I. Classifications of Aphasia II. Laterality III. Varieties of Anomia IV. Reading and Writing Ling 411 – 06

I. Classifications of Aphasia II. Laterality III. Varieties of Anomia IV. Reading and Writing Ling 411 – 06

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Page 1: I. Classifications of Aphasia II. Laterality III. Varieties of Anomia IV. Reading and Writing Ling 411 – 06

I. Classifications of Aphasia

II. Laterality

III. Varieties of Anomia

IV. Reading and Writing

Ling 411 – 06

Page 2: I. Classifications of Aphasia II. Laterality III. Varieties of Anomia IV. Reading and Writing Ling 411 – 06

Problems of classification

Different aphasics almost never share the same set of symptoms (Benson&Ardila 111)

•Variations “are so plentiful as to be the rule” (B&A 117)

•A single type of aphasia may have distinctly different loci of pathology (B&A 117) Conduction aphasia (117)

• Parietal lobe• Arcuate fasciculus

Transcortical motor aphasia (118)

Differing interpretations of sets of symptoms

Different approaches to classification

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Wide variation in classification schemes

Influential ones in history of aphasiology:•Wernicke-Lichtheim 1881, 1885•Head 1926•Goldstein 1948•Luria 1966•Benson 1979•Benson & Ardila 1996•Damasio 1998

But ..•All recognize just a small number of basic

syndromes •Most of the variation in classification schemes

is just terminological (Benson&Ardila 120)

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Damasio’s Classification (1998:34ff)

Wernicke’s aphasia Broca’s aphasia Conduction aphasia Transcortical sensory aphasia Transcortical motor aphasia Global aphasia Anomic aphasia Alexia Pure word deafness Atypical aphasias

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The 1996 Benson & Ardila Classification

(B&A: 119)

Broca Aphasia Wernicke Aphasia

Conduction Aphasia

ExtrasylvianMotor Aphasia

ExtrasylvianSensory Aphasia

Pre-Rolandic Post-Rolandic



Not included in above scheme: (1) Problems with reading & writing (2) Anomic aphasia (3) Global aphasia

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Features of the 1996 B&A Classification(B&A: 119)

Based on two anatomical dichotomies:•Pre- vs post-Rolandic

•Perisylvian vs. extrasylvian

For every type, two subtypes•But the two subtypes can be just two ends

of a continuous scale, not distinct subtypes

Alternatives to usual terms:•“Extrasylvian” instead of “transcortical”

•“Broca” instead of “Broca’s”

• ‘Wernicke” instead of “Wernicke’s”

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A major anatomical-functional dichotomy:

Front (anterior) vs. Back (posterior)

Front•Action and planning of action

•Process oriented


•Perceptual integration

•Object oriented

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Damasio vis-à-vis Benson & Ardila

Damasio Wernicke’s aphasia Broca’s aphasia Conduction aphasia Transcortical sensory

aph. Transcortical motor

aph. Global aphasia Anomic aphasia Alexia

Benson & Ardila Wernicke aphasia Broca aphasia Conduction aphasia Extrasylvian sensory

aph. Extrasylvian motor

aph. Global aphasia Anomic aphasia Wernicke II or

Posterior extrasylvian

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Front-Back dichotomy and aphasia: Alternative terms/emphases









*But: (1) Very few aphasic patients are completely free of receptive difficulties

(2) Virtually no aphasic is entirely without expressive problems

(B&A 112)

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Damasio’s Categories asAnterior vs Posterior Aphasias(Or: Pre-Rolandic vs Post-Rolandic)

Broca’s aphasia Transcortical motor


Wernicke’s aphasia Conduction aphasia Transcortical sensory

aphasia Alexia Pure word deafness

Others:Global Aphasia: Both anterior and posteriorAnomic aphasia: Can be either or bothAtypical aphasias

Anterior Posterior

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Cerebral dominance for language

Linguistic abilities are subserved by the left hemisphere in about 97% of people•99% of right-handed people

But this is just a first approximation

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More refined look

Some information is bilaterally represented•Highly entrenched items• Initial consonants of high-frequency words (?)•Some people have more bilateral

representation than others•Women and left-handers tend to have more

bilateral representation than men and righties Pitch, intonation, and other prosodic

features subserved by RH Semantic information is in both LH and RH

•But different aspects of semantic information Metaphor, irony, sarcasm, pragmatic

features, inferencing, subserved by RH

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Left dominance for language in left-handers

Wada test (Milner 1975), on left-handers•69% aphasic after injection of left brain

•18% aphasic after injection of right brain

•13% aphasic after injection on each side

Goodglass 1993:57

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Right dominance for language in right-handers

Crossed aphasia: Term for right-handers who suffer aphasia after RH injury

Incidence of crossed aphasia is estimated at 1%

Goodglass 1993:58

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The genetics of laterality

Matings of left-handed parents produce no more than about 50% left-handed offspring

Annett’s theory (1985)•A single right-shift gene (rs+)• If rs++, right-handed (LH dominant)• If rs+-, right handed (LH dominant)• If rs-- (right-shift gene absent)..

Can go either way Depends on environment, experience 50% probability of becoming left-handed

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Left hemisphere vs. right hemisphere

Left hemisphere

•Analytical thinking


•Heightened contrast


Right Hemisphere

•Holistic thinking


•Fuzzy boundaries

•Hunches, intuition

Question: What anatomical differences are responsible?

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Separated right and left hemispheres

Cutting corpus callosum separates them Isolated RH:

•Limited one-word reading comprehension Some grasp of meanings But unable to make judgments about


Isolated LH:•Awareness of both sound and meaning

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Corpus Callosum

(revealed by excision of top of right


Corpus Callosum

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Semantic categories:Varieties of anomia

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2 Cases of Rapp & Caramazza (1995)

E.S.T. (901b) – Left temporal damage

•“Meaning spared, couldn’t say the word”: R&C

J.G. (902a) – Left posterior temporal-parietal

•Meaning spared, couldn’t spell the word correctly, but phonological recognition okay

Cf. Rapp & Caramazza, Disorders of lexical processingand the lexicon (1995)

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Patient E.S.T. (Rapp&Caramazza 1995:901b)

Left temporal damage Shown picture of a snowman

•Unable to name it•“It’s cold, it’s a ma… cold … frozen.”

Shown picture of a stool•“stop, step … seat, small seat, round seat,

sit on the…” Shown written form ‘steak’

•“I’m going to eat something … it’s beef … you can have a [së] … different … costs more …”

What can we conclude?

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Assessment of E.S.T. by Rapp & Caramazza

Responses of E.S.T. indicate awareness of the meanings (SNOWMAN, STOOL, STEAK)

Therefore, “meaning is spared” (acc. To R&C)

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Warning: Proceed with caution

The assumption of Rapp&Caramazza is easy to make• I.e., that meaning (conceptual information) is


But there’s more to this than meets the eye!

As we have seen, conceptual information is widely distributed

We only have evidence that some of the conceptual information is spared

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Patient E.S.T. – a closer look

Left temporal damage Picture of a snowman

•“It’s cold, it’s a ma… cold … frozen.” Picture of a stool

•“stop, step … seat, small seat, round seat, sit on the…”

Written form ‘steak’•“I’m going to eat something … it’s beef …

you can have a [së] … different … costs more …”

These are not definitions This is connotative information

•Vague semantic notions about the meanings

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Compare patient J.G. (902a)

Damage: Left posterior temporal-parietal

Meaning spared, couldn’t spell the word correctly, but phonological recognition okay•digit:

D-I-D-G-E-T “A number”

•thief: T-H-E-F-E “A person who takes things”

These are actual definitions

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The Role of RH in semantics

Conceptual information, even for a single item, is widely distributed•A network

•Occupies both hemispheres

RH information is more connotative•LH information more exact

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Connotative information in RH

Tests on patients with isolated RH resulting from callosotomy

RH has information about (many) nouns and verbs• Not as many as in LH

Semantic information differently organized in RH Zaidel (1990): “… the right hemisphere is

characteristically connotative rather than denotative … . The arcs [of the semantic network] connect more distant concepts … and the organizing semantic relationships are more loosely associative and dependent on experience” (125)

Baynes & Eliason, The visual lexicon: its access and organization is commissurotomy patients (1998)

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Semantic information: E.S.T. and J.G.

Patient J.G. – real definitions•digit: “A number”

• thief: “A person who takes things”

Patient E.S.T. – connotative information•snowman: “It’s cold, it’s a ma… cold … frozen.”

•stool: “ … seat, small seat, round seat, sit on the…”

•steak: “I’m going to eat something … it’s beef … you can have a [së] … different … costs more …”

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Conclusion about E.S.T.

RH semantic information is intact LH semantic information is wiped out Phonological information is spared in

both hemispheres Question: Why can’t the RH semantic

information be conveyed to LH phonology?

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Corpus Callosum

(revealed by excision of top of right


Corpus Callosum

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Brain damage and nominal concepts

Access to nominal concepts is impaired in extra-sylvian sensory aphasia

Type I – Damage to temporal-parietal-occipital junction area• I.e., lower angular gyrus and upper area 37•Poor comprehension•Naming strongly impaired•Semantic paraphasia

Type II –Damage to upper angular gyrus •Variable ability to comprehend speech•Naming strongly impaired•Few semantic paraphasias•Many circumlocutions

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Conceptual category dissociation I

J.B.R. and S.B.Y. (905b-906a)

Herpes simplex encephalitis Both temporal lobes affected Could not define animate objects

•ostrich, snail, wasp, duck, holly

Much better at defining inanimate objects•tent, briefcase, compass, wheelbarrow,

submarine, umbrella

How to explain?

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Conceptual category dissociation II

J.J. and P.S. (Hillis & Caramazza 1991) (906-7)

• J.J. – left temporal, basal ganglia (CVA) Selective preservation of animal concepts

•P.S. – mostly left temporal (injury) Selective impairment of animate category



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Reading and Writing

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Alexia and Agraphia

Alexia with agraphia•Reading and writing both impaired

•A rare disorder Patients with both impairments usually

also have Wernicke’s aphasia or transcortical sensory aphasia

Alexia without agraphia, a.k.a. pure alexia•Reading impaired, writing okay

•Can write spontaneously or to dictation

•Some can copy writing but with difficulty

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Misprint in Antonio Damasio Reading

Antonio Damasio, Signs of Aphasia P. 38: “As the designation implies,

patients presenting alexia with agraphia become unable to read while they continue to be able to write…”

Should be “…alexia without agraphia…”

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More on patient J.G.

Damage: Left posterior temporal-parietal

Meaning spared, phonological recognition okay, but couldn’t spell the word correctly•digit:

D-I-D-G-E-T “A number”

•thief: T-H-E-F-E “A person who takes things”

These spellings are not correct, but..

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Reading – relating writing to speech

Phonologicalword image

Phonemes Letters

The “Phonics” route

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Reading – relating writing to speech

Phonological Graphicword image word image


The “whole word” route

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Two pathways for relating writing to speech

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phonemes Letters


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Two pathways for relating writing to speech

The “whole word” route is necessary for• caught

• island

• sign

The “phonics” route is needed for long unfamiliar words• commissurectomy

• prosopagnosia

• magnetoencephalography

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The spelling attempts of J.G.(one more look)

digit: •D-I-D-G-E-T•“A number”

thief: •T-H-E-F-E•“A person who takes things”

J.G. has damaged “whole word” route but intact “phonics” route

Evidence that the two routes are separately represented in the cortex

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More evidence on phonological and graphic forms

Patient P.W. (905)

•Damage: anterior parietal & posterior frontal•Tested on identifying spoken words

[skirt]: “S-O-C-K, skirt•Verbal paraphasia in spelling but not in speech

[brush]: “B-R-U-S-H, comb”•Verbal paraphasia in speech but not in spelling

[knife]: “S-P-O-O-N, fork”•Verbal paraphasia in both modalities

•Paraphasias are semantically related

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Patient D.R.B. (902b-903a)

Left middle cerebral artery infarct Able to discriminate words and pseudo-

words•Either visual or auditory input

Test: Two words – synonyms or not?•For written input, 95% accurate

•For spoken input, only 61% accurate

Evidence that representations of written words can have direct connections to semantic information

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Graphic representation and meaning

The traditional view: speech is primary, writing secondary•History


Might suggest that writing has access to meaning only via phonological representation

But evidence from brain damage indicates that (at least some) written forms have direct access to meaning, independently of phonology

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Pathway to meaning

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phonemes Letters


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Pathways to meaning

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phonemes Letters


Does this pathway also exist?

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Evidence for direct connections between meaning and graphic form

Patient D.R.B. (above)• Judgments of synonymy better for pairs of

written words than pairs of spoken words Patient H.W. (904)

•Damage: left parietal and occipital

•Tested on identifying written words Interest:

• “bank”

• “You go to the bank and put it in and you get more money … not very much now”

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More evidence for direct connections between meaning and graphic form

Patient R.G.B. (904)

•Damage: left frontoparietal

•Tested on identifying written words Records:

• “radio”

• “You play ‘em on a phonograph … can also mean notes you take and keep”

•Understands meaning from written input, but has impaired phonological information or impaired connection to phonological information

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Phonological-Graphic Connections:The Angular Gyrus

The angular gyrus and the white matter below it appear to be uniquely important for all aspects of graphic language that involve its linkage to writing, to spoken language, and to word meaning. Injury to this area disrupts not only the ability to understand the written word, but also disrupts related knowledge such as oral spelling and letter-sound correspondence, and therefore disrupts the ability to write.

Harold Goodglass Understanding Aphasia


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The angular gyrus

Superior parietal lobule

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Angular gyrus

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Connecting to output

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phonemes Letters


Broca’s area

Arcuate fasciculusAngular gyrus

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Connecting to Spoken and Written Output

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phoneme Letter images images



Broca’s area

Exner’s area Superior longitudinal fasciculus

Arcuate fasciculusAngular gyrus

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Exner’s Area

Superior parietal lobule

Broca’s area

Wernicke’s area Angular gyrus

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Systems for Speech and Writing

Phonological Graphicword image word image

Phoneme Letter images images



Broca’s area

Exner’s area Superior longitudinal fasciculus

Arcuate fasciculusAngular gyrus

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