:<$m~ i£Ei£3S?!! vr'T' ».,.p.»^iii^ -?-" »itf.HlJyj^w^S'^i^^^- T */-.'i««* l 0''i-'ff*f?ffi i i ti •'wwniwii.iNiiiwwtfwwyiiii i BUBg>a<MW»nMr^irTiT'wwinr-m < >TW-f--w>i!: 'jii J; as* * _ i r~- ^St, I ) ' : 1 <Uv< «: *•:-' ^he JaUadium, MaiOM.TlMn^, Mvdi )8.1909. ^ f ( l l l | W l i M fajaaw* AT ALSANY. Ill are na>-- I Of [ I t Aaoaav. ft is that the ernaBoadaBtsare aaaaraatlT Hk saa'-a&BBBsa ^o' laalrti tha ttaatBBal iter arlBaV t- ttteoaaelves, of saoa .{•cUtton*' arottlfe Mm aaa* bo ''with the terare aaao^aeaavverafsmaoh. If. however, he veatareesedasagree with the Gover- aorareoraBBwaaaationa anil oolniee, be is - e f aeeeaaitjr aa oeaoast Bad a betravar of taapeoaaea batata**. A atrikiog Olaav tratioB aJoag that fine ir given . by the HewYorkTbaMW^ which editorially eoa- dMuw tlw nrocoBsd Jaaaaaobaaotts ballot A r MevT«rfc,sJBd tons the direct p*-. 'idea to a fraa*)*. Yet its AJbaa* jidt'ltt" shift l©ltflwi : torantahowt Itoiaawiraa Issaers ia the TegialalaTii aronoahu to adjourn wit* taa^aghasiWQs^iuaaae of reform left 14^ sail A?," sad aboat the aeceasity - far taa peaale to bri*g ivaasare to• bear'' i in case they do ties ies^alators who lertheafase- Ktiiimii laTfc* are bad sad to bo d»- trated, tseTiaiw itself, and a aembar ofoibersap^wUchpfinMsUtoBOikgr, saaat be s aariy sad shsbby ioi. It is sow thoaghtiax>bahte ths«Bo new aoaross of taxation wiU be aoagfat this ysarjbeosaee thera^ie apperant general tgjnmmttmcmg, the Be£ubfi<xa leaders fa the Legialatare that the rata of psy awaits iato the easel debt '»ft»Jr»T'g fond cas be mstorislty reduced without det- ' ziaMat to say mteresk. Tfce rate of ooa- tnbs&B to thia fund heretofore made woald provide for oomplete payment of the debt in lest than tweoly years, whereas it will no* bs doe for half aoea- tary. law the smoant set aside for the food thayesr wiU be cot perhaps foci* Bullionsof dollaxs, sad the State wQI thee as^eooogb. money for'' its oarreet - aeada wghoqt imposing new taxes. The question of legalizing the sale of Sqaoria the city of Sew York onBanday has again arisen in a remarkable way., Sooh sale is of ooorse tewfot aow if made CONGRESS IN EXTRAOBDINARY SESSION. \ The sixty first Congress oonreoed on Moateay tart fa nraiiHasit with ths pros- of ths nialaaBl taa asaato was aJnaay orgaaiaaa, haviag swan la iaussCaataiy sftsr Praat- dsa»Taft%Jasataratioa fop the parpsss nf rrwiffiisiai. CisWiwt and other appoiat- °*tls>, la the £k>wto Joseph Q. Caaaoa of HtffMilt was Tifsaolail Spsahsr, bat •ocss lor otasr awmoeis. iaat eoaias t)f somsj thirty BapnWtfali, maiahsn and of all of the Dsasoorats that asrstofors the ooadaot of the bastnest of the Hooss haf bean arbitrary, sad-" -that: only sach had ptdjior reoogaitioa aad oaportaaity to#»t their hittt The rtasstliftsd. BapabaVasa aad taa Ileaworstt thsrslota oosihiasd to arswsat the saofaisa of tas rakat whioh tjfsss, sad. oarrisd thoir point by a Bsa- are lass striaceat aad whioh will, asit the ffnuflraf aad the ooauaittM oa raiss tooiatfrotseabsolataiy the preosd- areof tbelTowai, TFkfi uiwlwiisiwsi of so-oailed "iasax- | sit"TCr|iai||ftaai sad Dsmoorato fsilsd •aated* bat wars .yet able to foroe 'a partisi viotory. They saooeedei .ia so; the rales that were ia ia the last Cbas^ess that meaibeis will she Speaker for reoosniOea whsa they to adraooe bills in whioh they am uterested, aad abo so that there wiU be batter .aad saore freqoeat opnortaaiOes for eoosidaratioa of meaenres that are siaiary of local iatereet sad ooaeeqaeaoe. Thenjajority on this propoeiwaa whioh aooeptabte neither to the twooeV Cannon men aoc to the ex- trecniets amooc the "iasargeata* and among the - Democrats—was tbirty-niae, After the victory' had been won eTso Speaker Cannon himself commended MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Tbeladiw'AidSooUty of the Bsatiai <Amrc« wiU hold a pare load sale at the drat store of Dewey* BmiA oa Sstar- AST. Caas. B, Qwtle, a retires) Msche- da*»to»^t«r,4Watha^^^oa»ea«r^Uaski, K. Y., on Wedassdsy of last weak, aged aow sae. riortasra xiew xors; oxwnwaaos. BEs was pastor of the M. E. oaaroh at MaloneinlBTf^. Twigs Hassl intikeUsJssd fltates eoart ea sfoaday deaied the mrtttnir of the 8taadardOilCo.foraaew trial aad im- ad a faeof fMfcMt. faet oass alafed on the SuadarJ Ott CSo.'s aooapUat of oil^os. Oieas, N. Y., to Katlaad, aad other aoiats ia Ysratoat. Taa xaJboads r^saawlvsassaadtaes^stlaad. « There osald bs.fhw areatotioas the fat. IMstssi of waioh woald as more gtaec- SIIT or more ardeatlT eaaaad taaar- that rsesetty made by J. Os/lea Arasoar. lir, Hi swan says; "sfest will he- eaeaaer this saauaer. lteat fealsji, toe r ait^,at pnssatVbat this is beeaass of taa la-. It foils ws that wasa oora a) hiy^ meat is- aaMsaaa ^a^Baass aBBB^sasJsaaaam> SBJSBB. SBVV^Bsaaa|sY , aSsaaa/ aaanLasaa of dom to go down, aad amat wiU ps May Irwia, the watt kaowa aotnss, hat aaaocaoed her iataatiosi ef torBsss; her/ >rhmmo saanfl ttoiiin. Inrafnd oa Irwia "SaXaMaJI 2 ^ fX< • Csa* "a" &^^^i^sa^L^ kuka^ '^-^^u^^^Cf^ sasae, m tae cm. xJtwresDen^srxOssissna CUytoB. into a swell aalsatr aotai aad wiU h*Te it in rsadiasss for oyalmg by Joael. Jrwia islaad hj-eae of the best knowa of the Taoasaad Isisads groop tf'samt aa^wtti^allwaaaa SBsV^'aBsaaB; saaaa^aBSB* #La . ImsBisa B-a^aaa wmsKt home is baik of craatte aad cost t»,000. With some alteratioas fa the pauss 'She wiU^be sbto toaooossmodsta serersl handrsd Tisitors. ^ - . Extensire smn^^inc opent^o^ >cro*> the St. Lawrenoe rirer betwesa Oitdena^ new proposition is to give tbe prinkge to aalooas as well, and taeaoaroe from which the saggeation eaunatos vesto it with im- portanoe. B; oofiieB from a <a»io commit- tee of the hJ^heatcliaraotor, at least one; awmber being a dergymaa. Dr. fark- harstslaospproTes. The definite plan ia thataakxmain Ke» York shall Jbaxa a Goeose to sreiep opes from one ofeloek in theaftornooB ontil eleven o'clock at night protided Aey pay aaadditioaal tax there- for; sad also that in the case of a second conviotion for violation of the excise law theboensebe Ukea not only froea the pnipaetor, oat alto from the pbwe—thus making it for the interest of fee owner of ttebaadingaad of the backera of a dealer to see to it that the lawiaobserved. Otter ooasideraue betterments of the But notwithstanding the respectable scarce of the proposition, and the oon- atderslae cl^ seBtiment approving the same, we have KtSe notion that a Bepab- lioBn Legislatare—or, for that matter, even a Democratie r^egalstore-is likely to adopt it. trpKxmntryaeQtiment woold sinip^y annihilate any aartv that might be g«a% of asaotioning the iiqaor tesffio aaywiere on Sunday. IncideBtally, it is worthy of the I^apaUtare's oonaioieratioo if it woaldBotbeweatoeasot the apod points m the snggeated legisiatioa while rejeotfflg the bad. One of the former psjrticalarly meritB each treatment, vis., thai the definition of what may constitute ahotelberewritteainthe law, so as to mskilt it impcacticable for any sort of an old aback to do bosineaB as an inn, aad to oomauad the aaoiag of • fioeooe aiere^thjOBgh the payment of the stat- atory fee. £.et that reform be made, and Maloae and hondieda of other places woald be immeasurably better off. wall'.' his work easier. . Ths^y-odd years ago, nnder the roles as they thea existed, there wereocoasiona when the House was held in oontmooas session for days at a time without one psrticle of buemesa. being traasaoted. The minority ooneomed the tiaae in fip- bofttering, and men wore ont their ener- gist and ondermined their health by keeping long boors and suffering exposure. Thea tbe rotes and'practice werecbaagedso sa to make it possit for a majority to do bosioeas. It would be a step backward to have rales now which are not effective, and which woald place the majority at the mercy of a minority. The work of the present sassion will oooaist almost wholly in dealing with the tariff toeetton. «»d[ fit ia hoped that it may be completed early in Jane. •• ; '»»»«'.-- ' ' ' ' '. Porto Eico coffee phmtere are extreme- ly anxiooa that the new tariff law shall impose a doty on ooffee, and not a few stodeats of tbe question in the United Sutes believe that such a duty ia advisa- ble from the viewpoint of providing sdditionsl revenue and also as a general policy. Tolevysochadn^r, it ia urged, would be to compel coffee-growing coun- tries to remove the export tax which these generally now Uy upon tbe product, and, therefore, aa it is claimed, the prioe of coffee in this country would eventualiy be no higher if there were a doty on it toan in ease it were free, IFpoa the other hand, It is represented that there is now in store in the United States a vast amount of coffee, the price of which would be at enoe increased by the amount of the duty that might be im- posed, so that the owners woald reap a profit of some millions of dollars without ouHay or risk, and ooBaumers<t# mulotad in an equal sum. It is probably the fact that the removal of tbe duty from tea and coffee thir^r-odd yean ago was a mistake, and of no substantial benefit to thepec^; Jbatai^lacement of it BOW would be pretty sure to jump prices temporarily, and to prove very unpopu- lar. Nevertheless the treasury most cer- tainly have additiooal revenue fromsome soarce, aad if none more available oaa be found it msy have to be sought from tea and coffee. Since the corrupt araotioss act amended, a few years ago, ao aa to re- t|uirepoiilieal committees to aooouatfor ts»ir exjtBBditane, the eaetom of haing poll workers has tasx» the place ia many localitisaof the eld praotioe of baying votes. Of ooarse the two procedarea are ia effeot eqaivalsnts—most of the poU axwken who were hired beiag the asms aaea who aaed to sell their votes, aad the traasactioa of hiring bamg aabstitated for the sals. But'Senator Wamwright proDoses to do away;'wlUi this aobterf uge, aad;aae offered a bill farther ameaclmc the law, so that committesa most file i of their sxpeaditares to taa i detail, sad sam naaxmg the •of poll workers who aaay bs hired to two m each etoctioD district. The day i carried by bribery is downed, a only mtorsst in voting is togettherjrioeof aday'a work will soon have ao incentive for standing about the streets oa aaaotina day. aad waiting to deal with ths highest bidder. Oaa of the bills October 13th, the date of tl» discovery' of Aaaerfca, a legal holiday, to be kaown as Cblumbus Day. It la thought that the Ooveraor wiQ aiga it. - rtaaMSibtjinsn Hawley appeared last week before the ronvmitton en edaca- Oao, ia.advocacy of a favorable report oa aia bill prohibiting the erection of height except in cities of the first aad second class. The bill was suggested by the School house fire last winter to Ohio, where so assay children lest their ttvss. TIM exoentioB of first and aecood ct*» cities from lie restriction is made upon the grouad that real astots isvaloablein soch tocalitiee, an«i that tbe city author- ities may h» trusted ie Drowte fire escapes and ©ther safeguards, Mr, Haw- isyaiade a good impression Iftfote tiie committee, aad was thought to hare made a stroag case for Mt measure. The British satal programme for the earwat year, as submitted to Pariiamsnt. ooatsas|aate» aa expenditure of a hun- dred aad seventy-five million dollars, a part of which will go for the building of tame twenty taoasaad taa battleships. Upon the oomplsrioa of these, three ysats hsax^OfwM Britain will hav« roartesa seftja of tUaotaas, walls Germany sxasasa seaavaatthasassstiiasthirtssfi Great Brataia at havtog a hard time of it, to Usaaa to her traditional policy of asaia- aawJac a aavy at least sqaaltothe oom- Uaad aavat power of aay other two i«f New York city's plight in the matter of obtaining additional rapid transit tinea has been apparently almost kopekpa for a long time past, bat prospects seem aow to have improved woaderfally. The cityitaslf cooid not aadertake aay coa- sidersble new work beoaose it 'had all hat reached the ooastitutkiuat debt limit, aad private capital has eusaaurl to be irreeoacilabty disrsdiaed to attempt to do anything under the terias that the lawa makepoaathle. But within the psat few daysoooditioas have ohaaged aoaa bly, and three dVnmto propositioas have bssa aabaoitted to the aatborities, the acceptance of whioh would anal a good assay miles to the ctty'a aabwaya* Thsas works would require the wtpsairltais of scorw of a^fiSoas of dotiars, sil of which arivatocsjatal woald saaply. As to two of ths moaasirioaa -sassa nisaga ia taetj laws would have to be made, bat for thai So opiaioa asems to be ready, aad the terms, suggested are not nnressoashls. The third can be authorized at oaos, sad, if so authorised, work will be begun ia the near future. ItisTsstly batter that these subways be provided by private capital thaa at pubtio cost. —-' The suit sgaiast the fwaailaid Qg Ooaa- paay for haviag aoospted rsaatss apoa saipfneatsftoss Whlttag, lad.—ths same in which the fine ef tweaty nine millioa-dollars was oaee imposed—came toss abrupt ending last week. The JOT- ernaMotwasaaablstoealablBm thatth* i>es^usr tariff was as alleged, and thete- foreitcouJdnotbesbowB that a rebate had been gives) aad accepted. TJhejad^ft rertictfor the tWendaat t snd this will probaWj ibe. the last fit ibis earn* But even if there Is no conviciiort the war mad^bytljs' gotw»«e»t apoit rfthaijag has i#m ^vigorous and de*srmlnea that abuse timtoytA* Ttofe alotf« if worth, i»" i. ii• "II»I« »•• I, i- 'i Gay Tbottuw, who was employed as a switchman at the furaaos yards at Staadisfa, was kUied by the ears hs was switching oa Wednesday noon of last week. It ut not know how the accident occurred as no one SAW the man at the time. A box car aad coal car had been coupled to tb* locomotive aad Thomas signaled the sagiaser to start. A fsw miauies altar Ut body was fooad lytaf at taa aida of ta* track with the hsad eom- pietaiy ssvared aad laying bstwaaa the rails. Whiter he attempted to get oa to •he sagias aad fell oaf or whether he was auaekby the oars will asvar he kaowa. twsaty-fivs ysare of age. [aoadsy at Mr. aad Mrs. W. A, Dt .^ —. -, aayaBBBsaj aaijt^^BsjBjp 4 T ^ to Hew Yotk t wasre sa^laaja ,,_.. •• ^^^*™*™*""jBa **™e^P*» i*fcw"Bj vwasw ssnA'IpVa^^H^BBBBBByjl -as^a hi* father. Fred EJdrsd, who wiU vast T ] ^ hOia-'d Ag? +l*%tmM^m •BaaJaral aBBBBBBBSBraali "^•^L -• ^T^** ^^ iw^^w«^wa^assaa> ^RBBPW^ ^BBBBBjasiBfcw^ Hiss MeKay to fiaiah the year Jaithe ™**^W •«all 1 a^^al^^aWpswla^R W^ ^^Bp m^KwIK^ AlBsWr Stvaa Avary law lafBsasdfrsaa the Mast aa^ ai vMthar atthahoaMsf hatiathar. ^^ r ^™^" ^^w ^^^^v^^^^|pj ^ W F w^^wai r ^w^p^wapa* SPWV saasaF eepaawawww y •t*wB>™*sjPi sal^ajt Mrs, rsjaaa Arses, of Is a .gasst of her 1 Dsskay, aad otaar raaattat asra. GtenMoa Mvde. tif Mshma saaal flslsr war with his aeothar, W. U - dywa. Mwa CMMys flatBt Wat the gaaaf of iaatda te Maaaaaa lass weak. Mrv. **mrtfta Mfds,'* of aWoaa, was ia' towa ovev laaaaay. 3t jp^ggBj •jfia^j_^jJK_j j^ysBSK l^^jBAwaji., dSiBB^aaBaBkBBdi Iba. ftlawM esJUar ia towa oaa day Jasr^waaav'' eveaiag ay the raaertof-aaa ^aaswaer of fiaary fksoks ay Oharies Davtbr, Jr« whiohfcaapasada*aa* twOTartaaiiast of aaro. _ A fast aosoaat -of tla>toawaoris sa aUa ^aiaaahsr^ - Taa>' eVaook frost the St. Thaayaaastayof oat .tlhV^j^tCL- T* % oaaroh bare w o n n CMnQor> Maa Edith Drury, <>t Bristol, Vt., apsat " ~ 1 tta) taOaaa as haw Max ashed by the Baager Y< •. Taa several ooatasta-ts were, so w«U atatejhld that »*•"''" ""' "" — " bo—^^.^^ .^_.__^ of. Maa Ji«aaatto Stovaaa, - wss awarded by Mrs.,"" : Mates* Y. The ] " W. ttM^ors, pastor ef theM, Mt^ f« w* MeKaassVjti '1-TTf nf f it TTdirth TTaaiaT in Mr. aad Has- Aasoa Hoadlsy vWted their aaaghter, Mrs. Otis a WyHe,S«a- Jtr. aadMrs. Casasr Caleaad Mr. aad Mts. Oaorga Daothx viaitod Mrs. Cber- l«l|a 'S^gWatW'fBBBaBBB^aB.V Mr. aadMri. & Ifosaasj^t Seaday la TTalntasiiHa - M7iZl]to^A.Ho^k 7 a^e«agh- tnr» Sasax, viaiasd Mr aad Mrs "^'"i^gT aadsausghaK%]ri9a,Saaday. taa Adaaas was' ia Malooe Satar- * * a * •', '-""'-•• '• .'..:"''•' •""- - ; ^ •* 'mm ••..; 11 i-iiiin»i ' . a i s a a . (. _ .1 mill, . - ^ : Trout River. ^we-ieg^Baaaay- j Itiaiae in court in Montreal. Bichard Oaador, of IroflBtas, who chuaas to liam base the agent of the principaia, has turaed ia< fonnar.oahkassop^tes. fitestatodtaal a compaay 1 in Kingston einpkryed Mm to get the gotxb aciroaa the river. They war*. aeiUfrc« New York to a Lisbon He thea fgwaggted the corangnmeat % m rowboat to Iroqooia and shipped fiat goods to Moatreal. ' TJie Canadian gor- eraaieat ia suing the oompaay to recover tl5,«0 penalty. Anx>theraimilsTcsaeis also, to be neard on informatiosof the aame man^ woo; claims to have amaggtsd goods to the ralue of 930,000 for a firm in Montreal. :; TUeagreemeotof the anthracite mine workers with the operators of the mine will expire on the first of April, and to anticipation of soph expiration the workers have propoaad a baais f r a new agreement, Tl>sy demand antooreaseOf wages, fuU reoogni^oa of their J u k n , BBieonw other coaceasibo*. The owners baverefMedfiatly to yield to anyof the demande, aad 'the. workers are to meet in ooaveatioB oa Tnesday next to determiae what their further coulee will be. The owners are witling to renew the exlattol arrangement, which ia oxte^r that' rec- ommended by &e strike cwmmiseioa that was appointed by President Boossvert four years ago. ' the workers are, how- ever, particularly aaiioas to have tho coefaact made with their unioa as saofa and opou that point the atrike oootmit- sion round against them, aad the owaats are fet as a flint againat that propoeiHlon. It a) suggested that a atrike may result, but the miners ooaht to know that present is a poor time for strikiBg. ' : No crime ia years lias so stirred the people a^osrally and the police upartto- alar at baa ttM aaiaaliaatioa; of JJUk% Joseph PetrOBiao of the New York poUoe force, In Palermo, Stony. By aaay FotsosiiM is considered a aiartyr. Be has received numerous threatathat asleas he oBaaed hia nffnrta ltJithat tH> TWsot Italian ootaajifatori aad crtatiaala he would meet his ead. Fetroatao, however, was iioir deterisd in work he - bslisvoil ho was called onto do for oivihaBtioa aad° hamsaitr, thoagh he ofwat proahesisfl to sis frieads ths fate that befell him Fri- day. Peteoaton was 48 years old aad' ht- in 18» Hs was the "find" of Iasasctsr Alexaadar Wilfiaaaa, Wilaams waa at- traotedbytae aetiva aad aright ynaag Itabaaaadoo^ved the idwTrf wassg hf^si ia the ItaBaa fH4wiimj where orJaaaa the first -Iwtfnstae -was aacosasfal. Bis iato taa while hie coeviotioBS have baa* tiooately iarga. A Tapper lalto oorrssfnsiaeat ssys: Dr. E. M. Aaatta, wlm avaasscsad aaMrviasr of thiatowaatthe raoaat UaaBial alao- atriptoCabe. Alargsorowd waaattiMi to great hss>, aad ha awosadat to hatrsaideaos aasat the atawaag of aaBt Dr. Aastmasaliesabsforeaa nabUo la a aolitioel way" tor 14 ywam, whoa he years ia saoosaaTaB he was anmlBarsi tar .by the lUeaaiioaas, ia oopa- attioB to the ree^der ReBobticaa aaanaiae, oady toaMstdoiaat at tte haada of aia Daaaocra^woanoaoat. ItoBaaMMtsTatlaM tiass taa doctor was storaad aad asrvod ceatiaaaaalv for aamaaarasasaraIa:iMBaa, ^^^^^^w^^^^^^^^^^jy w^^* w^^^w^w ^waw^w^w^ aws> ^^•eai' ^^swsa^aai fwoyaarsagoae waa agala by the Itopaboosas, bat was at the sieotipa. TbednwlovtaaB retired from p>Hios,t^via« ha* tha^ aav tjraly to his xnofssihiB. M taa towa aaasiiac OMMBaaas tass aatiaaf^ aasBMar agiliwH liia snwaaainl wish. Isj waa float" fnatedbjlb* Ksfmbttoaaa, aad eadoraad hy 160 I)*aaoorass, la the far* of powerful oaaotatioa, ail OBaaaaat a popaiar aad tmim4»i e Ulaaa who had Lh«b*ckint of lb* rtgalar aasehiasry of the KseubUoan party. A banquet la the doctor shooer M eamg anaaajsrt for hy the Topper Lake firs rtspartasset, whsa COTWS will b* laid for too psrseaa Th* Joctor »s torn of tbeabiast aad hast kaowa aoperrisot* ia Franklm county, aad hit returnfc>xh> hoard has 'base wcjeomed by both BepaeUeaa and Dsmocratic nwmbers, The Sotoe Gaacds will ; -hoM' a adeisl aa awaaajf svesdag at the haaaa ef Mrs. ]lla«fSoott.' SverysaMia lavitedV- - ^ TaeSalvatiosj^Arasy w » hoaf^servfoa Tsara wiU baa awetiagef sae^Dairy- oaa AasseaathM at t*a"lawa halt oi Tha^raaay, at t oTotook. : Mfajfr faiaaat i* ta«ebsomaiid^aia^gedtoastoadV I*is expsoted that a;a*ato' apsaTrer wiU bs - Mim beaaitowte the gaaMsflw tor, Mm. Q. B. fiastlaga, of Tjapajv Lake. " oaUeira ia-towtt'ts'" ~ -• •- - -- • noted th*followia«: Mr.aafiMt*. J. J. A. £u __ who hasa> poahioa with pX "•.-:• • v --'ii-:v-'' J t-'< l .»'X ""*' watt \ Misaflanistt! of iMrsiarar, Mrs. B.' wavsjaia aaea ape- _ 1 gswot ' 4, l^ali^a^a^aaa' &5?ww^wsi^^f sPf, MraFrsd Hsk,of _ Mrs^Mary Bowies. last avajtav Mr. aad Mrs. ila^TySiBBayweregaeata *{ U* borne of Mr. sad Mrs. D. a Adaaw ^ra^r^r*aaj^y-Fsi^jawaataaBBaj^as; -BBBBSBB; 4aaa^Baaajj^'jasa^BjsBBBBBBBBja^ 'ftaasV a^HXagMnkS s^F JsMfiSMfeVa^S 'B'itf'aaaaaamA 'aaft fiarVaaa^^. "ft*"" ' - jaat ^ __ „.„_. ,, T ^__ ,-lfef- -t^»«t ^T^*^f" fat atiaiiiij"aia, la vaipag ir>hillij.a aad frfaa as i a oaf yifc ... 1!masmar<t was taa-gTaast-ef has. unoto to Braaher kast Sstasjaay. Besty White a t t e a d e o ^ Jaanral at taa home of Mrs. Marj Adaaas, la Saaday sftaraooa. ^ Has- laaaai . P*^^*"MJi'- ff*M •"•WB^W™M|plJ^|^T, j^W ••Bj'"Mj5- ^ ,)aW"sVBK Mrs. Whito waas aletecof oar latetoaaaaaas, J. V. Bowles. *..""' l e v . W» H, Moor* «riU glva a 'WiMtVllsa. % aCoager was in Sksrry. Saturdsy BUI aaat wife, of Barke, fiatarlay to help laOrdwayaaaU a% aaateaa gaHj^Lal| aaAg -^jadawvressrvsS assyad. ^ Svaryoae aajoyad a a ^-i»fa^Wav#"BB> 'aa aaaasy 1 with hoi laiaali. Mr aad iaawaa]Ps aj^waBjSBBjj iBBfa^ ^^aasjaapMs, BBBssBaBaa aa> awaaa- aBaa^ajsa Mr. aad Mrs, gagaas A. Headksy aad fiuatrr spaat a vary. Bwaaast evaaiag •M^a^iaMi apaas) a MBWSBBJ aBBajBBjs a)^^_ssa^e^'^BBa>BBaaaaai aaBasaa B{aawaa> IrytoFsjawtweok. " .FlrhsdaBegsrssadMrs. Lydia A. • aasa4 Friday vMtiagMr. aad Mrs. M. A, naaitay sad laailbr. ** Mr.aaiMca. Jastia Barwood,pf Fay, aakaoaaaiaaf davataatiMt »—- Har- mT^^Z.^ ir^^^T ^i*^^*. *^^*^^K *" "'^ - - . weBf'wV viffff* fa Maawaajaoa saat' week. Mas) Jwailla JRBJIMJ •of .Maiaaa^. vJattoa bar sxaBslaaraatav Mr. aad Mra. Saaaaat Aveir. haa wask. - Mr. aad Mrs. D. H. AraoW, of Fay, ^ Mr. aad .Mrs. Lewie DrjgoB.of oat ^EaisClvas -,arre- Was.Daaafwey.of Maloae, apsai a few daya vriAlaa aiataf, Mrs. Bekry DonaeHy, Mra. Vaagh, of Bri g s S t , spent wskhasa whth -her aepaews, John and M«Caffrey,of Maloae, spent last aatsj"^ritilAJaadfc_j^_^_ I," flaaiaiywa^ aasfaaafly." " -'- ; I - • Maraaaet Brady Mtataed from a weeks viatt to »ar siatar,Mn». Dr. DalpfeB,la MimSawtttoapoat Saturday iB Hunt- '' *' what frieads. ' . •' •' • 'V '" MoTTaBi) hi apsassiag - the week ia Maloae. : ' ''•'•-«''.' ~ Maw Hxrwood,of Baagor,opaoad the Msg*aoae6i oa Moaday wfi* a hug* toa^aaoa ofoatiklree. 1 Mrs. John CamecoB has gone to Malone toapead a few weeks at C. Hyde's.'- Mrs. H ^ has gone to the hospiatl for treat- Ocaaa^l»e, saeat Sosday laare. * ; Mrs.BotoCaaBins>smisiB very poor laealthat this writiag. Dr. Btietaaey.of Ooaatahle,a)atBaadiag her. - - lather MoGowaa, of Fort Covington, oalledom Bev. Fr. MoLaughlin afewdaya 'last weak. Wait' Oaaaeroa, of the Beaver, was' fom>d dead m bed Thursday atorning by ^BaaV ''BaYaa^BBT'' 'lffi* r - a^^aaBaalBMMia 'SaaaaA Saar ' aaMalMa'' \. th whsa he retired for the night. Hs a i a been ea a TisittaAieode Wednesday. BjaatfagawMaBfirto have ceased his aafileavasa wife,oaeqaaghter and oae —'-"" He was a brother of the btte -Jobs Skarfy, Mra James Spaulding was the guest pr Mrs. H, H. Kwiney Toee-isy. Mrs. J. B. Walla aad W. W. Stevens apaa«Tasaaayata. A. Laae't. _ Mr. aad Mra. Wsrren Kane are visiting rslstivss a* Ooeatable for a few days. -. L. C. Bowea went to*Erie, P«.. on Thursday, retaraiBg Saturday. While there he bought a aaay hotter for his saw atiii. " . - G, A. Lane want to Boston oa Thurs- day, lubsing up tbe butter trade fm the Mrs. EttaMoQIvney has been the guest of Mrs. G. A Laoe tbe past week. . The Ladies' Birthday Club met last weak witn Mrs. Belbert Sherwin. AH aajoyoda pleasant time. Mr. aad Mrs. Almanxo Bntcbias are vhdtiag atSamuel EUis'sat Chasm Fails. Mr, aad Mrs. Waldo Baetl are spsnding a few days at Westville, the guests of Mrs. Poefis parents, Mr. aad Mis. Frank Fsiroailes. ^' •" . " •• Miaa Ftoane Smith and her friend, Geo. Larch, of ScSsgis Falls, were the guests ofMiaa Saxtth^ parentsSunday. . Mr.aadMts. F. C. Ferris spent Tfaurs dayatW. W. Kag's. m^Jk!tf»^mmi^*htiimMg«s0i^ the _ wt weak at Malooe, the guest of her graadaiothsr, Mrs. S. C. Boweo. Mr. aad Mra, Bartoa But^bias spent taday with his parents, Mr. and lira. Fred Motohisst Mrs, PhH- Lync*, of Malone, Ti3iteo%her asotber, Mrs. Stephen Wiley, Saturday. Geo. Daveaport is building a new sugar boase. '* W. W. Sing has rented Carl Geen's tear works. frank EaeelliM lost a none thip week. Bev. Mr. 8leep, of Montreal, delivered a very fine aermoB Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trtpsny, of North Bangor, •"-"*• 8onday w»ai their aoh, Joe pb WiU Wells's sister, of Swenton, V t , U spending a few daya with friends and relaiivea. MissEnaFerru is on toe sick list ai presest. ' Harvey Miller transacted bosineaB in Malooe aaturday. P. B_ Tammoos, of Malone, was into wr« OB hattoeaf Wednesday. Mrs. Carrie, Burger, of Bangor, spent Saodsy with her sister, Mrs. WW Weils. Tbe Ladies' Birthday Ciub will meet with Mrs. Bobert McLaughlin on Satur- day, the fiOth. The Skerry basket ball team have laid away their salts for'this season. ."". . « ^ « i Brushton. ^ Howard Potter is attending an alumni banquet in Syracuse and visiting friends there for a> few days. Clifford Bowen, who has had employ- ment in New York city, has retnraed home. Miss Mary Whitman has opened her school to the Isaac Farr district near S. Begis Falls. Mats EUaOoltin, of Borfe>, visited her mother here a few days last week. Merchant Phelps baa purchased tbe Sam Stevens farm aad has moved onto tbe All trad j tor 70a to tryas, We're Jo* recelred our aort erf Sprtog fi^ai* -ssd ttey're U»e taodsofiieK. "magpieM" «boe ever stiowo in Mdooe. Vooli saj » w&ea joo see Uteo. No matter wbut roar choice a, jou'u Bad uzoag vae mat, taste of ibipeB aad leaUiers a Begpl Oat was made tor jou. Oar sbuvmg \nrttyte* an aattieettc aprtng ayles—models tiial hare the "ihoroasbteva appvanGee ttatsspeak to meavfbo are parHcnlar aboat wtai ttey wear. Stock we 11 & Flanagan, jc THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHING assL *S 3* way _ of Bombay Saturday evaaiag, Bemasjt Gf »as. Tbe last rsgalar Graage was held oa March ISth. The first aad ssooa At the next maatiag. whioh will ha held March 37th. refrsabmsats will bs Caarlea Foy has rsaaraed CanoagO. Ota aad Banish Paaa Boefcwooda o*«r Saaday. MiaaieDoonaa at Cooks Corner* to-day. Ts sanaa Foy laavaa for Thaajai B.G. of taeOvaaga start a whsre hshsa a good saaaaaa. naS haw naa^Aal S B A aaaaav aawS ago aaA, waste hs aaaaaaa to Maldeas, Thoir BaMtaasWl Bow toWiaThem." lirjaW%c«aia. Pro- oaeoa ~ to ^uvlatae -a fuxaaca for the OBafOKs y -v^ ^ ~< - - -*• *• .ti»IWBtoofB.'«>liavwaaaait"''•••"•- ' Mr. aad Mrs. Bradfiirw Msa^ aatortoia- 1 a larga party at cards Taanday evaa- 'fettdMh' u MIHhA asL a^^psa>a- ; aayaBB|i BB^ faasfiy last tof B. /liT.aaiBa'oaad i'daaSt Mas Margaret Begaa, who Maa hsea oariag for to* aioa: te Braa)** .|ar ataaa weeka,Mat f Uliat at " '"*'" -•-"--- air, aad Mrs. WaHaoa . tiaaVtaaBaaas. 'aBBBBB^aaVaBBBBtt JaBB^BBBBBBall^ , Mrs. MMtoaatl tJBWf«nOalvili#« Bav.aarflMra.JLL. Jortip> of firaah toa.oalatdamfrisBMBiaaaalaatMB ., ! was f .i...pa l a . i - » — ^ ^.^ "•1* PsWaMMaiiTafi swaav assssM «*^ taoaghfal afaar. Taa ajaaaatay of taa asoais ia sx- toBBaBtaaaTaasaaew- Maaisd to taaaaBaw meat. The faaesaX ths B. & Church ia day raoraiag aad ram stsry Tfrt. Heary Rater, of' Stow»i Vt, it psa4tagtbeaaoath of Maxoh wish her f ttaar, Mr. I^aaard wdaoa. Her saaiiy frie^areaiid to seeber vriM*' jaagato. . Mr. Joha^Bes, who has been ill nsarly aB wiator,:M iatproviag. " The aMMpas^agaraooW held by tbo L. A. S.mOrdaw^aaUcn Friday evening asveryw^aAtoaded. .... ^ . . . MimMahdTaheyhaabeeoaJ:sameoo •\ Tlw^kvasWaavetal liosaea ia oar aas^fahoraood lately, loaviag a little daagater at Mr. aad Mrs. Allaa Stark's, a ara>a«Mr.a^Mra.Taas. Baaaiea aod a: •oa at Mr. aad Mrs. Jodson BowelTs. r - Was. iChaauton, - of-' the Beaver, - was fooad dead ia bis bad on Thursday morn- '' ~ of thia week. . H« retired the ajght . . are ia his asaat good health, but oa tryiag toaroasa htia to themorafag they ^^ft^Wfc^^^^BB^iJ s^laaW^' ^P^P^s'jda '^^^Wjjllpa ^Xaaa^P' many friaadsof taafaadly eiueed syatpathy .to thesa in their hereavsment. M ^ B e a i 7 B ^ , w a « h a s b t s t t ^aaSer*^ C fxtsM bioosVp^w^B^ to is veryaiosly. - «aw«, MtOiocTowis viaftiBg hia anole, Maw Kit MoHann, who has been tbe guest of hersister in St. Albans, Vt., for a few weeks, has returned home. Master Donald O'Leary, her nephew, returned with btx. ' - B.C. Milts acd Herbert Haskell have purchased the Smith meat market and grocery: btaaness aad will continue the esme at the old stand. Mrs. George Edgar, who has been ill with typheut fever at tse borne of her aunt bere r lsconvale8oeut. B. F. Harris * Sana contemplate the erection of aJarges:ore bouse thia sum * | « - , . ^ i e y ^ g y o naTObased the Sarah Blood k* co WaJ»hingtoa street aad wiU erect the store house on the rear of toe tat. laterthey will build a large block 00 the street to accommodate their in- «SjBtogbttsinata. T. cT Decost, of Malone, ia the guest of hisatatar, Mrs. Louis Morgan. Mrs. Win. Manning went to Malone laat week to visit her daughters, Mrs. George Tryon, Mrs. Newei| Ureen and bus. Moses Burno. I Spriiis f Stples i Chasm Fails. Tbe aodal held at Wesley HaQ by tbe En worth League on Friday was well atteoded. and alt report a fine time. Mrs. Giles Stanohff returned borne Sat- urday from a visit to her daughters at Watertown and Potsdam. ' SeTerat young people from Malone at tended toe social here last Friday. Come Tbe Bre^aafde Creamery opeaed March 15. BohsctAvaryiato ram thefaotory tae.coojdBgaeaaoB.' ' TI 1 npai 1 j [ apcait Satazuay.ia Ma- Mias : Ags^ Coegaaa is apeading the * '- ~ with aaraaat, Itrs. Giles Wfl- . Mra. Waa, Yaagaapaat taa M i week at JehaMaarea^eJ Trout Biver. ' ' .. Harry Berry aaa W . -W. afarrea, of Troot Biver, caOad at Oaa. laaey'aoa . loadof yoaag taW'Saaar- aaa aa^ to Waat Goaaaahie ai Friaar itiaa*. sTlTLaaa^ea^aaatofi^ei^iB^ hrld taa Miaa. Taa^jawty eesaaatoa ef Mr. «af Mss. Bn P. laagaaa, Mra. CL E. ratal tao Maaas AaaAal Haat, BaattV lhuYaa fiaahtoaaa, flor- aad TTata tTaaaahiBj AH Mwaiiaaat B a i s B a W - w l i t i u m ^ a ^ « a t t StvakMr -miii*' ,w»wa WF lawa vaHaawwaia law#'*-'"a> w**^ to laaaiortafi a "Yt. . he MM TV " '" ....... . S B « # SjNasWBBBBBB> "MaMBBBi SBBl BBBS* BTZaBaBaBt laaaia aaoant of tafiaa a. Whiasistohs I Oaf -aaVtlttit* •3af fBaAtoaTaaTaV 1 jBaaaa^SBBBlav- > swWaaa^MaTsXm * IMoohiends of Daadee, oaa taa Mwses Miaa Agaai TaiMoa, nsttaagaaatof har Peata, far a few days. Maw Joaas Faaaa is risHtog friends in aaaaaw tor a few days. Bev, A. G. Lewav the pastor of the Bur**. Herbert Otis aad srejauJetly amrried at the COsy farm last Wsdesaday. Mrs. J. A. Boaaard, of taraaar LaJto. Mrs. Thoaaaa Ckawfanl, at Taayars (^oraars tost weaa. The Y. mi ail eeataat raoactly held hi Maloae wall be rajiatsd hare oa Friasy e^aiag at Odd FiOows HwM. froea the last last weak to aasaad thair faihsr's faaaral, UrysaaaOaak jwba has May esty. The hare wiU as Mra. P.N. lag frieads ia to take from V to who ha* Wast, has ia to Mew Yors gained as i i A , : - *! A * * At a'< A m A a f A A A * A, A A A A A r § SEE THE NEW SPRING FABRICS FOR SUITS AND OVERCOATS WHICH WE HAVE AT OUfV STORE. -% <•>••><•><•>'•> <% GIVE US A CALL IF YOU WANT A NOBBY SUIT. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. A 2 A A' .A t T ! * I ! '• 4% ' w ' A ' A A % A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A IfamesC weicft,! A MAKER OF GOOD CLOTHES, M A L O N E , N. Y- A A '. aad Mrs. Fred Clark aad children, of Tapper Lake, are risiting Mrs.£tsxx's .Mr. and Mrs. Wat, Earie, and other relativeK. " TbeneiKhDorsaadfxiendsoffiev. Cramer aad wife pieasaatly sarprieed teem on tbe 8-h, it being their fifteonth annirer . A v«tyrjlessant evening waa spent Mr. CranW wasjpreaaated with fSw aa areetoaBhraaoa owweootaasoa. Word has been reoetved hare of the death of Mrs. Gilbert Mattiast her home toCbicopee Falls, Mass. Mrs.Matosfor merry resided in this place aad hadmaay raasttvaasAd Viands here who waived the aewa with deep regret. ' _ Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd £-rle and SOB, of Daaae, are M town this week visiting rsiativea. gillsmand Yassa"-, the butter makers, are ftilisg their ioe bouse tois week for fac.ory,aad several others are pat [ to ice fw their use during tao eum- Brighto^arMl Harrietatown Grange. Tao aieetiag of- March 10th -was weU atteaded ia spite of the bad weather. Taefirat aad aeeoad degrees -ware jcoa* leCTsdaPoatoaroasdidatos. _J e !gg^ : .,, fi, i^r Lysasa £L Foots -was' ar*^"^"f ^^^aW^^I " * W ' waf^aaygaay*. ^RBa^rvwwK'as'' £W **•*&£? br O»4«eoc A, JLa> Ifatrill a^BiaBag «ltW|laa|a$w|-^Hf- fc!|atJB> mff'WtfOO^B WbtOO/tm Mr. Footo waa * most mioorae viaitor, aaa •wsnhars bsiag greatly beaefitted by , m?^mw^mw^ r ' MafefefiBvafe^^^^^^^g^^^^^^^^^^^^.- Itwasaplsaaara to aaa Lather Chase fit the haB agaia, aUboagh weaoreiy auss aia wife, who has hsea reasaved front our ssU3tay the grim resaar, daath. It is I-uticaJariy aad, taus betox thefim break sm oar raaka dariag the five yaara of *. J. FrtxasraM, Cbas. Jeekios, Thoa, asaiaaod aad thair reaaeotiva wives at- Maawdtlte State flraaga ooaveatioa at I^Mto falla, US. Y., last moath. Maa. J. J. Fits^erald rataraed Maroh rtthfrosaa aaoatha visit ta frieads at AJaaay aad Saratoga. : lisa^Wvraaw to Asasay for a few o»r» oa* - " - Wa,aaaG«aagsvaxtoadoar symsathy to Mrs. Jote Nokss, in the aaath at her father, llaary Coloa;alaoto Haary Ods, wtlwrisaWofaBhiaat ' ^Dwdafek^aaaMaM tMra. FOCTTTAIN-In Msloos, K. V., on Sat- ardsy, Maroh IS, lWa,a daugbier to Mr. aad Mrs. Willard F**HttaiB. IJkBBY-.-IaMaIoaa» N. Y,, oa Trass day* Maroh % tm f m daa^Ket to Mr. an* Mra. Nclaoa Larryr Jr. HOBBIN-la Wfaippiaviite, .N. Y.. oa Suaday, Maroh 7,1900, a soa to Mr. and Mrs. Syivaaos Robbin. KOY-la Maloae, N. V. oa Moadsy, March lat, laX», a son to Mr. and Mrs- John Buy. vitit- retorasd Thia ( ) evaaiacMr. Eraaey will give a graad as. Patrioka baU at MaoaHaU. A hag orowd ia aatici- Wtasex at vwiUng as thai vtotaity. ^sa. a S. Bawaaa ia ayiaitiag a few »y» with aatiHvrs at Die^taaua Caator. Maa. awwea biases, aad eaflaraa, of MTtaatSst - ! _ 2 . Mitt Ml /narrrtti. BOUCIEB-VILANDOBY-In MaJoae, W. Y., on WsdnMday, Maroh 10,1900, by Bav. Daamith, Joseph A. BoaeieraadMa* Laura Yilaodory. both of Maloae. Died. BIKAM—la MoTra, N7 Y.^ on Suaday, Maroh 14, 1M», J. S. Btaan, aged fit yaara. I3MBALL—Ia Braaatoa, B. Y., oa laraday, Maroh 11, lSrjf.8. P. Kimhail, agtdffyaata. BAMMILs>-Ia faTlieaanli. N. Y., ea •staruay, aUrab it, 1«», of hraaohial Mrs. Julia Haauaili, aged 75 * I I Workmanship in all Trades is always a delight to the eye and admired by aQ. It is not passed by with a glance. It marks those displaying it as well as the artists* a parson in the front rank of his or her accepted calling, be it in social or tesii>eas circles. Work of this Oass is done at the PALLADIUM OFFICE by men who have had yeajre^^of experience m this particular branch of the printing trade. We print '.-. E\ r EBYTHING Oi THE Billheads, COMMERCIAL LINE, AS ,; " - —. - Price lists. Letterheads, Programmes, Visiting CarcLs, Business Cards, Etc PRINTING,,, Of tbe FINEST QUALITY, combined w itb promptness and neatness, is a specialty of t b e . « . PAH.AD1MM mm .NO co. xati. esaKas BECEIVE rasarr ATTE5TIO!(. - E'53£S , Tim* asaVAWntCMMTlCK ts HnKBt «l j n H j U»ai BaiBrtay, u* 30U$ 4aj of Mwrft, tpBK Vmvm tit TW6'^T*TECiS "siTSf" TtiSS.. -M. »? *tefta«*<rf ; 6«3; ft*»' aiaJ,te&f->ea3EEX-.»• MC^allca o'ritx* i a Uwr toreaooca* c**. in U * Tiaate of Maloae. N. T„ U* SO per*.**, tr UM aajnbcf raaoiiaa *» law. «1it = s i = s » - * t o i . , ^ . " " i v = « i : ^ ' « i ^ i - * T ^ - «=>— ,-r tens « aamaa* eomn. lobe held at*l»e«msoa*e, ^5.I < ?^^'«»^5** B *a'?»*^ te *?*-- 1 *--" tsttMrtil rrasktta. wklr* tt _ „ _ _ _ _ ™^ ^„^«. „. _ .„^- - - ,- . ... . . _ . . tfe^OoeaMcrttaajkua. at- u»,-Smnsrsfc"* eojat d K, T , aar. am.»«». HARrtT J. fcrDttT. Ork. WANT5- W CAMNEY-At Btooaamgdak, H. Y„ oa ^flaaaMVil 4 * H w | ^C JPttflMaBwOHlsw* wiiaw of the aaa) Wtt- Traoaaa.f.v aaawaai for W J mMtsmaif, Kdi at tar toftn: «owe »i aaiDSt-, -is' t ~- tmwr ot TraatUn 00 u»t aa* 3a* « ' A5rt) at wa sfctaec at Ox? fonwx* ^ te±-- ^ 1 . tsete asd- mn*t ia attsa} ts« jaeBSitf * : 5 e M ' » r u » ttoal »<r«iBi of Juuui y. siaiCs*: *»csiaf'cf toe atst « w and taataaaa* or r»fl»a«s KJife -i*ss si tse WWB ot arijrbtaa. aroreanj 4ereaM£.. six} stm of j t * aa a*a taresy ettad, a* a « saAw »«*?*«*« - aad cSaodMaaaald- *W€S*y~oa« Kara, ate foawred to aaewar * t y W £ iSSST^rj'a«ar4aw.ir yes fet»a«ae.«r U yw« hire »**fe J=- ^^ aaaSrtMaU «w«»sa«**i<yr«rsa»io«« asfKaawta, «r m ~&* ^ « ^ ; » i w t a f yosj-aaf*rtortai.'sr«ic(lv ao, agvaeatfi l , wtUb*aa#oia«ed»f awMrKcalv 10 r*«W{>tt act tor j«a ia ta« 1 "— saauttHi «0al KKCS, rro-f M osfatm TO awA»>«cciiAT a sijjr* ft.*.} wsTximm?""* a. A, iSesias* aarruBMel ecort at o>* stt* Gsaarf afrraasaa to b* BrmuiiQ aAxed. Wttaaat, Bern. rrt>ltrt(* U.Pa*fc*t- tarratste oT aa» « » i fOBBtT, ai Ow Craxatr oi Frmot^fi, liTlia ear of Jaa-. «• a w j w * ot oar lord oaa laowaod aia* fcW- amtaaSatss. .._ ixoaawca BOTCT aaTAsT. aaVyawaasaacr. MT m sa ^N I; r is^Si i©al ail adr| intended ! Toetdaf 1 The vi ' was a having * Boininatl •3PS8 505,1 ing294 propoeltil the diasel to 38. Thei Preaiti fruste Bessette I Treasu CoUect ^The of were toi; publican J i)emocra| and Mr. Degoni Demoora^ and tbe ! LaPlant,| W. Lawr lican can tbe Demo When tbe fo!lo« by accL Plans and I Vital 8tat: Treasnh-r'i AsseaBore 1 Care of T o | Complei'n Elm 81.: Franklin f Kiteoaiugj Brown au f Two Sand I Band Con Taking Ca Wsdbairis 1 of 0d IN JAIL,! Jobo BlJ Malone, be| the grand c a crime so-1 nature thai caoee in -ol in a com tempared 1 cution of ttj lyrohing uq Blair House in M] stable Fred| He was ar Bigelow thl •auch unde| he was c 1 morning, ing be wait mitted to ji Tbe autaq oat for Blii| April, wbeq tbe uornbll little four ; that time taking to chased by s i in town frol arrest and i| alleged crm Canada, u b | but during I working i n ] rondackc. Str.io^e t<j tbe allege i ' tirst lo rec . Maione. be at once voc officials n-u(j arrest. TAKEl fleorge A.| to Moira on of tbe late Jj remains ner Mr. Tobin heart tailur Rust was eul bnt when hi covered suq verse with made as seemed to afternoon he 1 other attacl serious cond Mrs. Tobii to Moira this just before have receiv^ Rust that 31 comfortable i a few dajs. pleading oe« Mr. Tobin i n I St. I'atnckl looked do«n 1 have bluslird| the few of it who were ir| played a matter wur| Irishmen r whose great t were only v\ their ex unuyl as the case uil green di>j)lar| to indicate tt to procure as| one of .the u; Irish lie for them w h o • of this iten. if the preseiit| LAWL'M i s a m Daj rolls arod shamrock»' J| tribute a ' :spr and we trust 1 St. Patiic't --.v id. those win for- his uieinur A fire destrd Thpnias'Snajnl . ri>ad., a short', Sunday e,venn wfere'away si man, wrio wa head wtien hi useS DO ert«?ct{| .flames cfntii -ti .control, Tim! ISteated-fiuiv^yi'l Wagcartteci bauseMd cort| not coter t&e J A three-dtaj 4rea«€d and was found io,,« orAJ«g»ndff last Tbursiaj waif oaawfroij still remains Johnson hate I at Santa Clara | Tot returned faaaijh/ bave farther tai '.tU'aiS^J u.iiiB r biifali.ttlll¥iliiiirii " i V niirfflTtitrial \~" i*SS!Sa*Saa«

I fames C weicft,! - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031566/1909-03-18/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · the debt in lest than tweoly years, ... haviag swan la iaussCaataiy

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v r ' T ' ».,.p.»^iii^

-?-" »itf.HlJyj^w^S'^i^^^-T*/-.'i««*l0''i-'ff*f?ffi i i ti •'wwniwii.iNiiiwwtfwwyiiii i BUBg>a<MW»nMr irTiT'wwinr-m<>TW-f--w>i!:

' j i i J ; a s *

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r~- ^St,

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^he JaUadium, MaiOM.TlMn^, Mvdi )8.1909.

^ f ( l l l | W l i M fajaaw*

A T A L S A N Y .

I l l are na>--I Of

[I t Aaoaav. ft is that the ernaBoadaBtsare aaaaraatlT

Hk saa'-a&BBBsa o' laalrti tha ttaatBBal iter arlBaV

t- ttteoaaelves, of saoa .{•cUtton*' arottlfe

Mm aaa* bo ''with the terare

aaao^aeaavverafsmaoh. If. however, he veatareesedasagree with the Gover-aorareoraBBwaaaationa anil oolniee, be is

- ef aeeeaaitjr aa oeaoast Bad a betravar of taapeoaaea batata**. A atrikiog Olaav tratioB aJoag that fine i r given . by the HewYorkTbaMW^ which editorially eoa-dMuw tlw nrocoBsd Jaaaaaobaaotts ballot A r MevT«rfc,sJBd tons the direct p*-.

'idea to a fraa*)*. Yet its AJbaa* jidt'ltt" shift l©ltflwi :

torantahowt Itoiaawiraa Issaers ia the TegialalaTii aronoahu to adjourn wit* taa^aghasiWQs^iuaaae of reform left 1 4 ^ sail A?," sad aboat the aeceasity - far taa peaale to bri*g ivaasare to• bear''

i in case they do

ties ies^alators who lertheafase-

Ktiiimii laTfc* are bad sad to bo d»-trated, tseTiaiw itself, and a aembar ofoibersap^wUchpfinMsUtoBOikgr, saaat be s aariy sad shsbby ioi.

It is sow thoaghtiax>bahte ths«Bo new aoaross of taxation wiU be aoagfat this ysarjbeosaee thera^ie apperant general tgjnmmttmcmg, the Be£ubfi<xa leaders fa the Legialatare that the rata of psy awaits iato the easel debt '»ft»Jr»T'g fond cas be mstorislty reduced without det-' ziaMat to say mteresk. Tfce rate of ooa-tnbs&B to thia fund heretofore made woald provide for oomplete payment of the debt in lest than tweoly years, whereas it will no* bs doe for half aoea-tary. l a w the smoant set aside for the food thayesr wiU be cot perhaps foci* Bullionsof dollaxs, sad the State wQI thee as^eooogb. money for'' its oarreet

- aeada wghoqt imposing new taxes.

The question of legalizing the sale of Sqaoria the city of Sew York onBanday has again arisen in a remarkable way., Sooh sale is of ooorse tewfot aow if made


The sixty first Congress oonreoed on Moateay tart fa nraiiHasit with ths pros-

of ths nialaaBl taa asaato was aJnaay orgaaiaaa, haviag swan la

iaussCaataiy sftsr Praat-dsa»Taft%Jasataratioa fop the parpsss nf rrwiffiisiai. CisWiwt and other appoiat-

°*tls>, la the £k>wto Joseph Q. Caaaoa of HtffMilt was Tifsaolail Spsahsr, bat

•ocss lor otasr awmoeis. iaat eoaias

t)f somsj thirty BapnWtfali, maiahsn and of all of the Dsasoorats that asrstofors the ooadaot of the bastnest of the Hooss haf bean arbitrary, sad-" -that: only sach

had ptdjior reoogaitioa aad oaportaaity to#»t their hittt

The rtasstliftsd. BapabaVasa aad taa Ileaworstt thsrslota oosihiasd to arswsat the saofaisa of tas rakat whioh

tjfsss, sad. oarrisd thoir point by a Bsa-

are lass striaceat aad whioh will, asit the ffnuflraf aad the ooauaittM oa raiss tooiatfrotseabsolataiy the preosd-areof tbelTowai,

TFkfi uiwlwiisiwsi of so-oailed "iasax-|sit"TCr|iai||ftaai sad Dsmoorato fsilsd

•aated* bat wars .yet able to foroe 'a partisi viotory. They saooeedei .ia so;

the rales that were ia ia the last Cbas^ess that meaibeis will

she Speaker for reoosniOea whsa they to adraooe bills in whioh they am

uterested, aad abo so that there wiU be batter .aad saore freqoeat opnortaaiOes for eoosidaratioa of meaenres that are siaiary of local iatereet sad ooaeeqaeaoe. Thenjajority on this propoeiwaa whioh

aooeptabte neither to the twooeV Cannon men aoc to the ex-

trecniets amooc the "iasargeata* and among the - Democrats—was tbirty-niae, After the victory' had been won eTso Speaker Cannon himself commended


Tbeladiw'AidSooUty of the Bsatiai <Amrc« wiU hold a pare load sale at the drat store of Dewey* BmiA oa Sstar-

AST. Caas. B, Qwtle, a retires) Msche-da*»to»^t«r,4Watha^^^oa»ea«r^Uaski, K. Y., on Wedassdsy of last weak, aged

aow sae. riortasra xiew xors; oxwnwaaos. BEs was pastor of the M. E. oaaroh at MaloneinlBTf^.

Twigs Hassl in tike UsJssd fltates eoart ea sfoaday deaied the mrtttnir of the 8taadardOilCo.foraaew trial aad im-

ad a faeof fMfcMt. faet oass alafed on the SuadarJ Ott CSo.'s aooapUat

of oi l^os. Oieas, N. Y., to Katlaad, aad other aoiats ia Ysratoat. Taa xaJboads

r^saawlvsassaadtaes^stlaad. « There osald bs.fhw areatotioas the fat.

IMstssi of waioh woald as more gtaec-SIIT or more ardeatlT eaaaad taaar- that rsesetty made by J. Os/lea Arasoar. lir, Hi swan says; "sfest will he- eaeaaer this saauaer. lteat fealsji, toerait^,at pnssatVbat this is beeaass of taa la-.

It foils ws that wasa oora a) hiy^ meat is-aaMsaaa ^a^Baass aBBB sasJsaaaam> SBJSBB. SBVV^Bsaaa|sY, aSsaaa/ aaanLasaa

of dom to go down, aad amat wiU ps

May Irwia, the watt kaowa aotnss, hat aaaocaoed her iataatiosi ef torBsss; her/

>rhmmo saanfl ttoiiin. Inrafnd oa Irwia "SaXaMaJI 2 ^ fX< • Csa* "a" &^^^i^sa^L^ k u k a ^ '^-^^u^^^Cf^

sasae, m tae cm. xJtwresDen^srxOssissna CUytoB. into a swell aalsatr aotai aad wiU h*Te it in rsadiasss for oyalmg by Joael . Jrwia islaad hj-eae of the best knowa of the Taoasaad Isisads groop tf'samt aa^wtti^allwaaaa SBsV^'aBsaaB; saaaa^aBSB* #La . ImsBisa B-a^aaa

wmsKt home is baik of craatte aad cost t»,000. With some alteratioas fa the pauss 'She wiU^be sbto toaooossmodsta serersl handrsd Tisitors. -

. Extensire smn^^inc opent^o^ >cro*> the St. Lawrenoe rirer betwesa Oitdena^

new proposition is to give tbe prinkge to aalooas as well, and taeaoaroe from which the saggeation eaunatos vesto it with im-portanoe. B; oofiieB from a <a»io commit­tee of the hJ^heatcliaraotor, at least one; awmber being a dergymaa. Dr. fark-harstslaospproTes. The definite plan ia thataakxmain K e » York shall Jbaxa a Goeose to sreiep opes from one ofeloek in theaftornooB ontil eleven o'clock at night protided Aey pay aaadditioaal tax there­for; sad also that in the case of a second conviotion for violation of the excise law theboensebe Ukea not only froea the pnipaetor, oat alto from the pbwe—thus making it for the interest of fee owner of ttebaadingaad of the backera of a dealer to see to it that the lawiaobserved. Otter ooasideraue betterments of the

But notwithstanding the respectable scarce of the proposition, and the oon-atderslae c l ^ seBtiment approving the same, we have KtSe notion that a Bepab-lioBn Legislatare—or, for that matter, even a Democratie r^egalstore-is likely to adopt it. trpKxmntryaeQtiment woold sinip^y annihilate any aartv that might be g«a% of asaotioning the iiqaor tesffio aaywiere on Sunday. IncideBtally, it is worthy of the I^apaUtare's oonaioieratioo if it woaldBotbeweatoeasot the apod points m the snggeated legisiatioa while rejeotfflg the bad. One of the former psjrticalarly meritB each treatment, vis., thai the definition of what may constitute ahotelberewritteainthe law, so as to mskilt it impcacticable for any sort of an old aback to do bosineaB as an inn, aad to oomauad the aaoiag of • fioeooe aiere^thjOBgh the payment of the stat-atory fee. £.et that reform be made, and Maloae and hondieda of other places woald be immeasurably better off.


his work easier. . Ths^y-odd years ago, nnder the roles

as they thea existed, there wereocoasiona when the House was held in oontmooas session for days at a time without one psrticle of buemesa. being traasaoted. The minority ooneomed the tiaae in fip-bofttering, and men wore ont their ener-gist and ondermined their health by keeping long boors and suffering exposure. Thea tbe rotes and'practice werecbaagedso sa to make it possit for a majority to do bosioeas. It would be a step backward to have rales now which are not effective, and which woald place the majority at the mercy of a minority.

The work of the present sassion will oooaist almost wholly in dealing with the tariff toeetton. «»d[ fit ia hoped that it may be completed early in Jane.

•• ; '»»»«' .-- ' ' ' ' '.

Porto Eico coffee phmtere are extreme­ly anxiooa that the new tariff law shall impose a doty on ooffee, and not a few stodeats of tbe question in the United Sutes believe that such a duty ia advisa­ble from the viewpoint of providing sdditionsl revenue and also as a general policy. Tolevysochadn^r, it ia urged, would be to compel coffee-growing coun­tries to remove the export tax which these generally now Uy upon tbe product, and, therefore, aa it is claimed, the prioe of coffee in this country would eventualiy be no higher if there were a doty on it toan in ease it were free, IFpoa the other hand, It is represented that there is now in store in the United States a vast amount of coffee, the price of which would be at enoe increased by the amount of the duty that might be im­posed, so that the owners woald reap a profit of some millions of dollars without ouHay or risk, and ooBaumers<t# mulotad in an equal sum. It is probably the fact that the removal of tbe duty from tea and coffee thir^r-odd yean ago was a mistake, and of no substantial benefit to thepec^; Jbatai^lacement of it BOW would be pretty sure to jump prices temporarily, and to prove very unpopu­lar. Nevertheless the treasury most cer­tainly have additiooal revenue fromsome soarce, aad if none more available oaa be found it msy have to be sought from tea and coffee.

Since the corrupt araotioss act amended, a few years ago, ao aa to re-t|uirepoiilieal committees to aooouatfor ts»ir exjtBBditane, the eaetom of haing poll workers has tasx» the place ia many localitisaof the eld praotioe of baying votes. Of ooarse the two procedarea are ia effeot eqaivalsnts—most of the poU axwken who were hired beiag the asms aaea who aaed to sell their votes, aad the traasactioa of hiring bamg aabstitated for the sals. But'Senator Wamwright proDoses to do away;'wlUi this aobterf uge, aad;aae offered a bill farther ameaclmc the law, so that committesa most file

i of their sxpeaditares to taa i detail, sad sam naaxmg the

•of poll workers who aaay bs hired to two m each etoctioD district. The day

i carried by bribery is downed, a only mtorsst in voting is

togettherjrioeof aday'a work will soon have ao incentive for standing about the streets oa aaaotina day. aad waiting to deal with ths highest bidder.

Oaa of the bills October 13th, the date of t l» discovery' of Aaaerfca, a legal holiday, to be kaown as Cblumbus Day. It la thought that the Ooveraor wiQ aiga it.

- rtaaMSibtjinsn Hawley appeared last week before the ronvmitton en edaca-Oao, ia.advocacy of a favorable report oa aia bill prohibiting the erection of

height except in cities of the first aad second class. The bill was suggested by the School house fire last winter to Ohio, where so assay children lest their ttvss. TIM exoentioB of first and aecood ct*» cities from l i e restriction is made upon the grouad that real astots isvaloablein soch tocalitiee, an«i that tbe city author­ities may h» trusted i e Drowte fire escapes and ©ther safeguards, Mr, Haw-isyaiade a good impression Iftfote tiie committee, aad was thought to hare made a stroag case for Mt measure.

The British satal programme for the earwat year, as submitted to Pariiamsnt. ooatsas|aate» aa expenditure of a hun­dred aad seventy-five million dollars, a part of which will go for the building of tame twenty taoasaad taa battleships. Upon the oomplsrioa of these, three ysats hsax OfwM Britain will hav« roartesa seftja of tUaotaas, walls Germany sxasasa seaavaatthasassstiiasthirtssfi Great Brataia at havtog a hard time of it, to Usaaa to her traditional policy of asaia-aawJac a aavy at least sqaaltothe oom-Uaad aavat power of aay other two

i « f

New York city's plight in the matter of obtaining additional rapid transit tinea has been apparently almost kopekpa for a long time past, bat prospects seem aow to have improved woaderfally. The cityitaslf cooid not aadertake aay coa-sidersble new work beoaose it 'had all hat reached the ooastitutkiuat debt limit, aad private capital has eusaaurl to be irreeoacilabty disrsdiaed to attempt to do anything under the terias that the lawa makepoaathle. But within the psat few daysoooditioas have ohaaged aoaa bly, and three dVnmto propositioas have bssa aabaoitted to the aatborities, the acceptance of whioh would anal a good assay miles to the ctty'a aabwaya* Thsas works would require the wtpsairltais of scorw of a^fiSoas of dotiars, sil of which arivatocsjatal woald saaply. As to two of ths moaasirioaa -sassa nisaga ia taetj laws would have to be made, bat for thai

So opiaioa asems to be ready, aad the terms, suggested are not nnressoashls. The third can be authorized at oaos, sad, if so authorised, work will be begun ia the near future. ItisTsstly batter that these subways be provided by private capital thaa at pubtio cost. —-'

The suit sgaiast the fwaailaid Qg Ooaa-paay for haviag aoospted rsaatss apoa saipfneatsftoss Whlttag, lad.—ths same

in which the fine ef tweaty nine millioa-dollars was oaee imposed—came toss abrupt ending last week. The JOT-ernaMotwasaaablstoealablBm thatth* i>es usr tariff was as alleged, and thete-foreitcouJdnotbesbowB that a rebate had been gives) aad accepted. TJhejad ft

rertictfor the tWendaattsnd this will probaWj ibe. the last fit ibis earn* But even if there Is no conviciiort the war mad^bytljs' gotw»«e»t apoit rfthaijag has i#m ^vigorous and de*srmlnea that abuse timtoytA* Ttofe alotf« if worth,

• i » " i . ii• " I I » I « » • • I, i- 'i

Gay Tbottuw, who was employed as a switchman at the furaaos yards at Staadisfa, was kUied by the ears hs was switching oa Wednesday noon of last week. It ut not know how the accident occurred as no one SAW the man at the time. A box car aad coal car had been coupled to tb* locomotive aad Thomas signaled the sagiaser to start. A fsw miauies altar Ut body was fooad lytaf at taa aida of ta* track with the hsad eom-pietaiy ssvared aad laying bstwaaa the rails. Whiter he attempted to get oa to •he sagias aad fell oaf or whether he was auaekby the oars will asvar he kaowa.

twsaty-fivs ysare of age.

[aoadsy at Mr. aad Mrs. W. A, Dt

.^ —. -, aayaBBBsaj aaijt^^BsjBjp 4 T ^

to Hew Yotkt wasre sa^laaja , ,_ . . • • ^^ *™*™*""jBa **™e^P*» i*fcw"Bj vwasw ssnA'IpVa^^H^BBBBBByjl -as^a

hi* father. Fred EJdrsd, who wiU vast T ] ^ h O i a - ' d Ag? +l*%tmM^m •BaaJaral aBBBBBBBSBraali " ^ • ^ L -• ^ T ^ * * ^ ^ iw^^w«^wa^assaa> ^RBBPW^ ^BBBBBjasiBfcw^

Hiss MeKay to fiaiah the year Jaithe ™**^W •«all1a^^al^^aWpswla^R W^ ^^Bp m^KwIK^ A l B s W r

Stvaa A vary law lafBsasdfrsaa the Mast aa^ ai vMthar atthahoaMsf hatiathar. ^^ r^™^" ^^w ^^^^v^^^^|pj ^ W F w^^wai r^w^p^wapa* SPWV saasaF eepaawawww y •t*wB>™*sjPi s a l ^ a j t

Mrs, rsjaaa Arses, of Is a .gasst of her 1 Dsskay, aad otaar raaattat asra.

GtenMoa Mvde. tif Mshma saaal flslsr war with his aeothar, W. U - dywa.

Mwa CMMys flatBt Wat the gaaaf of iaatda te Maaaaaa lass weak. Mrv. **mrtfta Mfds,'* of aWoaa, was ia'

towa ovev laaaaay. 3t jp^ggBj •jfia^j_^jJK_j j ysBSK l^^jBAwaji., dSiBB^aaBaBkBBdi Iba . ftlawM

esJUar ia towa oaa day Jasr^waaav''

eveaiag ay the raaertof-aaa aaswaer of fiaary fksoks ay Oharies Davtbr, Jr« whioh fcaapasad a*aa* twOTartaaiiast of aaro. _ A fast aosoaat -of tla> toawaor is

sa aUa aiaaahsr - Taa>'

eVaook frost the St. Thaayaaastayof oat

.tlhV^j^tCL- T* %

oaaroh bare

w o n n CMnQor>

Maa Edith Drury, <>t Bristol, Vt., apsat " ~ 1 tta) taOaaa as haw


ashed by the Baager Y< •. Taa several ooatasta-ts were, so w«U atatejhld that »*•"' '" ""' "" — " b o — ^ ^ . ^ ^ . ^ _ . _ _ ^ „ of. Maa Ji«aaatto Stovaaa, -wss awarded by Mrs.,"" :

Mates* Y. The ] "

W. ttM^ors, pastor ef theM, Mt^ f« w* MeKaassVjti '1-TTf nf f i t TTdirth TTaaiaT in

Mr. aad Has- Aasoa Hoadlsy vWted their aaaghter, Mrs. Otis a WyHe,S«a-

Jtr. aadMrs. Casasr Caleaad Mr. aad Mts. Oaorga Daothx viaitod Mrs. Cber-l « l | a 'S^gWatW'fBBBaBBB^aB.V

Mr. aadMri. & Ifosaasj^t Seaday la TTalntasiiHa -

M 7 i Z l ] t o ^ A . H o ^ k 7 a ^ e « a g h -tnr» Sasax, viaiasd Mr aad Mrs "^'"i^gT

aadsausghaK%]ri9a,Saaday. taa Adaaas was' ia Malooe Satar-

* * a * •', ' - " " ' - • • ' • . ' . . : " ' ' • ' • " " - - ;

^ •* 'mm ••..; 11 i-iiiin»i ' .a isa a . (. _ .1 mill, . -

^: Trout River.

^we-ieg^Baaaay- j I t iaiae

in court in Montreal. Bichard Oaador, of IroflBtas, who chuaas to liam base the agent of the principaia, has turaed ia< fonnar.oahkassop^tes. fitestatodtaal a compaay1 in Kingston einpkryed Mm to get the gotxb aciroaa the river. They war*. aeiUfrc« New York to a Lisbon He thea fgwaggted the corangnmeat % m rowboat to Iroqooia and shipped fiat goods to Moatreal. ' TJie Canadian gor-eraaieat ia suing the oompaay to recover t l5 ,«0 penalty. Anx>theraimilsTcsaeis also, to be neard on informatiosof the aame man^ woo; claims to have amaggtsd goods to the ralue of 930,000 for a firm in Montreal.

:; TUeagreemeotof the anthracite mine workers with the operators of the mine will expire on the first of April, and to anticipation of soph expiration the workers have propoaad a baais f r a new agreement, Tl>sy demand an toorease Of wages, fuU reoogni^oa of their J u k n , BBieonw other coaceasibo*. The owners baverefMedfiatly to yield to anyof the demande, aad 'the. workers are to meet in ooaveatioB oa Tnesday next to determiae what their further coulee will be. The owners are witling to renew the exlattol arrangement, which ia oxte^r that' rec­ommended by &e strike cwmmiseioa that was appointed by President Boossvert four years ago. ' the workers are, how­ever, particularly aaiioas to have tho coefaact made with their unioa as saofa and opou that point the atrike oootmit-sion round against them, aad the owaats are fet as a flint againat that propoeiHlon. It a) suggested that a atrike may result, but the miners ooaht to know that present is a poor time for strikiBg. ':

No crime ia years lias so stirred the people a^osrally and the police upartto-alar at baa ttM aaiaaliaatioa; of JJUk% Joseph PetrOBiao of the New York poUoe force, In Palermo, Stony. By aaay FotsosiiM is considered a aiartyr. Be has received numerous threatathat asleas he oBaaed hia nffnrta ltJithat tH> TWsot

Italian ootaajifatori aad crtatiaala he would meet his ead. Fetroatao, however, was iioir deter isd in work he - bslisvoil ho was called onto do for oivihaBtioa aad° hamsaitr, thoagh he ofwat proahesisfl to sis frieads ths fate that befell him Fri­day. Peteoaton was 48 years old aad' ht-

in 18» Hs was the "find" of Iasasctsr Alexaadar Wilfiaaaa, Wilaams waa at-traotedbytae aetiva aad aright ynaag Itabaaaadoo^ved the idwTrf wassg hf si ia the ItaBaa fH4wiimj where orJaaaa

the first -Iwtfnstae -was aacosasfal. Bis iato taa

while hie coeviotioBS have baa* tiooately iarga.

A Tapper lalto oorrssfnsiaeat ssys: Dr. E. M. Aaatta, wlm avaasscsad aaMrviasr of thiatowaatthe raoaat UaaBial alao-

atriptoCabe. Alargsorowd waaattiMi to great hss>, aad ha awosadat to

hatrsaideaos aasat the atawaag of aaBt

Dr. Aastmasaliesabsforeaa nabUo la a aolitioel way" tor 14 ywam, whoa he

years ia saoosaaTaB he was anmlBarsi tar .by the lUeaaiioaas, ia oopa-

attioB to the ree^der ReBobticaa aaanaiae, oady toaMstdoiaat at t t e haada of aia Daaaocra^woanoaoat. ItoBaaMMtsTatlaM tiass taa doctor was storaad aad asrvod ceatiaaaaalv for aamaaarasasaraIa:iMBaa, ^^^^^^w^^^^^^^^^^jy w^^* w^^^w^w ^waw^w^w^ aws> ^^•eai' ^^swsa^aai

fwoyaarsagoae waa agala by the Itopaboosas, bat was

at the sieotipa. TbednwlovtaaB retired from p>Hios,t^via« ha* tha^ aav tjraly to his xnofssihiB. M taa towa aaasiiac OMMBaaas tass aatiaaf aasBMar agiliwH liia snwaaainl wish. Isj waa float" fnatedbjlb* Ksfmbttoaaa, aad eadoraad hy 160 I)*aaoorass, la the far* of powerful oaaotatioa, ail OBaaaaat a popaiar aad tmim4»i e Ulaaa who had Lh«b*ckint of lb* rtgalar aasehiasry of the KseubUoan party. A banquet la the doctor shooer M eamg anaaajsrt for hy the Topper Lake firs rtspartasset, whsa COTWS will b* laid for too psrseaa Th* Joctor »s torn of tbeabiast aad hast kaowa aoperrisot* ia Franklm county, aad hit return fc> xh> hoard has 'base wcjeomed by both BepaeUeaa and Dsmocratic nwmbers,

The Sotoe Gaacds will ;-hoM' a adeisl aa awaaajf svesdag at the haaaa ef Mrs. ]lla«fSoott.' SverysaMia lavitedV- -

^ TaeSalvatiosj^Arasy w » hoaf^servfoa

Tsara wiU baa awetiagef sae^Dairy-oaa AasseaathM at t*a"lawa halt o i

Tha raaay, at t oTotook.: Mfajfr faiaaat i* ta«ebsomaiid^aia^gedtoastoadV I*is expsoted that a;a*ato' apsaTrer wiU bs

- Mim beaaitowte the g a a M s f l w tor, Mm. Q. B. fiastlaga, of Tjapajv Lake.

" oaUeira ia-towtt'ts'" ~ -• •- - • -- • noted th*followia«: Mr.aafiMt*. J. J.

A. £u __

who hasa> poahioa with pX "•.-:• •v--'ii-:v-''Jt-'< l.»'X ""*'


\ Misaflanistt!

of iMrsiarar, Mrs. B.'

wavsjaia aaea ape-

_ 1 gswot ' 4,l^ali^a^a^aaa' &5?ww wsi f sPf,

MraFrsd Hsk,of _

Mrs Mary Bowies. last avajtav Mr. aad Mrs. ila^TySiBBayweregaeata

*{ U* borne of Mr. sad Mrs. D. a Adaaw

^ra^r^r*aaj^y-Fsi^jawaataaBBaj^as; -BBBBSBB; 4aaa^Baaajj 'jasa^BjsBBBBBBBBja^ 'ftaasV a^HXagMnkS s ^ F JsMfiSMfeVa^S 'B'itf'aaaaaamA 'aaft fiarVaaa^^.

"ft*"" ' -jaat ^ __ „.„_. ,,T ^__

,-lfef- -t^»«t ^T * f" fat atiaiiiij"aia, la vaipag ir>hillij.a aad frfaa as i a oaf yifc

... 1!masmar<t was taa-gTaast-ef has. unoto to Braaher kast Sstasjaay.

Besty White a t t e a d e o ^ Jaanral at taa home of Mrs. Marj Adaaas, la Saaday sftaraooa. ^ Has- laaaai .

P*^^*"MJi'- ff*M •"•WB^W™M|plJ^|^T, j^W ••Bj'"Mj5- ^ ,)aW"sVBK

Mrs. Whito waas aletecof oar latetoaaaaaas, J. V. Bowles. *..""'

l ev . W» H, Moor* «riU glva a


% aCoager was in Sksrry. Saturdsy

BUI aaat wife, of Barke, fiatarlay to help

laOrdwayaaaU a% aaateaa gaHj^Lal| aaAg

-^jadawvressrvsS assyad. Svaryoae aajoyad

a a ^-i»fa^Wav#"BB> 'aa aaaasy

1 with hoi laiaali. Mr aad iaawaa]Ps aj waBjSBBjj iBBfa ^^aasjaapMs, BBBssBaBaa aa> awaaa- aBaa^ajsa

Mr. aad Mrs, gagaas A. Headksy aad fiuatrr spaat a vary. Bwaaast evaaiag •M a iaMi apaas) a MBWSBBJ aBBajBBjs a)^^_ssa^e^'^BBa>BBaaaaai aaBasaa B{aawaa>

IrytoFsjawtweok. — " .FlrhsdaBegsrssadMrs. Lydia A.

• aasa4 Friday vMtiagMr. aad Mrs. M. A, naaitay sad laailbr. **

Mr.aaiMca. Jastia Barwood,pf Fay, aakaoaaaiaaf davataatiMt »—- Har-

mT^^Z.^ i r ^ ^ ^ T ^ i * ^ ^ * . *^^*^^K *" "'^ - - . we Bf'wV viffff* fa Maawaajaoa saat' week.

Mas) Jwailla JRBJIMJ •of • .Maiaaa . vJattoa bar sxaBslaaraatav Mr. aad Mra. Saaaaat Aveir. haa wask. -

Mr. aad Mrs. D. H. AraoW, of Fay, ^ Mr. aad .Mrs. Lewie DrjgoB.of

oat EaisClvas -,arre-

Was.Daaafwey.of Maloae, apsai a few daya vriAlaa aiataf, Mrs. Bekry DonaeHy,

Mra. Vaagh, of Bri g s S t , spent wskhasa whth -her aepaews, John and

M«Caffrey,of Maloae, spent last aatsj"^ritilAJaadfc_j^_^_ I,"

flaaiaiywa^ aasfaaafly." " -'-; I - • Maraaaet Brady Mtataed from a weeks

viatt to »ar siatar,Mn». Dr. DalpfeB,la

MimSawtttoapoat Saturday iB Hunt-'' *' what frieads. ' . •' •' • 'V '"

MoTTaBi) hi apsassiag - the week

ia Maloae. : ' ' ' • ' • - « ' ' . ' ~ Maw Hxrwood,of Baagor,opaoad the

Msg*aoae6i oa Moaday wfi* a hug* toa^aaoa ofoatiklree. 1 Mrs. John CamecoB has gone to Malone

toapead a few weeks at C. Hyde's.'- Mrs. H ^ has gone to the hospiatl for treat-

Ocaaa^l»e, saeat Sosday laare. *;

Mrs.BotoCaaBins>smisiB very poor laealthat this writiag. Dr. Btietaaey.of Ooaatahle,a)atBaadiag her. -- lather MoGowaa, of Fort Covington, oalledom Bev. Fr. MoLaughlin afewdaya 'last weak.

Wait' Oaaaeroa, of the Beaver, was' fom>d dead m bed Thursday atorning by ^BaaV ''BaYaa^BBT'' ' l f f i * r - a^^aaBaalBMMia 'SaaaaA Saar ' aaMalMa''

\. th whsa he retired for the night. Hs a i a been ea a TisittaAieode Wednesday. BjaatfagawMaBfirto have ceased his

aafileavasa wife,oaeqaaghter and oae —'-"" He was a brother of the btte -Jobs

Skarfy, Mra James Spaulding was the guest pr

Mrs. H, H. Kwiney Toee-isy. Mrs. J. B. Walla aad W. W. Stevens

apaa«Tasaaayata. A. Laae't. _ Mr. aad Mra. Wsrren Kane are visiting

rslstivss a* Ooeatable for a few days. -. L. C. Bowea went to*Erie, P«.. on

Thursday, retaraiBg Saturday. While there he bought a aaay hotter for his saw a t i i i . " • • . - • •

G, A. Lane want to Boston oa Thurs­day, lubsing up tbe butter trade fm the

Mrs. EttaMoQIvney has been the guest of Mrs. G. A Laoe tbe past week. .

The Ladies' Birthday Club met last weak witn Mrs. Belbert Sherwin. AH aajoyoda pleasant time.

Mr. aad Mrs. Almanxo Bntcbias are vhdtiag atSamuel EUis'sat Chasm Fails.

Mr, aad Mrs. Waldo Baetl are spsnding a few days at Westville, the guests of Mrs. Poefis parents, Mr. aad Mis. Frank Fsiroailes. ^ ' •" . " ••

Miaa Ftoane Smith and her friend, Geo. Larch, of ScSsgis Falls, were the guests ofMiaa Saxtth^ parentsSunday. . Mr.aadMts. F. C. Ferris spent Tfaurs dayatW. W. Kag's.

m^Jk!tf»^mmi^*htiimMg«s0i^ the _ wt weak at Malooe, the guest of her graadaiothsr, Mrs. S. C. Boweo.

Mr. aad Mra, Bartoa But^bias spent taday with his parents, Mr. and lira.

Fred Motohisst Mrs, PhH- Lync*, of Malone, Ti3iteo%her

asotber, Mrs. Stephen Wiley, Saturday. Geo. Daveaport is building a new sugar

boase. '* W. W. Sing has rented Carl Geen's tear works. frank EaeelliM lost a none thip week. Bev. Mr. 8leep, of Montreal, delivered

a very fine aermoB Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trtpsny, of North Bangor, •"-"*• 8onday w»ai their aoh, Joe pb WiU Wells's sister, of Swenton,

V t , U spending a few daya with friends and relaiivea.

MissEnaFerru is on toe sick list ai presest. '

Harvey Miller transacted bosineaB in Malooe aaturday.

P. B_ Tammoos, of Malone, was into wr« OB hattoeaf Wednesday.

Mrs. Carrie, Burger, of Bangor, spent Saodsy with her sister, Mrs. WW Weils.

Tbe Ladies' Birthday Ciub will meet with Mrs. Bobert McLaughlin on Satur­day, the fiOth.

The Skerry basket ball team have laid away their salts for'this season.

. " " . . « ^ « i

Brushton . ^

Howard Potter is attending an alumni banquet in Syracuse and visiting friends there for a> few days.

Clifford Bowen, who has had employ­ment in New York city, has retnraed home.

Miss Mary Whitman has opened her school to the Isaac Farr district near S . Begis Falls.

Mats EUaOoltin, of Borfe>, visited her mother here a few days last week.

Merchant Phelps baa purchased tbe Sam Stevens farm aad has moved onto tbe

All trad j tor 70a to try a s , We're J o * recelred our a o r t erf Sprtog fi^ai* -ssd ttey're U»e taodsofiieK. "magpieM" «boe ever stiowo in Mdooe. Vooli saj » w&ea joo see Uteo. No matter wbut roar choice a, jou'u Bad uzoag vae mat, t a s t e of ibipeB aad leaUiers a Begpl Oat was made tor jou. Oar sbuvmg \nrttyte* an U » aattieettc aprtng ayles—models tiial hare the "ihoroasbteva appvanGee ttatsspeak to meavfbo are parHcnlar aboat wtai t tey wear.

Stock we 11 & Flanagan, jc T H E H O M E O F G O O D C L O T H I N G a s s L

*S 3* way

_ of Bombay Saturday evaaiag,

B e m a s j t G f » a s .

Tbe last rsgalar Graage was held oa March ISth.

The first aad ssooa

At the next maatiag. whioh will ha held March 37th. refrsabmsats will bs

Caarlea Foy has rsaaraed CanoagO.

Ota aad Banish Paaa Boefcwooda o*«r Saaday.

MiaaieDoonaa at Cooks Corner* to-day.

Ts sanaa Foy laavaa for Thaajai

B.G. of taeOvaaga start a

whsre hshsa a good saaaaaa. n a S haw naa^Aal S B A aaaaav aawS ago aaA, waste hs aaaaaaa to

Maldeas, Thoir BaMtaasWl Bow toWiaThem." lirjaW%c«aia. Pro-oaeoa ~ to ^uvlatae -a fuxaaca for the OBafOKs y -v ~< - - -*• *•

.ti»IWBtoofB.'«>liavwaaaait"''•••"•- ' Mr. aad Mrs. Bradfiirw Msa^ aatortoia-1 a larga party at cards Taanday evaa-

'fettdMh'u MIHhA asL a^^psa>a- •;aayaBB|i BB^

faasfiy last tof B. /liT.aaiBa'oaad


Mas Margaret Begaa, who Maa hsea oariag for to* aioa: te Braa)** .|ar ataaa weeka,Mat f Uliat at " '"*'" - • - " - - -

air, aad Mrs. WaHaoa .

tiaaVtaaBaaas. 'aBBBBB aaVaBBBBtt JaBB^BBBBBBall

, Mrs. MMtoaatl


Bav.aarflMra.JLL. Jortip> of firaah toa.oalatdamfrisBMBiaaaalaatMB

. , ! w a s f . i . . . p a l a . i - » — ^ ^ . ^

"•1* PsWaMMaiiTafi swaav assssM

«*^ taoaghfal afaar. Taa ajaaaatay of taa asoais ia sx-

toBBaBtaaaTaasaaew-Maaisd to taaaaBaw meat. The faaesaX ths B. & Church ia day raoraiag aad ram stsry

Tfrt. Heary Rater, of' Stow»i Vt , it psa4tagtbeaaoath of Maxoh wish herf ttaar, Mr. I^aaard wdaoa. Her saaiiy

f r i e ^ a r e a i i d to seeber vriM*' jaagato. . Mr. Joha^Bes, who has been ill nsarly

aB wiator,:M iatproviag. " The aMMpas agaraooW held by tbo L.

A. S.mOrdaw^aaUcn Friday evening asveryw^aAtoaded. .... ^ . .

. MimMahdTaheyhaabeeoaJ:sameoo •\ T lw^kvasWaaveta l liosaea ia oar aas fahoraood lately, loaviag a little daagater at Mr. aad Mrs. Allaa Stark's, a ara>a«Mr.a^Mra.Taas. Baaaiea aod a: •oa at Mr. aad Mrs. Jodson BowelTs. r - Was. iChaauton, - of-' the • Beaver, - was fooad dead ia bis bad on Thursday morn-' ' ~ of thia week. . H« retired the ajght . . are ia his asaat good health, but oa tryiag toaroasa htia to themorafag they ^ ft Wfc^^^^BB iJ s^laaW^' ^P^P^s ' jda '^^^Wjjllpa ^Xaaa^P' many friaadsof taafaadly eiueed syatpathy .to thesa in their hereavsment.

M ^ B e a i 7 B ^ , w a « h a s b t s t t aaSer* C fxtsM bioosVp^w^B^ to is

veryaiosly. -«aw«, MtOiocTowis viaftiBg hia anole,

Maw Kit MoHann, who has been tbe guest of hersister in St. Albans, Vt., for a few weeks, has returned home. Master Donald O'Leary, her nephew, returned w i t h btx. • ' -

B.C. Milts acd Herbert Haskell have purchased the Smith meat market and grocery: btaaness aad will continue the esme at the old stand.

Mrs. George Edgar, who has been ill with typheut fever at tse borne of her aunt bererlsconvale8oeut.

B. F. Harris * Sana contemplate the erection of aJarges:ore bouse thia sum * | « - , . ^ i e y ^ g y o naTObased the Sarah Blood k* co WaJ»hingtoa street aad wiU erect the store house on the rear of toe tat. laterthey will build a large block 00 the street to accommodate their in-

«SjBtogbttsinata. T. cT Decost, of Malone, ia the guest of

his atatar, Mrs. Louis Morgan. Mrs. Win. Manning went to Malone

laat week to visit her daughters, Mrs. George Tryon, Mrs. Newei| Ureen and bus. Moses Burno.

I Spriiis f Stples i

Chasm Fails. Tbe aodal held at Wesley HaQ by

tbe En worth League on Friday was well atteoded. and alt report a fine time.

Mrs. Giles Stanohff returned borne Sat­urday from a visit to her daughters at Watertown and Potsdam. ' SeTerat young people from Malone at tended toe social here last Friday. Come

Tbe Bre^aafde Creamery opeaed March 15. BohsctAvaryiato ram thefaotory tae.coojdBgaeaaoB.' ' TI 1 npai 1 j [ apcait Satazuay.ia Ma-

Mias: A g s ^ Coegaaa is apeading the * '- ~ with aaraaat, Itrs. Giles Wfl-

. Mra. Waa, Yaagaapaat taa M i week at JehaMaarea^eJ Trout Biver. ' • ' .. Harry Berry aaa W . -W. afarrea, of Troot Biver, caOad at Oaa. laaey'aoa

. loadof yoaag taW'Saaar- aaa

aa^ to Waat Goaaaahie a i Friaar itiaa*. sTlTLaaa^ea^aaatofi^ei^iB^ hrld taa Miaa. Taa^jawty eesaaatoa ef Mr. «af Mss. Bn P. laagaaa, Mra. CL E.

ratal tao Maaas AaaAal Haat, BaattV lhuYaa fiaahtoaaa, flor-

aad TTata tTaaaahiBj AH Mwaiiaaat BaisBaW-wlit ium^a^«att StvakMr -miii*' , w » w a WF lawa vaHaawwaia law#'*-'"a> w**^

to laaaiortafi a "Y t . . he MM TV " '"

. . . . . . . . SB « # SjNasWBBBBBB> "MaMBBBi SBBl BBBS* BTZaBaBaBt

laaaia aaoant of

tafiaa a. Whiasistohs

I Oaf -aaVtlttit* •3af fBaAtoaTaaTaV

1 jBaaaa^SBBBlav-> swWaaa^MaTsXm *


of Daadee, oaa taa Mwses

Miaa Agaai TaiMoa, nsttaagaaatof har

Peata, far a few days. Maw Joaas Faaaa is risHtog friends in aaaaaw tor a few days. Bev, A. G. Lewav the pastor of the


Herbert Otis aad srejauJetly amrried at the COsy farm

last Wsdesaday. Mrs. J. A. Boaaard, of taraaar LaJto.

Mrs. Thoaaaa Ckawfanl, at Taayars ( oraars tost weaa.

The Y. mi ail eeataat raoactly held hi Maloae wall be rajiatsd hare oa Friasy e^aiag at Odd FiOows HwM.

froea the last last weak to aasaad thair faihsr's faaaral,

UrysaaaOaak jwba has

May esty. The hare wiU as

Mra. P.N. lag frieads ia

to take from V

to who ha*

Wast, has

ia to Mew Yors



i i A

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% A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A

I fames C weicft,! A MAKER OF GOOD CLOTHES, M A L O N E , N. Y- A


'. aad Mrs. Fred Clark aad children, of Tapper Lake, are risiting Mrs.£tsxx's

.Mr. and Mrs. Wat, Earie, and other relativeK. "

TbeneiKhDorsaadfxiendsoffiev. Cramer aad wife pieasaatly sarprieed teem on tbe 8-h, it being their fifteonth annirer

. A v«tyrjlessant evening waa spent Mr. CranW wasjpreaaated with fSw

aa areetoaBhraaoa owweootaasoa. Word has been reoetved hare of the

death of Mrs. Gilbert Mattiast her home toCbicopee Falls, Mass. Mrs.Matosfor merry resided in this place aad hadmaay raasttvaasAd Viands here who waived the aewa with deep regret. ' _ Mr. aad Mrs. Floyd £-rle and SOB, of Daaae, are M town this week visiting rsiativea.

gillsmand Yassa"-, the butter makers, are ftilisg their ioe bouse tois week for

fac.ory,aad several others are pat [ to ice fw their use during tao eum-

Brighto^arMl Harrietatown Grange. Tao aieetiag of- March 10th -was weU

atteaded ia spite of the bad weather. Taefirat aad aeeoad degrees -ware jcoa* leCTsdaPoatoaroasdidatos. _Je!gg^ : . , , f i ,i^r Lysasa £L Foots -was' a r * ^ " ^ " f ^ ^ ^ a W ^ ^ I " * W ' waf^aaygaay*. ^RBa rvwwK'as''

£W **•*&£? br O»4«eoc A, JLa> Ifatrill a^BiaBag «ltW|laa|a$w|-^Hf- fc!|atJB> mff'WtfOO^B WbtOO/tm

Mr. Footo waa * most mioorae viaitor, aaa •wsnhars bsiag greatly beaefitted by

,m?^mw^mw^r' M a f e f e f i B v a f e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . -

Itwasaplsaaara to aaa Lather Chase fit the haB agaia, aUboagh weaoreiy auss aia wife, who has hsea reasaved front our ssU3tay the grim resaar, daath. It is I-uticaJariy aad, taus betox thefim break sm oar raaka dariag the five yaara of

*. J. FrtxasraM, Cbas. Jeekios, Thoa, asaiaaod aad thair reaaeotiva wives at-Maawdtlte State flraaga ooaveatioa at I Mto falla, US. Y., last moath.

Maa. J. J. Fits^erald rataraed Maroh rtthfrosaa aaoatha visit ta frieads at AJaaay aad Saratoga. : lisa^Wvraaw to Asasay for a few o»r» oa*-" -

Wa,aaaG«aagsvaxtoadoar symsathy to Mrs. Jote Nokss, in the aaath at her father, llaary Coloa;alaoto Haary Ods, wtlwrisaWofaBhiaat '


tMra. FOCTTTAIN-In Msloos, K. V., on Sat-

ardsy, Maroh IS, lWa,a daugbier to Mr. aad Mrs. Willard F**HttaiB.

IJkBBY-.-IaMaIoaa» N. Y,, oa Trass day* Maroh % tmfm daa^Ket to Mr. an* Mra. Nclaoa Larry r Jr.

HOBBIN-la Wfaippiaviite, .N. Y.. oa Suaday, Maroh 7,1900, a soa to Mr. and Mrs. Syivaaos Robbin.

KOY-la Maloae, N. V. oa Moadsy, March lat, laX», a son to Mr. and Mrs-John Buy.


Thia ( ) evaaiacMr. Eraaey will give a graad as. Patrioka baU at

MaoaHaU. A hag orowd ia aatici-

Wtasex at vwiUng as thai vtotaity.

^sa. a S. Bawaaa ia ayiaitiag a few »y» with aatiHvrs at Die^taaua Caator. Maa. awwea biases, aad eaflaraa, of

MTtaatSst-! _ 2 . Mitt Ml

/narrrtti. BOUCIEB-VILANDOBY-In MaJoae,

W. Y., on WsdnMday, Maroh 10,1900, by Bav. Daamith, Joseph A. BoaeieraadMa* Laura Yilaodory. both of Maloae.

Died. BIKAM—la MoTra, N7 Y. on Suaday,

Maroh 14, 1M», J. S. Btaan, aged fit yaara.

I3MBALL—Ia Braaatoa, B. Y., oa laraday, Maroh 11, lSrjf.8. P. Kimhail,

agtdffyaata. BAMMILs>-Ia faTlieaanli. N. Y., ea

•staruay, aUrab it , 1«», of hraaohial Mrs. Julia Haauaili, aged 75

* I I

Workmanship in all Trades is always a delight to the eye and admired by aQ. It is not passed by with a glance. It marks those displaying it as well as the artists* a parson in the front rank of his or her accepted calling, be it in social or tesii>eas circles.

Work of this Oass is done at the PALLADIUM OFFICE by men who have had yeajre of experience m this particular branch of the printing trade. We print '.-.

E \ r E B Y T H I N G Oi T H E


COMMERCIAL LINE, A S ,; " - —. -Price lists. Letterheads, Programmes, Visiting CarcLs, Business Cards,


PRINTING,,, O f t b e FINEST QUALITY, combined w i tb promptness and neatness, is a specialty of t b e . « .

PAH.AD1MM m m .NO co. x a t i . e s a K a s B E C E I V E r a s a r r ATTE5TIO!( . -


, Tim* a s a V A W n t C M M T l C K t s H n K B t « l j n H j U»ai o« BaiBrtay, u * 30U$ 4 a j of Mwrft,

tpBK Vmvm tit TW6'^T*TECiS "siTSf" TtiSS.. -M. »? *tefta«*<rf ;6«3; ft*»' aiaJ, te&f->ea3EEX -.»•

M C ^ a l l c a o'ritx* i a Uwr toreaooca* c * * . in U * Tiaate of Maloae. N. T„ U * SO per*.**, t r UM aajnbcf raaoiiaa * » law. «1it = s i = s » - * t o i . , ^ . " " i v = « i : ^ ' « i^ i -*T^- «=>— ,-r

tens « aamaa* eomn. lobe held a t * l » e « m s o a * e , ^ 5 . I < ? ^ ^ ' « » ^ 5 * * B * a ' ? » * ^ t e * ? * - - 1 * - - " t s ttM rtil rrasktta. wklr* tt _ „ _ _ _ _ ™^ „ „^«. „. _ . „ ^ - - - ,-. ... . . _ . .

tfe OoeaMcrttaajkua. at- u»,-Smnsrsfc"* eojat d K, T , aar. am.»«». HARrtT J . fcrDttT. O r k .


CAMNEY-At Btooaamgdak, H. Y„ oa ^flaaaMVil 4 * H w | ^ C JPttflMaBwOHlsw*

wiiaw of the aaa) Wtt-

Traoaaa.f.v aaawaai



mMtsmaif, K d i at t a r toftn: « o w e »i aaiDSt-, -is' t ~-tmwr ot TraatUn 00 u»t a a * 3 a * « ' A5rt) at wa sfctaec at Ox? fonwx* ^ te±-- ^ 1 . tsete asd- mn*t ia a t t s a } t s« jaeBSitf * : 5 e M ' » r u » ttoal »<r«iBi of Juuui y . siaiCs*: *»cs iaf 'cf toe atst « w and taataaaa* or r»f l»a«s KJife -i*ss si t s e WWB o t arijrbtaa. aroreanj 4ereaM£.. s ix} stm of j t * aa a*a taresy ettad, a* a « s a A w »«*?*«*« -

aad cSaodMaaaald- *W€S*y~oa« Kara, ate foawred to aaewar * t y W £ i S S S T ^ r j ' a « a r 4 a w . i r y e s fet»a«ae.«r U yw« h i r e »**fe J=-^ ^ aaaSrtMaU « w « » s a « * * i < y r « r s a » i o « « asfKaawta, «r m ~&*

^ « ^ ; » i w t a f yosj-aaf*rtortai . 'sr«ic( lv ao, a g v a e a t f i ™l , wtUb*aa#oia«ed»f a w M r K c a l v 10 r * « W { > t t

act tor j«a ia ta« 1 " — saauttHi

« 0 a l KKCS, rro-f

Mosfatm TO awA»>«cciiAT a sijjr* ft.*.}

wsTximm?""* a. A,

iSesias* „ aarruBMel ecort at o>* s t t*

Gsaarf a f r r a a s a a to b* BrmuiiQ aAxed. Wttaaat, Bern. rrt>ltrt(* U.Pa*fc*t- tarratste oT aa» « » i fOBBtT, ai Ow Craxatr oi Frmot^fi, l i T l i a ear of Jaa-. «• a w j w * ot oar lord oaa laowaod aia* fcW-a m t a a S a t s s . . . _

ixoaawca BOTCT aaTAsT. aaVyawaasaacr. M T





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T b e a u t a q

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A p r i l , w b e q

t b e u o r n b l l

l i t t l e four ;

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S t r . i o ^ e t<j

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tirst lo rec .

M a i o n e . b e

a t o n c e voc

officials n-u(j

a r r e s t .


f l e o r g e A . |

t o Moira on

of t b e la t e J j

r e m a i n s n e r

M r . T o b i n

h e a r t t a i l u r

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b n t w h e n h i

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m a d e a s

s e e m e d to

a f t e r n o o n he1

o t h e r a t t a c l

s e r i o u s c o n d

Mrs. T o b i i

t o Moira t h i s

j u s t b e f o r e

h a v e r e c e i v ^

R u s t t h a t 31

c o m f o r t a b l e i

a f e w d a j s .

p l e a d i n g o e «

Mr. T o b i n in I

S t . I ' a t n c k l

l ooked d o « n 1

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t h e f ew of i t

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p l a y e d a

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if t h e p r e s e i i t |

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S t . P a t i i c ' t --.v

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A fire destrd

T h p n i a s ' S n a j n l

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S u n d a y e ,venn

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m a n , wrio wa

h e a d w t i e n h i

u s e S D O ert«?ct{|

. f lames cfntii - t i

. control , T i m !


Wagcar t t ec i

b a u s e M d c o r t |

not coter t&e J A three-dtaj

4rea«€d and was found io,,« orAJ«g»ndff last Tbursiaj waif oaawfroij still remains Johnson hate I at Santa Clara | Tot returned faaaijh/ bave farther tai


u.iiiBrbiifali.ttlll¥iliiiirii " i V niirfflTtitrial \~"

i * S S ! S a * S a a «