THE HERALD. Secret and Fraternal. Jefferson Lodge No- 140, A. F & A. M-, eels Thursday night on or before the first full moon in each month at 7 o'clock. M. K. Ward, Secretary. Soooha Lodge No 16C, K. of P,m.*ets the 1st an'l 3rd .Monday nights in each mon'h, at 7 o'clock. A. A, Hamm tek, Secretary. .Scootia (lamp No- 74, W.O.W., meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month, at 7 o'clock. J. W. Carter, Clerk. Scooba Lodge No. 2435. K. of II meets the 1st nnd 3rd Tuesday nights of each month, at 8 o’clock. D. E. Turner, Retiorler COUNTY NEWS. Flo war Seeds at M. E Ward’s. Early gardens are being planted. 1 Col. Jarr.es IL Duke left Monday for New O.leans. Mnmn nnnrKt.l rnnairu ara Ktiintv morlo t to the Presbyterian manse property. Mre. M. A. Stewart left Sunday for Mobile, to enjoy the Mardi Gras festiv- ities. See notice of called meeting of Tbos. H. Woods Camp, U. C. V., in another column. The Kemper Herald and the Mem- phis Commercial-Appeal (weekly), one year for $1.25. We are pleased to note that Mr. Al- lan Adams is able to resume his posi- tion at the depot. Mr. John Floore, of Shuqnalak.repre- eentr g Mrs. T, C. Edwards, transacted bu* ess in Scooba Monday. Mr. A. W. Douglass spent several days of Uet week in the neighborhood of his old home in Noxubee county. Wanted.-Two salesmen in each State; $50 and expanses, permanent position. Pknicxs Tobacco Works Co., Penicks, Va. Messrs. Charles Quarles and Walter Bethany left Sunday night for Mobile, where they are enjoying the gaieties oi thj carnival. Popular Sara Stuckey, well known throughout the county as a horse-Jro- ver, was here this week with a car-load of hones and mules- * Chancery Clerk Sum O. Bell and Cir- cuit Clerk James H. Adcock were here 1 Thursday night last, en route home from a business trip to Meridian. Mr. Morgan Blair, a prominent drug- gist Pickens, Miss., spent several days of last week with his sister, Mre. R. A. Hammock. He left for borne on Sunday. Do yon want a daily paper? If so read the offer of the New Orleans Item. You are not likely soon to have an op- portunity to get u good daily papert as cheap as this. Mr. Wirt Adams has concluded to stay at home for a season, and is filling the position in J. Q rariea’ mercantile establishment formerly held by his brother James. The publisher of this paper has a scholarship iu the Georgis-Alabama Business College, located at Macon, Ga., which he will dispose of on reasonable terms* Write us. It is amazing the number of people who will take and read a newspaper for one year, two years or longer, and then treat a bill for subscription thereto with silent contempt.” Do ycu belong to that class ? Messrs. R. A. Ilammack, representing Jefferson Lodge No. 140, and T. W. Adams, representing DeKalb Lodge No. 61, are in Greenville this week attend- ing the meeting of the Mississippi Grand n luge, A. it. & A. JY1. We regret to note by the Shuquglak New Era that our good old friend Wm. Kellis, Esq., of Sbnqualak, is again quite ill. We trust bis ailment is not of a very serious nature and that he will be all right again in a few days. i The best physic. “Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.” save William A. G'rard, Pease, Vt. These tablets are the most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic in use- For sale by M. E. Ward, druggist. Mr. John E. Evans, of Tomolo, has been relieving his brother, Mr. D. B. Evans, of his duties as section master oq the M. 0. during the serious ill- ness of the latter’s little boy. We are pleased to state that the child contin- ues to improve. Mrs. W.C. Ballard returned Saturday from Meridian, where she had been helping to nurse her sister-in law, Mrs. * John Lipscomb, who has been quite ill. MiBsSadye Ballard, who has been clerk- ing in Bars well’s book store, accompa- nied her mother home. Mr, M. E. Ward was called to Sbrock, Miss., last week, on account of the dealh of hie brother-in-law, Mr. H. F. Shrock, and the illness of his mother and sister with pneumonia. While regretting the loss our friend has auetained in the death of Mr. Shrock, we are pleased to learn that the ladies are on a fair way to recovery. V Mr. I). L. Turner bad quite an experi- ence on his recent trip to New Orleans. Mr. Turner left here about tbe middle of fast week with a car-load of cattle. In the beginning be was late iu getting off, and when he got to Meridian he found the bars between the anima s down and his charges piled promiscu- ouslyone on top of the other. This ne- cessitated unloading and reloading, and while doing this one cow was found to near to death that it bad to be left be- hind. Then the train on which he w< nt into New Orleans was six Pours behind time, so that he practically- missed Saturday’s market. Altogether Mr. Turner had troubles of his own, and while he is not the man to indulge in profanity, we’ll wager a nickel tha he thought pretty hard once or twice during his trip. Messrs. Raymond and Burt .Stuart are ; spending the winter at home and ar. putting in the time in a manner worthy the emulation of every young man. Turongh a big correspondence sciiooi at Scranton, I'a., the one is taking a course iu architecture and designing, and the other a course in contracting. These two young meu have evidently made up their minds that there is room at the top of the ladder, and as oppor- tunities alwa.'s pieient themselves to I thoso .who hustle after them, we pie- diet that they will achieve succese. Mr. G. T. Ilunnicutt, who since the first of the year has been working a gang of Italians, Hungarians, Pol-s and what not on the Mississippi Central Railroad, between Hattiesburg and Sil- ver Creek Junction, spent several days I of the past week at home. Tip” gives I a glowing account of that section of the State, and will probably shortly move his family to Ba&eficld, his headquar- ters. Mr. Bill Ashford, formerly of ihits section, is working with Mr. Ilunnicutt. We have sent out a larga number of subscription bills and, owing thereto, we have received a large number of “kicks.” The kickers generally com- plain that their bills are incorrect. We would Btate, for the information of all interested, that these bills are made out from the book turned over to us by the former publisher of the paper, and that that is all we have to go by. We shall be pleased to rectify all mistakes, as we are anxious to get the list correct. Elsewhere in this issue will be found the professional card of J. B. Mooney, physician and surgeon, who has again located in Scooba. Dr. Mooney prac- ticed here for a number of years and tae writer, beiDg a new-comtr, can not say anght of him that the readers of Ihk Hekald do not already know He haB an office at M. E. Ward’s drug store, and we bespeak for him your kindly consideration. All that was mortal cf the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Adams, of Whin- tier, Ala., was brought to Scooba Sun- day evening and interred in the ceme- tery on the south side of town. The mother, who is a siHter of our townsman Mr. Robt. Stewart, is Sick and w?a una- ble to attend the funeral. The sympa- thy of our people goes out to Mr. aod Mrs. Adams in their bereavement. Mr. John C. Lipeomb, after a pleasant sojourn of a couple of weeks with his sister, Mre. C. T. Douglass, left Sunday for Sawyereviile, Ala where he holds a good position. Mr. Lipscomb gave us to understand that he hoped to return about the first of May and locate per- manently in th’s section. We regret exceedingly to learn that Miss Lolita, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenbaum, is coc- | fined to her bed with fever. We sin- cerely trust no dangerous comp'icatious will arise and that she may be blessed with an early recovery. We still have that scholarship in the I Macon and Andrews Business College- If von h flv’fl A hftw nr nrirl nrK.tm wish to give a thorough business edu cation, it will be to your advantage to communicate with us. We are sorry to learn that our good old friend Jr. W. E. Pearson has been confined to the house recently with cold. We learn he has recovered with much satisfaction. Mr. Anthony Kerr, who has been at home sick for the past couple of weeks, j has returned to his studies at the A. & M,, at Starkville. Services at the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, morning and night. Onion Setts at Ward’s drug store. Attention, Comrades! There is a called meeting of Thos. H. Woods Camp No. 1180, U. C. V., to be held in DeKalb on the first Monday in March. We urge upon you, comrades, i to turn ont. and take a part in the meet- ing, as there will he some very import- ant business before the Camp. A. H. Morse, Comm. J. W. Smith, Adjutant. February 13 h, 1804. Another Case ok Rheumatism Cubed ! by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm The efficiency of Chamberlain’s Pain ! Balm in the relief of rheumatism is be- ing demonstrated daily. Parker Trip- lett, of Grigsby. Va., save that Cham- berlain’s Pain Balm gave him uerma- nent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by M. F. Ward, druggist. i When Yor Have a Cold. Tne first action when you have a cold should be to relieve thu lungs. This is beat accomplished by the free use of Cha.ober'aiu’s Cough Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lui gs, produces a free expectora- tion, and opens ihe eecretions. A com- plete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in teas Mma than any other treatment, and it leaves the system in a natural aud he&lthy condi- tion. It counteracts any tendency to- ward pneumonia. For sale by M. E. Ward, drfiggiet, nScoooa, Miss. To My Husband. The following lines were written by Mrs. J. C. Ellis, of Binnsville, and dedi- cated to her husband, who is in charge of the Methodist Churches in this cir- cuit. We consider them very pretty: As you travel both to and fro Aud seed for the dear Master sow, May you ever bv faith sen Tne hand of Jesus leading thee. Bo no* worry, hut simply trust Tne Father, who is kind and just. And know as you yonr children lovo Your Heavenly Father doth yon love. And He can do far more for you Thau you can for you children do. Then ask Him, as yonr son does you, Relieving He will do for you ; Aud all yon need He’ll freely give— Ail that is needful while you live. And when your race on earth is run And your work for the Lord is done, He’ll bear you up, on wings of love, rn __ j\ai uiouro iu me nuuiy nuuvi. Better Than Gold. “I was troubled for eeveral years with chronic indigestion and nervous debili- ty,” writes F. J Green, of Lancaster, N. H. “Noiremedy helped me until I be- gan using Electric Hitters, which did me more good than all the niedicint-8 I ever need. They have aleo kept my i wife in excellent health for years. She I says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female trounlea; that they are a grand tonic and iavigorotor for weak, run-down women. No other medicine | can take its place in cur family.” Try | them. Onlv 50c. Satisfaction guaran- I teed by M. E. Ward, druggist. j For Thirty Days Free to Our Subscribers. The Southern Farm Gazette is pub- lished at Starkville, Miss., where the Agricultural College and Experiment Station are located, and is qdited by men who write from their store of ex- perience in a practical, common-eenso way. It contains 64 columns and is is- sued semi-monthly. It is the only farm journal published iu Mississippi, and ought lo be read by every farmer. We will give the Southern Farm Ga- zette free for or.e year to every deiin- i quent subscriber that pays the amount i due us within thirty days. Don’t fail j to pay us by March 12 ,li next, and re- ceive thia journal for one year as a present. Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway, almost ending fatally, | started a horrible ulcer on the leg oi j j B Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all rente I dies. But Bucklen’s Arnica Salve had ! no trouble to cure him. Equally good | for burn®, bruises, skin eruptions and I piles. 25c. at Watd’s drug store. I ___ In ami Around DeKnlb. From the Southern Star, Feb. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Mat BrutOD, of the Pleasant Ridge community, ate rt join- ing over the arrival of a duo boy baby. Mr. Iienrv Shot.ts and wife, of Mt. Nebo, are delighted to know that a tiew comer has made its appearance at thtir" home. Mr. A. C. Currie, of Enondale, died at his home Sunday night. Mr. Currie was one of our county’s brainiest citi- zens, a grand man and a brother of Dist. Att-y. Currie. Peace to his asheB. The t wenty vear old son of Rev. J. H. Foreman, of Daleville, went suddenly insane last week. The cauee is said to be attributed to .hard study and the ex- cessive use of cigarettes. He was placed immediately in the asylum at Meridian. Trie Star extends its sympathy to this good family iu ita t fH.ciion. Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King’6 New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazv organs they compel good digestion and head off cons.ioation. Try them. Only 25 at M. E. Ward f, druggist. Subscriptions iteccived. Since our last issue we have received and herewith acknowledge subscrip- tions from Toles—J. W. Toles, $1.00 Spinks—G. G. Gay, $2 00; H. C. Hud- son, $2 50. Moscow—M. D. L. Parkins, $1.00. Stella—M. W. McDaniel, $1 00. Dim mitt, Tex.—J. E. Turner, 50c. Gholsun—Gilbeit Clark, $3 00 Mt. Nebo—R. D. Shotts, $3 00. Giles—J. E. Stuart, $1.50. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets A 1 druggists refund tbe mone> if they fau to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. Next Monday will be Washington’s Birthday—a legal holiday. --•-*—$- WANTED! —SEVERAL PERSONS of character and good reputation in each Slate (one in thiecounty r< quired) to represent and adver;ise old estab- lished business house of solid financial 1 standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with 1 expenses additional, all payable in cash direct every Wednesday from head of 1 Sees. Horse and carriage furnished 1 when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. ..I , ffW^BlMBIMf WIUINOCft, n SM*U. not LIVE by Bpe CAIRO III >vHe alone; but uip -*-A\l KO, I LL. b«H*S‘e7XV WINTER WHEAT, MILLERS, “£ST FLOVJ* HAY, CRAIN,SALT. ^VLPn BEST CORN MEAL. I j ^ j^anufadured ^ 0^ JAMES H.DUKE. AGENT. Mliidav*"" scooba.miss. WANTED—FAITHFUL PERSON to travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. local territory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses addi- tional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Posi- tion permanent. Business enccesslnl and rushing. Standard House, 330 Deatborn St., Chicago. 12-26t WANTED—t-PECiAL Representative in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advertise an old estab- lished husines? bouse of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weeklv, with ex- penses, advanced each Mcndav by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address Blew Brothers, 23-8t 000 Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111. W ANTED’ A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or lady in each county to manage business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight bona tide weeklv salary of $1S 00 paid by check each Monday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses Enclose addressed envelop-,,'- Manager, 300 Oax- ton Bldg., Chic „o. 6-26t chancery sjmmcns. -i-%* The State of Mississippi, To W. S. Tonnsand: You arp commanded to appear before ihe Chancery Court of the County of Kemper, in said State, on the 4th Mon^ day of May, A D. 1904, to defend the suit in said Court ot M. J. Tonnsand, wherein you are a D^fendam. Tins 2nd day of February, A. D. 1904. 24-31 Sam. O. Bell, Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, L;iml Office at Jackson, Mipg., January 19, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof wiH be made before tbe Chancery Clerk, Kemper County, at DeKalb, Miss on March 3, 1904, viz: Mary Jane Overstreet, H. E. No. 32,895, for the N E J of S. E. j and 8. E. | of N. E. S«c. 15. Tap. 12 it., K. 10 E of Choctaw Meridian- She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. Jenkins, of DeKalb, Mississipp', W. W. Bethany, John Stennis and Deb Sten- nis, all of Skipper. Mississippi. Frkd W. Collins, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. D pari ment of the Inferior, Laiui Office at Jackson. MIpp., January If), 1904 Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in eupport, of her claim, and that said proof will be made be»ore the Chancery Clerk, Kampor County, at DtKaib, Mias., on March 4, 1904. viz: Margaret M Tate. H. E. No 31,217, for the N. E Sec. 1, Twp. 12 N., R. 16 E. of Chuctaw Meridian. Sue names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said iaud, viz: George Duck and William Turner, noth of Shu- qualak, Mississippi, W. A. Madison and Jim West, Jr., both of Skipper, Miss- issippi. Fnen W. Collins, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at, Jsq^son. Mi°p., January 23, 1904. Notice is hereby given t’hu the fol- lowing named setlier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- port of his claim, and that said proof j will be made before th« Chancprv Clerk, Kemper Countv, at DeKalb, Mias., on March Sth, 1904. v;z: Deb Steams, H. E. No 33 536, for the N- W. i of N E. 1, Sec. 22, Twp. 12, R. 16 East of Choctaw Meridian. lie names th fnllnurinut witnaDaoa fn I prove his continuous residence upou and cultivat'on of paid land, v’z: A. I-nkinp, of DeKalb, Mips ss'npi, Kobe Welsh, Floyd Lyn'on and lidlie Cole- man, all of ^kipper, Mississippi. Fkkd W. Collins, Register. Notice for Publication. D-psrtment of the Interior, Laud Office at .fscfeson. Miss., February 6, 1904. No!ice is hereby given that the iol- ! owing named settler has tiled notice of; ier intention to make final proof in lopport of her claim, and that esid hoof wdll be made before tiieCianeery Jlerk, Kemper Conn'y, at DeKalb, dies.. on March 21,1904, viz: Jndv Dozier, widow of Robert Dozier, d. E. 10,010 for the. E. i of 8. W. J, Sec. 19, i w-p. li K., R. 18 East of Choctaw i deridian. She names the following witnesses to ; >rove her continuous residence upon ind cultivation of said land, viz: Qnam ackpon, Fly W. Wimberly, Sam Dozier ind John Callahan, all of Scooba, Miss*1 ssippi. : Fkkd W. Collins, Register. Subscribe lor the Herald. j I W. A. NALL & CO., I Fire Ins. Agents, Meridian, Mississippi. i _ _ I Gin Insurance a Specialty. pwAAf. wmmmmmmmm* mm Ward’s Drug Store! j*j|j W o state without fear of contradiction £j* that next to a new dress the housewife would 2|£ lather have jj| A MTIC33 XiAXIliP I 11 to light up her room and cheer up the old man on his coming in at night. ij | It you want to see that broad smile from * £ the old man, just try one of my Lamps. Lamp Goods, etc. Jd. E. WARD, Proprietor. Neville and Wilbourn, ATT0BN3YS AT LAW. Hamm Building. Meridian, Miss. Branch office in Scooba, Mins. A member of the firm will be in Scoobe every Saturday. Ethridge & Clark, A TTQRNE YS -AT-LA W, DEKALB, MISS General law practice i" all the Courts of Mississippi Special atten- tion given to legal writings and collec- tiohs. J. E. Tinsley, DENTAL b URGEOA, SUOOBA, MISS. Offers his professional services to the people of Kemper County, All kinds of dental work done ncatly and prompt- ly Satisfaction guaranteed. T. M .TANnT Attorney-at-Law, DeKalii, Miss. Will practice in al. che courts tr «... temper uuu UUJOimU!C couu ties. WM. KELLIS, ~ A TTORjYE Y-A T-LA ft , S11UQUALAK, MISS. Will practice in the Courts of K'm- p°r, Voxufcee a^d »Hj ininB counties. T. W. Brame, ATTOENEY-AT LAW, MACON, MISS. Special attention given to any bus ness in Keinper ■■■■» m-Ta Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it Dr. King's i New Discovery Fnr f'ossrMFTios p ro’l OU.IIS und J."1'* _VOLDS 50c & 11.00 A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles. Money back if it fail*. Trial Bottles free. I 'FEMALE I | WEAKNESS !i | 642 1-2 Congress St. KI f Portland, Maine, Oct 17,1902. gfl | * consider Wine of Cardui superior M 1 yny. doctor’s medicine X ever used ga 2 and I know whereof I speak. I auf- M £5 tered for nina months with suppressed jjy k| menstruation wmch completely pros- Ki g tratjdme. Pains would shoot throngh H ani^ sides and I would have H Rs blinding headaches. My limbs would |p| |2J| swell up and I would feel so weak I nm not stand up. I naturally felt Kf discouraged for I seemed to be beyond ffiR : kj the help of physicians, but Wine of ! Cardui came as a God send to me. I Q ma a change for the better within a Kjj Lj week. After nineteen days treatment 9 S3 * menstruated without suffering the Hj BP agonies I usually did and soon became |f$ B regular and without pain. Wine of 9 B Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish BB ra that all suffering women knew of*its E# j B9 good qualities. P A <£»■•% t/^f— P I fcj Treasurer, Portland V-onomic League Periodical headaches tell of fe- E] male weakness. Wine of Cardui H ! 1 cures permanently nineteen out of M ! fl every twenty cases of irregular 11 menses, bearing down pains or HJ 1 any female weakness. If you are H |J discouraged and doctors have H B failed, that is the best reason in H I the world you should try Wine of §y ! Kj Cardui now. Remember that Ig j H headaches mean female weakness. I Q Secure a 31.00 bottle of Wine of p| Cardui today. [WINE"] i.CARBtlll Through Pullman Sleepers BETWEEN St. Louis and Nobile St. Louis and New Orleans Ask for tickets via M. & 0. R. B. » t'


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THE HERALD. Secret and Fraternal.

Jefferson Lodge No- 140, A. F & A. M-, eels Thursday night on or before the

first full moon in each month at 7 o'clock. M. K. Ward, Secretary.

Soooha Lodge No 16C, K. of P,m.*ets the 1st an'l 3rd .Monday nights in each mon'h, at 7 o'clock.

A. A, Hamm tek, Secretary.

.Scootia (lamp No- 74, W.O.W., meets

the 1st and 3rd Tuesday nights in each month, at 7 o'clock.

J. W. Carter, Clerk.

Scooba Lodge No. 2435. K. of II meets

the 1st nnd 3rd Tuesday nights of each month, at 8 o’clock.

D. E. Turner, Retiorler


Flo war Seeds at M. E Ward’s.

Early gardens are being planted. 1 Col. Jarr.es IL Duke left Monday for

New O.leans. Mnmn nnnrKt.l rnnairu ara Ktiintv morlo

t to the Presbyterian manse property.

Mre. M. A. Stewart left Sunday for

Mobile, to enjoy the Mardi Gras festiv- ities.

See notice of called meeting of Tbos. H. Woods Camp, U. C. V., in another column.

The Kemper Herald and the Mem- phis Commercial-Appeal (weekly), one

year for $1.25.

We are pleased to note that Mr. Al- lan Adams is able to resume his posi- tion at the depot.

Mr. John Floore, of Shuqnalak.repre- eentr g Mrs. T, C. Edwards, transacted bu* ess in Scooba Monday.

Mr. A. W. Douglass spent several

days of Uet week in the neighborhood of his old home in Noxubee county.

Wanted.-Two salesmen in each State; $50 and expanses, permanent position. Pknicxs Tobacco Works Co., Penicks, Va.

Messrs. Charles Quarles and Walter Bethany left Sunday night for Mobile, where they are enjoying the gaieties oi thj carnival.

Popular Sara Stuckey, well known throughout the county as a horse-Jro- ver, was here this week with a car-load of hones and mules- *

Chancery Clerk Sum O. Bell and Cir- cuit Clerk James H. Adcock were here

1 Thursday night last, en route home from a business trip to Meridian.

Mr. Morgan Blair, a prominent drug- gist Pickens, Miss., spent several days of last week with his sister, Mre. R. A. Hammock. He left for borne on

Sunday. Do yon want a daily paper? If so

read the offer of the New Orleans Item. You are not likely soon to have an op- portunity to get u good daily papert as

cheap as this.

Mr. Wirt Adams has concluded to stay at home for a season, and is filling the position in J. Q rariea’ mercantile establishment formerly held by his brother James.

The publisher of this paper has a

scholarship iu the Georgis-Alabama Business College, located at Macon, Ga., which he will dispose of on reasonable terms* Write us.

It is amazing the number of people who will take and read a newspaper for one year, two years or longer, and then treat a bill for subscription thereto with silent contempt.” Do ycu belong to

that class ?

Messrs. R. A. Ilammack, representing Jefferson Lodge No. 140, and T. W. Adams, representing DeKalb Lodge No. 61, are in Greenville this week attend- ing the meeting of the Mississippi Grand n luge, A. it. & A. JY1.

We regret to note by the Shuquglak New Era that our good old friend Wm. Kellis, Esq., of Sbnqualak, is again quite ill. We trust bis ailment is not of a very serious nature and that he will be all right again in a few days.

i The best physic. “Once tried and you will always use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets.” save William A. G'rard, Pease, Vt. These tablets are the most prompt, most pleasant and most reliable cathartic in use- For sale by M. E. Ward, druggist.

Mr. John E. Evans, of Tomolo, has been relieving his brother, Mr. D. B. Evans, of his duties as section master oq the M. 0. during the serious ill- ness of the latter’s little boy. We are

pleased to state that the child contin- ues to improve.

Mrs. W.C. Ballard returned Saturday from Meridian, where she had been helping to nurse her sister-in law, Mrs.

* John Lipscomb, who has been quite ill. MiBsSadye Ballard, who has been clerk- ing in Bars well’s book store, accompa- nied her mother home.

Mr, M. E. Ward was called to Sbrock, Miss., last week, on account of the dealh of hie brother-in-law, Mr. H. F. Shrock, and the illness of his mother and sister with pneumonia. While regretting the loss our friend has auetained in the death of Mr. Shrock, we are pleased to learn that the ladies are on a fair way to recovery.


Mr. I). L. Turner bad quite an experi- ence on his recent trip to New Orleans. Mr. Turner left here about tbe middle of fast week with a car-load of cattle. In the beginning be was late iu getting off, and when he got to Meridian he found the bars between the anima s

down and his charges piled promiscu- ouslyone on top of the other. This ne-

cessitated unloading and reloading, and while doing this one cow was found to

near to death that it bad to be left be- hind. Then the train on which he w< nt into New Orleans was six Pours

behind time, so that he practically- missed Saturday’s market. Altogether Mr. Turner had troubles of his own, and while he is not the man to indulge in profanity, we’ll wager a nickel tha he thought pretty hard once or twice during his trip.

Messrs. Raymond and Burt .Stuart are

; spending the winter at home and ar.

putting in the time in a manner worthy the emulation of every young man.

Turongh a big correspondence sciiooi at Scranton, I'a., the one is taking a

course iu architecture and designing, and the other a course in contracting. These two young meu have evidently made up their minds that there is room

at the top of the ladder, and as oppor- tunities alwa.'s pieient themselves to

I thoso .who hustle after them, we pie- diet that they will achieve succese.

Mr. G. T. Ilunnicutt, who since the first of the year has been working a

gang of Italians, Hungarians, Pol-s and what not on the Mississippi Central Railroad, between Hattiesburg and Sil- ver Creek Junction, spent several days

I of the past week at home. Tip” gives I a glowing account of that section of the State, and will probably shortly move his family to Ba&eficld, his headquar- ters. Mr. Bill Ashford, formerly of ihits section, is working with Mr. Ilunnicutt.

We have sent out a larga number of subscription bills and, owing thereto, we have received a large number of “kicks.” The kickers generally com-

plain that their bills are incorrect. We would Btate, for the information of all interested, that these bills are made out from the book turned over to us by the former publisher of the paper, and that that is all we have to go by. We shall be pleased to rectify all mistakes, as we

are anxious to get the list correct.

Elsewhere in this issue will be found the professional card of J. B. Mooney, physician and surgeon, who has again located in Scooba. Dr. Mooney prac- ticed here for a number of years and tae writer, beiDg a new-comtr, can not

say anght of him that the readers of Ihk Hekald do not already know —

He haB an office at M. E. Ward’s drug store, and we bespeak for him your kindly consideration.

All that was mortal cf the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Adams, of Whin- tier, Ala., was brought to Scooba Sun- day evening and interred in the ceme-

tery on the south side of town. The mother, who is a siHter of our townsman Mr. Robt. Stewart, is Sick and w?a una-

ble to attend the funeral. The sympa- thy of our people goes out to Mr. aod Mrs. Adams in their bereavement.

Mr. John C. Lipeomb, after a pleasant sojourn of a couple of weeks with his sister, Mre. C. T. Douglass, left Sunday for Sawyereviile, Ala where he holds a

good position. Mr. Lipscomb gave us

to understand that he hoped to return about the first of May and locate per- manently in th’s section.

We regret exceedingly to learn that Miss Lolita, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosenbaum, is coc-

| fined to her bed with fever. We sin- cerely trust no dangerous comp'icatious will arise and that she may be blessed with an early recovery.

We still have that scholarship in the I Macon and Andrews Business College- If von h flv’fl A hftw nr nrirl nrK.tm

wish to give a thorough business edu cation, it will be to your advantage to communicate with us.

We are sorry to learn that our good old friend Jr. W. E. Pearson has been confined to the house recently with cold. We learn he has recovered with much satisfaction.

Mr. Anthony Kerr, who has been at home sick for the past couple of weeks, j has returned to his studies at the A. & M,, at Starkville.

Services at the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, morning and night.

Onion Setts at Ward’s drug store.

Attention, Comrades! There is a called meeting of Thos. H.

Woods Camp No. 1180, U. C. V., to be held in DeKalb on the first Monday in March. We urge upon you, comrades, i to turn ont. and take a part in the meet- ing, as there will he some very import- ant business before the Camp.

A. H. Morse, Comm. J. W. Smith, Adjutant.

February 13 h, 1804.

Another Case ok Rheumatism Cubed ! by Chamberlain’s Pain Balm

The efficiency of Chamberlain’s Pain ! Balm in the relief of rheumatism is be- ing demonstrated daily. Parker Trip- lett, of Grigsby. Va., save that Cham- berlain’s Pain Balm gave him uerma- nent relief from rheumatism in the back when everything else failed, and he would not be without it. For sale by M. F. Ward, druggist. i

When Yor Have a Cold. Tne first action when you have a cold

should be to relieve thu lungs. This is beat accomplished by the free use of Cha.ober'aiu’s Cough Remedy. This remedy liquefies the tough mucus and causes its expulsion from the air cells of the lui gs, produces a free expectora- tion, and opens ihe eecretions. A com-

plete cure soon follows. This remedy will cure a severe cold in teas Mma than any other treatment, and it leaves the system in a natural aud he&lthy condi- tion. It counteracts any tendency to- ward pneumonia. For sale by M. E. Ward, drfiggiet, nScoooa, Miss.

To My Husband. The following lines were written by

Mrs. J. C. Ellis, of Binnsville, and dedi- cated to her husband, who is in charge of the Methodist Churches in this cir- cuit. We consider them very pretty: As you travel both to and fro

Aud seed for the dear Master sow, May you ever bv faith sen

Tne hand of Jesus leading thee. Bo no* worry, hut simply trust

Tne Father, who is kind and just. And know as you yonr children lovo

Your Heavenly Father doth yon love. And He can do far more for you

Thau you can for you children do. Then ask Him, as yonr son does you,

Relieving He will do for you ; Aud all yon need He’ll freely give—

Ail that is needful while you live. And when your race on earth is run

And your work for the Lord is done, He’ll bear you up, on wings of love,

rn __

j\ai uiouro iu me nuuiy nuuvi.

Better Than Gold. “I was troubled for eeveral years with

chronic indigestion and nervous debili- ty,” writes F. J Green, of Lancaster, N. H. “Noiremedy helped me until I be- gan using Electric Hitters, which did me more good than all the niedicint-8 I ever need. They have aleo kept my

i wife in excellent health for years. She I says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female trounlea; that they are a

grand tonic and iavigorotor for weak, run-down women. No other medicine

| can take its place in cur family.” Try | them. Onlv 50c. Satisfaction guaran- I teed by M. E. Ward, druggist.

j For Thirty Days Free to Our Subscribers.

The Southern Farm Gazette is pub- lished at Starkville, Miss., where the Agricultural College and Experiment Station are located, and is qdited by men who write from their store of ex-

perience in a practical, common-eenso

way. It contains 64 columns and is is- sued semi-monthly. It is the only farm journal published iu Mississippi, and ought lo be read by every farmer.

We will give the Southern Farm Ga- zette free for or.e year to every deiin-

i quent subscriber that pays the amount i due us within thirty days. Don’t fail

j to pay us by March 12 ,li next, and re-

ceive thia journal for one year as a


Nearly Forfeits His Life. A runaway, almost ending fatally,

| started a horrible ulcer on the leg oi j j B Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all rente

I dies. But Bucklen’s Arnica Salve had ! no trouble to cure him. Equally good | for burn®, bruises, skin eruptions and I piles. 25c. at Watd’s drug store. I ___

In ami Around DeKnlb. From the Southern Star, Feb. 10.

Mr. and Mrs. Mat BrutOD, of the Pleasant Ridge community, ate rt join- ing over the arrival of a duo boy baby.

Mr. Iienrv Shot.ts and wife, of Mt. Nebo, are delighted to know that a tiew comer has made its appearance at thtir" home.

Mr. A. C. Currie, of Enondale, died at his home Sunday night. Mr. Currie was one of our county’s brainiest citi- zens, a grand man and a brother of Dist. Att-y. Currie. Peace to his asheB.

The t wenty vear old son of Rev. J. H. Foreman, of Daleville, went suddenly insane last week. The cauee is said to be attributed to .hard study and the ex- cessive use of cigarettes. He was placed immediately in the asylum at Meridian. Trie Star extends its sympathy to this good family iu ita t fH.ciion.

Mysterious Circumstance. One was pale and sallow and the other

fresh and rosy. Whence the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King’6 New Life Pills to maintain it. By gently arousing the lazv organs they compel good digestion and head off cons.ioation. Try them. Only 25 at M. E. Ward f, druggist.

Subscriptions iteccived. Since our last issue we have received

and herewith acknowledge subscrip- tions from

Toles—J. W. Toles, $1.00 Spinks—G. G. Gay, $2 00; H. C. Hud-

son, $2 50. Moscow—M. D. L. Parkins, $1.00. Stella—M. W. McDaniel, $1 00. Dim mitt, Tex.—J. E. Turner, 50c. Gholsun—Gilbeit Clark, $3 00 Mt. Nebo—R. D. Shotts, $3 00. Giles—J. E. Stuart, $1.50.

To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets A 1 druggists refund tbe mone> if they fau to cure. E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box.

Next Monday will be Washington’s Birthday—a legal holiday.


of character and good reputation in ■

each Slate (one in thiecounty r< quired) to represent and adver;ise old estab- lished business house of solid financial 1 standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with 1

expenses additional, all payable in cash •

direct every Wednesday from head of 1

Sees. Horse and carriage furnished 1

when necessary. References. Enclose self-addressed envelope. Colonial 332 Dearborn St., Chicago. —

— ..I ■ ,


>vHe alone; but uip -*-A\l KO, I LL.


I j ^ j^anufadured ^ 0^ JAMES H.DUKE. AGENT. Mliidav*"" scooba.miss. WANTED—FAITHFUL PERSON to

travel for well established house in a few counties, calling on retail merchants and agents. local territory. Salary $20.00 per week with expenses addi- tional, all payable in cash each week. Money for expenses advanced. Posi- tion permanent. Business enccesslnl and rushing. Standard House, 330 Deatborn St., Chicago. 12-26t

WANTED—t-PECiAL Representative in this county and adjoining territories to represent and advertise an old estab- lished husines? bouse of solid financial standing. Salary $21 weeklv, with ex-

penses, advanced each Mcndav by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address

Blew Brothers, 23-8t 000 Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111.

W ANTED’ — A TRUSTWORTHY gentleman or lady in each county to manage business for an old established house of solid financial standing. A straight bona tide weeklv salary of $1S 00 paid by check each Monday with all expenses direct from headquarters. Money advanced for expenses Enclose addressed envelop-,,'- Manager, 300 Oax- ton Bldg., Chic „o. 6-26t

chancery sjmmcns. -i-%*

The State of Mississippi, To W. S. Tonnsand:

You arp commanded to appear before ihe Chancery Court of the County of Kemper, in said State, on the 4th Mon^ day of May, A D. 1904, to defend the suit in said Court ot M. J. Tonnsand, wherein you are a D^fendam.

Tins 2nd day of February, A. D. 1904. 24-31 Sam. O. Bell, Clerk.


Department of the Interior, L;iml Office at Jackson, Mipg.,

January 19, 1904. Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing-named settler has tiled notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof wiH be made before tbe Chancery Clerk, Kemper County, at DeKalb, Miss on March 3, 1904, viz:

Mary Jane Overstreet, H. E. No. 32,895, for the N E J of S. E. j and 8. E. | of N. E. S«c. 15. Tap. 12 it., K. 10 E of Choctaw Meridian-

She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. Jenkins, of DeKalb, Mississipp', W. W. Bethany, John Stennis and Deb Sten- nis, all of Skipper. Mississippi.

Frkd W. Collins, Register.


D pari ment of the Inferior, Laiui Office at Jackson. MIpp.,

January If), 1904 Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in eupport, of her claim, and that said proof will be made be»ore the Chancery Clerk, Kampor County, at DtKaib, Mias., on March 4, 1904. viz:

Margaret M Tate. H. E. No 31,217, for the N. E Sec. 1, Twp. 12 N., R. 16 E. of Chuctaw Meridian.

Sue names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said iaud, viz: George Duck and William Turner, noth of Shu- qualak, Mississippi, W. A. Madison and Jim West, Jr., both of Skipper, Miss- issippi.

Fnen W. Collins, Register.


Department of the Interior, Land Office at, Jsq^son. Mi°p.,

January 23, 1904. Notice is hereby given t’hu the fol-

lowing named setlier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- port of his claim, and that said proof j will be made before th« Chancprv Clerk, Kemper Countv, at DeKalb, Mias., on March Sth, 1904. v;z:

Deb Steams, H. E. No 33 536, for the N- W. i of N E. 1, Sec. 22, Twp. 12, R. 16 East of Choctaw Meridian.

lie names th fnllnurinut witnaDaoa fn I prove his continuous residence upou and cultivat'on of paid land, v’z: A. I-nkinp, of DeKalb, Mips ss'npi, Kobe Welsh, Floyd Lyn'on and lidlie Cole- man, all of ^kipper, Mississippi.

Fkkd W. Collins, Register.

Notice for Publication.

D-psrtment of the Interior, Laud Office at .fscfeson. Miss.,

February 6, 1904. No!ice is hereby given that the iol- !

owing named settler has tiled notice of; ier intention to make final proof in lopport of her claim, and that esid hoof wdll be made before tiieCianeery Jlerk, Kemper Conn'y, at DeKalb, dies.. on March 21,1904, viz:

Jndv Dozier, widow of Robert Dozier, d. E. 10,010 for the. E. i of 8. W. J, Sec. 19, i w-p. li K., R. 18 East of Choctaw i deridian.

She names the following witnesses to ;

>rove her continuous residence upon ind cultivation of said land, viz: Qnam ackpon, Fly W. Wimberly, Sam Dozier ind John Callahan, all of Scooba, Miss*1 ssippi. :

Fkkd W. Collins, Register.

Subscribe lor the Herald.


I W. A. NALL & CO.,


Fire Ins. Agents, Meridian, Mississippi.

i _ _

I Gin Insurance a Specialty.

pwAAf. wmmmmmmmm* mm Ward’s Drug Store!

j*j|j W o state without fear of contradiction £j* that next to a new dress the housewife would 2|£ lather have

jj| A MTIC33 XiAXIliP I 11 to light up her room and cheer up the old

man on his coming in at night. ij | It you want to see that broad smile from * £ the old man, just try one of my Lamps.

Lamp Goods, etc.

Jd. E. WARD, Proprietor.

Neville and Wilbourn, ATT0BN3YS AT LAW.

Hamm Building.

Meridian, Miss. Branch office in Scooba, Mins. A

member of the firm will be in Scoobe every Saturday.

Ethridge & Clark, A TTQRNE YS -AT-LA W,


General law practice i" all the Courts of Mississippi Special atten- tion given to legal writings and collec- tiohs.

J. E. Tinsley, DENTAL b URGEOA,


Offers his professional services to the people of Kemper County, All kinds of dental work done ncatly and prompt- ly Satisfaction guaranteed.

T. M .TANnT Attorney-at-Law,

DeKalii, Miss.

Will practice in al. che courts tr «...

temper uuu UUJOimU!C couu ties.



Will practice in the Courts of K'm- p°r, Voxufcee a^d »Hj ininB counties.



Special attention given to any bus ness in Keinper

■■■■» m-Ta Nothing has ever equalled it. Nothing can ever surpass it

Dr. King's i New Discovery

Fnr f'ossrMFTios p ro’l OU.IIS und J."1'* _VOLDS 50c & 11.00

A Perfect For All Throat and Cure: Lung Troubles.

Money back if it fail*. Trial Bottles free.

I 'FEMALE I | WEAKNESS !i | 642 1-2 Congress St. KI f Portland, Maine, Oct 17,1902. gfl | * consider Wine of Cardui superior M 1 t° yny. doctor’s medicine X ever used ga 2 and I know whereof I speak. I auf- M £5 tered for nina months with suppressed jjy k| menstruation wmch completely pros- Ki g tratjdme. Pains would shoot throngh H ■ ani^ sides and I would have H Rs blinding headaches. My limbs would |p| |2J| swell up and I would feel so weak I ■ nm not stand up. I naturally felt Kf

discouraged for I seemed to be beyond ffiR : kj the help of physicians, but Wine of ! Cardui came as a God send to me. I Q

ma a change for the better within a Kjj Lj week. After nineteen days treatment 9 S3 * menstruated without suffering the Hj BP agonies I usually did and soon became |f$ B regular and without pain. Wine of 9 B Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish BB ra that all suffering women knew of*its E#

j B9 good qualities.

P A <£»■•% t/^f— P I fcj Treasurer, Portland V-onomic League

Periodical headaches tell of fe- E] male weakness. Wine of Cardui H ! 1 cures permanently nineteen out of M ! fl every twenty cases of irregular t§

11 menses, bearing down pains or HJ 1 any female weakness. If you are H |J discouraged and doctors have H B failed, that is the best reason in H

I the world you should try Wine of §y ! Kj Cardui now. Remember that Ig j H headaches mean female weakness. I Q Secure a 31.00 bottle of Wine of ■ p| Cardui today. ■

[WINE"] i.CARBtlll

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