CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building Line Cunard & Windsor Sts. Motion Alderman Ahern re Fairview Underpass. Accounts over $500.00. 5, Claim Fort Massey Church $139.00. 11 Mrs. E. F. Boudreau $179.45. 7. Progress Payment to J. M. Cleminehaw & Co. 3, Undersized Lot 35 Beaufort Ave. 9, " 88 Morris Street. 3. Housing Authority of Halifax. Sewer Extension Oxford & Maxwell Sts. 12. City Manager's Vacation. 3, Land Sale Account. . Superannuation. Provincial Grant - School Buildings. Report T. B. Hospitalization Across Canada. 17. Bedford Row Fire Station - Roof. 1. Fairview Cemetery Ordinance and Changes. 19, Resolution City of Windsor, Ontario re Food Commodities. '0, Ross Hall Retirement. 21. Group Life Insurance. 22. Boxing Day December 27. 23. Tenders for Land. 24. Tenders for Groceries, Fish etc. ' , C. Tenders for License Plates. _• Tenders for Supplies. Appropriation under Section 316 C for payment of Coupon Interest. December Pay. 29. Halifax City Charter. Legislation re Retiring Allowances. Financial Statements. Downtown Parking Lot 1955 Lease. 33. Reservation International Trade Fair. Appointment of Coal Weigher. Heating System City Field. Incinerator Dates. Additional Court Reporter. Street Names. ,. Resubdivision of Lands of S. Walker - Liverpool St. ,0. City Owned Lands Liverpool St. i. Building Line Hollis St. '2. Land required from St. Patrick's Home for Romans Ave. Television Antennae Licenses. George H. German Retirement. Grants for Pensioners. Final Payment to Bedford Construction Co. $2,508.00. Proposed Sewer Extension Clinton Ave. & Dutch Village Road. Blasting Permits. Overhanging Signs. Closing Portion of Bowers Road for Sale. Sale of Land Connaught Ave. (near Chebucto Road). Street Lighting Bayern Road and Elliott St. Normandy Drive between Rosemead Ave. and Robie St. ' Application for Amendment to Zoning Bungay Windsor St. cuestions.

i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

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Page 1: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building


FRIDAY November 12, 1954


Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook.

9 0 Building Line Cunard & Windsor Sts. Motion Alderman Ahern re Fairview Underpass. Accounts over $500.00.

5, Claim Fort Massey Church $139.00. 11 Mrs. E. F. Boudreau $179.45.

7. Progress Payment to J. M. Cleminehaw & Co. 3, Undersized Lot 35 Beaufort Ave. 9, " 88 Morris Street. 3. Housing Authority of Halifax.

Sewer Extension Oxford & Maxwell Sts. 12. City Manager's Vacation. 3, Land Sale Account. . Superannuation.

Provincial Grant - School Buildings. Report T. B. Hospitalization Across Canada.

17. Bedford Row Fire Station - Roof. 1. Fairview Cemetery Ordinance and Changes. 19, Resolution City of Windsor, Ontario re Food Commodities. '0, Ross Hall Retirement. 21. Group Life Insurance. 22. Boxing Day December 27. 23. Tenders for Land. 24. Tenders for Groceries, Fish etc. ',C. Tenders for License Plates. • _• Tenders for Supplies.

Appropriation under Section 316 C for payment of Coupon Interest. December Pay.

29. Halifax City Charter. Legislation re Retiring Allowances. Financial Statements. Downtown Parking Lot 1955 Lease.

33. Reservation International Trade Fair. • Appointment of Coal Weigher.

Heating System City Field. Incinerator Dates. Additional Court Reporter. Street Names. •,. Resubdivision of Lands of S. Walker - Liverpool St. ,0. City Owned Lands Liverpool St.

i. Building Line Hollis St. '2. Land required from St. Patrick's Home for Romans Ave. • Television Antennae Licenses.

George H. German Retirement. Grants for Pensioners. Final Payment to Bedford Construction Co. $2,508.00. Proposed Sewer Extension Clinton Ave. & Dutch Village Road. Blasting Permits. Overhanging Signs. Closing Portion of Bowers Road for Sale. Sale of Land Connaught Ave. (near Chebucto Road).

• • Street Lighting Bayern Road and Elliott St. • Normandy Drive between Rosemead Ave. and Robie St. '• Application for Amendment to Zoning Bungay Windsor St.

• • cuestions.

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November 12,1954.


City Field Union 40—hour week. Motion Alderman Ahern re Memorial Drive.


City Manager's Administrative Report. Tree List. Solicitor's Report on Convention. Tax Collections. Statistical Report Prefab Houses. Approvals by Minister of Municipal Affairs.

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Council Chamber, City Hall, Halifax, N.S., November 12, 1954, 8:00 P.M.

A meeting of the City Council was held on the above date.

After the meeting was called to order by the Chairman and be—

fore considering the regular order of business, the members of

Council attending, led by the City Clerk, joined in repeating the

Lord's Prayer.

There were; present His Worship the Mayor Chairman; Aldermen

DeWolf, Moriarty: Dunlop, Macdonald, Lloyd, Kitz, O'Malley, Ahern,

Allen, Vaughan and Hatfield.

Also present were Messrs. A.A. DeBard, Jr.: W.P. Publicover,

R.H. Stoddard, C.P. Bethune, Q.C., A.J. Yeadon, L.M. Romkey, G.F.

West, W.A.G. Snook, J.L. Leitch, V.W. Mitchell and Dr. A.R. Morton.

The meeting was called to proceed with business standing over

and ne transaction of other business.

The following named papers were submitted.


Moved Alderman Hatfield seconded by Alderman Lloyd that the

minutes of the previous meetings be approved. Motion passed.


A Public Hear:::f1,7 for the purpose of considering the matter of

developing 18 building lots for single family dwellings on a proposed

street tIlrough a portion of the Gorsebrook grounds was held at this


His Worship the Mayor: "There has been another public hearing

on this matter sponsored by the Community Planning Association of

which 4 Home and School Associations were invited and at least 6.

members of Council and I appeared at that meeting and listened to

the discussion that took place. I hope there need be no necessity

for extended remarks at this meeting tonight. We might have the

City Manager's report read".


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November 12, 1954.

Alderman Vaughan: "It has been sent to the Aldermen".

cr vcil-ship the Mayor: "Ottawr bus said it is no longer

r:ttei in the acquisition of this land. I would like to go on

1 ..t if Ottawa has changed. its point of view neither the City

ri,J2 I have been advised to that effect. W.C. Godson has

said so far as the R.O.A.F. here is concerned, no such word has

Teen for-:;hcoming."

Alderman Lane arrives 8:10 P.M.

Reports were submitted from the City Manager dated October 7

and November 8, 1954 respectively concerning this subject. Copies

of the same were furnished the members of Council for their inform-


Mr. Gordon Black appeared in opposition to the land being sub-

divided and submitted a resolution duly passed at a public meeting

held et St. Francis School Auditorium on Wednesday, November 3,

1954 as follows:




On Motion duly made and seconded, it was

resolved that this meeting is of opinion that the Gorsebrook area

be laintained as land zoned for park and institutional purposes.

It is further resolved that this meeting is

opposed to any further encroachment by the City, the Royal Canadian

Air. Force or any other person or body corporate on the Gorsebrook


It is further resolved that the reasons for

opposing the said development attached to this Resolution and form-

ing part of it be forwarded to City Council ancl that they are hereby

approved as read.

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November 12, 195k.

Alderman Dunlop: "At that meeting the discussion was mostly

on tyre question of recreation mostly to do with the

,';on 717.. area. There are 2 lots on Inglis Street which I

are in an entirely different position than the 16 lots. Are

those people opposed to the sale of the 2 lots fronting on Inglis

:;greet? I thinl they could be disposed of. Has Mr. Black any in-

formation cn those 2 lots?"

Mr. Black: "The 2 lots '.re part of the 18. As to the desire-

ability of selling those 2 lots; in the first place Mr. Donovan

Recreation Director, in his present plan, with respect to certain

playground materials, would be to put them just where those 2 lots

are. I don't know whether St. Francis School will be expanded in

that direction or not. Is the School so close so as to constitute

n hazard if you put houses there? That particular question was

not discussed at that meeting but I can point out that the meeting

was opposed to any further development of any part of t'e Gorsebrook

prperty. I think there are several good reasons for not selling

those particular lots. I must oppose even those 2 lots being sub-

divided nr.,1 sold. I am repr-senting those people and they strongly

feel %hat Gorsebrook rerlain in its present state".

Alderman Dunlop: "As far as I am ()were no report has come

o this Council nor the Recreation Commission from Mr. Donovan on

this. I tirIX before any City Official, et any City meeting should

express views on City property, the proper thing for him to do is

o . :?lce representations to us".

His WorWIlp the Mayor: "The City Manager's memo shows that at

last part of AuL-;,Ist y sny the reed a portion of that land".'

Aldernn DeWolf: "In 1949 the Council advertised those lots

th.,:ire were tenders on them rnd they were pbout to be

the .ion from thn area was so great the City

Colncil v and unnnimoualy that the land would.

hf0A for rerxention purposes".

- 861-

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November 19, 1954.

1:15 Wor.ship the Mayor then asked if anyone were in favor of

,v.::Lvisi.on to which there was no reply.

Alaexnan Kitz, seconded by Alderman Ahern that the

for rezoning be rejected and the land remain zoned as

Park and Institutional and that the Recreation Commission produ


some plans for the 'future development of the area.

kiderman Lloyd asked that the School Board inspect the back

yardof the Gorsebrook School.

The motion was put and passed.


A Public Hearing into the matter of relocating the Building

Line at N:tlleast corner of Cunard and Windsor Streets as

shown on Plan RR-2-12849 for the purpose of extending the b.

lilding r

I nown at the Olympic Gardens, was held at this time.

Nobody appeared either for or against.

The followi resolution was then submitted:

WHEREAS the Committee on Works at a Meeting held on th


14th 611y of October, A.D., 1954, did recommend that the buil


line at *L he Northea3t corner of Cunard and Windsor Streets be


P,ND ,JHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of Section 543A of

the Olt:: Charter public notice of t intention to titer t


1 111.111,, 7 1:17 at Vie 7:_least corner of und Cuncr:'_

T , y avert]sement inserted It lcts once a wee::

L r.) -ot,);s in a newspaper published in the City, the

htIvi!ig been published at least three clear

weeks before the 12th day of November, A.D. 1954, that bein

g the

day appointed by the City Council to .consider the matter


AND WHEREAS the said notice stated the intention of the

Council to alter the said building line at the Northeast corner of

Cunard rad WAnd!;or Streets, and the date of the meeting

of the

Council appointed for the consideration of the matter, and that

86, —

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November 12, 1954.

plaa Wi-IoIng such alterations may be inspected at the office

tc? (.7 vioiler of. Works at any time during office hours up to

ra&Y apnonted for consideration of the matter;

AND WHEREAS the Council has considered the said matter and

'e;els!:1!_ned to alter the said building line in the manner set

on said pl.F.n filed in the Office of the Commissioner of Works

as No. 17;11.-2-1n49;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that pursuant to the authority in

it ve5terl by Section 543A of the City Charter as aforesaid, the

building line at the Northeast corner of Cunard and Windsor Streets

for approximately a distance of seventy-five (75) feet along the

north side of Cunard Street be altered in the manner and form as

shown on Plan No. RRA12849, on file in the Office of the Commissioner

of Works.

Movca Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman Lloyd that the

resoluzlon as submitted be approved. Motion passed.


Alderman Ahern: "This matter was before the Committee on

Works and a lilan was submitted. I will withdraw that motion

because it would complicate the plan as presented at the Committee

on Works".

Alderman Ahern then withdrew his motion.


To: His Worship, R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., and Membrs of City Council.

From: City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Date: Nc,v,:!mber 9, 1954.

Subjec%: Acc;nts over $500.00

In a,:7.o.cdt- ce I. :1h Section 119F of the City Charter, the 1011w:tint; acr.ouns rare submitted for Council's approval. Theue acc7)w,ts have been certified and audited.


Finance & AccotiA



Celltral Mortgage & Ho.xing

25% share of E::pend-itur-s on Federal- Provincial Project for i ending September 30, 1954 $4,251.62

- 363 -


Page 8: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

Various Departments

Mlght Directories Atlantic Ltd.

November 12, 1954.

City Directories 1,045.00

Finance Concrete Sewer Stores L.E. Shaw, Limited Pipe 700.20

Works Municipal Spraying & Crushed Run Contracting Ltd. Gravel 2,066.30

Works M. Van Waveren & Sons Narcissus & N.V. Tulip Bulbs 625.25

Works Walker & Hall Ltd. Joining Private Walks with Main Sidewalk on Romans Ave. & Federal Ave. 541.2


A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager.

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman DeWoif that the

report be approved. Motion passed.


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council.

From: Comittee on Works.

Date: October 25th, 1954.

Subject: Claim Re Boiler Flooding — Fort Massey Church.

At a meeting of the Committee on Works held on October 21st,

1954, a claim from Fort Massey Church, amolnting to $139.00, for

damage caused by the flooding of their boiler room, was considered.

The committee recommended that this claim be paid.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK

Per..J.B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman DeWoif thEt the

report be apl,roved. Motion passed.


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

From: Con-dttee on Works.

Dpte: October 25th, 1954.

Subject: Clain Re; Basenent Flooding— Mrs. E.F. Boudreau, 82 Queen Street.

- 864 - *

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November 12, 1954.

At a meeting of the Committee on Works held on October 21st,

1954, the attached report from the City Solicitor relative to a lain; from Mrs. E.F. Boudreau, amounting to $179.45, for damage

-atte:30. by the backing up of a sewer into her basement apartment ,Y; #82 Queen Street, was considered.

The committee recommended that thfJ; claim be paid.

Alderman Dunlop against.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Per..J.B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

Alderman Dunlop: "I feel that claim should not be paid.

That claim was not inspected nor appraised and in my opinion there

was no adequate investigation taken. Water backed up during a heavy

rain. I don't believe that apartment was constructed in compliance

with the Charter. I don't think an occupancy permit was issued.

There was not even an affidavit supporting the claim".

City Solicitor: "I believe we are liable for damages. The

amount of the damages I have discussed with the person and I took

their word for it. I would be quite satisfied that an affidavit

be obtairLed. Before the money is paid I can require the claimant

to swear to it. The place was flooded and it took some time after

for the City to find out what caused the flood. There was some delay

until we could find out what caused it. I was satisfied that there

was a liability on the City. I accepted the word of the claimant".

Alderman Lloyd: "You are satisfied as to the reasonableness

of the claim?"

City Solicitor: "Yes but I did not examine the goods them-


Moved by Alderman Ahern, seco-ided by Alderman Hatfield thrt

'11.e report be approved.

Alderman Macdonald felt that in future the City Officials

should take steps to see that an accurate inventory of damages is

taken when claims arise.


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November 12, 1954.

City Manager: "I will take the responsibility for not having

1:een down to examine the goods".

The motion was put and passed with Alderman Dunlop wishing to

recorded against.


Halifax, N:S., November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

The Finance and Executive Committee at a meeting held on the above date agreed to recommend for payment an account of the J.M. Cleminshaw Company amounting to $14,280.00 for services rendered in connection with re-assessment.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Lane that the

report be approved. Motion passed.


To: His Worship the Mayrr and Members of City Council.

From: Town Planning Board.

Date: October 25th, 1954.

Subject: Lot 35 - Beaufort Avenue - Application to Build on Undersize Lot.

At a meeting of the Town Planning Board held on October 21str 1954, the attached report from the Town Planning Engineer in regard to an application from Mr. B.B. Beaumont and F.J. Bruhm for per-mission to erect a single family dwelling on Lot 35 - Beaufort Avenue, was considered.

The Board recommended that the application be not granted.

Alderman Ahern against.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Per.. J.B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

Moved. by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman Lloyd that

the report be approved. Motion passed.

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November 12, 1954.


o: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

Town Planning Engineer.

November 8th. , 1954.

Subject: Request to build an Eight Apartment Unit on an Undersize Lot at 83 Morris Street.

The Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on November 4th., c -fIsidered the at Lacheci 3 ,,r:)ort fror. the Town Planning Engineer relativ to a request from R.W. Ferguson for permission to erect an eight bachelor apartment unit on an undersize lot at 88 Morris Street.

The Board recommended that the request be granted.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Per..J.B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

City Manager: "The Greek Church is objecting to the side

yard on their side being cut from 10 feet to 3 feet". Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Moriarty that

the matter be referred back to the Town Planning Board for further

consideration and report. Motion passed.


City Manager: "We had a discussion of this subject about

raising the rental ceiling at the Finance and Executive Committee.

Mr. Haley saiCL there was nothing pressing on this. I think it

needs quite a bit of study."

His Worship the Mayor: "I thought we voted against increas—

ing the ceiling. The discussion arose in the Finance and Executive

Committee because previously there was no opportunity for the

Housing Authority to express its views. I considered it in the

nature of an information session.

Alderman Lloyd: "It was pointed out that there were some

meet ings being held by the Tenants' Association and repn,,;entations

could be made to Council by the Tenants."


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November 12, 19540

Alderman Ahern "In the paper very serious charges were made

..tis that meeting. We should ask the Housing Authority to take note

those charges at that meeting".

Alderman Vaughan: "I attended the meeting in Westmount School

and I think that many of the matters arising out of that meeting

will be ironed out by the Authority. I think we might wait until

the Tenants' Association have had an opportunity to meet with the


His Worship the Mayor: "If we get representations from the

Tenants' Association channelled through the Authority there will

be a public hearing on it".

Alderman Kitz felt if there were a representative present from

the Tenants' Association, he could be heard.

Alderman Hatfield: "The Authority should be present here".

Alderman Lanes "We are only one governing body in this

episode. It should be emphasized that we are the smaller partner

in the deal. Why we are being held 100% responsible by the tenants

is what is puzzling me".

Mr. Earl Hamlin of the Bayers Road Project was present and was

asked by His Worship the MAyor if he were present at the request of

the Association to express any opinion to which he replied in the


His Worship the Mayor stated that if there were to be any

hearing and the Authority criticized for its conduct it should be

present when the hearing was held.

Mr. Hamlin said he felt the Association should meet with the


His Worship the Mayor: "After you have discussed the matter

with the Authority and if there are representations you wish to

make, we will arrange an opportunity and at that meeting the other

partners can be present."

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November 12, 1954.

Mr. Smith: "The Housing Authority is being run by one member

of the Board".

The suggestion of Rig Worship the Mayor was then approved.


November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

At a meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee held on the

above date, a report from the Committee on Works recommending sewer

extensions for Lot #6-8 Claremont Subdivision Oxford Street and Lot

#4 on Maxwell Street, at an estimated cost of $16,000.00.

A report was also submitted from the City Manager recommending

against this extension until there is an offer for substantial

assistance from those who benefit most.

It was decided to recommend that the extensions be made and an

opinion obtained from the Pliblic Servioe Commission, as to whether

they can co-operate with the City in extending the water.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Alderman Dunlop: "If the Public)* Service Commission are pre-

pared to put the water in the same time as the sewer, I will with

draw my objection".

Mr. West: "The Manager stated he did not think the

Commission would put water in there this year. We have no official

word on that"

City Manager: "The report was that they Would not put water

in this year. The street will have to be built up and after

settlement, because of the fill, the Public Service Commission will

be prepared to put the water in".

Mr. West: "It is not feasible from an engineering point of

view to put the water in. It has to be filled to a certain height.

It has to settle to a certain degree. The Public Service Commission

would not recommend it and neither would we. I don't think it

would be wise to put the sewer in without the water. The sewer

and water has to go hand in hand."


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November 12, 1954.

Alderman Lloyd.: " Suppose we delay the sewer and, wait till

;text year, we will have the same problem all over. You have to

bers211 somewhere."

City Managers "Mr. Ma.cnab said. he would be against putting

the water in this year".

Alderman Ahern: "If Mr. Macnab is not going to co-operate

the City Solicitor should be instructed to appear before the Public

Utility Board and find out why".

Alderman Kitz: "They will.lay a line if it will pay its way.

I suggest the Manager apply formally to the Public Service Commission

to obtain a view for the next meeting".

Alderman Lloyd: "It should be explained to the Commission

we find ourselves in an awkward position and we should. proceed with

the sewer".

His Worship the Mayor: "The Commission has not had an

opportunity to meet on it as yet."

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Kitz that the

matter be referred back to the Committee on Works for investigation

and report back to Council. Motion passed.


To: His Worship 2. R.A. Donahoe, Q.C. , and Members of City Council.

From: City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Date: October 25, 1954.

Subject: City Managergs Vacation.

Approximately one-half of my vacation was taken in May. With

Councils permission, I would like to take the rest of it from

December 6, 1954 -. December 15, 1954.

A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager

Moved by Alderman Lane, seconded by Alderman Lloyd that the

report be approved. Motion passed.

8?0 ti

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November 12, 1934.


Kak'Aonaidg "I understand there has been an invitation

MilaagelL F,o attend a eonvention in St, Petersburg, Florida.

know whether the dates of his vacation coincide with the

.cnvc.tion but I think would be of great value to the City to

have him attend this convention%

City Manaift-:L° :-oing to go anyway. I would naturally

,y4.efer to go as delegate from the City rather than on my own.

Every City should co-operate in the work of an Association."

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Macdonald that

a sum not exceeding $400.00 be granted the City Manager for the

purpose of attending the City Manager's Convention in St. Petersburg,

Florida as a delegate of the City of Halifax.

Alderman Kitzg "I think we have to make a stand sometime on

conventions. I think we should have a policy whereby our senior

personnel do not go each year to conventions. I don't think in-

dustry generally, when they have a policy, permit annual conventions.

The Manager went to a convention one year ago. We paid for the

`tanager to go to Windsor. To pay for a trip to St. Petersburg a

few months later, I feel I cannot agree with. Let it not rebound

agaiest the policy that we have been trying to build up".

Alderman Dunlopg He wen to Windsor at the renuest of Council

and not on hi6 ow r&q‘lest. I think he would gain much more if he

attended his own body".

Alderman Lloyds 3In view of the fact that he is going to take

the time on his ho14 lays, I feel it is fair to make a contributioa

towards his expeneeEL'.

The City Mana&-x stpted that he had become acquainted with the

qlffcrent Mayors wh;.le at the Mayors' Convention but he speoifiaally

referred to some rc:/-son to help the delegates with resolutions. He

laid that poss1bly r,oxt year tne City Clerk of City Solicitor might

1,1.,?1, to Licrecri e rf,dolutiung to ascertain which ones would

L to C; t er


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November 12, 1954„

Trit xction was put and passed with Alderman Kitz wishing to be

LArTs)._ ,-E.,„ficqoupT

1115 Worshtp R.A. Donahoe, Q.0. 0 and nembE:ra of City Council. City Manager. A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

October 1954.

Land 5a16 Ar;count.

At Cle May, 175L' Council meeting Alderman DeWoif raised certain

veatLons concerning responsibility fcr the Land Sale Account. An

analysis has been prepaeea and City Council at its September 16

meeting ai,proved of certain Journal entries segregating the various

elements of the proceeds.

The general responsibility as a matter of administration should

be in the hands of the City Manager. Only one receipt from the sale

of land has occurred since the last report. This is the proceeds of

the sale of 80 Market :;treet. I have prepared a schedule of the

various credits due accounts for this tax sale land. The balance of

the proceeds will be a credit to the land sale account. After the

pattern is set for a few transactions, I will expect the Finance

Department to handle these as a matter of routine.

The City Manager should also havea responsibility for use of

Land Sale Account proceeds. There has been a tendency to use the

Land Sale Account_ when r funds are not available. The fact that

a propose& expenditure is ZL capital one is not justification for use

of the Land Sale Account. I refer specifically to the $60000.00

ucIed to purchase library books and $2,0000.00 for lights for the

Wanderers' field,

Nothing goes into the Land Sale Account but the proceeds from

land sales and nothlng should come out unless it is being used to

acquire land, A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager.

The City Manager advised that this report was in answer to a

request from Alderman DeWolf respecting the responsibility of the

Ae,..!ount. He pointed out he would have a responsibility for making

recomnondations with regard to the use of the Account.

He felt that since nothing went into the Account except money

from the sale of land nothing should go out of it unless it were to

acquire land.

Moved by Alder:ran Lloyd seconded by Alderman Vaughan that

she report be approved. Motion passed.

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November 129 1954.



Al6erman VauFkang 'Gould we discuss the land front

ing on

Grim2tery bctwoon St, Andrews School and Mayers Road

. The

'.1(- 031 Board was most anxious to have that developed.

Mr. Snook

prepared a plan and he sent a copy to me and filed

a copy with the

manager. The Board wants to put a wire fence aroun

d the burial

p1.c,t3. I expr6sba t't-16 hope that the Land Sale Account

would be

available for the improvements. I felt this would

be a good time

to Introduce the matter. The principle amount invo

lved is for the

fence around the burial plots".

Moved by Alderman Vaughan r seconded by Alderman Ahern that

the City Manager pro3eso this matter and secure an

estimate of the

cost from the Engineering Department and report ba

nk at the next

meeting of Council with the suggestion that the fu

nds be secured

from the Land Sale Account. Motion passed.


November 8n 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and

Members of the City Council.

The Finance and Executive Committee at a meeting h

eld on the

above date concurred in the attached report under

date of October

29, 1954 respecting Superannuation.

Respectfully submittedr

W.P..Publicover, CITY CLERK.

To: His Worship. R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., and

Members of City Council.

From: City Manager,. A.A. DeEard, Jr.,

Date: October 29r 1954.

Subject: Superannuation.

The cub—G=mit*Lee appointed to consider the matter

of a request

from Mrs. Ella Hoganson, Widow of the late G.P. Ho

ganson for an

annual nflowrnce met on the above date and. agreed t

o make the

following ree,ommandatins.

J. That ,inelc:r th authority of legislat

ion obtained at the

last neasion of she Legislature, Mrs. Hoganson be

paid at the

rate of $e4f%.50 annually being 50% of $1,699.00, th

e sum her

late huebroid wafi receiving from the Flremens Super


Fund at the tIme of his death.

37) .16

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November 12, 1954.

That W. M. Mercer Ltd. be engaged to appraise the operation

of the, uperunru fund and confer with us on the matter of c-vriapping of benefits.

Alderman John E. Lloyd,

Alderman Charles A. Vaughan.

Alderman Vaughan: "They are the logical persons to examine

the plan now".

106 Worship the Mayor: "It was understood that when a 5 year

period had elapsed they were to make a re—appraisal of it".

Alderman Vaughan: "This is the proper time to do it and they

are the proper people to examine it".

Alderman Ahern: "At what cost?".

His Worship the Mayor: "If it is over $500.00 it will be

brought before this Council for approval."

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Vaughan that

the report be approved but before the firm of Wm. Mercer Ltd. is

engaged, the City Manager inquire from them their rates, terms and

conditions.- Motion passed.


To: His Worship, R.A. Donahoe, QbOop and Members of City Council.

From: City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Date: October 29, 1954.

Subject: Provincial Grant — School Buildings.

When His Worship and a special Council committee waited upon

the Provincial Government they were informed the government

had in mind a special school grant to the cities of Halifax

and Sydney to reimburse them in part for considerable expend—

itures which happended to fall in a period when no funds were

available for assistance. The sum of $500,000 was mentioned

for Halifax.

At a subsequent meeting with Mr. Fielding, he indicated the

nature of the Information desired and the following will be

sent to him. It is presented to Council to see if they have

any ideas to be added.

Dear Mr. Minister:

Attached is a tabulation of the $7,4,5,342.44 spent by the City

of Halifax on ochools from April 14, 1949 to September 1. 1954

and a forecast of further expenditures beyond that date (Table


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November 12, 1954.

The amount of $4569,785.04 was further analyzed in Table II

[,pi,11%tln the amount for junior and senior high school


there 12 any further information you require, we will be

-5.ppy- to furniah A.t;

Very truly yours,

A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager.

Moved by Alderman Lloyd„ seconded by Alderman Lane that the

report be approved. Motion passed.


November 3, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

At a meeting of the Public Health and Welfare Committee held

on the above date it was agreed to recommend that copies of the

attached report respecting Tuberculosis Treatment be forwarded to

the Premier of Nova Scotia and the Minister of Health.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Moved by Alderman DeWolf r seconded by Alderman Kitz that the

report be approved Mot:on passed.


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

From: Committee on Works.

Date: Novembe:' 8th. 1954.

Subject: Bedford Row Fire Station - Roof.

The Committee on Works at a meeting held on November 4thor

considered the attached report from the City Manager recommend-

ing acceptance of Nova Scotia Waterproofers bid of $2986.00

for repairing the roof of Bedford Row Fire Station.

The Committee app-r,ved same.

Respectfully submittedr

W.P. Publicoverr CITY CLERK.

Per..J.B. Babeanr Clerk of Works.


- 875 -

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November 12, 1954.

I", MEAgep :,tated thp_t after the contract had been

oy te C.W1 or, Ig:5 Inothor contractor had approached

the ;v- r!,

than rGcc,mm-n1 t- Ci)uri3i1 tat the roof be not proceeded

with at this t1:- ;7, od 1112Lt the two conractors who had been interested

in this rAtter be reonted to give an estimate on what it would

to i.1 t, the uk.li;'!t: anl sloping roof over the stairway.

'nonttoned fig,..:{-6 of $200.00 from Jas. Donohue Ltd.

He r,3cc,:lm:,,ndea the temporary repairs for the winter and in the

spring compiet€ speoifieations for the roof would be drawn up.

Alderman DeWolf "Is it not true that some official ordered

tills work be done7

Mr. West 'The contrac;tur was told by someone other than

myaelf butt he was toir-1 before the materials were processed through

the surpliers I explained the situations to him and asked if he

would mind his orders".

14oved by Alderman Lloyd seconded by Alderman O'Malley that

the City Managers -feconaendation be approved.

Alderman Dunlop "I was assured the N.S. Waterprnofers were

a competent firm and able to complete the job. We were informed

at no tenders were received from anyone else. Something must be

wrong wi.sn at this stage the City says the specifications are not

r,.o%iplete. I don( t t1:111 it j.s fair to the man. We are now told

that a temporary job will last for the winter pending complete

specifications. I understood the specifications covered copper


His Worship the Mayor! "what was wrong with our specifications?"

Aide' man Dunic.p' "I think this man who put his tender in was

the Lowebt of all Lenders received. If the Manager slipped LIT), I

t'Ank it is .!y fail* tr: have the tenders reopened rain".

876 --

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November 12, 1954.

City Managorg "I was informed that when the bids were brought

me GhiLla on(1 ;:f the tenderers did not tender on the whole job.

ai:kri If the cempleta specifications of the successful bidder had

beer, submitted to the other firms. I find it was never sub-

mitted to them beoause the bidder could not submit that because his

price was on it.

The roof needs to be done. If this were July we would be

taking complete tenders to have the whole job done".

Alderman Dmiorg Wasnot it known that we were in the winter

months. At the Committee on Works you and your Department were

willing to proceed %.71t% the roof".

City Managerg "me other tenderer did not get a fair chance

to bid on this job. I wsnt our own engineers to draw up our

specifications and not specifications lifted from a particular

tenderer and made to apply to another tenderer".

Alderman Dunlop "I am confused about this matter more than

ever. I find now we have no specifications".

City Manager "One tenderer did not have the same specific-

ations as the other."

The motion was then put and passed.


November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

A report from the City Manager respecting "Fairview Cemetery -

Ordinance & Charges" was considered by the Finance and Executive

Committee at a meeting held on the above date.

It was decided to recommend that a committee consisting of

Aldermen Lloyd. MacMillan and Dunlop be appointed to confer with

representatives of the Ministerial Association on this matter and

report to Counclio

Respectfully submitted,

W.P.1PUblicover, CITY CLERK.

- 877-

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November 12, 1954.

14oved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Lane that the

"T) -'„ t)e approved. Motion passed.


November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

A resolution adopted by the City of Windsor, Ontario, respect-

ing the disposition of food commodities held in storage by the Federal Government, was read at a meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee held on the above date.

It was decided to recommend that the resolution be filed.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P..Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Moved by Alderman DeWolf, seconded by Alderman Vaughan that

the report be approved. Motion passed.


November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

At a meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee held on

the above date, a report was submitted from the Retirement Committee

advising that Mr. John Ross Hall had been retired effective as from

December 31, 1954 at an annual allowance of $813.83.

It was decided to recommend that legislation be obtained at

the next session of the Legislature, enabling the City to pay Mr. John Ross Hall an annual allowance of $386.17 in addition to the

amount he is entitled to receive from the Superannuation Plan.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Lane that

report be approved. Motion passed.


November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Co'incil.

The Finance and Executive above date, decided to forward Manager respecting "Group Life recommendation.

Committee at a meeting held on the the attached report from the City Insurance" to City Council without

- 878 -


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November 12, 1954.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicovern CITY -CLERK.

His Worship, R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., and Members of City Council.

Fromt City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.n

Dated November 8, 1954.

Subjects Group Life Insurance.

In order to further assist City Council with information and

to enable further study each company was requested to give the

figures for the volume for the City of Halifax policy

02,362,500), death loss of 65% of the annual premium for 10

years past, and 10 years in the future.

The purpose of these questions was to get the reverse side of

the retention figures given.

8 companies submitted figures for both periods, 3 other

companies submitted figures for the 10 years in the future,

and 1 for 5 years in the future. 2 companies were unable to

submit figures.

These companies have their figures analyzed below.

Standard Life Assurance Company of Edinburgh, Scotland operates

on a different basis than the other companies. The premiums

are considerably higher than other companies, but they are

guaranteed for five years regardless of the size of death

claims. They could not submit figures for the past ten years

because accounts are not separated into different classes of


The Metropolitan Life Insurance did not furnish figures for

the lest ten years based on the 195 4divIlend formula. Great-West Life Assurance Company also submitted fig

ures for the

next ten years only.

The Prudential Insurance Company of America did not answer the

questions, but did give the experience of a company writing a

policy in 1943 in which the avers e amount was $2,4840180 and

the avera e death claim 64.2 . The average net annual premium

was s 32,090.00 which would not be the same kind of an average

as the other averages given in the table.

The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada did not supply in-

formation requested, but did have information ln certain

years, but it would be impossible to compare it with the other

companies without making certain assumptions.

Conm1dering the eight companies who submitted figures for the

two ten-year periods, I have the following comments to make.

Confederation Life submitted an identical figure for all twenty

years and based this figure on death claims of 54% of the annual

premium. I feel this is an unrealistic figure and cannot

i_tnderstand how they would arrive at such a figure.

- 879

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November 12, 1954.

His Worship, R.A. Donahoe Members of City Council. City Manager, A.A. DeBard From

Dates November 8, 1954.

Subjects Group Life Insurance.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY 'CLERK.

Q.C., and

„ Jr.,

In order to further assist City Council with information and

to enable further study each company was requested to give the

figures for the volume for the City of Halifax policy

($2s362,500)v death loss of 65% of the annual premium for 10

years past, and 10 years in the future.

The purpose of these questions was to get the reverse side of

the retention figures given.

8 companies submitted figures for both periods, 3 other

companies submitted figures for the 10 years in the future,

and 1 for 5 years in the future. 2 companies were unable to

submit figures.

Thew) companies have their figures analyzed below.

Standard Life Assurance Company of Edinburgh, Scotland operates

on a different basis than the other companies. The premiums

are considerably higher than other companies, but they are

guaranteed for five years regardless of the size of death

claims. They could not submit figures for the past ten years

because accounts are not separated into different classes of


The Metropolitan Life Insurance did not furnish figures for

the lest ten years based on the 1954 dividend formula, Great-

West Life Assurance Company also submitted figures for the

next ten years only.

The Prudential Insurance Company of America did not answer the

questions, but did give the experience of a company writing a

policy in 1943 in which the average amount was $2,484,180 and

the avers e death claim 64.2%. The average net annual premium

WO8 ‘32,090.00 which would not be the same kind of an average

as the other averages given in the table.

The Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada did not supply in-

formation renuested, but did have information In certain

years, but it ::ould be impossible to compare it with the other

companies without making certain assumptions.

Cons!dering theeight companies who submitted figures for the

two ten-year periods, I have the following comments to make.

Confed€ration Life submitted an identical figure for all twenty

years and based this figure on death claims of 54% of the annual

premium. I feel this is an unrealistic figure and cannot

'ten' erstand how they would arrive at such a figure.

- 879 -

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.i A.6,...ccicall Company t:lo 'r. -1 :p 0..nnual

- 1 --. 1.n,!: l',-..:itl 3:3,0/00 .- !:, 1::, '. -,- ,” 000 16 19630

'•1,1 ,.' - 1:110 t:61.; y t'; 0. r;i: , • •- „. ‘,:-?'.:;.240 drops

. :'. -:.1.0? ;:--;(.1.,'ond. t•e!.. J. ei.,•:;: 6 .t3" i. dc, not

`1,..,,id Lv.-.r nremlum f!.1r 1953 -c•f: 40-760 tc,,-; the first

I.-% 'r..-: :'22,3'.6,00 f..-. 1' 1'..4 _ Lhe. (2,.2 ,:,nd gl'ollp when

1._2_ ,.: .,i hici.h aniC,a2., - ::at..fc,„:, a polle:y,,

N..... -i-.1..:,aa Lle. AssurAnf. Cf.. i-::..., til. a r,o/Aue,;. pattern for

fl.i, t .' 1:1 :: perlod, and the di,iNt."7 pi eatfor every one

c.4 *Ow ;t5.,: 10 yoare. In udditi6n, the 1933 premium is larger

ti-lrY-:: tri -, -:9.:A in anal premium ft r' the Eleoond ten years°

aocir-wnt. on TV:,

rema'a-ling premium,

fina no objeottkc

l'ender wlth a

.onaliitent for the r,hot.

By of elimination ht, navrws down to

Lni-lAor% i Canada Life ) Luso.. Imperial Life

nnd C.:f .42-: Life,

1.1 ;:r1panteil have given all ir ae.ked for

e*Yep:- that Manufacturers the pilt 10 yenrs.

1 :%all .ivhy C:: 1- ,ct i 114:,har average

kor t tc;n—yeer period thu firco,

are ultrR-cc:-.i/J1 -;,. 0

;If'e :w;%'L; for the

1))011 ,i have 11 ,A ic.mIt for the

p41.oe., and rank third for the

I would re„-,oifil,fi of t he tr tender°

adlitional fiL;nr:lo 0: 0,2.1,Tf ;It1E-3 1,:,tated

-1mittA- „:7:.culd .f,. tt::T fr ,-4e, for the

c.omparini; ti arJual

r t c . 'AiA. AA ,.

6.anmitted a fa )0:A: ii it , . t,:3ndero

,1) I. ak:. 12.y.

the retention for

ten-year period,


-:: ;DT

1);: tr

R.A. rionahc C i ty Council

A DeD%IrrL


• c2r,

',Icror" 1.1tAlt:f Aor,ur,,nce Co„ tt

:!1;tErA1.1 t%-c)ra the


c 01. North eome opinions Inauranoe


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November 12, 1954.

is The North American Life figures I used for the period

1.954 - 1937 were intended to show the premiums for the 11th

to 20th years for a policy written in 1944. This information

eaa not asked for and would have been additional information

had the North American given the into-rmaticn in the form

asked. Because they did not, I misinterpreted what they did

give in their letter.

In their original proposal, the North American did not indi-

cate the volume of the policy. In their letter of October

5v 1954 they revealed for the first time they had used a

volume of- $2 v 555v000.00 for the insurance in force. In a

revision they sent me dated November 9, 1.954 they used a volume

of t2,362,500.00. The figures follow-

1944- $22v800.00 1954 $22,800.00

1945 229800.00 1955 22,800.00

.1946- 1956

1953 179168.00 each yr. 1963 17,168.00 each yr.

Avg. 18,294.40 Avg. 18, 294.40

By using the same figures for the two ten -year periods, the

North American Life Assurance Company are saying that returns

on investments and expenses are the same for both periods, and

I find that hard to believe.

2. Metntepqi.ten Ltfe Insurance Comeeev.

Mr. D.C.1, Buell wrote Mr. Maedonield, Manager of the Halifax

office saying, We were asked to assume that over this ten-

year period the same number of lives were insured as are

currently employed, that there was a leeel ethim rate and no

change in the benefits during thts period. We did not make

this calculation since we feel the assumptioas are unrealistic,

and furthermore sueh a calculation mightbe misleading".

Mr. Buell. a vice-president, points out t,:eir dividend formula

is changed twice a year and that war conditions affected the

last ten-year period Including war risk on employees continued

in groups while in service.

*Later on he says. "Past performance in its Group Division as

a whole and as shown in published statements we think is the

best indication as to what comptny may be expected to provide

Group Insurance at the lowest cost".

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Oompany, in a separate brief,

is pointing out that an assumption of 65% of annual premlum

works aeainst the company with high grose premiums. This is

a point I did not realize since I did hot think the variation

in gross premium would be so great. The high gross premium

results in such a company have the nee of the policyholderts

money fe); a time, and some measure of interest cost might be

asseused egainet that company.

3. 1 am under the impression that Amer erg end Canadian

ccmpanles de not uee the name experience teblee and this may

account fel• the higLer piemiume of tit- Prudential Insurance

Company of An and Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.


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November 12, 1954.

4. May 1 also explain that a company le "penalized" by not

questionG k{ d only .L nle !T.:nc% that a com-

OZIASOn between. the a.tual experiene of 1711,. past ten years

!ftnnof be thir forecast for ti next ien years.

A.A. DeBardr Jr,,, City Managet.

The C;'-Lty Manager briefly went over the stepe leading up to

the present; time and stated that the thing the Clt7 was primarily

interested In wao figGre. He [.,7t1:1 most ..:ompanies

could tell him what the past had been If they not, tell what

their future costs would be. By an examination of the figures he

would arrive at some kind of a pattern between the same companies

for the same period. He felt the past would be some indication

of the future.

Alderman Lloyd. By going back you had a basis for forecasting

the future. If we selet an insuranr:e company this year It is

most unwise for ue to :Mange another year and p.nother year because

the acquisition costs would run our net costs up to a very high

degree It is practical for us to say, t'A.ft. whoever is selected

will be continued for many years to come. The past 10 years was

an indication as to whether or not the first year s premium is

conservative. By the firet 10 years costs, you have some in-

dication of the future costEj.

Alderman Kitz. o "Did you arbitrarily tal a :55 year claim


City Manager cr lr.L talkAng TO varlous ':orT:pnies they in-

dicated to me that the losses ran to C) or perent of the

premium. The c:ost is going to he appr'_,Iim!itely t,11 SPMfE: and no-

body can tell you what tre 16 Fcinir tr. t'e",

Alderman Lan e2 In (.1.-- mmlttee the ot),or :say I

made a state-

ment with whl3h you did ,:.0T au.ee and the City Manager was


inclined to be happy. do have an e.xpro:;ion of opinion regard-

ing certain elements 3f the queGtIonnfilre.


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November 1.2 l9514

i-, Iderman Lane then read tw., paragraphs from a letter from the

Mhnager S40 L,.-ILL Assurance Company addressed to the

(7anyiii Manager here aa follows

In the first -ulace, whoever recommended the questionnaire and

set it up undoubtedly did sc, with the definite purpose in mind of

adding not only aci element of confusion bus: of ereating impressions

which are not only meanin4Ieos but far—fetc.hed to say the le-ast.

The purpose of the estimator is readily obvious and the results are

totally misleading to the uninitiated.

Our eempany never hae and I hope never will operate on the

retention basis, The inequities and iniquities of such a practise

have been clearly demonstrated even to the point where this system

is not countenanced in the States on account of the many inherent

abuses the t are involved. As a matter offast the practise of

operating on a retention basis proved so vieious that a movement

is on foot in the United States to legally abolish this type of

underwriting. Unfortunately some of the Ameriean companies operat—

ing in Canada have adopted similar tactiee and a few Canadian

companies are following suit so it may take a little time for the

Canadian authorities to oatch up with the situation and rectify


Alderman Laee "Are you prepared to a:cept a motion or do

you want the recommendation of the City Manager put first?

Moved by Alderman Lane. seconded by Alderman Allen that the

Group Life Insurance policy for the employees of the City of Halifax

be split 4 ways between the Canada Lifer Sul: Life Metropolitan

Life and Maritime Life assoeiated with the London L1fe.

Alderman Lloyd auggested that any company whose representative

is here and who wlshee to critieize our procedure be now invited

to do so t,

City Mar:agr:; Whcever diEect question& had done so

to confuse, is net so. AL; a laywan I was approaching the problem

in the best manner I eolld.r

His Worship thr:- Mayor ne ma::r:ty of quJetiona asked were

arrived at after a ,J:11f€,r6r:(2c, In adl ccapanies here."

Alderma.c, Lar.e "No c: mpany is 6oln:; benefit. I feel

this has expresecd fee:Ung on retention. I agree with Alder—

man Lloyd we should hear wiiet comTan 1. feel about it."

Alderman Vaughan' "On a :.:atter like thie te a perf;on not

qualified to am ;(. :r Lo put myeelf completely in the

hands of the City •Manor i.:c,2pt hie eeeommendatien without

fear or CrILIlem, 1.1

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November 12, 1954.

Alderman Dunlepg When the matter was referred to the

*tlanager he ee.td he was not an, insurance expert. Persons expert

in 1:h. is field should be engaged was the thought expressed at that

t:Loie He was asked to tabulate ce..-itain figures and to recommend".

Alderman DeWolf 8Have we any ol:ficial indication that 4

companies are willing to divide the business?"

Alderman Lane "I have no assurance of that. In my opinion

it is a fair amount of business divided 4 ways and I think they

would be quite content.4

Alderman DeWolft "I would like to give it to them all. We

do that with fire and automobile insurance. Why not divide it

amongst 14. I would like to find out if it is acceptable to have

it divided by 4 or 14."

It was then agreed to hear the representatives of the various


Mr. D.O. Robertson, Manager of the North American Life

Insurance Company., stated that in his Company's submission the

figure of $19,695.98 should have been $18,294.40 which was the

lowest of any Company. Also the figure 80 cents as the basic

rate per $1,000.00. "Had the City Manager that statement before

him at the last meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee,

he would have been in a position: to show that the North American

Life Company was first in all departments. Alderman Lane seems

to be more interested with the feelings of the Insurance Companies

than with the taxpayers. In our letter of October 5th. to the

Manager, we stated not only what the cost would be for the first

and second year but we also gave him the average of the first 10

years which worked out to be $18,294.40 and we went beyond that.

Because we gave additional information, we were criticized. North

American Life is capable of handling it themselves. If you want

to bring in another company we would not mind that but beyond that

we are not interested. If you want to put in another company, it

would be okay providing they accept our rates".


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November 12, 1954.

Alderman Lloyd nThe Sun Life envisaged a contract nailing

1.0wn 3-.,%4,,es Does the Crown Life representative now say that 90%

of ;11(3 companies agree to that?

Mr. Barber "No. It you itsk them for a retention, none of

them can be guaranteed.4

Mr. Cavanagh, Metr politan Life "1 think Mr. DeBard will

agree that the figures recently prepared are very misleading not

as a direct result of anything Mr. DeBard intended. The same

claim rnte is going to apply no matter what Company gets this

business. I would say all these figures are entirely meaningless.

The net cost of this to the City is based on 3 things.

1. The amount of claims paid out.

2. What the Company is going to hold back for its expenses

3. What the Company is going to set aside for reserves."

Alderman Lloyd° Yost contend that the indication of what

is to be known in the future can best be determined from the

retention in the last 10 years?E

Mr. Cavanagh: "Yes".

Alderman Lane: "This motion was to bring it to a head. I

have been accused of having a particular interest in these 4

companies. That statement was made by a man on the floor of this


Alderman Lloyd: "We should give some consideration to the

fact that the City Manager did try to get at the best cost of

insurance and how many comprnies should be in on it is a matter

for Council to decide. m

Mr. Maclntyre of Maritime and London Life: "I think Mr.

DeBard's questions were exsellent. I would suggest that the

average retention for all cnmprnies in the group life business

in the last 10 years is not the most important factor".

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November 120 1954.

Alderman Lloyd: "Would your rate be the same with or with-

out the Maritime Life?"

Mr. Maclntyre: "The same. The rates are those of the London

LIfo. The rates in the submission from Maritime and London Life

are London Life rates. The risk will be divided equally. °B

Alderman Lloyd: "If any 3 companies were joined with Maritime

Life what effect would that have on the cost?"

Mr. Maclntyre: "I don't think that would have any real effect

on the cost. One would be chosen as the administering company and

their rates would be used."

Alderman Ahprn: "I would like to see Maritime Life get in

there some way. I want to support home industry."

Mr. Maclntyre: "As far as associating with Crown Life and

any other Company, London Life would have no objection in teaming

up with any one shown."

Alderman Lloyd: "It seems some further study of retention

rates for the past years seems to be the course we should follow.

Some committee could be appointed to consider the merits of these

matters and there is a local company involved."

Moved in amendment by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman

Ahern that the Finance and Executive Committee give further

consideration, in the light of this discussion p to the submissions

and recommendations of the City Manager and also give consideration

to the suggestion made by Alderman Lane and recommend to the City

Council at its next regular meeting what Company or group of

Companies should be entrusted with the group life insurance

underwritings for the City of Halifax. Amendment passed.

Alderman Kitz retires 10:40 P.M.


The matter of deciding whether Monday December 27, 1954 would

be observed as Boxing Day and declared a public holiday was


- 886 -

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November 12, 1954.

Moved by Alderman Ahern, seconded by Alderman Lane that

f.ay. December 26, 1954 falling on Sunday, Monday December

:7!„ be declared as a public holiday.

His Worship the Mayor stated that Council should decide to

either confine the holiday to City Hall or the general public.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman

01 14,a1ley that the City Offices be closed on Monday, December 27,


Ald,3rman OcMalley: "I don't think we should rule for all

businesses and organizations in the Cl.ty."

Alderman Delfolf: "Has the Mayor ever declared a holiday in

the past? I understand it is not a public holiday unless he

declares it. It has to be declared."

Alderman Vaughan: "Is there a question of cost as far as

the amendment is concerned?"

City Manager: "If we had a snow storm. If we have the

holiday it will cost extra money for garbage.0

Alderman Lloyd "It only happens once in

what this Council does, every employer will be

from his staff and he is going to give in and say we 14111 work a

skeleton staff on Monday. If we take the lead on it that will

settle it. Many people like to take advantage of a holiday in

order to join their families in different parts of the Province."

In answer to a question from Alderman Dunlop the City

Solicitor read the law respecting holidays for the information

of the Council.

The amendment was put and passed 6 voting for the sane and

4 against it as follows:

7 years. No matter ,

faced with requests


Alderman Macdonald O'Malley Vaughan DeWolf Moriarty Dunlop



Alderman Lloyd Ahern Allen Lane


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Alderman. Lloyd gives Notice of Reconsideration.


Tog HIs Worship. R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., and Membera of City Council.

Fro;,o! City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Dateg November 9v 1954.

Subjectg Terd,3rs for Land .. Tabulation

Lora Claremont Street

4ChariG W. Macintosh $1,600.00

Lot B Forreoter Street

HubJey Sand & Gravel Co. Ltd. 1,700.00 *Ralph Gould 2,600.00

Lot C. Mumford Road;,,

#Mary Griffiths 500.00

Lot D., Lot #1 - Doug Smith Drive.

John dCEntremont 1,750.00 D.M. Tingley 1,501.00 Leon B. Baccardax 2,600.00

Lot En Loy.,12.=_Domg_gmith Drive,

Howard F. Blundell John d'Entremont D.M. Tingley *DOB. Nicholson

* Recommended bid.

# Recommend rejection

1,800.00 1,850.00 1,501.00 2,540.00

A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager.

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Macdonald

that the report be approved. Motion passed.

Alderman Dunlopg "With respect to the Mumford Road lot we

should re-advertise lt and put a minimum bid on it.*

City Manager, "I can bring it to Committee on Worko.'1








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X Indicate iowei:t group bid,

Howarde Llmited — Lowest in Groups 1, 2 4 and




Haddock Fillets

Fresh Codfish (Dressed) x .10 Lb.

Fresh Haddock (Dressed) x .15



Or; x trAl

Haddock Steak

Halibut Steak

Cod Steak

November 12, 1954.

Group 4


Group It

Canned Dry Fruit1;0 Jams and Julc,e

Canned & Diy Vegetable,E,

Canned Bottled Sauce.Es Chow & Pickles Canned. Fish

$4752.06 X

$2657.59 X


No Bid

No Bid

$3638.11 x

Group 4. Cerc:.Wa,Coffee,Teao Flour, SgaT, Blouits, Cheese $3404.12 X $8409.48

Group_j. Soap, °leaning Material 654.66 X 664.72

asilp_§a All Other Supplies $2152.92 $2151.89 x

Scotia & Feed Co. Lowest in Groups 3 and 6.

A.A. DeBard p Jr., City Manager.





x .10 Lb0


.11 Lb..

. 16 "

A & B




.29 x .27 " 28¢

x .18 " C 19¢

.23 E .18 " A 17¢

.43 .42 A 40¢

71,r v14 2 A 13¢

X o32 0 335/

Cod Fillets 019

Sole Fillets.1

Page 35: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

November 12, 1954.

Smoked Ccd Fillets .19 Lit x .18 Lb .20 Lb. B 19¢

Smelt' Pressed x 4 37 .33 A 320

Srinrin,Frozen x ' B& 37¢

Fresh Herring (Hde. Off 7. .09 .10 ' .10 It A 090

Salt Herring -;.gi.b.;.. No. I 8.00 x 7.45 E 8.25 B $7.00

Dressed Mackeral Fresh Hde, on x .1L4 , .14 I .15 A & B 140

Kippers N n !! x .15 C 1.60

Finnan Hadftie x x „_.. Y .24 A 230

Cod,. Boneless .% A .27 .29 B 260

Codfish, Salt, one under 4 Lbs. 112ce , . 0 ", : 017 .18?1 B 150

Scallops ilik- ,...,s ... x 0 52 C 50

X — Re,:ommcrid, T.7r.

Individual ltcmi, c,f )ndic.ated in 4th. Column to right.

Two Bidders qu6te c):). Fresh Codfish and it is recommended

this item be spil: EI:rnt, Fisheries and Fisherman's Market on a monthly r:)tatIon t-_:si::.- Estimated supply of Codfish required

for next 6 monthe IC ,1 ,00C value of which 18 5700.00. The

same two Bidders qi:o1,.:,d prIzeF1 for Fresh Dressed Mackeral

and it is rez*om::.e:lued tno T.,:,rider be split on a monthly rotation

basis for thi3 !tem, Approx.Imately 600 Lbe. are reql,ired at a cost

of S8400.

A.A. DeBard. Jr., City Manager.

Marred by Aldormil% 1:7.:.(nlde(i by Alderman O'Malley that

the report be f3ppro, pastaed,





r 'rt . g PV T'ARTMENT


3335 only



ti • - • $ , .


• • ;1'40”









Page 36: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

Item #3 Works November 4, 1954.




PRICE PRICE 1954 Per Gal. Per Gal.

ZiO 240


3(10 3a0


UNICIPAL SPRAYING & Application - Dust Layer


Application - Rotar B, Etc.

Application Rotar R.T., Etc.

7n1y Tender Received.



• • •

Page 37: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

$ 1.00 .900 (At Warehouse)

.960 (At City Fie)f.



Item #3 Works November 4, 1954.




100 Lb. Bags Salt 100 Lb. Bags Salt PHIS 1954

Delivered At Warehouse Delivered At City Field 100 Lb. Bags

1•.-Y!* 7 I COMPANY

A.M. SMITH & CO. LTD. .960

'17 Tender Received.

-7:1' - Sample of Salt available at Purchasing Cffice.

• • •


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Item 43 Works November 4, 1954,






S. CUNARD & CO. LTD. 16.70

17:ION COAL CO, 16.70

n:RIAL OIL LTD. # 14.950


T7=C OIL CO. LTD. 16.70

STOVE OIL BUNTER "C" BUNIMR "A" Price Per Gal. Price Per Gal. Price Per Gal.

# 18.60









10.240 #

11.111 •••• WED




1•411.1••••• 'UMW&

r Recsmmended Bid

.A 6 4-(22-16 CITY MANAGMI

Tender Prices - 1954.

Furnace Oil - 15.10 Per Gal. Bunker "C" - 9.400 Per Gal.


Page 40: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

Item #3 Works

CITY OF HALIFAX November 4, 1954,



Hillis & Sony Dartmouth Iron Prices Limited Foundry 1954


(li,TCITIT - COVER .114 .100 .110

II - GRATING .130 .110 .140

TE BARS .140 .040 .1010

`:HOLE COVERS, SEW SQUARE .100 .040 .040

n li TRACK .140 .040 .040

n II COAL HOLE .100 .100 .110

rriOLE FRAMES, SEWER SQUARE .140 .040 .09ip

II It TRACK .100 .040 .040

It ti COAL HOLE .10i0 .100 .110

KrIT.On STrYS 4 1330 .11i0 .123-0

.31:::-:7-7 1'.011UMTT CASTING .110 .100 .1*

CV ER GRATES .1110 .110 .140

OTHER CASTINGS .140 .100 .120

7'‘1172TDED TM1DER - Dartmouth Iron Foundry.


• • •


Page 41: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

It em #3 Works November 4, 1954.


ielivered at Siding 2.75 c.Y.




Price Paid 1954

$ 3.25 c.y. $ 3.40 c.y. $ 3.25 0.7.

3.25 c.y. 3.40 c.y. 3.25 c.y. 3.50 c.y. 3.40 c.y. 3.25 c.y.

3.25 ca. 3.50 c.y. 3.25 c.Y. 3.25 c.y. 3.50 c.y. 3.25 c.y. 3.50 c.y. 3.50 c.y. 3.25 c.y.

SOD livered at Wharf

elivered at Siding livered at City Field

?.J.S11 SAND telivered at Wharf relivered at Siding telivered at City Field

#1 - 3.00 c.y. #2 - 3.10 c.y. #3 - 3.30 c. y. #4 - 3.50 c.y. #5 - 4.25 c.y.

#1 - 3.00 ca. #2 - 3.10 ca. #3 - 3.30 ca. #4 - 3.50 c.y. #5 - 4.25 c.y.

#1 - 3.00 c. y. #2 •- 3.10 c.y. #3 - 3.30 c.y. #4 - 3.50 c.y. #5 - 4.25 ca.

telivered at City Field 3.25 c.y.

F.AVa elivered at Wharf 2.75 c.y.

SAND i:.livered at Wharf

telivered at Siding relivered at City Field

2.25 c.y. 2.25 c.y. 2.75 c•y•

2.50 ca. 2.25 c.y. 2.50 ca. 2.25 ca. 2.50 0.7. 2.75 0.7.

.:!mzended Tender - Rubley's Sand & Gravel Company.


• • •

2.75 c.y.

2.75 c•y•

3.25 c.y.

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• • •







Item #3 Works November 4, 1954.

PRICE 1954

Sr01,2.3,4,5,6. Drums(Carload) 18.550 "


BC-1,2,3,4,5o Tank Car

-1,2,3,4,5. Tank Wagon 16.500

C-1 2 3,40. Drums (Carload) 21.850

MC:4,1,2,3,4,5. Tank Car

NC-0,1,2,314,5. Tank Wagon

N.,-0,1,2,3,40. Drums (Carload) 21.350

F.O.B. Refinery Imperoyal Delivered


F.O.B. Refinery Imperoyal Delivered


F.O.B. Refinery Imperoyal Delivered

17.300 (Tank Car Lots)

21.300 (Drums Carload Lots)

14.000 (Tank Wagon Lots)

II 11


16.850 16.000

L-0,1,2,3,4,5,6. Tank Car

SC-0,1,2,3,4,5,6. Tank Wagon

14.050 13.200

17.350 Per Gal. Delivered

kecial Primer (Tank Car)

Srecial Primer (Tank Wagon)




F.O.B. Refinery Imperoyal

Orly Tender Received.


Page 43: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

Item #3 Works November 4, 1954.





- 1955










37.400 Gal. 36.050 Gal.

36.250 Gal. 37.100 Gal.



26.700 37.050





# 26.400



# 26.400

24.200 24.200 Gal.

.2370 Gal. 24.200


17.800 17.800


# 16.800


46i0 Qt.



79.500 "

25.000 Qt.

.870 & .890 Gal.

.2650 Qt.





.880 11

.270 qt.

$1.10 Gal.

$1.15 Gal. $1.08

Gal. $1.32

$1.09 Gal.



Gal. .370

37.60 Gal.


.220 n

22.90 "

26.400 "

24.40 Gal.

24.20 n

17.80 n









MOTOR OIL (Quarts)




.26i0 Qt.

$1.08 Gal.


.260 Qt.

$1.04 Gal.


E.P. LUENICANT 90 tio 140





n 51.400


.500 "

.350 "

.120 Lb.

.120 Lb.

.1. "

.150 "


21.250 "

.740 n

.350 n

51.750 "

43.750 "

.550 #







.500 "

.16 1 10 Lb. 14.000 Lb.

.1570 Lb. .1620 Lb.

$1.50 Gal.

.16E10 #

14.000 r.

.1370 & .1570 Lb. .1620


$1.50 "

.16a.0 11

22.500 .2730

Lb. .2620

if 21.250 Lb.


It is recommended the tender of Irving Oil and Imperial Oil be accepted for

the supply of Naphtha Gas on a rotation basis.

It is recLmmended the tender of Shell liw and Suporline 'silo be nceoptod for

the supply cf Holut Oil r

rotaticsi ban's.


• •

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Item #3 Works November 4, 1954.






Reduction Allowed Per Ton









Per Ton Per Ton

Per Ton Per Ton

lTalsh 31.50

32.00 31.75

# 31.00

31.00 Per ToL

American 30.50

30.75 # 30.00

31.00 11


712e.n5on 25.65

26.00 25.72

# 25.60

25.60 R

Acadia 17.20

18.00 17.25

# 17.10

17.30 8


u'elih 25.50

if, 24.50

25.50 25.00

25.00 1


1.00 .800

1.00 .750


. 4.90//3 (\le


• ........ .

• •

-( t . .

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November 12 k, 1954.

Only Mar.:.hine .•


20 ac



i94. 25
















21.83 150


Tr% PLate,-- 28.47

;t 888. '.--, 9 Fderal t t7 'Ai

Chimney p,14 Padgea




$ 669.82 66_2_98

$ b6A-76



A.A. D6Bard, Jr.. Ctty Managr.

Mov- ed ty Aiairact s,::':;onded by Alderman Lloyd that

the report be ar,-.,T;r. Mcr) paLiGi:dr


To r.ne- Kayor and Meml7c r C tv Co unc.11.

Frcmt Work,?

4 Date No7emb , 19


The by T.he 1954.

Tenth:: f !,1)!77,.116"

Tracr, of toncir-s for 6upplieg was considered c a mef:ting held on November 4th v

t•Drys as submttted with the The C(..,mmt

from Ir_y ir,E....011_Co,,..L.tc3,. and


iarlended tha t the tender of Hillis Hn : 0: i

if recr: be f lied wl th City Council at

Page 46: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building


; the tenders

wor,=! • •

12v 19540


Sabean0 Clerk el Works.


1i Aldrmtvi Allen that the

report .tE7 gle item Spectal Castings"

and "E,...1':'„ 111'

b7 A]darman 0° Malley that •

S. fc:r Sptial Castings be

be :-;ald about industry in

lndu.,?,try in

—.em, t dc.n't think it is

I ha-.)e every: sympathy

!:flit? the motion.:c

nae 7-2ee-. cqzanized

t":. put the company

m,,-h. ar, Indirect way

my pra.:..t1ae in the

I tn:-cr: rnis a little

fc..;undry be better

.;t. that an Alder—

This C=pany701

Alderman la

the tendr

appra he

Nova Scc''.

our dut-j:

but or; the


recently 3::(i

• •

on n

of .tax ext,,;p


paet tc

dIfferero' - 4 .

than f.1

M:, W•-

AA 4

man et


Lic-yd wishing to

Page 47: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

, i.:acQuarrie of Na

to hear iii, ;n 1ft!

is that it

of what we do in 1.1 II,

(J(.-,varnments. We have been,:7,o;unli.x,,-;01..:,!d a:11

understand tiv: -

in a municipality, rhit,! !:

I:c salt had too mucli kt„ Wu %;%11)1...)./ 12.0

me,-?..ns quite a bit to the e;:orlour,, of• the area..!'

Worship the Mayor ~What: huc, beeri

,z:.,:,ther salt that is availa-Ae. to do the )(..)-r be tt

MacQuarrie; The NAM.,

r.J:n our competitor l Et t

Lloyd.;; '1 In the case --, -.r. C -, 0/ hal ft x::

to deliver., cuarEz..,:r They :,:Nplied

they thernselve;--i si:ty

lianaLer: "I

DeWoif that the fz,117 wi;f, nnt

saw that himself, ;

,it conforiAs f; r e • I t; the ,.

40 Oa certain Jobs it jui t ,

:•i!.use the.

1 .

Dunlop:; tICsn MmcQwtrrA: :. 1 ye:- L..

to ,:ipeclricf...itic,-,z?'

1 y

Llo C:1fl yd '

I, •


Page 48: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

November 12 r 1954,

Alaryan Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Ahern that the

a. an6. Commissioner of Works be 1..Allurld to mE..t

e.ntatives of the6e companies aLk cad for taildel'8

Motion oassed.


November o i 1954.

Mayo.!: and Oity Council.

meeting of the Finance and Executive Committee held on

a report was submitted from thi. Depaty C -cistlioher

..iuesting that an appropriation be provided for the of p.ying coupon interest on the 1954 Bond Issu.

It was agreed to recommend that a sum not exceediniz 83o.250.00

bs ::pr. priated under the authority of Section 3160 of the City

s: or this purpose.

Respeotfully s.tibmi'cted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

d by Alderman ',Dna, seconded by Alderman OrMallev that,

approved. 1.1ocion passea.


the Mayor and City Council.

nar ,:c.. and Executive Committee at a meetinc .i7reed to reconnend that the City Tresirer be e ,.ahr,rized

07:ficials and employees tLeir full atlary on or about the 15th of t1J, t mcinth.

RespectflAl]y submitt(d,


,L1deran DeWolf, 6,2c,';;Ided A (nri.,.;11

i,:ppvoved. MG1:10:1


i-,he Mayor wirA

;f City Counr.:11.

report from 1:1. City SoliG11...r rt, c1:t!

Chtirter was considerel. by the Finnt-7,e aryl Ex,

at meeting held on the above date.

— 894 —

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V November l'z v 1954.

It, was 4;reed to 1.euommend that rhf City ;..lathorized tc undertaea cif te Cliy th;.,t the it!attoy of tne chare for his i t.L',G fur

undertakJa14 be considered by a special (tufilLee arA

that His Worship the Mayor confer wlth the City Boli.:Ator

:)n the preparation of a resolution to cary:y o>t this




Alderman Dunlop ":I in not sure the Solieltor has

the spare time to revise the Charter. I have in

the other two assistants who are in need of extra pily

It would make for a quicker revision. The City Soil t,.cr

would be the head of the Committee. That would be the

way I prefer to see it done."

Alderman Lloyd: "I think the observatic.nH

Alderman could be considered by the Committeu”

Alderman Dunicp: The Solicitor should !:s.':e


Moved by Aiderm.an Lloyd seconded

that the report be approved..

City Solicitor: " I am not -Looking

lilproach this with tl great deal of concern. I know what

It entails. Personally I would prefer rlit to Liy:e tc

.f.c.; it at all under any circumstance. t

want it.8

The motion was pl:t and iu

wishing to be recorded against,




— 895 —

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November 12„ 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and. Members of the City Council.

The Finance and Executive Committee at a meeting

held on the above date recommended for approval thE,

attached legislation respecting retiring allowances.

Respectfully eubmit,ted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERKK,

The Charter is amended by inserting therein,

mediately following Section 309 thereof, the folowing


309A, (1) The City may pay 1- o i1tly elJp,1,:vee (,!

City9 upon his retirement from employment with the City,

an annual allowance of such sum as the Cou:. may

determine, not tc exceed the amount of ynt, _:Aou_7,and

dollars per annum; provided, however, that sir any

such employee is entitled to receive a retiring ailcwance

from any superannuation fund or plan to which contribut-

ions are being made by the City the allowance autIvirized

to be paid by this Section shall be such sum as will rlf)T

exceed the amount by which the said allowance whicn st::n

employee is entitled to receive in any one year an


such fund or plan is lees than one thousand dol:bre

(2) Any sums required to pay any such allowane6 In

any year may be included in the estimates for that year

and any sums paid in any year as such allowanes shall

be shown as an expenditure by the City in such year,

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderri

Lloyd that the report be approved. Motion peesd2/4

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November 12., 1954.


A report was submitted from the City Manager under ilte of

Lember 30 v 1954 embodying a letter from H.R. Doane & Co. out-

Llning the procedure and problems encountered during the annual

Independent audit and same is attached to the original:copy of

these minutes.



November 8, 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

The Finance and Executive Committee at a meeting held on the

above date considered a request from the Downtown Merchants

Association for a renewal of the lease on the Grbfton Street

Parking Lot.

It was agreed to recommend that the lease be renewed for the

year 1955 and the Mayor and City Clerk authorized to execute same

on behalf of the City.

Respectfully suhmltt.:-d.

W.P. Pubilover, CITY CLERX.

Moved by Alderman DeWolf, seconded by Aldermi.,r. Yeighan that

the report be approved. Motion passed.


Moved by Alderman O'Malley, seconded by Alderman Lane that

the action of the City Manager in reserving a double booth tor

the 1956 Fair be approved. Motion passed.

A report was submitted from Alderman Ahern c.ontitin several int;

recommendations respecting the Trade Fair.

It was agreed that hie report would be dieousi;ed w!tv!! the

1955 estimates are considered.


November 8.. 1954.

To His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

A request from Mathews Coal Company to have Mr, C.W. Dr,ublcday


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Novmber 12, .1.9

IJIJoonted. a Coal Weigher was considered by the Flnr.r!,e ;Inci Committee at a meetin 11L1 t -

arree'a reordmend that the l'queht

outAltt ,.


Moved by Alderman. ValJghan, se,:.oded by lUcL,viLac, D..op that

report be approved, Mti '


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council,

From: Committee on Works.

Date: November 8th., 1954.

Subject: Heating System — City Field„

At a meeting of the Committee on Works. held on No7,-mber )4th the Commissioner of Works recommended the pu::'3'nase cif the number

of Unit Heaters required from the lowec,t bidder on eac;1-1 b e Unit u at a cost of $3000.00. Funds for spme are available in the Capital Borrowing.

The Committee approved and :'ec,ommended same tr) CAt Cowic1),

Pesi,eLf Ily

W.P. Publico‘e:. CITY CLERK

Per—J:13, Satean, Clerk of Work_.

To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council°

rom: GoF. West Commissioner of Wors,

4te: October 2. 1954,

Subject: Heating S:Tstem - City Fieia

The original plans for the instaliaLion sjstem at City Field calla fGr

he placed throughout the

t,ht 'ice/ heatini4

Quotations on these wippliers, and the total

C1:: r. 1:ea havf OGt C 24 A'411,5

, A. luca ,00

Cranes Ltd. were low OP ail sl:-.e6 of

except ones. and Stairs Son L Morrow Ltd, were


11,- */

-ro t!..a

encn It is recommended that athr)rity number of unit heaters ren'ilree,

f:.6m the lovic id der


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Novmter 1954„

There is money available in the Capital Borrowing 7o cover is expenditure .

M. . West, Couuissioner of Wolit

Moved by Alderman Macdonald, sed by Alderman Dw.lop that

the report be approved. Moton pass:.d.


To: His Worship, R.A. Donahoe, ° r


arc; Members of City Counc-11

A From: City Manager, .A, D d eBar, Jr

Date: November 10, 1954.

Subject: Incinerator - Engineering.

Mr. West has written to several consulting engineers acid they

will visit Halifax for a preliminery survey without charge as


November 18

November 22

To be arranged

500 P.M. Mr, Harrison 13„ Eddy of Metcalfe & Eddy, Boston,

8:00 P.M. Mr, Clarke of Greeiey & Hansen, Chlcago,

Proctor Redi'L!rn ToronL.

A,A, DeBard City

Moved by Alderman Ahern., seconded by Aldermq . that

the report be approved. Motion paLeed,


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the CiYy Council.

From: Carl P. Bethune: R.C. City

Date: November 10, 1954.

Subject: Re: Additional Court Reporter - City Cnu:T. and

Your Worship and Aldermen

As instructed by the City Council I havo conferred with the

Attorney General)s Department of the Pr::Ivince and AM EsdVlBtA


the Province is prepared to share half th.? cc,st (if an adfltional

Court Reporter for the Police Court, City Cot and County

Magistrategs Court, The salary ranf7e nrcposo:i wao S:23110,00 to


This I think is the Infor the Cln.il and

if this is approved I would reco;i:Ixnd %IA;_i y t n

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November 12, 1934 .

authorized to make an appointment to fill this position after

oonsultation with the Stipendiary Magletrate.

Yours very truly,


Moved by Alderman Dunlop, se:looded by Alderman DeWolf that

the report be approved. Motion


To: His Worship the Mayor

From: Committee on Works.

Date: October 25th, 1954.

Subject: Street Names.


and Members of City Council.

At a meeting of the Committee on Works held on October 21st

1954 the question of changing the name of Gebhart Street to avoid

confusion between it and Geldert Street was considered.

The Committee recommended that the name of GebbArt,

Street be changed to Belcher Street.

Respectfully submAtted.

W.P. Pubilcover, CITY CLERK.

Per..j.B. Sabean, Clerk of Work

His Worship the Mayor stated that the residents had indicated

their desire to have the named changed to either Pearson Drive or

Chelsea Drive.

Moved by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman Ahern that

Gebhart Street be renamed Pearson Drive. Motion passed.


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council.

From: Town Planning Board.

Date: November 8th.. 1954.

Subject: Resubdivision of lands of

Samuel Walker - Liverpool St.

At a meeting of the Town Planning Board, held on November

4th., the Town Planning Engineer recommended approval of a plan

of resubdivision of two lots of land of So,muel Welker, on Liverpool

Street, to correct an error in measurement made in the original



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Ncy,.-mber 12, 19.540

Roard approved Eiame as 11.7) j.,, or. P1,3r

of 11:)rk6.

9a:.,D7ed by Aiderma:i Lloyd, Le:aonded Aidermari DuCiop that

be appmv.6d, Mc,;13(i p!Antit,



Woreh)p the Mayor an.a Members of the City OolnctI.

Town Plannang Board,

November Eith„ :1954.

Resubdivis:or, of C.t r. y own-Ld larid

a meeting of tht.-, r;oard held Nc7;embeT 4th

Planning Eng:i.nse!: 3.'e;,:omme!ided ol n cbdivistor!

crf C't.t owned land o!.1. the norh sIde of LiverpJoi Sts er

. tc be

a :qtr tc, the bounding propertiEe.

Board approect same ar.?, Lih3wo Piac, :j-_ ., RE 2 J2890,

CilY cLEaK


by Alderma J'._ 1. by ikIrmb.:. that

:-:Drt be appro-.-ed, Mz,v1c -i;ad!;6d


His Wcrsh:p art.

Members of Crit-: Town P1anniT i -130;JI-Th

No,:ember i23,

Reg Building

a meeting Cl the1(t vi: At r ; 4o N.-,mtr th„

from the. Town PI:.-LnnIc!.g remm.:rd1n1-7 that, a

building Ilne be establish, 76 or the %j..t r side Hoill6

from Saolc.fille Strout southwarl.Ly Hotid. was

riTp:. .H:71 and recommended City Coun.111,

p 1 r

Page 56: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

,A:Liffmon Al) en. asked tf by layAng this bulldrig .tine would

of Le C till chit, new 11'6 i•LA Lit; L

adibed Lhiit J r wouia


i.ceved by Alderman Dt4Aloo, sticondE;d by ik.6erma:1 klitcA,,:,r:.ald that

REqpinED FROM ST. PAniC-C6 h.

His Worship :he Mayor and Members of the City Counell. Town Planning Board.,

November 8th., 19)4.

Sub,:,ie,',t; Land required by the City of Hailfax Cfoir, St, Petvi home for RoElanci AveLoe,

meeting of the Town Plannint_7 Boafd. heJcl attached repcx- 1.- from the City Enne2r 1%

C;.ity acquiring land from St. Patrick's H(:me was approved and reoommended to City Con:.:1

Nc)vember 4th., tc the

Ronia4:6 Avenue


West, CoTiImissic)ner 01

Crtv ELE'

(I of halifa froal St

1(IL:7 tht,; City hniitax, ,A Corpc:ration were c.onsAdring

ho)Iset'i in rL!'a 57111d:

proposed erotio the adlillcnni

6, was In r!!: ar,:a f;r?an of

darc,h II. 194h tLe Gity , n proposed. Eitrt?et iu nr_,w Ro;;;iina AveLe,

r:nyers Road throln City of Hz!lifpx' .D. It3ner pr(,:)ert y thr:-, Lq-* T!ie

::;ford Road.

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A•ff.,.rt -t-tf.:! , ' t. A

• :! 1")

tIA le .1 I

Motion passed, 1-:7sport be approved.

iV .velob

'eES at f rrt thr,1.4;7,:ht obta in an t,,PqP,ilt7tot 1- 11 -E-),:rrh the ,•• t; a r.",0

t r,crtion to ;1-11r,i


s Hch16, ma.dt,-: with

1. may be se&n f nom th.ls that 1 r: r.1: ili. in ilomans Averru, the C ty ts.21:

me 01,:ltte in ord_6r r The CI ty r Ohl ould

Aved by Aldermar sa,i•ondd • (1) A 0



His Wor'ship .h;- Mavor Lind Members of Counil. Co-ronit tee

November ;".t1.,

Pie r Te.1.71J,ion Aritenr

t. a meet-Inc. of the (3,-:n-711 toe on Works Ci Ly

,ce No 46 ba amend t,, , • ied by the Cr%m:niss


Res •

W 0? CityV..

it tea .. .11 .

I d, r:nan

r t be an:


.1-A--J - - - -

Trp orrtr.-n

M,:iyi)r a nd

,• as followe:

. Sect ion 1 Inant-e •

,f S tr,lc tureFi Gor!-;) Teie.'1 .-•n An ..,„!,

,./t/6, tltd

(a ) Nc nern :

any r other 1-,t"-rni.or, 'Ifr cons trlc t int7. r,y ..onstrw t

,ree f)r. ri,

, •-e! unless tit' 1.

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Novembt,17 1L'o 1954.

ths authority of this Ord-inanoe Such lieense shall be signed and -.,.;maed by the Commissioner of Works Etna shill remazn. for,::e for -fie year from the date of its issue 1es6 reed. prix t to the eienl:cation thereof as hereinafter provided° The Commissioner of WrAs may revoke any such license at any time If in his opinion th person holding such license has failed to comply with any of the provisions of this Ordinance.

(b) Before any such license is issued tt any person such person shall provide a good And sufficient bond in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (45,000.00), executed by a surety company licensed to do business in the Province of Nova Scotia and approved e form by the Cry Solicitor, which said bond shli be 3onditioned upon the faithful performance of ali lawe and of the ordinances of the City of Halifax, and shall indemnify and keep hariaess the City of Halifax fi-ota any and all damajes° judE;ements, costs or expenses which the said City may incur or suffer by reason of the granting of such license. The said bond shall also extend to the use and benefit of the City of Halifax as well as of any person who may suffer in3uriee or property damaa;e b•,r repsoa of the license granted hereunder. Such bond shall be maintained in effeet at all times during the currency of the said licen.ee.

Moved by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman Macdonald that

the amendment as set OUT above be read and passed a first T,lme and

referred to the Finance and Executive Committee Moon passed.


No-:ember 8, 19.54.

His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council,

At a meeting of the Finanee and Exec',4tiv Co;rtee held on the above date, a report was submitted from the Retirement Comm-ittee advising that Mr, George H. Germen, a former Janior employed

by the Board of School Commissioners, had been reT.lred effective

as from October lr 195j at an annual allowance of a211„72,

It was decided to forward this information te

RespectfulL sul-mi/fed.

Puolle:over, CITY CLERK_

Moved by Aldermar, O'Malley , eeoondoc:i rm,-,r, Lloyd that

the report be approved, Motion passed.


No,-.o ,mter 8. 1954

• His Worship tie Mayor and !/,:r:bers of the City Council

Tht, attached statement respectlhg e i-oetints to pensioners, who are in receipt of ',mount& lesa than

1.100.00 per annum. %tat; onaldered by .he. 1,- rlar_cp.? Ex votive

tee tit n inee theld *,:w 17,ove tft.!

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Gra :16

...r1 Cat

:.'t i) •-•

agreed. to rec,c,mmend that -,:11,± pbyment!,.. be wlae in .p1,161.-3 OUC if; t‘I;

Resoeful ocitm:ta.

14, Zi .1. a .•-•• — 1

v• r er


Pi;i:11: A

Den' • .


'. r. y f

ri 111x1


Dept, Emp, T,


ff •


Emp. Llbinty Emp, Wc:,rk.s Dep!,


G,- I'


; •• 804.00

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_,.00 804.00 804.00 804.00

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Yi„CO 804.00

„)0 804.00

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324.,00 644,00

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804.00 R04,00







Miss t,;arsE.. Heal ?,n Depa.r7lmeni: Gran!'

0 Fre6

Water Dept. Grant Y2.C.00 Emp„ Grkl%r ;2,1)0

F. -irrrocrA GranA 72.).0n

Jamee r.L. 7d1 Me,z'har,La2 &upt„ Depart..mn.T. CrrarT.

Arthu! Stableman. Grant 726.06 Emp,, Work.

Dent, Gca,:tr r Work

r e p Wort“

Page 60: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building




Gr. fin r

908. 66 869.00

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11ann ,7ames Cc:,dy

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-• I (

I. -,-. 19'

.A McDonald Emp. Works


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Affttlx- s

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No,xember ';=15


Worsnlp the Mayor and Members of the City iottric,., Committee Works.

November 8t'.h., 1954.

= Paymer0; Bedford Con -7 trutioD Co. — ,1;250b 00

a meeting of the Committee on Works, geld c.7:; Novembe:.: 4th. report from the . Commissioner of Works recommending that a

payment of $2508,00 he made to the Bark r Mc;r1reai account of the Bf,dford ConstructIon Co. , ror repoLntlhg Memorial Tower at Fleming Park, was approved and.

t-”c,ommended City Council.


W.P.Pub1io.er, CITY CLERK.

Per, .J,B. Sanean, Clerk of WoriL*,

ed by Alderman Lloyd, seconded. Aldermar.. t

be approvpd, MotA on pasaed.


HJe Worship th.: Mayor a,d Members of the C:ty Co,,nClc Commvttee on Wcrke.

Noember 8th., 1954.

Proposed Sewer Extension — Clint, Avenue ' :tch vaila,=7 Rcad,

meeting of the Committee on Works, held on Nove-,7,ber 4tho the attached report from the C ty ErILT.lneer roc rend ni.7,-

a 24 .' sewer be laid on Cl in ton Avenu and ,,c norT nwa rd_

.4-i Dutch Village Road was c.onE. Ider

, Committee approved and recommeride.d s.&mti- - Lc) NC 1

Reapez t f ,.._i 1',.- L.3. !tr ' ;_ed,


Pero,J.E Sabt:_ari, Clock

' est, CommieeIoner of Wrkb.

, C7ty Englner F


Lfewer Extension — Glinth A'Jonue (Ina 1)ut:f1 V111E1.7t road.

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E11s Worship the Mayor and Members of the C:1 try -Ciounc:.1„ Oonirn e rks

November 8:11,„ 1954.

Paymen ,-,t. Bedfoi'd Con -.7truLio!,, l s320b.00

t: a meeting of the Commitee on Works, tield c NoveMbe!,:, report from the Commissioner ox' Works recommending that a

payment of 82";08,00 be Tfitlkl tr:: the 13 .A: Monreal, • account of T:ne Bedford Constre,:Alon ier rupoLnting Memorial Tower at Fleming Park e was appro-,ted and ommended City Council.

RespectfCily submlf:tea,


Per..J,B. Sanean, Clerk of WoriL6,

vad by Alderman Lloyd. seconded. Alder-marl D2:ir,p

I" be approvpd„ Mot.l.on passed.


Hle Worship t h nayer ar;d Members cf the Olty Committee on Wcrks.

No-:ember 6th,. 1954.

Proposed Sewer Extensicn -• Villa -"ad,

' a meeting of the Committee on Worke held on Noveber tl-leattahed report from ':he rocndlnii;

a 24 sewer ne laid or °Linton A-:enue and. , oc norTnward-

:21 Dutch V:IllaRe Road WB6 onsLd:::rcd.

Committee Ftpprwed F'. nil



Per—J.?. Sab,:.ari.

WeGt, CO:.M16e.1 0n 6 • of

.1.e City Engln


sewer Extenuion - c.:111,Lon A,.,enue a%a 1 11, c tiOD.04.

- 906

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November 12, 19.54.

The problem of serving this area has been thorohly gene ,to9 c:heok levels have been taken, and it is oul- rec.ommendaioo,

proposed 24" sewer be laid on Clinton Avertue, anO, elso sewer be laid northwardly on Dateh Villag Road,

The sewer on Clinton Avenue would flow eaetwardly froct D-ate;h ee.ge Road to a pumphouse r and then discharge the existing

:.:v!dur along the Canadian National. Railway rlght-of-way.

The estimated cost for the above amounts to 424,400.009 but; t. Ie recommended that an additional length of 480' be lald on

1.)t -Th Village Road to clear up a very bad drainage problem whd -;91 ...an additional $5000.00. The total funds available

a.T.;!;7: $25,900.00. $9,000.00 of this total was appraved for 161P3r4: tliro water mains at first thought necessary were it, possible

Clinton Avenue directly into the sewer on Chebuoto Road.

It is requested that permission be granted to transfer the Rnt of $9,000.00 to this new scheme of serving this area by wsty ef pumping into the existing sewer on the Canadian National Railway right-of-way. An additional amount of $..3,500.00 would be reauired for the complete installation for which would include the additional 4809 of sewer on Dutch Village Road, and 1t is suggested tnat this amount be carried over for the 1955 Capital Borrowing.

A sketch is attached showing the proposed layout. It should be noted from the sketch that a sewer easement will be neeeesary over that, portion of the Canadian National Railway rightof-way for onne3ting the proposed pumphouse to the existing 2L sewer.

We estimate the yearly maintenance and operation of the pumps to amount to $275.00 per year.

A.0 Harris City Engineer,

Moyed by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Aldermar,. D..1:L)p that

the reboil; be approved. Motion passed.




November 8tho t 1954.

Subl=i,-,tg Blasting Permits.

At a meeting of the Committee on Works, held on November 4th., 1-) the attached report from the Commissioner of Works, recommend- Anc. an annual fee of $25.00 be charged fcr Blating Permits In ad, titic, n to Insurance requirements was appro.;ed pnd recommended to City Council.

Respectfully submitted_

WnPo Publi(..over, CITY CLERK

Per„.J.b. 8t.beark, Clerk of 11,)rkti,

6%-4101.ng nereto a report subPequently rec.e,lvt,ii from the Cltv

- 907 "

His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Counc,11. Committee on Works.

Page 64: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

November 12, 1954.

Te His Worship the Mayor and Members of the Committee on Wok

ri.r1 P. Bethune, c1.0., Oty SolicAtor,

Novembsle 9

g Rdg 1,935 Legislation. ite Fee for blasting permits.

Wership and Aidermet

,i7, the meeting of the Committee on Works held NoveMber 4th., 1954„ it was decided to make an annual e.harge for blasting permits

Under the present legtelatlen there is no authority to :::harge ele,h a fee. and 1 attach heretc an amendment to Section 589A of the Charter, enabling the City te.-) provide a fee for blasting permits which will constitute an amendmenc t.e. the Ordinance when the legislative authority therefor is granted,

This should be reeommended to the City Council.

Yours very truly.



Item 19,

Alon 589A, as ha e:.acted Cy- Section 22 rThapter 56 of the Azi-ta c. 1.01 . is i- -.-lended by inserting thereiri. betwen the words 'perfriIY and "and' an the sixth line there.,-)f,

rand the fee payal.ie therefor.

note This amendmtft will enablt: the C)ty to -.7.11rge an annual fee for any blasting permits issued. The amount of the fee will be incaud an the Ordinanee,)

:t-Ivccl by 4derman DI;n1c.p seconded by Alderman Lloyd that

e ::pert and legislation as eubmitted be approved.

Motion passed.


His Worship the Mayor and Members of the CiTy CelJnell,

Trom Committee on WozkE,

D a t P ;' November 8th. 19.54-

t% Overhanging Slues,

At a meeting cf the Coi:Jrattee Wcrks, held on November LIth,. 1:;f;4 e r3port from the Colf,mieeloner of Works recomeJinding that

-.eermisslon be granted to ere et feliowAng Overhaning Signs was

ey.erc-Jed and recommended to Cit7

Page 65: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

NoveMber 12 1954.

`49 Sac:kville Street $3.00 Neon

Cran7ille Street ii.uddy Co. Ltd. 5.00


Brurolvik Street

5.00 Illuminated viper Service tatiorn

g15 Bedford Row Canadian Pittsburg Ind. Ltd. 5.00

432 Slree ries Ltd.



.;orner Roble and. Cunard Street Irving 011 Co. Ltd.

#8034r Barrington Street. Neatha Ryder

#3) Morris ST:reet Mrs. Ada. McCallum

Dreiiden Row Mrs. R. MacFarlane

Oxtord Street Stores, Ltd.








1-3.1.wer Street MctorE

ttingen Stx.eet ty Tobaccc. 5.00

2..ricola Street Jacobson ..00

"1- 1:_ng Street. 14-j 011 .00

#2.62 3-cttingen Street Mens Shop

Moved by Alderman


Respectfully submitted..

W,P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Per.. J.B. Sabean Clerk of Works

secc:- ded by Alder7sn Ma:donald that

apj):•oved.. .

Page 66: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

AG Plan #0A-1-11664A. rt- T e -11-.. idd and appro-:pd tyr

NoveMber 12, 1954.


ad\iised that as a first step action should

T Y dcwn a portc,r, of the official street line.

sec,GncIed b r Aideila,an Lloyd that

h.',r.aday, December lb. 1954 at 8000 P.M. t i. the Council

Ohamber, Halifax, N.S. as the time and place for- a

into he natr ol laying down a portion of the

Steet Line on the West Side of Bower Road between Tower

-,,(7,;la and the CoN.R. right-of—way as shown on Sect:loa 20B of the

Official City Plan. Motion passed,


To: His Worship the Mayor and. Membel's of the City Couni.t.

From: Committee on W::!rks,

nate: Noember 195LL

1Lnd — Conral,ght As:enue (Near OhetYuto Road)

At. meetng of the Ccmmitee or Works, held on November 4th., the atthed report from City Solicitor in regard to four feet ;) -f land remain).niz afer the r;3subd171.sio:ri was approved by Clty

i2th,, L):31t, was considered.

Cc.mmlf, recoi:nlended that the remaining feet be sold to J.P. '' .Tlry and Marga.ret StanbIlry ad,loining cwn,:rs for the


Respectfully submitted,

W.F. Publicover r CITY CLERK.

Per,, .B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

DeBard, Jr. City Manager.

Ir► :r:iu C.P. Solicitor.

Date° 0::.tobc-,r 3_3(h. 1.9

SI! Co:lnaught Avenue (Near Chebucto

17th, tr:c Gity Coun311 sold lots on Connaught At thi,T Lt was suggsted that thr.! 6ub—

divi8iry7i 3hc,uld be r'i..;,lsed oy moving all boundaies 4 feet south

wardly. Tice ;d.,:a this t,o provide room for the A.loining

grope 'z nrorerty.

Page 67: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

5tallation cost

..,reared maintenance a.nee of year

ereased ma.i.ntenance .1 year

Cost for

cost for




A.?, „ Cltey E;.ectri,:ian

911 —

November 12, 1954.

Apparently the 4 feet remaining were not sold and the t owns rr, of the adjoiniAg property, JB. $tanbury and

rge. Suanbtery r 376 Connteugh'c Avenue, are anx.lous t3 acquire

Yours very truly,


Per.. T.C. Doyle

_ ,,tea. by Alderman Madonald, secondd by Alderman Ahern

eE,port be approved. Mot:ver, passed.


His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

Fromg Committee on Works.

November 8th.. 1954.

Street Lighting — Bayers Road.

a meeting cf the Committee on Works, held on November 4th. t.. t! !:.ached report from the City Electrician, recommending that rwo isti-cury Street Lights be installed on Bayers Road, at an ensllatiae cost of N 250.00 was approved and recommended to

ReE..- peC,LfU117;

W.F. Publicc-Ter CITY CLERK.

Per..J.B. Sabeen, Clerk of Works.


A..P c Flynn City Electrician

A.A, DeBard., jr.r. 3ity Manager

Date October 29th, 719.54

Re Street lighting Bayers Road — New Dominion Store

eceeld reeommend that 2 mercury street, lichee be installed Bayers Road — one near the entrance and one near the exit the new Dominion Store where traffic officer& are on duty eing busy hours.

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November 12, 1954.

To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of City Council.

From: Committee on Works.

Da-roe: November 8th., 1954.

Subject: Street Lighting - Elliott Street

At a meeting of the Committee on Works, held on November 4th., the attached report from the City Electrician, in regard to Street Lighting on Elliott Street was approved and recommend-ed to City Council.

Respectfully submitted,

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

Per..J.B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

Date October 29th„ 1954. From: A.P. Flynn, City Electrician

To Re Street Lighting on City Manager Elliott Street.

I have received a verbal request for street lighting on Elliott Street. I went over this street and as this is a new subdivision with no street lighting at the present time it will require 2-250 candle power lights.

A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Trioreased maintenance cost for balance of year

This street is owned by the city but as such until it is properly graded.

Installation cost

Increased maintenance cost for mull year

will not be designated




Installation cost to be changed to capital borrowing street lighting new subdivision.

A.P. Flynn, City Electrician.

Moved by Alderman Macdonald, seconded by Alderman Ahern

that the report be approved. Motion passed.


To: His Worship the Mayor and Members of the City Council.

From: Committee on Works.

Date: November 8th., 1954.

Subject: Normandy Drive - Between Rosemead Avenue and Roble Street

- 912 --

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November 12 v 19540

At cL lrze; o t in, ^f tne Committee on. Works held on November 4th., a report frtort Commissioner of Works recommending that new side- walk ana iutter be installed on Normandy Drive, according tc th nev- J'c-r€,, t line, at an estimated cost of $1400p000 vas ai7,prr),rati and fc(lommended to Ctty Council.

Respecif.ally submitted,

W.P. Publioover, CITY CLERK.

Per..J. B. Sabean, Clerk of Works.

To: His Worship the Mayor End Memberr_7 of' the Committee on Works.

From: G.F. West, Commissioner of Works.

Date: November 4tho r 1954.

Subject: Normandy Drive - Between Rosemead Avenue and Robie Street.

The estimated cost of removing the existing sidewalk, curb and gutter and sodding on. Normandy Drive between Rosemead Avenue and Roble Street and installing new sidewalk and curb and gutter on this same street according to the new street line r is Pr000.;:lo.

It is retomended that authority be given to use this amount from the sidawa3k Canital Account in order that the work may be carried out tins year.

G.F. West, Commissioner of Works.

Moved by Alderman Macdonald, seconded by Alderman Ahern that

the report be approved. Motion passed.


Alderman Vaughan: "There are no other commercial establish-

ments in tha area but Mrs. Bunpm has been by bits and ?leces

encroaching n residential district. This was primarily a

residential secLionc r

Alderman DeWolf said there was a reservation VA the title that

a commt:.rcial establishment was not permitted.

Aldermen WTI:haw "It would seem wrong for this Coun,711 to

proceed to have a hearing for rezoning0 E

His Worship the Mayors "When it comes back to Council we can

decide whether tere shou13 or should not be a publie hearing.°

Moved by Alderman Vaueihna, seconded by Aldermnn Lloyd that

this applic:=1.r,a t not ranted.

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November 12 1954.

A1d.er itar.. DAWo1f 'All the residents of that, area slF;ned the

amo purchase tc agree that it was a residential

ar,:a nn3 wc:Ilid be kept as suoh.';

His 'iVn-ehip the Mayor 'There is a petition hare with L

signatures on it saying they have no objection to 1'0.

Moved in amendment by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Ald6rman

L. ';hat appliaation be referred to the Town Ple_nning Board

for a report and that the petition be investigated.

Amendment Passed D


Alderman 0r Malley "Alderman Kitz asked me tc ask this

question before he left. He would like tc know ar the City owns

that sectiot: cf the property at the foot of Jubilee Road and it

it will the Trilfflo Authority conslder a strong bc,ard renc,Lo G'

"ne matter was referred to the City Manager,


Alderman VA tIghan "Would the Solicitor look into the matter

of Lnsightly properties both commercial and residential and report

Council what he deems necessary to control ii7


Alderman Ahern asked when His Worship the Mayor would make

the y.resentations to Miss De is and Mr. Woodworth.

Worship the Mayor asked to be reminded of lt before next

regul;ir meeting ,

11/tr_v. _7 71 6, A_


report was s,.4t,4ti1ttd from, the Board of Schccl Cu7, niesiohers

requ,Aitini,; permleolo:-. to spend the unexper,ded appropriat:on of

InelJrane Lc ;ay for the erection of a stage

at L. t!., pave a eecticn of the Gorsebrook

S t.•

e r:(*IviaGd the proposed expe%ditures %ou.ld be

4 -. c) r tr.e at St., 5 tephet. a S:_n:)o-1. and.



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E:ayfle10, sic„!.

:ti Thtro-!Nr

)Tooe r

D6ai y

13.71,Dd R..--Ayers Hcwaa Dv GorsclirooL Roty,..?rs Drive

Connur:lit Avenue

- 1254 Season to October 31, 1954

Lenif ft. Job Completed

July 261 1954 August 20,1954 October 191954 October 5 919!,4 October 7,1954 October 7,1954 October 7,1954 October 9,1954

Oct.31,1954 — 95% complete

'380 71


50 20% complete

1.6 300 100


250 170 700 250 267

Ft b 0 Cur Gutterz: Comnicted this



Side Str,7!et From Work

Be levue Ave. I-al I s nrir,ht T.4-:eds Howe Ave. 13:Ayers Scot Rowe Federal Ave. Romans Atlantle ::r1dEes Howe Ave. Bayers

Oakland B:asinview Scot St. Howe Romans Tower Scot

West Both Both Both Both South East

S. & S. C. & G. S.& S.,C.&G.

do. do. do. do.

9. Cu'cb Cutter -. inconlete.

Dudley Ave. Ba:-.;illvic-;t1 Dr.


House Ccalnolly Rol;io 1,c;c'do


Both Both Both


C.& G.75% S.& S.98(11 C.& G.98% S.& S.,C.& G.

98% comp. C.e: G.98% ” C.E: G.98% "


• •


Cor-:ol'atio71 ndvises us that in nr!sc . roperti es that

A r 1 :30, 1955. The r,..- ovz-A from ;hr lund.

. :-",ay r the ouestion was

0' Co:I -. 7.1 br rr.).,'

•, :icy.d

t o 1: 1. •

.1=ion As 71' te beCtI7C of the

C,ncreaco in fr(;e


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0,:tober 18, 1954.

Hi Won :31'11D th€,. Nay: ;• AT1(1

of the City Y.Airv1:1 City Hall Halifax, N. S9

Your Worship and Ald,i.,717.


at ?1,,ITc :,?port on my rF:c.?nt attendance at the Annual rjonfr..enc,e of Me, 1.;ationl InEiitute of Municipal

Law Officers held during L'A:Tte, mtif,r Fr3r1cisco, California.

Your3 very truly,


CPB,,EHJ Enc.1.

Page 74: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building


" 4 A "- lu • I_ 4.... • ,..k

r rt"

Cr3tober 4, 1954.


J:ity HE311 IYLdifaxs 3,

Yr,tar Worahin National

of Munieipal

following report

regarding :leititute of

Municipal 11,,1(1 ',Lan 7ranciseo,

year3. Aporoxily

vol7ing in ..:sale of general I1f.51-4-,,ior

7". And the Unitd,

pattern of previous pap And reports were read

ot olAnllpal matters in-applAtlon of law or matters ”,.A:litpal lawyers.

1.tc?-,nded from Quebec WT:_nipg, Vancouver

InJn1ip31 lawyers from

:)v:1- 2.to a :opy of the variety of subjects

7h=1,T-1% 1),:lpr,5 and reports

whi.7-.h may bt-

1 tb2t, a.1 on previous

ooca5io, fr.,2-mb of the Institute if?ti: nothing to be

;i1cii'Nyer3 to discuss

‘Inatinted. It is

pro, :.:+: ,,mribute some

r:or that, apart from

*;r1=, of the United th--7 resulting legal


pub.Lic -- t

A , 1

lifoRr P'k

.•17 : •••.:

(.!:,;:-Y In 11-0. !.'cared States as well of 35,000 low

•,ontruction of these ...unl-clearance project.

1 r4.;,,If.01 if the building Ihen to a limited

: 7 rlumb,..-r of units which Y n `-ht number of

• • -I • __,laced as a result thFlt ‹-ommunity.

Page 75: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

- 2 -

There are several houlr!z t737octs in addition

to low r.ent housing, namely Public Wax HouoIng, Veterans Re-use

HouLAAng an, Defence Housing (ia-1! the Korean War).

All of t*e.. ase to be in our of r, Anation and transfer to

boda for public uae -!xarket value.

e.hould be not: th::,1) fc.r admission of

tnant6 In limov rent public houing , i7erided to families who

are .:z;!Tlaed by such a proj os- by a 6,11earance or re-

deviopm6nt, project.

It is also of intere that fiy-A payments in lieu

of taxes are required by the iloaiing ,Akt 1954 where such projects

are tax exempt. Where such pzja.elt.!,.. are taxable the munici-

pality mu'A 2h are in the co .1,uLf.-4g in. cash the difference

bstwe:,..n full taxes and 10 perit rents but not

less than 20 proent of the Fr14,101

On the disposal of aTey ths proceeds are to

be divided _-tom en the FedrAl the municipality in

proportion 7c1 the aggregate c:ontribt; of each.

In New Orleans, :0:16.ian, Minimum Hcu,L,.ing Ordinances have "o4,n

I plan to copies of the action by t" se

Yemphis, Tennessee, _ dep :- urrig the past year.

:; a guide for similar


attention l, . belnE ar

in(luden ,:learance and Urbn Rede,vc1,:vment Act of 195:J. e

t•rLe ad,Janct of funds to a ,.L.

gornment b:,:..a:ring interest at cut of mon,-:y-!- to be received f;:orr,

plc,71on the project or any otht,:

e;ubject, which 1)iightedn areas. The qatute, provides for ag-,,ny by the Federal "Th-LI loan is repaid ;:-tint on the com-a7allable.

steps together

vl err

Th paper on this matel- .,71; In detail the

to h- 7.akn in commencing and aI'ryi!, cu .A:h a project

with an ordinanc.e setting out ,.!;-1.+

A somewhat similar plan i.f :1Yai1ble in Canada.

5. Munieipal Revenue_ ft em. y-owned Property.

This problem is a ee“Ie in 7-cited States as in

Canada, although in this country arrived at a

mor.e flerIn17 clolution. The ;:vir;:lp. in both the

;Jnadic. Urkil:ed Statee t.t-it Federally-owed

rel propy should contribute of the munici-

7ei.! ,;-if the United pplity in it is locatEd Stm:es ha!5 Appointed a C;omm16z,.:oil :Ir;;.,::7:.nc

al Relations to

andy _:rid allied matt. J that the report bg: of considerable

will •c), avaiable March lt. intcrit 1 C :anadian

,lipz.oat:.h to the


licport on Internal


cc pow-crs of the protection of

Page 76: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

municipal revenues. This le not strictly applicable in principle

to 1.7anada

A eeiei:er of interest however' le the fear that the

eede:ed goveeneent might en .roach upon the preneiple that con-

atituelonal eax it of state and munAcipal bonds must be


en the United States income from municipal and state

bonde ie exempt from Federal Income Tax and ae a result the

munielpalities are able to sell their bond: at a lower interest

rate and higher price than is the case in .,eanada where income from

such bonds 16 subject to tax. It might be a :.ears of securing

some relief to municipalities if this principle were in effect in

Canada. The difference in coupon rate between:UR bonds upon

which interest is taxable and those upon which it is non-taxable

15 estimated as between 1% and 11%.

An additional report by the Committee on Municipal Bonds

in a most interesting manner dealt with thla question of tax

exempt. bond.

An interesting matter is also dealt with in this report

namely the question of priority of Federal liens for income tax

or wetheolding tax as against municipal liens for taxes. The

Supreme Court of the United States held that all such liens were

equal but priority was established on the baala "a prior lien

gives a prior claim which is entitled to prior satisfaction out

of the subject it binds" - or in other words "first in time,

first in right".

Building codes and Fire Prevention Ordinances.

The paper submitted on this matter naturally fell into

two parts - (1) Building Codes, and t2) Fire Prevention Ordinances.

An to the former reference was made to a most com-

prehen2ive Government publication dealing with "Administrative

Proeeduree for Enforcement of Building Regulations". I am

arranging to secure this report as it may be of assistance to our

Building Inspeetion Department. This report deals with

(1) The application for and issuance of permits.

inspection of new construction.

131 Action against violators. fe) Oeeupational licensing as a means ef enforcement. (We

now have this in our Charter, as occupancy permits,

as a result of a suggestion 14hieh I made several

years ago following my attendanee at a Conference

of this Association.)

(5) Powers and Procedure for Ordering repair and Demolition

of Existing Buildings.

i(;) Adminietrative hearings and appeele.

(7) Legislative and Judicial Appeal e ane penalties.

A further publication deals with "Loeal Development and

Enforcer nT of Rousing Codse". I also propose to secure a copy

of this pamphlet.

fo, A matter of interest, I would lles to refer to a

glow1ne teneency in eeeeral cities to dier.oetinut the use of the

fl re telteraph box and aubetitute a eyetem of public

cn which can be ealled fire, pcelie and ambulance.

The:. or eeueee, feettai]s a ewetchboard deepetchIng operation manned

5 •

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ty oee- e.re. The emrgerkey eevtreee:i of the fire departmerne poee department and ambulanee and dleater facilities are thus Tritwed.

It !:.9.S1C1 to reduce faire AlatIve, reduce the o . — peeett elled out to a fire and glee more particulars

to 30 that the police will inlmediately know 14titrr AMitional policemen for t:reffic And other duty and ii)ieeCeer ete., are needed.

It tt rete, a .o.ineldence that thle matter i5 fully dealt with Au. th 1,a5ue of Readers Digeet. It might clear loekinR inte,

6 1°_a titer

Tiere es.:e2lent reports and papers were presented pre-pared by reuelei:el 1.,i ,lyeee who have specialized la the field of

L111.1:0' prectiee and who have national reputations in the 7.nAt:e! crhe matters dealt with were? of particular nt. t le ete ar:e eete of a technical nature.

fiee paper, in a general manner, reviewed the ,zenerel ef rate applications - pointing out that i;enerally T. eppleetton le made some time aft the utility

c..eNpany !teessary to make the appileation and vice eeei.e In eosts. The e(.)lutien appears to lie

In . k.tention on the part of both the utility eornpany end !'re tx) the earning pleti-Jre o rb. utility

eo 7:het a F•. ^'E can be made.

w».11d entail on the part of the consumers

effeet !.he merlieipality) the necessity of having continuously

employed e per: in public utility law end practice who

%ould Q regeite. te .ee continuously in touch v;ith these developments.

A niember !!;111 :7z-al.ei- cities now have this type of officer on

the i.-11, -de Jo. this province such an official could be

aPPoant:.?d by the Frovineial Government and be OA the staff of the

leeartment of reil.e:1;.ell

Tne paper dealt exhaustliely '..Tit h decisions of

Uni•.ed St- ee 7'eert , or: the questions of Electric, rar, and Tele-

pho!;e Fcite *Ye:. rreiters contained are cef great value in pre-

p3ring fee 7.

oontained references to _Jeelded cases

involvIrg menilpI.I.:yrewned utilities but B1r-.. T-4 11fax does not

dlect:y ery putAic utility the immediet.e vaLue of these

ro re% apparent.

7 :.--; ::'1)r.:" ef ":eexation and Fe-venue.

-Th; 1. i - leAlelGoing subject and n:m an iicademic point

e.' elre.; !:„-,e •:; Iii.1 ;II r ,:, h A v •1- merit. Whe f

n, .n.o.., r, additional

1--- , 1 - :.-• ,.17., T. !.:(r, !J-J, eeme persone alrealy heavily taxed it

,i*, 7r r .k .I ;•., eereful fonsideratioo to .:'etermine just

wnerl. •ri:: 1;,e0 , e*. new texes will be felt.

L7tee e survey of nearly ,1-0:7; with

r - I • 7 *: ;Pr e !-e91 nerr thar. 500,000 to Uee;--e under. 50,000.

1 . -.0e; ",he trend toward nen-property taxes

leer , eIeT-1.,e1 pace - that the ,tie make

Page 78: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

more use of such tazeee ae the sales tax, businese privilege tax,

income tax, cigarette Lax and admissions taxes in various com-

binations. The ema:lier cities are also increasing their use of non-preperty. tee,:ee

Many states _Levy non-property taxes for municipalities,

or which they share with municipalities.

Real and pereonal property taxes still continue to be

the main source of revenue for municipalitiee. Most cities

hove both of these taee. There were mcre eiteee reporting an

assessed-valuation of leas than 50% of actual value than cities

reporting an aseeeeed valuation of over 50%. The most popular

valuation is between 40% and 60%.

Many of the non-property taxes above referred to are

apparently being made more acceptable to the public by being ear-

marked at least to a portion for capital improvements. From

70% to 85% of the citiee reporting have some form of non-

property tax.

The Busineee rrivilege Tax is a tax unknown to us and

if any further information is desired I shall be pleased to

supply it. In effect et ie similar in some cities to our license

fees under Section 361 of our City Charter, but many variations


However, in our cave, we may find that insofar as cor-

porations are concerned we may be restricted by the Dominion-

Provincial Agreements.

8. Civil Libertiee.

This report dealt with various phases of the matter

not all of which have any application to Canada.

(1) pegre ation. Since the recent decinion of the Supreme

Court of the Un 7e etatee on this matter, many United States

cities have had to change their outlook and the problems created

are many and troubleaome. This problem extends to schools, public

housing, employment, public accommodation hotel and restaurants),

recreational facilities and even to cemeteries.

(2) Freedom of Religion. This involves religious education

in schools, the Ituerirgtion of water as offending the religious

views of those who de not believe in medicatlon, and other matters.

(3) Freedom of Aetivity, Speech and Association. This

involves the right f77Trectise professions and trail e without

prohibition, making epeches which might cause the overthrow of

the government by weenP o! force or violence or other unconstitutional

means, being a member of eubverslve oeganization, censorship of

movies and let-ter: e7r!y. pernennel.

(4) The use of eeri.:e to legal prceeedings when the

evidence has been al-legelly obtained - such as by the unauthorized

placing of microphonei7. In various parts of defendant , s house and

by confessions obtalnel t . fraud.

(5) immigratt Deportation and Naturalization.

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- 6 -

9. Municipal Officer and Employee Problems.

This was an informative paper dealing in par

t with the

survey of municipal salaries made recently i

n the City of New York

and which includes the various salaries and

the annual increments.

The paper also contains the Order made by th

e City of

New York dealing with the Conduct of Relatio

ns between the City

of New York and its Employees. This Order

contains much that is

contained in our agreements with our unions.

10. Disposal and Preservation of Public ,Records.

This is a matter upon which I commented last

year. Dis-

posal of records is, in my opinion, highly t

echnical and I- think

the responsible head of each department should

be required to

take such time as it may require to intellig

ently arrange for the

disposal or destruction of old , useless rec

ords and the careful

preservation of useful records in a manner t

hat will enable them

to be readily available. I do not think th

is has been done in

Halifax. I believe the uncoordinated mass

of records at present

at the City Field should be gone over at onc

e by the staff

familiar with them while such staff is av'aila'ble .

I mean by

this - senior staff. Then proper facilitie

s should be provided

to arraTO—nr future preservation.

It might not be unreasonable to select a sen

ior member

of the staff to supervise and approve of thi

s effort so that

there will be someone responsible.

We should set up schedules as to how long to


records, what records are to be microfilmed

and destroyed and

what records are to be mircofilmed and retai

ned in a place of

safekeeping - preferably away from the local

site of government

in order that the same may be preserved in t

he event of destruction

of the local records by peacetime or war casua


I believe a guide has been prepared by the N


Institute of Municipal Clerks.

Certain States have enacted statutes definin

g what

records should be destroyed and when and wha

t records kept.

11. Zoning and Planning.

An instructive technical paper was given o

n this subject

dealing with various decisions on the interp

retation of zoning

by-laws and other relevant matters, such

as non-conforming uses,

relaxation of provisions, etc.

In addition to the foregoing other reports a

nd papers were

presented dealing with -

Civil Defence Condemnation (Expropri

ation) of Real Property

Liability of Municipalities for Tort

Municipal Contracts Ordinances and Ordinan

ce Enforcement.

City-State Relations

School Legal Problems

Airports Federal-City Relations


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- 7 -

Dissuzsions took place on all of the matters submitted

and many questions were asked and answered. Great interest was

shown and a remarkably full attendance was present at each con-fereme sessAr)n,

It will be noted from the programme that two prominent speakers Addressed the Conference - Mr. Lloyd Wright, President

of the American Bar Association, and Mr. Simon E. Sobeloff, Solicitor- General of the United States, formerly City Attorney

of the City of Paltimore, whom I first met in 1942.

I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my

appreciation to the City Council for the assistance given me to

enable me to attend this meeting. I enjoyed the association with other lawrers, engaged in the same work as I, and feel that

such a meeting cannot help but be of value.

trust the foregoing memorandum will be of interest

and if there are any particular points which require clarification

or elaboration I will do my best to provide this information.

Respectfully submitted,



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November 12, I954„

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Va t̀:.t;bari. that

tne pe-:AissAon. requested be granted. Motion. passed.


A report was submitted from the City Manager for the month

of October and same is attached to the original copy of these


of the report were furnished the members of Ccsrl:..11

for their Anformation.



The Ornamental Tree list #1 showing the number of trees

planted on various C:.ty streets was submitted,



A reporl: was trabmitted from the City Soliclor utlinIng the

various items that were dlscussed at the Municipal Law Officers

Convention held in San Francisco on September 1.4 24 end 1 1954

and same As attached to the original copy of these ?

Copies of the report were furnished the member :;f

for their information.



A letter was submitted from G. M. & H. C. intrmir.c, tne

City that they were authorized to secure vacant poss sin of the

above buildings not later than April 30, 1955 try', r.6 nulid:ng

become vacant lt would be demolished or sold for reirl from

the land.



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Prior Go 1952 (covered by reserves)



12, 1954.

Balane P - i -7Pc, S?pt, 30/54

New Accounts & Adjustments

October 1954 0/6 Balance

Collections October 1954

. •..-t

.•) , , 159,96;609 Cr.

):9.,476.46 Or. 99(;.027.52 Dr.

365.11 1,941.62 15,588.34

1,488,493607 Dr. 13,281.61


14,018.77 21,645.25


140 9 814.51 8,358.87



145,605.21 305,889.59 909,465.37

22,128.10 2,407.77 2,317.25 Dr. 549 721.28 Dr.

:'c.1.] Taxes other than listed above

r,)tal Collections in October 1954

Collections in October 1953

1.11,rer.t Taxes collected January 2nd

) 1i)(:tobt,:r 29/54

,:,t,,I,,punding Period 1955

rears collected January 2nd

October 29, 1954

_-:-fsponding Period 1953

Tax Collections January 2nd

r)etober 29, 1954

32.25 58.15

1.00 756.55


9,116.75 720.16

22,128.10 2,406.77 1,592.95 46,420.23


159,010.29 131.926.16







6,812,660.24 6,408,965.55

AMOUNT COLTRAITED Jan.2nd to Oct.29th.

6,089,378.72 86.54

5,820,765.86 85.54

613,261.40 54.83

476,572.38 49.75

6,702,640.12 95.26

6,297,338.24 92.55

•rresponding Period 1953

1,evy 1954 7,036,505.98

Levy 1953 6,804,375.60

Arrears January 2nd, 1954 1,118,470.92

Arrears January 2nd, 1953 957,954.00

►, Collections to October :11, 1954

Collections to October 1953

Respectfully submitted,


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November 12, 1954.



Total advances made to date - $1 OUD,:,d;,,42.

No further advances will be made for If..,:ndations.

341_:ES 224 - Four purchasers borrowed from r

foundation purposes and two of the c.-.7t. r.owings

have been repaid.

CURRENT_ ACCOUNTS r.,00 of which 162 are 0 the rate of % ln'z.erest

BAUXVERDRAFT Balance as t September 30, 1954 - Cr, $

Balance as October 31 1954 -Dr 54,148,.45

(Overdraft in October due chiefly to repayment of

$100,000.00 to City - General Funds.)


Sept. 30/54 Bank Balance Cr. 214:,10L4

Owing City - Genl. Funds Dr. 700,000.en Dr. $o28.608.=s6

Oot. 31/54 Bank Overdraft Dr. 148,'5 Owing City-Genl. Funds 600 000,Co- Dr..



Accounts totalling - $4 352.13

Tn previous month we reported 44 Accounts $L L503.89




The following approvals were reported to Coup: ii

Rezoning C159 Gottingen Street,

2. rezoning Scutt. past corner Dutch Village and Bay ,:- Rr)ads

3.;--ale of Land Weetmount School Ground.

Mw:,. by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman L 7:-ft:•

th16 rcee ng do now adjourn. Motion passed.

Mee -c,*.ng adjol....rneda 12


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No/ember L?54„


Minutes Heartnis B,J,I.Iding Lots Gorsebrook

Pub' . Hearin g Rt71 Building Line Cunard and Windsor Street



Motio. AidermAT! Ahern Re Fairview Underpass 663

Aeounts Over $500.00 863

Claim Fort Massey Ohur,:•.h $139.00 864. Claim Mrs. E.F. Boudreau $179.45


Progress Paymer :/ .M0 Cieminshaw & Co„ 866

Undersized. Lot #)5 Beaufort Avenue 866

Undersized Lot 88 Morris Street Housing Aut.11:)r.0'; t

86? 5,-.)

Sewer Extencriorl OA:ford & Maxwell Streets 86

City Manager 4 s Ifa,3ation 870

City Manageros Convention 8 -A.

Land Sale Account 812 Fairview Cemetery Land Between St. Andrews School & Byer

11:..:ad 873

Superannuat iml 7.3 Provincial. Grant—School Buildings 874

Report T.B. Hospitalization across Canada 87=7;

Roof Bedford. Row FAre Station 87!)

Fairview Cemetery Ordinance & Charges 8


Resolution Cit of Windsor. Ontario Re Food Commoditiee 78y Retirement Mr. Ross Hall 878

Tenders Group LIfe Insurance 0--':.

Boxing Day Decemoe 19t',4 :15...

Tenders for Lnnd 58

Tenders rot' GrD,':-er:Iii. Fleh Etc. 888 Tenders for Lloense Plates ,,;0

Tenders for Stippll ,_--./.

Special Castings c:.-

Salt ,39 --.3 Appropriation Payment coupon Interest -.

December Pay Revision City Ch5Tter

o7-, ,

89̀ 4

Legislation Rea Retaring Allowances F* _;)

Financial Statements P.9i.

Downtown Parking Lot Lease for 1955 596

Reservation International Trade Fair 896

Appointment of Coal Weigher i9E.

Heating System City Field 'i97

Incinerator Dates 3:.,J8

Additional Collrt Reporter r.Q.t -,,_

Street Names F,C)Q

Resubdivision of Lands of Mr. S. Walker Liverpcol Stret t.,,:i9 Resubdivision of City Owned Lands — Liverpool Street yclo

Building Line Hollis Street ';'00 Land Required fro St. Patriokts Home for Romans Averc: c01

Amendment to Ord:nanl:e 446 Television Antennae - 0','

Amendment '7,O4

Retirement of Mr., G.•orge H. German 9

Grants for Pertet!:; 7,c,.;

Final to Btedf Cot,-1.1ztion Co. $2.508.00 :, t7,1.-,

Proposed Sewt,r Fyzelon Clinton Ave. & D.V. Road r;:se

Fee Blasting Perto 113:) -5 Legislation

OverhprigIng Sis 9Ub


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November 12, 1954.

Closing Portion of Bower Road and Sale of Land 5J.0 Sale of Land Connaught Avenue (Near Chebucto Road) Street Lighting Bayers Road and Elliott Street 911 Normandy Drive Between Rosemead Avenue and Robie Street 912 Application for Amendment to Zoning Mrs. Bungay Windsor St. 913 Fence Foot of Jubilee Road 914 Unsightly Properties 9l4 Presentation to Tennis Champions 914 Stage St. Stephen's School and Paving Gorsebrook Grounds 914 City Manager's Administrative Report for October 9L5 Tree List #1 for 1954 915 City Solicitor's Report Res Convention 9i Buildings Tower Road, Bridges and Atlantic Streets 915 Tax Collections Month of October 916 Report Prefab Houses for October 917 Approvals by Minister of Municipal Affairs 917

.A. Donahoe,- Q.C . p


t' r • 1,-

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK°


- 919

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Council Chamber, City Hall, Halifax, N.B., November 18, 1954, 5:00 P.M.

A meeting of the City Council was held on the above date.

After the meeting was called to order by the Chairman and

before considering the regular order of business, the members of

Council attending, led by the City Clerk, joined in repeating the

Lord's Prayer.

There were present His Worship the Mayor Chairman; Aldermen

DeWolf, Moriarty, Dunlop, Macdonald, Adams, Lloyd, Kitz, O'Malley,

Ahern, Allen, Vaughan, Hatfield and MacMillan.

Also present were Messrs. A.A. DeBard, Jr., W.P. Publicover,

R.H. Stoddard, A.J. Yeadon, G.F. West and Dr. A.R. Morton.

The meeting was called specially to consider the following


1. Extension of 40 hour week City Field.

2. Incinerator Problem.


The matter of extending the 40 hour week at City Field was


Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Ahern that the

40 hour week at City Field be extended to December 31, 1954.

Motion passed.

The City Manager submitted a report respecting Overtime paid

to City Field employees as follows:

To: His Worship, R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., and Members of City Council.

From: City Manager, A.A. DeBard, Jr.,

Date: November 17, 1954.

Subject: City Field — 40 Hour Week . Overtime.

A tabulation has been made by our cost section of the Works


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17,-,5partment October 13 .J.bout 90% opivLalons

November 18v 1954.

showing the total overtime paid from January la 1954- , 1954. In most cases no regular hours were put in and of the overtime was paid during the time of snow removal


1.59 2,232 $ 30548.88 1.71 574 981.54 1.75 484 847.00 1.84 327 601.68 1.90 19244 29363.70 2.35 2 4.70

4,862 8,147.40

Had straight time been paid for this work the cost to the City

would have been 02,782.46 less. It should be remembered if we

follow the present practice that these costs could rise with the

shorter work week and no Saturday work.

The decision, however, should not be made as a matter of cost

but as a matter of principle that overtime is paid only for hours

worked in excess of 8 per day or 40 per week.

By following such a policy we would be able to.spread the work

more at a lower cost and prevent any attempt to pay overtime to

men who have already worked a full day or week.

A.A. DeBard, Jr., City Manager.

Alderman Vaughan suggested that an employee should be paid a

10 cent differential for night work.

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Lloyd that

the City Manager bargain with the City Field Union on the various

points and that instead of the 10 cent differential being paid for

regular off-shift, that anyone who works after the regular shift

shall be paid the 10 cent differential until he has worked enough

hours to be paid at the overtime rate. Motion passed.


At this time Mr. Harrison Eddy of the firm of Metcalf and

Eddy Boston, Mass. was present to address the Council on the

matter of the Incinerator Problem.

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Vaughan that

Council adjourn and meet as a Committee of the Whole.

Motion passed.

- 921-

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November 18, 1954.

5:20 P.M. Council adjourned.

62.5 P.M. Council reconvened the following members being

Gant His Worship the Mayor Chairman; Aldermen DeWolf, Moriarty,

1lAn1op, Macdonald, Adams, Lloyd, O'Malley, Ahern, Allen, Vaughan

and MacMillan.

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Allen that

this meeting do now adjourn. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned. 6:25 P.M.


Extension 40 Hour Week City Field Incinerator Problem

920 921


W.P. Publicover„ CITY CLERK.

.. 922 —

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Council Chadber, City Hall, Halifax, N. S., November 22, 1954, 8:00 P. M.

A meeting of the City Council was held on the above date.

After the meeting was called to order by the Chairman and

before considering the regular order of business, the members

of Council attending led by the Deputy City Clerk joined in

repeating the Lord's Prayer.

There were present His Worship the Mayor Chairman; Aldermen

DeWolf, Moriarty, Dunlop, Lane, Macdonald, Lloyd, Kitz, O'Malley,

Ahern, Allen, Vaughan and MacMillan.

Also present were Messrs. A. A. DeBard.. Jr., R. H. Stoddard,

A. J. Yeadon, L. M. Romkey and G. F. West.

The meeting was called specially to consider the Incinerator


At this time Mr. Clarke of the Firm of Greeley and Hansen

from Chicago, Engineering Consultants, was present to address the

Council on the matter of the Incinerator Problem.

Moved by Alderman Vaughan, seconded by Alderman Lloyd that

the Council adjourn and meet as a Committee of the Whole. Motion


8:05 P. M. Council adjourned.

9:30 P. M. Council reconvened, the following members being

present Aldermen DeWolf, Moriarty, Dunlop? Lane, Macdonald, Lloyd,

Kitz, O'Malley, Ahern, Allen, Vaughan and MacMillan.

Moved by Alderman Dunlop, seconded by Alderman Moriarty that

this meeting do now adjourn. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned 9:35 P. M.

R. A. Donahoe, Q. C.. MAYOR & CHAIRMAN. '

R. H. Stoddard, Deputy City Clerk. - 923 -

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F T E 7.; I-3 0 N *,‘T

BEr. •-• ' -;•

Council Chamber, City Hall, Halifax, N.B. November 30, 1954. 4:05 P.M.

A meeting tt-- City Council was held on the above date.

After thv, - !1/1. tAiled to order by the Deputy Mayor

send before corticg the regular order of business, the members

of Council attoctIrt;:* led by the City. Clerk joined in repeating

the Lordee P7aye-,

There were prent Her Worship the Deputy Mayor Chairman;

Allermen DeWoiff livlary, Macdonald, Adams, Lloyd, Kitz O'Malley

Hatfield and Ma';44Alin

Also preserl Mes5re, A.A. DeBard, Jr., W.P. Publicover,

R.H. Stoddard, L,M. Romkey, C.P. Bethune, Q.C., and

G.F. West.

The meetth7; vau oalled specially to consider the following


1. Motion Aldermp Lloyd to Reconsider the Observance of Boxing


2. Tenders for s‘t:

3. Incinerato Prc,blem.


As several -1..int,',ft3 of Council were not present it was agreed

to defer actin., 1 th7; end of the meeting when it was anticipated

that the absent MC:rfl 7 -."117.1e4 be present.

4:10 P,M. cmc:i Hatfield and Ahern arrive.


Tenders orr, --eived from two firms.

Movel. by A' ; n,q;,11 2econded by Alderman Moriarty that

the tenders b,-! Mr.! .!7n passed.

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November 30 D 1954.

T1-.e were opended as follows:

Piel- teries Ltd.

Arri. Smrh

92 per 100 lb. bag at warehouse 941; City Field

It warehouse City Field

The Ciy Manager stated that a meeting was held with the

presentativel,. of the three salt companies and new specifications

were worked out that were nc i. as restricted at the former ones.

Alderman DeWolf "Isnct, Smith's tender the same as it was?"

City Monaer: uThat is right. They were the only tenderer

as they were the only ones who could meet the specifications."

Alderman DeWolf: "In this ,)articular case I don't think it

is fair to the man who tendered in the first case. Tenders are

sacred and should be. The contract might be divided. It might

be the fairest way to do it. The Manager might want to consider


Moved by Alderman DeWelf, eeeended by Alderman O'Malley that

the tenders be divided equally.

Alderman O'Malley: "Who drafted the specifications in the

first place? Were they not the specifications from A.M. Smith?"

City Managef: 'That is true In part."

Aldeman OcMalley: "If that Is so there is no unfairness in

calling tenders again . T an :%,c;ainst this business of speoific—

ations being drawn by any firm tendering on City business. The

specifications sho,Ild be supp2.1ed within the City Hall."

The City Mara,:er stated Alderman was right to a degree.

He cited a cas;-: -e'_:ere a merchant in - %'[Ie City eald that mattresses

were purch,ea Trithout specf,,flations. The merchant helped to

draft specifications but ,he merchant never sold any to the City

since that tiTne.

With resT,ect to salt er)ereations the Manager sttted that

had the representatl vc from Be:-'ne Ltd. come to the City Officiate

an amendmert. cnuld Lave been te them but he made his objections

after the sit:

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November 30, 1954.

0C Malley: qqinitil the City of Halifax we have

D,:oal-tments th&t are n.xt al!rdiable in other centres. I

M:=cwc!: and Work e7: Deparment should be able to gather

'r12atIon clraft own specifications.0

t,loved Ln aT.endmPnt by AlCrman Ahern, seconded by Alderman

t'r..-7 the *;enl.ers be referred to the Committee on Works for a

Amend;:len; passed.

Moved by Aldermen Ki'uz, seconded by Alderman Ahern that

C3unc1.l and meet as a CommAttee of the Whole.

Motion passed.

Met Ling adjourned. 4:20 P.M.

Council reconvened at .520 P.M. the following members being

present His Worship the Mayor Chairman; Aldermen DeWolf, Moriarty,

Litne, Macdonald, Adams, Lloyd, Kiuz, 01 Malley, Ahern, Hatfield and



Alderman Lloyd °Fo1lowinE4 ;he meeting of Council I took

it that the exrdres:;ion ..pf Council was subject to review. I made

some inclu..,ries and fcund :psons, Eatons and Woods are all

on De,:,::.!ber 27. I 'foald say that practically all retail

,,:osed. The perE:onE.; to whom it is a matter of

c:Jr1:,srn is the hnns. I have Ic:Aors from the banks in my own

Ward. ;.41T1 peaole live cu:ade the City will take advantage

the eitl,r day °

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, st:_cded by Alderman Ahern that the

cf the briervt.nee of DT.cer 27, 1954 as Boxing Day be


Alderman Ah.. stuted e received several communications

lc nr::11-4; _;1 a .)sernct on Monday, December 27th.

CtMr..1 1 ut •

" 7. was not the responr,ibility of

tbls CulfJ. decide the r (;ood many bLwinco.; orGani-

/ -Lt.tc 7 ;);•(-'. -.uarently the citizens feel we —,1011 peOp


Page 93: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

NoveMber 30, 1954.

a murt, 1,)igf:er body that I '.ramed of. I find that the majorlty

17,GQ.-ple nre in favor of Monday being declared a holiday.6

Alderman Adams: "Are we n -rder to deal with this?"

Otty Sc)IAcitor: "The motion ths.r passed Council at the last

regular meeting was an affirmative one and that can be reconsidered.

don't think the Otty has any corporate power to declare a publAo

holidaY. n.

He then read the Bills of Exchange Act dealing with this


Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Ahern that

Boxing Day this year, be observed as a Civic Holiday on Monday

December 27, 1954, within the meaning of the Bills of Exchange

Act. Motion passed

Moved by Alderman Lloyd, seconded by Alderman Hatfield that

this meeting do now adjourn. Motion passed

Meeting adjourned. 5:30 P.M.


Motion Alderman Lloyd to Reconsider the Observance of Boxing Day 924

Tenders for Salt 924

Motion Alderman Lloyd to Reconstder the Observance of Boxing Day 926

R.A. Donahoe, Q.C., MAYOR & CHAIRMAN.

W.P. Publicover, CITY CLERK.

- 9i'

Page 94: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building




Prayer. Minutes.

1, Presentation to Miss Pamela Dewis and Master David Woodw,,)rth. 2. Public Hearing Re: Official Street Lines Bower Road. 3, Amendment to Ordinance #46 Television Antennae (2nd. Readtr.O. u. Aocounts over $500.00.

Claim Mrs. Joy Keeler $69.00. c. Appropriation for repointing Halifax Memorial Librery $1,030.42, 7. Authority to pay damages Wood Motors (Nova Scotia) Ltd. vs City of

Halifax $6,636.75. 8. Tax Write Offs $912.07 q. Sale of Tax Certificates. 10. Sa ckville Street Widening. ,l. Port of Halifax Commission and St. Lawrence Seaway. 3?. Gorsebrook Development R.C.A.F. 13. F lemir.g Glen Subdivision. 14. Dump Additional Land.

Fluorescent Lighting Quinpool Road and Gottingen Street.. 16. :valuation of Pension Retirement Fund. I?. National Harbours Board Grant.

Sick Leave M.L. Bellew and W.J. Clancey. ▪ Spec:ial Tax Halifax Chapter Hadassah.

20. Grant Halifax Community Chest. 21. Closing City Collector's Office for taking off Balances.

Retirement Mr. Henry Rising. 23. Retirement Mr. Wallace Ferguson

Retirement W.L. Bassett, D.A. Beaton and W. Williams. 25. Voters Lists.

Authority to extend Rental Control beyond December 31, ;roup Life Insurance. MeJtoal Care etc. School Board Employees. • International Trade Fair.

30. Nova Scotia College of Art. 31. Angus L. MacDonald Bridge - Land North Stref,t. 32. ).esolution Prefab Borrowing.

Water Pressure Mulgrave Park School Area. Water Pressure St. Stephenls School.

),. La:iclscaping Burial Grounds near St. Andrew's School. t.,=;a7e of Absence City Solicitor.

. Resubdivision of Lands Dominion Stores Ltd. - Bayers 1 Y:es'Ibdivision of G.D. Hogan Property Prescott Street.

:'esubdivision of Mrs. Ba.yne Hilchie Property Dutch Viii e :yesuhaivision Lots 59-62 Hartlen Subdivision Basinview 7)21.!. YE,,Tlest for rezoning 398 Windsor Street. A:,:lication to build or. undersJzed Lots C. Dickey, L.E. Weir tof:


''1.-- 11cation to build on undersized lot D.M. TinEley. :'affL.: Circle Windsor Street and Fairview Underpass.

of Gorsebrook Avenue. of Market Lane. Forrester Street.

• .. -2;rd Street ext,:nsion. ters for Salt.

Proposed Sewer extension Connolly S:--!et.

-Jfficial Street Line Bower Road.

Page 95: i.legacycontent.halifax.ca/archives/HalifaxCity... · CITY COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY November 12, 1954 A G'ENDA Prayer. Minutes. Public Hearing re Building Lots Gorsebrook. 9 0 Building

52. Butler Bros. Ltd. Property on Cedar Street. 53. Overhanging Signs. 514, Trachoma Hospital. 55. Settlement of Judgement City of Halifax vs Fisherman's Market Ltd. 56. Notice of Motion by Alderman Dunlop. 57, Appointments Board of School Commissioners. 58. Appointments Halifax Regional Library Board. 59. Unsightly Properties. 60. Questions. 61. Application to build on undersized lot #1.3 Uniacke Street.


Motion by Alderman Ahern Re: Memorial Drive.


City Manager's Administrative Report. Tax Collections. Statistical Report Prefab Houses. Convention Expenses. Approvals Minister of Municipal Affairs. Acknowledgement of Grant C.N.I.B.