':'1. 1'8. I ,

}) tt ' tIt' t k f 011, Grant, Huachuca, BOWIe anda ' on s s ·ore ane en 11'e S OC r 0

d tl t 1 . 1 1 Bayard to keep a sharp lookout forgoo s, lC WO SC 100 louses, I d' Th I 'b l' '~l] :1 'bI 1 'th I Ch' n lans. e.Jl era IS 11110rnlettgan s ae CSIn1 SlOp, lliese th t t' II b 1"·1 t

'h' I 1 Ch' a a sen Ine las een p aceu aquartel'S, whw Il1cluc ec a . lTICSe th t f th f1 t ff ' thstore, the Episcopal church ouiJd- 0

1op ° de tags ha font} e_pa-

. rae e O'1'011n a eac 0 1e n.bovelng, and several other valuable , ' 0" ."

b 'ld' 11 th t]'d f I forts, .11e IS supphed With a SlllokedlU Ings; a on e nor, l SI e ,0 glass and a heliograph and instruct-

the street, and the .Q'l'eater portIon 1 t t th . t h d'. '"r' . et 0 repor e llilllU e e lSOOV'of two bloeks fIOIl), 1t aUt street to . d" rrh t" t'llA ' , , ers an In ' Ian, e coun ry IS 8 1

-AUetHl avenue. . T ~ :, L'l I"Th }T . ht f P tl' 1\1 safe.-"\\ e::;teI n 1 era ,e ~lllg, soy nas, J. aaons "'>

and Odd F(~l1QWS bad theh halls in It seeU1S that ~Iantana is anoth-the Tenlpl~r, the finest in the tel'- 01' South Africa) or believed to be:ritory, belonging \0 these organi- so, in the rn.atter of c1ianlOnaS. A....~atjons, These al'e gone. 'rhe cornpany with lars€ cupit-al hasl{nights of Pythias were in session been formed, it is said to exploit aand. saved a part of their para.. l.'egion cast from I-Ielena, and col­l)hel'llalia. The ~fasons and 1. 0, leot tho valuable ston,OS,-Cltizen,O·uF. lost an. · ,'- ,A gr.eat 11l,any dian10nds hav:e been

There was no insurance on any found in this section of New 1\Iex­property on the north side. 1\11'8. ico, and it n1ay be tlu\.t the l\Ionta-'})atton is the heaviest loser. The na product is of. th~ same llature.G", A, R. post lost' all the flags, The New Mexico dianl0nds wereguidons and valt1able relics, I'fhe carefully planted before they wereSierra Land and Cattle company, dug up.-\Vestern Liberal.who occupied .the lower floor of the ~-

Ten~plat~ and were the onlY' parties ~!mI§limlfal!~}It~dk!~CO'l.rel"pd by inspranc0, have moved· Sendatump•. BAKER UEM.CO••Boxl04Bll n1tl-N,Y.

,.... -\., pERSIAN BLOOM, Best Oomplex on ~ea.u··, Wier. Skin Oureftnd Blamlah Erudiootor ltnown~

eeu4 stam~ for trial ~ka~e. Addr~ssas abOV~ ,






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r- .

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. ........

011 l\fay 22nd, there was arrest..ed, one Jlugh Leper, a hor~e thief.who had in his possession the fol­lowing described horse: One dunhorse about 14i hands high, brand­ed on left shotllder with lettersJB conjoIned. The horse is llOW

in lily possession_ The owner can.. 'have the same by pro'ving proper..ty and paying the expense of thisadvertisefilent and care· of thohors~.

J. P. C, LANGSTO~, Constahlo.'Vhit~ Oaks, ~ ~L

By J" A. Allen·

"lr i 1, Foreseeing' the vastly greater . (rher(J~ i~ complete and cbntinued 1~he' petitivn t~l!'tmD9;~e(~:'against.~ell ~~~111 ~nt~lll'tkr.' importanoa of retajnin~ control of ~7:n'ti.niln&Y for the den~oeracyin tbe diseontinuanee (If the ~''!s'!rit

'ftOC=OC~!.NN:'''':''t:\-:)'.:rrz~:t4:.~tW..\f,'MX~~:«!''''''':''',::t the ~egislature this ~ear,; they are ~~:W: :Nt.ex i~~) frorrf.t:his.~~n)Je· OIl i~-I nlaiI route, was Itl#rgeliy, '$jgne~.,, . aga1n at work at thou' old gatne of d(7fhl~tely 1t the pailty shaH, S'O wl1l FrOllil some quarter a a-cu.re·' haa-

PUBLI~HEO. EVERY ~~IOAY stIrring ~lP loeal and: person~l an- it.. \VHhout control of t,he next be~n 5tal'ted, which on. its- fa.ce'llnosities among D.eulocrats-of I~egislatul'e and thus the }9cfWer to · seems ,an ilnpossibllHy. The pre,s­f'stablishing fictitious 'issnes·--of lllake an honest anu non-parti~an ent ronte will be·lnaintained.. as of

WJ{rT;E OAKS•. tQ. :M.. June 13 "S20. flattery and cajolery. of Democrats, apF>OrtioIlUlent, the;re will be no 'old-the only challfl;e will be in~nteredlnthepo8tomoeatWhitoOak,,&.'I.cc-as heretofore-alI. the tim.o keeep- substantial value in victory in any contra~tors, 'who wi1l7 and are 'pur-

.-ad clalls matter. ingtheir eyes, on the Lpgislature fortn. sui.ng an unruffled. course. J ul ylJubflcnptlon, p_er annum $2 f) 1 . h· 111 ~ 1 Iand directing. the attention of Dem- . ---"'--"-- .-.... st IS t. e tune set J.t'llf' , tJlle C lange,

AdVi'lrtising rateli: $1,00 taQr inch, per munth TlAddrelis all communiGa~ion.to ocrats elsew.here. ' 1e Senate ha.s passed tho house and the sub contractors aTe ltnak-

TliE l:NTEBPRErrER; ~l'he' election of Int:Hnbera of the bill c~·eat.inga ilew Judicin.l DisM'ic't ing every necessary preparati>,'ft toWhiteOa.ks.N. M. Legislature is always iU1portant, in New J\fexico--it now p;oes to give good service.

..~_~~4"",,,,,,",,,,~~~~!,,,,,,_;,~,,,.".A., ••,,."'MM' h' tIle 1)r· ....sl'dant ~or' appr'o'ual rl~}lebut t IS year doubly so. 'rhere is j \,. .t, 11

i: l', I -

rrh~ New J\f~xi0(l.n,.and kindred a Inass of iniquitlOus stuff on the new district will be conlpo~ed of The Silver Bill bas passed the]'epubjcan sheets,. are sending out statut~ books that ought for the ~he counties of Lineoln, Eddy and IIouse by a .. vote of 135 to 119, it,daily squibs about the great econo~ good nanle of the Territory to be Chaves, auel l:Ul11or says t,hat at will now go to the Senate wherelny, being practiced, by the present repealed. I Legialatibn that has the present session of the 'fer.ritorial the gold bug.swiJl.let It rest io]' arepublican adtninistration. 'l.'hat never been had is greatly needed, Sl1prerne court, proyision wll! be while. The Senat<3 haH now thethe courts are being rU,n so Inllch especially a. good public school Ja\y. rnade to attach SOC01'1'O, or sorne tariff bill and the l,ills to adlnit(~heapcr i::~ OIle of theln. At the But. there is a }nupvse to be acconl~ other connty ,tVith a view to more Id h 1 lX' .' Nth' 1. . a 0 ane H vornlug. 1'0" lng laBlast tenl1 of the IJincoln District plished next winter of 11ll1ch g-reater equally <.hstnbut.e the work of the 1b I 1" t .. 1 . 1 t',,,, . . . een <. one a )011 pownon. egis a lOll.Court, witnesses were cornpelled to consequence, if })ossible, than Judges of the other dIstricts. Not-I·. t '

.fi . . . 1 t :J' lId as J e .shave thou certl cates, rece1v1ng either or even both of these. 'rhat Wl1i 18 allCll!lg tle C lange, Ju geonly 25 cents on the dollar and is the legislative apportiolunent of ~IcFie still has a large di~trict left, TIII<J PECOS ltIVER nO."-D,

only store pay at that. It is eer- the Terl'it?ry. The present appor. and .Judge Lee is c1'o,\,;detl with 'J.'~n Jliles ol""'l'aek to bt'l Ln~d InSide

tain1y a nice ~tate of ai-fa.irs to clainl tiolllllent is outrageously onesided, work in his district. 'rhe crcn,tion' 01"Tblrty Da:v~•.

ccononlY and retrenlllnent, and and if a H.epnblican Legislature is of the new district will effect 1'0- General ~Iannger S. F . Judy oflnake the poor witness called away elected it will continue so for anoth- lief, hut not soon. 'Ve, in Lincoln the Texas & Pecos Valley road, nowfroln horne and business, pay the er tOll years, uIlder state as well as count~ ~hould hav? a f~l11. tel'lll this in course of construction fronl Pecos!)ublic exp.enses to the extent o~ 80 Territorial govcl'lunent. fal~.. I he docket. IS a full o~e, not City, 'l'exils, to HOl:;well and Eddy,l~er cent. .At ~he last torn~ of i~l.e rrhe probabilUy of the au ll1ission Ia mYIl case was ealled ~cn: t:'w.l nt N. 1\1., rC(lently said to il, Fort~()c~rro. ~o:u~ the ~Ol~llty pa~d of N'!w l\f.exico at the next session the l~st term, and theJ~ll l~ ,l1,OW I! '?orth Gazette report~r: "Wearec~urt expenses to tl:c e~t.ent ?f $1 ,. of Conp;rcss is not at' all rClllote. h~l(hng ~ good nunlber aWaJ tIng now at work on the lIne, and the000,00 pcr YCtll' whIch ]8 pl~l(l by 'rhe apportionment Inade by ncxt trlal~ beSIdes ntUnerOllS other (~aSt~S, Isteel and tilnbers will begin ar­the county und~r thc pro.sent l~w. "'inter's Legislature is verv likely parties now uncleI' bond. As. to II'ivin6 at PeCOR Ciliy in a, shortI'rh~ Advertiser Hi cO~'rcct til saY1ng to be nlnde the basis of th; appor- Uhavz and· :fl:c1dy, no tcrlll cun be tinllJ • It is our intention (and itthat ~'~his account~ for the decr<.:'asc tionll1Cnt for the election or the i expected ulltil uftcs tTa.nuary 1st, will he (larded. out) to have thoof court e_'\.p~t1s~,.; to the rr0rritJl-y, next Constitutional ConventIon, 118$J~, u,fo: tho! will not be flllly 01'-, track laid and cars runnIng tenthat H.epubhcun papers have been .1 tIlt' 11 t t ,I garlJzeu untIl then. llliles o,·t fronl Pecos CitY. hy the. . . . anu ntH:)O prac telL y perpe un -! . " . . ... _hr.aggll~g about so lutlCh. It 18 od under the state governuwnt. I AI.ready the polItiCIan IS at wo:'k, 1st of July. 'fhe track will be laidsttlL paId ~Y the people ~~lld 0:11)" If a Hepnblicun LeglfSlatnl'o 'loolnllg .for~vard for a clCl'~s~l1P, I with fifty-six pound rails and, theCOUles on theln harder by .1)cll:g should 1)0 elected llOW, it go~s and a .(h~trlCt attorney posItion. Ientire line will be constructed ofsaddled upon the C~)tl11ty, hut It without saying that. in effeet the 'rVe wele III hopes :hat S0111e l~gal the best Inaterial. I expect thatgives the Kew I\Iex1can a chan.ce . l·t'· tl t 1 t· gentlmnan at \Vlllte Oaks would tIl1'S I'oad -mill be th< q'llickest built

Sa111e lllCqna lIes Ia c larue er1ze} I I' } . . H ~ ,

to howl ~'econotny," and Dlake an th t t' t .1)0 10nOrC( WIt 1 the appoIutnwnt line of its length eyer constructed. . e prcsen appor 10nlllen, nnu f JIb t th f d ",'

effort to estabhsh a false llnpress- th' L 1 ,t . )d tl ,I ~ t' f o. ~ lH go, u e atcs ccrec oth- ill the south The contract for. - 1 all c lara,cenze lC e ec Ion 0 . 'I"ff f l:! P . . 'ion upon the l1un.ds o.t the poop o. the late Constitutional Convention, CrW1l5e. 'l 1 . ~~2Y' 0 • ~:Joeorro, res- ninety-nhie miles has been let andNo one can "he deceIved, we now 'Yill be perpetuated and the Denl- t~n, of Santa Ii.c, Pl'lt~harJ, ~f Las the road will be in running order.have to pay the fiddler and have no t' t b ih' . .1' \' egas, are all In the 11e]J. hy the b" *!\:c'veul1>""r I" •.' , oera lC pal' y e us agaIn (.11S- .. • .. ..' ...'i . c I..

voice In saVIng what tunes he shall fl' I t'll tl list of A.ugust the all' WIll be full of I "''-;;;;=~;;;;;';;;;;;;;_J ranc Hsel 1 ano leI' census ycnr . . -

play d rurnors, anu posS1bly SOBle Ind1ana. .__'__C_ COllIes r(lun . I'b L' "11 b t t The celebration of the nationalD t 1 ld t £ t th' res yLerutll WI e, ~en on as

Demoerats to tile ~'rol1t. h eUhlocrats SfilO'lh1 t no oId'ge a" our judge, or perhaps a. Blaine holiday this year at \Vhite Oaks" rrhe DeUlocrats all over the ter- t e! ave. 0 g an a versary lrishlllan. Col. Jewett is in the will be left to the consideratioLl ofritory are conling to the front, de- traIned trained by a quarter of a fi 11 f, th D' t . t ~tt I . thr. young Ineu interested in Baseterminod to send 1110n to the legls- century of donlinancy with no I' e ( or e IS rIC ... 01'1lCyS 11p. SaIl. An effort is being 111ado tolature and eradicate from tho curb but the necessity of agreenlent . -" . -- ...- . .- ,. have a gallic of ball witll sonlestatute bookH sonle of the vile al110ng its factions upon the di vi~- Frl~ayeVClung last ti~e . Cheer- outsiUd (:.hlb, be'yotlnd this we havenleasures called laws. 'rhe de- ion of the spoils-its Innate unscl'U- £ul 'VorkeI:s" .gave an ll11proln~tl1Inot lea~'ned of any allj" further prep"mand and necessity for energetic pl1lousness enlarged alld sharpen- play descnptlvo of the old .New I al'ation to observe the· day. It isand united action upon the part of (-d by the extraordinary opportuni- England school; the at:endancc not too late yet t.o organizt), the 4thdemocrats is set forth by the Denl- ties for de'i...elopUlent in unbridled was all that could be deSIred and of .Tttly i$ still two weeks aW:1V.

ing- Headlight in its l~st issue, rapaCity it. during all that thue en- the several characters were well "iinong other reasons it says: joned: i rendered. Au effort at SOlue local NOTICE.

"It is of the first inlporliance, not ~rhi8 1S the condition and the hits was 1l1ade. The alltudon toonly to the assurance of good issue now facing the Deulocrats of t~e so ealled R. R. Inap;nates was agovernment in the future of New Now 1\Iexico. '1'he party as an or- httle out of place,. ~n.d by 11la~y,l\fexico, but to the Denlocratic ganization is now 111 nl01'e conlplete not too severely Cl'1tIcIsed, ~esplteparty, that the hold of tho faction accord than it has over been brlfore. the cold water that frOlll tune to.of the Republican party now gov- It is of the flrb't inlportance that it tinle lis thrown at t~ose furtherh~g.erning the 'Territory, should 'be should contiutle so. Let it beware the Ell, R. entorprIse. The RaIl­broken. There is apparently but of R~pllblical''l efforts to crea~e local r~ad :vill, in the end, be an e~t~b­one way in which that can. be dOl1e dissensions-entertain ·no side is.. hsheo. fact, and the enterpnsing-the electiJu of a DeUlocratic sues, local or otherwise, but keep citizen,S who are cl~ing their level:majority ill the Legislature to as- the nlain iSSllt' constantly .in view. best WIn l'e~p theIr deserved re­senlble next winter. In compari- Ptlt no weaklings or doubtfuls in ward, despIte unfavor~ble corn­gon to this, all other objects ..2'E:.l plac~s of trust· ()]. respol1sibility-~ :nent, and personal allUSIon of theiss~les becoulc absolutely insignifi- send croakers ancl tnischief Inakel's c~aracter cht'own ont at the gath-,ant. to the r~Ul" el'lng.


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\VME'HE W'E GO,.. H,



,Fine qranges at R.idg~way's . Brealdast and, Salt Bacon-.!t i3'o ~ood' for a change. E'vapO'r'ated

E. \V.' j)arker, I~etur.ned,fl'om. the Raspberrl'es and Black.berries-NewJJadies ij~ts Jl.lf;t l~eoeivec1-G" Z. . ,& 00, 'failroa,d last Sa~u:day. _ lot of Prunes, very choice-Cheese'

_., i .. . '" . H~HJI anyone. seen the Chinese and Urp,~:tll1ery Butter-CurrantsEditor l\:ibbee' of the' 'Li'ncoln Detective about? Citron, Orauge and Lemon Peel-

1- 0. f)f a. T. lndependont was 11). "Vhite Oaks • , Stewart of.. \Vhite Oaks.Whiwt' QP.-~13 .l;Jodge, No 4-ge rpeets atthe this 'week. ' lVlrs. Gallagher, at the Carrizo ••

O~tiltle ij:aH over.y Sn~urn.ay night, at 7 .. Hote] , wiH have Ice Urenpl 'on Sat- Our exchanges, daily" have SOlneQ1~loo:k: p. m., of each wef.'lk. 'Vho b'ades with us, Well, Ill0st urday evening. Give her a call. flattering notices of the "Lender' ':

FRANl\; PARKER) a~ T. b b Y ,('... T t' ~ h ·t·every 0 y,-= Gung ~ a laLdrro. , +, -one paper claiuling tat· 1 IS_lAURS SlMS. S~Ci . .. Chag. Bull has retlU'ued from the

- l\L 'V:o "Thartvn, of the iNogal Ruidaso,;fishing grounds. 346 trout printed with a clothes wringer-au-

K f P Dt M' t· L d N 9 Banner, was a visitor in town ves- other that it is the worst printed,.. 0 • Lla" ~roun am Qge o~ . ,; we~'e caught and devoured. '0 th U·t d States ':Phe, ltnight Q.t :rytliiaa, meets every Thurs- terday. .,. paper 1n e III e , .d~1 D,i~b.t, ~t 7:30 Q'clock. Visitipg ... 0' The Pino& Altos ~nner tells of last, is a sarnple of what is going,Knig4ts are cordially invlted to attend. '''hite Fish-at nrdgeway's- the advp-nt of another nliner at that Iaround in the exchanges: l~

. JOS~PH GR:~r.H:f.I;AB:~mJ o. C. very fine. prosperolls 111ining ~anlp, as fo1- "The Chinese detective has leftEn. FITZP.A.TRIO:K:, K. OF R. AND S. .. oCt· , 1 'I Alb H' destl'nation i aIn. the choice ofa wife, take t Ie ows: nql1erque. l~, , ~

'~ ohed~e~t daughter oJ a good moth- Born, in PirlQS Altos, June 2nd, \V.hitde Oaks. 'VhflIte} heLre dhe ob-A':! A R Kea.rnev Post No 10 . talne it copy 0 le ea er, a". "'. .' , ~ . , . ~ eJ;. to the wIfe of James Jackson, a newspaper that has the a.ppearanoe

Meets on t4e, \l\$t Monday night of • . d 1 t £ b . . t d' Ch' h r\Vo lead. Others set; their watches . aug), er. 0 elng prIn e III Blese c a -~A\9," ~O),J,th •. at~t:b.e Xo.wn Hall. . 0 • acters and he .inl111ediately start.ed

J,OFI~ A.]?nowN, P. o~ 'by our clook, Young & Taliafe'rro. ~!lSS' DollIe Loc~hart, of Albu- f,or that pOInt, believing that hisli\D.:&, BL"NllLL, Ap;lT. Tlle Parker Bo;s, Jl\nleS H. and querque, Wl1,B. marned 'Wednesday lluau 18 ill that section."---Demo-

<r-'!"" ,. evening t.o a worthy young man C)'at.~et4od\!;4t CItUl"(~ll Di,J:~.to.J:'3'.. l\~LJr:tis B. will be at hom.(- to-

of So..corro.. It ill in order now, for the ~fajorPJ;eacW,n.g e.very S.l,l,udl.l.Y ~I;l, Uw l\!,outh, n'!.o,rJ;ow. ~ to open his vial of indecency, or

f.t ~1 o:Qloc~, a m. and 8 o'clock. po, m., .J ·11 U b II '\-Viley .L.\1eGhee wa.s in from the .~xcept the. second. Sabbath Scho(j)} at Paraso.ls anu SI ~ ; ·111 ~·e as -v:ery accuse these fellows of "base In-

.P d San 'Andreu~ eali-ly ~his week,. a~ J? mi. ~wer:r l:31lt~,day., ·ra,j'er an cheap, at G., Z. & Co,'s. g-ratitudo."~ralse serv.lCe ev.el;V 'lb,u,rsday at 8 p. m,.. ~" welcome 'V~isitor among h:s I11lany '-' •..-Pews Irl;)13.. Xke Snlith who has b.een. a very friends at \Vhite Oaler;. The Atnerican l\fine at Nogal,.S." W. 'P'HQ'MAS, :£•. 0.. '

A,. J. POTTER P. E.. s,ick Ulan lately, is slowl,]:' rOCL\Ver- --<.. whioh has been under lea~e· to. Rey. 11. W. I~oy.le" and Chade-s IIaln-

..~........................................................................... l.ng. '1 t t P 1 t T & Gaylord, closed down a few days.. 1J ton, wen Q, . aJ1sons ·as: ues- 1. • •

f.;ton~re~atlol1al Church. For th\:)o blues, tl~Y my h1gh gl'ad.e day,. to do so~e. :wseSS1l1,c:Hut work, , ago. ConflIctIng rUInors ~re. Ing~de!4 of. service on.Sa4~ath,-Preach- Tea-Stewart of White Oaks. They expect to, lemain about ten 'I Cit'Olllatioll regardIng the c oSIng

ipg at 11, o:clock, a. Dl, .find 7:30 o'clock • 1 down. One report Inakes a clean

ll";;aYflI: mefltingo, Weduf'sdy, eyeningl Don't f~il to .atten.d the ~.adiesl' <. D.lJS.. • I t1 P of ~n 2,000, another of but $1l.of each week. bunday school at 10 a. m. Ice Orean) SocIaJ"at Bonnell s IIa ], T'he ullor~d In w is written on tho I 'fhe clo~nng down is a n1utter ofAll are invited. this eV~[Jing--.only35.cents a couple tablets of eternity. Fwi" every fals?' regret to the people of .Kogal, eti-

N. W. LANE, Pastor. Fine Flannel 41 anti Seersu.,cl\:el' word or unrighteous deed. for cru- pecially under l:!uch unfuvorable;!!!'"!¥!"!! !!'!'''? !2!~': P!!._£._-o!J Couts-alsowhite.'Vcsts-G.oodQlan, elty cr oppression, for l'lst or vanity, circlunst.anses.

PA:J:L,Y KA..ILS. Ziegler & Co's-. thc priue~s to b; paid a~. last. · "'ill Wtltij)!rii'emD:l('ko

Eastern lllail arrlvCl:I , A. :U. If we can,'t l'TJ4:ke you. rich, we J anles A. Alcock, the long titne San Franciseo, , June 7.-Soven-.Leaves Q. P. )(. k 1 'f t 1 nl,'lllf'lO'e.r of tho C:-)~"izozo Cattle I teen Chinamen are confined in the

1:;:. II can Ina e yOtL lappy 1 you rae e u.o ' oLt-..

Fort Sta.ntoll Juail arrives v.30 with us. Young. & TaliafBrro. Co., has tendered IllS resignation. IA].a~l1cda count.y jail., ~w~iting the!;•.1t.. - ...-:-"--- 1\11,. Alcock alltl falnily will ,c.'JP.part s~nl1llg of the llext ChIna stealner

Leaves 7 :30 A. 1tf. A. N. Price has been.o,\er on. the Ifoil.' Kansas ei.ty in a short timc. to be resh1:pp~d back to their nativeRed Cls)L'\.d m.aiL leayes 2 P. :M. Bonito, the past few weeks~, he 1:e- ~ laud. They weTe. arrested early in

¥onday. , ports the fishing. very ~o(;)d. Parties- l~nGiWillg then~eh{es i:n- tho week by U. S., officials DearArrives 10; A,. M.. Thursday. The d I 9 th· d bJ Ideb-ted no uhis paper for s1ilbsc·rip" San Diego as they we:re crossing theP. O. open.f.ronl 6~A. M.. to 7 P. M. 'tUh

yaa:e etng~ nlng,. DU~ 11- tjQn wi,1I confer a. fav@a!' by. ~aHing line from Mexico or Lower Califor-

S -S! ) less WI a VIew () InereaSing" yOlIltI· b".undays "",rom.. 6 t,o 9, .A~! y. ( t It t t d ·tl Y and payIng UPL It C£lnu0t e ex- nla Into thIS countrv.

. 4 to 6 ~. }I.. }s oppor un y 0 ra e WL L US" 'oung II)ected tha·t we showd runt around! L t S d R°>---'-T W L'u"1 I 30 . t b £ d & Taliaferro. as ~ln ay ev ' , ane.lILaI s c o~e nunJ,l es e ore e- • IGr ask for G)lar' monev after ~iving ~:. t~ 't ·S.... ·d . J

J?arture. b10n~y ol~d~rs arJ.d re~is.te~-' The old Glass lIlill it is rumored you 5~ pe,pers for $2,00. ~~'Vt'he n't'hlc0 a oUh

1.11n a

hy ," u~e

$d lettprs. mu.c;t b~ al?pli~d for be£o~e " '[ • .1.0, e new scoo ouse III4: P. If.. . 11:s,~een sol~ to parties who wi~l ICE CREAM! 'rexas Pa~k, w<?uld be Dedicated. to

R,",. once repaIr the Sanle and run It \ .,. the worshIp of God. \Ve are In-. .. t:n \ The Iuadles @f'uhe l'ill. E. Church,

as a: CUS!¥}Ul, un . l. 0 0 , formed that the ll1atter of a formalQ,Z,ANNE & C~l~ S;r~f3.,J;. LJi'JE_ - "'---. \WIll gIve a Somal at Bonndl s ~all, . o. i_ •

"U:-' 't:.o£l')"'c.the largest and finest F·' E 0 (13th J ) All dedlratlo,n of a d.ljs.tno.t school houselotel:'~v.' ..' nday !,venulg une. 0 '.' 0

Dl~tn.nee and Time Ta.ble. stockof gent's-.9Ul1uner flannel shirts are (.~~rdiall invited to attend. 18. a practIce not],11 nc-ool'd .wlth theT,. C th d'l t 10 ':>0 I d d I tl 0 t 1. • th Y ,.. VIews of 111anv of the lTesldents of~eaves al' age al'y a :~ an un· ere 0 ··llng, 0 oe seen In e IC(;l cream and cake 3D c-ents a ..,;

'.... M. on arll~ul of Santa ]~e I te ··t Good lan Zi"'o-ll'.>r & Co t' the dlstnct. There can he no ob-In ory- ~, n ., -"-'):"0 v • cOtll}?le. . .. '. . 0

train. • . , Jection to any munster holdIng- re-From Carthage to Oz.anne's. Prospecting. continurls, steadily \ Arnold Ridg.ew~y has nOlW the ligiollS service in the schooT houete

Ranch, supper stntiQP 30\rni1es, at both the :North and South.Hon1e- finest sign on WhIte Oaks .Avenue. after permission by the proper offi-aT.rive at. 5' P. M.. stake n1ines. A few In.ore days In ftont of his pla(\e of buslnes8, he cers, but to de<.1Le·ate the s;\,me is

~zj)npe's,Ranph to. White Oak~,. will suffice to tell how SOOln.,. the, has erected a nlaUllnoth cross SIgn, . another l1Hllttel'. Catholic residt-nts.Breakffl.st stati9U. 60 mH~s. ar," WO InilIs will re-start. {calling the attention of .th~ public at sonle fu~ul'e tirne,. nlay ask toriYes at 6. A. M. ~ to his grocery f!stabllshment. dedicate school honsos in other

Wl\jte Oaks to Nog~J 17. ar..riv~ Kew Yorlt. JUIlf:h D.-At to,~<1·ays IUdgeway has a fine trade which is soctions of the territory, or countv..at 10 .A.. M. to For,t Stanton 1,8 ses~ion G£ the r\~fortn Presbyterian constantly increasing. (),ne denomination has as good -aI\~il~s,.1 P. 1\'1. Fort 8tap ton to Synod, in speaking of the influence G,oQ.f.;o t:. Rest, :right as another,and if theLln~011l10 miles, arrrhw ap4;:30 and power of the liquor intereflt, it I Poughkeepsie June 7.-.1fhe Rev. c1edic-ation of school h0luses is prac-

P. ~I. ()onl1ect~ with. buok\board says:. "On state occ,.'Lsions liquors L. Hatfield the'faul0DCl. ~~eiJhodlst Mced, it is establishing B; very badtP1" ROB.well and Se\'eu, Riyers. Cott.- , 0'

~,ects. a.t For,t Stanton £;()l,r. DU,i,dpso.. weight the tables preSIded over by d"· died here th1S morning. precedent.~ .l~,.. 'd t d h' 1dIvIne,. -----4'---V\'eed anell Penasco. Oon,rects;~ ~t our chrIstIan .p,re~I en a~ t l:

h~ f' He was one of the m0st noted rnin- T61U' C. Til()ts~}, of L.o'\v,er Pe..

~ogal for Bonito and P~rs£on~s·R()Yd· Our vice p:u~sla.ent goes 11n °b I.Sa 0 isbe:r;?s in the Unlon and exerG~1sed. naSCG has the mail contract fronbDonnectg at Whit\) Oaks OJ.' J3 I the flineatest excesg aud eSl es ., l .. th h· h ' .elou<1. q • 'I f great lntlnenee 1n .e c. UTC · Tularosa to Seven RIvera aQ.d will

lthis derives profit froln the sa e 0 ..~... . .'.~eaV'e! W4ite Q{iks<.for Carthage·. .,. . l.t ··1" "'I he owns Joseph Gl'eshaber. h~s g.ot back afford passengers accomnl0dQ.tJol\

5:30 P. ~r., ar:-ht~ at ()a!,rthage I Iq.lllord 0.n ~r~FJI y w 11.., 1.., . '1.UOH1. Old Mexico. '. 0n the route after th.e 1~t. of Julvo,

.1'1aO.p~ At... an: contrp..H. . .' •. . , .' ,"~p t'

; J~

t: . " ,1 ''', "

"'kiN •. , zr dWt Nt,,/., TdWHUiWij"?i"n -7.'5(""'. ,I. $ " ". ,





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-------------- ---------~~


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(jODie One" (jOD1l~ All'.






~\\ ;. ria;~'~;:!1b.~ uv;:}J ~. . w'll

IVeVeJi9 sinee the episode 0:£the chel.~ry tree b.a~tllere~been

ili~ •

such a cut as we are Dlakiua:on allonr winte:l- .-emainder§oIt has 'to be done to clear outthe lineG

We love to be liberal, but hater4t~ lose.In thist:case we must pocket the loss.

It's aLGrand Ohance, come and prioethe G()od~o


'..! .. !: ..

~... .



. .





Fort Stanton, N. M.--52



~ )


---.....-- ..


Po t.! iJ

O))erate, lViU Sbe Do It.

Fl'om the N~w Mexican of J~ne lOth.







THE WIlI'.rE 04,I..S PItOU""nILITT gold, silver, coppor and leftd , slfp­

erb forests of tinlber and a farmimgHe~ Bailway PltOjcptli and. Theil'

and stock raising- regi()n unslHpass--St:ltus El I-a&o Called to Co-

ed in the whole west. "\Vhite OaksHan Pedro, Santa Fe and in factfor the 'whole range of Rocky Uloun­

\Vith reference to the EI Paso- tain country frOln Denver south noWhite Odks road the NEW ~{EXIO.AN line 'RO flU: sug:J!ested could be ofhas SOine ~rivate infornlation, only such very general benefit. I.Jet Elpart of which call now be lnade Paso act proulptly, as has Whi tepublic, and which would seenl to Oaks, and such a line will in allindicate that a brighter day for this probability be not long in material­enterprise is not far off. As for izing.'Vhite Oaks and its people they . _

have now done their fnll share and New York, .June 7.-It is repor-1110re toward straightening out the ted on reiiable authority that acOlnplications lOL1g 8urrounding general strike of building tradesthis underta.ldng, and it rests sole- unions will be ordered before thely with the people of El Paso to do day is over. Nearly all of the laborthe balanee. If they want to brin~ leaders are in consultation.the coal fields of vVhite Oaks and c-

the 11lines thereabouts within El There never was ~uch a need of aPaso's :each, they know how, or at general overhauling of postal affairs'least nlany of the leading citizens as exists at the present tiu1c in Newthere do. 'fhey must nlake the )Iexico. It would he well for hisnext move. The new arrangement highness Clarkson to Lake in Newtshoulrl it go on to succ~ss, conteln- Mexico on his tour. 'rhere is SOlne­plates a 1110ve also in which Santa thing radically wrong with the:Fe county i8 not f1little interested, systenl in this Territory, and itfor the idea. is to extend the load should be straIghtened oat.past \Vhite Oaks and up the l\Ian- -_.-.....-._-_.-zano valley to Sall Pedro, 'where it AD"IC E TO MOTJlER~:

is expectecl to cennect with the D. Mrs. "\Vinslow's Soothing Syrnp, hilS

&; R. G. systell1. soon to be ulade been usee} by mothers for children teeth-ing for ovor fifty )'en1'8 wIth perfect suo­

standard gauge throughout its cess. It relieves the little sufferer at\vhole length. In other words it is once, prouneE:1s natural, quic>.t flleep byintended to carry out Gen. Palnl.er's freeing the child from pain, and the little,original idea and bring Denver and cherub awakes as ~'bright us a buttol.l."and El Paso into direet rail con- It is vel'Y pleasant to tnste, f;oot~cs the

Ichild, softens the gums, allays pam, 1'e­l1ection. 11'ro111 El Paso to '\Vhite Heves wind, regulntes the bowels, ana isOaks it is 155 :niles, and {roin the best known remedy for di:u'rhrea,1,Vhite Oaks to San PedL'o is aboll t whether arising- from teething or other120 Iniles. The country threugh auseB. TW~)fity.fiva cent3 0. bottle.

which such 11 line wonld run is the l(oo--

fairest and richest in New .~Iexico. CITY BARBER SIIOP.1"0 section of the southwest can OSOAR DYER has lately placed in~qnal it for harel nnd soft coal, iron. fine shape, his barber shop, adj oin-

• ng the Little Casino, where he hasgood stock of razors, comfortab~cI

The "'Iorld Enriched. hair, clean towels, (.~c. Oscar IS

'rhefaciliticsofthcpresentdayforthe easonable in his charg~s, andJ?roduction of everything that will con.. hose "desiring a good olean sha,ye,duce to the material welfare and comfort air cut, or shampoo, can procureof mankind arc almost unlimited and he same at ~l.ny time.'when SJ'rup of Figs was first produced ---<)0-

the world was enriched with the(1onlyperfect la..'"i:ative kno'....n, as it is the only.remedy which is tru.ly pleasing and re..freshing to the taste and prompt andeffectual to cleanse the system gently inthe Spring time or, in fact, at any timennd the better it is known the more po~111ar it becomes.


, 'f

, .




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}.,..(~ .- \,

( '\t..I!



j. -"


holesale Grocers.

1m. 'p r 2&


A Spleuc]i(lly Illustrated Periodical at a. prioo Int.herto ueornell impossible'TilY I'i' FOR _1 YE.Alt.

It win be Illiberal eduoator to (jv~ry membor of tho household. It will maltathi~ night13 pass pleasantly. It will gIve you more for the money thnn you sanobtain in any othor form. .

Do you u:aat (t Flj·sf-clfiss illttgazine giving antu~ally1536l)((ges by tIle ablest u!rtfeJ's, u:ith more than 1500 'lll,.:~tt·a­

tions, lty tile clet't!rcsi aJ·isls-a$ 1'f(tcZable a ltlagazillc as1·n01tey or.ni ma7~e-a tnagazhtr. that makfs a sp~iatty oflllXJ $ubjecls. ?

t: The marvel is how the publ!shars can give so much for the mOlJey."--Phiat1elpbia Evc)Jing Call.

senu $2.50 to thi1i Offi00, and secure both the COSMOPOLITAN &-INTERP'!t.

DO ""'TO-c.:r ~E.AD


The Cheapest Illustrated Mothly in theWorld.

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THI~ COS'1(OPor~ITAN IS literally what the ]tleUJ }" ork Times calls it, r,AtIts price, the brightp.st, most varied, best edited of the ~Iaga7.iDQs.'

s-euscHruE-( AN TJNUSUAL OPPORTUN ITY)--suns(:IuHE.~'Olt ~H<~\\' ~iaIlS(~J:u.n1I!1R~, ~'()Jt O~E YI~A!t O~II..y

TIlE COf;:\fOPOLI'1:AN,por JNtr, ~~2. 4.0, Tug INTEln~nlLTEH~' ;', .. , $2.00The prices of the t \vo publicatiol1s $4.40'Va will furnish both for ~nly, $2,:50

This offt-·r is only to new snusc6perg to TJIl£ COtMOl'Ol,JT.!::-r nndonly for one yenr. •

,. It 11n8 more articles in eanh nllmbllr that are read:lblo, QDc:.l !(;'wer unin­tGresting pages than any of ita contcmpOl'nries:'-- BostOn Journal

•. ---..---..-'J ~_.


Wool, Hides and PelteRanoh outfitting a sp~cialt7t


"=HU:f\Go. 28 UNION'SQUAREJ.a:"(. SAI'tFh~c.. ~ILL. ~p,.TL.ANTA.GA.~CAL.~ISC!l

iT.I.CUI5.MO. QI\Lt.A5.Tl::X.

_ _.~ l'" .. ~ _ ..__•. _ ~ •• _


ILmllOer! LUlllOer!!II




(·1 347.)

20 Good Books Free13y special al'ro.ngomon~ wlt!.l thQ 1.!tlbl1l\h6:rt~ we llre

~nablod to oifer tue entire Hat or ~'wenty 'alunbl~;J!ooks cnumot'llted and d(~~l'ibel1 below, etl.lsolutt!lYfre~100 every Sll~i!Crl.ber to ttlill paper fQr t.he ~psulng ::rOllT'.~ the ff.I~ulEl.I· suhllGl'j ptl.O'n priHo, 1'hllf:Q l>oo~~, el\c1,mlO 01' WbloQ coutU.IUH II. complete fb·l1~·cla55 ~lo~'cl U~lj.)tber worl, by a weU·lmnw" 1t1l11 :pop~l:l.l' "nthQr, :110:pubHshorll.l:\ m!u,t pl~r..tJ;lhl11t fOl'm, pflnteu t'rtHll goOtt),'ou.(\ll.ble type on gooJ papcl', ll.U~ luapy or t~etn 111\11(}­~omely lllulltl'(l,ted. 1'110)" CODl!'rl:;o gomo ot the lluostWOl'ks eve1' wl'1tten b.r 1l0lUO or tho grolLt.ost ned moatpopular wrlt(.H'B, uotll rtf Alnu.L'!cb. AUU Suropo, ll:acb.pne 18 co~plceo lq Itself:

No.2J5. IUI'Il, Cq,tJlUO';IJ f"nl'tnln T.octnl'cs. By1I0('Gl.AS Jl~lt~,O:.u. Ve1'y old and VOl')' funny. The~o\lQlrel'UH well as older ~anern.tlonrthould read them,N,,"~U. 4..d,·eutur~'Kcurn llaebl'lOil'. Ily tho au·

thor ot .. Bljah neaupolo'i\ : ..d\"~uturoilin ~e'li York.".A.JI;·l·oat humo,'ous t,onk ll)' n populnl' I~\\tho[',

No. 2!B, ilqw to UnJL.c audSavc lUonet:v ctnt;!le Fal·m. A ":11 \lalile compllv,wm ot' ll.'\eful t'"C~,tJ[nt8 a.utI SI1!l'!;ost.\(m~ 1'01' farlUors 1l0l1 gcrl1euors,

~;(J. 2·17. JJt."Hn ~bc £~v'tb (:0 tlle 1(lQO:l. ..\';'(oval. nr ,'I:l.g~ YJ':l:sl~.

.No. 2JiJ. 'j'h~, l .. i: C10 Olrl ~!an a'f t1~Q Ba~IG'"p,1)llelll. ·A ~,,\"(\I. Br I~~lIl.t: G \I10nUl1.

1Ij'l).2,;7. A Olll1'lth·Ot!.~ V:Gmau. A :SolOI. B,~rll. A::'" S. clml'1I1;M. .

No. 269. 'l'ho 1.1:ll(l~n l"nll':i'::l D!'!clo. A ~jovol,JJy MA.lt:l.1,.,l:·i' l~l.Ol'~\l' •

No. 2;1. ~it~~ou D<.Ill'I:-l:ek'.lJ l)an;:htcl"• .\ Novol.;CyM. T. C.\I.DO:t.. No.2i2. 'I'he Dnl'OQ's Will. A ~ovel, llr SYL-"'ANUS COD:J1.11'.

rNo.2';'9. :lle ~Cfm 9ft lUchu~,l r~ll'(]on. Af.ov~1. By). L. 1· AltJEO:'l.~ro.~. Blackllh.·c1 n:m. At :~o'\"ol, ny ESTm:R

~1:lll,E K.c~;\'IHII.No. 2f3. 'I'he Gtuu'~iQ.utfJFlot. A. liovol. Vy

:pr..T. fl. RIJU!:-ISO-:.,!fo. :l·U. 'rila GJI'ny Falcon. ,A :-iovol. By M. '1'.

<:,A,t.l>on..No. 2m. The SOITo'W 01" a. 9coret. A Novol.

;py ~I"'RT e'E('l!. l1AY.No. 239. PN'CY' u.ud the Proullet. A. No~l.

:py WlI,lcm Glll.r.i~:~.No. 237. r.nl~ §tC)ry of':::!. Wed(tln= Rin.,! A

:Soval. lly the a.u thor pf II Doro. Tborl1~.". No. 231>' )Illftyn Wnre':i '.rcwl,t;~tlon. ...Novol. 13y ~lrA. 1,·;~a~\· WOOl).. No. 2.%. A ~ioite!"n CIU(lcl'~l1n,. A Novol. ~1~be autbor IIf" J)on~Thort1It."

'No. 2.'H. 'l'hc l:..lQ.n(ll"lu~ne. A Novel. ny M. T.¢}Al.1)o1t. •~o. 233. Tho ~ut~ GloVQ. ..\ :to\"'~!, Ul 0L.UU


_.l .-------~.---------






tJ·.:··.·······f :-'.. '

, ,1J

WINDOlVS, ETC.1"".'\.',.,'"'••""••~.0\., ••,..,...,"'''''.,,,#'",..'...1~''.' ..,..,...,.,..''',~.,.",.W'\ ..'""'.,"lII..P\••""""~..~,.,,,,.,••,..,"'...,""'''"''''~


BOABDIIG B() TEL,..A.:B: ~UE.,J?:rop:r1etor..

- ..

ttleala-served in first:clas8 style at aU hour·s. Charges reason-able ~lnd~good attention. Central :l00ation.


It is all' Ointment, of which a sltlall particle is appliedto the nostrils. Price, 5Oe. Sold by druggists or sentby ~il. Address. E. T. ~'l'tN~ W~t'en" Pa,




, ..... "; "

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" 1I


White OakR Avel1u~.





Good· Stock and Good Rigs •.

'lJU0 tho SMALL fUze (40littIc n'l\l1l11tothel>ott.le). 'l'UEr. Arm TIlE 110!T CONVtl]{IENT.

S'U.:Ii."tGI.bl.G :tc:>r all. ..A.g;oa.Pi'ice of' cith61' size, 25e. per Dottle.

It:I;"SIfj.GA'T'l..~1.10~·'PUOTO~RAVUR[~ " g, ,FA NlllL SIZE.~ ,)Idlod for 4 ctil. (ooPPor's 01" atAnl!>$),

J. f.SMITM &'Ca,M:iliersof",BILEl1lUNA'l/ ST.LOUiS MS.

To curo lXllommess, mek IIendnche, Consti­l}ation, Mahlri~, Liver ~aplaintsjtaka

the $n!e and cortain remody.Sll'4ItTS"S

Bll,: EANS'


Genera.l and NERVOUS DJmWTYr• Weakness of Body andMind, E'ffecte.

ofErroraorE:ceaseainOldorYouDB:Uobust, Noblo lUAN1,I00D mlly Uestor".ll., 1[0'" tlf C!lllal'fo .II~Strep8'thonWll:AK; VND£VELOl'KnmWANS&PAnTS OJo' nODJ.All60lutely aul'alllnr Ii0ME 'i'UEA.TMENT-Denl'fttil Inn d.,.if..n tl!5t1fy from 60 $tntcs and Foreign COuntri... \Trite them.~.:80rlptlYe nookJ,,!!pllnllUoll cud prool's matltoc!{sealed) free.Al1~~AJj tmlS ifRoDIQAb eo••. DUFf'A&.O, N. Y..


PARSONS OITY, N. M.Board by the day Ot· u.'eek, Table

supplied with the, best the 'market at..fOt'ds. Gsod'rooms, and ths best ~oJ

beds, Pri es reasnable.(}EORGE DILLARD, PROP.

Oharges Eeasonaole



Sold Everywhere.Office. 44 1l1Ul'l°UY St•• N~w York.


iiti~~nlflt~~ith~"t'Or.I)hlli~er, §tJ'(~..g"«....CI," thc (h~'estll'..e organs. regl1)u(:~S.tl.l@bowels, una are unequaled as UII" '.,.;,.

In malurill) clistri('tR theur l,'irtncH arewidely re(!og'nized~ns t.be:r IU)Ssess IU~C.nUnr In'operties in t'reeillg' tbcsystcm{'roln tbnt I)olson. }~le~i',lltJy HIIIS'",rcOl'ted. Dose SIDU.l1. 13 ricc, ~!:>cf.H.

Having discon~inuedbuBiness, Ihave placed all accounts in thehands of 'r. B. l\IcCourt for collee· .-.tion. J>arties owing me will con­fer a favor by settling, t:le 'SaUle.And all bills uue from llIe, plea~e

present for payll1ent to said rl'. B.l\IcCourt.....

'Ve will give as a premiulu tonew cash snbs01'ibers to the JNTEn-,

AgLE~i!D ON TIiIE TnA-CAli:. PltETER, or old subscribers who payA little child, tired of pIny. Imcl p1110wcd h!s

bl"nd on n. mflroad tl'nolt nnd fallen asleep. Up their arrears and subscribethotrnin WltS nhnost upon him when fL passiug'Btrang-cr ruslH~d fOr\vtU'd tUlU savC'd him from B anow, their choice of the four fol.horrible death. l>ol'hnps you nrc n51c.op on the ==. ..ten- ..track. too. You are, if you nrc neglecting tho An Atlanta. JJ,Utl"""H_i fSatl Conditi""n. lowing exc~llent paper:;, viz: Thebacking cough. tho hectio tlur;h, tho loss of J

npp(·tite, growing',. ,\{CnlmeSB nnd lassitudo, lIoME :\-IAGAZINE, published inwhich hn,o tmeoDaciously crl."pt upon JOU. dAvont two years ago a soreWnko up, or the tra.in wHl be upon youl \Vaihingt0n, D, C., (monthly) andConaumptioll, which thus Ineicliously fnstans canle on mY' nose. 1 called in aits, hold upon its ,'ictims while theY nro un-, conducted by l\Irs. John A. Logan,conscious Of ita npproaQh, muat be"taken in physician who could arrest it 'fortime. if it is to be oycrcome, Dr. Pierce's 1.'he Detroit FI'EE PRE 1Golden Medicnl Discovery bns cnred thou- only a few days, -,Yhen it would " :J • SS, a argesands of cases of this moat fntnl of maladies. week hr F'lnlily !)a e lIf taken in timc. nnd giycn n fail' trial, it is arJpear as bad as ever. Finally It . J' ( P r, a very va·gtI:!.ranteod to benefit or O\1re incycl'ycnse uable acquisition to the home cir-of Consumption. or money paid for it will be becanlc pernlanent and despite theprmnp.tlll refunded. ' de. rrhe PHILADELPIIAA PRESS

]'orWcnk Lungl!, Spfttjl'!g of Blood. Short- cor.stant attention of several phvsi- ,.ftesa of BrC'..ntb, BroIlcllltls, .Asthma, Severe I ..J an excellent kl dCpugha, and ldudred affectiona, it 18 an em- Clans it C0D til1tlC(l to grow wor~e" wec y newspa.per, e-Olent r~mcay. .. .. " voted to the gen(.\ral tGpics of the

Coprr1gbt, 1~ by WonLD'S DIS. )[ZD, .A.BS'No 1the discharge froBl, Lhe ulcer being; d Th Id· 1 ffi Th' aYe <t .lADlES' IIOl\.fE I\IAGh.ZINE

- ....21 • I excee lng y 0 enSlYO. IS was hI) b' . : '

~1~· I TI1Y condition when I cOHlnl~llCed (n~on(;, r . pu hsh?d 11~ Plnladel-

·.···:··~$500 REWARD \ t k:\ S 'ft' ~ 'fi (8 ~ S) pIlla. rhIS,lUagaglne IS conceded6j,;' ~ffi"'jiii'mJI to ·a e .- \VI S ... peOl lC '.), ~ • b

..., . ' b th 1 t I to c one of the very best~," )l'~:. otrerea for an a' out one ll10n aGTo, Hl am now .~. . 31. ;': incurable cnso of Catarrh in r-... Either of the above will -bc it •

. '" the Head, by thb proprietors happy to say that afte!' taking four . d . .' Ifof Dr. Snge's Cntnrrh R('Dledy. Only 50 ccnt& d nIshe WIth the INTERPRE'rER ~Gold b7 drugfiiJits everywhero. \ large bc,lttles of Jour WOll erful .,. , lor---------------- ~ ll1edicine nly nose is entirely well,: $2,00 p~r anTIU111, in advance.

land my general health is better _,~ 0._Itha.n it has been in ten veal'S."I ~IRS, L'C'CI~DA R1:SII, A:tlaJ~ta, Ga,

Swift's Specific (S. S. S,) curpdme of a blood taint that had tl'oub-

lIed 111e for years. I cvnsider itwithout an equal.

J.As. SU3:RWOOD, Nashville, Ill.Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases

mailed free. ,SvVIFT-SPECIFIC CO.,

Atlanta, Ga.

1\ \. "

"". 'l.

















The LIncoln County Democratic :Wonderful Fle.sh Producer.Ccntral Comn1ittee, repl'esenting I Many ~:ve galned one pound

. " per day bY,'ltS use.the LegIslative DIdtrlct con1posed Scott's Emulsion is not a sooretof the, cOllnties of Lincoln, Chaves I remedy. It,"contains the stimulat..

. h · ti f th H h 1f3l£"ERINnand Edd,y, having nlet In t e town lIng proper es 0 e ypop os.. I"E E~GJJ,j;I.A·"'b '-O..-t'Q:ms."W", A '1 23> d 1890 1 IJhites an-El pure. Norwegian Cod 4.E! J,," ...... LI'»-~

of Ltncoln on DrI· r, ) las L' 0'1 t" L~ f both \\"INI~G~J• . Iver 1, lle polA:Sncv 0 ""l l°<i

appuin~ed Thursday, August 21s~; being' largely incren.sea It is used e/IS TIrE B~T IanHWtl P./JER IN tfllE WfiRLl!.'·1890, as th~ tilne, and, selected. by Physicians all over-the world. Every MmGl' or M,ctr..UlU'gict, nnd Every I:l~thetownofRo~well as the place PALATAB~E AS MILK. inKlnes8houldlLGe.dIt.

ld' . th D' t . t OJ t' S bit Contnins OVQry thing ~f !nt~t'o~t nnd ·"Mt1e in tuh1--for ho lUg e IS rIC ·onven 1011. ouZ y an DJ4ugg S s.. tng o.nd metallurgy. Thfol fuUoat minil1g MOWIS.

Tha purpose of said convention ..!.COTT &, BOWNE. Chemi5ts;.N..y.~ ~~~~ost cool,'motal, nnd wining' stock IIUl<,~oot

h 11 b . tl . t' f 'd" ' $4 /), year for tbo U. 8" Cnnaoo, nnd Mcx~co. ..a. a e 1e non11na Ion 0 can 1- The~orm.on Elders' B,0,ok l' N IFIO PUBL18RING 00.da' thS "'8 .cO'llows" I' on SB 11.1 Mtl'(m~th, maUl'l\' fret' to nlllrI'ied 1 ~H!!!OI~~__ .: nl"~. Nuw YO'.. .

00 '-". J.I •. ' :DIeD( a. 1", B. Crow:h" m Qrl1.1ul st.. oNe':; "f'ork. ,.. - &:l ... .......... -

Al~ good citizens desiro~sof con·tributing to a responsible adminis­tration of county affairs, arc cor-

ldially invited to join llS in sendingdelegates to the County Convon·tion,JONES TALIAFERRO, \V. 'S. RYAN,

Secretary pro tenl. Chairman,

~ :a:'S J: N'r.r'.s' a;'~;'.S.~T·:E:"'-av;r:~c". "~'~."i .~~,:.,

," 1 :C;{:.' '.' "_' ,..'f! ··!!It to J .' --.-, " !, ",' .. ~ ,M;: ALi .Utft; .DC,") .', ';" "lYH\' . .~" ~ ..... '!\oS::.! ',] <!: , ~~' .

C.entral Committee having~ met. in One"candidate Io'rthe Terr-U\')flal ',., .."-I'S",,;P:aulMayer,tHe town of Lincoln on April 23rd, Asse'mbly.!'::",,:~, .

•1890, ha5 -appointed, Thursday,· Said COllvention ~hall elect dele·August 14th, 1890,. as the time, and gates fro'ln the.. respective cou~tiesselected the town'of Lincoln as the to :the Territorial convention. . ANTI-BILIOUS i\'E'QICINE•. 'pla:ce for holding the County Con· rrhe' respective ~ounties shall beventl'on. allowed delegates to said DIstrict

The· purpose of said convention· convention as follolYS.. _ J

shall be the nonlination of candi-:-' Lincoln COl:inty, 14 delegates.da~es as follows: Chaves " 7 "

One cadidate for Probate - Judge1

~ddy .'.7 "" " " " Clerk '1 he several countIeS ,are urged to" " " A ' luaiiltain their party organisationssessor .

Sheriff and to contribute their support in

T ' encouragenient of party fealt1.r.. reasurer, . . "C JOlTES TAL!AFERRO. \V. S. RYAN,

oroner, '. .. ."8 t P 11' S h 1 Secretary pro teDl. ChaIrman.

~ up. U) 10 C 00 S, ...-:::_.__

1."hree County COllllnissioners.The election of 14 delegates to

the Legislative District Convention.The selection of ta County Cen·

tral Cona,mittee conlposed of onell1eluber fronl each precinct.

The lnernbers of the CelitralCommittee for Precincts 1-2-3-4-6-8-9-11-12-13­15and 16 respectively, are direet·.eel to give due and tinwly notice 111their respective precincts for theliolding, at a certa :.n thue andplAce therein, on Sahurdny, August2nd, 18~n, prhuary conventions forthe purpose of selo(~ting delegatcsio said county cOllventioH.

The said precincts shall be al­l(),ved f)ne delegates for evcry 20'Votes, anti lor fractions (,f 10 or overeast for the Denlocratice:tndichrtu for(lelegate to congress in 188~, btlteach precinct shall' be entitled toat least one delegate, as follows:Prec't No.1-Lincoln 8 dd.

" "2-San Patricio .. 2 "" "0 R 'd 2 "0- Ul ORO •• ,."

" 4-Picacho .. , ... 4 "" 6-Las Tablas, .. 2 "" 8-\Vhitc Oaks" 9 "" 9-Upper Penasco 4 ""11 1-


ocfal 2 ".-1' 0 •••...•.

"19 B ·t' 4 "...- onl 0 ., .••..

" 1S-Red Cloud .... 1 "" 1n-Lower Penasco 1 "" 16-\Vced, , ..... ,4 "

f . r

; j,

, ,


, j,






I \ .li i·';

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II11H ! .

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IJ"{~ ifl\~ ~ ••~I1Sau J,331.....

',Joc'lutf E.tOlfi .1q-nltotl ptm llA\Ottl['T[OA\ em 10 8J9t(sUqud 0ttL .

·.\'IXaa!\ mlOl. !\:iN:

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30VIN 1I3A3 113:1:10 1839918


-'lIqt 6 'ttBJI')~

~OTrr, "~rrOtrT t ]{()()« 10 9Zrg '''~ttOnI 'tOlxg ojfud:JO GSI8-f1o:f'lld st9t '.loQ1W( tt{ \UlUoq '.(.lUUOII-31«( w•.laJ"qaA\ ;0 nonnlO OutOfJ\ltlV11 u puu9Q1ncm 'la.lfn JOS .1odud .:limn 'l)Tml"'lwd 'Sgt)Jl'.1>11 A1nr Ol l)tms 1fiM. A>:l1LL 'gumJU(~Jcl JO A.lO$

'1II t( lUn U( IIBtOU\uutIuu III ~tl'l J.\)JIQ uv ,9~UI

O"l' .,rt.h.C FREEDES".' Tel-«IHOpC!'. In

'." iii the world. Our fildll .uro/" ., unrqual..d. a"r1 to InlrothlCe our,. . atttlpnor food. we''I'I"ltI ...·ndFJlHz:

." to ONE J>Jt~~()]I( in ClArk l<>e"lIt,..• ,_ a.' abon. On)1 th".l1 wlw write

. t" \I.,at onrt! eAR mnl.c HIre 04tbe ch:l1\tl&. AM Y""t hR\'C In.lo \QI'l'ttlm is to .b",y out' p'",,,k totho". ""lln MIl-roar Dl'lll'hbnl'laD.I tbC>H N'""nd ,."11. Tho \l(!'.

. rtnRhtj:' ..t 11&1" nclnl'lb('tl\I'flCHOWS tbe .1'1\1\11 etld ••t t.ho w~­

acop4I. Tbo foUowlllr cut glv.. the 0tlIMAmnc41 01 it 1'IIdtlOltd to

rhe~rmon Elders' BOok. on & all:itreJ1gth t .111:\I1M trl!tf to marti;'rl

men, ~ 'e L\ It CrollchJ 2tl'~ Ul'll.lld St•• New ¥oS





BIg$ ht\figive.. uBI,.....sal eaUstaOtton, In $be(lt~l'C! ot Oonorrhma an4Gl"t. I Prescribe Sind!eel sate In~~mend.lUll it to all sulferen.

A. J. STONER, M.D..Decatur, III.

PRIOE, $1.00•8014 by Dra~18ts.






Cata.logtlca on applloo.tlon, FREE.


Settlers or those seeking homes oremployment in any porUon of the conn­try will find descriptions and informa­hon of all sections in TilE W1l:STERNWORLD, ILJJus'X)UTED, pubished at Chi­tmgo, Ill., at tho very low price of 25cents a year. The bnautifnl illustrationsof different industries and interestingscenery are alone worth ten bmes theprice of a year's subscription.



Ho.s nttalned n standard of exoeo1lence whiehadmits of no suporior.

It contnlns every improvement that Inven..tive genius, ~klll and monoy can produce.

This is one of the most comprehoDsivebooks ever presented, and 1S issued bythe same publishers. It gives all Gov­ernment Land Laws and all informationrelatIng to the satue; also all Patent,Postal and Pension, uli well as all Use­ful informantlon relnting to the Govern­ment. It gives a colored map of everyState and Territory, including Alaska,with Hh·torieK of the same ftom f)arliesttimes, and all such inf?rmation with re­gard to laws as is most desirable for sot­tI.era to know. It also gives a desCl1p­tion of every natiora in the world, withall the most important facts in relationto the "ame. In addition it contains aperfect encyclopedia of useful facts andinformatIOn which C011ld hardly be foundin tin, other on~ hundred books. THE

GUIDE AND HAND-Boolt is printed onfine paper with good type, contains 400pages. ·and is mailed to any part of theworld for 50 cents-

By"pecial arrangAments. orders canbe forwarded to tho publishers of thispaper for either of the above, whioh willbe promptlY filled; or we will E1end boththe above and a copy of THIS l'UBLXdA.

. '1'1 'N one )'cnr for only e~¥o.





; •.-

•18, a new.furnished


.Wm. Gallacher, Prop.WH ITE OAKS,


:A.genb wanted m Lincola Co. Monov in the bU$inoss. Ad~ress for termr,.The New Home Sowing MnchinA do., 725, 7\I.u'ket St., San FrAncisco, Oal.

This HOTELstructure and isout with new funiture.rooms are well 'supplied with clean antioomf'9rtable beds, and provided withlight and ventilation.

Table supplied ~ith the best the MARKET Affords.Every eare taken of and attention paid to the wants of Transient ·Guests.



Oontraots taken for all kinds of Mason work, Plastering &0.Oonftt~uotiGn of Adobe Buildings, Cisterns and Reservoirs, A

Specialty. Satisfaction Guaranteed.Bonds wlll be given. for the faithful performnDc~ of contract~.-- ---,-------,--_._.._~_.._-- ----

Thi3 is the short line.to and {rnlpoints east to 'Vhite·Oaks, Ft.St,anton, Lincoln, and 'all stage sta..tiona tn Lincoln .County. ., 010rJ8da,yJight conp.ections are m~de by.stages tound "frOM, above pointllwith tr~ins from. Cllrthage,Engleand Las Oruces, which have through

.sleepers to Kan~as' crty, CbicagQ~St Louis, and New York, withoutchang~ , .

Connection is made at Albuquer­que with through trains for all Oal..ifornia points. These trains ar­unsurpassed in Dlodern improve...menta with luxurious day coachesand emi~rant sleepers, the latterunder the management of the Pull­man con1pallY, are furuished withelegant curtains and elean beddingat a slDall cost per night. -

Shippers will find it greatly totheir advanblge to consign allfreight "itt. the Santa Fe rout.e, asaving ot from three to five daystinle w'ill be gained from all easternand northern cities.

-~-P:w~GB~ELL~--':COE~E YEA» _ ~~i:I~~h~1;a?~~~~!e~~}1~~These cxoollcntOrgans nra oclobrntcdforvol- br(.)akn ge and delay.


1umo, quuJity of tono qUick l'oopOnS0t va.riety rl 11 ttl' t

t \{ ~t' I &B'In cfcomblnntlon,nrtistlcdesfgn,l\oautyinllniBh, va on neares agen lor ra PS

rCac lca 1. IJ,'iC1.Oll, 011 ractoI1 . UI er. ~fi;~;t1v~~~~~~~fdl~~\~;ir~~l~O;~~~~~; and infOl:nlatioll, or address C. II.Ul~ h~mea,achools,ohurohcstlodges,sociotlos,ete. :Mol'chouse, Division Freight andESTA:BLISIIED REPUTATION. Pasl!ienger Agent 14'1 Paso. 'rexas.






I, '

, '",.'~~,

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, "


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