CHANGE YOUR MIND, CHANGE YOUR WORLD! January 2014 Cover Story Inside: Explore Chicagoland Calendar of Events The Girl Who Changed My Life Why You Should Have a Business Credit Card by Rob Hattar Stay Warm with Soup Recipes Blind Date G O S S I P

I DID IT MAGAZINE Featuring Madison Rae January 2014

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I Did It You can Too Madison Rae Model, Actress & Student Director, Chicago PD, Explore Chicago, The Girl Who Changed My Life, Why You Should Have A Business Credit Card By Rob Hattar, Blind Date, Gossipp, Founder and Editor Karla A. Sitko

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January 2014

Cover Story


Explore Chicagoland Calendar of Events

The Girl Who Changed My Life

Why You Should Have a Business Credit Card by Rob Hattar

Stay Warm with Soup Recipes

Blind Date


322 West Main Street *

Downtown St. Charles, IL


(630) 457-1821

“The only way to do great

great work is to love what you

do. If you haven’t fount it

yet, keep looking.

Don’t settle.”

- Steve Jobs

I have always been about Positive Mental Attitude, and with that, ANYONE can OVERCOME

ANYTHING! Your MIND is a POWERFUL TOOL! I feel that we as a team need to inspir e

the next generation of success stories waiting to happen by sharing our own! With hard work, passion

and the right attitude, anything is possible! It's easy to give up and hard to push forward. When

anything went wrong in my life, my mom would say you have 5 minutes to feel sorry for yourself and

then move on, only you can make the changes you want to see in life. This seemed really harsh, but

as I grew, I understood it more and more and now find myself saying the same thing to my daughter.

So I ask that you share your story about your personal success. How you started and one of your fondest

memories, one of your most heart-felt memories and if you would be willing to share - the moment when you

were ready to give up, and what made you push forward, what was that inspiration? We all have these

stories, but it is not shared enough, which is why I am publishing this magazine.

Welcome to our journey…


“LIKE” us on Facebook and submit your story


Many people claim they hate gossip;

yet most can't wait to hear the dirt on some

of their friends or relatives. There's been

gossip since time began and very few

people can resist the temptation to hear a

little tidbit now and then. It's often said

that women are the worst when it comes

to spreading it around, but believe me I've

heard some mighty juicy stories that have

come from men. Men love to gossip as

well, even though they tell us that they

don't like to hear it or spread it

around. However, they do their share even

though they would never see it that

way. Admit it, at some level we all love to

gossip! I've sat around the

table with friends over the years and boy,

did the gossip fly around the room

spreading like wildfire from one person to

another. You can be pretty sure that when

there's a bunch of folks sitting around

talking, drinking and munching on hors

d’oeuvres that they just can't help

themselves and the stories are bound to start

churning. Most gossip isn't very serious,

but if untrue, it can certainly hurt. There

are different levels which include

mild gossip, the slight stretching of the

truth to make it sound more interesting, and

the blatant disregard of any truth

whatsoever. When there's no truth to the

story it can be painful and life altering for

the one being gossiped about. We're all

guilty of spreading a teensy weensy bit

of gossip when we are

among friends. Nothing really serious, you

know, just some harmless chit chat, similar

to reading magazines about our favorite

movie stars.

We love to read the dirt that's written about

them. You'll read things about someone

sleeping around with somebody's husband

we can't wait to find out who slept with who.

Of course we all remember when Brad

Pitt dumped Jennifer Aniston for Angelina

Jolie and couldn't wait for the

outcome. What about when Britney

Spears had a meltdown we couldn't get

enough of the stories written about her. But

that is the fun kind of gossip. We might

say something about a not so

close friend and the way she wears her hair,

or puts on too much make up. She's wearing

clothes that look outdated or are really too

small for her. It’s usually not anything bad,

but it can sound just a bit spiteful. Then

there's the kind of gossip that changes from

person to person when told in a

gathering. One night you’re out with friends

having a great time and then the gossip

begins to roll because one person starts

telling something to the person sitting

next to him, or her. Like the old game

“telephone,” by the time the story has made

the rounds, it has a life of its own and has

totally changed. Men will swear that they

hate to gossip, but I've

often listened to them blabbing stories about

their wives that would make her hair curl if

she could hear what was being said. I

remember during my growing years when

my folks owned a little cafe and eatery. A

couple of nights during the week, a group of

men would gather in the cafe and play

cards. I used to help out during lunch and

dinner hours after school, and while the

men played card games you wouldn't

believe the gossip they shared about some

of their relatives. Much of the talk was

just petty stuff as to who was having an

affair that week and who was cheating on

their taxes. One man complained all the

time about his wife's refusal to cook dinner.

When asked if that was the reason he

came to the cafe and had his evening

meal, he'd answer that because his wife

worked during the dinner hour she didn't

have time to do the cooking for

him. He said that by the time he got home

from work there was never a meal

prepared for him. In those days, a lot of

people didn't have a refrigerator in their

homes and the women would have to shop

daily for fresh food and cook a meal each

day. My father always chuckled about

this guy and believed he just wanted a

reason to gossip about his wife to his


Another man came into the cafe one

day hobbling on crutches. He

could barely walk and made sure to whine

about how much pain he was in, yet

still managed to come in and play cards. He

started his gossip about this naughty neighbor

lady Erma, whom he said had a bad reputation

and caused him to fall. He'd have to walk with

those crutches for months!

It was all her fault, he said. He explained

that as he was coming out of his house

minding his own business, this woman was

outside showing off her stunning figure by

sunbathing topless. It was as if shock waves

vibrated around the room as the rest of the

men heard of this “shameless hussy” who

dared to do this horrible thing, causing this

poor man to suffer such a horrible accident.

He continued by saying that she made him

lose his balance because he had to watch her

lay there virtually in the nude! We found out

later that the reason he had lost his

balance was because in order to see this

woman sunbathe, he had climbed on top of a

ladder to get a better look at her. He had

been sneaking around peeking through the

fence at her throughout the entire

summer. We were also told that when his

wife finally caught him peeping at the woman

while standing on a ladder she called him a

pervert and yanked the ladder out from under

him. That's how he ended up with two

broken legs. He insisted to his wife that it

wasn't his fault. His wife warned him that

the next time he decided to take

another peek over the fence on the ladder,

he'd end up with a couple of black eyes and a

broken neck. I believe he never again tried

looking over the fence on a ladder, nor did he

ever come back to the cafe and gossip.













Madison Rae is a 17 year old and a junior in high school. “I’ve been acting since I was a young child, and preforming since before that. I remember at family parties I used to make everyone sit down and be quiet and I’d sing Keith Urban songs for them (which I appreciate them listening to since I COULD not sing at the time). I write, books, monologues, screenplays, articles ect., and I love to sing and dance, in plays of course. I have an obsession with Batman (only the originals) and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is my favorite TV show. Moulin Rouge has been my favorite Movie since the 2nd grade.” Madison said.

Madison is inspired by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Marilyn Monroe, she explained “which a lot of people get confused with but I feel that her and I have a lot in common. She struggled with depression and all she wanted was to do what she loved to do and be remembered for it .”

“My mom encouraged me to do my first school play in the 6 th grade and I am very thankful that she did because if I didn’t do that then I might have never decided this is what I wanted to do. I also think that all the bullies and kids who told me I couldn’t do it made me want to prove them wrong even more.”

“My mom encourages me to go after my dreams!”


“It was really interesting. Everyone there is so unique in their own way. Downtown is like ‘legit ’ Hollywood is very busy. Hollywood boulevard is just FILLED with people (some even wearing costumes, which they’ll take a picture with you in if you pay them). The locals are very nice and were always there to help out when we got lost which was really nice compared to other areas. The auditions on the other hand were very fast paced and everyone, even other kids, got to see them which was intimidating. I had a lot of fun, and it ’s very inspiring and ‘heartwarming’ to see so many people in your shoes who want the same things you want.”

Madison has already filmed as a featured extra for Chicago PD, which will air in January, so make sure you watch for our local Star. Shooting Star Modeling and Talent in St. Charles works with Bill Marinella who casts for Chicago PD. Madison came to the casting, met Bil l and mentioned to him that she met him at her showcase in Hollywood. The next thing we knew, Madison was CASTED! Madison said “ IT WAS AWESOME.”

“Good things do happen to those who

wait and work for what they want”











“I think my past has a lot to do with who I am today, and also the people I’ve met through my life. Also, acting helps with it because you pick up some traits from every character you play whether your realize it or not. I think my depression also has factored into my personality. With other people and their problems I try to be very positive and helpful, but I find with my own I’m the complete opposite and I see the worst in things before I see the good which always isn’t awesome. I’m super shy, but I think since speaking at BOOOST (a model boot camp hosted by Shooting Star Modeling and Talent in St. Charles) and doing more and more plays, has changed this a bit , especial ly when I am with other actors and models.” Madison explains.

Madison is a student director this year for an upcoming play “ONCE MORE WITH FEELING”. This allows students to try their hand at directing under the supervision of an experienced director.

Madison, how have you changed? “Hmmm… I think I’ve learned a lot about li fe in general and that it isn’t full of fairy-tale like situations and although that’s hard to accept it doesn’t mean life is a terrible place. Good things do happen to those who wait and work for what they want. Throughout my years of rejection I’ve learned that because I stuck with it things are finally beginning to open up!”

“Everyone was SO nice and caring. It started to rain and the Assistant Director came with us to the shoot to make sure everything went smoothly and that we were all okay. It was a ‘half day’ I’d say on an extras scale. Makeup took an hour per girl then we did a lot of waiting.” She cannot talk about what her role was until after that episode airs.

“I try very very hard to not have regrets because when you do then you can’t keep your eyes open and see the opportunity’s right in front of you. I think I regret not standing up for myself and what I want and believe in sooner. I always was the girl who when someone said ‘you can’t make it ’ I’d just sit there. Now a days I KNOW for a fact I can and I am making it so why not prove it to people and make them listen?” Said Madison.

I asked Madison if there was anything she could change, what would it be, to my surprise she replied:

“I think I would make it so kids who know what they want to do can take alternative classes for math, science etc. where they stil l get the classes done without devoting the full 45 minutes a day to the class that they don’t necessarily need. Also, I would want the ‘theatre kids’ and the ‘jocks’ to mix more l ike an episode of Glee.”

Madison’s advise for teen’s like her that are suffering with depression: “ Find something you enjoy and DO IT. The stress of always being busy does get to

you but when you have something you can’t get your mind off that’s making you sad, occupying yourself really helps. I love acting because I get to focus on my characters problems for a couple hours a day before I have to go home and solve my own. Whenever I get really upset I watch Buffy… It sounds super stupid but Sarah Michelle Gellar and the rest of the cast has gotten me through a lot. Its like “if Buffy can save the world from monsters AND solve her own regular teenage girl problems then so can I.”

“Also, cal ling a friend really helps. Everyone needs someone in their l i fe that they can trust and it ’s important to know that it ’s impossible to make it through life completely alone. “

I have known Madison for over a year, she is an amazing young lady with a huge future in front of her. I would have never known that she suffered with depression.

I asked her to be a speaker at one of our model workshops to tell everyone about her trip to Hollywood and her experiences in the industry. Little did I know that she was going to talk about her experience with depression. We had a room full of young ladies and at the end, they were all very inspired by Madison that they want to speak up. Madison has already made a difference!

Madison is very brave to go public with her battle with depression so many people try to hide it rather than ask for help, so I asked her why she agreed, she explained “I said yes to this because I think my main purpose in life is to be there for others and make sure that no one else suffers. No one deserves to feel depressed, and it ’s not just something you can turn off. I want other girls to read this article and know that they aren’t alone and that there’s always an ear ready to listen to their problems, even if that ear belongs to a stranger. “

Dealing with school has been very taxing on Madison. “It ’s hard. Very hard. I have a very visual mind set, and most teachers don’t teach that way so I find that I need a lot of extra explaining or full out step by step examples or else I struggle. The classes themselves aren’t awesome either, just because I’d rather be taking a mill ion drama related classes over math and especially

science (let ’s just say me and chem don’t mix). Kids are very judgmental, especially at this age. No one takes you seriously when

you say you want to be an actress or model and that makes staying confident in your craft hard.”

“Right now I have my heart set on Columbia College in downtown Chicago. I LOVE the city and I think it ’d be so much fun to get a cute little apartment and take my classes down there.”

The man behind the camera: Thomas H. P. Jerusalem ,

A-MOMENT-IN-TIME.COM Photography Thomas H.P. Jerusalem Photography, Inc. (c) all rights


What does the future look like to this ambitious 17 year old who by the way will graduate early! “5 years from now I will be around 22 years old. I see myself beginning, or already being active, in

the film industry. Once I graduate from Columbia I’d l ike to move out to LA for good and continue my journey. I’d love to try out for Americans Next Top Model, I remember watching it as a child and going into the hall upstairs to practice the catwalk, then looking in mirrors during the commercials to mimic the models facial expressions.”

Madison, I do not have any doubt that you wil l be America’s Next Top Model as well as on the Big Screen! I cannot wait to see you on NBC’s Chicago PD this month! You were born to be a star!

Karla A. Sitko


Madison’s schedule is a juggling act. “It ’s hard, but when you remember why you’re doing it , things get easier. It ’s hard work but if it ’s what you want to do with the rest of your life, then the work will pay off and that’l l make everything worth wild. Procrastination is never good, so whenever you have the opportunity to get something done sooner rather than later do it sooner.

Also, it ’s very important to take time for yourself to just lay out on the couch or hang out with friends. Otherwise you get too overworked and crash.”

Things to do in February... Wines of Italy

February 1, 2014

Taste 24 wines and socialize at Taste of Italy Wine Tasting

Event in one of two sessions at Dana Hotel.

Alternative bridal show

February 1, 2014

Indie Wed has 100 independent businesses offering

handmade items and innovative services for unique wed-

dings at Ravenswood Event Center. Cost.

Anime festival

February 1, 2014

Uchi-Con features gaming, cinema, Asian culture, ven-

dors, speakers, panels, and workshops in the Ida Noyes

buildings at University of Chicago. Free.

Chicago Restaurant Week

February 1 - 6, 2014 (begins Jan. 24)

Chicago locations

Get a special deal on a fixed-price lunch or dinner at 286 res-

taurants during Chicago Restaurant Week.

Rhinofest fringe theater

February 1 - 23, 2014 (begins Jan. 11)

Watch hundreds of artists perform at the Prop Thtr during

Rhinoceros Theater Festival, billed as Chicago’s longest-

running fringe festival. Cost.

Chinese New Year parade

February 2, 2014

The Chinatown Lunar New Year Parade features fireworks,

dragon floats, and cultural dances on S. Wentworth Avenue.


Monster trucks

February 7 - 9, 2014

Big trucks with big wheels make big noise at Monster Jam in

Rosemont’s Allstate Arena. Cost.

Snow Days at Navy Pier

February 8 - 9, 2014

See teams sculpt masterpieces from snow during Snow Days

in Gateway Park at Navy Pier. Live entertainment, snow-

boarding, and kids’ activities like snow painting. Free.

Motorcycle show

February 7 - 9, 2014

Find sport bikes, dirt bikes, scooters, ATVs, expert advice,

live entertainment, and family activities at the International

Motorcycle Show in the Rosemont convention center. Cost.

Auto show

February 8 - 17, 2014

Admire new vehicles at the Chicago Auto Show, where ex-

hibits are spectacular due to the large size of McCormick

Place convention center. Cost.

Science fiction convention

February 6 - 9, 2014

Capricorn celebrates fantasy and science fiction in art, music,

games, theater, and film at the Westin Chicago North Shore

in Wheeling. Cost.

Midwest film festival

February 4, 2014

The Midwest Independent Film Festival shows films from

eight Midwest states the first Tuesday of most months at

Landmark’s Century Centre Cinema. Cost.


Run in your underwear

February 15, 2014

Cupid's Undie Run includes a half-naked run through the

streets and a party at John Barleycorn on N. Clark Street to

support charity.

Diving expo

February 14 - 16, 2014

Our World Underwater offers workshops for divers, films,

diving-equipment, travel services, and a kids’ area at the

Rosemont convention center. Cost.


Irish film festival

February 28 - March 8, 2014

Chicago locations

Chicago Irish Film Festival focuses on the spirit of

Irish culture at AMC River East and Society for Arts.

Custom car show

February 28 - March 2, 2014

World of Wheels features hot rods, competition

cars, specialty, and concept vehicles at the Rose-

mont convention center.

Chicken wings festival

February 23, 2014

Restaurants compete to win the “Best of Fest”

award, you get to eat and hear music, and charity

benefits at Wingfest at 1300 W. Washington Blvd. Must be 21.

Dog show

February 21 - 23, 2014

The International Kennel Club Cluster of Dog

Shows has prize competitions, dog fashion shows,

meet the breeds, pet the dogs, and kids’ activities at McCormick Place convention center. Cost.

Mardi Gras pub crawl

February 22, 2014

Wear colorful clothes and collect Mardi Gras beads

from bars at high-energy BeadQuest in Wrigley-


Northerly Island adventure

February 22, 2014 (also Dec. 7 '13 & Jan. 25 ‘14)

See birds of prey and coyotes, hear folk music,

watch dog sledding, walk on snowshoes (if there’s

snow), make a craft, and have cocoa (while it lasts) at Polar Adventure Days. Free except parking.

Vintage sale

February 21 - 22, 2014

Chicagoland Vintage Clothing, Jewelry and Textile

Show & Sale is at Hemmens Cultural Center in Elgin.

Ale festival

February 22, 2014

Don a heavy winter parka to enjoy 120 craft beers

and food-truck fare outdoors on the frozen tundra of

Naperville’s Frontier Park at Naperville Ale Festi-val.

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Why You Should Have a

Business Credit Card

A lot of small to medium-sized business owners use credit cards in the course of business. The problem is, many make the mistake of using their personal credit cards. There are a couple of major problems with this: First, if you use your personal credit cards for your business you are blurring the line between business and personal finances. The better separation you can achieve

between your business finances and personal finances, the better off you will be. For this reason, a business credit card in your business name is the best route. Second, using your personal credit cards for your business puts your personal credit at risk. If the debt belongs to the business, shouldn’t it be on the business’s credit? Most people don’t think this is a big deal until they run into problems and no longer have their personal credit to fall back on. In one example, a couple in business together racked up over $100,000 of unsecured debt on their personal credit for their business. When the business’s income dropped, even though the business was at first able to stay afloat, the couple was forced to file for bankruptcy. With their personal credit destroyed, they could no longer get credit to support the business--and the business went through some serious struggles as a result. The couple is now divorced, no doubt in part due to the stress from those difficult times. Might things be different if they had depended on business credit rather than their personal credit? Maybe you’re thinking that your business won’t struggle, or that you don’t use credit cards much anyways. What’s the point, then? Using a business credit card in your business does have some real advantages aside from the two big ones above. For example: 1. Streamline operations and automate expense tracking. Paying expenses can be much easier to manage with a business credit card, and reports can be generated monthly or annually in many cases to help categorize and analyze expenses. 2. Business cards have “rewards” programs too! If you have a lot of regular monthly expenses for your business that can be paid with a rewards card, you could easily get $500 to $1000 per year (or more) in cash rewards, or even free airline tickets if you use a travel rewards card. 3. Manage employee spending. Business credit cards can be set up to have spending limits for employees, which can aid in managing expenses for in-the-field employees. 4. Using a business credit cards helps you build credit for your BUSINESS, which is of utmost importance in today’s economy. As you can see, there are several big advantages to using an actual business credit card for your business. A helpful hint for those wishing to establish business credit: Try to get approved based on your business’s creditworthiness rather than your personal creditworthiness. This means avoid providing your social security number on credit applications for your business credit card. If you don’t get approved based on your business credit alone, then you can try applying and include your personal credit information as necessary. About the Author

Rob Hattar is currently the CEO of Nationwide Credit Solutions Inc.

He specializes in helping business owners establish excellent business credit scores and then leverage those scores to access

cash and credit for their businesses.

Rob Hattar is also the mastermind behind the release of the exclusive Business Funding Suite. The Business Credit and

Funding Suite is the leading business cash and credit access system in the world today.

For more information on business credit scoring, business credit, visit)

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S H O O T T O D AY !

p and comer, Patricia Lowe, loves being in front of the camera, as well

as behind the scenes, however, not

everything on this 18 year olds

journey has been a walk in the park. In middle school, Lowe began to look

at herself differently and developed an

eating disorder. This prolonging struggle and her drive to make a

difference in the

world are just a few

of the things that make Tricia a

unique and inspiring

influence in the modeling industry.

Her goal is to have

her story told, and eventually have her

name known all over the world so she can show others that it is possible to

overcome anything and still

accomplish your dreams.

Like many girls in the world, at a

young age Lowe began to feel

differently about herself, “I wasn’t the

strong girl anymore. I was weak”. She was then hospitalized at the Alexian

Brothers Mental Health Facility,

where her life was changed for the good. She has been struggling with

her eating disorder for five years, but

continues to look at the bigger picture

“I wasn’t only destroying my life when I was starving myself; I was

destroying the lives around me”. After

being hospitalized three times and

countless hours of therapy Lowe was able to overcome her eating

disorder and finally feel strong and

realize her beauty once again.

Lowe is lucky to have an accepting

family who supports her dream to

tell her story, and says she

wouldn’t be the person she is today with the love and support of family

and so many


including the doctors and

counselors at

Alexian Brothers

Mental Health Facility, “they have

all played a role in my recovery

and no matter how strong I thought I was, I couldn’t have done it

without them”. Amy Cope, a family

member who recently lost her life to Breast Cancer, continues to be

Lowe’s biggest hero giving her the

strength to fight against her eating

disorder the same way Cope fought her cancer. Tyra Banks America’s

Next Top Model host has also

contributed to Lowe’s need to tell

her story.

Although she would love to

continue her modeling, she knows that Special Education and making

a difference in other’s lives is her

true calling in life.

“I wasn’t only destroying

my life when I was starving

myself; I was destroying the

lives around me”.

Although she would love to continue her modeling, she knows that Special

Education and making a difference in other’s lives is her true calling in life.

The best advice she’s ever gotten is simply “To Overcome”, and overcoming her

eating disorder is definitely her biggest and most rewarding accomplishment. Lowe wants to remind women and other models everywhere that we are all

unique and “I want girls AND guys to know they don't have to look a certain way

to fulfill their dreams.” Lowe’s story proves to be truly inspirational and will no doubt help women in the present and future, “I want to be remembered as ‘the

girl who changed my life’”, and this task proves to be her easiest task yet.

~ Madison Rae


“I want girls AND guys to know

they don't have to look a certain

way to fulfill their dreams.”

Patricia Lowe Patricia Lowe’s Tattoo

A model (from Middle French modèle//aew] sometimes called a mannequin, is a person who

is employed to display, advertise and promote

commercial products (notably fashion clothing) or to serve as a subject of works of art.



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Downtown St. Charles, IL


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I'm pondering how I'll get through the next few

hours as I'm preparing myself to go out on a blind

date. My first nerve wracking hours were spent

deciding what to wear because I wanted to look

appropriate for the evening. Imagine, going on a

date with someone for the very first time in

years! I'm beginning to regret having accepted this

date. First, I hate the word "date." There should

be a law against that word. To me dates remind me

of my cousin Alma, who always ate them for

health reasons. She reminded me of an old

prune. Also, the very thought of being fixed up

with a stranger made me think of bringing my dog

along as a chaperone. At least he can keep an eye

on things that might occur in those unforeseen


Preparing yourself for a date isn't easy when you

haven't been out there for a long while. What

was I thinking? Since I had accepted the

challenge that lie ahead I'd better go and prepare

myself for the occasion. "What to wear?" were

my first thoughts. I crawled into my closet and

dragged out clothes I hadn't worn in ages. In fact,

I didn't realize I still had clothes in there from

another decade. Most were so outdated they

would scare away any date. After trying on

dozens of long lost pieces that looked like they

were “in” 20 years ago, I finally found something

wearable. I began to realize, what looked good

20 years ago wasn't exactly going to look good

on me now. You have to make the best of things

which means that whatever you wear needs to fit

comfortable and of course make you look

slim. So, you rummage through mounds of old

pantyhose. Some have runs the length of railroad

tracks, while others have deteriorated from old

age and should be tossed.


At last, I grab a pair of tight fitting spandex

pantyhose. I remember having purchased them

with some outfit that I never did end up wearing. I

had been sold this pair of spandex “snuggies” to

slide my body inside in order to look two sizes

slimmer, or so the sales person had promised. Now

would be the time to find out. I was overwhelmed

by the itsy, bitsy, teeny weenie size, even though

the sales lady practically guaranteed they would

work magic on the hips and buttocks. The reality

was overwhelming. How on Earth was I going to

fit 15 extra pounds of body parts into a pair of

pantyhose that would only fit a child? I figured the

only way this Barbie doll created contraption

would fit was to lie down and wiggle my way into

them. God help me! I must have laid there

wiggling and struggling for about 15 minutes

trying to squeeze all of me inside these crazy


They literally took my breath away and stopped my

blood flow from going through my veins for at least

12 minutes. I then noticed that my valiant effort

resulted in a pair of butchered pantyhose. My

beautifully manicured toe nails had sliced through

the bottom and now there were runs on both sides

causing my thighs to bulge. My heart was working

overtime as was the rest of me. After I finally

managed to rock myself back on my feet from the

bed, I felt dizzy and the world was spinning back

and forth. I began to wonder if this is how one feels

before leaving the planet into the afterlife? Guess I

wouldn't be able to get rid of the two extra inches of

hips, thighs and butt. I thought my blood flow

would never stabilize after being trapped inside this

horrific torture chamber, so I undid the constricting

contraption and promised my poor abused body I'd

never again put myself into it.

Once dressed with my heart rate returned to a normal

pace, I did not feel very comfy in my ancient clothes

and queen size pantyhose. I was beginning to

seriously doubt that I would enjoy being out that

evening at all, considering how unattractive I was

feeling. I glanced in the mirror and saw a member of

the Adams Family looking back at me. I prayed I

wouldn't get bloated after dinner. I might survive the

ordeal if I just picked at my meal and pretended to be

full. I began to wonder if it was worth going through

all this torture just to meet with a blind date.

The evening seemed to go well, or so I

thought. I felt as if I was back in high school -

you know that giddy feeling as he's trying to

impress you with his jokes. You also learn that

Italian food is his favorite. Of course when your

blind date asks what you would like from the

menu you want to make a good impression and

order from the least expensive meals. After all,

spaghetti isn't too costly. Everything on the

menu includes salad and a side of

spaghetti. Eating dinner with a complete

stranger isn't easy, especially, when he's asking

you questions while your mouth is filled with

spaghetti dangling out the side. All throughout

dinner, you pray that you won't slobber all over

yourself while eating anything with red sauce.

What was he thinking you wonder? Having a

first date and acting ladylike while shoveling a

plate filled with spaghetti into your mouth

without spilling the contents isn't the

easiest. At last, you make it through the meal

and a bit of relief washes over you. Now, as

part of your meal, dessert makes its way to

your table. Try washing down the globs of

yummy chocolate pastry with a bottle of pop

while chewing and talking simultaneously -

trust me, it isn’t easy. After coffee and light

conversation he pays the bill and you think the

evening was successful. Until, that is, you are

about to push away from the table with its

checkered cloth. At last, you feel a bit more

confident because you've gotten through

dinner. As you try standing up, your blind

date pulls out your chair. Suddenly,

something is tugging at your already tight-

fitting shirt. Did I eat that much food? Oh,

no! My belt got hooked onto the table cloth

and as I descended quickly to the floor, I

could feel the entire table was beginning to

move with me. Off came the table cloth along

with all the contents on it, crashing to the

floor. Embarrassed, I apologized profusely to

the establishment and to my date, in the hopes

that he might turn a blind eye to the whole


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never ever exceed anyone’s expectations,

including your own.



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Directions: Dry roast coriander seeds in a small frying pan over medium heat

until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes. Heat coconut oil in a soup pot. Add carrots,

garlic and 2 teaspoons crushed coriander seeds. Stir carrots well, then cover

pot and let vegetables cook over medium-low heat until they begin to soften,

about 10 minutes. Add stock and bring to a boil; reduce heat to low and sim-

mer 20 minutes, partially covered, or until vegetables are tender. Let soup

cool slightly, then puree in blender or food processor. Season to taste with salt

and pepper. Ladle into bowls and garnish with a swirl of fresh coriander, co-

conut milk, pumpkin seeds, and remaining toasted coriander seeds.


2 pounds carrots, about 14-16

whole carrots, peeled, trimmed and

cut into 1" pieces

1 tablespoon coriander seeds

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1 small clove garlic, crushed

6 cups vegetable stock

salt and freshly ground black

pepper, to taste

3 tablespoons coconut milk fresh

cilantro, for garnish, optional

toasted pumpkin seeds, optional

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Cook Time: 30 Minutes

Total Time: 35 Minutes

5 0 5 W. M a i n S t r e e t S t . C h a r l e s , I L 6 0174

M O N D A Y ’ s


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C l a s s i c

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“The way I look at it, your days are your life in

miniature. What you do today is actually

creating your future! The words you speak, the

thoughts you think, the food you eat, and the

actions you take are defining your destiny,

shaping who you are and what you stand for.”

- Robin Sharma

(630) 584-8009

217 W. Main Street Downtown St. Charles, IL 60174

Learn From Yesterday, Live For

Today, Hope For Tomorrow. ~Karla

(630) 542-8848


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Looking for a Real Estate Professional? Look no

further… Amy Nelson has been a Realtor since 1999,

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