_':'_ of wool; tennis tournament; birth record. Page Four-:-Story of State Kor- rna! dedicatory fe.stivities _<i.Jmkd· CTO :; and TO erity. -Page-.-Five-;EarlY,r-days; -- 'I ..

I - City of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present...HO~T!II$(:HANDISE,HO~~'l'ADYmTISI!llG,hY'a REFUTATAIlLE FIRM cannothelpbutappeal to the people ofallclasses

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_':'_ grap~s;- two.:::l;~_~_l=-_of wool; tennis tournament;birth record.

Page Four-:-Story of State Kor­rna! dedicatory fe.stivities con~

_<i.Jmkd· CTO :; and TO erity.-Page-.-Five-;EarlY,r-days; -- Wa~t



, • 04.__ .. _

t~ WAYNE,JIERALJ;>, THURS'DAY•. JULY-lS;.l915 .--.-._~.-

-- _._---,-. ----- ._- -=---'------- -~'---'-'--'---,-----~," --- - - '. ' ~-=:-:::=I

We are giving you greater inducements than. -ever -berore--To-aftend- tnisi=ClearanceSale of High G!:"ade Men's and BQ~s,' Colthing,Furnishings and Shoes. I··rwtr~~-E-fItS -- ttNLV '-JlJLl,~ 17th'c- Ttf -3Ist~~-~

C -~V-l-6-61-~ellf' Bo~t~,"-~;'--.Shoes..atld_Ox.iordsi peCla argams ", ,r

~~~~~~~Lt~any~ Q~~OD,-' +----11----~ pecial 'gllJetba-t'~.

Interest You. ..C'_

rr~1\ck and


.Toll, \\"re 1I1 \\a~lle Saturda). He' wIJl'spend'_~,OlllC ll_me at takel.w:lS llt",r.o IOr:l. hr1~t n,slt w,',th J,' .c., ::-".t155 i<:Ug"lll:l. a:lmer t east . .i \Villg-~'t; \~-;;:;-\G.y~;t-ial1 -do~-'-

ing contractor work on the new nor_ma] a{!Jilini"tration huilding.

W. H. Gildersl"cve ha!1 "17Z fat.stttrS ill' the railroad yanls· here ,--

~l __~

~,l,',i,c";~~,',i._,~,i",:,',.:spcnt- S,Ullda"Y WIt, h h~r .mo,thcr',"',rs. -I, to, fier home. f~om, ",andolph:' I, _:-'11£;es', Gr:,tCe" Lillian, ',nd ~:tbdl tory .an,d,th.e, qn~ity is, Sl~p:e, m",\\"e~~~. C. At:no1d ue~ \\ a) lie. .: Praf. J. :-'I. Wl1eY\\:l'iiTlO omaha-l Pef~r5-orrwhb spertt-& few-days with f,nr1l1sh It In any.quantl£} and de­~S'11 -MIss }faTtha~_~~r-_ ~d· }.fIS~i-FridaY[6'med ~frs: WiiEY';-'wno-r-e-+t-heir-cuus-1n; ~'I's. Phebe Elming in lweI' a_IlY _where In _t-own;~-R~bert5­i':;'};~'iA~~ba~gh ?f H~o.Skln:. spent SUI1~i"tufll'ep'~ from a two. months' visiti\Va\'ne, ll~ft Fridav morning for Drug CO,,-jlh.one 13/._ \\'e d:Th:eE';.;,-.~,<!day wltl} fne~ds ~n. Wayne, iwith··hc·~.mother·.:It XapolH;e, Neb.. 'their home at Law;ens, I,?. ]\..~rs. ,L. B. Wickersham _or::Des -

Mrs, ,Noah W)'hamson TeturJ\edi' :\Irs. C~<tflcs ,?'Kecie 'aml little. S. E. Auker auived home Satur"'. ,11?llleS,_and Mrs. ,~L~ ~O\~pbell~nder. w~ere she,s~ of 3hllneapohs, wh~ are.guests "d<!y morning from a visit to Crook~_·at Go.t~·:rne\lr, N. .1'., wlia. h~d

WIth rel<ltl\'es,: lof Mr. ...:,nd ),{rs. s: E. Au.keT,.",:'ent'''Sfo~. ~eb., where. he s~ent a few be!'n. \'Isltmg Ur.~. ?_ \V. ~Ide:r.m'--~i.,.all. of 01!lah..., --ro Laun+-Mu,rrd:ry-fora-briei' ._ ays. ---rIe reports an excess' of rain .\Vayne, . left F.nd~y-!.~~

at r a an JS. " -"-9!~~bson of l}oston; in th~ -Crookston......secti!l.1Lof the howe, .:Mrs. \\Tlckers~~m'.ls a sister

What ShallWe Call It? -CallIt AutographicPhotography

i'--tiooIOCRs r ;)!>.

Roller Mill saves you that on 100 pounds of Wayne flourover others of same quality. WEBER BROS.

"\Y: keep OUf'ch~Colates ice cooled. lives, _ •._ on the ~ublic -as--a-.world-renowned ~1;Sb~?d i;; dis~ra<:te~ with gr;e~ andTher arc always' nice and fresh. :'IIr. and :\Irs. H. \\. '\\-bltaker menagene - and hIppodrome. .\t lclatl\es. 111 Xortolk-:\Irs. '\. A.Felber's Etli!!!!l:!.~~ J15tlad- ~n~~~l~en_?f_T.e!"amab. \Yereo,",~r CrotloTi a~nd stor~ struck the .:\[oldenhauer. ,the mother, and a

:Uis;. Bes5-~Plum1cigh left Tues~a)"ISund:ty _guests Qf :\1r., 3.ud )'Ir~. T. big te\.ll during a pe.rtorntance, ~I~d hrother, .-:' '\. )foldenhaucr,. afe

school girl. She was married 5e\-en

~~~I:\~: ~;:c~~a~~:a~~~Ul:~eS;~~\~~;!conple have-been n~ry happy..Sun·

--- --------- __. _~___ ©v<\fr:-.:'H ¥rs. :lldcrn-,;ev were

. te~~i~: t~:5~il:ceCTockett went tofsis;;;ssoi:x~\:~. ~i::la~~ry who hau i;;~~:e~~{~:~i~~~~o~~~.;:~1~~~I~·ot~~~;~~ ~~a~~~'k~l~:i:~.n~;\~~~rre~a.~~'e~~~~\~':fn.;:ide Tuesday evening-for a \'isit ~e~n \·.i~~tin~ /Iis~ Pear!. RQb}n~nIWJ;;o~;~~'D;iIV~ews. Tul\' 13: The ~1;!;::s~I':X[()l~~~~rln~~~h~~~'~:;L:~~l


n':'c THE-GREAfEsT'AC~IE~u.;;~th1B:wMI;"~Ucc:.=-1n u.;, ret;ill-buSlnell8 the~a~e as wIth any thlnlfeIse.llr'Ol"a~.to::"ccompUah1hlsY~L'• InnsU'eHONEsT with yourself, and ne~n;iahoveall, you must he~ESTWith th~ people you come In contadwith-";d-=iav';-de8llnga w1Ui.~

HO~T!II$(:HANDISE,HO~~'l' ADYmTISI!llG,hY'a REFUTATAIlLE FIRM cannot help but appeal to the people of all classes.. During ttus Great .

Sale we havestrtven to. give you the GRE!'TEST:VALUES EVER GIVEN IN THE HISTORY OF, OURC~TY, .1FIlJ'-~lIIlIIIIllLtIllllllDlllllllllllllll!l.lllllllllllllllllllllillllll~IIIUlllllIIllWlllltWltlUlllilllIlWllllIlIIlIllIIIItWllbllWll'"II'II'''". ''''' _


Value~ up to S4.00

50 pair:~IM,n •• j Young M..', Higb .anJ Low_ - :A.'.'1'1 h,;. d... 11.''; t.25 .." d.35 ~,17.,5 L".',d"i'.',.".nJ Mi".'.',•.fu.. U.e"u.tHo,"'.'. ',D,ro,.","'..,wort.,b...~·',-----~-'_~ . Stioes, worth up fo. $4.~6 w~~__~~~_~~__c a_n c . up to $2.15

~=r==0-~~~=~~~-on'~aaoF-'''!-~!W'''-=~~~c4·='·~~·~~~·'~~,~~llO"We..1.1~_.---:'=~=:-L~---- ~O ~ 98c . " ' ,," n

Choice of any Ne~~ or Youn~ Men's Hat_in the house. - ~'----d-~~ ·--l·-l-~--u'" up to $3.00 -'!----I-",.",,-~. wasn goo,s se 109 at

~~-t~~-~,~ow,9~--_~., now He

-iOOpairliofMcn''s''andYaun~Men'li$1.00 and S12~1Hea\--y and-Light \Vork Gt;ves

go at 3ge

116 pairs Men's Rockford Sox; sell5~ 15c:.."t'\v~ for 25c


~m. -r m- our a.-:; __ • .lout gi,-in'g me -.~rI)·'~f·and then .t?ld me- ther did ~ot expect me_ toI.lye_; that I had -best telegraIll1 formy family. Iu"tead of doing- so, I



l\~ ~\V Pl'occ:sc!1a1l1el~(r~1I~el'; burrl~~:gasa~di;r;putsI the heat dfdlllst the €Ookmgutensll where wamed;~1(]ss oil Jount \\ith bail, covered by~shelf: heavy rigidcast legs: suppoding--shelrunderneath,-and many otherspecial features not founc! Qil-Any other oil cook stove.

Demonstration Free

--Two·Burner. sizeThree-Burner sizeFour-Burner size $17.50~Hmt,'Del'size•.with--


Chamberlain"s Colic, - Cholera and co;er('1' I'Opl'S ~f1ug-~t at -the 'cornel"! :mIlf.'~lv~n~:l1o:~wsso~~ re:e:~:-.' ..~-' hank- between tr,ains \Vednesday . ,-c roc er S Ippe.- Diarrho~, Remedy. The first dose witb ll' b 00 f d oJ iterl at Henry Rubeck'-s Sunday morning. _ _ __ ::>IOUX Ity t IS, wee

relie\:cd me and within two days I W~~c~~I~~11t;~~l,,~e~1::;;n~~::~~ "Til) and ~a:;hO~~~:SSIY::;,..m;itb ~~e George _ail~1- August )'f~dsen 'liS-,! :\Iiss ::\IabeL Ring, :\Iiss Augusta _Carl Surber and family. was as well as c\·er." Obtail'abk Flr;:t Horse En"r Owned by .AdaIi ndrlUl~e of spring and summer they iled- the H\lnt~r home south of, Johnson..JIJl..d_.R~],":._]. T. Krait at- re!ative~ in \\'avne ·SundaY.

~:':;2:::ever}"where.-Adv. Forepaug!l," :lUU tbI;OUf::h the 'wonder uppronch tbe- -shores where they are \Vakefielcl-~unday. . . tended. the district conyention :o£! :\[r. and ;\Irs~'·C..afk5 \Vhite 52ent:'::__ ~ng ('row,l thut .Iewed the ,~:tl~ bu::. _~~~~~:e:h~~:e~~~:~~;;o: Ed Stl~dell s~fferetl a heavy loss the Luthe: League at Genoa the lat- ~Sunday at the. James'Grier.hom~... __

"the present generation. as -"they t,,~p s'~'~'l!rr e. d~c:ribed begin to take place.-Gar- Satu~m.·__by.::lQsmg_:.1K".e~IJlead----i)ii-tc.l'-part ..oUh'e,...vee:k. ~--~--------=--=--=--='flreo~ri'e~--i-iiieet~lg-Oi Lffeiie1pmg'.



".,,~~~ . "'. _._ __ _ ' d -Seilers left considerNfl:ie _situa~.ion I,shall goo to b~~oi~..a.est~~ing: tl;l~ .,::essets. The Ub.raij - - - ...

f:i,\'::l~~o:;.;nfh:~erf~~o~~:'~it~~' ,~~ i<'~~::';.~thhi;" ,nd,~it';the ""bi. i, thot if th, p""ttl poli", ofth, -'''ted t~, !'OJed. bUt, to be ·,jon't;"" :,nOugh, don't givo.~nough. ::'.:: 4U .,.. ,.., .bontl,2liO,~li ._.;" :..' , . - - .'-.,',' - '. .- ~ --- " '-.,...~;"ljJr_!,-_,--:-;·'''''_. -0 r '- ':

~,__:~~;,:_~,~, o--:~·--,,-<--·'i'-'-

on about the sickroom.She recovered most marvelously.The treatment th!!-t she deolared-,i:--o--­

sln-cd her was given when she ~'as sosick sbe did not J,,-now until atter ,herecovered ho_w~...h?d been resto:red.~·_·

The stomach remedy, given to herbr her thoughtful husband, was MAyr'. "Wonderful Remedy_ --Mrl!. Dahl, III .-=------ ­gooj1letter; tells or ber experience:

"I feel so grateful to yeu I can't.express my feelings on paper. I will ­make a great",,-eIrot:Ltsonally soon. ~I:rwhile I was too sIckthing-but the tenible

A. D" LEWIS, ~ -:-' - ~ "~~"-

Dr. Ceo. J.Hess-

C. T. INGHAM, M. D.Ca!.!s Answered Day or Night ­

Phone 65 .~

Wayne, Nebraska

__ _ _ tscher ArzO

, ,,-, 1 PHYSrMAN & SURGEON-

~~1\11~o,:ce OppoSIte ~tY--:: --~-, OIflcePho'e6 ~

Office iJ4"--­Res. 346'


,,,,od,,i,,,,;,n", I Successor to Dr. F. C. ZallOffice over j. G. Mines' Jewe1rJ _

~Offlce Plflffie-1Uh-l45-; HouIe==:=:=.

ti"",.",,, i",'n,ck IP,n~.~· tXt~eU l~';g:hest 'bidder .all oiilJe real estate and Office Phone 59 Res. Phone 264 --property belonging- to of D. rio -TOBIAS, M. D. C.--

(ram thC-.51ang-bt..IT..J;)Cneu~~alshas_ stl,'crS then in vogue wa~ I1necol\o- \·igilant care; hut tbe wi~c thing t,o county, Nebraska. To 'satisfy thenofOl'i1yheeli igho,cd hut ha: - .fll-i~r5=il:crc- then -fa~-"~-it---<:~UL.e.-w.o ai!L_dITr~e->-_1hLaJ~~~~ CHIROPRACTOR ---'ddinitcly defied. three-..;ear-olds or cOlning~thrt'e~. {'I·en 50W it,J;he t'hird or fourth year due thereon beiJlg $l1,l62.46·with: 0 fice-one:-Broc..--East~--

Seattle. \\"ash.. l'imes-Americ3's Their- frames had bl'en hllih IIll in t.ht> alf:tlf:r. Then. having- secured interest at 10 per cent from Septem- Store - / ..~__ . ~ ._ _ _ - V Q!LgB.~~\"ll on cheair an OIlfalfa meadow e1se~vhe:e on the b.er 8, 1914, and costs and. a~c~ing Anal~ Free. Lady AaistUt.-

CQuiltfvillust maintain it. \Ve have Ianrl. Gcneralh- the ca yes rail ,\\ • .!!J=ed....paS= --- '---"- Phone 229 ., . _. ,,'hen land was cheap ture as a cattle pasture. Th~ blue